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The process by means of which human beings can arbitrarily make certain things stand for other things may be called the symbolic process. (31) ___ we turn, we see the symbolic process (32) __ work. For example, stripes on the sleeve can be made to stand for military rank; crossed sticks can stand for a (33) __ of religious beliefs. There are (34) __ things that have not a symbolic value.

Almost all fashionable clothes are (35)_ symbolic. And we select our furniture to (36) ____ as visible symbols of our taste, wealth, and social position. We often choose our houses on the (37) ___ of a feeling that it "looks well" to have a "good address". We trade in perfectly good cars for (38) __ models not always to get better transportation, (39) __ to give evidence to the community that we can (40) _____ it.

I once had an eight-year-old car in good running condition. A repairman, who knew the condition of the car, kept (41) ____ me to trade it (42) __ a new model. "But why?" I asked, "The old car's in (43) __ still." The repairman answered scornfully, "Yeah, but all you've got is transportation."

Such complicated and apparently (44) __ behavior leads philosophers to (45) __ over "Why can't human beings live simply and naturally?" (46) ____ the complexity of human life makes us look enviously at the relative simplicity of such lives as dogs and cats lead.

Simply, the fact that symbolic process makes complexity possible is no (47) ___ for wanting to (48) __ to a cat existence. A better (49) ___ is to understand the symbolic process (50)___ instead of being its victims we become, to some degree at least, its masters.

31. A. Whichever B. Whatever C. Everywhere D. However

32. A. in B. at C. by D. on

33. A. serial B. cluster C. suite. D. set

34. A. many B. few C. enough D. little

35. A. highly B. merely C. rarely D. accidentally

36. A. work B. regard C. serve D. signify

37. A. chance B. purpose C. opportunity D. basis

38. A. later B. former C. latter D. earlier

39. A. yet B. but C. and D. so

40. A. afford B. offer C. supply D. grant

41. A. advocating B. alerting C. urging D. pressing

42. A. with B. in C. out D. for

43. A. advance B. shape C. demand D. vogue

44. A. unnecessary B. useless C. random D. impolite

45. A. concern B. worry C. ponder D. determine

46. A. Often B. Seldom C. Always D. Still

47. A. doubt B. meaning C. reason D. time

48. A. return B. devote C. lead D. proceed

49. A. result B. solution C. distinction D. resolution

50. A. while B. as C. since that D. so that

31.[C] 【解析】这里要说的是“我们所到的每个地方”,故选C。

32.[B] 【解析】根据旬意“我们所到的每个地方,我们都能看到符号的象征意义……”,at work意为“在起作用”,故选B。

33.[D] 【解析】本题可用排除法,a set of表示“一套,一组”,与“宗教信仰”搭配符合句意。

34.[B] 【解析】few修饰可数名词,与not构成双重否定,表肯定。35.[A] 【解析】该句是第二段的主题旬,承上启下,根据首段内容可知,要填的词应表肯定意义,故选A。

36.[C] 【解析】serve…as“当作,充当……”,这是固定用法。

37.[D] 【解析】本句说我们通常凭感觉来选择房子,on the basis of“以……为基础”,D正确。
