2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look
3A/5 a a the a
3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he
2)I have to take care of
3)I’m tied uo at the moment
4)Would you mind if
5)Can you please check
6)OK,no problem
7)please fill this form
1A/5 CBCAC (已修正,由19楼Tracy提供,表示感谢 )
1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irresponsibly
1A/5 cacaa
1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice about
it serial number is gone Oh man 800
测试A TEST A 因顺序随机,请自己判断题号/每日更新,更加完美
when did Lance
Nick thinks that
3/3 listen to
Unit11. Most countries take a census every ten years or so in order to count the people and to know where they are living.2. A country with a growing population is a country that is becoming more populous.3. A person’s race is partly determined by skin color and type of hair as well as other physical characteristics.4. The majority of the U.S. population is of European origin.5. The geographical distribution of a country’s population gives information about where the people are living.6. The total population of the United States is made up of many different kinds of people.7. In other words, the population comprises people of different races and ages.8. The average age of the U.S. population, which is a relatively large one, has been getting progressively higher recently.9. Metropolitan areas are more densely populated than rural areas. That is, they have more people per square mile.10. The use of antibiotics has greatly decreased the death rate throughout much of the world.11. A country whose birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.12. On the average, women have a higher life expectancy than men do.Unit21.Throughout history, people have moved, or immigrated, to new countries to live.2.Natural disasters can take many forms:those that are characterized by a shortageof rain or food are called droughts and famines respectively.3.Sometimes people immigrate to a new country to escape political or religiouspersecution.4.Rather than immigrants, the early settlers from Great Britain consideredthemselves colonists; they had left home to settle new land for the mother country.5.The So-called Great Immigration, which can be divided into three stages, or timeperiods, began about l830 and lasted till about 1930.6.The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, causedwidespread unemployment as machines replaced workers.7.The scarcity of farmland in Europe caused many people to immigrate to the UnitedStates, where farmland was more abundant.nd in the United States was plentiful and available when the country wasexpanding westward. In fact, the U.S. government offered free public land to citizens in 1862.9.The failure of the Irish potato crop in the middle of the nineteenth centurycaused widespread starvation.10.The Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II contributed to the noticeabledecrease in immigration after 1930.11.The first law that limited the number of immigrants coming from a certain partof the world was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.12.It is important to note that in 1965 strict quotas based on nationality wereeliminated.13.At the end of the 1940s immigration began to increase again and has, in general,risen steadily since then.14.Will the trend continue for non-Europeans to immigrate to the UnitedStates?15.The U.S. immigration laws of today in general require that new immigrants havethe skills necessary to succeed in the United States because industry no longer requires large numbers of unskilled workers.Unit 31. As we look at the changes over the last century, we’ll use a lot of statistics to describe these changes.2. While the number of people in these goods producing industries went down, the number of people in the service industries went up.3. Over the years, child labor laws became much stricter and by 1999, it was illegal for anyone under sixteen to work full-time in any of the fifty States.4. In 1900 the average per capita income was $4, 200.5. One of the important benefits most workers received later in the century was health insurance.6. Whereas wages and salaries rose over the century, the average workweek dropped.7. People often tend to romanticize the past and talk about “the good old days.”8. According to a 2003 study released by the United Nations International Labor Organization, U. S. workers are the most productive in the world.9. Longer working hours in the United States is a rising trend, while the trend in other industrialized countries is the opposite.10. Workers in some European countries actually outproduce American workers per hour of work.11. This higher rate of productivity might be because European workers are less stressed than U. S. workers.12. Between 1949 and 1974, increases in productivity were matched by increases in wages.13. After 1974, productivity increased in manufacturing and services, but real wages stagnated.14. The money goes for salaries to CEOs, to the stock market, and to corporate profits.15. Some people say that labor unions have lost power since the beginning of the 1980s, and that the government has passed laws that favor the rich and weaken the rights of the workers.Unit41. A hundred years ago, one heard the same comments about the family that one hears today—in short, that the American family is disintegrating.2. Proof of this disintegration included evidence that women were not completely content with their domestic role.3. To the contrary, the very nature of the family has changed drastically inthe last fifty years.4. To be sure, the family is a very sensitive barometer for what is happening inthe society.5. Demographically, the predominant configuration of the family was the traditional one.6. The country idealized the family in these years:there Was a commitment tothe family and a reverence for it.7. Three characteristics stand out in this period:conformity to social norms, greater male domination of the family, and clear-cut gender roles.8. These decades were characterized by a lack of conformity to social norms and included the sexual revolution and the women’s liberation movement.9. Another important movement was the drive for self-expression and self fulfillment.10. The new configuration of the family had to include families of cohabiting couples, with or without children.11. The number of single-parent households tripled, and the number of unmarried couples quadrupled.12. They see a continuing decline in divorce rates since the 1980s but also a declinein birth rates after an initial increase in the 1980s. 13. There is an attempt to balance work with family obligations, and concern seems to be shifting from individualism to the new familism. 14. Places of work may offer more flexible working hours and on-site day care.15. For its part, the government could mandate parental leave and family allowances.Unit51. The U.S. government cannot ask for information on religious affiliation on a mandatory basis.2. One survey done in 2002 shows that 76 percent of the total population identified themselves as Christian, with 52 percent identifying themselves as Protestant and24 percent as Catholic.3. The number of Americans belonging to churches or other religious organizations is surprisingly high compared to other modernized nations.4. This is not to suggest that religious values are not important in these other nations.5. Freedom of worship is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.6. The First Amendment also establishes the separation of church and state.7. The importance of religion in American history should not be underestimated.8. I’d like to talk about the increasing role religion has played in fairly recent history.9. Religion had seemed to be in decline, but there was a religious revival in the 1970s that surprised many people.10. The religious revival was conservative in nature and, at first, largely confinedto issues in the private sphere of life.11. These issues, however, were very controversial in nature and became quite politicized in a short time.2. Perhaps the“rise of the religious right’’is a temporary phenomenon in American life.13.Some people predict that American society will become increasingly secular andless religious in the future;others predict a more authoritarian political atmosphere based on conservative religious belief.Unit71. I understand why a foreigner might react skeptically to U. S. culture, especiallyif the person comes from a more ethnically and racially homogeneous society.2. It seems naive or even perverse to deny the existence of a culture that hassuch great impact on other cultures, for better or worse. 3. A melting pot, literally a pot in which metals like aluminum and copper are melted in order to blend them, is the traditional metaphor for the way the different groups of immigrants came together in the United States.4. Some people feel that the monoculturalist view of many nationalities blending together into an alloy of all the parts in it is a myth.5. Opponents point out that many groups have at times been excluded from participating in U.S.society through segregation and discrimination.6. U. S. society probably did not assimilate new cultural input until the new immigrants were viewed with less prejudice.7. The metaphor the multiculturalists use is the patchwork quilt, a mosaic of separate, autonomous subcultures.8. Intermarriage and the adoption of children of another race make a differencein how people in a family look at themselves.9. The point here is that the ethnically and racially pure individuals impliedby the multiculturalist view are more the exception than the rule.10. We inherit some of our culture from our families and absorb some of our culture unconsciously.11. If assimilation does not take place in the first generation, it most certainly does by the second or third.12. Monoculturalists fear a fragmentation, or even destmction, of U. S. culture, whereas proponents of the pluralistic view disagree.13. It would be wrong to assume that the dominant culture we’ve been speaking about reflects the culture of only one group.14. Opponents of the pluralistic view of culture cite Latinos, especially Mexican immigrants, the single largest immigrant group since the 1990s.。
leotardA.紧身连衣裤B.美洲豹C.曲棍球D.大屠杀您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题sexismA.女性主义B.大男人主义C.性别平等D.性别歧视您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03.第3题detentionA.注意B.拘留C.挽留D.拖延您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04.第4题psychiatristA.精神病医师B.心理学家C.物理学家D.经济学家您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05.第5题hallwayA.走廊B.大厅C.门口D.礼堂您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06.第6题We got woken up, 2 or 3 am in the morning and told to form up and do menial things.A.do humiliating thingsB.do a lot of workC.do some daily workD.do some hard jobs您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.07.第7题Children are fascinated by the _____(unreal) battles in computer games.A.furiousB.unbelievableC.unimaginableD.mock您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.0The achievement made in study closely _____ (to show the close shared relationship) the scholarship.A.relates toB.correlates withC.relativeD.relation您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.09.第9题It is really _____(unbelievable) for him to quit in the middle of the game.A.unfathomableB.glamorousC.unidentifiedD.sadistic您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.010.第10题All the ________ (arguments) seemed to count for nothing in the end.A.inferencesB.assumptionC.suppositionD.polemics您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.011.第11题Education should not be considered to be a _______(special right or advantage) in a modern society.A.previousB.privilegeC.villageD.voyage您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.012.第12题They are not doing things on a regular _______(in a regular manner).A.basisB.baseC.basementD.place您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.013.第13题There is a fine line between reality and illusion.A.a great distinctionB.a distinction seen only with difficulty and effortC.similarityD.difference您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014.第14题As his friend, I am going to extend to him the benefit of the doubt.A.tell him that he isinnocentB.assum that he is nnocent because there is insufficient evidence that he is guiltyC.strongly believe that he is innocentD.think that he will benefit from the uncertainty您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015.第15题They can put the polemics to rest when the sessions anize a new debateB.forbid any argumentC.start a heated discussionD.stop a furious debate您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第16题HockeyA.保龄球B.垒球C.曲棍球D.棒球您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.017.第17题mammogramA.肿瘤切除术B.乳房X线照片C.辐射治疗D.恶性肿瘤您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.018.第18题guineaA.松鼠B.袋鼠C.仓鼠D.豚鼠您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.019.第19题homosexualityA.同性恋B.异性恋C.双行恋D.性别歧视您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.020.第20题trophyA.屠杀B.胜利C.战利品D.好战的您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.021.第21题paycheckA.买卖B.结账C.付钱D.薪水您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.022.第22题neutralityA.对立B.中立C.营养D.养分您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.023.第23题felonyA.重罪B.轻罪C.拘留D.逮捕您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.024.第24题Some of them are orthodox in their thinking, some ingrained people unshakable in their beliefs.A.fashionableB.conventional and traditionalC.flexibleD.honest您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.025.第25题You just got jacked. Give me your wallet.A.got finedB.be fooledC.be kidnappedD.held up and robbed您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.026.第26题Her go ssip about others’ privacy are sometimes ________(change so it is strange or unclear).A.believableB.distortedC.mysteriousD.doubtful您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.027.第27题In his eye, the cat is the _______(a thing or a person that shows the quality of) of laziness.A.episodeB.episiteC.epitasisD.epitome您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.028.第28题In every way, she is a phenomenon.A.a state or processB.a leaderC.a common personD.an unusual person您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.029.第29题Do any of you ever get tired of talking about this?A.not want toB.want toC.would like toD.be involved in您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030.第30题The question is answered in a small, but not insignificant, way.A.with a popular and well-known mannerB.with a detatched mannerC.in a meaningful and important wayD.in a small and unimportant way您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.031.第31题Birthday parties for rich kids feature more than ice cream and cake. It can mean sleep overs at the ritzy Toy Store FAO Schwartz.A.fashionable and fortable您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第32题He had taken the wrong food, and began to _________ (vomit).A.throw upB.twitchC.pass outD.bleed您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.033.第33题Though he failed twice, he was still ________ (be given the right to) a third chance.A.entitled toB.engaged withC.presented withD.introduced to您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.034.第34题We didn’t want to see communism take over the world, and that was what we felt it was at stake at that time.A.well-knownB.popularizedC.in dangerD.safe您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第35题So whenever you are feeling down, you just look up here and you go.A.You just come here and I will help youB.Here will be a perfect place for you to restartC.You need to do nothing but keep goingD.You just think about the good things, try to feel hopeful and keep going您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第36题There is no sure-fire way to guard against affluenza.A.certain to succeedB.specificC.definiteD.effective您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第37题They were led into those familiar mind fields---the occupied territories, religion, terrorism, the whole awful weight of history.A.long historyB.the burden resulted from the historyC.the most dark part in the historyD.for the sake of the history您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第38题shantyA.棚屋B.走廊C.破烂的D.豪华的您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.039.第39题cushionA.潮流B.扶手C.软垫D.梳妆台您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.040.第40题scarecrowA.发射机B.稻草人C.职业病D.狂妄自大您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.041.第41题dermatologistA.心理医生B.儿科医生C.妇科医生D.皮肤科医生您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.042.第42题humiliationA.人性B.人类C.恐吓D.羞辱您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.043.第43题lethalA.皮革B.锂C.致命的D.轻微的您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.044.第44题weightA.深度B.广度C.等待D.负担您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.045.第45题The pill is in a ______ ( big size).A.king sizeB.queen sizeC.hill sizeD.mountain size您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.046.第46题She is the odd woman out, often the only females in the crowd of hard-hatted and hard-headed males.A.the woman who didn' t work together with the male workersB.the woman who was driven out by the maleworkmatesC.the woman who does not mix easily with her male workmatesD.the woman who is too strange that she can not get along with her workmates您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.047.第47题She had to _________ (regain control) before she continued to relate her horrible experience.A.correct herselfB.collect herselfC.recover herselfD.rescue herself您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.048.第48题He is a double-dealing guy. He acts before some powerful people as if he was obedient, but then _______(to come or go back) to his cruelty when facing ordinary civilians.A.inverts backB.inserts toC.reverts backD.reverses to您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.049.第49题She got herself involved in the crime and was charged as _________(a person who helps another in doing something criminal).A.accessoryB.coworkerC.traitorD.murderer您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.050.第50题His father passed away while he was still studying abroad. The neighbors hesitated whether they should call him to give him this ________(great and often unpleasant surprise) news.A.enormousB.painfulC.hilariousD.bombshell您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.0。
[本科专业课] 上外本科自学考试,高级日语一二,第七八册所有课后手引练习的答案,供参考!1楼发表于2006-1-27 18:17 |只看该作者|倒序浏览|打印声明一下:一下帖子是黄浦业大葛启超老师提供的,我只做了输入!第七冊第一課1. 飛行機を赤とんぼと呼ばれたのは子供ですから、いささか軽蔑しながらも、親愛の情けを抱いていた、おもちゃみたいなもの。
2. 簡単に言いますと、この小説の時代背景は日本が敗戦に迫る時期である。
3. 主人公としての少年は一人の母がいる。
4. はじめての出撃のとき、主人公としての少年の心を占めていた思いは母親に対して恩返し、親孝行ができるという甘えの考え方である。
5. 二回目の出撃の前に、基地で自分と同じ年ぐらいの労務者の話しを聞いて、一回目は果たすべきのことは果たさないということを恥ずかしく思ったので、二回目のとき、任務を心ずやり遂げると決心した。
1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.b
华师在线作业高级视听说100分1.第1题lesbianA.同性恋者B.双性恋者C.男性同性恋者D.女性同性恋者您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题forkliftA.铲车B.起重机C.电梯D.货梯您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03.第3题holocaustA.直升机B.竞选C.革命D.大屠杀您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04.第4题brutalA.鲁莽的B.细心的C.残忍的D.仁慈的您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05.第5题weightA.深度B.广度C.等待D.负担您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06.第6题Regional ______(fixed or conventional ideas or images) have been part of America since its founding.A.stereotypesB.attitudesC.aptitudesD.opinions您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第7题You will have both loss and gains in your life. There is always a _____(deduction) column and a _____(increase) column.A.adding; minusB.minus; addingC.plus; debitD.debit; plus您的答案:D此题得分:2.08.第8题Others try to pass it off as just a robbery.A.stop the investigationB.start the investigationC.remember it asD.forget it您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第9题It is really _____(unbelievable) for him to quit in the middle of the game.A.unfathomableB.glamorousC.unidentifiedD.sadistic您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第10题What he has told you was merely a ________(not true, invented) story.A.man-madeB.made-upC.madeD.lie您的答案:B题目分数:2.011.第11题He is always _______(not sever, especially in punishing people) in his treatment of offenders.A.harshB.indifferentC.lenientD.stubborn您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012.第12题The whole project has come to a ________ (a motionless state, stop or halt).A.standB.stillC.stillstandD.standstill您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第13题When you arrive at another place, try to act_______(respecting or esteeming) the local customs.A.according toB.indeferent toC.in deference toD.in accord with您的答案:C题目分数:2.014.第14题He just ______(to wait or stay with no real purpose) and had a chat with someone else to kill the time.A.handed roundB.hung aroundC.handed toD.hung to您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.015.第15题The order has been ______ (cancelled) . You can go home now.A.scrubbedB.disputedC.screwed upD.fulfilled您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.016.第16题They are not doing things on a regular _______(in a regular manner).A.basisB.baseC.basementD.place您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.017.第17题We didn’t want to see communism take over the world, and that was what we felt it was at stake at that time.A.well-knownB.popularizedC.in dangerD.safe您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.018.第18题It does not alter the essence who her parents are.A.change the truthB.matterC.change the importanceD.make any differences您的答案:A此题得分:3.019.第19题They come from all over the region where fear and security are part of everyone's daily catechism.A.daily workB.the problems encountered dailyC.questions and answers every dayD.routine jobs您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.020.第20题He was acting as the prison superintendent and even hesuccumbed to the cruelty of the environment.A.bravely facedB.took advantage ofC.made good use ofD.gave up control of您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.021.第21题Birthday parties for rich kids feature more than ice cream and cake. It can mean sleep overs at the ritzy Toy Store FAO Schwartz.A.fashionable and expensiveB.famousC.beautiful/doc/3f12613055.html,fortable您的答案:A题目分数:3.022.第22题mentorA.免疫性B.轨道C.争论D.顾问您的答案:D题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.023.第23题cushionA.潮流B.扶手C.软垫D.梳妆台您的答案:C题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 24.第24题push-upA.齐步走B.直立C.俯卧撑D.仰卧起坐您的答案:C题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 25.第25题sexismA.女性主义B.大男人主义C.性别平等D.性别歧视您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.026.第26题dermatologistA.心理医生B.儿科医生C.妇科医生D.皮肤科医生您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.027.第27题dinosaurA.恐龙B.豚鼠C.树熊D.袋鼠您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.028.第28题humiliationA.人性B.人类C.恐吓D.羞辱您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.029.第29题ignitionA.忽略B.点火C.幼稚D.威吓您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.030.第30题The _______ (disagreement) of his age and rank aroused much doubt.A.inconvenienceB.inconsistentC.incongruityD.inconceivability您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.031.第31题Sometimes, the greatness of the parents lies in their decision to sacrifice themselves for the _____ (advantage, benefit) of theirchildren.A.welfareB.goodnessC.wellD.good您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第32题The pill is in a ______ ( big size).A.king sizeB.queen sizeC.hill sizeD.mountain size您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第33题Children are fascinated by the _____(unreal) battles in computer games.A.furiousB.unbelievableC.unimaginableD.mock您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第34题But Nicholas was the juggling act where I was juggling the salami o my nose and everything else and suddenly it was thegrand piano on my head.A.He put a quite heavy piano on my headB.It was a heavy blow on meC.He asked me to play the piano for himD.I had to teach him how to play piano您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第35题I'm __________ (which remains in the thoughts) with gloomy thoughts and sad memories.A.hauntedB.huntedC.hauledD.howled您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第36题All the ________ (arguments) seemed to count for nothing in the end.A.inferencesB.assumptionC.suppositionD.polemics您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第37题She is such a _________ (shinning, charming, beautiful) girl thatthe young men in this village are willing to do anything for her.A.sincereB.viciousC.talentedD.glamorous您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第38题I would rather be _______ (honest, frank) with you.A.unfathomableB.justifiedC.candidD.accessible您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.039.第39题In his eye, the cat is the _______(a thing or a person that shows the quality of) of laziness.A.episodeB.episiteC.epitasisD.epitome您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.040.第40题His father passed away while he was still studying abroad. The neighbors hesitated whether they should call him to give himthis ________(great and often unpleasant surprise) news.A.enormousB.painfulC.hilariousD.bombshell您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.041.第41题In every way, she is a phenomenon.A.a state or processB.a leaderC.a common personD.an unusual person您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.042.第42题We found a group of tradesmen following a hollow hard-headed tradition, checking out the chicks at lunch time.A.playing with the chickenB.checking the work they have doneC.Looking over the girlsD.playing a game您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.043.第43题If you know something is wrong, follow your gut, follow your nose,get help.A.let it goB.be guided by one' s instinctC.don’t let it bother youD.take good care of yourself您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.044.第44题So that was my tool to find out what I was really about.A.I used to work with this kind of toolB.that helped me in getting a better understanding of myself and more confidenceC.only with this tool I can find back my confidenceD.I am totally at a loss您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.045.第45题His plan was to pretend he was sick. But the prison officials didn't buy it.A.release himB.help himC.believe itD.approve it您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.046.第46题After finally hitting rock bottom, Bob Kravitz cleaned up his act. Now at 33 he has finally settled down!A.reaching the lowest pointB.experiencing the best thingsC.falling down from a high placeD.hitting on a rock您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.047.第47题HockeyA.保龄球B.垒球C.曲棍球D.棒球您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.048.第48题syndromeA.综合病症B.圆顶C.心理治疗D.丑闻您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.049.第49题proclivityA.癖好B.爱好C.习惯D.习俗您的答案:A题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0 50.第50题settlementA.殖民地B.安置C.地下室D.基地您的答案:A题目分数:1.0 此题得分:1.0。
高三日语试卷参考答案第一部分:听力 (2分×15=30 分)1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B11.A12.A13.C14.B15.C第二部分:日语知识运用 (1分×40=40 分)16.B17.A18.D19.B20.C21.A22.C23.B24.A25.B26.C27.B28.D29.C30.A31.D32.C33.A34.B35.D36.B37.C38.C39.A40.B41.D42.B43.A44.C45.D46.D47.B48.A49.C50.B51.B52.D53.A54.C55.D第三部分:阅读理解 (2.5分×20=50 分)(一)56.B 57.C58.A59.A60.D(二)61.B 62.D63.C64.C65.A(三)66.A 67.C68.A69.B70.D(四)71.C 72.A73.D74.B75.C第四部分:写作 (满分30分)参考范文小さな親切私の十数年の人生において、親切にしてくれた人がたくさんいます。
Unit11. Most countries take a census every ten years or so in order to count the people and to know where they are living.2. A country with a growing population is a country that is becoming more populous.3. A person’s race is partly determined by skin color and type of hair as well as other physical characteristics.4. The majority of the U.S. population is of European origin.5. The geographical distribution of a country’s population gives information about where the people are living.6. The total population of the United States is made up of many different kinds of people.7. In other words, the population comprises people of different races and ages.8. The average age of the U.S. population, which is a relatively large one, has been getting progressively higher recently.9. Metropolitan areas are more densely populated than rural areas. That is, they have more people per square mile.10. The use of antibiotics has greatly decreased the death rate throughout much of the world.11. A country whose birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.12. On the average, women have a higher life expectancy than men do.Unit21.Throughout history, people have moved, or immigrated, to new countries to live.2.Natural disasters can take many forms:those that are characterized by a shortageof rain or food are called droughts and famines respectively.3.Sometimes people immigrate to a new country to escape political or religiouspersecution.4.Rather than immigrants, the early settlers from Great Britain consideredthemselves colonists; they had left home to settle new land for the mother country.5.The So-called Great Immigration, which can be divided into three stages, or timeperiods, began about l830 and lasted till about 1930.6.The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, causedwidespread unemployment as machines replaced workers.7.The scarcity of farmland in Europe caused many people to immigrate to the UnitedStates, where farmland was more abundant.nd in the United States was plentiful and available when the country wasexpanding westward. In fact, the U.S. government offered free public land to citizens in 1862.9.The failure of the Irish potato crop in the middle of the nineteenth centurycaused widespread starvation.10.The Great Depression of the 1930s and World War II contributed to the noticeabledecrease in immigration after 1930.11.The first law that limited the number of immigrants coming from a certain partof the world was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.12.It is important to note that in 1965 strict quotas based on nationality wereeliminated.13.At the end of the 1940s immigration began to increase again and has, in general,risen steadily since then.14.Will the trend continue for non-Europeans to immigrate to the UnitedStates?15.The U.S. immigration laws of today in general require that new immigrants havethe skills necessary to succeed in the United States because industry no longer requires large numbers of unskilled workers.Unit 31. As we look at the changes over the last century, we’ll use a lot of statistics to describe these changes.2. While the number of people in these goods producing industries went down, the number of people in the service industries went up.3. Over the years, child labor laws became much stricter and by 1999, it was illegal for anyone under sixteen to work full-time in any of the fifty States.4. In 1900 the average per capita income was $4, 200.5. One of the important benefits most workers received later in the century was health insurance.6. Whereas wages and salaries rose over the century, the average workweek dropped.7. People often tend to romanticize the past and talk about “the good old days.”8. According to a 2003 study released by the United Nations International Labor Organization, U. S. workers are the most productive in the world.9. Longer working hours in the United States is a rising trend, while the trend in other industrialized countries is the opposite.10. Workers in some European countries actually outproduce American workers per hour of work.11. This higher rate of productivity might be because European workers are less stressed than U. S. workers.12. Between 1949 and 1974, increases in productivity were matched by increases in wages.13. After 1974, productivity increased in manufacturing and services, but real wages stagnated.14. The money goes for salaries to CEOs, to the stock market, and to corporate profits.15. Some people say that labor unions have lost power since the beginning of the 1980s, and that the government has passed laws that favor the rich and weaken the rights of the workers.Unit41. A hundred years ago, one heard the same comments about the family that one hears today—in short, that the American family is disintegrating.2. Proof of this disintegration included evidence that women were not completely content with their domestic role.3. To the contrary, the very nature of the family has changed drastically inthe last fifty years.4. To be sure, the family is a very sensitive barometer for what is happening inthe society.5. Demographically, the predominant configuration of the family was the traditional one.6. The country idealized the family in these years:there Was a commitment tothe family and a reverence for it.7. Three characteristics stand out in this period:conformity to social norms, greater male domination of the family, and clear-cut gender roles.8. These decades were characterized by a lack of conformity to social norms and included the sexual revolution and the women’s liberation movement.9. Another important movement was the drive for self-expression and self fulfillment.10. The new configuration of the family had to include families of cohabiting couples, with or without children.11. The number of single-parent households tripled, and the number of unmarried couples quadrupled.12. They see a continuing decline in divorce rates since the 1980s but also a declinein birth rates after an initial increase in the 1980s. 13. There is an attempt to balance work with family obligations, and concern seems to be shifting from individualism to the new familism. 14. Places of work may offer more flexible working hours and on-site day care.15. For its part, the government could mandate parental leave and family allowances.Unit51. The U.S. government cannot ask for information on religious affiliation on a mandatory basis.2. One survey done in 2002 shows that 76 percent of the total population identified themselves as Christian, with 52 percent identifying themselves as Protestant and24 percent as Catholic.3. The number of Americans belonging to churches or other religious organizations is surprisingly high compared to other modernized nations.4. This is not to suggest that religious values are not important in these other nations.5. Freedom of worship is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.6. The First Amendment also establishes the separation of church and state.7. The importance of religion in American history should not be underestimated.8. I’d like to talk about the increasing role religion has played in fairly recent history.9. Religion had seemed to be in decline, but there was a religious revival in the 1970s that surprised many people.10. The religious revival was conservative in nature and, at first, largely confinedto issues in the private sphere of life.11. These issues, however, were very controversial in nature and became quite politicized in a short time.2. Perhaps the“rise of the religious right’’is a temporary phenomenon in American life.13.Some people predict that American society will become increasingly secular andless religious in the future;others predict a more authoritarian political atmosphere based on conservative religious belief.Unit71. I understand why a foreigner might react skeptically to U. S. culture, especiallyif the person comes from a more ethnically and racially homogeneous society.2. It seems naive or even perverse to deny the existence of a culture that hassuch great impact on other cultures, for better or worse. 3. A melting pot, literally a pot in which metals like aluminum and copper are melted in order to blend them, is the traditional metaphor for the way the different groups of immigrants came together in the United States.4. Some people feel that the monoculturalist view of many nationalities blending together into an alloy of all the parts in it is a myth.5. Opponents point out that many groups have at times been excluded from participating in U.S.society through segregation and discrimination.6. U. S. society probably did not assimilate new cultural input until the new immigrants were viewed with less prejudice.7. The metaphor the multiculturalists use is the patchwork quilt, a mosaic of separate, autonomous subcultures.8. Intermarriage and the adoption of children of another race make a differencein how people in a family look at themselves.9. The point here is that the ethnically and racially pure individuals impliedby the multiculturalist view are more the exception than the rule.10. We inherit some of our culture from our families and absorb some of our culture unconsciously.11. If assimilation does not take place in the first generation, it most certainly does by the second or third.12. Monoculturalists fear a fragmentation, or even destmction, of U. S. culture, whereas proponents of the pluralistic view disagree.13. It would be wrong to assume that the dominant culture we’ve been speaking about reflects the culture of only one group.14. Opponents of the pluralistic view of culture cite Latinos, especially Mexican immigrants, the single largest immigrant group since the 1990s.。
第一課(三) 質問1.日本語が地域共通語となり、日本語を母語としない人々同士のコミュニケーションの手段として用いられるということ2.オリンピック種目に加えられ、外国選手が優勝するようになったこと。
(四) 翻訳1.昨日新聞によれば、今なお、かなりの人が車にチャイルド・シードを着用していないという。
11.第1题He is always _______(not sever, especially in punishing people) in his treatment of offenders.A.harshB.indifferentC.lenientD.stubborn您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第2题I would rather be _______ (honest, frank) with you.A.unfathomableB.justifiedC.candidD.accessible您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第3题We didn’t want to see communism take over the world, and that was what we felt it was at stake at that time.A.well-knownB.popularizedC.in dangerD.safe您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.04.第4题The question is answered in a small, but not insignificant, way.A.with a popular and well-known mannerB.with a detatched mannerC.in a meaningful and important wayD.in a small and unimportant way题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.05.第5题Roger, the clock is opening, we are under way.A.be in a hurryB.be in dangerC.be under controlD.be in process您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.06.第6题I was given too much privilege, I was given too much latitude and probably, too much free money.A.restrictionB.freedom to chooseC.confidenceD.authority题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.07.第7题We found a group of tradesmen following a hollow hard-headed tradition, checking out the chicks at lunch time.A.playing with the chickenB.checking the work they have doneC.Looking over the girlsD.playing a game您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.08.第8题If you know something is wrong, follow your gut, follow your nose,get help.A.let it goB.be guided by one' s instinctC.don’t let it bother youD.take good care of yourself 您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:0.09.第9题shantyA.棚屋B.走廊C.破烂的D.豪华的您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.010.第10题leotardA.紧身连衣裤B.美洲豹C.曲棍球D.大屠杀您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.011.第11题sexismA.女性主义B.大男人主义C.性别平等D.性别歧视您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.012.第12题lesbianA.同性恋者B.双性恋者C.男性同性恋者D.女性同性恋者您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.013.第13题detentionA.注意B.拘留C.挽留D.拖延您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.014.第14题felonyA.重罪B.轻罪C.拘留D.逮捕您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015.第15题His explanation of this chemical reaction really ____(disclosed the truth).A.took the standB.took the rugC.matched the pointD.whacked out您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第16题He was called a ________ (a weak and ineffectual person) by his classmates.A.cowardB.wimpC.miserD.warrior您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第17题Regional ______(fixed or conventional ideas orimages) have been part of America since its founding.A.stereotypesB.attitudesC.aptitudesD.opinions您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第18题neutralityA.对立B.中立C.营养D.养分您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.019.第19题cushionB.扶手C.软垫D.梳妆台您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.020.第20题trophyA.屠杀B.胜利C.战利品D.好战的您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.021.第21题paycheckA.买卖B.结账D.薪水您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.022.第22题egoA.年纪B.专业C.自负D.中心您的答案:C 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.023.第23题transmitterA.点火器B.太空船C.发射机D.发动机您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.024.第24题The mother made a _____(causing painful feelings) decision to leave her child alone in the wild.A.ambiguousB.lenientC.wrenchingD.susceptible您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.025.第25题Sometimes, the greatness of the parents liesin their decision to sacrifice themselves for the _____ (advantage, benefit) of their children.A.welfareB.goodnessD.good您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第26题Though he failed twice, he was still ________ (be given the right to) a third chance.A.entitled toB.engaged withC.presented withD.introduced to您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.027.第27题There is a fine line between reality and illusion.A.a great distinctionB.a distinction seen only with difficulty andC.similarityD.difference您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.028.第28题The Russians had been talking about their superior technology and they were making hay with this all over the world.A.making use of somethingB.selling somethingC.stopping using somethingD.discussing about something您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.029.第29题Nick especially was a handful.A.a stubborn personB.a naughty guyC.a smart boyD.a person difficult to control您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.030.第30题He may sound like an Archie-bunker, but he’s got a point.A.a kind of jobB.a famous movie starC.rich people with high social statusD.A type of working-class man who often reacts to social pressures in a bigoted and self-righteous manner.您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.031.第31题Women don't even like walking past the construction site, why would they want to workon one? Well, to paraphrase the famous line---"It is the money stupid."A.It is for the sake of money.B.Money doesn' t matterC.Money is not the only thing they concernD.People who work for the sake of money are stupid您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.032.第32题Please take good care of her. She is ______ (very near to the condition of) a mental disease.A.suffering fromB.running towardsC.on the verge ofD.at the end of您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第33题The children ______(persuading repeatedly) me into taking them to the seaside.A.requiredB.requestedC.badgeredD.demanded您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.034.第34题HockeyA.保龄球B.垒球C.曲棍球D.棒球您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.035.第35题tug-of-warA.拔河B.比赛C.战斗D.战争您的答案:A 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.036.第36题aeronauticsA.经济学B.航空学C.心理学D.天文学您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.037.第37题dermatologistA.心理医生B.儿科医生C.妇科医生D.皮肤科医生您的答案:D 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.038.第38题shuttleA.飞碟B.太空船C.发射器D.直升机您的答案:B 题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.039.第39题brutalA.鲁莽的B.细心的C.残忍的D.仁慈的您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.040.第40题The pill is in a ______ ( big size).A.king sizeB.queen sizeC.hill sizeD.mountain size您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041.第41题The talented singer is endowed with a youthful _______ (powerful and exciting) voice.A.vividB.vibratingC.vibrantD.violent您的答案:C题目分数:2.042.第42题The achievement made in study closely _____ (to show the close shared relationship) the scholarship.A.relates toB.correlates withC.relativeD.relation您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第43题What he has told you was merely a ________(not true, invented) story.A.man-madeB.made-upC.madeD.lie您的答案:B题目分数:2.044.第44题I could hardly believe that a _________ (unplanned) meeting with him could involve me into endless disaster.A.chargeB.changeC.chanceD.chain您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.045.第45题No one can get along well with him, for he is too __________ (obstinate)A.hard hatB.stone-heartedC.hard-headedD.hot-tempered您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.046.第46题Do any of you ever get tired of talking about this?A.not want toB.want toC.would like toD.be involved in您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.047.第47题As his friend, I am going to extend to him the benefit of the doubt.A.tell him that he is innocentB.assum that he is nnocent because there is insufficient evidence that he is guiltyC.strongly believe that he is innocentD.think that he will benefit from the uncertainty您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.048.第48题We saw how totally whacked out he was getting.A.very tiredB.indifferentC.excitedD.frightened您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.049.第49题They just wanted to beat him up bad enough to teach him a lesson, not to come on to straight people and don’t be aggressive about it anymore.A.straightforward peopleB.honest peopleC.heterosexual peopleD.homosexual people您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.050.第50题Birthday parties for rich kids feature morethan ice cream and cake. It can mean sleepovers at the ritzy Toy Store FAO Schwartz.A.fashionable and expensiveB.famousC.beautifulfortable您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.0作业总得分:95.0作业总批注:.第1题Up to now, the future has been as bleak as the past, for Israelis and Palestinians.A.better than the pastB.worse than the pastC.as hopeless as the pastD.as hopeful as the past您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.02.第2题His plan was to pretend he was sick. But the prison officials didn't buy it.A.release himB.help himC.believe itD.approve it您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.03.第3题。
Unit 3Inside viewConversation 1Exercise 21) It was good but too long. 2) It was a mountain bike and cost a fortune.3) He will go down the street to see if he can see anyone with it, while Kate goes to ask the shopkeeper if they saw anything suspicious.4) She hasn’t seen anything. 5) She advised Kate to report it to the police.6) Bikes get stolen all the time. 7) They should go back to the college and report it.Conversation 2Exercise 4: 1-5: cdbdbExercise 5: 1) This woman said t hat 2) You’re joking 3) That’s what she said4) It’s just too much 5) She thinks 6) I’m really furious 7) Unbelievable 8) What they said wasOutside view2. The true statements are: 1, 43. 1) gain access 2) commit this crime; looking at property; an uncut garden 3) 800 crimes4) while female (American and Asian Britons are more likely to live in larger family unites.)14. 6-4-2-5-1-35. bdbbdListening inPassage 12. 1) He had forgotten to put his false teeth in. 2) He stole 4,000 dollars.3) They said he stole 6,000 dollars, but he only stole 4,000. 4) They traced his call.5) He fell asleep in court and suddenly woke up, but wasn’t sure what was happening.6) The judge allowed him to plead not guilty.3. 1) the security man改为the policeman 2) shoplift something改为bite someone3) 6,000改为2,000 4) the supermarket manager改为the newspaper5) whether he was guilty or not改为what was happeningPassage 26. Factfile: Anna Black; just over a week ago; about seven, male, mobile phone; two men; five minutes7. baabd8. 1) Yes, I practice three times a week –so I’m ready for situations like this.2) Yes, I can react very fast. 3) I fell backwards onto him.4) Yeah! I’m tall and quite heavy – so we both fell to the ground together.5) Oh, I’d like to think so. 6) I think it’s a good idea to have some kind of defence training.Unit 4Inside viewConversation 12. 1) back改为front 2) 50改为several 3) realezed改为did not realize 4) the woman改为the thief5) buy改为sellConversation 23. Mark: 1, 2, 3, 6 Janet: 4 Kate: 5, 64. 1) Tornadoes have damaged homes in Northern England. 2) He is still missing.3) Global warming is accelerating.4) There are lots of different views and it is very stimulating. 5)A news addict.6) They have to be knowledgeable about current affairs.7) Whether she is going to watch Friends with her later.5. 1) There is still no news of 2) Scientists claim that 3) mostly get my news 4) I’ve got used to 5) I’ve got into the habit of 6) I spend too much time6. babbbaOutside view2. 2-7-4-5-1-3-63. 1) do you mind 2) journalism, photography 3) for two hours4) getting these invitations 5) on the screen4. the true statements are: 2, 55. 1) Every Saturday night. 2) To take people’s pictures.3) How do you like the idea that someone can take pictures of you on the street?4) They feel you shouldn’t have the right to invade their privacy.5) Because whatever we’re consuming, we’re encouraging them to spread (by buying magazines with such photos in them we are encouraging paparazzi to go and take such pictures.)Listening inPassage 12. 1) He says he was on the phone to his girlfriend, but in the cartoon he was actually talking to a girl in the kitchen.2) Because he is the person being interviewed for the news story and knows the most about it.3. Phil Taylor; South Block, Room 18; November 10; 11 pm; He had a telephone conversation with his girlfriend and forgot about the chips he was deep-frying, and then the chips and oil caught fire.; ten minutes; The fire ruined the cooker, two kitchen units and one wall.4. daabcPassage 27. Tracia: 1, 3, 7 Rick: 6, 7 Karen: 2, 4, 5, 78. 1) just as many 2) how they behave 3) a gardening programme 4) do very well 5) to say to thatUnit 5Inside viewConversation 11. Topics mentioned are: 2,3,5,6,82. 1) I’d love to know more about the emperor, he was cool.2) Before that, there were seven big states and they had been fighting each other for many years.3) Qin was king of the largest state and he defeated the sox other states, one after another.4) After his army had attacked the first state, the next state surrendered without much fight.5) The army leaders were very clever, they used a river to flood the city.6) After conquering the last state, Qin made himself Emperor of the whole of China.7) Was he the emperor who created the Terracotta Warriors?8) He was so afraid of death that he wanted them to guard him in the afterlife. Conversation 23. 1) Something like 500,000 men. 2) He is seen as the greatest emperor in Chinese history.3) es, of course he had enemies. 4) Yes, he built the first Great Wall.4. 1) She says it was an incredible achievement. 2) As a result of the unification.3) He standardized writing, the money system and the system for measuring and weighing things.4) He built it to stop tribes from the north invading.5. 1) Well, so he unified China 2) as a result 3) something like 4) as a result of5) Some people hated him so much 6) so he built a huge wall6) babaOutside view2. 3-6-5-7-2-1-43. 1) down service 2) remember; forget 3) died in battle;identified 4) one unshakable truth5) conflicts; around the world 6) remembering; go home4. acbad adccbListening inPassage 12. 1) businessman; 11 years old 2) first name; his second name 3) the same age as4) terrible four years; survives 5) his Japanese friend 6) strength; courage3. bdadbPassage 21) Women in the Land Army worked in agriculture as the men were away fighting.2) No, they were in non-combatant roles, although some of them flew transport planes and others worked in dangerous places, like fighter stations.3) They worked in transport, catering, tracking bombers andgenerally in support services.6. 1) It was very hard work, very physical.2) She thought planes were exciting and she liked the uniforms.3) She worked on a fighter station tracking the German bombers.4) They were always in danger of being bombed.5) They had contributed so much to the war effort and to society, therefore, their role in society should be highly valued.Unit 6Inside viewConversation 13. ababConversation 24. It takes place on the river near the Hertford College Boathouse.5. 1) It manages to win the practice race. 2) He hopes to get a place on the team.3) He did not hurt himself very badly it was only a scratch.4) Some of the people who rowed with him have rowed before, and he can’t help thinking that they were better than him.5) The team list is put on the door.6) Kate believes that Mark deserves a place on the team. So she is very pleased forhim.6. 1) Well done 2) You were amazing 3) I’m worried about 4) The problem is that5) And I can’t help thinking t hat 6) Everything will be OK 7) Oh, I’m so sorry8) No need to get nervous 9) Congratulations 10) you deserve it7. aababbOutside view2. 3 and 63. 1) 2,000 years ago 2) hand and foot 3) everyone; fitness level 4) Six years5) self-confidence 6) fun; learning something 7) Local clubs 8)look on the website4. 1) It was a Korean general. (Choi Hong Hi created modern Tae Kwon Do based on his years of practice of taekkyeon and karate. He died in 2002 in Pyongyang at the age of 84.)2) It was created for the Korean army for self-defense. 3) It washis wife’s uncle who was a black belt.4) It helps people to release stress by coming to the class and smacking a pad. It also helps people to become fitter, more flexible, to go out and make new friends.5) He offered a free lesson anytime.Listening inPassage 12. They type of listening is a radio commentary during the match.3. 1) They are wearing white. 2) They usually wear white.3) They may pass the ball to the Germans who are wearing white.4) England is attacking. 5) It is Kopke, the German goalkeeper.6) Alan Shearer scores the goal. 7) He scores it after only two minutes’ play. Passage 26. Touching the V oid; a sports film; a true story; the Siula Grande Mountain in the Peruvian Andes; Joe Simpson and Simon Yates; Simpson falls and breaks his leg; cutting from interviews to shots of the climb itself7. abcddUnit 7Inside view’Conversation 12.cbbadConversation 23. 1) She is surprised. 2) Janet likes cats but is afraid of dogs.3) She’s mad about animals.4. 1) Because she thinks it will find her way home.2) You don’t keep animals as pets, do you?3) Janet explains that more people in China are keeping pets now, esp. in cities.4) She thinks they carry disease. 5) She is frightened of their teeth. 6) Do you want to go, baby? There you go!5. 1) They’re so mad about 2) dislike 3) I quite like 4) terrified of 5) frightened of6) I’m afraid of 7) I’m really scared of6. baaaOutside view2. 1 and 43. 1) really quite 2) ambassadors for education 3) put your hand up4) at least 16 years old5) up to 60,70 miles an hour 6) used up all their energy 7) socialized wild animal8) blind and deaf 9) eat holes in their sofa 10) loose in the house4. 1) being stroked 2) she thinks of the wolf now 3) won’t bite4) she liked stroking the wolf 5) cute, fluffy and cuddlyListening inPassage 12. 1) dog owners in America 2) cats in the USA3) not an unusual amount for someone to leave their dog when they die4) the percentage of dogs that can expect to receive toys and biscuits at Christmas5) dog owners who dress up their pet for Christmas day6) outfits that one woman designed for her dog 7) the cost of the bed she bought her dog3. 1) the developed world 2) His meals were prepared 3) she loved him4) couldn’t use anyway 5) you guessed it 6) their friend or parent 7) love them lessPassage 25. 1) They can be as long as 33 metres. 2) Ten metres high. 3) At least 80 years.4) As a result of whaling and climate change.5) Yes, because they are difficult to find and they can move away quickly.6. dcacdaUnit 8Inside viewConversation 12. Waiting for Godot; Samuel Beckett; next Tuesday; next Saturday; Oxford Playhouse; OUDS; Mark3. 1) Neither of them. 2) They don’t make sense. 3) He’s a fascinating writer.4) She loves the theatre and wants to see Mark acting.5) Only because Mark’s in it. 6) Friday night.Conversation 25. dcadb6. 1) I bothered 2) I had read 3) If only I had 4) It was so-so 5) But youwere brilliant6) You were awesome 7) let me guess 8) I don’t believe it7. abbabbOutside view4. 1) They are deciding what to watch. 2) Channel surfing. 3) Three.4) There are so many channels and so many different kinds of programmes to watch.5) The business traveler.6. 1) He hates it.2) There’s a basketball game the following night and he wants toask his friends over to watch it.3) They decide to go out and get some pizza.4) Because he has watched Pretty Woman together with the woman.5) Because the woman is going to visit her sister tomorrow.6) A programme that puts him to sleep.7. 1) careful negotiation 2) it’s my favorite movie 3) You’re so sweet 4) too many times5) there’s nothing on 6) putting up with it again 7) watch the basketball game 8) what he was looking forListening inPassage 12. Jacob: eamb Patti: cjdk,f Gene: c,g,l / i hUnit 9Inside viewConversation12. 1) Kate’s plan is to go off t o a law firm as soon as she gets her degree.2) You have to plan ahead to be successful.3) It might give them ideas.4) Kate is having a long conversation with a man from a law firm.5) The man said she could get a job placement as an intern over the summer. Conversation 24. Kate Santos’s reasons for studying law: Law interest her; She’s intelligent and has a good memory; good payMain responsibilities of the job: read files and summarize them; researchWhen the work placement will start: end of June5. 1) I seem to remember that 2) Is that right 3) I’m planning to 4) what does the job involve5) your main responsibility would be 6) We’d also want you 7) won’t you6. bbabaOutside view2. 17 to 25; 100 people, Cota Rica, ten weeks, environmental, community, adventure3. ddbba4. 1) during a gap year 2) Communities in need get help 3) arranges for 4) taking part in5) protective environment 6) breed and feed 7) build a storehouse 8)a survival activieyListening inPassage 11. 1,2,4,7,82. 1) The woman is to take her second year exams. 2) She wants todo literary editing.3) She is drawn to publishing, reads a lot of novels and is quite a good critic.4) He tells her it is a hard profession to get into and doesn’tpay very well.5) It is very good for her CV and the woman will learn something about the business.6) She can find it n the careers section of the library.7) She should consider marketing, sales and production.8) She maintains that she wants to do literary editing.Passage 25. Lucy: 4 Jessica: 5 Patrick: 3 Harry: 1,2,66. Lucy: enjoying teaching Jessica: enjoying traveling, enjoying teaching andwanting a careerPatrick: enjoying traveling, enjoying teaching and wanting a career Harry: enjoying traveling7. adca。
第一課春の野菜Ⅰ. ウォーミングゕップ一、ADCA二、ABCAⅡ. リスニング一、A.× B.× C.○ D.× E.×二、①特徴②たけのこ③食物繊維④ダエット⑤ジャガいも⑥皮が薄くて⑦剥がれる⑧でんぷん⑨キャベツ⑩しっかりしていて三、1.和菓子、洋菓子、モチーフ、季節等2.①「和菓子」と呼びます。
3.略Ⅲ. チャレンジ一、BDDD二、BCCCC第二課日本人の食生活Ⅰ. ウォーミングゕップ一、DBBB二、BACAⅡ. リスニング一、A.○ B.× C.× D.× E.○1二、①だいぶ変わった②主食③普及④タリゕ料理⑤メニュー⑥登場します⑦大衆食堂三、1.立って食べる、屋台のお店、忙しい等2.①そば、にぎり寿司、てんぷら、うなぎのかば焼きなどは、今は日本の代表的な料理だと考えられています。
3.略Ⅲ. チャレンジ一、DDBC二、ACBCD第三課環境問題(1)Ⅰ. ウォーミングゕップ一、ABDA二、CDABⅡ. リスニング一、A.○ B.× C.× D.× E.×二、①ために②環境問題③捨てられる廃棄物④地球温暖化⑤関係する⑥によって⑦ことがあります⑧リサクル三、1.ゼミ、環境問題等2.①自分の国の環境問題を解決するために役立つと思ったからです。
3.略Ⅲ. チャレンジ一、ABBD二、DCDAB2第四課環境問題(2)Ⅰ. ウォーミングゕップ一、ABAC二、CABDⅡ. リスニング一、A.× B.× C.○ D.× E.×二、①局地的な大雨②流されていました③地球温暖化④二酸化炭素⑤温室効果ガス⑥防止するためには⑦削減する⑧豊かな生活⑨実現できるのかもしれません三、1.ごみ、種類、集積場等2.①「燃えるごみ」「燃えないごみ」「資源ごみ」「粗大ごみ」に分けられます。
Activity 1Watch the video clip and check the true statements according to the clip.AnswerWatch Part 1 of the video clip and complete the sentences.Voice-over: Harvard University in Cambridge isuniversity's Head of Communications. He explained that Harvard looks forAlex: Harvard actually seeks students from around the world, the best students that we can find, to study chemistry, or study literature, or study government, or business. Our business school is particularlyso, um, and, and the Kennedy School of Government, or the John F Kennedy School of Government, so, er, we do seek very, very talentedVoice-over: We asked five students at Harvard to tell us what kind of social life they have.Ashley: Um, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I, I live nearby anyway, so I see a lot of my friends, and ... Um,that's what I do.Adam:do anything you can. If you wanna sit in your room and study all night like my friend over here, you can also do that.Brian: Socially, like he said, it's, it's a lot of what you make it. Um, we don't have fraternities here, and so, you know, that's, it's obviously not as social.Friday or Saturday night, there, there, there will be a party. Usually we end up studying until about 10 o'clock. And then we, and then we'll go out and have fun maybe, or just watch a movie with friends, or, you know, whatever is going on for the night.Jodie: Not everyone would agree with me, obviously, but it's, I thinkInterviewer: Have you made a lot of friends?Jodie: Oh, definitely.Interviewer: Mm.Jodie: Many.Interviewer: What, what do you do with your friends?Jodie:have lots of rehearsalssome fun things, on the weekend.Your answer Correct answer(1) one of the best universities one of the best universities(2) most talented students most talented students(3) well-known around the world well-known around the world(4) have open doors have open doors(5) good social life good social life(6) you want it to be you want it to be(7) on another campus on another campus(8) it's a fun place it's a fun place(9) go to concerts go to concerts(10) during the week during the weekWhere does Ashley get information for her research papers?Ashley gets information for her research papers from theYour answer Correct answerlibrary system online library system online2. H ow often does Ashley use the Internet?Your answer Correct answer(1) 3 three / 3(2) 4 four / 43. W ho uses the Internet to check their stocks?Your answer Correct answerBrian Brian4. W hat does John mostly use the Internet for?news and sport or playing games.Your answer Correct answerlesisure purposes leisure purposes 5. W here does John do most of his university work?John does most of his university work inYour answer Correct answerthe libraries the librariesQuestions Answers(1) What kind of radio station is it?(2) What is the question that the programme is asking freshers? (3) What is the first speaker doing to help herself in her career?(4) What has helped the second speaker to feel less homesick? (5) What was the third speaker's problem in the first few months? (6) Why is the fourth speaker feeling better now?(7) What has the fifth speaker done (c) It's a university radio station. (e) How are you finding uni?(a) She is writing for the university newspaper.(h) He went home at Christmas fora month.(b) She didn't do enough work. (g) Because he has joined a couple of clubs.(d) She has taken a part-time job as a waitress.(f) Work is the part that mattersQuestionsAnswersto improve her finances?(8) What part of university lifematters most to the sixth speaker?most.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Oxford University and Cambridge University are _____.(a) both very near London(b) both fairly near London(c) near each other(d) very far away from each other2. Cambridge University was founded as a result of a dispute between_____.(a) Oxford University teachers(b) Oxford University students and teachers(c) Oxford students(d) the university and the townspeople of Oxford3. The distance between Oxford and Cambridge is _____ miles.(a) 94(b) 92(c) 86(d) 844. In the interviews, students need to show that they are _____.(a) highly intelligent(b) creative(c) unusual(d) very logical5. The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race takes place every year in _____.(a) March or April(b) March or May(c) April or May(d) May or June。