XK172 EL 冷光线驱动控制芯片











1. 交流电源:EL冷光线驱动电路需要使用交流电源,一般为低压交流电源。


2. 驱动芯片:驱动芯片是EL冷光线驱动电路的核心部件,起到控制和驱动EL冷光线工作的作用。



3. 滤波电路:滤波电路用于滤除交流电源中的噪声和干扰信号,确保EL冷光线工作时的电源稳定和纹波较小。




1. 室内照明:EL冷光线可以被灵活地安装在家庭、办公室等室内空间中,用于提供柔和的背景照明,增加空间的舒适感和温馨感。

2. 汽车仪表盘照明:EL冷光线可以用于汽车仪表盘的背景照明,使驾驶员能够清晰地看到仪表盘上的各种指示灯和仪表。

3. 电子显示屏:EL冷光线可以用于电子显示屏的背光照明,提供明亮、均匀的背景光线,改善显示效果。



单通道直流LED 灯光控制触摸芯片V1.2JL8022W1、概述 (3)1.1 产品概述 (3)1.2 基本特点 (3)1.3 管脚分布图 (4)2、应用说明 (5)2.1 参考原理图 (5)2.2 功能描述 (5)2.3 按键操作方法 (6)2.4 防水模式 (7)2.5 灵敏度调节 (7)3、技术参数 (8)4、注意事项 (8)4.1 电源部分 (8)4.2 PCB排板部分 (9)5、封装 (10)1、概 述1.1 产品概述触摸感应IC 是为实现人体触摸界面而设计的集成电路。


使用该芯片可以实现LED 灯光的触摸开关控制和亮度调节。


确定好灵敏度选择电容,IC 就可以自动克服由于环境温度、湿度、表面杂物等造成的各种干扰,避免由于电阻、电容误差造成的按键差异。

1.2 基本特点◇ 灯光亮度可根据需要随意调节,选择范围宽,操作简单方便 ◇ 高灵敏度(用户可自行调节) ◇ 高防水性能◇ 待机功耗低,省电◇ 高抗干扰性能,近距离、多角度手机干扰情况下,触摸响应灵敏度及可靠性不受影响 ◇ 按键感应盘大小:大于3mm×3mm,根据不同面板材质跟厚度而定 ◇ 按键感应盘间距:大于2mm◇ 按键感应盘形状:任意形状(必须保证与面板的接触面积)◇ 按键感应盘材料:PCB 铜箔,金属片,平顶圆柱弹簧,导电橡胶,导电油墨,导电玻璃的ITO 层等 ◇ 面板材质:绝缘材料,如有机玻璃,普通玻璃,钢化玻璃,塑胶,木材,纸张,陶瓷,石材等 ◇ 面板厚度:0-12mm ,根据不同的面板材质有所不同 ◇ 工作温度:-20℃-85℃ ◇ 工作电压:3V-5.5V ◇ 封装类型:SOP8◇ 应用领域:触摸台灯等。

JL8022W1.3 管脚分布图管脚序号管脚名称输入/输出管脚说明1 NC 悬空,未用2 VC 输入采样电容输入脚(建议误差小于5%的涤纶电容)3 VDD 电源电源正端4 GND 电源接地脚5 TI 输入触摸按键输入脚6 OPT1 输入模式选择输入脚17 SO 输出灯光控制输出脚8 OPT2 输入模式选择输入脚22 、应用说明2.1 参考原理图C1、C2和C3靠近IC注: 当介质材料及厚度等差异较大时,可通过调整C3 采样电容容值来调节触摸灵敏度。



MIC4827Low Input Voltage, 180V PP Output Voltage,EL DriverGeneral DescriptionMicrel’s MIC4827 is a high output voltage, DC to AC con-verter, designed for driving EL (Electroluminescent) lamps. The device operates from an input voltage range of 1.8V to 5.5V, making it suitable for 1-cell Li-Ion and 2- or 3-cellalkaline/NiCad/NiMH battery applications. TheMIC4827 converts a low voltage DC input to a 180V PP AC output signal that drives the EL lamp.The MIC4827 is comprised of two stages: a boost stage,and an H-bridge, lamp driver, stage. The boost stage stepsthe input voltage up to +90V. The H-bridge stage then alternately switches the +90V output to each terminal ofthe EL lamp, thus creating a 180V PP AC signal to drive theEL lamp and generate light.The MIC4827 features separate oscillators for the boost-and H-bridge stages. External resistors independently set the operating frequency of each stage. This flexibility allows the EL lamp circuit to be optimized for maximum efficiency and brightness.The MIC4827 uses a single inductor and a minimum number of external components, making it ideal for portable, space-sensitive applications.The MIC4827 is available in an 8-pin MSOP package with an ambient temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. Features• 1.8V to 5.5V DC input voltage• 180V PP regulated AC output waveform • Independently adjustable EL lamp frequency • Independently adjustable boost converter frequency• 0.1µA shutdown currentApplications • LCD panel backlight • Cellular phones• PDAs • Pager• Calculators • Remote controls • Portable phonesTypical ApplicationMicrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • C OUT0.033µF/100VD1L1TIME (2ms/div)V B V AV A —V BHigh Voltage EL DriverOrdering InformationPart NumberAmbient Temp. Range PackageStandard Pb-FreeMIC4827BMM MIC4827YMM –40° to +85°C 8-Pin MSOPPin Configuration8-Pin MSOP (MM)Pin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Pin Function1 VDD Supply (Input): 1.8V to 5.5V.Switcher Resistor (External Component): Set switch frequency of the internal2 RSWpower MOSFET by connecting an external resistor to VDD. Connecting theexternal resistor to GND disables the switch oscillator and shuts down thedevice.EL Resistor (External Component): Set EL frequency of the internal H-bridge3 RELdriver by connecting an external resistor to VDD. Connecting the externalresistor to GND disables the EL oscillator.Return.Ground4 GND5 SW Switch Node (Input): Internal high-voltage power MOSFET drain.Regulated Boost Output (External Component): Connect the output capacitor of6 CSthe boost regulator and connect to the cathode of the diode.7 VB EL Output: Connect to one end of the EL lamp. Polarity is not important.8 VA EL Output: Connect to the other end of the EL lamp. Polarity is not important.Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)Supply Voltage (V DD)............................................–0.5 to 6V Output Voltage (V CS)........................................–0.5 to 100V Freq. Control Voltage (V RSW, V REL).......–0.5 to (V DD + 0.3V) Power Dissipation @ T A = 85°C ..............................200mW Storage Temperature (T s).........................–65°C to +150°C EDS Rating(3)Operating Ratings(2)Supply Voltage (V DD)....................................+1.8V to +5.5V Lamp Drive Frequency (f EL).......................60Hz to 1000Hz Switching Transistor Frequency (f SW)........8KHz to 200KHz Ambient Temperature (T A)..........................–40°C to +85°C Junction Thermal ResistancePDIP(θJA)........................................................206°C/WElectrical Characteristics(4)V IN = V DD = 3.0V; R SW = 560KΩ; R EL = 1.0MΩ; T A = 25°C, bold values indicate –40°C< T A < +85°C, unless noted.Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsR DS(ON)On-resistance of switchingtransistorI SW = 100mA, V CS = 85V 3.8 7.0 Ω85 90 95 VV CS Output voltage regulation V DD = 1.8V to 5.5V83 97 V170 180 190 VV A – V B Output peak-to-peak voltage V DD = 1.8V to 5.5V166 194 VV EN-L Input low voltage (turn-off) V DD = 1.8V to 5.5V 0.5 VV EN-H Input high voltage (turn-on) V DD = 1.8V to 5.5V V DD–0.5VI SD Shutdown current, Note 5R SW = LOW; R EL = LOW;V DD = 5.5V 0.01 0.10.5µAµAI VDD Input supply current R SW = HIGH; R EL = HIGH;V CS = 85V; V A, V B OPEN21 75 µAI CS Boosted supply current R SW = HIGH; R EL = HIGH;V CS = 85V; V A, V B OPEN200 400 µAI IN Input current including inductorcurrent V IN = V DD = 1.8V(See Test Circuit)28 mAf EL V A – V B output drive frequency 285 360 435 Hz f SW Switching transistor frequency 53 66 79 kHz D Switching transistor duty cycle 90 % Notes:1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device.2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended.4. Specification for packaged product only.5. Shutdown current is defined as the sum of current going into pin 1, 5, and 6 when the device is disabled.Test CircuitC OUT0.033µF/100VD1L1220µHVTypical Characteristics(E C N A T S I S E R H C T I W S Ω)INPUT VOLTAGE (V)Switch Resistancevs. Input Voltage)z H (Y C N E U Q E R F L E EL RESISTOR (M Ω)EL Frequencyvs. EL Resistor)z H k (Y C N E U Q E R F G N I H C T I W S SWITCH RESISTOR (k Ω)Switching Frequency vs. Switch Resistor20406080100120)z H K (Y C N E U Q E R F TEMPERATURE (°C)Switching Frequency vs. TemperatureR SW = 332k V IN = 3.0VR SW = 442k R SW= 562k)z H (Y C N E U Q E R F G N I H C T I W S INPUT VOLTAGE (V)Switching Frequencyvs. Input Voltage)z H (Y C N E U Q E R F L E INPUT VOLTAGE (V)EL Frequency vs. Input VoltageBlock DiagramOUTL1Figure 1. MIC4827 Block DiagramFunctional DescriptionOverviewThe MIC4827 is a high-voltage EL driver with an AC output voltage of 180V peak-to-peak capable of driving EL lamps up to 6in2. Input supply current for the MIC4827 is typically 21µA with a typical shutdown current of 10nA. The high voltage EL driver has two internal oscillators to control the switching MOSFET and the H-bridge driver. Both of the internal oscillators’ frequencies can be individually programmed through the external resistors to maximize the efficiency and the brightness of the lamps.RegulationReferring to Figure 1, initially power is applied to V DD. The internal feedback voltage is less than the reference voltage causing the internal comparator to go low which enables the switching MOSFET’s oscillator. When the switching MOSFET turns on, current flows through the inductor and into the switch. The switching MOSFET will typically turn on for 90% of the switching frequency. During the on-time, energy is stored in the inductor. When the switching MOSFET turns off, current flowing into the inductor forces the voltage across the inductor to reverse polarity. The voltage across the inductor rises until the external diode conducts and clamps the voltage at V OUT + V D1. The energy in the inductor is then discharged into the C OUT capacitor. The internal comparator continues to turn the switching MOSFET on and off until the internal feedback voltage is above the reference voltage. Once the internal feedback voltage is above the reference voltage, the internal comparator turns off the switching MOSFET’s oscillator.When the EL oscillator is enabled, V A and V B switch in opposite states to achieve a 180V peak-to-peak AC output signal. The external resistor that connects to the REL pin determines the EL frequency.TIME (2ms/div)V BV AV A —V BV IN = 3.0V L = 220µHC OUT = 0.033µFLamp = 2in2R SW = 332k R EL = 3.32MFigure 2. 108Hz Typical Output Waveform Switching FrequencyThe switching frequency of the converter is controlled via an external resistor between R SW pin and V DD pin of the device. The switching frequency increases as the resistor value decreases. For resistor value selections,see the “Typical Characteristics: Switching Frequency vs. Switch Resistor” or use the equation below. The switching frequency range is 8kHz to 200kHz, with an accuracy of ±20%.()Ω=M R 36(kHz)f SW SWEL FrequencyThe EL lamp frequency is controlled via an external resistor connected between R EL pin and V DD pin of the device. The lamp frequency increases the resistor value decreases. For resistor value selections, see the “Typical Characteristics: EL Frequency vs. EL Resistor” or use the equation below. The switching frequency range is 60Hz to 1000Hz, with an accuracy of ±20%.()()ΩM R 360Hz f EL ELTIME (2ms/div)V BV AV A —V BV IN = 3.0V L = 220µHC OUT = 0.033µFLamp = 2in2R SW = 562k R EL = 1MFigure 3. 180Hz Output WaveformIn general, as the EL lamp frequency increases, the amount of current drawn from the battery will increase. The color of the EL lamp and the intensity are dependentupon its frequency.TIME (2ms/div)V BV A V A —V BFigure 4. 360Hz Output WaveformEnable FunctionThe enable function of the MIC4827 is implemented by switching the R SW and R EL resistor between ground and V DD . When R SW and R EL are connected to ground, the switch and the EL oscillators are disabled; therefore the EL driver becomes disabled. When these resistors connect to V DD , both the oscillators will function and the EL driver is enabled.Application InformationInductorIn general, smaller value inductors, which can handle more current, are more suitable to drive larger size lamps. As the inductor value decreases, the switching frequency (controlled by R SW ) should be increased to avoid saturation or the input voltage should be increased. Typically, inductor values ranging from 220µH to 560µH can be used. Murata offers the LQH3C series up to 560µH and LQH4C series up to 470µH, with low DC resistance. A 220µH Murata (LQH4C221K04) inductor is recommended for driving a lamp size of 3 square inches. It has a maximum DC resistance of 4.0ΩDiodeThe diode must have a high reverse voltage (150V), since the output voltage at the CS pin can reach up to 110V. A fast switching diode with lower forward voltage and higher reverse voltage (150V), such as BAV20WS, can be used to enhance efficiency.Output CapacitorLow ESR capacitors should be used at the regulated boost output (CS pin) of the MIC4827 to minimize the switching output ripple voltage. Selection of the capacitor value will depend upon the peak inductor current, inductor size, and the load. MuRata offers the GRM42-6 series with up to 0.047µF at 100V, with a X7R temperature coefficient in 1206 surface-mount package. Typically, values ranging from 0.01µF to 0.1µF at 100V can be used for the regulated boost output capacitorPre-designed Application CircuitLi-Ion BatteryV INC OUT0.01 F/100V GRM40X7R103KD1L1220 H Murata LQH4C221K04V INI INV A – V BF EL Lamp Size3.3V 28mA 180V PP 106Hz3in 2TIME (2ms/div)V BV A V A ÐV BFigure 5. Typical 100Hz EL Driver for 3in 2LampV INC OUT0.033µF/100VGRM42-6X7R333K100D1Diodes L1220µH Murata LSIX533-13V INI INV A – V BF EL Lamp Size3.3V 18mA 180V PP 104Hz2in 2TIME (2ms/div)V B V AV A —V BFigure 6. Typical EL Driver for 2in 2Lamp with C S = 0.033µFV INC OUT0.033µF/100VGRM42-2X7R104K100D1Diodes BAS20WL1560k MurataLSIX533-13V INI INV A – V BF EL Lamp Size3.3V 21mA 180V PP 102Hz2in 2TIME (2ms/div)V B V AV A —V BFigure 7. Typical EL Driver for 2in 2Lamp with 560µH inductorV IN C OUT0.01µF/100VGRM42-2X7R104K100D1Diodes L1220µH MurataV INI INV DDI DDV A – V BF EL Lamp Size1.5V 26mA 3.0V32µA 180V PP 104Hz1.6in 2TIME (2ms/div)V B V AV A —V BFigure 8. Typical Split Power Supplies ApplicationsV IN1.8V to 3.3VC OUT0.1µF/100VGRM42-2X7R104K100D1Diodes L1220µH MurataElite12607-NV INI INV A – V BF EL Lamp Size3.0V 31mA 180V PP 104Hz5.3in 2TIME (2ms/div)V BV A V A —V BFigure 9. Typical EL Driver Remote Control Lamp(Blue Phosphor) ApplicationsPackage Information8-Pin MSOP (MM)Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:M icrel:MIC4827YMM MIC4827YMM-TR。



图 4-1. HM6107 SOP8 管脚定义
图 4-2. HM6107B SOP8 管脚定义
图 4-3. HM6107C ESOP8 管脚定义
4.2 SOP8 引脚描述
引脚序号 引脚名称
O 电源
10. 封装尺寸
10.1 SOP8 封装尺寸
I 模式选择 1
I 模式选择 2
I 使能端,低电平正常工作
I 外接电阻
注:OPTI 和 OPT2 需要接电源或者接地,EN 需要外接电源或者地。
5. 结构框图
VDD 1 电源检测
OPT1 2 OPT2 3
数字控制 模式选择
恒流 驱动
7 gnd 6 gnd
6. 典型应用电路
图 5-1. HM6107结构框图
R1 47
C1 4.7uF
1 VDD 2 OPT1 3 OPT2 4 LED
gnd 8 gnd 7 gnd 6 gnd 5
3. 应用领域
大功率强光 LED 手电筒
4. 引脚
LED 台灯和矿灯
4.1 引脚定义
HM6107C HM6107B
1 VDD 2 OPT1 3 OPT2 4 EN



el冷光线驱动电路EL冷光线驱动电路EL冷光线(Electro Luminescent Wire)是一种能够发光的导电材料,其具有柔软、薄型、高亮度、节能等特点,在广告制作、装饰、服装设计等领域得到了广泛应用。








1. 交流信号源交流信号源是EL冷光线驱动电路的起源,它提供驱动电路所需的交变电压信号。



2. 驱动电路驱动电路是EL冷光线驱动电路的核心部分,它负责将交变电压信号转换为适合EL冷光线工作的电场频率和电压。


3. 电源电源用于为驱动电路和EL冷光线提供所需的电能。


三、EL冷光线驱动电路的设计要点1. 选择合适的交流信号源,根据EL冷光线的工作频率和电压要求确定交变电压信号的特性。

2. 设计合理的驱动电路,保证输出电压的稳定性和纹波度,同时考虑到功耗和效率的平衡。

3. 选择适当的电源,满足驱动电路和EL冷光线的功率需求,保证电源的稳定性和可靠性。



LCD 驱动控制专用电路一、 概述TM1723TM1723是一种带键盘扫描接口的LCD驱动控制专用电路, 内部集成有MCU 数字接口、 数据锁存器、LCD驱动、键盘扫描、幻彩背光驱动等电路。

本产品性能优良,质量可靠, 无须更改解码板底层指令, 与现有LED驱动IC的指令集完全兼容。

现有的支持LED显示的 解码板可以直接外接LCD显示前面板,不需要外加单片机进行按键扫描(或通过解码板 扫描按键),不需要另外用HT6221作按键扫描。

同时支持PWM背光驱动和SW普通输入扩 展口。

主要应用于VCR、VCD、DVD 及家庭影院等产品的显示屏驱动。

采用SOP32等封装 形式。

二、 特性说明 采用低功耗CMOS工艺 最大20X4点LCD驱动 最大4X3按键输入 4路LED驱动,具有64级PWM,可用于LCD幻彩背光驱动; 4通用输入口,可连接拨轮式电子编码开关 1/2或1/3LCD驱动偏压可选 LCD工作电压可调 串行接口(CLK,STB,DIO) 振荡方式:内置RC振荡,典型振荡频率为128KHZ 封装形式:SOP32三、 管脚定义:VDD DIO CLK STB GND KS1 KS2 KS3 SEG31/KI3 SEG30/KI2 SEG29/KI1 SEG28/KI0 SEG25/SW1 SEG24/SW0 SEG23/PWM3 SEG22/PWM2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 COM0 COM1 COM2 COM3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG18 SEG19 SEG20/PWM0 SEG21/PWM1TM1723-1-LCD 驱动控制专用电路四、管脚功能定义:符号 引脚名称 串行 数据线 串行 时钟线 管脚号 说明 在时钟上升沿输入/输出串行数据,从低位开 始。










二、EL冷光线驱动电路的结构EL冷光线驱动电路通常由以下几个部分组成:1. 电源:为EL冷光线提供工作电压,通常为低压直流电源。


2. 电路控制芯片:负责控制EL冷光线的发光效果。


3. 驱动电路:将电源输出的电压和电流转换为适合EL冷光线工作的信号。


4. 发光线:由EL冷光材料制成的线状结构,通过电压作用下的电致冷光效应发光。



具体应用包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 照明:EL冷光线可以制成各种形状的灯带、灯管等,用于室内照明、灯饰和广告招牌等。


2. 显示:EL冷光线可以制成显示屏,用于显示时间、温度、湿度等信息。


3. 装饰:EL冷光线可以制成各种颜色和形状的装饰品,用于车辆、建筑物和家居等的装饰。


四、EL冷光线驱动电路的优势EL冷光线驱动电路相比传统的发光器件具有以下几个优势:1. 高亮度:EL冷光线具有高亮度的发光效果,可以满足各种应用场景的需求。



J2 1 CVDD33 R23 2K C17 0.01UF TST ETH1_MDC ETH1_MDIO CVDD33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
U5 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 DCVDD33 MDC MDIO D+
Vcc=5V, R41=R42=68Ω, R42=R44=180Ω, R38=R39=270Ω。 Vcc=3.3V, R41=R42=82Ω, R42=R44=130Ω, R38=R39=180Ω。
在实际 应用 中, +5V 供 电时, R38、 R39可 以从 270Ω到 350Ω之 间选取 ; +3.3V 供电时, R38、 R39可以从 142Ω到 200Ω之 间选取 ,原则是 让输 出波形达到 最佳 。 SD 为 PE CL 电 平时, R78>=2K。
R37 0(NC)
4.7K R58,R53: PHY Address=10
4.7K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MDIP0 MDIN0 AVDD10 MDIP1 MDIN1 AVDD33 MDIP2 MDIN2 AVDD10 MDIP3 MDIN3 AVDD10 HSIP HSIN AGND AVDD10 HSOP HSON AGND AGND HSON_CK HSOP_CK
R3 C22 0.1uF NC



冷光驱动器(EL driver)1. 冷光驱动器综述冷光(EL)背光系统是由EL 灯片和EL 驱动电路组成。

EL 灯片是由绝缘基底上喷涂了场致发光材料并夹在两层电极之间组成。

当EL 场致发光灯片的两极间通电后,发光层内就建立了电场,电子在电场的作用下逆电场方向加速运动,当电场强度足够强,运动状态电子数量足够多,速度足够快时,通过踫撞,发光材料电子就处于激发状态而发生能级跃迁,激发状态电子的能级跃迁表现为发光。


所以,EL 灯片须在EL 驱动电路的驱动下,使电场方向是交替变化的,则电子随电场方向的改变而始终处于高速运动状态,使电子不间断地发生能级跃迁,当电场变化频率达到一定程度时,发光片的亮度就会保持平稳。

EL 场致发光灯的供货商可以透过使用不同的发光材料,比如硫化锌、硫化钙或硫化锶,再搀杂其它成份如镁、钐、铕或添加荧光染色剂等,来调整光的亮度和颜色。



2. 冷光驱动电路及控制冷光驱动电路中颖公司SH6xxx 系列产品线中有些单片机内建了冷光驱动器。



驱动器在其输出端口ELC 和ELP 上输出不同频率的驱动波形,ELP 用于对EL 面板充电,我们能够把EL 面板上的电压升压到100 - 250V。

ELC 用于释放EL 面板上的电压。

透过循环充放电的动作,在EL 面板上产生了一个交变的电压,不同的电压值和频率可以获得各种不同的亮度和色彩。

ELONELPELC图3-12-1 EL driver典型应用电路及波形冷光驱动器的控制冷光驱动器通常有三个控制寄存器位,分别控制冷光驱动器的打开或关闭和充电放电频率。



冷光片驱动芯片是一种用于驱动冷光片(EL 冷光线)的集成电路。



1. 转换效率:冷光片驱动芯片需要具备较高的转换效率,以实现较低的能耗。

2. 驱动电压和电流:根据冷光片的面积和发光效果要求,驱动芯片需要提供适当的电压和电流。


3. 稳定性:冷光片驱动芯片需要具备较好的稳定性,以保证长时间运行过程中不会出现故障或性能下降。

4. 兼容性:冷光片驱动芯片应具备较好的兼容性,适用于不同类型和品牌的冷光片。

5. 外围电路简单:冷光片驱动芯片的外围电路应尽量简化,以便于用户设计和生产。

6. 成本效益:冷光片驱动芯片在保证性能和质量的前提下,应具备较高的成本效益,便于市场推广和应用。










1. 电子产品领域:EL冷光线驱动芯片常用于背光显示器、液晶显示屏等电子产品中。


2. 汽车行业:EL冷光线驱动芯片可用于车内仪表盘、中控面板等显示装置。


3. 家居照明:EL冷光线驱动芯片可以应用于室内照明,如夜灯、装饰灯等。


4. 广告宣传:EL冷光线驱动芯片可以制作成各种形状的发光标识、广告牌等,吸引人们的注意力,提升宣传效果。


1. 提升亮度和效能:目前EL冷光线驱动芯片的亮度和效能相对较低,未来的研究将致力于提升这些指标,以满足更高要求的应用场景。

2. 发展新材料:EL冷光线驱动芯片的核心材料是EL材料,未来的研究将专注于开发新的EL材料,以提高发光效果和稳定性。

3. 引入智能控制:随着智能家居和智能交通的发展,EL冷光线驱动芯片有望加入智能控制系统,实现远程控制和自动调节亮度的功能。

北京落木源 IGBT驱动器TX-KA105产品手册

北京落木源 IGBT驱动器TX-KA105产品手册

BEIJING LMY ELECTRONICS CO.,LTDTX-KA105三段式保护的特大功率IGBT 驱动芯片 TX-KA105 产品手册BEIJING LMY ELECTRONICS CO.,LTDTX-KA105目录一.概述 ....................................................................................................................... 3 二、原理框图 ............................................................................................................... 3 三、电气参数 (3)3.1 极限参数 ...................................................................................................... 3 3.2 驱动特性 ...................................................................................................... 4 3.3 工作条件 ...................................................................................................... 4 3.4 短路保护性能 .............................................................................................. 5 3.5 对驱动电源的要求 ...................................................................................... 5 四、波形图 . (5)4.1 三段式保护波形图 ...................................................................................... 5 4.2 关于三段式驱动保护的说明 ...................................................................... 6 五、尺寸结构 (6)5.1 外形尺寸 ...................................................................................................... 6 5.2 引脚说明 ...................................................................................................... 7 六、应用电路说明 . (7)6.1 驱动器低压信号侧的连接说明 (7)6.1.1 输入信号Vs ....................................................................................... 7 6.1.2 报警信号连接 ................................................................................... 7 6.2 驱动器高压侧与驱动电源的连接 .............................................................. 8 6.3 驱动器高压侧的输出连接 .. (8)6.3.1 驱动输出功率的计算 ....................................................................... 8 6.3.2 与IGBT 的连接 .................................................................................. 8 6.4 保护参数的设置 (9)6.4.1 盲区时间Tblind 的设置 ................................................................... 9 6.4.2 短路保护阈值Vn 的设置 ................................................................. 9 6.5 驱动芯片的测试方法 .................................................................................. 9 6.6 应用连接图 .................................................................................................. 9 七、相关产品信息 .. (10)7.1 TX ‐PD107 DC ‐DC 模块电源 ..................................................................... 10 7.2 TX ‐DA105D2 特大功率IGBT 驱动板 ........................................................ 10 7.3 TX ‐QP102 .................................................................................................... 10 八、常见问题 ............................................................................................................. 10 九、其它说明: (10)BEIJING LMY ELECTRONICS CO.,LTDTX-KA105TX-KA105 特大功率IGBT 驱动器一.概述∙特大功率IGBT 单管驱动器,最大输出功率15W ,电流40A ,最大输出电荷40uC 。



MC 7008MC 7016MC 7024MC 7008 / MC 7016 / MC 7024 MEMORY LIGHTING CONTROLLERSUSER GUIDESoftware Revision 1.00 and aboveDocument Revised: 8-30-02Copyright 1994, 2002Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.Table of Contents Introduction (3)Welcome (3)Specifications (3)Installation/Setup (3)Power Supply Requirements (3)Dimmer Equipment Connection (4)Overview (4)Front Panel (4)Rear Panel (5)Operation Guide (6)General (6)Operation Modes (6)Bump Buttons (7)Crossfaders (7)Chases (7)Master (7)Blackout (7)Programming Control Functions (8)General (8)Scene Masters (8)Flash Scenes (8)Chases (9)Optional DMX512 Installation (10)Instructions (10)Troubleshooting (11)INTRODUCTIONWelcomeThank you for your decision to purchase a Leviton-NSI product. The powerful Leviton-NSI Microplex design involves the electrical marriage of microprocessor technology and digitally controlled multiplexing. The result is a control package with the flexibility for a variety of applications.The Leviton-NSI MC 7000 Series Lighting Consoles feature an advanced microprocessor based design containing many benefits found in today’s personal computers. This technology provides for the option of adding programmable Memory Scene Masters and Chase effects to the simplicity of a familiar two-scene console.The Leviton-NSI Microplex technology found in all Leviton-NSI products allows components of your lighting system to be interconnected by way of standard 3-conductor microphone cables or audio snakes. Up to 128 individual control signals may be transmitted to dimmer packs through a single microphone cable and the returned phantom power eliminates the need for AC power cords on Leviton-NSI controllers. This makes the remote placement of the MC 7000 Series Lighting Console easy and convenient. Throughout this manual, specifications are listed for the MC 7008 followed by specifications for the MC 7016 in parenthesis () and MC 7024 in brackets [ ].The Leviton-NSI MC 7000 Series Lighting Console represents our continuing commitment of leading the industry in defining technological advances for stage lighting.SPECIFICATIONSControl Channels:8/16 (16/32) [24/48]Dimmers:16 (32) [48]Scene Masters (memory):8 (16) [24]Chases:2, 32 steps maximum eachMemory:Non-volatile EEPROM(approx. 10 year retention)Dimmer Outputs:Leviton-NSI MicroplexDMX512 (optional)Input Power:12-15 Volts DC, minimum 200mADimensions (HxWxD): 2 3/4” x 10 5/8” x 9”-(2 3/4” x 16 5/8” x 9”)[2 3/4” x 22 5/8” x 9”]Weight (approx.): 3.25 lbs. (5.0 lbs.) [6.75 lbs.]INSTALLATION/SETUPPower Supply RequirementsThe MC 7000 Series Lighting Console requires a source of 12-15 volts DC (at least 200 MA) to operate satisfactorily. When used with Leviton-NSI dimming equipment, power is provided through the Microplex microphone cord connection system when connected to the dimmers.If the console is equipped with the optional DMX512 output and used with DMX512 controlled dimmers or if the microphone cable length exceeds 100 feet, the external power supply jack can be used to apply power to the console. Use the power supply provided with the DMX512 option, or call your dealer for assistance in obtaining a proper supply. Make sure that the plug on any power supply not supplied through Leviton-NSI is configured so that the center connector is positive.Dimmer Equipment ConnectionConnecting the MC 7000 Series Lighting Console to Leviton-NSI dimming equipment is very simple.You need only connect a single 3 conductor audio cable (standard microphone cable equipped with a 3-pin XLR type connector) to either of the jacks marked MICROPLEX on the rear apron of the console. It doesn’t matter which jack is used, two jacks are provided for convenience. Connect the other end of the cable to the Leviton-NSI dimming equipment.If the console is equipped with the DMX512 option, connection to the dimming equipment is provided through the 5-pin XLR type connector located on the rear apron of the console. This connector adheres to the USITT standard on DMX512 and will support up to 32 (16) dimmer channels with one 3-wire cable. Since remote power is not provided on this connector, the power supply included with the DMX512option must be used.OVERVIEWFront Panel1. Channel Levels:These 8 (16) [24] LED’s show the current intensity of each of the console control channels. The LED’s are inactive whenever the console is in the single scene mode.2. Scene X:These 8 (16) [24] slide controls are used to control the intensities of channels 1 -8 (1 - 16) [1 - 32] . The overall intensity of the scene created is controlled with theX Crossfader.3. Scene Y:These 8 (16) [24] slide controls are used to control the intensities of channels 1 -8 (1 - 8) [1 - 24], channels 9 - 16 (17 - 32) [25 - 48], or scenes 1 - 8 (1 - 16) [1 - 24]depending upon the consoles current operating mode. The overall intensity ofthe scene created is controlled with the Y Crossfader.4. Bump Buttons:These 8 (16) [24] buttons are used to bring an individual or group of channels,depending upon console operating mode, to full intensity.5. Program Button:This button is used to program the Scene Masters, the 2 Chases, and the FlashScenes. Programming is active when the Program LED is lit.12345N / CN / C Common DMX Data -DMX Data +Female DMX512XLR Pin ConfigurationMPX Data 213+15 VDC Common Female MicroplexXRL Pin Configuration MPX Data123Common +15 vdcMale Microplex XRL Pin Configuration6. Mode Button:This button sequences the console through the 3 operating modes. The lit LED indicates the current mode.7. Tap Sync:Repeatedly tapping this button establishes the chase rate.8. Chase 1:This button toggles Chase 1 on and off, indicated by the LED.9. Chase 2:This button toggles Chase 2 on and off, indicated by the LED.10. X Crossfader:This slide control is used to proportionally vary the intensity of Scene X.11. Y Crossfader:This slide control is used to proportionally vary the intensity of Scene Y.12. Master:This slide control is used to proportionally vary the overall console intensities to stage except those from the Bump buttons.13. Blackout:This button is used to kill all output to stage except from the Bump buttons. Theconsole is in Blackout whenever the Blackout LED is lit.Rear Panel1. Microplex Outputs:These 2 outputs provide Leviton-NSI ’s microphone dimmer connection via a 3-pin XLR type connector. Either connector may be used (1-Male, 1-Female).2. DMX512:This optional output is used to provide dimmer control information to dimmersusing this protocol. Its 5 pin Female XLR connector conforms to the USITTstandard.3. AUX DC Power:This input jack allows a standard wall transformer rated at 15v DC (at least200 MA) to provide power to the MC 7000 Series Console.PUSH123Male Female Female 12345678123456781921031141251361471581600000001234136121110578,9OPERATION GUIDEGeneralThe MC 7000 Series Lighting Console consists of two manual scenes mastered by two split/dipless crossfaders, a set of bump buttons, two programmable chase effects, a master control and a blackout button. The console is designed to allow tailoring to your needs. Three modes of operation vary the function of the Bump buttons from individual Channel Bumps to Flash Scenes, and Scene Y from channels 1 - 8 (1 - 16) [1 - 24], to channels 9 –16 (17 - 32) [25 - 48], or to Memory Scene Masters. In addition, two Chase Effects allow automated sequencing of lights at varying rates.To give the user channel intensity feedback, channel intensity LED’s are provided above each of the Scene X slide controls. These LED’s show relative intensities from all console functions and are not affected by the Master control or the Blackout button, except single-scene mode.Operation ModesThe MC 7000 Series Lighting Console has three operating modes: the 2 x 8 (2 x 16) [2 x 24] mode, the 8 x 8 (16 x 16) [24 x 24] mode, and the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode. These modes are selected with the Mode button. The lit LED indicates the current mode. In standard 2 x 8 (2 x 16) [2 x 24] mode, Scene Y controls the intensity of channels 1 - 8 (1 - 16) [1 - 24] along with Scene X giving the console two-scene capability between the scenes. In 8 x 8 (16 x 16) [24 x 24] mode, Scene Y becomes a bank of Scene Masters, which can be programmed by the user. Each Scene Master has level control of all channels and operates in a ‘‘pile on’’ fashion giving greatest level precedence. In the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode, Scene Y becomes channels 9 - 16 (17 - 32) [25 - 48], joining with Scene X to give the console twice the control channels on one scene. Also in this mode, the bump buttons no longer control individual channels, but control Flash Scenes, which can be programmed by the user. Each scene can have any combination of channels so that they can be flashed to maximum intensity at any time. Programming either of the Chases while in this mode extends each step to 16 (32) [24] channels.Table 1 — MC 7008 Mode ChartMODE SCENE X SCENE Y BUMPS CHASES CHANNEL LEDS 2 x 8 Mode Channels 1 - 8Channels 1- 8Channels 1- 832 Steps x 8 Chan.Channels 1 - 8 8 x 8 Mode Channels 1 - 8Mem Scenes 1 - 8Channels 1 - 832 Steps x 8 Chan.Channels 1 - 8 1 x 16 Mode Channels 1 - 8Channels 9 - 16Prog for Ch 1 - 1632 Steps x 16 Chan.No FunctionTable 2 — MC 7016 Mode ChartMODE SCENE X SCENE Y BUMPS CHASES CHANNEL LEDS 2 x 16 Mode Channels 1 - 16Channels 1- 16Channels 1- 1632 Steps x 16 Chan.Channels 1 - 16 16 x 16 Mode Channels 1 - 16Mem Scenes 1 - 16Channels 1 - 1632 Steps x 16 Chan.Channels 1 - 16 1 x 32 Mode Channels 1 - 16Channels 17 - 32Prog for Ch 1 - 3232 Steps x 32 Chan.No FunctionTable 3 — MC 7024 Mode ChartMODE SCENE X SCENE Y BUMPS CHASES CHANNEL LEDS 2 x 24 Mode Channels 1 - 24Channels 1- 24Channels 1- 2432 Steps x 24 Chan.Channels 1 - 24 24 x 24 Mode Channels 1 - 24Mem Scenes 1 - 24Channels 1 - 2432 Steps x 24 Chan.Channels 1 - 24 1 x 48 Mode Channels 1 - 24Channels 25 - 48Prog for Ch 1 - 4832 Steps x 48 Chan.No FunctionBump ButtonsAlong the bottom edge of the console are 8 (16) [24] momentary push buttons. These buttons are used to bump each individual channel to full intensity regardless of the Blackout button or the setting of the Master control. When in the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode, each button no longer controls only one channel, but can be programmed to control any combination of channels. This makes each button a Flash Scene. The console is shipped from the factory so that Bump button 1 is programmed for only channel 1, Bump button 2 for channel 2 and so on. This gives the impression that there is no functionality change from mode to mode on the bump buttons.The Bump buttons are also used in programming Flash Scenes and Scene Masters.CrossfadersThe two Manual Crossfaders are always tied to Scene X and Scene Y. These fade controls allow crossfading between Scene X and Scene Y with the X Crossfader controlling Scene X and the Y Crossfader controlling Scene Y. The X Crossfader is at its maximum in the fully up position, while the Y Crossfader is at its maximum in the fully down position. This configuration allows easy dipless crossfading providing both crossfaders are moved together. If the crossfaders are not kept in the same position, split crossfading effects can be accomplished.ChasesTwo Chase effects are provided on the MC 7000 Series Lighting Console. Each can be activated at any time by simply pressing its associated button. A Chase is active whenever the LED above its Chase button is lit. Each Chase has a maximum of 32 steps and each step can have any combination of channels. When programming in the 2 x 8 (2 x 16) [2 x 24] and the 8 x 8 (16 x 16) [24 x 24] modes each step has 8 (16) [24] channels of control, when in the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode each step has 16 (32) [48] channels of control.Once a Chase is programmed, it will remain with the same number of channels it was programmed in, regardless of mode during playback. This can add expanded channel capabilities to the other two modes. For example, a 7016 chase could be programmed in the 1 x 32 mode to control only channels 17 - 32 for special effects, and then the console could be run in the 16 x 16 mode to make memory scenes available, and the Bump buttons could be used to create area and special lighting on channels 1 - 16.The Chase Rate is set by repeatedly tapping the Tap Sync button at the rate desired. The Chases will continue to run at the rate of the last two taps until another set of taps is seen. This allows easy synchronization with music or other timed events.MasterThe Master slide control provides proportional level control over all console functions to stage with the exception of the Bump buttons. For example, whenever the Master slide control is at minimum all stage outputs will be at zero except for any resulting from a Bump button, if the Master is at 50% all stage outputs will be at only 50% of their current console settings except for any resulting from a Bump button and if the Master is at full all stage outputs will follow the console settings.BlackoutThe Blackout button is used to disable all outputs to stage with the exception of those resulting from a Bump button. This provides for quick dousing of stage levels or for creating solo effects when used in conjunction with the Bump buttons. Blackout is active whenever the Blackout LED is lit.PROGRAMMING CONTROL FUNCTIONSGeneralThe functions that can be programmed on the MC 7000 Series Lighting Console are the two Chases, the Scene Masters in the 8 x 8 (16 x 16) [24 x 24] mode and the Flash Scenes in the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode. To initiate programming, first tap the Program button. This will light the Program LED indicating that the program mode is active. Then tap the function button to be programmed. All programming is stored in non-volatile memory, which retains information for at least 10 years, even when power is removed.Scene MastersWhen in the 8 x 8 (16 x 16) [24 x 24] mode, the Scene Masters can be programmed for later recall. First create the desired scene on Scene X. Neither the level of the Master or the X Crossfader or the state of the Blackout function have any effect on the programmed levels from Scene X. Once the scene is satisfactory, enter the program mode by tapping the Program button. Then tap the Bump button under the Scene Y slide control that is to be used as the Scene Master. The Scene Master is now programmed and the Program mode is automatically released. Once programmed, the Scene Master is ready for immediate use. To playback the scene, use the Y fader associated with the bump button used to program that scene master.Flash ScenesSince there are only 8 (16) [24] Bump buttons, channels 9 - 16 (17 - 32) [25 - 48] cannot be accessed for bumping in the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode. For this reason the Bump buttons can be programmed as Flash Scenes to access the upper channels whenever in this mode. Flash Scenes consist of any combination of fully on or fully off channels. Flash Scenes are programmed with both Scene X and Scene Y slide controls. Simply raise those sliders that are desired on to maximum and those desired off to minimum. Next, tap the program button to turn on the Program function. Finally, tap the Bump button to be programmed. Once programmed, the Flash Scene is ready for immediate use.ChasesEach of the two Chase functions can be programmed to include any channel in any step up to a maximum of 32 steps per Chase. To initiate Chase programming, first tap the Program button so that the Program LED is lit. Then tap the Chase button of the Chase to be programmed and the LED under the chase button should start flashing. The console is now ready to program the first step of the chase. Use the Scene X slide controls to indicate which channels should be on or off by either raising them to full or lowering them to minimum. Once set, tap the Program button again to store the step. The console is now ready to program the second step of the chase. Continue programming steps, up to 32, until the chase is complete. Tapping the Blackout button exits the chase programming. Programming will be automatically exited if more than 32 steps are attempted.If the console is in the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] mode, Scene Y can be used to include the channels controlled by these sliders in the Chase program. Follow the same procedure explained above, but include the Scene Y channels into each step programmed.If the Chase is active when programming is initiated, the Chase will halt during programming and resume with the new programming when completed. If the Chase was not active, it will not be running when programming is complete.OPTIONAL DMX512 INSTALLATIONInstructionsFollowing are the instructions for field installation of the DMX512 option (OPT-07512-01).1. Remove screws from bottomof console and removebottom cover.2. Remove 2 screws and removeDMX512 option cover plate.3. Insert DMX512 connector intoopening and install hardwareprovided.4. Connect cable from DMX512connector to 5-pin connectionas shown.5. Install 3695 IC into 8-pinsocket as shown, be sure toobserve the location of thenotch or dimple. Be sure legsgo in straight and not bent.6. Replace bottom cover of unit.Note: DMX512 will activateautomatically. Microplex andDMX512 are transmittedconcurrently and both may be used at the same time.TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptom Check ListChannel Level LED’s do not respond. 1. Check to see if the 1 x 16 (1 x 32) [1 x 48] modeis selected. Since all channels cannot be viewed,the LED’s are disabled in this mode.Chase functions do not work. 1. Make sure a rate has been established with theTap Sync button. The rate is indicated by theflashing LED located directly above the Tap Syncbutton.Lights on stage do not operate even 1. Check that the Master slide control is not set at though Channel Level LED’s do. its minimum position and the Blackout LED is not ON. Scene X or Scene Y slide controls have 1. Make sure that the X or Y Crossfader is not in its no effect on channel levels. minimum position.Stage lights are ON, but will not respond 1. Make sure the dimmer packs are programmedor respond erratically. correctly. Dimmer packs programmed for channelshigher that 32 (16) will not respond to the controller.2. Check for a bad control cable by replacing it.3. The dimmer pack may be defective.4. If the microphone cable is in excess of 100 feet,heavier gauge (18 ga.) cable or an additionalpower supply located at the console may benecessary because of power loses over the lengthof the cable.Erratic operation when a particular 1. Defective fader.fade is up.Channel comes ON when adjacent 1. Defective fader.fader is up.Page 11PK-93130-00-01-1A LIMITED TWO YEAR WARRANTY AND EXCLUSIONSLeviton warrants to the original consumer purchaser and not for the benefit of anyone else that this product at the time of its sale by Leviton is free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal and proper use for two years from the purchase date. Leviton ’s only obligation is to correct such defects by repair or replacement, at its option, if within such two year period the product is returned prepaid, with proof of purchase date, and a description of the problem to Leviton Manufacturing Co.,Inc., Att: Service Department, 20497 SW Teton Ave., Tualatin, Oregon 97062. All products returned to Leviton-NSI must have factory authorization for return prior to shipping. The purchaser is responsible for completing and mailing to Leviton, within 15 days of purchase, the warranty registration card enclosed with each product.This warranty excludes and there is disclaimed liability for labor for removal of this product or reinstallation. This warranty is void if this product is installed improperly or in an improper environment, overloaded, misused, opened, abused, or altered in any manner, or is not used under normal operating conditions or not in accordance with any labels or instructions. There are no other or implied warranties of any kind,including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, but if any implied warranty is required by the applicable jurisdiction, the duration of any such implied warranty, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, is limited to two years. Leviton is not liable for incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages, including without limitation, damage to, or loss of use of, any equipment,lost sales or profits or delay or failure to perform this warranty obligation. The remedies provided herein are the exclusive remedies under this warranty, whether based on contract, tort or otherwise.For Technical Assistance Call:1-800-864-2502。

SEMIKRON 电路板产品说明书

SEMIKRON 电路板产品说明书

000131Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Conditions 1)ValuesUnitsInverter (Chopper see SKiiP 22 NAB 12)V CES V GES I C I CMI F = –I C I FM = –I CMT heatsink = 25 / 80 °Ct p < 1 ms; T heatsink = 25 / 80 °C T heatsink = 25 / 80 °Ct p < 1 ms; T heatsink = 25 / 80 °C1200± 2016 / 1132 / 2216 / 1132 / 22V V A A A A Bridge Rectifier V RRMI DI FSM I 2tT heatsink = 80 °C t p = 10 ms; sin. 180 °, T j = 25 °C t p = 10 ms; sin. 180 °, T j = 25 °C 150025370680V A A A 2s T j T stg V isol AC, 1 min.– 40 . . . + 150– 40 . . . + 1252500°C °C VSKiiP 20 NAB 12 - SKiiP 20 NAB 12 I MiniSKiiP 2SEMIKRON integrated intelligent Power SKiiP 20 NAB 12SKiiP 20 NAB 12 I 3)3-phase bridge rectifier +braking chopper +3-phase bridge inverterCase M2UL recognized file no. E63532•specification of shunts andtemperature sensor see part A •common characteristics see page B 16 – 41)T heatsink = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified2)CAL = Controlled Axial Lifetime Technology (soft and fast recovery)3)With integrated DC and/or AC shunts4) accuracy of pure shunt, please note that for DC shunt no separate sensing contact is used.R cs(dc)R cs(ac)5 % 4)1 %16,5 m Ω10 m Ω000131Fig. 3Turn-on /-off energy = f (I C )Fig. 4Turn-on /-off energy = f (R G )T j = 125 °C V CE = 600 V V GE = ± 15 V I C = 10 AT j = 125 °C V CE = 600 V V GE = ± 15 V R G = 150 ΩI Cpuls = 10 AV GE = 0 V f = 1 MHzFig. 1Typ. output characteristic, t p = 80 µs; 25 °CFig. 2Typ. output characteristic, t p = 80 µs; 125 °CFig. 5Typ. gate charge characteristic Fig. 6Typ. capacitances vs. V CE0698T j = ≤ 150 °C V GE = ± 15 V t sc = ≤ 10 µs L ext < 25 nHT j = ≤ 150 °C V GE = ± 15 VT j = 150 °C V GE = ≥ 15 VFig. 9Turn-off safe operating area (RBSOA) of the IGBT Fig. 10Safe operating area at short circuit of the IGBTFig. 7Rated current of the IGBT I Cop / I C = f (T h) Cop /I C Mini1207T h [°C]00,511,522,550010001500I Cpuls /I C Mini1209V CE [V]02468101250010001500Note:*Allowed nu mbers of short ci r cuit:<1000*Time between short circuit:>1sI Csc /I CN Mini1210V CE [V]Fig. 11Typ. freewheeling diode forward characteristic Fig. 12Forward characteristic of the input bridge diode MiniSKiiP 1200 VMiniSKiiP 2SKiiP 20 NAB 06 ... SKiiP 21 NAB 06 ... SKiiP 20 NAB 12 ... SKiiP 22 NAB 12 ...CircuitCase M2Layout and connections for thecustomer’s printed circuit boardNote:The shunts are availableonly by option I-DC/AIsw0wIsv0v0uIsuI+B-TL3L1L2+rect-DC-rectg1UVW+T+DCg3g5g2g6g4gB+B-BHauptanschlußpower connectorcontrol pinSteueranschluß。

el 冷光驱动ic 能驱动的冷光线长度

el 冷光驱动ic 能驱动的冷光线长度

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Inventronics INV1221 LED波纹抑制控制芯片说明书

Inventronics INV1221 LED波纹抑制控制芯片说明书

• 自适应100/120Hz 电流纹波消除芯片 • 输入端内置钳位稳压管 • VG 输出电压达10V • LED 电流纹波幅度可调s • LED 负端电压幅度可调 • LED 峰值电流可调 • 短路保护 • 热插拔保护 • 过温保护 •SOT23-6L 封装产品描述INV1221配合外置 MOSFET ,用于驱动单串LED 灯珠,通过VC 端电容消除前级驱动器产生的100/120 Hz 电流纹波。

自适应的电流调整可以保证IC 去纹波同时功耗达到最低。

INV1221将供电输入端VIN 电压钳位在30V 左右,当供电电压超过31V 时,需在VIN 端子串联电阻。

INV1221允许用户通过调整采样电阻阻值来灵活调整LED 峰值电流,从而避免了短路或者热插拔时对于MOSFET 和LED 灯珠的损害。

INV1221通过采样MOSFET 漏端和VLMT 端子之间的串联电阻来设置LED 负端电压的最大值,用于限制系统功耗损失。

当LED 负端电压超过短路检测门限值并维持超过60us ,IC 判断LED 短路并关断MOSFET 。

INV1221维持MOSFET 关断状态13ms ,之后自动退出该状态。

同时INV1221也提供过温保护,当IC 温度超过135℃,过温保护将启动。

IC 关闭MOSFET 并维持关闭状态直至温度低于110℃。


INV1221保证在-40°C150°C IC工作性能表现良好。


(2)INV 1221集成用于避免芯片工作在过载情况下的温度保护功能。



(3)以上参数在JESD51-7,2-layer PCB测得。




XK172EL冷光线驱动/控制芯片产品简介厦门联创微电子股份有限公司XIAMEN LINKTRON MICROELECTRONICS CO., LTD.产品简介 V2.0地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,ChinaWeb site: E-Mail:market@一 概述XK172是一款EL冷光线驱动控制芯片,接通电源后,当按下按键KEY时芯片可控制3路或者单路EL冷光线按照不同方式闪烁或者关闭,可以广泛应用于装饰、礼品、背光源等许多产品中。

二 功能特点● 工作电压为3V ; ● DC 到DC 转换;● 与外部元件配合,达到150~300高压输出(Vp-p ); ● 外围元件较少,应用简单; ● 内建RC 振荡电路;●可以根据用户需要调整EL 冷光线驱动控制的频率和周期。

三 引脚图产品简介 V2.0地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,ChinaWeb site: E-Mail:market@四 引脚描述五 功能框图引脚顺序名称功能PIN1 IND 升压控制端PIN2 EL0 直-交流转换控制端 PIN3-PIN5 EL1-EL3 用来输出控制冷光线按照不同方式闪烁或者关闭 PIN6 GND 地 PIN7 KEY 按键控制不同闪烁方式 PIN8 OSC2 外接电阻,产生振荡PIN9-PIN11 INA-INC 压焊选择不同的闪烁频率和方式 PIN12 VDD 电源产品简介 V2.0地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,ChinaWeb site: E-Mail:market@六 功能描述接通电源后,按下按键KEY 芯片可以控制3路或者单路EL 冷光线按照4种不同方式闪烁(3路全亮、3路闪烁、3路顺闪、关断),El 冷光线的开关以及驱动频率由内部的RC 振荡电路决定(改变外界电阻,可以改变频率大小),通过与外部电路的配合,提供150V~300V (V-pp )高压驱动EL 冷光线。



- 定义与作用
- 应用场景
- 工作原理简述
- 具体工作流程
- 按工作电压分类
- 按控制方式分类
- 主要性能指标
- 影响性能的因素
- 国外发展现状
- 国内发展现状
- 技术创新
- 应用拓展














SP4403EL 冷光片灯驱动IC概述SP4403是一款输入为直流1.8-6V 、输出为交流高压的直流转交流的IC 转换器,专用于驱动LCD 、键盘、便携式数字处理器等背光照明EL 灯。

它可提供160V (峰-峰值)以上的电源,特别适用于驱动冷光片灯。


可广泛应用在小功率的便携式产品上,如PDA ,寻呼机、手机,和其他需在光线较弱的场合使用LCD 的手持式设备上。


定购信息器件编号工作温度范围 (°C)封装 SP4403EM -40 – 85 °C 8-脚 SOP SP4403EMT -40 – 85 °C 8-脚 TSSOP SP4403EU -40 – 85 °C 8-脚 MSOPSP4403EX-40 – 85 °C 裸片极限值V DD : 6.5V HON (脚1): -0.3V 至 V DD +0.3V COIL (脚3) 电流: 280mA EL 灯电压输出 (V pp): 250V 极限功率 500mW系统参数(除非另有规定,T= 25°C ;VDD = 3.0V ;冷光片灯的电容值 = 10nF ;Coil = 2.2mH (R = 11Ω), C OSC = 270pF )特征 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 条件工作电压, V DD 1.8 3.0 6.0 V工作电流, I COIL +I DD 20 45 30 60mAV DD = 3.0V, V HON = 3.0VV DD = 6.0V, V HON = 6.0V 线圈电压, V COIL V DD 6.0 V H ON 脚输入电压, V HON 低电位: EL 关 高电位: EL 通 -0.25 V DD - 0.25 0 V DD 0.25 V DD +0.25VV DD = 3.0VH ON 脚电流 (EL 通时) 8 40 µA V HON =V DD = 3.0V静态电流, I SD =I COIL +I DD 0.03 1 µA V DD = 3.0V, V HON = 0V 电感驱动线圈频率, f COIL =f LAMP ×32 9.6 kHz 线圈占空比 85 % 冷光片灯驱动EL 冷光片灯频率, f LAMP 200 300 600 Hz V DD = 3.0V 峰—峰输出电压 160 180 V pp V DD = 3.0V*本参数表规定了环境指标,测试条件和范围,并建议了器件的工作条件。







冷光片驱动芯片的原理是基于半导体的PN 结结构,它由两个不同类型的半导体材料构成。

当芯片接收到电信号时,电子和空穴分别从N 区和P 区注入到对方的区域,从而产生光子,实现光的发射。











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产品简介 V2.0
地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,China
Web site: E-Mail:market@
一 概述

二 功能特点
● 工作电压为3V ; ● DC 到DC 转换;
● 与外部元件配合,达到150~300高压输出(Vp-p ); ● 外围元件较少,应用简单; ● 内建RC 振荡电路;

可以根据用户需要调整EL 冷光线驱动控制的频率和周期。

三 引脚图
产品简介 V2.0
地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,China
Web site: E-Mail:market@
四 引脚描述
五 功能框图
PIN1 IND 升压控制端
PIN2 EL0 直-交流转换控制端 PIN3-PIN5 EL1-EL3 用来输出控制冷光线按照不同方式闪烁或者关闭 PIN6 GND 地 PIN7 KEY 按键控制不同闪烁方式 PIN8 OSC2 外接电阻,产生振荡
PIN9-PIN11 INA-INC 压焊选择不同的闪烁频率和方式 PIN12 VDD 电源
产品简介 V2.0
地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,China
Web site: E-Mail:market@
六 功能描述
接通电源后,按下按键KEY 芯片可以控制3路或者单路EL 冷光线按照4种不同方式闪烁(3路全亮、3路闪烁、3路顺闪、关断),El 冷光线的开关以及驱动频率由内部的RC 振荡电路决定(改变外界电阻,可以改变频率大小),通过与外部电路的配合,提供150V~300V (V-pp )高压驱动EL 冷光线。



INC 、INB 、INA (引脚11、10、9)内部有上拉电阻,如果外部不接地,该引脚为高电平。

当INA 、INB 、INC 为111时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.1s :0.1s 左右),图中3状态输出波形占空比为1:2(0.1s :0.2s 左右)。

当INC 、INB 、INA 为110时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.15s :0.15s 左右),图中3状态输出波形占空比为1:2(0.1s :0.2s 左右)。

当INC 、INB 、INA 为101时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.08s :0.08s 左右),图中3状态输出波形占空比为1:2(0.1s :0.2s 左右)。

当INC 、INB 、INA 为100时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.15ms :0.15ms 左右),图中3状态输出波形占空比为1:2(0.15s :0.30s 左右)。

当INC 、INB 、INA 为011时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.08s :0.08s 左右),图中
产品简介 V2.0
地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,China
Web site: E-Mail:market@
当INC 、INB 、INA 为010时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.1s :0.1s 左右),图中3状态输出波形脉冲(0.05s :0.05s :0.05s :0.47s 左右)。

当INC 、INB 、INA 为001时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.08s :0.08s 左右),图中3状态输出波形脉冲(0.025s :0.05s :0.025:0.37左右)。

当INC 、INB 、INA 为000时,图中2状态输出波形占空比为1:1(0.15s :0.15s 左右),图中3状态输出波形脉冲(0.s :0.1s :0.1s :0.5s 左右)。

七 电学参数
参数 符号 最小 典型 最大 单位 备注 工作电压 Vdd 2 3 5 V -- 静态电流 Idd -- 0.1 1 uA Vol=2.0V IND 输出电流 Ioh1 8.4 -- -- mA Vol=2.0V EL 输出电流 Ioh2 0.5 -- -- mA Vol=2.0V 起振电压 Vstp 1.3 1.5 -- V --
振荡频率 Fosc 350 475 600 KHZ Vdd=3.0V 储存温度 Tstg -40 -- 125 ℃ -- 工作温度

产品简介 V2.0
地址:厦门软件园2期观日路34号四楼 Tel:86-592-2129188 Fax:86-592-2129198 ADDR:4/F,No.34 Guanri Rd , Xiamen Software Park,China
Web site: E-Mail:market@
八 参考应用图
九 绑定说明
