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除夕的传说:有一个怪物叫“夕”,每到腊月的最后一天会出来害人... Characters

Monster who likes to eat people, especially on Chinese New Year’s Eve.


Old lady A (Mable)whose husband and children were eaten by the monster.


Old lady B who comes to help old lady A to fight with the monster.


Scene I

SETTING: C、D、E 、F and old lady A with daughter are in the village.

lady A and duaghter are making dumplings in their own house.

AT RISE:C、D、E 、F are talking to one another.


Narrator: Once upon a time , there was a scary monster in this village . At every new year’s eve, he came out and ate people . Last year ,He ate Mable's

husband and children.


C-Blue白:Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.(译:明天就是除夕夜了。)

D-stephanie: Oh, my god!(译:我的天呢!)

F-Michelle闫:We must run away.(译:我们必须得离开这。)

E-Beck:or we will be eaten by the terrible monster.(译:否则我们会被怪物吃掉的。)

C-Blue白: That’s terrible! Mable's family were eaten by the monster last year.(译:太可怕了!去年Mable的丈夫和孩子就是被怪物吃了。)

D/E/F 一起:She must run away with us.(译:她得跟我们一块离开。)

CDEF:(Run to old lady Mable's home.他们一块跑向Mable的房子。) (They arrive at Mable's house.他们到了Mable的房间。)

C-Blue白: Mable,Mable, you must run away with us now. (译:Mable,Mable,你们现在必须要跟我们一块离开这里!)

A-joe (老妇人Mable): No, I want to stay here.(译:不,我要呆在这儿。)


A-Joe(老妇人Mable): I want to fight with the monster!It killed my family. I

need to take revenge for them.(译:我要跟怪物对抗,它吃了我的家人,我必须要报仇。)

C-Blue白:No, No, No, it’s not safe!(译:不不不,这样不安全。)D/E/F:You must, go with us!!Let's go! Let’s go!


A-Joe(老妇人Mable): (抚摸着女儿然后说) I’m too old and I have to protect my remaining daughter, from being killed by the monster. I must fight it .

(译:我已经上年纪了,我必须得保护我仅存的女儿,不让她被怪物伤害。我必须要与它决抗到底。)CDEF:You are a crazy woman. Just suit yourself(随你便).


(C, D, E ,F run away)(译:邻居CDEF就跑了.)

Scene II

SETTING: old lady B is at Old lady A’s home

AT RISE:Old lady A-Mable is cooking dumplings. Daughter is playing.Old lady B is knocking at the door.


Narrator: When the neighbors left, Mable started to think how she was going to defeat the monster as she cooked dumplings. Though she wasn’t scared,she

hoped and wished that someone could help her.



Tina-B: Anyone home?(译:有人吗?。)

女儿G: (Opens the door) What are you doing here?(译:打开门,你还在这干嘛呢?)Tina-B: I’m too hungry to run. Could you please give me something to eat?(译:我饿的走不动了,你能给我点吃的吗?)

女儿G: ok ,come in and sit down.(译:好啊,您进来坐吧。)

Tina-B: (边吃边问) Why haven’t you run away?(译:为什么你不离开呢?。)

A-Joe: I want to kill the monster , because it ate my husband and children.(译:我要杀死怪物,因为它吃了我的丈夫和孩子。)

Tina-B: But that is too difficult. Aren’t you afraid?(译:太难了,你不害怕吗?)

A-Joe: I don’t care. I am not. I have to protect my daughter.


Tina-B: Do you have any idea, how?(译:你有办法吗?)

A-Joe: Um, I don’t know.(译:额。。。我也不知道怎么打败它。)

Tina-B: In order to thank you for giving me this food, I can tell you how to defeat the monster.(译:为了报答您的恩情,我可以帮助您打败怪物。)

A-Joe: Really?How can i do it?(译:真的吗?怎么做?。)
