words reserved




(归纳拓展)at a word一说就…,立即on/with the word一说完就……in a/one word总而言之,总之in other words换句话说word for/by word逐字地,一字不差地break one's word失信,食言get in a word插话have a word with sb.跟某人交谈have words with sb.跟某人吵架leave word留言[点拨]Keep one’s word遵守诺言break one’s word食言You must keep your promise if you promised to take the children to the cinema.have a word to say 有句话要说。

have a word with 和…说一句话。

have words with 和…争论。

in a few words =in a /one word 一言以蔽之,要之,总而言之。

in other words 换言之,换句话说。

word for word 逐字地;一字不变地 ...(特别提示)word作“话语”讲时,是可数名词,当“消息”讲时,不加冠词,不用复数。

(活学巧用)For a long time they walked without saying _________word.Jim was the first to break _________silence.A.the; a B.a;the C.a;/D.the;/keep one's word守信用,履行诺言其反义词是break one’s word, 即“失信”。

I don't think he is a man who keeps his word.I kept my word to her.我对她守信用。

We trust that you will keep your word. 我们相信你会遵守诺言的。




啊先什么都不会,能写出来就不错;后来会点词就拼命装X结果不得要领;后来知道简洁为好,能表达出意思就够,最NB的就是知道什么时候用什么词,对词义的差别掌握的很透彻,句式很多样,native speaker能很自然的看懂并欣赏。


连词篇:(介词,副词)Firstly: previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly, essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with, to start with, first of all, at the outset…Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj.), secondarily, what is more, furthermore (further more)…Lastly: ultimately, eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all, last but not least, finally…Too: as well (句末), in addition, besides, moreover, additionally, to boot, excessively, also…And: plus, as well as, along with, in addition, bonus, with…+Or: otherwise, if not, before, or else…So (adv): therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, for that reas on, hence, that’s why Because: as, due to, since, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that…But:however, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, 让步although, even thought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that…Only: just, merely, barely, singly, solely, rarely…Without: excluding,Very: extremely, acutely, decidedly, deeply, exceedingly, greatly, highly, uncommonly, profoundly, unusually…Actually: as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, literally, truly …形容词/副词Important: essential, significant, vital, crucial, profound, play a pushing role,indispensable, requisite, critical, fundamental, primary, elementary, underlying, rudimentary, basically, nec essary…-附加-傻句替换:I think that A is more important than B. (这是经典大傻句!以下句中的'important'可随意替换同义词)1. A is important to B.2. A plays an/a important role to B.3. A is of (great\enormous\significant\awesome) to B.4. B can not (live\developed\grow\survive\achieve) without A.5. A means (a lot\a great deal\much) to B.6. The importance of A (to B) can never be (exaggerated\denied\ignored\doubted).7. A is everything/the whole world to B.8. B is fundamental on A.9. A matters/counts to B.10. Nothing is more crucial to B than A.11. A is to B what the (foundation is to a skyscraper\water is to fish\the heart is to a human)Big: gigantic, massive, colossal, enormous, immense, gargantuan, tremendous, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge, monster, bulky,->many: numerous, myriad, infinite,->forever (adv): infinity, eternal, timeless, everlasting,undying, endless, changeless, perpetually…Small: minimum, diminutive, minute, petite, wee, undersized, teeny, tiny, little, petite(女子身高娇小)Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular, outstanding, distinguished, remarkable, superb, incredible, unbelievable, out of this world, magnificent, charming, stunning, fantastic, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing, awesomeBad: awful, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, poor, substandard, unsatisfactory, harmful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil, immoral…Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable, intellectual, intelligent, excellent, bright, smartHappy: delightful, delectable, elated, glad, overjoyed, pleased, jubilant, merry, joyful, Beautiful: charming, charismatic, attractive, gorgeous, pretty, endearing, sweet, adorable, eye-catching, handsome, hot, cute, good-looking, lovable, engaging…Fast:swift, quick, rapid, speedy, hasty, nippy, like lightning,+hurry (v): hustle, rush, make haste, tear, step on it, dash, get a move on, step on it, scoot. Easy: simple, effortless, no trouble, painless, plain sailing, uncomplicated, undemanding, unproblematic, a piece of cake (informal), child’s play (informal),…Clear: obvious, apparent, blatant, comprehensible, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, palpable, plain, pronounced, recognizable, transparent, intelligible, lucid, plain, understandable, uninvolved, simple, …Direct: bald, basic, frank, naked, plain, sincere, stark, straightforward, candid, forthright, outspoken….Difficult: hard, tricky, complicated, complex, intricate, involved, knotty, perplexing, puzzling, thorn y…Angry: annoyed, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad (informal), livid (informal), berserk, outraged, resentful...Dangerous: perilous, breakneck, chancy (informal), hazardous, insecure, precarious, risky, unsafe, vulnerable动词Think (that): hold the (opinion/ belief/ position/stand point/idea) that, assume, believe, deem, reckon, argue, maintain, suppose, conceive, insist, be convinced, to my knowledge, personally, from my personal perspective, as far as I am concerned, from my point of view, from my angle, consider, conceive, perspective...Show: convey, reveal, express, corroborate, justify, imply, verify, clarify, signify,exemplify, illuminate, substantiate, demonstrate, elucidate, denote, characterized as, instruct, display, disclose, indicate, means, explain, give an/a example (reason, explanation) of, bear out, point out, point toward…Know: realize, comprehend, identify, distinguish, discern, notice, perceive, recognize, see, understand, figure out, be acquainted with, be familiar with,Get:acquire, attain, acquire, achieve, obtain, gain “学习”不用learnSuggest: have a proposal in,Increase: magnify, expand, proliferate, mushroom, improve, enhance, advance…Impress: affect, inspire, engrave on, imprint of,Influence: impact, affect, guide, sway,Stop: halt, cease, conclude, desist, end, pause, put an end to, quit, refrain, shut down, terminate…Mak e: create, assemble, built, construct, form, manufacture; fore, cause, compel, constrain, drive, impe l, induce, oblige, prevail, upon, require…Give: present, award, contribute, deliver, donate, grant, hand over, hand out, provide, supplyBreak:separate, burst, crack, destroy, disintegrate, fracture, fragment, shatter, smash, snapDestroy: ruin, raze, annihilate, crush, demolish, devastate, eradicate, shatter, wipe out, wreck, obliterate, weaken, undermine…Happen: occur, come about, come to pass, develop, result, take place, transpire名词Problem: issue, question, case, trouble, difficulty, dilemma.Meeting: conference, discussion, assembly, conclave, congress, convention, gathering session, assignation, encounter, confrontation, argument, controversy…Study: learning, application, lessons, reading, research, school work, examination, analysis, consideration, contemplation, inspection, investigation, knowledge,scholarship…Advantage: benefit, dominance, precedence, profit, superiority, merit…Disadvantage: shortcoming, weakness, inconvenience, drawback, deficiency, flaw, handicap (also v. 妨碍), downside, limitation.Life: existence, conduct, life style, way of life。

basic words

basic words

1, consonant ['kɔnsənənt]n. 辅音;辅音字母adj. 辅音的;一致的;和谐的2, prison ['prizən]n. 监狱;监禁;拘留所vt. 监禁,关押3, jail [dʒeil]n. 监狱;监牢;拘留所vt. 监禁;下狱4, innovation [,inəu'veiʃən]n. 创新,革新;新方法5, dumb [dʌm]adj. 哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的6, deaf [def]adj. 聋的7, grab [ɡræb]n. 攫取;霸占;夺取之物vt. 攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引vi. 攫取;夺取8, deserve [di'zə:v]vi. 应受,应得vt. 应受,应得9, scare [skεə]n. 恐慌;惊吓;惊恐vt. 惊吓;把…吓跑adj. (美)骇人的vi. 受惊10, swear [swεə]n. 宣誓;诅咒vt. 发誓;咒骂vi. 发誓,宣誓;诅咒11, occupation [,ɔkju'peiʃən]n. 职业;占有;消遣;占有期12, sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的v. 使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式)13, estate [i'steit]n. 房地产;财产;身份14, temptation [temp'teiʃən]n. 引诱;诱惑物15, stable ['steibl] n. 马厩;牛棚adj. 稳定的;牢固的;坚定的vt. 赶入马房vi. 被关在马厩16, previously ['pri:vju:sli]adv. 以前;预先;仓促地17, fragile ['frædʒail]adj. 脆的;易碎的18, masquerade [,mæskə'reid]vt. 化装;乔装n. 伪装;化妆舞会vi. 化装;伪装19, badminton ['bædmintən]n. 羽毛球20, sailor ['seilə]n. 水手,海员;乘船者21, guarantee [,ɡærən'ti:]n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品 vt. 保证;担保22, innocence ['inəsəns]n. 清白,无罪;天真无邪23, sensation [sen'seiʃən]n. 感觉;轰动;感动24, literate ['litərit]n. 学者adj. 受过教育的;精通文学的25, illiterate [i'litərət]n. 文盲adj. 文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的26, monster ['mɔnstə]n. 怪物;巨人,巨兽;残忍的人adj. 巨大的,庞大的27, craft [krɑ:ft, kræft]n. 工艺;手艺;太空船vt. 精巧地制作28, resistance [ri'zistəns]n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力29, affluent ['æfluənt]n. 支流;富人adj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的30, billiards ['biljədz]n. 台球,桌球;弹子戏31, desperate ['despərət]adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的32, yacht [jɔt]n. 游艇,快艇;轻舟vi. 乘游艇,驾游艇33, naive [nɑ:'i:v]adj. 天真的,幼稚的34, amateur ['æmətə, ,æmə'tə:]n. 爱好者;业余爱好者;外行adj. 业余的;外行的35, Taurus ['tɔ:rəs]n. 金牛座;金牛宫36, balcony ['bælkəni]n. 阳台;包厢;戏院楼厅37, pillow ['piləu]n. 枕头vt. 垫;枕于…;使…靠在vi. 枕着头;靠在枕上38, bow [bəu]n. 弓;鞠躬;船首adj. 弯曲的vi. 鞠躬;弯腰vt. 鞠躬;弯腰39, breeze [bri:z]n. 微风;轻而易举的事;煤屑;焦炭渣;小风波vi. 吹微风;逃走40, braze [breiz]n. 铜焊vt. 用黄铜制;使成黄铜色41, silly ['sili]n. 傻瓜adj. 愚蠢的42, zombie ['zɔmbi]n. 行尸走肉;蛇神;木讷呆板的人43, blaze [bleiz]n. 火焰,烈火;光辉;情感爆发vt. 在树皮上刻路标;公开宣布vi. 燃烧;照耀,发光;激发44, fury ['fjuəri]n. 狂怒;暴怒;激怒者45, brace [breis]n. 支柱;[语] 大括号;曲柄vt. 支撑;振作起来;激励;撑牢adj. 曲柄的 vi. 支持;打起精神46, copper ['kɔpə]n. 铜;铜币;警察adj. 铜的vt. 镀铜于47, statue ['stætju:, -tʃu]n. 雕像,塑像vt. 以雕像装饰48, sculptor [skʌlptə]n. 雕刻家49, pedestal ['pedistəl]n. 基架,基座;基础vt. 搁在台上;支持;加座50, erect [i'rekt]vt. 使竖立;建造;安装adj. 竖立的;笔直的;因性刺激而勃起的 vi. 直立;勃起51, legislation [,ledʒis'leiʃən]n. 立法;法律52, barrier ['bæriə]n. 障碍物,屏障;界线vt. 把…关入栅栏53, inflation [in'fleiʃən]n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡54, recruit [ri'kru:t]n. 招聘;新兵;新成员vi. 复原;征募新兵;得到补充;恢复健康 vt. 补充;聘用;征募;使…恢复健康55, abandon [ə'bændən]n. 狂热;放任vt. 遗弃;放弃56, withstand [wið'stænd, wiθ-]vt. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗vi. 反抗57, justify ['dʒʌstifai]vt. 证明…是正当的;替…辩护vi. 证明合法;整理版面58, moisture ['mɔistʃə]n. 水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量59, halt [hɔ:lt]n. 停止;立定;休息vt. 使停止;使立定vi. 停止;立定;踌躇,犹豫60, seminar ['seminɑ:]n. 讨论会,研讨班61, tropical ['trɔpikəl]adj. 热带的;热情的;酷热的62, episode ['episəud]n. 插曲;一段情节;插话;有趣的事件 63, frustrate [frʌs'treit]vt. 挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心adj. 挫败的;无益的vi. 失败;受挫64, humble ['hʌmbl]adj. 谦卑的,谦虚的,谦恭的,恭顺的;(等级、身份、重要性等)低下的;粗劣的,粗陋的;微末的vt. 使谦恭,使谦卑;使温顺:;压下…的锐气,使威风扫地:65, accelerate [ək'seləreit]vt. 使……加快;使……增速vi. 加速;促进;增加66, nuisance ['nju:səns]n. 讨厌的人;损害;麻烦事;讨厌的东西 67, stripe [straip]n. 条纹,斑纹;种类vt. 加条纹于…68, rigid ['ridʒid]adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的69, realm [relm]n. 领域,范围;王国70, vibrate [vai'breit]vt. 使振动;使颤动vi. 振动;颤动;摇摆;踌躇71, saint [seint]n. 圣人;圣徒;道德崇高的人adj. 神圣的vt. 成为圣徒72, initiative [i'niʃiətiv, -ʃətiv] n. 主动权;首创精神adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的73, grind [ɡraind]n. 磨;苦工作vt. 磨碎;磨快vi. 磨碎;折磨74, stale [steil]n. 尿 adj. 陈腐的;不新鲜的vt. 使变旧;变得不新鲜vi. 变陈旧;撒尿;变得不新鲜75, penetrate ['penitreit]vi. 渗透;刺入;看透vt. 渗透;穿透;洞察76, fatigue [fə'ti:ɡ]n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役adj. 疲劳的vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱vi. 疲劳77, quotation [kwəu'teiʃən, kəu-] n. [贸易] 报价单;引用语;引证78, squirrel ['skwə:rəl, 'skwi-, 'skw ʌ-]n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮vt. 贮藏79, oath [əuθ]n. 誓言,誓约;诅咒,咒骂80, lapel [lə'pel]n. 西服上的翻领81, odd [ɔd]adj. 奇数的;古怪的;临时的;剩余的;零散的n. 奇数;奇特的事物;怪人82, investigation [in,vesti'ɡeiʃən] n. 调查;调查研究83, investigate [in'vestiɡeit]v. 调查;研究84, split [split]vt. 劈开;分离;使分离;离开vi. 被劈开;断绝关系;离开n. 裂缝;劈开adj. 劈开的85, slit [slit]vt. 撕裂;使有狭缝n. 裂缝;投币口vi. 纵裂86, slip [slip]vi. 犯错;滑倒;减退;滑动;失足vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开 n. 滑,滑倒;错误;下跌;事故;片,纸片adj. 滑动的;有活结的;活络的abbr. 串行线路接口协议,是旧式的协议(Serial Line Interface Protocol) 87, consume [kən'sju:m]vt. 消耗,消费;使…著迷;挥霍vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命88, addiction [ə'dikʃən]n. 上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜89, survive [sə'vaiv]vi. 幸存;活下来vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长 90, heal [hi:l]vt. 治愈,痊愈;和解vi. 痊愈91, dock [dɔk]n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分 vt. 使靠码头;剪短vi. 入船坞92, chop [tʃɔp]n. 砍;排骨;商标;[网]削球(俚)丑人vt. 剁碎;砍93, rival ['raivəl]n. 对手;竞争者adj. 竞争的vt. 与…竞争;比得上某人vi. 竞争94, sake [seik]n. 目的;利益;理由;日本米酒95, embassy ['embəsi]n. 大使馆;大使馆全体人员96, drill [dril]n. 训练;钻孔机;钻子;播种机vt. 钻孔;训练;条播vi. 钻孔;训练97, monument ['mɔnjumənt]n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品vt. 为…树碑98, teenager ['ti:n,eidʒə]n. 十三岁到十九岁的少年;十几岁的青少年99, guilty ['ɡilti]adj. 有罪的;内疚的100, guilt [ɡilt]n. 内疚;犯罪,过失 101, lung [lʌŋ]n. 肺;呼吸器102, livern. 肝脏;生活者,居民103, kidney ['kidni]n. 腰子;肾脏;个性104, small intestine[解剖] 小肠105, massage ['mæsɑ:ʒ, mə's-]vt. 按摩;揉n. 按摩;揉106, stuck [stʌk]v. 刺(stick的过去式)adj. 不能动的;被卡住的107, valentine ['væləntain]n. 情人节礼物;情人108, ambiguity [,æmbi'ɡju:iti]n. 含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话 109, luggage ['lʌɡidʒ]n. 行李;皮箱110, conceal [kən'si:l]vt. 隐藏;隐瞒111, sail [seil]vi. 航行;启航,开船n. 帆,篷;航行vt. 航行112, humor ['hju:mə]n. 幽默,诙谐;心情vt. 迎合,迁就;顺应113, contempt [kən'tempt]n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱114, goat [ɡəut]n. 山羊;替罪羊(美俚);色鬼(美俚) 115, pudding ['pudiŋ]n. 布丁116, cubic ['kju:bik]adj. 立方体的,立方的117, reality [ri'æləti, ri:-]n. 现实;真实;实际118, dawn [dɔ:n]n. 黎明;开端vt. 破晓;出现;被领悟119, tax [tæks]vt. 向…课税;使负重担n. 税金;重负120, nightmare ['naitmεə]n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历adj. 噩梦似的;可怕的121, crane [krein]n. 鹤;吊车,起重机vi. 伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇vt. 用起重机起吊;伸长脖子122, cube [kju:b]n. 立方体;立方;骰子vt. 使成立方形;使自乘二次;量…的体积 123, dodgem ['dɔdʒəm]n. 电动碰碰车(常见于游乐场中)124, radiation [,reidi'eiʃən]n. 辐射;发光;放射物125, hesitate ['heziteit]vt. 踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意vi. 踌躇,犹豫;不愿126, tsunami [tsu'nɑ:mi]n. 海啸127, elope [i'ləup]vi. 潜逃;私奔128, crux [krʌks]n. 关键;难题;十字架形,坩埚129, carton ['kɑ:tən]n. 纸板箱;靶心白点vt. 用盒包装vi. 制作纸箱130, sentimental [,senti'mentəl] adj. 感伤的;感情脆弱的131, invisible [in'vizəbl]adj. 无形的,看不见的;不显眼的,暗藏的;无形的132, oppose [ə'pəuz]vt. 反对;对抗,抗争vi. 反对133, liquify ['likwifai]vt. 液化;溶解(等于liquefy)vi. 液化;溶解(等于liquefy)134, snack [snæk]n. 小吃,快餐;一份,部分vi. [美]吃快餐,吃点心135, master ['mɑ:stə, 'mæstə]vt. 控制;精通;征服 n. 主人;大师;硕士;教师adj. 主要的;主人的;熟练的136, nymph [nimf]n. [希神][罗神]居于山林水泽的仙女;美丽的少女;女神;蛹137, omit [əu'mit]vt. 省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽138, gang [ɡæŋ]n. 群;一组;一伙vt. 使成群结队;结伙伤害或恐吓某人vi. 成群结队139, remit [ri'mit, 'ri:mit]vt. 宽恕;免除;减轻;传送;使恢复原状 vi. 汇款;缓和n. 移交的事物140, glue [ɡlu:]vt. 粘合;似胶般固着于n. 胶;各种胶合物141, disguise [dis'ɡaiz]vt. 假装;掩饰;隐瞒n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西142, squeeze [skwi:z]vt. 挤;勒索;紧握vi. 压榨n. 压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金143, photographer [fə'tɔɡrəfə]n. 照相师;摄影师144, peck [pek]vi. 啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵vt. 啄食;扔n. 啄痕;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);许多145, duke [dju:k, du:k]n. 公爵,(公国的)君主;[植]公爵(种)樱桃146, perspective [pə'spektiv]n. 透视图;远景;观点adj. 透视的147, hood [hud]n. 头巾;兜帽;覆盖vt. 以头巾覆盖;罩上148, cavalier [,kævə'liə]n. 骑士;武士;对女人献殷勤adj. 漫不经心的;无忧无虑的;傲慢的149, lens [lenz]n. 透镜;镜头;晶状体vt. 给……摄影150, bully ['buli]n. 欺凌弱小者;土霸adj. [口]第一流的;特好的vt. 欺负;威吓vi. 欺侮人adv. 十分;很int. [口]好;妙151, liquid ['likwid]adj. 液体的;清澈的;明亮的;易变的 n. 液体,流体;[语]流音152, bow tie [,bəu'tai]领结;蝶形领结153, sunbath ['sʌnbɑ:θ, -bæθ]n. 日光浴;太阳灯浴154, mushroom ['mʌʃru:m, -rum]n. 蘑菇,伞菌;蘑菇形物体;暴发户 adj. 蘑菇的;蘑菇形的;迅速生长的 vi. 采蘑菇;迅速增加;迅速生长155, reflection [re'flekʃən]n. 反射;映象;沉思156, dismantle [dis'mæntl]vt. 拆除;解散;取消;除掉…的覆盖物 vi. 可拆卸157, hairdo ['hεədu:]n. 发式;发型158, prosperous ['prɔspərəs]adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的159, gorgeous ['ɡɔ:dʒəs]adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的160, precious ['preʃəs]adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的161, rasterize ['ræstəraiz]vt. 光栅化;点阵化;栅格化162, brake [breik]vi. 刹车n. 闸,刹车;阻碍vt. 刹车163, drizzle ['drizl]vi. 下毛毛雨vt. 下毛毛雨n. 细雨,毛毛雨 164, violation [,vaiə'leiʃən]n. 违背;违反;妨碍,侵害;强奸165, nest [nest]n. 巢,窝;安乐窝;温床vt. 筑巢;嵌套vi. 筑巢;找鸟巢166, couplet ['kʌplit]n. 对联;对句167, gesture ['dʒestʃə]n. 姿态;手势vi. 作手势;用动作示意vt. 用动作表示168, absorb [əb'sɔ:b, -'zɔ:b]vt. 吸收;吸引;承受;理解;使…全神贯注169, clan [klæn]n. 宗族;部落;集团170, glue pudding汤圆171, costume ['kɔstju:m, kɔ'stju:m] n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装vt. 给…穿上服装172, accompany [ə'kʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴,伴随;伴奏vi. 伴奏,伴唱173, relish ['reliʃ]n. 滋味;风味;食欲;开胃小菜;含义 vt. 喜爱;品味;给…加佐料vi. 有特定意味;味道可口174, eternal [i'tə:nəl]adj. 永恒的;不朽的175, melancholia [,melən'kəuliə]n. 忧郁症176, melancholy ['melənkəli]n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思adj. 忧郁的;使人悲伤的177, simultaneous [,siməl'teiniəs] n. 同时译员adj. 同时的;联立的;同时发生的178, synthetic [sin'θetik]n. 合成物adj. 综合的;合成的,人造的179, tremendous [tri'mendəs]adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的180, tombstone ['tu:mstəun]n. 墓碑;墓石181, tentative ['tentətiv]n. 假设,试验adj. 试验性的,暂定的;踌躇的182, enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm, in'θu:-]n. 热心,热忱,热情183, likewise ['laikwaiz]adv. 也;同样地184, pinky ['piŋki]adj. 带淡红色的;比较激进的185, convincing [kən'vinsiŋ]adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的v. 使相信;使明白(convince的现在分词) 186, greet [ɡri:t]vt. 欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘 187, awe [ɔ:]vt. 使敬畏;使畏怯n. 敬畏188, miserable ['mizərəbl]adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的189, concise [kən'sais]adj. 简明的,简洁的190, remedy ['remidi]vt. 补救;治疗;纠正n. 治疗;补救;赔偿191, cucumber ['kju:kʌmbə]n. 黄瓜;胡瓜192, honor ['ɔnə]n. 信用;荣誉;头衔vt. 给…以荣誉;尊敬(等于honour) 193, idler ['aidlə]n. 懒汉;游手好闲的人;[机]惰轮;[机]中间齿轮194, reform [ri'fɔ:m]n. 改革,改良;改正adj. 改革的;改革教会的vt. 改革,革新;重新组成vi. 重组;改过195, mortal ['mɔ:təl]n. 人类,凡人adj. 凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的 196, obstacle ['ɔbstəkl]n. 障碍,干扰;妨害物197, cherish ['tʃeriʃ]vt. 珍爱;怀抱198, watermelon ['wɔ:təmelən, 'wɔ-] n. 西瓜199, persevere [,pə:si'viə]vi. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中) 200, accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit]vt. 积攒vi. 累积;积聚201, chin [tʃin]n. 下巴;聊天;引体向上动作vt. 用下巴夹住;与…聊天;在单杠上作引体向上动作vi. 闲谈;作引体向上动作202, prince [prins]n. 王子,国君;亲王;贵族203, cheek [tʃi:k]n. 面颊,脸颊;臀部vt. 无礼地向…讲话,对…大胆无礼204, trash [træʃ]n. 垃圾;废物vt. 丢弃;修建树枝205, rape [reip]n. 强奸,掠夺;葡萄渣;油菜vt. 强奸;掠夺,抢夺vi. 犯强奸罪206, agenda [ə'dʒendə]n. 议程;日常工作事项207, betray [bi'trei]vt. 背叛;出卖;泄露(秘密);露出…迹象208, towel ['tauəl]n. 毛巾,手巾;[纸] 纸巾vi. 用毛巾擦干身体vt. 用毛巾擦209, idol ['aidəl]n. 偶像,崇拜物;幻象;谬论210, coach [kəutʃ]n. 教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车vt. 训练;指导vi. 作指导;接受辅导;坐马车旅行211, slip of the penslip of the pen: 笔误212, slip of the tongue口误;失言;小错误213, waist [weist]n. 腰,腰部214, terrific [tə'rifik]adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的 215, league [li:ɡ]n. 联盟;社团;范畴vt. 使…结盟;与…联合vi. 结盟;团结216, former ['fɔ:mə]n. 模型,样板;起形成作用的人adj. 从前的,前者的;前任的217, campaign [kæm'pein]vi. 作战;参加竞选;参加活动n. 运动;活动;战役218, staff [stɑ:f, stæf]n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员219, concession [kən'seʃən]n. 让步;特许(权);承认;退位220, contrast [kən'trɑ:st, -'træst, 'k ɔntrɑ:st, -træst]n. 对比;差别;对照物vt. 使对比;使与…对照vi. 对比;形成对照221, thirsty ['θə:sti]adj. 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的 222, impress [im'pres, 'impres]vt. 盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象 vi. 给人印象n. 印象,印记;特征,痕迹223, impression [im'preʃən]n. 印象;感想;压痕,印记;效果,影响 224, humid ['hju:mid]adj. 潮湿的;湿润的;多湿气的225, hummer ['hʌmə]n. 蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西226, mosituren. 湿气;潮湿 227, humidity [hju:'midəti]n. [气象] 湿度;湿气228, laser ['leizə]n. 激光229, modernize ['mɔdənaiz]vt. 使…现代化vi. 现代化230, tranquil ['træŋkwil, 'træn-] adj. 安静的,平静的;安宁的;稳定的 231, flickering ['flikəriŋ]adj. 闪烁的,忽隐忽现的;摇曳的v. 闪烁(flicker的ing形式)232, gratify ['ɡrætifai]vt. 使满足;使满意,使高兴233, angle ['æŋɡl]n. 角度,角vi. 钓鱼;谋取234, excessively [ik'sesivli]adv. 过分地;极度235, succumb [sə'kʌm]vi. 屈服;死;被压垮236, dragon ['dræɡən]n. 龙;凶暴的人,凶恶的人;严厉而有警觉性的女人237, consequence ['kɔnsi,kwəns]n. 结果;重要性;推论238, angel ['eindʒəl]n. 天使;守护神;善人vt. 出钱支持239, flame [fleim]n. 火焰;热情;光辉v. 焚烧;泛红240, lounge [laundʒ]n. 休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间 vt. 虚度光阴vi. 闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混241, therapist ['θerəpist]n. 临床医学家;治疗学家242, nook [nuk]n. 角落;隐匿处;核武器;凹处243, slippery ['slipəri]adj. 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的244, race [reis]n. 种族,人种;家庭,门弟;属,种vt. 和…竞赛;使急走,使全速行进;使参加比赛vi. 比速度,参加竞赛;全速行进245, ethnic ['eθnik]adj. 种族的;人种的246, deformed [di'fɔ:md]adj. 畸形的;丑陋的;残废的v. 使...残缺,使...变形(deform的过去式和过去分词形式)247, photography [fə'tɔɡrəfi]n. 摄影;摄影术248, ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]adj. 可笑的;荒谬的249, reminisce [,remi'nis]vt. 追忆说vi. 回忆250, abortion [ə'bɔ:ʃən]n. 流产,小产;流产的胎儿251, panic ['pænik]n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的vt. 使恐慌vi. 十分惊慌252, shimmer ['ʃimə]n. 微光;闪光vt. 使闪烁vi. 闪烁;发闪烁的微光253, splendid ['splendid]adj. 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的 254, carpet ['kɑ:pit]n. 地毯;地毯状覆盖物vt. 在…上铺地毯,把地毯铺在…上;斥责 255, soaring ['sɔ:riŋ]adj. 翱翔的;高耸的;猛增的v. 高耸(soar的现在分词形式);高飞;猛增256, tumbling ['tʌmbliŋ]n. 翻筋斗;摔跤adj. 歪斜状的v. 跌倒;毁灭;被绊倒(tumble的ing形式)257, rumor ['ru:mə]n. 谣言;传闻vt. 谣传;传说 258, kiddingn. 开玩笑;山羊产羔v. 欺骗;开玩笑;山羊产羔(kid的ing形式)259, imagination [i,mædʒi'neiʃən] n. 空想;想象力;幻想物260, surpass [sə'pɑ:s, -'pæs]vt. 胜过,优于;超越;非…所能办到或理解261, landlord ['lændlɔ:d]n. 房东,老板;地主262, landlady ['lænd,leidi]n. 女房东;女地主;女店主263, hike [haik]vi. 远足;上升;徒步旅行vt. 提高;拉起;使…高涨n. 涨价;远足;徒步旅行264, poppy ['pɔpi]n. [植]罂粟属植物;罂粟花;深红色 adj. 罂粟科的265, snoop [snu:p]vi. 调查,窥探n. 私家侦探,到处窥视;爱管闲事的人 vt. 窥察,窥探266, elite [ei'li:t, i'li:t]n. 精英;精华;中坚分子267, lite [lait]adj. 低盐的;清淡的;简化的n. 不重要的事物;简化物;软饮料268, pinch [pintʃ]vt. 捏;勒索;使苦恼;掐掉某物,修剪 n. 匮乏;少量;夹痛vi. 夹痛;节省269, pitch [pitʃ]vi. 投掷;倾斜;坠落;搭帐篷vt. 投;定位于;掷;用沥青涂;扎营;向前倾跌n. 沥青;程度;音高;投掷;树脂;倾斜 270, inevitable [in'evitəbl]adj. 必然的,不可避免的271, recite [ri'sait]vt. 背诵;叙述;列举vi. 背诵;叙述272, slogan ['sləuɡən]n. 标语;呐喊声273, toss [tɔs, tɔ:s]n. 投掷;摇荡;投掷的距离;掷币赌胜负 vt. 投掷;使…不安;突然抬起;使…上下摇动;与…掷币打赌vi. 被乱扔;颠簸;辗转;掷钱币决定某事 274, exhaust [iɡ'zɔ:st]vt. 耗尽;排出;使精疲力尽;彻底探讨 vi. 排气n. 排气;废气;排气装置275, screw [skru:]vt. 旋,拧;压榨;强迫n. 螺丝钉;吝啬鬼;螺旋vi. 转动,拧276, surgery ['sə:dʒəri]n. 外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室 277, extraordinary [ik'strɔ:dənəri, ,ekstrə'ɔ:di-]adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的278, deal [di:l]vt. 发牌;处理;给予;分配vi. 处理;做生意;对待;讨论n. 交易;份量;待遇;(美)政策279, surrender [sə'rendə]n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任vi. 投降;屈服;自首280, silver ['silvə]n. 银;银器;餐具;银币;银质奖章;银灰色adj. 银的;含银的;有银色光泽的;口才流利的;第二十五周年的婚姻vi. 变成银色vt. 镀银;使有银色光泽281, pioneer [,paiə'niə]n. 拓荒者;先锋vt. 开辟;倡导;提倡vi. 作先驱282, drama ['drɑ:mə, dræmə]n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术;剧本;戏剧性事件 283, moderate ['mɔdərət, 'mɔdəreit] adj. 稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的 vt. 节制;减轻vi. 变缓和,变弱284, ripe [raip]adj. 熟的,成熟的;时机成熟的vt. 搜查;调查vi. 进行搜查285, immortal [i'mɔ:təl]adj. 不朽的;神仙的;长生的n. 神仙;不朽人物286, corpse [kɔ:ps]n. 尸体287, Christianity [,kristi'ænəti]n. 基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义 288, lust [lʌst]n. 性欲;强烈的欲望vi. 贪求,渴望289, gluttony ['ɡlʌtəni]n. 暴食,暴饮暴食;贪食,贪吃290, avarice ['ævəris]n. 贪婪,贪财291, sloth [slɔθ]n. 怠惰,懒惰;[脊椎] 树懒292, wrath [rɔθ, ræθ, rɑ:θ]n. 愤怒;激怒293, covetousness ['kʌvitəsnis]n. 贪婪;贪心;妄羡294, vanity ['vænəti]n. 虚荣心;空虚;浮华;无价值的东西 295, purity ['pjuəriti]n. [化学] 纯度;纯洁;纯净;纯粹296, self-restraint ['selfri'streint] n. 自制297, vigilance ['vidʒiləns]n. 警戒,警觉;警醒症298, integrity [in'teɡrəti]n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正299, composure [kəm'pəuʒə]n. 镇静;沉着300, giving ['ɡiviŋ]n. 给予;礼物;给予物v. 给;赠送(give的ing形式);付出;产生301, humbleness ['hʌmblnis]n. 谦逊;卑贱;粗鄙302, welfare ['welfεə]n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;安宁adj. 福利的;接受社会救济的303, bureau ['bjuərəu]n. 衣柜;局,处;办公桌304, tease [ti:z]vt. 取笑;戏弄;梳理;欺负;强求;使起毛n. 戏弄;爱纠缠的小孩;挑逗者;卖弄风骚的女孩vi. 取笑305, trifle ['traifl]n. 琐事;蛋糕;少量vt. 浪费;虚度vi. 开玩笑;闲混;嘲弄306, kidnap ['kidnæp]vt. 绑架;诱拐;拐骗307, ransom ['rænsəm]vt. 赎回,赎;勒索赎金;得赎金后释放;[宗]救赎n. 赎金;赎身,赎回308, redeem [ri'di:m]vt. 赎回;补偿;挽回;恢复;履行;兑换 309, redemption [ri'dempʃən]n. 赎回;偿还;拯救;实践310, farewell ['fεə'wel]n. 告别,辞别;再见;再会adj. 告别的int. 别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思);再会!311, heel [hi:l]n. 脚后跟;踵vt. 倾侧vi. 倾侧312, heelpost ['hi:lpəust]n. 门柱313, helicopter ['helikɔptə]n. [航] 直升飞机vi. [航] 乘直升飞机vt. 由直升机运送314, gunship ['ɡʌnʃip]n. (美)武装直升机315, torch [tɔ:tʃ]n. 火把,火炬;手电筒;启发之物 vi. 像火炬一样燃烧vt. 用火炬点燃316, Armageddon [,a:mə'gedn]n. 大决战;世界末日善恶决战的战场(源于《圣经》)317, resurrect [,rezə'rekt]vt. 使复活;复兴;挖出vi. 复活318, glucose ['ɡlu:kəus]n. 葡萄糖;葡糖(等于dextrose) 319, bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]n. 细菌320, decomposition [,di:kɔmpə'ziʃən] n. 分解,腐烂;变质321, hydrogen ['haidrədʒən]n. [化学] 氢322, oxygen ['ɔksidʒən]n. [化学] 氧气,[化学] 氧323, dioxide [dai'ɔksaid]n. [化]二氧化物324, sulfur ['sʌlfə]n. 硫磺;硫磺色vt. 用硫磺处理325, phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs]n. 磷326, Sinoadj. 中国人的,中国的327, thunder ['θʌndə]n. 雷;轰隆声;恐吓vi. 打雷;怒喝vt. 轰隆地发出;大声喊出328, destiny ['destini]n. 命运,定数,天命329, slumber ['slʌmbə]n. 睡眠;麻木状态;静止状态vi. 睡眠;蛰伏;麻木vt. 睡眠;睡着度过330, imp [imp]n. 顽童,小淘气;小孩vt. 给...装上翅膀;加强331, daemon ['di:mən]n. 守护进程;后台程序332, devil ['devəl]n. 撒旦;魔鬼;恶棍;家伙vt. 折磨333, evil ['i:vəl]adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的 n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸334, Eden ['i:dən]n. 伊甸园(《圣经》中亚当和夏娃最初居住的地方)335, siren ['saiərən]n. 汽笛;迷人的女人;歌声动人的女歌手 adj. 迷人的vi. 响着警报器行驶vt. 引诱336, demise [di'maiz]n. 死亡,终止;传位;转让vt. 遗赠;禅让337, orchard ['ɔ:tʃəd]n. 果园;果树林338, shampoo [ʃæm'pu:]n. 洗发;洗发精vt. 洗发339, razor ['reizə]vt. 剃,用剃刀刮n. 剃刀340, debut ['deibju:]n. 初次登台;开张vi. 初次登台341, adventure [əd'ventʃə, æd-]n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动vt. 冒险;大胆说出vi. 冒险342, rough [rʌf]adj. 粗糙的;粗野的;未经加工的;粗略的;艰苦的vt. 使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟n. 高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分;艰苦vi. 举止粗野adv. 粗糙地;粗暴地;粗略地343, roughage ['rʌfidʒ]n. 粗饲料;粗粮;粗糙的原料344, pump [pʌmp]vt. 用抽水机抽…;打气n. 泵,抽水机;打气筒vi. 抽水 345, bliss [blis]n. 极乐;天赐的福vt. 使欣喜若狂vi. 狂喜346, spear [spiə]n. 矛,枪vt. 用矛刺347, parade [pə'reid]n. 游行;阅兵;行进;炫耀;阅兵场 vt. 炫耀;游行;列队行进vi. 游行;列队行进;炫耀348, deficiency [di'fiʃənsi]n. 缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额 349, chopsticks ['tʃɔpstiks]n. 筷子350, goblet ['ɡɔblit]n. 酒杯;高脚杯351, plate [pleit]n. 碟;金属板;金属牌;感光底片 vt. 电镀;给…装甲352, spoon [spu:n]n. 匙,勺子;一杓的量vt. 用匙舀;使成匙状vi. 轻轻向上击353, fork [fɔ:k]n. 叉;餐叉;耙vt. 叉起;使成叉状vi. 分叉;分歧354, wok [wɔk]n. 锅(源自广东话);炒菜锅355, ladle ['leidl]n. 钢水包;杓子;长柄杓vt. 不分对象予以赠送;以杓舀取 356, dessert [di'zə:t]n. 餐后甜点;甜点心357, portion ['pɔ:ʃən, 'pəu-]n. 部分;一份;命运vt. 分配;给…嫁妆358, Mars [mɑ:z]n. 战神;[天] 火星359, tube [tju:b, tu:b]n. 管;电子管;隧道;电视机vt. 使成管状;把…装管;用管输送 vi. 乘地铁;不及格360, till [til]prep. 直到conj. 直到...为止n. [地理][水文] 冰碛;放钱的抽屉;备用现金vt. 耕种;犁vi. 耕种;耕耘361, tiller ['tilə]n. [船] 舵柄;农夫vi. 分蘖362, swine [swain]n. 猪;卑贱的人363, saw [sɔ:]n. 锯子;谚语v. see的过去式vi. 锯;用锯;将某物锯成小块vt. 锯;锯成;锯开364, sow [səu]n. 母猪vt. 播种;散布;使密布vi. 播种365, cow [kau]n. 奶牛,母牛;母兽vt. 威胁,恐吓366, ox [ɔks]n. 牛;公牛367, lamb [læm]n. 羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉vt. 生小羊,产羔羊vi. 生小羊,产羔羊368, mutton ['mʌtən]n. 羊肉;绵羊369, rib [rib]n. 肋骨;排骨;肋状物vt. 戏弄;装肋于370, cutlet ['kʌtlit]n. 肉片;炸肉排;炸肉片371, steak [steik]n. 牛排;肉排;鱼排372, joint [dʒɔint]n. 关节;接缝;接合处,接合点;(牛,羊等的腿)大块肉adj. 共同的;连接的;联合的,合办的 vt. 连接,贴合;接合;使有接头 vi. 贴合;生节373, slice [slais]n. 薄片;部分;菜刀,火铲vt. 切下;把…分成部分;将…切成薄片 vi. 切开;割破374, entree ['ɔntrei]n. (美)主菜;(法)入场许可375, main course主菜;主要课程;主帆376, Sliced PorkSliced Pork: 酱肘花 | 肉片377, Sliced beefSliced beef: 雪花肥牛378, shred [ʃred]n. 碎片;少量剩余;最少量;破布vi. 撕碎vt. 切成条状;用碎纸机撕毁379, dice [dais]n. 骰子vt. 切成方块vi. 掷骰子380, PORK MINCEPORK MINCE: 猪肉馅381, diced chicken鸡丁382, grill [ɡril]n. 烤架,铁格子;烤肉vi. 烧,烤;严加盘问vt. 烧,烤;烤问383, oven ['ʌvən]n. 炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱384, roast [rəust]n. 烤肉;烘烤adj. 烘烤的;烤过的vt. 烤,焙;烘,烘烤;暴露于某种热力下以得温暖vi. 烤;烘385, bake [beik]n. 烤;烘烤食品vi. 烘面包;被烤干;受热vt. 烤,烘焙386, shank [ʃæŋk]n. 柄;小腿;[解剖][脊椎] 胫387, thigh [θai]n. 大腿,股388, lap [læp]n. 一圈;膝盖;下摆;山坳vt. 使重叠;拍打;包围vi. 重叠;轻拍;围住389, knee [ni:]n. 膝盖,膝vt. 用膝盖碰390, organ ['ɔ:ɡən]n. 风琴;器官;机构;管风琴;嗓音 391, brunch [brʌntʃ]n. 早午餐392, mince [mins]vt. 切碎;矫揉做作地说vi. 装腔作势;碎步走n. 切碎物393, a deck of cardsa deck of cards: 一副扑克牌394, sponsor ['spɔnsə]n. 赞助者;主办者;保证人vt. 赞助;发起395, bra [brɑ:, 'seribrə]n. 胸罩396, mosquito [mə'ski:təu]n. 蚊子397, desert ['dezət]vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑vi. 遗弃;逃掉;开小差n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚adj. 沙漠的;不毛的;荒凉的398, surd [sə:d]adj. 不尽根的;清音的;无道理的 n. 清音;[数] 不尽根;无理数 399, hooker ['hukə]n. 渔船;妓女400, breast [brest]n. 乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情vt. 以胸对着;与…搏斗401, nipple ['nipl]n. 奶嘴;乳头,奶头402, absurd [əb'sə:d]adj. 荒谬的;可笑的n. 荒诞;荒诞作品403, prostitute ['prɔstitju:t] vt. 使沦为妓女adj. 卖淫的;堕落的n. 妓女404, whore [hɔ:]vi. 卖淫,娼妓n. 娼妓,淫妇405, slut [slʌt]n. 懒妇;母狗;荡妇406, pants [pænts]n. 裤子;短裤407, trendy ['trendi]adj. 时髦的,流行的n. 追求时髦者;新潮人物408, trend [trend]n. 趋势,倾向;走向vi. 趋向,伸向vt. 使…趋向409, eyebrow ['aibrau]n. 眉毛v. 为…描眉;用皱眉蹙额迫使410, eyelash ['ailæʃ]n. 睫毛411, pupil ['pjupəl]n. 学生;[解剖] 瞳孔;未成年人 412, wrinkle ['riŋkl]n. 皱纹vi. 起皱vt. 使起皱纹413, forehead ['fɔrid]n. 额,前额414, pinkie ['piŋki]n. [美口]小手指415, beard [biəd]vt. 公然反对;抓…的胡须n. 胡须;颌毛vi. [美俚]充当掩护;充当男随员 416, mustache [mə'stɑ:ʃ, 'mʌstæʃ] n. 胡子,髭417, nostril ['nɔstril, -trəl] n. 鼻孔418, eyelid ['ai,lid]n. [解剖] 眼睑;眼皮419, lid [lid]n. 盖子;眼睑;限制vt. 给…盖盖子420, eyedrop ['aidrɔp]n. 眼药水;眼泪421, dropout ['drɔpaut]n. 中途退学;辍学学生422, elbow ['elbəu]n. 肘部;弯头;扶手vt. 推挤;用手肘推开423, ankle ['æŋkl]n. 踝关节,踝424, swamp [swɔmp, swɔ:mp]n. 沼泽;湿地vt. 使陷于沼泽;使沉没;使陷入困境 vi. 下沉;陷入沼泽;陷入困境;不知所措(过去式swamped,过去分词swamped,现在分词swamping,第三人称单数swamps,名词swampiness,形容词swampy)425, napkin ['næpkin]n. 餐巾;餐巾纸;尿布426, wrestle ['resl]n. 摔跤;斗争;搏斗vi. 斗争;摔跤;斟酌vt. 与摔跤;与…搏斗;使劲搬动427, comedy ['kɔmidi]n. 喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情428, stage [steidʒ]n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站vt. 举行;上演;筹划vi. 举行;适于上演;乘驿车旅行429, abuse [ə'bju:z, ə'bju:s]n. 滥用;辱骂;虐待;弊端;恶习,陋习 vt. 滥用;辱骂;虐待430, sleeve [sli:v]n. 袖子,袖套;套筒,套管vt. 给……装袖子;给……装套筒431, sleeveless ['sli:vlis]adj. 无袖的432, blouse [blauz]n. 宽松的上衣;女装衬衫vt. 使…宽松下垂vi. 宽松下垂433, treasure ['treʒə, 'trei-]n. 财富,财产;财宝;珍品vt. 珍爱;珍藏 434, bother ['bɔðə]vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 vi. 烦恼;操心,麻烦n. 麻烦;烦恼435, chick [tʃik]n. 小鸡;小鸟;少妇adj. 胆小的;懦弱的436, hen-peckedn. 妻管严;怕老婆的,惧内437, admire [əd'maiə]vt. 钦佩;赞美vi. 钦佩;称赞438, sorrow ['sɔrəu, 'sɔ:-]n. 悲伤;懊悔;伤心事vt. 为…悲痛vi. 懊悔;遗憾;感到悲伤439, tragedy ['trædʒidi]n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案440, confront [kən'frʌnt]vt. 面对;遭遇;比较441, dare [dεə]n. 挑战;挑动vt. 敢冒;不惧vi. 敢;胆敢442, insect ['insekt]n. 昆虫;卑鄙的人443, suck [sʌk]vt. 吸吮;吸取vi. 吸吮;巴结;[俚]糟糕n. 吮吸444, scrap [skræp]n. 碎片;残余物;打架;少量vt. 废弃;使解体;拆毁adj. 废弃的;零碎的vi. 吵架445, chive [tʃaiv]n. 细香葱446, ministry ['ministri]n. (政府的)部门447, commerce ['kɔmə:s]n. 贸易,商业448, onion ['ʌnjən]n. 洋葱;洋葱头449, spring onion葱;(英)大葱;生吃的小洋葱450, ginger ['dʒindʒə]n. 姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味vt. 用姜给…调味;使某人有活力adj. 姜黄色的451, garlic ['ɡɑ:lik]n. 大蒜;蒜头452, leek [li:k]n. 韭;[园艺] 韭葱453, turkey ['tə:ki]n. 火鸡;笨蛋;失败之作454, carrot ['kærət]n. 胡萝卜455, radish ['rædiʃ]n. 萝卜,小萝卜456, broccoli ['brɔkəli]n. 花椰菜;西兰花457, cauliflower ['kɔli,flauə]n. 花椰菜,菜花458, lettuce ['letis]n. [园艺] 生菜;莴苣;(美)纸币459, salad ['sæləd]n. 色拉;尤指莴苣460, eggplant ['eɡplɑ:nt,-plænt]n. 茄子adj. 深紫色的461, sauce [sɔ:s]n. 酱油;沙司;调味汁vt. 使增加趣味;给…调味462, ketchup ['ketʃəp]n. 蕃茄酱463, cheese [tʃi:z]n. [食品] 奶酪;干酪;要人adj. 叛变的;胆小的vt. 停止464, pizza ['pi:tsə]n. 比萨饼(一种涂有乳酪核番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼)465, squash [skwɔʃ, skwɔ:ʃ]n. 壁球;挤压;咯吱声;南瓜属植物;(英)果汁饮料vt. 镇压;把…压扁;使沉默vi. 受挤压;发出挤压声;挤入466, cushaw [kə'ʃɔ:] n. 南瓜;[园艺] 倭瓜467, fennel ['fenl]n. 茴香468, cumin ['kʌmin]n. 小茴香;莳萝469, thyme [taim, θaim]n. [植] 百里香470, pomegranate ['pɔmɡrænit, ,pɔmi'ɡ-]n. 石榴471, Dragon FruitDragon Fruit: 火龙果 | 龙珠果472, lemon ['lemən]n. 柠檬adj. 柠檬色的473, mango ['mæŋɡəu]n. [园艺] 芒果474, plum [plʌm]n. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的475, cherry ['tʃeri]n. 樱桃;樱桃树;如樱桃的鲜红色;处女膜,处女476, kiwi ['ki:wi:]n. 猕猴桃;几维(一种新西兰产的无翼鸟);新西兰人477, pineapple ['pain,æpl]n. [园艺] 菠萝;[园艺] 凤梨;失业救济金adj. 凤梨科的478, apricot ['eiprikɔt]n. 杏,杏子;[园艺] 杏树;杏黄色 adj. 杏黄色的479, jujube ['dʒu:dʒu:b]n. 枣子,枣树;枣味糖480, peanut ['pi:nʌt]n. 花生481, walnut ['wɔ:lnʌt, -nət]n. 胡桃;胡桃木adj. 胡桃科植物的482, tofu ['təufu:]n. 豆腐483, cheongsam ['tʃɔ:ŋ'sæm]n. 旗袍。



形容人的词汇(Words that describe people)Words that describe people:Positive, honest, honest, sensible, honest, industrious and brave, industrious, thrifty, humorous, gentle, polite, gentle, cheerful, Frank.Upright, gentle, virtuous, modesty, humility, kindness strong, honest, strict law has been kind to others.Self-esteem, studious, heavy responsibilities, self giving, not afraid of hardships, love and hate, selfless, amiable and easy of approach, very modest, impartial and clean, exemplary conduct and nobility of character, the silt but don't dye, fragrant Park surface and not touch, perfect,Thoughtful, insightful, considerate, have ability, active, strong adaptability and dexterity. Enterprising, have lofty ideals and high aspirations, courteous and accessible, friendly, analytical expression, understanding, aspiring aspiring,Bold, adventurous, careful, upright, generous, loyal (kind and generous), can be competent, confident, conscientious,open-minded, optimistic,Thoughtful, constructive, contemplative, cooperative, creative, aggressive fighting spirit, dedication (or dedicated) spirit, reliable, sophisticated tactics, discipline, diligence seriously, honest.Efficient, energetic, energetic, responsible, trustworthy, loyal, strong willed, straightforward, sincere, frugal, clear, purposeful,Educated, polite, respectful, innovative spirit, objective and practical, clear, strict in demands, punctual, refuse to be cowed or submit, realistic, reliable, reasonable understanding of the work in just ways,Dependable, honest, gentle, steady, diligently,Negative - arrogance, lack of confidence, emotion, dogma, hypocrisy, inferiority, cowardice, dependence, anxiety,Stingy, emotional, narrow-minded, vulgar, disgusting, picky, noisy and bad tempered, domineering, gossipy and meddlesome, childish, funny, harsh, dull, lazy lazy, sensitive, stubborn, stubborn,Mood ---- Jingshenbuzhen, negative world weary, depressed, pessimistic, morose, lazy, fragile,Outgoing personality, introverted, lively and cheerful, taciturn, humorous, sedate, frivolous impulseStrong weak childish mature articulate selfish sincereIndependence, self dependence, self conceit, inferiority, gentleness, thoughtfulness, nervousness, money worshipA stubborn submissive womanishly fussy careful not to stick attriflesGregarious forthright shy cunning fickle upright hypocrisyOptimistic, pessimistic, negative, depressed, withdrawn, difficult to think overDo I dare to help honest old timid and overcautious Sensitive, obtuse, arbitrary, indecisive, indecisiveViolent unkind selfish arty happy, sad worry about personal gains and lossesFast vigorous and unrestrained always melancholy and moody too observant of conventional standards..Extrovert, active, relaxed, cheerful, warm, amiable,open-minded, sociable, talkative and resourcefulStrong adaptability, good organization work, efficient, energetic, rich expression, quick response, wide interestA practical easy impetuous drift deep lack of stamina perseverance to easy inconstant decision lightlyExcited strongly optimistic frank language full of go quick action to overcome the difficulties in the work Lei Li popular bold stickImpulsive, impetuous, irritable, irritable, defiant, aggressive, depressed, frustrated and carelessIntroverted, quiet, cautious, steady, slow language, not easy to expose the inner activitiesTemperament is calm, serious and careful, tough, strict in order, methodical and communicativePatience, pragmatic, dependent, stubborn and inflexiblePoor adaptability is passive, aloof from people.The inertia of conservative drooping seriouslyWeak, sensitive, serious, unafraid of difficulties, good at observing others, difficult to find, weak, timid, timid, submissive, sentimental, timid, worriedApathy, doubt, indecision, lack of confidence often affect small thingsKind, friendly, kind hearted, sociable, outgoing, witty and excitableQuiet quiet caution fragile depressionFormal, communicative, not humorousTimid, sensitive, excitable, neurotic, submissive, gentle,honest, sinkingSlow, concentrated, meticulous, ordered, methodical Stubborn, slow, thoughtful, ineffective, angry, bad moodVivid, adventurous, analytical, adaptable, entertaining, persuasive, persistentPeace, sociability, firmness, self sacrifice, obedience, convictionCompetition, thoughtfulness, self-control, cheer up, respond quicklyRespected, reserved, dynamic, self satisfiedAdvocates of positive programs are patient, unconstrained, sure to follow, shy, optimistic, straightforward, methodical and accommodatingInteresting, obsessive, loyal, friendly, brave, detailed, diplomatic, cheerful, confident, and culturalIncentive, independence, idealism, non aggression, sexy exposureDecisive, deep, sarcastic, humorous, happy to make friendsInitiator, musical mediation, multi words, persistent consideration, toleranceEnergetic faithful listener leader endearing chief DraftsmanContent is welcome, hardworking, perfectionist and kind of fearlessStandard balance explicit desultory without pity is not boring but arbitrary forgiveness without enthusiasmNagging resentment rebellious conservative Frank picky timid cuts in Zaoji forgetfulInsecurity, indecision, unpredictable, poor expression, unwelcome, antisocialImpromptu, stubborn, difficult to please, indecision, self indulgence, pessimism, poverty, irritability, good quarrel, not gregariousAimless, childish, reckless, passive, aloof, vain, workaholic, unhappy, talkative, anxious, talkativeNot tactful overly sensitive timid life disorder domineering depression suspect repeatedly exclusionIntroverted, no objection, disorderly, no Chapter XI, manipulation, emotional, unclear words, good performance, stubborn, suspicious, slowHe who has a loud voice wants to be solitary, lazy, unfocused, irritable, suspicious, delayed, and retaliatoryIrritable, indiscreet, capricious, sly, good, critical, compromisingBeautiful, lovely, beautiful, charming, handsome, naive, romantic, funny, smart, happy, calm, warm, sweet, elegant, elegant, naughty, naughty, naughty, a scene of bustling activity, full of vigor and vitalitySmile: move the corners of your mouthLaughter: laughter, laughingLaugh: red face, almost breathless.Sneer: let the person listen to the whole body to be afraid.Would a contempt:In addition, it can be described in other respects, such as:Veiled laughter:Sweet smile, and smile, Ji Yan, Ying Ying, Qi Yan, smile, show Yan, beaming, charmed teeth, mouth, MinzuiA laughing laugh:Oh, hey, hee hee, ha ha, Chi Chi, dumb, uproarBody language:Laugh, and crashing, fuzhang, roar with joy and laughter, and jaw, hilarious, Huazhiluanchan, crown, crown tassel top tassel cableDescribe mood:Le Kaihuai, happy, happy, cheerful, happy and full of joy and ecstasy, overjoyed, overjoyed, beaming, face lit up, secretly delighted, laughing, shine with happinessOther laughs:Cold, Shan, Shen, blame, laugh, or teasing, ridicule, grinning teeth outSweet smile, and smile, Ji Yan, Ying Ying, Qi Yan, smile, show Yan, beaming, charmed teeth, mouth, MinzuiOh, hey, hee hee, ha ha, Chi Chi, dumb, uproarLaugh, and crashing, fuzhang, roar with joy and laughter, and jaw, hilarious, Huazhiluanchan, crown, crown tassel top tassel cableLe Kaihuai, happy, happy, cheerful, happy and full of joy and ecstasy, overjoyed, overjoyed, beaming, face lit up, secretly delighted, laughing, shine with happinessCold, Shan, Shen, blame, laugh, or teasing, ridicule, grinning teeth outImplicationLooking back, sweet smile, and smile, Ji Yan, Ying Ying, Qi Yan, smile, show Yan, beaming, charmed teeth, mouth, MinzuiSound effectsOh, hey, hee hee, ha ha, Chi Chi, dumb, uproarAction chapterLaugh, and crashing, fuzhang, roar with joy and laughter, and jaw, hilarious, Huazhiluanchan, crown, crown tassel top tassel cableMood chapterMusic, cola, laugh, happy, cheerful, happy, happy and full of joy and ecstasy, overjoyed, overjoyed, beaming, face lit up, secretly delighted, laughing, shine with happinessAlternative articlesCold, Shan, Shen, blame, laugh, ridicule, teasing, grinningUnexpected articlesEggplant, rub the intestines, teeth are lostDescription of facial words: Bang big waist, unkempt,hubeixiongyao, garden, hefatongyan, handsome, handsome and highly esteemed in smart clothes, pretty, beautiful, Maoruo pan, SAGE-like type, dignified and beautiful, and as thin as a threadpaper, pugnacious looks extraordinary, the ornamental and the combined plain propertiesJustice, honest and honest simple sincere great tactPeople praise the loyal and conscientious pure and noble dignified and imposing against the current social commitment Gaojieqingfeng exemplary conduct and nobility of character jinglaozunxian Jishan high-minded, lofty spirit and pure action noble and gentle men extend great admiration into k Li Shi Xian a man of scholarly virtue Lilanyuanzhi Lanzhichangsheng Nirvana and all kinds of good people in a gracious and elegantAn adjective / expression / idiomGorgeous beautiful beautiful lotus hubeixiongyao a handsome man as pretty as a picture as pretty as a flower grow fat naive hefatongyan Meiqingmuxiu in smart clothes national beauty and heavenly fragrance graceful graceful bearing radiant beautiful smooth and fair handsome and highly esteemed the ornamental and the combined plain properties varied as pretty as a flower.An idiom describing people's characterA dignified and imposing tide praise inside casual and elegant bearing high five wow be profuse in praise upright gentlemen was universally praised and songs of exemplary conduct andnobility of character as the acme of perfection to German quality Binbin conscientious loyal dignified and imposingEmotions can be divided into four types: high concentrations of emotional comfort (such as worship, infatuation, victory, vitality, passion, emotional comfort) low concentration of low concentration (such as the quiet, comfortable mood cheerful, happy, confident, agree, love), uncomfortable emotions (such as low concentration tired, angry, lonely, doubt, please, flattery,) with high concentrations of uncomfortable emotions (such as anger, despair, irritability, anxiety, guilt, shame, shame and grief, disgust)Happiness, sadness, fear, fear, panic, fear, worry, sad, happy, shocked, jubilant, overjoyed, full of joy, angry, depressed, fly into a rage, wild with joy, full of joy, eager, refreshing, goosebumps, convincing, heavy-hearted, preoccupied by some troubles, torn with grief, grief, anger, fear, confusion, anxious, very upset. Get disheartened, restless, bittersweet, The mind is very confused., have mixed feelings, be filled with grief and indignation, anxious to leave.。


/loʊn/ /ɪmˈplɪsɪt/ /ˈkɑːɡnətɪv/ /ˈrefjuːdʒ/ /ˈsoʊbər/ /ˈskruːtəni/ /ˈɔːrnəmənt/ /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/
/steɪk/ /ɪmˈperətɪv/
/ˈmenəs/ /ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪt/
/kəmˈplaɪ/ /kiːl/ /beɪl/
音标 /ˈblʌndər/
/ʃef/ /læʃ/ /əˈses/ /ˈrebl/ /rɪˈfreɪn/ /rɪˈsaɪt/ /rɪˈhɜːrs/ /ˈeɪliəneɪt/ /ˈstæɡnənt/ /ˈstæɡneɪt/ /nɒˈstældʒɪk/ /əˈliːdʒəns/ /ˈsnɑːbɪʃ/ /ˈpɜːrmieɪt/ /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ /ˈseɪliənt/ /ˈdefɪsɪt/ /pænt/
inaugurate chancellor dividend assimilate
cloak stroll converge ballot cohesive coherent brutal doom vulgar dilute
/ˈemɪnənt/ /pəˈtroʊl/ /ˈhɑːrnɪs/ /ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt/ /dɪˈdʌkt/ /ˈɪrɪteɪt/ /ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/ /proʊn/ /ˈnɑːvlti/ /kəmˈpraɪz/ /kəmˈpaɪl/ /kənˈsaɪs/ /reɪˈʒiːm/ /kənˈseʃn/ /'ænəlɔːg/ /ɪnˈveɪʒn/
#单词 blunder
chef lash assess rebel refrain recite rehearse alienate stagnant stagnate nostalgic allegiance snobbish permeate franchise salient deficit pant



Oracle数据库中关键字在 Oracle 数据库中有一些单词具有特定的意思,也许不是提供给你的,但是使用它们你就可以不必解析、执行和获取你所编写的代码。






例如,单词COMMIT 本身可以触发很多事件,所以你可能要假设COMMIT 是Oracle密切使用的一个关键字。

从Oracle 的角度看,就是只有它可以使用这个单词。

但结果是,COMMIT 并没有如它希望的那样。

如果你想的话你可以创建一个叫做COMMIT 的表,因为COMMIT 是一个关键字,这比保留字的级别要低。


审查是一个有用的工具或功能,那么如果你想创建你自己的审查表,你是否可以使用“create table audit (...)”语句呢?至少在SQL中是不行的,你不能通过这种方法使用“audit”。

既然你不想使用这些特殊单词,那么你怎样能知道(或者你能从哪找到)特殊单词有哪些呢? 在文档库(在一个索引中)中的几个指导包括了这个列表,但是权威的和一站式的来源是V$RESERVED_WORDS 数据字典视图。




因此V$RESERVED_WORDS 的解码环如下所示:数据库参考指导在对V$RESERVED_WORDS的描述中准确地表达了这个意思。

Words used to describe a person

Words  used to describe a person

Words used to describe a person’s personality kind, generous, sympathetic, broad-minded, selfish, patient, warm-hearted, brave, timid, shy, enthusiastic, honest, modest, easy-going, moody, tolerant, friendly, adventurous, clever, humorous, intelligent, bossy, talkative, cruel, sinister, affectionate, careful, gentle, lazy, independent, reserved, sensitive, frank, thoughtful, considerate,ill-tempered, compassionate,emotional,extrovert,introvert,persuasive,expressive,open-minded, narrow-minded,shrewd,optimistic,pessimistNEW WORDSacquaintance: n.熟悉,熟知; 相识的人,熟人eg. 我懂一点儿俄语。

–I have some/no acquaintance with the Russian.♦have a nodding [bowing] acquaintance with somebody 与某人有点头之交; (对某学科)略知一二♦make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人♦acquaint: v.使认识,使了解–acquaint oneself/sb. with /of 开始知道,与某人相识–I acquainted myself with literature when I was in middle school. More examples: --make one‟s acquaintance–I‟m happy to make your acquaintance as a friend.--It‟s a pleasure to finally make acquaintance with you, Duran. I‟ve heard so much about you.♦determined adj.♦ be determined to do: make up one‟s mind to do♦determine v.♦ A man of determination♦enthusiastically adv.(He is enthusiastic for public health.)♦enthusiasm n.热情,热心♦assure v.♦be assured of/that... be confident about one‟s own abilities–(Everyone is assured of the merits of the new method.) ♦self-assurance n. self-confidence自信♦他向我保证他已经完成了。

1第一章:Basic Concepts of Words and Voculary

1第一章:Basic Concepts of Words and Voculary

第一章:Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary注释:选择填空重点名词解释简答题(第0~5讲)1.1 What is a word【名词解释】词的概念a word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function 单词是一门语言中具有一定的声音、意义和语法功能并能够自由运用的最小语言单位【填空】词的特点1)a minimal free form of a language 一个语言的最小自由形式2)a sound unity 一个音的单位3)a unit of meaning 一个意义单位4)a form that can function alone in sentence 可以在句子中单独发挥作用的形式1)in visual terms 视觉角度一组有意义的字母打印或者写出来横排在一张纸上a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper2)in terms of spoken language 口语角度a word is viewed as a sound or combination of sound which are made voluntarily withhuman vocal equipment 一个词被视为一个声音或声音的组合是由人类发声器官自动组合而成的3)semanticists 语义学家a word is a unit of meaning 一个词就是一个意义单位4)grammarians 语法学家a word be a free form that can function in sentence 一个单词是可以在句子中起到自由形式的作用【例子】书本第5页(重要)简答的时候加上例子好得分1.2 Sound and meaning【填空】声音与意义之间的关系1)there is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself 代表事物或思想的声音与实际事物和思想本身之间没有逻辑关系2)the symbolic connection between sound and meaning is almost always arbitrary声音和意义之间的联系几乎是任意性3)The relationship between the sound and the meaning of a word is convention单词的发音和意思之间的关系是约定俗称的4)woman, for example, become ‘femme’ in French and become ‘funu’ in Chinese1.3 Sound and form【简答】读音与拼写不一致的原因:1)more phonemes than letters in English 英语中音位数比字母数多The English alphabet was adopted form the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language so that some letters must do double duty or work together in combination 英语字母表是从罗马人那里继承来的,罗马人没有一个单独的字母来代表语言中的每个音,所以有些字母必须有双重功能或组合在一起2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years 发音比拼写变化得快3)some of the differences were created by the early scribes 有些差异是由早期的抄写员造成的1. Deliberately changed spelling of words either to make a line even or for easier recognition人们故意改变单词的拼写方式,或者是为了使单词排成一行,或者是为了更容易识别2. handwriting caused misunderstanding. To solve the problem in part, they changed theletter u to o when it came before m, n, or v. 笔迹造成误解。



MQL4 Reference(MQL4 参考)12 1、Basics(基本原则) 121-1、Syntax(语法)12 1-1-1、Comments(注释)13 1-1-2、Identifiers (标示符)13 1-1-3、Reserved words(保留字)131-2、Data types (数据类型)14 1-2-1、Type casting(类型扔)14 1-2-2、Integer constants(整数)14 1-2-3、Literal constants (文字)15 1-2-4、Boolean constants (布尔)15 1-2-5、Floating-point number constants (double) (浮点number)15 1-2-6、String constants(排成) 16 1-2-7、Color constants (颜色)16 1-2-8、Datetime constants(注明日期)161-3、Operations & Expressions (操作&表达)17 1-3-1、Expressions(表达式)17 1-3-2、Arithmetical operations (算术操作符)17 1-3-3、Assignment operation (分配操作符)18 1-3-4、Operations of relation (关系操作符)18 1-3-5、Boolean operations (布尔操作符)18 1-3-6、Bitwise operations ()19 1-3-7、Other operations (其他操作)19 1-3-8、Precedence rules(优先规则)201-4、Operators (操作员)21 1-4-1、Compound operator(复合操作)21 1-4-2、Expression operator (表达式操作)21 1-4-3、Break operator (打破操作)22 1-4-4、Continue operator (继续操作)22 1-4-5、Return operator (返回操作)22 1-4-6、Conditional operator if-else (条件操作如果--否则)23 1-4-7、Switch operator (开关操作)24 1-4-8、Cycle operator while (周期操作当时)24 1-4-9、Cycle operator for(周期操作对于)251-5、Functions (函数)25 1-5-1、Function call (函数之间的联系)26 1-5-2、Special functions(特殊函数)271-6、Variables (变量)27双精度数字- 带有浮点双精度数字。

New Words

New Words

New Wordspounding 合成词1)Screenager 迷恋屏幕的一代由screen,age和名词后缀“-er”复合而成,指整天泡在屏幕前看电视或玩游戏的孩子。

2)Netbook 上网本由net和book复合而成,指比一般笔记本更小、更便宜、用于上网等的电子设备。

3)Crowdsource众包由crowd和source复合而成,指一个公司或机构把过去由员工执行的工作任务,以自由自愿的形式外包给非特定的(而且通常是大型的)大众网络的做法4)Circusee 围观由circus和see复合而成,围观,指一个具体的人群对特定的某一人、某一群人或某一特定事物的态度。

5)Fangirl/Fanboy 脑残粉由fan和girl/boy复合而成,指那些极度痴迷于某事物或某明星,甚至狂热到失去理智的地步的粉丝。

6)Showrooming 先逛店后网购由Show和rooming复合而成,指先到传统实体店查看某件商品,然后到网上以较低的价格将该商品购入的行为。

7)Freeware 免费软件由free和ware复合而成,指不需要收费,免费提供的软件。

8)Micromoney 网络微型货币由micro和money复合而成,指在网络上收取的极少量的款项或网络微型货币。

9)Overleveraged 过度负债由over和leveraged复合而成,指过高财务杠杆作用,即过度负债。


2.Backformation 逆构词1)Bant 节食减肥由banting(班廷减肥法,一种以不吃糖、淀粉类及脂肪来减肥的方法)逆构而成。

2)Dressmake 制服(尤指制作女装)由dressmaker(裁缝,特指女装裁缝)逆构而成。

3)Caretake 看守,看管由caretaker(看守人)逆构而成。

English words

English words

English wordsAable 有能力的;出色的;行得通,做得到ability 能力,才能,能耐disable 使残废;使无权disabled 残废的disability 残废,残疾enable 使能够,使可能unable 不可能的,不会的absorb 吸收(水、热等);使专心absorbent (能)吸收的absorbing 引人入胜的abundant 丰富的,大量的,充足的access 接近,进入;通道,入口accommodation 住处;(车、船等)预定铺位commodity 商品,日用品accumulate 积累,积蓄cumulative 累积的,渐增的accurate 准确的,精确的accuracy 准确,精确(度)acquaintance 知识,了解;熟人,相识act v.行动,做事;起作用,见效;表演,扮演,装作n. 行为,动作;法令,条例;(法院的)判决;(戏)(一)幕action 行动,过程;作用active 活跃的,敏捷的;积极的activity 活动,行动;活跃,活力interact 相互作用,相互影响interaction相互作用,相互影响react 反应,作出反应reaction 反应,反作用;反动,反对actor 男演员,参与者actress 女演员exact 确切的,正确的;精确的actual 实际的,事实上的;现行、实的actually 实际上,事实上adapt 改编,改写;使适应apt 恰当的,贴切的;聪明的,擅长的opt (for)选择,挑选adopt 接受,采用;收养option 选择,选择权,选择自由optional 可以任选的,非强制的optimist 乐观(主义)者,乐天派optimistic 乐观的,乐观主义的add 增加;进一步说,附带说明addition 加,加法;增加的人,附加物additional 附加的,额外的,另外的advance v. 前进,进展;提高,(物价)上涨;预先发放;使提前发生;提出(建议)等adj. 预先的,先行的n. 前进,进展;预付款,贷款;(价格、工资)增长advanced 先进的,高级的,后期的advantage 优点,有利条件;好处,利益adventure 冒险(活动),惊险;投机活动venture 冒险(事业);敢于说,竟敢advertise 公告,公布;为······做广告advertisement 广告活动;公告,广告advice 劝告,忠告,意见advise 劝告,向·····提意见;建议;通知advisable 明智的,贤明的,可取的affect 影响;打动,感动;(疾病)侵袭effect 结果;效果,作用;产生,招致affection 慈爱;爱慕,钟爱effective 有效的,生效的;有影响的defect 缺点,毛病defective (指质量)有缺点的,欠缺的infect 感染,传染aged 年老的,陈旧的agency 经办,代办;代办处agent 代理商,代理人agree 同意,赞同;持相同意见,一致agreement 同意,一致;协定,协议disagree 有分歧,不同意agriculture 农业;农艺,农学acre 英亩cultivate 耕作;培养,陶冶,结交(朋友)culture 文明,文化;教养,修养air 空气;外观,样子;(使)通风the air 空中,天空aircraft 飞机,航空器airplane 飞机(aeroplane)airfield 飞机场airport 机场,航空站,航空港airline 航空公司;航班airway 航线;航空公司(常用pl.)allow 允许;承认,认为;让···得到allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱;考虑ally 盟国,同盟者alliance 结(联)盟,联姻alphabet 字母表;符号系统alphabetical 按字母表顺序的alphabetically 按字母表顺序地already 早已,已经alter 改变,该作alternative 两者挑一的,可供选择的;选择物,替代物,可供选择的东西ambulance 救护车;战地医院ambition 雄心,抱负,野心ambitious 有雄心的;有抱负的amuse 逗乐,娱乐,消遣amusement 消遣,娱乐museum 博物馆,展览馆analyse(—ze)分析,细察,细查analysis 分析,分解analytic(al)分析的,分解的analytically 以分析的方法(观点)ancient 古代的,古老的ancestor 祖宗;动物品种的原型angle 角(度);观点triangle 三角形,三角形物体angry 愤怒的,生气的anger 愤怒;使发怒animal 动物,兽;动物的,野兽的answer n.回答,复信;答案,解决办法v. 回答;解答(问题);对···作出反应swear 郑重表示,发(誓);诅咒,咒骂anxious 焦虑的,担心的;渴望的anxiety 焦虑,挂念;渴望apology 道歉,谢罪apologize/-ise 认错,道歉谢罪apologetic 谢罪的,表示歉意的appear 出现,显露;似乎,看起来appearance 出现,露面,出场;外貌disappear 失踪,消失apparent 表面的,外观的;明显的applaud 喝彩,鼓掌;赞扬,赞成applause 喝彩,夸奖apply 应用,使用;专心;请求,提出申请;apply to 适用applicable 可应用的,适用的applicant 申请人application 请求,申请(表);努力;运用appreciate 欣赏,赏识;感激;领会approach 接近,靠近;临近;方法,途径approximate 大概的,大约的,近似的approximately 大约,近似argue 争论;坚持认为;说明;辩论argument 争论,讨论;理由,论点arm 手臂,臂状物;武器;以武器装备army 军队,陆军;(一)大批、大群disarm 解除武装;裁军;消除敌意alarm 惊恐,忧虑;警报;报警器arrange 整理,布置,排列;筹备;调整arrangement 安排,准备工作;整理range n. 排列;范围,距离;航程,射程v. (使)排成行列;在某范围内变化;(山脉等)相连,连绵arrive 到达,到来;达成,得出arrival 到达,到来;到达者art 艺术;技艺;人文学科artist 艺术家,美术家artistic 艺术(家)的,美术(家)的artificial 人工的,人造的;不自然的,假的atmosphere 空气;气氛,环境;大气压sphere 球体,球形;领域,范围atom 原子;微量,微粒atomic 原子的,原子能的attack 攻击,进攻;n.(与on、upon连用)攻击,进攻,(疾病)发作attach 附上,贴上;使附属;使依恋detach 分开,分离,拆卸attend 出席,参加;照顾,护理attend to 专心于,照顾attention 注意,留心;注意力author (著)作家;发起人,创始人authority 权力;权威者;当局,官方authoritative 权威的,可信的,专断的,命令似的authorize 授权,批准,委任auto 汽车(automobile)automatic 自动的,机械的automate 使(工厂、作业等)自动化available 可利用的,可得到的;可见到的prevail 流行;占优势;取胜convert 使转变conversion 转变,转换(+ of/from/into/to)改变信仰avoid 避免,逃避escape 逃跑,逃亡;流出;逃避Bback adv. 在后,向后;回原处;以前n. 背(面),反面v. 使后退,使倒转;支持adj. 后面的,背面的,边远的,偏僻的background 背景(情况)backward 向后的;迟钝的;相反的bad 坏的;错误的,邪恶的;腐败的;低劣的,拙劣的;顽皮的,淘气的badly 坏,差,拙劣;非常,严重地(well)worse 更坏的,更糟的,更恶劣的worst 最坏的,最糟的,bag 袋;(女子的)手提包;把··装进袋子baggage 行李(UK.)luggagehandbag (女用的)提包bake 烘烤ball 球,球状物;舞会;把···捏成球balloon 气球basketball 篮球baseball 棒球volleyball 排球bank 银行,银行办公处;(河流的)河岸,堤;把(钱)存入银行banker 银行家,银行业者banking 银行业,银行业务bankrupt 破产的;破产者;使···破产bar 棒,条,门闩;酒吧,小吃店;妨碍barrel 桶;枪管;快速移动barrier栅栏,屏障;障碍(物)bare 裸体的;稀少的,勉强的;露出barely 仅仅,勉强,几乎没有base 基础,底部;基地(+ on/upon)basis 基础,根据basic 基本的,首要的;基本原理basically 基本上bath 浴室,浴盆;洗澡;给···洗澡bear 忍受;负担,承担;结(果实)生(孩子);熊(v.)born 天生的,生来的birth 出生,出身;起源bearing 支撑;忍耐;关系,方面beat 打,打击;打败;敲,(风)吹打;(心脏等)跳动;节拍,拍子bat 球拍battle 战役,斗争;作战beautiful 美的;出色的beauty 美丽;美人because 因为(+ 从句)cause 原因;事业,奋斗目标;使发生accuse 指责,指控;归咎于excuse 宽恕;免除;借口,理由before (时间/顺序/位置)在···之前fore 在前部的forecast 预测,预报forehead 额,前额former 先前的,以前的forward 向前的,前进的;传送,发送beg 乞求,乞讨beggar 乞丐,穷人;家伙;使贫穷begin 开始(+ with/on/at)beginner 初学者beginning 开始,着手end 最后部分;端,梢,尽头;终止,结局;结果,目的,目标;v. 结束ending 结局,终结,结尾endless 无止境的,没完没了的behind 在···后面;落后于;在后,背后believe 相信;认为;信任belief 信任,相同;信念,信仰below 在···以下(下面);向下,在下面low 低,矮;低级的,卑贱的;低声的(地);低点,低水平;卑微地lower 放下,放低,降低beneath 在···下面;有失··身份;在下方underneath 在···下面,在···之下,在下位,向下面;底部,下部benefit 有益于;受益于;好处,恩惠beneficial (+ to)有益的,有利的,有助的Bible 圣经;有权威的书bicycle 自行车,脚踏车cycle 自行车;周期,循环;骑自行车recycle (废品)回收利用,重新重用biology 生物学bit 一点,一些bite 叮,咬;刺穿,刺痛biting 刺痛的,辛辣的bitter 痛苦的,辛酸的;苦的;严寒的bait 鱼饵,诱饵,引诱物blackboard 黑板board 上,搭(船、车);投宿;登机,上船;委员会,董事会;伙食aboard 在船(飞机、车)上,上船abroad 在国外;到国内cupboard 碗柜,食厨keyboard 键盘border 边缘,界线;边界;给···加上边,围;邻接,毗连;(+ on/upon )与··交界blanket 毛毯,毯子blank 空白的;茫然的;空白表格blind 瞎的,盲的;盲目的,视而不见的;使失明;遮暗;百叶窗,遮蔽物blend 使混合;混合物,混成品blood 血液;血统,血亲bloody 血染的;流血的;特,非常bleed 流血,出血blow吹;吹动,吹响;爆炸(轮胎等),打body 身体;驱干,主体;尸体;物体;(视作整体的)一群,一批anybody (疑问、否定、条件句中)任何人;(肯定句中)随便哪一个人nobody 没有人,谁也不;小人物somebody 某人,一个人(通常指没有提到过的或是不知姓名的人,较通俗,多用于口语);重要人物,有分量的人boil 沸腾;煮boiler 锅炉book 书籍;预定(车票、房间)handbook 手册,指南notebook 笔记本bow 鞠躬,低头;弓;蝴蝶结;低下头;使俯下,压弯elbow 肘,肘状物rainbow 彩虹brace 支柱,支架;拉紧embrace 拥抱;包含,包括break 打破,打断;损坏;使中断;打破纪录;破碎,断裂;(天)破晓;(天气)转晴;n. 休息;中止,停顿brake 闸,制动器;制动,刹车breath 呼吸;气味,香气;微风breathe 吸入,呼吸brief 简短的,简洁的;向···作简介;摘要,概要bring 带来;引起,导致;促使upbringing 养育,教育broad 宽的;宽容的;明亮的,公开的broadcast 广播,播音;传播broaden 放宽,变阔abroad在海外;到处,在四下流传build 建筑;建立,创立;增长;体型building 建筑物,房屋,建筑rebuild 重建,改建burn 燃烧,点燃;烧毁;烧伤,灼伤burner 烧···的人;炉子,燃烧器sunburn 日炙,晒黑,晒斑busy 忙的,繁忙的business 商业,生意;事务,职责;职业Ccabin 简陋的小屋;船舱,机舱cabinet 内阁,内阁会议;(带玻璃门,用来存放或存列物品的)橱柜calculate 计算,估计,推测,预料;计划calculator 计算器calculation 计算,盘算,估计,推测call 称为,称呼;叫;打电话给······;召集;n. 呼叫;访问;电话recall 记起,回忆,回想;撤销,收回camp 野营,营地;露营,宿营campaign 战役;运动;竞选campus 大学校园,学校场地champion 冠军;碰上了,偶然发生canal 运河,沟渠channel 海峡,水道;渠道;电视频道candle 蜡烛kindle 点燃,燃烧candidate 候选人,报考人candy 糖果capable 能干的,有能力的capability 能力,才能capacity 能力,智能;容量;身份,职位incapable 无能力的,不会的capital 资本;首都;大写字母;大写的;首要的;可处死刑的cape 海角;披肩,斗篷captain 队长,首领;上尉;船长capture 捕获,占领car 轿车;(火车)车厢cart 手推车,二轮马车carry 携带,运载;传送,传播,输送carrier 运输工具carriage 客车厢;四轮马车career 职业,经历carpenter 木匠card 卡片,名片;明信片discard 丢弃,扔掉postcard 明信片care(+ for/about)关心,计较;喜欢,小心careless 粗心的;随便的,自然的;(+ of)不关心的case 情况,事实;病例;案情;箱子suitcase (旅行用)小提箱,衣箱cast 投,投掷;铸件,模子forecast 预测,预报casual 偶然的;随意的,漫不经心的;临时casually 偶然,临时地catch 捉住;赶上;听清楚;染上caution 小心,谨慎;告诫,警告cautious 细心的,谨慎的precaution 预防,警惕,谨慎cell 细胞;单人牢房;电池conceal 隐藏,隐瞒cent 分(货币单位),分币century 世纪,百年centigrade 摄氏度的centimeter/-ter 厘米decent 过得去的,尚可的;合宜的;正派的percent 百分比,百分之·······percentage 百分比,百分率center 中心,中央;核心,中心人物central 中心的,中央的,中部的,中枢的concentrate 集中,浓缩;聚集,集中思想concentration 集中,专注certainly 必定,一定;当然,行certain 确定的;(作表语)肯定的,必然的;(只作定语)某,某些certificate 证件,执照,证明书chair 椅子,单人扶手椅;主席,议长armchair 扶手椅,单人沙发chairman 主席,董事长change 改变,变化;零钱u. ;兑换,更换exchange 交换;交流,互换;交易character 特征,性格,品质,人物,角色,汉字,符号characterize/-ise 描绘···的特性;叙述;(小说中)刻画···的性格characteristic 特点;特有的,表现特点的charge 费用;管理,掌管;控告,指责;电荷,充电;v. 索价,要···支付;指控;使充电(满);收费,要价;冲锋discharge 解雇,解放;排出,放出;n.. 释放;排出,流出;卸货,解除charity 慈善,施舍,博爱;慈善机构charming 迷人的,可爱的charm 魅力,迷人之处;符咒,护身护;吸引,迷住;用魔法控制chart 图表,海图;用图表示出来charter 宪章,授予特权的法令或文件;租用;v. 颁布宪章;包,租;租用的chapter (书的)一章,回cheer 欢呼,为···喝彩;振作,高兴;振奋,高兴cheerful 快乐的,愉快的chemistry 化学chemist 化学家,药剂师chemical 化学的,用化学方法得到的chick 小鸡chicken 小鸡,鸡肉chief 主要的,首要的;首领,领袖achieve 完成,实现;达到,获得achievement 完成,达到;C.成就U.成绩accomplish 实现(计划);完成(任务)child 子女,孩子;小孩,儿童childhood 童年,幼年childish 孩子的;孩子气的,幼稚的(贬)childlike 孩子般的,天真的(褒)choose 选择,挑选;(+ to do )愿意,决定choice 选择(权);供选择的东西;被选择的人chop 切,砍,剁;排骨肉chip 集成电路片,芯片;碎片,碎屑;炸土豆条/片;削/凿下(碎片);切成条/片Christmas 圣诞节Christ 基督Christian 基督教徒;基督教的cigar 雪茄烟cigaret(te)香烟,纸烟circle 圆,圆周;集团,阶层;环绕,盘旋circular 圆形的,循环的;传单,通报circulate 循环,环流;使流通circuit 电路,线路;环行,巡回city 都市,城市citizen 公民,市民,平民civil 公民的;国内的;文明的;文官的civilian 平民civilize/-ise 使文明,使开化civilization 文明,文化(civilisation)claim 要求,索取;声称,主张;n. 断定;资格,权利exclaim 惊叫,呼喊exclamation 感叹,惊叹proclaim 宣告,宣布,声明proclamation宣告,公告,声明书class 班级,年级;(一节)课;阶级,等级;种类,门类classic 文学著名,艺术(或音乐)杰作;文豪,大艺术(或音乐)家;一部古希腊(或古罗马)文学作品;最优秀的,第一流的,可作典范的;古典作家的classification 分类,分级classify 把···分类,分等级classmate 同班同学mate 伙伴,同事,配偶,(使)交配clean 清洁的,纯洁的;弄干净;完全地,干净地,公平地cleanly 清洁地,干净利落地clear 清楚的,晴朗的,畅通无阻的;清扫,使清楚;变清澈,变晴;清楚地clearance 净空,余隙;许可证,批准;(银行)票据交换,清算;清除clarify 澄清,阐明;(化)澄清(液体等)declare 宣告;断言,宣称;声明,表明;(向海关)申报纳税品declaration 宣布,宣告,宣言climb 攀登,爬上clock 钟o’clock ······点钟clockwise 顺时针方向转的,正转的close 关闭;结束;adj./ k l əu s/ 亲密的;(+ to)接近的;严密的,封闭;紧密地closely 接近地,紧密地,严密地enclose 围住,圈起;封入,附上cloth 布,衣料,U.织物;桌布,C.抹布clothe 给···穿衣服;给···提供衣服clothes 衣服,服装clothing (总称)衣服,被褥cloud 云;阴影;一大群cloudy 多云,阴;模糊不清,浑浊coat 上衣,外套;表皮;覆盖物,层;涂上overcoat 外衣,大衣raincoat 雨衣cock 公鸡coffee 咖啡cafe 餐厅,饭店;咖啡馆colony 殖民地colour 颜色;颜料;肤色;染色combat 战斗,格斗;与···斗争/战斗fight 打仗,打架;战斗,奋斗;斗争combine 结合,联合;化合combination 结合;化合,化合物come 来;经过;到达;产生(于),来(自);变成,实现;开始;发生,出现/位(于)income 收入,所得outcome 结果,成果become 适合,同···相称;变成,成为overcome 战胜,制胜,克服;(感情)压倒welcome 受欢迎的,令人愉快的;欢迎comfort (使)舒适,安慰;安慰者comfortable 舒适的,舒服的comforting 安慰的command 命令,统帅;命令,指挥;掌握,运用;司令部commander 司令员,指挥员demand 要求,强令;需要;需求,要求mandate 命令,训令mandatory 命令的,强迫的,必须的comment(+ on/upon)评论,意见mental 心智的,脑力的;精神的,思想方面的;神经不正常的mention 提及,说起committee 委员长,全体委员commit 犯罪;(+ to)把···提交给commission 委员会;委托,委任;委托书,委托的事;佣金,手续费common 普通的,一般的;共同的,共用的commune 公社communism 共产主义communist 共产主义者,共产党员;共产主义的,共产党员的community 共同体,团体,社会,界,族,社区,群体communicate 通讯,交流;传达,传送communication 通讯,交流;传达,传送;交通(工具)telecommunications 电信company 公司,商业;同伴,陪伴;客人们;一群,一对accompany 陪伴,陪同;为···伴奏companion 同伴,同事compare 比较,对照comparison 比较,对照;比拟comparable 比得上的;(+ with)可比较的;类似的compel 强迫,是屈服propel 推进,推动;激励,驱使compensate 补偿,赔偿pension 退休金,养老金;抚恤金compete 比赛,竞争competition 竞争,比赛competitive 竞争的;(价格等)有竞争力的competent 有资格的,有能力的competence 能力,胜任,称职complain(+ of/about)抱怨,诉苦;控制complaint 抱怨;投诉,控告;疾病complete 完整的,完成的;使完整complicated 复杂的,难懂的complex 复杂的,综合的;合成物;情结compose 构成,组成;创作,谱曲;使平静composition 组成,成分;结构,布局;作文,作品,乐曲;创作,作曲compute 计算,估计computer 计算机,电脑dispute 争论,辩论;争端/论reputation 名声,名望concern n. 关心,担心;(利害)关系,关切之事v. 涉及,使关心,使担心concerning 关于prep.concerned(后置定语)有关的condition n. 状况,状态;形势,环境;条件,前提;v. 训练,适应,对···有重要影响,调整···的状况conduct 举止,行为conductor 售票员;(乐队)指挥;导体semiconductor 半导体induce 引诱,劝服;引起,导致induction 感应reduce 减少,缩小;将··简化,将··还原conference 会议,协商会infer 推论,猜想inference 推断,推测,结论offer 提议,提供;提供的帮助或物;出现prefer 宁愿,更喜欢preferable 更好的,更可取的preference 偏爱;优先选择,优惠refer 提交,上呈;提到,引用;参考,查阅;指的是reference参考,查阅,参考资料;提及confident 确信的,自信的confidential 秘密的,机密的;亲信的conflict 争吵,冲突;斗争,战斗connect(+ with)连接,把···结合起来connection 联系,连接;连贯性connexion conquer 征服,克服;破除conqueror 征服者,战胜者consequence 结果,影响;重要性,要紧+ of consequent 由···引起,必然的sequence 顺序,系列事物,电影情节,片段subsequent 随后,后来的,继···之后的consider 认为,把···看作;考虑;关心considerable 相当多的;重要的,值得重的considerate 体谅人的,考虑周到的consideration 考虑;要考虑的事;体贴constant 坚定的,永恒的;经常的;恒量instant 瞬间,霎时,即刻;立即的;紧急的;方便的,(食品)速溶的circumstance情况,条件distant 在远处的,远隔的,久远的distance 距离,路程;远处,远方constitute 构成;任命;制定(法律)constitution 结构,成分;体质,素质;宪法institute 研究所,学院,学校institution (慈善、宗教等性质的)公共机构,协会;制度,习俗,惯例substitute 代替者,代理人,代用品;代换substitution 代替construct 建设,建造;构筑,创立construction 建造;修建,建设;建筑物structure 结构,构造,组织,建造法;建筑物,构造物;组织,建造,构建instruction 命令,指示,用法说明;教学instructor 教师,讲师,指导者contain 包含,容纳;等于,相当于container 容器,集装箱content 内容,目录;容量,含量;满意的contents 所容纳的东西,所含之物continue 继续,延伸continual 连续的,持续的continuous 持续的,连续不断的contradict 反驳,否认;与···发生矛盾contradiction 矛盾;否定,否认contrary 相反的;反面contrast 对照,对比,反差;使对照,相对control 控制,支配;限制,抑制;克制controversy 争论,论战;争议controversial 引起争论的,有争议的convener 会议召集人convention 大会;习俗,惯例;公约,协定conventional 普通的,常见的;习惯的convenient 便利的,附近的convenience 方便,合适;便利设备cook 烹调,烧煮;厨师,炊事员cooker 炊具,炉灶cool 凉快的;冷静的;使变凉chill 使冷,使寒冷;寒气chilly 寒冷的coordinate 使协调;坐标;同等的,并列的copper 铜,铜制品cop (美俚)警察copy 抄本,摹本;一本/册;抄写,复制copyright 版权;著作权cope 对付,应付cord(细)绳;灯芯绒corporation 公司,企业;团体,法人correct 正确的;合适的;纠正,改正cost 成本,费用;代价;价钱为,花费costly 昂贵的,损失严重的count 数,计算;认为,看作;总数,合计account 账目/户;记述,叙述;原因,说明accountant 会计师;出纳人员counter 柜台discount 折扣,打折扣;漠视,不考虑viscount 子爵country 国家/土;农村,乡下county (美)县,(英)郡countryside 农村,田野,乡下encounter 遇到,遭到;遭遇,冲突courage 勇气,胆识courageous 勇敢的,英勇的discourage 使泄气,使沮丧encourage 鼓励,支持course 课程;进程;道路court 法庭;(网球)球场;庭院,院子cover 覆盖;包括,涉及;盖子;书的封面discover 发现,显示,暴露uncover 揭去···的覆盖物;揭露,发现recover 收回,换回,重新找到;恢复recovery 恢复,痊愈;收回,重新找到cowboy 牧童(美国西部的)牛仔crack 裂口;爆裂声,轰响;裂开;clash 发生冲突,相反;砰地相撞;不协调crash 碰撞,坠落;发出撞击声;撞击,砸碎;冲,闯;n. 碰撞(声),坠落crush 压碎,碾碎;镇压,压倒craft 手艺,工艺;(单复数同)船/航天器aircraft 飞机,航空器spacecraft 航天器,宇宙飞船create 创造/作;任命,授予creative 有创造力的,创造性的creation 创造/建;宇宙,天地万物;创造的作品,(智力、想象力的)产物creator 创造者creature 生物,动物,人recreate (使)修养,(使)消遣recreation 娱乐,消遣concrete 混凝土;实在的,具体的credit 信用贷款,赊欠;信用,声望;赞扬credible 可信任的,可行的incredible 难以置信的,较好的,极秒的credulous 轻信(他人)的incredulous不轻信(他人)的creep 爬行;蹑手蹑脚地行进crime 罪行,不道德的行为criminal 犯人,罪犯;犯罪的,刑事的discriminate 区分;区别对待,歧视discrimination 歧视,辨别力,识别力critical 决定性的,关键性的;批评严厉的critic 批评家,评论家crisis 危机,危急关头,决定性时刻criticism 批评,评论criticize 批评,评判;评论criticisecross 越过;(使)交叉/相叉;十字架;交叉的,交互的,坏脾气的,易怒的across 穿过,在···对面,与···交叉;横过,从一边到另一边,宽、阔,在对面,向对面crossing 横道;交叉点,十字路口crucial 至关重要的,决定性的cruise 航行,巡航;(车、船等)缓慢巡行cruiser 巡洋舰,巡逻车游艇cure 治愈;矫正,消除;治疗,疗法curious 好奇的;稀奇古怪的curiosity 好奇(心);珍品,古玩secure 无虑的,安心的;有把握的,可靠的;安全的,牢固的;v. 使安全/可靠;把···弄牢固,紧闭;获得security 安全(感)current 当前的,现时的;通行的,流行的;n. 流动,电流,趋势,倾向currency 通货,货币;通行,流行custom 习惯,风俗;(the customs)海关,关税(pl.)accustom 使习惯accustomed 习惯的,适应是(一般作表语)customary 通常的,习惯的;惯例/礼法书customer 顾客,主顾cut 切,割,砍,削;减少,削减;伤口haircut 理发shortcut 捷径damn 无疑地;可恶的;诅咒的话;指责condemn 谴责;判刑,宣告有罪Ddamage 损害,毁坏;损害赔偿金danger 危险;威胁,危险事物dangerous 危险的,不安全的endanger 危及,危害dare 敢,竟敢;敢于,承担daring 胆大的,敢作敢为的date 日期;约会;年代;注明日期out-of-date 过时,落后的up-to-date 现代的,跟上时代的day 一天;白天,白昼daily 每日的,日常的;日报everyday 每天的,日常的diary 日记簿,日记dial 拨电话,打电话给···;钟面,刻度盘deaf 聋的;(+ to)不愿意听的dear(用于称呼前,表示亲切、客套等)亲爱的,心爱的;珍爱的,宝贵的;昂贵的;int.啊,哎呀daring 心爱的人,亲爱的人,宠儿;可爱的decide 决定;决心,决断;拿定主意,判定decision 决定/心;果断,坚定suicide 自杀(者)concise 简明的,简短的,简练的precise 精确的,准确的precision 精度,精确性decorate 装饰,装潢deep (纵)深的;(感情)深切的,深深地deeply 深深地depth 深度,厚度;深厚dip 浸,蘸;浸泡defeat 战胜,击败;受挫折defend 保卫,防护;为···辩护defence 防御,保卫;防务,防御工事;答辩,辩护,被告方(律)defensedefensive 防御的,守势的offend 冒犯,使恼怒,使不舒服offence 犯罪,犯错;冒犯,伤害某人感情fence 栅栏;把···用栅围住;击剑offensive 冒犯的,攻击的;攻势,进攻delicious 美味的,可口的,宜人的tasty 美味可口的deliver 投递,送货;发表,使分娩delivery 交付,投递,送货;分娩deliberate 故意的,有预谋的;策划,考虑democracy 民主;民主制,民主国家democrat 民主主义者,民主人士democratic 民主的,有民主精神的promote 促进,发扬;提拔,提升remote 遥远的,偏僻的;疏远的,绝少的dense 密集的,浓厚的density 密集,稠密;秘密condense 压缩,精简;使压缩,冷凝dental (有关)牙齿的,牙科的deny 否定;拒绝相信/给予;拒绝某人要求depend(+ on/upon)依靠;信任,取决于dependence 依靠/赖dependent(+ on/upon)依赖的;根据····;受····的影响independent 独立的,自主的,自治的independence 独立,自主,自立describe 把···说成;描绘/写description 描写,叙述prescribe开(处方/药);指示,规定prescription 处方,药方;开处方manuscript 原稿,手稿desert 沙漠,不毛之地insert 插入,嵌入,登载desire 向往;要求;愿望;欲望,情欲desirable想要的,合乎愿望的,令人满意的desirous 渴望的destined 命中注定的,预定的;以······为目的的destiny 命运,天数destination 目的地destroy 破坏,毁灭;消灭;打破,使失败destruction 毁灭,破坏,灭亡develop 发展,形成;开发,研制;成长,发育;(逐渐)显现出,显影development 发展,形成,研制;生长,进化;事态发展,新情况envelop 包封,封闭envelope 信封,封皮devise 设计,发明device 装置,设置;方法,设计devote(+ to)将···奉献给,致力于vote 投票/表决/选择(权);投票总数dialogue 对话,对白(dialog)monologue (戏剧)独白catalog(ue)编目;(图书或商品)目录dictation 口授笔录,听写,命令dictate 口述,听写;命令,支配dictator 独裁者,专制者dictionary词典,字典diction 措词,用词,表达addict 沉溺于,使吸毒成瘾;有瘾的人contradict 反驳;与···发生矛盾predict 预言,预测,预报die 死亡,灭亡dead 死的,无生命的;麻木的,无感觉的death 死亡,灭亡,毁灭different 差异的,不同的difference 差别,冲突;争论,不知differ 不同,相异indifferent 冷漠的,不积极的,不关心的transfer 转移,调动,转车,转录,让与;转移,转移,专乘票证,以调动的人difficult 困难的,艰难的;难对付/满足的difficulty 困难,艰难;难点,难题facile 易做的,轻易的facility 容易;设备,工具,设施dig 掘,挖ditch 沟,渠dinner 主餐,宴会diploma 毕业文凭,学位证书diplomatic 外交的,从事外交的direct 直接的,直率的;径直地,坦率地;(+ at/to)把···对准,指示,指导directly 直接地,径直地;立即,马上indirect 间接的,不直截了当的direction 方向;指导,指挥;用法说明director 主任,厂长,院长;懂事,导演erect 建造,建立;使竖立;垂直的dirty 肮脏的;下流的;玷污dirt 尘土,污物disappoint 使失望,使落空disappointment 失望,令人失望的或物disaster 灾难,灾祸discuss 讨论,详述discussion 讨论,谈论dish 盘;菜肴,一盘菜debate 讨论,争论,辩论会;参加谈论disk 磁盘,光盘distinguish 区别,辨别;把···区别分类distinct 不同的,明显的,清楚的distinction 差别;区分;优秀;荣誉,优待instinct 本能,直觉,天性双博士————牛津·“1+1”大英语词汇系列丛书(大学英语四级考试——巧记·速记·精炼·牛津“1+1”系列·1——4级)主编:李培,肖克科学技术文献出版社11。



滴⽔逆向-⼿动解析PE头PE头字段说明及课后练习1.PE⽂件的两种状态PE⽂件与内存镜像,她们以节的形式进⾏分割,由于历史原因,很早之前的编译器将⽂件在磁盘和执⾏之后在内存中的状态以"节"的形式分离,在内存空间的时候分隔的是1000H,在硬盘的时候是200H(⼗六进制)⼀、PE为什么要分节?(1)节省硬盘空间.(这个不是决定的,由编译器决定)(2)⼀个应⽤程序多开(3)理解FileBuffer和ImageBuffer⼆、PE⽂件分了很多个节,那每个节在⽂件中从哪⾥开始?有多⼤?在内存中从哪⾥开始,有多⼤?由谁决定?⼀个可执⾏⽂件所有的密码都在这个结构中.分析PE⽂件DOS头typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { // DOS .EXE headerWORD e_magic; // Magic number --> DOS头的标识,为4Dh和5Ah。

分别为字母MZWORD e_cblp; // Bytes on last page of fileWORD e_cp; // Pages in fileWORD e_crlc; // RelocationsWORD e_cparhdr; // Size of header in paragraphsWORD e_minalloc; // Minimum extra paragraphs neededWORD e_maxalloc; // Maximum extra paragraphs neededWORD e_ss; // Initial (relative) SS valueWORD e_sp; // Initial SP valueWORD e_csum; // ChecksumWORD e_ip; // Initial IP valueWORD e_cs; // Initial (relative) CS valueWORD e_lfarlc; // File address of relocation tableWORD e_ovno; // Overlay numberWORD e_res[4]; // Reserved wordsWORD e_oemid; // OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)WORD e_oeminfo; // OEM information; e_oemid specificWORD e_res2[10]; // Reserved wordsDWORD e_lfanew; // File address of new exe header}IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, *PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER;NT头typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS {DWORD Signature;IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 OptionalHeader;}IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32, *PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32;typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {WORD Machine;WORD NumberOfSections;DWORD TimeDateStamp;DWORD PointerToSymbolTable;DWORD NumberOfSymbols;WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader;WORD Characteristics;} IMAGE_FILE_HEADER, *PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER;typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {WORD Magic;BYTE MajorLinkerVersion;BYTE MinorLinkerVersion;DWORD SizeOfCode;DWORD SizeOfInitializedData;DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData;DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint;DWORD BaseOfCode;DWORD BaseOfData;DWORD ImageBase;DWORD SectionAlignment;DWORD FileAlignment;WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion;WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion;WORD MajorImageVersion;WORD MinorImageVersion;WORD MajorSubsystemVersion;WORD MinorSubsystemVersion;DWORD Win32VersionValue;DWORD SizeOfImage;DWORD SizeOfHeaders;DWORD CheckSum;WORD Subsystem;WORD DllCharacteristics;DWORD SizeOfStackReserve;DWORD SizeOfStackCommit;DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve;DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit;DWORD LoaderFlags;DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes;IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataDirectory[IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES];} IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32, *PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32;课后练习(1)找出所有DOS头数据,并统计DOS头⼤⼩.typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { // DOS .EXE headerWORD e_magic; // Magic number --> DOS头的标识,为4Dh和5Ah。



沉默英语形容词1. Silent, just like a deep, still lake. When I saw my grandpa sitting in his old chair, he was silent. It was as if he carried a world of memories within him that didn't need words. He just sat there, silent as the lake in winter, not making a sound, but his presence was so powerful. You know what I mean? Have you ever seen someone like that?2. Mute, it's like a broken radio that can't spit out any sound. There was this one time at school. There was a new kid, and he was mute. At first, we didn't know how to communicate with him. But then we realized that his actions spoke louder than words. His mute state was like a locked box, and we were all trying to find the key to understand him.3. Taciturn, kind of like a cat that doesn't meow much. My neighbor is a taciturn man. I've tried to start conversations with him so many times. I'd be like, “Hey, how's your day?” And he'd just give me a short nod or a grunt. He's as taciturn as that cat that just lies in the sun all day, keeping its thoughts to itself. It's really frustrating sometimes, don't you think?4. Quiet, like a little mouse sneaking around. My sister can be so quiet when she's reading. Once, I was looking for her all over the house. I was calling out her name, and there was no answer. Then I found her in the corner of the room, buried in a book. She was as quiet as a mouse, completely absorbed in her own little world. It was like she didn't even notice I was there.5. Reserved, like a shy flower that doesn't fully open up. There'sa girl in my class who is reserved. When we have group discussions, she hardly ever speaks up. It's like she has this shell around her. She's reserved like that flower that you can tell has so much beauty inside but is just too shy to show it all at once. I wonder what it would take to make her open up more?6. Dumb, not in a mean way, but like a puppet with no voice. I remember a story I heard. There was a character in it who was made dumb by a curse. He had to communicate through gestures. It was like he was a living, breathing example of being dumb. He was always trying so hard to get his message across, just like a puppet trying to tell a story without words.7. Wordless, like a painting that doesn't need a caption. I wentto an art gallery once. There was this one painting that just left me speechless. It was wordless, yet it conveyed so much emotion. It was like it had a story all its own, and you could feel it without anyone having to explain it. It's amazing how something can be so powerful without words, right?8. Tongue - tied, similar to a knot that you can't untie easily. I had to give a speech once, and I was so nervous. I stood there, tongue - tied. My mind was blank, and I couldn't get a single word out. It was like my tongue was tied in a thousand knots. Have you ever been in such an embarrassing situation?9. Hushed, like a library late at night. One night, I had to study in the library. It was so hushed. You could hear a pin drop. Everyone there was so focused, and the whole place was hushed like a secret waiting to be discovered. It made me feel like I had to be extra quiet too, like I was part of this silent pact.10. Mum, like a locked diary that no one can read. My friend has a mum who is very mum. She doesn't share her feelings easily. It's like she has a diary locked inside her heart. We can't really tell what she's thinking or feeling most of the time. It's a bit of amystery, like trying to solve a code without any clues.In conclusion, these different words for “silent” all have their own unique flavors and can be used to describe a variety of situations and people. They help us paint a more vivid picture of the quietness we encounter in life.。

Word Usage英语学习

Word Usage英语学习

Word Usage1.opportunity: n.Phrase: take the opportunity to do sth.of doing sth.e.g. Let me take this opportunity to say a few words.We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.2.find: v. 动词find后的结构为复合宾语,第一部分是宾语,第二部分是宾语补足语,它表示宾语的状态、身份、特性或行为等。

名词her a suitable person for it.形容词the story very interesting.They found +名词(代词)+ 介词结构They found everything in good order.现在分词her working at the lab.过去分词the room crowded with people.动词不定式the book to be interesting.3.make: v. 在make动词后可接复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)。

名词him the monitor of his class.形容词his lecture very interesting.make + 名词(代词)+ 动词不定式make + us stay after school.现在分词me standing there.过去分词himself understood.4.qualified (having suitable knowledge) a. 意为“有资格的,合格的”,有如下结构:名词 a qualified doctor. 他是一位合格的医生。

形容词+ 介词结构 e.g. He is qualified for the job. 他适合于做这项工作。

qualified as a doctor. 他有资格做医生。



Oracle数据库中关键字在 Oracle 数据库中有一些单词具有特定的意思,也许不是提供给你的,但是使用它们你就可以不必解析、执行和获取你所编写的代码。






例如,单词COMMIT 本身可以触发很多事件,所以你可能要假设COMMIT 是Oracle密切使用的一个关键字。

从Oracle 的角度看,就是只有它可以使用这个单词。

但结果是,COMMIT 并没有如它希望的那样。

如果你想的话你可以创建一个叫做COMMIT 的表,因为COMMIT 是一个关键字,这比保留字的级别要低。


审查是一个有用的工具或功能,那么如果你想创建你自己的审查表,你是否可以使用“create table audit (...)”语句呢?至少在SQL中是不行的,你不能通过这种方法使用“audit”。

既然你不想使用这些特殊单词,那么你怎样能知道(或者你能从哪找到)特殊单词有哪些呢? 在文档库(在一个索引中)中的几个指导包括了这个列表,但是权威的和一站式的来源是V$RESERVED_WORDS 数据字典视图。




因此V$RESERVED_WORDS 的解码环如下所示:数据库参考指导在对V$RESERVED_WORDS 的描述中准确地表达了这个意思。

review words(1-100)

review words(1-100)

1ample adj.丰富的;足够的;宽敞的2integrated adj.综合的;完整的;互相协调的v.整合;使…成整体(integrate的过去分词)3recognize vt.认出,识别;承认vi.确认,承认;具结recognized adj.公认的;经过验证的recognition n.识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认4domestic n.国货;佣人adj.国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的5universe n.宇宙;世界;领域6favor n.喜爱;欢心;好感vt.赞成;喜欢;像;赐予;证实in favor of有利于;支持;赞同do sb.a favor帮某人个忙have a favor劳驾;请您帮个忙7yield vt.屈服;出产,产生;放弃/vi.屈服,投降n.产量;收益8forum n.论坛,讨论会;法庭;公开讨论的广场9grasp n.抓住;理解;控制vi.抓/vt.抓住;领会10essential n.本质;要素;要点;必需品adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的11superficial adj.表面的;肤浅的;表面文章的;外表的;(人)浅薄的12competent adj.胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的13pursue vi.追赶;继续进行vt.继续;从事;追赶;纠缠14concentrate n.浓缩,精选;浓缩液vi.集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集/vt.集中;浓缩concentrate on/upon集中精力于;全神贯注于15system n.制度,体制;系统;方法systematicadj.系统的;体系的;有系统的;[图情]分类的;一贯的,惯常的16view n.观察;视野;意见;风景vt.观察;考虑;查看in view of adv.鉴于;考虑到in the view of按照…的观点point of view观点;见地;立场view as认为…是…;把…看作…17professor n.教授;教师;公开表示信仰的人profession n.职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白professionaladj.专业的;职业的;职业性的n.专业人员;职业运动员professionally adv.专业地;内行地professionalization n.专业化;职业化18wonder n.惊奇;奇迹;惊愕adj.奇妙的;非凡的vi.怀疑;想知道;惊讶vt.怀疑;惊奇;对…感到惊讶small wonder不足为奇,不值得惊奇no wonder难怪19theory n.理论;原理;学说;推测20effective adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象21enhance vt.提高;加强;增加22speciality n.专业,专长;特性machine design manufacture and automation speciality机械设计制造及其自动化专业23lay n.位置;短诗;花纹方向;叙事诗;性伙伴adj.世俗的;外行的;没有经验的v.躺;位于(lie的过去式)vi.下蛋;打赌vt.躺下;产卵;搁放;放置;铺放;涂,敷lay off解雇;停止;休息;关闭lay stress on注意,重视;把重点放在lay the foundation of打下……的基础24embedded adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式)25junior n.年少者,晚辈;地位较低者;大学三年级学生adj.年少的;后进的;下级的26because of意为"由于,因为",强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语(prep.),修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分不用逗号隔开。

新视野大学英语第二册unit3 words详解

新视野大学英语第二册unit3  words详解

第三单元1. charactern.性格,特性;特点,特征;(汉)字,(书写、印刷)符号;(剧或书中的)人物,角色I choose my friends for their good characters.我择友的标准是品格一定要好。

He described the character of the character he played with two Chinese characters.她用了两个汉字描绘他所扮演的角色的性格。

He has a weak character, but a winning personality.他尽管性格脆弱,但却有着吸引人的个性。

2. characteristica. 特有的,典型的n. 特征,特点One may have a character, but may have many characteristics, all of which constitute one’s character.一个人可能只有一种性格,但可能有多种特征、特点,所有这些特征、特点便构成了一个人总的特性、品质,即性格。

promisea.n.妥协;折中She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother.她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。

It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talk.希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。

b. vi.相互让步,妥协;折中The workers are going to strike for their welfare if the employers are not ready to compromise.雇主们要是不妥协,工人们就将为争取自己的福利而罢工。



Text B
Bug n. 病菌、一种导致疾病的微 生物 Squatter n. 擅自占住者 Streptococcus n.【微】链球菌 n.【 Critter n. 生物 Benign a.良性的 a.良性的 Fight off 击退;排斥
Text C
CurrentCurrent-account deficit 经常项目 赤字 Entrepreneurial a.创业的 a.创业的 Prowess n.杰出的才能或技巧 n.杰出的才能或技巧 Grudging a. 不情愿的
FatFat-phobic a.脂肪畏惧的 a.脂肪畏惧的 Unsaturated a. 不饱和的 Resveratrol n.白藜芦醇 n.白藜芦醇 Cholesterol n.胆固醇 n.胆固醇 Plummet v.骤然下降 v.骤然下降 Artery n.动脉 n.动脉 Kernel n.果仁,果核 n.果仁,果核 Antioxidant n.抗氧化剂 n.抗氧化剂
Text D
Wake n.守灵 n.守灵 Chatterbox n.喋喋不休的人 n.喋喋不休的人 Root for 支持 CrossCross-country a.越野的 a.越野的 Intoxicated a.喝醉的 a.喝醉的
淘金 Text A page 333
Fluidity n. 流动性 Caste n 社会等级制度 Ascendancy n. 优势 Monogamous a. 一夫一妻制的 Drudgery n.辛苦乏味的工作 n.辛苦乏味的工作
Text C
Idiopathic a. 先天的 Carnivorous a. 食肉的 Premise n. 房产,房屋 Pulmonary a.肺部的 a.肺部的 Lore (专门的)知识 Brevity n. 简明

opinion words

opinion words

suspicion 猜疑, 怀疑 suspicious 可疑的, 怀疑的 doubt doubtful 可疑的, 不确的, 疑心的 question puzzling 使迷惑的, 使莫明其妙的
objective 客观的 factual 事实的, 实际的,根据事实的 neutral 中立的 impartial 公平的, 不偏不倚的 disinterested 公平的 unbiased 没有偏见的 unprejudiced 公平的, 无偏见 detached 不含个人偏见的,超然的 impersonal 非个人的 unconcerned 不关心的 indifferent 漠不关心的
subjective 主观的, 个人的 indifference 不关心 tolerance 宽容,容忍 gloomy 黑暗的, 令人沮丧的, 阴郁的 optimistic 乐观的 sensitive 敏感的 scared 恐惧的 reserved 保留的 radical 激进的
moderate 中等的, 适度的 mild 温和的, 适度的 ironic 说反话的, 讽刺的 confused 困惑的, 烦恼的 amazed 吃惊的, 惊奇的 concerned 关心的, 有关的 apprehensive 担忧,担心 mixed 喜忧参半的 biased 有偏见的 optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic 悲观的 impressive 给人深刻印象的, 感positive 肯定的, 积极的, favorable 赞成的, 有利的 approving 赞成的 enthusiasm 狂热, 热心, 积极性 supportive 支持的,支援的 defensive 为……而辩护 consent 同意, 赞成



沉默形容词英语1. Silent, just like the stillness in the deep of the night. You know, when everyone else is asleep and there's not a single sound. It's like that moment when you walk into an empty library and all you can hear is the soft thud of your own footsteps. "The old house was silent as a tomb."2. Mute, it's as if someone has pressed the mute button on life. Imagine a movie without any sound, just the actors moving their lips. That's how mute can feel. I once went to a place so remote that it seemed mute, not a single voice to be heard. "The forest was mute except for the occasional rustle of leaves."3. Taciturn, this is like that one person in the group who hardly ever says a word. They're like a locked box, keeping all their thoughts inside. I had a neighbor who was taciturn, and it took me ages to get more than a few words out of him. "The taciturn man at the bar just stared into his drink."4. Quiet, it's a simple word but it can hold so much. It's like a gentle breeze on a summer day. You can be in a room full of people and still feel the quiet in your heart. "She sat in the corner,quiet as a mouse."5. Noiseless, like a cat stalking its prey. It's that kind of stealthy, unnoticeable silence. When I was in the museum, everything was noiseless, and it made me feel like I was in a different world. "The noiseless footsteps of the thief went unnoticed."6. Hushed, it's like when everyone in a room suddenly stops talking because something important is about to happen. It gives you a sense of anticipation. At the concert, right before the main performance, the hall was hushed. "The hushed crowd waited for the singer to appear."7. Reserved, this is when someone is silent in a way that shows they're holding back. It's like they have a whole ocean of thoughts but only let out a few drops. My friend is reserved, and sometimes it's hard to know what she's really thinking. "The reserved student only spoke when called upon."8. Dumb, now this one can be a bit harsh, but it really means silent in a way that might seem a bit stupid. It's like when someone just stands there, not saying a word, and you wonder if they even know what's going on. "He stood there dumb, not knowing how toanswer."9. Speechless, that feeling when you're so shocked or amazed that you can't find the words. It's like your tongue is tied in knots. I was speechless when I saw the beautiful sunset over the ocean. "She was speechless at the sight of the surprise party."10. Tongue - tied, it's like your tongue has been tied up by an invisible string. You want to say something but it just won't come out. I get tongue - tied when I have to talk in front of a large group. "The boy was tongue - tied during the presentation."My view is that these different words for silence in English all have their own nuances and can be used to describe different kinds of silent situations and people.。

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1.bland [blænd] adj. 平淡无奇的As a result news coverage tends to be bland. (TIME, Feb.10, 1997, p.56)结果新闻报道往往平淡无味。

blunt [blʌnt] adj. 直言不讳的Clinton’s summation was startlingly blunt: “It is better to have reached no agreement (on Japan’s opening it domestic market) than to have reached an empty agreement.”(TIME, Feb.21, 1994, p.41)最后克林顿语惊四座,直言不讳地总结说:“(在日本开放其国内市场这个议题上)与其获得形同一纸空文的协议,不如不要协议。

”burgeoning ['bɜdʒәniŋ] adj. 正快速发展的Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industry, which uses human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs. (TIME, Jan.16, 1995, p.54)基因信息是目前正蓬勃发展的生物科技工业的原料;此工业利用人类DNA制造特化蛋白质,而这些蛋白质或许可作为治病药物之用。

fashion v. 制作synthesize v. 综合,合成stint n. (在某处从事某事的)那段时间conciliatory [kənˋsɪlɪəˏtɔrɪ] adj. 有和解之意的The executive director of the Christian Coalition told a prominent Jewish audience, in a conciliatory speech, that calling the U.S. a “Christian nation” is wrong…(TIME, Apr.17, 1995, p.13)在一场有意化解对立的演讲中,基督教联盟的执行主席告诉台下那群犹太名流说,将美国叫做“基督教国家”是不对的。

foggy adj. 模糊的,朦胧的batter v. 连番猛击,毒打splinter v. 使分裂;unpalatable adj. 不好吃的,令人不快的augment v. 扩大,加强;to haul off 撤下;restitching n. 重新缝补elevated [ˋɛləˏvetɪd] adj. 崇高的It turns out, however, that not every man who reached the pinnacle of American leadership was a gleaming example of self-awareness, empathy, impulse control and other qualities that mark an elevated EQ. (TIME, Oct.9, 1995, p.30)然而,结果是,并非每个攀登到美国最高领导层的人都是具有自觉、有同理心,能克制冲动及其他高情商特指的闪光典范。

enduring [ɪnˏdurɪŋ] adj. 持久的The plain, undecorated object, representing the enduring role art has played throughout China’s history, takes pride of place in the sumptuous Splendors of Imperial China, which opened last week at New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art. (TIME, Apr.1, 1996, p.47)这件朴实、毫无雕琢的物品代表着艺术在中国历史上扮演的历久不衰的角色。


█to take pride of place (在一组事物中)被视为最重要的;sumptuous adj. 豪华的,昂贵的flamboyant [flæmˋbɔɪənt] adj. 显眼的,引人注目的;奢华的He is probably the least flamboyant of the Republican contenders. (TIME, Mar.13, 1995, p.86)共和党各角逐者中,他大概是最不受瞩目的。

fledgling [ˏflɛdʒlɪŋ] adj. 初出茅庐的,羽毛刚羽的Early in this century, a fledgling effort at behavioral genetics divided people into such classes as mesomorphs — physically robust, psychologically assertive — and ectomorphs—skinny, nervous, sky. (TIME, Mar.10, 1997, p.41)本世纪初,在行为遗传学方面的一项初步研究将人分为运动型体格(圣体壮硕,好坚持己见)以及清瘦型体格(身体瘦削,神经紧张,好害羞)。

█assertive adj. 武断的,过分自信的formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəbl] adj. (敌人)但对付的。

(工作)艰难的“Perot as kingmaker, ” he says tactfully, “is a more formidable proposition than Perot as candate.”(TIME, Mar.13, 1995, p.91)他委婉地说道:“佩罗替人抬轿助选,要比他自己出来参选更难缠。

”█ kingmaker n. 有权使人当选者proposition n. (口语)要对付或注意的事物genuine [ˋdʒɛnjʊɪn] adj. 1.真的,非伪造的;2.真诚的,非伪装的【同】1.real 2.sincere 【反】fakeIt is a challenge to portray a forsaken woman in a way that evokes genuine sympathy; but Stevens manages. (TIME, Feb.6, 1995, p.75)把弃妇描写得令人由衷生起恻隐之心,不是件易事,但史蒂文斯做到了。

hefty [ˋhɛftɪ] adj. 重大的,猛烈的Chow Yun Fat is angling for Hollywood stardom; this time next year he could be in any of three hefty action films. (TIME, June 29, 1996, p40)周润发正设法到好莱坞摘星,明年此时,他可能已在拍3部火爆动作片中的一部。

█angle v. 钓鱼;to angle for…指(用暗示、手段、诡计等)谋取,博取;stardom n. 明星的地位或身份to cream off…挑出(最好的部分),提取(精华)imminent [ˋɪmənənt] adj. 迫近的,即将发生的The time will come when the U.S. will subside to become but one of many Great Powers. It is inevitable, but it is not imminent. (TIME, Aug.4, 1997, p.21)美国终有一日会衰退成众多强权中的一员。


█subside v. 消退inaugural [ɪnˋɔɡjərəl] adj. 就职的After the oath, he gave an inaugural address designed to reach out to all Americans, to rally the nation to work together for a great common future. (TIME, Jan.16, 1995, p.24)宣誓后,他发表了以全体美国人为对象的就职演说,呼吁全体国人团结起来,为大家伟大的未来一起努力。

ominous [ˋɑmənəs] adj. 不吉祥的,不详的【同】meanacingObservers are not surprised that business is flourishing despite the ominous political situation. (TIME, Feb.12, 1996, p.18)尽管政治形势恶劣,观察家对经贸如此蓬勃发展并不意外。

ostensibly [ɑsˋtɛnsəblɪ] adv. 表面上At 3:33 a.m., it touched down at Marseilles, ostensibly for a refueling stop.(TIME, Jan.9, 1955, p.54)凌晨3点33分,这艘船停靠马赛港,表面上是为了添加燃料。

phony [fonɪ] adj. 伪造的A police raid on a Tokyo trading company netted 2000 pieces of counterfeit Nike merchandise, including phony Air Maxes. (TIME, Oct.7, 1996, p.12)警方突袭东京一贸易公司,搜出2000件耐克产品的赝品,其中包括Air Maxes运动鞋的仿冒品。

█net v. 捕获;counterfeit adj. 伪造的poignant [ˋpɔɪnjənt] adj. 尖刻的,切中要害的;辛酸感人的【同】movingThat’s sort of a poignant irony. (TIME, Feb.20, 1995, p.38)那段话有点尖刻的讽刺味。
