英美文化 pop fiction

阐述英美文化的异同之处英语作文精选英文阐述英美文化的异同之处英语作文:Title: TheIntriguingSimilarities and Unique Differences between British and American CulturesThe cultures of Britain and the United States, despite their close geographical proximity and historical ties, exhibit fascinating similarities and profound differences. Both cultures are rooted in a rich tapestry of traditions, values, and languages, yet they have evolved uniquely over time, reflecting their respective histories, political systems, and social landscapes.One of the most evident similarities between British and American cultures is their shared linguistic heritage. Both nations use English as their primary language, allowing for a strong connection through common vocabulary, grammar, and literary works. This linguistic unity has facilitated cultural exchange and understanding, with many British literary and artistic influences being absorbed and adapted by the United States.Moreover, both cultures value individualism, emphasizing the importance of personal freedom and responsibility. This shared value is reflected in their political systems, where individuals are encouraged to participate actively in democratic processes and voice their opinions. However, while the British system tends to be more centralized and hierarchical, American culture promotes a more decentralized and egalitarian approach.On the other hand, there are significant differences between British and American cultures. British culture is deeply rooted in its monarchy and royal heritage, with the royal family playing a significant role in national life. This is reflected in the British people'srespect for tradition and a tendency to value stability and consensus over rapid change. By contrast, American culture is shaped by its founding fathers and a strong belief in republican values, emphasizing democracy, individual rights, and the pursuit of happiness.Another noteworthy difference lies in the social landscape. British society tends to be more class-conscious, with a stronger emphasis on social hierarchy and etiquette. This is reflected in the British love of tea and cricket, which are often associated with upper-class traditions. By contrast, American culture is more relaxed and informal, with a strong emphasis on equality and inclusivity. Americans are known for their love of sports, fast-paced lifestyles, and entrepreneurship.In conclusion, while British and American cultures share many similarities, they also exhibit profound differences. These differences are a testament to their unique histories, political systems, and social landscapes, and they continue to shape the way people in these nations live, think, and interact with the world. Understanding these similarities and differences is crucial for fostering mutual respect and understanding between the two cultures.中文对照翻译:标题:英国和美国文化之间有趣的相似之处和独特之处英国和美国的文化,尽管地理位置相近,历史渊源深厚,但却有着惊人的相似之处和深刻的差异。

英美文化知识点总结高中Culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, customs, traditions, and practices that are shared by a group of people. British and American culture are two of the most influential and widely studied cultures in the world, with a rich history and diverse traditions that have developed over centuries. In this summary, we will explore various aspects of British and American culture, including language, literature, music, food, holidays, and values, to provide a comprehensive overview of these two fascinating cultures.LanguageThe English language is a central component of both British and American culture, and it has had a profound impact on the global stage. While both countries primarily speak English, there are noticeable differences between British English and American English in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and spelling. For example, Americans use the word "elevator" to refer to a vertical transportation device, while the British use the word "lift." Additionally, Americans spell words like "color" and "center," while the British use "colour" and "centre." These differences highlight the diverse linguistic influences that have shaped English in both countries over time.LiteratureBritish and American literature have made significant contributions to the global literary canon, with writers from both countries producing enduring works that have left a lasting impact on literature. British literature boasts a rich history that includes iconic figures such as William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf. Their works have become timeless classics that continue to be studied and celebrated around the world. American literature, on the other hand, has been shaped by influential writers like Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Toni Morrison, whose novels and stories have played a vital role in shaping the American literary tradition. Both British and American literature provide valuable insights into the cultural, social, and historical contexts that have shaped these two nations.MusicMusic is an integral part of both British and American culture, with each country contributing significantly to the global music industry. British music has been particularly influential, with iconic bands such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Queen making a lasting impact on popular music. The UK has also been home to various musical movements, from the British Invasion of the 1960s to the punk and Britpop scenes of later decades. In the United States, music has played a crucial role in shaping popular culture, with genres such as jazz, blues, rock and roll, and hip-hop emerging as distinctive American contributions to the world of music. American musicians such as Elvis Presley, MichaelJackson, and Madonna have achieved immense success and have had a profound influence on global music trends.FoodBritish and American cuisine reflect the diverse culinary traditions that have developed in each country over time. British food is often associated with hearty, traditional dishes such as fish and chips, bangers and mash, and roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. The UK is also known for its love of tea, with the traditional afternoon tea being a quintessentially British custom. In contrast, American cuisine is characterized by a wide range of influences, including Native American, European, African, and Asian culinary traditions. Foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs, apple pie, and barbecue have become iconic American dishes that are enjoyed both domestically and internationally.HolidaysHolidays are an integral part of both British and American cultures, providing opportunities for people to come together, celebrate, and participate in various traditions and festivities. In Britain, holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Guy Fawkes Night are widely celebrated, with each holiday having its own unique customs and rituals. In the United States, holidays such as Thanksgiving, Independence Day, and Halloween are significant, with each one holding special meaning and cultural significance for Americans.ValuesBritish and American cultures are shaped by a set of core values and beliefs that are integral to the identity of each nation. In Britain, values such as politeness, respect for tradition, and a love of the countryside are highly esteemed. The British also place a strong emphasis on the importance of tea-drinking and the art of queuing. In the United States, values such as individualism, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness play a central role in the national ethos. Americans also place a high value on diversity, innovation, and the American Dream, which reflects the country's commitment to opportunity and upward mobility.In conclusion, British and American culture are rich, diverse, and complex, encompassing a wide range of traditions, customs, and practices that have evolved over time. Language, literature, music, food, holidays, and values are just a few of the many elements that contribute to the unique identities of these two nations. By understanding and appreciating the cultural aspects of Britain and America, individuals can gain valuable insights into the historical, social, and artistic contexts that have shaped these influential cultures.。

Charles·Dickens(1812~1870),a British novelist. At the age of 10 his families were forced to move into debtors prison. When 15 years old, Dickens became an apprentice in a law firm and later a civil court judge clerk and then a newspaper reporter stationed in parliament. He had only a few years school life .But thanks to assiduous self-study he became a famous writer.
“ the genius who most fully expressed his contemporaries in the common interest”---Stefan Zweig
Writing CareerFra bibliotekearly years)
In 1833 Dickens’s first story, A Dinner at Poplar Walk was published in London periodical, Monthly Magazine. His first novel The Pickwick Papers get a great success in March 1836.
狄更斯是个高产作家,他凭着勤奋和天 赋创作出一大批经典著作。他是19世纪 英国现实主义文学的主要代表。他的作 品以妙趣横生的幽默、细致入微的心理 分析以及现实主义描写与浪漫主义气氛 的有机结合而著称。

名词解释1. Abby Theatre 阿贝剧院阿贝剧院是爱尔兰的国家剧院,由爱尔兰著名诗人William Butler Yeats和Lady Augusta Gregory创建。
Lady Gregory是阿贝剧院的导演,同时也是个剧作家(dramatist)。
2.Aestheticism 唯美主义基本原则:Art for art’s sake.基本人物:英国运用该美学理论的第一人士Walter Pater。
Oscar Wilder(Picture of Dorian Gray)是该理论的杰出代表。
这是对Victorian工业发展时期宣扬的物质崇拜(materialism)和商业主义(commercialism)的一种反抗,也是艺术为道德或金钱而服务(art for money’s sake)的维多利亚传统的挑战。
3. Age of Enlightenment 启蒙时代1. 英国的18世纪又被称为启蒙时代,总的来说是资本主义反对封建主义的时代。
2. 启蒙运动是一场进步的思想运动,盛行于法国后传播到西欧。
3. 启蒙运动是15和16世界文艺复兴运动的延续和深入,它的目的是用现代哲学和艺术观点启蒙整个世界。
4. 崇尚理性,平等,和科学,倡导大众教育。
5. 代表人物:Alexander Pope,Jonathan Swift。
4. Age of Realism现实主义时期1. 现实主义是对浪漫主义时期一种反抗,并铺就了通往现代主义文学的道路。
2. 在这一时期,新一代的作家对于老一辈的浪漫主义和感伤主义的思想非常不满,提出一个新的灵感,其特点就是在生活现实方面有着极大的兴趣。


The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》 (unfinished,24 stories)
Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯和科利西德》 the Romaunt of the Rose 《玫瑰罗曼史》 (translation work)
period of tragedies!!!
授(full of unrealistic compromises and fantasy)
Pericles 泰尔亲王里克里斯 Cymbeline 辛白林 The Winter's Tale 冬天的童话 The Tempest 暴风雨
B Piers the Plowman C Juliana D Elene
• 3 ___ is one of the best of the Middle English Romances. The poem consists of
A 2500 lines and contains 4 parts.
period of dramatic romances!!!
John Donne(约翰·邓恩)(1572-1631)
He wrote poems that were both obscene, vulgar and poems of serious philosophical thinking. These reflect his feeling of the conflict between the body and the soul. Later, the term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers wrote under the influence of him.

英国美国社会文化 PPT 默剧Mime artist

• Definition • Origin • Development • Mime Charles Chaplin • His
• Master of French Modern Mime Etienne Decroux defined Mime for "the Art of Silent". • A mime or mime artist is someone who uses mime as a theatrical medium or as a performance art, involving miming, or the acting out a story through body motions, without use of speech.
• Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed the music for most of his films. He was a perfectionist, and his financial independence enabled him to spend years on the development and production of a picture. His films are characterised by slapstick combined with pathos, typified in the Tramp's struggles against adversity. Many contain social and political themes, as well as autobiographical elements.
英美文学术语(英文版) literary terms

英国文学Alliteration:押头韵repetition of the initial sounds(不一定是首字母)Allegory:寓言a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.Allusion:典故a reference in a literary work to person, place etc. often to well-known characters or events. Archetype:原型Irony:反讽intended meaning is the opposite of what is statedBlack humor:黑色幽默Metaphor: 暗喻Ballad: 民谣about the folk logeEpic:史诗in poetry, refers to a long work dealing with the actions of gods and heroes.Romance: 罗曼史/骑士文学is a popular literary form in the medieval England./ChivalryEuphuism: 夸饰文体This kind of style consists of two distinct elements. The first is abundant use of balanced sentences, alliterations and other artificial prosodic means. The second element is the use of odd similes and comparisons.Spenserian stanza: It refers to a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter and the last line in iambic hexameter. 斯宾塞诗节新诗体,每一节有9排,前8排是抑扬格五步格诗,第9排是抑扬格六步格诗。

英美文化的魅力与影响The influence of Anglo-American culture on the global stage is immense, with its reach extending far beyond the borders of the United Kingdom and the United States. This culture, shaped by a rich history, diverse traditions, and innovative spirit, has become a significant part of the global cultural landscape.The foundation of Anglo-American culture can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Britain and America. The Celtic, Roman, and Norman invasions of Britain, as well as the colonization of the Americas by Europeans, all left indelible marks on the development of this culture. The blend of these various influences created a unique cultural identity that has withstood the test of time.One of the most prominent features of Anglo-American culture is its emphasis on individualism and personal freedom. This is reflected in various aspects of life, from the political system to social interactions. The Anglo-American belief in the inherent rights of individuals has given rise to institutions like democracy and a robustlegal framework that protects the freedoms and liberties of its citizens.Moreover, Anglo-American culture is renowned for its contributions to literature, art, music, and science. Authors like Shakespeare, Dickens, and Hemingway, as well as artists like Monet, Picasso, and Jackson Pollock, have left an indelible mark on the world of art and literature. Similarly, musicians like Beethoven, Elvis Presley, and the Beatles have revolutionized music, making it a universal language of expression.The influence of Anglo-American culture is also evident in the global business world. The principles of entrepreneurship, innovation, and competitiveness that are ingrained in this culture have spurred economic growth and development across the globe. The Anglo-American business model, characterized by its focus on efficiency, effectiveness, and continuous improvement, has become a benchmark for businesses worldwide.However, the influence of Anglo-American culture is not without its criticisms. There are concerns about the cultural homogenization that results from the dominance ofthis culture globally. This homogenization can erode the unique cultural identities of other nations and communities, leading to a loss of diversity and richness in the global cultural landscape.Despite these criticisms, the influence of Anglo-American culture remains significant. Its contributions to literature, art, music, science, and business have shaped the world in profound ways. Moreover, the principles of individualism, freedom, and innovation that are at the core of this culture continue to inspire and motivate people across the globe to strive for excellence and progress.**英美文化的魅力与影响**英美文化在全球舞台上的影响力巨大,其影响范围远远超出了英国和美国的国界。
american pop culture

All the reasons popular culture spread caused folk culture to retreat
Placelessness: Anywhere USA
Without the sign, we would not know if these were houses, apartments, or condos. Their style is no style; a sense of sameness pervades. Nothing sets these structures apart as being in a particular
―Gray Power‖—upper middle-class retirement areas ―Old Yankee Rows‖—blue- and white-collar older ethnic neighborhoods of the Northeast Norma Rae-Vile—lower- and middle-class southern mill towns
Like bowling and ice hockey Three times as likely to live in rowhouses or duplexes
Residents of Norma Rae-Vile
Mostly nonunion factory workers Have trouble making ends meet Consume twice as much canned stew as the national average
Food and drink
What we eat and drink differs markedly from one part of the country and world to another Difference in alcoholic drink consumption in the United States

Andy Warhol
20世纪60年代, 安迪·沃霍尔开始以日常物品为作品旳体现题材重新诠释来反应美 国旳现实生活,以一幅《康贝尔汤罐》而出名,成为波普艺术旳代表人物
玛丽莲·梦露旳头像, 是沃霍尔作品中一种最 令人关注母题。
在1967年所作旳 《玛丽莲·梦露》一画 中,画家以那位不幸旳 好莱坞性感影星旳头像, 作为画面旳基本元素, 一排排地反复排立。那 色彩简朴、整齐单调旳 一种个梦露头像,反应 出当代商业化社会中人 们无可奈何旳空虚与迷 惘
安迪·沃霍尔 自画像
他旳作品突出一种嘲讽与冷静。他描绘 了简朴清楚而反复出现旳东西,这些都 是当代社会中最令我们记得旳形象符号。 沃霍尔打破了永恒与伟大旳界线;打破 了手工艺品与批量生产、达达艺术和极 少艺术、绘画与摄影、画布与胶卷旳界 线。他给平庸添上悲剧色彩,使悲剧变 得平淡无奇。他摧毁了“艺术”形象旳 等级制度,取消了要求“艺术”旳专横 界线,他沟通了阳春白雪和下里巴人两 种艺术
该怎样界定安迪·沃霍尔?波普艺术家?电影制片人?作家?摇滚乐作曲者?出 版商?迷恋浮华潮流旳虚荣旳人?他甚至同步具有灰姑娘和吸血鬼旳人格特质。 时至今日,有关他旳争议还在发酵。有人以为他以反复、复制为特点旳艺术作 品不算原创、不值一提。不论争议还将来得多么剧烈,安迪·沃霍尔已经在当代 艺术史上书写下了浓墨重彩旳一笔,缔造了真正能够对抗老式旳、商业旳、消 费旳、平民旳、世界性旳艺术——一种消费时代旳艺术神话。这不但仅是指他 旳艺术作品,更指他旳思想、生活和处理艺术旳方式
Thanks For Whating
安迪·沃霍尔是波普艺术旳提倡 者和领袖,被誉为20世纪艺术 界最有名旳人物之一,也是对波 普艺术影响最大旳艺术家。他出 生于美国旳匹斯堡。沃霍尔摒弃 古典艺术,立志从事于颠覆老式 旳概念创作
英美文化 课件

此外,“文化”也还包括 人们的衣食住行、婚丧嫁娶、生老病死、家庭生活、 社会生活等诸多方面的因素。 需要说明的是,构成文化的各因子之间总是有着 千丝万缕的相互联系,我们学习和研究文化, 必须将其作为一个有机的整体,不仅要考察它内部的 各构成因素,更要努力探寻它们之间的内在联系。
Байду номын сангаас
最早把文化作为专门术语来使用的是被称为 “人类学之父”的英国人泰勒(E·B·Tylor),他在1871年 发表的《原始文化》一书中给文化下了定义:
4. What are the three parts of Great Britain?
Flag of U.K.
The national flag of U.K. is often called Union Jack, but formally it Is called Union Flag.
Flag of England
"Culture means the total body of tradition borne by a society and transmitted from generation to generation. It thus refers to the norms, values, standards by which people act, and it includes the ways distinctive in each society of ordering the world and rendering it intelligible. Culture is...a set of mechanisms for survival, but it provides us also with a definition of reality. It is the matrix into which we are born, it is the anvil upon which our persons and destinies are forged." (Robert Murphy. Culture and Social Anthropology: An Overture. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1986: 14)

英美文化总结英文版作文1. The United States and the United Kingdom both have rich and diverse cultural traditions that have influenced the world in many ways.2. American culture is often seen as more informal and individualistic, with a focus on personal freedom and self-expression.3. British culture, on the other hand, is often associated with tradition, politeness, and a sense of reserve.4. In terms of language, American English and British English have some differences in spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation.5. Both countries have a strong tradition of literature, music, and film, with many iconic works and artists coming from both sides of the Atlantic.6. When it comes to food, American cuisine is often seen as more diverse and influenced by different immigrant cultures, while British cuisine has its own traditional dishes and comfort foods.7. In terms of sports, the United States is known for its love of baseball, American football, and basketball, while the United Kingdom has a strong tradition of soccer, rugby, and cricket.8. Both countries have their own unique holidays and traditions, such as Thanksgiving in the United States and Bonfire Night in the United Kingdom.9. Despite their differences, both American and British culture have had a significant impact on the global stage and continue to shape the world in many ways.。


Pop culture, or popular culture, is a term that refers to the ideas, perspectives, attitudes, and values that are commonly shared by a large group of people. In the context of the United Kingdom and the United States, the term often encompasses a wide rangeof media and entertainment forms, including music, television, film, fashion, and literature. The influence of AngloAmerican pop culture is felt around the world, and it has a significant impact on global trends and societal norms.Music:Music is a universal language that transcends borders, and the UK and the US have been at the forefront of shaping the global music scene. From the British Invasion of the 1960s, led by bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, to the rise of American hiphop and rap in the late 20th century, music has been a powerful force in defining cultural identity and expression. Today, artists like Adele, Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift continue to captivate audiences with their unique styles and messages.Television and Film:The small and big screens have been integral in shaping the pop culture landscape. British television shows like Doctor Who and Sherlock have garnered international followings, while American series such as Friends, Game of Thrones, and The Simpsons have become cultural touchstones. Hollywoods dominance in the film industry has spread American values and narratives globally, influencing everything from fashion to language.Fashion:Fashion is another area where the influence of AngloAmerican pop culture is evident. London and New York are recognized as fashion capitals, setting trends that are emulated worldwide. Designers from both countries, such as Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Ralph Lauren, and Marc Jacobs, have left indelible marks on the fashion industry.Literature:The written word has always played a significant role in shaping culture. British authors like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling have contributed to the literary canon, while American writers such as Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Stephen King have captured the imaginations of readers across the globe.Social Media and Technology:In the digital age, the influence of AngloAmerican pop culture is amplified through social media and technology platforms. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which were either created in or have significant user bases in the US, have become the newbattlegrounds for cultural discourse and the dissemination of popular trends.Impact on Society:The pervasive influence of AngloAmerican pop culture has both positive and negative implications. On one hand, it fosters a global community with shared interests and dialogues. On the other hand, it can lead to cultural homogenization, where local cultures risk being overshadowed by dominant Western narratives.Conclusion:The pop culture of the United Kingdom and the United States is a dynamic and everevolving entity that continues to shape and reflect societal values and interests. As we navigate the complexities of a globalized world, understanding the role of pop culture in shaping our perceptions and interactions is more important than ever.。

例如你知道什么是白色的谎言吗?White elephant是白色的大象吗?1 raise (or wave) a white flagMeaning: to indicate that you have been defeated and you want to give up暗示你被打败了,你愿意放弃。
例句:After we captured them, they had to raise a white flag.当我们抓住他们后,他们不得不举手投降。
【流行文化推荐】:Pop Culture Reference: Pop singer Dido references the symbolism represented in this idiom in her song 'White Flag,' singing: '..and I won't put my hands up and surrender. There willbe no white flag above my door...'流行歌手蒂朵在她的歌曲”白旗“中采用了这个习语的象征主义手法,歌中唱到:”…我不会举起双手投降。
在我门前绝不会有白旗飘起…“2 white-tie event/affairMeaning: an event that requires guests to wear formal dress such as men wearing white bow ties with formal evening attire 要求客人穿着正装的场合,例如男人着正式晚礼服,带白色蝴蝶结领结。
英语美文:The Pop Revolution 流行音乐革命

英语美文:The Pop Revolution 流行音乐革命Even if the word “pop” disappears from the English vocabulary, the influence of pop will remain. Pop has become part of British—and American—history.“流行音乐”这个词即使从词汇中消失,它的影响将仍然存有。
There has always been a close cultural link, or tie, between Britain and English—speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music. Before the Second World War the Americans exported jazz andthe blues. During the 1950s they exported rock ’n’ roll,and star singers like Elvis Presley were idolized by young Britons and Americans alike.在英国和说英语的美国之间,不但在文学方面,而且在流行艺术,特别是音乐方面,一直有着密切的接触或联系。
Then in the early 1960s a new sound was heard, very different from anything which had so far come from the American side of the Atlantic. This was the Liverpool, or Merseyside, “beat”. Situated on the River Mersey in the north—eastern corner of the industrial Black Country, Liverpool was not a place which anyone visited for fun. Until the 1960s it was known only as one of Britain’s largest ports. Then, almost overnight, it became world famous as thebirthplace of the new pop culture which, in a few years, swept across Britain and America, and across most of the countries of the western world.后来,在六十年代初期,人们听到一种新的声音。
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they have no souls
How to become a vampire?
Being bitten by a vampire or drinking the blood of a vampire is the most common way
Popular beliefs
Vampires may be harmed or killed by
Hermione Granger
• bright • proud • intensely driven
Ron Weasley
1.Average 2.Warmhearted
4. Theme one
Bildungsroman The coming of age is one of the most important themes in literature
The Sun
The Holy Cross
Harry Potter
A series of fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling
In 1997 1st novel --- and the Philosopher’s /Sorcerer’s Stone
Two Worlds
A new bird rises from the ashes of the dead
The name was chosen because of Guy Fawkes and bonfire
The similarities draw the readers and arouse resonance
Wizarding World Muggle World
a non wizard, a person with no magical ability
Witchcraft and Wizardry
Cast a Spell
every 500 years
2. God has reserved to himself the right to determine the end of life 3. Suicide is a sin against self, neighbor and God
Commit Suicide •Do something wrong or illegal
Fly/steal from death
Lord Voldemort
Dark Lord
his quest for power and immortality
Good vs. evil
Resort to the best part in human nature
Theme Three: Quest for Truth
Commit murder/ rape / arson/ adultery / crimes
Popular beliefs sleep in their coffin during the daytime shadow or reflection in mirrors ? NO, because
Human beings are thinking, question-asking animals.
Oedipus and sphinx
Puzzle solving is one perpetual quest
Pop Fiction
List of best selling books
Vampire bat
Count Dracula Dracula is derived from the Romanian word for devil or dragon
1. Thou shalt not kill---one’s own life as well as the lives of others should a hero is his fate From Nobody to Somebody • Friendship •Courage •Confidence …
In all
We all have a Harry Potter in the depth of our heart •Dream to success •Re-grow with him