MOL booking form
有了船公司的网站,你的CONTAINER无论在哪里你都能知道的它的动态分享一下,共勉~~~这篇也是拿来的,旨在方便自己也方便他人,呵呵集装箱查询货物跟踪海运提单号 sealine link从船务公司网站查询,掌握一个基本原则,用箱号查,因为箱号是唯一的,不同的船务公司他可能有BOOKING号跟提单号2套系统,但是肯定都是指向我们所走的货物,即是集装箱。
(按照船务公司简称首字母)A------APL-美国总统轮船私人有限公司美国总统/tracking/ANL-澳大利亚国家航运公司 ANL(CMA&CGM).au/C-----COSCO-中国远洋集装箱运输有限公司中远集运/ebusiness/service /中海集装箱运输股份有限公司中海发展http:// .jsp?userside=WAN&do&mod=CSPCMA-法国达飞轮船公司达飞轮船 CMA(1.)英文的/web/china/business/index. asp?pl=goods(2.)中文的/eBusiness/Tracking/Default.a spxCSAV-南美邮船公司南美邮船 CLAN S.A.(CSAV)/ m/rastreo/rastreo.nsf/ viewTrace/A13540EB413D29C6842575840003E051?OpenDocu mentCCNI-南美智利国家航运公 15C-P--中波轮船股份公司/D----DELIMAS-达贸国际轮船公司/html/accueil/cadre.htmE------EMC-长荣海运股份有限公司长荣海运 EVERGREEN (EMC)/servlet/TDB 1_CargoTracking.doESL-阿联酋航运有限公司/F----FESCO-远东轮船公司G----GFNG-金发船务有限公司/newsroom/news.aspGSL-金星轮船有限公司/cargo_tracing.htmlH----HPPPAG-赫伯罗特船务有限公司赫伯罗特HAPPAG-LLOYD+莱克斯航运/en/home.html 用户名:GUANYUNWULIU 密码987654HYUNDAI-现代商船有限公司/chn/index.jspHANJIN-韩进海运有限公司/cn/main.htmlHKMW-香港明华船务有限公司/webapp/index.aspK----K-LINE--川崎汽船株式会社川崎汽船 K LINE(1.)货物跟踪)KMTC-高丽海运株氏会社意大利邮船公司/servlet/TDB1_CargoTrack ing.doM---MSK-马士基航运公司/link/?page=homeMSC-地中海航运公司商船三井有限公司商船三井 MOL(1.)中文/DesktopModules/HT/Chinese/H ome/index.aspx(2.)货物跟踪:/htm/default.htmMISC-马来西亚国际航运有限公司.my/N---NYK-日本邮船有限公司日本邮船 NYK(1)中文/nyk_cn/hangyun.html (2)货物跟踪/ct/chSearchForm.nyk?lang=zh &country=CHNNORASIA-北欧亚航运有限公司/index_en.htmNOL-新加坡海皇轮船有限公司.sg/NSCSA-沙特阿拉伯国家航运公司/NAMSUNG--南星海运东方海外货柜航运有限公司/schi/P----PIL-太平船务有限公司https:///ecms-server/Public/HomePage .jspR-----RCL-宏海箱运RICKMERS-瑞克麦斯轮船公司中外运集装箱运输有限公司中外运/(y5z1tc45u gyoth45nv0gmi55)/default.aspxSTX-泛洋商船株式会社/SAMUERA-萨姆达拉船务有限公司/ssl/sailingschedule.htmSAF-南非国家轮船有限公司/link/?page=homeSINKO-长锦有限公司上海育海航运公司/T----TSL-德翔航运/点到港查询输箱号就可以查到W----WHL-万海航运股份有限公司万海航运 WANHAI/index_whl.jsp?web=wh lwww&file_num=11701&i_url=whlwww/home.jspY----YML-阳明海运股份有限公司/track_trace/track_trace.html Z----ZIM-以星轮船船务有限公司 ZOSCO-浙江远洋运输公司/main.asp。
:(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges)本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges)旺季附加费(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC (DOcument charges)文件费(11)O/F (Ocean Freight)海运费(12)B/L (Bill of Lading)海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit)信用证(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin)产地证(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY (Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL (Full Container Load)整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS (Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(MiniLand Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人transport document 运输单据Combined Transport Documents (CTD)联合运输单据shipping documents装船单据Bill of lading (B/L)提单On board B/L已装船提单Shipped B/L 已装船提单received for Shipment B/L 备运提单Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L联运提单Clean B/L 清洁提单Unclean B/L 或Foul B/L 不清洁提单Straight B/L记名提单Open B/L不记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L指示提单Long Form B/L全式提单Short Form B/L简式提单On Deck B/L 舱面提单Stale B/L过期提单Ante Dated B/L倒签提单Advanced B/L预借提单Freight at Destination B/L运费到付提单Freight prepaid B/L运费预付提单1、BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一2、SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)3、FAF 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用)4、YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用)5、GRI 综合费率上涨附加费,一般是南美航线、美国航线使用6、DDC、IAC 直航附加费,xx加航线使用7、IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用8、PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用9、ORC 本地出口附加费,和SPS类似,一般在华南地区使用10、EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用11、PCS 港口拥挤附加费,一般是以色列、印度某些港口及中南美航线使用12、PSS 旺季附加费,大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用CY(码头):CONTAINER YARDCFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATIONNOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER O/F(海运费):OCEAN FREIGHTORC(xx原产地收货费):ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGE BAF(燃油附加费):BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTORPSS(旺季附加费):PEAK CEASON SURCHARGEP/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAIDC.C.(运费到付):COLLECTDOC(文件费):DOCUMENT CHARGETHC(码头费):TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGEETA(到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVALETD(开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERYETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSINGFCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOADLCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD T/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSITC&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHTCIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT FOB(离岸价):FREE ON BOARDS/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDERB/L(提单):BILL OF LADINGHB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADINGOB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADINGSEAL NO.(铅封号)CNTR NO.(柜号):CONTAINER NUMBERVESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次)ABT - ABOUTACCT - ACCOUNTA/C - ACCOUNTAGW - ALL GOING WELLB/L - BILL OF LADINGB/N - BOOKING NOTEB/S - BILL OF SALEB4 - BEFOREBB - BREAKBULKBE - BOTH ENDSBL - BALEBLK - BULKBLT - BUILTBRKRS - BROKERSC&F - COST AND FREIGHTCBM - CUBIC METERCC - CARGO CAPACITYCFS - CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION CGO - CARGOCHOPT - CHARTER’S OPTION CHRTS - CHARTERSCIF - COST, INSURANCE & FREIGHT COB - CLEAN ON BOARDCOB - CLOSE OF BUSINESSCOMB - COMBINABLECOMM - COMMENCECOMP - COMPLETECOMS - COMMISSIONSCOP - CUSTOM OF THE PORTCP - CHARTER PARTYCQD - CUSTOMARY QUICK DISPATCHCYL - CYLINDERD.O. - DIESEL OILDA - DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNTDDC - DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGE DELY - DELIVERYDEMS - DEMMURAGEDEQ - DELIVERED EX QUAYDES - DELIVERED EX SHIPDIMS - DIMENSIONSDLOSP - DROPPING LAST OUTWARD SEA PILOT DOP - DROPPING OUTWARD PILOTDWT - DEADWEIGHTEC - EAST COASTEIU - EVEN IF USEDER - ENGINEROOMETA - ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVALETD - ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTUREETS - ESTIMATED TIME OF SAILINGF.O. - FUEL OILFAC - FAST AS CANFAS - FREE ALONGSIDE SHIPFEU - 40 FT. EQUIVALENT UNITSFILO - FREE IN LINER OUTFIO - FREE IN OUTFIOS - FREE IN OUT STOWEDFLT - FULL LINER TERMSFMC - FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION FOB - FREE ON BOARDFOR - FREE ON RAILFOT - FREE ON TRUCKFPT - FORE PEAK TANKFRT - FREIGHTFT - FREIGHT TONFW - FRESH WATERGMT - GREENWICH MEAN TIMEGRD - GEAREDGRLS - GEARLESSGRT - GROSS REGISTERED TONH/L - HEAVY LIFTHA - HATCHHO - HOLDHOHA - HOLDS/HATCHESINCL - INCLUDINGISO - INTERNATIONAL SAFETY ORGANIZATION LT - LONG TONS; 2,240 LBSL/C - LAYCAN; LETTER OF CREDITL/D - LOADING/DISCHARGINGLAT - LATITUDELDG - LOADINGLIFO - LINER IN FREE OUTLOA - LENGTH OVERALLLOI - LETTER OF INDEMNITYLO-LO - LIFT ON LIFT OFFM - METERSM/V - MOTOR VESSELMIP - MARINE INSURANCE POLICYMT - METRIC TON; 1,000KGS;2,204.6LBS NOR - NOTICE OF READINESSNOS - NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIEDNRT - NET REGISTERED TONSNVOCC - NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIER OWS - OWNERSP&C - PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIALP&I - PROTECTION & INDEMNITY-CLUBPANDI - PROTECTION & INDEMNITY CLUBPLS - PLEASEPLTS - PALLETSPOD - PORT OF DISCHARGEPOL - PORT OF LOADINGQTE - QUOTER - ARERDLY - REDELIVERYRDR - RADARRGE - RANGERND - ROUND (VOYAGE)RNGE - RANGERO-RO - ROLL ON ROLL OFFRQRD - REQUIREDRT - REVENUE TONSATCOM - SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONSHEX - SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS EXCLUDEDSHINC - SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS INCLUDEDSOC - SHIPPER OWNED CONTAINERSSHEX - SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED SSHINC - SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS INCLUDED ST - SHORT TONS; 2,000LBSSTBD - STARBOARDSUB - SUBJECT TOSWL - SAFE WORKING LOADTA - TIME OF ARRIVALTC - TIME CHARTERTCT - TIME CHARTER TRIPTEU - 20 FT EQUIVALENT UNITTHC - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGESU - YOUUCE - UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES EXPECTED USD - UNITED STATES DOLLARSUSEC - UNITED STATES EAST COASTUSGC - UNITED STATES GULF COASTUSWC - UNITED STATES WEST COASTUU - UNLESS USEDVOL - VOLUMEWCSA - WEST COAST SOUTH AMERICA WIBON - WHETHER IN BERTH OR NOT WIPON - WHETHER IN PORT OR NOT W/M - WEIGHT OR MEASUREWOG - WITHOUT GUARANTEEWP - WEATHER PERMITTING中外船公司简称与缩写一览公司简称xx国家航运公司xx航运xx总统轮船私人有限公司xx总统邦拿xx船务有限公司邦拿xxxx航运公司xxxx轮船股份公司xxxx邮船公司xx邮船xxxx国家航运公司xx航运中日国际轮渡有限公司中日轮渡xx海运xxxx轮船公司xx轮船xx海运有限公司xx海运xxxx集装箱运输有限公司xx集运xx商船有限公司xx商船达贸国际轮船公司达贸国际xx胜利航运公司xx胜利xx国际轮船公司xx船务xx海运股份有限公司xx海运xx轮船公司xx轮船金发船务有限公司金发船务xx船务公司xx船务韩进海运有限公司韩进海运xx航运有限公司xx海运xxxx船务有限公司xxxx赫伯罗特船务有限公司赫伯罗特现代商船有限公司现代商船xxxx轮船有限公司xx轮船金华航运有限公司金华航运xx汽船株式会社xx汽船缩写ANLAPLBNMLBOLC-PCLAN S.ACCNICHINJIFCKCMACO-HEUNGCOSCOCHOYANGDELIMASSENATOREILEVERGREENFESCOGFNGHCSCHANJINHKMSHHKMWHAPPAG-LLOYD HYUNDAI(HMM)HNT JHKLINExx海运xx会社七星轮船有限公司xxxx航运公司xx中福轮船公司xx航运有限公司xxxx货运有限公司东航船务有限公司xx联合国家轮船公司xx海运股份有限公司xx海运七星轮船xx航运中福轮船xx航运天海货运东航船务阿拉伯轮船立荣海运KMTCSSCLSYHSZFSCTMMTMSCTOHOUASCUNIGLORY环球船务有限公司万海航运股份有限公司阳明海运股份有限公司以星轮船船务有限公司联丰船务有限公司意大利邮船公司马来西亚国际航运有限公司商船三井有限公司地中海航运公司马士基海陆有限公司民生神原海运有限公司铁行渣华船务有限公司北欧亚航运有限公司沙特阿拉伯国家航运公司日本邮船有限公司东方海外货柜航运有限公司萨姆达拉船务有限公司太平船务有限公司瑞克麦斯轮船公司南非国家轮船有限公司长锦有限公司上海市锦江航运有限公司中外运(集团)总公司环球船务万海航运阳明海运以星轮船联丰船务意大利邮船马来西亚航运商船三井地中海航运马士基海陆民生神原铁行渣华北欧亚航运沙特航运日本邮船东方海外萨姆达拉瑞克麦斯南非轮船长锦公司锦江船代中外运UNIWD WANHAIYANGMINGZIMLIFENLTMISCMOLMSCMAERSK-SEALAND MSKM P&O NEDLLOYD NORASIA NSCSANYKOOCLSAMUDERAPILSAF SINKO JINJIANG SINOTRANS。
(1)按规格尺寸分:目前,国际上通常使用的干货柜(DRY CONTAINER)有:
(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费
(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费
(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费
(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费
(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)
(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)
(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人
在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment two lots
在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment two equal lots
分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments
分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments
Freight prepaid B/L 运费预付提单
ONE eCommerce 指南说明书
Booking request*Global User Guide offers all booking requirements and may not be applicable to your country*This service provides an application to submit a booking request to ONE.Please follow below steps to submit a booking request to ONE.Please log into ONE eCommerce site with your User ID and Password.Once logged into eCommerce site, click on outbound menu.②① ②①Click on Booking >> Booking Request to open Booking Request Form.Enter each column based on your Booking Request details. Please take note that all the item with * are mandatory to input.Please find more explanation on each field to be entered.③③>> Quick BookingManual Booking Number: Enter the manual booking number if you have the number pre-assigned by ONE.Template: Select template name from the dropdown list. The previously saved booking information will populate. This is recommended for repeated shipments.Copy Previous Booking: Users can look up previous booking number to copy booking details to new booking request.Automatically the booking party No. is added as per user ID set-up.Person Placing Request: Please choose Shipper or Freight Forwarder. The Shipper or Freight Forwarder details will be auto-populated accordingly with information associated with your web ID.① ②③④⑤②③④ ① ⑤>> Customer InformationShipper: To enter Shipper company name and address.If you choose Shipper as Person Placing Request, company name and address information is automatically populated from your web ID.Freight Forwarder: To enter Freight Forwarder company name and address. If you choose Freight Forwarder as Person Placing Request, company name and address information is automatically populated from your web ID.Consignee: To enter Consignee company name and address.⑥⑦⑧⑥ ⑦ ⑧>> LocationService type: To choose service type between two options (CY or Door).Origin (Place of Receipt) – Loading Port & Discharging Port – Destination (Place of Delivery): to enter location name.When you key in first few letters of location name, the related matching location(s) will show in an automatic complete function.Booking office: To choose your ONE local booking office.⑨⑩⑪ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪U.S. Customs Information (House Manifest Filing): To choose Yes or No* This field appears if shipment is bound for U.S.A. * If House B/L has to be issued, please choose “YES”U.S. Customs Information (AMS for House B/L): To select by Carrier (Non-Auto) or by NVOCC (Auto)* This field appears if Yes is selected for house Manifest Filing* Non-Auto (By Carrier) means ONE will be filing House B/L on behalf of NVOCC* Auto (By NVOCC) means ONE will be filing Master B/L and NVOCC will be filing House B/L⑫⑬⑫ ⑬Canada Customs Information (House Manifest Filing): To choose Yes or No* This field appears if shipment is bound for Canada * If House B/L has to be issued, please choose “YES”Canada Customs Information (ACI for House B/L): To select by Carrier (Non-Auto) or by NVOCC (Auto)* This field appears if Yes is selected for house Manifest Filing* Non-Auto (By Carrier) means ONE will be filing House B/L on behalf of NVOCC* Auto (By NVOCC) means ONE will be filing Master B/L and NVOCC will be filing House B/L⑭⑮⑭⑮AES ITN: To enter AES ITN number for US Export Shipment* This field appears if shipment is from U.S.A.CAED License: To enter CAED information for Canada Export Shipment* This field appears if shipment is from Canada⑯⑯⑰⑰Mexico Customs Info: To enter TAX ID for shipments parties for Mexico export and import Shipment.* This field appears if origin or destination is Mexico>> ScheduleDeparture Date: If you select departure date as criteria, please enter the date you prefer.* ONE Booking Office will provide the closest vessel for the given “Departure Date” if there is no vessel departing on the date provided in this field.⑱⑱⑲⑲Vessel: If you select vessel as criteria, please enter the Vessel Name.* If you click [Search] button from the list, you can select the vessel from “Vessel Inquiry-List” as following screen.⑳⑳If you click [search] button from the calendar, you can select the vessel from “Vessel Schedule Inquiry-Calendar” as following screen.>> Pick UpPick Up Date: To enter empty pick up date you preferred.㉑ ㉑>> ContainerType: To select container TypeSize: To select container SizeQuantity/Total: To enter the total number of container for the type sizeQuantity/S.O.C: To enter the number of S.O.C container for the type size* When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row㉒ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉔㉓ ㉕㉕>> Pick Up InformationPick Up Information:To enter Pick Up Information details for Door Receive* Those fields appears if “DOOR” is selected as service mode for origin* If you click on “Remove Inland Pick Up” button, you can delete the selected Tab * If you click “Add Inland Pick Up” button, you can add a new tab for more input* If you click “Copy Inland Pick Up” button, you can copy entered information to create another tab㉖㉖>> CargoCommodity: To enter commodity.*Please click on magnifying glass to select commodity with Code from “Commodity Inquiry” screen as follows.Total Estimated Weight: To enter the total estimated weight and select weight unit for all containers together.㉗ ㉘㉗㉘>> CargoUnit: To select F – Fahrenheit or C – Celsius as unitDegree: To enter the degreeVentilation Value/Type: To enter ventilation requirementNature: To select Chilled, Frozen or Fresh as reefer cargo natureHumidity (%): To enter humidity requirementGenset: To select Yes or No* Those fields appear if Reefer is selected as container type* When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞㉙ ㉙ ㉚㉛㉜ ㉝ ㉞>> Dangerous CargoUN No.: To enter UN No.Class: To enter IMDG classFlash Point: To enter flash point. This field is enabled only for Class3 cargoPackage Group: To select package group from the dropdown listDangerous Cargo Certificate Upload: To attach DG certificate document from [FILE] button. 1 file or zip file.* Those fields appears if Dangerous Cargo check box is ticked * When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row㊱㊲㊳㊴㉟㉟ ㊱ ㊲㊳ ㊴>> Awkward CargoTo select Container Size Type for the awkward cargoPackage: To enter the number of package and select package typeGross weight: To enter gross weight and select weight unitNet weight: To enter new weight and select weight unitCommodity: To enter commodity descriptionUnit: To select unit code from the dropdown listLength: To enter whole lengthWidth: To enter whole widthHeight: To enter whole height㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺㊻ ㊼ ㊽㊵㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼㊽㊾Remark(s): To enter remarks.* Those fields appear if Open top and Flat Rack is selected as container type.* When you click on “+” button, you can add another new row to enter * When you click on “-“ button, you can delete the selected row>> Special Instruction on Booking & Multiple booking requestSpecial Instruction on Booking: To enter any other special requirements for the booking, such as preferred depot, container requirements etc.If you would like to submit two or multiple booking requests with same request details, please select the number of booking request you would like to submit from the dropdown list. This is possible up to 50 times.㊾㊿㊿①①There is an e-Mail Notification option for the booking request as follows. If you would like to receive those email notifications, please select “Subscribe” option.Booking Upload: When booking is uploaded into our ONE system, you will receive the notification. This is not a notification of your final booking receipt notice, but only the upload into our ONE booking module.Vessel Departure: When a vessel departs place of loading, the notification will be sent.Vessel Delay: When vessel schedule is delayed more than 3 hours, the message will be sent.* To change the default setting about e-mail notification, click ‘e-Subscription’ from top-menu.②②③④ ⑤If you would like to clear all information entered, please click on [Clear] button.After all required and optional information are entered, click [Submit] button to submit booking request to designated ONE Booking office.If you would like to save the booking request details as template for future requests, please click on[Save as Template] and set up the template name.One you submit a booking request, Booking Request information screen appears.Request number and booking request details can be found on this screen.③④⑤。
主要船务术语简写:(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费(12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人transport document 运输单据Combined Transport Documents (CTD) 联合运输单据shipping documents装船单据Bill of lading (B/L) 提单On board B/L已装船提单Shipped B/L 已装船提单received for Shipment B/L 备运提单Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L联运提单Clean B/L 清洁提单Unclean B/L 或Foul B/L 不清洁提单Straight B/L记名提单Open B/L不记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L指示提单Long Form B/L全式提单Short Form B/L简式提单On Deck B/L 舱面提单Stale B/L过期提单Ante Dated B/L倒签提单Advanced B/L预借提单Freight at Destination B/L运费到付提单Freight prepaid B/L运费预付提单1、BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一2、SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)3、FAF 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用)4、YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用)5、GRI 综合费率上涨附加费,一般是南美航线、美国航线使用6、DDC、IAC 直航附加费,美加航线使用7、IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用8、PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用9、ORC 本地出口附加费,和SPS类似,一般在华南地区使用10、EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用11、PCS 港口拥挤附加费,一般是以色列、印度某些港口及中南美航线使用12、PSS 旺季附加费,大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用CY(码头):CONTAINER YARDCFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATIONvNOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIERO/F(海运费):OCEAN FREIGHTORC(广东地区原产地收货费):ORIGINAL RECEIVING CHARGEBAF(燃油附加费):BUNKER ADJUSTMENT FACTORPSS(旺季附加费):PEAK CEASON SURCHARGEP/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAIDC.C.(运费到付):COLLECTDOC(文件费):DOCUMENT CHARGETHC(码头费):TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGEETA(到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVALETD(开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERYETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSINGFCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOADLCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOADT/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSITC&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHTCIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHTFOB(离岸价):FREE ON BOARDS/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDERB/L(提单):BILL OF LADINGHB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING OB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADING SEAL NO. (铅封号)CNTR NO. (柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次)vABT - ABOUT ACCT - ACCOUNTA/C - ACCOUNTAGW - ALL GOING WELL B/L - BILL OF LADING B/N - BOOKING NOTE B/S - BILL OF SALEB4 - BEFOREBB - BREAKBULKBE - BOTH ENDSBL - BALEBLK - BULKBLT - BUILTBRKRS - BROKERSC&F - COST AND FREIGHTCBM - CUBIC METERCC - CARGO CAPACITYCFS - CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION CGO - CARGOCHOPT - CHARTERER’S OPTION CHRTS - CHARTERERSCIF - COST, INSURANCE & FREIGHT COB - CLEAN ON BOARDCOB - CLOSE OF BUSINESSCOMB - COMBINABLECOMM - COMMENCE COMP - COMPLETECOMS - COMMISSIONSCOP - CUSTOM OF THE PORTCP - CHARTERER PARTYCQD - CUSTOMARY QUICK DISPATCH CYL - CYLINDERD.O. - DIESEL OILDA - DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNTDDC - DESTINATION DELIVERY CHARGE DELY – DELIVERYDEMS - DEMMURAGEDEQ - DELIVERED EX QUAYDES - DELIVERED EX SHIPDIMS - DIMENSIONSDLOSP - DROPPING LAST OUTWARD SEA PILOTDOP - DROPPING OUTWARD PILOTDWT - DEADWEIGHTEC - EAST COASTEIU - EVEN IF USEDER - ENGINEROOMETA - ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVALETD - ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTUREETS - ESTIMATED TIME OF SAILINGF.O. - FUEL OILFAC - FAST AS CANFAS - FREE ALONGSIDE SHIPFEU - 40 FT. EQUIVALENT UNITSFILO - FREE IN LINER OUTFIO - FREE IN OUTFIOS - FREE IN OUT STOWEDFLT - FULL LINER TERMSFMC - FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION FOB - FREE ON BOARDFOR - FREE ON RAILFOT - FREE ON TRUCKFPT - FORE PEAK TANKFRT - FREIGHTFT - FREIGHT TONFW - FRESH WATERGMT - GREENWICH MEAN TIMEGRD - GEAREDGRLS - GEARLESSGRT - GROSS REGISTERED TON H/L - HEAVY LIFTHA – HATCHHO - HOLDHOHA - HOLDS/HATCHESINCL - INCLUDINGISO - INTERNATIONAL SAFETY ORGANIZATIONLT - LONG TONS; 2,240 LBSL/C - LAYCAN; LETTER OF CREDITL/D - LOADING/DISCHARGINGLAT - LATITUDELDG - LOADINGLIFO - LINER IN FREE OUTLOA - LENGTH OVERALLLOI - LETTER OF INDEMNITYLO-LO - LIFT ON LIFT OFFM - METERSM/V - MOTOR VESSELMIP - MARINE INSURANCE POLICYMT - METRIC TON; 1,000KGS;2,204.6LBSNOR - NOTICE OF READINESSNOS - NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIEDNRT - NET REGISTERED TONSNVOCC - NON VESSEL OPERATING COMMON CARRIEROWS - OWNERSP&C - PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIALP&I - PROTECTION & INDEMNITY-CLUB PANDI - PROTECTION & INDEMNITY CLUB PLS - PLEASEPLTS - PALLETSPOD - PORT OF DISCHARGEPOL - PORT OF LOADINGQTE - QUOTER - ARERDLY - REDELIVERYRDR - RADARRGE - RANGERND - ROUND (VOYAGE)RNGE - RANGERO-RO - ROLL ON ROLL OFFRQRD - REQUIREDRT - REVENUE TONSATCOM - SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SHEX - SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED SHINC - SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS INCLUDED SOC - SHIPPER OWNED CONTAINERSSHEX - SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS EXCLUDEDSSHINC - SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS INCLUDEDST - SHORT TONS; 2,000LBSSTBD - STARBOARD SUB - SUBJECT TOSWL - SAFE WORKING LOADTA - TIME OF ARRIVALTC - TIME CHARTERTCT - TIME CHARTER TRIPTEU - 20 FT EQUIVALENT UNITTHC - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGESU - YOUUCE - UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES EXPECTEDUSD - UNITED STATES DOLLARSUSEC - UNITED STATES EAST COASTUSGC - UNITED STATES GULF COASTUSWC - UNITED STATES WEST COASTUU - UNLESS USEDVOL - VOLUMEWCSA - WEST COAST SOUTH AMERICA WIBON - WHETHER IN BERTH OR NOT WIPON - WHETHER IN PORT OR NOTW/M - WEIGHT OR MEASUREWOG - WITHOUT GUARANTEEWP - WEATHER PERMITTINGv中外船公司简称与缩写一览公司简称缩写澳大利亚国家航运公司澳国航运ANL美国总统轮船私人有限公司美国总统APL邦拿美船务有限公司邦拿美BNML波罗的海航运公司波罗的海BOL中波轮船股份公司中波C-P南美邮船公司南美邮船CLAN S.A南美智利国家航运公司智利航运CCNI中日国际轮渡有限公司中日轮渡CHINJIF天敬海运天敬海运CK法国达飞轮船公司达飞轮船CMA京汉海运有限公司京汉海运CO-HEUNG 中国远洋集装箱运输有限公司中远集运COSCO朝阳商船有限公司朝阳商船CHOYANG达贸国际轮船公司达贸国际DELIMAS德国胜利航运公司德国胜利SENATOR埃及国际轮船公司埃及船务EIL长荣海运股份有限公司长荣海运EVERGREEN 远东轮船公司远东轮船FESCO金发船务有限公司金发船务GFNG浩洲船务公司浩洲船务HCSC韩进海运有限公司韩进海运HANJIN香港航运有限公司香港海运HKMSH香港明华船务有限公司香港明华HKMW赫伯罗特船务有限公司赫伯罗特HAPPAG-LLOYD现代商船有限公司现代商船HYUNDAI(HMM)上海海隆轮船有限公司海隆轮船HNT金华航运有限公司金华航运JH川崎汽船株式会社川崎汽船KLINE高丽海运株氏会社高丽海运KMTC七星轮船有限公司七星轮船SSCL上海育海航运公司育海航运SYH上海中福轮船公司中福轮船SZFSC墨西哥航运有限公司墨西哥航运TMM上海天海货运有限公司天海货运TMSC东航船务有限公司东航船务TOHO阿拉伯联合国家轮船公司阿拉伯轮船UASC立荣海运股份有限公司立荣海运UNIGLORY环球船务有限公司环球船务UNIWD万海航运股份有限公司万海航运WANHAI阳明海运股份有限公司阳明海运YANGMING以星轮船船务有限公司以星轮船ZIM联丰船务有限公司联丰船务LIFEN意大利邮船公司意大利邮船LT马来西亚国际航运有限公司马来西亚航运MISC商船三井有限公司商船三井MOL地中海航运公司地中海航运MSC马士基海陆有限公司马士基海陆MAERSK-SEALAND 民生神原海运有限公司民生神原MSKM铁行渣华船务有限公司铁行渣华P&O NEDLLOYD北欧亚航运有限公司北欧亚航运NORASIA沙特阿拉伯国家航运公司沙特航运NSCSA日本邮船有限公司日本邮船NYK东方海外货柜航运有限公司东方海外OOCL萨姆达拉船务有限公司萨姆达拉SAMUDERA太平船务有限公司太平船务PIL瑞克麦斯轮船公司瑞克麦斯RICKMERS南非国家轮船有限公司南非轮船SAF长锦有限公司长锦公司SINKO上海市锦江航运有限公司锦江船代JINJIANG中外运(集团)总公司中外运SINOTRANS。
loading装货,discharging卸货, fleet船只,on board在船上,lighter/barge 驳船,tween-deck双层甲板间,lower hold下层舱/底层舱,F.W. fresh water 淡水,samples样本,buoy 浮标,LOA length overall船长,GRT/NRT gross/net registered tonnage总/净注册吨,Registered Tonnage 容积吨位,DW deadweight载重, Weight/Measurement/Freight Ton重量/体积/运费吨,M/T metric ton公吨,CBFT/CUFT cubic feet立方英尺,cubic meter(CUM/CBM)立方米,instruction指示,reserve预定,attractive有吸引力的,consign托运,divert转移,request要求, entrust委托,gear吊具,quay码头,stained打湿弄脏,bent弯曲,expose暴露,call sign呼号,shipping mark运输标志,cargo space舱位,shipping space船位舱位,port throughput/capacity港口吞吐量/通过能力,carrying/cargo capacity承载/载货能力,inward/outward cargoes 进/出口货,additional/awkward cargo加载/大件货,large shipments大票货,heavy lift重件货超重货,perishable cargo易腐货,shut out(cargo)退关(货),broken space/stowage亏舱,transshipped cargo转船货,the whole lot of一整票,original/stevedore damage原/工残,inherent nature固有的特性,flash point闪点,heavy weather恶劣天气,rough handling野蛮装卸,Overlanded/Shortlanded货物溢短装,canvass/solicit cargoes揽货,shipment 装船,Immediate shipments 立即装运,Prompt shipment 即期装运,partial shipment分批装船,intransship转船,customs declaration报关通关,custom formality/clearance通关手续/清关,fumigation熏舱,L/S/D securing系固lashing绑扎dunnage衬垫,time of shipment装船时间,book space订舱,master 船长,chief engineer轮机长,C/O Chief Officer大副,entrusting party委托方,Notify Party通知方,general/sole agent总/独家代理,shipowner船东,charterer承租人,chartering broker租船经纪人,POB pilot on board引航员登船,voyage charter航次租船,time charter期租,bareboat(demise) charter光租,Tamp shipping不定期船/租船运输,freight运费,freight rate 运费率,favourable freight rate优惠费率,tariff运价表,quotation报价,charter hire租金,MOLOO/MOLCO/MOLSO(more or less at owner/charter/shipper’s option)船东/承租人/发货人有增减的权利,port disbursement/dues and charges港口使费,Freight Prepaid/to Collect预付/到付运费,lighterage驳运费,despatch money速遣费,demurrage滞期费,CQD(customary quick dispatch)按港口习惯速遣,DHD despatch half demurrage 速遣费为滞期费的一半,address commission回扣佣金,additional premium(AP)附加保险费,Bunker adjustment factor or bunker surcharge (BAF/BS)燃油附加费,Currency adjustment factor(CAF,货币贬值附加费),port surcharge 港口附加费,DDC Destination Delivery Charge目的地交货费, FILO free in,liner out出租人不负担装货费用但负责卸货费用,LIFO liner in,free out 出租人负担装货费用但不负担卸货费用,FIOSTLD free in and out,stowed trimmed lashed dunnages出租人不负担装卸、积载和平舱费用绑扎衬垫,WWDSHEX-UU/EIU weather working days Sundays and holidays excepted,unless/even if used晴天工作日,星期天和节假日除外,除非/即使已使用,transit time航期,within the time规定时间内,within the stipulated/scheduled time在约定时间之内,ETA/D/B/S estimated time of arrival/ departure/berthing/sailing预计到达/离开/靠泊/起航时间,layday受载期,laytime装卸时间,BBB before breaking bulk开舱卸货前,in transit运输途中,diversion绕航/改航,transshipment not allowed不允许转船,direct steamer sailing for直接开往…的船舶,sailing time起航时间,sail to schedule按期开航,frequency of sailing开航频率/航班, homeward voyage回程,port of call/arrival(POC/POA)挂靠/到达港,port of destination/departure/discharge(POD)目的港/始发港/卸货港,port of loading(shipment)/transshipment装货/转运港,Dangerous Cargo Anchorage 危险货物锚地,OSB/OSP(one safe berth/port)一个安全的泊位/港口,Negotiable可转让的,in duplicate/triplicate 一式两/三份, shipping document货运单证,C/P charter party租船合同,Charter Party B/L租约,fixture note定租确认书,under separate cover在另函中,SOF laytime statement of facts装卸时间事实记录,survey report鉴定报告,Outturn Report卸货报告,logbook航海日志,log entry航海日志报告,Notice Of Readiness(N/R)船舶准备就绪通知书,LOI indemnity letter(letter of indemnity/guarantee)保函,Booking Note(B/N)托运单,Shipping Order(S/O)装货单,Stowage Plan积载图,Tally Sheet理货报告,Tally Certificate理货单,cargo tracer货物查询单,overlanded/shortlanded cargo list货物溢短单,Mate’s Receipt(M/R)大副收据, Manifest(M/F)舱单,B/L Bill of Lading 提单,Freight Manifest(F/M)运费舱单,Original B/L正本提单,Loading List(L/L)装货清单,Export Manifest出口货舱单,Delivery Order(D/O)提货单, Cargo List货物清单,Straight/ Order/Open B/L记名/指示/空白提单,Shipped(On Board)B/L已装船提单,Received For Shipment B/L收货待运提单,Clean/Unclean(Foul) B/L清洁/不清洁提单,Direct/ Transshipment/Through B/L直达/转船/联运提单,Combined Transport B/L联合运输提单,Liner/Switch B/L班轮/转换提单, Anti-dated/Advanced B/L倒签/预借提单,Groupage/On Deck B/L拼箱货/甲板货提单, Long/Short Form B/L 全式/简式提单,high water(HW)高潮水位,H.O. heavy oil重油,D.O.diesel oil柴油,lube oil润滑油,H.D.O.heavy diesel oi重柴油,M.V. Moter Vessel 机动船,M.S. Moter Ship机动船,steamship(S.S)汽船,all the parties concerned相关各方,CCS China Classification Society中国船级社,ABS American Bureau of Shipping美国船级社,P&I Club船东互保协会,Port Authority港口当局,Maritime Safety Administration(MSA)海事局,Inspection And Quarantine Bureau检验检疫局,Immigration Office移民局,IMO International maritime organization国际海事组织,IMDG Code international maritime dangerous cargo code国际海运危险货物规则,China Ocean Shipping Agency中国外轮代理公司,Suez Canal苏伊士运河,短语:on behalf of代表,FYI for your information仅供参考,ASAP as soon as possible 尽快,be entered in sb’s account由某人支付,in our opinion我们认为, spare no effort不遗余力,bear the burden of proof负有举证责任,take delivery of the cargo提货, settle the account with you与你方结账,quote us your freight rate向我方报价, be subject to market fluctuation随行就市,sweep the cargo hold/hold weeping扫舱,exercise due diligence克尽职责, negligence in stowage装载疏忽,detect发觉,external examination 外部检查,N/R for putrefaction 船方不负货物腐烂之责,insufficient ventilation通风不良, lodge/file a complaint against sb for sth对…提出诉讼,be of assistance in repudiation the claim对索赔起到帮助,establish business relationship建立业务关系,agency appointment委托代理, guide to port entry进港指南,attend to customs declaration formalities for inward and outward shipments为进出口货物办理报关手续, relieve the company of responsibility免除公司责任,in accordance with根据,with regard to关于,accordingly相应的,on account of由于,presumably由此推断,in transit .在运输途中,expedite加速,require come replenishment需要补给,attend to 照看,To the best of our knowledge据我们所知,Container Freight Station (CFS)货运站,Under certain circumstances在一些情况下,issue签发,forward 寄送,courier信使,as no stock of said已没有存货,against the Letter of Indemnity.依据保函,injury伤害,in compliance with the terms of the Charter Party根据租船合同,In accordance with the regulations of Chinese Government,…根据中国规章,开头语1.For your information, I would advise you that…2.We are pleased to inform you that…3.I shall be grateful if you would …5.In reply to your letter of the 5th May, I have to inform you that……结尾语1.Your kind cooperation\prompt reply will be highly appreciated.2.We should be much obliged if you could kindly manage this matter without delay.3.We enclose herewith…(随函附上请查收)由于某原因比预定时间早到We arrived here 35 hours behind the scheduled time on account of…更早航班We understand that M.S. Merchant Prince is due to sail on 4th July, but we should like an earlier sailing if possible.没有多余舱位\其他船舶With regard to the accommodation for the additional cargo as requested in your letter of 3rd May, I regret to inform you that the ship has no more space now being available.2.We regret our inability to comply with your request for shipping the goods in early December, because the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our Port only around the 20th every month.有问题尽快联系If you require any further information/have any further questions., please do not hesitate/feel free to contact us.危险货Judging from the flash point of these commodities, we understand that they will naturally be included among the dangerous cargo of 1st or 2nd category. 危险货处理不便1.As you are well aware,We should point out that discharging these commodities at the Dangerous Cargo Anchorage at any of these ports of call (discharging the dangerous cargo of this description without proper packaging or marking)will cause a great deal of inconvenience for all the parties concerned.2.We regret having to refuse the shipment of these commodities on board this vessel, as we are not certain which class of dangerous goods they enter into.被要求转移有关货物的卸货地We have to notify that we received from Vancouver Agents a telegram dated…requesting us to divert the above mentioned parcel under B/L No.76 from Djakarta to Hong Kong for delivery,and to amend the shipping documents accordingly.24.I hope that the above statement will clearly explain the matter to your satisfaction and may be of assistance in repudiation the claim.2延误不是能控制的We are extremely sorry about this delay which you will realize was due to circumstances beyond our control.放心尽全力运途中避免损坏You may rest assured that we will take all precautious we can to avoid any possible damage to the cargo en route. 对麻烦抱歉并请妥善解决1.We express regret for the trouble we are causing you in this matter and solicit your kind attention for a favorable settlement.2.We regret the trouble caused and thank you for your kind arrangement for a settlement.3.We regret that we can offer no further explanation in this point.在严格监督下操作,损失分析1.They are handled under the strict supervision of the officers in charge.2.No hooks are used in handling packages of tea at the time of loading or discharging.3.The damage was presumably made either before the cargo was brought alongside in a barge at Singapore, or after it left the ship’s gear on the quay at H K.4.It is difficult to detect damage, if any, from an external examination at the time of loading.5.we are of the opinion that the alleged damage has been caused by the inherent nature(内在特点)of the cargo.特别注意了货舱冷却和有效通风In respect to the stowage of this peculiar cargo, we paid utmost attention to the coolness of the compartments, and especially in point of efficient ventilation.不是积载不当,而是集装箱不合格Our investigation shows that, contrary to the bad stowage as stated in your letter, the breakage of the captioned goods is attributed to the inferior quality of the containers which do not come up to the standard for transit.积载疏忽,你负全责This is entirely a case of negligence on stowage, for which you should be held responsible.联合运输1.If the goods are to be transshipped from one means of transportation to another during the course of the entire voyage, it's called "combined transportation". 2.It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transportation.3.This is to apply to all orders unless otherwise specified.(适用所有订单除非另有规定)标识1.The goods are to be marked with our initials 首写字母in a diamond 菱形.2.The packing and marking shall be at seller’s option.加速装货、告知大概装船日期Please expedite shipment as soon as possible,and inform us of the approximate date of shipment提前申报预装船货物Please advise us 30 days before the month of shipment of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, port of loading and the time when the goods reach the port of loading.补充…时需有人照看At times our fleet will require come replenishment of bunkers, stores, fresh water, etc, which we shall need some one to attend to.经由*船运来的货物非常好We find the goods shipped ex s.s. “Manchester”satisfactory.装船时间1.Shipment not later than Jan.31st. / shipment on or before Jan. 31st. 一月底装船2.Shipment during Jan./Feb. 或 Jan./Feb. shipment 一/二月份装船,Shipment during…in two lots在…分两批装船,In three equal monthly shipments 分三个月,每月平均装运,Shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C收到信用证后30天内装运确认某一事项后确定装运期:1.subject to shipment space available2.subject to approval of export licence3.shipment by April 30th subject to Buyer’s L/C reaching the Seller on or before March 1st.八月前装船否则不能You must have the goods shipped before August, otherwise, we can not catch the season.不能按信用证装船了Much to our regret,we cannot ship the goods within the time limit of the L/C owing to the unforeseen difficulties on the part of mill.货已装船(样品空运)1.Your order No.5467 will be shipped by s/s. Manchester2.We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.123 were shipped by the direct steamer “Red Star on Nov.30, and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed.按时提单取货According to the terms of Contract No.318, shipment is to be effected by …,and we must have the B/L by the 31st at the least. We trust you will ship the order within the stipulated time as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience and financial loss.考虑代理1.To the best of our knowledge, you are agents of …Corporation, for whom you have worked very nicely2.We shall be much delighted if you will furnish us with the business rules you are applying, the Harbour Regulations商业规则 and Port Tariffs at your end so that we may be in a position to consider appointing you as our long-time agents in Algiers. 接受成为代理并会竭诚服务We are pleased to confirm our acceptance of your appointment to act as your general agents in China for your liner service.It goes without saying we shall render you our untiring services if you decide to entrust us to be your agents in this port.代理佣金As regards agency commission, we agree to grant you a 5% to be calculated on the total amount of freight according to international shipping practice.竭诚服务,有很好的前景We have always rendered our service to the entire satisfaction of both the owners and masters, and have bright prospects of acting as agents for other shipping companies.与工商界联系,对揽货有用We are well connected with the local business circles. Needless to say, this relationship is very useful for canvassing cargoes under our agency.所有费用以提单为依据All costs in connection with the handling of cargo as well as oncarrying freight are calculated on the basis of the Bill of Lading weight.尽力填写文件以适应不同港口要求We would ask you kindly to do your utmost to complete the documents in accordance with the requirements of the various ports and to forward the documents to the vessel’s agent and principals as promptly as possible受损的货必须被拒绝It is a standing rule that all cargo coming forward for shipment in damaged condition must be rejected.保函只有事先取得我们同意后才有效 Letter of Indemnity may be accepted only after you have obtained our prior consent.只接受正直的老客户的保函1.It goes without saying that Letters of Indemnity are acceptable only from regular shippers whose integrity is above reproach.2.It goes without saying we shall render you our untiring services if you decide to entrust us to be your agents in this port. 保证你们对提单标注疏忽的后果不负责1.Under certain circumstances, it may have serious consequences to issue clean Bill of Lading against the Letter of Indemnity.we are very sorry to say that it is a risk to our shipping company consider our owe interests(考虑到我们自己的利益),and it is not logically reasonable to do that(逻辑上不合理).please well understand that.2.Damaged cargo may cause serious injury to other cargo during the voyage, and a remark in the Bill of Lading does not relieve the company of responsibility for such damage to other cargo.3.We and our principals hereby guarantee to hold you or any of you or agents perfectly free from any consequences that may arise from your omission of the remarks in the Bill of Lading.授权更正提单以通过银行议付You are kindly requested to authorize(授权)PENAVICO to correct the figure of gross weight in the said B/L, enabling the shipper to get through bank negotiation.免于收货人控诉We hereby undertake to hold you completely harmless and indemnified against any claims which may be filed by the consignee that may arise from your omission of the remarks in the Bill of Lading.. 速度重要,船舶需快速周转The question of speed is important as the ship we need must be able to make a fast turn round, at least eight trips within the period.代为租船询问与回答1.This letter is to confirm our telex to you this morning in which we asked if you could find a ship of six thousand tons which we could charter for six months to take consignments of raw cotton from * to various ports along the west European Coast.2.She is the M.S.Carmenia with a cargo capacity of seven thousand tons and an average speed of 24 knots which will certainly be able to make the number of trips you mentioned.3.The ship, now lying at Galveston, has recently completed a charter and can be ready to load at New Orleans within four or five days of our receiving your confirmation of charter.费用记在*账上1.The chargefor the oil barge(All the expense incurred) will be entered in/charged to the shipowner’s account.2.In compliance with the terms of the Charter Party, all expenses in connection with handling these extra-weights are to be for/charged to their account.3.We agree to your interpretation of the C/P terms that(同意你们关于租船条款的解释),since the shipping terms are FIOS, charges and expenses in connection with loading should be for Charterer’s account.请报价1.Would you please quote your rate for freight and send us details of your sailing and the time usually for the voyage(总费率inclusive rates on the following consignments)2.We shall be glad to know the time of transit and frequency of sailings, and whether cargo space must be reserved; if so, please send us the necessary application forms.5.We shall be pleased to have your current tariffs.报价1.we are pleasured to send you our quotation of the freight rates asked in your letter of…2.In reply to your letter of 10th August, the rate we can quote are as follows…3.Thank you for your of 26 June, asking for tariffs. For your information, we are airmailing under separate cover brochures giving full details of the present freight rates of our company.4.we are now sending you a quotation of our tariffs. Please be informed the quotation is subject to change on account of the situation of the shipping market(运价随行就市).5.The freight rate for crockery packed in wooden cases is $57.5 per ton.速遣的最后期限将进入滞期The vessel loading now in your port has a Despatch/ Demurrage Agreement with the parties concerned. The last hour for her despatch is up to 2400 h. 21st May. In case the laytime lasts to 22nd, the vessel will enter into demurrage.BSS1 basis one loading port/one disport: 基于一港装和一港卸,PCT percent % ,SF stowage factor积载因数,LYCN laycan=layday+cancel day 受载期与解约日,COM TTL commition total总佣金,ADCOM address commission: 委托佣金\回扣佣金,PLS ADV ANY SUTBL VSL N INVITE UR BEST OFFER please advice any suitable vessel and invite your best offer请提供你方合适的船舶与优惠的报价,TLX ON SBJ (subject)N OFFER AS FLWS 关于标题所列的电传,PMT每公吨,AP additional premium 附加保险费,W/I(within)3 BANKING DAYS AFT COMPLTN OF LDG三个银行工作日内支付运费,DEM/DES USD4,000/DHD滞期费为4000美元,速遣费为滞期费的一半,OWS AGTS BENDS(owners agents bothand)两头代理由船东指定,AP ON CGO DUE TO VSLS AGE TB FOR CHTRS ACCT(to be for charterer's account)如果是船龄原因有附加保险费,则应由承租人付,SBJ TO DTLS OWISE(otherwise)PER GENCON其他细节待定,或根据金康合同条款处理,PARTI(particulars)AS FLWS主要规范如下,SDBC single deck bulk carrier单甲板散货船,SSW summer salt water 夏季咸水,G/B grain/bale (capacity) 散/包容积,K knot 节(海里/小时),MV “Z” PAN BLT 2002 SDBC 5 HOLDS 5×20TS DERRICK S12K Z船为巴拿马籍,建于2002年,单甲板散货船,有5个船舱,5个载重能力为20吨的吊杆,航速为12节,PLS CFM THE ABV BY RETURN TLX BFR 1200 HRS…请与…12点前回电传确认上述内容,TKS FOR UR OFFER DD(dated)6/6/2005 N OUR COUNTER\ FIRM OFFER AS FLWS我们的还价\确定报价如下,PLS URG(urgent)CFM THE ABV 请快速证实以上内容,SBJ OWS BOD(owner board)APRVL(approvol) W/I 24 HRS 内容取决于船东董事会,REF TO (refer to)OUR TEL-CON AM TDY(telephone conversation)参照我们今天上午的电话会议,CHTRS MAX LEVEL IRO(in respect of) FRT TB FIXED AT USD19.00 PMT OTHERS AS PER UR LAST DD 5/6/2005 承租人在最高浮动运费方面修正为19美元每公吨,其他内容参照你方于#日的电传,LPSM OWS ACCT TB DEDUCTED FM FRT PAYMT如果由船东一次性支付则从运费中扣除,C/P DTLS TB REFERED TO OWS PROFORMA EX OTHER VSL (GENCON FORM) WITH LOGICAL AMENDMT N WL FAX U SAME IN MINUTES其他租船细节参照船东其他船格式制定(金康合同),并作符合逻辑条件的修改,现马上传真一份,PROVISION 伙食供应,W\P weather permitting天气允许,RVTG reverting 后告,A\M above your mentioned ,BANK SLIP银行汇票,PORT CONGESTION港口拥挤,remit垫付,Alternative employment可替代的雇佣船舶。
尽管本文件着重的是组织內部的物流活动,但是下列的物流/后勤管理的营运模式说明了这些物 流活动并不是独立的。组织是不断地与其供应链合作伙伴进行交流。
A 等级
从评价看结果:如果整体获得 90% 或更高是达到了 A-级。不符合 F2 问题要少于 6 个,并且 F3 问题全部都能符合,这样的结果将是 A-级。 B 等级 定义:供应商在许多领域的不足,而这将影响到他们对顾客需求的支持能力。应该采取行动计 划,且该纠正措施应该不需要太多的时间(3个月或更长时间)来实施。
4 评价结果清单的解释
虽然文件中的每个问题对物流计划和后勤的实施绩效都十分重要,但是由于有些区域应该给予更高的优先 顺序,因此设计了一个加权评分系统以识别那些区域。这样可以高度关注那些紧急事项,避免无法达到商 务伙伴要求的风险。
在整份文件中,“必须”是指那些对于物流管理职能的强制性要求。不符合任何“必须”的规定,将导致 自我评审评分出现 “C” 的等级。
第 2 章 - 组织的工作 组织的过程 组织的程序 资源规划 工作环境和人力资源
第3 章 - 产能和生产的规划 产品实现 产能规划 生产计划 系统整合
第4 章 - 与顾客的接口 沟通 包装与标识 交运 运输 顾客满意和反馈
第5 章 - 生产和产品的控制 物料识别 库存 工程更改的控制 可追溯性
BOOKING Santova(Ocean)
To:Fm:訂倉號 S/O No.SUITE 1506, TOWER A, MANULIFE FINANCIAL CTR.Contact: Tel:Fax:SANTOVA LOGISTICS LTD CTC: Cindy Chan TEL: 852-3622 2407 FAX: 852-2125 7253E-Mail: cindy.chan@地址:上環文咸東街50號寶恆商業中心11樓1104室PROTEA FURNISHERS SA(PTY)LTD T/A,香港仓库地址新界葵涌货柜码头南路18号和黄物流中心603-605室佳宏仓TEL: 2614 066020FT 40FT CFS40FT HQ件數毛重體積Packages(KGS.)(CBM.)SANSUI7 PLASTIC PALLETS 2404.513.78COVER 350CTNSPO#SF049CA12CARGO READY :27/2PORT OF DELIVERY: JOHANNESBURG,SOUTH AFRICAADD CONTAINER AND SEALS NO.運費結算 ( )預付金額( V ) 到付金額( )船東單( )華展單Freight Payment TermsPrepaidCollect 提單Master B/L House B/L( )發票類型( )貨運稅票( )普通發票類型( )電放單Invoice Type Taxable Invoice DebitNote Telex Release( )拖車方式( )自行拖車( )委托拖車聯系人/電話/傳真Trucking Self-TruckingAssignedContact /Tel /Fax 裝貨地點裝貨時間Place Of ReceiptAppointed Date( ) 自行報關( ) 轉關報關方式Self-Customs ClearnceCustoms Clearance ( )委托報關Assigned托運人簽字蓋章Shipper (Seal)托運日期DateUNIVERSAL EXPORTS GROUP LTD.KWUN TONG, KOWLOON, HONG KONGCindy Chan (cindy.chan@)發貨人 Shipper通知人 Notify PartyHI FI CORPORATION,27 STIEMENS STR.,BRAAMFONTEIN收貨人 ConsigneeTO THE ORDER OF SHIPPER裝貨港 Port of Loading 目的港 Port of Discharge 箱量 Volume船名/航次 Vessel /Voy.CAR AUDIO嘜頭及號碼貨品名稱Marks and NumbersDescription Of Goods Special Requirement( )手冊報關Customs Transit Customs Hand-book( ) 一般貿易WAREHOUSE DETAILSBOOKING FORM - OCEAN FREIGHT敬請留意:我司可為客戶代購海運貨物保險,歡迎來電聯系。
出处:作者:(转载)Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注册(容积)总吨Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注册(容积)净吨Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or 总载重吨位(量) Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净载重吨Light Displacement 轻排水量Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量Actual Displacement 实际排水量Over weight surcharge 超重附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 燃油附加费Port Surcharge 港口附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 货币贬值附加费Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费Direct Additional 直航附加费Additional for Optional Destination 选卸港附加费Additional for Alteration of Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费Bill of Lading 提单On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单Named B/L 记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单Blank Endorsement 空白备书Clean B/L 清洁提单In apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单Direct B/L 直航提单Transshipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L 联运提单Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式联运提单Long Form B/L 全式提单Short Form B/L 简式提单Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Stale B/L 过期提单On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单House B/L 运输代理行提单Seaworthiness 船舶适航Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同(租约)Voyage charter party 航次租船合同Time Charter Party 定期租船合同Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 光船租船合同Common carrier 公共承运人Private carrier 私人承运人Single trip C/P 单航次租船合同Consecutive single trip C/P 连续单航次租船合同Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包运合同Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis 航次期租合同Fixture Note 租船确认书Free In (FI) 船方不负责装费Free Out (FO) 船方不负责卸费Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不负责装卸费Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费Declaration of ship's Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣载通知书Dunnage and separations 垫舱和隔舱物料Lump-sum freight 整船包价运费Weather working days 良好天气工作日Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准备就绪通知书Idle formality 例行手续Laytime statement 装卸时间计算表Damage for Detention 延期损失Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 习惯快速装运International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)Booking Note 托运单(定舱委托书)Shipping Order (S/O) 装货单 (下货纸)Mate's Receipt 收货单Loading List 装货清单Cargo Manifest 载货清单(货物舱单)Stowage Plan 货物积载计划Dangerous Cargo List 危险品清单Stowage Factor 积载因素(系数)Inward cargo 进港货Outward cargo 出港货Container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集装箱货运站Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单Conventional Container Ship 集装箱两用船Semi-container Ship 半集装箱船Full Container Ship 全集装箱船Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货Less Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货Delivery Order (D/O) 提货单(小提单)Dock receipt 场站收据Twenty equivalent unit (TEU) 二十尺集装箱换算单位Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 集装箱设备交接单Demurrage 滞期费Crew List 船员名册Log book 航行日志Liner transport 班轮运输Tramp transport 不定期(租船)运输Minimum Freight 工最低运费Maximum Freight 最高运费Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付单提货Ad valorem freight 从价运费Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣佣金Adjustment 海损理算Average adjuster 海损理算师Average bond 海损分摊担保书Average guarantee 海损担保书Act of God 天灾All in rate 总运费率Annual survey 年度检验All purposes 全部装卸时间All time saved 节省的全部时间Always afloat 始终保持浮泊Anchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Arrest a ship 扣押船舶Area differential 地区差价Addendum (to a charter party) ( 租船合同)附件Apron 码头前沿Bale or bale capacity 货舱包装容积Back (return) load 回程货Back to back charter 转租合同Backfreight 回程运费Ballast (to) 空载行驶Barge 驳船Barratry 船员不轨Barrel handler 桶抓Base cargo (1) 垫底货Base cargo (2) 起运货量Bundle (Bd) 捆(包装单位)Beam 船宽Bearer ( of a B/L) 提单持有人Both ends (Bends) 装卸两港Boatman 缆工Buoy 浮标Bunker escalation clause 燃料涨价条款Derrick 吊杆Fork-lift truck 铲车Boom of a fork-lift truck 铲车臂Both to blame collision clause 互有过失碰撞条款Book space 洽订舱位Bottom 船体Bottom stow cargo 舱底货Bottomry loan 船舶抵押贷款Breakbulk 零担Breakbulk cargo 零担货物Broken stowage 亏舱Brokerage 经纪人佣金Bulk cargo 散装货Bulk carrier 散货船Bulk container 散货集装箱American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社Bureau Veritas .) 法国船级社Cabotage 沿海运输Canal transit dues 运河通行税Capsize vessel 超宽型船Captain 船长Car carrier 汽车运输船Car container 汽车集装箱Cargo hook 货钩Cargo sharing 货载份额Cargo superintendent 货物配载主管Cargo tank 货箱Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单Cargoworthiness 适货Carryings 运输量Certificate of seaworthiness 适航证书Cesser clause 责任终止条款Chassis 集装箱拖车如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http; 星期五和节假日除外Full and complete cargo 满舱满载货Full and down 满舱满载Gantry crane 门式起重机(门吊)Gencon 金康航次租船合同General average 共同海损General average act 共同海损行为General average contribution 共同海损分摊General average sacrifice 共同海损牺牲General cargo (generals) 杂货General purpose container 多用途集装箱Geographical rotation 地理顺序Germanischer Lloyd .) 德国船级社Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间Grabbing crane 抓斗起重机Grain or grain capacity 散装舱容Gross weight(GW) 毛重Grounding 触底Gunny bag 麻袋Gunny matting 麻垫Hague Rules 海牙规则Hague-Visby Rules 海牙维斯比规则Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则Hand hook 手钩Handymax 杂散货船Handy-sized bulker 小型散货船Harbour 海港Harbour dues 港务费Hatch (hatch cover) 舱盖Hatchway 舱口Head charter (charter party) 主租船合同Head charterer 主租船人Heavy lift 超重货物Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy weather 恶劣天气Heavy fuel oil 重油Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hopper 漏斗House Bill of Lading 运输代理行提单Hovercraft 气垫船Husbandry 维修Inland container depot 内陆集装箱Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause 承运人责任条款Idle (船舶、设备)闲置Immediate rebate 直接回扣International Maritime Organization (IMO) 国际海事组织Import entry 进口报关Indemnity 赔偿Inducement 起运量Inducement cargo 起运量货物Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通货膨胀膨胀调整系数Infrastructure (of a port) (港口)基础设施Inherent vice 固有缺陷Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) (伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围Insufficient packing 包装不足Intaken weight 装运重量International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 国际船级社协会Inward 进港的Inward cargo 进港货物International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) 国际运输工人联合会Itinerary 航海日程表Jettison 抛货如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http; 增减More or less in charterer’s option (MOLCHOP) 承租人有增减选择权More or less in owner’s o ption (MOLOO) 船东有增减选择权Mother ship 母船Multideck ship 多层甲板船Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船Multi-purpose terminal 多用途场站Narrow the laycan 缩短销约期Net weight 净重New Jason clause 新杰森条款New York Produce Exchange charter-party (NYPE) 纽约土产交易所制定的定期程租船合同格式Newbuilding 新船Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日本船级社No cure no pay 无效果无报酬Not otherwise enumerated 不另列举Nominate a ship 指定船舶进行航行To be nominated (TBN) 指定船舶Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 非公会成员的航运公司Non-delivery 未交货Non-negotiable bill of lading 不可流通的提单Non-reversible laytime 不可调配使用的装卸时间Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 无船承运人Not always afloat but safe aground 不保持浮泊但安全搁浅Note protest 作海事声明Notice of redelivery 还船通知书Notify party 通知方Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 海运单Off hire 停租Oil tanker 油轮On-carriage 货运中转On-carrier 接运承运人One-way pallet 单边槽货盘Open hatch bulk carrier 敞舱口散货船Open rate 优惠费率Open rated cargo 优惠费率货物Open side container 侧开式集装箱Open top container 开顶集装箱Operate a ship 经营船舶Optional cargo 选港货物Ore/bulk/oil carrier 矿石/散货/油轮Out of gauge 超标(货物)Outport 小港Outturn 卸货Outturn report 卸货报告Outward 进港的Overheight cargo 超重货物Overlanded cargo or overlanding 溢卸货Overload 超载Overstow 堆码Overtime (O/T) 加班时间Overtonnaging 吨位过剩Owner's agents 船东代理人Package limitation 单位(赔偿)责任限制Packing list 装箱单Pallet 托(货)盘Pallet truck 托盘车Palletized 托盘化的Panamax 巴拿马型船Parcel 一包,一票货Performance claim 性能索赔Perishable goods 易腐货物Permanent dunnage 固定垫舱物Per freight ton (P. F. T.) 每运费吨Phosphoric acid carrier 磷酸船Piece weight 单重Pier 突码头Pier to pier 码头至码头运输Piggy –back 驮背运输Pilferage 偷窃Pilot 引航员Pilotage 引航Pilotage dues 引航费Platform 平台Platform flat 平台式集装箱Pooling (班轮公司间分摊货物或运费)分摊制Port 港口,船的左舷Port of refuge 避难港Portable unloader 便携式卸货机Post fixture 订约后期工作Post-entry 追补报关单Preamble (租船合同)前言Pre-entry 预报单Pre-shipment charges 运输前费用Pre-stow 预定积载Private form 自用式租船合同Pro forma charter-party 租约格式Produce carrier 侧开式集装箱Product (products) carrier 液体货运输船Promotional rate 促销费率Prospects 预期Protecting (protective, supervisory) agent 船东利益保护人Protection and indemnity club (association) (P.& I. Club ,Pandi club) 船东保赔协会Protective clauses 保护性条款Protest 海事声明Pumpman 泵工Purchase (吊杆)滑车组Quarter ramp 船尾跳板Quarter-deck 后甲板Quay 码头Quote 报价Ramp 跳板Ramp/hatch cover (跳板)舱口盖Rate 费率 Rate of demurrage 滞期费率Rate of discharge (discharging) 卸货率Rate of freight 运费率Rate of loading 装货Receiving dates 收货期间Recharter 转租Recovery agent 追偿代理Redelivery (redly) 还船Redelivery certificate 还船证书Refrigerated (reefer)container 冷藏集装箱Refrigerated (reefer) ship 冷藏船Register 登记,报到Register (registered) tonnage 登记吨位Registration 登记,报到Registro Italiano Navale .) 意大利船级社Release a bill of lading 交提单Release cargo 放货Remaining on board 船上所有Removable deck 活动甲板Reporting point ( calling-in-point) 报告点Reposition containers 调配集装箱Respondentia loan 船货抵押贷款Return cargo 回程货Return load 回程装载Reversible laytime 可调配的装卸时间Roads (roadstead) 港外锚地Rolling cargo 滚装货物Rolling hatch cover 滚动舱单Roll-on roll-off (Ro-ro) 滚上滚下Roll-on roll-off ship 滚装船Rotation 港序Round voyage 往返航次如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http; 单层甲板船Sea waybillSealSecure (to) 固定Segregated ballast tank 分隔压载水舱Self-sustaining ship 自备起重机的集装箱船Self-trimming ship (self-trimmer) 自动平舱船Self-unloader 自卸船Semi-trailer 半脱车Separation 隔票Service contract 服务合同Shears (shear-legs) 人字(起重)架Sheave 滑轮Shelter-deck 遮蔽甲板船Shift 工班Shift (to) 移泊,移位Shifting charges 移泊费Shipbroker 船舶经纪人Shipping 航运,船舶,装运Shipping instructions 装运须知Shipping line 航运公司Ship's gear 船上起重设备Ship's rail 船舷Ship's tackle 船用索具Shipyard 造船厂Shore 货撑Shore gear 岸上设备(岸吊)Short sea 近海Short shipment 短装Shortage 短少Shortlanded cargo 短卸货物Shut out (to) 短装Side door container 侧门集装箱Side-loading trailer 侧向装卸拖车Similar sbustitue .) 相似替换船Single hatch ship 单舱船Sister ship 姐妹船Skid 垫木Skip 吊货盘Sliding hatch cover 滑动舱盖Sling 吊货索(链)环,吊起Slop tank 污水箱Slops 污水Slot 箱位Special equipment 特殊设备Specific gravity.) 比重Spiral elevator 螺旋式卸货机Spreader 横撐(集装箱吊具)Squat 船身下沉Starboard (side) 右舷Statement of facts 事实记录Stem 船艏,装期供货Stem a berth 预订泊位Stern 船尾Stevedore 装卸工人Stevedor's (docker’s,hand) hook 手钩Stevedoring charges 装卸费用Stiff 稳性过大Stranding 搁浅Strengthened hold 加固舱Strike clause 罢工条款Strike-bound 罢工阻碍Strip (destuff) a container 卸集装箱Strip seal 封条Stuff (to) 装集装箱Sub-charterer 转租人Sub-freight 转租运费Subject (sub.) details 有待协商的细节Subject free (open) 待定条款Subject (sub.) stem 装期供货待定Subrogation 代位追偿权Substitue 替代船,替换Substitution 换船Suit time 起诉期Summer draught 夏季吃水Summer freeboard 夏季干舷Support ship 辅助船Tackle 索具(滑车)Tally 理货Tally clerk 理货员Tally sheet (book) 理货单Tank car 槽车Tank cleaning 油舱清洗Tank container 液体集装箱Tank terminal (farm) 油灌场Tanker 油轮Tariff 费率表Tarpaulin 油布Tender 稳性过小Terminal chassis 场站拖车Terminal handling charge 场站操作费Through rate 联运费率Tier limit (limitation) 层数限制Time bar 时效丧失Time charter 期租Time sheet 装卸时间表Tolerated outsider 特许非会员公司Tomming (down) 撑货Tones per centimeter (TPI) 每厘米吃水吨数Tones per day (TPD) 每天装卸吨数Tones per inch (TPI) 每英寸吃水吨数Top stow cargo 堆顶货Total deadweight (TDW) 总载重量Tracer (货物)查询单Tractor 牵引车Trading limits 航行范围Trailer 拖车Transfer (equipment handover) charge 设备租用费Transship (trans-ship) 转船Transhipment (transshipment,trans-shipment) 转船Transit cargo 过境货物Transporter crane 轨道式起重机Tray 货盘Trim 平舱Trim a ship 调整船舶吃水Tug 拖轮Turn round (around , or turnaround) time 船舶周转时间Turn time 等泊时间Tween deck 二层甲板Twin hatch vessel 双舱口船Two-way pallet 两边开槽托盘Ultra large crude carrier (ULCC) 超大型油轮Uncontainerable (uncontainerisable) cargo 不适箱货Under deck shipment 货舱运输Unit load 成组运输Unitisation 成组化Universal bulk carrier ( UBC) 通用散装货船Unload 卸货Unmoor 解揽Unseaworthiness 不适航Utilization 整箱货Valuation form 货价单Valuation scale 货价表Vehicle /train ferry 汽车/火车渡轮Ventilated container 通风集装箱Ventilation 通风Ventilator 通风器Vessel 船舶,船方Vessel sharing agreement 船舶共用协议Void filler 填充物Voyage account 航次报表Voyage (trip) charter 航次租船Waybill 货运单Weather permitting 天气允许Weather working day 晴天工作日Weather-bound 天气阻挠With effect from 自生效Weight cargo 重量货Weight or measure ( measurement) (W/M) 重量/体积Weight rated cargo 计重货物Well 货井,井区Wharf 码头Wharfage (charges) 码头费When where ready on completion of discharge . r .) 何时何处还船Whether in berth or not 无论靠泊与否Whether in free pratique or not 无论是否通过检验Whether in port or not ( 不论是否在港内White (clean, clean petroleum) products 精炼油Wide laycan 长销约期Workable (working) hatch 可工作舱口Working day 工作日Working day of 24 consecutive hours 连续24小时工作日Working day of 24 hours 24小时工作日Working time saved 节省的装卸时间Yard (shipyard) 造船厂International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 国际民用航空组织International Air Transport Association (IATA) 国际航空运输协会Scheduled Airline 班机运输Chartered Carrier 包机运输Consolidation 集中托运Air Express 航空快递Air Waybill 航空运单Master Air Waybill (MAWB) 航空主运单House Air Waybill (HAWB) 航空分运单Chargeable Weight 计费重量High density cargo 重货Low density cargo 轻货Specific Commodity Rates (SCR) 特种货物运价Commodity Classification Rates (CCR) 等价货物运价General Cargo Rates (GCR) 普通货物运价Unit Load Devices (ULD) 集装设备Construction Rate 比例运价Combination of Rate 分段相加运价Valuation Charges 声明价值费Declared value for Carriage 运输声明价值No value Declared (NVD) 不要求声明价值Declared value for Customs 海关声明价值No customs valuation (NCV) 无声明价值LOGISTICS 物流LOGISTICS INDUSTRY 物流产业LOGISTICS ACTIVITY 物流活动LOGISTICS OPERATION 物流作业LOGISTICS COST 物流成本LOGISTICS MODULUS 物流模数LOGISTICS CENTRE 物流中心LOGISTICS NETWORK 物流网络LOGISTICS ALLIANCE 物流联盟BUSINESS LOGISTICS 企业物流SOCIETAL LOGISTICS 社会物流THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS (TPL) 第三方物流LEAN LOGISTICS 精益物流VIRTUAL LOGISTICS 虚拟物流CUSTOMIZATION LOGISTICS 定制物流value-ADDED LOGISTICS SERVICE 增值物流服务SUPPLY CHAIN 供应链SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT(SCM) 供应链管理SUPPLY CHIAN INTEGRATION 供应链整合PHYSICAL PRODUCTION 产品配送INTEGRATED LOGISTICS 综合物流MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING (MRP I) 物料需求计划MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING (MRP II) 制造资源计划DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT PLANNING(DRP I) 配送需求计划DISTRIBUTION RESOURCE PLANNING (DRP II) 配送资源计划LOSGISTICS RESOURCE PLANNING (LRP) 物流资源计划ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) 企业资源计划QUICK RESPONSE (QR) 快速反应EFFICIENT CUSTOMER RESPONSE (ECR) 有效客户反应CONTINUOUS REPLENISHMENT PROGRAM (CRP) 连续补充库存计划COMPUTER ASSISTED ORDING(CAO) 计算机辅助订货系统VENDOR MANAGED INVENTORY (VMI) 供应商管理库存ELECTRONIC ORDER SYSTEM (EOS) 电子订货系统ADVANCED SHIPPING NOTICE (ASN) 预先发货通知DIRECT STORE DELIVERY(DSD) 店铺直送POINT OF SALE(POS) 销售实点(信息)系统AUTOMATIC REPLENISHMENT (AR) 自动补货系统JUST IN TIME (JIT) 准时制OUTSOURCING 业务外包(外协,外购)INVENTORY CONTROL 存货控制WAREHOUSE 仓库BONDED WAREHOUSE 保税仓库AUTOMATIC WAREHOUSE 自动化仓库STEREOSCOPIC WAREHOUSE 立体仓库VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE 虚拟仓库WAREHOUSE LAYOUT 仓库布局WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WMS) 仓库管理系统ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY(EOQ) 经济订货批量FIXED-QUANTITY SYSTEM(FQS) 定量订货方式FIXED-INTERVAL SYSTEM (FIS) 定期订货方式ABC CLASSIFICIATION ABC分类法DISTRIBUTION CENTRE(DC) 配送(分拨)中心CONTRACT LOGISTICS 合同物流FULL-SERVICE DISTRIBUTION COMPANY (FSDC) 全方位物流服务公司SAFETY STOCK 安全库存LEAD TIME 备货时间INVENTORY CYCLE TIME 库存周期CYCLE STOCK 订货处理周期CROSS DOCKING 交叉配送(换装)GOODS SHED 料棚GOODS STACK 货垛GOODS YARD 货场GOODS SHELF 货架PALLET 托盘STACKING 堆码SORTING 分拣ORDER PICKING 拣选GOODS COLLECTION 集货ASSEMBLY 组配DISTRIBUTION PROCESSING 流通加工ZERO INVENTORY 零库存value-ADDED NETWORK 增值网BAR CODE 条形吗OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION 光学文字识别ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) 电子数据交换RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) 无线射频GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) 全球定位系统GEORGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) 地理信息系统。
booking form 订舱托书 newxls
BOOKING INFORMATIONTO: 订舱部/niki*Shipper (托运人):深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路2008号彭年广场东佳大厦2906室*Consignee (收货人):Room 2906,Dongjia Building,Pengnian Plaza,No.2008 Jiabin Road,ShenZhenTEL:0755-******** FAX:0755-*********委托公司 (Entrust company):Notify Party(通知人):*TEL:FAX:*联系人(Contact person):PRE-Carriaged BY(头程运输)Place Of Receipt(收货地)SERVICE TERM(运输条款)CY/CY CY/CFS CFS/CFS CSF/CY DOOR/CY CY/DOOROcdan Vessel/Voy(船名/航次)*Port Of Loading(装货港)× 20′× 40′× 40HCFREIGHT & CHARGES(运费与附加费)Port Of Discharge(卸货港)*Place Of Delivery(目的港)Shipper'S Special Remarks (托运人特殊要求)注意事项:买单包柜:装货地址:正常报关:其 他:装货时间:联系方式:其 他:签名/盖章:日期:*拖车: □ 客戶自拖 □ 委托我司*拖车(委托我司拖车需填写)4. 请在货物装船日之前(含装船日)提供准确的提单资料,否则产生任何责任及费用由托运人承担。
Please provide the B/L detail before on board date.*Measurement(CBM)尺码(立方米)*Gross Wwight(KGS)毛重(公斤)*报关(委托我司报关需填写)特别声明:非合约客户,托运人支付运费并到账后才可放单/放货。
唛头和箱号 Marks and numbers
件数和包装种类 Quantity and type of Packages
货物描述 Description of goods
毛重(公斤) Gross Weight Kilos
体积(立方米) Measurement cbm
所报之细目由托运人(发货人)提供(SHIPPER’S LOAD & COUNT CONTAINER) 柜量/散货: 服务要求: 提单要求: 海运费: X20'GP CFS-CFS X 20'重柜 CY-CY X 40'GP X 40'HQ X 45'HQ DOOR-CY Seaway B/L LCL(CBM) 运送条款: EXW CIF Other FOB C&F 备注 Remarks
通知方 Notify Party
S/O NO.(入仓号):
CUT OFF (截货时间):
特殊要求 Special Requirement
船航 Vessel/Voyage 装货港 Port of loading
货运代理英文缩写翻译大全第一篇:货运代理英文缩写翻译大全Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船Liner schedule 船期表Transport service运输服务 Tariff 运价本Tramp shipping 不定期船Charter party 租船合同General cargo vessel 杂货船Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船 Refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Multi-propose shi p 多用途船 Dry bulk carrier 干散货船 Full container ship 全集装箱船 Coal carrier 运煤船Bulk grain carrier 散粮船 Ore carrier 矿石船 Tanker 油轮Liquified gas carrier 液化气船Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier 液化天然气船Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船Chemical tanker 液体化学品船 Packed cargo 包装货物Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物Unitized cargo 成组化货物Containerized cargo 集装箱货物General cargo 普通货物Special cargo 特殊货物 Clean cargo 清洁货物 Fine cargo 精细货物Fragile cargo 易碎品 Liquid cargo 液体货物 Rough cargo 粗劣货物Smelly cargo 气味货物Dangerous cargo 危险货物Reefer cargo 冷藏货物 Perishable cargo 易腐货物 Valuable cargo 贵重货物Livestock and plants 活的动植物Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物M/T,metric ton 公吨S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素TEU,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱Dry cargo container 干货集装箱 Bulk container 散装集装箱RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱Plat form based container 框架集装箱 Pen container 牲畜集装箱TK, tank container 罐式集装箱Car container 汽车集装箱Chilled cargo 冷却货物 Frozen cargo 冷冻货物 Break bulk cargo 散件货物FCL: full container(cargo)load 整箱货LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩CY:container yard 集装箱堆场Empty container 空箱 Loaded container 重箱CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站 Door to door 门到门 Door to CY 门到场 Door to tackle 门到钩 CY to door 场到门 CY to CY 场到场 CY to CFS 场到站 CY to tackle 场到钩 CFS to door 站到门CFS to CY 站到场CFS to CFS 站到站CFS to tackle 站到钩tackle to door 钩到门tackle to CY 钩到场tackle to CFS 钩到站tackle to tackle 钩到钩Container lease agreement 租箱合同ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款 D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人Non-vessel operating(common)carrier 无船承运人Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人S.C:service contact 服务合同Shipper 托运人liner schedule班轮船期表 Canvassion 揽货 Booking 订舱Rail to rail 船舷至船舷 Tackle to tackle 钩至钩 Home booking 卸货地订舱Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货mislanded 误卸Overlanded 溢卸 Shortlanded 短卸 Cargo tracer 货物查询单 Duly endorsed Optional cargo 选港货Port of discharge 卸货港B/N: booking note 托运单S/O: shipping order 装货单M/R: mate’receipt 收货单 Closing date 装货单日 Chief mate 船上大副Remark批注Foul receipt 不清洁收货单Clean receipt 清洁收货单Loading list 装货清单Additional cargo list 加载清单Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单M/F: manifest 载货清单 Freight manifest 载货运费清单 Stowage plan 积载图Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单 Space report 剩余舱位报告Stowage survey report 积载检验报告 Boat note 过驳清单Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单 D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单Non-negotiable 禁止流通D/R: dock receipt 场站收据Shipping order 装货单EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单 VOCC 远洋公共承运人 GRI 综合费率 Ocean B/L 海运提单House B/L 仓至仓提单 MASTER B/LNVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人Consolidated cargo 集拼货物AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统B/L: bill of lading 提单Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据 Shipment contract 装运合同 Conclusive evidence 绝对证据 Document of title 物权凭证Long form B/L 全式提单 Short form B/L简式提单On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单 Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L;blank B/L;bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 To order 凭指示To the order of ** 凭某人指示 Clean B/L清洁提单Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L;multimodal transport B/L多式联运 Liner B/L 班轮提单P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会 NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单Advanced B/L 预借提单 Anti-date B/L倒签提单 Post-date B/L 顺签提单 on deck B/L 舱面货提单 omnibus B/L 并提单 separate B/L 分提单 switch B/L交换提单 memo B/L 交接提单stale B/L 过期提单 name of the vessel 船名 name of the carrier 承运人名称 name of the shipper 托运人名称 name of the consignee 收货人名称 name of the notified party 通知人名称 port of loading 装货港 port of discharge卸货港 port of transhipment 转运港description of goods 货物名称 marks &NO.标志number of package or container 包装件数 gross weight 重量measurement体积payment of freight 运费的支付 place and date of issue 提单的签发日期 number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数 place of receipt 接收货物的地点 place of delivery 交付货物的地点 paramount clause 首要条款 definition 定义条款carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款 limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款period of responsibility 承运人期间条款deck cargo 舱面货live animals and plants 活动物dangerous goods危险货物refrigerated goods冷藏货 timber木材 iron and steel 钢铁heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件 sailing date 船舶开航之日 preliminary evidence 初步证据Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权sea way bill :SWB海运单 freigth rate 运价 freigth 运费 tariff 运价本scale of commodity classification 商品分级表 scale of rates 等级费率表commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表 base port 基本港口basic freigth基本运费basic freigth rate 基本运价surcharge or additional附加运费bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunker surcharge,BS燃油附加费emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费port additional港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费transshipment additional转船附加费 long length additional超长附加费 heavy lift additional超重附加费direct additional直航附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费 cozening fee 洗舱附加费alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge绕航附加费peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费 general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调time charter,period charter定期租船chartering process;chartering process租船程destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费 original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费 freigth basis计费标准FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费 box rate 包厢费率freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率 all in freigtht包干费 all in rate,A.I.R全包价carriage of goods by chartering租船运输 tramp shipping 不定期船运输 charterer 船舶承租人 shipowner船东 Ship broker航运经纪人 chartering broker 租船经纪人the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人 the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人warranty clause 保证条款intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款 preliminary voyage 预备航次voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船 bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船contract of affreightment,COA包运租船time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸escalation clause自动递增条款lease purchase光船租购quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同daily charter日租租船序order /inquiry/enquiry询盘 general inquiry一般询盘 special inquiry特别询盘 offer发盘absolute offer绝对发盘" conditional firm offer条件发盘counter offer还盘 acceptance受盘conclusion of charter party 签约Condition Clause条件条款name of vessel船名 named vessel指定船名 substitute vessel代替船舶 nationality of vessel船籍 classification of vessel船级 tonnage of vessel船舶吨位第二篇:货运常用英文缩写(1)ORC(Origin Receive Charges)本地收货费用(通常为141/20,269/40’)(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(RMB370(45)/20’,RMB560(68)/40’)(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费(通常为基本海运费的?%)(5)YAS(Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费(适用美洲,美国东西岸收费不同)(8)PSS(Peak Season Surcharges)旺季附加费(船公司的变相加价)(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC(Document charges)文件费(11)O/F(Ocean Freight)海运费(12)B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据(15)L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证(16)C/O(Certificate of Origin)产地证(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同(18)S/O(Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T(Measurement T on)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY(Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL(Full Container Load)整箱货(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)无船承运人ill of lading(B/L)提单Freight prepaid B/L 运费预付提单(30)SPS 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)(31)YAS 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用)(32)GRI 综合费率上涨附加费(33)IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用(34)PTF 巴拿马运河附加费,美国航线、中南美航线使用(35)EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般是非洲航线、中南美航线使用(36)CY(集装箱堆场):CONTAINER YARD(37)CFS(场):CARGO FREIGHT STATION(38)NOVCC(无船承运人):NON VESSEL OPRERATING COMMON CARRIER(39)P/P(运费预付):FREIGHT PREPAID(40)C.C.(运费到付):COLLECT(41)ETA(预计到港日):ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL(42)ETD(预计开船日):ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY(43)ETC(截关日):ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING(为报关截关日期,海关放行条必须在此规定时间交给FEEDER公司或船公司)(44)FCL(整箱货):FULL CONTAINER CARGO LOAD(45)LCL(拼箱货):LESS THAN ONECONTAINER CARGO LOAD(46)T/T(电汇):TELEGRAM TRANSIT(47)C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT(48)CIF(成本运费加保险,俗称“到岸价”):COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT(49)FOB(离岸价):FREE ON BOARD(50)S/O(订舱单):SHIPPING ORDER(一般船公司都有自己的固定格式)(51)HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING(为货代公司出的提单,对直接客户)(52)OB/L(海运提单):OCEAN BILL OF LADING(顺便提及AWB(空运提单):AIR WAYBILL)(53)SEAL NO.(铅封号)(54)CNTR NO.(柜号):CONTAINER NUMBER(55)VESSEL/VOYAGE(船名/航次)第三篇:英文代理翻译{下面为一些具体格式和步骤:}A为委托方,B为被委托方{首先是委任:}Appointment1.委任A hereby appoints theB as the global Distributor for the distribution, sale and promotion of the Goods all over the world(“Territory”)upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.A现根据以下条件和条款委任B作为其全球分销商,并在全球为其配送,销售和推广产品.{跟着写一些相关的权利和义务(只是参考例子):}A shall not sell or otherwise make available the Goods to anybody from or about whomA knows or has reason to know that such person might sell those Goods to B’s customers.A不会销售或以其他方式提供此类货物给来自A,或A知道或有理由知道可能销售那些货物给B客户的任何人.2.B’s General Duties2.B的义务B agrees and undertakes with the A that, for the duration of this Agreement the B shall punctually and faithfully observe the following:B同意并承诺A在本协议有效期内如期并忠实遵守以下条款:{然后列举一些条款}如:It shall use its best endeavours to promote and extend the sale of the Goodsthroughout the Territory.我们会尽最大努力在全球推广和扩大货品的销售B shall not sell the Goods to A’s Customers, u nless authorized in writing by A, for the duration of this Agreement.B 不会销售货品给A的客户, 除非在协议有效期内得到A的书面授权.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, any contracts for the sales of the Goods by B to its own Customers shall be exclusively concluded between B and itsCustomers.B shall have the sole right to offer and/or accept terms and conditions of such contracts.除另有明文规定外, 任何B 给自己客户的销售合同,应只由B与其客户独立签订.B应具有唯一权提供和/或接受这类合同的条件.Except for otherwise expressly provided herein, A shall have no right to receive from B’s Customers any payment for the Goods.除另有明文规定外, A没有权利收受来自B客户的任何货款.3.A’s Obligations3.A的义务A shall in no manner whatsoever modify the price for the duration of this Agreement.A在该项协议的期限内不得以任何方式修改价格.A shall be obligated to timely respond to B’s letter, fax, notice, telephone and other inquiry.A应有义务及时回应B的信件,传真,通知,电话及其他需求.4.Intellectual Property4.知识产权Except as expressly authorized by the Manufacturer, the Distributor shall have norights in respect of any trade names or trade marks used by the Manufacturer in relation to the Products of the goodwill associated therewith, and the Distributor herebyacknowledges that, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, it shall not acquire any rights in respect thereof and that all such rights and goodwill are, and shall remain, vested in the Manufacturer.除非本协议另有制造商授权,分销商没有利用制造商产品的商品名称或商标以及与商誉相关联的权利。
船务主要贸易术语(2007-10-25 15:15:19)转载标签:知识/探索报关:customs clearance 清关declaration 报检:china inspection(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货(3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货(9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货(11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货主要船务术语简写:(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费(12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证 (16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人货运用语中英文对照货物goods | | freight | | cargo 运输transportation | | transit | | conveyance运送to transport | | to carry | | to convey运输业transportation business | | forwarding business | | carrying trade运输代理人a forwarding agent 承运人a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人a shipping agent 陆上运输transportation by land海上运输transportation by sea货物运输goods traffic | | freight traffic | | carriage of freights | | carriage of goods 货轮cargo boat | | freighter | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车goods-train | | freight-train卡车goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室goods-office | | freight-department运费率freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费carriage charges | | shipping expenses | | express charges车费cartage | | portage运费预付carriage prepaid | | carriage paid运费到付carriage forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费carriage free 协定运费conference freight | | freight rate运费清单freight account 托运单way-bill | | invoice运送契约contract for carriage 装运shipment | | loading装上货轮to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship 装运费shipping charges | | shipping commission 装运单||载货单shipping invoice 装运单据shipping documents大副收据mate's receipt 装船单shipping order提货单delivery order 装船通知shipping advice包裹收据parcel receipt 准装货单shipping permit租船契约charter party 租船人charterer程租船||航次租赁voyage charter 期租船time charter允许装卸时间lay days | | laying days 工作日working days连续天数running days | | consecutive days 滞期费demurrage滞期日数demurrage days 速遣费despatch money空舱费dead freight 退关short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt 装载loading卸货unloading | | discharging | | landing 装运重量shipping weight | | in-take-weight卸货重量landing weight 压舱ballasting压舱货in ballast 舱单manifest船泊登记证书ship's certificate of registry 航海日记ship's log船员名册muster-roll (船员,乘客)健康证明bill of health光票clean bill不清洁提单foul bill有疑问提单suspected bill中外船公司简称与缩写一览表公司简称缩写澳大利亚国家航运公司澳国航运ANL美国总统轮船私人有限公司美国总统APL邦拿美船务有限公司邦拿美BNML波罗的海航运公司波罗的海BOL中波轮船股份公司中波C-P南美邮船公司南美邮船CLAN S.A.南美智利国家航运公司智利航运CCNI中日国际轮渡有限公司中日轮渡CHINJIF天敬海运天敬海运CK法国达飞轮船公司达飞轮船CMA京汉海运有限公司京汉海运CO-HEUNG中国远洋集装箱运输有限公司中远集运COSCO 朝阳商船有限公司朝阳商船CHOYANG达贸国际轮船公司达贸国际DELIMAS德国胜利航运公司德国胜利SENATOR埃及国际轮船公司埃及船务EIL长荣海运股份有限公司长荣海运EVERGREEN 远东轮船公司远东轮船FESCO金发船务有限公司金发船务GFNG浩洲船务公司浩洲船务HCSC韩进海运有限公司韩进海运HANJIN香港航运有限公司香港海运HKMSH香港明华船务有限公司香港明华HKMW赫伯罗特船务有限公司赫伯罗特HAPPAG-LLOYD现代商船有限公司现代商船HYUNDAI上海海隆轮船有限公司海隆轮船HNT金华航运有限公司金华航运JH川崎汽船株式会社川崎汽船K LINE高丽海运株氏会社高丽海运KMTC七星轮船有限公司七星轮船SSCL上海育海航运公司育海航运SYH上海中福轮船公司中福轮船SZFSC墨西哥航运有限公司墨西哥航运TMM上海天海货运有限公司天海货运TMSC东航船务有限公司东航船务TOHO宁波泛洋船务有限公司宁波泛洋TOS阿拉伯联合国家轮船公司阿拉伯轮船UASC立荣海运股份有限公司立荣海运UNIGLORY环球船务有限公司环球船务UNIWD万海航运股份有限公司万海航运WANHAI伟航船务有限公司伟航船务WH阳明海运股份有限公司阳明海运YANGMING以星轮船船务有限公司以星轮船ZIM浙江远洋运输公司浙江远洋ZOSCO联丰船务有限公司联丰船务LIFEN意大利邮船公司意大利邮船LT马来西亚国际航运有限公司马来西亚航运MISC商船三井有限公司商船三井MOL地中海航运公司地中海航运MSC马士基海陆有限公司马士基海陆MAERSK SEALAND 民生神原海运有限公司民生神原MSKM太古船务代理有限公司太古船代NGPL铁行渣华船务有限公司铁行渣华P&O NEDLLOYD新加坡海皇轮船有限公司海皇轮船NOL北欧亚航运有限公司北欧亚航运NORASIA宁波远洋运输公司宁波远洋NOSCO南星海运株式会社南星海运NS沙特阿拉伯国家航运公司沙特航运NSCSA日本邮船有限公司日本邮船NYK东方海外货柜航运有限公司东方海外OOCL萨姆达拉船务有限公司萨姆达拉SAMUDERA太平船务有限公司太平船务PIL泛洋商船株式会社泛洋商船POBU瑞克麦斯轮船公司瑞克麦斯RICKMERS美商海陆联运(中国)有限公司美商海陆S/L南非国家轮船有限公司南非轮船SAF东映海运有限公司东映海运SBL上海国际轮渡有限公司国际轮渡SFCO中海发展股份有限公司中海发展CSD长锦有限公司长锦公司SINKO上海市锦江航运有限公司锦江船代JINJIANG中外运(集团)总公司中外运SINOTRANS志晓船务有限公司志晓船务SSC船务流程1.收到客户PO根据客户要求可以一起出货可以并柜(一般是相同的目的港口,相同的出货日期可以并柜)2.按PO数量排柜按可以拼柜的货算出总材积再分别看能装多少个柜,什么柜型?一般货柜有20’GP--(L)591*(W)234*(H)238CM=32.91CBM40’GP--(L)1204*(W)234*(H)238CM=67.05 CBM40’HQ--(L)1204*(W)234*(H)268CM=75.50 CBM45HQ--(L)1360*(W)234*(H)268CM=85.28 CBM以上为理论尺寸,即完全没有空隙的地方,实际因为箱子的大小不同,不可能装柜率达到100%一般货柜实际尺寸为20’GP-----28CBM40’GP-----56~59CBM40’HQ-----65~67CBM45’GP-----75~77CBM(PO----Purchase Order 采购订单, GP----General Plant普通柜, HQ----High Cube,长X宽X高(米)=CBM长X宽X高(inch英寸)/1728=CBM长X宽X高(米)/35.315=CUBE FEET’(才)1inch=2.54CM3.BOOKING(订舱)BOOKING 一般做FOB的客户都会指定它的货代来帮他出货,不同的客户向不同的货代订舱,现在网络通讯发达,一些比较大的货代要求客户在网上系统中订舱。
(请务必填写好联系方式,方便放 s/o 及对提单) Consignee(if’0rder’ state notify party)
Notify Party
Vessel Voy No. Port of loading
Unitex Logistics Ltd
Acknowledgement of Booking only Authorized Signature
LOCAL CHARGES: 1.DOC: 2.H/C: 3.THC: RMB350 RMB300 RMB610/910(船公
司 2011 年 1 月最新调整)
According to the declaration of the merchant
பைடு நூலகம்
4. 封条费:RMB 25 4 SERVICE CODE
Measurement CBM
EXW OR FOB?? LCL 20'gp 20'重柜 40'gp 40‘HQ Commodity: Cargo ready date: 是否需要拖车报关?需要请提供地址, 买单请提 供装箱单发票。
※ 订 仓及 补料(B.D.D.): ※ 查收水单及放单(ACCOUNTING) :
二、安装与设置1. 安装:首先,您需要从moltemplate的官方网站上下载软件安装包,并根据安装向导完成安装过程。
2. 环境配置:确保您的计算机上已正确安装和配置了必要的化学计算工具(如Gaussian或VASP等),以便将生成的分子模型导入到这些工具中进行模拟。
3. 打开模板文件:在您的计算机上找到moltemplate生成的模板文件(通常以.in或.ilo扩展名结尾)。
三、使用moltemplate1. 添加分子:在模板文件中,您可以添加各种类型的原子、键、构型等元素来描述分子结构。
2. 输入参数:您可以在模板文件中为分子指定各种参数,如原子坐标、键长、构型参数等。
3. 保存模板:完成分子模型的创建和编辑后,保存模板文件。
四、示例以下是一个简单的moltemplate模板文件示例,用于描述一个氢分子的结构:```xml<molecule><atom type="H" atom="1 0 0" position="x y z"/><atom type="H" atom="0 1 0" position="x y z"/></molecule>```这是一个非常简单的示例,但它展示了如何使用moltemplate描述分子结构的基本要素。
船务基本知识基本船务知识一、货柜(CONTAINER)集装箱(又称货柜)的种类:(1)按规格尺寸分:目前,国际上通常使用的干货柜(DRY CONTAINER)有:外尺寸为20英尺X8英尺X8英尺6吋,简称20尺货柜(20ft);40英尺X8英尺X8英尺6吋,简称40尺货柜(40ft);及近年较多使用的40英尺X8英尺X9英尺6吋,简称40尺高柜(40ft high container)。
Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船Liner schedule 船期表Transport service运输服务Tariff 运价本Tramp shipping 不定期船Charter party 租船合同General cargo vessel 杂货船Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船Refrigerated ship 冷藏船Multi-propose shi p 多用途船Dry bulk carrier 干散货船Full container ship 全集装箱船Coal carrier 运煤船Bulk grain carrier 散粮船Ore carrier 矿石船Tanker 油轮Liquified gas carrier 液化气船Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier液化天然气船Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier液化石油气船Chemical tanker 液体化学品船Packed cargo 包装货物Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物Unitized cargo 成组化货物Containerized cargo 集装箱货物General cargo 普通货物Special cargo 特殊货物Clean cargo 清洁货物Fine cargo 精细货物Fragile cargo 易碎品Liquid cargo 液体货物Rough cargo 粗劣货物Smelly cargo 气味货物Dangerous cargo 危险货物Reefer cargo 冷藏货物Perishable cargo 易腐货物Valuable cargo 贵重货物Livestock and plants 活的动植物Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物M/T,metric ton 公吨S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素TEU ,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱Dry cargo container 干货集装箱Bulk container 散装集装箱RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱Plat form based container 框架集装箱Pen container 牲畜集装箱TK, tank container 罐式集装箱Car container 汽车集装箱Chilled cargo 冷却货物Frozen cargo 冷冻货物Break bulk cargo 散件货物FCL: full container (cargo ) load 整箱货LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩CY:container yard 集装箱堆场Empty container 空箱Loaded container 重箱CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站Door to door 门到门Door to CY 门到场Door to tackle 门到钩CY to door 场到门CY to CY 场到场CY to CFS 场到站CY to tackle 场到钩CFS to door 站到门CFS to CY 站到场CFS to CFS 站到站CFS to tackle 站到钩tackle to door 钩到门tackle to CY 钩到场tackle to CFS 钩到站tackle to tackle 钩到钩Container lease agreement 租箱合同ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人Non-vessel operating (common) carrier 无船承运人Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人S.C:service contact 服务合同Shipper 托运人liner schedule班轮船期表Canvassion 揽货Booking 订舱Rail to rail 船舷至船舷Tackle to tackle 钩至钩Home booking 卸货地订舱Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货mislanded 误卸Overlanded 溢卸Shortlanded 短卸Cargo tracer 货物查询单Duly endorsedOptional cargo 选港货Port of discharge 卸货港B/N: booking note 托运单S/O: shipping order 装货单M/R: mate’receipt 收货单Closing date 装货单日Chief mate 船上大副Remark批注Foul receipt 不清洁收货单Clean receipt 清洁收货单Loading list 装货清单Additional cargo list 加载清单Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单M/F: manifest 载货清单Freight manifest 载货运费清单Stowage plan 积载图Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单Space report 剩余舱位报告Stowage survey report 积载检验报告Boat note 过驳清单Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单Non-negotiable 禁止流通D/R: dock receipt 场站收据Shipping order 装货单EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单VOCC 远洋公共承运人GRI 综合费率Ocean B/L 海运提单House B/L 仓至仓提单MASTER B/LNVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating CommonCarrier无船承运人Consolidated cargo 集拼货物AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统B/L: bill of lading 提单Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据Shipment contract 装运合同Conclusive evidence 绝对证据Document of title 物权凭证Long form B/L 全式提单Short form B/L简式提单On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L;blank B/L; bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单To order 凭指示To the order of ** 凭某人指示Clean B/L清洁提单Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单Direct B/L 直达提单Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L; multimodal transport B/L多式联运Liner B/L 班轮提单P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Anti-date B/L倒签提单Post-date B/L 顺签提单on deck B/L 舱面货提单omnibus B/L 并提单separate B/L 分提单switch B/L交换提单memo B/L 交接提单stale B/L 过期提单name of the vessel 船名name of the carrier 承运人名称name of the shipper 托运人名称name of the consignee 收货人名称name of the notified party 通知人名称port of loading装货港port of discharge卸货港port of transhipment 转运港description of goods 货物名称marks &NO. 标志number of package or container 包装件数gross weight 重量measurement体积payment of freight 运费的支付place and date of issue 提单的签发日期number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数place of receipt 接收货物的地点place of delivery 交付货物的地点paramount clause 首要条款definition 定义条款carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款period of responsibility 承运人期间条款deck cargo 舱面货live animals and plants 活动物dangerous goods危险货物refrigerated goods冷藏货timber木材iron and steel 钢铁heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件sailing date 船舶开航之日preliminary evidence 初步证据Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权sea way bill :SWB海运单freigth rate 运价freigth 运费tariff 运价本scale of commodity classification 商品分级表scale of rates 等级费率表commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表base port 基本港口basic freigth基本运费basic freigth rate 基本运价surcharge or additional附加运费bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunkersurcharge,BS燃油附加费emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费port additional港口附加费port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费transshipment additional转船附加费long length additional超长附加费heavy lift additional超重附加费direct additional直航附加费optional surcharge 选港附加费cozening fee 洗舱附加费alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge绕航附加费peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费freigth basis计费标准FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费box rate 包厢费率freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率all in freigtht包干费all in rate,A.I.R全包价carriage of goods by chartering租船运输tramp shipping 不定期船运输charterer 船舶承租人shipowner船东Ship broker航运经纪人chartering broker 租船经纪人the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人warranty clause 保证条款intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款time charter,period charter定期租船voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船contract of affreightment,COA包运租船time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸escalation clause自动递增条款lease purchase光船租购quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同daily charter日租租船chartering process;chartering process租船程序order /inquiry/enquiry询盘general inquiry一般询盘special inquiry特别询盘offer发盘absolute offer绝对发盘"conditional firm offer条件发盘counter offer还盘acceptance受盘conclusion of charter party 签约Condition Clause条件条款name of vessel船名named vessel指定船名substitute vessel代替船舶nationality of vessel船籍classification of vessel船级tonnage of vessel船舶吨位the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款preliminary voyage预备航次。
这些计划的主要区别在于是否允许商户在使用MOLPay 支付网关的同时同时提供其他支付网关。
货运费用常用英语术语海运费ocean freight集卡运费、短驳费Drayage订舱费booking charge报关费customs clearance fee操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge商检换单费exchange fee for CIP换单费D/O fee拆箱费De-vanning charge港杂费port sur-charge电放费B/L surrender fee冲关费emergent declearation change海关查验费customs inspection fee待时费waiting charge仓储费storage fee改单费amendment charge拼箱服务费LCL service charge动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee移动式其重机费mobile crane charge进出库费warehouse in/out charge提箱费container stuffing charge滞期费demurrage charge滞箱费container detention charge卡车运费cartage fee商检费commodity inspection fee转运费transportation charge污箱费container dirtyness change坏箱费用container damage charge清洁箱费container clearance charge分拨费dispatch charge车上交货FOT ( free on track )电汇手续费T/T fee转境费/过境费I/E bonded charge空运方面的专用术语空运费air freight机场费air terminal charge空运提单费airway bill feeFSC (燃油附加费) fuel surchargeSCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge抽单费D/O fee上海港常用术语内装箱费container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费port congestion charge他港常用术语场站费CFS charge文件费document chargeAMS Automated Manifest System 自运舱单系统ACS/ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR SURCHARGE 火车通道费(自洛杉矶转运)BAF BUNKER AJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费系数BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。
客户订舱时需要在危险品这个选项打勾,填写危险品等级和联合国编码,并在品名里打上HS CODE和NAME ACCOUNT(合约里没有的不需要提供)。
装箱后需提供DG FORM,装箱证明书及装箱单。
CMA首先危险品订舱达飞不接受ACTIVE CARBON (活性炭) 这个品名。
MSDS(化学品安全说明书)有两点要求比较重要,一是要提供生产单位的公司名,地址,电话,联系人;二是MSDS里第14项Transport information中对于联合国编码和危险品等级的`界定达飞只接受IMDG标准(国际海运危险品准则),不接受US DOT 和 CANADA TDG 等。
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