



第五章应用指令5.1 数据传送指令5-15.1.1 MOV, MOVP, DMOV, DMOVP ..................................................... 5-15.1.2 CMOV, CMOVP, DCMOV, DCMOVP .......................................... 5-35.1.3 GMOV, GMOVP .................................................................................. 5-65.1.4 FMOV, FMOVP ................................................................................... 5-85.1.5 BMOV, BMOVP ................................................................................ 5-10 5.2 转换指令5-125.1.1 BCD, BCDP, DBCD, DBCDP ......................................................... 5-125.2.2 BIN, BINP, DBIN, DBINP .............................................................. 5-15 5.3 比拟指令5-185.3.1 CMP, CMPP, DCMP, DCMPP ...................................................... 5-185.3.2 TCMP, TCMPP, DTCMP, DTCMPP .............................................. 5-225.3.3 LD ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <> ) ..................................................... 5-245.3.4 AND ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <>) ................................................... 5-255.3.5 OR ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <>) ...................................................... 5-27 5.4 增加/减少运算5-295.4.1 INC, INCP, DINC, DINCP ............................................................. 5-295.4.2 DEC, DECP, DDEC, DDECP .......................................................... 5-31 5.5 回转指令5-345.5.1 ROL, ROLP, DROL, DROLP .......................................................... 5-345.5.2 ROR, RORP, DROR, DRORP ....................................................... 5-375.5.3 RCL, RCLP, DRCL, DRCLP ............................................................ 5-395.5.4 RCR, RCRP, DRCR, DRCRP .......................................................... 5-425.6 移位指令5-445.6.1 BSFT, BSFTP ...................................................................................... 5-445.6.2 WSFT, WSFTP ................................................................................... 5-465.6.3 SR.......................................................................................................... 5-48 5.7 交换指令5-515.7.1 XCHG, XCHGP, DXCHG, DXCHGP ............................................ 5-51 5.8 BIN 算术指令5-535.8.1 ADD, ADDP, DADD, DADDP ...................................................... 5-535.8.2 SUB, SUBP, DSUB, DSUBP .......................................................... 5-555.8.3 MUL, MULP, DMUL, DMULP ..................................................... 5-575.8.4 MULS, MULSP, DMULS, DMULSP ............................................ 5-605.8.5 DIV, DIVP, DDIV, DDIVP ............................................................... 5-635.8.6 DIVS, DIVSP, DDIVS, DDIVSP .................................................... 5-65 5.9 BCD算术指令5-685.9.1 ADDB, ADDBP, DADDB, DADDBP ........................................... 5-685.9.2 SUBB, SUBBP, DSUBB, DSUBBP ................................................ 5-705.9.3 MULB, MULBP, DMULB, DMULBP ........................................... 5-745.9.4 DIVB, DIVBP, DDIVB, DDIVBP ................................................... 5-76 5.10 逻辑算术指令5-795.10.1 WAND, WANDP, DWAND, DWANDP ..................................... 5-795.10.2 WOR, WORP, DWOR, DWORP ................................................. 5-825.10.3 WXOR, WXORP, DWXOR, DWXORP ....................................... 5-845.10.4 WXNR, WXNRP, DWXNR, DWXNRP ...................................... 5-86 5.11 数据处理指令5-885.11.1 SEG, SEGP ......................................................................................... 5-895.11.2 ASC, ASCP ......................................................................................... 5-925.11.3 BSUM, BSUMP, DBSUM, DBSUMP .......................................... 5-945.11.4 ENCO, ENCOP .................................................................................. 5-975.11.5 DECO, DECOP ................................................................................ 5-1005.11.6 FILR, FILRP, DFILR, DFILRP ....................................................... 5-1025.11.7 FILW, FILWP, DFILW, DFILWP .................................................. 5-1055.11.8 DIS, DISP ......................................................................................... 5-1075.11.9 UNI, UNIP ........................................................................................ 5-1105.11.10 IORF, IORFP .................................................................................... 5-112 5.12 系统指令5-1145.12.1 FALS ................................................................................................... 5-1145.12.2 DUTY ................................................................................................. 5-1155.12.3 WDT, WDTP .................................................................................... 5-1185.12.4 OUTOFF ............................................................................................ 5-1205.12.5 STOP .................................................................................................. 5-121 5.13 跳转指令5-1225.13.1 JMP, JME .......................................................................................... 5-1225.13.2 CALL, CALLP, SBRT, RET ............................................................ 5-124 5.14 循环指令5-1265.14.1 FOR, NEXT ...................................................................................... 5-1275.14.2 BREAK ............................................................................................... 5-128 5.15 标志指令5-1295.15.1 STC, CLC ........................................................................................... 5-1295.15.2 CLE ..................................................................................................... 5-131 5.16 特殊模块指令5-1325.16.1 GET, GETP ........................................................................................ 5-1335.16.2 PUT, PUTP ....................................................................................... 5-135 5.17 数据连接指令5-1375.17.1 READ ................................................................................................. 5-1385.17.2 WRITE ................................................................................................ 5-1415.17.3 RGET .................................................................................................. 5-1435.17.4 RPUT .................................................................................................. 5-1475.17.5 STATUS .............................................................................................. 5-150 5.18 中断指令5-1525.18.1 EI, DI .................................................................................................. 5-1525.18.2 TDINT, IRET ..................................................................................... 5-1535.18.3 INT, IRET .......................................................................................... 5-1555.19 符号反转指令5-1565.19.1 NEG, NEGP, DNEG, DNEGP...................................................... 5-156 5.20 位接触指令5-1595.20.1 BLD, BLDN ....................................................................................... 5-1595.20.2 BAND, BANDN .............................................................................. 5-1605.20.3 BOR, BORN ..................................................................................... 5-1615.20.4 BOUT ................................................................................................. 5-1635.20.5 BSET, BRST ...................................................................................... 5-164 5.21 计算机连接模块指令5-1655.21.1 SND .................................................................................................... 5-1655.21.2 RCV .................................................................................................... 5-166 5.22 高速计数器指令5-1675.22.1 HST ..................................................................................................... 5-1675.22.2 HSC .................................................................................................... 5-170 5.23 RS-485 通讯指令5-1715.23.1 RECV .................................................................................................. 5-1725.23.2 SEND ................................................................................................. 5-1735应用指令5.1.1MOV, MOVP, DMOV, DMOVP1)功能-MOV(P) : 传送在[ S ]中的16位数据至指定的设备[ D ].16 位- DMOV(P) : 传送在指定设备[ S+1, S ]中的32位数据到指定的设备[ D+1, D ].-2) 编程举例在P020检测到一个上升沿,‘h70F3’被传送到P04。


3)因复位回路的程序与计数器的计数回路的程序是相互 独立的,因此程序的执行顺序可任意安排,而且可分 开编程。
PLS 、PLF指令都是2程序步,它的目标元件 是Y和M,但特殊辅助继电器不能作目标元件。
(1) MC指令的操作元件可以是输出继电器Y及辅助继电器M,一般情 况下使用辅助继电器M(特殊辅助继电器除外)。
(2) MC指令和MCR指令应成对出现。 (3) 执行MC指令后,在主控电路块前产生一个临时母线。因此,当开 始写主控电路块指令语句时,必须使用LD指令或LDI指令,其他触点则 可使用触点连接的其他基本指令。
当X000接通一下,辅助继电器M500接通并保持,Y000有输出。 停电后再通电,有输出,只有X001接通,其常闭触点断开,才 能使M500自保持清除,使Y000无输出。
输入X000=ON时,Y000=ON,并且输出Y000的触点自锁 保持接通,输入X000=OFF后,启动内部定时器T0,定时5s后, 定时器触点闭合,输出Y000断开。
➢分频电路 下图所示为一个二分频电路。待分频的脉冲信号加在输入X000上,在
第一个脉冲信号到来时,M100产生一个扫描周期的单脉冲,使M100常 开触点闭合一个扫描周期。
第一个脉冲到来一个扫描周期后,M100断开,Y000接通,第二个支路使 Y0保持接通。
当第二个脉冲到来时,M100再产生一个扫描周期的单脉冲,使得Y000的 状态由接通变为断开;通过分析可知,X000每送入两个脉冲,Y000产生 一个脉冲,完成对输入X000信号的二分频。

SonicWall NSsp 13700 快速入门指南说明书

SonicWall NSsp 13700 快速入门指南说明书

6 使用本機管理進行初始設定和註冊
1 使用 192.168.1.x 子網路 (例如 上的靜態 IP 位址設定您的電腦,並將網路遮罩設為。
2 使用隨附的乙太網路線,將 MGMT 介面連線至您的 電腦。
3 在網頁瀏覽器中前往 並使用預 設認證登入: Username (使用者名稱):admin Password (密碼):password
備註:當連線到 MGMT 介面時,若是沒有先在介面 設定中設定預設閘道,將無法連線至網際網路或其他 外部目的地。 7 按一下 Register (註冊) 並輸入您的 MySonicWall 認證,
以註冊您的 NSsp。 提示:從 SonicOS/X 註冊設備時,必須設定用於 WAN 介 面 的 DNS 設 定 值。若 為 DHCP WAN 類 型,則 DNS 已自動設定。
SonicWall 交換器
Cloud App Security
Capture Security Center
單一窗格管理,採用 Zero-Touch 部署
備註:隨附的電源線經核准僅供特定國家或地區使用。使用電源線之前,務必先確認其額定電 壓且經核准可供您所在位置使用。電源線僅供交流電源安裝使用。請參閱 NSsp 13700 安全、法 規和法律資訊文件,瞭解其他安全資訊。 有遺漏的項目? 請透過下列資訊聯絡 SonicWall 技術支援: https:///support/contact-support
X20 X23
10/5/2.5GE SFP+ 連接埠和 LED: 琥珀色燈長亮 = 以 10G、5G 或 2.5G 連線,琥珀色燈閃爍 = 動作中 綠燈長亮 = 以 1G 或更低速度連線,閃爍綠燈 = 動作中 熄滅 = 無連線



MODEM AT指令集Modem RS-232C 说明:接脚名称功能方向----------------------------------------------------1 AGND 安全接地2 TD 传送资料 PC TO MODEM3 RD 接收资料 MODEM TO PC4 RTS 控制线 PC TO MODEM5 CTS 控制线 MODEM TO PC7 DGND 信号接地8 DCD 信号侦测 MODEM TO PC12 HI 高速指示 MODEM TO PC15 TXC 传送时脉 MODEM TO PC *17 RXC 接收时脉 MODEM TO PC *20 DTR 控制线 PC TO MODEM22 RI 铃声指示 MODEM TO PC----------------------------------------------------注: * 号为同步传输时才使用MODEM 灯号PWR : 电源指示亮时表示电源接通MR : 数据机备妥指示亮时表示数据机在备用状态(MODEM READY) DTR : 电脑连线指示亮时表示电脑与数据机连线(DA TA TERMINAL READY)DCD : 数据机接通指示亮时表示两台数据机连线成(DA TA CARRIER 功 DETECTOR)OH : 占线指示亮时表示数据机占用电话线(OFF HOCK)HS : 高速指示亮时表示数据机在高速状态(HIGH SPEED)AA : 应答指示亮时表示数据机自动应答 (AUTO ANSWER)TD : 传输指示(TXD) 亮时表示数据机传送资料 (TRANSMITTERDA TA)RD : 接收指示(RXD) 亮时表示数据机接收资料 (RECEIVED DA TA) MODEM A T 指令说明:A T指令除了指令本身以外尚包括S-Register及Result codeS-Register是用来记录Modem的参数的暂存器,与有关的指令执行完毕後,Modem会去改变这些参数,但Modem由指令状态进入连线时,Modem会依照这些参数而决定Modem的功能,S-Register可由指令之执行而改变,或者也可以由直接改变S-Register而改变其内容.Modem的基本指令如下:A T指令可以为下列几款:(1)非同步指令(2)立即动作指令(3)MNP错误修正指令(4)拨号修饰指令.非同步指令:B BELL/CCITT协定设定B0:设定Modem为CCITT协定B1:设定Modme为BELL协定E 回应指令:此指令可以让使用者选择是否把输入的指令回应显示在萤幕上.E0:不回应指令E1:回应指令L 喇叭音量控制L指令控制喇叭的音量L0:喇叭不响L1:低音量L2:中音量L3:高音量M 喇叭控制此指令控制喇叭的开关M0:喇叭不响M1:Modem在拨号时,喇叭打开,在连线後,喇叭关掉M2:喇叭永远ONQ Result code 控制指令Q指令决定Modem要不要送出Result code 到电脑上Q0:显示Result codeQ1:不显示Result codeSr= 写入S暂存器Sr=n 把n 数据写入第r 个S暂存器内Sr? 读取S暂存器Sr?读取第r 个S暂存器V 决定Result code 的格式V指令选择Result code 的格式V0:选择数字式的Result codeV1:选择文字式的Result codeX 控制拨号的过程及结果显示X指令用来控制Modem在拨号过程中是否要辨识拨号音, 忙音及显示结果是否包括速度显示等X0:Modem在拨号时不辨识号音及忙音,结果也只显示CONNECT,不显示Modem的速度X1:Modme拨号时不辨识拨号音及忙音,但结果显示速度,如 CONNECT 1200,CONNECT 2400等X2:Modem拨号时辨识拨号音,但不辨识忙音,结果显示速度 X3:Modem不辨识拨号音,但是辨识忙音及结果显示速度X4:Modem辨识拨号音,忙音及结果显示速度Y Long Space Break 中止连线Y指令指使Modem在收到Long Space Break 信号时是否要中止Modem连线Y0:在收到Long Space Break时,不中止连线Y1:在收到Long Space Break时,中止连线&C 设定RS-232C介面DCD Pin的状态&C0:设定RS-232C介面DCD Pin(第八Pin)永远ON&C1:RS-232C介面DCD Pin由信号来决定,当侦测到信号时DCD ON,否则OFF.&D 设定RS-232C介面DTR Pin的状态&D0:DTR Pin(20pin)永远ON,不理会DTR的控制&D1:DTR由ON变到OFF时,Modem由连线状态回到到指令状态 &D2:DTR由ON变到OFF时,Modem切断电话线,取消自动回答及回到指令状态&D3:DTR由ON变到OFF时,Modem切断电话线,取消自动回答,并且回到Modem的起始状态&G Guard Tone的设定&G0:Modem不送出Guard Tone&G1:选择Guard Tone为550HZ&G2:选择Guard Tone为1800HZ&L 选择拨接或者专线的工作模式&L0选择Modem为拨接式工作模式&L1选择Modem为专线式工作模式&P 选择脉冲式拨号的M/B值&P0:M/B值为40/60&P1:M/B值为33/67&S 控制RS-232C介面DSR Pin的状态&S0:RS-232C介面DSR Pin(第六Pin)始终为ON&S1:RS-232C介面DSR Pin由DCD Pin(第八Pin)来决定.立即动作指令A立即回答当Modem执行此指令以後,Modem开始侦测Carrier,如果Carrier侦测到,则进入连线状态A/ 重覆执行指令A/指令是唯一前面下必加"A T"的指令.Modem执行此指令以後,Modem执行上一次已经执行过而且尚暂存在Command Buffer的指令D 拨号指令Modem执行此指令,Modem会依跟在D指令之後的拨号修饰指令来拨号H 电话线切换控制H0:指使Modem切断电话线H1:指使Modem连线O 回到连线状态当Modem因执行ESC code 而回到指令状态时,Modem 可以由O指令而回到连线状态Z 重置指令(RESET)此指令用来Reset Modem的现行状态Z指令会使Modem回复到开机起始状态&F 读取出厂组态设定&F用来存在ROM中的出厂设定的,载入到Modem的动作组态区域,而使Modem会执行出厂设定的状态&W 将动作组态写入非挥发性记忆体中&W把现在的动作组态写入非挥发性(NN-RAM)记忆体中等下次开机时,Modem会执行此动作组态&Z 储存电话号码此指令是用来将电话号码储存到非挥发性记忆体中,下次拨号时,可以由S指令而把此电话号码重拨出去***此指令勿用,以免导至错误动作***.拨号修饰指令P 脉冲拨号P 指令选择拨号为脉冲式拨号(即转盘式拨号)T 在复频式拨号T 指令选择拨号方式为复频式拨号(接键式拨号)R 在拨号後处於Answer modeR 指令使Modem在拨号以後进入Answer mode原来 D 指令使MODEM 在拨号以後进入Originate mode,但是有些Modem的频道只有一个频道,不论拨号或回答皆只有Originate mode,所以如此种Modem连线即只有用Answer mode ,在拨号时加入R 指令,可以使Modem在拨号以後进入Answer mode.语法:A TRDT3910324(CR)W 拨号前等待拨号音W 指令使Modem在拨号前等待号音,其等待时间由S7来决定.语法:A TDT3210324W123(CR)Modem 在拨123数字之前会先等待拨号音,在等到了拨号音以後才继续拨123,不然会送出"NO DIALTONE",表示等不到拨号音. @ 拨号前等待静音@指令使Modme在拨号以後,开始等待回铃声,在侦测到回铃声以後,再等5秒钟的静音,然後再继续执行指令,等待回铃声的时间由S7来决定语法:A TDT30221234@123(CR)Modem在拨号302123以後,等待回铃声,在侦测到回铃声以後,再等5秒钟的静音,侦测等5秒钟的静音以後再继续拨号123.! 闪动!指令使Modem断线0.5秒,然後再继续拨号; 拨号後回到指令状态; 指令使Modem在拨完电话号码以後回到指令状态,继续接受下一个指令.S 拨存在记忆中的电话号码S 指令和拨号指令一起用,使Modem拨上次由&Z指令存起来的电话号码语法:A TDS(CR).主要S暂存器摘要:暂存器出厂设定值范围单位功能--------------------------------------------------------S0 0 0-255 RING 设定铃响次数回应电话S1 0 0-255 RING 计算铃响次数S2 43 0-127 ASCII ESC codeS3 13 0-127 ASCII 输入字元(CarriageReturn)S4 10 0-127 ASCII 跳行字元S5 8 0-127 ASCII 退回字元(Backspace)S6 2 0-255 秒等侯拨号音时间S7 30 1-60 秒拨号後等待信时间S8 2 0-255 秒逗号暂停时间S9 6 0-255 0.1秒信号侦测反应时间S10 14 0-255 0.1秒信号消失至挂断电话反应时间S11 保留S12 50 20-255 0.02秒 ESC code前後S13 保留S14至S27 Modem内部状态设定.回应码A T指令相容Modem在执行完指令以後会回应一个码,告诉使用者执行的结果,使用者也只有在收到Modem的回应以後才能继续下达下一个指令,或者继续下一步的动作,所以回应码也是指使使用者下一步要如何进行的指标,如CONNECT及CONNECT 1200就可以告欣使用者须在Modem是在300BPS或者 1200BPS传输速度,使用者必须依照此指示送出资料,不然资料传输会发生错误.回应码摘要:英文代号意义-----------------------------------------------------OK 0 指令执行无误CONNECT 1 X1状态下表示两台Modem连线成功 X2,X3.X4状态下,表示两台MODEM连线成功,而且速度为300BPSRING 2 铃声进来NO CARRIER 3 两台MODEM 连线失败ERROR 4 指令错误或指令行太长超过40个字CONNECT 1200 5 两台MODEM 连线成功,而且速度为1200BPSNO DIALTONE 6 未侦测到拨号音BUSY 7 电话线忙碌NO ANSWER 8 在@ 指令下, MODEM 在侦测到回铃声以後未侦测到5秒钟的静音CONNECT 2400 10 两台MODEM 2400BPS连线成功。










Emulex VFA5.2 网络适配器家族产品指南说明书

Emulex VFA5.2 网络适配器家族产品指南说明书

Emulex OCe14100B VFA5.2 Adapter FamilyProduct GuideThe Emulex Virtual Fabric Adapter 5 Generation 2 (VFA5.2) Network Adapter Family, which includes the OCe14104B-NX 10 GbE adapter builds on the foundation of the previous generation of Emulex VFA5 adapters by delivering performance enhancements, including RoCE v2 support and management enhancements with improved support for Lenovo XClarity. These new features help reduce complexity, reduce cost, and improve performance with Lenovo servers.The following figure shows the Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter.Figure 1. Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ AdapterDid you know?The Emulex VFA5.2 adapters support three methods to virtualize I/O, out of the box: Virtual Fabric Mode (vNIC1), Switch Independent mode (vNIC2) and Unified Fabric Port (UFP) mode. With Virtual Fabric, up to eight virtual network ports (vNICs) can be created with a single two-port 10 GbE network adapter.On System x adapters, storage protocols such as iSCSI and FCoE are also supported by Features on Demand upgrades. Using a common hardware infrastructure for Ethernet and SAN and by virtualizing your network adapter, you can reduce your infrastructure capital expense.Click here to check for updatesTable 3. Optical cablesPart number Feature code DescriptionLC-LC OM3 Fiber Optic Cables (requires transceivers)00MN499ASR5Lenovo 0.5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN502ASR6Lenovo 1m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN505ASR7Lenovo 3m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN508ASR8Lenovo 5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN511ASR9Lenovo 10m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN514ASRA Lenovo 15m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN517ASRB Lenovo 25m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable00MN520ASRC Lenovo 30m LC-LC OM3 MMF CableSFP+ 10Gb Active Optical Cables00YL634ATYX Lenovo 1m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL637ATYY Lenovo 3m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL640ATYZ Lenovo 5m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL643ATZ0Lenovo 7m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL646ATZ1Lenovo 15m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical Cable 00YL649ATZ2Lenovo 20m SFP+ to SFP+ Active Optical CableThe following table lists the supported direct-attach copper (DAC) cables.Table 4. Copper cablesPart number Feature code DescriptionSFP+ Passive DAC Cables00D6288A3RG0.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9427A1PH1m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable00AY764A51N 1.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable00AY765A51P2m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9430A1PJ3m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable90Y9433A1PK5m Passive DAC SFP+ CableSFP+ Active DAC Cables00VX111AT2R Lenovo 1m Active DAC SFP+ Cables00VX114AT2S Lenovo 3m Active DAC SFP+ Cables00VX117AT2T Lenovo 5m Active DAC SFP+ CablesSFP28 25Gb Passive DAC Cables7Z57A03557AV1W Lenovo 1m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable 7Z57A03558AV1X Lenovo 3m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable 7Z57A03559AV1Y Lenovo 5m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC CableThe following figure shows the Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter.Figure 2. Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterFigure 3. ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet AdapterTable 6. Server support - ThinkSystem (Part 2 of 3)Part NumberDescriptionDense V32S Intel V2AMD V1Dense V24S V28SEthernet only; No upgrade to FCoE and iSCSI00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet AdapterN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY Table 7. Server support - ThinkSystem (Part 3 of 3)Part NumberDescription 4S V11S Intel V12S Intel V1Dense V1Ethernet only; No upgrade to FCoE and iSCSI00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+PCIe AdapterY Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet AdapterY Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N NS D 665 V 3 (7D 9P )S D 665-N V 3 (7D A Z )S D 650 V 3 (7D 7M )S D 650-I V 3 (7D 7L )S T 650 V 2 (7Z 75 / 7Z 74)S R 630 V 2 (7Z 70 / 7Z 71)S R 650 V 2 (7Z 72 / 7Z 73)S R 670 V 2 (7Z 22 / 7Z 23)S R 635 (7Y 98 / 7Y 99)S R 655 (7Y 00 / 7Z 01)S R 655 C l i e n t O S S R 645 (7D 2Y / 7D 2X )S R 665 (7D 2W / 7D 2V )S D 630 V 2 (7D 1K )S D 650 V 2 (7D 1M )S D 650-N V 2 (7D 1N )S N 550 V 2 (7Z 69)S R 850 V 2 (7D 31 / 7D 32)S R 860 V 2 (7Z 59 / 7Z 60)S R 950 (7X 11 / 7X 12)S R 850 (7X 18 / 7X 19)S R 850P (7D 2F / 2D 2G )S R 860 (7X 69 / 7X 70)S T 50 (7Y 48 / 7Y 50)S T 250 (7Y 45 / 7Y 46)S R 150 (7Y 54)S R 250 (7Y 52 / 7Y 51)S T 550 (7X 09 / 7X 10)S R 530 (7X 07 / 7X 08)S R 550 (7X 03 / 7X 04)S R 570 (7Y 02 / 7Y 03)S R 590 (7X 98 / 7X 99)S R 630 (7X 01 / 7X 02)S R 650 (7X 05 / 7X 06)S R 670 (7Y 36 / 7Y 37)S D 530 (7X 21)S D 650 (7X 58)S N 550 (7X 16)S N 850 (7X 15)Server support - System xThe Emulex VFA5.2 adapter family is supported in the System x servers that are listed in the following tables.Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processorsTable 8. Support for System x and dense servers with Xeon E5/E7 v4 and E3 v5 processorsPartnumber Description00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter Y Y Y Y Y Y N 00AG580Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SW N N Y Y Y Y N 00AG560Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter N N Y Y Y Y N 01CV770Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSISWN N Y Y Y Y N7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+ Ethernet Adapter N N N N N N N x325M6(3943)x325M6(3633)x355M5(8869)x365M5(8871)x385X6/x395X6(6241,E7v4)nx36M5(5465,E5-26v4)sd35(5493)Support for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processors Table 3. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v3 processorsPart number Description00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterN N Y Y Y Y Y 00AG580Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SW N N Y Y Y Y Y 00AG560Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ AdapterN N N Y Y Y Y 01CV770Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SWN N N N N Y Y 7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-Port SFP+Ethernet AdapterNNNNNN NSupport for servers with Intel Xeon v2 processors Table 9. Support for servers with Intel Xeon v2 processorsPart number Description00AG570Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe AdapterN N N N N N Y Y 00AG580Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SWN N N N N N Y Y 00AG560Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter N N N N N N Y Y 01CV770Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 2x10 GbE SFP+ Adapter and FCoE/iSCSI SWN N N N N N N Y 7ZT7A00493ThinkSystem Emulex OCe14104B-NX PCIe 10Gb 4-PortSFP+ Ethernet AdapterNNNNNNNN Modes of operationx 3100 M 5 (5457)x 3250 M 5 (5458)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3300 M 4 (7382)x 3500 M 4 (7383, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3550 M 4 (7914, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3630 M 4 (7158, E 5-2400 v 2)x 3650 M 4 (7915, E 5-2600 v 2)x 3650 M 4 B D (5466)x 3750 M 4 (8753)x 3850 X 6/x 3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 2)In pNIC mode,the adapter operates as a standard dual-port 10 Gbps Ethernet adapter, and itfunctions with any 10 GbE switch. In pNIC mode, with the Emulex FCoE/iSCSI License, the card operates in a traditional Converged Network Adapter (CNA) mode with two Ethernet ports and two storage ports (iSCSI or FCoE) available to the operating system.The following table compares the three virtual fabric modes.Table 10. Comparison of virtual fabric modesFunction Virtual Fabric Mode(vNIC1)Switch Independent Mode(vNIC2)UFP ModeDescription Intelligence in the NetworkingOS working with selectEmulex adapters. VLANbased.Intelligence in the adapter,independent of the upstreamnetworking device.Intelligence in the adapter,independent of theupstream networkingdevice.Supported switches G8124E, G8264, G8264T,G8264CSAll 10 GbE switches G8272, G8264CS, andG8264 (NOS 7.9 or later)Number of vNICs per physical 10 Gb port 4 (3 if storage functions areused to provide a vHBA)4 (3 if storage) 4 (3 if storage)MinimumvNICbandwidth100 Mb100 Mb100 MbServer-to-switch bandwidth limit per vNIC Yes No Yes, maximum burstallowed and minimumguaranteeSwitch-to-server bandwidth limit per vNIC Yes No Yes, maximum burstallowed and minimumguaranteeIEEE 802.1q VLAN tagging Optional Required (untagged traffic will betagged with LPVID which isconfigured in UEFI on a per-vNICbasis)Optional for Trunk orTunnel mode; notsupported for accessmode.Isolated NICteamingfailover pervNICYes No Yes (NOS 7.9 or later)Switch modes Tunnel mode Access or Trunk Mode (two vNICwhich are part of the same physicalport cannot carry the same VLAN)Access, Trunk, Tunnel, and FCoE modesUplink connectivity Dedicated Share Dedicated for Tunnelmode; Shared for othermodesiSCSI/FCoEsupportYes Yes Yes Physical specificationsTable 11. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter, 00AG570 (Part 1of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2019Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1709N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 with Xen Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YS R 150S R 250S T 250S D 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n 2)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 2)SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 with Xen N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0 U3N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U1N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U1N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YOperating systemsS R 150S R 250S T 250S D 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n 2)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 2)Table 12. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 2x10 GbE SFP+ PCIe Adapter, 00AG570 (Part 2of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y Y Y Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YMicrosoft Windows Server 2019Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N Y N Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server version 1709Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64EditionN N Y N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N Y N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y YYYY Y Y Y Y Y YS D 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 4)x 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)11SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 with XenY Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 with XenY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N Y N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N Y N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YNYY Y Y N Y N YOperating systemsS D 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YNNN N N N N N NOperating systems[in box driver support only]Table 13. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, 00AG560(Part 1 of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2019Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1709N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YS D 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)S T 550 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v x 3250 M 6 (3633)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3500 M 5 (5464)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)1S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n 2)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 with Xen N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 with Xen N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 with Xen Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 with Xen Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere 5.1 (ESXi)N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 5.5N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.0 U3N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U1N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5 U3Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YOperating systems S R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U3Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U2Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 7.0 U3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YOperating systemsTable 14. Operating system support for Emulex VFA5.2 ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ Adapter, 00AG560(Part 2 of 2)Operating systemsMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 R2Y N N Y Y Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012N Y Y Y N Y N Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2N Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server 2016Y Y Y Y Y Y YMicrosoft Windows Server 2019N Y N N Y N Y Microsoft Windows Server 2022N N N N N N N Microsoft Windows Server version 1709Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Microsoft Windows Server version 1803N N N N Y N Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x64 Edition N Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10N Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9N Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7YYY Y Y Y YS R 530 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 850P (X e o n G e n S R 860 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 2)S R 530 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 550 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 570 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 590 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 630 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 650 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 850 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 860 (X e o n G e n 1)S R 950 (X e o n G e n 1)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 3)x 3850/3950 X 6 (6241, E 7 v 4)n x 360 M 5 (5465)x 3550 M 5 (5463)x 3550 M 5 (8869)x 3650 M 5 (5462)x 3650 M 5 (8871)11。

Kyocera FS-6970DN 说明书

Kyocera FS-6970DN 说明书
6 附录 .............................................................................................. 6-1 规格 .............................................................................................. 6-2 环境标准要求 ................................................................................ 6-4 索引 ...................................................................................... 索引 -1
小心 因安装不当引起的任何损坏,本公司概不负责。
本打印机使用的软件必须支持打印机的仿真模式。打印机出厂时设定为 PCL 仿真。可更改仿真模式。
֡ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ๮֩
1 机器部件 ....................................................................................... 1-1 打印机正面的部件 ......................................................................... 1-2 打印机左侧部件和内部部件 .......................................................... 1-2 打印机背面的部件 ......................................................................... 1-3 操作面板 ....................................................................................... 1-4

Prosoft MVI56-MCM ControlLogix 平台 Modbus 通讯模块 说明书

Prosoft MVI56-MCM ControlLogix 平台 Modbus 通讯模块 说明书
2.4.1 读数据块..................................................................................................... 6 2.4.2 写数据块............................................................................................................. 7 2.5 设置数据传送..................................................................................................... 7 功能 5.................................................................................................... 16 功能 6 和 16.......................................................................................... 16 功能 15.................................................................................................. 17 MVI56-MCM模块和ControlLogix处理器之间的数据流.......................................... 18 2.9.3 从站驱动................................................................................................... 18 2.9.4 主站驱动模式........................................................................................... 20 主站命令列表....................................................................................... 21 3 修改模块设置........................................................................................................... 23 3.1 上电................................................................................................................... 23 3.2 运行中更改参数............................................................................................... 23 3.3 装配模块........................................................................................................... 23 3.4 模块数据对象 (MCMModuleDef)................................................................... 29 3.4.1 设置对象................................................................................................... 30 数据传输参数 (MCMModule)............................................................. 31



ControlLogix系统培训手册Coo l mayEX2N-43H/70H系列触摸屏PLC一体机用户手册深圳市顾美科技有限公司2013年7月第三版目录1.1.2 70H型号命名 (2)1.3硬件说明 (10)1.3.1 EX2N-43H结构说明及尺寸 (10)1.3.3 各个接口及指示灯介绍 (14)1.3.3、接线方法 (14)2.3.1 基本逻辑指令一览表 (19)2.3.2步进顺控指令说明 (22)2.4 PID 指令的说明 (28)内置高速计数器输入分配表 (28)C235(10KHz) (28)模拟量输入功能(8点) (33)模拟量输出功能 (36)模拟扩展模块应用2 (37)安全注意事项——关于产品操作的基本说明在使用本产品之前,请仔细阅读相关手册,同时在非常注意安全的前提下,正确进行操作。


注意●请勿将电源线与通讯电缆捆缚在一起或靠得太近,应保持10cm 以上距离。










第一部分COOLMAY EX2N-43H/70H系列触摸屏一体机概述EX2N-43H/70H/系列触摸屏PLC一体机是深圳市顾美科技有限公司开发的集触摸屏显示和PLC控制于一体的高度集成的产品。


本章主要介绍COOLMAY EX2N-43H/70H系列触摸屏一体机的性能特点、规格、各部分说明、外形尺寸等1.1产品概述1.1.1 产品特点逻辑控制、模拟量输入输出(可选)、触屏显示于一体开关量输入:光耦隔离开关量输出:晶体管/继电器/晶体管继电器混合输出可选模拟量输入:可选,可以选择0-10V/0-20MA/4-20MA/PT100/热电偶/NTC 单独或混合输入,精度12位模拟量输出:可选,常规为0-10V输出,精度10位高速计数:常规两路10KAB相高速计数,最多可有三路AB相高速计数可选,可特别定制为100K高速计数。





手机部资料:--------------------------- 国产手机 TI 平台 MTK 平台 ADI 平台展讯平台凯明平台英飞凌平台飞利浦平台摩托罗拉平台 --------------------------- 欢迎大家来顶!!!MTK平台手机指令大全设置指令:*#66*#中文语言:*#0086# + send查看版本:*#8375#软件版本:*#8882#测试:*#87#调试:*#8899# (?)默认语言:*#0000#+通话键设置英文:*#0044#+通话键繁体中文:*#0886#+通话键简体中文:*#0086#+通话键串号查询:*#06#原厂设置:*#66*#查看版本:*#8375#工厂指令:*#3646633#自动测试:*#87#软件版本:*#8882#*#035670766*001#*#035670766*002#有一些机器开机输入*#66*#不进测试的。






1 输入*#06#:显示IMEI码2 输入*#0000#:显示软件版本 (部分型号如果不起作用,可按*#型号代码#,如*#6110#)第一行--软件版本;第二行--软件发布日期;第三行--手机型号3 输入*#92702689#查询更多的手机信息。

機型 DAQ6510 快速入門使用者指南说明书

機型 DAQ6510 快速入門使用者指南说明书


















Keithley 產品是設計用於具有低暫態過電壓之量測、控制和資料 I/O 連接的電子訊號,並且不可直接連接到主電壓或帶有高暫態過電壓的電源。

量測類別 II (如IEC 60664 中所示) 中需要高暫態過電壓保護的連接通常都與當地的交流主電源連接有關。

某些 Keithley 量測儀器需要連接至主電源。

這些儀器將會標示為類別II 或更高。




美國國家標準學會 (ANSI) 指出,當電壓位準超過 30 V RMS、42.4 V 峰值或 60 VDC 時,便可能發生電擊危險。




TSPL2指令集中文肯定Revise History目錄表DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS................................................................................................. .................. I SETUP AND SYSTEM COMMANDS.. (1)SIZE (1)GAP (2)BLINE (4)OFFSET (5)SPEED (6)DENSITY (7)DIRECTION AND MIRROR IMAGE (8)REFERENCE (9)COUNTRY (10)CODEPAGE (11)CLS (12)FEED (13)BACKFEED (14)FORMFEED (15)HOME (16)PRINT (17)SOUND (18)CUT (19)LIMITFEED (20)SELFTEST (21)CONFIG (22)LABEL FORMATTING COMMANDS (23) BAR (23)BARCODE (24)BITMAP (28)BOX (30)DMATRIX (31)ERASE (32)MAXICODE (33)PDF417 (35)PUTBMP (39)PUTPCX (40)QRCODE (41)REVERSE (44)TEXT (45)STATUS POLLING COMMANDS (RS-232) (47) !? (47)!R (48)~!@ (49)~!A (50)~!C (51)~!D (52)~!F (53)~!I (54)~!T (55)MESSAGE TRANSLATION PROTOCOLS (56) ~# (56)COMMANDS FOR WINDOWS DRIVER (57) !B (57)!J (58)!N (59)FILE MANAGEMENT COMMANDS (60) EOP (62)FILES (63)KILL (64)MOVE (65)RUN (66)BASIC COMMANDS AND FUNCTIONS (67) ABS( ) (67)ASC( ) (68)CHR$( ) (69)END (70)EOF( ) (71)OPEN (72)READ (74)SEEK (76)LOF( ) (77)FREAD$( ) (78)FOR...NEXT .. (79)IF...THEN...ELSE...ENDIF. (80) GOSUB...RETURN .. (83)GOTO (84)INP$( ) (85)INPUT (86)REM (87)OUT (88)GETKEY( ) (89)INT( ) (90)LEFT$( ) (91)LEN( ) (92)MID$( ) (93)RIGHT$( ) (94)STR$( ) (95)VAL( ) (96)BEEP (97)DEVICE RECONFIGURATION COMMANDS (98) SET COUNTER (98)SET CUTTER (99)SET PARTIAL_CUTTER (100)SET BACK (101)SET KEY1, SET KEY2, SET KEY3 (102)SET LED1, SET LED2, SET LED3 (104)SET PEEL (105)SET TEAR (106)SET GAP (107)SET HEAD (109)SET RIBBON (110)SET COM1 (111)SET PRINTKEY (112)SET REPRINT (114)PEEL (115)LED1, LED2, LED3 (116)KEY1, KEY2, KEY3 (117)PRINTER GLOBAL VARIABLES (118)@LABEL (118)YEAR (119)MONTH (120)DATE (121)HOUR (123)MINUTE (124)SECOND (125)@YEAR (126)@MONTH (127)@DATE (128)@DAY (129)@HOUR (130)@MINUTE (131)@SECOND (132)文件中的习惯用法此手冊中出現的习惯用法。

[WEST]P4100 P6100 P8100说明书

[WEST]P4100 P6100 P8100说明书

4.21 输出 1 – 线性直流 .....................................................17
4.22 输出 2 - 继电器 ........................................................17
4.23 输出 2 – 双继电器 .....................................................18
进入选择模式 ........................................................................................... 24
操作指南 ..................................................................................................24
4.24 输出 2 – SSR 驱动.....................................................18
4.25 输出 2 – 固态继电器 ...................................................18
4.26 输出 2 – 线性直流 .....................................................19
5.4 LED 指示灯功能.......................................................22
6 故障显示 .................................................................................................................... 23


1. UNIX 基本命令......................................................................................................2 2. Log 操作 .................................................................................................................2 3. 基站侧查看小区状态.............................................................................................3 4. 基站侧查看传输类型.............................................................................................3 5. RNC 侧查看传输类型 .................................................................................



for INCOM communications adapter moduleWARNING(1) ONLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL PERSONNEL SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO WORKON THE EQUIPMENT.(2) ALWAYS DE-ENERGIZE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CIRCUITS IF A CIRCUITBREAKER CANNOT BE REMOVED TO A SAFE WORK LOCATION.(3) DRAWOUT CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE LEVERED (RACKED) OUT TO THEDISCONNECT POSITION.(4) ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS SHOULD BE SWITCHED TO THE OFF POSITION ANDMECHANISM SPRINGS DISCHARGED.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE STEPS FOR ALL PROCEDURES DESCRIBED IN THISINSTRUCTION LEAFLET COULD RESULT IN DEATH, BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTYDAMAGE.WARNINGTHE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS IL AND ON PRODUCT LABELS HAVE TOBE FOLLOWED. OBSERVE THE FIVE SAFETY RULES:– DISCONNECT ING– ENSURE THAT DEVICES CANNOT BE ACCIDENTALLY RESTARTED– VERIFY ISOLATION FROM THE SUPPLY– EARTHING AND SHORT-CIRCUITING– COVERING OR PROVIDING BARRIERS TO ADJACENT LIVE PARTSDISCONNECT THE EQUIPMENT FROM THE SUPPLY. USE ONLY AUTHORIZEDSPARE PARTS IN THE REPAIR OF THE EQUIPMENT. THE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCEINTERVALS AS WELL AS THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPAIR AND EXCHANGE MUSTBE STRICTLY ADHERED TO PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONNEL AND DAMAGE TOTHE SWITCHBOARD.2Series NRX with PXR - instructionsfor INCOM communicationsadapter moduleEATON Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Section 1: General informationThe series NRX ® INCOM Communications Adapter Module (ICAM) (Figure 1) is an accessory that will operate as a communicating device in conjunction with a compatible series NRX trip unit/breaker in amaster communications network (Figure 2).Figure 1. Series NRX INCOM communications adapter module (ICAM).Master deviceCommunicationsnetworkICAM module 1Series NRX breaker Series NRX breaker Series NRX breakerICAM module 2ICAM module 3Figure 2. INCOM communications adapter modules in an INCOM network.The INCOM network sends a burst of data as a 92 - 115.2 kHz carrier signal at a 9600 baud rate over twisted pair conductors to interconnect the many devices comprising the network. These bursts of data can be captured and used in a variety of ways depending upon the manner in which the master computer program is configured. For example, all the settings can be viewed via the master computer. Also, the data for the individual phase current values is available on the network. The software will select the appropriate data, decode it, and display it in a useful manner. Following an overcurrent trip operation, the cause of trip, the value, and the phase or ground current responsible for the trip are available on the network.The INCOM communications adapter module is a slave device and, as such, requires a master device for control command initiation. Each INCOM communications adapter module provides: •Circuit breaker Open/Close/Reset control;•Flashing status LED, indicating the module has power;•INCOM communication Enable/Disable selection jumper for remote Open/Close control;•DIN rail mounting (11 mm H, 28 mm W, DIN rail minimum requirement);•Input power for module from 24 Vdc.The INCOM communications adapter module is designed to be installed, operated, and maintained by adequately trained people. These instructions do not cover all details or variations of the equipment for its storage, delivery, installation, checkout, safe operation, or maintenance.If you have any questions or need additional information orinstructions, please contact your local Eaton representative or visit .3Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Series NRX with PXR - instructions for INCOM communications adapter moduleEATON Section 2: Installation of remote mount CAM module adapterThis section illustrates the proper installation of the adapter for remote mounting of the series NRX CAM module.T able 1. Kit contents.Qty.Item1Adapter harness – CAM module to NRX breaker secondary 1Ferrule 2-18 AWG (Weidmuller PN 9004310000)1Installation instructionsThis kit does not include the DIN rail for mounting the CAM module.This kit provides an additional cable adapter for connection from the communications adapter module (CAM) to the circuit breaker when the CAM needs to be mounted remotely such as with a fixed mount circuit breaker (see Figure 3). The adapter consists of a 1 m (3 ft.) length of cable that connects between the CAM module and thebreaker secondary. The CAM module should be mounted on a length of standard grounded DIN rail.4Series NRX with PXR - instructionsfor INCOM communicationsadapter moduleEATON Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Section 3: Basic wiring rulesThe following basic rules apply given a system consisting of a single daisy-chained main cable link between master and slave devices (Figure 2). For more complex considerations including star configurations, please refer to the INCOM wiring specification TD17513.1. Recommended cable specifications:•Eaton cable catalog #IMPCABLE, Style #2A95705G01; •Belden 9463 cable family;•Identical Commscope or Quabbin cables.2. The maximum system capacity is 10,000 ft. (3048 m) ofcommunications cable and 1,000 slave devices.3. Non-terminated taps, up to 200 ft. (61 m) in length, off the main link are permitted, but add to the total cable length.4. Make sure there is a twisted wire pair present that is intended for INCOM network use. Use shielded twisted pair wire to connect each slave device to the INCOM network, daisy-chain style. The polarity of the twisted pairs is not important .5. Ferrules for use in double connection point daisy-chain wiring are available (Weidmuller part 9004310000 [2-#18 AWG]).The numbered flags on each wire of the cable directly correspond with the breaker secondary terminal designators. When connecting the adapter to the CAM module, ensure the unpopulated plugs are positioned on the left hand side as indicated in Figure 4. Note that the CAM module connector is keyed to fit in only one orientation.Figure 4. Connection to the CAM module.The drain wire may be connected to the SHIELD terminal on the MCAM or the ICAM. Or it may be connected to the grounded DIN rail. If a PCAM or ECAM module is used use the 2-18 AWG ferrule provided to connect the cable drain wire for a proper connection to the power supply ground terminal as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5. Connection to the CAM module.5Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Series NRX with PXR - instructions for INCOM communications adapter moduleEATON Section 4: INCOM communications adapter module connectionsWARNINGALL APPLICABLE SAFETY CODES, SAFETY STANDARDS, AND SAFETYREGULATIONS MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO WHEN INSTALLING, OPERATING, OR MAINTAINING THIS EQUIPMENT. FAILURE TO COMPLYCOULD RESULT IN DEATH, BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.For installation specifics, refer to Figures 7 and 8 on pages 6 and 7 respectively for wiring diagrams, as well as pin-out Table 2 (Power connector) and Table 3 (INCOM connector) on this page.T able 2. Power connector pin-outs 1.Pin number Input signal 124 Vdc +224 Vdc –3Control signal common 4Control open signal 5Control close signal1 Module power uses a 5-pin input connector. Power requirement is 24 Vdc, 10 watts.T able 3. INCOM connector pin-outs 1.Pin number Input/output signal 1INCOM carrier network 2INCOM carrier network 3Shield1 Connect shield wire to ground at master device only. Interconnect shielding where devices are daisy-chained.Section 5: Jumpers and indicator LEDsRefer to Figure 6 to become familiar with specific jumper and LED locations on the INCOM communications adapter module.LEDJumper plugs for communicationcontrolFigure 6. INCOM communications adapter module (front view, close up).Microcontroller LED (status)This indicator will be flashing green whenever the module is powered up and when the microprocessor is executing instructions. When the series NRX INCOM communications adapter module is connected to a PXR for the first time, this LED will alternately flash red and green to signal a learning process between both units. This automatic process will take approximately 15 seconds and occurs only once during the initial startup. The LED will also flash red if the module is not connected to or unable to communicate with a PXR trip unit.INCOM control jumperThis jumper provides the user with a means of enabling or disabling remote communication control commands to the PXR trip unit. With jumper placed in the ENABLE position, remote slave action commands, such as Open and Close, can be acted upon. With the jumper in the DISABLE position, commands will not be accepted.Source/residual ground selection jumperThis jumper is not applicable and does not function for PXR style trip units. The source/residual ground setting is programmed via the PXR trip unit front panel displayJumper plug for source testing (Not functional for PXR trip units)6Series NRX with PXR - instructionsfor INCOM communicationsadapter moduleEATON Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 20167Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Series NRX with PXR - instructions for INCOM communications adapter moduleEATON Figure 8. Spring release and shunt trip wiring as shown for optional communication close or open capability.8Series NRX with PXR - instructionsfor INCOM communicationsadapter moduleEATON Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Section 6: Viewing/setting INCOM addressThe PXR 20/25 trip unit is used as the means to display and modify the programmed INCOM address setting of the ICAM module. All modules are shipped with a factory set default address of 4094. The allowable address range is 0001 - 4094.A trip unit containing a full display, such as the PXR 20 or PXR 25, will provide the ICAM settings in menu form. To set or view ICAM settings on a PXR 20 or PXR 25 limited display, the following sequence is used. To set or view the address and baud rate, go to the "Settings - Communications - INCOM CAM" menu on the PXR trip unit.A PXR trip unit display screen is shown in Figure 9. For the PXRINCOM communications adapter module, two communication settings are available and can be viewed as shown in Table 4.Figure 9. PXR trip unit INCOM settings screen.T able 4. ICAM communications setting ranges.Allowable rangeCommunication address 001–4094Baud rate9600Section 7: Network communication protocolsThe INCOM communication for the series NRX INCOM communications adapter module is based on a master (PC,communicating trip unit, etc.) - slave (NRX INCOM communications adapter module) set of protocols.For more comprehensive information on the NRX INCOMcommunications adapter module communication protocol, please see the following reference material:IL17384 - Part A: INCOM Communications Standard9Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Series NRX with PXR - instructions for INCOM communications adapter moduleEATON Section 8: TroubleshootingThe most common issues experienced with the installation of a series NRX INCOM communications adapter module are addressed below. If you have additional questions or need further information and/or instructions, please contact your local Eaton representative or visit .Observation 1 - Status LED not flashing.Action - Verify proper input power to the module connectors.Observation 2 - Status LED flashing green, but module does not change state in response to master command requests.Action - Verify correct module address.Action - Verify communication cable is connected correctly from master to module.10Series NRX with PXR - instructionsfor INCOM communicationsadapter moduleEATON Instructional Leaflet IL0131124ENEffective July 2016Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.EatonElectrical Sector1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. IL0131124EN / TBG001282Part Number: IL0131124ENH01July 2016Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liabilityThe information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment, and may not cover allcontingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted.Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton sellingpolicies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY , OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES.In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations, and descriptions contained herein.The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.。



以下为所有操作码为FF的CALL汇编代码10-1F(20-2F为JMP 下同)FF10 call dword ptr ds:[eax]8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]FF11 call dword ptr ds:[ecx]8B01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx]FF12 call dword ptr ds:[edx]8B02 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx]FF13 call dword ptr ds:[ebx]8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]FF1490 call dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]8B0490 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]FF15 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[0x7900690]A1 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x7900690]FF16 call dword ptr ds:[esi]8B06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]FF17 call dword ptr ds:[edi]8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]FF18 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax]8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]FF19 call Xfword ptr ds:[ecx]8B01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx]FF1A call Xfword ptr ds:[edx]8B02 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx]FF1B call Xfword ptr ds:[ebx]8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]FF1C90 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]8B0490 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]FF1D 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[0x7900690]A1 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x7900690]FF1E call Xfword ptr ds:[esi]8B06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]FF1F call Xfword ptr ds:[edi]8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]50-5FFF50 90 call dword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]8B40 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]FF51 90 call dword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]8B41 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]FF52 90 call dword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]8B42 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]FF53 90 call dword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]8B43 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]FF5490 06 call dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6]8B4490 06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6] FF55 90 call dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]8B45 90 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]FF56 90 call dword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]8B46 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]FF57 90 call dword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]8B47 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]FF58 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]8B40 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]FF59 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]8B41 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]FF5A 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]8B42 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]FF5B 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]8B43 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]FF5C90 06 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6] 8B4490 06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6] FF5D 90 call Xfword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]8B45 90 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]FF5E 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]8B46 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]FF5F 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]8B47 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]90-9FFF90 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]8B80 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]FF91 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]8B81 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]FF92 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]8B82 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]FF93 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]8B83 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]FF9490 06900790 call dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x90079006] 8B8490 06900790 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x900790> FF95 90069007 call dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]8B85 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]FF96 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]8B86 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]FF97 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]8B87 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]FF98 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]8B80 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]FF99 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]8B81 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]FF9A 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]8B82 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]FF9B 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]8B83 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]FF9C90 06900790 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x90079006> 8B8490 06900790 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x900790> FF9D 90069007 call Xfword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]8B85 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]FF9E 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]8B86 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]FF9F 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]8B87 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]D0-DF FFD0 call eax8BC0 mov eax,eaxFFD1 call ecx8BC1 mov eax,ecxFFD2 call edx8BC2 mov eax,edxFFD3 call ebx8BC3 mov eax,ebxFFD4 call esp8BC4 mov eax,espFFD5 call ebp8BC5 mov eax,ebpFFD6 call esi8BC6 mov eax,esiFFD7 call edi8BC7 mov eax,ediFFD8 CALL FAR EAXFFD9 CALL FAR ECXFFDA CALL FAR EDXFFDB CALL FAR EBXFFDC CALL FAR ESPFFDD CALL FAR EBPFFDE CALL FAR ESIFFDF CALL FAR EDI。



PowerPC常用指令集合PowerPC常用指令指令缩写-------------------------st = storeld = loadr = rightl = left 或者 logicalw = wordu = updatem = movef = from 或者 fieldt = to 或者 thani = Immediateh = half wordz = zerob = branchn = andcmp = comparesub = subtractclr = clearcr = condition registerlr = link registerctr = couter registerstwu = STore Word witch Updatestwu r1, <-frame_size>(r1)--------------------------------在GDB/IDA汇编中通常写成stwu %sp, -0×20(%sp)意思是,先将SP放入到(SP-20)这个内存地址然后SP = SP - 20;从特殊寄存器取值的扩展助记符-------------------------mflr = Move From Link Registermflr rt 等同于 mfspr rt,8将连接寄存器的值放到RT一般是mflr %r0存值到特殊寄存器的扩展助记符-------------------------mtctr = Move T o Counter Registermtctr rs 等同 mtspr 9,rs将RS的值放入到计数寄存器mtcrf = Move to Condition Register Fields mtcrf FXM, RS按照掩码FXM,复制Rs的内容到CRFXM是8位,控制RS的32位(8组,共32位)复制过去,也就是说 FXM的1位,可以控制Rs的4位一位掩码控制一组CR条件寄存器扩展助记符-------------------------crclr = Control Register CLeaRcrclr bx 等同于 crxor bx, bx, bx 作用是将条件寄存器相应的位清零例如crclr so 等同于 crxor 3, 3, 3 将CR0的SO位(第3位)清零crclr 4*cr3+eq 等同于 crxor 14, 14, 14 将CR3的EQ位清零比较指令-------------------------cmpli = Compare Logical Immediatecmplwi bf, ra, ui 等同于 cmpli bf, 0, ra, uiCompare Logical Word Immediate所谓逻辑比较,就是同无符号整数比较存储指令-------------------------sth = Store Half 并且是存储高位 (16-31位)载入指令-------------------------lhz = Load Half and Zero 载入半字并将高16位清零lwzx = Load Word and Zero Indexed 意思是 lwzx RT, RA, RB (Ra+Rb就是地址)跳转-------------------------bccl = bctrl (有别名的助记符)Branch Conditional to Count Register条件跳转到计数寄存器指定的地址逻辑操作-------------------------ori 或者 oril = OR Immediate 同16位立即数进行或操作循环掩码操作循环左移然后进行掩码操作是PowerPC指令集的精华,包含了一组非常强大的指令集移位指令-------------------------slwi = Shift left immediate 左移几位(位数用立即数表示)rotlwi = Rotate left immediate 循环左移抽取-------------------------extrwi = Extract and right justify immediate例如 extrwi RX, RY, 1, 0等同于 rlwinm RX, RY, 1, 31, 31rlwinm or rlinm (Rotate Left Word Immediate Then AND with Mask)清除-------------------------clrlwi = Clear left immediate怪异清除-------------------------clrlslwi = Clear (Left Word) and Shift Left clrlslwi %r0, %r0, 24,8 等同于rlwinm RA, RS, 24-8, 31-24 =rlwinm Ra, Rs, 16, 7rlwinm RA, RS, SH, MB, ME将R0向左循环移动掩码是 [8, 15]影响CR的运算-------------------------如果Overflow Exception(OE)设置1,那么结果影响定点异常寄存器的Summary Overflow(SO)和Overflow(OV),助记符是后面加o, addo如果Record(Rc)设置1,那么结果影响Less Than(LT) zero,Greater Than (GT) zero,Equal To (EQ) zero,和Summary Overflow (SO)等条件寄存器CR助记符是后面加”点” add.算术运算-------------------------注意方向subf = Subtract From 注意,被减数是后面的那个寄存器计数器循环-------------------------在扩展助记符中,计数寄存器的语义可以通过在b后面立即添加dz或 dnz来指定。

















孔:整流器插入孔O.OPTICAL/LINE IN:(光纤输入播/音源输入)Q./REMOTE:(耳机插孔/线控器插孔)




2.用手咪直接设定( mh-48手咪)(1)打开电源;(2)按(v/m.mw)键进入vfo(频率)状态;(3)把您要使用的频率直接用手咪上的数字键输入。

二.设定亚音频1.按(band.set)键一秒以上,进入操作菜单,用旋转频道旋钮选择至菜单第44项tn frq ,轻按一下(band.set)键进入该选项,用旋转频道旋钮选择您需要的亚音值,然后按(band.set)键一秒以上,退出操作菜单。

2.按一下(tone.hm/rv)键,显示enc ,3秒后将自动返回频率显示,屏幕将显示enc的小字,亚音设置完毕。

三.设定差频1.消除电台默认亚音 .按(band.set)键一秒以上,进入操作菜单,用旋转频道旋钮选择至菜单第4项ars ,轻按一下(band.set)键进入该选项,用旋转频道旋钮选择off ,然后按(band.set)键一秒以上,退出操作菜单。

2.设定差频值. 按(band.set)键一秒以上,进入操作菜单,用旋转频道旋钮选择至菜单第39 项shift ,轻按一下(band.set)键进入该选项,用旋转频道旋钮选择您所需要的差频值,然后按(band.set)键一秒以上,退出操作菜单。

3.激活差频. 按(band.set)键一秒以上,进入操作菜单,用旋转频道旋钮选择至菜单第33项rpt.mod,轻按一下(band.set)键进入该选项,用旋转频道旋钮选择﹢或﹣选择上差频或下差频,然后按(band.set)键一秒以上,退出操作菜单。




以下为所有操作码为FF的CALL汇编代码10-1F(20-2F为JMP 下同)FF10 call dword ptr ds:[eax]8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]FF11 call dword ptr ds:[ecx]8B01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx]FF12 call dword ptr ds:[edx]8B02 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx]FF13 call dword ptr ds:[ebx]8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]FF1490 call dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]8B0490 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]FF15 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[0x7900690]A1 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x7900690] FF16 call dword ptr ds:[esi]8B06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]FF17 call dword ptr ds:[edi]8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]FF18 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax]8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]FF19 call Xfword ptr ds:[ecx]8B01 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx]FF1A call Xfword ptr ds:[edx]8B02 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx]FF1B call Xfword ptr ds:[ebx]8B03 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx]FF1C90 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4]8B0490 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4] FF1D 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[0x7900690]A1 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x7900690] FF1E call Xfword ptr ds:[esi]8B06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi]FF1F call Xfword ptr ds:[edi]8B07 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi]50-5FFF50 90 call dword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]8B40 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-0x70] FF51 90 call dword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]8B41 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]FF52 90 call dword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]8B42 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]FF53 90 call dword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]8B43 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]FF5490 06 call dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6]8B4490 06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6] FF55 90 call dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]8B45 90 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]FF56 90 call dword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]8B46 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]FF57 90 call dword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]8B47 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]FF58 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]8B40 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax-0x70]FF59 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]8B41 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-0x70]FF5A 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]8B42 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx-0x70]FF5B 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]8B43 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx-0x70]FF5C90 06 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6]8B4490 06 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x6] FF5D 90 call Xfword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]8B45 90 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x70]FF5E 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]8B46 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-0x70]FF5F 90 call Xfword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]8B47 90 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi-0x70]90-9FFF90 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]8B80 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]FF91 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]8B81 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]FF92 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]8B82 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]FF93 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]8B83 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]FF9490 06900790 call dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x90079006]8B8490 06900790 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x900790>FF95 90069007 call dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]8B85 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690] FF96 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]8B86 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690] FF97 90069007 call dword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]8B87 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690] FF98 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690]8B80 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0x7900690] FF99 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690]8B81 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x7900690] FF9A 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690]8B82 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+0x7900690] FF9B 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]8B83 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+0x7900690]FF9C90 06900790 call Xfword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x90079006> 8B8490 06900790 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+edx*4+0x900790> FF9D 90069007 call Xfword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]8B85 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x7900690]FF9E 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]8B86 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+0x7900690]FF9F 90069007 call Xfword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]8B87 90069007 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+0x7900690]D0-DFFFD0 call eax8BC0 mov eax,eaxFFD1 call ecx8BC1 mov eax,ecx FFD2 call edx8BC2 mov eax,edx FFD3 call ebx8BC3 mov eax,ebx FFD4 call esp8BC4 mov eax,esp FFD5 call ebp8BC5 mov eax,ebp FFD6 call esi8BC6 mov eax,esi FFD7 call edi8BC7 mov eax,ediFFD8 CALL FAR EAX FFD9 CALL FAR ECX FFDA CALL FAR EDX FFDB CALL FAR EBX FFDC CALL FAR ESP FFDD CALL FAR EBP FFDE CALL FAR ESI FFDF CALL FAR EDI。

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151、1、8、4、0、0、0、164 :164为校验码

151、1、8、4、0、0、0、164 :164为检验码,本数据就是刚才发送的指令反馈

169、1、8、4、0、255、0、187 :187等于检验码,检验码的和高字节舍弃
