WebGoat中文手册版本:5.4webgoat团队2013年1月Revision record 修订记录 项目任务 参与人员 完成时间项目人员协调 Rip,袁明坤,Ivy 2012年7月翻译及整核以往版本袁明坤,傅奎,beer,南国利剑,lion 2012年8月 Webgoat5.4 版本测试袁明坤,傅奎,beer,南国利剑,lion 2012年8月 Webgoat5.4 中文手册傅奎 2012年9月 审核发布阿保,王颉, 王侯宝 2013年1月 前期参与人员 蒋根伟,宋飞,蒋增,贺新朋,吴明,akast ,杨天识,Snake ,孟祥坤,tony ,范俊,胡晓斌,袁明坤[感谢所有关注并参与过OWASP 项目的成员,感谢你们的分享和付出,webgoat 和大家一起成长!如有修改建议,请发送至webgoat@ 我们一起改进,谢谢!目录1 WebGoat简介 (6)1.1 什么是WebGoat (6)1.2 什么是OWASP (6)1.3 WebGoat部署 (6)1.4 用到的工具 (7)1.4.1 WebScarab (7)1.4.2 Firebug和IEwatch (8)1.5 其他说明 (8)2 WebGoat教程 (9)2.1 综合(General) (9)2.1.1 HTTP基础知识(Http Basics) (9)2.1.2 HTTP拆分(HTTP Splitting) (11)2.2 访问控制缺陷(Access Control Flaws) (19)2.2.1 使用访问控制模型(Using an Access Control Matrix) (19)2.2.2 绕过基于路径的访问控制方案(Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme) (22)2.2.3 基于角色的访问控制(LAB: Role Based Access Control) (25)2.2.4 远程管理访问(Remote Admin Access) (36)2.3 Ajax安全(Ajax Security) (38)2.3.1 同源策略保护(Same Origin Policy Protection) (38)2.3.2 基于DOM的跨站点访问(LAB: DOM‐Based cross‐site scripting) (39)2.3.3 小实验:客户端过滤(LAB: Client Side Filtering) (43)2.3.4 DOM注入(DOM Injection) (46)2.3.5 XML注入(XML Injection) (49)2.3.6 JSON注入(JSON Injection) (52)2.3.7 静默交易攻击(Silent Transactions Attacks) (54)2.3.8 危险指令使用(Dangerous Use of Eval) (57)2.3.9 不安全的客户端存储(Insecure Client Storage) (59)2.4 认证缺陷(Authentication Flaws) (62)2.4.1 密码强度(Password Strength) (62)2.4.2 忘记密码(Forgot Password) (64)2.4.3 基本认证(Basic Authentication) (66)2.4.4 多级登录1(Multi Level Login 1) (71)2.4.5 多级登录2(Multi Level Login 2) (73)2.5 缓冲区溢出(Buffer Overflows) (74)2.5.1 Off‐by‐One 缓冲区溢出(Off‐by‐One Overflows) (74)2.6 代码质量(Code Quality) (78)2.6.1 在HTML中找线索(Discover Clues in the HTML) (78)2.7 并发(Concurrency) (79)2.7.1 线程安全问题(Thread Safety Problems) (79)2.7.2 购物车并发缺陷(Shopping Cart Concurrency Flaw) (80)2.8 跨站脚本攻击(Cross‐Site Scripting (XSS)) (82)2.8.1 使用XSS钓鱼(Phishing with XSS) (82)2.8.2 小实验:跨站脚本攻击(LAB: Cross Site Scripting) (84)2.8.3 存储型XSS攻击(Stored XSS Attacks) (90)2.8.4 跨站请求伪造(Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)) (91)2.8.5 绕过CSRF确认( CSRF Prompt By‐Pass) (93)2.8.6 绕过CSRF Token(CSRF Token By‐Pass) (98)2.8.7 HTTPOnly测试(HTTPOnly Test) (102)2.8.8 跨站跟踪攻击(Cross Site Tracing (XST) Attacks) (103)2.9 不当的错误处理(Improper Error Handling) (105)2.9.1 打开认证失败方案(Fail Open Authentication Scheme) (105)2.10 注入缺陷(Injection Flaws) (107)2.10.1 命令注入(Command Injection) (107)2.10.2 数字型SQL注入(Numeric SQL Injection) (109)2.10.3 日志欺骗(Log Spoofing) (110)2.10.4 XPATH型注入(XPATH Injection) (112)2.10.5 字符串型注入(String SQL Injection) (113)2.10.6 小实验:SQL注入(LAB: SQL Injection) (115)2.10.7 通过SQL注入修改数据(Modify Data with SQL Injection) (119)2.10.8 通过SQL注入添加数据(Add Data with SQL Injection) (120)2.10.9 数据库后门(Database Backdoors) (121)2.10.10 数字型盲注入(Blind Numeric SQL Injection) (123)2.10.11 字符串型盲注入(Blind String SQL Injection) (124)2.11 拒绝服务(Denial of Service) (126)2.11.1 多个登录引起的拒绝服务(Denial of Service from Multiple Logins) (126)2.12 不安全的通信(Insecure Communication) (127)2.12.1 不安全的登录(Insecure Login) (127)2.13 不安全的配置(Insecure Configuration) (130)2.13.1 强制浏览(How to Exploit Forced Browsing) (130)2.14 不安全的存储(Insecure Storage) (131)2.14.1 强制浏览(How to Exploit Forced Browsing) (131)2.15 恶意执行(Malicious Execution) (132)2.15.1 恶意文件执行(Malicious File Execution) (132)2.16 参数篡改(Parameter Tampering) (134)2.16.1 绕过HTML字段限制(Bypass HTML Field Restrictions) (134)2.16.2 利用隐藏字段(Exploit Hidden Fields) (136)2.16.3 利用未检查的E‐mail(Exploit Unchecked Email) (138)2.16.4 绕过客户端JavaScript校验(Bypass Client Side JavaScript Validation) (142)2.17 会话管理缺陷(Session Management Flaws) (148)2.17.1 会话劫持(Hijack a Session) (148)2.17.2 认证Cookie欺骗(Spoof an Authentication Cookie) (154)2.17.3 会话固定(Session Fixation) (158)2.18 Web服务(Web Services) (162)2.18.1 创建SOAP请求(Create a SOAP Request) (162)2.18.2 WSDL扫描(WSDL Scanning) (168)2.18.3 Web Service SAX注入(Web Service SAX Injection) (170)2.18.4 Web Service SQL注入(Web Service SQL Injection) (172)2.19 管理功能(Admin Functions) (175)2.19.1 报告卡(Report Card) (175)2.20 挑战(Challenge) (176)2.20.1 挑战(The CHALLENGE!) (176)1WebGoat简介1.1什么是WebGoatWebGoat是OWASP组织研制出的用于进行web漏洞实验的应用平台,用来说明web 应用中存在的安全漏洞。
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TOP252-262TOPSwitch-HX Family January 2009Enhanced EcoSmart ®, Integrated Off-Line Switcher with Advanced Feature Set and Extended Power Range®Product HighlightsLower System Cost, Higher Design FlexibilityMulti-mode operation maximizes efficiency at all loads New eSIP-7F and eSIP-7C packagesLow thermal impedance junction-to-case (2 °C per watt)Low height is ideal for adapters where space is limitedSimple mounting using a clip to aid low cost manufacturing Horizontal eSIP-7F package ideal for ultra low height adapter and monitor applicationsExtended package creepage distance from DRAIN pin to adjacent pin and to heat sinkNo heatsink required up to 35 W using P , G and M packages with universal input voltage and up to 48 W at 230 VACOutput overvoltage protection (OVP) is user programmable for latching/non-latching shutdown with fast AC reset Allows both primary and secondary sensingLine undervoltage (UV) detection prevents turn-off glitches Line overvoltage (OV) shutdown extends line surge limit Accurate programmable current limitOptimized line feed-forward for line ripple rejection132 kHz frequency (254Y-258Y and all E/L packages) reduces transformer and power supply sizeHalf frequency option for video applications Frequency jittering reduces EMI fi lter cost •••••••••••••••••Figure 1. Typical Flyback Application.Heatsink is connected to SOURCE for low EMIImproved auto-restart delivers <3% of maximum power in short circuit and open loop fault conditionsAccurate hysteretic thermal shutdown function automatically recovers without requiring a resetFully integrated soft-start for minimum start-up stress Extended creepage between DRAIN and all other pins improves fi eld reliability•••••Table 1.Output Power Table. (for notes see page 2).Rev. F 01/09EcoSmart ®– Energy Effi cientEnergy efficient over entire load range No-load consumptionLess than 200 mW at 230 VAC Standby power for 1 W input>600 mW output at 110 VAC input >500 mW output at 265 VAC inputDescriptionTOPSwitch-HX cost effectively incorporates a 700 V power MOSFET, high voltage switched current source, PWM control, oscillator, thermal shutdown circuit, fault protection and other control circuitry onto a monolithic device.••••••Figure 2. Typical Flyback Application TOP259YN, TOP260YN and TOP261YN.Y Package Option for TOP259-261In order to improve noise-immunity on large TOPSwitch-HX Y package parts, the F pin has been removed (TOP259-261YN are fi xed at 66 kHz switching frequency) and replaced with a SIGNAL GROUND (G) pin. This pin acts as a low noise path for the C pin capacitor and the X pin resistor. It is only required for the TOP259-261YN package parts.Notes for Table 1:1. Minimum continuous power in a typical non-ventilatedenclosed adapter measured at +50 °C ambient. Use of an external heat sink will increase power capability. 2. Minimum continuous power in an open frame design at+50 °C ambient.3. Peak power capability in any design at +50 °C ambient.4. 230 VAC or 110/115 VAC with doubler.5. Packages: P: DIP-8C, G: SMD-8C, M: SDIP-10C,Y: TO-220-7C, E: eSIP-7C, L: eSIP-7F .See part ordering information.6. TOP261 and TOP262 have the same current limit set point. Insome applications TOP262 may run cooler than TOP261 due to a lower R DS(ON) for the larger device.7. TOP256E package parts are available with Green (HalogenFree) mold compound. See Part Ordering Information on page 47. Parametrically green material encapsulated E package parts are identical to non-green parts. Section ListFunctional Block Diagram (4)Pin Functional Description (6)TOPSwitch-HX Family Functional Description (7)CONTROL (C) Pin Operation (8)Oscillator and Switching Frequency (8)Pulse Width Modulator (9)Maximum Load Cycle (9)ErrorAmplifier (9)On-Chip Current Limit with External Programmability (9)Line Under-Voltage Detection (UV) (10)Line Overvoltage Shutdown (OV) (11)Hysteretic or Latching Output Overvoltage Protection (OVP) (11)Line Feed-Forward with DCMAX Reduction (13)Remote ON/OFF and Synchronization (13)Soft-Start (13)Shutdown/Auto-Restart (13)Hysteretic Over-Temperature Protection (13)BandgapReference (13)High-Voltage Bias Current Source (13)Typical Uses of FREQUENCY (F) Pin (15)Typical Uses of VOLTAGE MONITOR (V) and EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) Pins (16)Typical Uses of MULTI-FUNCTION (M) Pin (18)Application Examples (21)A High Effi ciency, 35 W, Dual Output – Universal Input Power Supply (21)A High Effi ciency, 1500 W, 250-380 VDC Input Power Supply (22)A High Effi ciency, 20 W Continuous – 80 W Peak, Universal Input Power Supply (23)A High Effi ciency, 65 W, Universal Input Power Supply (24)Key Application Considerations (25)TOPSwitch-HX vs.TOPSwitch-GX (25)TOPSwitch-HX Design Considerations (26)TOPSwitch-HX Layout Considerations (27)Quick Design Checklist (31)DesignTools (31)Product Specifi cations and Test Conditions (32)Typical Performance Characteristics (39)Package Outlines (43)Part Ordering Information (47)Rev. F 01/09Rev. F 01/09Figure 3a. Functional Block Diagram (P and G Packages).Figure 3b. Functional Block Diagram (M Package).Rev. F 01/09Figure 3c. Functional Block Diagram (TOP254-258 YN Package and all eSIP Packages).Figure 3d. Functional Block Diagram TOP259YN, TOP260YN, TOP261YN.Rev. F 01/09Pin Functional DescriptionDRAIN (D) Pin:High-voltage power MOSFET DRAIN pin. The internal start-up bias current is drawn from this pin through a switched high-voltage current source. Internal current limit sense point for drain current.CONTROL (C) Pin:Error amplifi er and feedback current input pin for duty cycle control. Internal shunt regulator connection to provide internal bias current during normal operation. It is also used as the connection point for the supply bypass and auto-restart/compensation capacitor.EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) Pin (Y, M, E and L package):Input pin for external current limit adjustment and remote ON/OFF. A connection to SOURCE pin disables all functions on this pin.Figure 4. Pin Confi guration (Top View).P I -4711-021308Figure 5. TOP254-258 Y and All M/E/L Package Line Sense and Externally Set Current Limit.Figure 7. P/G Package Line Sense.P I -4983-021308Figure 6. TOP259-261 Y Package Line Sense and External Current Limit.VOLTAGE MONITOR (V) Pin (Y & M package only):Input for OV, UV, line feed forward with DC MAX reduction, output overvoltage protection (OVP), remote ON/OFF and device reset. A connection to the SOURCE pin disables all functions on this pin.MULTI-FUNCTION (M) Pin (P & G packages only):This pin combines the functions of the VOLTAGE MONITOR (V) and EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) pins of the Y package into one pin. Input pin for OV, UV, line feed forward with DC MAXRev. F 01/09Figure 8. P/G Package Externally Set Current Limit.reduction, output overvoltage protection (OVP), external current limit adjustment, remote ON/OFF and device reset. Aconnection to SOURCE pin disables all functions on this pin and makes TOPSwitch-HX operate in simple three terminal mode (like TOPSwitch-II).FREQUENCY (F) Pin (TOP254-258Y, and all E and L packages):Input pin for selecting switching frequency 132 kHz if connected to SOURCE pin and 66 kHz if connected to CONTROL pin. The switching frequency is internally set for fi xed 66 kHzoperation in the P , G, M package and TOP259YN, TOP260YN and TOP261YN.SIGNAL GROUND (G) Pin (TOP259YN, TOP260YN & TOP261YN only):Return for C pin capacitor and X pin resistor.SOURCE (S) Pin:Output MOSFET source connection for high voltage power return. Primary side control circuit common and reference point.TOPSwitch-HX Family Functional DescriptionLike TOPSwitch-GX, TOPSwitch-HX is an integrated switched mode power supply chip that converts a current at the control input to a duty cycle at the open drain output of a high voltage power MOSFET. During normal operation the duty cycle of the power MOSFET decreases linearly with increasing CONTROL pin current as shown in Figure 9.In addition to the three terminal TOPSwitch features, such as the high voltage start-up, the cycle-by-cycle current limiting, loop compensation circuitry, auto-restart and thermalshutdown, the TOPSwitch-HX incorporates many additional functions that reduce system cost, increase power supply performance and design fl exibility. A patented high voltageCMOS technology allows both the high-voltage power MOSFET and all the low voltage control circuitry to be cost effectively integrated onto a single monolithic chip.Three terminals, FREQUENCY, VOLTAGE-MONITOR, andEXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (available in Y and E/L packages),two terminals, VOLTAGE-MONITOR and EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (available in M package) or one terminal MULTI-FUNCTION (available in P and G package) have been used to implement some of the new functions. These terminals can be connected to the SOURCE pin to operate the TOPSwitch-HX in aTOPSwitch-like three terminal mode. However, even in this three terminal mode, the TOPSwitch-HX offers many transparent features that do not require any external components:A fully integrated 17 ms soft-start significantly reduces or eliminates output overshoot in most applications by sweeping both current limit and frequency from low to high to limit the peak currents and voltages during start-up.A maximum duty cycle (DC MAX ) of 78% allows smaller inputstorage capacitor, lower input voltage requirement and/or higher power capability.Multi-mode operation optimizes and improves the powersupply effi ciency over the entire load range while maintaining good cross regulation in multi-output supplies.1.2.3.Figure 9. Control Pin Characteristics (Multi-Mode Operation).Rev. F 01/09Switching frequency of 132 kHz reduces the transformer sizewith no noticeable impact on EMI.Frequency jittering reduces EMI in the full frequency mode athigh load condition.Hysteretic over-temperature shutdown ensures automaticrecovery from thermal fault. Large hysteresis prevents circuit board overheating.Packages with omitted pins and lead forming provide largedrain creepage distance.Reduction of the auto-restart duty cycle and frequency toimprove the protection of the power supply and load during open loop fault, short circuit, or loss of regulation.Tighter tolerances on I 2f power coeffi cient, current limitreduction, PWM gain and thermal shutdown threshold.The VOLTAGE-MONITOR (V) pin is usually used for line sensing by connecting a 4 M Ω resistor from this pin to the rectifi ed DC high voltage bus to implement line overvoltage (OV), under-voltage (UV) and dual-slope line feed-forward with DC MAXreduction. In this mode, the value of the resistor determines the OV/UV thresholds and the DC MAX is reduced linearly with a dual slope to improve line ripple rejection. In addition, it also provides another threshold to implement the latched and hysteretic output overvoltage protection (OVP). The pin can also be used as a remote ON/OFF using the I UV threshold.The EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) pin can be used to reduce the current limit externally to a value close to the operating peak current, by connecting the pin to SOURCE through a resistor. This pin can also be used as a remote ON/OFF input.For the P and G package the VOLTAGE-MONITOR andEXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT pin functions are combined on one MULTI-FUNCTION (M) pin. However, some of the functions become mutually exclusive.The FREQUENCY (F) pin in the TOP254-258 Y and E/L packages set the switching frequency in the full frequency PWM mode to the default value of 132 kHz when connected to SOURCE pin. A half frequency option of 66 kHz can be chosen by connecting this pin to the CONTROL pin instead. Leaving this pin open is not recommended. In the P , G and M packages and the TOP259-261 Y packages, the frequency is set internally at 66 kHz in the full frequency PWM mode.CONTROL (C) Pin OperationThe CONTROL pin is a low impedance node that is capable of receiving a combined supply and feedback current. During normal operation, a shunt regulator is used to separate thefeedback signal from the supply current. CONTROL pin voltage V C is the supply voltage for the control circuitry including the MOSFET gate driver. An external bypass capacitor closely connected between the CONTROL and SOURCE pins is required to supply the instantaneous gate drive current. The total amount of capacitance connected to this pin also sets the auto-restart timing as well as control loop compensation.When rectifi ed DC high voltage is applied to the DRAIN pin during start-up, the MOSFET is initially off, and the CONTROL pin capacitor is charged through a switched high voltage4. source connected internally between the DRAIN and CONTROL pins. When the CONTROL pin voltage V C reaches approximately 5.8 V, the control circuitry is activated and the soft-start begins. The soft-start circuit gradually increases the drain peak current and switching frequency from a low starting value to the maximum drain peak current at the full frequency over approximately 17 ms. If no external feedback/supplycurrent is fed into the CONTROL pin by the end of the soft-start, the high voltage current source is turned off and the CONTROL pin will start discharging in response to the supply current drawn by the control circuitry. If the power supply is designed properly, and no fault condition such as open loop or shorted output exists, the feedback loop will close, providing external CONTROL pin current, before the CONTROL pin voltage has had a chance to discharge to the lower threshold voltage of approximately 4.8 V (internal supply undervoltage lockout threshold). When the externally fed current charges theCONTROL pin to the shunt regulator voltage of 5.8 V, current in excess of the consumption of the chip is shunted to SOURCE through an NMOS current mirror as shown in Figure 3. The output current of that NMOS current mirror controls the duty cycle of the power MOSFET to provide closed loop regulation. The shunt regulator has a fi nite low output impedance Z C that sets the gain of the error amplifi er when used in a primary feedback confi guration. The dynamic impedance Z C of the CONTROL pin together with the external CONTROL pin capacitance sets the dominant pole for the control loop.When a fault condition such as an open loop or shorted output prevents the fl ow of an external current into the CONTROL pin, the capacitor on the CONTROL pin discharges towards 4.8 V. At 4.8 V, auto-restart is activated, which turns the output MOSFET off and puts the control circuitry in a low current standby mode. The high-voltage current source turns on and charges the external capacitance again. A hysteretic internal supply undervoltage comparator keeps V C within a window of typically 4.8 V to 5.8 V by turning the high-voltage current source on and off as shown in Figure 11. The auto-restart circuit has a divide-by-sixteen counter, which prevents the output MOSFET from turning on again until sixteen discharge/charge cycles have elapsed. This is accomplished by enabling the output MOSFET only when the divide-by-sixteen counter reaches the full count (S15). The counter effectively limitsTOPSwitch-HX power dissipation by reducing the auto-restart duty cycle to typically 2%. Auto-restart mode continues until output voltage regulation is again achieved through closure of the feedback loop.Oscillator and Switching FrequencyThe internal oscillator linearly charges and discharges an internal capacitance between two voltage levels to create atriangular waveform for the timing of the pulse width modulator. This oscillator sets the pulse width modulator/current limit latch at the beginning of each cycle.The nominal full switching frequency of 132 kHz was chosen to minimize transformer size while keeping the fundamental EMI frequency below 150 kHz. The FREQUENCY pin (available only in TOP254-258 Y and E, L packages), when shorted to the CONTROL pin, lowers the full switching frequency to 66 kHzRev. F 01/09Figure 10. Switching Frequency Jitter (Idealized V DRAIN Waveforms).(half frequency), which may be preferable in some cases such as noise sensitive video applications or a high effi ciency standby mode. Otherwise, the FREQUENCY pin should be connected to the SOURCE pin for the default 132 kHz. In the M, P and G packages and the TOP259-261 Y package option, the full frequency PWM mode is set at 66 kHz, for higher effi ciency and increased output power in all applications.To further reduce the EMI level, the switching frequency in the full frequency PWM mode is jittered (frequency modulated) by approximately ±2.5 kHz for 66 kHz operation or ±5 kHz for 132 kHz operation at a 250 Hz (typical) rate as shown in Figure 10. The jitter is turned off gradually as the system is entering the variable frequency mode with a fi xed peak drain current.Pulse Width ModulatorThe pulse width modulator implements multi-mode control by driving the output MOSFET with a duty cycle inversely proportional to the current into the CONTROL pin that is in excess of the internal supply current of the chip (see Figure 9). The feedback error signal, in the form of the excess current, is fi ltered by an RC network with a typical corner frequency of 7 kHz to reduce the effect of switching noise in the chip supply current generated by the MOSFET gate driver.To optimize power supply effi ciency, four different control modes are implemented. At maximum load, the modulator operates in full frequency PWM mode; as load decreases, the modulator automatically transitions, fi rst to variable frequency PWM mode, then to low frequency PWM mode. At light load, the control operation switches from PWM control to multi-cycle-modulation control, and the modulator operates in multi-cycle-modulation mode. Although different modes operate differently to make transitions between modes smooth, the simple relationship between duty cycle and excess CONTROL pin current shown in Figure 9 is maintained through all three PWM modes. Please see the following sections for the details of the operation of each mode and the transitions between modes.Full Frequency PWM mode: The PWM modulator enters full frequency PWM mode when the CONTROL pin current (I C ) reaches I B . In this mode, the average switching frequency is kept constant at f OSC (66 kHz for P , G and M packages and TOP259-261 Y, pin selectable 132 kHz or 66 kHz for Y and E/Lpackages). Duty cycle is reduced from DC MAX through the reduction of the on-time when I C is increased beyond I B . This operation is identical to the PWM control of all other TOPSwitch families. TOPSwitch-HX only operates in this mode if the cycle-by-cycle peak drain current stays above k PS(UPPER)*I LIMIT (set), where k PS(UPPER) is 55% (typical) and I LIMIT (set) is the current limit externally set via the X or M pin.Variable Frequency PWM mode: When peak drain current is lowered to k PS(UPPER)* I LIMIT (set) as a result of power supply load reduction, the PWM modulator initiates the transition to variable frequency PWM mode, and gradually turns off frequency jitter. In this mode, peak drain current is held constant at k PS(UPPER)* I LIMIT (set) while switching frequency drops from the initial full frequency of f OSC (132 kHz or 66 kHz) towards the minimum frequency of f MCM(MIN) (30 kHz typical). Duty cycle reduction is accomplished by extending the off-time.Low Frequency PWM mode: When switching frequencyreaches f MCM(MIN) (30 kHz typical), the PWM modulator starts to transition to low frequency mode. In this mode, switchingfrequency is held constant at f MCM(MIN) and duty cycle is reduced, similar to the full frequency PWM mode, through the reduction of the on-time. Peak drain current decreases from the initial value of k PS(UPPER)* I LIMIT (set) towards the minimum value ofk PS(LOWER)*I LIMIT (set), where k PS(LOWER) is 25% (typical) and I LIMIT (set) is the current limit externally set via the X or M pin.Multi-Cycle-Modulation mode: When peak drain current is lowered to k PS(LOWER)*I LIMIT (set), the modulator transitions to multi-cycle-modulation mode. In this mode, at each turn-on, the modulator enables output switching for a period of T MCM(MIN) at the switching frequency of f MCM(MIN) (4 or 5 consecutive pulses at 30 kHz) with the peak drain current of k PS(LOWER)*I LIMIT (set), and stays off until the CONTROL pin current falls below I C(OFF). This mode of operation not only keeps peak drain current low but also minimizes harmonic frequencies between 6 kHz and30 kHz. By avoiding transformer resonant frequency this way, all potential transformer audible noises are greatly supressed.Maximum Duty CycleThe maximum duty cycle, DC MAX , is set at a default maximum value of 78% (typical). However, by connecting the VOLTAGE-MONITOR or MULTI-FUNCTION pin (depending on the package) to the rectifi ed DC high voltage bus through a resistor with appropriate value (4 M Ω typical), the maximum duty cycle can be made to decrease from 78% to 40% (typical) when input line voltage increases from 88 V to 380 V, with dual gain slopes.Error Amplifi erThe shunt regulator can also perform the function of an error amplifi er in primary side feedback applications. The shunt regulator voltage is accurately derived from a temperature-compensated bandgap reference. The CONTROL pin dynamic impedance Z C sets the gain of the error amplifi er. TheCONTROL pin clamps external circuit signals to the V C voltage level. The CONTROL pin current in excess of the supply current is separated by the shunt regulator and becomes the feedback current I fb for the pulse width modulator.Rev. F 01/09On-Chip Current Limit with External ProgrammabilityThe cycle-by-cycle peak drain current limit circuit uses the output MOSFET ON-resistance as a sense resistor. A current limit comparator compares the output MOSFET on-state drain to source voltage V DS(ON) with a threshold voltage. High drain current causes V DS(ON) to exceed the threshold voltage and turns the output MOSFET off until the start of the next clock cycle. The current limit comparator threshold voltage is temperature compensated to minimize the variation of the current limit due to temperature related changes in R DS(ON) of the output MOSFET. The default current limit of TOPSwitch-HX is preset internally. However, with a resistor connected between EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) pin (Y, E/L and M packages) or MULTI-FUNCTION (M) pin (P and G package) and SOURCE pin (for TOP259-261 Y, the X pin is connected to the SIGNAL GROUND (G) pin), current limit can be programmed externally to a lower level between 30% and 100% of the default current limit. By setting current limit low, a larger TOPSwitch-HX than necessary for the power required can be used to take advantage of the lower R DS(ON) for higher effi ciency/smaller heat sinkingrequirements. TOPSwitch-HX current limit reduction initial tolerance through the X pin (or M pin) has been improved signifi cantly compare with previous TOPSwitch-GX. With a second resistor connected between the EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) pin (Y, E/L and M packages) or MULTI-FUNCTION (M) pin (P and G package) and the rectifi ed DC high voltage bus, the current limit is reduced with increasing line voltage, allowing a true power limiting operation against line variation to be implemented. When using an RCD clamp, this power limiting technique reduces maximum clamp voltage at high line. This allows for higher refl ected voltage designs as well as reducing clamp dissipation.The leading edge blanking circuit inhibits the current limitcomparator for a short time after the output MOSFET is turned on. The leading edge blanking time has been set so that, if a power supply is designed properly, current spikes caused by primary-side capacitances and secondary-side rectifi er reverse recovery time should not cause premature termination of the switching pulse.The current limit is lower for a short period after the leading edge blanking time. This is due to dynamic characteristics of the MOSFET. During startup and fault conditions the controller prevents excessive drain currents by reducing the switching frequency.Line Undervoltage Detection (UV)At power up, UV keeps TOPSwitch-HX off until the input line voltage reaches the undervoltage threshold. At power down, UV prevents auto-restart attempts after the output goes out of regulation. This eliminates power down glitches caused by slow discharge of the large input storage capacitor present in applications such as standby supplies. A single resistor connected from the VOLTAGE-MONITOR pin (Y, E/L and M packages) or MULTI-FUNCTION pin (P and G packages) to the rectifi ed DC high voltage bus sets UV threshold during power up. Once the power supply is successfully turned on, the UV threshold is lowered to 44% of the initial UV threshold to allow extended input voltage operating range (UV low threshold). If the UV low threshold is reached during operation without the power supply losing regulation, the device will turn off and stay off until UV (high threshold) has been reached again. If the power supply loses regulation before reaching the UV lowthreshold, the device will enter auto-restart. At the end of each auto-restart cycle (S15), the UV comparator is enabled. If the UV high threshold is not exceeded, the MOSFET will bedisabled during the next cycle (see Figure 11). The UV feature can be disabled independent of the OV feature.Figure 11. Typical Waveforms for (1) Power Up (2) Normal Operation (3) Auto-Restart (4) Power Down.Line Overvoltage Shutdown (OV)The same resistor used for UV also sets an overvoltage threshold, which, once exceeded, will force TOPSwitch-HX to stop switching instantaneously (after completion of the current switching cycle). If this condition lasts for at least 100 μs, the TOPSwitch-HX output will be forced into off state. Unlike with TOPSwitch-GX, however, when the line voltage is back to normal with a small amount of hysteresis provided on the OV threshold to prevent noise triggering, the state machine sets to S13 and forces TOPSwitch-HX to go through the entire auto-restart sequence before attempting to switch again. The ratio of OV and UV thresholds is preset at 4.5, as can be seen in Figure 12. When the MOSFET is off, the rectifi ed DC high voltage surge capability is increased to the voltage rating of the MOSFET (700 V), due to the absence of the refl ected voltage and leakage spikes on the drain. The OV feature can be disabled independent of the UV feature.In order to reduce the no-load input power of TOPSwitch-HX designs, the V-pin (or M-pin for P Package) operates at very low currents. This requires careful layout considerations when designing the PCB to avoid noise coupling. Traces and components connected to the V-pin should not be adjacent to any traces carrying switching currents. These include the drain, clamp network, bias winding return or power traces from otherconverters. If the line sensing features are used, then the senseresistors must be placed within 10 mm of the V-pin to minimizethe V-pin node area. The DC bus should then be routed to theline sense resistors. Note that external capacitance must notbe connected to the V-pin as this may cause misoperaton of theV pin related functions.Hysteretic or Latching Output Overvoltage Protection (OVP) The detection of the hysteretic or latching output overvoltageprotection (OVP) is through the trigger of the line overvoltagethreshold. The V-pin or M-pin voltage will drop by 0.5 V, andthe controller measures the external attached impedanceimmediately after this voltage drops. If IVor IMexceeds IOV(LS) (336 μA typical) longer than 100 μs, TOPSwitch-HX will latchinto a permanent off state for the latching OVP. It only can bereset if VVor VMgoes below 1 V or VCgoes below the power-up-reset threshold (VC(RESET)) and then back to normal.If IVor IMdoes not exceed IOV(LS)or exceeds no longer than100 μs, TOPSwitch-HX will initiate the line overvoltage and thehysteretic OVP. Their behavior will be identical to the line overvoltage shutdown (OV) that has been described in detail in the previous section.Voltage Monitor and External Current Limit Pin Table**This table is only a partial list of many VOLTAGE MONITOR and EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT Pin Confi gurations that are possible. Table 2. VOLTAGE MONITOR (V) Pin and EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT (X) Pin Confi guration Options.Multi-Function Pin Table**This table is only a partial list of many MULTI-FUNCTIONAL Pin Confi gurations that are possible.Table 3. MULTI-FUNCTION (M) Pin Confi guration Options.。
首先 我们 来 分别 介绍 下这 四位 小 鹿又能 发挥多大 作用呢 7众所周知 冷 f英雄 的定位以 及价氲 ] 而且和圣 骑士棺比 , 小商带 蛤对手的 魅感 魔童 叉称 小麓 . 征之 威 胁祀杀伤 力耍更 大 因 她 前的版率 曾经火i一 阵 . 随藿冰蛙 者 耍更少 . 但 B 并且没 有数量限 制 无惰 的削 弱了其力 量成长 , 小鹿便在 可 能召唤 两个或者 三 c 比 赛 中销声 匿迹 了.不 过 后续的 w
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洛奇 怪物战斗力备查表
英文表示法敌人等级weakest 柔弱weak 弱不显示(coequal) 同等级strong 强敌awful 非常强悍boss boss级敌我等级公式公式:比例 = 对方战斗力 / 自身战斗力G3之后weakest ∈ (0.0, 0.8]weak ∈ (0.8, 1.0]coequal ∈ (1.0, 1.4]strong ∈ (1.4, 2.0]awful ∈ (2.0, 3.0]boss ∈ (3.0, ∞)G3以前weak ∈ (0.0, 0.8]coequal ∈ (0.8, 1.2]strong ∈ (1.2, 1.8]awful ∈ (1.8, 3.0]boss ∈ (3.0, ∞)按战斗力怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak Weakest 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak小浣熊46 15.3 23.0 32.9 60.0 57.5雏鸡60 20.0 30.0 42.9 100.0 75.0母鸡100 33.3 50.0 71.4 101.0 125.0小灰浣熊101 33.7 50.5 72.1 116.0 126.3小棕色狐狸116 38.7 58.0 82.9 123.0 145.0白狐狸123 41.0 61.5 87.9 130.0 153.8羊130 43.3 65.0 92.9 150.0 162.5公鸡150 50.0 75.0 107.1 160.0 187.5小田鼠160 53.3 80.0 114.3 180.0 200.0奶牛180 60.0 90.0 128.6 189.0 225.0小白蜘蛛189 63.0 94.5 135.0 200.0 236.3白蜘蛛(新手)200 66.7 100.0 142.9 201.0 250.0白蜘蛛(原野)201 67.0 100.5 143.6 265.0 251.3棕狐狸265 88.3 132.5 189.3 271.0 331.3小红狐狸271 90.3 135.5 193.6 278.0 338.8黑鼠278 92.7 139.0 198.6 279.0 347.5浣熊279 93.0 139.5 199.3 300.0 348.8棕狐狸300 100.0 150.0 214.3 301.0 375.0白蜘蛛(地下城)301 100.3 150.5 215.0 336.0 376.3 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak红狐狸336 112.0 168.0 240.0 341.0 420.0田鼠341 113.7 170.5 243.6 349.0 426.3灰鼠349 116.3 174.5 249.3 375.0 436.3温顺的蝙蝠375 125.0 187.5 267.9 400.0 468.8灰狼(新手)400 133.3 200.0 285.7 463.0 500.0灰狐狸463 154.3 231.5 330.7 468.0 578.8蝙蝠468 156.0 234.0 334.3 483.0 585.0 狗483 161.0 241.5 345.0 500.0 603.8 哥布林(新手)500 166.7 250.0 357.1 536.0 625.0 优等生小鬼536 178.7 268.0 382.9 560.0 670.0 小棕恶狼560 186.7 280.0 400.0 570.0 700.0 灰狼570 190.0 285.0 407.1 591.0 712.5 棕蛇591 197.0 295.5 422.1 593.0 738.8 豺狼593 197.7 296.5 423.6 594.0 741.3 棕色鬼魔594 198.0 297.0 424.3 600.0 742.5 骷髅(新手)600 200.0 300.0 428.6 631.0 750.0 哥布林631 210.3 315.5 450.7 634.0 788.8 弓手哥布林634 211.3 317.0 452.9 670.0 792.5 黑蜘蛛670 223.3 335.0 478.6 693.0 837.5 宝箱怪693 231.0 346.5 495.0 725.0 866.3 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak 棕恶狼725 241.7 362.5 517.9 796.0 906.3 小黑浣熊796 265.3 398.0 568.6 812.0 995.0 青蛇812 270.7 406.0 580.0 814.0 1015.0 小黑色恶狼814 271.3 407.0 581.4 822.0 1017.5 地精822 274.0 411.0 587.1 827.0 1027.5 弓手地精827 275.7 413.5 590.7 840.0 1033.8 木豺狗840 280.0 420.0 600.0 849.0 1050.0 红蜘蛛849 283.0 424.5 606.4 849.0 1061.3 鼠人849 283.0 424.5 606.4 857.0 1061.3 盗贼地精857 285.7 428.5 612.1 857.0 1071.3 小白色恶狼857 285.7 428.5 612.1 859.0 1071.3 山狗859 286.3 429.5 613.6 876.0 1073.8 毒地精876 292.0 438.0 625.7 900.0 1095.0 吟游骷髅(玛高)900 300.0 450.0 642.9 910.0 1125.0 红黑蜘蛛910 303.3 455.0 650.0 910.0 1137.5 巨大野鼠910 303.3 455.0 650.0 913.0 1137.5 蓝狼913 304.3 456.5 652.1 916.0 1141.3 黄金哥布林916 305.3 458.0 654.3 931.0 1145.0 灰色鬼魔931 310.3 465.5 665.0 933.0 1163.8 黑色恶狼933 311.0 466.5 666.4 1000.0 1166.3 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak 黑船鼠1000 333.3 500.0 714.3 1003.0 1250.0 镰刀蛛1003 334.3 501.5 716.4 1005.0 1253.8 蓝黑蜘蛛1005 335.0 502.5 717.9 1015.0 1256.3白色恶狼1015 338.3 507.5 725.0 1025.0 1268.8 塔拉克1025 341.7 512.5 732.1 1044.0 1281.3 骷髅小鬼1044 348.0 522.0 745.7 1044.0 1305.0 透明小鬼1044 348.0 522.0 745.7 1044.0 1305.0 小鬼1044 348.0 522.0 745.7 1066.0 1305.0 财宝宝箱怪1066 355.3 533.0 761.4 1069.0 1332.5 宝箱怪王1069 356.3 534.5 763.6 1070.0 1336.3 巨蝙蝠1070 356.7 535.0 764.3 1086.0 1337.5 白蛇1086 362.0 543.0 775.7 1090.0 1357.5 幽灵铠甲1090 363.3 545.0 778.6 1097.0 1362.5 冰光羽1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3 飞剑1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3 火光羽1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3 雷光羽1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1110.0 1371.3 里达易欧1110 370.0 555.0 792.9 1112.0 1387.5 骷髅狼1112 370.7 556.0 794.3 1113.0 1390.0 绿色鬼魔1113 371.0 556.5 795.0 1118.0 1391.3 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak 骷髅1118 372.7 559.0 798.6 1134.0 1397.5 盗贼哥布林1134 378.0 567.0 810.0 1160.0 1417.5 野猪1160 386.7 580.0 828.6 1168.0 1450.0 飞剑(黑)1168 389.3 584.0 834.3 1190.0 1460.0 肥蜘蛛1190 396.7 595.0 850.0 1200.0 1487.5 巨大豺狗1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 蓝鼠人1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 杀人蜂1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 鱼头怪骑兵1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 鱼头怪士兵1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1232.0 1500.0 吸血蝙蝠1232 410.7 616.0 880.0 1240.0 1540.0 女妖克莉斯特1240 413.3 620.0 885.7 1252.0 1550.0 牛头怪1252 417.3 626.0 894.3 1272.0 1565.0 小棕灰熊1272 424.0 636.0 908.6 1274.0 1590.0 红骷髅1274 424.7 637.0 910.0 1284.0 1592.5 黑浣熊1284 428.0 642.0 917.1 1286.0 1605.0 暗黑骷髅1286 428.7 643.0 918.6 1298.0 1607.5 巨骷髅1298 432.7 649.0 927.1 1316.0 1622.5 食人箱1316 438.7 658.0 940.0 1320.0 1645.0 棕熊1320 440.0 660.0 942.9 1348.0 1650.0 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak骷髅(女神)1348 449.3 674.0 962.9 1351.0 1685.0 海盗骷髅(红)1351 450.3 675.5 965.0 1360.0 1688.8 红鼠1360 453.3 680.0 971.4 1370.0 1700.0 红地精1370 456.7 685.0 978.6 1400.0 1712.5 黑蛇1400 466.7 700.0 1000.0 1426.0 1750.0 骷髅地狱犬1426 475.3 713.0 1018.6 1442.0 1782.5 飞剑(骷髅)1442 480.7 721.0 1030.0 1456.0 1802.5 骷髅(拉低)1456 485.3 728.0 1040.0 1510.0 1820.0 小精灵1510 503.3 755.0 1078.6 1526.0 1887.5 红骷髅(女神)1526 508.7 763.0 1090.0 1539.0 1907.5 披着羊皮的狼1539 513.0 769.5 1099.3 1540.0 1923.8 金属骷髅1540 513.3 770.0 1100.0 1552.0 1925.0 红熊1552 517.3 776.0 1108.6 1566.0 1940.0 雷翼魔1566 522.0 783.0 1118.6 1570.0 1957.5 红黑灰熊1570 523.3 785.0 1121.4 1575.0 1962.5 狼人1575 525.0 787.5 1125.0 1585.0 1968.8 猎哥布林者1585 528.3 792.5 1132.1 1600.0 1981.3 红黑镰刀蛛1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 蓝狼人1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 鱼头怪武士1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak 鱼头怪战士1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1604.0 2000.0 蓝灰熊1604 534.7 802.0 1145.7 1610.0 2005.0 黑色女妖1610 536.7 805.0 1150.0 1625.0 2012.5 暗黑鼠人1625 541.7 812.5 1160.7 1635.0 2031.3 红骷髅(拉低)1635 545.0 817.5 1167.9 1640.0 2043.8 弓手猎哥布林者1640 546.7 820.0 1171.4 1649.0 2050.0 海盗骷髅(青)1649 549.7 824.5 1177.9 1660.0 2061.3 红镰刀蛛1660 553.3 830.0 1185.7 1680.0 2075.0 警卫蜘蛛1680 560.0 840.0 1200.0 1688.0 2100.0 巨蜘蛛1688 562.7 844.0 1205.7 1702.0 2110.0 小黑灰熊1702 567.3 851.0 1215.7 1720.0 2127.5 洞穴巨人1720 573.3 860.0 1228.6 1768.0 2150.0 巨大蠕虫1768 589.3 884.0 1262.9 1780.0 2210.0 达克罗德(物、魔免)1780 593.3 890.0 1271.4 1786.0 2225.0 金属骷髅(女神)1786 595.3 893.0 1275.7 1790.0 2232.5 暗黑巫师(巴里)1790 596.7 895.0 1278.6 1790.0 2237.5 暗黑巫师(原野)1790 596.7 895.0 1278.6 1800.0 2237.5 海盗红骷髅1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0海盗红骷髅(大)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 诺(黑)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 诺(黄)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak 吟游骷髅(塞高)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1802.0 2250.0 灰熊1802 600.7 901.0 1287.1 1802.0 2252.5 棕灰熊1802 600.7 901.0 1287.1 1805.0 2252.5 红肥蜘蛛1805 601.7 902.5 1289.3 1814.0 2256.3 金属骷髅(拉低)1814 604.7 907.0 1295.7 1814.0 2267.5 金属骷髅(召唤)1814 604.7 907.0 1295.7 1815.0 2267.5 海盗船长骷髅1815 605.0 907.5 1296.4 1826.0 2268.8 地狱犬1826 608.7 913.0 1304.3 1834.0 2282.5 红弓手地精1834 611.3 917.0 1310.0 1840.0 2292.5 变狼狂(绿)1840 613.3 920.0 1314.3 1850.0 2300.0 绿蛇1850 616.7 925.0 1321.4 1850.0 2312.5 凶暴鱼头怪1850 616.7 925.0 1321.4 1880.0 2312.5 变狼狂(橙)1880 626.7 940.0 1342.9 1880.0 2350.0 变狼狂(蓝)1880 626.7 940.0 1342.9 1930.0 2350.0 达克罗德(普通)1930 643.3 965.0 1378.6 1945.0 2412.5 变狼狂(青)1945 648.3 972.5 1389.3 2000.0 2431.3 卡斯骑士团2000 666.7 1000.0 1428.6 2010.0 2500.0 变狼狂(紫)2010 670.0 1005.0 1435.7 2072.0 2512.5 红灰熊2072 690.7 1036.0 1480.0 2074.0 2590.0 棕熊(米你熊)2074 691.3 1037.0 1481.4 2090.0 2592.5 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak 丧尸(男)2090 696.7 1045.0 1492.9 2090.0 2612.5 丧尸(女)2090 696.7 1045.0 1492.9 2097.0 2612.5 红色女妖2097 699.0 1048.5 1497.9 2184.0 2621.3 小洞穴巨人2184 728.0 1092.0 1560.0 2200.0 2730.0 海盗船长红骷髅2200 733.3 1100.0 1571.4 2200.0 2750.0 卡斯魔法师2200 733.3 1100.0 1571.4 2200.0 2750.0 卡斯骑士团2200 733.3 1100.0 1571.4 2240.0 2750.0 警卫地狱骷髅犬2240 746.7 1120.0 1600.0 2304.0 2800.0 黑灰熊2304 768.0 1152.0 1645.7 2362.0 2880.0 暗黑斗士2362 787.3 1181.0 1687.1 2368.0 2952.5 警卫骷髅2368 789.3 1184.0 1691.4 2400.0 2960.0 食人魔2400 800.0 1200.0 1714.3 2410.0 3000.0 警卫肥蜘蛛2410 803.3 1205.0 1721.4 2448.0 3012.5 小石巨人2448 816.0 1224.0 1748.6 2490.0 3060.0艾斯拉斯2490 830.0 1245.0 1778.6 2529.0 3112.5巨大白狼(原野)2529 843.0 1264.5 1806.4 2548.0 3161.3石巨人(CEO)2548 849.3 1274.0 1820.0 2548.0 3185.0石巨人(普塞)2548 849.3 1274.0 1820.0 2554.0 3185.0 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak Weakest 毒骷髅战士2554 851.3 1277.0 1824.3 2564.0 3192.5金属吟游骷髅2564 854.7 1282.0 1831.4 2592.0 3205.0巨大火光羽2592 864.0 1296.0 1851.4 2620.0 3240.0马魔王2620 873.3 1310.0 1871.4 2630.0 3275.0食人魔战士(米斯里) 2630 876.7 1315.0 1878.6 2680.0 3287.5巨黑狼2680 893.3 1340.0 1914.3 2758.0 3350.0石巨人(塞低)2758 919.3 1379.0 1970.0 2780.0 3447.5巨大地狱骷髅犬2780 926.7 1390.0 1985.7 2800.0 3475.0小百眼巨人2800 933.3 1400.0 2000.0 2864.0 3500.0赛连2864 954.7 1432.0 2045.7 2884.0 3580.0巨大无头怪2884 961.3 1442.0 2060.0 2900.0 3605.0笨重翼魔2900 966.7 1450.0 2071.4 2920.0 3625.0巨大小鬼2920 973.3 1460.0 2085.7 2980.0 3650.0食人魔战士(小)2980 993.3 1490.0 2128.6 3000.0 3725.0巨大雷光羽3000 1000.0 1500.0 2142.9 3010.0 3750.0百眼巨人(FM4P1、2层)3010 1003.3 1505.0 2150.0 3074.0 3762.5巨熊3074 1024.7 1537.0 2195.7 3180.0 3842.5巨大黑蜘蛛(4PBOSS)3180 1060.0 1590.0 2271.4 3180.0 3975.0巨大红蜘蛛(4PBOSS)3180 1060.0 1590.0 2271.4 3240.0 3975.0巨大蠕虫(巴高)3240 1080.0 1620.0 2314.3 3245.0 4050.0 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak百眼巨人(FM4P3层、巴尔)3245 1081.7 1622.5 2317.9 3320.0 4056.3巨大蠕虫(强化,小)3320 1106.7 1660.0 2371.4 3320.0 4150.0幽灵(召唤)3320 1106.7 1660.0 2371.4 3350.0 4150.0巨大白蜘蛛(4PBOSS)3350 1116.7 1675.0 2392.9 3430.0 4187.5巨大红蜘蛛3430 1143.3 1715.0 2450.0 3430.0 4287.5小石巨人(中级)3430 1143.3 1715.0 2450.0 3470.0 4287.5巨大黑蜘蛛3470 1156.7 1735.0 2478.6 3548.0 4337.5石巨人(塞高)3548 1182.7 1774.0 2534.3 3580.0 4435.0怪物3580 1193.3 1790.0 2557.1 3580.0 4475.0巨大蠕虫(强化,大)3580 1193.3 1790.0 2557.1 3580.0 4475.0披风老妖3580 1193.3 1790.0 2557.1 3590.0 4475.0警卫翼魔3590 1196.7 1795.0 2564.3 3690.0 4487.5食人魔战士(大)3690 1230.0 1845.0 2635.7 3700.0 4612.5食尸鬼3700 1233.3 1850.0 2642.9 3780.0 4625.0石巨人(塞中,青)3780 1260.0 1890.0 2700.0 3810.0 4725.0暗黑武士3810 1270.0 1905.0 2721.4 3810.0 4762.5盗尸者(白)3810 1270.0 1905.0 2721.4 3880.0 4762.5独眼巨人(伦高)3880 1293.3 1940.0 2771.4 3940.0 4850.0石巨人(塞中,红)3940 1313.3 1970.0 2814.3 3950.0 4925.0新绿魔战3950 1316.7 1975.0 2821.4 3990.0 4937.5新粉魔战3990 1330.0 1995.0 2850.0 4110.0 4987.5 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak Weakest 新蓝鬼魔4110 1370.0 2055.0 2935.7 4140.0 5137.5新白、黑鬼魔4140 1380.0 2070.0 2957.1 4250.0 5175.0熔岩石巨人4250 1416.7 2125.0 3035.7 4260.0 5312.5盗尸者(白,皮卡低级)4260 1420.0 2130.0 3042.9 4260.0 5325.0盗尸者(青)4260 1420.0 2130.0 3042.9 4430.0 5325.0石巨人(黑)4430 1476.7 2215.0 3164.3 4500.0 5537.5盗尸者(青,皮卡低级)4500 1500.0 2250.0 3214.3 4740.0 5625.0哈洛骑士4740 1580.0 2370.0 3385.7 5000.0 5925.0哈洛骑士(皮卡低级)5000 1666.7 2500.0 3571.4 5000.0 6250.0黑猫5000 1666.7 2500.0 3571.4 5000.0 6250.0巨蛾5000 1666.7 2500.0 3571.4 5180.0 6250.0幽灵(雷暴)5180 1726.7 2590.0 3700.0 5420.0 6475.0幽灵(火球)5420 1806.7 2710.0 3871.4 5680.0 6775.0蓝幽灵5680 1893.3 2840.0 4057.1 6000.0 7100.0蓝幽灵(皮卡低级)6000 2000.0 3000.0 4285.7 6020.0 7500.0红幽灵6020 2006.7 3010.0 4300.0 6500.0 7525.0红幽灵(皮卡低级)6500 2166.7 3250.0 4642.9 9020.0 8125.0死尸9020 3006.7 4510.0 6442.9 9999.0 11275.0 格拉斯贝恩9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8 科隆科鲁亚9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8 鲁拉里9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8 熔岩石巨人9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 0.0 12498.8 怪物名战斗力Boss Awful Strong Coequal Weak Weakest 暗黑骑士0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0白灰熊0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0白狼(G2RP)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0白狼(活动用) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0白狼(原野)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0白色女妖0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0百眼巨人0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0百眼巨人(黑)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 百眼巨人(绿)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 百眼巨人(青)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 被召唤的翼魔0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 变狼狂(蓝珠)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 豺狗0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 地狱骷髅犬0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 毒哥布林0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 独眼巨人0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 俄国狼狗0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 公牛0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 狗(活动用) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 海参蠕虫0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 海鞘蠕虫0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 韩国黄色短毛猫0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 韩国棕色短毛猫0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 韩国棕色短毛猫0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 黑刺猬0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 黑俄罗斯蓝猫0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 黑狼0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 黑雪貂0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 黑羊0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 红哥布林0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 红弓手哥布林0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 红黑恶狼0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 红骷髅(米你)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 红熊(活动用) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 黄金地精0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 灰浣熊0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 灰狼人0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 灰色恶狼0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨宝箱怪0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨大白狼(G2)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨大白蜘蛛0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨大冰光羽0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨大幼蜘蛛0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨食人魔0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 巨鼠0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 口袋鼠0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0骷髅(米你)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 骷髅战士0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 矿工地精0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 矿工地精0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 矿工地精0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 蓝恶狼0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 老宝箱怪0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 鲁拉里0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 牛头怪(AM2P)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 女神茉莉安0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 帕拉丁见习生0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 神锁孔0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小毒哥布林0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小哥布林0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小弓手哥布林0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小鬼骷髅0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小红灰熊0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小红蜘蛛0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小灰狐狸0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小灰色恶狼0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 小石巨人0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 羊(活动用) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 药草猪0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 银狐狸0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 鱼头怪0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 鱼头怪0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 月兔鼠0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 蜘蛛0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 猪0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 棕狐狸(活动用) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 棕鼠0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0按拼音顺序A怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←Coequal ?Weak→ Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←Coequal ?Weak→ Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest艾斯拉斯2490 830.0 1245.0 1778.6 2490.0 3112.5 暗黑斗士2362 787.3 1181.0 1687.1 2362.0 2952.5 暗黑骷髅1286 428.7 643.0 918.6 1286.0 1607.5 暗黑骑士暗黑鼠人1625 541.7 812.5 1160.7 1625.0 2031.3 暗黑巫师(巴里)1790 596.7 895.0 1278.6 1790.0 2237.5 暗黑巫师(原野)1790 596.7 895.0 1278.6 1790.0 2237.5 暗黑武士3810 1270.0 1905.0 2721.4 3810.0 4762.5B怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest白狐狸123 41.0 61.5 87.9 123.0 153.8 白灰熊白狼(G2RP)白狼(活动用)白狼(原野)白色恶狼1015 338.3 507.5 725.0 1015.0 1268.8 白色女妖白蛇1086 362.0 543.0 775.7 1086.0 1357.5 白蜘蛛(地下城)301 100.3 150.5 215.0 301.0 376.3 白蜘蛛(新手)200 66.7 100.0 142.9 200.0 250.0 白蜘蛛(原野)201 67.0 100.5 143.6 201.0 251.3 百眼巨人百眼巨人(FM4P1、2层)3010 1003.3 1505.0 2150.0 3010.0 3762.5 百眼巨人(FM4P3层、巴尔)3245 1081.7 1622.5 2317.9 3245.0 4056.3 百眼巨人(黑)百眼巨人(绿)百眼巨人(青)宝箱怪693 231.0 346.5 495.0 693.0 866.3 宝箱怪王1069 356.3 534.5 763.6 1069.0 1336.3 被召唤的翼魔力笨重翼魔2900 966.7 1450.0 2071.4 2900.0 3625.0 蝙蝠468 156.0 234.0 334.3 468.0 585.0 变狼狂(橙)1880 626.7 940.0 1342.9 1880.0 2350.0 变狼狂(蓝)1880 626.7 940.0 1342.9 1880.0 2350.0 变狼狂(蓝珠)变狼狂(绿)1840 613.3 920.0 1314.3 1840.0 2300.0 变狼狂(青)1945 648.3 972.5 1389.3 1945.0 2431.3 变狼狂(紫)2010 670.0 1005.0 1435.7 2010.0 2512.5 冰光羽1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3C怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest财宝宝箱怪1066 355.3 533.0 761.4 1066.0 1332.5 豺狗豺狼593 197.7 296.5 423.6 593.0 741.3 雏鸡60 20.0 30.0 42.9 60.0 75.0D怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest达克罗德(普通)1930 643.3 965.0 1378.6 1930.0 2412.5 达克罗德(物、魔免)1780 593.3 890.0 1271.4 1780.0 2225.0 盗尸者(白)3810 1270.0 1905.0 2721.4 3810.0 4762.5 盗尸者(白,皮卡低级)4260 1420.0 2130.0 3042.9 4260.0 5325.0 盗尸者(青)4260 1420.0 2130.0 3042.9 4260.0 5325.0 盗尸者(青,皮卡低级)4500 1500.0 2250.0 3214.3 4500.0 5625.0 盗贼地精857 285.7 428.5 612.1 857.0 1071.3 盗贼哥布林1134 378.0 567.0 810.0 1134.0 1417.5 地精822 274.0 411.0 587.1 822.0 1027.5 地狱骷髅犬力地狱犬1826 608.7 913.0 1304.3 1826.0 2282.5 洞穴巨人1720 573.3 860.0 1228.6 1720.0 2150.0 毒地精876 292.0 438.0 625.7 876.0 1095.0 毒哥布林毒骷髅战士2554 851.3 1277.0 1824.3 2554.0 3192.5 独眼巨人独眼巨人(伦高)3880 1293.3 1940.0 2771.4 3880.0 4850.0 E怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest俄国狼狗F怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest飞剑1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3 飞剑(黑)1168 389.3 584.0 834.3 1168.0 1460.0 飞剑(骷髅)1442 480.7 721.0 1030.0 1442.0 1802.5 肥蜘蛛1190 396.7 595.0 850.0 1190.0 1487.5G怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest哥布林631 210.3 315.5 450.7 631.0 788.8 哥布林(新手)500 166.7 250.0 357.1 500.0 625.0 格拉斯贝恩9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8力弓手地精827 275.7 413.5 590.7 827.0 1033.8 弓手哥布林634 211.3 317.0 452.9 634.0 792.5 弓手猎哥布林者1640 546.7 820.0 1171.4 1640.0 2050.0 公鸡150 50.0 75.0 107.1 150.0 187.5 公牛狗483 161.0 241.5 345.0 483.0 603.8 狗(活动用)怪物3580 1193.3 1790.0 2557.1 3580.0 4475.0 H怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest哈洛骑士4740 1580.0 2370.0 3385.7 4740.0 5925.0 哈洛骑士(皮卡低级)5000 1666.7 2500.0 3571.4 5000.0 6250.0 海参蠕虫海盗船长红骷髅2200 733.3 1100.0 1571.4 2200.0 2750.0 海盗船长骷髅1815 605.0 907.5 1296.4 1815.0 2268.8 海盗红骷髅1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 海盗红骷髅(大)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 海盗骷髅(红)1351 450.3 675.5 965.0 1351.0 1688.8 海盗骷髅(青)1649 549.7 824.5 1177.9 1649.0 2061.3 海鞘蠕虫韩国黄色短毛猫黑船鼠1000 333.3 500.0 714.3 1000.0 1250.0 黑刺猬黑俄罗斯蓝猫黑浣熊1284 428.0 642.0 917.1 1284.0 1605.0 黑灰熊2304 768.0 1152.0 1645.7 2304.0 2880.0 黑狼黑猫5000 1666.7 2500.0 3571.4 5000.0 6250.0 黑色恶狼933 311.0 466.5 666.4 933.0 1166.3 黑色女妖1610 536.7 805.0 1150.0 1610.0 2012.5 黑蛇1400 466.7 700.0 1000.0 1400.0 1750.0 黑鼠278 92.7 139.0 198.6 278.0 347.5力黑雪貂黑羊黑蜘蛛670 223.3 335.0 478.6 670.0 837.5 红地精1370 456.7 685.0 978.6 1370.0 1712.5 红肥蜘蛛1805 601.7 902.5 1289.3 1805.0 2256.3 红哥布林红弓手地精1834 611.3 917.0 1310.0 1834.0 2292.5 红弓手哥布林红黑恶狼红黑灰熊1570 523.3 785.0 1121.4 1570.0 1962.5 红黑镰刀蛛1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 红黑蜘蛛910 303.3 455.0 650.0 910.0 1137.5 红狐狸336 112.0 168.0 240.0 336.0 420.0 红灰熊2072 690.7 1036.0 1480.0 2072.0 2590.0 红骷髅1274 424.7 637.0 910.0 1274.0 1592.5 红骷髅(拉低)1635 545.0 817.5 1167.9 1635.0 2043.8 红骷髅(米你)红骷髅(女神)1526 508.7 763.0 1090.0 1526.0 1907.5 红镰刀蛛1660 553.3 830.0 1185.7 1660.0 2075.0 红色女妖2097 699.0 1048.5 1497.9 2097.0 2621.3 红鼠1360 453.3 680.0 971.4 1360.0 1700.0 红熊1552 517.3 776.0 1108.6 1552.0 1940.0 红熊(活动用)红幽灵6020 2006.7 3010.0 4300.0 6020.0 7525.0 红幽灵(皮卡低级)6500 2166.7 3250.0 4642.9 6500.0 8125.0 红蜘蛛849 283.0 424.5 606.4 849.0 1061.3 浣熊279 93.0 139.5 199.3 279.0 348.8 黄金地精黄金哥布林916 305.3 458.0 654.3 916.0 1145.0 灰狐狸463 154.3 231.5 330.7 463.0 578.8 灰浣熊灰狼570 190.0 285.0 407.1 570.0 712.5 灰狼(新手)400 133.3 200.0 285.7 400.0 500.0 灰狼人灰色恶狼灰色鬼魔931 310.3 465.5 665.0 931.0 1163.8 灰鼠349 116.3 174.5 249.3 349.0 436.3力灰熊1802 600.7 901.0 1287.1 1802.0 2252.5 火光羽1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3J怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest金属骷髅1540 513.3 770.0 1100.0 1540.0 1925.0 金属骷髅(拉低)1814 604.7 907.0 1295.7 1814.0 2267.5 金属骷髅(女神)1786 595.3 893.0 1275.7 1786.0 2232.5 金属骷髅(召唤)1814 604.7 907.0 1295.7 1814.0 2267.5 金属吟游骷髅2564 854.7 1282.0 1831.4 2564.0 3205.0 警卫地狱骷髅犬2240 746.7 1120.0 1600.0 2240.0 2800.0 警卫肥蜘蛛2410 803.3 1205.0 1721.4 2410.0 3012.5 警卫骷髅2368 789.3 1184.0 1691.4 2368.0 2960.0 警卫翼魔3590 1196.7 1795.0 2564.3 3590.0 4487.5 警卫蜘蛛1680 560.0 840.0 1200.0 1680.0 2100.0 巨宝箱怪巨蝙蝠1070 356.7 535.0 764.3 1070.0 1337.5 巨大白狼(G2)巨大白狼(原野)2529 843.0 1264.5 1806.4 2529.0 3161.3 巨大白蜘蛛巨大白蜘蛛(4PBOSS)3350 1116.7 1675.0 2392.9 3350.0 4187.5 巨大冰光羽巨大豺狗1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 巨大地狱骷髅犬2780 926.7 1390.0 1985.7 2780.0 3475.0 巨大黑蜘蛛3470 1156.7 1735.0 2478.6 3470.0 4337.5 巨大黑蜘蛛(4PBOSS)3180 1060.0 1590.0 2271.4 3180.0 3975.0 巨大红蜘蛛3430 1143.3 1715.0 2450.0 3430.0 4287.5 巨大红蜘蛛(4PBOSS)3180 1060.0 1590.0 2271.4 3180.0 3975.0 巨大火光羽2592 864.0 1296.0 1851.4 2592.0 3240.0 巨大雷光羽3000 1000.0 1500.0 2142.9 3000.0 3750.0 巨大蠕虫1768 589.3 884.0 1262.9 1768.0 2210.0 巨大蠕虫(巴高)3240 1080.0 1620.0 2314.3 3240.0 4050.0 巨大蠕虫(强化,大)3580 1193.3 1790.0 2557.1 3580.0 4475.0力巨大蠕虫(强化,小)3320 1106.7 1660.0 2371.4 3320.0 4150.0 巨大无头怪2884 961.3 1442.0 2060.0 2884.0 3605.0 巨大小鬼2920 973.3 1460.0 2085.7 2920.0 3650.0 巨大野鼠910 303.3 455.0 650.0 910.0 1137.5 巨大幼蜘蛛巨蛾5000 1666.7 2500.0 3571.4 5000.0 6250.0 巨黑狼2680 893.3 1340.0 1914.3 2680.0 3350.0 巨骷髅1298 432.7 649.0 927.1 1298.0 1622.5 巨食人魔巨鼠巨熊3074 1024.7 1537.0 2195.7 3074.0 3842.5 巨蜘蛛1688 562.7 844.0 1205.7 1688.0 2110.0K怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest卡斯魔法师2200 733.3 1100.0 1571.4 2200.0 2750.0 卡斯骑士团2000 666.7 1000.0 1428.6 2000.0 2500.0 卡斯骑士团2200 733.3 1100.0 1571.4 2200.0 2750.0 科隆科鲁亚9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8 口袋鼠骷髅1118 372.7 559.0 798.6 1118.0 1397.5 骷髅(拉低)1456 485.3 728.0 1040.0 1456.0 1820.0 骷髅(米你)骷髅(女神)1348 449.3 674.0 962.9 1348.0 1685.0 骷髅(新手)600 200.0 300.0 428.6 600.0 750.0 骷髅地狱犬1426 475.3 713.0 1018.6 1426.0 1782.5 骷髅狼1112 370.7 556.0 794.3 1112.0 1390.0 骷髅小鬼1044 348.0 522.0 745.7 1044.0 1305.0 骷髅战士矿工地精L力怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest蓝恶狼蓝黑蜘蛛1005 335.0 502.5 717.9 1005.0 1256.3 蓝灰熊1604 534.7 802.0 1145.7 1604.0 2005.0 蓝狼913 304.3 456.5 652.1 913.0 1141.3 蓝狼人1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 蓝鼠人1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 蓝幽灵5680 1893.3 2840.0 4057.1 5680.0 7100.0 蓝幽灵(皮卡低级)6000 2000.0 3000.0 4285.7 6000.0 7500.0 狼人1575 525.0 787.5 1125.0 1575.0 1968.8 老宝箱怪雷光羽1097 365.7 548.5 783.6 1097.0 1371.3 雷翼魔1566 522.0 783.0 1118.6 1566.0 1957.5 里达易欧1110 370.0 555.0 792.9 1110.0 1387.5 镰刀蛛1003 334.3 501.5 716.4 1003.0 1253.8 猎哥布林者1585 528.3 792.5 1132.1 1585.0 1981.3 鲁拉里鲁拉里9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8 绿色鬼魔1113 371.0 556.5 795.0 1113.0 1391.3 绿蛇1850 616.7 925.0 1321.4 1850.0 2312.5M怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest马魔王2620 873.3 1310.0 1871.4 2620.0 3275.0 母鸡100 33.3 50.0 71.4 100.0 125.0 木豺狗840 280.0 420.0 600.0 840.0 1050.0N怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest力力娜儿0奶牛180 60.0 90.0 128.6 180.0 225.0 牛头怪1252 417.3 626.0 894.3 1252.0 1565.0 牛头怪(AM2P)女神茉莉安女妖克莉斯特1240 413.3 620.0 885.7 1240.0 1550.0 诺(黑)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 诺(黄)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0P怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest帕拉丁见习生披风老妖3580 1193.3 1790.0 2557.1 3580.0 4475.0 披着羊皮的狼1539 513.0 769.5 1099.3 1539.0 1923.8q怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest青蛇812 270.7 406.0 580.0 812.0 1015.0 R怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest熔岩石巨人9999 3333.0 4999.5 7142.1 9999.0 12498.8 熔岩石巨人4250 1416.7 2125.0 3035.7 4250.0 5312.5S怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest杀人蜂1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 赛连2864 954.7 1432.0 2045.7 2864.0 3580.0 丧尸(男)2090 696.7 1045.0 1492.9 2090.0 2612.5 丧尸(女)2090 696.7 1045.0 1492.9 2090.0 2612.5 山狗859 286.3 429.5 613.6 859.0 1073.8 神锁孔石巨人(CEO)2548 849.3 1274.0 1820.0 2548.0 3185.0 石巨人(黑)4430 1476.7 2215.0 3164.3 4430.0 5537.5 石巨人(普塞)2548 849.3 1274.0 1820.0 2548.0 3185.0 石巨人(塞低)2758 919.3 1379.0 1970.0 2758.0 3447.5 石巨人(塞高)3548 1182.7 1774.0 2534.3 3548.0 4435.0 石巨人(塞中,红)3940 1313.3 1970.0 2814.3 3940.0 4925.0 石巨人(塞中,青)3780 1260.0 1890.0 2700.0 3780.0 4725.0 食人魔2400 800.0 1200.0 1714.3 2400.0 3000.0 食人魔战士(大)3690 1230.0 1845.0 2635.7 3690.0 4612.5 食人魔战士(米斯里) 2630 876.7 1315.0 1878.6 2630.0 3287.5 食人魔战士(小)2980 993.3 1490.0 2128.6 2980.0 3725.0 食人箱1316 438.7 658.0 940.0 1316.0 1645.0 食尸鬼3700 1233.3 1850.0 2642.9 3700.0 4625.0 鼠人849 283.0 424.5 606.4 849.0 1061.3 死尸9020 3006.7 4510.0 6442.9 9020.0 11275.0T怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest塔拉克1025 341.7 512.5 732.1 1025.0 1281.3 田鼠341 113.7 170.5 243.6 341.0 426.3 透明小鬼1044 348.0 522.0 745.7 1044.0 1305.0W怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest温顺的蝙蝠375 125.0 187.5 267.9 375.0 468.8 X怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest吸血蝙蝠1232 410.7 616.0 880.0 1232.0 1540.0 小白色恶狼857 285.7 428.5 612.1 857.0 1071.3 小白蜘蛛189 63.0 94.5 135.0 189.0 236.3 小百眼巨人2800 933.3 1400.0 2000.0 2800.0 3500.0 小洞穴巨人2184 728.0 1092.0 1560.0 2184.0 2730.0 小毒哥布林小哥布林小弓手哥布林小鬼1044 348.0 522.0 745.7 1044.0 1305.0 小鬼骷髅小黑浣熊796 265.3 398.0 568.6 796.0 995.0 小黑灰熊1702 567.3 851.0 1215.7 1702.0 2127.5 小黑色恶狼814 271.3 407.0 581.4 814.0 1017.5 小红狐狸271 90.3 135.5 193.6 271.0 338.8 小红灰熊小红蜘蛛小浣熊46 15.3 23.0 32.9 46.0 57.5 小灰狐狸小灰浣熊101 33.7 50.5 72.1 101.0 126.3 小灰色恶狼小精灵1510 503.3 755.0 1078.6 1510.0 1887.5 小石巨人2448 816.0 1224.0 1748.6 2448.0 3060.0 小石巨人小石巨人(中级)3430 1143.3 1715.0 2450.0 3430.0 4287.5力小田鼠160 53.3 80.0 114.3 160.0 200.0 小棕恶狼560 186.7 280.0 400.0 560.0 700.0 小棕灰熊1272 424.0 636.0 908.6 1272.0 1590.0 小棕色狐狸116 38.7 58.0 82.9 116.0 145.0 新白、黑鬼魔4140 1380.0 2070.0 2957.1 4140.0 5175.0 新蓝鬼魔4110 1370.0 2055.0 2935.7 4110.0 5137.5 新粉魔战3990 1330.0 1995.0 2850.0 3990.0 4987.5 新绿魔战3950 1316.7 1975.0 2821.4 3950.0 4937.5 凶暴鱼头怪1850 616.7 925.0 1321.4 1850.0 2312.5Y怪物名战斗力BOSS ←A wful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest羊130 43.3 65.0 92.9 130.0 162.5 羊(活动用)药草猪野猪1160 386.7 580.0 828.6 1160.0 1450.0 吟游骷髅(玛高)900 300.0 450.0 642.9 900.0 1125.0 吟游骷髅(塞高)1800 600.0 900.0 1285.7 1800.0 2250.0 银狐狸优等生小鬼536 178.7 268.0 382.9 536.0 670.0 幽灵(火球)5420 1806.7 2710.0 3871.4 5420.0 6775.0 幽灵(雷暴)5180 1726.7 2590.0 3700.0 5180.0 6475.0 幽灵(召唤)3320 1106.7 1660.0 2371.4 3320.0 4150.0 幽灵铠甲1090 363.3 545.0 778.6 1090.0 1362.5 鱼头怪鱼头怪鱼头怪骑兵1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 鱼头怪士兵1200 400.0 600.0 857.1 1200.0 1500.0 鱼头怪武士1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 鱼头怪战士1600 533.3 800.0 1142.9 1600.0 2000.0 月兔鼠Z力怪物名战斗力BOSS ←Awful ←Strong ←? Weak → Weakest。
游戏王DM 王国篇(001—055集)决斗城市前(056—097集)乃亚篇(098—121集)决斗城市后(122—142集)多玛篇(143—184集)KC篇(185—198集)埃及篇(199—224集)001.「战栗的青眼白龙」002.「幻想师无颜的陷阱」003.「丢失的埃及使者」004.「决斗开始!」005.「究级完全态大飞蛾」006.「华丽的神鹰女郎」007.「海神俐维但」008.「被夺走的青眼白龙」009.「起死回生!魔法大礼帽!」010.「逆袭的青眼白龙」011.「友情之力!野蛮人1号·2号」012.「黑之炎!真红眼的黑龙!」013.「变形壶的陷阱!炎之剑士的危机!」014.「漆黑的决斗!暗晦渐增之城」015.「切裂黑暗!光之护封剑!」016.「激突!青眼VS红眼!」017.「恐怖!生死的呼声」018.「逆右手换盾左手换剑」019.「迷宫的黑暗决斗」020.「三神合体!门之守护者」021.「恶魔龙!黑魔龙」022.「宿命的决斗!游戏VS海马」023.「最强!华丽!究极龙!」024.「栗子球增殖!惊愕的结果」025.「泪之决斗!友谊!」026.「拯救圭平!海马VS帕枷索斯!」027.「海马散落!无敌的卡通世界」028.「决战前夜!帕枷索斯的秘密」029.「穷途末路!诱惑之影」030.「传说的最强战士!混沌战士降临!」031.「凶恶·重机械卡组」032.「超越时空!真红眼黑铁龙!」033.「友情的决胜战!游戏VS城之内(前篇)」034.「友情的决胜战!游戏VS城之内(后篇)」035.「最终决斗!游戏VS帕枷索斯」036.「攻占不能!? 无敌的卡通军团」037.「反击开始!心灵混合」038.「邪眼发动!祭品!」039.「光与暗的融合!黑暗混沌降临!」040.「国王的决斗」041.「来自美国的少女!」042.「必杀的影子怪」043.「五大老的陷阱!决斗怪兽搜索」044.「传说的勇者!游戏」045.「DM搜索之三龙骑士之王」046.「迷之转校生御伽龙儿」047.「对决!骰子大怪兽!」048.「游戏苦战!奥格斯神的猛攻」049.「奇迹的次元!黑魔导召唤!」050.「从过去来的挑战!战栗的杰拉」051.「被打碎的千年积木」052.「王失去的记忆」053.「炎之街舞战」054.「这城市成为了决斗之城!」055.「古鲁斯强袭!被狙击的真红眼黑龙!」056.「激斗!决斗之城开幕!」057.「逆转!连锁破坏!」058.「天才铝场恐怖的心灵感应」059.「用勇气做赌注!迂回的轮盘蜘蛛」060.「黑魔导使者潘朵拉」061.「魂的黑魔术」062.「魔术师的弟子!黑魔导少女」063.「复仇的陷阱暴走!帕拉萨德」064.「钢铁的骑士基亚·弗雷德」065.「马力克开始行动!神的组合」066.「欧西里斯的天空龙」067.「超越神!究极的无限循环」068.「看不见的敌人!深海奇袭||」069.「传说的渔人」070.「假面的咒缚高层决斗潘朵拉」071.「被封印的神之卡」072.「团结!」073.「奥贝利斯克的巨神兵」074.「羁绊」075.「无情的决斗!游戏VS城之内」076.「到达!友情的真红眼黑龙」077.「通往绝望的倒计时!」078.「攻击我吧!命运的最终回合!」079.「鬼怪卡组VS超自然卡组」080.「忍者使者!玛古纳姆」081.「决斗艇起飞!」082~84.「天空的首场决斗!游戏VS暗貘良」085.「隐藏之力神之卡的谜」086.「城之内VS 陷阱卡组」087.「继承的魂之卡精神震撼者反击!」088.「拉之翼神龙召唤!」089.「拉的愤怒!站起来城之内!」090.「舞VS马力克黑暗决斗!」091.「夺取神之卡」092.「古代神官文字之谜」093.「海马VS第8个决斗者」094.「改变未来的一击!」095.「被说出的伊修达尔家的真相」096.「黑暗VS 黑暗(马力克VS 貘良)」097.「ONE TURN KILL(一回杀)」098.「未知的决斗者!巨大机动要塞浮上!」099.「卡组统领深海的战士」100.「恐怖的再生组合」101.「被夺走的神之卡」102.「冰上决斗被狙击的杏子」103.「闪耀!贤者的宝石」104.「卡组统领审判者的制裁」105.「胜利的赌注」106.「男人之花道本田玉碎!」107.「圣女贞德三位一体的攻击」108.「被离间的圭平海马VS 精神震撼者」109.「来自宇宙的攻击!卫星加农炮」110.「更深的谜团乃亚的原形」111.「五大老的逆袭」112.「被狙击的城之内与胜利联系的技巧」113.「推倒!五帝龙」114.「乃亚VS濑人天地创造的决斗」115.「乃亚VS濑人天地创造的决斗」116.「拯救圭平!命运的第七回合」117.「继承的卡组!游戏VS乃亚」118.「LP10000 VS 100!! 」119.「海马家的黑暗」120~121.「奇迹的大逃脱!特别青眼VS 埃及使者的亡灵!」122.「决战之地亚鲁卡图拉佐」123.「高贵的战役!」124.「各自的对战者!」125~126.「城之内VS 马力古!」127.「逆转!闪电的战士!」128.「城之内死!」129.「天空斗戏场!游戏VS 海马」130.「召唤神的三骑士」131.「激突!神(欧西里斯)VS 神(奥贝利斯克)」132.「真正的决斗者的纽带是否能拯救朋友!?」133.「游戏VS海马超越神的宿命之决斗理由!特别」134.「憎恨的射击!黑暗帕拉丁」135.「炎之凡人的道路城之内VS 海马」136.「青眼白龙VS 青眼白龙」137.「真正决斗者的道路」138.「决胜战!游戏VS 马力克」139.「恶魔的圣域发动!」140.「不死之壁神之史莱姆」141.「奥贝利斯克的愤怒能量融合MAX」142.「决斗城市终结!」143.「亚鲁卡图拉佐起火」144.「兆头」145.「新的黑暗的跳动」146.「奥利哈钢的结界」147.「无名之龙提玛欧斯」148.「来自帕枷索斯的招待券」149.「卡通世界的噩梦」150.「觉醒!克里提欧斯」151.「无预期的敌人」152.「黑暗中落下的舞」153.「复苏!第三只龙」154.「海涅墨斯的奇迹」155.「目标!无名之王」156.「游戏VS拉菲鲁铁壁的守护者卡组」157.「多玛的真相」158.「游戏心中的黑暗提玛欧斯消灭」159.「被撕裂的灵魂」160.「站起来游戏!别输城之内!特别」161.「羽蛾&龙崎赌掉灵魂的决斗」162.「不发动提玛欧斯!」163.「对决!两个人的游戏!」164.「奥利哈钢的骑士」165.「巴龙开始行动!谜之病毒装甲」166.「复仇的装甲天空中的决斗」167.「作战!海马!决死的空中大逃脱特别」168.「天空的要塞吉格拉特」169.「激突!城之内VS巴龙」170.「全装甲重力场」171.「互相响应的灵魂」172.「激斗的尽头」173.「痛苦的胜利」174.「命运的决斗!游戏VS 拉菲鲁」175.「不死身!守护者·死亡帝王」176.「打击心中的黑暗」177.「决战之地!达姿VS游戏&海马」178.「亚特兰蒂斯的悲剧」179.「囚禁的镜子空间」180.「奥利哈钢的三重结界」181.「复苏!传说的三骑士」182.「攻击力∞(无限)蛇神彝」183.「神神的战斗」184.「走在光芒中」185.「KC最优秀杯开幕!」186.「开始蠢动的阴谋」187.「城之内VS神秘面具人」188.「幻之古代龙(黄金龙)」189.「热斗!蕾贝卡VS微微安」190.「城之内VS杰克华丽的决斗」191.「怪兽抹杀的女神」192.「天才少女(蕾贝卡)VS天才少年(雷奥)」193.「御伽国的雷奥」194.「海马闯入!最优秀杯决胜战!」195.「战女神VS 青眼白龙」196.「决斗王决定战!游戏VS雷奥」197.「修特罗姆·贝鲁克的黄金城」198.「KC最优秀杯终结」199.「究极的游戏」200.「开始行动的暗貘良」201.「被打开的记忆之门」202.「盗贼王貘良见参!」203.「玛哈德的决心」204.「死斗!玛哈德VS貘良」205.「青色之瞳的奇沙拉」206.「千年道具诞生的秘密」207.「倒退的时间」208.「活着的法老」209.「死灵的村」210.「盗贼王貘良的临终」211.「新的舞台」212.「黑暗大神官」213.「邪神复活之倒计时」214.「白色的龙」215.「大邪神佐克复活」216.「传说的守护神埃及使者复活」217.「召唤!三幻神」218.「佐克VS青眼究极龙」219.「在王名之下!!」220.「最终的试练」221.「命运的最终决斗!」222.「打倒三幻神!!」223.「强的心善的心」最终回.「在光中完结的物语」游戏王GX 三幻魔篇(001-052)001.继承武藤游戏的人002.火焰翼人003.星型人工智慧004.五重合体VWXYZ005.黑暗的恶魔牌组006.羽翼粟子球的奇迹007.翔的交通工具牌组008.最强!电子终极龙!009..必杀一击!回到饭桌!010.十代和翔宿舍决斗(前篇)011.十代和翔宿舍决斗(后篇)012.氧气+氢气=H2O龙013.野性解放!猴子决斗!014.VS人造人索加015.青春的网球决斗016.黑夜的哥布林王017.抽牌!抽牌!抽牌!018.VS游戏牌组(前篇)019.VS游戏牌组(后篇)020.恋爱的少女021.融合封印!十代VS三泽(前篇)022.融合封印!十代VS三泽(后篇)023.脱力!木瓜豆腐决斗!024.复活!万丈目闪电!025.VS万丈目闪电(前篇)武装龙的威胁026.VS万丈目闪电(后篇)武装龙LV7027.课外学习是黑暗决斗(前篇)028.课外学习是黑暗决斗(后篇)029.VS DarkNess(前篇)真红眼黑龙的挑战030.VS DarkNess(后篇)真红眼黑龙的攻击031.库洛偌斯 VS 吸血美女卡缪拉032.恺撒 VS 卡缪拉!幻魔之门发动033.光辉!光闪羽翼人!034.温泉旅情!青眼白龙!035.兄弟的团结!搞乱三角飓风!036.三泽地VS亚马逊!娶亲决斗!037.肉弹决斗!亚马逊的死亡擂台!038.水中决斗!传说中的城市亚特兰堤斯!039.名侦探闪电 VS 黑蝎盗贼团040.H.E.R.O 闪光!041.暗之斗牛场发动!明日香VS泰坦042.学园祭决斗!黑魔导女孩乱入043.给明日香的第二次恋爱机会!?044.第七人的影子045.VS Armnile!E.HERO完全封印046.地水炎风融合!贤者之石!047.明日香 VS 万丈目!人工智能天使-弁天-048.VS 影丸(前篇)两个幻魔049.VS 影丸(后篇)三幻魔觉醒050.准人 VS 库洛偌斯!艾雅斯岩的日出!051.VS 恺撒(前篇)能量融合×电子终极龙052.VS 恺撒(后篇)最终融合光之波动篇(053—104)053.命运的开始!新入生爱德.菲尼克斯054.闪电 VS 精英君金属捣乱王出发055.狄拉诺剑山登场056.翔 VS 昆虫少女!昆虫女王057.恺撒 VS爱德职业联盟赛的决斗058.VS 爱德(前篇) E.HERO 对 E.HERO!059.VS 爱德(后篇)命运的 D.HERO!060.明日香 VS 吹雪兄妹的偶像之路061.斋王登场!命运的占卜卡组062.新E.HERO!NEOS!063.剑山 VS 咖哩魔人!辛辣决斗!064.翔 VS 剑山!对大哥的火热想念决斗!065.地狱恺撒亮聚合机甲终结龙!066.十代初梦决斗!067.VS爱德(前篇)新的力量!水之新生侠.水之海豚侠068.VS爱德(后篇)炎之新生侠.火炎NEOS!!069.克洛诺斯 VS拿破仑!玩具士兵的进军!070.明日香 VS 万丈目白闪电!071.VS 海上霸者巨大战舰-旋轮开进!072.破坏“卡组破坏“吧073.剑山 VS 斋王!这是恐龙DNA!074.黄泉青蛙!生之青蛙!死亡青蛙!075.修学旅行搭档决斗076.究极合体!王者联盟077.恐怖的四帝卡组!造物主EMA!078.最强组合!?十代&爱德!(前篇)079.最强组合!?十代&爱德!(后篇)080.绝望国度的美少女爱丽思!081.知识问答比赛!?VS 猜谜卡组!082.三泽大地 VS 万丈目!083.地狱恺撒亮VS师尊鲛岛084.世界大会开幕!目标第一!085.操纵神卡「太阳神的翼神龙」的男子!?086.决斗的花道087.加油!捣乱3人组(上集)088.加油!捣乱3人组(下集)089.地狱凯撒VS暗吹雪090.学园的自尊心091.一回杀的死神092.三方决斗093.白夜的决斗!十代VS明日香(前篇)094.白夜龙!十代VS明日香(后篇)095.仁至义尽的兄弟决斗亮VS翔096.相对性地形!十代VS天才博士097.登场!谜之世界冠军!098.终于发动!究极的D之卡099.十代VS镭射卫星的恐怖100.究极的秘密仪式「THE WORLD」101.爱德必杀的一击!「blood D」102.光之波动 VS 尼奥斯103.十代危机!场地魔法「光之结界」104.胜利的去向?!十代 VS 斋王尤贝尔篇(105—156)105.新学期开始!波折的预感106.十代和宝玉兽卡组的约翰107.新空间VS宝玉兽108.教授·眼镜蛇的刺客109.十代与炎之奥布赖恩110.暴龙剑山与化石龙之吉姆111.万丈目闪电与云卡组之阿蒙112.闪电VS台风之眼113.十代VS背叛的元素英雄114.绝体绝命!满是伤痕的英雄115.搜捕精灵的基斯116.宝玉兽vs地狱的守门犬117.决战!十代vs科布拉教授118.恐怖!毒蛇王维诺米农119.三重结体融合!岩浆尼奥斯120.异世界的战斗!宝玉兽VS神鹰女郎121.沙漠的生存战!约翰VS蚁地狱122.决斗学园危机!丧尸学生的恐怖!123.礼救出作战!E.HERO VS 堕天使护士124.学园分裂!空腹决斗125.约翰·吉姆·奥布赖恩VS假面三骑士126.十代VS万丈目·龙骑士暗黑之剑127.封印解除者·马尔登128.宝玉兽VS电子终结龙129.三幻魔的威胁!十代VS马尔登130.虹龙觉醒131.皇牌卡大集合!打开吧,次元之门!132.赌上性命的决斗133.十代VS暗黑界的斥候斯卡134.十代VS暗黑界的骑士祖尔135.十代VS暗黑界的狂王布隆136.邪心经典发动!暗黑界之魔神虹137.翔的决心!「友情之证」138.霸王降临·死亡决斗者们139.暗黑融合!业火炎魔!!140. 空前绝后·超融合发动141.恐怖的霸王!彷徨的奥布赖恩142.生存下来的胜利者就是正义!霸王VS奥布赖恩143.火山恶魔VS最凶之邪心英雄144.发动!究级封印解放仪式术145.究极封印神艾克佐迪奥斯召唤!146.被封印的融合147.因缘的对决!电子流VS宝玉兽148.究极龙对决!电子终结VS黑虹149.魔神对抗!幻魔VS艾克佐迪亚150.“尤贝尔”召唤!151. NEOS VS 高等宝石兽152.超融合发动!彩虹新生侠153.被选中之卡对决!元素英雄VS尤贝尔154.苏醒的霸王十代!155.彩虹新生侠VS尤贝尔究极态156.十代复活!?新的启程Darkness篇(157—180)157.潜在的威胁!「谜之来访者」158.再见吧决斗校园!十代选择的道路159.Darkness的真相!十代VS吹雪160.融合之魂!新生侠VS五神龙161.Shall We Duel-我们去决斗好吗?配对决斗的邀请162.十代VS明日香隐藏了心意的覆盖卡163.来自精神震撼者的挑战书164.被继承的电子暗黑龙165.目标!万丈目,成为职业决斗者之路!166.武装龙VS龙骑士·D·End番外篇游戏王ZEXAL Ⅰ游戏王ARC-V(正在更新)。
具体的分组情况为:A组:9Pandas、Entity、EG、SMG、SpiritB组:AR、BB、SR、Liquid、TAC组:bc、GG、LGD、nouns、VPD组:Quest、Talon、TSM、Tundra、Keyd StarsDOTA2国际邀请赛2023赛程时间表Spirit VS 9P 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00EG VS Entity 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00TA VS BB 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00LGD VS GG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00SMG VS Tundra 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00Spirit VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00Liquid VS AR 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00TA VS SR 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00nouns VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:009P VS Entity 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00 Liquid VS BB 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00 LGD VS nouns 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00VP VS GG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00KStars VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00 SR VS Entity 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00EG VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00VP VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00KStars VS Tundra 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00 SMG VS Talon 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:009P VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00SR VS Liquid 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00AR VS TA 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00GG VS nouns 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00 SMG VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00 Spirit VS EG 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00SR VS BB 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00LGD VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00Tundra VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00 Entity VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00 Liquid VS TA 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00 SR VS AR 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00LGD VS VP 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00 KStars VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00 EG VS 9P 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00BB VS AR 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00VP VS nouns 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00GG VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00Talon VS Quest 比赛时间Spirit VS 9P 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00 EG VS Entity 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00 TA VS BB 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00LGD VS GG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00SMG VS Tundra 比赛时间:2023-10-13 01:00 Spirit VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00 Liquid VS AR 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00nouns VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00 Tundra VS Talon 比赛时间:2023-10-13 03:00 9P VS Entity 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00 Liquid VS BB 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00 LGD VS nouns 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00VP VS GG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00KStars VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-13 05:00 SR VS Entity 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00EG VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00VP VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00KStars VS Tundra 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:00 SMG VS Talon 比赛时间:2023-10-13 07:009P VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00SR VS Liquid 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00AR VS TA 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00GG VS nouns 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00 SMG VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-13 09:00 Spirit VS EG 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00LGD VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00KStars VS Talon 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00Tundra VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-14 01:00Entity VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00Liquid VS TA 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00SR VS AR 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00LGD VS VP 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00KStars VS SMG 比赛时间:2023-10-14 03:00EG VS 9P 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00BB VS AR 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00VP VS nouns 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00GG VS BC 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00Talon VS Quest 比赛时间:2023-10-14 05:00DOTA2国际邀请赛介绍DOTA2国际邀请赛,The International DOTA2 Championships。
大块头有大智慧 小小使用细节对线技巧
WebGoat中文手册版本:5.4webgoat团队2013年1月Revision record 修订记录 项目任务 参与人员 完成时间项目人员协调 Rip,袁明坤,Ivy 2012年7月翻译及整核以往版本袁明坤,傅奎,beer,南国利剑,lion 2012年8月 Webgoat5.4 版本测试袁明坤,傅奎,beer,南国利剑,lion 2012年8月 Webgoat5.4 中文手册傅奎 2012年9月 审核发布阿保,王颉, 王侯宝 2013年1月 前期参与人员 蒋根伟,宋飞,蒋增,贺新朋,吴明,akast ,杨天识,Snake ,孟祥坤,tony ,范俊,胡晓斌,袁明坤[感谢所有关注并参与过OWASP 项目的成员,感谢你们的分享和付出,webgoat 和大家一起成长!如有修改建议,请发送至webgoat@ 我们一起改进,谢谢!目录1 WebGoat简介 (6)1.1 什么是WebGoat (6)1.2 什么是OWASP (6)1.3 WebGoat部署 (6)1.4 用到的工具 (7)1.4.1 WebScarab (7)1.4.2 Firebug和IEwatch (8)1.5 其他说明 (8)2 WebGoat教程 (9)2.1 综合(General) (9)2.1.1 HTTP基础知识(Http Basics) (9)2.1.2 HTTP拆分(HTTP Splitting) (11)2.2 访问控制缺陷(Access Control Flaws) (19)2.2.1 使用访问控制模型(Using an Access Control Matrix) (19)2.2.2 绕过基于路径的访问控制方案(Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme) (22)2.2.3 基于角色的访问控制(LAB: Role Based Access Control) (25)2.2.4 远程管理访问(Remote Admin Access) (36)2.3 Ajax安全(Ajax Security) (38)2.3.1 同源策略保护(Same Origin Policy Protection) (38)2.3.2 基于DOM的跨站点访问(LAB: DOM‐Based cross‐site scripting) (39)2.3.3 小实验:客户端过滤(LAB: Client Side Filtering) (43)2.3.4 DOM注入(DOM Injection) (46)2.3.5 XML注入(XML Injection) (49)2.3.6 JSON注入(JSON Injection) (52)2.3.7 静默交易攻击(Silent Transactions Attacks) (54)2.3.8 危险指令使用(Dangerous Use of Eval) (57)2.3.9 不安全的客户端存储(Insecure Client Storage) (59)2.4 认证缺陷(Authentication Flaws) (62)2.4.1 密码强度(Password Strength) (62)2.4.2 忘记密码(Forgot Password) (64)2.4.3 基本认证(Basic Authentication) (66)2.4.4 多级登录1(Multi Level Login 1) (71)2.4.5 多级登录2(Multi Level Login 2) (73)2.5 缓冲区溢出(Buffer Overflows) (74)2.5.1 Off‐by‐One 缓冲区溢出(Off‐by‐One Overflows) (74)2.6 代码质量(Code Quality) (78)2.6.1 在HTML中找线索(Discover Clues in the HTML) (78)2.7 并发(Concurrency) (79)2.7.1 线程安全问题(Thread Safety Problems) (79)2.7.2 购物车并发缺陷(Shopping Cart Concurrency Flaw) (80)2.8 跨站脚本攻击(Cross‐Site Scripting (XSS)) (82)2.8.1 使用XSS钓鱼(Phishing with XSS) (82)2.8.2 小实验:跨站脚本攻击(LAB: Cross Site Scripting) (84)2.8.3 存储型XSS攻击(Stored XSS Attacks) (90)2.8.4 跨站请求伪造(Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)) (91)2.8.5 绕过CSRF确认( CSRF Prompt By‐Pass) (93)2.8.6 绕过CSRF Token(CSRF Token By‐Pass) (98)2.8.7 HTTPOnly测试(HTTPOnly Test) (102)2.8.8 跨站跟踪攻击(Cross Site Tracing (XST) Attacks) (103)2.9 不当的错误处理(Improper Error Handling) (105)2.9.1 打开认证失败方案(Fail Open Authentication Scheme) (105)2.10 注入缺陷(Injection Flaws) (107)2.10.1 命令注入(Command Injection) (107)2.10.2 数字型SQL注入(Numeric SQL Injection) (109)2.10.3 日志欺骗(Log Spoofing) (110)2.10.4 XPATH型注入(XPATH Injection) (112)2.10.5 字符串型注入(String SQL Injection) (113)2.10.6 小实验:SQL注入(LAB: SQL Injection) (115)2.10.7 通过SQL注入修改数据(Modify Data with SQL Injection) (119)2.10.8 通过SQL注入添加数据(Add Data with SQL Injection) (120)2.10.9 数据库后门(Database Backdoors) (121)2.10.10 数字型盲注入(Blind Numeric SQL Injection) (123)2.10.11 字符串型盲注入(Blind String SQL Injection) (124)2.11 拒绝服务(Denial of Service) (126)2.11.1 多个登录引起的拒绝服务(Denial of Service from Multiple Logins) (126)2.12 不安全的通信(Insecure Communication) (127)2.12.1 不安全的登录(Insecure Login) (127)2.13 不安全的配置(Insecure Configuration) (130)2.13.1 强制浏览(How to Exploit Forced Browsing) (130)2.14 不安全的存储(Insecure Storage) (131)2.14.1 强制浏览(How to Exploit Forced Browsing) (131)2.15 恶意执行(Malicious Execution) (132)2.15.1 恶意文件执行(Malicious File Execution) (132)2.16 参数篡改(Parameter Tampering) (134)2.16.1 绕过HTML字段限制(Bypass HTML Field Restrictions) (134)2.16.2 利用隐藏字段(Exploit Hidden Fields) (136)2.16.3 利用未检查的E‐mail(Exploit Unchecked Email) (138)2.16.4 绕过客户端JavaScript校验(Bypass Client Side JavaScript Validation) (142)2.17 会话管理缺陷(Session Management Flaws) (148)2.17.1 会话劫持(Hijack a Session) (148)2.17.2 认证Cookie欺骗(Spoof an Authentication Cookie) (154)2.17.3 会话固定(Session Fixation) (158)2.18 Web服务(Web Services) (162)2.18.1 创建SOAP请求(Create a SOAP Request) (162)2.18.2 WSDL扫描(WSDL Scanning) (168)2.18.3 Web Service SAX注入(Web Service SAX Injection) (170)2.18.4 Web Service SQL注入(Web Service SQL Injection) (172)2.19 管理功能(Admin Functions) (175)2.19.1 报告卡(Report Card) (175)2.20 挑战(Challenge) (176)2.20.1 挑战(The CHALLENGE!) (176)1WebGoat简介1.1什么是WebGoatWebGoat是OWASP组织研制出的用于进行web漏洞实验的应用平台,用来说明web 应用中存在的安全漏洞。
每年TI 时,我们总是关注着在对战房中挥汗的选手。
他们以独特的身份参与到TI 中,成为了除了选手以外,最贴近TI 赛场的人。
EHOME EHOME 战队在DotA 时代的十冠神话一直被玩家铭记,DOTA2时代经历了重组,EHOME 的涅槃之路走得格外艰辛。
今年,他们遗憾无缘TI,但与EHOME 经理赤司的聊天让今夏的精彩与往年的记忆交叠,将一个更加立体而生动的TI 赛场呈现在了我们面前。
和EHOME 经理赤司对话的时间是TI7小组赛后的休息日。
重组后的EHOME 战队遗憾无缘TI7,赤司虽然不能带队出征,却也一直关注着这次比赛。
Q:你曾随队去过几次TI ?当时办签证顺利吗?A:我随队去的是TI5和TI6。
在TI5签证的时候,当时CTY 和我还有当时的领队我们三个是白本,就是没有出境记录的或者只有东南亚国家的记录,恰巧又赶上美签刚刚改成十年制的,审查变得很严格。
后来我们又加急约了一次,提供了很多我们和V 社出征TI 的故事与回忆——EHOME 赤司工作人员的邮件往来记录才通过的。
当时CTY 由于是从DK 租借到EHOME,在公司时间很短,签证官问他你在这家公司工作了多久,CTY 回答得比较模糊,我们就感觉他很可能被拒签,还好后来通过了。
但当时其实是FaN 和领队H2O 没有过,后来我们辗转很多朋友找到美国一位议员,他给使馆写了一份红头加急邮件才过的。
TOP10——10大翻盘战役作者:来源:《电子竞技》2014年第02期NO.10 Moon:双英战群魔当精灵的主基地被Tower Rush 掉后,Moon 果断地放弃,面对双矿成型的人族部队,Moon 的双英雄携少量单位上演精彩逆转……对战双方:Spirit_Moon VS ForDeath[XPH]版本:1.21地图:PhantomGrove经典回顾:来自于BN 上的一场惊心动魄的战役,月魔Moon 与路人选手创造的经典翻盘。
前期的焦灼中人族打爆了Moon 野外的基地,二本完毕,ForDeath 召唤了地精修补匠进行TR。
Moon 虽然极力抵抗却无法阻止箭塔的竖起。
当精灵主基地被人族的箭塔全面包围,Moon 通过吃树吃出一条道路让双英雄带上小精灵逃离,开始在外面四处乱矿。
ForDeath 在强拆了Moon 的主基地后顺势放下了分矿,双矿爆出70 人口的左右火枪小炮部队开始四处强拆Moon 的生命之树,Moon 只能通过强行骚扰ForDeath 的基地争取时间,同时继续到处开矿。
最后Moon 只剩下双英雄、1 个小鹿,而ForDeath 还有50 多人口的部队,一身装备的Moon 开始打响了战斗,恶魔猎手的幻像吸引了人族火枪的攻击,套着闪电盾的真身屠杀着法师,娜迦海妖的冰箭让人族单位也无法逃脱死亡,甚至连大法师也没逃过死亡的命运。
虽然人族部队将恶魔猎手打到空血回城,但在雪藏的2 口井水下恶魔再度活跃,双英雄再次杀向人族部队,修补匠率先被放倒,火枪迫击炮也依次被击杀,最终Moon 战胜对手取得不可思议的翻盘。
NO.9 Fly:剑圣万军丛中取敌将首级ToD 的带塔一波流直接推掉了兽族的主基地,逆境中求生的Fly 将手中的剑圣发挥到极致,屡次在敌方万军之中取对手上将等级……对战双方:Mouz.Fly100% VS 4K.ToD版本:1.21地图:TurtleRock经典回顾:NGL ONE 第三赛季线下总决赛Fly的辉煌记录,完美AK 了王者之师4K 的Fly 在与当时的4K.ToD 的对局中上演单刀赴会的翻盘之作。
军团指挥官攻略 让我成为DOTA主宰者
军团指挥官攻略让我成为DOTA主宰者一.英雄介绍,属性分析军团指挥官-Tresdin,Legion Commander-英雄简称:(LC)我叫特斯丁,我们王国内部现在正滋生着一股巨大的威胁。
XTT 原名许汛涛,ID:xtt,LaiGaming 电子竞技俱乐部 DOTA2 分部队员。1989 年 11 月 20 日出生在浙 江台州。曾效力于 VG、TongFu、Hgt 战队。
啸天 •
啸天全名陈啸天,国内最早一批 DOTA2 解说员。前 Marstv Dota2 项目负责人,独立制作数百部 Dota2 视 频及直播。《啸谈 Dota2》制作人,SCNTV 主持人,WPC 解说员。解说诙谐,不拘一格。
单车 •
单车原名张羽,男。著名 Dota 解说,2007 起从事电子竞技工作,中国传奇战队 7L 主力队员,游戏风云 嘉宾解说,担任 G 联赛,StarsWar,IEF 等国内重大线下赛事解说,前职业选手的专业知识,富有激情超 快语速的解说风格让其成为中国公认最专业最好的直播现场解说。由于擅长使用潮汐猎人,被 Dota 玩家称 为“Top 潮汐”。类 DOTA 游戏写手,专业裁判。 •
包子 •
月如 ID:super 原名:谢俊豪,位置:solo 现效力于 VG 战队。 别名:包子,天才少女 擅长英雄:炼金,龙骑,兽王等 曾效力战队:DK,VG 月如在中单上十分擅长使用肉核,像之前版本的炼金,龙骑都为大家留下过很深的印象。
国士无双: •
国士无双原名张志成,ID:Lanm。1989 年 12 月 25 日出生在宁夏回族自治区银川市。他是最早一批在一 房成名的玩家,效力过 DK 战队,EH 等多家知名战队,Ti2 上的小小让全世界认识 LaNm 这个 ID。2014 年 WPC DOTA2 项目总决赛,代表 DK 战队对阵 IG,上演让三追四惊天大逆转时,怒砸键盘那一幕更为广 大 DOTA2 爱好者所铭记。
浅浅,前 90016 知名主播,被人戏称浅浅女神。进入 DOTA2 职业圈之后曾短暂加入过 DK 俱乐部,而后 来到了 Tongfu 俱乐部,并出现在了 9 月份的 NEST 中。 •
可谁曾想亡命天涯的剑圣此刻竟然开启了跳劈模式,只见他先是一个疾风步跳劈秒了TED的LICH,可怜未能及时交换回城的TED 的DK紧张得直接把回城扔在了地上,当DK拣起了回城准备TP时,剑圣又是一刀跳劈带走,OMG,接下来就是万里追杀让TED的蜘蛛一个个倒下,接下来就成为了LYN的节奏了。
1.看见爱宝贝计划,r来到复旦医学院幼儿园啦! [J],
2.来到,看见,征服 [J], 钟伟
3.魔兽世界2009全球争霸赛积分赛正式开战 [J],
4.征服严寒挑战极限——2018昆仑润滑车王争霸赛圆满收官 [J], 王一鸣
5.大师小品-英美短篇小说名作赏析(十八) 跨界婚姻:文化的征服与臣服——斯蒂芬·克莱恩短篇小说《新娘来到黄天镇》评析 [J], 龙靖遥