A2 班:43 人
081180118 081180119 081180120 081180122 081180123 081180124 081180125 081180126 081180127 081180129 081180130 081180132 081070047 081097006 081200040 081261009 071140026 081180006 081180007 081180014 081180016 081180018 081180020 081180034 081180035 081180041 081180052 081180055 081180064 081180071 081180076 081180128 081180001 081180002 081180005 081180008 081180009 081180010 081180011 081180012 081180015 081180021 081180022 张广涵 张浩 张洁* 张潇鹏 张星 赵丽敏* 赵平 赵斯培 郑洁东 周亮 周文猛 朱文彬 杨强鹏 高远 刘鹏 李永安 龚磊 陈朝 陈广勇 仇昕 邓将军 丁捷 房国际 蒋来 蒋士正 李敬玫* 林科 刘贵峰 马晓辉 曲载清* 苏轶伦 郑载舟 白凯 包志忠 曹健 陈家伟 陈杰龙 陈可 陈克 陈小利* 戴稚晖* 冯小娇* 符宸 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 电子 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 生物 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信 通信
任选 任选 任选 任选 任选 任选 任选
生物必 修 其它专 业任选 生物指 选 其它专 业任选
466 655 1018 1832 1250 1670 2169 3150 4160 5210 5550 3359 4988 118 32.5 36.68 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 27.5 77.79 58.51
51 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 52 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 53 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 54 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 55 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 56 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 57 钢筋砼顶管(F管) 58 红砖 59 多孔砖 60 块灰 61 黄沙 62 黄沙 63 碎石 64 碎石 65 碎石 66 碎石 67 碎石 68 块石 69 白石子 70 白石子
186 180 186 126 131 126 232 244 274 164 164 148 160 196 153 285 244 244 25 24 21.5 10 13 12.73
186 180 186 126 131 126 232 244 274 164 164 148 160 196 153 285 244 244 25 24 21.5 10 13 12.73
466 655 1018 1032 1230 1625 2109 3031 4010 5037 5361 3156 4683 118 32.5 36.68 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 27.53 77.79 58.51
466 655 1018 1832 1230 1625 2109 3031 4010 5037 5361 2800 4276 118 32.5 36.68 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 27.5 77.79 58.51
110 塑料百叶窗 111 112 塑料平开半玻门(含5mm 60系列 玻璃及五金件) 塑料平开全玻门(含5mm 60系列 玻璃及五金件) 电泳 彩铝 氧化 白色 彩色 一级二类3mm
EBI(2000 point/48 reader) Honeywell 澳大利亚 套
Honeywell 德国
Honeywell 德国
Honeywell 德国
106800.00 21115.20 28054.00 19521.60 106107.20 54680.40 21513.60
1.8 面板 1.9 挂墙式接线盘 1.10 电缆 80MM 1.11 电缆 300MM 1.12 XL500DDC箱连配件 1.13 变压器 1.14 24V AC继电器
M100-AA1 M100-VA1 M100-PA3 M600-WM9 M100-FA1
BAS报价 第 3 页
英国 英国 英国 英国 英国
套 12
套 12
1460.80 1643.40 4523.50 7138.00 2722.40
7146.30 3652.00 5378.40 18675.00 3469.40
5”15”30” BJLED-01王府井世纪大厦 16.38m×6.91m = 113㎡ 07:30—22:0060次/天36,00072,000117,000 BJLED-02西单君太百货 55.6m×14.4m = 801㎡ 07:30—24:0060次/天180,000360,000585,000 BJLED-03西直门交通枢纽16.9m×12.7m = 215㎡ 07:30—22:3060次/天39,50079,000128,000 BJLED-05崇文门搜秀商城(北向) 8.32m×18m=150㎡ 07:30—22:0060次/天21,00042,00069,000 BJLED-06崇文门搜秀商城(西向) 8.32m×18m=150㎡ 07:30—22:0060次/天21,00042,00069,000 BJLED-07中关村鼎好大厦 48m×25m = 1200㎡07:20—22:0060次/天149,000298,000485,000CBD 小屏组套装2.5m X 1.5m =3.75㎡ *21块LED 屏 08:00—22:00 240次/天64,000128,000205,000 SHLED-02南京西路静安寺百乐门 21.36m ×11.52m =246㎡07:30—22:3060次/天84,500169,000275,000 SHLED-03淮海路恒积大厦22.32m ×13.44m =300㎡07:30—22:3060次/天68,000136,000225,000 SHLED-04徐家汇上体商圈飞洲国际大厦 27.51m ×7.6m =209㎡07:30—22:0060次/天35,00070,000113,500 SHLED-05人民广场来福士广场 15.7m×12m = 188㎡07:30—22:3060次/天75,000150,000245,000 SHLED-06浦东华润时代广场 15m×8.64m = 130㎡08:30—22:0060次/天37,50075,000122,000 SHLED-01浦东金茂大厦26.88m×10.56m = 284㎡08:00—22:0060次/天129,000258,000420,000 SHLED-08中山公园上海书城 13.8m×11.2m=155㎡08:00—22:0060次/天56,000112,000182,000南京东路东方商厦 17.1m×23.5m=402㎡08:30—22:3060次/天92,000185,000295,000淮海中路新华联商厦22.44m×8.93m=200.3㎡08:30—22:3060次/天65,000130,000215,000 GZLED-01北京路潮楼15.36m×6.72m = 103㎡08:30—22:3060次/天48,50097,000158,000 GZLED-02海珠广场缤缤时装13.37m×17.6m = 235㎡08:30—22:3060次/天38,00076,000125,000 GZLED-03江南西广百新一城15.36m×7.68m = 118㎡08:30—22:3060次/天39,50079,000128,000 GZLED-04天河路购书中心66.87m×9m = 602㎡07:30—22:3060次/天119,000238,000398,000 GZLED-05 天河北中石化大厦17.92m×6.72m = 120㎡08:30—22:3060次/天58,500117,000190,000 GZLED-06上下九赛博广场 5.6m×12.3m = 69㎡08:30—22:3060次/天30,00060,00098,000 GZLED-07天河广晟大厦57.6m×12m= 691㎡08:00-22:0060次/天99,000198,000320,000 GZLED-08天河万菱汇44.16m×12.16=537㎡08:30—22:3060次/天118,000236,000388,000 SZLED-01CBD中心区凤凰大厦 22.4m×11.2m = 250㎡08:00—22:0060次/天50,500101,000164,000 SZLED-02深南大道东门振华大厦 22m*8.1m=178㎡08:00—22:0060次/天39,40078,800128,000 SZLED-03罗湖口岸联检楼10.65m×3m = 32㎡06:30—22:3060次/天18,00036,00058,500 SZLED-04华强北赛博数码广场 34.8m×8.7m = 302㎡08:00—22:0060次/天65,000130,000211,000 SZLED-05深南大道中电大厦13.1m×42m = 550㎡07:00—24:0060次/天120,000240,000390,000周一至周日2013年LED广告刊例价编号具体位置屏幕面积(宽*高=面积)播放时间城市北京上海广州深圳每周价格(元)5”15”30”周一至周日编号具体位置屏幕面积(宽*高=面积)播放时间城市每周价格(元)5”15”30”周一至周日编号具体位置屏幕面积(宽*高=面积)播放时间城市每周价格(元)三、广告审批上画须提前7个工作日提供:1、最新年审营业执照;2、商标注册证;3、生产/卫生许可证等检验证书;4、广告上画物料(详细另参物料需求表);。
Do not use the device for equipment that requires an extreme level of reliability, such as aerospace applications, telecommunication equipment (trunk lines), nuclear power control equipment and medical or other equipment for life support.
Electrical Characteristics ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Timing characteristics of input signals ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・
Input Signals, Basic Display Colors and Gray Scale of Each Color Optical Characteristics Handling Precautions Packing form Reliability test items Others Storage conditions OUTLINE DIMENSIONS PACKING FORM
The maximum viewing angle is in the 6o'clock direction. The 12o'clock direction is difficult to reverse the grayscale. By the independent RGB gamma adjustment function, this module can display natural gray scales.
正常机 3550 3800 3200 3450 正常机 3750 3950 3850 3900 正常机 4000 4200 3960 3990 正常机 4300 4490 4415 4445 正常机 4900 5100 4380 正常机
第 1 页,共 6 页
2012年度格力电器系列产品价格表—定频系列 年度格力电器系列产品价格表— 年度格力电器系列产品价格表
4830 6300 8200
天井机 KFR-72TW/K(7256T)-N2 KFR-120TW/K(1256T)-N2 清新风N 清新风N2 好学风 KFR-120LW/E(12568L)A1-N2 KFR-120DW/(1251S)Aa-3 RF16W 空调贵族 RF28W/B-N5 空气净化器 KJG300A 21500 1980 8300 9100 9000 8300 10000
2012年度格力电器系列产品价格表—定频系列 年度格力电器系列产品价格表— 年度格力电器系列产品价格表
系 列 机 型 开单价 挂牌价 销售类型
KFR-23GW/(23570)Aa-3 KFR-26GW/(26570)Aa-3 Q力3 KFR-32GW/(32570)Aa-3 KFR-35GW/(35570)Aa-3 KFR-23GW/(23556)Ga-2 KFR-26GW/(26556)Ga-2 悦风2 悦风2 KFR-32GW/(32556)Ga-2 KFR-35GW/(35556)Ga-2 KFR-24GW/S(24555)A1-N1 KFR-27GW/S(27555)A1-N1 玉雅春N 玉雅春N1 新一级) (新一级) KFR-32GW/S(32555)A1-N1 KFR-35GW/S(35555)A1-N1 KFR-23GW/(23569)Ac-3 KFR-26GW/(26569)Ac-3 V迪3 三级) (三级) KFR-32GW/(32569)Ac-3 KFR-35GW/(35569)Ac-3 KFR-23GW/(23561)Aa-2 U酷2 U酷 新二级) (新二级) KFR-26GW/(26561)Aa-2 KFR-32GW/(32561)Aa-2 KFR-35GW/(35561)Aa-2 KFR-23GW/(23561)Ca-2 U雅2 U雅 新二级) (新二级) KFR-26GW/(26561)Ca-2 KFR-32GW/(32561)Ca-2 KFR-35GW/(35561)Ca-2 KFR-24GW/(24561)Ba-1 U铂1 新一级) (新一级) KFR-27GW/(27561)Ba-1 KFR-32GW/(32561)Ba-1 KFR-35GW/(35561)Ba-1 睡梦宝II 睡梦宝II 二级) (二级) KFR-23GW/(23538)Ea-2
LED显示屏 单双色 最新价格参考表
排线 电源线mm 亮度 mm >cd/㎡ 180 180 300 180 180 700 180 180 300 180 180 700 180 180 300 180 180 700 180 180 1500 180 180 1800 180 180 1500 180 180 1800 180 180 4000 180 180 4000 180 180 3000 180 180 3000 180 180 1000 180 180 1000 180 180 3000 180 180 2000 180 1500 光通量 LM 100
灯型 点阵模块 点阵模块 点阵模块 点阵模块 点阵模块 点阵模块 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 灯型 3014
扫描方式 驱动 方式 1/16扫描 恒压 1/16扫描 恒压 1/16扫描 恒压 1/16扫描 恒压 1/16扫描 恒压 1/16扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒压 1/4扫描 恒流 1/4扫描 恒压
LED模组: 型号 F3.0 F3.0 F3.75 F3.75 F5.0 F5.0 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P10 P16 LED照明: 功率 1W 配件 灯珠 PCB板 套件 排线
模组 ¥/块 单红 室内 92 双色红绿室内 140 单红 室内 67 双色红绿室内 105 单红 室内 105 双色红绿室内 162 单红 半户外 公版 38 单红 半户外 私版 43 单红 户外 公版 44 单红 户外 私版 50.5 单白 半户外 54 单白 户外 私版 60 单绿 半户外 54 单绿 户外 60 单蓝 半户外 54 单蓝 户外 60 双色红绿户外 105 底色屏 P10单红 63 +P40全彩 户外 双色红绿户外 46 类型 小夜灯 546单红 P10公版701C; 701B P10户外 无卡位 8×2 16P 180mm
Fairmont Stationery list-Price
商品编码商品名称规格单位单价05130002金士顿/U盘/DT101G2USB16GB个68.0007230003得力钥匙管理箱(48位)9323Key box48 keys个292.1007300021新时达长尾票夹(黑色)51mmXD-8851黑色60筒/件bimder clip51mm 12只/筒12 pieces筒canister8.8007300023新时达长尾票夹(黑色)32mmXD-8832黑色60筒/件bimder clip32mm 24只/筒24 pieces筒canister7.4007300025新时达长尾票夹(黑色)19mmXD-8819黑色96筒/件bimder clip19mm 40只/筒40 pieces筒canister5.6007430007新时达透明文具胶带S-1230 12卷/筒12mm*30y卷volume0.6007440006新时达透明封箱胶带S-4804 6卷/筒48mm*45y卷volume3.1007610065至优签约本T-W15黑色Signing bookA3本45.5007810015太阳升锌白系列白板TYS-BB 150*100cmWhite Board块Piece164.0007810017得力三脚架白板789260*90cm套312.0008010018心相印软抽纸DT200 16提/箱Tissue二层200抽 3包/提提17.9008010010维达三折擦手纸V2036Paper towel200抽20包/箱20 bags/box箱Box196.0008010011维达大卷卫生纸V4035Paper roll二层280m12卷/箱12rolls/box箱Box205.0008010054瑞沃大卷纸盒V610Paper roll boxL270*W125*H280mm个66.0008010061高档PU纸巾盒V1 黑色Tissue boxL242*W124*H70mm个29.0008060033南方铁制垃圾桶GPX21-12黑色Rubbish bin (Iron)Φ245*H300mm个29.1007580009得力中型金属手提金库(密码)9333Cash Box个95.80产品图片。
PSR(Professional Server Rack)专业服务器机柜 厂家询价方式: 钟经理 18922219608 020-38038032-244 charles@
PSR(Professional Server Rack)专业服务器机柜 厂家询价方式: 钟经理 18922219608 020-38038032-244 charles@ 广州市天河区珠江新城华夏路 49号之一津滨腾越大厦南塔 15楼01室
VSR专业机房 服务器机柜 厂家询价方式: 钟经理 18922219608 020-38038032-244 charles@ 广州市天河区珠江新城华夏路 49号之一津滨腾越大厦南塔 15楼01室
16 VSR6946 46U高、600*950*2200mm VSR系列机柜的特点:"G"型材框架结构;前门为弧型圆形网孔门,后门为纯平圆形网孔双开门。双层快速拆卸侧门;通风率达到72%以 上;静态受重1500KG。 1 HE81246 42U高、800*1200*2200mm a.19"标准机架 2 HE81242 42U高、800*1200*2000mm c.钢质可拆双层侧门(1对) HE九折型材 服务器机柜 3 HE81042 42U高、800*1070*2000mm b.带锁单扇网孔前门、双开网孔后门 厂家询价方式: 4 HE81046 42U高、800*1070*2200mm c.螺丝螺母(50套) 钟经理 5 HE8842 42U高、800*800*2000mm d.线缆束线槽(1对) 18922219608 6 HE8942 42U高、800*950*2000mm 020-38038032-244 7 HE61237 37U高、600*1200*1800mm charles@ 8 HE61242 42U高、600*1200*2000mm 9 HE61246 46U高、600*1200*2200mm 广州市天河区珠江新城华夏路 10 HE61037 37U高、600*1070*1800mm 49号之一津滨腾越大厦南塔 11 HE61042 42U高、600*1070*2000mm 15楼01室 12 HE61046 46U高、600*1070*2200mm 13 HE6937 37U高、600*950*1800mm 14 HE6942 42U高、600*950*2000mm 15 HE6946 46U高、600*950*2200mm 16 HE6842 42U高、600*800*2000mm HE系列机柜的特点:九折型材框架结构;前门为纯平六角形网孔门,后门为纯平六角形网孔双开门。双层快速拆卸侧门;通风率达到74% 以上;静态受重1500KG。 1 ISR81242 42U高、800*1200*2045mm a、带环境监测控制器网孔前门 2 ISR81042 42U高、800*1070*2000mm b、两路温度一路湿度监测 3 ISR8942 42U高、800*950*2045mm c、智能密码锁一只 4 ISR61237 37U高、600*1200*1800mm 注:可选机械锁 5 ISR61242 42U高、600*1200*2045mm 6 ISR61246 46U高、600*1200*2200mm 7 ISR61037 37U高、600*1070*1800mm 8 广州市天河区珠江新城华夏路 ISR61042 42U高、600*1070*2000mm 9 49号之一津滨腾越大厦南塔 ISR61046 46U高、600*1070*2200mm 10 15楼01室 ISR6942 42U高、600*950*2000mm 11 ISR6946 46U高、600*950*2200mm ISR系列机柜的特点:"G"型材框架结构的智能化机柜;前门为纯平六角形网孔门,后门为纯平六角形网孔双开门。通风率达到75%以上; 静态受重1500KG ISR专业机房 服务器机柜 厂家询价方式: 钟经理 18922219608 020-38038032-244 charles@
设备清单及报价 集成 系统设备及线材清单
1 操作系统软件
规格型号 WIN2000 SERVER(带 IIS 5.0)
2 数据库软件
3 中央集成管理系统软件平台 BMS DATA SERVER 3.0
4 显示控件
5 视频云台控制客户控件
设备清单及报价 集成 系统设备及线材清单规格源自号含税工程总价 税率为: 合计
品牌、产地 单位 数量
单位:人民币元 总价
12 视频压缩卡
MPEG Moviemaker Xpress
13 楼宇自控系统接口
14 保安报警和网络监控系统接口
15 消防报警系统接口
小计 其他费用:(1)安装调试费 费率: (2)如此子系统业主指定分包时所要管理费和配合费 费率:
品牌、产地 Microsoft Microsoft 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方 OPTIBASE OPTIBASE 清华同方 清华同方 清华同方
10% 5%
20,000.00 40,000.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 55,000.00 28,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00
460,400.00 46,040.00
注:系 统需两
投标方 名称:
签日名期:: 2002-
6 趋势图显示控件
名称 P10半户外 p10全户外 5.0单色 3.75单色 5V10A车载电源 5V 40A 电源 2045 铝材 (6米) 3590 铝材(6米) 4590 铝材(6米) 拐角 铁背条(0.3mm*3米) 铁背条(0.5mm*3米) 半户外磁柱 全户外磁柱 电源线 通讯线 串口头+外壳 长排线 力特 USB转串口1.1 力特 USB转串口 2.0 EQ1003-1 EQ2011-64 EQ2011-128 EQ2011-1 串 EQ2011-2 串 EQ2011-1 网 EQ2011-2 网 EQ2008-1E网 EQ2008-2E网 YL-20 YL-30 YL-40 YL-80(U盘卡) H1型(U盘卡) C型(U盘卡) SD卡加读卡器 转接板 单价 48 63 152 102 50 55 80 95 110 1.5 8 18 0.45 0.5 2 1 1 3 35 50 68 125 180 240 270 270 290 410 510 60 80 100 110 110 150 25 25 单位 张 张 张 张 块 块 根 根 根 个 根 根 颗 颗 米 米 个 根 个 个 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 张 套 张 数量 2000 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 40 400 0 金额 96000 0 0 0 0 11000 0 0 4400 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 备注
总尺寸(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1024*16/512*32/336*48/256*64(最多32张板) 1024*64; 任意分区,内存2M;自带08、12接口;流水边框 1024*128;任意分区,内存2M;自带08、12接口;流水边框 1024*256;任意分区,内存 2M;自带08、12接口;流水边框 2048*256;任意分区,内存 2M;自带08、12接口;流水边框 1024*256;可任意分15个区,内存2M字节;带标准08、带网口 2048*256;可任意分15个区,内存2M字节;带标准08、带网口 2048*512;任意分区,内存32M;网口+串口;网口+串口 4096*512;任意分区,内存32M;网口+串口;网口+串口 32*512、16*512,自动查找串口,带跑马灯效果,3分区 32*1600、64*1024,自动查找串口,带跑马灯效果,3分区 64*1024、128*512,自动查找串口,带跑马灯效果,3分区 32*2048、64*1024,带U盘功能(插SD卡),带跑马灯效果
LED显示屏报价表产品型号分辨率尺寸(毫米)亮度(cd/m²)价格(人民币)LED0011920x1080800x6002000¥500 LED0023840x21601280x7202500¥800 LED0032560x14401024x7681800¥600 LED0047680x43201920x10803000¥1000产品详情LED001•分辨率:1920x1080•尺寸(毫米):800x600•亮度(cd/m²):2000•价格(人民币):¥500 LED002•分辨率:3840x2160•尺寸(毫米):1280x720•亮度(cd/m²):2500•价格(人民币):¥800 LED003•分辨率:2560x1440•尺寸(毫米):1024x768•亮度(cd/m²):1800•价格(人民币):¥600 LED004•分辨率:7680x4320•尺寸(毫米):1920x1080•亮度(cd/m²):3000•价格(人民币):¥1000选择指南当您考虑购买LED显示屏时,以下几点是需要考虑的因素:•分辨率:LED显示屏的分辨率影响显示效果的清晰度。
1. 引言楼宇液晶电视广告一直以来都是吸引大量目光的有效渠道。
2. 方法我们收集了广告投放期间的点击数据,并计算了广告的CTR。
3. 结果本次分析结果显示,分众统一100高汤面楼宇液晶电视广告的CTR为X%,远高于同期其他广告的平均CTR。
4. 讨论分众统一100高汤面楼宇液晶电视广告的高CTR可能与以下几个因素有关:- 广告内容的吸引力:该广告可能具有引人注目的图像和文字,能够快速吸引受众的注意力。
- 目标受众的匹配度:分众统一100高汤面的目标受众可能与楼宇液晶电视观众有很强的重合度,因此该广告更容易引起他们的共鸣和兴趣。
- 广告投放策略的准确性:广告可能投放在楼宇液晶电视观众频繁出现的时段和地点,增加了广告被受众看到和点击的机会。
5. 结论分众统一100高汤面楼宇液晶电视广告的CTR显示了广告在受众中的极高吸引力和点击效果。
6. 数据分析为了更加深入地了解分众统一100高汤面楼宇液晶电视广告的效果,我们进一步对广告的点击数据进行分析。
led显示屏报价表 (2)
LED显示屏报价表1. 介绍LED显示屏是一种使用LED(发光二极管)作为显示单元的平面显示设备,被广泛应用于户外广告、舞台秀场、商场、体育场馆等场合。
随着科技的进步和市场的需求增长,LED 显示屏的种类和规格也越来越多样化。
2. 报价表型号尺寸分辨率图像质量特点价格(单位:人民币)LED-10110英寸1280x720高清图像,色彩饱和度好8000LED-20120英寸1920x1080全高清图像,显示细腻15000LED-30130英寸2560x1440超高清图像,色彩还原度高25000LED-40140英寸3840x21604K超高清图像,细节清晰50000LED-50150英寸3840x2160电视级别画质,真实自然80000LED-60160英寸7680x43208K超高清图像,极致细腻150000注意:以上价格仅供参考,实际价格还取决于数量、配置和市场行情等因素,请以实际报价为准。
3. 选购建议在选购LED显示屏时,需要考虑以下几个因素:3.1 尺寸和分辨率LED显示屏的尺寸和分辨率决定了图像的大小和清晰度。
3.2 图像质量特点LED显示屏的图像质量特点包括色彩饱和度、细节清晰度、还原度等。
3.3 价格和预算LED显示屏的价格会受到多个因素影响,包括型号、尺寸、分辨率等。
4. 联系我们如果您对以上的LED显示屏感兴趣或有任何疑问,请随时联系我们的销售团队。
•电话:123-456-7890•邮箱:*****************•地址:1234号街道,城市,国家5. 结束语本报价表为LED显示屏购买提供了一些常见型号的参考价格,但市场行情会随时变动,请以实际报价为准。
1 单开面板 2 双开面板 3 五孔插座 4 电视插座 5 电话插座 6 宽带插座 7 单联筒灯 8 三联筒灯 9 射灯 10 吸顶灯 11 羊皮灯 12 水晶灯 13 镜前灯 14 T4灯管
九 墙纸/窗帘
1 窗帘
10.00 12.00
5.00 38.00
1.00 1000.00
2.00 2000.00
2.00 900.00
2.00 800.00
2.00 150.00
2.00 220.00
2.00 90.00
3.00 11.00
11.00 13.00
30.00 10.00
4.00 18.00
4.00 21.00
4.00 25.00
8.00 120.00
4.00 180.00
6.00 45.00
2.00 90.00
3.00 180.00
2.00 800.00
2.00 210.00
10.00 12.00
1.00 4500.00
120.00 190.00 1000.00 4000.00 1800.00 1600.00 300.00 440.00 180.00
#REF! 3491.60
#REF! 640.00 312.00
#REF! 562.00 1620.00 1110.00
1304.00 194.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 510.00
一、产品名称、规格和数量:1. 产品名称:楼层显示屏2. 规格:_______(详细规格见附件)3. 数量:_______台二、价格和支付方式:1. 单价:人民币_______元/台2. 总价:人民币_______元(大写:____________________________元整)3. 支付方式:a) 合同签订后三个工作日内,甲方支付合同总价款的50%作为预付款。
b) 乙方完成楼层显示屏的安装和调试后,甲方支付合同总价款的40%。
c) 质保期结束后,甲方支付合同总价款的10%。
三、交货期限和地点:1. 交货期限:合同签订后,乙方应在_______个工作日内将货物送达甲方指定地点。
2. 交货地点:甲方指定地点。
四、质量和保证:1. 乙方保证所提供的楼层显示屏符合国际标准和行业规定,并具有完善的品质保证体系。
2. 乙方提供的楼层显示屏应保证性能稳定,显示效果清晰,使用寿命达到_______年。
3. 乙方应在质保期内提供免费的技术支持和售后服务,质保期自验收合格之日起计算。
五、安装和调试:1. 乙方负责楼层显示屏的安装和调试工作,确保显示屏正常运行。
2. 安装和调试期限:自货物送达甲方指定地点之日起_______个工作日内完成。
六、验收和付款:1. 甲方应在乙方完成楼层显示屏的安装和调试后进行验收。
2. 验收合格后,甲方应在验收合格之日起三个工作日内支付合同总价款的40%。
3. 若验收不合格,乙方应在甲方提出书面整改意见后_______个工作日内进行整改,直至满足甲方要求。
七、质保期和售后服务:1. 质保期:自验收合格之日起计算,质保期为_______年。
2. 质保期内,乙方负责提供免费的技术支持和售后服务。
3. 质保期结束后,乙方提供有偿的技术支持和售后服务。
IP1203PBF,IP1203TRPBF,IP1203PBF,IP1203TRPBF, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
iP1203PbF Power BlockDescriptionThe iP1203PbF is a fully optimized solution for medium current synchronous buck applications requiring up to 15A. It includes full function PWM control, with optimized power semiconductor chipsets and associated passives, achieving high power density. Very few external components are required to create a complete synchronous buck power supply.iPOWIR ™ technology offers designers an innovative space-saving solution for applications requiring high power densities. iPOWIR technology eases design for applications where component integration offers benefits in performance and functionality. iPOWIR technology solutions are also optimized internally for layout, heat transfer and component selection.• 5.5V to 13.2V Input Voltage •0.8V to 8V Output Voltage • 15A Maximum Load Capability•200-400kHz Nominal Switching Frequency •Over Current Hiccup•External Synchronization Capable •Overvoltage Protection•Over Temperature Protection•Internal Features Minimize Layout Sensitivity •Very Small Outline 9mm x 9mm x 2.3mmFeaturesSingle Output Full Function Synchronous Buck Power BlockIntegrated Power Semiconductors,PWM Control & PassivesiP1203PbFPD- 97108iP1203PbFAbsolute Maximum RatingsRecommended Operating ConditionsElectrical Specifications @ V IN = 12VAll specifications @ 25°C (unless otherwise specified)iP1203PbF Electrical Specifications (continued)iP1203PbF ArrayFig. 1:iP1203PbF Internal Block DiagramiP1203PbFFig. 2: Power Loss vs. Current0102030405060708090100110120130Case Temperature (°C)102030405060708090100110120130PCB Temperature (°C)0246810121416O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A )Tx51015Output Current (A)0123456P o w e r L o s s (W )iP1203PbFFig. 6: Normalized Power Loss vs. FrequencyFig. 4: Normalized Power Loss vs. V INFig. 5: Normalized Power Loss vs. V OUTTypical Performance CurvesFig. 7: Normalized Power Loss vs. Inductance0. 2.4Output Inductance (µH)0.961. o w e r L o s s (N o r m a l i z e d )- Temp Adju stment (°C)Fig. 8: Nominal Overcurrent Threshold Setting200250300350400Swiching Frequency (kHz)0.9601.0001.0401.0801.120P o w e r L o s s (N o r m a l i z e d )- Temp Adju stment (°C)681012141618202224Overload Current (A)525456585105125145165185205ROC-SET (kO hms) for 5.5Vin510152025303540455055R O C -S E T (k O h m s ) f o r 12V i n20253035404550R T (kOhms)200220240260280300320340360380400S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z ) Voltage (V)0.920.961. o w e r L o s s (N o r m a l i z e d )-2-1012345678910SOA Temp Adjustment (°C)567891011121314Input Voltage (V)0.960.981. o w e r L o s s (N o r m a l i z e d )-1.0- Temp Adjustment (°C)iP1203PbFAdjusting the Power Loss and SOA Curves for Different Operating ConditionsTo make adjustments to the power loss curves in Fig. 2, multiply the normalized value obtained from the curves in Figs. 4,5, 6 or 7 by the value indicated on the power loss curve in Fig. 2. Then if multiple adjustments are required, multiply all of the normalized values together, then multiply that product by the value indicated on the power loss curve in Fig. 2. The resulting product is the final power loss based on all factors. See example no. 1.To make adjustments to the SOA curve in Fig. 3, determine your maximum PCB Temp & Case Temp at the maximum operating current of each iP1203PbF . Then, add the correction temperature from the normalized curves in Figs. 4, 5, 6 or 7 to the T X axis intercept (see procedure no. 2 above) in Fig. 3. When multiple adjustments are required, add all of the temperatures together, then add the sum to the T X axis intercept in Fig. 3. See example no. 2.Operating Conditions for the following examples:Output Current = 12A Input Voltage = 13.2V Inductor = 0.6µHOutput Voltage = 1.2VSw Freq= 400kHzExample 1) Adjusting for Maximum Power Loss:(Fig. 2)Maximum power loss = 4.1W(Fig. 4)Normalized power loss for input voltage ≈ 1.025(Fig. 5)Normalized power loss for output voltage ≈ 0.97(Fig. 6)Normalized power loss for frequency ≈ 1.08(Fig. 7)Normalized power loss for inductor value ≈ 1.08Adjusted Power Loss = 4.1 x 1.025 x 0.97 x 1.08 x 1.08 ≈ 4.75WApplying the Safe Operating Area (SOA) CurveThe SOA graph incorporates power loss and thermal resistance information in a way that allows one to solve for maximum current capability in a simplified graphical manner. It incorporates the ability to solve thermal problems where heat is drawn out through the printed circuit board and the top of the case.Procedure1)Draw a line from Case Temp axis at T CASE to the PCBTemp axis at T PCB .2)Draw a vertical line from the T X axis intercept to the SOAcurve. (see AN-1047 for further explanation of T X )3)Draw a horizontal line from the intersection of the verticalline with the SOA curve to the Y axis. The point at which the horizontal line meets the y-axis is the SOA current.4)If no top sided heatsinking is available, assume T CASEtemperature of 125°C for worst case performance.120102030405060708090100110102030405060708090100110120PCB Temperature (ºC)O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A )Case Temperature (ºC)iP1203PbFExample 2) Adjusting for SOA Temperature:Assuming T CASE = 110°C & T PCB = 90°C for both outputsOutput1(Fig. 4)Normalized SOA Temperature for input voltage ≈ +0.7°C(Fig. 5)Normalized SOA Temperature for output voltage ≈ -0.75°C (Fig. 6)Normalized SOA Temperature for frequency ≈ +1.0°C (Fig. 7)Normalized SOA Temperature for inductor value ≈ +2.0°CT X axis intercept temp adjustment = +0.5°C - 0.75°C + 1.0°C +2.0°C ≈ +2.75°CThe following example shows how the SOA current is adjusted for a T X change of +2.75°C and output is in SOAFig. 10: Power Loss Test Circuit120102030405060708090100110102030405060708090100110120PCB Temperature (ºC)O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A )Case Temperature (ºC)TXFig. 11: Recommended PCB Footprint (Top View)iP1203PbFThe operating switching frequency (f SW ) range of iP1203PbF is 200 kHz to 400 kHz. The desired fre-quency is set by placing an external resistor to the R T pin of the iP1203PbF . See Fig. 9 for the proper resistor value.The iP1203PbF is capable of accepting an external digital synchronization signal. Synchronization will be enabled by the rising edge clock. The free run-ning oscillator frequency is twice the switching fre-quency. During synchronization, R T is selected such that the free running frequency is 20% below the synchronization frequency. The maximum synchro-nization frequency that iP1203PbF can accept is 800kHz. Note that the actual switching frequency is half the synchronization frequency.iP1203PbF User s Design GuidelinesThe iP1203PbF is a single output 15A power block consisting of optimized power semiconductors, PWM control and its associated passive components. It is based on a synchronous buck topology and offers an optimized solution where space, efficiency and noise caused by parasitics are of concern. The power block operates with fixed frequency voltage mode control. The iP1203PbF components are integrated in a land grid array (LGA) package.V IN / Enabling the OutputThe input operating voltage range of the iP1203PbF is 5.5V to 13.2V.The iP1203PbF output is turned on upon application of input voltage. The V IN slew rate should not exceed 50mV/µs. The converter can also be turned on and off by releasing or pulling the SS pin low through a logic level MOSFET, the drain of which connects to the soft start pin (see Fig.12). This feature can be useful if sequencing or different start-up timing of dif-ferent system outputs are required. In situations where the output has undergone a latched shutdown due to overvoltage, cycling Vin will reset the output. Cycling soft start pin will not unlatch the output.Soft StartThe Soft Start function provides a controlled rise of the output voltage, thus limiting the inrush current.The soft start function has an internal 25µA +/-20%current source that charges the external soft start capacitor C ss up to 3V. During power-up, the output voltage starts ramping up only after the charging volt-age across the C ss capacitor has reached a 0.8Vtyp threshold, as shown in Fig. 13.Fig. 13: Power Up Threshold3V0.8VtypV Css V OUTFig.12: Soft Start/Enable CircuitFrequency and SynchronizationOvercurrent Protection HICCUPThe overcurrent protection function of the iP1203PbF offers a hiccup feature. During overloads, when the overcurrent trip threshold is reached, the power sup-ply output shuts down and attempts to restart (out-put HICCUP mode). The time duration between the shutdown of the output and the restart is determined by the time it takes to discharge the soft start ca-pacitor. Typically, the discharge time of the soft start capacitor is 10 times the charge time. The duty cycle of the hiccup process is typically 5%. The output will stay in hiccup indefinitely until the overload is re-moved. The typical overcurrent trip threshold of the device is internally set at 30A. The overcurrent shut-down / HICCUP threshold is about ±30% accurate.The iP1203PbF overcurrent shutdown and HICCUP threshold can be set externally by adding R OCSET re-sistor from OCSET pin. Refer to Fig.8 for R OCSET se-lection.Overvoltage Protection (OVP)Overvoltage is sensed through output voltage sense pin FB s . The OVP threshold is set to 115% of the output voltage. Upon overvoltage condition, the OVP forces a latched shutdown. In this mode, the upper FET turns off and the lower FET turns on, thus crowbaring the output. Reset is performed by recy-cling the input voltage. Overvoltage can be sensed by either connecting FB s to its corresponding output through a separate output voltage divider resistor network, or it can be connected directly to its corre-sponding feedback pin FB. For Type III control loop compensation, FB s should be connected through voltage dividers only.Refer to the iP1203PbF Design Procedure section on how to set the OVP trip threshold.PGOODThis is an output voltage status signal that is open collector and is pulled low when the output voltage falls below 85% of the output voltage. High state in-dicates that outputs are in regulation. The PGOOD pin can be left floating if not used.Thermal ShutdownThe iP1203PbF provides thermal shutdown. The threshold typically is set to 140°C. When the trip threshold is exceeded, thermal shutdown turns the output off. Thermal shutdown is not latched and au-tomatic restart is initiated when the sensed tempera-ture drops to the normal range.Only a few external components are required to com-plete a dual output synchronous buck power supply using iP1203PbF. The following procedure will guide the designer through the design and selection pro-cess of these external components.A typical application for the iP1203 is:V IN = 12V, V OUT = 1.5V, I OUT = 15A, f sw = 300kHz, V p-p == 50mVSetting the Output VoltageThe output voltage of the iP1203PbF is set by the 0.8V reference Vand external voltage dividers.Fig. 14: Typical Scheme for Output Voltage Setting V OUT is set according to equation (1):V OUT = V REF x (1 + R 2 /R 5 ) (see Fig. 14)(1)Setting R 2 to 1K, V OUT to 1.5V and V REF to 0.8V, will result in R 5= 1.14 Kohms. Final values can be se-lected according to the desired accuracy of the out-put.To set the output voltage for Type III compensation,refer to equation (24) in Type III compensation sec-tion.iP1203PbF Design ProcedureSetting the Overvoltage TripThe output of the iP1203 will shut down if it experi-ences a voltage in the range of 115% of V OUT . The overvoltage sense pin FB s is connected to the out-put through voltage dividers, R26 and R27 (Fig. 14),and the trip setpoint is programmed according to equation (1). A separate overvoltage sense pin FB s is provided to protect the power supply output if for some reason the main feedback loop is lost (for in-stance, loss of feedback resistors). An optional 100pF capacitor (C14) is used for delay and filtering.If this redundancy is not required and if a Type II con-trol loop compensation scheme is utilized, FB s pin can be connected to FB.Selecting the Soft-Start CapacitorThe soft start capacitor C ss is selected according to equation (2):t ss = 40 x C ss(2)where,t ss is the output voltage ramp time in milliseconds,and C ss is the soft start capacitor in µF.A 0.1µF capacitor will provide an output voltage ramp-up time of about 4ms.Input Capacitor SelectionThe switching currents impose RMS current require-ments on the input capacitors. Equation (3) allows the selection of the input capacitors.where, I out is the output current, and D is the duty cycle and is expressed as:D = V OUT / V IN .For the above example D= 0.13 and, using equation (3) the capacitor rms current yields 5.0A.For Type II compensation,(3))1(D D I I out RMS −=For better efficiency and low input ripple, select low ESR ceramic capacitors. The amount of the capaci-tors is determined based on the rms rating. In the above example, a total of 3 x 22µF, 2A capacitors will be required to support the input rms current.Output Capacitor C O SelectionSelection of the output capacitors depends on two factors:a. Low effective ESR for ripple and load transient re-quirementsTo support the load transients and to stay within a specified voltage dip ∆V due to the transients, ESR selection should satisfy equation (4):R ESR ≤ ∆V / I Loadmax(4)Where,I Loadmax is the maximum load current.If output voltage ripple is required to be maintained at specified levels then the expression in equation (5) should be used to select the output capacitors.R ESR ≤ V p-p / I ripple(5)Where,V p-p is the peak to peak output ripple voltage .I ripple is the inductor peak-to peak ripple current.In addition, the voltage ripple caused by the output capacitor needs to be significantly smaller than the ripple caused by the ESR of the capacitor. Use equa-tion (6) to satisfy this requirement.If the inductor current ripple I ripple is 30% of I OUT1, the 50mV peak to peak output voltage ripple requirement will be met if the total ESR of the output capacitors is less than 11m Ω. This will require 2 x 470µF POSCAP capacitors. Additional ceramic capacitors can be added in parallel to further reduce the ESR. Care should be given to properly compensate the control loop for low output capacitor ESR values.When selecting output capacitors, it is important to consider the overshoot performance of the power sup-ply. If the amount of capacitance is not adequate, then,when unloading the output, the magnitude of the over-shoot due to stored inductor energy, and depending on the speed of the response of the control loop, can exceed the overvoltage trip threshold of the iP1203PbF and can cause undesirable shutdown of the output. The magnitude of the overshoot should be kept below 1.125V OUT . To prevent the overshoot from tripping the output a delay can be added by in-stalling capacitor C14 as shown in Fig.14.b. StabilityThe value of the output capacitor ESR zero frequency f esr plays a major role in determining stability. f esr is calculated by the expression in equation (7).f ESR = 1 / (2 π x R ESR x C O )(7)Details on how to consider this parameter to design for stability are outlined in the control loop compen-sation section of this datasheet.Inductor L O SelectionInductor selection is based on trade-offs between size and efficiency. Low inductor values result in smaller sizes, but can cause large ripple currents and lower efficiency. Low inductor values also benefit the tran-sient performance.The inductor L o is selected according to equation (8):L O = V out x (1 - D) / (f sw x I ripple )(8)For the above example, and for I ripple of 30% of I OUT , L O is calculated to be 1.0µH.The core must be selected according to the peak of maximum output current.(6)ESRs o R f C ××>π210Control Loop CompensationThe iP1203PbF feedback control is based on single loop voltage mode control principle.The goal in the design of the compensator is to achieve the highest unity gain (0 db) crossover fre-quency with sufficient phase margin for the closed loop transfer function. The LC filter of the power sup-ply introduces a double pole with 40db/dec slope and 180° phase lag. The 180° phase contribution from the LC filter is the source of instabilty.The resonant frequency of the LC filter is expressed by equation (9):(9)The error amplifier of the iP1203PbF PWM controlleris transconductance amplifier, and its output is avail-able for external compensation.Two types of compensators are studied in this sec-tion. The first one is called Type II and it is used to compensate systems the ESR frequency f esr (equa-tion 7) of which is in the midfrequency range and Type III that can be used for any type of output capacitors and have a wide range of f esr .For output voltage settings less than 1.0V that use low ESR ceramic capacitors, it is recommended that the unity gain crossover frequency be set around 20kHz to maintain stable operation.where, g m is the transconductance of the error am-plifier.(12)Follow the steps below to determine the feedback loop compensation component values:1. Select a zero db crossover frequency f 0 in the range of 10% to 20% of the switching frequency f sw.)(2 / 1 00C L f LC ×=πType IIFrom Fig.15 the transfer function H(s) of the error amplifier is given by (10):(10)The term s represents the frequency dependence ofthe transfer function.The Type II controller introduces a gain and a zero expressed by equations (11) and (12):9199192551)(C sR C sR R R R g s H m +×+×=91921C R f z ××=πFig. 15: Typical Type II Compensation and its Gain Plot(11)19255)(R R R R g s H m ×+×=3. Place a zero at 75% of f LC to cancel one of the LC filter poles.oo z C L f ××=π2175.04. Calculate C 9 using equations (12) and (14)Calculation of the compensation components based on the example above, yields:f LC = 5.0kHz f z = 3.8kHzf 0 = 45kHz (15% of 300kHz)f esr = 14kHz, per equation (7) using R esr = 12m Ω.R 19 = 2.49K C 9 = 18nFSometimes, a pole f p2 is added at half the switching frequency to filter the switching noise. This is done by adding a capacitor C opt in Fig.15 from the output of the error amplifier (CC pin of iP1203PbF) to ground.This pole is given by equation (15):C opt is found from equation (16) by rearranging the terms in equation (15) and by setting f p2 = f sw / 2:(16)Fig. 16: Typical Type III Compensation and its Gain PlotType IIIThe Type III compensation scheme allows the use of any type of capacitors with ESR frequency of any range. This scheme suggests a double pole double zero compensation and requires more components around the error amplifier to achieve the desired gain and phase margins. Fig. 13 represents the Type III compensation network for iP1203PbF.The transfer function of the Type III compensator is given by equation (17)2. Calculate R 5 using equation (13):Where,V IN = Maximum input voltagef 0 = Error amplifier zero crossover frequency f esr = Output capacitor C o zero frequency f LC = Output frequency resonant filterg m = Error amplifier transconductance. Use 2mS for g m .V ramp = Oscillator ramp voltage. Use 1.25V for V ramp(14)(13)(15)optp C R f ××=19221π19221R f C p opt ××=π)1()1()1()1(1)(8217208292092C sR C sR C sR C sR C sR s H +×++×+×=(17)mLC esr in ramp g R R R f f f V V R 115252019×+××××=R 210Vref V o- VrefMore than one iteration may be required to calculate the values of the compensation components if cross-over frequencies higher than the range specified in step 1 are required (for higher bandwidths and faster transient response performance). To ensure stability a phase margin greater than 45° should be achieved.Refer to AN-1043 for more detailed compensation techniques using Transconductance Amplifiers.7. Place the second pole f p2 at or near f esr of the out-put capacitor C o and determine the value of R 21 fromequation (19). Make sure R 21 <8. Use equation (24) to calculate R 5.R 5 = R 2 x (24)The crossover frequency f 0 for Type III compensa-tion is represented by equation (23):Follow the steps below to determine the feedback loop compensation component values:1. Select a zero db crossover frequency f 0 in the range of 10% to 20% of the switching frequency f sw.2. Select R 20~ 10k Ω3. Place the first zero f z1 at 75% of the resonant fre-quency f LC of the output filter.Determine C 9 from equation (21).4. Place a third pole f P3 at or near the switching fre-quency f SW .Select C7 such that C 7 <5. Calculate C 8 from equation (23).6. Place the second zero at 125% of the resonant frequency f LC of the output filter. Calculate R 2 using equation (22).109C The frequencies of the three poles and the two zeros of the Type III compensation scheme are represented by the following equations:f p1= 0(18)(19)(21)(20)821221C R f p ××=π720321C R f p ××=π920121C R f z ××=π82221C R f z ××=π008200211C L C R V V f IN ramp××××××=π(22)(23)Typical WaveformsCh1: Switching node, 400kHzCh2: 800kHz external synchronizationFig. 17: iP1203PbF Outputs Synchronized to800kHz Ch1: Output voltage, 500mV/divCh3: Output current, 10A/divFig. 18: iP1203PbF Output Hiccup, Due to Over-loadCh1: Output voltage, 100mV/div acCh3: Load current, 5A/divFig. 19: iP1203PbF Transient Response Load Step 1A to 12A Ch1: Output voltage, 100mV/div acCh3: Load current, 5A/divFig. 20: iP1203PbF Transient Response Load Step12A to 0ACh1: FB s input, 200mV/divCh2: Output voltage, 1V/divFig. 21: iP1203PbF Overvoltage Trip. Output Voltage Turns Off When Voltage at FB s Pin Exceeds 15% of FB (0.8V)For stable and noise free operation of the whole power system, it is recommended that the design-ers use the following guidelines:1. Follow the layout scheme presented in Fig. 23. Make sure that the output inductor L is placed as close to iP1203PbF as possible to prevent noise propagation that can be caused by switching of power at the switching node Vsw, to sensitive cir-cuits.2. Provide a mid-layer solid ground plane with con-nections to the top layer through vias. The PGND pads of iP1203PbF also need to be connected to the same ground plane through vias.3. To increase power supply noise immunity, place input and output capacitors close to one another, as shown in the layout diagram. This will provide short high current paths that are essential at the ground terminals.4. Although there is a certain degree of VIN bypass-ing inside the iP1203PbF, the external input decoupling capacitors should be as close to the device as pos-sible.5. The feedback track from the output VOUTto FB should be routed as far away from noise generating traces as possible.6. The compensation components and the Vref by-pass capacitor should be placed as close as pos-sible to their corresponding iP1203PbF pins, away from noise generating traces.7. Refer to IR application note AN-1029 (Optimizinga PCB Layout for an iPOWIR Technology Design) to determine what size vias and copper weight and thickness to use when designing the PCB.8. Place the overcurrent threshold setting resistors ROCSETclose to the iP1203PbF block at the corre-sponding connection node.Layout GuidelinesFig. 24: Typical Application Schematic 21This paper describes how to optimize the PCB layout design for both thermal and electrical performance. This includes placement, routing, and via interconnect suggestions.AN-1030: Applying iPOWIR Products in Your Thermal EnvironmentThis paper explains how to use the Power Loss vs Current and SOA curves in the data sheet to validate if the operating conditions and thermal environment are within the Safe Operating Area of the iPOWIR product.AN-1043: Stabilize the Buck Converter with Transconductance AmplifierThis paper explains how to stabilize a buck converter for Type II and Type III control loop compensation using transconductance amplifiers.AN-1047: Graphical solution to two branch heatsinking Safe Operating AreaThis paper is a suppliment to AN-1030 and explains how to use the double side Power Loss vs Current and SOA curves in the data sheet to validate if the operating conditions and thermal environment are within the Safe Operating Area of the iPOWIR product.AN-1028: Recommended Design, Integration and Rework Guidelines for International Rectifier s iPOWIR Technology BGA and LGA PackagesThis paper discusses optimization of the layout design for mounting iPOWIR BGA and LGA packages on printed circuit boards, accounting for thermal and electrical performance and assembly considerations.Topics discussed includes PCB layout placement, routing, and via interconnect suggestions, as well as soldering, pick and place, reflow, cleaning and reworking recommendations.芯天下--/22iP1203PbFFig. 27: Part Marking芯天下--/ 23This product has been designed and qualified for the industrial market.IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105TAC Fax: (310) 252-7903Visit us at for sales contact information .Data and specifications subject to change without notice.8/06Fig.28: Recommended Solder Profile and Stencil Design芯天下--/。
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