4. 传感器信号是一个与平均流速成精确线 性关系的电压。
5. 测量结果与流速分布及液体的压力、温 度、密度、粘度、电导率(不小于最低电导率)等物 理参数无关, 所以测量精度高, 工作可靠。
0 产品编码说明 1 综述
1.1 概述 1.2 测量原理 2 技术数据
2.1 K300的品种 2.2 机械数据 2.3 电气参数 2.4 测量精度 2.5 外形尺寸与重量 2.6 铭牌 3 电路方框图和工作原理 4 结构 4.1 传感器部分 4.1.1 传感器 4.1.2 电极 4.1.3 接地环 4.2 转换器部分 5 安装 5.1 安装要求 5.2 PTFE村里传感器的安装 5.3 接地 5.4 电源连接 5.5 名接24V交流电源 5.6 电源电压的选择历 5.7 信号输出 5.8 V/R测量 6 调试与运行
10 7.4 电隔离电流信号输出GT300
10 7.5 具有频率输出的电隔离的电流输出
11 GTF30026
11 8 功能测试
12 8.1 测试转换器方法
12 8.2 励磁电流检查方法
13 9 维护和故障查找
14 9.1 日常维护
14 9.2 调换电路板
硬橡胶 H 不锈钢0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti
氯丁橡胶 Ne 哈氏合金B
聚四氟乙烯 T
KD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册前言感谢您购买KD300 系列通用变频器产品。
KD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册KD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册目录目录 (I)KD300高性能矢量控制型变频器性能介绍 (VI)第一章安全信息及注意事项.............................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1安全注意事项........................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1.1安装前 ............................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1.2安装 ................................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1.3配线 ................................................................................................................................. - 2 -1.1.4运行 ................................................................................................................................. - 3 -1.1.5保养 ................................................................................................................................. - 4 -1.2其它注意事项........................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.2.1输入电源.......................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.2.2浪涌保护.......................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.2.3接触器的使用.................................................................................................................. - 5 -1.2.4输出滤波.......................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.2.5电机绝缘.......................................................................................................................... - 5 -1.2.6降额使用.......................................................................................................................... - 6 -第二章产品信息 ................................................................................................................................. - 7 -2.1产品型号命名规则................................................................................................................... - 7 -2.2产品系列说明........................................................................................................................... - 7 -2.3产品技术规格........................................................................................................................... - 9 -2.4产品外形和安装孔位尺寸 ..................................................................................................... - 12 -2.4.1产品外形图.................................................................................................................... - 12 -2.4.2变频器的外形及安装孔位尺寸 .................................................................................... - 13 -2.4.3操作面板外形尺寸........................................................................................................ - 14 -2.5选配件..................................................................................................................................... - 14 -2.5.1远程操作键盘................................................................................................................ - 14 -2.5.2通讯线缆........................................................................................................................ - 14 -IKD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册2.5.3现场总线适配器............................................................................................................ - 14 -2.5.4制动电阻........................................................................................................................ - 15 -第三章变频器的安装及配线............................................................................................................ - 17 -3.1机械安装................................................................................................................................. - 17 -3.1.1安装环境........................................................................................................................ - 17 -3.1.2机械安装的散热问题.................................................................................................... - 17 -3.2外围设备的连接图................................................................................................................. - 19 -3.2.1外围电器元件的使用说明 ............................................................................................ - 20 -3.3外围电器元件的选型 ............................................................................................................. - 21 -3.3.1外围电器元件选型指导 ................................................................................................ - 21 -3.4接线端子说明......................................................................................................................... - 22 -3.4.1主回路端子说明............................................................................................................ - 22 -3.4.2控制回路端子功能说明 ................................................................................................ - 25 -3.4.3模拟输入输出端子的配线 ............................................................................................ - 29 -3.4.4开关量输入端子的配线 ................................................................................................ - 30 -3.4.5开关量输出端子的配线 ................................................................................................ - 33 -3.4.6通讯端子的配线............................................................................................................ - 33 -3.5标准接线图............................................................................................................................. - 35 -3.6主回路的连接......................................................................................................................... - 36 -3.6.1主回路电源侧的连接.................................................................................................... - 36 -3.6.2主回路变频器侧的连接 ................................................................................................ - 37 -3.6.3主回路电机侧的连接.................................................................................................... - 37 -3.7符合EMC要求的安装指导 .................................................................................................. - 37 -3.7.1噪声的抑制.................................................................................................................... - 37 -3.7.2漏电流的抑制................................................................................................................ - 39 -3.7.3现场配线与接地............................................................................................................ - 39 -第四章变频器的运行与操作和运行说明 ........................................................................................ - 41 -4.1操作与显示介面介绍 ............................................................................................................. - 41 -IIKD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册4.1.1键盘布局........................................................................................................................ - 41 -4.1.2键盘功能说明................................................................................................................ - 41 -4.1.3 LED数码管及功能指示灯说明.................................................................................... - 43 -4.2功能码查看、修改方式说明 ................................................................................................. - 44 -4.2.1参数设置........................................................................................................................ - 44 -4.3变频器的运行操作................................................................................................................. - 45 -4.3.1变频器运行的命令通道 ................................................................................................ - 45 -4.3.2变频器频率给定通道.................................................................................................... - 46 -4.3.3变频器的工作状态........................................................................................................ - 46 -4.3.4密码设置........................................................................................................................ - 47 -4.3.5操作面板锁定/解锁....................................................................................................... - 47 -4.3.6电机参数自学习............................................................................................................ - 48 -4.4变频器操作面板显示状态 ..................................................................................................... - 49 -4.4.1停机参数显示状态........................................................................................................ - 49 -4.4.2运行参数显示状态........................................................................................................ - 49 -4.4.3故障报警显示状态........................................................................................................ - 50 -4.4.4提示信息显示状态........................................................................................................ - 50 -4.5快速调试................................................................................................................................. - 51 -第五章功能参数 ............................................................................................................................... - 52 -第六章详细功能介绍 ....................................................................................................................... - 78 -6.1系统参数及功能码管理(A组).......................................................................................... - 78 -6.1.1系统参数(A0组) ...................................................................................................... - 78 -6.2运行参数设置(b组).......................................................................................................... - 80 -6.2.1频率给定(b0组)....................................................................................................... - 80 -6.2.2启停控制(b1组)....................................................................................................... - 89 -6.2.3加减速参数(b2组)................................................................................................... - 92 -6.3输入输出端子(C组) ......................................................................................................... - 94 -6.3.1模拟量输入(C0组).................................................................................................. - 94 -IIIKD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册6.3.2数字量输入(C1组).................................................................................................. - 96 -6.3.3模拟量和脉冲输入(C2组) .................................................................................... - 104 -6.3.4模拟量端子输出(C3组) ........................................................................................ - 105 -6.3.5脉冲量输出(C4组)................................................................................................ - 106 -6.3.6数字量输出(C5组)................................................................................................ - 107 -6.4电机及控制参数(d组).................................................................................................... - 110 -6.4.1电机参数组(d0组)................................................................................................. - 110 -6.4.2 V/F控制参数组(d1组) ......................................................................................... - 112 -6.4.3矢量控制参数(d2组)............................................................................................. - 116 -6.5增强功能与保护参数(E组)............................................................................................ - 121 -6.5.1增强功能(E0组) .................................................................................................... - 121 -6.5.2保护参数(E1组) .................................................................................................... - 125 -6.6过程PID控制与多段速参数(F组)................................................................................ - 127 -6.6.1过程PID控制参数(F0组).................................................................................... - 127 -6.6.2多段速参数(F1组) ................................................................................................ - 131 -6.7通讯设置(H组) ............................................................................................................... - 134 -6.7.1串行通讯参数(H0组)............................................................................................ - 134 -6.8操作面板按键及显示(L组) ............................................................................................ - 136 -6.8.1操作面板按键(L0组)............................................................................................. - 136 -6.8.2 LED显示设定(L1组)............................................................................................ - 137 -6.9监视功能参数(U组) ....................................................................................................... - 139 -6.9.1 状态监视(U0组)................................................................................................... - 139 -6.9.2 故障记录(U1组)................................................................................................... - 141 -第七章故障诊断及异常处理.......................................................................................................... - 142 -7.1 故障原因及其对策.............................................................................................................. - 142 -第八章日常保养及维护.................................................................................................................. - 147 -8.1日常检查和保养................................................................................................................... - 147 -8.2定期维护............................................................................................................................... - 148 -IVKD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册8.3易损部件的更换 ............................................................................................................. - 149 -8.4变频器的存贮....................................................................................................................... - 150 -第九章串行口RS485通讯协议.................................................................................................... - 151 -9.1通讯概述............................................................................................................................... - 151 -9.2通讯协议说明....................................................................................................................... - 151 -9.2.1 通讯组网方式............................................................................................................. - 151 -9.3协议内容............................................................................................................................... - 152 -9.4总线结构............................................................................................................................... - 152 -9.5通讯方式............................................................................................................................... - 153 -9.6协议格式............................................................................................................................... - 153 -9.7协议功能............................................................................................................................... - 155 -9.8 Modbus 通讯调试举例....................................................................................................... - 167 -9.9 LRC/CRC 生成................................................................................................................... - 169 -VKD300系列高性能矢量控制型变频器使用手册KD300高性能矢量控制型变频器性能介绍卓越的电机调速性能1、优异的矢量控制性能真正实现了交流电机解耦,实现优异的电机矢量控制性能,无PG矢量控制下,转矩控制精度可达7.5%。
二、通用技术指标精度等级:显示精度:0.5% 0.2%显示:四位LED 另加符号位量程:AC1A、AC5A、DC20mA,AC100V、AC220V 、AC380V、DC75mV等,特殊量程可定做工作频率:50/60HZ工作电源:AC220V、DC220V、AC110V、DC110V(由客户指定)功耗:小于3V A平均无故障工作时间:大于50000H工作条件:环境温度:-10至55℃相对温度小于93% 海拔小于2500米报警输出口:端子COM-NC为常闭触点端子COM-NO 常开触点通讯接口:端子GND为485地线,端子A为485+ 端子B为485-三、外形及接线图(具体以实物为准)四、编程说明仪表共设四个按键,分别为“←”“→”“MENU”“”“←”键:左移键菜单进行左移动选择,或是对所设定数字进行减功能,设定大数据时持续按该键可实现快速减功能。
过负荷 功耗 阻抗 精度
参数 交流 AC AC100V、220V,380V、450V 等 直流 DC DC75mV、100V、300V 等 测量:1.2 倍 瞬时:2 倍/1s <1VA (每相)
>300kΩ RMS 测量,精度等级 0.5 级(默认),0.2 级
3、技术参数·······················································4 4、面板说明·······················································6 5、安装与接线·····················································7
K、X 系列智能数显电测仪表 用户手册
本说明书为 K、X 系列升级版智能数显电测仪表用户使用手册。相对之前版本的 K、X 系列智能数显电测仪表主要修改如下: 1. 增加液晶显示方式部分说明; 2. 同 K 系列一样,X 系列也增加了四个按键以方便变比更改设置;(DX4 除外)
注意事项 ............................................................................................................ A1
目录 ............................................................................................................. C1
扰而不能正常地工作。 z 接线必须正确、牢固,否则可能产生误动作。 z 任何一个接线插头上的电压值和正负(+/-)极性,必须符合说明书的规定,否则可能发生短路
或设备永久性损坏等故障。 z 在插拔插头或拨动开关前,手指应保持干燥,以防触电或损坏数控装置。 z 连接电线不能有破损,不能受挤压,否则可能发生漏电或短路。 z 不能带电插拔插头或打开数控装置机箱。
专业 专心 专注
上海维宏电子科技有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Milltronics Pointek CLS 300 电容胶带重量传感器说明书
![Milltronics Pointek CLS 300 电容胶带重量传感器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/145ebbd4dbef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e9951e76ea4.png)
A t Milltronics,we endeavourto design equipment that is simple to use and reliable in its operation,with the aim of satisfying our customers'needs.Milltronics has been designing and manufacturing electronics based process measurement equipment since1954.Our fields of expertise include continuous and point level measurement,weighing and feeding systems and motion sensing.Technologies include ultrasonic,capacitance and microwave radar.Milltronics sells and markets world wide through subsidiaries,distributors and representatives.Through continuous improvement,we are striving to provide our customers with first rate sales information,engineering assistance and after sales support.For more details on our products and services,please contact us and we will provide you with a listing of the offices or representatives nearest you.Table of ContentsAbout Pointek CLS 300 (5)Pointek CLS 300 Outputs (5)Pointek CLS 300 Features (5)Pointek CLS 300 Applications (5)Specifications (7)Installation (11)Location (11)Configuration and Dimensions (13)Standard Version (14)High Temperature Version (15)Ceramic Active Shield Insulator (16)Thermal Isolator (16)Rod Version (16)Changing the Probe’s Length (17)Cable (19)Cable Tensile Strength (20)Cable Weights (20)Shortening the Cable (20)Mounting (21)Multiple units (21)Wall Restriction (21)Process Concerns (22)Interconnection (23)Trip Amplifier (23)Relay Output Connection (24)Solid State Switch (24)Diode Protection (24)Ancillary 2-Wire Output Connection (25)Power Connection (3 or 4 wire connection) (25)Operation (27)Set Up (27)Start Up (28)Alarm Output (29)Troubleshooting (31)Maintenance (32)Appendix I: Application Notes (33)Application Notes (33)About Pointek CLS 300Note:Pointek CLS 300 is to be used only in the manner outlined in thisinstruction manual.The Pointek CLS 300 capacitance level switch provides output on high or low process material levels. When the measured material is at the desired level, the change in capacitance is sensed and a level alarm is triggered.This could be either a “high level alarm” (material rising to reach the desired level) or a “low level alarm” (material falling to reach desired level). Pointek CLS 300 OutputsOne form `C' (SPDT) relayOne isolated, non-polarized, solid-state switchPointek CLS 300 FeaturesNPT, BSPT, JIS (other connections on request)Corrosion resistant construction, PFA, Ceramic and 316L stainless steelwetted parts25m (82 ft) maximum insertion lengthRugged shear and abrasion resistant probeFully adjustable process alarm: level, time delayField adjustable insert lengthESD protection to 55 kv continuous dischargeActive shield technologyPointek CLS 300 ApplicationsLiquids, slurries, powders, granules, and solidsChemical and petrochemicalHigh pressure and temperaturePower Industry (fly-ash)SpecificationsProbeProcess Connections:•NPT/BSPT/JIS 1Wetted Parts:•Standard Version:•AISI 316L/PFA/Peek 2•High Temperature Version:•AISI 316L/Ceramics Al203 (99.7%)2Probe Lengths:•Rod Version:•min. 350mm (14”) - max. 1000mm (40”)•Rope/Cable Version:•min. 500mm (20”) - max. 25000mm (985”) Max. Tensile Force:•1900kg (4188lbs)Pressure Range3:•-1 to +35 barg (-14.6 to +511 psig)Temperature Range3:•Standard Version:•-40 to 200 °C (-40 to 392 °F)•High Temperature Version:•-40 to 400 °C (-40 to 752 °F)•Min. Dielectric Constant (>r):• 1.5Enclosure:•AluminiumEpoxy Coated:•yesNEMA/CSA/IP-Rating:•4/Type4/IP65Cable Inlet:•2 X ½"NPTCertifications:•CENELEC/FM/CSAPower Supply and TransmitterSupply Voltage:•12 - 250 Vac/dc any polarity galvanically isolatedPower consumption:•2VA/2WattWiring connections:•max. 2.5 mm2Temperature ranges:•Operation (Storage):•-40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185 °F)Signal indicators:•3, indicating adjustment control, output status and powerAdjustment Potentiometers:•2, one for time delay adjustment, one for sensitivity adjustmentAdjustment Switches:•5PST dip switch, for time delay select, fail safe selection, time delaytest/adjust, high/low sensitivity.Min. Sensitivity:•1% change in actual capacitanceMax. Temperature Drift:•0.2% of Actual Capacitance ValueMeasurement Frequency:•600 (kHz) maxESD protection•protected to 55kV continuous discharge.Output FunctionsRelay Contact•Contact:•Form ‘C’ (SPDT)(selectable NC or NO contact)•Max. Contact Load (dc):•5A/30Vdc•Max. Contact Load (ac):•8A/250Vac (cos n=1)•Max. Switching Capacity:•150Watt/2000VA•Min. Contact Load•10mA/5Vdc•Time Delay (on and/or Off)•1 - 60 sec.Solid State switch•Output:•Galvanically isolated•Safety:•Non-polarity sensitive transistor•Max. Load:•2 Watt•Max. Switch Voltage:•250Vac/300Vdc•Max. Load Current:•100 mA•Voltage Drop•Below 1 Volt typical @ 50mA•Time Delay (On and/or Off)•1 - 60 sec.Two (2) Wire Switch•With customer supplied external trip devicesProbe - StandardLength•350mm (14”) to 1000mm (40”)Process Size•NPT, ¾” , 1”,1¼”, 1½”•BSPT, ¾”, 1”, 1½”•JIS, ¾”, 1”, 1½”Insulating Material•Standard Version:•PFA•High Temperature Version:•Ceramic•No insulation on active probeTensile kg loadProbe - CableLength • 500mm (20”) to 25000mm (985”)Process Size • NPT/BSPT: 1¼” minimumInsulating Material• AISI 316L SS • PFA insulation optionalTensile kg load• 1900 kg (4188 lbs)Electrode Dimensions • Cable (insulated):•9mm (0.35”)(uninsulated):•6mm (0.24”)• Weight:•32 x 250mm (1.26 x 9.84”)• Butterfly:•175 x168mm (6.89 x 6.61”)Approvals• CE, CSA, NRTL/C, FM, CENELEC • refer to device nameplateInstallationLocationNotes:•Installation shall only be performed by qualified personnel and in accordance with local governing regulations.•This product is susceptible to electrostatic shock. Follow proper grounding procedures.The Pointek CLS 300 as supplied in the standard probe lengths is normally mounted on the vessel top (high detection alarm) or through the tank wall at the detection level (high or low detection alarm).The cable version is designed for top mounting. The cable suspendsvertically so that it reaches into the process at the desired detection level (high or low detection alarm).Angle HorizontalVerticalConfiguration and DimensionsStandard VersionHigh Temperature VersionCeramic Active Shield InsulatorThe High Temperature version, which includes a ceramic Active Shieldinsulator, is recommended when the process temperature is greater than200E C/ 392 E F and / or when the product to be detected is very abrasive. The high temperature version is rated for applications up to 400 E C / 752 E F. See Temperature and Pressure Recommendations for Application on page 33. Thermal IsolatorIf the ambient temperature of the transmitter is expected to exceed85E C/185E F, then a thermal isolator should be used. An isolator provides a separation distance between a high process temperature inside the vessel, and the electronic housing outside the vessel. This reduces the operatingtemperature of the electronics to a value equal or less than 85E C/185E F. Rod VersionThe rod version of the CLS 300 is available in standard lengths from 350Changing the Probe’s LengthThe probe’s length can be shortened in the field by cutting the electrode.Warning:To prevent damage, do not apply torque directly to the main probe assembly.Option 11.Remove the electrode byreleasing the set screw andturning the threadedelectrode end counterclockwise2.Place the upper part of theelectrode in a vice as shownin the Figure.e a wrench to loosen thelower portion of theelectrode.Option 2The Wrong WayIf the process connection itself is put in the vice, then the probe’s internalparts will rotate along with the wrench, and the unit may fail.Cable Tensile StrengthThe tensile strength of the cable at 1900 kg / 4188 lbs should not beexceeded. It is also important to confirm that the load carrying capability of the silo/tank roof is sufficient to withstand the actual force on the cable for any conditions where the force is likely to be as great as 1900 kg / 4188 lbs.A cable (rope) probe with a PFA jacket reduces the possible product build upon the probe, thus also the tensile force on the cable.Cable WeightsA standard weight with optional attachable butterfly enhancer is available forthe cable version. For lower dielectric constant materials (often in solids) the butterfly weight is recommended, since it increases the change incapacitance when the material comes in contact with the cable end. Thiswould be the case when the silo is quite tall (> 15 m/45 ft) and the dielectric< 4)constant is less than (>rShortening the CableThe cable can be shortened using either:•An angle grinder (preferably with a disc suitable for stainless steel); or •Wire cutters (suitable for piano cable Ø6 – 9 mm).To shorten the cable, proceed as follows:1.If present, remove Butterfly from weight;2.Loosen the three set screws and remove weight by pulling it from the cable;3.Grind/cut the cable to the required length, remove rough edges from thecable;4.Insure that the cable strands are properly seated in the lay of the cable (i.e.no wire strands sticking outside the normal cable profile). It is important to insure that this step is properly done before continuing the assembly.5.Push the weight onto the cable while at the same time rotating it counter-clockwise about the cable, making sure that no cable strands are pushed out of their position in the cable and that the cable is fully inserted;6.Re-fasten the weight by tightening the three set screws;7.Attach the butterfly to the weight again.MountingMultiple unitsSensors must be 500 mm (20”)apart.Mount diagonally if there is notenough vertical space.Process Concernskeep out of path of falling material consider material angle of repose protect probe from falling materialInterconnectionTrip AmplifierLoosen the lid clip and remove the enclosure cover.Identification label (underside of enc losure cover)Notes:• Switch and potentiometer settings are for illustration purposes only.Refer to Set Up on page 27.• Relay contact terminals are for use with equipment having noaccessible live parts and wiring having insulation suitable for at least 250 V ac.• Maximum working voltage between adjacent relay contacts shall be250 V ac8A –5A –Relay Output ConnectionRelay shown in de-energized state, K2contacts rated for 8A at 250 Vac / 5A at30 VdcSolid State SwitchSolid state switch to customer’scontrol or instrumentation deviceSwitch shown in de-energized state, K3contact rated for 250 Vac / 300 Vdc 100mA max 2 VA/2W max., non-polarized.Diode ProtectionWhen driving an external relay with either the solid stated switch and / or relay outputs using dc power, protection diodes must be connected in the correct polarity across the relay coil to prevent possible switch / relaydamage due to the inductive spikes generated by the relay coil.Switch capacity100mA max.2 VA/2W max,250 Vac/300 Vdc.Ancillary 2-Wire Output ConnectionNominal 24 Vdc48 Vdc DC volts 22-2646-50R (S)120234Power Connection (3 or 4 wire connection)12 –V dcRefer to Power ConnectionOperationSet UpNote:Set up can be done in the field with the Pointek CLS 300 mounted into process, or in the shop prior to mounting.Dip Switch 1Set on to change the alarm relay status immediately when the sensor detects a change in frequency. Use this setting when time is critical.Set off to change the alarm relay status with a delay by the amount set on potentiometer #1 (P1). Use this setting when you want to slow the response to account for turbulence or false readings.Dip Switch 2Set on to change the alarm relay status immediately when the sensor detects a change in frequency. Use this setting when time is critical.Set off to change the alarm relay status with a delay by the amount set on potentiometer #1 (P1). Use this setting when you want to slow the response to account for turbulence or false readings.Dip Switch 3Set off to indicate the Low fail safe selection.Set on to indicate the High fail safe selection.Dip Switch 4Set on to test the delay of the alarm relays as set by the potentiometer #1(P1).Set off for normal operation.Dip Switch 5Set on for normal sensitivity on the sensor. Use this setting in situations when you are measuring dry solids or non-conductive liquids.S1 - 1Delay offS1 - 2Fail-safeS1 - 3Delay testS1 – 4SensitivityS1 - 5 Disabled Disabled High Test NormalEnabled Enabled Low Normal low Start UpAfter the CLS is properly mounted and the switch bank set up, apply power to the unit. The green LED (L3) lights to indicate the unit is powered andoperational.IndicatorsThe Pointek CLS uses three LEDs for visual indication of the following:L1 (yellow), sensor status:when P2 is properly set, this LED is on whenthe sensor is in contact with the processmaterial (material capacitance is greaterthan the set point, P2). L1 is off when thesensor is out of contact with the processmaterial (material capacitance is less thanthe set point).L2 (red), output status:this LED is an indication of the relay andsolid switch contact status. Refer toOperation \ Output Status.L3 (green), power:this LED is on when the Pointek CLS isproperly powered.Proceed with the set up of the alarm output.delay ‘on’delay ‘off’fail safedelay testsensitivityAlarm OutputAlarm Output StatusCoveredUn-coveredSetpoint AdjustmentIn order to assist you in properly adjusting the alarm set point for reliable and accurate detection of the process material, we have categorized the materials and applications into two cases. Follow the setup procedure associated with the case which includes your application.Case 1:This is the general case encountered in most applications, characterized by the following:• dry solids• low viscosity liquids • hygroscopic / wet solids•high viscosity and high conductivity liquidsCase 2:Case 1Preamble:•insure that L3 (green) is `on '•turn both potentiometers, P1 and P2, fully ccw (counterclockwise)•set S1 switches 1 to 4 `off ' and S1 switch 5 to `on' (normal sensitivity)1.With sensor uncovered and a minimum 100 mm free space all around, turnP2 cw until L1 (yellow) goes `on '.2.Turn P2 ccw until L1 goes `off '.Case 2Preamble:•insure that L3 (green) is `on '•turn potentiometer P1 fully ccw (counterclockwise), and P2 fully cw (clockwise)•set S1 switches 1 to 5 `off '1.Immerse the sensor in the material that has the lowest dielectric constant.L1 (yellow) should be `on '. If not, S1 switch 5 should be set to `on' (normal sensitivity).2.Adjust P2 ccw until L1 goes `off '.3.Immerse the sensor in the material that has the highest dielectric constant,L1 should come `on '.DelayThe alarm actuation can be delayed for either or both `on alarm' and `off alarm' conditions. The selection is made by setting S1-1 and S1-2, refer to Set Up \ Switch Bank. The amount of delay is adjustable from 1 to 60seconds by setting potentiometer, P1.TroubleshootingNo alarm responseL3 off (green LED)Check power supply L1 (yellow) doesn ’trespond to reducing level on the electrodeCheck sensitivity, S1-5,electrode, connections to sensor input on trip amplifier (and zener barrier continuity if used)Alarm won ’t switch when material level moves down the electrodeL1 (yellow) responds to reducing level on the electrodeCheck that relay and L2(red LED) changes state when S1-3 is toggledL1 (yellow) doesn ’t respond to the sensing electrode approaching or touching.Check sensitivity S1-5,electrode, (and zener barrier continuity, if used)L1 (yellow) responds to increasing level on the electrodeAlarm doesn ’t switch when material level moves up the electrodeL1 (yellow) flashes when approaching the alarm trip-pointCheck that relay and L2(red LED) changes state when S1-3 is toggledMaintenanceThe Pointek CLS 300 requires no regular maintenance or cleaning. Even with significant build-up on the CLS 300 level detector electrode, the level switch will continue to operate. Build-up of material on the active shield area will have little or no effect on the performance of the CLS 300.Appendix I: Application Notes Application NotesTemperature and Pressure Recommendations for ApplicationAppendix II: CE ConformityWRITTEN DECLARATION OFCONFORMITYWe,Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments B.V.Nikkelstraat 10 - 4823 AB BREDA - The Netherlands Declare, solely under own responsibility, that the product Point Level Switch,Pointek CLS 300Mentioned in this declaration, complies with the following standards and/or normative documents:Requirements Remarks Certificate No.EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Commercial, lightIndustrial, and industrial97221-KRQ/EMC 00-4024 EN 55011: 1991Emission – Class BEN 50082-2: 1995 Generic Immunity Standard, from which:•EN 61000-4-2: 1995: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Immunity•EN 61000-4-3: 1996: Radiated Electro-Magnetic Field Immunity•ENV 50204: 1995: Digital Radio Telephones Immunity•EN 61000-4-4: 1995: Electrostatic Fast Transient (EFT) Immunity•EN 61000-4-5: 1995: Surge Transient Immunity•EN 61000-4-6: 1996: Conducted Radio-Frequency DisturbancesImmunityATEX Directive 94/9/EC Audit Report No. 2003068II 1/ 2 GD EEx d[ia] IIC T6…T10344T 100 °C IP 66KEMA 00ATEXQ3047KEMA 00ATEX2040XEN 50014: 1992General RequirementsEN 50018: 1994 Flameproof Enclosures “d”The notified body is:N.V. KEMA – Utrechtseweg 310 – 6812 AR Arnhem – The NetherlandsLocation: Breda Named Representative: C.S. van Gils Date: October 1, 2000Position: Managing DirectorNote: For specific safety specifications, please consult the instrument labelIndex2-Wire Connection (25)3 or 4 wire connection (25)About Pointek CLS 300 (5)Adjusting Probe Length (17)Alarm Output (29)Setpoint Adjustment (29)Status (29)Ancillary 2-Wire Output Connection (25)Angle of repose (22)Appendix (33)Appendix II (34)Application Notes (33)Applications (5)Approvals (9)Cable (19)Shortening it (20)Tensile Strength (20)Weights (20)Ceramic Active Shield Insulator (16)Certifications (7)Configuration (13)DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY..34 Dimensions (13)High Temperature Version (15)Standard Version (14)Diode Protection (24)Dip Switches (27)ElectrodeShortening the Probe (17)Enclosure coverremoving (23)Falling Material (22)Features (5)High Temperature Version (15)Dimensions (15)High TemperaturesRecommendations (16)Indicators (28)Installation (11)Location (11)Interconnection (23)Ancillary 2-Wire Output Connection25Diode Protection (24)Power Connection (25)LEDs (28)Location (11)Angle (11)Horizontal (11)Vertical (11)Maintenance (32)Material build up (22)Mounting (21)Multiple Units (21)Process Concerns (22)Wall Restriction (21)Operation (27)Alarm Output (29)Set Up (27)Start Up (28)Output status (28)Outputs (5)Pointek CLS 300 (5)Applications (5)Configuration (13)Dimensions (14)Features (5)Outputs (5)Power (28)Power Connection (25)3 or 4 wire connection (25)Power Supply (7)Protection diodes (24)Relay Output Connection (24)Rod Version (16)Sensor status (28)Set Up (27)Dip Switches (27)Setpoint Adjustment (29)Shield Insulator (16)Shortening Probe (17)Solid State Switch (24)Solid stated switch (24)Specifications (7)Standard Version (14)Dimensions (14)Start Up (28)Thermal Isolator (16)Transmitter (7)CANADAGERMANYSWITZERLANDSingapore,Brazil AUSTRALIABELGIUMFRANCEHONG KONGMEXICOTHE NETHERLANDSTHE UNITED KINGDOMTHE UNITED STATES1954 Technology Dr., P .O. Box 4225,Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B1T el.: (705) 745-2431 Fax: (705) 741-0466August van de Wielelei 97, 2100 Deurne, Antwerp, BelgiumT el.: +32(0)3326 45 54 Fax: +32(0)3326 05 25Parc de la Sainte Victoire, Bât. 5, 13590, Meyreuil, FranceT el.: +33 4 42 65 69 00 Fax: +33 4 42 58 63 95T el.: (524) 248-1561 Fax: (524) 248-1565Nikkelstraat 10, NL-4823 AB Breda, The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)76 542 7 542 Fax: +31(0)76 542 8 542709 Stadium Drive, Arlington, Texas U.S.A. 76011T el.: (817) 277-3543 Fax: (817) 277-3894A joint venture in a sales office in and distributors in56 countries.Visit our web site at:182 Normanby Rd., Box 339, South Melbourne, AustraliaT el.: +61 3-9695-2400 Fax: +61 3-9695-2450Friedrichstrasse 69, D-76703, Kraichtal, Germany T el: +49 721 595 4607 Fax: +49 721 595 49371 Hoi Wan Street, Suite 602, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong T el.: +85 2-2856-3166 Fax: +85 2-2856-2962Century House, Bridgwater Road, Worcester, England WR4 9ZQT el: +44 1905 450500 Fax: +44 1905 450501Printed in CanadaPaseo de Loma Dorada # 114, Loma Dorada, Querétaro, Qro. 76060CP 168, Crêt de Plan 23, CH-1095 LUTRYT el. +41 21 791 58 28 Fax. +41 21 791 58 40。
3.1 一般测试条件 ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.2 选择测试接头和诊断座 ................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 车型信息 ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.4 设备连接 ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.5 进入诊断系统 ................................................................................................................................ 8
OAKLON EUTECH PC 300 防水便携式 pH 电导率 TDS 温度仪器 说明书
![OAKLON EUTECH PC 300 防水便携式 pH 电导率 TDS 温度仪器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/34f7f7324a35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693116c.png)
Technology Made Easy...使用说明书PC 300防水便携式 pH/电导率/TDS/温度仪器35631-0068X248908ver. 2.2 Oct 02前言本手册说明了CyberScan PC 300手提式仪器的使用方法。
本手册涵盖CyberScan PC 300的多种应用,如果您在使用仪器中有任何疑问,请立即与离您最近的Eutech/ Oakton授权经销商联系。
Eutech/ Oakton 仪器公司将不承担由于使用不当引起损坏和故障的任何责任。
版本 © 2000 年2月Eutech / Oakton仪器有限公司版权所有2002年10月修订目录1简介12显示和键盘功能22.1显示2 2.2键盘33准备工作43.1安装电池4 3.2电极信息54校正74.1仪器校正的重要信息7 4.2校正的准备工作8 4.3pH校正8 4.4电导率校正11 4.5TDS校正14 4.6电导率标准和TDS因子的校正 15 4.7温度校正165测量18 5.1pH测量18 5.2电导率或TDS的测量216锁定功能277高级设置功能 28 7.1高级SETUP模式总括30 7.2P1.0:查看先前的pH校正数据 33 7.3P2.0: 查看pH电极数据 34 7.4P3.0: pH测量配置35 7.5P4.0: 恢复出厂默认设置(pH) 39 7.6P5.0: 查看先前的电导率校正数据 40 7.7P6.0: 查看电导率电极数据 41 7.8P7.0: 电导率或TDS测量配置 42 7.9P8.0温度46 8电极的维护和保养 49 8.1pH电极的维护49 8.2电导率电极51 9故障维修指南 5210错误信息5311规格说明书 5412配件5513附录1: 电导率到TDS的转化因子 5714附录2: 计算TDS转化因子 5815附录3:计算温度系数 5916附录4: 仪器的出厂默认设置 6117附录5: 在P3.3中,选择USA或NIST缓冲液设置 6218质量保证63 19返还条款641 简介感谢您购买了优特仪器的防水型手提式仪器。
KPA300系列单相数字电参数测量仪使用说明书( Rev.3.00 )深圳市科孚纳科技有限公司服务热线:400-179-1718目录第一章主要性能及技术指标 (3)第二章使用说明 (8)第三章串行口使用说明 (20)第四章继电器串使用说明 (21)第五章装箱清单 (21)第六章使用注意事项及故障排除方法 (22)第一章 主要性能及技术指标KPA300系列单相数字电参数测试仪采用了先进的32位高速处理器和双路24位AD 转换器,具有高精度、宽动态范围、结构紧凑灵巧等特点,是新一代数字化电参数测量仪器,可以测量有效值电压、电流、有功功率、视在功率、无功功率、电能累计、电能计时、频率、功率因数。
测试原理为:电压有效值为: Urms=(∫0T V 2(t)dt/T)1/2电压直流分量为: Udc=∫0T V(t)dt/T电流有效值为: Irms=(∫0T I 2(t)dt/T)1/2电流直流分量为: Idc=∫0TI(t)dt/T电压交流分量为: Uac=(Urms 2-Udc 2)1/2电流交流分量为: Iac=(Irms 2-Idc 2)1/2有功功率为: P=∫0TV(t)• I(t)dt/T 视在功率为: S =Urms• Irms 功率因数为: PF=P/(Urms*Irms) 无功功率为: Q =(S 2- P 2)1/2选型说明 型号后缀代码 说明KPA300无标准型号 T 订制型号 A4 交流20mA-40A A6交流20mA-60A 接口 -R2 通信功能RS232 任选其一-R4 通信功能R485选件 /R 继电器接口(上下限报警输出) /EXT外部输入(电流钳或霍尔传感器)KPA300系列单相电参数测量仪-基本型功率,适合于生产线测试,可提供电流钳功能注意:订货时请对测试对象及特殊的技术要求、使用要求进行特别说明。
CCI K.K. 用户手册
![CCI K.K. 用户手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c4c8df319e8b8f67c1cb9e7.png)
指导手册AB300型控制阀AB300型阀指导手册索引编号. 目录页1. 控制阀的安装 (1)1.1 与安装有关的一般注意事项 (1)1.2 阀的安装(焊接到管路上) (1)1.3 管路的清洗 (1)2. 阀体的检修 (2)2.1 阀体与阀帽的拆卸 (2)2.2 阀帽的检修过程 (2)2.3 阀帽的安装过程 (2)3. 内部阀的检查过程 (3)4. 内阀的检测与维护过程 (3)4.1 内阀间隙的控制 (3)5. 安装内阀的过程 (4)5.1 压盖填料的安装过程 (4)6. 排除故障的措施 (5)7. 控制阀的操作 (6)1. 控制阀的安装在安装之前,请通读本安装手册。
1.1 与安装有关的一般注意事项(1) 安装阀的管路应该足够大,足以承受阀中产生的较高的压力损耗。
(2) 阀应垂直朝上安装,且应在阀的入口和出口处加以支撑,以承受阀和管路的重量。
(3) 不要固定执行机构如隔膜片、盖等。
(4) 在将阀安装到管路上之前,首先应通过阀体上雕刻的印记或铸造印记确定液体流动方向,然后才将阀安装到管路上。
1.2 阀的安装(焊接到管路上)就焊接热或焊后热处理而言,在实施这种作业时应该注意下列事项。
1.3 管路的清洗(1) 内阀的阀塞和阀笼之间的间隙是很小的,所以阀中夹杂非常小的杂质都会引发故障。
(2) 由于阀体的底部是空的,因此杂质容易聚集于此。
(3) 冲洗一般在阀完全打开的情况下进行,然而,最好的清洗方法是在卸下内阀后再进行清洗。
2. 阀体的检修2.1 阀体与阀帽的拆卸(1) 在拆卸阀帽之前,应先拆卸掉固定压盖填料的螺母。
(2) 用填料夹具将压盖填料拆下。
e-key 300系列手册 使用说明书
![e-key 300系列手册 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/052af191b04e852458fb770bf78a6529657d356f.png)
EKS Profinet on Siemens S7-300 – reading in EKS Electronic-KeysContentsComponents/modules used (2)EUCHNER (2)Others (2)Functional description (2)General (2)Example of an Electronic-Key structure (2)Setting the EKS Electronic-Key adapter (3)Profinet addressing (3)Write-protection setting (3)Configuration in the control system (4)Hardware (4)Programming in the control system (6)Global data blocks (6)STL program for retrieving the Electronic-Key content (7)Important note – please observe carefully! (10)Components/modules usedEUCHNERDescription Order no./item designationEKS Profinet 106305 / EKS-A-IIX-G01-ST02/03EKS Electronic-Key 077859 / EKS-A-K1RDWT32-EU084735 / EKS-A-K1BKWT32-EU091045 / EKS-A-K1BLWT32-EU094839 / EKS-A-K1GNWT32-EU094840 / EKS-A-K1YEWT32-EUTip: More information and downloads about the aforementioned EUCHNER products can be found at www.EUCHNER.de. Simply enter the order number in the search box.OthersDescription ItemS7-300, CPU 315F-2 PN/DP 6ES7315-2FJ14-0AB0Functional descriptionGeneralThe EKS is connected to a Siemens S7-300 PLC via the Profinet. All data corresponding to the data structure below should be read out.Example of an Electronic-Key structureThe data on the Electronic-Key are structured as follows:Byte no. Description Type Length Explanation103 – 104 KEYCRC CRC 2 bytes Checksum over a certain part of the Electronic-Key as copy protection.Refer to the EKM manual for details about the CRC.105 – 112Expiry date Date 8 bytes Electronic-Key expiry date.113 – 114 Authorization level Word 2 bytes Authorization level for access to the machine.115 Department Byte 1 byte Number describing a limited quantity of machines or installations.116 – 123 KeyID KeyID 8 bytes The KeyID is a number that is permanently pre-programmed on theElectronic-Key by EUCHNER. This number is different for each Electron-ic-Key. This number can be used to identify workers.The structure corresponds to application example AP000169-2…Setting the EKS Electronic-Key adapterProfinet addressingThe device is to receive the address via the Siemens configuration software Simatic Manager. Accordingly, all switches are set to OFF on DIP switch S2.Figure 1The device is to receive the DCP name via the Siemens configuration software Simatic Manager. Accordingly, all switches are set to OFF on DIP switch S3.Figure 2Write-protection settingThe device is configured only for reading. Correspondingly, DIP switch S1.1 is set to ON.Figure 3Configuration in the control systemHardwareSimatic Manager version 5.5+SP1 is used for configuration. To perform parameter assignment for the EKS on Profinet drag the object “EKS-A-IIX-G01-ST02/03” to the Profinet. The address range can remain set at 256 to 383.When a new Electronic-Key is inserted, the data are always read automatically from byte 0. As the user data are at the end of the Electronic-Key instead of at the beginning in this example, the actual user data are restricted. Nevertheless, a 128-byte range always must be provided in the input.Figure 4Set the DCP name and the device number in the properties of the EKS Profinet. The default name “EKS-PN” and the device number 1 are used in this example.Figure 5An update time of longer than 128 ms must be set in the object properties on the “IO Cycle” tab in the “Interface” slot of the EKS Profinet.Figure 6The alarm settings will not be addressed in this example.Under the object properties on the “Parameters” tab in the “Read: 128 bytes” slot, it is set that the user data are to be retrieved with a length of 21 bytes from start address 103. The 21 bytes consist of the user data with a length of 13 bytes and the KeyID with a length of 8 bytes. They are therefore retrieved together and stored from data byte 1 in the input range. The status word of the EKS Profinet is located in data byte 0 of the input range.Figure 7Programming in the control systemGlobal data blocksA data block is created for saving the received data for the EKS.The data are created in a structured manner in the data block for reading, with all data items longer than one byte being created as individual bytes to circumvent the even-numbered alignment in the control system. The data block must be the same length as the input range of the EKS, otherwise the system function for reading will not work.DB1, ReadBufferEKSFigure 8DB10, instance module for FB1As the function module FB1 operates with static variables, a DB must be used as an instance module. In the example, DB10 is created for this purpose.STL program for retrieving the Electronic-Key contentThe reading program is programmed in FB1 in this example. The program reads only when an Electronic-Key is inserted and new data are ready. An Electronic-Key that has been read in once will not be read in again. The data from byte 103 (KeyCRC), including the KeyID, are read and are provided in data block DB1 from byte 1 for further processing. 21 bytes of user data in total are re-trieved from the EKS Electronic-Key.The status bye of EKS is saved in byte 0 DB1.Description of the interfaceInput dataNone.Output dataError message, new Electronic-Key and status of the DP slave.Input/output dataNone.Static dataThe KeyRead marker is created statically. This marker identifies whether an Electronic-Key has already been completely read one time. Data are retrieved only if the marker is not set. The marker is reset whenever there is no longer an Electronic-Key in the EKS. Temporary dataNone.Changed registersA1, A2, SWUnchanged registersAR1, AR2, DBR1, DBR2System functions usedSFC14, DPRD_DAT – read standard DP slaves/PROFINET IO devicesGlobal dataData block DB1 with a minimum size of 128 bytes is assumed.The content of data block DB1 is completely overwritten.Symbol tableFigure 10STL program in FB1- ReadEKS//Retrieval of data from the EKS Electronic-Key// Check of whether an Electronic-Key was inserted, and data retrieval only if this is the caseU "EKSIn" // Check whether an Electronic-Key is insertedSPB MKEY // If inserted, check whether data have already been retrieved R #KeyRead // Mark that a new Electronic-Key can now comeSPA MRET// Electronic-Key is inserted// Check whether the Electronic-Key is newMKEY: U #KeyRead // If KeyRead is set, this Electronic-Key has already been read SPBN MRD // Retrieve data only from new Electronic-Key// No new Electronic-Key inserted, no errorMRET: R #Error // Feedback, no errorR #NewKey // Feedback, no Electronic-KeyBEFigure 11a// Reading of data from EKS into DB1MRD: CALL "DPRD_DAT" // Call of SFC 14 DPRD_DATLADDR :=W#16#100 // Address of the EKS memory rangeRET_VAL:=MW1 // FeedbackRECORD :=P#DB1.DBX0.0 BYTE 128 // Start address of the DB for reception, length must be 32// Check whether an error occurredL MW 1L 0 // Only return value 0 is OK==ISPBN MERR // If a value <> 0 was returned in marker word 1: error// Electronic-Key read completely, the data are now in DB1S #KeyRead // Note that reading was complete with this counter valueS #NewKey // Report back that a new Electronic-Key was read completelyR #Error // No errorsBEFigure 11b// Error processingMERR: L MW 1 // DP status as feedback in case of errorT #DPStatusS #Error // Return value = 1, error occurredR #NewKeyBEFigure 11cFB1 call//Retrieval of data from the EKS Electronic-KeyCALL "Read EKS" , "Data FB1"Error :=M0.0 // Return value for errorNewKey :=M0.1 // Return value, whether new Electronic-Key DPStatus:=#Status // Status of the DP slaveU M 0.0 // Check whether error occurredSPB MERR // If values = 1, jump to error routine Figure 12Important note – please observe carefully!This document is intended for a design engineer who possesses the requisite knowledge in safety engineering and knows the ap-plicable standards, e.g. through training for qualification as a safety engineer. Only with the appropriate qualification is it possible to integrate the introduced example into a complete safety chain.The example represents only part of a complete safety chain and does not fulfill any safety function on its own. In order to fulfill a safety function, the energy switch-off function for the hazard location and the software within the safety evaluation must also be considered, for example.The introduced applications are only examples for solving certain safety tasks for protecting safety doors. The examples cannot be comprehensive due to the application-dependent and individual protection goals within a machine/installation.If questions concerning this example remain open, please contact us directly.In accordance with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, the design engineer of a machine or installation is obligated to perform a risk assessment and take measures to reduce the risk. When doing this, the engineer must comply with the applicable national and international standards. Standards generally represent the current state of the art. Therefore, the design engineer should continu-ously inform himself about changes in the standards and adapt his considerations to them. Relevant standards include EN ISO 13849 and EN 62061. This application must be regarded only as assistance for the considerations about safety measures.The design engineer of a machine/installation is obligated to assess the safety technology itself. The examples must not be used for assessment, because only a small excerpt of a complete safety function was considered in terms of safety engineering here. In order to be able to use the safety switch applications correctly on safety doors, it is indispensable to observe the standards EN ISO 13849-1, EN ISO 14119 and all relevant C-standards for the respective machine type. Under no circumstances does this doc-ument replace the engineer’s own risk assessment, and it cannot serve as the basis for a fault assessment.Particularly in case of fault exclusion, it must be noted that this can be performed only by the design engineer of a machine or installation and requires a reason. General fault exclusion is not possible. More information about fault exclusion can be found in EN ISO 13849-2.Changes to products or within assemblies from third-party suppliers used in this example can lead to the function no longer being ensured or the safety assessment having to be adapted. In any event, the information in the operating instructions on the part of EUCHNER, as well as on the part of third-party suppliers, must be used as the basis before this application is integrated into an overall safety function. If contradictions should arise between the operating instructions and this document, please contact us directly.Use of brand names and company namesAll brand names and company names stated are the property of the related manufacturer. They are used only for the clear identifi-cation of compatible peripheral devices and operating environments in relation to our products.EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG · Kohlhammerstraße 16 · 70771 Leinfelden-EchterdingenTelephone:+497117597-0·Fax:+497117597-303·***************·www.euchner.de。
(4)熟悉单片机内部资源,学会ADC、SPI接口、按时器、中断、串口、I/O 引脚等模块的编程。
!-GCS型光栅数显系统(英文米字管提示)使用说明书恒兴星精密仪器有限公司尊敬的用户:欢迎您使用深圳市恒兴星最新开发液晶英文提示的GCS 光栅数显系统,恒兴星光栅系统广泛用于铣床、磨床、镗床、线切割、车床,它的应用有助于提高生产效率、显示直观、操作方便、精度准确、重复性稳定,是模具制造业、机械加工业、精密测量仪器必不可少的装置。
本系统设置多种智能化功能,如SDM300点记忆、等分圆和椭圆、斜面加工、R的加工 8个面选择、分中功能的用法,还配置了计算器,等等功能,使用起来十分方便。
②本装置使用110V~220V, 50Hz~60Hz 的交流电源,电源插头是带有接地脚的三芯电源插头。
面板按键说明GCS-900目录功能目⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯7清零⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯8入坐⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯8公/ 英制示⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯8ABS/INC坐⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯9自分中⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯10 RI (找傅零位)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯11半径 / 直径⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯11算器⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯11 SDM300⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯12周分孔⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯18分孔⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯21斜分孔⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯25弧加工⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯27平滑弧加工⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯35斜面加工⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯39基本参数⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯42高用⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯43光位移感器⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯45光位移感器行程和安装尺寸⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯48安装示⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯49故障分析与理⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯50GCS- 英文提示光栅数显表,英文辅助显示智能表,采用高科技软件电子技术,功能多、易操作、可靠耐用,使机械加工的必备产品。
K 系列产品 说明书
![K 系列产品 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1a5dda2b4b35eefdc8d3339f.png)
目 录
第一章 产品介绍 .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 产品概述............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 产品主要功能 ..................................................................................................................................... 5 第二章 开箱检查和线缆连接 ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 开箱检查............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 硬盘安装.......................................
BM300 电力智能监控仪表 操作手册说明书
![BM300 电力智能监控仪表 操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1ea3d854cd7931b765ce0508763231126fdb774e.png)
警告!只能由专业电工进行安装。 Warning! Installation by person with electrotechnicalexpertise only. Warnung! Installation nur durch elektrotechnische Fachkraft. Avvertenza! Fare installare solo da un elettricista qualificato. Avertissement! Installation uniquement par des personnes qualifiées en électrotechnique. ¡Advertencia! La instalacióndeberáserrealizadaúnicamentepor electricistasespecializados. /lowvoltage/directives
起(抬起时用力不可过大,否则可能会使固定头断裂),另一只手的拇指按图中箭头 所示方向用力推,卡子即可取下。安装时,将装置于面板前方推放入安装孔内,然后 从后方沿装置的沟槽将安装卡安上。如图,两手分别按住装置的上下两面, 两拇指顶在卡子的两端,按箭头所示方向均匀用力前推,使卡子挤紧面板。两个安装 卡都完成安装后,装置将牢固地固定在面板上。
1.2 BM300 的特点
图 1.1.1 BM300 装置外形图
1.2.1 BM300 具有强大的数据采集和处理功能
支持三相三线制和三相四线制可选功能,具有三相电压、三相电流、总有功功率、总 无功功率、各相的有功及无功功率、功率因数、各相的功率因数、系统频率、总有功 电度、总无功电度、各相的有功电度和无功电度的测量与计算功能。
注:以上所述内容之解释权归ETECH公司所有!使用说明书工业pH/ORP测试仪型号:PC-300ETECH INSTRUMENTS CO.,LTD.用户须知●使用时请遵守本说明书之操作规程及注意事项。
1信号输出4~20mA电流输出,输出负载小于450 。
机器出厂时将输出电流定义为:-2000mV为4 mA;2000 mV为20 mA。
输出电流(mA)=(D+2000)×0.004+4.00 误差(Error)=±0.04mAD:LED所显示的mV值-2000mV≤D≤2000 mV18设定控制程序高报警点设定1.按MENU键使HIGH点LED亮(上限设定指示灯),仪器即显示上限设定点的数值。
注:调节上、下限设定时应考虑到滞后量 10 mV,本仪器是光报警,到了设定值时报警指示灯会亮。
功能简介:◆显示测量值◆设定液位控制值及输出控制方式◆可自由设定显示量程及小数点位数◆测量值变送输出,自由设定变送输出量程范围(可选功能)◆通过输入被测液体密度值实现不同液体液位的测量技术指标:◆开口尺寸:76*152;152*76;92*92;68*68;92*44共5种◆输入信号:线性电流信号或线性电压信号◆精度等级:0.5级◆采样速度:3次/秒◆电源电压:AC220V-10%--AC220V+10% ◆消耗功率:<=9W◆继电器触电容量:3A/220V(无感性负载)名词解释:二位式调节表(上限调节并带回差):仪表内只有一个上限继电器,当测量值高于设定值加P(P为上限回差值;后同)时,上限继电器中高通,同时指示灯“HA”亮; 当测量值低于设定值减P时,上限继电器中低通,同时指示灯“HA”灭.三位式调节表(上下限调节表):仪表内有两个继电器,可分别设定上限下限两个控制点; 当测量值高于上限设定值时,上限继电器中高通,同时指示灯“HA”亮; 当测量值低于上限设定值时,上限继电器中低通,同时指示灯“HA”灭. 当测量值高于下限设定值时,下限继电器中低通,同时指示灯“LA”灭; 当测量值低于下限设定值时,下限继电器中高通,同时指示灯“HA”亮范围调节表: 仪表内只有一个上限继电器,用此继电器可将被测量控制在设定的范围内,此种控制广泛用于不允许设备频繁启动的场合如控制水泵.控制过程如下:当测量值小于下限值时上限继电器中低通,“LA”灯亮;当测量值大于上限值时上限继电器中高通,“HA”灯亮;当测量值在上限值与下限值之间时,“LA”“HA”均灭,上限继电器维持原状态即:当测量值由下限值向上限值变化时,上限继电器维持中低通的状态; 当测量值由上限值向下限值变化时,上限继电器维持中高通的状态.上下限分别带回差调节表:在上限调节带回差表基础上增加下限调节并带回差,下限回差值用“A”表示; 当测量值高于上限设定值加P(P为上限回差值;后同)时,上限继电器中高通,同时指示灯“HA”亮; 当测量值低于上限设定值减P时,上限继电器中低通,同时指示灯“HA”灭;当测量值高于下限设定值加A(A为上限回差值;后同)时,下限继电器中低通,同时指示灯“LA”灭; 当测量值低于下限设定值减P时,下限继电器中高通,同时指示灯“LA”亮.仪表的操作:三个按键功能说明:“—”键设定/确认/提取键.该键的作用时进入仪表的设定状态,提取出原存的设定值,,待新的设定值修改完成后按该键确认修改有效并存入仪表内存,同时提取出下一个设定值.“∧”键显示数据加1功能键,单次按此键时数据加1;按住该键不动,显示数值将快速增加,松手后停止.“∨”键显示数据减1功能键,单次按此键时数据减1;按住该键不动,显示数值将快速减小,松手后停止.操作顺序:输入修改密码∶在测量状态下按一下“—”键,仪表即刻进入设定状态。
Cooper-Atkins MFM300 Multi-Function Instrument说明书
![Cooper-Atkins MFM300 Multi-Function Instrument说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/789613e1f021dd36a32d7375a417866fb94ac040.png)
pressure probe to
either universal jack
and the MFM300 can
display dynamic
superheat and
sub-cooling values.
Perform basic air balancing quickly and easily using the MFM300 and Vane CFM Thermo-Anemometer (5400)
Log Temperature Data: Use Data Logging Kit (GL300) to view logged temperature data on the MFM300. Download to your PC via the PC Connection Cable (9362).
The MFM300 heavy duty case has enough storage for all your probes and accessories. A detachable / adjustable shoulder strap is included
Display CFM, CMS, FPM, and MPS: Airflow and temperature can be displayed by using a Vane CFM Thermo-Anemometer (5400) connected to either universal jack.
Display Psychrometrics: Press the PSYC button and psychrometrics are calculated from the current relative humidity and dry-bulb measurements. Requires at least one relative humidity probe (5029). Psychrometric values displayed are: %RH, dry bulb, wet bulb, dew point, specific humidity, and enthalpy.
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通讯参数说明 (3)
模拟量码值定义 (7)
模拟量码值表 (7)
模拟量数据定义 (8)
电度量码值 (10)
电度量数据定义表 (10)
DL/T645通讯 (11)
通讯参数说明 (11)
数据标识编码表 (14)
变送功能 (15)
硬件采用RS -485,主从式半双工通讯,主机呼叫从机地址,从机应答方式通讯。
波特率2400bps--57600bps ; 功能码 01H :读控制输出接点(继电器)状态
第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第
2字节 01H : 读寄存器值功能码 第3、4字节 : 想读取的开关量的起始地址 第5、6字节 : 从起始地址开始读多少个开关量 第7、8字节 : 从字节1到6的CRC16校验和
第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 01H : 返回读功能码
第3字节 : 返回的字节个数:表示数据的字节个数 第4字节
: 由于数据是一个8位的数,所以表示8个开关量的值,每一位为0
第5、6字节 : 从字节1到4的CRC16校验和
1.1.功能码 02H :读开关输入(遥信)状态
第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 02H : 读寄存器值功能码 第
3、4字节 : 想读取的开关量的起始地址 第5、6字节 : 从起始地址开始读多少个开关量 第7、8字节 : 从字节1到6的CRC16校验和
第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 02H : 返回读功能码
第3字节 : 返回的字节个数:表示数据的字节个数 第4字节
: 由于数据是一个8位的数,所以表示8个开关量的值,每一位
第5、 6字节
: 从字节1到4的CRC16校验和
1.2.功能码03H :读模拟量(遥测) 第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 03H : 读寄存器值功能码 第3、4字节 : 要读的寄存器开始地址 第5、6字节 : 要读的寄存器数量
第7、8字节 : 从字节1到6的CRC16校验和
第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 03H : 返回读功能码
第3字节 : 从4到M (包括4及M )的字节总数 第4到M 字节
第M +1、M+2字节 : 从字节1到M 的CRC16校验和
1.3.功能码04H :读电度量(遥脉) 第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 04H : 读寄存器值功能码 第3、4字节
: 要读的寄存器开始地址(每个电量值在两个寄存器中存储,寄存
器开始地址为2n-1,n ≥0)
第5、6字节 : 要读的寄存器数量(每个电量值在两个寄存器中存储,寄存器数
第7、8字节 : 从字节1到6的CRC16校验和
第1字节 ADR : 从机地址码(=001~254) 第2字节 03H : 返回读功能码
第3字节 : 从4到M (包括4及M )的字节总数 第4到M 字节
第M +1、M+2字节 : 从字节1到M 的CRC16校验和
第1字节 ADR :从机地址码(=001~254)
第2字节 05H :读寄存器值功能码
第1字节 ADR :从机地址码(=001~254)
第2字节03H :返回读功能码
bit10-bit0:对应于数据码值bit10-bit 0。
单相的有功、无功、视在功率无需×3,高压系统还要×PT (电压变比)
码值bit9 码值bit0 数据符号位
码值bit1 码值bit2 码值bit3 码值bit4 码值bit5 码值bit6 码值bit7
码值bit10 码值bit8
备用 备用 备用
帧起始符68H 标识一帧信息的开始,其值为68H=01101000B 。
当地址为999999999999H 时,为广播地址。
数据长度L :L 为数据域的字节数。
读数据时L 200,写数据时L 50,L=0表示无数据域。
数据域DATA :数据域包括数据标识和数据、密码等,其结构随控制码的功能而改变。
传输时,发送方按字节进行加33H 处理,接收方按字节进行减33H 处理。
校验码CS 从帧起始符开始到校验码之前的所有各字节的模256的和,即各字节二进制算术和,不计超过256的溢出值。
结束符16H :标识一帧信息的结束,其值为16H=00010110B 。
前导字节在发送帧信息之前,先发送1~4个字节FEH ,以唤醒接收方。
数据传输的举例:电能量值为123456.78kWh ,其传输次序如图3。
发送方 接受方
收到命令帧后的响应延时Td :20ms Td 500ms 。
字节之间停顿时间Tb :Tb 500ms 。
应用层 读数据
主站请求帧功能:请求读数据控制码:C=01H 数据长度:L=02H ; 从站正常应答功能:从站正常应答控制码:C=81H ,无后续数据帧。
C=A1H ,有后续数据帧数据长度:L=02H+m(数据长度)无后续数据帧格式:
数据长度 控制码
说明:1. “•”:单相“*”:三相
I:0A ——4mA 5A ——20mA
I :0A ——4mA 5A ——20mA
U:0V ——4mA 400V ——20mA
P:-3300 W ——4mA 3300W ——20mA。