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首先说明这里使用的版本VMware workstation:5.5.0-18463.i386;linux:2.6.11-1.1369_FC4

host为windows,安装VMware workstation,然后安装linux,分辨率最高只有800*600 ,以前凑合着在窗口模式下用也懒得去打理,但整天看着窗口象补丁一样挂在屏幕中央,终究不爽,既然如此,解决之.查查vmware用户手册,果然有答案:

解决这个问题需要安装VMware workstation自带的工具vmware tools .(1)首先找到它:在VMware workstation菜单栏:点击VM\install vmware tools...,这时进入linux,虚拟光驱中应该已经有了vmware tools 的安装包.(2)然后挂载光驱,在命令行键入“mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt”回车,当然你也可以挂载到别处,记得要在root下mount。这时ls /mnt,你会发现多了几个包,都是vmware tools 不同格式的安装包,具体版本和数量由你的VMware workstation决定,如果在桌面模式,已经挂载了虚拟光驱,还可以看到盘符变成了VMware tools.我的/mnt下有两个

VMwareTools-5.5.0-18463.i386.rpm 和



If you are installing VMware Tools for the first time,

you can hit the key each time you are prompted to select the factory default answer. By default,

the installation program installs:

theexecutables in /usr/bin,

the server executables in /usr/sbin,

the library files in /usr/lib/vmware-tools,

and the documentation files in /usr/share/doc/vmware-tools.

If you have previously installed VMware Tools,

you can hit the key each time you are prompted to keep your previous

answer, or you can decide to submit a new answer.

Once the installation/upgrade is complete, you can safely remove the vmware-tools-distrib directory from your system.


In order to run correctly, VMware Tools must first be configured. To configure VMware Tools, run the program "vmware-config-tools.pl" (this is

automatically done for you at the end of the installation/upgrade process if you answer "yes" to the last question). You must have super user

privileges (i.e. be logged as root) to run it.


This will teach VMware Tools how to run on your current Linux kernel. If you reboot your machine with a new kernel that VMware Tools doesn't know yet (because, let's say, you have upgraded your Linux system),

you will have to run this configuration program again.

Then, VMware Tools will know this new kernel once and for all.


