Influences from the Others Implied in the Multi - 副本 (2)

上海师范大学博士学位论文现代汉语空间方位参照系统认知研究姓名:***申请学位级别:博士专业:汉语言文字学指导教师:***20020301内容提要本文全面考察现代汉语空间方位参照的认知结构以揭示汉语社会空间表达方式的结构特点和认知特点一空间关系是指射体和地标之间随着时间推移而形成的存在空间区域是指实体在空间世界里所占据的地点或与之相关的方向位置每一种语言都有一套完整的表达空间关系表达空间区域的是一套空间区域范畴空间位移参照和空间方位参照三个子系统二其语义特点是命名性和地点性从认知方式角度分析从认知结果角度分析线面多维方位域方位参照是指叙述者选择观察点利用方向参照点方位域可以指空间方位参照也可分为空间方位参照和时间方位参照其结构要素包括方位成分方向参照点和位置参照点根据方位成分的性质分为相对参照和绝对参照根据位置参照点和方位域的关系分为外域参照和内域参照对说话人来说是从语言空间经认知空间还原到物理空间空间方位参照认知过程中的基本策略涉及到观察点的确立位置参照点的选择方位成分对位置参照点空间特征的凸现功能客体跟位置参照点在话语结构里在方位参照群里合成起来的顶真式和递归式不同的组合方式也可以综合运用一贯性空间方位本身是一种空间关系但它跟空间存在参照它常常作为空间存在参照或空间位移参照的地标方位参照的视点配置也影响空间存在参照空间方位参照方向参照点空间认知AbstractThe dissertation thoroughly examines the cognitive structure of spatial locative reference framework in Mandarin Chinese, its cognitive processes and the role it plays in the entire system of spatial reference. It aims to explore the structural and cognitive characteristics of spatial expressions in Mandarin Chinese.The major theoretical issues of the present dissertation are summarized as follows:1. Language space is a cognitive space, which people establish by using particular linguistic devices. Language space consists of two aspects: spatial relations and spatial regions. The spatial relation denotes the existential (static or dynamic) or moving relationship between the trajector and the landmark with the lapse of time; the spatial region denotes the space an object occupies or its relative position in the entire world. Both the spatial relation and the spatial region are the result of spatial cognition expressed in linguistic forms. Every language has a set of complete linguistic devices to systematically express spatial relations and regions, in which the former is expressed by a spatial reference system, and the latter by a spatial region category. The spatial reference system of Mandarin Chinese includes three subsystems: the existence reference framework, the motion reference framework, and the locative reference framework. The spatial region category is composed of place region and locative region in terms of cognitive functions.2. The place region is directly indicated by place nouns and noun phrases with their semantic characteristics of naming and spotting; the locative region is implied by locative terms via spatial locative reference framework. The locative terms play the role of spatialization that includes regionalization and referentialization of noun.spatialization that are regionalization and referentialization of noun. From the perspective of cognitive process, the place region uses reference-point construction in the syntagmatic plane, and the locative region uses reference-point construction in the paradigmatic plane. From the perspective of cognitive result, the salience dimensional distinction of the place region is the point of zero dimension, the salient dimensional distinction of the direction in the locative region is the line of one dimension, and the salient dimensional distinction of the position is the plane of two dimensions or solid of three dimensions. The opposition of zero dimensional place region versus multi-dimensional locative region is an important characteristic of spatial expressions in Mandarin Chinese.3. The Locative reference framework denotes the spatial and temporal region established by the speaker when he/she chooses the observational point with regard to the relations between the locative terms and relevant directional or positional reference-point. The locative region refers to not only space but also time, and the locative reference framework includes both spatial and temporal locative reference framework. As a cognitive structure, the structural elements of locative reference framework include locative terms, the speaker, the observational point, directional reference-point and positional reference-point. The locative reference framework can be either positional reference framework or directional reference framework dependent upon whether or notthere is a positional reference-point, and it can also be either relative reference framework or absolute reference framework dependent upon the type of locative terms. The positional reference framework can be either self-reference framework or other-reference framework dependent upon the relation between the positional reference-point and the observational point, and it can be either outer reference framework or inner reference framework dependent upon the relation between the positional reference-point and the locative region.4. The use of spatial locative reference framework is a cognitive process to both speaker and listener. To the speaker, it is the physical space realized in linguistic space via cognitive space; to the listener, it is a return to the physical space from linguistic space via cognitive space. In Chinese discourse, the basic strategy of processing the spatial locative reference framework, from the speaker’s point of view, relates to the establishment of the observation point, the selection of locative terms, the establishment of the directional reference point, and the selection of the positional reference point. From the listener’s point of view, the understanding of the process of the spatial locative reference framework relates to the probability of the interpretation on the meaning of the locative term, the salience function of the locative terms that profiles the geometric shape of positional reference object, the influence of directional reference point and observational point on the understanding of the semantics of the locative reference framework, and the cognitive connection between the object and the positional reference point as well as the locative region.5. In discourse, a number of spatial locative references structure form a locative reference group linked by their structural elements or connection with the described object. In the group, the neighboring locative reference structures at the same level are combined in a certain pattern. The combination patterns of the group consist of six types in three groups: outward and inward, chaining and nesting, parallel and displacing. Within the same group, different patterns can be combined to form different levels. The combination of locative reference structure must follow the three principles of connectivity, consistency and regularity.6. The spatial locative itself is a spatial relation, and the spatial locative reference framework is a subsystem of the spatial reference system in Mandarin Chinese, which is not at the same level with the spatial existence reference framework and the spatial motion reference framework. As a spatial regional category, the locative region marked by the spatial locative reference framework is usually regarded as the landmark of the spatial existence reference framework or spatial motion reference framework. It often interacts with the spatial existence reference framework and the spatial motion reference framework. Further, the position of the viewpoint of the locative reference influences the understanding and the use of the spatial existence reference framework and the spatial motion reference framework.Keyword引论0.1 空间和空间世界空间和时间是万物存在的基本形式汽车是物质地球是物质当然汽车河水存在于我们的意识之外的客观实在人是怎么知道外面还有一个独立的空间世界存在的呢盲人可以通过触摸是连续的而映射到正常人的视网膜上的视觉空间则是片断的盲人通过触摸获得的触觉空间受到的限制更大摸到大腿的说大象象根圆柱子有两个空间世界前者是物理空间如书房有门有窗这些物体按其所在位置之间的相互距离不变的但跟物理空间的三维图景不一样由于观察点的不同可变的从门口看到的书房里的图景跟从窗外看到的必然不一样看到的图景也将连续不断地变化0.2 空间研究历史的简单回顾德国新康德派代表Cassirer曾把生物的空间经验形态分为行动空间perceptual space¸ÅÄîÖª¾õ¿Õ¼äÊÇÖ¸ÒÔ¸ú»·¾³µÄÖ±½Ó½Ó´¥ÎªÇ°Ìá·ûºÅ¿Õ¼äÊÇÖ¸´Ó»·¾³µÄÖ±½ÓÐÔÀï½â·Å³öÀ´ÐÄÀí¿Õ¼ä¶þ·ÖºÍ¿Õ¼ä¾-ÑéÐÎ̬Èý·ÖºÏÆðÀ´¿´就可以发现在知觉空间里物理空间和心理空间则完全分化了加藤義信1995»¹ÊÇÔÚÏÈÇص«ÔڹŴúÕÜѧ¼ÒµÄ¿Õ¼ä˼¿¼Àï¹ÅÏ£À°PtolemaiosÎ÷±±³à»ÆÏà¶ÔÓ¦Çà°×À´ÏóÕ÷³ÉÁËÇø·ÖÎïÀí¿Õ¼äºÍÐÄÀí¿Õ¼äµÄÆõ»ú¾«ÉñºÍÎïÖʵ춨Á˽ü´ú¿Õ¼äÂ۵Ļù´¡ÎïÀí¿Õ¼äÁ½¸öÎÊÌâ¾ùÖʵľø¶Ô¿Õ¼äµÄ¹ÛÄî¸úµÑ¿¨¶ùµÄÒÔÂå¿ËΪ´ú±íµÄÖª¾õ¾-Ñ鿵µÂµÄÇ°ÕßÊÇÓÉÖ÷Ìå¹¹³ÉµÄ·ûºÅ¿Õ¼äÊÇÏÈÌìµÄÓ¢¹ú¾-ÑéÂÛ²¢ÈÏΪ֪¾õ¿Õ¼ä¸ú·ûºÅ¿Õ¼äÖ®¼ä¾ßÓÐÁ¬ÐøÐÔ19世纪末20世纪前期而行为主义则集中在空间行动方面对符号空间感兴趣的是儿童发展心理学0.3 空间认知和语言空间认知这一术语是20世纪70年代随着信息加工方法研究的兴起而开始流行起来的之后的处理空间认知是一个将物理空间世界概念化人们将有关行动空间是一个认知空间而认知空间是空间信息经过空间认知处理概念化了的符号空间人们看待空间世界涉及到四个方面12物体的空间存在关系4的认知是以人类科学但认知空间并不等于物理空间的真实投影figure的关系E. 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Sinha在导论里谈到Sinha1995ÆäÖÐlocalistÈçBrugman1981, Herskovits1986, Talmy1983ÖÁ½ñ»¹ºÜÄѹ¹ÏëÒ»¸öÈÏÖª¿ò¼Ü¿Õ¼äÎÊÌâ³ÉΪ´Ó¿çѧ¿ÆµÄÉñ¾-ÐÄÀíѧLevinson1991, Svorou1994ÎÒÃǾͲ»¿ÉÄܲ»ÎªÒÔϵÄÏë·¨Ëù´ò¶¯这种观察还可以看作一种对认知语言学方法论的批评认为语言意义跟非语言的认知是一个连续统那是太容易的了语言学是认知科学中的一种它是一个聚会点语言空间认知的研究在语言学和整个认知科学的研究里是多么重要并不限于认知语言学的方法论Jackendoff是大家公认的生成语法学家张敏1998ÂÛÎļ¯ÀïÌرðÊǶÔÄÇЩ¿Õ¼ä³É·Öָʾ´ú´ÊººÓï¿Õ¼äÈÏÖªÎÊÌâµÄÑо¿»¹´¦ÓÚÆ𲽽׶α¾ÎĽè¼øÁËÈÏÖªÓïÑÔѧµÄһЩÀíÂÛ·½·¨ÒÔ½ÒʾººÓïÉç»á¿Õ¼äÈÏÖª·½Ê½µÄÌص㵫ÕâÒѾ-³¬³öÁ˱¾ÎĵÄÈÎÎñ参看Language and space, Preface, Bloom, P., M. A. Peterson, L. Nadel, and M. F. Garrett (eds), The MIT Press, 1996.第一章汉语方位问题研究1.1 方位词的词类地位1.1.1 有关方位词语法地位的争议方位词作为一个语法范畴第一第二第三南前右里第一个问题的三种代表性观点涉及到对方位词的语法功能的认定我们先围绕第一个问题1.1.2 作为独立的词类的方位词第一种观点是把方位词从名词里分化出来1968和吕叔湘为代表1968¶¼ÊÇÌå´ÊµÄÒ»ÀàÈç»òÕßÊÇÒ»¸öÓïËØ×éºÏÇ°¼ÓµÄµ¥ÓïËØ·½Î»´Ê¿´×÷Çø±ð´ÊÈçÏòÉÏÖ®ÉÏͨ³£ÊÇÎÄÑԵIJÐÁôÉÏÓÐÌìÌÃλÖôÊÊÇ´¦Ëù´ÊµÄÒ»¸öСÀàÒ»°ã±¾Éí¾Í¿ÉÒÔ×÷Ϊһ¸ö´¦Ëù´ÊÍ·面(儿)Ö®1982¿´×÷Ìå´ÊµÄÒ»À൥´¿·½Î»´Ê°üÀ¨Ç°Íâ×óÄϱß(儿)头(儿)ºÏ³É·½Î»´ÊͬʱҲÊÇ´¦Ëù´ÊµÄÒ»¸öСÀàÒÔÇ°ËäÈ»ÔÚ½²·½Î»´ÊµÄÒýÉêÓ÷¨Ê±¾ÙÁ˵ÄÀý×Óµ«¾ÙÀýʱ»Ø±ÜÁËÇ°¼ÓµÄÀý×Ó吕叔湘如1981里的分为单音的和双音的区别词这个观点可以以丁声树等1983/2001原是在语法讲话时间词地位词地位词改为理由是该书在解说名词的性质和用法时指出西上后里右表示处所或时间也可以单用如这里外国淮河一带词组早晨前三年方位词跟处所词和时间词并不是处于同一个层次上的处所词和时间词并不是作为名词的次类处理的时间词也包括了表示时间的复式方位词和方位词组认为方位词可以加在名词前头修饰名词东城上半天刘月华等时间的名词称为方位词并认为这三类词的语法特点和语法功能与一般名词不尽相同这一章里设专节讨论有的单纯方位词可以直接用在名词或名词短语之前或之后方位词时间词语表示时间的名词或名词短语1.1.4 作为名词附类的方位词第三种观点是把方位词看作名词的附类张志公主编方位词的虚词性是指它不单独作词用方位词前边可以加上之边而且可以附在动词或者某些词组后边只是说表示处所或时间的名词还可以作状语下等的语法地位问题1957的附类单独列出因为方位词既有名词的特点附着性2000ÒÔ×÷×´ÓïʱÄܲ»ÄÜλÒƵ½Ö÷ÓïÇ°ÃæÇø±ðÓÚ·ÇʱµØÃû´Ê·½Î»´ÊÓÐʱµ¥Óõ«ÊÇËü¾-³£¸½×ÅÓÚ±ðµÄ´ÊÓï²»¹ýprepositionpostpositionÏ°ëÒ¹ÀïµÄÇ°ÊÇÇø±ð´Êµ±Öв»ÄÜÔÙ²åÈë±ðµÄÐé´Ê×À×ÓÉϱߵÄÀïÍ·ÒòΪµ±Öж¼¿ÉÒÔ²åÈë°´ÕÕÕâ¸ö¹Ûµã֮֮ǰ²ÅÊǺϳɷ½Î»´ÊµÄºúÔ£Ê÷Ö÷±à1995´ÓÓï·¨·ÖÎöƽÃæÀ´¿´¶¡ÉùÊ÷µÈ1961按照这一观点还包含了方位短语方位词是加在别的词语而且前面的修饰成分从理论上讲可以无限扩展方位短语本身是处所词或时间词另一方面仍然是一个处所词或时间词时间词的区分在语法分析上就失去了意义处所词时间词之外所有的合成方位词都是处所词试比较文炼 教室里边里边*教室操场上边上边*操场如果严格按照功能标准来划分词类的话的不定位的称为方位词可称为方位名词是短语不是词以定位于后的上外东北文炼方位名词和处所名词都是名词的次类方位词跟名词的关系类似介词跟动词的关系古代汉语只有单音节方位词边的诞生而加的双音节方位词则是古代汉语的残留成分从语义分析平面来看合成方位词和处所词方位包括方向和位置方位词既表方向又表位置方位词的语义也有了分化方位名词既表示方向往东走往上走*站在东*站在上往东边走往上边走站在东边站在上边方位区别词跟方位名词一样例如西村左图下铺里屋右胸 前楼外耳上面一排里的方位区别词是区别方向下面一排里的方位区别词是区别位置只能用在位置参照点后面指定方向位置而不能单独表示位置或方向在黄河之东在黄河以东在长城之外在长城以外*在之东*在以东*在之外*在以外*往以东走*往以东走 *往之外走*往以外走方位词语法化结果使得单音节方位词和双音节方位词在语义上有了分工方位名词和方位区别词在语义上都没有分化由于双音节方位词的文言性质的限制方位区别词在能否表示位置意义上形成对立方位区别词在语法形式上的差别在语法意义上也得到了印证合成方位词和处所词语法功能上的对立必然会在语义上显示出来1998À´Öйú³ÆΪ°Ñ´ø·½Î»´ÊµÄ´¦Ëù±öÓï称为在他的术语体系里包括方位和不带方位词的处所狭义的处所是不带方位词的处所它是用方位词间接指定的跟某一地点或某一物体相对的方向位置它包括处所域和方位域第三方位词时间在语用1957ÍùÍù¾Í¿ÉÒÔ±íʾ´¦Ëù»òʱ¼äÁËÃÅÍâ³Ô·¹Ò»¾-´øÉÏ·½Î»´ÊÈçͼÊé¹ÝÀïÕýÔµ«·½Î»Ëù±íʾµÄ¿Õ¼äÒâÒåʱ¼äÒâÒåʱ¼äËüÃDZ¾ÉíÖ»ÊÇָʾ·½ÏòλÖÃλÖòÎÕÕµãµÄÈ·¶¨ÐèÒªÓï¾³µÄ°ïÖúµçÓ°ÔºµÄ×ó±ßµçÓ°Ôº×ó±ßÕâ¸ö·½Ïò²ÎÕÕµãµÄÈ·¶¨ÐèÒª½èÖú¸ú˵»°È˵ÄÓïÑÔ±³¾°ÓйصÄ֪ʶ¾-Ñé空间方位意义的理解需要方向参照点在汉语社会里前后春节前为时间位置参照点已经过时间轴上某一参照点的偏向未来一端在我们的心目中未来的迎接新千年展望未来这种以空间隐喻时间的方式也影响到时间方位词后瞻前顾后要向前看这里的跟本来的时间意义上的后登幽州台歌游顺钊因为诗句里过去在诗人的前面汉族人以自身所处时点为位置参照点时站在幽州台上面对悠悠天地抒发感情不可理解方经民1992由此可见后所指称的时间意义性质完全不同处所词方位短语本身就是处所词方位名词时间名词的处所指称意义时间在语用我们实际上已经得出了结论传统所说的方位词实际上已经分化为方位词这三类在语法形式和语法意义上都有相应的差别方位词时间方位意义时间指称意义形成对立认知过程以及它在整个空间参照系方位名词这三类成分在构成方位参照结构时所起的作用并不一样并跟处所名词方位成分locative termsËüÊÇ·½Î»²ÎÕÕÈÏÖª½á¹¹µÄ±Ø²»¿ÉÉٵĽṹҪËØÖ®Ò»·½Ëù·¶³ëºÍÇøÓò·¶³ë1.2.1 方位词的语法研究在现代汉语语法研究史上方位词主要是作为一个语法问题涉及的内容基本上都是方位词的基本用法和引申意义方位结构的语法功能1957ÒÀÈ»¾ßÓÐÖØÒªµÄÀíÂÛÒâÒå±È½ÏÖØÒªµÄÊÇÂÀÊåÏæ·¢ÏÖ·´Òå¶ÔÁ¢µÄµ¥Òô½Ú·½Î»´ÊÏÂ里上外这一现象的发现为汉语方位词的语法化研究提供了重要的线索1984方所这可以从方位词和处所词纠缠不清的关系里找到根源方所1942Õâ¸öÃû³Æ´ËºóµÄ°ë¸öÊÀ¼ÍÀïÕâ¸öÊõÓïÔÚËûµÄÓйØÖø×÷Àï·¶³ë°Ñ·½Î»´ÊºÍ´¦Ëù´ÊÇø·Ö¿ªÀ´Ô-ÒòÉÏÎÄÒÑÓзÖÎöÄÇô¾ÍÔÙÈÃËüºÏ²¢·½Ëù1995把名词分成人物名词并认为方所是空间范畴有定域处所和非定域处所他从形式上为方所名词建立方所标1997²¢¸ù¾Ý·½Ëù±êµÄÒþÏÖ°Ñ·½Ëù·ÖΪÒþ±ê·½Ëù把方位和处所合并起来跟时间相对方位既可以表达空间意义1992²¢ÈÏΪËüÊǾßÓкºÓïÌصãµÄËÄÖÖÓï·¨·¶³ëÖ®Ò»¸ÃÊéÌáµ½µÄ·½Î»´Ê±í´ï¿Õ¼äλÖûòʱ¼äʱÐèÒªÒ»¸ö¶¨Î»µã»ò¶¨Ê±µãµÈµ¥Òô½Ú·½Î»´ÊµÄÖ÷Òª¹¦ÄÜÔÚÓÚʹһ°ãÃû´Êת»¯Îª±íʾ¿Õ¼ä»òʱ¼äµÄ´ÊÓﵫÓÉÓÚÊÇÒ»±¾Óï·¨½Ì²Ä刘丹青方所该文着重指出必须区分词汇意义的方所成分和作为谓语的语义角色的方所成分而将方位词看成后置词介词2001·½Ëù´Î·¶³ë»¯·½Ëù»¯»úÖÆ1998¸ÃÊé×ÅÖØ̽ÌÖÏÖ´úººÓï¿Õ¼äλÖÃϵͳµãÌå¶øλÒƾäµÄ¿Õ¼ä·¶Î§¶¼ÊÇÒò´Ë²»±Ø¼ÓÒÔϸ·Ö´Ó±íÒ⹦ÄܵĽǶÈÌá³ö´ËºóµÄººÓïÓï·¨Ñо¿ÕâÖ÷ÒªÊÇ¿¼Âǵ½·½Î»´Ê´ÓÖпÉÒÔ¿´µ½½á¹¹Óï·¨µÄÓ°ÏìÕâЩÑо¿»ù±¾É϶¼Í£ÁôÔÚ¾²Ì¬µÄÓï·¨ººÓï·½Ëù·¶³ëµÄÐÎʽºÍ内容1983×Ô´ËÒÔºóÓйط½Î»´ÊµÄ²»ÉÙÑо¿·ÖÎö·½Î»²ÎÕÕµÄÈÏÖª½á¹¹½âÊÍ·½Î»³¡¾°µÄÈÏ֪ͼʽ¹ØÓÚÕâ·½ÃæµÄÑо¿ÎÒÃǽ«ÔÚÏÂÒ»½ÚÌÖÂÛÓÖÓÉ·Öµ½ºÏÕâÒѾ-²»ÊÇÒ»¸öͬһ²ã´ÎÉϵÄÔÚÕýÈ·¹À¼Û·½Î»´ÊÓï·¨»¯µÄ×÷ÓôӴ«Í³Óï·¨ÑØÓöøÀ´µÄËüÖ»ÊÇ°Ñ·½Î»ºÍ´¦ËùÁ½¸ö¸ÅÄî¼òµ¥µØºÏ¶þΪһͬÑùʱ¼ä´ÊÈý·ÖÁíÒ»·½ÃæÒ²²»ÄÜÕýÈ··´Ó³·½Î»ºÍ´¦ËùÔھ䷨ÈÏÖªÉϵĶÔÁ¢ 1.1.6l里在比较清楚地看到方位和处所在语用性质方位处所认知意义上的方位范畴和处所范畴即使是从合的研究也有必要重新探讨汉语对汉语空间表达方式因方位和处所的不同而造成的句法认知方经民空间区域范畴方位域处所域表达空间区域的是一套空间区域范畴处所域由处所名词和处所短语直接指称1.3 空间认知和方位参照研究1.3.1 空间认知和空间方位关系研究从空间认知等角度研究跟方位有关的语言现象是近年来汉语方位研究中的新倾向戴浩一1989ÓÈÆäÊÇ¿Õ¼äºÍʱ¼äµÄÈÏÖªÄÜÁ¦À´½âÊͺºÓïµÄÓï·¨½á¹¹ÓÃat¶þά¶øººÓï²ÉÈ¡Á½²½·¨Ö¸³ö¹ØϵµÄÒ»°ãÐÔÖÊÉϱ߻òÕß˵ͨ¹ýµÄͼʽÀ´Ì¸ÂÛ¿Õ¼ä¹ØϵÄDZ¾ÊéÔÚ×À×ÓµÄÉÏÍ·1999。
2023届高考英语考前每日拔高练 第7练——阅读理解【配套新教材】

2023届高考英语考前每日拔高练第7练【配套新教材】When I was a child, my grandmother often said interpersonal communication mattered. She backed that up with her own behavior, and she invested her time and energy in interacting with people. When she walked down the street, she spoke to everyone, whether an elderly or a child, speaking whether English or Spanish.However, as she aged, she noticed that most people wouldn't have time for communication that's longer than a 160-character text message, much less time to develop genuine friendships that last decades. In fact, people are barely speaking to one another nowadays. As much as I hate to admit it, I have noticed it too.My grandmother opened my mind to having a pen pal on the other side of the world. It all started in 2013 when I was at University of Southern California. I met with Kerstin Zilm, a German radio personality who wanted to interview me about being a student struggling financially. I didn't know much about German culture or the German audience who would listen to the show, but I agreed to do so. I had internalized(使内在化) my grandmother's concept and I felt this was another way of communication and that speaking about my story was better than keeping it to myself. You never knew who could learn from your life experiences.After the story aired, a woman named Renate reached out to Kerstin, inquiring how she could find me and help me financially with college. I was grateful, but my pride didn't allow me to accept the money.thanking her for her kindness. This was the beginning of a beautiful intercontinental friend-ship. From then on, Renate and I often emailed each other. And whenever I was in trouble, she was always there. She sent me virtual hugs at the moments when I needed them most. Though I have never met her in person, she is one of the most important people in my life.1.What do we know about the author's grandmother?A. She made lots of foreign friends.B. She valued family relationships.C. She liked to wander on the streets.D. She kept bonding with other people.2.What does the author think of the people today?A. They show little respect to the elderly.B. They look forward to having a pen pal.C. They have limited communication with others.D. They like chatting through long text messages.3.What made the author decide to accept the interview?A. Her grandmother's wisdom.B. Her pen pal's encouragement.C. Her poverty-stricken situation.D. Her curiosity about German culture.4.What does the underlined word "halt" in the last paragraph mean?A. Continue.B. Appear.C. Extend.D. Stop."Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention," Frank Sinatra chanted in his 1969 hit "My Way". The song's idea is attractive: that anyone can just declare what's done is done and move on. Some take the declaration a step further and claim they have no regrets at all. Whether a boast or an actual attitude, "no regrets" suggests that life can and should be lived without looking through the rear-view mirror.Easier said than done, though. In 2020, author Daniel H. Pink launched the World Regret Survey, the largest ever survey on the topic. With his research team, Pink asked more than 15,000 people in 105 countries, "How often do you look back on your life and wish you had done things differently?" 82% said regret is at least an occasional part of their life; roughly 21% said they feel regret "al1 the time." Only 1% said they never feel regret.If you are of the "no regrets" type, you might think that all this regret is a recipe for unhappiness. But that isn't the case. True, being overwhelmed by regret is indeed bad for you. But going to the other extreme may be even worse. To rid yourself of regrets doesn't free you from shame or sorrow; it leads you to make the same mistakes again and again. To truly get over our guilt requires that we put regret in its proper place.As uncomfortable as it is, regret is an amazing cognitive(认知) achievement. If today your relationship with your partner has soured, your regret might mentally take you back to last year. You would remember your being mean and sensitive, and then imagine yourself showing more patience, being kind instead of hurtful at key moments. Then you would fast-But regret doesn't have to be left unmanaged. The trick is to acknowledge it and use it for learning and improvement. You can be honest with yourself about what went wrong and use that knowledge to enjoy better relationships in the future.5.What should we do if we have had a bitter quarrel with a close friend according to FrankSinatra?A. Attract more people to your argument.B. Send him/her a letter of apology.C. Boast about being more reasonable.D. Forget about it and just let it go.6.Which of the following statements about regret may the writer agree with?A. We can do nothing about regret.B. Unhappiness results from regret.C. Ignoring regrets is missing the opportunity to improve.D. Ridding yourself of regrets helps free you from sorrow.7.What does the underlined word "languishing" in paragraph 4 most probably mean?A. Improving.B. Healing.C. Showing up.D. Breaking up.8.What might be a suitable title for the text?A. Regret to become smarter-if you let it.B. Long for a different past? Regret it!C. Regret? Not my way!D. Stay away! Regret will heal itself.Both my husband and I will celebrate birthdays in the next few weeks, and we are wondering where all the time has gone. Then we start to rethink about our years together, and the time before our relationship, and the memories flood back along with more smiles than tears. As a great deal of psychological research confirms, we actually recall more positive than negative memories as we age.New research by Erika Sparrow and colleagues, just published in the journal Psychology and Aging, reviewed 16 studies on aging and altruism(利他主义), asking whether people become more open-handed and are more willing to give as they get older. The answer is yes —regardless of financial status, the level of education, or gender, older people responded more willingly when asked to give resources or help others than younger people.So maybe all of us simply need to think happy thoughts. Can it really be this easy? Mara Maher reports, in the journal Memory and Emotion, that the focus on positive aspects of our past as we get older seems to be intentional, a specific goal-directed process to create more positive memories in order to increase our sense of well-being. So there are at least some good things about getting old! But must we age to obtain these benefits?Perhaps not. Ernst Bohlmeijer and colleagues found that people who experience evenmild depression or daily stress benefit from "gratitude exercises", daily diaries where individuals write about positive experiences of their day and reflect on past experiences for which they are grateful. Taking time to actively think about and reflect on the positive experiences in our lives provides perspectives and improves our sense of well-being, regardless of our age.And we can start this process with our children! Research from The Family Narratives Lab has demonstrated many benefits of recalling happy memories between parents and children, including helping children learn to meet challenges and regulate their emotions.This birthday season, my husband and I will share our positive experiences as a gift to each other. In doing this, we will increase our sense of belonging and caring for each other, our family and our community.9.What did the new research from Erika's team find about older people?A. They have a more open mind.B. They are more generous to others.C. They are more likely to be tricked.D. They have a better financial situation.10.What can we know about older people's thinking happy thoughts?A. It is difficult to be achieved.B. It is limited to certain age groups.C. It may be performed purposefully.D. It can be helpful for people to focus on goals.11.How do gratitude exercises benefit people according to Ernst's team?A. By improving their mental well-being.B. By raising kind and considerate children.C. By teaching them ways to meet challenges.D. By strengthening their relationship with others.12.What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Aging has both advantages and disadvantages.B. Reflecting on grateful memories can decrease stress.C. Keeping a diary helps increase our sense of well-being.D. Remembering positive experiences is beneficial across age.答案以及解析1.答案:D解析:细节理解题。

张汉熙《⾼级英语(1)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课⽂精解+全⽂翻译+练习答案】(LessonLesson 12 Ships in the Desert (Edited)⼀、词汇短语1. anchor n. & v. to hold fast by or as if by an anchor抛锚,锚定:They layat anchor outside the harbor.他们在港外抛锚停泊。
2. lap vt. to wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds拍打:The waveswere lapping the side of the boat.波浪击打着船的侧⾯。
3. comparable adj. that can be compared可⽐较的,⽐得上的4. underlying adj. fundamental, basic在下⾯的,根本的,潜在的5. parka n. a thick warm jacket with a hood⽑⽪风雪⼤⾐,⽪制⼤⾐6. glacier n. a large mass of ice and snow thatforms in areas where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate atwhich the snow melts; it moves slowly outward from the center ofaccumulation or down a mountain until it melts or breaks away冰川7. emission n. a gas or other substance that is sent into the air排放,排出物:fume emission尘雾排放8. inexorable adj. not capable of being persuaded byentreaty; relentless不可变的,残酷⽆情的:the inexorable passage of theseasons⼈⼒不能改变的四季转移9. graph n. a diagram, as a curve, broken lines, series of bars, etc.,representing the successive changes in a variable quantity or quantities图表,曲线图10. frigid adj. extremely cold极其寒冷的:Frigid winds blew fromthe north.寒风从北⽅刮来。

专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. Which of the following words has the same stress pattern as "family"?A. democracyB. photographC. technologyD. refrigerator2. What is the past participle of the verb "go"?A. wentB. goneC. wentedD. goed3. Choose the correct relative pronoun in the following sentence: _______ book is on the table.A. WhichB. ThatC. WhoD. Whom4. The structure "I wish I could go with you" shows_______.A. Unreal pastB. Unreal presentC. Unreal futureD. Real present5. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?A. They built a new school.B. A new school was built them.C. They were building a new school.D. They have built a new school.二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. The word " pdata" can be divided into two syllables: "pa" and "tron". ( )2. "I have been to Beijing twice" means the speaker has visited Beijing two times in total. ( )5. The simple present tense is often used to talk about future arrangements. ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. The opposite of "expensive" is _______.2. If we want to say "我喜欢打篮球" in English, we can say "I like to play _______".3. The third person singular form of "do" is _______.4. The past tense of "write" is _______.5. The correct form of "I have two sister" should be "I have _______ sisters".四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the difference between "affect" and "effect"?3. What is the main difference between "while" and "when"?4. What is a gerund and how is it used in a sentence?5. Can you explain the difference between "its" and"it's"?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. Correct the mistakes in the following sentence: "She have three childrens and they all goes to the same school."2. Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice: "They will build a new stadium next year."3. Change the following sentence into a question: "Hewill visit his grandparents tomorrow."5. Paraphrase the sentence: "Despite the heavy rain, they decided to go ahead with the outdoor event."六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. Analyze the sentence structure of the following sentence: "If it hadn't been for your help, I wouldn't have finished the project on time."2. Compare and contrast the use of "used to" and "be used to".七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. Write a short dialogue between two friends discussing their plans for the weekend.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)2. Create a vocabulary worksheet focusing on words related to technology.3. Develop a writing prompt that encourages students to write a persuasive essay on the importance of learning a second language.5. Plan an interactive speaking activity that allows students to practice giving a presentation on a topic of their choice.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)1. Explain the difference between a phoneme and a grapheme.2. Define the term "collocation" and provide an example.3. What is a modal verb? Give three examples and their uses.4. Explain the concept of "register" in language.5. Define the term "idiom" and how it differs from a phrase.十、思考题(每题2分,共10分)1. How does the use of the simple past tense differ from the past continuous tense?2. Why is it important to use a variety of sentence structures in writing?3. How can understanding the context help with the interpretation of a text?4. What strategies can a learner use to improve their listening skills in a foreign language?5. How does the use of cohesive devices contribute to the coherence of a text?十一、社会扩展题(每题3分,共15分)1. Discuss the role of English as a global lingua franca and its impact on cultural diversity.2. Analyze the influence of social media on the evolution of the English language.3. How does learning English benefit individuals in the fields of science and technology?4. Explore the challenges faced English language learners in a multilingual classroom environment.5. Discuss the importance of teaching English literature in the EFL/ESL classroom and its effect on language acquisition.一、选择题答案1. C2. B3. B4. A5. B二、判断题答案1. ×2. √3. √4. ×5. √三、填空题答案1. cheap2. basketball3. does4. wrote5. two四、简答题答案1. "Affect" is a verb meaning to influence or make a difference to something, while "effect" is a noun meaning the result or impact of something.3. "While" is used to talk about two actions happening at the same time, often with a contrast, while "when" is used to refer to a specific time.4. A gerund is a verb form ending in ing that functions as a noun. Example: Reading is my favorite hob.5. "Its" is a possessive adjective showing ownership, while "it's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has".五、应用题答案1. She has three children, and they all go to the same school.2. A new stadium will be built them next year.3. Will he visit his grandparents tomorrow?4. He speaks not only English but also French.5. Despite the heavy rain, they decided to proceed with the outdoor event.六、分析题答案2. "Used to" is used to talk about past habits or states that no longer exist, while "be used to" is used to express familiarity or habituation with something.七、实践操作题答案1. (Sample dialogue provided)1. Grammar: The test covers various aspects of grammar, including verb tenses, sentence structure, passive voice, and modal verbs.2. Vocabulary: The test includes vocabularyrelated questions, focusing on antonyms, word forms, and collocations.3. Reading Comprehension: Questions are designed to test students' ability to understand and interpret written text.6. Speaking: The practice operation question encourages spoken language practice through dialogue writing.各题型知识点详解及示例:1. 选择题: These questions test students' knowledge of specific linguistic concepts, such as stress patterns andverb forms. Example: Identifying the past participle of "go" requires an understanding of irregular verbs.3. 填空题: These questions evaluate students' ability to recall vocabulary and apply grammatical rules. Example: Filling in the correct form of "do" requires knowledge of verb conjugation.4. 简答题: These questions test students' ability to explain linguistic concepts. Example: Explaining the difference between "affect" and "effect" requires an understanding of homophones and parts of speech.5. 应用题: These questions measure students' ability to apply their knowledge in practical situations. Example: Correcting a sentence with mistakes requires knowledge of subjectverb agreement and plural forms.7. 实践操作题: These questions assess students' ability to create and understand spoken dialogue. Example: Writing a dialogue requires knowledge of conversational English and the ability to use appropriate language for a given context.。

高一英语阅读理解深度学习单选题30题1. The story is mainly about _____.A. a trip to the parkB. a birthday partyC. a school eventD. a family gathering答案:B。
A 选项“a trip to the park”在文中未提及;C 选项“a school event”也与文章内容不符;D 选项“a family gathering”虽然生日派对也算是家庭聚会,但“a birthday party”更具体地概括了文章的主要内容。
2. The main character in the story is _____.A. a boyB. a girlC. an old manD. a young woman答案:A。
B 选项“a girl”不符合文中代词的指代;C 选项“an old man”和D 选项“a young woman”在文中未出现相关描述。
3. The party was held _____.A. at homeB. in a restaurantC. in a parkD. at school答案:A。
文中提到“they decorated the living room for the party”,可知派对是在家里举行的。
B 选项“in a restaurant”文中未提及在餐馆;C 选项“in a park”与文章内容不符;D 选项“at school”也不是派对举办的地点。

Lighten Your Load and Save Your LifeIf you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart。
If you don't want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can—and recognize there are many things beyond your control。
So says Dr. Robert S。
Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength:How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He's a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska. 这是罗伯特·S。
Eliot says there are people in this world that he calls ”hot reactors”。
For these people, being tense may cause tremendous and rapid increases in their blood pressure。
SAT真题_2010 May

SECTION 2Time--25 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.Each sentence below has one or two banks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five words or sets of word labeled A through E. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.Examples:Hoping to ----- the dispute, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be ----- to both labor and management.A. enforce…usefulB. end…divisiveC. overcome…unattractiveD. extend…satisfactoryE. resolve…acceptable( )1. Unsuccessful in her first campaigns, Barbara Jordan -----, eventually becoming the first Black woman elected to the Texas State Senate.A. persistedB. gloatedC. retiredD. despairedE. hesitated ( )2. Some scientists speculate that children who wash frequently are more likely to become asthmatic than those who wash infrequently: that -----, not the lack of it, is the problem.A. pollutionB. negligenceC. nutritionD. misbehaviorE. cleanliness ( )3. Newspaper advertisers feel their messages are more believable and ----- when they are printed next to news report: hence, advertising charges are higher for such -----.A. dominant…investigationB. irrelevant…proximityC. precise…deliveryD. persuasive…positioningE. vague…thoroughness( )4. Despite accusations to the contrary, it is unlikely that he intended to ----- the articles, since he cited them in his bibliography.A. analyzeB. illuminateC. plagiarizeD. acknowledgeE. contradict ( )5. Ralph Ellison learned the hard way about the ----- of a written manuscript: he suffered the ----- of the only draft of a work in progress in a household fire.A. magnitude…isolationB. fragility…preservationC. illegibility…eradicationD. vulnerability…destructionE. proliferation…division( )6. The new human resources director is both ----- and ----- about being able to improve employment opportunities for women at the executive level: she has great resolve but harbor no illusions.A. practical…deceptiveB. cynical…irrationalC. excited…approachableD. uncooperative…naïveE. determined…realistic( )7. Y ears of neglect had left the inside of the building in ----- condition: workstations were filthy and furnishings were dilapidated.A. a squalidB. a volatileC. an undauntedD. a rudimentaryE. a cataclysmic ( )8. The Wild Parrot of Telegraph Hill is only ----- about birds; despite its title, the documentary actually examines human relationships.A. ostensiblyB. distinctivelyC. intelligiblyD. salientlyE. incontrovertiblyThe passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer of the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.Question 9-10 are based on the following passage.At a preconcert interview in 2000 for the performance of one of her works in London, Rhian Samuel was asked about her well-known reluctance to be considered a Welsh composer. Her reply --- ―I’m not so happy to be called only a Welsh composer because I haven’ t lived in Wales all my life and have another influences as well. On the other hand, I [have] been a woman all my life!‖ --- brought both laughter and applause from the expectant crowd of concertgoers. In short, Samuel is proud to be considered first a woman composer, one whose connection to the Welsh language and people resurfaces at interludes throughout her musical life.( )9. The primary purpose of the passage is toA. discuss a composer’s musical trainingB. clarify a musician’s self-perceptionC. describe an artist’s linguistic talentsD. reveal the preferences of a particular audienceE. reconcile two antithetical views of a performance( )10. Her ―reply‖ in lines 2-3 suggests chiefly that Samuel believes which of the following?A. He nationality is not the most important aspect of her identity.B. She could not have become a successful composer if she had remained in Wales for her whole life.C. One of the obligations of a musician is to relate a humorous anecdote before each performance.D. Other people should not refer to themselves as Welsh unless they have always lived in Wales.E. Men should acknowledge the importance of their gender as an artistic influence just as women do.Question 11-12 are based on the following passage.My daughter, Olivia, and I were going to college. Not together at the same school, thank goodness, just at the same time, but she didn’t exactly know about my plans yet. There were a few things that needed work in this arrangement. Any mother who has an eighteen-year-old daughter would completely understand why I didn’t mention my decision to go to college to Olivia. What? I can’t believe it. Are you actually copying me? Don’t you think you should consider getting your own life? It wasn’t that I planned never to tell her. I just figured I’d wait a bit --- until we’d had a little time to miss each other.( )11. The narrator’s attitude toward her situation is best described asA. perplexedB. prudentC. sentimentalD. annoyedE. derisive( )12. The narrator uses the questions in lines 8-10 primarily toA. voice some pressing concernsB. admit to some personal qualmsC. characterize a likely responseD. highlight an unpleasant memoryE. begin a discussionQuestion 13-24 are based on the following passages.These passages discuss string theory, the as-yet-unproven idea that all matter in the universe is made up of ―strings‖ so small that they have not been detected by instruments. The passages were adapted from books published in 2000 and 2006, respectively.Passage 1String theory is a work in progress whose partial completion has already revealed remarkably elegant answers to questions about nature’s most fundamental constituents and forces. For instance, in string theory many aspects of nature that might appear to be arbitrary technical details --- such as the number of distinct varieties of particle ingredients and their properties --- are found to arise from tangible aspects of the geometry of the universe.In the final analysis, though, nothing is a substitute for definitive, testable predictions that can determine whethercomplicated that, to date, no one even knows the exact equations of the theory. Nevertheless, experimental tests could provide strong circumstantial support for string theory within the next ten years or so.One of the pioneers of string theory summarizes the situation by saying that ―string theory is a part of twenty-first-century physics that fell by change into the twentieth century.‖ It is as if our forebears in the nineteenth century had been presented with a modern-day supercomputer, without the operating instructions. Through inventive trial and error, hints of the supercomputer’s power would have become evident, but it would have taken vigorous and prolonged effort to gain true mastery. The hints of the computer’s potential, like our glimpses of string theory’s explanatory power, would have provided strong motivation for obtaining complete facility. A similar motivation today energizes physicists to pursue string theory.Science proceeds in fits and starts. Scientists put forward results, both theoretical and experimental. The results are then debated by the community; sometimes they are discarded, sometimes they are modified, and sometimes they provide inspiration for new and more accurate ways of understanding the universe. In other words, science proceeds along a zigzag path toward what we hope will be ultimate truth, a path that began with humanity’s earliest attempts to fathom the cosmos and whose end we cannot predict. Whether string theory is an incidental rest stop along this path, a landmark turning point, or the final destination we do not know. But the last two decades of research by hundreds of dedicated physicists and mathematicians has given us well-founded hope that we are on the right and possibly final track. Passage 2No matter how things turn out, the story of string theory is an episode with no parallel in the history of modern physics. More than twenty years of research by thousands of the world’s best scientists producing tens of thousands of scientific papers has not led to a single testable experimental prediction of the theory. This unprecedented situation leads one to ask whether one can really describe string theory as science.Human beings engage in many different attempts to explain the world around them, but only a specific sort of explanation is normally considered to be scientific. An explanation that allows one to predict successfully in detail what will happen when one goes out and performs a feasible experiment is the sort of explanation that most clearly can be labeled ―scientific‖. Explanations that cannot be used to form predictions clearly do not deserve this label.Remarkably, the lack of any progress in achieving a predictive version of string theory that could be tested by experiment has not led to theorist’s giving it up. Indeed, in recent years, many string theorists have become convinced that string theory inherently must allow an astronomically large number of physical possibilities, so many that it is difficult to see how the theory can ever be tested. Y et some theorists are convinced that a better understanding of the theory will uncover testable phenomena. This way of thinking is a steadfast refusal to acknowledge the lesson that conventional science says one should draw in this kind of circumstance: if on e’s theory can’ t predict anything, one should try something else.The phrase ―not even wrong‖is popular among physicists. A theory can be ―not even wrong‖because it is so incomplete and ill-defined that it can’ t be used to make predictions whose failure would show it to be wrong. This sort of ―not even wrong‖ is not necessarily a bad thing. Most new theoretical ideas begin in this state, and it can take quite a bit of work before their implications are well enough understood for researchers to be able to tell whether the idea is right or wrong. But there is a second connotation of ―not even wrong‖: something worse than a wrong idea. In the case of string theory, the way some physicists are abandoning fundamental scientific principles rather than admit that a theory is wrong is something of this kind: worse than being wrong is refusing to admit when one is wrong.( )13. Which best describes the relationship between the two passages?A. Passage 1 provides concrete evidence in support of a hypothesis attacked in Passage 2.B. Passage 1 advocates a theoretical approach that is only reluctantly endorsed by Passage 2.C. Passage 1 praises the achievements of a scientific researcher who is denounced in Passage 2.D. Passage 1 offers a largely positive assessment of a theory that is criticized in Passage 2.E. Passage 1 offers a detailed description of a methodology that is praised in Passage 2.( )14. The author of Passage 2 would most likely respond to the claim in lines 5-6 in Passage 1 (―In the…universe‖)D. open skepticismE. total opposition( )15. The author of Passage 2 would most likely argue that the prediction made in lined 8-9 in Passage 1 (―Nevertheless…or so‖) isA. unlikely to come to passB. based on relevant dataC. a patently obvious claimD. a somewhat plausible outcomeE. an unnecessarily pessimistic assessment( )16. In the analogy of the supercomputer (line11-15), modern physicists resemble the ―forebears‖ in that bothA. have an obligation to acknowledge their own limitationsB. lack the knowledge to take full advantage of a toolC. fail to recognize to take full advantage of a toolD. must learn to use computers to do their work more effectivelyE. should seek instruction to understand a phenomenon more fully( )17. In line 32, ―fits‖ most nearly meansA. violent attacksB. unprovoked tantrumsC. emotional reactionsD. unexpected whimsE. sudden bursts( )18. The characterization of the ―path‖ (line 20) suggests that scienceA. results from purely chance eventsB. is driven by an unforeseen and mysterious purposeC. progresses in an orderly mannerD. is inaccessible to those without proper trainingE. advances in indirect and sometimes unexpected ways( )19. The author of Passage 2 would most likely advise the ―physicists and mathematicians‖ referred to in lines 23, Passage 1, toA. redouble their current effortsB. collaborate more with one anotherC. find new avenues for researchD. pursue a more interdisciplinary approachE. seek to replicate their experimental findings( )20. The primary contrast in lines 24-26 (―No matter…theory‖) is between theA. size of a project and its importanceB. purpose of an undertaking and its resultC. history of an enterprise and its futureD. scope of an endeavor and its outcomeE. randomness of an approach and its findings( )21. Passage 1 suggests that its author would most likely argue that the ―unprecedented situation‖(lines 26, Passage 2) isA. proof of the arbitrary nature of theoretical physicsB. evidence of the lack of consensus among physicistsC. a sign of the challenges involved with working with supercomputersD. a testament to the difficulty of directly observing subatomic phenomenaE. a consequence of the highly complex mathematics underlying string theory( )22. The second paragraph in Passage 2 (line 28-31) primarily serves toA. analyze the steps required by a processB. assess the practicality of achieving an objectiveC. articulate the criteria required to meet a standardD. characterize the qualifications of practitionersE. describe the significant advancements of a discipline( )23. In line37, ―draw‖ most nearly meansA. sketchB. leadC. attractD. inferE. provoke( )24. Both authors would agree with which statement about string theory?A. Through its development, important technological advances have taken place.B. In its current state, the explanations it provides are ultimately incomplete.C. It is unlikely that it will ever provide an encompassing explanation.SECTION 5Time--25 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.Each sentence below has one or two banks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five words or sets of word labeled A through E. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.Examples:Hoping to ----- the dispute, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be ----- to both labor and management.A. enforce…usefulB. end…divisiveC. overcome…unattractiveD. extend…satisfactoryE. resolve…acceptable( )1. Heckling during a political rally is so ----- that it surprises no one; the same behavior, however, is ----- when it is exhibited at a scientific conference.A. rare…shatteringB. commonplace…startlingC. revolting…unnervingD. trivial…meaninglessE. comical…bearable( )2. Steve was ----- by the intricacy of the ice crystals forming on his windowpane: he couldn’t take his eyes off them.A. edifiedB. troubledC. enervatedD. emboldenedE. captivated( )3. The experiment did not yield the decisive ----- that the scientist had hoped for; instead, the findings were only of ----- significance.A. outcome…nominalB. results…influentialC. conclusion…distinctD. sources…astronomicalE. risks…questionable( )4. NASA engineer Gloria Yamauchi uses ----- approach to research, in that it draws on physics, aerodynamics, mathematics, and other fields.A. a self-evidentB. an interdisciplinaryC. a simplisticD. an economicalE. an impractical( )5. Less confident employees tend to be ----- about asking for a pay increase, preferring to wait for their supervisors to raise the issue.A. volubleB. presumptuousC. reticentD. penitentE. tenaciousThe passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer of the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.Question 6-9 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Liars may betray themselves through linguistic mistakes, but the main sources of betrayal are the emotions. Emotion reveals itself, sometimes in contradictory ways, in the voice, body, and face. Deceptions typically involve trying to conceal feelings that are inappropriate or trying to cover up the fear, guilt, and distress that may be provoked when one attempts to get away with a lie. When a person lies and has emotional investment in the situation, a perfect performance is hard to carry off. Nonverbal clues to deception leak out. What is surprising is that few people make use of these clues and thus liars go undetected.Passage 2Human beings are terrible lie detectors. In studies, subjects asked to distinguish truth from lies answer correctly approximately half the time. People are often led astray by an erroneous sense of how a liar behaves. ―People hold a stereotype of the liar –as tormented, anxious, and conscience-stricken,‖researchers Bella DePaulo and Charles Bond write. Clumsy deceivers are sometimes visibly agitated, but in general there is no such things as ―typical‖deceptive behavior. As DePaulo says, ―To be a good liar, you don’t need to know what behaviors really separate liars from truthtellers, but what behaviors people think separate them.‖( )6. Which best describes the relationship between the passages?A. Passage 1 discusses lying from a moral stance, whereas Passage 2 examines it from a legal viewpoint.B. Passage 1 views lying as a skill that is learned, whereas Passage 2 considers it an instinctive impulse.C. Passage 1 claims that lying is characterized by certain distinctive behaviors, whereas Passage 2 largely rejects that notion.D. Passage 1 takes a scientific approach to lying, whereas Passage 2 discusses it from an anecdotal perspective.E. Passage 1 focuses on the effects of lying, whereas Passage 2 examines its causes.( )7. Lines 1, Passage 1 (―Liars may…emotions‖), and lines 10-11, Passage 2 (―Clumsy…behavior‖), both contain instances ofA. simileB. paradoxC. euphemismD. qualificationE. understatement ( )8. The author of Passage 2 would most likely describe the claim about ―fear, guilt, and distress‖ (lines 3, Passage 1) as aA. conventional but inaccurate perceptionB. plausible theory that my prove to be correctC. misconception of little significanceD. nonstandard view that is based on faulty scienceE. widespread and well-substantiated belief( )9. Lines 11-12 (―As…them‖) suggest that Bella DePaulo would most likely maintain that Passage 1A. overlooks the behavior patterns of those who tell the truthB. presents the very misconceptions that people often have about liarsC. offers a perceptive psychological analysis of liars’ deceptive behaviorsD. takes an overly sympathetic view of deceptive behaviorE. overemphasizes the role of linguistic patterns in lyingQuestion 10-15 are based on the following passages.This passage, adapted from a 1983 biography, discusses Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), a Mexican painter. Known for her distinctive artistic style, her flamboyant dress, and her tumultuous life, Kahlo endured numerous health problems and emotional upheavals, many of which are depicted in her paintings.It was not bohemian casualness that prompted Frida Kahlo to choose for her wedding dress the borrowed clothes oflinks between dress and self-image, and between personal style and painting style, formed one of the subplots in the unfolding drama of her life.For Kahlo the elements of her dress were a kind of palette from which she selected each day the image of herself that she wished to present to the world. Wearing Tehuana costumes was part of Kahlo’s self-creation as a legendary personality intimately connected to her native land. Y et while she was definitely playing a role, hers was an authentic artifice. She did not change her personality to fit the image she presented; rather, she invented a highly individualistic personal style to dramatize the personality that was already there.Indeed, Kahlo’s Tehuana costume became so essential a part of her persona that several time she painted it devoid of its owner. The costume served as a stand-in for herself, a second skin never totally assimilated to the person hidden under it but so integral to her that even when it was taken off, it retained something of the wearer’s being. Clearly Kahlo knew of the magic power of clothes to substitute for their owner; in her diary, she wrote that the Tehuana costume made ―the absent portrait of only one person‖– her absent self.Always a form of social communication, as the years passed Kahlo’s costumes became an antidote to isolation; even when she was very ill and received few visitors, she dressed every day as if she were preparing for a fiesta. As her self-portraits confirmed her existence, so did the costumes make the frail, often bedridden woman feel more magnetic and visible, more emphatically present as a physical object in space. Paradoxically, they were both a mask and a frame. Since they defined the wearer’s identity in terms of appearance, they distracted her – and the onlooker – from inner pain. The elaborate packaging was an attempt to compensate for her sense of fragmentation and dissolution. Ribbons, flowers, jewels, and sashes became more and more colorful and elaborate as her health declined late in life. In a sense, Kahlo was like a Mexican piñata: she was a fragile vessel decorated with frills and ruffles, and just as blindfolded children swing at the piñata with a broomstick, life dealt Kahlo below after blow. While the piñata dances and sways, the knowledge that it is about to be destroyed makes its bright beauty all the more poignant. In the same way, Kahlo’s decoration was touching; it was at once affirmation of her love of life and a signal of her awareness – and defiance – of life’s troubles.( )10. The passage primarily serves toA. refute a popular belief about modern paintersB. discuss the critical response to an important artist’s workC. evaluate the artistic techniques of a well-known painterD. analyze a method of self-expression for a noted artistE. provide a comprehensive biography of a famous painter( )11. The first sentence of the passage primarily serves toA. support a prevailing opinionB. describe a provocative theoryC. dispel a potential misconceptionD. delineate an ongoing problemE. offer a tentative solution( )12. The reference to a nun in line 3 primarily serves to suggest Kahlo’sA. pious humilityB. worldly renunciationC. intellectual rigorD. personal selflessnessE. enthusiastic devotion( )13. In lines 8-9 (―Y et…artifice‖), the author indicated that playing a role canA. be a complex, almost incomprehensible masqueradeB. be a form of sincere self-expressionC. dramatize the individual’s historyD. conceal embarrassing secretsE. alter the personality of the role player( )14. The reference to ―a mask and a frame‖ (lines 19) indicates that Kahlo’s costumesA. communicated Kahl o’s inner feelings to othersB. mystified people studying Kahl o’s workC. could not be separated from Kahlo’s actual paintings( )15. The passage indicated that ―Ribbons, flowers, jewels, and sashes‖ (line 21-22) became more elaborate toA. contrast with Kahlo’s artistic austerityB. enhance the imagery in Kahlo’s self-portraitsC. counterbalance Kahl o’s increasing frailtyD. showcase Kahlo’s success as an artistE. express Kahlo’s enthusiasm for adornmentsQuestion 16-24 are based on the following passages.This passage is adapted from the autobiographical account of a journalist traveling through Africa to research chimpanzees.Our walk through the forest was like a journey through an extended underground cavern. We wound through obscure passages, out into small openings or great rooms, and then tunneled back into winding passageways. Toward the end of the afternoon, we followed what seemed to be a large movement of chimpanzees into one great open room in the forest, relatively clear except for columns of nut trees. Soon about a dozen chimps were hammering away, using log hammers on log or root anvils.We had entered a factory, but it was also a nursery. I turned to watch a mother playing with her infant, tickling his toes with playful little nibbles and then looking into his laughing face and eyes with the most amazing gaze of adoration. Elsewhere, three adult females had situated themselves in a tree and were kissing and tickling an infant, who writhed with apparent pleasure. Suddenly, their faces, which had taken on remarkable glowing expressions of adoration, registered in my mind as entirely comprehensible. I was looking at intelligent faces experiencing an emotion I could only imagine to be love.One commentator has said that the big difference between humans and chimps (intelligent though those apes may be) is that humans can invent great wonders of technology. ―I considered the difference between men and animals,‖ this person wrote. ―Some were vast. A chimpanzee could be taught to drive a car. It could even be taught to build parts of it. But it could not begin to design it…. Our intellect is incomparably more sophisticated than (that of) any animal. One hears this sort of argument often, and, to my mind, it is mere self-stroking puffery. Could you or I begin to design a car? Has any single human actually designed a car? Could any one person abandoned at birth on a desert island somewhere –without pictures, communication, education, or artifacts –even invent a tricycle or a child’s kite or a mousetrap? Obviously not. Left at birth on a desert island, you and I and that commentator would be lifting and dropping chunks of wood or rounded stones onto hard nuts – and be glad we figured that one out.‖The great accomplishment of Homo sapiens is not technology, which has become bigger and scarier than we are, a mixed blessing. The great accomplishment is language, which has enabled us to accumulate and coordinate our achievements, insights, and minicreations. Our big technologies are collective efforts, cultural products, all and always made possible by language. Even the supposed ―milestones‖ of technological advancement—the use of movable type, to take one example—were collective events. Johannes Gutenberg(1) didn’t think up movable type whole, in an isolated stroke of genius. His partner was a goldsmith; his father was a mint employee, entirely familiar with soft metals. Printing presses were all around Europe by then. Gutenberg’s great genius was to assemble, revise, and modify already long-established traditions in metallurgy, goldsmithing, and woodblock printing, not to mention papermaking and press design.Our one great accomplishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide ourselves and our technological powers into the future: our glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at least some empathy beyond our kind. The hand lifting and dropping the stone is less impressive than the eye that gazed with love.(1)Gutenberg’s typesetting process made the mass production of text possible.( )16. It can be inferred that ―chimps‖ mentioned in line 4 areA. using simple tools to crack open nutsB. expressing themselves by making a lot of noiseC. taking out their aggressions on the nut trees。

Unit 8 New Words1、genius--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n. 1. [C] a person of very great ability or very high intelligence 天才人物;才子[例] In the field of physics, Albert Einstein was a genius. 艾伯特·爱因斯坦是物理学界的天才。
[例] The young man who was regarded as a genius in his boyhood turned out to be quite ordinary. 那个年轻人小时候被认为是天才,长大后却变得平平庸庸。
2. [U] great and rare powers of thought, skill, or imagination 天才;天赋[例] There's genius in the way this picture was painted. 这幅画的绘制手法表现出一种天分。
[例] Genius is nothing but labor and intelligence. 天才不是别的,就是努力加聪明。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2、powerful--------------------------------------------------------------------------------adj. great in degree or effect 强大的;强效的[例] As a powerful nation, we should help the weaker ones instead of controlling them. 作为一个强国,我们应该帮助弱小国家,而不是去控制它们。

20161. 考生领到试题后,须按规定在试题上填写姓名、准考证号和座位号,并在答题卡上填涂2. 所有答案必须按照题号在答题卡上对应的答题区域内作答,超出各题答题区域的答案无3.满分为150分,考试时间为1. 50分钟。
Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. Not only I but also Jane and Mary tired of having one examination after another. A. is B. are C. am D. be 2. It happened to be very coldthe morning of the sports meeting. A. at B. in C. on D. with 3. He wasseriously injured in the accident that he had to be treated in hospital for a couple of weeks.A. so aB. such aC. such 4. "Which do you want, the red one or the black one?”n . How about showing me another one?”A. EitherB. BothC. Neither 5. n What do you think of the book recommended by Professor Smith?6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H Excellent! It*s worth a second time.116 Yesterday morning she an old friend of hers on her way to the subway station.7n Alice, why didn't you come yesterday? I tried to look for you .””1> but I had an unexpected visitor.” A. had B. will C. was going to D. did8 It did not stop raining after the football match was overA. whenB. untilC. unlessD. as9 HI stay with my parents forthis summer to take care of them. A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D, some times10 of them knew about the plan because it was a top secret.A. SomeB. AnyC. No oneD, None 11.1 didn't know what to do at first but then an idea suddenly to me.A. happenedB. enteredC. occurredD. hit12 He never to read the news section but turned at once to the crossword puzzle onthe last page.A. looked up toB. built upC. led toD. came acrossD. 50D. NoneA. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being readA. is botheringB. bothersC. can botherD. bothered13. A healthy life is generally thought to be with fresh air; clean water, and: homegrown food.A. joinedB. boundC. involvedD. associated14. —I need some help with my homework!一 I've got lots of work to do myself and besides, it's your problem, not mine!A. No problem, just a moment!B. Sorry, I can't help you fight now.C. Yes, I need your help right now.D. Wait, it's a piece of cake for me.15. The text was too difficult for us, so our teacher tried to explain it sentence sentence,A. inB. throughC. byD. with 16. 一I got another pair of shoes yesterday. Now I have no room for one more pair. A woman can never have ________ ___ many shoes.A. veryB. muchC. tooD. so17. The evening news comes on at 7 o' clock and _____________ .for thirty minutes. A. keeps B. ends C. finishes D. lasts18. The news reporters hurried to the airport, onlythe movie stars they wanted to interview had left.A. to findB. to be foundC. to findingD. found 19. The bridge was namedthe hero who had given his life for the construction of it. A. after B. for C. with D. before20. Without water and sunshine, plants on the earthA. would not grow C. had not grown21. The questionA. to discussC. to be discussed22. Pierre often makeshimself wellA. to understandC. to be understood23. n Your phone number again? I "It is 4919568442."A. didn'tB.needn'tC. don'tD. can't 24. You don't need to hurry her. Sheit by the time you are ready. A. will have been finishingB. will finishC. will have finishedD. will be finishing25. The weather ended up being very good, _________ A. what B. which C. that 26. Whether he will leave today or tomorrowat all. B. will not grow D. would not be grown at the meeting tomorrow is very important for our next five-year plan. B. being discussed D. will be discussed with the help of body language. B. understanding D. understood quite catch it.” was more than we could expect.D. ifno difference to me.A. makes27.I'd like to takeA. advantage28.The reasonB. bringsC. givesD. takesof this opportunity to thank you for your hospitality during my visit.B. benefitC. interestD. profitI'm writing to you is to tell you about the party on Saturday.A. because29. Bill said thatA. he'd rather not 30. The water will be much more polluted Unless some measures A. will be takenB. are takenC. were taken D, had been taken31. He Stopped asking me the time after he had had his watchA. to repairB. repairedC. repairingD. repair 32. Be quiet! It's rude to people When they are talking. A. interfere B. introduce C. interrupt D, prevent33. Finding it difficult to to the Climate in the South, he decided to move to the North. A. adopt B. adapt C. adopting D. adapting34. Cinderella took the medicine, but it didn't seem to have any on her.A. effectB. effectiveC. affectD. affective35. With five hungry children seated around the table, the food would disappear . A. in no time B. after a long timeC. ahead of timeD. behind the times36. The general manager signed the agreement the company.A. instead ofB. on behalf ofC. in place ofD. in case of37. I know nothing about John he is a teacher at some university. C. except for D. except that it gives people the information they need in39. —I haven't seen you for ages! Where have you been? —I went to Ningxia andthere for one year, teaching as a volunteer at a primary school. A. stayed B. stay C. had stayed D. am staying40. Animals are one of the most important resources for human beings; however, by 2030, many species willhaveaccording to some research. A. used up B. died out C. gone up Part II Reading Comprehension (50 points)Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage 1After a day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Enough sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to another.Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (Although your eyelids are closed ). B. why C. for D. as go to themovie because he Wanted to study forthe examinations. B. he won*t rather C. hell rather not D. he'd rather didn't right now.A. besides38. Another pointtheirdaily lives.A. whatB. in addition of the:mass media B. whetherC. wheneverD. that D. got rid ofThis stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend that you breathe very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will help you fall asleep!41. A good title for this passage isA. SleepB. Good HealthC. DreamsD. Work and Rest42.The word drowsy in the last paragraph meansA. sickB. awake C, asleep D sleepy43.This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might cause you toA. dream much oftenB. have poor healthC. feel too nervousD. breathe very deeply44.According to the passage, during REM,A. your eyes move quicklyB. you dreamC. you are restlessD. both A and B45.The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs isA. approximately six hoursB. around ten hoursC. about eight hoursD. not stated in the passagePassage 2Daniel Anderson, a famous psychologist, believes it's important to distinguish television's influences on children from those of the family. We tend to blame TV, he says, for problems it doesn't really cause, overlooking our own roles in shaping children's minds.One traditional belief about television is that it reduces a child's ability to think and to understand the world. While watching TV, children do not merely absorb words and images (影像).Instead, they learn both stated and implied meanings from what they see, Actually, children learn early the psychology of characters in TV shows. Furthermore, as many teachers agree, children understand far more when their parents watch TV with them, explaining new words and ideas. Yet, most parents use an educational program as a chance to sit their kids in front of the TV set and do something in another room.Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment. But according to Anderson, the amount of time spent watching television is not related to reading ability. TV doesn't take the place of reading for most children; it takes the place of similar sorts of recreation, such as listening to the radio and playing sports. Things like parents' educational background have a stronger influence on a child's reading. ”A child's reading ability is best predicted by how m uch a parent reads/1 Anderson says.Traditional wisdom also has it that heavy television-watching lowers children's IQ scores and affects their school performance. But here, too, Anderson notes that no studies have proved it. In fact, research suggests that it's the other way around.11 If you're smart young, you'll watch less TV when you*re older/ Anderson says. Yet, people of lower IQ tend to be lifelong television viewers.Foryears, researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children. However, by showing that television promotes none of the dangerous effects as conventionally 0专统土也)believed, Anderson suggests that television cannot be blamed without considering other influences.46.By watching TV, children learnA. images through wordsB. both stated and implied meaningsC. more about images than wordsD. little about people's psychology47.According to the passage, an educational program is best watched by childrenA. on their ownB. with other kidsC. with their parentsD. with their teachers48.Which of the following is most related to children's reading ability?A. Listening to the radio.B. Watching television.C. Parents1 reading list.D. Parents1 educational background.49.Anderson believed thatA.the more children watch TV. the smarter they areB.the younger children are, the more they watch TVC.the smarter children are, the less likely they are more interested in watching TVD.the less children watch TV, the better they perform at school50.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To advise that TV should be used for educationakpurposes.B.To describe the harmful effects of TV on children.C.To explain traditional views of influences that TV has had on children.D.To suggest that television cannot be blamed for problems it doesn't cause.Passage 3It was a cold winter day. A woman drove up to the Rainbow Bridge tollbooth (收费站).“ I'm paying for myself, and for the six cars-behind me/ she said with a smile. One after another, the next six drivers arriving at* the tollbooth were informed, "Some lady up ahead already you're your fare/' It turned out that the woman, Natalie Smith, had read something on a friend's refrigerator: n Practice random (随意的)kindness and senseless acts of beauty.'* The phrase impressed her so much that she copied it down.Judy Foreman spotted the same phrase on a warehouse wall far away from home When it stayed on her mind for days, she decided to drive all the way back to copy it down. "I thought it was beautiful/ she said, explaining why she would write it at the bottom of all her let ters, “like a message from above." Her husband, Frank, liked the phrase so much that he put it up on the classrOom.walkfor his students, one of whom was the daughter of Alice Johnson, a local news reporter. ~ Alice .put it in the newspaper, admitting that though she liked i.t, she did not know here it came from or what it really meant.Two days later, Alice got a call from Anne Herbert, a woman living in Matin. It was in a restaurant that Anne wrote the phrase down on a piece of paper, after turning it around in her mind for days."Here's the idea/1 Anne says. "Anything you think there should be more of, do it randomly/* Her fantasies include painting the classrooms of old schools, leaving hot meals on kitchen tables in the poor part of town, and giving money secretly to a poor old lady. Anne says, ”Kindness can build on itself as much as violence can/1The acts of random kindness spread. If you were one of those drivers who found your fare aid, who knows what you might have been inspired to do for someone else later. Like all great events, kindness begins slowly, with every single act. Let it be yours!51.Why did Natalie Smith pay for the six cars behind her?A.She knew the car drivers well.B.She wanted to show kindness.C.She hoped to please others.D.She had seven tickets.52.Judy Foreman copied down the phrase because sheA.thought it was beautifully writtenB.wanted to know what it really meantC.decided to write it on a warehouse wallD.wanted her husband to put it up in the classroom53.Who wrote the phrase down on a piece of paper according to the passage?A. Judy Foreman.B. Natalie Smith.C. Alice Johnson.D. Anne Herbert.54.Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence in thepassage?A.Kindness and violence can change the world.B.Kindness and violence can affect people's behavior.C.Kindness and violence can reproduce themselves.D.Kindness and violence can shape people's character.55.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.People should not practice random kindness to those in need.B.People who receive kindness are likely to offer it to others.C.People should not practice random kindness to strangers they meet.D.People who receive kindness are less likely to pay it back to the giver.Passage 4Peter loved to buy used articles. Almost a month ago, he bought a popular word game that used little pieces of wood with different letters on them. As he was purchasing it, the salesgirl said, "Uh, look, the game box hasn1t even been opened yet. That might be worth some money/'Peter examined the box, and sure enough, it was completely covered in factory-sealed plastic. He saw a date of 1973 on the back of the box."You should put that up for auction (拍卖)on the Internet, and see what happens/* the salesgirl said."Yes, you're right. People like something rare/' Peter agreed, n l can't imagine there being very any unopened boxes of this game still around 40 years later/*"Don't forget to tell me if you sell it,n the salesgirl smiled.”No problem/1 Peter said.After he got home, Peter went online to several auction websites looking for his game, but he could not find it. Then he typed in the name of the word game and hit SEARCH. The search result was 543 websites containing information about the changes of the game. Over the years, the game had been produced using letters in different sizes and game boards in different colors. He also found some lists of game fans looking for various versions of the game. Peter emailed some of them, telling them what he had.Two weeks later, Peter went back to the shop."Hello! Do you still remember the unopened word game?"The salesgirl looked at him for a second, then recognized him and said, ”Oh, hi!""I've got something for you," Peter said. "I sold the game and made $1,000. Thank you for your suggestion.M He handed her three $100 bills.”Wow!” the salesgirl cried out. "Thank you! I never expected it."56.Which of the following best describes the word game Peter bought?A.It was made around 40 years ago.B.It had game boards in different sizes.C.It was kept in a plastic bag with a seal.D.It had little pieces of wood in different colors.57.What did the salesgirl probably think of Peter's word game?A. Old and handy.B. Rare and valuable.C. Classic and attractive.D. Colorful and interesting.58 Peter got the names of the game fans fromA. an auctionB. the InternetC. a game shopD. a second-hand shop59.What happened at the end of the story?A.Peter gave the salesgirl $300 as a reward.B.The salesgirl became Peter's friend,C.Peter returned the word game for $1,000.D.The sales^rl felt confused to see Peter again.60.What message can be learned from the story?A.It's important to keep a promise.B.Its great to share in other people's happiness.C.One should be grateful for the help from others.D.Something rare is not worth a large amount of money.Partlll Close Test (20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D below the passage. You should decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Dad had a black comb. He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would 61 me his comb and say, n Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?”I was 62 to do it. At the age of five, this dull task brought me such 63 I would excitedly turn the tap 64 and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that I'd done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad. He 65 affectionately at me and place the comb in his wallet.Two years latec Dad started his own 66 . which wasn't doing well. That was when things started to 67 . Dad didn't come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became 68 at him for placing our family in trouble. 69 time went by, an uncomfortable silence grew between us.After my graduation from college, Dad's business was getting back on track. On my 24th birthday, Dad came home 70 As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said; "Hey, would you help me 71 my comb?H I looked at him for a while, then 72 the comb and headed to the sink.It hit me then: why, as a child, 73 Dad clean his comb: was such a pleasure. Thatroutine (习惯)told me Dad was home early a happyand loving family. I passed the clean comb back to Dad. his wallet. But this time, I noticed somethingPartIV Translation (20 points) Directions: In this part, there is one passage in English. Read the passage carefully and translate it into Chinese.Online learning is no easier than learning in regular classrooms. In fact, many students say it requires much more time and effort. Requirements for online courses are no less than those of regular quality courses. Successful students, however, see online learning as a convenient way to receive their education not an easier way. Many online students sit at computers for hours at a time during evenings or weekends in order to complete their assignments. The time when other people are finished and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work. Online students need to commit 4;to 15 hours a week for each course.Part V Writing (20 points) Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition of 120 to 180 words. Your writing should be based on the title and outline given below.Reusing Textbooks1.有人认为课本应当反复使用;2. 这样做的好处和影响:3. 你的看法。

表示惊讶的英语感叹词Wow! Can you believe it? Unbelievable! These are just a few of the many English interjections we use to express surprise or astonishment. Interjections are a unique part of speech that convey sudden, spontaneous feelings or emotions. They allow us to immediately react to unexpected or remarkable situations, without the need for a complete sentence or grammatical structure.English is rich with a diverse range of interjections that can communicate a wide spectrum of surprise, from mild astonishment to complete shock and amazement. The tone and context in which they are used greatly influences the intended meaning and level of intensity. Some interjections are more casual and informal, while others carry a more formal or dramatic flair.One of the most common interjections to express surprise is "wow." This versatile exclamation can be used to convey anything from mild wonder to absolute awe. It is an informal, conversational way to immediately react to something remarkable or unexpectedly impressive. For example, you might say "Wow, I can't believe you gotfront row tickets to the concert!" or "Wow, that cake is absolutely beautiful!" The length and emphasis placed on the "wow" can further intensify the degree of surprise.Another popular interjection is "oh my god" or the abbreviated "omg." This exclamation conveys a stronger sense of surprise, often bordering on shock or disbelief. It is typically used to react to something truly astonishing or unprecedented. For instance, you might exclaim "Oh my god, did you hear that the company is closing down?" or "Omg, I can't believe I just won the lottery!" The addition of "my god" adds a more dramatic flair compared to a simple "wow.""Unbelievable" is an interjection that strongly expresses complete disbelief or amazement. It is used to react to a situation that seems entirely implausible or defies one's expectations. For example, you might say "Unbelievable, they are predicting a blizzard in the middle of summer!" or "Unbelievable, I aced the exam even though I didn't study at all!" The emphasis and tone used can range from mild surprise to utter astonishment.The interjection "no way" is another common expression of surprise and disbelief. It conveys a sense of incredulity or refusal to accept the reality of a situation. For instance, you might exclaim "No way, did they really cancel school for the whole week?" or "No way, you got promoted to manager?" The phrase can also be elongated as "noway!" to intensify the reaction.For an even stronger sense of shock or incredulity, people often use the interjection "you've got to be kidding me." This lengthy exclamation expresses a strong refusal to believe what is being stated or implied. It suggests that the situation is so unbelievable, the speaker thinks the other person must be joking. For example, you might say "You've got to be kidding me, they want us to work overtime on a holiday weekend?" or "You've got to be kidding me, they're making me give the presentation instead of the CEO?""Are you serious?" is another interjection that denotes surprise and disbelief. It is used to question whether the other person is being truthful or sincere, often because the situation seems too outrageous or improbable to be real. For instance, you might ask "Are you serious? They're raising the price of textbooks by 50 percent?" or "Are you serious? They canceled the concert just an hour before it was supposed to start?"For a more dramatic or theatrical expression of surprise, people might use the interjection "good heavens" or "goodness gracious." These formal exclamations convey a strong sense of astonishment, often with a touch of melodrama. For example, you could say "Good heavens, I can't believe I forgot my wallet at home!" or "Goodness gracious, did you hear about the explosion at the factory?"When faced with something truly extraordinary or shocking, people may use the interjection "I don't believe it." This phrase directly expresses a refusal to accept the reality of the situation, suggesting it is so unbelievable that the speaker cannot fathom it as true. For instance, you might say "I don't believe it, they're predicting a Category 5 hurricane to hit the city" or "I don't believe it, they just announced the company is going bankrupt."For a more playful or humorous expression of surprise, people sometimes use the interjection "well I'll be." This casual exclamation conveys a sense of mild astonishment or wonder, often with a touch of amusement. For example, you could say "Well I'll be, the weather forecast was actually correct for once!" or "Well I'll be, little Timmy won the spelling bee!"Interjections are an essential part of natural, spontaneous speech, allowing us to immediately react to unexpected or remarkable situations. The wide range of interjections in English enables us to convey varying degrees of surprise, from mild wonder to utter disbelief. Whether it's a simple "wow" or a more dramatic "good heavens," these exclamations add color, emotion, and expressiveness to our language. Mastering the appropriate use of English interjections can greatly enhance our ability to communicate surprise and astonishment in a dynamic and engaging way.。

中考英语太空探索的科学意义单选题40题1.Space exploration is of great importance. The word “significance” in “significance of space exploration” means _____.A.interestB.importanceC.difficultyD.challenge答案:B。
2.The discovery of new planets through space exploration shows its _____.A.valueB.costC.timeD.effort答案:A。
3.Space exploration helps us understand the universe better. The phrase “helps us understand” can be replaced by _____.A.makes us forgetB.makes us knowC.makes us doubtD.makes us ignore答案:B。
“helps us understand”是“帮助我们理解”,选项A“makes us forget”是“让我们忘记”;选项B“makes us know”是“让我们知道”;选项C“makes us doubt”是“让我们怀疑”;选项D“makes us ignore”是“让我们忽视”。

四川大学230援藏计划英语考研考试大纲全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Super Big English Test for Sichuan University Student Volunteers Going to Tibet!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm going to tell you all about the huge important English test that students at Sichuan University have to take if they want to go help teach in Tibet. It's called the 230 Tibet Aid Program English Test. Phew, that's a really long name!The test has four main parts - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. I'll explain each one so you know what to expect.ListeningIn the listening part, you have to listen really carefully to recordings of people talking in English. There will be conversations between two or more people as well as lectures and news reports. While you listen, you have to answer multiple choice questions about what you heard.It tests if you can understand main ideas, details, speaker purposes, and even implied meanings. You have to pay super close attention because the recordings only play one time. No rewinding allowed!Some of the conversations are between students talking about their classes or weekend plans. The lectures might be about history, science, or current events. I heard there was even a recording about the mating habits of penguins on last year's test! How funny is that?ReadingNext up is the reading section. This part has a few different types of reading passages like:Descriptions of an event, product or processExplanations of an idea or conceptArguments taking a stance on an issueThe passages are pretty long, around 800-1000 words each. You have to read carefully and answer multiple choice and short answer questions testing yourcomprehension.Just like listening, the questions ask about main ideas, details, vocabulary in context, and making inferences. You really have to focus and not zone out while reading.Apparently some of the reading topics on recent tests included the history of the Olympic games, the future of virtual reality, and the benefits of urban farming. I'd way rather read about video games or my favorite snacks, but I guess they want us to learn about educational subjects too.WritingThen we get to the writing part, which is separated into two tasks:Write a summary about a given topic, stating the key points in a clear, well-organized way. Last year's summary prompt was about the role of artificial intelligence in education. You had to read a passage and then summarize the main arguments in your own words.Write a short essay responding to a question prompt and stating your perspective. Previous prompts asked students to discuss influences that shape personal identity or the advantages and disadvantages of social media.For both tasks, you get scored on things like:Clear organization and logical flow of ideasUsing relevant supporting details and examplesAccuracy of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structureAdhering to requirements for word count and time limitsIt's really important to plan out your writing ahead of time instead of just winging it. Teachers like to see a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion all fitting together.SpeakingLastly, there is the speaking section where you get recorded answering questions. It tests how well you can communicate your thoughts clearly in English.For one task, you have to give a short speech about a familiar topic after getting some prep time. At the test center, they give you a question prompt like "What are some strategies for success as a student?" and then you get 1 minute to prepare notes before recording a 1-2 minute response.For another task, you have a mini-discussion where you respond to questions from the test instructor. They might ask you to state and explain your opinion on an issue, describe a personal experience, or propose a solution to a problem.You get scored on things like:Sticking to the topic and developing your ideas fullySpeaking fluently without too many awkward pausesUsing advanced vocabulary and grammatical structuresHaving good pronunciation that is easy to understandApparently for the discussion part they ask opinion questions about education systems or other academic topics. So you have to do more than just talk about your hobbies and favorite foods.Phew, that's a summary of the four big sections! As you can see, the whole test is pretty long and demanding. It covers all the key English skills - listening, reading, writing, and speaking.The students who do best are the ones who prepare really hard and hone their abilities in each area. You can't just cram for this test at the last minute!From what I've heard from kids whose siblings took the test, a lot of people find the speaking and writing sections the most nerve-wracking because you really have to think on your feet and organize your thoughts clearly in English. But I bet with enough practice, it gets easier.I'm honestly a little nervous thinking about taking such a big test myself one day. But I also think it will be exciting to challenge myself and get the chance to help out in Tibet if I do well. I'll just have to study my English lessons extra hard!Those are the main things I wanted to share about Sichuan University's huge English test for the Tibet volunteer program. It sure sounds intense, but I know everyone taking it will do their best. I wish all the big kid test takers the best of luck! Let me know if you have any other questions!篇2The Super Cool Sichuan University English Test for Tibetan StudentsHi everyone! My name is Tenzin and I'm a student from Tibet who really wants to go to Sichuan University for graduate school. But first I have to take this really important English test called the Sichuan University 230 Aid Tibet Program's English Test for Postgraduate Entrance Exam. It's a big deal and I've been studying really hard for it. Let me tell you all about this crazy test!The first part is listening comprehension. They play recordings of people talking in English and then ask questions about what they said. It could be conversations, lectures, newsreports, or anything! The recordings are not too long but you really have to pay close attention. Sometimes the questions are tricky and you have to understand all the details and implied meanings. Luckily I've been practicing by watching English movies and shows!Next up is reading comprehension. They give you a bunch of different passages to read like articles, essays, stories and more. The passages can be about science, culture, history, or any topic really. Then you have to answer questions testing if you understood the main ideas, details, vocabulary, and author's purpose and attitudes. Yikes! I've been reading lots of books and magazines in English to get ready.The third section is all about grammar and vocabulary. There are questions where you have to identify errors in sentences. Or fill in blanks with the right word or phrase. Or choose synonyms and antonyms. It covers all the grammar rules like verb tenses, conditionals, relative clauses and more. The vocabulary questions test if you know common English words plus academic words used in university. I use flashcards and word games to study vocabulary every day!For the writing part, I have to write two compositions - one giving my opinion on a topic and one analyzing and respondingto a reading passage. The opinion essay needs a clear thesis, supporting ideas and examples. The reading response requires summarizing the key points then giving my evaluation. I practice writing essays every week and my teacher gives me feedback.The final section is translation - both English to Chinese and Chinese to English passages. I have to translate the meaning accurately while also making it sound natural. It's really hard to translate idioms, cultural references, and academic vocabulary correctly. I read lots of translated works to learn translation strategies.Phew, that's a lot of challenging stuff on this test! But I'm working so hard because I really want to get into the great programs at Sichuan University. The 230 Aid Tibet Program gives us Tibetan students an amazing opportunity to pursue higher education. I just need to ace this English test first!My friends and family are all cheering me on. I've been diligently preparing using many different resources. I'm doing practice tests to get used to the format and time limits. With determination and my love of learning English, I'm confident I can do well on this important exam. Wish me luck! I'll update you after I take the test.Thanks for reading about my journey to this crucial Sichuan University 230 Aid Tibet Program English Test. I appreciate all the support from my community. Let's do this!篇3The Big Test for Grown Ups Who Want to Go to School in TibetHey kids! Today I'm going to tell you all about a really important test that grown ups have to take if they want to go to a special school up in the mountains of Tibet. It's called the Sichuan University 230 Aid Tibet Plan English Postgraduate Entrance Exam. That's a super long name, I know! Let me break it down for you.Sichuan University is a famous university in a province of China called Sichuan. It's where a bunch of really smart teachers work and lots of grown ups go to learn new things after they're done with regular school.The 230 Aid Tibet Plan is a cool program where teachers from Sichuan University get to go live and work way up in the mountains of Tibet for a while to help teach kids and grown ups there. Isn't that nice of them? Tibet is a very far away place with huge mountains, monasteries with monks, and fluffy yaks!To get into the 230 program, the grown up teachers have to take the English Postgraduate Entrance Exam. That means they get tested on how well they know and can use the English language. It's kind of like the tests you take at school, but way harder since it's for grown ups who want to go to an even higher level of school called graduate school.So what kinds of things do the grown ups get tested on in this big exam? Let me tell you all about it!First, they have to know all the grammar rules for English really well. You know, stuff like how to make sentences with the right word order, when to use tricky verbs like "is" and "are", and how to avoid making mistakes with plurals and possessives and all that. It's just like diagramming sentences, but super advanced!Next, they get tested on vocabulary. That means they need to know the meanings and proper usages of thousands of English words, even weird ones you've probably never heard of like "quintessential" and "hebetude". The more vocab words they know, the better they can understand things they read and express what they want to say.Then they have to show they can write really well in English by doing tasks like drafting essays, reports, letters, and other types of composition. The test graders will look at things liketheir spelling, their organizing of ideas, their word choice, and whether they can clearly get their point across. I guess having sloppy handwriting won't matter though since it's a grown up test!The grown ups also get tested on listening comprehension, which means they listen to audio recordings or videos in English and have to understand and answer questions about the main topics and key details they heard. It's sort of like when we have to pay close attention and follow directions from the teacher, except way harder.Finally, there are sections for testing reading comprehension and translation abilities. For reading, they need to process all kinds of different texts like articles, stories, instructions, and documents to show they can pick up on things like the main idea, evidence used to support claims, implied meanings between the lines, and the logic and cohesion of the whole text. Translating is where they take passages from Chinese and correctly translate them into quality English or vice versa.Whew, that's a whole lot of intense English stuff the grown ups need to prepare for, right? Can you imagine having to know and do all of those complicated English skills at a super high level?I'd definitely be shaking in my shoes if I had to take a test like that!The grown up teachers study and practice really hard to try and do well on this big important exam. If they get a good enough score, they get to go be teachers as part of the 230 program up in Tibet for a while. How cool is that?They get to live in an amazing place full of snowy mountain peaks, thick forests, colorful prayer flags, and cute furry animals like yaks and Tibetan mastiffs (those are huge dogs)! They can explore ancient temples, learn about Tibetan Buddhism and culture, and try delicious foods like momos and salty buttery tea. Most of all, they get to teach kids and other grown ups living in those far away communities all about math, science, English, and more. What an awesome experience!So there you have it! That's the lowdown on the huge English test that brave grown up teachers have to conquer in order to go be part of the 230 Aid Tibet Plan from Sichuan University. I don't know about you, but I'm definitely going to keep working on my English skills...just in case I ever want to go live and teach in Tibet too when I'm older! Wouldn't that be the coolest adventure?篇4The Big Important Test for the Tibet Helper Project!Hi there! My name is Little Lee and I'm going to tell you all about the super duper important test that you have to take if you want to go help the kids in Tibet. It's a test all about understanding English words and grammar and stuff. I know, tests can be pretty boring, but this one is really important if you want to get picked to go on the helper trip to Tibet. So listen up!First off, there's a whole section on vocabulary. That just means all the words you need to know in English. The test will have tons of vocabulary words for you to define or use in sentences. Things like "arduous" which means really really hard and tiring. Or "tenacious" which means you never ever give up. Those are just a couple examples, but you'll need to know gobs more vocabulary words than that!Then there's a section all about grammar. That's the rules for how to put sentences together properly in English. You'll have to identify things like nouns, verbs, adjectives and more. Nouns are person, place or thing words like "book" or "Sarah." Verbs are action words like "run" or "think." Getting grammar rules down pat is super important for this test.Another huge part is reading comprehension. That means understanding what you read in English passages and stories. You'll read pages and pages of stuff and then have to answer questions about it to show you understood what it was saying. Things like "What was the main idea?" or "How did the character feel when that happened?" It's key to be a great reader and listener.Don't forget about writing skills too! You'll definitely have an essay section where you have to write a few paragraphs about a certain topic. Using great vocabulary, proper grammar, clear and logical writing - it's all-important for getting a high score on that part of the test.There will probably be some math sections too, but they'll be in English so you have to understand all the word problems perfectly. Like "If Johnny has 5 apples and gives 2 to Susie, how many will he have left?" Stuff like that where you need amazing English skills even for math!Oh and listening comprehension could be on there too! That's where they'll play audio recordings and you have to answer multiple choice questions proving you understood what was said. Listening is just as important as reading for total English mastery.I hear the test is like a bazillion hours long too! Okay maybe not that long, but it'll definitely feel like forever. You'll be using every braincell you've got to show how good your English skills are from start to finish. Stamina is seriously important - you've gotta power through even when you're feeling tired andbrain-foggy.Why's this test so hard and crucial? Well, if you get a high enough score, you'll get chosen for the 230 Project which sends students from Sichuan University to Tibet to teach little kids English and just be helpers and mentors in general. How awesome is that?! Getting to make a difference and see a whole different part of China. Those kids in Tibet are counting on people like you who can speak English super well.I'm getting tired just thinking about taking a test that intense! But I know you've got this. Just study really really hard, get tons of practice, and work on those English skills like there's no tomorrow. If you do your best, who knows, you might just make it! Then you'd get to go on a life-changing adventure in Tibet. How unbelievably cool would that be?!Well, that's all the main stuff about the big bad English test. I probably still have a million other things to tell you, but we'd be here all year if I tried! Just remember - vocabulary, grammar,reading, writing, listening, math, stamina. Skills skills skills! Work as hard as you can, keep that positive attitude, and MAYBE you'll be one of the lucky few who gets to be an English teacher extraordinaire in Tibet! How epic! Okay, bye for now - time for me to go practice my own English skills. This has been Little Lee, future world's best author, signing off!篇5The Super Awesome English Test for the Tibety Trip!Hey kids! Are you ready to learn about the coolest test ever? It's called the English Postgraduate Entrance Exam and it's for a really neat program at Sichuan University. If you pass, you get to go help teachers in Tibet for a whole year! How awesome is that?Let me tell you all about this totally rad exam. It tests your English skills to make sure you're a language superstar ready to teach in Tibet. There are four main parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Listening is when you hear English and have to understand it. Reading is when you read English passages and answer questions. Writing is when you write your own English essays and letters. Speaking is when you talk in English and have conversations!For the listening part, you'll hear recordings of people chatting, giving lectures, watching videos, and all sorts of fun stuff. You have to listen super carefully and answer multiple choice questions to show you understood everything. The reading has long passages from books, magazines, newspapers and websites. You read them and then answer questions about whatthe main ideas were, the details, and even guess the meanings of new vocabulary words! Isn't that crazy?The writing section is where you get to show off your amazing English writing talents. You'll have to write essays, letters, summaries, and other cool prompts. Just let your creativity flow and express yourself clearly in English! As long as you follow all the grammar rules, use a wide range of vocabulary, and organize your ideas nicely, you'll nail it.Finally, there's the speaking section which is a one-on-one conversation with a teacher. They'll ask you opinion questions, role-play situations, give you pictures to describe - anything to make sure you can speak smoothly and communicate effectively. Just relax, be yourself, and let that English flow!The exam covers all the English skills you need like vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics, discourse, and more. It makes sure you really have what it takes to teach English with totalconfidence in Tibet. The reading and listening materials are from all kinds of cool topics like science, culture, news, and everyday life situations. So it's super interesting and fun, not boring at all!Now, I know taking a big exam like this might seem scary. But don't worry, if you study hard and practice your English every single day, you'll be MORE than ready! Maybe have your parents hire you an English tutor or sign you up for extra classes. Watch movies and shows in English too! The more你immerse yourself in English, the easier it will be.Passing this test and getting into the program means going on a year-long adventure teaching in Tibetan schools and communities. You'll help students learn English while experiencing a whole new culture, making new friends, and exploring the beautiful Tibetan region. You'll come back with the coolest stories and memories ever! It's an incredible opportunity very few people get to have, especially at such a young age.So if you're a middle or high school student who loves English and wants an extraordinary experience, start preparing now! Study that vocabulary, read lots of books, listen to podcasts, write in a journal - do whatever it takes to ace the English Postgraduate Entrance Exam. With enough hard work anddetermination, you could be one of the lucky students joining the Sichuan University 230 Tibetan Aid Plan!Just imagine how proud your parents will be when you come home speaking English like a pro after teaching in Tibet for a year. All your friends will be so jealous of your amazing adventures! You'll make the whole family proud and have the experience of a lifetime. What could be better?Okay boys and girls, that's all the info you need about this super awesome exam and program. Start getting ready now and solidify your English skills. If you stay focused and give it your all, you'll be speaking, reading, writing and listening to English like a total champ in no time! Then you're Tibetan adventure awaits! How cool is that? Good luck!篇6The Big Important English Test for Going to Study in TibetHi there, friends! Today I want to tell you about a really neat program called the 230 Aid Tibet Plan. It's run by a famous university called Sichuan University. If you want to go study in the beautiful place of Tibet after finishing university, you need to take a special English test first. Let me explain what's on this test!First up is listening - that means you have to listen really carefully to people talking in English and understand what they say. The listening section will have conversations between two or more people talking about normal everyday stuff like shopping, traveling, school life and so on. You'll need to listen and answer questions about the main ideas and details. There will also be longer listens like lectures, news reports and talks where you answer questions too. Doesn't that sound exciting?Next is the reading part! You'll read all sorts of cool passages like newspaper articles, textbook materials, fiction stories and essays. The readings will be about common topics like culture, science, economics and more. After reading, you have to answer questions testing if you understood the main points, details, vocabulary usage and the author's purposes and opinions. My favorite is when they ask about the true meaning of phrases or sentences!Then we have writing - this is where you get to show off your awesome English writing skills! There will be tasks like writing letters, reports, argument essays and more. The graders will check if your writing has good organization, develops ideas fully, uses appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and addresses allparts of the prompt. If you practice writing a lot, you'll become a writing master!Last but not least is the speaking section. You'll have to speak in English and get your mouth muscles working! There might be questions where you describe an image, role play a situation with the examiner, answer opinion questions or summarize something you read or listened to earlier. The judges want to see if you can speak clearly, logically and with good pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar use. Don't be shy - just pretend you're talking to a friend!Those are the four big parts of the big Tibet English test. Now you know what kinds of listening, reading, writing and speaking skills you need to develop through tons of practice. If you study super hard, you can ace this exam and go study amazing subjects in the beautiful Tibet region! Just imagine how cool it would be to become an expert on Tibetan culture, religion, or even learn to speak the Tibetan language itself. What an adventure!I really hope you work your hardest to get a great score and make it into that 230 program. Tibet is waiting for bright students like you to come learn all about its incredible history and modern society. You can explore breathtaking monasteries,meet kind local people and maybe even spot algunos animales raros como esos bovinos peludos que se llaman ¿yacs? Not sure how to say that in English! Anyway, good luck and Never Stop Dreaming!。

主题训练(三) 语言学习的规律、方法等大阅读——提升阅读速度·内化读文规律(满分70分,限时55分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2021·湖北八校联考)Traveling to a foreign country can make you frightened if you don't know the local language. Mr. Thibault has a number of tips to help travelers manage in a destination when they don't speak the native tongue, based on his own experience. Here are a few of them.●Download a Language Translation AppMr. Thibault tends to rely on Google Translate and suggests that travelers find an app that works for them. Ideally, find one that specializes in the language you need to translate especially if the language uses a character set you're not familiar with, or have difficulty pronouncing.●Speak with Your Hands and HeadPointing with your hands and nodding or shaking your head, Mr. Thibault said, are easy ways to municate with locals in the country you're in. “Gestures are all universally understood,” he said.●Learn a Few Key WordsKnowing basic words and phrases like “hello”,“thank you” and “I'm sorry, I don't speak your language. Do you speak English?” is a must, Mr. Thibault said. Showing that you care enough to learn some of the language before you go, and at least enough to acknowledge that you don't know more, is a form of respect and will go a long way to be liked by locals.●Work with a Local Travel AgentIf you feel particularly unfortable in the country you're headed to, and you have to go anyway, relying on a local travel agent who knows both your and your destination's languages can be incredibly useful.●Hire a Local Tour GuideA tour guide can help you get a better grasp of the local language and is a good person to practice words and phrases with. Whenever Mr. Thibault visits a new country, he books a sightseeing tour with a guide on the first day of his trip. “I use this day to learn about my destination and get familiar with the language,” he said.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,针对不会说外语的旅行者到国外旅游提出了几条建议,包括翻译软件、使用肢体语言、出发前学习关键词、利用当地旅行社的帮助以及雇用当地导游。

特殊的英语比较句Unique English ComparativesThe English language is renowned for its richness and complexity, with a vast vocabulary and a multitude of grammatical structures that allow for nuanced and expressive communication. One particularly fascinating aspect of the English language is the use of comparatives, which allow speakers to draw contrasts and make relative assessments. While the standard comparative forms, such as "bigger" or "more beautiful," are well-known, the English language also features a number of unique and idiomatic comparative expressions that add depth and character to the language.One such unique comparative is the use of "the X-er, the Y-er" construction. This structure allows speakers to establish a direct correlation between two variables, creating a sense of interdependence or feedback loop. For example, one might say "the harder I work, the more successful I become." In this case, the degree of success is directly proportional to the effort expended, creating a dynamic and cyclical relationship. This construction is particularlyuseful for conveying the idea of a causal or reciprocal relationship, where one factor influences or is influenced by another.Another intriguing comparative construction in English is the use of "the X-er, the better/worse" structure. In this case, the comparative adjective is not directly paired with the subject, but rather with a separate, implied outcome or consequence. For instance, one could say "the taller the building, the more expensive it is to construct." Here, the height of the building is being compared to the cost of construction, rather than a direct attribute of the building itself. This construction allows for more complex and nuanced comparisons, where the relationship between two variables is not necessarily straightforward or linear.The English language also features comparative expressions that rely on the use of idiomatic or metaphorical language. One example is the phrase "as busy as a bee," which compares the level of activity or industriousness of a person to that of a busy bee. This type of comparative does not rely on a direct numerical or quantitative comparison, but rather on a shared cultural understanding of the characteristics associated with bees and their industrious nature. Similarly, the expression "as quiet as a mouse" compares the level of quietness or subtlety of a person or situation to the perceived quietness of a mouse.Another unique comparative construction in English is the use of "the more X, the less Y" structure. This construction allows speakers to establish an inverse relationship between two variables, where an increase in one factor leads to a decrease in another. For example, one could say "the more time I spend studying, the less time I have for leisure activities." This type of comparative highlights the trade-offs and competing priorities that individuals often face in their daily lives.The English language also features comparative expressions that rely on the use of superlatives, such as "the best," "the worst," or "the most." These expressions allow speakers to make bold and unequivocal statements about the relative superiority or inferiority of a particular attribute or characteristic. For instance, one could say "this is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted." This type of comparative carries a strong sense of conviction and finality, leaving little room for ambiguity or debate.Furthermore, the English language often employs comparative expressions that rely on the use of metaphorical or figurative language. For example, the phrase "as light as a feather" compares the lightness or weightlessness of an object or person to the perceived lightness of a feather. This type of comparative draws on shared cultural understandings and associations to convey a more vivid and evocative comparison.In addition to these unique comparative constructions, the English language also features a number of idiomatic comparative expressions that defy literal translation or straightforward interpretation. For instance, the phrase "as busy as a bee" does not simply mean that a person is as industrious as a bee, but rather conveys a sense of intense activity and productivity. Similarly, the expression "as quiet as a mouse" does not imply that a person is as small or as timid as a mouse, but rather suggests a level of quietness and subtlety that is reminiscent of the perceived characteristics of a mouse.These idiomatic comparative expressions are a testament to the richness and creativity of the English language, as they allow speakers to convey complex ideas and nuanced relationships through the use of figurative and metaphorical language. They also serve to illustrate the cultural and contextual nature of language, as the meaning and significance of these comparative expressions are often deeply rooted in the shared experiences and understandings of the language community.In conclusion, the unique comparative expressions found in the English language are a testament to the depth and complexity of the language. From the "the X-er, the Y-er" construction to the use of idiomatic and metaphorical comparisons, these comparativestructures allow speakers to convey a wide range of ideas and relationships in a concise and evocative manner. By exploring and understanding these unique comparative expressions, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and nuance of the English language and the ways in which it allows us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with precision and creativity.。

高考英语外刊时文精读专题:2023年高考英语外刊时文精读精练 (8)Perception: A rose by any other name文化认知:情人眼里出西施主题语境:人与社会主题语境内容:社会与文化【外刊原文】(斜体单词为超纲词汇,认识即可;下划线单词为课标词汇,需熟记。
)TO THE SWEDES, there are few smells more pleasant than that of surströmming(鲱鱼罐头). To most non-Swedes there are probably few smells more disgusting. In determining which scents(气味) people find pleasant and which they do not,surströmming suggests culture must play a large part. New research, however, suggests that might not be the case. Artin Arshamian, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and Asifa Majid, a psychologist at the University of Oxford, began with the expectation that culture would play an important role in determining pleasant smells. They had noticed from their own previous work that people from different cultures described smells differently. They also knew from past experiments by other researchers that culture was important in determining which sorts of faces people found beautiful. Thus, they expected to see a similar phenomenon with smells. To study how scent and culture relate, Dr Arshamian and Dr Majid presented nine different groups of people with ten smell s. The cultures doing the smelling varied widely . They included hunter-gathere r communitiesalong the coast of Mexico, farmers living in the highlands ofEcuador, shoreline foragers, gardeners living in the tropical rainforests of Malaysia, and city folk from Thailand and Mexico City. All 235 participants were asked to rank smells according to pleasantness. The team compared their results to earlier work on New Yorkers who had been exposed to the same scents.Writing in Current Biology this week, the researchers noted that pleasantness rankings ofthe smells were remarkably consistent regardless of where people came from. The smell of isovaleric acid(异戊酸)was disliked by the vast majority of the participants, only eight giving it a score of 1 to 3 on thepleasantness scale (where 1 was very pleasant and 10 was very unpleasant). On the other hand, more than 190 people gave vanilla extract (香草精) a score of 1 to 3 and a tiny minority, only 12 people, found it disgusting enough to rate 8 to 10. Overall, the chemical composition of the smells that the researchers presented explained 41% of the reactions that participants had.In contrast, cultural factors accounted for just 6% of the results. Dr Arshamian and Dr Majid point out that this is very different from how visual perception of faces works—in that case a person’s culture accounts for up to 50% of the e xplanation for which faces they find beautiful.Even so, while culture did not shape perceptions of smells in the way that it is known to shape perceptions of faces, the researchers did find an “eye of the beholder” effect. Randomness, which Dr Arshamian and Dr Majid suggest has to be coming from personal preferences learned from outside individual culture, accounted for 54% of the difference in which smells people liked. “eye of the beholder” effectdoes not slip off the tongue so easily but it too appears to be a real phenomenon.【课标词汇】1.Disgusting令人反感的;令人愤慨的He had the most disgusting rotten teeth.他长着非常恶心的一嘴烂牙。

全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语2级笔译综合能力真题2016年度上半年Section1Vocabulary and GrammarThis section consists of3parts.Read the directions for each part before answering the questions.Part1Vocabulary SelectionIn this part,there are20incomplete sentences.Below each sentence,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word which best completes each sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(60pionts)1、Scientists are pushing known technologies to their limits in an attempt to______more energy from the earth.A.detract B.protractC.extract D.retract2、When the civil war ended,______tasks confronted the people.Soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized,readjusted to civilian life,and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.A.staggering B.appealingC.contending D.rewarding3、The new accessibility of land around almost every major city______an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we know as urbanization.A.incited B.followedC.claimed D.sparked4、Japan's______in the field of electronics would have to withstand much stronger challenge from competitors in the globalized economy.A.subordination B.supremacyC.submission D.subjection5、After the1870s,a number of important authors began to reject the Romanticism that had______immediately following the civil war.A.appeared B.recurredC.surfaced D.prevailed6、The poet was able to______the bucolic lifestyle in great detail because he had lived in the countryside for a long B.determineC.depict D.denote7、The most______investments were made in small books that had proven to be steady sellers,providing a reasonably reliable source of income for the publisher.A.appalling B.appealingC.astounding D.astonishing8、As early as1782,the______Delaware inventor Oliver Evans built a highly automated,labor-saving flour mill driven by water power.A.proficient B.prudentC.productive D.prolific9、These innovations in manufacturing______output and living standards to an unprecedented extent.A.moved B.triggeredC.boosted D.generated10、Studies reveal that obesity could,to a large extent,be attributed to the increasing popularity of the______lifestyle.A.sedentary B.secretiveC.seclusive D.solitary11、As a comet's orbit brings it closer to the sun,first the comet grows, then two______tails usually form.A.dim B.distinctC.definite D.descriptive12、In his letter he thanked his friend for the gift of tulip bulbs,but he then continued to______for their death.A.grumble B.greetC.grieve D.grudge13、Effective communication is an______part of qualifications for a good teacher.A.integral B.intellectualC.intangible D.inclusive14、When ancient artifacts have been______to these processes,their origin is usually impossible to trace.A.subordinated B.subdividedC.subjected D.submitted15、Fire ants make use of an alarm pheromone to______workers to an emergency, and their scouts lay down a trail as a guide during mass migrations.A.alert B.allotC.alternate D.adapt16、For a time he______a career as an army medical doctor,but his family obligation forced him to give up the idea.A.consulted B.contestedC.contemplated D.consented17、One of the best-known examples of mass extinction occurred65million years ago with the______of the dinosaurs and many other forms of life.A.demolition B.demiseC.diffusion D.decline18、When water is scarce,lizards may reduce their movements and remain in that condition for______periods of time.A.pronounced B.programmedC.projected D.prolonged19、The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to______government investigators.A.thrill B.threatenC.thwart D.terrify20、Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes,of which woodcut and engraving are two______examples.A.premier D.primaryPart2Vocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of20sentences.In each of them one word is underlined, and below each,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively. Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)21、By the1930s the wristwatch had almost completely supplanted the pocket watch.A.applied B.surpassedC.replaced D.imitated22、This group of people became great traders,bartering jewelry,pottery,animal pelts,tools,and other goods through extensive trading networks that stretched up and down eastern North America.A.auctioning D.selling23、The main salt in Death Valley is sodium chloride,but other salts,mostly carbonates and sulfates,also exist there.A.basic B.dominantC.native D.visible24、The biggest challenge for hikers in this part of the mountain range isthat water is B.hiddenC.short D.needy25、To the casual observer,dust seems to act in a totally random fashion, moving about chaotically without fixed direction.A.adaptable B.movableC.dependable D.unpredictable26、The expense of moving a family to the frontier was too difficult for many, and the cost of tools,a wagon,a well,fencing,and of building the simplest house,might come to US$1,000--a formidable barrier.A.miserable B.difficultC.probable D.forcible27、Because the droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly small,the effect of gravity on them is minute.A.second B.mereC.tiny D.quick28、A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.A.direction B.guidanceC.requirement D.method29、This century,the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends.A.implied B.ascribedC.denoted D.clarified30、There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods.A.different B.distinctiveC.disagreeable D.dispensable31、There are still serious constitutional impediments to the prosecution of senior officials.That is why no politician has ever been convicted of corruption.A.restrictions B.taboosC.imbalances D.obstacles32、This book comes as a revelation to one who sought to understand the works of the famous Chinese writer Lao She.A.reminder B.linkC.trace D.disclosure33、When the attack began,the loud noise of explosions made people scurry to seek cover.A.stumble B.rushC.flee D.cobble34、After the devastating disaster,some people started to spend prodigiously on entertainment,which was considered a typical response to traumatic experiences.A.sensibly B.lavishlyC.audaciously D.cautiously35、Experts are debating whether these happenings were really harbingers of an imminent disaster,or simply enigmatic tales from the locals who have rarely experienced an earthquake.A.signs B.forecastsC.results D.traces36、The disclosure of sensitive information related to national security wasreportedly inadvertent.A.reluctant B.irrationalC.consequent D.unintentional37、Perhaps what enchants most fans of all ages and from all regions about cartoons is their adolescent exuberance,their unique glorification of the dreams and their imagery of the youth.A.entices B.entrancesC.entertains D.enlivens38、The protesters oppose building a high-rise in their neighborhood,stating that it will stand too close to their apartments,obscure the sunlight and severely diminish their living standards.A.offset B.limitC.reduce D.lower39、Profits have burgeoned for the Internet-based retail business,driving many family-owned stores out of business.A.grown B.bubbledC.skyrocketed D.inflated40、When the policemen started to throw tear gas cans in an effort to dispersethe crowds,some of the demonstrators retaliated by throwing rocks.A.reacted B.respondedC.rejected D.resortedPart3Error Correction(20pionts)This part consists of20sentences.In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error,and below each,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)41、For many people,moths are swarming,dust-colored pests that eat our clothes and disturb us flying around lights after dark.A.with flying flyingC.on flying flying42、Many ice researchers believe that the melting Greenland,if it continues,will add at least three feet to global sea levels by2100.A.melted Greenland B.melting GreenlandC.Greenland's melting D.Greenland melted43、Biologists are concerned that coral maybe impacted negative by further warming of the oceans.A.negatively may be impacting B.may be negatively impacted C.may negatively be impacting D.may negatively be impacted 44、Supporters of genetic engineering have argued that this application ofscience allows farmers to grow crops more efficiently and save on money for pesticides and save money on B.saving money save money to D.saving money to45、Irrespective on its disadvantages,however,genetic engineering has proliferated swiftly.A.with C.of D.from46、The impossible high demands you make of yourself will invite only disappointment and widespread unhappiness.A.highly impossible demands B.impossibly high demandsC.demands impossibly high D.demands highly impossible 47、Even if you achieve an exceptional result,chances are whether you'll still be unhappy,as you'll find additional reasons for not being good enough.A.whether chances are B.chances will be whetherC.that chances are D.chances are that48、Never went to the city before,we bought a guidebook at the first stationer's we came to.A.going to B.gone toC.having been to D.having gone to49、Followed Tuareg traditions,Mohamed wears a cloth that wraps his head and face.A.Following Tuareg traditionsB.Tuareg traditions followedC.Being followed by Tuareg traditionsD.Tuareg traditions following50、Kublai Khan's city planning can still perceive by the straight,broad streets of China's modem perceived by perceiving perceived in perceiving in51、Opponents of genetic engineering claim that scientists are tampering with matters that they know little and essentially committing a crime against nature.A.that they know about little B.that they know little about C.they know about that little D.about that they know little52、The reason why I was alone in the mountains is as I had a difficulty with my guide.A.was because becauseC.was that that53、Although we know a lot about his life,the reason for his death has remaineda mystery,the most extreme possibility is murder.A.being murder the most extreme possibilityB.with the most extreme possibility murderC.being the most extreme possibility murderD.with murder the most extreme possibility54、While as workers or objects of affection,dogs have certainly proven themselves to be beneficial to humans in many ways.A.But B.WhetherC.Lest D.Though55、They are intelligent animals and can see work together as they hunt schools of small fish.A.can be seen.working be seen workingC.can be seeing work be seeing work56、Scientists involving in a serious debate about how to solve the problem of global warming.A.were to involve in B.involved inC.were involved in D.were to be involved in57、In the store,famous perfumes are displayed and guard against works of art in the nearby Louvre Museum.A.guarded like B.guard forC.guarded by D.guard with58、Researchers hypothesize that sharks sometimes confuse humans for another type of animals they usually consume,different from seals or fish.A.the other type B.another typesC.other type D.the other types59、To fetch water before breakfast seemed,to the villagers,a rule never have broken.A.never being broken B.never to be brokenC.never to break D.never breaking60、The island of Elephanta was named by the Portuguese,to suppose after a huge statue of an elephant that used to be there.A.suppose B.being supposedC.supposed D.supposingSection2Reading Comprehension(20pionts)"There is no real border between Israel and Palestine,"says Muhammad Hamudi, an olive farmer and olive oil producer from Asira al-Shamaliya,near Nablus in the West Bank.He has been working with the ongoing USAID-funded project Olive Oil Without Borders(OOWB.since its start in2011.Hamudi is in his mid-50s,with smiling eyes and palms so big that an olive looks tiny in them. "Today the border is here,tomorrow it will be there.The olive oil market has no borders as well.The bridge to the global market is the same bridgefor everyone."OOWB is a collaborative economic initiative among34olive oil farming communities in Israel and the West Bank.It is spearheaded by the Near East Foundation(NEF.,a100-year-old nongovernmental organization working on economic development among poverty-stricken communities throughout Africa and the Middle East.The initiative is funded by USAID,which provides financial and operative assistance to foreign nations and regions in need. The program has been successful enough that USAID has just granted OOWB its second US$1.2million round of funding,expected to serve some2,000 Palestinians and Israelis working in the olive oil business over the course of three years.Hamudi,one of the project's success stories,points out Salah Abu-Eisheh, NEF country director for the Palestinian authority."During the three-year run,he has tripled his production,improved significantly the quality and purity of his olive oil,and increased his income."Hamudi smiles when he hears Abu-Eisheh say this."NEF helped me achieve a sustained level of productivity,"Hamudi says."No more bad years and good years;now I am in control of the yield."This success is due in large part to direct grants farmers like Hamudi received for purchasing modern equipment,renovating facilities(such as mills),and planting new varieties of olive trees.The rest of the USAID funding goes to conducting seminars and hands-on workshops led by industry consultants, from agriculture and olive oil production to business management and marketing.Yet Palestinian farmers are only half of the OOWB equation:Israeli farmers and producers provide the necessary cross-border collaboration for this innovative and seemingly conflict-free program.When I ask Hamudi about his experience collaborating with hisIsraeli-Jewish counterparts,his answer is pragmatic."I see it as an exchange. We have things to teach,and they have things to teach.They use modern techniques,we have experience and knowledge.The benefits are for both sides. We have no other choices."But for a region stuck in political conflict,collaborating is a choice—and quite an unusual one.Ayala Noy,a40-year-old farmer and producer from the Israeli side,approaches the project from a different perspective:"It was a very important and empowering experience.Sitting down with a Palestinian farmer who tells me,with tears in his eyes,that his orchard was burned to the ground the previous night by Israeli settlers was very emotional for me. 'How do you sleep at night?'he asked me.I told him not very well.That was the biggest challenge for me—being a representative of Israel,dealing with the hard feelings they have toward us."Although one of OOWB's stated goals is to"leverage economic cooperation to promote peace and reconciliation,"according to NEF President Charlie Benjamin,the organization approaches its work from"a completely depoliticized perspective."The focus is on"building economic relationships. We don't touch the border issue."At the same time,Benjamin does acknowledge the growing trust,communication,and interaction outside the program.Noy agrees that the project has strengthened more than economic ties."We brought Palestinians to our house,we showed them our mill,and we try tokeep in touch by phone,"she says."I think it gave them a chance to see'other' Israelis.Many of them told me that was their first time to meet an Israeli who is not a soldier,or a settler."61、What information about OOWB is released from the passage?______A.It was founded in the early1980s.B.It receives financial support from USAID.C.It only supports olive farmers in Palestine.D.It is a political organization for seeking peace talks.62、The word"collaborative"underlined in Paragraph2is synonymous to ______.A.advanced B.dynamicC.cooperative D.progressive63、According to Paragraph2,which of the following statements is NOT true of NEF?______A.It is a part of the Israeli government.B.It has a history of100years.C.It aims at reducing poverty.D.It produces great results.64、From Paragraph3,we learn that Hamudi's olive production before he received support from NEF could only be described as______.A.disagreeable B.reliableC.stable D.unpredictable65、Besides providing direct grants to farmers,the USAID funding is also earmarked for______.A.running training courses B.building business schools C.purchasing industrial equipment with legal departments66、What role do Israeli farmers'play in OOWB?______A.They try their best to stay out of it.B.They monitor it cautiously.C.They lend it a helping hand whenever needed.D.They turn a blind eye to its development.67、The word"pragmatic"underlined in Paragraph6is synonymous to______.A.ironic B.realisticC.majestic D.enthusiastic68、What is the biggest challenge for Ayala Noy?______A.He lacks modern equipment.B.He faces resentment from the Palestinians.C.He operates on the technical request.D.He tries to receive adequate funding for the region.69、The main topic of Paragraph8is that OOWB______.A.acts as an ambassador between the two countriesB.gets involved in economic activities onlyC.exerts political influence on the border tensionD.ignores the border between the two countries70、The Israeli-Palestinian collaboration in the project could be described as______.A.competitive B.imperativeC.peaceful D.resentfulAt the end of a recent feast at Restaurant Revolution in New Orleans,I ordered a cup of hot tea and was presented with an elegant silver kettle filled with an intoxicatingly aromatic lemon brew.Another notable meal enjoyed not long ago at Fixe in Austin began with their house-iced tea,a black tea and fruit blend customized for them by a local"tea guru."Tea has been a cherished beverage in the eastern hemisphere since the third millennium B.C.,but didn't make its way to the UK until late in the17th century,where it enjoyed immediate popularity.Another two centuries later,southerners in the United States began drinking their sweet and iced tea, but not until recently has tea appreciation started to spread throughout the rest of North America.These days,it's not uncommon to find Earl Grey in your cocktail or learn that your fried chicken was cooked in the stuff."I believe tea is still in its infancy in our country,"says Zhena Muzyka, owner of Zhena's Gypsy Tea,a Fair Trade CertifiedTM organic tea company, now in its13th year."It's the second-most-consumed beverage in the world, but the sixth-most-consumed in the U.S."But like a newborn,the U.S.tea industry is growing fast.Since1990, Americans have quadrupled their tea consumption,bringing it to aUS$10-billion industry in2014,according to the Tea Association of the U.S. Tea imports to the U.S.have grown by70percent in the last two decades alone. Starbucks,which started selling more than two dozen varieties of loose-leaf tea at their first location in Seattle,bought high-end tea-shop chain Teavana in2012.The concurrent artisanal food and beverage trend means that as more Americans learn to appreciate a cup of tea,they're also more interested in the source of the leaves,making"Fair Trade"tea particularly attractive. Fair Trade U.S.calculates that just between2012and2013,Fair Trade Certified tea—produced by cooperatives and farms—imports jumped by26 percent.Fair Trade certification ensures that farmers are guaranteed safe working conditions as well as a sustainable wage and fair capital,determined by the prices they set for their products.All workers also receive a Fair Trade premium,which they may choose to invest back into their farm or community."I believe that Americans love Fair Trade—they've backed it and bought it even when the economy was trashed,"Muzyka says,recalling when tea first joined coffee,bananas,and cocoa on the short list of available Fair Trade Certified products.Muzyka has visited Sri Lanka,India and China many times,growing closer with each visit to the families who grow and harvest the tea she uses for her blends.On conventional farms,a tea worker's daily quota is17.6pounds of tea per day,or about16,000individual plucks of leaves,she says.This strenuous work is usually done on steep hillsides at altitudes of5,000feet or higher,and workers collect leaves into large baskets on their backs,which are held in place by a forehead strap.Back when she was starting her company,Muzyka spent several years educating consumers and buyers at major grocery stores to choose Fair Trade suppliers over those without the certification."I showed them the photos I'd taken in the conventional fields,and explained that the workers were being paid US$1.35a day and unable to feed their families,"she says.71、The two cases described in Paragraph1show that______.A.restaurants aim at making more profits by selling expensive tea B.tea is enjoying increasingly great popularityC.tea containers should be different from those for other beveragesD.there should be more varieties of tea in U.S.restaurants72、The main idea of Paragraph2is______.A.the gradual acceptance of tea in different regionsB.the different ways of drinking tea in North and South AmericasC.the UK's dominance in the tea marketD.the history of picking tea leaves in China73、The phrase"Earl Grey"underlined in Paragraph2refers to______.A.a traditional dish B.a tropical fruitC.a tea brand D.a restaurant74、The word"infancy"underlined in Paragraph3is used as a rhetorical device termed______.A.simile B.personificationC.metaphor D.exaggeration75、Tea consumption in the U.S.is______.A.starting not long B.growing fastC.facing great challenges D.falling gradually76、The main idea of'complaints about taxesB.the key to pricing farm productsC.benefits from Fair Trade certificationD.the guide to farmers'investment77、The word"backed"underlined in Paragraph7means______.A.supported B.sharedC.sustained D.strengthened78、The word"strenuous"underlined in Paragraph8means______.A.difficult B.dangerousC.diligent D.different79、Muzyka is______tea workers.A.indifferent to B.doubtful aboutC.content with D.sympathetic with80、Muzyka tried to educate consumers at grocery stores to______.A.set preferential prices over qualityB.donate money to poor farmersC.understand the process of Fair Trade suppliersToday the long-awaited,much-heralded Apple Watch goes on sale.Touted by the company as its"most personal device yet,"it promises everything from quicker"interactions and technology"to a more intimate experience with our watches,whatever that might mean.The tech juggernaut,known for its cult-like devotion and grand live-streamed announcements,welcomes new product launches like Elvis just entered the building,with long lines of fans camped at local stores,and hysteria quickly hitting a fever pitch.Along with online launch countdowns and mass speculation,the company's hype always raises questions of whether their latest product will bring on the future of"X"—whether it's tech,retail,communication,or,really,take your pick.Basically,anything Apple does is a big deal.The Apple Watch,which comes at several price points,from the"moderately priced"US$350Apple Watch Sport to the$15,000luxurious Apple Watch Edition, has received pre-orders from over2.3million consumers and counting. Geek-chic watches have been around for decades,but the design of the iWatch, masterminded by Apple Senior Vice-President of Design and usability"god" Jony Ive,is expected to break the mold of what we can expect from all future time-telling gadgets,not just in terms of functionality but also mass production.This great leap forward,however,has just as much a foot in the past as the future—specifically,in an influential German design movement that grew out of the chaos of World War I,aiming to reinvent a more ordered and just society through great design.The Bauhaus school shifted between Weimar (1919-1925),Dessau(1925-1932)and Berlin(1932-1933)during Germany's most pivotal years,and acted as an innovation incubator,not unlike Apple's Design Lab.In both instances,a team of dedicated practitioners thought they could alleviate the alienation of modem society through more personal consumer products,clean lines,and user-friendly interfaces.In other words,a revolution centered on aesthetics that benefited the people.In1915,the visionary Walter Gropius,considered by many to be one of the first masters of modern architecture,began to develop his plan for a "purely organic building,"which declared"its inner laws,free of untruths or ornamentation."This"building"was more of a metaphor than a physical object,and extended beyond the concept of architecture to encompass product design,packaging,and even furniture.Not unlike Steve Jobs,Gropius was single-minded,and could be unwavering and brutally direct in his mission. As the head of the Bauhaus school in Weimar,he recognized the need to surround himself with a team of talented collaborators,instructors,and designers, on-boarding some of the biggest names in contemporary arts,including Paul Klee,Josef Albers,Herbert Bayer,Lazlo Moholy-Nagy and Vassily Kandinsky—names that history would prove incandescent creators.New-media artist Anthony Antonellis is one of those inspired by both modern technology and the Bauhaus's approach toward design education.Antonellis, who gained notoriety for his tech-inspired work and turning himself into a cyborg by implanting an RFID chip in his arm,studied at the current Bauhaus Dessau.He explained to me that the Bauhaus system,handed down by Gropius, is still resonant today."I arrived where I am as a direct result of my studies in Weimar.I studied alongside other artists,students in media,architects, craftsmen,product designers,graphic designers,and all these disciplines taught and learned from each other in a profound exchange of ideas and approaches."So whether you pre-ordered your watch online,or are part of the horde checking it out in stores,when you snap on your Apple Watch,just remember: It took literally thousands of brilliant thinkers and over a century of work to bring you that tiny,dazzling device.81、From Paragraph1,we know that the author's attitude toward the Apple product campaign is______.A.enthusiastic B.indifferentC.disapproving D.neutral82、The word"hysteria"underlined in Paragraph1means______.A.amazement B.revelationC.excitement D.contempt83、We can predict from the public response to the Apple iWatch that the sales of this product will be______.A.disappointed B.promisingC.troublesome D.unpredictable84、Which of the following statements is NOT true of the iWatch?______。

原理及技术的英语Here is an essay on the topic of "Principles and Techniques in English" with more than 1000 words, written in English without any additional title or punctuation marks in the body of the text.The principles and techniques of the English language are complex and multifaceted encompassing various aspects of linguistic study including phonology grammar semantics and pragmatics English is a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic settlers from various parts of what is now northwest Germany and the Netherlands the language was further influenced by the Norman conquest of England in 1066 which introduced French vocabulary and spelling conventions into the language over the centuries English has continued to evolve and spread globally becoming one of the most widely spoken languages in the world todayAt the core of the English language are the fundamental principles of phonology the study of the sound system of a language in English this includes the inventory of vowel and consonant sounds as well as the rules governing how these sounds can be combined to form words and syllables the English sound system is relatively complexwith 12 to 20 vowel sounds depending on the variety of English and around 24 consonant sounds the placement of stress within words and the intonation patterns of sentences are also key phonological features that contribute to the rhythm and melody of spoken EnglishThe grammatical structure of English is another crucial aspect of the language's principles and techniques English is considered an analytic language meaning that it relies heavily on word order and function words such as prepositions and auxiliary verbs to convey grammatical relationships rather than using elaborate systems of verb conjugations and noun cases as found in many other languages the basic word order in English is subject-verb-object which gives the language a relatively rigid and predictable syntactic structure however English grammar also exhibits a great deal of complexity with numerous exceptions to general rules the use of phrasal verbs idiomatic expressions and complex sentence structures involving subordinate clauses all contribute to the richness and nuance of the languageIn terms of semantics the principles and techniques of English involve the study of word meanings and how they change and evolve over time the English lexicon is vast and diverse drawing on influences from many other languages including Latin Greek French and others the meanings of English words can be ambiguous or polysemous having multiple related senses and the language alsomakes extensive use of figurative language such as metaphors and idioms to convey complex ideas and emotions the field of lexicography the compilation and study of dictionaries is an important part of semantic analysis in EnglishFinally the principles and techniques of English also encompass the pragmatic aspects of the language that is how language is used in real-world contexts to achieve particular communicative goals this includes the study of speech acts such as requests and apologies the use of politeness strategies the interpretation of implied meanings and the role of context in shaping language use pragmatics also examines how cultural norms and social conventions influence linguistic behavior in English-speaking communitiesOverall the principles and techniques of the English language are diverse and multifaceted encompassing the core areas of phonology grammar semantics and pragmatics each of these domains involves a complex set of rules patterns and conventions that language users must master in order to communicate effectively in English the richness and flexibility of the language allow for a wide range of expressive possibilities but also present significant challenges for both native and non-native speakers as they navigate the nuances and idiosyncrasies of this globally dominant tongue。
The Art of Persuasion Influencing Others

The Art of Persuasion Influencing Others Persuasion is the art of influencing others in a way that they do what youwant them to do. It is an essential skill to have, be it in personal or professional life. Persuasion is not just about convincing someone to do something; it is about making them understand why it is essential to do it. In this article,I will discuss the art of persuasion and how it can be used to influence others. The first step in persuasion is to understand your audience. You need to know who you are trying to persuade and what their needs and wants are. You cannot persuade someone if you do not know what motivates them. For example, if you are trying to persuade your boss to give you a promotion, you need to understand what their priorities are. If they value hard work and dedication, you need to show them how you have demonstrated these qualities in your work. The second step is to build credibility. People are more likely to be persuaded by someone they trust and respect. You need to establish yourself as an authority on the subject you are trying to persuade them about. This can be done by providing evidence, statistics, and examples to support your argument. If you are trying to persuade someone to invest in your business, you need to provide them with a detailed business planthat outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. The third stepis to appeal to emotions. People make decisions based on their emotions, not just logic. You need to tap into their emotions to persuade them. This can be done by using stories, metaphors, and analogies that resonate with them. For example, if you are trying to persuade someone to donate to a charity, you can tell them astory about how their donation helped someone in need. This will create an emotional connection and make them more likely to donate. The fourth step is to address objections. People are naturally skeptical, and they will have objections to your argument. You need to anticipate these objections and address them before they are raised. This can be done by providing counterarguments, addressing common misconceptions, and providing evidence to support your position. For example, if you are trying to persuade someone to switch to a healthier diet, you need to address their concerns about taste, convenience, and cost. The fifth step is to provide a call to action. You need to tell people what you want them to do and make it easy for them to do it. This can be done by providing clear instructions,offering incentives, and making it easy to take action. For example, if you are trying to persuade someone to sign up for your newsletter, you can offer them a free e-book as an incentive and provide a link to the sign-up form. In conclusion, persuasion is an essential skill that can be used to influence others. To be effective at persuasion, you need to understand your audience, build credibility, appeal to emotions, address objections, and provide a call to action. By following these steps, you can persuade people to do what you want them to do, whether it is to buy your product, donate to your cause, or support your ideas. Remember, persuasion is not about manipulating people; it is about making them see the value in what you are offering.。

《肖申克的救赎》中的救赎主题浅析-->《肖申克的救赎》中的救赎主题浅析-An Analysis of the Theme ofRedemption in The ShaptionⅠ. Introduction 引言电影肖申克的救赎是改编自斯蒂芬·金的同名小说,给人留下了深刻的印象。
The film The Shaption the same name novel of Stephen King has left adeep impression on the people. From the title of the film, it is not difficult to see that the film is talking about the issue of redemption. Then ption?The Lord Jesus in The Gospel has provided a road to redemption for us. The so-called “save”is revealing the distress of human beings; so-called “redemption”is that the ost concerned about is bodied in The Shaption.故事开始于一个年轻的银行家Andy Dufrense,通过旁证受害,谋杀他的妻子和她的情人而审判定罪。
The story begins ized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his ind free from the drab . His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his felloates. Andy’s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope cause Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the . Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional e in his lifestyle. Andy keeps hope all the time. He spends t the prison, but also saves a group of inmates.The film inspires us to love life and edifies us to think about the importance of living and not to lose ourselves. It also gives a positive force and the courage to face difficulties to us. It makes us to realize that ordinary life is valuable. In prison, Andy overes all the difficulties azing determination during his progress. ed to the surrounding environment, from schools to the ent, from social practice to family life. They have goals, but as the years go by the goals gradually faded, as they had been institutionalized. The Shaption helps re-examine life and find the dreams again. Andy retrieves his freedom at last. Time and perseverance can help achieve everything. People should treat s!Ⅱ. Th-->e Origin and Connotation of Redemption 救赎的起源与内涵aigelaen, 2003: 3)Christianity is a anifestation of values, ethics and cultural values. It influences profoundly all aspects of American life. Therefore, the secular meaning of this Christian doctrine has also been developed: only keeping faith, people can get hope, save themselves and the that moment, the nenly announced: “I believe in te.”There is no doubt that it is a and implied the prison guard, and then the prison guard ething inappropriately, he might be the next one to be beaten. The ne the free iliation from the old prisoners. But Andy did not e in the e to madness the first night. That innocent fat boy was badly beaten up by the prison guard and died, because he could not wit-->hstand others’provocation and cried. All of those happened on the first day. It shoselves at all. Hoething for himself. He starts to make a plan to escape from the prison. This is the origin of redemption.2.2 The Connotation“Since the 20th century, along ent of industrialized societies, people are doubt about the and the nature of human, e loss of faith. In this dark an beings have to struggle to survive; ust make every effort to find a about redemption provides the ansption? It is the dignity and belief. And redeem for and hope. Redemption is a breaking imprisonment, hope prevailing over despair; a an dignity.Andy is succeeded. During this process, the Christian doctrine redemption plays a very important role. It is because of this, Andy has al, has never given up the pursuit of freedom, , the azure blue sky and blue sea, symbolize the ideal freedom; and that small boat and tile is a symbol of hope for a better future. This end has been able to impress people; it is because of freedom and hope that it , Andy gives a very good ment on hope “Do not forget that there are places in the ade out of stone. There is something inside that they can not get to that they can not touch. That is yours. That is hope.”Indeed, the prison , and even institutionalized things can bind spiritual freedom, but only hope that can not be given up. Life eaningless. Hope is a kind of flos in the dream. s and hope, brace the future.Ⅲ. Andy’s Self- redemption and His Redemption to Others 安迪的自我救赎和救赎他人In the prison, through his actions, Andy not only changes his option is not just an individual behavior, but a behavior of a group. It is entirely consistent ption in Christianity. The film uses a strong religious terms –“redemption”, . (Chen, 2008: 15)-->r />3.1 Andy’s Self- redemption Andy successfully escapes from the prison. to achieve self-redemption?It is the desire for freedom in his mind and the existence of hope! Hope, ptionAndy, a bank high-level ed for murdering his prisonments in Sha is forbidden in prison. Andy has to face the prison ption, because he is full of hope to life and yearning for freedom. Ho. The only thing is ust accept the fate of being punished, just like a lamb ent given by the fate; or clench fists, find out a . Devout Christian Andy chooses the latter. Because he believes the redemption, but also convinces that “I ebody. It y turn. I y istakes I made, I have paid for them and then some.”A ption. This is the first level of redemption--physical redemption, in exchange of the body’s pain, and the respect of prisoners and prison guards using his o. In this e passes. ulates time for freedom little by little. agine hoove on in the dark buried in the heart and a floed in dreams. As a result, it is aliles on his face. In Andy’s mind, he has not given up hope of freedom, and he makes every effort mer an about 600 years to tunnel under the mer. This is indeed a vast project, but Andy is succeeded. Everyone, including the warden and Red, could not believe that Andy spent 20 years tunneling the wall, and then crawling five hundred yards, which was the length of -->five football fields. He regained his freedom. Andy achieves self-redemption.3.1.2 Spiritual RedemptionThe spiritual redemption in the film is one of the most important themes. Redemption, as a kind of invisible po. He sticks in a dark in 20 years. Arrived in Shaind. If there is no hope that he can not afford to live in such a dark prison. Every night, Andy digs the mer. This ina, but also need the support of a belief--hope. aybe Andy has abandoned the ambitious plan. As a prisoner, Andy uses his as much as possible to enjoy the freedom of a citizen. The ; in return, Andy can akes him feel everything is full of hope. He believes that effort brings success. Each ent time; he climbs the dirty se is taken aething from outside, he asked Red to get a rock hammer for himself in order to regain the hobby--carve stones. Later, Andy hung actress posters on the prison beliefs; to not let the prison’s “normal”life take a, a al around here. He strolled like a man in the park from this place.”3.2 Andy’s Redemption to OthersChristianity emphasizes on “original sin consciousness”. The person ust be punished. In the Christian’s vie and Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit, the entire mankind has deeply fallen into the abyss of evil. But God did not give up human beings. On the contrary, he sent his son Jesus to e to save mankind. This is Jesus’redemption. In The Shaption, Andy issuch a Redeemer. The Sha the chaos and despair to full of friendship, hope and dreams. Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself; a great man can save another.3.2.1 Andy’s Redemption to RedRed urder. However, he never considered his behavior carefully. In pr-->ison, he just lived an insane.”As if he had given up hope. In several paroles, the intervie a changed man. No danger to society here. God’s honest truth. Absolutely rehabilitated.”From his tone and attitude, e, even never e time in the past, he es.ilky light. The small stone touched Red’s heart. Because quartz is usually found in the streams, that people feel a glimmer of freedom. Andy’s , emory. That is y life. A place emory. Open up a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some y guests out charter fishing. In a place like that, I could use a man that knoan provides a job to another free man. Temporarily, Red forgets that he is a lifetime prisoner.Red finds that he can have hope and freedom in such dark prison. So he begins to long for a normal life, and seriously to do everything for leaving the prison. The last parole interviee see. I do not have any idea eans. To me it is just a made-up I sorry for here or because you think I should.I look back on the itted that terrible crime. I . I e sense to him. Tell him the an is all that has left. I got to live .3.2.2 Andy’s Redemption to TommyAnother prisoner my. Tom-->my has a rebellious youth’s personality. He alself and the society. He has been in prison many times, but he never seriously considers his future, or tries to change the situation. Maybe he tried, but failed; so, since then, he has been depressed doportant thing. So my came to Sha. Andy taught Tommy to read and to my: “If body the best character of Andy. That is perseverance. Even if Tommy , and prepared to give up ately helped him pass the examination. A hippie of the Beat Generation is civilized to a gentleman. arveling at the poption.One day, Tommy accidentally told the truth about Andy’s ony of Tommy. But the onths. During the confinement, Tommy akes Andy to understand that it is impossible to gain freedom through normal channels.3.2.3 Andy’s Redemption to Other PrisonersThe roof of the license-plate factory needed resurfacing. It ned fine mouth to be e other prisoners ong the names called. Andy ic and legal knoan ore a man if he could have a bottle of suds. On the second-to-last day of the job, the convict creorning drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardestscreen. They could have been tarring the roof of one of their oal again if only for a short ade deals aindered books by the pound. After several years’effort, Andy transformed a storage room smelling of turpenti-->ne into the best prison library in Nee to radio room, locked the door from the inside, put the disc into the record player, and then opened all the microphones, so that the entire prison people could hear the music. The sonorous and beautiful voice echoed over the prison; the sun shined on everyone’s face; the prisoners listened quietly. Music e things are best left unsaid. I like to think it ething so beautiful it can not be expressed in akes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It ade those oments, every last man at Shaoment, everyone in Sha and redemption.Ⅳ. The Destroy of Prison Institutionalization to Self-redemption 对于自我救赎的监狱制度化的破坏All the enthusiasm and hope have been repressed to numb in prison. In the end, everyone is accustomed to and even dependents on this . Then you get used to them. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That is ‘institutionalized’.”“In the film, Shabol of darkness, evil, decadence and death. It confines the prisoners’hope and freedom. The ent. Confinement destroys people’s thinking.”(Dong Congbin, 2008: 19)4.1 The Destroy on BrooksBrooks, the prison librarian, had been in prison for 50 years. any people are in the process of experiencing. Then, hoany can overe it? Most will eventually step fo-->lloly hold on the belief as Andy can overe it, and finally be redeemed.4.2 The Destroy on RedFreedom is a kind of contraband in Sha is an impossible mirage. Not only freedom is to be prohibited, but the idea of freedom is taken a and good vision, but a feind, hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. Red said he played a mean harmonica as a younger man, but lost interest in prison. Andy gave a harmonica to Red as a little parlor rejection present. Harmonica is a symbol of hope. But there is one detail: in the dormitory, Red held a harmonica in hand, but did not dare to bloprisons the soul and the spirit of the prisoners. Therefore, only escaping from this horrible “hell”, can the prisoners obtain the physical and spiritual redemption.Knoan’s been in here 50 years. This is all he knoportant man, is an educated man. Outside, he’s nothing. Just a used-up con . Then you getused to them. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That is ‘institutionalized’. They send you here for life that’s exactly e.They are used to live in it.Finally, Red’s parole is approved. He ission to piss, so he can notsqueeze a drop e he has a psychological understand and agrees . On the ent and hope as a truly free man. At this moment, Shaan, and also the onefor himself at the beginning. He is never depressed and never desp-->airing. He is not ercy of fate. From the very beginning, his goal is very clear: to escape from this place, to . He treats fate actively, . In any case, he e on others, he atter e birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And up does rejoice.”In such a dark place like prison, Andy gets a sincere friendship. In fact, except some abnormal prisoners, the people he knoore affecting friendship in prison than the outside ost beautiful floind, there is al, there is hope. In the t all hammer. Andy cra through 500 yards of smelly seagine. Finally Andy got reborn. At that time, there s, Andy bracing the freedom. Life is doomed from the start, everyone is the same. The only difference is getting busy living, or getting busy dying. Each person can only live once, but as long as he aleaningful, then, once is enough. Andy’s experience makes the best explanation. The lack of faith leads to the fear of the ate oute is that lives have been deprived of hope. Life is a long process, during ent, but also the fear in people’s hearts. Especially the latter, is the most horrible, most poies. It often destroys a person’s faith and hope, leads him into suicide. Brook story illustrates this point. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. Y es, “hope”redeems the “freedom”. aybe The Shaption is just a fable. In fact, it exists in the real life. In real life, everyone consciously or unconsciously plays in the role of prisoner or the person who owns the authority in Shawshank. They spend the whole life without breaking the rules. Bu-->t redemption lies on their choices. As Andy’s choice, no matter ho is, it can never deprive of people’s rights to choose redemption, because redemption is in our minds. To be redeemed or not, to be a hero or multitude, to choose God or Satan, all of these exist in our minds too. Based on the analysis of the theme of redemption in The Shaption, this thesis encourages people to try to preserve their self-respect. They must learn to appreciate life better; the more important thing is alon sense. But by the demonstration of the movie characters, it can be more persuasiveto explain the truth to people. At anytime, belief, hope and freedom should not be given up. As long as there is faith, there is hope; and ent on Movie, 2006: 5.[3] Liu Zijian. Eternal Divine edy—Interpretation on The Shaption. Shanxi: Shanxi Technology University Press, 2002:106.[4] Maigelaen. Introduction to Christianity. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2003: 3.[5] Stephen King. RitaHayption. Thorndlike Press,1982.[6] 陈陵娣. “解读《肖申克的救赎》中的‘救赎’”. 《电影评介》, 2008: 15.[7] 陈绍恋. “禁锢·希望·自由——解析《肖申克的救赎》意象”. 河北:《衡水学院学报》, 2009: 3.[8] 朱凯,刘剑. “制度化与人性的反思——电影《肖申克的救赎》解读”. 《消费导刊》, 2008: 19.[9] 罗建波,丁旭. “信念拯救希望──评电影《肖申克的救赎》中的救赎主题”. 辽宁:《辽宁工业大学学报(社会科学版)》, 2008: 6.。
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Influences from the Others Implied in the Multi-point View and Its Significance, Analysis of The Sound and the Fury
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
1.1 A brief introduction to William Faulkner and his literature
career (1)
1.2 A brief introduction to The Sound and the Fury and the
evaluation of the study (2)
II. Analysis of the influences from the Others implied in the Multi-point View in The Sound and the Fury
2.1 From the three brothers’point of view to see the true
meaning of Caddy’s loss of her virginity (3)
2.1.1 Benjy—the losses of childhood and love (4)
2.1.2 Quentin-the decline of the traditional value systems (4)
2.1.3 Jason- the losses of social status and money (5)
2.2 Influences from Faulkner implied in the multi-point view 2.2.1The relationship between Faulkner and the novel (6)
2.2.2 The different periods of Faulkner’s personal experience.
2.3 Influences from the social background implied in the multi-
Point of view (8)
2.3.1 The decline of the southern old traditional value system
2.3.2 Values of people about money in America (9)
III. The historical significance of The Sound and the Fury 3.1 Explore the death of
IV. Conclusion
V. Bibliography
I. Introduction
1.1A brief introduction to William Faulkner
William Faulkner (born William Cuthbert Faulkner), (September 25, 1897-July 6, 1962) was an American author. He is regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twenties century, and was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize in literature.
William Faulkner is the representative writer of the southern literature. He has his own characteristics of writing. He usually uses the fallible narrators or multiple narrators in his works. The steam of consciousness skill has been used in his works. Sentences would be put together in long ones and the using pronouns could be confusing. He is an avant-garde modernist in terms of his technical innovativeness.
Most of Faulkner’s works are set in a small region in Northern Mississippi, Y oknapatawpha Country, which is actually an imaginary place based on Faulkner’s childhood memory. These stories deal with the historical period from the Civil War up to the 1920s when the First World War broke out, and people of a stratified society, the aristocrats, the new rich, the poor whites, and the blacks. Faulkner has managed successfully to show a panorama of the experience and consciousness of the whole southern society.
Faulkner tries to explore the human’s relationship to the southern land and nature, the crisis in a culture, and the decline in human spirit, the
vulgarization of a materialistic age from his works. These are the problems of the south that Faulkner tries to expose. He not only makes contribution to the prosperity of the 1920s in America but also helps many southern writers emerge in the literary stage.
1.2 A brief introduction to The Sound and the Fury
The Sound and the Fury is one of William Faulkner’s masterpieces. The novel narrates a decaying family, the Compsons’ tragedy, or rather, the tragedy of the old South.
The novel is divided into four sections. The first three sections are narrated by three compson brothers: Benjy, Quentin, Jason. Their sister Caddy and her sexual life are very much a focus in each section. The final section is narrated by an omniscient narrator. Caddy’s loss of her virginity has a great influence on the three brothers. Benjy is close to。