



一:短消息的MO流程1.手机发起业务请求,后续的从1-5都是一个业务请求的流程,其中2和3是一个class mark 的流程,4和5是一个加密的流程,都没有什么好讲的,这个消息跟踪中缺少了CM_Service_accept的消息。

2.消息6,A口收到手机上报的CP_DATA,CP_DATA包含什么内容呢?见下图3.4.短消息信令分了多层:最外面的两层是CM层(Connection Management Layer)与RL 层(Short Message Relay Layer)。


比如说在用户内存可用的流程,A口上报的也是CP_DATA,MO流程也是上报的CP_DATA,而用户内存可用过程与MO过程的区别在于RL层的消息,前者是RP-SMMA、后者是RP-DATA,5.手机上报的CP_DATA中含有很多内容的,其中最重要的莫过于destination address,在CM层中的destination address是短消息中心的号码,在SMS层中的destination address 就是被叫的MSISDN.6.A接口收到CP_DATA之后,会上报DTAP消息RR_DATA_IND(3),该原语中有协议指示类型(PD)Short Message Service Messages(0x09),该消息通过MM模块、SMS模块透传到MAP模块;MAP模块先要判定MAP功能配置表中是否配置支持SMS_MO功能选项,若配置为NO 则给手机下发错误消息,消息原因值为“网络不支持”;1) 若配置为YES,则MAP向VLR请求用户数据;2) VLR返回用户数据后,MAP根据用户数据判断用户是否签约短消息基本业务,若没有签约,则给手机下发错误消息,消息原因值为“用户没有申请短消息业务”;3) 若用户签约,再判定该用户是否有ODB限呼,若有限呼,则下发错误消息,消息原因值为“网络提供者禁止此项服务”;若用户登记有CALL BAR补充业务,则下发错误消息,消息原因值为“SMS有CALL BAR SERVICE”;4) 若用户没有登记限呼业务,即上述的检查点全部通过,也就是下面的这几条消息7.先看MAP_OPEN_REQ消息,这里解释一下MTI的含义,MTI是我们交换机内部的一个处理模块,它是处理MAP层和TCAP层之间的对话的。



GPS或LBS:车牌+广东省深圳 市……详细地址
国外:<DateTime:10-11-18 18:41:04> 车机,个人 /maps? 国内:如果语言设置是中文就 q=N22.540885,E113.951341 回复中文地址
经纬度定位及 网址链接
经纬度+地图网址链接 where或者125
1,中国国内使用,无论 GPRS模式或短信模式,都 可进行中文地址定位查询 。 2,国外使用,则回复谷 歌的经纬度链接。 3,收到指令后开启GPS定 位,以短信形式回复跟踪 器所在的位置。如果GPS 定位失败,则回复LBS基 站定位信息。 4, 短信模式:定位完
报警内容:请注意!外部电源 报警内容:Alarm! Power Cut! 中断! 9 震动报警间隔 tim5 时间 支持1-30分钟,默认5分 钟。 防盗报警间隔:已设为XX分钟 OK! Alarm frequency:XXX mins 车机
设置成功回复: 震动报警设置成功! 震动灵敏度:1-9,1是最 震动灵敏度:X级 报警方式:拨打电话/发送短信 灵敏,默认5级; 报警方式:1=发短信,2= /发短信,拨打电话 打电话,3=先发短信再打 震动报警短信: 电话 有异常震动,请立即检查! 0=关闭 报警给adm号码,拨打电 经纬度:是最后一次GPS定位 的经纬度 话1轮 GPS:A/V 2013-07-20 16:23
开油:666 断油:555
本命令仅限ADM车主号码 发送有效 速度小于20公里/小时
1.车辆开油 2 车辆断油



中国移动通信企业标准QB-╳╳-╳╳╳-╳╳╳╳移动梦网短信业务信令流程规范Monternet SMS Signalling Procedures Specification版本号: 3.0.1╳╳╳╳-╳╳-╳╳发布╳╳╳╳-╳╳-╳╳实施中国移动通信集团公司发布目录1 适用范围 (1)2 引用标准 (1)【1】Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol Specification v3.4 (1)【2】ETSI GSM 09.78 V6.2.1 “CAMEL Application Part(CAP) specification” (1)【3】ETSI GSM 09.02 V6.2.0 “Mobile Application Part(MAP) specification” (1)【4】ITU-T 建议Q.1228(09/97) <<智能网能力集2接口建议>> (1)【5】中国移动通信集团公司CMPP V3.0.0 (1)【6】中国移动通信集团公司<<ISMG与SCP通信协议(事务层)规范(V1.0)>> .. 13 相关术语和缩略语解释 (1)4 业务触发方式 (2)5 说明 (2)5.1 接口说明 (2)5.2 信令流程说明 (2)5.3 网元交互说明 (3)6 信令流程 (4)6.1 移动梦网短信业务的MO流程 (4)6.1.1 不需要前转的MO流程 (4) 流程图 (4) 流程说明 (4) 网元处理说明 (5) 接口使用说明 (5) DELIVER_SM/DELIVER_SM_RESP (5) AuthPriceReq/AuthPriceResp (7) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (9) CMPP_DELIVER/CMPP_DELIVER_RESP (10) sm-cnfm-req/sm-cnfm-rsp (12) RequireMonthFeeReq/RequireMonthFeeRsp (12)6.1.2 需要前转的MO流程 (14) 流程说明 (14) 网元处理说明 (15) 接口使用说明 (15) DELIVER_SM/DELIVER_SM_RESP (15) AuthPriceReq/AuthPriceResp (15) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (16) CMPP_FWD/CMPP_FWD_RESP(1) (16) CMPP_DELIVER/CMPP_DELIVER_RESP (19) CMPP_FWD/CMPP_FWD_RESP(2) (19) sm-cnfm-req/sm-cnfm-rsp (21) RequireMonthFeeReq/RequireMonthFeeResp (21)6.2 移动梦网短信业务的MT流程 (22)6.2.1 不需要前转的MT流程 (22) 流程图 (22) 流程说明 (22) 网元处理说明 (23) 接口使用说明 (23) CMPP_SUBMIT/CMPP_SUBMIT_RESP (23) AuthPriceReq/AuthPriceResp (25) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (27) SUBMIT_SM/SUBMIT_SM_RESP (29) DELIVER_SM/DELIVER_SM_RESP (30) sm-cnfm-req/sm-cnfm-rsp (32) CMPP_DELIVER/CMPP_DELIVER_RESP (32) RequireMonthFeeReq/RequireMonthFeeResp (34)6.2.2 需要前转的MT流程 (35) 流程图 (35) 流程说明 (35) 网元处理说明 (36) CMPP_SUBMIT/CMPP_SUBMIT_RESP (36) AuthPriceReq/AuthPriceResp (37) CMPP_FWD/CMPP_FWD_RESP(1) (37) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (39) SUBMIT_SM/SUBMIT_SM_RESP (40) DELIVER_SM/DELIVER_SM_RESP (40) sm-cnfm-req/sm-cnfm-rsp (40) CMPP_FWD/CMPP_FWD_RESP(2) (41) CMPP_DELIVER/CMPP_DELIVER_RESP (43) RequireMonthFeeReq/RequireMonthFeeResp (43)6.3 移动梦网短信业务的定购/取消定购流程 (44)6.3.1 不需要前转的定购/取消定购流程 (44) 流程图 (44) 流程说明 (44) 网元处理说明 (44) 接口使用说明 (45) DELIVER_SM/DELIVER_SM_RESP (45) AuthPriceReq/AuthPriceResp (45) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (45) sm-cnfm-req/sm-cnfm-rsp (46) SyncOrderRelationReq/SyncOrderRelationResp (47)6.3.2 需要前转的定购/取消定购流程 (48) 流程图 (48) 流程说明 (48) 网元处理说明 (49) 接口使用说明 (49)6.4 移动梦网短信业务的包月计费流程 (49)6.4.1 不需要前转的包月计费流程 (49) 流程图 (49) 网元处理说明 (50) 接口使用说明 (50) MonthFeeReq/MonthFeeResp (50) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (51) MonthFeeReceiptReq/MonthFeeReceiptResp (52)6.4.2 需要前转的包月计费流程 (53) 流程图 (53)图8 需要前转的包月计费流程 (53) 流程说明 (54) 网元处理说明 (54) 接口使用说明 (54) MonthFeeReq/MonthFeeResp (54) CMPP_FWD/CMPP_FWD_RESP(1) (54) sm-chg-req/sm-chg-rsp (57) CMPP_FWD/CMPP_FWD_RESP(2) (58) MonthFeeReceiptReq/MonthFeeReceiptResp (60)6.5 移动梦网短信业务的SP登录流程 (60)6.5.1 流程图 (60)图9 SP登录流程图 (60)6.5.2 流程说明 (60)6.5.3 网元处理说明 (61)6.5.4 接口使用说明 (61) SPAuthInfoReq/SPAuthInfoResp (61)6.6 移动梦网短信业务的SCP互联信令流程 (62)6.6.1 计费请求互联信令流程 (62) 流程图 (62) 接口使用说明 (62)6.6.2 计费确认请求互联信令流程 (63) 流程图 (63)6.6.3 互联信令中使用到的客体标识符说明 (64)6.6.4 操作结果说明 (65)7 网元处理说明 (67)7.1 ISMG处理说明 (67)7.1.1 对与其它网元交互的处理 (67)7.1.2 对计费类型的处理 (68)7.1.3 MO流程中对目的号码操作类型的处理 (70)7.1.4 对伪码的处理 (70)7.1.5 对短信号码类别的处理 (70)7.1.6 MT流程中对MT状态报告的处理 (70)7.1.7 ISMG上配置可信任号码组的处理 (71)7.1.8 ISMG对LBS业务的支持 (71) LBS业务的操作方式 (71) MO流程对于ISMG的要求 (71) MT流程对于ISMG的要求 (72)7.1.9 ISMG对群发的支持 (72)7.1.10 长消息解决方案 (72) SP的处理方案 (72) DSMP的处理方案 (73) ISMG的处理方案 (73)7.2 DSMP处理说明 (73)7.2.1 对业务需要真实号码还是伪码的处理 (73)7.2.2 对计费类型的处理 (74)8 ISMG与SCP之间通信协议 (74)8.1 ISMG与SCP之间通信协议的消息体描述中的一些规则 (74)8.2 ISMG与SCP之间通信协议中共用的通用元素的定义 (75)8.2.1 元素addr的定义 (75)8.2.2 元素chg-info的定义 (75)8.2.3 元素desc的定义 (76)8.2.4 元素dst的定义 (76)8.3 计费请求及应答消息的定义 (76)8.4 计费确认请求及应答消息的定义 (77)9 SMSC分册对DSMP接口规范的修改 (78)9.1 增加AuthPriceResp消息中的计费类型 (78)9.2 增加AuthPriceResp消息中用户类型字段 (78)9.3 增加AuthPriceResp消息中短信内容字段 (79)9.4 修改service_id_scheme (79)9.5 增加MonthFeeReq消息中用户类型字段 (80)9.6 增加RequireMonthFeeReq消息和RequireMonthFeeResp消息 (80) 功能描述 (80) 接口内容描述 (80)9.7 增加SPAuthInfoReq消息中的业务类型字段 (81)10 附录1 错误码xxxx的取值 (81)11 附录2 错误码yyyy的取值 (82)12 附录3 错误码zzzz的取值 (82)13 编制历史 (84)前言本信令规范描述了移动梦网短信业务中各网元(包括SCP、ISMG、SMSC、DSMP和SP)之间的消息交互过程以及相关消息的类型和定义。



CS业务流程目录1.1.1.寻呼----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.1.2.鉴权----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.1.3.加密----------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.1.4.身份标识------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.1.5.TMSI重新分配-------------------------------------------------------- 5 1.1.6.位置更新流程--------------------------------------------------------- 71.普通位置更新---------------------------------------------------------- 8 同一个MSC下的位置更新----------------------------------------------- 8 不同MSC下的位置更新------------------------------------------------- 9 2.周期性位置更新------------------------------------------------------- 10 3.开关机--------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1.关机------------------------------------------------------------- 12 2.开机------------------------------------------------------------- 12 1.1.7.语音呼叫------------------------------------------------------------ 14主叫-------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 被叫-------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 1.1.8.局间呼叫------------------------------------------------------------ 19 1.1.9.智能网触发---------------------------------------------------------- 201.主叫用户触发--------------------------------------------------------- 23 2.被叫用户触发--------------------------------------------------------- 25 3.主加被叫都触发------------------------------------------------------- 27 1.1.10.短消息-------------------------------------------------------------- 291.主叫部分(发送短消息部分)-------------------------------------------- 292.被叫部分(收短消息部分)---------------------------------------------- 30 1.1.11.切换业务------------------------------------------------------------ 321.局内切换-------------------------------------------------------------- 332.局间切换-------------------------------------------------------------- 341.1.1.寻呼在移动通信系统中,通信终端的位置不是固定的。



















例如,移动台和基站之间使用的信令协议是GSM-MAP(Mobile Application Part),它用于处理移动台的位置注册和寻呼等功能。

通信控制器和核心网之间使用的协议是SS7(Signaling System No.7),它用于处理呼叫建立和释放的信令交换。



MAP 业务命令全集

MAP 业务命令全集

一、移动业务(Mobility services)共计31条命令 (1)1、Location management services (1)(1)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA service (1)(2)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION service (1)(3)MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION service (1)(4)MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION service (2)(5)MAP_DETACH_IMSI service (2)(6)MAP_PURGE_MS service (2)(7)MAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION service (2)2、Paging and search (3)(1)MAP_PAGE service (3)(2)MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS service (3)3、Access management services (3)(1)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST service (3)4、Handover services (4)(1)MAP_PREPARE_HANDOVER service (4)(2)MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL service (4)(3)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service (4)(4)MAP_FORWARD_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service (4)(5)MAP_PREPARE_SUBSEQUENT_HANDOVER service (5)(6)MAP_ALLOCATE_HANDOVER_NUMBER service (5)(7)MAP_SEND_HANDOVER_REPORT service (5)5、Authentication management services (5)(1)MAP_AUTHENTICATE service (5)(2)MAP_SEND_AUTHENTICATION_INFO service (6)6、Security management services (6)(1)MAP_SET_CIPHERING_MODE service (6)7、International mobile equipment identities management services (6)(1)MAP_CHECK_IMEI service (6)(2)MAP_OBTAIN_IMEI service (6)8、Subscriber management services (7)(1)MAP-INSERT-SUBSCRIBER-DATA service (7)(2)MAP-DELETE-SUBSCRIBER-DATA service (8)9、 Identity management services (8)(1)MAP-PROVIDE-IMSI service (8)(2)MAP-FORWARD-NEW-TMSI service (8)10、Fault recovery services (8)(1)MAP_RESET service (8)(2)MAP_FORWARD_CHECK_SS_INDICATION service (9)(3)MAP_RESTORE_DATA service (9)11、Subscriber Information services (9)(1)MAP-ANY-TIME-INTERROGATION service (9)(2)MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-Info service (10)二、操作与维护业务(Operation and maintenance services)共计4条命令 (10)1、Subscriber tracing services (10)(1)MAP-ACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service (10)(2)MAP-DEACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service (10)(3)MAP-TRACE-SUBSCRIBER-ACTIVITY service (10)2、Other operation and maintenance services (11)(1)MAP-SEND-IMSI service (11)三、呼叫处理业务(Call handling services)共计12条命令 (11)(1)MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFORMATION service (11)(2)MAP_PROVIDE_ROAMING_NUMBER service (12)(3)MAP_RESUME_CALL_HANDLING service (12)(4)MAP_PREPARE_GROUP_CALL service (12)(5)MAP_PROCESS_GROUP CALL_SIGNALLING service (13)(6)MAP_FORWARD_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING service (13)(7)MAP_SEND_GROUP_CALL_END_SIGNAL service (13)(8)MAP_Provide_SIWFS_Number (13)(9)MAP_SIWFS_Signalling_Modify (14)(10)MAP_SET_REPORTING_STATE service (14)(11)MAP_STATUS_REPORT service (14)(12)MAP_REMOTE_USER_FREE service (14)四、补充业务相关的服务(Supplementary services related services)共计14条命令 (14)(1)MAP_REGISTER_SS service (15)(2)MAP_ERASE_SS service (15)(3)MAP_ACTIVATE_SS service (15)(4)MAP_DEACTIVATE_SS service (16)(5)MAP_INTERROGATE_SS service (16)(6)MAP_INVOKE_SS service (16)(7)MAP_REGISTER_PASSWORD service (16)(8)MAP_GET_PASSWORD service (17)(9)MAP_PROCESS_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUESTservice (17)(10)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST service (17)(11)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_NOTIFY service (17)(12)MAP_SS_INVOCATION_NOTIF (18)(13)MAP_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY service (18)(14)MAP_ERASE_CC_ENTRY service (18)五、短信业务管理服务(Short message service management services)共计9条命令 (18)(1)MAP-SEND-ROUTING-INFO-FOR-SM service (19)(2)MAP-MO-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE service (19)(3)MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service (19)(4)MAP-READY-FOR-SM service (20)(5)MAP-ALERT-SERVICE-CENTRE service (20)(6)MAP-INFORM-SERVICE-CENTRE service (20)(7)MAP-SEND-INFO-FOR-MT-SMS service (21)(8)MAP-SEND-INFO-FOR-MO-SMS service (21)(9)MAP-MT-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE service (21)六、(Network-Requested PDP Context Activation services)共计3条命令 (21)(1)MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFO_FOR_GPRS service (21)(2)MAP_FAILURE_REPORT service (22)(3)MAP_NOTE_MS_PRESENT_FOR_GPRS service (22)七、公共服务(Common MAP services)共计6条命令 (22)(1)MAP-OPEN service (22)(2)MAP-CLOSE service (22)(3)MAP-DELIMITER service (22)(4)MAP-U-ABORT service (23)(5)MAP-P-ABORT service (23)(6)MAP-NOTICE service (23)一、移动业务(Mobility services)共计31条命令1、Location management services(1)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA serviceThis service is used between MSC and VLR to update location information in the network. It is initiated by an MS when changing the location area or at first registration. The detailed conditions are given in GSM 03.12.The MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.1/1. (2)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION serviceThis service is used by the VLR to update the location information stored in the HLR.The MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 6.1/2. (3)MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION serviceThis service is used between HLR and VLR to delete a subscriber record from the VLR. It may be invoked automatically when an MS moves from one VLR area to another, to remove the subscriber record from the old VLR, or by the HLR operator to enforce a location updating from the VLR to the HLR, e.g. on withdrawal of a subscription. Also this service is used between HLR and SGSN to delete a subscriber record from the SGSN. It may be invoked automatically when an MS moves from one SGSN area to another, to remove the subscriber record from the old SGSN, or by the HLR operator to enforce a location updating from the SGSN to the HLR.The MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION service is a confirmed service using the primitives defined in table 8.1/3.(4)MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION serviceThe MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION service is used between a VLR and a previous VLR to retrieve IMSI and authentication sets for a subscriber registering afresh in that VLR.The MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION service is a confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.1/4. (5)MAP_DETACH_IMSI serviceThe MAP_DETACH_IMSI service is used by the MSC to indicate to the VLR that an MS is no longer reachable. The network needs this information e.g. to reject an incoming call without initiating paging on the radio path.The MAP_DETACH_IMSI service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.1/5.(6)MAP_PURGE_MS serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the HLR to cause the HLR to mark its data for an MS so that any request for routing information for a mobile terminated call or a mobile terminated short message will be treated as if the MS is not reachable. It is invoked when the subscriber record for the MS is to be deleted in the VLR, either by MMI interaction or automatically, e.g. because the MS has been inactive for several days.Also this service is used between the SGSN and the HLR to cause the HLR to mark its data for an MS so that any request for routing information for a mobile terminated short message or a network requested PDP-context activation will be treated as if the MS is not reachable. It is invoked when the subscriber record for the MS is to be deleted in the SGSN, either by MMI interaction or automatically, e.g. because the MS has been inactive for several days.The MAP_PURGE_MS service is a confirmed service using the primitives defined in table 8.1/6.(7)MAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION serviceThis service is used by the SGSN to update the location information stored in the HLR.The MAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table8.1/7.2、Paging and search(1)MAP_PAGE serviceThis service is used between VLR and MSC to initiate paging of an MS for mobile terminated call set-up, mobile terminated short message or unstructured SS notification.The MAP_PAGE service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.2/1.(2)MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS serviceThis service is used between VLR and MSC to initiate paging of an MS in all location areas of that VLR. It is used if theVLR does not hold location area information confirmed by radio contact.The MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.2/2.3、Access management services(1)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST serviceThis service is used between MSC and VLR to initiate processing of an MS access to the network, e.g. in case of mobile originated call set-up or after being paged by the network.The MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.3/1.4、Handover services(1)MAP_PREPARE_HANDOVER serviceThis service is used between MSC-A and MSC-B (E-interface) when a call is to be handed over from MSC-A to MSC-B.The MAP_PREPARE_HANDOVER service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/1.(2)MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL serviceThis service is used between MSC-B and MSC-A (E-interface) indicating that the radio path has been established by MSC-B to the MS. MSC-A retains then the main control of the call until it clears.The response is used by MSC-A to inform MSC-B that all resources for the call can be released in MSC-B, either because the call has been released in MSC-A or because the call has been successfully handed over from MSC-B to another MSC.The MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/2.(3)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between MSC-B and MSC-A (E-interface) to pass information received on the A-interface in MSC-B to MSC-A.The MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/3.(4)MAP_FORWARD_ACCESS_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between MSC-A and MSC-B (E-interface) to pass information to be forwarded to the A-interface of MSC-B.The MAP_FORWARD_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/4.(5)MAP_PREPARE_SUBSEQUENT_HANDOVER serviceThis service is used between MSC-B and MSC-A (E-interface) to inform MSC-A that it has been decided that a handover to either MSC-A or a third MSC (MSC-B') is required.The MAP_PREPARE_SUBSEQUENT_HANDOVER service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/5.(6)MAP_ALLOCATE_HANDOVER_NUMBER serviceThis service is used between MSC and VLR (B-interface) to request a handover number.The MAP_ALLOCATE_HANDOVER_NUMBER service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/6.(7)MAP_SEND_HANDOVER_REPORT serviceThis service is used between VLR and MSC-B (B-interface) to transfer the handover number to be forwarded to and used by MSC-A.The MAP_SEND_HANDOVER_REPORT service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/7.5、Authentication management services(1)MAP_AUTHENTICATE serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC when the VLR receives a MAP service indication from the MSC concerning a location registration, call set-up, operation on a supplementary service or a request from the MSC to initiate authentication.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(2)MAP_SEND_AUTHENTICATION_INFO serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the HLR for the VLR to retrieve authentication information from the HLR.The VLR requests some sets of RAND/SRES/Kc vectors.Also this service is used between the SGSN and the HLR for the SGSN to retrieve authentication information from the HLR. The SGSN requests some sets ofRAND/SRES/Kc vectors.If the HLR cannot provide the VLR or the SGSN with triplets, an empty response is returned. The VLR or the SGSN may then re-use old authentication triplets.Security related network functions are further described in GSM 03.20.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.6、Security management services(1)MAP_SET_CIPHERING_MODE serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC to set the ciphering mode and to start ciphering if applicable. It is called when another service requires that information is to be sent on the radio path in encrypted form.The service is a non-confirmed service and consists of two service primitives.7、International mobile equipment identities management services (1)MAP_CHECK_IMEI serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC and between the MSC and the EIR and between the SGSN and EIR to request check of IMEI. If the IMEI is not available in the MSC or in the SGSN, it is requested from the MS and transferred to the EIR in the service request.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(2)MAP_OBTAIN_IMEI serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC to request the IMEI. If the IMEI is not available in the MSC, it is requested from the MS.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.8、Subscriber management services(1)MAP-INSERT-SUBSCRIBER-DATA serviceThis service is used by an HLR to update a VLR with certain subscriber data in the following occasions:- the operator has changed the subscription of one or more supplementary services, basic services or data of a subscriber. Note that in case of withdrawal of a Basic or Supplementary service this primitive shall not be used;- the operator has applied, changed or removed Operator Determined Barring;- the subscriber has changed data concerning one or more supplementary services by using a subscriber procedure;- the HLR provides the VLR with subscriber parameters at location updating of a subscriber or at restoration. In this case, this service is used to indicate explicitly that a supplementary service is not provisioned, if the supplementary service specification requires it. The only supplementary services which have this requirement are the CLIR and COLR services. Network access mode is provided only in restoration.Also this service is used by an HLR to update a SGSN with certain subscriber data in the following occasions:- if the GPRS subscription has changed;- if the network access mode is changed;- the operator has applied, changed or removed Operator Determined Barring;- the HLR provides the SGSN with subscriber parameters at GPRS location updating of a subscriber.It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 6.8/1.(2)MAP-DELETE-SUBSCRIBER-DATA serviceThis service is used by an HLR to remove certain subscriber data from a VLR if the subscription of one or more supplementary services or basic services is withdrawn. Note that this service is not used in case of erasure or deactivation of supplementary services.Also this service is used by an HLR to remove GPRS subscription data from a SGSN.It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 8.8/2.9、Identity management services(1)MAP-PROVIDE-IMSI serviceThis service is used by a VLR in order to get, via the MSC, the IMSI of a subscriber (e.g. when a subscriber has identified itself with a TMSI not allocated to any subscriber in the VLR).It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 8.9/1.(2)MAP-FORWARD-NEW-TMSI serviceThis service is used by a VLR to allocate, via MSC, a new TMSI to a subscriber during an ongoing transaction (e.g. call set-up, location updating or supplementary services operation).It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 8.9/2.10、Fault recovery services(1)MAP_RESET serviceThis service is used by the HLR, after a restart, to indicate to a list of VLRs or SGSNs that a failure occurred.The MAP_RESET service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.10/1(2)MAP_FORWARD_CHECK_SS_INDICATION serviceThis service may be used by an HLR as an implementation option, to indicate to a mobile subscriber that supplementary services parameters may have been altered, e.g. due to a restart. If received from the HLR, the VLR shall forward this indication to the MSC, which in turn forwards it to the MS. The HLR only sends this indication after successful completion of the subscriber data retrieval from HLR to VLR that ran embedded in a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION procedure.The MAP_FORWARD_CHECK_SS_INDICATION service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.10/2.(3)MAP_RESTORE_DATA serviceThis service is invoked by the VLR on receipt of a MAP_PROVIDE_ROAMING_NUMBER indication for an unknown IMSI, or for a known IMSI with the indicator "Confirmed by HLR" set to "Not confirmed". The service is used to update the LMSI in the HLR, if provided, and to request the HLR to send all data to the VLR that are to be stored in the subscriber's IMSI record.The MAP_RESTORE_DATA service is a confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 6.10/3. 11、Subscriber Information services(1)MAP-ANY-TIME-INTERROGATION serviceThis service is used by the gsmSCF, to request information (e.g. subscriber state and location) from the HLR at any time.(2)MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-Info serviceThis service is used to request information (e.g. subscriber state and location) from the VLR at any time.二、操作与维护业务(Operation and maintenance services)共计4条命令1、Subscriber tracing services(1)MAP-ACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR to activate subscriber tracing in the VLR. Also this service is used between the HLR and the SGSN to activate subscriber tracing in the SGSN.The MAP-ACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 9.1/1.(2)MAP-DEACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the HLR for deactivating subscriber tracing in the VLR.Also this service is used between the SGSN and the HLR for deactivating subscriber tracing in the SGSN.The MAP-DEACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 9.1/2. (3)MAP-TRACE-SUBSCRIBER-ACTIVITY serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC to activate the subscriber tracing in the MSC.The MAP-TRACE-SUBSCRIBER-ACTIVITY service is a non-confirmed service using the primitives from table 9.1/3.2、Other operation and maintenance services(1)MAP-SEND-IMSI serviceThis service is used by a VLR in order to fetch the IMSI of a subscriber in case of some Operation & Maintenance procedure where subscriber data are needed in the Visited PLMN and MSISDN is the only subscriber's identity known. It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitive shown in figure 9.2/1.三、呼叫处理业务(Call handling services)共计12条命令(1)MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFORMATION serviceThis service is used between the Gateway MSC and the HLR. The service is invoked by the Gateway MSC to perform the interrogation of the HLR in order to route a call towards the called MS.This is a confirmed service using the primitives listed in table 10.1/1.(2)MAP_PROVIDE_ROAMING_NUMBER serviceThis service is used between the HLR and VLR. The service is invoked by the HLR to request a VLR to send back a roaming number to enable the HLR to instruct the GMSC to route an incoming call to the called MS.This is a confirmed service which uses the Primitives described in table 10.2/1.(3)MAP_RESUME_CALL_HANDLING serviceThis service is used between the terminating VMSC and the GMSC. The service is invoked by the terminating VMSC to request the GMSC to resume handling the call and forward it to the specified destination.This is a confirmed service which uses the Primitives listed in table 10.3/1.(4)MAP_PREPARE_GROUP_CALL serviceThis service is used by the Anchor_MSC to inform the Relay_MSC about a group call setup.The MAP_PREPARE_GROUP_CALL service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.4(5)MAP_PROCESS_GROUP CALL_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between Relay MSC and Anchor MSC for transmission of Group Call notifications.The MAP_PROCESS_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.5(6)MAP_FORWARD_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between Anchor MSC and Relay MSC for transmission of Group Call notifications.The MAP_FORWARD_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.6(7)MAP_SEND_GROUP_CALL_END_SIGNAL serviceThis service is used between the Relay MSC and the Anchor MSC indicating that VGCS / VBS channels have been established in the Relay MSC area. The response is used by the Anchor MSC to inform Relay MSC that all resources for the call can be released in Relay MSC because the call has been released in the Anchor MSC.The MAP_SEND_GROUP_CALL_END_SIGNAL service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.7(8)MAP_Provide_SIWFS_NumberThis service is used between an MSC and SIWFS. It is invoked by an MSC receiving an incoming call (call to or from MS) to request the SIWFS to allocate IWU resources. The service is defined in GSM 03.54.This is a confirmed service using the primitives described in table 10.8.(9)MAP_SIWFS_Signalling_ModifyThis service is used to transport signalling information between an MSC and an SIWFS in the case of a request to modify the configuration (e.g. HSCSD). It is invoked either by an MSC or by the SIWFS. The service is defined in GSM 03.54.This is a confirmed service using the primitives described in table 10.9.(10)MAP_SET_REPORTING_STATE serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR to set the reporting state for a requested service. It is a confirmed service using the service primitives shown in table 10.10/1.(11)MAP_STATUS_REPORT serviceThis service is used by the VLR to report an event or call outcome to the HLR.It is a confirmed service using the service primitives shown in table 10.11/1.(12)MAP_REMOTE_USER_FREE serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR to report that the B subscriber is now idle and that the A subscriber can be notified. It is a confirmed service using the service primitives shown in table 10.12/1.四、补充业务相关的服务(Supplementary services related services)共计14条命令(1)MAP_REGISTER_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to register data related to a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(2)MAP_ERASE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to erase data related to a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(3)MAP_ACTIVATE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to activate a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(4)MAP_DEACTIVATE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to deactivate a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(5)MAP_INTERROGATE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to retrieve information related to a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR if necessary.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(6)MAP_INVOKE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR to check the subscriber's subscription to a given supplementary service in the VLR, in connection with in-call invocation of that supplementary service, i.e. after the call set-up phase is finished. For supplementary service invocation during call set-up phase, please refer to the call handling descriptions. The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(7)MAP_REGISTER_PASSWORD serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR if the mobile subscriber requests to register a new password. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(8)MAP_GET_PASSWORD serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR and between the VLR and the MSC when the HLR receives a request from the mobile subscriber for an operation on a supplementary service which requires a password from the subscriber. The VLR will relay the message to the MSC.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(9)MAP_PROCESS_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUESTserviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR, between the VLR and the HLR and between the HLR and gsmSCF to relay information in order to allow unstructured supplementary service operation.The MAP_PROCESS_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 11.9/1.(10)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST serviceThis service is used between the gsmSCF and the HLR, the HLR and the VLR and between the VLR and the MSC when the invoking entity requires information from the mobile user, in connection with unstructured supplementary service handling.The MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 11.10/1.(11)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_NOTIFY serviceThis service is used between the gsmSCF and the HLR, the HLR and the VLR and between the VLR and the MSCwhen the invoking entity requires a notification to be sent to the mobile user, in connection with unstructured supplementary services handling.The MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_NOTIFY service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 11.11/1.(12)MAP_SS_INVOCATION_NOTIFThis service is used between the MSC and the gsmSCF when the subscriber invokes one of the following supplementary services; CD, ECT or MPTY.(13)MAP_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to register data for a requested call completion supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and uses the service primitives shown in table 11.13/1.(14)MAP_ERASE_CC_ENTRY serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to erase data related to a call completion supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and uses the service primitives shown in table 11.14/1.五、短信业务管理服务(Short message service management services)共计9条命令(1)MAP-SEND-ROUTING-INFO-FOR-SM serviceThis service is used between the gateway MSC and the HLR to retrieve the routing information needed for routing the short message to the servicing MSC.The MAP-SEND-ROUTING-INFO-FOR-SM is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 12.1/1.(2)MAP-MO-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE serviceThis service is used between the serving MSC or the SGSN and the gateway MSC to forward mobile originated short messages.The MAP-MO-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 12.2/1.(3)MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS serviceThis service is used between the gateway MSC and the HLR. The MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service is used to set the Message Waiting Data into the HLR or to inform the HLR of successful SM transfer after polling. This service is invoked by the gateway MSC.The MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in。






第二章移动通信网简介基本网络结构涉及的概念MS:移动台,即俗称得手机用户;BTS :发射台?负责无线信号的收发;BSC:负责控制BTS;MSC:移动交换机,就像一个以太网交换机负责在各个计算机之间交换数据一样,移动交换机负责控制通话等等——当然,实际复杂得多。



实践中,厂家设计时通常将MSC 设计为可以兼当GMSC。

例如,杭州移动的GSM网络要和杭州联通的GSM 网络通信,则双方各自有一个GMSC,两个MSC之间通过TUP/ISUP协议通信。

一个不是很恰当的比喻,GMSC 类似与一个路由器,连接不同的网络甚至是异构的网络。

TMSC :汇接局,T局。

任意两个MSC之间要通信,若采用两两直接互连的网状连接,则需要大量的传输线路,为了节省传输资源,通信网通常采用网状+树状的网络拓扑——每个省设置两个TMSC,本省的MSC与本省的TMSC 连接,省之间通过TMSC 连接。

即,一个杭州用户给一个广州用户打电话,其话路先从杭州MSC 到浙江省的TMSC,然后到广东TMSC,最后到广州的MSC。

VLR :拜访位置寄存器(VisitedLocationRegister),负责保存在所服务区域的用户的信息,比如用户有无短信收发能力、用户有无呼转能力等,还负责分配、保存一些临时的信息,比如MSRN、TIMSI 、TLDN 等;理论上一个VLR 可以同时为多个MSC服务,实践中VLR和MSC在物理上作为同一个设备(就像东信的CDMA2000 交换机,一个MSC中有两块路板控制整个交换的FMCP即MSC 部分,另外一块是VLR 专用的VLRP)。



短信收发流程短信效劳是通过使用SS#7 协议中的MAP(Mobile Application Part),将短信息协议的数据元素作为MAP 信息中的数据域在网络中传输来实现的。

这些MAP 信息通过使用传统的基于时分复用的信令、或者使用基于IP 层的SIGTRAN 信令传送协议和适配层来传输。

短信息协议的定义见3GPP TS 23.040 的短信点对点协议和3GPP TS 23.041 的小区播送效劳协议。

下面是短信收发过程的四个MAP 流程:1.移动终端发起的短信息效劳的传送;2.移动终端接收的短信息效劳的传送;3.短信息戒备程序;4.短信息等待数据集程序。

1.移动终端发起的短信息效劳的传送流程以下图是一个简化了的成功递交起于移动终端的短信息的呼叫流程:当用户发送一条短信息时,手时机通过空中接口将文本信息发送给VMSC(即访问移动交换中心)/SGSN〔即GPRS 效劳支持节点〕;该文本信息不仅包含用户编辑的短信正文、还包含短信的目的地址和短信效劳中心(SMSC)的地址,其中短信效劳中心〔SMSC〕的地址是从存储在SIM 卡中的手机配置信息中得到的。

略过空中接口技术不谈,VMSC(即访问移动交换中心)/SGSN〔即GPRS效劳支持节点〕会调用MAP 效劳包中的MAP_MO_FORWARD_SHORT_MESSAGE 发送信息给效劳中心SC 的互通移动交换中心〔IW MSC〕,效劳中心的地址由手机供给。

效劳中心会发送mo-ForwardSM MAP 操作到短信效劳中心〔SMSC〕,该操作在手机的短信息递交中识别、嵌入在一个TCAP 消息(Transaction Capabilities Application Part)中,使用SCCP(Signalling Connection Control Part)经由核心网传输。

短信息效劳中心(SMSC)的互通移动交换中心(IW MSC)在收到MAP mo-ForwardSM 信息后,就传送包含着文本信息的SMS-PP APDU (即SMSPP 的应用协议数据单元APDU(Application Protocol Data Unit)〕到短信息效劳中心的实际效劳中心SC 中存储起来。



一:短消息的MO流程1.手机发起业务请求,后续的从1-5都是一个业务请求的流程,其中2和3是一个class mark 的流程,4和5是一个加密的流程,都没有什么好讲的,这个消息跟踪中缺少了CM_Service_accept的消息。

2.消息6,A口受到手机上报的CP_DA TA,CP_DA TA包含什么内容呢?见下图3.4.短消息信令分了多层:最外面的两层是CM层(Connection Management Layer)与RL 层(Short Message Relay Layer)。


比如说在用户内存可用的流程,A口上报的也是CP_DATA,MO流程也是上报的CP_DATA,而用户内存可用过程与MO过程的区别在于RL层的消息,前者是RP-SMMA、后者是RP-DA TA,5.手机上报的CP_DATA中含有很多内容的,其中最重要的莫过于destination address,在CM层中的destination address是短消息中心的号码,在SMS层中的destination address 就是被叫的MSISDN.6.A接口收到CP_DA TA之后,会上报DTAP消息RR_DA TA_IND(3),该原语中有协议指示类型(PD)Short Message Service Messages(0x09),该消息通过MM模块、SMS模块透传到MAP模块;MAP模块先要判定MAP功能配置表中是否配置支持SMS_MO功能选项,若配置为NO 则给手机下发错误消息,消息原因值为“网络不支持”;1) 若配置为YES,则MAP向VLR请求用户数据;2) VLR返回用户数据后,MAP根据用户数据判断用户是否签约短消息基本业务,若没有签约,则给手机下发错误消息,消息原因值为“用户没有申请短消息业务”;3) 若用户签约,再判定该用户是否有ODB限呼,若有限呼,则下发错误消息,消息原因值为“网络提供者禁止此项服务”;若用户登记有CALL BAR补充业务,则下发错误消息,消息原因值为“SMS有CALL BAR SERVICE”;4) 若用户没有登记限呼业务,即上述的检查点全部通过,也就是下面的这几条消息7.先看MAP_OPEN_REQ消息,这里解释一下MTI的含义,MTI是我们交换机内部的一个处理模块,它是处理MAP层和TCAP层之间的对话的。



短信收发流程短信服务是通过使用SS#7协议中的MAP(Mobile Application Part),将短信息协议的数据元素作为MAP信息中的数据域在网络中传输来实现的。


短信息协议的定义见3GPP TS 23.040的短信点对点协议和3GPP TS 23.041的小区广播服务协议。



略过空中接口技术不谈,VMSC(即拜访移动交换中心)/SGSN(即GPRS服务支持节点)会调用MAP服务包中的MAP_MO_FORWARD_SHORT_MESSAGE发送信息给服务中心SC的互通移动交换中心(IW MSC),服务中心的地址由手机提供。

服务中心会发送mo-ForwardSM MAP操作到短信服务中心(SMSC),该操作在手机的短信息递交中识别、嵌入在一个TCAP消息(Transaction Capabilities Application Part)中,使用SCCP(Signalling Connection Control Part)经由核心网传输。

短信息服务中心(SMSC)的互通移动交换中心(IW MSC)在收到MAP mo-ForwardSM 信息后,就传送包含着文本信息的SMS-PP APDU (即SMSPP的应用协议数据单元APDU(Application Protocol Data Unit))到短信息服务中心的实际服务中心SC中存储起来。



ContentsSMS短信(A2P&P2P)流程以及SS7七号信令如何作用于短信息传递 (2)SMSC在GSM网络中的位置 (3)短消息业务流程 (3)MO消息流程 (4)MT消息流程 (5)A2P短信业务 (5)不同类型短信消息要经过的网元 (5)短信点对点的描述(上边的第一种去向,网内) (6)短信端到端描述(第二种去向,其他运营商) (6)短信端到端描述(第三种去向,SP) (6)短信息七号信令 (6)七号信令的字段深入解读 (8)短消息的信令流程分析 (9)由SMSC下发到MSC的MT消息 (10)其他短信相关信令 (12)短消息中心在七号信令系统中所处的位置.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

短信息其他信令(SMPP) (13)SMS短信(A2P&P2P)流程以及SS7七号信令如何作用于短信息传递了解短信息之前,首先需要大概了解移动智能网络的层次结构其中信令网的结构如下在7号信令网中有以下三种信令点 (如图下图):•SSP (业务交换点 Service Switching Point)•STP (信令转接点Signal Transfer Point)•SCP (业务控制点Service Control Point)7号信令点值得一提的是移动交换中心MSC和短信息中心SMSC之间就是通过信令网来实现连接的,所以MSC和SMSC之间的通信时通过STP来中转,同时受到SCP的控制.SMSC 在GSM 网络中的位置如下图所示SMC(或者叫做 SC,SMSC): 短信息中心,存储转发短信,一般情况下他是短信息数据库,SMSC 不是GSM/UMTS PLMN 的一部分,但有时是和MSC 集成在一起的.SMS-GMSC : 短消息网关MSC, 他是MSC 的一个功能部分, 能够从HLR 中获得路由信息和短消息信息,并将消息传送给VMSC(Visited Mobile Switching Center)SMS-IWMSC : Interworking MSC for SMS, 短消息业务互通移动交换中心, 他是MSC 的一个功能部分,在PLMN 内部能够接收短消息并提交给短消息中心即SMS-IWMSC 用于接收MO 消息,而SMS-GMSC 用于查询目的MSC 路由并发出消息.SAU: Singaling Access Unit,它在功能上作为智能网服务控制点SCP 的一部分,充当信令会几点上SCP,SPP 的信令接入服务器,SSP 一般通过SS7信令同SAU 连接,而SAU 通过IP 局域网与SCP 连接,所以SAU 充当信令中转的桥梁作用.(但SAU 如何详细的作用于MO 和MT 短信需要进一步搞清楚.)SDCCH :MS 与BTS 之间的无线逻辑信道,Stand Alone Dedicated Channel 独立专用控制信道用于移动台呼叫建立之前传送系统信息。

MAP 业务命令全集

MAP 业务命令全集

一、移动业务(Mobility services)共计31条命令 (1)1、Location management services (1)(1)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA service (1)(2)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION service (1)(3)MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION service (1)(4)MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION service (2)(5)MAP_DETACH_IMSI service (2)(6)MAP_PURGE_MS service (2)(7)MAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION service (2)2、Paging and search (3)(1)MAP_PAGE service (3)(2)MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS service (3)3、Access management services (3)(1)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST service (3)4、Handover services (4)(1)MAP_PREPARE_HANDOVER service (4)(2)MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL service (4)(3)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service (4)(4)MAP_FORWARD_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service (4)(5)MAP_PREPARE_SUBSEQUENT_HANDOVER service (5)(6)MAP_ALLOCATE_HANDOVER_NUMBER service (5)(7)MAP_SEND_HANDOVER_REPORT service (5)5、Authentication management services (5)(1)MAP_AUTHENTICATE service (5)(2)MAP_SEND_AUTHENTICATION_INFO service (6)6、Security management services (6)(1)MAP_SET_CIPHERING_MODE service (6)7、International mobile equipment identities management services (6)(1)MAP_CHECK_IMEI service (6)(2)MAP_OBTAIN_IMEI service (6)8、Subscriber management services (7)(1)MAP-INSERT-SUBSCRIBER-DATA service (7)(2)MAP-DELETE-SUBSCRIBER-DATA service (8)9、 Identity management services (8)(1)MAP-PROVIDE-IMSI service (8)(2)MAP-FORWARD-NEW-TMSI service (8)10、Fault recovery services (8)(1)MAP_RESET service (8)(2)MAP_FORWARD_CHECK_SS_INDICATION service (9)(3)MAP_RESTORE_DATA service (9)11、Subscriber Information services (9)(1)MAP-ANY-TIME-INTERROGATION service (9)(2)MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-Info service (10)二、操作与维护业务(Operation and maintenance services)共计4条命令 (10)1、Subscriber tracing services (10)(1)MAP-ACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service (10)(2)MAP-DEACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service (10)(3)MAP-TRACE-SUBSCRIBER-ACTIVITY service (10)2、Other operation and maintenance services (11)(1)MAP-SEND-IMSI service (11)三、呼叫处理业务(Call handling services)共计12条命令 (11)(1)MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFORMATION service (11)(2)MAP_PROVIDE_ROAMING_NUMBER service (12)(3)MAP_RESUME_CALL_HANDLING service (12)(4)MAP_PREPARE_GROUP_CALL service (12)(5)MAP_PROCESS_GROUP CALL_SIGNALLING service (13)(6)MAP_FORWARD_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING service (13)(7)MAP_SEND_GROUP_CALL_END_SIGNAL service (13)(8)MAP_Provide_SIWFS_Number (13)(9)MAP_SIWFS_Signalling_Modify (14)(10)MAP_SET_REPORTING_STATE service (14)(11)MAP_STATUS_REPORT service (14)(12)MAP_REMOTE_USER_FREE service (14)四、补充业务相关的服务(Supplementary services related services)共计14条命令 (14)(1)MAP_REGISTER_SS service (15)(2)MAP_ERASE_SS service (15)(3)MAP_ACTIVATE_SS service (15)(4)MAP_DEACTIVATE_SS service (16)(5)MAP_INTERROGATE_SS service (16)(6)MAP_INVOKE_SS service (16)(7)MAP_REGISTER_PASSWORD service (16)(8)MAP_GET_PASSWORD service (17)(9)MAP_PROCESS_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUESTservice (17)(10)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST service (17)(11)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_NOTIFY service (17)(12)MAP_SS_INVOCATION_NOTIF (18)(13)MAP_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY service (18)(14)MAP_ERASE_CC_ENTRY service (18)五、短信业务管理服务(Short message service management services)共计9条命令 (18)(1)MAP-SEND-ROUTING-INFO-FOR-SM service (19)(2)MAP-MO-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE service (19)(3)MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service (19)(4)MAP-READY-FOR-SM service (20)(5)MAP-ALERT-SERVICE-CENTRE service (20)(6)MAP-INFORM-SERVICE-CENTRE service (20)(7)MAP-SEND-INFO-FOR-MT-SMS service (21)(8)MAP-SEND-INFO-FOR-MO-SMS service (21)(9)MAP-MT-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE service (21)六、(Network-Requested PDP Context Activation services)共计3条命令 (21)(1)MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFO_FOR_GPRS service (21)(2)MAP_FAILURE_REPORT service (22)(3)MAP_NOTE_MS_PRESENT_FOR_GPRS service (22)七、公共服务(Common MAP services)共计6条命令 (22)(1)MAP-OPEN service (22)(2)MAP-CLOSE service (22)(3)MAP-DELIMITER service (22)(4)MAP-U-ABORT service (23)(5)MAP-P-ABORT service (23)(6)MAP-NOTICE service (23)一、移动业务(Mobility services)共计31条命令1、Location management services(1)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA serviceThis service is used between MSC and VLR to update location information in the network. It is initiated by an MS when changing the location area or at first registration. The detailed conditions are given in GSM 03.12.The MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.1/1. (2)MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION serviceThis service is used by the VLR to update the location information stored in the HLR.The MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 6.1/2. (3)MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION serviceThis service is used between HLR and VLR to delete a subscriber record from the VLR. It may be invoked automatically when an MS moves from one VLR area to another, to remove the subscriber record from the old VLR, or by the HLR operator to enforce a location updating from the VLR to the HLR, e.g. on withdrawal of a subscription. Also this service is used between HLR and SGSN to delete a subscriber record from the SGSN. It may be invoked automatically when an MS moves from one SGSN area to another, to remove the subscriber record from the old SGSN, or by the HLR operator to enforce a location updating from the SGSN to the HLR.The MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION service is a confirmed service using the primitives defined in table 8.1/3.(4)MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION serviceThe MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION service is used between a VLR and a previous VLR to retrieve IMSI and authentication sets for a subscriber registering afresh in that VLR.The MAP_SEND_IDENTIFICATION service is a confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.1/4. (5)MAP_DETACH_IMSI serviceThe MAP_DETACH_IMSI service is used by the MSC to indicate to the VLR that an MS is no longer reachable. The network needs this information e.g. to reject an incoming call without initiating paging on the radio path.The MAP_DETACH_IMSI service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.1/5.(6)MAP_PURGE_MS serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the HLR to cause the HLR to mark its data for an MS so that any request for routing information for a mobile terminated call or a mobile terminated short message will be treated as if the MS is not reachable. It is invoked when the subscriber record for the MS is to be deleted in the VLR, either by MMI interaction or automatically, e.g. because the MS has been inactive for several days.Also this service is used between the SGSN and the HLR to cause the HLR to mark its data for an MS so that any request for routing information for a mobile terminated short message or a network requested PDP-context activation will be treated as if the MS is not reachable. It is invoked when the subscriber record for the MS is to be deleted in the SGSN, either by MMI interaction or automatically, e.g. because the MS has been inactive for several days.The MAP_PURGE_MS service is a confirmed service using the primitives defined in table 8.1/6.(7)MAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION serviceThis service is used by the SGSN to update the location information stored in the HLR.The MAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table8.1/7.2、Paging and search(1)MAP_PAGE serviceThis service is used between VLR and MSC to initiate paging of an MS for mobile terminated call set-up, mobile terminated short message or unstructured SS notification.The MAP_PAGE service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.2/1.(2)MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS serviceThis service is used between VLR and MSC to initiate paging of an MS in all location areas of that VLR. It is used if theVLR does not hold location area information confirmed by radio contact.The MAP_SEARCH_FOR_MS service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.2/2.3、Access management services(1)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST serviceThis service is used between MSC and VLR to initiate processing of an MS access to the network, e.g. in case of mobile originated call set-up or after being paged by the network.The MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_REQUEST service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.3/1.4、Handover services(1)MAP_PREPARE_HANDOVER serviceThis service is used between MSC-A and MSC-B (E-interface) when a call is to be handed over from MSC-A to MSC-B.The MAP_PREPARE_HANDOVER service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/1.(2)MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL serviceThis service is used between MSC-B and MSC-A (E-interface) indicating that the radio path has been established by MSC-B to the MS. MSC-A retains then the main control of the call until it clears.The response is used by MSC-A to inform MSC-B that all resources for the call can be released in MSC-B, either because the call has been released in MSC-A or because the call has been successfully handed over from MSC-B to another MSC.The MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/2.(3)MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between MSC-B and MSC-A (E-interface) to pass information received on the A-interface in MSC-B to MSC-A.The MAP_PROCESS_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/3.(4)MAP_FORWARD_ACCESS_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between MSC-A and MSC-B (E-interface) to pass information to be forwarded to the A-interface of MSC-B.The MAP_FORWARD_ACCESS_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/4.(5)MAP_PREPARE_SUBSEQUENT_HANDOVER serviceThis service is used between MSC-B and MSC-A (E-interface) to inform MSC-A that it has been decided that a handover to either MSC-A or a third MSC (MSC-B') is required.The MAP_PREPARE_SUBSEQUENT_HANDOVER service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/5.(6)MAP_ALLOCATE_HANDOVER_NUMBER serviceThis service is used between MSC and VLR (B-interface) to request a handover number.The MAP_ALLOCATE_HANDOVER_NUMBER service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/6.(7)MAP_SEND_HANDOVER_REPORT serviceThis service is used between VLR and MSC-B (B-interface) to transfer the handover number to be forwarded to and used by MSC-A.The MAP_SEND_HANDOVER_REPORT service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 8.4/7.5、Authentication management services(1)MAP_AUTHENTICATE serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC when the VLR receives a MAP service indication from the MSC concerning a location registration, call set-up, operation on a supplementary service or a request from the MSC to initiate authentication.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(2)MAP_SEND_AUTHENTICATION_INFO serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the HLR for the VLR to retrieve authentication information from the HLR.The VLR requests some sets of RAND/SRES/Kc vectors.Also this service is used between the SGSN and the HLR for the SGSN to retrieve authentication information from the HLR. The SGSN requests some sets ofRAND/SRES/Kc vectors.If the HLR cannot provide the VLR or the SGSN with triplets, an empty response is returned. The VLR or the SGSN may then re-use old authentication triplets.Security related network functions are further described in GSM 03.20.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.6、Security management services(1)MAP_SET_CIPHERING_MODE serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC to set the ciphering mode and to start ciphering if applicable. It is called when another service requires that information is to be sent on the radio path in encrypted form.The service is a non-confirmed service and consists of two service primitives.7、International mobile equipment identities management services (1)MAP_CHECK_IMEI serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC and between the MSC and the EIR and between the SGSN and EIR to request check of IMEI. If the IMEI is not available in the MSC or in the SGSN, it is requested from the MS and transferred to the EIR in the service request.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(2)MAP_OBTAIN_IMEI serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC to request the IMEI. If the IMEI is not available in the MSC, it is requested from the MS.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.8、Subscriber management services(1)MAP-INSERT-SUBSCRIBER-DATA serviceThis service is used by an HLR to update a VLR with certain subscriber data in the following occasions:- the operator has changed the subscription of one or more supplementary services, basic services or data of a subscriber. Note that in case of withdrawal of a Basic or Supplementary service this primitive shall not be used;- the operator has applied, changed or removed Operator Determined Barring;- the subscriber has changed data concerning one or more supplementary services by using a subscriber procedure;- the HLR provides the VLR with subscriber parameters at location updating of a subscriber or at restoration. In this case, this service is used to indicate explicitly that a supplementary service is not provisioned, if the supplementary service specification requires it. The only supplementary services which have this requirement are the CLIR and COLR services. Network access mode is provided only in restoration.Also this service is used by an HLR to update a SGSN with certain subscriber data in the following occasions:- if the GPRS subscription has changed;- if the network access mode is changed;- the operator has applied, changed or removed Operator Determined Barring;- the HLR provides the SGSN with subscriber parameters at GPRS location updating of a subscriber.It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 6.8/1.(2)MAP-DELETE-SUBSCRIBER-DATA serviceThis service is used by an HLR to remove certain subscriber data from a VLR if the subscription of one or more supplementary services or basic services is withdrawn. Note that this service is not used in case of erasure or deactivation of supplementary services.Also this service is used by an HLR to remove GPRS subscription data from a SGSN.It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 8.8/2.9、Identity management services(1)MAP-PROVIDE-IMSI serviceThis service is used by a VLR in order to get, via the MSC, the IMSI of a subscriber (e.g. when a subscriber has identified itself with a TMSI not allocated to any subscriber in the VLR).It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 8.9/1.(2)MAP-FORWARD-NEW-TMSI serviceThis service is used by a VLR to allocate, via MSC, a new TMSI to a subscriber during an ongoing transaction (e.g. call set-up, location updating or supplementary services operation).It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitives shown in table 8.9/2.10、Fault recovery services(1)MAP_RESET serviceThis service is used by the HLR, after a restart, to indicate to a list of VLRs or SGSNs that a failure occurred.The MAP_RESET service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.10/1(2)MAP_FORWARD_CHECK_SS_INDICATION serviceThis service may be used by an HLR as an implementation option, to indicate to a mobile subscriber that supplementary services parameters may have been altered, e.g. due to a restart. If received from the HLR, the VLR shall forward this indication to the MSC, which in turn forwards it to the MS. The HLR only sends this indication after successful completion of the subscriber data retrieval from HLR to VLR that ran embedded in a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION procedure.The MAP_FORWARD_CHECK_SS_INDICATION service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 8.10/2.(3)MAP_RESTORE_DATA serviceThis service is invoked by the VLR on receipt of a MAP_PROVIDE_ROAMING_NUMBER indication for an unknown IMSI, or for a known IMSI with the indicator "Confirmed by HLR" set to "Not confirmed". The service is used to update the LMSI in the HLR, if provided, and to request the HLR to send all data to the VLR that are to be stored in the subscriber's IMSI record.The MAP_RESTORE_DATA service is a confirmed service using the service primitives defined in table 6.10/3. 11、Subscriber Information services(1)MAP-ANY-TIME-INTERROGATION serviceThis service is used by the gsmSCF, to request information (e.g. subscriber state and location) from the HLR at any time.(2)MAP-PROVIDE-SUBSCRIBER-Info serviceThis service is used to request information (e.g. subscriber state and location) from the VLR at any time.二、操作与维护业务(Operation and maintenance services)共计4条命令1、Subscriber tracing services(1)MAP-ACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR to activate subscriber tracing in the VLR. Also this service is used between the HLR and the SGSN to activate subscriber tracing in the SGSN.The MAP-ACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 9.1/1.(2)MAP-DEACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the HLR for deactivating subscriber tracing in the VLR.Also this service is used between the SGSN and the HLR for deactivating subscriber tracing in the SGSN.The MAP-DEACTIVATE-TRACE-MODE service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 9.1/2. (3)MAP-TRACE-SUBSCRIBER-ACTIVITY serviceThis service is used between the VLR and the MSC to activate the subscriber tracing in the MSC.The MAP-TRACE-SUBSCRIBER-ACTIVITY service is a non-confirmed service using the primitives from table 9.1/3.2、Other operation and maintenance services(1)MAP-SEND-IMSI serviceThis service is used by a VLR in order to fetch the IMSI of a subscriber in case of some Operation & Maintenance procedure where subscriber data are needed in the Visited PLMN and MSISDN is the only subscriber's identity known. It is a confirmed service and consists of the primitive shown in figure 9.2/1.三、呼叫处理业务(Call handling services)共计12条命令(1)MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFORMATION serviceThis service is used between the Gateway MSC and the HLR. The service is invoked by the Gateway MSC to perform the interrogation of the HLR in order to route a call towards the called MS.This is a confirmed service using the primitives listed in table 10.1/1.(2)MAP_PROVIDE_ROAMING_NUMBER serviceThis service is used between the HLR and VLR. The service is invoked by the HLR to request a VLR to send back a roaming number to enable the HLR to instruct the GMSC to route an incoming call to the called MS.This is a confirmed service which uses the Primitives described in table 10.2/1.(3)MAP_RESUME_CALL_HANDLING serviceThis service is used between the terminating VMSC and the GMSC. The service is invoked by the terminating VMSC to request the GMSC to resume handling the call and forward it to the specified destination.This is a confirmed service which uses the Primitives listed in table 10.3/1.(4)MAP_PREPARE_GROUP_CALL serviceThis service is used by the Anchor_MSC to inform the Relay_MSC about a group call setup.The MAP_PREPARE_GROUP_CALL service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.4(5)MAP_PROCESS_GROUP CALL_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between Relay MSC and Anchor MSC for transmission of Group Call notifications.The MAP_PROCESS_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.5(6)MAP_FORWARD_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING serviceThis service is used between Anchor MSC and Relay MSC for transmission of Group Call notifications.The MAP_FORWARD_GROUP_CALL_SIGNALLING service is a non-confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.6(7)MAP_SEND_GROUP_CALL_END_SIGNAL serviceThis service is used between the Relay MSC and the Anchor MSC indicating that VGCS / VBS channels have been established in the Relay MSC area. The response is used by the Anchor MSC to inform Relay MSC that all resources for the call can be released in Relay MSC because the call has been released in the Anchor MSC.The MAP_SEND_GROUP_CALL_END_SIGNAL service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 10.7(8)MAP_Provide_SIWFS_NumberThis service is used between an MSC and SIWFS. It is invoked by an MSC receiving an incoming call (call to or from MS) to request the SIWFS to allocate IWU resources. The service is defined in GSM 03.54.This is a confirmed service using the primitives described in table 10.8.(9)MAP_SIWFS_Signalling_ModifyThis service is used to transport signalling information between an MSC and an SIWFS in the case of a request to modify the configuration (e.g. HSCSD). It is invoked either by an MSC or by the SIWFS. The service is defined in GSM 03.54.This is a confirmed service using the primitives described in table 10.9.(10)MAP_SET_REPORTING_STATE serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR to set the reporting state for a requested service. It is a confirmed service using the service primitives shown in table 10.10/1.(11)MAP_STATUS_REPORT serviceThis service is used by the VLR to report an event or call outcome to the HLR.It is a confirmed service using the service primitives shown in table 10.11/1.(12)MAP_REMOTE_USER_FREE serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR to report that the B subscriber is now idle and that the A subscriber can be notified. It is a confirmed service using the service primitives shown in table 10.12/1.四、补充业务相关的服务(Supplementary services related services)共计14条命令(1)MAP_REGISTER_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to register data related to a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(2)MAP_ERASE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to erase data related to a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(3)MAP_ACTIVATE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to activate a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(4)MAP_DEACTIVATE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to deactivate a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(5)MAP_INTERROGATE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to retrieve information related to a supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR if necessary.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(6)MAP_INVOKE_SS serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR to check the subscriber's subscription to a given supplementary service in the VLR, in connection with in-call invocation of that supplementary service, i.e. after the call set-up phase is finished. For supplementary service invocation during call set-up phase, please refer to the call handling descriptions. The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(7)MAP_REGISTER_PASSWORD serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR if the mobile subscriber requests to register a new password. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(8)MAP_GET_PASSWORD serviceThis service is used between the HLR and the VLR and between the VLR and the MSC when the HLR receives a request from the mobile subscriber for an operation on a supplementary service which requires a password from the subscriber. The VLR will relay the message to the MSC.The service is a confirmed service and consists of four service primitives.(9)MAP_PROCESS_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUESTserviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR, between the VLR and the HLR and between the HLR and gsmSCF to relay information in order to allow unstructured supplementary service operation.The MAP_PROCESS_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 11.9/1.(10)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST serviceThis service is used between the gsmSCF and the HLR, the HLR and the VLR and between the VLR and the MSC when the invoking entity requires information from the mobile user, in connection with unstructured supplementary service handling.The MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_REQUEST service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 11.10/1.(11)MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_NOTIFY serviceThis service is used between the gsmSCF and the HLR, the HLR and the VLR and between the VLR and the MSCwhen the invoking entity requires a notification to be sent to the mobile user, in connection with unstructured supplementary services handling.The MAP_UNSTRUCTURED_SS_NOTIFY service is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 11.11/1.(12)MAP_SS_INVOCATION_NOTIFThis service is used between the MSC and the gsmSCF when the subscriber invokes one of the following supplementary services; CD, ECT or MPTY.(13)MAP_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to register data for a requested call completion supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and uses the service primitives shown in table 11.13/1.(14)MAP_ERASE_CC_ENTRY serviceThis service is used between the MSC and the VLR and between the VLR and the HLR to erase data related to a call completion supplementary service. The VLR will relay the message to the HLR.The service is a confirmed service and uses the service primitives shown in table 11.14/1.五、短信业务管理服务(Short message service management services)共计9条命令(1)MAP-SEND-ROUTING-INFO-FOR-SM serviceThis service is used between the gateway MSC and the HLR to retrieve the routing information needed for routing the short message to the servicing MSC.The MAP-SEND-ROUTING-INFO-FOR-SM is a confirmed service using the primitives from table 12.1/1.(2)MAP-MO-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE serviceThis service is used between the serving MSC or the SGSN and the gateway MSC to forward mobile originated short messages.The MAP-MO-FORWARD-SHORT-MESSAGE service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in table 12.2/1.(3)MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS serviceThis service is used between the gateway MSC and the HLR. The MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service is used to set the Message Waiting Data into the HLR or to inform the HLR of successful SM transfer after polling. This service is invoked by the gateway MSC.The MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service is a confirmed service using the service primitives given in。



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3GPP TS 29.002 V4.15.0 “Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification ”
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MAP-ServicePrimitiveName type
type 有四类: request (req), indication (ind), response (rsp) 和confirm (cnf)。 (注:在后面的流程图中,Request服务和Indication服务并不标示出 来,Response和Confirm服务统一标示为”ack”。)
接口功能 被叫取漫游号码等 移动性管理等 MSC之间切换或者系统间 切换,短消息业务; 检查IMEI 取用户标识 位置业务信令交互
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1 基本呼叫过程 (2)1.1 移动用户呼叫移动用户主叫侧完整过程(主叫释放) (2)1.2 移动用户呼叫移动用户被叫侧完整过程(被叫释放) (10)1.3 固定用户呼叫移动用户完整过程 (17)1.4 移动用户呼叫固定用户完整过程 (22)1.5 呼叫重建过程 (26)2 位置更新过程 (27)2.1 第一次位置更新(TMSI再分配) (27)2.2 VLR内部的位置更新 (29)2.3 改变VLR时的位置更新 (34)3 IMSI附着过程 (40)3.1 IMSI分离过程 (40)4 切换 (44)4.1 小区内切换 (44)4.2 BSC内的小区间切换 (46)4.3 MSC内的BSC间切换 (48)4.4 MSC间切换 (50)4.5 强迫切换 (54)5 短消息传送过程 (56)5.1 空闲模式下MS发起的短消息传送 (56)5.2 空闲模式下MS终止的短消息传送 (60)5.3 专用模式下MS发起的短消息传送 (65)5.4 专用模式下MS终止的短消息传送 (67)6 高级语音呼叫过程 (69)6.1 组呼的信令过程 (69)6.1.1 发起组呼的信令流程 (69) 移动用户发起组呼的信令流程 (69) 固定用户发起组呼的信令流程 (72)6.1.2 移动用户在主控MSC上申请上行链路的信令流程 (74)6.1.3 组呼挂断的信令流程 (76) 主控MSC下的移动用户挂断组呼的信令流程1 (76) 中继MSC下的用户挂断组呼的信令流程 (77) 固定用户挂断组呼的信令流程 (78)6.2 语音广播呼叫过程 (79)6.2.1 语音广播呼叫建立信令流程 (79)6.2.2 语音广播挂断信令流程 (82)1 基本呼叫过程1.1 移动用户呼叫移动用户主叫侧完整过程(主叫释放)1移动用户呼叫移动用户主叫侧完整过程(主叫释放)流程1.Channel request :该消息在RACH上以随机模式被传送,主要应用过程有IMSI附着、短消息、补充业务管理。




MSC-CSNode BRNCUEMSC-CSNode BRNCUE在CM ServiceRequest消息中,有CM service字段,其值取值为1时,表示为MS发起电路呼叫;其值为4时,表示为短信业务;为2时,表示紧急呼叫;为8时,表示激活补充业务……。

如果选择CS承载,在RRC层的Initial Direct Transfer消息的CN domain identity 字段的取值应该为:CS Domain;如果选择PS承载,在RRC层的Initial Direct Transfer 消息的CN domain identity字段的取值应该为:PS Domain;RNC可以根据CN domain identity字段的取值,把短信及其相关信令送给MSC(CS Domain情况)或者SGSN(情况)。

下图为在公共信道上发送短信的流程图:UEMSC-CSNode B RNCMSC-CSNode BRNCUE1) 短信的字节长度跟CS 域或者PS 域没有关系,因为不管在哪个域,不管是MSC 还是SGSN 处理短信,都是使用相同的MAP 消息承载,短信长度与底层承载无关。

2) 被叫成功收到短信后,会向短信中心发送一个发送成功的状态报告(Delivery Report ),短信中心收到这个状态报告后,才会出话单。


3) GPRS 短信可以承载在PDTCH 上,此时,GPRS 承载发短信前不需要先进行PDP 激活。

4) 目前终端最多可以发送140个字节的短信内容,对于汉字,即70个汉字;对于ASCII编码,即140个字符;对于压缩的7位编码,可以位160个字符。



常见MAP消息分析常见的MAP(Management Access Point)消息分析涉及到MAP协议的各个方面,包括MAP消息的结构、常用MAP消息的功能和内容、MAP消息的传输过程等等。























MAPCAP协议MAP(Mobile Application Part)协议和CAP(CAMEL Application Part)协议是用于移动通信网络中的信令传输和业务处理的两种协议。

1. MAP(Mobile Application Part)协议:MAP协议的主要功能包括:-呼叫建立和拆除:MAP协议用于在移动网络中发起和拆除呼叫。






2. CAP(CAMEL Application Part)协议:CAP协议是一种用于智能网(Intelligent Network)中业务处理的协议。











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