Unit1 Circuit Variables

第一章第一篇sectiongTwo variables u(t) and i(t) are the most basic concepts in an electric circuit, they characterize the various relationships in an electric circuitu(t)和i(t)这两个变量是电路中最基本的两个变量,它们刻划了电路的各种关系。
the charge e on an electron is negative and equal in magnitude to 1.60210×10 19C, while a proton carries a positive charge of the same magnitude as the electron. The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an atom neutrally charged. 我们从基础物理得知一切物质是由被称为原子的基本构造部分组成的,并且每个原子是由电子,质子和中子组成的。
我们还知道电子的电量是负的并且在数值上等于 1.602100×10-12C,而质子所带的正电量在数值上与电子相等。
We consider the flow of electric charges. A unique feature offlow of negative charges, as Fig.l-1 illustrates. This convention was introduced by Benjamin Franklin (l706~l790), the American scientist and inventor. Although we now know that current in metallic conductors is due to negatively charged electrons, we will follow the universally accepted conventionthat current is the net flow of positive charges. Thus, Electriccurrent is the time rate of charge, measured in amperes (A).Mathematically, the relationship among current i , charge q , andtime t is 当我们把一根导线连接到某一电池上时(一种电动势源),电荷被外力驱使移动;正电荷朝一个方向移动而负电荷朝相反的方向time in several ways that may be represented by different kindsof mathematical functions 我们通过方程(1-1)定义电流的方式表明电流不必是一个恒值函数,电荷可以不同的方式随时间而变化,这些不同的方式可用各种数学函数表达出来。

Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω) using a ohmmeter.
Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy. It is measured by the capacity of the capacitor to hold a charge.
Analysis methods for circuits
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A circuit that allows the flow of AC current, typically used in household and industrial applications.
பைடு நூலகம்
Definition of Circuit
Circuit components include resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and power sources. These components are connected to form a complete circuit.
目 录

IntroductionCircuit analysis is the process of solving mathematical equations in order to determine how electric current flows in a circuit. It is an essential skill for anyone interested in electronic design, as it allows us to predict the performance of a circuit before it is built, saving time and resources. In this document, we will be discussing the foundational principles of circuit analysis and circuits in general, in the context of an English-language course.ObjectivesThe objectives of this course are to:•Learn the fundamental principles of circuits, including voltage, current, resistance, and power•Understand how to apply Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws to analyze simple circuits•Gn familiarity with circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors, and how they affect circuit behavior •Explore more complex circuits, including those contning voltage and current sources and those with multiple loops andnodes•Learn how to use simulation software to predict circuit performance.TopicsUnit 1: Introduction to Circuits•Definition of a circuit: series and parallel circuits.•Basic circuit elements: voltage sources, resistors, capacitors, and inductors.•Voltage, current, resistance, and power: Ohm’s law and its application.Unit 2: Circuit Analysis Techniques•Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law.•Circuit analysis using nodal and mesh analysis.•Superposition principle and Thevenin’s theorem.Unit 3: Capacitors and Inductors•Capacitors: capacitance, charge, voltage, current, and energy storage.•Inductors: inductance, magnetic field, voltage, current, and energy storage.•Series and parallel combination of capacitors and inductors. Unit 4: AC Circuits•AC voltage and current: peak, root mean square, and average values.•Sinusoidal waveforms: equations, phasors, and frequency domn analysis.•AC circuits contning resistors, capacitors, and inductors: impedance, admittance, and phase angle.Unit 5: More Complex Circuits•Voltage and current sources: DC and AC sources, independent and dependent sources.•Circuit analysis with multiple loops and nodes: nodal and mesh analysis.•Maximum power transfer theorem and impedance matching.Unit 6: Circuit Simulation•Introduction to simulation software: Circuit Simulator, LTSpice, and MATLAB.•Simulation of basic and intermediate circuits.•Circuit simulation using MATLAB live scripts.AssessmentThe course will be assessed through a combination of in-class participation, homework assignments, and exams. Homework problems willbe assigned regularly and graded for accuracy and completeness. Examswill cover the material discussed in class and in the homework assignments. In-class participation will be assessed based on attendance, active participation in class discussions, and engagement with class material.ConclusionThis course provides a foundation in circuit analysis that is essential for anyone interested in electronic design. By emphasizing the fundamental principles of circuits and the methods used to analyze them,students will gn a deeper understanding of circuit behavior and be better equipped to design and troubleshoot electronic circuits.。
Unit1 Circuit Variables

Unit One Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements Key Words and Terms1.quantitatively adv.数量上2.phenomena n.现象3.expend vt.花费, 消耗, 用光4.differential adj.微分的5.magnitude n.大小, 数量, 量级,幅度6.discrete adj. 不连续的, 离散的7.continuous variable 连续变量8.references n.参考, 索引, 参照9.assignment n.分配, 委派, 任务10.a rbitrary adj.任意的11.c onvention n.协定, 习俗, 惯例12.a ttribute n.属性, 标志, 定语13.c omponent n.元件, 组件14.r esistor n.电阻(元件)15.i nductor n.电感(元件)16.c apacitor n.电容(元件)17.p rescribed adj. 规定的,指定的18.a lgebraic adj.代数的, 代数学的19.m agnetic adj.磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的20.f ield n.场、励磁、现场21.d ielectric adj.不导电的,绝缘的22.charge n.电荷23.c ircuit n.电路24.v oltage n.电压25.c urrent n.电流26.e lectron n.电子Question:What is the most inportant information to your reading?Notations and TranslationVoltage and CurrentThe concepts of voltage and current are useful from an engineering point of view because they can be expressed quantitatively.①根据工程学的观点,电压和电流的概念非常有用,因为它们可以用数量表示。

Materials that allow the flow of electricity, such as copper or aluminum wires
Devices used to control the flow of electricity in a circuit, turning it on or off
States that sum of currents entering a node ( junction) in a circuit is equal to the sum of currents leaving the node
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
States that sum of voltage drops around any closed loop in a circuit is zero This law is based on conservation of energy and is essential for analyzing complex circuits
Power Law
Describe the relationship between power, voltage, and current in a circuit (P=IV) Power is measured in watts (W)
Kirchhoff's Laws
Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)
Superposition Theorem
Introduction to Superposition Theory
Explain the basic concept and principles of the Superposition Theory

② If use Non-Passive sign convention, the relation will be minus;
③Indicate the resistor have no memory,and symmetrical at two terminal。 i R
Ohm’s law
Practise Calculate the power of every part.
i iS 2A
5V u
u 5V
P A iS u 2 5 10 W 2
P V uS i 5 (2) 10 W 5
release release
2. Fuel Cell(燃料电池)
电池电动势1.23V。以氢、氧作为燃料。约40-45%的化学能 转变为电能。实验阶段加燃料可继续工作。
3. Solar Cell (太阳能电池)
一块太阳能电池电动势0.6V。太阳光照射到P-N结上, 形成一个从N区流向P区的电流。约 11%的光能转变为电 能,故常用太阳能电池板。 一个50cm2太阳能电池的电动势0.6V,电流0.1A
0 i
Direct Current
u RiS
( R 0)
u ( R )
Current source can’t be opend!
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Actual Current soruce: 可由稳流电子设备产生,如晶体管的集电极 电流与负载无关;光电池在一定光线照射下光电 子被激发产生一定值的电流等。
电路原理 英文教材

电路原理英文教材Circuit Principles1. Introduction to CircuitsA circuit is a closed loop that allows the flow of electric current. It consists of various components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and voltage sources. This section will provide an overview of circuit principles.2. Basic Circuit ElementsThere are three fundamental circuit elements: resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Resistors impede the flow of electric current, capacitors store and release electrical energy, and inductors resist changes in current. This section will discuss the properties and behavior of these basic circuit elements.3. Ohm's LawOhm's Law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to its resistance. This section will explain Ohm's Law and its applications in circuit analysis.4. Series and Parallel CircuitsSeries circuits have all components connected in a single loop, while parallel circuits have multiple paths for current flow. This section will discuss the properties of series and parallel circuits, including their voltage and current relationships.5. Kirchhoff's LawsKirchhoff's Laws, including Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) andKirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL), are essential for analyzing complex circuits. KCL states that the sum of currents entering a node is equal to the sum of currents leaving it, while KVL states that the sum of voltages in any closed loop is zero. This sectionwill explain how to apply Kirchhoff's Laws in circuit analysis.6. Circuit Analysis TechniquesThere are various methods for circuit analysis, such as nodal analysis, mesh analysis, and Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. This section will introduce these techniques and provide examples of their applications.7. Frequency AnalysisCircuits can behave differently at different frequencies. Frequency analysis helps understand how circuits respond to different input signals. This section will cover concepts like impedance, reactance, and frequency response.8. Transient AnalysisTransient analysis examines circuit behavior during the transition from one steady-state condition to another. It involves studying capacitive and inductive effects on the circuit's response. This section will explain how to analyze transient circuits.9. AmplifiersAmplifiers are essential components in electronic systems that increase the amplitude of signals. This section will provide an overview of amplifier circuits, including common amplifier configurations and their applications.10. FiltersFilters are circuits that selectively allow or block certain frequencies. They are used in various applications, such as signal processing and communication systems. This section will discuss different types of filters, including low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-stop filters.11. OscillatorsOscillators generate periodic waveforms without an input signal. They are widely used in applications such as electronic clocks, radio transmitters, and audio signal generators. This section will explain the working principles of oscillators and different oscillator circuits.12. Digital Logic CircuitsDigital logic circuits use binary signals to perform logical operations. They are the building blocks of digital systems such as computers and calculators. This section will introduce basic digital logic gates and their applications.13. Power ElectronicsPower electronics deals with the control and conversion of electrical power. It has applications in areas such as power supplies, motor drives, and renewable energy systems. This section will cover power electronic devices and their operating principles.14. Troubleshooting and SafetyThis section will provide tips for troubleshooting circuit problems and ensuring safety while working with circuits. It will covercommon issues, testing procedures, and safety precautions to follow when dealing with electric circuits.。
刘剑-电气工程及其自动化专业英语(建筑电气类)Unit1-passage A

TextElectric CircuitThe diagram of Fig 1.1 illustrates the essential parts of an electric circuit,which consists,in its simplest form, of an energy source and an interconnected energy dissipation or conversionload.device,known as theexample,on/electro-chemical,electro-magnetic,thermo-electric,photo-electric.,principles,but for the purpose of circuit analysis only two idealized forms are recognized, to one of which all practical sources approximate, They are: the voltage source and the current source.The voltage source maintains a constant terminal voltage irrespective of the current supplied to the load. It is important to appreciate that the voltage may be a function of, for example, time, temperature, pressure etc. It is constant without respect to variation of load.The current source maintains a constant in the load irrespective of the terminal voltage-which, in this case, is determined by the magnitude of the load, As with the voltage source, the generated current may depend on many other factors, but its one essentialattribute is its independence of load.The symbols used for these active devices are illustrated in Fig 1.2 (a) and (b )。

Unit onemilitary军事的,军用的geometry几何学trigonometry三角学algebra代数学variable quantity变量proposition命题postulate假设.假定electromagnetism电磁学Unit TwoVirtualization虚拟Unit Threeconfiguration配置topology拓扑学interoperability互操作性Unit fouranalog electronics 模拟电子技术transistor双极型晶体管amplification放大semiconductor半导体current 电流bipolar 双极型emitter(E) (晶体管的)发射极base(B) (晶体管的)基极collector(C) (晶体管的)集电极switch 开关voltage 电压gain 增益saturated饱和的load 负载grid(G)(MOS管的)栅极drain(D)(MOS管的)漏极source(S)(MOS管的)源极enhancement MOS transistor增强型金属氧化物半导体(MOS)晶体管MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) exhausted MOS transistor耗尽型金属氧化物半导体(MOS)晶体管bias circuit 偏置电路operational amplifier circuit运算放大电路rectification整流regulation稳压DC power supply 直流电源mother board主板,母板wafer 晶片integrated circuit(IC) 集成电路package 封装pin 引脚stripboard 条形焊接板breadboard 面包板anti—clockwise 逆时针方向notch凹槽solder 焊接heat sink 散热片chip holder 芯片插座screwdriver 螺丝起子Unit Fivedigital logic circuit 数字逻辑电路high level 高电平low level 低电平rectangular wave方波digital electronics 数字电子技术decimal 十进制binary 二进制octal 八进制hexadecimal十六进制algebra 代数学variable 变量gate门电路combinational logic circuit组合逻辑电路encoder 编码器decoder 译码器data selector 数据选择器numeric comparator 数值比较器parity checker奇偶校验器output expression 输出方程flip-flop 触发器sequential logic circuits时序逻辑电路register 寄存器counter 计数器driving equation 驱动方程state equation 状态方程sequential chart 时序图civil 民用的military 军用的D-FF(D-flip-flop) D触发器trigger 触发positive edge 上升沿asynchronously异步地simultaneously同步地frequency division 分频arbitrary任意的cascade 级联Unit Seveninformation 信息waveform 波形pulse 脉冲amplitude 振幅,幅度phase 相位,位相modulation 调制,调整,调节demodulation 解调detection 检测carrier 载波trapezoidal梯形的envelope 包络index 指数over-modulation 过调制baseband 基带analog 模拟sample 取样digitize 使(数据)数字化(黑体要求拼写其余要求面熟----WZQ)Unit Two Passage AComputer Problem SolvingThe hardware of虽然一部计算机的硬件能够被使用,但是没有组成电脑软件的程序就不能做任何事情. It’s crucial to understanding how software works in a modern computing system.。

Teaching ProgramCourse Code: 101C0040Course Name: Electric Circuits (Ⅰ)Weekly Hours: 4.0-0 Credits: 4.0Teaching Goal and Basic Requirements:This course introduces the principles of circuits and their role in electrical engineering, then introduces and demonstrates the power of the fundamental circuit laws and analysis methods. This is followed by an introduction to the principle of operational amplifier properties and operational amplifier circuits. The properties and applications of reactive circuit elements are introduced along with first and second order circuits. The basics of AC circuit analysis follow, the course will show how the sinusoidal steady state problem can be solved using phasor analysis. Students are prepared to analyze circuit properties with these tools and methods for each circuit type using both manual methods and PSpice tools.Content of Courses & Hours Allocation:Autumn QuarterWeek 1: Introduction; Chapter 1-- Basic concepts;Week 2: Chapter 2-- Basic laws; Chapter 3--Nodal analysis;Week 3: Chapter 3--Mesh analysis; Chapter 4--Linearity property, superposition, source transformation;Week 4: National Holiday;Week 5: Chapter 4--Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum power transfer;Week 6: Chapter 5--Operational amplifiers; Quiz 1;Week 7: Chapter 6--Capacitors and inductors; Chapter 7--First-order circuits: Source-free circuit;Week 8: Chapter 7--Step response; Chapter 8--Second-order circuits;Week 9: Chapter 9--Sinusoids and phasors;Winter QuarterWeek 1: Chapter 10--Sinusoidal steady-state analysis; Quiz 2;Week 2: Circuit analysis with Pspice; Lab exercise--Circuit analysis with Pspice;Week 3: Chapter 11--AC power analysis: Effective or RMS value, Power factor;Week 4: Chapter 12--Three-phase circuits; Power in a system;Week 5: Chapter 13--Magnetically coupled circuits: Mutual inductance; Linear transformers, Ideal autotransformers;Week 6: Chapter 14--Frequency response: Transfer function, Resonance; Quiz 3;Week 7: New Year Holiday; Chapter 14--Passive filters; Circuit applications;Week 8: Chapter 16--The Fourier series: Average and RMS value; Review;Week 9: Review;Teaching Plan:The course grade is calculated based on:Homework 10%, Quiz 30% (two top scores from 3 quiz, 15% each), PSpice Assignment 5%, Final Exam: 55%Homework will be given full credit if the work is completed and the solutions understandable.Recommended Textbooks and Other References: (books, editors, publishing company,publishing time)1.Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku,McGraw-Hill Companies Inc,2000.122.PSpice and MATLAB for Electric Circuit Analysis,Tong Mei,Machine Industry Press,2005.73.Principles of Electric Circuits,Fan Chengzhi,Sun Dun,Tong Mei,Machine Industry Press,2005.74.Electric Circuits (Four Edition),Qiu Guanyuan,High Education Press,1999.65.Electric Circuits (Six Edition),James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel, Publishing House of Electronics Industry,2002.6Teaching ProgramCourse Code: 101C0050Course Name: Electric Circuits (II)Weekly Hours: 4.0-0 Credits: 2.0Teaching Goal and Basic Requirements:Transient response analysis, network functions, poles and zeros; solution of network equations using Laplace transforms, inverse transforms, convolution integral, two-port networks. Matrix formulation of circuit equations, nodal Analysis and mesh analysis. Introduction of distributed circuits, distributed circuits of finite length, traveling wave, lossless transmission line of finite length. Analysis of nonlinear circuits, linearized circuit models, small signal analysis. Circuit analysis with MATLAB.Content of Courses & Hours Allocation:Spring QuarterWeek 1: Chapter 15--Definition of Laplace transform; Properties of the Laplace transform; The inverse Laplace transform; Application to circuits; Transfer function;Week 2: The convolution integral; Network function and step response;Week 3: State variables and state equations; Circuit analysis with MATLAB;Week 4: Chapter 18--Two-port networks; Supplement 1: Matrix equations for network--Nodal Analysis;Week 5: Supplement 1: Matrix equations for network--Mesh Analysis;Week 6: Supplement 2: Distributed Circuits--Introduction, distributed circuits of finite length;Week 7: Supplement 2: Traveling wave; Lossless transmission line of finite length; Circuit analysis with MATLAB; Midterm exam;Week 8: Supplement 3: Simple nonlinear circuits--Introduction, Nonlinear resistor circuits, Small signal analysis; Review;Week 9: Review;Teaching Plan:The course grade is calculated based on:Homework 10%, Quiz 5%, Midterm 15%, MATLAB Assignment 10%, Final Exam 60%Homework will be given full credit if the work is completed and the solutions understandable.Recommended Textbooks and Other References: (books, editors, publishing company,publishing time)1.Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku,McGraw-Hill Companies Inc,2000.122.Principles of Electric Circuits,Fan Chengzhi, Sun Dun, Tong Mei,Machine Industry Press,2004.73.PSpice and MATLAB for Electric Circuit Analysis,Tong Mei,Machine Industry Press,2005.74.Electric Circuits (Four Edition),Qiu Guanyuan,High Education Press,1999.65.Electric Circuits (Six Edition),James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel, Publishing House of Electronics Industry,2002.6。

Lesson 1 Analogy and Digital Signal
An example of analog system—a speaker
A public address system, used to amplify sound so that it can be heard by a large audience, is one simple example of an application of analog electronics. The basic diagram in Fig 1-8 illustrates that sound waves, which are analog in nature, are picked up by a microphone and converted to a small analog voltage called the audio signal. This voltage varies continuously as the volume and frequency of the sound changes and is applied to the input of a linear amplifier.
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Lesson 2 Application of Ohm’s Law
All electrical circuits fall into one of three classes: series circuits, parallel circuits, and series parallel circuits.
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Lesson 1 Analogy and Digital Signal
电路基础 英文教学 1

4. Power
p = ui
p = − ui
•Emphasis重点 1.current and voltage reference direction
Active elements (有源元件)
dependent source 受控源
Summary: 1. Current 2. Voltage 3. Potential
dq i = L ( A) dt
dw u = L (V ) dq
u a − u b = u ab L (V ) let
a I
u b = 0 L b 点为参考点
from EQ (1-1),the energy absorbing or supplied by an element from time t0 to t is
w =
pdt = ∫ vidt
Unit is joules(J) 1Wh=3600J
Example:The electron beam in a TV picture tube carries 1015 electrons per second. As a design engineer, determine the voltage U0 needed to accelerate the electron beam to achieve 4W. Solution: dq −19 15 −4 i = = (−1.6×10 )(10 ) =−1.6×10 A dt
(c): P= -UI,
In a source set, the current reference direction is directed out of the + polarity marking (or the first subscript) of the voltage.

i = 0:6 mA; p = 0:6t mW
10 · t · 25 ms:
v = 10 V;
i = 0:6 mA; p = 6 mW
25 · t · 35 ms:
v = 75 ¡ 2500t V; i = 0 mA; p = 0 mW
35 · t · 60 ms:
v = ¡50 + 1000t V; i = ¡0:4 mA; p = 20 ¡ 400t mW
pabs = p100V + p40V = 3100 W
pdev = pabs = 3100 W
DE 1.7 [a] vl ¡ vc + v1 ¡ vs = 0; ilRl ¡ icRc + i1R1 ¡ vs = 0
isRl + isRc + isR1 ¡ vs = 0
[b] is = vs=(Rl + Rc + R1)
DE 1.8 [a] 24 = v2 + v5 ¡ v1 = 3i5 + 7i5 ¡ (¡2i5) = 12i5 Therefore i5 = 24=12 = 2 A
[b] v1 = ¡2i5 = ¡4 V [c] v2 = 3i5 = 6 V [d] v5 = 7i5 = 14 V
Problems 3 [e] p24 = ¡(24)(2) = ¡48 W; therefore 24 V source is delivering 48 W. DE 1.9

介绍电路基础的英语作文The Fundamentals of Electric Circuits.Electricity, a phenomenon that has revolutionized our world, is the backbone of modern technology. It powers our homes, offices, factories, and even our spacecraft. To understand how electricity works, one must delve into the basics of electric circuits. Electric circuits are the paths through which electricity flows, enabling devices to function. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of electric circuits, from the basic components to the principles that govern their operation.Components of Electric Circuits.An electric circuit typically consists of several components, each playing a crucial role in the flow of electricity. The most fundamental components are:1. Power Source: This is the heart of the circuit,providing the energy that drives the flow of electricity. It can be a battery, a generator, or any other device that converts other forms of energy into electrical energy.2. Load: The load is the device or appliance that consumes the electrical energy. It can be a light bulb, a motor, a television, or any other electrical device.3. Conductors: Conductors are the paths through which electricity flows. They are usually made of metals like copper or aluminum, which have a high conductivity. Wires and cables are common examples of conductors.4. Switches: Switches control the flow of electricity in the circuit. By opening or closing the switch, one can turn on or off the connected load.5. Resistors: Resistors are components that oppose the flow of electricity. They convert electrical energy into heat. Resistors are used to control the flow of current and protect circuits from damage.6. Capacitors and Inductors: These are components that store electrical energy. Capacitors store charge, while inductors store magnetic energy. They affect the flow of current in the circuit, often smoothing out sudden changes.Principles of Electric Circuits.The operation of electric circuits is governed by several principles:1. Ohm's Law: This fundamental principle states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. Mathematically, it can be expressed as V = IR, where V is voltage, I is current, and R is resistance.2. Voltage Division: In a series circuit, the total voltage is divided among the resistors according to their resistance values. The voltage across each resistor is proportional to its resistance.3. Current Division: In a parallel circuit, the total current is divided among the branches according to the resistances of the paths. The current through each branchis inversely proportional to its resistance.4. Power Laws: Power, measured in watts, is the product of voltage and current. In a resistive circuit, power is dissipated as heat. Power laws, such as P = V^2/R and P =I^2R, describe the relationship between power, voltage, and resistance.Types of Electric Circuits.There are two main types of electric circuits: series and parallel.1. Series Circuit: In a series circuit, components are connected end-to-end, forming a single path for the flow of current. The same current flows through all components, and the total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages across each component. Series circuits are simple but have limited applications due to their fixed voltage and currentrelationships.2. Parallel Circuit: In a parallel circuit, components are connected so that they have the same voltage across them but different currents flowing through them. The total current is the sum of the currents through each branch. Parallel circuits are more complex but offer greater flexibility and efficiency, making them suitable for many applications.Applications of Electric Circuits.Electric circuits are found in every aspect of our lives. They power our homes, offices, and factories, controlling lighting, heating, cooling, and security systems. In the industrial sector, electric circuits drive motors, pumps, and conveyors. In the transportation industry, they power electric vehicles and aircraft. Even in our personal devices like smartphones and laptops, electric circuits play a crucial role.Conclusion.Electric circuits are the backbone of modern technology, enabling us to harness the power of electricity and use itto power our world. Understanding the fundamentals ofelectric circuits, including their components, principles, and types, is essential for anyone interested in electronics, engineering, or technology. As we continue to advance in these fields, the knowledge of electric circuits will become increasingly important.。

Chapter 1 Circuit variables and laws
1.1-1.3 (optional) definitions and units of current, voltage, and electrical power, Ohm’s law 1.4 Kirchhoff’s laws node, supenode, loop, KVL and KCL, series and parallel connections 1.5 Elementary circuits analysis voltage source and current source connections, branch variable analysis
∑v = −12+ 2.5R
+10 = 0
∑i = 3 −10R
+ 2.5 = 0
→ Rser = 0.8Ω
→ Rpar = 20Ω
Note: one cannot exchange the voltage and current sources. (ex. 1.16) 2. Branch variable analysis (1) suitable for circuits with partial information (2) branch variables: current or voltage to be solved
= 0 → i3 = 1.5mA = 0 → i1 = 12mA
∑ i = i − 2−i ∑ ∑
v =vCE −1− 6 = 0 → vCE = 7V v = 1− v3 = 0 → v3 = 1V v = −v2 + v3 − 9 = 0 → v2 = −8V v = v4 + 6 + v2 = 0 → v4 = 2V

Δ q dq i (t ) lim Δ t 0 Δ t dt
Unit:A (安) (Ampere,安培;1775--1836,France)
2). voltage:Voltage(or potential difference) is the energy required to move a unit charge through an element.
(2) Voltage and current use opposite reference directions i R u +
Ohm’s Law is written as:
u –Ri or i –Gu
Formula must be written with corresponding reference directions.
c =0
a =Uac, b =Ubc, d =Udc
Conclusion:Voltage across two points in the circuits is equal to the difference of their potentials. 4). eletromotive force:
R is resistance.
u (Ohm,欧姆;1787--1854, Germany)
Unit: (欧)
Set G 1/R
G is conductance. Unit: S (西) (Siemens,西门子)
Ohm’s Law can also be written as: i G u . Linear resistor’s resistance is a constant which is independent of voltage and current. u R tg It is a straight line passing through the origin.
通信英语 课文UNIT 1

UNIT 1The Principle of PCMPCM原理PCM is dependent on three separate operations, sampling, quantizing, and coding.PCMMany different schemes for performing these three functions have evolved during recent years,and we shall describe the main ones.,我们将对其中的一些主要的方案进行讨论。
In these descriptions we shall see how a speech channel of telephone quality may be conveyed as a series of amplitude values, each value being represented, that is, coded as a sequence of 8 binary digits.,而每个幅值又被编码,即以8位二进制数的序列表示。
Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8 kilohertz(khz) is required to convey a voice channel occupying the range 300 HZ to 3.4 Khz.而且,我们将证明,为了转换频率范围为300HZ—3.4KHZ的话路信号,理论上最小采样频率须为6.8khz。
Practical equipments, however, normally use a sampling rate of 8 khz, and if 8-digits per sample value are used, the voice channel becomes represented by a stream of pulses with a repetition rate of 64khz.但是,实际上,设备通常用8khz8复速率为64khz的脉冲流来表示的。
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Unit One Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements Key Words and Terms1.quantitatively adv.数量上2.phenomena n.现象3.expend vt.花费, 消耗, 用光4.differential adj.微分的5.magnitude n.大小, 数量, 量级,幅度6.discrete adj. 不连续的, 离散的7.continuous variable 连续变量8.references n.参考, 索引, 参照9.assignment n.分配, 委派, 任务10.a rbitrary adj.任意的11.c onvention n.协定, 习俗, 惯例12.a ttribute n.属性, 标志, 定语13.c omponent n.元件, 组件14.r esistor n.电阻(元件)15.i nductor n.电感(元件)16.c apacitor n.电容(元件)17.p rescribed adj. 规定的,指定的18.a lgebraic adj.代数的, 代数学的19.m agnetic adj.磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的20.f ield n.场、励磁、现场21.d ielectric adj.不导电的,绝缘的22.charge n.电荷23.c ircuit n.电路24.v oltage n.电压25.c urrent n.电流26.e lectron n.电子Question:What is the most inportant information to your reading?Notations and TranslationVoltage and CurrentThe concepts of voltage and current are useful from an engineering point of view because they can be expressed quantitatively.①根据工程学的观点,电压和电流的概念非常有用,因为它们可以用数量表示。
The electric charge is the basis for describing all electrical phenomena. The charge is bipolar, meaning that electrical effects are described in terms of positive and negative charges.Bi(prefix)—double、twoIn circuit theory, the separation of charge creates an electric force (voltage), and the motion of the charge creates an electric fluid (current).Whenever positive and negative charges are separated, energy is expended. ②无论何时,正电荷和负电荷分开时,电场要做功,因此要消耗能量。
V oltage is the energy per unit charge created by the separation. We express this ratio in differential form asdwv(1.1)dqwhere=v the voltage in volts, (伏) =w the energy in joules,(焦耳)=q the charge in coulombs.(库伦)The electrical effects caused by charges in motion depend on the rate of the charge flow.电荷运动所产生的电效应取决于电荷流动的速率。
The flow of charge flow is known as the electric current, which is expressed asdtdq i = (1.2) where=i the current in amperes, (安培)=q the charge in coulombs, =t the times in seconds.Equation (1.1) and (1.2) are definitions for magnitude of voltage and current, respectively.Though current is made up of discrete, moving electrons, we do not need to consider them individually because of the enormous numbers of them. Rather, we can think of electrons and corresponding charge as one smoothly flowing entity. Thus, i is treated as a continuous variable.虽然电流(电子的移动)是离散量,但由于电子的数量很多(大?),我们可以不单独考虑个别电子的作用。
The bipolar nature of electric charge requires that we assign polarity references to these variables. The assignments of the reference polarity for voltage and thereference for current are entirely arbitrary. However, once you have assigned the reference, you must write all subsequent equations to agree with the chosen references. The most widely used sign convention applied to these references is called the passive sign convention,③which can be stated as follows: Whenever the reference direction for the current in an element is in the direction of the reference voltage drop across the element, use a positive sign in any expression that relates the voltages to the current .Otherwise, use a negative sign.reference polarity 参考极性element 元件The Ideal Basic Circuit ElementAn ideal basic circuit element has three attributes: (1) it has only two terminals, which are points of connection to other circuit components; (2) it is described mathematically in terms of voltage and current ; (3) it cannot be subdivided into other elements. We use the word ideal to imply that a basic circuit element does not exist as a realizable physical component. We use the word basic to imply that the circuit element cannot be further reduced or subdivided into other elements. Thus the basic circuit elements form the building blocks for constructing circuit models, but they themselves cannot be modeled with any type of element.因此,这些基本元件可以作为构成电路模型的积木,他们中的任何一个都不能作为其他种类元件的模型。
There are five ideal basic circuit elements: voltage sources, current sources, resistors, inductors, and capacitors. An active element is one that models a devicecapable of generating electric energy. Passive elements model physical devices that cannot generate electric energy. Resistors, inductors, and capacitors are examples of passive circuit elements.Voltage and current sourcesAn ideal voltage sources is a circuit element that maintains a prescribed voltage across its terminals regardless of the current flowing in those terminals. Similarly, an ideal current source is a circuit element that maintains a prescribed current across its terminals regardless the voltage across those terminals. These circuit elements do not exist as practical devices—they are idealized models of actual voltage and current sources.prescribed a规定的、指定的Ideal voltage and current source can be further described as either independent sources or dependent sources. An independent source establishes a voltage or current in a circuit without relying on voltages and currents elsewhere in the circuit. The value of the voltage or current supplied is specified by the value of the independent sources alone. In contrast, a dependent source establishes a voltage or current whose value depends on the value of voltage or current elsewhere in theFigure1.1 the circuit symbols(a) an ideal independent voltage source(b) an ideal independent current sourcedependent sources 受控源The circuit symbols for the ideal independent sources are shown in Figure1.1. Note a circle is used to represent an independent source. The circuit symbols for the ideal dependent sources are shown in Figure 1.2. A diamond is used to represent an independent source. Both the dependent current source and the dependent voltage source may be controlled by either a voltage or a currentdiamond a 菱形的Electrical Resistance (Ohm ’s Law)Resistance is the capacity of materials to impede the flow of current or, more specifically, the flow of the electric charge. The circuit element used to model this behavior is the resistor. Figure3 shows the circuit symbol for the resistor. In SI units, resistance is measured in ohms, The Greek letter omega (Ω) is the standard symbol for an ohm.3R ?R ES 1Figure 1.3 The circuit symbol for a resistor resistance n 电阻(值)resistor n 电阻(器)law n 定律Most materials exhibit measurable resistance to current. The amount of the resistance depends on the material. Metals such as a copper or aluminum have small values of resistance, making them good choices for wiring used to conduct electric current. In fact, when represented in a circuit diagram, copper or aluminum isn ’t usually modeled as a resistor; the resistance of the wire is so small compared to the resistance of other elements in the circuit that we can neglect the wiring resistance to simplify the diagram .④Ohm ’s law is the algebraic relationship between voltage and current for a resistor, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance. Mathematically, this is expressed as u Ri = (1.3)where =u the voltage in volts,=i the current in amperes, =R the resistance in ohms.Equation (1.3) expresses the voltage as a function of the current. However, expressing the current as a function of the voltage is also convenient. Thus,Ru i = (1.4) function n . 功能、职务、重大聚会、函数、可变因素Whether he come to the party is a ~ of whether his wife is well enough. The InductorAn inductor is an electrical component that opposes any change in electrical current. It is composed of a coil of wire wound around a supporting core whose material may be magnetic or nonmagnetic. The behavior of inductors is based on phenomena associated with magnetic fields. The source of the magnetic field is varying with time. A time-varying magnetic field induces a voltage in any conductor linked by the field. The circuit parameter of inductance relates the induced voltage to the current.Figure 1.4 the graphic symbol for an inductorinductance n 电感(值)inductor n 电感(元件)时变的磁场能在与其有关联的导体中感应电压。