



















人的心智最早产生于大脑的前额叶皮质(prefrontal cortex),它位于人的前额后面并延伸到耳朵附近。


PADI OW 中文版(精编文档).doc

PADI OW  中文版(精编文档).doc

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 PADI 开放水域潜水员手册中文版 2.0第五单元特殊的潜水计划和计算机表程序在第四单元中, 你学到使用潜水计划表, 和潜水计算机表潜水的基础, 但是, 还有一些其它潜水的程序是你必须知道的. 这些包括安全停留, 高海拔潜水, 以及潜水后飞行的程序. 安全停留虽然身为一位休闲潜水员, 你的潜水计划只局限于免减压潜水, 以便你能直接并持续地上升到水面, 但是, 为了保险起见,大部分的时候, 你还是要做安全停留的动作. 安全停留会提供额外的时间, 让身体排出氮气, 并且在持续上升到水面之间,给你片刻时间稳定并控制上升速度. 做安全停留时, 就是上升到3到6公尺/ 10到20英呎的范围 — 通常是在5公尺/15英呎的地方, 作三分钟以上的停留. 握住绳索或是沿斜坡上升时, 会比较容易作安全停留, 但是, 你也可以悬浮在适当位置的水层. 因为做了潜水计划, 因此, 你可以在执行安全停留后浮出到达水面, 这时, 气瓶中仍余留有20到40巴/ 300到500psi 以上的空气在任何一次潜水结束时, 你都可以做安全停留的动作, 而事实上, 安全停留应该被视为所有潜水的标准动作. 然而, 如有以下情况, 则一定要执行安全停留:主要學習目標 閱讀時, 請在所有的問題的答案做記號 1. 作安全停留的建議深度和時間? 2. 安全停留的目的是什麼? 3. 在哪三種情況下, 作安全停留是必須的?等一會見. 為了保險起見, 大 部分的時候, 你還是要做安全停留的動作. 安全停留會提供額外的時間, 讓身體排出氮氣, 並且在持續上升到水面之前,1. 潜水的深度是30公尺/ 100英呎或更深.2. 潜水后的压力等级, 是紧邻休闲潜水计划表上, 免减压极限的三个等级之内.3. 到达休闲潜水计划表或计算机表的极限. 使用潜水计算机表时, 无论在任何一处潜水, 若计算机表显示剩余的免减压极限时间为零, 则一定要作安全停留. 使用休闲潜水计划表时,在这些状况下, 安全停留都是必要的动作. 当你使用的是休闲潜水计划表, 你可能会想, 是否该把安全停留时间计算在内. 使用休闲计划表时, 是不需要把安全停留时间算进潜水时间内的. 而计算机表则会自动处理安全停留时间.记住一点. 虽然所有潜水, 都应该将安全停留当作是正常程序, 但是, 在特殊的状况下, 例如空气存量过低 (因为潜水时, 发生出人意料的状况), 援助其它潜水员, 或气候不佳, 使得立即上升到水面上变的比较重要时, 你可以选择性的做安全停留. 紧急减压你本来是计划做免减压潜水, 但是, 某事耽误了你上升并使你意外超出免减压极限. 这时, 怎么办? 你必须作紧急减压停留, 让你的身体排出氮气; 如果不做这个停留, 当你上升到水面时, 将面临极大的减压病风险. 快問 / 快答 自我評估 1 1. 一般建議安停留的深度和時間為何:a.10公尺/35英呎處停留2分鐘b.5公尺/15英呎處停留3分鐘c.2公尺/6英呎處停留20分鐘2. 安全停留的目的是(適合的答案打勾): a.儘量排出空氣瓶的空氣 b.讓你的調節器穩定表現c.給身體額外的時間去排除氮氣d.讓你能夠穩定並控制上升 3. 安全停留在何時被認為是必要的(適合的答案打勾): a.下潛到30公尺/100英呎或更深 b.到達潛水計畫表或是電腦錶的極限時c.潛水後的壓力等級, 是緊鄰休閒潛水計畫表上, 免減壓限制的三個等級之內 你做的如何? 1.b 2.c 3.a,b,c快問 / 快答 自我評估 11. 如果你超出免減壓極限, 或是調整後的免減壓極限在5分鐘以內, 你應該:a.慢慢上升到5公尺/15英呎處, 停留8分鐘再升上到水面, 且6小時內不可再潛水.b.慢慢上升到5公尺/15英呎處, 停留3分鐘再上升到水面, 且6小時內不可再潛水c.以上皆非2. 如果你超出免減壓極限, 或是調整後的免減壓極限在5分鐘以上, 你應該:a.慢慢上升到5公尺/15英呎處, 停留15分鐘再上升到水面, 且24小時內不可再潛水b.慢慢上升到5公尺/15英呎處, 停留8分鐘再上升到水面, 且24小時內不可再潛水c.以上皆非3. 如果你超出潛水電腦錶的免減壓極限, 依照表上減壓模式進行減壓停留, 且不要重覆潛水:使用休闲潜水计划表: 万一, 你超出免减压极限或者 (重复潜水) 调整后免减压极限在五分钟以内, 那你就慢慢地以每分钟低于18公尺/ 60英呎的速度上升, 到5公尺/ 15英呎的地方时,停留8分钟后才上升到水面, 到达水面后, 至少6小时不要潜水,因为, 你的体内会有极高的余氮量等级. 万一, 你超出免减压极限或者调整后免减压极限在五分钟以上,假使空气供应足够, 在5公尺/ 15英呎的地方停留15分钟以上是绝对必要的. 回到水面后, 至少要等24小时之后才可以潜水, 因为, 有过多氮气在你的身体内.作紧急减压停留时, 尽量待在接近5公尺/ 15英呎上下的位置. 万一你的空气量不足以作紧急减压停留, 那么, 能做多久的停留就做多久, 留下足够安全上升到水面及出水的空气量. 至少要等24小时内再不要潜水. 可能的话, 呼吸纯氧, 病观察自己是否有减压病的症状出现.潜水计算机表的使用. 万一你超出了计算机表上的免减压的极限, 计算机表会进入减压模式, 并引导你做紧急减压停留. 计算主要學習目標 閱讀時, 請在所有的問題的答案做記號 4. 使用休閒潛水計畫表時, 萬一你超出免減壓極限或是調整後免減壓限制在5分鐘以內時, 你該怎麼作? 5. 使用休閒潛水計畫表時, 萬一你超出免減壓極限或是調整後免減壓限制在5分鐘以上時, 你該怎麼作?? 6. 使用潛水電腦錶時, 你如何決定是否需要實施緊急減壓?机表的减压模式功能各有不同, 因此, 向厂商咨询你的计算机表的明确说明. 很多计算机表的紧急减压停留显示在3公尺/ 10英呎的位置, 而不是在5公尺/ 15英呎; 但是, 你也可以停留在5公尺/ 15英呎处, 直到计算机表显示上升讯号, 因为, 计算机表是根据你的实际深度计算停留位置. 若是停留在3公尺/ 10英呎的地方, 则可能需要停留久一点.如果你的前一次潜水需要作紧急减压, 那么, 我们不建议你紧接著作重复潜水. 紧急减压停留和安全停留的不同处在于, 紧急减压停留是必要的, 否则, 极容易发生减压病的风险, 对休闲潜水而言, 紧急减压停留是一项紧急程序.休闲潜水计划表是专为休闲, 免减压潜水而设计的. 绝对不该将它用于商业/军事/技术潜水情况中, 这些潜水类别都属于减压潜水高海拔潜水, 潜水后飞行, 以及寒冷/ 激烈的潜水高海拔潜水. 回顾第一单元, 你知道在大气中上升时, 压力会减低. 潜水计划表和大部分计算机表的免减压限制, 都是为了在海平面的潜水而设计的; 如果你是高海拔的低压下, 相同的潜水情况, 氮气更容易溶解, 因此, 更容易产生减压病.休闲潜水计划表的使用高度范围只到海拔300公尺/ 1000英呎的高度. 高于300公尺/ 1000英呎的高时, 你就需要使用特殊的潜水计划表和程序, 以应付较低的大气压力, 或是避免减压疾病的风险.每种计算机表使用做高海拔潜水的程序各有不同, 有些会自动调整高度, 而有些则需要手动, 设定高度. 有些旧型的计算机表无法使用于高海拔地区.如果你对高海拔的潜水有兴趣, 可以向PADI潜水中心, 渡假村或是教练询问, 有关进阶开放水域潜水员, 或是高海拔专长潜水课程(通常在一天之内就能上完), 都有教授这方面技巧.潜水后飞行. 如果你在潜水后要搭飞机, 你必须考虑到海拔较低的大气压力, 这个考虑和高海拔潜水很类似, 却不完全相同. 在高海拔地区潜水时, 你下潜并上升回到同样较低的大气压力下. 潜水后飞行的情形是, 你下潜并上升回到同样较低的大气压力下. 潜水后飞行的情形是, 你下潜并回到正常的大气压力下, 然后, 将你自己暴露于远低于正常的气压之中.潜水医学界对于潜水后飞行, 提供一下的一般性建议, 无论你使用的是休闲潜水计划表, 其它计划表, 或是计算机表都适用:潜水后飞行的建议—针对在免减压极限范围内的潜水●单次潜水: 建议在飞行前最少有12小时的水面休息时间●重复潜水和/ 或连续多天的潜水: 建议在飞行前最少有18小时的水面休息时间针对需要做减压停留的潜水●建议在飞行前最少有18小时的水面休息时间快問 / 快答自我評估 3 1.使用休閒潛水計畫表時, 在多少海拔高度以上, 你需要用不同的潛水程序? ________:2.建議單次潛水後飛行的最少水面休息時間是多久?_______3. 使用潛水計畫表時, 在寒冷或激烈的潛水情況下, 你要計畫你的潛水就好像在:a.高海拔b.比實際深度更深4公尺/ 10英呎c.比實際深度更淺4公尺/ 10英呎d.以上皆非你做的如何?1.300公尺/ 1000英呎2.12小時3.b小心的展翅飛翔你要為自己的潛水安全及行為負責. 潛水後飛行的準則, 會隨時更新; 你要吸收新知, 並且遵守最新的準則而行高海拔潜水—在海拔高于海平面300公尺/ 1000英呎的地方进行潜水需使用特别的程序.即使有潜水计划表和计算机表, 也没有任何潜水后飞行的准则, 可以保证减压病绝对不会发生. 以上的要领仅代表适合绝大多数潜水员的一种保守而安全的最佳水面休息时间估计. 总是偶而有一两个潜水员, 由于个人生理特质, 或是特殊情况, 即使遵守了规则, 仍导致减压病的发生. 你要为自己的潜水安全及行为负责. 潜水后飞行的准则, 会随着我们学到更多有关压力变化如何影响身体的知识而改变; 你要吸收新知, 并且遵守最新的规则而行. 目前并没有潜水后开车到高海拔地区应遵守的准则, 所以, 最谨慎的习惯就是要保守一点. 出发前的等待时间越久, 危险性越低. 你可以向当地的潜水中心或教练询问, 该区的潜水员是否要遵守一些特别的准则或是协议.寒冷和激烈的状况. 如果你在潜水时, 觉得太寒冷, 或是有大量运动, 在潜水后, 可能会造成你的体内氮气量, 比潜水计划表或计算机表所计算出来得氮气量还多. 所以, 当你使用的是休闲潜水计划表, 在寒冷的水中, 或是需要比平常更多激烈运动的情形下, 来计划潜水时, 应该依照实际潜水的深度, 再加上4公尺/ 10英呎.如何使用计算机表处理这个问题, 则是依计算机表而定.一些功能复杂的计算机表, 会追踪水温和你的呼吸速率, 如有必要, 会自动将免减压时间调整短一点. 至于其它的, 你可以更保守的使用高度设定的功能. 将海拔高度设定比实际高度高, 或者, 你也可以把计算机表连接到个人计算机上(需要特别的软件和硬设备). 然而, 你要在潜水前就做好这些设定. 如果你无法将计算机表作保守的设定(而它本身也无此自动功能), 或者, 你对寒冷/激烈的状况无法预料时, 你必须更谨慎地确定, 在潜水的全程中,你一直都留有足够的免减压时间. 在寒冷水中或是激烈状况下潜水时, 做安全停留要特别的重要, 谨慎.先前有关潜水计划表和计算机Array表的讨论中, 包括了很多使用潜水计算机表的部分. 当你使用计算机表时, 要牢记以下这些重点和程序:1.计算机表是内设深度表和定时器的复杂计算器, 用来计算体内的理论氮气量. 它们的作用和潜水计划表一样, 而且, 它们无法追踪你体内的任何生理机能. 使用潜水计划表作保守潜水的准则, 同样也适用于计算机表.2.不要共享计算机表. 每一位潜水员需要个别的计算机表. 计算机表会追踪每一次潜水及水面休息时间后, 体内理论氮气量的起伏, 所以, 在整天的潜水过程中, 潜水员必须随身携带计算机表—潜水间不能更换计算机表. 所以, 即使潜伴之间也不能共享一只潜水计算机表, 因为, 计算机表要贴身地追踪深度. 它只对配戴的潜水员具有准确性.3.遵循最保守的计算机表. 当任何一只计算机表—无论是你的或是潜伴的—达到免减压极险时, 就要回到水面或是上升. 如果, 你们遵守的是那只比较不保守的计算机表, 那么,事实上, 你们等于是共享一只计算机表, 这样是不应该的.4.两次潜水中的间隔时间, 不要关上计算机表. 大部分的计算机表不会让你这么做, 但是, 如果你拿掉电池, 或是关上计算机电源, 它就会失去前次潜水和余氮量的纪录. 你必须在重新使用计算机表之前, 就让体内所有的余氮量排出. 一旦计算到没有堪忧的余氮量残留时, 你的计算机就会自动关闭.5.从最深的潜水开始, 计划连续潜水的深度要越来越浅. 潜水期间, 要从最深处开始潜水, 并且渐渐往水浅处进行. 潜水医学界建议, 潜水时, 避免从水浅处到水深处. 如果你违反了这个规则, 计算机表会一直显示免减压时间, 然而, 这并不是因为一切都没问题, 而是因为, 计算机表出了问题. 避免在每次的深潜之间, 只有短暂的水面休息时间.6.确实的停留在计算机着保留5分钟以上的免减压时间. 如果你让计算机表接近或是到达零的指数, 你就已经把免减压时间推到极限了, 这时即是你已上升到浅一点的水深, 有许多免减压的时间也一样.7.如果你的计算机表停止, 你可能需要停止潜水12到24小时.万一计算机表在潜水途中停止, 而你还在免减压极限之内, 立即上升到5公尺/ 15英呎的地方, 作5分钟以上的安全停留, 然后在上升到水面. 你不能只随便抓一个计算机表来使用, 因为, 它不知道你体内的余氮有多少, 遵照厂商的说明指示.8. 潜水途中, 要带着休闲潜水计划表作为备份, 如此, 万一计算机表故障, 隔天你还是可以再潜水. 万一你的计算机表故障, 而你一直有追踪深度和时间, 确定是在休闲潜水计划表的极限内潜水, 哪么, 你可以使用休闲潜水计划表继续潜水. 否则, 你可能要等到隔天, 体内余氮量都清除后, 才能重新潜水. 虽然, 潜水中心通常都有提供计算机表出租, 不要依赖这个. 带着你的休闲计划表, 这样, 你就能确定不会有遗漏. 最好是携带转盘式的计划表, 这样, 你就能计划一个免减压时间最长的多层深度潜水.9. 保持思考. 潜水计算机表和其它装备零件一样都会故障.不要盲目地接受计算机表所显示的一切, 尤其是当它和潜伴的计算机表或是前次潜水经验, 差异的太离谱时. 使用潜水计算机表前, 要仔细阅读使用说明, 并遵守使用说明的指示. 在PADI 的多层深度潜水员课程中, 你可以学到更多潜水计算机表的理论和使用.基础指北针导航当你想到要和世界其它地方保持联系时, 导航技术似乎是十分不可缺乏的,更不用说是迷路,以及察觉到不知自己身在何处的感觉.借着学习水底导航,你能让你自己迷失方向的频率减到最主要學習目標 閱讀時, 請在所有的問題的答案做記號11. 水底指北針的四個基本特徵是什麼? 12. 使用配帶於手腕上的潛水指北針時, 正確的手和手臂的位置為何? 13. 使用放在儀錶組合上的指北針時, 正確的握法是什麼?14. 如何使用水底指北針, 設定從起點到預定終點之間的直線?15. 如何使用指北針設定相反方向?低, 而且, 如果你真的在水底迷失了, 你将能快速地辨别出自己的所在位置. 不要让迷失的恐慌吓到你了—潜水员有两种; 一种是会在水底迷失方向的潜水员, 另一种则是不承认这种事曾发生的潜水员.导航技术会让你的水底探险, 在很多方面更有乐趣. 它让你计划潜水, 使你不用浪费时间和空气在找寻最美丽的珊瑚礁. 这样, 你就能在靠近出水点的位置结束潜水, 而且保留足够的备用空气. 借着随时清楚自己的所在位置, 万一问题发生时, 你就能直接游到船边岸上, 同时, 你也知道还有哪些地方还没探险过. 如果该区有某些事物是你想避免的, 导航技术对此也有帮助. 指北针导航能帮助你沿直线潜游—因为迷路时, 你通常会绕圈圈潜游.随着经验的累积, 你将会学会借着遵循在潜水环境中所发现的线索(参考点) 找到方向(潜水无数次的潜水员就是最好的线索), 但是, 水底指北针会使得水底导航更容易和精确, 你越常使用它, 越觉得这是真的.基本上, 水底指北针的作用如下: 你的指北针告诉你北极的方向, 而你应该能够判断出北极的相关方位. 好了, 其它的细节也会有帮助, 但是, 刚从所说的, 才是指北针导航的重要原则. 让我们从大部分水底指北针的四个基本特征开始看起.1.准线: 准线指示你的行进方向, 它是在指北针中间的一条直线, 贯穿0度和180度的标记.或者, 它也会是一条实际的线沿着指北针一边的线. 无论任何时候使用指北针导航时, 你都要把准线对准行进的方向, 或是对准应该进行的方向. 如果你使用指北针导航, 而你却不沿着准线所指的方向前进, 那么…..嗯, 那么事实上, 你并没有运用到指北针导航.2. 指北磁针: 指北磁针就是在指北针的中央, 有一根可自由转动的磁针 (或是印在原盘上的箭头), 这跟指北磁针, 或是称为罗盘磁针, 永远指着地球的磁北. 因为这样, 磁针会和准线形成一个角度, 这种情形, 当你潜游时, 是你保持一直线.3. 定位外圈: 大部分的水底指北针都有一个可旋转的定位外圈. 设定指北针时, 要先转动定位外圈, 是上面两个小的平行指标和指北磁针对起来. 这可以帮助你保持一个直线方向前进.4. 方向指示: 大部分的水底指北针都有数字刻度, 所以, 你能够纪录你的方位 (以地球磁北为准, 测量出你前进方向的刻度). 一些指北针只有一般的东, 南, 西, 北的标记; 普通的导航都能使用这类简单的指北针, 若要求精准, 你可以使用有刻度的那种.电子指北针也提供相同的信息和功能, 但它使用的是电子读数. 如果你使用电子指北针的话, 请参考使用说明.使用指北针导航时, 第一步就是要正确的握持指北针, 首先, 要使指北针的准线和你的身体中线成一直线. 如果你将指北针佩带在手腕上, 要把没有戴指北针的手伸直, 戴指北针的那一手抓着另一手的手肘附近或手肘上,把指北针平稳的放在你面前. 如果指北针是在仪表组合上, 用双手握住仪表组合, 正放在面前.当你使用指北针时, 首先要保持准线和身体中线成一直线. 否则, 你就不可能沿着准线前游. 这样, 即使在其它的方面都用得当, 你还是会偏离航向. 为了直线航行, 你只要把准线指向前进的方向, 再将你的身体中线对准准线即可. 保持指北针的水平 (否则, 指北针的转动会受阻), 并且让指针稳定下来. 然后, 转动定位外圈, 使指标与指北如果指北針是在儀表組合上, 用雙手握住儀表組合, 正放在面前针重迭. (当你直线潜游时, 不用担心刻度或东西南北等方向.)这时, 你只要跟着准线(你选定的前进方向) 直线潜游, 同时保持指北针水平,和指北磁针在指标内. 万一指针开始偏离指标,表示你偏离路径,此时, 要调整你的方向, 使指北针停在指标内. 记住, 磁北针其实是不会转动的—它永远指着地球磁北. 如果指针看起来好像在转动时, 那是你自己已经偏离防位了.现在让我们来设定指北针的相反方向. 首先, 转动定位外圈, 使指标对在指北针盘面上正好相反的位置. 然后, 转身, 直到指北针落在指标的下方. 现在, 你应该是面对着来时的方向. 你只要像刚才过来一样, 直线潜游, 便可回到你的起点.在很多环境下潜水时, 你都可以利用指北针游出去, 然后, 设定相反的方向, 在潜水结束后再游回船上或是岸边.只要简单的练习, 你会发现指北针导航不但实用, 而且是一个好玩的挑战—它是一种相当简单的基本技巧, 但快問 / 快答自我評估 51.水底指北針的基本特徵包括(適合的答案打勾):a.準線b.指北磁針c.方向指標d.定位外圈2. 使用指北針時, 你要使身體中線對準.a.指北磁針b.方向指針c.定位外圈d.以上皆非3. 直線導航時, 把指著你行進的方向, 然後, 把放在之上.4. 相反方向導航時, 要轉動定位外圈, 這樣, 就和來是, 要熟练到分毫不差的精准度, 则需要很多的练习和经验累积.即使你不是只为了学习指北针导航的缘故, 你也需要有初期的导航技巧. 除了在课堂练习之外,你要借着潜水时经常使用指北针,来发展自己的导航技巧, 你也可以和你的教练一起参加导航探险潜水. 并且花一个星期左右的时间, 去上水底探险导航专长课程及进阶开放水域潜水课程, 来做导航的潜水和学习.继续你的探险 现在的你, 距离成为一位PADI 开放水域潜水员已经不远了, 这时, 你可能相当专注于这一目标. 很快地, 你就是一位合格的潜旋轉指北針定位外圈, 使旋轉外圈上的指針偏離原方位180度, 然後轉動你的身體, 讓指北針的指針在旋轉外圈上的指標內, 準線對準來時的方向. 你只要沿著相反的航向直線游動, 就可以回到起點水员, 进入潜水世界的门坎中, 看到所有的潜水探险.然后呢?是该思考这个问题的时候了. 当一位潜水员取得资格后, 然后……然后…? 没有然后. 这对他而言, 实在是一个损失. 没有探险. 没有挑战. 这就好像有人给了潜水员一个新世界, 而不告诉他该用它做什么, 而这个潜水员却说, “我不要, 谢谢” 然后走开. 你花了时间和力气去赢得证书, 不是只为了, 你可以说 “我到过这里, 做过那个”. 但是, 对于掌握中的新世界, 你可能不知道该何去何从, 或是该怎么作才好. 所以, 让我们来看看此时此刻你必须做些什么, 好让以后的你, 回顾过去一年, 或十年时, 回想起的将不再只是 “……没有然后”. 你必须: 1.认识人, 2.到处去, 以及 3.做些事.认识人因为你不可能单独潜水,所以, 认识的潜水朋友越多, 潜水的机会也就越多.没人陪同潜水, 是一些潜水员得到证书后, 无法继续潜水的常见原因之一.也许, 你已经有朋友在潜水, 但是, 如果你没有这样的朋友, 或者你想认识更多的潜水朋友, 你该怎么做? 如果你想到这点, 这就是一个好的开始. 在课程最后一次平静水域潜水和开放水域潜水上课时, 不要忘记互留课堂中, 每一位学员的姓名, 电话, 和住址. 你知道这些潜水员了, 和你一样, 他们也想有人陪同潜水.接下来, 加入潜水俱乐部. 你的PADI潜水中心可能会有这样的。


DPharp BRAIN 通讯类型
IM 01C25T03-01E
IM 01C25T03-01E
6th Edition
DPharp BRAIN 通讯类型
IM 01C25T03-01E 第 6 版
1. 简介.............................................................................................................. 1-1
关于本手册...................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 1.2 本产品的安全使用................................................................................................ 1-1 保修...................................................................................................................... 1-2
操作.............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 BT200 操作程序................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 3.1.2 按键布局和屏幕显示........................................................................... 3-1 操作按键的功能.................................................................................. 3-1 (1) 字母数字键和 Shift 键................................................................. 3-1 (2) 功能键......................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.3 3.1.4 使用操作键调用菜单地址................................................................... 3-3 打印输出(对于 BT200 打印机选项)............................................... 3-3 (1) 所有参数的打印输出.................................................................. 3-3 (2) 通过菜单项打印输出.................................................................. 3-3 3.2 使用 BT200 设置参数 ......................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 参数使用和选择.................................................................................. 3-4 菜单树................................................................................................. 3-5 设置参数.............................................................................................. 3-6 (1) 位号设置 .................................................................................... 3-6 (2) 校正量程设置............................................................................. 3-6 (3) 阻尼时间常数设置...................................................................... 3-7 (4) 输出模式和内置显示表显示模式设置 ....................................... 3-8 (5) 输出信号低切模式设置............................................................... 3-8 (6) 内置显示表标度设置.................................................................. 3-9 (7) 显示温度单位设置.................................................................... 3-11 (8) 工作模式设置........................................................................... 3-11 (9) 引压管连接方向设置 ............................................................... 3-11


(1)为了更好地理解认知过程和社会化过程以产生最有效的学习; (2)为了用学习科学的知识来重新设计我们的课堂和其他学习环境。
以产生式规则集的形式展现学生的能力 在问题——解决的情境中提供指导 在问题解决之前传达目标结构 促进对问题解决知识的正确、总体的理解 将学习外部的工作记忆负荷减弱到最低程度 对与预期绩效模型相关的错误提供即时反馈


























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OrCAD is a registered trademark of OrCAD, Incorporated. Pro/ENGINEER is a registered u-ademark of Parametric Technology Corporation. SolidWorks is a registered rrademark of SoljdWorks Corporatio~). SPEC is ,i registrrcd trademark ofstandard Pcrfor~mncc Evaluarion corpora ti or^ Sun is ;I registered rradcmark ofSur Mic~~osystcmr, IIIC Svbasc is a rcgisrcrcd rrademark ond SQI. Scrvcr is a trademark of Sybase, Incorporated.
Volume 9 N u ~ n b e r 4 1997
Editorial Jane C. Rl.ike, ]Managing Editor Hclen L. Patterson, Editor I<atlilecn M . Stetson, E d ~ t o r Circulation Catlieri~lcM. Phillips, manager 16-~srine M. Lo\\,e, Adrnini\trator Production Editor Chrisrn W. Jcssico, Proctuctio~l Ellzabcrh McGrnil, Typographer Pcrcl- R. \Voodbury, illustrator Advisory Board Thomas F. Gannoo, Ch; (Acting) Scott E. Cutler Llonald Z. Harbert William A. Laing Richard F. Lary N a n G . Ncmctli M . Supnik Robert I



目录第一章欢迎进入个人机器人时代 (1)1.1. 个人机器人时代 (1)1.2. 在学校应用能力风暴个人机器人 (1)第二章让你的个人机器人动起来 (3)2.1. 翻开包装 (3)2.2. 了解能力风暴个人机器人 (3)2.3. 检测能力风暴 (4)2.4. 连接能力风暴 (6)2.5. 使用JC编程环境 (7)2.6. 让能力风暴跳舞 (9)第三章感觉、大脑与驱动器 (10)3.1. 个人机器人的三大体素 (10)3.2. 能力风暴的传感器及其处置电路 (11)3.2.1. 碰撞传感器 (11)3.2.2. 红别传感器 (13)3.2.3. 光敏传感器 (16)3.2.4. 麦克风 (19)3.2.5. 光电编码器 (20)3.2.6. 其他传感器 (23)3.3. 能力风暴的计算机硬件 (25)3.3.1. 微控制器 (25)3.3.2. 外部存储器 (28)3.3.3. 电源与复位电路 (30)3.3.4. 通信 (30)3.4. 驱动器 (31)3.4.1. 电机驱动电路 (31)3.4.2. 喇叭 (33)3.5. 硬件扩展总线ASBUS (33)3.5.1. 扩展2个光敏传感器 (34)3.5.2. 扩展2个红外接收传感器 (34)3.5.3. 扩展8个数字输出口 (35)第四章编程——赋予能力风暴智慧 (36)4.1. 第一个JC程序,H ELLO R OBOT! (36)4.2. 控制你的能力风暴 (36)4.2.1. 校正能力风暴的电机 (36)4.2.2. 走出规那么轨迹 (37)4.3. 让能力风暴获得感知周围环境的能力。

(38)4.3.1. 能力风暴的底子程序布局 (38)4.3.2. 一个“台球〞程序 (38)4.3.3. 红外和光敏的使用 (40)4.3.4. 编码器的使用 (41)4.4. 能力风暴的高级编程 (41)4.4.1. 第一个多进程程序 (41)4.4.2. 添加一个新进程 (42)4.4.3. JC进程同步的底子方法 (45)第五章测验考试迷人的机器人工程,参加出色的机器人比赛 (46)5.1. 机器人的行为控制 (46)5.2. 迷人的机器人工程 (48)5.3. 机器人比赛 (49)附录1:能力风暴库函数 (51)附录2:下载操作系统 (53)附录3:能力风暴控制板PCB 布局图 (54)附录4:能力风暴个人机器人性能指标 (54)附录5:能力风暴常见问题列表 (55)第一章欢迎进入个人机器人时代1.1. 个人机器人时代感谢你购置能力风暴个人机器人,你是全世界拥有个人机器人〔P ersonal R obot〕的先驱,如同在1975年拥有一台个人电脑(P ersonal C omputer)。






































大脑使用说明书大脑使用说明书篇一:大脑使用说明书目录第一章思维导图概述什么是思维导图? 你需要用哪些工具来绘制思维导图?思维导图如何帮助你?第二章绘制一幅思维导图发现你与生俱来的绘制思维导图的能力想象和联想的游戏绘制思维导图的七个步骤绘制你的第一幅思维导图第三章使用思维导图,让你每天的生活更加成功沟通与演讲的思维导图家庭事务计划的思维导图说服别人与谈判的思维导图计划一个浪漫周末的思维导图打电话的思维导图开始一项新的商务风险投资的思维导图购物的思维导图把一本书变成一张簿纸的思维导图计算机思维导图第四章用思维导图最大限度地开发你的创造力用思维导图发掘你惊人的创造力线性笔记及其问题你头脑中的万维网及其创造力伟大的天才和记笔记的方法第五章用思维导图描绘你的理想未来创造你的理想未来思维导图与未来梦想成真(阅读正文请操作本框架右边的下拉条)第一章思维导图概述[]1.什么是思维导图?思维导图是终极的组织性思维工具。












目录Personal Brain 3.03资源 (1)PersonalBrain的四个基本概念 (3)Thought在四大概念中的地位和价值 (6)人类思考的三重“门”与Thought的分类体系 (8)阿东答疑(一) (11)实例学习personalBrain的资源管理(1) (12)实例学习personalBrain的资源管理(2)---时间资源 (13)Personal Brain 的全新版本登场了! (15)Personal Brain升级到最新6的注意事项! (15)Personal Brain三大窗口模式的前世今生! (16)Personal Brain今日推出! (19)来自上帝的礼物!------我所知道的Personal Brain! (21)PersonalBrain 实用研究---------合适的目标 (24)WEBBRAIN网站自动定时发布新体验----PB (26)深蓝思维工作室未来研究方向! (30)PersonalBrain学习四阶段(无知--自知--自觉--无为) (31)PersonalBrain的图片自动缩放的功能扩展 (35)PersonalBrain 6中文语言支持正式推出! (37)PersonalBrain实例讲解------预告篇 (39)PersonalBrain的终极使命(更新) (40)PersonalBrain的经验教训-----保证CPU效率和内存充足 (41)Personalbrain Pro的多备注编辑功能 (43)PersonalBrain的自动实时保存 (43)Personal Brain 3.03资源兄弟姐妹们好:我是阿东,很高兴能为大家介绍这款相当出色的软件作品Personal Brain 3.03,可能很多朋友要问的主页上都已经更新到5.5.2.1版本了,为什么还要介绍老版本给我们呢?不错,Personal Brain已经进化到了5.5的最新版本,出于以下几个理由我觉得有必要先从3.03版本介绍给大家来认识这个软件。

Personal Computer 个人计算机要点

Personal Computer 个人计算机要点

PC personal computer 个人计算机⏹IBM International Business Machine 美国国际商用机器公司的公司简称,是最早推出的个人计算机品牌。

⏹Intel 美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称。

⏹Pentium Intel公司生产的586 CPU芯片,中文译名为“奔腾”。

⏹Address地址⏹Agents代理⏹Analog signals模拟信号⏹Applets程序⏹Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口⏹Attachment附件⏹Access time存取时间⏹access存取⏹accuracy准确性⏹ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件⏹Add-ons 插件⏹Active-matrix主动矩阵⏹Adapter cards适配卡⏹Advanced application高级应用⏹Analytical graph分析图表⏹Analyze分析⏹Animations动画⏹Application software 应用软件⏹Arithmetic operations算术运算⏹Audio-output device音频输出设备⏹Basic application基础程序⏹Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案⏹Binary system二进制系统⏹Bit比特⏹Browser浏览器⏹Bus line总线⏹Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元⏹Business-to-consumer企业对消费者⏹Bar code条形码⏹Bar code reader条形码读卡器⏹Bus总线⏹Bandwidth带宽⏹Bluetooth蓝牙⏹Broadband宽带⏹Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务⏹cookies-cutter programs信息记录截取程序⏹cookies信息记录程序⏹cracker解密高手⏹cumulative trauma disorder积累性损伤错乱⏹Cybercash电子现金⏹Cyberspace计算机空间⏹cynic愤世嫉俗者⏹Cables连线⏹Cell单元箱⏹Chain printer链式打印机⏹Character and recognition device字符标识识别设备⏹Chart图表⏹Chassis支架⏹Chip芯片⏹Clarity清晰度⏹Closed architecture封闭式体系结构⏹Column列⏹Combination key结合键⏹computer competency计算机能力⏹connectivity连接,结点⏹Continuous-speech recognition system连续语言识别系统⏹Channel信道⏹Chat group谈话群组⏹chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) ]氯氟甲烷⏹Client客户端⏹Coaxial cable同轴电缆⏹cold site冷网站⏹Commerce servers商业服务器⏹Communication channel信道⏹Communication systems信息系统⏹Compact disc rewritable⏹Compact disc光盘⏹computer abuse amendments act of 19941994计算机滥用法案⏹computer crime计算机犯罪⏹computer ethics计算机道德⏹computer fraud and abuse act of 1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案⏹computer matching and privacy protection act of 1988计算机查找和隐私保护法案⏹Computer network计算机网络⏹computer support specialist计算机支持专家⏹computer technician计算机技术人员⏹computer trainer计算机教师⏹Connection device连接设备⏹Connectivity连接⏹Consumer-to-consumer个人对个人⏹Control unit操纵单元⏹Cordless or wireless mouse无线鼠标⏹Cable modems有线调制解调器⏹carpal tunnel syndrome腕骨神经综合症⏹CD-ROM可记录光盘⏹CD-RW可重写光盘⏹CD-R可记录压缩光盘⏹Disk磁碟⏹Distributed data processing system分部数据处理系统⏹Distributed processing分布处理⏹Domain code域代码⏹Downloading下载⏹DVD 数字化通用磁盘⏹DVD-R 可写DVD⏹DVD-RAM DVD随机存取器⏹DVD-ROM 只读DVD⏹Database数据库⏹database files数据库文件⏹Database manager数据库管理⏹Data bus数据总线⏹Data projector数码放映机⏹Desktop system unit台式电脑系统单元⏹Destination file目标文件⏹Dumb terminal非智能终端⏹data security数据安全⏹Data transmission specifications数据传输说明⏹database administrator数据库管理员⏹Dataplay数字播放器⏹Demodulation解调⏹denial of service attack拒绝服务攻击⏹Dial-up service拨号服务⏹Digital cash数字现金⏹Digital signals数字信号⏹Digital subscriber line数字用户线路⏹Digital versatile disc数字化通用磁盘⏹Digital video disc数字化视频光盘⏹Direct access直接存取⏹Directory search目录搜索⏹disaster recovery plan灾难恢复计划⏹Disk caching磁盘驱动器高速缓存⏹Diskette磁盘⏹Digital cameras数码照相机⏹Digital notebooks数字笔记本⏹Digital bideo camera数码摄影机⏹Discrete-speech recognition system不连续语言识别系统⏹Document文档⏹document files文档文件⏹Dot-matrix printer点矩阵式打印机⏹Dual-scan monitor双向扫描显示器⏹environment环境⏹Erasable optical disks可擦除式光盘⏹ergonomics人类工程学⏹ethics道德规范⏹External modem外置调制解调器⏹extranet企业外部网⏹e-book电子阅读器⏹Expansion cards扩展卡⏹electronic commerce电子商务⏹electronic communications privacy act of1986电子通信隐私法案⏹encrypting加密术⏹energy star能源之星⏹Enterprise computing企业计算化⏹end user终端用户⏹e-cash电子现金⏹e-commerce电子商务⏹electronic cash电子现金⏹Floppy-disk cartridge磁盘盒⏹Formatting格式化⏹freedom of information act of 1970信息自由法案⏹frequency频率⏹frustrated受挫折⏹Full-duplex communication全双通通信⏹Fax machine传真机⏹Field域⏹Find搜索⏹FireWire port火线端口⏹Firmware固件⏹Flash RAM闪存⏹Flatbed scanner台式扫描器⏹Flat-panel monitor纯平显示器⏹floppy disk软盘⏹filter过滤⏹firewall防火墙⏹firewall防火墙⏹Fixed disk固定硬盘⏹Flash memory闪存⏹Flexible disk可折叠磁盘⏹Floppies磁盘⏹Formatting toolbar格式化工具条⏹Formula公式⏹Function函数⏹fair credit reporting act of 1970公平信用报告法案⏹Fiber-optic cable光纤电缆⏹File compression文件压缩⏹File decompression文件解压缩⏹green pc绿色个人计算机⏹Grop by 排序⏹General-purpose application通用运用程序⏹Gigahertz千兆赫⏹Graphic tablet绘图板⏹Hard-disk pack硬盘组⏹Head crash磁头碰撞⏹header标题⏹help desk specialist帮助办公专家⏹helper applications帮助软件⏹Hierarchical network层次型网络⏹history file历史文件⏹handheld computer手提电脑⏹Hard copy硬拷贝⏹hard disk硬盘⏹hardware硬件⏹Help帮助⏹hits匹配记录⏹horizontal portal横向用户⏹hot site热网站⏹Hybrid network混合网络⏹Host computer主机⏹Home page主页⏹Hyperlink超链接⏹hacker黑客⏹Half-duplex communication半双通通信⏹Hard-disk cartridge硬盘盒⏹information pushers信息推送器⏹initializing 初始化⏹instant messaging计时信息⏹internal hard disk内置硬盘⏹Internet hard drive 网络硬盘驱动器⏹intranet企业内部网⏹Image capturing device图像获取设备⏹information technology信息技术⏹Ink-jet printer墨水喷射印刷机⏹Integrated package综合性组件⏹Intelligent terminal智能终端设备⏹Intergrated circuit集成电路⏹Interface cards接口卡⏹illusion of anonymity匿名幻想⏹index search索引搜索⏹Internal modem内部调制解调器⏹internet telephony网络电话⏹internet terminal互联网终端⏹Identification识别⏹drive网络硬盘驱动器⏹joystick操纵杆⏹keyword search关键字搜索⏹laser printer激光打印机⏹Layout files版式文件⏹Light pen光笔⏹Locate定位⏹lurking潜伏⏹Logical operations逻辑运算⏹Lands凸面⏹Line of sight communication视影通信⏹Low bandwidth低带宽计算机英语名词解释⏹ADIMM(Advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules,高级双重内嵌式内存模块)⏹AMR(Audio/Modem Riser,音效/调制解调器主机板附加直立插卡)⏹AHA(Accelerated Hub Architecture,加速中心架构)⏹ASK IR(Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red,长波形可移动输入红外线)⏹ATX(AT Extend,扩展型AT)⏹BIOS(Basic Input/Output System,基本输入/输出系统)⏹CSE(Configuration Space Enable,可分配空间)⏹DB(Device Bay,设备插架)⏹DMI(Desktop Management Interface,桌面管理接口)⏹EB(Expansion Bus,扩展总线)⏹EISA(Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture,增强形工业标准架构)⏹EMI(Electromagnetic Interference,电磁干扰)⏹ESCD(Extended System Configuration Data,可扩展系统配置数据)⏹FBC(Frame Buffer Cache,帧缓冲缓存)⏹FireWire(火线,即IEEE1394标准)⏹FSB(Front Side Bus,前置总线,即外部总线)⏹FWH(Firmware Hub,固件中心)⏹GMCH(Graphics & Memory Controller Hub,图形和内存控制中心)⏹GPIs(General Purpose Inputs,普通操作输入)⏹ICH(Input/Output Controller Hub,输入/输出控制中心)⏹IR(Infrared Ray,红外线)⏹IrDA(Infrared Ray,红外线通信接口可进行局域网存取和文件共享)⏹ISA(Industry Standard Architecture,工业标准架构)⏹ISA(Instruction Set Architecture,工业设置架构)⏹MDC(Mobile Daughter Card,移动式子卡)⏹MRH-R(Memory Repeater Hub,内存数据处理中心)⏹MRH-S(SDRAM Repeater Hub,SDRAM数据处理中心)⏹MTH(Memory Transfer Hub,内存转换中心)⏹NGIO(Next Generation Input/Output,新一代输入/输出标准)⏹P64H(64-bit PCI Controller Hub,64位PCI控制中心)⏹PCB(Printed Circuit Board,印刷电路板)⏹PCBA(Printed Circuit Board Assembly,印刷电路板装配)⏹PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect,互连外围设备)⏹PCI SIG(Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group,互连外围设备专业组)⏹POST(Power On Self Test,加电自测试)⏹RNG(Random number Generator,随机数字发生器)⏹RTC(Real Time Clock,实时时钟)⏹KBC(KeyBroad Control,键盘控制器)⏹SAP(Sideband Address Port,边带寻址端口)⏹SBA(Side Band Addressing,边带寻址)⏹SMA(Share Memory Architecture,共享内存结构)⏹STD(Suspend To Disk,磁盘唤醒)⏹STR(Suspend To RAM,内存唤醒)⏹SVR(Switching V oltage Regulator,交换式电压调节)⏹USB(Universal Serial Bus,通用串行总线)⏹USDM(Unified System Diagnostic Manager,统一系统监测管理器)⏹VID(Voltage Identification Definition,电压识别认证)⏹VRM (V oltage Regulator Module,电压调整模块)⏹ZIF(Zero Insertion Force ,零插力)⏹主板技术⏹ACOPS(Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System,CPU过热预防系统)⏹SIV(System Information Viewer,系统信息观察)⏹ESDJ(Easy Setting Dual Jumper,简化CPU双重跳线法)⏹UPT(USB、PANEL、LINK、TV-OUT四重接口)⏹芯片组⏹ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,先进设置和电源管理)⏹AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port,图形加速接口)⏹I/O(Input/Output,输入/输出)⏹MIOC(Memory and I/O Bridge Controller,内存和I/O桥控制器)⏹NBC(North Bridge Chip,北桥芯片)⏹PIIX(PCI ISA/IDE Accelerator,加速器)⏹PSE36(Page Size Extension 36-bit,36位页面尺寸扩展模式)⏹PXB(PCI Expander Bridge,PCI增强桥)⏹RCG(RAS/CAS Generator,RAS/CAS发生器)⏹SBC(South Bridge Chip,南桥芯片)⏹SMB(System Management Bus,全系统管理总线)⏹SPD(Serial Presence Detect,内存内部序号检测装置)⏹SSB(Super South Bridge,超级南桥芯片)⏹TDP(Triton Data Path,数据路径)⏹TSC(Triton System Controller,系统控制器)⏹QPA(Quad Port Acceleration,四接口加速)⏹ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit,特殊应用积体电路)⏹ASC(Auto-Sizing and Centering,自动调效屏幕尺寸和中心位置)⏹ASC(Anti Static Coatings,防静电涂层)⏹AGAS(Anti Glare Anti Static Coatings,防强光、防静电涂层)⏹BLA(Bearn Landing Area,电子束落区)⏹BMC(Black Matrix Screen,超黑矩阵屏幕)⏹CRC(Cyclical Redundancy Check,循环冗余检查)⏹CRT(Cathode Ray Tube,阴极射线管)⏹DDC(Display Data Channel,显示数据通道)⏹DEC(Direct Etching Coatings,表面蚀刻涂层)⏹DFL(Dynamic Focus Lens,动态聚焦)⏹DFS(Digital Flex Scan,数字伸缩扫描)⏹DIC(Digital Image Control,数字图像控制)⏹Digital Multiscan II(数字式智能多频追踪)⏹DLP(Digital Light Processing,数字光处理)⏹DOSD(Digital On Screen Display,同屏数字化显示)⏹DPMS(Display Power Management Signalling,显示能源管理信号)⏹Dot Pitch(点距)⏹DQL(Dynamic Quadrapole Lens,动态四极镜)⏹DSP(Digital Signal Processing,数字信号处理)⏹EFEAL(Extended Field Elliptical Aperture Lens,可扩展扫描椭圆孔镜头)⏹FRC(Frame Rate Control,帧比率控制)⏹HVD(High V oltage Differential,高分差动)⏹LCD(liquid crystal display,液晶显示屏)⏹LCOS(Liquid Crystal On Silicon,硅上液晶)⏹LED(light emitting diode,光学二级管)⏹L-SAGIC(Low Power-Small Aperture G1 wiht Impregnated Cathode,低电压光圈阴极管)⏹LVD(Low V oltage Differential,低分差动)⏹LVDS(Low V oltage Differential Signal,低电压差动信号)⏹MALS(Multi Astigmatism Lens System,多重散光聚焦系统)⏹MDA(Monochrome Adapter,单色设备)⏹MS(Magnetic Sensors,磁场感应器)⏹Porous Tungsten(活性钨)⏹RSDS(Reduced Swing Differential Signal,小幅度摆动差动信号)⏹SC(Screen Coatings,屏幕涂层)⏹Single Ended(单终结)⏹Shadow Mask(阴罩式)⏹TDT(Timeing Detection Table,数据测定表)⏹TICRG(Tungsten Impregnated Cathode Ray Gun,钨传输阴级射线枪)⏹TFT(Thin Film Transistor,薄膜晶体管)⏹UCC(Ultra Clear Coatings,超清晰涂层)⏹V AGP(Variable Aperature Grille Pitch,可变间距光栅)⏹VBI(Vertical Blanking Interval,垂直空白间隙)⏹VDT(Video Display Terminals,视频显示终端)⏹VRR(Vertical Refresh Rate,垂直扫描频率)计算机函数数据库#include <iostream.h>class Myclas{private:int m-number;publicvoid setNumber(int number){m-number = number;}int getNumber(){return m-number}};void showMe(){cout<<"我是一个类"<<endl;}};void main (){Myclass mc;//mc.m_number=10;mc.setNumber(10);cout<<mc.showMe()<<endl;}⏹AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port) -图形加速接口⏹Access Time-存取时间⏹Address-地址⏹ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 美国国家标准协会⏹ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)⏹Async SRAM-异步静态内存⏹BSB (Backside Bus)⏹Bandwidth-带宽⏹Bank -内存库⏹Bank Schema -存储体规划⏹Base Rambus -初级的Rambus内存⏹Baud -波特⏹BGA (Ball Grid Array)-球状引脚栅格阵列封装技术⏹Binary -二进制⏹BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) -基本输入/输出系统⏹Bit-位、比特⏹BLP-底部引出塑封技术⏹Buffer-缓冲区⏹Buffered Memory-带缓冲的内存⏹BEDO (Burst EDO RAM) -突发模式EDO随机存储器⏹Burst Mode-突发模式⏹Bus-总线⏹Bus Cycle-总线周期⏹Byte-字节⏹Cacheability-高速缓存能力⏹Cache Memory-高速缓存存储器⏹CAS (Column Address Strobe)-列地址选通脉冲⏹CL(CAS Latency )-列地址选通脉冲时间延迟⏹CDRAM (Cache DRAM)-快取动态随机存储器⏹Checksum-检验和,校验和⏹Chipset-芯片组⏹Chip-Scale Package (CSP)-芯片级封装⏹Compact Flash-紧凑式闪存⏹Concurrent Rambus-并发式总线式内存⏹Continuity RIMM (C-RIMM)-连续性总线式内存模组⏹CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semicomductor)-互补金属氧化物半导体用于晶体管⏹CPU (Central Processing Unit)-中央处理单元⏹Credit Card Memory -信用卡内存⏹DDR(Double Data Rate SDRAM)-双数据输出同步动态存储器。



SelfSmartCentre AccessContents1.1 Definitions1.2 SelfSmart Homepage1.3 Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement1.4 Login Page1.4.1 Privacy1.5 Delivery Admins Tab1.5.1 Group Charts1.5.2 Group Charts - Profile Selection1.5.3 Group Charts Filter1.5.4 Group Charts Key1.6 Add Admins Tab1.7 Manage Licence Tab1.8 User Allocation Tab2.0 Complete/ Repeat3.0 Contact UsSelfSmart WalkthroughThe following walkthrough of SelfSmart details how each Learner, Centre and Guide can access and benefit from SelfSmart.1.1 DefinitionsLearner The individual being supported through SelfSmartGuide The employee (or department within the Centre ) responsible for supportingthe Learner through SelfSmart (e.g. mentor, tutor, teacher, adviser,counsellor)Centre The organisation/ group that has the responsibility of managing the GuidesProfile A series of questions, responses and reports based on Mental Health/Emotional Intelligence/ Multiple Intelligence/ Resilience+Profile Subject One of the 24 component areas of the four Profiles (e.g. self-esteem, self-control, wordsmart, flexibility)How Do You Feel Mental Health and WellbeingKnow Yourself Emotional IntelligenceWhat Do You Like to Do Multiple Intelligence/ Learning and Employment StylesResilience+Personal Resilience**Based on Clearaims own research/ theories - See SelfSmart Integrity document for further information.1.2 SelfSmart HomepageThe main portal for Centres, Guides and Learners to access SelfSmart.The page contains information on SelfSmart and what to expect on completing the profiles. The page also provide access to the main login page and contact details for support. NB Customers of Pearson/ Edexcel will need to access SelfSmart via a separate portal on the Skilled for Life website.1.3 Terms and Conditions and Privacy StatementOutlining for Learners, Guide and Centres how SelfSmart works; including access rights and how the data is managed and stored safely.1.4 Login PageLearners, Centres and Guides all login through the same page.Each will be directed to a different access tier of SelfSmart depending on their access rights.1.4.1 PrivacyAll Learners, Centres and Guides need to bemade aware that by accessing SelfSmart they agree to the Terms and Conditions. Learners need to be made aware that theirdata will be accessible by their allocated adviser and that SelfSmart's administrators will have access to the data for site management purposes.1.5.1 Group ChartsClicking on the tab, will display a table of all the Learners allocated to a Guide.Results for up to 30 Learners can be graphed simultaneously.1.5 Delivery Admins TabThis page enables the Centre Administrator to view all Guides associated with the licence. The page contains information on each Guide's: Name Username SelfSmartPassword the Guide's passwordChange Password change a Guide's password1.5.2 Group Charts - Profile SelectionWhen all Learners have been selected, the Centre Administrator can click on the required profile category to create a chart.All Charts display a print button. This enables Guides/ Centre Administrators to print off charts when compiling reports are required beyond what isavailable on SelfSmart,please email requirementsto 1.5.3 Group Charts FilterThe most recent results for each Learner will be displayed for the selected Profile category.Scroll down the screen to view up to 30 Learners. Clicking on the required graph key will filter the charts even further to select a single Profile category eg:1.5.4 Group Charts KeyLearner names are displayed down the left-hand side of the screen.The Learners most recent Profile scores are displayed across the horizontal axis.Manage LicenceThis tab displays how many logins are allocated to each Guide. Learners are created under the Guide's admin screen. Existing Learners can be re-allocated under the User Allocation Tab.1.6 Add AdminsThis page enables the Centre Administrator to create a new Guide.A unique Guide name is required in addition to a Username and Password.NB - Once created, Guides can only be deleted by the SelfSmart team.1.7 Manage Licence TabThis page displays :▪Licence.▪ each Guide.▪ Guide.The Login Allocation Table shows each Guide's used/ available/ total number of logins. Once a Learner login has been created this will be removed from the Available column and added to the Used column.To allocate more logins to a Guide, click on to the right of the table. Multiple logins can beassigned by selecting from the drop down menu.If Learner logins have not been assigned to a Learner, they can be reassigned by clicking2525 50 25 25 50 15 15 30 15 15 30 15 15 30 15 15 30 5 15 20 515202 Complete/ RepeatSelfSmart is designed to be repeated many times over. This will enable each Learner to self-manage their behaviours, attitudes and strategies for coping in life.There are no strict guidelines for how often SelfSmart should be repeated or for how long the gap should be between sessions. It is beneficial to repeat SelfSmart following any support, counselling, advice, workshop, course or intervention.Although the results for the What Do You Like to Do? (Learning/ Employment Styles) section can change over time, it is likely that this change will not be as pronounced. It is therefore recommended that this section be repeated less frequently. As 'What Do You Like to Do?' is the longest profile section in SelfSmart, this will significantly reduce the time required to repeat the SelfSmart process.3 Contact InformationPlease contact ****************** or 0871 222 7430 for all SelfSmart enquiries (technical and content focussed)©Clearaims Ltd - All rights reserved 2012. Reproduction of this document in any form (electronic or otherwise) is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Clearaims directors.1.8 User Allocation TabThis screen enables the Centre Administrator to re-allocate Learners from one Guide to another. To re-allocate a Learner, click on the existing Guide from the drop-down menu.The following screen will display all Learners allocated to the Guide.To re-allocate a Learner/ multiple Learners to another Guide; select the relevant tick-boxes .Once all the required Learner's have been selected, click the new Guide's name from the drop down menu at the bottom of the table.。

IR Pen Interactive 用户手册说明书

IR Pen Interactive 用户手册说明书

IR Pen Interactive User manualTable of contentsUsage Notice (3)Precautions (3)How it works (3)Package Overview (4)Before Installation - Environment Check (5)Installation guide (6)Installation workflow (6)Installing the mount (7)Step 1: Attach the wall plate to the wall (7)Step 2: Attach the projector to the mount plate (8)Step 3: Attach the projector to the mount (9)Step 4: Adjusting the projected image size (10)Step 5: Adjusting the tilt (vertical keystone) (11)Step 6: Adjusting the tilt (yaw) (11)Step 7: Adjusting the tilt (horizontal keystone) (13)Installing the whiteboard (14)IR Pen setup (15)Step 1: Install Utility Software (15)Step 2: Interactive Mode (16)Step 3: Touch Area Setting (17)Step 4: Calibration (19)Step 5: Trouble-shooting Viewer (20)Appendix (21)Troubleshooting (21)Distance calculator (26)Usage NoticePlease follow all warnings, precautions and maintenance as recommended in this user's manual.●Warning - Do not disassemble the IR Pens.●Warning - Do not use, store, or leave the IR Pens near fire, or in places with a high temperature,e.g., in direct sunlight, or in sun-heated cars.●Warning – Use a standard USB cable (maximum length: 5m). To extend the USB cable length over5m, a certified active extension USB cable is required.●Warning - Do not allow liquid or foreign material to enter the IR Pen.PrecautionsThe IR camera on the projector receives infrared signals from the IR Pen.To operate normally:●The IR camera should face the projection area of the whiteboard.●Remove any obstacle in between the IR camera and the whiteboard.●Do not place other infrared communication devices, lighting equipment, or residential heatingequipment etc., nearby.Maintenance: Gently clean the pen tip with dust blower.How it works●The IR camera picks up the invisible IR light emitted from the tip of the IR Pen.●The camera module tracks multiple touch points and reports positions to a PC or laptop via USB.●To optimize the touch function the whiteboard needs to be flat and in good condition, without dentsor warping.Package OverviewNote:*Supplied with USTir version only.2x IR Pens*5m USB cable CD user manualBefore Installation - Environment CheckBefore setting up and installing the projector ensure that the power supply and wiring work for the installation location of the mount in advance.Note:∙Install the projector away from other electrical devices such as florescent lights or air conditioners.Some kinds of florescent lights could interfere with the remote control of the projector∙We recommend to keep source cable length less than 20 meters to reduce external noise∙We recommend using a steel backed whiteboard∙Make sure the projector is installed under the following conditions- the projected image is a rectangular shape without any distortion- the projector is tilted at an angle no more than +/-3 degrees vertically and horizontal in relation to the screen∙When using the interactive function install the projector so that the projected image is within reach∙Do not install the projector or screen in a location subject to direct sunlight. If the projector and screen are subject to direct sunlight, the interactive function may not operate correctly.Installation guideInstallation workflowo Install the projector mount (See mount installation guide)o Attach the projector to mount (See mount installation guide)o Connect sources and USB to the projectoro Adjust projected images (See mount installation guide)o Install the whiteboard (See whiteboard installation guide)o IR Pen setup and calibrationInstalling the mountStep 1: Attach the wall plate to the wall∙For ease of installation mount the bracket on the wall using position 1 and mark other positions usinga spirit level.∙Remove bracket and drill other positions∙Use fixings suitable for your type of wall construction∙Use all available fixing points∙If in any doubt of the suitability of the wall, it’s construction or what type of fixings to use, consult a qualified builder or installerNote:Remove wall plate cover before attaching to wall. Retain fixings for re-attaching cover later.Step 2: Attach the projector to the mount plate∙Place the projector on a soft clean surface∙Position the pre-assembled mounting plate on top of the projector∙Insert 5xA (M4 x 10mm) screws from the fixing kit, tighten with a posidrive screwdriverStep 3: Attach the projector to the mount∙Lift the projector and mounting plate in to position –Fig 3A∙Lift the projector so the two hooks slip over the protrusions on the black molding –Fig 3B ∙Position the washer C and teardrop shaped locking washer D against the hooks –Fig 3C ∙Insert bolt B (M8 x 75mm) and tighten it using the one of the allen keys provided –Fig 3DStep 4: Adjusting the projected image size∙Loosen the two bolts on the projector caddy –Fig 4A∙Loosen the bot on the fine length adjustor –Fig 4B∙Slide the caddy and fine adjuster together until the screen size is nearly correct –Fig 4C∙Tighten the fixing bolt on the fine adjuster –Fig 4D∙Adjust highlighted bolt to fine adjust the throw distance –Fig 4E∙To reduce the projected image size, tighten the bolt clockwise using one of the allen keys provided to move the projector closer to the screen∙To increase the projected image size, loosen the bolt anticlockwise using one of the allen keys provided to move the projector away from the screen∙Once fine adjustment is done. Tighten the two caddy mounting bolts –Fig 4FStep 5: Adjusting the tilt (vertical keystone)∙Loosen the single M8 x 75mm bolt – Fig 5A∙Adjust the projector to the required angle – Fig 5B∙Tighten the bolt to lock the angle of the projector – Fig 5C∙Adjust the highlighted thumbwheel to fine adjust the tilt angle – Fig 5D ∙To decrease the angle of projection, tighten the thumbwheel clockwise ∙To increase the angle of projection, loosen the thumbwheel anticlockwiseStep 6: Adjusting the tilt (yaw)∙ Adjust the highlighted thumbwheel to fine adjust the yaw angle – Fig 6E ∙ To lower the left hand side of the projector, tighten the thumbwheel clockwise ∙To lower the right hand side of the projector, loosen the thumbwheel anticlockwiseStep 7: Adjusting the tilt (horizontal keystone)∙The projector mount is pre-tensioned and can be rotated by hand∙Adjust the highlighted thumbwheel to fine adjust the rotation of the projector – Fig 7A∙To bring the left hand side of the projector closer to the screen, tighten the thumbwheel clockwise ∙To bring the right hand side of the projector close to the screen, loosen the thumbwheel anticlockwiseInstalling the whiteboardIR Pen setupStep 1: Install Utility Software1. System requirementsTo ensure normal operation of the touch function, your computer must meet the system requirements shown in the table below.System requirementOperating system Microsoft Windows XP (SP3)/Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)/Windows 8(Must be installed. NET Framework 4.0)CPU Intel® Core™ i3 or aboveMemory 2GB or higherMin. hard disk space 110 MB2. Install the software utility from the CDROM. The status of the software is shown in the task bar, the iconsshown below describe the mode the software is set to:Finger/Stylus modeActive Pen modeDisconnectedStep 2: Interactive ModeWindows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems support multi-point touch control. Users can select default Finger/Stylus Mode () for multi-point touch, Or switch to Active Pen Mode () when using the light pen (IR pen).Note:Windows XP and MAC operating systems only support single-point touchStep 3: Touch Area SettingA. Select Auto Touch Area Setting:Note:∙Quit all software applications∙Reduce ambient light∙Do not obstruct or shake lens during Touch Area Setting∙Check if projection image is clear. If not, adjust focus to sharpen the image If fail message pops up, switch to Manual Touch Area Setting.B. Select Manual Touch Area Setting:B-1. After the camera captures the projection image, a Touch Area window will pop up. If the captured image is not clear enough, please re-select “Ambient light mode s election” from “Auto”to “Bright” or “Dim” according to actual ambient light condition.Remark: Captured image shows the actual camera view, which is reversed from projection image. For example: P1 is lower right corner, P2 is lower left corner and so on.B-2. Touch Area Boundary Fine-tuningStep 1: Click on P1, use mouse to drag P1 to upper left corner. Align adjustable green zone with projected white frame.Step 2: Adjust P2 to P4 accordingly; adjustable green zone should completely overlaps the projected white frame.Step 3: Finally, check again if the green frame completely overlaps the projected white frame.If not, fine-adjust again.B-3. When the Touch Area is correctly located click “Exit” to exit.Step 4: CalibrationA. Select Manual CalibrationNote:If the fail message pops up, follow the steps shown below to troubleshoot the issues.∙Close all software applications∙Reduce ambient light∙Do not obstruct or shake lens during calibration∙Check if projection image is clear. If not, adjust focus to sharpen the imageManual Calibration is suggested for better accuracy.Step 5: Trouble-shooting ViewerSometimes infrared red light (IR light) from ambient light sources may interfere with touch performance. The troubleshooting viewer shows real time images for debugging purposes.Any infrared light interference is now shown in the window.Note: Interactive function is disabled under trouble-shooting viewer, click to exit.AppendixTroubleshootingQ1 Why won’t the PC boot when the USB cable is connected to the projector?A:1. Unplug USB cable from PC; or2. Go to BIOS setup page of PC and modify the “Boot priority order.” Choose Hard disk as top priority,save the change and reboot PC.Q2 What to do when Windows system cannot identify the USB device?A:1. Unplug/re-plug in the USB cable and check again.2. Switch to another USB port and check again.3. Restart your computer and check again.4. Go to Power Options in Control Panel, check USB selective suspend settings status in USBsettings under Advance Settings. Switch to “Disabled”.5. Go to the official website of the laptop/PC manufacturer, and update the USB driver to the latestversion.6. Use the USB cable included with your projector and check again. If a USB extension is neededplease contact your distributor.7. The USB port of your computer may not be working. Please contact your IT staff.Q3 Why is the utility icon () red and not green (/)?A: Red icon () indicates a failed connection. This may be caused by the following:1. Unplug/re-plug in the USB cable and check again.2. Switch to another USB port and check again.3. Restart your computer and check again.4. Go to Power Options in Control Panel; check USB selective suspend settings status in USBsettings under Advance Settings. Switch to “Disabled”.5. Go to official website of the laptop/PC manufacturer, and update the USB driver to the latestversion.6. Go to official website of the laptop/PC manufacturer, and update the BIOS driver to the latestversion.7. Use the USB cable included with your projector and check again. If an USB extension is needed,please contact your distributor.8. The USB port of your computer may not be working. Please contact your IT staff.Q4 What to do when there is only single touch point?A:1. Re-plug USB cable from PC.2. Go to “Control Panel” and make sure “Tablet PC Components” is selected.Q5 When should Calibration and Touch Area Setting be completed?A: Please perform Calibration and Touch Area setting during first installation. If the projector or whiteboard is moved, Touch Area Setting and Calibration should be performed again.-When Laptop/PC resolution is changed, calibrate again.-For better accuracy, please complete manual calibration.-If an overlarge offset is observed, please perform Manual Calibration and see Step 8 Calibration for troubleshooting.Q6 What to do when Auto Calibration and Auto Touch Area Setting both fail?A:1. When the projectors OSD message is shown, this may result in Auto Calibration failure and AutoTouch Area Setting failure. Please wait until the OSD message is hidden before performing AutoCalibration and Auto Touch Area Setting.2. Please follow the troubleshooting steps shown below to perform Auto Calibration and Auto TouchArea Setting again.a. Quit all software applicationsb. Reduce ambient lightc. Do not obstruct or shake lens during Calibrationd. Check if projection image is clear. If not, adjust focus to sharpen the image.e. If the “Auto Touch Area Setting failed” or "Auto Calibration failed" message pops up on screenagain, please switch to Manual Mode to complete Touch Area Setting and Calibration.3. Please check Projector Brightness Mode selection. Lower lamp brightness (ECO mode) may affectboth Auto Touch Area Setting and Auto Calibration. Please switch to Bright mode to completeTouch Area Setting and Calibration.4. Please check Projector Display Mode selection. To ensure accuracy of both Auto Touch AreaSetting and Auto Calibration, it is suggested to switch display mode to Bright Mode.Q8 What to do when the mouse cursor () flashes or jumps on screen, or when the Touch function does not work well for a certain projection area?A:1. Check if there is strong ambient light shown on the whiteboard. If yes, turn off the light.2. Check if there are any foreign objects on the whiteboard. If yes, remove the object.3. Refer to Step 6 Laser Beam Alignment for detailed procedures, to see if laser beam is aligned.4. Refer to Step 7 Touch Area Setting for detailed procedures, check if Manual Touch Area boundaryis located properly.Q9 What to do when the projection area corner is insensitive or intermittent lines are observed? A:1. Adjust the level of Touch Sensitivity to enhance sensitivity, see Step 9 Touch Sensitivity fortroubleshooting.2. If Touch function remains insensitive, please check the optical port condition. If dust or particles areobserved, gently clean the optical port with dust blower.Q10 What to do when the touch function is not accurate?A: Touch accuracy may be impacted when the Windows default display has been changed.1. Go to the setting page <Start menu/Control Panel/Appearance and Personalization>2. Select “Smaller - 100%(Default) ” and click “Apply”.Distance calculatorXGAB A W H Image size D M N0.219m 0.472m 1.422m 1.066m 1.777m / 70”0.181m 0.37m 1.57m 0.252m 0.505m 1.521m 1.141m 1.879m / 75”0.194m 0.38m 1.64m 0.287m 0.540m 1.627m 1.220m 2.033m / 80”0.207m 0.40m 1.75m 0.354m 0.607m 1.828m 1.371m 2.285m / 90”0.233m 0.43m 1.92m 0.422m 0.675m 2.033m 1.525m 2.541m / 100”0.259m 0.45m 2.10mWXGAB A W H Image size D M N0.232m 0.485m 1.830m 1.144m 2.158m / 85”0.172m 0.36m 1.63m 0.245m 0.498m 1.879m 1.175m 2.216m / 87”0.176m 0.37m 1.67m 0.261m 0.514m 1.940m 1.212m 2.287m / 90”0.182m 0.37m 1.71m 0.318m 0.571m 2.155m 1.347m 2.541m / 100”0.202m 0.40m 1.87m 0.375m 0.628m 2.370m 1.481m 2.795m / 110”0.222m 0.42m 2.02m 0.403m 0.656m 2.475m 1.547m 2.919m / 115”0.232m 0.43m 2.10m1080pB A W H D M N0.193m 0.446m 1.770m 0.996m 2.031m / 80”0.179m 0.37m 1.49m 0.244m 0.497m 1.972m 1.109m 2.263m / 89”0.200m 0.39m 1.63m 0.249m 0.502m 1.992m 1.121m 2.286m / 90”0.202m 0.39m 1.64m 0.305m 0.558m 2.214m 1.246m 2.541m / 100”0.224m 0.42m 1.79mUltra wide*B A W H D M N0.467m 0.72m 2.857m 1.071m 3.05m / 120”0.193m 0.39m 1.58m 0.497m 0.75m 2.976m 1.116m 3.18m / 125”0.201m 0.39m 1.63m 0.527m 0.78m 3.095m 1.161m 3.30m / 130”0.209m 0.40m 1.69m *longer arm mount requiredF G H K0.125m 0.037m 0.125m 0.18。



















Package‘brainR’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Helper Functions to'misc3d'and'rgl'Packages for BrainImagingVersion1.6.0Date2019-12-03Maintainer John Muschelli<*********************>Description This includes functions for creating3D and4D images using'WebGL','rgl',and'JavaScript'commands.This package relies on the X toolkit('XTK',<https:///xtk/X#readme>).License GPL-2LazyData trueDepends rgl,misc3d,oro.niftiImports grDevicesRoxygenNote7.0.1Encoding UTF-8Suggests servrNeedsCompilation noAuthor John Muschelli[aut,cre]Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-12-0506:50:02UTCR topics documented:brainR-package (2)makeScene (2)scene4d (3)write4D (4)write4D.file (6)writeTrianglesSTL (7)writeWebGL_split (8)12makeScene Index10 brainR-package Functions to render3D brain images in htmlDescriptionBrain Template from Copyright(C)1993-2009Louis Collins,McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute,McGill University6th generation non-linear symmetric brain Author(s)John Muschelli<*********************>ReferencesG.Grabner,A.L.Janke,M.M.Budge,D.Smith,J.Pruessner,and D.L.Collins,"Symmetricatlasing and model based segmentation:an application to the hippocampus in older adults",Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv,vol.9, pp.58-66,2006.See Alsocontour3d,rglmakeScene Make Leveled SceneDescriptionMake scene returns a list of levels-but makes them mutually distinct.So if cutoff0.1,0.2,then0.1<=x<0.2is an roi,not>0.1and>0.2.Different than contour3d as these are mutually exclusivelevels.UsagemakeScene(data,cutoffs,alpha,cols)Argumentsdata-3D array of values(can be nifti-class)cutoffs-series of levels to be createdalpha-alpha levels for each contourcols-colors for each contourValuescene with multiple objects-can be passed to write4Dscene4d3 scene4d Wrapper to write a4D sceneDescriptionThis function takes infilenames,levels,and creates an output htmlfile,with4D elements.The html is based on XTK(https:///xtk/X#readme)Usagescene4d(files,fnames=NULL,outfile="index_4D_stl.html",levels=NULL,alpha=NULL,color="white",useTemp=FALSE,MNITemp=c("1mm","2mm"),objtype="stl",...)Argumentsfiles(character)vector offilenames(first being a brainfile if useTemp=FALSE) fnames(character)filenames for the3D surfaces in the scene-needs to be the same length asfilesoutfile(character)htmlfilenamelevels(numeric/list)levels to make contours/surfaces for eachfile.Either a numeric vector may be passed,one level for eachfile.Or a list of numeric vectors ofmultiple levels for eachfile.Will be coerced to a list.alpha(numeric/list)alpha opacities for each contours/surface for eachfile.Will be coerced to list similarly as levelscolor(character/list)colors for each contours/surface for eachfile.Will be coerced to list similarly as levelsuseTemp(logical)whether to use template from brainR as the brainfigureMNITemp(character)if(useTemp=TRUE)either"1mm"or"2mm"denoting the resolu-tion of the template usedobjtype(character)object type to write thefiles to.Either"stl","obj",or"ply"to write....other options to be passed to write4DExamples###Faster-8mm resampled but very coarseimgs<-paste("Visit_",1:5,"_8mm.nii.gz",sep="")ifiles<-sapply(imgs,system.file,package= brainR )files=file.path(tempdir(),basename(ifiles))file.copy(ifiles,files)outfile<-file.path(tempdir(),"index_4D_stl.html")scene4d(files,levels=rep(0.99,length(files)),outfile=outfile,color=rep("blue",length(files)),useTemp=TRUE,MNITemp="8mm",alpha=rep(1,length(files)),rescale=TRUE)##Not run:imgs<-paste("Visit_",1:5,".nii.gz",sep="")ifiles<-sapply(imgs,system.file,package= brainR )files=file.path(tempdir(),basename(ifiles))file.copy(ifiles,files)scene4d(files,levels=rep(0.99,length(files)),outfile=outfile,color=rep("blue",length(files)),useTemp=TRUEge,MNITemp="8mm",alpha=rep(1,length(files)),rescale=TRUE)##End(Not run)write4D Wrapper to write a4D sceneDescriptionThis function takes in a scene and writes it out to a series offiles either with the stl format or obj format(see writeOBJ and writeSTL)Usagewrite4D(scene,outfile,fnames=NULL,captions=NULL,writefiles=TRUE,reprint=TRUE,...)Argumentsscene list of3D triangles(see contour3d).If a multicolored object is to be rendered (multiple contours with one control)-it must be in a listoutfile htmlfilename that is to be exportedfnamesfilenames for the3D surfaces in the scene-needs to be the same length as scenecaptions labels for checkboxes on html webpagewritefiles(experimental)simply run the code to create the html and not write the.obj or .stlfilesreprint(logical,experimental)do you want to reprint the rgl before saving(common use by rgl functions)...other options to be passed to write4D.fileExamples#Brain Template from Copyright(C)1993-2009Louis Collins,#McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,#Montreal Neurological Institute,McGill University#6th generation non-linear symmetric brain##Downsampled to8mm using FSL fslmaths-subsamp2template<-readNIfTI(system.file("MNI152_T1_8mm_brain.nii.gz",package="brainR"),reorient=FALSE)dtemp<-dim(template)###4500-value that empirically value that presented a brain with gyri###lower values result in a smoother surfacebrain<-contour3d(template,x=1:dtemp[1],y=1:dtemp[2],z=1:dtemp[3],level=4500,alpha=0.8,draw=FALSE)###Example data courtesy of Daniel Reich###Each visit is a binary mask of lesions in the brainimgs<-paste("Visit_",1:5,"_8mm.nii.gz",sep="")files<-sapply(imgs,system.file,package= brainR )scene<-list(brain)##loop through images and threshnimgs<-length(imgs)cols<-rainbow(nimgs)for(iimg in1:nimgs){mask<-readNIfTI(files[iimg],reorient=FALSE)if(length(dim(mask))>3)mask<-mask[,,,1]###use0.99for level of mask-binaryactivation<-contour3d(mask,level=c(0.99),alpha=1,add=TRUE,color=cols[iimg],draw=FALSE)##add these triangles to the listscene<-c(scene,list(activation))}##make output image names from image namesfnames<-c("brain.stl",gsub(".nii.gz",".stl",imgs,fixed=TRUE))fnames=file.path(tempdir(),fnames)outfile<-file.path(tempdir(),"index.html")write4D(scene=scene,fnames=fnames,outfile=outfile,standalone=TRUE,rescale=TRUE)if(interactive()){if(requireNamespace("servr",quietly=TRUE)){servr::httd(tempdir())}}6write4D.file unlink(outfile)write4D.file Write a4D sceneDescriptionThis function takes in a scene and writes it out to a series offiles either with the stl format or obj formatUsagewrite4D.file(scene=NULL,outfile="index_4D.html",fnames,visible=TRUE,opacity=1,colors=NULL,captions="",standalone=FALSE,rescale=FALSE,index.file=system.file("index_template.html",package="brainR"),toggle="checkbox",xtkgui=FALSE)Argumentsscene-list of3D triangles(see contour3d).If a multicolored object is to be rendered (multiple contours with one control)-it must be in a listoutfile-htmlfilename that is to be exportedfnames-filenames for the3D surfaces in the scene-needs to be the same length as scenevisible-logical vector indicating which structures are visible in htmlfileopacity-list of alpha values-same length as scene;if sub-structures are present,then the each list element has length the number of structurescolors-character vector of colors(col2rgb is applied)captions-labels for checkboxes on html webpagestandalone-logical-should this be able to be rendered offline?rescale-rescale the scene?-in betaindex.file-template htmlfile usedtoggle-(experimental)"checkbox"(default)or"radio"for radio or checkboxes to switch thingxtkgui-(experimental)Logical to use xtkgui for objectswriteTrianglesSTL7 See AlsowriteOBJ,writeSTL,contour3dExamplestemplate<-readNIfTI(system.file("MNI152_T1_8mm_brain.nii.gz",package="brainR"),reorient=FALSE)dtemp<-dim(template)###4500-value that empirically value that presented a brain with gyri###lower values result in a smoother surfacebrain<-contour3d(template,x=1:dtemp[1],y=1:dtemp[2],z=1:dtemp[3],level=4500,alpha=0.8,draw=FALSE)###Example data courtesy of Daniel Reich###Each visit is a binary mask of lesions in the brainimgs<-paste("Visit_",1:5,"_8mm.nii.gz",sep="")files<-sapply(imgs,system.file,package= brainR )scene<-list(brain)##loop through images and threshnimgs<-length(imgs)cols<-rainbow(nimgs)for(iimg in1:nimgs){mask<-readNIfTI(files[iimg],reorient=FALSE)if(length(dim(mask))>3)mask<-mask[,,,1]###use0.99for level of mask-binaryactivation<-contour3d(mask,level=c(0.99),alpha=1,add=TRUE,color=cols[iimg],draw=FALSE)##add these triangles to the listscene<-c(scene,list(activation))}##make output image names from image namesfnames<-c("brain.stl",gsub(".nii.gz",".stl",imgs,fixed=TRUE))fnames=file.path(tempdir(),fnames)outfile<-file.path(tempdir(),"index.html")write4D.file(scene=scene,fnames=fnames,visible=FALSE,outfile=outfile,standalone=TRUE,rescale=TRUE)unlink(outfile)unlink(fnames)writeTrianglesSTL Write STL triangles(without recalling the ids)DescriptionThis is code extracted from writeSTL in rgl.This allows users to write the triangles in STL without reprinting the rgl(which takes time)UsagewriteTrianglesSTL(scene,con,ascii=FALSE)Argumentsscene list of triangles(that have class Triangles3D)confilename or connection of stlfile to writeascii indicator if thefile should be written in ascii or binaryValuefilename(invisible)of stl objectwriteWebGL_split Write WebGL with split trianglesDescriptionAdapted writeWebGL function that splits the triangles into65535verticesUsagewriteWebGL_split(ids=rgl.ids()$id,writeIt=TRUE,verb=FALSE,...)Argumentsids-rgl ids(see rgl.ids)writeIt-(logical)write thefile outverb-verbose output...-further arguments passed to writeWebGLValueif writeIt is TRUE,then returns the value from writeWebGL.Otherwise,returns the split triangles from the rgl objectsExamples##Not run:#Brain Template from Copyright(C)1993-2009Louis Collins,#McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,#Montreal Neurological Institute,McGill University#6th generation non-linear symmetric braintemplate<-readNIfTI(system.file("MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz",package="brainR") ,reorient=FALSE)dtemp<-dim(template)###4500-value that empirically value that presented a brain with gyri###lower values result in a smoother surfacebrain<-contour3d(template,x=1:dtemp[1],y=1:dtemp[2],z=1:dtemp[3],level=4500,alpha=0.1,draw=FALSE)drawScene.rgl(brain)###this would be the activation or surface you want to render-#hyper-intense white mattercontour3d(template,level=c(8200,8250),alpha=c(0.5,0.8),add=TRUE,color=c("yellow","red"))###add texttext3d(x=dtemp[1]/2,y=dtemp[2]/2,z=dtemp[3]*0.98,text="Top")text3d(x=-0.98,y=dtemp[2]/2,z=dtemp[3]/2,text="Right")fname<-"knitted_webGL.html"writeWebGL_split(dir=getwd(),filename=fname,template=system.file("my_template.html",package="brainR"),width=500,writeIt=TRUE)browseURL(fname)##End(Not run)Index∗brainRbrainR-package,2∗packagebrainR-package,2brainR(brainR-package),2brainR-package,2contour3d,2,4,6,7makeScene,2nifti-class,2rgl,2rgl.ids,8scene4d,3write4D,2,3,4write4D.file,5,6writeOBJ,4,7writeSTL,4,7,8writeTrianglesSTL,7writeWebGL,8writeWebGL_split,810。



圆桌教育基金会人的使用手册改变的力量Power of change自我重整再出发目录:(按着Ctrl点击蓝色字体,可以直接跳转到该章节)序、关于人的使用手册导论、学习如何学习——--潜意识学习不再是知道,开始学习做到架构一、改变永远持续不断的进步唯一不变就是一切都在变/改变是唯一的机会/做正确的选择/改变因子/真正的改变因子/自己对自己做些什么架构二、命运能够掌握命运的人,人生让他予取予求支配人生最大力量/什么是命/一等于二十一/最好的仆人或是最差的主人/什么是运/做下决定/命运掌握在您自己的手上架构三、觉察力发现是学习的开始往外看?往内看/学习看见自己/有境才能修/了解自己真正想要的架构四、爱的力量生命力发现爱/生命力/勇敢的说出我爱你/真正乐意去付出关怀/学习原谅架构五、镜子哲学改善生活的智慧发生/现象解?根本解/面对并学会接受自己/修炼自己/镜子哲学架构六、动机学掌握人生结果的起点白努力定律/追求快乐V。








71-8734-2507/06James Owner’s ManualTable of contentsRunning your engineRunning your engine3Coupling3Sounding your locomotive’s whistle4Attaching the three faces5Reverse unit procedure6Maintaining and servicing your engineLubricating your locomotive7Limited Warranty/Lionel Service8Congratulations!Features of this locomotive •Transformer controlled forward,neutral and reverse operation •Moving eyes •Operating whistle •Fixed coupler on rear of tender •Powerful maintenance-free motor •Set of three removable faces •Removable roofCongratulations on your purchase of James!With moving eyes and an operating whistle,James is happy to join Thomas &Friends ™for adventures around your layout.The following Lionel marks may be used throughout this instruction manual and are protected under law.All rights reserved.Lionel ®,TrainMaster ®,Odyssey ®,RailSounds ®,CrewTalk ™,TowerCom ™,DynaChuff ™,StationSounds ™,Pullmor ®,ElectroCoupler ™,Magne-Traction ®,CAB-1®Remote Controller,PowerMaster ®,Lionel ZW ®,ZW ®,PowerHouse ®,TMCC ®,Lionelville ™,Lockon ®,Wireless Tether ™,LionMaster ®,FatBoy ™,American Flyer ®,TrainSounds ™The name FasTrack ®is used with permission from Pitsco,Inc.CouplingY our locomotive’s tender features a fixed coupler.To couple your locomotive to your rolling stock,open the magnetic coupler on the rolling stock and slide the couplers together.To couple two fixed couplers,simply raise one of the cars and lower the coupler intoplace.connectionsRunning your engineWith track power off,place your locomotive and tender on the track.Refer to the following section fortransformer.Your locomotive is designed to operate on 7-15 volts alternating current.Virtually all Lionel and Lionel-compatible alternating-current transformers are suitable.Do not power your locomotive with direct-current (DC) transformers.The locomotive was designed for use with alternating-current (AC)transformers only.Move ‘em out!Get your locomotive moving.Your locomotive goes through a repeating pattern of operations: forward, neutral, reverse, neutral, and so on. To sequence the reverse unit, press the DIRECTION button on your transformer, or briefly bring the throttle all the way back to the OFF position and then forward. Each press of the DIRECTION button or interruption in track power causes the locomotive to advance to the next operational state.Adjust track voltage until your locomotive moves at your desired speed. tender drawbar and plug-in the tether as illustrated in Figure 1.Note!Sounding your locomotive’s whistleThe no. 610-5906-001 button works with any Lionel AC transformer exceptno. 6-4690 Type MW.Note!P ress the WHISTLE button on your controller to sound the locomotive's whistle. Be surethat the whistle ON/OFF switch is in the ON position. Refer to Figure 5 on page 6 for the location of that switch.If your controller does not have a WHISTLE button, install a Lionel Sound Activation Button (available separately, part no. 610-5906-001). Connect the button as shown in Figure 2.If you would like to disable the whistle sounds, throw the whistle ON/OFF switch to the OFF position.All track power must feed through the Sound Activation Button. Do not bypass thebutton.Figure 2. Sound Activation Button wiringT hree interchangeable facial expressions easily slip on and off for fun and imaginative play.Refer to Figure 3.To attach one of the faces, carefully position it in front of the permanent smiling James face and push it straight on. To remove it, simply pull it straight off. Please remember that the smiling James face cannot be removed. Refer to Figure 4.Attaching the three facesFigure 3. Interchangeable facesReverse unit procedureT he electronic reverse unit inside your Lionel locomotive acts like the transmission in a car.When you apply power to the track, the locomotive moves in the direction specified by the reverse unit—or it sits in neutral, awaiting another power interruption. Power interruptions are the signal that tells the reverse unit to sequence to the next operational state.To interrupt power and sequence the locomotive’s reverse unit, press the direction control button or briefly bring the throttle lever all the way back to the OFF position. The reverse unit alternates between three states: forward, neutral, and reverse.Also, the locomotive can be “locked” into a certain mode of operation by throwing the reverse unit switch (see Figure 5). To lock your locomotive into a specific operational state, sequence the locomotive into the desired state and reduce track power without completely powering down the locomotive, then throw the switch to the OFF position. The DIRECTION button will then have no effect on the direction of the locomotive. If you would like to resume forward-neutral-reverse operation, simply throw the reverse unit switch back to the ON position.Additionally, this reverse unit has a “power-up reset” feature. If the locomotive sits without power for a short period of time, the reverse unit will automatically reset and start in the forward direction when the transformer is turned on or “powered up,” regardless of the reverse unit switch position. If the switch is in the OFF position, the locomotive will start in the forward direction and be “locked” there.Figure 5. Switch locationsMaintaining and servicing your engineLubricating your locomotiveHelp your steam locomotive lead a long and productive life on your railroad bymaintaining it properly.We recommend that you purchase a Lionel Lubrication and Maintenance Kit (6-62927),available from your Lionel dealer. Two basic rules to keep in mind: never over-lubricate (a small amount will do) and avoid getting grease or oil on the locomotive’s wheels, contact rollers, or your track.You’ll know your locomotive requires lubrication when visual inspection reveals dryness on the parts indicated in Figure 6. Remove accumulated dirt and dust before lubricating, and always lubricate any locomotive emerging from prolonged storage.Limited Warranty/Lionel Service。

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NoticethatwhenPersonalBraindisplaystheresultsofyourAdvancedSearch, youhaveanopportunitytocheckwhatyourequested.Yoursearchcriteriadisplays afterthe―Searchresultsfor‖headingatthetopoftheSearchresultswindow.This makesiteasiertotrouble-shootanyunexpectedresults.注意,当PersonalBrain显示你的高级搜索结果时,你有机会核实(HYL:检查)你搜索了什么。



12.5.5Customizing howSearchResultsareHandled 定制搜索结果如何处理Usethe Searchtabinthe Preferences dialogboxtomanagehowsearchresults arehandled. (Clickthe Preferences commandontheOptionsmenutoopenthe dialogbox.)使用偏好中的搜索标签对话框来管理如何处理搜索结果。

(单击Options菜单中的Prefereces命令打开对话框)ƒSelecttheMergeThoughtandcontentresults checkboxtoconsolidate Search resultsintoasinglelistinsteadofshowing Thoughtnamematches separately选择MergeThoughtandcontentresults(HYL:合并想法和内容结果)复选框来合并搜索结果到一个单独列表来代替单独显示匹配想法名称。

ƒSelecttheOnlydisplayonesearchresultperThoughtcheckboxtoonlyshow thesinglemostrelevantoccurrenceofthesearchterms withinaThoughtregardless of howmanydifferentplaces thetermsmayappearintheThought选择OnlydisplayonesearchresultperThought(每个想法只显示一个搜索结果)复选框一个想法中只显示一个和检索词最相关的的项目而忽略可能显示在想法中不同地方的检索词。

ƒClicktheMaximumfilesizetoindexdrop-downarrowtoselectthelargest filesizeyouwanttoallowtobeindexed;enablinglargerfiles tobeindexedgives greatercoverage,butmayprovideless relevantresultsinsomecases单击Maximumfilesizetoindex(最大文件索引)下拉箭头来选择一个你允许索引的最大文件大小。


12.6Reports报告TheReportstabprovidesanotherwayofseeingthecontentsofyourBrainand activating Thoughts quickly.报告标签提供了一个查看你的脑的内容和快速激活想法的不同途径。

WhenyouclicktheReports tab,youseealistofThoughts withtheiricons and colorssetaccordingtotheirproperties.Clicking on aThoughtin thelistactivatesthat Thought.ThebarstotheleftofeachThoughtprovideavisualcueforhowmanytimesyou’veactivatedeach Thoughtin thelast30days—the widerthebar,themore timesyou’veactivatedtheThought.ThetotalnumberofThoughtscurrentlyshowing is providedinthebottom-leftcornerofthewindow.当你单击Reports标签时,你能看到一个依照属性设置的颜色和图标的想法的列表。




12.6.1Customizing Reports 定制报告Youcancustomizethecontentsofthe reportinanumberofways:你能通过如下若干途径来自定义报告的内容。

Limittypes:Clickthedrop-downarrowbuttonfortypes tolimitthe reporttoa specificThoughttype.限制样式:单击样式的下拉箭头按钮来限制一个指定想法样式的报告。

Limitbasedonattachments:Clicktheseconddrop-downarrowbutton,then selecttheattachmenttypeofyourchoice.以附件为基础来限制:单击第二个下拉箭头按钮,再选择你选择的附件类型。

Limitdates: Clickthedrop-downarrowbuttonfordatestolimitthe reportto specificThoughtactivation,modification,orcreationdates. As soonas youselectone oftheseoptions,acalendar willbedisplayedsothatyoucaneasilyselectadate.限制日期:单击日期的下拉箭头按钮来限制指定想法活化、修订或创建日期的报告。


Specifysortorder:Clickthe Sortdrop-downarrowbuttontospecifyinwhat sequenceyouwantthe reportdatatobedisplayed.指定分类顺序:单击分类下拉箭头按钮来指定你要让报告按什么顺序来显示。

Notes:Keepinmindthatthedateoptionsforthe Sortfieldareseparatefromthe dateoptionsforfilteringtheReportcontents. Sortingandfilteringprovideseparate ways offine-tuningreportresults.注释:保持在思维中,分类字段的日期设置就是通过日期设置过滤报告内容。


Specify―from/to‖dateranges:Youcanindicatebothastartdateandenddateto furtherfine-tunethecontentofReports. Clickthedrop-downarrowbuttondates, then clickonanyoftheoptions except―Alldates.‖Adefaultstartdateandenddatewill appearintwoseparatefields. Clickoneitherorbothofthedatefields todisplaya calendarfromwhichyoucanselectadifferentdate.指定“从/到”的日期范围:你能指示开始日期和结束日期来促进调整报告内容。




Refreshreportdata:ClicktheRefreshbuttontoupdatethelistofThoughtsthat matchyourreportcriteria.更新报告数据:单击更新按钮来更新匹配你的报告标准的想法列表。

12.7Calendar 日历Pro:YourBrainhasitsownbuilt-inCalendar.Youcanaddandmodify events thatare integratedwithyour Thoughts.YoucanviewyourCalendaraday,week, month,oryearatatime.你的脑有其嵌入式的日历。



ClickaneventonyourCalendartoautomaticallyactivatetheThought with whichtheeventis associated.在日历上单击一个事件自动打开这个事件关联的想法。

12.7.1Adding anEvent 增加一个事件AlleventsmustbeassociatedwithaThought,sobeforeyouaddanevent,decide whichThoughtitbelongs withor createanew Thoughtifneeded.所有事件必需联系一个想法,因此在你添加事件之前,决定从属于哪个想法,如果需要新建一个想法。

1. ActivatetheThoughtwithwhichyouwanttheneweventtobeassociated.激活你要新事件联系的想法。

2.ClicktheCalendartab.Theviewwillbeasyouleft itthelasttimeyouaccessedyourCalendar—youwillseeaday,aweek,amonth,ortwelvemonthsin theleftpaneloftheCalendartab.单击日历标签。
