



Schools have always been interested in three kinds of outcomes: what the students are able to do in terms of those skills the students acquire; to what extent do those students know after attaining knowledge at school; and what kind of people they will become. “The most important part of education,”once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the distinguished Harvard philosopher, “is this instruction of a man in what he has inside him.”

2007.7.7基础科学课程The purpose of those classes that universities or colleges offer lies in the notion that those class may help students in respects of both career and daily life. From learning science, students can apply basic in actual life in which they can handle some emergencies such as pipe leaking and short circuit instead of asking maintenance staff for help.

Besides those life skills, some students may be inspired so as to choose science as their career since no one can tell whether s/he likes an object before coming into contact with it for sure.

Science class can also increase creativity of students, enhancing their capacity for knowledge and understanding. Some interesting experiments release students’ stress from heavy study.

2007.7.28/2009.6.13历史课程:Michael Crichton once wrote, “If you didn’t know your history, you didn’t know anything. You are a leaf that didn’t know that it was a part of a tree.”

When we learn about history, we are really learning about ourselves—where we came from, why we do things the way we do, and how it got to be that way. An individual without any memory has a difficult time functioning; a people without collective memory—an understanding of their history—have an equally difficult time understanding who they are. It is commonly acknowledged that an understanding of the past is fundamental to an understanding of the present. The analysis and interpretation of history explain the cores of some present events. To some extent, history provides guidance for further development, helping us avoid repeating mistakes. For example, what we can learn from the failure of Prohibition during the 1930s is that it can be a mistake to legislate morality.

2009.5.30艺术音乐:Arts education aids students in skill needed in the workplace: flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be creative and innovative and to strive for excellence. Explore potentiality of students( 同科学课程)

2007.8.25:General subject& specific knowledge:General subjects have plenty of advantages, 结合科学,历史,艺术音乐以上points. Specific Knowledge: all students apply for jobs eventually after graduations. Due to fierce competition, students need to enrich themselves continuously so that they will stand out among a great number of competitors. At the same time, schools play an important role assisting students preparing for their future and provide help as much as possible. Some employers will not hire graduating students in terms of their lack of knowledge in specific fields, considering the amount of costs in training them.Society needs doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation, just as it needs of society so that the work of the world may continue. Therefore, the burden of training students falls on the shoulders of schools.

2007.10.17/2009.5.16:他国文化:importantance: during the process of globalization, the world becomes smaller and smaller thanks to the exponential leaps of the information technology. We may encounter plenty people in our everyday life, so that it is not rare to make acquaintance with foreign people. Different cultural backgrounds may bring about various opinions over the same issue, calling for mutual understanding. Therefore, it is necessary to get familiar with other cultures in case future boss is a foreign. Learning another culture can be very interesting, releasing students’stress from heavy study on other mandatory courses. If there is an opportunity to go abroad, a thorough understanding about the culture of destination avoids some embarrassing mistakes. Unimportance: waste of time, for students, they seldom contact with foreigners, let alone apply the knowledge learnt in foreign culture classes. It there is a course, there will be an exam for sure. Students need to prepare for the exam for a better grade; their focus on other useful subjects will be distracted by such kind of action, which in turn is not worth the candle. For the sake of culture, there is no better method of learning it than feeling it by oneself. However a brilliant explanation cannot draw the whole picture.

2008.1.19 统一评分To give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together is not fair to group members. Sometimes, some students who are accustomed to relying on others will leave their duty to others out of laziness or their busy schedule considering someone else will finish the task for them as. We all come into such situations in our actual life. those student who do a lot of extra work will not get their rewarding whereas those people who do not endeavor to the team work can get a free lunch. Even if everyone of the same group does exert himself to this task, their performance is not the same, either, for sometimes some students play the role of leader guiding the whole group to achieve the goal. This policy is not favorable for students to explore their potential in that others’unsatisfactory performance make the whole project lag behind.

2008.2.16 评分制度&学生求知欲

有利:For those students who perform well on their study, a high grade is an affirmation of their efforts. This policy encourage them to continue and strive for a better grade in which process, they will certainly acquire more knowledge to keep their top places in class. A specific grade indicates what the strength is and what weakness of a student is so that s/he can make up after class since according to grades s/he gets to know in what field s/he need to obtain more knowledge. Grade will encourage healthy competition among students, which is one major source of motivation in school. The current education system takes grades as orientation to select talent people. To stand out among a large number of competitors, students will make every endeavor to get good marks.

不利:Low mark can influence students in the opposite way, quite negatively sometimes, since low marks harm students’ confidence. Some students may be desperate after staying up all nights preparing for a test but still gets a D. those who are not mentally or emotionally resilient may be so sad and frustrated that they lose interest in the subject and give up. In contrast with low marks, a high mark may make a student more arrogant or too big for his shoes/boots. For those students who still want a good grade on their subjects, they may try to promote their marks by all means. Sometimes the condition may become extreme, blind competition may lead to cheat or plagiary.


DA:Schools should focus on what students have learnt in class and how efficient their education

system is, whereas a long semester does not equal to a larger amount of knowledge received by students. Even if we are exposed to a wealth of knowledge, we will be overloaded and not be able to digest it. Soon, the information will just go to waste. If the quantity of knowledge increases, the quality of education cannot be assured since teachers need plenty of time to prepare lectures. An 11-month term/year makes teachers a tight schedule so that they do not have enough time for preparation or something they deliver can be useless. What’s more, students cannot bear such a heavy study, either. Students need vacation to get a rest and prepare for future study. It is hardly to concentrate on study for such a long time, in which someone may be distracted from study leading a low achievement on study.


“The most important part of education,”once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the distinguished Harvard philosopher, “is this instruction of a man in what he has inside him.” A society is consisted with citizens, therefore, education affect society indirectly. To some extent, a society can reveal something about its education. Education provides people a platform to obtain knowledge and a chance to receive training. In America, a super power, among the country's adult population, over 85 percent have completed high school and 27 percent have received a bachelor's degree or higher. The average salary for college or university graduates is greater than $51,000, exceeding the national average of those without a high school diploma by more than $23,000, according to a 2005 study by the U.S. Census Bureau. The United States school system includes over 5,000 Montessori schools. The country has a reading literacy rate at 98% of the population over age 15. By a better education, one may stand out among a number of competitors, thus providing more chances. A higher education is a key to success both within and outside of the corporate world.


好处:Students can review the content they learn in class right away, in this way, prepare for the new content. That will give them a deep understanding of what they have learned. Homework distributed everyday can help teachers to get an idea of whether their students understand the lessons, and enables teachers to modify the education process to more effectively teach all the students. Homework also trains students to be responsible and self-disciplined, since they have to finish and turn in their assignments on time.

坏处:If the assignment is so easy that students can accomplish it without efforts, it is useless and time-consuming. But if the assignment is too difficult, it may arise some counter-effects, destroying students’confidence. Some may be so desperate as to give up. Furthermore, an excessive amount of homework can deprive their leisure time or keep them away from extracurricular activities. Combined with stress and pressure, heavy assignments may reduce students’ productivity and performance rather than boosting them.

Elementary school students respond differently to daily homework than senior school students. They are more limited in their ability to concentrate on a subject and take in knowledge. These are skills that are developed over time. In addition, they will need time to learn other important lessons, for example how to interact socially and behave in a group of their peers. Thus, instead of daily homework, these students need time to play with their friends.

The need for daily homework also differs from subject to subject. For example, in the areas of mathematics and languages continuous engagement with the subject matter is necessary, because it allows a student to internalize important concepts and mechanisms. In the field of

history, on the other hand, it is more important that students grasp greater concepts. Memorizing dates and places are important, surely, but, if forgotten, these can always be looked up in the textbook. In these subjects daily homework is not only unnecessary but it might discourage students from taking an interest in the topic.

After all, learning is largely a voluntary activity, and teachers have to consider the possibility that too much homework will frustrate the students. As a result, students might become less interested in the subject or less willing to learn. Consequently, the good intentions of the teacher could very well have the opposite effect and a student will learn less.


自信的重要性:Confidence is an important support of success and a key factor affected students’attitude toward defeat and setbacks. It can hardly be imagined how a student can bridge over difficulties and move on without confidence. Therefore it is essential to help students gain

self-confidence since they are the managers of the future. Confidence can drive students keep making efforts until they achieve their goals. What a confident person says is more persuasive than words of an unconfident person, so does his chance to succeed. A confident man expresses himself more frequently, not worrying about mistakes or others’ opinions. It will bring him more attention and opportunities.

学科知识的重要性:Schools provide people a platform to obtain knowledge and a chance to receive training. What the students are able to do in terms of those skills the students acquire; to what extent do those students know after attaining knowledge at school are two aspects schools concern. Specific knowledge should be taught so that students can apply it in their work. From learning some specific knowledge, students can apply basic in actual life in which they can handle some emergencies such as pipe leaking and short circuit instead of asking maintenance staff for help. Arts education aids students in skill needed in the workplace: flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be creative and innovative and to strive for excellence.

2007.9.8 教师与学生的联系& 教授知识

联系:The ability to relate with students can help teachers to get an idea of whether their students understand the lessons, and enables teachers to modify the education process to more effectively teach all the students. A good relationship between teachers and students create a good atmosphere for learning. Those conditions that students give up some subjects due to his annoyance to certain teachers can be avoided. Some students will share their secrets with teachers if they consider their teachers as their best friends. Getting familiar with students enables teachers figure out what strengths and weaknesses of their students are so that they can teach students in accordance with their aptitude.



严格:To begin with, it is human nature to fear authority. While employees fear the authority of their boss and the consequences of breaking the rule, students fear serious teachers and strict rules set up by them. For example, a serious teacher may require all the students to work hard and on the schedule. Due to the fear of being punished, students have to comply with these rules. As a result, with more compliance of students, teachers are more easily to make successful performance in their teaching. Moreover, a serious teacher is more likely to increase students' confidence, which is also essential for them to avoid being distracted and thus increase the

learning efficiency. A teacher must have a serious and professional attitude that sets an example for all of the students in their study. However, a strict may deliver excessive assignments which can be hardly finished. In order to accomplish the task in time out of the fear of punishment, students may resorts to some extreme methods, such as cheat and plagiary.

随和:同2007.9.8 联系,however, a good relationship may deprive a teacher’s deterrent force resulting in the ill performance of their students.

2009.3.27 political or social views in class: a teacher’s duty is to teacher students specific knowledge about certain subjects whereas political or social views are propaganda in some respects. To students who are still immature and vulnerable to accept information without judgments, political and social reviews may affect their outlook of life and sense of worth. In addition, expressing political and social views may offense students who hold the opposite, deteriorating relationship between teachers and students and then resulting in ill-performance of students out of annoyance towards teachers. 7007.2.24/2007.12.5: Facts&concepts:

Facts are better related with the real world which students are trying to study. Students can get a better understanding of the real world through learning facts, which serve as an essential role in surviving in fierce competition. Compared with those principles of social etiquette, specific knowledge of dressing is more practical.

Ideas and concepts, a kind of theory, which is concluded through lots of details and facts, have a positive theoretical and practical function in dealing with similar problems.

Therefore, a case by case study in needed when dealing with facts and ideas. Ideas are come from facts while ideas guide facts in return. Accepting one part but ignoring the other isn’t acceptable.

2008.1.13: difficult classes

The level of difficulty of a course should not be a determining factor as to whether or not to take the course. Instead, people should only enroll in courses that will either be of benefits to them in the future, with regards to their chosen area of employment, or that they want to do for a hobby, or at least that they are interested in. if someone chooses a challenging course and pass it, he can indeed expect a sense of achievement. But if he fails, it is time-wasting to retake it again. If the knowledge is not useful in students’actual life, it is also a waste of time. If the course is too complicated to understand, students may lose interests in it and give up.

A: difficulty will enhance students’ resistance of defeat and setback since the real world is not a sweet fairy tale. Certain pressure drives students to improve. After making efforts in accomplishing some challenging courses, students will have a sense of achievement, which cannot be easily obtained but will increase their confidence in future when face difficulty again. 2008.11.1上大学前是不是应该找一年旅游或者工作.

A 工作:Students can earn some money and pay for his tuition fees, reduce the heavy burden of their parents. Having a job may develop a huge responsibility that many students should have. Only experiencing fierce competition and dark sides of the society can they treasure their lives. Getting a job will enrich their experience and build up their resumes, better preparing them for future careers. Students can learn communication skills, etc.

DA 工作: a high school graduate cannot find a good job with sound salary due to his education background. A job, such as a waiter or shop assistant is not of benefits to them since students cannot develop any technical skills. A slender salary is not enough for the tuition fees. To some

immature students, early exposure to the real world deteriorates their outlook of world and social values.

A:旅游:broad one’s horizon, have a rest after so many years’ study and prepare for university study,

DA: waste of money, time-wasting, dangerous.

社会类: 社会类问题一般可以考虑对于市民生活水平是否有提高,是否更便捷,是否对人们的健康产生威胁。还可以从环保的角度考虑一个政策。对于一项提议,是否有可能实施,是否实际,是否公平。社会压力竞争扩大化可以解释很多问题。

2007.1.14 drivers’ fee: save nonrenewable resources, such as coal, oil.

Reduce traffic jam, protect the environment

2007.5.19/2009.2.28: 教师工资:

DA: the number of teacher is so large that rising salary of the whole group is not realistic.

Government cannot bear such a heavy burden.

To pay more to teachers, governments will increase students’tuition fees and reduce some scholarship programs.

A: high salary will whip teacher s’ enthusiasm of education. The education quality will improve rapidly. Due to pressure and white-hot competition, teachers need to enrich their minds, requiring numerous costs.

2007.12.1 /2009.1.10 public transportation fee.

A:Taking bus for free will encourage citizens commute between home and office by public transportation tools instead of private cars. 同2007.1.14 drivers’ fee.


A: uniforms act as social equalizers. Children often feel less social pressure when everyone in the school dresses the same way. Students who cannot be fashionable due to limited family finances are made to feel more comfortable among their peers. Moreover, the wearing of uniforms influences students' perceptions of school climate. Students are made to feel as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform. School climate is improved considerably because kids perceive that they fit in because they look like everybody else. In addition, school uniforms would assist students and parents in other ways. Students would learn to appreciate the elimination of so many choices when getting dressed for a school day. Students would not be tardy for school as often because of the indecision about what to wear in the mornings.

Modest dressing is to show your politeness in social situations. People prefer to deal with men and women who dress clearly and neatly. Wearing uniform in work will gives others impression of profession. They are easily accepted and respected.


A: using cellphone in public is annoying. According to a survey, more than 60% respondents regard speaking in cellphone is the most degusting behavior.

Cellphone can distract driver’s attention, causing traffic accidents.

DA: Emergency

Strong tie with family and job

Take photos + Music + News and information

2008.6.22/2009.8.30health care

A: With the increasingly exasperating of the eco-environment, those problems, which are a serious public health hazards, are paid more and more attention. It is necessary to improve environment in order to ensure people’s health.

DA, although environment problems is urgent, some others determining health care cannot be ignored. Medical equipment should be updated. Expense of treatment and medicine should be reduced. The clinical overtreatment is certainly offspring in at present economy circumstances, money worship and economy results become the sole aim, humanitarianism become secondary, and the clinical overtreatment usually overflow.

技术与进步:考虑是否所有progress 都是进步的,其负面影响是什么,生活水平,生产效率。


A: Take Germany in the 1930's for example. Humiliated by unequal treaties after World War I,

the German people were suffering from a terrible economy and massive inflation. Then Hitler took power and mobilized the German economy, in several years the Germans economy had recovered and was actually becoming among the most powerful in Europe. But Hitler's economic miracle came at a terrible price. His plan was to use Germany's economic power to finance its military power. Germany's aggression sparked World War II, a catastrophe that killed tens of millions of people all over the whole world, including countless millions of civilians. When progress serves evil, the result hurts.

China's economic growth over the past 25 years has been truly remarkable. Standards of living have gone up dramatically, but the progress has negative aspects as well as the obvious positive ones. As income gaps between the rich and the poor widen, social problems like crime and poverty become more pronounced. The damage done to the environment by factories and "progressive" human activity might not be undone for hundreds of years, affecting the lives of Chinese people for generations to come. If these problems are not addressed, our grandchildren might truly come to regret current alleged "progress."

Technology increases productivity but makes people lazy. They would not like to walk to office but they use treadmill to exercise.

2008.5.3technology & creation

While technology makes things a lot easier and faster, it also makes people laze and helpless. People enjoy comfortable lives brought about by advanced technology resulting in the desire for a better life decrease. Therefore, they will become less creative.

Even if some creative ideas come into children’s mind, due to the exponential leaps of the information technology, children can search solutions on the internet or some other media, making their creation needless.


2008.5.10 arts& sports


It‘s been proven that early exposure to visual art, music, or drama promotes activity in the brain. Art helps people, especially children, understand other subjects much more clearly—from math and science and geography.

Art nurtures inventiveness as it engages children in a process that aids in the development of self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation and self-motivation.

Participating in art activity helps people gain the tools necessary for understanding human experience, adapting to and respecting others’ ways of working and thinking, developing creative problem-solving skills, and communicating thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways.

2009.5.15 运动员的高新

A: Being a famous entertainer or athlete requires copious amounts of hard work. This job also forces one to give up all of their privacy. Moreover, working in these fields means that one must be the very best.To become famous, whether in the sports industry or the movie industry, takes a lot of hard work. One must train for years and years to make it to the level of a professional. These stars deserve to make a lot of money because they must give up their privacy to serve the public. Although their salary is considerable, they also pay substantial taxes to government, even up to 60% of what they receive. Their contribution to the society cannot be ignored.


2007.8.11 /2008.9.28上涨油价

There is no denying that raising the price of gasoline can encourage energy conservation to some extent, according to the principle of supply and demand. But it is not the only, effective way to solve the energy crisis. Even though the demand of gasoline and electricity will decrease, those kinds of nonrenewable sources are still in need leading to exhaustion someday in the future. What should be done is to take some renewable sources for substitute, such as solar energy, wind.

Drivers should pay a certain amount of fees so that they can be permitted to drive out in traffic busy time.

People should not pay for the public transportation

2007.10.27 study of animals

By observing and studying the behaviors and habits of animals in the zoo, we can learn the basic rules of surviving and living in the world. A monkey has to fight to win when he decide to be a leader of the group; birds have to show their beautiful plume and voice if they want to attract their partners; and all the animals, if they want a life free of worries, responsibilities, and pressure, have to sacrifice their freedom. By observing gregarious animal, we can also how to cooperate with others. In some medical experiments, we take animals, such as white rats instead of human beings for safety. Studying animals similar to human beings like chimpanzees can also help us to understand our origin.

2008.1.12 /2009.3.22环保重要性:

Of course, we should not ignore the advantages of economic development. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we must first satisfy our basic physiological and security needs. Boosting our economy will ensure sufficient food supplies, while using land for housing provides shelter and using land for industry brings about jobs and steady wages with which people pay for housing and food. But, after achieving the goals of better life, we should also pay attention to the environment, which has been polluted by our resolutions and reform.

Environment issues effect human beings directly by poisoning the air and water.

Terrible environment has made some animals extinct. For a scientific point of view, every species, whether it is abundant or scarce, plays a crucial role in the ecosystem as a part of the food chain. Consequences of extinction have dramatic influence on human beings, even endanger people’s survival.

2008.3.14 环保靠个人

Experience tells us that individuals tend to act on behalf of their own short-term economic and political interest, not on behalf of the environment or the public at large. For example, current technology makes possible the complete elimination of polluting emissions from automobiles. Nevertheless, neither automobile manufactures nor consumers are willing or able to voluntarily make the short-term sacrifices necessary to accomplish the goal. Only when the government holds the responsibility and enforcement power to improve the necessary standards can we achieve such goals.

International leadership and worldwide cooperation play important roles in the protection of energy resources. OPEC is one of the best examples. OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues as their main source of income. Since oil revenues are so vital for the economic development of these nations, they aim to bring stability and harmony to the oil market by adjusting their oil output to help ensure a balance between supply and demand. In the long term, the stabilized output helps to cease the problem of over-refining and over utilization of oil energy.


Animals adapt very slowly to sudden changes in their environments. Many endangered animals can only live in one place, or in a specific type of place. Humans, on the other hand, have a special ability to adapt quickly to changing and hostile environments.

One of the important reasons to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparably harmed by their extinction.For example, if humans chop down forests and use the land to grow corn, they might simultaneously destroy the habitats of a kind of bird that eats locusts. The next year because the locust population can grow unchecked, locusts might destroy the entire nearby corn crop.

Finally, humans have much to learn from endangered species. One example is in the field of medicine. By observing a particular species of endangered monkeys in South America, scientists have discovered that monkeys eat a certain kind of plant when they get sick. Through research the scientists discovered that this plant also has medicinal value for humans. If the monkey's habitat had been destroyed to create more farmland, not only would we lose the plants and the monkeys, we would also lose life-saving medicines and the potential for medical research. Another has to do culpability. To some extent, endangerment is the result of anthropogenic events such as clear-cutting of forests or polluting of lakes and streams, we human have a duty to take affirmative measures to protect the species whose survival we’ve placed in jeopardy.

For a scientific point of view, every species, whether it is abundant or scarce, plays a crucial role in the ecosystem as a part of the food chain. Consequences of extinction have dramatic influence on human beings, even endanger people’s survival.



2007.11.11/2007.12 8广告夸大

A: some false advertising consists of any claims that are untruthful or deceptive to a reasonable consumer. Some misleading advertising consists of any claims that may give a consumer the wrong impression about a product they wish to purchase or use. Those advertisements may cause damage to consumers including financial losses. For example, TV home shopping.

Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our

basal emotions, conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos. A prime example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product.


Nowadays, advertising has an extreme importance in our society, as it is ubiquitous and one cannot help but bumping into it. Besides, its techniques are more and more sophisticated, thus appealing people more easily. But no one wonder if this is a good sign of technological development or event of a change on Man’s mind. How could we know about so many new interesting tools, gadgets products if advertising did not exist? Therefore it may stimulate the economy, create new jobs, and thus become a good source of income for companies, families and countries. Moreover, it is a good way of entertaining people and increasing people’s creativity. The more creative and appealing ads are, the more people’s minds are stimulated.

Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinforcement of “brand image”and “brand loyalty”. For these purposes, ads sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspaper, video games, the Internet and k=billboards.

Under federal and state laws, making false, misleading, and/or deceptive claims about the quality, nature, price, or purpose of any products or services is illegal. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the main federal agency that regulates false and misleading ads practices, requires all ads to be truthful, fair, and non-deceptive. Furthermore, all advertisers must have proof to support their claims made in ads.


DA:Children are too immature and dependent to make right decisions by their own. Television advertising directed toward young children can influence children’s behavior a lot. For example, when seeing a beautiful girl promoting powdered milk of a certain brand on TV, children will demand it since this AD gives them the impression that only eating powder milk of this very brand, can they become beautiful.

Television advertising directed toward young children can make children to keep up with the Joneses. Ads stimulate children’s desire to consume, leading conflicts between parents and children. Children may become self-centered due to those images who whatever they demand, can be always satisfied in ads. Children may also become precocious because those images in ads usually build up social relationship with different sexes.

2009.1.17 广告与饮食习惯

(儿童广告)Children are too immature and dependent to make right decisions by their own. Television advertising directed toward young children can influence children’s behavior a lot. For example, when seeing a beautiful girl promoting powdered milk of a certain brand on TV, children will demand it since this AD gives them the impression that only eating powder milk of this very brand, can they become beautiful.

According to a scientific survey, women who are not content with their body tend to eat more

after seeing slim ad models.

Ads for slimming tea.

Some junk foods also advertise their products are healthy, attracting a large number of citizens.

2007.3.23 serious movies 还是amusing movies

S:serious movies teach us a lot, such as the principle of survival, the value of mortality, reflection about humanity and the outlook of the world.

A: laughing has already been proved to be beneficial to people biologically due to laughter’s effects on people’s health. A famous Chinese old saying indicates that smile makes a person tem years younger than his/her age.

Humorous movies alleviate my pressure.

Share an amusing movie with others will enhance the relationship.

2007.4 21/2008.11.9: TV positive&negative

Positive (同上)

2007.7.14/2008.9.5 newspaper&TV

TV (同上)

News on TV is delivered more quickly than that of newspaper.


Entertain (同amusing movies)

2007.2.3/2008.10.26 TV & books

TV: television is the main media through which we get to know the world.

(serious movies)

Some TV programs inform us a nation’s values, attitudes and priorities—what activities are worthwhile, what the future holds, and what is fashionable and attractive.

Movies allow the viewer to be completely engrossed in the plot. There is no need for thinking, as everything is presented to you in a straightforward form.

Books: When one reads a fictional book, one is able to let his/her imagination run wild. Everything from the setting to the character descriptions is left up to the reader's mind, and therefore can be quite enjoyable.

Books are also an excellent form of entertainment as they are portable.

2009.2.21: Newspapers and magazines are the best way of learning about a foreign country.




2007.1 19 /2008.2.2 别人&自己做决定

自己:Seeking advice is helpful because it helps to avoid pitfalls and precludes carelessness, but in the end the person who has to live with the decision should make it by himself/herself.

Listening attentively to both will allow a person to make the best assessment of his/her own situation as he/she will be able to learn from others' experiences.

At the same time, one should consider the opinions and feelings of the people who will be impacted by his/her decision.

However, one should not allow or even ask others to make an important decision on one's behalf.

After all, he/she will be the one with all the information at his/her disposal, especially after

seeking advice from others. Ultimately, the person who has to live with the decision (in so far as it is a personal decision that does not affect others directly in a significant way) should take complete responsibility and make it himself/herself.

他人:prefer decision made by others, especial those who are elder than us

They know life better than we do.

They know us well.

They have experienced the same stages of life.

2007.8.1同龄人的意见&大龄人的意见(同2007.1 19 /2008.2.2 别人&自己做决定)prefer decision made by others, especial those who are elder than us

They know life better than we do.

They know us well.

They have experienced the same stages of life.

2007. 4.29/2008.8.17广泛了解新闻

A: some people want to know amounts of news out of interest.

News can broad one’s horizon. Any piece of news can be a topic when chat with friends.

Even though some news, such as national policy, seems to be irrelevant to ordinary people, it affects people’s life in some respects.


Due to social pressure and fierce competition, people have no time to care about something irrelevant to their actual lives. We need to enrich our minds all the time, leaving no extra time and energy for useless information.

Although we read and heard amounts of news, they will be soon forgotten since we do not use them in daily life.

Too many sources of news may mislead our thoughts. We cannot even discern from right and wrong.



Because of higher pressure, children have to study so much knowledge about all aspects to survive in the cruel world that they have no time playing computer games. Playing computer games occupies too much time of studying.

Computer games always involve violence and offensive language and behavior. Those games are highly related to their behaviors of friend making, cyber-addiction and other net concerning problems.Some children who are still immature and dependent are vulnerable to suffering from the computer technology phobia.

2007.6.16 /2008.11.15 hard to control their children

(儿童电玩+ 儿童广告)


A:Because of higher competition, people are too busy to get together with their families, let alone with their grandparent, uncle and aunts.

.Long absent, soon forgotten. People care about their relatives less.

People need more privacy.

DA, some children are raised by their grandparents since their parents are too busy to look after them. Therefore, the relationship between those two generations is pretty good.

People still care a lot about kinship. They all try their best to go back home for a get-together on festivals.

Relatives always help us in many respects.

2007.10.20: leisure time with family(同上)


2007.6.30 letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy your friendship.

More often than not, what people want is not what is best for them. A na?ve child may want to quit school: a patient suffering from TB may want to smoke; a jobless young man many want to commit suicide-this list can go on and on. in all these situations, should we simply find out what they want and advice them how to obtain it? Obviously not.

In another case, our friend is in bad health condition due to smoking, yet he still wants to continue smoking, so should we advise him how to get more money to buy cigarettes and where to buy? No, the answer is not. Instead, the best way is to advise him to give up smoking and how to do it. It is a duty of a true friend.

If we lie to our friends, there is always the risk factor of the truth sooner or later. The basic trust in any relationship will be blotched, and would have an impact on the future relationships between both parties.

2007.12.12/2008.12.20不同性格的人可以or 不可以做朋友

相同:When two people are similar to each other, they have a wide basis of topics available to them for conversation, and are also able to bond over many types of experiences.

Another reason why we usually choose friends who are quite similar to us is because having similar friends who have common interests can help us come up with new ideas regarding things we are interested in.

不同:different friends bring something new to the table. They can offer fresh information about areas with which you are not very familiar

We can also get assistance from those friends when we encounter some situation unfamiliar to us.

Improve our communication skills.


It is important to me that my friends are intelligent, because I value intellectually stimulating conversation on meaningful topics. On the other hand, a friend with a good sense of humor can entertain and understands how to ease my sorrows by making me laugh in difficult times. 2008.2.15 /1009.1.18 dinners with family(同extended families)

2008.11.23 more influenced students, teachers or friends

Teachers help students gain self-confidence, teachers teacher students knowledge in various aspects. A good relationship between teachers and students create a good atmosphere for learning.

Friends give us valuable advice, go through trouble with us, and support us unconditionally. (同2007.12.12/2008.12.20不同性格的人可以or 不可以做朋友)

过去,现在,未来:科技的进步,生存的压力,观念的改变,追求的改变2007.6.9 20/2008.8.3/2009.6.7 更多空暇时间


Fierce competition,

need of survival drives us to enrich ourselves constantly in order to keep pace with rapid development. Study and work occupy much of our time.

Thanks to the exponential leaps of economic improvement, we experience more, encounter more. Therefore our desires rise, too. to obtain what we want, we have to fight fiercely.

2007.8.4 /2009.3.28 not use printed books any more

DA:reading on computer is harmful to our eyes, causing severe eyestrain.

Some printed books are of great historical value. People need to refer to those materials as Archaeologists and historians.

If eliminate printed book out of environmental concern, we should use recycled sources.

2007.11.24 /2009.5.31 减少做饭时间

Due to fierce competition, people are busy in enriching their minds, reducing their leisure time. They have no much time to prepare their meals.

Thanks to the rapid development of fast food industry, people can save lots of time in preparing their meals.

More and more carry-out service are available and some raw materials are ready-made, leaving a tiny part of cooking to people.

2007.12.10 咱们的生活比父辈的生活easier and more comfortable

DA: (同2007.6.9 20/2008.8.3/2009.6.7 更多空暇间)


Fierce competition,

While technology makes things a lot easier and faster, it also makes people laze and helpless. People enjoy comfortable lives brought about by advanced technology resulting in the desire for a better life decrease. Therefore, they will become less creative.

High education.



Receiving money is always an unexpected delight. Making the decision of how to spend this money is always a difficult choice. What it comes down to, however, is the individual's personal preferences, lifestyle, and priorities. Living in a city can be a very high-paced, stressful way to live. Having a car would bring many conveniences that would make the experience much more enjoyable. First and foremost, a car can get you around the city very quickly and directly. Second,a car offers privacy.

My mom used to tell me: "You can only spend money once." What she meant is that if you spent money frivolously, you might really need it later and regret your earlier careless spending. Subjects such as jewelry can be sold in emergency for money.

2007.9.29 一个人休息

DA:when I’ m with mu friends, I feel cheerful and I can forget my troubles. A game of basketball with my closet friends is one of my favorite activities, in which we can feel team spirit. After the game, we are all tired and sweaty, but we still have the energy to go open a bottle of cold water and talk about the game.

Yet friends are also by your side when you are down in the dumps and they can comfort you with their soothing words.

Friends can also offer encouragement when you are hesitated about some uncertain things.


A: save a lot of time in booking hotel and tickets.

You can never get lost with a guide.

A tour guide will tell stories or historical literary quotation about resorts.

DA: lack of privacy

Conditions of hotel and food are not satisfying.

People cannot follow their own schedule.

2008.10.18 国内旅游好还是国外旅游

国外People will become more independent far away from home.

Learn foreign languages.

Exotic culture.

Diverse food


DA:thanks to exponential leaps of the technology, productivity and citizens’ living standard have been increased dramatically. Seeking more personal enjoyment is reasonable.

Fierce competition and heavy stress break people’s back, it is necessary to enjoy some entertainment.

Leisure time should be spent as one pleases. There should be no judgment of whether personal enjoyment is over or not.


2007.3.3 too busy to do things well/ 2007.6.24 /2008.12.6只做一件事情

Only one project in hand may help you concentrate on it.

Too many projects at one time distract my attention because when someone is doing one mission, he’s also worry about another. At last, nothing can be finished completely.

Conscientious, absorbed working in a planned and order way helps people become organized.


合作:productivity and efficiency are high in team work.

less pressure

sense of responsibility

mutual help

more creative, more ideas


Lack of sense of achievement

no learning opportunities

no good material rewards

a sense of self-worth


A: 同(difficult course)difficulty will enhance people’s resistance of defeat and setback since the real world is not a sweet fairy tale. Certain pressure drives people to improve. After making efforts in accomplishing some challenging work, they will have a sense of achievement, which cannot be easily obtained but will increase their confidence in future when face difficulty again.

simple work may be boring, passion for work can be burned.

2009.1.23 尝试不同的工作

A: improve communication skills with different people in diverse fields

Find a job in which you are really interested in. the most happiness of life is that you do a job in which you are interested for a living.

Gain experience and build up resumes.

2009.2.27 vacation&salary

I understand that nowadays it is very important for people to earn a lot of money. As a matter of fact, many people equate money with success: the more money you earn, the more successful you are. However, the financial aspect is not the most important aspect of a job.

We cannot obtain happiness from a job with less holidays. Every year, so many employees who earn a lot annually end their lives due to unbearable stress.

Normally, a person will spend at least a third of his/her adult life at work (eight hours or more every day). One should not waste this time by doing work that is boring or tedious even if it is well paid. The money earned will only enrich the life away from work but not enhance the work experience. Finally, the personal life can only be enjoyed adequately if there is enough time away from the professional life. People also need to actualize their dreams in leisure time.



Writing ability is still important. Resume, personal statement when you apply for a university. Research paper.

Writing helps people analyze, keep people clam and composed. Those qualities are essential to one’s success.

2007.11.17 读写能力

A:we need to speak a lot, on the first meeting , we need to do self introdution,

During an interview,we need to express ourselves. In a face to face communication and a negotiation,debate,broadcasting, class presentation, we all need to speak properly and purposely.

Every day, there are lots of materials to read, newspaper, magazines, research, contracts…

2007.7.21 ability to plan and organize

Have a carefully plan,

clear goal , motivate you to learn more

Disciplined, respect the rule ,more acceptable

use time efficiently, decrease unexpected things will happen, control well and do wel l.

2007.3.4 合作

Human beings are gregarious animals, since the day that they lived as a group, there has been corporation.

In a group, more people mean more information, more skills and intelligence. The results are far reaching.

Society consists of different people; it is the need of survival that drives humans to work together. 2009.5.9:儿童理财观念

A: ads and TV have a bad influence on children. (2008.12.21儿童广告)

people should be taught how to manage money at an early age in order to shape a good social value and money view.

Money management shapes children’s sense of responsibility.


2008.1.27: 冒险=成功

DA: the reason of success is not in taking risks but insisting and summing up mistakes. Personal failing and achievements are often symbiotically related. The former test the would-be achiever’s mettle; they pose challenges-necessary resistance that drives one to achieve despite the shortcoming. Personal failings may also compel one to focus one’s strengths, thereby spawning achievement. For example, poor academic or job performance may propel a gifted entrepreneur to start his or her own biz. In the art, a personal failing may be necessary ingredient or integral part of the process of achieving. Artists and musicians often produce their most creative works after periods of depression, addiction or other distress.

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them—George Bernard Shaw.

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them—George Bernard Shaw.


2009.3.21: success & optimism

Optimism, rarely people will succeed at the first time. Optimism will keep people trying and not giving up (同上)


智课网 TOEFL 备考资料 托福写作环境类素材分享 在托福写作中,经常出现环境类的题目,对于这类题目,相信大家在进行托福写作练习的时候也接触过,下面是一些环境类的托福写作素材,分享给大家。 新托福写作中有一道环境类名题: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Governments should focus on the preservation of the environment than on the economic development. 这道题说理不算太难,但举例的时候却很难找到真正 to-the-point 的实例。 其实目前正在美国引起轩然大波 (is causing quite a stir的墨西哥湾漏油事件(the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill / BP Oil Spill 就是最新也最扣题的好例子。 小奥不仅在和 Larry King的访谈中高喊“ 我已经出离愤怒 (I'm furious!",而且昨天第三次亲赴漏油地点视察,超过了他访问民主党支持者们最关心的阿富汗战区的次数。 更重要的是,由于漏油还在不断漂浮并且已经影响到渔业 (fishing industry和旅游业 (tourism等多个产业,最终给美国经济带来的损失很可能将超过 500亿美元。如果大家觉得 500亿对美国来说没什么,请想想美国经济目前并未企稳 (remain highly volatile,再想想 500亿 USD 可就是 3000多亿 RMB 。 解决环境问题对于发展经济的重要性,在墨西哥湾漏油事件中得到了最残酷但也是最真实 (harsh but factual的证明。 以上是对于环境类的托福写作素材的介绍,希望大家看了之后能够有所了解,并更好的进行托福写作练习。


新托福写作范文素材:读书的好处 为了帮助大家熟悉托福写作范文万能素材,高效备考托福考试,新东方在线托福网为大家带来新托福写作范文素材:读书的好处一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福网! 新托福写作范文素材:读书的好处 The public library is a phenomena that to this day I still can’t get over. Free knowledge, for anyone. Literally, anyone. I can’t think of an equivalent other than going to a clothing store, “checking out”an outfit, wearing the outfit and returning it in four weeks, free of charge. … I’ve found that no matter what I read, the act of reading every day has helped me in nearly every aspect of my life. Here are a few of my favorite ways that reading has improved my quality of life, and will definitely improve yours. 1

Enhanced Smarts 变聪明 Wow, this may be the most obvious statement of the post, right? Well, it turns out that reading helps in almost every area of smarts. Those that read have higher GPA’s, higher intelligence, and general knowledge than those that don’t. In Anne E. Cunningham’s paper What Reading Does for the Mind (pdf version), she found that reading, in general, makes you smarter, and it keeps you sharp as you age. No matter what you’re wanting to do or become, you can’t do it without more knowledge. Reading is an excellent way to get where you’re wanting to go. 2 Reading reduces stress 减少压力 When I’m reading a book, my mind shifts gears. Where I might have a had a stressful day, a book can easily distract me. Fiction is fantastic for this.Reading an awesome fiction book is perfect right before bed time. Though sometimes it’s hard to put the book down if it’s really good. Still, you’ll be relaxed . 3 Greater tranquility 多一点宁静


托福考试写作素材模板积累(14) 托福写作素材模板:金融危机 素材段落 According to some economists, a financial crisis is an unavoidable event fo r the global market and it happens every several years as a result of long-term economic development. During the recession, multiple social issues such as the unemployment rate, the price of commodities and even the investment in public service are affected in an adverse way. Our entire society is negatively impact ed and it is the responsibility of our government to introduce solutions to the se social issues. Normally, increasing investment in areas like the green indus try will provide a boost in the economy as well as help with sustainable develo pment. By upgrading the technology of environmental protection, people will not only benefit from an increase in job positions, but they will also have the ch ance to enjoy better living conditions as well. 单词和词组 unavoidable 不可避免的=inevitable ? Once athletes start their sports career, intensive training is unavoidab le. sustainable development 可持续发展 ? The use of land is of essential importance to the survival of mankind an d the sustainable development of modern society. 句型结构 By …, …通过= … by … ? By emphasizing the first-class quality of the products, advertisers atte mpt to leave a better impression on the potential buyers.


托福写作议论文的范文 托福写作议论文的范文 父母对孩子的管教 Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Other people believe that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time. Which idea do you agree with? Give reasons for your choise. 托福议论文写作试题分析: 一条件: 父母对孩子的管教/孩子的空闲时间的安排/有人认为父母应为孩子指定使用空闲时间的详细计划/有人认为孩子应该自己安排空闲时间。 二要求: 说明自己同意何种观点并说明理由。 三写作分析: 本题为家常话题,尚无定论,可选任意一种观点表示同意,并说明理由.也可辩证地看问题,在分析的基础上提出自己不同的见解. 动笔前应先决定写法,若摆脱绝对肯定与否定的方式,写作时宜用归纳法,通过步步深入的分析,最后得出比较客观的结论.这种写法比较复杂, 难度较大,写作时思维一定要清晰,不然就会产生混乱. Should parents plan their children's leisure time carefully? Or should they let their children decide for themselves how to spend their free time? before answering these two qusetions, we should first of all ask another question: do children know how to plan to spend their free time? The answer to this question is both "yes" and "no". Our common sense tells us that some children spend their free time in a planned way while some others, especially the younger ones, just play as they like without any paln at all. The above answer leads to three more relevant questions about those children who know how to plan their leisure time: How have they obtained the ability? Is the ability innate? Or is the ability learnt? Our observations tell us that this ability is not born but learned from others---their parents, teachers, other adults, or other children. With these questions settled, the answer to the first two questions should be verry clear. Parents should not give their children a free hand at the beginning. INstead, they should plan their childrren's leisure time carefully, making sure that


1. 新闻与媒体 母题:News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (090822) 1报纸 好: 准确、习惯、专注 Advantages: Accurate, habits, and focus 坏:不方便、缓慢、不环保 Disadvantages: Inconvenient, slow, and not environmental-friendly 2 电视 TV 好:信息量大且丰富多彩、习惯、快速 Contains colorful and rich information, habits, rapid 坏:不能选择内容、有广告、只能在家看 Can not select the contents, advertising, confined at home 3 网络 Internet 好:信息量大非富多彩、不受地域限制、快速、有广告可以跳过 contains colorful and rich information, without geographic restrictions, fast, ads can be skipped 坏:不准确、被不良信息影响、影响健康 Inaccurate, the impact of adverse information, the impact on health 子题:报纸要比其它媒体更有影响力,你同意吗?网上的信息不准确,你同意吗?我们是否应该相信记者,一个合格的记者应当具备什么样的品质? 2. 媒体审查制度 母题:Nowadays, films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people think those films and games have negative effects on society and should be banned, while others think they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (111029) 提示:这道题目正好概括了媒体审查制度赞成者和反对者的观点。 好处 避免青少年的模仿 To avoid the young people’s imitation 降低社会暴力 Reduce social violence 坏处 破坏了影片的娱乐性 Damage the films' entertainment


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福写作技巧,为大家带来托福写作技巧:写变量型文章的方法一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。 托福写作技巧:变量型 为什么要写变量型文章? 什么样的文章适合写成变量型? 例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Structure Due to the progress of technology, many things in daily life are much easier and more convenient than in the past. However, progress does not only make our life easier, and it also makes surviving harder in many ways. 段落扩展示例 However, progress does not only make our life easier, and it also makes surviving harder in many cases. Explanation

Examples and/or details Explanation: Advanced technology allows people to live longer, so that an increasing population consumes the limited natural resources on this planet. Examples and details: This gives raise to many problems like starvation, unemployment, and even wars for resources like water and petroleum. The recent wars in our world had many things to do with such resources and wars take away people’s lives and destroy happiness and hope. (To be continued) Examples and details: Unfortunately, since our technology is not advanced enough to create resources, such conflicts are unlikely to be finished and they may become more serious in the future. Also, the increasing population makes our cities much more crowded than in the past, and graduates from colleges and universities have slimmer changes to get good jobs as well because there are too many of them but so limited positions. Such problems are all created by technological progress and people in the past did not need to face them at all. 真题解析


蓝色字为注释,红色字为尚待校正部分。 00 年10 月托福听力文字 Part A 1. M: I can't seem to find my calculator. Did I lend to you by any chance? W: No, but you are welcome to mine if you need it, as long as I get it back by Thursday. Q: What does the woman mean? 2. M: Wow, I’ve alrea dy taken one of those pills for my headache, but it's still bothering me. W: Why not take another? The recommended dose. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 3. W: Do you want to go running down by the lake after psychology class. I really like to take advantage of the beautiful weather this afternoon. M: Well, normally I begin to gather with my study group then, but I guess I can skip that just this once. Q: What does the man imply? 4. W: Great haircut, James. You go to a new barbershop or something? M: Oh, thanks. No, it was the same place, just another guy. Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: I can't believe it. At the bookstore today, I had to unload two dozens boxes of textbooks, and there are more to do tomorrow. W: But it's always busy at the start of a new year, isn't it? Q: What does the woman imply? 6. W: Oh, man, I feel awful. I think I’m coming down with that flu everybody's been laid up with(卧床). Do you have it too? M: No, I mean I probably look terrible 'cause I stayed up all last night studying, but I should be fine after some sleep. Q: What does the man mean? 7. M: Excuse me, can you tell me which bus to take to get to the art museum? W: Well, that would be the number of 42. But I wouldn't think you want to go there today. They are closed on Mondays. Q: What does the woman mean? 8. M: I really like this green jacket. The fit is perfect, but I’m not sure about the color. What do you think? W: Hum. Try it another one. It’s the same s tyle, but blue suits you better Q: What does the woman mean? 9. W: Hey, Dan, do you think you might hurry up just a bit you've been standing in front of that sandwich counter forever. And you know, I got class in ten minutes, and so do you, by the way. M: Sorry, oh, I just wish they didn't give me so many choices. Q: What does the man imply? 10. M: Hey, didn't your sister get here yet? W: No, I can hardly wait. I haven't seen her in three months. Q: What does the woman mean? 11. M: This looks like the way to Susan's house, but I don't know. I wish I’ve written down the directions. W: At this rate, we will be lucky to get there in time for desert


蓝色字为注释,红色字为尚待校正部分。 0年10 月托福听力文字 Part A 1.M: I can't seem to find my calculator. Did I lend to you by any chance? W:No, but you are welcome to mine if you need it, as long as I get it back by Thursday. Q: What does the woman mean? 2. M: Wow, I ’ve alrea dy taken one of those pills for my headache, but it's still bothering me. W:Why not take another? The recommended dose. Q:What does the woman suggest the man do? 3.W: Do you want to go running down by the lake after psychology class. I really like to take advantage of the beautiful weather this afternoon. M: Well,normally I begin to gather with my study group then, but I guess I can skip that just this once. Q:What does the man imply? 4.W: Great haircut, James. You go to a new barbershop or something? M:Oh, thanks. No, it was the same place, just another guy. Q: What does the man mean? 5.M: I can't believe it. At the bookstore today, I had to unload two dozens boxes of textbooks, and there are more to do tomorrow. W: But it's always busy at the start of a new year, isn't it? Q: What does the woman imply? 6.W: Oh, man, I feel awful. I think I’m coming down with that flu everybody's been laid up with(卧床). Do you have it too? M: No, I mean I probably look terrible 'cause I stayed up all last night studying, but I should be fine after some sleep. Q:What does the man mean? 7.M: Excuse me, can you tell me which bus to take to get to the art museum? W: Well, that would be the number of 42. But I wouldn't think you want to go there today. They are closed on Mondays. Q: What does the woman mean? 8. M: I really like this green jacket.The fit is perfect,but I ’m not sure about the color. What do you think? W: Hum. Try it another one. It’s the same s tyle, but blue suits you better Q:What does the woman mean? 9.W: Hey, Dan, do you think you might hurry up just a bit you've been standing in front of that sandwich counter forever. And you know, I got class in ten minutes, and so do you, by the way. M:Sorry, oh, I just wish they didn't give me so many choices. Q:What does the man imply? 10.M: Hey, didn't your sister get here yet? W:No, I can hardly wait. I haven't seen her in three months. Q:What does the woman mean? 11. M: This looks like the way to Susan's house, but I don't know. I wish I ’ ve written down the directions. W: At this rate, we will be lucky to get there in time for desert


2019年托福写作素材:体育运动 新托福写作素材:体育运动 Allowing your children to participate in youth sports is a fantastic way for children to explore and develop lifelong skills. Youth sports not only play an important role in exercise, but promotes mental and psychological advances as well. It is well-known that children who participate in sports are less likely to drop out of school, and become involved in drugs and alcohol activity, while they also excel in academic performances and sociability. Below are our top 10 health benefits of allowing your child to participate in youth sports. Physical development – Children who participate in sports develop stronger muscles and bones, and the stronger you are, the less likely you will suffer from physical injury. A New Zealand study conducted in 2006 suggested participating in physical exercise before and during the onset of puberty helps reach peak bone mass, enabling them to develop stronger muscles and bones that will be the foundation for future growth. Aids in weight control – Several studies have shown that childhood obesity is a growing problem in our society. Playing sports, however, will keep children active and aid in the fight in combating this problem. Having a controlled


在托福写作当中,我们准备的素材是可以直接应用到我们的作文当中去的。积累这些对大家的写作是很有帮助的。这里就为大家整理托福写作朋友篇素材,大家在托福备考的时候可以花一些时间来记一下哦。 People may differgreatly in their standards as to what is the most significant quality of a true friend.真正的好朋友的品质是什么,人们的标准也许因人而异。 A disingenuous lie will ruin one’s reputation and make one lose his or her close friends.一个虚伪的谎言会损害一个人的名誉,使人失去失去朋友。 多样化写作,那托福写作满分的八字箴言还记得吗?亲密的朋友用close friend,也可以用intimate friend还可以用bosom friend这时候可以翻译为知己就这么记:close friends=bosom friends=intimate friends 造句:某人更有可能成为知己 sb are more likely to become bosom friends 当然如果是志同道合的朋友,可以用like-minded friends也可以用congenial friends 再进一步说一生的朋友用lifelong friends We may,sometimes,make a white lie to our friends out of the reason of benevolence.处于善意,有时候,我们也许会对朋友说一些善意的谎言。 benevolence怎么记住呢?当然用词根词缀法。bene(好)+vol(心


托福写作素材:关于健康 托福写作的题材涉及面很广,不过很多都是跟我们的生活息息相关的事物和现象,所以我们可以在托福写作备考的时候抓住一些易考点搜集托福写作素材,一旦考到类似的作文题目,也有话可谈,下面,我们就来积累一些“关于健康”的托福写作素材。 1.运动 In contemporary society, a multitude of people are increasingly aware of the fundamentality of maintaining health, so as to enjoying better life quality and longevity. In order to possess a healthy body, not only need we keep a nutritious diet and adequate sleep, it is crucial for individuals to form the habit of exercising regularly, as sports and health are intrinsically connected. Doing sports will greatly increase people's metabolism, and strengthen our physique. Sports also help to refresh people's mind from brainwork all day and night, and even more surprisingly, exercising can stimulate people's brains to work more actively and creatively. Overall, sports are not the business of a small group of athletes, but a life-long pursuit that every person should bear in mind and endeavor to put it into practice. Not only do sports benefit individuals, the improvement of the nation's health would be a huge contribution to our country's development. We might also cite an allegorical story. It is said that an individual’s life is accompanied with five balls, which are lover, family, career, health and friend. Lover, family, career and friends are all rubber balls, consequently, it could bound back when falling to ground. On the contrast, health is the unique glass ball, which is fragile enough to be ruined with a single drop. The increasingly sedentary lifestyle will engender a higher incidence of ailments. More overweight people means more patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as vein hardening, diabetes and hypertension. 2.便利(节省时间时间灵活交通休闲健身娱乐吃喝购物) People are concerned about the efficiency with the accelerating tempo of life. The more the better. The fast the better. In this regard, XX takes the top priority. For instance, whenever people click on a search engine and key in a few words into the search box, they will get huge amounts of information.


托福写作素材之比尔·盖茨 Bill Gates When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world. 托福写作素材之爱迪生 Thomas Edison We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success. The voluminous personal papers of Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works. 托福写作素材之曼德拉 Nelson Mandela Mandela, the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid. Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa's antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality. 米开朗基罗(Michelangelo) 参考事迹:意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的绘画家、雕塑家和建筑师,文艺复兴时期雕塑艺术最高峰的代表。著名作品《酒神巴库斯》,《哀悼基督》,《大卫》,《摩西》、《被缚的奴隶》和《垂死的奴隶》1519-1534年,他在佛罗伦萨创作了他生平最伟大的作品--圣洛伦佐教堂里的美第奇家族陵墓群雕。1536年,米开朗基罗回到罗马西斯廷教堂,用了近六年的时间创作了伟大的教堂壁画《末日审判》。之后他一直生活在罗马,从事雕刻、建筑和少量的绘画工作,直到1564年2月18日逝世于自己的工作室中。 利用点:老米作品多以批判和深刻沉重的色调为主。他的大量作品显示了写实基础上非同寻常的理想加工,成为整个时代的典型象征。他的艺术创作受到很深的人文主义思想和宗教改革运动的影响,常常以现实主义的手法和浪漫主义的幻想,表现当时市民阶层的爱国主义和为自由而斗争的精神面貌。米开朗基罗的艺术不同于达?芬奇的充满科学的精神和哲理的思考,而是在艺术作品中倾注了自己满腔悲剧性的激情。这种悲剧性是以宏伟壮丽的形式表现出来的,他所塑造的英雄既是理想的象征又是现实的反应。这些都使他的艺术创作成为西方美术史上一座难以逾越的高峰。GRE好像有一个题目说什么科学让人安心,艺术让人upset之类的?老米基本上作品都是让人沉重和揪心的。而且老米和老达不同的是他很注重想象创造力。 托福写作素材之贝多芬 Beethoven Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, formes a transition from classical to romantic composition. George Bush On January 16, 1991, President Bush ordered the commencement of Operation Desert Storm, a massive U.S.-led military offensive against Iraq in the Persian Gulf. In late 1992, Bush ordered U.S. troops into Somalia, a nation devastated by drought and civil war. The peacekeeping mission would prove the most disastrous since Lebanon, and President Clinton abruptly called it off in 1993. Jimmy Carter President Carter's policy of placing human rights records at the forefront of America's relationships with other nations contributed to a cooling of Cold War relations in the late 1970s. In 1980, for the first time in seven years, Fidel Castro authorized emigration out of Cuba by the country's citizens. The United States welcomed the Cubans, but later took steps to slow the tide when evidence suggested that Castro was using the refugee flight to empty his prisons. Neville Chamberlain
