

六年级上Fun Facts

六年级上Fun Facts

一)课本P13Do you usually have lunch in school ?Children in New Zealand bring their own lunch to school. They have small lunch boxes. Ben is in a primary school in Ne w Zealand. Let’s look inside his lunch box. It is quite interestin g. There is no hot food.Children in China have their lunch in school or at home. T hey usually have rice, vegetables, some pork or chicken in their school lunch.Children in England also have lunch in school. But some E nglish children bring their own lunch bring their own lunch box es, too. Children in Australia usually bring lunch boxes to scho ol. They often eat their lunch outside the classroom.阅读并选择()1.What do children in New Zealand often have lunch?A. a sandwich and yogurtB.some rice and vegetable.( ) 2.What do children in China usually have for their scho ol lunch? A.a sandwich and yogurt B.some rice and vegetable ( )3.Where do children in Australia usually have for their l unch? A. inside their classroom B. outside their classroom ( ) 4.Where do children in China usually have for their lun ch?A. inside their classroomB.outside their classroom1.What do children in New Zealand often have for lunch?A: rice B: no hot foodC: some pork or chicken D: vegetables2.What do children in China usually have for their school lunch? A: rice B: vegetables1 / 11C: some pork or chicken D: All of above.3.Where do children in China have their lunch?A: in school B: at homeC: outside the classroom D: Both A and B.4.Do all the children in England bring their own lunch boxes toschool?A: Yes, they do. B: No, they don’t.C: No, they aren’t. D: Sorry, I don’t know.5.Do children in Australia bring their own lunch boxes to school? A: Yes, they do. B: Yes, they are.C: No, they don’t. D: Sorry, I don’t know.6.Where do children in Australia often have their lunch?A: in school B: at home C: outside the classroom D: in the classroom答案:1.B2.D3.D.4.B.5.A6.C二、判断题:1.There is no hot food inside the lunch boxes of the children in New Zealand.2.Children in China have their lunch in school or at home.3.Children in China have sandwiches,hamburgers,milk and popcorn.4.Children in Australia don’t bring their lunch boxes to school.5.Children in England have their lunch at home.6.Children in Australia often eat their lunch outside the school.答案:1.T2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F2 / 11(二)课本P25Mr Kent is a science teacher. His hobby is bird-watching. Mr Kent wants people to care more about birds.In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big field. Birds are looking for food. He asks his students,”What will bir ds eat in winter? Can birds find food to e at ?”May birds fly to another place in winter, Chinese cranes wi ll fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fly toget her in small groups. They often fly at night. Mr Kent’s students are very interested in birds. In winter, his students give birds s eeds to eat. They like bird-watching.阅读并选择()1.What is Mr Kent’s hobby?A.bird -watchingB. collecting stampsB.( ) 2.What does Mr kent want to do?A. He wants people to care more about birds.B. He wants people to eat the birds.( ) 3.What will birds eat in winter?1.What is Mr Kent’s hobby?A. Caring more about birds .B.Taking his class to a big field .C. Giving birds seeds to eat.D. Bird- watching .2.What does Mr Kent want to do ?A. He wants people to watch the birds.B. He wants people to care more about the birds.C. He wants people to go to a big field.3 / 11D. He wants people to give birds seeds to eat.3. Where will Chinese cranes fly from?A. BeijingB. JiangsuC. HeilongjiangD. Guangzhou4.When do Chinese cranes often fly?A.In the morning .B.In the afternoon.C. At night .D. All day.5.Do All birds fly to another place in winter?A.Yes,the y do .B.No,they don’t.C.Yes.they are. D:No,they aren’t.6.Which one is true?A.Mr Kent is a science teacher.B.In a Chinese lesson, he takes his class to a big field.C.Chinese cranes will fly from Jiangsu to Heilongjiang every winter.D. In winter, farmers give birds seeds to eat.答案:1. D2. B3. C4. C5. B6. A二、判断题:1. All the birds fly to another place in winter.2. Chinese cranes fly together in big groups.3.There are a lot of red-crowned cranes left in the world.4.Chinese cranes often fly at night.5.We can’t see any birds in the park.6.In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big park.4 / 11答案:1. F2. F3. F4. T5. F 6 . F(三)课本P37David is celebrating his birthday today. His mother brings a birthday cake to his class. David is going to share the cake with his friends.First, the teacher helps David to light the candles. Why do we put candles on a birthday cake? Candles make our day bri ght and happy. The candles also show our age. Da vid’s cake ha s eleven small candles, because he is eleven years old. For old people, one big candle shows ten years. Eight big candles will show that a person is eighty years old.The children play games. Then, everyone sings the birthday song. David makes a wish. He blows out the candles.Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of friendsa piece of cake. Everyone is happy.1.Why do people put candles on the birthday cake?( )A Candles make our day bright and happy.B The candles also show our age.C Both A and B.2.What does a big candle on a birthday cake show?( )A It shows ten years.B It shows one years.C It shows five years.3.How old is David?( )A Eight.B Eleven.C I don’t know.4.Whose birthday is today?( )A David’s.B David’s father’s.C David’s friend’s.5.Who brings a birthday cake to the class?( )A David.B David’s father.C David’s mother.5 / 116.Eight big candles will show that a person is eight.Is it right? ( )A Right.B Wrong.C I don’t know.判断正误1.David is eleven years old.( )2.Davids cake has ten small candles. ( )3.Five big candles will show that a person is fifty years old. ( )4.One big candles shows five years. ( )5.David cuts the cake and gives each of his friends a piece of cake. ( )6.David is celebrating his friend’s birthday today. ( )(四)课本P55Children’s Day in China is on June 1st. On this day all ch ildren have a holiday. There are many interesting activities for t hem. Children put on beautiful clothes. They sing and dance in shows. Their parents and teachers enjoy the shows. Some parent s take their children to the cinema. Some go to the park. Childr en’s Day is a happy holiday for allchildren.Do you know there was no Children’s Day in American?One day, a little boy wrote a letter to the president of the USA. The boy was only six years old. He asked the president t o give a special holiday to all the children of America. The pre sident was very happy to read this letter. He decided that Child ren’s Day in America would be on October 8th for that year. Many Americans still say Children’s Day is every day of the y ear, not just one special day.1.When is Children’s Day in China? ( )A On July1st.B On September1st.C On June1st.2.Why did the American boy write a letter to the president? ( )A He wants a present.B He was very happy.6 / 11C He asked the president to give a special holiday to all the children of America.3.What do Chinese children do on Children’s Day? ( )A Put on beautiful clothes.B They sing and dance in shows.C Both A and B.4.Who wrote a letter to the president of the USA? ( )A A girl.B A litter boy.C An old man.5.How was the president feeling to read the letter? ( )A He was very angry.B He was very happy.C He was very surprised.6.When is Children’s Day in America? ( )A October 8th.B October 18th.C october 1st。

六年级英语上册课件-Unit 5 Fun Facts 人教精通版

六年级英语上册课件-Unit 5 Fun Facts 人教精通版

Americans worked hard to make new life in the New World, but it was difficult. Many of them died in the winter.
But they were successful. In the next autumn, they had a celebration on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past year.
Americans worked hard to make a new life in the New World, but it was difficult. Many of them died innt.h丰e w收inter. But பைடு நூலகம்heyn.w赐e福re, 恩赐 successful. In the next autumn, they had a celebration on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past year.
Q1: Who often celebrates Thanksgiving? People in America celebrate Thanksgiving.
Q2: What do people eat on that day? They eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
Please read Paragraph 5. How did they celebrate on that day? They went to go的过去式o hunt. v. 打猎 They got so get的过去式 Then they roasted the turkeys for dinner.



六年级上册funfacts知识点六年级上册 Fun Facts 知识点Fun Fact 1:地球 T恤日地球 T恤日是一个国际性的宣传日,为期一天,旨在提高人们对环境保护的意识。

地球 T恤日通常于每年的6月5日举行,人们在这一天会穿上印有环保标语或图案的 T恤衫,以表达对地球环境的支持。

Fun Fact 2:宇宙中的最大和最小宇宙中最大的星系是天鹅座星系,它的直径约为60万光年。

而宇宙中已知的最小的星星是直径只有约10英里的PSR J1719-1438。

Fun Fact 3:世界上最深的湖泊世界上最深的湖泊是西伯利亚的贝加尔湖,它的最大深度达到了1642米。


Fun Fact 4:世界上最高的山峰珠穆朗玛峰是地球上最高的山峰,海拔8848米。


Fun Fact 5:昆虫的超能力有些昆虫具备超出常人想象的特殊能力。


Fun Fact 6:世界上最长的河流尼罗河是世界上最长的河流,总长约6650公里。


Fun Fact 7:令人惊叹的大熊猫大熊猫是中国特有的珍稀物种,它们以其奇特的外观和憨态可爱的形象而闻名于世。


Fun Fact 8:太阳系中的行星太阳系中共有8颗行星,按离太阳的距离由近及远分别为:水金火木土天土火,其中水金火木土是一至五星,天土火为外行星。

Fun Fact 9:全球最长的海岸线加拿大拥有全球最长的海岸线,总长约202,080公里。


Fun Fact 10:动物中的奇特力量一些动物具有令人惊叹的奇特力量。




√ A. June 1st
B. October 8th
[dɪˈsaɪd] 决定
感恩父母, 感恩老师, 感恩祖国!
I love you, China!
Children all over the world celebrate Children’s Day.
Children’s Day in China is on June 1st.
Task 1: Let’s compare some holidays in China and America. Write three
holidays we have in China.
Festivals in China
Festivals in A1.mEearsitcear
2. Thanksgiving Day感恩节
the first Friday in October the fourth Wednesday in October
如果你能正确连线1-2道题 如果你能正确连线3-4道题 如果你能正确连线5道题
How many stars have you got?
Good Better Best
You’ve got 1— 2
What do they do?
What do they do?
many interesting activities
put on beautiful clothes
sing and dance in shows
enjoy the shows
go to the cinema
go to the park
Let's get ready.
What is Mimi’s favourite festival? Children’s Day! Is Children’s Day your favourite festival?

人教精通版小学六年级英语Fun Facts阅读翻译

人教精通版小学六年级英语Fun Facts阅读翻译
























































六年级上册英语教案-Unit 2《What’s your hobby》(Fun Facts) |人教

六年级上册英语教案-Unit 2《What’s your hobby》(Fun Facts) |人教

六年级上册英语教案-Unit 2《What’s your hobby》(FunFacts) | 人教(精通)教学内容本单元《What’s your hobby》的主题围绕学生的个人兴趣展开,通过学习,学生能够掌握描述个人爱好的基本句型,例如:"My hobby is...","I like to...",并能够询问他人的兴趣爱好。

教学内容包括词汇学习,如 "collect stamps", "play soccer" 等;句型练习,如"What’s your hobby?" "My hobby is...";以及听力、口语、阅读和写作技能的培养。

教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的生词和短语,并能够运用到实际情境中。

2. 能力目标:学生能够运用所学句型和词汇描述自己的兴趣爱好,并能询问他人的爱好。

3. 情感目标:通过学习,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养他们的团队合作精神。

教学难点1. 词汇记忆:学生对新词汇的记忆和运用可能存在困难。

2. 句型运用:在真实情境中灵活运用句型描述个人爱好。

3. 听力理解:学生可能对听力材料中的细节理解不够准确。

教具学具准备1. 多媒体设备:用于播放课件和听力材料。

2. 单词卡片:用于词汇教学和练习。

3. 小组活动道具:用于小组讨论和角色扮演。

1. 导入:通过展示不同活动的图片,引导学生复习相关词汇,并引出本课主题。

2. 新授:讲解本课的生词和短语,并通过例句展示其用法。

3. 实践:设计小组活动,让学生在小组内练习描述个人爱好,并询问他人的爱好。

4. 巩固:通过听力练习和口语练习,巩固学生对新学词汇和句型的掌握。

5. 总结:对本节课所学内容进行总结,并布置作业。


六年级上册英语Unit 6 Fun Facts 教学设计

六年级上册英语Unit 6 Fun Facts 教学设计

六年级上册Unit 6 Fun Facts导学单
1. 你将知道:


2. 你将理解:

3. 你将能够:
(1)在理解、感悟、听说Fun Facts的学习活动中了解复活节的习俗活动描述。


Step1 情境导入Leading in

2、从when, where, what, why以及how五个方面展开,以问题形式引出新授环节。

Step2 新课呈现Presentation
带着老师给出的问题提示去视听、理解、朗读、复述Fun Facts内容。

Step3 趣味操练Practice

Step4 课后作业Homework
Step5 结束语Conclusion。

最新六年级上册 Fun Facts名师精心制作教学资料

最新六年级上册 Fun Facts名师精心制作教学资料

Fun Facts 阅读(一)课本P13Do you usually have lunch in school ?Children in New Zealand bring their own lunch to school. They have small lunch boxes. Ben is in a primary school in New Zealand. Let’s look inside his lunch box. It is quite interesting. There is no hot food. Children in China have their lunch in school or at home. They usually have rice, vegetables, some pork or chicken in their school lunch. Children in England also have lunch in school. But some English children bring their own lunch bring their own lunch boxes, too. Children in Australia usually bring lunch boxes to school. They often eat their lunch outside the classroom.阅读并选择()1.What do children in New Zealand often have lunch?A. a sandwich and yogurtB.some rice and vegetable.( ) 2.What do children in China usually have for their school lunch?A.a sandwich and yogurtB.some rice and vegetable( )3.Where do children in Australia usually have for their lunch?A. inside their classroomB. outside their classroom( ) 4.Where do children in China usually have for their lunch?A. inside their classroomB.outside their classroom (二)课本P25选作模拟二的听力Mr Kent is a science teacher. His hobby is bird-watching. Mr Kent wants people to care more about birds.In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big field. Birds are looking for food. He asks his students,”What will birds eat in winter? Can birds find food to eat ?”May birds fly to another place in winter, Chinese cranes will fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fly together in small groups. They often fly at night. Mr Kent’s students are very interested in birds. In winter, his students give birds seeds to eat. They like bird-watching.阅读并选择()1.What is Mr Kent’s hobby?A.bird -watchingB. collecting stamps( ) 2.What does Mr kent want to do?A.He wants people to care more about birds.B.He wants people to eat the birds.( ) 3.What will birds eat in winter?A. They(三)课本P37 已经选作听力排序题模拟3的听力短文填空David is celebrating his birthday today. His mother brings a birthday cake to his class. David is going to share the cake with his friends.First, the teacher helps David to light the candles. Why do we put candles on a birthday cake? Candles make our day bright and happy. The candles also show our age. David’s cake has eleven small candles, because he is eleven years old. For old people, one big candle shows ten years. Eight big candles will show that a person is eighty years old.The children play games. Then, everyone sings the birthday song. David makes a wish. He blows out the candles.Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of friends a piece of cake. Everyone is happy.(四)课本P55Children’s Day in China is on June 1st.On this day all children have a holiday. There are many interesting activities for them. Children put on beautiful clothes. They sing and dance in shows. Their parents and teachers enjoy the shows. Some parents take their children to the cinema. Some go to the park. Children’s Day is a happy holiday for all children.Do you know there was no Children’s Day in American?One day, a little boy wrote a letter to the president of the USA. The boy was only six years old. He asked the president to give a special holiday to all the children of America. The president was very happy to read this letter. He decided that Children’s Day in America would be on October 8th for that year. Many Americans still say Children’s Day is every day of the year, not just one special day.(五)书包P67选做听力里面“听短文,选出正确答案”People eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in America. Do you know why? Thanksgiving is a day to remember some American people in history. They sailed from Britain to reach America. They called it the New World. It was a long time ago.Americans worked hard to make a new life in the New World. But it was difficult. Many of them died in the winter. But they were successful. In the next next autumn, they had a celebration on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past year.They went to the forest to hunt and they got some turkeys. Then they roasted the turkeys for dinner.Today, people in America still enjoy turkeys during Thanksgiving.(六)课本P79 (选作阅读二)Do you know what children do at Easter?Easter is a festival in Western countries. Children often play a game called the Easter egg-hunt. It is an old English game. The children take little baskets to a field. They look for Easter eggs in the grass. They try to fill their baskets with eggs. Most English and American children like to play this game. They all love to eat eggs and the chocolate eggs. Easter is in spring. It celebrates the start of new life. An egg is the best way to show this.Paul is a little boy in England. Paul’s mother makes Easter eggs for an egg-hunt. It is the day before Easter. She cooks some eggs. Then she colours them. There are red, green, yellow and blue eggs. Paul’s mother also buys some chocolate eggs in the supermarket. They are colourful. Paul loves the chocolate eggs.。

人教精通版英语六上unit 6《there are four seasons in a year》(fun facts)教学设计

人教精通版英语六上unit 6《there are four seasons in a year》(fun facts)教学设计

Unit6 Fun Facts 教学设计一、教学目标和要求Fun Facts的教学目标主要包括以下几方面:一是复习巩固单元语言学习内容;二是通过实际的阅读过程,逐步培养学生的阅读兴趣,提高英语阅读技能;三是开阔学生的视野,提高多元文化理解力和综合人文素养。





二、教学建议1. 读前活动。



2. 读中活动。




最后师生讨论Thinking tasks中的问题。










3. 读后活动。




六年级上册F u n F a c t s 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]F u n F a c t s阅读(一)课本P13Do you usually have lunch in schoolChildren in New Zealand bringtheir own lunch to school. They have small lunch boxes. Ben is in a primary school in New Zealand. Let’s look inside his lunch box. It is quite interesting. There is no hot food.Children in China have theirlunch in school or at home. They usually have rice, vegetables, some pork or chicken in their school lunch.Children in England also have lunch in school. But some English children bring their own lunch bring their own lunch boxes, too. Children in Australia usually bring lunch boxes to school. They often eat their lunch outside the classroom.阅读并选择() do children in New Zealand often have lunchA. a sandwich and yogurt rice and vegetable.( ) do children in China usually have for their school lunchsandwich and yogurt rice and vegetable( ) do children in Australia usually have for their lunchA. inside their classroomB. outside their classroom( ) do children in China usually have for their lunchA. inside their classroomtheir classroom(二)课本P25选作模拟二的听力Mr Kent is a science teacher. His hobby is bird-watching. Mr Kent wants people to care more about birds.In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big field. Birds are looking for food. He asks his students,”What will birds eat in winter Can birdsfind food to eat ”May birds fly to another place in winter, Chinese cranes will fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fly togetherin small groups. They often fly at night. Mr Kent’s students are very interested in birds. In winter, his students give birds seeds to eat. They like bird-watching.阅读并选择() is Mr Kent’s hobby A.bird -watching B. collectingstamps( ) does Mr kent want to do A.He wants people to care moreabout birds.B.He wants people to eat thebirds.( ) will birds eat in winterA. They(三)课本P37 已经选作听力排序题模拟3的听力短文填空David is celebrating his birthday today. His mother brings a birthday cake to his class. David is going to share the cake with his friends.First, the teacher helps David to light the candles. Why do we put candles on a birthday cake Candles make our day bright and happy. The candles also show our age. David’s cake has elevensmall candles, because he is eleven years old. For old people, one big candle shows ten years. Eight big candles will show that a person is eighty years old.The children play games. Then, everyone sings the birthday song. David makes a wish. He blows out the candles.Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of friends a piece of cake. Everyone is happy. (四)课本P55Children’s Day in China is on June 1st.On this day allchildren have a holiday. There are many interesting activities for them. Children put on beautiful clothes. They sing and dance in shows. Their parents and teachers enjoy the shows. Some parents take their children to the cinema. Some go to the park. Children’s Day is a happy holiday for all children.Do you know there was no Children’s Day in AmericanOne day, a little boy wrote a letter to the president of the USA. The boy was only six years old. He asked the president to give a special holiday to all the children of America. The president was very happy to read this letter. He decided that Children’s Day in America would be on October 8th for that year. Many Americans still say Children’s Day is every day of the year, not just one special day.(五)书包P67选做听力里面“听短文,选出正确答案”People eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in America. Do you know why Thanksgiving is a day to remember some American people in history. They sailed from Britain to reach America. They called it the New World. It was a long time ago. Americans worked hard to make a new life in the New World. But it was difficult. Many of them died in the winter. But they were successful. In the next next autumn, they had a celebration on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings ofthe past year.They went to the forest to hunt and they got some turkeys. Then they roasted the turkeys for dinner.Today, people in America still enjoy turkeys during Thanksgiving.(六)课本P79 (选作阅读二)Do you know what children do at EasterEaster is a festival in Western countries. Children often play a game called the Easter egg-hunt. It is an old English game. The children take little baskets to a field. They look for Easter eggs in the grass. They try to fill their baskets with eggs. Most English and American childrenlike to play this game. They all love to eat eggs and the chocolate eggs.Easter is in spring. It celebrates the start of new life. An egg is the best way to show this.Paul is a little boy in England. Paul’s mother makes Easter eggs for an egg-hunt. It is the daybefore Easter. She cooks some eggs. Then she colours them. There are red, green, yellow and blue eggs. Paul’s mother also buys some chocolate eggs in the supermarket. They are colourful. Paul loves the chocolate eggs.。

精通版六年级英语上册教案Unit 2 Fun Facts

精通版六年级英语上册教案Unit 2 Fun Facts
2.Everyone in our class ________ (like) reading.
3.My sister have some _______ (colour) pens.
Fun Facts
What is Mr Kent`s job? What is his hobby?
Where do Chinese cranes go in winter?
Step 1 Warming—up (复习——温故、引新)
2.Read the phrases:
collect toy cars, collect stamps,collect maps, go fishing, cooking, planting flowers, play computer games, make dolls,
Do they fly at night?
What do students give the birds to eat in winter?
Hale Waihona Puke 教学反思(目标达成)(总结——归纳、深化)
Fun Facts
cards, recorder,


2)读中活动。请学生翻到本页,开始第一次阅读。提醒学生不要纠缠于生词,要抓住短文的大致意思。然后可请个别同学简单描出所得到的信息,可根据情况,鼓励学生用英语表达。第二次阅读,要求学生找出每个自然段核心信息句子,并把它们标出来,如150years old, and of fire , good for farming, grow a lot fruit and vegetables等等。安排同学相互交流阅读得到的重点信息,描述个人眼中的新西兰。第三次快速完整阅读,整体再次感受语篇。
D.Some grass can grow on this land.
E.No one can live on this land.
Step5. Progress(总结——归纳、深化)
Fun Facts
Tick the sentences that are true:
Hot earth comes out from underground.
Fun Facts
8Hale Waihona Puke 教学目标朗读短文,从历史和地理角度,简要介绍新西兰国家基本情况,进行了解。
Tape, recorder ,picture
New Zealand is a land of fire.
No trees can grow on this land.
Some grass can grow on this land.

小学六年级英语【精通版】上册课件-【Fun Facts】

小学六年级英语【精通版】上册课件-【Fun Facts】

Thinking tasks
1. In what season is Easter?
Easter is in spring.
2. What game do American children play at Easter? Children often play a game called the Easter egg-hunt at Easter.
3. How do people make Easter eggs? First they cook some eggs. Then they colour them.
4. What do you do in spring? Tick your springtime activities. a Celebrate Spring Festival. b Look at beautiful flowers. c Play in the park. d Fly kites. e Go to the zoo.
Group work
What do you do in spring?
I play in the park and fly kites.
What do you do in spring?
I go to the zoo.
What do you do in spring?
I celebrate Spring Festival.
English andfAilml weriticha用n c…hi…ldr填en满like to play this
game. They all love to eat the real eggs and the
chocolate eggs.

2023年陕旅版六年级英语上册Unit 3Fun Facts

2023年陕旅版六年级英语上册Unit 3Fun Facts
►Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。
can still make us laugh.
Look Them Up
movie funny world famous

根据课文内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”, 错误的用“F”。
( F ) In the first movie, people can’t hear anything. ( T ) Charlie Chaplin is a British. ( T ) Chaplin wears long trousers and big shoes. ( F ) Chaplin looks handsome and he is a great actor.
Do you like him? Why?
moustache 小胡子
Charlie Chaplin Do you watch Charlie Chaplin on a DVD? Do you enjoy his movies? Does Chaplin speak in the movies?
walking stick 手杖
►Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life. 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。 ►For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 ►A man can't ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。
►Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life. 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。 ►For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 ►A man can't ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。
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六年级上Fun-Facts一)课本P13Do you usually have lunch in school ?Children in New Zealand bring their own lunch to scho ol. They have small lunch boxes. Ben is in a primary school in New Zealand. Let’s look inside his lunch box. It is quite interesting. There is no hot food.Children in China have their lunch in school or at hom e. They usually have rice, vegetables, some pork or chicken i n their school lunch.Children in England also have lunch in school. But som e English children bring their own lunch bring their own lu nch boxes, too. Children in Australia usually bring lunch bo xes to school. They often eat their lunch outside the classroo m.阅读并选择()1.What do children in New Zealand often have lun ch? A. a sandwich and yogurt B.some rice and vegetable.( ) 2.What do children in China usually have for their s chool lunch? A.a sandwich and yogurt B.some rice and veget able( )3.Where do children in Australia usually have for the ir lunch? A. inside their classroom B. outside their classroo m( ) 4.Where do children in China usually have for their lunch?A. inside their classroomB.outside their classroom1.What do children in New Zealand often have for lunch?A: rice B: no hot foodC: some pork or chicken D: vegetables2.What do children in China usually have for their schoollunch?A: rice B: vegetablesC: some pork or chicken D: All of above.3.Where do children in China have their lunch?A: in school B: at homeC: outside the classroom D: Both A and B.4.Do all the children in England bring their own lunch boxes toschool?A: Yes, they do. B: No, they don’t.C: No, they aren’t. D: Sorry, I don’t know.5.Do children in Australia bring their own lunch boxes toschool? A: Yes, they do. B: Yes, they are.C: No, they don’t. D: Sorry, I don’t know.6.Where do children in Australia often have their lunch?A: in school B: at homeC: outside the classroom D: in the classroom答案:1.B2.D3.D.4.B.5.A6.C二、判断题:1.There is no hot food inside the lunch boxes of the children in New Zealand.2.Children in China have their lunch in school or at home.3.Children in China have sandwiches,hamburgers,milk and popcorn.4.Children in Australia don’t brin g their lunch boxes to school.5.Children in England have their lunch at home.6.Children in Australia often eat their lunch outside the school. 答案:1.T2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F(二)课本P25Mr Kent is a science teacher. His hobby is bird-watchin g. Mr Kent wants people to care more about birds.In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big fie ld. Birds are looking for food. He asks his students,”What w ill birds eat in winter? Can bird s find food to eat ?”May birds fly to another place in winter, Chinese crane s will fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fl y together in small groups. They often fly at night. Mr Ken t’s students are very interested in birds. In winter, his stude nts give birds seeds to eat. They like bird-watching.阅读并选择()1.What is Mr Kent’s hobby?A.bird -watchingB. collecting stampsB.( ) 2.What does Mr kent want to do?A. He wants people to care more about birds.B. He wa nts people to eat the birds.( ) 3.What will birds eat in winter?1.What is Mr Kent’s hobby?A. Caring more about birds .B.Taking his class to a big field .C. Giving birds seeds to eat.D. Bird- watching .2.What does Mr Kent want to do ?A. He wants people to watch the birds.B. He wants people to care more about the birds.C. He wants people to go to a big field.D. He wants people to give birds seeds to eat.3. Where will Chinese cranes fly from?A. BeijingB. JiangsuC. HeilongjiangD. Guangzhou4.When do Chinese cranes often fly?A.In the morning .B.In the afternoon.C. At night .D. All day. 5.Do All birds fly to another place in winter?A.Yes,they do .B.No,they don’t.C.Yes.they are. D:No,they aren’t.6.Which one is true?A.Mr Kent is a science teacher.B.In a Chinese lesson, he takes his class to a big field.C.Chinese cranes will fly from Jiangsu to Heilongjiang every winter.D. In winter, farmers give birds seeds to eat.答案:1. D2. B3. C4. C5. B6. A二、判断题:1. All the birds fly to another place in winter.2. Chinese cranes fly together in big groups.3.There are a lot of red-crowned cranes left in the world.4.Chinese cranes often fly at night.5.We can’t see any birds in the park.6.In a science lesson, Mr Kent takes his class to a big park.答案:1. F2. F3. F4. T5. F 6 . F(三)课本P37David is celebrating his birthday today. His mother bri ngs a birthday cake to his class. David is going to share the cake with his friends.First, the teacher helps David to light the candles. Why do we put candles on a birthday cake? Candles make our d ay bright and happy. The candles also show our age. David’s cake has eleven small candles, because he is eleven years o ld. For old people, one big candle shows ten years. Eight bi g candles will show that a person is eighty years old.The children play games. Then, everyone sings the birth day song. David makes a wish. He blows out the candles.Everyone claps. He cuts the cake and gives each of frie nds a piece of cake. Everyone is happy.1.Why do people put candles on the birthday cake?( )A Candles make our day bright and happy.B The candles also show our age.C Both A and B.2.What does a big candle on a birthday cake show?( )A It shows ten years.B It shows one years.C It shows five years.3.How old is David?( )A Eight.B Eleven.C I don’t know.4.Whose birthday is today?( )A David’s.B David’s father’s.C David’s friend’s.5.Who brings a birthday cake to the class?( )A David.B David’s father.C David’s mother.6.Eight big candles will show that a person is eight.Is it right? ( )A Right.B Wrong.C I don’t know. 判断正误1.David is eleven years old.( )2.Davids cake has ten small candles.( )3.Five big candles will show that a person is fifty years old. ( )4.One big candles shows five years. ( )5.David cuts the cake and gives each of his friends a piece of cake. ( )6.David is celebrating his friend’s birthday today. ( )(四)课本P55Children’s Day in China is on June 1st. On this day all children have a holiday. There are many interesting activiti es for them. Children put on beautiful clothes. They sing an d dance in shows. Their parents and teachers enjoy the sho ws. Some parents take their children to the cinema. Some go to the park. Children’s Day is a happy holiday for all children.Do you know there was no Children’s Day in American?One day, a little boy wrote a letter to the president of t he USA. The boy was only six years old. He asked the presi dent to give a special holiday to all the children of America. The president was very happy to read this letter. He decide d that Children’s Day in America would be on October 8th for that year. Many Americans still say Children’s Day is ev ery day of the year, not just one special day.1.When is Children’s Day in China? ( )A On July1st.B On September1st.C On June1st.2.Why did the American boy write a letter to the president? ( )A He wants a present.B He was very happy.C He asked the president to give a special holiday to all the children of America. 3.What do Chinese children do on Children’s Day? ( )A Put on beautiful clothes.B They sing and dance in shows.C Both A and B.4.Who wrote a letter to the president of the USA? ( )A A girl.B A litter boy.C An old man.5.How was the president feeling to read the letter? ( )A He was very angry.B He was very happy.C He was very surprised.6.When is Children’s Day in America? ( )A October 8th.B October 18th.C october 1st。
