
surry, england
hangzhou zhongce vocational school sep.2005—jun.2006 culinary arts
hangzhou fengtan middle school sep.2002—jun.2005 general school studies
name: ××× (rainy)
address: ××× gudang district, hangzhou, zhejiang, china
tel (mobile):××××××××
e-mail:[email protected]
guildford college ohort course in culinary arts and english
exams taken

英文简历模板表格式个人信息•姓名:[Your Name]•地址:[Your Address]•电话:[Your Phone Number]•电子邮件:[Your Email Address]教育背景学历•学位:[Your Degree]•毕业院校:[Name of Your University]•主修专业:[Your Major]•毕业时间:[Graduation Date]学术成绩•GPA:[Your GPA]•荣誉奖项:[Any Academic Achievements] 工作经历公司名称•职位:[Your Position]•起止时间:[Start Date - End Date]•工作描述:–描述工作内容和职责–突出自己的成就和贡献公司名称•职位:[Your Position]•起止时间:[Start Date - End Date]•工作描述:–描述工作内容和职责–突出自己的成就和贡献实习经历公司名称•职位:[Your Position]•起止时间:[Start Date - End Date]•工作描述:–描述实习内容和职责–学到了什么技能•技能1:[Your Skill 1]•技能2:[Your Skill 2]•技能3:[Your Skill 3]•技能4:[Your Skill 4]语言能力•英语:[Your English Level]•其他语言:[Other Languages and Levels]兴趣爱好•爱好1:[Your Hobby 1]•爱好2:[Your Hobby 2]•爱好3:[Your Hobby 3]自我评价[自我评价内容,展示自己的优势和特点]以上是针对英文简历的模板表格式,本文所提供的内容仅供参考,可根据个人情况进行适当调整和修改。

留学个人简历模板(精编4篇)留学个人简历模板(1)Mickey Rowlings1001 East Sunrise ,Tucson, AZ 85718Telephone No: 520-209-1023Email id:OBJECTIVE :Position as financial or investment advisor with a leading invest ment firm, specializing in the management of large corporate CREDENTIALS :CFP, 199NASD 6 And 7NASD 63EXPERIENCE :Financial Advisor, 1995 - PresentConsultants, Tuscon, AZManaged a six-figure diversified portfolio that has experienced at least 20% annual growth over the course of seven Conducted company research and analyzed profiles, identifying a number of start ups that have yielded significant Monitored account activity Investment Analyst, 1989 - 1994Hoover Associates, Portland, ORPrepared investment analyses for clients, including several with more than $500M in total assets under Communicated with sell-side analysts and company Assessed economic Selected and monitored investments in bonds, banks, automotives, andEDUCATION :University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Finance, June 1994University of Texas, Austin, TX, Accounting, June 1988留学个人简历模板(2)Personal Information:Name:Date of Birth:July 12, 1971 Birth Place: BeijingSex: Male Marital Status: UnmarriedTelephone:Work Experience:1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .Summer of 1997BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division in dependently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to d esigning web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;Education:1991 - August 1996 Automation, Tsinghua University,Achievements & Activities:President and Founder of the Costumer CommitteeEstablished the organization as a member of BITPresident of Communications for the Marketing AssociationRepresentative in the Student AssociationComputer Abilities:Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HT ML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL softwareEnglish Skills:Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Pas t CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213Others:Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic Have coordination skills, teamwork Studious nature and dedication a re my greatest 副标题#e#留学个人简历模板(3)personal informationname:height: 178cmdate of birth: jan 10, 1984sex:malemarital status:unmarriedtelephone:e-mail:work experienceXX- presentbank sales department, ** provincial branch,agricultural bank of position:tellerresponsibilities:to provide all retail banking counter transactions to clients and refer sales opportunities to appropriate sales specialist when opport unities are identified .educationseptmber XX-july XX** uniwersity,packagingseptmber XX-july XX** senior middlecomputer abilities skilled use of windows, word, excel, powerpoi nt,flexibility in the use of various software for office use andhave a stronger ability to calculate and documentenglish skills 4 college english test, a certain listening, speaking, reading and writingothers aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dy namic environment . have coordination skills, teamwork studious nat ure and dedication are my greatestreferences will be supplied upon留学个人简历模板(4)出国留学英文个人简历范文模板时间一晃而过,我们又将面临求职找工作的挑战,你的简历写好了吗?那么优秀的简历都是怎么写的.呢?以下是小编为大家整理的出国留学英文个人简历范文模板,欢迎阅读与收藏。

留学生简历表格Richard Anderson,1234, West 67 Street,Carlisle, MA 01741,(123)-456 7890.Objective :A position in application or help desk department with a focus on usability in the Pittsburgh PA area.Education :University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PAMaster of Science in Information, 2000.Human Computer Interaction (HCI) SpecializationGPA 4.00 / 4.00Member of Michigan Ohio Computer-Human Interaction (MOCHI) chapterMember of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PABachelor of Science in Engineering, Computer Engineering, 1994Minor in Management Information SystemsMagna Cum Laude, GPA 3.83 / 4.00National Merit ScholarMember of T au Beta Pi National Engineering Honor SocietyMember of Golden Key National Honor SocietyRelevant Experience :Hubbard and Assoc, LLP Pittsburgh, PASoftware Support Specialist, 2/1995 – 7/1999Implemented new software and upgraded existing software on 17 Novell Netware servers and on individual workstationsAutomated the installation of software to 1200 end-user PCs via DOS batch files, Symantec Basic scripting, and Novell Application Launcher snapshottechnologyProvided second level support to internal Help Desk to resolve user concerns with specific applications, including Windows 95, Microsoft Office,GroupWise, and numerous industry specific applicationsIdentified and implemented technologies and methods of using existing technology to help users work more efficiently, including:Creating/revising macros and spreadsheets in Quattro Pro, Excel, and VBA programmingDeveloping procedures and training users in electronic data transfer between applicationsWrote articles for and reviewed the Techie Tips, Tricks And News newsletterPrepared documentation and training materials, coordinated technology related trainingParticipated in conversion of 1200 PCs from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95Assisted in deploying Help Desk, including software selection and development of procedures Worked on the Help Desk to provide support for software,printing, and network access issuesAcademic Computing Services, University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PA Consultant/Monitor, 9/1993 - 12/1994Provided personal assistance to students on IBM and Macintosh computersMaintained computing facilities and managed printersVerizon Development Engineering , Pittsburgh, PA.Student Technician/Professional Trainee, Technical Services, Quality and Systems, 5/1993 - 8/1993Training and help desk for over 500 people.Helped establish an inventory database to track computer equipmentTrain new hire secretaries in Word97, iManage, Legal MacPac, Softwise MacroSuite, CompareRite, CMS Time; train summer associates; in-coming new attorneys. Involved in the training and rollout of Outlook 2000.Skills :Computer Skills:Windows XP, 2000, 98, 95, NT Microsoft OfficeWord 2002, 2000, 97, 7.0, 6.0WordPerfect 9.0IManage/infoRiteDocs OpenSQLSoftwise MacroSuiteLegal MacPacPowerDocsAbility and desire to learn new technologies quicklyUsability Skills:User Needs AssessmentUser Centered, Participatory DesignCompetitive AnalysisCognitive ModelingHeuristic EvaluationUsability TestingInterface Prototyping and TestingT ask and GOMS AnalysisUsability TestingSurvey Development and AnalysisContent AnalysisCard SortingRelevant Coursework :Evaluation of Systems and ServicesResponsible for highly skilled training and floor support for diverse groups of people (legal secretaries, word processors, attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff) in a variety of software applications with the aim to present software in such a way that persons thrive during transitions and conversions. Worked with clients as project lead trainer to resolve on-site training related issues. Assisted with documentation. Training Consultant/Help DeskIT User Support SpecialistSupported a conversion roll-out from Word 6.0 and Docs Open to Word97 and iManage via Help Desk and floorAnalyzed problems and sent technicians as needed. Gave up-to-date information to people regarding software and hardware changes. EnteredHelp Desk requests through Top of Mind, a user support application. Ranadministrative applications when needed.Digital LibrarianshipExplored concepts relating to digital libraries, through working for the Internet Public Library, including researching user reference questions and creating and evaluating online materials.Database Application DesignCovered aspects of database design, use, and implementation. For group project,Designed and developed a database system for a personal video databaseImplemented the database in Microsoft Access, using SQL and Visual Basic for ApplicationsVisual BasicIntroduced Visual Basic application development language.Java Programming I and IIExplored concepts of object-oriented programming and GUI development in Java.One Credit Toolkit Courses and WorkshopsMacromedia Director, Advanced html, SGML/XML, Usability Methods, Perl workshopFurther Information :Samples of coursework available online. Letters of recommendation available upon request.Also learn how to create letter of recommendation. For more help on resume writing you can read our section on resume help page.留学生简历表格Kenly Peterson,4567, North 34 Street.Boston, MA 04509,(656)-676 7990.Objective: sercahing for computer help desk operator job in a reputed company in order to utilize the skills and experience for the expansion of the organization.Professional Skill Summery:Able to do work at a time on computer.Capable to communicate with user and solve their problems as fast as possible.Have good knowledge of hardware and networking so able to solve problem related to this.Excellent in database creation by using SQL and Microsoft Access.Computer Skills:Have good knowledge in desktop operating system.Excellent in SQL, MS Access.Good in MS Word, Power Point etc.Experience Details:Post : As Computer Help Desk OperatorCompany : PVGR and Assoc., Denmark.From 2000 till present dateResponsibilities handled are summarized as below :Handled over 500 PC's of user by giving different services.Adapted new technologies to increase working speed of users.Attended seminars of specialist which help in improve the thinking ability to solve the different problems.Maintained strong relationship with end-users.Educational Qualification:Completed Master of Science from Boston University in 1997.Completed Bachelor of Science from Denmark University in 1994.Completed Microsoft certification courses to increase technical knowledge.。

个人简历表个人简历个人简历姓名:_____________________________ E _ mail :_____________________________联系电话:_____________________________联系地址:_____________________________个人概况:姓名:________________ 性别:________出生年月:____年__月__日健康状况:___________毕业院校:_______________专业:____________________电子邮件:_______________手机:____________________联系电话:_______________通信地址:_______________邮编:____________________教育背景:____年--____年___________大学__________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我)论文情况:____________________________________________________(注:请注明是否已发表)英语水平:*基本技能:听、说、读、写能力*标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减)获奖情况:________________、________________、________________(请依个人情况酌情增减)实践与实习:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)工作经历:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)个性特点:___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另:(如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!)*附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!姓名:E _ mail :联系电话:联系地址:个人简历(一)姓名◆个人简历毕业院校:所学专业:联系电话:电子邮箱:片个人信息姓名性别出生日期户口现居地址籍贯婚姻状况学历毕业院校专业电子邮件电话求职目标教育背景实习经历2008.1~2008.2♦积极学习业务知识2007.7~2007.8♦指导客户开户流程2006.7~2006.8♦参加过实践活动2006.9~2008.62007.7~2007.82006.9~2007.62006.3~2006.12获奖情况♦学术类:♦实践类:技能与培训♦语言水平:中级口译证书英语六级♦计算机水平:上海市电脑中级证书熟练办公软件操作姓名:_____________________________ E _ mail :_____________________________ 联系电话:_____________________________ 联系地址:_____________________________个人概况:姓名:___________________性别:________出生年月:_______________健康状况:___________毕业院校:_______________专业:____________________电子邮件:_______________手机:____________________联系电话:_______________通信地址:_______________邮编:____________________教育背景:____年--____年___________大学__________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我)论文情况:____________________________________________________(注:请注明是否已发表)英语水平:*基本技能:听、说、读、写能力*标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减)获奖情况:________________、________________、________________(请依个人情况酌情增减)实践与实习:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)工作经历:____年__月--____年__月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)个性特点:___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另:(如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!)*附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!)例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功!或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量!。


留学生个人英文简历模板留学生个人简历模板(一)education200X - 200X HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL BOSTON, MACandidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 2001. Member of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Club and HBS Volunteers. Selected by faculty to tutor students.199X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, DCMasters of Science degree, magna cum laude, in Computer Science.198X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NCBachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Mathematics.experience199X - 200X HIGH TECH COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, CAProduct Marketing Associate(what have you done)Researched, designed, and proposed marketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area networking and database products.(Result)Surveyed customers, potential distributors, and industry analysts to determine key success factors.?199X - 199X INVESTMENT BANK NEW YORK, NYFinancial Analyst(what have you done)Developed valuation analyses, performed due diligence, prepared offering memoranda, and analyzed strategic issues for companies in various industries.(Result )Represented leading baker/restaurant in potential acquisition of specialty coffee chain.?199X - 199X MANUFACTURING COMPANY MADISON, WISpecial Assistant to the Vice President(what have you done)Assumed project management duties for rapidly growing manufacturer and marketer of high-quality children’s books, toys, and clothing.(Result)?199X - 199X CONSULTING COMPANY BOSTON, MABusiness AnalystServed on consulting client service teams. Diagnosed problems, conducted analyses, developed conclusions, and presented recommendations to senior client management.internshipsummer 1989 HEALTH CARE COMPANY NEWARK, NJIntern. Title(what have you done) Managed customer support programs.community Consult Boston Children’s Museum to improve performance of retail operations.personal Fluent in French. Enjoy long-distance running. Completed Boston Marathon in 199X and 199X.2 Peabody Terrace, #902Cambridge, MA留学生个人简历模板(二)name: ××× (rainy)address: ××× gudang district, hangzhou, zhejiang, chinatel (mobile):××××××××e-mail:×××@educationguildford college of f. and h.e. may--june 2007 short course in culinary arts and englishstoke parkguildfordsurry, englandhangzhou zhongce vocational school sep.2005—jun.2006 culinary artshangzhou fengtan middle school sep.2002—jun.2005 general school studiesexams takenhangzhou zhongce vocational school end of semester’s exams 2005--2006(english, chinese, math, operations&theory)hangzhou fengtan middle school final exam 2005(english, chinese, math, science)end of semester’s exams 2002--2005(english, chinese, math, science)work experiencepractical experience during studiespersonal interests and hobbies:in the free time i enjoy reading novels if it is interesting i will keep on reading. and i like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. also i enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.。


XXXX年-XXXX年 XXX大学本科英语专业
1. 英语能力:具备良好的英语听说读写能力,通过英语四六级考试,并在校期间参与英语竞赛获奖经历
2. 沟通能力:具备良好的沟通表达能力,擅长协调与团队合作
3. 熟练运用办公软件:熟练使用Microsoft Office办公软件,
1. 积极主动:对工作充满热情,乐于接受挑战
2. 团队合作:擅长与他人合作,善于倾听和协调
3. 细致认真:做事认真负责,注重细节

英国求职应届生简历模板Name: [Your Name]Address: [Your Address]Phone: [Your Phone Number]Email: [Your Email]Objective:Recent graduate with a [Degree Name] seeking a challenging and rewarding entry-level position in [Industry/Field]. Eager to apply my academic background and internship experience to contributeto a dynamic team and further develop my skills.Education:[Degree Name], [University Name], [Year of Graduation] Relevant Coursework: [List any relevant coursework or projects] GPA: [If applicable, include your GPA or any academic achievements]Work Experience:Intern, [Company Name], [Dates]- Assisted with [specific responsibilities or projects]- Conducted research and analysis to support [team or project goals] - Collaborated with colleagues to achieve [specific outcomes] Skills:- Proficient in [Software or Tools]- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills- Excellent communication and teamwork abilities- Detail-oriented and organized- Adaptability and willingness to learnExtracurricular Activities:- [Club Name or Activity], [Position if applicable], [Dates]- [Volunteer Experience], [Organization Name], [Dates] References:Available upon request.Note: Customize this template to fit your own experiences and qualifications. Make sure to highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the job you are applying for. Good luck!。

市场营销/国际商务硕士留学生简历表格基本资料姓名:刘女士性别:女照片民族:汉族政治面貌:群众出生日期:1980年03月25日身份证号:210103************户口:--婚姻状况:未婚学历:硕士技术职称:--毕业院校:Victoria University ofWellington毕业时间:2005年05月所学专业:1)市场营销 2)国际商务外语水平:英语 (专业)电脑水平:专业工作年限:3年联系方式:求职意向工作类全职型:单位性外资质:期望行业:期望职项目经理/主管、产品/品牌经理/主管、市场调研与分析位:工作地杭州市点:期望月10000-15000薪:教育经历2004/03 -- 2005/12:Victoria University of Wellington | Master's of Commerce and Administration (InternationalBusiness) | 硕士2001/03 -- 2003/12:Victoria University of Wellington | Bachelor’s Degree in International Business & Marketing | 本科工作经验2008/10 -- 至今:优胜集团 | 市场部 | 市场总监助理房地产/建筑/建材/工程 | 股份制企业 | 10001-15000元/月职责1:市场调研 & 分析- 收集并分析集团品牌国内竞争对手的市场信息,为未来产品线的规划提出可行性建议。
- 汇集并翻译集团美国和欧洲竞争对手的市场信息。
职责2:产品推广过程的管理- 对产品推广过程涉及到的方面进行全程监控(供应商选拔、拟定工作任务,成效及结果验收)- 对产品推广结果进行评估(供应商和消费者信息反馈的调查及分析)汇报对象:总监直接下属:普通员工 | 下属人数:3人离职/转岗原因:期待更好的工作环境及更广阔的个人发展空间。

英国应届生简历模板Personal Information:Name: XXXAddress: XXXPhone: XXXEmail: XXXObjective:A highly motivated and enthusiastic individual seeking a challenging opportunity to begin my career and utilize my skills and knowledge in a dynamic work environment.Education:Bachelor's Degree in Business AdministrationUniversity of XXX, XXXGPA: X.XX/4.0Relevant coursework: Marketing, Finance, ManagementSkills:- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills- Ability to work effectively in a team as well as independently - Adaptability and willingness to learn new things Experience:Intern, Marketing DepartmentABC Company, XXXDates: XXX-XXX- Assisted in developing marketing campaigns and strategies - Conducted market research and analysis to identify target audiences- Coordinated with team members to ensure timely delivery of projects- Managed social media accounts and engaged with followers Intern, Finance DepartmentXYZ Company, XXXDates: XXX-XXX- Assisted in preparing financial reports and statements- Conducted financial analysis to support decision-making processes- Managed budget tracking and forecasting- Worked closely with team members to ensure accuracy and efficiency in financial processesExtracurricular Activities:- Member of the Business Club, XXX University- Volunteer at local community events and fundraisers References:Available upon request.。