

M98 phone Manual说明书

M98 phone Manual说明书

手機待機界面 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
手機界面簡介 . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
手機捷徑使用説明 . . . . . . . . . . . 20
開啓捷徑功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 新增捷徑 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
WEB 瀏覽器. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
WEB 瀏覽器設定 . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 訪問網頁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 查看歷史記錄 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4 影音庫應用程式
3 通訊應用程式
啓用電話功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
撥打電話. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
接聽 / 拒聽電話 . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
快捷功能鍵 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
新增錄音記錄 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
播放方式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
播放錄音片段 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
複製 / 移動記錄 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5 個人信息管理應用程式
歌曲管理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
設定背景音樂播放 . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
影片播放器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88



Application Ideas Additional power for Boe-Bot accessories Extended run-time for your Boe-Bot
Copyright © Parallax Inc. / Li-ion Boe-Bot Power Pack-Charger (#28988) v1.0 10/31/2011 Page 1 of 9
Packing List (1) Li-ion Boe-Bot Power-Pack / Charger – 2 Cell PCB, 2.63 in x 3.0 in (6.7 cm x 7.6 cm) (1) Li-ion Battery Cable (#802-00020) (2) 2-amp fuses; 1 pre-installed, 1 spare (#452-00065) (3) Hex Aluminum F/M standoffs (#713-00024) (3) #4-40 x ¼” pan head screws (#700-00028) (3) #4-40 hex nuts (#700-00003 Additional Items Required (2) Li-ion 18650-size cells (#28987 or similar) +5 to +12 VDC power supply, center positive, + 2.1 mm barrel jack (#750-00009 or equiv.) Safety glasses Small Phillips screwdriver Needle-nose pliers Multi-meter (VOM) Assembly Instructions



ELM98xxxA VOLTAGE REGULATOR■PIN CONFIGURATION123( TOP VIEW )SOT-89123( TOP VIEW )SOT-23■SERIES* Available 1.2V ~6.0V output voltage at 0.1V step as semi-custom-made IC■MARKINGSOT-89①②③④①: Represents the decimal digit of the Output Voltage②: Represents the integer digit of the Output Voltage③ : Represents the assembly lot numberA ~Z repeated (I,O,X excepted)④ : Represents the assembly lot number0~9 repeated■SELECTION GUIDEELM98 x x x A↑↑↑↑a b c d■BLOCK DIAGRAM■STANDARD CIRCUITSOT-23①②③④①: Represents the integer digit of the Output Voltage②: Represents the decimal digit of the Output Voltage③ : Represents the assembly lot number A ~Z repeated (I,O,X excepted)④ : Represents the assembly lot number~9 repeated■MAXIMUM ABSOLUTE RATINGS-40-20204060802.602.622.642.662.682.702.722.742.762.782.80T op (°C)V o u t (v )Vout - T op204060801001202. (mA)Vout - IoutV o u t (V )204060801000. (mA)V d i f (V )Vdif - Iout2. (V)Vo u t (V )Vout - Vin5. (V)V o u t (V )Top=25°CVout - Vin-40-200204060802. op(°C)I s s (μA )Iss - T opVin=4.7V12342. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response12342. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response12342. ime (ms)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Load T ransient response2.0 4.0 (V)I s s (μA )Top=25°CIss - Vin204060801001201402. (mA)V o u t (V )Vout - Iout2.6 2.83.0 3.2 3.4 (V)V o u t (V )Vout - Vin4. (V)V o u t(V )Top=25°CVout - Vin-40-20204060802.902.922.942.962.983. op (°C)V o u t (v )Vout - Top204060801000. (mA)V d i f (V )Vdif - Iout2. (V)I s s (μA )Top=25°CIss - Vin-40-200204060802.04.06.0T op(°C)I s s (μA )Iss - T opVin=5.0V12342. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response12342. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input Transient Response12342. ime (ms)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Load T ransient response204060801001201402. (mA)Vout - IoutV o u t (V ) (V)Vo u t (V )Vout - Vin4. (V)V o u t (V )Top=25°CVout - Vin-40-20204060803. op (°C)V o u t (v )Vout - T op204060801000. (mA)V d i f (V )Vdif - Iout2. (V)I s s (μA )Top=25°CIss - Vin-40-200204060802. op(°C)I s s (μA )Iss - T opVin=5.3V12342. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response012342. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response12342. ime (ms)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Load T ransient response204060801001201401601802004. (mA)V o u t (V )Vout - Iout4.6 4.85.0 5.2 (V)V o u t (V )Vout - Vin6. (V)V o u t(V )Top=25°CVout - Vin-40-20204060804.904.924.944.964.985. op (°C)V o u t (v )Vout - T op204060801000. (mA)V d i f (V )Vdif - Iout4. (V)I s s (μA )Top=25°CIss - Vin-40-200204060802. op(°C)I s s (μA )Iss - T opVin=7.0V12344. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response12344. ime (ms)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Load T ransient response12344. ime (ms)I n p u t ,O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V )Input T ransient Response。



广州983m数控系统操作说明新编()POS显示信息:有“相对”“绝对”“总合”等坐标的显示,“综合”坐标显示除了“相对”“绝对”的内容外,还包含“剩余距离”和“机床坐标”的信息作用:便于观察当前刀具的当前位置和设定工件坐标PRG显示信息:有“检查”“目录”“程序”“B.编辑”“B.结束”等信息,“检查”信息有各种坐标的显示外,还有当前运行或当前编辑的程序段的显示,“B.编辑”“B.结束”只有在“自动”方式下才有效,功能是后台编辑和后台编辑结束OFT显示信息:有“工件”坐标系和刀具“偏置”等内容PAR有“NC”“PC”参数等信息,设置方法参照说明书,正常使用不需要修改GRA显示信息:显示在线运行轨迹和指定程序的运行轨迹未开放该功能,由于还在开发阶段,对不合理程序有时会出现死机,建议慎用SET显示信息:有各种相关使用功能的设定,详细内容和设置方法参照说明书,正常使用不需要修改COM显示信息:显示的内容有当前程序和次段程序指令信息和M、S、T、F等信息,另外还有“程序在启动”的显示界面,最常用的是和“录入MDI”方式配合使用的是“命令数据输入”这个显示界面,只能在这个界面上才能执行“录入MDI”功能(注:执行该方式只能一个一个指令输入)DGN显示输入输出等信息,维修时使用ALM显示信息:显示报警信息()回零 ? +X开机后先将工作台移至中间,消除报警后才进行回零动作。

回零的动作: +Z - X +Y,X零点并非回零按键手动 ? 快速移动 ? +X快速移动灯必须亮手动 ? +X快速移动灯必须熄灭手轮 ? +X ? X100 ? 转动手轮自动 ? 程序PRG ? 检查 ? O 程序号 ? ? ? 循环起动MDIMDI ? 命令 ? 翻页进入当前数据输入的显示? M3 ? 输入 ? S500 ? 输入 ?循环起动1注意工件零点和编程零点要一致编辑 ? 开程序锁 ? 程序? O 程序号 ?插入 ? EOB ? 程序指令 ? M30 ? 输入() 983M存贮器总清除电源接通时同时按着 O 和 DELET 接通电源参数的清除电源接通时同时按着 CAN 和 DELET 程序的清除电源接通时同时按着 RESET 和DELET 参数的传输紧急停止ON P ? - 9999 - 数据输入程序的存贮 EDIT方式 O ? 程序号 ?数据输入程序的追加 EDIT方式 O ? CAN ?数据输入全部程序的存贮 EDIT方式 O ? - 9999 -数据输入螺距误差补偿用参数紧急停止ON P ? - 9999 -数据输入N ?参数号? INPUT ? P ?数据? 输入参数写参数的输入 MDI方式入开关OFF RESET (注2)任何方式偏置量的输入 N ?偏置号? 输入 ? P ?偏置数据? 输入 (除EDIT) 设定数据的输入 MDI方式将光标移动到要变更的设定号处? P ?数据? 输入参数输出 EDIT方式 P ? - 9999 - 数据输出偏置量的输出 EDIT方式 P ? - 9999 - 数据输出螺距误差补偿用参数EDIT方式 P ? - 9999 - 数据输出输出全部程序的输出 EDIT方式 O ? - 9999 - 数据输出一个程序的输出 EDIT方式 O ? 程序号 - 数据输出程序号检索 EDIT方式 O ?程序号? ?(光标)? O ? CAN ? ?(光标) (存贮在存贮器中)顺序号检索 EDIT方式程序号检索? N ?顺序号??(光标) (存贮在存贮器中) 字检索 EDIT方式输入要检索的地址及数据??(光标) (存贮在存贮器中时) 仅地址的检索 EDIT方式输入要检索的地址??(光标) (存贮在存贮器中时) 全部程序的删除 EDIT方式 O ? - 9999 - DELET一个程序的删除 EDIT方式 O ? 程序号 - DELET数个程序的删除 EDIT方式 N ? 顺序号 - DELET单个程序的删除 EDIT方式检索到要删除的程序段的开头? EOB ? DELET 字的删除 EDIT方式检索到要删除的字? DELET 字的变更 EDIT方式检索到要变更的字?地址?数据— ALTER 字的插入 EDIT方式检索到要插入字的前一字?地址?数据? INSRT 存贮器的整理 EDIT方式 CAN ? 上档相对坐标清零任何方式输入要清零的地址? 上档N ?坐标号? INPUT ?输入要设定的地址?数据? G54~G59坐标系设定任何方式INPUTMDI ? 命令 ? 翻页进入当前数据输入的显示 G92坐标系设定 MDI方式 ?G92 ? 插入 ? X 数据 ? 插入 ? 循环起动2G92坐标系设定自动方式 ? 选择带有G92指令的完整程序 ? 循环起动 ()983M, 运行急停、绝对坐标清零(含手动清零和G92设定坐标系)、机床锁、Z轴锁定等任何一功能后,如果要使用G54~G59,必须重新手动回机械零点, 在录入MDI方式下,G90、G91采用指令方式运行是无效的,绝对和增量是通过“上档(SHT)”键切换,右下角显示“ABS”表示绝对编程,显示“INC”表示增量编程(在编程使用G90/G91指令时,有先后顺序的要求,G90/G91一定要在坐标地址前的位置), 在进行较大程序的修改时,切换到其它方式需等待较长时间,在这期间不能断电,否则会导致系统无法正常工作, 需要小数点的编程方式,没有小数点的单位是0.001MM, 在自动方式下,注意是否选择了后台编辑方式,否则有可能当前运行的程序并不是你选择的程序,按“B.结束”键可取消后台编辑方式, 系统上电不能按任何编辑键,有可能会进行初始化操作, 快速倍率采用手轮X1、X10、X100的按键调整,分别为F0、50%、100% ()1G04X_/P_ 是指刀具暂停时间(进给停止,主轴不停止),地址P或X后的数值是暂停时间。



R J K W 0.51 (0.020)
M 1 2 3 4
D 4 PL T B M H
F E C –T– P 4 PL 0.51 (0.020)
STYLE 1: PIN 1. 2. 3. 4. CASE:
40 POWER GAIN/RETURN LOSS (dB) PG P1dB, ITO (dBm) 60 55 50 45 40 P1dB 35 30 500 ITO TC = 25°C VDD = 28 V
0 ORL –20 IRL –40 400 TC = 25°C VDD = 28 V
Characteristic Supply Current Power Gain Gain Flatness Power Output @ 1 dB Comp. Input VSWR Output VSWR (f = 880 MHz) (f = 800 – 925 MHz) (f = 880 MHz) (f = 800 – 925 MHz) (f = 800 – 925 MHz) Symbol IDD PG GF Pout 1 dB VSWRin VSWRout ITO NF Min — 30 — — — — 49 — Typ 770 31 0.1 39 1.2:1 1.2:1 50 3.7 Max 800 32 0.3 — 1.5:1 1.5:1 — 4.5 dBm dB Unit mA dB dB dBm



爱华收音机说明书篇一:AIWA CSD快速手册AIWA CSD-ES50手提音响使用指南(快速上手)特奥淘宝店1、注意事项? ? ? ?请确认所用市电为正常范围如用电池,忽略上步骤如果本机从室外带至室内(冷处至温暖处),可能会造成部件结露现象,请稍等片刻机器顶部为CD舱,打开后,可见到激光头,此部件为敏感易损部件,勿触。

2、操作步骤2.1 开机将电源线从机器背部电池仓中取出,一端接机器(插口也在背部),一端接220V交流电插座此时,手提音响处于待机/卡带播放,状态,如果要放卡带,按下相应按键,即可播放。

2.2 CD收听如下图所示,轻按顶部CD舱盖右前部(有防滑触点),舱门即可弹起,将所要播放CD碟放入后,重新关上CD舱盖。


2.3 收音机FUNCTION波段,拨至RADIO档(即中间),右侧有BAND 波段开关可以选择电台波段,MW为中波,SW为短波,FM为调频,选择相应波段,(SW,FM收听,需要将拉杆天线抽出),调节TURNING,选出相应电台欣赏。

2.4 磁带收听将FUNCTION波段,拨至TAPE档,可对各仓卡带进行对应操作。


2.5 音效及其他按键FM STEREO 指示:当收听调频节目为立体声信号时,此灯亮起下面黑色按键,可供用户选择各种音效,如增加低音,增加环绕效果。

感谢选择特奥淘宝店祝:一切顺利 Ups专家篇二:AWA6221A声级计使用说明书AWA6221A型声校准器使用说明书杭州爱华仪器有限公司XX年8月目录1 概述................................................1 2 主要技术性能....................................2 3 使用方法 (2)3.1 配合器的选用 (2)3.2 开机 (3)3.3 等效自由场声压级 (3)3.4 声压级调整 (4)3.5 “+20dB”的使用 (4)3.6 关机 (4)3.7 频率计权选择....................................4 (转自:小草范文网:爱华收音机说明书)4 使用与维护 (4)4.1 使用环境 (4)4.2 电池电压 (5)4.3 电池更换 (5)4.4 计量检定 (5)5 注意事项 (5)1 概述AWA6221A型声校准器主要用于对测试传声器和声学测量仪器进行声压灵敏度校准。


系统时钟时序....................................................... 10 音频接口时序——主模式............................................. 11 音频接口时序——从属模式........................................... 11 控制接口时序——3 线模式 ...........................................12 控制接口时序——2 线模式 ...........................................13
芯片描述 ............................ 14
绪论............................................................... 14 特征............................................................... 14 麦克风输入......................................................... 15 PGA 和 ALC 操作 .....................................................15 线输入(AUXL、AUXR)............................................... 15 ADC................................................................ 15 HI-FI DAC..........................................................15 输出混合器......................................................... 15 音频接口........................................................... 15 控制接口........................................................... 16 时钟配置........................................................... 16 电源控制........................................................... 16 信号输入路线....................................................... 16 麦克风输入......................................................... 16 输入 PGA 音量控制...................................................18 辅助输入........................................................... 19 输入 BOOST .........................................................19 麦克风偏置电路..................................................... 21 模数转换(ADC).................................................... 22 ADC 数字滤波 .......................................................22 可选的高通滤波器................................................... 23 可调陷波滤波器..................................................... 23 数字 ADC 音量控制...................................................24

983M-H-V中英文MV508A PLC使用说明

983M-H-V中英文MV508A  PLC使用说明

目录PLC版本变更记录 (III)1 操作面板按键地址表 (1)2 I/O单元信号地址表 (2)3 I/O单元输入、输出信号说明 (5)3.1输入信号电平说明 (5)3.2输出信号电平说明 (6)3.3各输入信号的具体说明 (7)3.4*标志的信号 (9)4 PC参数说明 (9)4.1位参数说明 (9)4.2时间参数和其它参数说明 (14)5 M代码功能说明 (15)6 斗笠刀库功能 (16)6.1换刀指令M6TХХ (16)6.2斗笠换刀动作描述 (16)6.3刀号数码管显示 (16)6.4刀具的夹紧、松开 (16)7 斗笠刀库的调试 (17)7.1斗笠刀库调试状态的设定和取消 (17)7.2正确设定斗笠刀库相关参数 (17)7.3调试状态下的刀库相关信号的检查和说明 (18)7.4正常使用刀库应注意的问题 (19)7.5刀库运行中遇急停、掉电、复位和报警的正确处理方法 (19)7.6刀库的保护与Z轴的行程限制设定 (19)8 机床进给轴的回零 (20)8.1各轴回零按键自动保持 (20)8.2X、Y轴负方向回零按键自动保持的设定方法 (20)8.3回零方式及手动方式快速倍率的钳制PC参数设定方法 (20)9 主轴功能 (21)9.1无齿轮换档的变频或伺服主轴的NC参数设定 (21)9.2模拟主轴高低速自动换档的相关NC参数和PC参数设定 (21)9.3模拟主轴高低速手动换档的相关NC参数和PC参数设定 (22)9.4主轴双速电机控制的相关NC参数和PC参数设定 (22)9.5主轴换档机构液压油泵的自动启停的设定 (22)9.6主轴定向功能 (22)10 操作面板手轮及手持盒手轮的设定 (23)12 移动轴快速速度调整(G0速度调整) (23)13 冷却功能 (23)14 水阀沖屑功能 (23)15 主轴吹风 (23)16 工件吹风 (23)17 机床工作灯 (24)18 排屑器 (24)19 超程解除 (24)20 分度台(或工装)松/紧控制 (24)21 防护门功能 (24)22 润滑 (24)23 PLC报警与信息提示一览表 (25)23 刀库宏程序 (29)24 PLC版本显示 (31)PLC版本变更记录MV5.08A版PLC支持普通铣床和斗笠式刀库的加工中心,支持刚性攻丝,支持变频主轴两档机械自动换档、手动换档和普通双速电机自动换档、支持PLC报警信息中英文信息显示。



AN983B/AN983BLPCI/miniPCI-to-Ethernet LAN ControllerDATASHEETRev. 1.8MAY. 2003Information in this document is provided in connection with ADMtek products. ADMtek may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." ADMtek reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.The products may contain design defects or errors known as errata, which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. To obtain latest documents, please contact your localADMtek sales office or your distributor or visit ADMtek’s website at *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.CONTENTSDatasheet Revision History (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS (9)2. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM (10)3. FEATURES (11)I NDUSTRY STANDARD (11)FIFO (11)I/F (11)PCIEEPROM/B OOT ROM I/F (11)MAC/P HYSICAL (12)D ISPLAY (12)LEDM ISCELLANEOUS (12)4. BLOCK DIAGRAM (13)5. PIN ASSIGNMENT DIAGRAM (14)6. PIN DESCRIPTION (15)7. REGISTERS AND DESCRIPTORS DESCRIPTION (19)7.1 AN983B configuration registers (20)7.1.1. AN983B configuration registers list (20)7.1.2. AN983B configuration registers table (21)7.1.3 AN983B configuration registers descriptions (22)CR0 (offset = 00h), LID - Loaded Identification number of Device and Vendor (22)CR1 (offset = 04h), CSC - Configuration command and status (22)CR2 (offset = 08h), CC - Class Code and Revision Number (23)CR3 (offset = 0ch), LT - Latency Timer (23)CR4 (offset = 10h), IOBA - I/O Base Address (24)CR5 (offset = 14h), MBA - Memory Base Address (24)CR11 (offset = 2ch), SID - Subsystem ID (24)CR12 (offset = 30h), BRBA - Boot ROM Base Address (24)CR13 (offset = 34h), CP - Capabilities Pointer (25)CR15 (offset = 3ch), CI - Configuration Interrupt (25)CR16 (offset = 40h), DS - Driver Space for special purpose (25)CR32 (offset = 80h), SIG - Signature of AN983B (25)CR48 (offset = c0h), PMR0, Power Management Register0 (26)CR49 (offset = c4h), PMR1, Power Management Register 1 (26)7.2. PCI Control/Status registers (28)7.2.1. PCI Control/Status registers list (28)7.2.2. Control/Status register description (29)CSR0 (offset = 00h), PAR - PCI Access Register (29)CSR1 (offset = 08h), TDR - Transmit demand register (30)CSR2 (offset = 10h), RDR - Receive demand register (30)CSR3 (offset = 18h), RDB - Receive descriptor base address (30)CSR5 (offset = 28h), SR - Status register (30)CSR6 (offset = 30h), NAR - Network access register (32)CSR7 (offset = 38h), IER - Interrupt Enable Register (34)CSR8 (offset = 40h), LPC - Lost packet counter (35)CSR9 (offset = 48h), SPR - Serial port register (35)CSR11 (offset = 58h), TMR -General-purpose Timer (36)CSR13 (offset = 68h), WCSR –Wake-up Control/Status Register (36)CSR14 (offset = 70h), WPDR –Wake-up Pattern Data Register (37)CSR15 (offset = 78h), WTMR - Watchdog timer (38)CSR16 (offset = 80h), ACSR5 - Assistant CSR5 (Status register 2) (39)CSR17 (offset = 84h), ACSR7- Assistant CSR7 (Interrupt enable register 2).40 CSR18 (offset = 88h), CR - Command Register, bit31 to bit16 (40)CSR19 (offset = 8ch) - PCIC, PCI bus performance counter (42)CSR20 (offset = 90h) - PMCSR, Power Management Command and Status..42 CSR21 (offset = 94h) - WTDP, The current working transmit descriptor pointer (43)CSR22 (offset = 98h) - WRDP, The current working receive descriptor pointer (43)CSR23 (offset = 9ch) - TXBR, transmit burst count / time-out (43)CSR24 (offset = a0h) - FROM, Flash ROM (also the boot ROM) port (44)CSR25 (offset = a4h) - PAR0, physical address register 0 (44)CSR26 (offset = a8h) - PAR1, physical address register 1 (44)CSR27 (offset = ach) - MAR0, multicast address register 0 (45)CSR28 (offset = b0h) - MAR1, multicast address register 1 (45)Operation Mode Register (Memory base offset 0FCh) (46)7.3. PHY Registers (ACCESSED by csr9 MDI/MMC/MDO/MDC) (47)7.3.1. Transceiver registers Descriptions (47)7.4. Descriptors and Buffer Management (51)7.4.1 Receive descriptor (52) Receive Descriptor Table (52) Receive Descriptor Descriptions (52)RDES0 (52)RDES1 (53)RDES2 (53)RDES3 (53)7.4.2. Transmit Descriptor (53) Transmit Descriptor Table (53) Transmit Descriptor Descriptions (54)TDES0 (54)TDES1 (54)TDES2 (55)TDES3 (55)8. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS (56)8.1 Initialization Flow (56)8.2 Network Packet Buffer Management (57)8.2.1 Descriptor Structure Types (57)8.2.2 The point of descriptor management (59)8.3 Transmit Scheme and Transmit Early Interrupt (61)8.3.1 Transmit flow (61)8.3.2 Transmit pre-fetch data flow (61)8.3.3 Transmit early interrupt Scheme (62)8.4 Receive scheme and Receive early interrupt scheme (63)8.5 Network Operation (65)8.5.1 MAC Operation (65)8.5.2 Transceiver Operation (66)8.5.3 Flow Control in Full Duplex Application (69)8.6 LED Display Operation (72)8.6.1 First mode - 3 LED displays for (72)8.6.2 Second mode – 4 LED displays for (72)8.7 Reset Operation (72)8.7.1 Reset whole chip (72)8.7.2 Reset Transceiver only (72)8.8 Wake on LAN Function (73)8.8.1 The Magic Packet format (73)8.8.2 The Wake on LAN operation (73)8.9 ACPI Power Management Function (73)8.9.1 Power States (74)Power State (74)9. GENERAL EEPROM FORMAT DESCRIPTION (76)Connection Type Definition (76)10. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND TIMINGS (78)10.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (78)10.2 DC Specifications (78)General DC Specifications (78)PCI Interface DC Specifications (78)Flash/EEPROM Interface DC Specifications (78)10.3 AC Specifications (79)PCI Signaling AC Specifications for 3.3V (79)10.4 Timing Specifications (79)PCI Clock Specifications (79)PCI Timings (80)Flash Interface Timings (81)EEPROM Interface Timings (AC/AD) (83)11. PACKAGE (87)Dimensions for 128 –pin PQFP Package(AN983B) (87)Dimensions for 128 –pin LQFP Package(AN983BL) (88)12. LAYOUT GUIDE (REV.1.0B) (89)Layout Guide Revision History: (89)12.1 placement (89)12.2 trace routing (89)12.3 Vcc and GND (90)FIGURE INDEXFig - 1 System diagram of the AN983B (10)Fig - 2 Block diagram of the AN983B (13)Fig - 3 Pin assignment (14)Fig - 4 Initializatin flow (56)Fig - 5 Ring structure of frame buffer (57)Fig - 6 Chain structure of frame buffer (58)Fig - 7 Transmit pointers for descriptor management (59)Fig - 8 Receive pointers for descriptor management (60)Fig - 9 Transmit flow (61)Fig - 10 Transmit data flow of pre-fetch data (62)Fig - 11 Transmit normal interrupt and early interrupt comparison (62)Fig - 12 Receive data flow (without early interrupt and with early interrupt) (63)Fig - 13 Detailed receive early interrupt flow (64)Fig - 14 MAC Control Frame Format (70)Fig - 15 PAUSE operation receive state diagram (71)Fig - 16 PCI Clock Waveform (79)Fig - 17 PCI Timings (81)Fig - 18 Flash write timings (82)Fig - 19 Flash read timings (83)Fig - 20 Serial EEPROM timing (84)Fig - 21 Transmit signal timing relationships at theMII (887)Fig - 22 Receive signal timing relations at the MII (87)Fig - 23 MDIO sourced by MAC (87)Fig - 24 MDIO sourced by PHY (87)Fig - 25 Package outline for the AN983B/AN983BL (87)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONSThe AN983B is a high performance PCI Fast Ethernet controller with integrated physical layer interface for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX application.The AN983B was designed with advanced CMOS technology to provide glueless 32-bit bus master interface for PCI, boot ROM interface, CSMA/CD protocol for Fast Ethernet, as well as the physical media interface for 100BASE-TX of IEEE802.3u and 10BASE-T of IEEE802.3. The auto-negotiation function is also supported for speed and duplex detection.The AN983B can be programmed as MAC-only controller. In this mode, it provides the standard MII interface to link to an external PHY. With this mode, it can be connected to the HomePNA PHY to support the HomePNA networking solution or Homeplug Phy(Power-line solution) to support Homeplug networking solution..The AN983B provides both half-duplex and full-duplex operation, as well as support forfull-duplex flow control.It provides long FIFO buffers for transmission and receiving, and early interrupt mechanism to enhance performance.The AN983B also supports ACPI and PCI compliant power management function and Magic Packet wake-up event.3. FEATURESINDUSTRY STANDARDIEEE802.3u 100BASE-TX and IEEE802.3 10BASE-T compliantSupport for IEEE802.3x flow controlIEEE802.3u Auto-Negotiation support for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TXPCI Specification 2.2 compliantACPI and PCI power management Ver.1.1 compliantSupport PC99 wake on LANFIFOProvides two independent long FIFOs with 2k bytes each for transmission and receiving Pre-fetch up to two transmit packets to minimize inter frame gap (IFG) to 0.96usRetransmits collided packet without reload from host memory within 64 bytes.Automatically retransmits FIFO under-run packet with maximum drain threshold until 3 times retry failure and that will not influence the registers and transmit threshold of next packetPCI I/FProvides 32-bit PCI bus master data transferSupports PCI clock with frequency from 0Hz to 33MHzSupports network operation with PCI system clock from 20MHz to 33MHzProvides performance meter, PCI bus master latency timer, for tuning the threshold to enhance the performanceProvides burst transmit packet interrupt and transmit/receive early interrupt to reduce host CPU utilizationSupports memory-read, memory-read-line, memory-read-multiple, memory-write, memory-write-and-invalidate command while being bus masterSupports big or little endian byte orderingEEPROM/BOOT ROM I/FProvides write-able Flash ROM and EPROM as boot ROM with size up to 128kBProvides PCI to access boot ROM by byte, word, or double wordRe-writes Flash boot ROM through I/O port by programming registerProvides serial interface for read/write 93C46/66 EEPROMAutomatically loads device ID, vendor ID, subsystem ID, subsystem vendor ID, Maximum-Latency, and Minimum-Grand from the 64 byte contents of 93C46/66 after PCI reset de-asserted in PCI environment.MAC/PHYSICALIntegrates the whole Physical layer functions of 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-TProvides Full -duplex operation on both 100Mbps and 10Mbps modesProvides Auto-negotiation (NWAY) function of full/half duplex operation for both 10 and 100 MbpsProvides transmit wave-shaper, receive filters, and adaptive equalizerProvides MLT-3 transceiver with DC restoration for Base-line wander compensationProvides MAC and Transceiver (TXCVR) loop-back modes for diagnosticBuilds in Stream Cipher Scrambler/ De-scrambler and 4B/5B encoder/decoderSupports external transmit transformer with turn ratio 1:1Supports external receive transformer with turn ratio 1:1LED DISPLAY3 LEDs displays scheme provided:100Mbps(on) or Speed 10(off)Link (keeps on when link ok) or Activity (will be blinking with 10Hz whenreceiving or transmitting but not collision)FD (keeps on when in Full duplex mode) or Collision (will be blinking with 20Hzwhen colliding)4 LEDs displayed scheme provided:100Mbps and Link (keep on when link and 100Mpbs)10Mbps and Link (keep on when link and 10Mpbs)Activity (will be blinking with 10Hz when receiving or transmitting but notcollision)FD (keeps on when in Full duplex mode) or Collision (will be blinking with 20Hzwhen colliding)MISCELLANEOUSProvides 128-pin QFP/LQFP packages for PCI/mini-PCI interfaces3.3V power supply with 5V/3.3V I/O tolerance7. REGISTERS AND DESCRIPTORS DESCRIPTIONThere are three kinds of registers designed for AN983B. They are AN983B configuration registers, PCI control/status registers, and Transceiver control/status registers.The AN983B configuration registers are used to initialize and configure the AN983B for identifying and querying the AN983B.The PCI control/status registers are used to communicate between host and AN983B. Host can initialize, control, and read the status of the AN983B through the mapped I/O or memory address space.Regarding the registers of transceiver portion of AN983B, it includes 7 basic registers which are defined according to the clause 22 “Reconciliation Sub-layer and Media Independent Interface” and clause 28 “Physical Layer link signaling for 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s Auto-Negotiation on twisted pair” of IEEE802.3u standard. The AN983B also provides receive and transmit descriptors for packet buffering and management. These descriptors are described in the following section。

ART T8 八通道变压器隔离器说明书

ART T8 八通道变压器隔离器说明书

ART T8Universal Eight Channel Transformer IsolatorIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION – READ FIRSTThis symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to important operating and maintenanceinstructions in the accompanying literature. Please Read the manual.Read instructions:Retain these safety and operating instructions for future reference. Heed all warnings printed here and on the equipment. Follow the operating instructions printed in this user guide.Do not open:There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer any service work to qualified technical personnel only.Moisture:To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock do not expose the unit to rain, moisture or use in damp or wet conditions. Do not place container of liquid on it, which may spill into any openings.Environment:Protect from excessive dirt, dust, heat, and vibration when operating and storing. Avoid tobacco ash, drink spillage and smoke, especially that associated with smoke machines.Handling:To prevent damage to the controls and cosmetics avoid rough handling and excessive vibration. Protect the controls from damage during transit. Use adequate padding if you need to ship the unit. To avoid injury to yourself or damage to the equipment take care when lifting, moving or carrying the unit. Servicing:Refer servicing to qualified technical personnel only.INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the ART T8 Universal Eight Channel Transformer Isolator. This is a rock solid, road-worthly 8 channel transformer isolator. “Hum” in an audio system is often caused by loop effects which act like antennas. These loops can easily pick up a 60Hz ( or higher harmonic) hum created by electrical wiring. Typically, these loops are connected via grounds, more commonly called “ ground loops”. The safest way to eliminate unwanted noise is with the T8.The T8 is a quality totally passive audio interface that uses eight high performance low distortion transformers to totally separate input and output signal grounds, thereby isolating two systems and reducing hum and ground-loop noise. The T8’s audio transformers have an extremely flat and wide frequency response and can handle high signal levels while maintaining an isolated balanced output. This gives the T8 a very clean and neutral sound with a wide variety of signal sources. The transformers are wound for 1:1 unity gain and are designed for use with impedances from 600 Ohms to 100k Ohms.What further sets the T8 apart from other lesser isolation boxes is its connection versatility. We have provided XLR, ¼” phone, and RCA type phono connections on all inputs and outputs. This allows it to easily fit into virtually any audio system and be the clean patch point between all types of systems. All ¼” and RCA phono jacks are on the front and all XLR jacks are on the rear. You can use any combination and since the jacks are directly paralleled you can also use them as signal taps or as a signal splitter.The T8’s mounting ears are reversible so you can have either the ¼” and RCA phono jacks on the front or the XLRs on the front. This maximizes flexibility in cabling your system. Whether you need an interface between a computer based audio workstation and your monitor system, isolation on long cable runs in a fixed installation, isolation of multiple signal sources from your recording equipment, or in many cases, just a safer connection between two audio systems, the T8 can accommodate. The 19” 1U black all steel case and its all passive design allow the T8 to provide years of trouble free service in Live Sound, Permanent/Fixed Install, D.J., and virtually any PA application. It is equally valuable in a variety of studio and AV applications. Its full feature set, rugged construction, and high-end specifications make the T8 the obvious choice.APPLICATIONS:LIVE SOUND, D.J.Long unbalanced cables are more susceptible to picking up hum , Using the T8 to help balance these and eliminate any hum.When DJs set up for different jobs there is a potential to pick up hum due to the differences in house wiring, using a T8 Eliminates the potential for hum.MIXERS/FIXED INSTALLS/RECORDING/BROADCAST/VIDEOUse the T8 to eliminate ground loops when using multiple mixers.Taking mixer unbalanced sends and achieving true balanced monitor outputs.Using the T8 between video/broadcast rigs eliminates the potential for hum and loop noise.POWER AMPLIFIERSHum, ground loop noise can be created between multiple amplifiers. This can be eliminated using the T8 on each of the amplifiers input lines.COMPUTERSUsing a T8 can eliminate unwanted ground loops created between the computers and your audio input equipment.You can also use the T8 to balance the unbalanced inputs and outputs from your computers sound card.WARRANTY INFORMATIONLimited WarrantyApplied Research and Technology will provide warranty and service for this unit in accordance with the following warrants:Applied Research and Technology, (A R T) warrants to the original purchaser that this product and the components thereof will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Applied Research and Technology will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective product or component parts upon prepaid delivery to the factory service department or authorized service center, accompanied by proof of purchase date in the form of a valid sales receipt.Exclusions:This warranty does not apply in the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs. This warranty is void if the serial number is altered, defaced, or removed.A R T reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured.A R T shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including without limitation damages resulting from loss of use. Some states do not allow limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may have other rights, which vary, from state to state.For units purchased outside the United States, an authorized distributor of Applied Research and Technology will provide service.SERVICEThe following information is provided in the unlikely event that your unit requires service.1) Be sure that the unit is the cause of the problem. Check to make sure that all cables are connected correctly, and the cables themselves are in working condition.2) If you find the unit to be at fault, write down a complete description of the problem, including how and when the problem occurs.3) Contact our Customer Service Department at (716) 297-2920 for your Return Authorization number or questions regarding technical assistance or repairs. Customer Service hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.4) Pack the unit in its original carton or a reasonable substitute. The packing box is not recommended as a shipping carton. Put the packaged unit in another box for shipping. Print the RA number clearly on the outside of the shipping box. Print your return shipping address on the outside of the box.5) Include with your unit: a return shipping address (we cannot ship to a P.O. Box), a copy of your purchase receipt, a daytime phone number, and a description of the problem.6) Ship your unit (keep your manual!) to: Yorkville Sound 4625 Witmer Industrial Estate, Niagara Falls New York 14305Specifications:Frequency Response: 10Hz –50kHz, +/-0.5dB @ +4dBu1kHz,@+18dBu,<0.1% @ 100Hz, +24dBu Ref: 0dBu = 0.775VRMSTHD:0.01%TypicalChannel Separation 90dB typicaltypical60dBCMRR:Phase Error less than 5%, 20Hz – 20kHzInsertion Loss: 0.4dB @ 100k Ohm Load, 5.5dB @ 600 Ohm LoadInput Connections: XLR female balanced, ¼” TRS balanced, and RCA type phono jacksOutput Connection: XLR male balanced, ¼” TRS balanced, and RCA type phono jacksPassivePower Requirements: TotallyDimensions: 1.75”H x 19”W x 3.75”D (44.5mm x 482.6mm x 95mm)(1.7kg)lbs.3.75Weight:。























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本手册包含保护用户和防止机床损坏的安全预防措施 , 这些预防措施根据安全性质分为警告和注意,补充的信息作为注释叙述,在操作机床之前请仔细地阅读警告、注意和注释。




安 全 责 任制造者的安全责任——制造者应对所提供的数控系统及随行供应的附件在设计和结构上已消除和/或控制 的危险负责。





Mini-Circuits DG983-2数字步进衰减器说明书

Mini-Circuits DG983-2数字步进衰减器说明书

Digital Step AttenuatorCASE STYLE: DG983-2The Big Deal• Wideband, operates up to 4 GHz • Immune to latchup • High IP3, 52 dBmProduct OverviewThe DAT-31A+ series of 50Ω digital step attenuators provides adjustable attenuation from 0 to 31 dB in 1.0 dB steps. The control is a 5-bit serial/parallel interface, and the attenuators operate with either single positive or dual (positive and negative) supply voltage. DAT-31A+ series models are produced by a unique CMOS process on silicon, offering the performance of GaAs with the advantages of conventional CMOSdevices.DAT -31A+ Series50Ω 0 to 31 dB, 1.0 dB Step DC to 4.0 GHzSurface MountProduct Features • Immune to latch up• Excellent accuracy, 0.1 dB Typ • Serial control interface • Low Insertion Loss • High IP3, +52 dBm Typ• Very low DC power consumption • Excellent return loss, 20 dB Typ • Small size 4.0 x 4.0 mmTypical Applications• Base Station Infrastructure • Portable Wireless • CA TV & DBS• MMDS & Wireless LAN • Wireless Local Loop • UNII & Hiper LAN• Power amplifier distortion canceling loopsGeneral DescriptionThe DAT-31A-SP+ is a 50Ω digital step attenuator that provides adjustable attenuation of 0 to 31 dB in 1.0 dB steps. The control is a 5-bit serial interface, operating with a single (positive) supply voltage. DAT-31A-SP+ is produced by a unique CMOS process on silicon, offering the performance of GaAs with the advantages of conventional CMOS devices.Digital Step Attenuator 31 dB, 1.0 dB Step5 Bit, Serial control interface, Single Supply Voltage50Ω DC-4000 MHzSimplified SchematicDA T -31A-SP+CASE STYLE: DG983-2REV . CGeneric photo used for illustration purposes onlyRF Electrical Specifications (Note1), DC-4000 MHz, T AMB =25°C, V DD=+3V7. Operation between max operating and absolute max input power will result in reduced reliability.(Note6,7)5. Except, 30µA typ for C16 at +3.6VFigure 1. Max Input Operating Power vs FrequencyPin DescriptionPin Configuration (Top View)Device MarkingPin 1 IndexNotes:1. Both RF ports must be held at 0VDC or DC blocked with an external series capacitor.2. Latch Enable (LE) has an internal 2M Ω to internal positive supply voltage.3. Place a 10K Ω resistor in series, as close to pin as possible to avoid freq. resonance.4. Refer to Power-up Control Settings.5. The exposed solder pad on the bottom of the package (See Pin configuration) must be grounded for proper device operation.6. This pin has an internal 200 k Ω resistor to ground.7. Ground must be less than 80 mil (0.08”) from pin 12 proper device operation.8. When VDD<=3.6V this pin may be connected directly to VDD, when 3.6V< VDD <=5.2V need to use a voltage divider to reduce voltage on this pin to a voltage in the range +1.17 to 3.6V . See Application note AN-70-006.9. Place a shunt 10k Ω resistor to ground.Serial GNDGND G N DGND V D DV D DP U P 2P U P 1RFout C8The serial interface is a 5-bit serial in, parallel-out shift register buffered by a transparent latch.It is controlled by three CMOS-compatible signals: Data, Clock, and Latch Enable (LE). The Data and Clock inputs allow data to be serially entered into the shift register, a process that is independent of the state of the LE input.The LE input controls the latch. When LE is HIGH, the latch is transparent and the contents of the serial shift register control the attenuator. When LE is brought LOW, data in the shift register is latched.The shift register should be loaded while LE is held LOW to prevent the attenuator value from changing as data is entered. The LE input should then be toggled HIGH and brought LOW again, latching the new data. The timing for this operation is defined by Figure 2 (Serial Interface Timing Diagram) and Table 2 (Serial Interface AC Characteristics).Simplified SchematicThe DAT -31A-SP+ serial interface consists of 5 control bits that select the desired attenuation state, as shown in T able 1: Truth TableLEClockDataThe DA T -31A-SP+, uses a common 5-bit serial word format, as shown in Table 3: 5-Bit attenuator Serial Programming Register Map.The first bit, the MSB, corresponds to the 16 dB Step and the Bit B1 corresponds to the 1.0 dB step.The DA T -31A-SP+ always assumes a specifiable attenuation setting on power-up, allowing a known at-tenuation state to be established before an initial serial control word is provided.When the attenuator powers up, the five control bits are set to whatever data is present on the five data inputs (C1 to C16).This allows any one of the 32 attenuation settings to be specified as the power-up state.Power-up Control SettingsTable 3. 5-Bit attenuator Serial Programming Register MapB5B4B3B2B1B0C16C8C4C2C1MSB (first in)LSB(last in)Note: The stop bit (B0) must always be low to prevent the attenuator from entering an unknown state.Notes1. Both RF ports must be held at 0VDC or DC blocked with an external series capacitor.2. Test Board TB-334 is designed for operation for VDD=2.3 to3.6V. For operation over 3.6V to 5.2V, See Application Note AN-70-0063. VDD=VddFig 3. Evaluation Board Schematic, TB-334, used for characterization (DUT not soldered on TB-334)Test EquipmentFor Insertion Loss, Isolation and Return Loss:Agilent’s E5071C Network Analyzer & E3631A Power Supply.For Compression:Agilent’s N9020A Signal Analyzer, E8247C RF Generator,E3631A Power Supply & U2004A Power Sensor.For Input IP3:Agilent’s N9020A Signal Analyzer, N5181ASignal Generators, E3631A Power Supply, U2004A Power Sensor. For Spurs:Agilent N5181A Signal Generator, E4440A Spectrum Analyzer. For Switching Time:Agilent’s N5181A Signal Generator, 81110A Pulse Generator,54832B Oscilloscope, E3631A Power Supply.For Max Control Frequency:Agilent’s N5181A Signal Generator, N9020A Signal Analyzer,E3631A Power Supply, 81110A Pulse Generator.Measurement ConditionsFor Insertion Loss, Isolation and Return Loss:VDD=+2.3/+3/+5.5V &Pin=0dBmFor Compression: Pin=0/+24dBm. VDD=+3VFor Input IP3: Pin=+10dBm/tone.Tone spacing: 0.1 MHz to 1 MHz RF Freq and 1 MHz to 4200 MHz RF Freq, VDD=+3VFor Spurs: RF IN at 1000MHz and -20dBm. VDD=+3VFor Switching Time:RF Freq=501MHz/0dBm, Pulse for LE=1Hz/0/+3.4V, Delay=500ms,Width=500ms. VDD=+3VFor Max Control Frequency:RF Freq=501MHz, 0dBm. VDD=+3VESD RatingHuman Body Model (HBM): Class 1C (1000 to <2000V) in accordance with MIL-STD-883 method 3015 MSL RatingMoisture Sensitivity: MSL1 in accordance with IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020DMSL Test Flow ChartA. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification document are intendedto be excluded and do not form a part of this specification document.B. Electrical specifications and performance data contained in this specification document are based on Mini-Circuit’sapplicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions.C. The parts covered by this specification document are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and termsand conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefitscontained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder,please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at /MCLStore/terms.jsp。



PRELIMINARYJuly 2007 LMX9838Bluetooth® Serial Port Module1.0 General DescriptionThe National Semiconductor LMX9838 Bluetooth Serial Port module is a fully integrated Bluetooth 2.0 baseband controller, 2.4 GHz radio, crystal, antenna, LDO and discreets; com-bined to form a complete small form factor (10 mm x 17 mm x 2.0 mm) Bluetooth node.All hardware and firmware is included to provide a complete solution from antenna through the complete lower and upper layers of the Bluetooth stack, up to the application including the Generic Access Profile (GAP), the Service Discovery Ap-plication Profile (SDAP), and the Serial Port Profile (SPP). The module includes a configurable service database to fulfil service requests for additional profiles on the host. Moreover, the LMX9838 is qualified as a Bluetooth endproduct, ready to be used in the end application without additional testing and license cost.Based on National’s CompactRISC® 16-bit processor archi-tecture and Digital Smart Radio technology, the LMX9838 is optimized to handle the data and link management process-ing requirements of a Bluetooth node.The firmware supplied in the on-chip ROM memory offers a complete Bluetooth (v2.0) stack including profiles and com-mand interface. This firmware features point-to-point and point-to-multipoint link management supporting data rates up to the theoretical maximum over RFComm of 704 kbps. The internal memory supports up to 7 active Bluetooth data links and one active SCO link.The on-chip Patch RAM provided for lowest cost and risk, al-lows the flexibility of firmware upgrade.The module is lead free and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant. For more information on those quality standards, please visit our green compliance website at /quality/green/2.0 Features■Complete Bluetooth 2.0 Stack including—Baseband and Link Manager—Protocols: L2CAP, RFCOMM, SDP—Profiles: GAP, SDAP, SPP■High Integration: Includes Antenna, crystal, EEPROM, LDO■Supporting up to 7 active Bluetooth data links and 1 active SCO link■Class 2 operation■UART Command/Data port speed up to 921.6kbits/s■Advanced Audio Interface for external PCM codec■Better than -80dBm input sensitivity■FCC certified: FCC ID: ED9LMX9838■IC certified: IC-1520A-LMX9838■CE Self certified■Bluetooth SIG QD ID: B012394■Compact Size: 10mm x 17mm x 2.0mm3.0 Functional Block Diagram30027913Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and is used under license by National Semiconductor Corporation.CompactRISC® is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.© 2007 National Semiconductor LMX9838 Bluetooth Serial Port Module4.0 Applications•Telemedicine/Medical, Industrial and Scientific •Personal Digital Assistants •POS Terminals•Data Logging Systems•Audio Gateway applications5.0 Device Details5.1 HARDWARE•Baseband and Link Management processors based on Nationals CompactRISC Core•Embedded ROM and Patch RAM memory •Auxiliary Host Interface Ports:—Link Status—Transceiver Status (Tx or Rx)•Advanced Power Management (APM) features•Supports low-power mode with optional 32.768 kHz oscillator•Full Radio path integrated including antenna •On-chip reference crystal for Bluetooth operation •Single supply voltage5.2 FIRMWARE•Additional Profile support on Host. e.g:—Dial Up Networking (DUN)—Facsimile Profile (FAX)—File Transfer Protocol (FTP)—Object Push Profile (OPP)—Synchronization Profile (SYNC)—Headset (HSP)—Handsfree Profile (HFP)—Basic Imaging Profile (BIP)—Basic Printing Profile (BPP)•On-chip application including:—Default connections —Command Interface:•Link setup and configuration (also Multipoint)•Configuration of the module •Service database modifications —UART Transparent mode—Optimized cable replacement:•Automatic transparent mode •Event filter5.3 COMPLIANCE•FCC compliance (see Section 19.2.2 FCC Compliance Information ): The device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:—This device may not cause harmful interference —This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation 5.4 PACKAGE•Complete system interface provided in Lead Grid Array on underside for surface mount assembly6.0 Ordering InformationTABLE 1. Ordering InformationOrder Number Spec.Shipment Method LMX9838SB NOPB (Note 1)135 pcs Tray LMX9838SBXNOPB (Note 1)500 pcs Tape & ReelNote 1:NOPB = No Pb (No Lead) 2L M X 98387.0 Connection Diagram30027914 8.0 Pad DescriptionTABLE 2. System Interface SignalsPad NamePadLocationType Default Layout DescriptionOP316I OP3: Pin checked during Startup Sequence for configuration optionOP4/PG426OP4: IPG4: I/OOP4: Pin checked during Startup Sequence for configuration optionPG4: GPIOOP525I/O OP5: Pin checked during Startup Sequence for configuration option 32K-28O NC (if not used)32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator32K+27I GND (if not used)32.768 kHz Crystal OscillatorTABLE 3. UART Interface SignalsPad NamePadLocationType Default Layout DescriptionRXD12I Host Serial Port Receive DataTXD13O Host Serial Port Transmit DataRTS# (Note 2)14O NC (if not used)Host Serial Port Request To Send (active low)CTS# (Note 3)15I GND (if not used)Host Serial Port Clear To Send (active low)Note 2:Treat As No Connect If RTS is not used. Pad required for mechanical stability.Note 3:Connect to GND if CTS is not use.TABLE 4. Auxiliary Ports Interface SignalsPad Name Pad Location Type Default Layout DescriptionRESET#2I Low active, either NC orconnect to hostModule Reset (active low)XOSCEN8O Host main Clock Request. Toggles with Main crystal (X1) enable/disablePG67I/O GPIO - Default setup LINK STATUS indicationPG719I/O GPIO - Default setup RF traffic LED indication LMX9838TABLE 5. Audio Interface SignalsPad Name Pad LocationType Default LayoutDescriptionSCLK 20I/O Audio PCM Interface ClockSFS 21I/O Audio PCM Interface Frame Synchronization STD 22O Audio PCM Interface Transmit Data Output SRD23IAudio PCM Interface Receive Data InputTABLE 6. Power, Ground and No Connect SignalsPad Name Pad LocationType Default LayoutDescriptionMV CC 6I Module internal Voltage Regulator Input V CC _CORE 9I/O Voltage Regulator Input/Output V CC 10I Voltage Regulator Input Baseband V CC _IO 11I Power Supply I/OGND 3,4,17,18,24,29,30,31,32I GND Must be connected to ground planeNC 1,5,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 NC Place Pads for stability. See Section 21.0 Physical DimensionsNC41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70NCDO NOT PLACE ANY PADS. See Section 21.0 Physical Dimensions 4L M X 98389.0 Application DiagramsThe following diagrams show two application examples for LMX9838 implementations.Figure 1 illustrates a cable replacement application, requiring the physical UART interface to a data device like a sensor. The LMX9838 just waits for an incoming link and forwards data between the data device and the bluetooth link. PG6 acts as active link indicator and is used to enable the data transfer from the sensor. A 32.768khz crystal may be is used to reduce power consumption while waiting for the incoming link.Figure 2 shows an example for the connection to a host con-troller, which can include a simple application to control the LMX9838. The figure also includes the connection to a PCM codec, in case the host controller application includes an au-dio profile. Reset, OP4 and OP5 are controlled by the host for full control of the LMX9838 status.Please refer to Section 16.0 Application Notes for more de-tailed descriptions for LMX9838 designs.30027901FIGURE 1. Example For A Cable Replacement Application30027916FIGURE 2. Example For Host Controller Based Application With Audio Support LMX983810.0 General SpecificationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings (see Table 7 ) indicate limits be-yond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings (see Table 8) indicate conditions for which the device is in-tended to be functional.This device is a high performance RF integrated circuit and is ESD sensitive. Handling and assembly of this device should be performed at ESD free workstations.The following conditions are true unless otherwise stated in the tables below:•T A = -40°C to +85°C •V CC = 3.3V•RF system performance specifications are guaranteed on National Semiconductor FlagStaff board rev 2.1evaluation platformTABLE 7. Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbolParameterMin Max Unit V CC Digital Voltage Regulator input -0.24V V I Voltage on any pad with GND = 0V -0.2V CC + 0.2V T S Storage Temperature Range-65+150°C T LNOPB Lead Temperature NOPB (Note 4),(Note 5)(solder 40 sec.)250°CESD HBM ESD - Human Body Model 2000V ESD MM ESD - Machine Model 200 (Note 6)V ESD CDMESD - Charge Device Model250VNote 4:Reference IPC/JDEC J-STD-20C spec.Note 5:NOPB = No Pb (No Lead).Note 6:A 200V ESD rating applies to all pins except Antenna Pins.TABLE 8. Recommended Operating ConditionsSymbolParameterMin Typ Max Unit MV CC Module internal Voltage Regulator input 3.0 3.3 3.6V V CC Digital Voltage Regulator input 2.5 3.3 3.6V T R Digital Voltage Regulator Rise Time 10μs T AAmbient Operating Temperature Range Fully Functional Bluetooth Node -40+25+85°C V CC _I (Note 7)Supply Voltage Digital I/O 1.8 3.3 3.6V V CC _CORESupply Voltage Output (Note 8)1.8VNote 7:V CC must be > (V CC _IO - 0.5V) to avoid backdrive supply.Note 8:Should not be used for external suppliesPower Supply Requirements (Notes 9, 10)SymbolParameterMin Typ (Note 11)Max Unit I CC-TX Power supply current for continuous transmit 65mA I CC-RX Power supply current for continuous receive 65mA I RXSL Receive Data in SPP Link, Slave 26 mA I RXM Receive Data in SPP Link, Master 23 mA I SnM Sniff Mode, Sniff interval 1 second 6.5 mA I SC-TLDISScanning, No Active Link, TL Disabled1.1mANote 9:Power supply requirements based on Class II output power.Note 10:Based on UART Baudrate 115.2kbit/s.Note 11:V CC = 3.3V, Ambient Temperature = +25 °C. 6L M X 983810.1 DC CHARACTERISTICSDigital DC CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Condition Min Max Units VIHLogical 1 Input Voltage high(except oscillator I/O)3.0V ≤ V CC≤ 3.6V 2.0V CC + 0.2VVILLogical 0 Input Voltage low(except oscillator I/O)3.0V ≤ V CC≤ 3.6V-0.20.8VV HYS Hysteresis Loop Width (Note 12)0.1 x VCCVI OH Logical 1 Output Current VOH= 2.4V,VCC= 3.0V-10mAI OL Logical 0 Output Current VOH= 0.4V,VCC= 3.0V10mANote 12:Guaranteed by design.10.2 RF PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSIn the performance characteristics tables the following applies:•All tests performed are based on Bluetooth Test Specification revision 2.0•All tests are measured at antenna port unless otherwise specified•TA= -40°C to +85°C•VDD_RF = 2.8V unless otherwise specifiedRF system performance specifications are guaranteed on National Semiconductor Flagstaff board rev 2.1 evaluation platform.Receiver Performance CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Condition MinTyp(Note 13)Max UnitRXsenseReceive Sensitivity BER < 0.001 2.402 GHz-80-76dBm2.441 GHz-80-76dBm2.480 GHz-80-76dBm PinRF Maximum Input Level-100dBmIMP (Note 14)Intermodulation Performance F1= + 3 MHz,F2= + 6 MHz,PinRF = -64 dBm-38-36dBmRSSI RSSI Dynamic Range at LNAInput-72-52dBmOOB (Note 14)Out Of Band BlockingPerformancePinRF = -10 dBm,30 MHz < FCWI< 2 GHz,BER < 0.001-10dBmPinRF = -27 dBm,2000 MHz < FCWI< 2399 MHz,BER < 0.001-27dBmPinRF = -27 dBm,2498 MHz < FCWI< 3000 MHz,BER < 0.001-27dBmPinRF = -10 dBm,3000 MHz < FCWI< 12.75 GHz,BER < 0.001-10dBmNote 13:Typical operating conditions are at 2.75V operating voltage and 25°C ambient temperature.Note 14:The f0 = -64 dBm Bluetooth modulated signal, f1= -39dbm sine wave, f2= -39 dBm Bluetooth modulated signal, f= 2f1- f2, and |f2- f1| = n * 1MHz,where n is 3, 4, or 5. For the typical case, n = 3.LMX9838Transmitter Performance CharacteristicsSymbolParameterCondition Min Typ (Note 13)Max Unit P OUT RFTransmit Output Power2.402 GHz −40+3dBm 2.441 GHz −40+3dBm 2.480 GHz−40+3dBm MOD ΔF1AVGModulation Characteristics Data = 00001111140165175kHz MOD ΔF2MAX (Note 16)Modulation Characteristics Data = 10101010115125 kHz ΔF2AVG /DF1AVG (Note 17)Modulation Characteristics0.820 dB Bandwidth1000kHz P OUT 2*f o (Note 18)PA 2 nd Harmonic SuppressionMaximum gain setting:f 0 = 2402 MHz,P out = 4804 MHz-30dBmZ RFOUT (Note 19)RF Output Impedance/InputImpedance of RF Port (RF_inout)P out @ 2.5 GHz47ΩNote 15:Typical operating conditions are at 2.75V operating voltage and 25°C ambient temperature.Note 16:ΔF2max ≥ 115 kHz for at least 99.9% of all Δf2max.Note 17:Modulation index set between 0.28 and 0.35.Note 18:Out-of-Band spurs only exist at 2nd and 3rd harmonics of the CW frequency for each channel.Note 19:Not tested in production.Synthesizer Performance CharacteristicsSymbolParameterConditionMin Typ Max Unit f VCO VCO Frequency Range2402 2480MHz t LOCKLock Timef 0 ± 20 kHz 120 µs Δf 0offset (Note 20)Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance During preamble -75075kHz Δf 0drift (Note 20)Initial Carrier Frequency DriftDH1 data packet -25025kHz DH3 data packet -40040kHz DH5 data packet-40040kHz Drift Rate-20020kHz/50µst D - TxTransmitter Delay TimeFrom Tx data to antenna4µsNote 20:Frequency accuracy is dependent on crystal oscillator chosen. The crystal must have a cumulative accuracy of < +/-20ppm to meet Bluetooth specifications.Note:All RF parameters are tested prior to the antenna.11.0 Functional Description11.1 BASEBAND AND LINK MANAGEMENT PROCESSORSBaseband and Lower Link control functions are implemented using a combination of National Semiconductor’s Com-pactRISC 16-bit processor and the B luetooth Lower Link Controller. These processors operate from integrated ROM memory and RAM and execute on-board firmware imple-menting all Bluetooth functions.11.1.1 Bluetooth Lower Link ControllerThe integrated Bluetooth Lower Link Controller (LLC) com-plies with the Bluetooth Specification version 2.0 and imple-ments the following functions:•Adaptive Frequency Hopping •Interlaced Scanning •Fast Connect•Support for 1, 3, and 5 slot packet types•79 Channel hop frequency generation circuitry •Fast frequency hopping at 1600 hops per second •Power management control•Access code correlation and slot timing recovery11.1.2 Bluetooth Upper Layer StackThe integrated upper layer stack is prequalified and includes the following protocol layers:•L2CAP •RFComm •SDP11.1.3 Profile SupportThe on-chip application of the LMX9838 allows full stand-alone operation, without any Bluetooth protocol layer neces-sary outside the module. It supports the Generic Access Profile (GAP), the Service Discovery Application Profile (SDAP), and the Serial Port Profile (SPP).8L M X 9838The on-chip profiles can be used as interfaces to additional profiles executed on the host. The LMX9838 includes a con-figurable service database to answer requests with the pro-files supported.11.1.4 Application With Command InterfaceThe module supports automatic slave operation eliminating the need for an external control unit. The implemented trans-parent option enables the chip to handle incoming data raw, without the need for packaging in a special format. The device uses a pin to block unallowed connections. This pincode can be fixed or dynamically set.Acting as master, the application offers a simple but versatile command interface for standard Bluetooth operation like in-quiry, service discovery, or serial port connection. The firmware supports up to seven slaves. Default Link Policy set-tings and a specific master mode allow optimized configura-tion for the application specific requirements. See Sec-tion 13.0 Integrated Firmware.11.1.5 MemoryThe LMX9838 introduces 16 kB of combined system and Patch RAM memory that can be used for data and/or code upgrades of the ROM based firmware. Due to the flexible startup used for the LMX9838 operating parameters like the B luetooth Device Address (B D_ADDR) are defined during boot time. This allows reading out the parameters of an inter-nal EEPROM or programming them directly over UART.11.2 TRANSPORT PORT - UARTThe LMX9838 provides one Universal Asynchronous Receiv-er Transmitter (UART). The UART interface consists out of Receive (RX), Transmit (TX), Ready-to-Send (RTS) and Clear-to-Send signals. RTS and CTS are used for hardware handshaking between the host and the LMX9838. Since the LMX9838 acts as gateway between the bluetooth and the UART interface, National Semiconductor recommends to use the handshaking signals especially for transparent operation. In case two signals are used CTS needs to be pulled to GND. Please refer also to "LMX9838 Software User’s Guide" for detailed information on 2-wire operation.The UART interface supports formats of 8-bit data with or without parity, with one or two stop bits. It can operate at standard baud rates from 2400bits/s up to a maximum baud rate of 921.6kbits/s. DMA transfers are supported to allow for fast processor independent receive and transmit operation. The UART baudrate is configured during startup by checking option pins OP3, OP4 and OP5. Table 10 gives the corre-spondence between the OP pins settings and the UART speed.The UART offers wakeup from the power save modes via the multi-input wakeup module. When the LMX9838 is in low power mode, RTS# and CTS# can function as Host_WakeUp and Bluetooth_WakeUp respectively. Table 9 represents the operational modes supported by the firmware for implement-ing the transport via the UART.TABLE 9. UART Operation ModesItem Range Default at Power-Up Baud Rate 2.4 to 921.6 kbits/s Either configured by option pins, NVS Flow Control RTS#/CTS# or None RTS#/CTS#Parity Odd, Even, None NoneStop Bits1,21Data Bits88TABLE 10. UART Frequency SettingsOP3 (Note 21)OP4 (Note 22)OP5 (Note 23)Function 100UART speed read from NVS101UART speed 9.6 kbps110UART speed 115.2 kbps111UART speed 921.6 kbpsNote 21:If OP3 is 1, must use 1K pull upNote 22:If OP4 is 1, must use 1K pull upNote 23:If OP5 is 1, must use 1K pull up11.3 AUDIO PORT11.3.1 Advanced Audio InterfaceThe Advanced Audio Interface (AAI) is an advanced version of the Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) that provides a full-duplex communications port to a variety of industry-standard 13/14/15/16-bit linear or 8-bit log PCM codecs, DSPs, and other serial audio devices.The interface allows the support one codec or interface. The firmware selects the desired audio path and interface config-uration by a parameter that is located in RAM (imported fromnon-volatile storage or programmed during boot-up). The au-dio path options include the OKI MSM7717 codec, the Win-bond W681360/W681310 codecs and the PCM slave throughthe AAI.In case an external codec or DSP is used the LMX9838 audiointerface generates the necessary bit and frame clock drivingthe interface.Table 11 summarizes the audio path selection and the con-figuration of the audio interface at the specific modes.The LMX9838 supports one SCO link.LMX9838TABLE 11. Audio Path ConfigurationAudio setting InterfaceFormat AAI Bit Clock AAI Frame ClockAAI Frame Sync Pulse LengthOKIMSM7717Advanced audio interface 8-bit log PCM (a-law only)480 kHz 8 kHz 14 Bits OKIMSM7717Advanced audio interface 8-bit log PCM (a-law only)520 kHz 8 kHz 14 Bits Winbond W681310Advanced audio interface 8-bit log PCM A-law and u-law 520 kHz 8 kHz 14 Bits Winbond W681360Advanced audio interface 13-bit linear 520 kHz 8 kHz 13 Bits PCM slave (Note 24)Advanced audio interface8/16 bits128 - 1024 kHz8 kHz8/16 BitsNote 24:In PCM slave mode, parameters are stored in NVS. Bit clock and frame clock must be generated by the host interface.PCM slave configuration example: PCM slave uses the slot 0, 1 slot per frame, 16 bit linear mode, long frame sync, normal frame sync. In this case, 0x03E0 should be stored in NVS.See “LMX9838 Software Users Guide” for more details.11.4 AUXILIARY PORTS11.4.1 RESET#The RESET# is active low and will put radio and baseband into reset.11.4.2 General Purpose I/OsThe LMX9838 offers 3 pins which either can be used as indi-cation and configuration pins or can be used for General Purpose functionality. The selection is made out of settings derived out of the power up sequence.In General Purpose configuration the pins are controlled hard-ware specific commands giving the ability to set the direction,set them to high or low or enable a weak pull-up.In alternate function the pins have pre-defined indication func-tionality. Please see Table 12 for a description on the alter-nate indication functionality.TABLE 12. Alternate GPIO Pin Configuration Pin DescriptionOP4/PG4Operation Mode pin to configureTransport Layer settings during boot-up PG6GPIO - Link Status indication PG7RF Traffic indication12.0 Digital Smart Radio12.1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe integrated Digital Smart Radio utilizes a heterodyne re-ceiver architecture with a low intermediate frequency (2 MHz)such that the intermediate frequency filters can be integrated on chip. The receiver consists of a low-noise amplifier (LNA)followed by two mixers. The intermediate frequency signal processing blocks consist of a poly-phase bandpass filter (B PF), two hard-limiters (LIM), a frequency discriminator (DET), and a post-detection filter (PDF). The received signal level is detected by a received signal strength indicator (RSSI).The received frequency equals the local oscillator frequency (fLO) plus the intermediate frequency (fIF): fRF = fLO + fIF (supradyne).The radio includes a synthesizer consisting of a phase de-tector, a charge pump, an (off-chip) loop-filter, an RF-fre-quency divider, and a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO).The transmitter utilizes IQ-modulation with bit-stream data that is gaussian filtered. Other blocks included in the trans-mitter are a VCO buffer and a power amplifier (PA).12.2 RECEIVER FRONT-ENDThe receiver front-end consists of a low-noise amplifier (LNA)followed by two mixers and two low-pass filters for the I- and Q-channels.The intermediate frequency (IF) part of the receiver front-end consists of two IF amplifiers that receive input signals from the mixers, delivering balanced I- and Q-signals to the poly-phase bandpass filter. The poly-phase bandpass filter is di-rectly followed by two hard-limiters that together generate an AD-converted RSSI signal.12.2.1 Poly-Phase Bandpass FilterThe purpose of the IF bandpass filter is to reject noise and spurious (mainly adjacent channel) interference that would otherwise enter the hard limiting stage. In addition, it takes care of the image rejection.The bandpass filter uses both the I- and Q-signals from the mixers. The out-of-band suppression should be higher than 40 dB (f<1 MHz, f>3 MHz). The bandpass filter is tuned over process spread and temperature variations by the autotuner circuitry. A 5th order Butterworth filter is used.12.2.2 Hard-Limiter and RSSIThe I- and Q-outputs of the bandpass filter are each followed by a hard-limiter. The hard-limiter has its own reference cur-rent. The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) mea-sures the level of the RF input signal.The RSSI is generated by piece-wise linear approximation of the level of the RF signal. The RSSI has a mV/dB scale, and an analog-to-digital converter for processing by the baseband circuit. The input RF power is converted to a 5-bit value. The RSSI value is then proportional to the input power (in dBm).The digital output from the ADC is sampled on the BPKTCTL signal low-to-high transition. 10L M X 983812.3 RECEIVER BACK-ENDThe hard-limiters are followed by a two frequency discrimina-tors. The I-frequency discriminator uses the 90× phase-shift-ed signal from the Q-path, while the Q-discriminator uses the 90× phase-shifted signal from the I-path. A poly-phase band-pass filter performs the required phase shifting. The output signals of the I- and Q-discriminator are substracted and fil-tered by a low-pass filter. An equalizer is added to improve the eye-pattern for 101010 patterns.After equalization, a dynamic AFC (automatic frequency off-set compensation) circuit and slicer extract the RX_DATA from the analog data pattern. It is expected that the Eb/No of the demodulator is approximately 17 dB.12.3.1 Frequency DiscriminatorThe frequency discriminator gets its input signals from the limiter. A defined signal level (independent of the power sup-ply voltage) is needed to obtain the input signal. Both inputs of the frequency discriminator have limiting circuits to opti-mize performance. The bandpass filter in the frequency dis-criminator is tuned by the autotuning circuitry.12.3.2 Post-Detection Filter and EqualizerThe output signals of the FM discriminator first go through a post-detection filter and then through an equalizer. Both the post-detection filter and equalizer are tuned to the proper fre-quency by the autotuning circuitry. The post-detection filter is a low-pass filter intended to suppress all remaining spurious signals, such as the second harmonic (4 MHz) from the FM detector and noise generated after the limiter.The post-detection filter also helps for attenuating the first adjacent channel signal. The equalizer improves the eye-opening for 101010 patterns. The post-detection filter is a third order Butterworth filter.12.4 AUTOTUNING CIRCUITRYThe autotuning circuitry is used for tuning the bandpass filter, the detector, the post-detection filter, the equalizer, and the transmit filters for process and temperature variations. The circuit also includes an offset compensation for the FM de-tector.12.5 SYNTHESIZERThe synthesizer consists of a phase-frequency detector, a charge pump, a low-pass loop filter, a programmable fre-quency divider, a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), a delta-sigma modulator, and a lookup table.The frequency divider consists of a divide-by-2 circuit (divides the 5 GHz signal from the VCO down to 2.5 GHz), a divide-by-8-or-9 divider, and a digital modulus control. The delta-sigma modulator controls the division ratio and also gener-ates an input channel value to the lookup table.12.5.1 Phase-Frequency DetectorThe phase-frequency detector is a 5-state phase-detector. It responds only to transitions, hence phase-error is indepen-dent of input waveform duty cycle or amplitude variations. Loop lockup occurs when all the negative transitions on the inputs, F_REF and F_MOD, coincide. Both outputs (i.e., Up and Down) then remain high. This is equal to the zero error mode. The phase-frequency detector input frequency range operates at 12 MHz.12.6 TRANSMITTER CIRCUITRYThe transmitter consists of ROM tables, two Digital to Analog (DA) converters, two low-pass filters, IQ mixers, and a power amplifier (PA).The ROM tables generate a digital IQ signal based on the transmit data. The output of the ROM tables is inserted into IQ-DA converters and filtered through two low-pass filters. The two signal components are mixed up to 2.5 GHz by the TX mixers and added together before being inserted into the transmit PA.12.6.1 IQ-DA Converters and TX MixersThe ROM output signals drive an I- and a Q-DA converter. Two Butterworth low-pass filters filter the DA output signals. The 6 MHz clock for the DA converters and the logic circuitry around the ROM tables are derived from the autotuner.The TX mixers mix the balanced I- and Q-signals up to 2.4-2.5 GHz. The output signals of the I- and Q-mixers are summed.12.7 32 kHz OscillatorAn oscillator is provided (see Figure 3) that is tuned to provide optimum performance and low-power consumption while op-erating with a 32.768 kHz crystal. An external crystal clock network is required between the 32k+ clock input (pad 27) and the 32k- clock output (pad 28) signals.The oscillator is built in a Pierce configuration and uses two external capacitors. Ta-ble 13 provides the oscillator’s specifications.In case the 32kHz is not used, it is recommended to leave 32k- open and connect 32k+ to GND.30027903FIGURE 3. 32.768 kHz OscillatorTABLE 13. 32.768 kHz Oscillator SpecificationsSymbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit VDDSupply Voltage 1.62 1.8 1.98VIDDACTSupply Current (Active)2µA f Nominal Output Frequency32.768kHzVPPOSCOscillating Amplitude 1.8VDuty Cycle40-60%LMX9838。

YDL-983A Glue Dispenser user guide

YDL-983A Glue Dispenser user guide

YDL-983A Glue Dispenser User ManualProfessional Precise glue dispenser YDL-983A adopts the latest digital control system, assure timing output consistently. More humanized function, simpler operation, easier coating, lineation and drop, highlight high-quality products, improve production efficiency.This machine can be used on different occasions for long time, service life could be more than 10 years.It’s widely used on electronics, aviation, optics, Chemistry, automobile, Medical treatment, petroleum, Packaging, Jewelry and machinery industry.Technical parameters1. Dispensing type: Free to set 16 kinds of ways, with dispensing timedisplay*2. Automatic Timing dispensing: 00.01S-99.99S3. Manual timing dispensing: Can dispensing coating, lineation continuously4. Minium dispensing: 0.0001 ml5. Dispensing time interval: 0.1-9.9S(automatic timing function)6. Input voltage: 220V±10% 50 Hz/ 110V±10% 60 Hz7. Internal voltage: 12V DC/ 24V DC8. Input air pressure: 10-100pSi9. Output air pressure: 1-80pSi10. Overall dimension: 235*225*63mm11. Weight: 《2.2 KgDevices Introductions:1. Power Switch: putdown light on shows “On”, light off shows “Off”2. Dispensing time display: Display setting time*3. Input air pressure pressure governor: First pull out, Reversal is lowerpressure, veering is the higher pressure4. Barometer: display range: 0-100pSi5. Vacuum control unit: Reversal is Vacuum pumpback high, veering is theVacuum pumpback low6. Testing button: During testing, it can replace the foot switch7. Dispensing time dial code button: Display setting time, adopts add andsubtract way 00.01S-99.99S8. time interval setting dial code button: Display setting time, adopts add andsubtract way 0.1S-9.9S9. Dispensing output interface: Connect to dispensing needle cylinder.10. Air pressure input interface: Connect to clean high pressure source11. Dispensing way: 16 kinds of free way12. The foot controller interface: Connect to foot switch13. Power input socket14. Fuse holderUse and installation instructions:1. Installation:2. Dispensing mode setting:There is “SETUP” four-digit dispensing time programmer Dial Switch locates in the back, you can dial the numbers to get 16 kinds of dispensing way for choosing, Mode combination as below:3. Dispensing time and Interval time setting1) Dispensing time settingPress on the four-digital number 2. dispensing time on the front panel toset the dispensing time: dial up unit(-) is reducing one number, dialdown unit(+) is increasing one number. Adjustment range:00.01S-99.99S2) Interval time settingPress on the dual-digital number 8. Interval time to dial number set theInterval time(except Dispensing mode F1): dial up unit(-) is reducingone number, dial down unit(+) is increasing one number4. Dispensing time display function introductions*:1) When power on, no matter the function setting is in which mode,machine will display initial number at the mode. For example: Functionmode Initial State is at “Auto”, time setting is “00.00”, then the display panel displays “00.00”, if time setting is “01.01”, then the display panel displays “01.01”. If at “MAN, it displays at ”00.00”.2) At “MAN” mode, when foot switch working, display number starts from“00.00” increasing, after stopping, the display number will be reserved, until you step on the foot switch next time, it starts from “00.00” again.3) If at “Auto” mode, when foot switch working, display number starts fromsetting time decreasing,Until time reachs “00.00”, when you stop, it will reserve the displayed setting time.When you step on the foot switch next time, it starts working from setting time.4) At “Auto” mode(except MAN mode), because of “dispensing time” and“Interval time”, display time is determined by setting time, if you change the setting time, displaying time will be changed consistently5. Simple debugging operating1) Install the machine according to Installation drawing(pay attention to thevoltage), install the selected needle beak tip on a ≤3/4 Liquid cylinderand tighten.2) Dispensing time 11. Programmer: set the mode at F1, open powerswitch and power on.3) Adjust 3. Input air pressure pressure governor: first pull out, Reversalis high pressure, veering is the low pressure, when air pressure to 25pSi, you can put this for the first verifying.4) Step on foot switch or press “SHOT” until liquid dispensing equably,machine starts normal work.5) Adjust 2. Dispensing time to set dial number button and change needleand adjust 3. Input air pressure pressure governor, you can get the required liquid dispensing capacity.6) Adjust 5. Vacuum controller, Reversal is Vacuum pumpback high,veering is the Vacuum pumpback low, until the liquid won’t bleedoutwhen dispensing.7) When you need to automatically timing controlling, to adjust 8. Intervaltime setting dial number button and 11. Dispensing mode programmerand 2. Dispensing time setting dial number mode to achieve.8) The dispensing capacity each time is controlled by input air pressure,dispensing time selection, liquid viscosity and needle size6. Liquid droplets methodsBefore use, verify the drop capacity on one piece of clean paper, let the machine on a working mode(except F1), adjust dispensing time dial code editor, step on foot switch or “SHOT” button, dispense liquid drop. You can get the corresponding liquid drop capacity to verifying it time after time.When dropping, please operate according to formal way, maintain 45 degree from Horizontal level.7. Liquid injection and drop1) Low viscosity liquidIt can be put into the needle cylinder directly.2) Middle and high viscosity liquidChoose Two-way feeder to simplifying the tasks. Put the liquid into the discharge tank, fix the discharge tank on the frame, connect the needle to discharge tank, connect the high pressure source to discharge tank too, adjust the pressure to get the liquid in the discharge tank, to theneedle.Precautions and maintenanceThe compounds may be toxic maybe toxic, flammable. Please refer to the explanatory from manufacturer to process appropriately.1. Highest air pressure can’t be over 7bar(100pSi). Machine’s highestworking air pressure can’t be over 5.5bar(78pSi), if the air pressure isover 4bar, please use the original accessories.2. Liquid must be stirred equally before working to assure every drop isequal. If possible, put the liquid at constant temperature at 5℃. Ifneed please dilute before using.3. Do not use it at high speed and vacuum, or vacuum could make theliquid into the conduit.4. Please avoid the liquid needle cylinder overturning, or the liquid couldflow into air pipe to damage the machine components.5. Remove the Impurity reserved at the needle in time.6. After working, the needle cylinder must be cleaned.Normal cleaning way: put the elements into Cleaning Machine Waterabout 5-10 minutes.7. Please disposal the needle cylinder and needle beak Properly afterusing, to prevent environmental pollution.。

HANNA HI 98300 301 302 303 304 说明书

HANNA HI 98300 301 302 303 304 说明书

SPECIFICATIONS Range / ResolutionDiST ®1 (HI98300/301)1999 ppm / 1ppm DiST ®2 (HI98302)10.00 ppt / 0.01ppt DiST ®3 (HI98303)1999 µS/cm / 1µS/cm DiST ®4 (HI98304)19.99 mS/cm / 0.01mS/cm Accuracy (@20°C/68°F)±2% f.s.Typical EMC Deviation ± 1% f.s.TDS Factor HI 983000.65HI 98301 / HI 983020.5Calib ration Solutions HI 98300HI 70442 (1500 ppm)HI 98301HI 70032 (1382 ppm)HI 98302HI 70038 (6.44 ppt)HI 98303HI 70031 (1413 µS/cm)HI 98304HI 70039 (5.00 mS/cm) orHI 70030 (12.88 mS/cm)Temperature CompensationAutomatic, 0 to 50°C (32 to 122ºF)Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F);RH 95% non-condensingBattery Type 4 x 1.5V alkaline Battery Life approx. 200 hours of use Dimensions 175 x 41 x 23 mm(6.9 x 1.6 x 0.9")Weight 95 g (3.4 oz.)ISTDISTNEW-R5 05/05WARRANTYThese meters are guaranteed for one year against defects in workmanship and materials when used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. Probes are guaranteed for six months. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge. Damages due to acci-dent, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance are not covered. If service is req uired, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the instrument. If under warranty,report the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the failure. If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization Number from the Customer Service department and then send it with ship-ment costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packaged for complete protection.The DiST ® models are in compliance with the CE directives.w w w .h a n n a i n s t .c o mOPERATION•Remove the protective cap, turn the DiST ® on, and immerse it into the solution to be tested, without ex-ceeding the maximum immersion level.•Stir gently and wait for the read-ing to stabilize. DiST ® automati-cally compensates for temperature variations.•The reading on display is directly expressed in:ppm (mg/L) for DiST ®1 (HI 98300 / 301),ppt (g/L) for DiST ®2 (HI 98302), µS/cm for DiST ®3 (HI 98303) and mS/cm for DiST ®4(HI 98304).CALIBRATION•Immerse the DiST ® in the proper calibration solution (see Specifications table), without ex-ceeding the maximum immersion level.•Allow the reading to stabilize and with a small screwdriver adjust the calibration trim-mer until the display shows the required solu-tion value.For example HI 70032 is the correct calibration so-lution for HI 98301, and the trimmer should be turned until the displayshows "1382".PROBE REPLACEMENTFor replacing the probe, contact your Dealer or the nearest Hanna Service Center.•Replace the built-in probe with a new:HI 73301 for DiST ®1HI 73302 for DiST ®2HI 73303 for DiST ®3HI 73304 for DiST ®4BEPS AND BATTERY REPLACEMENTDiS ®T is provided with BEPS (Battery Error Pre-venting System), which avoids any erroneous reading due to low battery level, by switching the meter off.To replace the batteries, slide off the battery compartment cover and replace all four 1.5V batteries while paying attention to their polarity.Batteries should only be replaced in a non-hazardous area, and using the battery typespecified in this instruction manual.ACCESSORIES HI 70030P 12880 µS/cm calibration solu-tion, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs HI 70031P 1413 µS/cm calibration solution,20 mL sachet, 25 pcsHI 70032P 1382 ppm (mg/L) calibration so-lution, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs HI 70038P 6.44 ppt (g/L) calibration solu-tion, 20 mL sachet, 25 pcs HI 70039P 5000 µS/cm calibration solution,20 mL sachet, 25 pcsHI 70442P 1500 ppm calibration solution,20 mL sachet, 25 pcsHI 73301Spare electrode for DiST ®1HI 73302Spare electrode for DiST ®2HI 73303Spare electrode for DiST ®3HI 73304Spare electrode for DiST ®4HI 731326Calibration screwdriver (20 pcs.)DiST is a registered Trademark ofHanna Instruments。



红绿灯自动辨别小车的设计与实现 (软件 )The traffic light automatic recognition ofcar design and Implementation (software)目录摘要 ...........................................................................................错误! 不决义书签。

重点词 ............................................................................................错误! 不决义书签。

Abstract ..........................................................................................错误! 不决义书签。

Key words.......................................................................................错误! 不决义书签。

1序言 ...........................................................................................错误! 不决义书签。

2设计方案选择与论证 ...............................................................错误! 不决义书签。

设计要求 ..............................................................................错误! 不决义书签。

海Na 9828 GPS多参数仪与快速跟踪标签识别系统说明书

海Na 9828 GPS多参数仪与快速跟踪标签识别系统说明书

HI9828GPS Multiparameter Meterwith Fast Tracker™ Tag Identification SystemISO 9001:2000 Certified w w w.h a n n a i n s t.c o mHI 9828 is supplied complete with a probe maintenance kit.This kit includes HI 7042S (electrolyte solution for DO sensor), (5) O-rings for DO sensor, a small brush, (5) O-rings for multiparameter probe and a syringe with grease to lubricate the O-rings.Sensor replacement is quick and easy with screw typeconnectors and color coded sensors.The galvanic DO sensor does not require polarization time so it’s ready at a moment’s notice.The 4-ring conductivity system ensures stable conductivity readings that areimmune to surface coating. Absolute conductivity, temperature corrected conductivity, salinity, specific gravity and TDS determinations are possible with measurements from this sensor.The HI 9828 automatically recognizes the presence of either the pH or pH/ORP sensor. Both sensors have a cloth junction which allows greater sensitivity, and are gel filled for improved resistance to contamination.The meter also displays pH in mV readings—ideal for troubleshooting.HI 769828 Multiparameter, Intelligent ProbeHANNA ’s HI 769828 multiparameter probe incorporates a built-in microprocessor andamplifiers that convert the high impedance signals from the sensors of the probe eliminating common problems associated with high impedance signals such as limita-tion of cable length and noise. This allows the probe to have a reliable communication with the meter and also immediately warns the user of problems such as a broken cable.The standard cable lengths of the probe are 4, 10 and 20 meters (13, 32 and 64 feet) and custom lengths are also available.The probe also features HANNA ’s Quick Calibration which allows the user to calibrate pH and conductivity with one solution in a single, simple step. Dissolved Oxygen is also calibrated in one step in saturated air. The probe houses 5 of the 6 measured parameters:pH, ORP, EC, dissolved oxygen and temperature. The sensors are all independently replaceable and are easy to maintain and keep clean. The sensors are protected by an outer PVC/stainless steel sleeve and cap which is suitable for use in 2” wells. The probe housing is rated IP68 standard.Quick CalibrationIn the field, the Quick Calibration feature verifies probe functionality and calibration with a single calibration solution (HI 9828-25). Simply screw the calibration beaker filled with solution onto the probe, select “Quick calibration” from the menu and press OK. Individual calibration may also be performed using multiple calibration points.Field ReadyHIGPS Multiparameter Meterwith Fast Tracker™ Tag Identification System HANNAmeter with GPS receiver monitors up to 13 different water quality parameters (6 measured, 7 calculated). M easurements from specific locations are tracked with detailed coordinate information that can be viewed immediately on the display. GPS informa-tion can be transferred to a PC usingHI 929828 software. GPS information can also be viewed by GPS mapping software such as Google™maps*. Clicking on visited locations using mapping software such as Google™ Maps displays measurement information. The built-in 12 channel GPS receiver and antenna guarantees a position accuracy of 30 ft (10 m). pH, pH/mV, ORP,% saturation DO, mg/L DO, EC, absolute EC, resistivity, TDS, salinity,seawater specific gravity, atmospheric pressure & temperatureFor measuring points within a 30 ft range or where GPS signals are not available, HIFast Tracker™ is invaluable for associating measure-ments with their locations.HANNASystem monitors and records data using iButton®s that can be installed at any number of sampling sites.The HI 9828 has a graphic, backlit display that automatically sizes the digits to fit the screen and allows full configuration of each parameter meas-ured along with on-screen graphing capability. The meter incorporates comprehensive GLP features and the downloading of data via USB connection.Each parameter is supported by on-screen contextGPS (Global Positioning System) EnabledThe new HI 9828 features an internal 12 channel GPS receiver and antenna that calculates its position to track locations along with measurement data. The GPS tracks your location using satellites to within 30 ft (10 m) so you can be sure that you return to the same location for repeated measurements.Basic GPS Features•GPS coordinates shown on the LCD with up to 10 measurement parameters •GPS signal strength shown on LCD •Number of satellites shown on LCD•Logged data is embedded with GPS coordinatesAdvanced GPS Features•Users can associate GPS coordinates with alphanumeric locations•Distances between current location and predefined locations are displayed arranged by distance •Memorizes last location and time should signal be lostHI 929828 PC Software•Manages logged data fromthe HI 9828•Displays GPS coordinates withlogged data•Automatically maps samples on your PC (internet connection required)•Shows location points on map along with measurement dataTrack Measurement LocationsUsers can connect to GPS tracking software such as Google™Maps* to view locations where samples have been taken.Measurement information is shown right on the map.Shows current position and number of satellites.GPS data can be customized to meet specific requirements.Displays distances between current location and predefined locations.Fast Tracker™ Tag Identification System’s iButton® Tag Identification System simplifies test logging.Graphing PressureAtmospheric pressure calibration and meas-urement can be made in a choice of units.Help•Display up to 12 parameters •Track measurement locationswith GPS•Meter features IP67 and probe features IP68 waterproof protection•Exclusive Fast Tracker™—Tag I.D. System simplifies test logging •Graphic LCD with backlight•Built-in barometer for DO compensation •Quick Calibration feature•Measurement check eliminatesany erroneous readings•Auto recognition of pH andpH/ORP probe•Logger function records thedata of all connected sensors•Log-on-demand and automaticlogging (up to 60,000 samples)•Can display logged data as graphs•USB for PC connectivity•Auto-range of EC and TDS readings•Good Laboratory Practice featurewith the last 5 calibrations recorded•All sensors are field replaceable•Meter accepts both alkaline andrechargeable batteries•Rugged probe with stainless steeltip has a diameter under 2” forwells and pipesIntuitive Configuration, Measurement and Help Fully Configurable Measurement Screenjunction, non refillable QUICK CALIBRATION SOLUTIONS。

Omega NOMAD 8-Channel Voltage Data Logger 产品说明书

Omega NOMAD 8-Channel Voltage Data Logger 产品说明书

8-channel voltage data logger, 30V input rRT
8-channel voltage data logger, 30V input range with NIST calibration certificate
8-Channel Voltage Data Loggers
Part of the NOMAD® Family
U 16-Bit Resolution U Programmable
Engineering Units, Scale Factor, and Offset Value U Memory Wrap-Around U User Calibration Through Software U Real-Time Operation
Computer Interface: PC serial, RS232C COM or USB (interface cable required); 2400 baud
Software: XP SP3/Vista/7 and 8 (32-bit and 64-bit) Operating Environment: -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F) 0 to 95% RH non-condensing
Ordering Example: OM-CP-OCTVOLT-CERT 8-channel voltage data logger with NIST calibration certificate and OM-CP-IFC200 Windows software with USB interface cable.
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Cellular BandRF Linear LDMOS AmplifierDesigned for ultra-linear amplifier applications in 50 ohm system s operating inthe cellular frequency band. A silicon FET Class A design provides outstandinglinearity and gain. In addition, the excellent group delay and phase linearitycharacteristics are ideal for the most demanding analog or digital modulationsystems, such as TDMA and CDMA.•Third Order Intercept:50 dBm Typ•Power Gain:31 dB Typ (@ f = 880 MHz)•Input and Output VSWR v 1.5:1Features•Excellent Phase Linearity and Group Delay Characteristics•Ideal for Feedforward Base Station Applications•For Use in TDMA and CDMA Multi-Carrier Applications•N Suffix Indicates Lead-Free TerminationsTable 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings (T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Rating Symbol Value UnitDC Supply Voltage V DD30VdcRF Input Power P in+6dBm Storage Temperature Range T stg-40 to +100°C Operating Case Temperature Range T C-20 to +100°C Table 2. Electrical Characteristics (V DD = 28 Vdc, T C = 25°C; 50 Ω System)Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Supply Current I DD—770800mA Power Gain(f = 880 MHz)G p29.53132.5dB Gain Flatness(f = 800-925 MHz)G F—0.10.3dB Power Output @ 1 dB Compression(f = 880 MHz)P1dB—39—dBm Third Order Intercept (f1 = 879 MHz, f2 = 884 MHz)ITO4950—dBm Noise Figure(f = 925 MHz)NF— 3.7 4.5dBDocument Number: MHL9838NRev. 7, 8/2006 Freescale SemiconductorTechnical Data2RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorMHL9838N TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS−400Figure 5. Phase (1), Group Delay (1) versus Temperature−2020P O W E R G A I N /R E T U R N L O S S (d B )Figure 6. Gain Flatness, Phase Linearityversus Temperature, P O W E R G A I N (d B )(P H A S E °)TEMPERATURE (°C)−402012060040100−20801.In Production Test Fixture(P H A S E L I N E A R I T Y °)TEMPERATURE (°C)−402012060040100−2080G p P 1d B (d B m )35393837364041MHL9838N3RF Device DataFreescale SemiconductorTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSI T O (d B m )Figure 7. Power Gain, I DD versus VoltageVOLTAGE (VOLTS)30.5Figure 8. ITO, P1dB versus Voltage42VOLTAGE (VOLTS)52Figure 9. Phase (1), Group Delay (1) versus VoltageVOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 10. Phase Linearity, Gain Flatnessversus Voltage31.330.731.146G R O U P D E L A Y (n S ) (VOLTS)223026282430.9I 400800600900700D D (m A )5004844(P H A S E °) H A S E L I N E A R I T Y °)3539373836P 1d B (d B m ), P O W E R G A I N (d B ), G A I N F L A T N E S S (d B )G p G F 50402.100.091.In Production Test Fixture4RF Device Data Freescale SemiconductorMHL9838N PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSTYLE 1:PIN 1.RF INPUT2.VDD13.VDD24.RF OUTPUTCASE:GROUND CASE 301AP-02ISSUE EInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and softwareimplementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express orimplied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integratedcircuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice toany products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation orguarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor doesFreescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use ofany product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including withoutlimitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may beprovided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and dovary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operatingparameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application bycustomer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any licenseunder its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products arenot designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended forsurgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life,or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor productcould create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyerpurchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended orunauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductorand its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against allclaims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of,directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with suchunintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that FreescaleSemiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.Freescale t and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006. All rights reserved.How to Reach Us:Home Page:E-mail:support@USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:Freescale SemiconductorTechnical Information Center, CH3701300 N. Alma School RoadChandler, Arizona 85224+1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130support@Europe, Middle East, and Africa:Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbHTechnical Information CenterSchatzbogen 781829 Muenchen, Germany+44 1296 380 456 (English)+46 8 52200080 (English)+49 89 92103 559 (German)+33 1 69 35 48 48 (French)support@Japan:Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd.HeadquartersARCO Tower 15F1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0064Japan0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125support.japan@Asia/Pacific:Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd.Technical Information Center2 Dai King StreetTai Po Industrial EstateTai Po, N.T., Hong Kong+800 2666 8080@For Literature Requests Only:Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution CenterP.O. Box 5405Denver, Colorado 802171-800-441-2447 or 303-675-2140Fax: 303-675-2150LDCForFreescaleSemiconductor@。
