The Circular, Elliptic Three Spin String from the SU(3) Spin Chain

Chain ReactionIntroductionChain reaction refers to a sequence of events that occurs as a result of a single initial action, causing a series of subsequent actions. It is a phenomenon that can be observed in various aspects of life, such as science, economics, and even human behavior. Understanding chain reactions and their impacts is crucial as they can have far-reaching consequences.ScienceIn the field of science, chain reactions are widely studied and observed. They occur when a single event triggers a series of subsequent events, often leading to a rapid and uncontrollable chain of reactions. One famous example is the nuclear chain reaction, where the fission of an atomic nucleus releases neutrons that go on to induce the fission of other nuclei in a self-sustaining manner. This process is the basis of nuclear power and atomic bombs.Another example of a chain reaction in science is the combustion of fuels. When a spark ignites a fuel, it releases energy which further raises the temperature and causes adjacent molecules to combust. This release of energy continues to propagate until the fuel source is exhausted or the reaction is somehow halted.EconomicsChain reactions also play a significant role in economics. A single event or policy change in one sector can have ripple effects on other sectors and the overall economy. For example, an increase in oil prices can lead to increased transportation costs, which in turn can raise the prices of goods and services. Higher prices can then result in reduced consumer spending, leading to decreased demand for products and services. This can have a domino effect on businesses, leading to layoffs, decreased investments, and ultimately a recession.On the other hand, positive chain reactions can occur in economics as well. An increase in consumer spending can lead to increased demand for products, prompting businesses to expand and hire more employees. This, in turn, leads to higher employment rates, increased incomes, and further boosts consumer spending, creating a cycle of economic growth.Human BehaviorChain reactions can also be observed in human behavior. An individual’s action can trigger a series of reactions in others, influencing their behavior and decisions. For example, a small act of kindness can inspire others to do the same, creating apositive chain reaction of goodwill. Similarly, negative behavior, such as aggression or hostility, can also trigger a chain reaction of negative responses.In social media platforms, chain reactions are prevalent. A single post can go viral and elicit a series of reactions from other users, often leading to debates, discussions, or even mass movements. The power of social media in spreading information and influencing public opinion has made chain reactions in human behavior even more significant in the modern age.ConclusionChain reactions are a fascinating phenomenon that can be observed in various aspects of life. Understanding how chain reactions occur and their potential impacts is essential in many fields, including science, economics, and human behavior. Whether it is a nuclear chain reaction, an economic ripple effect, or a series of actions influenced by human behavior, chain reactions have the power to shape our world in significant ways.By studying and carefully considering chain reactions, we can make informed decisions and harness their power for positive change. The awareness of these cascading actions allows us to anticipate their consequences and take appropriate measures to mitigate potential negative impacts. Ultimately, understanding chain reactions helps us navigate complex systems and facilitates progress in various aspects of life.Note: This document is created using Markdown, a lightweight formatting syntax that allows for easy conversion to other formats like HTML.。

Time Travel
Apocalypse Scenarios
The Impact and Evaluation of the Three Body ProblemΒιβλιοθήκη CATALOGUE04
The Three Body Problem is a significant work in modern science fiction, known for its unique narrative style and innovative ideas.
Cartesian Coordinates
The use of Cartesian coordinates to represent the motion of celestial bodies reflects the Western cultural emphasis on rationality and analytical thinking.
The Future Outlook of the Three Body Problem
The Three Body Problem has been a topic of interest in the field of mathematics and physics for centuries. As our understanding of the universe and technology continues to develop, the problem has gained more attention and importance. In the future, we can expect to see more research on the Three Body Problem, leading to new insights and advancements in our understanding of celestial mechanics and nonlinear dynamics.
三位一体 英语书

三位一体英语书The Triune God: An Exploration of the English LanguageThe concept of the Triune God, or the Holy Trinity, is a fundamental tenet of Christianity that has captivated the minds and hearts of believers for centuries. As a Christian, I am deeply intrigued by this profound and mysterious doctrine, which speaks to the very nature of the divine. In this essay, I will delve into the intricacies of the Triune God and explore how the English language can be utilized to capture the essence of this theological concept.At the heart of the Triune God lies the understanding that the divine is composed of three distinct yet inseparable persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This belief in the Trinity, or the three-in-one, is a central pillar of Christian faith, and it has been a subject of intense theological discourse and contemplation throughout the history of the Church.The English language, with its rich vocabulary and nuanced grammatical structures, offers a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of the Triune God. One of the key challenges in conveying this concept lies in the inherent limitations of humanlanguage to fully capture the essence of the divine. The Triune God, by its very nature, transcends the boundaries of human understanding and defies simple explanations.Nevertheless, the English language provides us with a powerful tool to delve into the depths of this theological mystery. The use of specific terms, such as "Trinity," "Godhead," and "Hypostasis," allows us to engage with the conceptual framework of the Triune God and to grapple with its intricacies. These words, rooted in the Greek and Latin traditions, have been carefully crafted and refined over centuries to convey the nuances of this profound doctrine.Moreover, the English language offers a rich tapestry of metaphors and analogies that can be employed to elucidate the complex relationships within the Triune God. For instance, the concept of the "three-in-one" can be likened to the structure of an equilateral triangle, where each side is distinct yet inseparable from the whole. Similarly, the metaphor of the sun, with its distinct components of the core, the rays, and the heat, can be used to illustrate the unity and diversity within the Godhead.The versatility of the English language also allows for the exploration of the unique roles and attributes of each person within the Trinity. The Father, often depicted as the eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing creator, can be described using words such as "sovereign,""omnipotent," and "transcendent." The Son, the incarnate Word of God, can be portrayed through the language of "redemption," "sacrifice," and "incarnation." The Holy Spirit, the divine presence and the giver of life, can be expressed through terms like "comforter," "advocate," and "sanctifier."Furthermore, the English language provides a platform for delving into the intricate relationships and interactions within the Triune God. The concept of "perichoresis," which describes the mutual indwelling and eternal dance of the three persons, can be explored through the nuances of language. The idea of the "economic Trinity," which refers to the outward manifestation of the Triune God in the world, can be juxtaposed with the "immanent Trinity," the internal dynamics of the Godhead.As I engage with the Triune God through the lens of the English language, I am struck by the profound depth and complexity of this theological concept. The words we use, the metaphors we employ, and the grammatical structures we construct all play a crucial role in our understanding and articulation of this mystery.In conclusion, the Triune God, with its multifaceted nature, finds a powerful medium of expression in the English language. Through the careful use of terminology, the crafting of analogies, and the exploration of the relationships within the Godhead, we can strive tograsp the essence of this profound theological truth. As we continue to grapple with the mysteries of the divine, the English language serves as a valuable tool in our quest to comprehend the depths of the Triune God.。

《三体》英语书评:A Journey ThroughTime and SpaceIn the vast expanse of the universe, where the boundaries of science and imagination intersect, LiuCixin's "Three-Body Problem" stands as a monumental testament to the power of human creativity and curiosity. This groundbreaking science fiction novel, a winner of numerous awards and accolades, weaves a complex tapestry of ideas, ranging from astrophysics to philosophy, into a captivating narrative that takes readers on a thrillingride through the cosmos.The story begins with a mysterious signal received by Earth from a distant civilization, the Trisolaris. This signal heralds the beginning of a chain of events that upend our understanding of the universe and our placewithin it. The Trisolaris, facing extinction in their own star system, seek a new home and view Earth as a potential candidate. As the Trisolaris' technology and influence grow, so does the threat to humanity, leading to a race against time for Earth's scientists and politicians to find a wayto survive.The narrative is told through multiple perspectives, giving readers a rich and nuanced understanding of the characters and their动机. The scientific details are meticulously crafted, yet accessible to the lay reader, making the complex concepts of cosmology and quantum physics engaging and understandable. Liu's writing style is both powerful and poetic, evoking a sense of awe and wonder that is both exhilarating and thought-provoking.One of the most remarkable aspects of "Three-Body Problem" is its ability to blur the lines between science and fiction. Liu seamlessly integrates cutting-edge scientific theories and hypothetical scenarios into the narrative, creating a world that feels both real and fantastical. This blend of science and fiction not only enhances the story's credibility but also encourages readers to question their own understanding of the universe and the limits of human knowledge.The themes explored in "Three-Body Problem" are as vast and complex as the universe itself. The novel raises questions about the nature of intelligence, the role of technology in society, and the ethics of survival in theface of existential threats. Through these themes, Liu challenges readers to consider the biggest questions of our time: What is our purpose in the universe? How far shouldwe push the boundaries of science and technology? What are the costs of survival?The impact of "Three-Body Problem" extends beyond the pages of the book. It has sparked widespread interest in science fiction and astrophysics, inspiring a generation of readers to pursue further study in these fields. Thenovel's influence has also extended to the global stage,with its English translation winning numerous awards and recognition, further solidifying Liu's status as a leading figure in science fiction literature.In conclusion, "Three-Body Problem" is a remarkablefeat of literary and scientific genius. Liu Cixin'svisionary storytelling and profound insights into the human condition make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in science fiction, astrophysics, or the intersection of these fields with human thought and culture. "Three-Body Problem" is not just a story about survival in the universe; it is a story about the survival of the human spirit in theface of insurmountable challenges and the limitless possibilities of the human imagination.**《三体》英语书评:穿越时空的旅程**在宇宙的辽阔无垠中,科学与想象力的边界交汇,刘慈欣的《三体》作为人类创造力和好奇心的壮丽见证,屹立不倒。
Study of nuclear correlation effects via 12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+) at 296 MeV

a rXiv:078.2813v1[nucl-ex]21Aug27Study of nuclear correlation effects via 12C( p , n )12N(g .s .,1+)at 296MeV T.Wakasa a M.Dozono a E.Ihara a S.Asaji a K.Fujita b K.Hatanaka b M.Ichimura c T.Ishida d T.Kaneda b H.Matsubara b Y.Nagasue a T.Noro a Y.Sakemi d Y.Shimizu e H.Takeda a Y.Tameshige b A.Tamii b Y.Yamada a a Department of Physics,Kyushu University,Fukuoka 812-8581,Japan b Research Center for Nuclear Physics,Osaka University,Osaka 567-0047,Japan c Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences,Hosei University,Tokyo 184-8584,Japan d Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center,Tohoku University,Miyagi 980-8578,Japan e Center for Nuclear Study,The University of Tokyo,Tokyo 133-0033,JapanThe prediction of pion condensation [1]has prompted extensive experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear spin–isospin correlations.Pion condensation is expected to occur in cool neutron stars (NS)such as 3C58[2]because pioncondensation can accelerate the cooling of NS[3].It is believed that pion condensation does not occur in normal nuclei;however,precursor phenomena may be observed even in normal nuclei if they are in the proximity of the crit-ical point of the phase transition.Thefirst proposal for possible evidence of a precursor was enhancement of the M1cross section in proton inelastic scat-tering[4,5].However,this prediction was not supported by measurements of 12C(p,p′)12C(1+,T=1)[6,7].A possible reason for the absence of the precur-sor may be that the M1cross section involves both pionic(spin-longitudinal) and rho-mesonic(spin-transverse)transitions and that the contribution from the rho-mesonic transition might mask the pionic effect.A further possible source of evidence of a precursor was proposed by Alberico et al.[8].They calculated the pionic and rho-mesonic response functions,RL and R T,in the quasielastic scattering(QES)region.Their results showed significant enhancement in R L/R T due to nuclear spin–isospin correlations. Great effort has been made to extract the spin response functions R L and R T experimentally in( p, p′)scatterings and( p, n)reactions at intermediate energies[9].None of the observed ratios show evidence of the theoretically expected enhancement.The fact that the rho-mesonic response R T is equally important in determining the ratio R L/R T means that the pionic enhancement may be masked by the contribution from the rho-mesonic component.Recent analysis of QES data shows pionic enhancement in the spin-longitudinal cross section that well represents R L,suggesting that the lack of enhancement in R L/R T is due to the rho-mesonic component[10].It should be noted that pionic enhancement has been also observed in the pure pionic excitation of 16O(p,p′)16O(0−,T=1)scattering at T p=295MeV[11].Recent progress in the development of high intensity polarized ion sources and high efficiency neutron polarimeters has enabled the measurement of a complete set of polarization observables for the12C( p, n)12N(g.s.,1+)reaction at large momentum transfers covering the critical momentum q≃1.7fm−1of pion condensation.This Gamow–Teller(GT)transition is the isobaric analog to the M1excitation of12C(p,p′)12C(1+,T=1)scattering.In addition,the (p,n)reaction is free from isospin mixing effects.Thus,it is very interesting to study nuclear correlation effects in this reaction by separating the cross section into pionic and rho-mesonic components with polarization observables. Furthermore,distorted wave impulse approximation(DWIA)calculations for finite nuclei employing nuclear correlations with continuum random phase approximation(RPA)are available.In this Letter,we present the measurement of the cross section and a com-plete set of polarization observables for the12C( p, n)12N(g.s.,1+)reaction.An incident beam energy of296MeV is used.This is one of the best energies to study GT transitions since the spin excitations including GT transitions are dominant in the(p,n)reaction near300MeV[12].Furthermore,distor-tion effects become minimum around this incident energy.This allows us to extract nuclear structure information reliably by the(p,n)reaction,such as the nuclear correlation effects.We compare our results with DWIA calcula-tions.Possible evidence of nuclear correlations is observed in the comparison between the experimental and theoretical results.We also compare our data with DWIA calculations employing RPA response functions including the∆isobar in order to assess the nuclear correlation effects quantitatively.The data were obtained with a neutron time-of-flight(NTOF)system[13] with a neutron detector and polarimeter NPOL3system[14]at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics,Osaka University.The NTOF system consists of a beam-swinger dipole magnet,a neutron spin-rotation(NSR)magnet,and a 100-m tunnel.The beam polarization was continuously monitored using two p+p scattering polarimeters;its typical magnitude was about0.70.The beam energy was determined to be296±1MeV from the kinematic energy shift between two peaks from7Li(p,n)7Be(g.s.+0.43MeV)and12C(p,n)12N(g.s.). In the beam-swinger system,a beam with a typical current of500nA was incident on a self-supporting nat C(98.9%12C)target with a thickness of89 mg/cm2.Neutrons from the target passed through the NSR magnet and were measured by the NPOL3system in the100-m TOF tunnel with a resolution of about500keV FWHM.The neutron detection efficiency of NPOL3was determined to be0.025±0.002using7Li(p,n)7Be(g.s.+0.43MeV)at0◦,whose cross section is known for T p=80–795MeV[15].The neutron polarimetry of NPOL3was calibrated using12C( p, n)12N(g.s.)at0◦[14].The effective analyzing power A y;effof NPOL3was determined to be A y;eff=0.151±0.007±0.004,where thefirst and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic uncertainties,respectively.Figure1shows the excitation energy spectra of12C(p,n)12N for momentum transfers q=0.14fm−1and1.7fm−1.The GT1+state at E x=0MeV(ground state)forms a pronounced peak for q=0.14fm−1,though it is not fully re-solved from the neighboring states for q=1.7fm−1.Therefore,we performed peakfitting for E x≤1.5MeV to extract the yield of the1+state.Thefirst and second excited states with Jπ=2+and2−at E x=0.96and1.19MeV [16]were considered in the peakfitting and were assumed to form a single peak because the present energy resolution could not resolve these two peaks.The continuum background from wrap-around and13C(p,n)events is also consid-ered in the peakfitting.The dashed curves in Fig.1represent thefits to the individual peaks,while the straight dashed line and solid curve represent the background and the sum of the peakfitting,respectively.The peakfittings at all momentum transfers were satisfactory for extracting the1+yield.The differential cross section for12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+)at T p=296MeV is shown in the upper panel of Fig.2.The data for the analyzing power were also measured and the results are displayed in the lower panel.The momentum-transfer dependence was measured in the range q=0.1–2.2fm−1,covering the maximum at q≃1.6fm−1.The data at T p=295MeV[17]are also displayed as open circles.Both data sets are consistent with each other taking into account the statistical and systematic uncertainties.We performed DWIA calculations using the computer code crdw[18].The op-tical model potential(OMP)was deduced from the global OMPs optimized for 12C in the proton energy range T p=29–1040MeV[19,20].The free nucleon–nucleon(NN)t-matrix parameters were taken from Bugg and Wilkin[21].The single particle wave functions were generated by a Woods–Saxon(WS)poten-tial with r0=1.27fm−1,a0=0.67fm−1[22],and V so=6.5MeV[23].The depth of the WS potential was adjusted to reproduce the separation energies of the0p3/2orbits.The transition form factor was normalized to reproduce the beta-decay ft value of13178s[24],whose corresponding beta-decay strength B(GT)was deduced to be B(GT)=0.873[25].The thin solid curves in Fig.2 show the DWIA results.The normalization factor for the transition form factor is N=0.17.These calculations reproduce the experimental data reasonably well for small momentum transfers of q 0.5fm−1.However,the angular dis-tributions of both the cross section and the analyzing power shift to higher momentum transfer.Furthermore,the calculations significantly underestimate the cross section at large momentum transfers of q≃1.6fm−1.We also investigated the OMP dependence of DWIA calculations by using other OMPs[26,27].The results are shown by the bands in Fig.2.The OMP dependence is clearly seen around the cross section minimum at q≃1.4fm−1. However,neither the discrepancy of the angular distributions nor the under-estimation of the cross section at large momentum transfer can be resolved. We also evaluated the proton–particle and neutron–hole configuration depen-dence on the transition form factor.In the above calculations,the Hartree–Fock(HF)state of12C was described as the state fully occupying the0s1/2 and0p3/2orbits.Thus,the GT transition is described as a combination ofa0p1/2proton–particle and a0p−13/2neutron–hole(0p1/20p−13/2).However,theCohen and Kurath wave functions(CKWFs)[28]show that the0p3/20p−13/2,0p3/20p−11/2,and0p1/20p−11/2configurations also play important roles in the GTtransition.Therefore we performed DWIA calculations with CKWFs using the computer code dw81[29].We used the same OMPs and single particle wave functions as in the previous calculations.The NN t-matrix parametrized by Franey and Love[12]at325MeV was used.The dotdash curves in Fig.2 denote the DWIA results using the CKWSs with N=0.89.The cross sec-tion is slightly enhanced at all momentum transfers.However,the oscillatory structures,especially the momentum transfers where the cross section takes a minimum or maximum value,were not improved by using the realistic CK-WFs.Therefore,we investigated the non-locality of the nuclear meanfield by using a local effective mass approximation[30]in the form off WS(r)m∗(r)=m N−results is very weak.In the continuum RPA,the GT state couples to particle-unbound1+states,which shifts the response function in the coordinate space (r-space)to large r values.Thus the angular distributions further shift to lower momentum transfer.The RPA correlation also enhances the cross section at large momentum transfers of q≃1.6fm−1.Consequently,the discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical results could be resolved in part by considering the nuclear correlation effects in the RPA together with the non-locality effects of the nuclear meanfield.Nuclear correlation effects are expected to be more clearly seen in the oscillatory structures of polarized cross sections.Therefore,we have separated the cross section into polarized cross sections by using the measured polarization observables.Figure3shows three polarized cross sections,ID q,ID p,and ID n,as a func-tion of momentum transfer.The spin-scalar polarized cross section ID0is not shown because it is very small in the present spin-flip GT case.The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.The systematic un-certainties are about30%for all ID i at q≃1.6fm−1.The solid curves in Fig.3denote the DWIA calculations with the RPA response function,and the bands represent the g′NN and g′N∆dependences within g′NN=0.65±0.15 and g′N∆=0.35±0.15.The dashed curves are the DWIA calculations with the free response function.The momentum transfer dependence of all the three spin-dependent ID i shift to lower momentum transfer and are enhanced around q=1.6fm−1due to the nuclear correlation effects,which improves the agreement with the data.Figure4shows the DWIA calculations without the normalization.The dashed and dotted curves are the DWIA results with the free response function and with the RPA response function employing only the LM interaction,respectively.Thefigure shows quenching of all ID i over the whole momentum transfer region due to the repulsive LM interaction,as well as forward shifts in the angular distributions due to outward shifts of the response functions in r-space by the continuum coupling in the RPA.The solid curves are the DWIA results with the RPA response function employing theπ+ρ+g′model interaction V eff.The pion exchange effects in ID q are clearly seen as an enhancement at large momentum transfers.In contrast,the rho-meson exchange effects in ID p and ID n are expected to be small,mainly due to the weak momentum transfer dependence of W T in the present mo-mentum transfer region[9].It should be noted that in the analysis shown in Fig.3,the transition form factors are normalized to reproduce B(GT),and thus the calculated ID i are normalized at small momentum transfers.There-fore,the quenching due to the LM interaction is effectively included through the normalization factor N at small momentum transfers.However,the mod-ification of the angular distributions due to the shape change of the response functions in r-space could not be included through this normalization,and thus this effect is observed as an enhancement in ID p and ID n in Fig.3at large momentum transfers of q≃1.5fm−1.We also note that the momen-tum transfer dependence of the NN t-matrix is important for the momentumtransfer dependence of ID i.For example,thefirst minimum of ID q is due to thefirst minimum of the relevant NN t-matrix component[12].The DWIA calculations employing nuclear correlation effects give better de-scriptions of all three spin-dependent ID i.However,there are still significant discrepancies at large momentum transfers around q≃1.6fm−1.The under-estimation of the theoretical calculations might be resolved using a realistic HF state of12C because the DWIA calculation with CKWFs is enhanced around q≃1.6fm−1compared with that for the pure0p1/20p−13/2configuration,as shownin Fig.2.Thus,we deduced ID i from the DWIA results with CKWFs;the results are shown by the solid curves in Fig.5.The dashed curves correspondto the DWIA results for the pure0p1/20p−13/2configuration.The use of realisticCKWFs enhances ID q and ID p at large momentum transfers,and thus the discrepancies between the experimental and theoretical results seen in Fig.3 would be due to the simplification of the HF state of12C in the RPA calcula-tions.However,the calculations with CKWFs give smaller ID n values.Thus, the reason for the difference in ID n seems to be different to that for ID q and ID p.This is possibly due to medium modifications of the effective NN inter-action.It should be noted that the enhancement of ID n at large momentum transfers is commonly seen in QES and in stretched state excitations[39]and that this enhancement indicates the enhancement of B of the NN scattering amplitude in a Kerman–MacManus–Thaler(KMT)representation[40].Thus, the enhancement of B might be responsible for the enhancement of the cor-responding rho-mesonic ID n.We note that in both QES and stretched state excitations,no modification of the spin-transverse amplitude F has been ob-served for ID p,whereas a small reduction of the spin-longitudinal amplitude E has been indicated for ID q[39].If we take into account the reduction of E,the enhancement of ID q due to the nuclear correlations should be larger than the current prediction using g′NN=0.65and g′N∆=0.35,which can be achieved by using smaller,reasonable LM parameters,g′NN≃0.6and g′N∆≃0.2[9]. In conclusion,our measurement of the cross section and a complete set of polarization observables of the12C( p, n)12N(g.s.,1+)reaction enables us to study nuclear correlation effects at an intermediate energy of T p=296MeV where the theoretical DWIA calculations should be reliable due to the sim-ple reaction mechanism.A significant difference in the momentum-transfer dependence and an enhancement around q≃1.6fm−1were observed in the cross section compared to the DWIA calculations with Cohen–Kurath wave functions.A DWIA calculation employing the RPA response function with g′NN=0.65and g′N∆=0.35and a local effective mass with m∗(0)=0.7m N reproduces the momentum-transfer dependence and gives an enhancement of the cross section at q≃1.6fm−1.All three spin-dependent polarized cross sections also support the existence of nuclear correlation effects.In theoreti-cal calculations,the use of a realistic shell-model wave function seems to be important to reproduce the experimental data at large momentum transfers.However,this effect could not be included in the present RPA calculations. Therefore,a more comprehensive and detailed theoretical analysis is needed to explain quantitatively the nuclear correlations inside nuclei. AcknowledgementsWe thank the RCNP cyclotron crew for providing a good quality beam for our experiments.This work was supported in part by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Nos.14702005and16654064of the Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports,Science,and Technology of Japan.Fig.1.Excitation energy spectra for12C(p,n)12N at T p=296MeV and q= 0.14fm−1(upper panel)and q=1.7fm−1(lower panel).The dashed curves and straight dashed line representfits to the individual peaks and background,respec-tively.The solid curve shows the sum of the peakfitting.parison between experimental and theoretical cross sections(upper panel)and analyzing powers(lower panel)for12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+)at T p=296MeV.The thin solid curves are the DWIA calculations for a0p1/20p−13/2configurationand the bands represent the OMP dependence.The dotdash curves denote the DWIA results with CKWFs.The dashed and thick solid curves are,respectively, the DWIA results with the free response function employing m∗(0)=0.7m N and with the RPA response function employing g′NN=0.65,g′N∆=0.35,and m∗(0)= 0.7m N.parison between experimental and theoretical ID q(left panel),ID p (middle panel),and ID n(right panel)for12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+)at T p=296MeV. The solid curves are the DWIA calculations with the RPA response functions using (g′NN,g′N∆,g′∆∆)=(0.65,0.35,0.50)and m∗(0)=0.7m N.The bands represent the g′NN and g′N∆dependences of the DWIA results within0.50≤g′NN≤0.80and 0.20≤g′N∆≤0.50.The dashed curves show the DWIA results with the free responsefunctions using m∗(0)=0.7m N.Fig.4.Theoretical calculations without normalization for ID q(left panel),ID p (middle panel),and ID n(right panel)for12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+)at T p=296MeV. The dashed curves show the DWIA results with the free response function.The dotted and solid curves are the DWIA calculations with the RPA response func-tions employing the Landau–Migdal interaction(g′)only and theπ+ρ+g′modelinteraction,respectively.Fig.5.DWIA predictions for12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+)at T p=296MeV.The solid curves are the DWIA results with CKWFs.The dashed curves represent the DWIAresults for a0p1/20p−13/2configuration.The experimental data are same as those inFig.3.References[1] A.B.Migdal,Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.61,(1971)2210;Sov.Phys.JETP34,(1972)1184.[2]P.O.Slane,D.J.Helfand,S.S.Murray,Astrophys.J.571(2002)L45.[3]S.Tsuruta,et al.,Astrophys.J.571(2002)L143.[4]H.Toki,W.Weise,Phys.Rev.Lett.42(1979)1034.[5]J.Delorme,et al.,Phys.Lett.B89(1980)327.[6]fort,W.G.Love,Phys.Rev.Lett.44(1980)1656.[7]fort,et al.,Phys.Rev.C21(1980)2147.[8]W.M.Alberico,M.Ericson,A.Molinari,Phys.Lett.B92(1980)153.[9]M.Ichimura,H.Sakai,T.Wakasa,Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.56(2006)446.[10]T.Wakasa,et al.,Phys.Rev.C69(2004)054609.[11]T.Wakasa,et al.,Phys.Lett.B632(2006)485.[12]M.A.Franey,W.G.Love,Phys.Rev.C31(1985)488.[13]H.Sakai,et al.,Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res.A369(1996)120.[14]T.Wakasa,et al.,Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res.A547(2005)569.[15]T.N.Taddeucci,et al.,Phys.Rev.C41(1990)2548.[16]F.Ajzenberg-Selove,et al.,Nucl.Phys.A433(1985)100.[17]T.Wakasa,et al.,Phys.Rev.C51(1995)R2871.[18]K.Kawahigashi,et al.,Phys.Rev.C63(2001)044609.[19]S.Hama,et al.,Phys.Rev.C41(1990)2737.[20]E.D.Cooper,et al.,Phys.Rev.C47(1993)297.[21]D.V.Bugg,C.Wilkin,Phys.Lett.B152(1985)37.[22]A.Bohr,B.R.Mottelson,Nuclear structure Volume I:Single-Particle Motion,Benjamin,New York,1969.[23]K.Nishida,M.Ichimura,Phys.Rev.C51(1995)269.[24]D.E.Alburger,A.M.Nathan,Phys.Rev.C17(1978)280.[25]K.Schreckenbach,et al.,Phys.Lett.B349(1995)427.[26]S.Qing-biao,F.Da-chun,Z.Yi-zhong,Phys.Rev.C43(1991)2773.[27]F.T.Baker,et al.,Phys.Rev.C48(1993)1106.[28]S.Cohen,D.Kurath,Nucl.Phys.73(1965)1.[29]R.Schaeffer and J.Raynal,Program dw70(unpublished);J.Raynal,Nucl.Phys.A97,572(1967);fort,Extended version dw81(unpublished).[30]T.Wakasa,et al.,Phys.Rev.C59(1999)3177.[31]N.V.Giai,P.V.Thieu,Phys.Lett.B126(1983)421.[32]C.Mahaux,R.Sartor,Nucl.Phys.A481(1988)381.[33]F.G.Perey,B.Buck,Nucl.Phys.A32(1962)353.[34]R.Machleidt,K.Holinde,C.Elster,Phys.Rep.149(1987)1.[35]T.Wakasa,M.Ichimura,H.Sakai,Phys.Rev.C72(2005)067303.[36]T.Wakasa,et al.,Phys.Rev.C55(1997)2909.[37]K.Yako,et al.,Phys.Lett.B615(2005)193.[38]W.H.Dickhoff,et al.,Phys.Rev.C23(1981)1154.[39]T.Wakasa,et al.,Phys.Lett.B645(2007)402.[40]A.K.Kerman,H.McManus,R.M.Thaler,Ann.Phys.8(1969)551.。

⼤学思辨英语精读备课Unit5Unit 5 Kno wledge and Ignorance Words and phrases expected of stude nts to un dersta ndpalpitatefive days straight _____wiggleleaf v.prop up on pillows/aga inst the wallDawn broke on the doctor ' s facerule outsocial milieuin a huddlea suggesti on of …I detected a suggesti on of malice in his due coursePreparatory WorkThe followi ng are just for your refereneeThe In adeque ncies of Moder n Orthodiagramatie Tech niq ues in Demon strati ng Mi ni mal Left Ven tricular Hypertrophy 当代影像技术在显⽰微⼩左⼼室肥厚⽅⾯的不⾜之处the Diagnostic Clinic (诊断科)vs. the Therapeutic Clinic (治疗科)vs. the Functional Clinic(功能科)Aortic Valve Clinic (主动脉瓣科)(allthe clinics are made up for satirical effect)psych on euroticist 神经⼼理医⽣(a made-up word, possibly coined fromPsycho neurosis 精神神经病or Neuropsychology 神经⼼理学)psychosociologist 社会⼼理医⽣(a made-up word; psycho+ sociologist )pituitaryosmoreceptorologist 渗透压感受器专家(a word possibly coined from pituitary osmoreceptor 渗透压感受器)(2)The story was published in 1963, and in the story a doctor says it ' s1972, which means that the story has a futuristic setting.It ' s not a typical scienee fiction as I understand the term, forscie nee ficti on, though hard to defi ne, usually invo Iveswilderimagi nativecon ceptssuchasfuturisticscie ncea ndtech no logy,space travel,timetravel,parallel uni versesa ndextraterrestrial life.Yet it maybe viewed as a story of scienee fiction in the sense that the authormakes up a futuristic sett in gof extremely meticulous divisi ons of medic ine to warn aga inst such a trend, since scie nee fiction also means, accord ing toscie nee fictio n writerRobert A.Heinlein, “realistic speculati on about possible futur e eve nts,based solidly on adequate kno wledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature andsig nifica nee of the scie ntific method. ”But, to be honest, I do think it ' s more a satire than scienee fiction.(3)There are altogether 13 doctors besides the Turk. (Interestingnu mber!)The doctor (commu nity doctor)---the red-headed doctor (Gastro-I ntesti nalman) an dDr. Schultz (the OrthopedicRadiologist)---a no ther doctor(possibly alsoOrthopedicRadiologist), who brought two more doctors (in Valve Clinic)---theMiltral man, the Aortic man, the Great Arteries man and the Peripheral Capillary Bed man---doctor in the FunctionalClinic---Psych on euroticist, Psychosociologist —the Turk ( Is hereally a Turk I don ' t know what ' s his field.)(4)They are italicized for emphasis. They are to be read out aloud.Para. 9 Fifty- five The doctor shows his in credulity. He believes 55 as a critical age but the man hasn ' t had a checkup for almost 10 years.…you maybe feeling well, it implies that the doctor doesn' t believe he is actually well.…I could do that …The doctor was shocked that the patient was “ignorant ”to the extent that he asked only for sth. to stop thepain. According to the doctor, the root cause of the problem had to be found out first.Para. 24 …more …aspirin poisoning than of cyanide poisoning Thetwo words are emphasized to distinguish them and to let theinformation sink in.Para. 26 we have to think about …The doctor implies that Wheatley hasn' tthought much about his own health.Para. 37 I don ' t think so. It is implied by the emphasis thatWheatley fails to un dersta nd the word Fluoroaortogram.Now this patient--- The doctor sudde nly realized his purpose of coming here.Para. 41 you mustn' t worry. The doctor thinks that Wheatley has the reasons to be worried but that his worry might make the situation worse. Therefore hemustn ' t worry.Critical Read ing:1. Questions(1) He was very nervous.(2) He doesn' t think Wheatley ' s complaints have much value. He has his ownprofessi onal trai ning of inq uiri ng.(3) He is an Orthopedic Radiologist (And I think he is a colleague of Dr. Schultz ' s).He mentions the article in details possibly becauseit ' s his recent focus of attention, or in other words he is still thinking about it whe n he talks.(4) I don' t know for sure where he went or what brought him there. I think both theTurkish drapes and the turban are used to give an exotic flavor to that place, to form a sharp con trast with the previous“ scientific ” atmosphere. He might or might not be a Turk. Still we know this last resort of Wheatley' s must be some branch of the“ alter native medici ne ” , which accord ing the Wikipedia, “ is any practice that is put forward as having thehealingeffects of medicine,but does not orig in ate fromevide ncegathered using thescie ntificmethod. ”This ending provides an alter native choice to the allegedlyscie ntific moder n medicine and makes it a choice Wheatleyvoluntarily made after being disillusioned with the modern medicine.The effect is quite satirical.2. True or False(1) F It ' s satirical.。

三个基本哲学问题英文版The Three Fundamental Questions of PhilosophyIntroduction:Philosophy, which is derived from the Greek word "philosophia," meaning "love of wisdom," is the study of fundamental questions concerning existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality. Throughout history, philosophers have sought to understand the world around them by questioning and analyzing these foundational concepts. Three fundamental questions lay at the core of philosophical inquiry: What can I know? What should I do? What is real? This article aims to explore these questions and delve into their significancein human existence.Question 1: What can I know?The first fundamental question focuses on the nature of knowledge and the limits of human understanding. Epistemology, the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of knowledge, investigates how knowledge is acquired, justified,and retained. Philosophers have proposed various theories and systems to address this question.Rationalism, championed by Rene Descartes, argues that true knowledge can be derived through reason. Descartes famously proclaimed, "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), suggesting thatself-awareness is the foundation of all knowledge. On the other hand, Empiricism, advocated by philosophers like John Locke and David Hume, emphasizes that knowledge arises from sensory experience. Empiricists believe that all concepts and ideas are ultimately derived from our senses.The question of what can be known has far-reaching implications, extending beyond personal cognition. It shapes our understanding of the world, influences science and technology, and impacts the pursuit of truth in all intellectual endeavors.Question 2: What should I do?The second fundamental question pertains to ethics, which seeks to determine what is morally right or wrong, good or bad. Ethics examines humanbehavior, personal values, and the principles that guide our decisions and actions. It explores concepts such as virtue, duty, and the nature of ethical systems.Various ethical theories offer diverse frameworks for ethical decision-making. Deontological ethics, as advocated by Immanuel Kant, emphasizes following universal moral principles, irrespective of the outcomes. Utilitarianism, championed by philosophers like John Stuart Mill, focuses on maximizing overall happiness and minimizing harm.Ethics plays a vital role in shaping societal norms, laws, and justice systems. It influences personal conduct, social relationships, and the distribution of resources. By grappling with the question of what we should do, philosophers aim to provide ethical guidance for individuals and societies alike.Question 3: What is real?The third fundamental question deals with metaphysics, the branch of philosophy concernedwith the nature of reality. It explores the fundamental principles and underlying structures that govern the universe and our place within it. Metaphysics investigates concepts such as the nature of being, existence, time, causality, and the relationship between mind and body.Philosophers have proposed diverse viewpoints to tackle this question. Idealism, championed by George Berkeley, argues that reality is fundamentally mental or subjective in nature. Materialism, endorsed by thinkers like Karl Marx, asserts that only physical matter is real, and mental phenomena are mere products of the material world.Understanding what is real informs our worldview, shapes religious beliefs, and impacts scientific inquiry. Metaphysical questions extend beyond the realm of the tangible and provoke contemplation on the purpose and meaning of life.Conclusion:The three fundamental questions of philosophy – What can I know? What should I do? What is real?– serve as existential cornerstones for human intellect and inquiry. By exploring the limits of knowledge, seeking ethical guidance, andscrutinizing the nature of reality, philosophy provides a framework for understanding the world and our place in it.Through rational inquiry and critical thinking, philosophers strive to unravel the mysteries of existence and provide guidance for individuals and society as a whole. As we continue to grapple with these fundamental questions, we pave the way for intellectual growth, personal development, and a deeper understanding of the human condition.。
Three Body Problem (English Introduction)

Luo Ji's intelligence, maturity, and determination drive the narrative forward as he strives to understand and combat the lien threat
Cheng Xin
A female aerospace engineer who benefits a key figure in the resistance against the Trisolaran invasion
the attention of potential predictors
Predator and pre dynamics
The Dark Forest Law suggestions that the universe is a
dangerous place where predictors consistently seek out and
• Description of the Trisolaran invasion and the subsequence human resistance • Introduction of Cheng Xin, the new Wallace, and her plan to save humanity • Conclusion of the story with the revision of the ultimate fate of the human race and the universe • Note: The above points are a brief overview of the plot and do not include detailed spoilers The

万物理论1963年英格兰剑桥快点Well, come on!快点老头子Come on, old man.进入三一路Coming into Trinity Lane!看着点路布莱恩Eyes on the road, Brian.布莱恩找到了空隙Brian spies an opening!看着点Eyes on the staff!霍金要输了Hawking's lost it!不要No!你输了布莱恩You lose, Brian.太慢了老头子Too slow, old man.太慢了Too slow.我的天哪Oh, my goodness. Right.该喝酒了你好啊Time for a drink, yeah. Hello.要是宇宙的奥秘跟性有关What if the secret of the universe has something to do with sex. 你博士论文就写这个吧爱之物理学Maybe do your doctorate on that? The physics of love.-那是你的研究领域吧 -最近没怎么研究了- I think that's more your field, Brian. - Not lately.你要是再定不下来就要被请出去了They will boot you out, you know, if you don't decide.我认识这里所有的...棒极了I know everybody here who's... brilliant.居然是科学家们Oh, dear, scientists!别担心不会待太久的Don't worry, we don't have to stay long...简直无聊到死looks mortifyingly dull.-没劲 -那是谁- Bores. - Who's that?哪个他吗Who's who? Oh, him?他挺怪的也挺聪明去了抗♥议♥核游♥行♥[1960年代] He's strange, clever, goes to "Ban the Bomb" marches.王尔德简·王尔德Wilde. Jane Wilde.大卫在那大卫Oh, there's David... David?-我马上回来马上回来 -戴安娜- I'll be back in a minute. I'll be back in a second. - Diana! Diana!-你好 -你好- Hello. - Hello.-理学吗 -文学- Science? - Arts.-英语 -法语及西班牙语- English. - French and Spanish.那你呢你学什么的What about you? What are you?-宇宙学家我是个宇宙学家 -那是什么- Cosmologist, I'm a cosmologist. - What's that?就是特别聪明的不信上帝的人It's a kind of religion for-信的宗教 -聪明的不信上帝的- intelligent atheists. - Intelligent atheists?你不信教吧You're not religious, are you?国教C Of E.-就是英国国教[圣公会] -是啊- Church of England. - England, yes.总得有个信教的I suppose someone has to be.那宇宙学家信奉什么呢So, what do cosmologists worship then?信奉什么What do we worship?用一个统一的方程One single unifying equation来解释宇宙万物that explains everything in the universe.-是吗 -是- Really. - Yes.是什么方程What's the equation?问题就在这That is the question.这个问题非常好我还不清楚And a very good question. I'm not quite sure yet.但我想研究出来But I intend to find out.那你为什么不留在牛津Then why didn't you stay at Oxford?因为我的期末考试考得一塌糊涂Because my finals exams were such a shambles他们叫我参加个口试that the examiners they settled me in for a "Viva",-他们说如果我拿到二等 -口试是什么- And they told me that if I go up a second... - What's a "Viva"? 有点恐怖跟人面对面坐下来什么的It's a sort of, mildly terrifying face-to-face thingy.-面试吗 -审讯吧- Like an interview? - An interrogation.我告诉他们如果给我二等学位[参考片尾注释]And I told them that if they gave me a 2nd class degree我就得留在牛津做研究then I'd stay with them and do my research at Oxford,如果给我一等学位我就能去剑桥了but if they gave me the 1st, I needed to get into Cambridge, 他们就能永远甩掉我了then they would never have to see me again.所以他们给了你一等They gave you the 1st.没错They gave me the 1st.-是啊 -派对已经正式结束了- Of course. - This party is officially deceased.来吧我找辆车送你回家Come on, I've fixed you up a ride home.走啊简Come on, Jane...简Jane?-跟你聊天很开心 -我也是- Well, it was lovely to talk to you. - Yes.还有希望你能找到那个方程And... I hope you find your equation.是啊Yes... oh...-再见 -再见- Bye. - Bye.斯蒂芬Stephen?来看看这个Well, then, here we are,给你们的小测试a little challenge for you all,在你们踏上学术研究之路时 you embark upon your separate doctoral journeys...不管你们打算研究什么霍金先生whatever they may be, Mr. Hawking.传下去Pass them down.来看看你们是男人还是男孩Something to separate the men from the boys,是粮食还是糟糠the wheat from the chaff,介子还是π介子真夸克[基本粒子之一]还是假行家the mesons from the pi-mesons, the quarks from the quacks. 十个问题一个比一个难Ten questions, each more impregnable than the last.祝你们好运吧周五三点再见Good luck, you'll need it. Shall we say Friday at 3 o'clock?我要做到瘫痪了This is going to hospitalize me.一划And one, drive!二划Two, drive!三划Three, drive!坚持住布莱恩给你喊个持久的Stay long, Brian. I'll give you something long.坚持住布莱恩加把劲布莱恩Stay long, Brian. Keep long, Brian!闭嘴Shut up!-撑住啊布莱恩 -累死了- Long, Brian! - I'm exhausted.坚持住布莱恩Stay long, Brian!弹它弹它该死Flip it, flip it! Wiggs.换个人好吗Somebody else for once.-再来两杯这个 -好啊- Can I get two more of those, please? - Yeah, sure.-换点零钱打个电♥话♥ -好的- And some change for payphone, Sir. - Yeah.-斯蒂夫你没事吧 -简- Steve, you all right, mate? - Jane.猜我那天碰到他跟谁在一起卡罗琳You'll never guess who I saw with him the other day... Caroline. 快把他留住吧别放出来吓人For heaven's sake, she can save him, quite frankly.这概率有多大What's the probability?小的不得了Reasonably low.这个这是斯蒂芬Uh... this is... this is Stephen.-你玩槌球吗 -槌球- Do you play croquet? - Croquet?有阵子没玩了Not recently.周日早上Sunday morning.我周日早上有事I'm actually busy on Sunday mornings.是啊跟上帝[做礼拜]Oh... Him.好吧Okay.好吧接着之前的说...Anyway, before I was completely interrupted...快起床你做出了几个Oh, come on, get up! How many did you get?-早上好布莱恩 -下午好斯蒂芬- Morning, Brian. - Good afternoon, Stephen.那几个超级难问题你做出几个How many of the impossible questions did you do?布莱恩你在说什么啊Brian, I have no idea what you're talking about.夏玛的问题你做出几个斯蒂芬How many of Sciama's questions did you get, Stephen?-没做 -一个没做吗- None. - You didn't get any?我一会再做I was going to do them later.你看都没看You haven't even looked at them.没看No.斯蒂芬你知道自己Stephen, are you aware that是自愿攻读物理学博士学位的吧you've voluntarily embarked on a PhD in physics?还是在英国最顶尖的大学里At the most prestigious college in England?知道Yes.还以为入学典礼时候你睡着了呢Oh! Thought maybe you'd slept through the induction or something. 布莱恩Bri?-怎么了 -放段瓦格纳吧- What? - Can you whip on some Wagner?一边去Sod off!-请进斯蒂芬 -抱歉- Come in, Stephen. - Sorry.迈克你这乱成一坨Michael, that's so illegible我也不知道你错了多少估计是不少I can't quite decipher how wrong it is, I suspect enormously, 布莱恩看不懂你写的什么and Brian... that's just baffling.-您受累做了没 -抱歉- Have you even bothered to? - Oh, sorry.列车时刻表Train time tables.这怎么行这时刻表都过期了It's certainly unacceptable, these expired a month ago.在背面我出了点事It's on the back, I had a little accident.只能做出九个I could only do nine.好吧谢天谢地真棒Well... oh... thank God... Bravo...九个Nine?请进Come in.斯蒂芬坐吧Oh, Stephen, take a seat.我想谈谈你的课题I wanted to talk to you about your subject.我们都等着你决定研究方向呢We're all rather concerned as to what it's going to be.我定不下来I can't decide.有什么想法吗Do you have any ideas?没有No.好了...So...汤普森在这发现了电子[1♥8♥9♥7年] This is where J.J. Thomson discovered the electron,卢瑟福在这分♥裂♥了原子核[1909年]and where Rutherford split the atom.在剑桥搞研究的好处就是你永远都不知道You know, one of the great rewards of this job is one never knows 谁在哪里from where the next great能搞出个重大发现来leap forward is going to come, or from whom.下周五我要带几个优秀研究生去伦敦Listen, next Friday, I'm taking a few graduates of merit to London, 参加数学家罗杰·彭罗斯的讲座to attend a talk by the mathematician Roger Penrose.你也来吧如果有兴趣的话You come along... if you're interested.走的时候记得关门Oh, and close the door as you leave.听说你从没去过教堂So, I gather you've never been to church?很久以前去过Once upon a time.想信教吗Tempted to convert?我不太信这种统领万物的神I have a slight problem with the whole Celestial Dictator premise. 你午饭有安排吗我妈烤的肉特别好吃Now, what are you doing for lunch? Ma makes a cracking roast. 简你是学什么的So, Jane, what are you studying?-文学 -要球甘蓝吗- Arts. - Sprouts?谢谢Thank you.法语和西班牙语毕业希望继续读博French and Spanish, and hoping to do a PhD eventually.哪个方向呢Oh, one arm.中世纪伊波利亚半岛诗歌♥Medieval poetry of the Iberian Peninsula.中世纪诗歌♥...你喜欢哪位画家Medieval poets... What painters do you like?-我喜欢特纳 -特纳吗- Well, I like Turner. - Turner, really?我一直觉得他的画You know, I always feel that his paintings像被暴雨浇过似的look as if they've been left out in the rain.还有威廉·布雷克And... William Blake.-简来尝尝我的接骨木酒 -谢谢- Jane, have some of my elderflower wine. - Yes, yes, thank you. 别试别试简Don't touch it, don't touch it, Jane.谢谢他妈呢Thank you. Mother?斯蒂芬不喜欢我自己酿的酒真没品味Stephen doesn't like my homemade wine...philistine.给你塞几瓶带回学校I'm going to send you back with a couple of bottles.斯蒂芬你和这位善良的女士去了教堂So, Stephen, you have come from church with a good woman. 觉得自己圣洁吗Are you feeling holier than thou?非常圣洁谢谢Positively saintly... thank you.你还没说自己为什么不信上帝You haven't said why you don't believe in God.物理学家的研究A physicist can't allow his calculations不能受超自然的创世主影响to be muddled by a belief in a supernatural creator.听着好像是物理学家的问题啊Sounds less of an argument against God than against physicists. 鸡胸还是鸡腿Light or dark?-简鸡胸还是鸡腿 -鸡胸谢谢- Jane, light meat or dark? - Light, please.我要请简做我五月舞会[剑桥传统]的舞伴I'm inviting Jane to be my partner to the May ball.真的吗真棒Really! Very impressive!你要跳舞了斯蒂芬You'll have to dance this year Stephen.你妈烤的鸡腿好了Make way for my mother's leg, here we go.你好Hello.你好Hello.-抱歉 -你没事吧- Sorry. - Are you okay?-跳舞吧 -不跳- Do you dance, Stephen? - No.不跳了No, I don't dance.我不跳虽然我很喜欢看别人跳I don't. It's a phenomenon I'm very happy to observe,但我自己是不会跳的but I can't possibly imagine participating.我也这么想的谁愿意跳舞啊I absolutely agree. I mean, who would want to dance?说真的我不跳舞No, I'm serious, I don't dance.那就不跳了No dancing then.你看男生的衬衫前胸Do you see how the men's shirt-fronts还有领结比女生的礼服还闪亮and their bow ties, how they glow more than the womens' dresses? -是啊 -知道为什么吗- Yes. - Do you know why?-为什么 -汰渍- Why? - Tide.洗衣粉The washing powder.洗衣粉里的荧光物质在紫外线照射下发光The fluorescence in the washing powder is caught by the UV light. 你怎么知道的Why do you know that?恒星诞生和毁灭时会辐射出紫外线When stars are born and when they die, they emit UV radiation.如果只能看到夜空里的紫外线So, if we could see the night sky in ultraviolet light,现在的星星就都不见了then almost all the stars would disappear只剩下恒星壮丽的诞生和毁灭and all that we would see are these spectacular births and deaths.-我觉得应该... -就像这个- I reckon it would look a little... - Like that.-为什么 -什么为什么- So, why? - Why what?为什么要研究中世纪西班牙诗歌♥Why Spanish medieval poetry?应该是我喜欢穿越时空吧...I suppose I like to time travel......像你一样 you.有哪段时空是你特别想去的吗Are there any particular time periods that you'd like to visit? -二十年代吧 -咆哮的二十年代吗[1920 北美]- The imagine it's the Twenties. - The Roaring Twenties?耶茨《The Song of the Happy Shepherd》"不要在天文学家那找寻知识"Seek, then, No learning from starry men,"他们只是用望远镜"Who follow with the optic glass"追随恒星纷飞的路径""The whirling ways of stars that pass."真棒Bravo!真壮观啊Well, that's astonishing, isn't it?"创世之初只有天地"In the beginning was the heaven and the earth,"大地混沌没有定型"and the earth was without form,"黑暗笼罩着深渊""And darkness was upon the face of the deep."和我共舞一曲吧Will you dance with me?三号♥站台前往伦敦国王十字车站的列车The train now departing from platform three is将于九点十七发车the nine-seventeen service to London King's Cross.快点斯蒂芬快点Come on, Stephen. Get a move on.怎么了你快上来What's wrong with you, man? Chop-chop.一颗恒星体积是太阳的三倍多A star, more than three times the size of our sun...就要走到尽头怎么结束呢坍缩ought to end its life, how? With a collapse.整颗恒星的引力The gravitational forces of the entire mass克服了原子之间的斥力overcoming the electromagnetic forces of individual atoms,向内坍缩and so collapsing inwards.如果质量足够大还会继续坍缩If the star is massive enough, it will continue this collapse,形成一个黑洞翘曲了时空creating a black hole, where the warping of space-time什么都逃不出去包括光is so great that nothing can escape... not even light.变得越来越小越小It gets... smaller... smaller.恒星的密度越来越大The star, in fact, gets denser, as atoms,原子甚至原子内的粒子都被压缩了even subatomic particles get literally crushed into smaller and smaller space. 那最终我们得到了什么And at its end point what are we left with?时空奇点A space time singularity.时空在这里停止Space and time come to a stop.我在想如果把彭罗斯的理论I wonder what would happen if you applied从黑洞推广到整个宇宙呢Penrose's theory about black holes to the entire universe?如果爱因斯坦是对的If Einstein is right,或者说广义相对论是对的or if general relativity is correct,那宇宙是在膨胀的对吧then the universe is expanding, yes?-对 -好了- Yes. - Okay, so...如果时光倒流宇宙就是在缩小If you reverse time, then the universe is getting smaller.-没错 -那么- All right. - So...如果一路倒♥退♥回去What if I reverse the process all the way back回到时间的起点呢to see what happened at the beginning of Time itself?-时间的起点 -对- The beginning of Time itself? - Yes.宇宙越来越小The universe, getting smaller and smaller,密度越来越大温度越来越高getting denser and denser, hotter and hotter as...随着时间的倒流As you wind back the clock.-没错时光倒流 -时光倒流- Exactly, you wind back the clock. - Wind back the clock.你是想让时光倒流吗[逆时针]Is that what you're doing? Are you winding back the clock?没错That's what I'm doing.继续转还有好久呢继续转Well, keep winding! You've got quite a way to go! Keep winding. 我怕掉进去I don't want to fall in.你得回到时间的起点Well, you've got to go back to the beginning of time.可有你转的接着转别停You've got a long way to go, so, keep winding, keep winding!直到...Until you get...奇点A singularity.时空奇点A space-time singularity,宇宙源自黑洞的爆♥炸♥so the universe born from a black hole exploding.-继续 -继续什么- Keep going. - What do you mean, "Keep going", what...宇宙起源之前吗before the universe began?不是继续用数学方法解决No, no, no, no! Keep going, develop the mathematics!好了好了Okay, all right. Very good.用力顶用力顶Push it as hard as you can! Push it, push it!-用力 -我用力了- As hard as you can. - I am pushing as hard as I can.怎么... 一二一二Why... count 1... 1, 2... 1, 2...怎么不...Why won't it...好了All right, all right.无名指第四个夹子Fourth finger, fourth peg.是运动神经元病It's called motor neuron disease.神经元逐步失调It's a progressive neurological disorder导致控制肌肉运动的脑细胞受损that destroys the cells in the brain that control essential muscle activity,比如such as...讲话行走呼吸吞咽Speaking, walking, breathing, swallowing控制肌肉运动的电♥信♥♥号♥♥收到了干扰The signals that muscles must receive in order to move are disrupted.结果就是肌肉逐步萎缩The result is... gradual muscle decay, wasting away.最终彻底地Eventually, the ability to丧失运动能力control voluntary movement is... lost... entirely.平均寿命是发病后两年I'm afraid average life expectancy is two years.我也无能为力There's nothing I can do for you.大脑呢What about the brain?大脑不受影响你的思想依然在The brain isn't affected, you're thoughts won't change.就是It's... just that...到最后没人能知道你在想什么了Well, eventually, no one will know what they are.非常抱歉I'm ever so sorry.欢迎收看本周的自然世界Welcome to this week's episode of "The Natural World",这次我们找到了剑桥的一位杰出物理学家where this week we explore the bizarre hibernation patterns 研究他的冬眠规律of the rare Cambridge Physicist,就是盛装的这位seen here in his remarkable plumage..."怎么样他们怎么说的你的手腕怎么样So, how was it? What did they say, how's your wrist?我病了布莱恩I have a disease, Bri.是花柳病吗斯蒂芬Is it venereal... Stephen?是运动神经元病I have motor neuron disease.不好意思Sorry, I don't...卢·葛雷克病他是个棒球运动员It's Lou Gehrig's disease, he's a baseball player.不好意思神经运动棒球什么的病Sorry, I'm lagging behind in my pioneering research into我还没深入研究过obscure, motor, baseball related diseases.-我还剩两年 -什么- I have two years to live. - Sorry?大声说出来就不那么怪了是吧It does sound odd when you say it out loud, doesn't it?什么意思不可能Whatchya mean? No, you don't.他们他们What did... what did... what...他们怎么说的我刚没仔细...what did they say? Sorry, I... I don't really...走吧布莱恩Will you go, Brian?斯蒂芬我就是闹着玩Stephen, I was just being a berk...我没...我肯定...I didn't... I'm so... I'll be...走吧You go.斯蒂芬找你的电♥话♥ 是个姑娘Stephen, phone for you. It's a girl.-回头见 -好的- I'll see you soon. - Yes.她在等着呢She's waiting.斯蒂芬Stephen?简简Jane. Jane!-简 -布莱恩- Jane! - Brian.真抱歉我Hello. Sorry... I'm...坐下吧Why don't you sit down.真抱歉I'm so sorry.我昨天跟斯蒂芬谈过I spoke to Stephen, uh, yesterday,我知道你给他打过电♥话♥and I know that you called him...有教育意义吗Something educational?非常有Very.约翰跟玛莎有外遇John is having an affair with Martha,可玛莎爱着阿兰but Martha is in love with Alan,不过阿兰应该是同性恋and I think that Alan is probably homosexual, 看他的毛衣我呢我在尽力by the look of his jumper, so, well, I'm just trying计算他们幸福的可能性to work out the mathematical probability of happiness. 要算出来了吗Are you close?应该是零点几不过还差着远呢It's some integer of zero, but, no, I'm not quite there yet. -斯蒂芬 -他刚走- Stephen. - You just missed him.之前还在这He was here earlier.别这样Don't do this.走吧Go!槌球Croquet.跟我打一场Play a game with me.快走Go!你要是不站起来跟我打一场If you don't get up and play a game with me...我就不回来了I won't come back here again...永远不来了...ever.来吧Come on!你走吧Leave me now.你不想谈谈吗Are you going to talk about this or not?-快走不好吗 -你想要我走吗- Will you please just go? - Is that what you want?是我想要你走走吧Yes, it is what I want, so, please,你要是还在乎我就走吧if you care about me all, then, please, just go!-不行 -我只剩两年了- I can't. - I have two years to live.-我还要工作 -我爱你- I need to work. - I love you.你这你得出了错误结论You've... you've leapt to... that's a false conclusion...我要和你在一起有多就是多久I want us to be together, for as long as we've got,时间不长的话and if that's not very long then, well,也没事两年也够that's just how it is... it'll have to do.你不知道会怎么样我的一切都受影响You don't know what's coming. It'll affect everything.你眼镜总是这么脏Your glasses are always dirty.好了There.好多了吧That's better, isn't it?嗯Yes.是啊Yes, it is.在盒子边缘Now the solutions to the Schrodinger薛定谔方程是无解的所以...equation must vanish at the boundary of the box, so we have... 时间Time!你的课题是时间吗Time, that's your subject?有具体方向吗Any aspect in particular?就是时间Time.请进请进Come in, come in.你应该不知道自己面对的是什么简I don't think you realize what lies ahead, Jane.他的寿命非常短His life is going to be very short.要小心你是在和科学作对So, be careful, the weight of science is against you.而且你没有抗争的机会And this will not be a fight, Jane.我们都会被打败This is going to be a very heavy defeat......所有人...for all of us.我知道你们都怎么想I know what you all think... that...觉得我不是很坚强That I don't look a terribly strong person.可我爱他But I love him.他也爱我And he loves me.我们要一起抗争...We're going to fight this illness together......大家一起...all of us.祝你好运Good luck.-早上好斯蒂芬 -早上好教授- Good morning, Stephen. - Good morning, professor. 我知道我知道I know, I know...-...方程要更优雅一点 -是啊- to be a little more elegant. - Yes, that's what...我懂...I understand...进来吧斯蒂芬Come in, Stephen.我知道一开始都担心这个I know it's something we're all worried about initially. 但我知道罗杰But I knew, Roger...你之前也是有所保留的you had some reservation about it in the early days. 斯蒂芬·霍金没错但不是每个原理都这样Yes, but it's not uncommon in any theory.是的Yes.等着瞧吧Very well, very well. We'll see.-欢迎斯蒂芬 -早上好- Welcome, Stephen. - Morning.-请坐吧 -不用谢谢- Would you like to take a seat? - No, I'm fine, thank you. 确定吗You're sure?好吧斯蒂芬总体来说So, so Stephen... in summary.第一章漏洞百出As we know, chapter one, full of holes.缺乏数理支持Lacks mathematical support.-基普·索恩教授 -第二章算不上原创- Professor Thorne. - Chapter Two, not really original. 用了不少罗杰的观点Uses a lot of Roger's ideas.至少你还支持我的观点Well, at least you run with them.第三章留了太多疑问Chapter three, too many unanswered questions.没错I agree.当然了还有第四章And then, of course, we have chapter four,时间起点的黑洞this black hole at the beginning of time.-时空奇点 -没错- Space-time singularity? - Indeed.太棒了It's brilliant!太棒了Brilliant.棒极了Superb!那么只剩下一句话了做得不错And therefore, all that remains to be said is: Well done! 或者准确点说Or perhaps, I should say, to be more precise:-做的不错博士 -漂亮斯蒂芬- Well done, Doctor! - Bravo, Stephen.这理论真不错An extraordinary theory.谢谢Thank you.-然后呢 -证明它- So what next? - Prove it.用一个方程证明时间是有起点的To prove, with a single equation, that time had a beginning.是不是很棒教授Wouldn't that be nice, Professor?一个简单优美的方程With one simple elegant equation来解释万物to explain everything?是啊肯定很棒Yes, it would. It would indeed.谢谢Thank you.敬受人尊敬的能力超群的To the esteemed, and formidable...-博士 -谁[神秘博士]- Doctor. - Who?斯蒂芬·霍金博士Doctor Stephen Hawking.敬斯蒂芬·霍金博士Doctor Stephen Hawking.谢谢简Thank you, Jane.真神奇他是第一个没怎么努力It is astonishing that he's the first person就拿到博士学位的人to receive his doctorate bearing in mind how little work he's be doing. 努力是霍金最讨厌的词"Work" Was the worst four-letter word for Stephen.甚至在牛津Even at Oxford,他平均每天只学习一个小时一个小时especially, he averaged an hour, an HOUR a day he averaged.-就这样斯蒂芬就是... -比树獭倒是勤快不少- And that it is. It's Stephen... - It's astonishing on the level sloth. 我还...I've got...说到树獭布莱恩on the theme of sloth, Brian.过去六个月How many of your我帮你们上了多少课letters have I covered in the last six months?你们去湖区搞研究时候When you've been doing research trips up to the Lake District? -你们真是... -我也是- Absolutely, completely... - So have I!-多少 -四次- How many? - Four.-没事吧 -没事我没事- Everything all right? - I'm good... I'm fine.你能怎么办What can you do?-公差还是私事 -私事- Business or pleasure? - For pleasure.你好啊罗比Hi, Robbie.没事罗比It's ok, Robbie.只...是暂时的temporary.是啊Of course.方便吃早饭了Well, it's convenient for breakfast!谢谢Thank you.你刚说什么了Sorry, did you say something?我说...I said...什么Yes?谢谢Thank you.长得像你She looks like you.看看你Look at you!去吧简Go, Jane.马上回来I'll be one second.露西宝贝Luce, Lucy.简Jane.斯蒂芬Stephen.我有了个想法I've got an idea.我说我有了个想法I said I've had an idea.-你好 -你好丹尼斯- Hello. - Hi, Dennis.-你好丹尼斯 -你好- Hello, Dennis. - Hi.好了好运Okay, good luck.他没事的他没事的He'll be fine, he'll be fine.-抱歉 -没关系- Sorry. - No problem....我们可以推断...allowing us to predict that有些粒子是可以逃离黑洞的some particles can in fact escape a black hole. 黑洞并不是那么黑的The black holes are not, in fact, black at all,它散发着热辐射but glow with heat radiation.也就是说黑洞The steady emission of在稳定地辐射热能导致损失质量heat energy causes the black holes to lose mass,最终以爆♥炸♥的方式消失and eventually they disappear in a spectacular explosion.非常非常简单像人体辐射热能一样It's very, very simple, in the way that a body loses heat...热力学第二定理Second law of thermodynamics.-没错热力学 -就在...- He's right, it's thermodynamics. - In... in...想象一下如果的确If we can imagine that the black hole is, indeed,有粒子不断逃离黑洞losing particles, then,那假以时日黑洞的体积就会减小会蒸发over time it will diminish in size, it will evaporate.-然后 -消失- It will... - Disappear.所以So...首先恒星消失坍缩成黑洞First a star vanishes into a black hole,然后黑洞也消失了...but then the black hole itself vanishes...消失虚无Gone! Nothing!-从虚无到虚无 -你欠我杯啤酒- From nothing to nothing. - You owe me another beer.我刚告诉你I have just shown you that our我们的朋友证明了时间是有起点的friend has proven that time, indeed has a beginning.不仅是这个还有宇宙如何出现如何消亡Not only that, how the universe was born, and how it will end. -砰 -咔嚓- Bang! - Crunch!多美多生动It's beautiful! It's racy!真荒唐胡言乱语Complete nonsense. It's preposterous.是因为我说的东西吗教授Was it something I said, professor?抱歉Excuse me.我叫My name...我是卡拉提诺夫教授My name is Professor Khalatnikov.来自苏维埃理工学院from Soviet Academy of Sciences.我的研究领域是热宇宙的演化As you know, my field is evolution of the hot universe,宇宙微波背景辐射的性质the properties of the microwave background radiation,还有黑洞理论and theory of the black holes.说实话...To be honest...我今天来...I came here today......就是想听胡言乱语的...expecting to hear a lot of nonsense.然后失望地回家I go home disappointed.这位小伙子做到了The little one here... has done it.他做到了He has done it!见到你真荣幸It has been a pleasure to meet you,-教授 -我才荣幸- Professor. - My pleasure, my pleasure.谢谢Thank you.漂亮斯蒂芬Well done, Stephen!-还算顺利嘛 -我还有点担心- That went pretty well, all considered. - I was worried for awhile. 霍金辐射这位小伙子做到了Hawking radiation! The little one has done it!这位小伙子做到了The little one has done it!-快点天才 -真好笑- Come on, Genius! - Oh, very funny!就推你到这了老头子You've had enough of that, Old Man.用力小子 1 2 3Come on, codger. 1, 2, 3...天哪简是怎么做到的God! How does Jane manage?斯蒂芬你那个运动口腔什么的病会不会影响... Stephen, your Motor "Mouth" Disease, does it effect... 什么What?一切Everything?什么不会What? No.另一条回路自动的Different system... automatic.真的吗You serious?那还算不错嘛Well, that's a pretty wonderful, isn't it?难怪男人都是那德行Well, it certainly explains a lot about men.快点Hurry up! Come on!快来Please.霍金辐射-里面有什么 -惊喜- What's in there? - It's a surprise!好了Right.别睁开Keep them closed.爸爸快看Look, Daddy, look!这是电动轮椅That is an electric wheelchair.不喜欢的话可以退回去If you don't like it, we can take it back.我不明白...I don't understand...你花了好多年假设黑洞存在you've spent years assuming black holes exist, and你相信天鹅座X-1星很可能you believe Cygnus X-1 could well turn out to be是我们能观测到的第一个黑洞the first black hole that we can actually observe,却还跟基普·索恩赌它不是and yet you bet Kip Thorne it's not a black hole?-是的 -赌什么- Yes. - What did you bet him?赌一年的杂♥志♥A one year's subscription to a magazine.-什么杂♥志♥ 《自然》吗 -不是《阁楼》- Which magazine? Nature? - No! Penthouse!-《阁楼》吗 -没错- Penthouse? - Yes.抓到你了Gonna get you!爸爸快点去找妈妈Daddy! Come up! Let's get Mummy!快点Come on.要抓到你了Gonna get you.妈妈妈妈快来看Mummy! Mummy! Come and look!抓到你了We're gonna get you!来吧Come on.过节了过节了过节了Holiday! Holiday! Holiday! Holiday!-你好 -你好- Hello! - Hello!-你好 -来了啊- Hello! - There you are!你好啊爸Hello, Pa.真是厉害啊Isn't that marvelous?。

In the highly dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, organizations face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. To navigate these complexities effectively, it is imperative for businesses to adopt a strategic approach that encompasses three distinct stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. This three-phase model provides a comprehensive framework for organizations to develop, execute, and assess their strategic initiatives, ensuring alignment with their overall business objectives.Phase 1: Planning。
The planning stage lays the foundation for the entire strategic journey. It involves a thorough assessment of the organization's current state, its future aspirations, andthe external environment. Key activities within this phase include conducting SWOT analysis, defining clear goals and objectives, and formulating actionable strategies to achieve these goals.SWOT Analysis。

几何三部曲英文版Geometry, the study of shape, space, and the properties of figures, has always fascinated mathematicians and philosophers alike. The Geometric Trilogy, a collection of three works that delve into the depths of this fascinating field, has now been released in an English edition, making its insights and discoveries accessible to a global audience.The first volume, "Foundations of Geometry," lays the groundwork for the entire trilogy. It begins with athorough exploration of the basic principles of geometry, such as points, lines, and angles. As the volume progresses, it delves into more complex topics like transformations, congruence, and similarity. The author's approach is both rigorous and engaging, making even the most abstract concepts accessible to the general reader.The second volume, "The Geometry of Space," takes the reader into three-dimensional territory. It explores the properties of solids, surfaces, and volumes, as well as the geometry of curves and surfaces. This volume isparticularly noteworthy for its exploration of non-Euclidean geometries, which depart from the familiar rulesof Euclidean geometry to reveal a richer, more diverseworld of shapes and spaces.The final volume, "Advanced Topics in Geometry," is a tour de force of geometric theory and application. Itcovers a wide range of advanced topics, includingdifferential geometry, topological geometry, and geometric algebra. This volume is a testament to the depth andbreadth of geometry, showing how its principles can be applied to fields as diverse as physics, computer science, and even art.The English edition of the Geometric Trilogy is a landmark achievement. It not only preserves the original's intellectual rigor and depth but also enhances its accessibility and appeal through clear and concise language. The illustrations and diagrams throughout the volumesfurther illustrate the geometric concepts, making themeasier to understand and visualize.The translation team did an admirable job ofmaintaining the original's essence while adapting it to an English-speaking audience. The terminology is precise andconsistent, and the prose flows smoothly, maintaining the momentum of the original work.The Geometric Trilogy's English edition is a must-read for anyone interested in geometry or the intersection of mathematics and the arts. It offers a comprehensive introduction to the field, covering both the basics and advanced topics in a clear and engaging manner. Whetheryou're a student, a teacher, or a lifelong learner, this trilogy will provide you with a deep and satisfying exploration of the beauty and power of geometry.**几何和谐之美:几何三部曲英文版探索**几何,研究形状、空间和图形属性的学科,一直以来都吸引着数学家和哲学家的兴趣。
复三部曲式 英语

复三部曲式英语The Trilogy of Repetition in EnglishIn the world of literature, trilogies have become a popular format for storytelling. From J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" to Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games," trilogies captivate readers with their immersive narratives that span across multiple books. Similarly, in the realm of language learning, there is a unique approach known as the "Trilogy of Repetition" that aims to enhance English language proficiency. This method, comprising of three key components, provides learners with a comprehensive and effective way to master the English language.The first component of the Trilogy of Repetition is the systematic review of vocabulary. Building a strong vocabulary is essential for English language learners, as it enables them to express their thoughts and ideas with precision. In this stage, learners are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary words and phrases, which are grouped into thematic categories. For example, topics such as travel, food, and technology could be explored. By studying vocabulary in context, learners are more likely to remember the words and incorporate them into their own speech and writing.The second component focuses on grammar. Grammar forms the backbone of any language, and mastering it is crucial for effective communication. In this stage, learners delve into the intricacies of English grammar, covering various tenses, sentence structures, and grammatical rules. Through targeted exercises and practice, learners develop a solid foundation in grammar, enabling them to construct grammatically correct sentences and comprehend the language more effectively.The final component of the Trilogy of Repetition centers around speaking and listening skills. Language is meant to be spoken, and honing one's oral communication skills is paramount. This stage encourages learners to engage in conversations, either through role-playing activities or by interacting with native English speakers. By immersing themselves in real-life scenarios, learners gain confidence in speaking English,improve their pronunciation, and enhance their listening skills. Active participation and regular practice are key to mastering the art of conversation in English.The Trilogy of Repetition is not a linear process; rather, it is a cyclical one. Once learners have completed all three components, they return to the first stage and begin the process again. Repetition is the key to reinforcing and consolidating what has been learned. By revisiting vocabulary, grammar, and speaking skills, learners deepen their understanding and fluency in English. This cyclical approach ensures that learners are constantly exposed to the language, preventing the erosion of previously acquired knowledge.One of the major advantages of the Trilogy of Repetition is its adaptability. Whether learners are beginners, intermediate, or advanced, this method can be tailored to suit their specific needs. Beginners can start with basic vocabulary and grammar, gradually progressing to more complex structures. Intermediate learners can focus on expanding their vocabulary and refining their grammar, while advanced learners can concentrate on fluency and accuracy in spoken and written English.Moreover, the Trilogy of Repetition is a flexible approach that can be integrated into various learning environments. It can be utilized in traditional classroom settings, online platforms, or even self-study. The availability of numerous resources, such as textbooks, online courses, and language exchange programs, makes it easier for learners to follow this method and track their progress.In conclusion, the Trilogy of Repetition is a powerful and effective method for mastering the English language. By systematically reviewing vocabulary, mastering grammar, and enhancing speaking and listening skills, learners can significantly improve their English proficiency. The cyclical nature of this approach ensures the consolidation of knowledge and prevents the decay of acquired language skills. So, if you're looking for a comprehensive and structured way to enhance your English language proficiency, consider embarking on the Trilogy of Repetition.。

The Complexity of the Three-Body Problem: A Fusion of Eastern and Western Thought In the vast expanse of the universe, the three-body problem poses a challenge that has captivated minds for centuries. This intricate dance of gravity and motion, often described in the context of celestial bodies, is not just a scientific enigma; it's a metaphor for the complexity of human existence and the intersection of Eastern and Western thought.The three-body problem, at its core, deals with the prediction of the motion of three celestial bodies that interact with each other gravitationally. While the two-body problem can be solved relatively easily, the addition of a third body introduces a level of unpredictability and chaos that makes solutions much more difficult. This is because the gravitational pull of each body affects the others, creating a dynamic that is constantly changing and often unpredictable.In the context of Chinese science fiction writer Liu Cixin's eponymous novel "The Three-Body Problem," this astronomical concept is used as a backdrop for a deeperexploration of human nature and the challenges we face in understanding both the universe and ourselves. The novel, which has gained worldwide recognition and a loyal following, weaves a tale that is both scientifically rigorous and deeply philosophical.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its blend of Eastern and Western thought. Liu Cixin, a product of the Chinese education system, brings a unique perspective to the genre of science fiction. His understanding of Chinese history, culture, and philosophy is evident in the way he weaves these elements into his story. At the same time, he doesn't shy away from exploring concepts and ideas that are familiar to a Western audience, such as the idea of alien life and the challenges of interstellar travel.The result is a work that is both accessible and profound. It speaks to the universal themes of human existence — our quest for knowledge, our fear of the unknown, and our desire to connect with something greater than ourselves. By setting his story against the backdropof the three-body problem, Liu Cixin creates a narrative that is both scientifically accurate and deeply human.The three-body problem, in turn, becomes a metaphor for the challenges we face in understanding not just the physical universe but also the complexities of human society and the human mind. Just as the motion of the celestial bodies is unpredictable and chaotic, so too are the behaviors and interactions of humans. And yet, through science and philosophy, we can gain insights into these complexities and gain a deeper understanding of our own place in the universe.In conclusion, the three-body problem is not just a scientific enigma; it's a powerful symbol for the intersection of Eastern and Western thought. Through the lens of Liu Cixin's "The Three-Body Problem," we see a fusion of ideas and perspectives that highlights the universal themes of human existence and the beauty of scientific exploration. As we continue to grapple with the complexities of the universe and our own existence, the three-body problem remains a relevant and thought-provokingconcept that encourages us to think beyond the limits of our own understanding.**三体问题的复杂性:东西方思想的融合**在浩瀚的宇宙中,三体问题自古以来就令人们着迷。

Affirmative declarative presence
The affirmative form of a declarative sentence
used to express a positive, clear viewpoint or fact, usually ending in a descending tone.
Choose aggressive intentions
• Which/What: These are questions that ask the listener to choose between two or more options For example: "Which color do you like better, red or blue?" or "What do you want to eat for dinner?"
Predict ellipsis occurrences when the predict of a presence is committed, typically leaving only the subject
Example: "John (predict) the book." The verb "read" is committed, leaving only the subject "John" and the object "the book."
Excitation effective presence
Exclamation imperative sentence

由三节联想到的,英语作文450字The Catalyst of Creativity: Interconnections and the Spark of Originality.In the realm of creativity, the power of interconnectedness holds sway. It is through the convergence of disparate elements, perspectives, and experiences that the spark of originality ignites within the human mind.One such example can be found in the serendipitous encounter between the renowned scientist Alexander Fleming and the mold that revolutionized the field of medicine. As Fleming meticulously observed a Petri dish of bacteria, he noticed an unexpected growth disrupting the bacterial colonies. This fortuitous observation, a chance encounter between the realm of microorganisms and medical research, led to the groundbreaking discovery of penicillin, a life-saving antibiotic that has transformed the course of human health.Similarly, in the literary world, the acclaimed author Salman Rushdie credits his global upbringing with fueling his imaginative prowess. Growing up in India, England, and the United States, Rushdie was exposed to multiple languages, cultures, and literary traditions. This rich tapestry of experiences infused his writing with a unique blend of Eastern mysticism and Western storytelling, producing masterpieces such as "Midnight's Children" and "The Satanic Verses."Beyond these celebrated instances, myriad examples underscore the profound impact of interconnectedness on creativity. The invention of the telephone was sparked by Alexander Graham Bell's fusion of electrical engineering and the human voice. The development of the World Wide Web emerged from Tim Berners-Lee's synthesis of computer science and the concept of hypertext. And countlessartistic masterpieces have been brought to life through the fusion of diverse artistic disciplines, such as painting, sculpture, and music.The reason for this creative synergy lies in the human brain's ability to make connections. When confronted with disparate inputs, the brain actively seeks to establish relationships between them. This process, known as associative thinking, fosters the generation of novel ideas and insights, challenging established patterns of thought and membuka new avenues of exploration.Furthermore, interconnectedness exposes individuals to a wider range of perspectives and worldviews, broadening their understanding and empathy. By acknowledging and embracing the perspectives of others, creatives can transcend the limitations of their own experiences, tapping into a collective reservoir of knowledge and inspiration.In conclusion, the catalyst of creativity lies not in isolation but in the dynamic interplay of interconnected elements. It is through the collision of diverse perspectives, the fusion of different disciplines, and the encounter with the unexpected that the spark of originality ignites, propelling the human mind on a boundless journey of innovation and artistic expression.。

The Core Concept
Suspicion Chain
the suspicions chain(猜疑链) in human society, due to human language and other interactive (互动) behavior, will try to communicate with as far as possible to eliminate suspicion, until the level of suspicion between the person and the person eventually reduced to an acceptable consensus(可以接受的共识) -- suspicious chain will no longer affect interaction.
The Classic Three-Art Linear Structure

The Classic Three-Art Linear Structure
Act Act I Act II
Time 0-30 mins 30-90 mins
90-120 mins
Set-Up Development (Conflict and Confrontation) Resolution and Denouement (结局)
Act II
60 mins 90 mins
105 mins 105-120 mБайду номын сангаасns
Resolution 2
Resolution 1
Resolution 3 Climax Turning point 2 Resolution 4 Point of return
Key line
• Act II; Development The function of Act II as a whole is to show the development of the main characters and plot through conflict and confrontation. The protagonist will advance towards the goal suggested by his actions at the end of Act I. However, the end of Act II will typically show the protagonist encountering a major setback that will only be overcome in Act III. •The Point of No Return The point of no return usually occurs halfway through the film, and is the scene in which the protagonist becomes truly committed to the goal that he has been pursuing. The role of the point of no return is: to force the protagonist to reassess his goal, to consider giving up, to decide to continue, and then to pursue the goal in a still more committed and single-minded way.
金色年代项目 COMP-2A 压缩器 等级器说明书

Congratulations on choosing the Golden Age Project COMP-2A Compressor / Leveler!The COMP-2A is a one channel vintage style Compressor / Leveler using vacuum tubes in the signal andside-chain path. The input and output is transformer balanced, using two different transformers, each oneoptimized for its purpose. This is the way audio components were built before transistors and integratedcircuits became available.Integrated circuits are small and cheap and widely used in most modern designs. The drawback is that audiocomponents built with modern technology doesn´t always provide the best perceived sound quality or the type of character that the modern user desires.The subjective sound quality delivered by vintage equipment is often prefered over the one delivered bymodern units, a situation that is even more obvious now when music is recorded with clean-sounding digitalaudio equipment.This is the reason why so many vintage audio components are cloned and produced again and also why thevintage originals are often very expensive on the second hand market.The circuit used in the COMP-2A is based on a classic design that was originally produced in the early 1960sand it was initially intended for broadcast applications. It uses an electro-luminescent panel and a photoelec-tric cell to control gain. This gives it a unique, program dependent compression characteristic. In addition, theall tube signal path and the transformers adds a wonderful and musical character to the sound.The ease of use with only two main controls makes it very simple to achieve the desired sound. These attri-butes has made the original units a favourite of engineers and musicians worldwide. This classic sound isnow available at a very affordable price point with the COMP-2A.FEATURES- Vintage style all tube signal path. The tubes are fitted with grounded shields.- Transformer balanced input and output. Can drive almost any load, balanced or unbalanced.- Golden Age Project’s version of the classic optical unit using a long life electroluminescent panel and two carefully matched Silonex NSL5910photoresistors for T4B-style electro-optical gain control with program dependent attack and release times.- Very simple to operate with only two main controls, Gain and Peak Reduction.- HF control can make the side-chain circuit more sensitive to mid and high frequency content.- Linear regulated low noise filament and high voltage power supply.- A big meter selectable to show gain reduction or output level at two different reference levels.- Hardwire bypass switch for easy comparisons.- XLR and TRS input and output jacks for flexible connections.- Link jack and switch for connecting to another unit for stereo operation.- All external controls located on the front panel.- Compact 2RU half rack format. Two units can be mounted with our 19-inch rack kit, the UNITE BIG.- A solid build quality that will last many years of normal use.W W W.G O L D E N A G E P R O J E C T.C O M ICIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe signal first enters the inputtransformer that balances the inputsignal and increase the level, it isthen fed into both the side-chaincircuit and the gain reductioncircuit.The gain reduction circuit consistsof a resistor in series with the photo resistor in the T4B module. The signal then goes to the GAIN potentiometer and to the output stage that con-sists of two double-triode tubes, a 12AX7 which operates as a voltage amplifier followed by a 6N6 which operates as a cathode-follower. The final component in the main signal path is the output transformer which provides impedance matching and a balanced output.The side-chain section uses a12AX7 double-triode and a6P1 power penthode tube that drives the electro-lumines-cent panel in the T4B. The higher the voltage the more light is emitted on the photocells, their resistance decreasesas the light intensity increases, thereby bringing the audio signal closer to ground in a R1/R2 resistor attenuator resulting in a lower signal level (the photocell is the “R2”). Engaging the HF control, ie turning it clockwise, increases the side-chain signal level in the mid- and high frequencies which will increase compression of frequencies above 1 kHz.USING THE COMP-2AThe best way to explore the possibilities of any compres-sor and how different settings affects the sound of different sound sources is to experiment. You can also find a lot of information on the www helping you to understand how compressors work and how to use them.To get started with using the COMP-2A:- The components in the COMP-2A generates heat, it is very important that it gets adequate ventilation. Do not cover the top, back or the side panels of the unit. Make sure that air can circulate freely through all ventilations slots. Do not use it in hot surroundings.- Since audio transformers are sensitive to external elec-tromagnetic fields, try to keep a distance to mains power transformers in other units as big possible.- Make sure that the AC voltage selector (above the mains power socket) is set to the correct mains voltage, 115 or 230V, change the setting if needed.- Connect the mains power cable. Power on the unit with the switch on the front panel.- Connect your line level audio source to one of the input jacks at the back panel and one of the output jacks to a line input on the next unit in the signal chain. The TRS and XLR jacks are connected in parallel so they carry exactly the same signal, both can be used at the same time in most cases.Since the output is transformer balanced and fully floating towards ground, it doesn’t matter if it feeds a balanced or an unbalanced input.- The GAIN control sets the output level. A setting of around 1,5 will result in an output level that is similar to the input level (= 0 dB of gain) with no compression applied, ie PEAK REDUCTION set fully counter clockwise.- Set the BYPASS switch to the IN position, turn PEAK REDUCTION clockwise until you get the desired amount of compression, The output level will decrease as compres-sion increases, compensate that by increasing GAIN.- The approximate amount of gain reduction can bediplayed by selecting GR on the meter switch. The normal reading is 0 VU with no compression applied. You can trim this reading using the ZERO adjustment potentiometer that is accessed through a hole in the front panel.The output level can be displayed by selecting +4 or +10 on the meter switch. The numbers corresponds to the refer-ence level when the meter shows 0 VU. The +10 position is useful for avoiding the meter needle hitting its end stop at high output levels,- You can easily check the effect of the processing in theCOMP-2A by using the BYPASS switch, the unit is com-pletely removed from the signal path in the BYPASS posi-tion.- Setting the LIMIT/COMPRESS switch in the LIMIT position will increase the compression ratio, resulting in a higher compression, especially when the unit compresses heavily.The COMPRESS position is the standard mode.- Turning the HF control clockwise will make the compres-sor more sensitive to mid and high frequency content.- For stereo operation, the side-chain of two COMP-2A units can be linked together through the LINK jack at the backpanel, using a TRS cable. The MONO adjustment potenti-ometer can be used to balance the units. An instruction of the procedure can be found on our web site.TUBE SUBSTITUTIONThere are a number of tubes available from different brands that can be used in the COMP-2A.- The 12A7X´s (tube socket “U1” and “U4”) can be replaced with any equivalent from your favourite brand.- The 6N6 in socket “U2” can be replaced with a 12BH7.Please note that you must then move the jumper “TX1”close to the socket from the “6N6” to the “12BH7” position.- The 6P1 in socket “U3-6P1” and be removed if a 6AQ5 or an equivalent is placed in socket “U3-6AQ5”.DO NOT POPULATE BOTH THE 6P1 AND THE 6AQ5 SOCK-ETS AT THE SAME TIME!WARRANTYThe COMP-2A is built to last. But as in any electronic device, components can break down.There is a fuse located at the bottom of the mains powerinput socket. If the unit dies, please check this fuse. If it has blown, replace it with a new one.If this doesn´t help, or if the unit has another problem, it will need repair and you should then contact the reseller where you bought the unit.The warranty terms are decided by the Distributor for your country. The Distributor will support Golden Age Projectresellers and end users with repairs and spare parts.REGISTRATIONYou are welcome to register your unit at our website:---------------------------I would like to thank you for chosing the COMP-2A!I hope it will serve you well and that it will help youin making many great sounding recordings.Yours,Bo MedinVintage character for modern ideas!W W W.G O L D E N A G E P R O J E C T.C O M。

荣格八维顺序英文全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:The eight cognitive functions, also known as the Jungian cognitive functions, are a key aspect of Carl Jung's theory of personality. In Jung's theory, each person has a dominant function and an auxiliary function, which work together to shape their unique way of interacting with the world. The eight functions are divided into two categories: the judging functions, which are concerned with making decisions, and the perceiving functions, which are focused on gathering information.第二篇示例:荣格八维顺序是瑞士心理学家卡尔·荣格提出的一个关于人的精神发展的理论。
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The study of the relation between gauge theory operators and semi-classical strings is less developed in other sub-sectors of N = 4 SYM. The SU (3) sub-sector, consisting of operators built from the three complex scalars of N = 4 SYM is a natural place to start extending the analysis. At one-loop order the dilatation operator restricted to this sub-sector is identical to the Hamiltonian of an integrable SU (3) spin chain, the length L of the spin chain being given by the number of constituent fields of the operators considered. The SU (3) sub-sector is, however, only a closed sub-sector at this order. Beyond one loop one has to consider the larger SU (2|3) sub-sector in order to have a strictly closed set of operators [9, 21]. Recently, arguments were given, though, that the SU (3) sector can be considered as closed in the thermodynamical limit [22]. Generic operators in the SU (3) sub-sector are expected to be dual to strings carrying three non-vanishing angular momenta (J1 , J2 , J3 ) on S 5 . The first classical solution of the string sigma model describing such a three-spin situation was provided by Frolov and Tseytlin and had two out of the three spins identical, i.e. (J1 , J2 , J3 ) = (J, J ′ , J ′ ) [1, 2]. The corresponding Bethe root configuration of the SU (3) spin chain was identified in [23]. Also fluctuations around the classical solution has been understood from the spin chain perspective [24]. Later numerous other three-spin string solutions were found and classified [25, 26]. Briefly stated, three spin string solutions can be classified as being either rational [26], elliptic or hyper-elliptic [25]. The case (J1 , J2 , J3 ) = (J, J ′ , J ′ ) can be reached as a limiting case of the rational as well as of the elliptic situation. In reference [27] the Bethe root configuration corresponding to an elliptic three spin string of circular type was identified in the region of parameter space where J2 ≈ J3 , J1 > J2 , J3 . In the present paper we identify the Bethe root configuration in the opposite limit, i.e. J1 ≈ J2 , J3 < J1 , J2 . Furthermore, we show how to recover the circular, elliptic three spin string directly from the continuum SU (3) spin chain sigma model, derived in [28, 29].
Semi-classical analysis of strings propagating on AdS5 × S 5 has provided a novel approach to investigating the AdS/CFT correspondence, the prime example being the study of strings with several large angular momenta on S 5 . For such strings λ the classical string energy has an analytical dependence on the parameter L 2 where λ is the squared string tension and L the total angular momentum. In addition 1 when L → ∞ [1, 2]. quantum corrections to the string energy are suppressed as L The AdS/CFT correspondence [3] relates the energy of a IIB string state with given quantum numbers to the conformal dimension of a singe trace operator of planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory with corresponding representation labels, mapping λ to the ’t Hooft coupling and L to the number of constituent fields of the operator. This led to the suggestion that the result of the semi-classical string analysis should be reproduced on the gauge theory side by a perturbative calculation of the λ anomalous dimension followed by the limit L → ∞, L 2 fixed — a generalization of the BMN idea. The BMN idea [4] had triggered the development of efficient techniques based on the use of effective vertices for the perturbative calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators of N = 4 SYM [5]. These techniques were later substantially improved by focusing on the dilatation generator of the gauge theory [6, 7] but their applicability were in practice limited to short operators or operators carrying at most one large representation label such as BMN-like operators. This limitation was overcome with the discovery that the one loop dilatation generator of N = 4 SYM could be identified as the Hamiltonian of an integrable spin chain [8, 9, 10]. A connection between gauge theories and spin chains was observed earlier in the context of QCD [11] and recently further integrable structures in QCD were revealed [12]. In the spin chain formulation considering large representation labels translates into going to the thermodynamical limit. When the number of large representation labels exceeds one the spin chain Bethe equations [13] turn into a set of integral equations involving a number of continuum Bethe root densities. In certain cases corresponding to certain sub-sectors of N = 4 SYM it has been possible to solve these equations exactly. The simplest possible closed sub-sector of N = 4 SYM is the SU (2) sub-sector consisting of operators composed of two out of the three complex scalar fields. In the SU (2) sub-sector at one loop level, assuming both of the possible representation labels to be large, two types of solutions of the Bethe equations were found and these were identified as the gauge theory duals of respectively a folded and a circular string in AdS5 × S 5 having two large angular momenta on S 5 [14, 15]. The SU (2) sector remains closed to all loop orders [7] and an extension of the spin chain picture including an appropriate Bethe ansatz was proposed in [16] to three loops, see also [17]. Furthermore, at one and two-loop order there exists a general proof of the equivalence between solutions of the Bethe equations in the thermodynamical limit and solutions of the string sigma model for large conserved charges [18]. Equivalence between semi-classical strings and long operators has also been proved at the level of actions at one as well as at two loop order by matching continuum sigma models derived from respectively the spin chain and the string theory [19, 20]. 1