



2007年无锡市 考试 英 语 试 题说 明:1. 本试题分两卷,第一卷(选择题)在第1至第6页,第二卷(非选择题)在第7至第10页。

2. 本试题满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

3. 考试结束时,试题卷和答题卡一并收回。

第 一 卷 ( 选 择 题,共75分)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



一、 听力测试 ( 本大题共20 分,每小题1分 )第一节(共10小题)听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




1. Who is the woman looking for?A. Carl.B. Bob.C. Her son.2. Why can ’t the man speak to Mrs Brown?A. Because she ’s not at home.B. Because he has the wrong telephone number.C. Because ther e’s something wrong with her telephone.3. What ’s the best TV programme for the boy?A. Cartoon World.B. Sports World.C. Music World.4. What time does the woman usually get to her company in the morning?A. At 7:45.B. At 8:15.C. At 8:45.5. How does the boy feel about the next Maths exam?A. Worried.B. Confident.C. Stressed.6. Where are the two speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a club.7. Which sign are they talking about?A. B. C.8. What will Mary do at eight this evening?A. She ’ll go to the bank.B. She ’ll go to the cinema.C. She ’ll go to the concert.9. On which floor is Mr Gao ’s office?A. The fifth floor.B. The ninth floor.C. The sixth floor.10. What should the man do at once?A. Get on the bus.B. Get off the bus.C. Wait at the bus stop.初 中 毕 业高级中等学校招生第二节(共10小题)听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



2007年无锡市 考试数学试题参考答案及评分说明一、细心填一填(本大题共有12小题,15空,每空2分,共30分)1.5,3 2.(2)(2)b b +- 3.6,4 4.71.0110⨯ 5.322x x ≠,≥ 6.120 7.2- 8.1080 9.110 10.611.明天我市下雨(答案不唯一) 12.6.37二、精心选一选(本大题共有7个小题,每小题3分,共21分)13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 三、认真答一答(本大题共有8小题,共60分)20.解:(1)原式23231=-- ······················································································ 3分1=-. ······································································································ 4分(2)由12x x +≤,得1x ≥. ··························································································· 2分 由512x->,得3x <. ········································································································ 4分 ∴不等式组的解集是13x <≤. ·························································································· 5分 它的所有整数解为12x =,. ·································································································· 6分21.证明:菱形ABCD 中,AD CD =. ············································································ 1分 E F ,分别是CD AD ,的中点,1122DE CD DF AD DE DF ∴==∴=,,. ······································································ 3分又ADE CDF ∠=∠ ,AED CFD ∴△≌△. ································································· 5分 AE CF ∴=. ························································································································ 7分22.解:PA 切O 于A AB ,是O 的直径,90PAO ∴∠=. ································· 2分30P ∠= ,60AOP ∴∠= . ·························································································· 4分 1302B AOP ∴∠=∠= . ····································································································· 6分 23.(1)解:环数 6 7 8 9 10 甲命中次数 2 2 2 乙命中次数132列表正确得2分.(2)9x =甲环,9x =乙环,22213S S ==乙甲,, ····························· 6分(算对一个得1分) x x =乙甲,22S S <乙甲,∴甲与乙的平均成绩相同,但甲发挥的比乙稳定. ···················· 8分 24.解:列树状图如下:初中毕业高级中等学校招生第一次摸得奖品价格 1020 30第二次摸得奖品价格 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 ··················· 4分两次奖品价格之和 20 30 40 30 40 50 40 50 60两次摸奖结果共有9种情况,其中两次奖品价格之和超过40元的有3种情况,故所求概率为13. ····································································································································· 6分 25.解:(1)67.··················································································································· 2分 (2)图4中所有圆圈中共有12(121)12312782+++++== 个数, 其中23个负数,1个0,54个正数, ··················································································· 4分∴图4中所有圆圈中各数的绝对值之和|23||22||1|01254=-+-++-+++++(12323)(12354)27614851761=+++++++++=+= . ·································· 6分26.解:(1)线段OA 对应的函数关系式为:112s t =(012t ≤≤) ···························· 2分 线段AB 对应的函数关系式为:1(1220)s t =<≤. ························································· 4分 (2)图中线段AB 的实际意义是:小明出发12分钟后,沿着以他家为圆心,1千米为半径的圆弧形道路上匀速步行了8分钟. ···················································································· 7分 (3)如图中折线段CD DB -. ··························································································· 9分27.解法一:如图,设自上往下第2,3,4,5,6,7级踏板的 长依次为22A B ,33A B ,…,77A B ,过1A 作18B B 的平行线分别 交22A B ,33A B ,…,88A B 于点2C ,3C ,…,8C .每两级踏板之间的距离相等,8877221150cm C B C B C B A B ∴===== ,88805030cm A C =-=.2288A C A B ∥,∴122188A A C A A C ∠=∠,122188AC A AC A ∠=∠,122188A A C A A C ∴△∽△,2288:1:7A C A C ∴=,22307A C ∴=,2230507A B ∴=+, ················································································································································· 2分 设要制作11A B ,22A B ,…,77A B ,88A B 这些踏板需用木板的长度分别为1cm a ,2cm a ,…,1A B 2012 t (分钟)s (千米)O10 16 D C 1A 1B 8B8A 8C2C2B2A8cm a ,则150858a =+=,230305085877a =++=+,360587a =+,490587a =+,5120587a =+,6150587a =+,7180587a =+,85830a =+. ··································· 5分12341802322107a a a a +++=+> ,∴王大伯买的木板肯定不能少于3块. ················································································ 6分 又 1362101742042107a a a ++=+=<,24527025217417421077a a a ++=+<+=, 78180514617121077a a +=+=<,∴王大伯最少买3块这样的木板就行了. ············································································ 8分 解法二:如图,分别取18A A ,18B B 的中点P Q ,, 连结PQ .设自上往下第2,3,4,5,6,7级踏板的长依次为22A B ,33A B ,…,77A B ,则由梯形中位线定理可得11882277336644552A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B PQ +=+=+=+=.························· 2分 118850cm 80cm A B A B == ,,∴1188227733664455130A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B +=+=+=+=. ······························· 3分 设要制作11A B ,22A B ,…,77A B ,88A B 这些踏板需用木板的长度为1cm a ,2cm a ,…,8cm a ,则182********a a a a a a a a +=+=+=+=.12814645842102a a a +++=⨯=>⨯ ,∴王大伯买的木板肯定不能少于3块.················································································································································· 4分 过1A 作18B B 的平行线分别交22A B ,33A B , ,88A B 于点2C ,3C , ,8C .每两级踏板之间的距离相等,8877221150cm C B C B C B A B ∴===== ,88805030cm A C =-=.2288A C A B ∥,122188A A C A A C ∴∠=∠,122188AC A AC A ∠=∠,122188A A C A A C ∴△∽△,2288:1:7A C A C ∴=,22307A C ∴=,2230507A B ∴=+, ················································································································································· 6分230587a ∴=+.而158a =,888a =,13658146204210a a a ∴++=+=<, 1A 1B8B8A 8C2C2B 2AP Q24530305814620421077a a a ++=++=+<,7888882210a a a a +<+=⨯<. ∴王大伯最少买3块这样的木板就行了. ············································································ 8分 解法三:如果在梯子的下面再做第9级踏板,它与其上面一级踏板之间的距离等于梯子相邻两级踏板之间的距 离(如图),设第9级踏板的长为x cm ,则由梯形中位 线的性质,可得第5级踏板的长551(50)cm 2A B x =+, 第7级踏板的长7711(50)cm 22A B x x ⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭,由题意,得第8级踏板的长()881115080222A B x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,解这个方程,得2847x =,················································································································································· 2分 由此可求得775757A B =cm ,55167cm 7A B =,66371cm 7A B =,33458cm 7A B =,22254cm 7A B =,44662cm 7A B =.设要制作11A B ,22A B ,…,77A B ,88A B 这些踏板需截取的木板长度分别为1cm a ,2cm a ,…,8cm a ,则150858a =+=,22627a =,32667a =,46707a =,51757a =,63797a =,75837a =,888a =. ··········································································································· 5分(下同解法一)四、实践与探索(本大题共2小题,满分19分)28.解:(1)AB y ∥轴. ···································································································· 1分 理由: Rt OAB △中,tan :ABO OA OB ∠=1:3=,30ABO ∴∠=. ··················· 2分 设AB 交OP 于点Q ,交x 轴于点S , 矩形的对角线互相平分且相等,则QO QB =,30QOB ∴∠= ,过点M 作MT x ⊥轴于T ,则3t a n 1:33M O T ∠==,30MOT ∴∠= ,60BOS ∴∠= ,90BSO ∴∠= ,AB y ∴∥轴. ···························· 3分(2)设l 在运动过程中与射线OM 交于点C ,过点A 且垂直于射线OM 的直线交OM 于点D ,过点B 且垂直于射线OM 的直线交OM 于点E ,则OC t =.2OP t =+ ,3(2)2OB t ∴=+,3(2)4OE t =+,1(2)2OA t =+,1(2)4OD t =+.················································································································································· 4分1A 1B8B8Ax①当10(2)4t t <+≤,即203t <≤时,2233S t =. ···················································· 6分 ②当13(2)(2)44t t t +<+≤,即263t <≤时,设直线l 交OB 于F ,交PA 于G ,则23OF t =,2433PG CP ==,433233AG PA t ∴=-=-, 2133217333(2)223224263S t t t t t ⎛⎫=-++=+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ . ··········································· 8分 ③当3(2)4t t >+,即6t >时,2CP = , 1431834(2)(2)22233S S t t ∴=-⨯⨯=+⨯+-矩 22383353(2)34343t t t =+-=+-………………………………………………10分 29.解:(1)如图(共有2种不同的分割法,每种1分,共2分)(2)设ABC y ∠=,C x ∠=,过点B 的直线交边AC 于D .在DBC △中, ①若C ∠是顶角,如图1,则90ADB ∠>,11(180)9022CBD CDB x x ∠=∠=-=- ,180A x y ∠=-- . 此时只能有A ABD ∠=∠,即1180902x y y x ⎛⎫--=--⎪⎝⎭, 34540x y ∴+= ,即31354ABC C ∠=-∠ . ·································································· 4分 ②若C ∠是底角,则有两种情况.第一种情况:如图2,当DB DC =时,则DBC x ∠=, ABD △中,2ADB x ∠=,ABD y x ∠=-.1.由AB AD =,得2x y x =-,此时有3y x =,即3ABC C ∠=∠. ························ 5分2 .由AB BD =,得1802x y x --= ,此时3180x y +=,即1803ABC C ∠=-∠.ABC备用图① 67.5 67.5 22.522.5A BC备用图②22.522.54545················································································································································· 6分3 .由AD BD =,得180x y y x --=- ,此时90y = ,即90ABC ∠=,C ∠为小于45 的任意锐角. ··················································································································· 7分第二种情况,如图3,当BD BC =时,BDC x ∠=,18090ADB x ∠=->,此时只能有AD BD =,从而12A ABD C C ∠=∠=∠<∠,这与题设C ∠是最小角矛盾. ∴当C ∠是底角时,BD BC =不成立. ············································································· 9分BDCA 图 1BDCA 图2BD C A 图3。

无锡市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题(含答案)

无锡市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题(含答案)


Today teamwork is becoming more and more important in businesses and other jobs. Our society needs people who can work with and get on well with others.John Brown, Design WorksA good team needs people with different skills and talents. The best people can work with others and develop ideas with a team. It's important that everyone uses his talents in work.Lee Chung, Computer WorldGood team players are usually friendly and easy to talk to. They are also good at listening to other people. They are happy to share ideas.Jane Lin, Lin ElectricalsMost teams need a mixture of people. It is great 10 have people with ideas but you also need people who get things done on time. A team made up of people that all have the same skills would not work.Jim Khan, Northern BankI prefer people who can bring out the best in other people. In a group you can see people that know how to get a team to work together. They understand teams and they can make a team work. A good team is the key to success.Here is an article about ________. John Brown thinks the best people in a team do well in working with others and ________. Lee Chung thinks a good team player should be friendly, easy to talk to and ________. In Jane's opinion, a good team needs not only clever people but also those who can finish things ________. Jim thinks we need people who can ________ the best in others and know how to get a team to work together.【答案】 teamwork;developing ideas;good at listening;on time;bring out【解析】【分析】主要讲了团队合作在商业和其他工作中变得越来越重要。



英语试卷 第 1 页 (共 12 页)2007年无锡市 考试英 语 试 题 说 明:1. 本试题分两卷,第一卷(选择题)在第1至第6页,第二卷(非选择题)在第7至第10页。

2. 本试题满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

3. 考试结束时,试题卷和答题卡一并收回。

第 一 卷 ( 选 择 题,共75分)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。


一、 听力测试 ( 本大题共20 分,每小题1分 )第一节(共10小题)听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




1. Who is the woman looking for?A. Carl.B. Bob.C. Her son.2. Why can ’t the man speak to Mrs Brown?A. Because she ’s not at home.B. Because he has the wrong telephone number.C. Because ther e’s something wrong with her telephone.3. What ’s the best TV programme for the boy?A. Cartoon World.B. Sports World.C. Music World.4. What time does the woman usually get to her company in the morning?A. At 7:45.B. At 8:15.C. At 8:45.5. How does the boy feel about the next Maths exam?A. Worried.B. Confident.C. Stressed.6. Where are the two speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a shop.C. In a club.7. Which sign are they talking about?A. B. C.8. What will Mary do at eight this evening?A. She ’ll go to the bank.B. She ’ll go to the cinema.C. She ’ll go to the concert.9. On which floor is Mr Gao ’s office?A. The fifth floor.B. The ninth floor.C. The sixth floor.10. What should the man do at once?初 中 毕 业 高级中等学校招生A. Get on the bus.B. Get off the bus.C. Wait at the bus stop.第二节(共10小题)听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。




听第一段独白,回答1-3题1、Who played in the football game?A. Austrian team and Spanish team.B. Spanish team and Australian teamC. German team and Austrian team2、Why was the man’s wife cheering?A. Because she was excited by the game.B. Because her team won the game.C. Because the game would come to an end very soon.3、What can we learn from the story?A. Both the man and his wife were football fans.B. Neither the man nor his wife liked the game.C. The man’s wife didn’t like any football games.听第二段独白,回答4-7题4、What does Helen probably do?A. A secretaryB. A fisherwomanC. A housewife5、Where is the fish farm?A. Around the coast of CanadaB. Near CanadaC. Near the west coast of Canada6、When are the fish put in cages in the sea?A. When they are strong enoughB. When they are big enough.C. When there is no fresh water7、Why do they smoke the fish themselves?A. They want to get higher prices for smoked fish.B. They want to get a good strong smoke.C. They want to more pleasure.二、听下面一段独白,根据听到的内容,将8-10三个小题的信息补充完整,每小题不超过3个单词。




2005 年2006 年2007年1冠词冠词+数字冠词2数字介词数字+介词3疑问词疑问词程度副词4形容词形容词形容词+非谓语动词5动词时态菲谓语动词动词时态6情态动词形容词副词情态动词7代词代词副词+非谓语动词8代词句型感叹旬9动词时态动词时态动词时态+介词10连词连词连词11宾语从旬宾语从何宾语从句12非谓语动词非谓语动词易混动词13易混动词易混动词易混动词14易混动词+介词易混动词+非谓语动词易混动词15情景对话情景对话情景对话英语单词按照词性来分类,可以分为:名、动、形、副、数、量、代、介、助、冠。






2005 2006 2007名词2 1 1动词655形副1 1 2连词1 1 1代词21由以上的表格可以看出,本题型主要考查的内容以动词为主,而对动词的考查又不涉及语法,只是限定在句子意义的考査上。

注意:1.连接词,以and but or为主。

2. 上下文一定有证明材料,比如:such as for example等词。












(3分)①干hé②盛气líng 人③面面相qù2.根据课文默写。




















无锡市中考英语试题第1卷(选择题共7 5分)一、听力测试 (本大题共20分)A)根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。

1. A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.2. A. In a shop. B. In a clothes factory.C. On the playground.3. A. About 30. B. About 40. C. About 50.4. A. Kate's. B.Bob's. C.Jane's.5. A. Help. B. Information. C. Reply.6. A. 20 yuan. B. 40 yuan. C. 80 yuan.7. A. Dick has left for Sydney.B. Dick' s parents will leave for Sydney on Monday.C. Dick' s parents have gone to Sydney.8. A. Brown. B. John. C. John Brown.9. A. The woman used to live in the countryside.B. The woman used to live in the city.C. The woman wants to work in the countryside.10. A. To go on taking the medicine.B. To take less medicine than before.C. To stop taking the medicine.B)根据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确答案。

11. Who is Li Ming?A. Gao Ping' s classmate.B. Gao Ping' s cousin.C. Gao Ping' s good friend.12. Why would Liu Mei like to go to the cinema?A. Because she'll have nothing to do at home.B. Because she won't watch TV at home.C. Because a famous American film is on.13. When will they see the film?A. On Saturday morning.B. On Saturday evening.C. On Sunday evening.14. Where will they meet before going to the cinema?A. At No. 3 bus stop.B. At the supermarket.C. Outside the Red Star Cinema.15. How many of them will see the film together?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.C)根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。



初中毕业升学考试(江苏无锡卷)英语(解析版)(初三)中考真卷姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________一、xx 题 (每空xx 分,共xx 分) 【题文】 Tom wants to study at ___________ university in Europe, but hasn ’t decided which one to go to yet.A. anB. aC. theD. 不填【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:汤姆想在欧洲的一所大学学习,但是还没有决定去哪一所。

不定冠词a/an 表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。

a 用于辅音音素前an 用于元音因素前。

定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物, 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物,特指前文出现过的事物或说话双方都知道的事物。

该句中表示的是一所,University 首字母发音为/ju/, 是辅音,所以用a 。

故选B 。


【题文】 —_____________ do your parentstake exercise, William?—Less than three times a week.A. How longB. How muchC. How soonD. How often【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-- William ,你的父母多久做一次锻炼? How often 译为为多久一次,how long 是多久了,是对时间段提问,how much 可以对不可数名词数量进行提问,译为多少,how soon 多久才,对一般将来时进行提问。

结合句意可知how often 符合语境,故选D 。


【题文】 Could you help me with housework _____________ you are free today?A. sinceB. thoughC. unlessD. until【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:既然你今天有空,你能帮我做家务吗?since ,既然,由于,表示显而易见的原因。



人教版江苏无锡中考专题英语中考真卷1.单选题第1题.﹣__________ do you go to school every day?﹣I go to school at half past seven.()A: WhereB: WhoC: WhatD: When【答案】D【解答】答案:D.考查疑问词.句意"﹣﹣你每天什么时候去上学?﹣﹣我七点半去上学.".A哪.B谁.C什么.D什么时候.根据回答"我七点半去上学.",可知,对时间提问用疑问词when什么时候,答案是D.第2题.Don't say that, or you will ________ trouble.A: turn intoB: get intoC: put intoD: get off【答案】B【解答】B 考查动词短语辨析。


A 变成;B 陷入;C 放入;D 下车。

get into trouble陷入麻烦为固定搭配。

第3题.—Who taught you things about COVID-19?—Nobody. I learned by ________ with the help of pictures.A: meB: myselfC: usD: ourselves【答案】B【解答】B 考查反身代词。



第4题.Look ! There are many bridges________ the river.A: in the middle ofB: overC: betweenD: in【答案】B【解答】B 句意:看,河_____有好多桥。




















(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1.Listen up, everybody! Show me your licence. Don’t ask . Just do it!A. whatB.whenC.howD.why【答案】D【考点定位】:考查疑问词辨析。

2.— is it from the New Town to the old city centre?—Less than 30 minutes by underground.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. How far【答案】D【考点定位】:考查疑问副词辨析。

3.It's really you not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own?A. smart ofB. smart forC. silly ofD.silly for【答案】C【考点定位】:考查形容词及介词辨析。





试卷满分为100分"注意事项:I-答题前•考生务必用0.5 $米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置上•并认貝核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。

2. 答客观题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的正确选项涂黑.如両改动.用橡皮擦干净后•再选涂苴他答塞.答家不能答衣试卷上.3. 答主观題必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔作答.答案写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上。



4. 考生必須保持答题卡的整洁.考试结束后•将试題卷和答题卡一并交回.第T卷(客观题共55分)一、单项填空件A、B、C、Q四个选项中.选出u[以填入空白处的帰佳选顶,并在答题卡I:将该项涂黑.(本大题共15分•毎小题1分)1. —Which of those radios sounds _________ ?The smallest one.A・ good B. well C. belter IX best2. du? teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them areteachers ・A. A number of i womenB. A number of i womanC・ The number of: women D・ The number of; woman3. It will us several years to learn a foreign language well.A. costB. takeC. spend 1).use4. - It must be John who is in the office.— IF jiure it be John・ Isnw him off at the railway station jusi twenty minuterago.A. won * iB. mustn*!C. can^t I).needn5. If you can,t decide which of the two novels to borrow• why don f l you take _______________ ? Iwon read I hem this month.A• bolh B. all C. any T). either英讲试题第1页(共8页)A ・ boughi B. to buy C. buying7. —Did you give Dick a call?~ I dicln ,t need to _______ I' 11 §皂e him soon.K (x )(l idea to drive for four hours vithoutA. a ; aB. thei theC. a; theD. the ; a9. 1 find this computer game _________ to play.A. enough easyB. easy enoughC. enough easilyD. easily enough 10. Xiao Li said she would rather _________ join us.A. did notB. to notC. notD. not to1 L — 1 Icllo! Can I ^peak to Mr White?Sorry, he isn T i here right now ・ He __________ to the theme park ・ A. will go B. was goingC ・ has geneD. has beenMr Lin gave the texibooks to all the students ________ the ones who had already takenthem. A. except R. includingC. amongIX with13. Theythe train until it disappeared in llie dstance ・A. sawB. watchedC. noticedD. realized14. The old lady didn't know_ _ when the house raught fire.A ・ how to doB. how to do itC ・ what to doIX what to do it15. — Excuse mc ・ sir. Is the swimming pool open all day?— _______ • (>nly from 6・ 30 p. m. to 9. 30 p. m. A. Yc“ of course B. That f 5 rightC. Sorry ・ I'm not sureD. Sorry ・ I'm afraid not二、完形填空 先通读卜血的短文•学握兀大意.然肩在毎小题所给的四个选项中•选出可以垃入空门处的最佳选项•并在答题卡上将该项滦黑。



江苏省无锡市2007年初中毕业高级中等学校招生考试数学试卷注意事项:1.本试卷满分130分,考试时间为120分钟.2.卷中除要求近似计算的结果取近似值外,其余各题均应给出精确结果.一、细心填一填(本大题共有12小题,15空,每空2分,共30分.请把结果直接填在题中的横线上.只要你理解概念,仔细计算,相信你一定会填对的!) 1.5-的相反数是 ,9的算术平方根是 . 2.分解因式:24b -= .3.设一元二次方程2640x x -+=的两个实数根分别为1x 和2x ,则12x x += ,12x x = .4.据国家考试中心发布的信息,我国今年参加高考的考生数达10 100 000人,这个数据用科学记数法可表示为 人. 5.函数22y x =-中自变量x 的取值范围是 , 函数23y x =-中自变量x 的取值范围是 .6.某商场今年五月份的销售额是200万元,比去年五月份销售额的2倍少40万元,那么去年五月份的销售额是 万元. 7.反比例函数ay x=的图象经过点(12)-,,则a 的值为 .8.八边形的内角和为度.9.如图,已知a b ∥,170∠=,则2∠=.10.如图,AB 是O 的弦,OC AB ⊥于C ,若25cm AB =,1cm OC =,则O 的半径长为 cm .11.写出生活中的一个随机事件: .12.如图1是一种带有黑白双色、边长是20cm 的正方形装饰瓷砖,用这样的四块瓷砖可以拼成如图2的图案.已知制作图1这样的瓷砖,其黑、白两部分所用材料的成本分别为0.02元/2cm 和0.01元/2cm ,那么制作这样一块瓷砖所用黑白材料的最低成本是元(π取3.14,结果精确到0.01元).ACBO第10题 c2 ab1第9题图1 图2二、精心选一选(本大题共有7小题,每小题3分,共21分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,请把正确选项前的字母代号填在题后的括号内.只要你掌握概念,认真思考,相信你一定会选对的!)13.化简分式2bab b +的结果为( ) A.1a b+ B.11a b +C.21a b+ D.1ab b+ 14.下面与2是同类二次根式的是( ) A.3B.12C.8D.21-15.下面四个图案中,是旋转对称图形的是( )A. B. C. D. 16.一元二次方程2(1)2x -=的解是( ) A.112x =--,212x =-+ B.112x =-,212x =+ C.13x =,21x =-D.11x =,23x =-17.圆锥的底面半径为2,母线长为4,则它的侧面积为( ) A.8πB.16πC.43πD.4π18.如图是一个圆柱体和一长方体组成的几何体,圆柱的下底面紧贴在长方体的上底面上,那么这个几何体的俯视图为( )上面19.任何一个正整数n 都可以进行这样的分解:n s t =⨯(s t ,是正整数,且s t ≤),如果p q ⨯在n 的所有这种分解中两因数之差的绝对值最小,我们就称p q ⨯是n 的最佳分解,并规定:()pF n q=.例如18可以分解成118⨯,29⨯,36⨯这三种,这时就有A . 第18题 B . C . D .31(18)62F ==.给出下列关于()F n 的说法:(1)1(2)2F =;(2)3(24)8F =;(3)(27)3F =;(4)若n 是一个完全平方数,则()1F n =.其中正确说法的个数是( )A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4三、认真答一答(本大题共有8小题,共60分.解答需写出必要的文字说明、演算步骤或证明过程.只要你积极思考,细心运算,你一定会解答正确的!) 20.(本题共2小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题6分,满分10分) (1)计算:3124sin60(1)-+-;(2)解不等式组12512x x x +⎧⎪⎨->⎪⎩≤,,并写出它的所有整数解.21.(本小题满分7分)如图,已知四边形ABCD 是菱形,点E F ,分别是边CD ,AD 的中点.求证:AE CF =.22.(本小题满分6分)如图,AB 是O 的直径,PA 切O 于A ,OP 交O 于C ,连BC .若30P ∠=,求B ∠的度数.23.(本小题满分8分)如图是甲、乙两人在一次射击比赛中击中靶的情况(击中靶中心的圆面为10环,靶中各数字表示该数所在圆环被击中所得的环数)每人射击了6次. (1)请用列表法将他俩的射击成绩统计出来;(2)请你用学过的统计知识,对他俩的这次射击情况进行比较.AECD BFABC PO 9 8 7 6 98 7 6 甲射击的靶 乙射击的靶24.(本小题满分6分) 某商场搞摸奖促销活动:商场在一只不透明的箱子里放了三个相同的小球,球上分别写有“10元”、“20元”、“30元”的字样.规定:顾客在本商场同一日内,每消费满100元,就可以在这只箱子里摸出一个小球(顾客每次摸出小球看过后仍然放回箱内搅匀),商场根据顾客摸出小球上所标金额就送上一份相应的奖品.现有一顾客在该商场一次性消费了235元,按规定,该顾客可以摸奖两次,求该顾客两次摸奖所获奖品的价格之和超过40元的概率. 25.(本小题满分6分)图1是由若干个小圆圈堆成的一个形如正三角形的图案,最上面一层有一个圆圈,以下各层均比上一层多一个圆圈,一共堆了n 层.将图1倒置后与原图1拼成图2的形状,这样我们可以算出图1中所有圆圈的个数为(1)1232n n n +++++=. 图1 图2 图3 图4 如果图1中的圆圈共有12层,(1)我们自上往下,在每个圆圈中都按图3的方式填上一串连续的正整数1234,,,,,则最底层最左边这个圆圈中的数是 ;(2)我们自上往下,在每个圆圈中都按图4的方式填上一串连续的整数23-,22-,21-,,求图4中所有圆圈中各数的绝对值之和. 26.(本小题满分9分)小明早晨从家里出发匀速步行去上学,小明的妈妈在小明出发后10分钟,发现小明的数学课本没带,于是她带上课本立即匀速骑车按小明上学的路线追赶小明,结果与小明同时到达学校.已知小明在整个上学途中,他出发后t 分钟时,他所在的位置与家的距离为s 千米,且s 与t 之间的函数关系的图像如图中的折线段OA AB -所示. (1)试求折线段OA AB -所对应的函数关系式; (2)请解释图中线段AB 的实际意义;(3)请在所给的图中画出小明的妈妈在追赶小明的过程中,她所在位置与家的距离s (千米)与小明出发后的时间t (分钟)之间函数关系的图像.(友情提醒:请对画出的图像用数据作适当的标注)27.(本小题满分8分)王大伯要做一张如图1的梯子,梯子共有8级互相平行的踏板,每相邻两级踏板之间的距离都相等.已知梯子最上面一级踏板的长度110.5m A B =,最下面一级踏板的长度880.8m A B =.木工师傅在制作这些踏板时,截取的木板要比踏板长,以保证在每级踏板的两个外端各做出一个长为4cm 的榫头(如图2所示),以此来固定踏板.现市场上有长度1AB2012 t (分钟)s (千米)O第2层 第1层 …… 第n 层为2.1m 的木板可以用来制作梯子的踏板(木板的宽厚和厚度正好符合要制作梯子踏板的要求),请问:制作这些踏板,王大伯最少需要买几块这样的木板?请说明理由.(不考虑锯缝的损耗)四、实践与探索(本大题共2小题,满分19分.只要你开动脑筋,大胆实践,勇于探索,你一定会成功!) 28.(本小题满分10分) 如图,平面上一点P 从点(31)M ,出发,沿射线OM 方向以每秒1个单位长度的速度作匀速运动,在运动过程中,以OP 为对角线的矩形OAPB 的边长:1:3OA OB =;过点O 且垂直于射线OM 的直线l 与点P 同时出发,且与点P 沿相同的方向、以相同的速度运动. (1)在点P 运动过程中,试判断AB 与y 轴的位置关系,并说明理由.(2)设点P 与直线l 都运动了t 秒,求此时的矩形OAPB 与直线l 在运动过程中所扫过的区域的重叠部分的面积S (用含t 的代数式表示).29.(本小题满分9分)(1)已知ABC △中,90A ∠=,67.5B ∠=,请画一条直线,把这个三角形分割成两个等腰三角形.(请你选用下面给出的备用图,把所有不同的分割方法都画出来.只需画图,不必说明理由,但要在图中标出相等两角的度数)(2)已知ABC △中,C ∠是其最小的内角,过顶点B 的一条直线把这个三角形分割成了两个等腰三角形,请探求ABC ∠与C ∠之间的关系.xy Ol B PMAABC备用图①ABC备用图②ABC备用图③1A 1B8B8A踏板长 榫头图2图1[参考答案] 一、细心填一填(本大题共有12小题,15空,每空2分,共30分)1.5,3 2.(2)(2)b b +- 3.6,4 4.71.0110⨯ 5.322x x ≠,≥ 6.120 7.2- 8.1080 9.110 10.6 11.明天我市下雨(答案不唯一) 12.6.37二、精心选一选(本大题共有7个小题,每小题3分,共21分) 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 三、认真答一答(本大题共有8小题,共60分)20.解:(1)原式23231=-- ······················ 3分1=-. ·························· 4分(2)由12x x +≤,得1x ≥. ······················· 2分 由512x->,得3x <. ·························· 4分 ∴不等式组的解集是13x <≤.······················· 5分 它的所有整数解为12x =,. ························· 6分21.证明:菱形ABCD 中,AD CD =. ··················· 1分 E F ,分别是CD AD ,的中点,1122DE CD DF AD DE DF ∴==∴=,,. ················· 3分又ADE CDF ∠=∠,AED CFD ∴△≌△. ················ 5分 AE CF ∴=.······························· 7分22.解:PA 切O 于A AB ,是O 的直径,90PAO ∴∠=. ········ 2分30P ∠=,60AOP ∴∠=. ······················· 4分 1302B AOP ∴∠=∠=. ························· 6分 23.(1)解:环数 6 7 8 9 10 甲命中次数 2 2 2 乙命中次数132列表正确得2分.(2)9x =甲环,9x =乙环,22213S S ==乙甲,, ······· 6分(算对一个得1分) x x =乙甲,22S S <乙甲,∴甲与乙的平均成绩相同,但甲发挥的比乙稳定. ···· 8分24.解:列树状图如下:第一次摸得奖品价格 10 20 30第二次摸得奖品价格 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 ···· 4分两次奖品价格之和 20 30 40 30 40 50 40 50 60两次摸奖结果共有9种情况,其中两次奖品价格之和超过40元的有3种情况,故所求概率为13. ·································· 6分 25.解:(1)67. ····························· 2分 (2)图4中所有圆圈中共有12(121)12312782+++++==个数, 其中23个负数,1个0,54个正数, ····················· 4分∴图4中所有圆圈中各数的绝对值之和|23||22||1|01254=-+-++-+++++(12323)(12354)27614851761=+++++++++=+=. ········ 6分26.解:(1)线段OA 对应的函数关系式为:112s t =(012t ≤≤) ······ 2分 线段AB 对应的函数关系式为:1(1220)s t =<≤. ·············· 4分 (2)图中线段AB 的实际意义是:小明出发12分钟后,沿着以他家为圆心,1千米为半径的圆弧形道路上匀速步行了8分钟. ····················· 7分 (3)如图中折线段CD DB -. ······················· 9分27.解法一:如图,设自上往下第2,3,4,5,6,7级踏板的 长依次为22A B ,33A B ,…,77A B ,过1A 作18B B 的平行线分别 交22A B ,33A B ,…,88A B 于点2C ,3C ,…,8C . 每两级踏板之间的距离相等,8877221150cm C B C B C B A B ∴=====,88805030cm A C =-=.2288A C A B ∥,∴122188A A C A A C ∠=∠,122188AC A AC A ∠=∠,122188A A C A A C ∴△∽△,2288:1:7A C A C ∴=,22307A C ∴=,2230507A B ∴=+, ····································· 2分1A B 2012 t (分钟)s (千米)O10 16 D C 1A 1B 8B8A 8C2C2B2A设要制作11A B ,22A B ,…,77A B ,88A B 这些踏板需用木板的长度分别为1cm a ,2cm a ,…,8cm a ,则150858a =+=,230305085877a =++=+,360587a =+,490587a =+,5120587a =+,6150587a =+,7180587a =+,85830a =+. ········ 5分12341802322107a a a a +++=+>,∴王大伯买的木板肯定不能少于3块. ···················· 6分又1362101742042107a a a ++=+=<,24527025217417421077a a a ++=+<+=, 78180514617121077a a +=+=<,∴王大伯最少买3块这样的木板就行了. ··················· 8分解法二:如图,分别取18A A ,18B B 的中点P Q ,, 连结PQ .设自上往下第2,3,4,5,6,7级踏板的长依次为22A B ,33A B ,…,77A B ,则由梯形中位线定理可得11882277336644552A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B PQ +=+=+=+=.······ 2分 118850cm 80cm A B A B ==,,∴1188227733664455130A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B +=+=+=+=. ······· 3分设要制作11A B ,22A B ,…,77A B ,88A B 这些踏板需用木板的长度为1cm a ,2cm a ,…,8cm a ,则182********a a a a a a a a +=+=+=+=. 12814645842102a a a +++=⨯=>⨯,∴王大伯买的木板肯定不能少于3块.····································· 4分 过1A 作18B B 的平行线分别交22A B ,33A B ,,88A B 于点2C ,3C ,,8C .每两级踏板之间的距离相等,8877221150cm C B C B C B A B ∴=====,88805030cm A C =-=.2288A C A B ∥,122188A A C A A C ∴∠=∠,122188AC A AC A ∠=∠,122188A A C A A C ∴△∽△,2288:1:7A C A C ∴=,22307A C ∴=,2230507A B ∴=+, ····································· 6分1A 1B8B8A 8C2C2B 2AP Q230587a ∴=+.而158a =,888a =,13658146204210a a a ∴++=+=<, 24530305814620421077a a a ++=++=+<,7888882210a a a a +<+=⨯<.∴王大伯最少买3块这样的木板就行了. ··················· 8分解法三:如果在梯子的下面再做第9级踏板,它与其上 面一级踏板之间的距离等于梯子相邻两级踏板之间的距 离(如图),设第9级踏板的长为x cm ,则由梯形中位 线的性质,可得第5级踏板的长551(50)cm 2A B x =+, 第7级踏板的长7711(50)cm 22A B x x ⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭,由题意,得第8级踏板的长()881115080222A B x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,解这个方程,得2847x =,····································· 2分 由此可求得775757A B =cm ,55167cm 7A B =,66371cm 7A B =,33458cm 7A B =,22254cm 7A B =,44662cm 7A B =.设要制作11A B ,22A B ,…,77A B ,88A B 这些踏板需截取的木板长度分别为1cm a ,2cm a ,…,8cm a ,则150858a =+=,22627a =,32667a =,46707a =,51757a =,63797a =,75837a =,888a =. ··························· 5分(下同解法一)四、实践与探索(本大题共2小题,满分19分)28.解:(1)AB y ∥轴. ························· 1分 理由:Rt OAB △中,tan :ABO OA OB ∠=1:3=,30ABO ∴∠=. ···· 2分设AB 交OP 于点Q ,交x 轴于点S ,矩形的对角线互相平分且相等,则QO QB =,30QOB ∴∠=,过点M 作MT x ⊥轴于T ,则3t a n 1:33M O T ∠==,30MOT ∴∠=,60BOS ∴∠=,90BSO ∴∠=,AB y ∴∥轴. ······· 3分(2)设l 在运动过程中与射线OM 交于点C ,过点A 且垂直于射线OM 的直线交OM 于点D ,过点B 且垂直于射线OM 的直线交OM 于点E ,则OC t =.2OP t =+,3(2)2OB t ∴=+,3(2)4OE t =+,1(2)2OA t =+,1(2)4OD t =+.1A 1B8B8Ax····································· 4分 ①当10(2)4t t <+≤,即203t <≤时,2233S t =. ············· 6分 ②当13(2)(2)44t t t +<+≤,即263t <≤时,设直线l 交OB 于F ,交PA 于G ,则23OF t =,2433PG CP ==,433233AG PA t ∴=-=-, 2133217333(2)223224263S t t t t t ⎛⎫=-++=+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭. ·········· 8分 ③当3(2)4t t >+,即6t >时,2CP =, 1431834(2)(2)22233S S t t ∴=-⨯⨯=+⨯+-矩 22383353(2)34343t t t =+-=+-………………………………………………10分 29.解:(1)如图(共有2种不同的分割法,每种1分,共2分)(2)设ABC y ∠=,C x ∠=,过点B 的直线交边AC 于D .在DBC △中, ①若C ∠是顶角,如图1,则90ADB ∠>,11(180)9022CBD CDB x x ∠=∠=-=-,180A x y ∠=--. 此时只能有A ABD ∠=∠,即1180902x y y x ⎛⎫--=--⎪⎝⎭, 34540x y ∴+=,即31354ABC C ∠=-∠. ················ 4分②若C ∠是底角,则有两种情况.第一种情况:如图2,当DB DC =时,则DBC x ∠=, ABD △中,2ADB x ∠=,ABD y x ∠=-.1.由AB AD =,得2x y x =-,此时有3y x =,即3ABC C ∠=∠. ····· 5分 2.由AB BD =,得1802x y x --=,此时3180x y +=,即1803ABC C ∠=-∠.ABC备用图① 67.567.522.522.5ABC备用图②22.522.54545····································· 6分 3.由AD BD =,得180x y y x --=-,此时90y =,即90ABC ∠=,C ∠为小于45的任意锐角. ····························· 7分 第二种情况,如图3,当BD BC =时,BDC x ∠=,18090ADB x ∠=->,此时只能有AD BD =, 从而12A ABD C C ∠=∠=∠<∠,这与题设C ∠是最小角矛盾. ∴当C ∠是底角时,BD BC =不成立. ··················· 9分BDC A图 1B DC A 图2 BD C A 图3。




(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1. Let’s put the piano over there, __________ the wall.A. aboveB. againstC. acrossD. around2. You do not win respect by showing __________ you are, b ut what you’re able to do.A. whereB. whoC. howD. when3. —I’m planning to climb Mount Huang this summer. Would you like to come along?—Wow! That would be exciting __________ challenging. I’m in!A. as well asB. as good asC. as long asD. as far as4. You’re the future of this country. Don’t keep asking what this country can do for you. Ask__________ what you can do for this country.A. usB. ourselvesC. youD. yourselves5. —It’s said that drinking coffee __________ cancer. Do I have to give it up?—Relax! Not everything on Wechat is true. In fact, a coffee a day keeps the doctor away.A. causesB. has causedC. causedD. had caused6. He stayed up very late that night. __________ he woke up in the morning, the sun was already high up in the sky.A. UntilB. AfterC. WhileD. As7. It’s not __________ to be friendly. You have to be a friend. Go and talk to Sam.A. good enoughB. late enoughC. too goodD. too late8. —Didn’t you see the zebra crossing? You __________ slow down, son!—Sorry, sir. Am I going to fail the test?A. can’tB. canC. mustn’tD. must9. —Do you watch Peppa Pig on TV? It’s so funny!—Well, no, to be __________, I think it’s quite silly.A. curiousB. braveC. gentleD. honest10. The king didn’t take any notice of the noise in the crowd and __________ with the parade.A. carry onB. carry outC. carried onD. carried out11. —I don’t care __________. In this camp, there’s only one hairstyle-short! Understand?—Yes, madam!A. what you are used to likingB. what you used to be likeC. what are you used to likingD. what did you use to be like12. The air pollution in the small town is getting worse. People have to wear thick masks almost every day. __________ !A. What a shameB. What shameC. What a surpriseD. What surprise13. I don’t have much money, but I’d like to buy my dad something really special,if you know what I __________.A. wantB. careC. meanD. prefer14. —Chris didn’t even look at me. I did say hello to him with a big smile!— __________. But that is just so C hris. He’s always living in his own world.A. No wonderB. No worriesC. I bet you didD. I doubt you did二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



2007-2008学年度无锡惠山区初三模拟考试英语试卷说明:1. 本试题分两卷,第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)第10页。




1. What’s John’s phone number?A.85488281.B. 84588182.C. 84588281.2. Who won the high jump?A. Danny.B. Bill.C. Jim.3. What’s the weather like now?A. Rainy.B. Cloudy.C. Sunny.4. Why didn’t the woman catch the train?A.She didn’t start early.B.She didn’t know the way to the station.C.The traffic was too heavy.5. How much is the jumper?A. 40 yuan.B. 35 yuan.C. 70 yuan.6. Where are the two speakers?A. In the mountain.B. On the way to the mountain.C. At home.7. What time is it now?A. 9:30.B. 9:45.C. 10:15.8. What does the man think of the concert?A. He thinks it’s great.B. He wants to hear a better one.C. He doesn’t like it.9. What does Bob ask Lucy to do?A. To help him with his English.B. To listen to the radio together.C. To give him some advice on how to improve English listening.10. How many students come to school by bike in Miss White’s class?A. 15.B.18.C.12.第二节(共10小题)听下面几段对话或短文,每段对话或短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。




1.Cheer up, son! You have friends here. You’re not ________________.A. aloneB. awakeC. afraidD. asleep2.—________________ are you looking for, madam? I think everyone is here.—I don’t think so. Where’s David?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. Where3.Think twice and make the decision. ________________ else can do it for you.A. SomebodyB. EverybodyC. AnybodyD. Nobody4.—You promised that you ________________ me to Disneyland, Dad.—Well, I did, dear. But we have to change the plan.A. will takeB. would takeC. has takenD. had taken5.You ________________ be able to control all the things that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.A. need notB. may notC. must notD. should not6.—How is your cold, Tom? Did you take the medicine?—Yes, three times a day. But it’s getting ________________, I suppose. I have a headache today.A. worseB. worstC. betterD. best7.The bush fires in Australia ________________ after a few months, leaving millions of animals dead.A. were run outB. run outC. were put outD. put out8.— What do we know about the next Olympic Games?— Very ________________. The only news is that they won’t cancel it..,A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little9.I think the coffee beans are from Brazil, ________________ I’m not completely sure.A. becauseB. sinceC. thoughD. whether10.— Hmm, something ________________ so good. Is it a cake? Can I try some? — Hand-made cookies Still warm. Here you go!A. feelsB. looksC. smellsD. tastes11.—Look Grandma! ________________ click on this icon, and then you can talk to the doctor.—So easy? Do I need a special number or something?A. SimpleB. SimplyC. EasyD. Easily12.I have to say that’s a wonderful plan. But I wonder ________________. Next month? Or next year? We don’t have that much time, I’m afraid.A. how soon it will be carried outB. how long it will be carried outC. how soon will it be carried outD. how long will it be carried out13.—We’ve discussed this many times. No jeans to the party!—Very well then, if you ________________. But where’s my suit?A. suggestB. imagineC. agreeD. insist14.—I’m going to sell all your old books. They’re taking up too much space. —________________! They’re treasures. You sell them, you take my life!A. What a pityB. Sounds greatC. You can’t be seriousD. Couldn’t agree more二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



英语中考无锡试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)A. 听句子,选择正确图片(每题1分,共5分)1. 听下列句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。

- 例:The boy is playing football. [图片A]- 1) The girl is reading a book. [图片B]- 2) The teacher is writing on the blackboard. [图片C] - 3) The cat is sleeping under the table. [图片D]- 4) The children are flying a kite. [图片E]B. 听对话,选择最佳答案(每题2分,共10分)6. 听对话,选择正确答案。

- 6) A: What's the weather like today?B: It's sunny and warm.A: Shall we go swimming?B: Sure, let's go.Question: What will they probably do?A) Go swimming.B) Play football.C) Watch a movie.C. 听短文,回答问题(每题2分,共15分)11. 听短文,回答以下问题。

- 11) What is the main idea of the passage?- 12) Why does the author like spring best?- 13) What does the author usually do on a sunny day?二、英语知识运用(共20分)A. 单项选择(每题1分,共10分)21. -Could you help me with my English, please?-Sure, _______.A) with pleasureB) in a hurryC) on timeD) at onceB. 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)31. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was very _______ and had many soldiers.A) kindB) cruelC) wiseD) brave三、阅读理解(共30分)A. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案(每题2分,共10分)41. Read the passage and choose the best answer.- 41) What is the main topic of the passage?- 42) What does the author think about the Internet?- 43) Why do some people prefer to use the Internet?B. 阅读短文,判断正误(每题1分,共10分)51. Read the passage and judge whether the following statements are true or false.- 51) The author likes to watch movies.- 52) The author thinks reading is boring.- 53) The author prefers reading to watching movies.C. 阅读短文,回答问题(每题2分,共10分)61. Read the passage and answer the questions.- 61) What is the author's favorite hobby?- 62) How often does the author go swimming?- 63) What does the author usually do on weekends?四、写作(共20分)71. 根据题目要求,写一篇不少于80词的短文。

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2008年无锡市 考试 英 语 试 题说 明:1. 本试题分两卷,第一卷(选择题)在第1至第6页,第二卷(非选择题)在第7至第10页。

2. 本试题满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

3. 考试结束时,试题卷和答题卡一并收回。

第 一 卷 ( 选 择 题,共75分)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用2B 铅笔涂写在答题卡上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。


一、 听力测试 ( 本大题共20 分,每小题1分 )第一节(共10小题)听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




1. Who is the least humotous of the three?A. Jim.B. Sam.C.Nick.2. How often does Mrs Mrs Brown take the medicine?A. Three times a day.B. Twice a day C Once two days.3. What can we know about the pork?A. It ’s price has risen.B. It ’s as expensive as fish.C. It ’s cheaper at other supermarkets..4. Why did Mrs Liu say “sorry ” to the man?A. At 7:45.B. At 8:15.C. At 8:45.5. How does the boy feel about the next Maths exam?A. She knew her English was rather poor.B. She didn ’t know she was speaking too fast.C. She didn ’t know she was speaking too slowly .6. What does the woman mean?A. She isn ’t fond of Japanese food.B. She doesn ’t want to go to the restaurant with the man .C. She wants to pay this time.7. What ’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wifeB. Doctor and patientC. Teacher and student8. How much money does the man still need to buy the Walkman?A. 10 yuan.B. 20 yuan.C. 80 yuan.9. How does the man feel about his job?初 中 毕 业高级中等学校招生A. He doesn’t like it very much.B. He cares much about it.C. He hates working overtime (超时).10. What time will the train arrive in Dalian?A. At 7 p.m..B. At 8 p.m..C. At 9 p.m..第二节(共10小题)听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。




11. Who is going to the concert?A. Millie.B. Dick.C. Both Millie and Dick.12. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. A well-known singerB. A pop song.C. A programme of Robert’s music. 听第12段材料,回答第13至15题。

13. How many persons are going to see Betty off at the airport?A. Only one.B. Two.C. Three.14. Where will Betty stay in Guangzhou?A. In a hotel.B. In her brother’s home.C. In her friend’s home.15. How will Peter go to Xi’an with his parents?A. By train.B. By plane.C. By coach.听第13段材料,回答第16至20题。

16. Where is Hao Yue studying now?A. In Beijing University(大学).B. In Beijing Union University.C. In Beijing Foreign Languages University.17. Wheh did Hao Yue begin to teach sign language?A. About two years ago.B. Less than five years ago.C. More than five years ago.18. What does the special “bridge” mean?A. Sign language.B. More Language.C. More love.19. Why was Hao Y ue honoured with the title of “One of the top 10 volunteers in Beijing?A. Because of her unuaual way of thinking.B. Because of her perfect language skill.C. Because of her excellent voluntary services.20. What does Hao Yue hope to do for the Beijing Olympic Games?A. To give good service to disabled visitors.B. To get better test results.C. To plan a sign language learning program.二、单项填空在A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(本大题共15分,每小题1分)21. —I hear there’ll be _________ talk on teenage problems next Monday.—Do you mean __________ talk our teacher asked us to lisiten to?A. a; theB. a; aC. the; theD. the; a22. __________ is too difficult if you put your effort into it..A. AnythingB. SomethingC. NothingD. Everything23. This morning Jack came to school __________ than ________ student in his class.A. much late; anyB. much later; any otherC. much later; anyD. much later; any other24. --- Will you go to the museum with me this afternoon?--- Sorry, _____________. My aunt is coming to see meA. I don’tB. I can’tC. I needn’tD. I mustn’t25. About _________ of the workers in the factory were born in the _________ .A. two-thirds; 1970B. two-thirds; 1970sC. two-third; 1970D. two-third; 197026. The old man got sick last April and _________ in bed since then.A. wasB. had beenC. has beenD. would be27. It was __________ weather that they decided to go out for a picnicA. such fineB. such a fineC. so fineD. so fine a28. __________ generous __________ the little girl to share her toys with the other kids?A. It’s; ofB.That’s; ofC. It’s; forD. That’s; for29. --- Mr Gao went to Shanghai for the air exhibition last week.--- Is that ___________ he had two days off?A. whatB. whenC. whyD. where30. My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining____________.A. badlyB. hardlyC. probablyD. heavily31. This photo reminds me ________ the days when I worked _______ the farm with my classmatesA.about; inB. about; onC. of; inD. of; on32. It’s rather cold in most of south China _________ in spring.A. on timeB. at a timeC. at timesD. all the time33. --- How long have Mr and Mrs ___________?--- For more than twenty years.A. marriedB. had marriedC. got marriedD. been married34. Could you tell me if the plan includes ____________ the Summer Palace?A. the visitB. visitingC. for us to visitD. for our visiting35. --- I’m sorry I broke your mirror.--- Oh, really? _______ .A. It doesn’t matterB. Don’t be sorryC. Not at allD. It’s OK with me三、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
