



1. 远程桌面控制:使用远程桌面软件,例如Windows自带的远程桌面连接,或者第三方的TeamViewer、AnyDesk等软件,可以远程连接到另一台计算机,并实时操作它。

2. SSH(Secure Shell)远程连接:使用SSH客户端软件(如PuTTY)连接到远程服务器,通过命令行操作远程终端,执行各种命令和任务。

3. VNC(Virtual Network Computing)远程控制:使用VNC软件,如TightVNC、RealVNC等,将远程服务器的桌面图像传输到本地计算机,并能够通过本地计算机对远程计算机进行控制。

4. 远程控制软件:通过专门的远程控制软件,如TeamViewer、AnyDesk等,可以远程连接到另一台计算机,并对其进行实时控制和操作。

5. 远程控制工具:一些操作系统和设备提供了自带的远程控制工具,如Windows的远程协助、Mac的屏幕共享、手机的远程桌面等,可以通过这些工具实现远程控制操作。



专用线路一般需要使用路由器的同步串行端口。同步通信利用精确的时钟来传输数据。由于数据是按固定的己知的频率进行发送和接收的,所以数据可以无缝地传输。异步传输将字符封装于控制位(起始位和终止位)中, 由控制位来指定每个字符的开始和结束。由于添加了起始位和终止位,所以增加了负载,从而降低了效率。
1.1.2 客户/服务器模式(Client/S6rvor)
远程控制主要使用NETBEUI,NETBIoS,IPX/SPx,TCP/IP等协议;随着Internet技术的发展, 目前已有很多远程控制软件通过Web页面以Java技术来控制远程计算机,这样可以实现不同操作系统环境下的远程控制。1.2.2远程访问、控制的连接类型





Windows XP中,在开始菜单点击运行,输入mstsc命令即可启动远程桌面连接......下面就开始我们的教程吧远程桌面连接,有什么用呢?远程桌面其实可以为我们做很多事,而且不久的将来,其所发挥的作用将更大,简单地说,远程桌面管理,就是可以让我们坐在家里就可以连接到远程电脑的桌面,可以操作远程的电脑为你做任何事,如收发邮件了,查看报表了,进行用户管理了,进系统维护更新了,就像实际操作那台电脑一样,呵呵,心动了吧,那就让我们开始这段操作说明吧!有些第三方的软件也有很强的远程桌面的功能,不过现在的Windows xp已经完全集成在里面了,操作也很方便。

(看来微软的反垄断案对他来说根本就是隔靴搔痒)远程桌面,主要包括客户端和服务器端,每台windows xp 都同时包括客户端和服务器端,也就是说他既可以当成客户端来连到别台的装了Windows xp的电脑,并控制他,也可以自己当成服务器端,让别的电脑来控制自己。

服务器端都用windows xp ,而客户端,Win95-97-98,Win2000,WinME都可以。

而且客户端没有语系的要求,也就是说,你可以在家里用你的简体版的Win95,控制远处公司或其他地方的繁体版的Windows xp.(呵呵,我喜欢)下面就让我们跟着说明一步步安装windows xp 的远程桌面连接。

第一步架设服务器其实Windows xp 装好之后,就可以了,当然如果你的XP是不用密码自动登录的,那就不行,没有密码是不让你进行远程桌面连接的,不然还不任何人都可以操作你的电脑,那岂不是完蛋。




2、设置控制号码:设置控制号码共可以设10个号,如我要设***、***为控制号,那么你就用手机发送“666******”,最多能加10个控制号;3、短信控制:开指令:全开—999,开第一路—on1,开第二路—on2,开第三路—on3,依次类推每发一个开指令,如果开成功后,会有信息反馈,如开第一路后,会有“1on OK”反馈关指令:全关—000,关第一路—off1,关第二路—off2,关第三路—off3,依次类推每发一个关指令,如果关成功后,会有信息反馈,如关第一路后,会有“1offOK”反馈4、定时及修改时间:1)定日期格式如*09/01/20*ON*09/01/25*OFF*,2)定时间格式如*18/40*START*20/00*END*表示,在2009年1月20日至2009年1月25日期间,18:40分全开,20:00全关。







14007763 July 2020Remote Control Initial PairingThe receiver and the handset of the remote control system must be initially paired before the fi rst use.(Note that batteries must already be installed in the wall mounted battery holder)1. Insert two 1.5 V AAA alkaline batteries in the handset.2. Locate the Reset button on the front side of the re-ceiver.3. With a thin object, press and hold the receiver’s RESETbutton until you hear one short and one long beeps. After the second beep, release the reset button.4. Within the subsequent 20 seconds, press and holdthe button on the remote handset for 2-3 seconds.will be displayed and fl ash on the handset dur-ing the pairing sequence. The handset will count up from 1 to 8, and you will hear two short beeps con-fi rming the pairing is done. If you hear one long beep, the pairing sequence has failed or the wiring is incorrect.This is a one time pairing only and is not required when changing the batteries of the handset or battery holder.The remote control system is now ready to use.Valor 10 Electronic Ignition Remote Control SystemFor use with Valor heaters model 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2100 and 2200KOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSGV60 SYMAX©2020, Miles Industries Ltd.Reset buttonRESET2Remote Control OperationNOTE: Before using the remote control system for the first time, the receiver and the handset must be paired. See the section Remote Control Initial Pairing on the fi rst page of this manual.Main DisplayTo Turn O ff FirePressto turn OFF.Note: There is a 2 minute delay after switching o ff before the next ignition is possible.Flame Height AdjustmentTo increase fl ame height, press and hold .To decrease fl ame height, press and hold . You may hold the button down until the fi re is set to pilot fl ameonly.Light Fan (if included)Program ModeCountdown TimerBattery StatusEco Mode°F or °CTo Turn On FireOne-Button lighting (default):Two-Button lighting: + simultaneouslyPress and hold for 4 seconds, until 8short beeps and a blinking series of lines con fi rms the start sequence has begun. Release button.Main gas fl ows once pilot ignition is con firmed.Handset automatically goes into manual mode after main burner ignition.Standby Mode (Pilot Flame)Press and hold to set appliance topilot flame.3Designated Low Fire and High FireTo go to low fi re, double-click . “LO”is displayed.Note: Flame goes to high fi re fi rst before going to low fi re.To go to high fi re, double-click . “HI”is displayed.C hoosing 1-Button or 2-Button Ignition On the remote control handset, you can choose a1-button or 2-button ignition. You can also choose to activate or deactivate some of the functions. By default, the handset is set to a 1-button ignition.To change from 1-button to 2-button ignition, remove the batteries, wait 10 seconds, reinsert batteries, and immediately when the display fl ashes, press and hold the button for 10 seconds. ON is displayed and 1 is fl ashing. When change is complete, 1 changes to 2.To change from 2-button to 1-button ignition, proceed the same as above. ON is displayed and 2 is fl ashing. When change is complete, 2 changes to 1.Deactivating or Activating FunctionsThese functions are active by default, but can be deactivated at any time:• Child Proof • Program Mode• Thermostatic Mode • Eco Mode• Circulating Fan Operation • Countdown TimerTo deactivate functions:1. Install batteries. All icons are displayed and fl ashing.2. While the icons are fl ashing, press the relevant func-tion button and hold for 10 seconds.3. The function icon will fl ash until deactivation is com-plete. Deactivation is complete when the functionicon and two horizontal bars () are displayed.Note: If a deactivated button is pressed, there is nofunction, and the two horizontal bars are displayed.To activate functions:1. Install batteries. All icons are displayed and fl ashing.2. While the icons are fl ashing, press the relevant func-tion button and hold for 10 seconds.3. The function icon will continue to fl ash until activa-tion is complete, and then turn solid. Activation iscomplete when the function icon is displayed.Setting Celsius or FahrenheitTo change between °C and °F, press and hold + simultaneously.Note : °C = 24-hour clock °F = 12-hour clockSetting the Time1. Press + simultaneously.Day fl ashes.2. Press + to select a number to correspond with the day of the week.• 1 = Monday • 2 = Tuesday • 3 = Wednesday • 4 = Thursday • 5 = Friday • 6 = Saturday • 7= Sunday 3. Press + simultaneously. Hour fl ashes.4. To select hour pressor.5. Press +simultaneously. Minutes fl ash.6. To select minutes press or.7. To con fi rm, press+simultaneously or wait.Child ProofYour handset can be set to lock out all commands to the fi replace, except OFF.To turn Child Proof ON:1. Press and hold + simultaneously.2.To turn Child Proof OFF:1. Press and hold + simultaneously.2.Countdown TimerYou can set your fi replace to automatically turn off at the end of a timer.To set a Countdown Timer:1. Press and hold until is displayed.Hourfl ashes.2. Press or to select Hour.3. To confi rm, press .Minutesfl ash.4. Press or to select Minutes.5. To confi rm, press or wait.To turn off a Countdown Timer:1. Press , and the countdown disappears. Note: The Countdown Timer only works in Manual, Thermostatic, and Eco modes. Maximum countdowntime is 9 hours and 50 minutes.Light/Dimmer OperationOn:, is displayed. Light is on atOff:, disappears. Light turns off .Setting:1. until fl ashes.2. To adjust light between 20-100% pressor . 3. To confiis displayed.Note: fl ame. If you want the light on but no flCirculating Fan OperationSetting:1. until fl ashes.2. Press to increase or to de-crease fan speed.3. To confior wait. is displayed.Off:Press until all 4 speed level bars disappear. Note: When setting, if the fan was not switched offafter last use, it starts automatically 4 minutes after ignition at maximum speed, and goes to the last set level after 10 seconds. The fan stops 10 minutes after the gas is OFF or at pilot.45Modes of OperationThermostatic Modecompared to the set temperature. The fl ame height is automatically adjusted to achieve the set temperature.Program ModeThe temperature is controlled byPrograms 1 and 2, each of which can be set to go on and o ff at speci fi c times, at a set temperature.Eco ModeFlame height modulates between highand low. If the room temperature is lower than the set temperature, the fl ame height stays on high for a longer period of time. If the room temperature is higher than the set temperature, the fl ame height stays on low for a longer period of time. One cycle lasts approximately 20 minutes.If any of the above modes (Thermostatic, Pro-gram, or Eco) are engaged by the MyFire app over WiFi, the handset will display APP .Manual ModeThe on/o ff status of the fi replace, as well as fl ameheight, are manually controlled by the user.Thermostatic ModeOn:. is displayed. Preset fl y, followed by the room temperature.Setting Desired Temperature:1. until is dis-fl ashes.2. To adjust set temperature, pressor .3. To con fiOff:2. Press orto go to Manual Mode.Program ModeOn:Press , 2, ON or OFF are displayed.Off:,, orto go to ManualNote: The set temperature for Thermostatic Mode is the temperature for the ON time in Program Mode. Changing the Thermostatic Mode set temperature also changes the ON time temperature in Program Mode.Default Settings:• ON TIME (Thermostatic) TEMPERATURE: 70°F / 21°C •OFF TIME TEMPERATURE: “” (pilot flame only)61. until fl ashes.ON and set temperature (set in Ther-mostatic Mode) is displayed.2. or wait., OFF displayed, temperature fl ashes.3. Select o ff temperature by pressing or .4. To con fi rm, press Note: The on (Thermostatic) and o ff set temperatures are the same for each day.Day Setting:1. ALL fl ashes. Pressortochoose between:• ALL = same settin g s ON-OFF every day • SA:SU = same settin g s ON-OFF Saturday and Sunday• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 = daily timer—unique ON-OFF settin g s for a sin g le day of the week, for multiple days of the week or for every day of the week.2. To con fi rm, ALL SelectedOn Time Setting (PROGRAM 1)1., 1, ON are displayed. ALL is displayed brie fl y.Hour fl ashes.2. To select hour, pressor.3. To con fi. , 1, ON are displayed. fl y. Minutesfl ash.4. To select minutes, press or.5. To con fiOff Time Setting (PROGRAM 1)1., 1, OFF are displayed. ALL isdisplayed brie fl y. Hour fl ashes.2. To select hour, pressor.3. To con fi., 1, OFF are displayed. fl y. Minutes flash.4. To select minutes, press or.5. To con fiNote: Either continue to PROGRAM 2 and set ON and OFF times or stop programming at this point, and PROGRAM 2 remains deactivated.Note: PROGRAM 1 and 2 use the same ON(Thermostatic) and OFF temperatures. Once a new ON (Thermostatic) and/or OFF temperature has been set, that temperature becomes the new default setting.Note: ON and OFF times programmed for PROGRAM 1 and PROGRAM 2 become the new default times. The batteries must be removed to clear thePROGRAM 1 and PROGRAM 2 ON and OFF times and temperatures.SA:SU or Daily Timer (1-7) Selected• Set on time and o ff time using the same procedure as“ALL Selected” above.• Waiting to fi nish setting.Eco ModeOn:button to enter Eco Mode.Flame height modulates between high and low every 20 minutes.Off:button to exit Eco Mode.disappears.7Low Battery IndicationHandsetalkaline batteries.ReceiverFrequent beeps for 3 seconds when the motor turns indicate the batteries in the battery holder need to be replaced. Replace with four 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries.Automatic Shut O ffCountdown TimerAt the end of countdown time period, the fi re turns o ff . The Countdown Timer only works in Manual,Thermostatic, and Eco Modes. Maximum countdown time is 9 hours and 50 minutes.Low Battery ReceiverWith low battery power in the battery holder, the system shuts o ff the fi re completely. (This will not happen if the power is completely interrupted.)Seven Day Shut OffThe system shuts o ff the fi re completely if there is no change in fl ame height for 7 days.Automatic Turn Down3 Hour No Communication FunctionThe valve will turn to pilot fl ame if there is nocommunication between the handset and receiver for a 3-hour period. The fi re will continue to function normally when communication is restored.8Valor Fireplaces190–2255 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver, BC, CANADA V7H 3B1Tel. 604-984-3496 Fax Because our policy is one of constant development and improvement, details may vary slightly from those given in this publication.Error CodesIn the event of an error condition with the handset or fi replace, the handset will display an error code.。









一、安装远程控制软件1. 在浏览器中搜索并下载合适的远程控制软件。



2. 打开软件下载文件,并按照软件安装向导的提示进行安装。


3. 安装完成后,打开远程控制软件。

二、设置远程控制软件1. 打开软件后,首先需要创建一个账号。


2. 进入主界面后,可以根据需要进行个性化设置,包括修改用户信息、设置连接密码等。


3. 配置远程访问权限。


三、实际操作远程控制软件1. 登录远程控制软件后,可以看到主界面。


2. 如果要远程控制其他计算机,可以选择连接设备选项。



3. 如果需要与其他用户进行远程协助,可以创建会话。



4. 屏幕共享选项可用于教学、演示等场景。



第一步:远程修改Windows 2003注册表
择的对象名称”栏中填入要开启远程桌面功能的Windows 2003服务器的机器名(如SERVER1)最后点击“确定”按钮,打开Windows 2003服务器注册表。
2.Windows XP“远程桌面”的应用
使用“远程协助”进行远程控制实现起来非常简单,但它必须由主控双方协同才能够进行,所以Windows XP专业版中又提供了另一种远程控制方式——“远程桌面”,利用“远程桌面”,你可以在远离办公室的地方通过网络对计算机进行远程控制,即使主机处在无人状况,“远程桌面”仍然可以顺利进行,远程的用户可以通过这种方式使用计算机中的数据、应用程序和网络资源,它也可以让你的同事访问到你的计算机的桌面,以便于进行协同工作。






二、操作前准备在进行设备远程控制之前,操作人员需要进行以下准备工作:1. 确认网络连接:确保设备与远程控制系统之间的网络连接状态正常,如果有异常情况需要及时解决。

2. 登录验证:通过正确的用户名和密码登录远程控制系统,确保身份合法性和权限。

3. 设备状态检查:确认设备处于正常工作状态,包括电源供应、网络连接及其他必要的硬件设备。

三、操作步骤设备远程控制的操作规程如下:1. 远程启动设备:a. 在远程控制系统中选择要控制的设备。

b. 点击“启动”按钮,发送启动信号至设备。

c. 监测设备响应,确认设备已成功启动。

2. 参数调整:a. 在远程控制系统中选择需要调整的参数。

b. 手动输入或通过滑块等控件调整参数数值。

c. 确认参数调整完成,并发送调整信号至设备。

3. 远程监测:a. 在远程控制系统中选择要监测的设备。

b. 实时监测设备的运行状态、温度、压力等重要参数。

c. 根据监测数据分析设备工作情况,及时采取相应措施。

4. 设备故障处理:a. 若设备出现故障,远程控制系统应立即发出警报。

b. 操作人员应通过远程控制系统分析故障原因。

c. 根据故障原因采取相应的处理措施,如远程重启、远程修复等。

5. 远程关机:a. 在远程控制系统中选择要关闭的设备。

b. 点击“关机”按钮,发送关机信号至设备。

c. 监测设备响应,确认设备已成功关闭。

四、操作注意事项在进行设备远程控制时需要注意以下事项:1. 安全性保护:操作人员应确保操作过程安全可靠,避免远程控制行为造成设备损坏或人身伤害。

2. 日志记录:远程控制系统应记录操作人员的操作行为和参数调整记录,以便事后追溯和分析。

3. 通信稳定性:保持设备与远程控制系统之间的通信稳定性,避免因网络波动导致的操作失败或延迟。



远程控制协议远程控制协议(Remote Control Protocol,简称RCP)是一种用于在远程设备之间进行通信和控制的协议。




















1. 客户端和服务器端连接:用户在本地计算机上运行远程操控软件的客户端应用程序,而目标设备或计算机上则需要运行服务器端应用程序。


2. 网络传输和数据加密:在客户端和服务器端之间传输的数据经过网络传输,并进行加密以确保数据的安全性和隐私性。

常见的加密协议包括SSL(Secure Socket Layer)和TLS(Transport Layer Security)。

3. 连接建立和协议选择:客户端和服务器端进行握手以建立连接,并选择合适的通信协议。

常用的远程操控软件使用的协议包括VNC(Virtual Network Computing)和RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol)。

4. 远程控制命令和输入传输:用户在客户端上输入远程控制命令,例如鼠标点击或键盘输入等操作,在服务器端将这些命令转发给目标设备或计算机,并且将目标设备上的响应传输回客户端进行显示。

5. 屏幕图像传输:为了实现远程屏幕的显示,服务器端将目标设备或计算机的屏幕图像通过网络传输给客户端,并在客户端上进行解码和显示。

6. 声音传输(部分远程操控软件):某些远程操控软件还可以传输目标设备的声音输出。





1、控台的网口 1 连接路由器的 LAN 口; 2、手机登入 APP 应用商店,搜索 Tekmand 然后点击下载; 3、打开控台的设置菜单 控制台/全局设置/远程登录,然后把‘启用’ 激活; 4、打开手机搜索并连接路由器 WiFi,然后打开下载好的 Tekmand 应 用程序,这时 APP 里会显示控台的 IP 地址列表(如下图所示左边是 ios 系统右边是 Android 系统),点击对应控台的 IP,然后输入账号和密 码登录。
远程控制连接方式及使用说明 1、远程控制设备连接方法:
重要提示: 路由器的网段必须要和控台的一致(路由器 IP 默认是,路由器接线是 LAN(1,2,3,4)口。手机端要下载远程控制 APP,然后加入该局域网即可实现远程控制。
Байду номын сангаас具体步骤如下:



11 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Remote control is a portable device that enables to interact with the control unit.It encompasses 5 keys that can be configured and linked to the functions related to the arming and disarming of the anti-intrusion areas or to special functions such as burglary alarm, panic alarm, aid alarm, operations or system status request.The Braille characters enable an easy usage of the device also by visually impaired people.Through the configurable LEDs, it is possible to know the status of the areas.2 ACQUISITION ANDPROGRAMMINGTo let the control unit acquire the remote control:1. Power the remote control by removing the isolatingprotection of the battery (please refer to the section Battery replacement for details about how to open the remote control).2. On the control unit, activate the remote control acquisitionmode.3. Press any key on the remote control so that it can beacquired by the control unit.4. Program the remote control (keys and LEDs).Programming details are encompassed in the control unit installation manual.3 USAGEIMPORTANT NOTE! As keys and LEDs (except LED 1) are freely configurable, the function linked to each of them shall be communicated to the user by the installer.Each remote control can be configured in a different way.When you press a key, the remote control sends the relevant command to the control unit.LED 1 indicates if the control unit replied.3.1 LEDsLED 1 is a standard LED and cannot be configured. Signals provided by LED 1 when any key is pressed are the following: LED turns on green: Full battery LED turns on red: Voltage of the battery lower than 2.7 V LED turns on after 1 sec:The control unit does not replyLED turns on after 0.2 sec: The control unit replied LEDs 2, 3, 4 and 5 can be separately configured and provide the following indications: LED turned off: The LED is not configured LED turns on green for 2 seconds:Anti-intrusion area/s disarmed LED turns on red for 2 seconds:Anti-intrusion area/s armedAll LEDs turn on orange for 2 seconds: Arming/disarming block on the control unitWhen you receive an arming block signal, it is possible to force the block by sending the command again.2CSYD0301NRemote controlUsage manual24 MAINTENANCE4.1CleaningTo clean the device, use a soft and dry cloth. Do not use liquids or abrasive products.4.2 Battery replacementTo replace the battery:1.Open the battery compartment by rotating the covercounter-clock-wise.2.Extract the exhausted battery.3.Insert the new battery by paying attention to the polarities.4.Close the battery compartment.WARNING! The exhausted battery is a special waste and itshall be disposed according to the regulations in force.4.3 ResetWARNING ! The reset procedure shall be carried out when required and only by the installer and not by the user.To delete the acquisition address and to restore the factoryconfiguration of the remote control, delete the remote control on the control unit, remove and re-insert the battery by following the points 1÷4 in the section 4.2.Package contentsno. 1 Remote controlno. 1 Lithium battery CR2032 3 V (not connected) no. 1 ManualWARNING! Installation must be carried out only by aqualified electrician. EC Declaration of ConformityABB S.p.A., with registered office in Milan - via Vittor Pisani 16, declares under its own responsibility that the device with productcode 2CSYD0301N meets the essential electromagnetic compatibility and security requirements contained in the Directive R&TTE1999/5/EC and in the EC Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/CE, as it was designed and manufactured in compliance with the following harmonized standards: EN 300 220, EN 50131-1, EN 50131-5-3.ABB S.p.A. –An ABB SACE DivisionViale dell’Industria, 18 20010 Vittuone (MI)Printed in ItalyFor further information and assistance:from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Manual code 2CSM600508D0201 rev 00。




























二、远程控制设置1. 首先,确保控制器已经与所需设备正确连接,并处于工作状态。

2. 打开控制器的电源开关,等待系统启动。

3. 进入控制器的设置菜单,根据具体的情况选择“远程控制”选项。

4. 在远程控制设置页面中,选择“添加设备”选项,并按照提示完成设备的添加。

5. 完成设备添加后,返回上一界面并选择“远程控制模式”。

6. 在远程控制模式下,您可以根据需要进行各类操作,如开关设备、调节参数等。

三、远程控制操作1. 打开手机或者电脑的浏览器,输入控制器的远程控制网址。

2. 根据页面提示,输入相应的账号和密码,进行登录。

3. 进入远程控制主页面,您可以看到控制器已添加的设备列表。

4. 选择所需设备,并点击进入设备控制界面。

5. 在设备控制界面,您可以根据设备的功能进行操作,比如开关设备、调节亮度或音量等。

6. 操作完成后,及时保存设置并退出远程控制界面。

四、其他注意事项1. 请确保网络连接的稳定性,以保证远程控制的正常进行。

2. 在操作设备时,请注意设备是否处于安全状态,避免因远程控制而导致意外情况发生。

3. 对于一些复杂的操作或者特殊设置,建议参考具体设备的说明书或联系相关技术支持。

4. 如需取消某台设备的远程控制权限,可以在控制器的设置菜单中进行相应的操作。






www.remotecontrol.seRemote Control LtdTel +44 (0)1889 57 6888Remote Control Sweden Tel +46 (0)23 587 00Remote ControlTel +49 (0)2131 7957 60Remote Control Asia Tel +65 6848 7150Remote Control Inc Tel +1 (0)401 294 1400GeneralThe MODE button selects a particular function, or mode, and the indicator for the selected mode turns on steady. Pushing the MODE button saves any new setting of the current mode before switching to the next mode. The adjust buttons up (▲) and down (▼) are used to make adjustments to current mode. For more details regarding calibration and features refer to the manual No. 621.1. Before applying power, ensure that the unit is properly mounted and properly wired to the actua- tor. Refer to the pertinent Data Sheet specifi ed for the actuator. Ensure potentiometer gears are tight and properly meshed.2. Apply power to the actuator on Connector J2: terminal #1 (neutral), terminal #2 (line) and termi- nal #3 (earth). There is no need for a signal con- nection during calibration.3. Push the MODE button until the yellow “MANUAL/ FB POT CAL” LED is illuminated. The LED may be fl ashing (at different speeds) through the next several steps. This is expected and will be explained.4. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to move the actuator and verify that the limit switches are set past the desired open and closed positions; then move the actuator to mid stroke.5. If LED is solid, proceed to step 7.6. If LED is fl ashing, loosen the gear on the actuator shaft and rotate the potentiometer gear until the LED is no longer fl ashing, but on solid – this indi- cates the centre of the potentiometer’s travel. Note that the LED will fl ash at a slower rate the farther away from the mid position it gets. Once the LED is on solid tighten all gears.Top Quality Valve ActuatorsQuick Calibration Procedure DHC-100D7. Push the MODE button until the “CLOSE” LED is illuminated. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to drive the actuator to the desired closed posi- tion. Ensure that the close limit switch does not engage.8. Push the MODE button until the “OPEN” LED is illuminated. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to drive the actuator to the desired open position. Ensure that the open limit switch does not en- gage.9. If an OTR-100 option module is installed, follow Auxiliary Open/Close Setup (see page 2); other- wise continue to the next step.10. Push the MODE button until the “COMMAND TYPE” LED is illuminated. Use the adjustbuttons (▲) and (▼) to select appropriate input signal (4-20mA, 1-5VDC, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDCor Digital). If 0-5VDC or 0-10VDC is selected, the LOSS OF COMMAND features is not available, so proceed to step 12.11. Push the MODE button until the “LOSS OF COMMAND” LED is illuminated; this sets the actuator to a predetermined position upon loss of command. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to select appropriate position (OPEN, CLOSE or LAST POSITION).InstructionDigital Controller PCU DHC-100DRCELRemote Control LtdTel +44 (0)1889 576 888Remote Control Sweden Tel +46 (0)23 587 00Remote ControlTel +49 (0)2131 795 760Remote Control Asia Tel +65 6848 7150Remote Control Inc Tel +1 (0)401 294 1400www.remotecontrol.se12. If an OTR-100 or OTX-100 option module is installed, follow Auxiliary Position Output Mode Setup (see below); otherwise continue to the next step.13. Push the MODE button until the “AUTO” LED is illuminated. Your calibration is nowCOMPLETE. Connect the command signal wires to connector J2: terminal #4 (signal ground) and terminal #5 (mA input) OR terminal #6 (volt- age input), depending on the application. If a signal input was already connected, the actuator should have moved to that position.Auxiliary Position Output Mode Setup (for units with an OTR-100 or OTX-100 option module only)Auxiliary open/Close Setup (for units with an OTR-100 option module only)1. Push the MODE button until the red “AUX POSI- TION OUT CAL” LED illuminates while the “CLOSE” LED fl ashes. Note that the red LED fl ashes to indicate a “Fault” and turns on steady to indicate the “AUX POSITION OUT CAL” modes.2. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to set the desired output voltage or current (mA) on the option module output for closed position.1. Push the MODE button until the “AUX CLOSE OUTPUT” LED is illuminated. Use the adjust but- tons (▲) and (▼) to drive the actuator to the desired auxiliary close position.2. Push the MODE button until the “AUX OPEN OUTPUT” LED is on. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to drive the actuator to the desired auxiliary open position.3. Continue with Step 10, page 1.3. Push the MODE button so the “AUX POSITION OUT CAL” LED remains steady while the “OPEN” LED fl ashes. Use the adjust buttons (▲) and (▼) to set the desired output voltage or current (mA) on the option module output for the open position.4. Continue with Step 13.Remote Control LtdTel +44 (0)1889 576 888Remote Control Sweden Tel +46 (0)23 587 00Remote ControlTel +49 (0)2131 795 760Remote Control Asia Tel +65 6848 7150Remote Control Inc Tel +1 (0)401 294 1400www.remotecontrol.seTroubleshooting GuideWe reserve the right to makechanges without noticewww.remotecontrol.seRemote Control LtdUnit 40, Trent Valley Works Station Road, Rugeley Staffordshire WS15 3HB EnglandRemote Control Sweden Box 80Kontrollvägen 15SE-791 22 Falun SwedenRemote Control Gutenbergstr. 22DE-41564 Kaarst-Büttgen GermanyTel +49 (0)2131 795 760Remote Control Asia No. 9, Kaki Bukit Road 1#03-03, Eunos Technolink Singapore 415938Tel +65 6848 7150Remote Control Inc PO Box 355386 Dry Bridge RdNorth Kingstown, RI 02852USAR e f N o 624 / Troubleshooting Guide。

ENTTEC ELM-TouchOSC 远程控制手册说明书

ENTTEC ELM-TouchOSC 远程控制手册说明书

Controlling ELM w/ OSC and TouchOSCCreate a convenient, user-facing control surface for your ENTTEC Pixel systems IntroductionIn this guide we are going to learn how to use the OSC protocol and 3rd party application Touch OSC to create a simple control surface for your ELM pixel system. The goal is to make a user-facing control panel that we can pass to a non-technical end user so they can control their lighting rig, without needing to have a working knowledge of the ELM software.This is a panel with 5 pre-set patterns, and a master intensity control. Using the following steps, you can create a custom control surface as simple or complex as you need.1 - Sample TouchOSC Control PanelCreating the Touch OSC layoutFor this part, you’ll need TouchOSC Editor – which is available from the Hexler website. This app lets you design your control surface on a computer, and then transfer that over to your tablet/phone.When you open the editor, you will see a blank black box representing your device screen. Begin by naming this screen and selecting the screen size.TouchOSC editor has multiple pre-set sizes applicable for Apple devices, for many smart phones the iPhone 6 plus is a close match. Alternately you can enter your own custom values to match the screen resolution of your device.3 - TouchOSC Editor Screen Size Selector4 - TouchOSC Editor Screen Size Options2 - TouchOSC EditorNext, you will need to add a fader to control intensity in ELM. To do this right click anywhere on the black space of your layout. A drop-down list will appear with of all the elements you can add. In this case select a vertical Fader (Fader V).Now you can position it where you want and scale it with the re-size markers on the corners and sides. You can also change the colour and name of your element, allowing for quick and easy identification. Be sure to check the inverted button to ensure your fader moves in the expected direction.The layout builder always shows elements with the value of 0 so if the solid bar is at the top it will need to be inverted.Once you are happy with the position, you can now configure the OSC command string. Touch OSC tries to create default strings based on the item’s name. You will need to uncheck this allowing you to enter 5- Add Element6 - Format Element7 - Element Colour Changeyour own string. Consult the ELM user manual or the convenient list in ELM under the OSC remote settings page.For Intensity you will need to enter “/elm/stages/Stage01/live/intensity”. Leave light and low values as they are.Note – the OSC string is caps sensitiveNote – Stage01 refers to the stage you want to control. If you named your stage something different then you need to use that instead. You can also use * to refer to all stages this would look like “/elm/stages/*/live/intensity”8 - Configure Command String9 - ELM OSC Command StringsNow that you have made your intensity fader, you can move on to making buttons to select the media you want to send. A push button is recommended for this. Select it from the same menu used for selecting your fader.Re-size and move it to a suitable place on your control panel.As before you now need to set the OSC command for the new button This is like setting the intensity.Enter “elm/stages/Stage01/live/media” then in the value boxes set them both to be the same. Thisbutton will be selecting media slot 1 so set both the high and low values to be 1. If the low value is left at 0 it will act as a momentary switch, only activating the media while the button is held downNext move on to the remaining 4 buttons. This can be done by repeating earlier steps, however, it is much faster to copy the button you have just made and paste it down. This also makes sure all your buttons are the same size and shape. Any copy and pasted buttons then just need their high and low valued updated to select a new piece of media so the second buttons high and low values should be set to 2, button 3 to 3 etc.Adding labels is another useful way to keep track of what each element does. These are created in the same way as all other elements. Right click on the black space and select from the drop-down menu as needed.The text and size can also be edited from the side menu just like other elements.10 - Create Push Button Element11 - Setting Command String on Media Button12 - Insert Label13 - Adjust LabelFinally tidy up your screen using the align and distribute tools. These are great for giving your space a clean, user-friendly look. Access these by selecting multiple elements, ‘drag and draw’ over the targets and then right clicking an element. You can then select the desired tools from the drop-down menu. Once you are happy with your layout, save it and then transfer it over to your phone or tablet, so we can later set this as our layout screen. We’ll also show you how to import this directly from your computer a bit later on.14 - Align ElementsConfiguring ELM for an OSC RemoteYou can now shift your attention to the ELM software to prepare it for receiving OSC commands. Open ELM and make your stage using the same name that you have specified in Touch OSC editor (remembering it is case sensitive).Then navigate to the OSC remote settings. Path – Settings>Remote>OSC. Simply turn the switch to ON to allow ELM to receive OSC commands.15 - ELM - Create Stage16 - ELM OSC TabELM-TouchOSC Remote Control – V1For the latest version visitthe ENTTEC websiteFrom here you just need note down the port that is being used. The default is 9001 but you can change it if desired. Feedback can be left off as it is not needed for this design.Note – the complete list of commands for controlling ELM is also listed here so you do not have to gosearching through the user manual.Lastly make sure your media is in the same slots used in your TouchOSC layouts buttons.That’s it, now ELM is set up ready to be able to receive OSC triggers from your phone or tablet.17 - ELM OSC Settings18 - ELM Media SlotsConnecting Your Phone/Tablet to Your ComputerTo connect your computer to your phone, install and run TouchOSC bridge – available from the Hexler website - https:///products/touchoscThis plugin runs in the background and acts as the link between your programs and the TouchOSC app. You also need to know the IP address of the computer for later steps. There are many ways to do this. Depending on how your Pixels have been connected you can get the IP address from ELM by going to your output settings and seeing the IP address of the adapter you are using to send your Art-Net.Another reliable way of getting the IP address of your computer is to open command prompt which can be done by pressing [start] and typing “command prompt”Then simply type “ipconfig/all” and press [ENTER].19 - ELM Output Settings20 - Command PromptThen scroll up till you see the adapter you are using and look for the IPv4 settings.Now we need to open and configure TouchOSC. Open the TouchOSC app on your phone/tablet. When you first open TouchOSC it will show one of the many defaults loaded layouts. To change these settings,simply press the circle in the top right corner of the screen and go to Layout to select your own.3 - IP Config Results22 - Touch OSC Default LayoutClick on the OSC tab, under Settings, from there enter the proper details into the different fields. Some devices will be recognized by the app and you can simply click on them for the app to auto fill the necessary settings. If not, enter the details manually- Host - is the IP Address of your computer, which we previously determined to be -Port (outgoing) - needs to match the port that ELM is expecting to receive on, which as we saw before, defaulted to 9001- Port (incoming) - since our control panel is not receiving any feedback, this setting is irrelevant -ZeroConf Name - you can change this to give your device a unique name23 - ELM OSC Port Setting24 - OSC App SettingsNext the TouchOSC Bridge settings need to be configured. Enter the IP address of the computer inTouchOSC Bridge. As with the OSC tab this will auto discover some computers but if it does not then just enter the IP manually.Once those settings are configured, go back to your computer and TouchOSC editor. Click the sync button and wait for the pop up to appear.Now that the editor is ready to synchronise, switch back to your device running the TouchOSC app, enter the layout menu and select “Add from Editor.” Enter the IP address of the computer running the editor and press download. You can then scroll down the list to find the layout you imported and select it but tapping on it so that it is checked. This is another way to import your layout onto your phone/tablet,besides to just transfer the file across manually.4 - TouchOSC Bridge Setting26 - TouchOSC Bridge Setting27 - TouchOSC Bridge SettingHead back out of the settings on your phone/tablet by using the back arrow and pressing “Done.” You should be able to see and use your layout. You can now freely move the fader, press the buttons, and have ELM respond and reflect your changes on its live tab. You can also check if ELM is receiving OSC by looking to see if the box has gone green in the OSC remote tab.5 - Download LayoutELM-TouchOSC Remote Control – V1For the latest version visitthe ENTTEC website That brings us to the end of this guide, by the end, you’ll have a control panel on your phone or tablet to give you or your client a simple, yet professional control surface for manual control over their pixel mapped setup. And this is just the beginning. With a bit of time and ingenuity you can create even more sophisticated control panels.Check out these sleek control surface examples from the Hexler website:29 – TouchOSC Examples。


























Trane VRF系统简易有线远程控制用户指南说明书

Trane VRF系统简易有线远程控制用户指南说明书

735March 2015VRF-SVU045B-EN© 2015 Trane All Rights ReservedVariable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) SystemSimple Wired Remote ControlModel Number:TVCTRLTWR001T, TVCTRLTWR001AIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,could result in death or serious injury.Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,could result in minor or moderate injury. It could also be used toalert against unsafe practices.NOTICE: Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property-damage only accidents.T able 1.Explanation of display iconsItemnumber Icon Explanation1Unit operation2Quiet operation3Temperature setpoint4Fan speed5Air swing (up/down)6On/Off timer (scheduled time)7Filter cleaning8Locked functions/invalid operation9Centralized control10Purifier modeT able 2.Buttons descriptionsButton DescriptionPower buttonPress to turn the indoor unit On or Off.Mode buttonPress to select an operating mode.Up/down arrow buttonsPress to select an indoor temperature setpoint and to change thetime when setting the timer On/Off feature.Fan Speed buttonPress to select a fan speed: Auto, Low, Medium, High.Air Swing/Quiet buttonPress to select air flow direction or quiet operation.Timer/Filter Reset buttonPress and hold 3 seconds to turn the filter cleaning icon off.Set/Cancel buttonSaves/cancels (if held 3 seconds) an On/Off timer setting.T able 3.Operating mode descriptionsMode DescriptionAutoIn Auto mode, the indoor unit automatically sets the temperature and fanspeed to maintain the selected temperature. If the indoor temperature istoo high, a cooling breeze is generated until the room returns to acomfortable level. As the room cools, the fan slows down and maintainsa gentle airflow.Cool In Cool mode, the temperature setpoint, fan speed, and air flow directionon the indoor unit can be controlled.Dry In Dry mode, the unit dehumidifies the indoor air.Fan In Fan mode, the unit ventilates the area to maintain a comfortable indoorenvironment.HeatIn Heat mode, the temperature setpoint, fan speed, and air flow directionon the indoor unit can be controlled.Notes:•There may be a delay before the fan begins running to avoidgenerating a cold breeze.•The defrost indicator (Defrost) appears when frost is being removedfrom the outdoor unit. When the defrost function is completed, thedefrost indicator disappears.•After heating operation is stopped, the fan continues running for aperiod of time to cool the unit.89101114The manufacturer optimizes the performance of homes and buildings around the world. A business of Ingersoll Rand, the leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy efficient environments, the manufacturer offers a broad portfolio of advanced controls and HVAC systems, comprehensive building services, and parts. For more information, visit .The manufacturer has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.© 2015 Trane All rights reserved VRF-SVU045B-EN 01 Mar 2015Supersedes VRF-SVU045A-EN 01 May 2014We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices that reduce waste.Selecting the Fan SpeedTo select a fan speed, press the Fan Speed button repeatedly until the desired fan speed appears on the display. Fan speed availability isdependent on the current indoor unit operating mode, as shown in Table 4.Setting the T emperatureTo set the desired temperature, press the up/down arrow buttons repeatedly until the desired temperature appears on the display. See Table 4.T able 4.Fan speed availability according to operating modeOperating mode Available fan speedsAuto Cool Dry Fan HeatT able 5.T emperature setting ranges and incrementsOperating modeTemperature rangeTemperature settingincrementsAuto 65°F–86°F (18°C–30°C)You can adjust the temperature setting by increments of 1°F (1°C).Cool Dry Fan Heat61°F–86°F (16°C–30°C)(Auto)(Auto)(Low)(Med)(High)(Auto)(Auto)(Med)(Low)(High)(Auto)(Med)(Low)(High)Selecting the Air Flow DirectionThe air flow can be directed by tilting the blade upward or downward. To select the air flow direction:1.Press the Air Swing/Quiet button to tilt the blade up or down.2.Press and hold the Air Swing/Quiet button again until the desired tilt is achieved. When the button is released, the blade will stop in place.Note: If you press the Air Swing/Quiet button on a duct-type indoor unit,the feature will not function and the lock icon () light will blink on the display.Selecting Quiet OperationQuiet operation reduces the noise of the indoor unit. To activate this feature,press and hold the Air Swing/Quiet button for 3 seconds. To cancel quiet operation, press the button again.Note: If you press and hold the Air Swing/Quiet button for 3 seconds on an indoor unit that does not support the quiet feature or when the indoor unit is operating in Fan mode, the lock icon () light will blink on the display.Resetting a FilterWhen it is time to clean the filter, the filter cleaning icon () appears on thedisplay. When this occurs, do the following:1.Clean the filter.2.Reset the filter use timer by pressing and holding the Timer/Filter Reset button for 3 seconds.Setting the On TimerThe On Timer feature is used to set the indoor unit to turn On at a specific time.Note: To set the On timer, the indoor unit must be turned Off.1.Press the Timer/Filter Reset button one time. The time on the display will blink.2.Press the up/down arrow buttons until the display shows the time you want to unit to turn On. The time will change from 30 minutes to 3 hours in 30 minute increments, and from 3 to 18 hours in 1 hour increments.3.To save the selected time, press the Set button within 3 minutes or the setting will be canceled.Example of display with On Timer set to turn the unit on 2 hours later.Note: To cancel the On time, press and hold the Set button for 3 seconds.Setting the Off TimerThe Off Timer feature is used to set the indoor unit to turn off at a specific time.Note: To set the Off timer, the indoor unit must be turned on.1.Press the Timer/Filter Reset button one time. The time on the display will blink.2.Press the up/down arrow buttons until the display shows the time you want to unit to turn Off. The time will change from 30 minutes to 3 hours in 30 minute increments, and from 3 to 18 hours in 1 hour increments.3.To save the selected time, press the Set button within 3 minutes or the setting will be canceled.Example of display with Off timer set to turn the unit off 2 hours later.Note: To cancel the Off time, press and hold the Set button for 3 seconds.Additional FunctionsAdditional functions allow the user to:•Reset values to factory default •Lock functions•Apply upper and lower temperature setting limits To set these additional user functions, follow this procedure:1.Refer to Table 6 to select the menu, sub-menu, digit, and option code for the function you want to set. These settings become available when the display is in the user setting mode (Figure 4).T able 6.Option codes/valuesMain menu code Sub-menu code Option description Digit Option code 01Reset to default values 10: Not used (default)1: Reset 11All features locked10: Clear1: Lock 2Partial lockOn/Off operation locked 10: Clear 1: Lock 3Operating mode selectionlocked10: Clear 1: Lock 4Temperature setting locked10: Clear 1: Lock 5Fan speed selection locked10: Clear 1: Lock 6On/Off Timer setting locked10: Clear 1: Lock21Temperature limitUpper limit 1,216–30(a)(a)Option code settings 16–30 refer to degrees in Celsius. Refer to Table 5 fortemperature ranges and their Fahrenheit equivalents according to operating mode.2Lower limit1,216–30Using the up/down arrow code from Table 6.Press the Timer button to access the sub-menu setting. The sub-menu will flash as in the following example.Using the up/down arrow digit 1 from Table 6.Press the Set button to save the setting and exit to the sub-menu screen.Note: To exit to the sub-menu screen without saving the setting, press the Air Swing button.Press the Air Swing button to return to the regular display mode.。




这是通过使用一个称为远程桌面协议(Remote Desktop Protocol,RDP)的特定协议来实现的。
















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