Bandwidth Utilisation and Wavelength Re-Use in WDM Optical Burst-Switched Packet Networks

第 21 卷 第 4 期2023 年 4 月Vol.21,No.4Apr.,2023太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology超宽带太赫兹调频连续波成像技术胡伟东,许志浩*,蒋环宇,刘庆国,檀桢(北京理工大学毫米波与太赫兹技术北京市重点实验室,北京100081)摘要:太赫兹调频连续波成像技术具有高功率、小型化、低成本、三维成像等特点,在太赫兹无损检测领域受到了广泛关注。
因此,聚焦于太赫兹波无损检测领域,提出一种时分频分复用的114~500 GHz超宽带太赫兹信号的产生方式,基于多频段共孔径准光设计,实现超带宽信号的共孔径,频率可扩展至1.1 THz。
提出一种频段融合算法,实现了超宽带信号的有效融合,距离分辨力提升至460 μm,通过人工设计的多层复合材料验证了系统及算法的有效性,并得到封装集成电路(IC)芯片的高分辨三维成像结果。
关键词:太赫兹调频连续波;非线性度校准;多频段融合;准光设计;无损检测中图分类号:TN914.42文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2022225Ultra-wideband terahertz FMCW imaging technologyHU Weidong,XU Zhihao*,JIANG Huanyu,LIU Qingguo,TAN Zhen (Beijing Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)AbstractAbstract::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave(THz FMCW) imaging technology has attracted extensive attention in the field of THz Nondestructive Testing(NDT) because of its high power,miniaturization, low cost, three-dimensional imaging and other characteristics. However, due to thelimitation of microwave and terahertz devices, the terahertz signal bandwidth is difficult to expand, whichrestricts the range resolution of imaging. Although high carrier frequency can achieve large broadband,the accompanying low penetrability and low power will limit the application scenario of THz FMCWimaging system. Therefore, focusing on the field of terahertz wave nondestructive testing, this paperproposes a time-division frequency-division multiplexing 114~500 GHz ultra-wideband terahertz signalgeneration method, which is based on the quasi-optical design of multiband common aperture to achievethe common aperture of ultra-wideband signals. In addition, a multiband fusion algorithm is proposed toachieve effective fusion of ultra-wideband signals, and the range resolution is improved to 460 μm. Theeffectiveness of the system and algorithm is verified by artificially designed multilayer compositematerials, and the high-resolution 3D imaging results of Integrated Circuit(IC) chips are obtained.KeywordsKeywords::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave;non-linearity calibration;multiband fusion;quasi-optical design;Nondestructive Testing太赫兹波(0.03 mm~3 mm)在电磁波谱中位于微波与红外之间,由于其独特的穿透性与非电离性等特性,太赫兹技术已成功用于艺术品保护、工业产品质量控制、封装集成电路(IC)无损检测等领域[1-3]。

固体激光器的发明大大提高了发射光功率, 延长了传输距离。
光纤通信中常用的三个低损耗窗口的中心波长:0.85um ,1.31um,1.55um,最低损耗窗口的中心波长是在1.55um。
目前光纤通信所用光波的光波波长范围为0.8~1.8um ,属于电磁波谱中的近红外区。
单模光纤是指在给定的工作波长上,mBnBPIN光电二极管,是在P型材料和N型材料之间加上一层轻掺杂质的N型材料, I层。

I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2012, 2, 16-27Published Online March 2012 in MECS(/)DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2012.02.02Ultra Wide WavelengthMultiplexing/Demultiplexing Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices forMulti Band ApplicationsAbd El–Naser A. Mohamed1, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed2*, and Mahmoud M. A. Eid31,2,3Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering DepartmentFaculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf 32951, Menoufia University, EGYPT2*E-mail: ahmed_733@Abstract—This paper has proposed new materials based conventional arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) devices such as pure silica glass (SiO2), Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) , and gallium aluminum arsenide (Ga(1-x)Al(x)As) materials for multiplexing and demultiplexing applications in interval of 1.45 µm to 1.65 µm wavelength band, which including the short, conventional, long, and ultra long wavelength band. Moreover we have taken into account a comparison between these new materials within operating design parameters of conventional AWG devices such as diffraction order, length difference of adjacent waveguides, focal path length, free spectral range or region, maximum number of input/output wavelength channels, and maximum number of arrayed waveguides. As well as we have employed these materials based AWG to include Multi band applications under the effect of ambient temperature variations.Index Terms– Diffraction order; Multi band wavelengths; Ultra long wavelength band; Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG); Multiplexing/Demultiplexing applications.I.INTRODUCTIONThe increase on the demand of these services, related to the deregulation processes in USA and Europe in the telecommunications sector [1], has motivated the need of telecommunication transport networks with higher capacity and flexibility. Hence, the general trend in the all the disciplines of telecommunications in the last decade, has been the increase of the capacity and flexibility of existing networks, and the deployment of new networks to cope with the mentioned demand. Therefore, new technologies have appeared and been developed in this period. The discipline of photonics and fiber optic communications has attracted a lot of interest, and has been one of the fields with major increase during this period. Several photonics and optics technologies have made feasible the increase and development of the capacity and flexibility in existing and new telecommunications networks. Nevertheless, two optic technologies have been recognized as the main contributors. First, optical amplification, which has enabled optical fiber transmission systems with higher repeater spacing. Second [2], wavelength division multiplexing, WDM, which has been first used to increase the transmission capacity of point to point optical fiber links, by using serveral wavelengths in the same fiber, to transmit several independent information channels. Optical Raman, Erbium doped and semiconductor amplifiers can regenerate several optical channels at the same time, avoiding the demultiplexer and optoelectronic conversion of each one of the channels in a WDM technique [2, 3].Nevertheless, the use of multiple wavelengths within a fiber, i.e. WDM, has also revealed the possibility of what today is known as all-optical networks, in which the network operations are performed directly in the optical domain, without optoelectronic conversion. The latter has posed several challenges to optics engineers, which can be summarized in the following: the need to design components and systems capable of performing all-optical processing of WDM signals. The term processing encompasses several actions, as for instance generation, combination [4], separation and modification of WDM signals and the individual channels that form the WDM set. Accordingly, the improvement of already existing active and passive optical devices, and the creation of new ones has been a must to perform the mentioned processing. Hence, a lot of efforts have been invested by research institutions and companies to provide cheap devices for WDM applications to the telecommunications [5].In the present study, we have employed three different materials based conventional AWG for multi-wavelength bands for multiplexing and demultiplexing techniques for multi band applications. Also we are taken into account the physical operating parameters of materials based AWG over wide range of the affecting parameters under the temperature variations from room temperature to 65 ºC.II.G ENERAL D ESCRIPTION OF C ONVENTIONAL AWGM ODELAWG is an optical device that can separate the channels of a WDM set, or if operated reversely, combine channels of different wavelengths to form a WDM set, as shown in Fig. 1. (a). From left to right in the figure, the channels in the input port are separated to the output ports. Conversely, the device operation can be described from right to left. The channels with different17Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band Applicationswavelengths present as inputs in the ports at the right hand side of the device, are combined in the port on the left hand side. AWG is the wavelength dependency, together with spatial separation/combination. In fact [6], the AWG can be regarded as having a bank of pass band filters, where each filter allows a channel to pass depending on its wavelength is represented in Fig. 1. (b). Thus, the basic application of an AWG is the combination and separation of wavelengths, multiplexer and demultiplexer respectively. The AWG is a passive optical component, and the WDM channels experience some insertion loss, as in other type of optical filters.Fig. 1. Separation/combination of channels from/to a WDM set with an AWG (a), and illustration of the AWG as a bank of pass bandfilters (b).The number of WDM channels that an AWG can handle, and their spacing, depends on the design of the device. The internal construction of an AWG is based in optical waveguides laid over a solid substrate. Hence, the AWG is an integrated-optic component belonging to the family of planar devices, known as Planar Light wave Circuits, PLC. The waveguide arrangement is shown in Fig. 2. There are input waveguides that may be connected to fibers. The light at the input, formed by several wavelengths, is coupled to the arrayed waveguides by means of a slab coupler, which is also known as free propagation region.Fig. 2. AWG waveguide layout.The arrayed waveguides have different lengths, specifically; the path length difference between adjacent waveguides is constant. The different wavelengths of the light experience different phase changes within the arrayed waveguides. The latter, combined with the second slab coupler, produces the spatial separation of the wavelengths composing the light incoming to the device [7].III. M ODELING B ASICS AND A NALYSISIII. 1. M ATERIALS BASED ARRAYED WAVEGUIDE GRATINGA) P URE SILICA GLASS (S I O2) BASED MATERIALThe refractive index of this waveguide is cast under the Sellemier equation as the following [8]:26225242232222121A A A A A A n −+−+−+=λλλλλλ(1)The set of parameters is recast and dimensionally adjusted as: A 1= 0.691663, A 2=a 2T; a 2 = (0.0684043/T o ), A 3= 0.4079426, A4=a 4T; a 4 = (0.1162414/T 0), A 5= 0.8974794, and A 6=a 6T; a 6 = (9.896161/T 0). Where T is the temperature of the material in ºC, T 0 is the room temperature and is considered 25 ºC. Then the differentiation of Eq. (1) w. r. t operating wavelength λ yields:()n d dn λλ−=()()()⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡−+−+−226226522422432222221.A A A A A A A A A λλλ (2)Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing18 Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band ApplicationsThe differentiation of Eq. (1) w. r. t T gives:()n dT dn2λ=()()()⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡−+−+−226266522424432222221.A a A A A a A A A a A A λλλ (3)B) L ITHIUM NIOBATE (L I N B O 3) BASED MATERIAL The refractive index of this waveguide is cast underthe Sellemier equation as the following [9]:2109876543212)(λλλB B MB B M B B MB B M B B n −−+++−+++=(4)The set of parameters is dimensionally adjusted as: B 1=5.35583, B 2=4.629x10-7, B 3=0.100473, B 4=3.862x10-8, B 5=0.20692, B 6= -0.89x10-8, B 7=100, B 8=2.657x10-5, B 9=11.34927, B 10=0.015334, and M= (T-T o ). (T+570.82). Equation (4) can be simplified as:21029278256234122λλλB B B B B B n −−+−+= (5)Where B12=B 1+(B 2M), B 34=B 3+(B 4M); B 56=B 5+(B 6M),and B 78=B 7+(B 8M). Differentiation of Eq. (5) w. r. t λ yields:()⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡+−+−−=102292782256234)()(B B B B B n d dnλλλλ (6) The differentiation of Eq. (5) w. r. t T gives:()⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡−+−+−+=)()()2()(2/29282256256346256242B B B B B B B B B n dT dM dT dn λλλ(7) Where (dM/dT)=2T+(570.82-T o ).C) G ALLIUM ALUMINUM ARSENIDE (G A (1-X )A L (X )A S )BASED MATERIAL Parameters required to characterize the temperature and operating wavelength dependence of the refractive-index, where Sellmeier equation is under the form of [10]:2432212λλC C C C n −−+= (8)The set of parameters is recast and dimensionally adjusted as [8]: C 1= 10.906-2.92x, C 2= 0.97501, C 3=c 3T 2; c 3= (0.52886-0.735x/T o )2, for x < 0.36. And C 4=c 4 (0.93721+ 2.0857x10-4T); c 4=0.002467(1.14x+1). Differentiation of Eq. (8) w. r. t λ gives: ()()⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡+−−=42322C C C d dnλλλ (9) The differentiation of Eq. (8) w. r. t T gives:()()⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡×−−=−)100857.2(22124423223λλc C T C c n dT dn (10)III. 2. O PERATING PARAMETERS OF AWGWe expressed the corresponding grating order a function of operating wavelength range according to its band applications for a certain spectrum range as [11]:,λλλ−=f m (11)Where m is the diffraction order, λ is the operating wavelength, λf is the final wavelength. The diffraction order is an important parameter. Once the diffraction order m is determined, some other parameters of the AWG device are also determined, such as the length difference of adjacent waveguides, focal length of the slab optical waveguide, free spectral range, maximum number of input/output wavelength channels, and number of the arrayed waveguides. The path length difference between adjacent arrayed optical waveguides ΔL is given by [12]:,0nm L λ=Δ(12)Where, n is the refractive-index of AWG, and λ0 is thecenter wavelength of the arrayed waveguide in μm. The focal length of slab waveguide (L f ) is given by the following equation [12]:,2gs f n m n d n L λΔ=(13)Where n s is the effective index of the slab waveguide, d isthe pitch length of adjacent input/output channels and arrayed waveguides in μm, Δλ is the wavelength channel spacing in nm, and n g is the group refractive index and is given as the following:,0λλd dn n n g −=(14)An important property of the AWG is the free spectral range (FSR), also known as the demultiplexer periodicity. This periodicity is due to the fact that constructive interface at the output free spectral range or region can occur for a number of wavelengths. The free spectral range denotes the wavelength and frequency spacing between the maximum of the interface pattern because of the periodic characteristic of the AWG transfer function, and can be [12]:,0gn m n FSR λ=(15)The maximum number of I/O wavelength channels N maxdepends on the FSR. The bandwidth of the multiplexed light, that is N max Δλ must be narrow than an FSR to prevent the overlapping of orders in the spectral region. Therefore, N max can be derived as follows [12]: ,int max ⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛Δ=λFSR eger N (16) The number of the arrayed waveguides P is not a dominant parameter in the AWG design because thewavelength channel spacing Δλ and maximum number ofwavelength channels N max do not depend on it. Generally, P is selected so that the number of the arrayed waveguides is sufficient to make the numerical aperture (NA), in which they form a greater number than the input/output waveguides, such that almost all the light diffracted into the free space region is collected by thearray aperture. As a general rule, this number should be bigger than four times the number of wavelength channels [13, 14] 4⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛Δ=λFSR eger P(17)19Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/DemultiplexingConventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band ApplicationsIV.S IMULATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONSWe have investigated the new materials basedarrayed waveguide grating optical devices for multi-bandmultiplexing/demultiplexing applications. In fact, theemployed software computed the variables under thefollowing operating parameters, for temperaturevariations from T=25 ºC to T=65 ºC. and also underdifferent channel spacing ∆λ=0.4 nm and ∆λ=0.2nm.Table1. Typical values of operating parameters in proposed model [13].Operating parameter Symbol ValueFinal wavelength λf 1.65μmCenter wavelength λ0 1.55 μmPitch length d 15 μmSlab refractive-index n s 3.06A) Variations of the diffraction orderVariations of the diffraction order m are investigatedagainst variations of the controlling set of parameters asdisplayed in Fig. 3 for all materials used in our research(SiO2, LiNbO3 ,Ga(1-x)Al x As). This figure clarifies thatwhile operating wavelengthλ increases, this leads todiffraction order m also increases at the assumed set ofthe operating parameters.B) Variations of the path length difference betweenadjacent arrayed waveguidesVariations of ΔL are investigated against variationsof the controlling set of parameters as displayed in Fig. 4for all material used in our research (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As ). This figure clarifies the following results:i. As diffraction order m increases this results in pathlength difference ΔL also increases for all materials based conventional AWG.ii. For certain value of diffraction order m, the value of path length difference ΔL for SiO2 is the largest than LiNbO3 and Ga(1-x)Al x As.C)Variations of the free spectral rangeVariations of FSR, are investigated againstvariations of the set of parameters as displayed in Figs. (5, 6) for all materials used in research (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As ). These figures clarify the following results:i. As diffraction order m increases, FSR decreases forall materials based conventional AWG.ii. For certain value of diffraction order m, value of FSR for SiO2 is larger than LiNbO3 and Ga(1-x)AlxAs.iii. As ambient temperature T increases, FSR decreases for all materials, but in the case of using Ga(1-x)AlxAs there was significant decreasing.D) Variations of the path focal length of slabwaveguideVariations of path focal length L f, are investigatedagainst variations of the controlling set of parameters as displayed in Figs. (7-10) for all material used in our research (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As ). These figures clarify the following results:i. As diffraction order m increases, this results indecreasing of path focal length of slab waveguide forall materials based conventional AWG.ii. For certain value of diffraction order m, value of path focal length of slab waveguide for SiO2 is thelargest than LiNbO3 and Ga(1-x)Al x As.iii. As ambient temperature T increases, this leads to decrease in path focal length for all materials, but inthe case of using Ga(1-x)Al x As there was significantdecreasing.iv. As channel spacing Δλ decreases, this results in increasing path focal length of slab waveguide for allmaterials based conventional AWG.E) Variations of maximum number of I/O wavelengthchannelsVariations of N max, are investigated against variations of the assumed set of parameters as displayed in Figs. (11-14) for all materials based conventional AWG devices in our research (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As). These figures clarify the following results:i. As diffraction order m increases, this results inmaximum number of transmitted channels N maxdecreases for all materials based conventional AWGdevices.ii. For certain value of diffraction order m, SiO2 basedAWG presents the largest number of transmitted channels than LiNbO3 and Ga(1-x)Al x As.iii. As ambient temperature T increases, this leads to decrease in number of transmitted channels N max forall materials, but in the case of using Ga(1-x)Al x As,there was significant decreasing.iv. As channel spacing Δλ decreases, this results in increasing number of transmitted channels for all materials based conventional AWG.F) Variations of number of the arrayed waveguidesVariations of P, are investigated against variations of the controlling set of parameters as displayed in Figs. (15-18) for all materials used in our research (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As). These figures clarify the following results:i. As diffraction order m increases, this leads todecrease in number of arrayed waveguides for all used materials.ii. For certain value of diffraction order m, number ofarrayed waveguides for SiO2 is the largest than LiNbO3 and Ga(1-x)Al x Asiii. As ambient temperature T increases, this results indecreasing number of arrayed waveguides for all materials, but in case of using Ga(1-x)Al x As there wassignificant decreasing.Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing20Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band Applications21 Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/DemultiplexingConventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band ApplicationsUltra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing22Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band Applications23 Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/DemultiplexingConventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band ApplicationsUltra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing24Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band Applications25Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/DemultiplexingConventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band Applicationsiv. As channel spacing Δλ decreases, this leads to increase number of arrayed waveguides for all use materials.Ultra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing26Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band ApplicationsG) Variations of the refractive indexVariations of refractive-index n, are investigated against variations of the controlling set of parameters as displayed in Figs. (19-21) for all materials based conventional AWG devices (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As). These figures clarify the following results:i. As diffraction order m increases, refractive index ndecreases for all used materials.ii. For certain value of diffraction order m and ambient temperature T, the refractive index n for SiO2 isthe lowest than LiNbO3 and Ga(1-x)Al x As.iii. As ambient temperature T increases, refractive indexn increases for all materials based conventionalAWG.H) Variations of dn/dTVariations of dn/dT are investigated against variations of the controlling set of parameters as displayed in Figs. (22-24) for all materials based conventional AWG devices (SiO2, LiNbO3, Ga(1-x)Al x As). These figures clarify the following results:a) Within the effect of ambient temperature:i. For SiO2: As ambient temperature T increases,rate of change of refractive-index with respect totemperature dn/dT decreases exponentially untilreach to approximate value of 39 °C, as well asthere is slightly decreasing until reaches toapproximate value of 51 °C, and after that there isexponential increasing.ii. For LiNbO3: As ambient temperature T increases,rate of change of refractive-index with respect totemperature dn/dT increases linearly.iii. For Ga(1-x)AlxAs: As ambient temperature Tincreases, rate of change of refractive-index withrespect to temperature dn/dT increasesexponentially.b)W ithin the effect of wavelength at certaintemperature:i. For SiO2: As operating signal wavelength λincreases, dn/dT also increases exponentially untilreaches to approximate value of 39 °C , and afterthat as λ increases, dn/dT decreases exponentially.ii. For both LiNbO3 & Ga(1-x)Al x As: As operatingwavelength λ increases, dn/dT decreases.V. ConclusionsIn a summary, we have investigated the ultra wide wavelength multiplexing/demultiplexing conventional AWG for multi band applications. It is observed that the increased diffraction order, the decreased refractive index for all materials based AWG devices. We have indicated that the increased of both ambient temperature and diffraction order, the decreased number of arrayed waveguides. As well as the decreased of ambient temperature, channel spacing, and diffraction order, this results in increasing of number of input/output wavelength channels. Moreover we have observed that SiO2 based material for AWG devices presents the highest number of transmitted channels than the other materials based conventional AWG. So SiO2 material based for conventional AWG is the best candidate for core material than the other materials used in our research.REFERENCES[1] Abd El-Naser A. Mohammed, Gaber E. S. M. El-Abyad,Abd El-Fattah A. Saad, and Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed, “High Transmission Bit Rate of A thermal Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Module in Passive Optical Networks,” IJCSIS International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 13-22,May 2009.[2] H. Kosek, Y. He, X. Gu, and X. 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Saad, andAhmed Nabih Zaki Rashed, “Thermal SensitivityUltra Wide Wavelength Multiplexing/Demultiplexing27 Conventional Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) Devices for Multi Band ApplicationsCoefficients of the Fabrication Materials Based A thermalArrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) in Wide Area DenseWavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Networks,”International Journal of Engineering and Technology(IJET), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 131-139, June 2009.Author’s ProfileDr. Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed wasborn in Menouf city, Menoufia State,Egypt country in 23 July, 1976.Received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D.scientific degrees in the Electronicsand Electrical CommunicationsEngineering Department from Facultyof Electronic Engineering, MenoufiaUniversity in 1999, 2005, and 2010respectively. Currently, his job carrieris a scientific lecturer in Electronicsand Electrical Communications Engineering Department,Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia university,Menouf. Postal Menouf city code: 32951, EGYPT.His scientific master science thesis has focused on polymerfibers in optical access communication systems. Moreover hisscientific Ph. D. thesis has focused on recent applications inlinear or nonlinear passive or active in optical networks. Hisinteresting research mainly focuses on transmission capacity, adata rate product and long transmission distances of passiveand active optical communication networks, wirelesscommunication, radio over fiber communication systems, andoptical network security and management. He has publishedmany high scientific research papers in high quality andtechnical international journals in the field of advancedcommunication systems, optoelectronic devices, and passiveoptical access communication networks. His areas of interestand experience in optical communication systems, advancedoptical communication networks, wireless optical accessnetworks, analog communication systems, optical filters andSensors, digital communication systems, optoelectronicsdevices, and advanced material science, network managementsystems, multimedia data base, network security, encryptionand optical access computing systems. As well as he is editorialboard member in high academic scientific International researchJournals. Moreover he is a reviewer member in high impactscientific research international journals in the field ofelectronics, electrical communication systems, optoelectronics,information technology and advanced optical communicationsystems and networks. His personal electronic mail ID (E-mail:ahmed_733@).。

28 1
A Heuristic Wavelength Assignment Algorithm for Multihop WDM Networks with Wavelength Routing and Wavelength Re-Use
Manuscript received March 7 , 1994; revised June 13, 1994; approved by the EEWACM TRANSACTIONS ON NEI‘WORKING Editor R. Ramaswami. This work was supported by ARPA under Contract MDA972-92-H-0010 2 Zhang is with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Middletown, NJ 07748 USA (e-mail: zhang@). A S. Acampora is with the Center for Telecommunications Research, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 USA (e-mail: acampora@) IEEE Log Number 94 I 1842.
I. INTRODUCTION ULTIHOP LIGHTWAVE networks based on wavelength division multiplexing have emerged as promising candidates for next-generation networks capable of offering high-speed packet-based transport to a large population of users [1]-[4]. With this approach, each user connects to the network through its respective access station, and pairs of access stations are interconnected by point-to-point optical channels which are wavelength-multiplexed onto the optical medium. The resulting connection graph allows packets injected by any originating station to be routed to any destination station, possibly through several optical channels. By changing the wavelength assignment, the resulting connection graph can be adapted to changing traffic pattern, station failure, and station additions [SI. In this paper, we consider a multihop lightwave network in which the physical medium consists of segments of optical

移动通讯词汇英汉对照T塔台 tower aeronautical station特权(同步)网 oligarchic (synchronized) network特征频率 characteristic frequency特种移动通信系统 particular mobile communication system 梯形调制(梯调) trapezoidal modulation天波(电离层波) sky wave天波路径损耗 sky-wave path loss天波时延 sky-wave delay天电 atmospherics天然气候试验 natural climate test天线 antenna (aerial)天线波束 beam of an antenna天线带宽 bandwidth of an antenna天线额定电压 antenna voltage rating天线额定功率 antenna power rating天线方向性图 antenna directivity diagram天线极化 polarization of an antenna天线间的隔离度 isolation between antennae天线匹配装置 antenna matching device天线收发开关 T-R switch天线增益 antenna gain天线自动调谐 antenna automatic tuning调度电话 dispatcher telephone system调度台 dispatcher station调幅电报 amplitude modulation (AM) telegraph调幅电台 amplitude modulation (AM) station调幅度不对称性 asymmetry of AM envelope调幅发射机 amplitude modulation (AM) transmitter调幅躁声 amplitude modulation (AM) noise调谐放大器 tuned amplifier调频 frequency modulation (FM)调频发射机 frequency modulation (FM) transmitter调频无线电话机 FM radio telephone调频躁声 frequency-modulation noise调相 phase modulation (PM)调谐 tuning调谐线性 linearity of tuning调谐指示器 tuning indicator调整码位(塞入码位) justifying digit (stuffing digit)调整指示码位(塞入指示码位) justification service digits 调制 modulation调制交流声 modulation hum调制解调器 modem调制灵敏度 modulation sensitivity调制器 modulator调制深度 modulation depth调制特性 modulation characteristic调制限制 modulation limiting调制指数 modulation index跳(电离层传播) hop (ionospheric propagation)跳距 skip distance跳频 frequency hopping (FH)跳时 time hopping (TH)跳周 cycle-skipping跳周平均时间 cycle-skipping average time贴片机 chip mounter铁路编组站自动化 automation of railway yard铁路列车调度系统 railtrain dispatch system铁路行车指挥自动化系统 automation for railway traffic control铁氧体天线 ferrite antenna停播建立呼叫 off-air call set up停闪频率,临界闪变频率 flashing frequency, critical flicker frequency 通用移动通信系统 universal mobile communication system (UMTS)通播 announcement call通断键控 on-off keying (OOK)通信 communication通信安全 communication security通信卫星 communication satellite通信卫星覆盖范围 communication satellite通信卫星转发器 communication satellite coverage通信系统模型 communication system model通信线路品质评分 circuit merit rating通用个人通信 universal personal telecommunication通用个人电信号码 universal personal telecommunication number (UPTN, OTN)通用平滑调频 generalized tamed frequency modulation (GTFM)同步 synchronization同步保持时间 synchronization hold-in time同步带 hold-in range同步的 synchronous同步数字系列 synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)同步通信卫星 synchronous communication satellite同步突发 synchronous burst (SB)同步网 synchronization network同步卫星 synchronous satellite同步压扩 synchronized compression and expansion同频(信)道电台 co-channel station同时单音顺序制 simultaneous tone sequential system同时单音制 simultaneous tone system同轴电缆 coaxial cable同轴电缆载波电话 coaxial cable carrier telephone同轴线表面转移阻抗 surface transfer impedance of a coaxial line统计通信理论 statistical communication透明带内导频单边带 transparent tone-in-band (TTIB) single sideband 突发 burst突发长度 burst length突发性 burstiness突发业务 burst traffic图文广播 broadcast videography图文视传 videography图像压缩编码 image compression encoding推挽放大器 push-pull amplifier退N步ARQ go-back-N ARQ吞吐量 throughput脱网工作 talkaround拓扑学 topology拓扑优化 topological optimization。

AAbsorption coefficient 吸收系数ac alternating current 交变电流交流Acoustic phonon 声学声子Active component 有源器件AM amplitude modulation 幅度调制AM,FM,PM:幅度/频率/相位调制AON all-optical network 全光网络AOTF acoustic optic tunable filter 声光调制器APD avalanche photodiode 雪崩二极管AR coatings antireflection coatings 抗反膜ASE amplified spontaneous emission 放大自发辐射ASK amplitude shift keying 幅移键控ASK/FSK/PSK 幅/频/相移键控ATM asynchronous transfer mode 异步转移模式Attenuation coefficient 衰减系数Attenuator 衰减器Auger recombination:俄歇复合AWG arrayed-waveguide grating 阵列波导光栅BBand gap:带隙Band pass filter 带通滤波器Beam divergence 光束发散BER bit error rate 误码率BER:误码率BH buried heterojunction 掩埋异质结Binary representation 二进制表示方法Binary 二进制Birefringence 双折射Birefringence双折射Bitrate-distance product 比特距离的乘积Block diagram 原理图Boltzman statistics:玻尔兹曼统计分布BPF band pass filter 带通滤波器Bragg condition 布拉格条件Bragg diffraction 布拉格衍射Brillouin scattering 布里渊散射Brillouin shift 布里渊频移Broad area 宽面Buried heterostructure 掩埋异质结CC3 cleaved-coupled cavity 解理耦合腔Carrier lifetime:载流子寿命CATV common antenna cable television 有线电视CDM code division multiplexing 码分复用Characteristics temperature 特征温度Chirp 啁啾Chirped Gaussian pulse 啁啾高斯脉冲Chromatic dispersion 色度色散Chromatic dispersion 色度色散Cladding layer:包层Cladding 包层CNR carrier to noise ratio 载噪比Conduction band:导带Confinement factor 限制因子Connector 连接头Core cladding interface 纤芯包层界面Core-cladding interface 芯层和包层界面Coupled cavity 耦合腔CPFSK continuous-phase frequency-shift keying 连续相位频移键控Cross-phase modulation 交叉相位调制Cross-talk 串音CSO Composite second order 复合二阶CSRZ:载波抑制归零码Cutoff condition 截止条件CVD chemical vapour deposition 化学汽相沉积CW continuous wave 连续波Cylindrical preform:预制棒DDBR distributed Bragg reflector 分布布拉格反射DBR: distributed Bragg reflector 分布式布拉格反射器dc direct current 直流DCF dispersion compensating fiber 色散补偿光纤Depressed-cladding fiber: 凹陷包层光纤DFB distributed feedback 分布反馈DFB: Distributed Feedback 分布式反馈Differential gain 微分增益Differential quantum efficiency 微分量子效率Differential-dispersion parameter:微分色散参数Diffusion 扩散Digital hierarchy 数字体系DIP dual in line package 双列直插Direct bandgap:直接带隙Directional coupler 定向耦合器Dispersion compensation fiber:色散补偿光纤Dispersion decreasing fiber:色散渐减光纤Dispersion parameter:色散参数Dispersion shifted fiber 色散位移光纤Dispersion slope 色散斜率Dispersion slope:色散斜率Dispersion-flatten fiber:色散平坦光纤Dispersion-shifted fiber:色散位移光纤Double heterojunction 双异质结Double heterostructure:双异质结Doubly clad:双包层DPSK differential phase-shift keying 差分相移键控Driving circuit 驱动电路Dry fiber 无水光纤DSF dispersion shift fiber 色散位移光纤DWDM dense wavelength divisionmultiplexing/multiplexer密集波分复用/器DWDM: dense wavelength division multiplexing密集波分复用E~GEDFA erbium doped fiber amplifier 掺铒光纤激光器Edge emitting LED 边发射LEDEdge-emitting 边发射Effective index 有效折射率Eigenvalue equation 本征值方程Elastic scattering 弹性散射Electron-hole pairs 电子空穴对Electron-hole recombination 电子空穴复合Electron-hole recombination:电子空穴复合Electrostriction 电致伸缩效应Ethernet 以太网External cavity 外腔External quantum efficiency 外量子效率Extinction ratio 消光比Eye diagram 眼图FBG fiber-bragg grating 光纤布拉格光栅FDDI fiber distributed data interface 光纤数据分配接口FDM frequency division multiplexing频分复用FDM:频分复用Fermi level 费米能级Fermi level:费米能级Fermi-Dirac distribution:费米狄拉克分布FET field effect transistor 场效应管Fiber Manufacturing:光纤制作Field radius 模场半径Filter 滤波器Flame hydrolysis 火焰裂解FM frequency modulation 频率调制Forward-biased :正向偏置FP Fabry Perot 法布里-珀落Free spectral range 自由光谱范围Free-space communication 自由空间光通信系统Fresnel transmissivity 菲涅耳透射率Front end 前端Furnace 熔炉FWHM full width at half maximum 半高全宽FWHM: 半高全宽FWM four-wave mixing 四波混频Gain coefficient 增益系数Gain coupled 增益耦合Gain-guided semiconductor laser 增益波导半导体激光器Germania 锗GIOF graded index optical fiber 渐变折射率分布Graded-index fiber 渐变折射率光纤Group index 群折射率GVD group-velocity dispersion 群速度色散GVD: 群速度色散H~LHBT heterojunction-bipolar transistor异质结双极晶体管HDTV high definition television 高清晰度电视Heavy doping:重掺杂Heavy-duty cable 重型光缆Heterodyne 外差Heterojunction:异质结HFC hybrid fiber-coaxial 混合光纤/电缆Higher-order dispersion 高阶色散Highpass filter 高通滤波器Homodyne 零差Homojunction:同质结IC integrated circuit 集成电路IM/DD intensity modulation with direct detection 强度调制直接探测IM/DD: 强度调制/直接探测IMD intermodulation distortion 交互调制失真Impulse 冲激Impurity 杂质Index-guided 折射率导引Indirect bandgap:非直接带隙Inelastic scattering 非弹性散射Inhomogeneous非均匀的Inline amplifier 在线放大器Intensity noise 强度噪声Intermodal dispersion:模间色散Intermode dispersion 模间色散Internal quantum efficiency:内量子效率Intramodal dispersion: 模内色散Intramode dispersion 模内色散Intrinsic absorption 本征吸收ISDN integrated services digital network 综合业务数字网ISI intersymbol interference 码间干扰Isotropic 各向同性Jacket 涂层Jitter 抖动Junction:结Kinetic energy:动能Lambertian source 朗伯光源LAN local-area network 局域网Large effective-area fiber 大有效面积发光Laser threshold 激光阈值Laser 激光器Lateral mode 侧模Lateral 侧向Lattice constant:晶格常数Launched power 发射功率LD laser diode 激光二极管LD:激光二极管LED light emitting diode 发光二极管LED: 发光二极管L-I light current 光电关系Light-duty cable 轻型光缆Linewidth enhancement factor 线宽加强因子Linewidth enhancement factor 线宽增强因子Linewidth 线宽Longitudinal mode 纵模Longitudinal model 纵模Lowpass filter 低通滤波器LPE liquid phase epitaxy 液相外延LPE:液相外延M~NMacrobending 宏弯MAN metropolitan-area network 城域网Material dispersion 材料色散Material dispersion:材料色散Maxwell’s equations 麦克斯韦方程组MBE molecular beam epitaxy 分子束外延MBE:分子束外延MCVD Modified chemical vapor deposition改进的化学汽相沉积MCVD:改进的化学汽相沉积Meridional rays 子午光线Microbending 微弯Mie scattering 米氏散射MOCVD metal-organic chemical vapor deposition金属有机物化学汽相沉积MOCVD:改进的化学汽相沉积Modal dispersion 模式色散Mode index 模式折射率Modulation format 调制格式Modulator 调制器MONET Multiwavelength optical network 多波长光网络MPEG motion-picture entertainment group视频动画专家小组MPN mode-partition noise 模式分配噪声MQW multiquantum well 多量子阱MQW: 多量子阱MSK minimum-shift keying 最小频偏键控MSR mode-suppression ratio 模式分配噪声MSR: Mode suppression ratio 模式抑制比Multimode fiber 多模光纤MZ mach-Zehnder 马赫泽德NA numerical aperture 数值孔径Near infrared 近红外NEP noise-equivalent power 等效噪声功率NF noise figure 噪声指数Nonradiative recombination 非辐射复合Nonradiative recombination:非辐射复合Normalized frequency 归一化频率NRZ non-return to zero 非归零NRZ:非归零码NSE nonlinear Schrodinger equation 非线性薛定额方程Numerical aperture 数值孔径Nyquist criterion 奈奎斯特准则O P QOC optical carrier 光载波OEIC opto-electronic integrated circuit 光电集成电路OOK on-off keying 开关键控OOK:通断键控OPC optical phase conjugation 光相位共轭Optical mode 光模式Optical phase conjugation 光相位共轭Optical soliton 光孤子Optical switch 光开关Optical transmitter 光发射机Optical transmitter:光发射机OTDM optical time-division multiplexing 光时分复用OVD outside-vapor deposition 轴外汽相沉积OVD:轴外汽相沉积OXC optical cross-connect 光交叉连接Packaging 封装Packet switch 分组交换Parabolic-index fiber 抛物线折射率分布光纤Passive component 无源器件PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PCM:脉冲编码调制PCVD:等离子体化学汽相沉积PDF probability density function 概率密度函数PDM polarization-division multiplexing 偏振复用PDM:脉冲宽度调制Phase-matching condition 相位匹配条件Phase-shifted DFB laser 相移DFB激光器Photon lifetime 光子寿命PMD 偏振模色散Polarization controller 偏振控制器Polarization mode dispersion:偏振模色散Polarization 偏振PON passive optical network 无源接入网Population inversion:粒子数反转Power amplifier 功率放大器Power-conversion efficiency 功率转换效率PPM:脉冲位置调制Preamplifer 前置放大器PSK phase-shift keying 相移键控Pulse broadening 脉冲展宽Quantization noise 量化噪声Quantum efficiency 量子效率Quantum limit 量子极限Quantum limited 量子极限Quantum noise 量子噪声RRA raman amplifier 喇曼放大器Raman scattering 喇曼散射Rate equation 速率方程Rayleigh scattering 瑞丽散射Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射Receiver sensitivity 接收机灵敏度Receiver 接收机Refractive index 折射率Regenerator 再生器Repeater spacing 中继距离Resonant cavity 谐振腔Responsibility 响应度Responsivity 响应度Ridge waveguide laser 脊波导激光器Ridge waveguide 脊波导RIN relative intensity noise 相对强度噪声RMS root-mean-square 均方根RZ return-to-zero 归零RZ: 归零码SSAGCM separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication吸收渐变电荷倍增区分离APD的一种SAGM separate absorption and multiplication吸收渐变倍增区分离APD的一种SAM separate absorption and multiplication吸收倍增区分离APD的一种Sampling theorem 抽样定理SBS 受激布里渊散射SBS stimulated Brillouin scattering 受激布里渊散射SCM subcarrier multiplexing 副载波复用SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字体系SDH:同步数字体系Self-phase modulation 自相位调制Sellmeier equation:塞米尔方程Sensitivity degradation 灵敏度劣化Sensitivity 灵敏度Shot noise 散粒噪声Shot noise 散粒噪声Single-mode condition 单模条件Sintering :烧结SIOF step index optical fiber 阶跃折射率分布SLA/SOA semiconductor laser/optical amplifier 半导体光放大器SLM single longitudinal mode 单纵模SLM: Single Longitudinal mode单纵模Slope efficiency 斜率效率SNR signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比Soliton 孤子SONET synchronized optical network 同步光网络SONET:同步光网络Spectral density:光谱密度Spontaneous emission:自发辐射Spontaneous-emission factor 自发辐射因子SRS 受激喇曼散射SRS stimulated Raman scattering 受激喇曼散射Step-index fiber 阶跃折射率光纤Stimulated absorption:受激吸收Stimulated emission:受激发射STM synchronous transport module 同步转移模块STM:同步转移模块Stripe geometry semiconductor laser 条形激光器Stripe geometry 条形STS synchronous transport signal 同步转移信号Submarine transmission system 海底传输系统Substrate:衬底Superstructure grating 超结构光栅Surface emitting LED 表面发射LEDSurface recombination:表面复合Surface-emitting 表面发射TTCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol传输控制协议/互联网协议TDM time-division multiplexing 时分复用TDM:时分复用TE transverse electric 横电模Ternary and quaternary compound:三元系和四元系化合物Thermal equilibrium:热平衡Thermal noise 热噪声Thermal noise 热噪声Threshold current 阈值电流Timing jitter 时间抖动TM transverse magnetic 横磁Total internal reflection 全内反射Transceiver module 收发模块Transmitter 发射机Transverse 横向Transverse mode 横模TW traveling wave 行波U ~ ZVAD vapor-axial epitaxy 轴向汽相沉积VAD:轴向沉积Valence band:价带VCSEL vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser垂直腔表面发射激光器VCSEL: vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers 垂直腔表面发射激光器VPE vapor-phase epitaxy 汽相沉积VPE:汽相外延VSB vestigial sideband 残留边带Wall-plug efficiency 电光转换效率WAN wide-area network 广域网Waveguide dispersion 波导色散Waveguide dispersion:波导色散Waveguide imperfection 波导不完善WDMA wavelength-division multiple access 波分复用接入系统WGA waveguide-grating router 波导光栅路由器White noise 白噪声XPM cross-phase modulation 交叉相位调制YIG yttrium iron garnet 钇铁石榴石晶体Zero-dispersion wavelength 零色散波长Zero-dispersion wavelength:零色散波长。

收稿日期:2008208220 作者简介:杨晓东(19652),男,重庆人,高级工程师,研究方向:SAW 技术。
文章编号:100422474(2009)0320299203超宽带无线通信与声表面波宽带信号处理技术杨晓东1,陈 君1,丁芩华2,王 松3(1.四川压电与声光技术研究所,重庆400060;2.苏州中材非金属矿工业设计研究院有限公司,江苏苏州215004;3.空军驻重庆地区军事代表室,重庆400060) 摘 要:介绍了超宽带(UWB )无线通信的技术及特点,与传统窄带无线系统进行了性能比较,指出了超宽带无线通信四大关键技术是:超宽带无线通信脉冲信号的波形设计;超宽带无线通信脉冲信号编码与调制方式;超宽带无线通信信号的检测;超宽带无线通信系统中的同步捕获技术;分析了超宽带无线通信系统军用的潜在市场,最后阐述了SAW 宽带信号处理技术在UWB 通信系统中的应用。
关键词:声表面波;超宽带无线通信;宽带信号处理技术中图分类号:TN65 文献标识码:AU ltra 2Wideband Wireless Communications and SAWWideband Signal Processing T echnologyYANG Xiao 2dong 1,CHEN Jun 1,DING Q in 2hu a 2,WANG Song 3(1.Sichuan Institute of Piezoelectric and Acousto 2optic Technology ,Chongqing 400060,China ;2.Suzhou SINOMA Design and Research Institute of Non 2metallic Minerals Industy Co.,Ltd.,Suzhou 215004,China ;3.China Air Force Military Representative Office to Chongqing District ,Chongqing 400060,China ) Abstract :The ultra 2wideband wireless communication technology and its characteristics have been introduced in this paper.A comparison of the performance between the traditional narrowband wireless communication system and the ultra 2wideband wireless communication system has been made.The four key techniques of the ultra 2wideband wireless communication ,that is ,the waveform design of the ultra 2wideband wireless communication pulse signal ,the coding and modulating system of the ultra 2wideband wireless communication pulse signal ,the measurement of the ultra 2wideband wireless communication and the synchronization acquisition technique in the ultra 2wideband wire 2less communication system has been presented.The potential military market of the ultra 2wideband wireless commu 2nication system has been analyzed.The application of SAW wideband signal processing technology to the ultra 2wide 2band wireless communication system has also been presented in this paper.K ey w ords :SAW ;ultra 2wideband wireless communication ;wideband signal process technology 超宽带(U WB )无线电亦称“脉冲无线电”,或称“无载波,直接用基带信号传输的无线电”。
Mitutoyo U-WAVE-R 用户手册说明书

U-WAVE-RIntroductionThe U-WAVE-R in conjunction with a Mitutoyo U-WAVE-T (available separately) allows wireless communication of the measurement data from Digimatic-output interfaced tool to load it to a personal computer for data display.To obtain the highest performance and the longest service life from the U-WAVE-R, carefully read this User’s Manual thoroughly prior to use.After reading this manual, keep it near the U-WAVE-R for quick reference.The specifications of the U-WAVE-R and descriptions in this manual are subject to change without prior notification.Safety PrecautionsUse the U-WAVE-R in conformance with the specifications, functions and precautions for use given in this manual. If the U-WAVE-R is used in other way, it may jeopardize safety.• Do not use the U-WAVE-R near a medical device that has a possibility of causing amalfunction due to radio waves.• The U-WAVE-R using an electric wave has a possibility that communication isinterrupted under the influence of external noises, etc., even within the distance ofcommunication of the electric wave. In this case take sufficient failure preventionaction (security measures).• In the event the U-WAVE-R should fail, take sufficient failure prevention action(security measures).Notes on Export RegulationThe U-WAVE-R falls into the Catch-All-Controlled Goods or Program under theCategory 16 of the Separate Table 1 of the Export Trade Control Order or theCategory 16 of the Separate Table of the Foreign Exchange Control Order,based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan.Further, this User's Manual and U-WAVE Quick Manual (No. 99MAL110B) alsofalls into the Catch-All-Controlled Technology for use of the Catch-All-ControlledGoods or Program, under the Category 16 of the Separate Table of the ForeignExchange Control Order.If you intend re-exporting or re-providing the product or technology to any partyother than yourself, please consult with Mitutoyo prior to such re-exportingor re-providing.Precautions for the Wireless LawThe U-WAVE-R can use in Japan, EU member countries, U.S.A, Canada .The U-WAVE-R cannot be used in countries other than Japan, EU member countries, U.S.A,Canada• The U-WAVE-R must follow the corresponding regulation which is specified in thecountry to use an electric wave.• Do not disassemble or modify any part of the U-WAVE-R.• Do not peel off the following certification label stuck on the U-WAVE-R.The use of any U-WAVE-R without the label is prohibited.• Do not use the U-WAVE-R in an airplane.The use of a wireless equipment in the airplane is prohibited.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsiblefor compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NotesThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications, However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Precautions on Wireless Communication EnvironmentsNotice that this performance of the U-WAVE-R may not be fully delivered depending on theenvironment such as a midway obstruction.For the items of obstruction factors refer to the following table.Precautions for UseThe following deeds and situations will cause a failure or malfunction in the U-WAVE-R.Care should be exercised.IMPORTANT• The U-WAVE-R operates on the power supply from a personal computer. A personalcomputer may generate large noises depending on the manufacturer and model. Be sure toverify the whole system operation once prior to use.• Do not give a sudden shock such as a drop or apply an excessive force to the U-WAVE-R.• If the U-WAVE-R is not used more than 3 months, disconnect the U-WAVE-R from thepersonal computer and store it in a safe place.• Avoid using or storing the U-WAVE-R at sites which are exposed to direct sunlight,excessively high or low temperature.• Avoid using or storing the U-WAVE-R at sites where it may be subject to the adhesion ofsolution such as acid and alkali or organic solvent.• If a high-voltage device such as an electro-spark engraving pen is used for the U-WAVE-R,the internal electronic parts may be damaged.• Exercise care so as not to apply an undue force or curvature to the USB cable.WarrantyIn the event that the U-WAVE-R should prove defective in workmanship or material, withinone year from the date of original purchase for use, it will be repaired or replaced, at ouroption, free of charge upon its prepaid return to us.This warranty is effective only where the U-WAVE-R is properly installed and operated inconformance with the instructions in this manual.Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the EuropeanUnion and other European countries with separate collection systems)This symbol on the U-WAVE-R or on its packaging indicates that the U-WAVE-R shallnot be treated as household waste. To reduce the environmental impact of WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and minimize the volume of WEEEentering landfills, please reuse and recycle.For further information, please contact your local dealer or distributors.[1] Name of Each Part and External Dimensions (Unit : mm)1. POWER (Green LED)2. ERROR (Red LED)3. USB connector4. INIT. Switch (Initialize switch)5. Device ID label6. Certification label[2] Software InstallationThe U-WAVE-R outputs measurement data to a personal computer using the dedicatedsoftware “U-WAVEPAK” included in the CD supplied as a standard accessory.Before using the U-WAVE-R be sure to read the standard accessory“U-WAVE QUICK Manual” thoroughly, and then install the “U-WAVEPAK” and “USB Driver”.IMPORTANT• Log in to Windows by ‘Administrator’.• Be sure to install the U-WAVEPAK before connecting the U-WAVE-R to a personal computer.• When connecting the U-WAVE-R to a USB Hub, always use a self-powered USB Hub.• The U-WAVE-R does not support the operation in the Standby or Hibernate of a personalcomputer. Cancel each setting in the U-WAVE-R prior to use.• Please read the “U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual“ in “PDF_Manual” folder of the CD supplied as astandard accessory for a detailed operation method of U-WAVEPAK.“Adobe Reader” of Adobe Systems INC. is necessary to read.[3] Setup1)Setting the communication informationYou need to set various information necessary for communication in the U-WAVE-R usingthe U-WAVEPAK. (No information is registered default setting.)IMPORTANT• Please read the “U-WAVE Quick manual “ and “U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual“ in “PDF_Manual”folder of the CD supplied as a standard accessory for setting the communication information.• The U-WAVE-R will not function properly if a U-WAVE-R with the same group ID and bandID settings exists nearby. Be sure to set different information for each ID in the U-WAVE-R.6. Certification labelW A R N I N GW A R N I N GW GUser’s ManualNo.99MAL109B32) Installation procedureInstall the U-WAVE-R at a location with a good view and eliminate any obstacle between the U-WAVE-R and the U-WAVE-T. If installing it on a wall, etc., use the installation board (No. 02AZD815) from among the standard accessories. To install the U-WAVE-R on a wall, observe the following procedure.(1) Attach the mounting plate to the U-WAVE-R backside with cross-recessed head tapping screws (nominal size 2.6 × 6 No. A131-6221CP 2pcs.) in the standard accessories.Screw holes are provided on the U-WAVE-R backside so that the mounting plate can be fixed at one of three positions. Attach the mounting plate at an appropriate position where the U-WAVE-R is easily mounted.(2) Install the U-WAVE-R on a wall at a desired location with the two screws.When installing the U-WAVE-R, refer to the following figure. Carefully install the U-WAVE-R so that it will not drop from the wall.• Figure of the installation board (Unit : mm) • Figure of how to attach the plate to the U-WAVE-R(Attachable at one of three positions.)[4] Functions 1) Communication FunctionThe U-WAVE-R displays the data received from the U-WAVE-T.Observe the following procedure for output operation.(1) Connect the U-WAVE-R to a personal computer with a USB cable.(2) Boot the U-WAVEPAK.(3) Please read the “U-WAVE Quick manual “ and “U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual“ in“PDF_Manual” folder of the CD supplied as a standard accessory for setting correctly.(4) Press the DATA switch on the connecting cable connected to the U-WAVE-T or the DATAswitch on a Measuring tool to transmit data.(5) The U-WAVE-R displays the received data and wireless transmits the confirm signal tothe U-WAVE-T.(6) U-WAVE-T receives the confirmation signal from U-WAVE-R, and can confirm the success (or failure) with LED (Buzzer).IMPORTANT• Log in to Windows by ‘Power Users’ or above. • The U-WAVE-PAK automatically transmits the measurement data to the active application software (such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft word). Before booting multiple applicationsoftware simultaneously, be sure to activate the application software that you want to use.• U-WAVE-R receives the data from the U-WAVE-T and wireless transmits the confirmationsignal to the U-WAVE-T, even if U-WAVEPAK doesn't start .Please confirm measurements are displayed in the application software that is before the measurement begins that wants to be used. 2) Low power supply alarmRed LED blinks when the voltage of the power supply from the personal computer decreases.(Green LED is in the state of lighting.)Please change to a new USB cable at such a state.3) Initializing the setting information If communication is disabled while using the U-WAVE-R, first refer to section 5. If communication is still disabled, initialize the information set in section 3 to default settings, and then retry setup.Initialize the setting information with the following procedure.(1) Close U-WAVEPAK activated on the personal computer, and then pull off the cable of theU-WAVE-R from the USB cable on the computer.(2) While holding down the INIT. switch on the U-WAVE-R, plug the cable from the U-WAVE-R into the USB cable on the personal computer again. Wait for 3 seconds or more in this state. The setting information is initialized. At this time check that the green LED is blinking.(3) Implement the setup again.IMPORTANTOnce initialization is performed, the setting information used until then is all cleared. [5] Troubleshooting If any trouble is not corrected even when the following actions are taken, contact a Mitutoyoservice center.Please read the final page of “U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual“ in “PDF_Manual” folder of the CD supplied as a standard accessory about Mitutoyo service center.1) Confirmation of U-WAVE-R (1) The green LED will not light up (or start blinking).• Is the power to the personal computer turned on?• Is the USB cable connected between the U-WAVE-R and personal computer?The U-WAVE-R is supplied with power from the personal computer, and thereby no power will be supplied to the U-WAVE-R unless the personal computer is turned on. Check the USB cable for proper connection. • Is the USB driver installed?(2) The red LED is blinking with the green LED being lit.• Is any undue force applied to the USB cable? Check the connecting condition of the USB cable. Also, the USB cable might be broken internally. Check it out by using a new USB cable.(3) The green LED and red LED keep blinking alternately.• Has setup been completed?Referring to the U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual, set up the system correctly.• Does any U-WAVE-R with the same group ID and band ID exist near the U-WAVE-R? Set different information for each ID in the U-WAVE-R.2) Confirmation of U-WAVE-T(1) Data transmission always fails and the red LED lights up.• Is the LCD of the Measuring tool put in the count display state?Communication is not possible if the LCD on the connected Measuring tool is turned off or in the data entry state. Put the Measuring tool LCD in the count display state. • Has the battery voltage come down?If the battery is consumed to a low voltage, the red LED is blinking and data transmission is disabled.Replace the battery with a new one.• Is the U-WAVE-T installed correctly on the Measuring tool?Recheck that the U-WAVE-T and the Measuring tool are properly mated using the supplied connecting cable.Also, when using the specific connecting cable (02AZD791A, B), be sure to mate the black-marked side of the connecting cable with the U-WAVE-T.• Is the device ID described in the label on the U-WAVE-T set in the connecting state on the U-WAVEPAK?Unless it is in the connecting state, communication is not implemented.Referring to read the “U-WAVE Quick manual “ and “U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual“ in “PDF_Manual” folder of the CD supplied as a standard accessory, set up the system correctly.(2) The U-WAVE-R search cannot be executed, blinking orange color LED disappears, and red LED blinks.• Is the U-WAVE-T installed correctly on the Measuring tool?Recheck that the U-WAVE-T and the Measuring tool are properly mated using the supplied connecting cable.If U-WAVE-T is installed correctly on the Measuring tool correctly, initialize the settinginformation and then retry communication after referring “section 6 (2) in U-WAVE-T manual”3) Confirmation of Wireless Communication EnvironmentsData communication is not stabilized, causing an error frequently. • Is the U-WAVE-R separated too far from the U-WAVE-T?• Is there any obstacle between the U-WAVE-R and the U-WAVE-T?First, bring these instruments close to each other, and then try communication betweenthem. If an obstacle such as a wall or a metallic partition exists between the U-WAVE-R and U-WAVE-T, communication may be affected adversely. Also, the communication condition may be improved by changing the U-WAVE-R location andorientation. • Is any microwave oven, wireless LAN, or Bluetooth used nearby? A wireless communication device or electric household appliance using a frequency of 2.4 GHz, which is close to the frequency used in the U-WAVE-R, might be affected adversely. Particularly, medical equipment could cause a threat to life due to electromagnetic interference. Carefully use the U-WAVE-R while separating sufficiently from such equipment. Also, check the situation of used bands at the periphery with the U-WAVEPAK and change the current band to that with better communication quality. It may be possible to stabilize communication. Make an attempt on this, referring to “U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual“ in “PDF_Manual” folder of the CD supplied as a standard accessory.○ Standard accessories0û U-WAVE-R User’s Manual this manualÿ No. 99MAL109B 0û U-WAVE QUICK Manual No. 99MAL110B 0û USB cable (1m) No. C177-0080û An Installation board No. 02AZD815 0û Cross-recessed head tapping screws nominal size 2.6 × 6 No. A131-6221CP 2pcs. 0ûU -WAVEPAK No.02ARB110 (The following contents bundle into the CD) 0û U-WAVEPAK Program 0û USB Device Driver 0û Data Collection Macro for U-WAVE 0û U-WAVEPAK User’s Manual No. 99MAL216 0û Warranty card Mitutoyo Corporation20-1, Sakado 1-Chome, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 213-8533, Japan。

doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-3114.2024.01.017引用格式:赵笑洁,郝万明,王芳,等.混合远近场太赫兹通信中波束色散分析及预编码设计[J].无线电通信技术,2024,50(1):143-151.[ZHAOXiaojie,HAOWanming,WANGFang,etal.BeamSplitAnalysisandPrecodingDesignforHybridFar andNear fieldTerahertzCommunications[J].RadioCommunicationsTechnology,2024,50(1):143-151.]混合远近场太赫兹通信中波束色散分析及预编码设计赵笑洁1,郝万明1,王 芳1,杨守义1,黄崇文2(1.郑州大学电气与信息工程学院,河南郑州450001;2.浙江大学信息与电子工程学院,浙江杭州310027)摘 要:为解决宽带太赫兹通信中传统混合预编码架构中的波束色散问题,将时延器引入到该架构中,并研究基于时延器的混合预编码架构性能。
关键词:远场;近场;混合远近场;混合预编码;波束色散中图分类号:TN820.1;TN928 文献标志码:A 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文章编号:1003-3114(2024)01-0143-09BeamSplitAnalysisandPrecodingDesignforHybridFar andNear fieldTerahertzCommunicationsZHAOXiaojie1,HAOWanming1,WANGFang1,YANGShouyi1,HUANGChongwen2(1.SchoolofElectricalandInformationEngineering,ZhengzhouUniversity,Zhengzhou450001,China;2.CollegeofInformationScienceandElectronicEngineering,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzhou310027,China)Abstract:Tosolvethebeamsplitproblemintraditionalhybridprecodingarchitectureforbroadbandterahertzcommunication,timedelayersareintroducedintothisarchitectureandtheperformanceofhybridprecodingarchitecturebasedontimedelayersisstudied.Specifically,theissueofbeamsplitinmixedfar andnear fieldterahertzcommunicationisfirstdiscussed.Next,ahybridprecodingarchitectureanditsperformanceareanalyzedafterintroducingtimedelayers.Then,ahybridprecodingalgorithmbasedonfar andnear fieldisproposed.Finally,simulationsareconductedontheproposedalgorithmandtraditionalhybridprecodingalgorithm.Simulationresultsshowthattheproposedalgorithmoutperformstraditionalalgorithmsintermsofperformance,soitcaneffectivelyalleviatebeamspliteffectinmixedfar andnear field.Keywords:far field;near field;mixedfar andnear field;hybridprecoding;beamsplit收稿日期:2023-10-250 引言电磁辐射场可以分为远场和近场区域,远场和近场之间的边界通常通过瑞利距离定义[1],瑞利距离与阵列孔径的平方成正比,与波长成反比。
一种 FlexRay总线优化方法研究

一种 FlexRay总线优化方法研究李斌;龙飞【摘要】为了提高FlexRay车载网络带宽利用率,减小消息帧的最坏响应时间,对FlexRay总线配置问题进行研究. 针对FlexRay协议中静态段负载长度相等,静态消息的长度不等的情况,找到最优静态段负载长度,提高带宽利用率. 基于静态段的优化之上,综合分析静态段、动态段消息的最坏响应时间,得到最优总线周期长度. 实验结果表明,在得到最优负载的条件下,带宽利用率提高22%,并且在周期长度为982 μs时,总线消息帧的最坏响应时间最小,保证了消息传输的实时性、可靠性.%In order to improve the utilisation of FlexRay in-vehicle networks bandwidth and to reduce worst-case response time of message frames, we study the FlexRay bus configuration issue.For the circumstances of FlexRay protocol that in static segment the payload length is equal but the static message length is not, we find the optimal static segment payload length to improve the bandwidth utilisation.Based on the static segment optimisation, we comprehensively analyse the messages worst-case response times in both static segment and dynamic segment, and get the optimal bus cycle length.Experimental results show that the bandwidth utilisation ratio increased by 22% under the condition of acquiring the optimal payload length.Furthermore, in the case of the cycle length being 982 microseconds, the worst-case response time of FlexRay bus is minimum, and this ensures the real-time performance and reliability of message transmission.【期刊名称】《计算机应用与软件》【年(卷),期】2015(032)005【总页数】4页(P141-144)【关键词】FlexRay;负载长度;带宽利用率;最坏响应时间【作者】李斌;龙飞【作者单位】贵州大学智能信息处理研究所贵州贵阳 550025;贵州大学电子信息学院贵州贵阳 550025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3随着汽车电子技术的发展,电子元件逐渐代替了传统机械式的汽车元件,越来越多的电控单元出现在汽车上。

2021年4月Journal on Communications April 2021 第42卷第4期通信学报V ol.42No.4高带外抑制特性微波陶瓷波导滤波器的设计梁飞,蒙顺良,吕文中(华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院,湖北武汉 430074)摘 要:介绍了陶瓷波导滤波器的设计理论,采用耦合通槽分别与浅、深耦合盲孔的组合结构来满足正、负耦合带宽要求,通过调整3~6腔体的交叉耦合来改善滤波器传输曲线的对称性,同时实现滤波器近端和远端的带外抑制,在此基础上设计了一款5G基站用六腔陶瓷波导滤波器。
经优化后滤波器性能指标如下:中心频率为3.5 GHz,工作带宽为200 MHz,插入损耗≤1.2 dB,回波损耗≥17 dB,近端带外抑制≥25 dB,远端带外抑制≥51 dB。
关键词:陶瓷波导滤波器;负耦合结构;交叉耦合通槽;带外抑制中图分类号:TN713文献标识码:ADOI: 10.11959/j.issn.1000−436x.2021029Design of microwave ceramic waveguide filter withhigh out-of-band suppression characteristicsLIANG Fei, MENG Shunliang, LYU WenzhongSchool of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China Abstract: The design theory of ceramic waveguide filter was introduced, and then the combination structure of coupling through slot with shallow or deep coupling blind hole was designed, which could meet the requirements of positive and negative coupling bandwidth. By adjusting the cross coupling between 3~6 cavities, the symmetry of the filter transmis-sion curve was improved, and the near and far end band suppression of the filter was realized. Finally, a six-cavity ce-ramic waveguide filter for 5G base station was designed. In the process of optimizing the filter, the influences of the rela-tive position offset of the cross-coupling through slot and the length of the cross-coupling through slot on the transmis-sion zero position, the near end and far end out of band suppression characteristics of the filter were discussed in detail, and the relevant change rules were given. The performance indexes of the optimized filter were as follows, center fre-quency was 3.5 GHz, working bandwidth was 200 MHz, insertion loss ≤ 1.2 dB, return loss ≥ 17 dB, near end out of band rejection ≥ 25 dB, far end out of band rejection ≥ 51 dB. According to the structural parameters of the simulation model, the performance test results of the samples are in good agreement with the simulation results.Keywords: ceramic waveguide filter, negative coupling structure, cross-coupling through slot, out-of-band suppression1引言随着5G通信时代的来临,大规模天线技术和有限的频谱资源对微波器件的尺寸、工作性能等各项指标都提出了更高的要求。

拉曼抑制光频梳微腔的设计与仿真薛莉,赵春播*(航空工业北京长城计量测试技术研究所,北京 100095)摘要:为了解决回音壁模式下的微腔在产生光频梳时受拉曼效应的影响,尤其在重频GHz时难以产生平滑的光梳谱的问题。
通过仿真分析得出,相较于一般的直波导微环耦合结构,设计的弯曲波导微环在短波长处拉曼阈值增加了3倍,且在短波长处产生的光频梳功率提高了20 dB。
关键词:光学频率梳;回音壁模式;波导耦合;拉曼效应;非线性光学效应中图分类号:TB96 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5795(2023)02-0064-07Design and simulation of Raman suppression optical comb microcavityXUE Li, ZHAO Chunbo*(Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement, Beijing 100095, China)Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the Raman effect on the generation of optical frequency comb in microcavi⁃ties under whispering gallery mode, especially at GHz repetition frequencies, which makes it difficult to generate a very smooth optical comb spectrum. Firstly, design and adjust the coupling length between the waveguide and the microring. Then, optimize the coupling angle, adjust the matching mode between the waveguide and the microring, the coupling Q value in the long wavelength is reduced, the threshold of Raman generation is increased, and the Raman effect is sup⁃pressd. According to the simulation analysis, compared with the general straight waveguide microring coupling structure, the designed pully waveguide microring has three times increase in the Raman threshold at the short wavelength, and the optical frequency comb power generated at the short wavelength has increased by 20 dB. This provides a certain reference value for the design of whispering gallery mode microcavity structures.Key words: optical frequency comb; whispering gallery mode; waveguide coupling; Raman effect; nonlinear optical effect0 引言早在20世纪70年代,Teets R等人提出了相干双光子激发的概念,并利用激光锁模技术进行光频的精确测量[1-3],同时期的德国物理学家Theodor W H 和美国物理学家John L H首次提出了光频梳的概念,将光频测量推向了一个新的高度,对光谱学领域的发展做出了重要贡献。

6DIGITCW2024.020 引言宽带数字波束形成技术是阵列信号处理中的关键技术之一,其在声呐、目标识别、导航等诸多领域之中都有着非常广泛的应用[1]。
由于分段DFT 仅选择有限频带做子带窄带波束形成,因此分段DFT 波束形成输出的时间序列会出现不连续的情况,因此会出现波形失真的情况。
1 信号模型与广义线性组合算法理论1.1 宽带基阵信号模型本文研究了由M 个阵元组成的间距为d 的均匀线性阵列(),每一个阵元后接阶数是L 的FIR 滤波器。
假设现在有D +1个远场宽带点源信号从D +1个方作者简介:张远驰(1998-),男,汉族,湖北宜昌人,硕士研究生,研究方向为阵列信号处理。
一种稳健恒定束宽宽波束形成算法张远驰,胡 进(中国船舶集团有限公司第七二四研究所,江苏 南京 210000)摘要:传统宽带波束形成算法在导向矢量失配时输出性能下降,为解决该问题,文章提出一种稳健恒定束宽波束形成算法。

M 2 2 M 1
)2 (
3 2 (M 1) 2 ) [ ] } (2.2. a) 2 2 (2.2. b)
( )2
式中,噪声功率 N=σ2。每个消息有可能是一样的,那么传递的平均信息量 为:
w(C i )
Ci l l
, 1
– linearity:线性 – alphabet:字符集 – all-zero code:全零编码 – consequently:所以,因此 – const-weight code:等重码,恒比码 – nonlinear:非线性的 分组码的性质 • 线性——假设 Ci 和 Cj 是(n,k)分组码中两个码字。令α1 和α2 是从字符集 中任选的两个元素。当且仅当α1Ci+α2Cj 仍是该分组码中的码字时,称分 组码是线性的。线性码包含全零码。因此,等重码是非线性码。 • 系统性——系统码是在信息位后面附加校验位的编码。例如,(n,k)分组 码中,前 k 位是信息位,剩余的 n-k 位是 k 个信息位的线性组合。 • cyclic:循环的;周期的 • subset:子集 • class:类别;类;种类;类程 • cyclic shift:循环移位 • property:属性 • as a consequence 因而,结果 • possess:持有,占有,拥有 • considerable:相当(大,多)的;可观的 • exploit:利用 • 循环性——循环码是线性码的一个子类,它满足循环移位的性质。如果 C=(cn-1,cn-2,…,c0)是一个循环码的码字,将 C 中的元素循环移位,那么得 到的(cn-2,cn-3,…,c0,cn-1)也是一个码字。 也就是说, C 的所有循环移位都是 码字。由循环性可知,使用一定的结构可实现循环码的编码和解码操作。 • P3:perfect code:完备码 • repetition code:重复码 • maximum likelihood decoding:最大似然译码 • P4:generator polynomial:生成多项式 • degree:(多项式)次数 • linear feedback shift register:线性反馈移位寄存器 • P5:coding gain:编码增益 • Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD):蜂窝数字组合数据 • P6:concatenated coding system:级联编码系统

Instruction ManualBanner's WLS27 Multicolor LED Strip Light has a sturdy aluminum housing and is encased in a shatterproof, UV-stabilized, copolyester shell, making it ideal for harsh indoor and outdoor applications.•EZ-STATUS combines lighting and indication in one device to illuminate an area or machine, and show status change •Models with 3 or 5 colors available, all with only 3 inputs•Rugged, water-resistant IP69K per DIN 40050-9 rating•Four available lengths from 285 mm to 1130 mm•Daisy chain power to multiple lights•Heavy diffused housing option provides uniform light for indication purposesStand-Alone Light or End Light in a Cascade First or Middle of a CascadeAvailable as stand-alone models, or as cascade models that can be daisy-chained together for a continuous length of lighting, with a minimum of wiring.Stand-alone models have a male quick disconnect at one end for power connection and no connections at the opposite end. A stand-alone model may be used as the last model in the cascade series.Cascade models have a male quick disconnect at one end for power connection, and a female quick disconnect at the opposite end for connecting to other lights in the cascade. A double-ended accessory cordset must be used between each pair of lights in acascade.Important: Lea el siguiente instructivo antes de operar el luminario. Por favor descargue desde toda la documentación técnica de los WLS27 Multicolor LED Strip Light,disponibles en múltiples idiomas, para detalles del uso adecuado, aplicaciones, advertencias, y lasinstrucciones de instalación de estos dispositivos.Important: Lisez les instructions suivantes avant d'utiliser le luminaire. Veuillez télécharger la documentationtechnique complète des WLS27 Multicolor LED Strip Light sur notre site pour lesdétails sur leur utilisation correcte, les applications, les notes de sécurité et les instructions de montage.ModelsLightedLength (mm)WYRXX3 = White, Yellow, Red with override controlGYRXX3 = Green, Yellow, Red with override controlWGRYB5 = White, Green, Red, Yellow, Blue with binary controlWGRXX6 = White, Green, Red with I/O Block controlWYRXX6 = White, Yellow, Red with I/O Block controlGYRXX6 = Green, Yellow, Red with I/O Block control(mating cordset required)H = Heavy DiffusedWLS27 Multicolor LED Strip Light with EZ-STATUS™Original Document201896 Rev. E30 August 2019201896Wiring Diagrams - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 201896 Rev. ESpecificationsSupply Voltage24 V dc (+ 20% / - 10%)Use only with suitable Class 2 power supply (UL) or a SELV power supply (CE)See electrical characteristics on product labelSupply Protection CircuitryProtected against reverse polarity and transient voltagesLight CharacteristicsDaylight White Efficacy: 85 lumens/watt typical at 24 V dc at 25 °C (77 °F)CRI: 80, minimumApplication NotesWhen connecting cascadable lights in series it is important not to exceed maximum current limitations:Maximum length of light at 24 V dc: 3.0 m (9.8 ft)Do not spray cable with high-pressure sprayer, or cable damage will result.Leakage Current Immunity 400 µALED LifetimeLumen Maintenance - L 70When operating within specifications, output decreases less than 30% after 50,000 hours MountingBracket LMBWLS27EC included (2 for lights up to 570 mm or 3 for lights 850 mm and longer)ConstructionClear anodized aluminum inner housing and FDA-grade copolyester outer housing ConnectionsIntegral 4-pin M12/Euro-style male quick disconnect Environmental RatingRated IEC IP66, IEC IP67, and IP69K per DIN 40050-9Vibration and Mechanical ShockVibration: 10 Hz to 55 Hz, 1.0 mm peak-to-peak amplitude per IEC 60068-2-6Shock: 15G 11 ms duration, half sine wave per IEC 60068-2-27Operating Temperature–40 °C to +50 °C (–40 °F to +122 °F)Storage Temperature: –40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F)CertificationsDDimensionsQuick Disconnect Models17.6[.69]27.0Cascade Models27.0[1.06]17.6[.69]17.6[.69]M12 X 1P/N 201896 Rev. E - Tel: + 1 888 373 67673Performance CurvesOptical data shown below is for daylight white only. To get lux and candela values for green, red, yellow, and blue, multiply the values shown on the charts by the following factors:Green: 0.615Red: 0.285Yellow: 0.875Blue: 0.195For models with heavy diffused housing, multiply lumen values by 0.8.285 mm Models180°C D(c a n d e l a )210175140105703503570105140175210170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Polar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternIlluminance at a DistanceVertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° Horizontal150 lux 125 lux 100 lux75 lux 50 lux 25 lux10 lux 5 lux 50% max.candela570 mm Models180°C D(c a n d e l a )420350*********70070140210280350420170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Polar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternVertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° Horizontal300 lux 250 lux 200 lux150 lux 100 lux 50 lux20 lux 10 lux 50% max. candelaVertical Spread: 98.5°Horizontal Spread: 115.7°Illuminance at a DistanceVert.Horiz.0.17 m 0.33 m0.50 m 0.67 m 0.83 m1.00 m - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 201896 Rev. E850 mm Models180°C D(c a n d e l a )6305254203152101050105210315420525630170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Polar Candela DistributionVertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° Horizontal450 lux 375 lux 300 lux225 lux 150 lux 75 lux25 lux 10 lux 50% max.candelaIlluminance at a Distance1130 mm Models180°C D(c a n d e l a )8206835474102731370137273410547683820170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Polar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternVertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° Horizontal600 lux 500 lux 400 lux300 lux 200 lux 100 lux50 lux 25 lux 50% max.candelaIlluminance at a DistanceAccessories CordsetsUse single-ended cordsets between the power source and the quick disconnect connection of a stand-alone light or the first light in a cascade. Use double-ended cordsets between lights in a cascade.P/N 201896 Rev. E - Tel: + 1 888 373 67675 - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 201896 Rev. EBracketsP/N 201896 Rev. E - Tel: + 1 888 373 67677Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE. This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to: .For patent information, see /patents.Mexican ImporterBanner Engineering de Mèxico, S. de R.L. de C.V.David Alfaro Siqueiros 103 Piso 2 Valle orienteSan Pedro Garza Garcia Nuevo Leòn, C. P. 6626981 8363.2714© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。

Δ L : 光程差 [mm]
2.6 成像光谱仪的光谱成像方式
(2)干涉型成像光谱仪(Fourier Imaging Interferometer)
M 1 '
迈 克 尔
M 2 G2
M 1
2.4 高光谱遥感成像关键技术
遥感器的光谱响应与下列因素有关: (1)能量流(Energy Flux),指从地面反射或辐射进入探测器的能量总和。 (2)平台高度,对于给定的地面分辨单元来说,进入仪器的能量与平台高 度成反比。 (3)光谱分辨率,光谱通道越宽,即光谱分辨率越低,探测器接收的信号 越强。 (4)瞬时视场角(IFOV),探测器元件(Element)的物理尺寸和扫描光 学系统的焦距决定了IFOV,而IFOV越小,其光谱响应也越弱。 (5)探测器凝视时间(Dwell Time),探测器的瞬时视场角扫过地面分辨 单元的时间称为凝视时间,其大小为行扫描时间与每行像元数的比值。凝 视时间越长,进入探测器的能量越多,光谱响应也就越强。 21
2.2 高光谱遥感成像特点

第 21 卷 第 7 期2023 年 7 月Vol.21,No.7Jul.,2023太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology114.3~123 GHz六阶带通滤波器设计张宇驰,张波,樊勇(电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院,四川成都611731)摘要:基于经典的半波长滤波器理论,设计了一种用于太赫兹通信系统的半波长磁耦合矩形波导带通滤波器。
仿真结果表明,该滤波器中心频率为118 GHz,通带为114.3~123 GHz,相对带宽为7.4%;在131.8 GHz处的抑制度大于30 dB,通带插入损耗小于0.8 dB,通带回波损耗大于20 dB。
关键词:带通滤波器;半波长磁耦合;矩形波导;太赫兹中图分类号:TN713 文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2022167Design of band-pass filter for terahertz communication systemsZHANG Yuchi,ZHANG Bo,FAN Yong(School of Electronic Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,ChengduSichuan 611731,China)AbstractAbstract::Based on the classical half-wavelength filter theory, a half-wavelength magnetically coupled rectangular waveguide bandpass filter is studied and designed for terahertz communicationsystem. The simulation results show that the center frequency of the filter is 118 GHz; the passband is114.3~123 GHz; the relative band-width is 7.4%; the attenuation at 131.8 GHz is more than 30 dB; thepassband insertion loss is less than 0.8 dB; and the pass-band return loss is more than 20 dB. After thephysical test, the test results are basically consistent with the simulation results. This filter bears asimple structure and a low fabrication difficulty.KeywordsKeywords::band-pass filter;half wavelength magnetic coupling;rectangle waveguide;terahertz 太赫兹波是指频率范围为0.1~10 THz的电磁波,该波段处于毫米波与光波之间,具有大带宽、高安全性、强方向性和器件尺寸小等诸多特点,这些优势使得太赫兹波在很多领域具有极其广泛的应用前景。

本文通过理论分析、优化仿真等,详细论述了展宽八木天线工作频带的方法, 并对提出了几种展宽八木天线的波瓣宽度切实可行的办法。最后设计并测试了一 副相对带宽达 22%,波束宽度在 80°以上的八木天线,可以很好的应用于流星余 迹通信系统。
日期Biblioteka 关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解西安电子科技大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定,即:研究 生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西安电子科技大学。本人保 证毕 业离校后,发表论文或使用论文工作成果时署名单位仍然为西安电子科技大 学。 学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许查阅和借阅论文;学校可以公布论文 的全 部或部分内容,可以允许采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。 (保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定) 本学位论文属于保密,在 年解密后适用本授权书。
For the MBC, the coverage area of the antenna pattern determines the available meteor burst range. Therefore, the beamwidth of the MBC system should be as wide as possible. But the wide-beam demand will reduce the gain of the antenna and then many originally available meteor burst will be abandoned. So the parameters must be optimized properly.

%This paper presents the optimized design of THz ripple-wall mode converters in circular waveguide using generalized scattering matrix (GSM) method based on conservation of complex power technique (CCPT). The GSM method, which is different from the traditional method of solving coupled mode equations, could give full-wave analysis for optimal design of the converter, thereby avoid difficulty in solving backward wave amplitude and shorten calculating time. The numerical result of GSM is in agreement with that of coupled wave theory (CWT) and HFSS simulation result. The elapsed time of the former is much less than the latter two. This work provides important theoretical reference and analytical method for designing ripple-wall mode converters in circular waveguide for millimeter wave and submillimeter wave sources.【期刊名称】《电子科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】5页(P534-538)【关键词】波纹圆波导;耦合波理论;广义散射矩阵;太赫兹【作者】兰峰;杨梓强;史宗君【作者单位】电子科技大学物理电子学院成都 610054;电子科技大学物理电子学院成都 610054;电子科技大学物理电子学院成都 610054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O44;TM15为了获得低损耗传输的圆波导模式及可以直接发射的天线馈源、高功率太赫兹源,如工作在TE0n模式的回旋管、工作在TM0n模式的虚阴极振荡器、相对论返波管,需要设计TE0n-TE01或TM0n-TM01模式变换器。

OptiGrating 主要针对以光栅原理设计之光学组件进行设计,当前有许多的通讯及感应装置都是根据光栅原理所制造。
如:波导光栅技术已被应用在WDM 光通讯网络、激光稳定器、温度及应力感应器。
OptiGrating 提供了不同的选项来分析及设计标准的光纤光栅及波导光栅,例如:设计一个布拉格光纤光栅滤波器,其中包含了调整光栅形状、长度、折射率变化方式、折射率变化值、周期变化值、光纤直径及折射率值,当设置好这些参数后,就可以让OptiGrating 进行仿真其原理是根据耦合模型进行运算,而耦合模型则是使用转换距阵来计算。
●WDM add/drop,窄带和宽带光纤和光波导滤波器●光纤布拉格反射器●EDFA增益平坦元件●光纤通讯中的色散补偿元件●采用啁啾光纤光栅的边带抑制●光纤和波导传感器●长周期光栅耦合到包层模Arbitary fiber/waveguide profile任意之光纤/波导变化设计Arbitrary grating profile任意之光栅变化设计Various calculation options in the spatial, spectraland time domains任意之计算选项,有空间、光谱及时间区域Multimode coupling simulation对核心模态耦合及任意数量之核心/ 壳层之模态进行仿真Sensors设计随温度及应力变化之布拉格光栅或长周期光纤光栅感应器Inverse Problem Solver可藉由反射光谱反推出光栅结构Material and mode dispersion折射率可由Sellmeier 公式定义,或由使用者自定。
同时可将材料及模态射散添加运算Material loss and gain材料损失及增益,复数系数及泄漏模态都会在运算中考虑Higher-order gratings可对高阶绕射光栅进行运算Parameter scanning module所有有关光栅的参数都可进行扫描。
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Presented at IFIP 5th Working-Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2001), vol. 1, Vienna, 5th - 7th Feb. 2001 Bandwidth Utilisation and Wavelength Re-Use in WDM Optical Burst-Switched Packet Networks Michael Düser and Polina BayvelOptical Networks GroupDepartment of Electronic and Electrical EngineeringUniversity College LondonTorrington PlaceLondon WC1E 7JEUnited KingdomTel: +44 207 679 3843, Fax: +44 207 388 9325Email: pbayvel, mdueser@Key words:Optical packet networks, burst switchingAbstract: Results describing the design trade-offs in bandwidth utilisation and wavelength re-use in optical burst-switched networks are reported. The effectsof traffic statistics are analysed, and a set of bounds for the network design andlightpath set-up time for dynamic network control is derived. The round-triptime required for signalling is identified to be a key parameter in optimisingthe network performance.1. INTRODUCTIONIn future telecommunication networks traffic with different performance requirements will be merged in the same physical layer. The challenge in the design of future packet networks is, therefore, not only the increase in traffic volumes, but also the diversity of performance measures, such as packet delay, delay jitter and packet loss rate (PLR) for the different traffic types and dynamically varying network loads.Although static wavelength-routed optical networks (WRONs) [1, 2] are relatively simple to design and operate, they are not easily adaptable to rapidly dynamically varying traffic, in sub-millisecond timescales. In12Michael Düser and Polina Bayvel contrast, optical burst-switched (OBS) networks [3-9] can accommodate dynamic traffic variations and differential quality of service (QoS) requirements by aggregating packets at the network edge to a burst, which is assigned to a free wavelength and sent into the network once pre-defined performance parameters have been exceeded. In this paper, an OBS architecture is described that allows to achieve deterministic latencies, together with a description of design parameters. New analysis and results are reported on the trade-offs in the design of edge delay, core-to-input bit-rate ratio and the round trip time, which allow to predict bandwidth utilisation and dynamic wavelength allocation gain. These results can be used to define the bounds on the round-trip time required for the setting up of lightpaths to achieve a dynamic network control scheme.Fig. 1. Optical burst switching network architecture with electronic edge routers and optically transparent optical core2. OPTICAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE AND TRAFFIC MODELLINGThe analysis in this work describes the network performance results presented in [7] in more detail and presents a detailed description of the assumptions made for the traffic modelling. The model is based on the OBS architecture shown in Figure 1, where electronic edge routers are connected to an optical core router. The optical core is assumed to be transparent by using dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) transport and3 Bandwidth Utilisation and Wavelength Re-Use in WDM OpticalBurst-Switched Packet Networkspassive routers to avoid the processing of header information and temporary buffering in the core routers. It is assumed that traffic at the edge consists of streams of packets, which are pre-sorted in the electronic edge-routers, according to their class of service (CoS) and destination into separate buffers as shown in Figure 2. Packets are not forwarded on a hop-by-hop basis as in IP networks, but are aggregated to flows, and dynamically assigned to an available wavelength, either when packets are dropped due to buffer overflow, or when a timeout signal indicates that time-critical packets have to be released to meet latency requirements. The incurred delay in the edge router, t edge, is, thus, both deterministic and adjustable to meet the specific latency requirements of different traffic classes. ArrayFig. 2. Edge router model with electronic pre-sorting, non-blocking output-buffered switch and tuneable wavelength sectionThe implementation of the burst aggregation functionality within the network edge router requires minor changes compared to the operation of electronic IP routers. The destination address is extracted from the packet header, and the output port determined from a table look-up. Using an output-queued switch to avoid loss from blocking of the switching matrix, the IP packet would be forwarded to the respective output queue. Although purely output-queued switches are difficult to realise, combined input-output queued (CIOQ) switches with moderate internal speed-up (≤ 2) have been shown to achieve a throughput identical to output-queued switches [10].Comparison to other OBS schemesOptical burst switching combines the processing and buffering capabilities of electronics at the network edge with the advantage of optical DWDM transport and wavelength routing in the core. The exploitation of theadvantages of both schemes allows to implement QoS differentiation in the4Michael Düser and Polina Bayvel core network. Guaranteed delays, delay jitter and PLR as QoS parameters have to be ensured even for dynamically variable traffic. A comparison with other OBS schemes, shown in Table 1, reveals that they will experience difficulties to ensure QoS guarantees.Different schemes for the implementation of OBS networks have been suggested, but except the architecture discussed in this paper and the “Just-enough-Time” (JET) scheme [8], without allowing for different CoS. Table 1 shows a summary of the functions of different implementations schemes with respect to admission, predictability of delay over the core network, burst delivery guarantees, and QoS considerations. The following abbreviations apply:•Horizon: ‘Horizon’ scheduling algorithm•TAG: tell-and-go•JET: just-enough-time•IBT: in-band-terminator•RFD: reserved-fixed-duration•JIT: just-in-time•MPLS: multi-protocol label switchingExcept the OBS architecture with admission control discussed in this paper, all schemes suffer from potential blocking of bursts in the optical core, resulting in packet loss and non-deterministic latencies.Table 1. Comparison of different OBS implementation schemesScheme Admission Delay Delivery QoS RefLimited Deterministic Guaranteed Yes[7] DiscussedhereHorizon Full Variable< 100%No[4]TAG Full Variable< 100%No[6]JET Full Deterministic< 100%Potentially[6]IBT Similar to TAG[6]RFD Full Variable< 100%No[6]JIT Full Deterministic< 100%No[8]MPLS-based Limited Deterministic< 100%Yes[9]3. MODELLING RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA uniform distribution of packets addressed to other edge routers and negligible loss of packets in the output-queued switch are assumed, based on the assumption of very large buffers. The time duration before a burst is assigned to a free wavelength and released into the network is defined as the edge delay t edge. As the traffic statistics defines the build up of bursts, an earlier paper focused on analysing the effects of packet inter-arrival times and size statistics [7]. Simulations for traffic loads from 0.1 to 0.8 wereBandwidth Utilisation and Wavelength Re-Use in WDM OpticalBurst-Switched Packet Networks 5carried out, showing that the worst case PLR was achieved for Pareto distributed packet lengths (400 bits - 320,000 bits) and Pareto distributed inter-arrival times, the best case was achieved with fixed length packets (400bits) and Poisson inter-arrival statistics. It was shown that for the case of Pareto statistics the queues have to be emptied with at a faster rate to avoid buffer overflow. For the given simulation parameters this rate increase in the emptying of queues was approximately a factor of 2.statesThe incoming traffic is generated using ON-OFF sources as shown in Figure 3 with different probability density functions (PDF) for both the ON-state, P(ON), and the OFF-state, P(OFF) [11] to allow both variation of packet length and packet inter-arrival time. The source continuously alters between the ON and the OFF state, where different PDFs are applicable for both states to simulate a variety of traffic models.The modelling of regular voice traffic can be described by Poisson inter-arrival time and exponential call holding times, but this model does not hold for the description of data traffic [12]. Although the correct model of data traffic is much under debate and strongly depends on the implemented protocol (e.g. IP, Ethernet), investigations report on the self-similar nature of traffic in deployed networks [13], showing that one possible implementation of this type of traffic is achieved when heavy-tailed Pareto distributions are multiplexed into the same queue. A Pareto distributed inter-arrival time t is described aswhere 1 < α < 2, A > 0 and t ≥ 0. For detailed characteristics of a Pareto distribution, see [14]. For 1 < α < 2, the resulting statistical process at the output of the buffer is asymptotically second-order self-similar , where self-similarity is characterised by the Hurst parameter defined as [15]:αtA α P(t)−⋅=(1)6Michael Düser and Polina Bayvelso that 0.5 < H < 1. The importance of the self-similar traffic characteristics in the context of networking results from its influence on the PLR and the edge delay in buffers used for burst aggregation. The edge delay, t edge , is defined as the time that a burst spends in the buffer before being assigned to a free wavelength, so the queueing delay of packets entering the buffer is ≤ t edge .To investigate the impact of traffic statistics on the queueing behaviour,simulations for both Poisson and Pareto inter-arrival statistics are shown to determine the distribution of the flow size, L flow , and the resulting PLR for a finite length buffer. Here, the results for two different traffic source characteristics are applied, and their impact on the flowsize and PLR as function of tedge is analysed for:I) fixed length packet sizes, Poisson inter-arrival distributionII) Pareto (α = 1.5) packet length distribution, Pareto (α = 1.5) inter-arrival time distributiondelay for B = 400 Mbit and a mean input bit-rate b in = 10 Gb/s. Flow size (solid) and a mean PLR for fixed packet, Poisson inter-arrival (dotted) andPareto packet size, Pareto inter-arrival (dashed) distribution2α 3H −=(2)Bandwidth Utilisation and Wavelength Re-Use in WDM OpticalBurst-Switched Packet Networks 7From Figure 4 it can be seen that the mean flowsize increases linearly with t edge for both traffic models. Although the standard deviation of the flowsize is negligible in case I, a significant standard deviation is observed for case II of very bursty traffic, e.g. a standard deviation of 85.73 is observed for t edge = 40 ms. In the case of cbr traffic, the buffer is filled for a value of t edge = 40 ms, and a PLR > 0 is expected for t edge > 40 ms. The impact of the very burst traffic on the related PLR is severe: Although in case I a significant PLR is observed (> 10-6) for edge delays of approximately 40 ms, i.e. nearly completely filled buffer, the same PLR is observed in case II for edge delays < 30 ms.Fig. 5. Graph showing the PLR distribution as a function of edge delay.Significant deviations of the PLR from the mean is observed for Paretotraffic statistics (α = 1.5) at the input for t edge > 30 ms.Figure 5 shows the further analysis of the simulation results for the PLR,which reveal that significant deviations from the mean PLR can occur,resulting in occasionally excessive packet loss. For the implementation of QoS in OBS networks, therefore, not only the average PLR is to be taken into account, but also occasionally occurring packet loss.In this analysis, the investigation of the effects of different statistics on the buffer overflow characteristics allows to predict and prevent excessive packet loss by introducing and adjusting threshold values, and, once a pre-defined threshold is exceeded, the burst will be assigned to the next available PLRf r e q u e n c y t edge [ms]Increase in packet loss0103040208Michael Düser and Polina Bayvel wavelength. As can be seen from Figure 4, an impairment of this scheme is that the burst aggregation time is limited (e.g. to < 30 ms in Figure 4 for self-similar traffic).Hence buffers are emptied at a higher rate, which increases the number of bursts in the core network at any given time.Without anticipating results of the analysis in chapter 4, it shall be noted at this place that long burst are beneficial for an efficient use of the network resources, especially to encourage the re-use of given wavelength paths. If, as shown above, bursty traffic entering edge routers reduces the maximum burst size, this will result in a decrease of the network performance.Therefore, bursty traffic can be represented by the superposition of noise on the mean load, and continuous bit-rate (CBR) traffic represents the limiting case. For the buffer filling process, the decisive metric is the mean filling rate, or the mean flowsize, respectively. This is a valid approach since for identical traffic loads, but different traffic statistics, the mean values of the buffer filling process are identical, but the standard deviations vary significantly. Assuming that the buffer filling process and the mean value are of the main interest, and deviations can be neglected in the first instance, a traffic model independent on the traffic statistics can be applied by using CBR traffic. This allows for the analytical description of the proposed OBS scheme for all possible traffic statistics. In this work a continuous bit-rate (CBR) traffic model was, therefore, assumed. In this case, the flow size L flow increases linearly with the edge delayL flow = t edge⋅b in(3) The wavelength holding time t WHT denotes the period for which a given wavelength is assigned, typically in millisecondst WHT = t RTT + (t edge/A)(4) where A = b core/b in is the bit-rate ratio, the significance of this parameter is explained later together with Figs. 7 and 9. t RTT is the time required for the lightpath set-up, including the propagation delay. In these calculations a value of 5 ms was assumed, based on a network with a 1000 km diameter. It is assumed that this represents a propagation delay during which burst assembly takes place. This does not include the wavelength request processing at the control node. The equivalent bandwidth used for a path is defined as bandwidth-per-wavelengthB/λ = L flow/t WHT (5) For high resource utilisation in the physical layer it is important that a given lightpath is used as efficiently as possible, the bandwidth utilisation U can thus be defined as:Bandwidth Utilisation and Wavelength Re-Use in WDM OpticalBurst-Switched Packet Networks 9edge RTT edge core t t A t b B/λ U +⋅==(6)and is plotted in Figure 6 for t RTT = 5 ms, and b core = 12.5, 40 and 100 Gb/s respectively. These values correspond to bit-rate ratios A = 1.25, 4, and 10for b in = 10 Gb/s. It turns out that for the lowest core bit-rate, 12.5 Gb/s, the utilisation is maximum. This is due to the fact that the overhead caused by signalling for wavelength path set-up is minimum in this case, resulting in wavelength-holding times t WHT in the range of tens of milliseconds, whereas t RTT = 5 ms was assumed to be constant. The utilisation is very low,however, for high bit-rates such as 100 Gb/s. Even for long edge delays in the range of 50 ms, the utilisation is approximately 50 % only.Fig. 6. Utilisation U as a function of t edge for t RTT = 5 ms, b in = 10 Gb/s andb core = 12.5, 40, and 100 Gb/sTo investigate the influence of the edge delay and the bit-rate ratio A on the utilisation for a wider range of parameters, it is plotted in Figure 7 for 0ms ≤ t edge ≤ 200 ms, and 0 ≤ A ≤ 100. The range of values for t edge and L flow is based on previous simulation results of different packet size and packet inter-arrival times distributions, described in chapter 3.010203040500%20%40%60%80%100%U t i l i s a t i o n t edge [ms]12.5 Gb/s 40 Gb/s 100 Gb/s10Michael Düser and Polina BayvelFig. 7. Bandwidth utilisation, U, as a function of t edge and A for a round-triptime t RTT = 5 msAs b core >> b in can be assumed for a high-speed optical core, t WHT << t edge .In this case the time required to transmit a burst and, therefore, the time for which a given wavelength is used is much shorter than the edge delay. In the case of dynamic wavelength allocation an unused wavelength can be assigned to another edge router, and the resultant increase in the wavelength re-use is denoted by a wavelength re-use factor, RUF, defined as:U At t A t A t t RUF edge RTT edge WHT edge ⋅=+⋅⋅==(7)It is plotted in Figure 8 as a function of t edge for t RTT = 5 ms, b in = 10 Gb/s and b core = 12.5, 40, and 100 Gb/s, respectively.Burst-Switched Packet NetworksFig. 8. Wavelength re-use factor RUF as a function of t edge for t RTT = 5 msand b core = 12.5, 40, and 100 Gb/sThe wavelength re-use factor is plotted for a wider range of parameters in Figure 9 for 0 ms ≤ t edge ≤ 200 ms, 0 ≤ A ≤ 100, and t RTT = 5 ms 1.From the above analysis it becomes evident that three parameters dominate the performance parameters of OBS networks:• Edge delay t edge• Bit-rate ratio A• Signalling overhead, characterised by the round-trip time t RTTOf particular importance is the bit-rate ratio A since in core networks the core bit-rate b core will be fixed in most cases. So, for given input bit-rate b in ,the bandwidth utilisation U and the wavelength re-use RUF can be directly determined from Figs. 7 and 9 as a function of t edge and t RTT .1 It should be noted that the wavelength re-use factor as defined here refers to the efficiency with which a given wavelength channel is used to satisfy other source-destination requests.It does not take into account the wavelength allocation algorithm or its efficiency in wavelength re-use to minimise the wavelength requirements.010*********12345100 Gb/s12.5 Gb/s 40 Gb/sR e -u s e f a c t o r (R U F )t edge [ms]Fig. 9. Wavelength re-use factor, RUF for a round-trip time t RTT = 5 ms, as afunction of t edge and AThese results clearly show that with this network approach different types of traffic could be accommodated: low delays, required for time-critical types of traffic, are achievable, but with low values of utilisation, U,especially for large bit-rate ratios. It is possible to design a network with U >80 % for A > 10 and delays > 50 ms. From Figure 9 it can be seen that RUF reaches maximum values with both increasing t edge and A. For comparison,Figure 9 shows also the equivalent to the case of a statically wavelength-routed optical network (WRON) where RUF = 1. For values of RUF < 1 the network would theoretically require more wavelengths than in a static WRON, and this represents the region of network instability where the total input load exceeds the network throughput.The time to set up a lightpath is t RTT , required for signalling between edge routers and the network control element, either central or distributed. To ensure that RUF > 1 as defined in (6),1 A for t t t A 1 A t edge RTT edge RTT >><⇔⋅−<(8)Burst-Switched Packet NetworksIt is important to note that in order to achieve efficient wavelength re-use, the lightpath set-up time must be as small as possible, and for a fixed t edge, the upper bound in RUF is given by RUF max = A.The proposed architecture can, therefore, accommodate traffic with wide range of delay requirements over the same network. Very delay sensitive traffic, such as voice, would only be queued for 10 - 20 ms before being assigned to a free wavelength with the penalty of a relatively low utilisation (< 50 %) and re-use factor (< 5) as can be seen from Figures 7 and 9. A lower bound for the required edge delay is the round-trip time t RTT. However, less delay sensitive traffic such as data can be routed over the network in parallel, but with longer edge delays allowing for a higher re-use of wavelengths than in the case of latency-sensitive traffic.4. SUMMARYNew analysis of optical burst-switched networks is described which allows for the quantification of performance parameters key to network design. It was shown that for the limiting case of CBR traffic an analytical model for the edge router can be derived, and that this architecture allows to achieve a range of edge delays to satisfy the latency requirements of different traffic types. Bandwidth utilisation and wavelength re-use were introduced. These allow to quantify accurately the gain with dynamic wavelength allocation, which has the two-fold benefit of reducing wavelength requirements and enabling the network to respond to variable traffic demands. The time required for lightpath path set-up, t RTT, is a lower bound on the achievable edge delays and must be minimised by fast RWA algorithms.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. S. Ferguson (Marconi Communications), Dr. D. Wischik (Cambridge), Dr. R. I. Killey (UCL), E. Kozlovski (UCL), A. Myers (UCL), and I. De Miguel (UCL, on leave from University of Valladolid, Spain) for invaluable comments. Financial support from Marconi Communications, UK EPSRC, and the Royal Society is gratefully acknowledged.REFERENCES[1]S. Baroni, P. Bayvel, R.J. Gibbens, S.K. Korotky, "Analysis and design of resilientmultifiber wavelength-routed optical transport networks," J. Lightwave Technologies 17, 743-758 (1999)[2]S. Baroni, P. Bayvel, “Wavelength requirements in arbitrarily connected wavelength-routed optical networks,” J. Lightwave Technology 15, 242 - 251 (1997)[3]J.S. Turner, "WDM Burst Switching for Petabit Data Networks," Tech. Dig. OFC2000, paper WD2-1, 47 - 49 (2000)[4]J.S. Turner, "Terabit Burst Switching," J. High-Speed Networks 8 (1), 3-16 (1999)[5] C. Qiao, "Labeled Optical Burst Switching for IP-over-WDM Integration," IEEEComm. Mag. 38 (9), 104 - 114 (2000)[6] C. Qiao, M. Yoo, “Choices, Features and Issues in Optical Burst Switching,” J. 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