


23 MX1+ 24 MCT1 22 MX11:1 20 MX2+ 21 MCT2 19 MX21:1 17 MX3+ 18 MCT3 16 MX31:1
14 MX4+ 15 MCT4 13 MX41:1
USA 858 674 8100 Germany 49 7032 7806 0 Singapore 65 6287 8998 Shanghai 86 21 32181071 China 86 755 33966678 Taiwan 886 3 4643715
43 MX2- TD6- 18 42 CMT3 TD7+ 20 41 MX3+ TCT7 19 40 MX3- TD7- 21 39 CMT4 TD8+ 23 38 MX4+ TCT8 22 37 MX4- TD8- 24
36 CMT5 35 MX5+ 34 MX533 CMT6 32 MX6+ 31 MX630 CMT7 29 MX7+ 28 MX727 CMT8 26 MX8+ 25 MX8-
Star Magnetics TM
Gigabit Transformer Modules with PoE* Option
*Power over Ethernet
RoHS reflow temperature rating 245˚ C Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint
Weight . . . . . . . . . 2.7 grams Tape & Reel . . . . . . . 300/reel Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25/tube



Performance warranty of products offered on this data sheet is limited to the parameters specified. Data is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product
Tape & Reel . . . . . . .250/reel
Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . .15/tube
H5062//NL TCT1 1 TD1 + 2 TD1 - 3 TCT2 4 TD2 + 5 TD2 - 6
TCT3 7 TD3 + 8 TD3 - 9 TCT4 10 TD4 + 11 TD4 - 12
3. RoHS-6: Product does not contain 5 out of the 6 banned substances specified in the RoHS directive. Some internal connections may contain lead in high-temperature solder (solder alloys containing more than 85% lead).
Dimensions: mm Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ± 0,25
Weight . . . . . . . . .2.63 grams Tape & Reel . . . . . . .300/reel Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

TL062 数据手册 (2)

TL062 数据手册 (2)
8 1 8 1
Representative Schematic Diagram (Each Amplifier)
VCC Output 1 Inputs 1 Q7 VEE R4 Output
TL062 TL064
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = +15 V, VEE = –15 V, TA = Tlow to Thigh [Note 4], unless otherwise noted.)
Order this document by TL062/D
Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifiers
These JFET input operational amplifiers are designed for low power applications. They feature high input impedance, low input bias current and low input offset current. Advanced design techniques allow for higher slew rates, gain bandwidth products and output swing. The commercial and vehicular devices are available in Plastic dual in–line and SOIC packages. • Low Supply Current: 200 µA/Amplifier


Read Cycle
, , , , ,,,,
Dout 50 pF 1.4 V HM62W16256B -5 -7 Max — 55 55 55 35 — 55 — — — — 20 20 20 20 Min 70 — — — — 10 — 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 Max — 70 70 70 40 — 70 — — — — 25 25 25 25 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 Notes Symbol t RC t AA t ACS1 t ACS2 Min 55 — — — — 10 — 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 t OE t OH t BA t CLZ1 t CLZ2
1 2
Unit V V W °C °C
Notes: 1. VT min: –3.0 V for pulse half-width ≤ 30 ns. 2. Maximum voltage is +4.6 V.

DC Operating Conditions
Parameter Supply voltage Symbol VCC VSS Input high voltage Input low voltage Ambient temperature range Note: VIH VIL Ta Min 3.0 0 2.0 –0.3 0 Typ 3.3 0 — — — Max 3.6 0 VCC + 0.3 0.8 70 Unit V V V V °C 1 Note
Capacitance (Ta = +25°C, f = 1.0 MHz)


做好静电防护。设备中的高敏感微电路在测试连接或者断开连接时易被静电损坏,故操作时应佩带接地手环 ,设备机壳地应与电源地连接完好;
.选择旋钮:屏幕菜单子选项上下移动(高亮显示) .上、下键:屏幕菜单子选项上下移动(高亮显示) .向左键:显示屏幕菜单上一层菜单 .向右键:显示屏幕菜单下一次子菜单 .按压旋钮或Enter:选定当前高亮的子选项 当按下数据输入子选项后,focus自动转移到数据输入区域。 2)当focus选定数据输入区域时 当focus选定数据输入区域时,数据输入框变为蓝色,导航区按钮工作如下所述: .选择旋钮:以较小的步进值增大或减小数据输入区内的数值 .上、下键:以较大的步进值增大或减小数据输入区内的数值 .左、右键:在数据输入区内移动光标(|),与输入区的按钮一起使用可以每次改变输入数据的一位数值。



Load (A)E f f i c i e n c y (%) 1.52.06065707580859095100D008V INV OUTL1TLV62569AProduct Folder Order Now Technical Documents Tools &SoftwareSupport &CommunityTLV62568A ,TLV62569AZHCSI23B –APRIL 2018–REVISED MARCH 2020采用SOT563封装并具有强制PWM 的TLV6256xA 1A 、2A 降压转换器1特性•强制PWM 模式可减少输出电压纹波•效率高达95%•低R DS(ON)开关:100m Ω/60m Ω•输入电压范围为2.5V 至5.5V •可调输出电压范围为0.6V 至V IN •100%占空比,可实现超低压降• 1.5MHz 典型开关频率•电源正常输出•过流保护•内部软启动•热关断保护•采用SOT563封装•与TLV62568、TLV62569引脚对引脚兼容•借助WEBENCH ®电源设计器创建定制设计方案2应用•通用负载点(POL)电源•STB 和DVR •IP 网络摄像头•无线路由器•固态硬盘(SSD)–企业级3说明TLV62568A 、TLV62569A 器件是经过优化而具有高效率和紧凑型解决方案尺寸的同步降压型直流/直流转换器。

该器件集成了输出电流高达2A 的开关。

在整个负载范围内,该器件将以1.5MHz 开关频率在脉宽调制(PWM)模式下运行。

关断时,流耗减少至2μA 以下。




器件信息(1)器件型号封装封装尺寸(标称值)TLV62568ADRL SOT563(6)1.60mm x 1.60mmTLV62568APDRL TLV62569ADRL TLV62569APDRL(1)如需了解所有可用封装,请参阅产品说明书末尾的可订购产品附录。

H600 系列类K5与H罐孔熔断器数据清单说明书

H600 系列类K5与H罐孔熔断器数据清单说明书

Catalog Symbol:H600 Series Amp Rating: 1⁄10to 600A Voltage Rating:600V Agency Information:CE, UL Listed, UL 4248, Guide IZLT, File E14853CSA Certified, C22.2 No. 39, Class 6225-01, File 47235Withstand Rating (SCCR):10,000A RMS Sym.For use with Class K5 & H Fuses (Cooper Bussmann NOS and RES)UL Flammability:94V0Materials:Thermoplastic600V Class H Fuse BlocksH600 SeriesClass H Fuseblocks (600V) Catalog Data (for NOS and RES Fuses)Terminal Type (Suffix No.)ScrewBox Lug w/⁄01H60030-1S SR P PR C CR 1C, CR #2-14 Cu, #2-12 Al to 2H60030-2S SR P PR C CR 2P , PR, S, SR #10-18 Cu ONLY303H60030-3S SR P PR C CR 3311H60060-1————C CR 4 to 2H60060-2— —— — C CR 5C, CR #2-14 Cu, #2-8 Al603H60060-3— —— — C CR 6611H60100-1— — — —— CR 7to 2H60100-2— — — —— CR 8CR #1/0-8 Cu/Al1003H60100-3— — — —— CR 91011H60200-1— —— ——CR10CR 250kcmil-6 Cu/Alto2003H60200-3— —— —— CR 112011H60400-1— —— —— CR ‡12CR 500kcmil-4 Cu/Alto4003H60400-3— —— ——CR†134011H60600-1— —— —— CR 14CR (2) 500kcmil-4/0 Cu/Alto6003H60600-3— —— ——CR†15†No UL, No CSA Certification.‡UL Recognized, CSA CertificationPressure PlatePressure Plate & Clip with Reinforced SpringWire RangeClip with Reinforced Spring—Figure NumberAmpsCatalog NumberClip with Reinforced Spring—PolesDimensions – in600V, 1⁄10to 30AFIGURE 7.FIGURE 8.FIGURE 9.600V , 101 to 200A600V , 201 to 400A600V , 401 to 600AFIGURE 12.FIGURE 14.The only controlled copy of this Data Sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Cooper Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Cooper Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Cooper Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical infor-mation contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.。



1.4. 型号标识 ....................................................................................... 3
1.5. 结构尺寸 ....................................................................................... 4
IND231/IND236 称重仪表
IND231/IND236 称重仪表
感谢您选择了梅特勒-托利多公司的产品与服务 请按照本手册正确地使用您的新设备,确保您的设备执行可靠规范的操作,保护您的投资。 您若需要定制的服务,请与我们联系。更多信息请登录我们的网站,/service. 以下几种方法可保证您所选产品发挥最大性能: 1. 注册你的产品:我们邀请您在 /productregistration 网站上注册您的产品,
在连接/断开任何内部电子部件、或电子设备之间的互连接线时,一定要先切断电源,并 等待至少三十(30)秒,然后方可进行任何连接或断开不遵守这些防护措施会导致设 备损坏或破坏,和/或人身伤害。
关于有害物质的声明 我们不直接使用有害材料,例如石棉、放射性物质或砷化合物。但是, 因为我们需要向第三方供应商购买零部件;而这些零部件中可能会含有 非常少量的某些这类物质。
在操作或维护本设备之前,请仔细阅读本手册;并应严格遵守这些指示。 妥善保管本手册,以备查阅。
为了防止电击危害,一定要保持交流式 IND231/IND236 称重仪表接地良好。严禁带电插 拔,不得拆卸接地插头。



Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Thompson Components
Bipolar Transistor Selection Guide /SK9466-datasheet.html QUOTE
/SK9466-datasheet.html QUOTE

F602 细胞筛选器说明书

F602 细胞筛选器说明书

Installation & Service InstructionsIS-F602F602 Particulate Filter ISSUED: July , 2005Supersedes: November , 2003Doc. #ISF602, ECN #050983, Rev. 2Filterw/Manual DrainIntroductionFollow these instructions when installing, operating, or servicing the product.Application LimitsThese products are intended for use in general purpose compressed air systems only.WARNINGFAILURE OR IM PROPER SELECTION OR IM PROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEM S DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEM S CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from The Company, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure and review the information concerning the product or systems in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by The Company and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.EXTRA COPIES OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INCLUSION IN EQUIPMENT / MAINTENANCE MANUALS THAT UTILIZE THESE PRODUCTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE.Maximum Recommended Pressure Drop:kPa PSIG bar Particulate Filter70100.7With Polycarbonate BowlkPa PSIG bar Operating Pressure Maximum 103415010Operating Temperature Range4°C to 49°C (40°F to 120°F)With Aluminum BowlkPa PSIG bar Operating Pressure Maximum 206830021Operating Temperature Range4°C to 82°C (40°F to 180°F)With Zinc Bowl with Sight GaugekPa PSIG bar Operating Pressure Maximum 172325017.0Operating Temperature Range 4°C to 66°C(40°F to 150°F)ANSI Symbols!CAUTIONPolycarbonate bowls, being transparent and tough, are ideal for use with Filters and Lubricators. They are suitable for use in normal industrial environments, but should not be located in areas where they could be subjected to direct sunlight, an impact blow, nor temperatures outside of the rated range. As with most plastics, some chemicals can cause damage. Polycarbonate bowls should not be exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones, esters and certain alcohols. They should not be used in air systems where compressors are lubricated with fire-resistant fluids such as phosphate ester and diester types.Metal bowls are recommended where ambient and/or media conditions are not compatible with polycarbonate bowls. Metal bowls resist the action of most such solvents, but should not be used where strong acids or bases are present or in salt laden atmospheres. Consult the factory for specific recommendations where these conditions exist.TO CLEAN POLYCARBONATE BOWLS USE M ILD SOAP AND WATER ONL Y! DO NOT use cleansing agents such as acetone,benzene, carbon tetrachloride, gasoline, toluene, etc., which are damaging to this plastic.!Pneumatic DivisionRichland, Michigan 49083269-629-5000WARNINGTo avoid unpredictable system behavior that can cause personal injury and property damage:•Disconnect electrical supply (when necessary) before installation,servicing, or conversion.•Disconnect air supply and depressurize all air lines connected to this product before installation, servicing, or conversion.•Operate within the manufacturer’s specified pressure, temperature,and other conditions listed in these instructions.•M edium must be moisture-free if ambient temperature is below freezing.•Service according to procedures listed in these instructions.•Installation, service, and conversion of these products must be performed by knowledgeable personnel who understand how pneumatic products are to be applied.•After installation, servicing, or conversion, air and electrical supplies (when necessary) should be connected and the product tested for proper function and leakage. If audible leakage is present, or the product does not operate properly, do not put into use.•Warnings and specifications on the product should not be covered by paint, etc. If masking is not possible, contact your local representative for replacement labels.!F602 Particulate Filter IS-F602Installation1.The filter should be installed with reasonable accessibilityfor service whenever possible – repair service kits are available. Keep pipe or tubing lengths to a minimum with inside clean and free of dirt and chips. Pipe joint compound should be used sparingly and applied only to the male pipe – never into the female port. Do not use PTFE tape to seal pipe joints – pieces have a tendency to break off and lodge inside the unit, possibly causing malfunction. Also,new pipe or hose should be installed between the filter and equipment being protected.2.The upstream pipe work must be clear of accumulated dirtand liquids.3.Select a filter location as close as possible to the equipmentbeing protected and upstream of any pressure regulator.4.Install filter so that air flows in the direction of arrow on body.5.Install filter vertically with bowl drain mechanism at thebottom. Free moisture will thus drain into the sump “quiet zone” at the bottom of the bowl.Operation and Service1.T o service the filter, it is not necessary to remove the unitfrom the airline. Manual drain filters must be drained regularly before the separated moisture and oil reaches the bottom of the lower baffle.2.The particulate Filter Element should be removed andreplaced when pressure differential across the filter is 10 PSIG.3.Shut off air supply and depressurize the unit, before servicing.4.Carefully remove Bowl by turning counterclockwise.5.Remove Filter Element, Baffle, and Retainer.6.Wipe parts, clean with soapy water or denatured alcohol,but do not use denatured alcohol on plastic bowl or sight gauge . If using compressed air to blow dry, be sure to wear appropriate eye protection.7.After servicing, apply system pressure and check for airleaks. If leakage occurs, Do Not Operate — conduct servicing again.replacement should be planned.Product Bowl Port DescriptionNumberTypeSizeBowlsPolycarbonateBK602Y B 1/4", 3/8"Zinc with Sight Gauge BK605WY W 1/4", 3/8"Polycarbonate BK602A B 1/2"AluminumBK603A E 1/2"Zinc with Sight Gauge BK605WA W 1/2"AluminumBK603B E 3/4" thru 2-1/2"Zinc with Sight Gauge BK605WB W 3/4" thru 2-1/2"Element Kits 5 Micron EK602VY —1/4", 3/8"40 Micron EK602Y —1/4", 3/8"5 Micron EK602VA —1/2"40 Micron EK602A —1/2"5 Micron EK602VB —3/4" thru 1-1/2"40 Micron EK602B —3/4" thru 1-1/2"40 Micron EK602G —2", 2-1/2"Drain Kits ManualSA600Y7-1All All Sizes Piston (Poly Bowl Only)RK602SY B 1/4", 3/8"Piston (Poly Bowl Only)RK602SA B 1/2"External Auto.( 8 oz. Poly & Metal)SA602D B 1/2"External Auto. (16 oz. Aluminum)SA603D E 1/2"Internal Auto.SA602MD All 1/2"External Auto.( 16 oz. Metal Bowl)SA602D W 3/4" thru 2-1/2"External Auto. (32 oz. Aluminum)SA603D E 3/4" thru 2-1/2"Internal Auto.SA602MD All 3/4" thru 2-1/2"Mounting Bracket KitsSAF602-0571—1/4", 3/8"SAF602-0572—1/2"(2 per unit required)SA200AW57—3/4"(2 per unit required)SA200CW57—1"Repair KitsDeflector, Baffle Assy, Retaining Rod RK602Y —1/4", 3/8"Deflector, Baffle Assy, Retaining Rod RK602A —1/2"Deflector, Baffle Assy, Retaining Rod RK602B —3/4", 1"Deflector, Baffle Assy, Retaining Rod RK602C —1-1/4", 1-1/2"Deflector, Baffle Assy, Retaining Rod RK602G —2", 2-1/2"External Auto Drain (Short Float 602)RK602D —1/2" thru 2-1/2"External Auto Drain (Tall Float 603)RK603D —1/2" thru 2-1/2"Internal Auto DrainRK602MD —1/4" thru 2-1/2"Metal Bowl with Sight Gauge RKB605WY —1/4", 3/8"Metal Bowl with Sight Gauge RKB605WA —1/2"Metal Bowl with Sight GaugeRKB605WB—1/2" thru 2-1/2"Kits Available。


在屏幕右侧显示“Marker Function”(标记功能)菜单。通过操纵“Marker Function”(标记功能)菜单,不仅可以指定通道中的标记扫描范围和标记耦合,还可以显示迹线上的统计数据
“Marker Search”
在屏幕右侧显示“Marker Search”(标记搜索)菜单。通过操纵“Marker Search”(标记搜索)菜单,可以将标记移动到迹线上的特定点(最大值、最小值、峰值和带有目标值的点)。还可以查找带宽参数(最多六个)并显示它们
“Marker Fctn”
2 安全摘要
首先,将按下此键时 LCD 屏幕上显示的图像的数据临时保存在内部存储器(剪贴板)中。之后将立即在屏幕右侧显示“System”(系统)菜单。通过操纵“System”(系统)菜单,可以定义极限测试的设置并随后执行该测试,或者定义分析仪控制和管理的设置。使用“Dump Screen Image”(转储屏幕图像)选项,可以将剪贴板中的图像数据存储到存储设备上的文件中。另外,使用“System”(系统)菜单中的“Print”(打印)选项,可以从打印机打印剪贴板中的图像数据


时基和看门狗定时器 WDT 时基发生器是一个 8 态增值尖峰计数器 可以产生准确的时基 WDT 由时基发生器和 一个 2 态增值尖峰计数器组成 它可以在主控制器或其它子系统处于异常状态时产生中断 WDT 溢出时产生片内 WDT 溢出标志 可用一命令选项使时基发生器和 WDT 溢出标志输 出到/IRQ 管脚 时基发生器和 WDT 时钟频率有 8 种 fWDT=32KHz/2n 这里的 n 值为 0 7 由命令项决定 等式中 32KHz 为系统频率 由晶振 32.768KHz 片内振荡器 (256KHz)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 58.14 55.55 48.92 42.29 35.66 29.03 22.40 15.77 9.14 2.42 -4.21 -10.84 -17.47 -24.10 -30.73 -38.17 -45.39
广州周立功单片机发展有限公司 Tel 020 38730976 38730977 Fax:38730925
系统结构 显示内存 RAM 静态显示内存 RAM 以 32 4 位的格式储存所显示的数据 RAM 的数据直接映象 到 LCD 驱动器 可以用 READ WRITE 和 READ-MODIFY-WRITE 命令访问
概述 HT1621 是 128 点 内存映象和多功能的 LCD 驱动器 HT1621 的软件配置特性使它适 用于多种 LCD 应用场合 包括 LCD 模块和显示子系统 用于连接主控制器和 HT1621 的管 脚只有 4 或 5 条 HT1621 还有一个节电命令用于降低系统功耗



UL 62-2001软线和装置线FLEXIBLE CORD AND FIXTURE WIRE上海电缆研究所信息中心译前言A.本标准包含美国保险商实验所(UL)产品追踪服务时所涉及的产品的基本要求,这些产品受下列条文的限制,且处于本标准适用范围之内.这些要求是以可靠的工程原理,研究成果,试验数据和现场经验以及对制造,安装和使用的问题的评估为依据而制定的,这些依据来自向制造商,用户,检测机构以及其它具有专业经验的人员的咨询或从他们处获得的情报.上述对产品的要求可能由于经验的丰富和研究的深入而必须或有必要进行修订.B.满足本标准对产品的要求是制造商产品继续获得UL认证的条件之一.C.符合本标准条文的产品如果经检验和测试发现还具有其它有损于本标准预期的安全水平的性能,则不一定认为符合本标准.D.采用与本标准规定不同的材料成品产品或具有本标准规定不同的结构的产品.可按本标准要求的含义进行检验和测试,如果性能基本相同,则认为该产品符合本标准.E.UL按其宗旨履行职能时,不为制造商或任何一方承担或开脱责任.UL的意见和调查结果是代表一种充分考虑到(UL)标准制定时实际运行的必要限制和工艺水平的专业性鉴定,UL不对任何使用UL标准或以其为依据的用户承担责任.如果因使用,解释UL标准或以其为依据而造成损失包括重大损失,UL不承担任何责任和义务.F.本UL标准规定的许多试验本身具有一定的危险性,因此在做这些试验时应采取恰当的人员和设备防护措施.序言有效日期在1997年10月15日与1998年7月2日期间,新送交的产品可使用本标准的所有要求进行鉴定,或(如果提出书面省情的话)使用UL62第15版(1992)的要求进行鉴定.自1998年7月2日起,所有产品(包括那些以前经过UL鉴定的产品)必须符合本标准.导论1 范围1.1本标准适用于按NEC(美国国家电气规程)规定使用的装置线,起重机电缆和软线.1.2含一根或两根光纤构件的电梯电缆限于(见8.6)传输经鉴定对人体无害的光能.1.3本标准不适用于铠装软线或带接头的软线或装置线或任何种类布线装置(例如软线组件,电源线和圣诞树线或装置性照明线,这些导线适用其它标准),也不适用于600V以上任何类型的电线和软线.1.4本标准不适用任何光纤构件或光纤构件组合的光学或其它性能.见8.6.1.5如果一种包含新型或本标准要求不同的性能,特性,部件,材料或体系的产品有引起火灾,电击或人员伤亡的危险,应按相应的部件或成品的附加要求进行评估;这是保持产品达到本标准预期的安全水平所必需的.性能,特性,部件,材料或体系与本标准特定的要求或规定矛盾的产品,不能鉴定为符合本标准.如果认为合适,可按照本标准的制定,修改和实施方法建议和进行标准的修改.2 测量单位2.1本标准的各项要求除了以美国通用的英制单位表述外,还以各种公制单位(实用国际单位和惯用国际单位制)表述,以便于采用各种公制单位的国家使用本标准.无论使用以英制单位表述还是以公制单位表述的某项要求,应得出相同(虽然不一定严格等同)的结果.如果某项要求以公制单位表述,应采用以公制单位校准的试验设备.3 说明3.1如果本标准中某处使用”UL1581”一词,应参阅”电线,电缆和软线参考标准”(UL1581)的指定条目.3.2装置线是单芯导线,而起重机电缆和软线为两根或以上线芯的组合体.装置线具有实心导体,或7股绞合结构或软绞合结构;而软线永远具有软绞合结构.但除了金属导体以外,对于装置线的要求基本上与软线相同.3.3值得注意的是软线永远是绞合导线,但绞合导线不一定柔软,例如7股绞合装置线与具有更多股较细单线结构的导线相比,不算软线.结构总则4 材料4.1软线,起重机电缆或装置线采用的每种材料,应与该软线或导线采用的所有其它材料相容.4.2苯乙烯类TPE材料由于潜在的不相容性可能不适宜用于可能直接与PVC接触的软线,采用隔离层是防止直接接触的一种可以接受的方法.其它可能有的不相容的材料组合,尚未探知.5 任何SPT-2W,SPT-1W,XTW,时钟,CXTW,TPT或TST型软线(无论其动力线芯尺寸如何)或16.3.1.2和16.3.2.1所述的任何软线,均不得含有接地线芯;但任何其它软线只要其动力线芯为18AWG或更粗,就可采用一根或多根接地线芯.(尺寸见8.3,8.4,和8.7).接地线芯不可分裂.6 索引表6.1软线,起重机电缆或装置线应属于表6.1-6.21所示一种型号,在结构和试验性能等方面应满足适用于该型号的所有要求.6.2表6.1-6.21是装置线,起重机电缆或软线的结构细则和试验性能的索引表.6.3表中每栏用于检索特定型号电线或软线的相关要求,相应电线或软线型号的字母出现在该栏顶部.圆括号中的数字表示应查阅的本标准的条目号,方括号中数字表示UL1581条目号.表6.1热固性绝缘装置线b可采用挤出的尼龙或其它热塑性护层代替编织或绕包层,若研究表明其厚度,柔软性,额定温度和其它对于使用至关重要的结构特性可提供类似的保护的话.涂覆腊克或侵渍的玻璃丝编织可代替棉纱或人造丝使用.c.各种物理性能要求列于UL1581 47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL1581 40.2.表6.2PVC绝缘装置线a见表6.3b 各种材料物理性能列于UL1581中47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL158140.2.表6.3FEP和PTEE绝缘装置线a见表6.3b 可使用蜡克或清漆浸渍玻璃丝编织以外的护套,若研究表明其厚度,柔软性,额定温度和其它对于使用至关重要的结构特性可提供类似的保护的话.C 各种材料物理性能列于UL1581中47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL158140.2.表6.4a见表6.3b 可使用蜡克或清漆浸渍玻璃丝编织以外的护套,若研究表明其厚度,柔软性,额定温度和其它对于使用至关重要的结构特性可提供类似的保护的话.C 各种材料物理性能列于UL1581中47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL158140.2.b.只有动力线芯,接地线芯不允许(见5.1)c.剃须刀软线与TPT型导线相似,区别在于导体结构(见11.4),任选的导体隔离层(见图16.5和表16.7)和任选的接地的线芯极性识别(见65.1),它限用于连接50瓦以下手提式理发剪和剃须刀的工厂装配可拆卸和不可拆卸电源线.见74.1(d)d.各种材料的物理性能要求列于本标准表15.2和27.2.试验方法见UL1581中40.2.表6.6b.如果时钟软线绝缘是2.11类聚乙烯,温度极限是105℃(221℉)c.各种材料物理性能在标准的表15.2中给出,试验方法见UL1581中40.2.表6.7b.若单根导体绝缘的平均厚度至少为45mil或1.14mm,则最高电压为600V。

基尔斯特 6052c高温压力传感器说明书

基尔斯特 6052c高温压力传感器说明书

Page 1/4PressureHigh-Temperature Pressure Sensorfor Engine Measuring Technology6052C _000-552e -12.15©2006 ... 2015, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reservesthe right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Type 6052C...High-temperature pressure sensor with very small dimensions are ideal for use in internal combustion engines with complex structural geometry of the cylinder head. The sensor is installed with front sealing in an M5x0,5 bore.• Good temperature stability of the sensitivity • High sensitivity• Low thermal shock error• Long service life due to front sealDescriptionType 6052C… uses a piezoelectric crystal which achieves high sensitivity in conjunction with an extremely small sensor struc-ture. This sensitivity varies by not more than ±0,5 % in the temperature range from 150 ... 250 °C. The passive accelera-tion compensation patented by Kistler keeps the influence of engine vibrations to a minimum.The front seal provides very good heat transfer and keeps the sensor at a save operating temperature. The diaphragm, opti-mized by finite element calculation, produces good measuring results and ensures a long service life.ApplicationThe sensor Type 6052C... is an excellent all-rounder. Its rugged construction makes it suitable for measurements at the knock limit as well as for thermodynamic investigations. This sensor is used mainly for complex cylinder head geometry. As well as for motor cycles and other small engines and for combustion analysis in vehicles.For applications mainly in the knocking range or at very high peak pressures, use of Type 6052C...U20 with reinforced dia-phragm (heavy duty version) is recommended.Type 6052C...U40 is provided with additional damping and is suitable for applications on engines with extremely high vibra-tions, e.g. racing engines.These sensors are always provided with an integrated cable. For standard applications, a rugged cable with steel braiding Type 1929A1 is used. If the sensor connector is exposed direct-ly to engine oil, e.g. when installed through the valve cover, the oil proof cable (IP67) Type 1983AA1 is recommended.Technical DataType 6052C...Measuring rangebar 0 ... 250Calibrated partial ranges bar 0 ... 50, 0 ... 100, 0 ... 150, 0 .. 250Overload bar 300Sensitivity pC/bar ≈–20Natural frequency (measuring element) kHz ≈160Linearity, all ranges (at 23 °C) %/FSO ≤±0,3Acceleration sensitivity axial bar/g <0,0002 radial bar/g <0,0005Operating temperature range °C –20 ... 350 Temperature min./max. –50 ... 400Sensitivity change 200 °C ±50 °C % ≤±0,5 23 ... 350 °C % ≤±2Thermal shock error(at 1500 1/min, p mi = 9 bar) ∆p (short time drift) bar ≤±0,5 ∆p mi % ≤±2 ∆p max % ≤±1,0Insulation resistance at 23 °C Ω ≥1013Shock resistance g 2 000Tightening torque N·m 1,5Capacitance, without cable pF 5Weight with cable gram 30Connector, ceramic insulator − M4x0,35Page 2/46052C _000-552e -12.15©2006 ... 2015, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************, This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Technical DataType 6052C...U20 (other specifications as for Type 6052C...)Measuring range bar 0 (300)Calibrated partial ranges bar 0 ... 100, 0 ... 200,0 (300)Overload bar 350Sensitivity pC/bar ≈–18Linearity, all ranges (at 23 °)%/FSO ≤±0,5Acceleration sensitivity axial bar/g <0,0005 radialbar/g <0,0005Sensitivity change 23 ... 350 °C % ≤±3Thermal shock error(at 1500 1/min, p mi = 9 bar) ∆p (short time drift) b ar ≤±0,7 ∆p mi % ≤±3 ∆p max%≤±1,5Type 6052C...U40 (other specifications as for Type 6052C...)Operating temperature range °C –20 ... 200 Temperature min./max. °C –50 ... 250Sensitivity shift 23 ... 200 °C % ≤±2Calibrated partial ranges bar 0 ... 100, 0 ... 200, 0 (250)*Material dependent - Al-alloyed 4 mm - Grey cast iron 4 mm - Steel 2,5 mmFig. 1: Mounting boreMountingDirect mounting:Sensor Type 6052C... can be mounted directly in the cylinder head, see Fig. 2. Machining of the bore must correspond ex-actly to the bore specifications shown in Fig. 1.The Kistler tools:Step drill Type 1300A51Special tap Type 1357A and the Finishing tool for bore Type 1300A79must be used in order to comply with the tolerances re-quired. The bore must be machined in one clamping. Before mounting the sensor, the sealing surface in particular must be checked; use of the finishing tool (reamer) Type 1300A79 is mandatory. When mounting the sensor, it is essential to comply with the tightening torque of 1,5 N·m. The sensor should therefore be mounted with the cable connected us-ing the socket wrench Type 1300A9 and the torque wrench Type 1300A17. You will find additional information for ma-chining the bore and mounting in the instruction manual. Your Kistler distributor will provide you with information, for exam-ple concerning the preferred position of the indicating bore in the combustion chamber.Mounting sleeve:When space allows or if the water jacket of the cylinder head will be breached, a mounting sleeve is recommended. Mount-ing sleeves are manufactured to customer requirements; Fig. 3 shows a version with M7x0,75 thread. An additional advantage of mounting sleeves is that the actual sensor bore in the sleeve can be very precisely machined. On request, Kistler will provide custom made adapters for your particular mounting situation.Spark plug adapter:Sensor 6052C... can also be used in the spark plug adapter 6517B..., see data sheet 6517B_000-491.SW 5,5ø 6,1M5x0,5min. ø 7,5Fig. 2: Direct mountingPage 3/46052C _000-552e -12.15©2006 ... 2015, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************, This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Fig. 3: Using the mounting sleeve10H713,5/SW12 9,510M7 x 0,7528X = 20 . . . 200710 g6SensorType 6052C...Mounting sleeve 6525Asp 20 ... 506525Asp 50 (200)Tightening torque forType 6525Asp : 4 ... 7 N∙m Accessories IncludedType• Cable according to ordering key • Coupling M4 neg. – BNC pos.1705Optional A c c essories Type • Spare cable with metal braiding, L = 1 m 1929A1• Spare cable oil proof of Fluoropolymer, 1983AA1L = 1 m• PiezoSmart ® extension cable for Type 6052CS..., L= 1 m 1987B1• Coupling M4 neg. – 10-32 UNF neg. 1700A13• Mounting sleeve incl. O-ring 6525Asp...• Mounting key SW 5,5 1300A9• Torque wrench 1 ... 6 N∙m 1300A17• Special tap M5x0,5 1357A • Step drill 1300A51• Dummy sensor (for Type 6052C...) 6445• Extraction tool for dummy sensor 1319• Adapter for pressure generator Type 6904 6585A • O-ring for Mounting sleeve Type 6525 5.110.078• Finishing tool for bore, 1300A79bore depth ≤60 mm • Finishing tool for bore, 1300A79Q01bore depth ≤170 mm • Adapter M8x0,75 6595• Adapter M10x1/SW12 6595A1• Adapter M10x1/SW10 6595A1Q01• Adapter M14x1,25 6585AQ01Fig. 4: Mounting key SW 5,5 Type 1300A9Fig. 5: Torque wrench 1 ... 6 N∙m Type 1300A17Fig. 6: Extraction tool for dummy sensor Type 1319Fig. 7: Finishing tool for bore Type 1300A79Fig. 8: Step drill Type 1300A51Fig. 9: Special tap M5x0,5 Type 1357AFig. 10: Dummy sensor (for Type 6052C...)Page 4/46052C _000-552e -12.15©2006 ... 2015, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************, This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resultingOrdering Examples: Type 6052C...Version with 1 m braided cable Type 6052C31Version with PiezoSmart ® and 1 m Type 6052CS71 Fluoropolymer cableVersion with PiezoSmart ® and 1 m Type 6052CS71U20 Fluoropolymer cable, and reinforced diaphragmVersion with PiezoSmart ®, braided cable Type 6052CS39U40 L = 3 m and additional damping L = 3 mFor PiezoSmart ® specifications please refer to the PiezoSmart brochure doc. no. 100-421.。

F6250VIC 250毫米大小的阀门技术数据表说明书

F6250VIC 250毫米大小的阀门技术数据表说明书

F6250VICButterfly Valve with Grooved types• Disc electroless nickel coated ductile iron• Bubble tight shut-off• Resilient seat• Valve face-to-face dimensions comply withAWWA (c606) & MSS-SP-67• Completely assembled and tested, ready forinstallationType overviewType DNF6250VIC250 Technical dataFunctional data Valve size [mm]10" [250]Fluid chilled or hot water, up to 60% glycolFluid Temp Range (water)-22...250°F [-30...120°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class Grooved AWWA, 300 psiFlow characteristic modified equal percentagePipe connection GroovedANSI/AWWA (c606)Servicing maintenance-freeFlow Pattern2-wayLeakage rate0%Controllable flow range90° rotationCv5800Maximum Velocity20 FPSMaterials Valve body Ductile cast iron ASTM A536Body finish black alkyd enamelStem416 stainless steelStem seal fiberglass with TFE liningSeat EPDMDisc electroless nickel coated ductile ironSuitable actuators Non Fail-Safe SY5F6250VICProduct featuresFlow/Mounting detailsDimensionsType DN WeightF6250VIC25059 lb [27 kg]SY4-6A B C D E F11.5" [293] 6.4" [162]32.3" [820]26.2" [665] 6.1" [156] 6.1" [156]SY5-120MFTMFT/programmable, Non fail-safe, 120 VTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 120 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 96...132 VTransformer sizing228 VACurrent consumption 1.9 AAuxiliary switch2x SPDT, 1 mA...5 A (3 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC250 V, 1 x 3° / 1 x 87°Switching capacity auxiliary switch 1 mA...5 A (3 A inductive), DC 5 V...AC 250 VElectrical Connection Terminal blocksOverload Protection thermally protected 135°C cut-outInternal Humidty Control resistive heating elementFunctional data Torque motor500 NmOperating range Y 2...10 VInput impedance100 kΩPosition feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mAPosition feedback U variable VDC variableDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Manual override hand wheelAngle of rotation90°Running Time (Motor)28 sDuty cycle value75%Noise level, motor45 dB(A)Position indication top mounted domed indicatorSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP66/67Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XAgency Listing ISO, CE, cCSAusQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 100% RHAmbient temperature-22...149°F [-30...65°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight44 lb [20 kg]SY5-120MFTMaterialsHousing material die cast aluminiumGear train high alloy steel gear sets, self lockingTechnical dataApplicationProduct featuresSY Series actuators are fractional horsepower devices, and utilize full-wave power supplies. Observe wire sizing and transformer sizing requirements. Proportional models CANNOT be connected to Belimo direct coupled (AF, AM, GM…etc) actuator power supplies or any type of half-wave device. You MUST use a separate, dedicated transformer or power supply to power the SY actuator. Please do not connect other automation equipment to the dedicated SY supply source. You MUST use four wires (plus a ground) to control a proportional control SY actuator (See SY Wiring Section).AccessoriesGatewaysDescriptionType Gateway MP to BACnet MS/TP UK24BAC Gateway MP to Modbus RTU UK24MOD Gateway MP to LonWorksUK24LON Electrical accessoriesDescriptionTypeLocal electric disconnect for SY4...12 series actuator, AC 120 V, MFT HOA-120VMFT Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USBattery backup system for SY4...6 series actuator, AC 120 V, on/off EXT-NSV-B03-120Battery backup system for SY4...6 series actuator, AC 120 V, MFT EXT-NSV-B04-120Battery backup system for SY4...5 series actuator, AC 24 V, on/off EXT-NSV-B13-24Battery backup system for SY4...5 series actuator, AC 24 V, MFTEXT-NSV-B14-24ToolsDescriptionTypeConnecting cable 10 ft [3 m], A: RJ11 6/4 ZTH EU, B: 3-pin Weidmüller and supply connectionZK4-GEN Service tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable and communicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESDo not change sensitivity or dip switch setting with power applied.Power supply Common/Neutral and Control Signal "-"wiring to a common is prohibited.Terminals 4 and 6 need to be wired separately.Isolation relays must be used in parallel connection of multiple actuators using a commoncontrol signal inputs. The relays should be DPDT.Isolation relays are required in parallel applications. The reason parallel applications needisolation relays is that the motor uses two sets of windings, one for each direction. When one is energized to turn the actuator in a specific direction a voltage is generated in the other due to the magnetic field created from the first. It’s called back EMF. This is not an issue with one actuator because the voltage generated in the second winding isn’t connected to anything so there is no flow. On parallel applications without isolation, this EMF voltage energizes the winding it is connected to on the other actuators in the system, the actuators are tying to turn in both directions at once. The EMF voltage is always less than the supply voltage due to the resistance of the windings, so while the actuator still turns in the commanded direction, thedrag from the other reduces the torque output and causes overheating.Warning! Live electrical components!SY5-120MFTDuring installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagramsElectrical installation。

CURRENT Night Navigator 6025 产品说明书

CURRENT Night Navigator 6025 产品说明书

6025 6CURRENT Scientific Corporation–Tel:+16044615555–*********************RUGGED. MARITIME. GYRO-STABILIZED. LOW MAINTENANCE.The Night Navigator™ 6025 is a rugged, low maintenance, compactelectro-optical system designed for commercial, leisure andparamilitary end users counting on reliable electro-optical systems forall missions in complex environments. Mast mounted payload, this fullspectrum imaging system offers exceptional performances. Itintegrates a LWIR uncooled thermal imager, a high definition (HD)day camera/ low light in a gyro-stabilized sensor platform. It can becontrolled from the bridge of a ship or through IP network in a controlroom or remote location.APPLICATIONS•ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)•EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) protection•Long Range Surveillance•Unmanned Surface Vessels operation•Maritime SAR•Safety and security at anchor and in harbor•Tracking of potential threat or man overboard•Situational awareness•Asymmetric threats•Anti-smuggling operationsUNCOOLED THERMALBENEFITS•Rugged,marine, low maintenance design•Zooms 12x in LWIR uncooled thermal and 360x in HD day•Detects a NATO target at over 9.5km, night and day•Provides a clear, highly detailed image, in HD day, even intothe digital zoom range.•Increases object detection in low level of light with best ofclass low light sensitivity.•Tracks Radar cursor, ARPA Target, AIS and video targets•Streams H.264(HD) video with PiP and communicatesdigitally over IP network (Ethernet)•Outputs video in dedicated coax cable to the bridge in HD-SDI•Proposes further electro-optical sensors for integration:Laser Range Finder, Laser Dazzler, SWIR, Night vision etc.•Single payload with no junction boxes or interface modulessimplifies installations and retrofits, while reducingmaintenance.•Standardized mounting and cabling for all Night Navigator6000 series enables ease of payload swaps and futureupgrades.•Designed to withstand marine environmental conditionsand proven by over 10 years and hundreds of successfuloperating installations worldwide.HD DAYRUGGED. MARITIME. GYRO-STABILIZED. LOW MAINTENANCES p e c i f i c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e o r i m p r o v e m e n t w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l N i g h t N a v i g a t o r s a l e s a r e c o n d i t i o n a l t o C a n a d i a n e x p o r t l i c e n s e a p p r o v a l – A p r i l 206025CURRENT Scientific Corporation – 2933 Murray Street, Port Moody, BC, V3H 1X3, CANADATel:+16044615555–*********************–SYSTEM FEATURESTHERMAL CAMERA Spectral range: 8 – 14 µm Uncooled thermal imager Sensor type: LWIRResolution: 640x480 pixelsField of View: 18° to 5.9° Continuous optical zoom Zoom: 3x continuous opticalFrequency:30 fps, full frame rate for exportDetection range 1: NATO target to 9.5km / Human to 3.9km DAY / LOW LIGHT CAMERASensor type: 1/2.8” CMOSField of View: 63° to 2.3° FoV in HD mode, 1080p30 Optical zoom: 30x continuous Digital zoom: 12x continuous Window coating:HydrophobicLOW LIGHT HD CAMERA (FUNCTION) Sensor type: 1/2.8” CMOSLow light sensitivity:≤ 0.013Lux in B&W modeRADAR CURSOR, ARPA & AIS TARGET TRACKINGRadar Cursor, ARPA and AIS target tracking via NMEA0183 (RS422/RS232) through supplied NMEA 0183 Network Interface BoxVIDEO TRACKING OPTIONVideo target autoscanning, detection and tracking via NMEA0183 (RS422/RS232) CONTROLLER: HARDWARE, IP BASED AND REMOTE CONTROLLED1. Compact tactile controller integrating HD color display for orientation and troubleshooting. (142 x 91 x 82mm)2. GUI (Graphical User Interface) SW , either on dedicated touchscreen display (Panel PC) or as pop up window in PC; with USBC joystick (two button joystick or multifunction joystick)3. GUI SW integrating the video feed , for use on portable PCAll controllers offer Built in Test for remote diagnostic and are configured for optional additional controllers or remote controlPAYLOAD SPECIFICATIONS System type: 3 axis gyro-stabilization 2, c./w. enhanced video stabilization Pan range: continuous 360° AZ rotationTilt range: +/-90° elevation movement, including stow position Color:Snow White glossy. Custom on requestSYSTEM INTERFACE Video format Video streaming: Data:HD-SDI convertible to HDMI or DVI H.264 in HDRS422 or RS232 (NMEA0183), Ethernet for controlENVIRONMENTAL Ingress Protection Mark: IP67Built to:MIL-STD 461 & MIL-STD 810 with MIL SPEC connectors Operational temperature: -20⁰C to +55⁰C WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS Weight~ 20 kg (~44 lbs.) Diameter payload 361mm (14.1 in)3 Height payload 425mm (16.4 in)3POWER REQUIREMENTS Voltage:20 to 34VDCConsumption:200W to 300 W (based on configuration)OTHER OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIESOther sensors: MWIR cooled thermal, Night vision, SWIR; Custom dome color; Cold weather operation to -40⁰C or -50⁰C; Digital Video recorder; non-lethal deterrent Laser Dazzler, … Contact us with your specific requirements1theoretical calculation using Johnson’s criteria & not accounting for atmospheric conditions2 resolved by 2 axis positioning3 Larger movement space requiredCONTROL SOLUTIONS3. Remote control option1. Compact tactile controllerintegrating data display and joystick2. GUI SW either stand alone in dedicated panel PC (touchscreen display) or pop up window in PC with optional USB joystick[2.1] or RRG [2.2]2.12.2。



6 化学品...........................................27
6.1 试剂..................................................27 6.2 反应原理..........................................28 6.3 安全指南..........................................29 6.4 试剂分配和收集..............................30
连接线会经过 3 个 PG 管道螺线密封装置, 交货时是使用塑料塞密封的。
本装置配备一条 1.6 米长的电缆线。该装置
(不包括冰箱)由两根保险丝保护。保险丝 位于前面板后面的电源板上。 2A m.s.b. : 230VAC ± 10%/50-60Hz 4A m.s.b. : 115VAC ± 10%/50-60Hz
9 试剂和零部件...............................40
10 技术数据.....................................42
1 保修和责任
DR LANGE 公司保证其交货的产品没有任 何材质破损和/或处理错误,如果出现任何 破损部件,我们公司将负责免费修理或更 换。
位数的数字组合,数字从 1 到 4,在这个范 围内,密码也可以使用[密码]选项中, [+DEVICE DATA]菜单中的 F1~F4 键进行编 程随意设置。
4.2 关机
为了保证结晶或其它严重的污染不会在今 后的重启中带来问题,当需要关机 48 小时
以上时,必需在关机前用蒸馏水清洗整个系 统(第 7.5 [+ SERVICE]菜单,[冲洗])。

Edwards H062-00-880 3-5口控制阀说明书

Edwards H062-00-880 3-5口控制阀说明书

H062-00-880Issue G Original Instruction ManualElectropneumatic Control ValvesDescription Item Number3-port Control Valves24 V d.c.H062-00-12424 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz H062-00-125110 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz H062-00-126230 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz H062-00-1385-port Control Valve Kits24 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz B287-03-030110 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz B287-03-031230 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz B287-03-03224 V d.c.B287-03-055© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.Page i Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Contents H062-00-880 Issue GContentsSectionPage 1INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................11.1Scope and definitions ...................................................................................................11.2Product description (12)TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................52.1Electrical data ............................................................................................................52.2Mechanical data . (73)INSTALLATION .....................................................................................93.1Unpack and Inspect ......................................................................................................93.2Fit the 3-port Control Valve ............................................................................................93.3Fit the 5-port Control Valve kit .......................................................................................103.4Electrical connections ..................................................................................................123.5Adjust the 5-port Control Valve (if necessary) (144)MAINTENANCE (155)STORAGE AND DISPOSAL .......................................................................175.1Storage ...................................................................................................................175.2Disposal . (17)For return of equipment, complete the HS Forms at the end of this manual.IllustrationsFigurePage 1Pneumatic circuit diagrams: single 3-port and 5-port Control Valves (32)Pneumatic circuit diagrams: 2 x 5-port Control Valves (43)Dimensions of 3-port and 5-port Control Valves (mm) (64)Components of the 3-port Control Valve (105)Components of the 5-port Control Valve (116)5-port Control Valve fitted to GV gate valve (127)Electrical supply socket - 3-Port Control Valve ....................................................................138Electrical supply socket - 5-Port valve kit * ........................................................................13g e a /0065/12/09H062-00-880 Issue GPage ii © Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Contents TablesTablePage 1Control valve configurations (22)Mechanical data (73)Checklist of items for the 5-port Control Valve kits ................................................................94Opening and closing times of the gate valve .. (14)© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Page 1Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.INTRODUCTION H062-00-880 Issue G1INTRODUCTION1.1Scope and definitionsThis manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards Electropneumatic Control Valves. You must use the Control Valves as specified in this manual.Read this manual before you install and operate the Edwards Control Valve. Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; you must obey these instructions. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.CAUTION Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and process.The following warning symbols appear on the Control Valves:The units used throughout this manual conform to SI international system of units of measurement.1.2Product descriptionUse Electropneumatic Control Valves to control the operation of pneumatically-actuated vacuum valves in your vacuum system.The Control Valves are available in 3-port and 5-port versions and with different electrical supply voltages and frequencies to suit your application.Select the Control Valve(s) you will need according to your electrical supply and the type of vacuum valve in your vacuum system, as shown in Table 1.WARNINGWarnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.Warning - refer to accompanying documentation.Warning - hot surfaces.H062-00-880 Issue GPage 2© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.INTRODUCTION Notes: 1.The Control Valve can be installed directly on the vacuum valve.2.The Control Valve must be installed remote from the vacuum valve.3.This configuration allows the use of the ’isolated’ position of the vacuum valve.4.This configuration only allows use of the ’roughing’ and ’backing’ positions of the vacuum valve.5.The flow of air from the exhaust port(s) can be used to identify the position of the vacuum valve.Table 1 - Control valve configurations Vacuum valve typeEdwards model Recommended Control Valve configuration Figure Number detail Notes Single-acting cylinder withspring return PVPK Pipeline Valves 1 x 3-port 1 x 5-port kit1, A 1, B 12QSB250 Quarter Swing Butterfly Valve 1 x 3-port1 x 5-port kit1, A 1, B 12Double-acting cylinder with no spring return GV Gate Valves 1 x 5-port kit1, C -Double-acting cylinder with spring return to the mid-position (that is, isolated position)BRV Backing/ Roughing Valve2 x 5-port kits2, A 31 x 5-port kits2, B 4, 5Double-acting cylinder with no spring return QSB63/100/160 QuarterSwing Butterfly Valves,Diffstak pump vacuumisolation-valves 1 x 5-port kit 2, B 5© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Page 3Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.INTRODUCTION H062-00-880 Issue GFigure 1 - Pneumatic circuit diagrams: single 3-port and 5-port Control ValvesA 3-port Control Valve and PVPK or QSB250 valve pressed air supplyB 5-port Control Valve and QSB250 valve 2.Shut-off valveC 5-port Control Valve and GV gate valve 3.Filter(GV gate valve normally open) 4.Pressure regulator5.Control Valve6.Vacuum valve7.Electrical connectionsH062-00-880 Issue GPage 4© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.INTRODUCTIONFigure 2 - Pneumatic circuit diagrams: 2 x 5-port Control Valves A2 x 5-port Control Valves and BRV valve pressed air supply B5-port Control Valve and BRV , QSB valve 2.Shut-off valve or Diffstak inlet-isolation valve 3.Filter 4.Pressure regulator 5.Control Valve 6.Vacuum valve 7.Electrical connections 8.Vacuum valve (electrical fail to closed position, except for BRV valve)9.Vacuum valve (electrical fail to open position, except for BRV valve)© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Page 5 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.TECHNICAL DATA H062-00-880 Issue G2TECHNICAL DATA2.1Electrical data3-port Control ValveElectrical supply voltage tolerance-10 %, +15 % Electrical supply(Nominal power)24 V d.c. 5.0 W24 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz 6.0 VA110 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz 5.3 VA230 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz7.5 VA5-port Control Valve kitsElectrical supply voltage tolerance-10 %, +10 %VA holding(Nominal power)24 V d.c.0.6 W24 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz0.5 VA110 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz 1.1 VA230 V a.c., 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz 5.6 VAH062-00-880 Issue GPage 6© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.TECHNICAL DATAFigure 3 - Dimensions of 3-port and 5-port Control Valves (mm)A3-port Control Valve B5-port Control Valve 24 V d.c., 24 V a.c., 110 V a.c C 5-port Control Valve 230 V A B C2.2Mechanical dataTable 2 - Mechanical dataControl Valve3-port5-port Approximate mass (kg)0.140.17 *** Operating ambient temperature range (°C)-10 to 50-10 to 50Pneumatic supply pressure range (barg)0 to 8 1.5 to 7Maximum cycles.min-1600300Inlet port size1/8 inch BSPfemale Ø 6 mm pushfittingOutlet port size1/8 inch BSPmale Ø4 mm push fittingCable diameter 6 - 8 mm 3.5 - 7 mm **** 230 V 5-port kit has mass of 0.25 kg** Edwards recommends the use of dry air at low temperatures to prevent bedewing*** 6 - 8 mm on 230 V valve kit.TECHNICAL DATAThis page has been intentionally left blank.INSTALLATION 3INSTALLATION3.1Unpack and InspectRemove all packing materials and protective covers and check the Control Valve. If the Control Valve is damaged, notify your supplier and the carrier in writing within three days; state the Item Number of the Control Valve together with your order number and your supplier’s invoice number. Retain all packing materials for inspection. Do not use the Control Valve if it is damaged.If you have a 5-port Control Valve, check that you have received the items listed in Table 3. If any item is missing, notify your supplier in writing within three days.If the Control Valve is not to be used immediately, replace the protective covers. Store the Control Valve in suitable conditions as described in Section the 3-port Control ValveFit the 3-port Control Valve directly to a pneumatic inlet-port by the threaded vacuum valve connector on the Control Valve (Figure 4, item 3). Figure 1 detail A shows the pneumatic circuit for the use of the 3-port Control Valve.WARNINGElectropneumatic valves should not be used in applications where in the event of a valve failure,injury could be caused to people or damage could be caused to equipment.WARNINGCompressed air can be dangerous. Ensure that you control the release of compressed air whenyou connect or disconnect the pneumatic supply. If you do not, the sudden release of high-pressure air may cause injury.WARNINGWhen an electropneumatic Control Valve changes state, compressed air can be released from theexhaust ports. You must ensure that such a release of compressed air will not cause injury topeople or damage to equipment.WARNINGThe surface temperature of electropneumatic Control Valves can reach temperatures above70 °C.Table 3 - Checklist of items for the 5-port Control Valve kits Quantity Description Check (√)1Control Valve □2Pneumatic fittings □1Plug □1Fitting-plate □2Screws □11 m length of Ø 4 mm nylon tube □INSTALLATION Refer to Figure 4 and use the procedure below to fit the 3-port Control Valve to a PVPK valve. Refer to the instructionmanual supplied with the PVPK valve for an illustration of the Control Valve fitted to the PVPK valve.1.Make sure that the nylon washer (6) is correctly located on the Control Valve.2.Place the threaded pneumatic supply port (3) in the inlet-port of the PVPK valve.3.Tighten the bolt (2) to secure the Control Valve in place.e suitable fittings and pipe or tube to connect the pneumatic supply to the supply port (5).5.Ensure that the manual override (4) is in the off position, that is, is in the ’0’ position, at right-angles to thebody of the valve.Figure 4 - Components of the 3-port Control Valve3.3Fit the 5-port Control Valve kitTo fit the Control Valve directly onto a GV gate valve (as shown in Figure 5):e the screws supplied to secure the fitting-plate (9) to the base of the Control Valve (7).2.Secure the fitting-plate (9) to the GV gate valve (1); if necessary, refer to the instruction manual supplied withthe gate valve.WARNING Do not dismantle the electrical actuator mechanism on the 5-port valve. The valve contains nouser serviceable parts and hazardous voltages may exist within the unit.1.Electrical connector 4.Manual override 2.Bolt 5.Pneumatic supply port 3.Vacuum valve connector 6.Nylon washerINSTALLATIONAlternatively, use suitable screws through the fixing-holes on the base of the Control Valve to secure the ControlValve to your system.Make the pneumatic connections as follows:1.If necessary, screw the pneumatic fittings supplied into the ports on the vacuum valve.2.Cut two suitable lengths of the 4 mm diameter tube supplied to make two outlet pneumatic pipes, and fit themto the pneumatic fittings on the vacuum valve and to the outlet ports on the Control Valve. Refer to Section1.2and to Figure1 to select the best pneumatic circuit for your application.3.If you fit the Control Valve to a QSB250 valve, you must blank off one of the Control Valve ports (refer toFigure1 detail B for the pneumatic circuit diagram); a blanking-plug is supplied with the 5-port Control Valve kitto place in one of the adaptors fitted to the ports.e a suitable length of 6 mm diameter tube (not supplied) to make an inlet pneumatic pipe, and fit the pipe toyour compressed air supply and to the inlet port on the Control Valve.Figure 5 - Components of the 5-port Control Valve1.Electrical connector 5.Inlet pneumatic pipe2.Control Valve 6.Exhaust flow-controller B3. flow-controller A7.Outlet pneumatic pipes4.Inlet portINSTALLATIONFigure 6 - 5-port Control Valve fitted to GV gate valve 3.4Electrical connections1.Check that the electrical supply corresponds with the voltage stated on the Control Valve.2.Refer to Figures 7 and 8. Undo the screw (4) and remove the electrical supply socket (3) from the Control Valve.Remove the sealing-gland (1) and prise out the connector block (2).3.Loosen the strain-relief nut and pass the electrical supply cable through the nut and into the socket.4.Connect the electrical supply cable to the connector block (2) as shown in Figures 7 and 8 detail A.5.Push the connector block back into the socket; ensure that it is orientated correctly so that the sockets matewith the corresponding pins on the Control Valve.6.Gently pull on the cable to ensure that the cable is trapped inside the connector . Tighten the strain-relief nut.7.Refit the sealing-gland over the socket and push the socket onto the three connector pins on the Control Valve.8.Refit the retaining screw and tighten until there is a slight compression of the sealing-gland.WARNINGEnsure that the electrical installation of the Control Valve conforms with your local and nationalsafety requirements. It must be connected to a suitably fused and protected electrical supply anda suitable earth point.1.Gate valve 6.Inlet pneumatic pipe 2.Gate valve pneumatic actuator 7.Control Valve 3.Pneumatic fittings 8.Exhaust flow-controller B 4.Pneumatic outlet pipes 9.Fitting-plate5.Exhaust flow-controller AINSTALLATION Figure 7 - Electrical supply socket - 3-Port Control ValveFigure 8 - Electrical supply socket - 5-Port valve kit ** For 230 V 5-Port valve kit refer to Figure 7.1.Sealing-gland 6.Electrical cable2.Connector block 7.Live3.Electrical supply socket 8.Neutral4.Screw 9.Earth (ground)5.Strain-relief nut1.Sealing-gland 6.Washer2.Connector block 7.Strain relief nut3.Electrical supply socket 8.Live4.Screw 9.Neutral5.Sealing-gland 10.Earth (ground)INSTALLATION3.5Adjust the 5-port Control Valve (if necessary)CAUTIONYou must correctly set the opening and closing times of the gate valve. If you do not, you can damage the gate valve.Note:The ISO200, ISO250 and ISO320 gate valves are spring assisted when they close. To adjust the Control Valve to operate one of these valves, set the opening time first and then check the closing time.If you have fitted a 5-port Control Valve to a GV Gate Valve, use the following procedure to adjust the opening and closing times of the gate valve. Refer to Figure6.1.Operate the Control Valve to actuate the gate valve; use a stopwatch to measure the opening and closing timesof the gate valve.2.Adjust exhaust flow-controllers (5,8) to set the opening time and closing times; the times must not be less thanthe values shown in T able4:z T urn a flow-controller clockwise to increase the opening/closing time;z T urn a flow-controller anticlockwise to decrease the opening/closing time.Table 4 - Opening and closing times of the gate valveGate valve size Opening time(s)Closing time(s)NW400.50.5NW500.50.5ISO63 1.0 1.5ISO100 1.5 1.5ISO160 1.5 1.5ISO200 3.0 3.0ISO250 4.0 4.0ISO320 4.0 4.0MAINTENANCE 4MAINTENANCEThe Control Valves contain no parts which you can service.To maintain the Control Valves in normal use, do the following checks when you maintain the components of yourvacuum system:z Check that the pneumatic connections are securez Check that the pneumatic pipelines are not damagedz Check that the electrical connections are securez Check that the electrical cables are not damaged.This page has been intentionally left blank.© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Page 17 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.STORAGE AND DISPOSAL H062-00-880 Issue G5STORAGE AND DISPOSAL5.1StoragePlace protective covers over the ports of the Control Valve and store in cool, dry conditions.When required for use, install the Control Valve as described in Section3.5.2DisposalDispose of the Control Valve and any components removed from it safely in accordance with all local and national safety and environmental requirements.H062-00-880 Issue GThis page has been intentionally left blank.Page 18© Edwards Limited 2009. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.。



A10 A8 A9 A12 A13 A14 A0 A15 A3 A4
HM62W16255H Series
Operation Table
CS H L L L L L L L L L Note: OE × H L L L L × × × × WE × H H H H H L L L L ×: H or L LB × × L L H H L L H H UB × × L H L H L H L H Mode Standby Output disable Read VCC current I SB , I SB1 I CC I CC I/O1–I/O8 High-Z High-Z Output Output High-Z High-Z Input Input High-Z High-Z I/O9–I/O16 High-Z High-Z Output High-Z Output High-Z Input High-Z Input High-Z Ref. cycle — — Read cycle Read cycle Read cycle — Write cycle Write cycle Write cycle —
Typ 3.3 0 — —
Max 3.6 0 VCC + 0.5* 0.8
Unit V V for pulse width (under shoot) ≤ 8 ns VIH (max) = VCC + 2.0 V for pulse width (over shoot) ≤ 8 ns The supply voltage with all V CC pins must be on the same level. The supply voltage with all VSS pins must be on the same level.
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4. MSL=Moisture Sensitivity Level a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 e=5
.690 17,53
.480 .630 12,20 16,00
.550 13,97
24X .030 0,76
Tape & Reel . . . . . . .250/reel
Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . .15/tube
H5062//NL TCT1 1 TD1 + 2 TD1 - 3 TCT2 4 TD2 + 5 TD2 - 6
TCT3 7 TD3 + 8 TD3 - 9 TCT4 10 TD4 + 11 TD4 - 12
Insertion Loss
(dB MAX)
Ports 0.1 MHz 100 MHz 125 MHz
Return Loss (2out = 100 Ω ±15%)
Crosstalk (adjacent channels, dB MIN)
30 MHz 60 MHz 80 MHz 100 MHz 30 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHZ
TEL: 65 6287 8998 FAX: 65 6280 0080
Pulse North Asia No. 26 Kao Ching Rd. Yang Mei Chen Taoyuan Hsien Taiwan, R. O. C. TEL: 886 3 4641811 FAX: 886 3 4641911
20 MX2+ 21 MCT2 19 MX21:1
17 MX3+ 18 MCT3 16 MX31:1
14 MX4+ 15 MCT4 13 MX41:1
USA 858 674 8100 • Germany 49 7032 7806 0 • Singapore 65 6287 8998 • Shanghai 86 21 32181071 • China 86 769 85538070 • Taiwan 886 3 4641811
1:1 1:1
C H Td I P Td
S Td
M Mx E
D Mx I
A Mx
S Mx I
24 MCT1
23 MX1 + 22 MX1 -
21 MCT2 20 MX2 + 19 MX2 -
18 MCT3 17 MX3 + 16 MX3 -
Pulse European Headquarters Einsteinstrasse 1 71083 Herrenberg Germany
TEL: 49 7032 7806 0 FAX: 49 7032 7806 12
Pulse China Headquarters No. 1 Industrial District Changan, Dongguan China TEL: 86 769 85538070 FAX: 86 769 85538870
Pulse North China Room 1503 XinYin Building No. 888 YiShan Rd. Shanghai 200233 China TEL: 86 21 54643211/2 FAX: 86 21 54643210
Pulse South Asia 150 Kampong Ampat #07-01/02 KA Centre Singapore 368324
Hipot (Vrms MIN)
H5062 H5062NL4a No 1:1 1:1 1
-33 1500
H6062 H6062NL4a Yes 1:1 1:1 1
-33 1500
H6080 H6080NL4 a Yes 1:1 1:1 2

H601.C (9/06)
Star MagneticsTM
Gigabit Transformer Modules with PoE* Option
Port 1 TD1+ 2 TCT1 1 TD1- 3 TD2+ 5 TCT2 4 TD2- 6 TD3+ 8 TCT3 7 TD3- 9 TD4+ 11 TCT4 10 TD4- 12
36 CMT5 35 MX5+ 34 MX533 CMT6 32 MX6+ 31 MX630 CMT7 29 MX7+ 28 MX727 CMT8 26 MX8+ 25 MX8-
For More Information:
Pulse Worldwide Headquarters 12220 World Trade Dr. San Diego, CA 92128 U.S.A. TEL: 858 674 8100 FAX: 858 674 8262
Dimensions: mm Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ± 0,25
Weight . . . . . . . . .2.63 grams Tape & Reel . . . . . . .300/reel Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
© Copyright, 2006. Pulse Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.
Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C
RoHS-52 RoHS-63
Compliant Part
Compliant Part
Number1 Number
Turns Ratio
11X .050 1,27
.690 17,53
.500 .650 12,70 16,51
.480 .630 12,20 16,00
13,97 24X .030
11X .050 1,27
.500 .650 12,70 16,51
3. RoHS-6: Product does not contain 5 out of the 6 banned substances specified in the RoHS directive. Some internal connections may contain lead in high-temperature solder (solder alloys containing more than 85% lead).
H601.C (9/06)
Star MagneticsTM
Gigabit Transformer Modules with PoE* Option
Mechanicals (continued)
1.095 27,81
.480 .600 12,1915,24
.010 0,25
.004/0,10 48 Surfaces
Dimensions: mm Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ± 0,25
48X 0°- 8°
.036 0,91
Weight . . . . . . . . . .4.0 grams
Performance warranty of products offered on this data sheet is limited to the parameters specified. Data is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product
11X .050 1,27
.550 13,97
24X .020 0,51
.225 5,51
11X .050 1,27
.550 13,97
24X .020 0,51
.225 5,51
.004 24 SURFACES
.010 0,25
Star MagneticsTM
Gigabit Transformer Modules with PoE* Option
*Power over Ethernet
RoHS-5 peak reflow temperature rating 235°C RoHS-6 peak reflow temperature rating 245°C Meets IEEE 802.3 specification Compact footprint