Synthesis of olivine LiFePO4 cathode materials by mechanical alloying using iron(III) raw material
, 氧原子的分布近乎密堆六方 ; 磷原子处
于氧原子四面体间隙 , 形成 PO4 四面体 ; 铁原子 位于八面体间隙的 Z 字链上 ; 锂原子位于交替平 面八面体间隙的直线链上 , 其中 , 1 个 FeO6 八 面体分别与 1 个 PO4 四面体和 2 个 LiO6 八面体共 边 , 同时 , 1 个 PO4 四面体还与 2 个 LiO6 八面体 共边 。所有锂均可发生脱嵌 , 得到 FePO4 层状型 结构 。由于 LiFePO4 脱锂后得到的 FePO4 具有相 同的 空 间 群 , 因 此 , 即 使 在 400 ℃的 高 温 下 ,
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
窦清山等 : 磷酸铁锂掺杂改性的研究
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散 , 因而不利于提高材料的高倍率充放电性能 。 而铁位掺杂可以改善 LiFePO4 的倍率充放电性 能 , 提高循环性能 。刘芳凌等 采用包裹碳提 高其表面电子电导率 , 掺杂金属离子以提高其本 体电子电导率 。选取了离子半径接近而价态不同 的 4 种金属离子 Ga 、Ti 、Ta 、Mo 的 Fe 位掺杂 , 掺杂后的样品晶胞体积均有减少 , 电子 电导率比 LiFePO4 的电子电导率提高了 4 ~ 6 个 数量级 , 并使其在电解质溶液中的阻抗大大减 少 , 电化学性能也明显改善 。掺杂金属离子的电 4+ 负性越小 , 其电化学性能就越好 。掺杂 Ti 的样 品具有最佳的电化学性能 。 胡环宇等 采用高温固相反应法合成颗粒 细小均匀的纳米级正极材料 LiFePO4 , 具有良好 的容量循环性能 , 但其高倍率性能差 。掺入少量 的锰可降低材料的极化 , 提高材料的高倍率性 能 。这主要是由于锰的掺杂增大了 LiFePO4 的晶 胞体积 , 更有利于锂的脱出 , 另外锰的掺杂导致 了烧结过程产生晶体结构缺陷 , 提高了材料的电 子导电性 , 从而使得材料的高倍率充放电性能有 [15 ] 所改善 。
湖南农业大学全日制普通本科生毕业论文FePO4制备工艺对流变相法合成LiFePO4/C性能的影响EFFECTS OF FEPO4 REACTION CONDITIONS ONELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LIFEPO4/C BYRHEOLOGICAL PHASE METHOD学生姓名:李季年级专业及班级:2010级材料化学(2)班指导老师及职称:钟美娥讲师学院:理学院湖南·长沙提交日期:20年月湖南农业大学全日制普通本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导老师的指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。
毕业论文(设计)作者签名:20 年月日目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)1 前言 (2)1.1 LiFePO4的研究现状 (2)1.2 LiFePO4与FePO4.2H2O的结构及特点 (3)1.3 锂离子电池的工作原理 (4)1.4 课题设计思路 (5)2实验部分 (6)2.2 试验方法 (7)2.2.1 样品的的制备与实验方案设计 (7)2.2.2 LiFePO4材料的结构表征 (8)2.2.3 电极的制备及模拟电池的装配 (8)2.2.4 模拟电池的电性能测试 (8)3 结果与讨论 (8)3.1 不同碳锂比 (8)3.2 不同反应温度 (9)3.3 不同反应pH (10)3.4 不同搅拌速度 (11)3.5 不同碳源 (11)3.6 掺杂 (12)4 实验结果的总结............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract Research progress in recent years on the preparation, modification, how to control crystal size, relationship between structure and performance, and prospect of olivine-type lithium iron phosphate LiFePO4 cathode materials for the lithium-ion batteries was reviewed. Particle size and its distribution, ionic and electronic conductivity, and the content of Fe( ) have much effect on the performance of the samples. The use of inert gas, the addition of conductive dope, and the control of crystal size to gain nano-powder are the useful way to improve the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4.
关键词 锂离子电池 正极材料 磷酸铁锂 改性
LiFePO4 Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries
Lü Zhengzhong, Zhou Zhentao
(College of Material Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641)
V ol 135N o 16#46#化 工 新 型 材 料N EW CH EM ICAL M A T ERIA L S 第35卷第6期2007年6月基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目资助(20672023),番禺区科技计划项目资助(2006-Z -10-1)作者简介:李军(1975-),男,博士后,讲师,主要从事电池材料的研究。
研究开发改进固相法制备LiFePO 4/C 正极材料及其性能李 军1,2 黄慧民1 魏关锋1 夏信德3 李大光1(11广东工业大学轻工化工学院,广州510006;21广东工业大学机电工程学院博士后流动站,广州51006;31广州市鹏辉电池有限公司博士后工作站,广州511483)摘 要 采用改进的固相反应法制备了掺碳的磷酸铁锂正极材料,并用XRD ,SEM ,元素分析,红外光谱及激光粒度分布仪等对样品进行了测试分析。
结果表明,样品具有单一的橄榄石结构和较好的放电平台(约314V ),粒度较小粒径分布均匀,011C 首次放电比容量为13718mA h/g ,循环20次后容量保持率为9216%,以1C 倍率首次放电比容量为12916mA h/g ,循环20次后容量下降1018%。
关键词 锂离子电池,磷酸铁锂,正极材料,固相法Preparation and properties of LiFePO 4/C cathode materials bymodified solid -state reactionsLi Jun1,2H uang H uimin 1 Wei Guangfeng 1 Xia Xinde 3 Li Dag uang1(11Schoo l of Chemical Engineering,Guangdong U niversity of T echnolog y,Guang zhou 510006;21Post -Doctor Statio n School of Electrom echanical Eng ineer ing,Guangdong U niv ersity o fTechnolog y,Guangzhou 510006;31Post -doctor Work Station,Guangzho u Peng hui Battery Ltd.,Guangzhou 511483)Abstract Carbon-do ped lithium iro n phosphate mater ials w ere prepared by mo dified solid -st ate r eact ion,and using XRD,SEM ,elemental analy sis,FT IR and laser particle size distributing to test samples.T he results sho wed that t hesamples w ith o liv ine structure g ood dischar ge platfo rm (approx imately 314V ).T he samples had an initiate ca pacity of 13718mA h/g at 011C,and 9216%of w hich r emained after 20cycles.T he fir st discharg e capacity w as 12916mA h/g at 1C and the capacity decreased 1018%after 20cycles.Key words lithium ion bat tery ,lithium ir on phosphat e,cathode mater ial,solid-st ate reactio n 新型电极材料特别是正极材料的研究与开发是推动锂离子电池技术更新的关键。
第29卷 第3期Vo l 29 No 3材 料 科 学 与 工 程 学 报Journal of M aterials Science &Engineering 总第131期Jun.2011文章编号:1673 2812(2011)03 0468 04锂离子电池磷酸铁锂正极材料的制备及改性研究进展俞琛捷1,莫祥银1,康彩荣2,倪 聪2,丁 毅2(1.南京师范大学分析测试中心&江苏省生物功能材料重点实验室,江苏南京 210046;2.南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏南京 210009)摘 要 橄榄石型磷酸铁锂(LiFePO 4)由于安全性能好、循环寿命长、原材料来源广泛、无环境污染等优点被公认为是最具发展潜力的锂离子动力与储能电池正极材料。
关键词 锂离子电池;正极材料;磷酸铁锂;制备;改性中图分类号:T B34 文献标识码:AProgress in Synthesis and Modification of LiFePO 4Cathode Material forLithium Ion Rechargeable BatteriesYU C hen jie 1,MO Xiang yin 1,KANG Cai rong 2,NI C ong 2,DING Yi 2(1.Nanjing Normal University,Analysis and Testing Center &Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biof unctional Materials,Nanjing 210046,China;2.College of Materials Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China)Abstract Olivine lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO 4)is universally r ecognized as a pro mising catho de material for lithium ion recharg eable batteries for electr ic v ehicles due to hig h safety required to traction batteries,long lifespan,plentiful resources,and env ir onm ental friendliness.A systematical r eview of r ecent synthesis and modification research of LiFePO 4cathode material for lithium io n r echarg eable batter ies w as presented.On the basis,main research and developing trends regarding LiFePO 4cathode mater ial w ere pro posed.Key words lithium io n rechargeable batter ies;cathode m aterial;lithium iro n phosphate;synthesis;modification收稿日期:2009 09 02;修订日期:2010 07 19基金项目:国家 973 资助项目(6134501ZT01 004 02);王宽诚德国学术交流研究基金资助项目(K.C.W ong Fellows hip DAAD Section 423 C hina,M ong olia)作者简介:俞琛捷,女,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事材料化学等研究。
Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 248–256Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectElectrochimicaActaj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e l e c t a c taGel-combustion synthesis of LiFePO 4/C composite with improved capacity retention in aerated aqueous electrolyte solutionMilica Vujkovi´c a ,Ivana Stojkovi´c a ,Nikola Cvjeti´canin a ,Slavko Mentus a ,b ,∗,1a University of Belgrade,Faculty of Physical Chemistry,P.O.Box 137,Studentski trg 12-16,11158Belgrade,Serbia bThe Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,Kenz Mihajlova 35,11158Belgrade,Serbiaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 2October 2012Received in revised form 3January 2013Accepted 5January 2013Available online 11 January 2013Keywords:Aqueous rechargeable Li-ion battery Galvanostatic cycling Gel-combustion Olivine LiFePO 4LiFePeO 4/C compositea b s t r a c tThe LiFePO 4/C composite containing 13.4wt.%of carbon was synthesized by combustion of a metal salt–(glycine +malonic acid)gel,followed by an isothermal heat-treatment of combustion product at 750◦C in reducing atmosphere.By a brief test in 1M LiClO 4–propylene carbonate solution at a rate of C/10,the discharge capacity was proven to be equal to the theoretical one.In aqueous LiNO 3solu-tion equilibrated with air,at a rate C/3,initial discharge capacity of 106mAh g −1was measured,being among the highest ones observed for various Li-ion intercalation materials in aqueous solutions.In addition,significant prolongation of cycle life was achieved,illustrated by the fact that upon 120charg-ing/discharging cycles at various rates,the capacity remained as high as 80%of initial value.The chemical diffusion coefficient of lithium in this composite was measured by cyclic voltammetry.The obtained val-ues were compared to the existing literature data,and the reasons of high scatter of reported values were considered.© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThanks to its high theoretical Coulombic capacity (170mAh g −1)and environmental friendliness,LiFePO 4olivine became a desir-able cathodic material of Li-ion batteries [1,2],competitive to other commercially used cathodic materials (LiMnO 4,LiCoO 2).As evidenced in non-aqueous electrolyte solutions,a small vol-ume change (6.81%)that accompanies the phase transition LiFePO 4 FePO 4enables Li +ion insertion/deinsertion reactions to be quite reversible [1–3].The problem of low rate capability,caused by low electronic conductivity [4,5],was shown to be solv-able to some extent by reduction of mean particle size [6].Further improvements in both conductivity and electrochemical perform-ances were achieved by forming composite LiFePO 4/C,where in situ produced carbon served as an electronically conducting con-stituent [5,7–27].Ordinarily,both in situ formed carbon and carbon black additive,became unavoidable constituent of the LiFePO 4-based electrode materials [28–37].Zhao et al.[27]reported that Fe 2P may arise as an undesirable product during the synthesis of LiFePO 4/C composite under reducing conditions,however,other authors found later that this compound may contribute positively∗Corresponding author at:University of Belgrade,Faculty of Physical Chemistry,P.O.Box 137,Studentski trg 12-16,11158Belgrade,Serbia.Tel.:+381112187133;fax:+381112187133.E-mail (S.Mentus).1ISE the electronic conductivity and improve the electrochemical per-formance of the composite [28–30].Severe improvement in rate capability and capacity retention was achieved by partial replace-ment of iron by metals supervalent relative to lithium [31–37].Thus one may conclude that the main aspects of practical applica-bility of LiFePO 4in Li-ion batteries with organic electrolytes were successively resolved.After the pioneering studies by Li and Dahn [38,39],recharge-able Li-ion batteries with aqueous electrolytes (ARLB)attracted considerable attention [40–50].The first versions of ARLB’s,suf-fered of very low Coulombic utilization and significantly more pronounced capacity fade relative to the batteries with organic electrolyte,regardless on the type of electrode materials [43].For the first time,LiFePO 4was considered as a cathode material in ARLB’s by Manickam et 2006[44].He et al.[46],in an aqueous 0.5M Li 2SO 4solution,found that LiFePO 4displayed both a surprisingly high initial capacity of 140mAh g −1at a rate 1C and recognizable voltage plateau at a rate as high as 20C,which was superior relative to the other electrode materials in ARLB’s.Recently,the same authors reported a high capacity decay in aer-ated electrolyte solution,amounting to 37%after only 10cycles [48].In the same study,they demonstrated qualitatively by a brief cyclovoltammetric test,that a carbon layer deposited from a vapor phase over LiFePO 4particles,suppressed the capacity fade [48].Inspired by the recent discoveries about excellent rate capa-bility [46]but short cycle life [48]of LiFePO 4in aerated aqueous solution,we attempted to prolong the cycle life by means of protecting carbon layer over the LiFePO 4particles.Therefore we0013-4686/$–see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.electacta.2013.01.030M.Vujkovi´c et al./Electrochimica Acta92 (2013) 248–256249synthesized LiFePO4/C composite by a fast and simple glycine-nitrate gel-combustion technique.This method,although simpler than a classic solid state reaction method combined with ball milling[44,48],was rarely used for LiFePO4synthesis[19,27].It yielded a porous,foamy LiFePO4/C composite,easily accessible to the electrolyte.Upon the fair charging/discharging performance was confirmed by a brief test in organic electrolyte,we examined in detail the electrochemical behavior of this material in aqueous electrolyte,by cyclic voltammetry,complex impedance and cyclic galvanostatic charging/discharging methods.In comparison to pure LiFePO4studied in Ref.[48],this composite displayed markedly longer cycle life in aerated aqueous solutions.The chemical dif-fusion coefficient of lithium was also determined,and the reasons of its remarkable scatter in the existing literature were considered.2.ExperimentalThe LiFePO4/C composite was synthesized using lithium nitrate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate(Merck)and iron(II)oxalate dihydrate(synthesized according to the procedure described else-where[51])as raw materials.Our group acquired the experience in this synthesis technique on the examples of spinels LiMn2O4 [52]and LiCr0.15Mn1.85O4[53],where glycine served as both fuel and complexing/gelling agent to the metal ions.A stoichiometric amount of each material was dissolved in deionized water and mixed at80◦C using a magnetic stirrer.Then,first glycine was added into the reaction mixture to provide the mole ratio of glycine: nitrate of2:1,and additionally,malonic acid(Merck)was added in an amount of60wt.%of the expected mass of LiFePO4.The role of malonic acid was to decelerate combustion and provide con-trollable excess of carbon[14].After removing majority of water by evaporation,the gelled precursor was heated to initiate the auto-combustion,resulting in aflocculent product.The combustion product was heated in a quartz tube furnacefirst at400◦C for3h in Ar stream,and then at750◦C for6h,under a stream of5vol.%H2in Ar.This treatment consolidated the olivine structure and enabled to complete the carbonization of residual organic matter.The VO2powder prepared by hydrothermal method was used as an active component of the counter electrode in the galvanostatic experiments in aqueous electrolyte solution.The details of the syn-thesis and electrochemical behavior of VO2are described elsewhere [54,55].The considerable stoichiometric excess of VO2was used,to provide that the LiFePO4/C composite only presents the main resis-tive element,i.e.,determines the behavior of the assembled cell on the whole.The XRD experiment was performed using Philips1050diffrac-tometer.The Cu K␣1,2radiation in15–70◦2Ârange,with0.05◦C step and2s exposition time was used.The carbon content in the composite was determined by its com-bustion in theflowing air atmosphere,by means of thermobalance TA SDT Model2090,at a heating rate of10◦C min−1.The morphology of the synthesized compounds was observed using the scanning electron microscope JSM-6610LV.For electrochemical investigations,the working electrode was made from LiFePO4/C composite(75%),carbon black-Vulcan XC72 (Cabot Corp.)(20%),poly(vinylidenefluoride)(PVDF)binder(5%) and a N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solvent.The resulting suspension was homogenized in an ultrasonic bath and deposited on electron-ically conducting support.The electrode was dried at120◦C for 4h.Somewhat modified weight ratio,85:10:5,and the same drying procedure,were used to prepare VO2electrode.The non-aqueous electrolyte was1M LiClO4(Lithium Corpo-ration of America)dissolved in propylene carbonate(PC)(Fluka). Before than dissolved,LiClO4was dried over night at140◦C under vacuum.The aqueous electrolyte solution was saturated LiNO3solution.The cyclic voltammetry and complex impedance experiments were carried out only for aqueous electrolyte solutions,by means of the device Gamry PCI4/300Potentiostat/Galvanostat.The three electrode cell consisted of a working electrode,a wide platinum foil as a counter electrode,and a saturated calomel electrode(SCE) as a reference one.The experiments were carried out in air atmo-sphere.The impedance was measured in open-circuit conditions, at various stages of charging and discharging,within the frequency range10−2−105Hz,with7points per decade.Galvanostatic charging/discharging experiments were carried out in a two-electrode arrangement,by means of the battery testing device Arbin BT-2042,with two-terminal connectors only.In the galvanostatic tests in non-aqueous solution,working electrode was a2×2cm2platinum foil carrying2.3mg of compos-ite electrode material(1.5mg of olivine),while counter electrode was a2×2cm2lithium foil.The cell was assembled in an argon-filled glove box and cycled galvanostatically within a voltage range 2.1–4.2V.The galvanostatic tests in the aqueous electrolyte solution were carried out in a two-electrode arrangement,involving3mg of cathodic material,as a working electrode,and VO2in a multi-ple stoichiometric excess,as a counter electrode.According to its reversible potential of lithiation/delithiation reaction[55],VO2per-formed as an anode in this cell.The4cm2stainless steel plates were used as the current collectors for both positive and negative electrode.The cell was assembled in room atmosphere,and cycled within the voltage window between0.01and1.4V.3.Result and discussion3.1.The XRD,SEM and TG analysis of the LiFePO4/C compositeFig.1shows the XRD patterns of the composite LiFePO4/C pre-pared according to the procedure described in the Experimental Section.As visible,the diffractogram agrees completely with the one of pure LiFePO4olivine,found in the JCPDS card No.725-19. The narrow diffraction lines indicate complete crystallization and relatively large particle dimensions.On the basis of absence of diffraction lines of carbon,we may conclude that the carbonized product was amorphous one.Fig.2shows the SEM images of the LiFePO4/C composite at two different magnifications.Theflaky agglomerates,Fig.2left,with apparently smooth surface and low tap density,are due to a partial liquefaction and evolution of gas bubbles during gel-combustion procedure.These agglomerates consist of small LiFePO4/CFig.1.XRD patterns of LiFePO4/C composite in comparison to standard crystallo-graphic data.250M.Vujkovi´c et al./Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 248–256Fig.2.SEM images of LiFePO 4/C composite at two different magnification,20000×and 100000×.composite particles visible better at higher magnification,Fig.2,ly at the magnification of 100,000×,one may see that the size of majority of composite particles was in the range 50–100nm.The mean particle diameter,2r,as per SEM microphotograph amounted to 75nm.This analysis evidences that the gel-combustion method may provide nanodisprsed particles,desirable from the point of view of rate capability.For instance,Fey et al.[16]demonstrated that particle size reduction from 476to 205nm improved the rate capa-bility of LiFePO 4/C composite in organic electrolyte,illustrated by the increase of discharge capacity from 80mAh g −1to 140mAh g −1at discharging rate 1C.Also,carbon matrix prevented particles from agglomeration providing narrow size distribution,contrary to often used solid state reaction method of synthesis,when sintering of ini-tially nanometer sized particles caused the appearance of micron sized agglomerates [22].The SEM microphotograph (Fig.2)alone did not permit to rec-ognize carbon constituent of the LiFePO 4/C composite.However,carbonized product was evidenced,and its content measured,by means of thermogravimetry,as described elsewhere [9].The dia-gram of simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA)of the LiFePO 4/C composite performed in air is presented in Fig.3.The process of moisture release,causing a slight mass loss of 1%,terminated at 150◦C.In the temperature range 350–500◦C carbon combustion took place,visible as a drop of the TG curve and an accompanying exothermic peak of the DTA curve.However,the early stage of olivine oxidation merged to some extent with the late stage of carbon combustion,and therefore,the minimum of the TG curve,appearing at nearly 500◦C,was not so low as to enable to read directly the carbon content.Fortunately,as proven by XRD analysis,the oxidation of LiFePO 4at tempera-ture exceeding 600◦C,yielded only Li 3Fe 2(PO 4)3and Fe 2O 3,whatFig.3.TGA/DTA curve of LiFePO 4/C under air flow at heating rate of 10C min−1.corresponded to the relative gain in mass of exactly 5.07%[9].Therefore,the weight percentage of carbonaceous fraction in the LiFePO 4/C composite was determined as equal to the difference between the TG plateaus at temperatures 300and 650◦C,aug-mented for 5.07%.According to this calculation the carbon fraction amounted to 13.4wt.%,and by means of this value,the electro-chemical parameters discussed in the next sections were correlated to pure LiFePO 4.Specific surface area of LiFePO 4,required for the measurement of diffusion constant,was determined from SEM image (Fig.2).Assuming a spherical particle shape and accepting mean particle radius r =37.5nm,the specific surface area was estimated on the basis of equation [17,22,45,46]:S =3rd(1)where the bulk density d =3.6g cm −3was used .This calculation resulted in the value S =22.2m 2g −1.In this calculation the contri-bution of carbon to the mean particle radius was ignored,however the error introduced in such way is more acceptable than the error which may arise if standard BET method were applied to the com-posite with significant carbon ly,due to a usually very developed surface area of carbon,the measured specific sur-face may exceed many times the actual surface area of LiFePO 4.3.2.Electrochemical measurements3.2.1.Non-aqueous electrolyte solutionIn order to compare the behavior of the synthesized LiFePO 4/C composite to the existing literature data,available predominantly for non-aqueous solutions,a brief test was performed in non-aqueous 1M LiClO 4+propylene carbonate solution by galvano-static experiments only.The results for the rates C/10,C/3and C,within the voltage limits 2.1–4.2V,were presented in Fig.4.The polarizability of the lithium electrode was estimated on the basis of the study by Churikov [56–67],who measured the current–voltage curves of pure lithium electrode in LiClO 4/propylene carbon-ate solutions at various temperatures.To the highest rate of 1C =170mA g −1in nonaqueous electrolyte,the corresponding cur-rent amounted to 0.25mA,which was equal to the current density of 0.064mA cm −2through the Li counter electrode.According to Fig.2in Ref.[67],for room temperature,the corresponding over-voltage amounted to only 6mV.Since lithium electrode is thus practically non-polarizable in this system,the voltages presented on the ordinate of the left diagram are the potentials of the olivine electrode expressed versus Li/Li +reference electrode.The clear charge and discharge plateaus at about 3.49V and 3.40V,respec-tively,correspond to the LiFePO 4 FePO 4phase equilibria [5].At discharging rate of C/10,the initial discharge capacity,within the limits of experimental error,was close to a full theoreticalM.Vujkovi´c et al./Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 248–256251Fig.4.The initial charge/discharge curves (a)and cyclic performance (b)of LiFePO 4/C composite in 1M LiClO 4+PC at different rates within a common cut-off voltage of2.1–4.2V.Fig.5.Charge/discharge profile and corresponding cyclic behavior of LiFePO 4/C in 1M LiClO 4+PC at the rate of 1C.capacity of LiFePO 4(170mAh g −1).This value is higher than that for LiFePO 4/C composite obtained by glycine [19],malonic acid [14]and adipic acid/ball milling [15]assisted methods.As usual,the discharge capacity decreased with increasing discharging rate (Fig.4b),and amounted to 127mAh g −1at C/3,and 109mAh g −1at 1C.For practical application of Li-ion batteries,a satisfactory rate capability and long cycle life are of primary importance.The charge/discharge profiles and dependence of capacity on the cycle number at the rate 1C are presented in Fig.5.The capacity was almost independent on the number of cycles,similarly to theearlier reports by Fey et al.[37–39].For comparison,Kalaiselvi et al.[19],by a glycine assisted gel-combustion procedure,with an additional amount (2wt.%)of carbon black,produced a similar nanoporous LiFePO 4/C composite displaying somewhat poorer per-formance,i.e.,smaller discharge capacity of 160mAh g −1at smaller discharging rate of C/20.On the other hand,better rate capability of LiFePO 4/C com-posite,containing only 1.1–1.8wt.%of carbon,in a non-aqueous solution,was reported by Liu et al.[21].For instance they mea-sured 160mAh g −1at the rate 1C,and 110at even 30C [21].This may be due to a thinner carbon layer around the LiFePO 4olivine particles.However the advantage of here applied thicker carbon layer exposed itself in aqueous electrolyte solutions,as described in the next section.3.2.2.Aqueous electrolyte solution3.2.2.1.Cyclic voltammetry.By the cyclic voltammetry method (CV)the electrochemical behavior of LiFePO 4/C composite in satu-rated aqueous LiNO 3solution was preliminary tested in the voltage range 0.4–1V versus SCE.The cyclic voltammograms are pre-sented in Fig.6.The highest scan rate of 100mV s −1,tolerated by this material,was much higher than the ones (0.01–5mV s −1)used in previous studies in both organic [13,24,25]and aqueous electrolyte solutions [47,48].Since one deals here with the thin layer solid redox electrode,limited in both charge consumption and diffusion length,the voltammogram is more complicated for interpretation comparing with the classic case of electroactive species in a liquid solution.A sharp,almost linear rise of current upon achieving reversible potential,with overlapped rising parts at various scan rates,similar to ones reported elsewhere [21,25],resembles closely the voltammogram of anodic dissolution ofaFig.6.Cyclic voltammograms of LiFePO 4/C in saturated LiNO 3aqueous electrolyte with a scan rate of 1mV s −1(left)and at various scan rates in the range 1–100mV s −1.252M.Vujkovi´c et al./Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 248–256Fig.7.Anodic and cathodic peak current versus square root of scan rate forLiFePO 4/C composite in aqueous LiNO 3electrolyte solution.thin metal layer [56],which proceeds under constant reactant activity.Since the solid/solid phase transitions LiFePO 4 FePO 4accompanies the redox processes in this system [5,8,57,58],the positive scan of the voltammograms depict the phase transition of LiFePO 4to FePO 4,while the negative scan depicts the phase transi-tion FePO 4to LiFePO 4.As shown by Srinivasan et al.[5],LiFePO 4may be exhausted by Li not more than 5mol.%before to trans-form into FePO 4,while FePO 4may consume no more than 5%Li before to transform into LiFePO 4,i.e.cyclic voltammetry exper-iments proceeds under condition of almost constant activity of the electroactive species.Although these aspects of the Li inser-tion/deinsertion process do not fit the processes at metal/liquid electrolyte boundary implied by Randles–Sevcik equation:i p =0.4463F RT1/2C v 1/2AD 1/2(2)this equation was frequently used to estimate apparent diffusion coefficient in Li insertion processes [5,17,21,46,59].To obtain peak current,i p ,in amperes,the concentration of lithium,C =C Li ,should be in mol cm −3,the real surface area exposed to the electrolyte in cm 2,chemical diffusion coefficient of lithium through the solid phase,D =D Li ,in cm 2s −1,and sweep rate,v ,in V s −1.The Eq.(2)pre-dicts the dependence of the peak height on the square root of sweep rate to be linear,as found often in Li-ion intercalation processes [17,21,25,59,60].This condition is fulfilled in this case too,as shown in Fig.7.The average value of C Li may be estimated as a reciprocal value of molar volume of LiFePO 4(V M =44.11cm 3mol −1),hence C Li =2.27×10−2mol cm −3.The determination of the actual surface area of olivine is a more difficult task,due to the presence of carbon in the LiFePO 4/C ly,classical BET method of sur-face area measurement may lead to a significantly overestimated value,since carbon surface may be very developed and participate predominantly in the measured value [15].Thus the authors in this field usually calculated specific surface area by means of Eq.(1),using mean particle radius determined by means of electron microscopy [17,22,45,46].Using S =22.2m 2g −1determined by means of Eq.(1),and an actual mass of the electroactive substance applied to the elec-trode surface (0.001305g),the actual electrode surface area was calculated to amount to A =290cm 2.This value introduced in Randles–Sevcik equation yielded D Li ∼0.8×10−14cm 2s −1.From the aspect of capacity retention,the insolubility of olivine in aqueous solutions is advantageous compared to the vanadia-based Li-ion intercalation materials,such as Li 1.2V 3O 8[61],LiV 3O 8[62]and V 2O 5[63],the solubility of which in LiNO 3solution was perceivable through the yellowish solutioncoloration.Fig.8.The Nyquist plots of LiFePO 4/C composite in aqueous LiNO 3solution at var-ious stages of delithiation;inset:enlarged high-frequency region. measurements.Figs.8and 9present the Nyquist plots of the LiFePO 4/C composite in aqueous LiNO 3solution at various open circuit potentials (OCV),during delithiation (anodic sweep,Fig.8)and during lithiation (cathodic sweep,Fig.9).The delithiated phase,observed at OCV =1V,as well as the lithi-ated phase,observed at OCV =0V,in the low-frequency region (f <100Hz)tend to behave like a capacitor,characteristic of a surface thin-layered redox material with reflective phase bound-ary conditions [64].At the OCV not too far from the reversible one (0.42V during delithiation,0.308V during lithiation),where both LiFePO 4and FePO 4phase may be present,within the whole 10−2–105Hz frequency range,the reaction behaves as a reversible one (i.e.shows the impedance of almost purely Warburg type).The insets in Figs.8and 9present the enlarged parts of the impedance diagram in the region of high frequencies,where one may observe a semicircle,the diameter of which corresponds theoretically to the charge transfer resistance.As visible,the change of open circuit potential between 0and 1V,in spite of the phase transition,does not cause significant change in charge transfer resistance.The small charge transfer resistance obtained with the carbon participation of 13.4%,being less than 1 ,is the smallest one reported thus far for olivine based materials.This finding agrees with the trend found by Zhao et al.[27],that the charge transfer resistance scaleddownFig.9.The Nyquist plots of LiFePO 4/C composite in aqueous LiNO 3solution at var-ious stages of lithiation;inset:enlarged high-frequency region.M.Vujkovi´c et al./Electrochimica Acta 92 (2013) 248–256253Fig.10.The dependence Z Re vs.ω−1/2during lithiation at 0.308V (top)and delithi-ation at 0.42V (down)in the frequency range 72– 1000,400and 150 when the amount of in situ formed carbon in the LiFePO 4/C composite increased in the range 1,2.8and 4.8%.For OCV corresponding to the cathodic (0.42V)and anodic (0.308V)peak maxima,the Warburg constant W was calculated from the dependence [21]:Z Re =R e +R ct + W ω−1/2(3)In the frequency range 2.7–72Hz,almost purely Warburg impedance was found to hold (i.e.the slope of the Nyquist plot very close to 45degrees was found).At the potential of cathodic current maximum (0.42V),from Fig.10, W was determined to amount to 7.96 s −1/2.At the potential of anodic maxima,0.308V, W was determined to amount to 9.07 s −1/2.In the published literature,for the determination of diffusion coefficient on the basis of impedance measurements,the following equation was often used [66,68,69]:D =0.5V M AF W ıE ıx2(4)where V M is molar volume of olivine,44.1cm 3, W is Warburg con-stant and ıE /ıx is the slope of the dependence of electrode potential on the molar fraction of Li (x )for given value of x .However,the potentials of CV maxima in the here studied case correspond to the x range of two-phase equilibrium,where for an accurate deter-mination of ıE /ıx a strong control of perturbed region of sample particles is required [69],and thus the determination of diffusion coefficients was omitted. measurements.The galvanostatic measure-ments of LiFePO 4/C in saturated LiNO 3aqueous solution were performed in a two-electrode arrangement using hydrother-mally synthesized VO 2[55]as the active material of thecounterFig.11.Capacity versus cycle number and charge/discharge profiles (inset)for thecell consisting of LiFePO 4/C composite as cathode,and VO 2in large excess as anode,in saturated LiNO 3aqueous electrolyte observed at rate C/3.electrode.Preliminary cyclovoltammetric tests of VO 2in saturated LiNO 3solution at the sweep rate 10mV s −1,evidenced excellent cyclability and stable capacity of about 160mAh g −1during at least 50cycles.The voltage applied to the two-electrode cell was cycled within the limits 0and 1.4V.Due to a significant stoichiometric excess of VO 2over LiFePO 4/C composite (5:1)the actual voltage may be considered to be the potential versus reference VO 2/Li x VO 2electrode.Fig.11shows the dependence of the discharging Coulombic capacity of the LiFePO 4/C composite on the number of galvano-static cycles at discharging rate C/3,as well as (in the inset)the voltage vs.charging/discharging degree for 1st,2nd and 50th cycle.The charge/discharge curves do not change substantially in shape upon cycling,indicating stable capacity.For an aqueous solution,a surprisingly high initial discharge capacity of 106mAh g −1and low capacity fade of only 6%after 50charge/discharge cycles were evidenced.This behavior is admirable in comparison to other elec-trode materials in aqueous media reported in literature (LiTi 2(PO 4)3[42],LiV 3O 8[57]),and probably enabled by a higher thermody-namic stability of olivine structure [1].Fig.12presents the results of cyclic galvanostatic investigations of LiFePO 4/C composite in aqueous LiNO 3solution at various dis-charging rates.The charging/discharging rate was initially C/3for 80cycles and then was increased stepwise up to 3C.ThecapacityFig.12.Cyclic performance of LiFePO 4/C in saturated LiNO 3aqueous electrolyte at different charging/discharging rates.。
得到样品后用XRD,TEM ,拉曼波谱和循环伏安法对制得样品的晶体结构,形貌,相成分以及电化学特性进行测试研究。
研究结果显示用可溶性淀粉和蔗糖作碳的前驱体制得的LiFePO4颗粒表面的碳的包覆层不充分,而用柠檬酸和间苯二酚甲醛聚合物作前驱体所得的样品实现了在LiFePO4颗粒表面得到均匀一致的碳包覆层的目的,并且相应的碳包覆层的厚度分别为2.5 nm和4.5 nm。
在制得的四种样品中,使用间二苯酚甲醛聚合物作碳的前驱体时,样品的首次放电比容量最高(室温下0.2 C 时放电比容量为138.4 mAh/ g),倍率性能最好。
在这些方法中,制备LiFePO4/C 复合材料是最受关注的。
值得提及的是包括纳米尺寸的磷酸铁锂的合成在内的很多研究用昂贵的Fe2+盐作前驱体【3.16-20】,例如FeC2O4·2H2O 和(CH 3COO)2Fe。
LiFePO4正极材料倍率性能改善的研究进展王旭峰;冯志军;张华森;丛欣泉;曾佑鹏【摘要】Olivine-type lithium iron phosphate (LFP) was used as cathode material of lithium ion battery due to its good electrochemical performance,such as stable charging and discharging platform and steady structure during cycling of Li ions.What's more,it had high safety,non-toxic and polluting-free,as well as long cycle life and rich rawmaterial.However,there was a instinct drawback of olive structure that baffles the marketization of LEP in the field of electrical vehicle,and that was the poor rate performance.The main approaches to improve rate performance of LEP include ion doping,surfacecoating,nanocrystallization,ect.On the base of improved approaches mentioned above,the methods in enhancing rate performance of LFP were reviewed in recent years.%橄榄石型磷酸铁锂(LFP)作为锂离子电池正极材料,具有良好的电化学性能、平稳的充放电平台、稳定的充放电结构,而且无毒、无污染、安全性能好、循环寿命长、原材料来源广泛.然而由于其本身结构的缺陷,导致其倍率性能低下,这将直接影响该材料在动力汽车市场的应用.改善其倍率性能的方法主要有离子掺杂、表面包覆、合成纳米材料.以这几类改性方法为主线,综述了近年来LFP倍率性能改善的研究进展.【期刊名称】《电源技术》【年(卷),期】2017(041)008【总页数】4页(P1202-1205)【关键词】锂离子电池;正极材料;磷酸铁锂;倍率性能【作者】王旭峰;冯志军;张华森;丛欣泉;曾佑鹏【作者单位】南昌航空大学材料科学与工程学院,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学材料科学与工程学院,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学材料科学与工程学院,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学材料科学与工程学院,江西南昌330063;南昌航空大学材料科学与工程学院,江西南昌330063【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM912锂离子电池以其能量密度高、使用寿命长、无记忆效应、可再次充放电、轻巧、工作电压高、无污染等优点,成为便携式产品和动力车载电池发展的主要方向。
液相合成法具有传热、 传质快, 材料粒径、 形貌可控等优点, 被广泛应用于各类材料制备领域。本文 solgel 法合成磷酸铁锂正极材料的过程、 综述了共沉淀法、 溶剂热法、 原理和研究进展, 并进行了对比和总 结: 纳米化、 高比表面积、 碳包覆, 可以解决电子电导率低和锂离子扩散速率慢所导致的倍率性能差的问题 , 是液相法合成的基本要求。共沉淀法有利于合成密堆积的球形形貌 , 获得高振实密度的材料, 可以提高材料 的能量密度。溶剂热法有利于合成大 ( 010 ) 面的材料, 缩短锂离子扩散的距离, 提高材料的倍率性能。 Solgel 法可以达到分子级别的混合, 有利于制备成分均匀、 原位碳包覆的材料。 使用高电子电导率和离子电导 率的材料, 可以提高 LiFePO4 的倍率性能。相对固相法, 寻找合成时间短、 流程短、 成本低的产业化方法, 推 动液相法在原理、 工艺上的发展和进步是研究的方向 。 橄榄石磷酸铁锂 液相合成法 高振实密度 大( 010 ) 面 原位碳包覆 产业化 281X( 2017 ) 01013712 中图分类号: O646 ; TM911 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005关键词
收稿: 2016 年 10 月 1 日,收修改稿: 2016 年 12 月 3 日,网络出版: 2017 年 1 月 10 日 * 国家自然科学基 金 项目 ( No. 51364021 ) 、 云 南 省 自 然科学基金项目 ( No. 2014FA025 ) 和云南省院士自 由 探 索 项 目 ( No. 2015HA016 , 2016HA011 ) 资助 the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 51364021 ) , ( No. 2014FA025 ) ,and the Academician’ s Discovering Found from Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology ( No. 2015HA016 , 2016HA011 ) . * *Corresponding author email: yaochun9796@ 163. com http: / / w w w . progchem. ac. cn Progress in Chemistry , 2017 , 29 ( 1 ) : 137 ~ 148
第36卷第4期四川大学学报(工程科学版)V ol.36N o.4 2004年7月JOURNA L OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY(E NGINEERING SCIE NCE E DITION)July2004文章编号:100923087(2004)0420074204改进的固相法制备磷酸铁锂电池材料刘 恒,孙红刚,周大利,张 萍,尹光福(四川大学材料科学与工程学院,四川成都610065)摘 要:采用改进的固相反应法(MSR),制得了粒子微细、粒径分布窄的LiFePO4和Li0.98Mg0.02FePO4化合物,用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TE M)和粒度分布仪研究了样品的物相结构、形貌和粒径分布。
关键词:磷酸铁锂;正极材料;锂离子电池;固相法中图分类号:O646.54;T M911.1文献标识码:AFine2particle Lithium Iron(II)Phospho2olivine Prepared byA N ovel Modified Solid2state R eactionLIU Heng,SUN Hong2gang,ZHOU Da2li,ZH ANG Ping,YIN Guang2f u(School of M aterials Sci.and Eng.,S ichuan Univ.,Chengdu610065,China)Abstract:The fine2particle electroactive materials LiFePO4and Li0.98Mg0.02FePO4were synthesized by a novel m odified s olid2state reaction(MSR)method.The sam ples were characterized by X2ray diffraction,TE M and particle size analysis. The reaction conditions fav or stabilization of the iron as Fe2+as well as offering s ome control of the product m orphology and particle size.The results of electrochemical evaluation of the products showed a lithium insertion plateau around3.5 V vs.Li together with a specific capacity of over160mAh/g.Excellent electrochemical properties in terms of capacity, reversibility and cycling stability have been achieved.The MSR approach offers a scalable process as a convenient and energy2efficient method for preparation of great many electroactive phases.K ey w ords:lithium iron phosphate;lithium ion battery;cathode materials;s olid2state reaction 锂离子二次电池自1990年由日本S ony公司首次成功开发以来,迄今为止,商业化的锂离子电池正极材料仍主要采用钴酸锂(LiC oO2)。
第14卷第2期2009年4月Li 1-3x Er x FePO 4材料的合成及性能孙斌,王生朝,欧玲(湖南工业大学冶金学院,湖南株洲412000)摘要:采用固相反应法合成了锂离子电池正极材料Li 1-3x Er x FePO 4(x=0、0.01、0.02、0.03)。
采用X 射线衍射、恒电流充放试验对试样的微观结构和电化学性能进行测试。
试验结果表明:掺杂Er 3+对LiFePO 4的晶体结构没有影响。
Li 0.97Er 0.01FePO 4,Li 0.94Er 0.02FePO 4试样具有优良的循环性能和倍率性能;Li 0.91Er 0.03FePO 4试样的循环性能和倍率性能很差。
Li 0.94Er 0.02FePO 4的电化学性能最佳,在C/10和1C倍率下放电容量均最大,分别为144.5mAh/g 和131.6mAh/g 。
关键词:锂离子电池;正极材料;稀土掺杂;电化学性能;LiFePO 4中图分类号:TM912.9文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-7923(2009)02-0101-04Synthesis and performance of cathode materials Li 1-3x Er x FePO 4for Li-ion batteriesSUN bin,WANG Sheng -zhao,OU Ling(College of Metallurgy,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou,Hunan 412000,China)Abstract:Cathode materials Li 1-3x Er x FePO 4for Lithium ion batteries were synthesized by solid -state reaction method(x =0、0.01、0.02、0.03).The microstructure and electrochemical performance of thesamples were tested by X-ray diffraction (XRD)and charge-discharge experiments.The experimental results showed that doping with Er 3+ions had no effect on microstructure of LiFePO 4.Li 0.97Er 0.01FePO 4,Li 0.94Er 0.02FePO 4possessed excellent cycling capability and rate performance,Li 0.91Er 0.03FePO 4had bad cycling capability and rate performance.Li 0.94Er 0.02FePO 4exhibited the most excellent electrochemical performance,their discharge capacities were 144.5mAh/g and 131.6mAh/g at C/10and 1C rate,respectively.Key words:Li -ion batteries;cathode materials;rare -earth doping;electrochemical performance;LiFePO 4收稿日期:2008-10-14基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号50672024)作者简介:孙斌(1967-),男,湖南省人,讲师,硕士;主要研究方向为功能材料。
关键词:锂离子电池;正极材料;磷酸铁锂;固相法;温度影响AbstractOlivine-type LiFePO4 as a new lithium ion battery cathode material, it has low price, good thermal stability, environmental non-toxic, good reversibility, and anion of which can stabilize the structure to prevent the dissolution of iron ions , making it one of the most promising cathode material.But LiFePO4 low intrinsic electronic conductivity and lithium ion diffusion coefficient seriously affect its electrochemical performance, and hinder its application.Therefore required to improve the LiFePO4 material from the electronic conductivity and lithium ion conductivity to proceed to its modification.In this experiment, Li2CO3 as lithium, FeC2O2.2H2O,Fe2O3 as iron source, NH4H2PO4 as the phosphorus source, using starch as carbon source mixed in different proportions, handling of raw materials by ball milling, spray-dried precursor obtained. Sintering temperature and different charge-discharge testing methods applied to study the impact of temperature on the performance of LiFePO4.Results show thatLiFePO4 cells showed an enhanced cycling performance and a high discharge capacity of 151.6mAh g-1at 0.1 CKeywords:Lithium ion battery; Cathode material; Lithium iron phosphate, Solid State Method ;temperature effect目录1绪论 (1)1.1锂离子电池的发展 (1)1.2锂离子电池材料的研究进展 (5)1.3磷酸铁锂正极材料 (13)1.4本论文的研究内容和研究方法 (22)2实验方案及测试方法 (23)2.1实验原料 (23)2.2实验设备 (23)2.3 试验方法 (24)2.4 电池的制作 (25)3实验结果分析与讨论 (27)3.1 焙烧温度对产物性能的影响 (28)3.2合成温度对草酸亚铁制备磷酸铁锂性能的影响 (29)4 结论 (34)参考文献 (35)致谢 (42)附录 (43)III1 外文文献原文 (43)2 外文文献译文 (50)IV1绪论1.1锂离子电池的发展1.1.1锂离子电池的诞生电池的发展史可以追溯到公元纪年左右,那时人们就对电池有了原始认识,但是一直到1800年意大利人伏打(V olt)发明了人类历史上第一套电源装置,才使人们开始对电池原理有所了解,并使电池得到了应用。
锂离子电池正极材料LiFePO 4的结构和电化学反应机理连王亮1, 2 马华培1 李法强1 诸葛芹1(1 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所 西宁 810008;2中国科学院研究生院 北京 100039) 摘 要 十年来的研究并没有对LiFePO 4的电化学反应机理形成准确一致的认识。
复合阴离子(PO 4)3-的应用使铁基化合物成为一种非常理想的锂离子电池正极备选材料。
然而, LiFePO 4的晶体结构却限制了其电导性与锂离子扩散性能,从而使材料的电化学性能下降。
本文主要考虑充放电机理,相态转变,离子掺杂,锂离子扩散,电导,电解液,充放电动力学等因素的影响,从理论与实验角度综述了关于LiFePO 4的电化学反应机理的研究进展。
关键词 LiFePO 4 机理 影响因素 正极材料 锂离子电池The Structure and Electrochemical Mechanism of LiFePO 4 as Cathode of Lithium IonBatteryWang Lianliang 1, 2, Ma Peihua 1, Li Faqiang 1, Zhu Geqin 1(1 Qinghai Institute of Salt Lakes, Chinese Academy of Science, Xining 810008;2 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039)Abstract The electrochemical mechanism of LiFePO 4 as cathode material for lithium ion batteries during charging and discharging is still under debate after ten years of research. The use of polyanion, (PO 4)3-, makes it possible for iron-based compound to be one of the potential promising cathode material for lithium ion batteries. However, the interior structure of LiFePO 4 determines the diffusion of electrons and lithium ions, and therefore deteriorate its electrochemical performance. From theoretical part and the aspect of practices of experiment, inner reactions during the processes of charging/discharging, phases transition, ion-doping, diffusion of lithium ions, conductivity, interactions between cathode material and electrolytes and the electrochemical kinetic of LiFePO 4 based lithium ion batteries are described in this paper.Key words LiFePO 4, Mechanism, Factors, Cathode material, Lithium ion battery自从1997年Padhi 等开创性的提出锂离子电池正极材料LiFePO 4以来, LiFePO 4 已经成为可充电锂离子电池正极材料的研究热点之一。
Journal of Alloys and Compounds456(2008)461–465A soft chemistry synthesis routine for LiFePO4–Cusing a novel carbon sourceL.N.Wang a,X.C.Zhan a,Z.G.Zhang a,K.L.Zhang a,b,∗a College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,Chinab Centre of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,ChinaReceived17August2006;received in revised form13February2007;accepted20February2007Available online23February2007AbstractAs a novel carbon source,polyethylene glycol(PEG;mean molecular weight of10,000)was adopted to prepare LiFePO4–C cathode material by a very simple soft chemistry method,which was called rheological phase reaction by us.X-ray diffraction(XRD)reveal that the crystallized LiFePO4powder can be synthesized easily by rheological phase reaction at a relative low temperature(400◦C).Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)results indicate that after the decomposition of PEG,active material and porous structure carbon were left in the resultant products.An initial discharge capacity of162and139mAh g−1was achieved for500◦C sample at room temperature with C rates of0.06C(10mA g−1)and1C (170mA g−1),respectively.The satisfactory initial discharge capacity and superior rate capacity should attribute to the porous conductive carbon structure and the soft synthesis process.©2007Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Cathode material;LiFePO4;PEG;Rheological phase reaction1.IntroductionDue to its overwhelming advantages of low toxicity,good thermal stability and relatively high theoretical capacity,olivine type LiFePO4,which wasfirst introduced as a lithium batteries cathode material by Padhi et al.appears as a potential candidate to be used as positive electrode in next generation of Li-ion batteries[1–5].As a material,however,LiFePO4is an insulator,which seri-ously limits its rate capability in lithium cells.It shows high electrochemical properties only at low charge–discharge rates owing to its low electronic conductivity and low lithium ion motion ability[6,7].Therefore,research on this insulating com-pound was up to now mostly devoted to enhance the composite’s conductivity by metal doping[8,9]or coating with the electron-ically conductive like carbon,metal and metal oxide[10–12].Other possible means of improving the rate performance of LiFePO4materials are those of enhancing its ionic/electronic conductivity by optimization of particles with suitable prepara-tion procedures.In addition to the traditional solid-state reaction∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862787218484;fax:+862768754067.E-mail address:klzhang@(K.L.Zhang).synthesis routine,alternative synthesis processes including sol–gel,hydrothermal,co-precipitation,microwave heating,etc. have developed continually[11,13–15].In this work,an example of preparing LiFePO4material with nano-sizedfine particles by employing a novel carbon source of polyethylene glycol(PEG)with a very simple soft chem-istry method—the rheological phase reaction method[16–19]is provided.The solid reactants are fully mixed in a proper molar ratio,made up by adding the required amount of water or other solvent to a solid–liquid rheological body in which the solid particles and liquid substance are uniformly distributed.Then after reaction under suitable conditions,the product is obtained. Under the solid–liquid rheological state,many substances have new reaction properties.The resultant powders prepared by this method often show excellent electrochemical performance. The microstructure and the rate performance of the as-prepared LiFePO4–C were investigated.Also,an excellent organic carbon source—PEG was introduced.2.ExperimentalLi2CO3,FeC2O4·2H2O,NH4H2PO4and polyethylene glycol(mean molec-ular weight of10,000)powders were used as the starting materials by rheological phase reaction.They were mixed thoroughly by grinding.Then appropriate0925-8388/$–see front matter©2007Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.02.103462L.N.Wang et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds 456(2008)461–465amount of de-ionized water was added to get a rheological body,which was the precursor of LiFePO 4–C.Finally,the resulting precursor was heated in Ar atmosphere to get the powders of LiFePO 4–C.Thermal decomposition and crystallization temperatures of the rheological body precursor were investigated by thermogravimetry and different thermal analysis (TG/DTA),which were performed between ambient and 1000◦C with heating rate of 20◦C min −1under the flowing Ar.X-ray diffraction (XRD)pro-files of the sample were carried out on a Shimadzu XRD-6000diffractometer using Cu K ␣1radiation .The particles size distribution was determined by the optical particle size analyzer (Mastersizer 2000,England).The morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)with Sirion FEG SEM.Elemental composition of the compound powder (Li,Fe and P)was determined by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)with atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES,model IRIS,TJA,USA),and the amount of carbon was determined by element analyzer (FLASH 112SERIES,Italy).EDAX was also used to further examine the elemental composition.For the cell measurement,the prepared sample was examined by a simulated cell system.The LiFePO 4–C material was mixed with 20%carbon black and 5%PTFE.The mixture was pressed onto nickel grid as the cathode,pure lithium as the anode,1mol/L LiClO 4(EC:DMC =1:1)as the electrolyte,a Celguard 2400(American)micro-porous membrane for the separator.The assemblies of the cell prototypes were carried out in an Ar-filled glove box (Mikrouna,Super 1220/750,China)with both water and oxygen concentrations less than 5ppm.The cathode performance was examined by a Neware instrument.The cells were charge–discharged between 2.0and 4.4V using different current density at room temperature.The charge and discharge rates were equal under a given current density.3.Results and discussionThemal gravimetry and different thermal analysis (TG/DTA)was used to determine the temperature for the preparation of precursor.Fig.1shows TG/DTA curves performed on LiFePO 4precursor,in which the content of PEG is 13wt.%.The curves show three mass main stages.While the first one attributed to the release of little physical adsorbed water and some crystal water is found from ambient to 183◦C.The steep weight loss,which occurs between 183–307and 307–404◦C can be ascribed to the decomposition of reactants,with carbonization of PEG and crystallization of LiFePO 4.In this stage,two endothermic peaks were also found at 283.2and 390.8◦C in the DTA curve,respec-tively.Finally,the slow and gradual form weight loss above 404◦C can be associated with the decomposition of littlerem-Fig.1.TG/DTA curves performed on LiFePO 4precursor with addition of 13wt.%PEG.Fig.2.XRD patterns of LiFePO 4powders prepared at different temperatures.The asterisks sign reflection peaks of Li 3PO 4as minor impurity phase.nant PEG and the oxidation of carbon,which produces carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide.Correspondingly,one endothermic peak at 431.5◦C and an exothermic peak around 717.9◦C were found in the DTA curve.By following the results of TG/DTA,the precursor was heat-treated at temperatures between 400and 700◦C for 12h in the Ar flow.The X-ray diffraction patterns of the LiFePO 4powders heat-treated for 12h at different temperatures are shown in Fig.2.For the samples synthesized at 400and 500◦C,all peaks can be indexed as pure and well-crystallized LiFePO 4phase with an ordered olivine structure and a space group of Pnma .But a minor impurity phase,which is lithium ortho -phosphate Li 3PO 4appeared when the temperature increased to 600and 700◦C.However,no evidence of diffraction peaks for crystalline carbon (graphite)appeared in the diffraction pattern throughout the tem-perature range,which indicates that the carbon generated from PEG is amorphous carbon and its presence does not influence the structure of LiFePO 4.It is found the patterns of the LiFePO 4synthesized at different temperatures are mostly similar except that the peaks gradually sharpen with increasing temperature.There are only weak X-ray diffraction peaks observed at 400◦C,and the relative intensity of the X-ray diffraction patterns of the LiFePO 4powders becomes the strongest when the temperature is up to 700◦C,which indicates an increase of crystallinity as may occur from growth of grain size,ordering of local structure,and release of lattice strain [20].The morphology for LiFePO 4–C powders,which was syn-thesized by sintering the precursor at different temperatures,was observed on SEM,as shown in Fig.3.We can see that the LiFePO 4is embedded in the porous structure of carbon,which reduced from the decomposition of PEG.The porous structure of carbon would prohibit the particle size to grow during heat-ing and the conductivity of LiFePO 4–C compounds would be enhanced due to the well-distributed LiFePO 4powder in the porous carbon.But the difference among the 400–600◦C prod-ucts is still obvious.Fig.3a and b show the morphology of theL.N.Wang et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds456(2008)461–465463Fig.3.SEM morphology of LiFePO4–C powders prepared at different temperatures:(a)400◦C,(b)500◦C,(c)600◦C and(d)700◦C.400and500◦C samples,respectively,that a lot of independent nano-sized particles pack closely between the porous structure of carbon.When the preparing temperature was enhanced to 600◦C,the interface of particles disappeared partially and the relatively larger particles can be observed,as shown in Fig.3c. With the preparing temperature further increasing to700◦C,the size of the particles become even bigger.This phenomenon is in agreement with the result obtained from XRD patterns,in which the particle size increases with increasing the heat-treatment temperature.The particles size distribution of LiFePO4–C powders pre-pared at different temperatures,as shown in Fig.4,was measured by the optical particle size analyzer(Mastersizer2000,Eng-land).The value at50%cumulative population(d50%)represents the average particle size.One can see that with the tempera-ture increasing from500to700◦C,the average particle size was increasing from0.324to3.814m,which was consistent with results of the XRD and SEM patterns.However,the d50% value of400◦C sample(0.325m)is a little larger than500◦C sample and the reason can be attributed to that too small parti-cles induce more agglomerated particles of400◦C sample.The particle distribution has two regions for all samples at differ-ent temperatures.The population peaks around smaller particle size are LiFePO4–C powders and the other population peaks at lager particle size region can be attributed to agglomerated particles that were not dispersed perfectly.In addition to crys-tallinity,the particle morphology,particle size and particle size distribution of cathode materials are of great importance to the performance of battery.The particle size distribution of500◦C sample is more uniform than other samples because the main particle distribution of500◦C powders is in nano-sized region, which will effect its electrochemical performance,as shown in Fig.5,it can be seen the sample synthesized at500◦C for12h yields the highest specific capacity,157mAh g−1,when the volt-age of the four samples range from2.0to4.4V at the same current density,10mA g−1,at room temperature.Besidesthe Fig.4.Particle size distribution of LiFePO4–C powders prepared at different temperatures.464L.N.Wang et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds 456(2008)461–465Fig.5.The second charge–discharge curves of LiFePO 4–C composites obtained at different heating temperatures.less uniform particle size distribution,the less full-crystallized structure for 400◦C sample and larger particle size for 600and 700◦C samples should be main reasons that prohibit these sam-ples to have better electrochemical performance,respectively,compared with the sample synthesized at 500◦C.The result further confirmed previous reports that the combination of a fine particle size and full crystallinity would be important for LiFePO 4to have a good electrochemical property [5,21].The optimized temperature for preparing the LiFePO4–C cathode material is 500◦C from above analysis,however,this sample shows a comparative ratio of capacity below 3V and the same above 4.3V ,the reason is not clear presently and further work is in progress by our group.The elemental analysis of the 500◦C product was performed by the EDAX technique (see Fig.6).EDAX results were inter-preted in terms of the atomic percentage and prove the presence of Fe,P,O and C in the product.But the EDAX only presents the surface elemental analysis of the compound and does not pro-vide any information on lithium.Therefore,inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy analysis was conducted.The amount of Li,Fe,P is 4.22,32.4and 18.8wt.%according to ICP result,corresponding to 0.980:0.952:1.00,respectively,at a molar ratio.However,the result indicates that the sample is Fe and Li deficient,and deviate from their theoreticalvalue,Fig.6.EDAX pattern of the LiFePO 4–C composite synthesized at 500◦C.Fig.7.The rate performance of the LiFePO 4–C compound prepared at 500◦C.revealing that some lithium mass loss occur during the heating process.As far as the Fe deficient,the conversion of ferric ions to ferrous ions was possibly occurred during the synthesis process,although,there are no visible ferrous ions impurity diffraction peaks in XRD patterns of the sample.There is because XRD cannot detect the impurity at levels below 5%[4]or because the impurity grains are too small to be detected.The amount of carbon in the LiFePO 4–C composite is 3.22wt.%through the element analysis by element analyzer.One of the serious drawbacks of olivine LiFePO 4is poor rate capacity.In order to determine the rate performance and cycle performance of the 500◦C product prepared by rheo-logical phase reaction,we performed charge–discharge cycling of tests on LiFePO 4–C electrodes at different rates.The best sample in our experiments exhibits relatively good rate per-formance,as shown in Fig.7.In this experiment,charge and discharge rates under a specific current density were equal and all cells were charged to 4.4V and discharged to 2.0V at given rates.The as-prepared LiFePO 4electrode demonstrated a high specific discharge capacity of 139mAh g −1at the current den-sity of 170mA g −1(1C).When the applied current density is 900mA g −1(5.3C),the delivered capacity is 91mAh g −1.The LiFePO 4electrode still exhibits 69mAh g −1when the applied current density increased to 1500mA g −1(8.8C).The result is better than expected,which may be due to the enhanced elec-tronic conductivity of the material resulting from carbon coating and the soft synthesis process.The individual LiFePO 4particles are connected by a network,amorphous nanometer sized carbon webs in LiFePO 4–C composite exist,wrapping and connecting the LiFePO 4particles.And there is a possibility that porous car-bon webs can also reside in the interior part of the particles,as Chung et al.reported [22].In addition,rheological phase reac-tion is a simple and low cost method,which would be applicable to other electrode materials.Fig.8shows the cycle performance of the carbon-coated LiFePO 4cycles at various charge–discharge rates.At the charge–discharge rate of 170mA g −1(1C),the specific capac-ity of the composite cathode decreases from 139mAh g −1at the first cycle slightly to 135mAh g −1at the 25th cycle,showing anL.N.Wang et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds456(2008)461–465465Fig.8.Cycle performance of the LiFePO4–C compound prepared at500◦C with various applying current.excellent cycling stability.But when the current density is too high,for example,1500mA g−1,the specific capacity decreased still rapidly with the cycling of the cell.4.ConclusionsWith a view of ourfindings,the simple,one step rheolog-ical phase reaction has been developed to directly synthesize LiFePO4–C powders,using PEG as the carbon source.The decomposition of PEG during the synthesis process controls the morphology and size of the powder and the porous structure of carbon improves the conductivity of the material.Different heat temperature also influenced the particle size,crystallinity of the product and the electrochemical performance.The product pre-pared at500◦C for12h yields smaller,more uniform particles and better electrochemical performance. AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.20071026).The authors are grateful to the Centre of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research of Wuhan University for their experimental assistance. 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磷酸铁锂 英文综述
磷酸铁锂英文综述Lithium iron phosphate, also known as lithium ferrophosphate, is a type of rechargeable battery cathode material that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential applications in electric vehicles and energy storage systems.The chemical formula of lithium iron phosphate is LiFePO4. It is a crystalline material that belongs to the olivine group of minerals. The structure of lithium iron phosphate consists of interconnected tetrahedra of phosphate (PO4) and iron (Fe) atoms, with lithium (Li) ions occupying the gaps between the tetrahedra.One of the key advantages of lithium iron phosphate batteries is their high thermal and chemical stability, which makes them safer than other lithium-ion battery chemistries. They also have a longer cycle life and higher power density, making them suitable for high-demand applications.In terms of performance, lithium iron phosphate batteries exhibit a flat discharge curve, which means that they can deliver a nearly constant voltage throughout the discharge cycle. This characteristic makes it easier to monitor the state of charge of the battery. Additionally, lithium iron phosphate batteries have a lower self-discharge rate compared to other lithium-ion chemistries, which contributes to their overall efficiency.From a commercial perspective, lithium iron phosphate batteries are increasingly being used in electric vehicles, grid energy storage, and portable electronic devices. Their safety and long cycle life make them an attractive option for these applications, especially in situations where reliability and stability are paramount.In conclusion, lithium iron phosphate, or LiFePO4, is a promising cathode material for rechargeable batteries, offering a combination of safety, long cycle life, and high power density. Its potential for use in electric vehiclesand energy storage systems makes it an important area of research and development in the field of battery technology.。
Vol.53 No.6June,2021第 53 卷 第 6 期2021年6月无机盐工业INORGANIC CHEMICALS INDUSTRYDoi:10.19964/j.issn.1006-4990.2021-0212磷酸铁锂正极材料的制备及性能强化研究进展张婷1,林森匕于建国1袁2(1.华东理工大学国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术研究中心,上海200237;2.华东理工大学资源过程工程教育部工程研究中心)摘 要:橄榄石型磷酸铁锂是目前应用十分广泛的锂离子电池正极材料之一,具有成本低、安全性高、环境友 好、循环寿命长和工作电压稳定的特点。
近年来,随着CTP 技术、刀片电池技术等取得的突破性进展,磷酸铁锂的商业化程度得到了大幅提高。
关键词:磷酸铁锂;锂离子电池;正极材料;性能强化中图分类号:TQ131.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4990(2021)06-0031-10Research progress in synthesis and performance enhancement of LiFePO 4 cathode materialsZhang Ting 1 袁 Lin Sen 1,2, Yu Jianguo 1,2('.National Enginee ring Re s e arc h Center f or Integrated Utilization of S alt- Lake Resources ,East China University ofScience and Technology , Shanghai 200237, China ;2.Engineering Research Center of S al Lake Resources ProcessEngine e ring , Minis try of E ducation , East China University of S cience and Technology)Abstract : Olivine LiFePO q is one of the most widely used cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries ,with characteristics of lowcost , high safety , environment-friendly , long cycle life and stable operating voltage.In recent years , with the breakthrough of CTP technology and blade battery technology ,its commercialization progress has been greatly improved.However ’LiFePO q has thedefects of poor electronic conductivity and low ion diffusion coefficient , which seriously limits the electrochemical capacity oflithium-ion battery.It is of great significance to study on the preparation process and performance enhancement of LiFePO 4. In this paper , the differences of performance and development status of LiFePO 4 and other cathode materials for lithium-ionbatteries were compared.The modification methods of preparation and strengthening of LiFePO 4 cathode materials and related research progress and challenges were systematically summarized , and the future development direction and research ideaswere put forward.Key words : lithium iron phosphate ; lithium-ion batteries ;cathode materials ; performance enhancement锂离子电池具有高比容量和工作电压, 已经成 为当前电化学储能领域的主流技术,并被广泛地应用于笔记本电脑、智能手机和数码相机等可携带电子器件和高端电子产品中。
LiFePO 4的合成及其热分析动力学阮艳莉1,*唐致远2(1天津工业大学材料科学与化学工程学院,天津300160;2天津大学化工学院,天津300072)摘要:在惰性气氛下,以Li 2CO 3、FeC 2O 4·2H 2O 和NH 4H 2PO 4为原料,用高温固相方法合成了橄榄石型LiFePO 4材料.利用不同升温速率的热重及差热分析研究了固相合成LiFePO 4的反应动力学.研究表明,LiFePO 4的高温固相合成过程可分为三个步骤,利用Doyle ⁃Ozawa 法和Kissinger 法分别计算了各个反应阶段的表观活化能.用Kissinger 法确定每个反应阶段的反应级数和频率因子,并给出了各个阶段的动力学方程.根据动力学研究的结果,采用优化的固相分段法合成了碳包覆改性的LiFePO 4正极材料.利用X 射线衍射、扫描电镜及恒流充放电对材料进行了物性表征及性能测试.结果表明,该材料具有单一的橄榄石结构,颗粒尺寸细小均匀,0.1C 倍率放电时表现出良好的电化学性能.关键词:LiFePO 4;差热分析;固相合成;动力学方程中图分类号:O643;TM 912Synthesis of LiFePO 4and Thermal Dynamics of the PrecursorRUAN Yan ⁃Li 1,*TANG Zhi ⁃Yuan 2(1School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin300160,P.R.China;2School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin300072,P.R.China )Abstract:Olivine LiFePO 4cathode materials were synthesized by a solid state method in an inert atmosphere.Thethermal decomposition processes taking place in the solid state mixture of Li 2CO 3,FeC 2O 4·2H 2O,and NH 4H 2PO 4were investigated using TG ⁃DTA and XRD techniques.The dynamic study of the precursor was also investigated using TG ⁃DTA at different heating rates.The decomposition proceeded through three well ⁃defined steps while TG curves closely corresponded to the theoretical mass loss.The apparent activation energy of each stage was calculated using the Doyle ⁃Ozawa and Kissinger methods.The calculated results were 134.3,122.2,173.2kJ ·mol -1for Ozawa method and 102.4,128.1,145.3kJ ·mol -1for Kissinger method.The coefficients of reaction order,frequency factor,and dynamic equations were also determined.Based on the results of the dynamic study,the cathode material LiFePO 4was synthesized by optimized step ⁃sintering method.The crystal structure and the electrochemical performance were characterized by X ⁃ray powder diffraction (XRD),scan electron microscopy (SEM),and galvanostatical charge ⁃discharge testing.The results showed that the material had a single crystal olivine structure with homogeneous grain sizes,and exhibited excellent electrochemical performance at 0.1C rate.Key Words:LiFePO 4;Differential thermal analysis;Solid state synthesis;Dynamic equation[Article]物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )Acta Phys.鄄Chim.Sin .,2008,24(5):873-879Received:October 16,2007;Revised:February 27,2008;Published on Web:March 24,2008.∗Corresponding author.Email:ylruan@;Tel:+8622⁃24568055.国家自然科学基金(20273047)资助项目ⒸEditorial office of Acta Physico ⁃Chimica Sinica固体之间能否进行反应、反应完成的程度、反应过程的控制步骤等直接影响材料的显微结构,并最终决定材料的性质.因此,研究固体之间反应的机理及动力学规律,对材料的合成有重要的意义[1].利用TG ⁃DTA 技术研究材料的固相合成动力学,不仅可以为材料的制备提供一定的理论依据,动力学研究的结果还可以作为工业生产中最佳工艺条件评定的重要指标[2].因此,该技术已广泛应用于材料的固相May 873Acta Phys.鄄Chim.Sin.,2008Vol.24合成研究[3-5].LiFePO4是一种新型的锂离子电池正极材料,与常见的过渡金属氧化物正极材料相比有其独特的优势,特别是价格低廉、热稳定性好以及对环境无污染等优点,更使其成为最具潜力的正极材料之一[6-14].然而关于LiFePO4正极材料的研究起步较晚,利用TG⁃DTA技术研究LiFePO4合成的动力学参数,至今未见报道,但已有不少关于草酸前驱体分解的动力学研究值得借鉴[5,15-20].本文采用TG⁃DTA技术研究了LiFePO4合成的动力学过程.为克服试样的温度在产生热效应期间与程序温度间的偏离、试样内部存在温度梯度等缺点,采用四种不同的升温速率分别测试样品的DTA曲线(差热曲线).运用Doyle⁃Ozawa法和Kissinger法计算合成过程中各个反应阶段的表观活化能、反应级数、频率因子等动力学参数,并给出各个反应阶段的速率方程,为进一步优化LiFePO4的性能提供了理论依据.1实验部分1.1原料以Li2CO3(分析纯,含量99%)、FeC2O4·2H2O(分析纯,含量99%)和NH4H2PO4(分析纯,含量99%)为原料.按照摩尔比为0.5∶1∶1混和,加入丙酮研磨1h,干燥后备用.1.2热分析及物性表征取上述备用试样置于铂金坩埚中.实验在氮气流量100mL·min-1的动态气氛中进行.测试温度范围为室温至1073K.仪器为美国Perkin⁃Elmer公司的Pyris TG⁃DTA联用仪.XRD表征在日本理学D/Max⁃2500自动X射线衍射仪上进行.Cu Kα辐射(λ=0.154056nm),石墨单色器,40kV,100mA.扫描范围0-80°.SEM测试在荷兰PHILIPS XL30ESEM环境扫描电子显微镜上进行.加速电压20kV.1.3电化学性能测试以自制的材料作为正极活性物质,乙炔黑为导电剂,60%的PTFE乳液为粘结剂,按照质量比为80∶15∶5混合.用无水乙醇作分散剂,超声波振荡15 min,使之混合均匀.制成面积约1cm2,厚度≤200μm的圆片压在集流体铝箔上构成正极,393K真空干燥12h.以金属锂片作为负极,隔膜为进口聚丙烯微孔膜(Celgard2300),以1mol·L-1LiPF6/碳酸乙烯酯(EC)+碳酸二乙酯(DEC)+碳酸二甲酯(DMC)(体积比1∶1∶1)的混合溶液为电解液.在充氩气的手套箱中装成2032型扣式电池.用电池程控测试仪(PCBT⁃138⁃32D)在室温下以0.1C倍率进行充放电测试.2数据处理方法化学反应动力学研究化学反应速率随时间、浓度、温度的变化关系,最终建立动力学方程.在利用热分析的数据进行动力学研究的过程中常常用到以下几个基本的关系式.质量作用定律:dα/d t=k(1-α)n(1)式中,k为反应速率常数,α为反应的变化率,t为时间,n为反应级数.Arrhenius公式:k=A exp(-E/RT)(2)式中,E为活化能,A为频率因子,R为气体常数,T 为温度.将式(2)代入式(1),得dα/d t=A e-E/RT(1-α)n(3)升温速率β=d T/d t,将d t=d T/β带入式(3)得式(4) dα/d T=Aβ-1e-E/RT(1-α)n(4)依据上述4个公式,用Doyle⁃Ozawa法和Kissinger法分别计算动力学参数.2.1Doyle鄄Ozawa法lgβ=lg(AE/RF(α))-2.315-0.4567E/RT(5)式(5)即为Ozawa公式.该式解法为,在不同的βi下,选择相同的α,则此时不管反应级数n是多少,F(α)总是常数,按lgβi-1/T作图应为直线关系,其斜率为-0.4567E/R,通过斜率可以求得活化能E.当α是常数时,式(5)变为lgβ1+0.4567E/RT1=lgβ2+0.4567E/RT2=…=常数(6)Doyle⁃Ozawa法是热分解法的积分法,Ozawa 法避开了反应机理函数的选择而直接求出E值.与其它方法相比,它避免了因反应机理函数的假设不同而可能带来的误差.这是Ozawa法的一个突出的优点.2.2Kissinger法Kissinger法是热分解法的微分法,对反应速率方程即式(3)求导后经数学处理可得,d[ln(β/T2m)]/d(T-1m)=-E/R(7)式中,T m为峰值温度.由式(7)可知ln(β/T2m)与1/T m呈874No.5阮艳莉等:LiFePO 4的合成及其热分析动力学直线关系.通过直线的斜率(-E /R )可以求得反应的活化能,与反应级数无关.Kissinger 指出,反应级数n 可以由峰形的形状因子I 求得.I 值是根据DTA曲线每个峰具体的峰形作图得来的.n =1.26I 1/2或I =0.63n 2(8)为了得到准确的动力学数据,本文用上述两种方法分别计算每个峰的反应活化能E 和反应级数n .有了准确的E 和n 值,可以利用式(9)求出频率因子A .E RT 2m=A 茁exp -ERT m ()(9)3结果与讨论3.1LiFePO 4固相合成动力学样品的TG ⁃DTA 测定所采用的升温速率分别为5、10、15和20K ·min -1,实验均在N 2流量为100mL ·min -1的动态气氛中进行.当测试温度超过873K 后,样品的TG ⁃DTA 曲线上不再有质量及热量变化,故本文选择273-873K 范围内的TG ⁃DTA 曲线进行分析,如图1所示.由图可知,加热开始直至443K 的范围内一直存在失重,这主要源于原料中的水份挥发及部分结晶水的析出.473K 失重速率加大,并且在差热(DTA)曲线上出现一个吸热峰,这主要对应原料中FeC 2O 4的无氧分解:FeC 2O 4=FeO+CO ↑+CO 2↑473-623K 的区间内有较大的失重,并且对应DTA 曲线上的吸热峰,而在673K 后的温度区间内,基本上不再出现失重,因此在473-623K 温度区间内主要发生了NH 4H 2PO 4的熔融及与其它物质的反应:NH 4H 2PO 4+Li 2CO 3→Li 3PO 4+NH 3↑+CO 2↑+H 2O ↑FeO+NH 4H 2PO 4→Fe 3(PO 4)2+H 2O ↑+NH 3↑673K 后的温度区间内尽管没有失重出现,但却存在热量上的变化.这说明随着温度的升高,发生了新的固相反应以及反应产物不断的进行晶型转化或完成晶格规整.Li 3PO 4+Fe 3(PO 4)2→3LiFePO 4上述反应是根据热分析的结果推测而得的,但是由于高温固相反应本就是极为复杂的复相反应,因此并不排除有其它反应发生的可能性.图2将不同升温速率下的DTA 曲线综合起来.从图中可以看出,四次DTA 测量中,曲线上都出现图1不同升温速率下合成LiFePO 4的TG ⁃DTA 曲线Fig.1TG ⁃DTA curves of LiFePO 4synthesized at different heatingrates875Acta Phys.鄄Chim.Sin.,2008Vol.24了3个吸热峰.根据样品的TG ⁃DTA 测试结果,利用Doyle ⁃Ozawa 法和Kissinger 法分别计算了合成LiFePO 4反应的表观活化能.根据Doyle ⁃Ozawa 法,在一定的反应转化率α下,由lg β=-0.4567E /RT +…作每个峰的lg β-1/T 图.通过各直线的斜率-0.4567E /R 计算各个反应阶段的表观活化能.表1是上述三个吸热峰在不同升温速率下相同反应转化率所对应的温度情况.转化率是通过TG 测试中实测的失重质量的数据作图后得到的.图3是利用Doyle ⁃Ozawa 法分别对上述三个吸热峰求活化能时的lg β-1/T 图.图中的点由表1中数据计算而得,分别对其进行拟合得到图中的直线.表2是由图3中各直线斜率求得的不同反应转化率下的活化能及其相关系数.由表2可以看出,各个吸热峰随反应转化率的不同,其表观活化能不同,取其平均值,三个吸热峰的表观活化能分别为134.3、122.2和173.2kJ ·mol -1.根据Kissinger 法,以ln(β/T 2m)对1/T m 作图,通过斜率(-E /R )求反应的活化能.图4为各吸热峰的ln(β/T 2m)-1/T m 图,回归直线方程,给出相关系数.由图4中三个图的直线斜率分别计算三个吸热峰的表现活化能;依据Kissinger 关于峰型因子的定义求得不同升温速率下的形状因子;用式(8)求得反应级数n ,并用式(9)计算频率因子A ,计算结果见表3.图2不同升温速率下合成LiFePO 4的DTA 曲线Fig.2DTA curves of LiFePO 4synthesized atdifferent heatingrates图3Doyle ⁃Ozawa 法求吸热峰的活化能的lg β-1/T 图Fig.3lg β-1/T plots for E of the endothermic peak using Doyle ⁃Ozawa methodα(%):a)10,b)20,c)30,d)40,e)50,f)60,g)70,h)80,i)90,j)100表1三个吸热峰对应不同升温速率及不同反应转化率下的温度Table 1Temperatures of the three endothermic peaks at various conversions and different heating ratesα(%)β/(K ·min )5101520T /KIII III I II III I II III I II III 10442.6494.6634.4447.6502.2648.8450.9509.1646.9454.1513.2654.320446.8501.1639.3451.9510.7652.4458.5517.0652.4461.3520.8659.930448.8506.2642.7455.1516.9656.6460.7522.9660.7464.8526.7664.240452.1511.5646.5457.9522.1663.5464.0530.4663.1468.6533.3669.650454.0517.8652.0460.3526.9667.7467.0536.1670.9471.9540.2674.560456.2523.9655.9462.7531.6671.0469.7543.3675.0475.0546.5680.370458.5529.6663.2465.3538.4673.1472.5550.9679.8478.3556.1687.680463.6535.2669.3469.8547.4675.6475.9559.9684.5482.9565.5693.990473.8541.1676.9479.5556.7679.9484.3570.3690.4492.8576.7698.1100481.7547.4685.9488.5570.4681.2495.3582.6695.6501.8588.1704.0876No.5阮艳莉等:LiFePO 4的合成及其热分析动力学分别利用Doyle ⁃Ozawa 法和Kissinger 法计算每个峰的表观活化能,取平均值,可得每个峰的平均表观活化能,如表4所示.按非等温过程求取动力学参数后,进一步判断反应机制.假设在无限小的时间间隔内,非等温过程看成是等温过程,则等温过程的通式表示反应速率.根据质量作用定律、Arrhenius 公式和表4,三个峰的速率方程分别为d α/d T =1.85×1011e-1.184×105/RT(1-α)0.787d α/d T =4.40×1012e -1.252×105/RT (1-α)1.060d α/d T =1.20×1011e -1.592×105/RT (1-α)1.224TG ⁃DTA 测试结果(图2)表明,在437-501K 、485-588K 和630-704K 温度范围分别存在3个吸表4由Doyle ⁃Oawa 法和Kissinger 法计算每个峰的表观活化能Table 4Activation energies calculated using Doyle ⁃Ozawa method and Kissinger methodThe unit of E is kJ ·mol -1,K is the line slope,and r is linear correlation coefficient.表3不同加热速率下的峰值温度T m 、峰型指数I 、活化能E 、反应级数(n )及频率因子(A )Table 3Peak maximum temperature (T m ),peak shape index (I ),activation energy (E ),reaction order (n ),andfrequency factor (A )at different heating rates表2每个峰不同转化率α对应的活化能E 及相关系数rTable 2Activation energies E and linear related coefficients (r )of the endothermic peaks at differentconversions (α)of each peak图4各个吸热峰在不同升温速率下的ln(β/T 2m )-1/T m 图Fig.4Relationship for ln(β/T 2m )-1/T m at different heating rates of everypeakα(%)E 1/(kJ ·mol )r 1E 2/(kJ ·mol )r 2E 3/(kJ ·mol )r 310151.10.997147.00.996208.60.98320148.20.986143.60.999202.00.99830143.40.995141.90.999186.40.99740138.00.988131.90.997174.00.99150129.50.986131.80.994173.60.99160123.80.988127.80.981168.90.99470119.70.987114.80.984164.10.99380126.40.979105.80.994156.20.99290132.00.96093.60.997152.00.993100130.80.98484.00.985146.30.986average134.3122.2173.2β/(K ·min -1)Peak numberNo.1No.2No.3T m /K I n 10-11AT m -12Am /K I n 10-105454.50.3150.707 1.75504.80.3400.735 4.40650.1 1.170 1.3639.7110463.20.3850.781 2.04516.50.876 1.180 4.24662.10.944 1.22411.515472.20.4290.825 1.77521.70.826 1.145 4.63671.10.647 1.01317.320476.40.4380.833 1.84527.60.878 1.181 4.34683.11.055 1.2949.61average0.3920.7871.850.7301.0604.400.9541.2241.20E =102.4,K =-13.32,r =0.992E =128.1,K =-15.41,r =0.998E =145.3,K =-17.47,r =0.981Method E 1/(kJ ·mol -1)E 2/(kJ ·mol -1)E 3/(kJ ·mol -1)Doyle ⁃Ozawa 134.3122.2173.2Kissinger 102.4128.1145.3average118.4125.2159.2877Acta Phys.鄄Chim.Sin.,2008Vol.24热峰.由此初步可以判断固相合成LiFePO 4的过程主要分为三个阶段:FeC 2O 4·2H 2O 的脱水及分解过程;NH 4H 2PO 4的熔融及反应过程以及生成LiFePO 4的过程.平均表观活化能在一定程度上反映了各阶段反应的难易程度.由此可知,LiFePO 4的最终合成反应(第三峰)相对地较难发生.因此,应适当延长该阶段的反应时间.我们根据上述动力学分析结果和理论计算及XRD 衍射表征确定了合成LiFePO 4的高温固相分段合成工艺,即在573K 保温12h,使FeC 2O 4·2H 2O 及NH 4H 2PO 4分解完全,然后在1023K 保温24h,确保LiFePO 4的合成反应充分进行.并用该法合成了碳包覆的LiFePO 4,该产品具有良好的电化学性能[14].3.2样品物性表征图5-7分别给出了利用分段固相法合成的碳包覆LiFePO 4样品的XRD 、SEM 表征以及该样品在室温及0.1C 倍率下的首次充放电曲线和循环性能图.从图5可以看出,样品吸收峰的峰形尖锐且强度较高,表明该样品结晶良好.经过与LiFePO 4标准谱图(PDF No.40鄄1499)对照,发现图中表征物相的衍射峰基本与LiFePO 4标准谱图的衍射峰吻合,这说明该样品具有纯净单一的橄榄石结构.图6是产物SEM 照片.从图中不难发现,样品的形貌比较规则,颗粒基本成球形,表面比较光滑,并且颗粒之间存在明显的边界,说明在高温烧结过程中,产物未发生明显团聚.图7是LiFePO 4的首次充放电及循环性能曲线.由图可知,LiFePO 4的首次放电比容量为142.5mAh ·g -1,首次充放电效率达到92.8%.该材料具有良好的充放电循环可逆性,在起始的几次循环中存在材料的活化过程,即随着循环次数的增加,可逆容量不断提高.电池的放电比容量在第3次循环时达到最大值144.7mAh ·g -1.循环30次后,电池的容量下降约2.9%.上述电化学性能表明,该工艺下制备的LiFePO 4正极材料具有较高的充放比容量及优良的循环性能,同时也充分验证了动力学研究结果对于合成工艺具有较好的指导性.4结论在惰性气氛下,采用不同的升温速率对LiFePO 4的合成过程进行了差热分析.四次DTA 测图6LiFePO 4的扫描电镜图Fig.6SEM image of LiFePO4图5LiFePO 4的X 射线衍射图Fig.5XRD pattern of LiFePO 4图7LiFePO 4的首次充放电曲线及循环性能图Fig.7The first charge/discharge curves and thecycling performance of LiFePO4878No.5阮艳莉等:LiFePO4的合成及其热分析动力学量中,曲线上都出现了3个吸热峰.由此将合成LiFePO4的过程分为三个主要阶段.利用Doyle⁃Ozawa法和Kissinger法分别计算了各个反应阶段的平均表观活化能,分别为118.4、125.2及159.2 kJ·mol-1.根据差热分析的结果,按照高温固相分段焙烧法合成的LiFePO4材料具有单一的橄榄石型结构,规则的球形外观,并具有良好的电化学性能.这充分证明了工艺的可行性,同时也验证了差热分析结果对于合成工艺具有较好的指导性. 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锂离子电池正极材料磷酸铁锂的研究现状冯哲圣;王焱;杨邦朝;向勇;赖玲庆【摘要】LiFePO4 is considered the first choice for the next generation cathode materials of lithium-ion battery because of its advantages, such as abundant resources, high capacity, medium voltage, excellent cycling performance and electrochemical properties stability. In this paper, olivine-type crystal structure and the synthesis process of LiFePO4 is to be introduced, modification of its shortcomings is discussed,and its developing trend is also prospected.%LiFePO4正极材料具有原料来源广泛、比容量高、工作电压适中、循环性能好和电化学性能稳定等优点,被认为是下一代锂离子电池首选正极材料.介绍了LiFePO4的橄榄石型晶体结构及主要合成工艺,讨论了针对其缺点的改性研究,并对LiFePO4未来发展方向作了展望.【期刊名称】《功能材料》【年(卷),期】2011(042)004【总页数】4页(P581-584)【关键词】磷酸铁锂;正极材料;锂离子电池【作者】冯哲圣;王焱;杨邦朝;向勇;赖玲庆【作者单位】电子科技大学,电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,四川,成都,610054;电子科技大学,电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,四川,成都,610054;电子科技大学,电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,四川,成都,610054;电子科技大学,电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,四川,成都,610054;电子科技大学,电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,四川,成都,610054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB152近年来,锂离子电池由于具有能量密度高、工作电压高、自放电小、无记忆效应、寿命长等优点,成为大功率动力电池和大容量储能电池的首选[1-3]。
羟基磷酸铁铵的制备与表征毛琪琪;刘传鑫;董文娟;张熙曼;陈红余;吴素文【摘要】采用硫酸亚铁和磷酸为原料,在尿素存在的条件下,水热合成得到高纯度的羟基磷酸铁铵.研究发现,反应温度不同得到的羟基磷酸铁铵的结晶度会有所不同,形貌差异较大.利用XRD、SEM、TG-DTA和红外分析等手段对制备的样品组成、结构、晶型和形貌做分析表征,分析了羟基磷酸铁铵在加热过程中的相变过程.结果表明,在静态羟基磷酸铁铵中,磷酸和铁具有固定的化学计量比,经高温煅烧后得到高纯度磷酸铁,可应用其制备锂离子电池正极材料磷酸铁锂的前驱体,且此法合成工艺简单,具有良好的工业应用潜质.【期刊名称】《无机盐工业》【年(卷),期】2019(051)005【总页数】4页(P53-56)【关键词】磷酸铁;水热法;羟基磷酸铁铵;尿素;硫酸亚铁【作者】毛琪琪;刘传鑫;董文娟;张熙曼;陈红余;吴素文【作者单位】泰山医学院化学与制药工程学院,山东泰安,271016;泰山医学院化学与制药工程学院,山东泰安,271016;泰山医学院化学与制药工程学院,山东泰安,271016;泰山医学院化学与制药工程学院,山东泰安,271016;泰山医学院化学与制药工程学院,山东泰安,271016;山东黄蓝伟业新能源科技有限公司【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ126.35自 1997年 A.K.Goodenough等[1]报道了磷酸铁锂的电化学性质以来,具有循环性能优良、充放电比容量高、热稳定性好、安全无毒、原料来源丰富等优点的磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4),其作为锂离子电池正极材料一直受到国内外的广泛关注[2-5]。
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Journal of Power Sources 146(2005)534–538Synthesis of olivine LiFePO 4cathode materials by mechanicalalloying using iron(III)raw materialCheol Woo Kim a ,∗,Moon Hee Lee a ,Woon Tae Jeong b ,Kyung Sub Lee aaDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering,Hanyang University,Seoul 133-791,Korea bEco-nano Research Center,Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST),Seoul 130-650,KoreaAvailable online 31May 2005AbstractOlivine LiFePO 4has been produced using Fe 2O 3raw material by mechanical alloying (MA)and subsequent firing.X-ray diffraction (XRD)and M¨o ssbauer spectroscopy analysis revealed that LiFePO 4prepared by MA had a well-ordered olivine-type LiFePO 4structure with an ionic state of Fe 2+by the reduction of Fe 3+precursor.It showed a maximum discharge capacity of 160mAh g −1at C/20(8.5mA g −1)when cycled from 2.5to 4.3V .Compared to the LiFePO 4prepared by conventional solid-state method,MA synthesized LiFePO 4a displayed higher charge/discharge capacity and more stable cycle life because of the improvement of the electronic conductivity.It was originated from uniformly distributed fine particles and an increased specific surface area by MA process.©2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:LiFePO 4;Cathode material;Olivine-type iron phosphate;Mechanical alloying1.IntroductionOlivine-type LiFePO 4have been known as an interesting cathode material for lithium ion batteries since it was first pro-posed by Padhi et al.[1]because of its low cost and safety.The early drawback with LiFePO 4was its extremely low elec-tronic conductivity.Many works have been reported that the poor electrical conductivity of LiFePO 4can be overcome by adding conductive carbon and by treating the particle surface with nanocrystalline carbon [2–5].But these approaches of adding conductive carbon led to a loss in energy density due to the electrochemically inertness of the carbon.Also the use of the Fe 2+precursor compound is relatively high cost and has problems for mass production.Recently,Barker et al.[6]reported that LiFePO 4and LiFe 0.9Mg 0.1PO 4were synthesized by a carbothermal reduction (CTR)technique,which is based on the C →CO transition,starting with Fe 2O 3that is very cheap and readily available.In the present study,the same concept has been applied to the technique of mechanical alloying (MA)∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+82222814914;fax:+82222814914.E-mail address:waterflower 00@ (C.W.Kim).process.Previously,we have reported on the effectiveness of synthesizing LiFePO 4and LiFePO 4/C composite from a Fe 2+precursor by mechanical alloying (MA)[7].In this work,LiFePO 4was synthesized from Fe(III)by MA and subsequent firing under the assumption that the following reaction occurred:LiOH ·H 2O +0.5(Fe 2O 3)+(NH 4)2H ·PO 4+0.5C →LiFePO 4+3H 2O +2(NH 3)+0.5CO(1)The electrochemical properties and cycle life of prepared powders were investigated and compared with those of a sample synthesized by conventional solid-state reaction.2.ExperimentalLiOH ·H 2O (Aldrich,≥98%),Fe 2O 3(Aldrich,≥99%),(NH 4)2H ·PO 4(Aldrich,≥99%),and acetylene black pow-ders were used as starting materials.The MA process was carried out for 4h under argon atmosphere using a shaker type ball miller (SPEX 8000M)rotating at around 1000rpm.Detailed MA conditions were described in a previous study0378-7753/$–see front matter ©2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.03.058C.W.Kim et al./Journal of Power Sources146(2005)534–538535[7].The mechanical-alloyed powders were thenfired from 500to900◦C for30min in a tube-type vacuum furnace at a pressure10−6Torr.For comparison,another LiFePO4sam-ple was prepared by the solid-state reaction under different firing condition.The mixture,which the same starting ma-terials were thoroughly mixed in an agate mortar,wasfirst decomposed at450◦C for5h and then reground andfired at 900◦C for10h(denoted as SS450+900),which was the two-stepfiring condition employed in the conventional solid-state reaction process.The crystal structures of the prepared sample powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction(Rigaku D-MAX 3000)using Cu K␣radiation.The M¨o ssbauer spectra were recorded(Austin Science,Inc.,USA)using57Co in Rh ma-trix as the source of radiation at room temperature.The powder morphology and particle size distribution were in-vestigated byfield emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM),and a particle size analyzer(PSA).The spe-cific surface area of the powder particles was measured by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller(BET),and the electrical conduc-tivity of the prepared samples was also measured by a four-point probe method.The cathodes used for electrochemical characterization were fabricated by blending the prepared active material pow-ders with carbon black and polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) binder in a weight ratio of75:20:5.Two-electrode electro-chemical cells consisting of lithium metal foil as the negative electrode,polypropylene separator,and an electrolyte of1M LiPF6in EC:DMC(1:1,vol.)were assembled in an argon-filled glove box.The electrochemical cycle tests were per-formed using an automatic galvanostatic charge–discharge unit(Maccor series4000)at various C rates,C/x(x=1,5, 10,20)(1C=170mA g−1)between2.5and4.3V at ambient temperature(25±2◦C).3.Results and discussionAs for the MA variables,optimum MA time to produce a crystalline LiFePO4phase was decided to4h in the previous study[7].To obtain a single phase olivine-type LiFePO4,the mechanical-alloyed powders were thenfired at temperatures ranging from500to900◦C for30min.The XRD patterns for the resulting their structural an evolution with increasing firing temperature are shown in Fig.1.The sample prepared at500◦C(Fig.1(a))mainly consists of Fe2O3with a minor LiFePO4peaks.With increasing temperature above500◦C the peaks of Fe2O3were diminishing,whereas the LiFePO4 peaks became sharper and more intense.Fig.1(e)shows that well-ordered olivine structure without heterogeneity was ob-tained onfiring at900◦C for only30min(will be referred to as MA900).It indicates that the reduction of Fe2O3starts from at500◦C and completelyfinishes at900◦C.This re-sult is out of accordance with Barker’s experiment,which is synthesized at750◦C for8h using LiH2PO4and Fe2O3[6], because the starting materials is different and unsuitablere-Fig.1.XRD patterns of LiFePO4prepared from Fe2O3raw material at variousfiring temperatures:(a)500◦C;(b)600◦C;(c)700◦C;(d)800◦C;(e)900◦C.duction reaction may be blocked by the short timefiring as 30min.Although XRD pattern of MA900revealed a single phase LiFePO4,complete transfer of Fe3+to Fe2+had to be confirmed.For this reason,the ionic state of Fe was investigated by M¨o ssbauer spectroscopy.M¨o ssbauer spec-troscopy measurements for LiFePO4prepared by the MA method at800and900◦C are shown in Fig.2.For sam-plefired at800◦C,the six-line patterns were analyzed with isomer shift(IS)=0.37mm s−1and quadropole split (QS)=−0.09mm s−1.The IS and QS values indicate that the Fe ions in the sample are predominantly composed of Fe3+.For the samplefired at900◦C,however,the spec-tra was observed by only one symmetric doublet with IS=1.25mm s−1and QS=2.95mm s−1,typical for those of ionic compounds with bare Fe2+ions[5].These results mean that the electrochemically inactive Fe3+would be reduced to active Fe2+at higher temperature to form LiFePO4,and eventually a single phase of olivine could be produced at 900◦C.It is well known that LiFePO4/C composite containing carbon or carbon coated LiFePO4can improve the low elec-tronic conductivity of LiFePO4and show excellent cathode performance[2–5].In our previous work LiFePO4/C com-posite compound containing no impurities was successfully synthesized by MA using Fe2+precursor.However,in the cur-536 C.W.Kim et al./Journal of Power Sources146(2005)534–538Fig.2.M¨o ssbauer spectra of the LiFePO4prepared by MA and subsequent fired at800and900◦C, study,the specimen prepared with3wt.%carbon using Fe2O3raw material revealed the presence of second phase of Fe2P as shown in Fig.3(a).When a large amount of carbon is added in excess of12wt.%,most of the LiFePO4disappeared and iron phosphide was predominantly produced(Fig.3(b)). It seemed that carbon in excess of the stoichiometric amount shown in Eq.(1)reduced the phosphate and generated Fe2P as follows Eq.(2).Fe2O3+PO4+7C→Fe2P+7CO(2) On the other hand,SS450+900prepared by conventionsolid-state method through two-step and long time heattreat-Fig.3.XRD patterns of(a)LiFePO4/C composite compound(3wt.%)and (b)LiFePO4/C composite compound(12wt.%),(b)LiFePO4prepared con-ventional solid-state reactionmethod.Fig.4.SEM images of MA900and SS450+900.ment produced single phase LiFePO4with no second phase (Fig.3(c)).Electron micrographs of LiFePO4prepared by the MA and SS methods are presented in Fig.4.The particle size distri-bution of MA900ranged from0.1to2m,while that of the SS450+900ranged from around1–10m with non-uniform morphology.The particle size distributions of the samples were in good agreement with the results determined by PAS. The results of the mean particle size determined by PSA,sur-face area by BET,and electronic conductivity for MA900and SM450+900are summarized in Table1.The MA900particle size was much smaller,whereas their surface area and elec-tronic conductivity were higher than SS450+900particles. It is considered that MA process can reduce the particle size by the high energy ball milling and by a markedly reduced firing time.This would cause the surface area of LiFePO4to increase,which would enhance the electronic conductivity. These results correspond well with the study of Yamada et al.[5]who reported that improvements in the conductivity could be achieved by synthesizing small and homogeneously sized powders.The second charge and discharge curves of the Li/LiFePO4 cells obtained from the MA and SS methods are shown in Fig.5.The cells were cycled between2.5and4.3V at a cur-rent density of C/20(8.5mA g−1)rate.Typical two-phase reactions between LiFePO4and FePO4with a3.4V plateau were observed in both samples[1].The discharge capacityC.W.Kim et al./Journal of Power Sources 146(2005)534–538537Table 1The powder properties of LiFePO 4prepared by different synthesis method Sample ID Synthesis conditionSurface area (m 2g −1)Ave.particle size (m)Electronic conductivity (S cm −1)MA900MA+900◦C,30min8.5 1.45 1.2×10−7SS450+900Simple mixture (450◦C,5h +900◦C,10h)1.25.781.7×10−9Fig.5.The charge/discharge curves of MA900and SS450+900at C/20rate.of the SS450+900sample was 130mAh g −1,which is 76%level of the theoretical capacity.On the other hand,MA900exhibited excellent cell performance with a discharge capac-ity of 160mAh g −1,which is 94%level of the theoretical ca-pacity.The discharge capacity of MA900is similar or higher discharge capacity than LiFePO 4/C composite compound re-ported in the recent studies [8–11].Fig.6shows the variation of the specific discharge capac-ity with the number of cycles.The charge/discharge current density was relatively high at the C/5rate with a cut-off volt-age of 2.5–4.3V at room temperature.The samplepreparedFig.6.Cycle life of LiFePO 4prepared by the MA method and solid-state reaction method (cycle between 2.5and 4.3V ,C/5).by MA has a higher discharge capacity and a more stable cy-cle life than the conventional solid-state synthesized sample.The cycling retention rate of MA900after 50cycles was about 89%of its maximum capacity,whereas the retention rate for SS450+900was 62%.Consequently,it could be concluded that mechanical alloying enhanced the electronic conductiv-ity and improved the cell performances of LiFePO 4prepared from Fe 3+precursor.4.ConclusionOlivine-type LiFePO 4was successfully synthesized from Fe 2O 3by MA method,and subsequent firing at 900◦C for only 30min.A single phase LiFePO 4/C composite could not be produced with carbon in excess of the stoichiometric amount because the Fe 2P was created by a reduction reaction of phosphate at high temperature.The well-crystallized lithium iron phosphate consisting of uniformly and fine particles had a higher discharge capacity of 160mAh g −1,and better electrochemical cycling behavior compared to LiFePO 4prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction.It is reconfirmed that the MA process could be the one of the viable methods to produce olivine-type LiFePO 4for lithium rechargeable batteries.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant (KRF-2003-041-D20299).References[1]A.K.Padhi,K.S.Nanjundaswamy,J.B.Goodenough,J.Electrochem.Soc.144(1997)1188.[2]N.Ravet,J.B.Goodenough,S.Besner,M.Simoneau,P.Hovington,Abstract 127,The Electrochemical Society and The Electrochemical Society of Japan Meeting Abstracts,vol.99-2,Honolulu,HI,October 17–22,1999.[3]H.Huang,S.C.Yin,L.F.Nazar,Electrochem.Solid-State Lett.4(2001)A170.[4]Z.Chen,J.R.Dahn,J.Electrochem.Soc.149(2002)A1184.[5]A.Yamada,S.C.Chung,K.Hinokuma,J.Electrochem.Soc.148(2001)A224.[6]J.Barker,M.Y .Saidi,J.L.Swoyer,Electrochem.Solid-State Lett.6(2003)A53.[7]S.J.Kwon,C.W.Kim,W.T.Jeong,K.S.Lee,J.Power Sources 137(2004)93–99.538 C.W.Kim et al./Journal of Power Sources146(2005)534–538[8]P.P.Prosini,D.Zane,M.Pasquali,Electrochim.Acta46(2001)3517.[9]S.Franger,F.Le Cras,c.Bourbon,Rouault,Electrochem.Solid-StateLett.5(2002)A231.[10]P.P.Prosini,M.Carewska,S.Scaccia,P.Wisniewski,S.Passerini,M.Pasquali,J.Electrochem.Soc.149(2002)A886.[11]G.Arnold,J.Garche,R.Hemmer,S.Strobele, C.V ogler,M.Wohlfahrt-Mehrens,J.Power Sources119–121(2003)247.。