配线产品介绍 (中文)

配线产品系列中心机房子系统1.GPXKA-Z 型光纤总配架医用在新建机房独立光纤跳接场,现有机房独立光纤跳接场。
产品采用传统MDF 式的线缆管理方式、即直列模块部分为外线侧,提供室外光缆固定、汇流、熔接、与终端功能,横列模块部分为内线侧,提供室内光缆的终端、调度与管理功能。
名称型号尺寸容量备注音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W260*D482内线128外线100选配告警单元,保安单元等音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W400*D482内线192外线200音频部件JPXK-A100H90*533*D482内线256外线300音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W711*D482内线384外线400音频部件JPXK-A100H90*W1020*D482内线512外线6007.数字单元体应用环境:西门子或NEC 制式,19英寸安装,适用于综合柜,提供同轴电缆的成端和调度。

元器件交易网This X24645 device has been acquired by IC MICROSYSTEMS from Xicor, Inc.ICmicIC MICROSYSTEMSTM64K2X246458192 x 8 BitAdvanced 2-Wire Serial E PROM with Block LockTM ProtectionFEATURES •2.7V to 5.5V Power Supply •Low Power CMOS —Active Read Current Less Than 1mA —Active Write Current Less Than 3mA —Standby Current Less Than 1∝A •Internally Organized 8192 x 8 •New Programmable Block Lock Protection —Software Write Protection —Programmable hardware Write Protect •Block Lock (0, 1/4, 1/2, or all of the E2PROM array)DESCRIPTION 2 The X24645 is a CMOS 65,536-bit serial E PROM, internally organized 8192 x 8. The X24645 features aserial interface and software protocol allowing operation on a simple two wire bus.Two device select inputs (S1, S2) allow up to four devices to share a common two wire bus. A Write Protect Register at the highest address location, 1FFFh, provides three new write protection features: Software Write Protect, Block Write Protect, and Hardware Write Protect. The Software Write•2 Wire Serial Interface •Bidirectional Data Transfer Protocol •32 Byte Page Write ModeProtect feature prevents any nonvolatile writes to the X24645 until the WEL bit in the write protect register isset. The Block Write Protection feature allows the user to individually write protect four blocks of the array by—Minimizes Total Write Time Per Byte •Self Timed Write Cycle —Typical Write Cycle Time of 5ms •High Reliability —Endurance: 100,000 Cycles —Data Retention: 100 Years •Available Packages —8-Lead PDIP —8-Lead SOIC (JEDEC) —14-Lead SOIC (JEDEC) —20-Lead TSSOP FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMWPprogramming two bits in the write protect register. The Programmable Hardware Write Protect feature allowsthe user to install the X24645 with WP tied to VCC, program the entire memory array in place, and then enable the hardware write protection by programming a WPEN bit in the write protect register. After this, selected blocks of the array, including the write protect register itself, are permanently write protected, as longas WP remains HIGH.START CYCLEV CC V SSH.V. GENERATION TIMING &CONTROLSDASTART STOPWRITE PROTECT REGISTER ANDLOGICLOGICCONTROL LOGIC SLAVE ADDRESS REGISTERSCL+COMPARATORLOADINCXDECE PROM 256 X 2562S 2 S 1WORD ADDRESS COUNTERR/WYDEC 8 CK PIN DATA REGISTERD OUTD OUT ACK2783 ILL F01©Xicor, 1995, 1996 Patents Pending 2783-3.5 5/13/96 T1/C0/D0 NS1Characteristics subject to change without notice元器件交易网X24645ICmic E PROMs are designed and tested for applications requiring extended endurance. Inherent data2PIN CONFIGURATIONS8-LEAD DIP & SOIC NC1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5V CCretention is greater than 100 years.PIN DESCRIPTIONS Serial Clock (SCL)The SCL input is used to clock all data into and out of the device.Serial Data (SDA) SDA is a bidirectional pin used to transfer data into and out of the device. It is an open drain output andS 1 S 2 V SSX24645WP SCL SDA14-LEAD SOIC NC NCV CCmay be wire-ORed with any number of open drain or open collector outputs.An open drain output requires the use of a pull-up resistor. For selecting typical values, refer to the Pullup resistor selection graph at the end of this data sheet. Device Select (S1, S2) The device select inputs (S1, S2) are used to set the first and second bits of the 8-bit slave address. This allows up to four X24645 devices to share a common bus. These inputs can be static or actively driven. Ifused statically they must be tied to VSS or VCC as appropriate. If actively driven, they must be driven withNC NC1 2 3 4 5 614 13 12 X24645 11NCS 1 S 2V SS NC710 9 8WP SCL SDANC20-LEAD TSSOPNC NCS 1 NC NC1 2 3 420 19NCV CC18 17 X24645 16 15 14 13 12 11WP NC NC NCCMOS levels (driven to VCC or VSS).Write Protect (WP) The write protect input controls the hardware write protect feature. When held LOW, hardware write protection is disabled and the X24645 can be written normally. When this input is held HIGH, and the WPEN5 6 7 8 9 10NCS 2 V SSSCL SDANC NCNC NC2783 ILL F02.4bit in the write protect register is set HIGH, write protection is enabled, and nonvolatile writes aredisabled to the selected blocks as well as the write protect register itself.PIN NAMES SymbolS1, S2 SDA SCL WP VSS VCC NCDescriptionDevice Select Inputs Serial Data Serial Clock Write Protect Ground Supply Voltage No Connect2783 FRM T01.12元器件交易网X24645DEVICE OPERATION The X24645 supports a bidirectional bus oriented protocol. The protocol defines any device that sends dataonto the bus as a transmitter, and the receiving device as the receiver. The device controlling the transfer is a master and the device being controlled is the slave. The master will always initiate data transfers, and provide the clock for both transmit and receive operations. Therefore, the X24645 will be considered a slave in allClock and Data Conventions Data states on the SDA line can change only during SCL LOW. SDA state changes during SCL HIGH arereserved for indicating start and stop conditions. Refer to Figures 1 and 2.Start Condition All command are preceded by the start condition, which is a HIGH to LOW transition of SDA when SCL is HIGH. The X24645 continuously monitors the SDA and SCL lines for the start condition and will not respond toapplications.any command until this condition has been met. Figure 1. Data ValiditySCLSDA DATA STABLE DATA CHANGE2783 ILL F04Notes: (5) Typical values are for TA = 25°C and nominal supply voltage (5V) (6) tWR is the minimum cycle time from the system perspective when polling techniques are not used. It is the maximum time thedevice requires to perform the internal write operation.Figure 2. Definition of Start and StopSCLSDA START BIT STOP BIT2783 ILL F053元器件交易网X24645Stop Condition All communications must be terminated by a stop condition, which is a LOW to HIGH transition of SDA when SCL is HIGH. The stop condition is also used to place the device into the standby power mode after aread sequence. A stop condition can only be issued after the transmitting device has released the bus. Acknowledge Acknowledge is a software convention used to indicate successful data transfer. The transmitting device, The X24645 will respond with an acknowledge after recognition of a start condition and its slave address. If both the device and a write operation have been selected, the X24645 will respond with an acknowledgeafter the receipt of each subsequent 8-bit word.In the read mode the X24645 will transmit eight bits of data, release the SDA line and monitor the line for anacknowledge. If an acknowledge is detected and no stop condition is generated by the master, the X24645either master or slave, will release the bus after transmitting eight bits. During the ninth clock cycle thereceiver will pull the SDA line LOW to acknowledge that it received the eight bits of data. Refer to Figure 3.will continue to transmit data. If an acknowledge is not detected, the X24645 will terminate further data transmissions. The master must then issue a stop condition to return the X24645 to the standby power mode andplace the device into a known state.Figure 3. Acknowledge Response From ReceiverSCL FROM MASTER189DATA OUTPUT FROMTRANSMITTERDATA OUTPUT FROM RECEIVERSTARTACKNOWLEDGE2783 ILL F064元器件交易网X24645DEVICE ADDRESSING Following a start condition the master must output the address of the slave it is accessing (see Figure 4). Thenext two bits are the device select bits. A system could have up to four X24645’s on the bus. The fouraddresses are defined by the state of the S1 and S2 inputs. S2 of the slave address must be the inverse ofThe last bit of the slave address defines the operation to be performed. When set HIGH a read operation isselected, when set LOW, a write operation is selected.Following the start condition, the X24645 monitors the SDA bus comparing the slave address being transmittedwith its slave address device type identifier. Upon a correct compare the X24645 outputs an acknowledge on the SDA line. Depending on the state of the R/W bit, the X24645 will execute a read or write operation.WRITE OPERATIONS Byte Writethe S2 input pin. Figure 4. Slave AddressHIGH ORDERDEVICE SELECT ADDRESS BITSS 2S 1A12 A11 A10A9A8R/WFor a write operation, the X24645 requires a second address field. This address field is the byte address, comprised of eight bits, providing access to any one of 8192 words in the array. Upon receipt of the byte address, theX24645 responds with an acknowledge and awaits the next eight bits of data, again responding with an acknowledge2783 ILL F07.1The next five bits of the slave address are an extension of the array’s address and are concatenated withthe eight bits of address in the byte address field, providing direct access to the whole 8192 x 8 array.The master then terminates the transfer by generating a stop condition, at which time the X24645 begins the internal write cycle to the nonvolatile memory. While the internal write cycle is in progress the X24645 inputsare disabled, and the device will not respond to any requests from the master. Refer to Figure 5 for the address,acknowledge and data transfer sequence. Figure 5. Byte WriteS T A R TBUS ACTIVITY: MASTERSLAVE ADDRESSBYTE ADDRESSDATAS T O PSDA LINEBUS ACTIVITY: X24645SA C K A C K A C KP2783 ILL F08.15元器件交易网X24645Page Write The X24645 is capable of a 32-byte page write operation. It is initiated in the same manner as the byte writeoperation, but instead of terminating the write cycle after the first data word is transferred, the master can transmit up to thirty-one more bytes. After the receipt of each byte, the X24645 will respond with an acknowledge.ISSUE STARTFlow 1. ACK Polling SequenceWRITE OPERATION COMPLETEDENTER ACK POLLINGAfter the receipt of each byte, the five low order address bits are internally incremented by one. The highorder eight bits of the address remain constant. If the master should transmit more than 32 bytes prior to gen-erating the stop condition, the address counter will “roll over” and the previously written data will be overwritten As with the byte write operation, all inputs are disabled until completion of the internal write cycle. Refer toFigure 6 for the address, acknowledge, and data transfer sequence. Acknowledge Polling The Max Write Cycle Time can be significantly reduced using Acknowledge Polling. To initiate Acknowledge Polling, the master issues a start condition followed by the Slave Address Byte for a write or read operation. If the device is still busy with the high voltage cycle, then no ACK will be returned. If the device has completed the write operation, an ACK will be returned and the host can then proceed with the read or write operation.ISSUE SLAVE ADDRESS AND R/W = 0ISSUE STOPACK RETURNED?NOYESNEXT OPERATIONNOA WRITE? YESISSUE BYTE ADDRESSISSUE STOPRefer to Flow 1.PROCEED PROCEED2783 ILL F09Figure 6. Page WriteS T A R TBUS ACTIVITY: MASTERSLAVE ADDRESSBYTE ADDRESS (n)DATA nDATA n+1DATA n+31S T O PSDA LINEBUS ACTIVITY: X24645SA C K A C K A C K A C K A C KP2783 ILL F10.26元器件交易网X24645READ OPERATIONS Read operations are initiated in the same manner as write operations with the exception that the R/W bit ofthe slave address is set HIGH. There are three basic read operations: current address read, random read and transmits the byte. The read operation is terminated by the master; by not responding with an acknowledge and by issuing a stop condition. Refer to Figure 7 for the sequence of address, acknowledge and data transfer. Random Read Random read operations allow the master to access any memory location in a random manner. Prior to issuing the slave address with the R/W bit set HIGH, the master must first perform a “dummy” write operation. The master issues the start condition, and the slave address with the R/W bit set LOW, followed by the byte address it is to read. After the word address acknowledge, the master immediately reissues the start conditionand sequential read.It should be noted that the ninth clock cycle of the read operation is not a “don’t care.” To terminate a readoperation, the master must either issue a stop condition during the ninth cycle or hold SDA HIGH during theninth clock cycle and then issue a stop condition.Current Address Read Internally the X24645 contains an address counter that maintains the address of the last byte read, incremented by one or the exact address of the last byte written. Therefore, if the last access read was to address n, thenext read operation would access data from address n + 1. Upon receipt of the slave address with the R/Wand the slave address with the R/W bit set HIGH. This will be followed by an acknowledge from the X24645 and then by the data byte. The read operation is terminated by the master; by not responding with an acknowledge and by issuing a stop condition. Refer to Figure 8 for the address, acknowledge and dataset HIGH, the X24645 issues an acknowledge Figure 7. Current Address ReadS T A R Ttransfer sequence.BUS ACTIVITY: MASTERSLAVE ADDRESSS T O PSDA LINEBUS ACTIVITY: X24645SA C KP DATA2783 ILL F11Figure 8. Random ReadS T A R T S T A R TBUS ACTIVITY: MASTERSLAVE ADDRESSBYTE ADDRESS nSLAVE ADDRESSS T O PSDA LINEBUS ACTIVITY: X24645SA C K A C KSA C KP DATA n2783 ILL F12.17元器件交易网X24645Sequential Read Sequential reads can be initiated as either a current address read or random access read. The first byte is transmitted as with the other modes, however, the master now responds with an acknowledge, indicating it requires additional data. The X24645 continues to output data for each acknowledge received. The read operation is terminated by the master; by not responding with an acknowledge and then issuing a The data output is sequential, with the data from address n followed by the data from n + 1. The address counter for read operations increments all address bits, allowing the entire memory contents to be serially read during one operation. At the end of the address space (address 8191), the counter “rolls over” to 0 and the X24645 continues to output data for each acknowledge received. Refer to Figure 9 for the address,acknowledge and data transfer sequence.stop condition.Figure 9. Sequential ReadSLAVE ADDRESSS T O PBUS ACTIVITY: MASTERA C KA C KA C KSDA LINEBUS ACTIVITY: X24645 A C KP DATA n DATA n+1 DATA n+2 DATA n+x2783 ILL F13Figure 10. Typical System ConfigurationV CCPULL-UP RESISTORS SDA SCL MASTER TRANSMITTER/ SLAVE RECEIVER SLAVE TRANSMITTER/ MASTER TRANSMITTER MASTER TRANSMITTER/RECEIVERRECEIVERRECEIVER2783 ILL F148元器件交易网X24645WEL and RWEL are volatile latches that power-up in the LOW (disabled) state. A write to any address otherthan 1FFFh, where the Write Protect Register is located, will be ignored (no ack) until the WEL bit is set HIGH. The WEL bit is set by writing 0000001x to address 1FFFh. Once set, WEL remains HIGH until2 RWEL 1 WEL 0 0WRITE PROTECT REGISTER The Write Protect Register (WPR) is located at the highest address, 1FFFh.Figure 11. Write Protect RegisterWPR (ADDR = 1FFFh) 7 WPEN 6 0 5 0 4 BP1 3 BP0either reset (by writing 00000000 to 1FFFh) or until the part powers-up again. The RWEL bit controls writes to the block protect bits. RWEL is set by first setting WEL to “1” and then writing 0000011x to address 1FFFh. RWEL must be set in order to change the block protect bits, BP0 and BP1, or the WPEN bit. RWEL is reset2783 ILL F15.1WPR.1 = WEL –- “Write Enable” Latch (Volatile) 0 = Write enable latch reset, writes disabled 1 = Write enable latch set, writes enabledwhen the block protect or WPEN bits are changed, or when the part powers-up again. Programming the BP or WPEN Bits A three step sequence is required to change the nonvolatile Block Protect or Write Protect Enable:1) Set WEL = 1 (write 00000010 to address 1FFFh, volatile write cycle)If WEL = “0” then “no ACK” after first byte of input data.WPR.2 = RWEL –- “Register Write Enable” Latch (Volatile) 0 = Register write enable latch reset, writes disabled1 = Register write enable latch set, writes enabledWPR.3, WPR.4 = BP0, BP1 –- Block Protect Bits (Nonvolatile)(Start)2) Set RWEL = 1 (write 00000110 to address 1FFFh, volatile write cycle)(See Block Protect section for definition)WPR.7 = WPEN(Start)3) Set BP1, BP0, and/or WPEN bits (Write w00yz010 to address 1FFFh)- Write Protect Enable Bit (Nonvolatile) (See Hardware Write Protect section for definition) Writing to the Write Protect Register The Write Protect Register is written by performing a random write of one byte directly to address, 1FFFh. Ifa page write is performed starting with any address other than 1FFF, the byte in the array at addressw = WPEN, y = BP1, Z = BP0, (Stop)Step 3 is a nonvolatile write cycle, requiring 10ms to complete. RWEL is reset to “0” by this write cycle,requiring another write cycle to set RWEL again before the block protect bits can be changed. RWEL must be1FFFh will be written instead of the Write Protect Register (assuming writes are not disabled by theblock protect register).The state of the Write Protect Register can be read by performing a random read at address 1FFFh at any“0 in step 3; if w00yz110 is written to address 1FFFh, ” RWEL is set but WPEN, BP1 and BP0 are notchanged (the device remains at step 2).time. If a sequential read starting at any other address than 1FFFh is performed, the contents of the byte inthe array at 1FFFh is read out instead of the Write Protect Register.9元器件交易网X24645Block Protect Bits The Block Protect Bits BP0 and BP1 determine which blocks of the memory are write-protected:Programmable Hardware Write Protect The Write Protect (WP) pin and the Write Protect Enable (WPEN) bit in the Write Protect RegisterTable 1. Block Protect BitsProtected Addresses None 1800h–1FFFh 1000h–1FFFh 0000h–1FFFh Upper 1/4 Upper 1/2Full Array (WPR not included)2783 FRM T02control the programmable hardware write protect feature. Hardware write protection is enabled when the WP pin is HIGH and the WPEN bit is “1”, and disabled when either the WP pin is LOW or the WPEN bit is “0”.When the chip is hardware write-protected, nonvolatile writes are disabled to the Write Protect Register, including the BP bits and the WPEN bit itself, as well as to block-protected sections in the memory array. Only the sections of the memory array that are not block-protected can be written. Note that since the WPEN bit is write-protected, it cannot be changed back to a LOW state, and write protection is disabled as long as the the WP pin is held HIGH. Table 2 defines the write protection status for each state ofBP10 0 1 1BP00 1 0 1WPEN and WP. Table 2. Write Protect Status TableMemory Array (Not Block Protected)WPL X HWPENX 0 1Memory Array (Block Protected) Protected Protected ProtectedBP BitsWritable Writable ProtectedWPEN BitWritable Writable Protected2783 FRM T03.1Writable Writable Writable10元器件交易网X24645ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Temperature under BiasX24645 ....................................... –65°C to +135°C Storage Temperature ........................ –65°C to +150°C Voltage on any Pin with Respect to VSS .................................... –1V to +7V D.C. Output Current ..............................................5mA Lead Temperature (Soldering, .............................. 300°C 10 seconds) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS TemperatureCommercial Industrial Military*COMMENT Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and the functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods mayaffect device reliability.Min.0°C –40°C –55°CMax.+70°C +85°C +125°C2783 FRM T04Supply VoltageX24645 X24645-2.7Limits4.5V to 5.5V 2.7V to 5.5V2783 FRM T05D.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Limits SymbolICC1 ICC2 ISB1 (1)ParameterVCC Supply Current (Read) VCC Supply Current (Write) VCC Standby CurrentMin.Max.1 3 50UnitsmA mA ∝ATest ConditionsSCL = VCC X 0.1/VCC X 0.9 Levels @ 100KHz, SDA = Open, All OtherInputs = VSS or VCC – 0.3VSCL = SDA = VCC, All Other Inputs = VSS or VCC – 0.3V,VCC = 5V ± 10% ISB2 (1) VCC Standby Current 1 ∝ASCL = SDA = VCC, All Other Inputs = VSS or VCC – 0.3V,VCC = 2.7V ILI ILO VlL (2) VIH (2) VOL Input Leakage Current Output Leakage Current Input LOW Voltage Input HIGH Voltage Output LOW Voltage –1 VCC x 0.7 10 10 VCC x 0.3 VCC + 0.5 0.4 ∝A ∝A V V V IOL = 3mA, VCC = 4.5V2783 FRM T06.2VIN = VSS to VCCVOUT = VSS to VCCCAPACITANCE TA = +25°C, f = 1MHz, VCC = 5VSymbolCI/O (3) CIN (3)ParameterInput/Output Capacitance (SDA) Input Capacitance (S1, S2, SCL)Max.8 6UnitspF pFTest ConditionsVI/O = 0V VIN = 0V2783 FRM T07.1Notes: (1)Must perform a stop command prior to measurement. (2)VIL min. and VIH max. are for reference only and are not 100% tested. (3)This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.11元器件交易网X24645A.C. CONDITIONS OF TESTInput Pulse LevelsInput Rise and Fall Times Input and Output Timing LevelsEQUIVALENT A.C. LOAD CIRCUITVCC x 0.1 to VCC x 0.9 10ns VCC X 0.52783 FRM T085V 1.53KΟ OUTPUT 100pF2783 ILL F16.1A.C. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (Over the recommended operating conditions, unless otherwise specified.) Read & Write Cycle LimitsSymbolfSCL TI tAA tBUF tHD:STA tLOW tHIGH tSU:STA tHD:DAT tSU:DAT tR tF tSU:STO tDHParameterSCL Clock FrequencyNoise Suppression Time Constant at SCL, SDA InputsMin.0Max.100 100UnitsKHz ns ∝s ∝s ∝s ∝s ∝s ∝s ∝s nsSCL LOW to SDA Data Out ValidTime the Bus Must Be Free Before a New Transmission Can Start0.3 4.7 4 4.7 43.5Start Condition Hold Time Clock LOW Period Clock HIGH PeriodStart Condition Setup Time a Repeated Start Condition) (for4.7 0 250 1 300 4.7 300Data In Hold Time Data In Setup Time SDA and SCL Rise Time SDA and SCL Fall Time Stop Condition Setup Time Data Out Hold Time∝s ns ∝s ns2783 FRM T09.2POWER-UP TIMING SymboltPUR tPUW(4)ParameterPower-up to Read Operation Power-up to Write OperationMax.1 5Unitsms ms2783 FRM T10Notes: (4)tPUR and tPUW are the delays required from the time VCC is stable until the specified operation can be initiated. These parameters are periodically sampled and not 100% tested.12元器件交易网X24645Bus Timingt F t HIGH t LOW t RSCLt SU:STA t HD:STA t HD:DAT t SU:DAT t SU:STOSDA INt AA t DH t BUFSDA OUT2783 ILL F17Write Cycle Limits SymbolTWR(6)ParameterWrite Cycle TimeMin.Typ.5(5)Max.10Unitsms2783 FRM T11The write cycle time is the time from a valid stop condition of a write sequence to the end of the internalX24645 bus interface circuits are disabled, SDA is allowed to remain HIGH, and the device does noterase/program cycle. During the write cycle, the Bus Timingrespond to its slave address.SCLSDA8th BIT WORD nACKt WRSTOP CONDITIONSTART CONDITION2783 ILL F18Notes: (5)Typical values are for TA = 25°C and nominal supply voltage (5V). (6)tWR is the minimum cycle time to be allowed from the system perspective unless polling techniques are used. It is the maximum time the device requires to automatically complete the internal write operation.Guidelines for Calculating Typical Values of Bus Pull-Up Resistors120RESISTANCE (KΟ)V R MINSYMBOL TABLEWAVEFORM INPUTSMust be steady May change from LOWOUTPUTSWill be steady Will change from LOW100 80 60 40 20 0 0=CC MAX I OL MIN t R C BUS=1.8KΟR MAX=MAX. RESISTANCEto HIGHMay change from HIGHto HIGHWill change from HIGHto LOWMIN. RESISTANCEto LOWChanging: State NotDon’t Care: ChangesAllowedKnownCenter Line is High204060801001202783 ILL F19N/ABUS CAPACITANCE (pF)Impedance13元器件交易网X24645PACKAGING INFORMATION8-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE TYPE P0.430 (10.92) 0.360 (9.14)0.260 (6.60) 0.240 (6.10)PIN 1 INDEX PIN 10.300 (7.62) REF. 0.060 (1.52) 0.020 (0.51)HALF SHOULDER WIDTH ON ALL END PINS OPTIONALSEATING PLANE0.145 (3.68) 0.128 (3.25)0.150 (3.81) 0.125 (3.18)0.025 (0.64) 0.015 (0.38) 0.065 (1.65) 0.045 (1.14)0.110 (2.79) 0.090 (2.29)0.020 (0.51) 0.016 (0.41)0.015 (0.38) MAX.0.325 (8.25) 0.300 (7.62)TYP. 0.010 (0.25)0° 15°NOTE: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS) 2. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EXCLUDE MOLDING FLASH3926 FHD F0114元器件交易网X24645PACKAGING INFORMATION8-LEAD PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE GULL WING PACKAGE TYPE S0.150 (3.80) 0.158 (4.00)0.228 (5.80) 0.244 (6.20)PIN 1 INDEXPIN 10.014 (0.35) 0.019 (0.49)0.188 (4.78) 0.197 (5.00)(4X) 7°0.053 (1.35) 0.069 (1.75)0.050 (1.27)0.004 (0.19) 0.010 (0.25)0.010 (0.25) X 45° 0.020 (0.50)0.050" TYPICAL0° – 8°0.0075 (0.19) 0.010 (0.25)0.050" TYPICAL0.250"0.016 (0.410) 0.037 (0.937)0.030" TYPICALFOOTPRINT8 PLACESNOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F22.115元器件交易网X24645PACKAGING INFORMATION14-LEAD PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE GULL WING PACKAGE TYPE S0.150 (3.80) 0.158 (4.00)0.228 (5.80) 0.244 (6.20)PIN 1 INDEXPIN 10.014 (0.35) 0.020 (0.51)0.336 (8.55) 0.345 (8.75)(4X) 7°0.053 (1.35) 0.069 (1.75)0.050 (1.27)0.004 (0.10) 0.010 (0.25)0.010 (0.25) X 45° 0.020 (0.50)0.050" Typical0° – 8°0.0075 (0.19) 0.010 (0.25)0.050" Typical 0.250"0.016 (0.41) 0.037 (0.937)FOOTPRINT0.030" Typical 14 PlacesNOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F10.116元器件交易网X24645PACKAGING INFORMATION20-LEAD PLASTIC, TSSOP PACKAGE TYPE V.025 (.65) BSC.169 (4.3) .177 (4.5).252 (6.4) BSC.252 (6.4) .300 (6.6).047 (1.20).0075 (.19) .0118 (.30).002 (.05) .006 (.15).010 (.25) Gage Plane 0° – 8°.019 (.50) .029 (.75)Seating PlaneDetail A (20X).031 (.80) .041 (1.05)See Detail “A”NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (IN PARENTHESES IN MILLIMETERS)3926 FHD F4517。

火力能发电站 Thermal power station
水力能发电站 Hydraulic power station
风力能发电站 Wind Power station
太阳能发电站 Solar power station
公用电话网 Public Cable Net
5.2 使用维护: 5.2.1 安装前应检查开关是否完好,操作灵活。 5.2.2 工作条件应符合3.1~3.5的规定。 5.2.3 开关应有可靠接地装置,以防触电。 5.2.4 NH50□-□/311□(HD11型)系列开关及不带灭弧室的其他开关不允许带负荷操作。 5.2.5 开关应定期维护调整,清除污物,保持清洁,使触头在良好的接触状态下工作。
额定 400V AC21 工作 690V AC21 电流 220V DC21 (A) 440V DC21 操作力(N)

国内外同轴电缆参数手册目录高温线氟-46绝缘安装线 (4)航空用聚四氟乙烯绝缘电线 (5)RG军标系列电缆RG 6 (6)RG 8 (7)RG 11 (8)RG 58 (9)RG 59 (10)RG 62 (11)RG 141 (12)RG 142 (13)RG 174 (14)RG 178 FEP (15)RG 178 (16)RG 179 FEP (17)RG 179 (18)RG 179D FEP (19)RG 179D (20)RG 180 (21)RG 187 (22)RG 188 (23)RG 195 (24)RG 196 (25)RG 213 (26)RG 214 (27)RG 223 (28)RG 302 (29)RG 303 (30)RG 304 (31)RG 316 FEP (32)RG 316 (33)RG 316D FEP (34)RG 316D (35)RG 393 (36)RG 400 (37)RG 401 (38)RG 402 (39)RG 403 (40)RG 405 (41)实心聚四氟乙烯绝缘同轴射频电缆SFF-50-1.5-2 (44)SFF-50-2-1 (45)SFF-50-2-2 (46)SFF-50-3-1 (47)SFF-50-3-2 (48)SFF-50-5 (49)半柔系列电缆SFR-50-1(FEP) (50)SFR-50-1 (51)SFR-50-2(FEP) (52)SFR-50-2 (53)SFR-75-2(FEP) (54)SFR-75-2 (55)SFR-50-3(FEP) (56)SFR-50-3 (57)SFR-35-3(FEP) (58)SFR-35-3 (59)SFR-75-3(FEP) (60)SFR-75-3 (61)SFR-50-4(FEP) (62)SFR-50-4 (63)SFR-50-5(FEP) (64)SFR-50-5 (65)SFR-35-5(FEP) (66)SFR-35-5 (67)SFR-75-5(FEP) (68)SFR-75-5 (69)半钢系列电缆SFT-50-2 (70)SFT-75-2 (71)SFT-35-3 (72)SFT-50-3 (73)SFT-75-3 (74)SFT-50-4 (75)SFT-50-5 (76)SFT-35-5 (77)SFTL-50-2 (78)SFTL-50-3 (79)SFTL-50-5 (80)SWY(LMR)低损耗电缆SWY(LMR)100 (82)SWY(LMR)195 (83)SWY(LMR)200 (84)SWY(LMR)240 (85)SWY(LMR)300 (86)测试稳相系列电缆A-flex 086 (90)A-flex 141 (91)A-flex 250 (92)A-flex 400 (93)机械稳幅稳相电缆SFD147A (94)SFD147B (95)SFD210A (96)SFD210B (97)SFD32051 (98)SFD311A (99)D系列物理发泡射频电缆3D-FB 50ohm 同轴电缆 (100)5D-FB 50ohm 同轴电缆 (101)7D-FB 50ohm 同轴电缆 (102)8D-FB 50ohm 同轴电缆 (103)10D-FB 50ohm 同轴电缆 (104)12D-FB 50ohm 同轴电缆 (105)轧纹铜管系列电缆1/4〃RF射频电缆 (106)1/4〃超柔RF电缆 (108)3/8〃RF射频电缆 (110)3/8〃超柔RF电缆 (112)1/2〃RF射频电缆 (114)1/2〃超柔RF电缆 (116)5/8〃RF射频电缆 (118)7/8〃RF射频电缆 (120)7/8〃超柔RF电缆 (122)1-1/4〃RF射频电缆 (124)1-1/4〃超柔RF射频电缆 (126)1-5/8〃RF射频电缆 (128)附页 (130)氟-46绝缘安装线AF-200AFP-2001.内导体/Inner conductor2.F46绝缘/Dielectric3.镀银铜线编织/sliver-plated copper braid 结构数据及主要性能Construction and Characterisic:型号Type 标称截面Nominalsectionmm2内导体Inner conductor根数/直径number/diametermm平均外径Averageouter diametermm试验电压Testing voltageV20℃时直流电阻DCresistance≤Ω/km20℃时绝缘电阻Insulatedresistance≥MΩ·km重量WeightKg/km 0.06 7/0.10 1.05 2000 349 2.24 0.12 7/0.16 1.20 2000 151 3.350.2 7/0.20 1.35 2000 84.8 4.50 0.35 19/0.16 1.60 2500 54.3 6.750.5 19/0.18 1.75 2500 41.3 8.240.75 19/0.23 2.0 2500 24.1 11.731.0 19/0.262.20 2500 19.3 14.511.5 19/0.322.60 3500 12.7 21.02.0 19/0.37 2.90 3500 10.2 26.992.5 19/0.413.40 3500 7.62 35.273.0 37/0.32 3.60 3500 6.3 40.484.0 37/0.37 3.70 35005.0 47.805.0 37/0.40 3.90 3500 4.1 54.55AF-2006.0 37/0.45 4.30 3500 3.3 150067.730.06 7/0.10 1.45 2000 349 5.020.12 7/0.16 1.70 2000 151 7.520.2 7/0.20 1.85 2000 84.8 8.650.35 19/0.16 2.10 2500 54.3 12.560.5 19/0.18 2.25 2500 41.3 14.210.75 19/0.23 2.60 2500 24.1 20.761.0 19/0.262.75 2500 19.3 23.511.5 19/0.32 3.30 3500 12.7 32.562.0 19/0.373.60 3500 10.2 39.752.5 19/0.41 4.00 3500 7.62 42.50 AFP-200 15005.0 37/0.40 4.60 3500 4.164.76 6.037/0.455.035003.384.50航空用聚四氟乙烯绝缘电线AF-250 AFP-2501.内导体/Inner conductor2.PTFE 绝缘/Dielectric3.镀银铜线编织/sliver-plated copper braid结构数据及主要性能Construction and Characterisic :型号 Type标称截面 Nominal sectionmm 2内导体 Inner conductor 根数/直径 number/diametermm平均外径 Average outer diametermm20℃时 直流电阻 DC resistance≤Ω/km20℃时 绝缘电阻Insulated resistance≥M Ω·km重量 Weight Kg/km0.06 7/0.10 1.0 348.9 2.07 0.12 7/0.15 1.15 150.7 3.05 0.20 7/0.20 1.40 81.5 5.1 0.35 19/0.16 1.60 46.9 7.3 0.50 19/0.18 1.80 37.1 9.1 0.75 19/0.23 2.05 22.7 13.1 1.0 19/0.26 2.20 17.8 16.0 1.2 19/0.28 2.40 15.3 18.8 1.5 19/0.32 2.60 11.7 23.1 2.0 19/0.37 2.85 8.78 29.1 2.5 19/0.41 3.30 7.25 37.3 3.0 37/0.32 3.50 6.03 43.6 4.0 37/0.37 3.80 4.51 53.9 5.0 37/0.41 4.30 3.67 67.7 AF-2506.0 37/0.45 4.60 3.09 10479.3 0.06 7/0.10 1.45 348.9 5.9 0.12 7/0.15 1.75 150.7 8.3 0.20 7/0.20 1.95 81.5 12.2 0.35 19/0.16 2.15 46.9 14.1 0.50 19/0.18 2.35 37.1 16.7 0.75 19/0.23 2.60 22.7 22.9 1.0 19/0.26 2.85 17.8 26.5 1.2 19/0.28 3.10 15.3 31.2 1.5 19/0.32 3.30 11.7 36.2 2.0 19/0.37 3.55 8.78 43.9 2.5 19/0.41 4.00 7.25 53.1 AFP-2501045.0 37/0.41 5.20 3.67 90.36.0 37/0.45 5.50 3.09 103.6 RG 6结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 裸铜线Bare Copper 1.022.绝缘体Dielectric 发泡聚乙烯Foam PE 4.573.外导体Outer Conductor 自粘铝箔+铝镁线编织Bonded Aluminum Foil+Aluminum Braid5.224.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯PVC or PE 7.07电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 52速率Velocity(%) 85屏蔽衰减Shielding Effectiveness(>dB) 90最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -20—+80或-40—+80VHF >20回波损耗Return Loss(≥dB)UHF >20衰减Attenuation(20℃)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/100m)5 1.9550 4.79100 6.40200 8.96550 15.85750 18.87800 19.801000 21.50结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 铜包铝Copper Clad Aluminum2.742.绝缘体Dielectric 发泡聚乙烯Foam PE 7.243.外导体Outer Conductor 自粘铝箔+镀锡铜线编织Bonded Aluminum Foil+Tinned CoppperBraid8.04.护套Jacket 聚乙烯PE 10.16电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 78绝缘电阻Dielectric resistance(MΩ·km) ≥5000MΩ·km绝缘耐压Dielectric strength(kv) 4.5最大工作频率Max.Operating Frequency(MHz) 6000最大工作电压Max. Operating V oltage(kv) 3.0工作温度Operating Temp.(℃)-40~+85电压驻波比VSWR5~3000MHz ≤1.25衰减(20℃,在海平面测试条件下)Attenuation @20℃and Sea Level频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/100m)350 9.0900 15.01800 20.01900 21.02500 25.03000 28.04000 34.05000 38.06000 42.0结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 裸铜线Bare Copper 1.632.绝缘体Dielectric 发泡聚乙烯Foam PE 7.113.外导体Outer Conductor 自粘铝箔+铝镁线编织Bonded Aluminum Foil+Aluminum Braid7.814.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯PVC or PE 10.03电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 52速率Velocity(%) 85屏蔽衰减Shielding Effectiveness(>dB) 90最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 4000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -20—+80或-40—+80VHF >20回波损耗Return Loss(≥dB)UHF >20衰减Attenuation(20℃)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/100m)5 1.2050 3.02100 4.32200 6.05550 10.40750 12.40800 12.951000 14.7结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀锡铜线Tinned Copper 19×0.182.绝缘体Dielectric 聚乙烯PE 2.953.外导体Outer Conductor 镀锡铜线编织Tinned Copper Braid 3.454.护套Jacket 黑色聚氯乙烯Black PVC 4.95电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 101速率Velocity(%) 66弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 25最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1900最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 1000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -40—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.151400 0.3081000 0.502结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 裸铜线Bare Copper 0.812.绝缘体Dielectric 发泡聚乙烯Foam PE3.663.外导体Outer Conductor 自粘铝箔+铝镁线编织Bonded Aluminum Foil+Aluminum Braid4.284.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯PVC or PE 6.10电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 52速率Velocity(%) 85屏蔽衰减Shielding Effectiveness(>dB) 70最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -20—+80或-40—+80VHF >20回波损耗Return Loss(≥dB)UHF >20衰减Attenuation频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)5 0.02750 0.063100 0.093200 0.12550 0.20750 0.23800 0.251000 0.27结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 铜包钢线Copper Clad Steel 0.642.绝缘体Dielectric 发泡聚乙烯Foam PE3.713.外导体Outer Conductor 裸铜线编织Bare Copper Braid4.204.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯PVC 6.15电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 93电容Capacitance(pF/m) 45速率Velocity(%) 82弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 45最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 3000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 1000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -40—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.092400 0.1901000 0.312结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 0.942.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.953.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 3.454.护套Jacket 玻璃纤维编织Fiber Glass Braid 4.83电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 25最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1900最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 8000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+250衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.125400 0.2561000 0.4203000 0.7815000 1.050结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 0.942.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.953.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid3.954.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 4.95电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 25最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1900最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 8000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.125400 0.2561000 0.4203000 0.7815000 1.050结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 裸铜线Bare Copper 7×0.162.绝缘体Dielectric 聚乙烯PE 1.523.外导体Outer Conductor 镀锡铜线编织Tinned Copper Braid 2.054.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯PVC 2.60电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 101速率Velocity(%) 66弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1500最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 1000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -40—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.276400 0.5581000 0.899RG 178 FEP结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 0.863.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 1.304.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.83电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+150衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.453400 0.9121000 1.4603000 2.650RG 178结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 0.863.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 1.304.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.83电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.453400 0.9121000 1.4573000 2.572RG 179 FEP结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.603.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 2.044.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.54电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 64速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+150衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.266400 0.5411000 0.875RG 179结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.603.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 2.044.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.54电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 64速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.266400 0.5411000 0.869RG 179D FEP结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.603.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid2.504.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 3.00电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 64速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+150衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.266400 0.5411000 0.875RG 179D结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.603.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid2.504.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 3.00电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 64速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.266400 0.5411000 0.869结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.593.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 3.004.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 3.56电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 95电容Capacitance(pF/m) 51速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 15最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1500最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.207400 0.4201000 0.676结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.603.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 2.044.护套Jacket 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.67电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 64速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+250衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.266400 0.5411000 0.869结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.172.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.523.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 1.954.护套Jacket 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.67电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 13最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+250衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.262400 0.5311000 0.8563000 1.532结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.593.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 3.004.护套Jacket 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 3.58电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 95电容Capacitance(pF/m) 51速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 15最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1500最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+250衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.207400 0.4201000 0.676结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 0.863.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 1.304.护套Jacket 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.71电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 10最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+250衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.453400 0.9121000 1.4573000 2.572结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 裸铜线Bare Copper 7×0.7522.绝缘体Dielectric 聚乙烯PE 7.243.外导体Outer Conductor 裸铜线编织Bare Copper Braid 7.854.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯PVC 10.30电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 101速率Velocity(%) 66弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 40最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 5000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 1000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -40—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.066400 0.1411000 0.240结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.7522.绝缘体Dielectric 聚乙烯PE 7.243.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银铜线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid8.404.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯PVC 10.80电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 101速率Velocity(%) 66弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 40最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 5000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 11000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -40—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.066400 0.1411000 0.2403000 0.4665000 0.64611000 1.109结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 0.902.绝缘体Dielectric 聚乙烯PE 2.953.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银铜线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid3.954.护套Jacket 聚氯乙烯PVC5.30电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 101速率Velocity(%) 66弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 25最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1900最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 12400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -40—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.131400 0.2691000 0.4403000 0.8145000 1.09911000 1.775结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 0.642.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE3.713.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid4.214.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP5.13电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 75电容Capacitance(pF/m) 64速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 25最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 2300最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.105400 0.2171000 0.3543000 0.666结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 0.942.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.953.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 3.454.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 4.32电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 20最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1900最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.125400 0.2561000 0.4203000 0.781RG 304结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 1.502.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 4.703.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid5.704.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 7.11电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 36最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 3000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 12000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.082400 0.1741000 0.2893000 0.5515000 0.755RG 316 FEP结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.172.绝缘体Dielectric 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.523.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid1.954.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.50电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 13最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+150衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.262400 0.5311000 0.8603000 1.650RG 316结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.172.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.523.外导体Outer Conductor 镀银线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 1.954.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.50电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 13最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.262400 0.5311000 0.8563000 1.532RG 316D FEP结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.172.绝缘体Dielectric 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.523.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid2.404.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.90电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 15最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+80衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.262400 0.5311000 0.8603000 1.650结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.172.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.523.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid2.404.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.90电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 15最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1200最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.262400 0.5311000 0.8563000 1.532结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 7×0.7922.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 7.243.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid8.504.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 9.91电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 51最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 5000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 11000温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.066400 0.1411000 0.2363000 0.4635000 0.64011000 1.089结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜线Silver Plated Copper 19×0.2032.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.953.外导体Outer Conductor 双层镀银线编织Double Silver Plated Copper Braid3.954.护套Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 4.95电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 105速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 25最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1900最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 12400温度范围Operating Temp. (℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.144400 0.2951000 0.4823000 0.8835000 1.18411000 1.899结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜Silver Plated Copper 1.652.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 5.313.外导体Outer Conductor 紫铜管Copper Tube 6.35电性能参数&机械性能参数Electrical Characteristics&Mechanical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 95灭晕电压Corona Extinction V oltage(VRMS@60Hz) 3000试验电压Test V oltage(VRMS@60Hz) 7500截止频率Moding Frequency(GHz) 19最小弯曲半径Min. Bending Radius(mm) 22.23外导体承受温度Outer Conductor Integrity Temp.(℃) 150工作温度范围Operating Temp.(℃) -55—125衰减和平均功率(20℃,在海平面测试条件下)Attenuation&Average Power@20℃and Sea Level 频率Frequency(GHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/100m) 功率Power(Watts CW)0.5 15.08 1332.11.0 22.30 914.65.0 57.05 364.410.0 88.55 238.2结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel镀银铜Silver Plated Copper0.922.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 2.983.外导体Outer Conductor 紫铜管Copper Tube 3.58电性能参数&机械性能参数Electrical Characteristics& Mechanical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 95灭晕电压Corona Extinction V oltage(VRMS@60Hz) 1900试验电压Test V oltage(VRMS@60Hz) 5000截止频率Moding Frequency(GHz) 34最小弯曲半径Min. Bending Radius(mm) 12.50外导体承受温度Outer Conductor Integrity Temp.(℃) 175工作温度范围Operating Temp.(℃) -55—125衰减和平均功率(20℃,在海平面测试条件下)Attenuation&Average Power@20℃and Sea Level 频率Frequency(GHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/100m) 功率Power(Watts CW)0.5 25.58 600.51.0 37.05 417.55.0 90.82 174.410.0 136.07 117.520.0 208.53 77.9结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢线Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel 7×0.1022.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 0.863.内编织层Inner Braid 镀银铜线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 1.264.内护套Inner Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 1.885.外编织层Outer Braid 镀银铜线编织Silver Plated Copper Braid 2.296.外护套Outer Jacket 聚全氟乙丙烯FEP 2.95电性能参数Electrical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 96速率Velocity(%) 70弯曲半径Bending Radius(mm) 15最大工作电压Max.Oper. V oltage(VMS) 1000最大工作频率Max.Oper. Frequency (MHz) 3000温度范围Operating Temp.(℃) -55—+200衰减Attenuation(Typical)频率Frequency(MHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/m)100 0.453400 0.9121000 1.4573000 2.572RG 405结构参数Construction Specification材料Material 直径Diameter(mm)1.内导体Inner Conductor 镀银铜包钢Silver Plated Copper Clad Steel镀银铜Silver Plated Copper0.512.绝缘体Dielectric 聚四氟乙烯PTFE 1.683.外导体Outer Conductor 紫铜管Copper Tube 2.20电性能参数&机械性能参数Electrical Characteristics& Mechanical Characteristics阻抗Impedance(Ohm) 50电容Capacitance(pF/m) 95灭晕电压Corona Extinction V oltage(VRMS@60Hz) 1500试验电压Test V oltage(VRMS@60Hz) 5000截止频率Moding Frequency(GHz) 61最小弯曲半径Min. Bending Radius(mm) 7.63外导体承受温度Outer Conductor Integrity Temp.(℃) 175工作温度范围Operating Temp.(℃) -55—+125衰减和平均功率(20℃,在海平面测试条件下)Attenuation&Average Power@20℃and Sea Level 频率Frequency(GHz) 衰减Attenuation(dB/100m) 功率Power(Watts CW)0.5 44.59 232.01.0 63.94 162.45.0 150.49 69.810.0 221.31 47.920.0 328.86 32.6。

本产品针对隧道环境设计,适用于民用无线广播、民用对讲、地铁公安消防无线、专用TETRA系统,铁路无线列调、GSM-R、CDMA800、GSM900 等系统,具有优异的低频电气性能。
电气性能电容 75.0 pF/m特性阻抗 50±2Ω绝缘电阻≥10000 MΩ.km护套火花电压 10000V传输速率 89%绝缘电压 15 kV内导体直流电阻 1.50Ω/KM外导体直流电阻 1.60Ω/KM可用频段 5-1000MHz最佳频段 350-960MHz禁用频段 500-530MHz&750-800MHz电压驻波比 1 / 375~150MHz ≤1.3 350~470MHz ≤1.3 800~900MHz ≤1.3环境性能和机械性能储存温度 -55℃~+85℃安装温度 -40℃~+80℃操作温度 -55℃~+85℃相对湿度 95%ROHS 符合最小弯曲半径,单次 500mm最小弯曲半径,多次 700mm最小弯曲次数 15抗拉强度 3000N弯曲力矩 16.0N.m推荐卡具间距 0.8~1.2m最小离墙间距 50mm衰减和耦合损耗频率衰减耦合损耗 MHz dB/100m 95%,2m,dB75 0.6 72100 0.7 74150 0.9 76350 1.4 72450 1.6 70800 2.4 63900 2.7 622:50Ω皱纹铜管漏泄同轴电缆50欧姆漏泄同轴电缆主要用于隧道、矿井、地铁、大型建筑内及高速公路、铁路等场合无线电波不能直接传播或传播不良的特殊环境内,兼有信号传播和发送、接收天线的双重功能。

使用U L线材基本介绍UL1003?300V60C?UL1004??80C?UL1005?90C?UL1006105C?UL1007UL1015UL1061UL1102600V80CUL1107300V60C,30-16AWG同轴电缆。
电子电器内部连接线UL1108300V80CUL1109300V90CUL1110300V105CUL1113600V60CUL1150300V60CUL1153300V60CUL1164300V150C32-10AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质PTFEUL1199UL1126UL1213105C36-16AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质FEPUL1227105C32-10AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质FEP/PTFE UL1232600V105CUL1275600V105 CUL1284600V105C UL1316699105C UL1317600V105C UL1318600V105CUL137530V80C UL1380300V80C UL1387300V60C UL1419?105CUL1423105C36-20AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质PTFEUL1429,150V80C交联PVC线30-16AWG,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝标准UL758电子电器设备内部连接线UL1430,300V105C交联PVC线30-16AWG,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝标准UL758电子电器设备内部连接线UL1431600V105 C交联PVC线30-16AWG,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝标准UL758电子电器设备内部连接线UL1436300V80CUL1481UL1500600V105CUL1503150V80CUL1505600V105C20-650MCM辐照交联PE线,XLPEUL1507600V80CUL1508UL1511?300V60CUL1512105C16-14AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质ETFE UL1513105C36-20AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质ETFE UL1516105C36-20AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质ETFEUL1524UL1547300V60CUL1478?30V80CUL1500?600V105CUL1551?125V80CUL1552125N80CUL1553??80 C30-16AWG录音录像系统UL1554300V80CUL1557105CUL1558125C34-16AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质ETFEUL1592?300V200C单芯特氟龙线,32-16AWG外被材质FEP UL159630V60CUL159780CUL159830V80CUL1609125V105C36-6AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质FTFE UL1610105C32-10AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质ETFEUL1617600V105C30AWG-16AWG电子设备内部连接线UL1618300V80C14-30AWG电子设备内部连接线加强型电子线UL1618300V80CUL164990V105C400-1500MIL单芯特氟龙线,外被材质FTEF UL165180CUL1659?600V250C26-4AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被PTFEUL166060CUL166460CUL1666300V150CUL1667600V150CUL1668300V200CUL1684UL1689105C32-16AWG单芯特氟龙线,外被材质ECTFE UL1691?30V80C16-40AWG视听设备内部连线UL1694UL169730V60CUL170330V60CUL1704,300V150°32-10AWG镀银,镀锡,镀镍软铜丝,铁氟龙线航空冶金石油仪器仪表,变压器电机引出线UL1705UL170730V200C单芯特氟龙线,32-20AWG外被材质PFAUL1721UL1731300V105 CUL173230V80CUL1736300V150CUL1737600V150CUL1739600V200C UL174130V60C UL1745UL1750UL1764UL1781600V105C UL1782300V105C UL1783600V105C UL1787300V80CUL178930V80C32-16AWG电子电器内部连接线无卤连接线UL1792?30V80CUL1794600V105CUL1800300V105CUL1801300V80CUL183230V60CUL183330V60CUL1835600V150CUL1839600V80CUL184730V105C?MIN40AWG单芯特氟龙线。

绝缘层、护层材料和使用温度G (一
H (耐
□ 补偿导线的结构特征及使用温度
聚氯乙烯V -20~100℃
无碱玻璃丝 B -25~200℃
聚四氟乙烯 F -25~200℃
阅读(58)| 评论(1)| 引用(0) |举报。

NS160N NS160N NS160N
NS250N NS250N NS250N
NS400N NS400N NS400N
NS630N NS630N NS630N
施耐德电气公司宣传培训部-施耐德介绍- 06/2000
变压器容量 并联数量 N*KVA 变压器 额定电流 In(A) 变压器 短路电 压 Ucc% 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 进线 短路电流 KA 进线断路器 最小分断能力 KA 进线断路 器型号 出线 短路电流 KA 出线断路器 型号 〈 =100A NS100N NS100H NS100H NS100N NS100H NS100H NS100N NS100H NS630H NS100H NS100H NS100L NS100H NS100L NS100L NS100H NS100L NS100L NS100H NS100L NS100L NS100L 160A 250A 400A 630A
22 44 67 19 38 56 23 47 70 29 59 88 38 75 133 47 94 141 59 117 74 148
NS160N NS160N NS160H NS160N NS160H NS160H NS160N NS160H NS160H NS160N NS160H NS160L NS160H NS160L NS160L NS160H NS160L NS160L NS160H NS160L NS160L NS160L
框架电流 08: 800A 10: 1000A 12: 1250A 16: 1600A 20: 2000A
25: 32: 40: 50: 63:

12芯ADSS光缆 12芯普通光缆 24芯ADSS光缆 24芯普通光缆 36芯ADSS光缆 36芯普通光缆 48芯ADSS光缆 48芯普通光缆
ADSS(全介质自承式),12芯,G.652光纤,AT护套,200m档距 普通光缆,12芯,G.652光纤,非金属芯 ADSS(全介质自承式),24芯,G.652光纤,AT护套,200m档距 普通光缆,24芯,G.652光纤,非金属芯 ADSS(全介质自承式),36芯,G.652光纤,AT护套,200m档距 普通光缆,36芯,G.652光纤,非金属芯 ADSS(全介质自承式),48芯,G.652光纤,AT护套,200m档距 普通光缆,48芯,G.652光纤,非金属芯
ADSS-12B1-AT-200m GYFTY-12B1 ADSS-24B1-AT-200m GYFTY-24B1 ADSS-36B1-AT-200m GYFTY-36B1 ADSS-48B1-AT缆 分支光缆 分支光缆 分支光缆 分支光缆 主干光缆 主干光缆

超五类非屏蔽双绞线采用4 个绕对和1 条抗拉线,其线对颜色与五类双绞线完全相同,分别为白橙、橙、白绿、绿、白蓝、蓝、白棕和棕。
裸铜线径为0.51mm(线规为24awg),绝缘线径为0.92mm,utp 电缆直径为5mm。

SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECTThe A5364CA is a low-current, CMOS circuit providing all of the required features for an ionization-type smoke detector. A networking capability allows as many as 125 units to be interconnected so that if any unit senses smoke, all units will sound an alarm. In addition,special features are incorporated to facilitate alignment and test of the finished smoke detector. This device is designed to comply with Underwriters Laboratories Specification UL217.The internal oscillator and timing circuitry keeps standby power to a minimum by powering down the device for 1.66 seconds and sensing smoke for only 10 ms. Every 24 on/off cycles, a check is made for low battery condition. By substituting other types of sensors, or a switch for the ionization detector, this very-low power device can be used in numerous other battery-operated safety/security applications.The A5364CA is supplied in a low-cost, 16-pin dual in-line plastic package. It is rated for continuous operation over the temperaturerange of 0°C to +50°C. Similar devices. with an internal timer to allow for a period of reduced sensitivity (“hush”), are available as the A5368CA.Always order by complete part number: A5364CA .Data Sheet 26110.7AFEATURESI Interconnect Up to 125 Detectors I Piezoelectric Horn DriverI Guard Outputs for Detector Input I Pulse Testing for Low Battery I Power-ON ResetI Internal Reverse Battery ProtectionI Built-In Hysteresis Reduces False Triggering ITemporal Horn Pattern53645364SMOKE DETECTOR WITHINTERCONNECT115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000Copyright © 1998, 1999 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.9 VGUARD GUARD +V581110712691415165364SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECTTestLimitsCharacteristic Pin Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units Supply Voltage Range 6Operating6.09.012V Detector Input Current 150 to 40% RH, V IN = 0 to 9.0 V ——±1.0pA Input Offset Voltage14-15Active Guard ——±100mV 16-15Active Guard ——±100mV 15-13Detect Comparator ——±50mV Hysteresis13No Alarm to Alarm 90130170mV Common Mode Range14-15Guard Amplifier 2.0—V DD - 0.5V 13-15Smoke Comparator 0.5—V DD - 2.0V Active Guard Impedance14to V SS —10—k Ω16to V SS —500—k Ω Oscillator Period12No Alarm 1.34 1.67 2.00s Alarm324048ms Oscillator Pulse Width 48.01012ms Low Voltage Threshold 6T A = 0 to 50°C7.2—7.8V Sensitivity Adj. Voltage 13V 13/V DD , pin 13 open circuit 48.55051.5% Horn Output Voltage10-11I OUT = 16 mA, V DD = 9.0 V —0.10.5V I OUT = 16 mA, V DD = 7.2 V ——0.9V I OUT = -16 mA, V DD = 9.0 V 8.58.8—V I OUT = -16 mA, V DD = 7.2 V6.3——V Horn Output ON Time10-11Alarm (see figure, time “A”)450500550ms Low Battery8.01012ms Horn Output OFF Time10-11Alarm (see figure, time “B”)450500550ms Alarm (see figure, time “C”)135015001650ms Low Battery324048s LED Output ON Current 5V DD = 7.2 V, V OUT = 1.0 V 10——mA LED Output ON Time 5No Local Alarm; Not Latched 8.01012ms LED Output OFF Time5No Alarm, In Standby324048sELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C, V DD = 9.0 V, V SS = 0 V, C 12 = 0.1 µF,R 7 = 8.2 M Ω (unless otherwise noted).Continued next page . . .NOTE 1:Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device pin.NOTE 2:Alarm (Smoke) Condition is defined as V 15 < V 13; No Alarm (No Smoke) Condition as V 15 > V 13.5364SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECT115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000I/O Current2No Alarm, V I/O = V DD - 2.0 V 25—60µA Alarm, V I/O = V DD - 2.0 V-7.5——mA I/O Alarm Voltage 2External “Alarm” In 3.0——V I/O Delay 2“Alarm” Out— 3.0—s Supply Current6V DD = 9.0 V, No Alarm, No Loads — 5.09.0µA V DD = 12 V, No Alarm, No Loads——12µATestLimitsCharacteristic Pin Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe A5364CA is a low-current CMOS circuit providing all of the required features for an ionization-type smoke detector.Oscillator. An internal oscillator operates with a period of 1.67 seconds during no-smoke conditions. Every 1.67 seconds,internal power is applied to the entire circuit and a check is made for smoke. Every 24clock cycles (40 seconds), the LED is pulsed and a check is made for low battery by comparing V DD to an internal reference.Because very-low currents are used in the device, the oscillator capacitor at pin 12should be a low-leakage type (PTFE, polysty-rene, or polypropylene).Detector Circuitry. When smoke isdetected, the resistor divider network that sets the sensitivity (smoke trip point) is altered to increase the sensitivity set voltage (pin 13) by typically 130 mV with no external connec-tions to pins 3 or 13. This provides hysteresis and reduces false triggering. An active guard is provided on both pins adjacent to the detector input (pin 15). The voltage at pins 14 and 16 will be within 100 mV of the input.This will keep surface leakage currents to a minimum and provide a method of measuring the input voltage without loading the ionization chamber. The active guard amplifier is not power strobed and thus provides constant protection from surface leakage currents. The detector input has internal diode protection against static damage.Alarm Circuitry. If smoke is detected, the oscillator period changes to 40 ms and the horn is enabled. The horn output is typically 0.5 s ON, 0.5 s OFF, 0.5 s ON, 0.5 s OFF, 0.5 s ON, 1.5 s OFF (temporal horn pattern). During the OFF time, smoke is checked and will inhibit further alarm output if smoke is not sensed. During smoke conditions the low battery alarm is inhibited and the LED is driven at a 1 Hz rate.Sensitivity Adjust. The detector sensitivity to smoke is set inter-nally by a voltage divider connected between V DD and V SS . Thesensitivity can be externally adjusted to the individual characteristics of the ionization chamber by connecting a resistor between pin 13 and V DD , or between pin 13 and V SS .Low Battery. The low battery threshold is set internally by a voltage divider connected between V DD and V SS . The threshold can be in-creased by connecting a resistor between pin 3 and V DD . The threshold can be decreased by connecting a resistor between pin 3 and V SS . The battery voltage level is checked every 40 seconds during the 10 mA,10 ms LED pulse. If an LED is not used, it should be replaced with an equivalent resistor (typically 500 Ω to 1000 Ω) such that the battery loading remains at 10 mA.NOTE 1:Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device pin.NOTE 2:Alarm (Smoke) Condition is defined as V 15 < V 13; No Alarm (No Smoke) Condition as V 15 > V 13.5364SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECTV12OSC. CAPINTERNAL CLOCKLED SMOKE COMPARATORSMOKE CHAMBERHORNDwg. WC-003-3I/OI/O. A connection is provided at pin 2 to allow multiple smoke detectors to becommoned. If any single unit detects smoke (I/O is driven high), all connected units will sound their associated horns after a nominal 3second delay. The LED is suppressed when an alarm is signaled from an interconnected unit.Testing. On power up, all internal counters are reset. Internal test circuitry allows for low battery check by holding pins 8 and 12low during power up, then reducing V DD and monitoring HORN 1 (pin 10). All functional tests can be accelerated by driving pin 12with a 2 kHz square wave. The 10 ms strobe period must be maintained for proper opera-tion of the comparator circuitry.313TIMING DIAGRAM IN TYPICAL APPLICATION5364SMOKE DETECTOR WITHINTERCONNECT115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000I/O OPERATIONINTERNAL CLOCKHORNV2 IN I/OV2 OUT I/OINTERNAL CLOCKDwg. WC-004-2HORN5364SMOKE DETECTOR WITH INTERCONNECTDimensions in Inches(controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters(for reference only)NOTES:1.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.Dwg. MA-001-16A in1618Dwg. MA-001-16A mm16185364SMOKE DETECTOR WITHINTERCONNECT115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000The products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, ormanufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.SAFETY & SECURITY ICsPart Number FunctionA3054KU/SU Multiplexed two-wire Hall-effect sensorA5348CA Ionization-type smoke detector with interconnect, timer, and reverse-battery protection A5349CA Ionization-type smoke detector with interconnect and timer for ac line operation A5350CA Ionization-type smoke detector with interconnect and reverse-battery protection A5354CA Ionization-type smoke detector with interconnect and reverse-battery protection A5358CA Photoelectric-type smoke detector with interconnect and timerA5364CA Ionization-type smoke detector with interconnect, reverse-battery protection,and temporal horn patternA5368CAIonization-type smoke detector with interconnect, timer, reverse-battery protection,and temporal horn pattern。

乙丙绝缘氯丁内套裸钢丝编织铠装船用电力电缆,DA 型 乙丙绝缘氯丁内套钢丝编织铠装聚氯乙烯外套船用电力电缆,DA 型 乙丙绝缘氯丁护套船用电力软电缆,DA 型 乙丙绝缘氯磺化聚乙烯护套船用电力电缆,DA 型
铜芯橡皮绝缘棉纱或其它相当纤维编织电线 铜芯橡皮绝缘氯丁或其他相当的合成胶混合物护套电线 铜芯橡皮绝缘棉纱或其它相当纤维编织软电线 铜芯橡皮绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆(线) 铜芯橡皮绝缘黑色聚乙烯护套电线 铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘电线 铜芯辐照交联聚乙烯绝缘电线 额定电压 300/500 铜芯聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 铜包铝线 乙丙绝缘氯丁护套船用电力电缆,DA 型 乙丙绝缘氯丁内套裸铜丝编织铠装船用电力电缆,DA 型 乙丙绝缘氯丁内套铜丝编织铠装聚氯乙烯外套船用电力电缆,DA 型
聚氯乙烯绝缘Байду номын сангаас护套电梯及可挠性连接用扁形电缆

PA2464/PA2464-LFPower Amplifier ICPrinceton Technology Corp. reserves the right to change the product described in this datasheet. All information con-tained in this datasheet is subject to change without prior notice. Princeton Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits shown in this datasheet.DescriptionThe PA2464/PA2464-LF is a Power Amplifier (PA) IC as the final RF amplifier for hand-held applications in the 400MHz to 480MHz band.Featuresu Single 3.5V to 6V Supply Voltageu+36dBm Output Poweru75% Efficiencyu8-pin SOP(FD) package (5mm x 4mm)Applicationsu FRS, GMRS Handsetsu Commercial and Consumer Systemsu Portable Battery-Powered Equipmentu Long distance Remote ControlBlock DiagramRFIN Match Match RF OUTPUTvccPower ControlPAICPA2464/PA2464-LF Power Amplifier Package and Pin Assignment: 8-Pin SOP(FD)Dimensions in mm Dimensions in inchSymbolsmin.nom.max.min.nom.max.A 1.45 1.50 1.550.0570.0590.061A10.00---0.100.000—0.004A2--- 1.45------0.057---B0.33---0.510.013---0.020C0.19---0.250.007---0.010D 4.80--- 5.000.189---0.197E 3.80--- 4.000.150---0.157e— 1.27——0.050—H 5.80--- 6.200.228---0.244L0.40— 1.270.016—0.050y——0.10——0.004θ0°—8°0°—8°PA2464/PA2464-LF Power Amplifier Pin DescriptionsNumber Name I/O Description1APC1I Analog Power Control2NC I No Connection3RF_IN I RF Input4VCC Power Power supply for PA5L2I Connect to PIN4 through a matching section,do not short to GND or PIN4.6RF_OUT O RF Output7RF_OUT O RF Output8APC2I Analog Power ControlPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierAbsolute Maximum RatingsV SS = V SS1 = 0 VRecommended Operating ConditionsV SS = V SS1 = 0 VParameterSymbol Rating Unit Supply Voltage V CC 6V Supply current Icc 1000mA Input PowerP IN 10dBmOperating Temperature Range T OPR 5 to 100°C Storage Temperature Range T STG –40 to 125°C Soldering Temperature Range T SLD 255°CSoldering Time Ranget SLD10sParameterSymbolValueUnitmin.typ.max.Supply Voltage Range V CC 3.56V Operating TemperatureT A-302585°CPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics(V CC = 6V, V SS = 0V, T A = 25°C, RL=50 Ohm)ParameterSymbol ConditionValueUnitmin.typ.max.VCC Supply Voltage V CC 6V Frequency Range f 400480MHz Input Power P IN -5-dBm Output Power P OUTP IN =5dBm -36dBm EfficiencyP IN =5dBm 75%Current Cousumption I P OUT =36dBm,V CC =6V9001000mA Control Voltage Range V APC0.21.6V Full Power Control Voltage P OUT =36dBm1.5V Control Current into V APCI APC40mA 2nd to 13th Harmonic Distortion P OUT =36dBm -20dBc Input VSWRAll power level 1.5:12:1Rise Time and Fall TimeP OUT =36dBm2µsecPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics(V CC = 4.5V, V SS = 0V, T A = 25°C, RL=50 Ohm)ParameterSymbol ConditionValueUnitmin.typ.max.VCC Supply Voltage V CC 4.5V Frequency Range f 400480MHz Input Power P IN -5-dBm Output Power P OUTP IN =5dBm -35dBm EfficiencyP IN =5dBm 65%Current Cousumption I P OUT =35dBm,V CC =4.5V10701200mA Control Voltage Range V APC0.21.4V Full Power Control Voltage P OUT =35dBm1.3V Control Current into V APCI APC40mA 2nd to 13th Harmonic Distortion P OUT =35dBm -20dBc Input VSWRAll power level 1.5:12:1Rise Time and Fall TimeP OUT =35dBm2µsecPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics(V CC = 3.5V, V SS = 0V, T A = 25°C, RL=50 Ohm)ParameterSymbol ConditionValueUnitmin.typ.max.VCC Supply Voltage V CC 3.5V Frequency Range f 400480MHz Input Power P IN -5-dBm Output Power P OUTP IN =5dBm -34dBm EfficiencyP IN =5dBm 60%Current Cousumption I P OUT =34dBm,V CC =3.5V11801300mA Control Voltage Range V APC0.21.5V Full Power Control Voltage P OUT =34dBm1.4V Control Current into V APCI APC40mA 2nd to 13th Harmonic Distortion P OUT =34dBm -20dBc Input VSWRAll power level 1.5:12:1Rise Time and Fall TimeP OUT =34dBm2µsecPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics(V CC = 3.0V, V SS = 0V, T A = 25°C, RL=50 Ohm)ParameterSymbol ConditionValueUnitmin.typ.max.VCC Supply Voltage V CC 3V Frequency Range f 400480MHz Input Power P IN -5-dBm Output Power P OUTP IN =5dBm -33dBm EfficiencyP IN =5dBm 55%Current Cousumption I P OUT =33dBm,V CC =3V11901300mA Control Voltage Range V APC0.21.5V Full Power Control Voltage P OUT =33dBm1.4V Control Current into V APCI APC40mA 2nd to 13th Harmonic Distortion P OUT =33dBm -20dBc Input VSWRAll power level 1.5:12:1Rise Time and Fall TimeP OUT =33dBm2µsecPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierBOM* air coil inductorVCC 3V 3.5V 4.5V 6V 6V 6V Freq.(MHz)465465465465465465Pout 33dBm 34dBm 35dBm 36dBm 3W 2W EFF(%)556065756555Vapc 1.42V1.39V1.28V1.5V1.36V1.09VC1/C21nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF 1nF C3/C4/C51uF 1uF 1uF 1uF 1uF 1uF C6100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF C76pF 6pF 6pF 6pF 7pF 4.7pF C86pF 6pF 6pF 18pF 12pF 10pF C918pF 18pF 18pF 100pF 100pF 100pF C10100pF 100pF 100pF 11pF 7pF 7pF C116pF 6pF 6pF 5pF 5pF 5pF C127pF 7pF 7pF 8pF 7pF 7pF C134pF 5pF 6pF 15pF 15pF 15pF C146pF 6pF 6pF ---L1/L2100nH 100nH 100nH 100nH 100nH 100nH L315nH 15nH 15nH 15nH 12nH 15nH L4---10nH 22nH 22nH *L5/L625nH 25nH 25nH 25nH 25nH 25nH R1/R20 ohm0 ohm0 ohm0 ohm0 ohm0 ohmPA2464/PA2464-LF Power AmplifierInput Impedance 465MHz,Pin=5dBmNOTE:1. C7=C6=100pF,C8=X,L3=X 2. Z0=50 ohm,Vcc=3V,Vapc=1.42V,Vcc=3.5V,Vapc=1.39V,Vcc=4.5V,Vapc=1.28V。

弱电线规格缆型图片及说明大全Modified by JACK on the afternoon of December 26, 2020常用弱电线缆型号大全及说明名称图例表示方法用途SYV系列75欧姆实芯聚乙烯绝缘SYV 75-5-1(A、B、C)S: 射频 Y:聚乙烯绝缘 V:聚氯乙烯护套 A:64编 B:96编C:128编75:75欧姆 5:线径为5MM 1:代表单芯通常用于电视监控系统的视频传输,适合视频图像传输SYWV(Y)、SYKV 有线电视、宽带网专用电缆SYWV 75-5-1S: 射频 Y:聚乙烯绝缘 W:物理发泡 V:聚氯乙烯护套75:75欧姆5:线缆外径为5MM 1:代表单芯通常用于卫星电视传输以及有线电视传输等,适合射频传输。
RG-58--96#-镀锡铜编织-50欧通常用于弱电视频图像传输或HFC 网络等。
适用于楼宇对讲、防盗报警、消防、自动抄表等工程RVVP2*32/ RVV2* BVR R: 软线 VV:双层护套线 P屏蔽2:2芯多股线32:每芯有32根铜丝:每根铜丝直径为0.2MMRVB扁型无护套软电线或电缆AVRB 通常用于背景音乐和公共广播,也可做弱电供电电源线。
ZR-RVS2*24/ZR: 阻燃 R: 软线 S:双绞线2:2芯多股线24:每芯有24根铜丝:每根铜丝直径为0.12MM通常用于公共广播系统/背景音乐系统布线,消防系统布线。

注:*执行单元为iINT系列负荷隔离开关、NSX系列塑壳断路器、 NSX-NA系列负荷隔离开关、NS系列塑壳断路器,具体详 见产品性能参数
B22 **
(**)PC级转 换开关无此功能
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Single supply: 1.8 V to 5.5 V Two-wire serial interface (I2CTM serial bus* 1) Clock frequency: 400 kHz Power dissipation: Standby: 3 µA(max) Active (Read): 1 mA(max) Active (Write): 3 mA(max) • Automatic page write: 32-byte/page • Write cycle time: 10 ms (2.7 V to 5.5 V )/15ms (1.8 V to 2.7 V ) • • • •
Parameter Clock frequency Clock pulse width low Clock pulse width high Noise suppression time Access time Bus free time for next mode Start hold time Start setup time Data in hold time Data in setup time Input rise time Input fall time Stop setup time Data out hold time Write cycle time VCC = 2.7 V to 5.5 V VCC = 1.8 V to 2.7 V Symbol f SCL t LOW t HIGH tI t AA t BUF t HD.STA t SU.STA t HD.DAT t SU.DAT tR tF t SU.STO t DH t WC t WC Min — 1200 600 — 100 1200 600 600 0 100 — — 600 50 — — Typ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Max 400 — — 50 900 — — — — — 300 300 — — 10 15 Unit kHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ms ms 2 2 1 1 1 Notes

ST630 ST800 ST1000 ST1250 ST1600 ST2000 ST2500 ST3150 ST3500 ST4000 ST4500 ST5000 ST5400 ST6000 纵向拉伸630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 3500 4000 4500 5000 5400 6300 长度N/mm钢丝绳最大公3.0 3.54.0 8.6 8.9/9.1 9.7 10.9 11.3 12.3称直径mm钢丝绳间10 10 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15/17 16 17 17 18距mm- 可修编-上覆盖层5 56 6 6 8 8 8 8 8/8 8 8.5 9 10厚度mm下覆盖层5 56 6 6 8 8 8 8 8/8 8 8.5 9 10厚度mm胶带参考18 19.5 21.5 22.2 26.1 33.1 35.3 41.1 45 45/45 51 59 62 65质量kg/宽度钢丝绳根数规格800 75 75 63 63 63 63 50 50 501000 95 95 79 79 79 79 64 64 64 64/65 59 55 55 54 1200 113 113 94 94 94 94 76 76 77 77/68 71 66 66 63 1400 133 133 111 111 111 111 89 89 90 90/79 84 78 78 74 1600 151 151 126 126 126 126 101 101 104 104/91 96 90 90 85 1800 171 143 143 143 143 114 114 117 117/103 109 102 102 96 2000 159 159 159 159 128 128 130 130/114 121 113 113 107 2200 176 141 141 144 144/125 134 125 125 118 2400 193 155 155 157 157/137 146 137 137 129- 可修编-2600 209 168 168 170 170/148 159 149 149 140 2800 184 184/160 171 161 161 151胶带质量根据覆盖胶厚度、密度变化说明:输送带单卷长度100-1500m, 受厚度、宽度、运输、安装等条件限制,每卷长度由供需双方确定。
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Symbol VCC Vin Topr Tstg
Value –0.6 to +7.0 –0.5* to +7.0* –20 to +85 –65 to +125
2 3
Unit V V ˚C ˚C
Notes: 1. Including electrical characteristics and data retention. 2. Vin (min): –3.0 V for pulse width ≤ 50 ns. 3. Should not exceed VCC + 1.0 V.
Block Diagram
VCC VSS Address generator WP A0, A1, A2 SCL SDA Control logic
High voltage generator
1. This parameter is sampled and not 100% tested.
AC Characteristics (Ta = –20 to +85˚C, VCC = 1.8 to 5.5 V)
DC Operating Conditions
Parameter Supply voltage Symbol VCC VSS Input high voltage Input low voltage Operating temperature VIH VIL Topr Min 1.8 0 VCC × 0.7 –0.3* –20
Parameter Input leakage current Output leakage current Standby V CC current Read VCC current Write VCC current Output low voltage Symbol I LI I LO I SB I CC1 I CC2 VOL2 Min — — — — — — Typ — — 1.0 — — — Max 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 0.4 Unit µA µA µA mA mA V Test conditions VCC = 5.5 V, Vin = 0 to 5.5 V VCC = 5.5 V, Vout = 0 to 5.5 V Vin = VSS or VCC VCC = 5.5 V, Read at 400 kHz VCC = 5.5 V, Write at 400 kHz VCC = 4.5 to 5.5 V, IOL = 1.6 mA VCC = 2.7 to 4.5 V, IOL = 0.8 mA VCC = 1.8 to 2.7 V, IOL = 0.4 mA VCC = 1.8 to 2.7 V, IOL = 0.2 mA
Pin Description
Pin name A0 to A2 SCL SDA WP VCC VSS Function Device address Serial clock input Serial data input/output Write protect Power supply Ground
• • • • •
Note: 1. I2C is a trademark of Philips Corporation.
Ordering Information
ADE-203-920A (Z) Rev. 1.0 Dec. 11, 1998 Description
HN58X24xx series are two-wire serial interface EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable ROM). They realize high speed, low power consumption and a high level of reliability by employing advanced MNOS memory technology and CMOS process and low voltage circuitry technology. They also have a 32-byte page programming function to make their write operation faster.
• • • • Single supply: 1.8 V to 5.5 V Two-wire serial interface (I2CTM serial bus* 1) Clock frequency: 400 kHz Power dissipation: Standby: 3 µA(max) Active (Read): 1 mA(max) Active (Write): 3 mA(max) Automatic page write: 32-byte/page Write cycle time: 10 ms (2.7 V to 5.5 V )/15ms (1.8 V to 2.7 V ) Endurance: 10 5 Cycles (Page write mode) Data retention: 10 Years Small size packages: TSSOP-8pin and SOP-8pin
Parameter Clock frequency Clock pulse width low Clock pulse width high Noise suppression time Access time Bus free time for next mode Start hold time Start setup time Data in hold time Data in setup time Input rise time Input fall time Stop setup time Data out hold time Write cycle time VCC = 2.7 V to 5.5 V VCC = 1.8 V to 2.7 V Symbol f SCL t LOW t HIGH tI t AA t BUF t HD.STA t SU.STA t HD.DAT t SU.DAT tR tF t SU.STO t DH t WC t WC Min — 1200 600 — 100 1200 600 600 0 100 — — 600 50 — — Typ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Max 400 — — 50 900 — — — — — 300 300 — — 10 15 Unit kHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ms ms 2 2 1 1 1 Notes
Pin Arrangement
8-pin TSSOP 8-pin SOP A0 A1 A2 VSS 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 (Top view) VCC WP SCL SDA
Typ — 0 — — —
Max 5.5 0 VCC + 1.0 VCC × 0.3 85
Unit V V V V ˚C
Notes: 1. VIL (min): –1.0 V for pulse width ≤ 50 ns.
DC Characteristics (Ta = –20 to +85˚C, VCC = 1.8 V to 5.5 V)VOL1—来自—0.2V
Capacitance (Ta = 25˚C, f = 1 MHz)
Parameter Symbol Min — — Typ — — Max 6.0 6.0 Unit pF pF Test conditions Vin = 0 V Vout = 0 V
Input capacitance (A0 to A2, SCL, WP) Cin*1 Output capacitance (SDA) Note: CI/O*
Test Conditions • Input pules levels: VIL = 0.2 × VCC VIH = 0.8 × VCC • Input rise and fall time: ≤ 20 ns • Input and output timing reference levels: 0.5 × VCC • Output load: TTL Gate + 100 pF
Type No. Internal organization Operating voltage Frequency Package 1.8 V to 5.5 V 400 kHz 150 mil 8-pin plastic SOP (FP-8DB) HN58X2402FP-SR 2k bit (256 × 8-bit) HN58X2404FP-SR 4k bit (512 × 8-bit) HN58X2408FP-SR 8k bit (1024 × 8-bit) HN58X2416FP-SR 16k bit (2048 × 8-bit) HN58X2432FP-SR 32k bit (4096 × 8-bit) HN58X2464FP-SR 64k bit (8192 × 8-bit) HN58X2402T-SR HN58X2404T-SR HN58X2408T-SR HN58X2416T-SR HN58X2432T-SR HN58X2464T-SR 2k bit (256 × 8-bit) 4k bit (512 × 8-bit) 8k bit (1024 × 8-bit) 16k bit (2048 × 8-bit) 32k bit (4096 × 8-bit) 64k bit (8192 × 8-bit) 1.8 V to 5.5 V 400 kHz 8-pin plastic TSSOP (TTP-8D)