














MoO3微纳米片的简单制备及其光致发光性能∗钟明龙【摘要】Single-crystalline lamellarα-MoO3 micro-sheets were synthesized on ITO glass substrates by a simple thermal evaporation method.The micro-sheets with a length and a width of 100 and 1-5μm,were composed of nanosized layers with thickness about 100 nm.The common vapor-solid (VS)mechanism is adopted for the growth of lamellarα-MoO3 micro-sheets,which grow along [001]direction.The room temperature photolumi-nescence (PL)properties of theα-MoO3 micro-sheets were investigated.The emission intensity increased with deposition temperature increases due to the increasing defect density for the micro/nanostructures.%采用简单热氧化蒸发沉积法在 ITO 玻璃基片上制备了大面积Mo O 3微纳米片。

制备出的微纳米片具有良好晶体结构,其长度、宽度和片层厚度分别可达100,1~5μm 和约100 nm;微纳米片沿[001]方向生长,这是因为晶体各方向键合能的不同而具有不同的生长速度,其形成过程遵循气-固生长机制。

光致发光谱显示室温下 Mo O 3微纳米片同时具有紫光发射峰、蓝光发射峰和绿光发光带,发射光强度随氧化沉积温度升高而增大,这是由于温度升高,微纳米片缺陷增加导致的。








三氧化钼( MoO3) 不仅是制备钼和钼合金材料的主要原料,而且本身也具有电致变色、光致变色、光催化降解及气敏等特性,因此在合成敏感元件、催化剂、快离子导体及潜在的电池电极等许多功能材料方面具有特殊用途。



目前已有多种制备Mo O3薄膜的方法,如蒸镀法、电化学沉积法、溅射法、溶胶-凝胶法等。


关键词:纳米,三氧化钼,液相法,纳米薄膜,钼合金材料THE LIQUID PHASE PREPARATION OF NANO MoO3ABSTR ACT"N ano" is a un it o f len gth,1nano meter is o ne hu nd red b illio nt h o f a meter (1nm =10-9 m),and it is eq u ivale nt to o ne o ver o nehu nd red tho usand the d ia meter o f a hair.Nano materia l refers to the grain size fo r the nano meter leve l (10-9m) o f sup er fine mater ia l. Because o f N ano materia ls have d ifferent size effect, sur face effect, vo lu me inter face effect and macro sco p ical q uant u m t un nel e ffect etc, when co mp ared wit h b u lk materia ls,mak in g N ano materia ls have a wid e range o f app licat io ns in electro n ic in fo rmat io n ind ustry, chemica l ind ustry,b io lo g ical en g ineerin g,med icine,aviat io n,fro nt ier defe nse etc. N ano materia l is no t o nly a k ind o f new mater ia l b ut also an imp o rtant raw materia l o f the new materia l.Mo lyb d enu m and mo lyb den u m allo y materia l no t o n ly has go o d resista nce to hig h temp erature and go o d hard ness strengt h,b ut also has goo d electr ic co nd uct iv ity,ther mal co nd uct iv ity,co rro sio n resista nce and o ther p rop erties,they are wid e ly used in chemica lind ustry,meta llurg y mecha n ical ,aero sp ace and o ther ind ustries. Three mo lyb den u m o x id e (MoO3) is no t o n ly the ma in raw mater ial tomak e mo lyb d enu m and mo lyb d enu m allo y mater ial,meanw h ile it a lso has the effect o f electro chro mic,p ho to chro mic,p ho to catalyt ic degrad atio n and characterist ics o f air sensit ive,what’s mo re,it has sp ecial use in man y funct io na l materia ls w ith d ifferentp urpo ses ,such as the synt hesis o f sens it ive co mp o nents,c atalyst,fast io n,and battery electrod es etc.The man ufacture o f t hree mo lyb den u m o x id e film w it h o utstand ing p erfo r mance has b eco me t he fo cus o f recent research.In recent years, w ith the deve lo p ment o f scient ific techno lo g y, d ifferent metho d s o f mak in g three mo lyb d enu m o x id e film app ear.Recent ly, there exists a variet y o f p rep aratio n MoO3film metho d s, such as steamed p latin g metho d, electro chemica l depo sit io n metho d, sp utter in g,so l-gel,etc. Th is artic le exp lains the p rep aratio n o f MoO3 ma in ly fro m the p ro cess o f p recip itat io n,h yd ro therma l sy nthes is, chemica l meteo ro lo g ical d epo sit io n met ho d.K EY WO RDS:nano,MoO3,liq u id p hase,mo lyb d enu m a llo y目录第一章前言 (5)§1.1纳米材料 (5)§1.1.1 纳米材料概念 (5)§1.1.2 纳米材料的结构与性能 (5)§1.2 M O O3的结构和性质 (6)§1.3 M oO3发展现状 (7)§1.3.1 纳米线/纳米棒(na no w ir e/n an or o d) (7)§1.3.2 纳米带(na no be l t/na n or ib b on) (8)§1.3.3 纳米管(na no tu b e) (8)纳米材第二章液相法制备M nO3料 (10)§ 2.1沉淀法 (11)§2.2水热法 (15)§2.2.1 无模板水热结晶法 (16)§2.2模版水热法 (19)§2.2.1 软模板水热法 (19)§2.2.2 软模板与无模板水热的比较: (22)§2.2.3硬模板水热法: (23)§2.3溶胶一凝胶流程 (24)§2.3.2 钼酸溶胶 (27)§2.4化学气相沉积法(C V D法) (28)的结构与性能 (31)第三章Mo O3§3.1 M oO3的相结构 (31)§3.2 M oO3的形貌: (32)§3.3 M o03的性能 (33)§3.3.1.电致变色及其应用 (33)§3.3.2抑烟一阻燃性及其应用 (34)§3.3.3 催化性能及其应用 (35)§3.3.4 气敏性能 (36)第四章结论和展望 (38)第一章前言1.1 纳米材料1.1.1纳米材料概念在20世纪60年代,著名的诺贝尔奖获得者F eyne man【1】曾预言:如果我们对物体微小规模上的排列作某种控制,我们就能使物体得到大量异常的特性,看到材料的性能产生丰富的变化。


纳米 MoO3 材料的制备方法很多 ,其中重要的 包括沉淀法 、水热法 、化学气相沉积法 、凝胶注模成 型法 、溶胶 - 凝胶法以及溶胶 - 水热法等 。本文简 要评估各种方法的优点和缺点 ,并提出了溶胶 - 水 热法的发展方向 。
1 MoO3 的相结构和形貌
1. 1 M oO 3 的相结构 已经知道 ,MoO3 的相结构通常分为 3 种形式 ,
中 国 钼 业 2010年 2月
中包括线形 、纤维形 、棒形 、晶须形 、薄片形 、薄膜形 、 单壁纳米管 、多壁纳米管 、纳米带 、球形等非碳纳米 材料 。它们的制备方法和工艺参数可以千差万别 , 观察形 貌 的 方 法 有 各 种 电 子 显 微 镜 分 析 ( TEM、 SEM、HRTEM、HRSEM 等 ) 。本文仅举以下 2例 ,足 见其形貌的琳琅满目 。图 3是模板 ( CTAB )水热法 制备的纳米带 ,α - MoO3 TEM 照片 [ 31 ] 。图 4是无模 板水热法制备的 h - MoO3 六棱柱形 SEM 照片 [ 34 ] 。
MoO3 纳米材料具有很多特殊的性能 ,具有广泛 的应用潜力 ,其中包括 ,电子显示 、固体微生物 、气体
收稿日期 : 2009 - 10 - 25 作者简介 :徐志昌 (1935 - ) ,男 ,清华大学教授 ,《中国钼业 》编委 。
传感器 、记录材料 、石油催化剂等 。它也是制备其他 含钼纳米材料理想的前驱体 , 如 , 层状纳米 MoS2 、 MoSe2 、纤维状 Mo 粉以及各种主 - 客化合物 。此 外 ,良好的光致变色和电致变色性能在智能材料中 具有广泛的应用潜力 。纳米级 MoO3 具有优异的可 逆光色性和较高的光学对比度 ,其性能在信息存储 、 图像显示及调节光线等方面具有潜在的应用价值 , 可作为电致变色 、光致变色 、智能伪装等器件的核心 材料 ,在显示设备和军事装备等领域具有广阔的应 用价值 。



赵娜,沈金朋,李瑞,杨光成,黄辉文章编号:1006-9941﹙2013﹚06-0734-04火焰法制备Al /MoO 3纳米片阵列的影响因素赵娜1,沈金朋2,李瑞2,杨光成2,黄辉2(1.西南科技大学,四川绵阳621000;2.中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川绵阳621900)摘要:亚稳态分子间复合物﹙MIC ﹚阵列由于具有高能量密度、小尺寸条件下能自持反应的优点,在集成化火工品方面具有潜在的应用价值。

采用火焰法在硅基底上原位制备了高度有序的MoO 3纳米片阵列,探讨了基底材料、纳米阵列生长时间、火焰源因素对生成MoO 3形貌的影响,得到了MoO 3纳米片阵列的优化制备工艺条件:以硅片为基底,生长时间为5min 和甲烷为火焰源。

制备的纳米片厚度为100~200nm ,宽度约5μm ,长度达到十几个微米。

分别采用磁控溅射和热蒸发在MoO 3纳米片阵列表面镀铝得到Al /MoO 3MIC 阵列,在铝膜厚度相同的情况下,采用热蒸发镀铝方式优于磁控溅射。

热蒸发铝膜厚度为900nm 时,所获得的Al /MoO 3MIC 阵列具有较高的放热量,达到3276J ·g −1。

关键词:应用化学;含能材料;Al /MoO 3;亚稳态分子间复合物﹙MIC ﹚;火焰法中图分类号:TJ 55;O69文献标识码:ADO I :10.3969/j.issn.1006-9941.2013.06.009收稿日期:2013-04-08;修回日期:2013-05-24基金项目:国家自然科学基金﹙11002128,11272292,11172276﹚作者简介:赵娜﹙1985−﹚,女,硕士研究生,主要从事纳米含能材料研究。

e-mail :zhaona0909@通讯联系人:黄辉﹙1961−﹚,研究员,主要从事含能材料研究。

e-mail :huanghui@1引言亚稳态分子间复合物﹙Metastable Intermolecular Composites ,MIC ﹚是近年来出现的一种具有广阔应用前景的新型含能材料,该复合含能材料不仅具有高的能量密度,而且由于反应物尺寸达到纳米级,使得氧化剂﹙如金属氧化物﹚和还原剂﹙主要是纳米铝粉﹚间的传质距离变短,传质输运界面面积增大,从而达到较快的能量释放率[1],在新型火工品起爆药剂方面有突出的应用前景。



Vol.42 2021年5月No.51589~1597 CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES高等学校化学学报原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO3纳米颗粒王常耀,王帅,段林林,朱晓航,张兴淼,李伟(复旦大学化学系,上海200433)摘要采用原位限域生长策略制备了一系列有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO3纳米颗粒复合物(OMC-US-MoO3).其中,有序介孔碳被用作基质来原位限域MoO3纳米晶的生长.依此方法制备的MoO3纳米晶具有超小的晶粒尺寸(<5nm),并在介孔碳骨架内具有良好的分散度.制得的OMC-US-MoO3复合物具有可调的比表面积(428~796m2/g)、孔容(0.27~0.62cm3/g)、MoO3质量分数(4%~27%)和孔径(4.6~5.7nm).当MoO3纳米晶的质量分数为7%时,所得样品OMC-US-MoO3-7具有最大的孔径、最小的孔壁厚度和最规整的介观结构.该样品作为催化剂时,表现出优异的环辛烯选择性氧化性能.关键词有序介孔碳;氧化钼纳米晶;纳米材料;限域生长中图分类号O611.4文献标志码AIn situ Confinement Growth Strategy for Ordered Mesoporous CarbonSupport Ultrasmall MoO3NanoparticlesWANG Changyao,WANG Shuai,DUAN Linlin,ZHU Xiaohang,ZHANG Xingmiao,LI Wei*(Department of Chemistry,Fudan University,Shanghai200433,China)Abstract Ultrasmall particle sizes and excellent dispersity of the MoO3active species on support majorly dominate their catalytic performances.Herein,a series of ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall mo⁃lybdena nanoparticles(OMC-US-MoO3)composites was synthesized through an in situ confinement growth strategy.Ordered mesoporous carbon was used as the matrix to in situ confine the growth of MoO3nanocrystals. The obtained MoO3nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle sizes(<5nm)and excellent dispersity on the meso-porous carbon frameworks.The obtained OMC-US-MoO3exhibits tunable specific surface areas(428―796 m2/g),pore volumes(0.27―0.62cm3/g),MoO3contents(4%―27%,mass fraction)and uniform pore sizes (4.6―5.7nm).As a typical example,the obtained sample with7%MoO3(denoted as OMC-US-MoO3-7)shows the largest pore size,smallest thickness of pore wall and most regular mesostructures.When being used as a catalyst,the OMC-US-MoO3-7exhibits an excellent catalytic activity for selective oxidation of cyclooctene with a high stability.Keywords Ordered mesoporous carbon;MoO3nanocrystal;Nanomaterials;Confinement growthdoi:10.7503/cjcu20200303收稿日期:2020-05-28.网络出版日期:2020-09-24.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:21975050)、国家重点研发计划纳米科技重点专项(批准号:2016YFA0204000, 2018YFE0201701)和中国博士后科学基金(批准号:2019M651342)资助.联系人简介:李伟,男,博士,教授,主要从事介孔材料的合成及应用研究.E-mail:*******************.cn1590Vol.42高等学校化学学报Epoxides,an important industrial chemicals,has been widely used in the fields of food additives,phar⁃maceutical intermediates,etc.[1,2].Catalytic epoxidation of olefin is one of the essential route to produce epo-xides,which oxygenation of carbon-carbon double bond to form cyclic epoxide groups.The kind of catalyst plays a key role on the epoxidation reaction.Among all catalysts,precious metal of gold based one illustrates high activity for olefin epoxidations[3,4].However,gold is limited resource and very expensive,even though it shows high conversion efficiency.Molybdenum oxide(MoO3),as one of the low cost,non-toxic and environ⁃mentally benign transition metal oxides,is widely used as heterogeneous catalysis for Friedel-Crafts alkyla⁃tion[5],hydrogenation reaction[6,7],epoxidation reaction[8,9],hydrogen evolution reaction[10],electrochemical energy storage for lithium-ion batteries[11,12],and gas sensors[13,14],etc..Gratifyingly,MoO3has been reported by several groups which have high activity for epoxidation of olefins in recent years[15,16].It is obvious that the size and morphology of MoO3active species are critical factors that affect their prop⁃erties for application[17~20].However,the synthesis and reaction process often easily causes serious sintering,migration and agglomeration of the MoO3nanoparticles,leading to the degradation of catalytic activity.Sup⁃ports are necessary for the immobilization of active species.Carbon has been widely used as an outstanding matrix to control the size and dispersity of supported metal oxides attributing to its advantages of intrinsical chemical inertness,high thermal stability,non-toxic and wide-sources[21~23].Molybdena supported carbon have been reported and show excellent performance as the catalyst for cyclooctene epoxidation[24,25].Recently,Chen group[26]fabricatedγ-Fe2O3@C@MoO3core-shell structured nanoparticles as a magnetically recyclable catalyst for the epoxidation reaction of olefins.The coated carbon layer play an efficient role for the stabiliza⁃tion of magnetic core.Biradar group[8]also reported a carbon microspheres-supported molybdena nanoparticles catalyst which also show outstanding effect for the epoxidation of olefins.However,above-mentioned catalysts are less porosity.Porous supports,especially,mesoporous carbon have been reported on many catalytic areas because of its large surface area,pore volume and pore size,which can not only improve the load capacity but also enlarge the reaction progress,where the diffusion process may be the rate-limiting step[26~28].Up to now,it is still urgent to fabricate mesoporous carbon supported MoO3catalyst with ultrasmall particle size and excel⁃lent dispersity.Herein,we construct an ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall MoO3nanoparticles(OMC-US-MoO3)composites via an in situ confinement growth strategy.In this strategy,the ordered mesoporous carbon works as a matrix to in situ confine the growth of MoO3nanocrystals.The obtained MoO3nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle size(<5nm)and excellent dispersity on the mesoporous carbon frameworks.The content (mass fraction)of MoO3can be tuned from4%to27%.The obtained OMC-US-MoO3shows tunable specific surface areas(428―796m2/g),pore volumes(0.27―0.62cm3/g)and uniform pore size(4.6―5.7nm).As a typical example,the obtained sample with7%MoO3(denoted as OMC-US-MoO3-7)shows largest pore size,smallest thickness of pore wall and most regular mesostructures.When being used as a catalyst,the OMC-US-MoO3-7exhibits an excellent catalytic activity for selective oxidation of cyclooctene with a high stability.1Experimental1.1Chemicals and MaterialsPluronic F127(EO106PO70EO106,M w=12600)was purchased from Aldrich.All others chemicals were obtained from Aladdin company and used directly.Deionized water was used in all experiments.1.2Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Support Ultrasmall Molybdena NanoparticlesIn detail synthesis procedure,1.0g of Pluronic F127powders was added into10.0g of ethanol solution and stirred to a homogeneous clear solution at40℃.Afterwards,5.0g of20%(mass fraction)preformedNo.5王常耀等:原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO 3纳米颗粒phenolic resins ethanol solution and 1.0mL of peroxomolybdenum precursor solution were added into the ho⁃mogeneous system (5—200mg/mL ).The preformed phenolic resins was synthesized based on the reported method [27,28].Peroxomolybdenum precursor solution [29]was prepared by dissolving different contents of molyb⁃denum trioxide into 10.0mL of 30%hydrogen peroxide.The mixture solution was poured into dishes after 2h and then the dishes were heat treated at 40and 100℃for 8and 20h ,respectively ,forming the as -made com⁃posites consisting of Pluronic F127,phenolic resins ,and Mo species (denoted as as -made sample ).Then ,the calcination of as -made sample was implemented in a tubular furnace under N 2atmosphere.The temperature program was set from 25℃to 350℃with a ramp of 1℃/min ,maintenance for 3h ,and then to 600℃with 1℃/min ,maintenance for 2h.The obtained sample after pyrolysis was named as ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall molybdena nanoparticles (OMC -US -MoO 3-x ),wherein x represent the actual mass fraction of MoO 3.1.3Activity Test The selective oxidation reaction of cyclooctene was carried out in the round -bottom flask (50mL ).In which ,40.0mmol of cyclooctene ,40.0mmol of 5.5mol/L TBHP in decane ,10mg of OMC -US -MoO 3-7cata⁃lyst (0.0048mmol/L of MoO 3),6.0g of 1,2-dichloroethane as solvent ,and 15.0mmol of chlorobenzene as internal standard.The reaction temperature is 80℃.At different time intervals ,conversion was calculated by sampling.The samples were analyzed on an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph equipped with a HP -5column and products were confirmed by GC -MS.TOF values (mol of reacted cyclooctene per mol of catalyst and hour )was calculated at about half conversion of the reaction.The catalyst was reused after washing by water and drying.The test condition was kept same to the first time on the cyclic test.2Results and Discussion2.1Synthesis and CharacterizaitonThe developed in situ confinement growth strategy is employed to the preparation of ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall molybdena nanoparticles (OMC -US -MoO 3)composites (Fig.1).In the synthesis sys⁃tem ,Pluronic F127is used as the structure -directing agent (soft -template ),preformed phenolic resins is used as carbon resource ,peroxomolybdenum solution is used as precursor ,and ethanol/H 2O is used as co -solvent ,respectively.The as -made sample and product OMC -US -MoO 3composites can be obtained after heat -treatment at 100and 600℃,respectively.The mass content of MoO 3in the OMC -US -MoO 3composites can be well tuned through adjusting the amount of peroxomolybdenum precursor in the synthesis system.TGA curves (Fig.2)show that the mass fractions of MoO 3species in the OMC -US -MoO 3composites areFig.1Illustration of the construction of OMC ⁃US ⁃MoO 3composites via the in situ confinementgrowth strategy Fig.2TGA curves of the OMC ⁃US ⁃MoO 3composites with different MoO 3contents obtained afterpyrolysis at 600℃,respectivelyMass fraction of MoO 3(%):a .4;b .7;c .10;d .16;e .27.1591Vol.42高等学校化学学报4%,7%,10%,16%and 27%(Table 1),respectively ,when adjusting the amount of molybdenum precursors in the synthesis system.The mass loss below 100℃is caused by the volatilization of adsorbed water in the composites.A slight mass increasement can be detected between 100and 300℃,demonstrating the existence of trace amount of MoO 2and abundant MoO 3in the composites.The mass increasement can be attributed to the oxidation of the trace amount MoO 2.Subsequently ,the huge mass loss above 300℃can be observed attribu -ting to the remove of carbon species in the composites.The mass loss between 100and 600℃is approximate to the mass fraction of MoO 3species in the composites.The SAXS patterns [Fig.3(A )]of OMC -US -MoO 3-4and OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites show two scatteringdiffraction peaks at 0.391and 0.782nm −1,and 0.412and 0.824nm ‒1,respectively ,indexing to the (100)and (200)reflections of a hexagonal mesosturtures with space group P 6mm .With the increasement of MoO 3content ,the q values of the (100)diffraction peaks shift to 0.532,0.617,and 0.678nm −1,for samples OMC -US -MoO 3-10,OMC -US -MoO 3-16,and OMC -US -MoO 3-27,respectively.The corresponding cell parame⁃ters of five composites are calculated to be about 18.5,17.6,13.6,11.7,and 10.7nm with the increased MoO 3content ,respectively.WAXRD patterns [Fig.3(B )]of five composites all show no diffraction peaks of MoO 3phase ,suggesting the ultrasmall particle size of MoO 3nanocrystals in the frameworks.This result demonstrates that the ordered mesoporous carbon frameworks can confine the size of MoO 3nanocrystals to an ultrasmall size even at a high MoO 3content effectively.Nitrogen adsorption -desorption isotherms of five OMC -US -MoO 3composites obtained after calcined at 600℃in N 2all display representative type -Ⅳcurves with H2hysteresis loops [Fig.4(A )],in agreement with the previously reported ordered mesoporous materials [30~32].Sharp capillary condensation steps in the relative pressure (p /p 0)of 0.41―0.70are observed for five composites ,demonstrating the narrow pore size distribu⁃tion.The Brunauer -Emmett -Teller (BET )surface area and pore volume of five composites are calculated and listed on Table 1.The surface area and pore volume decrease with the increased MoO 3content ,which can be attributed to the partial destroy and disappear of pore structures.The average pore sizes of five composites are also calculated and listed on Table 1from their pore size distribution curve [Fig.4(B )]derived from the adsorption branch based on BJH model.The average pore sizes are 4.7,5.7,5.5,5.4,and 4.6nm ,Table 1Structural and textural parameters for OMC -US -MoO 3with different content Sample No.12345MoO 3content (%,mass fraction )47101627S BET /(m 2·g -1)796693652574428V /(cm 3·g -1)0.620.540.490.410.27D /nm 4.6Fig.3SAXS(A)and WA ⁃XRD(B)patterns of the OMC ⁃US ⁃MoO 3composites with differentMoO 3contents obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Mass fraction of MoO 3(%):a .4;b .7;c.10;d .16;e .27.1592No.5王常耀等:原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO 3纳米颗粒respectively.According to the cell parameters results ,the pore walls of five composites are calculated to be 14.1,11.9,8.1,6.3,and 6.1nm ,respectively.SEM images (Fig.5)show that OMC -US -MoO 3-4and OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites own the most regular mesostructures.Notably ,the regular [100]and [110]directions can be clear observed from the SEM images of OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites [Fig.5(B )and (F )].In addition ,the mesopores are opened and no obvious big metal nanoparticles can be observed from the surface.With further increasement of MoO 3content ,the reg⁃ular mesostructures is partial destroyed.TEM images of OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites [Fig.6(A )—(C )]taken along the [100]and [110]directions manifest a well -defined 2D hexagonal mesostructures in agreement with the result of the SAXS pattern [Fig.2(A )].The lattice spacing is measured to be 0.35nm from the HRTEM image [Fig.6(D )],attributing to the (040)crystalline planes of α-MoO 3[33].The average size of MoO 3nano⁃crystals is estimated to be (4.1±1.0)nm from the size statistics diagram.The survey spectrum of the OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites shows the presence of only Mo ,O and C elements [Fig.7(A )].The high -resolution Mo 3d core level XPS spectra [Fig.7(B )]show four peaks at 230.5,232.7,233.6,and 235.9eV ,demon⁃strating the co -existence of Mo 4+and Mo 6+species [34~36].The ratio of Mo 4+/Mo 6+is calculated to be about 13%.Only a few Mo 4+signals can be detected from the spectrum ,in agreement with the TGAresults.Fig.4N 2adsorption⁃desorption isotherms(A)and pore size distributions(B)of the OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3composites with different MoO 3contents obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Mass fraction of MoO 3(%):a .4;b .7;c.10;d .16;e .27.Fig.5SEM images of OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3composites with different MoO 3contents obtained afterpyrolysis at 600℃Mass fraction of MoO 3(%):(A)4;(B)7;(C)10;(D)16;(E)27.1593Vol.42高等学校化学学报2.2Formation Mechanism Studies Based on the above results ,we propose that the in situ confinement growth strategy show significant impact on the formation of final OMC -US -MoO 3composites.The obtained MoO 3nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle size (<5nm )and excellent dispersity on the mesoporous carbon frameworks.This structure can be retained even the mass fraction of MoO 3is increased to 27%.However ,the regular mesostructures can be partial destroyed with the increased MoO 3mass content.According to the results that no large MoO 3nanocrys⁃tals can be detected from samples obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃,the unregular mesostructures can be attributed to the uncontrollable origin co -assembly process.2.3Selective Oxidation of Cyclooctene The selective oxidation reaction of cyclooctene with high catalytic performance and stability is still highly desired.However ,the stability of active nanoparticles in catalytic reaction is a major challenge ,especially for active nanoparticles with ultra -small size.For our case ,the OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites show most regular mesostructures ,largest pore sizes ,appropriate hole wall size ,MoO 3content and dispersity.So ,the obtained OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites catalyst is selected as the catalyst for cyclooctene epoxidation.The reactions were carried out using 1,2-dichloroethane as solvent in flask with chlorobenzene as internal standard at 80℃.The OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites catalyst shows a high TOF value of 2163h ‒1which is calculated on the basis of the experimental data at 2h.Meanwhile ,a high conversion (100%)of cyclooctene ,and selectivity (>99%)to 1,2-epoxycyclooctane at 8h can also be parison with the reported heterogeneous Mo -based catalyst using similar conditions was shown in Table 2.The present OMC -US -MoO 3-7catalystshowsFig.7Survey XPS spectrum(A)and high⁃resolution XPS spectra of Mo 3d (B)for OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3⁃7composites obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Fig.6TEM images of OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3⁃7composites obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Viewed along the hexagonal (A )and columnar (B ,C )directions and HRTEM image (D )of a representative MoO 3nanoparticle.1594No.5王常耀等:原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO 3纳米颗粒a higher TOF value than MoO 3/C [8],MoO 3/SiO 2[37],Mo -MOFs [9],Mo -MCM -41[38],Mo -SBA -15[38],[Pipera⁃zinCH 2{MoO 2(Salen )}]n [39],and MNP 30-Si -inic -Mo [40]as previous reported.It should be noted that cyclooc⁃tene still gave about 18%conversion [Fig.8(A )]in the absence of catalyst owing to the presence of strong TBHP oxidants ,which is consistent with previous reports [41,42].Further ,two other substrates ,cyclohexene and styrene were also tested under the same conditions to test the versatility of OMC -US -MoO 3-7as an epoxida⁃tion catalyst.Surprisingly ,the conversion of cyclohexene to 1,2-epoxyclohexane can reach 54%in 8h.Inaddition ,the conversion of styrene to styrene oxide can reach 95%in 36h ,respectively (Fig.S1,see the Sup⁃porting Information of this paper ).Beside the efficient conversion of catalyst and high TOF values ,the stability of catalyst is also very impor⁃tant ,especially for heterogeneous catalysis.Here ,the hot filtration test was used to assess the presence of active Mo species in solution.When the reaction lasted for 2h ,we removed the catalyst by hot filtration and let the mother liquid for reacting another 6h.The results showed that there was only a slight increase in con⁃version [Fig.8(A )],which is proof of a heterogeneous catalysis.For the recycling study ,cyclooctene epoxida⁃tion was performed maintaining the same reaction conditions except using the recovered catalyst.It can be clearly found that obvious changes are undetected for catalytic performance after five runs [Fig.8(B )].It indi⁃cates that ultrasmall MoO 3nanoparticles supported on ordered mesoporous carbon is highly stable and can be reused ,demonstrates its potential for industrial applications.The high conversion ,selectively ,and the TOF value for the cyclooctene epoxidation reaction can be attributed to the unique structure of the OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites.The high surface area ,volume ,andTable 2Calculating TOF value for epoxidation of cyclooctene and comparing with other catalysts *Catalyst OMC -US -MoO 3-7MoO 3/C MoO 3/SiO 2Mo -MOFs Mo -MCM -41Mo -SBA -15[PiperazinCH 2{MoO 2(Salen )}]n MNP 30-Si -inic -MoTime/h 2267331224Conv.(%)5280909397999546Epoxide sel.(%)>9910010099959398100TOF/h -1216353[8]72[35]270[9]22[36]40[36]16[37]2[38]*.TOF values(mol of reacted cyclooctene per mol of catalyst and hour)were calculated at abouthalf conversion of the reaction.Fig.8Time course plots of cyclooctene epoxidation(A)and reusability(B)by using OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3⁃7com⁃posites as catalystReaction conditions :40.0mmol of cyclooctene ,40.0mmol of 5.5mol/L TBHP in decane ,10mg of OMC -US -MoO 3-7catalyst (0.0048mmol/L of MoO 3),6.0g of 1,2-dichloroethane as solvent ,and 15.0mmol of chlorobenzene as internalstandard.The reaction temperature is 80℃.15951596Vol.42高等学校化学学报uniform mesopores can not only enrichment the reaction substrate but also in favor to the diffusion of sub⁃strates.The ultrasmall MoO3nanocrystals size and its excellent dispersity in the frameworks can expose more active sites.All these features are beneficial to the rapid conversion of substrate molecular with high selective⁃ly and conversion.3ConclusionsIn summary,an in situ confinement growth strategy was developed to the construction of ordered mesopo⁃rous carbon support ultrasmall molybdena nanoparticles(OMC-US-MoO3)composites.Ordered mesoporous carbon was used as an effective matrix to in situ confine the growth of MoO3nanocrystals.The obtained MoO3 nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle size(<5nm)and excellent dispersity on the mesoporous carbon frame⁃works.In addition,a serious of OMC-US-MoO3composite can be obtained with controllable specific surface areas(428―796m2/g),pore volumes(0.27―0.62cm3/g),MoO3contents(4%―27%,mass fraction)and uniform pore size(4.6―5.7nm).The mesostructures can be retained even the MoO3content as high as27%. As a typical example,the obtained sample with7%MoO3(denoted as OMC-US-MoO3-7)shows largest pore size,smallest thickness of pore wall and most regular mesostructures.When being used as a catalyst,the OMC-US-MoO3-7exhibits an excellent catalytic activity(2163h−1for TOF)for selective oxidation of cyclooc⁃tene with a high stability.Supporting Information:/CN/10.7503/cjcu20200303.This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.21975050),the Natio⁃nal Key Research and Development Program of China(Nos.2016YFA0204000,2018YFE0201701)and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2019M651342).References[1]Xi Z.,Zhou N.,Sun Y.,Li K.,Science,2001,292(5519),1139—1141[2]Kamata K.,Yonehara K.,Sumida Y.,Yamaguchi K.,Hikichi S.,Mizuno N.,Science,2003,300(5621),964—966[3]Liu B.,Wang P.,Lopes A.,Jin L.,Zhong W.,Pei Y.,Suib S.L.,He J.,ACS Catal.,2017,7(5),3483—3488[4]Bujak P.,Bartczak P.,Polanski J.,J.Catal.,2012,295,15—21[5]Dou J.,Zeng 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国外研究表明将铝热剂的粒度从微米超细化到纳米级时,它的反应速度会大大的提高,能量释放迅速,最快的可以超过千倍,如纳米Al/MoO3铝热剂,燃速大约为400m/s,反应区温度为3253 K。



自上世纪90年代开始,就已经见有关纳米级的MIC/HMX 的公开报道,国外对于MIC/HMX的研究比国内要早。

而国内则是最主要集中在Al/CuO等极少数材料,纳米Al/MoO3含能材料在国内则没有见公开的报道,而添加纳米级炸药HMX 的MIC/HMX更是少之又少。

32261Kevin C W[1]等研究者通过采用固相反应的方法,再进一步加入分散剂来改善纳米粒子的团聚问题,制备出了纳米Al/MoO3铝热剂。



谯志强[2]等研究者基于猛炸药的起爆药替代物的主要原料为超细颗粒猛炸药、纳米铝粉和纳米金属氧化物,采用溶胶-凝胶的方法制备出了纳米级的Fe2O3,采用溶剂-非溶剂的方法制备出超细的RDX 颗粒,最后再采用超声波复合法进一步实现纳米铝热剂对RDX 颗粒表面的包覆。



为 :Mo 和 WO 对 V O / i2 脱硝 催化 剂 的作用 基 本 一 致 ,Mo , 或 WO ) 加入 增 加 了 V O / O TO 基 O( ,的 2
TO 催化 剂表 面酸性 位 数量 ,从 而提 高 了催 化 剂 的活性 . i,
本 文对 自制 的 V O / i ( 钛 型 ) 基 脱 硝 催 化 剂 进 行 活 性 试 验 ,在 此 基 础 上 分 析 Mo , ( TO 锐 O 或 WO )及 V O 对 催 化剂 活性 影响 的贡 献.
N O和 N : O 脱除率 以及 N O生成量 的影响 .结果表 明 ,V O 的加入使得 Mo , WO ) TO 催化剂 的活性 和 : :5 O ( ,/ iz 选择性得到 了改善.Mo WO ) O ( , 的加人 主要是 改善了催化剂表面的活性位数 量 ,从而使得 v 0 / i : 2 TO 基催 化剂表现出更高的活性.
1 实验 部 分
1 1 催 化剂 的制备 .
使用 制备 V O/ i2 2 TO ,Mo ,TO ,WO/ i2 2 5WO/ O / i2 ,TO ,V O - , TO i 和 V O . o TO M O / i 等催化 剂 ,为使 催 化 剂 保 持 一 定 的还 原 性 ,制 备 过 程 添 加 一 定量 的草 酸 .
催化 剂 中 WO 和 Mo 量分 别为 1 %和 6 ( 量 比 ) . O含 0 % 重 在 二元 催化 剂 的制备 中 ,将 纳米 TO i 粉 末 在浸 渍 液 热 溶 液 中连 续 搅拌 3 、随 后 在 烘 箱 中 15C h 0 ̄ 干燥 1h 2 、马弗炉 4 0C 烧 5 ,煅烧 物经 冷却 、粉 碎 、筛分 至特 定 的粒径 备用 . 5  ̄煅 h 三元催 化剂 的制 备采 用分 步法 ,即在 TO i 表 面负载 WO 或 Mo , , O 后再 负 载 V O ,制 备 中取 粒 径 小于 0 1 . mm的 二元催 化剂 作为 负载 基体 ,具体 步 骤 同二元 催化剂 的制备 . 12 催 化剂 活性试 验 .



MoO 3基催化剂在氢能中的应用与进展曹立伟 李炜 吕倩 武鹏 赵俊博 李昂*(北京工业大学材料与制造学部 北京 1000124)摘要: MoO 3是具有优异气敏性能的宽禁带半导体,在析氢反应、储氢、氢气检测中的具有广泛的应用。

该文首先针对MoO 3的晶体结构特征、纳米结构的可控合成进行了总结;其次,针对MoO 3及其负载型催化剂在氢能源的制备、氢能运输时的储存以及氢能使用过程中检测等问题,重点介绍了纳米结构MoO 3基催化剂的最新发展;最后展望了MoO 3基催化剂的研究和应用的未来发展。

关键词: 纳米材料 MoO 3 氢能应用 性能优化中图分类号: O621.251文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-3791(2023)20-0192-06Application and Progress of MoO 3-Based Catalysts in HydrogenEnergyCAO Liwei LI Wei LYU Qian WU Peng ZHAO Junbo LI Ang*(Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124 China)Abstract: MoO 3 is a wide bandgap semiconductor with excellent gas sensitivity performance, and it has a wide range of applications in hydrogen evolution reaction, hydrogen storage and hydrogen detection. This paper first summarizes the crystal structure characteristics of MoO 3 and the controllable synthesis of nanostructures. Then, it focuses on the latest development of nanostructured MoO 3-based catalysts for the problems of the preparation of MoO 3 and its supported catalysts in hydrogen energy, hydrogen energy storage during transportation and hydrogen energy detection during use. Finally, it prospects the future development of the research and application of MoO 3-based catalysts.Key Words: Nano materials; MoO 3; Hydrogen energy applications; Performance optimization在现代工业中的各类反应中,通过催化反应可以显著加快化学反应速率、降低生产成本,提高生产效率。









1. 实验材料

2. 实验步骤











%Inorganic photochromic materials have some advantages over organic photochromic materials .Inorganic photo-chromic materials have many technological applications ,such as Information storage ,smart windows ,sunglasses ,sensors , intelligent switch ,the defense ,and many other areas .This paper reviews the research progress of the inorganic photochro-mic materials and prospect is also involved .【期刊名称】《陶瓷》【年(卷),期】2014(000)007【总页数】6页(P49-54)【关键词】光致变色;无机功能材料;无机光致变色材料【作者】焦国豪;杨辉;余爱民;张勇【作者单位】浙江大学科研院杭州 310058; 杭州诺贝尔集团有限公司杭州311100;浙江大学科研院杭州 310058;杭州诺贝尔集团有限公司杭州 311100;杭州诺贝尔集团有限公司杭州 311100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB321前言光致变色(photochromism)现象是指某种化合物A在受到一定波长和强度的光照射时发生了特定的化学反应,获得另一种产物B,由于产物B结构的不同而导致其吸收光谱发生明显的变化(颜色发生变化)。


本工作 以( NH 6 T 2 )Mo0 ・4 O为 钼源 ,表 面 活性 剂 H2
1 实验部分
11 试 剂 与 仪 器 .
( NH46 7 2 4 0( )Mo0 4・ H2 天津第 四试剂 厂,A. ,十六 R) 烷基三 甲基溴化 铵 ( TA C B,北京西 中化 工厂 A. ,7 2型 R) 3
到溶液 中, 使溶液 酸度增 大 ,当体 系 p 约为 1时 ,开始 均 H
匀地 析出 H Mo 4 O 沉淀 。 z O 在模板剂 ( T B 胶 束 中 H Mo 4 CA )
成核 ,聚集 为小颗 粒 ,由于 C TAB胶 束为棒 状结构 ,因此小
颗粒有序排列 , C AB胶束 软模板 的诱导作用 下 , 颗粒 在 T 小 沿某方 向有序生长 。 1 经 0d的陈化 , 前驱物在 C AB胶束 中 T 充分发育完善成较 大 Hz O Mo 4颗粒 , 经过 6 0℃焙烧 2h 再 0 以上 , 模板 剂分 解 为 NH r O B ,C 2和 Hz O,这 三 种 产物 在 6 0℃挥 发 , 0 最终体 系 自组装成 Mo 纳米棒和矩形小片 。 O3
00 , . 8 效果较好 , 备 出的产物 纯度 高 , 杂 质 ,产物 的形 制 无
状规则完美 。
2 3 焙 烧 温 度 和 时 间对 样 品 形 貌 的影 响 .

实验 发现 ,反 应 的前 驱物 陈化 1 0 d后 ,分别 经 5 0和 0 5 0℃焙烧 3h 样 品不形 成完 整的棒状 , 5 , 且未能完全 除掉模 板剂 ,仍为较深 的灰色 , 明有残 留碳 附着在模 板剂 上。当 表 在 60℃焙烧 2h后 ,可以完全 除掉模 板剂 ,基本 形成纳米 0 棒 ,但还不够完善 [ 3 a] 图 () 。在 60℃ 焙烧 4h后 ,得到 浅 0 绿色 、表面光滑和较完美 的 Mo 纳 米棒 [ 3 b ] O3 图 ( ) 。在 6 0 0



第37卷第2期 齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学 学 报(自然科学版) Vol.37,No.2 2021年3月 Journal of Qiqihar University(Natural Science Edition) March,2021Ag/MoO3纳米带的制备及其对三乙胺的气敏性能杨铂玮,申书昌,隋丽丽(齐齐哈尔大学 化学与化学工程学院,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006)摘要:利用简单的一步水热法成功制备了α-MoO3纳米带,之后采用光照法将Ag纳米粒子负载于α-MoO3纳米带表面,制备了Ag/MoO3纳米带复合材料。




关键词:MoO3纳米带;Ag负载;气敏性能中图分类号:TB383 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-984X(2021)02-0060-05随着工业的发展,生产过程中排放到大气中的有毒、有害气体日益增多,不但污染环境,而且危害人类的健康,有些气体即使在浓度较低时,也会使人呼吸困难和中枢神经受损[1]。






第44卷第6期2020年12月中国(业CHINA MOLYBDENUM INDUSTRYVol.44No.6Dec2020介稳相M0O3的制备及性能研究概述何江山(金堆城(业股份有限公司化学分公司,陕西渭南714000)摘要:过渡金属氧化物三氧化((M8-)因其独特的结构和物理化学性质,一直以来是人们研究的热点&三氧化(的结构目前已知的有3种-MO-("-M o O3和h-M o O3,其中a-MoO3属于热力学稳定相,而"-M o O3和h-M o O3属于热力学介稳相&介稳相比稳定相具有更多的物理化学活性&因此,寻求介稳相M0O3简单、有效和快速的合成方法,探索其潜在的性能将具有更实际的意义&本文总结了近年来介稳相M0O3的制备、性能和相关机理分析研究,展望了介稳相M0O3的研究发展方向&关键词:M0O3;介稳相;制备;性能DOI:10.13384/ki.cmi.1006-2602.2020.06.001中图分类号:O614.61N2文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-2602(2020)06-0001-06RESEARCH OVERVIEW OF PREPARATION AND PERFORMANCE OF METASTABLE PHASE MoO3HE Jiang-shan(Chemiccl Branch%Jinduicheng Molybdenum cc.,Ltd.%Weinan714000,Shanxi, China)Abstract:Transition meta.oxide molybdenum trioxiCe(MoO3)has been a hot topic foa reseerch beccuse of its unique structure and physicochemiccl properties.Thera are three known strnctures of molybdenum taoxide:!-M o O3、"-M0O3and h-MoO3!-MoO3belongs to tUCTmodyndmic stable phase,while p-MoO3and h-MoO3belong to thermodynamic dielectric sub.phase.The metastabk phase has more physicochemical activity than the sub. phase.Hencc,C will be more practicd to seek simple,efficCnt and fasS synthesis method of metastable phase M0O3ad explore its potential performancc.This papee summarizes the preparation,properties and related mecha-ncm analysis of metastable phase M0O3ci recent years,and looks forward i the research and development direc­tion of metastable phase MoO3.Key wordt:MoO3;metastabk phase;preparation;perfownancc0引言过渡金属氧化物M o O3是具有宽带隙的新型n 型半导体材料[1],因其独特的结构和性质而引起关注。


流充放 电和交流 阻抗测 试 。
12 样 品的制 备 .
导 电率 和离 子 电导 率 都 较 低 , 因而 提 高 其 导 电性 进 而稳 定 其 循 环 性 能 是 首 要 任 务 。采 用 包 覆 、 掺 杂、 和其他 材 料 的复 合 等 手 段 能 够 有 效 达 到 这 一
目的 。碳 纳 米 管 ( N s 具 有 高 宽 比 , 直 径 , CT) 小 低
A s a tMo 3C T , o 3 P )adMo 3P y C T aoo p se eepeae yut snc i es nme o i N s b t c : O / N sM O/ Pr n O / P / N s ncm oi s r rprdb laoi ds ro t dwt C T r n t w r p i h h
联 系人 简 介 : 娟 (9 2 ) 女 , 教 授 , 要 从 事 储 能 电极 材 料 的 制 备 和 性 能 研 究 。E m i lp na @ 13 tm 李 17 一 , 副 主 — al j ap n 6 . o :-
17 00
化 学 研 究 与 应 用
第2 4卷
氧化 物 J具有 较 低成 本 、 高 电化学 活性 和 环 境 , 较
Ke r s: O3 P y n n c mp st tra ; lc r c e c lc p ctr y wo d Mo / P ; a o o o i mae l ee to h mi a a a i e i o
超 级 电容 器 是一 种性 能 介 于 电池 与 传 统 电容 器 之 间 的新 型储 能器 件 , 有 功率 密 度 高 、 放 电 具 充
结果表 明 , 复合材料 的比容量 均高于 Mo ,其 中 , O, 由于 M O/ P o , P y特殊 的一维 核壳 结构使 其具有 较高 的 比表



2023 年第 43 卷航 空 材 料 学 报2023,Vol. 43第 4 期第 102 – 110 页JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICAL MATERIALS No.4 pp.102 – 110 Al基含能微单元的一体化制备和燃烧性能刘庆东1, 吴祝骏2, 李苗苗2, 徐一锋1, 辛喜鹏1,徐济进1, 宋雪峰1,3*(1.上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院,上海 200240;2.上海航天化工应用研究所,浙江 湖州 313000;3.上海交通大学深圳研究院,广东 深圳 518057)摘要:针对固体推进剂所面临的Al粉燃烧不充分和微纳尺度下组分偏聚两大关键问题,采用组分复合技术设计制备一种将氧化剂AP包覆在氟化物改性Al粉表面的含能微单元Al@PFPE@AP核壳型粉体,通过扫描电子显微镜、激光粒度仪、氧弹量热仪、电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪以及X射线衍射仪等对微单元粉体的形貌、粒径、燃烧性能以及燃烧产物进行分析。

结果表明:含能微单元Al@PFPE@AP呈现明显的核壳结构,粒径较均一;当PFPE的添加量为5%(质量分数)时,相比于机械混合样品(AP+Al),Al@5%PFPE@AP的燃烧热值提高了63.8%,燃烧产物粒径减小了61.8%,燃烧产物中活性铝含量减少57%以上;PFPE可以与Al粉发生预点火反应,增加Al粉的反应活性,并且Al粉表面对AP分解有催化作用,使AP的高温分解温度和低温分解温度分别降低了12 ℃和10 ℃;核壳型微单元结构对体系燃烧性能的提升有明显的促进作用,能够大幅度提高推进剂主要组分燃烧时的能量水平。

关键词:Al粉;含能微单元;燃烧性能doi:10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2022.000105中图分类号:V512 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5053(2023)04-0102-09Integrated preparation of Al-based energetic micro-unit fueltoward combustion performanceLIU Qingdong1, WU Zhujun2, LI Miaomiao2, XU Yifeng1, XIN Xipeng1, XU Jijin1, SONG Xuefeng1,3*(1. School of Materials Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2. Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang, China;3. Shenzhen Research Institute & Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shenzhen 518063, Guangdong, China)Abstract: An Al-based energetic micro-unit Al@PFPE@AP fuel powder with the oxidant AP coated on the surface of fluoride-modified Al powder was designed and prepared by the component composite technique to address the two major problems of incomplete combustion and component polarization of Al powder in solid propellants. The morphology, particle size, combustion properties and combustion products of the micro-unit powder were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, laser particle size measurement, oxygen bomb calorimetry, inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the energetic microunits Al@PFPE@AP present a more obvious core-shell structure with uniform particle size, and when the addition amount of PFPE is 5%, the combustion heat value of Al@5%PFPE@AP is increased by 63.86%, the particle size of combustion products is decreased by 61.83%, and the active aluminum content of combustion products is decreased by more than 57% compared with the mechanically mixed AP+Al samples. Combustion mechanism analysis shows that PFPE can occur with Al powder pre-ignition reaction, increase the reaction activity of Al powder, and the surface of Al powder has a catalytic effect on the decomposition of AP, which reduces AP high temperature decomposition temperature and low temperature decomposition temperature were reduced by 12 ℃ and 10 ℃ respectively. The micro-unit structure has a significant contribution to the improvement of the combustion performance of the system and can substantially increase the energy performance of the importantpropellant components during combustion.Key words: Al powder;energetic microunit;combustion performance固体推进剂作为导弹武器的动力源,提高能量水平是其重要的研发主线[1]。



MoO3纳米材料的导向合成及其对亚甲基兰吸附性能的研究的开题报告题目: MoO3纳米材料的导向合成及其对亚甲基兰吸附性能的研究一、研究背景和意义近年来,纳米材料在化学、物理、材料科学等诸多学科中引起了广泛的关注和研究,其独特的物理化学性质和应用潜力受到了广泛的关注。





亚甲基兰(methylene blue,MB)作为一种广泛应用于染料工业和医药工业的有机染料,具有强烈的可见光吸收能力和良好的稳定性,因此对其催化降解的研究具有重要意义。











采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)、热分析仪、敞开环境燃烧实验等方法对制备的Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)-PETN、Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)-RDX 2种样品进行表征和性能测试。

结果表明:物理混合法制备的2种样品的形貌规整,Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)对PETN和RDX 2种猛炸药的包覆效果较好,且反应过程中生成大量的气态产物。

Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)-PETN 的热稳定性比Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)-RDX低,且静电感度均低于叠氮化铅和斯蒂芬酸铅。

分别取2种样品81 mg装填于8#雷管中,通过铅板穿孔实验发现,2组样品均可使5 mm厚的铅板穿孔。

根据5 mm的铅板穿孔直径判断,Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)-RDX起爆能力优于Al/Bi_(2)O_(3)-PETN。









近日,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室的Pieremanuele Canepa教授和Gopalakrishnan Sai Gautam教授(共同通讯)发表于Chemical Reviews 题为“Odyssey of Multivalent Cathode Materials: Open Questions and Future Challenges”的综述总结了目前多价离子电池研究进展,重点结合理论研究和现有实验结果对不同种类阴极材料的电化学性能及面临问题进行了深入讨论,为多价离子电池阴极材料的开发以及机理研究提供了参考。

综述总览图1. 前言多价电池结构与锂离子电池类似,分别由金属阴极(如Mg)、供金属离子嵌入脱出的阳极、电解液三部分组成。


图1 典型的MV电池放电示意图a. 多价阳极和电解液多价金属离子(Mg, Ca)充放电循环过程中沉积较Li离子更均匀,可更好地避免与电解液发生副反应。



图2 Mg离子电池电解液实用性评价雷达图图2为6类不同电解液对Mg离子电池性能影响评价图;包括对阴极材料类型的选择(电化学窗口)、集流体的腐蚀、阳极稳定性等方面的影响。

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5 % 的 电压 发 火 感 度 为 2 . 激 光 点火 头 的 5 % 的发 火 感 度 为 5 1 mJ 0 2 8 V, 0 . 。 关 键 词 : 理 化 学 ; 米 AI O 感 度 ; 火 性 能 物 纳 - Mo ; 点
中图 分 类 号 :T5 J 5;06 4 文 献标 识 码 :A DOI . 9 9/.sn 1 0 —9 1. 0 0 0 . 1 :1 3 6 ii . 0 6 9 4 2 1 . 6 0 4 0 s

要 : 研 制 高 能 量 密 度 无 铅 的 火 工 药 剂 , 纳 米 铝 粉 和 纳米 氧化 钼为 原 料 , 用 超 声 分 散 混 合 的 方 法 , 备 了 绿 色 环 保 的 纳 米 为 以 采 制

含 能 材 料 A- O, I Mo 。通 过 冷 场 扫 描 电镜 和差 热 分 析 ( S ) 纳 米 含 能 材 料 A— O, 行 了 表 征 分 析 制 作 了 电点 火 头 和 激 光 点 DC对 I Mo 进 火 头 , 行 了点 火 性 能 测 试 。 结 果 表 明 : 米 含 能 材 料 A — O 进 纳 I Mo 在 5 0 o 上 的 高温 条件 下 反 应 放 出 大 量 的 热 , 中 电点 火 头 的 2 C以 其
斯 (o l sN t n l a oa r) 国家 实验 室 已 L s a ai a Lb rt y 等 A mo o o
经展开了大量 研究 , 制备 了多种 纳米铝热 剂型亚 稳态分 子 间复合 物 , 同时进行 了性 能表征及点火性 能测试 , 具有 高 的能量 密度 , 和高于 1 m/ 的能量释放速度 。 目前 , s k 国 际上认可 的纳米 铝热 剂含 能材 料有 A— O , I u I Mo A — O, C A —eo I , F 等。国内 2 1 3所对纳米 铝热剂 A— O I Mo 进
JM一7 0 冷场发 射 扫描 电子 显微 镜 , l 电子 公 司 ; S 60 F E本
1 引 言
现 用 的 火 工 药 剂 多 包 含 铅 、 化 和 物 , 含 铅 、 等 钡 而 钡
DS 2 4 1测试 仪 , 国耐驰 公 司 ;D/ X2 0 C0F 德 MA 一4 0型 X 光粉末衍射仪 , 日本理 学公 司 ;高稳 Y G脉 冲激光 机 , A 武汉楚天工 业 激光 设备 有 限公 司 ;L E1 激 光功 率 能 P 一B 量计 , 北京物科光 电技术公 司;P I 0 B数据采集 仪 , X一0 0 1 NI 司 ; 公 异丙醇 , R 江苏江 阴市 化学试 剂厂 。 A ,
Fg1 S M i g f a oA ( 1 t s .. E ma eo n — I 5X 0 i ) n me
2 实验 部 分
2. 仪 器 与 试 剂 1
纳米 Mo 是 利 用 微 乳 液 和 均 匀 沉 淀耦 合 法 的 O
“ ” 湿 过程
提供 ; 貌 如 图 2所 示 , 米 Mo 粒 径 在 2 0— 形 纳 O 0
3 0n 0 m之 间 , 直 观 地 看 到 纳 米 Mo 是 片 状 的 聚 且 O 集 , 聚后 尺度 在 1 5 m 范 围 内。 团 0— O
K 5 0型超声 波清洗器 , 山超声仪 器有限公 司; Q.0 昆
行 了初 步 的性 能 研 究 。 本 研 究 以 纳 米 铝 粉 为 还 原 剂 ,
与氧化钼进行混合 , 制备了纳 米含 能材料 A— O , I Mo 对其
感度性能 以及点 火性能进 行 了分 析 , 为研制新 型 的高能
量密度无铅污染 的新型火工药剂提供 了技术支撑 。
图 1 纳 米 铝 粉 冷 场 扫 描 电镜 图片 ( 0 5X1 )
2. 制 备 2
重金属的药剂在 混合药 混合期 间 以及 在现场 作用 以后 ,
这些材料会造成 严重 的环境 污染和人 体慢性 毒性危 害。 随着纳米技术 的发展 , 国外大 国都 开展 了“ 色” 绿 环保型 火工药剂 的研究 。亚稳态分子 间复合物 ( C) MI 主要是指 用于制备含能材料的两种或几种物 质粒子小到具有纳米
收 稿 E 期 : 0 - 40 ;修 回 E 期 : 0 0 1 一9 t 2 1 0 -5 0 l 2 1 -O 0
作 者 简 介 : 艳 ( 9 1一) 女 , 士 生 , 薛 18 , 博 主要 从 事 纳 米 含 能 材 料 技 术 以
及 ME MS火 工 品 技 术 研 究 。e mal x e a 2 @ 1 3 c m - i uyn 1 : 3 .o 6
纳米铝粉利用 等离子体 法制备 , 山东 正元纳米 技术 公司提供 ; 经过稳定化处理 的纳米 铝形 貌如图 1所示 , 纳 米铝粉外表形貌呈球状 , 平均粒径 6 m, O n 纯度 9 .% 。 99
结构及特征时 , 其分子 间以一种紧密 的、 特殊 的方式结合 形成的一种 环保 型纳米 含能材 料 。美 国洛斯一 阿拉莫
64 7

任小 明 ,解瑞 珍 ,史 春 红 , 兰 ,张晔 刘
文章 编 号 :1 0 —9 1( 0 0) 6-6 4—3 69 4 2 1 0 0 7 0 0
纳 米 AI O。发 火 性 能 研 究 - Mo
薛 艳, 任小明, 解瑞珍, 史春红, 兰, 哗 刘 张
( 国兵器 工 业 第 2 中 1 3研 究所 , S 品 安全 性 可靠 性 国 防科 技 重 点 实 验 室 ,陕 西 西 安 7 0 1 火 - 1 6 ) 0
按质 量百分 比称 5 % 的纳 米 A 和 4 % Mo 粉 5 I 5 O