

英文做菜过程作文Title: Cooking Process Making a Delicious Dish。
Cooking is not just a chore; it's an art form, a symphony of flavors orchestrated with precision and passion. Today, I will walk you through the meticulous process of crafting a delectable dish, step by step.Step 1: Preparation。
Every great dish begins with careful preparation.Gather all the necessary ingredients: fresh vegetables, protein, herbs, and spices. Wash and chop the vegetableswith precision, ensuring uniformity in size for even cooking. Marinate the protein with a blend of spices, allowing it to soak up the flavors.Step 2: Heat the Pan。
Place a sturdy pan over medium heat and let it warm up.Add a splash of oil, allowing it to shimmer before adding the ingredients. The sizzle of ingredients hitting the pan is music to the ears, signaling the start of the cooking process.Step 3: Sautéing Aromatics。

用英文介绍做菜步骤作文## How to Cook a Meal ##。
Cooking a meal can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With a little planning and preparation, you can cook a delicious meal that your family and friends will love.Here are the steps on how to cook a meal:1. Plan your meal. The first step is to plan your meal. What do you want to cook? What ingredients do you need? Once you have a plan, you can start shopping for groceries.2. Prepare your ingredients. Once you have your groceries, it's time to prepare your ingredients. This includes washing and chopping vegetables, measuring out spices, and marinating meat.3. Cook the meal. Now it's time to cook the meal.Follow the recipe carefully, and don't be afraid to experiment. If you're not sure how to do something, there are plenty of resources available online and in cookbooks.4. Serve the meal. Once the meal is cooked, it's time to serve it. Plate the food in a way that is visually appealing, and don't forget to garnish it with fresh herbs or vegetables.5. Enjoy the meal! The best part of cooking a meal is enjoying it with your family and friends. Sit down, relax, and savor the flavors of your delicious meal.## 如何做菜 ##。

烹饪方法 CookerySteamed蒸Boiled煮Scrambled炒蛋fried油炸的Deep-fried炸Barbecued烧烤Grilled扒Stewed炖Smoked烟熏Dry-sauteed干煸Pan-fried煎Sauteed炒 Baked烘烤Stuffed填充Roast烤Salted盐腌的Mixed混合的Braised烩炖焖味觉 TasteOily油的Bitter苦的Hot烫的Tender嫩的Fat肥的Greasy油腻的Lean瘦的Lightly清蛋的Rich醇厚的Spicy辣的Sour酸的Sweet甜的Salty咸的Raw生的Rare一二分熟Medium rare二四分熟 Medium 半熟Medium well七八分熟 Well-done全熟Over-done做的很熟Cutting Method 切割方式Sliced切片Diced切丁Shredded切丝Boneless去骨的Minced切碎的Vegetables 蔬菜Lettuce生菜Broccoli西南花Cauliflower花菜Watercress西洋菜Carrot红罗卜Turnip白罗卜Asparagus芦笋Bamboo shoot竹笋Celery西芹Spinach波菜Cucumber黄瓜Eggplant茄子Pumpkin南瓜Lotus root莲耦Potato土豆Green Bean绿豆角Green Pea青豆Beans spouts豆芽Bean curd豆腐Chili红辣椒Green pepper青椒Ginger姜Garlic蒜Leek蒜苗Spring onion葱Chive韭菜Shallot葱头Onion洋葱ArtichokeWater Spinach空心菜Enoki金针菇Green kale芥兰Beet Root 甜菜根Sweet Corn玉米Bean豆Baby Corn 小玉米Savoy Cabbage卷心菜Chinese Cabbage大白菜Choysum菜心Herbs 香草Parsley法香Lemon Grass柠檬草TarragonBadil紫苏Thyme百里香Horserdish辣根Rosemary迷失香Sage鼠尾草Oregano阿里根奴Savory香薄荷Anise大茴香Star Anise八角Tamarind罗望子Cumin孜然Cinnamon肉桂Five Spice Powear五香粉Nutmeg肉豆蔻Popp Seed罂粟籽Saffon藏红花粉Fruits 水果Apple苹果Pear梨Plum李子Lemon柠檬Banana香蕉Red grape红提子Pawpaw木瓜Kumquat小金桔Dragon fruit火龙果water-chestnut马蹄loquat枇杷Plum荔枝杨桃龙眼Peach桃Strawberry草莓Cherry樱桃Grape葡萄Almond杏仁Figs无花果Kiwi奇异果Watermelon西瓜Honeydew melon哈密瓜Persimmon柿子Orange橙子Mandarin Orange桔子Tangerine柑橘Pomelo柚子Pistachio开心果Cashew nut腰果Hazelnut榛果Walnut核桃Chestnut栗子Pinenut松子Juniper杜松子Avocndo牛油果Mango芒果Olive橄榄Lime青柠檬Dragon-Fruit火龙果Papaya木瓜Durian榴莲Rambutan红毛丹Cumquat小金桔Pomegranate石榴Loquat枇杷Mangosteen山竹Guava番石榴Carambola阳桃Pineapple菠萝Seafood 海鲜Fish鱼Maokerel 马鲛鱼Carp鲤鱼Eel鳝鱼Snail饿牛Snake蛇Seallop带子Grouper石斑鱼Perch鲈鱼Sea Bass黑鲈Tuna Fish吞拿鱼Halibut 比目鱼Sardine沙丁鱼Soie Fish左口鱼Caviare鱼子酱Abalone鲍鱼Shark's Fin鱼翅Lobster龙虾Salomon三文鱼Sashimi生鱼片Shrimp虾仁Clam文哈Oyster生蚝cob fish鳕鱼Mussel青口Prawn虾Ocropus墨鱼崽Meats 肉类Mutton 绵羊〈sheep>肉Lamb山羊〈goat>肉Chicken 鸡Duck鸭肉Goose liver鹅肝酱Chicken Breast鸡胸Chicken Leg 鸡腿Chicken Wing鸡翅Turkey火鸡Kidney腰子Pork Knuckle猪手Pork Loin猪柳Pork Hoof猪蹄Veal小牛肉Lamb Chop羊排Sausage香肠Ham火腿Bacon烟肉Rabbit兔Pigeog鸽子Venison鹿肉Carpaccio生牛肉片OX-Tongue牛舌OX-Tail牛尾Quail egg鹌鹑蛋Schnitzel <Escallope>炸肉排Pork Tripe猪肚Pork Tntestine猪大肠Potatoes 土豆类Hash Brown Potatoes土豆饼Mashed Potatoes土豆泥Baked Potatoes烤土豆Croquette Potatoes炸署茸条Gratin Potatoes局芝士French Fries Potatoes炸暑条Condiments 调味品Tabasco辣椒水Mustard芥末Ketchup番茄酱Mayonnaise蛋黄酱Maggi Sauce美极酱油Soys Sauce酱油Vinegar醋Red Wine Vinegar红酒醋Salt盐Monosodium glutamate味精Olive Oil橄榄油Brown Sugar黄糖White Sugar白糖Milk牛奶Carnation Cream三花蛋奶Lee,Perrin李派林Peanut Butter花生酱Tartar Sauce蛋黄沙司Gravy Sauce肉汁Black Pepper Sauce黑椒汁Mushroom Sauce蘑菇汁Onion Sauce洋葱汁Red Wine Sauce红酒汁Sour Cream酸奶油Mint Sauce薄荷汁Horseradish辣根汁Oyster Sauce蚝油汁Chili Sauce辣椒汁Whipped Cream泡沫奶油Butter黄油Jam果酱Preserve果酱Marmalade橘子酱Lemon Butter Sauce柠檬黄油汁Honey蜂蜜。

Ingredients / 材料:∙300 g Pork belly∙ 1 stalk Scallion∙ 1 clove Garlic, sliced∙4-5 Ginger slices∙1/2 tsp Szechuan peppercorns∙150 g Leeks∙1/2 Red bell pepperSauce:∙ 1 tbsp Oil, cooked∙ 1 tbsp Hot bean sauce∙1/2 tbsp Sweetened fermented flour paste ∙ 1 tsp Black beans∙ 1 tsp Jiafan rice wine∙ 1 tsp Dark soya sauce∙1/2 tsp Sugar∙1/3 tsp Salt∙1/3 tsp Chicken bouillon∙300克猪五花肉∙1支葱段∙1粒蒜片∙4-5片姜∙1/2小勺花椒粒∙150克青蒜∙1/2个红椒调料:∙1小勺熟油∙1大勺辣豆瓣酱∙1/2 大勺甜面酱∙1小勺豆豉∙1小勺加饭酒∙1小勺老抽∙1/2小勺白糖∙1/3小勺食盐∙1/3小勺鸡精Method / 做法:1.Fill a pan with some water with ginger, onion and garlic. Add in thewell-rinsed pork belly and bring it to the boil over medium heat and then simmer at a gentler heat until just cooked, about 20-30 minutes.Remove the pork and rinse under the running water. Thinly slice the meat into 5-cm length. Prepare the leek into chunks and red bell pepper into smaller pieces.2.Heat the skillet warm and add in cooked oil together with slicedpork. Stir-fry until the fat has melted out and they are toasty and slightly curved. Add in hot bean sauce, fermented flour paste and black beans. Stir-fry until the oil is richly red and smells fragrant. Add in red bell pepper, rice wine, dark soya sauce and white sugar, seasoning with salt and chicken bouillon. Finally, add the leeks and toss until they are just cooked. Turn on to a serving dish and serve immediately.Details => Forum 1.锅入适量水,加入姜葱蒜。

英文版做菜方法Mix the vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and 1 Tbs. sesame seeds in a small bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and set aside。
Put a large pot with about 2 pounds of water in it on to boil. Cut the asparagus on the diagonalsintos1-1/2-inch pieces. Drop the asparagussintosthe boiling water, cover, and cook for 2 minutes after the water returns to a boil. Remove with a slotted spoon to a dish. Pour off the excess water and dress immediately with the sesame oil and 1 Tbs. of the soy dressing. Toss to coat and set aside.Set a steamer basket in the pot of water. Put the leek slices in the basket, cover and steam just until leeks are slightly tender, 3 to 3-1/2 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and toss with with 2 Tbs. of the dressing.Steam the spinach just until wilted, 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. Turn with tongs once or twice during cooking. Arrange the spinach on a serving platter or on individual plates. Sprinkle with about 1 tsp. sesame seeds. Scatter the uncooked turnip pieces over the spinach, then scatter the leeks. Spoon the remaining soy dressing over everything. Toss the asparagus once more and scatter on top of the salad. Garnish with a sprinkling of sesame seeds.Shui Zhuyu the procedure1, kills the fish the cleaning, chops from beginning to end, the piece becomes the fish fillet, and the fish steak which is left over chops several. The fish fillet with the little salt, the cooking wine, the peanut meal and a protein grasps uniform, pickles 15 minutes. From beginning to end and the fish steak chargs in addition, with the similar method salt system2, boils small pot water, after the ingredient cleaning, puts in the boiling water to burn, fishes into in the big trough, scatters according to individual taste the salt, spare.3rd, adds the ordinary stir-fried dish three time of oils in the clean wok, after the oil heat, puts in three big spoon bean petal to explode the fragrance, adds the ginger, the garlic, the onion, the Chinese prickly ash grain of, the chili powder and does in the red pepper the flame to stir-fry before stewing fries. After leaves the taste to join from beginning to end and the fish steak, transfers the fire, turns uniform, adds the cooking wine and the soy sauce, the ground pepper, the white sugar right amount, after continues to turn fries the moment, adds some hot water, simultaneously puts the salt and the monosodium glutamate blends flavors (must taste salty pale). Waits the water to open, the maintenance fire, one puts in pieceby piece the fish fillet, dials with the chopsticks disperses, 3~5 minutes then close the fire. Boiled the good fish and the complete cooking liquor pours into is abundant a moment ago the bean sprouts in the big trough.4th, takes a clean pot in addition, pours into (vessel size which half catty oil concrete oil mass needs to settle on prepares, when pours into in big trough, all submerges fish and bean sprouts for, may measure with the eye). After treats the oil heat, Guan Huoxian dries in the sun. Then joins very much the Chinese prickly ash and does the hot pepper (to look individual is addicted to hot degree), fries the Chinese prickly ash and hot pepper's fragrance slowly with the flame. The note heavy firing cannot too be big, in order to avoid fries sticks. When the hot pepper color changes quickly, closes the fire immediately, pours into together the pot in oil and the Chinese prickly ash hot pepper in Sheng Yu the big trough, burns carefully!! Take the procedure of cooking leek and egg for example.First,carefully break two eggs and collect the contents in a small bowl.Mix it round.Then,clean three leeks and cut them up,which should be kept in another bowl.Next,turn on the stove ,pour some cooking oil into a pan and hold the pan ,keeping it right above the fire ,wait until the oil is hot.After that,pour the egg liquid into the pan .If the egg become solid,it's cooked.Put the sliced leeks into the pan ,too.Finally,addsome ingredients like salt and oyster sauce,and the dish is made.做菜的步骤:Mix the vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and 1 Tbs. sesame seeds in a small bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and set aside。

英语作文介绍做菜过程英文回答:Cooking is an art form that combines creativity, precision, and a passion for flavors. It is a skill that can be mastered through practice, experimentation, and a willingness to learn. The process of cooking can be divided into several key steps:Preparation: This stage involves gathering the necessary ingredients, measuring them accurately, and preparing them for cooking. It may include chopping vegetables, slicing meat, marinating proteins, and assembling spices and seasonings.Cooking: This is the hands-on phase where heat is applied to transform the ingredients into a dish. It encompasses various cooking methods such as sautéing, grilling, baking, roasting, and simmering. The cook must monitor the temperature, timing, and consistency of thefood to ensure it is cooked to perfection.Seasoning and Flavoring: Taste and aroma are crucial elements of cooking. This step involves adding seasonings, herbs, spices, and other flavorings to enhance the natural flavors of the ingredients. The balance of sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami flavors creates a harmonious and mouthwatering dish.Plating: The presentation of food is an art in itself. Plating involves arranging the cooked dish on a plate or serving platter in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Chefs consider colors, textures, and shapes to create a visually appealing experience that stimulates the appetite.Garnishing: Garnishes are the finishing touches that add color, flavor, and texture to a dish. They can range from simple parsley sprigs to elaborate edible flowers or carved vegetables. Garnishes not only enhance the appearance but also provide additional flavors and aromas.中文回答:烹饪过程:烹饪是一门艺术形式,它融合了创造力、精确性和对口味的热情。

做菜步骤英文作文Title: The Art of Cooking: Step-by-Step Guide。
Cooking is not merely a task; it's an art form that involves creativity, precision, and passion. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, mastering the steps of cooking can elevate your culinary skills to new heights. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore the essential elements of cooking and how to execute each step with finesse.1. Preparation: Before diving into the cooking process, it's crucial to prepare all the necessary ingredients and equipment. This includes washing and chopping vegetables, measuring out spices, and ensuring your kitchen tools are within reach. Proper preparation sets the foundation for a smooth cooking experience.2. Recipe Selection: Choose a recipe that aligns with your taste preferences and skill level. Whether it's asimple pasta dish or an elaborate gourmet meal, make sureto read the recipe thoroughly before starting. Familiarize yourself with the ingredients and cooking techniques involved to avoid any surprises along the way.3. Heat Management: Understanding how to control heatis fundamental in cooking. Different dishes require varying levels of heat, whether it's high heat for searing meats or low heat for simmering sauces. Adjusting the temperature accordingly ensures that your food cooks evenly and retains its flavors.4. Ingredient Combination: Cooking is all about balance, and mastering the art of ingredient combination is key to creating delicious dishes. Experiment with different flavor profiles, textures, and colors to create depth and complexity in your meals. Don't be afraid to get creative and add your own twist to recipes.5. Timing and Coordination: Timing is everything in cooking, especially when preparing multiple components fora meal. Coordinate your cooking process to ensure that eachelement is ready to be assembled at the right moment. Utilize timers and alarms to keep track of cooking times and avoid overcooking or undercooking your food.6. Taste Testing and Adjustments: A chef's best tool is their palate. Throughout the cooking process, taste your food frequently and make adjustments as needed. Whetherit's adding more salt, adjusting the seasoning, or balancing the flavors, trust your taste buds to guide you towards perfection.7. Presentation: They say we eat with our eyes first, so presentation is key to elevating the dining experience. Pay attention to plating techniques, garnishes, and serving vessels to create visually stunning dishes. A well-presented meal not only looks appetizing but also enhances the overall dining pleasure.8. Clean-Up: Last but not least, don't forget to clean up after yourself. A clutter-free kitchen not only makes cooking more enjoyable but also ensures food safety and hygiene. Wash dishes, wipe down countertops, and organizeyour kitchen for the next culinary adventure.In conclusion, cooking is a multifaceted journey that involves a series of steps, each playing a crucial role in the final outcome. By mastering the art of cooking step-by-step, you can unleash your culinary creativity and delight your taste buds with homemade masterpieces. So roll up your sleeves, sharpen your knives, and let's embark on aculinary adventure together!。

英文作文做菜过程I start by gathering all the ingredients I need for the dish. I make sure to have everything ready before I begin cooking. This includes chopping vegetables, measuring out spices, and preparing any other necessary components.Once everything is prepped, I heat up a pan with some oil. I like to use a medium-high heat to get a nice sear on the ingredients. I then add in the first few items that need to be cooked, such as onions or garlic, and let them sizzle and brown.While the first set of ingredients is cooking, I move on to preparing the next steps. This might involve mixing together a sauce, marinating meat, or boiling water for pasta. I keep an eye on the pan, stirring occasionally to make sure nothing burns.As the dish starts to come together, I taste and adjust the seasoning as needed. I might add a bit more salt, asplash of vinegar, or a sprinkle of sugar to balance out the flavors. It's important to taste as I go to ensure the final dish is delicious.Once everything is cooked through and seasoned to perfection, I plate the dish and add any final garnishes. This could be a sprinkle of fresh herbs, a drizzle of olive oil, or a squeeze of lemon juice. Presentation is key, so I take the time to make the dish look as appetizing as possible.Finally, I sit down to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I savor each bite, appreciating the effort that went into preparing the meal. Cooking can be a labor of love, andit's always rewarding to sit down and enjoy the delicious results.。

英文作文如何做菜英文:When it comes to cooking, there are a few things I like to keep in mind. First and foremost, I always make sure to have all of my ingredients prepped and ready to go before I start cooking. This saves a lot of time and stress in the long run. 。
Next, I like to follow a recipe as closely as possible, especially if I'm making something for the first time. However, I also like to add my own personal touch to dishes, whether it's a different spice or a unique ingredient. 。
Another important aspect of cooking is timing. It's crucial to know when to add certain ingredients and when to take them off the heat. This comes with practice and experience, but it's definitely worth the effort. 。
Finally, I always make sure to taste my food as I'mcooking. This allows me to adjust the seasoning and make sure everything tastes just right. 。

做菜步骤英文作文怎么写英文:When it comes to cooking, there are many steps involved in preparing a delicious meal. Here are the steps I usually follow:Step 1: Choose the recipe and gather ingredients。
Before I start cooking, I always choose a recipe that I want to make. Then, I gather all the ingredients I need for the recipe. This includes fresh produce, meats, spices, and any other necessary ingredients.Step 2: Prepare ingredients。
Next, I prepare all the ingredients by washing, chopping, and measuring them. This step is important because it ensures that everything is ready to go when I start cooking.Step 3: Cook the dish。
Once all the ingredients are prepared, I start cooking the dish. This involves following the recipe instructions and using the appropriate cooking techniques.Step 4: Plate the dish。
After the dish is cooked, I plate it by arranging it on a dish in an aesthetically pleasing way. This step is important because presentation is just as important as taste.Step 5: Enjoy the meal。

英文烹饪食谱Here is a recipe for a delicious and hearty beef stew: Ingredients:- 1.5 pounds of beef stew meat, cut into cubes- 2 tablespoons of olive oil- 1 onion, diced- 2 cloves of garlic, minced- 3 carrots, peeled and sliced- 2 stalks of celery, sliced- 1 teaspoon of dried thyme- 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary- 4 cups of beef broth- 1 cup of red wine- 2 tablespoons of tomato paste- Salt and pepper to taste- 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour- 1/4 cup of waterInstructions:1. In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the beef stew meat and cook until browned on all sides. Remove the meat from the pot and set aside.2. In the same pot, add the onion and garlic. Cook until softened, about 5 minutes.3. Add the carrots and celery to the pot, and cook for another 5 minutes.4. Stir in the dried thyme and rosemary, then add the beef broth, red wine, and tomato paste. Bring to a simmer.5. Return the beef stew meat to the pot and season with salt and pepper. Cover and let simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours, until the meat is tender.6. In a small bowl, mix the flour and water to make a slurry. Stir it into the stew to thicken the sauce.7. Serve the beef stew hot, garnished with fresh parsley if desired.这是一道美味可口的牛肉炖菜的食谱:材料:- 1.5磅牛肉炖肉,切成小块- 2汤匙橄榄油- 1个洋葱,切丁- 2瓣大蒜,切碎- 3根胡萝卜,去皮切片- 2根芹菜,切片- 1茶匙干百里香- 1茶匙干迷迭香- 4杯牛肉高汤- 1杯红葡萄酒- 2汤匙番茄酱- 适量盐和胡椒- 1/4杯普通面粉- 1/4杯水做法:1. 在一个大锅中,用中火加热橄榄油。
如何做菜 英文作文

如何做菜英文作文I love cooking. It's a great way to relax and express my creativity. When I cook, I like to start by gatheringall the ingredients I need. I find it satisfying to have everything laid out in front of me before I begin.One of the most important things when cooking is to taste as you go. It's the best way to make sure your dishis seasoned just right. I always have a spoon handy so I can take a quick taste and adjust the seasoning as needed.I enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients. I often try to put my own spin on classic recipes by adding a unique twist. It's fun to see how different flavors can complement each other and create something new and delicious.Presentation is key when it comes to cooking. I like to take the time to arrange the food on the plate in an appealing way. It's true that we eat with our eyes first,so a beautifully presented dish can make the meal even more enjoyable.Cleaning up is the least fun part of cooking, but it's important to do it as you go. I find that cleaning as I cook helps me stay organized and focused. Plus, it's nice to sit down to eat knowing that the kitchen is already clean.When I cook, I don't always follow a recipe. Sometimes I like to just go with the flow and see where my instincts take me. It's a more spontaneous approach that often leads to some of my best dishes.。

炒菜步骤英文作文简单英文:When it comes to cooking, stir-frying is one of the most popular methods. Here are the basic steps to stir-fry vegetables:1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash and cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces. You can also add meat or tofu if you like.2. Heat the wok or pan: Place the wok or pan on high heat and add some oil. Once the oil is hot, add the vegetables and stir-fry for a few minutes.3. Add seasoning: You can add salt, pepper, soy sauce, or any other seasoning you like. Be careful not to add too much as it can overpower the natural flavor of the vegetables.4. Cook until done: Keep stir-frying until the vegetables are cooked to your liking. You can also add some water or broth if you want a saucier dish.5. Serve: Once done, transfer the stir-fried vegetables to a plate and serve hot.中文:说到烹饪,炒菜是最受欢迎的方法之一。

做菜作文英文步骤Title: The Art of Cooking: A Step-by-Step Guide。
Cooking is not just a task; it's an art form that allows one to express creativity while nourishing both body and soul. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, mastering the art of cooking involves understanding the fundamental steps that transform raw ingredients into culinary delights. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the step-by-step process of cooking, from preparation to presentation.1. Gathering Ingredients:The first step in any cooking endeavor is gathering the necessary ingredients. This involves creating a list of items needed for the recipe and ensuring that they are all fresh and of high quality. Fresh ingredients are the foundation of delicious dishes, so it's essential to pay attention to their quality.2. Preparation:Once you have all the ingredients, it's time to prepare them for cooking. This may involve washing, peeling, chopping, and measuring ingredients as per the recipe's requirements. Proper preparation ensures that the cooking process goes smoothly and results in a well-balanced dish.3. Heat Management:Understanding heat management is crucial in cooking. Different cooking techniques require different heat levels, whether it's sautéing, boiling, simmering, or b aking. Adjusting the heat appropriately ensures that food is cooked evenly and retains its flavor and texture.4. Cooking Techniques:There are various cooking techniques to master, each yielding different results. Some common techniques include:Sautéing: Cooking food quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat.Boiling: Cooking food in water at 100°C until tender.Grilling: Cooking food over direct heat, typically on a grill.Roasting: Cooking food in an oven using dry heat.Braising: Cooking food slowly in a liquid, often with a lid on.Steaming: Cooking food using steam from boiling water.5. Seasoning and Flavoring:Seasoning and flavoring play a significant role in enhancing the taste of a dish. This involves adding herbs, spices, sauces, and other flavorings to create depth andcomplexity. Experimenting with different combinations of seasonings allows you to develop your culinary style.6. Taste Testing:Throughout the cooking process, it's essential to taste the food regularly and make adjustments as needed. This ensures that the flavors are well-balanced and harmonious. Remember, cooking is as much about intuition and creativity as it is about following recipes.7. Plating and Presentation:The presentation of a dish is just as important as its taste. Pay attention to how the food is arranged on the plate, considering color, texture, and symmetry. Garnishes can also add visual appeal and elevate the overall presentation.8. Cleanup:Last but not least, don't forget about cleanup! Aclean and organized kitchen is essential for an enjoyable cooking experience. Wash dishes, wipe down countertops, and put away ingredients to maintain a tidy workspace.In conclusion, cooking is a multifaceted process that requires careful attention to detail, creativity, and a passion for food. By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can hone your culinary skills and create delicious meals to share with family and friends. So, roll up your sleeves, sharpen your knives, and let the culinary adventure begin!。

英文菜谱Recipe for stir-fried meat and potatoes.First, wash the potatoes and meat.Next, cut the potatoes and meat.Then, put the oil in the wok. Stir-fired potatoes and meat for 2 minutes. Finally, add the salt, soy sauce and serve them on the plate.Recipe for stir-fried rice and vegetables.First, wash the vegetables.Next, cut the vegetables.Then, put the oil in the wok. Stir-fired rice and vegetables for 2 minutes. Finally, add the salt, soy sauce and serve them on the plate.Recipe for stir-fried meat and carrots.First, wash the carrots and meat.Next, cut the carrots and meat.Then, Put the oil in the wok. Stir-fired meat and carrots for 2 minutes. Finally, add the salt, pepper and serve them on the plate.Recipe for sandwich.First, wash the vegetables.Next, cut the sausages and bread.Then, put the sausages and vegetables on the bread.Finally, add the salad and pepper.Recipe for stir-fried rice and eggs.First, crack the eggs and mix the eggs in a big bowl.Next, put some oil in a wok, heat the oil.Then, add rice and eggs, stir-fry for 2 minutes.Finally, add salt and serve them on a plate.Recipe for stir-fried carrots and eggsFirst, wash the carrots and cut them.Next, crack the eggs and mix the eggs in a big bowl.Then, Put some oil in a wok, heat the oil. Add the carrot and eggs, stir-fry for 2 minutes.Finally, add salt and sugar, serve them on a plate.Recipe for stir-fried tomato and eggs.First, wash the tomatoes and cut them.Next, crack the eggs and mix the eggs in a big bowl.Then, Put some oil in a wok, heat the oil. Add the tomatoes and eggs, stir-fry for 2 minutes.Finally, add salt and sugar, serve them on a plate.热门网 lF8ILO49AMFkTHANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。

中国菜常用的烹调方法Cutting techniques:Slicing[ˈslaisiŋ] (片)Strapping[ˈstræpɪŋ] (条)Dicing[ˈdaisiŋ] (切丁)Mincing[ˈminsiŋ] (磨)Cutting into chunks[tʃʌŋks] (块)Quick-fry[frai] over high heat (爆)Steaming[ˈsti:miŋ] in a container[kənˈteinə] (隔水炖)Stewing[ˈstju:iŋ]炖over medium[ˈmi:djəm], then high heat (烧)Precooking and then stewing (烩)Crisp[krisp]油炸后冷却的食物frying with syrup[ˈsirəp]糖浆(拔丝)Quick boiling[ˈbɔɪlɪŋ]煮沸(焯)stir-fry[ˈstɜ:ˌfraɪ] (炒), deep fry (炸), shallow[ˈʃæləu]表面的fry(煎), steam (蒸), stew/braise[breiz] (炖,焖),boil(煮), roast[rəust] /broil[brɔɪl] (烤), bake[beik], smoke (熏), pickle[ˈpɪkəl] (腌), barbecue[ˈbɑ:bikju:] (烧烤),重点记住基本的几个词汇就可以了:蒸煮炒炸煎常用调料:Chinese pickly ash [tʃaɪˈni:z ˈprɪkli: æʃ] (花椒)Pepper[ˈpepə] salt (椒盐)Monosodium glutamate[mɔnəuˈsəudiəmˈɡlu:təmeit] (简称M.S.G.)(味精)Chilli[ˈtʃɪli:] (辣椒)salt, oil, sugar, honey, soya sauce,oyster sauce[ˈɔistə sɔ:s]蚝油, (tomato) ketchup[ˈketʃəp]番茄酱, vinegar[ˈviniɡə]醋,cumin powder[ˈkʌmin][ˈpaudə] (孜然粉), mustard[ˈmʌstəd]芥末、芥菜, M.S.G., chicken essence[ˈtʃikin ˈesns]鸡精, pepper/chilli, ginger[ˈdʒindʒə] (姜), garlic[ˈɡɑ:lik] (蒜), shallot[ʃəˈlɔt] (葱), leek[li:k] (韭)最后,给大家几道中国菜名翻译:其实规则很简单,就是烹饪方法+主料+配料+风味蛋炒饭stir-fried rice with egg凉拌黄瓜fresh cucumber[ˈkju:kʌmbə] with bean sauce豆瓣酱; mixed fresh cucumber醋溜土豆potato with vinegar flavor[ˈfleɪvə]调味糖醋排骨fried spareribs[spɛ,rɪb] with sweet and sour[ˈsauə]酸的sauce红烧肉braised pork with soy sauce宫爆鸡丁stir-fried diced[daist] chicken with chili sauce and peanuts[ˈpi:nʌts]花生清蒸鱼steamed fish肉丝面noodles with slice pork中国特色菜:Aubergine(茄子)、DwarfBean(刀豆)、Chillies(辣椒)、Eddoes(小芋头)、Spinach(菠菜)、Beansprots(绿豆芽)、Springonions(葱)、Leeks(大葱)、Garlic(大蒜)、Ginger(生姜)、Coriander(香菜)、Greenbean(绿豆)、RedBean(红豆)、Driedblackmushroom(冬菇)、Tigerlilybuds(金针菜)、Mu-er(木耳)、Cashewnuts[ˈkæʃu: nʌts] (腰果)、Silknoodles(粉丝)、SeavegetableorSeaweed(海带)、Tofu(豆腐)、Driedfish(鱼干)。

“然而‘炒蛋’的英语却是scrambled egg,不译fried egg."2. 煎(pan—frying),即在锅内放上少量的油,待油达到一定温度后将菜料放入锅内进行短时间的烹煮,如煎鸡蛋(pan—fried egg)。
要求刀工处理粗细一致,烹前备好调味品,动作要麻利迅速.如爆大虾(quick-fried shrimps)。
炸(deep-frying), 将主料挂糊或不挂糊下热油锅,由生炸熟的方法,外焦里嫩.如五香炸鸡翅(deep—fried chicken wing with spicy flavour)。
如再细分,还可分为干炸(dry deep—frying),软炸(soft deep-frying)和酥炸(crisp deep—frying)。
“用酱油来烧,叫红烧——braising with soy sauce,”[4](P34)或braising in brown sauce。
“煮还可分速煮(instant boiling),北方的涮羊肉instant boiled mutton,广东的‘打边炉’chafing dish也属此类,和快煮(quick boiling)。
”7. 蒸(steaming),是将生料或半熟原料,加调料调味后上笼屉蒸熟的方法.如荷叶粉蒸肉(steamed flour—coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves).8. 煲/炖/煨/焖/卤(simmering/stewing),这五种烹调方法基本相同,都是将食物放在水、汤或汁之中,用文火慢慢加热,用火时间一般较长,如炖栗子鸡(stewed chicken with chestnuts),煨牛肉(simmered beef)。
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英文版做菜方法Mix the vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and 1 Tbs. sesame seeds in a small bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and set aside。
Put a large pot with about 2 pounds of water in it on to boil. Cut the asparagus on the diagonalsintos1-1/2-inch pieces. Drop the asparagussintosthe boiling water, cover, and cook for 2 minutes after the water returns to a boil. Remove with a slotted spoon to a dish. Pour off the excess water and dress immediately with the sesame oil and 1 Tbs. of the soy dressing. Toss to coat and set aside.Set a steamer basket in the pot of water. Put the leek slices in the basket, cover and steam just until leeks are slightly tender, 3 to 3-1/2 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and toss with with 2 Tbs. of the dressing.Steam the spinach just until wilted, 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. Turn with tongs once or twice during cooking. Arrange the spinach on a serving platter or on individual plates. Sprinkle with about 1 tsp. sesame seeds. Scatter the uncooked turnip pieces over the spinach, then scatter the leeks. Spoon the remaining soy dressing over everything. Toss the asparagus once more and scatter on top of the salad. Garnish with a sprinkling of sesame seeds.Shui Zhuyu the procedure1, kills the fish the cleaning, chops from beginning to end, the piece becomes the fish fillet, and the fish steak which is left over chops several. The fish fillet with the little salt, the cooking wine, the peanut meal and a protein grasps uniform, pickles 15 minutes. From beginning to end and the fish steak chargs in addition, with the similar method salt system2, boils small pot water, after the ingredient cleaning, puts in the boiling water to burn, fishes into in the big trough, scatters according to individual taste the salt, spare.3rd, adds the ordinary stir-fried dish three time of oils in the clean wok, after the oil heat, puts in three big spoon bean petal to explode the fragrance, adds the ginger, the garlic, the onion, the Chinese prickly ash grain of, the chili powder and does in the red pepper the flame to stir-fry before stewing fries. After leaves the taste to join from beginning to end and the fish steak, transfers the fire, turns uniform, adds the cooking wine and the soy sauce, the ground pepper, the white sugar right amount, after continues to turn fries the moment, adds some hot water, simultaneously puts the salt and the monosodium glutamate blends flavors (must taste salty pale). Waits the water to open, the maintenance fire, one puts in pieceby piece the fish fillet, dials with the chopsticks disperses, 3~5 minutes then close the fire. Boiled the good fish and the complete cooking liquor pours into is abundant a moment ago the bean sprouts in the big trough.4th, takes a clean pot in addition, pours into (vessel size which half catty oil concrete oil mass needs to settle on prepares, when pours into in big trough, all submerges fish and bean sprouts for, may measure with the eye). After treats the oil heat, Guan Huoxian dries in the sun. Then joins very much the Chinese prickly ash and does the hot pepper (to look individual is addicted to hot degree), fries the Chinese prickly ash and hot pepper's fragrance slowly with the flame. The note heavy firing cannot too be big, in order to avoid fries sticks. When the hot pepper color changes quickly, closes the fire immediately, pours into together the pot in oil and the Chinese prickly ash hot pepper in Sheng Yu the big trough, burns carefully!! Take the procedure of cooking leek and egg for example.First,carefully break two eggs and collect the contents in a small bowl.Mix it round.Then,clean three leeks and cut them up,which should be kept in another bowl.Next,turn on the stove ,pour some cooking oil into a pan and hold the pan ,keeping it right above the fire ,wait until the oil is hot.After that,pour the egg liquid into the pan .If the egg become solid,it's cooked.Put the sliced leeks into the pan ,too.Finally,addsome ingredients like salt and oyster sauce,and the dish is made.做菜的步骤:Mix the vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and 1 Tbs. sesame seeds in a small bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves, and set aside。
Put a large pot with about 2 pounds of water in it on to boil. Cut the asparagus on the diagonalsintos1-1/2-inch pieces. Drop the asparagussintosthe boiling water, cover, and cook for 2 minutes after the water returns to a boil. Remove with a slotted spoon to a dish. Pour off the excess water and dress immediately with the sesame oil and 1 Tbs. of the soy dressing. Toss to coat and set aside.Set a steamer basket in the pot of water. Put the leek slices in the basket, cover and steam just until leeks are slightly tender, 3 to 3-1/2 minutes. Transfer to a small bowl and toss with with 2 Tbs. of the dressing.Steam the spinach just until wilted, 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. Turn with tongs once or twice during cooking. Arrange the spinach on a serving platter or on individual plates. Sprinkle with about 1 tsp. sesame seeds. Scatter the uncooked turnip pieces over the spinach, then scatter the leeks. Spoon the remaining soy dressing over everything. Toss the asparagus once more and scatter on top of the salad. Garnish with a sprinkling of sesame seeds.Watercress recipesin seasonWatercress leaves have a mustardy bite that makes them natural bedfellows to strongly flavoured meats such as game. The leaves are most commonly served raw as a garnish to eggs or meat, or as part of a salad with orange segments. Watercress also makes a pleasingly peppery soup that is as good hot as it is chilled. Recipes using watercressMain courseSlow-cooked beef fillet with horseradish mash, wild mushroom tortellini and red wine sauceBy John CampbellBarbecued veal, macaroni cheese, spinach and watercressBy Alan MurchisonRoast gravad lax with homemade dill mustard mayonnaiseBy James MartinSpatchcocked poussinBy Nigella LawsonRoast monkfish with crushed potatoes, olive oil and watercressBy Rick SteinLight meals & snacksSpiced mackerel with horseradish potatoesBy Mark SargeantSalmon and broccoli tartsBy Jay TinkerWatercress soupBy Raymond BlancPan-fried mackerel with beetroot and celery saladBy James MartinRed lentil stew with dates and cuminBy Simon RimmerBrunchSmoked salmon kedgereeBy Michael SmithArnold Bennett omeletteBy Sophie DahlBrussels sprouts pancakes with beetroot caviarBy Simon RimmerStarters & nibblesStir-fried salt and pepper squidBy Rick SteinMoroccan Puy lentil saladBy Simon RimmerPotato wafers with smoked salmon, watercress and horseradish creamBy Nick NairnGrilled mussels with chorizoBy Simon RimmerFlash-fried salmon with celeriac cakesBy Simon RimmerOtherWatercress sauceBy Fiona BirdSee all recipes using watercressQuick recipe finder?Type ingredients, chef or programme Quick & Easy VegetarianAdvanced search optionsSee more leaf vegetable recipesRelated dishes and ingredientsOther leaf vegetableChard Chicory Cress Kale Lettuce Rocket Spinach Spring greens Swiss chard。