



光伏组件规格表光伏组件(太阳能电池板)规格表如本页不能正常显示,请点击刷新短路峰值开路峰值峰值电压电流电流尺寸电压功率型号材料(mm)PmVoc Imp Isc Vmp(V)(A)(watt) (V)(A)单晶0.66 265*265*25 5 APM18M5W27x28.75 0.57 10.5 硅_________________单晶265*265*25 17.5 5 0.29 21.5 0.32 APM36M5W27x27 硅多晶265*265*25 10.5 5 8.75 0.57 0.66 APM18P5W27x27 硅 ------------------- 多晶265*265*25 17.5 0.29 21.5 0.32 5APM36P5W27X27 硅单晶301*356*25 0.46 21.5 0.52 17.5 APM36M8W36X30 硅多晶301*356*25 21.5 0.52 APM36P8W36X30 17.5 0.46 硅单晶APM36M10W36X300 1 7.5 0.57 21.5 0.65 301*356*25多晶APM36P10W36X300 17.5 0.57 21.5 0.65 301*356*25287*487*25 0.97 21.5 0.86 单晶17.5 15 APM36M15W49X29光伏组件规格表硅多晶356*426*28 0.86 21.5 0.97 15 17.5 APM36P15W43X36 硅单晶1.29 1.14 21.5281*627*25 APM36M20W63x220 17.5 硅多晶356*576*28 1.14 21.5 1.29 APM36P20W58x36!0 17.5 硅单晶536*477*28 21.5 1.61 APM36M25W48X525 17.5 1.43 硅多晶356*676*28 21.5 1.61 APM36P25W68X325 17.5 1.43 硅单晶 1.94 536*477*28 APM36M30W48x530 17.5 1.71 21.5硅 多晶 1.94 356*816*28 1.71APM36P30W82x330 17.5 21.5硅 单晶 2.26 537*617*40 APM36M35W62x535 17.5 2.00 21.5硅多晶 356*816*28 2.26 APM36P35W82x3655 17.5 2.00 21.5 硅 单晶 537*617*40 40 17.5 2.29 21.5 2.58 多晶 576*670*40 40 17.5 2.29 21.5 2.58 单晶 537*758*40 2.57 45 17.5 21.5 2.91 多晶576*670*40 2.91 17.5 2.57 21.5APM36M75W120X575 17.5 硅多晶 21.54.84 670*990*40 APM36P75W99X6 75 17.5 4.29硅APM36M80W120X580 17.5 硅多晶 5.17 670*990*40 APM36P80W99x680 17.5 4.57 21.5 硅 ___________________ 单晶 537*1198*40 21.5 5.49 APM36M85W120x545 17.5 4.86硅多晶 5.49 537*1198*40 21.5 APM36P85W120x54!5 17.5 4.86 硅 单晶537*1198*40 21.5 5.81APM36M90W120x590 17.5 5.14硅多晶 5.81 537*1198*40 90 17.5 5.14 21.5 APM36P90W120x5確 ____________________单晶 6.46 800*1080*40 APM36M100W108x8000 1 7.5 5.71 21.5硅单晶 800*1080*40 2.8643 3.23APM72M100W108X8000 35 硅 _________________________多晶 6.46 670*1250*40 100 17.5 5.71 21.5 APM36P100W125x67 硅多晶 670*1250*40 43 3.23 APM72P100W125x67l00 35 2.86硅 ______________________单晶 800*1080*40 6.29 21.5 7.11APM36M110W108x8010 17.5 硅单晶 7.75 800*1080*40 17.5 120 6.86 21.5APM36M120W108x80硅 ______________________多晶 APM36P120W148X6720 17.5 6.86 21.5 7.75 670*1476*40 硅 多晶APM72P120W148x67570*1476*40 3.88 43 3.43 35 120 光伏组件规格表硅 APM72M140W158X8140 35 4.00 43 4.52 43 5.65APM72M175W158X8硅 ----------------------多晶 7.89 990*1480*46 190 26 7.31 33 APM54P190W148x9硅多晶 990*1480*46APM54P200W148x9Q00 26.2 7.63 33.4 8.12硅 _____________________太阳能电池板规格表 短路峰值峰值 峰值 开路APM36M40W62X5 硅 APM36P40W67x58^ APM36M45W76x54 硅APM36P45W67X545 硅 单晶 537*758*40 2.86 21.5 3.23 APM36M50W76X550 17.5 硅 多晶 510*880*40 21.5 3.23 2.86APM36P50W88X5150 17.5 硅单晶 3.55 537*758*40 55 17.5 3.14 21.5 多晶 510*880*40 17.5 3.14 21.5 3.55 APM36M55W76X5 硅 APM36P55W88X555 硅单晶 537*899*40 17.53.43 21.5 3.88 60670*816*40 3.88 21.5 3.43 17.5 60 光伏组件规格表硅单晶 537*899*40 3.71 21.5 4.20 65 17.5 APM36M60W90X54硅 _________________ APM36P60W82X6 多晶.APM36M65W90X54硅 _________________多晶 670*816*40 3.71 21.5 4.20 APM36P65W82X665 17.5 硅 单晶 537*1198*40 4.00 21.5 4.52 APM36M70W120X50 17.5 硅单晶537*1198*40 4.29 21.5 4.84单晶 537*1198*40 4.57 21.5 5.17单晶 808*1580*46 单晶 808*1580*46APM72M160W158X8160 35 4.57 43 5.17多晶5.17 808*1580*46APM72P160W158X8 1160 35 4.57 43硅单晶 808*1580*46 175 35 5.00尺寸电流电压功率电压电流型号材料(mm)Voc Imp Isc Pm Vmp(A) (V)(V) (A)(watt) 249x235x30 21.6 0.29 5 17.3 APM36M5W25x24 0.35 单晶硅________ 350x187x25 APM36P5W35x19 21 5 0.34 17.3 0.29 多晶硅359x296x30 22 10 0.66 APM36M10W36x30 17.2 0.58 单晶硅329x290x25 10 21 17.5 APM36P10W33x29 0.66 0.57 多晶硅528x296x30 15 21.5 17.4 APM36M15W53x30 0.98 0.86 单晶硅400x350x25 17.5 0.93 APM36P15W40x35 0.85 15 21 多晶硅341x550x30 17.2 APM36M20W34x55 1.62 1.17 20 21.6 单晶硅610x291x25APM36P20W61x29 1.15 20 1.35 17.5 21 多晶硅434x550x30 1.45 1.72APM36M25W43x55 17.3 21.6 25 单晶硅541x422x25 21 1.7 25 2 17.5APM36P25W54x42 多晶硅622x550x30 21.6 30 APM36M30W62x55 1.75 17.2 1.95单晶硅535x510x25 30 APM36P30W54x51 17.5 21 1.7 2 多晶硅622x550x30 2.02 17.3 2.3 21.5 35 APM36M35W62x55 单晶硅610x541x25 35 17.5 2.3 APM36P35W61x54 2 21 多晶硅624x552x30 APM36M40W62x55 2.5 21.6 2.3 17.5 40单晶硅.光伏组件规格表610x541x25 40 17.5 21 APM36P40W61x54 2.25 2.7 多晶硅811x552x30 17.2 APM36M45W81x55 21.7 2.6 2.9 45 单晶硅811x552x30APM36M50W81X55 21.5 17.3 2.9 3.2 50 单晶硅770x660x30 17.5 21 2.9 50APM36P50W77x66 3.2 多晶硅830x552x30 21.7 17.4 APM36M55W83x55 3.16 3.5 55 单晶硅770x660x35 APM36P55W77x66 17.5 3.5 3.1 55 21 多晶硅1186x552x30 17.2 APM36M60W119x55 3.5 4 60 21.7 单晶硅770x660x35APM36P60W77x66 3.4 3.8 60 22 17.5 多晶硅1186x552x30 3.7 APM36M65W119x55 3.82 65 21.6 17.5 单晶硅770x660x35 APM36P65W77x66 3.7 65 4.1 17.5 22 多晶硅1187x542x30 APM36M70W119x54 4.1 70 4.8 17.2 21.4 单晶硅1172x541x35 4 70 APM36P70W117X54 4.4 17.5 22 多晶硅1187x542x30 4.46 75 5.1 16.8 21.7APM36M75W119X54 单晶硅1172x541x35 75 22 17.5 4.7 APM36P75W117x54 4.3多晶硅1187x542x30 80 21.6 17.2 5 APM36M80W119x54 4.65 单晶硅1172x541x35 80 22 17.5 APM36P80W117x54 5.1 4.6 多晶硅1196x556x30 85 22 17.6 APM36M85W120X56 4.83 5.3 单晶硅1172x541x35 17.5 4.9 APM36P85W117x54 5.3 22 85 多晶硅1068x806x35 17.6 21.7 APM36M90W107x81 5.1 5.5 90 单晶硅1068x806x35 5.56 APM36M100W107x81 6.6 100 21.6 18 单晶硅1470x680x50 5.7 APM36P100W147X68 6.3 100 22 17.5 多晶硅1470x680x50 APM36P110W147x68 22 110 6.3 17.5 6.9 多晶硅1580x808x35 6.85 120 7.5 17.6 22.8 APM36M120W158x81单晶硅1470x680x50 120 22 17.5 7.5 APM36P120W147x68 6.9 多晶硅1580x808x35 130 44 35 APM72P130W158x81 4.1 3.7 多晶硅1580x808x35 35 44 APM72P140W158X81 4 140 4.4 多晶硅1580x808x35 34.4 APM72M150W158x81 4.9 4.36 150 43.2 单晶硅1580x808x35 44 150 4.7 35 APM72P150W158x81 4.3 多晶硅1580x808x35 43.1 34 APM72M155W158x81 5 4.56 155 单晶硅1580x808x35APM72M160W158X81 4.65 5 160 34.4 43.2 单晶硅1580x808x35 160 5.1 35APM72P160W158X81 44 4.6 多晶硅1580x808x35 4.62 35.8 44.5APM72M165W158X81 5.04 165 单晶硅1580x808x35 APM72M170W158x81 170 44.2 35.8 4.75 5.05 单晶硅1580x808x35 5.4 44 4.9 APM72P170W158x81 35 170 多晶硅.光伏组件规格表1580x808x35 APM72M175W158x81 4.8 5.15 175 36.6 44.9 单晶硅1956x992x50 190 32.5 APM72M190W196x99 42 5.9 6.82 单晶硅1956x992x50 6.5 7 32.6 APM72M210W196X99 43.1 210 单晶硅1956x992x50 220 32.6 7APM72M220W196x99 6.5 43.1 单晶硅240 6.5 7 单晶硅1956x992x50 APM72M240W196x99 43.1 32.6。



光伏组件和原辅材料规格1 .光伏组件一般要求(1)针对每个太阳能光伏电站,除光伏电站特殊要求外,应采用一致的规格。

















精彩文档1956×992×50 6×12=72 精彩文档1482×992×50 6×9=541482×676×35 4×9=36 产品外形及安装尺寸精彩文档精彩文档产品图片展示230W~280W 220W~190W 110W精彩文档性能结构参数Conditions (STC) (条件) Irradiance(光照强度): 1000 W/m2Cell temperature(测试温度): 250CAM:1.5System design characteristics (系统设计特点)Maximum system voltage 1000 V (最大系统电压1000V)精彩文档Cells per module 72(组件所需电池片数量72)Solar cells polycrystal silicon (多晶硅电池片)Cell dimensions 156 x 156 mm (电池片的尺寸)Operation Temperature Range:-400C~850CThermal characteristics (温度系数)NOCT 460CTK Isc +0.08 %/0CTK Voc -0.35 %/0CTK Pm -0.36%/0CRated power and maximum tolerance(最大允许额定功率) Module Efficiency >13.3% (件转换效率)Rated power 230w~280w正负5%Warrantise (保证)精彩文档25-year limited warranty on power output Warranties (25年的功率输出维护)2-year limited warranty on materials and workmanship (两年的原料以及人力维护)精彩文档。



多晶硅光伏组件技术参数英文回答:The polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module is a solar panel made from polycrystalline silicon cells. These cells are made from silicon that has been recrystallized into a polycrystalline structure. This makes the cells less efficient than monocrystalline silicon cells, but also less expensive. Polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules are typically used in large-scale solar installations, such as solar farms.Technical parameters of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules.Power output: The power output of a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module is measured in watts (W). The power output of a module is determined by its size, the efficiency of its cells, and the amount of sunlight that it receives.Efficiency: The efficiency of a polycrystallinesilicon photovoltaic module is measured as a percentage. The efficiency of a module is determined by the amount of sunlight that it can convert into electricity.Voltage: The voltage of a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module is measured in volts (V). The voltage of a module is determined by the number of cells in the module and the way that they are connected.Current: The current of a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module is measured in amperes (A). The current of a module is determined by the amount of sunlight that it receives and the efficiency of its cells.Temperature coefficient: The temperature coefficient of a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic module measures how the module's power output changes with temperature. The temperature coefficient is typically negative, which means that the module's power output decreases as the temperature increases.中文回答:多晶硅光伏组件是一种由多晶硅电池制成的太阳能电池板。



EG-255P60-C参数及安装手册组件外形尺寸图电性能参数序号部件单位数值1 组件型号EG-255P60-C2 峰值功率W 2553 功率公差% 0~+34 组件转换效率% 15.65 开路电压V ~37.976 短路电流 A ~8.897 工作电压V ~30.478 工作电流 A ~8.379 填充因数% ~75组件在不同辐照下的I-V 曲线:0510152025303540246810200W/m 2400W/m 2600W/m 2800W/m 21000W/m 2C u r r e n t (A )Voltage(V)图1 EG-255P60-C 组件I-V 曲线光伏组件安装手册1.介绍➢非常感谢您选择常州亿晶光电科技有限公司(以下简称“亿晶”)光伏组件(以下简称“组件”)。
















Maximum power (Wp)
Open circuit voltage (V)
Short circuit current (A)
Maximum operating voltage(V)
current ( A )
测试标准 STC: Irradiance 1000W/ m2, Temperature 25℃, AM=
产品保证 Limited Warranty: Power output not less than 90% in 10 years and 80% in 25 years



光伏组件(太阳能电池板)规格表如本页不能正常显示,请点击刷新型号材料峰值功率Pm(watt)峰值电压Vmp(V)峰值电流Imp(A)开路电压Voc(V)短路电流Isc(A)尺寸(mm)APM18M5W27x27单晶硅5 8.75 0.57 10.5 0.66 265*265*25APM36M5W27x27单晶硅5 17.5 0.29 21.5 0.32 265*265*25APM18P5W27x27多晶硅5 8.75 0.57 10.5 0.66 265*265*25APM36P5W27x27多晶硅5 17.5 0.29 21.5 0.32 265*265*25APM36M8W36x30单晶硅8 17.5 0.46 21.5 0.52 301*356*25APM36P8W36x30多晶硅8 17.5 0.46 21.5 0.52 301*356*25APM36M10W36x30单晶硅10 17.5 0.57 21.5 0.65 301*356*25APM36P10W36x30多晶硅10 17.5 0.57 21.5 0.65 301*356*25APM36M15W49x29单晶15 17.5 0.86 21.5 0.97 287*487*25APM36P15W43x36多晶硅15 17.5 0.86 21.5 0.97 356*426*28APM36M20W63x28单晶硅20 17.5 1.14 21.5 1.29 281*627*25APM36P20W58x36多晶硅20 17.5 1.14 21.5 1.29 356*576*28APM36M25W48x54单晶硅25 17.5 1.43 21.5 1.61 536*477*28APM36P25W68x36多晶硅25 17.5 1.43 21.5 1.61 356*676*28APM36M30W48x54单晶硅30 17.5 1.71 21.5 1.94 536*477*28APM36P30W82x36多晶硅30 17.5 1.71 21.5 1.94 356*816*28APM36M35W62x54单晶硅35 17.5 2.00 21.5 2.26 537*617*40APM36P35W82x36多晶硅35 17.5 2.00 21.5 2.26 356*816*28APM36M40W62x54单晶硅40 17.5 2.29 21.5 2.58 537*617*40APM36P40W67x58多晶硅40 17.5 2.29 21.5 2.58 576*670*40APM36M45W76x54单晶硅45 17.5 2.57 21.5 2.91 537*758*40APM36P45W67x58多晶硅45 17.5 2.57 21.5 2.91 576*670*40APM36M50W76x54单晶硅50 17.5 2.86 21.5 3.23 537*758*40APM36P50W88x51多晶硅50 17.5 2.86 21.5 3.23 510*880*40APM36M55W76x54单晶硅55 17.5 3.14 21.5 3.55 537*758*40APM36P55W88x51多晶硅55 17.5 3.14 21.5 3.55 510*880*40APM36M60W90x54单晶硅60 17.5 3.43 21.5 3.88 537*899*40APM36P60W82x67多晶60 17.5 3.43 21.5 3.88 670*816*40APM36M65W90x54单晶硅65 17.5 3.71 21.5 4.20 537*899*40APM36P65W82x67多晶硅65 17.5 3.71 21.5 4.20 670*816*40APM36M70W120x54单晶硅70 17.5 4.00 21.5 4.52 537*1198*40APM36M75W120x54单晶硅75 17.5 4.29 21.5 4.84 537*1198*40APM36P75W99x67多晶硅75 17.5 4.29 21.5 4.84 670*990*40APM36M80W120x54单晶硅80 17.5 4.57 21.5 5.17 537*1198*40APM36P80W99x67多晶硅80 17.5 4.57 21.5 5.17 670*990*40APM36M85W120x54单晶硅85 17.5 4.86 21.5 5.49 537*1198*40APM36P85W120x54多晶硅85 17.5 4.86 21.5 5.49 537*1198*40APM36M90W120x54单晶硅90 17.5 5.14 21.5 5.81 537*1198*40APM36P90W120x54多晶硅90 17.5 5.14 21.5 5.81 537*1198*40APM36M100W108x80单晶硅100 17.5 5.71 21.5 6.46 800*1080*40APM72M100W108x80单晶硅100 35 2.86 43 3.23 800*1080*40APM36P100W125x67多晶硅100 17.5 5.71 21.5 6.46 670*1250*40APM72P100W125x67多晶硅100 35 2.86 43 3.23 670*1250*40APM36M110W108x80单晶硅110 17.5 6.29 21.5 7.11 800*1080*40APM36M120W108x80单晶硅120 17.5 6.86 21.5 7.75 800*1080*40APM36P120W148x67多晶硅120 17.5 6.86 21.5 7.75 670*1476*40APM72P120W148x67多晶120 35 3.43 43 3.88 670*1476*40APM72M140W158x81单晶硅140 35 4.00 43 4.52 808*1580*46APM72M160W158x81单晶硅160 35 4.57 43 5.17 808*1580*46APM72P160W158x81多晶硅160 35 4.57 43 5.17 808*1580*46APM72M175W158x81单晶硅175 35 5.00 43 5.65 808*1580*46APM54P190W148x99多晶硅190 26 7.31 33 7.89 990*1480*46APM54P200W148x99多晶硅200 26.2 7.63 33.4 8.12 990*1480*46太阳能电池板规格表型号材料峰值功率Pm(watt)峰值电压Vmp(V)峰值电流Imp(A)开路电压Voc(V)短路电流Isc(A)尺寸(mm)APM36M5W25x24 单晶硅 5 17.3 0.29 21.6 0.35 249x235x30 APM36P5W35x19 多晶硅 5 17.3 0.29 21 0.34 350x187x25 APM36M10W36x30 单晶硅10 17.2 0.58 22 0.66 359x296x30 APM36P10W33x29 多晶硅10 17.5 0.57 21 0.66 329x290x25 APM36M15W53x30 单晶硅15 17.4 0.86 21.5 0.98 528x296x30 APM36P15W40x35 多晶硅15 17.5 0.85 21 0.93 400x350x25 APM36M20W34x55 单晶硅20 17.2 1.17 21.6 1.62 341x550x30 APM36P20W61x29 多晶硅20 17.5 1.15 21 1.35 610x291x25 APM36M25W43x55 单晶硅25 17.3 1.45 21.6 1.72 434x550x30 APM36P25W54x42 多晶硅25 17.5 1.7 21 2 541x422x25 APM36M30W62x55 单晶硅30 17.2 1.75 21.6 1.95 622x550x30 APM36P30W54x51 多晶硅30 17.5 1.7 21 2 535x510x25 APM36M35W62x55 单晶硅35 17.3 2.02 21.5 2.3 622x550x30 APM36P35W61x54 多晶硅35 17.5 2 21 2.3 610x541x25 APM36M40W62x55 单晶硅40 17.5 2.3 21.6 2.5 624x552x30APM36P40W61x54 多晶硅40 17.5 2.25 21 2.7 610x541x25 APM36M45W81x55 单晶硅45 17.2 2.6 21.7 2.9 811x552x30 APM36M50W81x55 单晶硅50 17.3 2.9 21.5 3.2 811x552x30 APM36P50W77x66 多晶硅50 17.5 2.9 21 3.2 770x660x30 APM36M55W83x55 单晶硅55 17.4 3.16 21.7 3.5 830x552x30 APM36P55W77x66 多晶硅55 17.5 3.1 21 3.5 770x660x35 APM36M60W119x55 单晶硅60 17.2 3.5 21.7 4 1186x552x30 APM36P60W77x66 多晶硅60 17.5 3.4 22 3.8 770x660x35 APM36M65W119x55 单晶硅65 17.5 3.7 21.6 3.82 1186x552x30 APM36P65W77x66 多晶硅65 17.5 3.7 22 4.1 770x660x35 APM36M70W119x54 单晶硅70 17.2 4.1 21.4 4.8 1187x542x30 APM36P70W117x54 多晶硅70 17.5 4 22 4.4 1172x541x35 APM36M75W119x54 单晶硅75 16.8 4.46 21.7 5.1 1187x542x30 APM36P75W117x54 多晶硅75 17.5 4.3 22 4.7 1172x541x35 APM36M80W119x54 单晶硅80 17.2 4.65 21.6 5 1187x542x30 APM36P80W117x54 多晶硅80 17.5 4.6 22 5.1 1172x541x35 APM36M85W120x56 单晶硅85 17.6 4.83 22 5.3 1196x556x30 APM36P85W117x54 多晶硅85 17.5 4.9 22 5.3 1172x541x35 APM36M90W107x81 单晶硅90 17.6 5.1 21.7 5.5 1068x806x35 APM36M100W107x81 单晶硅100 18 5.56 21.6 6.6 1068x806x35 APM36P100W147x68 多晶硅100 17.5 5.7 22 6.3 1470x680x50 APM36P110W147x68 多晶硅110 17.5 6.3 22 6.9 1470x680x50 APM36M120W158x81 单晶硅120 17.6 6.85 22.8 7.5 1580x808x35 APM36P120W147x68 多晶硅120 17.5 6.9 22 7.5 1470x680x50 APM72P130W158x81 多晶硅130 35 3.7 44 4.1 1580x808x35 APM72P140W158x81 多晶硅140 35 4 44 4.4 1580x808x35 APM72M150W158x81 单晶硅150 34.4 4.36 43.2 4.9 1580x808x35 APM72P150W158x81 多晶硅150 35 4.3 44 4.7 1580x808x35 APM72M155W158x81 单晶硅155 34 4.56 43.1 5 1580x808x35 APM72M160W158x81 单晶硅160 34.4 4.65 43.2 5 1580x808x35 APM72P160W158x81 多晶硅160 35 4.6 44 5.1 1580x808x35 APM72M165W158x81 单晶硅165 35.8 4.62 44.5 5.04 1580x808x35 APM72M170W158x81 单晶硅170 35.8 4.75 44.2 5.05 1580x808x35 APM72P170W158x81 多晶硅170 35 4.9 44 5.4 1580x808x35APM72M175W158x81 单晶硅175 36.6 4.8 44.9 5.15 1580x808x35 APM72M190W196x99 单晶硅190 32.5 5.9 42 6.82 1956x992x50 APM72M210W196x99 单晶硅210 32.6 6.5 43.1 7 1956x992x50 APM72M220W196x99 单晶硅220 32.6 6.5 43.1 7 1956x992x50 APM72M240W196x99 单晶硅240 32.6 6.5 43.1 7 1956x992x50。

275 Watt多晶体光伏模块说明书

275 Watt多晶体光伏模块说明书

275 WattPOLYCRYSTALLINE SOLAR MODULEFeaturesIEC-STP-Wem-NO1.01-Rev 2017©Copyright 2017 Suntech Power16.9%3800 Pa 5400 PaExtended wind and snow load testsModule certified towithstand extreme wind (3800 Pascal) and snow loads (5400 Pascal) *High module conversion efficiencyModule efficiency up to 16.9% achieved throughadvanced cell technology and manufacturing capabilities 2%Suntech current sorting processSystem output maximized by reducing mismatch losses up to 2% with modules sorted & packaged by amperage PID ResistantHigh PID resistantAdvanced cell technology and qualified materials lead to high resistance to PIDSTP275 - 20/Wem STP270 - 20/Wem STP265 - 20/Wem0/+5W Positive tolerancePositive tolerance of up to 5 W delivers higher output reliablityThe unique cell design leads Special 5 busbar design * Please refer to Suntech Standard Module Installation Manual for details. **WEEE only for EU market.*** Please refer to Suntech Product Near-coast Installation Manual for details. **** Please refer to Suntech Product Warranty for details.Withstanding harsh environmentReliable quality leads to a better sustainability even in harsh environment like desert, farm and coastlineCertifications and standards:IEC 61215, IEC 61730, conformity to CEIEC-STP-Vem-NO1.01-Rev 2014E-mail:***********************Current-Voltage & Power-Voltage Curve (275-20)Dealer informationMechanical CharacteristicsSolar Cell Polycrystalline silicon 6 inches No. of Cells 60 (6 × 10)Dimensions 1640 × 992 × 35mm (64.6 × 39.1 × 1.4 inches)Weight 18.2 kgs (40.1 lbs.)Front Glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches) tempered glass Frame Anodized aluminium alloy Junction Box IP68 rated (3 bypass diodes)Output CablesTUV (2Pfg1169:2007)4.0 mm 2 (0.006 inches 2), symmetrical lengths (-) 1000mm (39.4 inches) and (+) 1000 mm (39.4 inches)ConnectorsMC4 compatibleIEC-STP-Wem-NO1.01-Rev 20171000 W/m 800 W/m 600 W/m 400 W/m 200 W/m Information on how to install and operate this product is available in the installation instruction. All values indicated in this data sheet are subject to change without prior announcement. The specifications may vary slightly. All specifications are in accordance with standard EN 50380. Color differences of the modules relative to the figures as well as discolorations of/in the modules which do not impair their proper functioning are possible and do not constitute a deviation from the specification.STC: lrradiance 1000 W/m , module temperature 25 °C, AM=1.5;Best in Class AAA solar simulator (IEC 60904-9) used, power measurement uncertainty is within +/- 3%NOCT: Irradiance 800 W/m , ambient temperature 20 °C, AM=1.5, wind speed 1 m/s;Best in Class AAA solar simulator (IEC 60904-9) used, power measurement uncertainty is within +/- 3%STP275- 20/Wem STP270 - 20/Wem STP265 - 20/WemTemperature CharacteristicsNominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT )45±2°C Temperature Coefficient of Pmax-0.41 %/°C Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.33 %/°C Temperature Coefficient of Isc0.067 %/°C。

285 Watt 多晶体胶光伏板说明书

285 Watt 多晶体胶光伏板说明书

285 WattPOLYCRYSTALLINE SOLAR MODULEIEC-STP-Wfw-NO1.01-Rev 2017©Copyright 2017 Suntech Power17.4%3800Pa 5400PaExtended wind and snow load testsModule certified towithstand extreme wind (3800 Pascal) and snow loads (5400 Pascal) *High module conversion efficiencyModule efficiency up to 17.4% achieved throughadvanced cell technology and manufacturing capabilities 2%Suntech current sorting processSystem output maximized by reducing mismatch losses up to 2% with modules sorted & packaged by amperage PID ResistantHigh PID resistantAdvanced cell technology and qualified materials lead to high resistance to PIDWithstanding harsh environmentReliable quality leads to a better sustainability even in harsh environment like desert, farm and coastlineCertifications and standards:0/+5W Positive tolerancePositive tolerance of up to 5W delivers higher output reliablityIEC 61215, IEC 61730, conformity to CESTP285 - 20/WfwSTP280 - 20/Wfw STP275 - 20/WfwSuperpoly * Please refer to Suntech Standard Module Installation Manual for details. **WEEE only for EU market.*** Please refer to Suntech Product Near-coast Installation Manual for details. **** Please refer to Suntech Product Warranty for details.Advanced Polycrystalline Perc technologyThe Perc cell uses back surface passivation and local BSFtechnology, which can improve cell efficiency by a large margin.IEC-STP-Vem-NO1.01-Rev 2014E-mail:***********************Current-Voltage & Power-Voltage Curve (285-20)Dealer informationMechanical CharacteristicsSolar Cell Polycrystalline silicon 6 inches No. of Cells 60 (6 × 10)Dimensions 1650 × 992 × 35mm (64.96 × 39.1 × 1.4 inches)Weight 18.3 kgs (40.3 lbs.)Front Glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches) tempered glass Frame Anodized aluminium alloy Junction Box IP68 rated (3 bypass diodes)Output CablesTUV (2Pfg1169:2007)4.0 mm 2 (0.006 inches 2), symmetrical lengths (-) 1000mm (39.4 inches) and (+) 1000 mm (39.4 inches)ConnectorsMC4 compatibleTemperature CharacteristicsNominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT )45±2°C Temperature Coefficient of Pmax -0.41 %/°C Temperature Coefficient of Voc-0.33 %/°C Temperature Coefficient of Isc0.067 %/°CIEC-STP-Wfw-NO1.01-Rev 20171000 W/m800 W/m600 W/m400 W/m200 W/mInformation on how to install and operate this product is available in the installation instruction. All values indicated in this data sheet are subject to change without prior announcement. The specifications may vary slightly. All specifications are in accordance with standard EN 50380. Color differences of the modules relative to the figures as well as discolorations of/in the modules which do not impair their proper functioning are possible and do not constitute a deviation from the specification.STC: lrradiance 1000 W/m , module temperature 25 °C, AM=1.5;Best in Class AAA solar simulator (IEC 60904-9) used, power measurement uncertainty is within +/- 3%NOCT: Irradiance 800 W/m , ambient temperature 20 °C, AM=1.5, wind speed 1 m/s;Best in Class AAA solar simulator (IEC 60904-9) used, power measurement uncertainty is within +/- 3%。



1MW光伏发电项目方案目录一、项目基本信息 (1)二、项目投资 (2)1、总投资 (2)三、伏系统总体方案设计 (3)1、总体方案 (3)2.电气一次设计 (4)3.电气二次设计 (5)4.主要设备选型 (7)5.交流侧设计 (11)四、发电量计算 (13)1、发电量情况 (13)2、节能减排情况 (13)五、收益情况 (13)六、所需资料 (14)一、项目基本信息380V其它全部上网自发自用光伏组件光伏支架系统光伏汇流箱光伏逆变器项目基本信息如表1表1 项目基本信息二、项目投资1、总投资项目投资750万元,折合7.5元/瓦三、伏系统总体方案设计1、总体方案本电站为分布式光伏发电项目,安装在1个屋顶上,故采用分块发电、就地并网的设计方案。


表2 光伏电站分区装机容量统计表(1)本项目装机容量共为1MW,采用265wp峰值功率的组件,22块组成一个光伏组串,接入20台50KW光伏逆变器后,就地接入配电箱或配电房,为建筑内供电,多余电量送入公共电网。









多 晶 系 列
13.5 1484*669*35
单 晶 系 列
17 1484*987*40






















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