Lecture 7 The 18th century
Wuthering Heights (1847)《呼啸山庄》
George Eliot
The Mill on the Floss (1860)《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》
Thomas Carlyle
On Heroes and Hero-Worship (1841) (lectures)《英雄与英雄崇拜》
Andrew Marvell
To His Coy Mistress《致羞怯的情人》
Robert Herrick罗伯特•赫里克
Gather ye Rose-Buds while Ye May
John Bunyan约翰·班扬
The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678)《天路历程》John Dryden
Piers the Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》
Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里·乔叟
The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》
Le Roman de la Rose《玫瑰传奇》
Lecture 2 The English Renaissance文艺复兴时期英国文学
Thomas More
Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》
David Copperfield (1849-1850)《大卫·科波菲尔》
1859 A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》
1860-1861 Great Expectations《远大前程》
William M. Thackeray
“Kulbla Khan”(1816)“忽必烈汗”
George G. Byron
Don Juan (1818-1823)《唐璜》
The 18th Century
The Age of Reason
Men of the time accepted the idea of a stable social order, handed down from one age to another. They believed in reason, and their watchword口号, 格言 was “Common Sense”. This rational approach to social and literary problems of the 18th century has given it the title of “The Age of Reason”; while the desire for perfect form which resulted in adaptations of Greek and Latin models has caused it to be called “The Neoclassic Age”.
CHAPTER 6 讲稿The 18th Century
The 18th Century :the Classical AgeHistorical Background:The 18th century can be subdivided into two halves.a. The first half of the century was centripetal, with all the forces coming together. The British Empire had become one on which the sun never set. On the economic scene, the country became increasingly affluent, the factory system began to develop, trade flourished, and there was an outburst of productivity. On the political scene, a fragile kind of balance exited.b. But troubles began to appear in the second half of the century. The middle class continued its push for more freedom to do business as it pleased. Technology and science jumped, and inventions and the protections for patents facilitated change and growth. All of these brought about huge changes in the basic eco-social scene of the country. The Industrial Revolution was now in full swing. This part of the century was a period of growing fortune for the middle class, but one of intensified debasement for the working class. Hence the occurrence of widespread social upheavals.c. Regarding religion, there was a significant change as well. Formal religion died down. The century believed in God, but it did not believe in formal religion with its tenets of revelation and supernatural elements. The world owed its existence to God and the best way to worship God was to worship His creation-man, nature, and the world as a whole. And the best way to serve God was to do good to man. People learn through their experience of feeling, seeing, touching, measuring and weighing, and reason is of the primary importance in learning to understand the world. Deism became the trend in the 18th century, and sounds an echo in such important authors as Pope and Swift.Literature in the 18th century:In the field of literature there existed also a balance between respect for the old and the emergence of new forms, and between reason and emotion. The major features of the literature of the period are as follow:a.it was a literature of reason, common sense, and repudiation of enthusiasm andsentiment.b.Although the neoclassic tastes and values of Pope dominated the better part of thecentury, reason was not strong enough to totally stamp out the sparks of emotion.c.There were also writers who took a closer look at the social problems andundertook to help put things to rights by criticizing the society in which they lived.d.As a result of the improvement of literacy and with leisure now available in life,the demand for literature increased.e.It is the century as “the classic age”. The basic features of neoclassicism include,frequent allusions and references to Greek and Roman mythology and to ancient writers and historians; predilection for abstractions and excessive use of personifications; respect for and promotion of order and reason with emphasis on clarity of thought and orderly structure; focus on formal perfection like metric regularity, aversion to verbosity, and love of graceful language; and a conspicuous want of feeling and sentiment. The dominant neoclassic form was the heroiccouplet. It tends to produce the effect of an artificially trimmed beauty, beautiful but often lifeless.Alexander Pope (1688-1744)Pope was the most important English poet to come out of the 18th century. The heroic couplet became a perfect poetic medium in his hands, so powerful and fascinating in his time that the rest of the world could not but write in the same manner.Major Works:Essay on Criticism (1711)The Rape of the Lock (1712)Essay on Man (1733)An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (1735)The Dunciad (1743)Analysis of his works:Essay on Criticism is a philosophical poem in heroic couplets. The essay presents a lucid synthesis of Pope‟s deliberations on the cosmos, the theology, and the ethics of his time following his conversations with his philosopher friend. The general object is to prove that the scheme of the universe is the best in spite of appearances of evil, and that our failure to see the perfection of the whole is due to our limited vision.Essay on Man has been regarded as one of the important works in English literary criticism. Here Pope is famous chiefly not for what he says, but for the way he says it. Pope‟s essay consists of three parts. Part one talks about the vital importance of literary criticism and the growth of a good critic. Part two locates the causes of poor judgments, and traces the major reasons for deficient criticism. Part three discusses the ideal character of a critic and the principles of literary criticism, and offers a sketchy history of European literary criticism and a summary of the character of the best critics.Workmanship and Limitation:Pope was an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school in the first half of the 18th century. He was a master in the art of poetry. He was also the most important representative of the English classical poetry. He was at his best in satire and epigram. But he lacked the lyrical gift. And in his endeavor for finish and compactness, he sometimes becomes artificial and obscure.Thomas Gray (1716-1771)Historical Background:In the first half of the 18th century, Pope was the leader of English poetry and the heroic couplet the fashion of poetry. By the middle of the century, however, sentimentalism gradually made its appearance. Sentimentalism came into being as the result of a bitter discontent among the enlightened people with social reality. The sentimentalism turned to the countryside for its material, and so is in striking contrast to classicism, which had confined itself to the clubs and drawing-rooms, and to the social and political life of London. The poetry of the sentimentalists is marked by a sincere sympathy for the poverty-stricken, expropriated peasants. Gray was one of them.Gray‟s Masterpiece:Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardIt is a poem of 128lines in 32 iambic pentametric quatrains. Formally, the poem is famous for its clarity in thought and its neatness in structure. Its style is graceful, effortless, spontaneous, and with no trace of laboring. Its diction is at once succinct and loaded, fluent and tight-knight, and lucid with room for imagination. In addition, the colors, light and shade, flora and fauna, scenes culled form life, and symbols and figures that combine to make up the woof and warp of the poem.Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)Johnson was a lexicographer, critic and poet. He also edited two periodicals, “The Rambler” and “The Idler”.Major Works:His principal works include “London”(1738) and “The Vanity of Human Wishes”(1749), two satires in heroic couplets. “Itene”(1749), a tragedy, and “Rasselas”(1759), a didactic romance.The Preface and comments of individual plays in his edition of Shakespeare (1765), and his “Lives of Poets” (1779-81) were his most important works.The 18th Century English Drama: A Brief IntroductionThe English drama of the 18th century does not reach the same high level as its novel. One of the main reasons is that the Licensing Act of 1737 which drove Fielding out of the theatre restricted the freedom of expression by dramatists. The stage, losing its power as a serious criticism of social life, declined at the same time in its splendor and magnificence as a lofty entertainment.Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774)An important writer of Johnson‟s circle was born in Ireland. He was a poet, novelist, dramatist and essayist. He was concerned with social problems of his time and depicted the social and economic evils in England in his writings. In poetry, he had a delicate romantic spirit of his own, which made him one of the representative poets, called “sentimentalists” by literary historians, who wrote in the transition period from classicism to Romanism.Major Works:Poems:“The Traveller”(1764) and “The Deserted Village”(1770) are both written in the heroic couplet, consisting of two iambic pentameter lines linked by rhyme, which was the ruling poetic form in the 18th century.The Vicar of Wakefield (1766) is a romantic novel that tells a romantic story. In the story, the depravity of the landed gentry and the corruption of the town life are contrasted to an idyll of quiet family happiness in the bosom of nature and the peaceable manners of the village.Comedies:“The Good-Natured Man” (1767) and “She Stoops to Conquer”(1773).Essays:…The Citizen of the World” (1762)Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)Sheridan‟s dramatic career was short but amazingly brilliant. He was born in Dublin. He injected fresh energy into it and helped keep it as a viable link in the continuity of the nation‟s dramatic tradition.Major Works:The School for Scandal (1777): a five-act comedy of manners noted for its brilliant wit and satire. In the play, Sheridan was perceptive and courageous enough to life the lid off the can of worms that was the polite life in London and by extension in English society, and brings them under his minute analysis. The audiences tend to split their sides in full appreciation of the humor and the laughter at the expense of others‟weakness and foibles, but often come away with a better awareness of their own behavior as humans.Features:Sheridan‟s character portrayal can be an intriguing feature for discussion. The names say a lot about the personalities of the people so named. His language is lucid and humorous and presents little or no paradoxes.。
The 18th Century.(教案)doc
The 18th Century: The Age of Enlightenment in England(1660—1789)Time span: from the Restoration to the year when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their Lyrical BalladsThe dominant literary theory : NeoclassicismI. Historical BackgroundPolitically: The autocratic monarchy 君主独裁制was replaced by a constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制.Socially: Age of Bourgeoisie.The rising urban middle class or bourgeoisie became the mainstay of the nation.Economically: Industrial Revolution. The beginning of larger-scale manufacturing. Ideologically: Age of Enlightenment. An intellectual movement beginning in France and then spread throughout Europe.Enlightenment1.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.2.It was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.3.The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation停滞, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They thought the chief means for bettering the society was "enlightenment" or "education" for the people.II. Literature: Age of Neoclassicism1) Inspired by the spirit of Enlightenment2) Better education facilitated by developing economy was available to more and more people, esp. middle-class men and women, more schools and social clubs were established.3) Ancient classic works and contemporary French works were models of writing.4) New genres of literature appeared to satisfy middle-class readers:---Periodicals, to write interesting sketches小品文and stories, to entertain and teach---Novels,about middle class by middle class for middle class’s educationNeoclassicism(新古典主义)In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism. According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers (Homer, Virgil, and so on ) and those of the contemporary French ones. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity. This belief led them to seek proportion合情理, unity, harmony and grace得体in literary expressions, in an effort to delight, instruct and correct human beings, primarily as social animals. Thus, a polite, urbane文雅的, witty, and intellectual art developed.III. Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)1. His LifeDefoe was a journalist, a pamphleteer, a poet, and above all these, he was a novelist. He has been regarded as the discoverer of the modern novel. Defoe is considered the founder of the English novel. He produced some 200 works of nonfiction prose in addition to close 2 000 short essays.2. His Works1.Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》2.Captain Singleton《辛格顿船长》3.Moll Flanders《摩尔·弗兰德斯》Robinson CrusoeAt the head of Defoe' s works stands his most important work The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. It has held its popularity for more than two centuries.The story1)The story was based upon the experiences of a Scotch sailor called Alexander Selkirk, who had been marooned on a desert island off the coast of Chile and lived there in solitude for four or five years. After his return to Europe in 1709, his experiences became known. Defoe got inspiration from this real story and with many incidents of his own imagination, he successfully produced the famous novel Robinson Crusoe.2)The story is told in the first person singular as if it was told by some sailor-adventurer himself. In this novel, Defoe created the image of a true empire-builder, a colonizer and a foreign trader, who has the courage and will to face hardships, and who has determination to preserve himself and improve his livelihood by struggling against nature. Crusoe represents the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stage of its development. Being a bourgeois writer, Defoe glorifies the hero and defends the policy of colonialism of British government.4.The Characteristics of his Novels(1)Deal with the personal history of some of the heroes and heroines;(2)The all-powerful influence of material circumstances or social environment upon the thoughts and actions of the hero or the heroine and the struggle of the poor unfortunate for mere existence, mixed with their desire for great wealth are highlighted;(3) The first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people;(4) The details of the novels are organized in a vivid way and his stories are both credible可信的and fascinating;(5) His sentences are variable, sometimes short, crisp明快的and plain, and sometimes long and rambling主题不明的;(6) The language is smooth, easy, colloquial and mostly vernacular方言.。
A Short History of British Literature (optional)Fall 2013Instructor: Nan Jianchong, Ph. D & Prof.Office: G305School of English StudiesEmail: njchong@Course Description: This course, which focuses mainly on the developmental historyof English literature in different periods, is designed to help thestudents get a general view of English literary, particularly thedifferent literary schools and the representative writers as wellas their important works. To accomplish this goal, the historicaland cultural backgrounds of literary schools, the writers as wellas the literary works of different periods will be underlined. Required Text: Wu Weiren, History and Anthology of English Literature(V olume1,2). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2010.Texts(recommended):Harry Blamires, A Short History of English Literature, London and New York:Routledge, 2003.Liu Bingshan, A Short History of English Literature, Zhengzhou: Henan RenminPublishing House, 1995.Zhang Dingquan, Wu Gang, A New Concise History of English Literature, Shanghai:Shanghai Education Press, 2005.Zhang Boxiang, A Coursebook of English Literature, Wuhan: Wuhan UniversityPress, 2008.Course Requirements: 1. Regular class attendance is required. Three absences,whether excused or unexcused, will lead to failure in thiscourse. Tardiness is discouraged. Three tardy appearancesequal one absence.2. Productive participation, good preparation, careful notesand courteous behavior in classroom will help youimprove your final grade.3. Academic honesty is strictly required. Failure to complywith school policy will result in a grade of zero. Grading: If the course requirements are met, your final grade will consist of1)in-class performance 10%2)lecture notes 10%3)final exam (closed book exam) 80%Schedule: (Possible changes will be made if necessary.)Week 1------ A Brief introduction of the syllabus and the course; the earlyand medieval English literatureWeek 2------ Medieval literature and Geoffrey ChaucerWeek 3------ The English RenaissanceWeek 4------ William Shakespeare and his literary creationWeek 5------ the 17th century literature and MiltonWeek 6------ John Milton and John BunyanWeek 7------ the 18th century literature and Enlightenment MovementWeek 8------ Pope, Johnson and GibbonWeek 9------ the rise of English novel---Defoe, Swift and FieldingWeek 10------the rise of Romanticism—Burns and BlakeWeek 11------other romantic poets and writersWeek 12------the rise of realism --- Charles Dickens and ThackerayWeek 13------ Women writers--- Bronte sisters and AustenWeek 14------ Tennyson, Brownings, the RossettisWeek 15------ English Literature at the turn of the century, HardyWeek 16------ Shaw, Wild, Yeats and EliotWeek 17------ Foster, Joyce and LawrenceWeek 18------ Orwell and GoldingWeek 19-------final exam。
英国文学史及作品选读练习题(The18thCentury)英美文学史及作品选读复查测验:英国文学史及作品选读练习题(The 18th Century)名称英国文学史及作品选读练习题(The 18th Century)状态已完成分数得120 分,满分120 分说明问题1得2 分,满分2 分In the last twenty years of the 18th century, England producedtwo well-known romantic poets. They are William Blakeand .所选答案:Burns正确答案:Robert BurnsBurnsJonathan Swift’s famous prose work ________ is a satirical dialoguebetween the Ancients and the Moderns in the character of the Bee and theSpider.所选答案: C. The Battle of the Books正确答案: C. The Battle of the Books反馈:The Battle of the BooksThe 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared two politicalparties, _____.所选答案: A. the Whigs and the Tories正确答案: A. the Whigs and the Tories反馈:the Whigs and the T oriesBlake’s Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a world of .所选答案: D. happiness and innocence正确答案: D. happiness and innocence反馈:happiness and innocenceJonathan Swift held the opinion that human nature , thus human nature and human institutions both needed constant reform and improvement.所选答案: C. was a mixture of the angelic and the satanic正确答案: C. was a mixture of the angelic and the satanic反馈:was a mixture of the angelic and the satanicAccording to the neoclassicists, which of the following is true?所选答案: D. All the above.正确答案: D. All the above.反馈:All the above.The social significance of Gulliver’s Travels lies in _____.所选答案:A. the devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in thethen English and European life正确答案:A. the devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in thethen English and European life反馈:the devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in the then English and European lifeWhich of the following cannot correctly describe Enlightenment Movement?所选答案: C. It advocated individual education.正确答案: C. It advocated individual education.反馈:It advocated individual education.In , Jonathan Swift suggests that children of the poor Irish people be sold at one year old as food for the English nobles. It shows his indignation toward the terrible oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the English ruling class.所选答案: A Modest Proposal正确答案: A Modest Proposal反馈: A Modest ProposalSir Walter Scott called the father of English fiction.所选答案:Fielding正确答案:Henry FieldingFielding反馈:Henry Fielding; FieldingIn his novel, Robinson Crusoe, Defoe eulogizes the hero of the .所选答案: B. rising bourgeoisie正确答案: B. rising bourgeoisie反馈:rising bourgeoisieThe literary form of neoclassicism is of the strict symmetry. The prevailing genre of neo-classical literature is the which consists oftwo riming lines of iambic pentameter, and the second line completes the thoughts expressed by the couplet.所选答案:heroic couplet正确答案:heroic couplet反馈:heroic coupletIn the first part of Robinson Crusoe, the hero saved a savage and named him .所选答案:Friday正确答案:Friday反馈:FridayThomas Gray has been regarded as the leader of the of the day.所选答案: D.sentimental poetry正确答案: D.sentimental poetry反馈:sentimental poetryWhich of the following is NOT a character in the novel The History of T om Jones, a Foundling?所选答案: d.Amelia正确答案: d.Amelia反馈:Ameliais a typical feature of Swift’s writings.所选答案:Bitter Satire正确答案:Bitter Satire反馈:Bitter SatireDaniel Defoe describes as a typical English middle-classman of the 18th century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.所选答案: Robinson Crusoe 正确答案: Robinson CrusoeCrusoe反馈: Robinson Crusoe; Crusoe问题 18 得 2 分,满分 2 分In the Houyhnhnm land, Gulliver found that ______ were hairy, wild, low and despicable brutes while ______ are endowed withreason and all good and admirable qualities.所选答案: B. the Y ahoos ... the horses 正确答案: B.the Yahoos ... the horses反馈:the Yahoos ... the horsesIn the middle decades of the 18 century became the leader of the classic school in English poetry and prose.所选答案: Samuel Johnson 正确答案: Samuel JohnsonJohnson反馈:Samuel Johnson; Johnsonranks among the greatest satirist of England, and of the world. “A Modest Proposal” is one of his satirical works.所选答案: Jonathan Swift 正确答案: Jonathan SwiftSwift反馈: Jonathan Swift; Swift_________came into being as a result of a bitter discontent on the part of certain enlighteners in society reality.所选答案: D. Sentimentalism 正确答案:D. Sentimentalism反馈:SentimentalismThe following on Daniel Defoe are true except .所选答案: B. He was a member of the upper class正确答案: B. He was a member of the upper class反馈:He was a member of the upper classWhich of the following place does Gulliver visit first in Gulliver’s Travels?所选答案: D. Lilliput正确答案: D. Lilliput反馈:LilliputThe only novel of Oliver Goldsmith is _________, which gives a detailed account of the numerous misfortunes befalling the central character and his family.所选答案: C. The Vicar of Wakefield正确答案: C. The Vicar of Wakefield反馈:The Vicar of WakefieldIn the following writings by Henry Fielding, which brings him the name of the “Prose Homer”?所选答案: D.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling正确答案: D.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling反馈:The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingOf all the 18the century novelists, _________ was the first to set out in theory and practice, to write specially a “comic epic in prose”, and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.所选答案: A.HenryFielding正确答案: A.HenryFielding 反馈:HenryFieldingThe Rivals written by is a clever satire on the sentimental and pseudo-romantic fancies of many young women of the upper classes of the 18th century.所选答案:Sheridan正确答案:Richard Brinsley SheridanBrinsley SheridanSheridan反馈:Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Brinsley Sheridan; SheridanLiterature of Neoclassicism is different from that of Romanticism in that ________.所选答案:C.the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instructionwhile the latter sees literature as an expression on anindividual’s feelings and experiences正确答案:C.the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instructionwhile the latter sees literature as an expression on anindividual’s feelings and experiences反馈:the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instructionwhile the latter sees literature as an expression on anindividual’s feelings and experiencesIn Gulliver’s Travels, Yahoos are the creatures living on ________.所选答案:Houyhnhnms正确答案: Houyhnhnms 反馈:Houyhnhnms问题 30得 2 分,满分 2 分The greatest novelist of the 18th century, and also one of the greatest that England ever produced is , who is considered as the founder of the English realistic novel.所选答案: Henry Fielding 正确答案: Henry FieldingFielding1. The principal elements of the ________Novel are mystery, horror and suspense.所选答案: Gothic 正确答案: Gothic 反馈:GothicFriday is a character in the novel__________.所选答案: Robinson Crusoe 正确答案: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson CrusoeRobinson Crusoe反馈:The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of RobinsonCrusoe ; Robinson Crusoe_________is William Blake’s most important prose work, whichis the manifesto of his spiritual independence.所选答案: A. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 正确答案: A.The Marriage of Heaven and Hell反馈:The Marriage of Heaven and Hell“Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi’ the sun: I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o’ life shall run.”The above verse lines are taken from the famous poem “________”.所选答案: A Red, Red Rose正确答案: A Red, Red Rose反馈: A Red, Red RoseJonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is the greatest work in English literature.所选答案: A. satiric正确答案: A. satiric反馈:satiricThe best part of Robinson Crusoe is the realistic account of his against the hostile nature.所选答案:struggle正确答案:strugglefight反馈:struggle; fightWhich of the following is not true about Robinson Crusoe?所选答案:D. It is a record of Defoe’s own experience.正确答案:D. It is a record of Defoe’s own experience.反馈:It is a record of Defoe’s own experience.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling has been praised for its excellentplot construction. The three big divisions of the adventures of the heroand the heroine are marked by the change of scenes: in the country, onthe road and in __________.所选答案:London正确答案:London反馈:London’s poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is taken as a model of sentimentalist poetry, esp. the Graveyard school.所选答案:Gray正确答案:Thomas GrayGray反馈:Thomas Gray; GrayWhich of the following is not true about Samuel Richardson?所选答案: D. He is the first novelist of realist tradition.正确答案: D. He is the first novelist of realist tradition.反馈:He is the first novelist of realist tradition._______is of the author of the first dictionary by an Englishman—Dictionary of the English Language, which has become the foundation of all subsequent English dictionaries.所选答案: A. Samuel Johnson正确答案: A. Samuel Johnson反馈:Samuel JohnsonSheridan’s _____is the best English comedy since the days of Shakespeare.所选答案: C. The School for Scandal正确答案: C. The School for Scandal反馈:The School for ScandalThe 18 century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of ________.所选答案:Reason正确答案:Reason反馈:ReasonJoseph Andrew is Fielding’s first novel. He wrote the novel with theinten tion of ridiculing Richard’s novel .所选答案:Pamela正确答案:Pamela反馈:PamelaIn Robinson Crusoe, the writer glorifies .所选答案: A. human labor and the Puritan fortitude正确答案: A. human labor and the Puritan fortitude反馈:human labor and the Puritan fortitudeMany of Burns’ songs deal with friendship, ______has long become a universal parting-song of all the English-speaking countries.所选答案: D. Auld Lang Syne正确答案: D. Auld Lang Syne反馈:Auld Lang SyneIn the William Blake’s poetry, the father (and any other in whom he saw the image of the father such as God, Priest and King) was usually a figure of_______.所选答案:tyranny正确答案:tyranny反馈:tyrannyGothic novels are mostly stories of ____, which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles.所选答案: D. mystery and horror正确答案: D. mystery and horror 反馈:mystery and horrorThe only important English dramatist produced in the 18 century is________.所选答案:Sheridan正确答案:Richard Brinsley SheridanBrinsley SheridanSheridan反馈:Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Brinsley Sheridan; SheridanOf the eighteenth-century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to _____.所选答案: D. give the modern novel its structure and style 正确答案: D. give the modern novel its structure and style 反馈:give the modern novel its structure and styleBlake’s Songs of Experience paints a world of _____ with a melancholy tone.所选答案: A. misery, poverty, disease, war and repression正确答案: A. misery, poverty, disease, war and repression反馈:misery, poverty, disease, war and repressionIn the 18 century, _______found its expression chiefly in poetry, especially that of William Blake and Robert burns.所选答案: D. pre-romanticism正确答案: D. pre-romanticism反馈:pre-romanticism_______was a progressive intellectual movement going on throughout Europe in the 18th century.所选答案: C. The Enlightenment正确答案: C. The Enlightenment反馈:The Enlightenment问题54得2 分,满分2 分The main literary stream of the 18th century was . What thewriters described were mainly social realities.所选答案:Realism正确答案:realism反馈: realismThe rise and growth of __________is the most prominent achievement ofthe 18th century English literature, which has given the world such writersas Daniel Defoe, Jonathan swift and Henry fielding.所选答案: B.realisticnovel正确答案: B.realisticnovel反馈:realisticnovelis undoubtedly the greatest poet Scotland has ever produced.His “Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect” is of great importance.所选答案:Robert Burns正确答案:Robert BurnsBurns反馈:Robert Burns; Burns问题57得2 分,满分2 分Among the representatives of the Enlightenment, _______ was the first tointroduce rationalism to England.所选答案:pope正确答案:Alexander PopePope反馈:Alexander Pope; PopeModern English novel arose in the ________century.所选答案: C. 18th正确答案: C. 18th反馈:18thPamela is written in the form of a ______novel.所选答案:epistolary正确答案:epistolary反馈:epistolaryWhich of the following novels by Henry Fielding satirizes the political system of England and the then Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole?所选答案: C.Jonathan Wild theGreat正确答案: C.Jonathan Wild theGreat反馈:Jonathan Wild theGreat。
英美文学史及作品选读(207023261) > 课程作业> 复查测验:英国文学史及作品选读练习题(THE 18TH CENTURY)复查测验:英国文学史及作品选读练习题(The 18th Century)名称英国文学史及作品选读练习题(The 18th Century)状态已完成分数得120 分,满分120 分说明问题 1得 2 分,满分 2 分In the last twenty years of the 18th century, England produced two well-known romantic poets. They are William Blakeand .所选答案:Burns正确答案:Robert BurnsBurns问题 2得 2 分,满分 2 分Jonathan Swift’s famous prose work ________ is a satirical dialogue between the Ancients and the Moderns in thecharacter of the Bee and the Spider.所选答案: C. The Battle of the Books正确答案: C. The Battle of the Books反馈:The Battle of the Books问题 3得 2 分,满分 2 分The 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared twopolitical parties, _____.所选答案: A. the Whigs and the Tories正确答案: A. the Whigs and the Tories反馈:the Whigs and the Tories问题 4得 2 分,满分 2 分Blake’s Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a world of .所选答案: D. happiness and innocence正确答案: D. happiness and innocence反馈:happiness and innocence问题 5得 2 分,满分 2 分Jonathan Swift held the opinion that human nature , thus human nature and human institutions both neededconstant reform and improvement.所选答案: C. was a mixture of the angelic and the satanic正确答案: C. was a mixture of the angelic and the satanic反馈:was a mixture of the angelic and the satanic问题 6得 2 分,满分 2 分According to the neoclassicists, which of the following istrue?所选答案: D. All the above.正确答案: D. All the above.反馈:All the above.问题 7得 2 分,满分 2 分The social significance of Gulliver’s Travels lies in _____.所选答案:A. the devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in the then English and European life正确答案:A. the devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in the then English and European life反馈:the devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in the then English and European life问题 8得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following cannot correctly describe Enlightenment Movement?所选答案: C. It advocated individual education.正确答案: C. It advocated individual education.反馈:It advocated individual education.问题 9得 2 分,满分 2 分In , Jonathan Swift suggests that children of the poor Irish people be sold at one year old as food for the Englishnobles. It shows his indignation toward the terribleoppression and exploitation of the Irish people by theEnglish ruling class.所选答案: A Modest Proposal正确答案: A Modest Proposal反馈: A Modest Proposal问题 10得 2 分,满分 2 分Sir Walter Scott called the father of Englishfiction.所选答案:Fielding正确答案:Henry FieldingFielding反馈:Henry Fielding; Fielding问题 11得 2 分,满分 2 分In his novel, Robinson Crusoe, Defoe eulogizes the hero of the .所选答案: B. rising bourgeoisie正确答案: B. rising bourgeoisie反馈:rising bourgeoisie问题 12得 2 分,满分 2 分The literary form of neoclassicism is of the strict symmetry.The prevailing genre of neo-classical literature is thewhich consists of two riming lines of iambic pentameter, andthe second line completes the thoughts expressed by thecouplet.所选答案:heroic couplet正确答案:heroic couplet反馈:heroic couplet问题 13得 2 分,满分 2 分In the first part of Robinson Crusoe, the hero saved a savage and named him .所选答案:Friday正确答案:Friday反馈:Friday问题 14得 2 分,满分 2 分Thomas Gray has been regarded as the leader of the of the day.所选答案: D.sentimental poetry正确答案: D.sentimental poetry反馈:sentimental poetry问题 15得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following is NOT a character in the novel TheHistory of Tom Jones, a Foundling?所选答案: d.Amelia正确答案: d.Amelia反馈:Amelia问题 16得 2 分,满分 2 分is a typical feature of Swift’s writings.所选答案:Bitter Satire正确答案:Bitter Satire反馈:Bitter Satire问题 17得 2 分,满分 2 分Daniel Defoe describes as a typical Englishmiddle-class man of the 18th century, the very prototype of theempire builder or the pioneer colonist.所选答案:Robinson Crusoe正确答案:Robinson CrusoeCrusoe反馈:Robinson Crusoe; Crusoe问题 18得 2 分,满分 2 分In the Houyhnhnm land, Gulliver found that ______ were hairy, wild, low and despicable brutes while ______ are endowedwith reason and all good and admirable qualities.所选答案: B. the Yahoos ... the horses正确答案: B. the Yahoos ... the horses反馈:the Yahoos ... the horses问题 19得 2 分,满分 2 分In the middle decades of the 18th century became the leader of the classic school in English poetry and prose.所选答案:Samuel Johnson正确答案:Samuel JohnsonJohnson反馈:Samuel Johnson; Johnson问题 20得 2 分,满分 2 分ranks among the greatest satirist of England, and of the world. “A Modest Proposal” is one of his satiricalworks.所选答案:Jonathan Swift正确答案:Jonathan SwiftSwift反馈:Jonathan Swift; Swift问题 21得 2 分,满分 2 分_________came into being as a result of a bitter discontent on the part of certain enlighteners in society reality.所选答案: D. Sentimentalism正确答案: D. Sentimentalism反馈:Sentimentalism问题 22得 2 分,满分 2 分The following on Daniel Defoe are true except .所选答案: B. He was a member of the upper class正确答案: B. He was a member of the upper class反馈:He was a member of the upper class问题 23得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following place does Gulliver visit first inGulliver’s Travels?所选答案: D. Lilliput正确答案: D. Lilliput反馈:Lilliput问题 24得 2 分,满分 2 分The only novel of Oliver Goldsmith is _________, which givesa detailed account of the numerous misfortunes befalling thecentral character and his family.所选答案: C. The Vicar of Wakefield正确答案: C. The Vicar of Wakefield反馈:The Vicar of Wakefield问题 25得 2 分,满分 2 分In the following writings by Henry Fielding, which brings him the name of the “Prose Homer”?所选答案: D.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling正确答案: D.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling反馈:The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling问题 26得 2 分,满分 2 分Of all the 18the century novelists, _________ was the first to set out in theory and practice, to write specially a“comic epic in prose”, and the first to give the modernnovel its structure and style.所选答案: A.HenryFielding正确答案: A.HenryFielding反馈:HenryFielding问题 27得 2 分,满分 2 分The Rivals written by is a clever satire on the sentimental and pseudo-romantic fancies of many young womenof the upper classes of the 18th century.所选答案:Sheridan正确答案:Richard Brinsley SheridanBrinsley SheridanSheridan反馈:Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Brinsley Sheridan; Sheridan问题 28得 2 分,满分 2 分Literature of Neoclassicism is different from that ofRomanticism in that ________.所选答案: C.the former celebrates reason, rationality, order andinstruction while the latter sees literature as an expression on an individual’s feelings and experiences正确答案: C.the former celebrates reason, rationality, order andinstruction while the latter sees literature as an expression on an individual’s feelings and experiences反馈:the former celebrates reason, rationality, order and instruction while the latter sees literature as an expression on an individual’s feelings and experiences问题 29得 2 分,满分 2 分In Gulliver’s Travels, Yahoos are the creatures living on ________.所选答案:Houyhnhnms 正确答案:Houyhnhnms 反馈:Houyhnhnms问题 30得 2 分,满分 2 分The greatest novelist of the 18th century, and also one of the greatest that England ever produced is , who isconsidered as the founder of the English realistic novel.所选答案:Henry Fielding正确答案:Henry FieldingFielding问题 31得 2 分,满分 2 分1. The principal elements of the ________Novel are mystery,horror and suspense.所选答案:Gothic正确答案:Gothic反馈:Gothic问题 32得 2 分,满分 2 分 Friday is a character in the novel__________.所选答案:Robinson Crusoe正确答案:The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson CrusoeRobinson Crusoe反馈:The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of RobinsonCrusoe; Robinson Crusoe问题 33得 2 分,满分 2 分_________is William Blake’s most important prose work, which is the manifesto of his spiritual independence.所选答案: A. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell正确答案: A. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell反馈:The Marriage of Heaven and Hell问题 34得 2 分,满分 2 分“Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi’ the sun:I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o’ life shall run.”The above verse lines are taken from the famous poem“________”.所选答案: A Red, Red Rose正确答案: A Red, Red Rose反馈: A Red, Red Rose问题 35得 2 分,满分 2 分Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels is the greatest work in English literature.所选答案: A. satiric正确答案: A. satiric反馈:satiric问题 36得 2 分,满分 2 分The best part of Robinson Crusoe is the realistic account of his against the hostile nature.所选答案:struggle正确答案:strugglefight反馈:struggle; fight问题 37得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following is not true about Robinson Crusoe?所选答案: D. It is a record of Defoe’s own expe rience.正确答案: D. It is a record of Defoe’s own experience.反馈:It is a record of Defoe’s own experience.问题 38得 2 分,满分 2 分The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling has been praised for its excellent plot construction. The three big divisions of theadventures of the hero and the heroine are marked by thechange of scenes: in the country, on the road and in__________.所选答案:London正确答案:London反馈:London问题 39得 2 分,满分 2 分’s poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is taken as a model of sentimentalist poetry,esp. the Graveyard school.所选答案:Gray正确答案:Thomas GrayGray反馈:Thomas Gray; Gray问题 40得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following is not true about Samuel Richardson?所选答案: D. He is the first novelist of realist tradition.正确答案: D. He is the first novelist of realist tradition.反馈:He is the first novelist of realist tradition.问题 41得 2 分,满分 2 分_______is of the author of the first dictionary by anEnglishman—Dictionary of the English Language, which hasbecome the foundation of all subsequent Englishdictionaries.所选答案: A. Samuel Johnson正确答案: A. Samuel Johnson反馈:Samuel Johnson问题 42得 2 分,满分 2 分Sheridan’s _____is the best English comedy sin ce the days of Shakespeare.所选答案: C. The School for Scandal正确答案: C. The School for Scandal反馈:The School for Scandal问题 43得 2 分,满分 2 分The 18th century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of ________.所选答案:Reason正确答案:Reason反馈:Reason问题 44得 2 分,满分 2 分Joseph Andrew is Fielding’s first novel. He wrote the novel with the intention of ridiculing Richard’snovel .所选答案:Pamela正确答案:Pamela反馈:Pamela问题 45得 2 分,满分 2 分In Robinson Crusoe, the writer glorifies .所选答案: A. human labor and the Puritan fortitude正确答案: A. human labor and the Puritan fortitude反馈:human labor and the Puritan fortitude问题 46得 2 分,满分 2 分Many of Burns’ songs deal with friendship, ______has long become a universal parting-song of all the English-speakingcountries.所选答案: D. Auld Lang Syne正确答案: D. Auld Lang Syne反馈:Auld Lang Syne问题 47得 2 分,满分 2 分In the William Blake’s poetry, the father (and any other in whom he saw the image of the father such as God, Priest andKing) was usually a figure of_______.所选答案:tyranny正确答案:tyranny反馈:tyranny问题 48得 2 分,满分 2 分Gothic novels are mostly stories of ____, which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles.所选答案: D. mystery and horror正确答案: D. mystery and horror反馈:mystery and horror问题 49得 2 分,满分 2 分The only important English dramatist produced in the 18thcentury is ________.所选答案:Sheridan正确答案:Richard Brinsley SheridanBrinsley SheridanSheridan反馈:Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Brinsley Sheridan; Sheridan问题 50得 2 分,满分 2 分Of the eighteenth-century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to _____.所选答案: D. give the modern novel its structure and style正确答案: D. give the modern novel its structure and style反馈:give the modern novel its structure and style问题 51得 2 分,满分 2 分Blake’s Songs of Experience paints a world of _____ with a melancholy tone.所选答案: A. misery, poverty, disease, war and repression正确答案: A. misery, poverty, disease, war and repression反馈:misery, poverty, disease, war and repression问题 52得 2 分,满分 2 分In the 18th century, _______found its expression chiefly in poetry, especially that of William Blake and Robert burns.所选答案: D. pre-romanticism正确答案: D. pre-romanticism反馈:pre-romanticism问题 53得 2 分,满分 2 分_______was a progressive intellectual movement going on throughout Europe in the 18th century.所选答案: C. The Enlightenment正确答案: C. The Enlightenment反馈:The Enlightenment问题 54得 2 分,满分 2 分The main literary stream of the 18th century was .What the writers described were mainly social realities.所选答案:Realism正确答案:realism反馈: realism问题 55得 2 分,满分 2 分The rise and growth of __________is the most prominentachievement of the 18th century English literature, which hasgiven the world such writers as Daniel Defoe, Jonathan swiftand Henry fielding.所选答案: B.realisticnovel正确答案: B.realisticnovel反馈:realisticnovel问题 56得 2 分,满分 2 分is undoubtedly the greatest poet Scotland has ever produced. His “Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect” isof great importance.所选答案:Robert Burns正确答案:Robert BurnsBurns反馈:Robert Burns; Burns问题 57得 2 分,满分 2 分Among the representatives of the Enlightenment, _______ was the first to introduce rationalism to England.所选答案:pope正确答案:Alexander PopePope反馈:Alexander Pope; Pope问题 58得 2 分,满分 2 分Modern English novel arose in the ________century.所选答案: C. 18th正确答案: C. 18th反馈:18th问题 59得 2 分,满分 2 分Pamela is written in the form of a ______novel.所选答案:epistolary正确答案:epistolary反馈:epistolary问题 60得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following novels by Henry Fielding satirizes thepolitical system of England and the then PrimeMinister Sir Robert Walpole?所选答案: C.Jonathan Wild theGreat正确答案: C.Jonathan Wild theGreat反馈:Jonathan Wild theGreat(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
The situation satisfies her ,after deciding when to reject Robbin. “She slept, therefore, very soundly that evening…and was more than ordinary happy.”
Becky Sharp
Snob ,immoral ,money-grabbing Determination, intelligence, hard work, talent She appreciates and enjoys the comfort and simplicity of the Sedley household,for”wanderer as she was by force and inclination, there were moments when rest was pleasant to her.”
“My object is not to make a perfect character or anything like it. Don’t you see how odious behind whom all there lies a dark moral I hope.”
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2. The History of Pendennis 《彭 登尼斯》 登尼斯》 3. The Newcomes 《纽克姆一家》 纽克姆一家》
4. The History of Henry Esmond《亨利 •埃斯蒙德》 埃斯蒙德》 埃斯蒙德 5. The Virginians 弗吉尼亚人》 《弗吉尼亚人》 historical novels
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the 18th century
the 18th century(or the Neoclassical Period)The dominant literary theory of the period is neoclassicism.1.Political writings:political parties and their rivalryhack writersSwift at first was a Whig, and later became a Tory, and Defoe served whatever party that was in power. .2. Newspapers and journals:partiesthe rise of the middle classprose became for a time the predominant genre of the writing. Many great writers of the 18th century were great essayists..3.Coffeehouse: P129informal meeting houses for men of all classes Men of the same profession tended to gather together at certain coffeehouse.Addison‟s Spectator Club and Johnson‟s clubThe men who frequented coffeehouses formed an influential element among the reading public and helped to determine the tone of literature, the critical reputation of writers, and the success or failure of plays. .4.the new morality:Reason is the analytical and critical faculty of the human mind.an age of reason. (moderation, tolerance, common sense)5.science and technology:Issac Newton (1642-1727) : the laws of gravitation in 1678. (scientist to discover laws)John Locke (1632-1704)blank slatehe held that all of men‟s knowledge originates from sense perception. But the simple ideas wh ich result directly from sense perception are merely the foundation of knowledge. These simple ideas must be integrated and fused into compound ideas. This is the function of reason.This emphasis on reason and its importance in the process of cognition(认知) ushered in the …Age of Reason‟.6.the industrial revolutionInventions such as steam engine(James Watt, 1769) and textile machines gave impetus to industry and commerce.7.The French influence: Classicism as a trend first originated in France .People propounded(提议)that dramatists should follow the rules set down by Rome writers.For example, in drama, a dramatist should observe the three unities of action, place, and time. In literature most writers of the time had a great respect for the classic writers, and especially for Romans. They believed that those Roman writers had established the perfect art and rules of art for future generations to follow. Those rules could best get learned from close study of their works and by careful imitation of them. P128 .The general tendency wasto look at social and political life critically;to emphasize intellect rather than imagination, form rather than content;to repress much of their personal emotion and enthusiasm;to use precise and elegant methods of expressionto use heroic couplet as the only possible verse form for serious workIdeology of the 18th Century1. The Enlightenment P127The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement originating in France, which attracted widespread support among the ruling and intellectual classes of Europe and North America in the second half of the 18th century. It characterizes the efforts by certain European writers to use critical reason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppression by Church or State. Therefore the Enlightenment is sometimes called the Age of Reason..2. NeoclassicismThe dominant literary theory of this period was Neoclassicism. In England, it was initiated by Dryden, culminated in Pope and continued by Johnson.Neoclassicism was a reaction against the intricacy and occasional obscurity, boldness and the extravagance of European literature of the late Renaissance. It was in favor of simplicity, clarity, restraint, regularity, and good sense.Neoclassicists modeled themselves on classical or ancient Greek and Latin authors in order to achieve perfect form in literature.Three Stages of the 18th Century English Literature:(1) 1688---the end of the 1730s, neo-classicism in poetry of Alexander Pope, a new prose literature in the essays of Addison and Steele and in the first realistic fiction of Defoe and Swift.(2) 1740s-1750s, the realistic novels of Richardson, Fielding and Smollett, of whom the last two made rather fierce attacks on the existing social conditions but still maintained sufficient faith in the eventual triumph of virtue over vice and in the final attainment somehow of social justice.(3) The last decades, decline of the Enlightenment, the appearance of new literary tendencies of sentimentalism and pre-romanticism.Periodical Literature in Early 18th-Centruy England: Addison and SteeleThe periodical essays:Richard Steele (1672—1729):The Tatler. Conversational style and three times a weekJoseph Addison(1672-1719):The Spectator . a daily paperTheir contribution P134Joseph Addison (1672-1719)Richard Steele (1672-1729)Alexander Pope (1688-1744)Major Works of Pope:P135-1371711:Essay on Criticism.论批评P1351714:The Rape of the Lock髦发遇劫记It’s a mock-heroic poem, satirizing the triviality and silliness of high society.1713-26:Translating Homer, editing Shakespeare1728: The Dunciad begins Pope's career as major verse satirist1733-34: The Essay on Man begins his career as ethical and philosophical poet..no other poet of the century can equal Pope in the range of his materials, the diversity of his poetic styles, and his mastery of the poet's craft.The Neoclassical Decline:The Age of JohnsonSamuel Johnson (1709-1784)lexicographer, critic, and poetMajor works:A Dictionary of the English LanguageLives of the Poets诗人传The Rise of English NovelThe rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most significant development of 18th century literature, which has given the world such forerunners of modern novelists as Defoe, Swift, Richardson, Fielding, Goldsmith and Sterne.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)and Robinson CrusoeFounder of the English novelMajor works:Robinson Crusoe(1719) (鲁宾逊漂流记)Moll Flanders (1721)摩尔•弗兰德斯Robinson Crusoe was one of the first English novels, as wel l as being one of the world‘s most popular adventure stories."My Father, a wise and grave Man, gave me serious excellentCounsel against what he foresaw was my Design.""For a Mile, or thereabouts, my Raft went very well...""...and making it into a great Cross I set it up on the Shore where I first landed...""All this while I sat upon the Ground very much terrify'd and dejected...""In the Morning I took the Bible, and beginning at theNew Testament, I began seriously to read it...""...I reap'd it my Way, for I cut nothing off but the Ears,and carry'd it away in a great Basket which I had made..."Robinson Crusoe on the beach"...and thus I every now and then took a little Voyage upon the Sea...""I stood like one Thunder-struck, or as if I had seen an Apparition...""I laid me down flat on my Belly, on the Ground, and began to look for the Place...""...and then he kneel'd down again, kiss'd the Ground, and laid his Head uponthe Ground, and taking me by the Foot, set my Foot upon his Head...""...we cut and hew'd the out-side into the true Shape of a Boat...""...and no sooner had he the Arms in his Hands, but as if they had putnew Vigour into him, he flew upon his Murtherers, like a Fury...""At first, for some time, I was not able to answer him one Word; but as he hadtaken me in his Arms, I held fast by him, or I should have fallen to the Ground."Robinson Crusoea picaresque novel流浪汉传奇小说The hero is typical of the rising English bourgeois class, practical and diligent, with a restless curiosity to know more about the world and a desire to prove individual power in the face of social and natural challenges.3) The hero is an individualist who shows marvelous capacity for work, boundless courage and energy in overcoming obstacles and a shrewdness(精明)in accumulating wealth and gaining profits.The praises of labor as the source of human pride and happiness as well as a means to change man‟s living conditions from desperation to prosperity.Justifies colonialism and Negro slavery.a vivid and positive portrayal of the English bourgeoisie at its early stage of development, in terms ofcolonialism, accumulation of wealth, thrift, practicality and labor.The language is plain and simple.2 Johnathan Swift (1667-1745) and Gulliver’s TravelsSatirist.Swift drew ruthless pictures of the depraved aristocracy and satirically portrayed the whole of the English state system.His language is simple, clear and vigorousWorks:The Battle of the Books: a satire on the controversy among literary people concerning the values of the ancients and the moderns.A Tale of a Tub : a satire on the various churches of his time.A Modest Proposal: a more bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people. Gulliver’s Travels: typifies the bourgeois world in the repellent images of man-like creatures. (1726) Gulliver’s Travels: a satirical fablePart I, Lilliput, (小人国)Gulliver is wrecked on an island where human beings are little bigger than insects, and their self-importance is clearly laughable.(theme:vices in English society)该书通过里梅尔·格列佛船长之口,叙述了周游四国的奇特经历。
The 18th Century (I)
2.3 Addison and Steele
2.3 Addison and Steele
Similar experiences of Addison and Steele They were contemporaries born in the same
year,1672, and were educated at the same school. Afterward, they went to Oxford together. They became intimate partners in literary career.
2.1 The Enlightenment
the Enlightenment, on the whole, was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.
The Enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism.
the18thcenturyEnglishLiteratureThe 18th century English LiteratureBackgroundindustrialization and expansionsocial spirit: the bourgeois or Puritan spiritual / moral principlesthe Enlightenment movement启蒙运动a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe at the time. France was at its vanguard. The Enlightenment celebrated reason or ration, equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themselves and their soc iety.the importance of educationto enlighten: to educatean age of reasonan age of witan age of skepticismFeatures of Neo-classicismIt found artistic models in the classical literature of ancient Greek and Roman writers and in the contemporary French writers.It stressed the artistic ideals of order, logic, restrained emotion, accuracy, good taste,etc.It usually aims to enlighten, educate and correct people.the rise of sentimentalismreactions against Neo-classicism and rationalist philosophy connected with the social contradictions & social injustices brought about by the bourgeois revolutions and the Industrial RevolutionHeart /feeling is more important than mind / reason.Laurence Sterne劳伦斯·斯特恩(The Life and Opinions ofTristram Shandy)打破传统小说叙述模式,写法奇特。
The 18th century literature
Important Literary TermEnlightenment (启蒙运动):The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century. It was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The Enlighteners thought the chief means for bettering the society is enlightenment or education for the peopleSentimentalism(感情主义):It indulges in emotion and sentiment, which are used as a sort of relief for the grief felt towards the world’s wrongs and as a kind of mild protest against the social injustice.●What are the characteristic of English literature in the 18th century?The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters of their works were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life. In this century the newspaper was born. And prose literature which include the book, the newspaper and the magazine, became the chief instument of the nation’s progress. The new social and political conditions demanded expressions not simply in books but more especially in pamphlets, magazines and newspapers. Poetry, which had been the glory of English literature in the preceding ages, was inadequate for such a task. So prose had a rapid development in this age. The 18th century was an age of prose. A group of excellent prose writers,such as Addison, Steele, Swift, Fielding, were produced.Novel writing made a big advance in this century. The main characters in the novels were no longer kings and nobles but the common people.In this age satire was much used in writing. Since there was fierce strife between the two political parties in society, nearly every writer of this century was employed and rewarded by Whigs or Tories for satirising their enemies. English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Pope, Swift and Fielding.●What are Jonathan Swift’s writing features?⑴Jonathan Swift is one of the realist writers. His realism is quite different from Defoe’s. Defoe’s stories are based upon the reality of human life, while all of Swift’s plots come from imagination, which is the important device he uses in his satires. His satire is marked by outward gravity and apparent earnestness. This makes his satire all the more powerful. He not only criticises the evils of the English bourgeoisie but those of other bourgeois countries.⑵Swift expresses democratic ideas in his works. This exerts strong influence on later writers, such as Sheridan, Fielding, Byron and even Bernard Shaw.⑶Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple, clear and vigorous. He said, “Proper words in proper place, makes the true definition of a style.” There are no ornaments in his writings. In simple, direct and precise prose, Swift is almost unsurpasses in English literature.●How are the poems in Songs of Innocence contrasted with the poems in Songs of Experience? Songs of innocence contains short lyrical poems with little children as the speakers. Through the mouths of the little children, the poet expresses his own love for the beauty of the world. Each poem in the collection is the expression of love and tender feeling and of belief in the goodness of nature. Using the language of small babies, Blake expresses his delight in the sun, the hills, thestreams, the insects and the flowers. The best-known poems in the collection are “The Lamb”, “Holy Thursday”and “Laughing Song”. The whole collection is pervaded with the breath of simplicity and fancy. The sweetest poems are those cradle songs. The melody is simple, artless, and yet exquisite.Songs of Experience is the counterpart of the first collection. It is a much maturer and Blakes’s most important work. The poems in this collection show that the poet’s eyes are open to the evils and vices of the world. He points out that the earth is unhappy and lacks love and gaiety. The miserable living conditions of the poor are reflected. The savation is to come through revolt or revolution. Through symbolic devices, Blake expresses his progressive democratic ideas. The best-known poems in the collection are “The Tyger”, “The Fly”, “London”, and “The Chimney-Sweeper”.What are the features of Robert Burns’ poetry?1) Burns is one of the greatest songwriters in the world. He is the national poet of Scotland. Most of his poems and songs are written in the Scottish dialect. 2) Burns is a plowman. He comes from the people and writes for the people. He is the people’s poet. 3) Burns has a deep knowledge and an excellent mastery of the old Scottish song tradition. He learns a lot from it in his poems. This is the main factor of his great success.Selected ReadingA Red,Red Roseby Robert BurnsO my luve is like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June;O my luve is like the melodieThat's sweetly played in tune.As fair thou art, my bonie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi' the sun;And I will luve thee still , my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again, my luve,Tho'it wre ten thousand mile!Auld Lang SyneShould auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And auld lang syne!For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne.We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,For auld lang syne.We twa hae run about the braes,And pou'd the gowans fine;But we've wander'd mony a weary fit,Sin' auld lang syne.For auld, &c.We twa hae paidl'd in the burn,Frae morning sun till dine;But seas between us braid hae roar'dSin' auld lang syne.For auld, &c.And there's a hand, my trusty fere!And gie's a hand o' thine!And we'll tak a right gude-willie waught,For auld lang syne.For auld, &c.And surely ye'll be your pint stowp!And surely I'll be mine!And we'll tak a cup o'kindness yet,For auld lang syne.For auld, &c.1.in the following descriptions of the Neoclassical Period, Which is wrong?A.The Neoclassical Period is prior to the Romantic Period.B.Henry Fielding is one of the representatives of the Neoclassical Period.C.The modern English novel came into being in the Neoclasssical Period.D.Neoclassical Period is also known as the Age of Enlightenment.2.By making the truth-seeking pilgrims suffer at the hands of the people of Vanity Fair, JohnBunyan intends to show the prevalent political and religious ______ of his time.A. persecutionB. improvementC. prosperityD. disillusionment3. An honest, kind-hearted young man, who is full of animal spirit, and lacks prudence, is expelled from the paradise and has to go through hard experience to gain knowledge of himself and finally to have been accepted both by a virtuous lady and a rich relative. The above sentence may well sum up the theme of Fielding’s work ______.A. Jonathan Wild the GreatB. Tom JonesC. The Coffee-House PoliticanD. Amelia4. Which of following works was not written by Jonathan Swift?A. A Modest ProposalB. Gulliver’s TravelsC. A Tale of a TubD. The Rivals5. ______ was the greatest dramatist during the Neoclassical Period in England.A. GoldsmithB.SheridanC. SternD. Fielding6. ______is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A. GenesisB. ExodusC. The Pilgrim’s ProgressD. The Holy War7. ______is one of Swift’s masterpiece. It is a satire on corruption in religion and learning.A. The Way of the WorldB. Love for LoveC. The Beggar’s OperaD. A Tale of a Tub8. Many lines from Alexander Pope’s poem “Essay on Criticism” have become proverbial maxims, such as: “To err is human; to forgive, divine.”“______ learning is a dangerous thing.”A. A littleB. LittleC. NoD. Few9. Which of the following does not belong to pioneering efforts in the creation of the English novel?A. John Lily’s EuphuesB. Sir Philip Sidney’s ArcadiaC. Thomas Lodge’s RosalymdeD. Samuel Richardson’s Pamela10. The novel Gulliver’s Travels was written by ______.A. Tobias SmollettB. Jonathan SwiftC. Laurence SterneD. John Bunyan11. Whose work signaled the beginning of the age of Restoration Drama?A. William WycherleyB. John DrydenC. William CongreveD. John Gay12. Which of the following books was Samuel Johnson’s monumental success?A. The Dictionary of the English LanguageB. Oliver TwistC. The Old Curiosity ShopD. Barnaby Rudge13. Who is best remembered as the recipient of Johnson’s famous letter?A. DickensB. Lord ChesterfieldC. Thomas HardyD. Joseph Addison14. The Enlightenment movement was an expression of the struggle of the bourgeoisie against ______.A. social prejudiceB. feudalismC. superstition of religion15. The main literary current of the 18th century was ______.A. realismB. romanticismC. sentimentalism16. The romantic poets of late 18th century fought against the poetic tradition of ______.A. neo-classicismB. ancient timesC. sentimentalism17. Alexander Pope’s ______ was a manifesto of English neo-classicism because Pope put forward his aesthetic theories in it.A. An Essay on CriticismB. An Essay on ManC. The Dunciad18. The rise and Growth of the ______ is the most prominent achievement of the 18th centuryEnglish literature.A. realistic novelB. neo-classical literatureC. romantic poetry19. Among the pamphlets written by Swift about Ireland, the most famous are The Drapier’s Letters and ______.A. The Battle of the BooksB. A Tale of a TubC. A Modest Proposal20. Henry Fielding’s career as a playwright paved the way for his writing of ______.A. novelsB. poemsC. satiric plays。
英国文学史及作品选读课程教课设计(第7 讲)2017-2018 学年第二学期讲课时间讲课对象15-17 级各专业选修生Chapter 5 The Rise of the Novel讲课主题(John Bunyan; Daniel Defoe)1 Help the students know some information aboutJohn Bunyan.th2 Help the students know some information about the 18 century literature.教课目标3 Help the students have a good understanding ofDaniel Defoe.与要求4 Make sure the students have a better understanding Robinsonof Crusoe Hamlet1 John Bunyan2 Enlightenment3 Sentimentalism教课重、4 Daniel Defoe难点5 Robinson Crusoe主要教课Lecture; Discussion; Multi-media方法教课内容的组织与设计Detailed Teaching Points & Procedure1 John Bunyan (1628-1688)1.1 Bunyan ’ s life●John was of humble origin, a son of a tinsmith in the village of Elstow, near Bedford,where he was born. His life covered the period of the great crisis in the puritan struggle for the survival of their various versions of extreme Protestant faith ,and himself was of Baptist sympathies .He took part in the Civil War. After the Restoration of Charles II, the Puritans underwent sever persecution and he himself was imprisoned twice for hispreaching, once for twelve years. It was during his second and shorter term that hewrote Part I of his masterpiece— The Pilgrim s Progress’.●He had little schooling. The great reputation of the Pilgrim s’Progress arises from thedepth of his experience, the spaciousness of his imagination, and the courage,honesty and nobility of his personality, all of which raise the book far above its narrow sectarian basis. He was fed by a rich, but in some ways primitive culture. The main source of this was the English Bible: there is also an element of popular secularculture—romances and the allegorizing tradition of the village sermon.1.2 Bunyan ’ s works1)The Pilgri m’s Progress《天路历程》2)The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 《恶人先生的生与死》3) The Holy War《圣战》●The Pilgrim s’Progress is a prose allegory (a story in verse or prose with doublemeanings: a surface meaning and an undersurface meaning) depicting the pilgrimageof a human soul in search of salvation. It has two parts. The first part deals withChristian ’pilgrimages to the Celestial City, through which he realized his ownsalvation. The second part deals with his wife and children ’salvation through their pilgrimage.●In the book, Christian, the hero represents everyman. He flees the terrible city ofDestruction and sets off on his pilgrimage. In the course of it he passes through theSlough of Despond, the Interpreter House,’ the House Beautiful, the Valley ofHumiliation, the Valley of the Shadow, Vanity Fair, Doubting Castle, the DelectableMountains and the country of Beulah, and finally arrives at the Celestial City. On the way he meets various characters, including Mr. Worldly Wiseman, Faithful, GiantDespair, the fiend Apollyon, and many others. In the second part his wife andchildren make their pilgrimage accompanied by Mercy. They are helped and escorted by Great–Heart who destroys Giant Despair and other monsters. Eventually they,too, arrive at the Celestial City.●Though The Pilgrim s’Progress has generally been read and appreciated as religiousbook, it also gives a faithful picture of the English society in Bunyan ’ s age, added here and therewith bitter satires upon the English ruling classes.◆ In the sense of religion it is a Protestant study which highly praises the doctrine ofProtestantism —salvation. So it appeals to Christians of every name, and toMohammedans and Buddhists in precisely the same way that it appeals toChristians. As for Puritan fathers it gave them religious instruction. All classes ofmen read the story because they found in it a true personal experience told withstrength, interest, humor, in a word, with all the qualities that such a story shouldpossess.◆From the story we can see that Bunyan gives us not only a symbolic picture ofLondon at the time of the Restoration but also a comprehensive satirical pictureof the English society and the legal procedurein England in Bunyan ’ s day.●When reading the book, such questions can be asked:◆Why Christian wants to leave the terrible city of Destruction?◆Who directs him the way to Heaven?◆What is an Evangelist?◆Which part of the book is the most famous one?◆What does “Vanity Fair ” mean?◆For what reasons did Christian and Faithful arise the anger of the people at Vanity◆What kind of symbolic meaning have you got through reading the chapter?th2 The Rise of the novel in the 18 centuryth2.1The historical background of the 18 century●At home:◆With the establishment of constitutional monarchy in England, the authoritativepower fell into the hands of parliament, which leads to a speedy development ofthe English society.◆In economy, the industrial revolution force its way into England. Enclosure of land,which was legalized, swept on an unexampled scale over the whole country.Consequently, the landlord, the capitalist and the like were enriched withenormous profits, while thousands of peasants were expropriated off the land.◆In politics, there appeared two hostile parties: the liberal Whigs and Tories. Besides,there was a third party –Jacobins, the supporter of James Ⅱ, aiming to bring the◆With the development of the society, both in economy and politics, social lifewas never as it had been before.●Abroad◆The development of English capitalism was also witnessed in the rapidly increasingcolonial expansion. Victories of wars increased the lands of British Empire and itscommercial expansion is everywhere throughout the world.◆Then there came the outbreak of American Revolution in 1776, and the FrenchRevolution in 1789, which with Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as its watchwords,awoke the oppressed people as well as the poor, and inspired them to strive foran ideal society. Thus, there arose the Enlightenment both in England and in otherthlands in Western Europe in the 18 century.Enlightenment is a progressive intellectual movement, the expression of struggleof the progressive bourgeoisie against feudalism. The Enlighteners fought againstclass inequality, stagnation, prejudice and other survivals of feudalism. Theywelcome religious intolerance, fiercely attack the church power, called on thedevelopment of science and technology and freedom of politics and academicthinking, having the greatest esteem for reason which they believed, should be theonly basis of one ’ s thinking and action. The people who greatly exerted influence upon the enlightenment are John Locke, Newton (in England) Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu (in France).2.2 Literature of the periodIt is difficult to summarize the literature of this age, or to group such. Generally speaking, the literature of this century may be divided into three periods according to the development of the Enlightenment from its early stage to its eventual crisis.●The first period (1700—1745)◆This period covers the first 4 decades, and it is characterized by neo-classicism andits fine expression is in poetry and then in prose— periodicals.◆The representatives are Joseph Addition, Richard Steel, and Pope.◆The poetry of this period is chiefly a literature of wit, concerned with civilization,with man in his social relationships and consequently it is critical and in somedegree moral and satirical. The major form of poetry is heroic couplet.th◆ The first two decades of the 18 c. saw that English periodicals were mushrooming.The growth of which promoted the development of English literature, esp. thenovel.◆In the field of Periodicals, Daniel Defoe edited and published the first Englishperiodical “ the Review ” in17131704. —◆A few years later there came Addition and Steel, whose masterly editorship of tattler ”and “ the Spectator ” made-knownthemaswelltwo essayists and coauthors.●The second period (1740 -1750’s’s) —the original of realistic novelThe second period refers to the year from 1740’ tos 1750’ s,which saw the earlygrowth of realistic novels. The novelists in this period are chiefly Daniel Defoe, Swift,Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Tobias Smollett and their successorsin the lastdecades of the century, such as Lawrence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith.●The third period◆The 3rd runs through the rest decades of the century, in which the decline of thegreat enlightenment brought about sentimentalism (Thomas Gray, OliverGoldsmith, Laurence Sterne, Samuel Richardson) and pre-romanticism (WilliamBlake and Robert Burns) as protests against the social reality of the day.◆Sentimentalism is a trend of thought beginning at the second half of 18 th century,during the age of Enlightenment in England. It gains its name from an Englishauthor Sterne ’“As Sentimental Journey” .It carefully depicts person ’moodsand their miserable life so as to arouse readers ’sympathy, reflecting the disdaintowards the actual world and deep sympathy to the ordinary people. The authorsusually like to use death, dark, loneliness, etc, as their subject. Their works arealways melancholy, obscure, and full of pessimism.Characteristics of Sentimentalismare: 1) Appeal to emotion, sentiment, not reason.They believe in sentiment because they think that man’ sgood heartedness orgoodness does not result in man’ sconscious activity, but is also of born. Theybelieve that influence of art lies in cultivating the man’ s emotions firs say, they want to use their works to move readers emotion’so as to let themsympathize with the hero, and at the same the time to make them feel they are inthe same boat with the hero. This basically changes the trend(tone) of theliterature. Before almost all the works, poetry, novels or essays are ironical, satiricand mood. So they emphasize on the function of sentiment. They try to givedetailed description of characters inner’ actions and sufferings so as to arousereaders’ sympathy2)Heroes. in sentimentalists’e usuallyworksarcommon people,or the oppressed. 3) Sentimentalists usually like to idealize village or thecountryside. (Tendency of returning to the past, they like to praise patriarchalismand medievalism as their idealization. This means their dissatisfaction anddiscontent with the society they lived then. 4) Sentimentalists often turn todescribe nature. Perhaps you can find that nature and death are the themes ofsome of sentimentalists.The artistic value of sentimentalism is: 1) Pave the way for romanticism (descriptionabout nature, and the strong and exaggerated expression of emotion. 2)Sympathize with the common people and criticize the rich and the system.2.3 Daniel Defoe (1661-1731)●Defoe’s life and works◆ Personal Life : A jack-at-all trades, a Writer, a Journalist and a pamphleteer. Heknew prison life.◆His works:1) Verses:Hymn to the Pillory《立枷颂》The True Boren English man 《真实英国人》2) Prose Works:The Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain 《不列颠全岛纪游》Captain Singleton 《辛格尔顿船长》Duncan Campbell《聋哑卜人坎贝尔传》Memoirs of a Cavalier《一个骑士的回想录》Colonel Jack,《杰克上校》Moll Flanders 《摩尔·弗兰德斯》Journal of the Plague Year《大疫年日志》Robinson Crusoe●Robinson Crusoe(Discuss the questions in theSelected Readings)◆The story of Robinson Crusoe:▼Robinson Crusoe is based on the experience of Alexander Selkirk, a sailor who marooned by his captain on the Island Juan Fernandez off the coast of Chile.▼Robinson Crusoe is a mariner who takes to the sea despite parental warnings. He suffers a number of misfortunes at the hands of Barbary pirates and the elements.Finally Crusoe is shipwrecked off South America. With salvaging needful thingsfrom the ship, Crusoe manages to survive in the island and come to terms with hisown spiritual listlessness. He stays in the island 28 years, two months andnineteen days. - Aided with his enterprising behaviour, Crusoe adapts into his alienenvironment. After several lone years he sees a strange footprint in the sand-his horrified discovery leads to encounter with savages and their prisoners,one of whom manages to escape. Crusoe meets later the frightened native andchristens his Man Friday. Finally they are rescued by an English ship boundto England.▼To depict him as a hero struggling against nature and human fate, through the characterization of his hero, Defoe seemed to fill him with his indomitable willand hand and eulogize creative labor, physical or mental, an illusion to theglorification of the bourgeois creativity when it was a rising and more energeticclass in the initial struggle of his historical development. At the early stage, thehero is an individual laborer, and then became a master, until at last a colonizer.From this character, Defoe really created an image of an enterprisingEnglishman of the 18th century. While creating this hero, Defoe just had himgone through various phases of human civilization, creating a visual picture thatmanifests how human history has developed from the primitive to the feudal andththen to the capitalistic in the 18 century.◆Theme of this story:▼This story tells us the hero ’s truggle against nature and human fate with his indomitable will and hand, through which the author eulogies creative labor, bothphysical and mental, an illusion to the glorification of the bourgeois creativitywhen it was a rising and more energetic class in its initial struggle of his historicaldevelopment. From an individual laborer to a master and colonists,Crusoe seems to have gone through various phases of human civilization, creating a visual picture to manifest how man ’ s history has developed fromprimitive to the feudal, and then to the capitalistic one in the eighteenth century.▼The novel can be read in different ways. Most simply it is a story of sea adventures. Besides, it is a story as an artistic projection of colonial expansion.Furthermore, it is a song of“the dignity of labor ”. It also expresses a desire togo back to a more economic and basic life style. (P128-129)▼By depicting Ordeals at Sea the novel conveys the idea of the ambivalence ofMastery, the necessity of repentance and the importance of self-awareness.◆The image of Robinson Crusoe▼He was one of the representatives of the rising bourgeois, who had made courageous exploration for getting new land and new resources for their foreignmarkets as well as for materials and wealth. Robinson Crusoe made severaladventures, but never satisfied and content with his temporal conditions. So inhis last adventure on the sea he was cast on an uninhabited island for 28 years.He is an enterprising Englishman.▼ He is a laborer and a typical colonizer exploiter, explorer as well as a foreign trader. Before Friday’ s appearance, he did everything himselftobuild a shelter—for rain and cold, to hunt and dry raisins for his store, to make a pot, baskets andto make a canoe. From this sense, we should say Robinson is down to down alaborer, a hard-working, industrious, intelligent man with some puritan belief.After Friday’ s appearance, Robinson immediately becamemasterthe of Friday.(The first thing he taught Friday was“ master” and let Friday do everythboth of them.) From Robinson’ s activity, we can assert that in him reflects sometypical traits of primitive accumulation.▼He is vigorous, alert and resourceful while fighting with his surrounding: the natural environment and the barbaric tribes. No matter what he is his image isnot a static one but developed from a laborer and a typical enterprisingbourgeoisie to mediocre person with a narrow-minded personality.◆Writing style:Simple, straightforward. The plot is very simple and the characterization is nottotally satisfactory.◆Significance of Robinson Crusoe▼The charm of this story mainly lies in its intense reality, in the succession of thought, feelings and incidents that every reader finds true in life.▼It is an interesting picaresque novel about an 18th-century English adventurer who is a true empire-builder, a colonizer as well as a foreign trader. When he isleft alone on the uninhabited island, he is realistically depicted as a manstruggling against nature and a man who finally creates some civilization in aseemingly primitive environment through his incessant efforts and toil.▼He resembles the rising bourgeoisie at the earliest stage of development, has the courage and will to face hardships and adversities, and also has the ingenuityand determination to preserve himself and improve on his livelihood by fightingagainst nature. He is most practical and exact, always religious and at the sametime mindful of his own profit.▼In this novel, both physical and mental labour is glorified. The detailed description of the steps taken by the hero to provide for himself shelter, foot,clothing and the other simple comforts of life, are managed with great skill bythe author—not treated with exaggeration or romantic colourings but narratedin simple, straightforward style. This adds to realistic effects of the story. Herelies the permanent glamour of the book.ⅦReflection Questions and AssignmentsReflection questions1 Through Crusoe ’ s experiences on that uninhabited island, what can we draw fromit?2 You know Crusoe at last built his own kingdom (a colony) totally by his ownefforts, through whose efforts this colony, in fact, is developed from anuninhabited island into a prosperous one. Why did Defoe write so?3 Does Defoe only want to display what happened on that island after that sailorRobinson was marooned himself or does Defoe still has something in his mind inorder to establish or put something more on the image and concept ofimperialism and colonialism.4 Whatever Defoe did, the real effect of the novel did exert great impetus on thebuilding of the image and concept of imperialism and colonialism. Why?Assignments1 Read the excerpt ofGulliver ’sTravels.2 Read the excerpt ofTom JonesⅦReflection Questions and AssignmentsReflection questions1 Through Crusoe ’ s experiences on that uninhabited island, what can we draw from it?2 You know Crusoe at last built his own kingdom (a colony) totally by his ownefforts, through whose efforts this colony, in fact, is developed from anuninhabited island into a prosperous one. Why did Defoe write so?3 Does Defoe only want to display what happened on that island after that sailor作业部署Robinson was marooned himself or does Defoe still has something in his mind inorder to establish or put something more on the image and concept ofimperialism and colonialism.4 Whatever Defoe did, the real effect of the novel did exert great impetus on thebuilding of the image and concept of imperialism and colonialism. Why?Assignments1 Read the excerpt ofGulliver ’sTravels.2 Read the excerpt ofTom Jones主要参照资料备注。
英国文学史上-The 18th Century:Enlightenment
The 18th Century:Enlightenment(启蒙运动同时为美国独立战争与法国大革命提供了框架,并且导致了资本主义和社会主义的兴起,与音乐史上的巴洛克时期以及艺术史上的新古典主义时期是同一时期。
)1) A revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感) and accuracy.2) The Age of Enlightenment/Reason: the movement was a furtherance (促进、成长) of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)3) The 18th century in English literature is an age of prose.4) 小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised. Realistic novel现实主义小说;Gothic novel哥特式小说—mystery, horror, castles (from middle part to the end of century)Daniel Defoe丹尼尔•笛福1660~1731 P148(小说家,新闻记者,小册子作者;十八世纪英国现实主义小说的奠基人。
)He is the first writer study of the lower-class people, his language is smooth, easy, colloquial (白话通俗的) and mostly vernacular(方言的), and he is the founder of realistic novel.Works: √<Robinson Crusoe>鲁宾逊•克鲁索P149(Full name: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventure of Robinson Crusoe)It praise the fortitude (不屈不挠、勇气) of the human labor and the Puritan. Robinson grew from a naive and artless (天真朴实的) youth into a shrewd and hardened (坚定的) man, tempered(磨练)by numerous trials(考验)in his eventful life. It is an adventure story, Robinson, narrates how he goes to sea, gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for 24-years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England. The story may come straight from a sailor’s logbook.Figures and things mentioned:Alexander Selkirk 塞尔扣克(the story based upon his experience)Cannibals 食人者Friday (Robinson names the man Friday to commemorate the day of his rescue)Savage 野人Captive 俘虏Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745 P161Reference: Jonathan Swift is a master satirist in the 18th century who criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic (资本家-贵族)society of his age.Works:1)√<Gulliver‟s Travels>格列佛游记(fictional work) Doctor Lemuel Gulliver P163①Lilliput小人国厘厘普特(船出事而冒险,后跟商船回英国)②Brobdingnag大人国勃罗白丁拉格(He is a pygmy侏儒there.)(船出事而冒险,后跟船回英国)③Flying Island (Laputa)拉普特飞岛(虚无缥缈的发明→It’s a bitter parody拙劣的模仿on scholastics and projectors.) (遇到海盗而冒险)④Houyhnhnm马岛(Good→Houyhnhnm 骏马胡已姆bad→Yahoo, they possess every conceivable evil.)2) <A Modest Proposal>一个小小的建议P181(This is made to English government to relive the poverty of Irish people )Joseph Addison约瑟夫·艾迪生1672-1719 P192(英国散文家、诗人、剧作家以及政治家。
Ⅳ.The 18th Century-The age of Enlightenment in England
Ⅳ.The 18th Century: The age of Enlightenment in England Background·Domestic↓After the Glorious Revolution, England entered a golden age.The state power passed from the king gradually to the parliament and the cabinet ministers Capitalist system was established in England.Acts of Enclosure at home caused the Industrial Revolution Abroad.A vast expansion abroad of British colonies in Asia, Africa and North America.The enlightenment movementIt refers to the movement of intellectual liberation that developed in Western Europe from the late 17th century to the late 18th (often called as the “Age of Reason”).A continuation of Renaissance in belief.The guiding principle or slogan is Ration/reason, natural right and equality.Age of Ration/Reason理性时代Chief means for bettering the society was “enlightenment” or “education” for people. Difference between Enlightenment and renaissance1. Independent from religious.2. More radical (with the key to enlightenment). Publicize political system and its governing.3. Philosophy developed from political thinking.Literature in the 18th century (political phenomenon)Dominated by the interests of two contending parties:辉格党人The Whigs (in power): determined to safeguard popular liberty托利党人The Tories: conservative, would leave as much authority as possible in theroyal handsTwo groups of enlightenersMost English writers were enlighteners, falling into two groups:·The moderate groupSupported the principles of the existing social order and considered that partial reforms would be sufficient.Includes chiefly Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Daniel De’foe and Samuel Richardson·The radical groupStruggled for more resolute democratization in the management of the government, and defended in the interests of the exploited masses, the peasants and the working class. Representative writers are Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollett, Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan.Neoclassicism新古典主义Start from Dryden, followed by Pope, afterwards the time of Johnson·The age of Pope (Augustan)Pope, Swift, Addison and Steele·The time of Johnson (age of prose)Neo-classicismRefers to the literary principle according to which the writing and criticism of poetry and drama were to be guided by rules and precedents derived from the best ancient Greek and Roman writers.Denoting a preference for rationality, clarity, restraint, order and decorum, for general truth rather than particular insights.The central assumption was that the ancient authors had already attained perfection, so that the modern author’s chief task was just to imitate them.Chief Characteristics of Neoclassic literature1. Manifested a strong traditionalism.2. believe that literature must be perfected by long study and practice and laid much emphasis on the correct, the appropriate, on restraint and discipline, on their style and established rules of their art.3.regard poetry as imitation of human life and emphasized on representative characteristics and widely shared experience, thoughts, feelings and tastes4. The poet is the “maker”and he must please the reader by his fictions and craft.5. the neoclassic poetry is more formal, artificial, polished and dull; the chief form is heroic coupletStarted with Dryden (1631-1700)The Conquest of Grenada (Heroic play)All for love (blank verse tragedy)An essay of Dramatic poesy (Prose)Absalom and Achitophel (Poetry)A Song for St. Cecilis’s Daysentimentalism感情主义Modern Novel现代小说Pre-Romanticism前浪漫主义English dramaThe Augustan Age (1700-1745) 奥古斯都时代The Age of PopePope, Swift, Addison and SteeleCharacteristicsA literature of wit, concerned with civilization, with man in his social relationships and consequently it is critical and in some degree moral and satirical.His influence completely dominated the poetry of his age.Born in a Rome Catholic family in 1688.Two Catholic schools, educated by himself at home.Wrote poems when he was 16.Never married.Suffered pott’s disease. (脊椎结核病)Heroic coupletsMajor works↓On Criticism(774 lines, first 200 the importance of criticism, then examples and reasons, from line 560 to line 744 the rules and European history of criticism)On ManThe Rape of the lockThe Dunciad (愚人记)Moral Essays (道德论)Epistle To Dr. Arbuthnot (与阿布斯诺博士书)Pastorals (田园诗集)Iliad, Odyssey (translation, 13 years)Started a new prose literature: periodical literature报刊文学First attempt for launching a periodical: Defoe “the Review”(评论报)Joint works: Tatler (闲话报)and Spectator (旁观者)Contributions:They gave a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th Century.English essay had completely established itself as a literary genre.Their writings shape a code of social moralityThe Neoclassical Decline (1745-1785)Poet, essayist, literary critic and a lexicographerWas born in Litchfield,Father is a book dealer.Started to learn Latin when he was 7 years old;,went Oxford University (19 years old), translated a poem of Alexander Pope into Latin.left the University one year later without getting a certificate.Married a widow who is 20 years older than him when he was 25 years old.Buried in Westminster Abbey.The dictionary of the English Language (1755, 8 years)The Vanity of Human Wishes 人生希望多空幻London(1739, satire poem)伦敦The Lives of (the Great) Poets 诗人传(1779-1781, more than 50 poets)Letter to Lord Chesterfield给吉士菲尔伯爵的信Preface to the “Edition of Shakespeare’s plays”(talent of literacy criticism)莎士比亚集(序) (1765)Resistance of RomanticismOther“the Shakespeare of Biographers”Life of Samuel Johnson (biographical work)The vicar of Wakefield (Novel)威克菲尔德牧师传She stoops to conquer (Play)屈身求爱The citizen of the World (Essay)世界公民The traveler (poetry)The deserted village (poetry)荒村"laughing" comedyTheme: Morality ComedyThe Rivals对手/情敌The School for Scandal造谣学校The Critic 批评家(Classics in English comedy)Best work is “Reflection on the Revolution in France” (1790)attacking the French Revolution.对法国大革命的反思The history of the Decline and fall of the Roman empire罗马帝国衰亡史Had little formal education but read a lot,7 brothers and sisters, the eldest.Roman Catholic,Was sent to Switzerland afterwards.The rise of NovelsModern English novels originated mainly from the combination of :·The moral tales which came from medieval morality play (道德剧) and Spanish stories in the 14th and 15th Centuries.·Modern English novel did not appear until the publication of Defoe’s Robison Crusoe (1719) and Richardson’s Pamela (1740).Realistic novels (1740’s–1750’s)现实主义小说·Portrayed the society they lived.Attacked fiercely the existing social conditions but still maintained sufficient faith in the eventual triumph of virtue over vice and in the final attainment somehow of social justice. ·Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Defoe and Swift.·Created the novel of realism (Fielding and Smollett) and the novel of sentimental (Richardson) Latter half of the eighteenth century produced no novelist who could contest their primacy.Although Defoe is the forerunner of English realistic novel, Henry Fielding and Tobias George Smollett are the real founder of the bourgeois realistic novels in England and Europe.Founder of realistic novel现实小说创始人Father of the English novel英国小说之父Robinson Crusoe (1719)(Portrayed the rising of the bourgeoisie).Captain Singleton (1720 辛格顿船长)Colonel Jack (1722 陆军上校杰克)Moll Flanders (1722 摩尔·弗兰德斯)Journal of the Plague Year (1722 大疫年日记)At 13: wrote love letters for young women1706: came to London as an apprentice to a printer1721: married the daughter of his former master1739: invited by two booksellers to compile for them.Family lifeFirst and Famous for his epistolary novel writing (novels in the form of letters, 书信体小说)For the first time in English literature a writer focused on the penetrating psychological study of the heroine and he enriched European literature with the method of psychological analysis.First English Novel: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (帕米拉)Clarissa, or the history of a young lady (克拉丽莎)A master satiristHis language is always precise, simple, clear, vigorous and concise.One of the greatest masters of prose in the 18th Century.Born in Dublin.Parents had little wealth but important connections.After graduation, he became a private secretary to a distant kinsman, Sir William Temple (1689), an excellent statesman. It helps him in close ties with the important politicians and men of letters. He joined the Tory Party in 1710, was appointed as the dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin in 1713, declared to be insane in 1742, and lives tragically until his death.→The Battle of the Books,书籍之战(first notable book. In the form of dialogues. It shows the writer’s keen satire upon both parties in the dispute concerning the merits of the classic works and modern literature)→The Tale of a Tub一个木桶的故事(the title is from the practice of seaman, a satire on religion, also on modern learning and on the governments and philosophies of the past and Swift’s days)→Gulliver’s Travels 格列夫游记(masterpiece. 4 books)Describes the peculiar traveling experience to several fantastic countries of an English surgeon, Lemuel Gullier.Four voyages:To Lilliput (小人国)To Brobdingnag (巨人国)To Laputa (flying island)(飞岛)To the country of the Houyhnhnms (慧马国)→Pamphlets on Irish matters→The Drapier’s Letters 德莱比尔的信→A modest proposal 一个温和的建议(his best satirical prose. The satire lies in the contrast of the absurd ideas with the apparent gravity and sincerity; reflected in the seemingly logic inference, reasonable calculation and simple statement)Although Defoe is the forerunner of English realistic novel, Henry Fielding and Tobias George Smollett are the real founder of the bourgeois realistic novels in England and Europe.1707: born of an aristocratic familyEton College and then at the Leyden University1727: came to London and began his literary career as a poet and dramatist1730-1737: produced 25 plays and finally had his own little theatre in the Haymarket1737: the passing of Theatrical Licensing Act ended his career as a playwright1740: called to the bar1754: retired.The History of the Adventures of Joseph AndrewsThe History of Jonathan Wild the Great (大人物江纳生瓦尔德)The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling(masterpiece, vivid and truthful panoramic view of English life in the 18th Century, life in the country, in London and on the open road; touching upon all kinds of persons, including city aristocrats, country squires, pastors and philosophers, servants, innkeepers and soldiers, etc. He tries to construct a well-knit, complete story in the form of what is called a “comic epic” poem inprose喜剧性散文史诗)The History of Amelia (1751)The Journal of a Voyage to LisbonLove in several Masques (1782)Although Defoe is the forerunner of English realistic novel, Henry Fielding and Tobias George Smollett are the real founder of the bourgeois realistic novels in England and Europe.Famous for his picaresque novels流浪汉小说and made this kind of novel popular in England. Father of the nautical novel航海小说之父The Adventures of Roderick Random兰登传The adventures of peregrine Pickle匹克尔传The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker汉弗莱·克林克出征记Representative of sentimentalism and father of the postmodernist novel后现代主义小说之父Tristram Shandy项狄传Sentimental Journey真情之旅Gothic novel哥特小说Derived from the frequent setting of the tales in the ruined, moss-covered castles of the Middle ages.Refers to any novel which exploits the possibilities of mystery and terror in gloomy, craggy landscapes, decaying mansions with dark dungeons, secret passages, instruments of torture, ghostly visitations, ghostly music or voices, and often, as the central story, the persecution of a beautiful maiden by an obsessed and haggard villain.The Castle of Otranto (奥特朗图堡)SentimentalismA literary trend, which got its name from Sentimental Journey by SterneMid of the 18th as the result of a bitter discontent with social reality among the enlightened people.Turned to the countryside for its material and showed sincere sympathy for the poverty stricken peasants.Marked the midway in the transition from neoclassicism to its opposite romanticism.Representatives: Gray, Sterne, Goldsmithis a European idea that emphasized feelings and emotions, a physical appreciation of God, nature, and other people, rather than logic and reason. The impact on the American people was that love became as important in marriage as financial considerations.The graveyard school墓地学校Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽歌-The best known poem in the English language-The most perfect poem of the ageA lyric poem lamenting the death of an individual. It is usually formally in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy in tone.Stanza form: quatrain (四行诗)Rhyme: ababMeter: Iambic pentameterThematic matter: weighty. It is the poe’s meditation upon the live of people who were buries in the country churchyard. He showed his sympathy for the poor, the lowly and the unrenowned who were rejected by fate, chance and the great ones. He stressed the fact that death was inevitable.Ode on the springOde on a distant Prospect of Eton CollegeOde on the Death of a Favorite CatPre-RomanticForerunner of the Romantic poetry of the 19th Century浪漫主义诗歌Distinctive feature: symbolism in wide range.Songs of Innocence 天真之歌Songs of experience 经验之歌Poetic Sketches 素描诗集The Tiger 老虎Song writers, national poet of Scotland.Most of his poems and songs were written in Scottish dialect, drawing his inspiration from the treasury of Scottish folklore.He was a plowman农夫. He came from the people and wrote for the people. He was the people’s poet. In his poetry he glorifies a natural man: a healthy, joyous and clever Scottish peasant.1. Most of his poems are lyrics on love and friendship.“A red, red rose”一朵红红的玫瑰“Auld Lang Syne”友谊地久天长2. Hatred for the oppression of the ruling class and his love for freedom.“A man’s A Man For A’that”人总是人,不管那一切3. His deep love for his motherland.“My heart’s in the Highlands”4.Verse-tales based on old Sccotish legends.。
in the eighteenth century阅读理解
in the eighteenth century阅读理解In the eighteenth century, European education was largely dominated by the ideas of the French Enlightenment. This period was marked by the emergence of the concept of the individual as the focus of intellectual life, and the notion of an individual's right to pursue knowledge, freedom, and liberty. This was an era of tremendous progress in science, technology, and the humanities, and many of the thinkers of the Enlightenment sought to extend the benefits of their discoveries to all members of society.In the eighteenth century, the French academy of sciences established by Louis XIV in 1666 served as a model for educating the public on the new scientific discoveries. This academy sponsored public lectures and published books and pamphlets to disseminate the latest research. Under the guidance of Voltaire, the academy helped to popularize Newton's discoveries and the new theories of physics.The philosophes, a group of French intellectuals, were the most influential proponents of the Enlightenment. They argued that knowledge should be used to improve the human condition and promote social progress. Their ideas were spread far and wide through a variety of publications, including books,magazines, and newspapers. They argued for a society that was open to the free exchange of ideas, where rights were protected and individuals could rise to their full potential.As a result of the Enlightenment, the education system of France underwent a radical transformation. Under the direction of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the French education system began to emphasize the importance of individual liberty and freedom. Schools were established across France which focused on imparting knowledge in a free and open way, with the emphasis on creativity and the development of the individual's own unique talents.The impact of the Enlightenment on education was felt widely throughout Europe. In England, John Locke's ideas of natural rights laid the foundations for English education in the late 18th century. In Germany, the Prussian educational reforms of the late 18th century were heavily influenced by the Enlightenment, and sought to create a more secular system of education that was open to all members of society. The spread of Enlightenment thinking in Europe had a profound impact on the education systems of the time, and laid the foundations for modern education.。
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The second period—1740’s-1750’s
• The mature period of the Enlightenment • Representative writers: Samuel Richardson— Pamela, or Virture Rewarded Henry Fielding— The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Neoclassicist poetry: 新古典主义
a) Upheld the classic principles of ration, morality, balance, unity, order, etc. b) Led by Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson
• 整个自然都是艺术,哪怕你不 领悟; • 一切偶然都是规定,只是你没 看清; • 一切不协调包含尚未理解的和 谐; • 一切局部的祸,可是全体的福。 • 高傲可鄙,只因他不近人情, • 凡存在都合理,这是清楚的道 理。
• More schools • More time, more money, better educated, reading public grew. • Economic independence of writers • Freedom in the creative activities • tendency : conventional romance stories about the rich ---- common life of ordinary people. • Ancient classic works and contemporary French works were models of writing.
• an intellectual movement beginning in France and then spread throughout Europe. • a continuation of Renaissance in belief in the possibility of human perfection through education
Sound and Sense
• The sound must seem an echo to the sense: • Soft is the strain when Zephyr gentle blows, • And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows; • But when loud surges lash the sounding shore, • The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar; • 声音该是意义的回声。 • 微风习习,声调也必须轻 柔, • 溪水潺潺,当用轻快的节 奏; • 而当惊涛裂岸,声浪喧天, • 要用粗犷的诗文如奔腾的 狂澜;
• the guiding principle or slogan is Ration/Reason, natural right and equality (American Independence War in 1776; French Revolution in 1789). • Ration became standard for measurement of everything.
• New genres of literature appeared to satisfy middle-class readers: • ---Periodicals (Tatler and Spectator) to write interesting sketches and stories, to entertain and teach • ---Novels about middle class by middle class for middle class’s education
Prose (An Age of Prose)
• Satire: Jonathan Swift’s “Proposal” and Gulliver’s Travels Journalism/Periodicals: Steels and Addison’s literary journals
Steele & Addison P128-134
• The Tatler 1709 Steele 3 times a week • The Spectator 1711 Addison& Steele daily paper • Why is The Spectator more important than The Tatler?
Major works
• Essay on Criticism (To err, human, to forgive, divine) The Rape of the Lock (mock-epic: a long poem that burlesques the classical epic by treating a trivial subject ) Essay on Man
Historical background
1) the glorious revolution in 1688 a. the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy ruled the country together (Whigs & Tories --votes----pamphlets) b. Enclosure movement—the rising of Industrial Revolution c. Social life: coffeehouses and clubs, sociability
The 18th century
The Age of Enlightenment in England 1660-1798 (The return of Stuarts to the throne--Full assertion of Romanticism) Augustan/Golden Age
Enlightenment in England
• to reinforce the bourgeoisie's power and leading position • “enlightenment” or “education” • Moderate group/ radical group
Cultural progress
Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Neoclassicist & Rational Philosopher
• Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) • best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer. • the third most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson. • famous for his use of the heroic couplet.
• All nature is but art, unknown to thee; All chance, direction, which thou canst not see; All discord, harmony not understood; All partial evil, universal good: And, spite of pride in erring reason’s spite, One truth is clear, whatever Is, is Right.
• The writers in 17th century. the great poet _____ the great prose writer _____ the founder of metaphysical school ____ the representative of classicism ______ • ____, ____ and _____ belonged to the school of neoclassicism. • Define Enlightenment.
• The classicists modeled themselves on Greek and Latin authors, and tried to control literary creation by some fixed laws and rules drawn from Greek and Latin works. Drama: rimed couplets instead of blank verse, the three unities of time, place and action, regularity in construction, and the presentation of types rather than individuals. Poetry should be lyric, epic, didactic, satiric or dramatic. Prose should be precise, direct and flexible
The third period-the last decades
• New literary trends— sentimentalism & pre-romanticism • Representative writers: Sentimentalism: Thomas Gray (poet)