THE GAME by Louise Bryant【英语话剧】

Pirates of the Caribbean -the Curse of the Black PearlElizabeth Swann-XU Xiaoyue (Manager)Will Turner-YU Zhongda(Director)Jack Sparrow-WANG Heran(Screenwriter)Barbossa-YAO Guoxin(Editor)Governor Swann-GAO Shiqing(Stage-setter)Norrington-MENG Xiwen(Organization)(Aside:This is a normal morning in the sea of Caribbean, Governor Swann is in his house.)(Picture:beautiful scene of Caribbean/ a big old living room)Swann:Ah, Mr. Turner. Good to see you again.Will:Good day, sir. I have your order. (go upon)Swann:Well.Will:(take out the sword) The blade is folded steel. That’s gold filigree laid into the handle.Swann: Impressive. Very impressive. Now,now.Commodore Norrington is going to be very pleased with this.Swann:(to Elizabeth) Elizabeth,you look absolutely stunning.Elizabeth:(to Will) Will. It’s so good to see you. I had a dream about you last night.Will:(surprised) About me?Swann:Y es,is that entirely proper for you...Elizabeth:(interrupt him)About the day we met. Do you remember?Will:How could I forget,Miss Swann?Elizabeth:Well, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?Will:At least once more, Miss Swann, as always.Swann:There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety. Now. We really must be going. There you are.Elizabeth:Good day,Mr. Turner.Swann:Come along.Will:(follow)Good day. Elizabeth.(Aside: Elizabeth accidently fell into the water, Jack saved her ,and Commodore Norrington come at the same time.)(Picture: on board)Norrington:(to Jack with sword) On your feet.Swann:(to Elizabeth) Elizabeth! Are you all right?Elizabeth:Yes, I’m fine.Swann:(to Jack) Shoot him!Elizabeth: Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?(Jack say thanks with gesture)Norrington:(to Jack and offer hand) I believe thanks are in order. Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, priate? Well, well, Jack Sparrow, isn’t it?Jack:Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please ,sir.Norrington:(look aroud)Well, I don’t see your ship, Captain.Jack:I’m in the market ,as it were.Norrington:(take the gun) No additional shot nor powder. (take the compass)A compass that doesn’t point North. (smile)You are without doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of.Jack: But you have heard of me. (with gesture)(Norrington take Jack aside)Elizabeth: Commodore, I really must protest. Pirate or not ,this man saved my life.Norrington: One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.Jack: Though it seems enough to condemn him.Norrington: Indeed.Jack: Finally.(Norrington raise the gun immediately)Swann: No. No! Don't shoot!Jack: Commodore Norrington, my hat, please. Commodore!It is Elizabeth, isn't it?Elizabeth: (angrily) It's Miss Swann.Jack: Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind.Elizabeth:(put on the hat) You're despicable.Jack: Sticks and stones, love.I saved your life. You save mine. We're square.Gentlemen, milady,you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.(push Elizabeth to Norrington)Norrington: (shout) Open fire! On his heels!(All off, Jack and Will on from two directions)(Picture: a room of iron)Will: You're the one they're hunting. The pirate.Jack: You seem familiar. Have I threatened you before?Will: I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.Jack: Ha. Well,it would be a shame to put a mark on your record.So if you'll excuse me. (Will stop Jack with a sword)Do you think this wise, boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?Will: You threatened Miss Swann.Jack : (Smile) Only a little.(Fight)Who makes all these?Will: I do. And I practice with them three hours a day.Jack: You need to find yourself a girl, mate.(Fight and hold)Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you found one and are otherwis e incapable of her heart.Will: (shout) I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate, I can kill it!Jack: What’s that?(Jack point to somewhere else with sword and seem surprised)(Will’s eye follow Jack’s sword and Jack hit Will’s sword off)Will: You cheated.Jack: Pirate. Move away.Will: No.Jack: Please move.Will: No. I cannot just step aside and let you escape.Jack: This shot is not meant for you.Solider A:There he is! Over here!(Jack put down the sword)Norrington: I trust you will remember this is the day The Captain Jack Sparrowalmost escaped.(to solider A) Take him away.(Captain Barbossa and his crew, pirates of Carribbean, attacted the Port Royal and caught Elizabeth to their ship--the Black Pearl)(Picture: the moon/the pirate’s ship)Elizabeth: Captain Barbossa,I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilitiesagainst Port Royal.Barbossa: There were a lot of long words in there. We're naught but humblepirates. What is it that you want?Elizabeth: I want you to leave and never come back.Barbossa: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no."Elizabeth: Very well. I'll drop it.Barbossa: Me holds are bursting with swag.That bit of shine matters to us? Why?Elizabeth: It's what you've been searching for.Fine. I suppose if it is worthless,there's no point in me keeping it.Barbossa: No. (hold and smile) You have a name, missy?Elizabeth: Elizabeth (hold) Turner. I'm a maid in the governor's household.(look down)Barbossa: Miss Turner.(surpised but happy)Very well. Hand it over. We'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.Elizabeth: Our bargain?Barbossa: (to pirates) Still the guns and stow them.Elizabeth: Wait!You have to take me to shore. According to the Code—Barbossa: First, your return to shore was not part of our agreement. So I must do noting. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the Pirate's Code to apply,and you're not.Thirdly, the Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules.Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner.(Aside: What Babossa really want is the medallion on Elizabeth neck, which is Aztec gold, actually. One of 882 identical pieces ,the heathen gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse. Any mortal that removes but a single piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity. Only one way can end the curse—the blood repaid)(Picture: the gold )(Aside: Will is very worried about Ellizabeth, he want to rescue her, but he don’t know where the Black Pearl went, so he turn to the pirate in prison—Jack Sparrow)Will: You! Sparrow.Jack: Aye?Will: You are familiar with that ship. The Black Pearl.Jack: I've heard of it.Will: Where does it make berth?Jack: Where does it make berth? (look at his own hands) Why ask me?Will: Because you're a pirate.Jack: And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?Will: Never. (hold,look down) They took Miss Swann.Jack: Oh, so it is that you found a girl. I see.Well,if you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue, and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone,mate. I see no profit in it.Will: I can get you out of here.Jack: How's that? The key’s run off.Will: I helped build these cell.With the right leverage and the proper application of strength. The door will lift free.Jack: What's your name, son?Will: Will Turner.Jack: That would be short for William,I imagine. Good,strong name.No doubt named for your father, all right?Will: Yes.Jack: Uh-huh. Well,Mr.Turner,I've changed me mind.If you spring me from this cell,I swear on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl a nd your bonny lass.Do we have an accord?Will: Agreed.Jack: Agreed. Get me out.(Aside: Jack and Will run out from the prison and try to find a boat to sail)(Picture: the ship)Will: We're going to steal the ship? That ship?Jack: Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term.(turn aroud)One question about your business boy. There's no use going.This girl. How far are you willing to go to save her?Will: I'd die for her.Jack: Oh,good. No worries, then.(Jack and Will find the mountain hole , meanwhile Barbossa are on the point of killing Elithabeth )(Picture: in the mountain hole)Barbossa:(to the pirates, loudly) Every last piece that went astray, we have returned. (point to Elizabeth) Save for this.(wave the knife) Begun by blood. By blood undone.Pirate B: (look at himself) It didn’t work. The curse, it still upon us!Barbossa:(turn to Elizabeth ) You, maid! Was your father William Turner?Elizabeth: No.Barbossa:(shout angrily) Where is his child that sailed from England eight years ago? The child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner?(Jack and Will on)Will:I’m here.Elizabeth:(happily) Will !Barbossa:(to Jack surprisely) How the blazes did you get off that island?Jack: When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate, (hold), I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.(Fight)(02:00:57-02:01:57)(Barbossa point to Elizzabeth with sword, meanwhile, Will go to catch the gold, and Jack shoot Barbossa)(Sound: shoot)Barbossa: Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot.Will: He didn't waste it.Barbossa: I feel... Cold.(Barbossa die)Elizabeth:Will.(hold hand)(Norrington come in)Norrington:(to Elizabeth) So this is where your heart truly lies, then? Elizabeth: It is.Norrington: After all, he is a blacksmith.Elizabeth: No, he’s a pirate.End(music-‘he’s a pirate’ and show character’s names)。
模仿游戏 The Imitation Game

影评知识中文别名:模拟游戏、解码游戏导演:莫滕·泰杜姆编剧:格拉汉姆·摩尔、安德鲁·霍奇斯主演:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、凯拉·奈特莉、马修·古迪、马克·斯特朗、查尔斯·丹斯、艾伦·里奇、凡妮莎·柯比、汤姆·古德曼-希尔、詹姆斯·诺斯科特影片类型:剧情 / 传记 / 战争上映日期:2014年11月14日(英国)、2014年12月25日(美国)剧情简介:《模仿游戏》根据Andrew Hodges所写的传记《艾伦·图灵》(Alan Turing: The Enigma)改编。

The Dream of Lottery《彩票梦》Father: IanMother: EllenYounger brother: VictorOlder brother: DavidFriend: JeffClerk: WeberNarrator(说故事者): Weber ——————————————————————————–Summary (摘要)This is a story about lottery. One day, Ian and Ellen are watching TV in the living room. David is sleeping in his room.SceneⅠ: In the living room.Ian: The news is very boring.新闻非常无聊.Ellen: Huh, only about political issues very boring.哼!,只有关于政治议题非常无聊的。
Ian: Yeah! It makes me annoyed.是的!它使我苦恼了。
Ellen: Well! How’s your business this month?好的!你这月的生意好吗?Ian: Not bad! Perhaps I can get promotion next month.不坏!也许我能在下个月得到晋级。
(Narrator: At that time, someone presses the buzzer of doorbell ring.这时,门铃响了)Ellen: Dear, go to open the door.亲爱的,去打开门。
Ian: Son, why do you come home so late? Do you know what time it is?儿子,你为什么来在家如此迟的?你现在几点吗??Victor:Oh! I’m sorry. I ate the dinner with my classmate.哦!对不起。

英语剧本6人版简单短剧角色:1. 大卫(David) - 一个乐观开朗的年轻人2. 玛丽(Mary) - 大卫的好朋友,聪明而有魅力3. 托尼(Tony) - 一位滑稽可爱的男孩4. 莉莉(Lily) - 一位甜美可爱的女孩5. 保罗(Paul) - 大卫的兄弟,沉稳且有责任心6. 莎拉(Sarah) - 保罗的女朋友,聪明而优雅场景:一间小型咖啡馆故事情节:场景1:咖啡馆(大卫和玛丽坐在一张咖啡桌前,边喝咖啡边聊天)大卫:玛丽,我真的很开心我们能相互支持对方的梦想。

人物•大卫 (David): 一个勇敢而聪明的大学生。
•莉莉 (Lily): 大卫的好朋友,善于寻找冒险的机会。
•马克(Mark): 大卫的室友,喜欢大自然和户外活动。
•教授 (Professor): 一位严肃而古板的教授。
•怪物 (Monster): 一个友善而好玩的怪物。
情节第一幕:大学生活(Scene: 大学宿舍,大卫和马克正在房间里聊天)大卫:嘿,马克,你觉得大学生活跟高中不一样吗?马克:当然不一样!在大学里我们有更多的自由和机会去探索自己的兴趣爱好。
(Scene: 莉莉走进房间)莉莉:听说你们在聊话剧社?大卫你不是唯一的新人,我也是第一次尝试表演呢!我们可以互相帮助。
第二幕:试镜和冒险开始(Scene: 话剧社排练室,教授正在评估学生们的表演)教授:下一个,请你上台演出。
大卫:(紧张地上台演出)(Scene: 大卫成功通过试镜后,大家欢呼雀跃)莉莉:你太棒了,大卫!我们都相信你一定会成功的。
(Scene: 排练室外面,大卫发现一个看起来很奇怪的门)大卫:嘿,你们看那边有个奇怪的门,你们有兴趣去看看吗?莉莉:当然!我喜欢冒险!我们一起去吧!第三幕:奇幻世界(Scene: 大卫、莉莉和马克一起进入了奇幻世界,遇见了友善的怪物)怪物:欢迎来到我的世界!我是怪物,你们是怎么来到这里的?大卫:我们不知道,我们只是发现了一个奇怪的门,然后进来了。

这是个真实的故事...英国泽西岛 1879你们是谁Who are you?你们在做什么What are you doing?我们将把这建成高尔夫球场There's a golf Iinks going in here.高尔夫球是什么东西What's golf?高尔夫球是绅士们玩的比赛Golf is a game played by gentlemen.不是你这样的人玩的Not for the Iikes of you.快走开孩子Now, run along, boy.布鲁克莱恩马萨诸塞州 1900在这儿先生Here it is, sir.快点我们走Come on! Let's go!就是这样坐直莎拉That's it. Sit up straight, Sarah.轻轻拉缰绳Lightly on the reins. There.这就是我们要做的弗朗西斯This is how we do it, Francis.我们努力工作把钱拿回家We work hard, and we bring home the money. 努力工作把钱拿回家Work hard. Bring home the money.-吉尔勒莫 -是- Guillermo! - Yes, sir!快点Come on!弗朗西斯你究竟在做什么Francis, what in the world are you doin'?已经后半夜了It's after midnight!你会吵醒你弟弟的上♥床♥去You're keepin' your brother up. Go to bed.雷德蒙上♥床♥睡觉不许说话Raymond, go to sleep. No talkin'.我的意思是不要发出声音No noises. I mean it.你在干吗弗朗西斯What have you got there, Francis? Hmm?弗朗西斯Francis.我能去看他吗爸爸Can I see him, Father? PIease?他在说什么看谁What's he talking about? See who?哈利·瓦顿Harry Vardon.打这种比赛的绅士Any gentleman who plays this game没有一个是你的朋友is not a friend to you.我知道I know.但他是目前最出色的But he's the greatest ever.-亚瑟我想这没有什么坏处 -不要说了- Arthur, I don't see the harm in... - Not another word. 他今天得去学校The boy goes to school today.就谈到这儿That's the end of it.达西小姐帮我照顾下小孩Mrs. Darcy, mind the Iittle one!他会去爬楼梯的He'II try to climb those stairs.弗朗西斯放下书Francis, Ieave your books.我要去买♥♥东西你跟我一起去I've got shoppin' to do. You come with me now.爸爸说我得去学校Father said I had to go to school.你一天不去学校没有关系You can miss school for one day.而且我需要人帮提包走吧Besides, I need help with me packages. Come along. 是什么事情引起这么大的骚动What could be causing such a fuss?去吧我会去找你Go on. I'II find ya.谢谢女士们先生们Thank you, Iadies and gentlemen.我希望你们能帮忙I'II now presume upon your goodwill我需要个志愿者and request the services of a volunteer.谁愿意上来Anyone?你好你叫什么名字Hello. What's your name?-弗朗西斯 -你好弗朗西斯先生- Francis. - Hello, Mr. Francis.你知道这是什么吗Now, do you know what this is?高尔夫球杆A brassie.是的打一杆吧So it is. Have a bash.继续Go on.不错弗朗西斯即使在最灰暗的日子That's all right, Francis. Even in our darkest hour, 我们也得时刻记住我们永不绝望we must always remember, you never despair.你有没有把一只小鸟握在手上过Have you held a Iive bird in your hands?握的时候不能太用力否则会伤到它Not too hard to hurt her.只要不让它飞走就可以了Just firm enough to stop it from flying away.再试试Try it again.你看到了吗Did you see that?欢迎常胜将军Hail the conquering hero!达尔文先生Mr. Darwin.-是不是如同我所想的一样 -我不确定哈利- Is this what I think it is? - I'm not sure, Harry.我跟你一样I received a summons from Lord Northcliffe,-得到了诺斯克利夫爵士的召唤 -不用找了- just as you did. - Keep the change, mate.-他正在里面等着 -今天是特别的一天- He's waiting inside. - Today's the day.但是哈利从没有一个非职业选手But, Harry, no professional has ever been asked加入过绅士们的高尔夫俱乐部to join a gentlemen's golf club as a member.任何事都会有个开始伯纳德First time for everything, Bernard.-是的 -瞧瞧这个地方- Yes. - Look at this place.他们为什么会让你过来Why else would they want you here?他不信任我我只是为他工作He doesn't confide in me. I only work for him.十年前我还是个修剪篱笆的Ten years ago, I was clippin' hedges.不可思议Marvelous.干得太漂亮了哈利Brilliantly done, Harry.谢谢你先生Thank you, sir.如果你们这些绅士愿意把它加入到你们的战利品I'd be honored if you gentlemen would consider-我将感到很荣幸 -一个闪闪发光的奖杯- adding it to your trophy case. - A glittering addition.我们很高兴为你保留这个是吧奈维尔We'd be pleased to keep it for you. Wouldn't we, Neville? 你很大方Handsome.不过你要想再拿回去恐怕就不是那么容易了But you might not get it back without a tussle.我也没想过能轻松的把它拿回来Don't plan on handing it back myself without a fight. 哈利进入正题吧Harry, I'II come to the point.我们俱乐部有个公开赛We've had an opening at our club.这位是布洛克爵士俱乐部委员会主席Lord Bullock chairs the membership committee.你父亲是做什么的What does your father do?先生他是泽西岛上的一个园丁Uh, he's a gardener on Jersey, sir.我听说你是信奉罗马天主教的I'm told you're Church of Rome.-你母亲是法国人吗 -是的- Mother's French? - Yes, sir.我想我们可以暂时不管这个I believe we can work around it.就这么决定了你是我们想找的人It's decided, then. You're just the man for us.嗯我都不知道说什么了先生Well, I don't know what to say, sir.好了就说好吧Well, say yes.我们希望你替我们工作有相当好的收入We want you to work for us. Decent wage.你可以经营自己的店You can run your own shop.当然还可以开班上课收取你想要的费用Lessons, of course. Charge what you Iike for those. 你是唯一一个能帮我解决问题的人You're the only man who can set me right.你得停止你的工作You'II have your work cut out.我想到处都是酒I think it's drinks all around.我说过你替我们工作I'm told you'll work for us...高尔夫球是绅士们打的比赛Golf is a game played by gentlemen.不是你这样的人玩的绅士们打的比赛Not for the likes of you. Played by gentlemen.可以经营你自己的商店有相当好的收入Run your own shop. Decent wage.快走开小孩Run along, boy.弗朗西斯已经下半夜了Francis. It's after midnight.妈妈最后一个球Just one more, Mother.黑斯廷斯先生Mr. Hastings!-啊弗朗西斯大♥师♥ -先生- Ah, Master Francis. - Sir.我们现在需要一个实战We now Iack but one essential来完成我们的既定目标to complete the swift appointment of our round:-你的俱乐部赛 -我的俱乐部赛吗先生- Your clubs. - My clubs, sir?球童是不能打全程的如果坎贝尔先生发现我在Caddies aren't allowed on the course. If Mr. Campbell sees me out there... 我来帮你考虑坎贝尔的事你快去挥动那些球棒You Iet me worry about Campbell. Go. Get those clubs.快去孩子挥动那些球棒You go, boy. Get those clubs.-挥杆不错伙计 -谢谢先生- Well struck, Iad. - Thank you, sir.你用了多少杆What did you shoot?81杆先生Uh, an 81, sir.第15洞你用了多少杆What did you take on 1 5?9杆先生A nine, sir.第一次在新英格兰最难的场地So you shot an 81 first time around打完全程用了81杆on the toughest golf course in New England?-其中有个洞还用了9杆 -嗯我我想我- With a nine? - Well, I... I think I...我看到你站在那儿知道球童是不允许打I saw you standing there, knowing caddies aren't supposed to play... 继续说Go on.我我想我有些紧张先生I... I think I got a Iittle nervous, sir.我们得看看你是如何控制自己的We needed to see how you handled yourself.控制我自己Handled myself?下个月有全国业余锦标赛National Amateur Championship's here next month.你是说我可以Are you saying that I can...我该做什么What do I have to do?-你得去跟那些有资格的人比赛 -很容易的- You have to play in the qualifier. - That's the easy part.你要让竞赛委员同意你参赛You have to be approved by the executive committee.你是这儿的球童吗You're a caddie here?是的做了10年Yes, sir. For ten years.为了成为业余选手最近已经不作了I recently resigned to preserve my status as an amateur.什么没有计划做职业选手吗What, no plans to turn professional?没有我准备从商Uh, no, sir. I plan to have a career in business.-哦做生意 -是的- Oh, business? - Yes.什么样的生意What sort of business?霍华德我们得Howard, we need...对不起你们继续吧Sorry. Carry on.你的主俱乐部在哪儿这上面没写What's your home club? I don't see it here.他们得赞助你They have to sponsor you.我的主俱乐部My home club?-我正在多个俱乐部之间选择 -哦听好了- I'm between clubs at the moment. - Look, see here.你可能有资格做一个选手you may have qualified as a player,但这不是球童做的事情but this just isn't the sort of thing that caddies do.你是个球童You're a caddie?是的先生我曾经是Yes, sir, I was.球童不能进行业余选手比赛你不能参加这比赛Caddies don't play in the Amateur. It's not for your kind.只有会员才可以参加Members only.我们场地委员会要讨论公开赛的问题了We need to discuss the opening on the greens committee.对不起但是总可以让那些I'm sorry. But there must be a way非会员的人也来参加比赛吧for somebody who's not a member to compete.今年不行Not this year.如果他能支付50美元的入场费As if he could afford the $50 entrance fee.对不起先生Excuse me. Sir...如果我能支付50美元的话...if I were to pay the $50,是不是我就可以加入俱乐部了would I need to belong to a club?理论上不可以Technically, no.你仍然需要一个有名望的俱乐部成员来担♥保♥ 而且You would still need a club member in good standing to sponsor you, and... 而且由我来担♥保♥And... that would be me.打高尔夫球要50美元Fifty dollars to play golf.我会把挣的钱全部拿回家的I'II pay back every penny from my earnings.我对你很失望弗朗西斯这就是你从我这儿学到的吗Is this how I failed you? Is that all you've Iearned from me?不是的先生但这只是场比赛No, sir. But it's just a game.比赛A game?比赛不能让一个男人过活不能让他养家A game doesn't give a man what he needs to make a Iife, feed his family. 你说的对但是如果我赢了就会有伟大的事情发生If I win, great things could happen.什么也不会发生Nothing will happen.他们会按他们的喜好来利用你They'II use you for their own amusement.我能成功的这是我所擅长的I can do this. This is something I'm good at.如果是你你会怎么做What if you do?你怎么来获得那50美元What will you get for your $50?我也有过梦想弗朗西斯I had dreams too, Francis.无论你做什么No matter what you do,他们都不会让你通过那条街的they'II never Iet you cross that street.我想要的就是个机会AII I want is a chance.好的OK.我们打个赌吧OK, we make a bargain.你发誓如果你输了就不再打高尔夫球You promise me if you Iose, no more golf.你得放弃那愚蠢的比赛You give up this fool's game.去完成你的学业你得学贸易You finish your schooling, you Iearn a trade,把你靠诚实劳动获得的钱拿回家and you bring home an honest wage.是说我不合格吗If I don't qualify?好的我答应你Yes, I promise.这是英文版的这儿都没有出版It's the English edition. It's not even in print here yet.哈利·瓦顿Harry Vardon.谢谢Thank you.好好学习吧Read it, study it.你必须打到78杆才有资格You'II need a 78 to qualify.艰苦的竞赛Stiffer competition.他们是这个国家最好的业余选手These are the best amateurs in the country.你认为我能行吗Do you think I'm ready?我不知道只有你参加了后你才能知道I don't know, and neither will you until you're in it.只是高尔夫球比赛是冠军杯There's golf, and there's championship golf.帮我保管一下我要去参加舞会Keep it for me. I'm going to the party.他们说邀请所有的选手参加They said all the players are invited.舞会是什么样的What's it Iike in there?我也不知道我不能进去I couldn't tell you. I'm not allowed inside.能帮我一下吗Do me a favor, would you?嘿这个男孩我以前见过在去学校的时候他在后面追我Hi. This boy I used to see before I Ieft for college is after me. -假装你要请我跳舞 -你在这啊小甜心- Pretend you asked me to dance. - There you are, you peach. 你不能整晚都躲我You know, you can't avoid me all evening.我说过要跳一支舞菲利普I... I said a dance, Phillip.但不是这支Not this one.-我答应这位 -弗朗西斯·奥密特- I promised this one to... - Francis Ouimet.-我知道你家族吗 -不清楚- Do I know your family? - I don't know.-菲利普·韦恩赖特 -韦恩赖特- Phillip Wainwright? - Wainwright?啊是的韦恩赖特家族很好的人Oh, yes. Wainwrights, good people.韦恩赖特家族Wainwrights.好了时间还早她会和你跳舞的Well, the evening's young. She'II catch up with you.你真是个好伙伴帮了我大忙You're a real sport for helping.又没有什么麻烦It's no trouble.我今天疯了I had the craziest day.我从费城坐火车来我把包丢在巴尔的摩了I take a train from Philadelphia, my bags end up in Baltimore. 我的晚礼服也给落在巴尔的摩了My tux is in the bags in Baltimore.我现在穿的是男仆的衣服I'm wearing the houseman's suit.不过你看起来不错I think you Iook just fine.你也是You too.他走了吗Is he gone?没有他还在看着No, he's still watching.我们跳支舞好吗Shall we dance?你刚才说你要去上大学是吗You said you were going to college?史密斯学院第一个学期Smith. First semester.哦Oh.你呢Where are you going?读哪所大学To college?我要花一年时间考虑一下我的选择I'm taking the year off to consider my options.我想这是明智之举I think that's so wise.可能你会去欧洲Perhaps you'II go to Europe.可能吧因为我的家在法国Perhaps I will. 'Cause I have family in France.对不起你能不能再说一次你的名字I'm sorry. What did you say your name was again? 弗朗西斯·奥密特Francis. Ouimet.哦瞧那是我哥哥Oh, Iook! There's my brother!-弗雷迪来认识一下弗朗西斯 -弗雷迪- Freddie, you must know Francis. - Freddie.球童Caddie Boy.弗雷迪你真会开玩笑Freddie, you're such a kidder.爸妈这是弗朗西斯·奥密特Dad, Mother, this is Francis Ouimet.你好How do you do?衣服很漂亮That's a beautiful dress.弗朗西斯是个比赛选手Francis is playing in the tournament.是的我知道Yes, yes, I know.你们男人谈吧我和妈妈一会过来Well, you boys chat. Mother and I will be right back. 你女儿很漂亮Swell girl, your daughter.年轻人你可以被邀请过来Young man, you may have been invited,但是你别指望你能属于这but don't get the idea that you belong here.有两类选手There are only two types of player:一类是绷着神经要赢比赛Those who keep their nerves in control and win championships, 另一类却相反and those who do not.最多只能用5杆你就能进入下一轮了Five or Iess, and you make the cut.第18洞我闭着眼睛都只用5杆Eighteen? I can make five here in my sleep.搞定That's the one.祝贺你Congratulations.太糟糕了球童That's too bad, Caddie Boy.你可以在比赛中当我的球童You could caddie for me in the tournament.你还是有用的不是吗You're available, right?祝贺你儿子打得不错Congratulations, son. Well played.要组建帝国哈利Empire, Harry.否则阳光永远不会照到我们一群废物The sun never sets on us, all that rubbish.说到荣耀希腊的亚历山大是最伟大的Consider the glory that was Greece of AIexander the Great.现在你在地图上都找不到Now you can't even find it on a map.希腊将体育运动传播给世界Greece introduced sport to the world,纯粹地表达他们的优越感pure expression of their superiority.我们应该走他们的路We've trodden that same road.足球板球橄榄球高尔夫球Football, cricket, rugby, golf.让英国能举办所有重要的锦标赛AII the major championships remain in British hands. 得一分Save one.你有什么打算What are you proposing?美国公开赛The U.S. Open.你以前赢过的You won it before.我要你对美国人展开I want you to mount a new campaign一场新的战役to do to the Americans就像亚历山大对波斯人做的那样what AIexander did to the Persians.让他们都变成废物Lay waste to 'em.我的书会占领所有市场My papers get exclusive coverage.伯纳德会在一旁把你的胜利记录在册Bernard here comes along to chronicle your conquest. 这是我们的比赛It's our game, man.从他们的公开赛上把奖杯拿回来Win their Open and bring back that trophy.当然奖金归你You pocket your winnings, of course.-不用出路费吗先生 -所有的费用都不用- Wouldn't pay for the crossing, sir. - AII expenses paid. 正好搞个展览巡游主办方安排一切As part of an exhibition tour, all sponsors arranged.有兴趣吗Does that cover it?好的那就做吧Yep. That'd do it.我还听到一些关于And I hear there's talk俱乐部成员荣誉的谈论of an honorary membership at the club.也能够一起解决This would clinch it.我料想国王会对英格兰最伟大的运动员And I daresay His Majesty might want to show his gratitude 表示谢意的to England's greatest sportsman.哈利·瓦顿大英帝国Harry Vardon, Order of the British Empire.会给你带上一枚漂亮的戒指Has a nice ring to it.我需要一个合作伙伴能和我分享的伙伴I'II need a partner. Somebody to share the workload with.这正是我所想的My thoughts exactly.威尔弗雷德跟你去他是大不列颠业余比赛冠军Wilfred here is your man. Top amateur in the British Isles.太荣幸了Delighted, old chap.高兴得合不拢嘴了是吧Jolly good wheeze, what?给那些美♥国♥佬♥一个沉重的打击Giving the Yanks a thorough thrashing.我有人选了I had someone else in mind.特德·雷Ted Ray?天哪他是西哥特人Christ, he's a Visigoth.不他是泽西人No, he's a Jerseyman.借过'Scuse me.下注结束AII bets off!-快点 -快点- Come on! - Come on!-特德 -哈利- Ted! - Harry!嘿瞧瞧Hey! Look at you!这就是你手下的大♥师♥What's this, another night out with your ruling class masters?这是特德·雷这位是诺斯克利夫爵士Ted Ray, Lord Northcliffe.诺斯克利夫爵士非常荣幸Lord Northcliffe? The honor is entirely mine.你怎么过来了哈利What brings you down this way, Harry?你好你好Hello, hello停止你的游戏吧Stop your little games不要以为这就是适合你的路Don't you think your ways you ought to mend你相信吗他们把公开赛推迟了三个月Can you believe they moved the Open back three months 就是为了让一个家伙参赛just so one guy can play in it?啊他可是哈利·瓦顿Well, he's Harry Vardon,设计师灰狗[哈利·瓦顿的绰号♥]The Stylist, The Greyhound.如果他住在月球上我就不关心I don't care if he's the man in the moon.他们不可能为一个美国人这么做的They wouldn't do that for an American.问问弗朗西斯他以前参加过Ask Francis. He used to play.-你参加过 -不没有- You did? - No, not really.哈他这是谦虚Ah, he's being modest.他过去很优秀的不过他放弃了He used to be good before he gave it up为了做生意是这样的吗弗朗西斯for the glamour of retail. Isn't that right, Francis?弗朗西斯Francis!弗朗西斯Francis!凯西要与金发碧眼的姑娘跳华尔兹Casey would waltz with the strawberry blonde乐队一直在演奏And the band played on他与心爱的姑娘在地上轻轻的移♥动♥ He'd glide 'cross the floor with the girl he adored乐队一直在演奏And the band played on他的脑袋紧张欲裂His brain was so loaded it nearly exploded可怜的姑娘被惊慌摇晃The poor girl would shake with alarm他永远不会离开He 'd ne 'er leave the girl这个有草莓卷一样秀发的姑娘With the strawberry curl乐队一直在演奏And the band played on意大利语演唱哦太动听了Oh, well. It was glorious.-是不是很动听 -是的- Wasn't it glorious? - Yes, it was.你以前听过这样的声音吗Have you ever heard such a voice?就像音乐就像从某个地方发出来It was Iike the... the music was coming through her 穿透她的身体一样from someplace else.这就是我的感受我常常想That's the feeling I've always wanted...弗朗西斯想什么Francis, for what? Hmm?他在那儿弗朗西斯过来一下There he is. Francis! Come here.过来见一下罗伯特·沃森Meet Robert Watson,美国高尔夫球协会会长president of the United States Golf Association.弗朗西斯很高兴见到你Francis, pleasure.很高兴见到您Well, the pleasure's mine, sir.嗯我找个售货员来给你介绍一下我们的产品Uh, Iet me have a salesman show you our equipment.-这是波士顿最好的商店 -他不是来买♥♥球棍的- It's the best selection in Boston. - He's not here to buy clubs. 我听说你住在布鲁克林离国家俱乐部不远I hear you Iive in Brookline, not far from the country club.就在街对面Right across the street.我们将在那儿举♥行♥公开赛为期2个星期We're holding our Open Championship there in two weeks. -你被提名了 -提名先生- Your name came up. - My name, sir?我们准备让当地的一名业余选手参加I'm Iooking to add a Iocal amateur to the field.哈利·瓦顿也来参赛了还有特德·雷Harry Vardon's playing. And Ted Ray.沃森先生很感谢但是我不能接受Mr. Watson, thank you, but I can't accept.-为什么不 -这儿的工作很忙- Why not? - I'm awfully busy here.嗯我不再打高尔夫了And, uh, I don't play golf anymore.-你多大了弗朗西斯 -20了先生- How old are you, Francis? - I'm 20, sir.这个年龄放弃梦想太年轻了不是吗Awfully young to be giving up on your dreams, aren't you?我只是有特殊的原因就是这样I just have different ones now, that's all.对不起黑斯廷斯先生I'm sorry, Mr. Hastings.没有必要解释弗朗西斯There's no need to explain, Francis.祝你好运AII the best.这个挥杆好熟悉啊That swing Iooks familiar.你来这儿做什么What are you doing here?我父亲带我出来走走Father's taking me out for our annual round.我哥哥说你在这儿工作My brother said that you were working here.你哥哥我在这儿见过他几次Your brother. I've seen him in here a couple times.我希望你能卖♥♥给我些装备I was hoping you could sell me some equipment.我实际上不是个销♥售♥人员I'm not actually the salesman.还在思考你的选择吗Still considering your options?是的Yeah.我去帮你找个销♥售♥员来I'II go get you a salesman.好的AII right.哈利·瓦顿Harry Vardon.设计师[哈利·瓦顿的绰号♥]正在进行练习赛The Stylist. Practice round.我们期待有大量的观众所以邀请名人很重要We're expecting a big turnout, so it's important we have marshals here... 沃森先生弗朗西斯·奥密特Mr. Watson. Francis Ouimet.-我能和你谈一下吗先生 -什么事- Can I speak to you, sir? - What is it?如果出价合适的话我愿意为你参加比赛If that offer is still good, I'd Iove to take you up on it.现在很忙我们得考虑一下We have to think about that.-我不要钱 -你能给我们些时间吗弗朗西斯- I'm not asking for favors... - Can you give us a moment?格罗夫大街怎么样What about Grove Street?明天一大早来这儿见我Meet me here, sunup.你有些工作要做You've got some work to do.1913 美国公开赛资格赛比利我们在哪儿Billy, where do we stand?抽到76号♥签Cut Iine's 76.用4杆完成6号♥洞Six holes to make up four shots.怎么啦有什么问题吗What is it? What's wrong?-你刚才在6号♥洞打出了小鸟球 -真的吗- You just made six straight birdies. - I did?祝贺你小伙子你进入公开赛了Congratulations, Iad. You're in the Open.先生们Gentlemen?不管是职业选手还是业余选手I want to welcome you all, professionals and amateurs alike,欢迎来参加第八届美国公开赛to the 1 8th United States Open Championship.在接下来的两天有4轮高尔夫球赛Four rounds of golf to be played over the next two days通过比赛选出世界上最好的选手to identify the best player in the world.让我们欢迎Let's give a special welcome大不列颠业余比赛冠军威尔弗雷德·里德to the British Amateur Champion, Mr. Wilfred Reid...还有著名的职业选手...and our famous professional visitors,哈利·瓦顿和特德·雷Harry Vardon and Ted Ray.我们防守方的冠军I'II yield the floor to our defending champion,欢迎来自费城的职业选手约翰·麦克德莫特a professional from Philadelphia, John McDermott.如果你看报纸的话上面有很多消息If you read the papers, there's a Iot of talk关于伟大英国冠军远渡来到这参加我们的公开赛的消息about the great English champions sailing over here to play in our Open. 关于只有美国人能赢得这个奖杯的消息As the only born American to win this cup,我想说欢迎你们I'd Iike to say to you boys, welcome.-我们对你们的到来感到很高兴 -听听- We're happy to have you. - Hear, hear.我们都知道哈利·瓦顿赢过这个比赛We know Harry Vardon was winning Opens那是很久以前了当我们还在呀呀学语时back when most of us were Iearning our ABC's.在这项运动的历史上他是个天才He's a genius in the history of our game.瓦顿先生我知道你在这项赛事成立的早期赢得过比赛Mr. Vardon, I know you won this baby once before.我在这里看到过你的名字I see your name here.但是看起来那是很久以前的事了It's a Iong time ago, by the Iook of it.我们希望你们能在波士顿过得愉快Well, we hope you boys have a nice time here in Boston.我个人认为那不可能Personally, I don't think you will.我不关心在以后的六个星期你们是否会大胜我们I don't care if you whupped us the Iast six weeks.我讨厌人们谈的都是你能赢比赛的消息I'm tired of people saying all you have to do to win is show up!这次你♥他♥妈♥的不可能把这个杯给捧回去了This time you're not taking our damn cup back!真想把那家伙给干掉Might just have to kill that one.-祝你好运先生 -谢谢你先生- Good Iuck, sir. - Thank you, sir.比利Billy.明天早上见面如何See you first thing tomorrow morning?-不行 -为什么- I can't. - Well, why not?这个英国人出了20美元如果他赢了的话This English fella offered me 20 bucks,会给我50美元50 if he wins.我无法支付那样的价格Well, I can't give you anything Iike that.对不起弗朗西斯我得回家照顾两个孩子I'm sorry, Francis. I've got two kids at home.坎贝尔先生我的球童走了Mr. Campbell? I just Iost my caddie.你认识别的球童吗Do you know somebody?-对不起所有的都被雇完了 -那我该怎么办- Sorry, all the Iads are taken. - What am I supposed to do?自己解决问题你认为瓦顿和雷Hitch up your knickers. You think Vardon and Ray会因为你自己背装备而同情你吗will take pity because you carry your own bag?这是公开赛每个人只为自己This is the Open. Every man for himself.我该怎么办What am I doing here?嘿弗朗西斯Hey, Francis!杰克你来这儿做什么Jack! What are you doin' here?我和埃迪翘课过来看看练习赛Me and Eddie hooked school to come watch the practice round. 你还在富兰克林公园做球童吗Are you still caddying out at Franklin Park?-是的 -你能不能- That's right. - Any chance you can明天帮我当球童carry for me tomorrow?-在公开赛上吗 -是的- In the Open? - Yeah.你原来的那个球童怎么啦Well, what happened to your guy?他找到了个更好的雇主He got a better offer.说明那个家伙是个大肥猪对吗Then that guy's a big, fat jerk! What?杰克如果你愿意的话Jack, if you're gonna do this,明天早上7:30之前到这儿来you gotta be here tomorrow at 7':30 sharp.快答应Do it!埃迪能来吗Can Eddie come too?杰克我不能改变规则Jack, I can't change the rules.只允许你一个人背包You're only allowed one man on the bag.也许他能和我们一起帮记记分数Maybe he could walk with us and keep score.我们会解决的We'II figure it out.-可以吗 -好的- Is that OK with you? - Sure.弗朗西斯成交Francis, you got yourself a deal.太好了杰克太好了That's great, Jack. That's great.再见埃迪I'II see ya, Eddie.我来开门亨利I'II get it, Henry!你来做什么And what do you want?我想和莎拉说句话她在吗I was hopin' to speak to Sarah. Is she here?她去上学了She Ieft for college.-什么时候今天吗 -是的- When, today? - Yeah.帮我给她带个口信Give her a message for me.是谁弗雷迪Who was that, Freddie?是没什么人只是个小贩Ah, it was... it was no one. It was a peddler.你听说过球童参加公开赛的事情吗Did you hear about the caddie playing in the Open?这种事从未发生过各方面都异常关心It should never have happened. Reflects badly on all concerned. 照我说没有什么比I say, if he wants to go out and play让他比赛丢丑更好的了and make a fool of himself again, so much the better.-你们在谈论谁 -是俱乐部的事情- Who are you talking about? - It's a club matter.。

提香: 师兄你好,望多指教。

《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧)——金科Wanders every five miles焦仲卿Johnny(J for short) 刘兰芝Lunch(L for short)焦母Johnny’s mother(JM for short) 刘母Lunch’s mother(LM for short)太守之子Mayor’s son(MS for short) 强盗Burglars(AB and C)Prologue(J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)J: Everybody says that I’m hen pecked, but in fact, I’m as strong as a tiger,(小声)while my wife is WuSong.(指着上台处的门大声道)I’m not afraid of you!(内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then, I’m afraid of whom?My wife Lunch is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood. She is braver than me, smarter than me and stronger than me. All thisI do not care.I only want her to be tender than me. But she is not! Having a wife like this is just like living in the hell!As you see , people live around here all said that I am not a man. Yes, I am not a man, I am a handsome man.(手撩头发做臭美状)(内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J)My God! Who can help me?(下)Act1(序幕结束时,JM作窃听状)JM(拄拐棍上):I can!(对门内)Lunch! Lunch! Where are you?L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I’m here! What’s up mum?JM: I’ve told you again and again that you should call me“ my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law”.L: OK. My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law,what’sup? (口气很不情愿)JM: Since you married my son you have behaved so badly. You have been so rude, so brusque, so lazy……L: But……JM:Never interrupt me!L: Never interrupt me!(手势)Since I married your son, that terrible Johnny(语气重点头), I have been working hard all day long, cooking and washing. I have raised(掰手指头数)ten soft hous and sof pigs and ducks and chicken and……JM: But all those you have done are not as valuable as a grandson!L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh, you want a grandson, don’t you?(开始解围裙)Go and ask your son. I’m leaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下)Act2(LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上)L: Mum, I’m back!LM:(惊讶睁大眼)You are back? Why? What happened?L: I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother–in-law.(怨愤抱拳在胸前)LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See! (手指向兰芝)I have already told you!(咳嗽两声)When you insisted on marrying that terrible Johnny,(咳)I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor, but you did not listen to me. Look at yourself…… (咳咳咳)L: But, mum…… (很委屈温声细语)LM: Never interrupt me!L: Mum, I’m not interrupting you. I just want to tell you that you are always right OK? And I’ll marry whom ever you want me to LM(大喜):Nice girl!(竖大拇指)Just now, I met the mayor`s son in the market. He said:“If your daughter h aven’t been married, I really really want to marry her!” Now you are free again, I’ll go and tell him.(下)L(惊愕):What? (手捂下巴)The mayor`s son? The most famous play boy in the neighbor-hood?(手中的锅铲掉在地上)What a silly thing I have done! No, I will not marry a man like that!(扭身子撒娇)LM: But he is really handsome…L: ...ok, go ahead!Act3(J睡眼惺忪上)J(边走边道):Lunch! Lunch! Where are my socks?(走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Here they are!(闻一下)Er! How smelly! They are still dirty!(突然想起)Lunch has gone! I have to wash them myself.(他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh, I’m so hungry! But there’s no breakfast!(捡起地上的围裙)This is what Lunch always wears! I miss her so much, and her excellent cooking skill! Now she has gone. I have to cook for my mother and myself.JM(上):Where’s my breakfast?Where’s Lunch? Hasn’t she got up yet?J: Mum, can’t you remember? Lunch has gone! (手揉眼哭)JM(沉吟片刻):Well, to tell you the truth Johnny, a son without a wife is useless. Lunch is a nice girl, go and take her back!J(立正敬礼):Yes madam!Act4(J开心地走着(慢跑状步行),忽然跳出来三个强盗) J往后一跳,手放下巴下面A: Hey you!(指J)Stop and listen to us!(指自己胸口)The road is built by me!(单手人猿泰山状抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上)B: And I planted one tree!(竖食指做1状,亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上)C: If you want to go by this street---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚)AB&C: Give us all your money! (齐伸手)J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is 1mao enough?(三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量) A: What bad luck! This guy is broken!B: If we can not rob any money today, we will have nothing to eat tonight!C:I heard that the mayor’s son is going to marry Miss LiuLanzhi next month. We can go and rob the wedding!A&B: Good idea!J(惊讶):What? What? Lunch is going to get married? It’s impossible!AB&C:Why? A pretty girl and a rich man,what a good couple!J:But Lunch is my wife! We haven’t got divorced yet!(突然有了主意)I’ve got an idea! You are going to rob the wedding, don’t you?I’ll go with you. You take the money and I take the bride.B: Have you got any experience?J: No. But I’ve got thi s!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000强盗头头念出来)Act5(转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,L盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台)L(to her mother): Dont you say he is handsome? (委屈状手放下巴)LM: no! I just say he has some hands..(J和三强盗跃至台中)ABC&J: Hey you! Stop and listen to us!A: The road is built by me!B: And I planted one tree.C: If you want to go by this street---J: Give us all your money!(张开怀抱)(L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头)L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J,拥抱,并躲到了J的身后,J做老母鸡张翅状护住)(MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒)J(火冒三丈):How dare you beat my wife!(挥拳向MS冲去)(J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS) (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前) J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey ,how are you?L(哭状):I hurt a lot!J: Don’t cry baby. I’ll go and fetch the medicine.(下)L(起身去追):Wait for me!(跑下)(音乐起Can You Celebrate)。
The Game《心理游戏(1997)》完整中英文对照剧本

致命游戏... 现在是星期五早上... here Friday morning.现在报道伦敦股市走势Now, let's get the stocks here in London.金融时报100指数上升了11个点,The Financial Times 100 Index up 11 points,刚好站上3,800点的关键位置just above the key 3,800 level.欧洲其他市场,法兰克福DAX 上涨9个点到2,532点In the rest of Europe, Frankfurt's DAX gaining nine points to 2,532.巴黎方面,CAC 40下跌7个点,法郎走势微弱In Paris, the CAC 40 losing seven, the weaker franc weighing on the market.谢谢你,依尔沙Thank you, Ilsa.祝你今天顺利,再见Have a nice day.今天早晨按时来了... they are on time this morning.旧金山高速公路...San Francisco's freeways are...早先生Morning, sir.那你说我们该怎么做虽说你是大股东Tell me what we're supposed to do. You may be perched on majority shares,但股价崩跌的话,你我都遭殃but we all get fucked if the actuals crash.那老家伙会害死我们的That old man is gonna sink us.我一拿到贝尔葛兰特公♥司♥的损益报告马上打电♥话♥给你As soon as I have Baer/Grant's P&L report in hand, I will call you.- 保证吗?- 对不起,我不懂这个词- Is that a promise? - I'm sorry, I'm not aware of that term.要是安森问怎么进行这交易呢?Well, what do I do if Anson calls about substantiation procedure?逃避,叫秘书跟他说你在开会Have your secretary say you're in a meeting.谢谢你,杰克什么事,玛丽亚?Thank you, Jack. Yes, Maria?博物馆来函邀请你参加揭幕式Invitations.The Museum Gala.不去No.傅氏植物年度募款餐会Fitzwilliam Botanical Annual Fundraiser.- 不去 - 辛家婚礼- No. - The Hinchberger wedding.辛家婚礼Hinchberger wedding?燕尾服,醉言醉语,我不想去Tuxedos, droning conversations, I don't think so, no.我会代你致意老实说,我何必多此一举I'll send your regrets. Honestly, why must I bother?要是你不了解这个社会If you don't know about society,就不会有逃避它的快♥感♥you don't have the satisfaction of avoiding it.- 什么事? - 伊莉莎白找您,三线- Yes? - I have an Elizabeth on line three.- 你的前妻 - 我知道她是谁- Your ex-wife. - I know who it is.请她留话Take a message.哦,祝您生日快乐Oh, happy birthday, sir.谢谢你,玛姬Thank you, Maggie.我不喜欢她I don't like her.再来不值一提,但这人很坚持I wouldn't mention the following, but he was very insistent.- 显然是桩恶作剧 - 怎样- It's a prank. - What?有位先生想邀你吃中饭我一直告诉他你很忙A gentleman called requesting lunch. I assured him you were busy... - 他叫什么名字? - 西摩尔·巴兹(See More Butts) 多给你看一些屁蛋- What's his name? - A Mr Seymour Butts.露天看台下,春光无限好Under The Bleachers by Seymour Butts.抱歉,你说什么?I'm sorry?取消我的午餐约会Cancel my lunch.跟俱乐部订下我的老位子我要跟巴兹先生吃饭Make a reservation at the City Club for myself and Mr Butts. My usual table.玛丽亚,用我的名字订位Maria, put the reservation under my name.- 先生要点餐了吗? - 还没,我在等人- Are you ready to order, sir? - No, I'm still waiting.帮我加点冰红茶This was iced tea.- 康拉德,真是意想不到的惊喜 - 生日快乐,尼克- Conrad, what a surprise. - Happy birthday, Nickie.西摩尔·巴兹,这笑话百听不厌"Seymour Butts". I'll never get tired of that one.所以能历久弥新That's why it's a classic.这餐厅真好,送了我一件外套Nice restaurant. They gave me a free jacket.离开的时候要还他们的I'm sure they'll want it back.- 我记得好久以前来过这里 - 我曾经带你来用餐- I remember being here. - I took you here once.不对,我来跟经理买♥♥安♥非♥他♥命♥ No, I used to buy crystal meth off the maitre d'.- 哦,真的 - 大学时代Really? - In college.- 哪个大学 - 厉害- Which college? - Touche.想念我吗?Miss me?当然会啦,你看起来不错As much as that's possible. You look good.- 你也是,想来我的担心真多余 - 你担心我?- So do you. To think I was worried. - Worried about me?妈去世多久啦,两年?三年?How long's it been since Mom's funeral? Two, three years.- 我以为你戒烟了 - 我是戒了,但戒不掉- I thought you quit. - I did, it didn't take.- 你不能在这里抽烟 - 我同意- You can't smoke here. - I'm with you.在加州的餐厅里吸烟是违法的It's illegal to smoke in restaurants in California.去他的加州Fuck California.- 你好吗? - 再好不过- How are you? - Couldn't be better.- 伊莉莎白呢? - 我们离婚了- Elizabeth? - We're divorced.她已再嫁对像是个小儿科或妇科医师She remarried a paediatrician, or a gynaecologist,住在旧金山的有钱人社区or a paediatric gynaecologist. Lives in Sausalito.真可惜That's too bad.我喜欢她I liked her.- 那你好吗? - 怎么,你不再注意我的消息啦- And what about you? - You don't keep track of me anymore? 自从做完家庭心理复健就没有Not since family week at rehab.这次进城有什么事,康拉德?一切都好吗?So what brings you to town, Conrad? Everything all right?- 很好 - 任何需要吗?- Yeah. - Need anything?- 没有 - 真的?- No. - Really?我不是来跟你要东西的No, I don't need anything from you.我只是在阿比查海滩上日光浴I just found myself laying naked on a beach near Ibiza突然想起很重要的事十月十二日,尼克的生日and all of a sudden it clicked, October 12th, Nickie's birthday. 十月十一日October 11th.都一样啦Whatever.这是给你的你太多礼了- This is for you. - You shouldn't have.对一个什么都不缺的人该送什么呢?What do you get for the man who has everything?消费者娱乐服务会Consumer Recreation Services.我已经参加高尔夫球俱乐部了Well, I do have golf clubs.- 打个电♥话♥给他们 - 为什么?- Call that number. - Why?带给你生活乐趣无穷Lt'll make your life fun.- 乐趣无穷? - 你应该知道这种机构- Fun. - You know what that is?这是一种娱乐服务中心You've seen other people have it. It's an entertainment service. 伴♥游♥女郎的服务吗?An escort service?深刻的生活体验A profound life experience.对不起,我给你换个杯子Sorry. I'll just get...不必,没关系Nah, it's all right, just...- 答应我打这个电♥话♥ - 我说过我会打- Tell me you'll call. - I said I would.你没说No, you didn't.你还在嗑药吗?You still on medication?- 怎么会这么说? - 两位可以点餐了吗?- Why would you say that? - You gentlemen ready to order?- 我这样问没有恶意 - 我没有嗑药- I didn't mean how it sounded. - I'm not on anything.也没看心理医生我好得很I'm not even seeing a shrink. And I feel great.你可以走了Do you mind?这个礼物你一定会喜欢I think you'll like this. I did.它是我这辈子遇过最棒的事情It was the best thing that ever happened to me.- 我会打电♥话♥给他们 - 千万要打,为了你自已- I'll call them. - Do it. For you.我说会打就会打,我一定打I said I'll call, okay? All right, I'll call.我只是讨厌意外的惊喜It's just that... I hate surprises.我知道I know.祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you范沃顿先生生日快乐Happy birthday, Mr Van Orton祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you有人要飞到西雅图去杀安森了Someone's gotta drive a stake through Anson's heart. 你看到损益报告没有Have you seen the profitability report?可以想见我比你愤怒几倍Imagine how unhappy I am.- 所以你会去对付安森 - 没错- You'll deal with Anson? - Correct.我们气炸了We're furious.祝你好睡,尼克我会的- Sleep well, Nicholas. - I will.晚安,依尔沙晚餐在烤箱里- Good night, Ilsa. - Dinner's in the oven.谢谢你我今天见到康拉德Thank you. Oh, I saw Conrad today.真的?他好吗还不错- Did you? How is he? - He's okay.他好像在参加某种宗教修♥炼♥I think he's in a personal improvement cult.你若再见到他,代我问候一声Well, send my love if you see him again.生日快乐晚安- Happy birthday. - Good night.拖欠付款的公♥司♥... companies that defaulted on their payments.联邦传播委员会应可再收到…The FCC expects to receive more than%500 million in bids...- 伊莉莎白,晚安 - 生日快乐,尼克- Elizabeth, good evening. - Happy birthday, Nickie.十一点四十分,你差点错过了11:40. You almost missed it this year.- 今天生日过得愉快吗? - 罗丝·肯尼迪有黑礼服吗?- Have you had a nice birthday? - Does Rose Kennedy have a black dress? 感觉像是第二次被护士打屁♥股♥I went not once, but twice, through the spanking machine.很难想像I can only imagine.- 你好吗? - 康尼今天也问我这句话- How are you? - Connie asked me the same thing today.真的?我一直很喜欢你弟弟Connie? Really? I always liked your brother.总之呢Anyway...我只是担心你不好受I just thought this might be difficult for you.只不过是生日Just another birthday.因为你父亲的缘故Because of your father.对,他正是四十八岁去世的其实我现在才想到这点That's right, he was 48, wasn't he? I hadn't thought about it until now.我♥干♥么打这个电♥话♥Why do I call?我也不知道I honestly don't know.请代我问候你先生跟你女儿Please send Dr Mel and Rachel my best.她快有弟弟了,我做过超音波She has a little brother on the way. We did the ultrasound.标准的核心家庭Official nuclear family.你很高兴吧You must be very pleased.对,我们都很高兴We are. We are very pleased.跟你谈话很愉快Well, it's good to talk with you...你去忙吧自己多保重- I guess I should let you go. - Take care of yourself.你也是,尼克,千万保重自已You too, Nicholas. I mean that, I really do.嗯,再见Be well. Bye.这个提案鼓励小企业为员工投保健康险A proposal to encourage small businesses to provide their employees引起华盛顿立委诸公的争议with health insurance is now being debated by Washington legislators.此法案将中小企业健康险合并The bill, which attaches small-business health plans to those of larger corporations, 初步得到许多共和党员的支持is receiving initial support from a number of key Republican leaders. However, Democratic lawmakers are voicing serious concerns about the bill, claiming that it would undermine local...我们把话说明白I just wanted to make sure that we understand each other.等你把它写成白纸黑字我一定全力支持Once you get it down on paper, then you can count on my full support.- 我们了解 - 谢谢- We understand. - Thank you.我们再谈We'll talk soon.消费者娱乐服务会,十四楼请不要有负面的感觉You shouldn't feel this reflects negatively on you.我只是感觉...I do feel this reflects...- 我收到这张… - 请稍等- I received this... - Just a moment.- 我有信心通过 - 很遗憾你有这种感受,我了解- I took these tests in good faith. - I'm sorry you feel that way.希望没有造成你的不便We hope we haven't caused you any inconvenience.谢谢你选择消服会Thank you for choosing CRS.范高德先生,请招呼这位先生好吗?Mr Feingold, could you assist this gentleman?好,没问题Oh, yeah, sure.吉姆·范高德,资料分♥析♥工程部副总Jim Feingold, VP Engineering, Data Analysis.我不了解贵公♥司♥的性质这张卡是我弟弟送我的I don't know exactly how this works. My brother sent me this card as a gift. 太好了,我们开始吧All right, excellent. Let's get started.很抱歉办公室这么乱I'm sorry about all this hullabaloo here.我们刚搬过来We're... Well, we're still moving.我在附近有个办公室I got an office around here somewhere.麻烦帮我拿一下好吗?Do you mind holding that?谢谢你Thank you very much.谢谢Thank you.- 你饿不饿,新月小馆的料理 - 不饿,谢谢你- Are you hungry? New Moon Cafe. - No, thank you.中国城里最棒的餐厅Best in Chinatown.康拉德·范沃顿给你的礼物?A gift from Conrad Van Orton.- 有意思 - 什么事有意思?- Interesting. - What is?令弟是我们伦敦分公♥司♥的客户Your brother was a client with our London branch.我们做过非正式的计分We do a sort of informal scoring.他的分数很高His numbers are outstanding.真的Really?- 你真的不饿吗? - 不饿- You sure you're not hungry? - No.请你填一下这张入会申请表Now, you need to fill out these forms.并完成这两份心理测验There's an application and a couple of psych tests.The MMPI and the TAT.至于财务问卷,想答的再答For the financial questionnaire, don't answer anything you don't feel like. 我们会去做信用调查We'll run a TRW.问我有时会伤害小动物,对或错"I sometimes hurt small animals. True or false?"问我手♥淫♥时会有罪恶感?"I feel guilty when I masturbate."问题不是我出的我只负责看答案Well, I don't write the questions. I just review the answers.- 这是做什么的? - 让我们了解你的能力- What is this for? - A sense of your capabilities...不,我是问,贵公♥司♥是卖♥♥什么?No, what is this for? What are you selling?- 这是一套游戏 - 游戏- It's a game. - A game?为每位会员量身订做的游戏Specifically tailored for each participant.就像假期但不是你去,而是它来找你Think of it as a great vacation. Except you don't go to it, it comes to you. 什么样的假期?What kind of vacation?- 每次都不同 - 说一说细节吧- It's different every time. - Humour me with specifics.我们提供We provide...客户所缺乏的...whatever's lacking.- 万一他什么都不缺呢 - 我给你两点建议好吗?- What if nothing is lacking? - May I make two suggestions?你当我会糊里糊涂地加入吗?You think I'll participate without knowing...首先,请承认这听来很吸引人First, admit to yourself that it sounds intriguing.其次,你不必今天做决定Second, you don't have to decide today.把测验做一做,表填一填哪天你的游戏开始了Take the silly test, fill out the forms. One day, your game begins.看你喜不喜欢,到时再决定You either love it or hate it. Decide then.这就像参加每月一书试阅会员You know, we're like an experiential Book-of-the-Month Club.你随时可以无条件退出You can drop out at any time with no further obligation.这是我的推销术语That was my sales pitch.- 这要花多少时间 - 心理测验一小时- How long will this take? - An hour for those,- 体能测验一小时 - 体能测验- an hour for the physical. - Physical?只是个粗略的检查,很简单的It's a cursory examination. Turn your head and cough.你很快就可以离开You'll be out of here in no time.困惑Confused.危险Risky.血腥Bloody.大事不妙Whoops.- 萨瑟兰先生来电问贝尔葛兰特公♥司♥的会议 - 挪到星期三- Mr Sutherland called. - Make it Wednesday.- 安森·贝尔问你明天有没有空 - 明天?- Anson Baer called about tomorrow. - Tomorrow?- 还要检查多久 - 不会太久,就快好了- How much longer will this take? - Not long, you're almost done.你两小时前就这么讲了You said that two hours ago. Put it back until tomorrow.男子气概... following emotional responses.屈服You have 0.9 seconds to enter your emotional response.高♥潮♥Reaction time is a factor.死亡Please make a selection for the following emotional responses.You have 0.9 seconds to enter your emotional response.到底结束了没有Does this thing end?- 抱歉,让你久等了 - 没关系- I'm sorry to keep you waiting. - Don't worry.没关系,很高兴在这耗一整天It's been terrific spending my entire day with your crack team.最后这张表是保险公♥司♥要求的It's all down to this, an insurance company requirement.证明你知道本游戏的存在It states you're aware that The Game exists,并且愿意参与这游戏that you're willing to participate in it.费用保证由令弟自行斟酌依照你的满意度给付Payment is at your brother's discretion, dependent on your satisfaction. 我若不满意,他就不用付钱罗If I'm not happy, he doesn't have to pay?我们从不曾遇到非满意的顾客We've never had an unsatisfied customer.应该说是「不满意」的顾客吧I think you mean "dissatisfied".对,你是个左脑发达的文字狂That's right. You're a left-brain word fetishist.请签姓名的缩写,用血Initials. And sign there. In blood.开玩笑的Just kidding.你的副本我会留在柜台All right, your copy will be at the front desk in this folder.笔你留着And keep the pen.我们再通知你We'll let you know.- 星期一或二怎么样 - 不行,我没空- Monday or Tuesday? - Both bad.- 今天晚上呢? - 今晚我得工作整个晚上- How about tonight? - I'm working all this evening.目前只有星期三有可能Wednesday's the only possibility right now.- 要不要一起吃饭 - 好啊- You wanna do dinner? - Okay.对了,我到消服会去了By the way, I went to CRS.真的?你觉得怎样Really? What'd you think?他们好像有点缺乏组织Well, they seemed just a little bit disorganised.我参加前,他们就成立很久了When I did it in London, they'd been around a while.- 你会参加这个游戏吗? - 我还没决定- Are you gonna do this? - I haven't decided yet.这就像走进另一个迪士尼世界It's like getting in on the ground floor of the next Disneyland.「消服会」不上市,它是家族企业CRS won't go public. They're family owned.更奇怪的事也有过Stranger things have happened.不,那些都不足为奇No, they haven't, actually.- 他们是在这里开张的 - 旧金山的「游戏」?- They opened here. - The Game in San Francisco?看吧,没有我们他们照常生存See? They're doing fine without any of us.- 尼可拉斯你好 - 吉姆,晚安晚安- Nicholas, how are you? - James, good evening.有新会员吗?Got new members here?- 想是的 - 下一轮酒我请客- I believe so, sir. - Put their next round on me.知道了,先生Gotcha, sir.从此我发誓再不打那种球了No, no, no. Last time I played Pebble, I swore I'd never pick up a club again.提到「游戏」?我无意间听到你们在谈「消服会」Well, speaking about games, I couldn't help but overhear you talking about CRS. 我今天在蒙哥马利街分公♥司♥接受测验The reason I mention it is I took the test today. The Montgomery Street office. 真的?恭喜啦You did? Kudos.所以你的「游戏」还没开始吗?So yours hasn't started yet?还没,我也正想问你这个问题Not yet. That was one of the questions I had for you. What is it?- 这是什么游戏? - 永远有人问这个问题- What is it? - The eternal question.知道吗,我很羡慕你You know, I envy you. I wish I could go back我真想从头再来一遍and do it for the first time, all over again.为新的体验干一杯Here's to... new experiences.抱歉,我得走了晚安,泰德Excuse me, I've gotta go. Night, Ted.- 尼克 - 很高兴认识你- Nicholas. - Nice to meet you.- 你最近玩过吗? - 一年前- So you played recently? - About a year ago.当时我在洛杉矶工作I was working in Los Angeles.听说伦敦分公♥司♥也很好I hear the London office is very good, too.想必是幻想扮演某种角色之类的把戏Sounds like a lot of fantasy role-playing nonsense.你想知道这究竟是什么游戏吗?You wanna know what it is?怎么了What it's all about?约翰福音第九章二十五节里John Chapter 9, Verse 25.我很久没上主日学了I... haven't been to Sunday school in a long time.从前我是盲的如今我看见了"Whereas once I was blind, now I can see."晚安,尼克Good night, Nicholas.- 祝你好运 - 晚安- Best of luck. - Good night.要是明天不能跟贝尔葛兰特公♥司♥开会If the Baer/Grant meeting is not held tomorrow...这会干脆就不要开了it may as well not be held at all.等范沃顿先生明日搭机时When Mr Van Orton boards his plane on the morrow, 所有合约都必须he will have every agreement and addendum;全部修改妥当the complete closing package, flawlessly revised.顶多是占了你们听歌♥剧的时间So you'll miss another opera you would have slept during anyway.我们现在有机会做给客户看We now have an opportunity to show our client我们有绝佳能力应付他的挑战how well we will rise to his exhilarating challenge.是Yes.- 你是尼可拉斯·范沃顿吗? - 你哪位?- Nicholas Van Orton? - Who is this?- 我是「消服会」的辛西娅 - 你怎么会有我行动电♥话♥的号♥码?- This is Cynthia from CRS. - How did you get this number?- 我们已经处理你的入会申请 - 我现在在开会- We've processed your application. - I'm in a meeting...- 很抱歉不能让你入会 - 你说什么?- I'm afraid it was rejected. - I beg your pardon?请不要有任何负面的感觉You shouldn't feel this reflects negatively on you.- 简直太可笑了 - 谢谢你选择「消服会」- This is ridiculous. - Thank you for thinking of CRS.- 什么事不对劲吗? - 没事- Anything wrong? - No, nothing.你可以挂掉或按井字键You may hang up, or press "pound"for more options.我是康拉德,请留话Oh, this is Conrad, leave a message.康尼,我尼克,请给我回电Yes, Connie, it's Nicholas. Give me a ring when you get in.你给我的生日礼物出了点问题Oh, uh, regarding your birthday present; things are a little crazy right now,我不知道排不排得进时间表I don't know if I can fit it in my schedule.希望明天晚餐能跟你谈,再见We'll talk about it at dinner tomorrow. Thanks. Bye.哈罗Hello?C.R.S.(消服会)导致失业率提高... resulting rise of unemployment小企业减少and decline in viable small businesses.共和党高层认为通过这项法案Meanwhile, Republican leaders argue that its passage将可刺♥激♥迟缓的经济需求would be the very stimulant a sluggish economy needs.无人表示这项法案No one has expressed an opinion as to how it will impact将如何影响尼可拉斯·范沃顿的生存the pampered existence of Nicholas Van Orton.民♥主♥共和两党议员似乎都同意The one thing on which both Democrats and Republicans agree多数美国人对经济前景不乐观is that most Americans harbour serious doubts about the economic future. 最近的一项民调显示百分之五十七的美国工人相信A recent poll suggests a staggering 57 per cent of American workers未来五到七年内believe there is a very real chance they will be unemployed他们将会失业within the next five to seven years.但这对于像你这样的百万富豪根本就是不痛不痒But what does that matter to a bloated, millionaire fat cat like you?至于其他财经新闻Stock markets rose both domestically and abroad今日国内外股市开♥盘♥利多大涨after the announcement of stronger than expected earnings因为许多高科技公♥司♥业绩亮丽但后来大盘指数又下滑by several hi-tech companies, but dipped again after reports盘中传出尼可拉斯·范沃顿打喷嚏而震荡that Nicholas Van Orton had sneezed.你打算整晚撬那小丑的嘴吗?Are you gonna spend the rest of the evening prying at that clown's mouth? 我…I... I don't...你不专心听,我会很没成就感It's frustrating for me if you don't pay attention.这怎么回事?What is this?这是你的游戏,尼克,欢迎你This is your game, Nicholas, and welcome to it.我是来告诉你游戏基本规则的I'm here to let you in on a few ground rules.你已收到第一支钥匙其余的会陆续收到You've received the very first key and others will follow.你不会知道到哪里找、怎么用You won't know where you'll find them or how you'll need to use them, 所以,眼睛要放亮一点so keep your eyes open.- 怎么回事,你看得见我? - 问题留着以后再问吧- How do you? You can see me? - Let's save the questions till after.你怎么看得见我?How does this work?有个小型摄影机正对着你There's a tiny camera looking at you right now.- 这是不可能的 - 你说得对,的确不可能- That's impossible. - You're right. Impossible.你是在跟你的电视在对话You're having a conversation with your television.这是缩小图It's miniaturised.你知道这有多危险吗?Do you know how dangerous that is?范沃顿先生Mr Van Orton?国内新闻方面,在南加州…And in domestic news, in southern...- 依尔沙,什么事? - 一切都还好吧?- Yes, Ilsa, what is it? - Is everything all right?很好Fine...我要下班了I've finished for the evening.- 你还需要什么吗? - 不需要了,谢谢你- Will you be needing anything else? - No, thank you.- 晚安 - 晚安- Good night. - Good night, then.- 那是谁 - 别管她是谁- Who's that? - Never mind who that is.想知道摄影机怎么跑进你家吗?You wanna know how a camera got into your home.对,我想知道Yes, I would.蛮远的Cold.更远了Colder.靠近了一些Warm.更近了Warmer.把这电♥话♥号♥码写下来Write this number down.这是「消服会」的热♥线♥ 只有紧急情况才能打It's a 24-hour Consumer Recreation Services hotline, for emergencies only. 不要打去问这游戏的目标为何But don't call asking what the object of the game is.它的目标就是找出游戏的意义Figuring that out is the object of the game.祝你好运,恭喜你选择「消服会」Good luck, and congratulations on choosing CRS.威胁在事件后将驱逐美国大使... threatened to have the American ambassador expelled.美国国♥务♥院♥随即发表正式道歉The US State Department responded quickly with a formal apology,并宣布立刻自动撤除使节and announcement of the ambassador's immediate removal.救我出去Help me out here, huh?如果你想打电♥话♥ 挂了以后再试试If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again.我能帮你什么吗?May I help you?什么事?What is it?什么?What?谢谢你Thank you.嘿,老兄Bud?帮个忙吧Can you help me out?拿些卫生纸给我,这里没了I need some toilet paper, I ran out.到隔壁拿就可以了Just go into the next stall.拜托,帮个忙Come on, help me out.你好Hello?你好Hello?- 没想到会在这里遇到你 - 我想祝你好运- Didn't expect to see you here. - I wanted to wish you luck.- 整晚没睡吗? - 我亲自检查过了- You been up all night? - I checked it. Personally.谢谢,山姆,回去睡个觉吧I appreciate that. Go home and get some sleep.- 你确定不需要我陪? - 不必,我没事- You sure you don't want me along? - No, I'll be fine.- 好美的衬衫 - 别问了- Nice shirt. - Don't ask.这些年来All these years...你第一次进我办公室the first time ever you step foot in these offices,就是要请我下台it's to ask me to step down.你答应要达成预定目标,安森你说一股六十元You promised to meet the projections, Anson. $1.6♥4♥0 a share is what you said.我这次来访你应该不会意外I don't think this visit comes as a surprise.- 当初的预估是太过乐观了 - 老实说,没错- The projections were too optimistic. - Admittedly, yes.上一季我们每股盈余是一块五每股已经增加八分了Our EPS was 1540 last quarter. We are up eight cents per share.当初目标是十分这案子的目标达成是很重要的The expectations were ten. The expectations meant everything.你当真要跟我计较这几分钱吗?Will you hold me to it over pennies?我的股票下跌了,你的我不管My stock is falling, I don't know about yours.这几分钱害我损失好几百万Those pennies are costing millions.再给我一季的时间届时你若仍这么想,再决定不迟Give me next quarter. If you still feel this way, vote your shares.今天的成果才算数,安森Today is what counts, Anson.你这顽固的臭小子You... You intractable son of a bitch.真希望你爹能看看你这个样子If your father could see you now.- 什么? - 你爹是我朋友,- What? - Your father was a friend.我看着你长大A friend. Goddammit, I watched you grow up.就凭你当年跟我爹去钓过鱼我就该任你浪费我的钱吗?Because you went fishing with my father, I should watch you throw my money away? 我… 我还没讲完- I was... - I'm not finished.你说你要下台,这可说错了You misspoke before when you said you're stepping down.我要开除你I am firing you.而且已采取行动市场信心恢复Action is taken, confidence is restored.- 股价又上扬了 - 不- The stock goes up. - No.没有我安森·贝尔There's no Baer/Grant Publishing...就没有贝尔葛兰特文化公♥司♥No Baer/Grant Publishing without Anson Baer.老葛呢,他说不定航海去了享受他的老年Where's Stewart Grant? Probably out sailing, enjoying his golden years,纳闷你在何处wondering where the hell you are, Anson.对不起I'm sorry.你失败了You failed.我已准备一份拆伙同意书条件非常公平I have prepared a severance package that is more than equitable.今晚之前有效Valid until this evening.我大可跟你抗争的I could fight you on this.你若不签名,这份合约将失效If I leave without your signature, this agreement begins to disintegrate. 福利将缩水,选择性减少Benefits shrink, options narrow,你的补偿金也会告吹and your compensation will be shrivelled.签了它,对你应是最有利的I think it's in your best interest, Anson, to...C.R.S.(消服会)看来今天是你的幸运日Well, I guess this is your lucky day.我的律师会再跟你联络My lawyers will be in touch with you.抱歉,请问康拉德·范沃顿有没有留话Excuse me, has Conrad Van Orton left a message?- 我马上帮你查,范沃顿先生 - 谢谢你- I'll check right away, Mr Van Orton. - Thank you.对不起,来I'm so sorry. Here.拜托,不必了- Please don't do that. - I'm so sorry.抱歉,我没看路,我今天真衰I wasn't even looking. I'm really having a bad day.你整个月都很衰吧上星期你也把饮料洒到我身上How about a bad month? You did almost the same thing to me last week. - 来 - 不必- Here. - Don't do that.给我餐巾跟苏打水就是Just get me some napkins and some soda water.我看洗衣费恐怕会比西装更贵It looks like the cleaning bill's gonna be more than the suit.不可能I don't think so.- 这是个意外,先生 - 好极了- It was an accident, sir. - Terrific.我跟你道歉了嘛I said I was sorry.- 混帐东西 - 克莉丝汀娜- Asshole. - Christine.。

表演英语剧本的英语作文英文回答:In the realm of thespian endeavor, where language weaves its magic and emotions run deep, the performance of an English play holds a unique allure. As actors breathe life into the written word, the audience is transported to distant worlds and immersed in the human experience.On stage, the cadence of English, with its lyrical rhythms and evocative vocabulary, becomes an instrument of expression. Performers use their voices to paint vivid pictures, convey subtle nuances, and elicit a kaleidoscope of emotions. The interplay of dialogue, soliloquies, and monologues allows characters to reveal their innermost thoughts and motivations, creating a tantalizing web of intrigue and identification.Beyond the mere spoken word, physicality plays a pivotal role in the performance of an English play. Actorsuse their bodies to embody the characters, capturing their gestures, mannerisms, and subtle shifts of mood. Through the expressive use of movement, dance, and mime, performers bring depth and vitality to the stage.The performance of an English play is not merely a technical exercise; it is an act of profound artistic expression. Actors must delve deeply into the text, understanding the playwright's intent and the characters' motivations. They must also possess a mastery of language, using their voices and bodies to convey the full range of human experience.For the audience, witnessing the performance of an English play is a transformative experience. They are drawn into the world of the play, experiencing the joys, sorrows, and conflicts of the characters as if they were their own. The power of language and the artistry of the performers transport them to another realm, where the boundaries of reality blur and the imagination takes flight.中文回答:在戏剧表演领域,语言编织着魔幻,情感深入人心,而英文剧本的演出则别有一番魅力。
英文原版话剧 一个人的莎士比亚

在满眼翠绿惹人醉的初夏时节感受丰富多彩的文化魅力,带你了解最新热门展览和演出活动!Culture EventsCulture Events focuses on recent cultural events in Zhejiang, bringing you the latest news and developments, exhibitions, performances, and more. Enjoy the charm of cultural diversity!由美国著名戏剧导演、莎士比亚戏剧专家约瑟夫·格雷夫斯(2002年至今一直在中国生活并从事戏剧导演工作)担任编剧并主演的原创英语独角戏,讲述了一段发生在迷茫的六岁男孩与严厉苛刻的“莎士比亚”老师之间令人捧腹又感人至深的故事。
时间:2021·06·04地点:浙江省文化馆小剧场Revel’s World of ShakespeareWritten and performed by Joseph Graves, an American who has been living in China since 2002,Revel’s World of Shakespeare tells a hilarious and moving story that happens between an ignorant boy and his harsh and overbearing teacher of Shakespeare in a wretched way.When: June 4, 2021Where: The Little Theater, Zhejiang Provincial and Cultural Center舞台剧龙亭侯蔡伦著名戏剧家陈薪伊亲自执笔并执导的舞台剧《龙亭侯蔡伦》,特邀关栋天、严庆谷等京剧名角担纲主演,剧中台词将以京剧韵白形式呈现,同时以理查德·斯特劳斯的交响乐作品《英雄的生涯》作为配乐,讲述中国四大发明之一造纸术的推进者蔡伦生命最后三个月的故事。

初中生哈利波特英语舞台剧10分钟全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everybody, my name is Harry and I want to tell you all about our super amazing Harry Potter play that we put on in school. It was like, totally cool, and we worked so hard to make it awesome.So, the play was about me and my friends, Ron and Hermione, and our adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We had to fight this really bad wizard, Voldemort, and save the whole wizarding world. It was so intense!We had to practice our lines and our scenes for weeks, and we even had to make our own props and costumes. Ron's wand kept falling apart, but he fixed it with some super glue. Hermione's robe was too big, but she just rolled up the sleeves and kept going.On the day of the play, we were all so nervous but also so excited. The school auditorium was packed with parents, teachers, and our classmates. We started the play and everythingwas going so well, until I almost forgot my lines! But Ron and Hermione helped me out and we kept going.The best part was when we had to use our wands to defeat Voldemort. The special effects were so cool, with lights and smoke everywhere. We all cheered and clapped when we finally defeated the bad guy.After the play, we were all so proud of ourselves. We worked so hard and it really paid off. We even got to have a big party with cake and drinks to celebrate our success.I can't wait to do another play next year. Maybe we'll do a sequel to Harry Potter or a completely different story. Whatever it is, I know we'll have a blast putting it all together. Harry Potter forever!篇2Hey guys! Today I want to tell you about the super cool Harry Potter play we did in our school! It was so awesome and I wanted to share all the fun and excitement with you.So, the play was about this boy named Harry Potter who goes to a wizard school called Hogwarts. He has all thesemagical adventures with his friends Hermione and Ron. There are also a bunch of cool teachers like Dumbledore and Snape.In the play, Harry and his friends have to fight against the evil wizard Voldemort. They have to solve puzzles, cast spells, and even fly on broomsticks! It was so cool to see all the magic happening on stage.One of my favorite parts was when Harry discovers he's a wizard and gets his letter to go to Hogwarts. It was so exciting to see him enter the wizarding world for the first time.Another awesome part was when they played Quidditch, the wizard sport where they fly on broomsticks and try to catch a flying ball called the Golden Snitch. It was super cool to see them flying around on stage!In the end, Harry and his friends defeat Voldemort and save the wizarding world. It was so epic and everyone in the audience was cheering and clapping.I had so much fun being a part of the play and I can't wait to do another one next year. Harry Potter is definitely one of my favorite stories and getting to act it out on stage was a dream come true. I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about our play! See you next time!篇3Once upon a time, there was a boy named Harry Potter. He was a normal boy living with his boring aunt and uncle, the Dursleys. But one day, everything changed when he received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, telling him that he was a wizard.Harry was so excited and couldn't wait to start his new adventure at Hogwarts. He met his new friends, Ron and Hermione, on the train to school and they soon became inseparable.At Hogwarts, Harry discovered that he was famous in the wizarding world for surviving an attack by the evil wizard, Voldemort, when he was just a baby. Voldemort had killed Harry's parents but his curse had backfired, leaving Harry with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.As the school year went on, Harry and his friends faced many challenges and adventures. They uncovered a plot to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, a magical object that could make its owner immortal. With the help of their teachers and some magical creatures, they were able to stop the thief and protect the Stone.But their biggest challenge came when they discovered that Voldemort was trying to return to power. Harry and his friends had to face their fears and stand up against the dark forces threatening the wizarding world.In the end, Harry proved that love and friendship are the most powerful magic of all. He defeated Voldemort once again and saved Hogwarts from danger.And so, Harry Potter became a hero, not just in the wizarding world, but in the hearts of everyone who knew his story. The end.篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the Harry Potter stage play that my big brother saw in his school. It's like, super cool and magical, just like in the movies!So the play starts with Harry, Ron, and Hermione getting ready for their first year at Hogwarts. They meet on the Hogwarts Express and become best friends. I bet they all looked really awesome in their Hogwarts robes and wands!Then there's this really mean guy called Draco Malfoy who's like, always picking on Harry and his friends. But they don't lethim get to them, because they know they've got each other's backs.And of course, there's Professor Snape, who's always trying to protect Harry because of some secret he has with Harry's parents. But don't worry, Snape turns out to be a good guy in the end!Oh, and we can't forget about Dumbledore, the super wise headmaster of Hogwarts. He's like, the coolest wizard ever and always helps Harry and his friends when they need it.The play is full of magic, like when they play Quidditch and when they fight off the dark wizard Voldemort. It's so exciting and you'll be on the edge of your seat the whole time!In the end, Harry and his friends save the day and show that love and friendship are the most powerful magic of all. It's a really inspiring story that teaches us to always stand up for what's right and never give up.I can't wait to see the Harry Potter stage play for myself someday. It sounds like an amazing adventure that I definitely don't want to miss!篇5Hey everyone, today I'm gonna tell you about this super cool Harry Potter play that our school put on! It was so much fun and all of us were buzzing with excitement.So, the play started off with Harry, Ron, and Hermione heading back to Hogwarts for another year of wizarding school. They were all decked out in their robes and carrying their wands - they looked so awesome! The stage was set up to look like the Hogwarts castle and it was so magical.The first scene was when they arrived at Hogwarts and were sorted into their houses. Harry was in Gryffindor, Ron was in Gryffindor too, and Hermione was in Ravenclaw. The sorting hat was so cool - it actually talked and sang a song about each house.Then, the story continued with Harry discovering that there was a secret hidden in the school that only he could uncover. He had to solve puzzles and face challenges to finally defeat the dark wizard who was trying to take over the school. It was so intense and we were all on the edge of our seats.The special effects were amazing too - there were spells being cast, flying broomsticks, and even a dragon that breathed fire! It was like we were actually at Hogwarts and living in the magical world of Harry Potter.In the end, Harry saved the day and everyone cheered and clapped. We were all so proud of our classmates who put on such an incredible performance. It was definitely a play to remember and I can't wait to see what they do next year!篇6Once upon a time in a magical school called Hogwarts, there was a young wizard named Harry Potter. He was just an ordinary boy living with his mean aunt, uncle, and cousin. But little did he know, he was actually a famous wizard in the wizarding world.One day, Harry received a letter from Hogwarts, inviting him to join the school of magic. His aunt and uncle tried to stop him, but with the help of Hagrid, the giant and friendly groundskeeper of Hogwarts, Harry was able to escape and embark on his journey to the wizarding school.At Hogwarts, Harry made friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Together, they learned about magic and went on many adventures. They faced challenges and battles against the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, who wanted to take over the wizarding world.In their final year at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione discovered the secret of the Deathly Hallows – three powerfulmagical objects that could make the owner master of death. They went on a quest to find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes, which were pieces of his soul hidden in various objects to make him immortal.After a dangerous and epic battle, Harry finally defeated Voldemort and saved the wizarding world. He was hailed as a hero and continued to inspire others with his bravery and courage.And so, the story of Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, came to an end, but his legacy lived on in the hearts of all who knew him. Hogwarts remained a place of magic and wonder, where young witches and wizards continued to learn and grow, just like Harry and his friends did.篇7Once upon a time, there was a brave young wizard named Harry Potter. He went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They had many exciting adventures together.One day, Harry received a mysterious invitation to take part in the Triwizard Tournament. This was a dangerous competitionwith three dangerous tasks. Harry was too young to enter, but his name was magically chosen.In the first task, Harry had to retrieve a golden egg from a dragon. It was scary, but with his quick thinking and bravery, he managed to get the egg and move on to the next task.The second task was even more challenging. Harry had to rescue his friends who were trapped underwater. With the help of a magical spell, Harry was able to save them just in time.The final task was a maze filled with dangerous creatures. Harry had to navigate his way through and reach the Triwizard Cup. He faced many obstacles, but with the support of his friends, he made it to the end.In the end, it was revealed that the tournament was a trap set up by the dark wizard Voldemort. Harry had to face him in a fierce battle, but with the power of love and friendship, he emerged victorious.The story of Harry Potter and the Triwizard Tournament is a tale of courage, friendship, and loyalty. It teaches us that no matter how difficult the challenges, we can overcome them with bravery and the support of our loved ones. Harry Potter showed us that even the smallest wizard can have the biggest heart.篇8Once upon a time in a magical world, there was a young wizard named Harry Potter. He was just an ordinary boy until he found out that he was actually a wizard! He received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, inviting him to join their school.Excited and nervous, Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express and set off for his new adventure. The train was full of students, all buzzing with excitement. Harry made new friends, Ron and Hermione, who would become his closest companions throughout his time at Hogwarts.Once they arrived at Hogwarts, they were sorted into their respective houses - Gryffindor, where bravery and courage were valued. Harry, Ron and Hermione were all sorted into Gryffindor, much to their delight. They soon found out that the school was full of magic and wonder, with classes on potions, spells, and magical creatures.But not everything was perfect at Hogwarts. There was a dark wizard named Voldemort who had tried to kill Harry when he was just a baby. Voldemort was after a powerful object called the Sorcerer's Stone, which could make him immortal. Harry andhis friends embarked on a dangerous journey to stop Voldemort and save the stone.Through bravery, friendship, and a little bit of magic, Harry and his friends managed to defeat Voldemort and save the Sorcerer's Stone. They were hailed as heroes and celebrated their victory with a grand feast in the Great Hall.And so, Harry's first year at Hogwarts came to an end, but his adventures were far from over. With his friends by his side, he knew that they could face any challenge that came their way. And so, the story of Harry Potter and his magical journey continued on, full of excitement, danger, and friendship.篇9Once upon a time in a magical world, there was a young wizard named Harry Potter. He was just an ordinary boy until he received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, inviting him to join the school and learn magic.Harry was so excited to start his new adventure at Hogwarts. He made friends with two other students, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Together, they went on many incredible adventures and faced dangerous challenges.One day, they discovered that the evil wizard Voldemort was trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, which had the power to make him immortal. Harry, Ron, and Hermione knew they had to stop him.They went through many obstacles and puzzles to reach the Sorcerer's Stone. Finally, they faced Voldemort in a fierce battle. With their courage and friendship, they managed to defeat him and save the stone.In the end, Harry and his friends were hailed as heroes at Hogwarts. They had proven that true friendship and bravery were the most powerful magic of all.And so, Harry Potter and his friends continued to have many more adventures at Hogwarts, where they learned valuable lessons about courage, loyalty, and the true meaning of magic.The end.篇10Once upon a time, there was a boy named Harry Potter who lived in the magical world of Hogwarts. He was a wizard, and he had the coolest friends ever: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.One day, Harry received an invitation to join the Triwizard Tournament, a magical competition between schools. Everyone was super excited, but Harry was a little nervous because he didn't know if he was ready for such a big challenge.But with the help of his friends and the support of his classmates, Harry decided to give it a go. The first task was to retrieve a golden egg from a dragon, and Harry managed to do it with flying colors. The crowd went wild with excitement!The second task was even more difficult – to rescue his friends from the bottom of the Black Lake. Harry had to dive deep into the water and face his biggest fears, but he was brave and strong.Finally, the third task was a maze filled with traps and obstacles. Harry had to use all his magic skills to navigate through the maze and reach the Triwizard Cup. When he finally emerged victorious, everyone in the audience cheered and clapped for him.Harry realized that with the help of his friends and his own courage, he could overcome any challenge that came his way. And so, he became a hero in the eyes of all the students at Hogwarts, and his name was forever remembered in the history of magic.。

秃头歌女(反戏剧剧本)法国欧仁约内斯库史亦译肖毛扫校(扫校自《当代外国文学》1981 年第 2 期)人物史密斯先生马丁夫人史密斯夫人玛丽(女仆)马丁先生消防队长《秃头歌女》(La Cantatrice chauve)于1950 年 5 月11 日由尼可拉巴塔伊剧团在梦游人剧院首演。


As Emily navigates her way through the crowded marketplace, she catches the eye of a wealthy merchant, Mr. Thompson.
Emily: (gratefully) Thank you, sir. I will not disappoint you.
As Emily curtsies and leaves the room, the scene shifts to the bustling marketplace once more.
Reluctantly, Emily is coaxed onto the dance floor, where she is soon twirling and laughing with the other guests.
Narrator: And so, Emily’s hard work and determination led her to find her place in the world. She proved that with perseverance and a willingness to learn, one can overcome any obstacle. As the music swirled around her, Emily knew that she had finally found her own happily ever after.


英文话剧比赛英语作文I can't believe it! I just found out about this English drama competition and I'm so excited to take part in it.I've always loved acting and this is the perfectopportunity for me to showcase my talent.The play I've chosen to perform is a classic Shakespearean tragedy. I've always been drawn to the complexity of the characters and the timeless themes that are explored in his works. I think it will be a great challenge for me to bring these characters to life on stage.I've been rehearsing non-stop for the past few weeks, trying to perfect my delivery and really embody theemotions of the character I'm playing. It's been tough, but I know all the hard work will pay off when I step onto that stage.I've also been working closely with the rest of thecast and crew to ensure that our performance is as polishedas possible. We've been running through the scenes over and over again, making sure that everything flows seamlessly and that we all work together as a cohesive team.I'm really looking forward to the competition and seeing all the other talented actors and actresses perform. It's going to be a great opportunity to learn from others and to see how different people interpret the same material in their own unique way.I know that the competition will be tough, but I'm confident in my abilities and I'm ready to give it my all.I can't wait to get up on that stage and show everyone what I'm capable of.。

英语搞笑话剧剧本篇一:搞笑英语话剧剧本.1doc搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction):Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous sword搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction):Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman剑客and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth.Action I太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister?阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming.太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”!阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状)太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状)Good idea! But who is the right candidate?阿三:After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world.太子:Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK?阿三:Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?荆轲Off course! 耸耸肩表示同意莫愁Come on!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。
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THE GAMEa morality play in one actby Louise BryantThe following one-act play is reprinted from The Provincetown Plays. New York: Frank Shay, 1916. It is now in the public domain and may therefore be performed without royalties.CHARACTERSLIFEDEATHYOUTHTHE GIRL[AT THE RISE, Death is lying on the ground at left, idly flipping dice. Now and then he glances sardonically at Life who is standing at the extreme right and counting aloud.][在上升,死亡是躺在地上,在左,悠闲地烙骰子。
)LIFE: (Counting abstractly) Fifty thousand, fifty-one, sixty-five, ninety-- (She goes on through the next speech.)生活:(计数抽象地)五万年,51岁,六十五,九十,(她继续通过接下来的演讲。
)DEATH: Come come, Life, forget your losses. It's no fun playing with a dull partner. I had hoped for a good game tonight, although there is little in it for me--just a couple of suicides.死亡:来来,生活,忘记你的损失。
LIFE: (With a gesture of anxiety) My dear Death, I wish you would grant me a favor.生活:(一种姿态,焦虑)我亲爱的死亡,我希望你能帮我一个忙。
DEATH: (Grumbling) A favor. A favor. Now isn't that just like a woman? I never saw one yet who was willing to abide by the results of a fair game.死亡:(抱怨)一个忙。
LIFE: (Earnestly) But I want these two, whether I win or lose. I really must have them. They are geniuses--and you know how badly I am in need of geniuses right now. Ungrateful spoiled children! They always want to commit suicide over their first disappointments.生活:(认真),但我希望这两个,我是否赢得或失去。
DEATH: (Impatiently) How many times must I tell you that the game must be played! It's the law--you know it as well as I do.死亡:(不耐烦地)有多少次我必须告诉你,比赛必须!它的法律——你知道它跟我一样。
LIFE: (Shrugging) O, the law! Laws are always in your favor, Death!DEATH: There you are. I always said the universe would be in a wild state of disorder if the women had any say! No, you must play the game.LIFE: (Indignantly) Whoever said anything about not playing? All I want is your consent to let them meet here before the game begins.DEATH: I'll bet this isn't so innocent as it sounds. Who are they? I haven't paid much attention to the case.LIFE: Youth and The Girl. He is a Poet, and she a Dancer.DEATH: A strong man and a beautiful woman. (He laughs, ironically) Up to the same old tricks, eh? You sly thing, you think if they meet they'll fall in love and cheat me! (Pause.) Well, suppose I consent. What will you give?LIFE: (Quickly) I'll give you Kaiser Wilhelm, The Czar of Russia, George of England and old Francis Joseph--that's two to one!DEATH: Now that's dishonest. You're always trying to unload a lot of monarchs on me when you know I don't want them. Why, when you play for them you almost go to sleep and I always win. No bargaining in kings, my dear.LIFE: I'll give you a whole regiment of soldiers.DEATH: (With scorn) Soldiers! What do you care about soldiers? Look at your figures again.You've been losing millions of soldiers in Europe for the past two years--and you're much more excited about these two rattle-pated young idiots. Your idea of a fair trade is to get something for nothing. You love too much. With such covetness how can you ever know the thrill of chance?LIFE: (Pleading) O I'll give you anything.[Enter Youth, with hanging melancholy head.]DEATH: Sshh! Too late! Here's one of them.LIFE: (Turning) Youth! (To Death) You've tricked me. You were only playing for time.DEATH: Come, sister. Be game. All's fair in everything but the dice. And just think. If you win this cast the other is half won. They'll meet then ...YOUTH: (Seeint the two and starting. To Life.) Who are you?LIFE: (Anxiously) I am Life!YOUTH: (Bitterly) O, I am through with you ... I want none of you! (Turning his back andaddressing Death) And who are you?DEATH: (Rising with cheerful complacency) I am Death!YOUTH: (Taken aback) Death! How different from my dream of you. I thought you were sombre, austere; and instead, you're--if I may say so--just a trifle commonplace.DEATH: I'm not as young as I once was. One's figure, you know--LIFE: (Delightedly) Ah!DEATH: Look at her. A pleasing exterior, eh? And yet you wouldn't be seeking me if you didn't know better. Alas, my boy, beauty is not even skin deep.YOUTH: That is true. (Going to Death) Ah, Death, I have been seeking you for weeks.DEATH: Yet I am always present. Where did you seek me?YOUTH: (Excitedly, with gestures) I tried poison, but just as I was about to swallow it they snatched it from me ... I tried to shoot myself. They cheated me; the pistol wouldn't go off. DEATH: Well-meaning idiots!YOUTH: So I came here to leap into the sea!DEATH: Very good. Only hurry. Some one might come.LIFE: Why do you wish to die?YOUTH: (Hotly) As if you didn't know. Did you not give me the power to string beautiful words into songs--did you not give me Love to sing to and take Love away? I cannot sing any more! And yet you ask me why I want to die! I am not a slave! Slaves live just to eat and be clothed--you have plenty of them!LIFE: (Sadly) Yes, I have plenty of them.YOUTH: If I cannot have love to warm me, I cannot create beauty. And if I cannot create beauty, I will not live!LIFE: Are you sure it was Love? I think it was only Desire I gave you; you did not seem ready for Love.YOUTH: (Passionately) Falsehoods. Evasions. What is Love, then? You gave me a girl who sold flowers on the street. She had hair like gold and a body all curves and rose-white like marble. I sang my songs for her, and the whole world listened. Then an ugly beast came and offered her gold ... and she laughed at me--and went away.DEATH: (Laughing indulgently) That is Love, my boy. You are lucky to find it out so young. LIFE: Now I know it was desire.YOUTH: (To Death) Why will she persist in lying?DEATH: (Gallantly) I am a sport and a gentleman and I must admit that Life is as truthful as I am. LIFE: Listen, Youth, and answer me. Did your sweetheart understand your songs?YOUTH: Why should she? Women do not have to understand. They must be fragrant and beautiful--like flowers.LIFE: And is that all?YOUTH: (Slightly confused) I do not know many women.LIFE: I will show you one who understands your songs. She is coming here.DEATH: (Harshly) To leap into the sea, like you!LIFE: Because she is lonely--waiting for you.YOUTH: For me! But I do not know her!LIFE: But she knows you--through your songs...DEATH: (Scornfully) And you have been seeking me for weeks! Are you to be fooled again by this tricky charlatan? You who have had enough of Life? There is no place for cowards among the lofty dead!YOUTH: O Death, forgive me! Life, farewell![He stretches out his arms and turns towards the cliff.]LIFE: (Crying out) Hold! We must play first.[Youth stands as he is, with outstretched arms as they play.]DEATH: (Jovially) So now it is you who are asking me to play! Come, Life do me a favor. Give me this one and the girl shall be yours!LIFE: (Excitedly) No. The game must be played. It is the law![Death laughs. They go to center stage and throw the dice. Death frowns and grumbles.]LIFE: (Rising with a happy smile) I have won!YOUTH: (Dropping his arms and turning slowly. Sadly.) Then I am to live--in spite of myself. Death, I have lost you. Life, I hate you. Without Love you are crueller than Death.LIFE: Soon the Girl will be here. Then you will think me beautiful.DEATH: That's the comedy of it. You probably will, you know.YOUTH: (With a gesture of revulsion) Promises. Promises. Love comes but one--[He breaks off and stares as the Girl rushes in. She almost runs into Life, then suddenly recoils.] GIRL: Who are you?LIFE: I am Life.GIRL: O, Life dear, I must leave you! I cannot bear you any longer. You are so white and so cold! LIFE: What have you to complain of? Have I not given you Fame, and Worship and Wealth? GIRL: What are all these ... without Love?DEATH: (With a smile) What--you without Love? How about those who stand at the stage door every evening--and send you flowers and jewels? One of them shot himself because you stamped on his flowers. Believe me, my dear, that is all the Love there is--GIRL: Love? No. That was Desire!DEATH: Bah! Desire when they seek you--Love when you seek them.GIRL: No, No. Love understands. They didn't. They wanted to buy me in order to destroy me. That is why I stamped on their flowers.DEATH: (Humorously) Ah, the young. Incurably sentimental.YOUTH: (Impetuously) Good. I'm glad you did.GIRL: (Startled) Why, who are you?YOUTH: I am Youth.GIRL: (Drawing back) Youth, the Poet? You? O I know all your songs by heart. I have kissed every line. Always, when I dance, I try to dance them. (Looking around fearfully) But why are you here?DEATH: (Grimly) He came to throw himself into the sea!GIRL: (Alarmed. Clutching him by the arm.) Oh, no. You must not. What would the poor world do without your beautiful songs?LIFE: Do not be afraid, my dear, I have won.YOUTH: (Sighing) Alas!GIRL: Why did you want to die?DEATH: (Slyly) His sweetheart left him.GIRL: (Drawing back coldly) His sweetheart! So he loves someone! I don't believe you. Howcould any woman he loved ... when he sings so sweetly--LIFE: His songs meant nothing to her.GIRL: Nothing! (Going to Youth) O then she was not worth your love. She was like the men who wait for me at the stage-door; she wanted to destroy you.DEATH: Such is Life, my dear young lady, Love is the destroyer always.YOUTH: (Bitterly) You are right. It is all a myth--Life, Love, Happiness. I must idealize someone, something--and then the bubble bursts and I am alone. No. If she could not understand, no one could understand.GIRL: (Eagerly) O how wrong you are! I understand. Don't you believe me? I have danced all you have sung. Do you remember "The Bird Calls?"[She dances. Youth watches with astonishment and growing delight.]YOUTH: How beautiful! You do understand--you do! Wings flash and soar when you dance! You skim the sea gloriously, lifting your quivering feathery breast against the sunny wind. Dance again for me. Dance my "Cloud Flight!"GIRL: The loveliest of all! (Remembering sadly) But I can never dance for you anymore. I came here to die!DEATH: And you'd forgotten it already! O you're all alike, you suicides. Life's shallowest little deceit fools you again--though you have seen through her and know her for what she is.GIRL: (Hesitating) But I have found Youth.YOUTH: (Swiftly) Yes, and Youth has found Love--real Love at last. Love that burns like fire and flowers like the trees. You shall not die. (To Death) And I will fight you for her! Love is stronger than Death!DEATH: Than Life, you mean. Think of the great lovers of the world--Paola and Francesca, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde. I, I claimed them all. Who are you to set yourself up against such august prcedents? (To the Girl) You think he loves you. It is not you he loves, but your dancing of his songs. He is a Poet--therefore he loves only himself. And his sweetheart, for lack of whom he was going to die. See! He has already forgotten her! (Slowly) As you will one day be forgotten.LIFE: (To Girl) Why ask too much of me? I can only give happiness for a moment--but it is real happiness--Love, Creation, Unity with the tremendous rhythm of the universe. I can't promise it will endure. I won't say you will not some day be forgotten. What if it is himself he loves in you? That, too, is Love.GIRL: To be supremely happy for a moment--an hour--that is worth living for!DEATH: Life offers you many things--I but one. She pours out the sunshine before you to make you glad; she sends the winter to chill your heart. She gives you Love and Desire--and takes them away. She brings you warm quietness--and kills it with hunger and anxiety. Life offers you many things--I but one. Come closer, tired heart, and hold out your weary hands. See! What apearl I offer--to kings and beggars alike. Come--I will give you peace!GIRL: (Spurning him) Peace? Do you think I want peace--I, a dancer, a child of the whirling winds? Do you think I would be blind to the sunlight, deaf to Youth's music--to my sweet applause, dumb to laughter? All this joy that is in me--scattered in darkness? Dust in my hair--in my eyes--on my dancing feet? (Hesitating) And yet--and yet Life is so cruel!YOUTH: (Going to her) My dearest. We will never leave one another.LIFE: She is mine!DEATH: (Sardonically) Haven't you forgotten something? The game!LIFE: It is half-won. She too has found love.DEATH: Ah! But in willing to die she laid her life on the knees of the Fates. So we must play for her. It is the law.LIFE: O I am not afraid to play. This time I have you, Death.DEATH: Have me! Ho, Ho. Nay, Life. I am cleverer than you. On this game hangs the doom of both!LIFE: (Astonished) Of both? (Furiously) You lie, Death! I have already won Youth, he cannot die.DEATH: (Laughing) Ho. Ho. Youth cannot die, you say. True. But the Girl dies if I win; isn't that so? (Life nods.) Well, and if she dies, what then? He loves her, yet he cannot follow. Nay, he shall live--forever mute, forever regretting his lost love, until you yourself will beg me to take him!LIFE: (Falling on her knees) O Death, I beg of you--DEATH: Ho. Ho. Life on her knees to Death. No, sister. I couldn't help you if I would. It is the law. Let us play.LIFE: (Resigned) It is the law.[They go to the center of stage and play.]LIFE: (Joyously) O I have won again!DEATH: (Blackly, hurling the dice to the ground) Yes, curse the luck! But some day we'll play for those two again--and then it will be my turn.YOUTH: Yes. But we will have lived. Until then, Death, you are Powerless. I fear you not, and I will guard her from you.DEATH: (Shrugging) Geniuses! Geniuses!GIRL: (To Youth) How brave--how strong--how beautiful is my lover![They go offstage with their arms about each other.]DEATH: Well, it was a good game after all. You see, that's the difference between you and me; you play to win, and I play for the fun of the thing. (He laughs.) But tell me, Life; why is it you make such a fuss over dreamers and care so little for soldiers?LIFE: O, soldiers don't matter one way or the other to me; but some day the dreamers will chain you to the earth, and I will have the game all my way.DEATH: That remains to be seen. But how about kings?LIFE: Kings are my enemies. Do you remember how careless I was during the French Revolution? I've always had it on my conscience, and I think I'd feel better if I told you; whenever I threw a good combination, I--juggled the dice!DEATH: (Nodding) I'm not surprised. Heavens, aren't women unscrupulous! And yet they call me unfair ... Well, I suppose I've got to keep an eye on you.LIFE: I warn you I will stop at nothing. By the way, what's the game tomorrow night?DEATH: A Plague. And in that game, I regret to say you haven't a chance in the world.LIFE: Don't forget I have Science to help me.DEATH: Science, Bah! A fool's toy! I sweep them all together in my net--the men of learning and the ones they try to cure.LIFE: But remember that the sun, the blessed healing sun still rises every morning.DEATH: (Irritated) Oh, don't remind me of the sun![He goes.]LIFE: (Beginning to count her losses again) Two hundred thousand, seventy-five, three hundred and ten. (Looking up.) I must never let him know how much I mind losing soldiers. They are the flower of youth--there are dreamers among them...CURTAIN。