Symmetric schemes for computing the minimum eigenvalue of a symmetric Toeplitz matrix
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HuaiJing,YiN Yong7.Remote sensing image fusion based on Bayesian linear estimat ion GE ZhiRong,WANG Bin,ZHANG LiMing8.Fiber soliton-form 3R regenerator and its performance analysis ZHU Bo,YANG XiangLin9.Study on relationships of electromagnetic band structures and left/right handed structures GAO Chu,CHEN ZhiNing,WANG YunY i,YANG Ning10.Study on joint Bayesian model selection and parameter estim ation method of GTD model SHI ZhiGuang,ZHOU JianXiong,ZHAO HongZhong,FU Qiang。
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Table of ContentsModern Cryptography: Theory and PracticeBy Wenbo Mao Hewlett-Packard CompanyPublisher: Prentice Hall PTRPub Date: July 25, 2003ISBN: 0-13-066943-1Pages: 648Many cryptographic schemes and protocols, especially those based onpublic-keycryptography,have basic or so-called "textbook crypto" versions, as these versionsare usually the subjects formany textbooks on cryptography. This book takes adifferent approach to introducingcryptography: it pays much more attention tofit-for-application aspects of cryptography. Itexplains why "textbook crypto" isonly good in an ideal world where data are random and badguys behave nicely.It reveals the general unfitness of "textbook crypto" for the real world bydemonstratingnumerous attacks on such schemes, protocols and systems under variousrealworldapplication scenarios. This book chooses to introduce a set of practicalcryptographic schemes, protocols and systems, many of them standards or de factoones, studies them closely,explains their working principles, discusses their practicalusages, and examines their strong(i.e., fit-for-application) security properties, oftenwith security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-containedtheoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.Table of ContentsModern Cryptography: Theory and PracticeBy Wenbo Mao Hewlett-Packard CompanyPublisher: Prentice Hall PTRPub Date: July 25, 2003ISBN: 0-13-066943-1Pages: 648CopyrightHewlett-Packard® Professional BooksA Short Description of the BookPrefaceScopeAcknowledgementsList of FiguresList of Algorithms, Protocols and AttacksPart I: IntroductionChapter 1. Beginning with a Simple Communication GameSection 1.1. A Communication GameSection 1.2. Criteria for Desirable Cryptographic Systems and Protocols Section 1.3. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 2. Wrestling Between Safeguard and AttackSection 2.1. IntroductionSection 2.2. EncryptionSection 2.3. Vulnerable Environment (the Dolev-Yao Threat Model)Section 2.4. Authentication ServersSection 2.5. Security Properties for Authenticated Key Establishment Section 2.6. Protocols for Authenticated Key Establishment Using Encryption Section 2.7. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart II: Mathematical Foundations: Standard NotationChapter 3. Probability and Information TheorySection 3.1. IntroductionSection 3.2. Basic Concept of ProbabilitySection 3.3. PropertiesSection 3.4. Basic CalculationSection 3.5. Random Variables and their Probability DistributionsSection 3.6. Birthday ParadoxSection 3.7. Information TheorySection 3.8. Redundancy in Natural LanguagesSection 3.9. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 4. Computational ComplexitySection 4.1. IntroductionSection 4.2. Turing MachinesSection 4.3. Deterministic Polynomial TimeSection 4.4. Probabilistic Polynomial TimeSection 4.5. Non-deterministic Polynomial TimeSection 4.6. Non-Polynomial BoundsSection 4.7. Polynomial-time IndistinguishabilitySection 4.8. Theory of Computational Complexity and Modern Cryptography Section 4.9. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 5. Algebraic FoundationsSection 5.1. IntroductionSection 5.2. GroupsSection 5.3. Rings and FieldsSection 5.4. The Structure of Finite FieldsSection 5.5. Group Constructed Using Points on an Elliptic CurveSection 5.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 6. Number TheorySection 6.1. IntroductionSection 6.2. Congruences and Residue ClassesSection 6.3. Euler's Phi FunctionSection 6.4. The Theorems of Fermat, Euler and LagrangeSection 6.5. Quadratic ResiduesSection 6.6. Square Roots Modulo IntegerSection 6.7. Blum IntegersSection 6.8. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart III: Basic Cryptographic TechniquesChapter 7. Encryption — Symmetric TechniquesSection 7.1. IntroductionSection 7.2. DefinitionSection 7.3. Substitution CiphersSection 7.4. Transposition CiphersSection 7.5. Classical Ciphers: Usefulness and SecuritySection 7.6. The Data Encryption Standard (DES)Section 7.7. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)Section 7.8. Confidentiality Modes of OperationSection 7.9. Key Channel Establishment for Symmetric Cryptosystems Section 7.10. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 8. Encryption — Asymmetric TechniquesSection 8.1. IntroductionSection 8.2. Insecurity of "Textbook Encryption Algorithms"Section 8.3. The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange ProtocolSection 8.4. The Diffie-Hellman Problem and the Discrete Logarithm Problem Section 8.5. The RSA Cryptosystem (Textbook Version)Section 8.6. Cryptanalysis Against Public-key CryptosystemsSection 8.7. The RSA ProblemSection 8.8. The Integer Factorization ProblemSection 8.9. Insecurity of the Textbook RSA EncryptionSection 8.10. The Rabin Cryptosystem (Textbook Version)Section 8.11. Insecurity of the Textbook Rabin EncryptionSection 8.12. The ElGamal Cryptosystem (Textbook Version)Section 8.13. Insecurity of the Textbook ElGamal EncryptionSection 8.14. Need for Stronger Security Notions for Public-key CryptosystemsSection 8.15. Combination of Asymmetric and Symmetric CryptographySection 8.16. Key Channel Establishment for Public-key CryptosystemsSection 8.17. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 9. In An Ideal World: Bit Security of The Basic Public-Key Cryptographic Functions Section 9.1. IntroductionSection 9.2. The RSA BitSection 9.3. The Rabin BitSection 9.4. The ElGamal BitSection 9.5. The Discrete Logarithm BitSection 9.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 10. Data Integrity TechniquesSection 10.1. IntroductionSection 10.2. DefinitionSection 10.3. Symmetric TechniquesSection 10.4. Asymmetric Techniques I: Digital SignaturesSection 10.5. Asymmetric Techniques II: Data Integrity Without Source Identification Section 10.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart IV: AuthenticationChapter 11. Authentication Protocols — PrinciplesSection 11.1. IntroductionSection 11.2. Authentication and Refined NotionsSection 11.3. ConventionSection 11.4. Basic Authentication TechniquesSection 11.5. Password-based AuthenticationSection 11.6. Authenticated Key Exchange Based on Asymmetric CryptographySection 11.7. Typical Attacks on Authentication ProtocolsSection 11.8. A Brief Literature NoteSection 11.9. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 12. Authentication Protocols — The Real WorldSection 12.1. IntroductionSection 12.2. Authentication Protocols for Internet SecuritySection 12.3. The Secure Shell (SSH) Remote Login ProtocolSection 12.4. The Kerberos Protocol and its Realization in Windows 2000Section 12.5. SSL and TLSSection 12.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 13. Authentication Framework for Public-Key CryptographySection 13.1. IntroductionSection 13.2. Directory-Based Authentication FrameworkSection 13.3. Non-Directory Based Public-key Authentication FrameworkSection 13.4. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart V: Formal Approaches to Security EstablishmentChapter 14. Formal and Strong Security Definitions for Public-Key Cryptosystems Section 14.1. IntroductionSection 14.2. A Formal Treatment for SecuritySection 14.3. Semantic Security — the Debut of Provable SecuritySection 14.4. Inadequacy of Semantic SecuritySection 14.5. Beyond Semantic SecuritySection 14.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 15. Provably Secure and Efficient Public-Key CryptosystemsSection 15.1. IntroductionSection 15.2. The Optimal Asymmetric Encryption PaddingSection 15.3. The Cramer-Shoup Public-key CryptosystemSection 15.4. An Overview of Provably Secure Hybrid CryptosystemsSection 15.5. Literature Notes on Practical and Provably Secure Public-key Cryptosystems Section 15.6. Chapter SummarySection 15.7. ExercisesChapter 16. Strong and Provable Security for Digital SignaturesSection 16.1. IntroductionSection 16.2. Strong Security Notion for Digital SignaturesSection 16.3. Strong and Provable Security for ElGamal-family SignaturesSection 16.4. Fit-for-application Ways for Signing in RSA and RabinSection 16.5. SigncryptionSection 16.6. Chapter SummarySection 16.7. ExercisesChapter 17. Formal Methods for Authentication Protocols AnalysisSection 17.1. IntroductionSection 17.2. Toward Formal Specification of Authentication ProtocolsSection 17.3. A Computational View of Correct Protocols — the Bellare-Rogaway Model Section 17.4. A Symbolic Manipulation View of Correct ProtocolsSection 17.5. Formal Analysis Techniques: State System ExplorationSection 17.6. Reconciling Two Views of Formal Techniques for SecuritySection 17.7. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart VI: Cryptographic ProtocolsChapter 18. Zero-Knowledge ProtocolsSection 18.1. IntroductionSection 18.2. Basic DefinitionsSection 18.3. Zero-knowledge PropertiesSection 18.4. Proof or Argument?Section 18.5. Protocols with Two-sided-errorSection 18.6. Round EfficiencySection 18.7. Non-interactive Zero-knowledgeSection 18.8. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 19. Returning to "Coin Flipping Over Telephone"Section 19.1. Blum's "Coin-Flipping-By-Telephone" ProtocolSection 19.2. Security AnalysisSection 19.3. EfficiencySection 19.4. Chapter SummaryChapter 20. AfterremarkBibliographyCopyrightLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataA CIP catalog record for this book can be obtained from the Library of Congress. Editorial/production supervision: Mary SudulCover design director: Jerry VottaCover design: Talar BoorujyManufacturing manager: Maura ZaldivarAcquisitions editor: Jill HarryMarketing manager: Dan DePasqualePublisher, Hewlett-Packard Books: Walter BruceA Short Description of the BookMany cryptographic schemes and protocols, especially those based on public-key cryptography,have basic or so-called "textbook crypto" versions, as these versions are usually the subjects formany textbooks on cryptography. This book takes a different approach to introducingcryptography: it pays much more attention to fit-for-application aspects of cryptography. Itexplains why "textbook crypto" is only good in an ideal world where data are random and badguys behave nicely. It reveals the general unfitness of "textbook crypto" for the real world bydemonstrating numerous attacks on such schemes, protocols and systems under various realworldapplication scenarios. This book chooses to introduce a set of practical cryptographicschemes, protocols and systems, many of them standards or de facto ones, studies them closely,explains their working principles, discusses their practical usages, and examines their strong(i.e., fit-for-application) security properties, often with security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-contained theoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.PrefaceOur society has entered an era where commerce activities, business transactions andgovernment services have been, and more and more of them will be, conducted and offered overopen computer and communications networks such as the Internet, in particular, viaWorldWideWeb-based tools. Doing things online has a great advantage of an always-onavailability to people in any corner of the world. Here are a few examples of things that havebeen, can or will be done online:Banking, bill payment, home shopping, stock trading, auctions, taxation, gambling, micropayment(e.g., pay-per-downloading), electronic identity, online access to medical records, virtual private networking, secure data archival and retrieval, certified delivery of documents, fair exchange of sensitive documents, fair signing of contracts,time-stamping,notarization, voting, advertising, licensing, ticket booking, interactive games, digitallibraries, digital rights management, pirate tracing, …And more can be imagined.Many cryptographic schemes and protocols, especially those based onpublic-keycryptography,have basic or so-called "textbook crypto" versions, as these versionsare usually the subjects formany textbooks on cryptography. This book takes adifferent approach to introducingcryptography: it pays much more attention tofit-for-application aspects of cryptography. Itexplains why "textbook crypto" isonly good in an ideal world where data are random and badguys behave nicely.It reveals the general unfitness of "textbook crypto" for the real world bydemonstratingnumerous attacks on such schemes, protocols and systems under variousrealworldapplication scenarios. This book chooses to introduce a set of practicalcryptographic schemes, protocols and systems, many of them standards or de factoones, studies them closely,explains their working principles, discusses their practicalusages, and examines their strong(i.e., fit-for-application) security properties, oftenwith security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-containedtheoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.PrefaceOur society has entered an era where commerce activities, business transactions andgovernment services have been, and more and more of them will be, conducted and offered overopen computer and communications networks such as the Internet, in particular, viaWorldWideWeb-based tools. Doing things online has a great advantage of an always-onavailability to people in any corner of the world. Here are a few examples of things that havebeen, can or will be done online:Banking, bill payment, home shopping, stock trading, auctions, taxation, gambling, micropayment(e.g., pay-per-downloading), electronic identity, online access to medical records, virtual private networking, secure data archival and retrieval, certified delivery of documents, fair exchange of sensitive documents, fair signing of contracts,time-stamping,notarization, voting, advertising, licensing, ticket booking, interactive games, digitallibraries, digital rights management, pirate tracing, …And more can be imagined.Fascinating commerce activities, transactions and services like these are only possible ifcommunications over open networks can be conducted in a secure manner. An effective solutionto securing communications over open networks is to apply cryptography. Encryption, digitalsignatures, password-based user authentication, are some of the most basic cryptographictechniques for securing communications. However, as we shall witness many times in this book,there are surprising subtleties and serious security consequences in the applicationsof even themost basic cryptographic techniques. Moreover, for many "fancier" applications, such as manylisted in the preceding paragraph, the basic cryptographic techniques are no longer adequate.With an increasingly large demand for safeguarding communications over open networks formore and more sophisticated forms of electronic commerce, business and services[a], anincreasingly large number of information security professionals will be needed for designing,developing, analyzing and maintaining information security systems and cryptographicprotocols. These professionals may range from IT systems administrators, information securityengineers and software/hardware systems developers whose products have securityrequirements, to cryptographers.[a] Gartner Group forecasts that total electronic business revenues for business to business (B2B) andbusiness to consumer (B2C) in the European Union will reach a projected US $2.6 trillion in 2004 (withprobability 0.7) which is a 28-fold increase from the level of 2000 [5]. Also, eMarketer [104] (page 41) reportsthat the cost to financial institutions (in USA) due to electronic identity theft was US $1.4 billion in 2002, andforecasts to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 29%.In the past few years, the author, a technical consultant on information security and cryptographic systems at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Bristol, has witnessed the phenomenon of a progressively increased demand for information security professionalsunmatched by an evident shortage of them. As a result, many engineers, who are oriented toapplication problems and may have little proper training in cryptography and informationsecurity have become "roll-up-sleeves" designers and developers for information securitysystems or cryptographic protocols. This is in spite of the fact that designing cryptographicsystems and protocols is a difficult job even for an expert cryptographer.The author's job has granted him privileged opportunities to review many information securitysystems and cryptographic protocols, some of them proposed and designed by "roll-up-sleeves"engineers and are for uses in serious applications. In several occasions, the author observed socalled"textbook crypto" features in such systems, which are the result of applications of cryptographic algorithms and schemes in ways they are usually introduced in many cryptographic textbooks. Direct encryption of a password (a secret number of a smallmagnitude) under a basic public-key encryption algorithm (e.g., "RSA") is a typical example oftextbook crypto. The appearances of textbook crypto in serious applications with a "nonnegligibleprobability" have caused a concern for the author to realize that the general danger oftextbook crypto is not widely known to many people who design and develop informationsecurity systems for serious real-world applications.Motivated by an increasing demand for information security professionals and a belief that theirknowledge in cryptography should not be limited to textbook crypto, the author has written thisbook as a textbook on non-textbook cryptography. This book endeavors to: Introduce a wide range of cryptographic algorithms, schemes and protocols with a particular emphasis on their non-textbook versions.Reveal general insecurity of textbook crypto by demonstrating a large number of attacks onand summarizing typical attacking techniques for such systems.Provide principles and guidelines for the design, analysis and implementation of cryptographic systems and protocols with a focus on standards.Study formalism techniques and methodologies for a rigorous establishment of strong andfit-for-application security notions for cryptographic systems and protocols. Include self-contained and elaborated material as theoretical foundations of modern cryptography for readers who desire a systematic understanding of the subject.ScopeModern cryptography is a vast area of study as a result of fast advances made in the past thirtyyears. This book focuses on one aspect: introducing fit-for-application cryptographic schemesand protocols with their strong security properties evidently established.The book is organized into the following six parts:Part I This part contains two chapters (1—2) and serves an elementary-level introductionfor the book and the areas of cryptography and information security. Chapter 1 begins witha demonstration on the effectiveness of cryptography in solving a subtle communicationproblem. A simple cryptographic protocol (first protocol of the book) for achieving "fair cointossing over telephone" will be presented and discussed. This chapter then carries on toconduct a cultural and "trade" introduction to the areas of study. Chapter 2 uses a series ofsimple authentication protocols to manifest an unfortunate fact in the areas: pitfalls areeverywhere.As an elementary-level introduction, this part is intended for newcomers to the areas.Part II This part contains four chapters (3—6) as a set of mathematical background knowledge, facts and basis to serve as a self-contained mathematical reference guide forthe book. Readers who only intend to "knowhow," i.e., know how to use thefit-forapplicationcrypto schemes and protocols, may skip this part yet still be able to follow most contents of the rest of the book. Readers who also want to "know-why," i.e., know whythese schemes and protocols have strong security properties, may find that this selfcontainedmathematical part is a sufficient reference material. When we present working principles of cryptographic schemes and protocols, reveal insecurity for some of them andreason about security for the rest, it will always be possible for us to refer to a precise pointin this part of the book for supporting mathematical foundations.This part can also be used to conduct a systematic background study of the theoreticalfoundations for modern cryptography.Part III This part contains four chapters (7—10) introducing the most basic cryptographicalgorithms and techniques for providing privacy and data integrity protections. Chapter 7 isfor symmetric encryption schemes, Chapter 8, asymmetric techniques. Chapter 9 considersan important security quality possessed by the basic and popular asymmetric cryptographicfunctions when they are used in an ideal world in which data are random. Finally, Chapter10 covers data integrity techniques.Since the schemes and techniques introduced here are the most basic ones, manyof themare in fact in the textbook crypto category and are consequently insecure. While the schemes are introduced, abundant attacks on many schemes will be demonstrated withwarning remarks explicitly stated. For practitioners who do not plan to proceed with an indepthstudy of fit-for-application crypto and their strong security notions, this textbook crypto part will still provide these readers with explicit early warning signals on the generalinsecurity of textbook crypto.Part IV This part contains three chapters (11—13) introducing an important notion inapplied cryptography and information security: authentication. These chapters provide awide coverage of the topic. Chapter 11 includes technical background, principles, a series ofbasic protocols and standards, common attacking tricks and prevention measures. Chapter12 is a case study for four well-known authentication protocol systems for real world applications. Chapter 13 introduces techniques which are particularly suitable for openfor-application) security properties, oftenwith security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-containedtheoretical background material that is the foundation formodern which cover up-to-date and novel techniques.Practitioners, such as information security systems administration staff in an enterprise andsoftware/hardware developers whose products have security consequences may find thispart helpful.Part V This part contains four chapters (14—17) which provide formalism and rigoroustreatments for strong (i.e., fit-for-application) security notions for public-key cryptographictechniques (encryption, signature and signcryption) and formal methodologies for theanalysis of authentication protocols. Chapter 14 introduces formal definitions of strongsecurity notions. The next two chapters are fit-for-application counterparts to textbookcrypto schemes introduced in Part III, with strong security properties formally established(i.e., evidently reasoned). Finally, Chapter 17 introduces formal analysismethodologiesand techniques for the analysis of authentication protocols, which we have not been able todeal with in Part IV.Part VI This is the final part of the book. It contains two technical chapters (18—19) and ashort final remark (Chapter 20). The main technical content of this part, Chapter 18, introduces a class of cryptographic protocols called zero-knowledge protocols. Theseprotocols provide an important security service which is needed in various "fancy" electronic commerce and business applications: verification of a claimed property of secretdata (e.g., in conforming with a business requirement) while preserving a strict privacyquality for the claimant. Zero-knowledge protocols to be introduced in this part exemplifythe diversity of special security needs in various real world applications, which are beyondconfidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. In the final technical chapterof the book (Chapter 19) we will complete our job which has been left over from the firstprotocol of the book: to realize "fair coin tossing over telephone." That final realization willachieve a protocol which has evidently-established strong security properties yet with anefficiency suitable for practical applications.Needless to say, a description for each fit-for-application crypto scheme or protocol has to beginwith a reason why the textbook crypto counterpart is unfit for application. Invariably, thesereasons are demonstrated by attacks on these schemes or protocols, which, by the nature ofattacks, often contain a certain degree of subtleties. In addition, a description of a fit-forapplicationscheme or protocol must also end at an analysis that the strong (i.e.,fit-forapplication)security properties do hold as claimed. Consequently, some parts of this book inevitably contain mathematical and logical reasonings, deductions and transformations in orderto manifest attacks and fixes.While admittedly fit-for-application cryptography is not a topic for quick mastery or that can bemastered via light reading, this book, nonetheless, is not one for in-depth researchtopics whichwill only be of interest to specialist cryptographers. The things reported and explained in it arewell-known and quite elementary to cryptographers. The author believes that they can also becomprehended by non-specialists if the introduction to the subject is provided with plenty ofexplanations and examples and is supported by self-contained mathematical background andreference material.The book is aimed at the following readers.Students who have completed, or are near to completion of, first degree courses in computer, information science or applied mathematics, and plan to pursue a career ininformation security. For them, this book may serve as an advanced course in appliedcryptography.Security engineers in high-tech companies who are responsible for the design and development of information security systems. If we say that the consequence of textbookcrypto appearing in an academic research proposal may not be too harmful since the worstcase of the consequence would be an embarrassment, then the use of textbook crypto in aninformation security product may lead to a serious loss. Therefore, knowing the unfitness oftextbook crypto for real world applications is necessary for these readers. Moreover, thesereaders should have a good understanding of the security principles behind thefit-forapplicationschemes and protocols and so they can apply the schemes and the principles correctly. The self-contained mathematical foundations material in Part II makes the book asuitable self-teaching text for these readers.Information security systems administration staff in an enterprise andsoftware/hardwaresystems developers whose products have security consequences. For these readers, Part Iis a simple and essential course for cultural and "trade" training; Parts III and IV form asuitable cut-down set of knowledge in cryptography and information security. These threeparts contain many basic crypto schemes and protocols accompanied with plenty of attacking tricks and prevention measures which should be known to and can be grasped by。
《信息安全》习题参考答案第1章1.1 主动攻击和被动攻击是区别是什么?答:被动攻击时系统的操作和状态不会改变,因此被动攻击主要威胁信息的保密性。
1.2 列出一些主动攻击和被动攻击的例子。
1.3 列出并简单定义安全机制的种类。
1.4 安全服务模型主要由几个部分组成,它们之间存在什么关系。
1.5 说明安全目标、安全要求、安全服务以及安全机制之间的关系。
通讯类常用英文缩写名词ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulating 自适应差分脉冲调制ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line 不对称数字用户环路(线路)AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制AM amplitude modulation 振幅调制AMI alternate mark invertion 信号交替反转码(双极码)AMPS advanced mobile phone system 现代移动通信系统AN access network 接入网ARQ automatic repeat request 自动重发要求ASK amplitude shift keying 移幅键控ASIC application specific integrated circuit 专用集成电路ASCII America standard code for information interchange ASCII码ATM asynchronous transfer mode 异步转移模式AUC authentication center 鉴权中心AWGN additive white Guassion noise 加性白色高斯噪声AU administer unit 管理单元AUG administer unit group 管理单元BCH bose-chaudhuri-hocquenghem 以名字命名的一种高效循环码B-ISDN broadband ISDN 宽带ISDNBPF band pass filter 带通滤波器BPSK binary phase shift keying 二进制移相键控BQM balanceable quaternary phase shift keying 平衡四相移键控BSC binary symmetric channel base station controller 二进制对称信道基站控制器BTS base transceiver station 基站CCIR International Consultive Committee for Radiotelecommunication 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT Consultive Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone 国际电报电话咨询委员会CDF cumulative distribution function 概率(累积)分布函数CELP code excited linear prediction 码激励线性预测CDMA code division multiple access 码分多址CIR carrier to interference ratio 载(波)干扰比C/N carrier to noise ratio 载波信噪比CPFSK continuous phase frequency shift keying 连续相位移频键控CPM continuous-phase modulation 连续相位调制CQM complex quaternary phase shift keying 复四相调制CRC cyclic redumdancy check 循环冗余校验CMI code mark invertive 符号及转码dBI dB with respect to a isotropic radiator power 相对各向性辐射器增益dBdBI dB milli watt 以毫瓦为电平零分贝dBW dB watt 以一瓦为电平零分贝DCT discrete cosine transform 离散余弦变换DECT digital European cordless telecommunication 泛欧数字无绳通信(系统)DFT discrete Fourier transform 离散傅氏变换DLL delay locked loop 延时锁定环DM(∆M)delta modulation 增量调制DMC discrete memoryless channel 离散无记忆信道DMT discrete multitone 离散多音频(调制)DPCM differential pulse code modulation 差分脉冲编码调制DPSK differential phase-shift keying 差分移相键控DQM double quaternary modulation 双四相调制DQPSK differential quaternary phase shift keying 差分正交移相键控DR digital radio 数字无线电DS-CDMA direct sequence spread-code division multiple access 直扩序列码分多址DS-FH direct sequence spread-frequency-hopped 直接序列扩频跳频DS-SS direct sequence spread spectrum 直接序列列扩频DS direct sequence spread spectrum signal 直接序列扩频信号DSB double sideband 双边带DSB-SC double sideband suppressed carrier 双边带抑制载波DTE data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DTMF dual tone multi-frequency 双音多频DWDM dense wavelength division multiplexing 密集波分复用EIR equipment identity register 设备识别寄存器EGC equality gain control 等增益控制EIRP effected radiated with respect to an isotropic radiator power 各向同性辐射器有效辐射功率EV-DO evolution-data optimized(CDMA2000 IXEV-DO) (CDMA2001X数据最佳化升级版本)EV-DV evolution-data and video CDMA2000 (CDMA2000)数据和视频业务升级版FDM frequency division multiplexing 频分复用FDMA frequency division multiple accessing 频分多址FEC forward error correction前向纠错FFH-SS fast frequency hopped spread spectrum 快跳频扩频FH-SS frequency hopped spread spectrum 跳频扩频FH frequency hopped 跳频FSK frequency shift keying 移频键控FIR finite impulse response 有限冲激响应FPLMTS future pubic land mobile telephone system 未来公共陆地移动电话系统GMSK Gaussian-pulse minimum shift keying 高斯脉冲最小移频键控GPRS general packet radio service 综合数据包无线业务GPS global positioning system 全球定位系统GSM group special mobile 移动通信特别小组global system mobile communication 全球移动通信系统G/T gain/temperature 增益/温度(天线质量指标)HDB3 high density bipolar code of three order 三阶高密度双极性码HDLC high level data link controlled 高级数据控制链路HDTV high definition television 高清晰度电视HEC hybrid error correct 混合纠错HLR home location register 归属位置寄存器HPF higher pass filter 高通滤波器IEC International Electric Committee 国际电工委员会IIR infinite duration impulse response 无线冲激响应IP Internet Protocols 互联网协议IRQ information retransmission request 信息重发请求ISDN integrated service digital network 综合业务数字网ISI intersymbol interference 符号间干扰ISO International Standards Organization 国际标准化组织ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ITU-R International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication standardization sector 国际电信联盟-无线通信标准化部门IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunication–2000 国际移动电信2000系统JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Groups 图片联合专家小组LED linear envelope detecting 线性包络检测LMS least mean square 最小均方(算法)LPC linear predictive coding 线性预测编码LPF lower pass filter 低通滤波器MAP maximum a posterior probability 最大后验概率MASK M-ary amplitude shift keying 多元幅移键控MFSK M-ary frequency shift keying 多元频移键控MIMO multiple input multiple output 多入多出分集技术MPEG moving picture experts group 活动图像专家组MPSK M-ary phase shift keying M元相移键控ML maximum likelihood 最大似然MLSE maximum likelihood sequence estimation 最大似然序列估计值MMSE minimum mean square error 最小均方误差MQAM M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation M元正交调幅MRC maximal ratio combining 最大比值合并MSK minimum(frequency) shift keying 最小移频键控MSC mobile switching center 移动交换中心MS mobile station 移动台NBFM narrow band frequency modulation 窄带调频NBPM narrow band phase modulation 窄带调相NGN next generation network 下一代网络N-ISDN narrow band ISDN 窄带ISDNNRZ non-return zero code 不归零码NRZI non-return zero inversion code 不归零反转码OFDM orthogonal frequency division muitiplexing 正交频分复用OOK on-off keying 开闭键控OQPSK offset quadrature phase shift keying 偏移四相移键控OSI open system interconnection 开放系统互连OMC operations & maintenance center 操作维护中心PAM pulse amplitude modulation 脉(冲)幅(度)调制PCH paging channel 寻呼信道PCM pulse code modulation 脉码调制PCN personal communication network 个人通信网PDF probability density function 概率密度函数PDM pocket division multiplexing 包分复用PLL phase locked loop锁相环路PN pseudo noise 伪随机噪声PPM pulse phase modulation 脉冲调相PWM pulse wide modulation 脉冲宽度调相PRS partial response signal 部分响应信号PSC primary synchronization code 主同步码PSK phase shift keying 移相键控PSTN public switching telephone networks 公共交换电话网QAM quadrature amplitude modulation 正交调幅QoS quality of services 服务质量QPSK quadrature phase shift keying 正交相移键控QCELP qualcomm code excited linear prediction 高通码激励线性预测混合编码R-S(code) Reed-Solomon(code) 里德-索洛蒙码,RS码RZ return zero code 归零码RPE-LTP regular pulse excited long term prediction 规则脉冲激励长期预测编码SCH synchronization channel 同步信道SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字系列SDMA space division multiple access 空分多址SDR software-defined radio 软件无线电SIR signal to interference radio 信干比SISO soft input soft output 软输入软输出(算法)SNR signal to noise ratio 信噪比SONET synchronous optical NET work 同步光纤网SS spread spectrum 扩频,扩展频谱SSB single side band 单边带SSB-LSB single sideband-lower sideband 单边带-下边带SSB-USB single sideband-upper sideband 单边带-上边带SSP service switching point 业务交换点STM synchronous transmission modulus 同步传输模式STP signaling transfer point 信令转换点STD space transmit diversity 空间发射分集STTD space time transmit diversity 空时发射分集TCM trellis coded modulation格型码调制TDD time division duplex 时分双工TDM time division multiplexing 时分复用TDMA time division multiple access 时分多址TDSCDMA time-division synchronization code division–multiple-access 时分同步码分多址TDL tau-dither loop T型抖动环TH time hoped 跳时TPC transmit power control 发射功率控制TSTD time switched transmit diversity 分时发射分集TS time slot 时隙TST time slot interchange 时隙变换TU tapped unit 支路单元TUG tapped unit group 支路单元组UHFTV ultra-high frequency TV 超高频电视V A Viterbi algorithm 维特比算法VBR variable bit rate 变比特率VC virtual channel 虚通道VCC voltage controlled clock 压控时钟VCO voltage controlled oscillator(电)压控振荡器VHF-TV very-high frequency TV 甚高频电视VQ vector quantization 矢量量化VLR visitor location register 访问位置寄存器VO Video objet 视频对象VOP video objet/plain 视频对象场景平面WAN wide-area network 广域网WBFM wideband frequency modulation 宽带跳频WBPM wideband phase modulation 宽带调相WCDMA wide-band CDMA 宽带码分多址WDM wavelength division multiplexing 波分复用WHT Walsh-Hardmard transform 沃尔什-哈达码变换WLL wireless local loop 无线本地环路1.PCM编码一、汉译英抽样量化与编码sampling,quantizing and coding抽样速率sampling rate模拟信号analog signal含噪声的环境noisy environment地面系统terrestrial system8位码序列8-digit sequence话路speech channel脉冲流stream of pulses传输质量transmission quality传输路由transmission path噪声功率noise power接收端receiving terminal幅值amplitude value重复率repetition rate数字通信digital communication信噪比signal-to-noise ratio二进制传输binary transmission帧格式frame format抽样频率sampling frequency编码过程coding process数字传输digital transmission信号电平signal levels反向操作reverse operation同步字synchronization word二、英译汉The schemes for performing these three functions实现这三项功能的方案A series of amplitude values一串幅值A speech channel of telephone quality电话质量的话路A sequence of 8-binary digits一个8位二进制码的序列A minimum theoretical sampling frequency理论上的最小抽样频率A voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4kHz占据着300Hz到3.4kHz频率范围的话路8-digits per sample value每个样值8位码The sparking of a car ignition system汽车点火系统的打火The stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64kHz重复率为64kHz的脉冲流The relationship of the true signal to the noise signal真实信号与噪声信号的关系The signal received from a satellite由卫星上接收的信号The complete information about a particular message一条特定消息中的完全信息The shape of the transmitted signal被传信号的波形The attenuation introduced by transmission path由传输路由引起的衰减The unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元A sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so on涉及到第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列A unique sequence of pulses called synchronization word被称为同步字的独特的码序列Terrestrial system地面系统The presence or absence of the pulse脉冲的“有”或“无”A high-speed electronic switch高速的电子开关The time division multiplexer时分多路复用器Time division multiplexing时分多路复用2.异步串行数据传输一、汉译英串行接口serial interface显示终端CRT terminal发送器与接收器transmitter and receiver数据传输data transmission数据流data stream闲置状态the idle state传号电平mark level空号电平space level起始位start bit终止位stop bitT秒的持续时间duration of T seconds奇偶校验位parity bit错误标志error flag传输错误transmission error下降沿falling edge符号间的空格intersymbol space接收机的定时receiver timing本地时钟local clock磁带magnetic tape控制比特control bit逻辑1电平logical 1 level二进制数据binary data明显的缺点obvious disadvantage二、英译汉Asynchronous serial data transmission异步串行数据传输The most popular serial interface最为流行的串行借口The transmitted data所传输的数据The clocks at the transmitter and receiver发送机和接收机的时钟The era of teleprinter电传机的时代The dots and dashes of a character一个字符的点和划Three times the duration of intersymbol space符号间空格持续时间的三倍The group of bits called characters被称为字符的比特组The invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information 由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元A clock generated locally by the receiver由接收机本地产生的时钟The received parity bit following the character在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位The falling edge of the start bit起始位的下降沿The character-oriented nature of the data link数据链路面向字符的特性3.ISO网络标准一、汉译英联网技术networking technology国际标准化组织The International Organization for Standardization参考模型reference model数据分组data packets应用程序application program网络媒体network media分层layering硬件与软件hardware and software表示层the presentation layer传输层the transport layer数据链路层the data link layer网络服务network services文件接入file-access数据格式the data format主机host协议protocol连接connectivity逻辑选址logical addressing二、英译汉Networking technology联网技术Proprietary networking system专用网络系统The international organization for standardization国际标准化组织Compatibility between the various types of networks各种网络之间的兼容性Seven numbered layers七层Standardization of network components网络部件的标准化Error recovery纠错Receiving host’s system接收方的主机系统Connection-oriented circuits面向连接的电路Information flow control信息流的控制Network topology网络拓扑Network media access网络媒体接入Electrical specification电气标准Maximum transmission distance最大传输距离4.互联网一、汉译英网络资源network resource信息服务information services远程终端remote terminals地址address互联的系统interconnected systems命令command电子邮件electronic mail主机host无线信道wireless channels搜索工具searching tools用户界面user interface拷贝copy互联网internet存取access文本信息textual messages鼠标mouse协议protocol超文本协议hypertext protocol二、英译汉Giant network of computers located all over the world分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络Backbone system主干系统Nationwide network\全国范围的网络Electronic conferences电子会议Remote terminal远程终端Live conversation实时的对话World wide web万维网Searching tool搜索工具The largest repository of information最大的信息库Network facilities resources网络设备资源The vast majority of the computers on the net在网上的绝大多数计算机The unix operating system UNIX操作系统Textual messages文本信息A way to move data between the internet and your PC 在因特网和你的PC之间传送数据的方法The convenient searching tools方便的搜索工具The networked hypertext protocol联网的超文本协议5.光纤通信介绍一、汉译英光纤通信optical fiber communications光源light source波长wavelength激光器laser色散dispersion传输介质transmission medium多模光纤multi-mode fiber长途干线long-haul trunks单模光纤single-mode fiber带宽bandwidth宽带用户wideband subscriber纤维光学fiber-optics商用技术commercial technology门限电流threshold current光检测器photodetector波分复用wavelength multiplexing纤维光网络fiber-optic networks视频带宽二、英译汉Long distance transmission长途传输Repeater spacing中继距离Commercial technology商用技术Optical fibre communications光纤通信The total length of unstalled fibre已装光纤总长Long-haul telecommunication system长途通信系统The low-loss silica fibre低衰减的石英纤维Fibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limit衰减逼近瑞利极限的光纤Room temperature threshold currents室温下的门限电流The longer wavelength region较长波长区Subscriber access project用户接入工程Improvements in component performance and reliability部件性能和可靠性的改进Data rates for installed fibre optic system已安装的光纤系统的数据速率Gigabit per second range每秒吉(G)比特Wavelength multiplexing波分复用Widebend subscriber loop system宽带用户环路系统Multifibre connectors多纤维连接器Projected lifetime设计寿命Light source 光源Single-mode fibre单模光纤Distributed-feedback laser分部反馈式激光器Information capacity信息容量Switching hierarchy交换体系Broadband services宽带业务6.同步数字序列一、汉译英同步数字序列Synchronous digital hierarchy国际标准international standard信号格式signal format网络节点接口network node interface支路信号tributary signals数字交叉连接digital cross-connection网络管理network management网络维护network maintenance网络运营商network operators传输速率transmission rate支路映射tributary mapping灵活性flexibility用户业务subscriber services覆盖层overlay levels制造商manufacturer同步传输帧sunchronous transmission frame线路终端复用器line terminal multiplexer分插复用器add-drop multiplexer再生中继器regenerator灵敏度sensitivity虚容器virtual container成帧字节framing byte段开销section overhead端到端传输end-to-end transmission误码监视error monitoring信号处理节点signal processing nodes静负荷payload指针pointer二、英译汉Synchronous transmission system同步传输系统The standard covering the NNI覆盖NNI的标准The international standard interface国际标准接口Direct synchronous multiplexing直接同步复用Flexible telecommunication networking灵活的通信联网Point-to-point transmission technology点对点的传输技术Advanced network management先进的网络管理The equipment supplied by different manufacturers不同厂家提供的设备The flexibility provided by SDHSDH提供的灵活性Operator of synchronous multiplexers同步复用设备的运营者Telecommunication networking电信联网Tributary signals支路信号Maintenance capabilities维护能力Unified telecommunication network infrastructure统一的电信网络基础结构Building blocks组件Terminal multiplexer终端复用器Through-mode fashion贯通方式Synchronous DXC同步数字交叉连接Varying bandwidth可变贷款Individual tributary signals各个支路信号Transport system传输系统Optical carrier光载体2-dimensional map二维图形The order of transmission传输次序Framing byte成帧字节Virtual container虚容器Section overhead段开销Bit-error monitoring误码检测7.波分复用一、汉译英对光特性的理解The understanding of the properties of light基本重要性the fundamental importance想象今天的通信系统To imagine the communication system of today光的高速公路the highways of light巨量的信息the massive amount of information采用通信新技术To adopt new communication technologies大量的视频信息The large amount of video information波分复用the wave divide multiplexing只发送单个波长To send only one wavelength传输大量的波长To transmit a large amount of wavelength无差错传输the error-free transmission自愈特性the self-healing properties直接接入光网络To access directly to the optical network视频信息the video information二、英译汉The major advance that led to the WDM revolution导致WDM革命的主要进展The invention of the optical amplifier光放大器的发明The next span of fiber下一段光纤To boost the signal power of all wavelength提高所有波长信号的功率The advances in optical amplifier在光放大器方面的进展The development of gain equalization techniques获益均衡技术的发展The multiple-wavelength transmission多波长传输The growth of wireless system无线系统的增长The growth of various application各种应用的增长The wide variety of services各种各样的业务To handle various types of traffic处理各种业务类型The all-optical cross-connect全光交叉连接8.蜂窝式电话移动系统一、汉译英蜂窝式移动电话cellular mobile telephone服务性能service performance频谱frequency spectrum频带frequency band微处理器microprocessor移动手机mobile unit广播业务broadcast service天线antenna子系统subsystems移动用户mobile subscriber服务能力service capability服务性能service performance利用率utilization带宽bandwidth单边带single-side band扩频spread spectrum大规模集成电路large scale integrated circuit蜂窝点cellular site蜂窝交换机cellular switch天线机架radio cabinet呼叫处理call processing服务器service area二、英译汉Frequency spectrum utilization频谱利用率The limited assigned frequency band有限的指定频带Complicated features and functions复杂的特性和功能Large-scale integrated circuit technology大规模集成电路技术Developmental cellular system试验性的蜂窝系统Central coordinating element中央协调单元Cellular administration蜂窝管理Operational limitation of conventional mobile telephone system传统移动电话的运行限制Limited service capability有限的服务能力Radio communication industry无线通信行业Available radio frequency spectrum可用的无线电频谱The allocated frequency band所分配的频带Mobile transceiver移动收发信机Technological feasibility技术上的可行性Severe spectrum limitations严厉的频谱限制FM Broadcasting service调频广播业务Propagation path loss传播路径衰耗Multipath fading多径衰耗Radio cabinet无线机架Telephone company zone offices电话公司地方局9.全球移动通信系统一、汉译英个人通信personal communications通信标准communication standards固定电话业务fixed telephone service网络容量network capacity移动交换中心mobile switching center国际漫游international roaming宽带业务broadband service接口转换interface conversion频谱分配frequency allocation模拟方式analogue mode蜂窝通信原理cellular communication principle拥塞jamming蜂窝裂变cell splitting基站base station寄存器register收费功能billing function接入方法access method突发脉冲传输方式Burst transmission mode开销信息overhead information切换算法handover algorithms短消息服务short message service技术规范technical specification二、英译汉Total access communication system全接入的通信系统Global mobile communication system全球移动通信系统Time division multiple access时分多址Facsimile and short message service传真和短消息服务Fixed communication networks固定通信网络A more personalized system更个人化的系统The cost and quality of the link链路的价格和质量Market growth市场的发展Fixed telephone service固定电话业务Coaxial cable同轴电缆Interface conversion借口转换Cellular communication principle蜂窝通信原理Frequency reuse and cell splitting频率再用和蜂窝裂变Cochannel interference共信道干扰Theoretical spectral capability理论上的频谱容量Micro-cellular system微蜂窝系统Base station transceiver基站收发信机Subscriber register用户寄存器Burst transmission mode突发脉冲传输模式Overhead information开销信息Advanced handover algorithms先进的切换算法The GSM technical specificationsGSM的技术规范10.3G一、汉译英移动电话the mobile telephone第三代移动业务the third generation mobile service互联协议the Internet Protocol无线通信the wireless communication手机the handset全球漫游the global roaming无线标准the wireless standard蜂窝点the cell site峰值数据速率the peak data rate平均吞吐量the average throughput下载the download多址接入the multiple access扩频技术the spread spectrum technology时隙the timeslot二、英译汉To combine high speed mobile access with Internet Protocol(IP)-based services将高速移动接入与基于IP的服务结合起来To standardize future digital wireless communication对未来数字无线通信标准化The Internet Protocol(IP)-based services基于互联协议的服务The third-generation wireless technology and networks第三代无线技术与网络The single global wireless standard单一的全球无线标准To accommodate the continuing growth of voice services as well as new wireless Internet services 容纳话音服务的连续增长与新的无限因特网的服务The spectrum allocation flexibility频谱分配的灵活性The International Telecommunications Union国际电信联盟The boundaries between communication, information, media and entertainment在通信、信息、媒体和娱乐之间的旧界限11.电路交换和分组交换一、汉译英电路交换circuit switching分组交换packet switching报文交换message switching子网subnet信头header目的地址destination address误差控制error control存储转发方式store-and-forward manner突发性bursty传输时延transmission delay中间交换设备intermediate switching equipment交换技术switching technique返回信号teturn signal报文处理机message processor给定最大长度given maximum length信息转移information transfer随机性random专用电路dedicated circuit电路利用率channel utilization二、英译汉The capability of storing or manipulating user’s data存储和处理用户数据的能力The special signaling message特定的信令信息A well defined block of data called a message为精心定义的被称为报文的数据块The information regarding the source and destination address涉及源和目的地址的信息The computer referred to as a message processor称为报文处理器的计算机The store-and forward transmission technique存储转发传输交换技术The dynamic allocation of the bandwidth带宽的动态分配The overall transmission delay of the message报文整个的传输时延Switching technique交换技术Circuit switching电路交换Message switching报文交换Packet switching分组交换Total path of connected lines连线的整个通路Source-destination pair源到目的地的一对Communication parties通信各方Transmission unit传输单元Initial connection cost incurred in setting up the circuit在建立电路时产生的起初连接成本Low delay constraint required by the user用户所需的短时延的限制The fixed dedicated end-to-end circuit固定专用的端到端电路Low channel utilization低的电路利用率12.异步转移模式一、汉译英异步转移模式asynchronous transfer mode逻辑信道logical channel虚电路virtual circuits虚路径virtual paths建议recommendation网络层network level业务与应用层service and application level虚连接virtual connection信息高速公路information superhighway点播电视video-on-demand统计复用statistical multiplexing数字化的信息digital information标识符identifier协议protocol网络节点network node宽带网broadband networkATM论坛ATM forum面向未来的future-proofed图像编码image encoding虚拟专用网virtual private network数据处理data processing二、英译汉Short packets called cells被称为信元的短的分组Bit rates of several hundred megabits a second每秒几百兆比特的速率Unique multiplexing method独特的复用方法The physical connection between any two terminals任何两个终端之间的物理连接Interactive video services交互式的视频业务A nature vehicle for multimedia services多媒体业务的自然载体The current and future requirements of both operators and users运营商和用户当前及未来的要求The technique for switching high bit rate channel高比特率信道的交换技术Asynchronous transfer mode异步转移模式Multiplexing and switching technique复用和交换技术The underlying type of transmission所承载的传输类型Dual identification双重标识Virtual circuit虚电路Virtual path虚路径The transfer of cells to the network nodes信元在网络节点上的转移Hundreds megabits a second每秒几百兆比特Recommendation I.121 I.121建议The quality of service服务质量In proportion to the exact requirement与实际需求成比例The applications and services transported over a network网络所传送的应用和业务The ability to construct virtual networks构成虚网络的能力Cost-effective use of infrastructure低价高效的利用网络设施Future-proofed面向未来的Coordination different networks carrying different services协议传送不同业务的不同网络Essential components of future information superhighways未来信息高速公路的基本部件Statistical multiplexing统计复用Optimum use of resources资源的最佳使用Virtual private networks虚拟专用网13.多媒体一、汉译英多媒体multimedia交互环境interactive environment视频压缩video compression高清晰度电视high definition television数字信号处理器digital signal processor点播业务on-demand services视频服务器video servers硬件、软件和应用hardware,software and application存储storage彩显colour monitor全活动图像full motion picture视频编码器vision encoder二、英译汉Mixture of hardware,software and applications硬件、软件和应用的混合Interactive environment交互环境Personal desk top computers个人桌面计算机Video compression视频压缩The vision encoder视频编码器Video-on-demand interactive services交互式视频点播业务Multimedia environment多媒体环境Visual images视频图像Hard disk storage硬盘存储Colour monitor彩显The standards of multimedia多媒体的标准Motion pictures活动图像Consumer quality of video and audio顾客质量的视频和音频Broadcast images广播图像High definition television高清晰度电视Coding algorithms编码算法Digital signal processor数字信号处理14.IP电视一、汉译英通信行业communication industry广播电视broadcast television基础结构infrastructure可视电话video telephone宽带数字技术broadband digital technology端对端的传输end-to-end transmission quanlity交换机架switch cabinet高清电视high-definition television编码技术coding technologies国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union内容提供商content provider交互式链路interactive link二、英译汉The delivery of television over Internet Protocol(IP) networks通过IP网络传送电视The diverse content and communication services多种多样的内容和通信服务The video telephony and remote monitoring可视电话和远程监控To distribute digital television channels to consumers using a TV screen利用电视屏幕向用户发送数字电视频道The telecommunication services such as voice connections例如话音连接的电信服务The limited network bandwidth有限的网络带宽The advanced coding technologies先进的编码技术A myriad of new innovative services and applications to the user大量的创新业务和用户应用15.非对称数字用户线一、汉译英综合业务数字网Integrated services digital network局域网local area network数字用户线digital subscriber line千比特每秒kilobit per second数据流data stream传真机fax machine网上浏览surf the web白噪声white noise带宽bandwidth业务提供商serveice provide双绞线twisted-pair line双工电话信道duplex telephone channel数字信号处理digital signal processing模拟滤波器analog filterA/D变换器converter频分复用frequency division multiplexing回声消除echo cancellation调制技术modulation technique以太网ethernet防火墙firewall二、英译汉The asymmetric digital subscriber line非对称数字用户线路The high-speed Internet access service高速的因特网接入服务The grade of ADSL service purchased所购买的ADSL服务的等级The analog signal telephones and fax machine use电话和传真机使用的模拟信号The data coming to your computer from the Internet从因特网送到你的计算机的数据The twisted-pair telephone lines双绞线电话线路The available bandwidth of a telephone line电话线的有效带宽The time division multiplexing时分多路复用The plain old telephone system conversations老式的单纯电话系统的通话The quadrature amplitude modulation正交复读调制16.电信世界的现状和未来一、汉译英X.25 协议protocol电视信号television signals。
要指定⼀个过度边界层,你需要定义以下参数(过度模式,过度的列数)1)⽣成边界层需要定义以下参数:i)size:包括指定第⼀列的⾼度和相邻列的⽐例因⼦ii)internal continuity :当在体的某个⾯上施加边界层时,gambit会把边界层印在与这个⾯相邻的所有⾯上,如果在体的两个或者更多的⾯上施加边界层,那么边界层就有可能重叠,internal continuity 这个参数就决定了边界层如何重叠当选择internal continuity 时,gambit不会在相邻的⾯上互相施加边界层否则就会在相邻的⾯上互相施加边界层具体可以看guide的图⽰:同时这个参数还影响施加了边界层的体可以采⽤何种⽅式划分⽹格corner shape :gambit 允许你控制conner(即边界层依附的的两条边的连接点处)附近区域⽹格的形状iii)Transition Characteristics需要定义以下两个参数:Transition pattern指的是边界层远离依附边或者⾯那⼀侧的节点的排布情况Number of transition rows这个列数肯定要⼩于前⾯指定的那个列数。
iv)Attachment Entity and Direction指定⽅向⾮常重要,可以通过⿏标和list 对话框来完成。
正则长波方程的拟紧致守恒C-N差分格式郑茂波【摘要】对正则长波方程的初边值问题进行了数值研究,提出了一个两层隐式拟紧致Crank Nicolson差分格式,该格式很好地模拟了问题的守恒性质,证明了差分解的存在唯一性,利用能量方法分析了该格式的二阶收敛性与稳定性并利用数值算例进行了验证.%In this paper, a pseudo-compact conservative difference scheme for regularized long wave( RLW) equation is proposedo Existence and uniqueness of numerical solutions are derived. By method of discrete energy, second order convergence and stability are discussed. Numerical examples show the availability of the scheme.【期刊名称】《西华大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(031)001【总页数】4页(P87-90)【关键词】正则长波方程;差分格式;守恒;收敛性【作者】郑茂波【作者单位】成都电子机械高等专科学校,四川成都610031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O241.82正则长波方程(RLW)是非线性长波方程的一种表述形式,在进行非线性扩散波的研究时,正则长波方程因其能描述大量的物理现象而占有重要的地位,特别是它所描述的运动有与KDV方程相同的逼近界,而且能很好地模拟KDV方程的几乎所有应用,因此备受关注。
但是RLW方程少有解析解,所以讨论方程的数值解法就显得很有意义 [1-10],文献[1-4]从能量守恒的角度分别提出了三层和两层的差分格式,文献[5]提出了三层拟紧致差分格式。
Cryptography is the practice and study of hiding information. In modern times, cryptography is considered a branch of both mathematics and computer science, and is affiliated closely with information theory,computer security, and engineering. Cryptography is used in applications present in technologically advanced societies; examples include the security of ATM cards, computer passwords,and electronic commerce, which all depend on cryptography.密码学是信息隐藏的实践与研究。
密码技术被应用于技术先进的社会中,例如A TM卡、计算机密码和电子商务的安全,这些都依赖于密码学。
(1 )TerminologyUntil modem times, cryptography referred almost exclusively to encryption, the process of converting ordinary information (plaintext) into unintelligible gibberish (i.e., ciphertext). Decryption is the reverse, moving from unintelligible ciphertext to plaintext. A cipher (or cypher) is a pair of algorithms which creates the encryption and the reversing decryption. The detailed operation of a cipher is controlled both by the algorithm and, in each instance, by a key. This is a secret parameter (ideal以known only to the communicants) for a specific message exchange context. Keys are important, as ciphers without variable keys are trivially breakable and therefore less than useful for most purposes. Historically, ciphers were often used directly for encryption or decryption, without additional procedures such as authentication or integrity checks.直到近代,加密提到几乎完全加密,普通的转换过程的信息(明文)到不知所云胡言乱语(即密文)。
Heuristic viewpoint concerning the Magnetic-like Energy
a r X iv:077.425v2[physi cs .gen-ph]1Aug27Heuristic viewpoint concerning the Magnetic-like Energy Ashkbiz Danehkar The symmetrized formulism of gravitational fields in a manner similar to Dirac’s symmetrization of electromagnetism predicts the existence of dual energy called the magnetic-like energy,which can present the magnetic-like curvature as a consequence.We intend to show that the magnetic-like curvature has connection to either the magnetic-like energy or the vortices of ordinary energy.We investigate the propagation of electromag-netic radiations on both the ordinary and magnetic-like curvatures,which symmetrize the formulism of this literature based on the electric-like and magnetic-like energies.Keywords :Magnetized Cosmologies,General Relativity PACS Nos.:04.20.-q,98.80.J 1.Symmetrized Cosmological Model The coupling of spacetime and matter in 1+3dimensions Riemannian space indi-cates R ab −1n −2{g a [c R d ]b −g b [c R d ]a }+23Rg a [c g d ]b .(4)The Weyl tensor is traceless symmetric (C abcd =C [ab ][cd ],C a bca =0,C a [bcd ]=0)and that part of the curvature that is not determined locally by the matter.It is therefore taken as presenting the free gravitational field.It is well known,the Weyl tensor as similar as the Maxwell tensor F ab decomposes into its electric-like E ab and magnetic-like H ab components,where for a given vector field u a are respectively constructed out of the Weyl tensor and its dual (see e.g.4,3):E ab =C apbq u p u q =E <ab>,H ab =∗C apbq u p u q =H <ab>(5)12 A.Danehkarwhere∗C abcd is the left-dual of the Weyl tensor is defined by˜Cabcd≡∗C abcd=1Rg b]c).(9)6From Einstein’sfield equation R ab=T ab−1g b]c T i i).(10)3Using definition(6)one gets the solution of the dual Weyl tensor coupled to rotating matter.Then∇d˜C abcd=−4πGǫab mn∇[m −T n]c+1g b]c T i i3−˜T n]c+1+4πGǫab mn∇[mg b]c˜T i i3−4πGǫab mn∇[m −T n]c+1Magnetic-like Energy32.Magnetic-like EnergyOne can take(12)and(13)in the absence of the matter and dual matter sources, they are reduced to linearized Einstein vacuum equations.When merely the dual matter sources vanish,it seems that the vortices of matter appear as source for dual gravitationalfield,called the magnetic-like gravitationalfield.Since at the stages of the ordinary and dual references∇d˜C abcd=−4πGǫab mn∇[m −T n]c+1g b]c˜T i i .(19)3Thus,the dual energy term in(19)can be written in terms of the vortices of matter in ordinary spacetime,which namely is the angular momentum density in linearized stage,and−˜T b]c+12ǫab mn∇[m −T n]c+1∇[a˙˜T0a=13∇a˜T00+12ǫabc∇c˜T0b=12∇a T c c−123∇a˜T00=1ǫabc∇c˜T0b=12ǫabc∇b u c=curl(u a).(23)2And using the perfect-fluid stress-energy13∇aρ.(25) We respect the(ρ+p)ωa for describing the angular-momentum density,and∇a˜ρis the gradient of magnetic-like mass-energy density.Therefore in the verbal language, the angular momentum density is interpreted by the gradient of magnetic-like mass-energy density.The expression(25)indicates that the rotation of magnetic-like mass present artificially the gravitationalfield,since∇aρis the gradient mass-energy density and product the gravitationalfield.From the Riemann tensor one can define the left-dual to tensor R abcd by˜Rabcd≡∗R abcd=14 A.DanehkarThe corresponding dual Ricci tensor takes the form˜Rab≡˜R n anb.(27) Implying the left-dual on(4)˜C abcd =˜R abcd+12ǫab mn g a[m R n]b+12g ab T i i gives˜Rab=12ǫa mnc g c[m T n]b.(29)Thus,the vortices of matter presents the dual curvature,called the magnetic-like curvature.It seems that the condition to make the magnetic-like Ricci tensor˜R ab is the vortices of matter or rotating massive body in ordinary space,and the magnetic-like curvature appears on the vortices of matter in ordinary spacetime.3.Vortices and Magnetic-like CurvatureOne can imply the left-dual on Ricci identities2∇[a∇b]u c=R abcd u d.Then,ǫab mn∇[m∇n]u c=˜R abcd u d.(30) We know that thefirst covariant derivative of the velocity vector u a is split into its irreducible parts,defined by their symmetry properties:∇a u b=−˙u a u b+ωab+σab+13h n]cθ)=˜R abcd u d.(32) Multiplying expression(32)by u c and imposing:u c u c=−1,h nc u c=0,ωnc u c=0,σnc u c=0,(33) Then,ǫab mn∇[m˙u n]=˜R abcd u c u d.(34) Using the definition˙ωab≡∇[a˙u b],ǫab mn˙ωmn=˜R abcd u d u c.(35) It is in the fact that the magnetic-like geometry vertically appears on the critical vortices of ordinary spacetime without the magnetic-like matter.We linearize(35) in a particularflat space and vacua condition:ǫab mn˙ωmn=−˜R ab=−1Magnetic-like Energy5 to time.The vortices on spacetime give the access to the magnetic-like spacetime. The vortices caused by the rotating supermassive bodies can be observable physical instance in real world.We may study these phenomena on quasars and active nuclei of galaxies,which appears as astrophysical jets.On can use(28)tofind a general mathematical expression in curved spacetime, which is˜R ab =12ǫa mnc g c[m R n]b.(37)We conclude that the magnetic-like spacetime is connected to the critical vortices of ordinary spacetime.The magnetic-like curvature is therefore generated by either the magnetic-like energy or the vortices on ordinary spacetime and matters.4.Propagation of Light rays on Curved SpacetimeOne can introduce the curvature term to Maxwell equation∇b F ab=J a.It will be help to understand the propagation of electromagnetic radiation on the curved spacetime.We may consider the radioactive solutions of electromagnetism in ei-ther F ab=0or A a=0.Taking F ab=2∇[a A b]using the Ricci identity 2∇[a∇b]u c=R abcd u d,one canfind the radioactive outcomes in the Riemannian geometry.Contracting two indices in Ricci identity−∇a∇b u b+∇b∇a u b=R ab u b,(38) and from the Lorentz gauge condition∇a A a=0and electromagnetic tensor defi-nition F ab=2∇[a A b],one can get Maxwell equation in the Riemannian geometry (see e.g.1):A a−R ab A b=J a.(39) It includes the Ricci curvature term.According to Field equation R ab=12Rg ab A b=0,(40)taking g ab=h ab+ηab,h ab u b=0,We simplify it:A a−12R)A a=0,(42) whereνis cyclic frequency of the electromagnetic wave(Thefirst and second derivatives of thefield with respect to the time are respectively F{˙f}=iνf and F{¨f}=−ν2f,(i=√6 A.Danehkarthe curvature presents the Doppler’s effect on the wave frequencyν,called the grav-itational red-shift.We know that the solution of the electromagnetic wave A a=0 contains the wave vector k a exponentiallyA a=A0a exp(−ik a r a),(43) where k a x a≡νt−(Σi=1···3k i x i).Spatial part of wave vector k<a>gives the direction of propagation of wave.We have an important conservation that the magnitude of wave vector k a is zero:k2=k a k a=ν2−k<a>k<a>=0.(44) It consists the fact|k<a>|=νfor electromagnetic wave,where the speed of light is c=1.We deduce that the expression(42)displaces the cyclic frequency k0=νof wave equation towards the red end of the spectrum,but it must hold(44).Therefore the spatial wave vector k<a>or direction of propagation of wave is bended to conserve k a k a=0,called the bending of electromagnetic radiation in curved surface. The(41)shows both the Doppler’s effect on cyclic frequency k0=νand bending of the spatial wave vector k<a>.Assumingk aˆk a=ν2+ν∆ν−k<a>ˆk<a>,(45)ˆk a=(ν+∆ν)2−ˆk<a>ˆk<a>ˆka=ν2−(ˆk<a>ˆk<a>−∆ν2−2ν∆ν)=0,(46) where∆ν=ˆν−νis the gravitational Doppler’s effect on wave frequency.The scalar curvature on the wave equation bends the direction of light which is observable on the curved spacetime caused by the supermassive bodies in cosmologies,called the electric-like gravitational lens.But the expression(46)presents another important outcome,ˆk a=ν2−(ˆk<a>ˆk<a>−2ν∆ν)=0,∆ν≪ν(47)ˆkathe electromagnetic wave with higher frequency shows more bending of the spatial wave vector in the curved spacetime,or the propagation of higher energy electro-magnetic waves have more diffraction in curved spacetimes.It is necessary to be tested by astronomers,if theory presents the fact.5.Consequences of Magnetic-like CurvatureFrom the Riemann geometry one can define the left-dual to tensor R abcd by˜Rabcd≡∗R abcd=1ǫa cmn R mncb.(49)2Therefore,the dual scalar curvature is˜R≡˜Ra=−R.(50)aMagnetic-like Energy7 In particular the propagation of electromagnetic wave can be conformally mappedin the dual geometry according to definition of dual Ricci identify through∼A a−˜R ab A b=0,(51) where the˜∇indicates the covariant derivative in dual space,and is conformally mapped to the normal covariant derivative by˜∇a=eσ∇a.(52) Also∼ presents d’Alembert operator in dual space.The expression(51)is the propagation of electromagnetic wave on the dual Riemannian ing the fact∼≡˜∇a˜∇a=eσ∇a eσ∇a= (53) givesA a−˜R ab A b=0.(54) It presents the propagation of electromagnetic wave in the dual Riemannian space, or effect of the dual curvature on electromagnetic wave.In vacua condition,it re-duces to expressionA a−1R)A a=0.(56)2It gives the Doppler’s effect on the wave frequencyν,and seems to be the gravi-tational blue-shift for an observer in ordinary space.To hold k a k a=0,we must have its outcome on the spatial wave vector k<a>.Therefore direction of light rays is bended to conserve k a k a=0,called the magnetic-like gravitational bending. It may be observed on the vortices of spacetime caused by rotating supermassive bodies in cosmologies.We conclude to see the maximum effects of these phenom-ena on the polar directions of rotating massive bodies,according to the vortices of spacetime and magnetic-like curvature,called the magnetic-like gravitational lens. The present mathematical solutions can be investigated on the deformed space of rotating supermassive bodies,for instance on the both sides of galaxy disk,where the magnetic-like energy shows its consequences.References1. C.W.Misner,K.S.Thorne,J.A.Wheeler,Gravitation(W.H.Freeman,San Fran-cisco,1973).2.S.W.Hawking,G.F.R.Ellis,The Large Scale Structure of Space-time(CambridgeUniv.Press,Cambridge,1973).8 A.Danehkar3.M.Carmeli,Classical Fields:General Relativity and Gauge Theory(Wiley,New York,1982).4.G.F.R.Ellis,H.van Elst,Cosmological Models(Carg´a se Lectures1998),in Theoret-ical and Observational Cosmology,,chieze-Ray(Kluwer,Dordrecht).。
自动化专业相关英文缩写 计算机专业英语翻译
由于排序无规律,为了快速找到对应大写字母缩写,建议通过编辑,查找快速查看ARM(Advanced RISC Machines)是微处理器行业的一家知名企业,设计了大量高性能、廉价、耗能低的RISC处理器、相关技术及软件PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)可编程逻辑控制器MCU(Micro Control Unit)微控制单元SoC(System on Chip)称为系统级芯片,也有称片上系统DSP(Digital Signal Processing)数字信号处理API(Application Programming Interface)应用程序编程接口IC(integrated circuit)集成电路ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)专用集成电路CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer)复杂指令集RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing)精简指令集FIFO(First Input First Output)先入先出队列CPU(Central Processing Unit)中央处理器UPS(Uninterruptible Power System )即不间断电源LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示器CRT(Cathode Ray Tube)阴极射线管显示器SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface)串行外设接口SSP(Synchronous Serial Port)同步串行接口控制器GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)通用输入/输出FIQ(Fast Interrupt Request)快速中断请求IRQ(Interrupt Request)中断请求UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)通用异步接收/发送装置,UART是一个并行输入成为串行输出的芯片。
T his appendix derives various results for ordinary least squares estimation of themultiple linear regression model using matrix notation and matrix algebra (see Appendix D for a summary). The material presented here is much more ad-vanced than that in the text.E.1THE MODEL AND ORDINARY LEAST SQUARES ESTIMATIONThroughout this appendix,we use the t subscript to index observations and an n to denote the sample size. It is useful to write the multiple linear regression model with k parameters as follows:y t ϭ1ϩ2x t 2ϩ3x t 3ϩ… ϩk x tk ϩu t ,t ϭ 1,2,…,n ,(E.1)where y t is the dependent variable for observation t ,and x tj ,j ϭ 2,3,…,k ,are the inde-pendent variables. Notice how our labeling convention here differs from the text:we call the intercept 1and let 2,…,k denote the slope parameters. This relabeling is not important,but it simplifies the matrix approach to multiple regression.For each t ,define a 1 ϫk vector,x t ϭ(1,x t 2,…,x tk ),and let ϭ(1,2,…,k )Јbe the k ϫ1 vector of all parameters. Then,we can write (E.1) asy t ϭx t ϩu t ,t ϭ 1,2,…,n .(E.2)[Some authors prefer to define x t as a column vector,in which case,x t is replaced with x t Јin (E.2). Mathematically,it makes more sense to define it as a row vector.] We can write (E.2) in full matrix notation by appropriately defining data vectors and matrices. Let y denote the n ϫ1 vector of observations on y :the t th element of y is y t .Let X be the n ϫk vector of observations on the explanatory variables. In other words,the t th row of X consists of the vector x t . Equivalently,the (t ,j )th element of X is simply x tj :755A p p e n d i x EThe Linear Regression Model inMatrix Formn X ϫ k ϵϭ .Finally,let u be the n ϫ 1 vector of unobservable disturbances. Then,we can write (E.2)for all n observations in matrix notation :y ϭX ϩu .(E.3)Remember,because X is n ϫ k and is k ϫ 1,X is n ϫ 1.Estimation of proceeds by minimizing the sum of squared residuals,as in Section3.2. Define the sum of squared residuals function for any possible k ϫ 1 parameter vec-tor b asSSR(b ) ϵ͚nt ϭ1(y t Ϫx t b )2.The k ϫ 1 vector of ordinary least squares estimates,ˆϭ(ˆ1,ˆ2,…,ˆk ),minimizes SSR(b ) over all possible k ϫ 1 vectors b . This is a problem in multivariable calculus.For ˆto minimize the sum of squared residuals,it must solve the first order conditionѨSSR(ˆ)/Ѩb ϵ0.(E.4)Using the fact that the derivative of (y t Ϫx t b )2with respect to b is the 1ϫ k vector Ϫ2(y t Ϫx t b )x t ,(E.4) is equivalent to͚nt ϭ1xt Ј(y t Ϫx t ˆ) ϵ0.(E.5)(We have divided by Ϫ2 and taken the transpose.) We can write this first order condi-tion as͚nt ϭ1(y t Ϫˆ1Ϫˆ2x t 2Ϫ… Ϫˆk x tk ) ϭ0͚nt ϭ1x t 2(y t Ϫˆ1Ϫˆ2x t 2Ϫ… Ϫˆk x tk ) ϭ0...͚nt ϭ1x tk (y t Ϫˆ1Ϫˆ2x t 2Ϫ… Ϫˆk x tk ) ϭ0,which,apart from the different labeling convention,is identical to the first order condi-tions in equation (3.13). We want to write these in matrix form to make them more use-ful. Using the formula for partitioned multiplication in Appendix D,we see that (E.5)is equivalent to΅1x 12x 13...x 1k1x 22x 23...x 2k...1x n 2x n 3...x nk ΄΅x 1x 2...x n ΄Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form756Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix FormXЈ(yϪXˆ) ϭ0(E.6) or(XЈX)ˆϭXЈy.(E.7)It can be shown that (E.7) always has at least one solution. Multiple solutions do not help us,as we are looking for a unique set of OLS estimates given our data set. Assuming that the kϫ k symmetric matrix XЈX is nonsingular,we can premultiply both sides of (E.7) by (XЈX)Ϫ1to solve for the OLS estimator ˆ:ˆϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈy.(E.8)This is the critical formula for matrix analysis of the multiple linear regression model. The assumption that XЈX is invertible is equivalent to the assumption that rank(X) ϭk, which means that the columns of X must be linearly independent. This is the matrix ver-sion of MLR.4 in Chapter 3.Before we continue,(E.8) warrants a word of warning. It is tempting to simplify the formula for ˆas follows:ˆϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈyϭXϪ1(XЈ)Ϫ1XЈyϭXϪ1y.The flaw in this reasoning is that X is usually not a square matrix,and so it cannot be inverted. In other words,we cannot write (XЈX)Ϫ1ϭXϪ1(XЈ)Ϫ1unless nϭk,a case that virtually never arises in practice.The nϫ 1 vectors of OLS fitted values and residuals are given byyˆϭXˆ,uˆϭyϪyˆϭyϪXˆ.From (E.6) and the definition of uˆ,we can see that the first order condition for ˆis the same asXЈuˆϭ0.(E.9) Because the first column of X consists entirely of ones,(E.9) implies that the OLS residuals always sum to zero when an intercept is included in the equation and that the sample covariance between each independent variable and the OLS residuals is zero. (We discussed both of these properties in Chapter 3.)The sum of squared residuals can be written asSSR ϭ͚n tϭ1uˆt2ϭuˆЈuˆϭ(yϪXˆ)Ј(yϪXˆ).(E.10)All of the algebraic properties from Chapter 3 can be derived using matrix algebra. For example,we can show that the total sum of squares is equal to the explained sum of squares plus the sum of squared residuals [see (3.27)]. The use of matrices does not pro-vide a simpler proof than summation notation,so we do not provide another derivation.757The matrix approach to multiple regression can be used as the basis for a geometri-cal interpretation of regression. This involves mathematical concepts that are even more advanced than those we covered in Appendix D. [See Goldberger (1991) or Greene (1997).]E.2FINITE SAMPLE PROPERTIES OF OLSDeriving the expected value and variance of the OLS estimator ˆis facilitated by matrix algebra,but we must show some care in stating the assumptions.A S S U M P T I O N E.1(L I N E A R I N P A R A M E T E R S)The model can be written as in (E.3), where y is an observed nϫ 1 vector, X is an nϫ k observed matrix, and u is an nϫ 1 vector of unobserved errors or disturbances.A S S U M P T I O N E.2(Z E R O C O N D I T I O N A L M E A N)Conditional on the entire matrix X, each error ut has zero mean: E(ut͉X) ϭ0, tϭ1,2,…,n.In vector form,E(u͉X) ϭ0.(E.11) This assumption is implied by MLR.3 under the random sampling assumption,MLR.2.In time series applications,Assumption E.2 imposes strict exogeneity on the explana-tory variables,something discussed at length in Chapter 10. This rules out explanatory variables whose future values are correlated with ut; in particular,it eliminates laggeddependent variables. Under Assumption E.2,we can condition on the xtjwhen we com-pute the expected value of ˆ.A S S U M P T I O N E.3(N O P E R F E C T C O L L I N E A R I T Y) The matrix X has rank k.This is a careful statement of the assumption that rules out linear dependencies among the explanatory variables. Under Assumption E.3,XЈX is nonsingular,and so ˆis unique and can be written as in (E.8).T H E O R E M E.1(U N B I A S E D N E S S O F O L S)Under Assumptions E.1, E.2, and E.3, the OLS estimator ˆis unbiased for .P R O O F:Use Assumptions E.1 and E.3 and simple algebra to writeˆϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈyϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ(Xϩu)ϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1(XЈX)ϩ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈuϭϩ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈu,(E.12)where we use the fact that (XЈX)Ϫ1(XЈX) ϭIk . Taking the expectation conditional on X givesAppendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form 758E(ˆ͉X)ϭϩ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈE(u͉X)ϭϩ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ0ϭ,because E(u͉X) ϭ0under Assumption E.2. This argument clearly does not depend on the value of , so we have shown that ˆis unbiased.To obtain the simplest form of the variance-covariance matrix of ˆ,we impose the assumptions of homoskedasticity and no serial correlation.A S S U M P T I O N E.4(H O M O S K E D A S T I C I T Y A N DN O S E R I A L C O R R E L A T I O N)(i) Var(ut͉X) ϭ2, t ϭ 1,2,…,n. (ii) Cov(u t,u s͉X) ϭ0, for all t s. In matrix form, we canwrite these two assumptions asVar(u͉X) ϭ2I n,(E.13)where Inis the nϫ n identity matrix.Part (i) of Assumption E.4 is the homoskedasticity assumption:the variance of utcan-not depend on any element of X,and the variance must be constant across observations, t. Part (ii) is the no serial correlation assumption:the errors cannot be correlated across observations. Under random sampling,and in any other cross-sectional sampling schemes with independent observations,part (ii) of Assumption E.4 automatically holds. For time series applications,part (ii) rules out correlation in the errors over time (both conditional on X and unconditionally).Because of (E.13),we often say that u has scalar variance-covariance matrix when Assumption E.4 holds. We can now derive the variance-covariance matrix of the OLS estimator.T H E O R E M E.2(V A R I A N C E-C O V A R I A N C EM A T R I X O F T H E O L S E S T I M A T O R)Under Assumptions E.1 through E.4,Var(ˆ͉X) ϭ2(XЈX)Ϫ1.(E.14)P R O O F:From the last formula in equation (E.12), we haveVar(ˆ͉X) ϭVar[(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈu͉X] ϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ[Var(u͉X)]X(XЈX)Ϫ1.Now, we use Assumption E.4 to getVar(ˆ͉X)ϭ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ(2I n)X(XЈX)Ϫ1ϭ2(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈX(XЈX)Ϫ1ϭ2(XЈX)Ϫ1.Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form759Formula (E.14) means that the variance of ˆj (conditional on X ) is obtained by multi-plying 2by the j th diagonal element of (X ЈX )Ϫ1. For the slope coefficients,we gave an interpretable formula in equation (3.51). Equation (E.14) also tells us how to obtain the covariance between any two OLS estimates:multiply 2by the appropriate off diago-nal element of (X ЈX )Ϫ1. In Chapter 4,we showed how to avoid explicitly finding covariances for obtaining confidence intervals and hypotheses tests by appropriately rewriting the model.The Gauss-Markov Theorem,in its full generality,can be proven.T H E O R E M E .3 (G A U S S -M A R K O V T H E O R E M )Under Assumptions E.1 through E.4, ˆis the best linear unbiased estimator.P R O O F :Any other linear estimator of can be written as˜ ϭA Јy ,(E.15)where A is an n ϫ k matrix. In order for ˜to be unbiased conditional on X , A can consist of nonrandom numbers and functions of X . (For example, A cannot be a function of y .) To see what further restrictions on A are needed, write˜ϭA Ј(X ϩu ) ϭ(A ЈX )ϩA Јu .(E.16)Then,E(˜͉X )ϭA ЈX ϩE(A Јu ͉X )ϭA ЈX ϩA ЈE(u ͉X ) since A is a function of XϭA ЈX since E(u ͉X ) ϭ0.For ˜to be an unbiased estimator of , it must be true that E(˜͉X ) ϭfor all k ϫ 1 vec-tors , that is,A ЈX ϭfor all k ϫ 1 vectors .(E.17)Because A ЈX is a k ϫ k matrix, (E.17) holds if and only if A ЈX ϭI k . Equations (E.15) and (E.17) characterize the class of linear, unbiased estimators for .Next, from (E.16), we haveVar(˜͉X ) ϭA Ј[Var(u ͉X )]A ϭ2A ЈA ,by Assumption E.4. Therefore,Var(˜͉X ) ϪVar(ˆ͉X )ϭ2[A ЈA Ϫ(X ЈX )Ϫ1]ϭ2[A ЈA ϪA ЈX (X ЈX )Ϫ1X ЈA ] because A ЈX ϭI kϭ2A Ј[I n ϪX (X ЈX )Ϫ1X Ј]Aϵ2A ЈMA ,where M ϵI n ϪX (X ЈX )Ϫ1X Ј. Because M is symmetric and idempotent, A ЈMA is positive semi-definite for any n ϫ k matrix A . This establishes that the OLS estimator ˆis BLUE. How Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form 760Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Formis this significant? Let c be any kϫ 1 vector and consider the linear combination cЈϭc11ϩc22ϩ… ϩc kk, which is a scalar. The unbiased estimators of cЈare cЈˆand cЈ˜. ButVar(c˜͉X) ϪVar(cЈˆ͉X) ϭcЈ[Var(˜͉X) ϪVar(ˆ͉X)]cՆ0,because [Var(˜͉X) ϪVar(ˆ͉X)] is p.s.d. Therefore, when it is used for estimating any linear combination of , OLS yields the smallest variance. In particular, Var(ˆj͉X) ՅVar(˜j͉X) for any other linear, unbiased estimator of j.The unbiased estimator of the error variance 2can be written asˆ2ϭuˆЈuˆ/(n Ϫk),where we have labeled the explanatory variables so that there are k total parameters, including the intercept.T H E O R E M E.4(U N B I A S E D N E S S O Fˆ2)Under Assumptions E.1 through E.4, ˆ2is unbiased for 2: E(ˆ2͉X) ϭ2for all 2Ͼ0. P R O O F:Write uˆϭyϪXˆϭyϪX(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈyϭM yϭM u, where MϭI nϪX(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ,and the last equality follows because MXϭ0. Because M is symmetric and idempotent,uˆЈuˆϭuЈMЈM uϭuЈM u.Because uЈM u is a scalar, it equals its trace. Therefore,ϭE(uЈM u͉X)ϭE[tr(uЈM u)͉X] ϭE[tr(M uuЈ)͉X]ϭtr[E(M uuЈ|X)] ϭtr[M E(uuЈ|X)]ϭtr(M2I n) ϭ2tr(M) ϭ2(nϪ k).The last equality follows from tr(M) ϭtr(I) Ϫtr[X(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ] ϭnϪtr[(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈX] ϭnϪn) ϭnϪk. Therefore,tr(IkE(ˆ2͉X) ϭE(uЈM u͉X)/(nϪ k) ϭ2.E.3STATISTICAL INFERENCEWhen we add the final classical linear model assumption,ˆhas a multivariate normal distribution,which leads to the t and F distributions for the standard test statistics cov-ered in Chapter 4.A S S U M P T I O N E.5(N O R M A L I T Y O F E R R O R S)are independent and identically distributed as Normal(0,2). Conditional on X, the utEquivalently, u given X is distributed as multivariate normal with mean zero and variance-covariance matrix 2I n: u~ Normal(0,2I n).761Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form Under Assumption E.5,each uis independent of the explanatory variables for all t. Inta time series setting,this is essentially the strict exogeneity assumption.T H E O R E M E.5(N O R M A L I T Y O Fˆ)Under the classical linear model Assumptions E.1 through E.5, ˆconditional on X is dis-tributed as multivariate normal with mean and variance-covariance matrix 2(XЈX)Ϫ1.Theorem E.5 is the basis for statistical inference involving . In fact,along with the properties of the chi-square,t,and F distributions that we summarized in Appendix D, we can use Theorem E.5 to establish that t statistics have a t distribution under Assumptions E.1 through E.5 (under the null hypothesis) and likewise for F statistics. We illustrate with a proof for the t statistics.T H E O R E M E.6Under Assumptions E.1 through E.5,(ˆjϪj)/se(ˆj) ~ t nϪk,j ϭ 1,2,…,k.P R O O F:The proof requires several steps; the following statements are initially conditional on X. First, by Theorem E.5, (ˆjϪj)/sd(ˆ) ~ Normal(0,1), where sd(ˆj) ϭ͙ෆc jj, and c jj is the j th diagonal element of (XЈX)Ϫ1. Next, under Assumptions E.1 through E.5, conditional on X,(n Ϫ k)ˆ2/2~ 2nϪk.(E.18)This follows because (nϪk)ˆ2/2ϭ(u/)ЈM(u/), where M is the nϫn symmetric, idem-potent matrix defined in Theorem E.4. But u/~ Normal(0,I n) by Assumption E.5. It follows from Property 1 for the chi-square distribution in Appendix D that (u/)ЈM(u/) ~ 2nϪk (because M has rank nϪk).We also need to show that ˆand ˆ2are independent. But ˆϭϩ(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈu, and ˆ2ϭuЈM u/(nϪk). Now, [(XЈX)Ϫ1XЈ]Mϭ0because XЈMϭ0. It follows, from Property 5 of the multivariate normal distribution in Appendix D, that ˆand M u are independent. Since ˆ2is a function of M u, ˆand ˆ2are also independent.Finally, we can write(ˆjϪj)/se(ˆj) ϭ[(ˆjϪj)/sd(ˆj)]/(ˆ2/2)1/2,which is the ratio of a standard normal random variable and the square root of a 2nϪk/(nϪk) random variable. We just showed that these are independent, and so, by def-inition of a t random variable, (ˆjϪj)/se(ˆj) has the t nϪk distribution. Because this distri-bution does not depend on X, it is the unconditional distribution of (ˆjϪj)/se(ˆj) as well.From this theorem,we can plug in any hypothesized value for j and use the t statistic for testing hypotheses,as usual.Under Assumptions E.1 through E.5,we can compute what is known as the Cramer-Rao lower bound for the variance-covariance matrix of unbiased estimators of (again762conditional on X ) [see Greene (1997,Chapter 4)]. This can be shown to be 2(X ЈX )Ϫ1,which is exactly the variance-covariance matrix of the OLS estimator. This implies that ˆis the minimum variance unbiased estimator of (conditional on X ):Var(˜͉X ) ϪVar(ˆ͉X ) is positive semi-definite for any other unbiased estimator ˜; we no longer have to restrict our attention to estimators linear in y .It is easy to show that the OLS estimator is in fact the maximum likelihood estima-tor of under Assumption E.5. For each t ,the distribution of y t given X is Normal(x t ,2). Because the y t are independent conditional on X ,the likelihood func-tion for the sample is obtained from the product of the densities:͟nt ϭ1(22)Ϫ1/2exp[Ϫ(y t Ϫx t )2/(22)].Maximizing this function with respect to and 2is the same as maximizing its nat-ural logarithm:͚nt ϭ1[Ϫ(1/2)log(22) Ϫ(yt Ϫx t )2/(22)].For obtaining ˆ,this is the same as minimizing͚nt ϭ1(y t Ϫx t )2—the division by 22does not affect the optimization—which is just the problem that OLS solves. The esti-mator of 2that we have used,SSR/(n Ϫk ),turns out not to be the MLE of 2; the MLE is SSR/n ,which is a biased estimator. Because the unbiased estimator of 2results in t and F statistics with exact t and F distributions under the null,it is always used instead of the MLE.SUMMARYThis appendix has provided a brief discussion of the linear regression model using matrix notation. This material is included for more advanced classes that use matrix algebra,but it is not needed to read the text. In effect,this appendix proves some of the results that we either stated without proof,proved only in special cases,or proved through a more cumbersome method of proof. Other topics—such as asymptotic prop-erties,instrumental variables estimation,and panel data models—can be given concise treatments using matrices. Advanced texts in econometrics,including Davidson and MacKinnon (1993),Greene (1997),and Wooldridge (1999),can be consulted for details.KEY TERMSAppendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form 763First Order Condition Matrix Notation Minimum Variance Unbiased Scalar Variance-Covariance MatrixVariance-Covariance Matrix of the OLS EstimatorPROBLEMSE.1Let x t be the 1ϫ k vector of explanatory variables for observation t . Show that the OLS estimator ˆcan be written asˆϭΘ͚n tϭ1xt Јx t ΙϪ1Θ͚nt ϭ1xt Јy t Ι.Dividing each summation by n shows that ˆis a function of sample averages.E.2Let ˆbe the k ϫ 1 vector of OLS estimates.(i)Show that for any k ϫ 1 vector b ,we can write the sum of squaredresiduals asSSR(b ) ϭu ˆЈu ˆϩ(ˆϪb )ЈX ЈX (ˆϪb ).[Hint :Write (y Ϫ X b )Ј(y ϪX b ) ϭ[u ˆϩX (ˆϪb )]Ј[u ˆϩX (ˆϪb )]and use the fact that X Јu ˆϭ0.](ii)Explain how the expression for SSR(b ) in part (i) proves that ˆuniquely minimizes SSR(b ) over all possible values of b ,assuming Xhas rank k .E.3Let ˆbe the OLS estimate from the regression of y on X . Let A be a k ϫ k non-singular matrix and define z t ϵx t A ,t ϭ 1,…,n . Therefore,z t is 1ϫ k and is a non-singular linear combination of x t . Let Z be the n ϫ k matrix with rows z t . Let ˜denote the OLS estimate from a regression ofy on Z .(i)Show that ˜ϭA Ϫ1ˆ.(ii)Let y ˆt be the fitted values from the original regression and let y ˜t be thefitted values from regressing y on Z . Show that y ˜t ϭy ˆt ,for all t ϭ1,2,…,n . How do the residuals from the two regressions compare?(iii)Show that the estimated variance matrix for ˜is ˆ2A Ϫ1(X ЈX )Ϫ1A Ϫ1,where ˆ2is the usual variance estimate from regressing y on X .(iv)Let the ˆj be the OLS estimates from regressing y t on 1,x t 2,…,x tk ,andlet the ˜j be the OLS estimates from the regression of yt on 1,a 2x t 2,…,a k x tk ,where a j 0,j ϭ 2,…,k . Use the results from part (i)to find the relationship between the ˜j and the ˆj .(v)Assuming the setup of part (iv),use part (iii) to show that se(˜j ) ϭse(ˆj )/͉a j ͉.(vi)Assuming the setup of part (iv),show that the absolute values of the tstatistics for ˜j and ˆj are identical.Appendix E The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form 764。
缩略词表缩略词英文全称中文全称SIP Session Initiation Protocol 会话初始协议ICE Interactive Connectivity Establishment 交互式连接建立P2P Peer to Peer 对等网络、点到点(通信)NAT Network Address Translator 网络地址转换SDP Session Description Protocol 会话描述协议STUN Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs NAT 的UDP 简单穿越TURN Traversal Using Relay NAT 采用Relay方式穿越NAT RTP Real-time Transport Protocol 实时传输协议RTCP Realtime Transport Control Protocol 实时传输控制协议RTMP Real Time Messaging Protocol 实时消息传输协议RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol 实时流传输协议VOIP V oice over Internet Protocol 模拟信号数字化通过网络传输摘要随着移动互联网时代的到来,流媒体市场正在以极高的速度扩展,并逐步取代了以图片及文字为主的传统互联网,被广泛应用于视频会议、视频监控、远程教育等众多方面,流媒体传输技术的研究越来越重要。
其一,针对流媒体点对点传输场景,优化并实现了一套基于SIP的ICE穿越Symmetric NAT方案。
创新地提出一种在连通性检测过程中的NAT类型智能发现机制,摒弃了传统ICE复杂繁琐的探测流程,使端口预测算法实施有了稳定的前提;同时提出改进的端口预测算法,成功解决了选择原端口型及递增选择型的Symmetric NAT穿越难题。
外国文学作选读Selected Reading of Foreign Literature现代企业管理概论Introduction to Modern Enterprise Managerment电力电子技术课设计Power Electronics Technology Design计算机动画设计3D Animation Design中国革命史China’s Revolutionary History中国社会主义建设China Socialist Construction集散控制DCS Distributed Control计算机控制实现技术Computer Control Realization Technology计算机网络与通讯Computer Network and CommunicationERP/WEB应用开发Application & Development of ERP/WEB数据仓库与挖掘Data Warehouse and Data Mining物流及供应链管理Substance and Supply Chain Management成功心理与潜能开发Success Psychology & Potential Development信息安全技术Technology of Information Security图像通信Image Communication金属材料及热加工Engineering Materials & Thermo-processing机械原理课程设计Course Design for Principles of Machine机械设计课程设计Course Design for Mechanical Design机电系统课程设计Course Design for Mechanical and Electrical System 创新成果Creative Achievements课外教育Extracurricular education。
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欠驱动机器人 外文文献
One of the most sophisticated forms of legged motion is that of biped locomotion. From a dynamic systems point of view, human locomotion stands out among other forms of biped locomotion chiefly due to the fact that during a significant part of the human walking cycle the moving body is not in the static equilibrium. At the INRIA lab of Grenoble, France, we have started working on the development of an anthropomorphic biped walker. The envisioned prototype will have elementary adaptation capability on an unforeseen uneven terrain. The purpose of the project is not limited to the realization of a complex machine, the construction and control of which nevertheless pose formidable engineering challenge. We also intend to initiate a synergy between robotics and human gait study. Human locomotion, despite being well studied and enjoying a rich database, is not well understood and a robotic simulcrum potentially can be very useful. In order to gain a better understanding of the inherently non-linear dynamics of a full-fledged walking machine we have found it instructive to first explore the behavior of a particularly simple walker model.
装修专业知识文案英语面试1. IntroductionWelcome to our guide on the essential knowledge for a successful interview in the field of interior design and decoration. In this document, we will cover various topics related to the profession, providing you with valuable insights and tips to help you excel in your English job interview.2. Personal IntroductionBefore diving into the technical aspects of interior design, it is crucial to introduce yourself effectively in an English interview. Here are a few key points to consider:•Start by introducing yourself, including your name and academic background.•Highlight your relevant work experience, internships, or projects that showcase your skills and expertise.•Mention any certifications or licenses you may have obtained in the field of interior design.•Discuss your passion for interior design and your commitment to staying updated with the latest trends and techniques.•Emphasize your communication and teamwork skills, as they are essential in collaborating with clients and colleagues.3. Design Principles and ElementsA fundamental aspect of interior design is understanding the principles and elements of design. These principles guide the creation of aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces. Some key principles and elements to be familiar with include: •Balance: Achieving visual equilibrium in a space through symmetric or asymmetric arrangements.•Proportion: Ensuring that the size and scale of various elements within a room are harmonious.•Harmony: Creating a unified and cohesive design by coordinating colors, patterns, and textures.•Rhythm: Establishing a sense of movement and flow throughout a space using repetition or progression.•Emphasis: Highlighting a focal point or creating visual interest through the use of color, texture, or unique elements.4. Color TheoryUnderstanding color theory is essential when it comes to creating mood and ambiance within a space. Here are some key concepts to grasp:•Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors: The basic building blocks of the color wheel.•Color schemes: Different combinations of colors that work harmoniously together, such as monochromatic, complementary, analogous,and triadic schemes.•Psychological effects of colors: How different colors can evoke specific emotions and influence human behavior.•Color temperature: The distinction between warm and cool colors and their impact on the perception of a space.5. Materials and FinishesBeing knowledgeable about various materials and finishes is vital for an interior designer. Some crucial aspects to consider include:•Flooring options: Understanding the characteristics and suitability of different types of flooring materials, such as hardwood, laminate, carpet, tile, and vinyl.•Wall finishes: Familiarity with various wall finishes, including paint, wallpaper, paneling, and textured finishes.•Window treatments: Knowledge of different types of window treatments, such as curtains, blinds, shades, and shutters.•Furniture materials: Awareness of the pros and cons of materials commonly used in furniture construction, including wood, metal, glass, andupholstery.6. Lighting DesignLighting plays a significant role in enhancing the ambiance and functionality of a space. Key concepts to know include:•Natural vs. artificial lighting: Understanding the impact of natural light and how to effectively incorporate artificial lighting sources, such asoverhead lights, lamps, and task lighting.•Lighting techniques: Familiarity with various techniques, such as ambient lighting, task lighting, accent lighting, and decorative lighting.•Energy-efficient lighting: Knowledge of energy-saving lighting options, such as LED and CFL bulbs.•Lighting considerations for different spaces: Understanding how to create appropriate lighting schemes for residential, commercial, and publicspaces.7. Building Codes and RegulationsInterior designers must adhere to building codes and regulations to ensure the safety and legality of their designs. Key points to be aware of include:•Accessibility requirements: Familiarity with regulations related to wheelchair accessibility, door widths, ramps, and handrails.•Fire safety codes: Understanding the placement and requirements for fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and emergency exits.•Electrical codes: Knowledge of electrical wiring requirements and safety measures.•Health and safety regulations: Awareness of regulations related to ventilation, mold prevention, and hazardous materials.8. Sustainability and Green DesignWith increasing environmental awareness, sustainable design practices are gaining importance. Key concepts to understand include:•Energy-efficient design: Knowledge of strategies to reduce energy consumption, such as proper insulation, efficient HVAC systems, and renewable energy sources.•Use of recycled materials: Awareness of eco-friendly materials and their benefits, such as recycled glass, reclaimed wood, and low VOC paints.•Indoor air quality: Understanding the importance of proper ventilation and the selection of non-toxic materials to create a healthier indoor environment.•Water conservation: Knowledge of water-saving fixtures and techniques to minimize water usage in residential and commercial spaces.9. ConclusionThis document provides a comprehensive overview of the essential knowledge required for a successful English interview in the field of interior design. By familiarizing yourself with these topics, you will be better equipped to impress potential employers with your expertise and passion for the profession. Good luck with your interview!。
拓扑结构 ICEM 拓扑结构ICEM CFD- Hexa 2008-05-08 05:34:43 阅读105 评论0 字号:大中小订阅The user has access to two categories of entities during the mesh generaton process in Ansys Icem CFD: block topology and geometry. For symmetric models, topology transformations such as translate, rotate, mirror, scaling and translate and rotate are available.ICEM cfd blocking provides a projection-based mesh generation enviroment where, by defaut, all block faces between different materials are projected to the closest CAD surfaces. Block faces within the same material may also be associated to specific CAD surfaces to allow for definition of internal walls. In general, there is no need to perform any individual face associations to underlying CAD geometry, greatly reducing time for mesh generation.Mesh generationwith blocking-overall process1 create or import geometry using any of direct, indirect or faceted data interfaces.2 interactively splict blocks, discard unused blocks to capture underlying shape: 'top down' and 'bottom up'.3 Associate edges to capture hard features.4 Assign mesh sizes such as maximum element size, initial element height and expansion ratio to surfaces and or curves.5 Automatically generate mesh.6 Write output files to the desired solvers.If necessary, the user may always return to previous steps to mainipulate the blocking if the mesh does not meet the desired qulity or if the mesh does not capture certain geometry feature.At any point in this process, the user can generate the mesh with various projection schemes such as full face projection, edge projection, point projection or no projection at all. ( not understand)The blocking database will have an extension of ".blk". Vertices, edge, faces, blocks.Unstructured Mesh OutputThe unstructured mesh output option will produce a single mesh output file (*.uns) where all common nodes on the block interfaces are merged, independent of the number of blocks in the model. Unstructured elements are defined by node number definition.Multi-Block Structured Mesh OutputThe multi-block structured mesh output option will produce a mesh output file for every block in the topology model. For example, if the block model has 55 blocks, there will be55 output files created in the output directory. Elements are defined by I, J, K indices rather than node numbers.(zz)2. 六面体网格工具(hexa)ANSYS ICEM CFD 是一个三维基体、半自动、多块结构和非结构、表面和网格生成工具。
%The symmetric I.amb wave mode SO has the advantages of fast propagation velocity and low dispersion. The propagation of SO mode in plate was simulated using transient dynamic analysis in ANSYS. Based on displacement contour results of finite element method( FEM), the affect of through hole damage on SO mode propagation was analyzed. A circular sensor array was built based on the finite element model. The damage was located using the damage image algorithm.【期刊名称】《无损检测》【年(卷),期】2012(034)009【总页数】5页(P12-15,26)【关键词】Lamb波;SO模态;有限元模拟;损伤检测【作者】李鸿源;徐鸿;田振华【作者单位】华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京102206;华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京102206;华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京102206【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG115.28在航空航天、石油化工、交通运输、能源电力领域内对部件的完整性进行监测和评估十分重要。
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Solve (Tn? ? k I )y = ?t for y, and set
1 2 1
k +1
T k ? ?11++ ky? y t k k
2 2
where the Yule { Walker system (Tn? ? I )y = ?t can be solved by Durbin's algorithm (cf. 6], p. 195) requiring 2n ops. An initial guess for Newton's method can be obtained by a bisection process. If is not in the spectrum of any of the submatrices Tj ? I then Durbin's algorithm for (T ? I )=(1 ? ) determines a lower triangular matrix L such that 1 L(T ? I )LT = diagf1; ; : : : ; g: n? 1? Hence, from Sylvester's law of inertia we obtain that
If Tn 2 IR n;n is a RSPDT matrix and En denotes the (n; n) ipmatrix with ones in its secondary diagonal and zeros elsewhere, then En = I and Tn = En TnEn. Hence Tnx = x if and only if Tn (Enx) = En TnEn x = En x; and x is an eigenvector of Tn if and only if En x is. If is a simple eigenvalue of Tn then from kxk = kEn xk we obtain x = En x or x = ?Enx. We say that an eigenvector x is symmetric and the corresponding eigenvalue is even if x = Enx, and x is called skew-symmetric and is odd if x = ?Enx. One disadvantage of the approximation schemes in 8] and 9] is that they do not re ect the symmetry properties of the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue. In this paper we present variants which take advantage of the symmetry of the eigenvector and which essentially are of equal cost as the methods considered in 8] and 9]. The symmetry class of the principal eigenvector is known in advance only for a small class of Toeplitz matrices. The following result was given by Trench 11]: Theorem 1: Let 1 Z F ( ) cos(j ) d ; j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; n ? 1; T = (t ) ; t :=
=1 ( ) ( ) 0 ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( )
k? eigenvalues of Tj then the interlacing property jk ? j? holds. Eliminating the variables x ; : : :; xn from the system ! 1? ; tT t ; Tn? ? I x = 0 that characterizes the eigenvalue of Tn one obtains (1 ? ? tT (Tn? ? I )? t)x = 0:
( ) 1 ( 2 1 1 1 1
1) 1
(k )
, 2 j k n,
We assume that secular equation
(n) 1
(n 1) 1
. Then x 6= 0, and
1 1
(n) 1 1
is the smallest root of the
( 1 1)
f ( ) := ?1 + + tT (Tn? ? I )? t = 0: (1) f is strictly monotonely increasing and strictly convex in the interval (0; n? ). Therefore for every initial guess 2 ( n ; n? ) Newton's method converges monotonely decreasing and quadratically to n . Since f 0( ) = 1 + k(Tn? ? I )? tk a Newton step can be performed in the following way:
Symmetric Schemes for Computing the Minimum Eigenvalue of a Symmetric Toeplitz Matrix
Heinrich Voss
Technical University Hamburg{Harburg, Section of Mathematics, D{21071 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, e-mail: voss @
Keywords. Toeplitz matrix, eigenvalue problem, projection method, symmetry
1 Introduction
Several approaches have been reported in the literature for computing the smallest eigenvalue of a real symmetric, positive de nite Toeplitz matrix (RSPDT). This problem is of considerable interest in signal processing. Given the covariance sequence of the observed data, Pisarenko 10] suggested a method which determines the sinusoidal frequencies from the eigenvector of the covariance matrix associated with its minimum eigenvalue. Cybenko and Van Loan 4] presented an algorithm which is a combination of bisection and Newton's method for the secular equation. Replacing Newton's method by a root nding method based on rational Hermitian interpolation of the secular equation Mackens and the present author in 8] improved this approach substantially. In 9] it was shown that the algorithm from 8] is equivalent to a projection method where in every step the eigenvalue problem is projected to a two dimensional space. This interpretation suggested a further enhancement of Cybenko and Van Loan's method. 1
2 Nonsymmetric methods
In this section we brie y review the approach to the computation of the smallest eigenvalue of a RSPDT matrix which was presented in 8] and 9]. Let Tn = (tji?jj)i;j ;:::;n 2 IR n;n be a RSPDT matrix. We denote by Tj 2 IR j;j its j -th principal submatrix, and we j assume that its diagonal is normalized by t = 1. If j : : : jj are the
( ) 2 2 2 2
ji?j j
i;j =1;:::;n
where F : (0; ) ! IR is nonincreasing and F (0+) =: M > m := F ( ?): Then for every n the matrix Tn has n distinct eigenvalues in (m; M ), its even and odd spectra are interlaced, and its largest eigenvalue is even. If Tn satis es the conditions of Theorem 1 then for even n the principal eigenvector is odd and vice versa. For general Toeplitz matrices Tn the symmetry class is detected by the algorithm at negligible cost. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we brie y sketch the algorithms from 8] and 9]. Sections 3 and 4 describe their generalizations if the symmetry class of the principal eigenvector is taken into account. Finally, some concluding remarks are made in Section 5.