Research on laser weld penetrationmonitoring
在本文中,对六个C-Mn主管道钢经过自动Nd:YAG激光焊和Nd:YAG激光/ MAG混合焊两种焊接方法,从而改善焊件的微观组织结构和韧性。
关键词:激光/电弧混合焊接、微观结构、针状铁素体引言目前的工业激光主要用于二氧化碳激光焊接和Nd:YAG激光焊接,只有Nd:YAG 激光焊接的激光波长为一个光学纤维的长度,可以用于圆形焊件德焊接。
目前的混合焊接过程组合包括同轴Nd:YAG激光/ TIG,Nd:YAG 和CO2激光/ MAG,激光/等离子体。
为了满足当前的工作要求,通常将金属活性气体(MAG)焊接与8.9 kW Nd:YAG激光光束焊接相结合,从而完成焊接。
第 31 卷第 8 期2023 年 4 月Vol.31 No.8Apr. 2023光学精密工程Optics and Precision Engineering利用单光纤光镊实现不同折射率的微粒分选钟慧1,高丙坤1,党雨婷1,赵忖2*,姜春雷1*(1.东北石油大学电气信息工程学院,黑龙江大庆 163318;2.东北石油大学秦皇岛校区电气信息工程系,河北秦皇岛 066004)摘要:为解决在进行不同折射率的微粒分类时遇到的问题,本文提出了一种采用熔融法拉伸的抛物线型光纤探针,所得到的出射光场对于浸没在水溶液中的不同折射率的微粒具有不同的操作能力,可以达到微粒分类的目的。
我们将波长为980 nm的激光通入光纤探针中,操控光纤在液体中实现对二氧化硅(SiO2)、聚苯乙烯(PS)和酵母菌细胞三种不同折射率的微粒及细胞的捕获和传输,进而实现不同微粒的分类。
基本上实现了对三种微粒在1~10 μm范围内的操控和分类。
关键词:光纤光镊;折射率;细胞筛选;微粒分类中图分类号:Q631 文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/OPE.20233108.1115Particle sorting with different refractive indices using singlefiber optical tweezersZHONG Hui1,GAO Bingkun1,DANG Yuting1,ZHAO Cun2*,JIANG Chunlei1*(1.College of Electrical Information Engineering, Northeastern Petroleum University,Daqing 163318, China;2.Department of Electrical Information Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University,Qinhuangdao Campus, Qinhuangdao 066004, China)* Corresponding author, E-mail: jiangchunlei_nepu@;48724332@ Abstract: In order to solve the problems encountered in classifying particles with different refractive indi⁃ces, this paper proposes a parabolic fiber optic probe stretched by the fusion method; the resulting outgo⁃ing light field has different operating capabilities for particles with different refractive indices submerged in aqueous solutions, which can be used for particle classification. We couple a laser beam with a wavelength of 980 nm into the fiber optic probe and manipulate the fiber to achieve the capture and transport of parti⁃cles and cells with three different refractive indices in liquid:silicon dioxide (SiO2),polystyrene (PS),and yeast cells, and thus achieve the classification of different particles in the range of 1-10 μm. The differ⁃ent capture capabilities of this parabolic fiber optic probe for the three particles were simulated, and the ob⁃tained theoretical and experimental results were in agreement. The use of this method to classify particles 文章编号1004-924X(2023)08-1115-09收稿日期:2022-07-01;修订日期:2022-09-27.基金项目:黑龙江自然科学基金资助项目(No.LH2021F008)第 31 卷光学精密工程simplifies the experimental setup and has a wide range of potential applications in the development of label-free hybrid fiber optic sensors, infectious disease detection, and cell classification.Key words: fiber optic tweezers; refractive index; cell screening; particle classification1 引言微粒、活细胞和大分子的无触点和无创分选是多学科研究的一个主要目标,特别是在生物医学和化学分析方面[1]。
纳米管制作皮肤感应器 翻译 中英
“我们所制作的这个纳米管很可能是首次可被拉伸的,透明的,肤质般感应的,有或者没有碳的纳米管”小组成员之一Darren Lipomi.说。
高能粒子对油脂脂肪酸中C = C双键的解离和活性氧原子的氧化作用是在等离子体活化油中产生H2O2活性粒子和羧酸的主要机制。
激光电弧复合焊接技术Laser-Arc H y brid Weldin g Technolo gy北京航空制造工程研究所朱轶峰董春林[纲要 ]介绍了一种激光电弧复合焊接技术, 阐述了此技术的原理、设施、优势及其应用远景。
要点词 :激光电弧复合焊接设施应用远景[ABSTRACT ]A Iaser-arc 1y brid weIdin g tec1-noIo gy is introduced. Its p rinci p Ie , e g ui p ment , advanta g es and a pp Iication p ros p ect are described.Ke y words :Laser-arc h y brid weldin g E g ui p mentA pp lication p ros p ect激光作为高能束流热源吸引了愈来愈多工程技术人员的注意 , 从昨年的第七届阿亨国际焊接会议上可以看出 , 激光焊接已经成为国际焊接界的关注热门。
而激光电弧复合焊接作为此中的新兴技术惹起了工程界、公司界的宽泛重视 , 在欧美和日本先后有多家汽车制造厂和造船厂斥资投入这方面的研究 , 并有厂家率先进入了工程化应用阶段[1]。
1原理因为激光的能量密度很高(可高达 107W /cm 2 ,所以激光焊接的速度快 , 焊接深度深 , 热影响区小 , 可以进行精细焊接。
利用聚焦优秀的激光束可进行金属、塑料以及陶瓷的焊接 , 并已用于印刷、精细机械等行业。
采纳深熔焊接技术 (即穿孔焊接 , 大功率的激光束流一次焊接金属资料厚度可达20mm 以上 , 同时具有比较高的焊接速度 , 热影响区比较小。
因为激光束流比较渺小 , 所以焊接时对拼接接头的空隙要求比较高 (<0. 10mm , 熔池的搭桥能力 (Ga p Brid g in g AbiIi-t y比较差 , 同时因为工件表面的激烈反射影响了束流能量向工件的传达,高能激光束致使熔池金属的蒸发、汽化、电离 , 形成光致等离子体 , 严重影响了焊接过程的稳固性 , 所以焊接过程中激光的实质能量利用率极低。
Electric Welding Machine Vol.53 No.8Aug. 2023第 53 卷 第 8 期2023 年8 月TC4钛合金低真空20 kW 激光焊接特性研究邹吉鹏1, 黄瑞生1, 武鹏博1, 曹浩1, 苗绘1, 秦建2, 方乃文11.中国机械总院集团哈尔滨焊接研究所有限公司,黑龙江 哈尔滨 1500282.郑州机械研究所有限公司,河南 郑州 450001摘 要:为探究厚壁钛合金在不同环境压力下的激光焊接特性,采用低真空激光焊接技术对Ti6Al4V 合金进行非熔透焊接试验研究,分析了亚气氛环境压力对钛合金万瓦级激光焊接焊缝成形、焊接气孔、等离子体羽、熔池及匙孔的影响规律,并探讨亚气氛环境可以改善万瓦级激光焊接质量的可能原因。
研究结果表明:环境压力对焊缝熔深、熔池宽度及匙孔上表面开口直径的影响存在一个临界区间即104 Pa 数量级,达到临界区间后焊缝熔深会显著增加,熔池宽度、孔口直径显著减小。
关键词:厚壁钛合金; 低真空激光焊; 焊接特性; 等离子体羽中图分类号:TG456.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-2303(2023)08-0028-08Study on Low Vacuum 20 kW Laser Welding Characteristics of TC4Titanium AlloyZOU Jipeng 1, HUANG Ruisheng 1, WU Pengbo 1, CAO Hao 1, MIAO Hui 1, QIN Jian 2, FANG Naiwen 11.Harbin Welding Institute Co., Ltd., Harbin 150028, China2.Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, ChinaAbstract: In order to explore the laser welding characteristics of thick-walled titanium alloy under different ambient pres ‐sures, the non-penetration welding test of Ti6Al4V alloy was carried out by low vacuum laser welding technology. The influ ‐ence of sub-atmosphere ambient pressure on the weld formation, welding porosity, plasma plume, molten pool and keyhole of laser welding of titanium alloy was analyzed, and the possible reasons why sub-atmosphere environment can improve the quality of laser welding of ten thousand watts were discussed. The results show that there is a critical range of 104 Pa for the influence of ambient pressure on weld penetration, weld pool width and keyhole upper surface opening diameter. After reaching the critical range, the weld penetration will increase significantly, and the weld pool width and orifice diameter will decrease significantly. One of the possible reasons for this phenomenon is the sudden change of plasma plume. The plasma plume of laser welding in sub-atmosphere environment is obviously suppressed, and the interference effect on laser beam en ‐ergy transmission is reduced.Keywords: thick-walled titanium alloy; low vacuum laser welding; welding characteristics; plasma plume引用格式:邹吉鹏,黄瑞生,武鹏博,等.TC4钛合金低真空20 kW 激光焊接特性研究[J ].电焊机,2023,53(8):28-35.Citation:ZOU Jipeng, HUANG Ruisheng, WU Pengbo, et al.Study on Low Vacuum 20 kW Laser Welding Characteristics of TC4 Titanium Alloy[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(8): 28-35.收稿日期: 2023-07-02基金项目: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2021YFB3401100);黑龙江省省重点研发计划指导类项目(GZ20210175);黑龙江省头雁行动计划-能源装备先进焊接技术创新团队资助(201910312);新型钎焊材料与技术国家重点实验室开放课题(SKLABFMT202005)作者简介: 邹吉鹏(1992—),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事激光焊接技术的科研工作。
组织肽键被高能粒子 作用断裂分解过程
脊柱外科应用一、 等离子髓核消融术治疗颈腰椎间盘突出症
等离子消融髓核成形术 (Coblation Nucleoplasty)
1. 新近应用临床 2. 作用部位:髓核 3. 工作温度:刀头尖端0mm处最高仅70℃,刀头外1mm处45°C。 4. 作用机制:通过等离子对髓核的汽化,皱缩作用,实时降低间盘内
压力,有效解除突出髓核对椎间盘周围组织神经根、动脉、脊髓等 的压迫目的。以消除和缓解临床症状。有效解除对神经的压迫同时 保护纤维环。 5. 穿刺技术简单,同于椎间盘造影术 6. 应用范围:腰椎,颈椎间盘突出病例
针对椎间盘源性疼痛的病理机理,利用等离子 的低温消融功能,采用经皮穿刺方法对髓核进 行消融减容,即刻解除椎间盘内增高的压力, 缓解至解除病人的压迫症状。
科,耳鼻喉科,神经外科)。 产品设计精巧,操作方便,维护简单。
通过美国FDA,欧洲CE认证。 唯一获得SFDA认证为骨科(关节镜、脊柱),
耳鼻喉科等离子体手术设备。 全球市场占有率最高,美国60%医院拥有该设
备。 中国 800家骨科、耳鼻喉科用户。
1、设 备
新型骨科用 ATLAS 机型
由于只对盘内髓核进行消融,故不会造成粘连等手 术并发症。
工作温度低,正确操作可有效保护终板不受损伤, 避免终板炎等并发症。
手术时间短,一般30分钟即可完成。 术后恢复快。 等离子刀头北京市医保可报70%,在提供高水平的
有效降低内压,避免骨水泥因内压过高而导 致的外泄。
Electric Welding Machine·100·第51卷 第3期2021年3月Electric Welding MachineVol.51 No.3Mar. 2021本文参考文献引用格式:孙强,段英新,苏衍福,等. X65钢管焊接工艺分析及质量控制[J]. 电焊机,2021,51(3):100-102.X65钢管焊接工艺分析及质量控制0 前言 X65钢管海洋工程应用极为广泛,管道焊接技术不断发展、更新,但气体保护焊及手工焊仍然有不可替代的地位。
下面将介绍对于X65钢管,相同管径壁厚及焊接标准下,通过对E81T1-NI1M、E8018-C3 H4R 二种牌号焊材试件进行检测,分析其焊接性并提出焊接质量控制要点。
1 焊接方法及焊接材料的选择 本工艺采用宝钢生产X65级别钢管,其化学成分和力学性能的实测结果见表1、表2。
X65作为低碳钢应选用与母材相匹配的焊接材料,为形成具有良好低温韧性的返修焊接接头,选用低氢型焊条及药芯焊丝,扩散氢含量<5 mL/100 g。
本研究选取以下2种牌号焊材:E81T1-NI1M (AWS A5.29)、E8018-C3 H4R (AWS A5.5)。
焊接前采用密封包装状态,便于焊工收稿日期:2020-10-09作者简介:孙 强(1985—),男,学士,工程师,主要从事焊接设备及工艺的研究。
2 焊接工艺试验 试验管尺寸为φ610 mm×厚20.6 mm,采用30°坡口,组对坡口如图1所示。
焊件组对避免出现错边,焊前使用砂轮打磨清理坡口边缘15 mm 范围内的铁锈等杂质,直至露出金属光泽。
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在激光的基础部分,国内外有代表性的大学教材有美国斯坦福大学电子工程系的著名教授A.E.Siegman编写的“Lasers”、意大利米兰理工学院和国家研究委员会Orazio Svelto先生编写的“Principles of Lasers”和W.T.Silfvast 的《Laser Fundamentals》等,国内则以清华大学周炳琨等人编著的《激光原理》影响最为广泛。
1. “Lasers”的主要内容、特点和适用对象1.1 该书的主要内容A.E.Siegman教授的“Lasers”由牛津大学出版社1986年出版,该书系统而详细地论述了激光物理、激光技术方面的知识,内容全面,其理论基础主要为经典电子振荡的洛伦兹模型,全书1283页,共计31章,分为3大部分。
第52卷第12期表面技术2023年12月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·315·医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向冀盛亚a,常成b,常帅兵c,倪艳荣a,李承斌a(河南工学院 a.电缆工程学院 b.车辆与交通工程学院c.电气工程与自动化学院,河南 新乡 453003)摘要:医用镁及镁合金过快的降解速率严重缩短了其有效服役时间,过高的析氢速率引发局部炎症,束缚了其临床应用前景。
在此基础上,明确指出以MAO/PCL (MAO/CS)复合涂层为基底涂层,通过PCL(CS)涂层与其他涂层的交叉组合,是实现医用镁合金植入材料的生物活性及多功能性的最佳路径。
关键词:镁合金;微弧氧化;有机材料;复合涂层;演进方向中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)12-0315-20DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.12.026Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite Coating on Medical Magnesium Alloy SurfaceJI Sheng-ya a, CHANG Cheng b, CHANG Shuai-bing c, NI Yan-rong a, LI Cheng-bin a(a. School of Cable Engineering, b. School of Vehicle and Traffic Engineering, c. School of Electrical Engineering andAutomation, Henan Institute of Technology, Henan Xinxiang 453003, China)ABSTRACT: Good biosafety, biocompatibility and valuable self-degradation properties endow medical magnesium and magnesium alloys with great potential to replace inert implant materials in the field of traditional clinical applications.The excessive degradation rate of magnesium alloy, however, leads to its premature loss of structural integrity and mechanical support, being unable to complete the effective service time necessary for tissue healing of the implant site. At the same time, it is also its excessive degradation rate that leads to the intensification of hydrogen evolution reaction of收稿日期:2023-02-01;修订日期:2023-05-14Received:2023-02-01;Revised:2023-05-14基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(222102310337,222102240104,232102241029);博士科研资金(9001/KQ1846)Fund:Henan Province Science and Technology Research Project (222102310337, 222102240104, 232102241029); Doctoral Research Funding (9001/KQ1846)引文格式:冀盛亚, 常成, 常帅兵, 等. 医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(12): 315-334.JI Sheng-ya, CHANG Cheng, CHANG Shuai-bing, et al. Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite·316·表面技术 2023年12月magnesium alloy. Because it cannot be absorbed by the human body in a short time, the excessive H2 will easily gather around the implant or form a subcutaneous airbag, which will not only cause the inflammation of the implant site, but also hinder the adhesion and growth of cells in the implant, limiting its clinical application prospects. Surface modification technology can effectively delay the degradation rate of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, and reduce the rate of hydrogen evolution.Firstly, starting from the structure and performance characteristics of organic materials (phytic acid (PA), chitosan (CS), stearic acid (SA), dopamine (DA), polylactic acid glycolic acid copolymer (PLGA), polylactic acid (PLA), and polycaprolactone (PCL)), the mechanism of improving the corrosion resistance of magnesium and magnesium alloys by a single organic coating was analyzed, and the performance weaknesses of a single coating were also pointed out: ①Micro arc oxidation (MAO) is an anodic oxidation process that generates a highly adhesive ceramic oxide coating on the surface of an alloy immersed in an electrolyte through high voltage (up to 300 V) spark discharge. The continuous high voltage discharge and the bubbles generated by the reaction bring about the inevitable occurrence of a large number of volcanic micropores and cracks in the coating. The diversity of discharge modes also gives rise to the unpredictable morphology of micropores and cracks. Therefore, the preparation of a single MAO coating on different alloy surfaces does not only require proper adjustment of MAO electrical parameters (current density, voltage, duty cycle, frequency, oxidation time) and the coupling effect of its electrolyte system to decrease (small) the pores and cracks on the MAO coating surface, but also increases the sealing process at the later stage. ② A single organic coating has a low bonding strength with magnesium alloy, being easy to flake off. These performance weaknesses limit the protection effect of a single coating on magnesium alloy degradation.Secondly, from the perspectives of bonding strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility (biosafety, biocompatibility, induced regeneration, antibacterial and antibacterial properties, drug loading and sustained-release properties, and so on), the structural characteristics and advantages of each MAO/organic composite coating were elaborated in detail. It has revealed that MAO/organic composite coating has an enormous application potentiality in the field of surface modification of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, thanks to its good corrosion inhibition and degradation performance. On this basis, it is clearly pointed out that, in order to achieve the biological activity and versatility of medical magnesium alloy implant materials, the best way is to adopt the MAO/PCL (MAO/CS) composite coating as the base coating and make the cross combination of PCL (CS) coating and other coatings. Finally, the evolution direction of magnesium alloy MAO/organic composite coating is scientifically predicted.KEY WORDS: magnesium alloy; micro-arc oxidation; organic materials; composite coating; evolution direction作为人体所必须的营养元素,镁不但辅助600多种酶的合成(包括参与、维护DNA和RNA聚合酶的正确结构和活性),而且改善胰岛素稳定和糖类正常代谢、舒张血管、降低冠心病、高血压及糖尿病的患病风险[1]。
激光雕刻艺术英语作文Title: The Art of Laser Engraving。
Laser engraving, a form of artistic expression that merges technology with creativity, has emerged as a captivating medium in the realm of contemporary art. This technique utilizes precise laser beams to etch intricate designs onto various materials, ranging from wood and metal to glass and acrylic. Through the marriage of advanced technology and artistic vision, laser engraving has transformed the way we perceive and appreciate art.One of the most compelling aspects of laser engravingis its unparalleled precision and accuracy. Unlike traditional methods of engraving, such as hand carving or etching, laser engraving offers artists a level of control and detail that was previously unattainable. The laser beam can be precisely controlled to create intricate patterns, delicate lines, and intricate textures with remarkable consistency and precision.Moreover, laser engraving enables artists to work with a diverse range of materials, each offering its own unique characteristics and possibilities. Wood, with its natural grain and warmth, provides a canvas for rustic and organic designs. Metal offers a sleek and modern aesthetic, with the ability to achieve crisp lines and intricate details. Glass and acrylic, on the other hand, add an element of transparency and luminosity, allowing light to interact with the engraved surface in mesmerizing ways.Beyond its technical capabilities, laser engraving also opens up new avenues for artistic experimentation and innovation. Artists are constantly pushing the boundaries of this medium, exploring new techniques, and incorporating it into interdisciplinary practices. From creating three-dimensional sculptures to combining laser engraving with other forms of digital art, the possibilities are virtually endless.Furthermore, laser engraving has democratized the art-making process, making it more accessible to a wideraudience. With advances in technology, laser engraving machines have become more affordable and user-friendly, allowing artists of all skill levels to explore this medium. Additionally, the digital nature of laser engraving means that designs can be easily replicated and modified,offering artists greater flexibility and efficiency intheir creative process.In addition to its artistic potential, laser engraving also holds practical applications across various industries. From personalized gifts and custom signage to industrial manufacturing and architectural detailing, laser engraving has found its way into numerous commercial and industrial applications. Its ability to produce precise and durable markings on a wide range of materials makes itindispensable in fields such as product branding, identification, and decoration.However, amid the excitement surrounding the technological capabilities of laser engraving, it is essential not to overlook its human element. While machines may execute the engraving process, it is ultimately theartist's creativity, skill, and vision that breathe life into the artwork. Laser engraving serves as a tool, a medium through which artists can express their ideas, emotions, and perspectives.In conclusion, laser engraving represents a convergence of art and technology, offering artists a versatile and powerful medium for creative expression. Its precision, versatility, and accessibility have made it a popular choice among artists and artisans alike, while itspractical applications continue to expand its reach across various industries. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the possibilities of laser engraving, reaffirming its status as a dynamic and influential force in the world of contemporary art.。
Review of laser welding monitoring
Review of laser welding monitoringD.Y.You1,2,X.D.Gao*1and S.Katayama2Laser welding,as a highly efficient processing technology,has been widely applied to manufacturing industry.This paper makes an overview on real time monitoring of laser welding. It begins with a detailed introduction to six typical sensors(photodiode,visual,spectrometer, acoustical sensor,pyrometer,plasma charge sensor)in laser welding detection.Then it makes a review on multi-sensor fusion technology in both laser welding monitoring and adaptive control. Last,subjects for future research concerning welding monitoring and control have been proposed.The paper concludes that the real-time monitoring of laser welding can provide a great amount of valid information about welding status to help effectively identify weld defects and realize adaptive control.Keywords:Laser welding,Monitoring,Adaptive control,Optics sensing,Multiple sensor fusion,Welded quality inspectionIntroductionLaser welding has been widely used in various industrial fields such as automobile manufacturing,shipbuilding and bridge construction due to its advantages in realising high production,automotive processing,and forming a high quality weld with small heat affected zones.1–3Since its high energy density ranges from100 to1000kW mm22,the interaction between the laser beam and the welding material is rather strong, especially in the deep penetration welding of a thick plate.4Therefore,the online monitoring and quality inspection of high power laser welding are essential for making high quality production.Researches on detec-tion during laser welding process have been carried out by quite a number of scholars as early as twenty years ago.However,experimentalfindings were not applied to industrial manufacturing widely at that time due to considerable sensor cost,low devices accuracy and poor detecting efficiency.That few enterprises used laser for product processing is considered another major factor that restricts the further development of laser process monitoring.As the price of laser device decreases,laser technology begins tofind wide use in the industrial fields.During mass production,effective real time monitoring over welding process can help to reduce production cost and improve production quality. Laser welding mainly involves the interaction between the laser beam and the welding material.In welding process,the laser light generally travels by way of optical fibre and lens.Accordingly,the real time monitoring of laser welding process mainly focuses on the information of optical radiation in the weld zone,and most of the sensors used in the researches are optical sensors.5–7The development of real time detection during laser welding process has taken a leap in the past ten years with the advancement in sensor technology and the introduction of artificial intelligence technology.This paper makes an overview on laser welding monitoring.It begins with a detailed introduction to the physical background of laser welding and the basic principles of various detecting methods available currently.Then it makes a review on the integration of advanced multi-sensor detecting and intelligent recognition technology.The future develop-ment prospect of laser welding detection has been envisioned.By introducing the effective application of advanced sensing technology to laser welding detection and reviewing the attempts to use artificial intelligence technology for welding status recognition,this paper aims at presenting the current development situation of laser welding monitoring and adaptive control,and proposing possible subjects for future research. Basic mechanism of laser welding monitoringPrinciples of laser weldingIn laser welding,the material is rapidly heated up to a certain temperature,at which the molten metal starts to vaporise at the position of laser beam focus and creates a keyhole in the centre of the molten pool.The keyhole will remain open as continuous wave laser welding takes place because of the evaporation pressure.As shown in Fig.1,during a keyhole mode of laser welding,a plume containing metallic vapour and plasma was generated and ejected out of the keyhole.It should be mentioned that the characterisations of plasma are different when it is induced by various laser.In the case of CO2laser welding,a plume is only formed by the emission of neutral metal atoms when the shielding gas is He.If the gas used is Ar or N2,gas plasma is formed under the nozzle in addition to the plume during CO2laser welding.On the contrary,a plume is in the state of weakly ionised plasma duringfibre laser welding1School of Electromechanical Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology,No.100West Waihuan Road,Higher Education Mega Center,Panyu District,Guangzhou510006,China2Joining and Welding Research Institute,Osaka University,11-1 Mihogaoka,Ibaraki,Osaka567-0047,Japan*Corresponding author,email gaoxd666@ß2014Institute of Materials,Minerals and MiningPublished by Maney on behalf of the Instituteprocess.Almost all the peak values of spectroscopic come from the emission of neutral metal atoms,while the emission from Ar gas is not detected.At the same time,plenty of spatters would be ejected because of the high evaporation pressure inside the keyhole.Generally, the electromagnetic radiation from the welding position can be divided into three types.8Thefirst type is the ultraviolet and visible light emission generated from the plume.The second type is the laser light emission from the beam reflection.The last one is the thermal radiation coming from molten pool surface.Basically,laser welding process monitoring will focus on the character-istics of the molten pool,keyhole,plume,spatters and the radiation signal generated from the welding posi-tion.9–14The most common defects that appear during the laser welding process are crack,porosity,incomplete penetration,undercut,underfill and spatters.15,16 Typical structure of monitoring system for laser weldingUnlike that of traditional welding technology,energy transmission during laser welding is mainly carried out by the laser beam,which travels through the opticalfibre and lens and is then shone on the surface of the material. Based on this particular way of energy transmission, various inspection tasks can be fulfilled by adjusting the interior light path structure of the devices(laser head).5,17–20This section focuses on the four representa-tive detecting structures used during laser welding and gives a brief introduction to the sensor type compatible with each of these structures.Coaxial optical radiation detectionThe beam splitter mirror installed inside the laser head can help to transmit optical radiation signals from the welding area to the sensor.Some of the welding status can be recognised by analysing the signal intensity of different spectral bands.Independent analysis of the features of different spectral bands is carried out by using different filter lens.The light that travels through thefilter is detected by the photodiode sensor,processed by the signal amplifier,and then collected by the oscillo-scope.21,22Apart from the signal analysis of particular spectral bands,analysis of full spectral waveband during welding process can also be carried out by using the ser head and spectrum analyser are connected by the opticalfibre.Light intensity informa-tion produced within the welding area is reflected by the beam splitter,transmitted through the opticalfibre and finally analysed by the spectrometer.23,24Coaxial visual detectionCoaxial visual detection is usually carried out by using the beam splitter installed insider the laser head. Generally speaking,there are three kinds of techniques used for coaxial visual detection,which are visible detection,infrared visual detection and auxiliary light source visual detection.For the visual detection of visible light wavebands,a suitablefilter lens(350–750nm)should be installed.25Infrared visual detection is mainly carried out by thermal infrared camera.17 During the detection of the auxiliary light,it is preferred to use high frequency stroboscopic laser as light source, and its waveband is set between800and990nm.26 Auxiliary light is projected over the welding area through the beam splitter,one of whose ends is linked with camera.Opticalfilter compatible with the auxiliary light should be set up between the beam splitter and the camera in order to obtain clear images of the welding area.Paraxial sound and temperature detectionSound signals are considered an indicator of welding status to a certain extent.Since coaxial detection technique is exclusively applicable to the detection of optical signals,the detection of sound signals is carried out by way of paraxial detection.There are basically two types of paraxial sound signals sensors,including the contact type and the non-contact type.The contact type of sound signal detection generally refers to acoustic emission sensing,which mainly monitors the stress waves generated by high temperature and high pressure inside the equipments or the workpiece.The waveband range detected is usually less than200kHz.27The non-contact type of sound signal detection generally refers to audible sound sensing,which is also called airborne emission detection.It mainly monitors the pressure waves when plasma and metallic vapour occur.The waveband range detected is usually human audible range of20Hz–20kHz.28Another kind of sensor used for paraxial detection is pyrometer.It is noticeable that the non-contact type of temperature sensor is usually installed behind the laser head in order to measure the thermal distribution of a molten pool.Plasma charge detectionDuring welding process,especially with a CO2laser beam,electrical conductivity has been generated inside the laser induced plasma.Hence,the contact probe can be used to effectively measure charge intensity within the plasma area,and then identify the welding status.One end of the circuit is linked with the base material,while the other end is connected with the laser head(the contact area and focus lens should be electrically isolated).Alternatively,it can also be set up as a probe within the area where plasma is generated.29Both resistor and capacitance are connected to the return circuit,and signals are sent out in the form of voltage.30 Fundamental research of different sensors for laser welding monitoring The characteristics of six sensors with wide use are summarised in Table1,and they are detailed in the following sections respectively.1Schematic diagram of keyhole model laser weldingPhotodiode sensorThe advantages of photodiode sensors,such as simple structure and low cost,have enabled it tofind wide use in industrial manufacturing.As shown in Fig.2a,the optical combiner making use of photodiode sensor and different opticalfilter systems can help to carry out independent detection on plasma radiation(P-sensor), laser reflection(R-sensor)and thermal emission(T-sensor).8Experimental results reveal that there are three types of optical radiation signals during laser welding as shown in Fig.2b.Thefirst type is ultraviolet and visible light wavebands(200–750nm).The second type is laser reflection waveband(fibre laser1070nm,disc laser 1030nm).The third type is infrared radiation waveband (1100–1700nm).Particularly,welding defects detection and even adaptive control can be realised by specifying the correspondence between light intensity signals and welding status.During gas laser welding(CO2laser),the plumes contain the metallic vapour and a large amount of plasma.Consequently,when the detection is carried out by visible sensing photodiode sensor,it can be observeda arrangement of sensors corresponding to laser welding phenomena;b schematic of wavebands of three monitoringsensors2Photodiode sensors for monitoring electromagnetic radiation from laser welding8Table1Characteristic of sensors used for welding monitoring and inspectionSensor Detected object Samplingfrequency/kHzEquipmentcostDefect detectioncapability LimitationsPhotodiode UV-visemission Vapour plumeor plasma1–100Low IncompletepenetrationLow efficiency inidentifying slight defectReflection Reflective laserenergyUndercutIR emission Thermal radiation BlowoutsLack of fusionCamera UV-vis Plasma plumeand molten pool 0?5–5Low IncompletepenetrationUndercutBlowoutsHumpingWeld seamdeviationSpattersBurn throughUnderfillRequirement foradditional componentsetupIR Thermal distribution0?1–0?5High Low sampling speedand high priceDiode laser illumination Keyhole andmolten pool0?5–5Medium High computingdemandsSpectrometer Spectrum ofplasma plume 0?1–1Medium Undercut Accuracy dependingon the plume behaviour BlowoutsCracksSpattersMicrophone Acoustic emissionsfromvapour plumeor work piece 10–500Low IncompletepenetrationToo sensitive to thenoise of environment MisalignmentPyrometer Temperatureof moltenpool or vapourplume 1–50Medium IncompletepenetrationLimited capability ofweld defects inspectionBurn throughCharge sensor Plasma chargecurrent 1–100Low IncompletepenetrationLimited application insolid-state-laser weldingHumpingthat the signals carry information for both thermal radiation and plasma radiation.31It has been noted that in the case of solid state laser welding (fibre laser and disk laser),the plumes generated during welding are mainly metallic vapour.Experimental results show that the ionisation degree of laser induced plume is only 0?02even when the laser power is 10kW and the beam diameter is 0?13mm.Therefore,when visible sensing photodiode sensor is used for detection,the signals mainly come from thermal radiation of the metallic vapour and molten pool surface.32,33Since the evaporation capacity of the metal depends on penetration depth and seam width,it is suggested to use the signals collected by the visible sensing photo-diode sensor to identify the variation of penetration depth and seam width.It has been observed that visible sensing photodiode sensor is rather sensitive to the plume radiation emission.Accordingly,researchers attempt to take the multiple sensor approach to make a more accurate detection on the spatial position of the plume.For instance,Brocka and his research team have devised a photodiode sensing system that can help to detect plume position.As shown in Fig.3,four photodiodes are set up at concentric positions to detect light intensity signals sent out from different positions.The correlation between spatial light intensity radiation and the composite signals is then specified and the direction in which metallic vapour flows is deter-mined.10,20The research of Paleocrassas shows that the laser reflection tends to be stable in the unstable welding process caused by the low welding speed (1mm s 21).Unacceptable welded defects,such as porosity and crack,appear in the weld seam.15,16The large amount of consecutive laser reflection indicates poor energy absorption inside the keyhole.Besides,when the low frequency component (5–10Hz)of the Vis-photodiode signal oscillates increasingly violently,it suggests instability in CW welding and PW welding.34Zhang has made an tentative research on the signal detection during underwater Nd:YAG laser welding and has found that the detected signal,from both ultraviolet and infrared waveband,well reflects theshielding condition variations of the local dry cavity.35A lot of research has been carried out on thefrequency features of optical signals during welding inrecent years,which is expected to specify the correlationbetween signal frequency and the periodical changes ofthe molten pool (or keyhole).Once the correlation isspecified,the frequency features of the characteristicsignals when weld defects occur can be identified.36Schmidt and his research staff have pointed out that inthe case of a 3?6kW laser lap welding of zinc coatedsteel sheets,with the material thickness being 1?3–2?5mm and the welding speed being 4–6m min ,thefrequency of weld pool oscillations is within the range of300–500Hz,while that of the keyhole oscillations iswithin the range of 2000–2500Hz.37,38As shown inFig.4,external frequency missing is related to somewelded defects.Daniele Colombo has investigated thereal time monitoring of low power (1kW)optical fibrelaser welding performed on Titanium alloy (2mm).39Ithas been concluded that the time domain features oflight intensity signals of both visible light waveband(400–1000nm)and infrared waveband (1150–1800nm)reflect welding defects (such as power decreases,shield-ing gas flow rate decrease,lack of penetration).Also,thefrequency characteristics of the signals are generallya photodiode sensor attached to laser head;b total reflection sensor consists of ring aperture,acrylic glass cylinder and four photodiode pairs;c position measurement principle of sensor3Schematic of vapour plume position measurement 204Windowed FFT of optical emissions of modulated weld-ing process 37lower than2400Hz.Especially,strong keyholefluctua-tions occur when the frequency of visible light signals is in the1600–2400Hz range.Similarfindings have been concluded by Schmidt and his research staff.A.Molino has investigated the frequency characteristic along the time axes by using time frequency analysis method.40As shown in Fig.5,the high frequency component(4?8–12kHz)of the optical radiation signals increases greatly when welding defects occur.This provides a reliable basis for accurately positioning welding defects. Detection of typical welded defect like incomplete penetration(0?5–2mm)and porosity(0?2–1mm)have been tested.15,16Researches carried out by Giuseppe D’Angelo and his research team prove that the time domain analytical approach based on Winer–Ville distribution is more effective than the traditional one when used for locating welding defects.41The researches carried out by Alexander F.H.Kaplan and his co-workers focus on the features of light intensity radiation signals during laser welding.42–44It has been found that there is a rather high correlation (0?79–0?93)between the visible light and infrared thermal radiation under both the stable and instable welding conditions,while hardly any correlation (20?04–0?08)can be detected between laser reflection and the other two types of signals.During the welding of Zn coated steel where instability occurs,however,there is a certain correlation(0?5)between laser reflection and infrared thermal radiation.22Besides,a great number of experiments have proved that laser reflection is very sensitive to the change in keyhole size.When the welding parameters remain constant,a larger quantity of laser beams will be reflected as the keyhole expands. Conversely,less laser beams will be reflected if the keyhole is narrowed.15,16,45Undercut and blowouts defects can be detected better by the photodiode sensing system.15,16,46The researches have also found that the occurrences of some weld defects(such as blowouts)sometimes are rapid events concealed by thefluctuations of the original signal like T-sensor or R-sensor.47,48 Having specified the correlation between light signals and welding status,researchers begin to use the signals as the basis for adaptive control during welding process. Manfred Geiger has proposed a feedback control system that uses visible light radiation(300–900nm)for references.It adjusts weld pool and keyhole oscillations mainly by varying laser power.Experimental results show that although this approach can help to effectively suppress unwanted collapse and avoid weld defects,it fails to conduct satisfactory control over weld pool oscillations.49Kawahito has devised two close loop control systems(based on YAG andfibre laser respec-tively)by using infrared thermal radiation(1100–1700nm)and laser reflection(YAG laser:1064nm/fibre laser:1090nm).As shown in Fig.6,adaptive control is effective for the suppression of bead width expansion. Welding materials include stainless steel,aluminium alloy,titanium alloy and so on.The proposed systems have been proven to be effective for sound welding when applied to various kinds of welding such as butt weld-ing,overlap welding,continuous laser welding and spot welding.50–54Visual sensorVisual sensor is mainly employed in visible detection, infrared visual detection and auxiliary light detection. The efficiency of a visible detection system is highly dependent on thefilter lens.Kim and other researchers attach a scanner with visual detecting system to the laser head and make real time detection on the remote welding of galvanised sheet.The study shows that using 532nm band passfilter for steel welding can help to capture clear keyhole images and identify penetration. While for the welding of aluminium alloy,a660nm band passfilter is preferable.55Although visible visual sensing has such advantages as simple structure and low cost,the information that it provides for identifying5Defects detection in time frequency analysis40welding status is very limited,which only contains the rough geometrical parameters of the keyhole and molten pool.It should also be noted that the values of the keyhole geometrical parameters captured by visible light visual sensor are slightly larger than their actual ones. Years ago,thermal infrared imager was widely employed in the study on temperature distribution of molten pool surface and base material.However,several of its disadvantages,such as high cost(20000to50000 dollars),low resolution(3206240pixel)and low sampling speed(mostly at60frame/second),have greatly restricted its application to industrial manufac-turing.Currently,thermal infrared imager is mainly used for scientific research.17Auxiliary light source visual detecting is generally carried out by projecting high frequency stroboscopic laser light over the weld area.This approach can actively suppress disturbance from the plume and arc light in the weld area and help to obtain valid information of the molten pool,keyhole and even spatters.In recent years, it has been widely applied to dynamic detection and identification during welding process.The light source adopted in this approach is mainly diode laser.The waveband is often set between800to1100nm in the near-infrared range.Some researchers may prefer green light as the lighting source and accordingly,the waveband is set between510and610nm.5The transmitting power is in the range of30–500W,though for a high power lighting system it can reach1000W. Laser impulse frequency is between50and50kHz. Previous experiments on auxiliary light source detecting were mainly conducted in the laboratory.Researchers used auxiliary light source to observe the changes during laser welding.Therefore,both the lighting system and visual detecting system are set up outside the weld area. With the development of laser head integrated system,FILT(Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology)has successfully integrated auxiliary light source and visual detecting system within the same laser head which is shown in Fig.7.56,18Seam tracking is very important in laser welding. Because small focus wandering off weld seam may result in lack of penetration or unacceptable welds,and largely reduce heating efficiency.Consequently,the seam tracking ability of a laser welding system is of primary concern in welding process.Several methods have been investigated for weld seam localisation based on visual sensing.For instance,seam tracking system LPF from Precitec,Welding Monitor from Prometec,and RoboFind from Servo Robot have been commercialised for several years.Also,the laser focus deviations from the desired path can be estimated by coaxially monitor-ing the optical signals emitted from the weld pool area. The most popular technique used for weld seam detection is based on the principle of optical triangula-tion.A structured light is projected on the work piece surface ahead of the laser focus and the reflected scattered light is imaged back onto a camera.57–59The controller extracts information from the image that can be used for either weld detection or seam tracking.For seam tracking based on the optical triangulation,the information of trajectory between laser focus and detected point cannot be received during the welding. Therefore a delay error resulted from forerun of the sensor occurs when there is a trajectory distortion.This delay error can be minimised if the distance between the laser focal point and the detected point is very short. Some research has been conducted for infrared tempera-ture measurement of hybrid laser TIG welding process.60 By using IR thermograph the temperaturefield of hybrid welding process is measured and calibrated.Gao and his research team integrated near-infrared visual detectinga weld bead made without adaptive control(left),and laser power and monitored signals(right);b weld bead producedwith adaptive control(left),and laser power controlled and monitored signals(right)6Adaptive monitoring and control based on heat radiation and reflected light50system with intelligent image recognition to realise accurate welding seam tracking.61–64The devices that combine near-infrared filter system (960–990nm)with a CMOS camera can help to reduce costs as well as secure high resolution and high accuracy of the detection results.On one hand,since the surface temperature and image grey scale of the molten pool have a similar distributionpattern,information about the thermal gradient change at the front part of the molten pool is obtained as shown in Fig.8.It is then used as the basis for determining the deviation degree of the laser beam from weld seam centre.12On the other hand,both Kalman filtering algorithm and Elman neural network are used to make error compensation for the detecting results,helping to enhance the stability and robustness of visual detecting.65The combination of visual sensing technology and image processing has provided new research subjects for welding detection.Y.Zhang and his research team have obtained clear molten pool images with the aid of stroboscopic laser.66The geometrical parameters of the molten pool are extracted by way of image processing and are used as reference for non-linear system identification during welding process.67,68Bardin has used the temperature information captured by a thermal imaging system for reference and adjusted laser power to conduct effective control over weld penetration.69The proposed close loop control system also successfully carries out continuous full penetration welding on materials with different thicknesses and prevents partial penetration and burn-through.With this approached,desirable full penetration welding can also be realized even when the focal position keeps changing.70SpectrometerSpectral analysis has always been used for studying plume features during laser welding process.As shown in Fig.9,the optical emission generated from welding area is collected by a collimator and transported by an optical fibre.The optical spectrum of plume is then analysed by the spectrometer.71In recent years,how-ever,with the reduction in cost and equipment size as well as the availability of more port (I/O)configuration,spectrometer has been gradually employed for online monitoring and adaptive control.Based on the relative intensity of the line spectra obtained from the spectro-meter,as shown in Fig.10,the electron temperature of different elements can be calculated by means of the Boltzmann-plot,which is derived from the Boltzmann equation.33Findings of previous researches show that prior to the occurrence of conspicuous weld defects (such as under-cut and blowouts)during aluminium alloy welding,not7Schematic of monitoring system with two visual sensors (NIR and CMOS)and images 18a grey distribution of molten pool near-infrared image;b 3D view of molten pool image grey value gradient;c gradient feature of molten pool edge8Seam position located by the grey value gradient 12。
双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译
英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless SteelF. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany(Submitted October 30, 2011)The microstructure of the weld metal of a duplex stainless steel made with Nd:YAG pulsed laser is investigated at different travel speeds and pulse frequencies. In terms of the solidification pattern, the weld microstructure is shown to be composed of two distinct zones. The presence of two competing heat transfer channels to the relatively cooler base metal and the relatively hotter previous weld spot is proposed to develop two zones. At high overlapping factors, an array of continuous axial grains at the weld centerline is formed. At low overlapping factors, in the zone of higher cooling rate, a higher percentage of ferrite is transformed to austenite. This is shown to be because with extreme cooling rates involved in pulsed laser welding with low overlapping, the ferrite-to-austenite transformation can be limited only to the grain boundaries.Keywords duplex stainless steel, microstructure, pulsed laser welding, solidificationIntroductionDuplex stainless steels (DSS) are widely used in petro- chemical and chemical processings because of the combination of corrosion resistance and advantageous mechanical proper- ties. The wrought alloys microstructure at room temperature is composed of austenite and ferrite phases (Ref 1, 2). However, the microstructure resulting from a fusion welding process can be significantly different because of the cooling rates involved (Ref 3-5). Figure 1 depicts a typical DSS alloy that would solidify completely into ferrite and then, while cooling through solid state transformation, it partially transforms into austenite (Ref 1, 2). Considering the comparatively higher cooling rates involved in welding processes, the weld metal and the HAZ microstructure could contain higher amounts of ferrite phase than the base metal. This also can affect the mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of DSS welds (Ref 2-7).Welding DSS alloys with continuous power laser has been the subject of previous research studies (Ref 8-10). It is shownthat the low heat input and consequently high cooling rates can lead to the formation of higher a/c ratio. On the other hand, pulsed laser can provide further controls on power and heat input. However, there can be questions on how the microstruc- ture of a DSS alloy is affected by the rapid pulsating nature of the heat source, since consecutive melting and solidi fication of weld spots would occur (Ref 11-13).In the present study, the focus is on the evaluation of the microstructure in different regions in the weld metal of a DSS and also analyzing the effect of variation in weld travel speed and pulse frequency.Experimental ProcedureBead-on-plate laser welding was applied on 2-mm-thick commercial SAF 2205 DSS plate. The base metal chemical composition is given in Table 1. Laser welding machine was IQL-10, with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser connected to a computer controlled working table and with a maximum mean laser power of 400 W. The available range for the laser parameters were 1-1000 Hz for pulse frequency, 0-40 J for pulse energy, and 0.2-20 ms for pulse duration.During laser welding, argon shielding gas with a coaxial nozzle was used to protect the heated surface from oxidation. Work pieces were polished and cleaned with acetone to be prepared for welding. The welded samples were observed in cross sections from three different perpendicular directions (top, transverse, and longitudinal). The etchant was Beraha (0.7 K2S2O5 20 mL HCl in 100 mL solution). The wrought base metal consisted of 55% ferrite and 45% austenite as measured by image analysis, with an average hardness of 280 HV as measured by a 500 g load. After establishing the range of parameters to achieve an acceptable weld appearance, the experiments were carried out with varying travel speeds and pulse frequencies, as shown in Table 2.Overlap factor ƒ was calculated by the Eq 1 (Ref 12,13).100)1(⨯+-=vT D f vO f (Eq 1)where T is the pulse duration, v is the welding speed, f is the laser frequency, and D refers to the laser spot size on the work piece measured as 0.9 ± 0.1 mm.3.Results and DiscussionFigure 2shows the top view of welds at a low and high overlapping. As observed from the figure, the weld spots are clearly distinguishable from each other specially at lower overlapping. When the time (or distance) between two pulses increases, high cooling rates can cause the earlier spots to solidify completely before coincident of the next pulse (Ref 11). On the other hand, when the time (or distance) between two pulses decreases, the former spot temperature can still be high enough to the extent that semisolid condition is dominant and the next pulse can raise the temperature to a degree which can almost disappear the fusion line. The solidification pattern of the weld metal was found to vary with the travel speed and/or frequency because of variations of the overlap factor. With a low overlapping factor, as shown in Fig. 2(a), from a solidi-fication pattern point of view, two zones can be identifiedZone I is the part of the weld metal which is remelted by the next pulse before becoming cooled thoroughly. In this zone, the grains nucleate on the previous spot epitaxially and grow toward the center.Zone II refers to a single pulse microstructure which is not affected by the next pulse heat and is solidified mainly from the base metal. In this part, the grain boundaries were relatively finer and more jagged.Fig. 1 Pseudo binary section of Fe-Cr-Ni system at 70% ironTable 1 Chemical composition (in wt.%)Element C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Fewt.% 0.03 1.0 1.42 0.023 0.005 22.31 5.48 3.34 Bal. Between zones I and II, there exists a very narrow band of material which is affected by the heat of the next pulse welding,i.e., the HAZ of zone I in zone II. In Fig. 2(a), this region is marked as 3, and from a solidification pattern point of view, it is a part of zone II. The development of the observed solidifica-tion patterns is because in pulse laser welding, when the weld spots are not too close to each other, the previous weld spot is relatively cool when the next pulse strikes, and therefore,effectively two different competing routes exist for the extraction of heat from any point in the molten weld pool.The first route is directly through the side walls (fusion line with the base metal), and the second route is through the previous weld spot (fusion line between consecutive weld spots). The temperature distribution field of the weld pool is affected by both of these two heat sinks. Proximity of any point in the weld pool to each of these two routes of heat extraction is one of the factors determining the dominant cooling route and solidification orientation. The preferential solidification orien-tation is also affected by the orientation of the grains on which the weld metal grows epitaxially. Zone 1 shown in Fig. 2(a) is mainly cooled through heat transfer to the previous weld spot(and then to the base metal), but zone 2 is cooled through transferring heat from side walls to the base metal. Also, when weld spots overlap each other extensively, zone 2 almost disappears and becomes only limited to a narrow band just next to the two side walls. In such condition (high overlapping),zone 1 solidification pattern dominates most of the weld metal central part, and they can effectively grow on each other epitaxially without being disturbed by zone 1 grains coming in between. Here, the grains in the consecutive zone 1 s form a clear preferred orientation, and the axial solidification pattern is formed as shown in Fig.2(b). The authors have experienced pulsed laser welding of various alloys including carbon steel,aluminum alloys, and titanium. However, it was in the case of DSS that such progress in understanding of the process of weld microstructures development became possible. It would be interesting to study the weld microstructures in other alloys in the light of the knowledge gained. As stated earlier, solidifi-cation in zone 2 is dominated by heat extraction to the side walls, but solidification in zone 1 is dominated by heat extraction to the previous weld spot. The larger grain sizes in zone 1 are due to a higher effective preheat temperature of the material the heat of which escapes to i.e., the metal which itself has been molten just a little earlier. However, the sidewalls are expected to have a lower temperature, as a steeper temperature gradient occurs for solidification of zone 2. Thus, the cooling rate in zone 1 is expected to be comparatively lower resulting in a coarser microstructure. Now, our attention turns to the postFig. 2 Microstructures of the welds with various overlap factors as viewed from top direction at (a) 55% (sampleB2) and (b) 73% (sample B4)Fig.3 SEM microstructure various parts of the weld metal and the base metal. (a) Zone I in Fig. 2(a). (b) Zone II in Fig. 2(a). (c) The bulk of the weld metal (away from axial grains) in Fig. 2(b). (d) The wrought base metalsolidification transformations and the corresponding micro-structural features as shown in Fig. 3. From the phase diagram in Fig. 1, the microstructure of the initial solidifying weld metal is expected to be fully ferritic and austenite, formed during solid state transformations. One might expect to find a higher percentage of austenite in zone 1 because of its lower cooling rate. However, the percentage of austenite in zones 1 and 2 at55% overlap was measured as 1.6 and 4.8%, respectively. A closer look at Fig. 3(a) and (b) indicates that formation of austenite is limited to the grain boundaries. It seems that at lower overlaps, the cooling rate is so high that formation of austenite has been mainly limited to higher free energy sites at grain boundaries. In this sense, zone 2 material which has afiner solidification structure has provided relatively more preferential sites to form austenite rather than ferrite during the cooling process. However, on increasing the overlap factor to 73%, the cooling rate has decreased so much to form austenite both at the grain boundaries and within the grains, resulting in an austenite content of 18.5%, see Fig. 3(c).The microhardness in these regions was measured using a 500-g load. At 55% overlap, Zone 1 was found to have a higher hardness of 385 ± 10 HV, in comparison with zone 2 a hardness of 328 ± 10 HV. This lower hardness can be due to the presence of higher amount of austenite in the microstructureof zone 2. The result of Vickers microhardness survey in B4 specimen with a high overlap factor of 73% showed mostly homogenous distribution of microhardness with an average value of 313 HV.Fig. 4 Microhardness profile along the transverse cross section of the weld in different travel speedsThe microhardness measurement was carried out on a number of transverse cross sections of weld specimens with various overlap factors. The result ofhardness surveys is shown in Fig. 4. Basically, the hardness at the center of the weld pool is higher than that of the spots near the fusion line. Higher hardness at the weld center can be due to the higher volume fraction of ferrite phase in this region.ConclusionThe results of pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding DSS are summarized as following:In pulsed laser welding, an interesting range of microstruc- tures is formed. DSS provided an opportunity to enhance the understanding of how the solidification patterns and the resulting microstructures can develop. When the weld spots do not overlap each other much, two distinct zones of solidification can be identified. One zone is formed under the influence of heat extraction directly to the base metal, while the second one is formed under the influence of heat extraction to the previous weld spot. Proximity to each of these two heat transfer channels and the presence of any strong preferred growth direction of the grains inherited through epitaxial nucleation determines the solidification pattern at any point. At low overlaps, these two zones appear consecutively in the middle part of the weld. By increasing the overlapping, the solidification pattern governed by heat extraction to the previous weld spot can form continuously without disruptionleading to an array of axial grains in the middle. The cooling rates involved in pulsed laser welding of DSS can be so high that the formation of austenite from ferrite can be limited to grain boundaries resulting in an observation that some regions with a higher cooling rate may have slightly higher final austenite contents. References1.J.C. Lippold and D.J. Kotecki, Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels, Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 20052.Zh.L. Jiang, X.Y. Chen, H. Huang, and X.Y. Liu, Grain Refinement3.of Cr25Ni5Mo1.5 Duplex Stainless Steel by Heat Treatment, Mater. Sci. Eng., 2003, A363, p 263–2674.H. Sieurin and R. Sandstro¨ m, Austenite Reformation in the Heat- Affected Zone of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205, Mater. Sci. Eng., 2006, A418, p 250–2565.G. Berglund and P. Wilhelmsson, Fabrication and Practical Experience of Duplex Stainless Steels, Mater. Des., 1989, 10, p 23–286.P. Bala Srinivasan, V. Muthupandi, V. Sivan, P. Bala Srinivasan,and W. Dietzel, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Shielded Metal Arc- Welded Dissimilar Joints Comprising Duplex Stainless Steel and Low Alloy Steel, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 2004, 15(6), p 758–764J.D. Kordatos, G. Fourlaris, and G. Papadimitriou, The Effect of Cooling Rate on the Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of SAF2205 (UNS 31803) Duplex Stainless Steel Welds, Scripta Mater., 2001, 44, p 401–4087.J.S. Ku, N.J. Ho, and S.C. Tjong, Properties of Electron Beam Welded SAF 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel, J. Mater. Process. Technol., 1997, 63(1997), p 770–7758.R.S. Huang, L. Kang, and X. Ma, Microstructure and Phase Composition of a Low-Power YAG Laser-MAG Welded Stainless Steel Joint, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 2005, 17(6), p 928–9359.J. Pekkarinen and V. Kujanpa¨a¨, The Effects of Laser Welding Parameters on the Microstructure of Ferritic and Duplex Stainless Steels Welds, Phys. Procedia, 2010, 5, p 517–52310.V. Amigo, V. Bonache, L. Teruel, and A. Vicente, Mechanical Properties of Duple Stainless Steel Laser Joints, Weld. Int., 2006, 20(5), p 361–36611.J. Sabbaghzadeh, M.J. Hamedi, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany, Effect of Process Parameters on Melting Ratio in Overlap Pulsed Laser Welding, Metall. Mater. Trans., 2008, 39B, p 340–34712.F. Malek Ghaini, M.J. Hamedi, M.J. Torkamany, and J. Sabbaghzadehb, Weld Metal Microstructural Characteristics in Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Welding, Scripta Mater., 2007, 56, p 955–95813M.J. Torkamany, M.J. Hamedi, F. Malek, and J. Sabbaghzadeh, The Effect of Process Parameters on Keyhole Welding with a 400 W Nd:YAG Pulsed Laser, J. Phys., 2006, D39, p 4563–4567附录2 译文双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany(Submitted October 30, 2011)一种用钕(Nd)焊接的双相不锈钢金属的显微组织:,研究在不同的行驶速度和脉冲频率下的YAG脉冲激光。
激光焊接原理及实践应用 PPT
Ordinary light does not focus down to a high enough power density (or small enough spot size)
手持放大镜能够把太阳光聚焦让纸燃烧然而不能把 金属融化
Hand-held lens can focus sunlight to set fire to paper but not enough to melt metal
Handbook of Laser Materials Processing
Published by the Laser Institute of America
Published literature
学习需要积极的参与 Learning requires active participation
不耻下问 Feel free to ask questions
无所顾及地提出个人不同见解 Do not hesitate to present different viewpoints
光 Light
光是一种电磁辐射 Light is electro-magnetic radiation
我们听不到、Waves that you cannot hear
well as CW 能够被用于焊接与切割Can be used for welding and cutting
Pulsed YAG Lasers (Welding)
闪光灯(光泵)Flash Lamp (Optical Pump)
全反镜100% mirror
第37卷,增刊 红外与激光工程 2008年9月 V ol.37 Supplement Infrared and Laser Engineering Sep. 2008收稿日期:2008-09-13作者简介:华灯鑫(1964-),男,浙江杭州人,教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事激光雷达大气遥测技术、光电检测技术研究。
Email :xauthdx@先进激光雷达探测技术研究进展华灯鑫1,宋小全2(1. 西安理工大学 机械与精密仪器工程学院,陕西 西安 710048)(2. 中国海洋大学 海洋遥感研究所,山东 青岛 266100)摘要:激光雷达作为近年快速发展的新型光波主动式遥感技术,由于具有高精度及高时空分辨率的遥测特性,已经在大气及海洋环境探测等领域得到广泛的应用。
关键词:激光雷达;大气环境,气象参数,遥感探测中图分类号:TN958.98 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-2276(2008)增(激光探测)-0021-07Advances in lidar remote sensing techniquesHUA Deng-xin 1, SONG Xiao-quan 2(1. School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China;2. Ocean Remote Sensing Institute, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China)Abstract: Lidar or laser radar, a modern active remote sensing technique of atmosphere, has been fast developed and widely applied in survey of the atmospheric and the marine environment because of its high accuracy and high time-space resolution of measurement. This paper firstly describes the basic measurement principle of the lidar and then discusses/analyzes the key technologies/methods, and application prospect of the several kind of existing lidar particularly, such as atmospheric environment monitor lidar, the meteorological observation lidar and space borne lidar. Finally, the newest lidar technology and its advances in the domestic and foreign are summarized.Key words: Lidar; Atmospheric environment; Meteorological parameters; Remote sensing0 引 言激光雷达[1]作为一种主动遥感探测技术和工具已有近50年的历史,目前广泛用于地球科学和气象学、物理学和天文学、生物学与生态保持、军事等领域。
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Research on laser weld penetration monitoringw ith laser induced plas ma signals*D uan A iqin,H u Lunji and W ang Yajun段爱琴,胡伦骥,王亚军**A bstract In t h is pap er,laser induce d p l as m a si gnals w ere anal y zed dur i ng keyhole w el d i ng t hrough t hree m et hod s.A ccording t o t he results,the relativit y bet w een op tical and acoustic si gnals of p las ma is sho w n when w elds are in full p enetrati on,or partial penetra tion an d non p enetration.K ey word s laser w e l d i ng,plas m a,opti ca l si gna,l acoustic signa l0 IntroductionIt is w ell known that laser i n duced p las m a is a so rt of co mm only i m portant physical pheno m ena acco m pan ied w it h K eyho le duri n g laser deep penetrati o n w elding.It plays an i m portan t role i n for m i n g ofK eyho le,ener gy and m aterials transfer during laser w e l d i n g.So it can be rea l ized that laser we l d penetration are diagnosed and con tro lled by plas m a signals[1-4].M easuring p las m a signals fr o m back ofw eld m ay be a m ost si m ple m ethod o f m on itori n g w e l d penetration i n ti m e.But i n m any cases,the m easure m ents can on l y be taken fro m w e l d face.The m ain princi p les of m onitori n g w e l d penetrati o n w ith plas m a signals are due to different m oving states o f plum e bet w een full penetrati o n and non penetration(or partial penetration).It is kno w n that laser induced plas m a co m es fro m ion ization o fm etal vapo rs and sh ieldi n g gas duri n g laserw e l d i n g.Plas m a has optica,l acoustic and char ged c haracteris tics,and has so m et h i n g w ith w elding para m eters,m aterial co m positi o ns,shielding gas and quality ofw e l d.By the spectr ograph ic ana lysis of plas m a,laser i n duced plas m a consisted ofm any d ifferent waveleng th.The br i g h t n ess o f spectru m is different for d ifferent m aterial co m positi o ns,shie l d i n g gas or o t h er w e l d i n g para m eters.The acoustic e m issi o ns are a co m p lex process,such as ther m al expansion,so li d ificati o n,vaporization,keyhole osc illation,p l a s m a particle ejection and gas flo w.The spectr um o f acoustic e m i s sion duri n g laser w elding can ex tend to MH z frequenc ies,but useful infor m ati o n can be obta i n ed fro m spectra recorded over a m uch s m a ller range (!100k H z).Th i s is particularly the tr ue under the con d itions of keyho le w elding w hen vaporization and p las m a for m ation are closely re lated to i n stabilities and m ass m o tion i n t h e m e lt surr ound i n g the keyhole.The frequency o f osc illations characterizing t h ese processes are typically! 10k H z,so acoustic spectra i n t h e range of100H z-20 MH z w ill be i n dicati v e o f keyho le stab ility and w elding cond iti o ns[3].1 Experi m ental apparat us and procedureI n th is paper,three m et h ods w ere used to study the p l u m e over m o lten pool f o r know i n g optic and acousti c characters of plas m a.M easuring re lative i n tensity o f p las m a signals(optic and acoustic si g na ls)by a spec i a l p las m a m easure m ent apparatus w as one of the m ethods.B e sides,h i g h speed ca m era had been used to study shapes o f p las m a,and at sa m e ti m e,optic e m issions o f plas m a w ere ana l y zed by spectrograph ic m easure m en.t Reducing laser* **Sponsored by De fence Fund.Duan A i q i n,H u L unji andW ang Y a j un,N ationa lK ey L abo rato ry o fH i gh D ensity Beam P ro cessi ng T echno logy,B eiji ng A eronauti ca lM anu f ac t ur i ng T echno l ogy R esearch Insti tute,Be iji ng,100024. E m a i:l hb104@ba m tr.i com (D uan A i q i n) D uan A i q i n and Hu Lun j,i D epart m ent ofM a teria l s Sc ience and Eng i neering,H uaz hong U n i versity o f Sc i ence and T echnology,W uhan,410073.po w er and changing focus positi o n conti n ually w ere used to produce d ifferent penetration w e l d s so that re lativ ity bet w een w elds penetrati o n and p las m a si g na ls can be stud ied .The experi m en tal setup is sho wn i n F i g .1.A 2k W fast ax ia l fl o w C O 2laser w as used to m ake buttw elds .T ri al m ateri a l w as sta i n l e ss steel 1C r18N i 9T ,i and its size w as 150mm ∀60mm ∀2mm.F ig .1 Sche m atic d iagra m of exper i m en t syste mA spec i a l plas m a m easuring apparatusw as used .The sa mp li n g frequenc ies w as 50kH z for one sensor .I n the experi m en,t Phanton V4h i g h speed ca m era w as used .Its speed w as 1000fra m es per second and reso luti o n w as 512∀512.2 M easure m ent and ana l y sis2.1 Optical and acoustic e m ission of plas m aThe i m ages can g ive m any infor m ati o n about p las m a .F i g .2sho w s the plas m a pictures of four kinds of m ateria ls i n l a ser keyho le w el d i n g .It is c lear thatm aterial co m posi ti o ns affect the shape and intensity o f p las m a seriousl y ,so m aterial m ust be considered w hen plas m a si g na ls w ere used .Fig .3sho w s a series o f i m ages of plas m a in laser keyho le w e l d i n g by high speed ca m era .Fro m the fi g ure ,it is clear that plas m a has v isible fluctuation and uncertain period icity .Optical si g na ls analysis de m onstrated th is characters a lso .F i g .4recorded a process of p las m a usi n g the special plas m a m easuring apparatus w hen laser po w er reducedconti n ua lly .F i g .4a sho w s t h e variati o n o f sa m pling position vs optical signal i n tensity ,and F i g .4b show s acousti c signal i n tensity at t h e sa m e positi o n .Fro m F i g .4,it is shown that the plas m a signals have v i s ible fluct u ation and uncerta i n shape at sa m e ti m e ,but a lso have so m e trends .Fig .2 Shap es of p las m a at differen t m ater i al co mpositionF ig .3 Shapes of p l as ma(A series of p las m a record ed by 1000fra m e per second )Thr ough above research,w e kno w that only the tran sient i n tensity of laser i n duced p las m a signals can t be used to sho w stability o f w elding and w e l d penetration .Bu t their trends have obv i o usly re lativity w it h w eld pene tration .So so m e data processing m ethods w ere used to study th is relativ ity .2.2 R elativity bet w een plas m a signals and w eld pen etrationI n this study ,so m e data pr ocessi n g m ethods w ere used to deal w it h t h e or i g i n al da ta .Through analysis o f m any sa m pli n g data ,such as average relative intensityF ig.4 M easured p las m a si gn als at a w el d whenpo w er reduced cont i nually processi n g,FFT processing and calculation of ener gy spectra,so m e resu lts cou ld be found.F irs,t t h ere w ere no spec ial frequent to be found both optica l and acoustic si g nals.N ex,t energy spectra and average relati v e intensity had si m ilar trends,but energy spectra had m ore fluctua s,t though optical and acoustic si g na ls had d iffer ent variety r u le fo r sa m e w e l d,they had sa m e trendsw hen w eld penetration w as var i e d.Fig.5sho w s the variati o n of optical signal intensity (acoustic signal i n tensity)at different positi o n of the w e l d after the data sho w n i n Fig.4w ere processed.Fro m Fig.5,it is clear that si g na ls can be d i v i d ed i n to four ran ges,and these range have obv iousl y relativ ity w ith w e l d penetrati o n.Table1sho w s all i n for m ation.Fro m F i g.5and Tab le1,so m e resu lts sho w fo llo w ing:First range(R1):I n th i s range,acoustic si g na ls in tensity are lo w er,average intensity is on ly166and the h i g hest is less than500,and fl u ctuati o ns are s m al.l Bu t optica l signals have the h i g hest i n tensity and s m all fluctua tions.In this range,the w e l d is full penetra ti o n and has good appearance of back.Tab l e1 Con trast between opt i cal and acoustic si gnals during d ifferen t w eld range R ange R1R2R3R4P ositi on1-218218-367367-441441-500 L aser powe r1300-950W950-716W716-600W0W e l d stateFull pene trati on;G ood appearance o f back o f we l dPartia l penetra tion;W eld w i dth i s reduceN on penetrati on W eldi ng stopA ve rage i ntensity ofop tica l s i gna ls12818306936A ve rage i ntensity ofacoustic si gna l s1666398030Second range(R2):In th i s range,acoustic si g na ls i n tensity i n crease suddenly and have i n tense fl u ctuati o ns, average i n tensity is639and i n so m e positi o n signals are higher than1700.A t the sa m e ti m e,optica l signals have very obv iousl y fl u ctuati o ns.R elative to parts of we l d are partial penetrati o n and w eld w i d th beco m e narro w.It can be consi d ered t h at keyho le is i n un stab ility.Third range(R3):In this range,a ll signals obv i o us ly reduce till very l o w leve.l Average i n tensity o f acousti c signals is80and optica l is69.This process w as in heat conduct w eldi n g.Fourth range(R4):w e l d i n g stop,all signals co m e fro m background.F ig.5 Variation of we l d position vs op tica l si gna l inten sityand acoustic si gna l inten sity3 D iscussi o nA ccor d i n g to above results,w e can diagnose and con tro lw eld penetrati o n as fo llo w s:Suppose that m aterial co m position and sh i e l d i n g gas are constan,t so w hen w e l d s are i n full penetrati o n|#S t|=|S t-S0|!#S0(1)|#I t|=|I t-I0|!#I0(2) W hen w elds are in partial penetration or non penetrati o n:|#S t|=|S t-S0|>#S0(3)|#I t|=|I t-I0|>#I0(4) W here,S t,I t:acoustic and optica l signals intensity at a position t;S0,I0:the i n itialization of acoustic and optical si g na ls intensity;#S0,#I0:the i n itialization o facoustic and optica l signal fl u ctuation.Though S0,I0,#S0,#I0are re lativ ity w ith w elding para m eter,for a w e l d i n g process,it can be defi n ed w hen m ateria l co m positi o n and w eld i n g para m eters are fi x ed. Therefo re,by t h e resu lts obta i n ed fro m above ana l y sis, deter m ined w e l d s penetration can be m onitored in ti m e.4 C oncl u sionsThe m a j o r conc l u si o ns obtained fro m this study are as fo ll o w s:(1)Laser induced plas m a si g na ls have c l o se re lativi ty w ith m ater i a l co m positi o ns and w eld i n g para m eters i nC O2laser w elding.(2)The acoustic signals i n tensity are d ifferent at full penetrati o n w elds,partial penetrati o n and non pene tration w elds.A t full penetrati o n w e l d,acoustic signals i n tensity are very lo w er,but obviousl y i n crease at partial penetrati o n.W hen m aterial and other w e l d i n g para m eters are unc hanged,w e l d penetrati o n are unchanged,only w eld po w er have littl e influence w ith acoustic signal i n ten sity.(3)The optical signal intensity have close relativ ity w ith w eld penetration.A t fu ll penetration w elds,the opti ca l signal intensity are stab le,w hile the optical signals are fluctuation at parti a l or non penetrati o n.(4)It is a available m ethod using both optical and a coustic signals for m on ito ri n g w eld penetration i n keyhole w elding.R eferences[1] Isam a M iya m oto.Spati a l and te m po ra l character istics o f l aseri nduced plas m a i n CO2laser w eldi ng.P ro ceedings LAM P 92,N agaoka,June,1992.[2] Luo H ong,H u Lunj,i H u X i yuan,e t a.l L ase r keyho le effec ton opti ca l and acoustic signa l s dur i ng l ase r w e l d i ng.Ch i na M echan i ca l Eng i neering,1998,9(11):84-86(i n Chinese) [3] D uley W W.L aser w eldi ng.N e w Y ork:John W il ey&SonsInc,1998.[4] Su Y andong.Spectrographic ana l y si s of laser i nduced plas m ai n process o f high powe r l ase r we l d i ng.China W eldi ng,1999,8(2):121-126。