Combined eco morphological functional groups are reliable indicators of colonisation
When I was preparing the postgraduate entrance examination of NNU(Nanjing Normal University),some of these following concepts had been tested,but there's no specific or clear explanation in the textbook required by the university.As in preparing the second-round examination I read them in other relevant books, I wrote down here for your reference.Hope they are useful to some of you.1. Acculturation(同化过程)is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group.2. Adjacency pair(相邻语对);a sequence of two utterances by different speakers in conversation. The second is a response to the first, such as question/answer sequences and greeting/greeting exchange.3. affix: a bound morpheme that is attached to a stem and modifies its meaning in some way.4. agreement (concord)(一致): a grammatical phenomenon in which the form of one word in a sentence is determined by the form of another word which is grammatically linked to it. E.g. in the sentence The boy goes to school every day.There is an agreement in number between boy and goes.5.articulators(发音器官): the tongue,lips,and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds.6.aspect(体): the grammatical category representing distinction in the temporal structure of an event. English has two aspect construction---the perfect and the progressive.(完成体和进行体)7.aspiration(吐气); the puff of air that sometimes follows the pronounciation of a stop consonant.E.g. /p/ in the word pit.8.consonant(辅音); a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation.9. converstional implicature(会话含义):meanings that are explicable in the light of converational maxims.municative competence(交际能力); the ability to use language appropriately in social situations.11. constituent(成分): a syntactic unit that functions as part of a large unit within a sentence; typical constituent types are verb phrase, noun phrase, prepositional phrase and格):the grammatical category in inflectional languages by which the form of a noun or noun phrase varies for grammatical or semantic reasons. English has only one case distinction in nouns—the genitive case(所有格), but English pronouns have three forms that correspond to three of the six cases in Latin.13.clause(小句): a grammatical unit that contains a subject and a predicate. It may be a sentence or part of a sentence.14.closed class(封闭词类): a group of words whose membership is small and does not readily accept new members.15.coinage(创新词): the construction and addition of new words.16.distribution(分布): the set of positions in which a given linguistic element or form can appear in a language.17.duality(双重结构): a type of double-layer structure in which a small number of meaningless units are combined to produce a large number of meaningful units.18.entailment(包含); the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one(the second)is inferred from the truth of the other.19.euphemism(委婉语): a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoid reference to certain acts or subjects,e.g. powder room for path sentence(花园小径句): a sentence in which the comprehender assumes a particular meaning of a word or a phrase but later discovers that the assumption was incorrect, forcing the comprehender to backtrack and reinterpret the variation;(自由变异) a relation between two speech sounds such that either one can occur in a certain position and the substitution of one for the other never makes any difference in the meaning of the word. For instance, the unexploded(失去爆破) stop /d/ in the phrase Good morning is in free varitation with the exploded(爆破)counterpart.22.inflection(屈折变化): the morphological process by which affixes combine with words or stems to indicate such grammatical categories as tense or plurity.ernment(支配): the grammatical phonomenon in which the presence of a particular word in a sentence requires a second word which is grammatical linked with it to appear in a particular form. E.g. a preposition or a verb requires that the pronoun following it be in the objective form,as in with me,to him.nguage universal(语言共性): any property that is shared by most,if not all, human lanugages.25.lingua franca: ( 通用语) A language variety used for communication among groups of people wo do not otherwise share a common language. For example, English is the lingua franca of the international scientific community.26.macrosociolinguistics; The study of the effect of language on society.27.microsociolinguistics: The study of the effect of any and all aspects of society,including cultural norms, expetations and contexts,on the way language is used. It is often simply called sociolinguistics.28.paradigmatic relation: (纵组合关系)The substitutional relation between a set of linguistic items,that is,linguistic forms(letters,words and phrases)can be substituted for each other in the same position in a word or sentence. E.g, b,p,s,f are in paradigmatic relation in the words bit,pit,sit,fit, so are Nature,Beauty, Love, Honesty in the sentences:Nature purifies the mind.Beauty purifies the mind.Love purifies the mind.Honesty purifies the mind.29.syntagmatic relation: (横组合关系) The relation between any linguistic elements which are simultaneously present in a structure. E.g. in the word bit, b, i,t are in syntagmatic relation, so are nature, purifies, the, mind, in the sentence Nature purifies the mind.30.presupposition(预设): implicit assumptions about the world acquired to make an utterance meaningful or appropriate,e,g, “ some tea has already been taken”is a presuppostion of “Take some more tea”.31.prototype(典型): What members of a particular community think of as the best example of a lexical category,e.g.for some English spe akers “cabbage”(rather than,say,carrot)might be the prototypical vegetable.32.root(词根): the morpheme that remains when all affixes are stripped from a complex word. E.g. system from un- + system + atic + ally.33.stem(词干): the base to which one or more affixes are attached to create a more complex form that may be another stem or a word.34.taboo(禁忌语):words that are offensive or embarrassing, considered inappropriate for “polite society”, thus to be avoided in conversation.35.selectional restriction(选择限制): a restriction on the combining of words in a sentence resulting from their meaning.36.linguistic universal:(语言共性) The linguistic universals are principles that enable children to acquire a particular language unconsciously, without instruction in the early years of life. As a whole they are referred to as Universal Grammar.37.contrastive distribution(对比分布):If the speech sounds occur in the same phonetic context and the substitution results a contrast in meaning, we say they are in contrastive distribution.38.immidiate constituent analysis(直接成分分析法)is the technique of breaking up sentences into word groups by making successive binary cuttings until the level of single words is reached.39.endocentric construction: (向心结构或内心结构)One construction whose distribution is functionally equivalent, or approaching equivalence, to one of its constituents. The typical English endocentric constructions are noun phrases and adjective phrases.40.exocentric construction(离心结构或外心结构)the opposite of endocentric construction,refers to a group of syntactically related words where none of the words is functionally equivalent to the whole group. Most constructions are exocentric.41.politeness can be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s public self-image.42.PP(politeness principle)tact maxim;generosity principle;approbation maxim;modesty maxim;agreement maxim;sympathy maxim.43.irony(反语)is the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning of the utterance.44.code-switching: (语码转换) means the alternation between two or more languages,language varieties or registers in communication.45.affective filter(情感过滤):A screen of emotion that can block language acquisition or learning if it keeps the learners being too self-conscious or too embarrassed to take risks during communicative exchanges.46.Conversion(转类构词)is a change in the grammatical function of a word without adding or removing any part of it. A word belonging to one part of speech is extended to another part of speech. It is also called functional shift or zero derivation.47.lexical meaning VS grammatical meaning(词汇意义与语法意义)The meaning of a sentence is carried by the words proper as well as by the patterns of word order that is part of the grammatical system of a language. The part of the sentence meaning contributed by words is called the lexical meaning and the part of sentence meaning that depends upon the way the words are put together is called grammatical meaning, in which the function words and the word order play a very important role.48.paralinguistic meaning VS non-linguistic meaning (副语言意义与非语言意义)In human communication, apart from the linguistic meaning conveyed by language itself,there are numerous paralinguistic meanings and non-linguistic meanings that are perceived simultaneously by the hearer. Paralinguistic meanings are those attached to the verbal expressions by quality of voice,tempo of speech,posture,facial expression and gestures. Non-linguistic meanings are thoseindicated by non-verbal noises such as cough, sigh, tongue-clicking, various kinds of body languages and different contexts of situation.49.denotation VS connotation (外延与内涵)Denotation is a straightforward, literal meaning of the word every member of the language speaking community will agree on. Connotation is not the basic meaing of the word but some emotive or evaluative meaings associated with the word by individual language users in their mind.50.linguistic relativity VS linguistic determinism (语言相对论与语言决定论)The Sapir-Wholf Hypothesis states that there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it. It boils down to two principles: linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism.Linguistic relativity states that disctinctions encoded in one language are unique to that langage alone, and that there is no limit to the structural diversity of languages.Linguistic determinism refers to the idea that the language we use determines, to some extent, the way in which we view and think about the world around us. This concept has two versions; strongdeterminism and weak determinism. The strong version, which has few followers today, holds that language actually determines thought, whereas that weak version, which is widely accepted today, merely holds that language affects thought.。
Derivational vs. Inflectional Morpheme
Introduction Open Class and Closed Class Morpheme Word Structure Derivational vs. Inflectional Morpheme Morphological Rules of Word Formation Derivation Compounds
A complex word is composed of a root and one or more affixes. A root is the core of the word and carries the major component of its meaning. A root is either a free or a bound morpheme: ceive in re-ceive is not free, because there is not such a word. An affix is necessarily a bound morpheme. Prefixes and suffixes are both affixes.
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The un- Rule
第44卷第6期2024年3月生态学报ACTAECOLOGICASINICAVol.44,No.6Mar.,2024基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFF1301300)收稿日期:2023⁃04⁃14;㊀㊀网络出版日期:2023⁃12⁃22∗通讯作者Correspondingauthor.E⁃李倩瑜,唐立娜,邱全毅,李寿跳,徐烨.基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建 以厦门市为例.生态学报,2024,44(6):2284⁃2294.LiQY,TangLN,QiuQY,LiST,XuY.ConstructionofurbanecologicalsecuritypatternbasedonMSPAandMCRModel:acasestudyofXiamen.ActaEcologicaSinica,2024,44(6):2284⁃2294.基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建以厦门市为例李倩瑜1,2,3,唐立娜1,∗,邱全毅1,李寿跳1,2,3,徐㊀烨1,21中国科学院城市环境研究所城市环境与健康重点实验室,厦门㊀3610212中国科学院大学,北京㊀1000493福建农林大学,福州㊀350002摘要:城市化进程的快速发展加剧了生态系统的退化㊂如何扭转生态系统的退化,同时满足人类日益增长的生态系统服务需求,成为当前的一个研究热点㊂生态安全格局的构建在一定程度上可平衡城市发展与生态环境保护之间的关系,对于保障区域生态安全㊁提升生态系统功能具有重大意义㊂以厦门市为例,基于 生态源地识别 阻力面构建 生态廊道提取 的基本框架构建陆域生态安全格局㊂结合生态系统服务重要性评价和形态学空间格局分析识别生态源地,该方法兼顾了生态结构和功能,使得所识别的生态源地更具全面性㊂选取土地利用类型㊁高程和坡度构建生态综合阻力面,并用人类居住合成指数修正生态综合阻力面,以减少主观赋值的影响,识别各土地利用类型内部的差异,使生态阻力面的构建更加合理㊂在此基础上通过最小累积阻力模型提取生态廊道,利用重力模型量化潜在生态廊道的相对重要性,并根据重力模型结果划分重要性等级㊂研究结果表明,厦门市的生态安全格局由14个生态源地㊁21条生态廊道㊁15个生态节点及若干个踏脚石所组成㊂生态源地主要集中在研究区的西部和北部,以林地和草地为主,面积合计为558.64km2㊂生态廊道长约159.40km,其中,关键生态廊道9条,一般生态廊道12条㊂生态廊道呈现出东西方向联系较为密切,南北方向联系不足的特点㊂根据对区域生态安全的贡献度,将生态安全格局划分为3个管控区进行分级管控㊂将研究结果与厦门市当前的实施计划进行对比分析,虽然结果有所差别,但总体上相对一致,造成差异的主要原因在于两者所采用的研究数据及方法不同㊂因此,研究认为将生态系统服务重要性评价和形态学空间格局分析㊁最小累积阻力模型和重力模型结合,可为生态安全格局的构建提供科学依据㊂关键词:生态安全格局;生态源地;生态阻力面;生态廊道ConstructionofurbanecologicalsecuritypatternbasedonMSPAandMCRModel:acasestudyofXiamenLIQianyu1,2,3,TANGLina1,∗,QIUQuanyi1,LIShoutiao1,2,3,XUYe1,21KeyLaboratoryofUrbanEnvironmentandHealth,InstituteofUrbanEnvironment,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Xiamen361021,China2UniversityofChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100049,China3FujianAgricultureandForestryUniversity,Fuzhou350002,ChinaAbstract:Therapiddevelopmentofurbanizationaggravatesthedegradationofecosystem.Howtoreversethedegradationofecosystemandmeettheincreasingdemandforecosystemserviceshasbecomeahotresearchtopic.Tosomeextent,theconstructionofecologicalsecuritypatterncanbalancetherelationshipbetweenurbandevelopmentandeco⁃environmentalprotection,whichisofgreatsignificanceforensuringregionalecologicalsecurityandpromotingecosystemfunction.Inthisstudy,weusedXiamenasanexample,andtheframeworkof ecologicalsourceidentification⁃constructionofecologicalresistancesurface⁃extractionofecologicalcorridors wasadoptedtoconstructtheecologicalsecuritypatternoflandarea.Theassessmentoftheecosystemservicesimportanceandmorphologicalspatialpatternanalysiswerecombinedtoidentifytheecologicalsource.Thismethodtookbothecologicalstructuresandfunctionsintoaccount,makingtheidentifiedecologicalsourcemorecomprehensive.Theecologicalcomprehensiveresistancesurfacewasconstructedbylandusetype,elevationandslope,andcorrectedbyhumansettlementindextoreducetheinfluenceofsubjectiveassignments,identifythedifferenceswithineachlandusetype,andmaketheconstructionofecologicalresistancesurfacemorereasonable.Onthisbasis,theminimumcumulativeresistancemodelwasusedtoextractecologicalcorridors,andthegravitymodelwasusedtoquantifytherelativeimportanceofpotentialecologicalcorridors,andthentoclassifytheimportanceofecologicalcorridors.TheresultsshowedthattheecologicalsafetypatternofXiamencityconsistedof14ecologicalsources,21ecologicalcorridors,15ecologicalnodes,andseveralsteppingstones.Thedistributionofecologicalsourcesmainlyconcentratedinthewestandnorthofthestudyarea,dominatedbywoodlandandgrassland,andthetotalareawas558.64km2.Thelengthoftheecologicalcorridorwereabout159.40km,ofwhich9werekeyecologicalcorridorsand12weregeneralecologicalcorridors,whichhadthecharacteristicsofcloseconnectionbetweeneastandwestandinsufficientconnectioninnorth⁃southdirection.Accordingtothecontributiontotheregionalecologicalsecurity,theecologicalsecuritypatternwasdividedintothreecontrolzonesforhierarchicalcontrol.ComparingthefindingswiththecurrentimplementationplanofXiamen,althoughtheresultsweredifferent,theywererelativelyconsistentoverall,andthemainreasonforthedifferencewasthedifferentresearchdataandmethodsusedinthetwostudies.Therefore,thisstudyconcludedthatthecombinationofecosystemserviceimportanceassessmentwithmorphologicalspatialpatternanalysis,minimumcumulativeresistancemodel,andgravitymodelcouldprovideascientificbasisfortheconstructionofecologicalsecuritypattern.KeyWords:ecologicalsecuritypattern;ecologicalsources;ecologicalresistancesurface;ecologicalcorridor随着城市化的快速发展,高强度的人类活动以及不合理的土地利用使得生态系统日益遭受损坏,生态系统退化越来越呈现出大面积㊁成片蔓延的特点[1],既造成了生态系统质量下降㊁水土流失等一系列严峻的生态环境问题,也威胁了生态安全和人类的可持续发展[2]㊂生态安全格局是以一个相对完整的生态系统作为研究区域,针对区域内的生态环境问题,通过识别并保护潜在的生态关键要素,实现生态环境问题的有效控制和持续改善[3],被视为保障区域生态安全和实现可持续发展的重要途径[4 5]㊂当前,生态安全格局构建已成为研究热点㊂生态安全格局的构建方法具有多元化,最为常见的是由俞孔坚提出的 生态源地识别 阻力面构建 廊道提取 的生态安全格局构建方式㊂然而,在生态源地识别和阻力面构建方面仍存在一定的局限性㊂具体表现为:(1)现有研究在生态源地的选取中侧重考虑生境斑块的内在功能属性,对斑块在景观中的空间结构较少关注,忽视了其与周围环境之间的联系[6],个别研究则直接将自然保护区等特定的生态功能区视为生态源地,该方法带有一定的政策性和主观性,缺乏定量分析㊂(2)构建生态阻力面选取的阻力因子大多带有较强的主观性,且同一土地利用类型无差别的赋值方式疏忽了其内部自然属性的差异,也无法体现同一土地利用类型下人类活动有差别的干扰[4]㊂生态源地提取㊁生态阻力面构建作为生态廊道构建的两个重要前提,影响了生态廊道的数量和走向,进而影响了生态安全格局的构建㊂因此,本研究拟针对上述两个问题,进一步优化和完善生态源地识别和生态阻力面构建,从而使生态安全格局的构建更具有合理性㊂厦门市作为经济特区,历经多年高强度的开发建设,围海造地与城市新区发展㊁旧区改造并行,建成区由岛内向岛外逐渐蔓延扩张,导致大量耕地㊁林地㊁湿地㊁滩涂等生态空间转变为城市用地㊂近年来由于气候变化和城市化发展影响叠加,部分区域生态功能退化,生态安全受到威胁㊂为实现高质量发展,厦门市已开展了生态修复项目㊂本研究拟优化和完善生态安全格局构建方法,为厦门市的生态修复工作提供科学依据㊂5822㊀6期㊀㊀㊀李倩瑜㊀等:基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建㊀6822㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀1㊀研究区概况与数据来源1.1㊀研究区概况㊀㊀厦门市(24.23ʎ 24.25ʎN㊁117.53ʎ 118.26ʎE)位于福建省东南沿海,由思明㊁湖里㊁集美㊁海沧㊁同安和翔安6个行政区组成,陆地总面积1700.61km2(图1)㊂北邻泉州,南接漳州,东临台湾海峡,是闽南 金三角 的中心, 一带一路 的海陆交通枢纽㊂属南亚热带海洋性季风气候,年均气温21ħ左右,年均降雨量为1200mm左右,常年气候温暖,雨热同期,雨量充沛㊂地势西北高㊁东南低,以滨海平原㊁山地和丘陵为主㊂图1㊀厦门市区位图Fig.1㊀LocationoftheXiamen1.2㊀数据来源本研究使用的数据包括植被净初级生产力㊁数字高程模型㊁月平均气温㊁月平均降水量㊁土壤质地㊁土地利用数据㊁夜间灯光数据以及归一化植被指数,数据来源详见表1㊂为减小数据误差,保障空间参考的一致性,将坐标统一为GCS_WGS_1984,并将栅格数据重采样为30m的分辨率㊂表1㊀数据来源Table1㊀Datasource数据类型Datatypes数据来源DataaccuracyDatasources数据精度植被净初级生产力NPP资源环境科学与数据中心2001 2020年500m数字高程模型DEM地理空间数据云30m月平均气温Monthlymeantemperature国家地球系统科学数据中心2001 2020年1km月平均降水Monthlymeanprecipitation国家地球系统科学数据中心2001 2020年1km土壤质地Soiltexture世界土壤数据库(HWSD)的中国土壤数据集(v1.1)1km土地利用LanduseGlobeLand3030m夜间灯光Nightlight科罗拉多矿业大学年500m归一化植被指数NDVI地理空间数据云2020年30m㊀㊀NPP:植被净初级生产力Netprimaryproductivity;DEM:数字高程模型Digitalelevationmodel;NDVI:归一化植被指数Normalizeddifferencevegetationindex2㊀研究方法2.1㊀生态源地识别作为生态安全格局构建的第一环节,生态源地能否准确识别至关重要,直接影响了生态廊道构建和生态修复空间识别的结果[7]㊂本研究拟从生态系统结构和功能两个方面识别生态源地,提高生态源地识别的准确性㊂2.1.1㊀生态系统服务重要性评价生态系统服务是指人类从生态系统中所获得的效益,包括人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用[8]㊂生态系统服务能力反映了生态环境的状况,根据研究区特点,选择水源涵养㊁水土保持以及生物多样性保护这3个生态系统服务作为厦门市生态系统服务重要性的评价指标,并根据‘生态保护红线划定技术指南“(2015)提供的NPP定量指标法进行评价㊂为避免主观赋值导致研究结果有所偏倚,默认3种服务同等重要,即权重一致[9]㊂运用分位数法(Quantiles)进行分级再等权叠加,得到研究区域的生态系统综合服务能力指数,并将其划分为5个等级㊂2.1.2㊀MSPA分析形态学空间格局分析(MorphologicalSpatialPatternAnalysis,MSPA)是2007年由Vogt等提出的一种基于数学形态学原理对二值化的栅格图像进行分类的方法[10 11]㊂该方法简单高效,可快速地识别景观类型,且不受研究尺度的限制㊂本研究选取受人类干扰较大的耕地㊁建设用地作为背景,选取林地㊁草地㊁灌木地㊁湿地㊁水体等自然生态要素作为前景㊂基于GuidosToolbox软件,采用默认的八领域分析法进行计算,得到厦门市的7类景观类型,即核心区(core)㊁孤岛(islet)㊁边缘区(edge)㊁孔隙(perforation)㊁桥接区(bridge)㊁环道区(loop)以及支线(branch),进而提取生境斑块最大的核心区作为潜在的生态源地[6]㊂2.1.3㊀生态源地提取将生态系统服务中度及以上重要性区域与潜在的生态源地进行叠加分析,提取面积大于1km2的重叠的核心区斑块作为生态源地㊂进而基于Conefor和ConeforInputsforArcGIS10.x插件对其进行景观连通性计算㊂根据输出结果,斑块重要性指数(thedeltavaluesforprobabilityofconnectivity,dPC)的值越大,说明该斑块对维持较高的景观连通性发挥的作用越大㊂2.2㊀生态阻力面构建物种在生态源地之间的迁移和扩散在一定程度上会受到土地覆被状态和人类活动的阻扰[12]㊂作为生态廊道能否准确识别的关键,构建生态阻力面模拟生态要素流动和传递的难易程度,对于生态安全格局的构建至关重要㊂本研究选取土地利用类型㊁高程和坡度这3个影响较大且较常使用的自然因子构建生态综合阻力面,参考相关文献进行分级和赋值[13 14](表2)㊂为弱化主观赋值的影响,以人类居住合成指数(HumanSettlementIndex,HSI)表征人类活动对生态要素流动和传递的干扰,对生态综合阻力面进行修正[15 16](公式1 3)㊂NTLnor=NTL-NTLminNTLmax-NTLmin㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀(1)HSI=1-NDVImax()+NTLnor1-NTLnor()+NDVImaxˑNTLnorˑNDVImax(2)式中,NTL㊁NTLmax㊁NTLmin分别为原始的夜间灯光数据及其最大值和最小值;NTLnor为归一化的夜间灯光数据;NDVImax为归一化植被指数的最大值;HSI为人类居住合成指数㊂Ri=HSIiHSIaˑR(3)式中,Ri为基于人类居住合成指数修正的生态阻力系数;HSIi为栅格i的人类居住合成指数;HSIa为栅格i对7822㊀6期㊀㊀㊀李倩瑜㊀等:基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建㊀应的景观类型a的平均人类居住合成指数;R为栅格i的景观类型的综合生态阻力系数㊂表2㊀生态阻力系数2.3㊀生态廊道提取2.3.1㊀MCR模型生态廊道作为生态要素在生态源地之间流动和传递的重要途径[17],具有维持生态系统运转㊁维护区域生态安全的重要功能[18],也是生态修复中最有可能改善和提高连通性的关键区域[19]㊂生态廊道构建的方法包括最小累积阻力模型(MinimumCumulativeResistance,MCR)[20 21]㊁蚁群算法[22]㊁电路理论[23 24]㊁小波变换[25]等㊂其中,MCR模型是俞孔坚在Knaapen等提出的模型的基础上改进得到的[5]㊂相较于其他模型,该模型可更好地模拟和量化物种㊁能量和信息在生态源地之间流动的最小成本路径,已被广为采用[26 27]㊂因此,本研究采用MCR模型,基于ArcGIS提取每一个生态源地的中心点为生态源点,以修正后的生态阻力面为成本,通过成本路径工具,模拟每一个生态源点到其他n-1个生态源点的最小成本路径,构建两两之间的潜在生态廊道,共计C2n条㊂计算方法[17]如公式4:MCR=fminði=mj=nDijˑRi()(4)式中,MCR为物种从生态源地扩散到其他生态源地的最小累积阻力值;Dij为物种从生态源地j到景观单元i的空间距离;Ri为景观单元i对应的生态阻力系数,即前文所述的基于人类居住合成指数修正后的生态阻力系数㊂2.3.2㊀重力模型基于重力模型构建生态源地之间的相互作用矩阵,以此量化潜在生态廊道的相对重要性㊂相互作用力越大说明生态源地之间的联系越紧密,生态要素流动和传递越频繁,生态源地之间的生态廊道重要性等级越高,计算方法[28]如公式5:Gij=L2maxlnSi()lnSj()L2ijPiPj(5)式中,Gij为斑块i和斑块j之间的相互作用力;Pi和Pj分别为斑块i和斑块j的阻力值;Si和Sj分别为斑块i和斑块j的面积;Lij为斑块i和斑块j之间潜在生态廊道的累积阻力值;Lmax为研究区所有潜在生态廊道的最大累积阻力值㊂3㊀结果与分析3.1㊀生态源地识别3.1.1㊀生态系统服务重要性评价水源涵养㊁水土保持和生物多样性保护重要性等级大体上呈现出西北高东南低的特征(图2)㊂由这三者8822㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀等权叠加得到的生态系统综合服务重要性等级也呈现出相同的空间分布特征㊂中度及以上重要区主要位于研究区的西部和北部,面积合计为753.25km2,约占研究区总面积的47.71%㊂中部和南部耕地和建成区较为密集,受人类活动影响较大,生态系统综合服务重要性等级较低,主要为不重要区和轻度重要区,面积分别为406.84km2和418.68km2㊂图2㊀生态系统服务重要性评价结果空间分布Fig.2㊀Spatialdistributionofimportanceassessmentresultsofecosystemservices3.1.2㊀MSPA分析基于MSPA分析得到7类生态景观的面积和占比(表3)㊂7类生态景观的总面积约为692.60km2㊂核心区的面积最大,约为635.19km2,占生态景观总面积的91.71%㊂边缘区为核心区的外部边界,是核心区与其外部的非生态景观类型之间的过渡区域;孔隙为核心区与其内部存在的非生态景观类型之间的过渡区域㊂两者分别占生态景观总面积的5.82%和1.45%㊂孤岛零星散布在研究区域中,约占生态景观总面积的0.17%㊂支线㊁桥接区和环道区均具有连通作用,数量越少意味着连通性越差,生态要素流动和传递的阻扰越大,越不利于生物多样性[29]㊂其中,支线作为连通核心区与其他生态景观之间的条带状区域,占生态景观总面积的0.65%,说明生态要素在核心区与其他生态景观之间流动和传递受到较大的阻扰,连通性较差;桥接区是连通各核心区之间的条带状区域,约占生态景观总面积的0.15%;环道区为核心区内物种迁徙的捷径,面积最小,仅为0.33km2,占比为0.05%㊂表4㊀景观类型分类统计由图3可知,核心区在西北部连片聚集,整体性较好,而在其他地区则呈零散分布,破碎化较为严重㊂在9822㊀6期㊀㊀㊀李倩瑜㊀等:基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建㊀研究区西北部的核心区,虽然面积大且连片分布,但其间也具有多个孔隙,孔隙的范围越大,表明非生态景观类型占据的面积越多,或者意味着核心区生态系统退化的范围扩大,从而使生态要素在流动和传递的过程中受到一定程度的阻碍㊂孤岛在一定程度上可作为物种迁徙的踏脚石,既减小生境斑块之间的成本距离,又可间接提高生境斑块之间的连通性[29 30]㊂例如,位于同安区南部的核心区,其右侧间隔分布着多个孤岛,呈弧形状处于该核心区与其他两个较小的核心区之间,可使生态要素在流动和传递的过程中能够短暂栖息㊂图3㊀基于形态学空间格局分析的景观类型空间分布Fig.3㊀Spatialdistributionofthelandscapetypesbasedonmorphologicalspatialpatternanalysis3.1.3㊀生态源地提取基于生态系统服务重要性和MSPA的分析结果,共有14个面积大于1km2的核心区斑块与中度及以上生态系统综合服务重要性区域重叠,面积合计为558.64km2,约占核心区总面积的87.95%㊂表明多数核心区拥有较好的生态系统服务能力,可为生物生存提供较好的栖息条件㊂因此,选取这14个重叠的核心区斑块作为生态源地(图4)㊂生态源地主要位于研究区西部㊁北部和东北部地区,涵盖国家级和省级森林公园㊁水源保护区等重要区域㊂中部和南部地区以建设用地和耕地为主,人类活动强度较大,生态源地数量较少且较为分散㊂图4㊀生态源地空间分布Fig.4㊀Spatialdistributionofecologicalsources根据景观连通性分析结果(表5)可知,14个生态源地的斑块重要性(dPC)差距较大,仅有3个生态源地0922㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀的斑块重要性大于1,分别为10号㊁7号和6号生态源地,其余的11个生态源地的斑块重要性均小于1㊂其中,10号生态源地面积最大,约占14个生态源地总面积的82.71%,其斑块重要性也最大,说明该生态源地对于维持较高的景观连通性发挥了重要作用㊂表5㊀景观连通性计算结果3.2㊀生态阻力面构建由土地利用类型㊁高程和坡度这三个自然环境因子所构建的生态综合阻力面(图5),空间分布上呈现出明显的南北异质性㊂东南部人类活动密集的区域阻力系数明显高于西北部,但高阻力系数零星分布在西北部㊂主要原因在于这些地区单因子阻力系数为 两高 或 三高 ,从而使得其综合阻力系数相对于周边地区呈现出较高的趋势㊂经HSI修正后的生态综合阻力面,各土地利用类型内部的阻力系数发生了显著变化㊂高阻力值由西北部转移至中部和南部,且高阻力区域具备一定的规模㊂尤其是湖里区和思明区,因开发建设早城市化水平较高,且受区域面积的限制,人类活动区域高度聚集,对生态要素流动和传递的干扰明显增强㊂图5㊀生态阻力面空间分布Fig.5㊀Spatialdistributionoftheecologicalresistancesurface3.3㊀生态廊道构建通过MCR模型提取研究区潜在的生态廊道㊂剔除重复路径和经过生态源地内部的无效路径,最终得到21条生态廊道,总长度为159.40km㊂其中,生态源地14在地理位置上与其他生态源地存在海域的阻隔,彼此之间未能构筑起生态廊道㊂因本研究的生态阻力系数设置比较大,由此计算得到的各生态源地之间的相互作用力也较大(表6)㊂参考相关文献[6],以10为临界值对生态廊道的重要性进行等级划分,大于10的视为关键生态廊道,小于10的则为一般生态廊道,共得到关键生态廊道9条,长度为83.11km,一般生态廊道1922㊀6期㊀㊀㊀李倩瑜㊀等:基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建㊀12条,长度为76.29km(图6)㊂表6㊀基于重力模型的生态源地相互作用矩阵Table6㊀EcologicalsourcesinteractionmatrixbasedonGravityModel源地Source1234567891011121314166.5019.3143.582.6212.180.843.563.481.161.190.720.60-279.2988.0814.1617.582.274.985.302.841.470.910.77-31365.278.8391.452.1111.6410.462.922.501.471.22-45.063.325.292.053.574.560.850.560.49-541.540.9014.7211.081.511.831.020.82-61.030.731.1736.820.400.280.26-76.0150.251.503.541.701.24-85.291.872.811.381.05-92.060.730.500.45-101.911.130.94-1119.187.34-1231.01-13-图6㊀生态廊道空间分布Fig.6㊀Spatialdistributionofecologicalcorridors结合景观连通性与重力模型分析结果(表5与表6)可知,对景观连通性具有重大贡献的10号和6号生态源地,两者之间距离较远,但相互作用力较大,表明其间的生态廊道是生态要素流动和传递可能性较大的路径,相对重要性较高㊂7号生态源地对景观连通性的贡献程度也较高,与9号生态源地之间的相互作用力最大,其次为8号生态源地,与南北方向的生态源地之间的相互作用力总体偏弱,表明7号生态源地对景观连通性的贡献主要在于连通东西方向的生态源地,特别是与之距离较远的9号生态源地㊂由此本研究认为,生态源地之间距离越近并不意味着彼此之间的联系更紧密,远距离的生态源地之间也存在频繁的生态要素流动和传递㊂2号㊁3号和4号生态源地面积均较小,斑块重要性(dPC)也较差,特别是4号生态源地,其dPC值几乎为0,但三者之间的相互作用力较强,表明对景观连通性贡献度不高的生态源地之间生态要素的流动和传递也具有较大的可能性,其生态源地和生态廊道也具有重要的生态保护和修复意义㊂综合上述分析,本研究认为以往研究根据斑块重要性(dPC)的大小筛选生态源地,可能导致部分具有重要生态功能的斑块被排除在外,从而影响生态廊道的提取㊂因此,本研究保留斑块重要性较差的生态源地,可使生态安全格局更具有完整性㊂3.4㊀生态安全格局构建与分区管控基于上述分析可知,研究区共有生态源地14个,面积约占研究区总面积的35.39%,呈现出西北多东南少的分布特征,基本涵盖了多个国家级或省级森林公园㊁水源保护区等㊂其中,西北部连片的生态源地为研究区筑起了天然的生态保护屏障,有利于维护研究区的生态安全㊂研究区的生态廊道共21条,总长为159.40km㊂关键生态廊道和一般生态廊道纵横交错,将各个生态源地串联起来,是研究区生态安全网络至关重要的组成2922㊀生㊀态㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀44卷㊀图7㊀生态安全格局分区管控Fig.7㊀Ecologicalsecuritypatternzoningcontrol部分,保障了水源涵养㊁水体保持㊁生物多样性保护等生态功能的发挥㊂叠加MSPA分析结果发现,在不属于生态源地的核心区中,有15个处于生态廊道与生态源地之间㊁生态廊道与生态廊道之间的交汇处,是生态要素流动和传递的重要节点;有23个处于生态廊道的沿线,可与孤岛共同发挥踏脚石的作用㊂基于对维护区域生态安全的重要性程度,对生态安全格局进行分区管控(图7)㊂将生态源地划为一级管控区;将关键生态廊道及其沿线的一般核心区和孤岛列为二级管控区,关键生态廊道长度为83.11km,一般核心区面积为11.29km2,孤岛面积为0.16km2;将一般生态廊道及其沿线的一般核心区和孤岛列为三级管控区,一般生态廊道长度为76.29km,一般核心区面积为10.98km2,孤岛面积为0.06km2㊂4㊀讨论本研究基于生态源地识别一阻力面构建一生态廊道构建的基本框架,构建了厦门市的陆域生态安全格局㊂‘厦门市国土空间生态修复三年行动计划(2020 2022年)“(以下简称‘计划“)中的生态修复项目分布图也是在生态安全格局构建的基础上进行识别的㊂何子张等对‘计划“所采用的生态安全格局构建方法和结果进行了介绍[31]㊂通过对比可知本研究与‘计划“所识别的生态源地较为一致,但也存在些许不同:(1)‘计划“所识别的生态源地面积明显大于本研究的识别结果,特别是西北部的生态源地,‘计划“的识别结果范围更广,斑块整体性更好㊂主要原因在于‘计划“所采用的基础数据为 三调 数据,数据更加真实可信㊂此外,‘计划“将耕地纳为生态源地,而本研究则将耕地视为背景未进行分析㊂前景分析的目的在于识别出适宜生物栖息和活动的区域,多数学者在进行前景分析时也大多选择生态功能较好且受人类影响较小的自然景观[32 33],耕地受人类活动影响较大,一般不作考虑㊂(2)‘计划“兼顾了陆域和海域,本研究因数据获取有限,且海域与陆域评价方法不同,因此未考虑海域范围㊂(3)‘计划“将风景名胜区㊁自然保护区㊁生态红线区等直接识别为生态源地,而根据本研究的分析,鼓浪屿不属于生态系统服务中度及以上重要区域,因此未列为生态源地㊂在生态阻力面构建过程中,‘计划“所构建的生态阻力面同一土地利用类型的生态阻力系数较为均等㊂本研究为进一步识别同一土地利用类型各生态阻力系数的差异,以HSI修正生态阻力面㊂相比单一使用夜间灯光数据进行修正,HSI综合考虑了夜间灯光数据和NDVI数据,可弥补夜间灯光指数过度饱和的缺陷,更能精细地刻画人类活动干扰强度的空间分布特征,修正效果更好[34 35]㊂因生态源地和生态阻力面有所差异,从而导致本研究和‘计划“基于MCR模型构建的生态廊道也有所不同,但生态廊道的走向大致相同,且本研究所识别的生态廊道既包含了‘计划“基于MCR模型所构建的潜在生态廊道,也包括部分山脊廊道,说明本研究所构建的生态廊道具有一定的合理性㊂本研究虽然构建了生态廊道,但因各生态要素对生态廊道的宽度要求不同,目前尚未形成统一的划定标准㊂因此,本研究未对生态廊道的宽度做进一步分析,今后将针对这一问题进行深入探究㊂厦门市作为一个滨海城市,海域也占据一定的面积,本研究仅考虑陆域生态安全格局,具有一定的局限性,今后将统筹考虑陆域和海域,更加全面地构建全域的生态安全格局㊂5㊀结论本研究采用生态系统服务重要性评价和MSPA分析识别生态源地,兼顾了生态功能和结构,定量分析的3922㊀6期㊀㊀㊀李倩瑜㊀等:基于形态学空间格局分析和最小累积阻力模型的城市生态安全格局构建㊀。
热带作物学报2022, 43(4): 703 709 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops收稿日期 2021-04-23;修回日期 2022-02-08基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31770657,No. 31570544);广东省科技计划项目(No. 2019B121202005)。
作者简介 刘 伟(1971—),男,高级工程师,研究方向:大型真菌多样性;*同等贡献作者:陈言柳(1995—),男,博士研究生,研究方向:大型真菌多样性。
**通信作者(Corresponding author ):梁俊峰(LIANG Junfeng ),E-mail :******************。
2个小蘑菇属中国新记录种刘 伟1,陈言柳2*,张林平3,梁俊峰2**1. 丽水市白云山生态林场,浙江丽水 323000;2. 中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所,广东广州 510520;3. 鄱阳湖流域森林生态系统保护与修复国家林业与草业局重点实验室/江西省菌物资源保护与利用重点实验室/江西农业大学,江西南昌 330045摘 要:对采自广东省的2份小磨菇属Micropsalliota 标本进行鉴定,采用形态鉴定和ITS 序列比对相结合的方法,最终将这2份标本鉴定为二瓣小蘑菇(Micropsalliota bifida R.L. Zhao, Desjardin, Soytong & K.D. Hyde )和亚白小蘑菇(Micropsalliota subalba Heinem. & Little Flower ),前者的模式产地在泰国,后者在印度,二者在我国均为首次发现。
二瓣小蘑菇主要的识别特征为子实体小型,菌盖成熟后纯白色;菌褶离生,不等长,密,幼时白色,成熟后褐色,菌环白色;担孢子椭圆形至杏仁形,光滑;褶缘囊状体17.6~32.0 µm×4.6~7.4 µm ,顶部有时分裂成两瓣,簇生,光滑,薄壁,侧生囊状体缺失;菌盖皮层由平伏的菌丝组成。
Plot 样方Treatment 处理materials 材料field trial 大田试验design 设计sample 样品斑块 patch半荒漠 semi-desert伴生种 companion species饱和密度 saturation density北方针叶林 northern conifer forest 本能 instinct本能行为 instinctive behavior避敌 avoiding predator边缘效应 edge effect变异性 variability表现型适应 phenotypic adaptation 并行的 simultaneous捕食 predation不重叠的 non-overlapping草原生态系统 grassland system层次性结构 hierachical structure 长日照植物 long day plant尺度效应 scaling effect臭氧层破坏 ozone layer destruction出生率 natality或birth rate初级生产者 primary producer传感器 sensor垂直结构 vertical structure春化 vernalization次生演替 secondary successon存活曲线 survival curve存活值 survival value存在度 presence单元的 monothetic淡水生态系统 fresh water ecosystem氮循环 nitrogen cycling等级的 hierarchical地带性生物群落 biome地理信息系统 geographic information system 地面芽植物 hemicryptophytes地上芽植物 chamaephytes点突变 genic mutation或point mutation顶极阶段 climax stage顶极群落 climax community顶极种 climax species动态平衡理论 dynamic equilibrium theory短日照植物 short day plant断层 gaps多度 abundance多样化 variety多元的 poly thetic厄尔尼诺 El Nino反馈 feedback反射 reflex泛化种 generalist防卫行为 defennce behavior非生物环境 physical environment非线性关系 nonlinear分布 dispersion分解者 decomposer分子进化的中性理论 the neutral theory of molecular evolution 分子生态学 molecular ecology浮游动物 plankton负反馈 negative feedback)负相互作用 negative interaction复合种群 metapopulation富营养化现象 eutrohication改良 relamation盖度 coverage盖度比 cover ratio干扰 disturbance干扰作用 interference高度 height高斯假说 Coarse's hypothesis高位芽植物 phanerophytes个体 individual更新 renewal功能生态位 functional niche关键种 keystone species关联系数 association coefficients 光饱和点 light saturation point光补偿点 light compensation point 光周期 photoperiod旱生植物 siccocolous红树林 mangrove呼吸量 respiration互利 mutualism互利作用 synomonal化感作用 allelopathy化学生态学 chemical ecology环境 environment环境容纳量 environmental carryin capacity 荒漠 desert荒漠化 desertification荒漠生态系统 desert ecosystem黄化现象 eitiolation phenomenon恢复生态学 restoration ecology混合型 mixed type基础生态位 Fundamental niche基质 matrix集群型 clumped寄生 parasitism加速期 accelerating phase价值 value间接排序 indirect ordination间接梯度分析 indirect gradiant analysis减速期 decelerating phase简单聚合法 lumping碱性植物 alkaline soil plant建群种 constructive species进化适应 evolutionary adaptation经典型复合种群 classic metapopulation经济密度 economic density景观 landscape景观格局 landscape patten景观过程模型 process based landscape model景观结构 landscape structure景观空间动态模型 spatial dynamic landscape model 景观生态学 landscape ecology竞争 competition竞争排斥原理 competition exclusion principle距离效应 distance effect聚合的 agglomerative均匀型 uniform可持续发展 sustainable development空间结构 spatial structure空间模型 spatial model空间生态位 spatial niche空间异质性 spatial heterogeneity库 pool廊道 corridor离散性 discrete利己作用 allomona利他作用 kairomonal猎食行为 hunting behavior林冠火 crown fire磷循环 phosphorus cycling零假说 null hypothesis领域性 territoriality流 flow逻辑斯谛方程 logistic equation密度 density密度比 density ratio密度制约死亡 density-dependent mortality 面积效应 area effect灭绝 extinction模拟 hametic模型 modeling内稳态 homeostasis内在的 intrinsic耐阴植物 shade-enduring plants能量分配原则 principle of energy allocation 能量流动 energy flow年龄分布 age distribution年龄结构 age structure偶见种 rare species排序 ordination配额 quota配偶选择 mate selection偏害 amensalism偏利 commensalism频度 frequency平衡选择 balancing selection 平台 plantform平行进化 parallel evolution栖息地 habitat气候驯化 acclimatisation器官 organs趋光性 phototaxis趋化性 chemotaxis趋同进化 convergent evolution 趋性 taxis趋异进化 divergent evolution 趋异适应 radiation adaptation 取样调查法 sampling methods去除取样法 removal sampling全球变暖 global warnning全球定位系统 global Positioning System全球生态学 global ecology群丛 association群丛组 association group群落 community群落的垂直结构 vertical structure群落生态学 community ecology群落水平格局 horizontal pattern群落外貌 physiognomy群落演替 succession群系 formation群系组 formation group热带旱生林 tropical dry forest热带季雨林 tropical seasonal rainforest热带稀树草原 tropical savanna热带雨林 tropical rainforest热力学第一定律 first law of thermodynamics 人工斑块 introduced patch人工廊道 introduced corridor人口调查法 cencus technique人口统计学 human demography日中性植物 day neutral plant冗余 redundancy冗余种假说 Redundancy species hypothesis 森林生态系统 forest ecosystem熵值 entropy value社会性防卫行为 defence behavior社会优势等级 dominance hierarchy摄食行为 feed behavior生活史 life history生活史对策 life history strategy生活小区 biotope生活型 life form生活周期 life cycle生境 habitat生境多样性假说 habitat diversity hypothesis 生理出生率 physiological natality生理死亡率 physiological mortality生命表 life table生态出生率 ecological natality生态对策 bionomic strategy生态反作用 ecological reaction生态幅 ecological amplitude生态工程 ecological engineering生态规划 ecological planning生态恢复 ecological restoration生态旅游 ecotourism生态密度 ecological density生态农业 ecological agriculture生态入侵 ecological invasion生态设计 ecological design生态适应 ecological adaptation生态死亡率 ecological mortality生态位 niche生态位宽度 niche breadth生态位相似性比例 niche proportional similarity 生态位重叠 niche overlap生态文明 ecological civilization生态系统 ecosystem生态系统产品 ecosystem goods生态系统多样性 ecosystem diversity生态系统服务 ecosystem service生态系统生态学 ecosystem ecology生态系统学 ecosystemology生态型 ecotype生态学 ecology生态因子 ecological factor生态元 ecological unit生态作用 ecological effect生物 organism生物地球化学循环 biogecochemical cycle 生物多样性 biodiversity生物量 biomass生物潜能 biotic potential生物群落 biotic community,biome生物群落演替 succession生殖潜能 reproductive potential剩余空间 residual space湿地 wetland湿地植物 hygrophyte时间结构 temporal structure实际出生率 realized natality实际死亡率 realized mortality食草动物 herbivores食肉动物 carnivores食物链 food chain食物网 food wed矢量 vector适合度 fitness适应辐射 adaptive radiation适应值 adaptive value适应组合 adaptive suites收获理论 harvest theory收益外泄 externalized profit衰退型种群 contracting population水平格局 horizontal pattern水土流失 soil and water erosion水循环 water cycling死亡率 mortality & death rate酸性土理论 acid soil plant酸雨 acid rain随机型 random常用生态学词汇,英汉对照abundance 多度acclimation 驯化age structure 年龄结构age-specific life table 特定年龄生命表agroecosystem 农业生态系统alleles 等位基因allopatric speciation 异域性物种asexual reproduction 无性生殖association table 群丛表association unit theory 群丛单位理论associations 群丛biocoenosis 生物群落bioconcentration 生物浓缩biological enrichment 生物富集biomass 生物量biome 生物带bionomic strategy 生态对策biosphere生物圈bottle neck 瓶颈Some special words in ecology(C) cannibalism 同种相食carnivores 食肉动物carring capacity 负荷量catastrophic 灾难性因素chamaephytes(Ch) 地上芽植物character displacement 特征替代cheliophytes 阴性植物climate climax 气候顶级climate school 气候学派climax community 顶级群落climax 顶级群落cline 渐变群closed community 封闭群落clumped 集群分布coadapted system 协同适应系统coarse grained 粗粒性分布co-dynamics 相互动态co-evolution 协同进化cohort 同生群cold desert 冷荒漠colonization 定居, 建群coloration 色泽communities in littoral zone 沿岸生物群落communities in the limnetic zone 湖沼带生物群落communities in the profundal zone 深水带生物群落Community ecology 群落生态学community matrix 群落矩阵community organization 群落组织community 群落companion species 伴生种compen-satory predation 补偿性捕食competition coefficient 竞争系数competition hypothesis 竞争假说competitive exclusion 竞争排除competive lottery 抽彩式竞争conservation 保守主义者conspicuousness 显著度constancy 恒有度contest competition 干扰竞争contest type of competition 争夺型竞争continental rise 大陆隆continental shelf 大陆架continental slope 大陆坡convergent adaptation 趋同适应convergent oscillation 趋同波动cost of gene recombination 基因重组价cost of mating 交配价cost of meiosis 减数分裂价courtship behavior 求偶行为coverage 盖度crude density 原始密度cryptophytes(Cr) 隐芽植物Some special words in ecology(D) decomposition 分解作用delayed density dependence 延后密度制约density effect 密度效应density ratio 密度比density-dependent 密度制约density-independent 非密度制约deterministic model 决定模型detrial food chain 碎食物链detritus feeder 食碎生物development 发育diagrammatic life table 图解式生命表diapause 滞育differential species 区别种diffuse competition 分散竞争diominant-submissive 支配—从属directional selection 定向选择discrete generation 离散世代disruptive selection 分裂选择disturbance climax/disclimax 偏途顶级divergent oscillation 趋异波动dominance 优势度dominant species 建群种dominant species 优势种dominant-submissive 支配—从属关系dry desert 干荒漠dynamic classification 动态分类系统dynamic life table 动态生命表dynamic-composite life table 动态混合生命表Some special words in ecology(E)earth nucleus 地幔earth's crust 地核Ecological amplitude 生态幅ecological density 生态密度ecological dominance 生态优势ecological environment 生态环境ecological equivalent 生态等值种ecological factor 生态因子ecological force 生态力ecological invasion 生态入侵ecological natality 生态出生率ecological release 生态释放Ecology生态学ecosystem development 生态系统的发育Ecosystem ecology 生态系统生态学ecosystem 生态系统ecotone hypothesis 生态交错带假说ecotype 生态型ectotherm 外温动物edge effect 边缘效应eitolation phenomenon 黄化现象emergy 能值emigration 迁出endogenous migration 内因性迁移endotherm 内温动物environment hormone 环境激素environment 环境equilibrium theory 平衡理论euphotic zone 透光带euryecious 广栖的euryhaline 广盐性的euryhydric 广水性的euryphagic 广食性的eurythermal 广温性的eurytopic species 广适种eutrophication 富营养化evergreen hardwood forest 常绿硬材林Evolution ecology 进化生态学evolution force 进化力exogenous migration 外因性迁移exploitive competition 利用竞争exponetial growth 指数增长Some special words in ecology(F) facultative parthenogenesis 孤雌生殖facultative parthenogenesis 兼性孤雌生殖facultative 兼性因素family selection 家庭选择farmland ecosystem 农田生态系统fecundity schedule 生育力表fecundity 生育力feedback 反馈feeding niches 取食生态位filter food 滤食性生物fine grained 细粒性分布finite rate of increase 周限增长率fitness 合适度floristic-structural classification 植物区系—结构分类系统fluctuation 波动food chain 食物链formation group 群系组formation 群系formation 植物群系foundational niche 基础生态龛freshwater ecology 淡水生态学freshwater ecosystem 淡水生态系统function response 功能反应Some special words in ecology(G)gamete selection 配子选择gaps 缺口gaseous cycle 气体循环geng pool 基因库geographic variation 地理变异geographical theory of speciation 物种形成geometric growth 几何级数增长geophytes(G) 地下芽植物global ecology 全球生态gradient hypothesis 梯度假说grain 粒性grazer 牧食生物grazing food chain 捕食食物链greenhouse effect 温室效应gregarization pheromone 聚集信息素gross primary production 总初级生产力group selection 群体选择group selection 群体选择group selection 群选择growth form 生长型guild 同资源团Some special words in ecology(H) habal zone 深渊带habitat 生境heath 石楠群丛height 高度hemicryptophytes(He) 地面芽植物herbivore 植食herbivores 植食动物heterotrophic succession 异养演替heterotrophs 异养生物hibernation 冬眠homeostasis 内稳态homeostasis 自调节稳态homeostatic organism 内稳态生物homeostatic process 内稳定过程human demography 人口统计学Human ecology 人类生态学humus 腐殖质hydrarch succession 水生演替hydrosere 水生演替系列Some special words in ecology(I) immigration 迁入importance value 重要值individual converse rate 个体转化率industrial melanism 工业黑化现象inner capacity increase 内禀增长力inner-environment 内环境instantaneous rate of increase 瞬间增长率intensity 强度interference competition 干扰竞争interference competition 干扰竞争intermediate disturbance hypothesis中度干扰假说internal distribution pattern 内分布型interspecfic relationship 种间关系intertidal zone 潮间带intraspecific relationship 种内关系inversely density dependent 反密度制约Island ecology 岛屿生态学iteroparity 多次繁殖生物iteroparous 多次生殖Some special words in ecology(J--L)JJordan's rule 约丹定律Kkeystone species 关键种kin selection 亲属选择kin selection 亲属选择k-strategists k-策略者Lland cover 土地覆盖land use 土地利用Landscape ecology 景观生态学law of constant final yield 最后产量衡值法则law of the minimum 最小因子法则law of tolerance 耐受性法则layer 层leached layer 淋溶层leaf area index 叶面积指数leaf area index(LAS)叶面积指数lentic ecosystem 静水生态系统life cycle 生活周期life expectancy 生命期望life form spectrum 生活型谱life form 生活型life history strategy 生活史对策life history 生活史lifespan 生活年限lifetime 寿命limit of tolerance 忍受性限度littoral zone 沿岸带lotic ecosystem 流水生态系统Some special words in ecology(M) macroclimate 大气候macrofauna 大型生物Marine ecology 海洋生态学marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统maximum natality 最大出生率maximum sustained yield 最大持续生产量megafauna 巨型生物mexofauna 中型生物microclimate 小气候microcolony 微菌落microcommunities 小群落micro-ecosystem 微生态系统micro-environment 微环境microfauna 小型生物microplankton 小型浮游生物migration 迁徙migration 迁移modular organism 构件生物modules 构件Molecular ecology 分子生态学monoclimax theory 单元演替顶级monocultute 单种养殖monogamy 单配偶制monpohagous 单食性monsoon forest 季风林mortality curve 死亡曲线mortality 死亡率mosaic 镶嵌性Some special words in ecology(N) natality 出生率n-dimensional niche n维生态龛negative feedback 负反馈net primary production(GP) 净初级生产力neutrality controversy 中性说论战niche compression 生态位压缩niche separation 生态位分离niche shift 生态位分离niche 生态位non-equilibrium theory 非平衡理论non-homeostatic organism 非内稳态生物Some special words in ecology(O) obiotic component 非生物成分ocean-current 洋流ohort life table 同群生命表omnivores 杂食动物open community 开放群落open shrublands 稀疏灌丛opportunist 机会主义者ordination 排序ornamentation 修饰Some special words in ecology(P) panclimax 泛顶级pantropical 泛热带区parabiosphere 副生物圈parasites 寄生生物parasitoidism 拟寄生parent material 母质层parental care 亲代关怀parental investment 亲本投资patchiness 斑块性per capita growth rate 每员增长率perclimax 前顶级peritrophic mycorrhizae 周边营养性菌根phanerophytes(Ph) 高位芽植物phenotype 表现型photoperiodism 光周期现象phyplankton 浮游植物physiognomy 外貌Physiological ecology 生理生态学physiological natality 生理出生率phytochrom 色素pioneer community 先锋群落pjarapatric speciation 邻域性物种plankon 浮游生物Poission distribution 泊松分布polyandry 一雌多雄制polyclimax theory 多元顶级理论polygamy 多配偶制polygyny 一雄多雌制polymorphism 多型现象polyphagous 多食性的Population ecology 种群生态学population 种群porosity 粒间空隙positive feedback 正反馈postclimax 超顶级predation 捕食者predator 捕食者present reproductive value 当年繁殖价值prevail climax 优势顶级prey 猎物prezygotic mechanism 合子前隔离primary production 初级生产primary succession 初级演替primary succession 原生演替principle of allocation 分配原理principle of competitive exclusion 竞争互斥原理production rate 生产率production 生产量productivity 生产力progressive succession 进展演替protogynous hermaphriodism 雌雄同体pyramid of energy 能量金字塔Some special words in ecology(R)radiation adaptation 趋异适应random 随机分布rare species 偶见种reaction time lag 反应滞时reactive species 反映性物种realized natality 实际出生率realized nick 实际生态龛regressive succession 逆行演替relative frequency 相对频度relative reproductive value相对生殖值reproduction effect 生殖成效reproductive cost 繁殖成本reproductive pattern 生殖格局reproductive time lag 生殖滞时reproductive value 生殖值residual reproductive value 剩余繁殖价值resilient stability 恢复稳定性resistant stability 抵抗稳定性Restoration ecology 恢复生态学richness 丰度r-k continuum of strategies r-k 策略连续系统r-strategists r-策略者Some special words in ecology(S) saprovores 食腐者savanna woodland 热带稀树草原林地scavenger 食腐者sciophytes 阳性植物scramble competition 利用竞争scramble type of competition 分摊型竞争secondary metabolites 次生代谢物质secondary production 次级生产力secondary succession 次生演替secondary 次级演替sedimentary cycle 沉积循环selective fertilization 选择受精self-destructive 自我破坏semelparity 一次繁殖生物semelparous 一次生殖sex ratio 性比sexual dimorphism 雌雄二形现象sexual reproduction 有性生殖sexual selection 性选择sexual selection 性选择shade plants 耐阴性植物Shannon-Weiner index 香农—威纳指数sieve selection hypothesis 筛选说similarity 相似度Simpson's diversity index 辛普森多样性指数social group 社群social hierarchy 社会等级social-economic-natural complex ecosystem 社会--经济--自然复合系统solar emergy 太阳能值solar emjoules 太阳能焦耳solar transformity 太阳能值转换率spatial pattern 空间格局special heterogeneity 空间异质性speciation 物种形成species area curve 物种面积曲线species diversity 物种多样性species evenness or equitability 种的均匀度species heterogeneity 种的不齐性species turnover rate 种的周转率spore reproduction 孢子生殖stability-resilience 稳定恢复力stabilizing selection 稳定选择standing crop 现存量static life table 静态生命表stenoecious 窄栖性的stenohaline 窄盐性的stenohydric 窄水性的stenophagic 窄食性的stenothermal 窄温性的steppe and semideserty 干草原和半荒漠stochastic model 随机模型stratification 成层现象subassociation 亚群丛组subdominant 亚优势种subformation 亚群系succession 演替succulent 肉质植物succulent 肉质植物summed dominance ratio(SDR)综合优势比summer-green deciduous forest 夏绿落叶林survivorship curve 存活曲线sympatric speciation 同域性物种Synecology 群落生态学synusia 层片Some special words in ecology(T) Terrestrial ecology 陆地生态学territorial behavior 领域行为territoriality 领域性the -2/3 thinning law -2/3自疏法则the effect of neighbours 邻接效应therophytes (Th) 一年生植物thertnoperiodism 温周期现象thorn forest and scrub 多刺森林和密灌丛time-specific life table 特定时间生命表torpor 蛰伏total neutrality hypothesis 中性说trophic level 营养级trophic relationship 营养的联系trophic relationship 营养联系tundra and cold forest 苔原和冷森林Some special words in ecology(U--Z) Uuniform 均匀分布unitary organism 单体生物univoltine insects 一化性的昆虫upper horizon 覆盖层Urban ecology 城市生态学Vvegetation subtype 植被亚型vegetation type group 植被型组vegetation type 植被型vegetative propagation 营养生殖volume 体积Wwater cycle 水循环weight 重量Xxerarch succession 旱生演替xerophytes 旱生植物Zzero net growth isoline(ZNGI)零增长线zone of emergent vegetation 挺水植物带zooplankton 浮游动物。
基于微流控的植物根部-微生物相互作用研究进展陈登博1,付玉明1,2∗,冯佳界1,2(1.北京航空航天大学生物与医学工程学院,北京100191;2.北京航空航天大学空天生物技术与医学工程国际联合研究中心,北京100191)摘要:基于微流控技术研究空间环境下植物的根-菌互作,有利于揭示植物-微生物稳态对空间环境效应的响应与适应机制㊂介绍了微流控技术中关于根-菌互作的成像技术,重点阐述了微流控技术针对不同栽培基质的成像以及对根际化学环境的操控/采样功能的优势,分析了芯片技术针对不同根系形态需求的研究,并对微流控技术在空间环境根-菌互作研究中的应用进行展望㊂关键词:微流控芯片;植物-微生物相互作用;根部生理学;空间生命保障中图分类号:Q948.12㊀文献标识码:A㊀文章编号:1674-5825(2022)06-0845-08收稿日期:2022-04-24;修回日期:2022-09-19基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31870852)第一作者:陈登博,男,硕士研究生,研究方向为空间生命保障技术与纳米生物技术㊂E-mail:chendengbo@∗通讯作者:付玉明,男,博士,副教授,研究方向为航天居室环境-微生物组-人体健康轴研究㊂E-mail:fuyuming@Research Progress of Microfluidics-based Plant-Microbe InteractionCHEN Dengbo 1,FU Yuming1,2∗,FENG Jiajie 1,2(1.School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;2.International Joint Research Center of Aerospace Biotechnology &Medical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)Abstract :The study of plant-microbe interactions in space environment based on microfluidic tech-nology is conducive to revealing the response and adaptation mechanism of plant-microbe homeostasis to the space environment.In this paper,the imaging technology of root-bacteria interaction in mi-crofluidic technology was introduced,the advantages of microfluidic technology for imaging different cultivation substrates and manipulating /sampling the rhizosphere chemical environment were dis-cussed,and the researches of microfluidic technology for different root morphological requirements were analyzed.In addition,the application of microfluidic technology in the study of root-bacteria interaction in space environment was prospected.Key words :microfluidic chip;plant-microbe interaction;root physiology;space life support1㊀引言㊀㊀植物栽培是地面和受控生态生命保障系统的重要组成部分㊂植物的根系有固定植株㊁吸收水分和养分等重要功能,根际微生物在植物根表或近根部位生长繁殖,是植物微生物组的重要组成部分㊂植物脱落物或分泌物可到达根际微区,在根系周围形成丰富而复杂的化学环境[1],是植物在长期进化过程中形成的一种适应外界环境变化的重要机制[2]㊂这些植物脱落物或分泌物为微生物提供营养,以此构建和调节根际微生物菌群[3];另一方面,根际微生物也会深度参与调解植物生理活动[4-5]㊂因此,植物与微生物的根际相互作用(简称根-菌互作)是植物学和微生物学第28卷㊀第6期2022年㊀12月㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀载㊀人㊀航㊀天Manned Spaceflight㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀Vol.28㊀No.6Dec.2022研究的热点问题㊂传统的根-菌互作研究所用的栽培方式难以实时营造对根际研究所需化学环境,且由于需要将植物根部取出进行采样和成像观察,使得采样和成像不具有实时性(时间分辨率较低),难以复现动态的互作过程㊂并且根毛可增加根表面积,为根部探索更大空间,在根生理学研究中具有重要地位,但却因为尺度过小而难以采样和成像等㊂因此,根-菌相互作用的实时化㊁可视化和操控性研究是一项新的挑战㊂近年来,控制小体积流体的微流控芯片技术(或称为芯片实验室)为生物学研究的实时化和可视化提供了新方法,在根-菌互作研究中展现出巨大潜力㊂微流控技术在根-菌互作研究中具有三大优势:①透明的芯片可实现根-菌互作的实时成像;②可实现对根际环境的多次采样;③可对根际化学环境实现准确操控,以研究化学环境对互作的影响㊂目前最广泛采用的芯片构建流程及材料为:按照所需的芯片设计图纸,以光刻机制作与其互补的光刻胶材质或3D打印制作塑料材质的模板(Template/mold),以聚二甲基硅氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS)浇注到模板上成型后剥离,再以等离子体氧化PDMS的需封装面(即有芯片通道的面)以活化其表面基团,最后放置玻璃片至封装面上键合以完成封装[6]㊂相对于二氧化硅㊁热固性塑料㊁热塑性塑料等其他可选的芯片材质,PDMS的价格低廉㊁偏软质㊁制作模板后可快速批量浇注制取等优势,使其成为主流芯片制作流程中常用材料[6]㊂等离子体氧化封装方式是不可逆的,即封装后很难将PDMS从玻璃片上拆卸;若实验有拆卸需求,可考虑可逆的封装方式,直接在室温下依赖PDMS和玻璃片间的范德华力封装,但这样封装不严密,在外力和内压下容易因意外拆卸开[7]㊂高等植物可以再生氧气㊁食物和水,是生物再生生命保障系统(Bioregenerative Life Support Sys-tem,BLSS)的功能核心[8]㊂而空间特殊环境(微重力㊁辐射㊁磁场㊁密闭㊁微生物多样性受限等)对根-菌互作的影响尚不明晰,前期搭载实验表明植物对微生物病害的敏感性可能增加[9]㊂而微流控技术体积小㊁性价比高,对于空间研究也独具优势㊂本文综述了基于微流控的植物根部发育和根-菌互作的研究,阐述微流控芯片针对不同栽培基质的成像及对根际化学环境的操控/采样功能的优势,分析了芯片针对不同根系形态需求的研究,并对微流控技术在空间环境根-菌互作研究中的重要作用进行展望㊂2㊀根-菌互作芯片的成像技术㊀㊀主流微流控芯片的材质(PDMS㊁玻璃片等)透光性好,对根-菌互作的成像观察独具优势㊂若能结合荧光等生物发光技术和一些高级成像技术,将可以更全面地还原根-菌互作过程㊂图1㊀针对根-菌互作的芯片Fig.1㊀Chip for root bacteria interaction Massalha等[10-11]构建的微流控系统TRIS (Tracking Root Interactions System)是一个研究根-菌互作的典型装置,如图1(a)所示,体现了生物荧光技术在芯片根-菌互作成像中的出色效果㊂TRIS系统采用PDMS-玻璃片材质,在灌有固体植物培养基的移液器吸头中令拟南芥发苗,在根长出吸头前移栽至芯片通道入口令其向芯片中生长,并使用注射泵将液体培养基和所感兴趣的根际菌(枯草芽孢杆菌作为植物有益菌,大肠杆菌作为有害菌)注射进芯片通道内,这些方法在根-菌互作的芯片研究中被普遍使用㊂为了实时显微观察,该装置直接安装在显微镜上㊂在无菌芯片中接种了表达红色荧光蛋白的枯草芽孢杆菌和表达绿色荧光蛋白的大肠杆菌,使用激光扫描共焦显微镜分别荧光成像并叠加图像,发现在接种后12h当中,枯草芽孢杆菌向根伸长区聚集并定殖,大肠杆菌却被排除在根表面之外,通过图像观察菌群行为动态,可推测出有益菌对植物针对病648载人航天第28卷原体的保护机制㊂除使用荧光标记的细菌之外,该研究还使用了仅在6个特定根区(皮层㊁脉管系统㊁根毛等)表达绿色荧光蛋白的6种荧光拟南芥株系,并与红色荧光蛋白的枯草芽孢杆菌图像叠加,观察到了杆菌接种后6h内向根伸长区的明显趋化行为,实现荧光标记的植物和细菌共同成像㊂在可见光(包括荧光)手段之外,电子显微镜和原子力显微镜等先进成像技术的分辨率更高,可在根-菌互作研究中作为更高级的㊁细胞器水平的成像手段㊂比如根毛就是一种微米级的根部结构,可以应用这两种高级成像手段㊂与光学显微镜不同,这两者都要求观察面暴露在外,而根却被封装在芯片中㊂由于等离子体氧化法的封装是不可逆的,很难打开封装以将根和根际区暴露在外㊂针对这一需求,Aufrecht等[12]设计了一种可拆卸的㊁针对根毛研究的芯片,PDMS并未化学键合到玻璃片上,而只是在高压灭菌时形成了较弱的物理键,且用琼脂固化围住PDMS以进一步固定及保湿,如图1(b)所示㊂其可在光学成像完成后拆卸开以供电镜等成像㊂针对根毛研究的目的,芯片被设计成了两层(Two-layer)式的阶梯状腔室,较高的腔室(200μm)容纳主根㊁两侧较低的腔室(20μm)容纳根毛,实测证明根毛生长时可自然粘附在PDMS面上,在拆卸过程中可保持在原位,利于后续的电子显微镜/原子力显微镜对根毛的成像研究㊂研究人员进一步使用该芯片跟踪了2种植物益生菌在拟南芥发育早期根部定殖情况[13],结果发现,无论细菌种类和接种浓度如何, 4天后细菌细胞在根表面的覆盖面积均为1%~ 2%,且根的发育情况很大程度上取决于细菌接种的种类和浓度㊂3㊀芯片技术对不透明栽培基质的成像优势㊀㊀芯片通道中装载液体基质时,其在光学上透明的性质有助于成像,但液体并不是自然界或人工栽培的主流基质,自然环境中的根-菌互作大多发生在土壤等固体基质中㊂若将土壤引入芯片,以解决土壤颗粒不透明导致的可见光成像困难等问题,生物荧光和某些显微光谱成像技术或可成为其研究手段㊂Mafla-Endara等[14]设计了土壤芯片,将土壤置于芯片通道入口处,以可见光观察土壤及微生物扩散进入通道的过程,以揭示土壤生态系统的形成过程㊂研究发现,土壤液体和真菌菌丝是土壤物质扩散的主要驱动力,土壤颗粒和微生物在充满液体的通道中扩散比在空气中快得多,且真菌菌丝可携带细菌穿过气体障碍而扩散定殖㊂芯片成像还可用于量化土壤颗粒的运动模式,对所得显微视频中2~6μm土壤颗粒使用自动追踪算法制作速度-位置热图,发现土壤颗粒被芯片内部的流水拖拽形成蜿蜒的运动模式,也使细菌很快地移动㊂虽未引入植物,该研究使用的土壤芯片已展现了对根-菌互作的可见光成像研究潜力㊂图2㊀EcoFAbs的应用[15]Fig.2㊀The applications of EcoFABs[15]也有研究尝试让植物根进入装载有固体基质的芯片,以研究基质中的根-菌互作㊂Gao等[15]描述了EcoFAB(Ecosystem Fabrication)芯片制作方法,可向通道内装载沙子或土壤作为基质,以期在更接近自然条件的微环境中研究根-菌互作,如图2所示㊂观察发现,虽然在亮场(可见光)下,沙子和土壤的不透明性质让埋在其中的根系和微生物不可见,但在荧光显微镜下,荧光标记的根际益生菌Pseudomonas simea在土中清晰可见,展现了荧748第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀陈登博,等.基于微流控的植物根部-微生物相互作用研究进展光技术克服土壤不透明性成像的潜力㊂这种益生菌在沙子中集中于植物根尖,而在土壤中集中于芯片开口处㊂研究表明沙子的贫营养迫使益生菌定殖于根尖以摄取分泌物,而土壤的富营养使芯片开口处的氧气成为益生菌的首要需求㊂值得注意的是,EcoFAB的实验流程认为可使用镊子将裸露的植物幼苗直接从发苗的固体培养基上移栽至芯片的孔道内[15];而几乎所有其他芯片-植物的结合研究都选择使用内有固体培养基的移液器吸头作为发苗载体,并模块化地整体移栽至芯片孔道内[10,13,16],以防止移栽过程对根的伤害㊂使用移液器的成活率明显高于使用镊子的移栽,虽然使用镊子的做法更接近自然条件,但对实验操作要求较高,很难不伤害根系㊂至于直接在灌注培养基的芯片中发苗的方法[17],由于植物的发芽率并非100%等原因,失败率相对更高㊂针对土壤颗粒对可见光的不透明性,Puce-taite等[18]推荐对土壤芯片使用可见光光谱之外的㊁先进的显微光谱成像技术,以克服土壤的不透明性,利于在微观尺度监测土壤微生物和相关的生物地球化学过程㊂这些非可见光的显微光谱成像技术包括红外吸收㊁拉曼散射和基于同步辐射的X射线显微光谱技术等,有时需要在土壤中加入稳定同位素或纳米贵金属粒子等辅助成像定位,在微生物鉴定㊁代谢物/污染物的定量/定位等方面各有优势,也可运用于基于固体基质芯片的根-菌互作研究中㊂4㊀芯片技术对根际化学环境的操控/采样功能优势㊀㊀利用微流控亦可在时空上快速操控/监测根周围的化学环境,研究根部对生物或非生物因素的动态响应,例如一系列以RootChip命名的芯片设计[19],如图3所示㊂最初Grossmann等[19]开发的RootChip被用于根对化学环境的响应研究,并以根内的葡萄糖荧光传感器开展荧光成像,成功发现细胞内糖水平的改变主要发生在灌注了葡萄糖的根尖㊂对于使用拟南芥的研究,RootChip可在几厘米内(<10cm)部署多个平行通道,以一次性开展多个植株的重复性实验㊂Fendrych等[20]采用竖直放置的vRootChip(v意为vertical,竖直以不影响根向地性)研究根部生长的基因通路,观察拟南芥根生长情况数天,发现无生长素存在时拟南芥的根生长速度会在30s内迅速下降;补充少量生长素后,根生长速度又会在2min内恢复;并通过向芯片中根际环境注入cvxIAA㊁ccvTIR1等人工配体,最终确认了以TIR1/AF-BAux/IAA共受体复合物为基础的一个调节根生长的非转录分支[20]㊂Guichard等[21]开发了根生长通道更长的RootChip-8S微流控装置,Denninger 等[22]用其跟踪观察了与根毛形成相关的细胞极化过程机理,发现基因GEF3在细胞极化过程中有作为细胞膜标志物的作用㊂图3㊀安装8个植物的RootChip[19]Fig.3㊀Image of a RootChip with eight mounted live plants[19]一些芯片设计甚至可令同一植株的根部的不同部位分别处于不同化学环境中,以在完全排除个体差异因素的前提下,直观对比不同化学环境对根双侧的影响或对特定根段的影响㊂面向根生理学或环境异质性研究,研究人员通常使用双流或多流汇总的方式,即多种液体从多个入口汇总到同一条芯片通道中,来营造分界式共存的液体化学环境㊂对于分根段施加不同的化学环境,Meier 等[23]在2010年开发了可对拟南芥施加多层流化学刺激的芯片,实际使用生长素类似物2,4-D和生长素抑制剂NPA,层流的方向与根垂直,以验证生长素和抑制剂对指定根段的影响㊂研究设置了3个进液口以达成3层的层流,以控制流量的手段成功制造了厚度10μm(约1个根细胞长度)的2,4-D层,这一厚度是被掺杂在2,4-D中的荧光微球所显示㊂因为使用了生长素调节剂偶联荧光蛋白的拟南芥株系,采用荧光显微镜观察到了2,4-D在短短几分钟后令10μm长的根段长出了848载人航天第28卷根毛,表明了生长素影响可在单个根细胞尺度上发生,也证明了微流控研究在很小尺度(~10μm)上的化学刺激对根影响的能力㊂值得一提的是,由于层流的方向与根垂直,验证了大/小的流量中根的生长没有显著区别,从而排除了剪切力(~10dyne/cm2)可能造成的额外影响㊂对于双侧施加不同的化学环境,Stanley等[16]设计了双流RootChip(Dual-flow-RootChip),令2种液体平行于根轴同时进入通道,形成不对称的化学环境,也描述了详细的芯片实验步骤[24]㊂研究分别采用NaCl㊁磷酸盐和聚乙二醇在双流Ro-otChip中模拟干旱等胁迫形式,在根双侧不对称处理,研究根毛生长情况,证明根在生理和转录水平上具有局部适应环境中异质条件的能力,也证明双流芯片方法有助于还原根与环境相互作用的决策过程[16]㊂研究表明,每个根毛细胞可以自主地对环境做出响应[16,23]㊂微流控芯片的采样功能有较大潜力㊂芯片的流出液是其内部环境的重要样品,通过收集芯片的流出液,即可完成植物根际微生物和根系分泌物的采集,从而进行根际微生物组与代谢组分析㊂但实际开展了采样并使用组学手段分析的研究并不多㊂其原因是关注复杂微生物群落研究较少,而对有限个菌株的行为,使用荧光标记等技术即可揭示,如Massalha等[10]和Aufrecht等[13]的研究;另外对于根际研究,很多根际菌定殖在根部表面甚至内部,难以随流出液流出㊂5㊀芯片技术对根系形态等特殊需求的优势㊀㊀植物根系具有多种形状和尺寸,可为之相应设计适合的微流控通道和腔体,以让植株正常生长或方便成像㊂为研究根系较粗的植物,Khan 等[25]使用3D打印的模具制备了腔体高度10mm 的PDMS材质芯片,如图4(a)所示,用于研究二穗短柄草(Brachypodium distachyon,根系直径1~ 3mm)的根细胞和分析渗透胁迫下的基因表达,发现了基因BdDi19在幼苗短期渗透胁迫期间有表达㊂此外,针对须根系统研究,相对于传统的单条直道的芯片设计,Chai等[26]采用多室设计的微流控芯片,如图4(b)所示,令水稻的分枝根生长到一组径向的花瓣形室中,用以研究渗透胁迫图4㊀应用于不同植物的芯片Fig.4㊀Chips for different plants (模拟干旱环境)对根系发育的影响,发现随着聚乙二醇(PEG6000,用于营造渗透胁迫)浓度的增加,根的生长变慢,根毛的数量和长度增加,根尖边缘细胞的发育和聚集增多㊂为了方便显微观察,微流控芯片的尺寸普遍设计得较小,并且使用拟南芥等小型草本物种,这让根-菌互作的长期化观察以及对个体较大的木本植物的研究成为挑战㊂Noirot-Gros等[27]设计的根系-微生物相互作用芯片(RMI-chip),如图4(c)所示,通道长达36mm,可以培养山杨(木本植物)幼苗的根超过1个月,并且可以连续使用显微镜观察根-菌互作㊂研究发现细菌需要在山杨根部表面形成生物膜才能持久定殖㊂RMI芯片加以修改或优化,可以用于长期观察生长缓慢的植物,或者短期研究生长较快的植物㊂此外,设计功能导向性很强的特殊结构芯片,如Massalha等[10]的TRIS系统还有一个双根通道版本,在同一腔室里生长2株拟南芥的根,并设计了分隔结构避免双根的物理接触,却允许微生物948第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀陈登博,等.基于微流控的植物根部-微生物相互作用研究进展细胞和信号分子的自由流动,以直观地显示细菌对不同基因型株系根部的定殖偏好㊂根据具体需求而设计开发出来的微流控芯片更能满足各种植物生长的特殊需求,也是微流控芯片的优势之一㊂图5㊀空间环境下微流控技术在根-菌互作研究中的运用Fig.5㊀Application of microfluidic technique in the study of root-bacteria interaction in spatial environment6㊀根-菌互作空间研究现状及展望㊀㊀高等植物是BLSS 的功能核心,但空间环境因素导致植物生长处于逆境,对植物的生长发育具有显著影响㊂在太空飞行等空间环境下发现在微重力下生长的植物表现出对植物病菌的敏感性增加[28],地面3D 回转模拟微重力效应下的实验也证明了在模拟微重力效应下病菌更易侵染植物[29-31]㊂一方面可能是因为微重力对细胞壁的重生和木质素的合成起到了抑制作用[32],从而利于病原真菌的侵染;另一方面推测是微重力影响了植物宿主与自身微生物的相互作用㊂虽然植物遗传适应相对较慢,但植物共生的微生物却能够很快地适应环境变化[33]㊂而植物根际微生物组是植物的第2套基因组的组成部分,在植物生长发育过程当中起着至关重要的作用㊂植物益生菌对植物具有保护机制,可以形成生物膜以及生产植物激素从而提高植物个体抵御非外来的微生物环境胁迫的免疫能力㊁诱导免疫抗性等多种手段,从而来增强其对宿主的免疫抗逆㊁抗病能力[34],且微生物是BLSS 中必然存在的一个链环,因此有必要研究空间环境下植物的根-菌互作㊂但是受控条件下植物根际微生物的结构变化以及潜在威胁微生物研究甚少㊂由于空间实验的空间有限,即使对于探空火箭等所拥有的超过10cm ˑ10cm ˑ10cm 体积的实验空间[35-36],对于使用传统栽培方式的根-菌互作研究也明显不够㊂而且,由于空间搭载机会的稀缺和昂贵,很多实验必须先期在地面开展,在回转仪等模拟的微重力环境下进行[37-38]㊂与真正的空间实验相似,回转仪可供实验的区域非常狭小,同样难以容纳传统栽培方式的植株㊂微流控技术可以成为空间生物学研究中很有前途的工具,已经运用在国际空间站或卫星搭载的太空实验上㊂如应用于国际空间站的一种新的不依赖培养物的微生物监测系统(the Lab-On-a-Chip Application Development Portable Test Sys-tem,LOCAD-PTS)[39],在15min 内定量分析了舱室表面的内毒素(革兰氏阴性细菌和真菌的标志)㊂在目前第一个长时间的活体生物立方体卫星实验中,Nicholson 等[40]开展生命有机体轨道空间环境生存性(Space Environment Survivability ofLiving Organisms,SESLO)实验6个月,测定了枯草芽孢杆菌孢子在空间环境中长期静止(14㊁91和181天)后的萌发㊁生长和代谢情况㊂但目前空间生物学研究中,未将微流控技术应用在植物根-菌互作研究上㊂而微流控芯片体积小,且目前已有一些微流控根-菌互作研究没有采用注射泵,同样可实现根际营养液的更新[15]㊂微流控芯片作为载体更能满足研究需求㊂因此,如图5所示,对于长期进化适应1G 重力的地球环境的植物而言,空间微重力环境属于典型的逆境环境,可能导58载人航天第28卷致植物菌群失调,但目前对其机理并不清楚㊂基于微流控技术能更直观地研究植物-微生物在空间极端环境下相互作用机理,并可以通过其机理精准调控植物根部菌群,使植物拥有更大的固碳能力和更强的抗逆特性㊂微流控技术在根-菌互作研究中的显著优势能进一步帮助研究者理解植物学和微生物学研究的热点问题㊂但在空间环境下基于微流控技术开展植物根-菌互作研究依然存在着许多问题:①空间环境下,植物根生长会改变方向,对基于微流控技术的根菌互作观察有一定影响;②在芯片设计的过程中还需要考虑表面张力会成为界面的主要力;③目前的微流控技术主要针对在透明基底上成像,这将偏离自然土壤系统中根际的群落结构㊂这些问题需要利用更有效的方法来解决㊂7㊀结语㊀㊀目前,已有研究将微流控技术运用于根-菌互作中,显著提高了实验效率与根菌研究结果的分辨率㊂然而迄今为止,国际上在空间环境下应用微流控技术研究植物-微生物相互作用仍是空白㊂微流控技术具有便于对根菌互作实时成像以及对根际化学环境的操控/采样等优势,能够精细刻画反映出空间环境下植物-微生物互作规律,有益于揭示植物-微生物稳态对空间环境效应的响应与适应机制,从而助力空间环境下植物健康稳定生产,为BLSS空间实际构建应用奠定基础㊂参考文献(References)[1]㊀Sasse J,Martinoia E,Northen T.Feed your friends:Do plantexudates shape the root microbiome?[J].Trends in PlantScience,2018,23(1):25-41.[2]㊀李月明,杨帆,韩沛霖,等.植物根系分泌物响应非生物胁迫机理研究进展[J].应用与环境生物学报,2022,28(4):1-10.Li Y M,Yang F,Han P 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武陵洞蛭(Sinospelaeobdella wulingensis )是近年新发现的中国洞蛭属的模式种,其在洞穴顶壁繁衍后代,具有不同于水蛭和山蛭的生态生物学特征。
鉴于武陵洞蛭的特殊性,以及卵茧在洞蛭适应性进化过程中的关键作用,本文对武陵洞蛭卵茧的形态结构和化学组成进行了初步研究,结果显示:1)武陵洞蛭的卵茧大致呈椭球形,长径(10.80±1.71)mm 、短径(8.32±1.60)mm,重量(135.3±76.8)mg;2)卵茧由外到内包括茧壁外层(蜂窝状)、茧壁内层、蛋白液和受精卵;3)茧内含有17种水解氨基酸和11种游离氨基酸,其中谷氨酸和丙氨酸分别在水解氨基酸和游离氨基酸中的相对含量最高;4)在卵茧中共鉴定出68种可信蛋白质,其中27种为未鉴定蛋白质,其余41种可信蛋白质主要分为6类,即抗氧化蛋白5种、酶蛋白12种、细胞骨架蛋白6种、结合蛋白12种、热休克蛋白2种、其他蛋白质4种。
Ecology 生态学individuals 个体population 种群communities 群落ecosystems 生态系统behavioral ecology 行为生态学physiological ecology 生理生态学evolutionary ecology 进化生态学molecular ecology 分子生态学fitness 适合度natural selection 自然选择adaptation 适应genotype 基因型phenotype 表型phenotypic plasticity 表型可塑性offspring 后代genes 基因nongenetic factors 非遗传因素not inherited 不遗传conditions 条件resources 资源environmental variation 环境变异internal regulation 内调节homeostasis 稳态negative feedback 负反馈tolerance 耐受性temperature 温度not depletable 不能耗掉solar radiation 太阳辐射decouple 退耦niche 生态位habitat 栖息地multidimensional niche space 多维生态位空间Fundamental niche基础生态位Realized niche 实际生态位Prey 猎物Foraging 觅食Dimension 轴或维Global wind pattern 地球的风型The circulation of oceans 洋流Rain 降雨Havoc['hævək] 灾害Hurricane 飓风Latitude 纬度Irradiance [i'reidiəns,-si]辐射度Summer solstice 夏至Winter solstice 冬至Adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却Scale 尺度Coriolis effect 科里奥利效应Intertropical convergence zone热带辐合带Jet streams 急流Albedo 反照率Gulf stream 墨西哥湾流Lee of a continent 背风面Upwelling 上涌流Adiabatic lapse rate 绝热温度递减率Inversion 逆温Heat of condensation 凝结热Heat 热Temperature profiles温度剖面Relative humidity 相对湿度Saturated water 饱和水water vapor 水蒸汽microclimate 微气候thermal['θə:məl]conductivity 热传导chemical properties of water 水的化学特性penetration of light through water光线穿透水Energy transfer and water phases能量转化和水相Deplete 耗竭Ions 离子Electropositive 正电性的Electronegative 负电性的Beer’s law 比尔定律Heat capacity 热容量Maximum density 最大密度Latent heat of vaporization增发潜热Heat of fusion 溶解热Sublimation 升华Soil water 土壤水Field capacity 田间持水量The uptake of water by roots根对水的吸收Aquatic plants 水生植物Water availability 水的可利用性Plant productivity 植物生产力Permanent wilting point 永久萎焉点Potential evapotranspiration rate 潜在蒸发蒸腾速率Capillary pores 毛细管孔隙Resource depletion zone 资源枯竭区Halophytes 盐生植物Water balance in fish 鱼类的水平衡Amphibians 两栖类Water conservation by terrestrial animals 陆生动物的水保持Mammalian 哺乳动物Kidneys 肾脏Bladder 膀胱Beavers 河狸Osmoregulation 渗透调节Countercurrent exchange 逆流调节Hypertonic 高渗的Homeotherms 恒温动物Poikilotherms 变温动物Ectotherms 外温动物Endotherms 内温动物Temperature thresholds 温度阀Mechanisms 机理Enzyme 酶The thermoneutral zone 热中性区Dehydration 脱水Rates of development and growth发育和生长速度Acclimation and acclimatization 驯化和气候驯化Developmental threshold Temperature 发育温度阀Physiological time 生理时间Vernalization 春化Species distribution 物种分布Evolved response 进化反应Mean temperature 平均温度Isotherm 等温线Radiant energy 辐射能Photosynthesis 光合作用Efficiency of radiant energy conversion 辐射能的转换效率Changes in the intensity of radiation 辐射强度的变化Strategic and tactical response of plants to radiation 植物对辐射的战略和战术响应Compensation point 补偿点Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)光和活性辐射Efficiency of Photosynthesis 光合作用效率Photosynthetic capacity 光合能力Diurnal and annual rhythms of solar radiation 太阳辐射日节律和年节律Resource depletion zone 资源耗竭带Strategic difference 战略差异Tactical response 战术响应Transpiration 蒸腾Net assimilation 净同化量Nutrient sources 营养物资源Nutrient budgets 营养预算Terrestrial communities 陆地群落Aquatic communities 水生群落Geochemistry 地球化学Global biogeochemical cycles 全球生物地球循环Mechanical weathering 机械风化Chemical weathering 化学腐蚀Wetfall 湿降落Dryfall 干降落Rainout component 雨水冲失成分Washout component 水冲失成分Streamflow 溪流Denitrification 脱氮Endorheic内陆湖泊Biogeochemistry 生物地球化学Hydrosphere carbon 水圈的碳Weathering 风化作用Nitrogen cycle 氮循环Phosphorus 氮Sediment 沉积型Lithospheric 岩石圈Sulfur 硫The fate of matter in the community 群落中物质的命运Producers 生产者Consumers 消费者Decomposers 分解者Autotrophs 自养生物Grazing mammals 草食哺乳动物Phytoplankton 浮游植物Zooplankton 浮游动物Bacteria 细菌Fungi 真菌Nonliving 无生命Food chains 食物链Primary and secondary production 初级和次级生产力Net Primary production 净初级生产力Aphotic zone 无光区Photic zone 透光区Primary consumers 初级消费者Secondary consumer 次级消费者Soil formation 土壤形成The soil profile 土壤剖面Primary classification:the great soil groups 主要分类:大土壤群Higher vegetation 高等植物Dynamic mixture 动态混合物Organic matter 有机质Cells 细胞Pedology 土壤学Subsoil 亚土壤Mineral soil 矿物质土壤Parent material 母质Soil series 土系Soil surveyor 土壤勘测员Succession 演替Ecosystem patterns 生态系统格局Soil horizons 土层Humic acids 腐植酸Great soil groups 土壤群Population size 种群大小Age and stage structure 年龄和时期结构Zygote 受精卵Unitary organism 单体生物Modular organism 构件生物Ramets 无性系分株Clone 无性系Genet 基株Evolutionary individuals 进化个体Immediate ecological impact 直接生态作用Stable age distribution 稳定年龄分布Age pyramid 年龄金字塔Stationary age distribution 固定的年龄分布Stage structure 时期结构Sizes classes 个体大小群Natality 出生率Mortality 死亡率Survivorship 存活率Life tables 生命表K-factor analysis k-因子分析The fecundity schedule 生殖力表Population growth 种群增长Density-independent Population growth 非密度制约性种群增长Density-dependent growth-the logistic equation 密度制约性种群增长:逻辑斯缔方程Life expectancy 生命期望Survivorship curve 存活曲线Cohort 同生群Age-specific survival rate 特定年龄存活率Key factors 关键因子Killing factor 致死因子Basic reproduction rate 基础繁殖率Carrying capacity 环境容纳量Estimating density 估计密度Mark release recapture 标记重捕法Density dependence密度制约Equilibrium population density平衡种群密度Relative density相对密度Allee effect阿利效应Exactly compensating准确补偿Undercompensating补偿不足Overcompensating过度补偿H4Population fluctuations 种群波动Chaos 混沌Expanding and contracting populations 增长种群和收缩种群Stable limit cycle 稳定极限环I1Competition 竞争Predation 捕食Parasitism 寄生Mutualism互利共生Intraspecific competition种内竞争Interspecific competition种间竞争Exploitation competition利用性竞争Interference competition干扰性竞争Cannibalism 自相残杀Altruism 利他主义Commensualism 偏利共生Amensualism偏害共生I2Dispersal扩散Territoriality领域性Niche shift生态位转移Allelopathy异株克生Competive asymmetry 竞争不对称Scramble competition争夺竞争Contest competition格斗竞争Zero net growth isocline零增长等斜线Self-thinning自疏Inbreeding近亲繁殖Reproductive value繁殖价值Leks 求偶场Competitive exclusion 竞争排斥Limiting similarity 极限相似性Competitive release 极限释放Character displacement 性状替换Apparent competition 表观竞争Enemy-free space 无敌空间Highly heterogeneous 高度异质性Gaps 断层Probability refuge 隐蔽机率J1Herbivores 食草动物Carnivores 食肉动物Omnivores 杂食动物Chemical defences 化学防御Behavioral strategies 行为对策Specialists 特化种Generalist 泛化种Monophagous单食者Oligophagous寡食者Polyphagous 多食者Parasites 寄生者J2Predator switching 捕食者转换Profitability of prey 猎物收益率Plant defence 植物防御The ideal free distribution 理想自由分布Functional response 功能反应Superpredation 超捕食K1Parasites 寄生物Modes of transmission 传播方式Social parasites 社会性寄生物Helminth worms 寄生蠕虫Insects 昆虫Necrotrophs 食尸动物Parasitoids 拟寄生物The cellular immune response 细胞免疫反应Vectors 媒介Optimal habitat use 最佳生境利用Brood parasitism 窝寄生Evolutionary constraint 进化约束Immunity 免疫Cevolution协同进化Gene for gene 基因对基因Mimics 模仿Herd immunity 群体免疫Antigenic stability 抗原稳定L1Pollination 传粉Symbiotic 共生性Obligate 专性Lichens 地衣Outcrossing 异型杂交Mitochondria 线粒体Chloroplasts 叶绿体M1Reproductive values 生殖价Hypothetical organism 假定生物Migration 迁移Senescence衰老Diapause 滞育Dormancy 休眠Longevity 寿命Enormous variation 巨大变异Energy allocation 能量分配Semelparity 单次生殖Iteroparity 多次生殖Carrying capacity 容纳量Current/future reproduction当前/未来繁殖Habitat disturbance 环境干扰The current/future reproductive output 当前/未来繁殖输出A high/low cost of reproduction 高/低繁殖付出Seed bank 种子库Torper蛰伏Hibernation 冬眠Cryptobiosis 隐生现象Aestivation 夏眠Migration 迁徙Morphological forms 形态学性状Generations世代Mechanistic level 机制水平Cooperation 合作Grouping-benefits 集群-好处Altruism 利他行为Group defens e 群防御Inclusive fitness 广义适合度Eusociality 真社会性Hymenoptera 膜翅目Haplodiploid 单倍二倍体Venomous sting毒刺N2Sex 性The costs of inbreeding 近交的代价Self-fertilization 自体受精Sexual versus asexual reproduction 有性和无性生殖Sex ratio 交配体制Monogyny 单配制Polygyny 一雄多雌制Polyandry 一雌多雄制Inbreeding depression 近交衰退Hermaphrodite 雌雄同体Recombine 重组Rare type advantage 稀少型有利Equal investment 相等投入Local mate competition局域交配竞争Epigamic 诱惑性Intrasexual selection 性内选择Intersexual selection 性间选择O1Alleles 等位基因Polymorphism 多型Genetic drift 遗传漂变Genetic bottleneck 遗传瓶颈Rare species 稀有物种Extinction 灭绝Chromosome染色体Genotype 遗传型Phenotype 表现型Gene pool 基因库Gel electrophoresis 凝胶电泳O2Gene flow 基因流Differentiation 分化Sibling species 姊妹种Genetic revolution 遗传演变Peripheral isolates 边缘隔离PTransfer efficiencies 转换效率(net)primary productivity (净)初级生产力Respiratory heat 呼吸热Grazer system 牧食者系统Food chains 食物链Pathways of nutrient flow营养物流Food webs 食物网QCommunity structure 群落结构Community boundaries 群落边界Guilds同资源种团Community organization 群落组织Species diversity 物种多样性Energy flow 能量流Superorganism 超有机体Species-poor/rich 物种贫乏/丰富Biomass stability 生物量稳定性Tundra 冻原Island biogeography 岛屿生物地理学Turnover rate 周转率Source of colonists 移植者源Relaxation松弛Edgespecies 边缘物种Interior species 内部物种Corridor 走廊Greenways 绿色通道Community assembly群落集合Grazers 食草动物Carnivores 食肉动物Keystone species 关键物种Dominance control 优势控制Habitat affinity生境亲和力Prey switching 猎物转换RSuccession 演替Climax Community 顶级群落Pioneer species 先锋物种Primary succession 原生演替Alluvial deposit 冲积层Secondary succession 次生演替Acidifying effect 酸化作用Opportunistic机会主义Cellulose 植物纤维素Lignin 木质素Resource ratio hypothesis 资源比假说Fluctuations 波动Cyclic succession 循环演替Disturbance 干扰Patch dynamics板块动态Mini-succession 微型演替Cambium 形成层Neotropical forest 新热带雨林Priority effect 优先效应SVegetation 植被Ecotones 群落交错区Climate map 气候图Biomes 生物群系Heat budget 热量预算Zonation 分带Grassland 草地Primary regions 基本区域Desertification 荒漠化Arctic tundra 北极冻原Alpine tundra 高山冻原Permafrost 永冻层Coniferous boreal forest北方针叶林Temperature forest 温带森林Tropical forest 热带森林Salinization 盐渍化Primary saltwater regions 基本盐水区域Opens oceans 开阔海洋Continental shelves 大陆架The intertidal zone 潮间带Salt marsh 盐沼Mudflats淤泥滩Mangroves 红树林Pelagic 浮游生物Photic zone 有光带Phyto plankton 浮游植物Nekton 自泳动物Benthic 底栖Rocky shore 岩岸Zonation 分带Streams 溪流Ponds 池塘Environmental concerns 环境关系Catchment area 集水区Temperature inversion 温度逆转Biomanipulation 生物处理TThe goals of harvesting 收获目标Quota limitation 配额限制Environmental fluctuation环境波动Maximum possible yiel最大可能产量Net recruitment 净补充量Surplus yield 过剩产量Age structure 年龄结构Population data 种群数据Stable equilibrium 稳定平衡Harvesting effort 收获努力Gun licences 猎枪执照Rod licences钓鱼许可证Upwelling of cold water冷水上升流Fisheries 渔业Ocean productivity 大洋生产力The tragedy of the common公共灾难Overexploitation 过捕Pollution 污染Global decline 全球性下降By-catch 附带收获Community perturbations 群落扰动Oil spills 原油泄漏Eutrophication 富营养化Algal blooms 水华Red tides 赤潮Biomagnification 生物放大作用UPest 有害生物Natural enemies 天敌Ruderal 杂草型Economic/aesthetic injury level 经济/美学损害水平Cultural 栽培Biological control 生物防治‘Silent spring’寂静的春天Chemical toxicity 化学毒性Evolution of resistance抗性进化Microbial insecticide微生物杀虫剂Inoculation接种Augmentation扩大Inundation 爆发VRare species 稀有种Genetic diversity 遗传多样性Extinction 灭绝Endemic species 特有种Habitat fragmentation 生境片段化Insularization 岛屿化Biodiversity 生物多样性Strategies for conservation保育对策Antarctic treaty 南极协议Ecotourism生态旅游WAir pollution空气污染Acid rain 酸雨Water pollutants 水体污染物Soil pollution 土壤污染Acid deposition 酸降Pathogens病源体Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量Anaerobes 厌氧菌The greenhouse effect 温室效应Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Ozone 臭氧Photochemical smog 光化学烟雾XOverview 概述Soil erosion 土壤侵蚀Soil compaction 土壤硬结Contour ploughing等高耕作Cover crops 覆盖作物No-till farming 免耕农业。
戴炜栋《新编简明英语语言学教程》章节题库(形态学) 【圣才出品】
第3章形态学I. Multiple choices:1. ______ is the study of the way how morphemes, representation of sounds, are arranged and combined to form words.A. LexicologyB. MorphologyC. PhonologyD. Morphological rule【答案】B【解析】题干是对形态学的解释,形态学是研究词素如何组合构成词的学科。
2. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. Content words of a language are sometimes called closed class words.B. New words can be added to content words regularly.C. Open class words consist of “grammatical” or “functional” words.D. The number of such words as conjunctions, prepositions, articles andpronouns is large and unstable, since many new words are added.【答案】B【解析】因为经常有很多新词能增加进入实义词范畴,它们有时也称为开放性词类,B项正确;而连词、介词、冠词和代词等由“语法性的”或“功能性的”词构成,而此类词相对量少,由于通常不添加新词,所以它们也被称为封闭性词类。
3. What is the minimal unit of meaning?A. Phoneme.B. Morpheme.C. Allophone.D. Allomorph.【答案】B【解析】词素是最小的意义单位。
北京大学学报(自然科学版) 第59卷 第3期 2023年5月Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol. 59, No. 3 (May 2023)doi: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.031毛乌素沙地樟子松人工林根内真菌网络动态特征及其对气候因子的响应柳叶1任悦1高广磊1,2,3,†丁国栋1,2,3张英1,2,3赵珮杉1王家源11.北京林业大学水土保持学院, 林业生态工程教育部工程研究中心, 北京 100083;2.宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 盐池 751500; 3.水土保持国家林业和草原局重点实验室, 北京林业大学, 北京 100083;†通信作者,E-mail:********************.cn摘要为揭示樟子松人工林根内真菌群落相互关系的动态特征, 以毛乌素沙地樟子松人工林为研究对象, 采用生态网络分析法, 分析不同林龄(中龄、近熟和成熟)及其年内生长阶段(生长季初期、旺盛期和末期)樟子松根内真菌群落共现网络动态特征及其对气候因子的响应, 得到如下结果。
1)在不同林龄阶段, 樟子松人工林根内真菌共现网络差异不明显; 在不同生长季阶段, 根内真菌共现网络差异明显, 生长季旺盛期, 根内真菌共现网络较为复杂。
2)在不同林龄和不同生长季阶段, 樟子松人工林根内真菌关键类群差异明显, 主要包括地孔菌属(Geopora)、棉革菌属(Tomentella)、暗球腔菌属(Phaeosphaeria)、Neocucurbitaria和被孢霉属(Mortierella)等。
生长季初期和末期关键类群为外生菌根真菌和腐生真菌, 旺盛期为腐生真菌和病原真菌。
中龄林关键类群为腐生真菌和病原真菌, 成熟林为外生菌根真菌和腐生真菌。
3)外生菌根真菌网络的主要影响因子为相对湿度(P<0.05), 腐生真菌和病原真菌网络的主要影响因子为平均降水量和相对湿度。
第 32 卷第 12 期Vol.32,No.121-132023 年 12 月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA李佳慧,黄麟,樊江文. 中国草原生态价值及时空动态格局. 草业学报, 2023, 32(12): 1−13.LI Jia-hui,HUANG Lin,FAN Jiang-wen. Ecological value and its spatiotemporal dynamic patterns of grassland in China. Acta Prataculturae Sinica,2023, 32(12): 1−13.中国草原生态价值及时空动态格局李佳慧1,2,黄麟3*,樊江文3(1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京100101;2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京100101)摘要:草原是我国最大的陆地生态系统、重要的自然资源、人-草-畜社会生态系统的载体,然而仍有大面积草原存在不同程度的退化,亟待保护修复以提升质量、功能和稳定性。
1I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A LFOCUSED ON WHAT MATTERS patient room chair Versatile & NomadZ seriesVERSATILE Z-25VERSATILE Z-15NOMAD Z-552527 Dalton avenue, Quebec (Qc) G1P 3S6 CANADAT 418-681-1313 1-800-663-4863 F 418-681-4488A WORD OF THANKSCongratulations and thank you for purchasing your chair from LPA Medical.Since 1989, LPA Medical has been dedicated to designing and manufacturing chairs to meet the most demanding requirements of the healthcare community. Our products are designed with comfort and durability in mind for both long-term and short-term uses. We are proud to manufacture quality products that incorporate advanced features into an aesthetic design that helps maintain the user’s dignity and well-being.Please read this instruction manual carefully and consult it often to maximize the benefits of your LPA chair. If you have any questions after reading it, do not hesitate to contact your LPA representative, contact us directly through our website, or use our phone number, listed below.We hope that you enjoy your LPA Medical chair and we thank you for your business.Bryan WelchPresidentLPA Medical inc.2527 avenue Dalton,Quebec City, QC, Canada G1P 3S6T : 418-681-1313F : 418-681-4488Toll free : 1-800-663-4863*******************2TABLE OF CONTENTA Word of Thanks 2 Replacement Parts Availability Policy 4 General Information4 Definitions5 Safety Measures 5 Applications 6 Inspection Before Use6 Risk Prevention 6 Improper Uses7 Cleaning 7 Maintenance 7 Adjustment and Operating Instructions8 Seat-to-Floor Height 8Elastic Backrest Bands 9Backrest Cushion 10Backrest Cushion 11Seat Cushion 12Tilt – Model Z-25 13Seat Tilt – Option Z-C2-A 14Seat Depth – Options Z-C3-A and Z-C4-A 15Backrest Angle – Option Z-C3-A 16Backrest Tilt – Option Z-C4-A 17Serial Number Location 18 Options and Accessories 19 Additional Ergonomic Recommendations 20 Getting Up20Sitting Down 20Options and Accessories 20 Terms & Conditions 21 General 21Damage During Transportation 21Returns 21General Warranty 22Our Commitment 22Exclusions 22 Parts List 23 Exploded View 243REPLACEMENT PARTS AVAILABILITY POLICY LPA Medical’s replacement parts availability policy ensures parts for at least 10 years after the purchase of your LPA product, which makes it:• An eco-friendly purchase. If anything breaks, you know thatreplacement parts will be available for a long time. Why throw yourchair away when you can fix it?• An economical purchase. You’ll enjoy substantial savings due to your LPA chair’s enhanced durability.In addition, we are proud to provide one of the most comprehensive warranties on the market.GENERAL INFORMATIONThis document is a guide for the use and maintenance of your LPA chair.It is important that anyone using the chair reads it in its entirety.It is the responsibility of caregivers, including family or loved ones using this chair, to follow the instructions in this manual at all times and to ensure proper care and maintenance of the LPA chair.LPA Medical Inc. accepts no responsibility for any breakage, incident, injury, damage or accident caused by improper use, failure to safely maintain the chair in good operating condition through any unauthorized modification of the chair, failure to follow instructions in this manual or any other use deemed abnormal.LPA products are not designed to be pressure-washed or washed in automatic wheelchair washers.LPA products are not designed to be used outdoors or to be used in the shower.4DEFINITIONSAdjustments (height, depth, backrest angle)Functions to configure the chair to fit different body types.TiltA function enabling the seat and backrest to tilt together.Backrest tiltA function that modifies the backrest angle in relation to the seat. Activation leverThe lever used to change the overall tilt position or the backrest tilt. Patient or userThe chair’s end-user, the person receiving the care.SAFETY MEASURESChair assignment, positioning adjustments and mobilization handling must be performed by professionals who have been trained for this purpose. The caregiver team must ensure that it does not pose a risk to their safety or that of others.Before using the chair, caregivers must have received adequate training from an LPA Medical representative or a trained third party. This instruction manual will be used as a reference for continuing education.It is strongly recommended to appoint a caregiver responsible for training and maintaining an up-to-date list of those who have received training. For the patient’s safety, anyone who has not received adequate training should not be allowed to use the chair.5APPLICATIONSThe Versatile chair is designed for all users, for short- and long-term care as well as for use at home. Its comfort, morphological adjustments and features meet the needs of various healthcare facilities.The gas-assisted tilt function helps with rehabilitation and reduces the risk of workplace accidents. It also helps users maintain their autonomy in long-term care.The Versatile chair is not designed to be cleaned with a pressurewasher or an industrial washing machine. Such practices can leadto component rust and void warranties. In addition, LPA chairs arenot designed for outdoor use.The Versatile chair must be used with accessories specificallydesigned for it by LPA Medical Inc. It must be used in accordancewith recognized health and safety practices.INSPECTION BEFORE USEThe chair can be shipped fully assembled or partially assembled. It must be inspected when unpackaged and you must notify your supplier if there is any damage or missing parts/accessories so that the situation is remedied before taking possession.RISK PREVENTIONAdjustments to accommodate different body shapes must be made properly by a qualified person or supervised by this person. In cases where the patient is restless, in-chair behavior should be observed to assess the risks. In addition, the chair must not be placed within reach of guardrails, bed rails or fixed objects that could be gripped and cause a tip-over, or to avoid a possible pinch point. Note that for these cases the patient should always be under assistance and supervision. These measures are necessary for patient safety. Using a tray for restraint purposes is prohibited and can lead to situations of choking that may cause death.Only the use of approved and prescribed restraints is accepted.Note: Contact us for more information about restraint installation.6IMPROPER USES• Manipulating the chair without proper training.• Moving the chair without using the rear wheels (if present).• Using it for a patient without professional assignment.• Making adjustments without supervision or prior training.• Leaving a patient in an unsafe area or without supervision.• Tilting the chair on its wheels with a patient in it.• Moving the chair with the patient in it.• Exceeding the recommended weight limit.CLEANINGFollow the selected covering manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning. Check with your supplier that the products you use are compatible.The chair should not be pressure-washed or placed inside a washingmachine. These practices may cause the chair components to rustinternally, as well as deteriorate the adjustment components,thus voiding the LPA chair warranty. MAINTENANCEAs long as the recommendations for use and cleaning are followed, the Versatile chair does not require preventive maintenance. Some parts will need to be replaced for normal wear and tear over years of use.78The height adjustment (from 16 ½" to 19 ½") is done according to the length of the user’s lower leg. It is important that the user’s hips, knees, and ankles are at 90 degrees. Their feet must make good contact with the floor.The Nomad Z-55 model is not adjustable in height. It can be equipped with wheels of different sizes.9101112131. turns), then pull.2. the knob clockwise.The Z-55 Nomad and Z-25-28 Extra bariatric models are equipped with gas springs that allow adjustment with a user in the chair. Only the three starting positions at the base of the gas spring allow a variation in the type of tilt.WARNING: THE CHAIR MUST BE UNO CCUPIED WHEN MAKING THIS ADJUSTMENT.3. wire retainer.14The Z-C2-A option enables seat tilt adjustment to meet the occupant’s needs. Depending on the positioning of the gas spring on the base’s multi-hole plate, you can get:A. Significant a ssistance w hen getting up.B. Slight assistance when getting up.C. A backward tilt.WARNING: THE CHAIR MUST BE UNO CCUPIED WHEN MAKING THIS ADJUSTMENT. For this operation, it is strongly recommended to lay the chair on its side for safer maneuvering to minimize the risk of jammingfingers. It will also make the operation easier.1.behind the backrest, underthe seat. Push the levers downto loosen them.2.and push it or pull it to adjustthe seat depth. Make sure thebackrest is that you can slide a hand easily between the knee and the seatcushion. This adjustment will provide good seat and back contactwith the backrest.WARNING: THE CHAIR MUST BE UNO CCUPIED WHEN MAKING THISADJUSTMENT.3. Tighten the levers firmly.15located under the seat.1.3.WARNING: THE CHAIR MUST BE UNO CCUPIED WHEN MAKING THISADJUSTMENT.2.16SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONEach LPA Medical Inc. chair is identified by a serial number. Always provide your LPA chair’s serial number when ordering replacement parts.The serial number can be found on the label affixed under the back of the seat.NOTE: There are a multitude of options and accessories available to customize your Versatile chair to suit your specific needs or if your condition changes.Don’t hesitate to ask questions to optimize the fit of your chair.1819ADDITIONAL ERGONOMIC RECOMMENDATIONSTo get up from the Versatile chair more easily:• Tilt the chair forward.• Slide your buttocks to the front of the chair.• Bring your feet under the seat.• Place your hands on the armrests.Lean forward while looking straight ahead.•• Tilt the chair forward.• Stand in front of the chair and back up until the chair touches the backof your knees.• Bend your knees while placing your hands on the armrests.Slide your buttocks to the back of the chair.•There are a multitude of options and accessories available to customize your Versatile chair according to your specific needs or if your condition changes.Don’t hesitate to ask questions to optimize the fit of your chair.20TERMS & CONDITIONSAPPLICABLE TO PRODUCTS PURCHASED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2018GENERALLPA Medical inc. reserves the right to modify without notice or obligation the design, specifications and prices of the equipment it manufactures. Shippingis charged at the current price at the time of delivery.The minimum order requirement is $25.DAMAGE DURING TRANSPORTATIONAll goods damaged by transport must be immediately reported upon delivery, followed by a written claim within five (5) days. A copy of the claim must be sent to LPA. Any unreported damage during this period will void the LPA Medical Inc. warranty.Additional costs of handling and/or using a platform when unloading may apply and are at the customer's expense.RETURNSMerchandise to be returned must have prior written authorization from our Customer Service Department. All return requests must contain the following information:• The reason(s) for the return.• The LPA invoice number or delivery slip.• The LPA model or part number.• The number of items being returned.Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. All authorized returns must be shipped pre-paid except where there has been an error in processing or a defect in materials or workmanship. In this case, contact LPA Medical Inc. for special instructions.21GENERAL WARRANTYThe LPA Medical Inc. warranty covers manufacturing defects for the original owner/user, except for the exclusions below, for the periods below from the date of purchase:Useful life* for the metal structure of the chairs.5 years on the wooden structures of self-locking rocking chairs Thera-Glide®models W and T.3 years for the backrest mechanism of Thera-Glide® self-locking rocking chairs.3 years on the padding of the chairs.2 years for all other mechanisms, gas or mechanical locking cylinders, controlcables, wheels, table trays.1 year on all accessories purchased separately from chairs and replacementparts.If a part is missing, contact our customer service with the following information:1. Model, serial # and part #.2. Purchase date and invoice number.3. Description of the problem.* The useful lifespan of an LPA chair is estimated to be 10 years.OUR COMMITMENTLPA Medical inc. agrees to provide replacement parts for a period of 10 years after the date of purchase of the product. LPA Medical Inc. reserves the right to provide replacement parts with a different design than that of the replaced part, at its sole discretion.LPA Medical Inc.’s obligation is expressly limited to correcting the defect by adjusting, repairing or replacing the equipment, at LPA’s sole discretion. EXCLUSIONS• Normal wear and tear.• Water or fire damage, including damage from pressure washers andautomatic wheelchair washers.• Rust and damaged covering.• Unauthorized repair or modification or done with parts other than theoriginal ones.• Damage resulting from abnormal or abusive use.• Damage caused by exposure to weather.22PARTS LISTN o17"20"24"28"Description1ZP-014Z-15 / Z-25 Height adjustable foot 2ZP-315-17ZP-315-20ZP-315-24N/A Z-15 Base frame3ZP-325-17ZP-325-20ZP-325-24ZP-325-28Z-25 Base frame4N/A ZP-425-20N/A N/A Z-55 Base frame5N/A ZP-330-20N/A N/A Z-25 Seat and backrest frame6ZP-335-17ZP-335-20ZP-335-24ZP-335-28Z-25 / Z-55 Adjustable seat frame 7ZP-345-17ZP-345-20ZP-345-24ZP-345-28Z-25 Adjustable backrest frame 8N/A ZP-446-20N/A N/A Z-55 Adjustable backrest frame9ZP-350-17ZP-350-20ZP-350-24ZP-350-28Z-25 / Z-55 Adjustable backrest angle & seat depth frame10N/A ZP-447-20N/A N/A Z-55 Push bar11ZP-356Height adjustable rear foot with wheel (Z-C5 option, comes standardon Z-25-28)12ZP-375N/A Seat angle telescopic support13ZP-380N/A Back recline telescopic support (Z-C3-A) 14CYL-Z01CYL-Z02CYL-Z04CYL-Z02 (2x)Tilt-in-space gas spring (Z-C2-A)15CYL-Z03CYL-Z03 (2x)Reclining backrest gas spring (Z-C4-A) 16PV7850102R Right black plastic slide17PV7850102L Left black plastic slide18XPE65052R Right green end guide19XPE65052L Left green end guide20SU-05Black polyurethane armrest21QCL50006N/A Straight handle and short adjustable cable assembly22N/A N/A N/A ZP-364Dual activator lever with short and long cables23N/A SW-05N/A N/A4" (10cm) swivel wheel with brake24N/A SW-11N/A N/A 4" (10cm) fixed wheel with brake (metal late included)25ZU-04-17ZU-04-20ZU-04-24ZU-04-28Backrest elastic bands(4/set for 17" to 24", 5/set for 28")26ZU-25-17ZU-25-20ZU-25-24N/A Backrest cushion with rear zipper* 27ZU-26-17ZU-26-20ZU-26-24ZU-26-28Seat cushion*28ZU-28-17ZU-28-20ZU-28-24ZU-25-28Backrest cushion without rear zipper (standard on Z-55)*29ZU-27Pair of upholstered side panels(Z-C9 option on Z-15 / Z-25, standard on Z-55)*30RB-18Cervical support31ZP-01-17ZP-01-20ZP-01-24ZP-01-28Thermoformed tray for Versatile and Nomad* A lways specify the color, width, fabric pattern and serial number of the Versatile chair when ordering replacement parts. See page 18 for the location of the serial number. Replacement parts may have slight color differences from those of the original chair. LPA Medical cannot be held responsible for these differences.– Edited on 2022-02 –23VUE ÉCLATÉE2425。
收稿日期:2018-10-17;修回日期:2019-03-22基金项目:贵州省林业厅重大项目(黔林科合[2010]重大04号);贵州省省地合作科技计划项目作者简介:王灯(1988),男,博士研究生,研究方向为植物生态学(E-mail ) 。
通信作者:刘济明,教授,博士生导师(E-mail ) 。
结果表明:罗甸小米核桃果仁的营养成分以脂肪含量(56.57%)占绝对优势,矿物质元素Ca 含量(1.27mg /g )、Zn 含量(0.0272mg /g )和蛋白质含量(16.84%)也较丰富;果仁的脂肪酸以不饱和脂肪酸(90.83%)为主,脂肪酸中亚油酸、油酸、亚麻酸和棕榈酸的含量较高,合计97.12%;果仁中含有17种氨基酸,总量为137.79mg /g ,包含8种人体必需氨基酸,占氨基酸总量的31.03%;罗甸小米核桃平均果重8.333g ,壳厚1.03mm ,仁重4.987g ,出仁率为59.84%;其综合性状均达到了国家坚果1级 优级品质指标值,营养丰富,适宜大面积推广种植。
关键词:小米核桃;脂肪酸;氨基酸;主要营养成分;果实特性中图分类号:TS222;TQ646.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-7969(2019)06-0095-04Main nutritional ingredients and morphological characters ofJuglans regia L.f.luodianense Liu et XuWANG Deng 1,LIU Jiming 1,XU Guorui 2,CHEN Jingzhong 1(1.Forest College ,Guizhou University ,Guiyang 550025,China ;2.Research Center for Eco -EnvironmentalSciences ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100085,China )Abstract :The national standard method was used to determine the main nutritional ingredients of Juglans regia L.f.luodianense Liu et Xu ,such as fatty acids ,amino acids and minerals ,and its fruit characteris-tics.The results showed that the nutritional ingredients of Juglans regia L.f.luodianense Liu et Xu ker-nel was dominated by the fat content (56.57%),and Ca (1.27mg /g ),Zn (0.0272mg /g )and protein (16.84%)were also abundant.The fatty acids of the kernel were mainly unsaturated fatty acids (90.83%),and the contents of linoleic acid ,oleic acid ,linolenic acid and palmitic acid were high ,with a total content of 97.12%.The kernel contained 17amino acids ,and the total content was 137.79mg /g ,including eight kinds of essential amino acids ,accounting for 31.03%of total amino acids.The average fruit weight of Juglans regia L.f.luodianense Liu et Xu was 8.333g ,and the shell thickness was 1.03mm ,the kernel weight was 4.987g ,and the kernel yield was 59.84%.The comprehensive char-acters of Juglans regia L.f.luodianense Liu et Xu reached the national grade 1to excellent quality index value ,which was rich in nutrition and suitable for popularization in large areas.Key words :Juglans regia L.f.luodianense Liu et Xu ;fatty acid ;amino acid ;main nutritional ingredi-ent ;fruit characteristics核桃(Juglans regia L.)味美且营养丰富,与扁桃、腰果、榛子并列为世界四大坚果[1],有着“长寿果”的美誉[2]。
ESC REPORTCurrent stateof knowledge on aetiology,diagnosis,management,and therapy of myocarditis:a position statement of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial DiseasesAlida L.P.Caforio 1†*,Sabine Pankuweit 2†,Eloisa Arbustini 3,Cristina Basso 4,Juan Gimeno-Blanes 5,Stephan B.Felix 6,Michael Fu 7,Tiina Helio¨8,Stephane Heymans 9,Roland Jahns 10,Karin Klingel 11,Ales Linhart 12,Bernhard Maisch 2,William McKenna 13,Jens Mogensen 14,Yigal M.Pinto 15,Arsen Ristic 16,Heinz-Peter Schultheiss 17,Hubert Seggewiss 18,Luigi Tavazzi 19,Gaetano Thiene 4,Ali Yilmaz 20,Philippe Charron 21,and Perry M.Elliott 131Division of Cardiology,Department of Cardiological Thoracic and Vascular Sciences,University of Padua,Padova,Italy;2Universita ¨tsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH,StandortMarburg,Klinik fu ¨r Kardiologie,Marburg,Germany;3Academic Hospital IRCCS Foundation Policlinico,San Matteo,Pavia,Italy;4Cardiovascular Pathology,Department of Cardiological Thoracic and Vascular Sciences,University of Padua,Padova,Italy;5Servicio de Cardiologia,Hospital U.Virgen de Arrixaca Ctra.Murcia-Cartagena s/n,El Palmar,Spain;6MedizinischeKlinik B,University of Greifswald,Greifswald,Germany;7Department of Medicine,Heart Failure Unit,Sahlgrenska Hospital,University of Go¨teborg,Go ¨teborg,Sweden;8Division of Cardiology,Helsinki University Central Hospital,Heart &Lung Centre,Helsinki,Finland;9Center for Heart Failure Research,Cardiovascular Research Institute,University Hospital of Maastricht,Maastricht,The Netherlands;10Department of Internal Medicine,Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I,Cardiology,Wuerzburg,Germany;11Department of Molecular Pathology,University Hospital Tu ¨bingen,Tu ¨bingen,Germany;122nd Department of Internal Medicine,1st School of Medicine,Charles University,Prague 2,Czech Republic;13The HeartHospital,University College,London,UK;14Department of Cardiology,Odense University Hospital,Odense,Denmark;15Department of Cardiology (Heart Failure Research Center),Academic Medical Center,Amsterdam,The Netherlands;16Department of Cardiology,Clinical Center of Serbia and Belgrade University School of Medicine,Belgrade,Serbia;17Department of Cardiology and Pneumology,Charite ´Centrum 11(Cardiovascular Medicine),Charite ´–Universita ¨tsmedizin Berlin,Campus Benjamin Franklin,Berlin,Germany;18Medizinische Klinik 1,Leopoldina Krankenhaus Schweinfurt,Schweinfurt,Germany;19GVM Care and Research,Maria Cecilia Hospital,Cotignola,RA,Italy;20Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus,Stuttgart,Germany;and 21UPMC Univ Paris 6,AP-HP,Hoˆpital Pitie ´-Salpe ˆtrie `re,Centre de Re ´fe ´rence Maladies cardiaques he ´re ´ditaires,Paris,France Received 14December 2012;revised 19April 2013;accepted 23May 2013;online publish-ahead-of-print 3July 2013In this position statement of the ESC Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases an expert consensus group reviews the currentknowledge on clinical presentation,diagnosis and treatment of myocarditis,and proposes new diagnostic criteria for clinically suspected myo-carditis and its distinct biopsy-proven pathogenetic forms.The aims are to bridge the gap between clinical and tissue-based diagnosis,to improve management and provide a common reference point for future registries and multicentre randomised controlled trials of aetiology-driven treatment in inflammatory heart muscle disease.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KeywordsMyocarditis †Cardiomyopathy †Diagnosis †TherapyIntroductionMyocarditis is achallenging diagnosis due to the heterogeneityof clinical presentations.1–3The actual incidence of myocarditis is also difficult to determine as endomyocardial biopsy (EMB),the diagnostic gold stand-ard,1–3is used infrequently.2,3Studies addressing the issue of sudden cardiac death in young people report a highly variable autopsyprevalence of myocarditis,ranging from 2to 42%of cases.4,5Similarly,biopsy-proven myocarditis is reported in 9–16%of adult patients with unexplained non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)6,7and in 46%ofchildren with an identified cause of DCM.8In patients presenting with mild symptoms and minimal ventricular dysfunction,myocarditis often resolves spontaneously without specific treatment.9However,in up to 30%of cases,biopsy-proven myocarditis can progressto†A.L.P.C.and S.P.contributed equally to the document.*Corresponding author.Division of Cardiology,Department of Cardiological Thoracic and Vascular Sciences,Padua University Medical School,Policlinico Universitario,Via N Giustinani,2,35128Padova,Italy.Tel:+39(0)498212348,Fax:+39(0)498211802,Email:alida.caforio@unipd.itPublished on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.All rights reserved.&The Author 2013.For permissions please email:journals.permissions@European Heart Journal (2013)34,2636–2648doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht210by guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded fromcarditis patients also varies according to the underlying aetiology.9The treatment of many forms of myocarditis is symptomatic,10but immuno-histochemical1–3,9,10,11–15andmolecular biologicalanalysisofEMB16as well as autoantibody serum testing is important to identify those patients in whom specific therapy is appropriate.9,17In this Position Statement of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases,an expert consensus group has reviewed the current literature on clinical pres-entation,diagnosis,and treatment of myocarditis and propose new diagnostic criteria for clinically suspected myocarditis.The present article is an opinion statement from the European Society of Cardi-ology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases. DefinitionsIn this document,we recommend use of existing definitions of myo-carditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy(Box1),but acknowledge that there is some confusion about the terms DCM and inflammatory cardiomyopathy.Dilated cardiomyopathy is a clinical diagnosis based on morphological and functional characterization of the left ventricle; inflammatory cardiomyopathy is both a histological and functional diagnosis characterized by myocarditis in association with systolic and/or diastolic cardiac dysfunction;thus inflammatory cardiomyop-athy and DCM are not mutually exclusive.The histological diagnosis of myocarditis includes different forms, classified according to the type of inflammatory cell infiltrate: lymphocytic,eosinophilic,polymorphic,giant cell myocarditis,and cardiac sarcoidosis.2,4,12The task group also recommends the follow-ing criteria for subsets of myocarditis or inflammatory cardiomyop-athy.1,2,9,13,14,16–21Histological evidence for myocarditis associated with positive viral polymerase chain reaction(PCR)(Table1).Autoimmune myocarditisHistological myocarditis with negative viral PCR,with or without serum cardiac autoantibodies(aabs)(Table2).N.B.There are autoimmune diseases(e.g.Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) where aabs are mainly biomarkers,autoantibody-mediated forms(e.g.Graves’disease),in which aabs are pathogenic,and cell-mediated autoimmune diseases,which are negative for aabs.In all cases,auto-immune diseases are negative for infectious agents.Viral and immune myocarditisHistological myocarditis with positive viral PCR and positive cardiacaabs(Table2).N.B.A follow-up EMB may document persistent viral myocarditis, histological and virological resolution,or persistent virus-negative myocarditis,with or without serum cardiac aabs, autoimmune disease.Aetiology of myocarditisAlthough the aetiology of myocarditis often remains undetermined,alarge variety of infectious agents,systemic diseases,drugs,and toxinscan cause the disease(Table1).1–3,11,16,21–24Some causes of myocardi-tis are now largely historical or occur in very specific scenarios such as sepsis or in immunocompromised patients.Molecular techniques, mainly(reverse transcriptase)(RT)-PCR amplification,9,18,19,22,24–34 suggest that viral infections are the most important cause of myocarditisin North America and Europe with genomes of enterovirus,adeno-virus,influenza viruses,human herpes virus-6(HHV-6), Epstein-Barr-virus,cytomegalovirus,hepatitis C virus,and parvovirusB19reported in the myocardium of patients with myocarditis and DCM.Lymphocytic and giant cell myocarditis are presumed idiopathicor autoimmune if no viruses are identified in EMB and other known causes are excluded(Figure1).17Similarly,the diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous myocarditis(cardiac sarcoidosis)requires negativestains for microorganisms.2Autoimmune myocarditis may occur with exclusive cardiac involvement or in the context of autoimmune disor-ders with extra-cardiac manifestations,9,11,17most frequently in sarcoid-osis(Figure1),hypereosinophilic syndrome,scleroderma,and systemiclupus erythematosus.PathogenesisIn human myocarditis,there is evidence for viral and autoimmune mechanisms,acting in individuals with or without a genetic predispos-ition(familial or sporadic cases,respectively).14,15,18,35–103Murine studies of viral myocarditis23,104–107are based mostly on Coxsackie-virus B3-infected animals,which exhibit strain-specific susceptibility. Enteroviruses that preferentially enter cardiomyocytes via specific receptors cause severe cytopathic effects due to virus replicationin thefirst2weeks post-infection.As a consequence,a humoraland cellular immune response,mainly consisting of macrophagesand CD4+and CD8+T-lymphocytes,is initiated in resistantby guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded fromanimals (C57BL/6mice,Sv129mice)and leads to the elimination of the infectious agent within 2weeks following infection.In susceptible mouse strains (e.g.A/J,ABY/SnJ,ASW/SnJ,ACA/SnJ,SWR/J,Balb/c),viral RNA and inflammation persist in the heart for several weeks.104–105There is evidence that in these susceptible mice strains,the ongoing infection and inflammation trigger autoimmune reactions in the heart,most likely as a result of myocyte necrosis and subsequent release of self-antigens previously hidden to the immune system (Figure 2).108The same genetically predisposed strains of animals develop autoimmune lymphocytic or giant cell myocarditis and later DCM after immunization with cardiac autoantigens (e.g.cardiac myosin)or spontaneously.In common with other autoimmune diseases such as Type 1diabetes,major histocompatibility complex (MHC)and non-MHC genes appear to be responsible for the predisposition to murine myocarditis.17,108–115It is likely that genetic predisposition is also important for the devel-opment of viral 116and/or autoimmune myocarditis and its progression to DCM in humans.35–36,117Progression from myocarditis to DCM seems to occur predominantly in patients with histologically confirmed persistant (chronic)inflammation 18that cannot eliminate the infective microbialagents 32orhavedevelopedpathogeniccardiacautoantibodies directed against myocardial structural,sarcoplasmic,or sarcolemmal proteins.The frequency,cardiac,and disease specificity for such anti-bodies in myocarditis/DCM are summarized in Table 2.9,36,37,118,119Clinical presentationMyocarditis presents in many different ways,ranging from mild symp-toms of chest pain and palpitations associated with transient ECG changes to life-threatening cardiogenic shock and ventricular arrhyth-mia (Table 3).The disease may affect individuals of all ages,although it is most frequent in the young.This diversity of clinical scenarios implies that the diagnosis of myocarditis requires a high level of suspi-cion early in the course of the disease and the use of appropriate inves-tigations to identify its cause.In all cases of suspected myocarditis,it is mandatory to exclude coronary artery disease and other cardiovascu-lar,e.g.hypertension,or extra-cardiac non-inflammatory diseases that could explain the clinical presentation.Rarely patients with other car-diovascular disorders such ascoronary artery disease,cardiomyopathy,and hypertensive heart disease present with a clinical deterioration caused by myocarditis that is mistakenly attributed to the natural history of the preexisting disease.If this is stronglysuspected by the clin-ician,further investigation including EMB may be appropriate.Myocarditis can be an incidental finding in autopsy studies of indi-viduals who died of non-cardiac death or in myocardial samples obtained for clinical reasons unrelated to the clinical suspicion of myocarditis,for example following valve surgery or in explanted hearts taken from patients that have received inotropic drugs.In these circumstances,the significance of myocardial inflammation must be interpreted cautiously in the light of the clinical scenario...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Table 1Causes of myocarditis/inflammatory cardiomyopathy1.Infectious myocarditis Bacterial Staphylococcus ,Streptococcus ,Pneumococcus ,Meningococcus ,Gonococcus ,Salmonella ,Corynebacterium diphtheriae ,Haemophilus influenzae ,Mycobacterium (tuberculosis),Mycoplasma pneumoniae ,BrucellaSpirochaetal Borrelia (Lyme disease),Leptospira (Weil disease)Fungal Aspergillus,Actinomyces,Blastomyces,Candida,Coccidioides,Cryptococcus,Histoplasma,Mucormycoses,Nocardia,Sporothrix Protozoal Trypanosoma cruzi,Toxoplasma gondii,Entamoeba,Leishmania Parasitic Trichinella spiralis,Echinococcus granulosus,Taenia soliumRickettsial Coxiella burnetii (Q fever),R.rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever),R.tsutsugamuschiViralRNA viruses:Coxsackieviruses A and B,echoviruses,polioviruses,influenza A and B viruses,respiratory syncytial virus,mumps virus,measles virus,rubella virus,hepatitis C virus,dengue virus,yellow fever virus,Chikungunya virus,Junin virus,Lassa fever virus,rabies virus,human immunodeficiency virus-1DNA viruses:adenoviruses,parvovirus B19,cytomegalovirus,human herpes virus-6,Epstein-Barr virus,varicella-zoster virus,herpes simplex virus,variola virus,vaccinia virus2.Immune-mediated myocarditis AllergensTetanus toxoid,vaccines,serum sicknessDrugs:penicillin,cefaclor,colchicine,furosemide,isoniazid,lidocaine,tetracycline,sulfonamides,phenytoin,phenylbutazone,methyldopa,thiazide diuretics,amitriptyline Alloantigens Heart transplant rejectionAutoantigensInfection-negative lymphocytic,infection-negative giant cellAssociated with autoimmune or immune-oriented disorders:systemic lupus erythematosus,rheumatoid arthritis,Churg-Strausssyndrome,Kawasaki’s disease,inflammatory bowel disease,scleroderma,polymyositis,myasthenia gravis,insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,thyrotoxicosis,sarcoidosis,Wegener’s granulomatosis,rheumatic heart disease (rheumatic fever)3.Toxic myocarditis Drugs Amphetamines,anthracyclines,cocaine,cyclophosphamide,ethanol,fluorouracil,lithium,catecholamines,hemetine,interleukin-2,trastuzumab,clozapine Heavy metals Copper,iron,lead (rare,more commonly cause intramyocyte accumulation)Miscellaneous Scorpion sting,snake,and spider bites,bee and wasp stings,carbon monoxide,inhalants,phosphorus,arsenic,sodium azide Hormones Phaeochromocytoma,vitamins:beri–beri Physical agentsRadiation,electric shockA.L.P.Caforio et al .2638by guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded fromDiagnosis of myocarditisNon-invasive imaging techniques such as cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)imaging can be useful in making the diagnosis of myocarditis and for monitoring disease progression,but we strongly endorse theconcept that EMB should be the gold standard for the diagnosis of definitemyocarditis.1–3However,thisimpliesthat all patientswith sus-pected myocarditis should undergo an EMB which is not routine prac-tice;moreover,current guidelines recommend EMB only in a limited number of clinical scenarios that do not include some common...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Table 2Serum cardiac autoantibodies in autoimmune myocarditis/dilated cardiomyopathy:frequency in myocarditis/dilated cardiomyopathy,other cardiac disease (OCD)and normalsCardiac autoantibody (Ab)%aabs positive %antibody positiveFunctional effect/clinical relevanceReferencesMyocDCMOCD Normal Muscle-specific ASA,(AFA,IFA,AMLA)28–59*9–41*NT0–25Myocytolysis 72,77,57,64Cardiac-specific AHA 41–56*,^,a 26–30*,^,a 1–43Cardiac-and disease-specific early predictors;predict DCM development in relatives9a ,50a ,35a ,36a ,118a ,52aAIDA 17*,^,a 16*,^,a 2–40Anti-Beta1-AR3340–51^13–550–13Negative predictors,pro-apoptotic and other in vitro effects b 48,55,61–63,66a ,72,74–76,78,84,109,88,90,92,93,98NT35*,^,a16773–96*,^,a 29–95*,^,a 80NT 27–28100Anti-Beta2-ARNT 30–38^3315Association with idiopathic arrhythmia 53^,62,69a ,89NT 13–14NT 30–75a 3718Anti-muscarinic acetylcholinereceptor-21130–77c23d–618–13Negative inotropic,muscarinic effects 47d ,48c ,54,58,59,70,74–75,88,94,98NT 83e Association with atrial arrhythmia Cardiodepressant(F g -gamma-receptor 2a)NT64Negative inotropic effects in rat and human myocytes in vitro 56,66^,85–87,91^Anti-Ky channel-interacting protein 2,KChIP2.6—ELISA)NT 14^84Increased cell death in myocytes in vitro Anti-Alpha-MHC (cardiac-specific)17–37*,^,a 20–46*,^,a 4–160–2.5Negative predictors,pro-apoptotic109,51a ,60a ,118a ,140a Anti-Beta-MHC (muscle-cross reactive)68,95,96Anti-MLC 1v NT 17^–35250–1551,67^Anti-tropomyosin NT 55^21NT 67Anti-non-myofibrillar NT 46*,^,a 17051a Anti-MHC NT 67^42NT 67Anti-actin NT 71^21NT 67Anti-Troponin I ,T NT 1.7^–20^0^–180–4Negative predictors66,68,80Anti-laminin 737825–35697Anti-HSP60,70NT 10–85^1–42367,79Anti-s.Na/K-ATPase 26*NT 2Ventricular tachycardia predictors 49Anti-ANT 91*,^,a57*,^,a00Negative inotropic 81–83a Anti-M713*31*10065Anti-BCKD-E2100*^60*^446Legend to Table 2:*P ,0.05vs.normals;^P ,0.05vs.OCD.AFA,anti-fibrillary Ab;AHA,organ-specific and partially organ-specific anti-heart aabs;AIDA,anti-intercalated disks-aabs;ANT,adenine nucleotide translocator;AMLA,anti-myolemmal aabs;AR,adrenergic receptor;ASA,anti-sarcolemmal aabs;IFA,anti-interfibrillary aabs;BCKD,branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase dihydrolipoyl transacylase;HSP,heat shock protein;NT,not tested;OCD,other cardiac disease;MHC,myosin heavy chain;MLC1v,myosin light chain 1ventricular;Myoc,myocarditis.aCardiac and disease-specific for myocarditis/DCM.bIncrease L-type Ca 2+current;short-term positive inotropic effects;increase in cytoplasmic cAMP,and cAMP/FRET-activity.c77%(in Chagas-DCM).dIn atrial fibrillation patients.eIn selected ELISA-positive heart failure patients.Current state of knowledge on aetiology,diagnosis,management,and therapy of myocarditis2639by guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded fromFigure 1Upper panel:histopathology and immunopathology of acute lymphocytic myocarditis (first row,×100),chronic lymphocytic myocar-ditis (second row,×200),sarcoidosis (third row,×100),and giant cell myocarditis (fourth row,×200).Left column ¼haematoxylin-eosin (HE);middle column ¼staining with anti-CD3antibody (pan T lymphocyte marker);right column ¼staining with anti-CD68antibody (macrophage marker).Lower panel:short-axis (upper line)and long-axis (lower line)CMR images of a young patient with acute myocarditis.In the first two columns,cine-SSFP images are shown in diastole and systole and suggest absence of any wall motion abnormality.In the next column,T2-weighted edema images demonstrate the presence of patchy focal edema in the subepicardium of the inferolateral wall (red arrows).In the last column,T1-weighted LGE images demonstrate presence of subepicardially distributed LGE (red arrows)which is typical for acute myocarditis.A.L.P.Caforio et al .2640by guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded frompresentations of myocarditis,in particular,pseudo-infarction.120In order to improve recognition of myocarditis in clinical practice and to aid selection of patients that require further diagnostic evaluation and treatment,we propose new criteria for clinically suspected myo-carditis for which biopsy analysis is recommended (Table 4).These cri-teria are based upon consensus of experts and require validation in future multicentre registries and randomized trials in patients who have undergone EMB.Medical centres that cannot safely perform EMB or do not have access to state-of-the-art CMR should refer patients with clinically suspected myocarditis to a tertiary referral unit experienced in EMB and CMR,particularly when patients present with haemodynamic instability or life-threatening arrhythmia.Firstline tests in patients with a clinical presentation consistent with myocarditisElectrocardiogram (ECG)Electrocardiogram (ECG)is usually abnormal in myocarditis though ECG signs are neither specific nor sensitive (Table 4).9,121,122Some ECG changes are more suggestive of myocarditis than others.For example,ST-T segment elevation in myocarditis is typically concave (rather thanconvex in myocardial ischaemia)anddiffusewithoutrecip-rocal changes.A-V block in the presence of mild left ventricular dilata-tion can be due to various causes (including laminopathy),but it may also be suggestive of Lyme disease,cardiac sarcoidosis,or giant cell myocarditis.In recent studies,QRS prolongation was an independent negative predictor for survival (which could be also due solely to asyn-chrony in left bundle branch block),while Q-waves and repolarizationabnormalities were unrelated to outcome or immunohistological fea-tures of inflammation on EMB.122EchocardiographyEchocardiography helps to rule out non-inflammatory cardiac disease such as valve disease and to monitor changes in cardiac chamber size,wall thickness,ventricular function,and pericardial effusions.Global ventricular dysfunction,regional wall motion abnor-malities,and diastolic dysfunction with preserved ejection fraction may occur in myocarditis.123,124Histologically proven myocarditis may resemble dilated,hypertrophic,and restrictive cardiomyopathy and can mimic ischaemic heart disease.124,125Fulminant myocarditis often presents with a non-dilated,thickened,and hypocontractile left ventricle as the intense inflammatory response results in interstitial oedema and loss of ventricular contractility.123,124The role of newer imaging techniques such as tissue Doppler or strain-rate imaging in the diagnosis of myocarditis remains to be determined.Figure 2The picture shows the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in myocarditis and progression to dilated cardiomyopathy.Current state of knowledge on aetiology,diagnosis,management,and therapy of myocarditis2641by guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded fromNuclear imagingData on radionuclide evaluation,including antimyosin antibody imaging,are scarce but suggest that its sensitivity for detecting myo-cardial inflammation is variable and its specificity low.125–128Due to their limited availability and risk from radiation exposure,nuclear techniques are not routinely recommended for the diagnosis of myo-carditis,with the possible exception of sarcoidosis.Thallium 201and technetium 99m scintigraphy have been used to detect cardiac sarcoidosis but lack specificity.Gallium-67scintig-raphy and more recently positron emission tomography using 18fluorodeoxyglucose are probably more sensitive and may be useful in the acute phase of sarcoidosis and to monitor disease progres-sion.129–132The detection of extracardiac disease can suggest a diag-nosis of cardiac sarcoidosis.Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR)imagingCardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging provides non-invasive tissue characterization of the myocardium and can support the diag-nosis of myocarditis (Figure 1).133–139The timing of CMR in sus-pected myocarditis will depend upon local availability and expertise,but it is reasonable to first perform CMR in clinically stable patients,prior to EMB.It should not be performed in life-threatening presentations where EMB is urgently indicated.120,139Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging techniques have been evaluated in animal models of myocarditis as well as in patients.19,20,125,133–139Based on pre-clinical and clinical studies,an ‘International Consensus Group on CMR Diagnosis of Myocar-ditis’published detailed recommendations on the indication,imple-mentation,and analysis of appropriate CMR techniques for non-invasive diagnosis of myocarditis (Lake Louise criteria).20The combined use of three different CMR techniques is suggested (Table 5).134,136–139One study has demonstrated good correlation between CMR and EMB in troponin-positive patients without cor-onary artery disease 133;however,correlation is worse in patients with a longer history of symptoms and histologically confirmed.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Table 3Clinical presentations of patients with biopsy-proven inflammatory heart muscle disease(1)Acute coronary syndrome-like (a)Acute chest pain-Frequently starting within 1–4weeks of a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection -Frequently associated with severe and recurrent symptoms -In the absence of angiographic evidence of CAD (b)ST/T wave changes-ST-segment elevation or depression -T-wave inversions(c)With or without normal global or regional LV and/or RV dysfunction on echocardiography or CMR(d)With or without increased TnT/TnI that may have a time course similar to acute myocardial infarction or a prolonged and sustained release over several weeks or months(2)New onset or worsening heart failure in the absence of CAD and known causes of heart failure (a)New onset or progressive heart failure over 2weeks to 3months -Dyspnoea -Peripheral oedema -Chest discomfort -Fatigue(b)Impaired systolic LVand/or RVfunction,with or without an increase in wall thickness,with or without dilated LVand/or RVon echocardiographyor CMR (c)Symptoms possibly started after a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection,or in the peri-partum period (d)Non-specific ECG signs,bundle branch block,AV-block,and/or ventricular arrhythmias(3)Chronic heart failure in the absence of CAD and known causes of heart failure (see point 2above)(a)Heart failure symptoms (with recurrent exacerbations)of .3months duration(b)Fatigue,palpitation,dyspnoea,atypical chest pain,arrhythmia in an ambulant patient(c)Impaired systolic LV and/or RV function on echocardiography or CMR suggestive of DCM or non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy(d)Non-specific ECG signs,sometimes bundle branch block and/or ventricular arrhythmias and/or AV-block(4)‘life-threatening condition’,in the absence of CAD and known causes of heart failure comprising (a)Life-threatening arrhythmias and aborted sudden death (b)Cardiogenic shock(c)Severely impaired LV functionA.L.P.Caforio et al .2642by guest on October 21, 2014Downloaded from。
英语词汇术语 名词解释
第二部分名词解释1.English lexicologyEnglish Lexicology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the vocabulary of the English language in respect to words and word equivalents.2.w ordA word may be defined as a fundamental unit of speech and a minimum free form; with a unity of sound and meaning (both lexical and grammatical meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function.3.vocabularyAll the words in a language together constitute what is known as its vocabulary.4.native wordsWords of Anglo-Saxon origin or of Old English are called native wordsWords borrowed from other languages are called loan words. They are also called foreign words and borrowed words.mon wordsCommon words are also called popular words. They are words connected with the ordinary things or activities necessary to everyday life. Common words are neutral in style.7.literary wordsLiterary words are words chiefly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated style, in official documents, or in formal speeches. Literary words are formal in style.8.archaic wordsArchaic words are words no longer in common use, although retained for special purpose.9.poetical wordsPoetical words are words that are traditionally used only in poetry.10.colloquial wordsColloquial words are words or expressions mainly used in spoken English and informal writings.11.slang wordsSlang words are language, words or phrases of a vigorous, colorful, facetious, or taboo nature, invented for specific occasions, or uses, or derived from the unconventional use of the standard vocabulary.12.technical wordsTechnical words are words used in various special fields.13.function wordsFunction words are usually short words such as determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries and so forth, which serve grammatically than anything else.14.content wordsContent words are words which are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and have independent lexical meaning.15.basic word stockThe basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. These words have four obvious characteristics: national character, stability, word-forming ability and ability to form collocations. They are words which are most frequently used and which are essential to the construction of sentences and to life.16.neologismNeologisms are new words or new meanings for established words.17.obsolete wordsObsolete words are words completely out of current use.18.morphemeThe morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms.19.allomorphAn allomorph is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining morphemeA free morpheme is one which can be uttered alone with meaning. It can exist on its ownwithout a bound morpheme. A free morpheme is a word, in the traditional sense.21.bound morphemeA bound morpheme is one which cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance; it must appearwith at least one other morpheme, free or bound.22.rootA root is the basic unchangeable part of a word, and it conveys the main lexical meaning ofthe rootFree roots are free morphemes. They belong to the basic word-stock and provide the English language with a basis for the formation of new words.24.bound rootBound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root.Unlike a free root, it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. They were once words, yet in Modern English they are not words. They cannot exit on their own. Nor can they be used to form new words.25.affixAffix is a “collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme.” They are considered bound morphemes.26.inflectional affixAffixes attached to the end of words to indicate such grammatical relationships as plurality, tense, and the comparative or superlative degree are inflectional affixes.27.derivational affixDerivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words.28.prefixIn derivation, the affix added before the base is called prefix.29.suffixIn derivation, the affix added after the base is called suffix.30.hybridA hybrid is a word made up of elements from two or more different languages.31.simple wordA simple word is a word consisting of one free root (or one morpheme).32.word-formation rulesWord-formation rules are the rules which define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words.33.stemA stem is the part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have beenremoved.34.baseA base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added; it may also be defined as “aform to which a rule of word-formation is applied”.poundingCompounding or composition is a word formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new word.36. compoundWords formed through compounding are called compounds.36.string compoundWhen the first element of a noun compound is itself a compound, such a compound is called a string compound.37.derivationDerivation or affixation is a process of forming new words by addition of a word element, such as a prefix, suffix or combining form to an already existing word.bining formA combining form is a bound morpheme, which was originally a full word in Latin or Greek,but which now occurs only in derivatives.39.prefixationPrefixation is the formation of new words by adding a prefix or combining form to the base.40. suffixationSuffixation is the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or a combining form to the base, and usually changing the word-class of the base.41. differentiating suffixesDifferentiating suffixes are those suffixes which convey subtle nuances of meaning.42. conversionConversion is a word-formation process whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another word-class without the addition of an affix.43. functional shiftSince in conversion the words do not change in morphological structure but in function, conversion is called by some linguists “functional shift”.44. derivation by zero suffixSince the relationship between a base of one word-class and a corresponding derived word of another by suffixation is parallel to a shift of the same base from one word-class to another without suffixation, conversion is called by some linguists “derivation by zero suffix”.45. partial conversionSome adjectives are used as nouns when preceded by the definite article, yet these converted nouns take on only some of the features of the noun. Therefore, such adjective noun conversion is partial conversion.46. acronymyAcronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.47. initialismInitialism is a type of shortening, using the first letter of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phrase; an initialism is pronounced letter by letter.48. acronymAcronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc. Acronyms are pronounced as words.49. clippingClipping is a process of forming new words by the deletion of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form.50. blendingBlending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combining the meanings and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms.51. portmanteau wordThe result of blending is called a blend, or portmanteau word.52. back-formationBack-formation is a term used to refer to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the deletion of a supposed affix from a longer form already present in the language.53. reduplicationReduplication is a minor type of word-formation by which a compound word is created by the repetition (1) of one word; (2) of two almost identical words with a change in the vowels;(3) of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants.54. words from proper namesThey refer to words which come from such proper nouns as names of people, names of places, names of books and trade names.55. neoclassical formationNeoclassical formation denotes the process by which new words are formed from elementsderived from Latin and Greek.56. conventionalityMost English words are conventional, arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic relation between the sound-symbol and its sense. There is no way to explain why this or that sound-symbol has this or that meaning beyond the fact that the people of a given community have agreed to use one to designate the other. Such a relationship between the linguistic symbol and its meaning is called conventionality.57. motivationMotivation refers to the connection between word symbol and its sense.58. phonetic motivationIn modern English, some words have sounds that suggest their meaning, for these words were created by imitating natural sounds or noise. Knowing the sounds of the words means understanding the meaning. Such a kind of connection between the word symbol and its sense is called phonetic motivation.59. morphological motivationCompounds and derived words are multi-morphemic words and the meanings of some are the sum of the morphemes combined. If one knows the meaning of each morpheme, one can figure out the meaning of the word. Such a kind of connection between the word symbol and its sense is called morphological motivation.60. semantic motivationSemantic motivation refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and the figurative sense of the word.61. echoic word/onomatopoeic wordWords motivated phonetically are called echoic words or onomatopoeic words, whose pronunciation suggests the meaning.62. grammatical meaningGrammatical meaning refers to that part of the meaning of the word which indicates grammatical concept or relationships such as word-class, singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms.63. inflectional paradigmWhen used in actual speech, words appear in different forms. The set of grammatical forms of a words is called its inflectional paradigm.64. lexical meaningLexical meaning is the notion that the word conveys. It is constant in all the content wordswithin or without context.65. denotative meaningDenotative meaning is sometimes called the conceptual meaning. It is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning. Being constant and relatively stable, conceptual meaning forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same conceptual meaning to all speakers of the same language.66. connotative meaningConnotative meaning refers to the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one‟s mind; it is the supplementary value which is added to the purely denotative meaning ofa word.67. social or stylistic meaningSocial meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.68. affective meaningAffective meaning indicates the speaker‟s feeling and attitudes towards the person or thing in question.69. purr wordsPurr words are those used not as a mere statement of fact, but to express the speaker‟s approval of the person or thing he is talking about.70. snarl wordsSnarl words are those words which always show disapproval or contempt on the part of the speaker.71. componential analysisComponential analysis is the process of breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal components.72. semantic features/sense componentsThe analysis of word meanings is often seen as a process of breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal components, which are known as semantic features or sense components.73. polysemyPolysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. There are words that have two or three senses, and the most commonly used ones can have as many as over a hundred.However, when a word is first coined, it is always monosemic. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is polysemy.74. primary meaningFrom the diachronic point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word. At the time when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning. This first meaning is the primary meaning.75. central meaningSynchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time. The central meaning of a word can be considered the most frequently occurring meaning.76. radiationRadiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.77. concatenationConcatenation, meaning “linking together”, is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary meaning.78. homonymyHomonymy is the linguistic phenomenon that pairs or groups of words, though different in meaning, are pronounced alike, or spelled alike, or both.79. homonymHomonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning, but are pronounced alike, or spelled alike, or both.80. perfect homonymPerfect homonyms are words identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning.81. homophoneWords identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning are called homophones.82. homographHomographs are words identical in spelling but different in sound and meaning.83. synonymySynonymy is the semantic relation of similarity.84. synonymA synonym can be defined as one of two or more words in the English language which havethe same or very nearly the same essential meaning.85. complete synonymComplete synonyms, also known as absolute synonyms , are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects, i.e. both in grammatical meaning and lexical meaning, including conceptual, associative meanings, etc.. Synonyms of this type are interchangeable in every way.86. relative synonymRelative synonyms, or more accurately quasi-synonymous words, are words similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality, or differences in affective meaning, in stylistic meaning or in collocation and distribution.87. the double scale pattern of synonymsThere are in English countless pairs of synonyms in which a native term exists side by side with the one borrowed from French, Latin, or Greek. This is called the double scale pattern of synonyms.88. the triple scale pattern of synonymsThe triple scale pattern of synonyms refers to a group of synonyms in which native, French and Latin or Greek words co-exist.89. antonymyAntonymy is the semantic relation of oppositeness.90. antonymAntonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.91. contrariesContraries or contrary terms are antonyms which can be handled in terms of gradability, that is, in terms of degrees of the quality involved. Antonyms of this kind form part of scale of values between two poles and can accommodate a middle ground belonging neither to one pole nor to the other.92. complementariesComplementaries or contradictories are antonyms which represent a type of binary semantic opposition. They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them. The assertion of one is the denial of the other. Another distinctive feature of this category is that such antonyms are non-gradable.93. conversivesConversives, also called relative terms, consist of relational opposites. The pairs of antonyms indicate such a reciprocal social relationship that one of them cannot be used without suggesting the other. This type also includes reverse terms, which comprise adjectives and adverbs signifying a quality or verbs and nouns signifying an act or state that reverse thequality, action or state of the other.94. root antonymsAntonyms with different roots are called root antonyms.95. derivational antonymsDerivational antonyms are words with the same roots having negative affixes.96. marked member in an antonymous pairIn some antonymous pairs, one member is used more widely and can frequently be used to subsume the other but not vise versa. This member always carries a certain implication of distinctiveness. It is called the marked member.97. unmarked member in an antonymous pairIn some antonymous pairs, one member is used less frequently and is subsumed by the other.This member carries no particular implication. It is called the unmarked member.98. hyponymyHyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. That is, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word.99. hyponym/subordianteWhen two words have the relationship of semantic inclusion, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word. This specific word is known as hyponym or subordiante .100. superordiante term/upper termWhen two words have the relationship of semantic inclusion, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word. This general word is known as superordiante term or upper term.101. semantic fieldAccording to Jost Trier, the whole vocabulary of a given language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized meaning areas. These meaning areas are called semantic fields. Words in each field are semantically related and define one another.102. contextContext is used in different senses. In its narrowest sense, context refers to the lexical items that come immediately before and after any word in an act of communication. In a broad sense, it may cover the whole passage and sometimes the whole book in which a word occurs, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting.103. linguistic contextThe lexical , grammatical, and verbal context in its broad sense are called linguistic context.104. lexical contextLexical context refers to the lexical items combined with a given polysemous word. The meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words.105. grammatical contextIn some cases, the meaning of a polysemous word is influenced by the syntactic structure in which it occurs. This is what we call grammatical context.106. verbal context in its broad senseThe entire passage, or even the entire book, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting in which a word occurs is called the verbal context of the word in its broad sense.107. extra-linguistic context/context of situationIt refers to the actual speech situation in which a word (or an utterance, or a speech event) occurs and the entire cultural background against which a word or an utterance or a speech event has to be set.108. ambiguityAmbiguity refers to a word, phrase, sentence or group of sentences with more than one possible interpretation or meaning.109. lexical ambiguityLexical ambiguity is the ambiguity of meaning due to polysemy.110. structural ambiguityStructural ambiguity is the ambiguity of meaning arising from the grammatical analysis of a sentence or a phrase.111. historical cause of semantic changeIt often happens that though a word retains its original form, its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed. This is the historical cause of semantic change.112. social cause of semantic changeChange in word meaning resulting from a constant verbal traffic between common words and various technical words is referred to as social cause of semantic change.113. linguistic cause of semantic changeThe change of meaning may be caused by internal factors within the language system. One type such change occurs when a phrase is shortened to one word which retains the meaning of the whole, e.g. gold is used for …gold medal”. The other type of such change occurs when new meanings developed in one part of speech are passed on to other parts of speech from the same lexical base.114. psychological cause of semantic changeThis is the change of word meaning owing to various psychological motives: love, respect, courtesy suspicion, pessimism, sarcasm, irony, contempt, hatred, etc. The associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words are due to psychological factors.115. euphemismPeople have a tendency to use mild, agreeable language when speaking of an unpleasant or embarrassing fact (such as death, disease, unfortunate events or crime), and of taboo subjects as sex and the excretive processes of the body. These mild, agreeable languages are euphemisms.116. grandiloquenceGrandiloquence refers to the use of long, important-sounding words for effect.117. cynicismCynicism is the desire to sneer and to be sarcastic.118. restriction of meaning/specializationRestriction of meaning means that a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower, specialized sense which is applicable to only one of the subjects it had previously denoted.119. extension of meaning/generalizationExtension of meaning means the widening of a word‟s sense until it covers much more than what it originally conveyed.120. degeneration of meaning/pejorationDegeneration of meaning is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.121. elevation of meaning/ ameliorationElevation of meaning refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginning to positions of importance, or a word meaning takes a turn for the better in the course of time.122. metaphorMetaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity, in which a word or a phrase ordinarily and primarily used for one thing is applied to another, a process which often results in semantic change or figurative extension of meaning.123. idiomAn idiom may be defined as a combination of two or more words which are usually structurally fixed and semantically opaque, and function as a single unit of meaning.124. phrase idiomPhrase idioms are those idioms which have a noun, verb, adjective, preposition or an adverb as the central word, and which correspond to the familiar parts of speech, and are capable ofa given syntactic function.125. clause idiomClause idioms are those idioms containing a verb and an object and/or a complement.126. sentence idiomProverbs and typical conversational expressions are called sentence idioms.127. AmericanismA word, phrase, or usage originating in or peculiar to American English is calledAmericanism.128. big wordsBig words are “high-sounding, mouth-filling” words, or words seeming important oradmirable but often having no meaning.129. prescriptive dictionaryA prescriptive dictionary is one regarded as the norm of spelling, meaning, and usage ofEnglish words.130. descriptive dictionaryA descriptive dictionary is one which registers the language and bases standard of correctnesson usage.131. monolingual dictionariesMonolingual dictionaries are written in one language, that is, the headwords or entries are defined and illustrated in the same language. The monolingual dictionary is rather a late development because the earliest dictionaries were all bilingual.132. bilingual dictionariesBilingual dictionaries are the ones compiled in two languages.133. linguistic dictionariesLinguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the language.They usually cover such areas as spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammatical function, usage and etymology, etc. These dictionaries can be monolingual and bilingual.134. encyclopedic dictionariesAn encyclopedia is not concerned with the language purpose but provides encyclopedic information concerning each headword. There the reader cannot find pronunciation or meanings or usages but other information. Encyclopedic dictionaries have the characteristicsof both linguistic dictionaries and encyclopedia. In such dictionaries one can find the general information as in a linguistic dictionary and limited encyclopedic information as well.135 unabridged dictionariesAn unabridged dictionaries is an unshortened dictionary. Theoretically, it is a complete record of all the words in use. But such a dictionary is the most complete description of words available to us. It provides a great quantity of basic information about a word. It should be large in scope and size, containing at least 200,000 headwords.136. desk dictionariesDesk dictionaries are medium-sized ones containing words ranging from 50,000 to 150,000.As they are dictionaries that one finds most used on desks, they are called desk dictionaries.137. pocket dictionariesPocket dictionaries have about 50, 000 entries or fewer. Such a dictionary provides only the spelling and pronunciation of each word with a few most common meanings. They contain only a few or no examples. Their advantages are being inexpensive and easy to carry.138. specialized dictionariesSpecial dictionaries concentrate on a particular area of language or knowledge, treating such diverse topics as etymology, synonyms, idioms, pronunciation, usages in language and a variety of other subjects. These dictionaries may not be very large in size, yet each contains much more detailed information on the subject than you can find in a general unabridged one.139. etymologyThe branch of linguistics that deals with the origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.140. synchronic dictionariesSynchronic dictionaries describe the vocabulary of a certain period or at a certain period or at a certain stage of the development of the language, providing the form, meaning, usage, etc. of the words of the period.141. diachronic dictionariesDiachronic dictionaries show how the form, meaning, usage, etc. of words have developed throughout the history of the language.142. ideological dictionariesIdeological dictionaries are the ones which deal with ideas or concepts, not with words as such. Words expressing related ideas are grouped under separate heads which are in turn grouped into subclasses and classes. Taken together, a system is formed into which, theoretically, a word can be included and related to a number of other words.。
Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function
Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function Soil biodiversity plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem function and overall environmental health. It encompasses the variety of organisms living inthe soil, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and earthworms, among others. These organisms interact with each other and with plants, contributing to nutrient cycling, soil structure formation, and the regulation of plant diseases. However, soil biodiversity is currently facing numerous threats, such as land degradation, pollution, and climate change. Understanding the importance of soil biodiversity and its relationship with ecosystem function is vital for sustainable land management and conservation efforts. One perspective on soil biodiversityand ecosystem function is that of agriculture. Healthy soil ecosystems areessential for productive and sustainable agriculture. Soil organisms, such as earthworms, contribute to soil fertility by enhancing nutrient availabilitythrough their feeding and burrowing activities. They also improve soil structure, allowing for better water infiltration and root penetration. Additionally, soil microorganisms play a crucial role in decomposing organic matter, releasing nutrients that can be taken up by plants. Thus, maintaining soil biodiversity is essential for ensuring food security and reducing the reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Another perspective to consider is the role of soil biodiversity in carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. Soil is one of the largest carbon sinks on Earth, storing more carbon than the atmosphere and vegetation combined. Soil organisms, particularly fungi and bacteria, are involved in the decomposition of organic matter and the formation of stable soil organic carbon. By promoting soil biodiversity, we can enhance carbon sequestration in soils, helping to mitigate climate change. Moreover, diverse soil communities are more resilient to environmental disturbances, such as drought or extreme temperatures, which are expected to become more frequent with climate change. From an ecological standpoint, soil biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the overall functioning of ecosystems. Soil organisms are involved in nutrient cycling, regulating the availability of essential elements for plants and other organisms. They also contribute to the formation and stabilization of soil structure, which affects water infiltration, erosion control, and the availability of habitat forsoil-dwelling organisms. Furthermore, soil biodiversity plays a role in the suppression of plant diseases and the promotion of plant health throughmutualistic interactions. For example, mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic associations with plant roots, enhancing nutrient uptake and providing plants with increased resistance to pathogens. However, soil biodiversity is under threat from various human activities. Intensive agricultural practices, such as the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, can negatively impact soil organisms, reducing their diversity and abundance. Land degradation, including soil erosion and compaction, also leads to the loss of soil biodiversity. Pollution from industrial activities and improper waste disposal can contaminate soil, further compromising its biodiversity. Additionally, climate change poses a significant threat to soil biodiversity, as rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can disrupt the delicate balance of soil ecosystems. In conclusion, soil biodiversity is essential for maintaining ecosystem function and environmental sustainability. It plays a vital role in agriculture, carbon sequestration, and overall ecosystem health. However, soil biodiversity is currently facing numerous threats, including land degradation, pollution, and climate change. To safeguard soil biodiversity, it is crucial to adopt sustainable land management practices, reduce pollution, and mitigate climate change. By prioritizing the conservation and restoration of soil biodiversity, we can ensure the long-term health and productivity of our ecosystems.。
How are English words formed
How are English words formed?By using rules of word formation,such as derivation,conversion and compounding,the English people,with only twenty-six letters,have created so many new words as to more than one million.There exist in every language rules which relate to the formation of new words,morphological rules,which determine how words are formed.Just as knowledge of a language implies knowledge of its phonology,so it implies knowledge of its certain aspects of morphology which have syntactic implications.Morphemes,free and bound morphemes,content and function morphemes,derivational and inflectional morphemes,roots,stems and affixes are all absolutely necessary notions and indispensable elements in English word-formation process.The reason why morphemes can be combined into words is that there exist,in English as well as in other languages,morphological rules,which determine how morphemes are combined to form new words.In a word which is composed of more than one morpheme,there is one morpheme that is central and contains the principal lexical meaning and one or more others that are peripheral and are attached to the central morpheme. The central morpheme in a word is often a free morpheme and is called the root.The peripheral morphemes that are attached to the root are always bound morphemes and are called affixes.When a root morpheme is combined with an affix,it forms a stem,which may or maynot be a word(painter is both a word and a stem;-ceive+er is only a stem). There are three main types of word-formation,the first of which can be referred to as derivation / affixation (prefixation and suffixation).Prefixation is the way of putting a prefix in front of the base of a word,sometimes with,but more usually without,a change of word class(e.g.pre+determine---predetermine),while suffixation puts a suffix after the base of a word,sometimes without,but more usually with,a change of word class(e.g.friend+ship---friendship).Conversion is the second type of word-formation,which assigns the base of a word to a different word class with no change of form[e.g. (We’re going to0/ carpet (the room.)---verb from noun].Compounding,the third type of word-formation,involves the combination of more than one root to form a new word.It is something like adding one base to another,such that usually the one placed in front in some sense subcategorizes,the one that follows (e.g. audiobook,download,heavyweight,rainforest,spacewalker) 1.Derivation is the morphological process whereby a derivational morpheme is attached to a root or stem.This process is also known as affixation,by which new words are derived from old ones.The form that results from the addition of a derivational morpheme is called a derived word.Derivational morphemes have clear semantic contents.As we have seen,when a derivational morpheme is added to a root or stem,it adds meaning.The derived word may also be of a different grammatical classfrom the original word.In English derivational morphemes are mainly prefixes and suffixes.Affixes are referred to as prefixes when they are attached to the beginning of anther morpheme(like re- in words such as redo,rewrite,rethink) and as suffixes when they are attached to the end of another morpheme(like -ize in words such as modernize,equalize,centralize).There is usually only one prefix in a word in English,and prefixes do not change the word class of the word to which they are attached,e.g.a+moral,re+print,auto+biography.However,recent changes take place that some prefixes in current English do alter words into different classes,e.g.anti- + aircraft → anti-aircraft, be- + little → belittle, en-+rich→enrich.A very important characteristic of derivational suffixes is that they can often change the word class of the word to which they are attached,as shown by suffixes such as -able and -ly.When a verb is suffixed with -able,the result is adjective,as in desire+able=desirable and adore+able=adorable.When the suffix -en is added to an adjective,a verb is derived,as in dark+en=darken and ripe+en=ripen.There are many types of prefixes and suffixes in English.Some of them are productive,others are not.Here are some groups of prefixed and suffixes that are used to create particular types of meaning.Prefixes containing ideas to do with information technology or aspects of life,material types of meaning, e.g. audio-, bio- , cyber, e-,eco-, geo-, nano-,radio-,techno-,tele-,video-Suffixes used in words to indicate that something is done in a particular way or with a particular thing,e.g. -fashion,-like,-ly,-shaped,-style,-wise 2.Lexical items in English are very often created not by affixation but by conversion or zero derivation,i.e. Without any affixes being attached to the root or stem.Conversion involves a change in the word class of a word.The word-form remains the same,but it realizes a different lexical item.For example,the lexical items bail,net,plan,skin,may be both nouns and verbs.Conversion in English is a fairly productive process.The widespread use of conversion shows the value of syntactic function in determining word-class membership in English.Very often it is by its function rather than by its morphological form that we tell the word-class to which a word belongs.Types of conversion1)Conversion to nounsA)V erb to nounB)Nouns from other sources2)Conversion to verbsA)Noun to verbB)Adjective to verb3)Conversion to adjectives4)Change of secondary word classA)Uncountable nouns are used countable nouns,or vice versa.B)The conversion between intransitive verbs and transitive verbsC)Nongradable adjectives can be converted to gradable ones5)Other conversionsIn english,there are some other conversions ,which do not frequently occur.For example:Tom went home early.(noun to adverb)I will take a through train.(preposition to adjective)This dictionary is a must for the students of English.(auxiliary verb to noun)3.While affixation involves the addition of a bound morpheme to a root morpheme,compounding is concerned with the combination of two or more words to form a new word---a compound word or a compound. Characteristics of compoundspounds can be distinguished from grammatical structures1)When the two words are in the same grammatical category,the compound will be in this category:noun+noun:girlfriend,fighter-bomber,paperclip,landlord,mailman,search engineadjective+adjective:bittersweet,icy-cold,red-hot,worldly-wise2)In many cases,two words in a compound fall into different categories.In such cases,the class of the rightmost word will be the grammatical category of the compound.And that rightmost word in English is the head of the compound,which is usually the part of a word or phrase that determines its broad meaning and grammatical category.For example:noun+adjective=adjective:headstrong,watertight,lifelong.verb+noun=noun:pickpocket,pinchpenny,dare-devil,sawbones.3)Compounds formed with a preposition are in the category of the non-prepositional part of the compound,such as overtake,hanger-on,undertake,sundown.4)Compound words cannot be divided by inserting intervening material,unlike grammatical structure.5)A member of the compound word cannot participate in a grammatical structure,e.g. A hard ball;a baseball(compound).We can say “It was a very hard ball”.But the sentence “It was a very baseball.” is not grammatically acceptable.pound words have their own ways of spelling and stress patterns1)Compounds can be quite lengthy.Consider three-time loser,man about town,master of ceremonies,and daughter-in-law.Though two-word compounds---two nouns combined to create a meaning which differs from that of each are the most common in English,it would be difficult tostate an upper limit.2)Spelling does not tell us what sequence of words constitutes a compound;whether a compound is spelled with a space between the two words,with a hyphen,or with no separation at all depends on the idiosyncrasies of the particular compound,as shown,for example,in blackbird,gold-tail and smoke screen.3)Compounds often have different stress patterns from noncompounded word sequences.When wen pronounce a compound,the stress is usually put on the first word,which is different from the way a noun phrase is pronounced.In a noun phrase,the second word is often stressed.3,The meaning of compound words cannot be taken for granted1)Many compounds have obvious meanings.Y et,the meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts:a greenhouse is not green;heavy metal that is heavy.2)Some compounds reveal some meaning relations between the parts,but the meaning relations are not entirely consistent because many compounds in English are idiomatic.3)Many compounds must be learned as if they were individual simple words because they do not seem to relate to the meanings of individual parts at all.Classification of compounds1.Noun compoundsThe majority of English compounds are nouns.There are many productive patterns of noun compounds such as noun+noun (bathroom),adjective+noun(greenfly),Adverb+verb(newlywed),adjective +verb (highlight) and verb+noun (tell-tale).2.Adjective compoundsAdjective compounds are also productive compounds.The term subprime has become all too familiar as a result of the current credit crisis (2007-2009 in US).which is attributed in part to the proliferation of subprime loans---loans made on unfavorable terms to borrowers unable to qualify for conventional loans.Of many patterns of adjective compounds,noun+v-ing (record-breaking),noun+adjective (thread-bare) and noun+verb-ed (custom-built) are very productive.3.V erb compoundsAmong the three major patterns of compounds,verb compounds are not so productive as noun compounds and adjective compounds.V erb compounds can be formed in two ways:by back-formation and by conversion (zero derivation) from noun compounds.1)By back-formationBack-formation is a “reversal”of derivation.For example,house-keep is formed by deleting -ing and -er from housekeeping and housekeeper.2)By conversionNickname n. to nicknameHoneymoon n. to honeymoonMoonlight n. to moonlight4.Abbreviation is lexically viewed as one of the minor means in English word-formation.We can distinguish four highly productive ways in which abbreviation is involved,namely clipping,initialism,acronym and blending.Clipping is one way in which we change words by shortening a word and thereby create a new one,e.g. dormitory---dorm.Initialism and acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of words that make up a new word.Initialism is a reduction process in which initialization in words employed,e.g. EU (European Union);NBA (National Basketball Association).With the increasing usage of English in various areas of human society the world over,more and more initialisms have been created and have come into the everyday life of English users.An acronym is a word composed of the initial letters of the words of a phrase and is pronounced as a word,e.g. ASEAN ['ɑ:si:ɔn] ---Association of Southeast Asian Nations.New acronym are freely produced,especially by scientists ,administrators,and particularly for names of organizations.Blends are formations in which a compound is made by blending one word with another,e.g. Motor+hotel---motel.The last part of abbreviation is concerned with network abbreviations,including special acronyms,phenetic spellings and some newly coined buzzwords ofIM-speak.Back-formation is one of the minor types for word-formation in English.Peddle was derived from peddler on the mistaken assumption that the er was the agentive suffix.Such words are called back-formations.Onomatopoeia is one of the minor devices used to form echo/echoic words related to the imitation of sounds made by human beings,animals and some other things,for example,bubble,squeal,thump.These words can also be called onomatopoetic words or imitative words.Reduplication is something like the fact that some compounds have two or more constituents that are either identical or only slightly different,e.g. Walkie-talkie,criss-cross.Most of the reduplicatives are informal or familiar,many of which are overlapped with onomatopoetic words,e.g. din-din (dinner),bow-wow (of dog)。
Trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services :Development history and research characteristicsFENG Yi 1,CAO Yingui 1,2*,LI Shengpeng 1,WANG Shufei 1,LIU Shihan 1,BAI Zhongke 1,2(1.School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences (Beijing ),Beijing 100083,China;nd Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China )Abstract :Ecosystem services are closely related to human well-being,and the study of the trade-offs and synergies between ecosystemservices is currently a pressing research topic.By analyzing its conceptual connotation and research characteristics,we can better understand the relationship between the regional ecosystem services,adapt to the need of the parties to maximize the overall benefits,and provide a basis for decision-making for regional development.This study focused on the literature quantitative characteristics of domesticand foreign research on ecosystem services trade-offs and synergies from 1996to 2020by literature analysis and comparative analysis.Domestic and foreign research themes from different periods,from the beginning of development to the present,were analyzed.The conceptual connotation and research characteristics of the trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services were summarized.Finally,shortcomings existing in current research and future research directions were identified.The specific conclusions are as follows :the number of domestic and foreign studies is increasing,with the foreign growth rate faster than domestic;Ecosystem service trade-offs and synergiesare strongly dependent on time and space scales,the difference of spatio-temporal scale jointly drives the dynamic change of the relationship between trade-offs and synergies,but there is still a lot of research space in this field.In the future,it is necessary to strengthen the research on the framework model,quantitative analysis,driving mechanism,internal mechanism,threshold effect,supply and demand of temporal and spatial changes to better understand the mechanism of temporal and spatial changes in ecosystem servicetrade-offs and synergies,and achieve a mutually beneficial situation for regional ecological environment and socioeconomic development.Keywords :ecosystem services;trade-offs;synergies;spatio-temporal change;scale effect生态系统服务权衡与协同研究:发展历程与研究特征冯漪1,曹银贵1,2*,李胜鹏1,王舒菲1,刘施含1,白中科1,2(1.中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院,北京100083;2.自然资源部土地整治重点实验室,北京100035)收稿日期:2021-09-21录用日期:2021-12-17作者简介:冯漪(2000—),女,河南驻马店人,硕士研究生,研究方向为国土空间生态修复。
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Ecological Indicators 64(2016)31–38Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEcologicalIndicatorsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e c o l i ndCombined eco-morphological functional groups are reliable indicators of colonisation processes of benthic diatom assemblages in a lowland streamViktória B-Béres a ,∗,Áron Lukács b ,Péter Török c ,Zsuzsanna Kókai a ,Zoltán Novák b ,Enik ˝oT-Krasznai a ,Béla Tóthmérész c ,István Bácsi b aHajdú-Bihar County Government Office,Department of Environment and Conservation,Environmental Laboratory,Hatvan Street 16,Debrecen H-4025,Hungary bUniversity of Debrecen,Department of Hydrobiology,Egyetem Square 1,Debrecen H-4032,Hungary cMTA-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Group,Egyetem Square 1,Debrecen H-4032,Hungarya r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 23August 2015Received in revised form 22November 2015Accepted 19December 2015Available online 7January 2016Keywords:Eco-morphological functional groups Diatom guildsCell size categories Colonisation Lowland streama b s t r a c tClassifying benthic diatom taxa based on ecological and morphological features became increasingly important in recent years due to the demand of understanding the dynamics and functioning of diatom assemblages.The great potential in using these functional classifications in diatom ecology involves further refinement of current classification.In our experimental study,colonisation processes of diatom assemblages were studied in a typical small lowland stream,using both diatom guilds and cell size categories.We also tested newly proposed combined eco-morphological functional groups (ecological guilds combined with cell size categories)in the study of the colonisation process in benthic diatom assemblages.We hypothesised that (i)there is a decrease in the proportion of low profile guild,while an increase in that of high profile and motile guilds in time with the decreasing rate of physical disturbance;(ii)the presence of small size categories will be pronounced at the beginning of the colonisation processes,while proportion of larger size categories will be higher in the latter phases of colonisation;and (iii)the relationship between taxa and environmental factors are better reflected by the use of combined eco-morphological functional groups than by the sole analyses of rough guilds or cell size categories.The first hypothesis was not confirmed,and our second hypothesis was only partially confirmed by the results.We found that the relationship between environmental factors and guilds,as well as cell size categories was not appropriate to reveal the relationship between abiotic factors and taxa composition.In contrast we found that compositional changes in colonisation were appropriately reflected by the newly defined combined eco-morphological functional groups.In the combined eco-morphological functional groups,such kind of taxonomical and ecological features can be prevailed which are hidden in guilds or cell size categories separately.Thus these combined eco-morphological functional groups could help to come one step closer to develop a widely used ecological classification in diatom researches.©2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe ecological status assessment using species composition data have became increasingly debated by the authors of sev-eral comprehensive studies in aquatic biota (Reynolds et al.,2002;Padisák et al.,2009;Berthon et al.,2011).This is considered to be a rather static approach and especially problematic in assemblages with (i)high number of not-easy identifiable or taxonomically∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+36307006994.E-mail address:beres.viktoria@ (V.B-Béres).problematic taxa and in assemblages where (ii)highly stochastic processes frequently occur like in the phytoplankton or benthic diatom (Reynolds et al.,2002;Padisák et al.,2009;Berthon et al.,2011).While the functional classification of planktic algae and cyanobacteria has a rather long history (see Salmaso et al.,2014),classifying benthic diatoms (Chromista,Bacillariophyta –Guiry and Guiry,2015)into functional groups began only very recently (CSR strategy types –Biggs et al.,1998;ecological guilds –Passy,2007;Rimet and Bouchez,2012a,b ;biovolume –Berthon et al.,2011;Kókai et al.,2015).The link between the appearance,and abundance changes of diatom life forms (,colonial,tube-forming,stalked,pioneer)and environmental factors are quite well/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.0311470-160X/©2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.32V.B-Béres et al./Ecological Indicators64(2016)31–38studied(see for details for example Berthon et al.,2011).The com-position and dynamics of benthic diatom assemblages are primarily linked to present environmental conditions and their changes(Ács et al.,2000;Porter et al.,2013).The establishment of a respec-tive taxon in a benthic assemblage is primarily determined by its colonisation ability(Ács and Kiss,1993a),while the success of the establishment is affected by some specific morphological charac-teristics like(i)the cell size and biovolume(Ács and Kiss,1993a; Snoeijs et al.,2002;Kókai et al.,2015)or by ecological adaptation features like(ii)nutrient demand or(iii)tolerance against physical disturbances(Passy,2007;Berthon et al.,2011;Rimet and Bouchez, 2012a,b;Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013;B-Béres et al.,2014).Benthic diatom taxa can be classified intofive classes based on the cell size(S1:5–99m3,S2:100–299m3,S3:300–599m3, S4:600–1499m3,S5:≥1500m3;Berthon et al.,2011).Distri-bution of the different sized diatom taxa in an assemblage and considerable changes in cell size structure of the assemblages can provide vital information about changes in abiotic and biotic factors (i.e.eutrophication;climate change;organic pollution;secondary salinisation;macroalgal host effect–Snoeijs et al.,2002;Berthon et al.,2011;Kókai et al.,2015).It has to be emphasised also that the changes of the cell size categories in time or in connection with the changing abiotic factors depend strongly not only on the size of a respective diatom taxa,but also on ecological characteristics. Some taxa with the same size could belong to different ecological guilds,life forms,or strategies(e.g.Plenkovic-Moraj et al.,2008; Kókai et al.,2015).Based on ecological characteristics Passy(2007)classified diatom taxa into three functional groups(low profile,high pro-file and motile guilds).Classification of taxa into these functional groups(in the forthcoming called‘guilds’)was based on their resis-tance to nutrient enrichment and physical disturbances.Rimet and Bouchez(2012a)added to Passy’s original classification a fourth planktic guild,because planktic diatom taxa are also able to settle into the biofilm.The intensive study of the relationship between the diatom guilds and environmental factors started only in the last few years(Passy,2007;Berthon et al.,2011;Gottschalk and Kahlert, 2012;Rimet and Bouchez,2012a,b;Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013;B-Béres et al.,2014).Based on these studies it can be stated that there is a great potential in the use of diatom guilds for environmen-tal status assessment.However,it was also stressed,that further refinement of the robust guild classification is necessary(B-Béres et al.,2014).One possible solution for this refinement can be based on the combination of morphological(cell-size)and ecological features(guild affiliation),which jointly in an eco-morphological functional classification might provide enough high number of groups for afine-scale assessment of a given status and also com-positional and dynamical changes.Directional changes characterised also by highly stochasticfluc-tuations in composition,like colonisation processes in diatom assemblages could be displayed as robustly by the use of func-tional groups as by the conventional taxonomical approach.Despite of this fact,there is rather limited information about the changes of ecological guilds during colonisation(Passy and Larson,2011; Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013),and there are only indirect and sporadic data provided for changes of cell size categories dur-ing colonisation(but see Roberts et al.,2004;Sekar et al.,2004; Plenkovic-Moraj et al.,2008;Passy and Larson,2011).However, the development of a biofilm(colonisation)provides a new per-spective for evaluating the effect of environmental factors and their alterations on compositional changes of aquatic assem-blages(Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013).The retained information can play a decisive role in ecological status assessment or in watercourse typification.In spite of these facts,according to our present knowledge there is no information about the use of combined ecological groups assessing the changes of diatom assemblages in changing environments,and/or during colonisation processes.In this study we followed the colonisation processes in diatom assemblages using ecological guilds,cell size categories and newly created combined eco-morphological functional groups in a small lowland stream.We used the following study hypotheses directly linked to present literature:(i)Guild-hypothesis–There is a decrease in the proportion of lowprofile guild,while an increase in that of high profile and motile guilds with increasing time and/or decreasing rate of physical disturbance(Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013)(ii)Cell-size hypothesis–The proportion of small size categories will be high at the beginning of the colonisation process,while that of larger size categories will be higher in the latter phases of colonisation(Ács et al.,2000;Berthon et al.,2011).(iii)Combined eco-morphological functional group hypothesis–Colonisation processes and the relationship between taxa and environmental factors are better reflected by the use of com-bined eco-morphological functional groups than by the sole analyses of guilds or cell size categories(B-Béres et al.,2014).2.Materials and methods2.1.Sampling setup and environmental parametersSamples were collected at Debrecen-Józsa on the stream bed of Tócó(EOVX:254755;EOVY:839873,Fig.1).ColonisationFig.1.The sampling site on the Tócóstream in Trans-Tisza region of Hungary.Black lines:the main rivers in the region and the Tócóstream.Black mark:The sampling site on Tócóstream.V.B-Béres et al./Ecological Indicators64(2016)31–3833processes were studied from15.03.2014to06.06.2014.The sched-ule of sampling was the following:samples were collected more frequently at the beginning of the colonisation(hourly in thefirst 9h);daily in thefirst week;later twice a week(till the35th day) and weekly at the second part of the study period.Water depth (WD–cm)was measured by a measuring tape,water velocity(WV –m s−1)was measured by a SonTek FlowTracker Handheld-ADV (USA).Conductivity(COND–S cm−1),oxidation-reduction poten-tial(ORP–mV),pH,dissolved oxygen concentration(DO–mg L−1), oxygen saturation(OS–%)and water temperature(T–◦C)were measured with a portable-multiparameter digital meter(HQ30d, Germany)in thefield.Water samples of80mL were kept at4◦C in cooler bag during transportation to the laboratory for the measure-ments of the concentrations(mg L−1)of nitrite,nitrate,ammonium and soluble reactive phosphate(NO2−,NO3−,NH4+−and PO43−–spectrophotometric methods;MSZ ISO7150-1:1992;MSZ EN ISO 6878:2004;MSZ1484-13:2009).2.2.Sample collection and preparationWooden slides(length:6cm;width:2cm;height:0.5cm;with altogether a32cm2surface area of each)were used as colonisa-tion substrates.Three chains of wooden slides were put into the stream bed.All chains contained36pieces of wooden slides(one for each sampling time).Altogether three slides were collected at each sampling date(one from each chain).The slides were pre-served in Lugol’s solution until further processing.The biofilm was removed from the wooden slides by tooth brushing.Diatom valves were prepared by the hot hydrogen-peroxide method(EN 13946:2003).Naphrax synthetic resin was used for embedding. Leica DMRB microscope with1000–1600-fold magnification was used for identification of diatom taxa.At least400diatom valves were counted(EN14407:2004).We used Krammer and Lange-Bertalot(1997a,b),Krammer and Lange-Bertalot(2004a,b),and Potapova and Hamilton(2007)for diatom identification.2.3.Data processing and analysesClassifying diatom taxa into low profile,high profile and motile guilds was done according to Passy(2007)and Berthon et al.(2011). Planktic guild was also introduced according to Rimet and Bouchez (2012a).Diatom taxa were assigned tofive size classes according to Berthon et al.(2011–see the size classes in the introduction).We classified the detected species into20combined eco-morphological functional groups(four guilds×five cell size categories;see in Sup-plementary Material)for the assessment of the changes during colonisation processes.To analyse the relationship between envi-ronmental factors and the samples collected in each sampling date and to select crucial abiotic factors,principal component analyses (PCA)were calculated using CANOCO4.5software package(Lepˇs andˇSmilauer,2003).To analyse the relationship between some crucial environmental factors(verified by PCA)and the various characteristics of diatom assemblages(taxonomical composition, ecological guilds,cell size classes,or combined groups)canonical correspondence analyses(CCA)were calculated,where environ-mental factors were added by weighted averaging(ter Braak and ˇSmilauer,2002).3.Results3.1.Changes in environmental factorsAltogether13physical and chemical factors were included to PCA analysis(WD,WV,COND,ORP,pH,DO,OS,T,NO2−,NO3−, NH4+,PO43−,and Time).Thefirst two axes of PCA explained the 76.7%of variance.The factors showing the highest correlation with thefirst axis were time(−0.6635),DO(0.6112),pH(0.5338)and WD (0.5136),and with the second axis T(0.6972)and NO3−(−0.6308). Further analyses of the relationship between abiotic factors and species,furthermore environmental factors and ecological groups, six abiotic factors were performed by CCA based on the highest correlation with the two axes of the PCA(see above).The most important changes of the six environmental factors occurred after the rainy-period between the27th and35th days,and in the arid-period following these rainy days(Fig.2).Water depth decreased from18cm to4cm in the arid period(Fig.2a),water temperature increased from11.9◦C to16.9◦C from the27th day(Fig.2b).The pH,dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentration decreased the27th day,onwards(Fig.2c–e).The stream dried out to the91st day.3.2.Colonisation processes of diatom assemblages–ecological guildsThere were significant correlation between the selected six environmental factors and diatom taxa composition based on the results of CCA analysis(Fig.3).The eigenvalues of the CCA were 0.293and0.067,while the species and environmental correlation were68.4%and84%for thefirst and second axes,respectively.The Monte-Carlo permutation test indicated(N=499;p=0.002for the first and p=0.002for all canonical axes)for the pattern displayed by the CCA a significant difference from a random pattern.The abundance of some of the low profile guild taxa (Achnanthidium minutissimum, A.eutrophilum,Amphora pedicu-lus,Rhoicosphenia abbreviata)correlated strongly positively with colonisation time,and negatively with water depth,nitrate and dissolved oxygen concentrations;while some of that with other taxa showed a week(Planothidium lanceolatum),or even a nega-tive correlation(Meridion circulare,Planothidium frequentissimum, Fig.3).The abundance of some high profile guild taxa(Melosira varians, Fragilaria capucina s.l.,Gomphonema micropus)correlated positively with water depth and other abiotic factors(in exception of water temperature).In contrast,other taxa correlated positively with colonisation time or water temperature(Eunotia bilunaris,Gom-phonema clavatum,G.olivaceum,G.parvulum,Fig.3).Most of the motile guild taxa showed a strong positive corre-lation with time or water temperature(e.g.Navicula radiosa,Na. tripunctata,Na.veneta,Naviculadicta seminulum,Nitzschia dissipata, Ni.liearis,Surirella brebissonii).The correlations between motile guild taxa and physical and chemical factors were usually negative (NO3−,DO,pH,ORP,Fig.3).Although there were significant correlation found between the species composition and the environmental parameters,ecologi-cal guilds showed no significant correlations with the selected six environmental factors based on the results of CCA analysis.The eigenvalues of the CCA were0.037and0.017for thefirst and sec-ond axes,respectively.The Monte-Carlo permutation test did not indicate the significance of the CCA(N=499;p=0.3660for thefirst and p=0.2020for all canonical axes).3.3.Colonisation processes of diatom assemblages–cell size categoriesThe separation of the small(S1and S2)and large(S5)sized taxa was conspicuous along the abiotic factors(Fig.5).Taxa in S1 size class correlated negatively with water depth(e.g.Achnanthid-ium minutissimum,A.eutrophilum,Amphora pediculus,Naviculadicta seminulum),or nitrate content(F.capucina var.gracilis,Fig.3).The relation of some taxa of the S2size class to nitrate was positive (F.capucina,Nitzschia perminuta,P.frequentissimum),other S2taxa correlated positively with time(Navicula veneta,Figs.3and5).Taxa34V.B-Béres et al./Ecological Indicators 64(2016)31–38Fig.2.Changes of the most important physical and chemical parameters during the study (a)water depth (WD –cm);(b)temperature (T –◦C);(c)pH;(d)dissolved oxygen concentration (DO –mg L −1);(e)nitrate (NO 3−–mg L −1).of the S5size class correlated positively with water depth (e.g.M.varians ,Figs.3and 5).The separation of the taxa of S3or S4classes were not so obvi-ous than for the other size categories,there were opposite trends ofcorrelation of taxa belonging to the same size class (Figs.3and 5).While some taxa correlated positively with time (e.g.S3–Gom-phonema olivaceum ,Navicula cryptocephala ,R.abbreviata ;S4–E.bilunaris ,Navicula tripunctata ,Ni.dissipata )and water temperatureV.B-Béres et al./Ecological Indicators64(2016)31–3835Fig.3.Changes of the relation of species composition of diatom assemblages and the environmental variables displayed by CCA based on species abundances.The eigenvalues of the CCA were0.293and0.067,while the species and environmental correlation were68.4%and84%for thefirst and second axes,respectively.The most abundant30taxa were shown using four letter OMNIDIA codes.(S3–Gomphonema parvulum;S4–G.clavatum),other taxa rather correlated positively to nitrate or water depth or the other abi-otic factors(S3–G.micropus,Gomphonema sarcophagus,Navicula gregaria;S4–M.circulare,Figs.3and5).The correlation between the environmental variables and cell size categories were significant based on the results of CCA anal-ysis(Fig.5).The eigenvalues of the CCA were0.119and0.021, while the cell size categories and environmental correlation were 82.4%and97.1%for thefirst and second axes,respectively.The Monte-Carlo permutation test indicated the significance of the CCA(N=499;p=0.002for thefirst and p=0.002for all canonical axes).3.4.Colonisation processes of diatom assemblages–combinedeco-morphological functional groupsThe correlation between physical and chemical factors and the abundance of combined eco-morphological functional groups were significant(Fig.6).The Monte-Carlo permutation test indicated this significance of the CCA(N=499;p=0.002for thefirst and p=0.002 for all canonical axes).The eigenvalues of the CCA were0.219and 0.052,while the combined groups and environmental correlation were75.2%and92.9%for thefirst and second axes,respectively. The correlation between physical and chemical factors and taxa (Fig.3)were in correspondence with the correlation between envi-ronmental factors and the eco-morphological functional groups (Fig.6).Certain low profile and motile groups(LS1with Achnanthid-ium minutissimum,A.eutrophilum,Amphora pediculus;MS1with Naviculadicta seminulum;MS4with Navicula tripunctata,Ni.dis-sipata)correlated positively with time(Figs.3and6).Other low profile guild taxa with a different size(e.g.LS4–M.circulare,Fig.3) correlated positively with the measured physical and chemical parameters(NO3−,DO,pH,ORP,Fig.6).In contrast to the weak correlation between abiotic factors and high profile guild(Fig.4), combined high profile groups(HS1and HS4)correlated clearly pos-itively with time and water temperature,while the correlation of other combined groups(HS2and HS5)with these abiotic factors were negative(Fig.6).Fig.4.Changes of the relation of diatom ecological guilds and the environmental variables displayed by CCA based on guilds’abundances.The eigenvalues of the CCA were0.037and0.017,while the guilds and environmental correlation were70.9% and76.2%for thefirst and second axes.4.Discussion4.1.Colonisation processes of diatom assemblages–anecological-guild-based perspectiveDuring colonisation the benthic diatom assemblages are influ-enced by gradually changing stress factors:at the beginning,the most important factors are the nutrient content of the water the light availability and the water velocity(by causing shear effects).With increasing time,the taxonomical composition in the biofilm became affected by increasing interspecific competition for decreasing amounts of light and nutrients(Zhang et al.,1997;Zhang and Lee,1999;Bhagavathy et al.,2011;Bhagavathy and Sumathi, 2012;Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013).We hypothesised that the pro-portion of low profile guild will decrease in time because their establishment is strongly linked to open surfaces(Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013).This hypothesis was not confirmed by the results –although the abundance of some respective low profile guild taxa decreased with time(Fig.3),there was no overall temporal decrease in the abundance of the low profile guild taxa(Fig.4). Those low profile guild taxa(M.circulare,P.frequentissimum,P. lanceolatum)appeared in high number in the samples at the begin-ning of colonisation process,which were abundant in the matured benthic diatom assemblages of the studied stream.These taxa are generally characterised with low migration ability but with a high settling rate(Ács and Kiss,1993a).It is also important to emphasise that small low profile taxa, like Achnanthidium minutissimum and Amphora pediculus corre-lated even positively with the time of colonisation.This interesting phenomenon was supposedly linked with the initiation of a new colonisation-phase after a heavy rainy period,which caused harsh physical disturbances between the27th and35th days(opened some new colonisation patches in the biofilm).The above listed small-sized low profile taxa are able to re-establish after heavy dis-turbances(Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013),primarily because of their short generation-time and high resistance to physical disturbances (Passy,2007;Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013;B-Béres et al.,2014).The36V.B-Béres et al./Ecological Indicators64(2016)31–38re-establishment of these small low profile taxa after the35th day resulted the observed lack of decrease of the overall abundance of the low profile guild in time.Increase in abundance of high profile guild taxa is primarily influenced by high nutrient supply and low intensity of physical disturbances(i.e.shear effects caused by water velocity–Passy, 2007;Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013).Thus,we hypothesised that the abundance of high profile guild will increase in time.This was not confirmed by our results:the abundance of high profile guild was even slightly decreased with time(Fig.4),because some high pro-file guild taxa(F.capucina,M.varians)were characteristic in the assemblages from thefirst day and they correlated negatively with time(Fig.3).They are constant member of the matured biofilm in Tócóstream.These high profile guild taxa can be characterised by a fast settling ability;therefore,they might appear in the early stage of the colonisation process(Ács and Kiss,1993a,1993b;Ács et al., 2000).Their high abundance in thefirst hours was primarily caused by the breakaway from matured biofilm from the surroundings and settling to the experimental substrate.It is important to note that the relative abundances of these taxa decreased drastically during the new colonisation phase(from31st day)resulted the lack of increase of the overall abundance of the high profile guild during the colonisation process.Motile guild taxa are able to change their position and choose the most suitable microhabitat(Johnson et al.,1997;Passy,2007). These taxa usually avoid physically disturbed places(Stenger-Kovács et al.,2013)and they are successful competitors for nutrients(Pringle,1990;Van der Grinten et al.,2004).Thus, we hypothesised that their abundance correlates positively with time.Although our assumption was not fully confirmed,the rel-ative abundance of motile guild increased until the rainy-period (between the27th and35th days).After a high decline,the rela-tive abundance of this guild started to increase again during a new colonisation phase(to the70th day).But the further succession of biofilm was not possible to study because of the drying out of the stream(to the91st day).These opposite changes(increases and decreases in relative abundance)caused the lack of clear positive correlation of motile guild with time.4.2.Colonisation processes in diatom assemblages–cell-size-categories-based perspectiveThere are contrasting opinions of the changes of cell size cat-egory abundances with the changes of physical and chemical parameters in time(Ács et al.,2000;Berthon et al.,2011).Some authors consider the small cell sized taxa(Achnanthidium minutis-simum,Amphora,A.pediculus and Am.inariensis)as pioneer,first colonising ones,because of their high resistance to physical dis-turbances(Sekar et al.,2004;Passy,2007;Berthon et al.,2011; Gottschalk and Kahlert,2012;Rimet and Bouchez,2012b;B-Béres et al.,2014).Some others reported that the relatively large cell-sized taxa(Diatoma vulgaris,M.varians,Ulnaria ulna)can also be considered in the initial period of colonisation asfirst settlers due to their rapid settling ability on various substrates(Ács and Kiss, 1993a;Ács et al.,2000).Taking into consideration these contrasting views,we hypothesised that the abundance of small taxa will be high at the beginning of the colonisation processes,while the pro-portion of larger size categories will be higher in the latter phase of colonisation.Our results confirmed this assumption only partially (Fig.5):Taxa belong to S2size class(e.g.F.capucina,P.frequen-tissimum)correlated negatively with time(Fig.3).The abundance of small pioneer taxa(Achnanthidium minutissimum and Amphora and A.pediculus)increased only from the beginning of the new colonisation phase from the27th day(see above)resulting positive correlation of S1category withtime.Fig.5.Changes of the relation of cell size classes and the environmental variables displayed by CCA based on the classes’abundances.The eigenvalues of the CCA were 0.119and0.021,while the cell size categories and environmental correlation were 82.4%and97.1%for thefirst and second axes.Our assumptions of increasing abundance of the large cell-size class in time were not confirmed.The relation of large taxa(mem-bers of S5class:M.varians,Gomphonema species)and time was negative.These taxa are constant member of the matured biofilm in Tócóstream(see above).The high initial number of the large taxa was probably due to their breakaway from matured biofilm from surroundings and fast settling to the experimental substrate. These results might indicate also the high settling-ability of these taxa from the disturbed areas of shallow water,but further data are needed to prove the high colonisation ability of the large sizeclass,Fig.6.Changes of the relation of combined groups and the environmental variables displayed by CCA based on groups’abundances.The eigenvalues of the CCA were 0.219and0.052,while the combined groups and environmental correlation were 75.2%and92.9%for thefirst and second axes.。