SIAD__Boil-off Gas Compressors for LNG

2 - Atlas Copco marine inert gas systemsTURNKEY INERT GAS SOLUTIONS FOR MARINE APPLICATIONSAtlas Copco is a market leader in nitrogen systems for maritime applications such as ballast water treatment, cargo tank inerting during loading and unloading or while sailing, pump stripping after loading and unloading, or fuel line purging for LNG fuel supply. Combining powerful technology with a high level of flexibility and cost savings has made us a preferred supplier of marine and offshore nitrogen generators.Clean Atlas Copco’s NGP + nitrogen generators deliver very clean and dry gas. T his protects your cargo, crew and vessel, but also your entire cargo handling system. Clean and dry nitrogen also saves valuable time and money by speeding up the tank washing process.FlexibilityAtlas Copco’s modular design and small footprint provide atotally new flexibility. Y ou can choose from an extensive range ofgenerators. Each unit can be easily customized to meet yourindividual needs. We also offer a variety of high-qualityequipment to support the generator, including compressors,dryers, boosters and filters.A higher utilization of the natural content of nitrogen in atmospheric air, combined with a lower inlet pressure, considerably reduces our PSA technology’s energy consumption. Compared to both membrane technology and other inert gas generators, we can reduce running costs up to 50% by using variable speed compressors, high-performance dryers andfilters, and a unique energy-saving algorithm embedded in theNGP + generator.AN 2 performanceAtlas Copco PSA nitrogen generators are the safe, convenientand economic source of nitrogen. T hey deliver nitrogen rangingfrom 95.0% to 99.999% purity and capacities from a few m 3 up to10,000 m 3/h and beyond. T he individual equipment that makesup the generator is in-house developed by Atlas Copco to giveyou complete peace of mind.Atlas Copco marine inert gas systems - 3ALWA YS AVAILABLENo more high-pressure cylinders or liquefied gas. No more orderprocessing, refills and delivery charges. Atlas Copco generators letyou produce your own nitrogen at the flip of a switch. It’s your ownnitrogen supply, when you want it, where you want it and how youwant it, available 24/7.Atlas Copco nitrogen generationY our benefits• Significant energy savings.• User interface designed for easy and safe operation.• Made for the marine environment.• High reliability and low maintenance.• Small footprint.• Clean and dry inert gas.• Modular design that can be customized.Clean and dry compressed air (pressurized)Nitrogen gas (pressurized)Oxygen exhaust (depressurized)AdsorbentPSA technology isolates nitrogen molecules from other molecules in compressed air. Oxygen, CO 2, water vapor and other gases are adsorbed. T he result is virtually pure nitrogen at the outlet of the generator.Y our all-inclusive nitrogen partnerAtlas Copco inert gas units are delivered as turnkey packages thatinclude our nitrogen generators, compressors, dryers, filters, andbuffer tanks. T hey can even be delivered on all-in-one skids. AtlasCopco is the only company in the world that can source all thesetechnologies in-house. T his means you can work with just onesupplier for commissioning and maintenance.PSA VERSUSMEMBRANESNitrogen can be generated through Pressure SwingAdsorption (PSA) or membrane technology. Atlas Copcooffers both. T he main difference is the compressed air theyrequire. PSA needs around 1/3 less compared to amembrane set-up, which saves a significant amount of fuelon board of a vessel. In addition, PSA technology comeswith lower investment and maintenance costs and a smallerfootprint, without compromising on reliability and flexibility.Membrane technology separates air into componentgases by passing compressed air through semi-permeable membranes consisting of bundles ofindividual hollow fibers.COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us.We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity./marine2935 6923 40 © 2017, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved.Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.4 - Atlas Copco marine inert gas systems。

4.BOG压缩机技术方案比较z技术要求z 低温下的材料选择z 一级气缸:GGG Ni35(奥氏体球铁),低温韧性和热涨特性均优异z 一级活塞:GGL NiCr201(片状石墨奥氏体铸铁,Ni20%,Cr2%)z 二级气缸:铁素体球铁(QT400等)z 二级活塞:bronze (青铜)z 三级:灰铸铁GG20 (??)普通碳钢:-50 ℃以下变脆Ni 合金:低温下良好韧性中东某LNG 接收站BOG 压缩机(已运行145000小时,注意压比分配)z活塞与活塞杆均采用迷宫密封z泄漏气体收集后回到一级进气z曲轴轴封:浸入油内的双环轴封z不存在传统活塞环、填函润滑问题z启动问题z一级气缸材料(GGG 35Ni)热膨胀系数极低,确保热应力及变形尽量小z可以直接启动,不需预冷z容量控制方法z顶开气阀(无冷却的两级压缩,台湾LNG接收站)z一级旁通(三级压缩,2、3级间有冷却,中东),简单实用z产品特点z迷宫密封使得摩擦、磨损小z十字头+导向轴承,确保活塞对中性z起导向作用的摩擦件都有润滑,确保长寿命z中体、抛油环、刮油环避免润滑油进入气缸z BOG迷宫压缩机的应用z LNG生产及接收站z液化气的气体再液化及石化工业气体储存z型式z D型z开启式曲轴箱(内为大气压)z适合于一般工艺气体z K型z闭式且耐压曲轴箱及加长中体,不允许泄漏z曲轴一端油泵供油z适合于BOG气体压缩Type D Type KType KType Dz研发世界上第一台低温压缩机(-150℃的N2)z目前已有60多套低温压缩机在全球应用z吸气加热对流量、排气温度影响大(神钢有大量现场及试验研究数据)z进气温度-160~-100℃(神钢采用往复机能适应大温度范围,离心机不行)z因气罐容积大,容量控制可分级调节(神钢采用顶开气阀+余隙容积调节)z高效:绝热效率高10%左右(采购成本也低10~20%)z易维护:高度低z不需冷却:迷宫曲轴箱要冷却?z平衡性好z BOG压缩机使用经验z自润滑活塞环、支撑环及填料环寿命达24000小时z阀座及限制器用奥氏体不锈钢,阀片及弹簧采用特殊合金钢,表面特殊处理z应力和变形需要关注,特别是活塞(轻、刚性好),需要FEM分析c c i12p iiz概况z1969年做出世界上第一台低温压缩机z无油到25MPa,有油到100MPa,转速达1200rpmz50~10000kWz符合API618规范z密封环以填充PTFE为主,高压采用其它z摩擦磨损测试,确保寿命超过8000小时,且具有支撑环磨损监控系统z采用金属或非金属网状阀z顶开吸气阀调节流量(低温下采用长的压阀罩),似乎盖侧还有余隙调节4200m3/h 各两台z 概况z 对动式PHE 、HSE (<398kW ),HHE 、BDC (<28340kW )z 是目前产品参数范围最宽的z 最多可达10个压缩机气缸(5列?)z 气缸材料采用奥氏体不锈钢z 满足变流量的要求:余隙容积+end unloading (?),避免旁通z 满足API618z 一级活塞与可换缸套之间直径方向间隙达5.5mm ,减少金属直接摩擦危险5.BOG 压缩机研发及应用——Dresser-Randz概况z小功率,低压力z撬装z可以流量调节z符合API618z中国LNG市场还没有产品z自润滑密封材料面临的问题z过去几十年来,填充PTFE几乎成了各种场合的标准自润滑材料z填充PTFE无法满足极干性气体的压缩要求(寿命极短:500~6000小时)z大量研制、测试及评价工作得到了新的聚合物合金(polymer alloy)CPI184 z自润滑材料的磨损过程:转移膜沉积z气体属性特别是含水量对转移膜影响很大z摩擦高温导致的滑动面与周围介质之间的化学反应是重要原因z缺乏水蒸汽时,抑制转移膜形成(磨损不稳定)z其它因素z活塞速度、载荷、气体压力及温度、粗糙度、冷却效果、气体洁净度?Carbon-filled PTFEz 新的自润滑密封材料研发z 不同材料磨损率实验室测试比较(聚酰亚胺PE 也耐磨)z 现场实测结果:密封环寿命显著提高PE12000异丁烷乙烯丙烯丙烷z气阀z增强聚合物材料做阀片z阀片形状优化,以提高效率和抗冲击能力z改进弹簧材料和制造技术z阀片动力学分析软件的完善z改进效果:网状阀改成环状阀,容量提高17%,功耗降低11%,排温降9℃z实例1:Nuovo Pignone BOG压缩机z第3级原先使用摩根HY50填料环,其使用寿命仅为6~12个月z第3级填料环改用CPI 184,连续运行2年后,检测的磨损量极小z实例2:Linde BOG压缩机气缸套材料:AISI 420(近似于2Cr13)z原来密封材料填充PTFE,寿命都很短z改为CPI 184,密封环均能够无故障运行25000小时z实例3:D-R BOG压缩机气缸套材料:灰铸铁z原来密封材料摩根HY50填料环,寿命都很短z改为CPI 184,运行1年1级支撑环磨损才0.1mm。

From a statement piece to a centerpiece, set the stage for outdoor entertainment that provides theperfect amount of heat and beauty.Perfect Flame ®The centerpiece of every Bobé fire product. The largest, most natural flame you can find without building a campfire.Artisan CraftedInspect it up close – you’ll still love it. That’s our skilled TIGwelding and hand-polishing on every pot.With three shapes to choose from and your choice of material, embrace your innerdesigner to create a polished look for your backyard.Heavy-grade copper, stainless steel or Cor-Ten steel. The highest quality in any outdoor fire feature.SQUARE ROUND RECTANGLEShowcase Y our StyleAwaken the FlameThe Best MaterialsIMPORTANT: See Material Guide at /bobe-materialsCOPPER STAINLESS STEEL HAMMERED COPPER *SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICAL 12.6VDC (Auto Ignition Only) CLEARANCE 10ft Above / 4ft Around Pot Above Ground OnlyGAS TYPE Natural Gas or Liquid Propane IGNITION Automatic or Manual OptionsDRAINAGEPots should be installed with drainage for rain water. Lack of drainage can flood gas lines and require service.VENTILATION Adequate ventilation must be present around the fire feature. Read product instructions for full ventilation requirementSTAINLESS STEEL Stainless steel not recommended for salt water environments.COPPER Copper will naturally patina.GLASS/ROCKSold SeparatelyCOR-TEN STEELFire and gas can be dangerous when not handled properly. Always read installation instructions, follow local codes, and install/service with a licensed professional.A BC*******************|©2020 CMP 10000-300-505 1220abFIRE POTS ORDERING GUIDE*Non-Standard Option. May have longer order lead times. Contact for detai ls.FIRE TABLES ORDERING GUIDE1SELECT SIZE & OPTIONS2ADD "-NG" FOR NATURAL GAS ADD "-LP" FOR PROPANEEXAMPLE: CFPLPA-24-XXEXAMPLE: CFPLPA-24-NG EXAMPLE: CFPLPA-24-LP*Non-Standard Option. May have longer order lead times. Contact for detai ls.。

Oil-free process gas compressorsCO2 boosterThe best response to yourflexibility and reliabilityneedsAtlas Copco is one of the world’s leading companies in air/gas compression,with over 140 years of experience. Our complete range of solutions ischaracterized by outstanding product and component quality. We can handlea wide variety of gases and gas mixtures and can tailor our compressors to thespecific requirements of your processes. If you are looking for a passionatemanufacturer able to meet all your air/gas compression needs, look no furtherthan Atlas Copco.CO2 boosterEnsuring reliable productionDesigned for 24/7 industrial service, our boosters meetyour requirements for a smooth and reliable supply of airor gas at all times, without the need for constantsupervision. Proof of their reliability is the thousands ofmachines that have been operating worldwide fordecades.Preserving your process with oil-freetechnologyOil-free compression safeguards the quality of the gascompressed. In most applications, even the slightestpollution is unacceptable and could lead to high risks foryour production.Maximizing savingsReciprocating technology is a proven standard for high-pressure applications where low energy consumption is amust. Adapted capacity control enhances the energyefficiency of these compressors. The integration of thelatest innovations in terms of monitoring and controlranks our boosters extremely high for energy savings.3Our products can reduce the amount of scrap and rework in your organization by optimizing the quality of your compressed air. We hereby increase your efficiency as well as your profitability.Who needs a quality CO2 solution?Our oil-free CO2 technologies reduce total cost ofownership, limit risks and safeguard theenvironment.Maintenance costs are cut by avoiding expensivefilter replacements. There is no need to treat oilcondensate and you avoid extra energy costs tocombat pressure drop in filters.You avoid the risk of unsafe products or productiondowntime that could harm your reputation. On topof that you also reduce the risk of contaminationdue to oil filter failure.Why Oil-free CO2?CO2 boosterFor over 60 years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology. Resulting in the largest range of air compressors and blowers within our industry. Through continuous research and development, we achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 certification. CLASS 0 certification means zero risk of oil contamination from our products.Class 0: The Industry StandardThe CO2 boosters are completely oil-free.Components, such as the long distance piecebetween the crankcase & the cylinder and the oilwiper at the piston rod, have been carefullydesigned to ensure oil-free air.Class 0 by design5• Less vibrations for longer component life.• Reduced forces and torques to minimize foundation requirement.• Reduced specific load on piston wear bands for longer life.• Easy access to all parts and easily removable crosshead guide.• Skid mounted, plug & play compressor.• Cooled by forced water circulation to minimize temperatures, increasing efficiency and reliability.• For water saturated gases:- Discharge valves at the bottom, in accordance with API 618.- Non-accumulation of condensate for increased life time of piston rings.Horizontal design for reducedmaintenanceSafe cylinders CO2 booster• Pistons are made of composite aluminum, stainless steel or other materials according to the process.• Piston rods in stainless steel or 42CD4 (hardened & tempered steel) with API 618 compliant hardness coating (induction or plasma) ensuring long life of packing rings.• Piston is positively locked by Superbolt® on the piston rod: a highly secure tightening technology.• Piston rings are made of composite PTFE for long life.• Superior stainless steel valves, precise sizing and selection or each application for high efficiency and long lasting performance.• Wide port area, ensuring minimal pressure loss.• Customized discs (PEEK or stainless steel) for each application.• Fail-safe type suction valves (unloading on air or nitrogen), when required by the process.• Low piston speeds and low revolution speeds for low temperatures.• Lower gas temperatures ensure longer component life.• Excellent cylinder cooling due to forced cool water circulation.• Extremely reliable drive system with sleeve bearings and double bearings on the flywheel side for reduced wear.• Excellent lubrication of the components for reduced wear.• IP55 rated motor for maximum reliability• Superior motor protection for increased reliability, reduced maintenance cost and less downtime.• IP54 rated cubicle design for better protection against water and dust.• Ease of monitoring for increased reliability and checking machine status remotely.• Elektronikon Mk5 compressor controller with optimized user experience.• Ease of use and monitoring for improved reliability.• Stainless steel connecting pipes for increased lifetime of components.• Flexible connections for cooler and cylinder for reduced stress on mechanical components.• Components (valves, piston rod packaging, cylinders) are specifically selected according to gas composition and humidity content.Reliable pistons and piston rods Superior valve qualityLong lasting performance due to low temperatures DrivePremium quality motorControl panelAdvanced monitoring systemHigh quality stainless steel components7Monitor with SMARTLINKKnowing the status of your compressed airequipment at all times is the surest way to achieve optimal efficiency and availability.Go for energy efficiencyCustomized reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room.Increase uptimeAll components are replaced on time, ensuring maximum uptime.Save moneyEarly warnings avoid breakdowns and production loss.Smartlink: Fully connectedMost production processes create fluctuatinglevels of demand which can create energy waste in low use periods. By using the Elektronikon controller, you can manually or automaticallyswitch between two different setpoints to optimize energy use to reduce costs at low use times. The sophisticated algorithm runs the motor only when needed. As the desired setpoint is maintained while the drive motor’s run time is minimized,energy usage is kept to a minimum.LegendA =Power consumptionB =TimeC =Energy SavingDelayed Second StopDelayed Second StopCO2 boosterThe Elektronikon®unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Elektronikon Mk5The piston runs at low speed with long strokes,reducing the operating temperatures as well as thefriction for more efficient compression andincreased reliability.The cylinder is designed for flow and sizeoptimization to reduce energy consumption.The high efficiency coolers reduce the temperatureon the valves, rings and packings which results inless wear of the components and increasedreliability.A high efficiency motor is used as standard forreduced power consumption.Components designed for efficiency9CO2 boosterAll connections and instrumentation is installed and factory tested. This leads to reduced commissioning and installation time.The horizontal design and opposed arrangements in the CO2 booster lowers the vibration level of the machine.This reduces the wear of the unit and extends the lifetime of the wearing components. The reduced vibration level requires less foundation, increases the ease of installation and reduces the stress on piping and ancillaries.No special lifting devices are needed to conductmaintenance on wearing parts. Because of the horizontal design everything is easily accessible.Water connections are placed on the same side for ease ofconnections.1.Integrated cubicle2.Horizontal design for reduced vibrations3.Easy access to wearing parts for easeof maintenance4.Water connections11OptionsInlet separator: for wet CO2 applications•Test & materials certificate•Ancillaries•Customized & engineered solutions•CO2 boosterCO2 booster (50 Hz)CO2 22-195 - 5050127220.0120CO2 22-195 - 50192220.4 CO2 26-240 - 50158220.01 CO2 26-240 - 50240300.4 CO2 30-325 - 50212300.01 CO2 30-325 - 50322300.4 CO2 37-410 - 50269300.01 CO2 37-410 - 50410370.4 CO2 45-435 - 50320370.01 CO2 45-435 - 50488450.4CO2 65-750 - 5050527550.0120CO2 65-750 - 50792650.4 CO2 90-1110 - 50757750.01 CO2 90-1110 - 501136900.4CO2 132-1570 - 50501064900.0120CO2 132-1570 - 5015881320.4CO2 200-2280 - 505015821320.0120CO2 200-2280 - 5023722000.4CO2 250-3150 - 505021282000.0120CO2 250-3150 - 5031762500.4CO2 booster (60 Hz)CO2 booster 60CO2 22-195 - 6060135220.0120CO2 22-195 - 60200220.4 CO2 26-240 - 60164220.01 CO2 26-240 - 60245300.4 CO2 30-325 - 60221300.01 CO2 30-325 - 60328300.4 CO2 37-410 - 60276300.01 CO2 37-410 - 60410370.4 CO2 45-435 - 60333370.01 CO2 45-435 - 60495450.4CO2 65-750 - 6060540550.0120CO2 65-750 - 60805650.4 CO2 90-1110 - 60775750.01 CO2 90-1110 - 601150900.4CO2 132-1570 - 60601090900.0120CO2 132-1570 - 6016101320.4CO2 200-2280 - 606016301320.0120CO2 200-2280 - 6024302000.4CO2 250-3150 - 606021802000.0120CO2 250-3150 - 6032302500.4Notes15Atlas Copco AB(publ) SE-105 23 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 743 80 00Reg. no: 556014-27202937 0744 00 © 2019, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e o r o b l i g a t i o n . R e a d a l l s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e m a n u a l b e f o r e u s a g e .。
Armstrong 术语中英对照

―fail safe‖ to cold water―Feature Code‖ References―out of range‖ system failure―U‖ stampsa complete failurea differential pressure diaphragm actuated mixing unita power failurea pumped recirculationa significant pressure reductiona single-temperature locking seta thermal-shutdown featurea top outleta unique feed forward designa water seala wide range of sizesAbbott reported many Watson-McDaniel trap failures detected by AIM. They are currently replacing with Armstrong IB traps. Additionally, Abbott plans to monitor all (650) traps in facility, purchasing (75 - 100) AIM ST5700 devices over next 5 years.ability to purge systemabsolute pressureaccessories optionsaccessoryaccumulateAccumulation Chamberaccuracy and to provide redundancy in case of individual thermostatAccurate control of blended water drawn from the systemaccurate water temperaturesActivated in error modeactual gravityActuateactuatoractuator stemADAM (Armstrong Digital Account Management)Adaptable to High Ambient Temperatureadjustable maximum temperature limitAdjustable Single Temperature lockoutadjusting the mix of steam and wateradjustment keyAdministratorsAFHAFTaftercoolerAII – T.R.AIMair and CO2 venting at steam temperatureair changeAir CompressorAir Dryerair filter regulatorsair flowAir Handler Unitair handling systemair lineair loadAir LossAir MainAir Motiveair movementair must be introduced into the systemair or inert gasAir Pressureair separatorair streamair supply pressureair systemAir Temperatureair to closeair to openAir valveAir Velocityair ventairstreamAll dimensions and weights are approximate. Use certified print for exact dimensions. Design and materials are subject to change without notice.allen boltAllowable Pressureallowing no condensate backupAlternate ChoiceAluminum Flataluminum KeyfinAmbient Sensing Isolation Valveambient temperatureAmerican Chemical SocietyAmerican Gas AssociationAmerican National Standards InstituteAmerican Petroleum InstituteANCAncillaryanimationANTI-NOISE TRIMAntI-theft devicesapplicable lawaquastatArmey SteamstrongArmstrong Brand PromiseArmstrong coilsArmstrong Condensate Management GroupArmstrong core valuesArmstrong Flo-Rite-Temp Instantaneous Steam/Water Heater pre-piped packages Armstrong Flo-Rite-Temp® Instantaneous SteamArmstrong Global HoldingsArmstrong Heat Transfer GroupArmstrong hot and cold water hose stationsArmstrong Hot Water Equipment Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Armstrong Hot Water GroupArmstrong Humidification GroupArmstrong HumidiPackArmstrong Intelligent MonitoringArmstrong InternationalArmstrong International - S.E. AsiaArmstrong International Italiana S.r.l.Armstrong International Korea Co., Ltd.Armstrong International Mexico S de RL de CVArmstrong International Mexico S de RL de CVArmstrong International Private LimitedArmstrong International S.A.Armstrong inverted bucket trapArmstrong Machinery (China) Co. LtdArmstrong Machinery (China) Co.,Ltd.Armstrong ModelArmstrong Pressure/Temperature Control GroupArmstrong PromiseArmstrong provides intelligent system solutions that improve utility performance, lower energy consumption, and reduce environment emissions while providing an "enjoyable experience." Armstrong representativeArmstrong SeriesArmstrong ServiceArmstrong Service France SAArmstrong Single Temperature Hose Stations Armstrong Smart Services GroupArmstrong SolutionArmstrong Steam and Condensate GroupArmstrong Sustainability BrochureArmstrong Unfired Steam GeneratorArmstrong‘s engineered condensate trap/pump packages Armstrong‘s engineered condensate pump trap packages Armstrong‘s engineered XXXArmstrong-Cool Fog SystemAsbestos-freeASIASME pumps and receiversASME Sec.ASSEassembled on a compact common base-plateassure maximum efficiencyASTM A216 WCBASTM A351 Gr.ASTM A48 classatmospheric pressureatomize wateraudible alarmAutomatic air ventingAutomatic Differential Condensate ControllerAutomatic shutoff of hot water flowautomatic water softenerAutomation Research CorporationAvailable in a wide range of sizesavailable upon requestback pressureBaked Enamelbalance valveBALANCED TRIMBalancing Valveball float drain trapball valveball valves cross-linked by a stainless steelBall-Type Flow Indicatorsbare pipe heatingbargBASBDbe compliant with ASSE Standardbe supplied pre-plumbed and pressure testedbe supplied pre-wiredbellowsbellows sealBellows sealedBellows Sealed Globe ValvesBENCH SETbimetallicbimetallic elementbimetallic mechanismBimetallic Steam TrapBimetallic Trapbleedblendblended waterblind flangesblowdownblowdown connectionblowdown rateblowdown valveblowerbodyBody and Capbody fits in tight spacesBody Materialbody materialboilerBoiler Blowdown Heat RecoveryBoiler Blowdown Recoveryboiler efficiencyboiler feedBoiler Forced Draft Fansboiler headerBoiler HouseBoiler side recirculating pumpBoiler side recirculating pump to supply the heat exchanger Boiler water conductivityBoiler Water to Water Instantaneous Water Heaters boiling pointboltBolt Assemblybonnetboronizedboth peakBottom Inletbottom outletBottom to C InletBranch LineBranch Welding Fittingbreak a vacuumBronze Gauge Glass AssemblyBtu‘s are captured and returned to the system bucketbucket ventBucket Vent Scrubbing WireBuilding Automation SystembuildupbulletinBulletin 110 - IS-4 LiteratureBulletin No. 200buoyancyburnerBushingbuttweldBuy Onlineby-passby-pass valveC Outlet to C InletCabinet constructionCabinet has a polished stainless steel piano-hinged Cabinet outer flangeCAGECanadian Standards AssociationcapCap BlockCap Gal.Capable of close temperature controlCapacity Conversion Factors for Other Fill Heads capacity linecapacity tableCapital Repaircapsulecarbon dioxideCarbon Steelcarbon steel anglecarbon steel pipecarbonic acidcarryoverCast ironCast Stainless Steelcast steelcatalogcautioncavitationCentifeed CoilCentral Recirculation System Control certified drawingchaplaincheck valveChemical-Free Steamchrome-plated DZR brassCIP connection portcirculating pumpclean steamClosed Loopclosed loop means no motive or flash closed-loopCLOSURE MEMBERCO2 EmissionCO2 emissions will be reduced with Cold Hose Stationscold trapcold water capacityCold Water Hose Stationscold water inlet supplycold water inlet supply failureCold Water Start-Up Capacities combination inlet isolation combining a pump within a steam trap combustionCOMMUNITY COVENANTcompact designcompensatecomplete shutdown of outlet flow Complete Thermal Exchange compress aircompressed air system Compressed Gas Association compression fittingcompressorComputrol, Inc.Condensate Collection Assembly condensate controllercondensate controllerscondensate coolercondensate drainagecondensate loadcondensate must be lifted condensate pumpcondensate recoveryCondensate Recovery Equipment condensate recovery requirements condensate recovery systemCondensate RemovalCondensate Removal and Recovery System condensate returncondensate return linescondensate return systemcondensate supply and returncondensecondensercondensing rateConnection Sizeconnection typeconnectorconnector styleConnector with Integral StrainerConserve Energyconstant low pressure steamConstant PressureCONSTANT PRESSURE DROPconstant steam pressureConsult Armstrong or your local Representative Consult Factorycontaminantscontinuous air venting at steam temperature continuous automatic air and CO2 venting Continuous Discharge Capacities in kgs control chambercontrol loopcontrol modulecontrol panelControl panel UL and CSA approvedcontrol signalcontrol systemcontrol valveControlled Disc TrapCool Fog systemcore valuesCorn Refiners Associationcorrosion resistantcorrosivecost-effective solutioncross-contaminatedcross-linked by a stainless steel bridge pieceCuring PressCuring Press Condensate RemovalCustomer E-BlastsCustomer LocationCv valuecycling wear and tearcylindricalDC Series Automatic Differential Condensate Controllers DCSdeaerationdeareatorde-ionized waterdeliver precise mixed water temperature demineralizedDescriptionDesign and materials are subject to changedesign conditionDESIGN CONDITIONSDesign Pressuredesign specificationdetecting transmitterdew pointdial screwdiaphragm actuatordifferential condensate controllerDifferential Pressuredifferential purging actionDifferntial PressureDigital Control SystemDigital Cycle CounterDigital Mixing CenterDigital Mixing ValveDigital Recirculating Valvedigital recirculation valveDigital Water Temperature Control SolutionsDignitydimensional informationDimensions and WeightDirect Actingdirect acting valveDirect Area DischargeDirect Steam Injection Humidifierdirect-actingDIRECT-ACTING VALVEdirtdirt are held in suspension until dischargeddirt can collect on the orificeDirt PocketDisc SpringsDisc TrapDischarge OrificeDischarge Pressuredischarge valvedispersion tubedissolveDistributed Control SystemDistribution Manifolddistribution systemdistributordiverse flow ratesDomestic Manufactureddoor heaterdouble actingDouble offset butterfly valveDouble-Duty Seriesdownstreamdown-streamdownstream solenoid valve relayDrain Connectiondrain cycledrain linedrain liquiddrain pandrain separatorDrain Trapdrain valvedrainagedrainerdraw off pointsdraw-off requirementdripdrip legdropletsdry airDryerdryer coilsdrying chamberdual gravitydual gravityDual gravity drain trapdual scale top mount Thermometer and Inlet Dual thermostatic elementsdual thermostatsDuct Air TemperatureDuct Heightduct systemductile irondurabledurableduring no-demand periodsDYNAMIC UNBALANCEDZR brass constructionEconomical non-electric operationEducationefficient operationelectric condensate pumpelectric controlelectric humidifierElectric ModulatingElectric motorElectric Steam Humidifierelectricity consumptionElectricity Distributionelectro pneumatic positionerelectrocutionelectrodeElectronic control boxElectronic Mixing Centerelectronic temperature controllerElement Assyelevateelevatedeliminate the requirement for a fitted aquastatEmergency Fixtureemergency fixtureenameled steel frame terminating in five standard union connections enclosureEnd CapEnd connectionend coverend of lifeend-userenergy conservationenergy conservation measureEnergy Conservation Measure (ECM)energy consumptionEnergy ConsumptionEnergy costenergy efficiencyEnergy Efficiencyenergy lossenergy managerEnergy Optimization SystemEnergy SavingsEnergy SeminarEnergy Servicesenergy-efficiency methodologyEnjoyable experienceEnjoyable ExperiencesenthalpyEnvironmentEPCEPC (engineering, procurement, construction) EQUAL PERCENTAGEEquipment Being Drainedequipped with removable temperature adjustment key Error RelayEstimated Investment and Paybackethicsevaporative coolingevaporatorevaporator or condenser of an air conditioner Everlasting Valve, Inc.exhaust headExpect many enjoyable experiences!Exposed areaExpressPackexternal check valvesexternal corrosionExternal PilotExternal StrainerExternally removableF condensatefabricateFabricated StrainersFace to FaceFace-to-FaceFactory settingsFail Closefailure safeFairnessFaith in God, Family, Job (in this order)Fan LocationFan PackageFearlessfeature codefeatures a unique integral thermostatic return limiter feed back/modulating steam control valvefeed headFeed WaterFeed-Forwardfeet of ―safety yellow‖ washdownfield-adjustable maximum limitFigure CGFigure LDfill headFill ValveFin CoilFin Materialfin pitchfin typeFinned pipe tank heatersfitted aquastatFive PillarFixed Pivotfixtureflangeflangeflanged and socketweld connectionsFlanged ConnectionsFlanged lbflanges available in Class 600 and 900flash steamflash tankFloat & Thermostatic Steam Trapsfloat and thermostatic steam trapFloat and Thermostatic TrapFloat Drain Trapfloat steam trap valvefloat type drain trapFloat weightFloat-Fixed Pivotflooded pitsFlo-Rite-Temp® instantaneous steamFlo-Rite-Temp® instantaneous water heaterFlo-Rite-Temp® Pre-Pipedflow applicationsflow capacityflow characteristic curvesflow coefficient CvFlow Controlflow directionflow indicatorflow rateflow timeFlue GasFlue Gas TemperatureFlue Stack TemperatureFluid Catalytic CrackingFluid Controls InstituteFLUID DATAFLUID NAMEFMC RadaFMC-BTfog chamberFog SystemFogger Headfogger manifold barFood ProcessorsfootprintForced Draft (FD)Forged Chrome-moly Steelforged steelFree FloatFree Floating Guided Lever Drain Trap Free Floating Guided Lever Drain Trap free floating lever Air Ventfree-floating stainless steel mechanism freeze protectionfreeze-protection drainfresh steam lossfriction lossfurnishedfuzzy adaptive tuning (FAT)G.P.Mgalvanic corrosiongalvanized steelGas Ventgas-fired humidifiersgasketGatewaygaugegaugegauge glassgauge glassgauge pressureGeneral Services Administration gland packingGlobe ValveGradualgrains of moistureGranbygravity draingreen buildingGreen TeamgrooveGroups of Fixturesguide bushguidelinesHAFThand hinged doorhand leverhandbookHandwheelHard WorkingHardened chrome steel17 hardened stainless steel hazardheaderheat exchangeHeat Exchangerheat lossheat of vaporizationHeat Recoveryheat transferheat transfer equipmentheat valueheaterHeating and Cooling Coils Heating ChamberHeating Coilheating elementheating mediumheating systemheavy dutyheavy duty industrial chrome heavy gaugeheavy oilHeavy-duty springshelp deskhemispherical valveHexhigh back pressureHigh Capacityhigh fireHigh Heat ValueHigh Limit HumidistatHigh Pressurehigh pressure dropHigh temperature safety shut-offhigh washdown temperatureshigh-limit controllerHLARHLAR AVHLAR Maximum Operating Pressures HLS LDHonestyhorizontal flash tanksHorizontal Installationhosehose lengthshose rackhose reelHose StationHose Station Less Hosehot and cold portshot water applicationsHot Water SolutionsHot Water System Solutionshot water temperature control units how to trap jacketed kettlesHPI/CPIHumidiCleanhumidificationHumidification Loadhumidification systemHumidifierhumidifier controlhumidifier locationHumidifier ManifoldHumidity Controlhumidity levelHydro TestHydrocarbonhydronichygroscopic materialhysteresisIB (Trap)IBLVICI ChemicalsIdentifying an occurrence/liftimpellerIMPORTANT NOTEimprove utility performancein the event of a diaphragm failureInconel XIndividual Bathindividual thermostat failureindustrial nickel platingindustrial process critical heat transferIndustry-Specific E-blastsIndustry-Specific Sales LiteratureINHERENT DIAPHRAGM PRESSURE:inlet and outlet connectionsinlet combination ball valve strainersInlet ConnectionInlet PipeInlet Pressureinlet sizeinlet strainerinlet supply temperatureInlet Swing Check Valveinlet union connectionsinlet vane after the fanIn-Linein-lineIn-line Check ValvesIn-line Connectionin-line repairableInstallation and Maintenanceinstalled as the primary temperature controller within a pumped recirculation InstitutionalInstitutional Hot Waterinstitutional low-pressure steam heatinginstruction manualinsulateinsulation jacketIntegral check valveintegral combination inlet check valveIntegral inlet check valves and strainersintegral inlet spring loaded check valvesintegral inlet supply risersintegral mounting flangeIntegral slight flow indicatorintegral strainerintegral strainer connectorIntegral thermometerintegral thermostatic return limiter Integral vacuum breakerintegrated circuit board technology intelligent system solutions interchangingintercoolerintermittentinternal operating componentsInternal pilotInternational Electrotechnical Commission Internet Service ProviderIntrinsically safe digital cycle counters Inverted BucketInverted Bucket Drain Trapinverted bucket large ventInverted Bucket Steam Trapinverted bucket trapIonic Bed TechnologyIonic Bed TechnologyIsolation valvejacketed kettlejobberKey Performance Indicatorskeyed cylinder lockkilojouleKindnessknow-howKnowledge not shared is energy wasted Kyoto ProtocolL finlabor costlag timeslatent heatlavatoryleakageleaking sealsLeaking valves on critical process Legionella risk reductionLevel Controlleverlever mechanismsLeverage Systemlidlifted from the drain pointlight liquidlight loadlightweightLi-ionlimit switchlinear distancelinkageLiquid CoilLiquid Drainerliquid levelLiquid LoadList of MaterialsLIST OF MATERIALSLiteratureLiterature Order Formlive male swivellive steamlive steam lossLoad AirLocal Area Networklock nutlockshield for single temperaturelower energy consumptionLow-maintenance operationLow-profile bodyLoyalistLoyaltylubricationmagnitude of dischargemain housingMain ValveMaintain a consistent systemMaintains mixed water temperaturesmaintains recirculating water temperatures within the circuit maintenanceMaintenance Costmaintenance costsMake Up WaterMake-up Watermanagement programmanifoldmanifold barmanifold lengthManifold Lengths and Duct WidthsManifold Modelmanual throttling devicematerials and weightMaterials of ConstructionMax Allowable PressureMax Allowable TemperatureMax. Operating TemperatureMaximum Allowable PressureMaximum allowable pressuremaximum capacitymaximum efficiency while maintaining minimum motor horsepower Maximum flash loadmaximum inlet pressureMaximum Operating ConditionsMaximum Operating Pressuremaximum pressure dropmaximum protection against freezing and water hammermaximum temperature limiting and single temperature locking feature maximum working pressureMeasured Blend TemperatureMechanical Designmechanical failuremechanical roommechanism assemblyMetering ValveMini Pump Trapminimal fill headminimize stressMixed Airmixed return and return to heat source check valvesmixed return flow indicatormixed return inlet with thermostatic return limitermixed return sight flow indicatormixed water outlet and mixed return inlet with thermostatic return mixing STEAM and WATER for washdownMixing Unitsmixing valveMODEL NUMBER INDEXmodulated controlmodulated outputmodulating steam control valvemodulating steam pressuremoisture contentmotive pressureMotive Steam PressureMotor circuit protectormotor powermount Thermometer and Inlet Check Valvesmount Thermometer and Stainless Steel inlet Checkmounting bracketmoving partsmultiple effectMultiple orientationsmulti-tube steam dispersion panelName of PartNAME OF PARTname plateNational Sanitation Foundationnational sanitation foundation (NSF)Natural Gas PipelinenegligenceNEMAnet positive suction headnew construction and retrofit installationnickel platenitrous oxideNoiseless HeaternominalNon modulating constant steam pressurenon-asbestosnon-condensable gasesNon-Electric Steamnon-helical straight internal tube bundleNon-intrusiveNon-intrusive to the valve, pipe or system; no shutdown required to install. Non-Recirculating Hot Water SystemNon-recirculating hot water systemsNon-Shocknon-wetting distancenozzleNPS Sch.NPSH issuesNPT inlets and outletnutOD TubesOEMoffset from centre of seatoffset from centre of valveolder style dual-globe valve mixing ―YOpen Systemopen the valve against systemopening angleoperating conditionOperating Costoperating historyOperating PressureOperating PrincipleOperation & Maintenanceoperation and maintenanceoperation costoperation of pumpingOperational SpecificationsOperational water pressureoperator programmableoperator typeOperators and Maintenance personnel Optional double-wall platesOptional External Network Adapterorificeorifice sizeOrifice Steam Pressureoriginal flow setting in hot failure modeO-Ringoutdoor airOutdoor EnclosureOutdoor Temperatureoutdoors low ambient temperature trapping outlet ball valveOutlet Connectionoutlet dial thermometeroutlet pressureoutlet stop valve and thermometeroutlet temperatureoutlet temperatureoutlet thermometer and inlet supplyoutlet trapsOutline StrategyOutside Airpackaged solutionPacking sealedPainting Strategypasteurization temperaturepasteurizerPatentPeace of mindperforatedPerformance ContractPetrochempetroleumpharmaceutical manufacturingPhysical Datapiano-hinged door with a keyed cylinder lock pilot valvePipe ConnPipe Connectionspipe sizePiping and Insulationpiping configurationsPiping welded by Section IX welders Piping—Schedule 40, Schedule 80pistonpiston actuatorPiston ValvePlate and frame heat exchangerPlate heat exchangerplate-fin heat exchangerplug & stem assemblyplumbing codes or safety requirements pneumaticpneumatic angel valvepneumatic controlpneumatic control valvePneumatic Modulatingpneumatic operatorpneumatic valve positionersPoint of Usepolymer constructionpolysulfoneportable water supplyPORT-GUIDEDposition feed back transmitterspositionerPower Managementpower supplyPre-Assembledprecise controlpreheatpreheat coilPre-Pipedpre-piped packagespre-piped single temperaturePre-Piped Tempered Waterpre-set outlet temperaturePressure and Temperature Controlpressure differentialPressure DripPressure DropPressure Gaugepressure ratingPressure Reducing Valves PTCpressure temperature ratingpressure waterpressure-testedprevent over-temperature selectionPreventive Set in Order proceduresPrice SheetPrimary Humidificationprimary humidifierProbe Connectionproduct and serviceProduct DescriptionProduct Literatureprogrammable logic controller (PLC)Programmable rangeProgrammable set point rangeproper trapprovide the most efficient and cost-effective solution to your condensate recovery requirements. PRV stationPSIG steampsychrometricpulling the valve off the seatPump Cappump capacityPump Combination PackagesPump CREPump DischargePump TrapPump Trap CapacitiesPump Trap MaterialsPump Trap PackagesPump Trap Physical Datapumped recirculation systemPure FogpurgePurgerPUSH-DOWN-TO-CLOSEPUSH-DOWN-TO-OPENRadaRada Thermostatic Mixing ValveradiatorRadiator TrapRadiator Valveradio frequencyrangeabilityratingratingsrecess flangere-circulated hot water systems Recirculating Hot Waterre-circulating hot water system Recirculating Single Temperature Systems Recirculation Systems Recommendation Chartrecovered flash steamRecovered Liquidreduce cycling wear and tearreduce energyreduce environmental emissionsreduce heat transferredundancyredundantRe-engineeredrefineryrefinery processes.refrigerantregistered trademarkregulatorrelative humidityRelay outputRelief Valve ChallengesRemarksRemote SensorRemovable Insulation Jacketremovable keyremoveremoving the mechanism assemblyrepreplaceable seatsReplacement Coilreplacing gland packingrepresentativeRequired Design PressureRequired Design TRequired Operation PressureRequired Operation Trequired valve fittings and isolation valves reservoirReservoir for Curing Pressresist high back pressureResistance to Hydraulic Shockresistant to water hammerresonatorRespectretrofitreturn airreturn bendreturn check valvereturn headerreturn limiterreturn linereturn on investmentreturn systemreverse acting positionerreverse osmosisReverse Osmosis (RO) plantreverse osmosis waterReverse-ActingREVERSE-ACTING VALVEreversed anglerisky consequencesrivetruggedRugged construction materialrunoutSafetysafety drainsafety factorSaintsame size and specificationSample Specificationssanitarysanitary usesaturated steamsaturated steamsaturated steam temperaturesaturated temperaturescale top mount Thermometerscreen materialsScreen RetainerScrewed NPT and BSPTScrewed or SWscrewed, socketweld or flangedScrivenscrub wireseamlessSeamless Steelseat centre lineseat leakageseat leakage testSeat Nutseat retainerSEAT RINGsectionalSee-Thruself-containedself-operated pressure reducing valves sell trap management services semiconductorSensible heatseparatorseparator chamberserial connection data portSeries CapacitySeries Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Series Low Profile Pump TrapSeries SS TrapSeries Stainless Steel Trap Valve Station Series TrapService flush cycleService flush waiting periodService LifeSet and lock to a single temperatureSet PointSetpoint SelectionSharing Knowledge. Saving Energy. shell and tube heat exchangershine assignmentsShipping Weightshut off pressureshut-offside connectionsignboardSimplestsimplexsingle actingsingle effect。

With unique design and advanced energy savingtechnology at its core the market leading NITROSource nitrogen gas generator requires less compressed air to generate more nitrogen.Together with substantially lower servicing costs, reduced downtime and a longer working life, it adds up to the most cost-efficient nitrogen supply available; significantly more affordable than traditional sources, and delivering huge savings over the lifetime of the generator.With over 20 years experience in the market, and over 50,000 units installed globally, Parker domnick hunter is first choice for innovative and reliable gas generation technology.Features and Benefits:• Energy saving technologyMatches compressed air flow to the nitrogen outlet flow and purity, reducing compressed air use, and saving energy and money.• Lower cost maintenance, extensive working lifeThe Carbon Molecular Sieve, the ‘engine’ of the generator delivers nitrogen moreefficiently, leading to a very long working life – and major savings on maintenance.• Five year warrantyFree through Parker extended warranty, offering the assurance of no unexpected maintenance costs and maximised factory up-time.*• Industry complianceFood and pharmaceutical safe, in line with European statute (EIGA) and the USA Food & Drugs Administration (FDA Article 21) and Pharmacopeia compliance.• Gas quality control− Mass Flow Controller - ensuring correct set pressure and flowProduct Information Sheet− Integral Oxygen Analyser - constantly measures gas purity − Off-Gas-By-Pass - automatically vents off out-of- specification gas ensuring product quality by ensuring gas quality − Inlet and Outlet Pressure Regulation - preventing damage to the generator or application − Electronic Control System – 100% management of all criticalgenerator functions• Remote monitoringEnabling connection to proprietaryremote management and the generator control systems to control and track gas parameters from a central location • Easily upgradable supplySimply add extra generators as the application requirement grows.*Subject to terms and conditions. Please contact your local authorised Parker distributor.NITROSourcePart of the MAXIGAS RangeAdvanced technology nitrogen gas generator for industry leading performance; a source of increased productivity, sustainabilityand profitability.©2019 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.Parker has a continuous policy of product development and although the company reserves the right to changes specifications, it attempts to keep customers informed of any alterations.PISNITROSOURCE-02-ENInlet ParametersEnvironmental ParametersElectrical ParametersWeights and Dimensionsm 3 reference standard 20°C, 1013 millibar(a), 0% relative water vapour pressure.Product SelectionPerformance data is based on 7 bar g air inlet pressure and 20°C - 25°C ambient temperature. Consult Parker for performance under specific conditions.Your local authorized Parker distributorEMEA Product Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA) US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537/gsfe。

Oil-free rotary screw compressorsZR 300-750 & ZR 400-900 VSDSetting the standard in energy efficiency, safety and reliability The shortest route to superior productivity is to minimize operational cost while maintaining an uninterrupted supply of the right quality of air.The Atlas Copco Z compressor series is focused on effectively saving energy, ensuring product safety – only oil-free machines exclude contamination risks for 100% – and guaranteeing the utmost reliability around the clock. And not just today, but day after day, year after year, with minimal maintenance cost, few service interventions and long overhaul intervals.Highest reliabilityFor 60 years, Atlas Copco Z compressors have set the benchmark for durability. T hey are built using long-standing internal engineering practices, and are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000 & OHSAS 18001. The high-end ZR uses time-proven state-of-the-art screw technology, cooling and pulsation dampers and providesyou with the highest reliability.100% oil-free compressed airThe ZR offers you 100% pure, clean air that complies withISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification. T his means zero riskof contamination; zero risk of damaged products; zero risk of losses from operational downtime; and zero risk of damaging your company’s hard-won professional reputation. Maximum energy efficiencyThe ZR’s superior oil-free screw elements provide the optimum combination of high Free Air Delivery (FAD) with the lowest energy consumption. Ample sized cooling, low pressuredrops and an extremely efficient drive train result in the highest compressor package efficiency.The most complete packageWith the ZR compressor, Atlas Copco provides a superior solution without hidden costs. T he totally integrated, ready-to-use package includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication and control system. Installation is fault-free, commissioning time is low and no external instrument air is required.You simply plug and run.Global presence - local serviceOur aftermarket product portfolio is designed to add maximum value for our customers by ensuring the optimum availability and reliability of their compressed air equipment with the lowest possible operating costs. We deliver this complete service guarantee through our extensive service organization,maintaining our position as leader in compressed air.100% certified oil-free airAtlas Copco is renowned for designing and manufacturing some of the most durable oil-free screw compressors. T he ZR high-end rotary screw compressor comes out of this strong tradition. Ideal for industries where high-quality oil-free air is key, the ZR offers the highest reliability and safety in combination with low energy costs.Electronics• Clean, dry, high-quality air (Class 0) is essential,produced with optimal energy efficiency.• Applications include the removal of microscopic debris fromthe surfaces of computer chips and computer boards.T extiles• Easy and quick installation.• A completely, fully integrated, ready-to-use solution.Oil & gas• Years of experience in providing compressedair for the oil & gas industry.• 100% oil-free compressed air for control/instrumentair or buffer air.• Strong global support network to provide 24/7 assistance.Automotive• To maximize productivity in the automotive industry,downtime has to be eliminated.• An integrated package designed for long-lastingperformance is crucial.Class 0: the industry standardOil-free air is used in all kinds of industries whereair quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications includefood and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, semiconductor and electronics, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities ofoil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology, resulting in a rangeof air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure,clean air. T hrough continuous research and development,Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded CLASS 0 certification. Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of themost demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures. T he TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the outputair stream.concentration in total oil content).321High-efficiency coolers and water separator• Corrosion resistant stainless steel tubing.• Highly reliable robot welding; no leakages.• Aluminium star insert increases heat transfer.• Water separator with labyrinth design to efficiently separate the condensate from the compressed air.• Low moisture carry-over protects downstream equipment.3World-class oil-free compression element• Unique Z seal design guarantees 100% certified oil-free air.• Atlas Copco superior rotor coating for high efficiency and durability.• Cooling jackets.2Throttle valve with load/unload regulation• No external air supply required.• Mechanical interlock of inlet and blow-off valve.• Low unload power.1* Only for ZR water-cooled versions.45Powerful motor + VSD• TEFC IP55 motor protects against dust and chemicals.• Continuous operation under severe ambient temperature conditions.• Direct energy savings up to 35% with Variable Speed Drive (VSD) motor.• Full regulation between 30 to 100% of the maximum capacity.4Advanced Elektronikon®• Large 5.7” sized color display available in31 languages for optimal ease of use.• Controls the main drive motor and regulates systempressure to maximize energy efficiency.5Air Water OilWater-cooled ZR PackVSD?VSD: driving down energy costsOver 80% of a compressor’s lifecycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T o cut your energy costs, Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology in the compressed air industry. VSD leads to major energy savings, while protecting the environment for future generations. T hanks to continual investments in this technology, Atlas Copco offers the widest range of integrated VSD compressors on the market.EnergyEnergy savings with VSDInvestment MaintenanceEnergy savings of up to 35%Atlas Copco's VSD technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in large energy savings of up to 35%. The Life Cycle Cost of a compressor can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system pressure with VSD minimizes energy use across your production dramatically.T otal compressor lifecycle cost1 The Elektronikon ® controls both the compressor and theintegrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety within parameters.2 Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10.4 bar withVSD reduces electricity costs.3 Specific converter and motor design (with protectedbearings) for the highest efficiency across the speed range.4 Electric motor specifically designed for low operatingspeeds with clear attention to motor cooling and compressor cooling requirements.5 All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC testedand certified. Compressor operation does not influence external sources and vice versa.6 Mechanical enhancements ensure that all componentsoperate below critical vibration levels throughout the entire compressor speed range.7 A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicleensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F (standard up to 40°C/104°F).8 No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energysavings and the stable net pressure. T urndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.9 Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.Monitoring and control:how to get the most from the leastThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Intelligence is part of the package• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions. • Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data. • Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.• Built-in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *:Data monitoring programOnline & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the new Elektronikon ® controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.The magic formula: turbo + screwObtain the most efficient compressor solution for your high capacity application in the market by combining the advanced turbo technology of the ZH + with the regulating capabilities of the ZR screw compressor with Variable Speed Drive (VSD). Eliminating costly blow-off in all operating conditions, this combination is ideal to achieve the highest return on investment while enjoying the benefits of the ZH + turbo and ZR screw technology.Reduced blow-offWhile turbo compressors are very efficient in turndown,a lot of energy is wasted during blow-off by expanding part of the compressed air into the blow-off valve and silencer. By combining two turbo compressors in an erratically varying air demand, the expensive blow-off is reduced but not completely eliminated.Eliminated blow-offAtlas Copco's unique Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. When combining the ZH + turbo compressor and the ZR screw compressor with VSD, the highest efficiency is achieved by completely eliminating blow-off.Find out how much you can saveAtlas Copco can help you map the load/air demand profile of your current compressor and blower installation and indicate potential energy savings with VSD compressors and blowers.For more information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.Operation without blow-offOperation with blow-off Hours of operationHours of operation04812162024Protecting your productionUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.Increase production reliabilityLow quality air heightens the risk of corrosion, which can lower the life span of production equipment. T he air treatment solutions produce clean air that enhances your system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays.Safeguard production qualityCompressed air coming into contact with your final products should not affect their quality. Atlas Copco provides clean,dry air to protect your production and reputation in the market.Supreme energy and cost savingsAtlas Copco’s quality air solutions stand for substantial energy savings all day, every day. T aking technology to a new level,these products achieve maximum cost savings.Proven peace of mindBuilding on know-how and years of experience, the entire Atlas Copco quality air range is produced in-house and tested using the most stringent methods in the industry.A dryer solution for every needUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.Dryers overviewTo further protect your investment, equipment and processes, Atlas Copco presents a full line-up of innovative quality air solutions to suit the high quality requirements of your specific application.BD/BD +-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants without loss of compressed air.FD+3°C/+20°C +37°F/+68°FRefrigerant dryer• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air.• Guaranteed pressure dew points.• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions.• Air and water cooled variants.MD-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FRotary drum heat of compression dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Negligible power consumption.• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew points.ND-40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FXD-S-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FHeat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants for dew point suppression and guaranteed dew point.• Variants without loss of compressed air.XD-G/XD +-G-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°F D e w p o i n t (°C )D e w p o i n t (°F )Flow (l/s)Flow (cfm)+37-4-4012002500300040005000600070008000-94Optimize your systemWith the ZR, Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZR’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Engineered solutionsAtlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced compressors and dryers with thespecifications and standards applied by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.Innovative technologyAll equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty.The reliability, longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised. A global aftermarket operation employing 360 field service engineers in 160 countries ensures reliablemaintenance by Atlas Copco as part of a local service operation.Innovative engineeringEach project is unique and by entering into partnership with our customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant questions and design the best engineered solutionfor all your needs.Options• : Optional- : Not availablePlease note the availability of the option depends on the chosen configuration.ZR 300-750(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions:- Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F.FAD is measured at the following working pressures: Fixed speed:- 7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar.- 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.ZR 400-900 VSD (50/60 Hz)(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:Fixed speed:- 7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar. - 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.DimensionsCA BCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0366 20 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。

CONDENSATETREATMENT SYSTEMSOSS oil water separatorCondensate treatmentThe condensate generated by alubricated compressor contains traces of oil. It must be treated appropriately, as oil poses an environmental risk. Atlas Copco condensate management solutions separate and safely dispose of the oil in compressor condensate before it enters the sewage system.DEPENDABL Y CLEANAtlas Copco’s OS S offers absorption-based condensate management for oil-injected piston and rotary screw compressors below 30 l/s (60 cfm).The oil water separator uses a new, advanced filter medium to remove oil traces to concentrations below 15 ppm 1. Easy to install, use and replace, the OSS is the affordable condensate cleaning solution for smaller air systems.115 ppm is generally well below the acceptance level for sewage disposal. Due to varying international and local guidelines, it is the user’s responsibility to consult local waste water discharge regulations and ensure compliance.T o verify the oil concentration at the OSS’ outlet,an optional sampling kit is available.Clean waterAfter separation, oil-in-water concentrations are below 15 ppm 1.Environmentally friendlyAll materials are 100% recyclable.Economic solutionAvoid collection by a costly third party.Small footprintCompact and lightweight design, optimized for small compressors.Excellent performanceThanks to the use of advanced absorption media.Easy installation and replacementA wall or plate mounting bracket is included.FEATURES AND BENEFITSABSORPTION SIMPLICITY AND EFFICIENCYOil-injected piston compressorsOil-injected rotary screw compressors• Automan • LE/LT• GX 2-11• GA 5-11• GA VSD + 7-112935 0816 41 © 2015, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved. Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.Condensate enters the OSS via the inlet connection at the top.Depressurization slits in the top cap allowpressurized condensate to be fed into the separator.During pre-filtration, the oil-water mixture seeps through polypropylene -based filter media,absorbing and capturing the oil but not the water.In the post-filtration stage, advanced new filter media absorb the remaining oil.The anti-siphon vent prevents the separator from completely draining when a flow is passing through the outlet connection.Clean condensate exits from the outlet with almost no residual oil content. As a result, the condensate can be discarded into the sewage drain.165423123456APPLICABLE COMPRESSORS (FLOW < 30 L/S)RECOMMENDED REPLACEMENT(1)Climatic conditions used in the table above are defined as follows:• Cold climate conditions: ambient temperature 20 °C – relative humidity 50%• Mild climate conditions: ambient temperature 25 °C – relative humidity 60%• Hot climate conditions: ambient temperature 35 °C – relative humidity 70%In very hot and humid climates, more condensate is generated during compression. The presence of extra condensate shortens the contact time in the OSS, leaving less time for the media to absorb the oil.(2)The OSS is designed for mineral-based lubricants. It should not be used with synthetic polyglycol lubricants due to its increased solubility in water.。

Maximizing reliability for large-scale LNGOver 45 years of LNG machinery experience allows Atlas Copco Gas and Process to off er 98+% reliability and availability for LNG compressors and expanders HANDLE THE PRESSURECryogenic boil-off gas (BOG) compressors / vapor return blowers Atlas Copco Gas and Process cryogenic BOG / VRG compressors rely on centrifugal technology and are used in off shore and onshore reliquefaction plants, LNG storage, and regasi� cation plants. Features include:• Ability to maintain optimal tank pressure and temperature • Maximum availability and effi ciency • 1, 2, 4 or 6 compression stages • Cryogenic dry gas seals (single or tandem) and carbon ring seals • Low, medium or high pressure Expanders Our turboexpanders play vital roles in gas pretreatment and LNG production in onshore and FLNG plants. • A vailable in oil or magnetic bearing options • Maximum � exibility • C entrifugal technology for hydrocarbon or inert gas • DMR, cascade or ammonia cycle Companders The Compander merges the centrifugal compressor and turboexpander into one single-skid mounted unit. Suitable for onshore or off shore liquefaction plants, which have a common base frame, oil system, seal support system and controls, providing a smaller footprint along with excellent reliability and availability.• Industry-leading effi ciency reduces energy consumption and increases OPEX savings • Reduces CAPEX and installation times • For hydrocarbon or inert gas (N 2)EFG / EFG Recycle / Regen /Lean Gas / Process Gas Compressors Atlas Copco Gas and Process compressors handle extreme conditions to deliver maximum reliability, availability and � exibility. We engineered our integrally geared compressors to perform even in the most challenging environments.• DGS (single or tandem) for minimal gas leakage • Maximum � exibility through IGV / DGV / ITV control • Space, energy and operational cost savings• Suitable for changing moleweight gas• Tilted pad radial and thrustbearings for highest reliabilityChoose the large-scale LNGsolution for your needsAtlas Copco Gas and Process Schlehenweg 15, 50999 Cologne, Germany。

ATLAS COPCOOIL-FREE SCREW COMPRESSORSZT 55-90 & ZT 110-160 ClassicZT 55-90 VSD & ZT 110-160 VSD ClassicOUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE,MAXIMUM BENEFITSAtlas Copco ZT Classic Line compressors provide high-quality compressed air in the harshest environmental conditions. Incorporating the patented Atlas Copco’s oil-free screw element and superior structure design, they provide a long and trouble-free life at the lowest possible operating cost.Food and beverage industryAtlas Copco oil-free air compressors serve a multitude ofapplications in the Food and Beverage industry including:fermentation, packing, air-filling, transport, filling &capping, cleaning air, instrument air, etc.Atlas Copco Class 0 compressors deliver the highestlevel of air purity. Zero oil means there is no risk ofcontamination.Electronic industryProvide high-quality oil-free clean air for the productionof electronic products and guarantee the processingprecision.Solve the issues of bad performance and short lifetimecaused by impure air, and reduce production downtime.Pharmaceutical industryFully meet the strict requirement on compressed air byGMP certification.100% oil-free air prevent any risk of contamination in suchprocesses as fermentation, air-filling, tablet packaging,canning, automatic production, etc.CLASS 0 eliminates risks, keep high quality of productsand protect your hard-won reputation.CLASS 0 helps you successfully obtain FDA certificate.CLASS 0: THE INDUSTRY STANDARD Oil-free air is used in all kinds of industries where air quality is paramount for the end product and production p rocess. T hese a pplications i nclude f ood a nd beverage, p harmaceutical, c hemical a nd p etrochemical, semiconductor and electronics, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities of oil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology, resulting in a range of air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. Through continuous research and development, Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded CLASS 0 certification. Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures. The TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the outputair stream.concentration in total oil content).213Machine mounted, easy to maintain Minimum intake losses1®control and monitoring systemOverall system performance status with pro-active service indications, alarms for malfunctions and safety shutdowns multi-language selectable display All monitoring and control functions via one interface wide communication possibilities Integration possible in many process control systems (field bus system)2 The labyrinth design efficiently separates the condensate from the compressed air Low moisture carry-over protects downst ream equipment Long High Pressure element lifetime Better dryer performance5integrated fanIntegrated assembly Efficient coolingLow energy consumption9AGMA A5Long lifetimeLow transmission lossesLow noise level and vibration3High stability under varying load conditions Adjust to change loadNo need for pre-lubrication/stabilisation time Joint development with world top-ranked SKF bearing supplier4546798compression element 100 % oil-free air compression Speed far below critical speed High overall efficiency, thanks to: – Superior rotor coating – Element cooling jacketsExcellent process and assembly precision6Aluminum alloy fin cooler– Reduce dust accumulation and filth blockage7IE3 high efficiency motor IP55 TEFC protection Class F insulation8VSD?VSD: DRIVING DOWN ENERGY COSTSOver 80% of a compressor’s lifecycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T o cut your energy costs, Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology in the compressed air industry. VSD leads to major energy savings, while protecting the environment for future generations. Thanks to continual investments in this technology, Atlas Copco offers the widest range of integrated VSD compressors on the market.EnergyEnergy savings with VSDInvestment MaintenanceEnergy savings of up to 35%Atlas Copco's VSD technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in large energy savings of up to 35%. The Life Cycle Cost of a compressor can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system pressure with VSD minimizes energy use across your production dramatically.T otal compressor lifecycle cost1 The Elektronikon ® controls both the compressor and theintegrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety within parameters.2 Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10.4 bar withVSD reduces electricity costs.3 Specific converter and motor design (with protectedbearings) for the highest efficiency across the speed range.4 Electric motor specifically designed for low operatingspeeds with clear attention to motor cooling and compressor cooling requirements.5 All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC testedand certified. Compressor operation does not influence external sources and vice versa.6 Mechanical enhancements ensure that all componentsoperate below critical vibration levels throughout the entire compressor speed range.7 A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicleensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F (standard up to 40°C/104°F).8 No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energysavings and the stable net pressure. T urndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.9 Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.A STEP AHEAD INMONITORING AND CONTROLSThe Elektronikon ® operating system offers a wide variety of control and monitoring features that allow you to increase your compressor’s efficiency and reliability. To maximize energy efficiency, the Elektronikon ® controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band.Built-in intelligenceImproved user-friendliness: 3.5” color display with clear pictograms for easy readout. Monitoring of running conditions and graphical indication of the service plan. Regulates system pressure within a predefined narrow pressure band. Integrated energy savings functions like dual pressure set point, 4 different programmable week schedules. Comprehensive icon indications and intuitive navigation. 31 different languages including character-based languages.Durable keyboard to resist tough treatment in demanding environments. Internet-based compressor visualization using a simple Ethernet connection.Remote control and advanced connectivity functions.Online & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the new Elektronikon ® controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down and maintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of yourcompressed air system through your own secured network.FLOW CHARTSFixed speed: ZTVariable speed drive: ZTAirOilAir OilDimensions(1) Reference conditions:-dry air-absolute inlet pressure 1 bar(a)-cooling and air intake temperature 20°C -nominal working pressure-performance of the compressor package measured according to ISO 1217, T hird Edition, Annex C (2) Cooling water temperature rise of 15°C(3) Max. capacity is at reference pressure and not at max.pressure(4) Pressure dewpoint is specified for-20°C cooling air/water temperature -relative humidity of 60% -nominal working pressure-load level of minimum 50% For VSD: at reference speed-With ER please consult Atlas Copco (5) ±3dB(A) measured at a distance of 1m and accordingto ISO 2151:2004 and using ISO 9614-2(6) Maximum intake / cooling air temperature is 50°C forHAT versions (7) Dependent on ambient conditions Conversions- 1kg = 2.2 lbs- 1mm = 0.039 inch - °F = °C x 9 / 5 + 32Dimensions(1) Reference conditions:-dry air-absolute inlet pressure 1 bar(a)-cooling and air intake temperature 20°C -nominal working pressure-performance of the compressor package measured according to ISO 1217, T hird Edition, Annex C (2) Cooling water temperature rise of 15°C(3) Max. capacity is at reference pressure and not at max.pressure(4) Pressure dewpoint is specified for-20°C cooling air/water temperature -relative humidity of 60% -nominal working pressure-load level of minimum 50% For VSD: at reference speed-With ER please consult Atlas Copco (5) ±3dB(A) measured at a distance of 1m and accordingto ISO 2151:2004 and using ISO 9614-2(6) Maximum intake / cooling air temperature is 50°C forHAT versions (7) Dependent on ambient conditions Conversions- 1kg = 2.2 lbs- 1mm = 0.039 inch - °F = °C x 9 / 5 + 32COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY6669103701 © 2016, A t l a s C o p c o , W u x i . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。

SUBMITTAL DATA Job Name ___________________________________________________________ Architect ____________________________________________________________ Engineer ____________________________________________________________ Contractor ___________________________________________________________ Unit Designation ______________________________________________________
Heavy Alumagard coated heat exchangers with aluminized steel burners.

AGO atmospheric gas oil 常压柴油BFW boiler feed water 锅炉给水BOG biol off gas 驰放气CA caustic 碱液CABD caustic blowdown 碱液排放CBD cold blowdown 冷排放CC contaminable condensate 污染凝液CFL cold flare 冷火炬CH chemical 化学品CRW potentially contaminated stormwater 污染雨水CWS cooling water supply 冷却水给水CWR coolingwater return 冷却水回水DA decoking air 清焦空气DR drain 排净DS dilution steam 稀释蒸汽DW demineralized water 脱盐水ES exhaust steam 乏气FG fuel gas 燃料气GO fuel oil 燃料油FW fire water 消防水HBD hot blowdown 热排放HC hp steam condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HFL hot flare 热火炬HFO heavy fuel oil 重燃料油HOBD heavy oil blowdown 重油排放HS high pressure steam 高压蒸汽HTO hydrogenation tail oil 加氢尾油HWR hot water return 热水回水HWS hotwater supply 热水给水H hydrogen 氢气IA instrument air 仪表空气IW industrial water 生产水LC low pressure steam condensate 低压蒸汽凝液LFO light fuel oil 轻燃料油LPG liguefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LS low pressure steam 低压蒸汽MC medium pressure steam condensate 重压蒸汽凝液ME methanol 甲醇MS medium pressure steam 中压蒸汽N nitrogen 氮气NG natural gas 天然气NP naphtha 石脑油OG off gas 尾气OW oily waste water 含油污水OWS oily water sewer 含油污水排放OX oxygen 氧气PA plant are 工厂空气P process 工艺物料PO pan oil 盘油PW process water 工艺水QO quench oil 急冷油QW quench water 急冷水QWBD quench water blowdown 急冷水排放RE ethylene refrigerant 乙烯冷剂RP propylene refrigerant 丙烯冷剂SA sulfuric acid 硫酸SAD salty waste water ,salty drainage 含盐废水SBD steam condensate blowdown 蒸汽凝液排放SC super high pressure steam condensate 超高压蒸汽凝液SS super high pressure steam 超高压蒸汽PTW potable water 生活水SWW sour waste water 含酸废水TG tail gas 尾气TW toluene wash 甲苯洗液V vent 放空排放气VF vent to flare 排放火炬至WO wash oil 洗油WSC spent caustic washwater 废碱冲洗水WW waste water 废水SD sanitary drainage 生活污水。

OIL-INJECTED ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSORS GA 5-11 (5,5-11 kW/7,5-15 hp)THE ULTIMATE SMART SOLUTION THAT FITSAtlas Copco’s GA compressors bring outstanding performance, flexible operation and high productivity, while minimizing the total cost of ownership. With this premium compressor series you will certainly find the compressed air solution that perfectly matches your specific requirements. Through products that are built to perform in even the harshest environments, Atlas Copco commits to keeping your production running in the most efficient way.Highest reliabilityThe GA series is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217, Ed. 4, Annex C/E. Ensuring a long and trouble-free life at thelowest operating cost, the GA contains the latest generationof Atlas Copco’s innovative oil-injected screw element.Minimized energy costsEnergy can represent over 80% of a compressor’s life cycle costs (LCC). T he generation of compressed air can even account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T hrough the use of Atlas Copco’s highly efficient element and state-of-the-art packaging, GA compressors can minimize energy costs andthe overall compressor life cycle costs.Air system integrationThe GA WorkPlace Air System can be installed close to the point of use thanks to its low noise operation. In addition, as air treatment equipment is integrated and the tank is mounted under the compressor, the need for a separate compressor room is eliminated. Moreover, all compressors are delivered ready for use, reducing installation costs to a minimum.Elektronikon ® controller• Web based online compressor status viewer on new Elektronikon ® for remote monitoring using a standard Ethernet connection.• The Elektronikon ®’s monitoring features include new service and warning indications, error detection and compressor shut-down. T he optional Elektronikon ® graphic controller provides further enhanced visual service indications and warnings.4High tech oil vessel• Protection from oil contamination: extremely low oil carry-over thanks to the vertical design of the oil vessel.• Extremely low losses of compressed air during load/unload cycle thanks to minimized oil vessel size.5Easy installation & servicing• A true plug-and-play solution ready to be installed close to the point of use.• Optionally, the system can be expanded with an integrated dryer, air filters and a factory mounted 270L receiver (optional 500L). • Effortless transportation by forklift.• Standard equipped with a 3 meter power supply cable.• Minimized service costs thanks to high-quality and easilyreplaceable consumables with a long lifetime and easy servicing.6Optimized drive trainUnequaled reliability during the system’s lifetime thanks to the belt-driven drive train developed in accordance with the highest industry standards.1Integrated quality air solutions• Protection of downstream air equipment in all working conditions: the integrated dryer avoids condensation and corrosion in the network.• Additional energy savings with the dryer’s no-loss electronic drain.• Optional filters can be added to obtain air quality up to class 1 level (<0.01 ppm).• Water separator included as standard.3Time proven element• The GA 5-11’scompression element is combined with an IE3 efficiency motor, improved bearings and seal arrangement resulting in minimized energy costs.• Fit for environments with ambient temperatures up to 46°C due to superior component design.• The Free Air Delivery is increased up to 8% and power consumption is reduced by 7% thanks to optimized packaging and the state-of-the-art compressor element.2132645A STEP AHEAD IN MONITORINGAND CONTROLSThe next-generation Elektronikon® operating system offers a great variety of control and monitoring featuresto increase efficiency and reliability. The Elektronikon® controls the main drive motor and regulates systempressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band.Free online visualizationMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with thenew Elektronikon® controllers. Monitoring featuresinclude warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling, all possible with the free onlinecompressor status visualization. SMS service, trendingand remote history events are optional through theconnectivity program.• Automatic restart after voltage failure.• Dual pressure set point.• Delayed Second Stop function.• Option to upgrade to the advancedElektronikon® graphic controller.® controller Key featuresOptional integrated compressor controllerTo reduce system pressure and energy consumption in installations of up to 4 (ES4i) or 6 (ES6i) compressors, the optional integratedcompressor controller can be installed with a simple license.Time TimePower PowerWithout DSS With DSSSaved energyLoadedLoadedUnloadedUnloaded StoppedSaver cycle technology reduces energy consumption.The Elektronikon® is linked to both saver cycles: fan and dryer.Monitoring the oil temperature, the fan saver cycle regulatesthe fan and minimizes energy use. Using an ambient sensorto monitor the required dew point suppression, the dryer savercycle starts and stops the dryer when the compressor hasstopped, minimizing energy use and protecting the air systemfrom corrosion.Saver cycleDual pressure set point & delayed second stopThe production process creates fluctuating levels of demand which can cause energy losses in low use periods. T he Elektronikon®can manually or automatically create two different system pressure bands to optimize energy use and reduce costs at low use times.In addition, the sophisticated Delayed Second Stop (DSS) runs the drive motor only when needed. As the desired system pressureis maintained while the drive motor’s run time is minimized, energy consumption is kept at a minimum.EXCELLENCE IN QUALITY AIRUntreated compressed air contains moisture, aerosols and dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. The resulting maintenance costs can far exceed air treatment costs. Our compressors provide the clean, dry air that improves your system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays, and safeguarding the quality of your products. Clean, treated air also reduces the risk of corrosion and leaks in your compressed air system, leading to substantial cost savings. Furthermore, with leaks and energy waste minimized and the unsafe disposal of untreated condensate eliminated, you can protect the environment and conform to stringent international regulations.Dirt particle size Water pressure dew point**Oil concentrationUnique Saver Cycle Control, with ambient temperature sensor and based on dryer load and relative humidity TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS Some applications may need or benefit from additional options, more refined control and air treatment systems. T o meet these needs, Atlas Copco has developed options and easily integrated compatibleequipment providing the lowest cost compressed air.- : Not available: Standard• : OptionalFLOW CHART32141371718231921972210Air flow1. Air intake filter2. Air intake valve3. Compression element4. Air/oil separator vessel5. Minimum pressure valve6. After-cooler7. Air-air heat exchanger8. Water separator (pack only)9. Water separator with drain 10. DD/PD filters 11. Air receiverOil flow12. Oil13. Oil cooler14. Thermostatic bypass valve 15. Oil separator 16. Oil filterRefrigerant flow17. Refrigerant compressor 18. Condenser19. Liquid refrigerant dryer/filter 20. Capilar21. Evaporator22. Hot gas bypass valve 23. Air intake valveTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GA 5-7-11* Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Ed. 4, Annex C-2009.** Mean noise level measured at a distance of 1 m according to ISO 2151; tolerance 3 dB(A).Reference conditions:- Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature 20ºC, 68ºF .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:- 7.5 bar versions at 7 bar(e).- 8.5 bar versions at 8 bar(e).- 10 bar versions at 9.5 bar(e).- 13 bar versions at 12.5 bar(e).GA 5-7-11 pack (floor-mounted)GA 5-7-11 pack (tank-mounted)L: 1498 mmH2: 1240 mmH: 1729 mm L: 1142 mmH: 1240 mmW: 699 mmTank-mountedFloor-mounted W: 699 mmL2: 1142 mmIntake air WaterAir/oil mixture Refrigerant gas/liquid mixture OilHigh pressure, hot refrigerant gas Compressed air without free water Low pressure, cool refrigerant gas Wet compressed air High pressure refrigerant liquid Dry compressed airLow pressure refrigerant liquidCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITYWe stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.2935 0875 46 © 2015, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s。
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Integrated Technical Services
• Technical Assistance Service 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, number: +39 335 1421103
Other models of Boil-off Gas compressor are available on request.
Number of stages
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Speed RPM
High efficiency and highly reliable piston ring compressor.
• LNG Storage depots • LNG Carrier
API618 piston compressors for LNG
• Skid-mounted to facilitate installation and start-up.
• Specially designed for installation and maintenance in restricted spaces.
• Highly flexible control of gas flow rates and gas inlet temperature variation.
• Network of Authorised Assistance Centres throughout the world
• Authentic, ready-to-use replacement parts from stock
• Global Service contracts
• Predictive maintenance
Boil-off Gas Compressors for LNG
Cryogenic gas reciprocating compressors operating with an inlet temperature up to -160°C.
• LNG Regasification Terminals
• Perfect thermal isolation of the process gas ensures that heat is not transmitted from the interior to the exterior or vice-versa during compression.
• Mechanalysis
For further information: manuela.teocchi@
© 2009 SIAD Macchine Impianti S.p.A. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is offered for use by technically qualified personnel at their discretion and risk without warranty of any kind.
We regularly update our data, for updated data please visit our web site .
Printed in Italy 153uk06/09
SIAD Macchine Impianti S.p.A. Via Canovine, 2/4 24126 Bergamo Italy
490 490 490 598 490 490 490 490 490 370 420 490 490 490 490
Installed power
11 22 45 45 75 90 110 132 150 250 250 315 355 550 750
Courtesy of LINDE
Suction Drum
• Adapts to variable working conditions (intake pressure and flow rate).
• Sector-specific know-how in the
selection of critical components, including piston rings and rider rings, ensures reliable construction and reduction of maintenance operations. • Suction and delivery valves in special steel alloy, to ensure the same mechanical characteristics of outstanding strength, toughness and fatigue resistance even at very low temperatures.
Tel. +39 035 327611
Fax +39 035 316131
Compressor model
Capacity Nm3/h
Inlet pressure
bar (a)
Outlet pressure
bar (a)
• Typical two-stage design perfectly matches the needs of LNG services.
Technical Standard
• The experience of SIAD Macchine Impianti engineers, in terms of the service we offer our customers, has resulted in a cero the many requirements of small, medium-size and large industries.
Return Gas Blower
LNG Carrier
LNG Tank LNG Pump LNG Pump
BOG Compressor
Condenser Vaporizer
International manufacturing and safety standards
• Standard API618 Fifth Edition