COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) No 812/2013of 18 February 2013supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of water heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heater andsolar device(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the indi cation by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products ( 1 ), and in particular Article 10 thereof, Whereas:(1) Directive 2010/30/EU requires the Commission to adoptdelegated acts as regards the labelling of energy-related products that have a significant potential for energy savings but exhibit a wide disparity in performance levels with equivalent functionality.(2) The energy consumed by water heaters and hot waterstorage tanks accounts for a significant share of the total energy demand in the Union, and water heaters and hot water storage tanks with equivalent functionality exhibit a wide disparity in terms of water heating energy effi ciency and standing loss. The scope for reducing their energy consumption is significant and includes combining water heaters with appropriate solar devices. Water heaters, hot water storage tanks and packages of water heaters and solar devices should therefore be covered by energy labelling requirements.(3) Water heaters that are designed for using gaseous orliquid fuels predominantly (more than 50 %) produced from biomass have specific technical characteristics which require further technical, economic and environ mental analyses. Depending on the outcome of the analyses, energy labelling requirements for those water heaters should be set at a later stage, if appropriate.(4) Harmonised provisions should be laid down on labellingand standard product information regarding the energyefficiency of water heaters and hot water storage tanks in order to provide incentives for manufacturers to improve the energy efficiency of these products, to encourage end- users to purchase energy-efficient products and to contribute to the functioning of the internal market.(5) As regards significant energy and cost savings for eachtype of water heater and for hot water storage tanks, thisRegulation should introduce a new single labelling scalefrom A to G for conventional water heaters, solar water heaters and heat pump water heaters and for hot waterstorage tanks. A dynamic class A + should be added to theclassification after two years to accelerate the market penetration of the most efficient water heaters and hot water storage tanks.(6) ThisRegulation should ensure that consumers get more accurate comparative information about the performance of solar water heaters and heat pump water heaters in three European climate zones.(7) Thesound power level of a water heater could be an important consideration for end-users. Information on sound power levels should be included on the labels of water heaters.(8) Thecombined effect of this Regulation and Commission Regulation (EU) No 814/2013 of 2 August 2013 imple menting Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for water heaters and hot water storagetanks ( 2 ) is expected to result in estimated annual energy savings of around 450 PJ (11 Mtoe) by 2020,corresponding to about 26 Mt CO 2emissions, compared to what would happen if no measures were taken.(9) Theinformation provided on the labels should be obtained through reliable, accurate and reproduciblemeasurement and calculation procedures that take into account recognised state-of-the-art measurement and calculation methods including, where available, harmonised standards adopted by the European standard isation bodies under a request from the Commission, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services ( 3 ), for the purpose of establishing ecodesign requirements.(10) This Regulation should specify a uniform design andcontent of product labels for water heaters and hotwater storage tanks.( 1 ) OJ L 153, 18.6.2010, p. 1.( 2 ) See page 162 of this Official Journal. ( 3 ) OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37.(11) In addition, this Regulation should specify requirementsfor the product fiche and technical documentation forwater heaters and hot water storage tanks.(12) Moreover, this Regulation should specify requirementsfor the information to be provided for any form ofdistance selling of water heaters and hot water storagetanks and in any advertisements and technicalpromotional material for such products.(13)In addition to the product labels and fiches for waterheaters and hot water storage tanks laid down in thisRegulation, a package label and fiche based on productfiches from suppliers should ensure that the end-user haseasy access to information on the energy performance ofwater heaters in combination with solar devices. Themost efficient class A+++may be reached by such apackage.(14) It is appropriate to provide for a review of the provisionsof this Regulation taking into account technologicalprogress,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:Article 1Subject matter and scope1. This Regulation establishes requirements for the energy labelling of, and the provision of supplementary product information on, water heaters with a rated heat output ≤70 kW, hot water storage tanks with a storage volume ≤ 500 litres and packages of water heater ≤ 70 kW and solar device.2. This Regulation shall not apply to:(a) water heaters specifically designed for using gaseous orliquid fuels predominantly produced from biomass;(b) water heaters using solid fuels;(c) water heaters within the scope of Directive 2010/75/EU ofthe European Parliament and of the Council (1);(d) combination heaters as defined in Article 2 of CommissionDelegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013 (2);(e) water heaters which do not meet at least the load profilewith the smallest reference energy, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(f) water heaters designed for making hot drinks and/or foodonly.Article 2DefinitionsIn addition to the definitions set out in Article 2 of Directive 2010/30/EU, the following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Regulation:(1) ‘water heater’ means a device that:(a) is connected to an external supply of drinking orsanitary water;(b) generates and transfers heat to deliver drinking orsanitary hot water at given temperature levels, quantities and flow rates during given intervals; and(c) is equipped with one or more heat generators;(2) ‘heat generator’ means the part of a water heater thatgenerates the heat using one or more of the following processes:(a) combustion of fossil fuels and/or biomass fuels;(b) use of the Joule effect in electric resistance heatingelements;(c) capture of ambient heat from an air source, watersource or ground source, and/or waste heat;(3) ‘rated heat output’ means the declared heat output of thewater heater when providing water heating at standard rating conditions, expressed in kW;(4) ‘storage volume’ (V) means the rated volume of a hotwater storage tank, expressed in litres;(5) ‘standard rating conditions’ means the operatingconditions of water heaters for establishing the rated heat output, water heating energy efficiency and sound power level, and of hot water storage tanks for establishing the standing loss;(6) ‘biomass’ means the biodegradable fraction of products,waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste;(7) ‘biomass fuel’ means a gaseous or liquid fuel producedfrom biomass;(8) ‘fossil fuel’ means a gaseous or liquid fuel of fossil origin;(1) OJ L 334, 17.12.2010, p. 17.(2) See page 1 of this Official Journal.(9) ‘hot water storage tank’ means a vessel for storing hotwater for water and/or space heating purposes, includingany additives, which is not equipped with any heatgenerator except possibly one or more back-up immersion heaters;(10) ‘back-up immersion heater’ means a Joule effect electricresistance heater that is part of a hot water storage tankand generates heat only when the external heat source isdisrupted (including during maintenance periods) or out oforder, or that is part of a solar hot water storage tank andprovides heat when the solar heat source is not sufficientto satisfy required comfort levels;(11) ‘solar device’ means a solar-only system, a solar collector, asolar hot water storage tank or a pump in the collectorloop, which are placed on the market separately;(12) ‘solar-only system’ means a device that is equipped withone or more solar collectors and solar hot water storagetanks and possibly pumps in the collector loop and otherparts, which is placed on the market as one unit and is notequipped with any heat generator except possibly one ormore back-up immersion heaters;(13) ‘package of water heater and solar device’ means a packageoffered to the end-user containing one or more waterheaters and one or more solar devices;(14) ‘water heating energy efficiency’ (ηwh) means the ratiobetween the useful energy provided by a water heater ora package of water heater and solar device and the energyrequired for its generation, expressed in %;(15) ‘sound power level’ (L WA) means the A-weighted soundpower level, indoors and/or outdoors, expressed in dB;(16) ‘standing loss’ (S) means the heating power dissipated froma hot water storage tank at given water and ambienttemperatures, expressed in W;(17) ‘heat pump water heater’ means a water heater that usesambient heat from an air source, water source or groundsource, and/or waste heat for heat generation.For the purposes of Annexes II to IX, additional definitions are set out in Annex I.Article 3Responsibilities of suppliers and timetable1. From 26 September 2015 suppliers placing water heaters on the market and/or putting them into service, including those integrated in packages of water heater and solar device, shall ensure that: (a) a printed label complying with the format and content ofinformation set out in point 1.1 of Annex III is provided foreach water heater conforming to the water heating energy efficiency classes set out in point 1 of Annex II, whereby: for heat pump water heaters, the printed label is provided atleast in the packaging of the heat generator; for water heaters intended for use in packages of water heater and solar device, a second label complying with the format and content of information set out in point 3 of Annex III is provided for each water heater;(b) a product fiche, as set out in point 1 of Annex IV, isprovided for each water heater, whereby: for heat pump water heaters, the product fiche is provided at least for the heat generator; for water heaters intended for use in packages of water heater and solar device, a second fiche, as set out in point 4 of Annex IV, is provided;(c) the technical documentation, as set out in point 1 ofAnnex V, is provided on request to the authorities of the Member States and to the Commission;(d) any advertisement relating to a specific water heater modeland containing energy-related or price information includesa reference to the water heating energy efficiency classunder average climate conditions for that model;(e) any technical promotional material concerning a specificwater heater model and describing its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the water heating energy efficiency class under average climate conditions for that model.From 26 September 2017 a printed label complying with the format and content of information set out in point 1.2 of Annex III shall be provided for each water heater conforming to the water heating energy efficiency classes set out in point 1 of Annex II, whereby: for heat pump water heaters, the printed label shall be provided at least in the packaging of the heat generator.2. From 26 September 2015 suppliers placing hot water storage tanks on the market and/or putting them into service shall ensure that:(a) a printed label complying with the format and content ofinformation set out in point 2.1 of Annex III is provided foreach hot water storage tank conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in point 2 of Annex II;(b) a product fiche, as set out in point 2 of Annex IV, isprovided;(c) the technical documentation, as set out in point 2 ofAnnex V, is provided on request to the authorities of the Member States and to the Commission;(d) any advertisement relating to a specific hot water storagetank model and containing energy-related or price information includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model;(e) any technical promotional material concerning a specifichot water storage tank model and describing its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model.From 26 September 2017 a printed label complying with the format and content of information as set out in point 2.2 of Annex III shall be provided for each hot water storage tank conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in point 2 of Annex II.3. From 26 September 2015 suppliers placing solar devices on the market and/or putting them into service shall ensure that:(a) a product fiche, as set out in point 3 of Annex IV, isprovided;(b) the technical documentation, as set out in point 3 ofAnnex V, is provided on request to the authorities of the Member States and to the Commission.4. From 26 September 2015 suppliers placing packages of water heater and solar device on the market and/or putting them into service shall ensure that:(a) a printed label complying with the format and content ofinformation set out in point 3 of Annex III is provided for each package of water heater and solar device conforming to the water heating energy efficiency classes set out in point 1 of Annex II;(b) a product fiche, as set out in point 4 of Annex IV, isprovided for each package of water heater and solar device;(c) the technical documentation, as set out in point 4 ofAnnex V, is provided on request to the authorities of the Member States and to the Commission;(d) any advertisement relating to a specific package of waterheater and solar device model and containing energy- related or price information includes a reference to the water heating energy efficiency class under average climate conditions for that model;(e) any technical promotional material concerning a specificpackage of water heater and solar device model and describing its specific technical parameters includes areference to the water heating energy efficiency class under average climate conditions for that model.Article 4Responsibilities of dealers1. Dealers of water heaters shall ensure that:(a) each water heater, at the point of sale, bears the labelprovided by suppliers in accordance with Article 3(1), as set out in point 1 of Annex III, on the outside of the front of the appliance, in such a way as to be clearly visible;(b) water heaters offered for sale, hire or hire-purchase, wherethe end-user cannot be expected to see the water heater displayed, are marketed with the information provided by the suppliers in accordance with point 1 of Annex VI;(c) any advertisement relating to a specific water heater modeland containing energy-related or price information includesa reference to the water heating energy efficiency classunder average climate conditions for that model;(d) any technical promotional material concerning a specificwater heater model and describing its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the water heating energy efficiency class under average climate conditions for that model.2. Dealers of hot water storage tanks shall ensure that:(a) each hot water storage tank, at the point of sale, bears thelabel provided by suppliers in accordance with Article 3(2), as set out in point 2 of Annex III, on the outside of the front of the appliance, in such a way as to be clearly visible;(b) hot water storage tanks offered for sale, hire or hire-purchase, where the end-user cannot be expected to see the hot water storage tank displayed, are marketed with the information provided by the suppliers in accordance with point 2 of Annex VI;(c) any advertisement relating to a specific hot water storagetank model and containing energy-related or price information includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model;(d) any technical promotional material concerning a specifichot water storage tank model and describing its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model.3. Dealers of packages of water heater and solar device shall ensure, based on the label and fiches provided by suppliers in accordance with Article 3(1), (3) and (4), that:(a) any offer for a specific package includes the water heatingenergy efficiency and the water heating energy efficiency class for that package under average, colder or warmer climate conditions, as applicable, by displaying with the package the label set out in point 3 of Annex III and providing the fiche set out in point 4 of Annex IV, duly filled in according to the characteristics of that package;(b) packages of water heater and solar device offered for sale,hire or hire-purchase, where the end-user cannot be expected to see the package of water heater and solar device displayed, are marketed with the information provided in accordance with point 3 of Annex VI;(c) any advertisement relating to a specific package of waterheater and solar device model and containing energy- related or price information includes a reference to the water heating energy efficiency class under average climate conditions for that model;(d) any technical promotional material concerning a specificpackage of water heater and solar device model and describing its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the water heating energy efficiency class under average climate conditions for that model.Article 5Measurement and calculation methodsThe information to be provided pursuant to Articles 3 and 4 shall be obtained by reliable, accurate and reproducible measurement and calculation methods which take into account the recognised state-of-the-art measurement and calculation methods, as set out in Annex VII and Annex VIII.Article 6Verification procedure for market surveillance purposes Member States shall apply the procedure set out in Annex IX when assessing the conformity of the declared water heating energy efficiency class, water heating energy efficiency, annual energy consumption and sound power level of water heaters and the declared energy efficiency class and standing loss of hot water storage tanks.Article 7ReviewThe Commission shall review this Regulation in the light of technological progress no later than five years after its entry into force. The review shall in particular assess any significant changes in the market shares of various types of appliances and the appropriateness of the package fiche and label set out in point 3 of Annex III and point 4 of Annex IV.Article 8Entry into force and applicationThis Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 18 February 2013.For the CommissionThe PresidentJosé Manuel BARROSOANNEX IDefinitions applicable for Annexes II to IXFor the purposes of Annexes II to IX, the following definitions shall apply:(1) ‘conventional water heater’ means a water heater that generates heat using the combustion of fossil and/or biomassfuels and/or the Joule effect in electric resistance heating elements;(2) ‘solar water heater’ means a water heater equipped with one or more solar collectors, solar hot water storage tanks,heat generators and possibly pumps in the collector loop and other parts, a solar water heater is placed on the market as one unit;(3) ‘load profile’ means a given sequence of water draw-offs, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3; each water heater meetsat least one load profile;(4) ‘water draw-off’ means a given combination of useful water flow rate, useful water temperature, useful energycontent and peak temperature, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(5) ‘useful water flow rate’ (f) means the minimum flow rate, expressed in litres per minute, for which hot water iscontributing to the reference energy, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(6) ‘useful water temperature’ (T m) means the water temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius, at which hot water startscontributing to the reference energy, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(7) ‘useful energy content’ (Q tap) means the energy content of hot water, expressed in kWh, provided at a temperatureequal to, or above, the useful water temperature, and at water flow rates equal to, or above, the useful water flow rate, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(8) ‘energy content of hot water’ means the product of the specific heat capacity of water, the average temperaturedifference between the hot water output and cold water input, and the total mass of the hot water delivered;(9) ‘peak temperature’ (T p) means the minimum water temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius, to be achieved duringwater draw-off, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(10) ‘reference energy’ (Q ref) means the sum of the useful energy content of water draw-offs, expressed in kWh, in aparticular load profile, as specified in Annex VII, Table 3;(11) ‘maximum load profile’ means the load profile with the greatest reference energy that a water heater is able toprovide while fulfilling the temperature and flow rate conditions of that load profile;(12) ‘declared load profile’ means the load profile applied when determining water heating energy efficiency;(13) ‘conversion coefficient’ (CC) means a coefficient reflecting the estimated 40 % average EU generation efficiencyreferred to in Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (1); the value of the conversion coefficient is CC = 2,5;(14) ‘daily electricity consumption’ (Q elec) means the consumption of electricity over 24 consecutive hours under thedeclared load profile and under given climate conditions, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;(15) ‘daily fuel consumption’ (Q fuel) means the consumption of fuels over 24 consecutive hours under the declared loadprofile and under given climate conditions, expressed in kWh in terms of GCV, and for the purposes of point 4 in Annex VIII expressed in GJ in terms of GCV;(16) ‘gross calorific value’ (GCV) means the total amount of heat released by a unit quantity of fuel when it is burnedcompletely with oxygen and when the products of combustion are returned to ambient temperature; this quantity includes the condensation heat of any water vapour contained in the fuel and of the water vapour formed by the combustion of any hydrogen contained in the fuel;(17) ‘smart control’ means a device that automatically adapts the water heating process to individual usage conditionswith the aim of reducing energy consumption;(1) OJ L 315, 14.11.2012, p. 1.(18) ‘smart control compliance’ (smart) means the measure of whether a water heater equipped with smart controls fulfilsthe criterion set out in point 5 of Annex VIII;(19) ‘smart control factor’ (SCF) means the water heating energy efficiency gain due to smart control under the conditionsset out in point 3 of Annex VII;(20) ‘weekly electricity consumption with smart controls’ (Q elec,week,smart) means the weekly electricity consumption of awater heater with the smart control function enabled, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;(21) ‘weekly fuel consumption with smart controls’ (Q fuel,week,smart) means the weekly fuel consumption of a water heaterwith the smart control function enabled, expressed in kWh in terms of GCV;(22) ‘weekly electricity consumption without smart controls’ (Q elec,week) means the weekly electricity consumption of awater heater with the smart control function disabled, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;(23) ‘weekly fuel consumption without smart controls’ (Q fuel,week) means the weekly fuel consumption of a water heaterwith the smart control function disabled, expressed in kWh in terms of GCV;(24) ‘annual electricity consumption’ (AEC) means the annual electricity consumption of a water heater under thedeclared load profile and under given climate conditions, expressed in kWh in terms of final energy;(25) ‘annual fuel consumption’ (AFC) means the annual fossil and/or biomass fuel consumption of a water heater underthe declared load profile and under given climate conditions, expressed in GJ in terms of GCV;(26) ‘ambient correction term’ (Q cor) means a term which takes into account the fact that the place where the waterheater is installed is not an isothermal place, expressed in kWh;(27) ‘standby heat loss’ (P stby) means the heat loss of a heat pump water heater in operating modes without heat demand,expressed in kW;(28) ‘average climate conditions’, ‘colder climate conditions’ and ‘warmer climate conditions’ mean the temperatures andglobal solar irradiance conditions characteristic for the cities of Strasbourg, Helsinki and Athens, respectively;(29) ‘annual energy consumption’ (Q tota) means the annual energy consumption of a solar water heater, expressed in kWhin terms of primary energy and/or kWh in terms of GCV;(30) ‘annual non-solar heat contribution’ (Q nonsol), means the annual contribution of electricity (expressed in kWh interms of primary energy) and/or fuels (expressed in kWh in terms of GCV) to the useful heat output of a solar water heater or a package of water heater and solar device, taking into account the annual amount of heat captured by the solar collector and the heat losses of the solar hot water storage tank;(31) ‘solar collector’ means a device designed to absorb global solar irradiance and to transfer the heat energy soproduced to a fluid passing through it; it is characterised by the collector aperture area, the zero-loss efficiency, the first order coefficient, the second-order coefficient and the incidence angle modifier;(32) ‘global solar irradiance’ means the rate of total incoming solar energy, both direct and diffuse, on a collector planewith an inclination of 45 degrees and southward orientation at the Earth’s surface, expressed in W/m2;(33) ‘collector aperture area’ (A sol) means the maximum projected area through which unconcentrated solar radiationenters the collector, expressed in m2;(34) ‘zero-loss efficiency’ (η0) means the efficiency of the solar collector, when the solar collector mean fluid temperatureis equal to the ambient temperature;(35) ‘first-order coefficient’ (a1) means the heat loss coefficient of a solar collector, expressed in W/(m2K);(36) ‘second-order coefficient’ (a2) means the coefficient measuring the temperature dependence of the first order coefficient, expressed in W/(m2K2);(37) ‘incidence angle modifier’ (IAM) means the ratio of the useful heat output of the solar collector at a given incidenceangle and its useful heat output at an incidence angle of 0 degrees;。
Jumping Water Method on Microhydro Power Plantfor Water ChannelSyafriyudin, Beny Firman, Prabudtya Bisma WDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Institut Sains dan Teknologi AKPRINDYogyakarta, Indonesia***************.idAbstract—The most used renewable energy in Indonesia comes from hydro energy. The hydro energy available in Indonesia is around 75,000-76,000 MW. Of the total available water energy in Indonesia, there is only about 3.783MW to power for large-scale power plants and about 220 MW for small-scale power plants. One small-scale hydro energy source is a small river that has a water speed range of 0.01 M / s to 2.8 m/s. Although it only has a low water velocity, the energy stored in it has the potential power to generate electricity. There are three types of waterwheels based on the water flow system, namely: overshot, breast-shot, and under-shot. In the overshot mill, the water through the windmill and the mill are under the flow of water. Water twisted the mill and water fell to the lower surface. The mill moves clockwise. In the breast-shoot wheel, the mill is placed parallel to the flow of water so that water flows through the center of the mill. Water turns the mill counterclockwise. In the undershot mill, the position of the waterwheel is placed slightly upward and slightly touches the water. The flow of water that touches the windmill moves the mill so that it is anticlockwise. And in this final project the author made a new system called Jumping Water, this system works almost the same as the breast-shoot only the wheel is not in a lower condition of the water surface, the bottom position of waterwheel parallel to the bottom of the water channel, which distinguishes the jumping water position Can be altered altitude according to the flow of the water which will affect the speed of the spin mill.Keywords— renewable energy, small-scale power plants, low water velocity, jumping waterI.I NTRODUCTIONThe waterwheel is a renewable and sustainable energy generator with an effective technology system, low-cost operation and maintenance are perfect in rural areas with an environmental water landscape. The traditional wheelchairs and water wheels of the factory, built with simple designs with very basic technology, have a huge economic impact on the rural economy. Traditional water wheels in a water mill built of wood, bamboo and steel recycling components serve as a new green technology that promises no negative effects on the environment. Design with calculations, challenges, and applications along with the future horizontal sphere of axis type of waterwheel. [2].Micro-hydro is just a term. Micro means small while hydro means water. In practice, this term is not a standard thing but Micro-hydro must use water as its energy source. Power Plant Micro-hydropower is a term used for power plant installations that use water energy. Water conditions that can be utilized as electricity generating resources are those that have a certain flow capacity and altitude and installation. Small power plants that can use hydropower by utilizing the height of the head (in meters) and the amount of water discharge (m / sec). The greater the flow capacity and the height of the installation the greater the energy that can be utilized to generate electrical energy. PLTMH is generally a runoff river type of power plant where the head is obtained not by constructing large dams, but by diverting the flow of river water to one side of the river and then streaming it back to the river at a place where the required height difference has been obtained. The hydroelectric power plant under 200 kW is classified as PLTMH. [4].For pedagogical purposes, we may model the wheel physics by using the basic concepts (force, torque, energy, energy) of mechanics and fluid dynamics. With a simple clamp model. The undershot wheels developed here can account well enough for the measurement of efficiency, the undershot model explains why poncelet modification significantly improves efficiency. Secondly, the model highlights the important parameters in the design of the water wheel, it is not difficult to get the undershot ratio to cross its output power limit. Here there are a number of assumptions that the undershot wheel can be optimal and the overshot wheel has X1 (ωr) = 1 for low friction values and for these realistic parameters it indicates that the overshot water wheel is significantly better especially for low water rates with wheel finger The big one [3]Micro-hydropower plants use water energy to convert to kinetic energy generated from a spinning millwheel. The use of jumping water in the micro-hydro system is very influential on the output power generated by the plant. One of the problems that arise in the use of micro-hydro is that the energy generated changes depending on the season and the environment. This will be greatly felt in areas where extreme drought causes water sources that should be used to drive windmills not working. Therefore it takes a system to regulate the flow of water and water discharge so that rotation of the spin mill can be maximized. From the above problem, the author tries to make the Prototype PLTMh in accordance with the original by additional system jumping water where1st International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2017)jumping water will be given auto or manual system to raise or lower the height of the angle jumping water to adjust the intensity of water flow, the method used is to conduct measurement experiments Of the prototype that has been made.1.Micro hydro Power PlantWater WheelBecause the overshot efficiency remains high for various streams, it is suitable in places where water sources vary. However, when the speed and rotation velocity exceeds a certain value, the volumetric loss determines the waste of water, resulting in a decrease in efficiency and possible damage to the wheel. Each cell should only be charged up to 30-50% of its volume, to reduce volumetric loss during rotation. The tube should be shaped so that the water jet can enter each cell at a natural falling angle, with the gap of each cell slightly wider than the jet, to allow air release. However, in the overshot wheels being studied, it is the potential energy of water that is the main torque for the wheel. The shape of the cell must retain water in the cell to the lowest position, when it eventually empties quickly. Wheel diameter is determined by high difference, while relative speed is not a simple parameter to be optimized. When the wheel spins at a very low speed. When the cell moves too fast, only a small amount of water can enter each cell, due to volumetric loss. From the experimental results, we can claim that for the steering wheel tangent speed is lower than 75-80% water velocity, high efficiency and fairly constant with wheel speed, In our case study, two different rotation speeds are u Identified: runaway speed ωr,In which the output power tends to be zero (ω = 4.2 ÷ 4.3 rad / s) and critical velocity ωcr, where the output power begins to decrease bruquely (ωcr = 2.7 Rad / s). For higher efficiency than at 80% for various streams [5]One of the new renewable energy types is small scale hydro power or often called microhydro or PLTMh. Microhydro obtains energy from a water stream having a certain high difference and water flow velocity, the energy generated by the physical model of waterwheel is a renewable energy can be measured using a digital torque tester that is connected to the axis of the model of the mill. High speed of rotation not necessarily have great energy because if given a little load will greatly affect the speed of rotation of the purpose of this research is to develop technology, materials, mechanical components, electronic components and design of energy resources system, so have a strategic impact to Technological developments and applicable in society, the measurement of a waterwheel rotation using a tachometer yields a permenite spin value (RPM) that affects the energy value generated from the wheel. The model of the mill used is undershot. From the result of research, it is known that the highest speed of roundwheel in H1h1 (1 cm high base of the windmill on the bottom of the channel and 1 cm of water gate downstream) is 13,76 RPM, the highest energy obtained by using torque meter at H1h1 is 78, 30 cNm or 0.0002175 watthour [7].In particular, breast-shot waterwheels are used in locations with high flow rates, such as irrigation canals and grinding, with a height generally less than 4 m. In this paper, experimental results are reported to illustrate how rainwater rotation efficiency under different hydraulic and geometric configurations. Two different flow configurations are investigated: the first has a water gate on the upstream of the wheel (the opening is adjustable), the second is a dam. Two dams of different heights were installed on the upstream of the wheel and investigated. The maximum efficiency for opening of flood gates> 0.075 m is fairly constant in the range between 0.05 <Q <0.08 m3 / s for α> 0.10 m, while efficiency with the dam increases, indicating that the wheel is able to exploit larger volumes The dam water improves the efficiency of the wheels at very low discharge (Q <0.03 m3/s), and gives a significant effect on high power inputs ). normalized tangential normal speeds are included in the range for cases with gate gates and weirs, respectively. The optimal fill rate is usually included in the range of 0.3 ÷ 0.5. This range can be regarded as the optimal operating conditions for a breath shot similar wheel. Therefore, both the correct design of the elevation of the dam and the opening of the sluice can be considered as an appropriate method to optimize working conditions and efficiency of the breath shot wheel. [6]Fig. 1. Overshot waterwheel type2.Overshot systemAn overshot waterwheel works when the flowing water falls into the upper part of the blade and due to the gravity of the water wheel rotates. The overshot water mill is the most widely used water mill compared to other types of waterwheelsAdvantages• High efficiency level can reach 85%.• Does not require heavy flow.• Simple construction.• Easy to maintain.• Simple technology is easy to implement in isolated areas. Loss• Since the water flow comes from above it is usually a reservoir of water or a water dam, requiring more investment.• Not applicable for high rotary machines.• Requires more space for placement.• The power generated is relatively smallFig. 2. Undershot waterwheel type3.Undershot systemUndershot water mill works when running water strikes the wall at the bottom of the waterwheel. Undershot water mill rely solely on the water capacity (Q) without having additional advantages of head or different water levels. This type of waterwheel is suitable for installation in shallow, flat waters. This type of waterwheel is also called the "Vitruvian". Where the water flow is opposite to the direction of the blade that turns the mill.Advantages of Undershot type• The construction is simpler• More economical• Easy to moveLoss• Small efficiency• The resulting power is relatively smallFig. 3. Breathshot waterwheel type4.Breastshot systemBreastshot water wheel is a blend of overshot and undershot types seen from the energy it receives. The fall distance does not exceed the diameter of the mill, the direction of the water flow that drives the waterwheel around the shaft axis of the waterwheel. This type of water mill improves the performance of an under shot water mill [1].Advantages• This type is more efficient than under shot type• Compared to the overshot type the height of the fall is shorter• Applicable to flat-flow water sources.Loss• The angles of this type are not flat like undershot type (more complicated)• Required dams on the flow of flat flows• Efficiency is smaller than the overshot typeThe microhydro prototype is designed using a waterwheel with a triangle blade type model to facilitate the wheel in accepting the flow of water from jumping water. As in FIG. 2, there are 3 pieces which are made to form an arch so that water is not immediately wasted but can be accommodated temporarily on the outermost piece of the pin blade which functions in order to increase the resulting torque value.Fig. 4. WaterwheelII.DISCUSSION1.Jumping WaterThis microhydro prototype jumping water is very influential on the rotation of the mill, to know the acceleration of rotation speed of the mill, the writer takes into account the angle of jumping water height, by slipping the acrylic slabIn a drawer already mounted on a drain. The test is done in different angles as in figure (3). [8]Fig. 5. Jumping water modelPlanning system on making micro-hydro prototype with jumping water one of the measurement of angle generated jumping waterThe first step is to know the calculation of the angle that will result in the height of Jumping water. [8]Fig. 6. Right triangleIn figure (4) can be ascertained Y at altitude, Z at the slope, and X at P1 or the length of the angle calculation. The formula for finding the height of jumping water and X on P1 or the length of the angle calculation;To search longX = Z Cos θX (P1) = 30 cos 10o= 29.5 cmTo search highY = Z Sin θY = 30 Sin 10o= 5.2 cmFrom the results of the calculation of the above angles can be generated as recorded in the table below, the authors conducted trials using 5 experiments, ranging from 10o to 50o.[8]T ABEL 1. CALCULATION RESULT FOR JUMPING WATERWe can see the results of the calculations produced with 5 angle experiments from 10o to 50o, for X (P1) to know the position between the windmill with Jumping water, and for (y) to find the magnitude of the angle Jumping water.III.R ESULTSMeasurement results on the design of jumping water on microhydro prototype will also be made several measurements, among others;Measurement of the length and angle of Water FallIn this measurement when the data is taken and the test of this device the position of the kinci is removed or not using the mill, the water still runs through Jumping Water. This measurement uses beerapa tools such as ruler and bow degree and obtained the results of data as in the table below.After the results obtained from the data retrieval 5 times the experiment every angle it can be searched average water fall angle and high fall water.T ABEL 1.A VERAGE NUMBER OF DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS AND FALLINGANGLE OF WATERFig. 7. Graph of angle falling water measurementsA. Measurement of spindle blade distance with jumping waterThis measurement is carried out to determine the distance between the blade of the windmill and the Jumping water which will affect the turn of the mill, as shown in Figure (10).Fig. 8 High measurement graph of falling water and distance falling water against angle jumping waterFig. 9. Measuring the distance of the turbine blade with Jumping WaterFrom the above data retrieving result, the turn of the mill with the ratio of the distance between the blade of the windmill with Jumping water can be inferred or in the average according to the angle/height of jumping water, which is inputted into table (4).T ABLE 3M EASUREMENTS WITHOUT J UMPING W ATERT ABLE 4M EASUREMENTS WITH J UMPING W ATERFrom the average comparison of the distance between the spindle blades with Jumping Water above shows that the revolution of the mill turns can increase and also the power generated will be greater in accordance with the height of Jumping Water and also the distance between the wind blade and Jumping Water.Figure.10. rotation of a millwheel from measuring the distance between a water wheel against a jumping waterIV.C ONCLUSIONBased on the result of making, assembling and application of jumping water at this PLTMH directly with this writer take the conclusion based on data collecting either by performance test, tool design and system work of jumping water at PLTMH. Here are the conclusions that can be taken:1.The round by using jumping water from 10o-50o is veryinfluential on the rotation of the mill, the higher the angle jumping water the faster the round produced by the wheel.2.High jumping water effect on the distance and angle offalling water (experiments without a mill) the higher the angle then the distance falling water and the falling angle of water is also getting bigger3.The distance between the water wheel against thejumping water is very influential on the waterwheel spin, the farther the distance then the waterwheel turns down.V.SUGGESTIONSuggestions for further development is the use of jumping water on this micro-hydro prototype by adding automatic drive system in jumping water in order to raise and lower jumping water automatically in order to facilitate during theoperation of this prototype in the laboratory. Acknowledgments to Kemenristek Dikti special DRPM for the grant aid of research given so this research can be done well.REFERENCES[1]BACH C. v., 1886, Die Wasserräder (The water wheels, in German),Konrad Wittwer Verlag,Stuttgart.[2]Denny, M, 2004., The Eficiency of overshot and undershot waterwheels.European Journal of Phisics 25(2): 193-202[3]Felix Mwema, Gheewala Shabbir H. 2012 Environmental assessment ofelectricity production in Tanzania. Energy for Sustainable Development December 2012[4]Praful Yelguntwar, Pranay Bhange, Yogesh Lilhare, Ankit Bahadure,2014, Design, Fabrication & Testing of a Waterwhell for power generation in a n open channel flow, International Journal of Resach inEngineering and Advanced Technology (IJERAT), volume 2 issue 1, feb-mar 2014[5]Quaranta E, Ravelli R. 2015,. Out put power and power lossesestimatiom for an overshot water wheel, journal renewable energy elsevior[6]Quaranta E, Ravelli R. 2016., Optimization of Berastshot water wheelsperformance using different inflow configuration, journal renewable energy elsevior[7]Rinaldi, 2015, Model Fisik Kincir air sebagai pembangkit listrik, annualcivil Engineering seminar pekanbaru 2015. ISBN 978-979-792-636-6. [8]Syafriyudin, 2016, “Peningkatan kapasitas Pembangkit Lis trik TenagaMikrohidro di desa wisata Kebon Agung kecamatan Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta”. Prose ding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi Indonesia. Universitas Haluoleo. Kendari.8 Maret 2016.。
电是如何产生的英语作文Electricity is a fundamental form of energy that has transformed the way we live and work. It is a ubiquitous force that powers our homes, businesses, and industries, enabling us to enjoy a higher quality of life and a more connected world. The process of how electricity is generated is a fascinating and complex one, involving the conversion of various energy sources into a usable form of electrical energy.At the heart of electricity generation is the concept of electromagnetic induction, which was discovered by the English physicist Michael Faraday in the 19th century. Electromagnetic induction is the process by which a changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force (EMF) in a conductive material, such as a wire. This EMF, in turn, can be used to drive the flow of electric current, which is the basis for electricity generation.There are several methods by which electricity can be produced, each relying on the principles of electromagnetic induction. The most common and widely used method is the process of thermoelectric generation, which involves the conversion of heat energy into electrical energy.In a thermoelectric power plant, a fuel source, such as coal, natural gas, or nuclear energy, is used to heat water, which then turns into steam. This steam is then used to spin a turbine, which is connected to an electrical generator. As the turbine spins, it generates a changing magnetic field, which in turn induces an EMF in the generator's coils, resulting in the production of electrical current.Another method of electricity generation is hydroelectric power, which utilizes the kinetic energy of flowing water to turn turbines and generate electricity. In a hydroelectric power plant, water is stored in a reservoir behind a dam, and as the water flows through the dam, it turns the turbines, which are connected to electrical generators.Solar power is another renewable source of electricity generation, which relies on the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy. This process is known as the photovoltaic effect, where solar panels absorb sunlight and convert the energy into direct current (DC) electricity. The DC electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used to power our homes and businesses.Wind power is another renewable source of electricity generation, where wind turbines use the kinetic energy of the wind to spin generators and produce electricity. As the wind blows, it turns theblades of the turbine, which in turn spins the generator, producing electrical current.In addition to these more well-known methods of electricity generation, there are also other emerging technologies, such as geothermal power, which uses the heat from the earth's interior to generate steam and turn turbines, and tidal power, which utilizes the energy of ocean tides to generate electricity.Regardless of the method used, the fundamental principle of electricity generation remains the same: the conversion of one form of energy, such as heat, kinetic, or solar energy, into electrical energy through the process of electromagnetic induction. This process is a testament to the ingenuity and scientific understanding of humanity, as we continue to harness the power of the natural world to improve our lives and create a more sustainable future.。
汽车专业英语单词和翻译重点 understanding of how the systems work help you understand how the automobile works .了解各系统如何工作有助于了解汽车是如何工作的。
2.these support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.它们支撑着车身,并缓解由于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适型和操作稳定性。
3.The purpose of an automobile engine is to supply the power needed to move the vehicle.汽车发动机的功用是提供汽车行驶所需的动力4.The internal combustion engine is a device used to convert the chemical energy of thefuel into heat energy .and then convert this heat energy into usable mechanical energy .内燃机是一种将燃料的化学能转化为热能,再把热能转化为可利用的机械能的装置。
5.The amount of air/fuel mixture allowed to enter the cylinder determines the power andspeed developed by the engine .进入汽缸中的可燃混合气体的数量,决定了该发动机的功率和转速。
6.Reducing friction to minimize wear and loss of power is the primary job a lubricationsystem must perform.减少摩擦,降低磨损和动力损失是润滑系统必须完成的主要工作。
此外,水驱主轴刚度是374 N / m,也是如此。
洗衣机Washing machine说明书
Serie | 8, Washing machine, front loader, 9 kg, 1400 rpmWAYH8790GBOptional accessoriesWMZ2200 : Floor securing componentThe washing machine with AntiStainSystem and Home Connect: Convenientremote operation via smartphone or tabletPC.Home Connect: home appliances with smart connectivity foran easier everyday life.EcoSilence Drive™: extremely energy-efficient and quiet inoperation with a 10-year warranty.AllergyPlus: specially developed for the needs of allergysufferers and sensitive skin.AllergyPlus: specially developed for the needs of allergysufferers and sensitive skin.SpeedPerfect: perfectly clean in up to 65% less time.WaveDrum: gentle washing thanks to a unique drum structure.ActiveWater™: reduces water consumption and costs thanksto the sensor-controlled, stepless automatic load adjustmentsystem.Reload function: allows you to add any forgotten item whilewashing.DrumClean with reminder function: programme for cleaningand maintaining the drum.AntiVibration™ Design: extremely stable and especially quietthanks to special vibration protection.Energy efficiency class A+++ -30%: 30% more efficient thanthe best efficiency class.VarioPerfect™: takes up to 65% less time or uses up to 50%less energy – by simply selecting SpeedPerfect or EcoPerfectfunctions.TouchControl buttons: convenient to operate thanks to theelectronic control panelTechnical DataConstruction type : Free-standingHeight of removable worktop (mm) : 850Dimensions of the product (mm) : 848 x 598 x 590Net weight (kg) : 77.939Connection rating (W) : 2300Current (A) : 10Voltage (V) : 220-240Frequency (Hz) : 50Approval certificates : CE, VDELength of electrical supply cord (cm) : 160Washing performance class : ADoor hinge : LeftWheels : NoPower consumption standby/network: Please check the usermanual for how to switch off the WiFi module. : 1.4Time auto-standby/network : 20.0EAN code : 4242002929293Capacity cotton (kg) - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 9.0Energy efficiency class (2010/30/EC) : A+++Energy consumption annual (kWh/annum) - NEW (2010/30/EC) :152.00Power consumption in off-mode (W) - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 0.12Power consumption in left-on mode - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 0.43Water consumption annual (l/annum) - NEW (2010/30/EC) :11220Spin drying performance class : BMaximum spin speed (rpm) - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 1361Average washing time cotton 40C (partial load) - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 285Average washing time cotton 60C (full load) (min) - NEW(2010/30/EC) : 285Average washing time cotton 60C (partial load) - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 285Duration of the left-on mode - NEW (2012/30/EC) (min) : 20Noise level washing (dB(A) re 1 pW) : 47Noise level spinning (dB(A) re 1 pW) : 711/3Serie | 8, Washing machine, front loader, 9kg, 1400 rpm WAYH8790GBThe washing machine with AntiStain System and Home Connect: Convenient remote operation via smartphone or tablet PC.Performance-Energy Efficiency Class: A+++-Capacity: 9 kg-Maximum spin speed: 1400 rpm**-B spin class-Energy consumption :Weighted p.a. E-Consump. EU: 152 kWhkWh per year, based on 220 standard washing cycles --30% more economical (152kWh/year) than the standard value (217 kWh/year) of energy efficiency class A+++-Energy consumption: standard 60 °C cotton programme0.92 kWh full load and 0.6 kWh partial load and 40 °C cotton programme 0.42 kWh partial load-Cottons 60 Eco and Cottons 40 Eco are the standard washingprogrammes to which the information in the label relates.These programmes are suitable to clean normally soiledcotton laundry and are the most efficient programmes in terms of combined energy and water consumption.-Weighted power consumption off-mode / left-on mode: 0.12W / 0.43 W-Left-on Mode Duration: 20 min-Water consumption 11220 litres per year, based on 220standard washing cycles-Programme time:60 °C cotton programme 285 min at full load285 min at partial load and 40 °C cotton programme 285 min partial load-Drum volume: 65 litres-Noise level washing : 47dB (A) re 1pW: Noise levelspinning:71dB (A) re 1 pW Programmes/functions-Touch control: start/pause with reload function, Spin speedreduction, Temperature selection, stain selection, options,Prog 3 sec., Remote Start, SpeedPerfect, EcoPerfect and 24h, Ready in-Options: Water plus, Prewash, Night Wash, Easy iron, 1 - 3additional rinse cycles, Rinse hold-Special programmes: Dark Wash, Easy-Care, Drain, DownWear, Curtains 30°C, Shirts, Sportswear, Super Quick 15,Mixed Load, Allergy +, Quiet Wash, Drum clean with reminder,Rinse, Memory, Spin, Handwash/Wool, 20°C, 40°C, WoolProgramme, Delicates 30°C, 20°C, 40°C, Cold, Delicate / Silk -Safeguard monitoring system adjusts load distribution andprogramme settings to protect clothesKey features-Home Connect: Remote Monitoring and Control-EcoBar Plus function: five possible levels of energy and waterconsumption-AutoStain Removal System with 16 stain options-VarioPerfect: speed or energy efficiency with perfect washperformance every time-ActiveWater: water management system -EcoSilence drive with 10 year warranty-AntiVibration Design - for more stability and quietnessAdditional features-TFT display: Clear text and high resolution for easy use withdisplay of programme indication, temperature selection, spin speed, remaining time, 24 hour time delay and consumption indication-Control dial with integrated On / Off mode -WaveDrum: gentle and efficient washing-Consump indicator energy+water, Load scale and detergentdosage recommendation, AutoStain Removal System-Drum interior light-Drum clean with reminder function -Reload facility-Sound insulation by additional noise reduction material -Child lock-Flow-through sensor for optimum water use -Multiple Water Protection-Continuous automatic load adjustment system -Foam detection system-Detergent dispensing: easy clean -Divider for Liquid DetergentTechnical Information-Dimensions (H X W X D): 84.8 x 59.8 x 63.2 cm -Slide-under installation-Large chrome, white door with 180° opening and 32cmporthole opening2/3Serie | 8, Washing machine, front loader, 9kg, 1400 rpmWAYH8790GB3/3。
小学上册英语第3单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. (Columbus) Exchange refers to the trade between the Americas and Europe. The ____2.Pine trees have ______ (针叶) instead of broad leaves.3.What do you call the round fruit that is red or green?A. OrangeB. AppleC. BananaD. GrapeB4.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. VenusD. MercuryB5.What is the name of the spacecraft that took humans to the moon?A. DiscoveryB. ApolloC. GeminiD. Voyager6.The ______ (小鸭子) waddles after its mother to the ______ (水边).7.The __________ (Renaissance) was a period of great cultural revival in Europe.8.My best friend is very _______ (形容词). 她总是 _______ (动词).9.Where does the President of the United States live?A. The White HouseB. The CapitolC. The PentagonD. The CourthouseA10.Animals that hunt other animals for food are called __________.11.We learn about different ________ (洲) in geography class.12.The _______ of a wave can be visualized using a graph.13.What is the name of the famous American musician known for "Lose Yourself"?A. EminemB. Jay-ZC. Kanye WestD. 50 CentA14.The _______ (小狼) plays with its siblings in the den.15. A _____ (小马) loves to run and play in the pasture.16. A _______ is a reaction that produces sound energy.17.The ____ is an animal that loves to dig.18.The _____ (historical) records help us learn about the past.19.My favorite ________ is blue.20.My family goes camping in the ______.21.My cousin has a __________狗. (可爱的)22. A chemical that can donate a proton is called a ______.23.The __________ (历史的真实) can be difficult to face.24.The ancient Egyptians are known for their ________ (建筑成就).25.An alkali is a type of _____.26.The dog is ___ (barking) at the mailman.27.What is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?A. KinshasaB. LubumbashiC. KisanganiD. Mbuji-Mayi28.The chemical formula for docosahexaenoic acid is ______.29.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to spin once?A. DayB. MonthC. YearD. Hour30.What do you call the sound a cow makes?A. BarkB. MeowC. MooD. Roar31.The __________ helps some animals to find food.32.Ants work together to build their ______ (巢).33.What is the main color of an orange?A. BlueB. OrangeC. GreenD. Purple34.The __________ (森林) is essential for clean air.35. A _______ is a material that resists electrical current.36.Where do fish live?A. TreesB. HousesC. WaterD. GroundC37.The __________ (全球合作) addresses common challenges.38.What is the capital city of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza39.The __________ (园艺) hobby can be rewarding and enjoyable.40.The __________ was a major turning point in World War II. (诺曼底登陆)41.What is the main temperature unit?A. KelvinB. CelsiusC. FahrenheitD. All of the aboveD42.What do we call the season when flowers bloom?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Fall43.The badger digs a ______.44.中国的________ (Confucius) 是一位伟大的哲学家。
英语小作文关于电的生产Electricity: The Backbone of Modern LifeElectricity has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, powering our homes, businesses, and the very fabric of our society. From lighting our streets to fueling our technological advancements, the generation and distribution of electricity have played a crucial role in shaping the world we live in. In this essay, we will explore the fascinating journey of electricity production, delining the various methods and technologies that have transformed the way we generate and utilize this vital resource.At the heart of electricity production lies the concept of energy conversion. Electricity is not a primary source of energy but rather a secondary form that is derived from other energy sources. These sources can be broadly categorized into two main types: renewable and non-renewable. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal, harness the natural forces of the environment to generate electricity. In contrast, non-renewable sources like fossil fuels, nuclear power, and biomass rely on finite resources that must be extracted and processed.The rise of renewable energy has been a significant development in the history of electricity production. As concerns over the environmental impact of traditional fossil fuel-based power plants have grown, there has been a concerted effort to transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions. Solar photovoltaic systems, for instance, convert the sun's radiant energy into electrical current, while wind turbines harness the kinetic energy of the wind to spin generators and produce electricity. Hydroelectric power plants leverage the gravitational potential energy of flowing water to drive turbines and generate electricity. These renewable technologies not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also contribute to energy security by diversifying the energy mix and reducing reliance on finite resources.Alongside the rise of renewable energy, advancements in non-renewable electricity production have also been remarkable. Nuclear power, for example, has emerged as a reliable and efficient source of electricity, with modern nuclear reactors designed to operate with enhanced safety features and improved waste management protocols. Fossil fuel-based power plants, while still relying on finite resources, have become more efficient and cleaner through the implementation of advanced technologies, such as combined-cycle gas turbines and carbon capture and storage systems.The distribution and transmission of electricity are equally crucialcomponents of the electricity production ecosystem. High-voltage transmission lines criss-cross the landscape, carrying electricity from power plants to substations and distribution networks. These networks, comprising transformers, switchgear, and distribution lines, ensure that the generated electricity is safely and reliably delivered to homes, businesses, and industries. Advancements in grid technologies, such as smart grids and microgrid systems, have further enhanced the efficiency, resilience, and flexibility of electricity distribution, enabling better integration of renewable energy sources and improved responsiveness to changing demand patterns.The global demand for electricity continues to grow, driven by the expanding population, industrialization, and the proliferation of energy-intensive technologies. This increasing demand has led to the development of innovative energy storage solutions, such as battery systems, pumped-storage hydroelectricity, and thermal energy storage. These technologies play a crucial role in balancing the supply and demand of electricity, ensuring a reliable and stable power grid.The environmental impact of electricity production has also become a significant concern, leading to the development of policies and regulations aimed at promoting sustainable energy practices. Governments and international organizations have implemented various initiatives, including carbon pricing schemes, renewableenergy targets, and energy efficiency standards, to incentivize the transition towards cleaner and more environmentally-friendly electricity generation.In conclusion, the production of electricity is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that has evolved over time, driven by technological advancements, environmental concerns, and the ever-growing demand for this vital resource. From renewable energy sources to non-renewable power plants, the electricity production landscape continues to transform, offering innovative solutions to meet the energy needs of our modern world. As we move forward, the challenge lies in striking a balance between meeting our energy demands and mitigating the environmental impact, ensuring a sustainable and resilient electricity system that supports the progress and prosperity of our societies.。
摘要:进入 21 世纪,中国渔业得到了更加快速的发展,也取得了一些令人瞩目的成绩,极大地弥补了优质蛋 白源短缺,为中国粮食安全提供了重要保障。 但是,渔业是一个对能源和资源有较大依赖的行业,在快速发 展的同时,也付出环境和能耗的代价,粗放的生产模式,给周围环境带来赤潮、水华等负面影响,渔船燃油生 产性成本投入已超过捕捞总成本的 2 / 3,这已经成为制约渔业可持续发展主要障碍。 党的十八大报告提出 大力推进生态文明建设,为渔业的发展指明了方向。 本文重点介绍了国内外水产养殖、水产捕捞、水产品加 工领域的节能减排发展情况。 与国外渔业发达国家相比,国内在渔业这 3 个领域的节能减排研究应用起步 较晚、基础较弱,但发展较快、成果较好,节能减排的动力和潜力也较大。 同时,对今后的发展提出了建议:一 是积极采取措施,促进生产方式向节能减排方向转变;二是加强基础性、关键性技术研究,推进传统生产方式 转型升级;三是加强新产品、新技术的示范推广,建立引领性水产高效生产新模式。 本研究以期为渔业转型 升级,走节能减排绿色可持续发展之路提供参考。 关键词:渔业;水产养殖;水产捕捞;水产品加工;节能减排;发展;建议 中图分类号:S969 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-9580(2021)03-0010-08
养殖模式方面,主要 是 通 过 构 建 鱼 - 微 生 物、 渔农结合等方式,实现养殖尾水的零排放。 “ 十 三五” 期间,在全国形成许多新的模式,尤其是在 全国淡水渔业主产区,采用了池塘设施化工程技 术、池塘环境生态设施与装备技术等,形成了黄河 滩涂提质增效型养殖模式等绿色高效养殖典型模 式,并以此为基础建立 14 个养殖模式示范点( 表 1) ,取得良好的经济和示范效果。
介绍航空发动机的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magnificent World of Aircraft EnginesAs a student fascinated by the marvels of aerospace engineering, I've always been intrigued by the incredible machines that power modern aircraft – the aircraft engines. These intricate powerhouses are true engineering marvels, capable of generating immense thrust to propel massive airplanes through the skies. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the captivating world of aircraft engines and explore their inner workings.At the heart of every aircraft engine lies a fundamental principle: the conversion of fuel energy into thrust. This process is achieved through a series of intricate components working in harmony. The engine's core consists of the compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine sections.The compressor, often referred to as the "lungs" of the engine, draws in vast quantities of air and compresses it, increasing its pressure and temperature. This compressed air isthen funneled into the combustion chamber, where fuel is injected and ignited, creating a controlled explosion. The rapid expansion of hot, high-pressure gases resulting from this combustion process is what generates the powerful thrust that propels the aircraft forward.These hot gases then rush through the turbine section, causing the turbine blades to spin at astonishing speeds, often exceeding tens of thousands of revolutions per minute. The turbine, in turn, drives the compressor, ensuring a continuous flow of compressed air into the combustion chamber, sustaining the engine's operation.Aircraft engines come in various configurations, each designed to meet specific performance requirements. The most common types are turbofan, turboprop, and turboshaft engines.Turbofan engines are the workhorses of modern commercial aviation, powering the majority of passenger jets. They feature a large fan at the front that draws in massive amounts of air, with a portion of the air passing through the engine's core and the rest bypassing it through a duct surrounding the core. This design maximizes fuel efficiency and thrust, making turbofan engines ideal for long-range flights.Turboprop engines, on the other hand, are favored for smaller regional and commuter aircraft. Instead of generating thrust directly, these engines drive a propeller, which converts the engine's power into propulsive force. Turboprop engines offer excellent fuel efficiency and are well-suited for short to medium-range flights.Turboshaft engines, primarily used in helicopters, work similarly to turboprop engines but drive a shaft instead of a propeller. This shaft powers the rotor blades, providing the lift necessary for vertical flight and maneuverability.Beyond their primary function of generating thrust, aircraft engines must also meet stringent safety and environmental standards. Modern engines incorporate advanced noise reduction technologies, minimizing their acoustic footprint and ensuring a more comfortable flying experience for passengers and communities near airports.Emission control is another crucial aspect, with manufacturers continuously striving to develop cleaner and more eco-friendly engines. Techniques such as advanced combustion chamber design, fuel-injection systems, and exhaust gas treatment help reduce harmful emissions and contribute to a more sustainable aviation industry.The sheer complexity of aircraft engines is awe-inspiring, with thousands of intricate components working in perfect synchronization. From the precisely engineered turbine blades capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and stresses, to the intricate fuel delivery systems and electronic controls, every aspect of these engines is a testament to human ingenuity and technological prowess.Furthermore, the development of aircraft engines is an ongoing process, driven by the pursuit of greater efficiency, performance, and reliability. Advancements in materials science, aerodynamics, and computer-aided design have paved the way for lighter, more powerful, and more fuel-efficient engines.As we look to the future, exciting innovations lie ahead, such as the integration of electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems, which could revolutionize the aviation industry by reducing emissions and noise levels even further.In conclusion, aircraft engines are true engineering masterpieces, combining cutting-edge technology with intricate design principles. From the roar of a jumbo jet taking off to the graceful flight of a helicopter, these engines are the beating hearts that make aviation possible. As a student passionate about aerospace engineering, I am in awe of the ingenuity anddedication that goes into developing these remarkable machines, and I eagerly anticipate the innovations that will shape the future of air travel.篇2Introduction to Aircraft EnginesAs a student with a keen interest in aviation, I find the world of aircraft engines absolutely fascinating. These incredible machines are the heartbeat of every airplane, responsible for generating the tremendous thrust needed to propel these massive vehicles through the air. From the early days of aviation to the cutting-edge technology of modern jets, the evolution of aircraft engines has been a captivating journey of human ingenuity and technological advancement.The Beginnings: Piston EnginesIn the early 20th century, the pioneers of aviation relied on piston engines to power their aircraft. These engines, similar to those found in automobiles, used the combustion of fuel to drive pistons that converted the reciprocating motion into rotational force. While relatively simple in design, piston engines played a crucial role in the development of aviation, powering iconic aircraft such as the Wright Flyer and the Ford Tri-Motor.However, piston engines had their limitations. They were heavy, noisy, and lacked the power required for high-speed, long-distance flights. This paved the way for the next significant advancement in aircraft propulsion: the jet engine.The Jet Age: Turbine EnginesThe jet age dawned in the late 1930s with the invention of the gas turbine engine. Unlike piston engines, which relied on reciprocating motion, jet engines use the principles of Newton's third law of motion: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a jet engine, air is compressed, mixed with fuel, and ignited, creating a high-velocity stream of hot exhaust gases. As these gases are expelled rearward, they generate thrust, propelling the aircraft forward.There are several types of jet engines, each with its own unique characteristics and applications:Turbojet Engines: The simplest form of jet engines, turbojets were the first to power aircraft such as the legendary German Messerschmitt Me 262 during World War II. These engines generate thrust solely from the exhaust gases expelled at high velocity.Turboprop Engines: Combining the principles of jet engines and propellers, turboprop engines are highly efficient for medium-range, low-speed aircraft like regional airliners and cargo planes. The turbine section generates power to drive a propeller, providing thrust and improved fuel efficiency.Turbofan Engines: The workhorses of modern commercial aviation, turbofan engines are incredibly powerful andfuel-efficient. They feature a large fan at the front that draws in and accelerates a significant amount of air, while the core of the engine generates additional thrust from the combustion of fuel. This combination of bypass air and hot exhaust gases provides tremendous thrust while minimizing fuel consumption and noise levels.The Technological Marvel: High-Bypass Turbofan EnginesToday's cutting-edge aircraft, such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350, are powered by high-bypass turbofan engines. These engines are true marvels of engineering, featuring a massive fan that channels a significant portion of the incoming air around the core of the engine, dramatically increasing efficiency and reducing noise.The core of the engine, known as the hot section, is where the magic happens. Air is compressed, mixed with fuel, andignited in the combustion chamber, creating high-energy exhaust gases that spin the turbine blades. These turbine blades, in turn, drive the compressor and the fan, generating the thrust needed to propel the aircraft forward.Advanced materials, such as lightweight titanium and composite components, have played a crucial role in the development of these high-performance engines. Additionally, sophisticated electronics and computer systems monitor and adjust various parameters, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency throughout the flight.The Future of Aircraft PropulsionWhile jet engines have dominated the aviation industry for decades, researchers and engineers are constantly exploring new and innovative propulsion technologies. One promising avenue is the development of hybrid-electric and fully electric propulsion systems, which could significantly reduce emissions and noise levels.Another exciting area of research is the pursuit of supersonic and hypersonic flight, which requires engines capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and pressures. Scramjet engines, which operate by compressing incoming air throughthe forward motion of the vehicle itself, are being investigated for potential use in future high-speed aircraft and spacecraft.ConclusionAircraft engines have come a long way since the early days of aviation, evolving from simple piston engines to the highly sophisticated turbine engines that power modern jets. These technological marvels are a testament to human ingenuity and our relentless pursuit of innovation.As a student fascinated by the world of aviation, I am in awe of the engineering brilliance behind these engines. From the roar of a jet taking off to the quiet hum of a turboprop cruising at altitude, each engine tells a story of human achievement and our unwavering desire to conquer the skies.Whether you're a fellow aviation enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates the wonders of modern technology, the world of aircraft engines is a captivating realm that continues to inspire and amaze us all.篇3Aircraft Engines: The Powerhouses of the SkyAs a student fascinated by the marvels of aviation, I have always been awestruck by the sheer power and engineering brilliance behind aircraft engines. These colossal machines are the beating hearts of modern airplanes, propelling tons of metal and passengers through the skies at incredible speeds. In this essay, I will delve into the world of aircraft engines, exploring their history, types, and the remarkable physics that make flight possible.The Early Days of Aircraft PropulsionThe quest for powered flight has captivated humans for centuries, and the development of aircraft engines has been a pivotal milestone in this pursuit. In the early 1900s, pioneers like the Wright Brothers and Gustav Whitehead experimented with various propulsion systems, ranging from propellers driven by gasoline engines to steam-powered designs. However, it was the advent of the internal combustion engine that truly revolutionized aviation.The first aircraft engines were adapted from their automotive counterparts, featuring reciprocating piston designs that converted the explosive force of burning fuel into rotational motion. These engines were relatively heavy and underpowered,but they paved the way for more advanced designs as the demand for greater performance grew.Jet Engines: The Game-ChangersThe true game-changer in aircraft propulsion came with the introduction of jet engines. Unlike piston engines, which rely on reciprocating motion, jet engines use the principle of Newton's third law of motion – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By expelling a high-speed jet of exhaust gases, these engines generate tremendous thrust, enabling aircraft to reach incredible speeds and altitudes.There are several types of jet engines, each with its unique characteristics and applications. Turbojet engines were among the first successful designs, powering many of the early jet fighters and commercial airliners. These engines compress incoming air, mix it with fuel, and ignite the mixture, creating a high-velocity exhaust stream that generates thrust.Turbofan engines, on the other hand, are the workhorses of modern commercial aviation. These engines combine the principles of a turbojet with a large fan at the front, which accelerates a significant amount of air around the engine core. This design results in improved fuel efficiency and reduced noiselevels, making turbofans the preferred choice for long-range passenger flights.Turboshaft engines, primarily used in helicopters andtilt-rotor aircraft, operate on similar principles but divert a portion of the exhaust gas to drive a turbine that powers a rotating shaft. This shaft, in turn, drives the main rotor blades, providing the necessary lift and thrust for vertical flight.The Physics of ThrustAt the heart of aircraft engines lies a fascinating interplay of physics principles. The most fundamental concept is Newton's third law, which dictates that the accelerated exhaust gases generate an equal and opposite force, propelling the aircraft forward. However, the real magic happens in the intricate design of the engine components.Compressors, turbines, and combustion chambers work in harmonious symphony to maximize the energy extraction from the fuel and generate substantial thrust. Compressors increase the pressure。
海上风力发电机组运行及维护要求英文回答:Operating and maintenance requirements for offshore wind turbines:Operating and maintaining offshore wind turbines is crucial for ensuring their optimal performance and longevity. Here are some key requirements and considerations:1. Regular inspections and maintenance: Regular inspections and maintenance are essential for identifying and addressing any potential issues or damage. This includes checking the condition of the blades, the gearbox, the generator, and the foundation. Inspections can be carried out by climbing the turbine or by using drones equipped with cameras and sensors.2. Lubrication: Proper lubrication of the turbinecomponents is important for reducing friction and wear. This includes lubricating the gearbox, the main bearing, and other moving parts. Regular oil analysis is also recommended to monitor the condition of the lubricant and detect any potential issues.3. Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the turbine blades is necessary to remove dirt, salt, and other contaminants that can affect their performance. This can be done using specialized cleaning equipment or by using high-pressure water jets.4. Monitoring and control systems: Offshore wind turbines are equipped with monitoring and control systems that continuously collect data on various parameters such as wind speed, power output, and temperature. This data is used to optimize the turbine's performance and detect any abnormalities or faults.5. Safety measures: Safety is of utmost importance when operating and maintaining offshore wind turbines. This includes following strict safety protocols, using properpersonal protective equipment, and conducting regular safety training for the maintenance crew.6. Emergency response: Having a well-defined emergency response plan is crucial for dealing with any unforeseen events or emergencies. This includes procedures for evacuating the turbine in case of severe weather conditions or equipment failure.7. Documentation and record-keeping: Proper documentation and record-keeping are important for tracking the maintenance history of each turbine. This includes keeping records of inspections, maintenance activities, and any repairs or replacements carried out.In conclusion, operating and maintaining offshore wind turbines requires regular inspections, maintenance, lubrication, cleaning, monitoring, and adherence to safety protocols. By following these requirements, the turbines can operate efficiently and safely, contributing to the generation of clean and renewable energy.中文回答:海上风力发电机组的运行和维护要求:对于海上风力发电机组的运行和维护非常重要,以确保其性能和寿命的最佳状态。
Series 6 洗衣机干衣机说明书
Series 6, washer dryer, 9/4.5 kg, 1400 rpmWNA14400AUWMZ2200 Floor securing componentWMZ2381 Extension for cold water inlet /Aquastop WMZPW20W Platform with pull-out, washer, cubic • Active Water Plus: For highly efficient use of water even with small loads thanks to automatic load detection.• Wash & Dry 60: Wash and dry efficiently small loads in just 60 min.• Speed Perfect: perfectly clean in up to 65% less time.• Quick 15’: Quick wash cycle, washes up to 2 kg of laundry in just 15 min.• Reload function: allows you to add any forgotten item comfortably while washing.Maximum capacity in kg in a Wash/Dry cycle (EU 2017/1369): ......4.5 Maximum capacity in kg in a wash cycle (EU 2017/1369): .............9.0 Built-in / Free-standing: .................................................Free-standing Removable top: ..............................................................................No Door hinge: ...................................................................................Left Length electrical supply cord: ..............................................160.0 cm Height of removable worktop: .................................................-12 mm Dimensions of the product: .................................848 x 598 x 590 mm Net weight: ..............................................................................72.4 kg Drum volume: ...............................................................................60 l EAN code: (4242005255368)Series 6, washer dryer, 9/4.5 kg,1400 rpmWNA14400AUCapacity- Capacity: 9 kg washing and 4.5 kg drying.Consumption rates- 4 Star energy rating- 4.5 Star water rating (WELS)- 2.5 Energy Star For Drying- Energy consumption 186 kWh per year on Cottons, Cupboard Extra Dry, Drying level 1, used once per week. When tested in accordance with AS/NZS 2442.2. Actual energy use and running costs will depend on how you use the appliance.Programs- Standard programs:- - Cottons: hard-wearing items made from cotton, linen or blended fabrics - Cotton Eco: energy-saving program - Easy care: items made from synthetic or blended fabrics - Delicate/Silk: Delicate, washable items made from Silk, viscose and synthetics - Wool: hand or machine washable items that are made from wool or contain wool- Specialty washing programs:- - SuperQuick 15’: extra short program suitable for small lightly soiled items- - Mixed: lightly soiled items made from cotton, linen, or blended fabrics Spin/Drain: spins and drains the water Sportswear: sports and leisure items made from synthetic fibres, microfibre or fleece Rinse: rinses and then spins the laundry, and then drains the water - Selected washing programs can have a drying cycle added, resulting in a wash and dry program in one go. Simply select a wash program and then press the Dry button and select the target drying result; Cupboard Dry / Cupboard Dry Plus / Iron Dry- Specialty drying programs:- - Refresh: remove odour and reduce wrinkles for items that do not need frequent washing; wool, linen, and suits- - Intensive Dry: drying program with three desired dryless level options: Cupboard Dry / Cupboard Dry Plus / Iron Dry MyTime Dry Gentle dry - Wash & Dry 60': short washing and drying program for small lightly soiled itemsPerformance- SpeedPerfect: perfectly clean in up to 65% less time.- Touch control option settings:- Easy Iron: reduces creasing thanks to a special spin sequence- Prewash options for stubborn stains and heavily soiled garments Finish in (delayed start): delay the start of the program by up to 24 hours Spin Speed: manually adjust the spin speed Temperature selection: manually adjust the temperature SpeedPerfect: reduce cleaning time by up to 65%- Timed programs, AutodryFeatures- Reload function to pause machine operation for adding in last minute laundry items- Large LED display for program status, temperature, spin speed, and time remaining- Standard programs:- - Cottons: hard-wearing items made from cotton, linen or blended fabrics - Cottons + PreWash: for stubborn stains and heavily soiledgarments - Easy care: items made from synthetic or blended fabrics - Delicate/Silk: Delicate, washable items made from Silk, viscose and synthetics - Wool: hand or machine washable items that are made from wool or contain wool Additional specialty programs:-SuperQuick 15’: extra short program suitable for small lightly soiled items- - Mixed: lightly soiled items made from cotton, linen, or blended fabrics Spin/Drain: spins and drains the water Sportswear: sports and leisure items made from synthetic fibres, microfibre or fleece Rinse: rinses and then spins the laundry, and then drains the water - ActiveWater Plus: for highly efficient use of water even with small loads thanks to automatic load detection.- SelfCleaning Condenser: the condenser automatically cleans itself and does not require any manual cleaning. This also helps to ensure the dryer performs economically with optimal energy efficiency- Foam detection system to remove excessive foam- Overdosage indication- Unbalanced load detection- Aqua Protection Plus anti-flood protection with self-sealing hose, minimises the risk of flooding- EcoSilence Drive: quiet, durable, and energy-efficient brushless motor (BLDC) with 10-year motor warranty- AntiVibration Side Panels reduce vibrations and noise levels, making it extremely quiet during the spin cycle- iQDrive : Quiet motor with a long lifespan- Buzzer at the end of the programmeTechnical Information- Slide-under height of 85cm- Dimensions (H x W x D): 84.8 cm x 59.8 cm x 59.0 cm (64.9 cm including door handle)Design- Drum volume: 60 l- VarioDrum: thorough yet gentle washing thanks to the unique drum structure design- Large porthole, white-black grey with 165° door for easyloading/unloading- Self cleaning detergent drawer to remove detergent residue, From front- Sound insulation by bottom coverSafety- Child lock for door and buttonsSeries 6, washer dryer, 9/4.5 kg, 1400 rpmWNA14400AU。
关于新能源的英文作文专四The world is facing an unprecedented challenge in the form of climate change, driven largely by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions. As the global population continues to grow and the demand for energy rises, it has become increasingly clear that we must transition away from traditional energy sources and towards more sustainable and renewable alternatives. This has led to a surge of interest and investment in the development of new energy technologies, with the potential to transform the way we power our homes, businesses, and transportation.One of the most promising areas of new energy is the field of solar power. Solar energy, derived from the sun's abundant and renewable radiation, has the potential to meet a significant portion of the world's energy needs. Photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight directly into electricity, have become increasingly efficient and cost-effective in recent years, making solar power a viable option for both residential and commercial applications. Additionally, the development of advanced solar thermal technologies, which use thesun's heat to generate steam and drive turbines, has opened up new avenues for large-scale solar power generation.Another key area of new energy is wind power. Wind turbines, which harness the kinetic energy of the wind to generate electricity, have become a common sight across many parts of the world. The technology behind wind power has also advanced significantly, with larger and more efficient turbines capable of generating significant amounts of electricity. Offshore wind farms, in particular, have the potential to generate massive amounts of clean energy, as the winds at sea are generally stronger and more consistent than those on land.Hydroelectric power, which uses the force of flowing water to spin turbines and generate electricity, is another well-established form of renewable energy. While the potential for new large-scale hydroelectric projects is limited in many regions, the development of small-scale and micro-hydroelectric systems has opened up new opportunities for distributed energy generation, particularly in areas with abundant water resources.Geothermal energy, which taps into the heat stored within theEarth's crust, is another promising area of new energy. Geothermal power plants use the heat from the Earth's interior to generate steam, which then drives turbines and produces electricity. Geothermal energy is a reliable and renewable source of power, and its potentialis particularly high in regions with significant geothermal activity, such as volcanic areas.In addition to these well-known forms of renewable energy, there are also several emerging technologies that hold great promise for the future. One such technology is energy storage, which is critical for the integration of intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind into the electrical grid. Advances in battery technology, including the development of more efficient and longer-lasting lithium-ion batteries, as well as the exploration of alternative storage solutions like pumped-storage hydroelectricity and compressed air energy storage, have the potential to revolutionize the way we manage and distribute energy.Another area of new energy that is gaining attention is hydrogen fuel cells. These devices use hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity through an electrochemical process, with water as the only byproduct. Hydrogen fuel cells have the potential to power a wide range of applications, from transportation to stationary power generation, and could play a significant role in the transition away from fossil fuels.The development of new energy technologies is not without its challenges, however. Issues such as cost, scalability, and grid integration must be addressed before these technologies can bewidely adopted. Additionally, the transition to new energy sources will require significant investment, both public and private, as well as the development of supportive policies and regulatory frameworks.Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of new energy technologies are immense. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and transitioning to more sustainable and renewable sources of energy, we can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve air quality, and create new economic opportunities in the growing clean energy sector. Moreover, the development of new energy technologies has the potential to drive innovation, create jobs, and foster a more sustainable and equitable future for all.In conclusion, the development of new energy technologies is a critical component of the global effort to address the challenges of climate change and secure a sustainable energy future. From solar and wind power to energy storage and hydrogen fuel cells, the range of promising new energy solutions is vast and growing. By investing in and supporting the continued advancement of these technologies, we can work towards a cleaner, more resilient, and more equitable energy system that will benefit generations to come.。
小学上册英语全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (家庭) is important.2.The capital of Nepal is __________.3.Which famous painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. Mona LisaC. The ScreamD. Girl with a Pearl EarringB4.What is the name of the famous opera house in Sydney, Australia?A. La ScalaB. Royal Opera HouseC. Sydney Opera HouseD. Met Opera HouseC5.The ancient Romans constructed impressive ________ (建筑物).6.What do you call the female version of a lion?A. CubB. LionessC. TigressD. Doe7.My sister has a pet ____ (hamster) she takes care of.8. A bison can weigh over a ________________ (千克).9.The __________ is a famous area known for its canals.10.The _______ (鸭子) waddles around the pond.11.What is the term for the movement of the Earth around the sun?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. OrbitD. SpinB12.Certain plants produce ______ that are used in perfumes. (某些植物产生用于香水的香料。
全自动波轮洗衣机的机电一体化系统设计方法英文版Title: Design Method of Electromechanical Integrated System for Fully Automatic Drum Washing Machine In the design of an electromechanical integrated system for a fully automatic drum washing machine, it is essential to consider the seamless interaction between the electrical and mechanical components. This involves the coordination of various sensors, actuators, and control mechanisms to ensure efficient and reliable operation.The first step in the design process is to establish the functional requirements of the washing machine, including the desired washing cycles, water temperature settings, spin speed options, and safety features. This information will guide the selection of appropriate components and the development of the control logic.Next, the electromechanical system should be designed to optimize energy efficiency and water consumption while maintaining washing performance. This may involve the integration of advanced sensor technologies to accurately detect load size, fabric type, and detergent levels for optimal washing results.The control system plays a crucial role in regulating the operation of the washing machine, from filling the drum with water to initiating the washing and rinsing cycles. It is important to incorporate fail-safe mechanisms to prevent potential malfunctions and ensure user safety.In terms of mechanical design, the drum and agitator must be carefully engineered to provide thorough cleaning of the laundry without causing damage to delicate fabrics. The motor and drive system should be robust enough to handle variable loads and spin speeds while minimizing noise and vibration.Furthermore, the integration of smart features such as remote control capabilities, energy monitoring, and automatic detergentdispensing can enhance the user experience and differentiate the washing machine in the market.Overall, the design of an electromechanical integrated system for a fully automatic drum washing machine requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise in electrical engineering, mechanical design, and control systems. By prioritizing simplicity and reliability, manufacturers can create a product that meets the evolving needs of consumers in the laundry appliance industry.。
惠而浦 上置式洗衣机系列 说明书
Star Service 以客為尊星級服務 就是最好Simply the Best 惠而浦... Whirlpool...Whirlpool is attentive to provide you with both the best product and service. The “Star Service” launched in 1989 was the first of its kind and remains the most professional team until now. We promise a swift response to all inquiries over the phone, from appointment of installation and repair, sales orders of products and parts, to technical support. Flexible delivery arrangement can be made to suit customers’ schedules. Besides, our in-house service team is fully trained by experts from headquarters on the latest technology to give the best after-sales services. In addition, we offer comprehensive maintenance scheme which includes door-to-door free inspection, night repair and temporary substitutes during repair.作為領導同業之全球最大家電產品生產商,惠而浦一直致力以先進的生產科技應用於日常家電中,以為用家帶來更優質生活為目標。
Fusion P系列搅拌机操作和维护手册说明书
O&MOperation and Maintenance Manual for Fusion“P” series mixersContents Safety (1)Inspection (2)Storage (2)Installation............................................................................2-5 Maintenance (6)Schematic (7)Warranty (8)Contact Info (8)Section 1 – SafetySafety should be one’s main priority when working with industrial mixing equipment. There are many potential hazards associated with rotating equipment. The precautions mentioned in this manual are not intended to cover all hazards in a plant or on this equipment. Using safety mechanisms requires the constant attention of anyone in the vicinity of this or any other equipment. Please use common sense and caution. DO NOT attempt to operate this or any equipment if it does not appear safe. In addition, please use all necessary personal safety devices as well as mechanical safety devices when operating and or maintaining this or any equipment.PLEASE READ BEFORE INSTALLATION / OPERATION •Read this manual completely before operating the mixer.•Installation, operation, and maintenance should only be performed by qualified personnel.•Check all safety devices prior to starting the equipment. Do not operate the mixer if those devices are not present. Do not operate the mixer if the devicesare not functional.•BEFORE doing any maintenance on the mixer, disconnect all power. Be sure to follow correct lock out – tag out procedure before proceeding.•DO NOT touch any rotating parts under any circumstances. Keep all guards and safety devices installed.•Maintain the equipment on a regular basis. Unmaintained equipment can become unsafe.•Develop a safety checklist to ensure that proper caution is used during operation and maintenance•Do not modify your equipment without consulting the factory. Modification of the equipment my cause the equipment to become unstable. In addition, it maydecrease the performance or mechanical stability.Section 2 - InspectionInspection should be done upon receipt of the mixer as well as before installation and during maintenance.1. Check to make sure that all components were received. Fusion mixers may beshipped in multiple packages. Typically your shipment should contain: • Mixer drive• Shaft• Impeller(s)• Mounting hardware2. Check to see if the equipment is damaged. Check the shaft to see if it appearsbent. Check the impellers to see if the blades appear bent. All of the bladesshould be symmetrical. BEFORE connecting any power to the mixer, spin theoutput side of the drive (mixer shaft end). There may be resistance (especiallyon gear drives), but the shaft should not be locked.3. Inspect the bore on the mixer shaft coupling, threads on the output shaft, andshoulder above the threads on the output shaft. They all should be free of dings, galling, or burs. If you proceed to install the mixer shaft with these defects, theshaft will bind and cause further damage, which may not be covered underwarranty.Section 3 – StorageMixer should be stored into a cool, dry environment. Humid conditions can damage the motor windings, output bearings, and lubrication. All of these factors may deteriorate your mixer. Do not store the mixer near vibrating machinery. For long storage periods, rotate the mixer shaft once a month and change gearbox lubricant before installation.Section 4 – Installation1. Before any actual installation, develop a plan for the mounting location.Mounting the mixer in a baffled tank will provide the best mixing performance.There is no equivalent substitute that will provide the level of performance ofmixing in a baffled tank. If the installation of baffles in your tank is not apossibility, then angle-offset your mixer. Correct angle-offset mounting willprovide acceptable mixing performance where baffles are not an option. If none of these options are a possibility, then contact the factory for a suggestedmounting location. Center mounting you mixer in the middle of the tank willcause vortexing, thus resulting in the WORST mixing performance. Centermounting without baffles will also reduce the lifetime and mechanical integrity of the mixer. DO NOT center mount the mixer vertically unless authorized by thefactory. See the figures on the next 2 pages for more information.Mounting Guidelines for Fusion “P” Series MixersCENTER MOUNTINGIMPELLER SPACING – ALL MOUNTING STYLESMounting Guidelines for Fusion “P” Series Mixers ANGLE MOUNTINGCLAMP MOUNT MIXERSFIXED MOUNT MIXERSCaution: There are several pinch points on the mixers2. Mount the mixer to the desired location. Be careful, as there are several pinchpoints in the mounting hardware as well as in the shaft couplings. Once thedesired position and mounting angles are achieved, tighten all of the hardware to the torque specifications in the table below:Hardware Size Grade 2 and 300 seriesHigh strength grades 5 &8stainless hardware¼” 5 ft*lbs 7 ft*lbs5/16” 9 ft*lbs 14 ft*lbs3/8” 15 ft*lbs 25 ft*lbs½” 37 ft*lbs 60 ft*lbs5/8” 74 ft*lbs 120 ft*lbs3. Mixer shaft installation: To avoid binding in the future and ease of installation,apply process compatible grease or anti-seize compound on the threads of the mixer shaft. Too much grease will create resistance from air pressure. Be sure to slide the threaded coupling on the drive slowly and gently. The tolerances are very tight to keep concentricity and limit vibration. If the shaft is forced, it will gall and the mixer will be damaged.Snug the threads tight by hand while avoiding pinch points between mixer shaft coupling and mixer drive coupling. Once the shaft is snug by hand all the way, use a pair of adjustable wrenches (or supplied plastic wrenches) to snug the coupling. It is not necessary to over tighten or tighten to full torque spec of the mixer shaft threads, because the clockwise (when viewed from the top) rotation of the mixer will keep the shaft connection tight.For hollow quill units, gently slide the shaft into the chuck and tighten set screws on shaft flats. SET SCREWS MUST GO ONTO FLATS TO AVOID GALLING. 4. Impeller installation: Set the location of the impellers on the shaft and tighten theset screws. The bottom impeller should be 0.5 x impeller diameter to 1.5 ximpeller diameter off the bottom of the tank. For dual impellers, refer back to the quote for spacing. In general, the second impeller should be about 2 x impeller diameters from the lower impeller in gear drive models and about 5 x impeller diameters on direct drive models.5. Electric Components: All wiring of motors, VFD’s, panels, and controls shouldbe done according to local code. If any wiring was provided by Fusion, please have your electrical inspector inspect all connections, conductors, etc. to verify that the installation is acceptable. Unless specifically requested, pre wiring of components may not be UL approved. Call your local inspector!Electric motors: Motors provided are specific to each application. You will be able to locate the motor model number and MFG on the tag. You can findperformance data and operating limitations online. Otherwise, contact Fusion, and we will provide this information to you.NOTE: Wire so that impeller rotates clockwise when viewed from topSection 5 – MaintenanceWarning: Turn off power to the mixer before any maintenance1. Lubrication is the most important key to prolonging the life of your mixer. Besure to regularly grease all fittings on the mixer. Gearboxes on geardriveunits come pre-lubricated with AGMA #7C synthetic or food grade oil (allstainless models). Periodically remove the vent plug to check for watercontamination in the oil. Change the oil if there is water contamination.Periodically remove the gearbox from the drive to check for leakage. If oil is found in the bearing housing, it will work its way down the mixer shaft into the tank. Be sure to clean all oil out of the housing. Air motors should havelubrication and dry, filtered air.2. For harsh, washdown, or wet environments, special attention is required.These units are provided with additional o-rings and lip seals to preventcontamination from entering or leaving the drive. High pressure washing can allow water to enter through the seals. Check for water contamination asdescribed in step 1 and also regularly remove motor drain plugs to remove any water. Water contamination will greatly reduce the life of your mixer.3. Disassembly: The P series fusion mixers have a modular design. Refer tothe schematic on the next page for a visual on the components. Here are some hints on how to remove each components:•Motor: Remove all FOUR motor bolts. On direct drive models the motor will remove easily with half of the flex coupling attached. Ongear drive units, the motor shaft will have a tight fit in the gearbox quill.It may require light tapping with a plastic mallet while pulling on themotor. Apply anti-seize to the motor output shaft before re-installing ingeardrive units only.•Gearbox (on geardrive units): Remove the FOUR gearbox bolts.Gearbox will pull off easily with half of the flex coupling attached.•Bearing housing: Remove the bearing cap from the top of the bearing housing. Tap the bearing cartridge with a plastic mallet or lightly pressit out. Contact Fusion for rebuilding or replacing the cartridge, ifrequired. We DO NOT recommend disassembly of the bearings orbearing cartridge components. The tolerances of the bearing cartridgeare very tight and require special procedures for individual bearingremoval and bearing installation.•Mixer shaft: Using two end wrenches loosen the right hand mixer shaft threads. Once loose, finish removing the mixer shaft by hand. Applycompatible grease or anti-seize to the threads and shoulder.•For replacement parts, refer to the drawing on the next page.8Section 6 – Warranty and ContactWarranty:All equipment or parts covered by this manual are guaranteed free from defective material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from date of shipment, under normal use and service. This warranty does not cover failure of normal wear parts unless the failure of such part has resulted from defective material and workmanship. Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC will repair or replace, at its option, any equipment which has been found to be defective and is within the warranty period, provided that the equipment is shipped, with previous factory authorization, freight prepaid, to Fusion's plant in Whitehall, Michigan, USA. All return shipments are made FOB Fusion's factory. Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC is not responsible for removal, installation, or any other incidental expenses incurred in shipping the equipment to or from Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC. In the case of components purchased by Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC, and incorporated in the equipment, the component manufacturer's guarantee shall apply. NOTE: Any modifications or corrective work done to the equipment which were not specifically authorized in writing by Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC shall void this limited warranty, and Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC shall accept no liability for any of the corrective work or expenditures which were conducted without their prior, written authorization. Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC shall not be held liable for any further cost, expense, or labor to replace equipment or replaceable parts, or indirect or consequential damages.With the exceptions of the limited warranty set out above, there are no other understandings, agreements, representatives, or warranties implied (including any regarding the merchant-ability or fitness for a particular purpose), not specified herein, respecting this agreement or equipment, hereunder. This contract states the entire obligation of Fusion Fluid Equipment LLC in connection with this transaction.Contact:For questions, concerns, or comments, we strongly recommend contacting the sales representative that supplied your equipment. Otherwise your may email us or visit our website. We typically respond same day.Website:Email:********************Thank you for choosing Fusion. We look forward to a long standing relationship with you, providing high quality custom equipment!。
波士顿专家范围顶部加载洗衣机 WMZ2380 产品介绍说明书
Series 4, washing machine, top loader, 680 rpmWOI653S0INWMZ2380 Extension for cold water inlet /Aquastop Treat your clothes with hand-like wash with Bosch Expertcare range of Top Load Washing machines• The VarioInverter motor is a powerful, durable and highly efficient motor that provides optimum washing performance that is backed with warranty• One touch Start automatically selects the optimal programme & settings for your laundry load• Soft Closing Lid provides a gradual lid closure to ensure aninjury-free and silent closing of the washer lid• Delay Start gives the option of scheduling the wash cycle anytime within 24 hrs• ECO Silence Inverter: quiet and long lasting motor.Built-in / Free-standing: ..................................................Freestanding Door hinge: .................................................................................other Color / Material body: ................................................................Silver Height of the appliance: .........................................................995 mm Dimensions of the product: .................................995 x 542 x 600 mm Wheels: ...........................................................................................No Net weight: ..............................................................................33.2 kg Color Buttons:, start button in silver Noise level washing: ................................................65 dB(A) re 1 pW Fuse protection: ...........................................................................10 A Voltage: ...............................................................................220-240 V Frequency: .................................................................................50 Hz Energy Star Qualified: .....................................................................No Cord Included: ...............................................................................Yes Plug type: .........................................................India plug (6 Ampere) Dimensions of the packed product: ..................39.37 x 22.83 x 23.62 Net weight: .........................................................................73.000 lbs Gross weight: .....................................................................78.000 lbs Dimensions of the packed product (HxWxD): ...1000 x 600 x 580 mm Gross weight: ..........................................................................35.6 kg Fuse protection: ...........................................................................10 A Voltage: ...............................................................................220-240 V Frequency: .................................................................................50 Hz Water protection system: ............................Multiple water protection Max. spin speed: ....................................................................680 rpm Digital countdown indicator: .........................................................Yes Drying progress indicator: ................................................LED-display Maximum capacity in kg (EU 2017/1369): .................................6.5 kgSeries 4, washing machine, toploader, 680 rpmWOI653S0INTreat your clothes with hand-like wash with Bosch Expertcare range of Top Load Washing machinesTechnical Information- Capacity: 6.5kg- Maximum spin speed: 680 rpm- Dimensions (HxWxD): 995x542x552Programmes- Smart Suggest, Quick Wash, Mix, Jeans, Bedsheets, Synthetics, Whites, Cotton 30º, Delicates, Tub CleanFeatures- 1.ExpertCare wash system inspired by hand wash:- a. Vario Drum: Specially designed Droplet Patterned drum which gently rubs the clothes during the wash mimicking the soft rubbing by hands like in a hand wash- b. Asymmetric Paddle design: The design which is rough on one side and smooth on the other side inspired by the 'Rough surfaces used during hand wash'- c. Scrub Pads: These are located at the bottom of the drum which gently scrubs your clothes for a superior wash perfomance like a scrubbing with brush during hand wash- d. Pumping tower & Magic filter: The pumping tower circulates water up and down and intermittently splashes fresh water for better mixing of detergent during the wash. The detachable and cleanable magic filter collects all the lint from clothes during the wash- e. Pulsator with 3 cam Impellers: Innovatively designed pulsator with 3 cam impellers for 360 degree rotation of cloths- 2 - Full Touch Panel with Rotary Knob: Enhance your interaction experience to next level with Industry first full capacative touch panel along with Rotary Knob for effortless operation and program selection.- 3 - Flexible Soaking: Pre soak your clothes with 4 flexible timer options like (15,30,45,60 mins) in the washing machine itself and reduce your efforts by avoiding it by doing in a bucket and transfering later into the washing machine.- 4 - Anti Tangle: A program to reduce the problem of clothes tangling during wash- 5 - VarioInverter: Efficient and energy saving. The VarioInverter motor is a durable, and energy-efficient drive system that provides optimal washing results with 10 year warranty.- 6 Soft Closing Lid provides a gradual lid closure to ensure aninjury-free and silent closing of the washer lid- 7. Favorite: Chose your favorite / frequently used program saved in the favorite program option. Click and wash !!- 8 Delay Start upto 24 hours to delay the time at when the program starts- 9.Mobility Solution: The ergonomic handles at the back with wheels at the bottom to move your machine with ease as per your convinience and requirement- 10.Flexible Detergent Drawer: A convinient detergent drawer with separate compartments for powder detergent, liquid detergent and fabric softener- 11.Level indicator: Indicates the even placement of the machine soyou can avoid shaking at high RPM spinning- 12. Hot and cold water inlets for giving flexibility/option of hot water washSafety- Volt Check: shows Voltage error when Voltage goes out of working range(mentioned in User manual, 170V to 280V) and machine stops running.- Child-proof lockDisplay Screen & Alerts- Rotary knob for program selection. Smart mode for quick wash program selection and Expert mode where you can choose the Water level, Temperature control, Rinse and Spin programs as per your washing requirements- Buzzer alert at the end of the wash programme- Volt Check: shows Voltage error when Voltage goes out of working range(mentioned in User manual) and machine stops running.- Child-proof lockSeries 4, washing machine, top loader, 680 rpmWOI653S0IN。
水泥专业词汇英语翻译矿渣硅酸盐水泥(矿渣水泥)slag cement硅酸盐水泥portland cement粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥(粉煤灰水泥)fly-ash portland cement火山灰质硅酸盐水泥(火山灰水泥)portland-pozzolana cement普通硅酸盐水泥(普通水泥)ordinary portland cement复合硅酸盐水泥(复合水泥)composite Portland cement主导产品leading product年产量annual output基准reference体系system完全燃烧complete combustion不完全燃烧incomplete combustion机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion雾化atomization雾化介质atomizing medium物料平衡material balance实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of theoretical flue gas 形成热heat of formation information 信息formation 形成单位热耗unit heat consumption标准煤Standard coal标准煤耗standard coal consumption实物煤耗raw coal consumption窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln干燥周期drying cycle焙烧周期firing cycle热损失thermal loss;heat loss燃烧热heat of combustion有效热effective heat热效率heal efficiency燃烧效率combustion efficiency一次空气primary air二次空气secondary air系统漏入空气量false air空气系数air coefficient废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas热平衡表heat balance table热流图heat balance diagram回转窑rotary kiln窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell窑胴体有效内表面积effective inside surface of kiln shell窑或预热器排出飞灰量dust emit out from the Kiln or preheater system 入窑回灰量dust fed back into kiln system飞损飞灰量amount of flying loss of dust生料中可燃物质combustible components in raw meal生料带入空气量air volume carrying by raw meal冷却机烟囱排灰量dust content emitting from stack of cooler煤磨从窑系统抽出的热气体量hot gas volume from Kiln system for coal mill入窑回灰脱水及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system回转窑用煤应用基coal used in rotary kiln system立窑shaft Kiln漏风系数false air coefficient普通立窑cement shaft Kilt / ordinary shaft Kiln机械化立窑mechanized cement shaft kiln立窑喇叭口inversed cone inlet of shaft kiln立窑单位截面积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross section立窑单位容积产量production of shaft Kiln for unit volume白生料common meal干白生料耗consumption of drying raw meal立窑断面平均风速average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln卸料管漏出风量amount of leaked out air for discharging tube窑面废气成分composition of combustion gas at the upper in surface of shaft Kiln黑生料black meal入磨煤量internal fuel amount of raw meal半黑生料semi-black meal入窑煤量external fuel amount of raw meal隧道窑tunnel Kiln倒焰窑down draft kiln检查坑道inspection pit预热带preheating zone烧成带firing zone;burning zone冷却带cooling zone窑车kiln car匣钵sagger棚板deck气幕air curtain直接冷却direct cooling间接冷却indirect cooling窑尾冷风cooling gas in the kiln outlet窑内断面温差difference of temperature in cross section of kiln 进车间隔时间kiln car time schedule坯体内结构水含量structural water content in body坯体的入窑温度inletting body temperature零压面neutral margin轮窑annular Kilt / ring Kilt circular kiln窑门wicket隧追式干燥室tunnel dryer湿坯wet green干坯dried green绝干坯absolute dried green普通砖common brick窑的部火数number of fire travels in annular kiln内掺燃料(简称内燃料)carbonaceous materials added to raw materials外投燃料(简称外燃料)external fuel added into firing-hole of a kiln焙烧反应热heat of burning reaction操作放热损失heat losses in the opening and closing of kiln wicket and firing holes 隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系热效率(简称体系热效率)(ηtx)the fmal efficiency of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位热耗(简称体系单位热耗)unit heat consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室,轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位煤耗(简称体系单位煤耗)(mtxm)unit coal consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system cardanshaft万向联轴节companionflange成对法兰结合法兰配对法兰screw螺丝钉packinglist装箱单hydraulic液压的rollerpress液压机bearing活动轴承bore钻孔thread穿线hexagonnut六角螺母springlockwasher螺丝弹簧垫片handpump手动泵grease润滑油file锉screwclamp螺丝钳slidingcaliper游标卡尺vice抬物架hose胶皮管tubefitting管接头cyl.rollerbearing轴承thrustroll.bear.spherical轴承球面轴承slidingplate滑板tyre轮带flatpacking密封shaftlipseal密封v-sealv-密封o-ringo形圈compressionspring弹簧垫片pumpingelement泵件progr.distributor分配器gasketset密封圈装置rubberplate橡胶板bellows橡胶防尘罩风箱transm.pressure压力表,压力传动器filterelement过滤芯gearedpump齿轮泵prop.contr.valve阀gasket密封pressuregauge压力表sightglass量位计einbaruventil阀hose管子liftcheckvalve阀diff.pressuregaue压力表diaph.accumulator气串瓶speicherblase气串temperaturesensor传感器gas-valveinsert阀芯ventileinheit阀芯clutch/coupling连轴带srppressorplug插座levelswitch开关sandwichplate夹层板direct.contr.valve直控阀ventilatingfilter滤芯flowcontrolvalveby-passvalve旁通阀,辅助阀,回流阀tubularcoredele.焊丝cored-wire焊丝plug-inconnector插座接头pulsegenerator脉冲发生器proximityswitchinductive非接触式电感开关sensor传感器pick-up传感器monitoringtransd.变送器hexagonbolt六角螺栓springlockwasher弹簧锁架垫片resist.thermometeroilleak-proof油封式变阻温度计resist.thermometer变阻温度计screwflatcountersunknibbolt螺旋平头垫头螺栓heatingcable耐热电缆connectionset连接装置controllerelectronic电子调节器,电控装置alum.adjesovetape胶带threadedjoint螺纹接合hoseassembly软组件twinnipple双喷嘴measuringinstrument计量工具bracket支座support支座hydr.cyl.flattype液压缸板型,水平水压气缸rotaryseal回转密封threadedrod螺纹杆hexagonnut六角螺母pressionhose压力软管hoseclip软管卡l-section组装列表controlblockhydraulicunitwithcontrol液压控制部件pumpset泵机组levelcontrol水平控制,水准控制press.reliefvalve安全阀tubefitting管接头progr.distributor程序寄存器crane龙头retainingplate固定板,支撑板directionalsign定向信号screwingarmature螺纹电枢variab.displ.motor可旋转电机shim薄垫片sprocketwheelforrollerchain链轮simpl.rollerchain单缸棍子链sliderail滑轨rerainingwasher固定垫片stickelectrodecovered焊条ratingplate标牌notchednail凹槽钉threadcutt.screw旋转螺纹distancepiece隔板screwhexagonsocketheadcapscrew六角螺钉locatingwasher定位垫片liningring衬垫clip压板o-sealo形密封圈flatiron扁铁floorplate地板elbow弯头hydraulichose水力管screwnipple螺纹连接管settingtool安装工具socketwrenchsquaredrive套筒扳手extensionbar加长杆handle.spintypemalesquare销式手柄lineal线pin销子adapter转接器clevispinu形夹销负载氮气wrench扳手shackle钩环chaintrackguard护链槽lateralwall单侧墙roundsteel圆钢intermed.piece中圆片discspring盘簧studscrew柱螺栓螺钉thrustwasher止推拴片rotationallock旋转锁定air exhaust 排气air exhaust opening 排气口clampingbox夹紧盒clampingsocket夹紧插座controlbox操纵台,控制箱,操作箱dowels销子squarekey方键lubricatingequipmentowge润滑用具setsofsuction抽水机,抽水泵shrinkdisc缩紧盘allowance补贴air cooled condenser空冷式冷凝器水泥行业常用英语会话水泥英语1 How do you do? Mr. Jensen . Welcome to Guangdong.你好,Jensen先生,欢迎到广东来。
常见能源英文作文Title: Common Sources of Energy。
Energy is an indispensable component of our modern world, driving everything from transportation to communication and powering industries and households alike. Understanding the diverse sources of energy is crucial for comprehending our global energy landscape and making informed decisions about sustainability and resource management. In this essay, we will explore some of the most common sources of energy, their characteristics, and their impacts on the environment and society.1. Fossil Fuels:Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, have long been the primary sources of energy worldwide. They are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and subjected to high pressure and heat over millions of years. Fossil fuels are highlyenergy-dense, making them efficient for transportation, electricity generation, and heating. However, their combustion releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributing significantly to climate change and air pollution. Moreover, fossil fuel extraction and processing can have devastating environmental impacts, such as habitat destruction and water pollution.2. Renewable Energy:In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on renewable energy sources as alternatives to fossil fuels. These sources, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass energy, harness natural processes that are continually replenished, making them more sustainable in the long term. Solar energy, derived from the sun's radiation, is abundant and widely accessible, with photovoltaic panels converting sunlight directly into electricity. Wind energy utilizes the kinetic energy of the wind to turn turbines and generate power, while hydroelectric power relies on the gravitational force of flowing water to spin turbines. Biomass energy involves thecombustion or fermentation of organic materials, such as wood, agricultural residues, and biofuels, to produce heat or electricity.3. Nuclear Power:Nuclear power, derived from the fission of uranium or plutonium atoms, is another significant source of energy. Nuclear reactors generate heat through controlled nuclear reactions, which is then used to produce steam and drive turbines connected to generators. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power does not emit greenhouse gases during operation, making it a low-carbon energy option. However, nuclear energy comes with its own set of challenges, including the risk of accidents, such as Chernobyl and Fukushima, and the long-term management of radioactive waste. Public concerns about safety and proliferation have led to debates over the future role of nuclear power in the global energy mix.4. Geothermal Energy:Geothermal energy harnesses the heat stored beneath the Earth's surface, typically in the form of steam or hotwater reservoirs. This renewable energy source is most commonly used for heating and electricity generation in areas with accessible geothermal resources, such as geysers, hot springs, and volcanic regions. Geothermal power plants utilize the steam or hot water to drive turbines andproduce electricity, while geothermal heat pumps transfer heat from the ground into buildings for heating and cooling purposes. Geothermal energy is considered environmentally friendly, with minimal greenhouse gas emissions and a small land footprint, but its widespread deployment is limited by geographical constraints and the high upfront costs of exploration and drilling.In conclusion, the global demand for energy continuesto rise, driving the exploration and development of diverse energy sources to meet this demand sustainably. Whilefossil fuels remain dominant, there is a growing shift towards renewable energy alternatives, driven by concerns over climate change, air pollution, and energy security. Each energy source has its own advantages and challenges,and the choice of energy mix will depend on factors such as resource availability, technological advancements, and policy priorities. Ultimately, achieving a sustainable energy future will require a comprehensive approach that integrates energy efficiency, renewable energy deployment, and responsible resource management.。
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PERFORMANCE OF WATER ENERGY DRIVE SPINDLE SUPPORTEDBY WATER HYDROSTATIC BEARINGYohichi Nakao, Fumiyuki Kobayashi and Yuji SagesakaDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Kanagawa University3-27-1, Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-8686, JAPAN(Email: Words: Water-Driven Spindle, Water Hydraulic Built-in Motor, Water Hydrostatic Bearing, Ultra-Precision Machine Tool, Bearing Stiffness1. IntroductionSpindles used for recent diamond turning machines are typically supported by hydrostatic bearings. Especially, air hydrostatic bearings are the most common because of low viscosity of air. Low viscosity of lubricant fluid is an important requirement for operating the spindle in a range of higher rotational speeds. However, from a stiffness viewpoint of the bearings, higher compressibilityof the air can be a disadvantage. From viewpoints of stiffness and stable operation of the hydrostatic bearing, incompressible fluid is desirable. Oil hydrostatic bearings may be an alternative for such case. However, higher viscosity of the oil makes it difficult to operate the spindle in a range of higher rotational speeds. A spindle supported by water hydrostatic bearing would be a better alternative.An electrically driven built-in type motor is recently designed for the most of the spindles for diamond turning machines. In this case, heat generation at the electric motor can deform the spindle, which must cause serious problems during the spindle operation. In order to attain higher bearing stiffness of the air hydrostatic bearing, the gap between spindle body and housing is usually designed to be very small. Hence, the deformation may cause metal contacts between the two parts. To cope with these problems, a water-driven spindle supported by water hydrostatic bearings has been proposed and developed [1]-[3].2. Developed SpindleFigure 1 shows the spindle structure. The spindle driven by pressurized water flow can effectively use the water for three spindle functions, i.e., motor, bearing and cooling functions.(1) Motor functionIn the spindle body, simple bend channels, named flow-out channels, are designed in order that pressurized water flow in the bend channels can generate torque for rotating the spindle. Therefore, the flow channels can be used as a motor. An advantage of the motor is that it can be easily fabricated inside the spindle body. As an additional advantage, the motor structure allows us to design compact spindle.(2) Bearing functionWater hydrostatic bearings are designed to support the spindle, which makes it possible to0.60.8Work material A5086Rotational speed 6,000 rpmFeed 3 µm/revDepth of cut 10 µmSurface roughness Ra 0.023 µmdesign both higher spindle rotation and bearing stiffness.(3) Cooling functionWater supplied for the motor and hydrostatic bearing can be used for cooling water as well, which can effectively maintain temperature of the spindle. As a result, a serious deterioration in the machining accuracy due to thermal deformation of the spindle can keep minimum. In addition, the cooling function can effectively avoid the mechanical contacts between spindle body and housing.In this paper, an experimental result of diamond turning, which has been conducted with the spindle, is presented. In addition, measurement results of the bearing stiffness, which have been conducted in order to consider a cause of unsatisfactory machining result, are also presented.3. Diamond Turning TestDeveloped water driven spindle has been tested for diamond turning. Figure 2 shows the spindle placed on a commercial precision machine tool. Face cutting tests using a single point diamond cutting tool have been conducted in order to investigate performances of the spindle. Aluminum and cupper alloys, A5086 and C1020, have been used as workpiece materials. A surface roughness and a machined workpiece are shown in Fig. 3. In this case, optical quality surface can be successfully obtained. However, the surface roughness, Ra =23 nm, is considerably larger thanSpindleDiamond cutting tool Fig. 2 Spindle set on precisionmachine toolFig. 3 Surface roughness and machined surface Fig. 4 Stiffness of water hydrostatic bearingthe target level in our study.From the viewpoint of the spindle performance, important factors that affect the surface roughness would be the followings:(1) Stiffness of the water hydrostatic bearings(2) Rotational accuracyIn this paper, the issue of bearing stiffness is investigated. The influence of rotational accuracy of the spindle on the machining results will be considered in the future.4. Measurement of Stiffness of Hydrostatic BearingFigure 4 shows a relationship between radial direction forces to the spindle and resultant displacement. In a series of the experiments, the stiffness of the journal bearing has been measured using bearing chokes with two different lengths, i.e. 0.5 and 1.0 mm, respectively. A choke with 1mm in length is originally designed, however, the experiments with the choke, 0.5 mm in length, were conducted in order to examine the influence of the length.Journal bearing stiffness, when no load torque is applied to the spindle, was designed to be 29 N/µm. However, it is found that actual bearing stiffness is only 29 % of the required stiffness. Because of the insufficient bearing stiffness, slight changes in cutting forces could affect positions of the spindle during diamond turning. It is considered that the insufficient stiffness is a possible reason of the relatively large surface roughness.Next, a reason of the insufficient bearing stiffness is discussed. Pressure ratios of the hydrostatic journal and thrust bearings were designed to be 0.5, which is the theoretical optimum condition for obtaining maximum bearing stiffness. In this case, theoretically, the recess pressure, p r, should be a half of the supply pressure, p s. Pressure-flow characteristics, i.e. flow resistances, of both bearing chokes and hydrostatic bearing surfaces are crucial factors to determine the pressure ratio, p r / p s.Figure 5 shows the pressure-flow characteristics of the choke designed for the hydrostatic journal bearing. The characteristics obtained by the experiments significantly differ from the theoretical relationship. In this case, the actual flow resistance of the choke was approximately 24 times of that of theoretical relationship. If the actual flow coefficient of the hydrostatic journal bearings is the same to the theoretical relationship, actual recess pressure, p r, becomes approximately only 8 % of the theoretical value.5. Spindle SpeedWater, supplied from a pump to the spindle, flows primarily into the motor and hydrostatic bearing besides leakage. Flow distributions for the motor and hydrostatic bearings are determined by flow resistances of the two parts. Therefore, the characteristics of the bearing choke presented in Sec. 4 affect not only the characteristics of the hydrostatic bearing but also that of the spindle motor. More specifically, the motor flow should be larger than the expected since the actual flow resistance of the bearing choke became significantly large.Figure 6 shows the spindle speed characteristics. In fact, it is found that the spindle speed obtained theoretically, which is given by a dashed line, is lower than that of experimental result. In contrast, the solid line, which is calculated with the measured flow coefficient of the bearing choke, shows the relatively similar trends to the experimental result. From these results, it is verified that thecharacteristics of the bearing choke play an important part of the spindle motor performances as well as the bearing stiffness. 6. SummaryA water-driven spindle developed for ultra-precision machine tools was tested for diamond turning. An optical quality surface was generated in the test. However, the surface roughness did not reach required level.In order to investigate the unsatisfactory result of the diamond cutting test, a stiffness of the water hydrostatic bearing has been measured. As a result, low stiffness of the bearing was appeared. An experiment to measure the pressure-flow characteristic of the choke of the hydrostatic bearing has been conducted. The result shows that the flow resistance of the choke is too high to obtain an optimum stiffness of the bearing. This issue is now being investigated in our study.It is considered that the rotational accuracy of the spindle must be another factor to determine the diamond cutting performance. Therefore, the rotational accuracy of the spindle will be measured and investigated. Especially, an influence of supply water pressure pulsation on the machining performance could play important factor. AcknowledgementsThis research work is financially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. The support of Nano corporation for the diamond turning tests is gratefully acknowledged. References[1] Y . Nakao and M. Mimura, Spindle Motor Driven by Fluid Energy for Ultra-Precision Machine Tool, Proc. of ASPE 2001 Annual Meeting, pp.215-218, (2002).[2] Y . Nakao and M. Mimura, High-Speed Motor Driven by Fluid Power, Proc. of 5th JFPS, pp.543-548, (2002).[3] Y . Nakao, M. Mimura and F. Kobayashi, Water Energy Drive Spindle Supported by Water Hydrostatic Bearing for Ultra-Precision Machine Tool, Proc. of ASPE 2003 Annual Meeting, pp. 199-202, (2003).Fig. 5 Characteristic of bearing choke Fig. 6 Rotational speed of water driven motor。