专升本《国际贸易学》一、(共75题,共150分)1. 一国/地区在某一时段内同一类产品既有出口又有进口,若出口量大于进口量,则称为()。
(2分)A.对外贸易顺差B.对外贸易逆差C.净出口D.净进口标准答案:C2. 第一次产业革命后,()占据全球国际贸易的垄断和中心地位。
(2分)A.英国B.法国C.德国D.美国标准答案:A3. 重商主义时期,人们认为衡量一国财富的标准是()。
标准答案:B4. 李嘉图对绝对优势理论的重要完善在于()。
标准答案:B5. 用现代分析方法重新诠释李嘉图经典模型时,贸易中两个国家的生产可能性曲线都为()。
标准答案:B6. 一国对应某一进口量所愿意提供的出口量的轨迹为一集合,该集合在国际贸易学中被称为()。
标准答案:D7. 关于生产要素禀赋理论的假定,正确的说法是()。
标准答案:A8. 李嘉图的比较优势学说认为劳动生产率的国际差异是国际贸易发生的原因;而H-O模型则认为,国际贸易发生的原因是()。
在国际贸易中,采用净重计重时,对于如何计算包装的重量,国际上常见的做法是按______、______ 、______和______计算。
开证行D.合同的卖方4.在我国的来料加工合同中,来料需要计价者,其支付方式可以采用( )。
专升本《国际贸易学》一、(共75题,共150分)1. 关于国际贸易的定义,正确的说法是()。
.标准答案:C2. 为剔除通货膨胀的影响,将一国对外贸易量换算成对外贸易额,需要用()进行矫正。
.标准答案:C3. 重商主义是资本主义生产方式准备时期,代表()利益的经济思想和政策体系。
.标准答案:D4. 按照绝对优势理论,一国应该生产和出口()。
.标准答案:A5. 以下关于新古典贸易理论与古典贸易理论关系的说法中,正确的是()。
.标准答案:D6. 用于解释国家间商品交换比价确定的原理是()。
.标准答案:C 7. 赫克歇尔——俄林提出的国际贸易学说是()。
.标准答案:D8. 生产要素禀赋理论中“要素密集度”指()。
国贸专升本试题及答案解析一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际贸易中,下列哪项不是贸易术语(Incoterms)?A. EXWB. FOBC. CIFD. MOQ答案:D解析:MOQ(最小订购量)是指采购方在一次订单中必须达到的最小数量,这并不是贸易术语,而是一个商业术语。
2. 以下哪个国家不是世界贸易组织(WTO)的成员国?A. 美国B. 中国C. 印度D. 朝鲜答案:D解析:朝鲜目前不是世界贸易组织(WTO)的成员国。
3. 以下哪种支付方式不属于国际贸易常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 托收C. 汇款D. 现金支付答案:D解析:现金支付通常不适用于国际贸易,因为涉及金额较大,风险较高。
4. 以下哪个不是国际贸易中的结算货币?A. 美元B. 欧元C. 日元D. 人民币答案:D解析:虽然人民币在国际贸易中使用越来越广泛,但目前还不是国际贸易中的主要结算货币。
5. 以下哪个不是国际贸易中常见的运输方式?A. 海运B. 空运C. 铁路运输D. 邮政快递答案:D解析:邮政快递通常用于小件物品的国内运输,而不是国际贸易中的主要运输方式。
二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述国际贸易中常见的贸易壁垒有哪些?答案:国际贸易中常见的贸易壁垒包括关税壁垒、非关税壁垒、配额制度、出口补贴、进口许可证制度等。
2. 请解释什么是“最惠国待遇”?答案:最惠国待遇是指一个国家给予另一个国家在贸易上最优惠的待遇,并且这种待遇不得低于给予任何第三国的待遇。
3. 什么是“贸易平衡”?答案:贸易平衡是指一个国家在一定时期内出口总额与进口总额之间的差额。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设某国A的一家公司向国B出口一批商品,合同规定采用FOB贸易术语,但在运输过程中货物受损,请问责任应该由哪方承担?答案:根据FOB(Free On Board)贸易术语,卖方完成交货责任是在货物过船舷时。
微观经济学指定的复习教材是高鸿业的《西方经济学》(微观部分),这门课是大一的时候学的,到大三基本都忘光了,就跟没学一样= =,20天的时间都用在了微观经济学的复习上面,书看了两遍,根据上一届学姐的建议和我自己复习时候的感觉,重点章节为供需曲线概述及基本概念,效用论,生产论,成本论,完全竞争市场,非完全竞争市场,市场失灵和微观经济政策,这次考点全部出自这些章节,当然其他章节也要看看,了解一下,但不用当做重点。
国际贸易学考试题(含答案)一、单选题(共60题,每题1分,共60分)1、《国际货物多式联运公约》中规定:如果在货物交付之日或应当交付之日后( )内,没有提出书面索赔通知,并说明索赔的性质和主要事项,则在期满后失去诉讼时效。
A、2年B、18个月C、6个月D、1年正确答案:C2、某公司出口某商品大约1000公吨,根据《跟单信用证统一惯例(600)》规定,该公司发货时,如果支取金额不会超过信用证总金额,最多可以装运( )。
A、1000公吨B、1050公吨C、1100公吨D、1115公吨正确答案:C3、如果汇票标明“ Pay to the order of” 则说明该汇票为( )。
A、8月11日B、7月31日C、8月10日D、7月21日正确答案:C6、从法律上讲,提单可作为物权凭证,这是说A、提单正本作为物权凭证有一定的时间界限B、提单正本在任何时间都起到物权凭证的作用C、提单副本也起到物权凭证的作用D、提单在任何时间都起到物权凭证的作用正确答案:A7、[]按CIF Tianjin 成交的进口合同中,卖方完成交货任务的地点最有可能是在()。
A、纽约港B、天津市内C、天津港D、纽约市内正确答案:A8、以下单据中,既可以作为物权凭证,又可以作为货物收据的是(?? )A、海运单B、航空分运单C、海运提单D、航空总运单正确答案:C9、根据《2010通则》的解释,FOB和FCA的主要区别是()。
2008--2012年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业招生计划、考试科目、参考教材和录取分数线2012年武汉工业学院普通专升本国际经济与贸易专业招生人数、考试科目、参考教材、录取分数:招生人数:602012年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业考试科目大学英语+微观经济学2012年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业参考教材《新视野大学英语读写教程》(1-3册)郑树棠等外语教学与研究出版社;《西方经济学》(微观部分)高鸿业中国人民大学出版社2011年武汉工业学院普通专升本国际经济与贸易专业招生人数、考试科目、参考教材、录取分数:招生人数:10 2011年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业考试科目大学英语+微观经济学2011年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业参考教材大学英语:《新视野大学英语读写教程》(1-3册)郑树棠等外语教学与研究出版社;微观经济学:《西方经济学》(微观部分)高鸿业中国人民大学出版社;2010年武汉工业学院普通专升本国际经济与贸易专业招生人数、考试科目、参考教材、录取分数:招生人数:302010年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业考试科目大学英语+微观经济学2010年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业参考教材大学英语《新视野大学英语读写教程》(1-3)郑树棠等外语教学与研究出版社微观经济学:《西方经济学》(微观部分)高鸿业中国人民大学出版社2010年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业录取分数线及要求1电气信息类131 2工商管理类133 3国际经济与贸易130 4护理学142 5机械设计制造及其自动化184 6计算机科学与技术136 7生物工程142 8土木工程136 9艺术设计140 10英语183 11食品科学与工程1472009年武汉工业学院普通专升本国际经济与贸易专业招生人数、考试科目、参考教材、录取分数:招生人数:302009年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业考试科目大学英语+计算机基础+微观经济学2009年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业参考教材大学英语:《新视野大学英语读写教程》(1-3)郑树棠等外语教学与研究出版社计算机基础《大学计算机基础》(第四版)杨振山等高等教育出版社微观经济学《西方经济学》(微观部分)(第三版) 高鸿业中国人民大学出版社2009年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业录取分数线及要求录取分数线国际经济与贸易130分2008年武汉工业学院普通专升本国际经济与贸易专业招生人数、考试科目、参考教材、录取分数:招生人数:102008年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业考试科目大学英语+计算机基础+微观经济学2008年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业参考教材大学英语《新视野大学英语读写教程(1-3)郑树棠等外语教学与研究出版社计算机基础《大学计算机基础》(第四版)杨振山等高等教育出版社微观经济学《西方经济学》(微观部分)(第三版)高鸿业中国人民大学出版社2008年武汉工业学院专升本国际经济与贸易专业录取分数线及要求各专业录取分数线1、电气信息类165分2、工商管理类175分3、国际经济与贸易175分4、护理学165分5、机械设计制造及其自动化165分6、计算机科学与技术165分7、旅游管理155分8、生物工程177分9、土木工程168分10、行政管理175分11、艺术设计175分12、英语196分更多关于武汉工业大学专升本信息请访问:/ptzsb/Channel/whgyxyzsb/。
国际贸易学练习题库含参考答案一、单选题(共60题,每题1分,共60分)1、承运人收到托运货物,但尚未装船时向托运人签发的提单是( )。
A、已装船提单B、舱面提单C、指示提单D、备运提单正确答案:D2、《服务贸易总协定》界定的服务贸易的范围不包括( )。
A、关税同盟B、经济同盟C、完全经济一体化D、共同市场正确答案:A11、在信用证的汇票条款中注明“Drawn on us”,出口商繕制汇票时,应将付款人做成()。
武汉工业学院普通专升本国际贸易专业原题Revised final draft November 26, 2020快速阅读原文In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pileof ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed thereand started digging through the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutchingtheir hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying:"It s too late! They re all dead! You can t help!Go home! Come on, face reality, there s nothing you can do!"To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You re in danger. We ll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now"The police came and said, "You re angry, anxious and it s over. You re endangering others. Go home. We ll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now"No one helped.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead" He dug for eight hours (12)hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled backa large stone and heard his son s voice. He screamed his son s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!! It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told em that if you were alive, you d save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What sgoing on in there How is it" the father asked."There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us.""Come out, boy!""No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you ll always be there forme!"1-7为T/F/NG判断题 8-10为填空题阅读理解A railroad was being built all the way down the east coast off Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami and Negro workers were employed because they were cheap. A great many of them were in Daytona. Mostof them had children. They were living in shacks worse than those in The Terry in Augusta. The children were running wild in the streets. Mary Bethune seemed to hear a voice say, "What is the place Buildyour school there."Her husband, Albertus, wasn't so sure about her school. He thought Palatka was a pretty good place for them to live. Mary listened but she never gave up her idea. She knew that if she went to Daytona, Albertuswould come too.One day she begged a ride for herself and her little boy with afamily that was going to Daytona. It was only seventy miles away. But in 1904 the sand was deep on Florida roads. Practically no one had an automobile -- certainly not the poor family that gave Mary and little Albert a ride. So it was three dusty days after they left Palatka before they reached Daytona. There Mary hunted up the only person she knew, and she and little Albert stayed with this friend for a few days.As she had done in The Terry in Augusta, Mary walked up and down the poor streets of Daytona. She was looking for two things -- a building for the school she was determined to start and some pupils for that school.After a day or two, she found an empty shack on Oak Street. She thought this would do. The owner said she could rent it for $11.00 a month. But it wasn't worth that much. The paint had peeled off, the front steps wobbled so that she had to hang onto the shaky railing to keep from falling, the house was dirty, ithad a leaky roof. In mostof the windows the panes of glass were broken or cracked.Eleven dollars a month !Mary said she only had $1.50. She promisedto pay the rent as soon as she could earn the money. The ownertrusted her. By the time she was sure she could have the building,she had five little girls from the neighborhood as her pupils.What a school! A rickety old house and five little girls! The little girls pitched in and cleaned the house. The neighbors helped with scrubbing brushes, brooms, hammers, nails, and saws. Soon the cottage could be lived in, but there were no chairs, no tables, nobeds. There was no stove. However, there were no pots and pans to cook in, evenif there had been a stove.Mary set about changing these things. She found things in trashpiles and the city dump. Nobody but Mary would have thought of making tables and chairs and desks from the old crates she picked up and brought home. Behind the hotels on the beach she found cracked dishes, old lamps, even some old clothes. She took them home too. Everything was scoured and mended and used. "Keep things clean and neat" was her motto then; and as long as she lived the pupils in her school had to live up to that motto.Her little pupils had no pencils. They wrote with pieces of charcoal made from burned logs. Their ink was elderberry juice. What good was ink or a pencil if there was no paper to write on Mary took care of that too.Every time she went to the store to get a little food, or a few pots and pans, she had each article wrapped separately. The pieces of wrapping paper were carefully removed and smoothed out. The little girls used this paper to write their lessons with their charcoal pencils.She needed a cookstovevery badly but she couldn't pay for one. What should she do Her little pupils had to have warm food.Unexpectedly, the problem was solved for her. One day a wrinkled old white neighbor said to her, "Can you read"Mary said, "Yes.""Then will you read me this letter from my son I can't find my glasses."Mary read the letter to her."Thanks," said the mother.Mary turned to go. "You're welcome."The old woman stood by her open door and thought a moment. Then she said, "I got an old cookstoveand I don't need it. Would you want it" Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following questions.1. How did Mary's husband, Albertusfeel about going to Daytona ____A) He was strongly in favour.B) He was quite reluctant.C) He was definitely against it.D) He was not happy about the idea.2. Mary's pupils used elderberry juice to write with because____A) itdidn't stain like ink didB) theycouldn't afford inkC) itwas easier to write with than inkD) theypreferred it to ink3. Which of the following is a statement of opinion rather than offact____A) Henry Flagler was building a railroad from Jacksonville to Miami.B) The owner said she could rent it for $11.00 a month.C) Every time she went to the store to get a little food, or a few pots and pans, Mary had each article wrapped separately.D) Nobody but Mary would have thought of making tables and chairs from the old crates.4. The word that best describes Mary is____A) determinedB) neatC) poorD) creative5. Which of the following best describes this story____A) A story of a real person's life written by another person.B) A story written by the author using imagination andcreativity.C) A story of a real person's life written by that person.D) A story of a historical person written by a historian.D B D A AA few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders. Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life style. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their educations, move out of the family home at an early age. marry orlive with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents.In our upwardly morden society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes.Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following questions.11. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _______.(A) the generation gap suddenly appeared(B) the generation gap is a feature of American life(C) how people can reduce the generation gap(D) many critics argue over the nature of the generation gap12. The word "around" in paragraph 1 means _______.(A) on all sides(B) in every direction(C) near(D) in existence13. Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap(A) Young people like to choose their own life styles.(B) American society is changing very fast.(C) Parents place high hopes on their children.(D) Modern education makes them think differently.14. In American society, young people often _______.(A) rely on their parents to make a life(B) stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher education(C) seek the best advice from their parents(D) have very little in common with their parents15. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the reading passage(A) Parents should be more tolerable towards their children.(B) The younger generation should value the older generation fortheir wisdom.(C) The generation gap is partly created by the elder generation.(D) the generation gap should be avoidable in American soclety.B D D D C选词填空原文选自作文HOW TO GET RID OF BAD HABITS1.每个人都有坏习惯2.我们必须改掉这些坏习惯3.如何改掉这些坏习惯We all have certain kinds of bad habits we are ashamed of. Once we are in a bad habit, it is wise to get rid of it immediately. But itis not ,so easy a thing to do.To get rid of a bad habit, we should first get to know how bad it really is. Let's take the habit of smoking as an example. It is a waste of money. A heavy smoker spends almost as much money a day as he pays for his own meals. Besides, smoking is also harmful to one's health. It can result in lung cancer and heart attack. People who can realize this will stop spending money damaging his health.To get rid of a bad habit, we should also have courage and a strong will. Let's again take the habit of smoking as an example. Many smokers pick up the habit again soon after they determined to give it up. A lot of them can not tell how many times they have attempted to do so. So it is impossible to get rid of any bad habit if you don't have a strong determination.However, no matter how difficult it is, we should never give up doing away with bad habits. In fact, many people succeed in giving up their bad habit Once we are aware of the bad habit, we should never find any excuse, instead, we should do away with it with a strong determination.名词解释需求价格弹性恩格尔定律价格歧视规模报酬简答供求定理作图简述TP AP MP关系简述完全竞争厂商均衡时有P=MP市场失灵的原因及对策。
A、作为银行议付货款的单据之一B、作为仲裁机构受理案件的依据之一C、作为索赔的依据之一D、作为海关通关验放的单据之一正确答案:B4、Laytime?and?demurrage?clause?normally?appeared?in?the?(??)Chart er?Party.A、VoyageB、BareboatC、TCTD、Time正确答案:A5、对于一些名牌商品,一般应选用的表示品质的依据为( )。
这种损失是< >A、全部损失B、有时是全部损失,有时是部分损失C、单独损失D、部分损失正确答案:C8、对大宗低值货物,班轮运费一般采用()的办法。
专升本国际贸易真题试卷一、单项选择题(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1、一国在一定时期内的进出口额之和被称为()A 对外贸易额B 对外贸易量C 国际贸易额D 国际贸易量2、能够比较确切地反映一国对外贸易实际规模,便于各个时期进行比较的是()A 贸易顺差B 对外贸易额C 对外贸易商品结构D 对外贸易量3、国际分工形成和发展的决定性因素是()A 自然条件B 资本流动C 上层建筑D 社会生产力4、按照比较成本理论,一国应该出口()A 绝对成本低的商品B 比较成本高的商品C 比较成本低的商品D 丰裕要素密集的商品5、要素禀赋理论的提出者是()A 赫克歇尔B 大卫·李嘉图C 亚当·斯密D 凯恩斯6、按照要素禀赋理论,在中国与西方发达国家的贸易中,中国的工资水平将会()A 趋于上升B 趋于下降C 保持不变D 升降不定7、里昂惕夫之谜是指美国出口商品的资本密集度()A 高于其进口商品B 低于其进口商品C 低于其进口替代商品D 高于其进口替代商品8、按照产品的生命周期理论,创新产品通常是()A 技术密集型产品B 劳动密集型产品C 资本密集型产品D 资源密集型产品9、普惠制的主要原则之一是“非歧视的”,其含义是()A 发展中国家应对所有发达国家给予普惠制待遇B 发展中国家应对所有发达国家的制成品出口给予普惠制待遇C 发达国家应对所有发展中国家给予普惠制待遇D 发达国家应对所有发展中国家出口的初级产品给予普惠制待遇10、关税配额的含义是指()A 对进口商品既有配额限制(超过配额,不许进口),又要征收进口关税B 对关税配额内的进口商品征收低关税,对关税配额外的进口商品征收高关税C 一国免税进口的数量限额,超过限额的进口要缴纳常规关税D 发达国家对发展中国家的进口优惠限额,超过限额的不能享受优惠待遇11、卖方信贷是指()A 卖方对买方的信贷B 卖方银行对买方的信贷C 卖方银行对卖方的信贷D 买方银行对卖方的信贷12、在自由贸易区内,各成员国之间()A 人员自由流动B 资金自由流动C 对区外进口的关税统一D 商品自由流动13、世界贸易组织的最高决策机构是()A 部长会议B 总理事会C 秘书处D 货物贸易理事会14、对在中国境内的外资公司,对其提出当地成分要求,即要求购买一定比例的当地原材料、零部件,这种做法违反了 WTO 的()A 《外汇管理协定》B 《外资企业协定》C 《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》D 《出口管理协定》15、下列关于跨国公司的说法不正确的是()A 跨国公司的来源国称为东道国B 跨国公司内部实行“一体化”管理C 跨国公司的经营多样化D 跨国公司的转移价格由总公司确定16、国际服务贸易的特点不包括()A 无形性B 不可储存性C 同质性D 生产与消费的同时性17、下列不属于国际技术贸易方式的是()A 许可贸易B 技术咨询C 合作生产D 商品倾销18、某国 2008 年纺织品的进口额与出口额分别为 50 亿美元和 100 亿美元,则该国当年纺织品的贸易顺差为()A 50 亿美元B -50 亿美元C 100 亿美元D -100 亿美元19、以货物经过结关作为统计进出口的标准是()A 总贸易体系B 专门贸易体系C 对外贸易额D 对外贸易量20、晚期重商主义主张()A 禁止货币出口B 禁止贵重金属外流C 奖出限入,保证贸易顺差D 国家不要干预对外贸易二、多项选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
国际贸易实务(专升本)复习题(一)一、单项选择题1.如2007年,某国出口贸易额为380亿美元,进口额为360亿美元,则该国( )A.净出口额为20亿美元B.贸易顺差为20亿美元C.净进口额为20亿美元D.贸易逆差为20亿美元2、对于大批量交易的散装货,因较难掌握商品的数量,通常在合同中规定( )A.品质公差条款B.溢短装条款C.立即装运条款D.仓至仓条款3.L/C与托收相结合的支付方式,其全套货运单据应( )A.随信用证项下的汇票B.随托收项下的汇票C.50%随信用证项下的汇票,50%随托收项下的汇票D.单据与票据分列在信用证和托收汇票项下4、信用证的第一付款人是( )A.进口人B.开证行C.议付行D.通知行5、一张经过了五次背书的汇票,其“前手”最多有( )个。
A.3B.4C.5D.66、出口总成本是指( )A.进货成本B.进货成本+出口前一切费用C.进货成本+出口前的一切费用+出口前的一切税金D.对外销售价7、承兑是( )对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。
A.付款人B.收款人C.出口人D.开证银行8、根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,发盘和接受的生效采取( )A.投邮生效原则B.签订书面合约原则C.口头协商原则D.到达生效原则9、审核信用证的依据是( )A.开证申请书B.—整套单据C.合同D.商业发票10、以下我出口商品的单价,只有( )的表达是正确的。
A.250美元/桶B.250美元/桶CIF伦敦C.250美元/桶CIF广州D.250美元答案:1——5BBBBD6——10CADCB二、多项选择题1、1. 根据《2000年通则》的解释,以下( ABCD )是责任、费用划分点相分离的贸易术语。
A.FOB班轮条件B.FOB包括平舱、理舱C.FOB包括理舱D.FOB吊钩下交货3. CIF术语与DES术语的区别是( BCD )。
A.互购贸易 B.易货贸易C.产品回购 D.抵消贸易2.使用FOB贸易术语时,卖方应承担的责任是()。
A.美制 B.英制C.国际单位制 D.公制4.国际货物买卖合同成立的两个不可缺少的基本环节是()。
A.发盘和还盘 B.询盘和发盘C.发盘和接受 D.询盘和接受5.一份信用证若经开证行以外的另一个银行保证对符合信用证要求的单据履行付款义务,这份信用证就称为()。
A.不可撤销信用证 B.不可转让信用证C.议付信用证 D.保兑信用证6.我公司对某外商A就某产品发盘,下列哪种情况下,双方可达成交易()。
A.适合的运输方式不同 B.办理出口手续不同C.负责订立运输合同的责任方不同D.负责订立保险合同的责任方不同8.采用CFR术语成交,卖方欲不负担卸货费用,可选用()。
A.CFR Landed B.CFR ExShin’s Hold C.CFR Liner Terms D.上述变形都可以9.根据现行伦敦保险协会《海运货物保险条款》的规定,保险人承担风险最大的险别是()。
A.ICC(A) B.ICC(B)C.ICC(C) D.ICC(D)10.根据《INCOTERMS 2000》解释,C组贸易术语的共同特征是()。
专升本国贸相关试题(doc 33页)
![专升本国贸相关试题(doc 33页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3db4f076aef8941ea66e0544.png)
专升本国贸相关试题(doc 33页)部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑1.从某一特定国家或地区角度,该国或地区对其他国家或地8.是指设备拥有者与承租人订立租约,把设备交给承租人使11.如果一个国家生产一种产品的平均成本低于另外一个国12.如果一个国家生产一种产品的比较成本低于另外一个国易。
A.1种 B.2种C.5种 D.13种2.按CFR条件达成的合同,凡需程租运输的大宗货物,应在合同中具体订明〔〕。
A.装货费用由谁负担 B.卸货费用有谁负担C.保险费用由谁负担 D.运费由谁负担3.在以下《2000年通那么》贸易术语中,买方承当责任最大,负担费用最多的贸易术语是〔〕。
A.装运港交货贸易术语 B.出口地陆交货贸易术语C.目的港交货贸易术语 D.目的地交货贸易术语5.出口生丝等产品,计算重量的方法一般采用( )。
A.以毛作净 B.理论重量C.公量 D.法定重量6.“仓至仓条款〞是〔〕。
A.承运人负责运输责任起讫的条款 B.保险人负责保险责任起讫的条款C.出口人负责交货责任起讫的条款 D.承租人负责运输责任起讫的条款7.信用证经保兑后,保兑行〔〕。
A.实际全损 B.推定全损C.共同海损 D.单独海损9.以下情况属于推定全损的是〔〕。
A.按货物的毛重计收 B.按货物的体积计收C.按货物的件数计收 D.按货物的价值计收11.当信用证条款与合同规定不一致时,受益人应该联系何人修改〔〕。
每小题1分,共19分)1.专门贸易体系是指以( )作为统计界限。
A.关境B.国境C.货物进出口D.服务进出口2.对外贸易对( )的作用具体表现在:它为资本主义生产提供了劳动力、资本和市场。
A.资本主义发展B.资本主义生产方式本身C.资本主义经济体系D.资本原始积累3.人力资本说用对人力投资的差异来解释美国对外贸易商品结构符合( )的学说。
A.赫克歇尔—俄林原理B.里昂惕夫之谜C.比较成本学说D.劳动熟练说4.单项因素贸易条件是在( )基础上,考虑劳动生产率的变化。
A.收入贸易条件B.净贸易条件C.出口量D.出口额5.与自由贸易区相比,关税同盟不存在( )的问题。
A.关税B.贸易偏转C.利润倒流D.货物自由流动6.对发展中国家经济一体化现象作出阐释的是较有影响的( )理论。
A.大市场B.关税同盟C.综合发展战略D.协议性国际分工7.第一次世界大战后到第二次世界大战前,主要资本输出国是英国和( )A.德国B.美国C.意大利D.日本8.在国际技术贸易中,技术接受方一般采用( )方式进行技术贸易标的物的作价原则。
A.成本加利润B.合同C.契约D.利润分成9.公司内部贸易的产品主要是( )A.中间产品B.有待于加工和组装的中间产品C.待售的最终产品D.高技术产品10.英国学者巴克莱和卡森提出( )理论。
A.内部化B.国际生产折衷C.产品生命周期D.垄断优势11.李斯特贸易保护主义的主要特点是( )A.保持贸易顺差B.保护幼稚工业C.保护成熟的垄断工业D.系统化的管理贸易制度12.进口附加税是一种( )A.特定的临时性措施B.普遍采用的措施C.经常性的措施D.非关税措施13.进口许可证中的公开一般许可证( )A.对进口国别或地区没有限制B.对进口国别或地区有限制C.指定了进口国别或地区D.又称为非自动进口许可证14.进口国在总配额内按国别和地区分配一定的配额,超过该配额便不准进口,这是( )A.全球配额B.关税配额C.国别配额D.“自动”出口配额15.出口补贴作为一种鼓励出口的措施就是在出口某种商品时给予出口厂商( )优惠待遇。
A、买方样品B、卖方样品C、对等样品D、参考样品答案: C2.英国某买方向我轻工业出口公司来电“拟购美加净牙膏大号1000罗,请电告最低价格最快交货期”此来电属交易蹉商的()环节。
A、发盘B、询盘C、还盘D、接受答案: B3.具有“四固定”特点的运输方式是()。
A、班轮运输B、定程租船C、定期租船D、光船租船答案: A4.轮船公司在提单上未作任何不良批注的提单是()。
A、不清洁提单B、清洁提单C、不记名提单D、已装船提单答案: B5.按照《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,如果卖方交货数量多于合同规定数量时,买方()。
A、只接受合同规定部分B、只能全部接收C、只能全部拒绝D、可以接受多交货物中的一部分或全部答案: D6.在我国进出口合同中,关于商品检验的时间和地点一般规定为()。
A、在出口国工厂检验B、在装运港检验C、在目的港检验D、装运地检验和目的地复验答案: D7.出口一批茶叶,为防止运输途中串味,办理保险时,应投保()。
A、串味险B、一切险加串味险C、水渍险加串味险D、平安险答案: C8.D/P·T/R意指()。
A、付款交单B、承兑交单C、付款交单凭信托收据借单D、承兑交单凭信托收据借单答案: C9.根据惯例,国际贸易中最常见的计重办法是按()计。
A、毛重B、净重C、理论重量D、公量答案: B10.以下()具有承兑行为。
A、支票B、远期汇票C、远期本票D、即期汇票答案: B11.国际多式联合运输是以至少两种不同的运输方式将货物从一国境内接受货物的地点运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点的运输,它由()。
A、一个联运经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按全程费率一次计收B、一个联运经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按不同运输方式分别计收C、多个运输经营人负责货物的全程运输,运费按全程费率一次计收D、多种运输方式,分别经营,分别计费答案: A12.一般而言,对于出口商来说,采用信用证结算方式比采用即期付款交单结算方式,前者承担的风险()。
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武汉工业学院普通专升本国际贸易专业原题集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]快速阅读原文In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you!" And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pileof ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his son s classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed thereand started digging through the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutchingtheir hearts, saying: "My son!" "My daughter!" Other well meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying:"It s too late! They re all dead! You can t help!Go home! Come on, face reality, there s nothing you can do!"To each parent he responded with one line: "Are you going to help me now" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the school s ruins saying, "Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. You re in danger. We ll take care of it. Go home." To which this loving, caring American father asked, "Are you going to help me now"The police came and said, "You re angry, anxious and it s over. You re endangering others. Go home. We ll handle it!" To which he replied, "Are you going to help me now"No one helped.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: "Is my boy alive or is he dead" He dug for eight hours (12)hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled backa large stone and heard his son s voice. He screamed his son s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad!! It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told em that if you were alive, you d save me and when you saved me, they d be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!" "What sgoing on in there How is it" the father asked."There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. We re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you re here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us.""Come out, boy!""No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you ll always be there forme!"1-7为T/F/NG判断题 8-10为填空题阅读理解A railroad was being built all the way down the east coast off Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami and Negro workers were employed because they were cheap. A great many of them were in Daytona. Mostof them had children. They were living in shacks worse than those in The Terry in Augusta. The children were running wild in the streets. Mary Bethune seemed to hear a voice say, "What is the place Buildyour school there."Her husband, Albertus, wasn't so sure about her school. He thought Palatka was a pretty good place for them to live. Mary listened but she never gave up her idea. She knew that if she went to Daytona, Albertuswould come too.One day she begged a ride for herself and her little boy with afamily that was going to Daytona. It was only seventy miles away. But in 1904 the sand was deep on Florida roads. Practically no one had an automobile -- certainly not the poor family that gave Mary and little Albert a ride. So it was three dusty days after they left Palatka before they reached Daytona. There Mary hunted up the only person she knew, and she and little Albert stayed with this friend for a few days.As she had done in The Terry in Augusta, Mary walked up and down the poor streets of Daytona. She was looking for two things -- a building for the school she was determined to start and some pupils for that school.After a day or two, she found an empty shack on Oak Street. She thought this would do. The owner said she could rent it for $11.00 a month. But it wasn't worth that much. The paint had peeled off, the front steps wobbled so that she had to hang onto the shaky railing to keep from falling, the house was dirty, ithad a leaky roof. In mostof the windows the panes of glass were broken or cracked.Eleven dollars a month !Mary said she only had $1.50. She promisedto pay the rent as soon as she could earn the money. The ownertrusted her. By the time she was sure she could have the building,she had five little girls from the neighborhood as her pupils.What a school! A rickety old house and five little girls! The little girls pitched in and cleaned the house. The neighbors helped with scrubbing brushes, brooms, hammers, nails, and saws. Soon the cottage could be lived in, but there were no chairs, no tables, nobeds. There was no stove. However, there were no pots and pans to cook in, evenif there had been a stove.Mary set about changing these things. She found things in trashpiles and the city dump. Nobody but Mary would have thought of making tables and chairs and desks from the old crates she picked up and brought home. Behind the hotels on the beach she found cracked dishes, old lamps, even some old clothes. She took them home too. Everything was scoured and mended and used. "Keep things clean and neat" was her motto then; and as long as she lived the pupils in her school had to live up to that motto.Her little pupils had no pencils. They wrote with pieces of charcoal made from burned logs. Their ink was elderberry juice. What good was ink or a pencil if there was no paper to write on Mary took care of that too.Every time she went to the store to get a little food, or a few pots and pans, she had each article wrapped separately. The pieces of wrapping paper were carefully removed and smoothed out. The little girls used this paper to write their lessons with their charcoal pencils.She needed a cookstovevery badly but she couldn't pay for one. What should she do Her little pupils had to have warm food.Unexpectedly, the problem was solved for her. One day a wrinkled old white neighbor said to her, "Can you read"Mary said, "Yes.""Then will you read me this letter from my son I can't find my glasses."Mary read the letter to her."Thanks," said the mother.Mary turned to go. "You're welcome."The old woman stood by her open door and thought a moment. Then she said, "I got an old cookstoveand I don't need it. Would you want it" Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following questions.1. How did Mary's husband, Albertusfeel about going to Daytona ____A) He was strongly in favour.B) He was quite reluctant.C) He was definitely against it.D) He was not happy about the idea.2. Mary's pupils used elderberry juice to write with because____A) itdidn't stain like ink didB) theycouldn't afford inkC) itwas easier to write with than inkD) theypreferred it to ink3. Which of the following is a statement of opinion rather than offact____A) Henry Flagler was building a railroad from Jacksonville to Miami.B) The owner said she could rent it for $11.00 a month.C) Every time she went to the store to get a little food, or a few pots and pans, Mary had each article wrapped separately.D) Nobody but Mary would have thought of making tables and chairs from the old crates.4. The word that best describes Mary is____A) determinedB) neatC) poorD) creative5. Which of the following best describes this story____A) A story of a real person's life written by another person.B) A story written by the author using imagination andcreativity.C) A story of a real person's life written by that person.D) A story of a historical person written by a historian.D B D A AA few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders. Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life style. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their educations, move out of the family home at an early age. marry orlive with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents.In our upwardly morden society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes.Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following questions.11. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _______.(A) the generation gap suddenly appeared(B) the generation gap is a feature of American life(C) how people can reduce the generation gap(D) many critics argue over the nature of the generation gap12. The word "around" in paragraph 1 means _______.(A) on all sides(B) in every direction(C) near(D) in existence13. Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap(A) Young people like to choose their own life styles.(B) American society is changing very fast.(C) Parents place high hopes on their children.(D) Modern education makes them think differently.14. In American society, young people often _______.(A) rely on their parents to make a life(B) stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher education(C) seek the best advice from their parents(D) have very little in common with their parents15. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the reading passage(A) Parents should be more tolerable towards their children.(B) The younger generation should value the older generation fortheir wisdom.(C) The generation gap is partly created by the elder generation.(D) the generation gap should be avoidable in American soclety.B D D D C选词填空原文选自作文HOW TO GET RID OF BAD HABITS1.每个人都有坏习惯2.我们必须改掉这些坏习惯3.如何改掉这些坏习惯We all have certain kinds of bad habits we are ashamed of. Once we are in a bad habit, it is wise to get rid of it immediately. But itis not ,so easy a thing to do.To get rid of a bad habit, we should first get to know how bad it really is. Let's take the habit of smoking as an example. It is a waste of money. A heavy smoker spends almost as much money a day as he pays for his own meals. Besides, smoking is also harmful to one's health. It can result in lung cancer and heart attack. People who can realize this will stop spending money damaging his health.To get rid of a bad habit, we should also have courage and a strong will. Let's again take the habit of smoking as an example. Many smokers pick up the habit again soon after they determined to give it up. A lot of them can not tell how many times they have attempted to do so. So it is impossible to get rid of any bad habit if you don't have a strong determination.However, no matter how difficult it is, we should never give up doing away with bad habits. In fact, many people succeed in giving up their bad habit Once we are aware of the bad habit, we should never find any excuse, instead, we should do away with it with a strong determination.名词解释需求价格弹性恩格尔定律价格歧视规模报酬简答供求定理作图简述TP AP MP关系简述完全竞争厂商均衡时有P=MP市场失灵的原因及对策。