用户指南BlackBerry 8320 SmartphoneSWDT202512-202512-05312007-011内容BlackBerry 基础 (11)切换应用程序 (11)为快捷键分配应用程序 (11)设置所有者信息 (11)打开待机模式 (11)关于链接 (11)为 PIN 创建链接 (12)展开文件夹 (12)折叠文件夹 (12)BlackBerry 基础快捷方式 (12)按快捷键时没有应用程序打开 (12)快捷方式 (13)BlackBerry 基础快捷方式 (12)电话快捷方式 (13)相机快捷方式 (13)消息快捷方式 (14)键入快捷方式 (14)搜索快捷方式 (15)附件快捷方式 (15)浏览器快捷方式 (16)媒体快捷方式 (16)地图快捷方式 (17)日历快捷方式 (17)电话 (19)电话基础 (19)紧急呼叫 (21)音量 (21)语音拨号 (22)语音邮件 (24)单键拨号 (24)电话会议 (25)呼叫方 ID (26)呼叫记录 (27)呼叫等待 (28)呼叫转移 (29)呼叫阻止 (30)固定拨号 (31)智能拨号 (33)TTY 支持 (33)多个电话号码 (34)电话选项 (35)电话快捷方式 (13)电话疑难解答 (37)语音拨号 (22)通过语音命令拨打电话 (22)通过语音命令拨打分机号 (22)使用耳机 (21)通过语音命令查看您的电话号码 (22)通过语音命令检查无线网络覆盖水平 (39)通过语音命令检查电池电量 (40)设置语音拨号语言 (22)关闭语音命令的选择列表 (22)设置语音命令的匹配灵敏度 (23)关闭语音提示 (23)设置语音拨号的播放选项 (23)改善数字语音识别 (23)语音拨号疑难解答 (41)相机 (43)放大或缩小拍摄主体 (43)拍摄照片 (43)更改照片的闪光灯模式 (43)更改图片的取景器大小 (43)查看剩余照片数 (43)相机选项 (43)相机快捷方式 (13)相机疑难解答 (46)电子邮件 (47)电子邮件基础 (47)电子邮件文件夹 (49)已发送消息 (50)电子邮件过滤器 (52)电子邮件转发 (55)消息选项 (56)消息列表选项 (58)消息快捷方式 (14)消息疑难解答 (61)PIN 消息 (65)PIN 消息基础 (65)已发送消息 (50)消息列表选项 (58)消息快捷方式 (14)消息疑难解答 (61)SMS 文本短信 (75)SMS 文本短信基础 (75)已发送消息 (50)小区广播 (78)消息选项 (56)消息列表选项 (58)消息快捷方式 (14)消息疑难解答 (61)MMS 短信 (87)MMS 短信基础 (87)MMS 短信附件 (90)消息选项 (56)消息列表选项 (58)消息快捷方式 (14)消息疑难解答 (61)键入 (99)键入内容基础 (99)输入法 (101)拼写检查器 (103)单词表 (104)自动图文集 (106)键入快捷方式 (14)键入内容疑难解答 (108)搜索 (109)关于搜索 (109)搜索消息 (109)搜索标准 (109)查看已保存搜索的列表 (110)更改保存的搜索 (110)删除保存的搜索 (110)按联系人或主题搜索消息 (110)在消息、附件或网页中搜索文本 (49)搜索包含特定信息的管理器数据和消息 (111)搜索快捷方式 (15)附件 (113)附件基础 (113)文档附件 (114)电子表格附件 (115)媒体附件 (116)演示文稿附件 (116)vCard 联系人附件 (117)附件快捷方式 (15)附件疑难解答 (118)同步 (119)关于同步 (119)前提条件:电子邮件无线同步 (119)通过无线网络同步电子邮件 (119)通过无线网络删除电子邮件 (119)前提条件:数据无线同步 (120)通过无线网络同步管理器数据 (120)关于同步冲突 (120)管理电子邮件同步冲突 (120)管理数据同步冲突 (121)关于备份和恢复设备数据 (121)前提条件:数据无线恢复 (121)删除所有设备数据 (121)在设备上清空计算机上已删除的邮件文件夹 (121)同步疑难解答 (122)浏览器 (125)浏览器基础 (125)链接、图片和网页地址 (127)网页请求 (129)书签 (130)Web Feed (132)浏览器选项 (134)浏览器安全性 (137)浏览器推入 (139)浏览器快捷方式 (16)浏览器疑难解答 (141)应用程序 (143)添加应用程序 (143)查看应用程序的属性 (143)删除第三方应用程序 (143)在添加应用程序之前接收设备密码提示 (143)查看应用程序数据库的大小 (143)应用程序疑难解答 (144)媒体 (145)媒体文件管理 (145)歌曲、铃声和视频 (147)图片 (150)媒体卡选项 (153)媒体快捷方式 (16)媒体疑难解答 (155)地图 (157)地图基础 (157)导航 (158)地图选项 (158)地图快捷方式 (17)地图疑难解答 (160)GPS 技术 (161)关于 GPS 技术 (161)获取 GPS 位置 (161)防止他人跟踪您的位置 (161)GPS 技术疑难解答 (161)联系人 (163)联系人基础 (163)邮件列表 (165)呼叫方 ID (26)类别 (167)地址查找 (168)SIM 卡电话簿 (169)联系人列表选项 (171)联系人疑难解答 (172)日历 (173)日历基础 (173)会议 (175)日历选项 (177)日历快捷方式 (17)日历疑难解答 (179)任务 (181)任务基础 (181)类别 (167)任务列表选项 (184)记事 (187)记事基础 (187)类别 (167)记事列表选项 (189)闹钟 (191)关于闹钟 (191)打开闹钟 (191)使闹钟静音 (191)计算器 (193)使用计算器 (193)转换度量单位 (193)蓝牙技术 (195)蓝牙技术基础 (195)蓝牙技术选项 (196)蓝牙技术疑难解答 (198)日期和时间 (199)设置日期和时间 (199)从无线网络自动获得日期和时间 (199)日期和时间疑难解答 (199)通知配置文件 (201)通知基础 (201)LED 通知 (203)自定义通知 (204)通知配置文件疑难解答 (206)BlackBerry Messenger (209)联系人 (209)对话 (211)可用性 (213)显示屏和键盘 (215)背光灯 (215)显示选项 (215)键盘选项 (217)主题 (218)显示疑难解答 (219)语言 (221)更改显示语言 (221)添加显示语言 (221)删除显示语言 (221)关于输入语言 (221)设置输入语言 (102)关闭用于切换输入语言的快捷方式 (221)设置语音拨号语言 (22)设置联系人显示选项 (171)语言疑难解答 (222)无线网络覆盖 (223)查找有关无线覆盖指示符的信息 (223)关闭无线连接 (223)网络连接指示符 (223)打开无线覆盖通知 (204)通过语音命令检查无线网络覆盖水平 (39)关于首选无线网络列表 (224)在首选网络列表中添加网络 (224)更改首选无线网络的顺序 (225)从首选无线网络列表中删除无线网络 (225)关闭数据服务 (225)关于漫游 (226)手动切换无线网络 (226)确定网络连接和服务状态 (226)Wi-Fi连接设置 (226)高级 Wi-Fi 连接设置 (229)UMA 连接设置 (232)无线网络覆盖疑难解答 (232)电源和电池 (235)关闭设备 (235)将设备设置为自动打开或关闭 (235)检查电池电量 (235)通过语音命令检查电池电量 (40)复位设备 (235)延长电池寿命 (235)SIM 卡 (237)关于 SIM 卡电话簿 (169)加载 SIM 卡电话簿 (169)在 SIM 卡中添加联系人 (169)将联系人从 SIM 卡复制到地址簿 (169)将联系人从地址簿复制到 SIM 卡 (170)更改 SIM 卡联系人 (170)删除 SIM 卡联系人 (170)在 SIM 卡上存储 SMS 文本短信 (80)关于 SIM 卡安全性 (239)通过 PIN 码保护您的 SIM 卡 (239)更改 SIM 卡的 PIN 码 (239)更改电话号码的显示名称 (239)安全性 (241)安全性基础 (241)加密 (242)密码管理器 (243)高级安全性 (246)智能卡 (247)VPN 设置 (248)软件令牌 (249)安全性疑难解答 (249)第三方应用程序控制 (251)关于第三方程序的权限 (251)复位第三方应用程序的连接权限 (251)关于第三方应用程序的直接 Internet 连接 (251)为第三方应用程序建立直接 Internet 连接 (251)设置第三方应用程序的权限 (251)第三方应用程序的连接权限 (252)关于第三方应用程序的交互权限 (252)关于第三方应用程序的数据权限 (253)打砖块 (255)关于打砖块 (255)打砖块胶囊 (255)打砖块计分 (256)玩打砖块游戏 (256)调节音量 (21)设置挡板速度 (256)在打砖块高分网站提交分数 (257)在打砖块网站上查看高分 (257)服务预订 (259)关于服务预订 (259)接受服务预订 (259)删除服务预订 (259)疑难解答 (261)BlackBerry 基础疑难解答 (261)电话疑难解答 (37)语音拨号疑难解答 (41)相机疑难解答 (46)消息疑难解答 (61)键入内容疑难解答 (108)附件疑难解答 (118)同步疑难解答 (122)浏览器疑难解答 (141)应用程序疑难解答 (144)媒体疑难解答 (155)地图疑难解答 (160)GPS 技术疑难解答 (161)联系人疑难解答 (172)日历疑难解答 (179)蓝牙技术疑难解答 (198)日期和时间疑难解答 (199)通知配置文件疑难解答 (206)显示疑难解答 (219)语言疑难解答 (222)无线网络覆盖疑难解答 (232)安全性疑难解答 (249)诊断报告 (273)缩写词列表 (277)法律声明 (281)10BlackBerry 基础切换应用程序1.在任意应用程序中,按菜单键。
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瑞斯康达的总体发展情况 大客户专线分类 各种需求的专线典型组网案例 实际组网案例解析
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实现综合业务接入 统一网络管理
以太、 SDH、 PDH、PCM、 G.SHDSL N×64K语音、视频会议/监控、OA、行业应用 专线业务 宽带商务 互联网业务 NGN 3G 新业务
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MSAP是什么? MSAP产品介绍 MSAP应用方案
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RC954-FX-4E1(8M-以太光) RC953-FX-8E1(16M-以太光) RC512-FE (以太光-以太电) RC953E-GE-STM1
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RC954-FX-4E1(16M-以太光) RC952-FX-E1(2M-以太光)
解决方案:功能特性:➢E1接口符合ITU-T 标准,支持2048Kbps±50 PPM透明传输。
技术参数:电源(卡式设备参数E1接口光接口设备类型机箱物理尺寸工作环境工作温度:0~45℃相对湿度:≤90% 25℃光端机单路V35光端机和E1双路光端机产品简述:单路光端机是利用光纤远距离传输业务的通信设备,为路由器到路由器之间的远程连接提供了简便的解决方案,是一种WAN组网中较常用的光纤设备;而和E1双路光端机是在单路光端机的基础上增加了一路E1业务,也称“双路光纤Modem”,为路由器的远程连接和E1业务的远程接入同时提供了解决方案,而且配合网管型机箱,可实现局端、远端设备统一网管,可迅速的实现故障定位,节省了运维成本。
WS832 11ac 1200Mbps双频无线路由器用户指南目录1 产品简介 (5)功能简介 (5)接口和按钮 (6)指示灯 (7)2 硬件安装 (8)选择合适的安装位置 (8)连接线缆 (8)3 建立计算机的Wi-Fi连接 (9)通过手动方式连接Wi-Fi (9)通过Hi按键连接Wi-Fi (10)4 配置上网参数 (11)设置计算机IP地址 (11)首次配置 (12)通过手机配置 (12)通过计算机配置 (14)登录Web配置界面 (17)尝试更多上网方式 (17)有线以太网上行 (17)Wi-Fi扩展上行 (20)解除MAC地址绑定限制 (22)5 智联网络 (24)开启智联 (24)两台路由器组建智联网络 (24)通过网线直连 (24)通过Hi 按键一键配对 (25)搭配智联配件 (27)可选配件:无线扩展器WS331c (27)可选配件:电力猫PT530 + PT500 (27)6 特色应用 (29)购物比价 (29)迅雷远程下载 (29)7 Wi-Fi设置 (34)增强Wi-Fi信号 (34)开启或关闭Wi-Fi (34)定时关闭Wi-Fi (35)修改Wi-Fi名称和密码 (36)开启客人Wi-Fi (37)设置Wi-Fi中继 (38)8 网络安全设置 (40)隐藏Wi-Fi名称 (40)设置Wi-Fi黑白名单 (41)智能带宽 (42)终端管理 (43)家长控制 (43)配置防火墙 (45)配置DMZ主机 (45)配置UPnP (46)9 远程访问 (47)开启DDNS (47)设置端口映射规则 (48)设置端口触发规则 (49)10 USB存储共享 (51)USB存储设备 (51)文件共享 (51)多媒体共享 (53)11 维护指南 (54)修改登录Web配置界面的IP地址 (54)修改登录Web配置界面的密码 (54)恢复配置 (55)通过Hi按钮恢复出厂设置 (55)通过Web配置界面恢复出厂设置 (56)路由器升级 (56)12 下载Huawei HiLink 手机APP (58)13 附录 (59)技术规格 (59)出厂缺省设置 (59)14 获取更多信息 (60)15 法律声明 (61)1产品简介功能简介这是一款专为家庭和小型办公用户精心打造的高性价比11ac双频无线路由器。
![832 PRODUCTS UNLIMITED 三极接触器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8b8f563f24c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b9f6ec18.png)
832Dimensions are shown forreference purposes only.Dimensions are in inches over (millimeters) unless otherwisespecified.Specifications and availability subject to change. Technical support:Refer to inside back cover.Contact RatingsFeatures• 3-pole contactors.• Industry-standard mounting plate.• Optional interlock/auxiliary switches available.• Manual test button is standard.• Coil dust cover helps keep dust and dirt away from magnet and coil area.• Double E magnet system provides optimal performance.Users should thoroughly review the technical data before selecting a product part number. It is recommended that users also seek out the pertinent approvals files of the agencies/laboratories and review them to ensure the product meets the requirements for a given application.833Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only.Dimensions are in inches over (millimeters) unless otherwise specified.Specifications and availabilitysubject to change. Technical support:Refer to inside back cover.Ordering InformationORDERING NOTE: “Standard” terminals need not be specified in the “Ordering Information” chart above. “Special” terminals are offered on a special order basis. Special order items may be subject to extended leadtimes and significant minimum order quantities. Y our T yco Electronics sales engineer must consult with the factory before providing price and availability information regarding items with these options.1.Series:ermination OptionsStandard on 20, 25, 30, 35 FLA #10-32 Combination Phillips, Slotted & 5/16 Hex Head #12 Washer Special on 20, 25, 30, 35 FLA #10-32 Sems Screw with Pressure PlateStandardon 40 FLA Lug accepts 14-4Cu/Al AWG.253(6.43)Factory ModificationsField Added KitsContact Config.Kit Catalog Number of NO Number Kits Required 198220-303198220-331198220-332Equipped with 0.250” (6.35) Quick Connect Terminals。
RCU简要调试说明书后面板示意图说明:1)Run:运行指示灯,上电后常亮2)Link:网络连接指示灯,网络连接后常亮,否则熄灭3)Act:网络数据收发指示灯,当有网络数据接收或发送时闪烁,否则常亮4)COM1 RS485:报警模块485接口,接D1616的485口5)COM2 RS485:球机控制485口,将现场所有的球机控制线并接到该485口上6)COM3 RS485:不用7)RS232: RCU复位IP地址用(一般不用)8)Net1,Net2,Net3,Net4:路由器LAN口9)WAN:路由器WAN口(外网接口)10)Rese::路由器复位按键11)5V/1A:不用系统连接示意图说明:1)RCU最多可以管理3台海康DVR,4台报警模块D1616,超过3台DVR需要外置路由器2)RCU的COM2接球机的控制线,现场的球机控制线必须是并联在一起和RCU连接,球机的地址从1往后编,不能重复。
八合一卫星接收机使用说明书目录1安全注意事项 (1)2概述 (2)2.1产品功能及用途 (2)2.2外形尺寸(1U机箱) (2)3主要特点 (2)4技术规格与指标 (3)4.1数据输入 (3)4.1.1射频接口 (3)4.2数据输出 (4)4.2.1ASI接口 (4)4.3网络管理接口 (4)4.4辐射及安全要求 (4)5系统组成及工作原理 (4)5.1系统组成 (4)5.2工作原理 (6)6安装指南 (6)6.1安装准备 (6)6.2设备安装流程 (7)6.3环境条件要求 (7)6.4接地要求 (8)6.4.1机柜接地 (8)6.4.2设备接地 (8)6.5线缆的连接 (8)6.5.1电源线的连接 (8)6.5.2信号线的连接 (9)7前面板操作指南 (9)7.1键盘功能 (9)7.2菜单选择 (9)7.2.1锁定状态显示 (9)7.2.2按EXIT键进入主菜单 (10)7.2.3射频设置 (10)7.2.4输入信息设置 (11)7.2.5输出设置 (12)7.2.6网络设置 (12)7.2.7保存当前设置 (13)7.2.8加载设置 (13)7.2.9版本号 (14)7.2.10选择语言种类(中文和英文) (14)7.2.11错误信息 (14)7.3系统运行错误及排除 (15)7.3.1指示灯状态 (15)7.3.2常见故障排除 (15)8网络管理器操作指南 (16)8.1NMS登陆 (16)8.2添加频点 (18)8.3添加设备 (18)8.4修改设备 (19)8.5查看和设置设备参数 (22)8.5.1基本参数 (23)8.5.2NIT编辑 (24)8.5.3PSI编辑 (25)8.5.4PID透传 (27)8.5.5PID过滤 (28)8.5.6卫星参数 (29)8.5.7信号监测 (30)8.5.8实时监测 (30)8.6网管软件公共功能 (31)前言感谢您选用本公司的产品。
(2)打开卫星接收机电源,按“菜单”键选择“修改本振频率”,再按“确认”键,输入新的本振频率(对于C波段节目为5150MHz; 对于Ku波段节目为11300MHz),按“确认”键确认。
te 平衡接口;
E1 通道关闭选择。ON 为下,OFF 为上,出厂默认为 OFF。含义如下:
is 第 n(n=1~4 或 n=1~8)位: 选择对应的通道是否关闭。OFF 为不关闭
(即启用),ON 关闭(即不启用)。
g E1 和以太网接口设置。ON 为下,OFF 为上,出厂默认为 OFF。含义如下: e 第 1 位:ON,主控设备;OFF,从控设备。
仅仅对于以太网为电口时有效。RJ45 接口,带 4 个指示灯。
以太网电 8
100M:左下位。常亮,表示链路工作在 100M;灭,表示链路工作在 10M。 ACT:右上下位。常亮,表示有收发数据;灭,表示没有收发数据。
绿色 FDX:右下位。常亮,表示链路工作在全双工;灭,表示链路工作在半
l 无告警指示,LNK 灯已经常亮,但就是无法 ping 通
e 确认两端设备时隙设置是否一致。 r 2.3. 以太口协转(RC952-FEE1):
iste LNK/ACT 100M
R 2.3.1.电源指示: n PWR(绿色):设备供电正常时,该灯亮。
可能设备被设置成远端环回状态,检查拨码开关 SW1 的第 7 位,将其拨至 OFF 位置。
R RAL 灯亮
远端告警,表明远端的接收方向有故障,请检查从本端 TX 到远端 RX 之间线路状况。
n 无告警指示,LNK 灯已经常亮,但就是无法 ping 通 U 确认两端设备时隙设置是否一致。
2.4. 4/8E1 协转(2M-16M 带宽用户):
POWER832 用户手册
![POWER832 用户手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e0e280200722192e4536f6f8.png)
关于你的系统你所使用的DSC Power832安全系统的为你提供最具灵活性和方便性的设计,请仔细阅读这本使用手册,和请安装人员介绍这个系统的特性。
你的安全系统是由DSC Power832控制箱,一个或多个Power832键盘和不同探测器组成,控制箱安装在隐蔽的地方,金属的铁箱内含系统电路板,保险丝、电池和变压器等。
LED 的键盘有一组区域灯和系统状态灯,LCD 键盘有阿拉伯字母液晶显示。
这个安全系统有数个受保护的防区,每个防区连接一个或多个探测器,在报警时相应的LED 灯会闪亮或在LCD 键盘上显示报警的信息。
开启系统从LED 键盘开启系统如果Ready 灯亮,表示系统已准备好,可以开启,如果Ready 灯不亮,系统是不能启动的。
如果发生这样的情况,请按[#]再重新输入你的联系密码,如果输入正确的联系密码,键盘发出快速的嘀嘀声,并且Armed 灯亮,这时你可以从允许的门退出。
从LCD 键盘启动当这个信息出现,表示一个或多个区域是没有关闭的。
保修期内,由以下条件产生的 机器毁坏制造商不承担任何责任,
- 保养不足 - 操作不当 - 不正确的启动 - 错误或不专业的电路的连接机器。 - 使用错误的操作手段 - 其中出现由于未经授权的改动结构或不符合规定的制造商的改制,
RC200-30130 全液压反循环钻机使用说明书
开展在原机状态,而没有TSAR的事先同意,任何修改都将被认为是非法。 独家采用原TSAR备件或外购件按照原始状态即分别,这样也是要求的一 部分.
本机运行安全可靠。但是,如果它是由未经培训的人员和/或如果它受 到处理不当操作,危险正由实际的机器及其相关外围设备引起不能不排 除。 运营公司将看到只有授权的人员在工作机上的事实。工作之前用机,上 述人员必须熟悉两个与机器的功能和提交工作的基础上,其各个功能和 控制元件手册.
本手册的图和图纸只会为一般原则说明的文字,他们可以从执行的细 节设计而有所不同。并没有要求和来源于他们。 本手册的图和图纸只会为一般原则说明的文字,他们可以从执行的细 节设计而有所不同,并没有声称可以从中得出。 本公司保留技术修改的权利,由于改进在这个手册中描述的机器,不 改变机器的运转,我们不做另外的通知;
该钻机配备了几个安全信息标志,不遵守这些都可以导致死亡的严重伤 害,以及对机器的损坏。 这些标志必须稳定是检查保证他们的完整性和可读性。 丢失或不可读板必须始终及时更换.
该钻机只能按照日期将被操作的铭牌指示。不得超过在技术参数所表示 的值。
华为METRO3000(OptiX 2500+)
中兴ZXMP S385
中兴ZXMP S330
RC801-30B/60B/120B/240B/480B (REV_M)
RC803-120B/240B/480B (REV_ M)
Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers (Type 32 interlock)I WARNING(1) ONLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL PERSONNEL SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON THE EQUIPMENT.(2) ALWAYS DE-ENERGIZE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CIRCUITS IF A CIRCUIT BREAKER CANNOT BE REMOVED TO A SAFE WORK LOCATION. (3) DRAWOUT CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE LEVERED (RACKED) OUT TO THE DISCONNECT POSITION.(4) ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE SWITCHED TO THE OFF POSITION AND MECHANISM SPRINGS DISCHARGED.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE STEPS FOR ALL PROCEDURES DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUCTION LEAFLET COULD RESULT IN DEATH, BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.i WARNINGTHE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS IL AND ON PRODUCT LABELS HAVE TO BE FOLLOWED. OBSERVE THE FIVE SAFETY RULES:-DISCONNECTING-ENSURE THAT DEVICES CANNOT BE ACCIDENTALLY RESTARTED-VERIFY ISOLATION FROM THE SUPPLY-EARTHING AND SHORT-CIRCUITING-COVERING OR PROVIDING BARRIERS TOADJACENT LIVE PARTSDISCONNECT THE EQUIPMENT FROM THE SUPPLY. USE ONLY AUTHORIZED SPARE PARTS IN THE REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT. THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE INTERVALS AS WELL AS THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPAIR AND EXCHANGE MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO IN ORDER TO PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONNEL AND DAMAGE TO THE SWITCHBOARD.Section 1: General information These instructions deal with the installation andoperation of the Magnum three-way mechanical cable interlock (type 32). This mechanical interlock allows any two breakers to close while holding the third in the open (tripped) position. A lever assembly is mounted on each breaker that interfaces with the pole shaft and the tripper bar. The lever assemblies are interconnected with cables. Cable can be used for any orientationof the breakers, and are available in 5, 6, 8, and 10-foot lengths (1,5; 1,8; 2,4; and 3,0 m). Individual cable kits are ordered separately.Required tools• 10 mm socket and 1/4-inch drive socket• 10 mm open end wrench• 11/16-inch open end wrench• 3/8-inch open end wrench (2)• 0.5 mm feeler gauge• 4 mm Allen wrench• Drive extension• PliersKit parts identificationRefer to Figure 1 and Figure 2 for visual identification of the parts listed below:Kit 1 (2A11857G05, shown in Figure 1): Interlock Assembly Kit(A) M6 x 12 mm hex bolt (nine)(B) M6 x 25 mm flat-head screw (three)(C) M6 lock washer (nine)(D) M6 x 16 mm hex bolt (six)(E) Drive arm (three)(F) Interlock assembly (three)(G) Grease tube (one)Kit 2 (2A11858G01-G04, shown in Figure 2): Interconnecting Kit (includes cables)(H) Cable bracket (two)(I) M6 x 10 mm thread-forming screws (four) (J) Cable assembly (two) - in 5-, 6-, 8-, or 10-foot lengths (1,5; 1,8; 2,4; or 3,0 m)Note: Three sets of kit 2A11858G01, G02, G03, or G04 (six cables total) are required for this installation.Note: Part (D) is not used for this installation.2Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers(Type 32 interlock)EATON CORPORATION Figure 1. (A)(G)(E)(D)(C)(B)(F)Contents of Kit 1Figure 2. (I)(K)(J)Contents of Kit 2Section 2: Installation of three-waycable interlockProceed with the following 12 steps:Step 1: Remove the front cover by unscrewing the hex-head captive bolts (four for three-pole, six for four-pole) that join the cover to the breaker housing using a 10 mm 1/4-inch drive socket. Then hold the charge handle down approximately 45 degrees to pull off the cover.Step 2: Remove the knockout (a U-shaped tab) from the right side of the front cover using pliers. Carefully file any excess material from the broken edge.Figure 4. Step 2Step 3: Install drive arm (E ) to the right end of the pole shaft using an M6 x 25 mm flat-head screw (B ) and 4 mm Allen wrench. The drive arm should be oriented as shown. Torque to 65-85 in-lbs (7,3-9,6 Nm).3Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers (Type 32 interlock)EATON CORPORATION Step 4: Reinstall front cover (removed in Step 1). Perform Steps 1 to 4 for each breaker.Step 5: Fasten the interlock assembly (F ) to the drawout cassette’s right-side sheet as shown, using three M6 x 12 mm hex bolts (A ) and lock washers (C ). Torque to 40–50 in-lbs (4,5–5,6 Nm).Step 6: Fasten the cable bracket (H ) to the drawout cassette’s right-side sheet (below the interlock assembly installed in Step 5) as shown, using two M6 x 10 mm thread-forming screws (I ). Torque to 65 – 85 in-lbs (7,3 – 9,6 Nm). Perform Steps 5 to 6 for each breaker.Figure 7. Step 6Step 7:Check the functionality of the interlock assemblies by performing the following two checks. Refer toFigure 8:Check 1:• Fully insert the breaker into its cassette to the CONNECTED position.•Make sure the drive arm (E ) and the interlock assembly’s inner trip arm pass clearance. The teardrop-shaped follower arm of the interlock assembly should engage with the pin on the drive arm. The inner trip arm of the interlock assembly should engage with the tripper bar of the breaker.•Perform this check for each breakerCheck 2:• With the breaker OPEN and CONNECTED, observe the position of the DRIVE (LOWER) LEVER. There should be a 0 – 4 mm gap between the lower right-hand corner of the drive lever and the mounting bracket flange (see Figure 8 Breaker OPEN).•Now CHARGE and CLOSE the breaker. The drive lever should rotate approximately 60 degrees counterclockwise. Thereshould be a 1 – 7 mm gap between the lower left-hand corner of the lever and the interlock assembly flange (see Figure 8 Breaker CLOSED).•If either of these gaps is out of specification, DO NOTCONTINUE THE INSTALLATION. Consult Eaton for additional instructions. To reach an EatonCare representative, call (877) 386-2273.•Perform this check for each breaker.Figure 8. Step 7Step 8: This step will prepare the cables before they are attached to the interlock assembly. Check to be sure that all cables move freely in their cable housing. Each cable should have a long rod end and a short rod end. To perform the cable prep:1. Remove the upper lock nut and spacer tube from both rod ends.2. Remove the compression spring from the short rod.3. Two loose nuts should be positioned on the threads of each rod. Shoulder the lower nut against the rod threads until the nut stops. Using two 3/8” wrenches, tighten the upper nut against the lower nut (see Figure 10).Repeat the above process on both long and short rods on any given cable.4Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers(Type 32 interlock)EATON CORPORATION Figure 9. Step 8 - Cable AssemblyFigure 10. Step 8 - Cable PrepStep 9: This step describes how to route the cables between breakers. Each breaker should be in the OPEN and DISCHARGED position. When routing cables, adhere to the following recommendations:• 4 inch (102 mm) minimum allowable cable housing bend radius and minimal number of total bends•Use plastic wire ties/clamps to attach cable housing to the structure after installation and adjustment • Do not compress cable housing •Recheck to ensure cables move freelyRefer to T able 1 and Figure 11 for installation details.T able 1. Cable RoutingT ype 32 (Six Cables)From Cassette/Fitting T o Cassette/Fitting 1A3D 1C 2B 2A 1D 2C 3B 3A 2D 3C1BStep 10: This step describes how to attach the cables to the interlock assemblies. Each breaker needs two long rods and two short rods attached. The short (drive) rods will be attached first. 1. Slide the rubber boot toward the tip of the rod.2. Unthread the outer bulkhead nut and slide the nut and lock washer upwards.5Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers (Type 32 interlock)EATON CORPORATION 3. Slide the smaller diameter portion of bulkhead fitting in to the slot on the cable bracket (see Figure 12).4. Raise cable assembly until threads of the bulkhead fitting show above the slotted hole in the bracket (See Figure 12).5. Insert threaded end of rod into its swivel fitting.6. Bring the bulkhead washer and nut down to the threads and hand-tighten.7. Adjust the two bulkhead nuts to approximately center the fitting on the slot and hand-tighten.8. Replace the rubber boot over end of fitting.9. If short rod is in Position A (see Figure 11):a. Lower threaded rod tip back through swivel.b. Replace spacer tube and compression spring on rod end before sliding the rod tip through the swivel fitting of the lower lever. To aid in sliding the rod tip, grip the nuts that were tightened in Step 8.10. If short rod is in Position C (see Figure 11):a. Replace spacer tube on rod end.b. Replace compression spring on rod end.c. Manually compress the compression spring to replacethe lock nut.11. Replace the lock nut on the rod end.12. Hold the nuts that were tightened in Step 8 and use a 3/8-inch socket or a 3/8-inch open-ended wrench to tighten the lock nut until it touches the spacer tube. Torque to 30-40 in-lbs (3,3-4,5 Nm).Next, the long (driven) rods will be attached. The long rods areattached in the same way as the short rods except they do not use compression springs.Repeat the above processes for all cable ends. At the end of cable installation, the breakers should still be in the OPEN position.Figure 12. Step 10Figure 13. Step 10 - Short Rod Assembly (Position C)Figure 14. Step 10 - Long Rod Assembly (Position B)Step 11: This step describes how to adjust the cables. The initial adjustments are made with all breakers OPEN. The bulkhead nuts for each cable should be set so that the threaded bulkhead fitting is approximately centered on the cable bracket slot. Initial adjustments will be performed on the driven (long) rods.• Check the upper lever on each interlock assembly. There should be about a 1 mm gap between the top of the center slot in the lever and the top of the upper roller.6Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers(Type 32 interlock)EATON CORPORATION Figure 16. Step 11•If adjustment is needed, use the bulkhead nuts to appropriately adjust the cable housing. •T oo much clearance : adjust both bulkhead nuts to retract cable housing•No clearance : advance cable housing in a similar manner•For additional adjustment length : use bulkhead nuts on other end of cableAt the end of adjustment, adjust the rods using the upper cable nuts (tightened in Step 8) so that all upper levers are in the position demonstrated in Figure 16. Check the function of the mechanical interlock assembly according to the functional tests in the Step 12. Review Steps 3 – 12 and keep adjusting the interlock assembly until it functions correctly.Note: If experiencing difficulty or operating in a confined space, consider using an 11/16-inch flare nut crowfoot wrench drive to perform adjustments.Step 12: Perform the following functional tests and verify that the assembly conforms to all states in T able 2: 1. Open all breakers.2. Charge and close Breaker A . Breakers B and C should not be held in the OPEN condition. Open Breaker A.3. Charge and close Breaker B . Breakers A and C should not be held in the OPEN condition. Open Breaker B.4. Charge and close Breaker C . Breakers A and B should not be held in the OPEN condition. Open Breaker C .5. Charge and close Breakers A and B . Breaker C should be held in the OPEN condition and not respond to a CLOSE attempt (no noise, no contact motion, no spring discharge). Open Breakers A and B .6. Charge and close Breakers B and C . Breaker A should be held in the OPEN condition and not respond to a CLOSE attempt (no noise, no contact motion, no spring discharge). Open Breakers B and C .7. Charge and close Breakers A and C . Breaker B should be held in the OPEN condition and not respond to a CLOSE attempt (no noise, no contact motion, no spring discharge). Open Breakers A and C .g=1mmFigure 17. Breaker ABreaker CBreaker BStep 127Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers (Type 32 interlock)EATON CORPORATION T able 2. Step 12 LogicA B C 00010001000111001111TR1TR2The mechanical interlock is now appropriately installed and adjusted. To ensure safety, secure the bulkhead nuts and upper cable nuts in proper position by applying sealing wax.If some interlock parts are sticky, use a light amount of the lubricant grease (G ) to reduce the friction. This is ONL Y recommended if needed.Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector1000 Cherrington Parkway Moon Township, PA 15108 United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2010 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. IL2C12863H08 / Z9270 March 2012PowerChain Management is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Instructional Leaflet IL2C12863H08 Effective March 2012Three-way cable interlock kit for Magnum drawout circuit breakers(Type 32 interlock)Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liabilityThe information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment, and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted.Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser. THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SETOUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user incontract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations, and descriptions contained herein.The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.。
Mini-Circuits RCDAT-8000-30 产品说明书
![Mini-Circuits RCDAT-8000-30 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/18ec5c94bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b8968026837.png)
RCDAT-8000-30Programmable AttenuatorUSB / Ethernet50Ω 0 – 30 dB, 0.25 dB step 1 to 8000 MHzProduct OverviewMini-Circuits’ RCDAT-8000-30 is a general purpose, single channel programmable attenuator suitable for a wide range of signal level control applications from 1 MHz to 8 GHz. The Attenuator provides 0 to 30 dB attenuation in 0.25 dB steps. Its unique design maintains linear attenuation change per dB, even at the highest attenuation settings.The attenuator is housed in a compact and rugged package with SMA female connectors on the bi-directional input and output RF ports, a standard Ethernet port (RJ45) and a USB type Mini-B power and control port.The attenuator can be controlled via USB or Ethernet (supporting both HTTP and Telnet network protocols). Full software support is provided and can be downloaded from our website any time at /softwaredownload/patt.html . The package includes our user-friendly GUI application for Windows ® and a full API with programming instructions for Windows ® and Linux ® environments (both 32-bit and 64-bit systems).Trademarks: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Tor-valds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Neither Mini-Circuits nor the Mini-Circuits RCDAT-series attenuators are affiliated with or endorsed by the owners of the above referenced trademarks.Mini-Circuits and the Mini-Circuits logo are registered trademarks of Scientific Components Corporation.Rev. KECO-012291EDR-11397Case Style: MS1897Software PackageIncluded AccessoriesModel No.DescriptionQty.MUSB-CBL-3+3.3 ft. USB cable1Applications• Wi-Fi 6E MIMO development • LTE / 5G / IoT / Bluetooth / Zigbee• Cellular handover testing• C-band radar / satcom testing• Automated signal sweeping / fadingThe Big Deal• Supports U-NII bands 5-8 (5.925 to 7.125 GHz)• Fine attenuation resolution, 0.25 dB • Automation via Ethernet & USB1 Attenuator RF ports are interchangeable, and support simultaneous, bidirectional signal transmission, however the specifications are guaranteed for the RF in and RF out as noted on th e label. There may be minor changes in performance when injecting signals to the RF Out port.2 Max accuracy defined as ±[absolute error+% of attenuation setting] for example when setting the attenuator to 26 dB attenuation the maximum error at 7500 MHz will be:±(1.45+0.035x26)= ±(1.45+91)= ± 2.35 dB3 Isolation is defined as max attenuation plus insertion loss; this is the path loss through the attenuator when initially powered up. After a brief delay (~0.5 sec typically) the attenuator will revert to a user defined “power-up” state (either max attenuation or a pre-set value).4 Total operating input power from both RF In and RF Out out ports. Compression level not noted as it exceeds max safe operating power level.5 Derate linearly from +28 dBm at 50 MHz to +17 dBm at 1MHz6 Tested with 1 MHz span between signals.7 Minimum Dwell Time is the time the RCDAT will take to respond to a command to change attenuation states without communication delays. In PC control add communication delays (on the order of msec for USB) to get actual response time.8Attenuation Transition Time is specified as the time between starting to change the attenuation state and settling on the requested attenuation state.Absolute Maximum RatingsOperating Temperature0°C to 50°CStorage Temperature-20°C to 85°CV USB Max.6VDC voltage at RF port16VTotal RF power for RF In & RF Out @1 - 50 MHzDerates linearly from+33 @ 50 MHz to+20 @ 1 MHz@ 50 - 8000 MHz+33 dBmPermanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. Operating in the range between operating power limits and absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may result in reduced life and reliability.ConnectionsRF In (SMA female)RF Out (SMA female)USB(USB type Mini-B female)Network (Ethernet/LAN)(RJ45 socket)Block DiagramUSBSimultaneous, bidirectional RF signal transmission with symmetrical performanceRJ45(Ethernet)4X #2-56 UNCQBracket OptionTop ViewBottom View2X SMA FEMALEInstruction for mounting bracket:1. Tool required: Phillips head screwdriver2. Mount the bracket over threaded holeson the bottom side with the fastenersprovided with the bracket.inchConnectionsRF IN(SMA female)RF OUT(SMA female)USB(USB type Mini-B female)Network (Ethernet/LAN)(RJ45 socket)Frequency (MHz)Attenuation Accuracy @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAccuracy(dB)-2.0-1.5-1.0- (MHz)Attenuation Accuracy @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAccuracy(dB)Frequency (MHz)Attenuation Accuracy @ +50°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAccuracy(dB) (MHz)Attenuation relative to I.L @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)Attenuation relative to I.L @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAttenuation(dB)Frequency (MHz)Attenuation relative to I.L @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAttenuation(dB)Attenuation(dB)Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAttenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAttenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +50°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1 2000 4000 6000 80001 2000 4000 6000 80001. n p u t VS W R (:1)Frequency (MHz)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. u t p u t V S W R (:1)Frequency (MHz)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings 01234502000400060008000I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Frequency (MHz)Insertion Loss @ Input Power=0dBm Insertion Loss @ Input Power +28 dBmvs. Frequency over Temperatures1234502000400060008000I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Frequency (MHz)Insertion Loss @ Input Power=+28dBm Insertion Loss @ Input Power 0dBm vs. Frequency over TemperaturesOutput VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsInput VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsI P 3(d B m )Frequency (MHz)IP3@0dB Attenuation Input IP3 @ 0dB Attenuationvs. Frequency over TemperaturesFrequency (MHz)Attenuation Setting (dB)A t t e n u a t i o n A c c u r a c y (d B )1 2000 4000 6000 80001 20004000 6000 8000 1 20004000 6000 8000 120004000 6000 8000• Mini-Circuits’ full software and support package including user guide, Windows GUI, DLL files, programming manual and examples can be downloaded free of charge from /softwaredownload/patt.html • Please contact ****************************** for supportGraphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows Key Features:• Manual attenuation setting• Sweep and Hop attenuation sequences directed from the PC, or entire sequence loaded into RCDAT.• Attenuator address configuration and Firmware upgrade • Attenuation at power up may be set to selected attenuation level or last attenuation state recorded.• USB, HTTP or Telnet control of RCDAT • Setting Ethernet configurationApplication Programming Interface (API)Programming manual: https:///softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdfWindows Support:• API DLL files exposing the full switch functionality• ActiveX COM DLL file for creation of 32-bit programs • .Net library DLL file for creation of 32 / 64-bit programs• Supported by most common programming environments (refer to application note AN-49-001 for summary of tested environments)Linux Support:• Full attenuator control in a Linux environment is achieved by way of USB interrupt commands.ModelDescriptionRCDAT-8000-30USB / Ethernet Programmable AttenuatorAdditional NotesA. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification document are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification document.B. Electrical specifications and performance data contained in this specification document are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions.C. The parts covered by this specification document are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at /MCLStore/terms.jspIncluded Accessories Part No.DescriptionMUSB-CBL-3+3.3 ft (1.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB typeMini-B(Male)Optional AccessoriesDescriptionUSB-AC/DC-5 9,10AC/DC 5V DC Power Adapter with US, EU, IL, UK, AUS, and China power plugsMUSB-CBL-3+ (spare) 3.3 ft (1.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male)MUSB-CBL-7+ 6.6 ft (2.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male) CBL-RJ45-MM-5+ 5 ft (1.5 m) Ethernet cable: RJ45(Male) to RJ45(Male) Cat 5E cableBKT-66-02+Bracket Kit9 The USB-AC/DC-5 may be used to provide the 5VDC power input via USB port if operating the RCDAT with Ethernet control.Not required if using USB control.10 Power plugs for other countries are also available, Plugs for other countries are also available, if you need a power plug for a country not listed please contact ******************************。
LG G832 手机 使用说明书
![LG G832 手机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/82c2476b42323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0de.png)
L G -G 832L G -G 832L G-G832P/N : MMBB0194401(1.0)Printed in China■ 简体中文LG-G832 用户手册请您注意,因手机软件和服务提供商的不同,本手册中的内容可能与手机中的实际显示有一定出入。
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三、技术特性1.工作电压:电源总线电压:DC24V 允许范围:DC15V~DC28V2.工作电流≤5mA3.等效电阻:4.7kΩ4.线制:区域二总线,有极性5.使用环境:温度:-10℃~+50℃相对湿度≤95%,不凝露6.外形尺寸:φ100mm×39mm7.外壳防护等级:IP328.壳体材料和颜色:ABS,象牙白9.重量:105g10.执行标准:GB 4717-2005四、结构特征与工作原理1.终端器结构特征如图1所示。
CB-832 电路断路器和过载继电器测试装置 使用说明书
![CB-832 电路断路器和过载继电器测试装置 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3e3b74730a4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561252d3213b.png)
CB-832Circuit Breaker and Overload Relay Test SetI Digital memory ammeter I Digital, multirange timer I High-current outputISolid-state output initiate circuitDESCRIPTIONThe CB-832 test se is a high-current circuit breaker and overload relay test set. Model CB-832 is designed to test the circuit breaker and overload relays by means of primary current injection.The CB-832 is a self-contained test set that incorporates a variable high-current output and appropriate controlcircuitry and instrumentation for testing thermal, magnetic or solid-state motor overload relays; molded-case circuit breakers; and ground-fault trip devices.APPLICATIONSOne of the most common applications of the CB-832 is the calibration of magnetic overload relays, such as those used for protecting air conditioning systems. By providing up to 1000 amperes to simulate overload conditions, it also is capable of testing the time-delay characteristic of magnetic overload relays rated up to 500 amperes.In addition, the CB-832 can test the time-delaycharacteristics of thermal motor overload relays and molded-case circuit breakers rated up to 225 amperes,when following the recommended test procedure of testing the time delay of thermal devices at three times their rating.Higher currents are available for the short durations required to test an instantaneous trip element. Forexample, the test set will provide a short-duration output of 1800 amperes through a typical 225 ampere, molded-case circuit breaker. Additional applications include verifying the ratio of current transformers and testing panelboard ammeters and voltmeters.FEATURES AND BENEFITSI Digital memory ammeter:High-accuracy, direct-reading instrumenthas read-and-hold memory for measurement of short-duration currents.IDigital multirange timer:Crystal-controlled, high-accuracy instrument measures operating time to 1 millisecond.IHigh output current:Provides instantaneous currents up to 1800 amperes through a 225-ampere breaker.ISolid-state output initiate circuit:Solid-state circuit eliminates the need for contact maintenance.IProtection:Overload and short-circuit protection is incorporated.IEnclosure:Heavy-duty Formica enclosure is equipped with carrying handles and removable hinged cover that protects instruments and controls during transportation and storage. Space is provided for test lead storage.SPECIFICATIONSInput (specify one)120 V OR 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1φ, 20ΑOutputOutput Ranges:Continuously adjustable in three ranges to meet a variety of test circuit impedances:0to 500 A at 3.5 V max.0to 125 A at 14 V max.0to 25 A at 70 V max.Output Capacity:The output circuit is designed to provide short-duration overloads.The output ranges will provide several times their current rating,provided the output voltage is sufficient to push the desired current through the impedance of the test circuit.The test set is capable of testing the time-delay characteristics of magnetic overload relays rated to 500 A using a test current of two times their rating (1000 A).avoid damage or overheating of the device under test while setting the test current.In the maintained mode, the output remains energized until manually turned off or, when performing timing tests, until the device under test operates—this both stops the timer and de-energizes the output.INSTRUMENTATIONAmmeterTo measure the output current, the test set incorporates a solid-state digital instrument with multiple ranges and a read-and-hold memory to measure short-duration currents.Operating Modes (switch-selected)Memory NormalDigital Display31/2digit, extra-bright LED display with 0.3-in. (7.62 mm) numerals Ranges (switch-selected)0to 19.99/199.9/1999 A/3.00 kAContinuous Accuracy (overall ammeter system)±1% of reading, ±1 digit on three high ranges, ±1 digit on low range ±1% of rangeTimerA solid-state digital timer is incorporated to measure the elapsed time of the test in either seconds or cycles.It uses a crystal-controlled oscillator,therefore, its accuracy is independent of the line frequency.Display: 5-digit, extra-bright LED display with 0.3 in. (7.62 mm)numeralsRanges (switch-selected)0to 99.999 s 0to 999.99 s 0to 99999 cyclesAccuracy±0.005% of reading, ±1 digitTimer Control CircuitThis circuit automatically starts the timer when the output isenergized and automatically stops the timer and de-energizes the output when the device under test operates.This circuit accommodates the following test conditions by simple switch selection of the appropriate mode:Current Actuated: Used to test a device that has no auxiliary contacts to monitor, such as a single-pole circuit breaker. The timer stops when the output current is interrupted.Normally Closed: Used to test a device with normally closedcontacts. The timer stops and the output is de-energized when the contacts open.Normally Open:Used to test a device with normally opencontacts. The timer stops and the output is de-energized when the contacts close.Dimensions14 H x 14.5 W x 13.4 D in.(356 H x 368 W x 343 D mm)Weight75 lb (34.1 kg)Overload Capability Percent Maximum Maximum Rated Time Time Current On Off 100 (1x)30 min 30 min 200 (2x) 3 min 8 min 300 (3x)30 s 4 min 400 (4x)7 s 2 minIt will test the time-delay characteristic of thermal devices rated upto 225 A using the recommended test current of three times their rating (675 A).Also, to perform an instantaneous trip test, it will provide 1800 A through a typical 225-ampere, molded-case circuit breaker.Overload Capability:To increase use of the test set, it isdesigned so that the current ratings may be exceeded for short durations.Because the magnitude of the output current is determined by the impedance of the load circuit, the voltage rating must be sufficient to push the desired current through the device under test and the connecting test leads.Output Initiate Circuit: The test set uses a solid-state output initiating circuit. To increase reliability and eliminate contact maintenance, this circuit uses a triac instead of a contactor to initiate the output.Output Initiate Control Circuit: The initiating control circuit provides momentary and maintained modes to control output duration.The momentary mode is used whenever the output is to be for a short duration. An example is an instantaneous trip test, or toUKArchcliffe Road Dover CT17 9EN England T +44 (0) 1304 502101F +44 (0) 1304 207342******************UNITED STATES 4271 Bronze WayDallas TX 75237-1019 USA T 800 723 2861 (USA only)T +1 214 333 3201F +1 214 331 7399******************OTHER TECHNICAL SALES OFFICES Norristown USA, Sydney AUSTRALIA,Toronto CANADA, Trappes FRANCE,Kingdom of BAHRAIN, Mumbai INDIA Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA Conjure THAILANDISO STATEMENTRegistered to ISO 9001:2000 Cert. no. 10006.01CB832_DS_En_Megger is a registered trademark。
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安装前检查与准备 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
安装过程 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
技术支持热线: 400-890-1001 8610-82883110(7×24 小时)
技术支持传真: 8610-82885200,010-82884411
技术支持邮箱: help@
客户投诉热线: 8610-82884499-3600
技术参数 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
E1 接口技术指标 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
第1章 产品概述
1.1 概述
RC832-30 系列光端机是适用于无线通信基站、专用通信网、交换机组网等点对点、中小规模容量场 合的光纤传输设备。RC832-30 系列光端机的传输容量为 1 路 E1(等效 30 路话路通道),安装于瑞斯康 达专用机箱使用,通常用于局端组网,可实现 SNMP 网管。
工作条件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
贮存条件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
是瑞斯康达科技发展股份有限公司的注册商标。 对于本手册中出现的其它商标,由各自的所有人拥有。 这里的产品和服务名称都为瑞斯康达科技发展股份有限公司的商标。 由于产品版本升级或其它原因,本手册内容会不定期进行更新。除非另有约定,本手册仅作为使用指导, 本手册中的所有陈述、信息和建议不构成任何明示或暗示的担保。
基本连接 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
网络管理特性 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
开关设置说明 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
基本连接与典型应用---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
RC832-30 用户使用手册
REV.A 2007 年 06 月
光接口技术指标 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
供电条件 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
本设备提供符合 ITU-T G.703 标准的 E1 接口,在与其它设备连接时,请注意 同轴电缆两端设备的接地方式应一致,使同轴电缆屏蔽层共地。
为了保证设备的安全与运行稳定性,在使用本设备时必须提供良好的接地保 护;请勿擅自拆卸设备,否则将可能造成不可恢复的损坏,瑞斯康达科技发展股 份有限公司将视擅自拆卸设备为自动放弃保修权利。
在安装和使用本设备之前,请仔细阅读以下事项,瑞斯康达科技发展股份有 限公司不对任何由于违反安全事项而造成的损失承担责任。
本设备提供高灵敏度的光接口,在与光纤连接使用之前,必须测试线路上接 收到的光功率。严禁光纤线路上接收到的光功率超过此设备光接口的过载光功率, 以免损坏光模块。
本设备为集成化设备,内含有精密器件,为避免严重冲击对其构成损害,请 避免剧烈振动和碰撞,请勿自行拆卸或维修,需要拆卸或维修设备时,必须在我 公司技术人员的指导下按照防静电程序进行操作,如遇问题请与瑞斯康达科技发 展股份有限公司联系。
功能特性 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
订货信息 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
外形结构 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
设备外观与说明 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
附录 A 缩略语 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
附录 B FAQ-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
接口说明 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
设备设置说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
网管平台 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
网管查询 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
网管配置 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
设备安装准备与连接 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
公司总部地址: 北京海淀区上地六街 28 号院 2 号楼
Copyright ©2006 瑞斯康达科技发展股份有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。 非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式 传播。
表 1-1 RC832-30 产品订货信息 描述
模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(DSC),双纤单模,传输 距离 0~25Km。 模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(DSC),双纤单模,传输 距离 10~60Km。 模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(DSC),双纤单模,传输 距离 15~120Km。 模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(SC-PC),单纤双波长, 发射波长 1310nm,传输距离 0~25Km。 模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(SC-PC),单纤双波长, 发射波长 1550nm,传输距离 0~25Km。 模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(SC-PC),单纤双波长, 发射波长 1310nm,传输距离 10~50Km。 模块式设备,提供 1 路 75Ω非平衡 E1 接口(2 个 BNC),一个光口(SC-PC),单纤双波长, 发射波长 1550nm,传输距离 10~50Km。