Prenatal stress and affective disorders in a population birth cohort



✓ 患者认识到这些思想,冲动,或意象是自己头脑的产物(不是象思 维插入那样被外界强加的)。 [DSM-IV (4)]
American Psychiatric Association, 2013
✓ DSM-IV标准B:[在病程中的某些时间,患者认识到这些强迫观念 或强迫行为是过分的(excessive )和不合情理的(unreasonable)。 注:不适用于儿童]
“inappropriate”[不适合的、不适当的] (注:不同的文化 “inappropriate”理解不一致) 用“in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress ”[多 数患者会引起显著焦虑或痛苦]替代“cause marked anxiety or distress”[造成显著的焦虑或痛苦]
诊 断 标 准 :
APA, 2013
结构:强迫观念的定义由4条,简化为2条。 描述用词:3 处用词表达有变化。
American Psychiatric Association, 2013
DSM-5和DSM-IV:强迫观念描述用词比 较
用“urge”[强烈欲望、迫切要求]替代“impulse”[冲动] 用“unwanted”[多余的、不必要的]替代
这一变化也强调自知力缺乏/妄想性信念更符合强迫及相关 障碍而不是精神分裂症谱系与其它精神病性障碍。
“抽动相关”的标注针对那些当前或过去有过“抽动”历史 的患者,共病抽动具有重要的临床意义,无论是从诊断效度 还是临床实用出发,越来越多的证据表明需要这样的区分。



·489·药品评价 Drug Evaluation 2021,18(08)帕罗西汀联合坦度螺酮治疗中年广泛性焦虑障碍35例临床分析宋颖平1,宋恩霖21.九江市第五人民医院,江西 九江 332000;2.南昌大学基础医学院,江西 南昌 330000[摘要]目的:探讨帕罗西汀联合坦度螺酮治疗中年广泛性焦虑障碍(GAD )的临床效果。

方法:采用前瞻性随机试验方法,选取2019年4月至2020年5月九江市第五人民医院70例中年GAD 患者作为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为对照组(n =35)和观察组(n =35)。


比较两组治疗前及治疗3周结束时焦虑症状[汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA )评分]及抑郁症状[汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD )评分],并对比两组不良反应情况。

结果:治疗3周结束时,两组HAMA 、HAMD 评分均低于治疗前,且观察组上述评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗期间,两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。

结论:帕罗西汀联合坦度螺酮治疗可减轻中年GAD 患者焦虑、抑郁症状,且未明显增加不良反应。

[关键词]广泛性焦虑症;帕罗西汀;坦度螺酮;不良反应;中年人DOI: 10.19939/ki.1672-2809.2021.08.14Clinical Analysis of Paroxetine Combined with Tandospirone in the Treatment of 35 Case of Middle-aged Generalized Anxiety DisorderSONG Yingping 1, SONG Enlin 21. The Fifth People's Hospital of Jiujiang City, Jiujiang Jiangxi 332000, China;2. School of Basic Medicine, Nanchang University, Nanchang Jiangxi 330000, China.[Abstract] Objective: To explore the clinical effect of paroxetine combined with tandospirone in the treatment of middle-aged generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Methods: A prospective randomized trial method was used to select 70 middle-aged GAD patients in The Fifth People's Hospital of Jiujiang City from April 2019 to May 2020 as the research objects. According to the random number table method, they were divided into control group (n =35) and observation group (n =35). Both groups were given conventional treatment. On this basis, the control group was treated with paroxetine, and the observation group was treated with paroxetine combined with tandospirone for 3 weeks. The anxiety symptoms [Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) score ] and depressive symptoms [Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) score ] were compared between the two groups before treatment and at the end of 3 weeks of treatment, and the adverse reactions of the two groups were compared. Results: At the end of treatment for 3 weeks, the HAMA and HAMD scores of the two groups were lower than before treatment, and the above scores of the observation group were lower than those of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05); during the treatment period, the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups was compared, the difference was not statistically significant (P >0.05). Conclusion: Paroxetine combined with tandospirone therapy can reduce anxiety and depression symptoms in middle-aged GAD patients without significantly increasing adverse reactions.[Key Words] Generalized anxiety; Paroxetine; Tandospirone; Adverse reactions ; Middle aged作者简介:宋颖平,本科,主治医师。


有研究显示,社交焦虑对反刍思维与述情障碍 的关系起着中介作用[9,15]。社交焦虑(Socialanxi ety)是个体在人际交往过程中负性情绪的体现,主 要表现为个体在人际交往过程中出现恐惧、紧张和
担忧等负性情绪的体验[16-18]。赵燕[19]研究显示, 社交焦虑已成为大学生精神疾病的一个重要心理 威胁因素。 马 俊 军 等[9]研 究 发 现,作 为 负 性 反 应 风格的反刍思维与社交焦虑存在正相关关系。反 刍思维作为一种非适应性反应风格,是引发、保持 和增强社交焦虑的重要因素 。 [17] 高反刍思维个体 会不断回忆人际交往过程中的消极体验,产生负性 自我评价和社交焦虑[20-21]。严重社交焦虑症障碍 患者普遍表 现 出 高 水 平 的 述 情 障 碍 问 题 [22],高 社 交焦虑被 试 存 在 明 显 的 述 情 障 碍 特 征[15]。 据 此, 本研究提出假设 H1:社交焦虑在反刍思维和述情 障碍的之间起中介作用。
0 引言
述情障碍 (Alexithymia),又 称 情 感 表 达 不 能, 表现为个体无法识别自身和他人的情绪、描述情绪 困难以及缺乏想象力等状况,是一种反映个体在情 绪认知和 情 绪 调 节 方 面 存 在 缺 陷 的 人 格 特 征[1]。 述情障碍个体在面对压力事件时因无法有效进行 情绪调节,可能会产生抑郁、躯体化、偏执等精神问 题[2]。张春雨等[3]研究显示:受文化氛围影响,中 国个体的情绪表达普遍含蓄、内向,易出现述情障 碍;受性别社会化影响,男性述情障碍得分普遍高 于女性,男性会更依赖自身的情绪感受,进而压抑 负性情绪,而不是表达自身的情绪。
Байду номын сангаас
第 4期
罗 禹,李金津,潘文浩,等:大学生反刍思维和述情障碍的关系:孤独感和社交焦虑的多重中介作用






[关键词]产前应激;子代;神经心理发育Research progress on influence of maternal prenatal stress on neuropsy­chological development of offspringWANG Shuanghui,ZHU Lin,CHEN Li*Growth,Development and Mental Health of Children and Adolescence Center,Childrens Hospital of ChongqingMedical University;National Clinical Research Center for Child Health and Disorders,Ministry of Education KeyLaboratory of Child Development and Disorders,China International Science and Technology Cooperation Base ofChild Development and Critical Disorders,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Translational Medical Research inCognitive Development and Learning and Memory Disorders,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Child Nutrition and Health,Chongqing400014,China[Abstract]Objective Prenatal stress refers to the whole body nonspecific adaptive response that the mother is stimulated by stress life events or environment during pregnancy.In recent years,with the increase of related research,it has been gradually recognized that prenatal stress exposure of mothers has an important impact on the neuropsychological development of offspring,such as cognitive function,behavioral development and emotion of offspring.The influence of prenatal stress on the neuropsychological development of offspring and its possible mechanism are reviewed,in order to provide reference for the further study of prenatal stress on the neuropsychological development of offspring and related clinical work.[Key words]prenatal stress;offspring;neuropsychological development母亲产前应激暴露影响着全世界10%-35%的儿童,是全球公共卫生问题「呵。



(完整版)汤姆焦虑量表(TAI)汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 完整版简介汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 是一种常用于评估个体焦虑症状的量表。


测量项目汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 包含20个测量项目,用于评估个体在不同焦虑方面的症状。

每个项目都有4个可能答案,分别是"几乎没有"、"偶尔"、"相当多" 和 "极其多"。




通常,根据总分的不同范围,可以将焦虑症状的程度分为以下几个等级:- 0-20:基本无焦虑症状;- 21-40:轻度焦虑症状;- 41-60:中度焦虑症状;- 61-80:重度焦虑症状;- 81及以上:严重焦虑症状。

在使用汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 进行评估时,应该综合考虑被测者的得分及其自述症状,结合临床经验进行综合解读和诊断。

应用领域汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 主要被应用于以下领域:1. 临床诊断:医生可以通过评估患者在焦虑症状上的得分,判断其是否患有焦虑症,并作为诊断的参考依据。

2. 研究:研究者可以使用汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 对焦虑症状进行测量和跟踪,以了解焦虑症的发展和治疗效果。

3. 心理咨询:心理咨询师可以利用汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 对个体的焦虑症状进行评估,制定相应的治疗计划和干预措施。

注意事项在使用汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 进行评估时,需要注意以下几点:- 由于汤姆焦虑量表(TAI) 是一种客观评估工具,只能作为辅助诊断的参考,不能单独作为诊断依据。

- 评估过程应该在专业人员的指导下进行,以确保数据的准确性和可靠性。

- 对于被测者,应该提供足够的解释和说明,帮助其理解并正确作答。

- 在评估结果的解读上,应该综合考虑被测者的个人情况和临床经验,避免盲目诊断。





















研究发现,自我同一性的发展状态与大学生的心理健康水平显著相关[[l l]其中承诺水平与心理健康水平呈正相关[[l2]。




Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(6), 10063-10068 Published Online June 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.1361407孕产妇分娩恐惧现状及干预措施的研究进展 褚 淼1*,陈瑾沛1,张新敏1,张永爱2#1延安大学医学院,陕西 延安 2西安医学院护理与康复学院,陕西 西安收稿日期:2023年5月25日;录用日期:2023年6月19日;发布日期:2023年6月27日摘要 分娩恐惧是女性妊娠期间普遍存在的心理问题,同时是影响剖宫产率增加、产程延长、产后抑郁等不良结局的重要因素,对新生儿以及家庭关系产生诸多负面影响。


关键词 孕产妇,分娩恐惧,干预,综述Research Progress on Maternal Fear Current Status of Childbirth and InterventionsMiao Chu 1*, Jinpei Chen 1, Xinmin Zhang 1, Yongai Zhang 2#1Medical School of Yan’an University, Yan’an Shaanxi 2School of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Xi’an Medical University, Yan’an Shaanxi Received: May 25th , 2023; accepted: Jun. 19th , 2023; published: Jun. 27th , 2023AbstractFear of childbirth is a common psychological problem among women during pregnancy, and it is also an important factor affecting adverse outcomes such as increased cesarean section rate, pro-longed labor process, and postpartum depression. It has many negative impacts on newborns and family relationships. In view of this, the author summarizes the current situation of fear of child-birth among pregnant and postpartum women by reviewing relevant literature both domestically and internationally in the past decade, analyzes the relevant influencing factors of fear of child-*第一作者。



全科护理2017年6月第15卷第18期• 2243 •1.4统计学方法采用S P S S18.0统计分析,计量数据采用均数士标准差表示,行/检验;计数资料行f检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果表1两组病人干预前后S A S评分比较(1±5)分组别例数治疗前治疗后第2天治疗后第5天治疗后第8天观察组3063.7士2.753.6士2.2U416士2.61)32. 1 士2. 41对照组3063.5士2.958. 4士2. 6 53.7士2.71)42. 9 士2. 1u^值0. 19— 10.21 —19.37—23.09P>0. 05<0.01<0.01<0. 011)与自身治疗前比较,P<0. 01;表2两组病人护理效果比较组别例数显效有效无效例 例 例总有效率%观察组3012 17 196.7对照组308 16 680.0注:两组总有效率比较,f= 4. 04,P<0.05。

3讨论脑卒中病人因为担心预后,会有急躁、忧虑、恐惧 等心理,从而导致交感神经兴奋、自主神经功能紊乱。


综合性护理干预中除了采取情志护理,康复护理等还应用八段锦运动,将中医运动养生理念融合进慢性病并发症防治中,以八段锦作为健身手段,通过行气活血,疏通经络,调整阴阳,提高病人生活质量,从而 使病人减轻焦虑。


表1显示,观察组在治疗后第2天、第5天、第8天焦虑自评量表评分较治疗前及对照组均有明显下降,差 异有统计学意义(P<0. 01)表2显示观察组总有效率优于对照组(P<0. 05)。

journal of affective disorders 类型

journal of affective disorders 类型

journal of affective disorders 类型Journal of Affective Disorders是一种专门研究情感障碍的学术期刊。




一、概述Journal of Affective Disorders是一种国际性的学术期刊,由荷兰Elsevier公司出版。



二、主题范围Journal of Affective Disorders发表关于情感障碍方面的原始研究和评论文章,包括以下主题:1. 抑郁症:包括临床表现、诊断标准、治疗方法等方面的研究。

2. 双相障碍:双相障碍是一种影响情感和行为的心理障碍,包括躁郁症和双相情感障碍等。

3. 焦虑症:焦虑症是一种常见的情感障碍,包括广泛性焦虑症、恐慌症、强迫症等。

4. 心境障碍:心境障碍包括情感不稳定、情感淡漠等。

5. 自杀行为:自杀是一种严重的社会问题,该期刊发表了关于自杀行为和自杀预防的研究。

6. 神经生物学:该期刊还发表了有关神经生物学方面的文章,探讨情感障碍与大脑结构和功能之间的关系。

三、编辑政策Journal of Affective Disorders采用同行评审政策,所有提交的论文都将由至少两名专家进行评审。



四、读者反馈Journal of Affective Disorders非常重视读者反馈,并欢迎读者提供意见和建议。





As a high school student, Ive always been fascinated by the power of nature and the profound impact disasters can have on humanity. The idea that a single event can change the course of history, reshape landscapes, and alter the lives of millions is both humbling and aweinspiring.Growing up, I was particularly struck by the stories of natural disasters that my grandparents would recount. They spoke of the Great Flood of 1954, which devastated their hometown, displacing thousands and leaving a lasting scar on the community. The images of their once vibrant town submerged under water, the loss of homes, and the struggle for survival painted a vivid picture of the sheer force of nature.In school, we studied the impact of disasters on a global scale. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, for example, was a stark reminder of the immense power of the sea. The sheer scale of the devastation was mindboggling. Over 230,000 people lost their lives, and millions were affected across 14 countries. The disaster not only claimed lives but also disrupted economies, destroyed infrastructure, and left a deep emotional scar on the survivors.Disasters also have a profound psychological impact on survivors. The trauma of experiencing a catastrophic event can lead to longterm mental health issues such as posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD. The fear, helplessness, and loss of control during a disaster can haunt individuals for years, affecting their ability to lead a normal life.Moreover, disasters can exacerbate existing social inequalities. The poor and marginalized are often the most vulnerable during such events. Theylack the resources to prepare for disasters, and their homes and livelihoods are often the first to be destroyed. The aftermath of a disaster can further deepen the divide between the rich and the poor, as the recovery process often favors those with more resources.However, disasters also bring out the best in humanity. They inspire acts of heroism, selflessness, and community spirit. Weve seen countless stories of individuals risking their lives to save others, communities coming together to rebuild, and nations rallying in support of the affected areas. The response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti is a testament to this. Despite the immense devastation, the global community came together to provide aid and support, helping Haiti to slowly recover and rebuild.In conclusion, disasters have a multifaceted impact on humanity. They bring about immense destruction and loss, but they also reveal the resilience and compassion of people. As we continue to face the threat of natural disasters, its crucial that we invest in disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response efforts. We must also work towards creating more equitable societies that can better withstand and recover from such events. By doing so, we can minimize the impact of disasters and build a more resilient future for all.。







本研究针对石景山区各助产机构进行的孕产期心理筛查资料进行分析,探讨筛查结果与妊娠结局【摘要】 目的 探讨孕产期心理异常对妊娠结局的影响。

方法 将2020年8月- 2021年11月在石景山区各助产机构完成4次孕产期心理筛查的1357位产妇作为研究对象,根据4次筛查结果分为未见异常组(对照组)、可疑高危组和可疑抑郁组。


结果 三组孕产妇妊娠结局比较,剖宫产率和产后出血量,组间差异具有统计学意义(P <0.05);两两比较,可疑抑郁组高于其他两组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);新生儿身长、新生儿出生体重、孕期体重增长三组间比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。

巨大儿比例可疑抑郁组>可疑高危组>对照组,组间差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。

结论 孕产期心理异常与妊娠结局有关系,可疑抑郁的产妇剖宫产率、产后出血量、巨大儿比例相对较高。

【关键词】 孕产期心理,可疑抑郁,剖宫产率,新生儿出生体重,产后出血量中图分类号 R715.3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1671-0223(2023)02-151-04孕产期心理筛查结果与妊娠结局的关系崔文彩 阳明媚作者单位:100041 北京市石景山区妇幼保健院妇女保健科Relationship between the results of prenatal psychological screening and pregnancy outcomes Cui Wencai,YangMingmei. Shijingshan District Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital Women's Health Care Department,Beijing 100041, China【Abstract 】Objective To explore the influence of psychological abnormality during pregnancy and childbirth on pregnancy outcome. Methods A total of 1357 puerperas who completed 4 psychological screening during perinatal period from August 2020 to November 2021 in Shijingshan District. According to the four screening results, the patients were divided into three groups: no abnormality group (control group), suspected high-risk group and suspected depression group.The baseline characteristics and pregnancy outcome of the three groups were compared, and the effect of pregnancy and perinatal psychology on pregnancy outcome was analyzed. Results Compared the pregnancy outcomes of the three groups of pregnant women, the rate of cesarean section and the amount of postpartum hemorrhage were statistically significant (P <0.05), Compared with the other two groups, the suspicious depression group was significantly higher than the other two groups (P <0.05). There was no significant difference among the three groups in terms of newborn length, newborn birth weight and weight gain during pregnancy(P >0.05). The proportion of macrosomia in suspected depression group>suspected high-risk group>control group, with a statistically significant difference(P <0.05).Conclusion Psychological abnormalities during pregnancy and childbirth are related to pregnancy outcomes. The rate of cesarean section, the amount of postpartum hemorrhage, and the proportion of macrosomia are relatively high in women with suspected depression.【Key words 】 Psychology of perinatal period; Suspected depression; Cesarean rate; Newborn birth weight; Postpartum bleeding的关系,为开展孕产期心理健康服务,改善妊娠结局提供参考依据。







比如,以下两个研究就是对未接受治疗的抑郁和焦虑障碍的脑区异常情况的探索:Williams, L. M. (2016). Defining biotypes for depression and anxiety based on large-scale circuit dysfunction: a theoretical review of the evidence and future directions for clinical translation. Depression & Anxiety, 33, 1-16.该研究对抑郁和焦虑障碍的相关文献进行综述,探讨二者在大范围的神经回路上的功能联结性异常情况,结果发现了二者一致在默认模式回路、突出回路、消极与积极情感回路、注意回路及认知控制回路的功能联结性上存在异常。

Bishop, S., Duncan, J., Brett, M., & Lawrence, A. D. (2004). Prefrontal cortical function and anxiety: controlling attention to threat-related stimuli. Nature Neuroscience, 7(2), 184-188.该研究主要探讨了对与威胁相关的刺激物进行加工时,注意控制的情况,最终发现了焦虑障碍与抑郁障碍一样,都被认为在发病过程中前额叶、杏仁核和海马有相似的改变。



易患某病之身心素质英语Predisposition to Disease - 疾病易感性Genetic Factors - 基因因素If a disease runs in your family, you may have a genetic predisposition to developing that illness. Certain mutations or variances in your DNA make you more prone to the condition.如果某种疾病在你的家族中传播,你可能具有遗传上的疾病易感性。


Weakened Immune System - 免疫系统薄弱People with compromised immune systems due to an illness, medication, or disorder have higher susceptibility to catching various diseases. Theylack the defenses to fight off infections.由于某种疾病、药物或紊乱导致免疫系统受损的人,更容易感染各种疾病。


High Stress Levels - 高压力水平Chronic stress and anxiety can weaken the immune system over time, making someone more vulnerable to sickness. Stress hormones interfere with the body's ability to fight off viruses and bacteria.长期的压力和焦虑可以随着时间推移削弱免疫系统,使某人更容易生病。

右腹外侧前额叶对高抑郁水平成年人社会情绪调节的作用:一项tDCS 研究

右腹外侧前额叶对高抑郁水平成年人社会情绪调节的作用:一项tDCS 研究

心理学报 2019, Vol. 51, No.2, 207Acta Psychologica Sinica DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00207收稿日期: 2018-08-01* 中国人民大学中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金支持。

通信作者: 张丹丹,E-mail:*******************;买晓琴,E-mail:*************.cn 右腹外侧前额叶对高抑郁水平成年人社会情绪调节的作用:一项tDCS 研究*张丹丹1,2,3,4 刘珍莉1 陈 钰1 买晓琴3,4(1深圳大学心理与社会学院; 2深圳市情绪与社会认知科学重点实验室, 深圳 518060)(3中国人民大学心理学系; 4中国人民大学心理学系实验室, 北京 100872)摘 要 已有的经颅直流电刺激(transcranial direct current stimulation, tDCS)研究证明, 右腹外侧前额叶(rightventrolateral prefrontal cortex, RVLPFC)是社会情绪调节的重要脑区, 激活RVLPFC 可显著降低人们对社会性负性情绪体验的强度。


该群体对社会排斥的敏感性高, 且对负性社会情绪体验的情绪调节能力降低。

在本研究中, 我们采用外显的情绪调节任务, 研究了高、低抑郁水平的两组成年人被试在RVLPFC 接受阳性tDCS 后其情绪调节能力的改变。

结果表明, 虽然采用tDCS 激活RVLPFC 可帮助被试通过情绪调节(认知重评)减弱负性情绪体验, 但高抑郁水平被试的负性情绪强度下降程度明显小于低抑郁水平被试。

另外本文还发现, 与源于个人的负性情绪相比, tDCS 效应对源于社会的负性情绪(即社会排斥)更强。







1. 患者曾经经历震惊或极端创伤。

2. 患者出现以下症状超过一个月:
- 反复出现令人不悦的回忆、梦魇或闪回。

- 避免与创伤相关的活动、地点或人物。

- 持续对创伤的负面情绪反应。

- 持续感到恶心、愤怒、焦虑或易激惹。

- 难以入睡或睡眠质量差。

- 难以集中注意力。

- 过度警觉或易受惊吓。

3. 上述症状造成了明显的心理和社交功能障碍。

1. 心理治疗:认知行为疗法、曝光疗法和眼动脱敏再处理等心

2. 药物治疗:特定的抗抑郁药物、抗焦虑药物和抗睡眠障碍药

3. 社会支持:家人、朋友和支持群体的支持和理解对患者康复很关键。




浅谈伴躯体症状抑郁焦虑 的识别与治疗
电子科大医学院 T/0082/15 有效期至2017年7月
躯体症状是抑郁焦虑的一部分 有效识别伴躯体症状的抑郁焦虑
Presentation title
Insert your date / confidentiality text here
四维度症状问卷 (Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire, 4DSQ)评价2008例抑 郁和/或焦虑障碍患者与健康对照组中的躯体症状群比例
横断面研究,评价1367例抑郁和/或焦虑障碍患者各疾病亚型与躯体症状群*的独 立相关性 (OR值)。多因素logistic回归分析表明,抑郁焦虑亚型与各躯体症状群相 关性存在差异。
●心脏呼吸系统症状 ●骨骼肌系统症状 ●胃肠道系统症状 ●一般性症状
PTyrleeseeAn,taGtaionndhtiitPle. The importance of somatic symptoms in depression in primarIynscaerret .yPoruimr dCaatree /CcoomnpfaidneionntiaJ lCitlyintePxsytchheiartery 2005; 7: 167-76
食欲改变 睡眠改变 性欲改变 精力缺乏



紧张综合征的名词解释紧张综合征(Anxiety Disorder)是一种慢性的心理问题,通过紧张、恐惧影响人们的正常生活。



紧张综合征可以分为多种不同的类别,其中最常出现的是一般性焦虑症(Generalized Anxiety Disorder)和特定焦虑症(Specific Anxiety Disorder),也就是非常害怕一种或多种特定的情景。

其他的紧张综合征包括强迫症(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)、恐惧症(Phobias)、分裂症、社交焦虑症(Social Anxiety Disorder)等等。

















1.脆弱型高自尊高中生攻击性线索注意偏向术 [J], 张丽华;施国春;张一鸣
2.脆弱高自尊初中生的应对方式研究 [J], 王玉龙
3.脆弱型高自尊研究:源起、现状与展望 [J], 张丽华;曹杏田
4.C类人格障碍倾向大学生的权变性自尊研究 [J], 林玉凤; 卢宁
5.高校大学生脆弱型高自尊现状研究 [J], 戴晶晶

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Original ArticlePrenatal stress and affective disorders in a population birth cohortThere is increasing interest in whether the timing of maternal stress during pregnancy determines vul-nerability to specific psychiatric diseases in off-spring (1–4),but it is unclear which periods in pregnancy confer vulnerability.It is also not known whether psychosocial stress alone can increase it.Some have suggested that prenatal stress is associated with a higher risk of affective disorders,and that the timing of the stress may influence the risk for this outcome (2,4–7).The second and third trimesters and the 10weeks prior to conception have all been reported to be the critical periods (2,4–7).To address the question of the relevant timing during gestation,we analyzed data from a large birth cohort to ascertain whether women who were at a specific stage of pregnancy during a war of six days Õduration had offspring with unique incidences of hospitalization for affective disorders.We analyzed data by month of pregnancy to study the precise timing of potential disruption of fetal development.We also analyzed data by trimester so as to augment the power of our analyses by increasing the numbers of offspring exposed during each periodKleinhaus K,Harlap S,Perrin M,Manor O,Margalit-Calderon R,Opler M,Friedlander Y,Malaspina D.Prenatal stress and affective disorders in a population birth cohort.Bipolar Disord 2013:15:92–99.Ó2012John Wiley &Sons A ⁄S.Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Objectives:Pregnant women exposed to an acute traumatic event are thought to produce offspring with an increased incidence of affective disorders.It is not known whether there are specific times in pregnancy which confer increased vulnerability,or if psychosocial stress alone can increase the incidence of affective disorders in offspring.We examined the relationship of the timing of an acute psychosocial threat during pregnancy to the incidence of affective disorders in offspring using data from a large birth cohort.Methods:Using data on 90079offspring born in Jerusalem in1964–1976and linked to Israel Õs psychiatric registry,we constructed proportional hazards models to evaluate the link between gestational age during the Arab–Israeli war of June 1967and incidence of mood disorders.Results:Those in their first trimester of fetal development during the war were more likely to be admitted to hospitals for any mood disorders [relative risk (RR)=3.01,95%confidence interval (CI):1.68–5.39,p =0.0002];for bipolar disorder the risk was doubled (RR =2.44,95%CI:0.996–5.99,p =0.054)and for all Ôother Õmood disorders the risk was tripled (RR =3.61,95%CI:1.68–7.80,p =0.001).Mood disorders were also increased in offspring whose mothers had been in the third month of pregnancy in June of 1967(RR =5.54,95%CI:2.73–11.24,p <0.0001).Conclusions:A time-limited exposure to a severe threat during early gestation may be associated with an increased incidence of affective disorders in offspring.The third month of fetal development was a moment of special vulnerability.Karine Kleinhaus a,b ,SusanHarlap a,b ,Mary Perrin a ,Orly Manor c ,Ronit Margalit-Calderon c ,Mark Opler a ,Yehiel Friedlander c and Dolores Malaspina aDepartments of a Psychiatry,b Obstetrics and Gynecology,New York University School of Medicine,New York,NY,USA,c Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health,Jerusalem,Israeldoi:10.1111/bdi.12015Key words:cohort study –mood disorders –prenatal stressReceived 8March 2012,revised and accepted for publication 1September 2012Corresponding author:Karine Kleinhaus,M.D.,M.P.H.Department of PsychiatryNew York University School of Medicine 550First Avenue New York,NY 10016USAFax:212-263-2935E-mail:kkleinhaus@Bipolar Disorders 2013:15:92–99Ó2012John Wiley and Sons A/S Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.BIPOLAR DISORDERS92of development;this also made it easier to compare our work with other studies.MethodsSubjectsSubjects included offspring from the Jerusalem Perinatal Study,a population-based cohort derived from all92408births in1964–1976to mothers residing in West Jerusalem(8).Details of this cohort are given elsewhere(8).The cohort has been linked with IsraelÕs population registry to trace and verify identity(ID)numbers,dates of birth and basic demographic characteristics,and to ascertain vital status and dates of death.In1999,the cohort was linked to IsraelÕs national psychiatric registry which has been run by the Ministry of Health since 1950(9).This registry contains a record of all admissions to psychiatric wards and day facilities and includes the dates of admission and discharge, plus a single discharge diagnosis for each episode assigned to a board-certified psychiatrist.These diagnoses were coded with the International Clas-sification of Diseases(ICD)and codes from previous years have been updated to reflect the 10th revision(ICD-10),and those for psychotic disorders have been recently validated(10).The cohort was re-linked with the psychiatric registry in December of2004.Nuclear families were linked within the cohort,and currently a33–41-year follow-up of offspring has been completed.This research was approved by the institutional review boards at Hebrew University,Jerusalem,and at New York University Medical Center,and exempted from the requirement for written informed consent.Operational definitionsStressor.This study relied on the Arab–Israel(ÔSix DayÕ)War of June1967as a presumed cause of acute maternal stress.As previously described(1), the tension in Israel intensified on May19,1967 when Egypt expelled United Nations peacekeeping forces from the Sinai Peninsula,and escalated until spiking with the outbreak of the conflict on June5. The conflict itself lasted from June5to June10. During thefirst two days,there was heavy shelling of Western Jerusalem(11,12).Afterwards,there were no major displacements of residents from Western Jerusalem,and no changes in their nutri-tion.As a result,this war was chiefly a severe psychological stressor,likely to have been only a few days in duration.This was especially likely because from the third day of the conflict,it became evident that the residents of Western Jerusalem would survive this assault. Psychiatric outcomes.ICD-10codes for mood disorders include diagnoses of types of manic episodes(F30),bipolar affective disorder(F31), depressive episodes(F32),recurrent depressive disorder(F33),and mood disorders that do not meet criteria for the categories of manic episode, bipolar disorder,or major depressive disorders (F34,F38and F39).For this study,we assigned a diagnosis of mood disorder to offspring who had at least one hospital episode with a discharge diag-nosis of a mood disorder(ICD-10=F30–F39) and no admission for schizophrenia(F20).In those individuals meeting these two criteria,we ignored hospital episodes with other diagnoses,including schizophrenia spectrum disorders(F21–F29)and any other conditions coded in the ICD-10:adult personality and behavior;mental retardation; organic,including symptomatic,mental disorders; mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoac-tive substance use;neurotic,stress-related,and somatoform disorders;behavioral syndromes asso-ciated with physiological disturbances and physical factors;disorders of psychological development; behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence; and unspecified mental disorder.Within the group of mood disorders we also analyzed separately:(i) those with at least one admission for bipolar disorder,regardless of other diagnoses,and(ii) those withÔotherÕmood disorders,i.e.,offspring defined as having a mood disorder,but with no episodes for bipolar disorder.Data analysisBecause offspring were born in different years within the Jerusalem birth cohort and thus fol-lowed for different periods of time,we chose Cox proportional hazards models to analyze the effects of prenatal stress at specific times in pregnancy on the incidence of hospitalization for mood disor-ders.Each psychiatric diagnosis was coded as present or absent.The date of onset was taken as thefirst episode in the psychiatric registry,regard-less of the discharge diagnosis assigned to that episode.Time to event was handled as completed years since birth,i.e.,age,until thefirst hospital admission or death;survivors were censored on December31,2004.Ties were handled by EfronÕs method(13).Gestational month at the time of the war was calculated using date of birth.We counted back by calendar month from date of birth in orderPrenatal stress and affective disorders93to define month-long windows during pregnancy when prenatal stress occurred.We incorporated variables in thefinal model if their inclusion adjusted the crude hazards ratio for admission to hospital after prenatal stress at a specific month of gestation by more than10%,and they were also significantly associated with mood disorders in a multi-variant model.Any identified covariates were then entered into afinal model to examine the incidence of each of these outcomes in the offspring based on the timing of the Six Day War during gestation.The variables evaluated for inclusion were:sex,parental ages,parental region of birth,parental history of admission to hospital for any psychiatric illness,socioeconomic status, and secular trend.Sex was coded as male versus female.Parental ages were coded as continuous variables,in years of deviation from their means (31.5years for the father and27.6years for the mother).The motherÕs and fatherÕs ages were also each defined as a dichotomous variable (<35years old versus‡35years old)for presen-tation in the cross tabulations(Table1).Dummy variables,each variable defined as dichotomous (yes or no),were coded for paternal and maternal country of birth in Israel,North Africa,Western Asia,or Europe,and other developed countries. Maternal or paternal history of admission to hospital for a psychiatric diagnosis was coded as a dichotomous variable(yes or no).Socioeconomic status was coded as low versus medium or high. Secular trend was tested with sine and cosine transformations of time together with theirfirst harmonics;variables were coded for sine,cosine,2·sine and2·cosine.Results are given as relative risk(RR)of mood disorders,bipolar disorder,or other mood disorders,along with the 95%confidence intervals(CIs).We compared the RR for bipolar disorder to that for other mood disorders in offspring whose mothers were in their third month of pregnancy during the Six Day War in order to determine if they were significantly different.Calculations of the ratio of RR were performed using the method described by Altman and Bland(14)(a multi-step process described in detail in their paper).We used this method because one cannot assume that,when two CIs overlap,the two estimates are not significantly different(14, 15).There was no adjustment for multiple testing. We hypothesized that there would be a difference in effect on incidence according to month of gestation during which the stressor occurred because of earlierfindings regarding the incidence of schizophrenia in this cohort,mentioned above. SAS(SAS Institute Inc.,Cary,NC,USA)was used for the analyses.ResultsOf the original cohort of92408there were949 (1.0%)stillbirths and1380(1.5%)whose ID numbers could not be traced in the Population Registry,leaving90079offspring available for this study.Table1summarizes the demographic char-acteristics of the updated cohort as a whole,as well as of those offspring who were in utero during the first,second,or third trimester of gestation during the Arab–Israeli war of June1967.Table2shows the number and percent of offspring admitted to hospital for any mood disorder,bipolar disorder, other mood disorders,or schizophrenia in the Jerusalem Cohort as a whole and by trimester of exposure to the war.In the cohort there were also 89offspring admitted for organic mental disorders (F00–F09),100for mental disorders due to drug use(F10–F19),195for mental disorders due to stress(F40–F48),44for behavioral symptoms associated with physiologic disturbances(F50–F59),353offspring admitted for personality Table1.Number of offspring and percent distribution of selected variables by trimester of pregnancy in June1967TotalTrimester123(n=90079)(n=1423)(n=1409)(n=1466) SexMale51.552.849.749.4 Female48.547.250.350.6 Paternal age(years)<3570.867.069.869.0‡3529. Maternal age(years)<3586.482.385.386.4‡3513.617.714.713.6 Paternal region of birthIsrael16.917.016.816.3 North Africa20.825.021.422.8 West Asia30.531.333.432.7 Europe andother31.826.728.528.2Maternal region of birthIsrael15.615.616.015.6 North Africa22.524.622.924.6 West Asia29.333.233.333.2 Europe andother32.726.727.826.7Paternal admissionYes No98.699.599.599.3 Maternal admissionYes 1.3 No98.799.099.699.5 Socioeconomic statusLow25.635.830.433.6 Medium37.432.336.937.4 High37.0032.729.1Kleinhaus et al. 94disorders(ICD-10code F60–F69),80for mental retardation(F70–F79),37for behavioral disorders childhood⁄adolescent onset(F90–F98),25for disorders pertaining to psychological development (F80–F89),and10for unspecified mental disorder (F99).Table3shows the number of offspring admitted with any mood disorders,bipolar disorders,or other mood disorders by month of exposure to the war.Evident in Table4,only those offspring whose mothers were in thefirst trimester of pregnancy during the war had a significantly increased RR for mood disorders as compared to other trimesters.For thatfirst trimester,our Cox model showed a significantly increased incidence of admission to hospital for any mood disorders (RR=3.01,95%CI: 1.68–5.39,p=0.0002), bipolar disorder(RR=2.44,95%CI:0.996–5.99,p=0.051),and other mood disorders (RR=3.61,95%CI:1.68–7.80,p=0.001)com-pared to the rest of the cohort.The RRs for our subcategories did not differ significantly from each other.Stress in either the second or third trimester was linked to a decreased incidence of all three diagnoses as seen in Table4,although none of these decreases were statistically significant.Off-spring in utero during month3of pregnancy at the time of the war subsequently experienced a very high incidence of admission for all mood disorders (RR=5.54,95%CI: 2.7–11.24,p<0.0001), bipolar disorder(RR=5.45,95%CI: 2.01–14.79,p=0.0009),and other mood disorders (RR=5.64,95%CI:2.07–15.34,p=0.0007)in comparison to other months of pregnancy;effects for these groups did not differ significantly from each other.Although thefindings for the third month are based on small numbers,we report them because they are highly significant.The RR for hospital admission for male off-spring did not differ substantially from that for female offspring for all mood disorders (RR=1.18,95%CI:0.91–1.53,p=0.21),or for bipolar disorder(RR=0.92,95%CI:0.64–1.32,p=0.66).Male offspring had only65%of the incidence in female offspring of other mood disorders(RR=0.65,95%CI:0.44–0.95, p=0.02).However,the RRs of male versus female offspring for bipolar disorder and other mood disorders did not differ significantly from each other(RR=1.04,95%CI:0.61–1.75).There were too few cases when analyzing risk by month for us to adjust our Cox models for sex,but thereTable2.Number of offspring with psychiatric diagnoses by trimester ofgestation in June1967Trimester123Offspring withAny mood disorder2311213Bipolar disorder120511Other mood disorders111702Schizophrenia56814910Other diagnoses822171322Any psychiatric admission1621432335Total no.offspring90079142314091466Table3.Number of offspring with all mood disorders,other mood disorders,and bipolar disorders in the Jerusalem Cohort and by month of gestation during the Arab–Israeli war of June1967Gestational month123456789 All mood disorders228001012 Bipolar disorder104001001 Other mood disorders104000011 Total no.offspring419498506452480477492486488Table4.Relative risk(RR),95%confidence interval(CI)and p-values for hospital admission for mood disorders according to trimester of gestation during the Arab–Israeli War of June1967Trimester during warFirst Second ThirdRR95%CI p-value RR95%CI p-value RR95%CI p-valueAny mood disorders 3.01 1.68–5.390.00020.230.33–1.670.140.690.22–2.150.52 Bipolar disorder 2.44 1.00–5.990.0540.460.07–3.330.440.450.63–3.220.42 Other mood disorders 3.61 1.68–7.800.001–––a0.940.23–3.790.94 a No admissions for other mood disorders during second trimester.Prenatal stress and affective disorders95were sufficient numbers for us to analyze incidence by trimester.Sex of offspring did not influence the relationship of trimester of stress and mood disorders(data not shown),so thefinal propor-tional hazards model for trimesters was not adjusted for sex.No other covariates that we evaluated met criteria(described above)for inclu-sion in thefinal model,including parental age, country of birth and history of hospitalization for psychiatric illness,socioeconomic status,and secular trend.DiscussionWomen in our cohort who were in theirfirst trimester of pregnancy during the Six Day War of June1967delivered children with an increased incidence of hospital admission for mood disor-ders.This effect was particularly noticeable in the offspring of those women who had been in their third month of pregnancy.The short and discrete duration of the war made residual stress in our population unlikely because relief due to IsraelÕs military victory immediately followed the war.This enabled us to pinpoint a narrow window of vulnerability.In other work the stressors studied were likely to have a chronic component so that effects of acute stress on the incidence of mood disorders would be hard to disentangle from those of ongoing stress.Our study is also distinctive because the war of1967was chiefly a psychosocial stressor unaccompanied by environmental disrup-tion or famine.In many other studies additional types of significant stress accompanied mental stress.Several researchers have reported an increase in mood disorders in offspring of mothers who experienced a stressful event in their second or third trimester.Brown et al.(16)studied the incidence of hospitalization for affective psychosis in children who had been in utero during a severe famine that occurred during the winter of1944–1945in Holland.Affective psychosis was defined as diagnostic code296in ICD-9[severe disturbances of mood(mania and⁄or depression)accompanied by mood-congruent psychotic symptoms](16).The researchers found that a severe nutritional depri-vation in the second trimester was associated with an increase in the incidence of affective psychosis in male offspring.However,a re-analysis of data from the same population,but with the addition of newly defined cases,showed that the incidence increased when famine began during the second and the third trimesters,for both sexes,and for both unipolar and bipolar affective disorders(5). This work is difficult to compare with ours because of the different definitions of outcome.Brown et al. used ICD-9codes to designate their groups for analysis;their two main groups,a priori,were affective psychosis(all296ICD-9codes)and neurotic depression(ICD-9code300.4),and these are not directly equivalent to our outcome groups. Furthermore,our cohort did not suffer significant nutritional deprivation,which triggers different physiologic responses than psychosocial stress alone.Khashan et al.(2)found that the male offspring of women who experienced death of a close relative or diagnosis of a close relative with serious disease during the second trimester had a 55%increase in the incidence of affective disorders. In that population,in contrast to ours,psychoso-cial disturbance was likely to continue after the initial event.An increase in admission to hospital for affective disorders,and especially for unipolar disease,was reported by Machon et al.(4)in a population exposed to an influenza epidemic dur-ing the second trimester of pregnancy.An infection would have affected the mother and her pregnancy differently than a purely psychosocial stress and this could account for their conflictingfindings. Although none of the RRs were significant,in our analyses prenatal stress in both the second and third trimesters was linked to slight decreases in incidence for all three diagnoses.It is interesting to note this consistent reversal of direction for the effect of prenatal stress for the second and third trimesters.We can speculate that perhaps fetuses in later stages of development react to physiologic signals of maternal psychosocial trauma in ways that differ from reactions in thefirst trimester, resulting in different effects on long-term mental health outcomes.Affective disorders are currently divided into several distinct diagnostic subgroups in the ICD-10,as noted above,and the same is true in the DSM–IV.Some consider bipolar disorder to be distinct from the other kinds of mood disorders, however,and bipolar disorders and schizophrenia are sometimes conceptualized as components of a clinical continuum with overlapping symptoms and etiologies(17).In consideration of these views we examined the subgroups of bipolar disorders and other mood disorders separately in some of our analyses.We did notfind evidence for a substantial difference in effects of stress during specific time periods on bipolar disorder as compared to other mood disorders,although the increased incidence of other mood disorders,after in utero exposure to the war in thefirst trimester,was1.5times that of the increase measured for bipolar disorders. Machon et al.(4),as noted above,reported a larger increase in unipolar depression than bipolarKleinhaus et al. 96disorder after prenatal stress.He concluded that there was a difference because one effect was significant and one was not;this approach is not necessarily definitive and statistical tests should be used to confirm this difference(14).There are several biological mechanisms that could theoretically contribute to ourfindings.One process might be the actions of elevated levels of cortisol in the developing fetal brain.Increased levels of corticosteroids are part of the stress response.When a pregnant woman experiences stress,her levels of corticosteroids rise and result in a transfer of higher than normal amounts to the fetus.Although some of the cortisol secreted by pregnant women is inactivated by11-beta-hydrox-ysteroid dehydrogenase-2(11b-HSD-2)in the placenta,some maternal cortisol crosses into the fetus(18,19).Increased levels in pregnant women are thought to cause increases in adverse neuro-behavioral outcomes in offspring(20).This is not surprising because cortisol plays an important role in maturation of the human fetal brain,and glucocorticoid receptors are present throughout the fetal brain from early in development in both humans and rodents(18).There is plentiful11b-HSD-2in the human fetal brain as well as in the placenta.11b-HSD-2 appears to be silenced during specific time periods in gestation and active in others(21),which suggests an intricate,time-specific regulation of cortisolÕs influence on neuronal development.This supports the idea of the importance of timing of increased levels of cortisol during the process of fetal development.Cortisol could also affect fetal neurodevelopment via the placenta rather than through direct action on the fetusÕcentral nervous system.Glucocorticoids have multiple actions on the placenta and fetus,each of which varies by period of gestation(18,22).Another possible mechanism is suggested by studies in fetal rats showing that early prenatal stress can reduce expression of glucocorticoid receptors in the hip-pocampus of offspring(23,24),a brain structure involved in the pathology of bipolar disorder(25, 26).Elevated cortisol during early pregnancy could also potentially affect the mother in some way so that she raises her child differently.This possibility was suggested in one animal study in which high levels of synthetic glucocorticoids were adminis-tered to pregnant rats during early pregnancy.It was found that the treated dams displayed different nursing behaviors as compared to controls(27). Epigenetic regulation of gene expression is yet another potential biological mechanism for our findings.DNA methylation has been shown to vary due to environmental factors including nutri-tion,chemical exposure or psychosocial problems (28–31).Differences in DNA methylation were also shown in adult offspring who were in utero during the Dutch famine of1944–1945.These variations were found to vary by sex of offspring and timing of the famine during gestation(32,33).DNA methylation in the central nervous system has been connected to neural development and neuropsy-chiatric disorders(34).Theoretically,changes in methylation could follow prenatal exposure to stress.All of these hypothesized mechanisms require further study.Stress,particularly during the third month,may be tied to an increased incidence of mood disorders in particular for two reasons.Firstly,during the third month of fetal development,neuroblasts that proliferated earlier begin to differentiate into spe-cific neuronal cell types or into microglia(35),and neurons that are the source of all of the GABAer-gic neurons in the mature brain migrate to the developing cerebral cortex and thalamus(35).This critical process starts and progresses throughout the third month,although these migrations peak from gestational week12to week20(35).Since disruption in GABAergic mechanisms is associated with mood disorders(36),one could hypothesize that disturbances during the third month would disrupt the migration of neurons that are the source of GABAergic neurons in the brain,thereby influencing the risk for these disorders.Secondly, the third month of gestation is a crucial period of development of portions of the brain that are directly related to affect and affective disorders. During the third and fourth months the major nuclei complete development in the limbic system (e.g.,the hippocampus and amygdala)and limbic regions of the cortex(e.g.,the anterior cingulate cortex)(37).Strengths of our study include use of data from a large population-based cohort with over three decades of follow-up,and a clear source of severe psychological stress that began and ended in a well-defined and discrete time period.In studies of longer-term stressors,such as famine within the context of a long conflict,bereavement or natural disasters,it would be difficult to disentangle the effects of the exposure to stress at a specific point in gestation from exposure to chronic stress during the rest of a pregnancy.Prenatal stress and certain outcomes may be associated due to post-natal conditions including the mental health of the mother and the environment in which the infant is raised(38).Stress during infancy has itself been shown to potentially affect risk for mood disorders later in life(39,40).Therefore,if one studies anPrenatal stress and affective disorders97ongoing stress,though it began during pregnancy its effects may be difficult to differentiate from effects of an altered environment after birth.A limitation of our study,as well as of other studies that use data from national registries for hospitalization,is that people with mood disorders do not all require hospitalization.Although Israel has a very high rate of admission to hospital for mental health conditions(41),it is likely that for some these disorders manifested prior tofirst hospitalization,and that others in the cohort were never admitted for their disorder;therefore,this study informs solely on the incidence of hospital-ization.It seems unlikely,however,that those exposed to war prenatally would be hospitalized at different rates than others in the population.In addition,any variation of incidence over time and season was considered in the analyses.Another limitation is the small numbers of cases in the cohort.Small numbers for each diagnosis in each trimester or month make it possible that we could not detect some confounders or mediators.Never-theless,despite smaller numbers in the month-by-month analyses in particular,ourfindings are highly significant.Finally,we cannot analyze data on those offspring with an older age of onset. Currently a33–41-year follow-up of offspring has been completed so that the cohort data are truncated in the late thirties.The cohort will have to mature before this question can be addressed. While completing this study we confirmed the results of earlier work that showed a link between prenatal exposure to the war of1967during early gestation and the incidence of hospitalization for schizophrenia(1).In our updated cohort,exposure to the Six Day War in the second month of gestation,as in the earlier work,was associated with a significantly increased incidence of schizo-phrenia in offspring.Here we used a narrower definition of schizophrenia(ICD-10code F20)in our models,which we will be using going forward, while the earlier work defined schizophrenia as hospitalization for any schizophrenia spectrum disorder(F20–F29).A narrower definition of schizophrenia should designate a more specific group of patients,which is likely to be more useful in studying the diseaseÕs etiology.Major depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide(42).Few genes have yet been found to explain the large proportion of the population with major depression or bipolar disorder(43–45).It has been proposed that environmental factors might interact with genetic ones to affect the risk for these diseases(46).Our work supports the hypothesis that an acutely stressful event occurring early in a womanÕs pregnancy might increase the incidence of mood disorders in her offspring. Additional research on this topic is essential because of its implications for public health.As many women continue to experience acute psycho-social traumas during pregnancy,it is necessary to understand the relationship between fetal exposure to this stress at certain points in gestation and the later risk of mood disorders as afirst step in developing interventions to reduce negative effects of traumatic events on the subsequent generation. AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge support for this project from grants K08 MH085807(KK),K07CA131094(MP),and K01MH080114 (MO),and the National Alliance for Research of Schizophre-nia and Depression(NARSAD)(DM,SH,and MP). DisclosuresThe authors of this paper do not have any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with this manuscript.References1.Malaspina D,Corcoran C,Kleinhaus KR et al.Acutematernal stress in pregnancy and schizophrenia in off-spring:a cohort prospective study.BMC Psychiatry2008;8:71.2.Khashan AS,Abel KM,McNamee R et al.Higher risk ofoffspring schizophrenia following antenatal maternal expo-sure to severe adverse life events.Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008;65:146–152.3.Susser ES,Lin SP.Schizophrenia after prenatal exposureto the Dutch Hunger Winter of1944–1945.Arch Gen Psychiatry1992;49:983–988.4.Machon RA,Mednick SA,Huttunen MO.Adult majoraffective disorder after prenatal exposure to an influenza epidemic.Arch Gen Psychiatry1997;54:322–328.5.Brown AS,van Os J,Driessens C,Hoek HW,Susser ES.Further evidence of relation between prenatal famine and major affectivedisorder.Am JPsychiatry2000;157:190–195.6.Stein AD,Pierik FH,Verrips GH,Susser ES,Lumey LH.Maternal exposure to the Dutch famine before conception and during pregnancy:quality of life and depressive symptoms in adult offspring.Epidemiology2009;20: 909–915.7.Watson JB,Mednick SA,Huttunen M,Wang X.Prenatalteratogens and the development of adult mental illness.Dev Psychopathol1999;11:457–466.8.Harlap S,Davies AM,Deutsch L et al.The JerusalemPerinatal Study cohort,1964–2005:methods and a review of the main results.Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol2007;21: 256–273.9.Lichtenberg P,Kaplan Z,Grinshpoon A,Feldman D,Nahon D.The goals and limitations of IsraelÕs psychiatric case register.Psychiatr Serv1999;50:1043–1048.10.Weiser M,Kanyas K,Malaspina D et al.Sensitivity ofICD-10diagnosis of psychotic disorders in the Israeli National Hospitalization Registry compared with RDC diagnoses based on pr Psychiatry2005;46: 38–42.Kleinhaus et al. 98。
