





1. 表示因果关系的逻辑关系词因果关系是写作中常用的一种逻辑关系,以下是一些常用的表示因果关系的逻辑关系词。

首先,表示因果关系的逻辑关系词有"because","since","as","due to"等。

例如:"Because of the heavy rain, I couldn't go to the party."(因为下大雨,我无法去参加派对。


例如:"He didn't study for the test, so he failed."(他没有为考试复习,所以他失败了。

)2. 表示递进关系的逻辑关系词递进关系是指一个观点或事实进一步加强了之前的观点或事实。


首先是"moreover","furthermore","in addition"等。

例如:"Moreover, the study also showed that regular exercise can improve mental health."(此外,这项研究还表明定期运动可以改善心理健康。

)另外,可以使用"not only... but also"这一结构来表达递进关系。

例如:"Not only does he speak English fluently, but he also speaks French."(他不仅英语讲得流利,还会说法语。





因果关系的表达中大家最熟悉的莫过于because / so,还有很多其它表示因果关系的表达,比如:1、Because系列(表原因)1. because of :because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。

2. as / since (除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)3. thanks to (positive situations 通常适用于结果好的时候)due to (negative situations通常使用与结果不好的时候)owing to / attributable to /on account of4.当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thanks to the fact that / due to the fact that / owing to the fact that 或者on the grounds that ......5. caused by / result from 也表原因。

2、So系列(表结果)1. thus/ therefore / thereby / hencethus:表示‘in this/that way’therefore:表示‘for this reason’ /‘because of this or that’thereby:by that means,as a result of thathence:表示‘from this/that’2. as a result / as a consequence3. consequently /accordinglyconsequently 更偏重因果逻辑;accordingly 更偏重后续解决3、名词系列(因果)1. cause (of sth)/ reason 原因Obesity can be divided into three main causes – diet, lifestyle and education.2. result (for sth)/ effect 结果Another result is lack of self-esteem.3. causality 因果关系(cause and effect) causation 原因The correlation between population and housing price does not indicated causality, only the association.4. impact/influence 影响This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impacton your life.4、形容词系列(因果)表示因果的形容词不是很常用,使用时多和factor, element 结合1. causal 原因的,因果的Low income and elderly are among the potential causalfactors of prevalence of obesity among adults.2. consequential 结果的,随之发生的Measures other than ratings will prove more consequential.3. influential 影响的,有影响力的(大多数情况下使用第二个意思)Family is the most influential factor on happiness.20XX年12月9日雅思考试写作真题大作文高分范文题目是:A rise in the standard of living in a country often seems to only benefit cities rather than rural areas. What problems might this difference cause? How might these problems be reduced?在一个国家,生活水平的提高似乎只会让城市而不是农村地区受益。





1. 双名词从句式is because of the解析:适用于引入原因(带题目关键词)句型框架:主语从句(包括主从,宾从两个名词性从句)例句中,people from the countryside transfer to the city 是对题目关键信息的复述,句型中“原因”部分使用一个名词或名词词组。

Exercise:causes of congestion in megacities2. 三组P+O式Today more and more peopleand This results in burning lesscalories and gaining weight.解析:适用于解释句,说明三种具体原因或结论段总结原因和结果句型框架:主语and .O.3 . This results in doing sth.1 and doing sth.2.例句中,三组P+O (谓语+宾语)是平行结构,第二句的”This”指代三组P+O; doing sth.1 是result,doing sth.2是ultimate result。

Exercise: causes of overpopulation3. “原因+细化方面解释”式are another by-product of industries which poses threat to the environment;leather and tanning industries, petroleum industries and chemical manufacturing industries createmajor waste products which are released directly into nearby streams without treatment, creating river pollution and causing harm to aquatic life.解析:适用于说明一个原因(论点)后紧接着把这个原因的几个方面具体化论述。



解析雅思阅读考题中的因果关系逻辑词雅思阅读中,常见的因果关系逻辑词包括:表示原因的例如because, since, as, for, as a result of, due to, owing to等等;表示结果的例如therefore, thus, so, as a result, consequently等等。

除此之外,一些动词也有隐含的因果逻辑,比方有导致含义的动词比方:result in, give rise to, cause, lead to等;和一些有来自于含义的动词比方:result from, derive from等,而这些因果逻辑常常作为考点出现在雅思阅读的填空题和判断题中。

1.填空题中的因果关系逻辑词:以剑7 Test1 Passage1的11题sentencecompletion为例:Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because _____ are not used in their navigation system.首先,我们需要找到题目中的定位词。

这个题干中如果用radar, term 或者navigationsystem 作为定位词去寻找相关信息,可能会比拟困难,因为radar, navigationsystem就是原文中的主题词,而term作为一个抽象词很容易在文中被替换掉。



接下来,根据这个because和前一题的定位点的顺序原那么,我们不难在全文的E段第四行找到题干相关信息:Itistechnicallyincorrecttotalkaboutbat “radar〞, since they do not use radio waves. 本句中since和题干中的because对应,所以我们重点要去理解的就是since引导的原因状语从句里的信息。






Young people attend university. (主谓宾结构)They can find jobs easily. (主谓宾结构)然后通过下面这些连接的方法给连接起来。

1 状语从句(if, when+原因,结果)If Young people attend university, they can find jobs easily.2 状语从句(结果,as, because, since+原因)逻辑关系要比较强烈。

Young people can find jobs easily because they acquire skills at university. (要说他们获得技能,才可以上大学)3 状语从句(原因,so结果)Young people can acquire skills at university so they can find jobs easily.4 副词(原因; therefore, as a result, as a consequence, because of this, for this reason,结果)(注:这时候记得,这些词前面要加分号)Young people can acquire skills at university; therefore, they can find jobs easily.5 并列句(并列句一般前面是原因,后面是结果,但是因果关系不强烈)Young people can acquire skills at university and find jobs easily in the future.6 定语从句在句子前表示原因Young people who acquire skills at university can find jobs easily in the future.7 定语从句在句子后表示结果(这时候一定要注意从句的主语是前面句子最后一个单词)Young people can attent university to acquire skills, which can improve their job prospects.8 by+something or doing something 表示手段,也就是原因(by+原因,结果)By acquiring skills at university, young people can find jobs easily in the future.9 in order to, to表示结果或者目的Young people attend university in order to find jobs easily in the future.10 名词性从句(this means that, the consequence is that, this explains why+结果)Young people have chosen to attend university.This means that they can acquire skills to find jobs easily.大家现在练习一下这两个句子:政府要立法,这样人们才不会乱扔垃圾。




例如:Becauseoftheincreasingnumberofmachine—andaswenote dbefore,machinesmagnifyhumaneffort—thenanyoneusin gamachinecangetahigherwagethananyonenotusingamachine。

2、as/since(除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)hoursspentoncommuting,trafficjams,andfightsforparkingshoulddiminish,sinceworkersmakefewerjourneysorworkst aggeredhoursUnfortunately,asthenumberofpeoplelivinginthecityincreas es,sodothedifferentproblemsassociatedwithpopulationgro wth。


dueto(negativesituations通常使用与结果不好的时候)owingto/attributableto/onaccountofDueto/…/onaccountofe xtremeweatherconditions,damage topropertyoccurs。

4、当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thankstothefactthat/duetothefactthat/owingtothefactthat 或者onthegroundsthat,,,willwelivelongermerelyduetothefactthat/onthegroundstha ttechnology,ifimplementedproperly,willtakestressawayfro mourlives5、causedby/resultfrom也表原因manycaraccidentswereresultedfrom/causedbyalackofguar drailsSo系列(表结果)1、thus/therefore/thereby/hencethus:表示‘inthis/thatway’Asacountrydevelops,itscitiesbecometheenginesofdevelop ment,thusjobsareavailableintheseareas。



英语作文写作因果模板英文回答:因果关系模板:Because + 原因。

So + 结果。

Due to + 原因。

As a result + 结果。

Owing to + 原因。

Therefore + 结果。

Consequentially + 结果。

Hence + 结果。

In view of + 原因。

Consequently + 结果。

In light of + 原因。

Accordingly + 结果。

Since + 原因。

Hence + 结果。

As a consequence + 结果。

For this reason + 原因。

As a result + 结果。

Examples:Because I studied hard, I got good grades.Due to the heavy rain, the roads were flooded.As a result of the pandemic, many businesses were forced to close.Owing to the language barrier, communication was difficult.Therefore, we need to find a better solution.Consequentially, we decided to cancel the event.Hence, we must be more careful in the future.In view of these facts, we believe that the proposal is viable.Consequently, we recommend that the plan be implemented.In light of the new evidence, we have revised ourconclusions.Accordingly, we will need to adjust our strategy.Since we don't have enough time, we won't be able to finish the project.Hence, we will need to ask for an extension.As a consequence of the accident, the victim suffered serious injuries.For this reason, we need to be more aware of the risks.As a result of the investigation, we have identifiedthe root cause of the problem.中文回答:因果关系模板:因为 + 原因。



Tree diagram of single-cause-many effects
Effect one Effect two Effect three
Outline 1: (side-by-side pattern)
1. The cause: I went back to college after ten years of being a housewife. 2. Negative effects: a. My husband feels worried; b. My children have less care from their mother than before; c. I do not have enough time to take care of the family. 3. Positive effects: a. My husband is learning to look after his children; b. My children are learning to be more independent; c. I am learning a lot and becoming more intelligent.(1)Fra bibliotek段落扩展
science does good, does evil
can do good to mankind, but it can do evil as well. (2)When it is wisely used, it will bring benefit. (3)For example, atomic energy can help us generate electricity. (4)However, if it is wrongly used, its destructive power will be uncontrollable and terrible. (5)It can claim thousands and thousands of lives in a split second.

雅思大作文 因果关系论证

雅思大作文 因果关系论证

雅思大作文因果关系论证The concept of causality, or cause and effect, is a fundamental aspect of human understanding and reasoning. It refers to the relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other. This notion has been a subject of interest in various fields, including philosophy, science, and social sciences. In this essay, we will explore the significance of causality and its implications in different contexts, including historical development, diverse perspectives, case studies, critical evaluation, and future implications.The idea of causality has a long history, dating back to ancient philosophical debates. Philosophers such as Aristotle and Hume have contributed significantly to the understanding of cause and effect. Aristotle's concept of the four causes (material, formal, efficient, and final) laid the foundation for the Western understanding of causality. Hume, on the other hand, challenged the notion of necessary connection between cause and effect, arguing that it is based on our observation and experience rather than inherent in the events themselves. These historical developments have shaped the way causality is understood and studied in contemporary times.From a scientific perspective, causality is a fundamental principle in understanding natural phenomena. The scientific method relies on establishing causal relationships through rigorous experimentation and observation. For example, in the field of medicine, researchers conduct clinical trials to determine the causal relationship between a particular treatment and its effects on patients. Similarly, in physics, the concept of cause and effect is crucial in explainingthe behavior of physical systems and predicting their outcomes.In the social sciences, causality plays a significant role in understanding human behavior and societal phenomena. Researchers often seek to establish causal relationships between variables in areas such as economics, sociology, and psychology. For instance, economists may investigate the impact of government policies on economic growth, while sociologists may study the factors contributingto social inequality. By identifying causal relationships, researchers can develop theories and interventions to address complex social issues.Despite its importance, causality has been a subject of debate and controversy. One of the key challenges in establishing causal relationships is the issue of confounding variables. In many cases, it is difficult to isolate the effect of a single cause due to the presence of other factors that may influence the outcome. This has led to discussions about the limitations of causal inference and the need for advanced statistical methods to address these complexities.Furthermore, different perspectives on causality have emerged in various philosophical and scientific traditions. The deterministic view posits that every event is determined by preceding causes, leading to a predictable and inevitable outcome. This perspective has been influential in fields such as classical physics, where the laws of motion and gravity are based on deterministic principles. On the other hand, the probabilistic view acknowledges the role of chance and randomnessin causal relationships, particularly in quantum mechanics and complex systems theory.In addition to philosophical and scientific debates, causality has practical implications in everyday life. For example, in legal contexts, establishing causality is crucial in determining liability and responsibility. In cases of accidents or crimes, the chain of causation must be established to holdindividuals or organizations accountable for their actions. Similarly, in healthcare, understanding the causal factors behind diseases and injuries is essential for diagnosis and treatment.To illustrate the complexities of causality, consider the case of climate change. The issue of causality is central to understanding the relationship between human activities, such as carbon emissions, and the impact on the environment. Scientists have conducted extensive research to establish the causal link between anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. This has led to widespread debate and policy discussions on mitigating the effects ofclimate change through measures such as carbon pricing and renewable energy initiatives.In evaluating the topic of causality, it is important to consider both its benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, the concept of cause and effect provides a framework for understanding the world and making informed decisions. It allows us to predict outcomes, intervene in natural and social processes, and hold individuals and institutions accountable for their actions. However, the limitations of causal inference, such as confounding variables and the complexity of real-world systems, pose challenges to our ability to establish definitive causal relationships.Looking ahead, the future implications of causality are multifaceted. Advancements in technology and data analysis have the potential to enhance our understanding of causal relationships in diverse fields. For example, the rise of big data and machine learning enables researchers to analyze complex datasets and identify causal patterns that were previously elusive. This has implications for fields such as personalized medicine, predictive analytics, and policy evaluation.In conclusion, the concept of causality is a fundamental aspect of human cognition and inquiry. It has historical roots in philosophical debates and has been instrumental in shaping scientific and social scientific inquiry. Despite its significance, causality is a complex and multifaceted concept that elicits diverse perspectives and practical implications. By critically evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of causality, we can gain a deeper understanding of its role in shaping our understanding of the world and informing decision-making. As we look to the future, advancements in technology and research methodologies hold promise for further unraveling the complexities of cause and effect in the natural and social world.。







前后两句有一种因果关系,最简单的就是We can not travel around the world for lack of money。



1.without A,B have little/nothing to C含义:没有A,B很难C没有A的话,B就不能C了例句1:没有足够的钱,我们就不能周游世界了。

(钱包这么小,哪也去不了)Without enough money,we have nothing to travel around the world.例句2:若政治不稳定,巴林就很难称自己为做生意和休闲的目的地。

Without political stability,Bahrain has little/nothing to commend it as a business or leisure destination.例句3:没有能力的姑娘如果想要生存,是没有什么选择的只能依附于男人。

Without competence,girls have little/nothing to choose but to depend on men if they want to survive.2.A be vital to B含义:A对于B来说是极其重要的A对于B来说是必不可少的例句1:这种温差对于蛋的成功孵化可能会起到关键作用。



因果关系的英文作文怎么写英文:Causality, or cause and effect, is a fundamental concept in our understanding of the world. It refers to the relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood to be a consequence of the first. This concept is essential in both science and everyday life, as it helps us make sense of the world around us.In science, causality is a key principle inestablishing relationships between variables. For example, in a scientific experiment, researchers manipulate one variable (the cause) to see how it affects another variable (the effect). By observing these relationships, scientists can make predictions and understand the underlying mechanisms of natural phenomena.In everyday life, we also rely on our understanding ofcause and effect to make decisions and solve problems. For instance, if I eat too much junk food, the effect might be that I feel sick and sluggish. This simple example illustrates how our actions can have direct consequences on our well-being.Understanding causality also helps us learn from our experiences and avoid repeating the same mistakes. For instance, if I touch a hot stove (the cause), the effect will be that I get burned. This painful experience teaches me to be more careful around hot surfaces in the future.In addition, causality is often used in legal and ethical contexts to establish responsibility and accountability. If someone's actions are found to be the cause of harm to another person, they may be held accountable for their actions.Overall, causality is a crucial concept that shapes our understanding of the world and influences our decision-making processes. By recognizing the relationship between cause and effect, we can better navigate through life andmake informed choices.中文:因果关系,或者说因果律,是我们理解世界的一个基本概念。



因果关系英语作文模板In the modern era, the influence of technology on educationis undeniable. This essay aims to explore the causal relationship between technological advancements and the evolution of educational methods.Firstly, the advent of the internet has revolutionized theway information is accessed and shared. Students can nowdelve into a vast ocean of knowledge with just a few clicks, which was unimaginable a few decades ago. This ease of access to information has not only expanded their horizons but also made learning a more interactive and personalized experience.Secondly, the integration of technology in classrooms has led to the development of innovative teaching tools. For instance, educational software and applications have made complex subjects more digestible through visual and interactive content. This causal link between technology and pedagogical innovation has resulted in a more engaging learning environment that caters to different learning styles.Moreover, online learning platforms have emerged as a direct consequence of technological progress. These platforms have made education more accessible, especially for those who cannot attend traditional schools due to geographical or financial constraints. The cause-and-effect relationship here is clear: technology enables the creation of platforms, which in turn provide educational opportunities to a wider audience.Furthermore, the use of social media and communication tools has transformed the way students and educators interact. Teachers can now provide instant feedback, and students can collaborate on projects in real-time, regardless of their physical location. This shift in communication dynamics has been a direct result of technological advancements, highlighting another causal relationship in the field of education.In conclusion, the relationship between technology and education is one of mutual influence and growth. As technology continues to evolve, it paves the way for new educational approaches, tools, and opportunities. This essay has outlined the causal relationships between technological advancements and changes in education, emphasizing the significant impact of technology on shaping the learning experiences of today's students.。



表示因果关系的英文写作范文In today's fast-paced world, the issue of environmental sustainability has become increasingly pressing. One significant factor contributing to the enhancement of environmental sustainability is recycling. The practice of recycling has a profound impact on reducing waste, conserving natural resources, and mitigating the effects of climate change.Firstly, recycling has a direct causal relationship with the reduction of waste. When we recycle, we divert items such as paper, plastic, and glass from landfills, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in our environment. This not only saves space in landfills but also decreases the chances of pollution caused by waste leachate and the release of harmful gases.Furthermore, recycling plays a crucial role in conserving natural resources. By reusing materials, we reduce the need for new production, which often requires significant amounts of energy and raw materials. For instance, recycling aluminum cans requires only 5% of the energy needed to produce new cans from virgin ore. This conservation of resources not only benefits the environment but also contributes to energy efficiency and cost savings.Moreover, recycling has a significant impact on mitigating the effects of climate change. The production of new goods often involves the burning of fossil fuels, which releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By recycling, we reduce the demand for new goods, thereby reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This, in turn, helps to slow down the rate of global warming and its associated consequences.In conclusion, recycling has a profound impact on enhancing environmental sustainability. By reducing waste, conserving natural resources, and mitigating the effects of climate change, recycling contributes significantly to the health and well-being of our planet. It is, therefore, essential that we all adopt this practice and encourage others to do so as well.。


















Choosing public transport is more eco-friendly.(结果) As private cars are replaced by public transport, such as the bus and subway, a less amount of waste fuel and pollutants will be released.(原因) Obviously, a more livable environment will be created, making it more possible for citizens to enjoy a healthy life.三、使用因果论证时所需的因果关系表达因果关系词有:1) 表示原因:because, as, since, due to, owing to。



因果关系英语作文模板In the modern era, the influence of technology on educationis undeniable. This essay aims to explore the causal relationship between technological advancements and the evolution of educational methods.Firstly, the advent of the internet has revolutionized theway information is accessed and shared. Students can nowdelve into a vast ocean of knowledge with just a few clicks, which was unimaginable a few decades ago. This ease of access to information has not only expanded their horizons but also made learning a more interactive and personalized experience.Secondly, the integration of technology in classrooms has led to the development of innovative teaching tools. For instance, educational software and applications have made complex subjects more digestible through visual and interactive content. This causal link between technology and pedagogical innovation has resulted in a more engaging learning environment that caters to different learning styles.Moreover, online learning platforms have emerged as a direct consequence of technological progress. These platforms have made education more accessible, especially for those who cannot attend traditional schools due to geographical or financial constraints. The cause-and-effect relationship here is clear: technology enables the creation of platforms, which in turn provide educational opportunities to a wider audience.Furthermore, the use of social media and communication tools has transformed the way students and educators interact. Teachers can now provide instant feedback, and students can collaborate on projects in real-time, regardless of their physical location. This shift in communication dynamics has been a direct result of technological advancements, highlighting another causal relationship in the field of education.In conclusion, the relationship between technology and education is one of mutual influence and growth. As technology continues to evolve, it paves the way for new educational approaches, tools, and opportunities. This essay has outlined the causal relationships between technological advancements and changes in education, emphasizing the significant impact of technology on shaping the learning experiences of today's students.。



因果关系英语作文万能模板Title: A Universal Template for Cause and Effect English Essay。

Introduction:In the realm of academic writing, cause and effect essays are a common and important genre. This type of essay aims to explore the relationship between two or more events or phenomena, highlighting the causes that lead to certain effects or the effects that result from specific causes. Understanding the structure and key components of a cause and effect essay is crucial for effective and coherent writing. In this essay, we will delve into a universal template for cause and effect English essays, providing a comprehensive guide for students and writers.I. Introduction。

A. Hook: Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question related to the topic.B. Background information: Provide a brief overview of the topic and its significance.C. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main cause and effect relationship that will be explored in the essay.II. Body Paragraphs。

【参考文档】雅思写作中的因果关系表达技巧-范文模板 (5页)

【参考文档】雅思写作中的因果关系表达技巧-范文模板 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思写作中的因果关系表达技巧雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。

这三小类问题也可以穿起来,即针对某个topic的cause—effect(即problem)– solution。


关于因果关系的表达同学们都很熟悉,无非是BS(because / so),而且大家也一定很清楚的知道BS在英语中,用了前者就不能用后者的道理。

例如Becausefurther education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, an increasing number of people have degreesFurther education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, so an increasing number of people have degrees。


because of : because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of后一般直接跟名词。

例如:Because ofthe increasing number of machine—and as we noted before, machines magnify human effort—then anyone using a machine canget a higher wage than anyone not using a machine。

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雅思写作的因果关系表达大全雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。



关于因果关系的表达同学们都很熟悉,无非是BS(because / so),而且大家也一定很清楚的知道BS在英语中,用了前者就不能用后者的道理。

例如Because further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people,an increasing number of people have degreesFurther education has become more accessible for a wider range of people,so an increasing number of people have degrees。


because of :because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。

例如:Because of the increasing number of machine—and as we noted before,machines magnify human effort—then anyone using a machine canget a higher wage than anyone not using a machine。


as / since (除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)Hours spent on commuting,traffic jams,and fights for parking should diminish,since workers make fewer journeys or work staggered hoursUnfortunately,as the number of people living in the city increases,so do the different problems associated with population growth。


thanks to (positive situations 通常适用于结果好的时候)Thanks to new technology,it‘s easier than ever to work remotely。

due to (negative situations通常使用与结果不好的时候)owing to / attributable to /on account ofDue to /…/ On account of extreme weather conditions,damage to property occurs。


当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thanks to the fact that / due to the fact that /owing to the fact that 或者on the grounds that ,,,Will we live longer merely due to the fact that / on the grounds that technology,if implemented properly,will take stress away from our lives5。

caused by / result from 也表原因Many car accidents were resulted from / caused by a lack of guardrailsSo系列(表结果)1。

thus/ therefore / thereby / hencethus:表示‘in this/that way’As a country develops,its cities become the engines of development,thus jobs are available in these areas。

therefore:表示‘for this reason’/‘because of this or that’Therefore,the influence of the peer group is important both for one’s own competence and for the relative evaluation of the process itself,given that one sees oneself in relation to others。

thereby:by that means,as a result of thatIn some countries,reduced budgets have led to the elimination of busing systems,thereby increasing the use of cars and the congestion they create。

hence:表示‘from this/that’Drinking lots of water is healthy and reducing plastic waste is great for the environment。

Hence,trendy reusable water bottles that you can refill yourself are health-promoting,eco-friendly,and green。


As a result / As a consequenceAs a result,those people who were indoors had much lighter skin,which means that whiter skin is now associated with having a higher status than dark skin。

As a consequence,environmental health must address the societal and environmental factors that increase the likelihood of exposure and disease。


consequently /accordinglyConsequently 更偏重因果逻辑;accordingly 更偏重后续解决Water pollution affects drinking water,rivers,lakes and oceans all over the world。

This consequently harms human health and the natural environment。

Some of the laws were contradictory。

Accordingly,measures were taken to clarify them。


cause (v。

) 引起The amount of garbage produced by the people also increases which causes sanitary landfills to fill up faster。


lead to/ result in 导致注意这里是result in,后跟结果,前面提到的result from后面跟的是原因。

The society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption。


bring about:to cause to take place 引起,带来(注意使用时更倾向于“带来“这个意思)The internet technologies that have brought about so much social change were scarcely imaginable just decades before they appeared。

4.spark off 引发、引爆,具体指引发比较严重的后果、冲突等(=trigger / activate),或指”点燃“(=inspire)Spark off a series of problems / a chain of events related to…They can spark off each other‘s talentsaffect系列(影响到)1。

Affect/influenceMore likely than not,getting a vehicle from point “A”to point “B”involves combustion of a fossil fuel,a process that emits gasses and affects the environment and the ozone layer。

People‘s behavior is influenced by circumstances and events,friends and family,education,job prospects,income,housing and environment。

2.impact on 对…产生影响(impact 一般做名词使用,也可以作为动词)Over the last few decades,there has been a tremendous growth in information technology,which can impact on our everyday life。


give rise to 使发生The decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems。
