
1.肢体语言(Body Language)
2.身体姿势(Body Posture)
3.面部表情(Facial Expressions)
4.眼神交流(Eye Contact)
5.手势(Hand Gestures)
6.姿势动作(Postural Movements)
7.站立姿势(Standing Posture)
8.坐姿(Sitting Posture)
9.交叉手臂(Crossed Arms)
10.倾斜头部(Head Tilting)
举例来说,如果你想描述一个人的肢体语言很自信,你可以说:“His body language conveyed confidence. He stood tall with his shoulders back and his chest out, making direct eye contact with everyone in the room.”

肢体语言 (Body Language) 是人们在交流中通过身体动作、面部表情和体
1. 微笑 (Smile): 表示友好、幸福或欢迎。
2. 握手 (Handshake): 表示问候、感谢或合作。
3. 拥抱 (Hug): 表示亲密、安慰或庆祝。
4. 鞠躬 (Bow): 表示尊敬或感谢。
5. 眼神交流 (Eye Contact): 表示自信、诚实或关注。
6. 挥手 (Wave): 表示问候、告别或打招呼。
7. 竖起大拇指 (Thumbs Up): 表示赞扬或肯定。
8. 摊开双手 (Palms Up): 表示无害、询问或无奈。
9. 叉腰 (Crossed arms): 表示自信、坚定或防御。
10. 挠头 (Scratching the head): 表示困惑、思考或无奈。
肢体语言 body language

肢体语言(body language)是指能够传递某种特定信息的面部表情、手势语,以及其他身体部位的动作等等。
一、动作一样,意义不同(the same action,different meaning)。
如下例:1. 跺脚(stamp one’s foot):在中国人看来,表示气愤,恼怒,灰心,悔恨。
而它的英文含义则是不耐烦,比如:give a stamp of impatience(不耐烦得跺脚)。
2. 目不转睛地看(look with fixed gaze):其中文含义是:好奇;有时是惊讶。
比如:Under his intense gaze she felt uncomfortable.(他目不转睛地看着她,使她觉得很不自在。
关于body language的英语作文

关于body language的英语作文Body language is a powerful form of communication that transcends verbal language. It encompasses gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye movements that all convey hidden messages and emotions. It is said that nonverbal cues make up more than half of our communication, making it crucial to understand the impact of body language in our daily interactions with others.身体语言是一种强大的沟通形式,超越了口头语言。
One aspect of body language that plays a significant role in communication is facial expressions. Our faces are a canvas for our emotions, and often, our facial expressions can reveal more than words ever could. A smile can instantly brighten someone's day, while a frown can signal displeasure or sadness. It is essential to pay attention to the facial expressions of others to better understand their feelings and reactions.在沟通中扮演重要角色的身体语言方面之一是面部表情。
高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communi

Module 3 Body Languageand Non-verbal munication身体语言会在不经意间表露一个人的心理,解读身体语言,请看下文……Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerfullanguage of all!It is said that our body movements municateabout 50 percent of what we really mean while words only express7 percent. So, while your mouth is closed, your body is justsaying...Arms. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever es your way. Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you’re unhappy!Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are a monitor in class, you can also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously. However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you must move your head a little.Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still!Posture(姿势). A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling down, you normally don’t sit straight,with your shoulders inwards. Thismakes breathing more difficult, which can make you feel nervous or unfortable.Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse(撅起) your lips. You might also use this position to hold back an angry ment(评论) you don’t wish to show.However, it will probably still be noticed, and people will know you’re not pleased.Face. When you lie, you might put on a false face. But that expression would crack(破裂) briefly, allowing displays of true emotions such as happiness, sadness, disgust(厌恶) and fear to e through.Section ⅠIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary—prehending重点单词写作词汇1.deal n.协议;交易2.involve vt. 包括3.spread vi.X开拓展词汇4.munication n.交流;沟通→municate vi.(用语言、信号)传递信息;交流5.unconscious adj.无意的;不知不觉的→conscious adj.意识到的;自觉的6.vary vi.变化→variety n.种类→various adj.各种各样的7.formal adj.正式的→informal adj.非正式的8.traditionally adv.传统地→traditional adj.传统的→tradition n.传统9.threatening adj.恐吓的;具有威胁的→threaten v.威胁→threat n.威胁10.slightly adv.轻微地;稍微→slight adj.轻微的;少量的阅读词汇11.aggressive adj.攻击的;挑斗的;挑衅的12.weapon n. 武器13.gesture n. 姿势;姿态14.forehead n. 前额15.bow vi.鞠躬16.youth n. 年轻人17.palm n. 手掌18.slap vt. 掌击重点短语1.on guard(保持)警惕2.make a deal达成协议;做成交易3.hold up举起4.give away暴露(自己的情况)5.shake hands with与……握手重点句型1.more than+名词:Although these are very important,we municate with more than just spoken and written words (不仅仅靠口语和书面语交流).2.介词+宾语从句:Indeed, body positions are part of what we call “body language”(我们所称其为“肢体语言”).3.独立主格:One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread(掌心向外,五指X开).ⅠRead the text and match the main idea of each paragraph.1.Para.1 A.Greetings in Asian countries.2.Para.2 B.Ways of munication.3.Para.3 C.Fascinating body language.4.Para.4 D.Greetings in western countries.5.Para.5 E.American yo uths’ greeting today.答案:1-5.BDAECⅡRead the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.1.What is the best title of the text?A.When in Rome, Do as the Romans DoB.Greetings Around the WorldC.How to Shake HandsD.Nonverbal munication2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Not all body language is conscious.B.Europeans shake hands with their left hands.C.At any time,we use “learned” body language.D.Ways of greeting are the same all over the world.3.Why do Europeans and Americans shake hands with their right hands?A.They have been used to it.B.The right hands are the weakest ones.C.They think it is formal.D.They want to express they trust each other.4.Which of the following belongs to one of the greetings in the US?A.Not to touch the other person.B.To put the right hand over the left.C.To greet each other with “give me five”.D.To join their hands.答案:1-4.DADCⅢAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1.Indeed, body positions are part of what we call “body language”.[翻译] 实际上,身体的姿势是我们所称其为“肢体语言”的一部分。
body language身体语言

• When standing and walking, one puts his two arms on the back with one hand holding the other arm to show the embittering of one’s anger or the attempt to control oneself. • 站立和走路时,双臂背 后并且用一只手握住另 一只手臂,就表明愤怒 情绪加重。也说明动作 者更想克制自己。
Arm gesture 臂部动作
• When standing or walking, one may put his two arms on his back with one hand holding the other palm to indicate superiority complex and selfconfidence. • 站立和走路时,双臂背后 并且用一只手握住另一只 手掌,显示的往往是一种 优越感和自信心。
Hand shaking 握手
• A firm handshake is a common way to shake hands with others.
沉着有力的握手:常 见的握手方式。
• A finger shake always happens when women and men shake hands.
Eye contact
• Thou tell's me there is murder in mine eye. ---- Shakespeare • Your lips tell me no, no, but there’s yes, yes in your eyes. ---- Musical ballad

描述人的肢体语言英语作文Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can convey a lot of information about a person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye movements, among other things. Understanding body language can be very helpful in understanding others and communicating effectively.Gestures are one of the most common forms of body language. They can be used to emphasize a point, express emotions, or convey a message without words. For example, a person might wave their hand to say hello, point to something to indicate interest, or shrug their shoulders to show uncertainty. Facial expressions are another important aspect of body language. They can reveal a person's emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or surprise. A smile, for example, can indicate friendliness or approval, while a frown can signal disapproval or unhappiness.Posture also plays a significant role in body language.A person's posture can convey confidence, insecurity, openness, or defensiveness. For example, standing up straight with shoulders back can signal confidence and assertiveness, while slouching or crossing arms canindicate insecurity or defensiveness. Eye movements are another important aspect of body language. They can reveal a person's level of interest, attention, or engagement. For example, maintaining eye contact can signal attentiveness and interest, while avoiding eye contact can indicate discomfort or disinterest.It's important to note that body language can vary across cultures, so it's important to consider cultural differences when interpreting someone's body language. For example, in some cultures, direct eye contact is seen as a sign of respect and attentiveness, while in others, it may be considered rude or confrontational. Similarly, gestures and facial expressions can have different meanings in different cultures, so it's important to be mindful of these differences when interpreting body language.In addition to understanding others' body language,it's also important to be aware of our own body language and how it may be perceived by others. Being mindful of our gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye movements can help us communicate more effectively and project the image we want to convey. For example, maintaining good posture and making eye contact can help us appear confident and engaged, while slouching or avoiding eye contact can give the impression of insecurity or disinterest.In conclusion, body language is a powerful form of nonverbal communication that can convey a wealth of information about a person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Understanding body language can help us better understand others and communicate more effectively. By being mindful of our own body language and considering cultural differences, we can use body language to our advantage in our interactions with others.。

hand in glove:关系很亲近 Justice has long arm.天网恢
恢,疏而不漏 One hand washes another .
有来有往;互相利用 bite the hand that feeds one
恩将仇报 burn one's fingers or get/have one's fingers burnt
swelled head 自满 long head 先见之明 come to a head 到了危急关头 have one‘s head in the clouds 想入非非 lose one‘s head 惊惶失措 be off one’s head 疯狂 on your own head be it!出了问题你负责 stick one's head in the sand 逃避现实
与智慧联系更密切的是脑(brain)。这个词用单数复数都可以指思 维能力。 例如:You have a lot of brains(你很有头脑),You have a good brain(你很聪明)。聪明人也会遇到难题。这时就要rack your brains(绞尽脑汁)去思考了。
brain drain 人才流失 brain trust 智囊团 brain storm 灵感 brain wave 计上心头 have something on the brain 念念不忘 pick someone's brains 利用某人的学识
与汉语一样,英语的脸(face)与"面子""尊严"相关.像lose face(丢脸), save face(挽回面子)等.
set one's face against 坚决反对

一、形容词/ 名词+ 人体部位all ears 全神贯注地听all eyes 聚精会神地看all legs 又瘦又长all nerves 神经过敏all skin and bones 瘦得皮包骨all thumbs 笨手笨脚all fresh 众生free hand 全权处理old hand 内行good hand 漂亮的一手(好字)hot hand 走运的一手(牌)second hand间接地first hand 亲自red hands 血腥的手cool hand 大胆而脸皮厚的人light hand 熟练的手艺black eye 受伤后的黑眼圈glad eye 媚眼snake eyes (骰子中的)双么private eye 私人侦探dry eye 不哭的人evil eye 狠毒的眼光poker face 不动声色straight face 绷着脸sad face 愁容smooth face 讨好的面孔motor mouth 没完没了的说话bad mouth 诽谤big mouth 爱说闲话者good mouth 顺从的马hard mouth 不顺从的马lion's mouth 虎穴swelled head 自满dead head 死脑筋acid head LSD 的常用者long head 先见之明heavy heart 沉重的心情open heart 坦率pot belly 大肚子stiff neck 顽固之人silver tongue 流利的口才mailed fist 暴力devil's bones 骰子loose lips 说话很随便cold shoulder 冷漠cold feet 胆怯green thumb 在园艺方面有才能的人Achilles heel 弱点busy body 管闲事者sweet tooth 爱吃甜食之人family skeleton 家丑二、人体部位+ 名词brain drain 人才外流brain trust 智囊团brain storm 突有灵感brain child 头脑的产物brain wave 计上心头tongue twister 绕口令face card 带人像的扑克牌face value 票面价值knee slipper 使人笑得拍大腿的笑话eye shot 视野bone shaker 老爷车skin dive 只戴眼罩的潜水skin game 赌博骗钱skull session 坐在一起动脑筋nose dive 一落千丈elbow grease 可施展之地chin music 聊天leg work 跑腿lip praise 表面的称赞lip service 空口的应酬话blood debt 血债belly laugh 捧腹大笑skin flick 色情电影三、动词+ 人体部位keep / save face 保全面子preserve face 保持面子maintain face 维护面子lose face 失去面子make faces 做鬼脸make mouths 对人做嘴脸make eyes 漫送秋波make head 前进count heads 点名knock head 叩头gather head 时机成熟change hands 易手join hands 携手联合kiss hands 吻君王之手hold hands 手搀手change foot 换步set foot 行走play footsie 情侣在桌底下碰脚rub elbow / shoulders 与人交往lose heart 沮丧take heart 鼓起勇气gain flesh 长肉lose flesh 消瘦tell noses 清点人数split hairs 作琐细的分析cut teeth 长牙give lip 讲硬话show leg 逃跑give / throw tongue 猫/狗狂吠shake hands 握手四、人体部位对称或并列face to face 面对面from ear to ear 开心limb to limb 肢解mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴heart to heart 交心shoulder to shoulder 齐头并进eye to eye 赞同eyeball to eyeball 面对面hand to hand 逼近head to head 交头接耳nose to nose 面对面back to back 背靠背hand in hand 手拉手arm in arm 挽臂neck and neck 并驾齐驱leg and leg 平分秋色side by side 肩并肩hand over hand 两手交叉使用from hand to hand 用手传递from mouth to mouth 口口相传from hand to mouth 勉强糊口from head to foot 全身from top to toe 从头到脚hand and foot 手脚一起;尽力heart and soul 全心全意tooth and nail 竭尽全力toe and heel 跳舞flesh and blood 人类head and ears 全身hand to fish 齐心协力hand over fist 多而快地赚钱hand over heels 倒栽葱tooth for tooth 以牙还牙eye for eye 以眼还眼五、人体部位在谚语的运用Two heads are better than one . 三个臭皮匠,胜似一个诸葛亮。

关于正确使用肢体语言的英语作文英文回答:Body Language: The Art of Effective Nonverbal Communication.Body language, the unspoken communication of messages through physical gestures, postures, and facial expressions, plays a crucial role in human interactions. It can convey a wealth of information, from our emotions and intentions to our levels of confidence and dominance. Understanding and utilizing body language effectively can significantly enhance our communication skills, improve relationships,and promote professional success.Benefits of Effective Body Language.Enhanced Communication: Body language provides an additional channel of communication, complementing and reinforcing verbal messages. It can help clarify intentions,emphasize points, and convey emotions that may not beeasily expressed through words alone.Improved Relationships: Effective body language can foster positive relationships by establishing trust, rapport, and connection. Open and receptive gestures, such as uncrossing arms and maintaining eye contact, can signal openness and availability.Increased Confidence: Confident body language can boost our self-confidence and project an aura of competence and authority. Standing up straight, maintaining good posture, and making appropriate gestures can command attention and inspire respect.Enhanced Credibility: When our body language is congruent with our words, it enhances our credibility and persuasiveness. Audiences are more likely to believe and trust speakers who display genuine and consistent body language.Professional Success: In the workplace, effective bodylanguage can make a significant impact on job interviews, presentations, and negotiations. It can convey professionalism, competence, and enthusiasm, increasing the likelihood of favorable outcomes.How to Use Body Language Effectively.Be Aware of Your Body Language: The first step tousing body language effectively is to be aware of your own gestures, postures, and expressions. Pay attention to how you hold your body, make eye contact, and move your hands.Match Your Body Language to Your Message: Your body language should support and reinforce your verbal message. For example, if you are expressing gratitude, smile and make open gestures. If you are presenting a persuasive argument, stand up straight and use confident hand gestures.Pay Attention to Context: The appropriate use of body language can vary depending on the situation and cultural context. For instance, in some cultures, direct eye contact is considered respectful, while in others, it can beinterpreted as a challenge.Avoid Negative Body Language: Certain body language cues can convey negative messages, such as crossed arms, closed fists, and avoiding eye contact. Be mindful of these cues and avoid them in professional and social interactions.Practice and Seek Feedback: Effective body language is a skill that takes practice to develop. Seek feedback from trusted colleagues, friends, or family members to identify areas for improvement.中文回答:肢体语言,有效非语言沟通的艺术。
人教版新高考英语一轮复习 Body Language 肢体语言

2.While it is easy to perceive when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when students are troubled. 尽管学生们何时(对讲课)感兴趣、何时感到无聊或精力不集中是容易察 觉的, 但要发现学生何时有困扰有时会难得多。 【提炼】 while引导让步状语从句 【浅析】 while 引导让步状语从句时, 意为 “虽然; 尽管”, 从句一般置于主 句前面。while还可以引导时间状语从句, 意为 “当……的时候; 在……期 间”。它还可以用作并列连词, 表示对比关系, 意为 “然而”。
favour bow waist
barrier anger incident
triБайду номын сангаасl twin pose
gesture assessment
educator tendency
stare ceiling anxiety
chest bother conflict
component tone
of being called on by the teacher. 13.It could be that she is having serious conflicts (冲突) with other
students or at home. 14.Whatever it is, I know I need to inquire (询问) and assess what is

身体语言的重要性英语作文80英文回答:Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that plays a significant role in human interaction. It encompasses the physical expressions, gestures, and postures we use to convey messages, express emotions, and establish relationships. Understanding body language is crucial for effective communication and interpersonal understanding.Firstly, body language provides additional context to spoken words. For example, a smile can indicatefriendliness or agreement, while a frown can convey disapproval or sadness. Nonverbal cues can complement verbal messages, reinforcing or contradicting the intended meaning. By observing body language, we can gain insights into the true feelings and intentions of others.Secondly, body language helps regulate socialinteractions. Eye contact, for instance, serves as a social cue for attention, interest, and engagement. Maintaining appropriate eye contact during conversations can convey respect and sincerity. Conversely, avoiding eye contact may indicate shyness, disinterest, or dishonesty. Body language also helps establish boundaries and define social roles.For example, the physical distance we maintain from others can indicate intimacy, formality, or authority.Furthermore, body language can reveal underlying emotions and states of mind. Certain gestures and postures are associated with specific emotions, such as happiness, anger, or anxiety. By observing these nonverbal cues, wecan better understand the emotional state of others, evenif they are not expressed verbally. This ability to decode emotions helps us empathize with others and respond appropriately.In professional settings, body language can have a substantial impact on perceptions and outcomes. A confident posture, for instance, can convey authority and credibility, while fidgeting or slouching may undermine trust andprofessionalism. Nonverbal cues can also influence negotiations and decision-making processes. Attentive body language, such as maintaining eye contact and leaning forward, demonstrates engagement and interest.Cultural factors can influence the interpretation of body language. Gestures and postures that are considered acceptable in one culture may be offensive or inappropriate in another. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the cultural context when interpreting nonverbal cues.中文回答:肢体语言的重要性。

身体语言的重要性英语作文高中Body language is a crucial aspect of communication that often goes unnoticed. It is the non-verbal way in which we express our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Body language can be more powerful than words in conveying a message, as it is often a more accurate representation of our true emotions.身体语言是一种至关重要的交流方式,通常被忽视。
For example, a simple smile can instantly brighten someone's day and convey warmth and friendliness. On the other hand, a furrowed brow or crossed arms can signal discomfort or defensiveness. Our body language can speak volumes about how we are feeling, even when we are trying to hide our emotions.例如,一个简单的微笑可以立即让某人开心起来,传达温暖和友好。
In professional settings, body language plays a crucial role in conveying confidence, authority, and trustworthiness. A firm handshake, direct eye contact, and a confident posture can all contribute to making a positive first impression. Conversely, poor body language such as slouching, avoiding eye contact, or fidgeting can detract from one's credibility and professionalism.在专业环境中,身体语言在传达自信、权威和值得信赖方面起着至关重要的作用。

英语作文关于肢体语言的定义和作用英文回答:Body language, also known as nonverbal communication,is the way in which people communicate without using words. It includes gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and body posture. Body language can convey a wide range of messages, from emotions to intentions to social status.There are many different types of body language. Someof the most common include:Gestures: Gestures are movements of the hands, arms,or head that can convey a message. For example, a thumbs-up gesture can indicate approval, while a shaking head can indicate disapproval.Facial expressions: Facial expressions are the movements of the face that can convey emotions. For example, a smile can indicate happiness, while a frown can indicatesadness.Eye contact: Eye contact is a powerful form of communication that can convey a range of messages, from interest to attraction to dominance.Body posture: Body posture is the way in which someone holds their body. Body posture can convey a person's mood, confidence, and social status.Body language is an important part of communication. It can help to convey messages that words cannot. It can also help to build rapport, establish trust, and create a positive social environment.中文回答:肢体语言,也被称为非语言交流,是指人们在不使用语言的情况下进行交流的方式。

八下英语作文肢体语言80词英文回答:Body language plays a crucial role in human communication, conveying messages beyond words. It encompasses gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye contact, each element adding depth to our interactions.Gestures, such as hand movements, head nods, and shrugs, can reinforce what we're saying or convey emotions when words fail us. Facial expressions, particularly thosearound the eyes and mouth, can reflect our inner feelings and reactions. Posture, from slouching to standing tall, conveys confidence, authority, or submission. Eye contact, when appropriate, establishes connection, conveys interest, and demonstrates sincerity.Understanding body language allows us to betterinterpret others' intentions, build relationships, andavoid misunderstandings. By being aware of our own bodylanguage, we can consciously convey our messages and present ourselves effectively.In summary, body language is an integral part of human communication, facilitating the transmission of emotions, intentions, and information. By paying attention to our own and others' body language, we can enhance our communication skills and foster deeper connections.中文回答:肢体语言在人类交流中起着至关重要的作用,它传达的信息超越了语言本身。

身体语言英文作文英文:Body language is a powerful tool in communication. It can convey emotions, intentions, and attitudes without even saying a word. As a result, it is important to be aware of our own body language and to understand the body language of others.For example, when someone crosses their arms, it can indicate that they are feeling defensive or closed off. On the other hand, when someone leans in and maintains eye contact, it can indicate that they are interested and engaged in the conversation.It is also important to consider cultural differencesin body language. For example, in some cultures, direct eye contact can be seen as a sign of disrespect, while in others it is seen as a sign of honesty and trustworthiness.Overall, body language is a crucial aspect of communication and should be taken into consideration inboth personal and professional settings.中文:身体语言是一种强大的沟通工具。

英语作文身体语言模板英文回答:## Body Language: A Comprehensive Guide。
Body language, also known as nonverbal communication, plays a significant role in human interaction. It allows us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and intentions without uttering a single word. Understanding body language can help us build strong relationships, resolve conflicts effectively, and make a positive impact on others.Types of Body Language:Kinesics: This category includes gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact.Haptics: Focuses on touch, such as handshakes, hugs, and high-fives.Proxemics: Refers to the use of personal space and distance in communication.Chronemics: Relates to the use of time in communication, including punctuality and the duration of interactions.Vocalics: Includes the tone, pitch, and volume of our voice.Functions of Body Language:Expressing Emotions: Body language can convey a wide range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear.Regulating Social Interaction: It helps us establishand maintain social norms, such as turn-taking in conversations or respecting personal boundaries.Supporting Verbal Communication: Body language can reinforce or contradict verbal messages, adding depth toour communication.Communicating Cultural Differences: Different cultures have their own unique body language norms, which can lead to misunderstandings if not understood.Decoding Body Language:Observe the Context: Consider the situation and the relationship between the individuals involved.Look for Clusters of Behaviors: Interpret body language cues in combination rather than in isolation.Be Culturally Aware: Understand that body language norms vary across cultures.Consider the Individual: Take into account the person's personality, background, and emotional state.Effects of Body Language:Positive Outcomes:Increased trust and rapport。

2、“动脑筋”(use your brains)“机敏一点”(being clever):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。
5、自以为是(complacentassertion);用食指往上摁鼻子,还可表示“不可一世” (overbearing)。
8、侮辱和蔑视(insulting and scorning);用拇指顶住鼻尖儿,冲着被侮辱者摇动其它四指的手势。
12、“绝对不行”(absolutely not):掌心向外,两只手臂在胸前交*,然后再张开至相距一米左右。
13、“完了”(than’s all):两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出。
16、高兴激动(happiness and excitedness):双手握拳向上举起,前后频频用力摇动。
【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language Is Important

【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language IsImportant【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要whybodylanguageisimportant?whenyoulearnaforeignlanguage,youmustlearnmorethanthevocabularyandthegrammar“bodylanguage”isatermusedtodes cribefacialexpression,gestures,andothermovementsofthebodythatsendmessages当你自学一门外语的时候,你必须自学词汇和语法以外的东西。
forsomemessages,wordsarenotenoughforexample,noddingtheheadupanddownisagesturet hatagree”andupmeans“idisagree”对于有些信息,言语是不够的。
eyecontactisalsoverymeaningful,butitcanalsomeandifferentthingsindifferentcountriesinothercultures,lookingintoaperson’seyeisexpectedinthemiddl eeast,directeyecontactinaconversationismorecontinuousthaninmanyotherpartsoftheworld眼神接触也很有意义,但是它在不同的国家也可以表示不同的意思。
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The face is the index of the mind.脸是心 灵的镜子。
Let‘s face it。让我们去面对。
Let's face the music。让我们面对现实吧。
在脸上的器官,眼睛(eye)很宝贵.因此我们叫人当心,可以说:“Mind your eye!”
swelled head 自满 dead head 死脑筋 long head 先见之明 come to a head 到了危急关头 have one‘s head in the clouds 想入非非 have one’s head above water 不负债 lose one‘s head 惊惶失措 be off one’s head 疯狂 on your own head be it!出了问题你负责 stick one's head in the sand 逃避现实
my heart in the right place:做了正 确的事 all ears and all eyes:聚精会神
on the tip of her tongue for the owner a pain in the neck:讨厌的家伙
and his chocolates. Luckily, I have my red handed:正在作案
out of the boutique. The helper was
hand in glove with a regular customer.
The helper tried to bite the hands that
feed him.
头(head)被认为是人体最重要的部位.它是脑的所在处.因此经常 和思想智慧相联系.有句习语体现这一特征:Two heads are better than one(一人计短,二人计长). 有时候夸人家说话很中肯,一针 见血,用此句来表达:You hit the nail on the head。
set one‘s face against 坚决反对 fall flat on one’s face 一败涂A貌地f双ai全r face must have good conditions才 fly in the face of 公然反对
put a bold face on it 若无其事 keep a straight face一本正经 show one‘s face 露面
与汉语一样,英语的脸(face)与"面子""尊严"相关.像lose face(丢 脸), save face(挽回面子)等.
A fair face , and a foul heart面善心肠恶
但也一些其它的习语,例如: About face!向后转! pull a long face 拉长脸
A fair face cannot have a crabbed heart 有诸内必行诸外
heart in the right place and do not end hand in glove:关系很亲近
up spending a fortune on these
bite the hands that feed him:恩将
chocolates. I find the owner a little too 仇报,以怨报德
Beauty lies in lover‘s eyes
close one’s eyes to 无视see eye to eye with sb
turn a blind eye to 视而不见
have an eye for
nosey. He is all ears and all eyes on
other people’s discussions. He
becomes a pain in the neck after some
time. One day he caught his helper red
handed trying to pilfer some chocolates
that chocolate boutique costs an arm and a leg. The owner of the boutique is a handsome guy. My friend drools over him. She always has a comment or too
see something with Nhomakorabeaalf an eye
一目了然 in one‘s mind’s eye 在心中
make eyes 暗送秋波
all my eye 胡说八道
pull the wool over someone‘s eyes 蒙骗某人 the apple of one's eyes 掌上明珠
"Body language" powerpoint presentation in English
• 学院:工信学院 • 班级:13模具班 • 姓名:黎德宝 • 学号:1305490110
BE101 Lavender
sweet tooth:喜欢吃甜食
an arm and a leg:非常昂贵
I have a sweet tooth, but everything in on the tip of her tongue:在嘴边
与智慧联系更密切的是脑(brain)。这个词用单数复数都可以指思 维能力。 例如:You have a lot of brains(你很有头脑),You have a good brain(你很聪明)。聪明人也会遇到难题。这时就要rack your brains(绞尽脑汁)去思考了。
brain drain 人才流失 brain trust 智囊团 brain storm 灵感 brain wave 计上心头 have something on the brain 念念不忘 pick someone's brains 利用某人的学识