高级英语1 第二课课文翻译

翻译 高级英语一课后翻译

Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off.2.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为她们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。
The residents were firmly opposed to the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the plant’s emissions polluting the air.3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿元。
. Investment in ecological projects in this area mounted up to billions of Yuan.4.干枯的河道里xx了大大小小的石块。
The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.5.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。
Although war caused great losses to this country, its cultural traditions did not perish.6.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑物都被拆毁了。
Although war caused great losses to this country, its cultural traditions did not perish..7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。
In the earthquake the main structures of most of the poor-quality houses disintegrated.8.他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化成了泡影。

第一课Face to face with Hurricane Camille1.We ’re elevated 23 feet. We’re 23 feet above sea level. 2.The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has bothered it. The house has been here since 1915, andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it. 3.We can ba en down and ride it out. We can make the necessary prepara ons and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out. 5.Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars! 6.The electrical systems had been killed by water. The electrical systems in the car (the ba ery for the starter) had been put out by water. 7.John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself f endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland. 8.Get us through this mess, will you? Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely 9.She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and finally stopped. 10.Janis had just one delayed reac on. Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late. 1.Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。

第一课 Face to face with Hurricane Camille1.We re elevated23feet.We’re23feet above sea level.2.The place has been here since1915,and no hurricane has bothered it.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3.We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4.The generator was doused,and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out.5.Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!6.The electrical systems had been killed by water.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter) had been put out by water.7.John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself forendangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8.Get us through this mess,will you?Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely9.She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and finally stopped.10.Janis had just one delayed reaction.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late.第二课 Hiroshima-the “Liveliest” City in Japan 1.Serious-looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them…They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.2.At last this intermezzo came to an end,and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.At last the taxi trip came to an end and I suddenly found that I was in front of the gigantic City Hall.3.The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt. The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development.4.…experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks.I suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only.5.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited asI was.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as I was6.After three days in Japan,the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude.7.I was about to make my little bow of assent,when the meaning of these last words sank in,jolting me out of my sad reverie.I was about to show my agreement by nodding when I sudd enly realized what the meaning ofhis words.His words shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking.8....and nurses walked by carrying nickel-plated instruments,t he very sight of which would send shivers down the spine of any healthy visitor....and nurses walked by carrying surgical instruments whic h were nickel plated and even healthy visitors when they see t hose instruments could not help shivering.9.Because,thanks to it,I have the opportunity to improve my character.I have the chance to raise my moral standard thanks to the il lness.第三课 Blackmail1.The words spat forth with sudden savagery,all pretense of b landness gone.Ogilvie said these words suddenly and rudely,throwing awa y his pretended politeness.2.When they find who done that last night,who killed that kid an‘its mother,then high-tailed it,they’ll throw the book,an d never mind who it hits,or whether they got fancy titles nei ther.When they find who killed the mother and the kid and t hen ran away,they'll carry out the maximum punishment no matter who will be punished in this case or what their social position is.3.The Duchess of Croydon-three centuries and a half of inbredarrogance behind her-did not yield easily.The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from p arents of noble familieswith a history of three centuries anda half.She wouldn’t give up easily.4.Even the self-assurance of Ogilvie flickered for an instant. The Duchess appeared so firm about their innocence thatOgilvie felt unsure if his assumption for a moment.But the mo ment was very short.5.The house detective took his time,leisurely puffing a cloud of blue cigar smoke,his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection.The house detective was took his time smoking his cigar and puffed a cloud of blue smoke leisurely.At the same time,his eyes were fixed on the Duchess with contempt as if he was o penly daring her objection as she has done earlier.6.There ain’t much,out of the way,which people who stay in t his hotel do,I don’t get to hear about.No matter who stays in this hotel does anythingimproper,I a lways get to know about it.7.The Duchess of Croydon kept firm,tight rein on her racing m ind.The Duchess of Croydon is thinking quickly,but at the same t ime keeping her thoughts under control.8.And when they stopped for petrol,as they would have to,th eir speech and manner would betray them,making them co nspicuous.Furthermore,when they had to stopfor petrol,their speech and manner would make them noticeable and reveal their id entity.9)I know you are from the South.Your accent has betrayed you.10)We have no alternative in this matter.第四课 The Trial That Rocked the World1.”Don’t worry,son,we’ll show them a few tricks.”Don’t worry,young man.We have some clever and unexp ected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial.2.The case had erupted round my head…The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and viol ently.3.No one,least of all I,anticipated that my case would snowba ll into one of the most famous trials in U.S.history.I was the last one to expect that my case would become o ne of the most famous trials in US history.4.”That’s one hell of a jury!”The jury iscompletely inappropriate.5.”Today it is the teachers,”he continued,”and tomorrow the magazines,the books,the newspapers.”“Today it is the teachers who are put on trial because of t eaching scientific theory,”he continued to say,”Soon the mag azines,the books and newspaper will not be allowed to spreadideas of science.”6.“There is some doubt about that,”Darrow snorted.“There is some doubt about whether man has reasoning p ower,”said Darrow scornfully.7....accused Bryan of calling for a duel to the death between sc ience and religion....accused Bryan of challenging a life and death strugglebe tween science and religion.8.Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they mightbe related.People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and t o consider carefully whether they and the apes could have a co mmon ancestry.9.Now Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a wit ness for the defense.Darrow surprised everyone by asking for Bryan as a witne ss for the defense which was a clever idea.10.My heart went out to the old warrior as spectators pushed by him to shake Darrow’s hand.I felt sorry for Bryanas the spectators rushed past him to c ongratulate Darrow.第五课 The Libido for the Ugly1.…it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke.This dreadful scene makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their lot appear as a ghastly,saddening joke.2.The country itself is not uncomely,despite the grime of the endless mills.The country itself is pleasant to look at,despite the sooty dirt s pread by the innumerable mills in this region.3.They have taken as their model a brick set on end.The model they followed in building their houses was a brick s tanding upright.4.This they have converted into a thing of dingy clapboards, with a narrow,low-pitched roof.These brick-like houses were made of shabby,thin wooden bo ards and their roofs were narrow and had little slope.5.When it has taken on the patina of the mills it is the color of an egg long past all hope or caring.When the brick is covered with the black soot of the mills it ta kes on the color of a rotten egg.6.Red brick,even in a steel town,ages with some dignity. Even in a steel town,old red bricks still appear pleasing to the eye.7.I award this championship only after laborious research a nd incessant prayer.I have given Westmoreland the highest award for ugliness after having done a lot of hard work and research and after contin uous praying.8.They show grotesqueries of ugliness that,in retrospect,becom e almost diabolical.They show such fantastic and bizarre ugliness that,in looking b ack,they become almost fiendish and wicked.9.It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror.It is hard to believe that people built such horrible houses just because they did not know what beautiful houses were like. 10.On certain levels of the American race,indeed,there see ms to be a positive libido for the ugly…People in certain strata of American society seem definitely to hunger after ugly things;while in other less Christian strata,pe ople seem to long for things beautiful.11.They meet,in some unfathomable way,its obscure and unintelligible demands.These ugly designs,in some way that people cannot understan d,satisfy the hidden and unintelligible demands of this type of mind.12.Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beaut y as it hates truth.The place where this psychological attitude is found is the Unit ed States.1.The cultural diversity of Shanghai Expo is the richest ever se en on earth.2.The poverty of that region is beyond imagination.3.Don’t ask him about his father’s death in the car accident;d on’t even allude to it.4.On the cast expanses of wilderness there is not a single tree in sight.5.Despite severe natural catastrophe,people in the stricken ar eas still believe in love and the future.6.On the whole your report is well-written,but there is still pl enty of room for improvement.7.I’ve made up my mind not to buy a car as I prefer to ride a bi le in the city.8.Many children’s love of Internet games borders upon crazin ess.第六课 Mark Twain-Mirror of America。

Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille迎战卡米尔号飓风约瑟夫.布兰克小约翰。
" 为了对付这场飓风,几个男子汉有条不紊地做起准备工作来。
高英第一课 第二课和第四课翻译


对贫困的担心使他忧心忡忡He was obsessed with fear of poverty洞庭湖盛产鱼虾Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生Tom was every bit as bright as the top student in his class我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友He is an acquaintance of mine,but not a friend在压力下,他别无办法,只好辞职Under suh pressure,he had no other choice but quit office 最后他被她说服了,决定改变原计划At last,he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan那时候许多儿童死于天花A lot of children succumbed to small pox then他发现船舱里进了很多水,十分惊恐Much to his horror,he found the cabin flooded@孩子们考试成绩优异,家长和教师都很满意To the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers,the kids did extremely well in their exam彼得的特点正是如此That's Peter all over直到半夜医生才做完手术Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation历史课使我对古文明有所了解The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilization老作家根据这个民间故事写成了一个电影剧本The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario新上演的那出话剧充分表现了中国人民大无畏的革命精神The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play当时形而上学十分猖獗Metaphysics was rampant at that time:我没有预料到会卷入这场争端I did not anticipate that I would get involved in this dispute如果你想学到一些东西,那你就应该自己参加到这项工作中去If you want to learn something you must involve yourself in the work陪审团裁决他有罪,法官判了他三年徒刑The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and the judge sentenced him to three years'imprisonment虽然种族隔离是违法的,但种族歧视在美国仍然以不同形式存在着Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation is against the law他认为这两个观点是可以一致起来的I think we can reconcile the two views他好像也接受这个主意了He seemed reconciled to the idea观众对被告充满了同情心The spectators'hearts went out to the defndant当时伦敦的报纸认为纳粹德国即将垮台The London papers expressed the view that the collapse of Nazi Germany was at hand^他估计手头的侦查员只有三至五人He estimated the number of scouts on hand as ranging from three to five合同签订后不久,工程就开始进行了The project got under way soon after the signing of the contract我们骑车去香山好吗What about riding to the Fragrant Hills只有在妈妈去世之后,女儿才意识到自己开始更了解母亲了Only after her mother's death did the daughter realize that she was beginning to understand her mother better她沉默寡言,总爱独自一人行动She is a quiet person who does not enjoy others' company看到他脸上那副滑稽的样子,他禁不住大笑起来Seeing the funny look on his face,she couldn't help laughing这笔款子不是他的,是他向朋友借的The money does not velong to borrowed it from a friend -这些移民第二代仍感到处于主流文化的边缘,无论是在白人社会还是在华人社会中他们都找不到恰当的位置The second generation of immigrants still feel marginalized,belonging neither among the white society,nor among the Chinese American community这一对美国夫妇让他在客厅的沙发上睡了一夜The American couple put him up on the sofa in the living room for the night她张开嘴,但没说什么,口张得圆圆的,好像要唱一支歌似的She opened her mouth but said mouth was round as if she wanted to sing a song他问我他应如何着手学习第二门外语He asked me how to set about learning a second foreign language这条法规已于去年停止生效了This decree ceased to be valid last year这些重要消息没有在报上登出来This important news didn't find its way into the news paper我觉得很难说服他改变主意I had trouble in persuading him to change his mind;石油是许多中东国家国民经济的主要命脉Oil is the vital lifeline of the national economy in many Middle Eastern countries.第三世界国家决心独立发展自己的工业The Third World countries are bent on developing their industries independently.一些西方国家担心产油国会用削价的办法把他们的生意挤垮Some Western countries were afraid that the oil—producing countries would drive them out of business by undercutting them.英国政府答应提供解决失业问题所急需的钱The British government promised to put up the money needed to solve the problem 0f unemployment.沙特阿拉伯已知石油储存量在世界上是遥遥领先的Saudi Arabia’s proved reserves of on are by far the greatest in the world.中国人们经受了文化大革命的严峻考验The Chinese people stood the test of the Cultural Revolution.这些老战士饱经了二次大战多次战役的考验These veteran soldiers have all weathered the test of many battles during the Second World War.我们离四个现代化目标还有很大的差距We are still a long way from the goal of the four modernizations.!许多科技人员正努力学习外语,以便阅读第一手参考资料Many scientists and technicians are out to learn foreign languages so as to be able to read first-hand reference materials.一座新的电报大楼即将完工并交付使用A new telegraph building will be completed and put into service soon.伊拉克的扩张主意受到了世界各国报纸的抨击Iraq's expansionism was under attack from the press all over the World.这个国家的军备开支每年以百分之四到百分之五的比率增长The military expenditures of that country increase at a rate of 4% to 5% every year.美国国会批准了这项条约,使它立即生效The US Congress has ratified the treaty and brought it into force at once我们相信胜利在望We believe that victory is in sight.他们警告说还没有明显的解决办法They warn there is no obvious remedy in sight.!宾主祝酒完毕,乐队开始演奏一首美国民歌After the toasts by the host and guest,the band struck up an American folk song.他们第一次见面之后就建立了友谊They struck up a friendship right after their first meeting.为了提高选词的能力,你要注意词义上细微的差别To improve your diction,you must pay attention to the shades of meaning of words.非洲国家可能要求采取更严厉的制裁措施The African nations might press for more stringent sanctions.我没有要求他做进一步的解释I didn't press him for further explanation世界各报的注意力都集中在日内瓦举行的最高级会议上The world newspapers are focusing their attention on the summit conference being held in Geneva.数以千计的示威者走上了街头Demonstrators took to the streets by the thousands.记者们的印象是这一公报具有重大的历史意义The communique struck the reporters as one of historical significance[上周美国总统从中东回来,发现国内能源战线上在进行一场新的激烈战斗The U.S.president returned from the Mideast last week,only to find a new war raging on the domestic energy front.将军又累又失望,休息得比往常早,结果刚过午夜就被叫醒了Disappointed and exhausted,the general retired earlier than usual,only to be awakened soon after midnight.这次投票的意义绝不仅仅是关于运河的条约There is more to the vote than approval of the canal treaty.我们更仔细地看了看,看看是否有什么我们过去没有看出的含义We 100ked at it more carefully to see whether there was more to it than we assumed in the past.这个山涧发出的声音很像琴奏的乐声,因此得名玉琴山泉This mountain stream makes sounds similar to those of a guitar.Hence the name “The Spring of Jade Guitar"他对水彩画很有鉴赏力He has a good eye for water-colours.女儿大胆地表示不同意父母对她婚事的安排The daughter ventured to object to her parents's arrangement of her marriage.…由于贫困的逼迫,他开始进行偷窃活动Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing.在旅途中,我看小说以消磨时间My long journey was beguiled with novels.我想你一定度过MT的书I suppose you have read Mark Twain.他的全部注意力都集中在这个问题上,而不顾其他的问题He concentrated all his attention on this problem to the exclusion of all others.不立刻做出正确的决定将会使整个事情很困难,如果不是不可能的话Failure to make the right decision at once will make the whole thing very difficult if not impossible.问题堆积如山,我们必须尽快地解决Our problems are piling up. We must solve them as quicklyas we can.哨兵每四个小时换一次岗The sentries are relieved every four hours.他的话里带有一点讽刺的味道There was a touch of irony in his remark.童年的回忆渐渐淡漠了Memories of childhood are gradually receding.。
高级英语1 第二课课文翻译



必修一Unit 1Lesson 1 完美一日?家里蹲——来自Birmingham的四十三岁的Brian Blakey 正坐在他的沙发上告诉我他完美的一天是如何的。
到了九点半,如果BBC 2有在放好的戏剧,我就会转台过去看看。
工作狂——三十六岁的Bob Black正在他的文案前伏案工作。


高级英语课文中的翻译第一课(课文中的英译汉)1.The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic - archedgateway of aged brick and stone. You pass from the heat and glare ofa big, open square into a cool, dark cavern which extends as far asthe eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. 此时此刻显现在我脑海中的这个中东集市,其入口处是一座古老的砖石结构的哥特式拱门。
2.It is a point of honour with the customer not to let the shopkeeperguess what it is she really likes and wants until the last moment. 对于顾客来说,至关重要的一点是,不到最后一刻是不能让店主猜到她心里究竟中意哪样东西、想买哪样东西的。
3.The seller, on the other hand, makes a point of protesting that theprice he is charging is depriving him of all profit, and that he is sacrificing this because of his personal regard for the customer. 而在卖主那一方来说,他必须竭尽全力地声称,他开出的价钱使他根本无利可图,而他之所以愿意这样做完全是出于他本人对顾客的敬重。

Lesson One Rock Superstars摇滚乐关于我们和我们的社会,他们告诉了我们些什么?What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?摇滚乐是青少年叛逆的音乐。
——摇滚乐评论家约相•罗克韦尔Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.--- John Rockwell, rock music critic知其崇拜何人便可知其人。
——小说家罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦By a man‟s heroes ye shall know him.--- Robert Penn Warren, novelist1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。
It was mid-June, 1972, the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking.滚石摇滚乐队的迈克•贾格尔正在台上演唱“午夜漫步人”。
Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was singing “Midnight Rambler.”演唱结束时评论家唐•赫克曼在现场。
Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended.他描述道:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑的水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水洒向前几排汗流浃背的听众。
“Jagger,” he said, “grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops”.1973年12月下旬的一天,约1.4万名歌迷在华盛顿市外的首都中心剧场尖叫着,乱哄哄地拥向台前。

Paraphrasing (Lesson 1)1.It has never been difficult or painful for us to say these three words. even though the threewords may meet the response of people’s good intention but unsympathetic praise.2.Though she is an adoptive child, you give all your love to her as if she were your own fleshand blood.3.We could only believe that she had abandoned her baby because she was too young andlonely, and she had no ability to raise her child without any income or help.4.I would feel uncomfortable if I did not express my strong displeasure with the way in whichthe adoptive parents are portrayed in a negative light.5.Both my wife and I acknowledge that we show our admiration and respect for the womanbecause she had given birth to such a charming, lovely and intelligent child. Paraphrasing (Lesson 2)1.Their mental abilities are as weak as a baby’s muscles.2.The students in his college are of his same age, but they are admitted into the school becausethey have succeeded in the college entrance examinations whereas many others have failed.3.He learns to gain his fame and dignity among his peers and achieve success in school.4.but who were not so successful as those who formed only a small part.5.do not pay much attention to the improvement of their social ability or their mental ability.6.They consider that the ability to make a lot of money can make up for their poor performancein their studies (or is better than the academic achievement).7.Every student should be accessible to opportunities to develop the mind and to enrich thesoul if he/she is not in bad need of money.Paraphrasing (Lesson 3)8.mean/show/prove that he has the same ability as other students have (her son is performing aswell as others in the exams.9.is not very important10.is bound to prevent people from doing their best. As a result, they would stay lazy, andbecome passive mentally.11.these old professors who can live comfortably by enjoying a lot of privileges but need notwork hard … if they do not give up their positions/cancel their contract with the school. 12.The desire/hope to have or take a risk … in the early period of our history when people weretrying their best to do everything hard and adventurous.13.neatly-dressed persons who prefer to do some easy, unchallenging jobs.14.offering the native people better chances to get well paid jobs15.the same but unimportant and valueless virtues which will impede the social development.16.some stubborn, reserved and economical taxpayers are stressing the importance of cultivatingand training some talented children at an early age17.should face the challenge by taking necessary steps and by changing the unpleasant situationin which mediocrity is so prevalent that it may eclipse and degrade our fine tradition and glorious culture.Paraphrasing (Lesson 4)1.We had been amazed at easy access, convenience and good service provided by the Parisiansubway.2.I was always thinking that in fact, things had improved greatly in the past, and I expectedmore and more improvement for our life would occur in the future.3.As tourists, we had enjoyed the good service and had had a good time, but unfortunately ourhappy mood was spoilt by the disappointing event at the end of the day.4.The black people can not enjoy what the white people can.5.We have been living under despised and discriminative circumstances since we were born.We have struggled for survival and suffered a lot both physically and spiritually. In order to survive, we are forced to think that the black people are inferior to the white and the poor are not equal to the rich. Only in this way can we keep away from a lot of trouble in the society.6.from the deep hatred held by both the white and the black against each other because bothsides have failed to understand and tolerate each other.7.frightened by the possible consequence of being punished if they had stayed longer than theirusual lunch time prescribed by the union.8.I think that there is possibility that the raped white girl has identified and accused the blackyoung man by mistake.。

Lesson01 (page26)1.我不能想象他到了这般年纪怎么会想攻读研究生的。
I can’t imagine what prompted him to pursue a graduate program at his age.2.他六点钟就出发了,比他通常上班早了一小时。
He set out at six, an hour ahead of his usual time for going to office.3.我看得出吉米急着告诉我他面试的情况,他笑着说:当我走到写字台旁边,那位经理抬起头来打量了我一番,问了我几个问题,便说了声“OK”。
I could see Jimmy was eager to tell me about the interview. Laughingly, he said,” When I walked to the desk, themanager looked up, took stock of me, then asked me a few questions and said ‘OK’.”4.将军实际上被软禁在家,他以国画书法为寄托,在水墨中找到了平静和安慰。
Virtually under house arrest, the general took refuge in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy and found peace and solace in ink and water.5.由于上海到北京的火车17:25开车,我只得乘出租车。
As the Shanghai-Beijing train was due to leave at 17:25, I had to take a taxi .Shortly after I boarded the train and found my berth, it started to move.6.格林太太像泰勒太太一样,靠微博的养老金过着孤独的生活,日复一日,关闭在一间阴郁狭小的房间里,她非常渴望能有人和她在一起。

”5 为了对付这场飓风,几个男子汉有条不紊地做起准备工作来。


课文翻译(Translation of the text)第一课超级摇滚巨星——关于我们自己和我们的社会,他们告诉我们些什么?摇滚乐是青少年反叛的音乐。

Lesson1X.1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。
I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry.4)新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。
The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.5)在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。
Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see.6)他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。
They decided to buy that house with a garage attached.7)教师们坚持对学生严格要求。
The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.8)这个小女孩非常喜欢他的父亲。
This little girl is very much attached to her father.9)为实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习外国的先进科学技术。
To achieve the four modernization, we make a point of learning from the advanced science and technology of other countries.10)黄昏临近时,天渐渐地暗下来了。
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UNIT ONE: Face to face with the Hurricane Camille Translation
1) Every plane must be checked out strictly before taking off.
2) The residents are strongly against constructing a waste incineration plant nearby (in their neighborhood 表示‘在附近’更地道),because they are concerned about the air pollution caused by emissions(排放物).
3) Investment in ecological projects must up to billions of yuan in this area.
4) The dried-up river is strewn with stones of all sizes.
5) Although the huge losses the war had brought to the country, the local cultural tradition did not perish.
6) In order to construct modern high buildings, many ancient with ethnic cultural features had to be demolished.
7) The main structure of most poor-quality houses went disintegrated in the earthquake.
8) His beautiful dreams vanished into the air at last; despite he made great efforts to achieve the goal.
UNIT TWO: Hiroshima -----the “liveliest” city in Japan
1) There is no one in the hall.The meeting must have been put off.
2) The modern construction looks very much like UFO.
3) As for the northerners, Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.
4) The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.
5) He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.
6) What he did had nothing to do with her.
7) She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind.
8) I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.
9) He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects.
10) It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in.
11) The soil smells of fresh grass.
12) Could you spare me a few minutes?
13) Could you spare me a ticket?
14) That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.。