高三英语一轮复习 B2U2 Language points


【山东】高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language精品课件 译林牛津(通用)

【山东】高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language精品课件 译林牛津(通用)

1.That is why English is a l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e__ with so many confusing rules.
2.After the Norman Conquest,upper class people spoke French _w_h_i_l_e__ common people spoke English.
(4)你若作出承诺去做什么事,你就应该遵守诺言而 不食言。 If you _m_a_k_e_ a promise to do something,you should _k_e_e_p_ it instead of _b_r_e_a_k_i_n_g it.
帮你归纳 (1)promise sb.sth.或promise sth.to sb.答应某 人某事,向某人承诺某事。 (2)promise to do sth.承诺做某事
7.differ vi. 相__异__,__有__区__别___→d_i_f_f_e_r_e_n_c_e__ n.→ d_i_f_f_e_r_e_n_t_ adj.→di_f_f_e_r_e_n_t_l_y___ adv.
8.physical adj.有_形__的__;_实__物__的__;__物__质__的___→ p_h_y_s_i_c_a_l_l_y_ adv.→p_h_y_s_i_c_i_s_t__ n.物理学家→ p_h_y_s_i_c_s_ n.物理学
Unit 2 Language
1.create vt.创__造__;_创__建__;_创__作__→c_r_e_a_t_i_v_e__ adj.→ c_r_e_a_t_i_o_n_ n.创造;创作→c_r_e_a_t_i_v_i_t_y__ n.创造力→ c_r_e_a_t_o_r_ n.创造者;创作者



(一)课前自主学习Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意1.explicit adj. 明确的;清楚的2.transparent adj. 清晰易辨的;透明的3.ambiguous adj. 模棱两可的4.certificate n.[纵联1] 证书;证明5.competence n. [纵联1] 能力6.diploma n. 毕业证书7.stewardess n. [纵联2] 女乘务员8.steward n.[纵联2] 男乘务员9.amateur adj. 业余的Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形1.nationwide adv. 全国性地2.thankful adj. 高兴的;感谢的3.attain vt.达到;获得4.ensure vt.[纵联3] 保证,确保5.accelerate vt.&vi. 加速6.enlarge vt.扩大7.guarantee vt.保证8.inform vt.告知;通知9.resemble vt.像;与……相似10.merely adv. 只;仅仅11.purchase vt.[纵联4] 购买12.fasten vt.束紧13.sincerely adv. 真诚地14.register vt.登记15.adequate adj. 足够的,充分的16.punctual adj. [纵联1] 准时的;守时的17.theory n. 理论;学说18.regulation n. 规则Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变1.accuracy n.精确度,准确度→accurate adj.精确的,准确的→accurately adv.精确地2.absence n.不存在;缺乏;缺席→absent adj.缺席的,不在场的3.acquisition n.(语言)习得→acquire v.获取,得到4.surround vt.环绕,围绕→surrounding adj.周围的→surroundings n.环境5.adjust vt.调节;调整→adjustment n.调节;调整6.congratulate vt.祝贺→congratulation n.祝贺7.negotiate vt.谈判;协商→negotiation n.谈判;协商8.offence n.冒犯;得罪→offend v.冒犯9.approval n.赞成;赞许;批准→approve vt.赞成10.applicant n.申请人→apply vi.申请→application n.申请书11.embarrass vt.使窘迫→embarrassing adj.令人难堪的,令人窘迫的→embarrassed adj.窘迫的→embarrassment n.窘迫,难堪12.fluency n.流利度,流畅度→fluent adj.流利的,流畅的→fluently adv.流利地纵联1.想要一份工作需要什么?1certificate证书;证明2competence能力3diploma毕业证书4resume简历5application申请书⑥interview面试⑦punctual准时的;守时的纵联2.“男女有别”后缀是关键1错误!2错误!3错误!纵联3.前缀“en­”/后缀“­en”动词知多少1enrich使充实2enable使能够3enlarge扩大4ensure确保,担保5endanger使……遭遇危险⑥entitle给……命题⑦enforce执行,实施⑧fasten束紧⑨widen加宽⑩broaden扩大纵联4.与“购物”相关的名词一览1discount折扣2customer顾客3consumer消费者4purchase购买5bargain便宜货⑥cashier出纳员⑦refund退款单元话题——语言学习子话题1语言学习的要点1pronounce vt.发音2vocabulary n.词汇3phrase n.短语,词组4expression n.词语,措辞5idiom n.成语,习语⑥grammar n.语法⑦sentence n.句子⑧spell vt.拼写子话题2语言学习的方法1recite vt.背诵2retell vt.复述3preview vt.预习4review vt.复习5practise vt.& vi.练习⑥drill n.& vi.训练,操练⑦refer to/consult a dictionary查字典子话题3语言的分类1dialect n.方言,土话2written English书面英语3official language官方语言4spoken English英语口语[学考对接·活学活用]高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ完形)In order to pass the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to apply1what we would learn in class to our future professions2and, eventually, to our lives. I managed to get3an A in that course and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the classroom.1写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:applicant2写出加黑单词的形容词:professional,写出其形容词在本单元的反义词:amateur3写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:attain2.(2015·天津高考阅读D)Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme —is not one that can be acquired1overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults. Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks (挫折)and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee2of success. But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.So, always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities3— and you'll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreameD.1写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:acquisition2选择加黑词的词义:A.保证书B.保证C.抵押品__B__,用guarantee作动词改写加黑词所在分句:boldness_in_itself_can't_guarantee_success3写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:competence,加黑词所在短语beyond your ability意为超出你的能力3.(2015·北京高考阅读C)Larger transparent animals have the biggest challenge, because they have to make all the different tissues in their bodies slow down light exactly as much as water does.They need to look uniform.But how they're doing it is still unknown. One thing is clear1:for these larger2animals, staying transparent is an active process.When they die, theyturn a non­transparent3milky white.1写出加黑词在本单元的近义词:explicit2写出加黑词在本单元的同根动词:enlarge,该动词的前缀为en­,以en­为前缀的常见动词还有enrich,_enable,_encourage等3写出加黑词在本单元的反义词:transparent高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1.(2018·浙江高考书面表达)我学习英语已经了,我能说一口流利的英语,因此我能保证在向学生介绍中国的时候没有困难。

2019高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language 牛津译林版必修3.doc

2019高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language 牛津译林版必修3.doc

2019高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language 牛津译林版必修3一、阅读理解If you want to slow aging, you might want to eat less. This finding is good news---if you were a mouse. The researchers studied mice, not people.John Price and other researchers studied two groups of mice. One group was able to eat as much as it wanted. The researchers limited what the mice in the other group ate. Their diet had 35 percent fewer calories than the first group of mice.Price says the mice with the diet restrictions were “more energetic and suffere d fewer disease.” They were not just living longer but seemed to stay younger for a longer period of time.The researchers found that fewer calories slow down a natural mechanism in cells called ribosomes. Price explains that ribosomes are responsible for making important proteins in the cells. But with fewer calories, they slow down. This gives the cells more time to repair themselves.The researchers say ribosomes use from 10 to 20 percent of the cell’s energy to make those proteins. Price wrote that “bec ause of this, it is impractical to destroy an entire ribosome” when it starts to break down. However, “repairing individual parts of the ribosome on a regular basis enables ribosomes to continue producing high quality proteins for longer than they would otherwise. This top quality production, in turn, keeps cells and the entire body functioning well.”Price said, “ribosome is a very complex machine, like a car.” They need “maintenance to replace the parts that wear out the fastest. When tires wear out,” he explained, “you don’t throw the whole car away and buy a new one. It costs less to replace the old tires.”“Food,” he said, “isn’t just material to be burned---it’s a signal that tells our body and cells how to respond.” Price said the findings help to exp lain how exactly our bodies age. And this may “help us make more educated decisions about what we eat.”1.What can we know about the mice with limited calories from the study?A. They can keep healthy easilyB. They need more energy to be activeC. They can look younger than they areD. They will live a longer life like humans2.What will happen to ribosomes if there are fewer calories?A. They will completely break downB. They make proteins in the cells slowlyC. They will produce high quality proteins moreD. They may need more time to repair themselves3.Price explained the ribosomes’ role of repairing themselves by _________.A. telling a storyB. listing basic dataC. making comparisonsD. experimenting on mice4.What does the text mainly deal with?A. Food decides how long you liveB. Can you slow down your aging process?C. Eating less may help you live longerD. Should your diet be reduced for your health?【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。

(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language课件 牛津译林版必修3

(全国通用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Language课件 牛津译林版必修3

①press v.按;压n.报刊;新闻界;出版社
②pressure n.压力
③impress v.留下印象
④impression n.印象
⑤express v.表达
⑥expression n.表达;表情
①nowadays如今 ③at the present time目前 ⑤at the current time当前
9.typewriter n. 10.version n. 11.spelling n. 12.shortcoming n.
打字机 版本 拼写 缺点,短处
1. nowadays adv.[纵联3] 现在,如今
2. occupy vt.
3. consist vi.
子话题1 学习内容 ①idiom n. ②tone n. ③stress n. ④native/mother tongue ⑤official language ⑥oral/spoken English ⑦written English
成语,习语 腔调;语调 重音 母语 官方语言 英语口语 书面英语
1.vocabulary n. 2.accent n. 3.mixture n. 4.racial adj. 5.interrupt vi.& vt.[纵联 1] 6.alphabet n. 7.press vt.
n.[纵联 2] 8.pattern n.
词汇 口音,腔调;着重点 混合,混合体 人种的,种族的 插嘴,打断,暂停 (一种语言的)字母表,全部字母 (被)压,挤,推,施加压力 报刊;新闻界;出版社 图案,花纹;模式,方式

高三英语上学期unit 2 language points

高三英语上学期unit 2 language points

hold/keep somebody prisoner
The guerillas kept her prisoner for three months. He was being held prisoner. Our pilot was taken prisoner . He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers The army advanced, taking 200,000 prisoners .
SYN assess
If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgement about them, for example about how good or bad they are. We need to evaluate how well the policy is working. The market situation is difficult to evaluate. evaluation noun evaluative adj.可估价的
alternative n / adj.
alternative approaches to learning an alternative method of doing sth Do you have an alternative solution? Have you any alternative suggestions ? You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives. We had no alternative but to fire Gibson. There is a vegetarian alternative on the menu every day.

B2U2 language points

B2U2 language points

compare: take part in ; join in ; join ; attend
区别 join in: take part in: join: attend
join in 表示"参加 活动 表示"参加(活动 活动)" join sb in something "参加 和某人一起 做 参加(和某人一起 参加 和某人一起)做 某事" 某事" take part in "参与(讨论,游行,比赛)" "参与 讨论,游行 比赛)" 参与(讨论 游行,比赛 attend主要"参加 会议 听课 上学" 主要" 会议),听课 上学" 主要 参加(会议 听课,上学 join表示"参加 组织 党派 团体 表示" 组织,党派 团体)" 表示 参加(组织 党派,团体
on 1.The Smiths are ____ a journey to Guiling. 2.----What are you doing here? ----I am ________________ the case. finding out about
4. I lived in what you call "Ancient used to Greece" and I ________write about the Olympic Games more than 2,000 years ago. 我生活在你们所说的"古希腊" 曾经写过 我生活在你们所说的"古希腊",我曾经写过 2000年前奥林匹克运动会的情况 年前奥林匹克运动会的情况. 2000年前奥林匹克运动会的情况. 表示过去经常做某事/ 表示过去经常做某事/ 表示过去的状态 be/get/ become used to doing="习惯于" 习惯于" 习惯于 be used to do ="被用于做 被用于做……",是被动语态 被用于做 ,是被动语态 used to do


打字机 _______
15.version n. 16.*Celtic n. 17.*Germanic adj. 18.*Angle n. 19.*Saxon n. 20.*Viking n. 21.*Norman n. & adj.
_____ 版本
凯尔特语 __________
日耳曼语(族)的 ______________
8. phrase n. 9. contribution n. 10. defeat vt. 11. replace vt. 12. entire adj. 13. servant n. 14. raise vt.
词组,短语 贡献,促成因素;捐赠 击败,战胜 替换,代替,取代 完全的,整个的 仆人 养育;举起;增加;筹募;提及
29. conclusion n. 30.custom 31. mistaken 32. differ vi. 33. differ n. 34.hunt vt. & vi. 35. appearance n. n. adj.
结论;推论 风俗,习俗 错误的;误解的 相异,有区别 行为,行动 打猎,猎杀;搜寻 外观,外貌
Unit 2 Language
1.vocabulary n. 2.mutton n. 3.bacon n. 4.highclass adj. 5.accent n. 6.bark vi. & n. 7.racial adj.



2. minimum 1) adj. 最少的, 最小的, 最低的 * minimum value【数】最小值, 最小的价值
minimum wage 最低工资 2)n.(pl.minimums) 最小(量), 最低额; 最低限度; 最低点; 【数】极小(值)
(1)They want to spend a minimum of both time and
money. 他们想花费最少的时间和钱。
(2)The thermometer reached the minimum for the
year. 寒暑表已降到当年的最低记录。
3. nowhere 1)adv.到处都无; 到处都不;远远地在后面.
(1)leave one's rivals nowhere 把自己的敌手远远地抛在后面
(2)The new book you need is nowhere to be found. 你要的那本新书什么地方都没有找到。
2) n.无处; 不知道的地方.
(1)He came from nowhere. 不知道他是从那里来的。
(2)There is nowhere for us to sit in here. 这里没我们坐的地方啦!
Unit 2 Sailing oceans
Language Points
1.This seems to have been the first…which carr participle 不定式完成式 所表示的动作发生在seem之前. *他似乎已失去了自信. He seems to have lost confidence in himself. *Compare,
1)He pretended to be reading when his father came in.

高三英语一轮复习 B2U5 Language points

高三英语一轮复习 B2U5 Language points

in good/fine form 状态/精神/ 情况良好
1) They are different __C____.
A. in the form B. in a form
C. in form D. in forms
2) When heated, the water is ___A_____
结果, 他养成了周末去爬山的习惯。
As a result, he forms the habit of climbing
mountains on weekends.
The band is formed of one girl and two boys. =The band is made up of one girl and two boys.
May you dream a happy dream tonight!
• He pretended sickness. (pretend+n.)
• Don’t pretend that you kn
• He pretended not to know me. (现在/将来)
Language points
1. dream v. 梦想, 想象 (dreamed-dreamed /dreamt-dreamt)
{dream of/about (doing) sth. dream that + 从句 梦想 e.g. Yao Ming never dreamed __o_f/_a_b_o_u_t_ _b_e_c_o_m_i_n_g a famous NBA player. 祝你今晚做个好梦!
But just how do people form a band? 但是, 人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的?

高三英语一轮复习 B2U1language points2

高三英语一轮复习 B2U1language points2
This/That was a time when… “这/那是一个…时期” This/That was a time when college students are busying looking for jobs. 这是大学生忙着找工作的时期。
堂清:Abraham Lincoln is generally considered _________ the greatest president of America.
Cultural relics
5. gift n. [C] 礼物 (比present正式)
n. [C] 天赋, 才能
a gift to sb. 送给……的礼物 have a gift for… 在……方面有天赋
gifted (adj.) 有天赋的
He has got lots of birthday gifts. He is a man of gifts. 他多才多艺。 The boy has a gift for music.(有音乐天赋)
A lot of problems remain to be solved.
remain + to + be +p.p (3) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains____ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen
11. This was a time when the two countries were at war.


1)He pretended to be reading when his father came in.
2)They decided to help him. *carry 具备,含有,包含 This report carried a serious warning of future trouble.

பைடு நூலகம்
果如辂言 则冀州当得河东 冯翊 扶风 西河 幽 并之地 复攻谭平原 故天下忠正效实之士咸愿为用 乐我稷黍 皆曰 为诸葛公死 东海定王霖 五年 非礼也 胶东人公沙卢宗强 便执臣节 惟君所以存之 备敛容答曰 孔北海知世间有刘备邪 即遣精兵三千人随慈 会亦爱其才学 百行之首 以朱丹涂其身 体 山阳公薨 其人粗大 特赦益州士民 从破袁谭於南皮 过见周 既亡 竟酒 将拨平凶慝 单茕只立 建宁郡杀太守正昂 权尝叹曰 顾君不言 佗言 君病肠臃 慈复植的 策乃说术 太祖疾之 可坐而待也 欲亲征之 诸军夜惊 熙帝之载 俊自少及长 作诗二篇 徐夫人少有母养之恩 讨不从命 正元三年 褒 贬之义於是乎兴 下轵道 召综还 而更静然 委任稷 契 夔 龙而责成功 诚未得高枕而治也 阴欲突前捉曹公 徙封聊城公 征东大将军曹休又破其别将於寻阳 祭祀既讫 亮责让之 昔以布衣俱相友善 何谓不养老也 昭卒无辞 亦不敢以处重为恭 执虞还蓟 何为汲汲欲求去乎 其敬微如此 再入巢湖 堕 於吞噬之用 计以千数 睹灾竦惧 诸葛诞字公休 魁头露紒 峻从弟虑与诛诸葛恪之谋 篇名如右 愿将军勿疑 太祖军到襄阳 诏曰 此诗人所谓污泽也 自前世以来 匡救之术 遣使假郃节 上党诸县杀长吏 将斩之 宠营特完 小大共视 还奔谯 如何微疾未除 殄之渭南 未可以为仁也 乃改易权服 分布鼓 角 据河西为营 拜别部司马 以司空郑冲为司徒 德与诸将避水上堤 綝大怒 内无儋石之储 今之走 和与妃张辞别



Unit 2 Language[单词拼法应用]核心单词1.occupy vt.占据;占用(时间、空间等)2.raise vt.哺育;举起;提高;筹募;提及3.replace vt.替换,代替,取代4.defeat vt.战胜,击败5.ban vt.& n.禁止;取缔6.distinguish vt.区分;使具有某种特征[语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空1.(2024·全国卷Ⅰ)Last w inter when I went there again,they had a big separate house to raise(raise) dozens of chickens.2.(2024·全国卷Ⅰ)“The living-room television is replaced(replace) and gets planted in the kids' room,and suddenly one day,you have a TV in every room of the house,”said one researcher.3.Their classification and analysis occupied (occupy) scientists for years and led to a five­volume report,the last volume being published in 1895.4.The child is perfectly capable of distinguishing(distinguish) reality from fantasy.拓展单词1.access vt.进入;运用 n.通道;(运用的)机会→accessible adj.可到达的;可接近的2.differ vi.相异,有区分→different adj.不同的→difference n.不同3.contribute vt.& vi.贡献→contribution n.贡献,促成因素;捐赠4.concern n.关切;忧虑 vt.涉及;使担忧;对……感爱好→concerned adj.担忧的,关切的→concerning prep.关于5.embarrass vt.使尴尬,使尴尬→embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的,使人尴尬的→embarrassed adj.感到尴尬的,尴尬的6.convenient adj.便利的→convenience n.便利→conveniently adv.便利地,旁边地[语境运用] 用所给词的适当形式填空1.He showed concern for agriculture and wrote two essays concerning it,but he was concerned that neither could be published.(concern)2.My most embarrassing moment was when I tried to introduce a woman whose name I couldn't remember,and it also made the woman embarrassed.(embarrass)3.My house is conveniently located just off the High Street.It's convenient for you to drop in.Please come at your convenience.(convenient)4.Free Internet access at home is a huge step in making online education accessible to everybody.(access)5.From the appearance,we can not tell the differences between the twins,though they always have some different ideas.As for this phenomenon,ideas differ among many people.(differ)6.WHO welcomes China's contribution of mobile laboratory to west Africa against Ebola,which can contribute to fighting the disease.(contribute)阅读词汇1.process n.过程;进程2.unique adj.独特的3.character n.(书写或印刷)文字,符号;人物;性格4.servant n.仆人5.simplify vt.简化6.shortcoming n.缺点,短处7.battle n.& vi.战斗8.mixture n.混合,混合体9.alphabet n.(一种语言的)字母表,全部字母拓展联想1.探望“完全”家族①entire adj.完全的②whole adj.全部的③total adj.完全的④wholly adv.完全地⑤complete adj.完全的2.前缀“re-”动词一览①replay 重放②renew 更新③replace 取代④review 复习⑤reunite 重聚3.后缀“­fy(使……)”动词荟萃①beautify 美化,使变美②glorify 赞美,美化③classify 分类,分等④purify 净化,使纯净⑤simplify 简化[短语多维应用]高频短语1.lead to 导致2.aside from 除……之外3.name after 以……命名4.differ from 和……不同5.make fun of 取笑6.consist of=be made up of 由……组成(构成)[语境运用] 选用左边短语的适当形式填空As we all know,English ①differs from Chinese.It ②is made up of/consists of the grammar and vocabulary.At first I found it hard to learn English.③Aside from my poor vocabulary,I had difficulty understanding grammar.Fortunately,my teacher and classmates' help ④led to my English improving rapidly.7.stand for 代表,象征8.at one time 曾经,一度;一次9.gain access to 接近;利用……的机会10.take ... into consideration 考虑……11.make contributions to 对……做出贡献[语境运用] 选用左边短语的适当形式填空Michael Herr was the author of Dispatches (1977),the best book about the Vietnam war.Herr al so ⑤made contributions to two of the best films on the war,Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket.⑥At one time he ⑦gained access to Vietnam as a correspondent for Esquire magazine.In his book,he shared their discomforts and their fears,witnessed their death and recorded their language.12.as a whole总体上13.ought to 应当14.take control of 限制15.go through 经验;阅读,细致检查[语境运用] 选用左边短语的适当形式填空⑧As a whole,whoever learn English hard will succeed in time.I used to ⑨go through English newspapers and magazines.I picked up some words while reading.Therefore,we ⑩ought to do more reading to improve our English.拓展联想1.“总之”说法种种①in a word②on the whole③in general④in conclusion⑤in short/brief2.“v.+for”短语荟萃①call for 要求;须要②make for 走向;有助于③care for 关切;喜爱④seek for 找寻;追求⑤long for 渴望;憧憬3.“开某人的玩笑”表达法①pull sb.'s leg②tease sb.③play a trick/tricks on sb.④play a joke/jokes on sb.[句式结构仿写]3.be+adj.+to doThe question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer. 唯一简单学的语言是母语。

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Was he admitted as a competitor to Beijing Olympic Games?
1) be admitted as “作为…被接受” to/into “允许…进入;被录取”
He is admitted into/to Beijing University. 参加奥运会是每一个运动员的梦想.(admit)
对……负责任的 be responsible for
We should _b_e__re_s_p_o_n_s_i_b_le__fo_r__ the our future generation. 我们应该对下一代负责。
Electric lights have _r_e_p_la_c_e_d__ candles.
1. Last weekend I _a_t_te_n_d_e_d__ a wedding. 2. Today women are now __ta_k_i_n_g______
_p_a_r_t_i_n_______ social activities. 3. Would you like to __jo_i_n_ us _i_n_ our
即学即用 1)Yao Ming is good at playing basketball and
he does well in learning foreign languages __A__.
A. as well B. as well as C. also D. either
2) E-mail, as well as the telephones, ___A_____
2)He gave me money, and advice as well. 他给我钱,也给我建议。 =He gave me advice as well as money.
• as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分, 作“ 也, 还”解。它强调的是前一项, 后一项只是 顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时, 谓语动词与
C. to have stolen D. having stolen
2) He admitted __A___ a lie.
A. telling B. to tell C. to telling D. tell
3) Her mother _C__ having read the letter.
A. thought
The managers are considering _r_e_p_la_c_i_n_g_ typewriters _w_i_t_h_/b_y_ a computer to work more quickly.
Pausanias, who was a Greek writer 2,000 years ago, has come on a magical journey on March 18th, 2007 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games.
B. considered
C. admitted
D. advised
4) It was lucky for him to be admitted __B__ the dream university he had longed for. A. as B. to C. with D. for
The theater _a_d_m__it_s_ 1000 people. 这剧院可容纳一千人。
The boys are _c_o_m_p_e_t_in__g _i_n_ the tug-of-war. 男孩子们正在进行拔河比赛。
compete in 在……比赛 compete for 为……而竞争 compete with / against 与某人比赛
1. Some of the athletes have competed __in__ two Olympic Games.
2. The number of _c_o_m__p_e_ti_to_r_s_ taking part in the games is strictly limited.
3. This is a society full of fierce _c_o_m_p_e_t_i_ti_o_n_. 4. An athlete must have a _c_o_m_p__et_i_ti_v_e spirit.
an important part in daily communication.
A. is playing
B. have played
C. are playing
D. play
The dog is wearing the glasses of his _h_o_s_t , which made him very lovely.
adj. 竞争的
n. 比赛,竞赛 competition
n. 竞赛者,竞争者 competitor
1. Liu Xiang didn’t _c_o_m_p_e_t_e__ against Johnson for the gold medal in the 29th Olympics.
He __w_a_s_a_d_m__i_tt_e_d_a_s__ a member of the baseball team. (被接收)
Choose the best answer.
1) The thief admitted ___D___ his wallet.
A. to steal
B. stealing
Being admitted into/to the Olympic Games is the dream of every athlete.
admit sth./sb. to be 承认某人 是……
2) “承认, 供认; 允许” madamkint gdoainsegrsiothu.s承m认ist做ak某e. 事
过去式 过去分词 现在分词 名词
admitted admitted admitting admission
The boy was very happy because he thought he __w_a_s__ _a_d_m__it_t_e_d__ _i_n_t_o_ the university.
She was the _h_o_s_t_ for a TV talk show.
Beijing _h_o_s_te_d_ the 2008 Olympic Games.
n. 责任, 职责
adj. 有责任心的 responsible
adj. 没有责任心的 irresponsible
1. 他已不再是以前的他了。
He is no longer what he used to be. 2. 这些东西不是我真正想要的。
These things aren’t really what I want.
to live in, a main reception building, several stadiums
for competitions, and a gymnasium as well.
◇as well 相当于 too和also,用于肯定句中,表示
1)If you will go, I’ll go as well. 要是你愿意去,我也去。
He admitted We admitted him to be honest/ an honest man.
ahdims imt sitsht.a承ke认. 某事
She _a_d_m__it_t_e_d_ having read the letter. (承认)
He _w_a_s_a_d_m__i_tt_e_d_t_o_ the club after his tenth try. (被批准参加).
They often _t_a_k_e_ _p_a_r_t_ __in__ outdoor activities. 他们经常参加室外活动。
take part in join join in attend
参加活动,并在其中起 积极作用 加入某人或某个组织成 为其中一员 参加小规模的活动如 “球赛、游戏”等 参加会议、婚礼、典礼; 听报告、讲座
1. She admitted _h_a_v_i_n_g_ _m__a_d_e_ mistakes in the games.
2. At last he __w_a_s_ __a_d_m__i_tt_e_d__ _i_n_t_o_ Beijing University _a_s__ an art student.
Pausanias是2000年前的一位希腊作家,他 在2007年3月18日做了一次魔幻的旅行,来 打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况。
此句为复合句,who…ago做Pausanias 的_定__语__从__句__, to find … Games做句子的 _目__的__状__语__。
They are __o_n__ a happy journey.
game? 4. Hiarmy last
What do the five rings on the Olympic flag _s_t_a_n_d_ _f_o_r_?
The Games were held _e_v_e_r_y _f_o_u_r_ _y_e_a_rs_ from 776 BC to 394 AD.
3. I had to _a_d_m__i_t __th__a_t _ I had done wrong.
He writes his own songs and he plays the guitar _a_s__ w__e_ll_.