南京英语导游词 2

南京概况英文导游词南京概况英文导游词篇一: Ladies and gentlemen: hello.First of all, I on behalf of all our Chinese travel agency staff to come to visit zealously welcome to nanjing light view, in this first I introduce myself, my name is wang, everyone in the itinerary of the next call me xiao wang or Wang Dao is ok. I will be in line with the guests first, service first purpose for you to go to the best of service work, at the same time, also hope that my work can get your cooperation and support, so as to improve the quality of our service, enables you to play happy, go smoothly. Nanjing scenery is beautiful, has a long history, beautiful landscape is looking forward to your taste, the beautiful scenery is waiting for your appreciation. I hope this trip to nanjing will be your holiday paradise. Here I wish you all the pleasure of the next trip and the success of the game. To be satisfied, to be satisfied.Nanjing hereinafter referred to as better , is located in the fertile Yangtze river delta, north to cut the vast jianghuai plains, he is the capital of jiangsu province, the province s economic, political, and cultural center, is also one of the center of the Yangtze river delta cities and one of the central city of the Yangtze river basin. Nanjing, with a population of nearly 8 million, is 6,598 square kilometers, and the climate is a northern subtropical monsoon climate, so the climate is warm and humid, with abundant rainfall and distinct seasons. Nanjing is the three sides of the mountain, one facing water, the Yangtze river, the mountain ring water, the terrain is dangerous, has always been a place for the soldiers. It is known as zhong shan longdish, the city of shicheng . Nanjing has a long history and is one of the four famous ancient capitals of China. It is known as the land of the jiangnan, the king of jinling . The east wu of The Three Kingdoms, the later eastern jin, song, qi, liang, Chen all in this order, so nanjing is known as the six dynasties. Thenthe south tang dynasty, the early Ming dynasty, the taiping heavenly kingdom and the republic of China were all in this order, so nanjing is also known as the ten dynasties.Nanjing is an ancient city and a new and developed city. Nanjing is also the eastern part of our country s comprehensive industrial base and backbone industry of electronics industry, automobile industry, petrochemical industry, steel and electricity, nanjing is a national garden city, national excellent tourism city, national sanitary city and so on. Nanjing Ming tomb of world cultural heritage, and sun yat-sen s mausoleum, Confucius temple and other national 5 a-class scenic areas and more than 4 a level scenic area, there are more than two hundred sites at the same time, the amount of distributes the tourists sightseeing here. So it s a collection of mountain, water, city, is an organic whole, full of economic vitality, rich cultural features, modern center city of beautiful living environment, is a melting characteristics of ancient and modern civilization as one of the riverside city.南京概况英文导游词篇二: Hello everyone!Confucius said, it is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. first, please allow me to extend a warm welcome to all of you on behalf of nanjing China travel agency. My name is wang. I m the tour guide. Can do for you guide is my pleasure, I and the driver Mr. Wang must service for you, try our best to meet your request, help you solve the problems and difficulties, spirits, to everyone needs. I hope that through my introduction, the ancient and beautiful nanjing will make a memorable impression. I wish you a pleasant journey!Now I will give you a brief introduction to nanjing. Nanjing, or nanjing, is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze river and is located in the golden belt of the lower Yangtze river. The area of nanjing city is about 6,597 square kilometers, with a population of nearly 8 million anda total of 11 districts and counties. It is the center of politics, economy and culture of the whole province. Climate is subtropical climate, four distinct seasons, is a very ideal tourist attraction.Nanjing has a long history and is one of the four ancient capitals of Ming dynasty. There are jiangnan beauties, jinling empire state reputation. It has been more than 2,400 years since the king goujian established the yue cheng in 472 BC. In history, the official construction of the city began with the eastern wu sun quan, and later the eastern jin, song, qi, liang and Chen have all been established. Therefore, nanjing is known as the ancient capital of six dynasties . Since then, the southern tang, taiping army and the republic of China have also built the capital, so nanjing has another ten dynasties.In today s reform and opening up, nanjing s economy is booming, nanjing in developing tourism, nanjing has become a comprehensive industrial base in east China, pillar industries include: electronics, auto industry, petrochemical industry, steel, electricity. Nanjing is increasing the infrastructure of the city and improving the hard environment of foreign investment in nanjing. Nanjing is also a national garden city, a national excellent tourist city, a national health city and so on. Nanjing has more than 200 tourist attractions, attracting many domestic and international tourists. Nanjing s urban features are: human and green as one. Therefore, nanjing will become a modern international humanistic and green city with more dynamic economic development, distinct cultural features, more beautiful living environment and more harmonious society.【南京概况英文导游词】。

南京英语导游词篇一:南京英语导游词南京英语导游词注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30%城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5a景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述一、欢迎词Ladiesandgentleman:Goodmorning.welcometothecapticalcityofJiangsuPr ovince——nanjing.i’mhonoredtohavethisopportunitytowelcomeallofyoucometovisitthisbeautif ulcity.mayiintroducemycolleaguestoyou?Thisismr.Li,ourdriver,hisbusnum berisSua36099,pleaserememberit.mynameisSally,i’mfromthebranchcompanyofchinainternationalTravelServiceinnanjing.myj obistosmoothyourway,careforyourwelfare,trymybesttoansweryourquestio ns,andbeyourguideduringyourstayinnanjing.nowi’llgiveyousometipsduringyourstayinnanjing:Firstly,pleaseputyourheadand handsinsideofthewindow,orit’sverydangerous.Secondly,whenyoucomebacktotherestaurant,don’stbutnotleast,whenyoutravelaroundthiscity,pleasebecareful ofyourwalletandsomeothervaluedthings.ifyouhaveanyspecialinterest,pleas etellyourleaderorletmeknowthat,we’lltryourbesttomakeyourstayinnanjingapleasantone.wehighlyappreciateyou runderstandingangco-operation,wishyouenjoythesedaysyoustayhere.Than kyou.二、简介南京whenyoucometoJiangsuprovince,ofcourseyoucan’tmissthecapitalcity——nanjing.Sheisoneofthepolitical,economicandcultur alcenterovertheYangzideltaregion.andshewasbeencalledchina’ssoutherncapital.Thereareabout8millionpeoplehereandnanjingisoneoftheh istoricalandculturalcitiesrectifiedbythestate.Shewasoneofthe6famousancie ntcitiesinchina.Foralmost2000years,therehasbeen10dynastieswhicheatabis hedtheircapitalshere,theyarewu,EasternJin,Song,Qi,Liang,chen,SouthTan g,ming,TaipingKingdom,andRepublicofchinasubsequently. Fortourists,nanjingisoneofchina’smostattractivecities.inoctorber20XX,therecomesaresearchamongforeigne rsfrommorethan100countries,nanjingisthe3rdpopularcityinchina,justnextt oShanghaiandBeijing,ithinkwomustworkhardertogetherforit. ithinkalltheprettyscenicinnanjingwillmakeyoufeelcheerfulinheartandpleas edtoeyeswhenyouarelingeringamongthem.三、景点(8个)㈠中山陵dr.SunYatsen’smausoleum amongallthehistoricalandculturalattractionsinnanjing,themostfavoredhighl ightisdr.SunYatsen’smausoleum.dr.SunYatsen’smausoleumsitsonthesouthernslopeofthePurplemountainintheeasternsubur bofthecity.ittookmorethan3yearsand1.5millionsilverdollarstobuildthemaus oleum.dr.SunYatsenisconsideredastheforerunnerofthechinesedemocraticrevolutio n,thegreatpioneerofchinesedemocraticrevolution.onoctober12,1866,mr.Su nwasborninafarmer'sfamilyincaihengvillageofXiangshancounty(the present-dayzhongshancity),GuangdongProvince.Heputforwardthefamous guidingprinciple-”drivingtheinvadersou t,restoringthe sovereigntyofchina,establishingarepublicandequalizingthelandownership”andtheThreePeople'sPrinciples-”nationalism,democracyandthePeop le'sLivelihood.”Unfortunately,hebrokedownfromconstantoverworka ndpassedawayonmarch12,1925. Thelocationofthemausoleumwaschosenbymr.Sunhimself.Hereisexactlyag oodplacetobuildamausoleum.Youmaywonder:mr.SunwasborninGuangdon gbutdiedinBeijing.Forhiswholelifehetraveledthroughoutchinafortherevolu tion.whydidhechoosenanjingasthevenueofhistomb?Fundamentallyspeakin g,thereasonhechosezijingmountainashispermanentresting-placeistocommemoratetherevolutionof1911andtoencouragetherevolutionaries.amongallthe contribution,youngarchitectLuYanzhi'sdesign,adesignintheshapeofa bell,washighlypraisedandgainedthefirstprizeandhehimselfwasinvitedtosup ervisethewholeprojectaswell.Thecrescent-shapedsquareisthebottomofthe”BellofFreedom”.now,wearegoingoutofthezhongshanGateanddrivingalongthemausoleumRo ad.Pleaselooktothesouth.Thecopper”ding”withtwoloopedhandlesandtwolegs weighs5000kg.itis4.25metershighanditsdiameteris1.23meters.itisoneofthe constructionformemoryofthemausoleum.Tothebell-shapedmausoleumthe”ding”isjustlikethependulum.itseemstoservetoalarmthewholenationbystriki ngthebell.FurtherfromtheFraternityarchway,thereisaroadleadingtothemausoleum.Th eroadis480meterslonganddozensofmeterswide.Thewholedesignofthemaus oleumgivesprominencetochinesetraditionalstyle,grand,solemnandspecific. now,pleaselookforwardtothenorth,alongthehillside,situatethemausoleumG ate,theStelePavilion,thememorialHallandthecoffinchamberrightbehind.Th epines,cypresses,ginkgoesandmaplesonthebothsidesoftheroadrepresentmr. Sun'srevolutionaryspiritandloftyquality.nowwearecomingnearthetop platform.Look,therearetwobigcopper”ding”.Therearetwoholesinthebotto moftheleft”ding”.why?i nlate1937,whentheJapanesearmyattackednanjing,t heirshootinglefttwoholesintheleftding.now,althoughthecircumstanceshavechanged,thetwoholesalwaysremindchinesepeoplenottoforgetthenationalhu miliation.ascendingthesteps,nowwehavereachedthetopoftheplatform.Here wecanhaveabird-viewofwhatitisinthedistance.ThememorialHallisthehalfw ayuptothemountainandtherearealtogether392stepscoveredifyoucountfromt hearchwayofFraternity.moremarvelous,ifyoulookupfromthebottom,youca nseethatthestepsextendtothetopwithoutstopandyoucantseeanyplatform.But ifyoulookdownfromthetop,youonlyseetheplatforms.Thenumberofthesteps, 392,isnotarandomnumber;itimpliedthenumberofchinesepopulationatthatti me-392million. nowweareinfrontofthememorialHallandthecoffinchamber.Thesearethemos tbasicandgeneralguidingprinciplesofmr.Sun'srevolutionaryactivities. above”democracy”,thereisahorizontalinscriptionboardwithSun'shan dwritingonit,”FilltheworldwithJustice”. PleasefollowmeintothememorialHall.Theflooriscoveredwithwhiteandblac kmarblefromYunnanProvince.ThestyleofthewholestructureisablendoftheE astandthewest,representingthewellblendeddoctrineofdr.SunYat-sen. Ladiesandgentlemen,mr.Sunstruggledforabetterchinaforhiswholelifeando verthrewmonarchfeudalistsystemwhichlastedformorethan2000years.Heca rriedoutthethreeprincipalpo liciesof”makinganalliancewithRussiaandtheco mmunistPartyofchinaandhelpingthefarmersandworkers”inhislaterdays.Th egreatfeatmr.Sunhasachievedhasgainedgreat respectandpraisefrompeoplefrombothhomeandabroad.afterliberation,bothcentralandlocalgovernmentshaveexertedgreateffortsinpreservingthisexcell entheritage.now,asoneofthe”TopFortyTouristResortsinchina”dr.SunYat-senmausoleu mreceivesnumerouschineseandinternationalfriendseveryyears.oK,thankyo uverymuchforyourcooperation.Good-byeandgoodluck!㈡明孝陵XiaolingTombofthemingdynasty XiaolingTombisoneofthemosthistoricalheritageinnanjing,built600yearsag o,isthemausoleumofzhuY uanzhang,thefoundingemperorofthemingdynasty .LyingatthesouthernfootofthePurplemountain,thetombcomplexisoneofthel argestancientmausoleumsoftheemperorsinchina. Borninapoorfamilyandlosthisparentswhenhewasachildandbecomeamonk.i n1352,hejoinedtheRedTurbanarmywhichGuozixin’sadopteddaughterandbecamethecommandinggenerallater.zhutookovernanj ingin1356,andheconqueredtherestofchinainthefollowingyears.in1368,hem adenanjingthenationalcapticalwithanameofmingforhisdynastyandHongwu asthetitleofhisregin.zhubegantohavehistombbuiltin1381whenhiswifeEmpressmadied.Thecons tructionofthemausoleumlasted38yearsormoreuntil1413. nowfollowmysteps,Themausoleumconsistsoftwomajorsections.Thefirstse ctionisfromtheGatewayofdismountingHorsetotheLingxingGateattheendof Sacredway,ofwhichtheapproachis1800meterslong.Thesecondpartisthetombitself:Historicalrecordsindicatethemausoleumhadagrandredwall,22.5kilo meterslong,enclosingthewholetombarea.Thetombcomplexwasverylargewi thmanysplendidbuildings.100000pineswereplantedand1000deerraisedinth eparkofmausoleum.Unfortunately,thislargegroupofbuildingswasruinedbyt hewarsinthelatemingandearlyQingdynasties.Howeverwecanstillseetheexq uisitestonecarvingsfromthestonebasesandimaginehowmagnificentitlooked like600yearsago.ThetombgateknownasGrandGoldenGatewasatraditionala rchitectureandconnectedwiththeredwall.TheGatewayofdismountingHorsel ocatesabout750meterssouthfromhe re.Theinscriptioncanbeseen“alltheoffic ialsmustdismountfromtheirhorsebackshere”.Thisshowstheabsolutedignity ofEmperorzhuYuanzhangatthattime.northwardsfromtheGreatGoldenGate, ahugerooflessstonetabletpavilioncanbeseen,itistheSquarecastleaslocalpeo plecallit.itstopisgonebutthesurroundingwallsandfourarchwaysstillremain. inancientchina,thenextenperormustbethefirstorthefirstgrandson,becausehi sfirstsondiedin1392,sohisfirstgrandsonzhuYunwenbecamethesecondempe ror,thenthefirstsonzhudipraisedtheemperorandbecamethe3rdemperor,hew asactuallypraisinghimselfandpresumedhimselfastheauthorizedsuccessorto zhuYuanzhang.Behindthetabletpavilionissacredway,whichislinedonbothsideswith12pairs ofgiantstoneanimalsin6kinds. ThesacredavenuemakesarightturnherejustbecausethePlumBlossomHillsta ndsintheway.ThehillisthetombforSunQuan,thefirstemperorofEasternwuKingdom,someministerssuggestedthatSunQuan’stombshouldstaytheretobetheconciergeofhistomb. BehindthestatuethereusedtobeagatenamedLingxingGate.about270metersa wayfromthegateisthestonebridgespanningoverasmallstream,yetitiscalledth eimperialmoatBridge.Thebridgeusedtohave5arches,butwasrenovatedinto3 archeslaterintheQingdynasty.Thebridgefoundationandstonedykesaretheoriginalexcepttherail. about200metersnorthoftheimperialmoatBridgeisthefrontgatetothetomb.Th isareaistherearsectionofthetomb.attherightofthegate,thereisatabletstoneon whichisinscribedwith“TheSpecialnotice”writtenin6foreignlanguagesofJap anese,German,English,French,italianandRussiarespectivelytoreaffirmthea ttentiontotheprotectionofthefilialtombinthelateQingyears. insidethegateisanentrancehall,ofwhichinthemiddleis“theSteleofadminister ingthecountrywellastheTangandSongdynasties.”SinceQingrulesweremanchurians,EmperorKangxiwaspreoccupiedthatthe Hanpeoplewouldn’tbesubjecttohisreign.ThisstonetabletindicatedEmperorKangxi’sdesiretorespecttheHanemperoroftheformerdynastyandtrytoconciliatetheH ans.asagreatemperor,Kangximade6tripsdowntosouthernchinafromBeijing andvisitedthemingTombfor5times. StandingbehindthehallistheFilialHallorSacrificalHall,whichisoneofthemaj orbuildingsinthemausoleumemployedtoenshrineEmperorzhuYuanzhangandhisempress.Buttheoriginalwasdestoryedinthewars,andthepresentonewasr ebuiltandtwicerestoredintheQingdynasty. ThecitadelofTreasuresisthelastbuildingsontheground,16.25metershigh,75 meterswideand31metersindepth. ThetombisatthefootofPurplemountain.ithasnotbeenexcavatedbecauseofthe technicalreasonsofpreservation.ThetombsitewasselectedbyzhuY uanzhang himself.HowevertherehadbeenaBuddhisttemplehere.zhuY uanzhangpaced upanddownandlookedupseteachtimewhenhewashere.Thewiseabbotinthete mpletookhiscueandsuggestedtotheemperorthatthetempleshoulebemovedb ecausehisteachertoldhimsoinhisdream.Theemperorwashappywhenheheard thisandhadthetemplerebuilttotheeastofhistomb.oK,thankyouverymuchfory ourcooperation.Good-byeandgoodluckforyournexttrip!㈢灵谷寺LingguTemple LingguTemplewascalledJiangshanTempleinancienttimeanditsoriginalsite wasindonglongfuatthefootofthePurplemountain.Thistenplewithaninscripti on“TheFirstBuddhistForest”attheentrancetothemountain.myfriends,pleasefollowmysteps.insidetheentrancethereisasecludedfootpat hwiththousandsofpinetrees,verdantandluxuriant,soitiscalledthe“ValleyofS piritdeepinpines”.itisoneofthe48attractionsinnanjing.mainattractionsinthe parkincludeLingguTemple,thegatewayofofficersandmenkilledinaction,Be amlessHall,PineandwindPavilion,LingguPagoda,monkBaogongPagodaandtheTabletofThreeGreatartists,etc. Thefirstmajorattractionisthegatewayofofficalsandmenkilledinaction.Theg atewayhas5principlecolumnsmadeofconcretecement.Thegatehasitsfounda tioninlaidwithgraniteonsurfaceandroofedbyblue–glazedtile.Thelintelofthe middledooriscarvedwith4chinesecharacters“GreatjusticeandVirtue”infront faceand“SalvationofthenationandPeople”ontheback. insidetheparkthereistheBeamlessHallbuiltin1381inthemingdynasty.Therea renineoverlappingridgesandthreedagobasdecoratingthetopridges.intermso fsize,theBeamlessHallstandsfirstandforemostofitskindinchina.itwasbuiltm orethan200yearsearlierthantheotherfiveofthesamekindinotherareas. TheoriginalsiteofthePineandwindPavilionistheformerreligiousdisciplineha lloftheLinggueTemple.Thepresentpavilionwasbuiltin1929,asthememorial halloftheofficialsandmenkilledinactionwiththethingsleftbehindbythemarty rs.ThepavilionwasdamagedinthewarofResistanceagainstJapanandrestored after1949.LingguPagodawasbuiltin1933asamemorialpagodafortheofficalsandmenkil ledinwars.Thenine-storeyedoctagonalpagoda,isoversisty-meter-high,witha corridorencircledbystonerailsoneachstory.3characters“LingguPagoda”arei nscribedonthelintelofthefrontdoorand“wherethereisawillthere’saway”onthelinteloftheb ackdoor.insidethepagodaaspiralstaircaseof252ste pswindstothetopthroughtheninestories. inthebuseswestofPineandwindPavilionthereliesatombpagoda“BaogongPagoda”namedaftertheeminentmonkBaozhioftheSoutherndynasties.Traditio nhasitthatmonkBaozhiwasbornintoabird’snestin436.Hebecameamonkwhenhewas7yearsold.Beforehisdeath,Baozhi hadfrequentcontactwithEmperorwudioftheLiangdynastyandwashighlyresp ectedbytheemperor.LingguTempleistheonlyoneoutof70Buddhistmonasterieshandeddownfrom theSoutherndynasties.TheTemplewasrelocatedtothepresentsiteinthemingd ynastyandnamedLingguBuddhistmonasterybyEmperorzhuY uanzhang,wh ocontributedalotofmoneyandlandtothemonasteryoutofthegratitudethatther elocationeffectuatedtheconstructionofhistombatdulongfu.Themingdynasty alsoput12templesincludingQixiamonasteryundertheabministrationofLingg uTempleandthetemplewassolargethatitcouldsupportmorethan1000monksa tthattime. Thepresenttempleismuchsmallerthanitusedtobe.inthetemplethereistheTrea sureHalloftheGreatSage.intheeastofthehall,thereisachambre,whichusedtob ecalledtheGoddessofmercyHall.ButitisturnedtothememorialhallofmasterX uanzang.whiwenttoindiainthe7thcenturyandbroughtbackwithhimlargequa ntitiesofBuddhistsutras.Thelegendarystoryofthisgreatmonk-travelerandhis disciplesisvividlydescribedinthegreatmaster-pieceJourneytothewestbywuc heng’en.inthememorialhall,someofhisskull,introductionofhispilgrimageroutetoi ndiaandhisreturntochang’anareondisplay.infrontofthetemple,thereisascreenwall,onwhichiswrittenwi th10characters“theBuddhistritesperformedtoburymonkBaozhi’sremains”.oK,t hankyouverymuchforyourcooperation.Good-byeandgoodlu ckforyournexttrip!㈣总统府(中轴线+西线)PresidentialResidencemembersoftourists:wewillnowgosightseeingtourofscenicspotsisalonghisto ryandhasasadayoftheTaipingHeavenlyKingdomandtheRevolutionPalaceaf terdr.SunYat-senbecameprovisionalpresidentoftheofficeofthePresidentoffi ce.itislocatedintheYangtzeRiverRoad,no.292,nowhasbecomechina’slargestmuseumofmodernhistory. Thehistoryoftheplacedatesbackto600yearsago,andthesitewasthemansionof PrinceofHanduringthemingdynasty.in1912,dr.SunYat-senwaselectedthePr ovisionalPresidentoftheRepublic,andchangedthewestgardenofthepalaceint othePresidentialResidence.in1928,thepalacebecametheadministrationoffic eoftherepublicgovernment. oppositetothegateofthepalaceacrossthestreetistheScreenwall.Bythesideoft hewall,thereisatablet,whichisengravedwithanincriptionofGuomoruo’sautographthatreads“the100thanniversaryofTaipingUprising”.Builtin1930 ,theGateToweris篇二:南京英语导游词2南京英语导游词注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30%城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5a景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述一、欢迎词Ladiesandgentleman:Goodmorning.welcometothecapticalcityofJiangsuPr ovince——nanjing.i’mhonoredtohavethisopportunitytowelcomeallofyoucometovisitthisbeautif ulcity.mayiintroducemycolleaguestoyou?Thisismr.Li,ourdriver,hisbusnum berisSua36099,pleaserememberit.mynameisSally,i’mfromthebranchcompanyofchinainternationalTravelServiceinnanjing.myj obistosmoothyourway,careforyourwelfare,trymybesttoansweryourquestio ns,andbeyourguideduringyourstayinnanjing.nowi’llgiveyousometipsduringyourstayinnanjing:Firstly,pleaseputyourheadand handsinsideofthewindow,orit’sverydangerous.Secondly,whenyoucomebacktotherestaurant,don’stbutnotleast,whenyoutravelaroundthiscity,pleasebecareful ofyourwalletandsomeothervaluedthings.ifyouhaveanyspecialinterest,pleas etellyourleaderorletmeknowthat,we’lltryourbesttomakeyourstayinnanjingapleasantone.wehighlyappreciateyou。

南京景点英语导游词范文(精选3篇)南京景点英语导游词1 Now we are on the way to the Linggu Temple Park. On our right there is a fishing terrace with beige glazed tiles built in 1937. It was a monument to Dr. Sun Yatsen from the National Military Academy, which was founded by Dr. Sun Yatsen in 1924.Linggu Temple lies about one and a half kilometers to the east of Dr. Sun Yatsen s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in the ancient times and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the Purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription “The First Buddhist Forest “ at the entrance to the mountain. Inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant, so it is called the “Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines”.It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing.Inside the temple there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynasty. The hall, 53.8 meters long,37.85 meters wide and 22 meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood. There are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges. In size, the Beamless Hall stands first and foremost of its kind in China. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other five of the same kind in the other areas: Xiangtong Temple at Wutai Mountain; Yongzuo Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province; Wannian Temple on Ermei Mountain in Sichuan; Kaiyuan Temple in Shzhou and Longchang Temple in Jurong County. It far surpasses them all in solidity and magnificence. No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The difficulty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architectural technology of the time in China.Beyond the Beamless Hall are the Wind-through-pines Pavilion and a nine-storeyed, over sixty-meter-high octagonal pagoda, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each storey. Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase winds to the top through the nine stories. When one gets to the top story and gaze into the distance, one can get a view of the entiremausoleum area.南京景点英语导游词2 The 600-year-old Ming Tomb, lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb for Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1398.Born into a poor peasant family in Fengyang County, Anhui Province in 1328, Zhu Yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at Huangjue Temple. In 1352, he joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixin. He married Guo Zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later. Zhu Yuanzhang took over Nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 when he conquered the rest parts of China and established the Ming Dynasty.Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.Now we are reaching the tomb gate, known as Grand Golden Gate. Ming Tomb is divided into two parts. The first part is from Horse Dismounting Arch Gate to Linxin Gate, 1800 meters long, serving as the tomb avenue. The second part is the tomb itself. There was originally a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing thewhole tomb area. The tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised inside. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined during the wartime, once between the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the other time when Taiping Peasant Army was suppressed by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures were destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how it looked like 600 years ago.At the Horse Dismounting Arch Gate, the inscription can be seen “All the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here”. This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.Here we are at the square city, also called the stone tablet house. Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways are still remaining, just like a castle. The Great Ming Dynasty Wonderful Achievements and Merits Tablet, 8.78 meters high, built in 1413 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is the highest ancient tablet in Nanjing. There are altogether 2746 Chinese characters on the tablet, which praise Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang for his deeds and merits by his fourth son who made himself the third emperor of the MingDynasty.Why did Zhu Di, the third emperor erect this stone tablet? Zhu Yuanzhang had 26 sons. His first son died in 1392, so his first grandson, then 16, was nominated to be the successor to Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. In 1398, 22-year-old Zhu Yunwen became the second emperor after his grandfather’s death. However his uncle Zhu Di was then in Beijing and found some excuse to launch a war against him. The four-year-long war ended with the uncles victory. Zhu Di grabbed the power and became the third emperor. When Zhu Di praised Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, he was actually praising himself. Originally, Zhu Di planned to have a 72-meter-high stone tablet carved out of Yangshan hill in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. Since it was too heavy to be moved, he gave up his plan and had this small one made.The stone animal under the tablet looks like a tortoise. It is actually the first son of the dragon, well known for its strength. Its name is Bi Xi and he is always put there to carry imperial tablets. According to the legend, when the stone tablet was carved, the chief mason could hardly have it mount on the back of Bi Xi because it was too heavy. He was very worried and did not know what to do. One day he had adream, in which he was told that only when the tablet and Bi Xi did not see each other, he would make the mounting possible. Clever as he was, he covered Bi Xi with mud and pushed the tablet onto the back of Bi Xi as you can see now.When we pass the imperial bridge, we can see the sacred path lined with 24 animals. There are six kinds of animals, one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting. They work on two shifts. The significance of these animals is to show the countrys power and emperors influence, to drive away the evil spirits and guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beats. The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bi Xie, a mythical animal, suggesting justice. The following pairs of animals include camels, elephants, unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The unicorn represents good luck while Horse loyalty.You may wonder how these heavy stone animals were moved to this place. The fact is in the cold winter, workers splashed water on the ground and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the freezingice.Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as altars for the sacrificial offerings. The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan, the first emperor of Eastern Wu Kingdom. When Ming Tomb was constructed, some people suggested that Sun Quans tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay. This showed the emperor’s modesty. Among the 8 stone figures, four are ministers and the other are warriors.When we cross the imperial bridge and walk a short distance, we reach the tomb itself. The arch gate, imperial stone tablet pavilion, the grand hall, square city, grand terrace, treasure city, treasure top are all on the north-south axis, a typical layout of the ancient Chinese architecture.The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors. But this gate was rebuilt in 1999.In the stone tablet pavilion built in early Qing Dynasty, we can see an inscription by Emperor Kang Xi, the second emperor of Qing Dynasty, “Running the stateas prosperously as Tang and Song Dynasties”. Since Qing rulers were Manchurians, Emperor Kangxi was worried that the Han people wouldnt follow him. This stone tablet indicated Emperor Kang Xis desire to be peaceful with the Hans. He made 6 trips down to southern China from Beijing and visited Ming Tomb for 5 times. This tablet was erected here in 1699 during his third visit. We can tell from this tablet that Emperor Kang Xi was no wonder a great emperor.The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.The tomb site was selected by Zhu Yuanzhang himself. However there had been a Buddhist temple here. Zhu Yuangzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here. The wise abbot in the temple felt it and suggested to the emperor that the temple should be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. The emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb.南京景点英语导游词3 The imposing city wall, as high as a five-story building, is the good impression of the visitors to Nanjing.The building of the wall began in 1366, ordered byZhu Yuanzhang who, two years later, founded the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). More than 200,000 people worked on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1368.The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. It was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the worlds largest until the 17thcentury.In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished.Different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient Chinese cities, Nanjings wall followed the natural terrain and was built on a foundation of huge rocks. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. Many parts of the wall are still in good condition.The city wall has 24 gates, among which the Zhonghua (China) Gate, formerly called the Treasure Pot Gate, is the largest. Covering an area of 15,168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors.Behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. The heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. If enemy troops broke through the first wooden door, they could be separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. This strategy is known in China as “beating dogs behind a bolted door.”The first entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. These tunnels are big enough to accommodate more than 3,000 soldiers and store large quantity of food and ammunitions. On its both sides there are wide horse ramps. At the top, a rostrum allows a commanding view. Unfortunately, this rostrum and parts of the wall were destroyed by the Japanese during the Second World War.Now the Nanjing Municipal Government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated.s(“content_relate”);。

导游考试英文导游词Good morning! My name is Zhang Yuan.Can I begin?Attention dies and gentleman,welcome to beautiful city, Nanjing. I am the guide Zhang. Today, we are going to visit *****. On the way to ****, let me introduce our beautiful city, Nanjing.Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center; she is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, southwest of the province. The population of its urban area is about 3 million.Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state. She bears the reputation of the capital of Wu, Easter Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen, Southern Tang, Ming, Taiping Kingdom and Republic of China subsequently. Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultural heritage. The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultural heritages. With many a relics of the Republic of China era in particular, Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history.DR. SUN YATSEN’S MAUSOLEUMAmong all the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing, the most favored highlight is Dr. Sun Yaten’s Mausoleum. Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the purple Mountain in the eastern suburb of the city. The construction began on March 12, 1926 and was completed in 1929 when the remains of Dr. Sun Yatsen was transported from Beijing and buried at the present site on June, 1.Dr. Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan, is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution. Dr. Sun Yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 yeas of his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build a progressive, united and democratic Republic of China.Why was Dr. Sun Yatsen buried in Nanjing instead of in his hometown or Beijing where he died? The mausoleum site was first recommended to Dr. Sun Yatsen by the abbot of Linggu Temple for its good geomantic omen. One day in April, 1912, he went hunting at the site of present mausoleum with his friends.Dr. Sun Yatsen was really so amazed by the beautiful environment that he said to them: “I wish I could be bestowed a piece of land by people and be buried here after my death”. He once again expressed this desire in his sickbed in 1925.The architect named Lu Yanzhi.Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum is designed in the shape of a liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented. The park of mausoleum covers an area of 800000 square meters. The whole architecture, from the gateway to the main entrance, tablet pavilion, memorial hall and the tomb vault, lies on the north-south axis with 392 steps and 10 platforms in between.The buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbles and covered by blue glazed-title roofs.Opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the square, stands the 12-meter high gateway of three arches with Dr.Sun Yatsen’s handwriting “Fraternity” carved on its front top. The 480 meters long Tomb Avenue, lined with pine, gingko and maple trees, leads to the main entrance tower roofed by blue-glazed tile. Under the front eave of the tower, Dr. Sun Yatsen’s motto “The world belongs to people” can be seen.Walking through it, the first building one will see is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone which is engraved with “Premier Dr. Sun is buriedhere by the Chinese Koumingtang on June 1, 1929”. From there, a panoramic view of the memorial hall can be obtained. However, there are still 392 steps in 4 flights to go before tourists reach the memorial hall on the top, and a platform with stone benches at every flight so as not to exhaust the climbers.The memorial hall stands 73.33 meters above the ground. The lintel of the memorial hall is inscribed with “nationalism, democratic rights and people’s livelihood” and a vertical plaque is carved with 4 characters “Hao qi chang cun ” meaning imperishable noble spirit. All these words are written in Dr. Sun’s own hand. In the center of the memorial hall sits the Italian white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yatsen mounted on a pedestal carved in bas-relief by a Polish sculptor about his revolutionary activities. The surrounding walls are inscribed with the national constitution written by Dr. Sun Yatsen. Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault.Standing by the side of the pool, as visitors look down, they bow to see Dr. Sun Yatsen’s reclining marble statue with his body buried 5 meters underneath. If one looks up, he will find the emblem of the nationalist Party on the ceiling.When on e wraps up the homage tour and steps down, he will not only enjoy a bird’s eye view of beautiful Nanjing, but also feel totally relived because he does not see any more of those 392 steps, but the platforms. Not until then, he will understand how great Dr. Sun Yatsen is.The whole mausoleum is an architectural complex in a typical and traditional Chinese style, and the layout is harmonious and rational. All the buildings are roofed with blue-glazed tiles. With pine trees and cypresses growing around, the mausoleum looks magnificent and dignified.Dr. Sun’s mausoleum attracts thousands of visitors’ everyday.XiaoLing Tomb of The Ming DynastyXiaoling Tomb, or the tomb of filial piety, built 600 years ago, is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuan zhang , the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife Empress Ma died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383.But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year. But the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more till 1431 when ‘the Stele if Sacred Neruts and Virtues of Great Ming’ Filial Tomb’ was erected.The mausoleum consists of two major sections. The first section is from the Gateway of Dismounting Horse to the Lingxing Gate at the end of Sacred Way(tomb avenue), of which the approach is 1800 meters long. The second part is the tomb itself. Historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb compel was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer rose in the park of mausoleum. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the war in which by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures were destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.The tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall. The gateway of Dismounting Horse locates about 750 meters south from here. This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time. To the east of the gateway, there are two tablets: the holy Mountain Tablet and the Tablet of Mountain Forbidden Regulations decreeing the entrance of the ordinary people into the holy area was to be severely punished. The royal court dispatched troops here to atand as guards at the mausoleum in theyears. That is why the site has been called Xiaolingwei meaning the Town of Filial guard.Northwards from the great golden gate, a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion can be seen ,it is the Square Castle, as local people call it . Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain. In the middle of the building ,there stands and 8.78 meters high stele called :The Stele of Sacred Merits and Virtues of Great Ming’s Filial Tomb. It was built in 1413 by the third emperor ,Zhu yuanzhang ‘s fourth son. The stele is inscribed altogether with 2746 Chinese characters in praise of the merits and virtues of Emperor Zhu yuanzhang .The sacred way is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kinds. For each kind of the animals, there are one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting and they are on duty alternately. The real purpose of building these animals is to demonstrate the royal magnificence and the emperor’s dignity, to drive away evil spirits and guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beasts symbolizing power. The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bixie, a unicorn-shaped mythical animal, said to e clever and capable of distinguishing between good and evil. The following pairs of animals include camels, elephants, Kylins or Chinese unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant , which is the largest and heaviest sculpture, weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The kylin represents good luck as well as horse loyalty.In ancient times ,it was rather difficult to move these heavy stone animals. The fact is that workers splashed water on the ground in cold winter, and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the surface of frozen ice. Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as alters for the sacrificial offerings. Both the hexagonal pillars are carved with the patterns of clouds and dragons arousing visitors’ reverence and worship to the emperor . The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan , The first emperor of Eastern Wu kingdom. It is said that when the tomb was constructed, some ministers suggested that Sun Quan’s tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb. The Plum Blossom hill now is popular excursion site for the local people in spring when the plum trees are in full blossom.Beyond the memorial pillars there are 4 pairs of stone WenZhongs,2 pairs each of court officials and warriors. Legend has it that there was a giant about 10meters tall of Qin Dynasty. The warriors,3.26meters high, are in armor with weapons in hands while court officials are in court ceremonial robe with writing board in hans to take notes of the em peror’s edict.Behind the statue, there used to be a gate named Lingxing Gate. About 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream, yet it is called the Imperial Moat Bridge. The bridge used to have 5 arches , but was renovated into 3 arches later in the Qing Dynasty. The bridge foundation and stone dykes is the original except the rail.About 200 meters north of the Imperial Moat Bridge is the front gate to the tomb. This area is the rear section of the tomb. The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors . The lintel of the middle gate is engraved with 3 Chinese characters meaning ‘Xiaoling Tomb of Ming Dynasty’. Or “Ming’s Filial Tomb” given by the emperor himself but Ming was added actually la ter in the Qing times. It reflects the emperor’s idea to administer the country with filial piety which is the very instruction of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher. At the right of the gate, there is a table stone on which is inscribed w ith ‘The Special Notice’ written in 6 foreign languages of Japanese, German, English, French, Italian and Russian respectively to reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in the late Qing years.Inside the gate is an entrance hall, of which in the middle is ‘the Stele of administering the country well as the Tang and Song dynasties’. The tablet stone is engraved with the handwriting of Emperor Kangxi when he was paying his homage to the entombed emperor during his third inspection tour to the area in 1699.Standing behind the hall is the Filial Hall or Sacrificial hall ,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang and his empress. But the original was destroyed in the wars, and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the Qing Dynasty.The citadel of Treasures is the last building on the ground, 16.25meters high, 75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth. Ascending a flight of 54 stone stairs from an archway of the citadel is the tomb proper covered by a large earthen mound 400 meters in diameter. Under the mound rest the emperor and his consorts , and as the records testify, 50 or more concubines and maids of honor were buried alive for company. Their families were ensured holy titles, but these young lives became the eternal victims of feudal sacrifice system.The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.Linggu TempleLinggu Temple Park lies about one an d half kilometers to the east of Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in ancient time and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynast(1368-1644),Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription “The Fist Buddhist Forest” at the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant , so it is called the “Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines”. It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing . Main attractio ns in the park include Linggu Temple , the gateway of officers and men killed in action, Beamless hall, Pine and Wind Pavilion, Linggu Pagoda, Monk Baogong Pagoda and Table of three Great Artists, etc.The first major attraction is the gate way of officials and men killed in action. In November 1928, when Chiang Kaishek’s Kuomintang government made a decision to turn the Linggu temple into a cemetery of officials and men killed in battles, the original entrance to the temple was rebuilt into a three-arch gateway for the dead officials and men. The gateway has 5 principle columns made of concrete cement. The gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue-glazed tile. The lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 Chinese characters “great Justice and Virtue” in front face and “Salvation of the Nation and People” on the back. The side linte ls of the gate are decorated with the emblems of the KMT party.Inside the park there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynast. The hall,53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood, hence the name. There are nine overlapping ridges and three pagodas decorating the top reges. In terms of size, the Beamless Hall stands first and foremost of its kind in china. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other same kind Hall in other Ares. No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The difficulty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architects of that time in china.In 1928, the KMT government turned the hall into a sacrificial memorial hall to hold memorial ceremony for the martyrs, and a stand in the main lobby of the hall for worshipping the Boundless Longevity Buddha was turned intosacrificial platform. The middle of the three tablets on the hall is engraved with characters reading “The Bier of the National Revolutionary Martyrs”.Dying Words of the State father” inscribed on the right and national anthem of the Republic of china on left. The names of 33000 officials and men died in the North Expedition War against Warlords and the War of Resistance against Japan are carved on the black marble tablets inlaid in the walls. All these remain intact as they were in the 1930s.An irregular and zigzag enclosure wall is built between the Beamless Hall and the Pine and Wind Pavilion, symbolizing the rim of KMT Blussky and Daylight Flag. A tree planted in the middle of a circle symbolizes the Sun with brick made halo around.No.1 cemetery is in between the two sacrificial pillars standing near the hall. The other two cemeteries locate on both west and east of the Beamless Hall. The whole design seems that the cemetery is under the blue-sky and Day bright Flag.The Pine and Wind Pavilion was built in 1929, as the memorial hall of the officials and men killed in the action with the things left behind by the martyrs. The pavilion was damaged in the war of Resistance against Japan and restored after 1949. The present name Pine and wind Pavilion was given after its restoration. Beyond the Pavilion is and ancient two-layered tripod , on which is inscribed 4 characters “Engraved Tripod for Memory of Merits”Linggu Pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officials and men killed in wars. The nine storeyed octagonal, is over sixty-meter-high, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story. The pagoda was designed by the famous architects Mao Fei and Dong Dayou . 3 characters “Linggupagoda” are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “where there is a will there’s a way” on the lintel of the back door. On the exterior wall there are 4 characters “Faithful Dedication to the Service of the nation” which is the handwriting of Chiang Kaishek. Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories. The inner walls from the second floor to the forth are inlaid with Dr. Sun’s farewell speech made in Whangpoa Military Academy on November 30,1924 just before the starting of the North Expedition War. The inner walls from fifth to the eighth are inlaid with Dr. Sun’s opening speech for Whangpoa Military Academy made on June 16,1924. When one gets to the top story and gazes into the distance, one can get panoramic view of the entire area with fantastic scenery.In the bushes w est of Pine and Pavilion there lays a tomb pagoda “Baogong Pagoda” named after the eminent Monk Baozhi of the southern Dynasties.The Linggu Temple was relocated to the present site in the Ming dynasty and Linggu Buddhist Monastery by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. The present temple is much small than it used to be .In the temple there is the Treasure Hall of the Great Sage. In the east of the hall , there is a chamber , which used to be called the Goddess of mercy Hall. But it is turned to be memorial hall of Master Xuan zang, who went on a pilgrimage to India in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of Buddhist sutras. Then he devoted to the translation of these sutras and greatly enriched the Chinese Buddhist culture in the Tang Dynasty.City wall of Ming DynastyThe building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who adopted the suggestion of “building the high wall” by one of his staff and founded the Ming Dynasty two years later. More than 200000 people were employed on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1386.The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. The base of the wall is 14meters wide and the top of the wall is 7meters wide. It was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosedby it remained the world’s largest until the 17th century. Great part of the wall base is made of granite or rectangular slabs of lime stone, and both sides of the wall are laid with huge bricks. Each brick is 45 centimeters long, 20 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters thick with a weight of 15 kilograms. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick-makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished. Therefore many parts of the wall are still in good condition.Different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient Chinese cities , the wall of Nanjing followed the natural topography and formed an irregular shape. By this construction, natural barriers, such as mountains, rivers, and lake were all employed to strengthen the fortification of the city. The city wall has 24 gates, among which only 13gates were the original ones from Ming time and the rest were built or added for traffic purpose later on.Among all the gates, Zhonghua Gate is the largest. The gate was formerly called the Treasure Bowl Gate, which is connected with an interesting story popular among the local people. In the early Ming dynasty when Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang stared to build a city wall around Nanjing , everything was well done, except that this gate failed to be built after many attempts. From his prime minister, the emperor heard of a poor fisherman named Shen wanshan, who got a treasure bowl and became very rich. The imperial court dispatched people to cheat him out of the reassure bowl and buried it into the ground as the foundation of the gate. The gate was finally built up. From the time the gate was given the name Jubao in Chinese which means treasure bowl .Covering an area of 15168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors. Behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. The heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. If enemy troops broke through the first wooden door, they could be separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. This strategy is known in china as “beating dogs behind bolted door.”The fist entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. These tunnels are spacious enough to quarter more than 3000 soldiers and store large quantities of food and ammunitions. There are wide horse ramps on both sides. At the top, there used to be a rostrum allowing a commanding view. Unfortunately , the rostrum together with other parts of the wall was destroyed by the Japanese invaders in the Anti-Japanese war.Nowadays, 21.35-kilometer city wall survives and is among the preservation list of monuments and historical sites approved by the state council . The Nanjing municipal Government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated.CONFUCIUS TEMPLEThe qinhuai scenic spot includes the Qinhuai River, Confucius Temple, the Examination Museum(Gong yuan), the street of local delicacies, Former Residence of Wang’s and Xie’s at Wuyi Lane, and Nanjing Oriental Art Gallery and the former residence of Li Xiangjun, etc. Most of the buildings in Confucius Temple area were rebuilt and renovated in the mid-1980s and 1990s and the area becomes a tourist site of culture and commerce. It is an ideal place for tourists to understand traditional Chinese culture as well as enjoy shopping.The Confucius Temple sits at the south of Nanjing on the bank of the Qinhuai River. The Qinhuai River is a branch of the Yangtze River totaling 110 kilometers long. It has nurtured the city of Nanjing and added an illustrious chapter tothe local history. It finds its source in Mt.Baohua, Jurong County. When the river reaches the city, the river is divided into two streams. One goes around the city walls, which is outer Qinhuai, and was exploited as part of the city moat. The other goes into the urban area of the city through East Sluice, and goes out of the city from the west Sluice, then join the outer Qinhuai and empties into the Yangtze. This is the inner Qinhuai or the well-known Qinhuai River. Tradition has it that Qinshihuang, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, made an inspection tour eastwards to the area, he heard “the area has an influence on the fortune of producing emperor” and was afraid that the son of the Heaven could take over his power some day in future. Therefore he ordered to cut Fangshan Hill open and break the ridge into the stream so as to do away with the influence on the fortune. Later generations thought the river was dug by the emperor , hence he name.The Confucius Temple was first build in the Song Dynasty for people to pay worship to Confucius. It was gradually renovated and expanded to a place with a group of the Ming and Qing style buildings. The Confucius Temple people often talk about should include three great building complexes: Confucius Temple, Palace of learning and Imperial Examination Yard. The present Confucius Temple was extended on the basis of the Palace of Learning.The natural stream of the Qinhuai River was taken as the Pan Pool of the Temple. On the southern bank of the pool is the screen wall, 110 meters long, which was built in the Ming and is the biggest still preserved in China. The Screen Wall in front of the Confucius is to show that Confucian learning is too profound to be understood completely and the common folks (ordinary people) could not see the learning inside. Another saying : The wall is the frontal project of the temple for the purpose of covering and decoration , so as to give people an impression of its grandeur and magnificence.The Gateway of All Scholars is the first entrance to the temple. It was built in 1586 in an imitation of the Gateway in Qufu, the hometown of Confucius. The three doors of the gateway are the passage to the main temple , where the emperor and courtiers were to dismount to show respect for the great Saint. The highest central door was reserved for for the emperor when he paid worship to Confucius and organized memorial ceremony during his tour inspection . The two side doors were the passages for the princes and high courtiers, which common people and lower ranking officials were forbidden to pass.At the eastern corner of the square in front of the temple is a three-storied building named Kuixing Pavilion (Top Star Pavilion). Kuixing means the top candidate in the imperial examination in Chinese. The pavilion was a tea house for the ancient exam candidates to make friends with tea drinking as well as pray for the good luck. Tourists coming here may best enjoy tea and the beauty of the Qinhuai River, and do the same as the ancient Scholars did. At the western corner lies the Juxing Pavilion ( or Multiple Stars). As all the men of letters or literati were regarded as the stars in the sky, this Multiple Star Pavilion was specially built for their meetings.The first gate to the temple is Lingxing gate, which is decorated with the magnificent carvings in relief. The gate was built in 1480 and rebuilt in 1870, and the present one was restored in 1983.Dacheng gate, or the gate of Agglomeration of Merits and virtues, is the front gate of the temple. Beyond the gate, there are four tablets. “The Tablet of Confucius Social and Moral Stand” recorde d the Confucius stand of administrating the country. Confucius proposed to the power of the ducal king of the Lu state a number of policies and methods to stabilize the country and to consolidate the ducal power after he had made investigations on the syst em of institutions in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. “Jiqing Confucius Temple Tablet” waserected here in 1309 , after the Yuan emperor had issued an imperial edict of “ taking education as the state administration of the empire” in 1308. “Four Saints Tablet” was erected in 1331, Yanhui, Zengshen, Kongji and mengke . “Madame Super Great Saint Tablet” was erected in 1331, together with the “Four Saints Tablet” to commemorate the wife of Confucius.Dacheng Hall, or the Hall of Agglomeration of Confucius Merits and Virtues, was employed to enshrine and worship Confucius. In the middle of the hall is the seat of the Super great Saint Confucius, with 4 saints of Yan hui, Zeng shen, Mengke and Kongji on both sides. In addition, the tablets of 72 persons of virtue are also enshrined. Confucius is regard as a great philosopher, a great sage as well as a great educator of China.Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center was located to the east of Confucius Temple. It was first built during the Song Dynasty in a grand scale. It was called Jiangnan Examination Center because there was Jiangnan Province in the Qing Dynasty. Chinese emperors began to select officials through imperial examination from Sui Dynasty in the 7th century. The imperial examination system opened a door for all to rise from the bottom of the society to power and fame.Presidential ResidenceThe history of the place dates back to 600 years ago, and the site was the mansion of Prince of Han during the Ming dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty it became the office of the Viceroy of Jiangnan and Jiangxi . In march 1853, the Taiping peasant army conquered Nanjing and established their regime known as “the Kingdom of Heavenly peace”. Hong xiuquan , the Heavenly King of the regime, claimed the former palace and ordered it enlarged. In 1864, Zeng Guofan , the military commander of the Qing empire, attacked and cracked down the Taiping army. IN1912, Dr. Sunyat-sen was elected the provisional president of the republic, and changed the west garden of the palace into the Presidential Residence. In 1928, the palace became the administration office of the republic government. The occupation of the palace by the Plan on April 23,1949 marked the end of the KMT regime.Opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the Screen Wall. By the side of the wall, there is a tablet, which is engraved with an inscription of Guo Moruo’s autograph that reads “ the 100th anniversary of Taiping Uprising”. Built in 1930, the gate tower is a two-storied building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient Rome style. It used to be the guardroom during the period of the Republic of China.In 1864, when the Qing Dynasty army overran the Heavenly Kingdom capital , most of its buildings were destroyed. But fortunately, the garden west of the main hall, predecessor of the present day Xuyuan Garden, survived. The palace is newly restored, including the study, throne and imperial harem. In addition, the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is on exhibition here.The complex in the east of the court was the yamen of governor general of Multi-province. Yamen is the government office in feudal china. There is a newly restored Grand Hall in the yamen. Displayed in the hall are “the bearers of the imperial insignia in processions”, the imperial insignia of the Qing government official _birds for officials and beasts for warriors, former governor-generals as well as supreme commanders since the Opium War.The presidential palace is a three-storied building .The first floor was the office of secretariat. The second floor was the president’s office, vice president’s office and the secretary-general’s office. The third floor was the State conference Hall, in which the most important meetings were held once two weeks. Attended at the meetings were。

南京的景点介绍英文作文英文:As a native of Nanjing, I am proud to introduce some of the most popular tourist attractions in this beautiful city.First of all, the most famous attraction in Nanjing is the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. It is a grand and majestic mausoleum that was built to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat-sen,the father of modern China. The mausoleum is located on the southern slope of Purple Mountain and it is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery. The mausoleum is a must-visit attraction for anyone who wants to learn about the historyof China.Another popular attraction in Nanjing is the Confucius Temple. The Confucius Temple is a place where people cometo pay their respects to Confucius, a great philosopher and educator in ancient China. The temple is located in theheart of Nanjing and it is surrounded by beautiful gardensand ponds. The temple is a great place to learn about Chinese culture and history.In addition to these two attractions, Nanjing also has many other beautiful places to visit. For example, the Qinhuai River is a famous scenic spot that is known for its beautiful night scenery. The Xuanwu Lake is anotherbeautiful place to visit, especially during the spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.Overall, Nanjing is a city that is full of history and culture. There are many beautiful attractions to visit and each one has its own unique charm.中文:作为南京的本地人,我很自豪能够介绍一些这座美丽城市最受欢迎的旅游景点。

南京景点英文导游词【篇一:南京玄武湖英文导游词】南京玄武湖英文导游词hello everybody! welcome to nanjing. my name is hemeng,you can call me christine also. it is my honor and privilege to be your tour guide. i will spare no efforts to make you comfortable and happy during this trip. if you have some questions or want some help, please feel free to contact me.on our way to the destination, id like to give you a brief introduction of xuanwu lake.xuanwu lake is in the central-northeast part of nanjing, it nears nanjing railway station and ji ming temple. it is surrounded by three mountains in three directions: the zijing mountain to the east, the jizhao mountain and fuzhou mountain to the south and the mufu mountain to the north. the ming city wall borders the park to its south and east. the lake covers 472 hectares. xuanwu lake is one of nanjing zhongshan state-level scenic spots and an important part of the national aaaa class tourist attractions. it is the largest comprehensive park in nanjing with the function of entertainment, leisure and exercise. so beautiful it is, xuanwu lake can be compared with xihu lake.now, we arrive at the gate of the park. please get off the bus one by one, then i will show you around the park. now, lets begin our trip.xuanwu lake contains five oasises, namely huan zhou, ying zhou, liang zhou, cui zhou and ling zhou. now we are walking along the circle-shaped road which leads us to the firstoasis—— huan zhou. there are lakeside rocks and rockeries in the oasis, which shows the beauty of garden architecture in southern china. among those roc ks, the “guanyin and tongzi”. are the most famous. they are heritages of the zhongshan amir, xuda ,during the ming dynasty. besides,there are lama temple and nuona pagoda in this part.please follow me! lets walk across this bridge, and here it is. we are now at ying zhou. it is an oasis in an oasis and it gained its name for its beatuful cherry flowers growing all around. every spring flowers bloom, which attracts millions of tourists.lets move to next scenic spot, liang zhou. during the liang dynasty, princeliangzhaoming built a terrace for reading in this oasis, which gave it its name. it was said that prince liang gathered thirty thousand books and called for many scholars and talents to write essays. at last, they worked out the first analects of poems and essays which exerted a great impact on the study and development of literature. unfortunately, prince liang died of uncured disease early. people named the oasis liang zhou to honor this hard-working prince. i want to mention that liang zhou is the most beautiful oasis among the rest four oasises. you can find lake temple, lansheng tower, lotus pavilion, taoran pavilion and other historical sites here. you will appreciate the charms of natural landscape, especially the lotus pond.cui zhou is to the east of liang zhou. it is characterized by its green pines, cypresses, bamboo and willow. besides, music terrace and outdoor theater can be found here.what we are seeing now is the central oasis——ling zhou. it borders zhongshan mountain in the east, which gives it inviting views. there is a bird park in the oasis and it is the largest bird park in china. more than ten thousand rare birds are protected in this park. you can not only see a large number of beautiful and exotic birds but also watch bird performances in the park. you can even feed some birds in person.now, its your time! you can walk around the xuanwu lake freely and enjoy the scenery as you like. i hope you enjoy your time here! two hours later, well meet at the gate of the park. by the way, please put an eye on your luggage and dont forget the time.thank you!【篇二:南京英语导游词】南京英语导游词注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30%城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5a景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述一、欢迎词ladies and gentleman:good morning .welcome to the captical city of jiangsu province——nanjing.i’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.may i introduce my colleagues to you?this is mr.li,our driver,his bus number is sua36099,please remember it.myname is sally,i’m from the branch company of china international travel service in nanjing.my job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in nanjing.nowi’ll give you some tips during your stay in nanjing:firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.secondly,when you come back to therestaurant,don’t go out st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and someother valued things.if you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in nanjing a pleasant one.we highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,wish you enjoy these daysyou stay here.thank you.二、简介南京when you come to jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——nanjing.she is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the yangzi delta region.and she was been called ch ina’s southern capital. there are about 8 million people here and nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.she was one of the 6 famousancient cities in china.for almost 2000 years,there has been 10 dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they arewu,eastern jin,song,qi,liang,chen,south tang,ming,taiping kingdom,and republic of china subsequently.for tourists,nanjing is one of china’s most attractive cities.in octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,nanjing is the 3rd popular city in china,just next to shanghai and beijing,i think wo must work harder together for it.i think all the pretty scenic in nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them.三、景点(8个)㈠中山陵dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleumamong all the historical and cultural attractions in nanjing,the most favored highlight is dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum.dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the purple mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.it took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum.dr.sun yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of chinese democratic revolution. on october 12, 1866, mr. sun was born in a farmers family in caiheng village of xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan city), guangdong province. he put forward the famous guiding principle- driving the invaders out, restoring thesovereignty of china, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership and the three peoples principles-nationalism, democracy and the peoples livelihood. unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on march 12, 1925.the location of the mausoleum was chosen by mr. sun himself. here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum. you may wonder: mr. sun was born in guangdong but died in beijing. for his whole life he traveled throughout china for the revolution. why did he choose nanjing as the venue of his tomb? fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose zijing mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries. among all the contribution, young architect lu yanzhis design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well. the crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the bell of freedom.now, we are going out of the zhongshan gate and driving along the mausoleum road.please look to the south. the copper ding with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg. it is 4.25 meters highand its diameter is 1.23 meters. it is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum. to the bell-shaped mausoleum the ding is just like the pendulum. it seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell.further from the fraternity archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum. the road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide. the whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside, situate the mausoleum gate, the stele pavilion, the memorial hall and the coffin chamber right behind. the pines, cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent mr. suns revolutionary spirit and lofty quality. now we are coming near the top platform. look, there are two big copper ding.there are two holes in the bottom of the left ding. why?in late 1937, when the japanese army attacked nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding. now, although the circumstances have changed, the two holes always remind chinese people not to forget the national humiliation. ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform. here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance. the memorial hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of fraternity. more marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform. but if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms. the number of the steps, 392, is not a random number; it implied the number of chinese population at that time-392 million.now we are in front of the memorial hall and the coffin chamber. these are the most basic and general guiding principles of mr. suns revolutionary activities. above democracy, there is a horizontal inscription board with suns handwriting on it, fill the world with justice.please follow me into the memorial hall. the floor is covered with white and black marble from yunnan province. the style of the whole structure is a blend of the east and the west, representing the well blended doctrine of dr. sun yat-sen.ladies and gentlemen, mr. sun struggled for a better china for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years. he carried out the three principal policies of making an alliance with russia and the communist party of china and helping the farmers and workers in his later days. the great feat mr. sun has achieved has gained greatrespect and praise from people from both home and abroad. after liberation, both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage.now, as one of the top forty tourist resorts in china dr. sunyat-sen mausoleum receives numerous chinese and international friends every years. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck!㈡明孝陵xiaoling tomb of the ming dynastyxiaoling tomb is one of the most historical heritage in nanjing,built 600 years ago,is the mausoleum of zhu yuanzhang,the founding emperor of the ming dynasty.lying at the southern foot of the purple mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.born in a poor family and lost his parents when he was a child and become a monk.in 1352,he joined the red turban army which guo zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later.zhu took over nanjing in 1356,and he conquered the rest of china in the following years.in 1368,he made nanjing the national captical with a name of ming for his dynasty and hongwu as the title of his regin.zhu began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife empress ma died.the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more until 1413.now follow my steps,the mausoleum consists of two major sections .the first section is from the gateway of dismounting horse to the lingxing gate at the end of sacred way,of which the approach is 1800 meters long.the second part is the tomb itself :historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall,22.5 kilometers long,enclosing the whole tombarea.the tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings.100 000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised inthe park of mausoleum.unfortunately,this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late ming and early qing dynasties.however we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.the tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall.the gateway of dismounting horse locates about 750 meters south from here .the inscription can be seen “all the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here”.this shows the absolute dignity of emperor zhuyuanzhang at that time.northwards from the great golden gate,a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion can be seen,it is the square castle as local people call it.its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain.in ancient china,the next enperor must be the first or the first grandson,because his first son died in 1392,so his first grandson zhuyunwen became the second emperor,then the first son zhudi praised the emperor and became the 3rd emperor,he was actually praising himself and presumed himself as the authorized successor to zhuyuanzhang.behind the tablet pavilion is sacred way ,which is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kinds.the sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the plum blossom hill stands in the way.the hill is the tomb for sunquan,the first emperor of eastern wu kingdom ,some ministers suggested that sunquan’s tomb should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb.behind the statue there used to be a gate named lingxing gate.about 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream,yet it is called the imperial moat bridge.the bridge used to have 5 arches ,but was renovated into 3 arches later in the qingdynasty.the bridge foundation and stone dykes are the original except the rail.about 200 meters north of the imperial moat bridge is the front gate to the tomb.this area is the rear section of the tomb.at the right of the gate,there is a tablet stone on which is inscribed with“thespecialnotice”written in 6 foreign languages of japanese,german,english,french,italian and russia respectivelyto reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in the late qing years.inside the gate is an entrance hall,of which in the middle is “thestele of administering the country well as the tang and song dynasties.”since qing rules were manchurians,emperor kangxi was preoccupied that the han people wouldn’t be subject to his reign.this stone tablet indicatedemperor kangxi’s desire to respect the han emperor of the former dynasty and try to conciliate the hans.as a great emperor,kangxi made 6 trips down to southern china from beijing and visited the ming tomb for 5 times.standing behind the hall is the filial hall or sacrifical hall,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine emperor zhuyuanzhang and his empress.but the original was destoryed in the wars,and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the qing dynasty.the citadel of treasures is the last buildings on theground,16.25 meters high,75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth.the tomb is at the foot of purple mountain.it has not been excavated because of the technical reasons ofpreservation.the tomb site was selected by zhuyuanzhang himself.however there had been a buddhist templehere.zhuyuanzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here.the wise abbot in the temple took his cue and suggested to the emperor that the temple shoule be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. the emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !㈢灵谷寺linggu templelinggu temple was called jiangshan temple in ancient time and its original site was in donglongfu at the foot of the purple mountain.this tenple with an inscription “the first buddhist forest”at the entrance to the mountain.my friends,please follow my steps.inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees ,verdant and luxuriant ,so it is cal led the “valley of spirit deep in pines”.it isone of the 48 attractions in nanjing.main attractions in the park include linggu temple ,the gateway of officers and men killed in action,beamless hall,pine and wind pavilion,linggupagoda,monk baogong pagoda and the tablet of three great artists,etc.the first major attraction is the gateway of officals and men killed in action.the gateway has 5 principle columns made of concrete cement.the gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue –glazed tile.the lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 chinese characters“great justice and virtue”in front face and “salvation of the nation and people”on the back.inside the park there is the beamless hall built in 1381 in the ming dynasty.there are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges .in terms of size,the beamless hall stands first and foremost of its kind in china.it was built more than 200years earlier than the other five of the same kind in other areas.the original site of the pine and wind pavilion is the former religious discipline hall of the linggue temple.the present pavilion was built in 1929,as the memorial hall of the officials and men killed in action with the things left behind by the martyrs.the pavilion was damaged in the war of resistance against japan and restored after 1949.linggu pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officals and men killed in wars.the nine-storeyed octagonal pagoda,is over sisty-meter-high,with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story.3 characters “linggu pagoda”are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “where there is a will there’s a way”on the lintel of the back door.inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories.in the buses west of pine and wind pavilion there lies a tomb pagoda“ baogong pagoda”named after the eminent monk baozhi of the southern dynasties.tradition has it that monk baozhi was born into a bird’s nest in 436.he became a monk when he was 7 years old.before his death,baozhi had frequent contact with emperor wudi of the liang dynasty and was highly respected by the emperor.linggu temple is the only one out of 70 buddhist monasteries handed down from the southern dynasties.the temple was relocated to the present site in the ming dynasty and named linggu buddhist monastery by emperor zhuyuanzhang,who contributed a lot of money and land to the monastery out of the gratitude that the relocation effectuated the construction of his tomb at dulongfu.the ming dynasty also put 12 temples including qixia monastery under the abministration of linggu temple and the temple was so large that it could support more than 1000 monks at that time.the present temple is much smaller than it used to be.in the temple there is the treasure hall of the great sage.in the east of the hall,there is a chambre,which used to be called the goddess of mercy hall.but it is turned to the memorial hall of master xuan zang.whi went to india in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of buddhist sutras.the legendary story of this great monk-traveler and his disciples is vividly described in the great master-piece journey to the west by wu cheng’en.in the memorial hall,some of hisskull,introduction of his pilgrimage route to india and his return to chang’an are on display.in front of the temple,there is a screen wall,on which is written with 10 characters “the buddhist rites performed to bury monk baozhi’s remains”. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !㈣总统府(中轴线+西线)presidential residencemembers of tourists :we will now go sightseeing tour of scenicspots is a long history and has as a day of the taiping heavenly kingdom and the revolution palace after dr.sun yat-sen became provisional president of the office of the president office.it is located in the yangtze river road,no.292,now has become china’s largest museum of modern history.the history of the place dates back to 600 years ago,and the site was the mansion of prince of han during the ming dynasty.in 1912,dr.sun yat-sen was elected the provisional president of the republic,and changed the west garden of the palace into the presidential residence.in1928,the palace became the administration office of the republic government.opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the screen wall.by the side of the wall,there is a tablet,which is engraved with an incription of guo moruo’s autograph that reads“the 100th anniversary of taiping uprising”.built in1930,the gate tower is【篇三:走遍江苏之南京景点导游词一览表】欢迎词、南京概况各位游客大家好~欢迎来到南京。

介绍南京景点英文作文英文:As a resident of Nanjing, I am proud to introduce some of the most popular tourist attractions in this city.Firstly, the most famous landmark of Nanjing is the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. It's the tomb of the Hongwu Emperor, who founded the Ming Dynasty. The mausoleum is located at the foot of Purple Mountain and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. Visitors can learn about the history of the Ming Dynasty and appreciate the ancient architecture.Secondly, the Confucius Temple is another must-visit attraction. It's a temple dedicated to Confucius, the great philosopher and educator in ancient China. The temple has a long history and is a great place to experience the traditional culture of Nanjing. There are also many local snacks and souvenirs for visitors to enjoy.Finally, the Qinhuai River is a beautiful scenic spot that showcases the charm of Nanjing at night. Visitors can take a boat ride and enjoy the colorful lights along the river. The river is also famous for its food street, where visitors can taste various local delicacies.中文:作为南京的居民,我很自豪地介绍一些这个城市最受欢迎的旅游景点。

英文介绍南京的作文英文:As a resident of Nanjing, I am proud to introduce this beautiful city to you. Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province and is located in the eastern part of China. It is a city with a long history and rich culture, with many famous attractions that attract tourists from all over the world.One of the most famous attractions in Nanjing is the Zhongshan Mausoleum, which is the burial place of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the father of modern China. The mausoleum is located at the foot of Purple Mountain and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. Another must-see attraction is the Confucius Temple, which is a famous ancient architectural complex and a symbol of traditional Chinese culture.Nanjing is also known for its delicious food. One of the most famous local dishes is Nanjing salted duck, whichis made by marinating the duck in a mixture of salt and other seasonings for several days before cooking it. Another popular dish is the Nanjing fried rice, which is made with diced chicken, shrimp, and vegetables.In addition to its attractions and food, Nanjing is also a modern city with a vibrant nightlife. The Fuzimiao area is a popular spot for young people, with many bars and clubs that stay open late into the night.Overall, Nanjing is a city with something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture, food, or nightlife, you will find something to enjoy here.中文:作为南京的居民,我很自豪地向您介绍这个美丽的城市。

南京概况英文导游词(通用3篇)南京概况英文导游词(通用3篇)南京概况英文导游词篇1Hello everyone!Confucius said, “it is a pleasure to have friends ing from afar." first, please allow me to extend a warm e to all of you on behalf of nanjing China travel agency. My name is wang. I'm the tour guide. Can do for you guide is my pleasure, I and the driver Mr. Wang must service for you, try our best to meet your request, help you solve the problems and difficulties, spirits, to everyone needs. I hope that through my introduction, the ancient and beautiful nanjing will make a memorable impression. I wish you a pleasant journey!Now I will give you a brief introduction to nanjing. Nanjing, or nanjing, is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze river and is located in the golden belt of the lower Yangtze river. The area of nanjing city is about 6,597 square kilometers, with a population of nearly 8 million and a total of 11 districts and counties. It is the center of politics, economy and culture of the whole province. Climate is subtropical climate, four distinct seasons, is a very ideal tourist attraction.Nanjing has a long history and is one of the four ancient capitals ofMing dynasty. There are "jiangnan beauties, jinling empire state" reputation. It has been more than 2,400 years since the king goujian established the "yue cheng" in 472 BC. In history, the official construction of the city began with the eastern wu sun quan, and later the eastern jin, song, qi, liang and Chen have all been established. Therefore, nanjing is known as "the ancient capital of six dynasties". Since then, the southern tang, taiping army and the republic of China have also built the capital, so nanjing has another ten dynasties.In today's reform and opening up, nanjing's economy is booming, nanjing in developing tourism, nanjing has e a prehensive industrial base in east China, pillar industries include: electronics, auto industry, petrochemical industry, steel, electricity. Nanjing is increasing the infrastructure of the city and improving the hard environment of foreign investment in nanjing. Nanjing is also a national garden city, a national excellent tourist city, a national health city and so on. Nanjing has more than 200 tourist attractions, attracting many domestic and international tourists. Nanjing's urban features are: "human and green" as one. Therefore, nanjing will e a modern international humanistic and green city with more dynamic economic development, distinct cultural features, more beautiful living environment and more harmonious society.南京概况英文导游词篇2Ladies and gentlemen: hello.First of all, I on behalf of all our Chinese travel agency staff to e to visit zealously e to nanjing light view, in this first I introduce myself, my name is wang, everyone in the itinerary of the next call me xiao wang or Wang Dao is ok. I will be in line with the guests first, service first purpose for you to go to the best of service work, at the same time, also hope that my work can get your cooperation and support, so as to improve the quality of our service, enables you to play happy, go smoothly.Nanjing scenery is beautiful, has a long history, beautiful landscape is looking forward to your taste, the beautiful scenery is waiting for your appreciation. I hope this trip to nanjing will be your holiday paradise. Here I wish you all the pleasure of the next trip and the success of the game. To be satisfied, to be satisfied.Nanjing hereinafter referred to as "better", is located in the fertile Yangtze river delta, north to cut the vast jianghuai plains, he is the capital of jiangsu province, the province's economic, political, and cultural center, is also one of the center of the Yangtze river delta cities and one of the central city of the Yangtze river basin. Nanjing, with a population of nearly 8 million, is 6,598 square kilometers, and the climate is a northern subtropical monsoon climate, so the climate is warm and humid, with abundant rainfall and distinct seasons. Nanjing is the three sides of the mountain, one facing water, the Yangtze river, the mountain ring water, the terrain is dangerous, has always been a place for the soldiers. It isknown as "zhong shan longdish, the city of shicheng".Nanjing has a long history and is one of the four famous ancient capitals of China. It is known as "the land of the jiangnan, the king of jinling". The east wu of The Three Kingdoms, the later eastern jin, song, qi, liang, Chen all in this order, so nanjing is known as the six dynasties. Then the south tang dynasty, the early Ming dynasty, the taiping heavenly kingdom and the republic of China were all in this order, so nanjing is also known as the ten dynasties.Nanjing is an ancient city and a new and developed city. Nanjing is also the eastern part of our country's prehensive industrial base and backbone industry of electronics industry, automobile industry, petrochemical industry, steel and electricity, nanjing is a national garden city, national excellent tourism city, national sanitary city and so on. Nanjing Ming tomb of world cultural heritage, and sun yat-sen's mausoleum, Confucius temple and other national 5 a-class scenic areas and more than 4 a level scenic area, there are more than two hundred sites at the same time, the amount of distributes the tourists sightseeing here. So it's a collection of mountain, water, city, is an organic whole, full of economic vitality, rich cultural features, modern center city of beautiful living environment, is a melting characteristics of ancient and modern civilization as one of the riverside city.南京概况英文导游词篇3远古人类的足迹,随着时代推移而遍及今日的南京。

一、欢迎词ladies and gentleman:good morning .welcome to the captical city of jiangsu province——nanjing.i’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.may i introduce my colleagues to youthis is mr.li,our driver,his bus number is sua36099,please remember it.my name is sally,i’m from the branch company of china international travel service in nanjing.my job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in nanjing.now i’ll give you some tips during your stay in nanjing:firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.secondly,when you come back to the restaurant,don’t go out st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.if you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in nanjinga pleasant one.we highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,wish you enjoy these days you stay here.thank you.二、简介南京when you come to jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——nanjing.she is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the yangzi delta region.and she was been called china’s southern capital. there are about 8 million people here and nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.she was one of the 6 famous ancient cities in china.for almost 2000 years,there has been 10 dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they are wu,eastern jin,song,qi,liang,chen,south tang,ming,taiping kingdom,and republic of china subsequently.for tourists,nanjing is one of china’s most attractive cities.in octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,nanjing is the 3rd popular city in china,just next to shanghai and beijing,i think wo must work harder together for it.i think all the pretty scenic in nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them.三、景点(8个)㈠中山陵dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleumamong all the historical and cultural attractions in nanjing,the most favored highlight is dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum.dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the purple mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.it took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum.dr.sun yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of chinese democratic revolution. on october 12, 1866, mr. sun was born in a farmer's family in caiheng village of xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan city), guangdong province. he put forward the famous guiding principle- driving the invaders out, restoring thesovereignty of china, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership and the three people's principles-nationalism, democracy and the people's livelihood. unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on march 12, 1925.the location of the mausoleum was chosen by mr. sun himself. here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum. youmay wonder: mr. sun was born in guangdong but died in beijing. for his whole life he traveled throughout china for the revolution. why did he choose nanjing as the venue of his tomb fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose zijing mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries. among all the contribution, young architect lu yanzhi's design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well. the crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the bell of freedom.now, we are going out of the zhongshan gate and driving along the mausoleum road.please look to the south. the copper ding with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg. it is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters. it is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum. to the bell-shaped mausoleum the ding is just like the pendulum. it seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell.further from the fraternity archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum. the road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide. the whole design of the mausoleum givesprominence to chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside, situate the mausoleum gate, the stele pavilion, the memorial hall and the coffin chamber right behind. the pines, cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent mr. sun's revolutionary spirit and lofty quality. now we are coming near the top platform. look, there are two big copper ding.there are two holes in the bottom of the left ding. whyin late 1937, when the japanese army attacked nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding. now, although the circumstances have changed, the two holes always remind chinese people not to forget the national humiliation. ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform. here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance. the memorial hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of fraternity. more marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform. but if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms. the number of the steps, 392, is not a random number; it implied the number of chinese population at thattime-392 million.now we are in front of the memorial hall and the coffin chamber. these are the most basic and general guiding principles of mr. sun's revolutionary activities. above democracy, there is a horizontal inscription board with sun's handwriting on it, fill the world with justice.please follow me into the memorial hall. the floor is covered with white and black marble from yunnan province. the style of the whole structure is a blend of the east and the west, representing the well blended doctrine of dr. sun yat-sen.ladies and gentlemen, mr. sun struggled for a better china for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years. he carried out the three principal policies of making an alliance with russia and the communist party of china and helping the farmers and workers in his later days. the great feat mr. sun has achieved has gained greatrespect and praise from people from both home and abroad. after liberation, both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage.now, as one of the top forty tourist resorts in china dr. sun yat-sen mausoleum receives numerous chinese and internationalfriends every years. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck!㈡明孝陵xiaoling tomb of the ming dynastyxiaoling tomb is one of the most historical heritage in nanjing,built 600 years ago,is the mausoleum of zhu yuanzhang,the founding emperor of the ming dynasty.lying at the southern foot of the purple mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.born in a poor family and lost his parents when he was a child and become a monk.in 1352,he joined the red turban army which guo zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later.zhu took over nanjing in 1356,and he conquered the rest of china in the following years.in 1368,he made nanjing the national captical with a name of ming for his dynasty and hongwu as the title of his regin.zhu began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife empress ma died.the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more until 1413.now follow my steps,the mausoleum consists of two major sections .the first section is from the gateway of dismounting horse to the lingxing gate at the end of sacred way,of which theapproach is 1800 meters long.the second part is the tomb itself :historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall,22.5 kilometers long,enclosing the whole tomb area.the tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings.100 000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised in the park of mausoleum.unfortunately,this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late ming and early qing dynasties.however we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.the tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall.the gateway of dismounting horse locates about 750 meters south from here .the inscription can be seen “all the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here”.this shows the absolute dignity of emperor zhuyuanzhang at that time.northwards from the great golden gate,a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion can be seen,it is the square castle as local people call it.its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain.in ancient china,the next enperor must be the first or the first grandson,because his first son died in 1392,so his first grandson zhuyunwen became the second emperor,then the first son zhudi praised the emperor and became the 3rd emperor,hewas actually praising himself and presumed himself as the authorized successor to zhuyuanzhang.behind the tablet pavilion is sacred way ,which is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kinds.the sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the plum blossom hill stands in the way.the hill is the tomb for sunquan,the first emperor of eastern wu kingdom ,some ministers suggested that sunquan’s tomb should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb.behind the statue there used to be a gate named lingxing gate.about 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream,yet it is called the imperial moat bridge.the bridge used to have 5 arches ,but was renovated into 3 arches later in the qingdynasty.the bridge foundation and stone dykes are the original except the rail.about 200 meters north of the imperial moat bridge is the front gate to the tomb.this area is the rear section of the tomb.at the right of the gate,there is a tablet stone on which is inscribed with“thespecialnotice”written in 6 foreign languages of japanese,german,english,french,italian and russia respectively to reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in thelate qing years.inside the gate is an entrance hall,of which in the middle is “thestele of administering the country well as the tang and song dynasties.”since qing rules were manchurians,emperor kangxi was preoccupied that the han people wouldn’t be subject to his reign.this stone tablet indicatedemperor kangxi’s desire to respect the han emperor of the former dynasty and try to conciliate the hans.as a great emperor,kangxi made 6 trips down to southern china from beijing and visited the ming tomb for 5 times.standing behind the hall is the filial hall or sacrifical hall,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine emperor zhuyuanzhang and his empress.but the original was destoryed in the wars,and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the qing dynasty.the citadel of treasures is the last buildings on the ground,16.25 meters high,75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth.the tomb is at the foot of purple mountain.it has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.the tomb site was selected by zhuyuanzhang himself.however therehad been a buddhist temple here.zhuyuanzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here.the wise abbot in the temple took his cue and suggested to the emperor that the temple shoule be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. the emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !㈢灵谷寺linggu templelinggu temple was called jiangshan temple in ancient time and its original site was in donglongfu at the foot of the purple mountain.this tenple with an inscription “the first buddhist forest”at the entrance to the moun tain.my friends,please follow my steps.inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees ,verdant and luxuriant ,so it is called the “valley of spirit deep in pines”.it is one of the 48 attractions in nanjing.main attractions in the park include linggu temple ,the gateway of officers and men killed in action,beamless hall,pine and wind pavilion,linggu pagoda,monk baogong pagoda and the tablet of three great artists,etc.the first major attraction is the gateway of officals and men killed in action.the gateway has 5 principle columns made of concrete cement.the gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue –glazed tile.the lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 chinese characters“great justice and virtue”in front face and “salvation of the nation and people”on the back.inside the park there is the beamless hall built in 1381 in the ming dynasty.there are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges .in terms of size,the beamless hall stands first and foremost of its kind in china.it was built more than 200years earlier than the other five of the same kind in other areas.the original site of the pine and wind pavilion is the former religious discipline hall of the linggue temple.the present pavilion was built in 1929,as the memorial hall of the officials and men killed in action with the things left behind by the martyrs.the pavilion was damaged in the war of resistance against japan and restored after 1949.linggu pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officals and men killed in wars.the nine-storeyed octagonal pagoda,is over sisty-meter-high,with a corridor encircled bystone rails on each story.3 characters “linggu pagoda”are inscribed on the lintel of the front door a nd “where there is a will there’s a way”on the lintel of the back door.inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories.in the buses west of pine and wind pavilion there lies a tomb pagoda“ baogong pagoda”named after the eminent monk baozhi of the southern dynasties.tradition has it that monk baozhi was born into a bird’s nest in 436.he became a monk when he was 7 years old.before his death,baozhi had frequent contact with emperor wudi of the liang dynasty and was highly respected by the emperor.linggu temple is the only one out of 70 buddhist monasteries handed down from the southern dynasties.the temple was relocated to the present site in the ming dynasty and named linggu buddhist monastery by emperor zhuyuanzhang,who contributed a lot of money and land to the monastery out of the gratitude that the relocation effectuated the construction of his tomb at dulongfu.the ming dynasty also put 12 temples including qixia monastery under the abministration of linggu temple and the temple was so large that it could support more than 1000 monks at that time.the present temple is much smaller than it used to be.in the temple there is the treasure hall of the great sage.in the east of the hall,there is a chambre,which used to be called the goddess of mercy hall.but it is turned to the memorial hall of master xuan zang.whi went to india in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of buddhist sutras.the legendary story of this great monk-traveler and his disciples is vividly described in the great master-piece journey to the west by wu cheng’en.in the memorial hall,some of his skull,introduction of his pilgrimage route to india and his return to chang’an are on display.in front of the temple,there is a screen wall,on which is written with 10 characters “the buddhis t rites performed to bury monk baozhi’s remains”. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !㈣总统府(中轴线+西线)presidential residencemembers of tourists :we will now go sightseeing tour of scenicspots is a long history and has as a day of the taiping heavenly kingdom and the revolution palace after dr.sun yat-sen became provisional president of the office of the president office.it is located in the yangtze river road,no.292,now has become china’s largest museum of modern history.the history of the place dates back to 600 years ago,and the site was the mansion of prince of han during the ming dynasty.in 1912,dr.sun yat-sen was elected the provisional president of the republic,and changed the west garden of the palace into the presidential residence.in1928,the palace became the administration office of the republic government.opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the screen wall.by the side of the wall,there is a tablet,which is engraved with an incription of guo moruo’s autograph that reads“the 100th anniversary of taiping uprising”.built in 1930,the gate tower istwo-storeyed building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient rome style.it used to be the guardroom during the period of the republic of china.the palace of heavenly king ,surrounded by two walls,is found right at the entrance of the gate.the area within the outer wall was called“the city of sun”,while that within the main inner wall was called“the city of the golden dragon”.on both sides of the main hall were gardens.in1864,when the qing dynasty army overran the heavenly kingdom captical,most of its buildings were destroyed.but fortunately,the garden west of the main hall,predecessor of the present-day xuyuan garden,survived.thepalace is newly restored,including the study,throne and imperial harem.in addition ,the history of taiping heavenly kingdom is on exhibition here.the complex in the east of the court was the yamen of governor-general of multi-province.yamen is the government office in feudal china.the presidential palace is a three-storeyed building.the first floor was the office of secretariat.the second floor was the predient’s office,vice president’s office and the secretary-general’s office.the third was the state conference hall,in which the most important meetings were held once two weeks.in addition ,16 special council members were also present at these meetings.xuyuan garden was first built for chenli as his mansion in the ming dynasty,some 600years ago.from 1853 to 1949 ,the site witnessed the vicissitudes and changes of nearly a century’s chinese history,and left a number of historical relics and records,therefore it offers tourists a live classroom of modern chinese history.the west garden came into being in the late qing dynasty,hence was deeply stamped with the brand of taiping heavenly kingdom.the garden covers an area of1.4hectares,consisting of 3 parts ----a small courtyard in front of the garden,the east part with a rocky hill,and the west part with a vase-like water pond.the courtyard is a bit too small,but yet well worth seeing because it’s the only passage to the west garden.the outer gate of the yard used to be the place for sedan chair carriers taking the load off their shoulders for reston the lintel of the gate is inlaid a carved brick with two chinese characters“xuyuan ”.in addition,the white wall is opened up a miin gate with two characters“xuyuan” written on the top.as a works of art,a garden like literary works has its“preface,development,climax and epilogue.”therefore,this small yard is the “preface” of the whole garden.when tourists go out of the moon gate ,they come to the main body of the west garden,of which the layout is like a painting and a piece of real art of chinese garden,therefore gradual necessary.northeast to the rockery is tongyin hall.a story goes like this.a musician named yuboya used to play music here to entertain his friends,among which zhongziqi was the only one who could understand his kindness,so they became the bosom friends as we chinese say“zhiyin”.later yu never played themusic after zhong died.actually,tongyin hall was the place for the host to entertain his intimate friends in ancient china.the fangsheng pavilion has two roofs linked like two mandarin ducks sleeping with their necks together.seen from far away,the pavilion seems to be twin pavilions.the design is symolic of faithfulness between man and woman.the lake is shaped like a porcelain vase,which has a number of the connotations as “peace,safety,harmony,serenity,repose,ease,or tranquility”.the greatest attraction in the lake is a marble boat called unmoored boat----a miniature of the famous one in beijing’s summer palace.and the place is wonderful for people to enjoy the scenery of full moon as well as pleasant music on the evening of traditional chinese mid-autumn festival.there are several interesting buildings worth lingering a while,for example,the sunset pavilion with a three-piece tablet of eastern wu emperor sun hao’s writing,the outlook pavilion with a tablet of chinese painting and carving,the imperial tablet pavilion with the handwriting of emperor qianlong.the office of dr.sun put up near the garden where he held important meetings and met friends.at present,the building is preserved and has been converted into an exhibition hall of dr.sun’s office work anddaily life. ok, thank you very much for your cooperation. good-bye and good luck for your next trip !㈤总统府(中轴线+东线)presidential residencethe eastern lake was destoryed in the ancient time,so what you see now the east garden was rebuilt not so far from now.the most important part of the eastern garden is the history show of taiping kingdom and the history show of the emperor of double rivers in qing dynasty.please get off the bus carefully,you can visit here by yourself and i’ll wait for you in the parking place 2 hours later.㈥夫子庙(夫子庙+学宫)confucius templethe qinhuai scenic spot includes the qinhuai river,confucius temple,the examination museum,the street of local delicacies,former residence of wang’s and xie’s at wuyi lane,and nanjing oriental art gallery and the former residence of li xiangjun,etc.most of the buildings in confucius temple area were rebuilt and renovated in the mid-1980s and 1990s and the area becomes a tourist site of culture and commerce.it is an ideal place for tourists to understand traditional chinese culture as well as enjoy shopping.to the south of nanjing sits the confucius temple on the bank of the qinhuai river.the qinhuai river is a branch of the yangtze river totaling 110 kilometers long.it has nurtured the city of nanjing and added an illustrious chapter to the local history.it finds its source in mt.baohua,jurong country.when the water reaches the city,the river is divided into two streams.one goes around the city wall,which is outer qinhuai and empties into the yangtze.this is the inner qinhuai or the well-known qinhuai river.tradition has it that qinshihuang,the emperor of the qin dynasty,made an inspection tour eastwards to the area,he heard“the area has an influence on the fortune of producin g emperor”and was afriad that the son of heaven could take over his power some day in ter generations thought the river was dug by the emperor,hence the name.built in the song dynasty,it is the ritual place of worshipping and offering sacrifaces to confucius.confucius temple is located at the center of the old town of nanjing.the confucius temple was first built in the song dynasty for people to pay worship to confucius.it was gradully renovated and expanded to a place with a group of the ming ang qing style buildings.the confucius temple people often talk about should include three great building complexes:comfucius temple,palaceof learning and imperial examination yard.the present confucius temple was extended on the basis of the palace of learning and imperial examination yard.the present confucius temple was extended on the basis of the palace of learning.the screen wall in front of the confucius temple is to show that confucius learning is too profound to be understood completely and the common folks could not see the learning inside.another saying:the wall is the frontal project of the temple for the purpose of covering and decoration,so as to give people an impression of its grandeur and magnificence.the gateway of all scholars is the first entrance to the temple.it was built in 1586 in an imitation of the gateway in qufu,the hometown of confucius.at the eastern corner of the square in front of the temple is a three storeyed building named kuixing pavilion.kuixing means the top candidate in the imperial examination in chinese.at the west corner lies the juxing pavilion.as all the men of letters or literati were regarded as rhe stars in the sky,this multiple star pavilion was specially built for their meetings.the first gate to the temple is lingxing gate,which is decorated with the magnificent carvings in relief.the purpose of building the gate was to show the persons of virtue coming forthin large numbers,and the stability of the country.the gate was built in 1480 and rebuilt in 1870,and the present one was restored in 1983.dacheng gate,or the gate of agglomeration of merits and virtues,is the front gate of the temple.beyond the gate,there are four tablets. “four saints tablet”was erected in 1331,when emperor weng zong of the yuan dynasty granted 4confucius disciples yanhui,zeng shen,kongjiand mengke as four saints.”madame super great saint tablet”was erected in 1331,together with the“four saint tablet”to commemorate the wife of confucius.dacheng hall,or the hall of agglomeration of confucius merits and virtues,was employed to enshrine and worship confucius,with 4 saints of yanhui,zengshen,mengke and kongji on both sides.in addition,the tablets of 72 persons of virtue are also enshrined.please walking ahead,this is the of confucius.there used to be a tablet up here said: “palace of learning.”there used to be trees and flowers around here and the study room in both sides where the place for learners to read books.what besides this is the“mingdetang”which built in 1139 in south song,wentianxiang write the name for this.then changed it to primary school whenthe government give up the old examine situation.this is one of the less keeping building in the ancient times.㈦夫子庙(夫子庙+贡院)confucius templeif you think that your long,cramped flight to china was some form of torture,a visit to the exhibition of the history of the jiangnan examination school,should set your mind at ease.jiangnan imperial examination center was located to the east of confucius temple. it was first built during the song dynasty in a grand scale.chinese emperors began to select officials through imperial examination from sui dynasty in the 7th century.therefore ,the system,modified in the followings dynasties,opened a door for all to rise from the bottom of the society to power and fame .neverthless,the content of the examinationwas becoming more and more mechanical and insiped.jiangnan imperial examination center had its herday during the early ming dynasty when nanjing was the capital of china.it was for the examinations at a provincial level.visitors today can see a watchtower,where the invigilators watched the students during the examination. sometimes visitors can also see a demonstration of the imperial examination.。

Nanjing is one of the seven ancient capitals of China. The excavation of the skull of the eastern suburb of tangshan has revealed that the footsteps of Nanking ape have been in place 350,000 years ago. Since the beginning of nanjing in 229, nanjing has been the city of Kyoto ten times, leaving a rich historical and cultural heritage.Located in the golden triangle region of the Yangtze river, nanjing has a superior geographical location and abundant resources. It is an important city in China's regional economy. Nanjing's foreign transportation system has formed a three-dimensional transportation system and network of aviation, expressways, railways and Yangtze river.Nanjing, the mountain ring water, the spring onion cage yuxiu, the mountains and rivers are integrated, the natural scenery is famous. The natural world is given to the dragon in the dragon of nanjing, and the history of the splendid culture. Dr. Sun yat-sen once famously summed up the beauty of nanjing: there are mountains, plains and deep water, and there is no place like this in the three major cities of the world. Located in the east of the city, themausoleum and Ming xiaoling tombs, hidden in the green and green purple mountain, have a magnificent layout. The temple of taiping, the temple of the temple. Dozens of the southern dynasty mausoleum, the great washing, is a generation of great, the national treasure. It is a rare good in the existing stone pagoda in China. The presidential palace, the martyrs' cemetery of yuhua tai, the memorial hall of the victims of the nanjing massacre in nanjing massacre, the memorial of meiyuan new village and the victory monument of the crossing river are the historical testimony of China's democratic revolution. Xuanwu lake, three sides ring water, one faces the city, xiufeng pagoda shadow, the blue waves ripple, is called jinling pearl. Moring lake, contains the beautiful and sad legend, the lake is beautiful, the flower cluster brocade, elegant, elegant, bold and unrestrained.It has been praised as the living fossil of Chinese brocade process living fossil and the rain and stone of national treasure, which became the representative of nanjing tourism commodities. Delicious qinhuai-huai flavor snacks and salted duck, are renowned both at home and abroad. Nanjing today, is not only the economy will be the modern civilization, but also the Great Wall of xiushan lishui, deficiency and city huan temple street landscape, garden pestered him, green square... Together, we build a colorful picture ofthe forest of mountains and rivers and show the unique charm of green ancient capital and cultural city.南京是中国七大古都之一。

南京英语介绍作文Nanjing, also known as Nanking, is the capital city of Jiangsu Province in eastern China. With a population of over 8 million, it is one of the most populous cities in China. Nanjing is known for its rich history, beautiful scenery, and modern development.One of the most famous historical landmarks in Nanjing is the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. This museum commemorates the tragic events of the Nanjing Massacre, which occurred during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The museum features exhibits and artifacts that document the atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers against Chinese civilians and soldiers.Another historical site in Nanjing is the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. This mausoleum is dedicated to the memory of Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China. The mausoleum is located at the foot of Purple Mountain and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and scenic views.In addition to its historical sites, Nanjing is also known for its modern development. The city is home to many high-tech industries, including electronics, software development, and biotechnology. Nanjing is also a major transportation hub, with an international airport and a high-speed rail system that connects it to other major cities in China.Nanjing is also famous for its food. The city is known for its delicious street food, including steamed buns, dumplings, and noodles. The local cuisine is heavily influenced by the food of the surrounding regions, including Shanghai and Zhejiang Province.Overall, Nanjing is a city that combines rich history with modern development. Its beautiful scenery, delicious food, and important historical landmarks make it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to China.。

南京英语经典导游词导语:南京市地处中国长江下游的宁镇丘陵地区,东望大海,西达荆楚,南接皖浙,北联江淮,总面积6597 平方公里。
Nanjing is one of the seven ancient capitals of China.The excavation of the skull of the eastern suburb of tangshan hasrevealed that the footsteps of Nanking ape have been in place350,000 years ago. Since the beginning of nanjing in 229, nanjing has been the city of Kyoto ten times, leaving a richhistorical and cultural heritage.Located in the golden triangle region of the Yangtze river, nanjing has a superior geographical location and abundant resources.It is an important city in China s regional economy. Nanjing s foreign transportation system has formed a three-dimensional transportation system and network of aviation, expressways, railways and Yangtze river.Nanjing, the mountain ring water, the spring onion cageyuxiu, the mountains and rivers are integrated, the naturalscenery is famous. The natural world is given to the dragon inthe dragon of nanjing,and the h istory of the splendid culture. Dr. Sun yat-sen once famously summedup the beauty of nanjing: there are mountains, plains and deep water, and there is noplace like this in the three major cities of the world.Located in the east of the city,the mausoleumand Ming xiaoling tombs, hidden in the green and green purple mountain,have a magnificent layout. The temple of taiping, the temple of thetemple. Dozens of the southern dynasty mausoleum, the great washing, is a generation of great, the national treasure. Itis a rare good in the existing stone pagoda in China. Thepresidential palace, the martyrs cemetery of yuhua tai, thememorial hall of the victims of the nanjing massacre in nanjing massacre, the memorial of meiyuan new village and the victory monumentof the crossing river are the historical testimony of China s democratic revolution. Xuanwu lake, three sides ringwater,one faces the city,xiufeng pagoda shadow, the blue waves ripple, is called jinling pearl . Moring lake, contains thebeautiful and sad legend, the lake is beautiful, the flowercluster brocade, elegant, elegant, bold and unrestrained.It has been praised as the l iving fossil of Chinese brocade process living fossil and the rain and stone of national treasure , which became the representative of nanjing tourismcommodities. Delicious qinhuai-huai flavor snacks and saltedduck, are renowned both at home and abroad. Nanjing today, isnot only the economy will be the modern civilization,but also the Great Wall of xiushan lishui, deficiency and city huantemple street landscape, garden pestered him, green square... Together, we build a colorful picture of the forest of mountains and rivers and show the unique charm of green ancientcapital and cultural city .南京是中国七大古都之一。

下面是小编为你准备的南京景点英语导游词,希望对你有帮助!南京景点英语导游词1Dr. Sun Yatsen’s MausoleumAmong the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing,the best known is Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum.Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburbs of the city. Designed by a young architect Lu Yanzhi, the mausoleum took more than 3 years to build and cost 1.5 million silver dollars. The construction began on March 12, 1926 and completed in 1929 when Dr. Sun Yatsen was buried there on June 1.Dr. Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan,is considered as the father of the Chinese democratic revolution. Born in a peasant family in Guangdong Province in 1866,he had his primary education in Honolulu,Hawaii sponsored by his elder brother from 1878 to 1883. He was so sad when he saw the poverty of the country upon his return. China had been a super power for centuries. But since the middle of Qing Dynasty in the 1800’s, China began to decline, which owed a great deal to the corruptions and incompetence of the Qing government. Foreign invasions and peasant rebellions made it even worse. The Opium War in 1840 ended with the “Treaty of Nanjing”. China was forced to pay an indemnity of 21 millionsilver dollars and cede Hong Kong to the Great Britain and open 5 free port cities to the westerners, which were Guangzhou,Xiamen,Fuzhou,Ningbo and Shanghai. Following were the wars again launched by France in 1883 and Japan in 1894. The Chinese people lived in a miserable life. They were referred to the “sick man of the Orient” by the westerners. Dr. Sun Yatsen dreamed to save the nation by practicing medicine and that led him to Hong Kong to learn medicine when he was 21 years old. However,it did not work. The reality made him give up his medical career in his hometown and Macao but turn to politics in 1893.From then on, he kept petitioning to the Qing government for reforms but was never responded. At great disappointment,he left the country later and went canvassing extensively in the United States of America, Europe and Japan, trying to win the sympathy and support from the overseas Chinese. With the funds raised,he organized “Revive China League” —China’s first bourgeois organization. The following 1905 witnessed the founding of the “Chinese Revolutionary League” headed by Dr. Sun Yatsen, a party with a clear—cu t program of “Expel Tartars,Restore China,Establish Republic & Equalize Land.” Dr. Sun Yatsen also put forth 3 democratic principles of “Nationalism,Democracy & People’s Livelihood” as his political goal. The armed movements against the Qing government took place continuously.南京景点英语导游词2Hello everybody!Welcome to Nanjing. My name is Hemeng,you can call me Christine also. It is my honor and privilege to be your tour guide. I will spare no efforts to make you comfortable and happy during this trip. If you have somequestions or want some help, please feel free to contact me.On our way to the destination, I'd like to give you a brief introduction of Xuanwu Lake. Xuanwu Lake is in the central—northeast part of Nanjing, it nears Nanjing Railway Station and Ji Ming Temple. It is surrounded by three mountains in three directions:the Zijing mountain to the east,the Jizhao mountain and Fuzhou mountain to the south and the Mufu mountain to the north. The Ming city wall borders the park to its south and east. The lake covers 472 hectares. Xuanwu Lake is one of Nanjing Zhongshan state—level scenic spots and an important part of the national AAAA class tourist attractions. It is the largest comprehensive park in Nanjing with the function of entertainment, leisure and exercise. So beautiful it is, Xuanwu Lake can be compared with Xihu Lake.Now, we arrive at the gate of the park. Please get off the bus one by one, then I will show you around the park. Now,let's begin our trip.Xuanwu Lake contains five oasises,namely Huan zhou,Ying zhou, Liang zhou, Cui zhou and Ling zhou. Now we are walking along the circle—shaped road which leads us to the firstoasis—— Huan zhou. There are lakeside rocks and rockeries in the oasis, which shows the beauty of garden architecture in southern China. Among those rocks,the “Guanyin and Tongzi”. are the most famous. They are heritages of the zhongshan amir,Xuda ,during the Ming Dynasty. Besides,There are Lama Temple and Nuona pagoda in this part.Please follow me! Let's walk across this bridge, and here it is. We are now at Ying zhou. It is an oasis in an oasis and it gained its name for its beatuful cherry flowers growing all around. Every spring flowers bloom, which attracts millions of tourists.Let's move to next scenic spot, Liang zhou. During the Liang Dynasty,prince Liangzhaoming built a terrace for reading in this oasis, which gave it its name. It was said that prince Liang gathered thirty thousand books and called for many scholars and talents to write essays. At last, they worked out the first analects of poems and essays which exerted a great impact on the study and development of literature. Unfortunately, prince Liang died of uncured disease early. People named the oasis Liang zhou to honor this hard—working prince. I want to mention that Liang zhou is the most beautiful oasis among the rest four oasises. You can find Lake Temple,Lansheng Tower,Lotus pavilion,Taoran pavilion and other historical sites here. You will appreciate the charms of natural landscape, especially the lotus pond.Cui zhou is to the east of Liang zhou. It is characterized by its green pines, cypresses, bamboo and willow. Besides, Music terrace and outdoor theater can be found here.What we are seeing now is the central oasis——Ling zhou. It borders Zhongshan mountain in the east, which gives it inviting views. There is a bird park in the oasis and it is the largest bird park in China. More than ten thousand rare birds are protected in this park. You can not only see a large number of beautiful and exotic birds but also watch bird performances in the park. You can even feed some birds in person.Now, it's your time! You can walk around the Xuanwu Lake freely and enjoy the scenery as you like. I hope you enjoy your time here! Two hours later, we'll meet at the gate of the park. By the way, please put an eye on your luggage and don't forget the time.。

南京英语导游词欢迎词(精选10篇)南京英语导游词欢迎词 1Ladies and gentleman:Good morning .Welcome to the captical city of Jiangsu Province——Nanjing.I’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.May I introduce my colleagues to you?This is Mr.Li,our driver,his bus number is SuA36099,please remember it.My name is Sally,I’m from the branch company of China International Travel Service in Nanjing.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Nanjing.NowI’ll give you some tips during your stay in Nanjing:Firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.Secondly,when you come back to the restaurant,don’t go out st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.If you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in Nanjing a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,Wish you enjoy these days you stay here.Thank you.南京英语导游词欢迎词 2Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my pleasure to have friends from afar. Welcome to nanjing Province. Please sit back and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don’t have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Wang is our driver. He has 20 years of driving under his belt, so you’re in very safe hands. Miss. Li, a recent college graduate, is a trainee tour guide. My name is Zeng Zhaoxi, but you may just call me Zeng, which is my surname. Onbehalf of our colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you. During your stay in our nanjing province, Miss. Li and I will be your local gu ides. We’ll do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will do everything in our power to smooth them away.As you will be staying in our province for eight days, you’d better remember the number of our bus. The number is 20246. Let’s repeat it together: 20246. And besides that, your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Thank you.Now we are traveling in nanjing downtown area. We will reach the hotel soon. After you get off the bus, you’ll be warmly welcomed by the hotel’s attendants and enjoy very convenient services. You know nanjing people have the tradition of hospitality. I hope you will enjoy your stay in the hotel. Thank you for your attention. Now please take the valuables with you and get off the bus one by one.南京英语导游词欢迎词 3Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty is located at the foot of Mount Qomolangma in Dulong Fuwan, south of Zhongshan Mountain in Nanjing. It is the mausoleum of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and empress Ma Shi. It is the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. This royal mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty, which has a history of more than 600 years, is famous for its prominent owner, large scale, unique shape and beautiful environment. In 2024, the Ming Xiaoling was successfully declared as a world heritage site, which made the Ming Xiaoling, which initiated the imperial mausoleum system of Ming and Qing Dynasties, become the focus of world attention.After more than 600 years of historical vicissitudes, the wooden structure of many buildings no longer exists, but all of its architectural remains are intact in place, the spatial layout is intact, and the natural landscape where the cultural remains are located is not damaged. They are enough to show the unique design concept, system pattern, construction scale and cultural value of Ming Xiaoling in the development process of Chinese imperial mausoleum Artistic achievements. Nowadays, the Royal mausoleums of Ming and Qing Dynasties distributed in Beijing, Hubei, Hebei and other provinces and cities are all built according to the regulation and mode of Ming Xiaoling. In this sense, Ming Xiaoling is a masterpiece of art and a comprehensive achievement in the highly mature period of Chinese culture. It has created a new generation of Ming and Qing Imperial Mausoleums and has a long history in the development of Chinese Imperial Mausoleums The value and status of the monument.It is the crystallization of political thought, social culture, aesthetic consciousness, architectural technology and national financial resources in the early Ming Dynasty. The layout design and architectural form of the mausoleum have distinctive style of the times and exemplary spirit. It not only inherited the excellent elements of the imperial mausoleum system of Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, but also created a new imperial mausoleum system. The mausoleum system of Xiaoling in Ming Dynasty regulated the overall pattern and style of mausoleum construction in Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than 500 years. Its status was lofty and its influence was far-reaching.南京英语导游词欢迎词 4Today, my parents took me to Xiaoling scenic spot. Xiaoling of Ming Dynasty is the mausoleum of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming Dynasty. Here is not only beautiful scenery, but also some historical knowledge, so every holiday, will gather many tourists.Entering the gate of Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, the first thingthat comes to mind is 2 sacred Dao. One is the stone road of the East and the west, and the other is 615 meters long. In the order of the road, six stone animals are lions, tiers, camels, elephants, Kirin and horses. The other is the Weng Chong Road, the Shinto road in the north and south direction, 250 meters long, two pairs of Wen x and two pairs of Wen Chen on the pillar. The top of the column is cylindrical, and its body is carved with dragon patterns. The dignified and dignified generals are the loyal guardians of the mausoleum. Shinto is flanked by lush towering trees, each tree has a red canna. Twigs and leaves of the tree twists and turns into a Green Avenue.At the Xiaoling Museum of the Ming Dynasty, I visited some unearthed cultural relics of the Ming Dynasty, including jades and ceramics. I also knew that there were 16 emperors in the Ming Dynasty, three of whom had their capitals in Nanjing for 53 years.A stone turtle carries a large stone tablet on its back, which is engraved with "Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasties". This is the famous tablet hall. This is Emperor Kangxis praise for Zhu Yuanzhangs ruling the country more than that of Tang and Song dynasties. On both sides of the times are the imperial steles of Emperor Qianlongs physical skills.The hall of enjoyment is one of the main buildings in Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty, which is used to worship Zhu Yuanzhang,Empress and concubines. There are three floors, and there are stone dragons in four corners of each floor.On the way home, the beautiful scenery of Ming Xiaoling is unforgettable.南京英语导游词欢迎词 5No the National Military Academy, eters to the east of Dr. Sun Yatsen s Mausoleum. It b, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and top to bottom plexity of techniques adopted testify the of the architectural technology of the time in China.Beyond the Beamless Hall are the Wind-through-pines Pavilion and a nine-storeyed, over sixty-meter-high octagonal pagoda, b, lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb for Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1398. Born into a poor peasant family in Fengyang County, Anhui Province in 1328, Zhu Yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at Huangjue Temple. In 1352, he joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixin. He married Guo Zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later. Zhu Yuanzhang took over Nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 b built in 1381 b in 1383. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and b gate, knob is divided into t Horse Dismounting Arch Gate to Linxin Gate, 1800 meters long, serving as the tomb avenue. The second part is the tomb itself. There eters long, enclosing the b area. The tomb complex the stone bases and imagine ho their horsebacks here". This shoinated to be the successor to Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. In 1398, 22-year-old Zhu Yune excuse to launch a b. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beats. The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bi Xie, a mythical animal, suggesting justice. The follo Hill stands in the bfor Sun Quan, the first emperor of Eastern Wu Kingdom. When Ming Tomb e people suggested that Sun Quans tomb should be moved amented that Sun Quan b itself. The arch gate, imperial stone tablet pavilion, the grand hall, square city, grand terrace, treasure city, treasure top are all on the north-south axis, a typical layout of the ancient Chinese architecture.The arch gate has 5 door Beijing and visited Ming Tomb for 5 times. This tablet this tablet that Emperor Kang Xi b is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of thetechnical reasons of preservation.The tomb site b.南京英语导游词欢迎词 6Zhanyuan is the only group of well preserved classical garden buildings of Ming Dynasty in Nanjing. It has a long history, rich culture and pleasant scenery. Together with Jichang Garden in Wuxi, Zhuozheng garden in Suzhou and Liuyuan garden, Zhanyuan is known as "four famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River". As a member of the Little Bookworm Club of the school, I am looking forward to visiting Zhanyuan like you. The opportunity has come, and an exciting news has spread among our members. This week, the Five Little Bookworm club will arrange a tour to Zhanyuan. All members are looking forward to that moment On Friday, our members came to Zhanyuan with teachers Zhu and Shi. Entering the gate, the students cant wait to take out all kinds of tools, cameras, pens, paper and so on, and carefully make all kinds of records.Zhanyuan is over 600 years old. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang built the garden for Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan, because he thought Xu Da had no peaceful residence. When Emperor Qianlong ofQing Dynasty visited the south, he wrote the word "Zhanyuan". After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom established its capital in Nanjing in 1853, it was the Royal Garden of Yang Xiuqing and Lai Hanying. Zhanyuan is divided into two parts: East and West. The gate is in the East. There is a screen wall opposite the gate. In front of the screen wall is a relief of the Taiping rebellion. There is a large plaque on the gate, which reads "the first garden of Jinling", and the character is inscribed by Zhao Puchu. In the middle of the entrance is a bronze bust of Hong Xiuquan. There is a plaque inscribed by Guo Moruo on the hall of Erjin, which mainly displays cultural relics such as the jade ridge of the heavenly Father, the robe of the heavenly king, the golden crown of the loyal king, the big flag, the sword and the stone trough. The museum has collected more than 1600 pieces of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom cultural relics, of which 42 are national first-class cultural relics. The west part is the happiest place for our students. It is a typical Jiangnan garden. The ancient buildings in the garden include a pavilion, a flower basket hall, a Zhishuang Pavilion, a Yingcui Pavilion and a winding corridor. These buildings and corridors divide the whole Zhanyuaninto five small courtyards and a main garden. Jingmiao hall is located in the middle of the main garden. It is surrounded by water on three sides and land on one side. There are rockeries in the north and south of the hall. The water is interlinked, and there is a pavilion named Sui Han on the rockery in the West. The garden is small and characteristic. It is one of the famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. When our club students came here, they couldnt wait to play together, playing happy games, playing hide and seek around the rockery, and really experienced a "tour". TodaysZhanyuan garden is characterized by towering peaks and rocks, beautiful ponds and marshes, deep courtyard corridors, winding paths, pavilions and pavilions, ancient trees and famous flowers, jade and fragrance, and inscribed couplets with fragrance. Fully inclusive and equitable, the gardens of the South and the northern part of the city are also very artistic. All the way to enjoy, explore, learn, play, debate, so that all people forget the passage of time, in the door, I realized the real meaning of "lingering".南京英语导游词欢迎词 7The imposing city wall, as high as a five-story building, is the good impression of the visitors to Nanjing. The building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who, two years later, founded the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). More than 200,000 people worked on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1368. The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. It was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the worlds largest until the 17thcentury. In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case abrick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished. Different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient Chinese cities, Nanjings wall followed the natural terrain and was built on a foundation of huge rocks. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. Many parts of the wall are still in good condition. The city wall has 24 gates, among which the Zhonghua (China) Gate, formerly called the Treasure Pot Gate, is the largest. Covering an area of15,168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors. Behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. The heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. If enemy troops broke through the first wooden door, they could be separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. This strategy is known in China as “beating dogs behind a bolted door.” The first entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. These tunnels are big enough to accommodate more than 3,000 soldiers and store large quantity of food and ammunitions. On its both sides there are wide horse ramps. At the top, a rostrum allows a commanding view. Unfortunately, this rostrum and parts of the wall were destroyed by the Japanese during the Second World War. Now the Nanjing Municipal Government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated. s(“content_relate”);南京英语导游词欢迎词 8Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, has many places of interest and cultural attractions. My favorite is Zhanyuan, which has the reputation of "the first garden of Jinling". Zhanyuan garden in Nanjing, Zhuozheng garden and Liuyuan garden in Suzhou are known as "four famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River".Every summer, Nanjing scorching sun, my mother will bring me to Zhanyuan. As soon as you enter the gate of Zhumen Daiwa garden, there are towering trees. You suddenly feel that the world is quiet and cool. This 600 year old ancient garden has such a refreshing charm. The layout of the small garden shows originality. There are not only 18 ancient landscapes, but also 18 new ones. Every scenic spot is sobeautiful that its "beauty value" is very high!If you like Jiangnan gardens, you must go to Zhanyuan; if youlike cultural allusions, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like ancient buildings, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like water scenery Koi, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like ancient flowers and grasses, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like spectacular stones, you must go to Zhanyuan Every year when you go to Zhanyuan, you will have new insights and surprises.This summer, I came to Zhanyuan again. In Zhanyuan, the only Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum in China has been renovated, with more collections and introductions. On the lake, water lilies are blooming, and groups of Koi are playing freely, waiting for visitors to feed them in the fish viewing Pavilion. The exquisite wooden boat built to meet Emperor Qianlong is still standing in the water, listening to peoples praise for it; It doesnt matter if you come to the garden in rainy and snowy days, because the ingenious corridor design not only adds color to the garden, but also runs through the scenic spots in the garden to provide shade and shelter for visitorsIn history, Zhanyuan used to be the palace of Xu Da, the Ming Dynastys Zhongshan king. According to the staff, Zhanyuan is not as big as it was in ancient times, but just a corner of the west side of the palace at that time. Over the past 600 years, a lot of buildings have been damaged for various reasons. Now we see this exquisite and beautiful Zhanyuan garden, which was renovated and built by landscape experts organized by Nanjing municipal government. I really appreciate them. Otherwise, we will not see such a beautiful and meaningful ancient garden. What a pity!In the future, I would like to appeal to more people to cherish and protect the historical sites and beautiful scenery, so that they can be handed down and become a beautiful scenic line of Nanjing forever.南京英语导游词欢迎词 9There are countless places of interest in China. They are the crystallization and painstaking efforts of many ancient and modern people. Today I want to talk about the Zhongshan Mausoleum and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing.Our family took a bus to the east gate of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum early in the morning. After we bought the tickets, we entered the garden. As soon as we entered the garden, we saw a large area of land, on which many plum blossoms were planted. Those plum blossoms were all budding flowers, some of which were already blooming. Just like the smiling faces of children, they were so pure, so brilliant, and they were full of fragrance There was a charming smell. Then, as we went on, we saw a signboard which said "Shinto goes from here". So we went along the direction it pointed to. Along the way, there were many bronze warriors on both sides of the road. They were tall and powerful, like the warriors guarding here. Then, we went on, and we came to the huge city guarding the imperial mausoleum. We entered through the main gate of the city, where there were more than 200 steps. We made great efforts to climb up the city, and here was the end, because the Royal Cemetery was not allowed to enter. So we went into the lobby, which was empty, but the ground had to be 20 meters away from the roof. I began to admire these ancients. How did they build the city so high? This is still a mystery in my heart.Not to mention this, lets take a look at Zhongshan Mausoleum. Its a very large site, which can show our Chinese nations respect for great people. At a glance, there is a slope on both sides of the tree, which leads directly to the memorial hall. When I arrived, it was closed, but I was shocked. How they built such a large national name and Party emblem firmly on it is also a mystery in my heart.How happy the visit is!南京英语导游词欢迎词 10Today, our family went to laomendong to play. Laomendong is the most characteristic scenic spot in Nanjing, the same as Confucius Temple.From the premiere into the eye is a tall archway, above the title "old gate East" three characters. Behind the archway are the statues of the high school champion, the eye of the list, and the happy procession in the ancient examinations. The whole statue is lifelike and extremely elegant.Laomendong has delicious twist sugar, delicious sugarcane juice and fragrant beef casserole. There are many people today. There are long queues at the door of every snack bar.In addition to these mouth watering delicacies, the buildings of laomendong are also very distinctive, all of which are antique buildings. Walking on the long street, I feel as if I have passed through time and space and returned to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are also lanterns on the roadside in various shapes, such as rabbit lanterns, lotus lanterns, zoumaguan lanterns, and many geometric lanterns that I cant name. The most lovely thing is that there are still many people wearing black gauze caps, and some girls about my size are also wearing geges headdress. Mom also wants to buyone for me, but I didnt. I think its a little silly to take it with me.There are many branch alleys on both sides of laomen Donggu trunk road. Walking in one of the alleys, I found many nursery rhymes written on the wall that we are familiar with: "how high is the gate? How high is it. Ride a white horse, take a sedan chair, and walk under the gate. " Looking at these, I think of the scene of playing games with my classmates in the school.This is the old gate where the traditional style of Nanjing businessmen emerges. I think its really funny here!。

Ladies and gentleman:Good morning .Wele to the captical city of Jiangsu Province——Nanjing.I’m honored to have this opportunity to wele all of you e to visit this beautiful city.May I introduce my colleagues to you?This is Mr.Li,our driver,his bus number is SuA36099,please remember it.My name is Sally,I’m from the branch pany of China International Travel Service in Nanjing.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Nanjing.Now I’ll give you some tips during your stay inNanjing:Firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.Secondly,when you e back to the restaurant,don’t go out st but notleast,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.If you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try ou r best to make your stay in Nanjing a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding angco-operation,Wish you enjoy these days you stay here.Thank you.Wele SpeechLadies and gentleman good morning !Wele to nanjing please sit back and relax.your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you don t have to worry aboutthat,first on behalf of international travel service and myself wele everyone e to Nanjing province ,I’m very pleased to be your guide during your stay in Nanjing province,if you have just e to here I can show you around. now please allow me introduce myself my name is li ** Or call me **, which is my English name,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’s experiencein driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one,We will always be using the same bus while we are here in …… so I remend that you write down the number on our license plate.Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my pleasure to have friends from afar. Wele to nanjing Province. Please sit back and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don’t have to worry about it.Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Wang is our driver. He has 20 years of driving under his belt, so you’re in very safe hands. Miss. Li, a recent college graduate, is a trainee tour guide. My name is Zeng Zhaoxi, but you mayjust call me Zeng, which is my surname. On behalf of our colleagues, I’d like to extend a warm wele to you.During your stay in our nanjing province, Miss. Li andI will be your local guides. We’ll do everything possibleto make your visit a pleasant experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will do everything in our power to smooth them away.As you will be staying in our province for eight days, you’d better remember the number of our bus. The number is 20216. Let’s repeat it together: 20216. And besides that, your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Thank you.Now we are traveling in nanjing downtown area. We will reach the hotel soon. After you get off the bus, you’ll be warmly weled by the hotel’s attendants and enjoy very convenient services. You know nanjing people have the tradition of hospitality. I hope you will enjoy your stayin the hotel. Thank you for your attention. Now please take the valuables with you and get off the bus one by one.。

介绍南京的英文长篇作文英文:Nanjing is a city with a rich history and culture. As a resident of Nanjing, I am proud to introduce this beautiful city to you.Nanjing, located in the eastern part of China, is the capital city of Jiangsu Province. It has a long history dating back to the third century, and it was the capital of six different dynasties throughout Chinese history. As a result, Nanjing is home to many historical sites and cultural relics. One of the most famous attractions is the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, which is the tomb of the Hongwu Emperor, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. Another must-see attraction is the Nanjing City Wall, which was built during the Ming Dynasty and is one of the largest city walls in the world.In addition to its historical significance, Nanjing isalso a modern city with a vibrant economy. It is home to many universities, including Nanjing University and Southeast University, which attract students from all over China and the world. The city is also known for itsdelicious food, such as Nanjing salted duck and sesamepaste noodles. The locals are friendly and welcoming, andit is easy to make friends here.Overall, Nanjing is a city that has something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture,or modern life, you will find it all here.中文:南京是一个拥有丰富历史和文化的城市。

Believe what he said, but don't take it seriously.精品模板助您成功!(页眉可删)南京景点英语导游词范文(精选3篇)南京景点英语导游词1Now we are on the way to the Linggu Temple Park. On our right there is a fishing terrace with beige glazed tiles built in 1937. It was a monument to Dr. Sun Yatsen from the National Military Academy, which was founded by Dr. Sun Yatsen in 1924.Linggu Temple lies about one and a half kilometers to the east of Dr. Sun Yatsen s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in the ancient times and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the Purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription "The First Buddhist Forest " at the entrance to the mountain. Inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant, so it iscalled the "Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines".It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing.Inside the temple there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynasty. The hall, 53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22 meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood. There are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges. In size, the Beamless Hall stands first and foremost of its kind in China. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other five of the same kind in the other areas: Xiangtong Temple at Wutai Mountain; Yongzuo Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province; Wannian Temple on Ermei Mountain in Sichuan; Kaiyuan Temple in Shzhou and Longchang Temple in Jurong County. It far surpasses them all in solidity and magnificence. No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The difficulty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architectural technology of the time in China.Beyond the Beamless Hall are the Wind-through-pines Pavilion and a nine-storeyed, over sixty-meter-highoctagonal pagoda, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each storey. Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase winds to the top through the nine stories. When one gets to the top story and gaze into the distance, one can get a view of the entire mausoleum area.南京景点英语导游词2The 600-year-old Ming Tomb, lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb for Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1398.Born into a poor peasant family in Fengyang County, Anhui Province in 1328, Zhu Yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at Huangjue Temple. In 1352, he joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixin. He married Guo Zixin’s adopted daughter and became the commanding general later. Zhu Yuanzhang took over Nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 when he conquered the rest parts of China and established the Ming Dynasty.Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.Now we are reaching the tomb gate, known as Grand Golden Gate. Ming Tomb is divided into two parts. The first part is from Horse Dismounting Arch Gate to Linxin Gate, 1800 meters long, serving as the tomb avenue. The second part is the tomb itself. There was originally a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb complex was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised inside. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined during the wartime, once between the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the other time when Taiping Peasant Army was suppressed by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures were destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how it looked like 600 years ago.At the Horse Dismounting Arch Gate, the inscription can be seen "All the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here". This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.Here we are at the square city, also called the stone tablet house. Its top is gone but the surrounding walls andfour archways are still remaining, just like a castle. The Great Ming Dynasty Wonderful Achievements and Merits Tablet, 8.78 meters high, built in 1413 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is the highest ancient tablet in Nanjing. There are altogether 2746 Chinese characters on the tablet, which praise Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang for his deeds and merits by his fourth son who made himself the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty.Why did Zhu Di, the third emperor erect this stone tablet? Zhu Yuanzhang had 26 sons. His first son died in 1392, so his first grandson, then 16, was nominated to be the successor to Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. In 1398,22-year-old Zhu Yunwen became the second emperor after his grandfather’s death. However his uncle Zhu Di was then in Beijing and found some excuse to launch a war against him. The four-year-long war ended with the uncles victory. Zhu Di grabbed the power and became the third emperor. When Zhu Di praised Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, he was actually praising himself. Originally, Zhu Di planned to have a 72-meter-high stone tablet carved out of Yangshan hill in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. Since it was too heavy to be moved, he gave up his plan and had this small one made.The stone animal under the tablet looks like a tortoise. It is actually the first son of the dragon, well known for its strength. Its name is Bi Xi and he is always put there to carry imperial tablets. According to the legend, when the stone tablet was carved, the chief mason could hardly have it mount on the back of Bi Xi because it was too heavy. He was very worried and did not know what to do. One day he had a dream, in which he was told that only when the tablet and Bi Xi did not see each other, he would make the mounting possible. Clever as he was, he covered Bi Xi with mud and pushed the tablet onto the back of Bi Xi as you can see now.When we pass the imperial bridge, we can see the sacred path lined with 24 animals. There are six kinds of animals, one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting. They work on two shifts. The significance of these animals is to show the countrys power and emperors influence, to drive away the evil spirits and guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beats. The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bi Xie, a mythical animal, suggesting justice. The following pairs of animals include camels, elephants,unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The unicorn represents good luck while Horse loyalty.You may wonder how these heavy stone animals were moved to this place. The fact is in the cold winter, workers splashed water on the ground and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the freezing ice.Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as altars for the sacrificial offerings. The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan, the first emperor of Eastern Wu Kingdom. When Ming Tomb was constructed, some people suggested that Sun Quans tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay. This showed the emperor’s modesty. Among the 8 stone figures, four are ministers and the other are warriors.When we cross the imperial bridge and walk a short distance, we reach the tomb itself. The arch gate, imperial stone tablet pavilion, the grand hall, square city, grandterrace, treasure city, treasure top are all on the north-south axis, a typical layout of the ancient Chinese architecture.The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors. But this gate was rebuilt in 1999.In the stone tablet pavilion built in early Qing Dynasty, we can see an inscription by Emperor Kang Xi, the second emperor of Qing Dynasty, "Running the state as prosperously as Tang and Song Dynasties". Since Qing rulers were Manchurians, Emperor Kangxi was worried that the Han people wouldnt follow him. This stone tablet indicated Emperor Kang Xis desire to be peaceful with the Hans. He made 6 trips down to southern China from Beijing and visited Ming Tomb for 5 times. This tablet was erected here in 1699 during his third visit. We can tell from this tablet that Emperor Kang Xi was no wonder a great emperor.The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.The tomb site was selected by Zhu Yuanzhang himself. However there had been a Buddhist temple here. ZhuYuangzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here. The wise abbot in the temple felt it and suggested to the emperor that the temple should be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. The emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb.南京景点英语导游词3The imposing city wall, as high as a five-story building, is the good impression of the visitors to Nanjing.The building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who, two years later, founded the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). More than 200,000 people worked on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1368.The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. It was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the worlds largest until the 17thcentury.In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks.The brick makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished.Different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient Chinese cities, Nanjings wall followed the natural terrain and was built on a foundation of huge rocks. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. Many parts of the wall are still in good condition.The city wall has 24 gates, among which the Zhonghua (China) Gate, formerly called the Treasure Pot Gate, is the largest. Covering an area of 15,168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors. Behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. The heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. If enemy troops broke through the first wooden door, they could be separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. This strategy is known in China as "beating dogs behind a bolted door."The first entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. These tunnels are big enough to accommodate more than 3,000 soldiers and store large quantity of food and ammunitions. On its both sides there are wide horse ramps. At the top, a rostrum allows a commanding view. Unfortunately, this rostrum and parts of the wall were destroyed by the Japanese during the Second World War.Now the Nanjing Municipal Government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated.。

南京概况英文导游词Nanjing Overview English Tour Guide SpeechHello everyone, welcome to China's ancient capital, Nanjing. My name is [your name] and I will be your tour guide for today. Nanjing, also known as the "Southern Capital," is the capital cityof Jiangsu province in eastern China, situated on the bank of the Yangtze River. With a history of over 2,500 years, Nanjing is one of the most important cultural, economic, and political centers in China. It is a beautiful city with plenty of attractions and unique culture waiting to be explored.First, let me introduce you to the significance of the name Nanjing. The city's name literally means "southern capital" and it was so named because it was the capital of six Chinese dynasties including the Ming and Qing dynasties. It also served as the capital of the Republic of China under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-senin the early 20th century.The city's geography is quite unique. It covers an area of about6,600 square kilometers and is surrounded by mountains on three sides, leaving the Yangtze River to the north. As such, the city's terrain is a combination of hills and plains, giving it an idyllic landscape that is considered one of the most beautiful in China. Nanjing is also known for its impressive cultural heritage. One of the city's most famous landmarks is the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. This is the final resting place of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, who founded the Ming Dynasty. It is said to be the largest and most complete extant palace and is a must-see for visitors to the city.Another great cultural landmark is the Nanjing City Wall, which is considered one of the longest city walls in the world. It stretches for more than 35 kilometers and is a testament to the city's rich history.Nanjing also serves as a hub of education and innovation, with hundreds of universities and scientific research institutions located here. One of the most famous universities is Nanjing University, which was founded in 1902 and is known for its academic excellence and beautiful campus. The city has also been designated a UNESCO City of Literature, recognizing its rich cultural heritage and contribution to education and literature.One of the most impressive features of Nanjing is its culinary culture. The city's cuisine is characterized by its sweetness, richness, and bold flavors, with dishes like salted duck, braised pork belly, and tangbao (soup dumplings) being local favorites. You can sample these delicacies at one of the city's many restaurants or street vendors.Finally, Nanjing has many modern attractions for visitors to enjoy. One of the most impressive is the Olympic Sports Center, which was built for the 10th National Games of China in 2005. It boasts a unique architectural design and a variety of sporting facilities that are open to visitors. Other modern attractions include Xuanwu Lake Park, Confucius Temple, and the Zhonghua Gate.In conclusion, Nanjing is a vibrant, diverse, and beautiful city with a rich cultural heritage and plenty to offer visitors. With so much to explore, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience here.So, come and let's explore the "southern capital" together! Thank you for listening.Sure, here's the continuation of the Nanjing tour guide speech:Now, let's explore some of the top tourist attractions and landmarks you can visit during your trip to Nanjing:1. The Presidential PalaceLocated in the heart of Nanjing, the Presidential Palace served as the headquarters for the Republic of China during the early 20th century. It is now a museum that showcases the history of the Republic of China, displaying various artifacts, documents, and photographs from that time. The Palace covers over 90,000 square meters and has a beautiful lotus pond, impressive gardens, and other attractions that make it one of the city's most popular destinations.2. Purple MountainPurple Mountain is one of the most scenic natural spots in Nanjing. It covers an area of 4500 hectares and is home to many famous landmarks, such as Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, the Linggu Temple, and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. The mountain's beautiful scenery, fresh air, and stunning natural environment make it the perfect place for hiking and picnicking.3. Confucius TempleThe Confucius Temple is a beautiful complex containing manytraditional Chinese-style buildings and gardens. It was constructed in honor of the Chinese philosopher Confucius and serves as a cultural and educational institution that showcases the traditions, arts, and crafts of Nanjing. Visitors can admire the picturesque buildings and pagodas, explore the many galleries showcasing artworks and artifacts, or simply stroll through the serene gardens and immerse themselves in the beauty and calmness of the surroundings.4. Zhonghua GateThe Zhonghua Gate, also known as the Gate of China, is one of the most famous landmarks in Nanjing. This 600-year-old Ming Dynasty city gate is the largest remaining city gate in China and is made up of three layers of brick and stone walls that enclose the city. Visitors can climb to the top of the gate and get a panoramic view of Nanjing's skyline, including the city wall, Xuanwu Lake, and Purple Mountain.5. Qinhuai RiverLocated in the south of Nanjing, the Qinhuai River is a beautiful, ancient canal that flows through the heart of the city. Visitors can take a boat ride along the river, passing through many pagodas, temples, and bridges built in traditional Chinese architectural styles. The river is also famous for its lively nightlife, with many restaurants, bars, and cafes lining its banks.6. Nanjing MuseumThe Nanjing Museum is one of the largest museums in China and houses a collection of over 400,000 artifacts that showcase the diverse cultural developments throughout the history of the city. Spanning over 70,000 square meters, this museum is definitely a must-visit attraction for history and culture buffs.In addition to these attractions, there are many other unique experiences you can enjoy during your visit to Nanjing, such as watching a traditional Chinese opera, trying your hand at calligraphy, or savoring some tasty street food from one of the local markets or food stalls.As we conclude this tour guide speech, I hope you all have an exciting and memorable experience exploring the rich history, diverse cultural heritage, and stunning natural scenery of Nanjing. Whether you're here for your first visit or a returning visitor, there's always something new to discover and enjoy in this beautiful city.。

南京的导游词英语怎么写?相信很多人都想知道吧?以下是小编为您整理的南京的导游词英语相关资料,欢迎阅读!南京的导游词英语Hello, ladies and gentlemen!(opening remarks)Welcome to Nanjing, known as "the beauty of the Six Dynasties, the state of Jinling emperor". I was in Jiangsu Province travel guides XXX, you can call me x, or X. Beside me, this is the driver x master, his driving skills are very good, please rest assured. Hopefully, in the next few days, we can have a wonderful trip to Nanjing.(Nanjing omnibus)Nanjing is famous as "the capital of fraternity". It is the capital city of Jiangsu Province, and is the political, economic and cultural center of the province. The city covers an area of 6598 square kilometers, with a population of 7 million 413 thousand people, with 11 districts and 2 counties under the jurisdiction of the central government.(topography and geomorphology)The centre of Nanjing is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, mainly hilly terrain near the town, East Mountain has a cool mountain west, South NIUSHOUSHAN, North Qixia mountain. Zijin Mountain stretches from east to west, from the city of Nanjing to the north of Nanjing, forming two water systems, the south of the Qinhuai River and the north of Jinchuan river. In addition, there are Xuanwu Lake and MochouLake like two bright pearl inlaid in the East and west of Nanjing.Historical evolution)Nanjing is the first historical and cultural cities in China, one of the seven ancient capitals, has a history of ten dynasties established their capitals here, are: Wu, Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties of song, Qi, Liang, Chen, and later, in the early Ming Dynasty, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Republic of China, so Nanjing is also called "the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties" ten, "towards the capital". In the past dynasties left many names, such as: Nanjing, Jianye, Jinling, Ling Jiankang, Jiang Zhou, Jiangning, or state, set Qing, days, Tianjing, some names as the names of Nanjing are still in use.(transportation, economics, science and education)Today, Nanjing railway, highway, aviation, water transportation, pipeline and other modes of transportation are complete, and it is an important transportation hub in East china. At the same time, Nanjing is also an important comprehensive industrial base in eastern China and one of the six major communication hubs in china. At present, we have formed the four pillar industries: "electronics, petrochemical, steel and automobile". Jinling Petrochemical, Nanjing Panda Electronics Group, and other well-known enterprise strength, best-selling products at home and abroad. In addition, Nanjing has a strong scientific and educational strength, and its comprehensive strength is second only to that of Beijing and Shanghai. The development of education and science and technology has laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of Nanjing's urban economy. (city brand)Nanjing has many urban brands, and has been named as the top ten health city, national garden city and excellent tourist cityin china. Nanjing's national level of afforestation is well known, and the forest coverage rate is 23%. Nanjing city tree is the cedar, plum flower.(specialty)When it comes to our Nanjing, I must mention that and "eat", "drink", "play", "wear" corresponding to the four major products: boiled salted duck, Yuhua tea, stone and brocade.Famous scenic spot)Long history gave birth to abundant tourism resources of Nanjing, east to the Zijin Mountain scenic area, including Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, Xuanwu Lake and the west to Linggu T emple; Rock Scenic Area south of the famous aspect; Qinhuai scenery as the main scenic areas along the Yangtze River in the north; mainly includes Yangtze River bridge, Yuejianglou and Jinghai Temple other attractions.(Epilogue)Mountain, water, city, the development of Nanjing, Yamakawa Gatakatsu, SBBS, grand and magnificent, with a broad mind to greet eight side guests.翻译:各位游客,大家好!(开场语)欢迎来到素有“六朝佳丽地,金陵帝王州”美誉的南京参观游览。
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南京英语导游词注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30%城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5A景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述一、欢迎词Ladies and gentleman:Good morning .Welcome to the captical city of Jiangsu Province——Nanjing.I’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.May I introduce my colleagues to you?This is Mr.Li,our driver,his bus number is SuA36099,please remember it.My name is Sally,I’m from the branch company of China International Travel Service in Nanjing.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Nanjing.Now I’ll give you some tips during your stay in Nanjing:Firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.Secondly,when you come back to the restaurant,don’t go out st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.If you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in Nanjing a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,Wish you enjoy these days you stay here.Thank you.二、简介南京When you come to Jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——Nanjing.She is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the Yangzi Delta region.And she was been called China’s southern capital. There are about 8 million people here and Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She was one of the 6 famous ancient cities in China.For almost 2000 years,there has been 10 dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they are Wu,Eastern Jin,Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,South Tang,Ming,Taiping Kingdom,and Republic of China subsequently.For tourists,Nanjing is one of China’s most attractive cities.In octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,Nanjing is the 3rd popular city in China,just next to Shanghai and Beijing,I think wo must work harder together for it.I think all the pretty scenic in Nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them.三、景点(8个)㈠中山陵Dr.Sun Yatsen’s MausoleumAmong all the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing,the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.It took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution. On October 12, 1866, Mr. Sun was born in a farmer's family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan City), Guangdong Province. He put forward the famous guiding principle- "driving the invaders out, restoring thesovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership" and the Three People's Principles-"Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood." Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on March 12, 1925.The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr. Sun himself. Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum. You may wonder: Mr. Sun was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing. For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution. Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb? Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries. Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi's design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well. The crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the "Bell of Freedom".Now, we are going out of the Zhongshan Gate and driving along the Mausoleum Road.Please look to the south.The copper "ding" with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg. It is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters. It is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum. To the bell-shaped mausoleum the "ding " is just like the pendulum. It seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell.Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum. The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide. The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.Now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside, situate the mausoleum Gate, the Stele Pavilion, the Memorial Hall and the coffin chamber right behind. The pines, cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent Mr. Sun's revolutionary spirit and lofty quality. Now we are coming near the top platform. Look, there are two big copper "ding".There are two holes in the bottom of the left "ding". Why?In late 1937, when the Japanese army attacked Nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding. Now, although the circumstances have changed, the two holes always remind Chinese people not to forget the national humiliation. Ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform. Here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance. The Memorial Hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of Fraternity. More marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform. But if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms. The number of the steps, 392, is not a random number; it implied the number of Chinese population at that time-392 million.Now we are in front of the Memorial Hall and the coffin Chamber. These are the most basic and general guiding principles of Mr. Sun's revolutionary activities. Above "Democracy", there is a horizontal inscription board with Sun's handwriting on it, "Fill the World with Justice".Please follow me into the Memorial Hall. The floor is covered with white and black marble from Yunnan Province. The style of the whole structure is a blend of the East and the West, representing the well blended doctrine of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sun struggled for a better China for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years. He carried out the three principal policies of "Making an alliance with Russia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers" in his later days. The great feat Mr. Sun has achieved has gained greatrespect and praise from people from both home and abroad. After liberation, both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage.Now, as one of the "Top Forty Tourist Resorts in China" Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum receives numerous Chinese and international friends every years. OK, thank you very much for your cooperation. Good-bye and good luck!㈢灵谷寺Linggu TempleLinggu Temple was called Jiangshan Temple in ancient time and its original site was in Donglongfu at the foot of the Purple Mountain.This tenple with an inscription “The First Buddhist Forest”at the entrance to the mountain.My friends,please follow my steps.Inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees ,verdant and luxuriant ,so it is called the “Valley of Spirit Deep in pines”.It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing.Main attractions in the park include Linggu Temple ,the gateway of officers and men killed in action,Beamless Hall,Pine and Wind Pavilion,Linggu Pagoda,Monk Baogong Pagoda and the Tablet of Three Great Artists,etc.The first major attraction is the gateway of officals and men killed in action.The gateway has 5 principle columns made of concrete cement.The gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue –glazed tile.The lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 Chinese characters“Great justice and Virtue”in front face and “Salvation of the Nation and People”on the back.Inside the park there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynasty.There are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges .In terms of size,the Beamless Hall stands first and foremost of its kind in China.It was built more than 200years earlier than the other five of the same kind in other areas.The original site of the Pine and Wind Pavilion is the former religious discipline hall of the Linggue Temple.The present pavilion was built in 1929,as the memorial hall of the officials and men killed in action with the things left behind by the martyrs.The pavilion was damaged in the War of Resistance against Japan and restored after 1949.Linggu Pagoda was built in 1933 as a memorial pagoda for the officals and men killed in wars.The nine-storeyed octagonal pagoda,is over sisty-meter-high,with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story.3 characters “Linggu Pagoda”are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “Where there is a will there’s a way”on the lintel of the back door.Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase of 252 steps winds to the top through the nine stories.In the buses west of Pine and Wind Pavilion there lies a tomb pagoda“Baogong Pagoda”named after the eminent Monk BaoZhi of the Southern Dynasties.Tradition has it that Monk BaoZhi was born into a bird’s nest in 436.He became a monk when he was 7 years old.Before his death,BaoZhi had frequent contact with Emperor Wudi of the Liang Dynasty and was highly respected by the emperor.Linggu Temple is the only one out of 70 Buddhist monasteries handed down from the Southern Dynasties.The Temple was relocated to the present site in the Ming dynasty and named Linggu Buddhist Monastery by Emperor ZhuYuanzhang,who contributed a lot of money and land to the monastery out of the gratitude that the relocation effectuated the construction of his tomb at Dulongfu.The Ming Dynasty also put 12 temples including Qixia Monastery under the abministration of Linggu Temple and the temple was so large that it could support more than 1000monks at that time.The present temple is much smaller than it used to be.In the temple there is the Treasure Hall of the Great Sage.In the east of the hall,there is a chambre,which used to be called the Goddess of mercy Hall.But it is turned to the memorial hall of Master Xuan Zang.Whi went to India in the 7th century and brought back with him large quantities of Buddhist sutras.The legendary story of this great monk-traveler and his disciples is vividly described in the great master-piece Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en.In the memorial hall,some of his skull,introduction of his pilgrimage route to India and his return to Chang’an are on display.In front of the temple,there is a screen wall,on which is written with 10 characters “the Buddhist rites performed to bury Monk BaoZhi’s remains”. OK, thank you very much for your cooperation. Good-bye and good luck for your next trip !The west Garden came into being in the late Qing Dynasty,hence was deeply stamped with the brand of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.The garden covers an area of 1.4hectares,consisting of 3 parts ----a small courtyard in front of the garden,the east part with a rocky hill,and the west part with a vase-like water pond.The courtyard is a bit too small,but yet well worth seeing because it’s the only passage to the west garden.The outer gate of the yard used to be the place for sedan chair carriers taking the load off their shoulders for restOn the lintel of the gate is inlaid a carved brick with two Chinese characters“Xuyuan ”.In addition,the white wall is opened up a miin gate with two characters“Xuyuan”written on the top.As a works of art,a garden like literary works has its“preface,development,climax and epilogue.”Therefore,this small yard is the “preface”of the whole garden.When tourists go out of the moon gate ,they come to the main body of the West Garden,of which the layout is like a painting and a piece of real art of Chinese garden,therefore gradual necessary.Northeast to the rockery is Tongyin Hall.A story goes like this.A musician named YuBoya used to play music here to entertain his friends,among which ZhongZiqi was the only one who could understand his kindness,so they became the bosom friends as we Chinese say“Zhiyin”.Later Yu never played the music after Zhong died.Actually,Tongyin Hall was the place for the host to entertain his intimate friends in ancient China.The Fangsheng Pavilion has two roofs linked like two mandarin ducks sleeping with their necks together.Seen from far away,the pavilion seems to be twin pavilions.The design is symolic of faithfulness between man and woman.The lake is shaped like a porcelain vase,which has a number of the connotations as “peace,safety,harmony,serenity,repose,ease,or tranquility”.The greatest attraction in the lake is a marble boat called unmoored boat----a miniature of the famous one in Beijing’s Summer Palace.And the place is wonderful for people to enjoy the scenery of full moon as well as pleasant music on the evening of traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival.There are several interesting buildings worth lingering a while,for example,the Sunset Pavilion with a three-piece tablet of Eastern Wu Emperor Sun Hao’s writing,the Outlook Pavilion with a tablet of Chinese painting and carving,the Imperial Tablet Pavilion with the handwriting of Emperor Qianlong.The office of Dr.Sun put up near the garden where he held important meetings and met friends.At present,the building is preserved and has been converted into an exhibition hallof Dr.Sun’s office work and daily life. OK, thank you very much for your cooperation. Good-bye and good luck for your next trip !四、欢送词Ladies and Gentlemen:Time goes so quickly and your trip in Nanjing is drawing to a close ,tomorrow morning my friends will be leaving Nanjing for NewYork by air.These days ,we have a trip for Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum,Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty,Linggu Temple,Confucius Temple,Presidential Residence,but time was limited for these days,Nanjing has 48 attractions scenic spots,sunch as Nanjing Museum,Yuejianglou,the under sea world of Nanjing.On octorber 10th next year,Dr Sun Yatsen leading Chinese democratic revolution for 100 years,I think it’s a high time for you and your friends travel to Nanjing again.While you were stay in Nanjing,the deledation members have been very co-operation,friendly and understanding.We appreciated that very much.This is because that friendship does not go on way,it goes both ways.Happy to meet,sorry to depart and happy to meet again.Now let us to sing the song together I taught you these days,OK?。