《飘》的英文论文关于《飘》的英文论文Last week, the American Film Institute released its list of the 100 best American films of all time. Not surprisingly, Gone with the Wind placed in the T op 10 (#4, in fact). However, although this epic romantic melodrama is undoubtedly one of the most popular and beloved motion pictures ever to grace the silver screen, it is also arguably the most overrated. Gone with the Wind is a very good movie, perhaps bordering on being great, but its subject matter and running time (which is easily 60 minutes too long) argue against its status as a masterpiece. As for its high placing on the AFI#39;s list…… it isn#39;t the only travesty on that roster, but it is one of the most obvious.Gone with the Wind is, simply put, a tale of two halves. The movie is divided by an intermission into a pair of roughly-equal segments. The first, which is brilliant and consistently captivating, covers the time period of the Civil War, beginning shortly after the election of Abraham Lincoln, and ending during Sherman#39;s march through Atlanta. The post-intermission half, which dishes out the suds, picks up at the end of the Civil War and concludes about eight years later. This portion of Gone with the Wind, while still retaining a degree of appeal and narrative interest, spins its wheels frequently.Nevertheless, viewing Gone with the Wind on television pales in comparison to seeing it projected on a motion picture screen. New Line Cinema has chosen to re-release the film (which is now in its sixth major revival) for its 59th anniversary. (Why notwait a year for the 60th?) Anyone who loves movies but has only seen this one on TV or video is heartily encouraged to visit the nearest participating venue. Theatrically, Gone with the Wind is an entirely different experience from its small-screen counterpart; some of the second-half narrative tedium is effaced by the glorious visuals. With a restored three-strip Technicolor print that preserves all of the original#39;s deep, vibrant colors and digitally-enhanced sound, this picture has never looked or sounded better.Gone with the Wind has one of the best-known storylines of any film, due in large part to the popularity of the source material, Margaret Mitchell#39;s best-selling 1936 book. It#39;s essentially a sumptuous soap opera set around Civil War times in the deep South. The main character is Scarlett O#39;Hara (Vivien Leigh), the spoiled, manipulative daughter of an Irish immigrant plantation owner (Thomas Mitchell, who would later play Uncle Billy in Frank Capra#39;s It#39;s a Wonderful Life). Scarlett has two sisters, but she is by far the most spirited of the three O#39;Hara girls, and her father, seeing her as his successor, teaches her lessons about the importance of the land. "It#39;s the only thing that lasts…… the only thing worth fighting for," he comments in the face of war.Scarlett is secretly in love with Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard), who is about to marry the gentle, demure Melanie Hamilton (Olivia De Havilland). When Scarlett confesses her love to Ashley, he admits his feelings for her, but notes that Melanie will make a much better wife. Immediately after this meeting, Scarlett has her first encounter with the irrepressible Rhett Butler (Clark Gable),the cynical, smart hero who eventually falls in love with her. They are two headstrong likes who simultaneously repel and attract one another. When Scarlett remarks, "You, Sir, are no gentleman," Rhett#39;s smiling, easy response is, "And you#39;re no lady."The bulk of the film follows a romantic quadrangle as it unfolds against the backdrop of war and reconstruction in and around Atlanta and the O#39;Hara plantation, Tara. Scarlett is in love with Ashley, or thinks she is, but he won#39;t leave his wife. Melanie loves both her husband and Scarlett, who improbably becomes her best friend. Rhett is smitten with Scarlett, and she is clearly interested in him, but the real question is how long it will take for her to recognize the depth of her feelings. Ultimately, when Rhett has finally had enough, he walks out of her life after answering "Frankly, my dear, I don#39;t give a damn" to her plaintive query about what she#39;s supposed to do without him.The pre-intermission portion of Gone with the Wind, which runs about 115 minutes, is glorious from both a visual and an emotional standpoint. It#39;s a grand tale of love and loss in the midst of this country#39;s most bitter war. Most importantly, it shows Scarlett#39;s development from a vain, spoiled brat into a hardened, determined young woman. Her relationship with Rhett is there, but kept carefully in the background. There is sadness, humor, and a number of breathtaking shots of Scarlett silhouetted against a reddish sunset or the backdrop of Atlanta in flames. The film#39;s most lingering image -- that of thousands of Confederate wounded paving an Atlanta street -- occurs during this part of the movie.The second half, with its repetitive concentration on Scarlett#39;s back-and-forth, do-I-love-him-or-not relationship with Rhett, is less successful. This stuff is real soap opera material, and, even as well- acted and well-presented as the narrative is, there#39;s no mistaking it for anything else. If it didn#39;t run on for so long, it would be a lot more bearable, but Gone with the Wind threatens to wear out its welcome long before the end title appears. The problem is that the bulk of the story is really told in the first half, so there#39;s a lot of filler in the post-intermission material.Gone with the Wind stands as a romantic monument to the Old South -- an homage to an era and a lifestyle long gone. The opening title states: "There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South. Here in this pretty world, Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave. Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind." This clearly illustrates where the film#39;s sympathies lies, and it isn#39;t with the often-grim plight of the slaves (in fact, slavery is largely treated as a neutral, or even benevolent, institution).One of the tests of the lasting impact of any film is determining whether it#39;s still effective decades after its initial release. Gone with the Wind looks so good that it is surprising to consider its actual age. It#39;s hard to believe that many of the people involved with this film have long since died. Of course, period pieces should not be constrained by the era in which they#39;re made, only by the one in which they#39;re set. Thestoryline, while "progressive" and "modern" for the 1930s, is a little tame for the 1990s (hence the MPAA#39;s "G" rating), but, in its three-dimensional depiction of Scarlett and Rhett, it#39;s rarely naive. The dialogue is often brilliant, and some of the Rhett/Scarlett exchanges are particularly clever. Gone with the Wind avoids becoming hopelessly maudlin by peppering the lengthy storyline with a variety of lively and humorous sequences.Probably as much has been written about Scarlett and Rhett as about Casablanca#39;s Rick and Ilsa. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable were perfectly cast in the leading roles -- she was a relative unknown who was "discovered" almost by accident after an exhaustive casting period; he was an established idol. They fit together perfectly, and, while their chemistry isn#39;t as overwhelming as that of Bogart and Bergman, it#39;s pretty close. As with all couples, their glances and body language say as much or more than their words, and, especially in Scarlett#39;s case, are always more truthful. The characters are fascinating, both on their own and in their interaction with each other. Scarlett is a devious manipulator with a dangerous charm (beware her when she bats her eyelashes); Rhett sees through her at every turn, but, even as smart as he is, he can#39;t help falling for her.There are a number of noteworthy supporting players. The two with the most screen time (aside from Gable and Leigh) are Leslie Howard and Olivia De Havilland. Both portray low-key characters, but do it so well that we develop a deep sympathy for them and their plight. When it comes to the games of the heart engaged in by Scarlett and Rhett, Ashley and Melanie are out of their league. Another standout is Hattie McDaniel, whose brilliant Mammy (the housekeeper at Tara) steals scenes from the moreprominent characters. McDaniel brings Mammy to life, and, while she#39;s not three-dimensional, she#39;s real. Mammy is also evidence that Gone with the Wind was capable of transcending (at least in part) the too-easy black stereotypes that were in evidence during the 1930s.When discussing the creative forces behind Gone with the Wind, one rarely hears the name of Victor Fleming (The Wizard of Oz), the credited director. (He was actually one of four men to helm the project.) Instead, Gone with the Wind is referred to as "a David O. Selznick Production," because Selznick was the driving force behind the movie#39;s development. As Producer or Executive Producer, Selznick was instrumental in making over 50 films, including titles like King Kong, A Tale of Two Cities, A Star Is Born, Rebecca, Spellbound, and The Third Man. With four directors, over a dozen uncredited screenwriters, and several cinematographers, Selznick proved to be the creative glue that held Gone with the Wind together. This was his child -- an obsession that consumed him for years.To date, no film has sold more box-office tickets than Gone with the Wind. Domestically, the tally almost doubles that for the phenomenally-popular Titanic. Of course, when the movie was first released, it wasn#39;t just another motion picture -- it was a spectacle, an event. Even though the habits of movie- goers have changed over the years, it#39;s easy to see why this film provoked such an outpouring of praise and adulation during its initial release, and why its stature has grown with the passage of decades. Gone with the Wind has flaws, but it#39;s still undeniably a classic and a legend.。
【推荐】飘毕业论文-范文模板 (11页)
Normal University 201X, 2: 76-80.
[12] Li Yanbo. ―A Study about the Rebellion in Scarlett’s Character.‖ Journal of Mudan Teachers
[5] 陈煜强. 斯嘉丽的婚姻观. 马斯诺“需要理论”解读 [M] 云南师范大学外
语学院 201X年
[6] 杨云 试论院学
[7] Dong Hengxun. The History of American Literature. Beijing:People Literature Press,201X
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University 201X, 2: 13-14
[13] Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the Wind. Yili:Yili People Press,201X
指导教师签字:年 月 日
教研室主任签字:年 月 日 注:本表可自主延伸,各专业根据需调整
Professional Technology College 201X, 3: 377-379.
Analysis of Gone with the wind from thePerspective of Feminism从女性主义视角分析《飘》AbstractAs a great master in the modern literary world, American female writer Margaret Mitchell gains a world-wide reputation merely on the strength of her singular work Gone with the Wind.As the first novel which depicts American Civil War from women‟s perspective, Margaret focuses on the sufferings from the war of those women who stay at home and their difficult journey of reconstruction.Ever since its publication in 1936, Gone with the Wind has received extensive attention from literary world. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding, have given different evaluations about this novel. Most of their researches concentrate on the historical background of American Civil War,the abolitionist thought, Scarlett‟s particular characters and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Meanwhile many readers only treat this novel as a simple love story, fascinated by its intricate and moving narration yet neglecting its implicit ideological values. Starting from the feministic perspective, this thesis will elaborate on women‟s social status and values, a series of vivid female images, and the relationship between nature and women, thereby to analyze the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel and its immense and positive effect on the cause of women‟s liberation.Key Words:Gone with the Wind women feminism eco-feminism摘要美国女作家玛格丽特·米歇尔作为现代世界文坛巨匠,凭借其唯一的一部作品《飘》就名扬天下,成为美国文学史一颗耀眼的明星。
The summary of “Gone with the wind”“Gone with the wind” shows the south during the Civil War turmoil of social reality .T o “Gone with the wind” Scarlett as the main line, describing a few of the young people love story. What attract us the most is Scarlet t’s personality and her love story. She was a strong woman instead of a coward, was crazy about love and was determined. She is self-willed, but there is still so much kindness and purity live in her heart. She is the main character of the novel. She is accustomed to getting her own way ,whether with clothes or boys. She surrounds herself with young men . She is willful, conniving, and yet far more intelligent than well-bred girls are supposed to be. Every coin has two sides. and Scarlett has it .Scarlett in the difficulties and frustrations before the courage and the endless struggle of the spirit really moved us.The book also has some old saying like “After all, tomorrow is another day!” Yesterday is dead, forget it; tomorrow doesn’t exist, don’t worry; today is here, use it!。
关于《飘》的英文论文Last w w eek, th e e Americ a a n Film I nstitut e e releas e e d its l i st of t h h e 100 b e e st Amer i can fil m m s of al l time. N N ot surp r isingly, Gone w i th the W W ind pla c c ed in t h h e Top 100(#4, i n n fact). However,althou g g h this e e pic rom a a ntic me l odrama i s undou b b tedly o n n e of th e e most p o o pular a n n d belov e e d motio n n pictur e e s ever t o grace the sil v v er scre e e n, it i s s also a r guably t he most overrat e e d. Gone with th e e Wind i s s a very good mo v v ie, per h h aps bor d d ering o n n being g g reat, b u u t its s u u bject m a a tter an d d runnin g g time (w w hich is easily 660 minut e e s too l o o ng) arg u u e again s s t its s t atus as a maste r piece. A A s for i t s high p p lacing o o n the A F F I#39;s l ist... i t isn#399;t the o o nly tra v v esty on that ro s s ter, bu t it is o o ne of t h h e most o o bvious.Gone wit h h the Wi n n d is, s i mply pu t, a tal e e of two halves. The mov i e is di v v ided by an inte r mission into a p p air of r oughly-e e qual se g g ments. T T he firs t, which is bril l iant an d d consis t ently c a a ptivati n n g, cove r s the t i me peri o o d of th e e Civil W W ar, beg i nning s h h ortly a f ter the electio n n of Abr a a ham Lin c c oln, an d d ending during S S herman#339;s mar c c h throu g g h Atlan t a. The p p ost-int e e rmissio n n half, w w hich di s s hes out the sud s s, picks up at t h h e end o f the Ci v v il War a a nd conc l udesab o o ut eigh t years l ater. T h h is port i on of G o o ne with the Win d d, while still r e e taining a degre e e of app e e al and n n arrativ e e intere s s t, spin s s its wh e e els fre q q uently.Neverthe l ess, vi e e wing Go n n e with t he Wind on tele v v ision p a a les in c c omparis o o n to se e e ing it p p rojecte d d on a m o o tion pi c c ture sc r een. Ne w w Line C i nema ha s s chosen to re-r e e lease t h h e film (which i s s now in its six t h major revival) for it s s59th a n n niversa r y. (Why not wai t a year for the 60th?) A A nyone w h h o loves movies b b ut has o o nly see n n this o n n e on TV or vide o o is hea r tily en c c ouraged to visi t the ne a a rest pa r ticipat i ng venu e e. Theat r ically,Gone wi t h the W i nd is a n n entire l y diffe r ent exp e e rience f rom its small-s c c reen co u u nterpar t; some o o f the s e e cond-ha l f narra t ive ted i um is e f faced b y y the gl o o rious v i suals. W W ith a r e e stored t hree-st r ip Tech n n icolor p p rint th a a t prese r ves all of the o o riginal##39;s de e e p, vibr a a nt colo r s and d i gitally-enhance d d sound,this pi c c ture ha s s never l ooked o r sounde d d better.Gone w i th the W W ind has one of t he best-known s t oryline s s of any film, d u u e in la r ge part to the p p opulari t y of th e e source materia l, Marga r et Mitc h h ell#39;s s best-s e e lling 19936 book. It#39;s s essent i ally a s s umptuou s s soap o p p era setaround C C ivil Wa r times i n the d e e ep Sout h h. The m a a in char a a cter is Scarlet t O#39;H a a ra (Viv i en Leig h h), the s s poiled, manipul a a tive da u u ghter o f an Iri s s h immig r ant pla n n tation o o wner (T h h omas Mi t chell, w w ho woul d d later p p lay Unc l e Billy in Fran k k Capra#339;s It#339;s a W o o nderful Life). S S carlett has two sisters, but sh e e is by f ar the m m ost spi r ited of the thr e e e O#39;H H ara gir l s, and h h er fath e e r, seei n n g her a s s his su c c cessor,teaches her les s s ons abo u u t the i m m portanc e e of the land. "I t#39;s t he only thing t h h at last s s... the only th i ng wort h h fighti n n g for,"he comm e e nts in t he face of war.Scarlett is secr e e tly in l ove wit h h Ashley Wilkes (Leslie H H oward),who is a a bout to marry t h h e gentl e e, demur e e Melani e e Hamilt o o n (Oliv i a De Ha v v illand).When S c c arlett c c onfesse s s her lo v v e to As h h ley, he admits h h is feel i ngs for her, bu t notes t hat Mel a a nie wil l make a much be t ter wif e e. Immed i ately a f ter thi s s meetin g g, Scarl e e tt has h h er firs t encoun t er with the irr e e pressib l e Rhett Butler (Clark G a a ble), t h h e cynic a a l, smar t hero w h h o event u u ally fa l ls in l o o ve with her. Th e e y are t w w o heads t rong li k k es who s s imultan e e ously r e e pel and attract one ano t her. Wh e e n Scarl e e tt rema r ks, "Yo u u, Sir, a a re no g e e ntleman," Rhett##39;ssm i ling, e a a sy resp o o nse is,"And yo u u#39;re n n o lady."The bu l k of th e e film f o o llows a romanti c c quadra n n gle as i t unfol d d s again s s t the b a a ckdrop o o f war a n n d recon s s tructio n n in and around A A tlanta a a nd the O O#39;Har a a planta t ion, Ta r a. Scar l ett is i n love w w ith Ash l ey, or t hinks s h h e is, b u u t he wo n n#39;t l e e ave his wife. M e e lanie l o o ves bot h h her hu s s band an d d Scarle t t, who i mprobab l y becom e e s her b e e st frie n n d. Rhet t is smi t ten wit h h Scarle t t, and s s he is c l early i n n tereste d d in him, but th e e real q u u estion i s how l o o ng it w i ll take for her to reco g g nize th e e depth o o f her f e e elings. Ultimat e e ly, whe n n Rhett h h as fina l ly had e e nough, h h e walks out of h h er life after a n n swering"Frankl y y, my de a a r, I do n n#39;t g i ve a da m m n" to h e e r plain t ive que r y about what sh e e#39;s s u u pposed t o do wi t hout hi m m.The p r e-inter m m ission p p ortion o o f Gone w w ith the Wind, w h h ich run s s about 1115 minu t es, is g g lorious from bo t h a vis u u al and a a n emoti o o nal sta n n dpoint.It#39;s a grand tale of love an d d loss i n n the mi d d st of t h h is coun t ry#39;s most bi t ter war.Most i m m portant l y, it s h h ows Sca r lett#39;s devel o o pment f r om a va i n, spoi l ed brat into a h h ardened, determ i ned you n n g woman.Her re l ationsh i p with R R hett is there, b b ut kept careful l y in th e e backgr o o und. Th e e re iss a a dness, h h umor, a n n d a num b b er of b r eathtak i ng shot s s of Sca r lett si l houette d d agains t a redd i sh suns e e t or th e e backdr o o p of At l anta in flames.The fil m m#39;s m o o st ling e e ring im a a ge -- t h h at of t h h ousands of Conf e e derate w w ounded p p aving a n n Atlant a a street-- occu r s durin g g this p a a rt of t h h e movie.The se c c ond hal f, with i ts repe t itive c o o ncentra t ion on S S carlett##39;s ba c c k-and-f o o rth, do-I-love-h h im-or-n o o t relat i onship w w ith Rhe t t, is l e e ss succ e e ssful. T T his stu f f is re a a l soap o o pera ma t erial, a a nd, eve n n as wel l- acted and wel l-presen t ed as t h h e narra t ive is,there#399;s no m i staking it for a a nything else. I f it did n n#39;t r u u n on fo r so lon g g, it wo u u ld be a lot mor e e bearab l e, but G G one wit h h the Wi n n d threa t ens to w w ear out its wel c c ome lon g g before the end title a p p pears. T T he prob l em is t h h at the b b ulk of t he stor y y is rea l ly told in the f irst ha l f, so t h h ere#39;s s a lot o o f fille r in the post-in t ermissi o o n mater i al.Gon e e with t h h e Wind s s tands a s s a roma n n tic mon u u ment to the Old South --an hom a a ge to a n n era an d d a life s s tyle lo n n g gone.The ope n n ing tit l e state s s: "Ther e e was a l and of C C avalier s s and Co t ton Fie l ds call e e d the O l d South. Here i n n this p r etty wo r ld, Gal l antry t o o ok its l ast bow.Here w a a sthe l a a st ever to be s e e en of K n n ights a n n d their Ladies F F air, of Master a a nd of S l ave. Lo o o k for i t only i n n books,for it i s no mo r e than a a dream r emember e e d, a Ci v v ilizati o o n gone w w ith the wind." T T his cle a a rly ill u u strates where t h h e film#339;s sym p p athies l ies, an d d it isn##39;t wi t h the o f ten-gri m m plight of the s s laves (i n fact,slavery is larg e e ly trea t ed as a neutral, or eve n n benevo l ent, in s s titutio n n).One o o f the t e e sts of t he last i ng impa c c t of an y y film i s s determ i ning wh e e ther it##39;s st i ll effe c c tive de c c ades af t er its i nitial r elease.Gone wi t h the W i nd look s s so goo d d that i t is sur p p rising t o consi d d er its a a ctual a g g e. It#399;s hard to beli e e ve that many of the peo p p le invo l ved wit h h this f i lm have long si n n ce died. Of cou r se, per i od piec e e s shoul d d not be constra i ned by t he era i n which they#39;re made, only b y y the on e e in whi c c h they#339;re se t. The s t oryline, while "progres s s ive" an d d"moder n n" for t h h e 1930s, is a l i ttle ta m m e for t h h e 1990s(hence t he MPAA##39;s "G"rating), but, i n its t h h ree-dim e e nsional depicti o o n of Sc a a rlett a n n d Rhett, it#39;s s rarely naive. T T he dial o o gue is o o ften br i lliant,and som e e of the Rhett/S c c arlett e e xchange s s are pa r ticular l y cleve r. Gone w w ith the Wind av o o ids bec o o ming ho p p elessly maudlin by pepp e e ring th e e length y y storyl i ne with a varie t yof li v v ely and humorou s s sequen c c es.Pro b b ably as much ha s s been w r itten a b b out Sca r lett an d d Rhett a a s about Casabla n n ca#39;s Rick an d d Ilsa. V V ivien L e e igh and Clark G a a ble wer e e perfec t ly cast in the l eading r oles --she was a relat i ve unkn o o wn who w w as "dis c c overed"almost b b y accid e e nt afte r an exh a a ustive c c asting p p eriod; h h e was a n n establ i shed id o o l. They fit tog e e ther pe r fectly,and, wh i le thei r chemis t ry isn#339;t as o o verwhel m m ing as t hat of B B ogart a n n d Bergm a a n, it#399;s pret t y close. As wit h h all co u u ples, t h h eir gla n n ces and body la n n guage s a a y as mu c c h or mo r e than t heir wo r ds, and, especi a a lly in S S carlett##39;s ca s s e, are a a lways m o o re trut h h ful. Th e e charac t ers are fascina t ing, bo t h on th e e ir own a a nd in t h h eir int e e raction with ea c c h other.Scarle t t is a d d evious m m anipula t or with a dange r ous cha r m (bewa r e her w h h en she b b ats her eyelash e e s); Rhe t t sees t hrough h h er at e v v ery tur n n, but, e e ven as s s mart as he is, h h e can#399;t help falling for her.There a a re a nu m m ber of n n otewort h h y suppo r ting pl a a yers. T h h e two w i th the m m ost scr e e en time(aside f rom Gab l e and L e e igh) ar e e Leslie Howard a a nd Oliv i a De Ha v v illand.Both po r tray lo w w-key ch a a racters,but do it so w e e ll that wedeve l op a de e e p sympa t hy for t hem and their p l ight. W h h en it c o o mes to t he game s s of the heart e n n gaged i n n by Sca r lett an d d Rhett,Ashley a a nd Mela n n ie are o o ut of t h h eir lea g g ue. Ano t her sta n n dout is Hattie M M cDaniel,whose b b rillian t Mammy (the hou s s ekeeper at Tara) steals scenes f rom the more pr o o minent c c haracte r s. McDa n n iel bri n n gs Mamm y y to lif e e, and, w w hile sh e e#39;s n o o t three-dimensi o o nal, sh e e#39;s r e e al. Mam m m y is al s s o evide n n ce that Gone wi t h the W i nd was c c apable o o f trans c c ending (at leas t in par t) the t o o o-easy b b lack st e e reotype s s that w e e re in e v v idence d d uring t h h e 1930s.When d i scussin g g the cr e e ative f o o rces be h h ind Gon e e with t h h e Wind,one rar e e ly hear s s the na m m e of Vi c c tor Fle m m ing (Th e e Wizard of Oz),the cre d d ited di r ector. (He was a a ctually one of f our men to helm the pro j ect.)I n n stead, G G one wit h h the Wi n n d is re f erred t o o as "a D D avid O. Selznic k k Produc t ion," b e e cause S e e lznick w w as the d d riving f orce be h h ind the movie#399;s deve l opment.As Prod u u cer or E E xecutiv e e Produc e e r, Selz n n ick was instrum e e ntal in making o o ver 50 f ilms, i n n cluding titles l ike Kin g g Kong, A A Tale o f Two Ci t ies, A S S tar Is B B orn, Re b b ecca, S p p ellboun d d, and T h h e Third Man. Wi t h four d d irector s s,over a a dozen u u ncredit e e d scree n n writers,and se v v eral ci n n ematogr a a phers, S S elznick proved t o be th e e creati v v e glue t hat hel d d Gone w i th the W W ind tog e e ther. T h h is was h h is chil d d -- an o o bsessio n n that c o o nsumed h h im for y y ears.T o o date, n n o film h h as sold more bo x x-office tickets than Go n n e with t he Wind.Domest i cally, t he tall y y almost doubles that fo r the ph e e nomenal l y-popul a a r Titan i c. Of c o o urse, w h h en the m m ovie wa s s first r eleased,it was n n#39;t j u u st anot h h er moti o o n pictu r e -- it was a s p p ectacle, an eve n n t. Even though t he habi t s of mo v v ie- goe r s have c c hanged o o ver the years, i t#39;s e e asy to s s ee why t his fil m m provok e e d such a a n outpo u u ring of praise a a nd adul a a tion du r ing its initial release,and wh y y its st a a ture ha s s grown w w ith the passage of deca d d es. Gon e e with t h h e Wind h h as flaw s s, but i t#39;s s t ill und e e niably a a classi c c and a l egend.。
ChapterⅠ IntroductionGone with the wind, as one of the most popular novels, is written by the famous writer--Margaret Mitchell. This is a romantic story which reflecting the theme of the Civil War of America. Attracted by great numbers of readers, this novel was made into movie many times. It reflected the southern social life. The novel displayed the great social change of the southern society and different kinds of people in the change of fate comprehensively. Through different performances done by different people in the complex environment, it reveals that different characters may lead to different trends of life. The author uses feminine perspective to describe Scarlett who was the center figure, Rhett, Melanie and Ashley the main characters, their social activities subtly and profoundly. By their actions, the author shows the complex social scenes, as well as their different destinies.Chapter Ⅱ General idea of Gone with the Wind2.1 The Background of the NovelMitchell regards “survive” as the theme of Gone with the Wind, which refers human how to survive in social upheaval. The United States Civil War destroyed George and even the whole southern economy. Slaves were free, and slave owners’ comfortable life had gone away. In order to survive, they must work hard, or they might die. Even the brownstone elites in Atlanta also had to drop their condescension to sell cakes or be cabman. To express this theme, the author also describes the charming points of the south by reproducing people’s life in George during the period of the war. Reader can learn local customs, practices, social fashions, religion and other aspects of the south of America. All of these shows traditional society was collapsed and how people to deal with the great social change in that hard process.2.2 The Content of the NovelThis story is happened before the Civil War in 1861. Young Scarlett didn’t care about what happened in the tense situation which people around her were concern on. Except parties and picnics, she cared nothing but stayed with young men attracted by her charming. Scarlett loved a man named Ashley who was born of a line of men who used their leisure for thinking, not doing, for spinning brightly colored dreams that had in them no touch of reality. But Ashley will marry with Melanie,another lady in this book. Then Scarlett got a chance to have a talk with Ashley alone to express her love, but Ashley refused to elope with her. With anger or maybe jealousy, she got married with Melanie’s brother, Charles. Unfortunately, her husband died in the war after two months, and Scarlett soon became a widow. But what even worse is that she was pregnant. After the birth of Scarlett’s son, she was invited by Melanie, because Ashley went to the front line of the war, and Melanie wanted somebody to company. So Scarlett went to Atlanta, a new environment to her, and began a new starting. The beautiful lady couldn’t bear the boring life as a widow. She quickly joined the extravagant life lured by various parties. After then, Atlanta was involved in the war. With the help of Rhett, Scarlett escaped to her hometown with others. She began to undertake her family’s whole costs, created her own career and ran business with men. At the end of the story, Melanie was dead and Rhett left Scarlett. But Scarlett said to herself, “Tomorrow is another day.”2.3 The Relationship between Scarlett and MelanieTheir relationship is simple but a little difficult. Scarlett married with Melanie’s elder brother, so she was Melanie’s sister-in-law. But Scarlett loved Melanie’s husband, Ashley. During the war, men went to fight with enemy, women stayed at home to assist the front line. The two women lived together. Melanie admired Scarlett, but Scarlett disliked her, but had to pretend to live harmoniously with Melanie. Because she envied withMelanie who had a warm, generous heart, and all of people respected her. But to some degree, Melanie was Scarlett’s spiritual stay, but Scarlett hadn’t realized that until Melanie’s death. They have different chara cters, and represent two different beauty of female.Chapter Ⅲ Personality of Scarlett3.1 Personality before the WarAs a plantation owner’s daughter of the south, Scarlett had a mixed unharmonious temperament between mild, over-educated coastal blue blood and the descent of smart, secular Irish poorer. She not only followed the bold, rough, careless about trifles and grumpy personality of her father, but also was influenced by her mother’s good view of morality since very young. She wanted to be the woman like her mother who was a Great lady. But she also had the consciousness to betray the morality in her heart. This made her simple, vanity, realistic, cunning but not good at thinking in detail. This character becomes more outstandingly. Before the war, as the daughter of Tara farmer with wealth and status, the comfortable life and charming appearance gave her strong vanity and no interest in reading. She paid no attention to music, poetry and books which Ashley and Melanie talked. She only cared dancing, beautiful clothes and other things that could attract people’s eye. And she was fond of horsing with men and being the focus in various parties. She always focused on how to catch people’s especially men’s attention and how to be the li melight. If people didn’t take her as the topic in a convention, she would be very impatient. Here, a woman who was simple, sometimes ignorant with great vanity but didn’t regard it right is showed in our mind. She couldn’t tolerate people love other girls but not her. When she heardthe news that Ashley would get married with Melanie, she couldn’t believe it. She was naïve enough to believe that Ashley really love her. She even asked him to elope with her. Maybe because of her natural beauty, Scarlett developed a sense of superiority and self-confidence which made her love become an inevitable tragedy. After being refused by Ashley, she married with Charles whom she didn’t love for revenge and even said the sooner the better. This shows young Miss Scarlett was naïve and wayward. In the deep of her heart, she never gave up Ashley, never gave up her first love, and never gave up! This activity reflects that she was still a little spoilt girl with inexperienced, naïve, self-centered personality. If she hadn’t g ained one thing, the desire she wanted would be much stronger. Ashley is just a good example.3.2 Personality during the WarThe experiences in the war made Scarlett change a lot. During this period, she became a smart, aggressive, stingy, and greedy leader of family who cared everything in detail from a young lady who fellow her own way and went for pleasure. She showed a strong will of hard working and carved a place for herself. Selfishness and caprice on her had been covered by her stubborn resistance to fate gradually.After the war broke out, Scarlett soon became a widow, because her husband died in the battle. For the death, she didn’t seem too much painful, because she loved nobody except Ashley. But she had to face thewar too. Commissioned by Ashley, Scarlett needed to take care of Melanie who would give birth. On the other hand, her mother was bally ill. Like any common people, she wanted to keep her mother company instead of being together with Melanie, but she didn’t do like that. When Melanie was giving birth, hearing her moaning, Scarlett got through the difficulty without doctor and any experience of birth. At that time, other female might faint when met such question, but Scarlett overcame it. She kept clear mind and decisive judgment with firm heart. Then she took Melanie and their children to escape from Atlanta which was full of warfare.Scarlett wanted to return Tara, because her mother Ellen was ill seriously. More importantly, she adored her mother who was her God that could protect her. She could put down everything to let her parents deal once getting back home. And she could live a happy life like the past. But when Scarlett was happy that Tara hadn’t been destroyed by cruel war, a greater disaster was waiting for her. Her mother died the day before, and father became mad due to that. More than ten people depended on her to make a living. Tara plantation left her almost nothing. She felt sad, or even desperate. But she wasn’t immersed in grief. Instead, she was reminded the brave ancestors who created their own career. She knew what she needed was not sadness, but the courage and the ability to carry on her family. She should be enough strong to accept the challenges fromreality like ancestors. She must abandon the nobleness and pride of aristocratic lady and work like slaves in whole day. Experienced with hunger and pain, suffered with humiliation and hurt, Scarlett still held down. She commanded her family members do proper work at their best ability. She also set a good example to pick ripe cotton by doing farm work herself. She led people to hide food and cattle before the coming of Yankees. When a cavalry threatened their life, in order to protect mother’s things and hard-earned food, she shot the man calmly.What a brave woman Scarlett is. You can imagine the lady at that time, for everybody or everything which might have a threat to her. She would be calm down and then destroyed it. She used to be kind, even to animals. She even was afraid of the animals’ screaming when hearing them be hunted or killed. Hard life made her understand the cruelty of reality completely. It also gave her the courage to live in this turbulent world. Who can face the reality bravely when in trouble like Scarlett? But at the same time, suffered with hunger, poverty and torment of life, she lost fantasy and dream to life thoroughly. She became more practical and had a full awareness of the incomparable role of land and money. She became hypocritical and greedy without morality and shame. When she got in trou ble by having no money to pay the taxes, Scarlett didn’t waiting for death. She was perked up to do the last effort, even to betray her body and conscience. She thought of Rhett’s money. “I want to marryhim,” she thought grimly, “then I wouldn’t have to worry about money.” Then she wore a dress made with her mother’s curtain, and dressed up to visit Rhett.3.3 Personality after the WarAfter the brutal war, Scarlett had a much clearer and deeper understanding to life, and the attitude to reality became more reasonable. She realized only in rational way to face the new utilitarian world could she protect her Tara, her family and herself. Conducted by this concept, the status of money seemed much higher. In order to earn more money, she bought sawmill and ran by herself showing no care about the traditional idea that women should be ignorant, unknowledgeable, and have no opinions of their own. At first, businessmen laughed at her, and thought what a woman could do about business which was men’s world. But Scar lett didn’t retreat and shrink back in the groundless talk. She insisted to do what she thought was right on the discipline of her own. This stubbornness produced by the oppression of life was the evidence that Scarlett lived against to life. To improve work efficiency and gain larger benefit, she again set aside all criticisms, and overcame great difficulties to employ criminals to work in her factory. Her series of behaviors had a little rebelled against the normal standards, but she followed her own way and not for the life need. This suggested that she had made a step toward the opposite of their class from thought to action.With extraordinary courage to face the insults, stress and crack from conservative people, she constantly conformed to the society she stayed in her smart and decisive mind and behavior which had a shock to the common custom. She employed prisoners illegally, did business with north businessmen. To make money, she used despicable methods which gentlemen were contemptuous of. She could even marry with a man blame for shame and obscenity. She didn’t care what others might think of her. She just wanted to make herself live better and no longer got starving any more. These actions were crazy, even in the eyes of her family. But she believed they were worth. Once deciding, she would try her best to according her will.Life is what we should live bravely and positively but not retreat and escape. Scarlett was a lucky woman in life, but failed in going for love. She was a realist in life but a romantic in love. She loved Ashley crazily. Almost all of her pursuit, struggle and effort were for him. But Ashley was just was an image by imaging, not in reality. Actually, Ashley in fact was a fragile, cower and hypocritical coward. He couldn’t adapt to the new era. Scarlett had a big difference with Ashley in this point. They didn’t belong to same class. Until Melanie’s death, Scarlett recognized the mistake she made. She loved a wrong person. Then she missed Rhett who could give her love and money, and he was the person who really cared her. But it was too late. Disappointed to Scarlett, Rhett left heralone. Scarlett created life, but in turn she was abandoned by life.3.4 The Persons Who Had Great Influence on ScarlettThere are five people around Scarlett played important roles in her. They are her mother and father, Ashley, Melanie, and Rhett. These five we can also divided into two groups. One group is led by mother, Ashley and Melanie who are the traditional moral models and representatives and protectors of social norms and regulations. They are the power to encourage prompt or even suppress Scarlett, to make her obey to the moral tradition and the established social order.Her mother Ellen is the model and guide of traditional virtue. She was very religious, placid, kind-hearted, economical, good behavioral and charming lady, and an understanding wife and good mother bearing heavy load. She wanted to train her three daughters toward Great lady with good manners. Ellen had a very high status in y oung Scarlett’s heart that was symbol of benevolence, wisdom, truth and justice. After growing up, whenever she was annoyed and restless, she would be calm as long as she thought of her mother. Scarlett worshiped her mother and wanted to be Great lady like her. But the difficulty was that if being like this, she would lose many funny things.Her mother’s death means the collapse of traditional morals in Scarlett’s heart and the beginning of arbitrary life. After that, she made many actions contrary to tradi tional values such as plundering her sister’sfiancé, married with Rhett for money, doing business in public like men, employing prisoners and so on. Only when thinking of her mother, she would have a sense of shame and guilt in heart. So we can see a great influence on Scarlett by her mother in the process of growth on the aspect of morality and norms.About Melanie, it will be talked later.Different from the two persons we have talked, Ashley was just dream about traditional beauty in Scarlett’s memory r ather than the representative of it. He was immersed in the old world and dared not to face the reality, called gentleman in south garden hotels and resorts. Ashley, from a quite, elegant gentleman to hopeless, slim person like child, had lost the status i n Scarlett’s heart. The dream of Ashley had almost been destroyed by reality.Another group in the work is stood by her father and Rhett. They are the supporters, guides and allies to anti-tradition. They play a significant role in inducing and inspiring Scarlett to against tradition.Contrary to mother, father was the power to rebel against traditional morality in the process of Scarlett’s growth. Father was rude, ignorant and dauntless, and full of pristine natural wild and life force. He became a rich manor with the love to land and hardworking from nothing. The fearless, strong and unsatisfied characters and a strong desire for worldly life in father’s struggle history were the original motivation in shapingScarlett’s rebellious personality.Rhett was the supporter, guide and counselor to Scarlett and the firm backing against the old world. Because of him, Scarlett dared to face the whole world and battle with the representatives of the southern old social morality. In a degree, Scarlett was going the way Rhett had experienced. So at last, Rhett’s rebellion and converts would be the example of Scarlett.Chapter Ⅳ Personality of Melanie4.1 Personality of MelanieCompared with Scarlett, Melanie obviously had no enthusiasm or lively youth like Scarlett. In the eyes of Scarlett, Melanie was weak, timid, shy and unobvious, but in fact, she had an amazing power that Scarlett couldn’t understand. This power also can be called strong. If we describe Scarlett as fire, Melanie was like water. Her good personalities can be grouped in three aspects.First, she was tolerant and kind-hearted.Except for her family, she was also friendly to friends and other kind people. She still kept in touch with Rhett when he was in discredited period no matter what other people criticized. And she also explained to them that Rhett was a good guy. Scarlett couldn’t do like that. Perhaps only the selfless could do so honest. Her tolerance and kindness also were reflected on the attitude toward the murderer. She took him, trusted him, and even let the man look after her children. If you respect other, then you will be respected.Second, she was full of the glory of motherhood in her body and heart.In her strong character, the glorious motherhood took a substantial portio n. She loved children no matter whether they were hers or others’. Living in Tara, when Scarlett paid no attention to her own son but onlyblamed without any mother’s responsibility, Melanie did as the kids’ mother. Though she was ill, she played with them with patience, told them stories to them and so on. Each of them loved her and was pleasant to stay with her. Her second pregnancy was the main cause of her death. She clearly knew that it is very dangerous to get pregnant, but she wanted to experience the joy of being a mother once again no matter what risks she would face. The mother love had let her do everything beyond living or death.The third is Melanie was a lady with wisdom and gallant mind.She was a wise woman. This wisdom was neither Scarlett’s a bit of smartness in business, nor the little tricks on men, but the grand and magnificent power deep in the heart. This power was what Scarlett and Ashley and so many people were dependent on but not realized, silent but around their lives in fact.In Tara, when Scarlett took the gun to kill the Yankees, Melanie dragged her sick body with a sword in her hand down from upstairs. Scarlett found there was a sharp knife in Melanie’s soft voice and under her gentle eyes and she also felt a great power in Mela nie’s quite blood. At this time, Scarlett’s heart was filled with a feeling of admiration and friendship. When Scarlett was frightened by killing someone, Melanie immediately made so perfect a lie to others inquiry from upstairs that nobody doubted. She ha d the wit and calmness that Scarlett didn’t have.She was the one who could understand one person deep in one’s heart. She knew Ashley, Scarlett and Rhett. She knew the weakness of Ashley that he was indulged in past and dared not to face the reality. She knew it was not easy for Scarlett to maintain her pride all the time. She knew the love of Rhett to Scarlett. To the ambiguous relationship between Scarlett and Ashley, she pretended to know nothing. Even when going to die, she still told Scarlett that Rhett really loved her very much. She is so sentiment that needs everyone’s affection, but she is also brave to conquer the fear in her mind and tolerant the hardness of home lost. If Scarlett is fully self-concerned, she might be fully selflessness, thinks about others more than herself. Her indiscriminate love and forgiving are not only respectable virtues need to be spread at that time, but also need to be advocated in nowadays. Melanie was forced to let her husband go to war, and she did everything she could for helping him. She shared his views and opinions, and was proud of him. She was gentle and sweet, and good with children and taught Scarlett's children, Wade and Ella, how to love and be loved since Scarlett was never be a good mother to them. She became the center of the community during the Reconstruction, and she was deeply devoted to Scarlett. Perhaps she could see Scarlett's good qualities and loved her for them and she would defend her until her last breath.4.2 The Influence of Scarlett on HerActually, Scarlett had little influence on her. Instead, Scarlett was affected by Melanie a lot. Melanie liked Scarlett and knew her action well. She supported Scarlett. Maybe Scarlett just did what she would never do, and she was lack of the vigor and some qualities in Scarlett. Since Scarlett had been married to her first husband, Charles, she couldn’t get away from Charles sister, Melanie anymore. Melanie was Ashley’s wife, Scarlett’s rival. Scarlett hated Melanie because her existing set an impassable wall between her and Ashley. However, the nature to protect weak, the kindness hidden in heart and the promise to Ashley made she take care of Melanie even in the case of facing soaring fire, death, starvation and other difficulties. On one hand, Scarlett was selfish and cruel. She married Charles to revenge for Ashley, married Frank in order to save Tara. On other hand, she was selfless and brave. She disliked Melanie, but looked after her. She bore the burden of whole family and the manor. Regardless of her cruelty, selfishness, Melanie saw Scarlett’s patience, courage and selflessness. So not for the gratitude toward Scarlett’s kindness to her, Melanie really loved her, and she believed that Scarlett still had the beauty of human nature. Love and forgiveness can change everything. Sometimes Melanie was strikingly similar to Ellen in gentleness, perseverance, love and justice. And her strong trust, care and support to Scarlett gradually conquered Scarlett and limited her evil factors developed, and changed he r. Although Scarlett hadn’t realized that,Melanie was the firm back to support her to struggle so many years. She was the sword and shield of Scarlett’s to resist temptations and troubles in life. Melanie’s death made Scarlett felt like Ellen leaving her second time.Chapter Ⅴ Comparison between Scarlett and Melanie The weak people are unable to adapt to the fierce social competition. And society granted women’s role as housewife rather than superwoman on career at that time. This existence determined the social consciousness, and formed a certain pattern in people’s mind.Scarlett changed people’s views. She stood for new era of women. She said, she would do what she wanted to do, say what she wanted to say one day. She wouldn’t care even if others didn’t like.She believed that women could do everything that a man could do. This belief supported her to do the same things like men such as earning money, getting the economic security and so on. The hardships of the war, death of husband, lumber’s buying, and reconstruction of Tara manor in life made her develop the character of tenacity and unyielding and adversity but confident and tenacious fighting spirit in unwilling to sink. Melanie is an admirable image in Gone with the Wind. She is lovely, tolerant and tender. She gave her all to her husband, children and family. She was thin and fragile and not beautiful, but she was brave. She won the love of her husband. Children and Ashley were everything to her. She was not fit to give birth to a child, and the doctor told her it was dangerous or even life-threatening to conceive. But because of the love to husband, she was pregnant regardless of doctor’s advice and slender body. In the end she was dead. Melanie was different from Scarlett. She stoodfor traditional women.Melanie was a good wife. She knew how to build and maintain the harmony of the family. When she realized that Scarlett was in love with her husband, she didn’t take any measures to stop them, because she trusted her husband. When others criticized the relationship between Ashley and Scarlett, she did not stamp with rage and blame like other women. At the party, everyone wanted to see what she might do to Scarlett, but she faced public with tolerance, love and trust and saved her husband and Scarlett.Scarlett attracted people perfectly by her beautiful appearance. To some ways, beautiful appearance means a big step to success. The female image is more important than male, and attracts not only same-sex but opposite-sex. Women’s dr ess art is not a simple prettify, but the overall design and tuning for their own image and shows the confident and elegant personality. In addition to the attracted appearance, Scarlett had the unique personality that modern women should learn. Scarlett dared to express her love under disregarding the criticism of others. During the war, she wore a beautiful skirt covering the shabby one. Once she was the daughter of a planter, but then she must pick cotton for bread. In order to protect the manor, she kil led the enemy by using father’s gun. She put off the black widow clothes to the dance floor… These are the reflections of her rebellious spirit. However, under just this point, she attracted othersespecially men. Therefore, if you want to be love, you should love yourself and your own personality first, and accept others’ characters.Melanie used the inner beauty to win the trust and respect of others. Her appearance was ordinary without Scarlett’s charming. But she also attracted others’ attention like Scarlett. What made people appreciate Melanie was her smile, kindness, strong, gratitude and tolerance. She was unforgettable to people. When the groundless talk about her husband and Scarlett was spread in the city, Melanie listened to without feeling and believed Ashley. She knew the emotion from Scarlett to Ashley, but she still treated her as a friend. She cherished friendship and was tolerant to everyone. What help Scarlett had done to her made her remember for the rest of life deeply. She knew how to be grateful. Even when she was about to give birth, she still cared for the wounds. Good qualities of human nature can change a person’s appearance, can make people relaxed, comfortable, can let a person easy to get along with, can shorten the distance between person and person, and can play an important role in establishing harmonious, long-lasting relationships. People are willing to make friends with someone who often smiles, has sincere and kind heart, and knows how to be thanksgiving and tolerant.Scarlett was like fire full of energy and Melanie was like water showing gentle charming. They represented two different beauties: wildness and softness.Chapter Ⅵ ConclusionGone with the Wind shows us two different kinds of women. Through this book, we learn some good qualities of two great ladies. With the passage of time, the development of science, technology and society and the coming of economic globalization and knowledge age, the status of women have been greatly improved. Especially in modern society, women have their own independent personality and characteristics. They get the right to be equal to men at home or in workplace. In Gone with the Wind, female consciousness awoke from a long sleep. Although it is not easy to have a success in workplace, family life and interpersonal communication, women don’t have to be afraid of difficulties on the way to success. The heroines in Gone with the Wind give people the inspiration. We learn Scarlett’s creativity and confidence in workplace learn Melanie’s trust, respect and love to family, learn Scarlett’s magnetic charm and Melanie’s charm of personality in social contact..。
Analysis of Gone with the wind from the Perspective of FeminismAbstractMargaret Mannerly Mitchell, an American author, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. It was the only book she wrote in her all life, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, where she always hear about many stories about the war between the northern and southern states in American, then when she was wounded in home, she determined to write a book about the war .This novel is one of the most popular books of all time. The novel Gone with the Wind was set during the times of the Civil War in Atlantic. Soon or later, the American Civil War broke out. Ashley and Charles joined the war. Unfortunately, Charles died in the war. Scarlett became a widow, but she has been in love with Ashley. In the following article, firstly, on the love among Scarlett O’Hara, Ashley Wilkes and Rhett Butler will be introduced by analyzing the characteristic of the three principals. Secondly, the love of the friendship among different kinds of person will be mentioned. The last but not the least, something about the love of family members in the novel of Gone with the wind will be said. Finally, compared with the modern society, what theme the novel revels will be said.Key words: Love; Friendship; Family love;Reality.IntroductionAs the first novel which depicts American Civil War from women’s perspective, Margaret focuses on the suffering from the war of thosewomen who stay at home and their difficult journey of reconstruction. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding have given different evaluation about this novel. Most of their researcher concentrates on the historical background of American Civil War, the abolitionist though, Scarlett’s particular character and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Many critics question the literary value and outdated racial issue of Gone with the Wind. Some consider the novel superficial while treated it only a simple love story. However, the author thinks that the novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical backgrounds, our own, Mitchell’s, and Scarlett’s. On the base of perspective of feministic, this paper wound analyzes the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel and its positive effect on the cause of women liberation. The first part of this paper is a general introduction to the theoretical Foundation which mainly about Feminism. Then the following chapter is analyses of the book, Chapter three is feminist analysis of Gone with the Wind and of Scarlet’s characteristic.2. The Introduction to FeminismFeminism is the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state. Hundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men,they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men. Then there appear feminism. Feminism is a series of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues.First-wave feminism was a series of activities during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the U.K. and U.S., it focused on promoting equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused mainly on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's voting, though some feminists were active in campaigning for women's sexual and economic rights at this time.Second-wave feminism is a feminist movement beginning in the early 1960s and continuing to the 20th and it coexists with third-wave feminism. Second wave feminism is largely concerned with issues of equality not only suffrage, but things like ending discrimination. Second-wave feminists treat women's cultural and political inequalities as its main purposes that to be deal with. During this period, feministencourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives deeply by means of public promoting. The feminist activist and author Carol Hamish came up with the slogan for the first time "The Personal is Political", which became synonymous with the second wave.Third-wave feminism is start from 1900 to the present. It arose as a response toward failures of the second wave and also as a response to the movements created by the second wave. Third- wave feminism often correct the second wave’s ideas and movements that are not good for females. It accommodates contradictions; conflict and changes. The third wave has its origins in the mid-1980. Feminist leasers in the second wave like Gloria Anzaldua, Cherrie Moraga, and Andre Lured tried to negotiate feminism thought that related to race.3. Background of Margaret Mitchell’s age3.1 Women’s social status in American society reflected in the novelThe story takes place in the southern plantation before American Civil War. At that time, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. The residents rest on the rolling money gained by cotton planting and picking. There, within the shadow of chivalry, keeps the skin-deep grace and splendor. Women living on the red soil are delicate flowers, tightly clinging to men and decorating men’s world. They have no rights to vote. Nor can they control their belongings or children after they get married, let alone draw a willor make a treaty without their husbands’ permission. Their social status is parallel to “that of a minor or a slave” (Deborah L.Madsen, 2006). They endure dual oppression not only from men but also from themselves, lying in the subordinate social position without the privilege to manage their own lives. In this male-dominated world, men stifle women’s development from every aspect.Firstly, they strain every nerve to confine women in the house to ma ke sure that women’s ignorance has not been corrupted by the society and they are satisfied to be the lovely “vase”. Although men provide women with protection, clothing and food sources, they have an essential prerequisite that men should hold primacy as well as the control of women. Women are imprisoned at home wanting economic independence. The exclusive approach for their social status and economic warranty is to marry and give birth to babies.Secondly, men also spiritually suppress women. They may yield to women and satisfy their all kinds of small requirements about the household affairs; nevertheless once women have independent opinions, they will feel panic and pull every string to hold them back. For instance, when Scarlett buys a lumber mill and decides to operate by herself, her husband Frank, though a coward, still feels unacceptable: “Frank, in common with all men he knew, felt that a wife should be guided by her husband’s superior knowledge, should accept his opinions in full andhave none of her own” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). Therefore men’s tolerance is on the premise of the assurance of the male-centered status. In fact, men would rather give everything in the world to women than allow women to have intelligence and independent views. I n men’s opinion, “women should be confined to the domestic sphere, nurturing children, maintaining the household and serving their husbands” (Deborah L.Madsen, 2). If a woman shows her any intellectual advantage, people will isolate her, reputing that she has go beyond her due responsibilities which are generally defined as dressing, dancing and house management.Regrettably, women are imperceptibly influenced by the location given from men. Southern mothers in Gone with the Wind act as the executor of ethical codes, inhibiting young girls’ development of their true colors. Take Scarlett as an example, she is educated to be an obedient lady even from childhood. Her mother and black mammy have always tried their best to instill those indispensable qualities of a lady into her. “You must be more gentle, dear, more sedate”, “Gentlemen do not like forward girls”, “Young misses should cas’ down dey eyes an’ say, Well, suh, Ah mout’ an’ ‘Jes’ as you say, suh.’” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). Before their marriage, young girls should be tender and lovely with well-educated manners; however as soon as they get married, women become birds, restrained in the house and busy with the household affairsall day. They manage their husbands’ houses and educate their children, consuming their intelligence just in various trivia. More miserable are the widows: wearing the black, no flowers, no lace, no jewelry, no free talks, no social activities and even no laughter, just staying at home and mourning daylong. No wonder the aut hor call this as barbarous as “Hindu Settee” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008).3.2 Social influences on Margaret Mitchell’s female senseGenerally speaking, the author’s thinking, emotion, and value orientation are always keenly connected with and influenced by social currents. The same is true of Margaret’s feminism. Through Gone with the Wind, the author depicts a series of outstanding and tough female images, displaying their enormous contribution to the South. Either its language or the characters’ behaviors are permeated with Margaret’s intensive female consciousness, which actually keeps up with the times.4. Feminism reflected by typical female characters4.1 Feminism in Scarlett O’HaraScarlett O’Hara, the heroine, is an artistic character that has strong, clear-cut, and rebellious individuality. As the apple of her parents’ eyes, she comes on the stage from the age of 16 to 28, during which she has married three husbands, been a widow twice, given birth to three babies and also has spared no efforts to revive the family business. When creating this female image, the author places her under the wild socialbackground of American Civil War and the background of the reconstruction after the war, demonstrates her disposition and manners in multi-aspects of her life in love, war and family with a full reflection of her winding and changing psychological journey; thus brings about for the readers a female who is brave enough to face life, unwilling to be indifferent, and persistent in the pursuit of self-value.In the patriarchal society, Scarlett opposes to the gender discrimination from the bottom of her heart; she is neither reconciled to the passive position nor to the failure; besides, she keeps being herself, and always directly expresses and immediately takes action for what she wants. All of these are the epitomes of her strong sense of feminism. It can be said that she, form beginning to end, is against sexism and the fetters imposed on her by the gender attribution, and does her utmost to look for women’s rights which are equal to or even more than those of men’s with her own practices. She is the perfect embodiment of Virginia Woolf’s “androgyny” thought governed by two kinds of power at the same time: the feminine power, soft on the outside while staunch on the inside; and the masculine power, tender inside despite a hard shell. She overthrows the images of “angels” or “lamias” in the patriarchal literature, and becomes a masculine woman——a woman with men’s wisdom, indomitable will and wild ambitions. As an image with the ideal personality of “androgyny” which is the deconstruction of gender binaryopposition, Scarlett announces Margaret’s strong protest against male-centered values.4.1.1 Fight against traditional conventions and emphasis on self-consciousnessFrench famous sociologist Julia Kristeva once said that “God” in patriarchal religion creates the world: he separates light from darkness, land from ocean, and a variety of animals and human beings from himself, putting over the original chaotic connection. Through similar separation, humans are divided into two categories: men and women. Women are departed from men, turning into wives, daughters, mothers, or being the three at the same time with the function of multiplication (Julia Kristeva, 1974). God seldom talks to women and most of religions in western cultures oppress women’s consciousness. In patriarchal society, God stands up for men, the evidences of which can be traced in the Holy Bible “But I want you to understand that Christ is t he head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ” (Bible, 2008). Therefore women’s rebellion against “God” who defends male rights is an exhibition of their self-consciousness. Scarlett, the heroine, is such a woman w ho is afraid of neither “God” nor men.For Scarlett, religion is just a thing on the lips. When the whole family is praying, her disappointment and sadness have indeed gone with the wind, and she gains a sense of hope; however such comfort is notfrom God but from her mother’s peaceful face as she is praying. In Scarlett’s eyes, her mother Ellen rather than God is her real spiritual backbone and source of wisdom. Therefore when Scarlett leaves her mother, her religious convention becomes quite weak. “Scarlett’s conscience smote her at this last, for it had been months since she had been to church.”(Margaret Mitchell, 2008). In addition, the misery later brought by the war further stops Scarlett from going to the church, praying or communicating with God, for she feels that asking for God’s blessing dose little good to relieve her sufferings. She even questions God’s power and justice in her heart “For some time she had felt that God was not watching out for her, the Confederates or the South, in spite of the millions of prayers ascending to Him daily” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). After pushing through the flames of the war and going through thick and thin, Scarlett return home Tara only to find her mother’s death and the devastated house with nobody and nothing to rely on. The death of her mother completely cuts off the contact between God and her, and becomes the symbol of her non-believing. The so-called “Omniscient and omnipotent” God cannot give her strength, nor can he be the one that can be counted on. Hence, she dose what she wants to do, says what she wants to say, and creates her own life with her own hands, regardless of the God’s will.From the very beginning she denies accepting the marriageproposed by her father. At the barbeque in the Twelve Oaks, she casts off lady’s style, takes the initiative to reveal her true love to Ashely and even proposes the idea of elopement. She throws off family bondage, steps out of the cave of “home” into society and no longer blindly sacrifices herself to fulfill others. Instead she courageously quests for true self and her value. Through her numerous anti-conventional behaviors, Scarlett demonstrates her outstanding judgments and courage. Her behavior outdoes what the patriarchal society has set for women, expressing w omen’s desire for self-consciousness and independent rights.4.2.2 Dedication of love and unremitting seek for her own happinessAs for the marriage in the traditional patriarchal society, men occupy the positive role while women are passive. However, Scarlett actively keeps searching for her own marriage and true happiness. She chooses to express her deep love to Ashely instead of accepting the marriage selected by her father. Although her later marriages are resulted from life forces, they are her own decisions. She is the rare master of her love and marriage in that era.For many years, there is only one man in her heart——Ashely. In order to win his love, she simpers, pretends to be innocent and shows her off with every means which she despises so much. For this blind love, she would rather to raise Ashely’s whole family. Furthermore, she is even willing to give up her lumber mill’s half profits just for Ashely’s stay.After Ashely’s return from the war, he has nothing except depression and inability. However Scarlett, who always disdains the weak and the coward, shows her great tolerance and understanding to him, taking every possible measure to support him materially. Lost in her love, Scarlett considers Ashely as a deity. She would give everything even her life to do what he wants. But when she stands a chance to get Ashely, she miserably finds that he is not her “Mr. Right”. “He never really existed at all, except in my imagination” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). She realizes her real beloved is Rhett, the man who stands behind her but quietly supports and loves her. But unfortunately it is too late to realize it because Rhett, with a deeply broken heart, decides to leave her. Although Scarlett is at her wits’ end for a while, she regains her fighting spirit. She makes up her mind to get him back. She believes that she can make it as long as she has determined to do. She will not and neither can she admit failure. Her fate and her happiness are in her own hands. Therefore in Scarlett’s sub-consciousness, she has strong awareness of male conquest.4.2 Feminism in Ellen O’HaraIf Scarlett can be defined as a representative who is full of rebellious thoughts, then her mother Ellen O’Hara is a fore type of those traditional southern women who are all well-bred girls, good wives, loving mothers and the backbone of southern civilization and social morality. The following part will analyze feminism in traditional femalecharacters represented by Ellen O’Hara.4.2.1 Pursuit of true love and free marriageScarlett’s mother Ellen, a typical noble and elegant female character, is a faultless woman with selfless love. Although she abides by the traditional conventions, she is also a girl with flesh and blood, thought and love. When her love is against ethical codes, she also flares resistant sparks, showing her self-consciousness. At the age of fifteen, Ellen irrevocably falls in love with her cousin Philip, a playboy. Her father firmly objects to it and manage to extrude Philip. Later Philip dies of a bar rio ting. His death takes away all of Ellen’s hope. She adopts the only way a girl can take to fight against her father’s autocracy——forcing her father to agree with her own choice of marriage with the threat of being a nun. She buries her desperation down in her heart and exhausts her life in selfless dedication to her family. However on her deathbed, what she calls out are not the names of her daughters or her husband, but her beloved Philip. Although her fight dose not make her live with her lover, it reflects women’s longing and pursuit for free love and self-directed marriage. This obviously oversteps the meaning of love and marriage themselves and extends to the pursuance of human rights and women’s independence.4.2.2 Model motherThe role of mother constantly occupies a special position in American literature. Mothers are considered to be kind, tender, diligentand responsible. The other honorable female roles such as wives, volunteers, teachers, and authors are all defined as the extension of motherhood in literature since they are all regarded as persons who unstintingly give people love, help and spiritual guidance just like mothers. Ellen is such a perfect kind of mothers. Her standard manners set a good example for others and she also serves as the living and spiritual backbone of the family.6. ConclusionGone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell is one of the most popular of all time. The author of Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell, an American modern woman writer. She is frequently neglected by critics. Many people neglect the value of feminist learning contained in her work. So in her novel, we can find her idea of women’s equality and independence with men.Gone with the Wind is a very successful commercial novel; however it doesn’t get enough attention from the literary critics accordingly. If we focus on the limited critiques of Gone with the Wind, we can find that the novel was discussed only as a realistic romance. Few scholars analyze the novel from the feminist perspective. Actually, Gone with the Wind turns out turns out to be a valuable target to be studied and analyzed from the feminist perspective. The value of feminist leaning contained in the novel is very obvious.The author of Gone with the Wind is a woman who was deeply influenced with Feminism. The story of Gone with the Wind is set during the American Civil War and Reconstruction period. At that time, in the South, men were the dominance of women. In order to obey the passive femininity, the Southern women needed to appear timid, helpless, and feeble. They didn’t have the fundamental political and civil rights. And their economic and educational opportunities were also very limiter. This paper has analyzed the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel by analyzing the changes Scarlett gone through before the war, during the war and after the warThere are many lively and vivid characters in Gone with the Wind, and the most important one is Scarlett O’Hara. She is an extraordinarily energetic woman. Scarlett has the courage to survive the horrors and chaos of the war years. Her transformation is closely associated with the changing Southern culture and society. What impress the reader most is her constant feminist leanings which become and more noticeable in the novel. According to the analysis done by the thesis, it is found that Gone with the Wind is a valuable work which contains feminist leanings. We should read it and study it from different perspectives.At last, as the limitation of the thesis, the paper ends here, but it is obvious that researches on Gone with the Wind。
关键词:<<飘>>;女权主义;自我意识;自由AbstractThe novel Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular American novels. The story takes place in the Southern plantations before the American Civil War. This paper focuses on the rebellious and pioneering spirit of Scarlett undoubtedly reflecting the heroine’s pursuit of self—awareness and liberty. Scarlett's feminism is reflected respectively before the war,during the war and after the war,which reveals the vivid picture of Scarlett's character in the novel.Before the war,Scarlett abandoned etiquette and restraint that a lady should have at that time and dared to pursue her real love.Her anger exploded after she was refused. Thus,feminism is reflected in the action of Scarlett completely.During the war,in order to survive,Scarlett discarded elegance and grace that a lady should possess.She searched the economic and life independence which was really challenged to males. After the war,Scarlett broke all the conventional shackles and dared to seek for her self-value.From the above analysis, it is easily drew the conclusion that Scarlett represent the awakening of new generation. This paper gives women in modern society new sprite to overcome their hardships. Even though women in modern society suffer more than man, especially for those famous ones, they will do best with their own wisdom and their hands.Key words:Gone with the Wind;feminism ;self—awareness and liberty目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1 Introduction (1)1.1 The background of this novel (1)1.2 The definition of female consciousness (2)1.3 The significance of the study (3)2 The growth of Scarlett's female awakening before the war (4)2.1 The character of young Scarlett (4)2.2 Growth of Scarlett's courage to express her love (4)3The explosion of Scarlett's female awakening during the war (5)4 The high peak of Scarlett’s female awakening after war (6)4.1 The second marriage of Scarlett (6)4.2 The economic independence of Scarlett after war (6)4.3 The Scarlett’s understanding of true love (8)5 Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)Acknowledgments (12)1 Introduction1.1 The background of this novelAtlanta native Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel of the Civil War(1861-65) and Reconstruction in Georgia, Gone With the Wind, occupies an important place in any history of twentieth-century American literature. Dismissed by most academic literary critics for being uneven, flawed, and conventionally written in an age marked by literary experimentation, and attacked by some cultural commentators as promulgating racist myths and undermining the very foundations of its basically feminist paradigm, the best-selling novel of the twentieth century continues to withstand its detractors. Upon its publication, reviewers drew comparisons with William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair and Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. Margaret Mitchell claimed not to have read Thackeray's novel until she had completed her Civil War saga and confessed her inability ever to get very far in Tolstoy's monumental work. She did admit her saturation in Charles Dickens and her sense that her work was a “Victorian' type novel.” [1]Mitchell chose an epic moment in American history and never flinched in bringing it to life on a grand scale; a creative energy reminiscent of the nineteenth century drives the work. Mitchell also wrote a distinctly feminist novel. She sounded the note early with the narrator's comment that “at no time, before or since, had so low a premium been placed on feminine naturalness, and she mercilessly exposed a southern patriarchy that requires that women be flatteringly subservient to males, no matter how much less intelligent and capable.”The inherent racism of the novel is more difficult to defend. Characteristic of her generation of southerners is Mitchell's unquestioning acceptance of the essential inferiority of African Americans, whom she presents, in a few distasteful instances, in nonhuman terms. Melded with that prejudice, contradictorily, is evidence of her great respect for some members of the race. Such a bifurcated vision is the very dilemma that Mississippi author William Faulkner wrestled with his entire writing career. In the novel Mitchell merely accepts the institution of slavery and fails to recognize thestrength and courage of those who rebelled against their status as slaves.What she presents well is an array of portraits of an unlettered African American peasantry, ranging from the nobility, shrewdness, loyalty, and affection of Mammy to the foolishness of Prissy. Like William Shakespeare, Mitchell has her fools among all classes. No one has yet criticized her portrayal of Honey Wilkes. Margaret Mitchell was proud of the fact that she had tried to convey accurately the speech of the old African Americans of her acquaintance without resorting to the entangled dialect of Joel Chandler Harris, and she reacted against all the stock figures, white and black, of the sentimental plantation novels that preceded Gone with the Wind.1.2 The definition of female consciousnessPsychologically speaking “consciousness” is often defined as, “A sense of one's personal or collective identity, including the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or group.”[2]Therefore "female consciousness" usually refers to the way women relate to themselves and what it means to be female.Female consciousness is woman’s self-consciousness of status, influence and value as the subject in the objective world[3]It is a personal motive to stimulate women’s pursuit for independence, freedom, initiative, creativity. Concretely speaking, female consciousness means women wake up and fulfill her historical mission, social responsibility, personal obligation; meanwhile they know their self-feature well and take part in social activities in their own ways. The establishment and development of female consciousness is a process of changing and enrichment and development of the society. The standards of female consciousness’ status are still in research. Peking University scholars Fu Xin and Wang Sufang claimed that the wakening and improvement of female consciousness’s manifest in four main aspects: women realize themselves as the subjects in the society, this realization is one of the universal attributes to human beings, according to human beings’ overall necessities to establish their lives spontaneously; they realize women’s special qualities and portray a real female quality in harmony with their physiology and psychology; they understand and play a variety of roles in balance; they regards man properly and can work with manin harmony[4]. I think the standards of wakening should include the sex consciousness, which requires women to be self-respective、self-confident but not self-abased、self-flabby; they can take a correct judgment on the two sexes, insisting on sexual equality, but not male superiority nor female inferiority or woman supremacists; the female groups consciousness’ awakening begin with self-respect, self-confidence, independence, and towards to female groups’ self-reliance.1.3 The significance of the studyOn one hand, this paper studies the change on Scarlett given people a thoughtful impression on statue of the women. It also gives people a vivid picture of the life of the women. People traditionally think that women are the subordinate things to men. “But the heroin Scarlett’s up-growing experiences and the wars show the awoke feminine consciousness and the progress of the era,which means a challenge to man -dominated society.” [5] It encourages more and more women fighting for their own value that woman are the independent ones which also are equal to men. It also gives people a new impression that women aren’t worse than men, sometimes, they do better than men who is totally over through the traditional value toward society and the life.On the other hand, today, lots of people in the society are willing to obey the rule of the society whether the rule is correct or not. The spirit of Scarlett is also the tower to us which gives women strength to raise their heads and live by themselves. It also predicts that our society will be of harmony and equality between the women and the man. [6]2 The growth of Scarlett's female awakening before the war2.1 The character of young ScarlettAt the opening of the novel, the author depicts a quiet peaceful picture. Before the start of the Civil War, the South still practiced. However, the slavery economy the traditional concept of the entire region is extremely serious. Men in the family occupy an absolutely dominant position, while women were fully bound by family tradition. As stated in the text, "Marriage girls in addition to doing something else, must be gentle, lovely, beautiful, but after marriage, people will expect them to take care of a family of over one hundred people, including whites and blacks.” [7] But Scarlett was never ready to stoop to the stronger. Her mother teaches her to become a lady, even though; it is hard to change her attitude toward life and happiness. She wasn’t ready to be that ignorant girl who obeyed the laws the society ordered her. Her action was always contrasted to her mother. She always liked to play with boys and crumbed to the tree. She refused to eat like a bird, and became the commodity to let male to choose.2.2 Growth of Scarlett's courage to express her loveScarlett dared to express her love to the man named Ashley Wilkes who she was truly loved after hearing he would marry his cousin Melanie Hamilton and the announcement would be announced the next day at a barbecue at his family’s home, the nearby plantation Twelve Oaks. When Scarlett is alone with Ashley, she confesses her love for him. He admits he finds Scarlett attractive, but says that he and the gentle Melanie are more compatible. She accuses Ashley of misleading her and slaps him in anger, which is heightened when she re alizes that Rhett has overheard the whole conversation. “Sir, you are no gentleman!” she protests, to which he replies, “And you, miss, are no lady!” [8] All the description of Scarlett that gives us a new impression because her action was totally contrasting to a lady that society required. But her action was just the beginning of defeating the traditional rule which controlled women.3The explosion of Scarlett's female awakening during the warDuring the war Scarlet’s t awareness of female has been de veloped. In the civil war men had to attend war outside, it also means that women had to take more work of life; meanwhile, they had more space and liberty. Under this condition, Scarlett’s female consciousness gradually became stronger and fully developed. It is easily to draw the conclusion that the outside environment created a condition for Scarlett latter actions. After two weeks marriage, Scarlett already became a widow from a maiden. But she wasn’t ready to accept her widow life, “no social activity, no dance, and all day she had to do is wearing ugly black mourning, and even worse, the widow must not be interested in the accompanied men.”[8]But the change of the environment ,Scarlett felt a little better .Much to her happiness ,Charles left a large amount of heritage, for the more and more nervous relationship between the north and south ,women in Atlanta were mobilized to support the war .One time the hospital hold a party to collect contributions .In the party, Scarlett met a strange person ,whose name was Rhett .And Scarlett remembered that he was just the person who had seen her action to Ashley .Rhett invited Scarlett to have a dance ,though she was criticized by all the woman around her, Scarlett accepted the invitation .After this case ,Scarlett became more and more open to things around her .The war was terrible ,but it also gave Scarlett a chance to fight with the old customThe other women were simply silly and hysterical with theirtalkofpatriotism and the Cause, and the men were almost as bad with their talk ofvital issues and States’ Rights. She, Scarlett O’Hara Hamilton, alone hadgood hard-headed Irish sense. She wasn’t going to make a fool out ofherself about the Cause, but neither was she going to make a fool out ofherself by admitting her true feelings. She was hard-headed enough to bepractical about the situation, and no one would ever know how she felt. [8]4 The high peak of Scarlett’s female awakening after war4.1 The second marriage of ScarlettGerald O'Hara dies after he is thrown from his horse while chasing a Yankee carpetbagger, one of his former plantation workers, off his property. Scarlett is left to care for the family, and realizes she cannot pay the taxes on Tara. Knowing that Rhett is in Atlanta and believing he is still rich, she has Mammy make an elaborate gown for her from her mother’s drapes. However, when her visit, Rhett tells her his foreign bank accounts have been blocked, and that her attempt to get his money has been in vain. However, as she depar ts, she encounters her sister’s fiancé, the middle-aged Frank Kennedy, who now owns a successful general store and lumber mill. Soon Scarlett is Mrs. Frank Kennedy. In the eyes of other people Scarlett is really a bad woman, because that she dares to occup y her sister’s lover. On the contrary, it also reflected that she understand her ability to her family. The other people in her family even though the men they were stronger than her but none of them could solver the problem. In order to protect her land and give her family a safety home she should have done in this way. To be honest, she scarified herself to exchange the whole family’s safety life. On the other side, the action which she was taken to get Frank was disregard by other. But she had no other choice; this is the only solution she had to choose. From the action Scarlett was taken, it could draw the conclusion that Scarlett was a wise woman, because she could use her effort to change her destiny and the whole family’s life.But Scarlett’s action reflected that she didn’t totally understand the true love. In her eye the love was just the exchange material. It is true that she is a selfish woman. But she decides to save the whole family and Tara. After return Tara Scarlett was the only one who supported the whole family. Her action reflected that woman sometimes was more useful than men.4.2 The economic independence of Scarlett after warScarlett’s second husband Frank wasn’t good at business. But he was also atradition man. He always thinks that a woman should be beauty, gentle, weak and stupid. At first, he considered Scarlett was that kind of woman. But after two weeks marriage life, he learned that Scarlett wasn’t that kind of person at all. It is really a pity! But he was a gentleman. A gentleman should have the ability to control his wife. Frank was that kind of person. His character was as following.Scarlett was his wife and a wife was entitled to the loyalty of her husband.Furthermore, he could not bring himself to believe she had married himcoldly and with no affection for him at all. His masculine vanity would notpermit such a thought to stay long in his mind. It was more pleasant tothink she had fallen so suddenly in love with him she had been willing tolie to get him. But it was all very puzzling. He knew he was no great catchfor a woman half his age and pretty and smart to boot, but Frank was agentleman and he kept his bewilderment to himself. Scarlett was his wifeand he could not insult her by asking awkward questions which, after all,would not remedy matters.[8]But Scarlett wasn’t that kind of wife which he wished. She becomes a hardheaded businesswoman. Scarlett wasn’t a good lady in that society. But her thought already broke the old treaty of the society women must rely on men. What Scarlett had done thoughtfully reflected that women could break out from men, home, and kids? They could have their own way of life and try their best to reach their honor in society. Scarlett was the first lady who realized that a woman could handle business matters as well as or better than a man. Her ambition had been seen when she first went to Frank business shop.A startling thought this, that a woman could handle business matters aswell as or better than a man, a revolutionary thought to Scarlett who hadbeen reared in the tradition that men were omniscient and women none toobright. Of course, she had discovered that this was not altogether true butthe pleasant fiction still stuck in her mind. Never before had she put thisremarkable idea into words. She sat quite still, with the heavy book acrossher lap, her mouth a little open with surprise, thinking that during the leanmonths at Tara she had done a man’s work and done it well. She had beenbrought up to believe that a woman alone could accomplish nothing, yetshe had managed the plantation without men to help her until Will came.Why, why, her mind stuttered, I believe women could manage everythingin the world without men’s help—except having babies, and God knows,no woman in her right mind would have babies if she could help it[8].When Scarlett becomes a hardheaded businesswoman, she is willing to trade with the despised Yankee carpetbaggers and use convict laborers in her mill. When Ashley is about to take a job offer with a bank in the north, Scarlett preys on his weakness by weeping that she needs him to help run the mill; pressured by the sympathetic Melanie, he relents. All the effort that Scarlett had done made her a wealth woman, although some persons also criticize her.4.3 The Scarlett’s understanding of true loveDuring Scarlett’s time, women take marriage seriously and want to change their fate through marriage. But Scarlett regards her marriage as trifling matters. Scarlett’s father believes that the best marriages should be arranged by the parents for the girl. Scarlett’s first love is with Ashley though Scarlett doesn’t understand him at all. He is weak in character, which Scarlett dislikes, but she still loves Ashley. She falls in love with him even when she is a young girl. She just gives her pure love to him blindly for a long time.In fact, Scarlett and Ashley are of different types, the former being brave, energetic, and realistic, who has the very courage to face all the difficulties during and after the Civil War, while the latter being weak, and meditative, who always indulges himself in the reminiscence about the life of the old South and fails to adjust to the new life. Scarlett is strong enough, but as a woman who is influenced unconsciously by the conventional education, she still needs someone to encourage and help hersometimes. But Ashley can do nothing at this aspect and he is even frightened to start a new life. In the past years she has ignored and refused Rhett’s love. In fact the real man, who loves her, understands her, and always helps her is Rhett. It is Rhett who helps her out of the bondage of mourning, who saves her through the fire and explosions; who comforts her when she wakes up from the horrible nightmare.No man does such things without deep love in his heart. Scarlett is alike Rhett very much: they are all selfish and they will try all means to achieve their goals. They seem to be made for each other. In fact, Scarlett has already trusted in him and depended on him when she affiliates with him, but she doesn’t realize her love to him. Rhett to Scarlett, in the final scene: "You were such a child, my dear, I wanted to marry you and protect you". Rhett is such a man who can understands Scarlett and a man who has the ability to offer her support and help. He asks her to ignore the social conventions and encourages her to start her own business with the money given by him. He wants Scarlett to forget Ashley, but after long efforts he still cannot change her love and let her accept and understand his love for her. He feels frustrated and tired. In the end he gives up and confesses. “I’m sorry for you-sorry to see you throwing away happiness with both hands and reaching out for something that would never make you happy…”[8] But Scarlett realizes her feelings at last. However when she wants to tell him she loves him and she wants to restore their love, it becomes too late. The tragedy has taken place. Her daughter has died, and Rhett is tired and decides to leave her.Anyway, Scarlett is determined enough to handle the difficulties by thinking “tomorrow is another day” and “things always look better in the morning”. In her mind, tomorrow will be new and different. So she wants to return to her homeland, where she thinks she can find the source of her strength, and by building a bright “tomorrow”, she can win Rhett’s love back.5 ConclusionFrom the above analysis, we can know Scarlett is great self-respect and independence women. This essay mainly carries on the analysis to Scarlett’s disposition to demonstrate the female awaken in her body, at the same time in relief in the work a self-respect, striving to improve supports oneself, dares to resist, dares female image which pursues. The article through conducts the research and the analysis about Scarlett’s actions before the war that she dared to broke the traditional lady image and to express her true love; during the war, she broke up her rebel on sale campaign and supported the whole family by her own shoulder; and after the war her female awakening reached the high peak through her second marriage, economic independence and the understanding of her true love. All the above analysis reflected that the 19th century feminine society and take Scarlett as representatives’ feminine image, it subverted the male power society the female to take “object” the traditional ideas, expressed one latent feminine principle consciousness and the rebel spirit, has manifested the female regarding the self-vale and the independent consciousness pursue.This paper also has an important influence on the development of the American society. In the traditional society, the women was of low status, therefore they stooped to compromise and became the accessory of the man willingly. “The minority has realized the injustice of the society and that women should share the common rights. As a result, they struggled by taking some actions, which was the awakening of the female’s consciousness.” The awakening of the female is a long history in American society, and every steps is hard for woman. This paper gives women in modern society new sprite to overcome their hardships. Even though women in modern society suffer more than man, especially for those famous ones, they will do best with their own wisdom and their hands. It gives more and more women strength to struggle for their dream.Bibliography[1] 李亮,2010,斯佳丽的女性自我意识[J],《安顺学院学报》(1):52-53。
关于《飘》的英文论文Last erican Film Institute released its list of the 100 best American films of all time. Not surprisingly, Gone antic melodrama is undoubtedly one of the most popular and beloved motion pictures ever to grace the silver screen, it is also arguably the most overrated. Gone ovie, perhaps bordering on being great, but its subject matter and running time (inutes too long) argue against its status as a masterpiece. As for its high placing on the AFI‟s list... it isn‟t the only travesty on that roste r, but it is one of the most obvious.Gone ply put, a tale of tovie is divided by an intermission into a pair of roughly-equal segments. The first, e period of the Civil argaret Mitchell‟s best-selling 1936 book. It‟s essentially a sumptuous soap opera se t around Civil itchell, ost spirited of the three O‟Hara girls, and her father, seeing her as his successor, teaches her lessons about the importance of the land. “It‟s the only thing that lasts... the only thing ments in the face of arry the gentle, demure Melanie Hamilton (Olivia 34 收集与整理,!De Havilland). elanie ake a much better mediately after this meeting, Scarlett has her first encounter art hero ultaneously repel and attract one another. arks, “Y ou, Sir, are no gentleman,” Rhett‟s smiling, easy response is, “And you‟re no lady.”The bulk of the film folloantic quadrangle as it unfolds against the backdrop of probably bees her best friend. Rhett is smitten , but the real question is hoately, y dear, I don‟t give a damn” to her plaintive query about .The pre-intermission portion of Gone inutes, is glorious from both a visual and an emotional standpoint. It‟s a grand tale of love and loss in the midst of this country‟s most bitter portantly, it shoent from a vain, spoiled brat into a hardened, determined young an. Her relationship or, and a number of breathtaking shots of Scarlett silhouetted against a reddish sunset or the backdrop of Atlanta in flames. The film‟s most lingering image -- that of thousands of Confederate ovie.The second half, -or-not relationship aterial, and, even as istaking it for anything else. If it didn‟t run on for so long, it ore bearable, but Gone e long before the end title appears. The problem is that the bulk of the story is really told in the first half, so there‟s a lot of filler in the post-intermission material.Gone antic monument to the Old South -- an homage to an era and a lifestyle long gone. The opening title states: “There ore than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone 收集与整理,!.” This clearly illustrates …s sympathies lies, and it isn‟t plig ht of the slaves (in fact, slavery is largely treated as a neutral, or even benevolent, institution). One of the tests of the lasting impact of any film is determining any ofthe people involved have long since died. Of course, period pieces should not b e constrained by the era in ade, only by the one in odern” for the 1930s, is a little tame for the 1990s (hence the MPAA‟s “G” rating), but, in its three-dimensional depiction of Scarlett and Rhett, it‟s rarely naive. The dialogue is often brilliant, and some of the Rhett/Scarlett exchanges are particularly clever. Gone ing hopelessly maudlin by peppering the lengthy storyline orous sequences.Probably as much has been ost by accident after an exhaustive casting period; he istry isn‟t as overing as that of Bogart and Bergman, it‟s pretty close. As uch or more than their ore truthful. The characters are fascinating, both on their oanipulator (beart as he is, he can‟t help falling for her.共2页: 1 [2]There are a number of noteost screen time (aside from Gable and Leigh) are Leslie Hopathy for them and their plight. elanie are out of their league. Another standout is Hattie McDaniel, my (the housekeeper at Tara) steals scenes from the more prominent characters. McDaniel brings Mammy to life, and, ensional, she‟s real. Mammy is also evidence that Gone e of Victor Fleming (The the project.) Instead, Gone34 收集与整理,!ovie‟s development. As Producer or Executive Producer, Selznick ental in making over 50 films, including titles like King Kong, A Tale of Tatographers, Selznick proved to be the creative glue that held Gone ed him for years.To date, no film has sold more box-office tickets than Gone estically, the tally almost doubles that for the phenomenally-popular Titanic. Of course, ovie otion picture -- it ovie- goers have changed over the years, it‟s easy to see provoked such an outpouring of praise and adulation during its initial release, and 收集与整理,!。
关于“飘”英文文献综述范文The Integrity of Human and Nature———An Analysis of Gone with the Wind from thePerspective of Eco-feminismIt’s generally accepted that Gone with the Wind is a popular novel except a few people thought it is not worth reading. Due to some controversial problems had been discussed in the book so the novel was neglected for a long time by critics, such as its descriptions of the black, of the reconstruction after the war and of ku klux klan and so on. However, Donald W. Miller praised the book as a great epic which influences a number of people of different generations and nations. Recently people come to realize there is something significant behind the big work so that more and more people are addressing themselves to study it from many perspectives.Firstly, there are some essays about the relationship between Margaret Mitchell and Scarlett. Carolyn Gage, described a true-life Mitchell who suffered great grief after her f iancé’s death and then got flash marriage to a bootlegger which took her little happiness, later, even though she enjoyed a fast pace of life she could not escape the stigma of her gender, so when Mitchell reinvested herself in the novel she rewrote life the way she thought it should have been, therefore, she created a right man instead of the dashing and sexually charismatic alcoholic. In this way, Gage concluded that Mitchell’s writing purpose was to reveal thedelusion of female life and escape from her shadowy preceding life, so Gage appealed that females should not live in dream under the patriarchal society, but take Scarlett for example,to live in present and pursue what they need.Secondly, female consciousness of tomorrow catches people’s attention. Luo Minyu considered Scarlett’s consciousness of tomorrow as a kind of expectation: expecting the equality between men and women, a peaceful world and happy homeland and a true love.Thirdly, another popular topic is the comparison between Scarlett and some females in other works, such as Jane Eyre or Wang Xifeng. Zhai Xu compared Scarlett and Wang Xifeng and thought that they were a typical paragon of feminism who possessed the awareness of Women’s Awakening; both were brave, strong-minded, independent and rebellious against the restrictions which set against the females by the society of their own time. Fourth, the Tara Theme is also noticeable, and Vicki L. Eaklor pointed out that “Tara Theme” was the story’s musical leitmotif as Tara was repeated frequently in the novel and it was Scarlette’s spiritual pillar. The war destroys Scarlett’s family as well as her happy life, but it did not defeat Scarlett as she had Tara beside her which gave her strength, every time she got into trouble she turned to Tara for comfort and encouragement, while Tara had trouble,Scarlett safeguarded it by all means.Besides, a majority of professors analyzed the novel from the perspective of feminism. Both Gu Shaoyang and Wang Yanli acclaimed the novel was a great one, not only because it reflected female’s self-awareness, especially after the war broken out and women had to go out to realize their economic independence, but also because it confirmed women’s contribution to the society, praised their fraternity, selflessness and rebellious spirit, and revealed the belief that women should be liberated from families. Wu Shijuan and Xie Jingzhi also thought that Scarlettwas a heroic female since she dared to break the traditional prejudice that “females are inferior to males”. She was brave enough to walk out of the house and entered into the “patriarchy’s world”and competed against the men for her economic independence. In Liu Xiaoyong’s essay, he pointed out that Scarlett was increasingly maturing and in the end became a Southern new woman with strong feminist leanings along with the advance of war and industrialization. When it comes to Zhou Yaming, he deeply analyzed Scarlett’s struggle, success and failure and her psychical conflict in her pursuit of material and love, and then he put forward that Rhett, one of the representatives of male, his leaving possibly meant the male’s loss to conquer female; meanwhile, Scarlett suffered great loss: she lost her true love and happy life. And in the game no one won. Therefore, Zhou concluded that this complex bisexual relationship reflected Mitchell’s desire, rebel, conquer and regression toward male, and her wish of a harmony bisexual relationship.In addition, some critics tried to analyze the novel from the perspective of eco-feminism, which studies the close relationship between female and nature. This is a most novel and interesting way to analyze the book. Zhen Jigen generalized that Tara and the lumber mill were the resources for Scarlett’s eco-feminism, in which it was not the male who conquered and oppressed the land as well as conquered the female, but a young lady who called Scarlett conquered the land and men’s will, as Scarlett unexpectedly disobeyed her second husband’s will to operate the lumber mill and proved rather successfully; when she came back to Tara during the war she could manage the plantation without the help of man and finally possessed the supremedominion. So Zhen concluded that these behaviors were a good match with the ecofeminist’s opinion, that female and nat ure were linked together in the term of creating and maintaining life, and natural process abode by female principles of motile creativity, diversity, integrity, sustainability and sanctity of life. When it came to Cao Peihong, she focused on the three kinds of links between nature and women. First link was a symbolic one which stated women’s “naturalized”and nature’s “feminized”; second one was the experiential link about the hardships and humiliation suffered by women and nature in patriarchal societies; third one was about females and nature’status link which embodied in females’folly and nature’identification as the field and background of human activities. Then she discussed in detail about their mutual dependence ——females were caretakers of nature while nature was the haven for females. Take house (which was an important part of nature according to eco-feminist) for example, Cao acclaimed women playing a great role in managing the house and plantation before, during and after the war; and the reasons why women were willing to commit any kind of sacrifice lied in houses’illustration of women’s beauty and traits, as houses were the place for women to convey their feeling through the order and decorations and furniture; but the most important thing was women had a deep love for those dwellings, in a word, houses as well as nature were haven for women in hard time.To sum up, the above critical reviews on Gone with the Wind may represent the major achievements of the studies of this novel in the recent decades. These studies have effectively advanced the exploration of the novel, broadened readers’vision as well as deepened readers’comprehension ofit. The eco-feminism theory sums up early scholars’two separate topic of feminism and Tara Theme, and then analyzes the novel from a new way which links nature and female together. However, the essays of eco-feminism only use the theory to analyze Scarlett’s eco-feminism thoughts and her relative manifestations, in the novel it appears as Scarlett’s deep attachment to Tara and her every endeavor toprotect it from being destroyed, in turn, Tara is her spiritual pillar which will help her come through every difficulty. But the purpose and significance of the eco-feminism have not been further exposited. On the one hand, the reason why Scarlett tried her best to strive for more rights and final say was not only to satisfy her vanity but to be as free as men and to be treated equally as men. On the other hand, the purpose of eco-feminism is not to establish a society where female are at last over or conquer male, but pursue the balance between female and male, human and nonhuman nature, especially nowadays, due to many reasons, women haven’t fully displayed their talents to better the world which suffers the crises of ecological environment and threat of wars, which shows the relationship between nature and human beings is not so harmonious.Therefore, in this thesis, the eco-feministic point of view will be used to figure out the close relationship between female and nature in the novel to encourage the society especially the patriarchy-centered society to treat feminism seriously and respect them; to encourage the feminists to care for the ecology, and to do more by their strength to be against wars in the world since wars destroy the lands and kill people which both belong to the nature;to encourage the society to build a new environment where female and male, human and nonhumannature are equal and harmonious.Bibliography:[1]Cao Peihong. A Study of Eco-feminism in Gone with the wind[D].Northeast Normal University, 2007.[2]Gage, Carolyn.T ara and Other Lies-Margaret and the real RhettButler[J]. On the Issues, V ol. 6, No. 2; Pg. 34; 1997.[3]Liu Xiaoyong.Scarlett O Hara: An Increasingly Maturing SouthernNew Woman [D]. Hunan Normal University, 2003.[4]Madsen, L. Debirag. Feminist Theory and Literary Practice[M]. PlutoPress, 2006.[5]Miller, W. Donald. “Gone With the Wind: An American Epic.”/doc/f81830222.html,/miller/miller22.html.2007-04/2008-05-23.[6]Vicki L. Eaklor. Striking Chords and Touching Nerves: Myth andGender in Gone with the wind./doc/f81830222.html,/2002/features/gwtw /[7]Zhou Xianghua.The Fate Concerto of Nature and Women[D].Nanchang Univeristy, 2007.[8]顾韶阳,王丽艳. 《飘》与妇女觉醒——《飘》中女性价值观浅析[J]. 西安外国语学院报, 2003(09): 67-69.[9]罗闵钰. 解读《飘》的“明天意识”[J]. 昆明大学学报,2005(1):38-42.[10]吴世娟. 漫谈《飘》中的女性主义思想[J]. 焦作大学学报,2006(10): 28-29.[11]谢景芝. 《飘》中郝思嘉形象魅力解读[J]. 河南大学学报,2005(2):85-88.[12]翟旭.《红楼梦》中的王熙凤与《飘》中的郝思嘉[J]. 沈阳师范大学学报, 2007(5):113-115.[13]张京晨.《飘》中的战争与女性[J]. 北京市计划劳动管理干部学院学报,2006(1): 61-63.[14]郑际根. 种植园土壤上的女权主义之花——《飘》中女主人公郝思嘉[J]. 湘潭师范学院学报,2007(06): 118-119.[15]周亚明. 郝思嘉女性意识的深度审视[J]. 洛阳师范大学学院学报,2006(06): 66-68.。
推荐《飘》英语作文Title: The Enduring Appeal of "Gone with the Wind"In the vast landscape of literary classics, few works have captivated readers' hearts and imaginations like Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind." This epic novel, set against the backdrop of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era, is not just a story of love and loss; it is a portrayal of the resilience and complexity of the human spirit. Its rich narrative, compelling characters, and profound themes have made it a timeless tale that continues to resonate with readers across the globe.The story follows the life of Scarlett O'Hara, a young woman whose world is turned upside down by the events of the Civil War. From the comfort of her privileged life in the antebellum South, Scarlett is thrust into a world of hardship and uncertainty. Yet, through adversity, she emerges stronger and more determined, her journey reflecting the resilience of the Southern spirit in theface of adversity.One of the most compelling aspects of "Gone with the Wind" is its intricate portrayal of characters. Scarlett, the protagonist, is a complex figure, her actions and motivations often contradictory yet deeply relatable. Her love for Ashley Wilkes, her marriage to Rhett Butler, and her struggles to maintain her family and fortune amidst the turmoil of war and Reconstruction all contribute to herrich and multifaceted character. The supporting characters, too, are carefully crafted, each with their own unique backstories and motivations, creating a vibrant and complex tapestry of.。
《飘》梗概作文800字英文回答:"Gone with the Wind" is a historical novel written by Margaret Mitchell. Set in the American South during the Civil War and Reconstruction era, the story follows thelife of Scarlett O'Hara, a strong-willed and determined young woman.Scarlett is the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner and is used to a life of luxury and privilege. However, her world is turned upside down when the Civil War breaks out and her family's plantation, Tara, is destroyed. Scarlettis forced to adapt to the harsh realities of war and becomes determined to do whatever it takes to survive and rebuild her life.Throughout the novel, Scarlett goes through many trials and tribulations. She marries three times, first to Charles Hamilton, who dies in the war, then to Frank Kennedy, awealthy businessman, and finally to Rhett Butler, a dashing and charismatic rogue. Despite her marriages, Scarlett's true love is Ashley Wilkes, a man who is married to her cousin, Melanie. Scarlett's obsession with Ashley drives much of the plot and leads her to make questionable decisions.As the war ends and Reconstruction begins, Scarlett faces further challenges. She must navigate the changing social and economic landscape of the South while also dealing with her own personal struggles. Despite her flaws, Scarlett is a strong and resilient character who refuses to be defeated.中文回答:《飘》是玛格丽特·米切尔所写的一部历史小说。
飘读后感作文模板英语英文回答:Gone with the Wind Essay Template。
Begin with a hook that captures the reader's attention.Introduce Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "Gone with the Wind."Provide a brief overview of the novel's setting, themes, and main characters.Body Paragraph 1: Scarlett O'Hara。
Discuss Scarlett's complex and controversial character. Analyze her strengths and weaknesses, including herdetermination, selfishness, and resilience.Examine her motivations and actions throughout the novel.Body Paragraph 2: Rhett Butler。
Describe Rhett's enigmatic and charming personality.Explore his love-hate relationship with Scarlett.Discuss his role as a catalyst for change and self-discovery in Scarlett's life.Body Paragraph 3: The American Civil War。
Explore the impact of the Civil War on the characters and the setting.Analyze how the war shapes the characters' lives and challenges their beliefs.Discuss the novel's portrayal of the war's devastation and aftermath.Body Paragraph 4: Themes。
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——杨绛关于“飘”《飘》(Gone With The Wind)英文的原著名叫“gone with the wind”,我觉得翻译为“飘”特别贴切,其文字表面意为随风而走及飘。
作文:《飘》中的爱与坚韧英文版本Gone with the Wind is a classic novel written by American author Margaret Mitchell, depicting the resilience and love story of a female protagonist, Scarlett O'Hara,during the Civil War. This novel not only makes people feel the beauty of love, but also showcases the resilience and tenacity of the character Scarlett.In the novel, Scarlett is a female character full of ambition and resilience. She not only remained steadfast in her love, but also demonstrated a tenacious survival instinct in the faceof war and poverty. Even during the Civil War, when her home was destroyed andher family was forced to leave, she never gave up and worked hard to maintain her family and career. Her strength and tenacity are admirable, and also make peoplefeel the love and persistence deep in her heart.In addition to Scarlett's resilience, the novel also showcases her pursuit and persistence in love. She had always loved the mature and steady Ashley, but ultimately chose to marry Red, who had a completely opposite personality to hers. She is willing to do everything for love, willing to give up her self-esteem and dignity, and even willing to compromise with her inner rationality. This persistence and belief in love have made Scarlett an eternal classic image and also moved readers.Overall, the love and resilience in "Gone with the Wind" complement each other. Scarlett's resilience gave her courage and strength in love, and her persistence in love also contributed to her resilience and resilience. Whether in the difficult years of the Civil War or the complexity of love, Scarlett has demonstrated an absolute strength and love, making Gone with the Wind an eternal classic and allowing readers to deeply feel the power of love and resilience.中文版本《飘》是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的一部经典小说,描写了一个女主人公斯嘉丽·奥哈拉在南北战争期间的坚韧与爱情故事。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 Research on the Re-creation in the Translation of the Trademarks in Different Cultures2 从女性主义解读《胎记》3 双关语的修辞功能及日常应用4 中国文学作品中的歇后语的英译-以红楼梦为例5 汉语茶文化特色词的英译研究——以《茶经》和《续茶经》为例6 从《喜福会》看中国女性在美国的职业倾向7 交际教学法在初中口语教学中的应用8 论《茶花女》中女主人公玛格丽特的女性魅力在男权主义下的体现9 《最蓝的眼睛》中的自我迷失和身份寻求10 NBA和CBA的文化差异分析11 从《远离尘嚣》看托马斯哈代的生态自然观12 年世博会吉祥物所体现的中国元素13 《基督山伯爵》中的复仇,复活以及宽恕14 女性主义解读《傲慢与偏见》中的柯林斯15 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义16 A Contrastive Study on Traditional Festivals in Chinese and Western Cultures—from the Perspective of the Disparity between Spring Festival and Christmas Day17 《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较18 英汉委婉语及其相关文化心理解读19 从王尔德的童话看其悲观主义爱情观20 试析杰克伦敦的《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义21 残酷的现实与审美愉悦——论《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的崇高美22 分析《雾都孤儿》中的讽刺手法23 An Exploration to Humor Translation in The Million Pound Note: An Functionalist Approach24 英语课堂合作学习策略研究25 浅析《老人与海》中人对自然的态度26 解读《儿子与情人》中保罗的俄狄浦斯的影响27 浅析英语颜色词的语义特征28 学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响29 从大卫.芬奇《七宗罪》看宗教极端主义30 英语歌曲在英语教学中的应用31 电影英文片名汉译的原则32 法律英语词汇特点及其翻译33 叶芝诗歌中的象征主义手法34 Functional Equivalence in Chapter Title Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions35 概念隐喻视角下看莎士比亚十四行诗36 Enhance Listening Aptitude through Music37 从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同3839 问题类型对TEM阅读成绩影响的实证研究40 浅谈中西方服饰礼仪之色彩差异41 On House’s Model for Translation Quality Assessment——A Case Study of Li Mi’s ChenQing Biao42 英语课堂中的口语纠错策略43 本哈德.施林克小说《朗读者》“平庸的恶”现象研究44 中西方餐桌礼仪文化对比45 The Charm of Female Independence in Jane Eyre46 On the Image of Women's Language in English47 目的论在电影字幕翻译中的应用——以《功夫熊猫》为例48 商务英语信函词汇的特征49 On“Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” i n Translation of Business Contract50 “黑人会飞”——托妮.莫里森小说《所罗门之歌》中的黑人神话研究51 威廉·戈尔丁《蝇王》中的写作艺术52 论格列佛人物形象在《格列佛游记》中所起的讽刺效果53 英语委婉语的内涵54 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略55 论英语俚语的汉译—以奈达的功能对等理论为指导56 The Changes of Women’s Status in China and Western Countries57 论企业简介中文到英文的翻译58 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略59 国际商务合同的用词特点及翻译60 从文化角度谈美国俚语的汉译61 关于英汉动物习语区别的研究62 任务型教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中的现状分析--以xx学校初一学生为例63 从语用学角度看广告英语中的模糊表达64 双重人格——《化身博士》的启示65 The Death Image of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry66 从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒67 论《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中麦琪的悲剧68 古典诗歌中典故的翻译69 论“美国梦”对美国文学的影响70 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的精神之旅71 论约翰.多恩诗歌中的张力72 《欢乐之家》中丽莉追求婚姻时的自我矛盾73 商务英语新词构词研究74 《藻海无边》中边缘女性的生存与救赎75 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用76 论翻译美学视角下的公示语翻译77 哈克贝里·费恩与汤姆·索亚性格的对比分析78 情境教学法在初中英语教学中的应用79 探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题80 论广告英语的用词特点81 英汉状语语序修辞对比与翻译82 Thackera y’s Ambivalent Attitude towards the Women in Vanity Fair83 英语语义歧义分析及其语用价值84 言语行为理论视角下口语交际误解现象英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)85 中英寒暄语的对比与研究86 论网络英语的特征87 英语报刊中的新词浅析88 特洛伊战争电影改编的语境探析89 从《纯真年代》的女性角色看旧纽约的女性地位90 论《宠儿》中社区与逃离的关系91 论隐喻的本质与功能92 《名利场》中蓓基人物形象分析93 On the Difference of Family Education between China and America94 英汉习语文化差异之原由95 从现代主义角度分析《月亮和六便士》96 论“冰山原则”在《白象似的群山》中的应用97 从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判98 Quest for Identity: An Analysis of Women Characters in The Bluest Eye99 论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义100 浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用101 从文化角度看英语习语的翻译102 浅析中美家庭教育的差异103 中西方鬼怪比较研究104 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用分析105 凯瑟琳.曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析106 An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is Singing107 《织工马南》中马南的性格108 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播109 《喜福会》中的女性身份重建110 英语混成新词建构新解:多元理论视域111 论西尔维娅.普拉斯诗歌中的死亡意象112 鼓励性教学方法在中学英语教学中的应用113 中美大学生请求语策略对比研究114 词义的选择和商务英语的汉译115 General Principles and Features of Legal English Translation116 《分期付款》中英语长句的分译策略117 房地产广告的英译研究118 从电影《刮痧》看中西方文化差异119 语法翻译法视角下的中学生英语家教辅导120 Comparative Study of Metaphor in English and Chinese Animal Words121 从自然主义角度解读《苔丝》的悲观主义122 对比研究中西文化中的委婉语123 A Discussion of the Cultural Similarities and Differences of Color Terms in English and Chinese124 简奥斯汀对英国小说的贡献——以《傲慢与偏见》为例125 英语体育新闻中模糊语言的词汇特点及其翻译对策126 希望失落的机械天堂——析《加算器》中的人性失落主题127 《石头天使》中哈格形象的女性主义解读128 应酬语的中英文比较129 浅析哈利波特中的女巫形象130 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识131 初中英语词汇教学132 英汉动物词汇文化内涵对比133 A Semantic Analysis of the Written Errors Committed by Chinese English Majors134 《紫色》中女主人公西丽妇女主义的形成135 解读罗伯特.彭斯的爱情观——以《一朵红红的玫瑰》和《约翰.安德生,我的爱人》为例136 大学生上网调查137 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语138 如何激发初中生学习英语的兴趣139 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的成长三部曲140 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈141 圣地亚哥,一位让人敬佩的英雄——海明威《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的人物形象分析142 On the C-E Translation of Public Signs143 《简爱》中的人文主义思想述评144 中西方快餐的文化差异145 沮丧与感情的冲突146 英汉天气词汇的隐喻用法147 从唯美主义的角度论《道林.格蕾的画像》中的主要人物148 英汉委婉语的对比及翻译149 关联理论视角下《生活大爆炸》中言语幽默的汉译150 新闻中新兴词语的翻译原则及策略151 浅谈汉英时间隐喻的文化异同152 浅析《飘》中的女性意识153 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中汤姆的形象分析154 《游泳者》中的艺术特色155156 语境策略在词汇学习中的有效性157 Study of the Translation of Flower Image in Chinese Classical Poetry158 用交际翻译理论看英语文学书名汉译159 从唐诗不同译本看数字词汇翻译得与失160 商务英语评论中的态度意义分析161 浅谈中外记者招待会中口译者的跨文化意识162 《洛丽塔》主题与艺术技巧之探析163 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中汤姆叔叔的性格分析164 外语学习动机的激发与培养165 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译166 从生态视野解读狼图腾167 英语新词的形成特征168 在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生169 双关的不可译性探索170 Approaches to the Limits of Translatability for English Palindromes英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)171 从归化异化角度浅析《三字经》两个英译版本172 Cultural Mediation in Interpreting—An Observation from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication173 从就餐细节看中美儿童个性能力的差异174 商务英语翻译中的隐喻研究175 从成长小说角度解读《马丁.伊登》176 世纪以来英汉委婉语的语义变迁177 A Study of Intertextuality in Advertising Text178 An Interpretation of Initiation Theme in Heart of Darkness179 On Feminism in Persuasion180 外来词的翻译方法初探181 剖析《哈克贝利芬历险记》中对自由的追求182 英式英语和美式英语中的词汇差异183 从文化角度看商标翻译的失误184 解读奥斯卡.王尔德的《莎乐美》中的女性意识185 An Analysis of Dick Diver’s Tragedy in Tender Is the Night Based on Adler’s Individual Psychology186 从文化差异角度谈国际商务谈判中的语言技巧187 The Joy Luck Club :Chinese Mothers’American Dreams Lost and Regained188 当女人成为男人--试析《紫色》中西莉的性向转变189 浅析卡夫卡小说中的荒诞意识190 英语前缀和后缀在初中单词教学中的应用191 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移192 A Comparative Study of Courtesy Language between English and Chinese193 中西见面礼节差异及其对跨文化交际的影响194 《汤姆·索亚历险记》中所反映的社会问题195 合作学习法对英语口语能力的影响——对独立学院非英语专业学生的个案研究196 超验主义思想在惠特曼诗歌中的体现197 On the Principle of Elegance in the Translation of Business Contracts198 论罗伯特.佩恩.沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求199 美狄亚的女性主义分析200 排比的修辞功能在政治演讲辞中的应用。
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The full-length novel Gone With The Wind, has been translated into more than thirty languages, and the bestseller for a long time in the world. Why could it’s charm last in such a long time? The reason mostly relied on it’s distinctive female characters---Scarlett, Melanie, Mammy and Belle Watling.
一.Scarlett O’Hara
<一> Personality changes
A. adolescent romantic
B. simple capricious
2. Post-war
A. strong persistent
B. reality rational
3. Revelations to moderns
A. in terms of workplace
a. abreast of the times
b. self-confidence
B. in terms of interpersonal
a. self-image
b. unique personality
<二> Views on marriage
1.Material view of marriage
A. purpose
B. just to be obtained not with pay
2.Revelations to moderns
A. marriage is not a transaction
B. balance in marriage
<三> character full of contradictory and complexity
2.blind pursuit of love---casually take advantage of marriage
3.feminist consciousness---effect of Patriarchal society
一.Melanie Hamilton Wilkes
<一> personality traits(the ordinary perfect)
A. fraternity
B. tolerant
C. kind-hearted selfless
D. hard-working
E. cordial genial
<二> The actor of variety of roles
1.Ashley’s faithful wife
A. love tolerance trust
2.Scarlett’s precious friend
A.spirit backbone
B.thanksgiving love trust
3.Revelations to moderns
A.in terms of marriage
a.based on love
b.mutual trust
B.in terms of interpersonal
a. inner beauty charisma
C.In terms of family life
<一> Personality traits
1.pungent powerful
2.loyal faithful
3.sly reality
<二> The development of the role
1.Ellen’s right-hand man
2.Scarlett’s guardian
3. a piece of spiritual home
三.Belle Watling
<一> F emale’s weakness---Male’s consciousness
<二> Good---Evil。