Front propagation in A+B - 2A reaction under subdiffusion



平行反应的级数可以相同,也可以不同, 前者数学处理较为简单。
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t=0 a
t=t a-x1-x2
x2 令x=x1+x2
r dx dt
dx1 dx2 dt dt
k1 x k2 y
解线性微分方程得: y
k1aek1t k2 y
k1a (ek1t ek2t )
k2 k1
(3) dt
k2 y
z axy
a 1
k2 k2
k1 k2 k1
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由于连续反应的数学处理比较复杂,一般作近 似处理。当其中某一步反应的速率很慢,就将它的 速率近似作为整个反应的速率,这个慢步骤称为连 续反应的速率控制步骤(rate determining step)。
1 k1
k1a (k1 k1)x k1a (k1 k1)x
t 1 ln
k1 k1 k1a (k1 k1)x
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x xedx 0 (xe x)



有机化学中常见名词中英文对照英中对照abietic acid (松香酸)acetal(缩醛)acid anhydride(酸酐)A.Couper(古柏尔)acridine(吖啶)acronycine (山油柑碱)acidylating reaction(酰化反应)acyl group(酰基)acyl halide (酰卤)adenine(腺嘌呤)adrenal cortex hormone (肾上腺皮质激素) A.Kekule(开库勒)alanine(丙氨酸)alcoholysis(醇解)aldehyde(醛)alicyclic hydrocarbon(脂环烃)alizarin(茜草素)alizarin-type(茜素型)alkane(烷烃)alkene(烯烃)alkylation(傅-克烷基化反应)alkyne(炔烃)aloeemodin (芦荟大黄素)amines(胺类)amide(酰胺)amidino(脒基)amino acid(氨基酸)β-aminobutyric acid(β-氨基丁酸)ammonolysis(氨解)andiron formula(锯架式)andrographolide (穿心莲内酯)anisodine (樟柳碱)annulene(轮烯)anomer(异头物)anomeric effect(异头效应)anthocyanidin (花色素)anthraquinone (蒽醌)anthrol (蒽酚)anthrone (蒽酮)anthracene(蒽)antiaromaticity or antiaromatic compound(反芳香性化合物)apigenin (芹菜素)apple polyphenols (苹果多酚) aromatic compound(芳香性化合物)aromatic hydrocarbon(芳香烃)aromaticity(芳香性)aromatization(芳构化)arecoline (槟榔碱)arginine(精氨酸)aspartic acid(天冬氨酸)asymmetric carbon atom (手性碳原子) atomic orbital(原子轨道)A.Wurtz reaction(武兹反应)axial bond(直立键,a键)azulene)Baeyer(拜耳)baicalein (黄芩素)baicalin (黄芩苷)barbital(巴比妥)barbituric acid(巴比妥酸) base complementary(碱基配对) benzoimidazole(苯并咪唑)benzothiazole(苯并噻唑)benzene(苯)berberine (小檗碱)Berzelius(伯察留史)beta-pleated sheet( -折叠)bi-anthracene nucleus (双蒽核) biological methylate(生物甲基化)biuret reaction(缩二脲反应)σbond (σ键)πbond (π键)borneol (龙脑)Braun reaction (布朗反应)bridged hydrocarbon(桥环烃)bytrepob(布特力洛夫)camphor(樟脑)cardiac glycosides(强心苷) camptothecine (喜树碱)carotene (胡萝卜素)carthamin (红花苷)carbene(卡宾;碳烯)carbohydrate(碳水化合物)carbonyl (羰基)carboxyl(羧基)carboxylic acid(羧酸)cassiamine (山扁豆双醌)catechin (儿茶素)cellobiose(纤维二糖)cellulose(纤维素)cephalin(脑磷脂)chain carbon constitution(链状碳架)chain initiation step(链引发阶段)chain propagation step(链增长阶段)chain termination step(链终止阶段)chalcone (查尔酮)charge-transfer complex(电荷转移络合物)chemical bond(化学键)chemocholic acid(鹅去氧胆酸)chirality(手性)chitin(甲壳质)chitosamine(壳糖胺)chlorophyll(叶绿素)cholalic acid (胆甾酸)cholestane (胆甾烷)cholesterol (胆甾醇)chromatography(色谱法)chrysophanol 9-anthrone (9-蒽酮大黄酚)chrysarobin (柯桠素)cinchonine(金鸡宁)cis-trans isomer(顺反异构体)cistrans isomerism(顺反异构)citral(柠檬醛)Claisen rearrangement(克莱森重排)Claisen-Schmidt reaction(克莱森-斯密特反应)cocaine (古柯碱)codonopsine (党参碱)concerted reaction(协同反应)condensed nuclei hydrocarbon(稠环烃)conformation(构象)conformational isomerism(构象异构)coniine (毒芹碱)conjugated diene(共轭二烯烃)conjugation system (共轭体系)conjugative effect(共轭效应)conservation of orbital symmetry(分子轨道对称性守恒理论)constitutional isomerism (构造异构)coprostane (粪甾烷)cortisone (可的松)crown ether(冠醚)cumulative diene(聚集二烯烃)curcumenol (莪术醇)cyanidin (矢车菊素)cyclic carbon constitution(环状碳架)cycloaddition recation(环加成反应)cycloalkane (脂环烃)cyclodextrin(环糊精)cysteine(半胱氨酸)daidzein (大豆黄素)Darzens reaction(达尔森反应) decarboxylation(脱羧反应) delocaization(离域)delocalization energy(离域能) delocalized electron(离域电子)delocalized energy(离域能)delphinidin(飞燕草素)denature(变性)deoxyribonucleic acid(脱氧核糖核酸) derivative of carboxylic acid (羧酸衍生物) diastereoisomer(非对映体)diazotization reaction(重氮化反应)diazonium salt(重氮盐)diborane(乙硼烷)dichlorocarbene(二氯卡宾)β-dichroine (β-常山碱)Diels—Alder reaction(狄尔斯—阿尔德反应)diene(双烯体,二烯烃)dienophile(亲双烯体)dihydrochalcone (二氢查尔酮) β—dihydrotheelin (β—雌二醇)distillation(蒸馏法)diterpenoids (二萜类)effective atomic number(有效原子序数)E.J.Cory—H.House reaction(科瑞—郝思反应)electric field scan(电场扫描)18-electron rule(18电子规则)electromeric effect(电性效应)electrophilic addition(亲电加成反应)electrophilic substitution(亲电取代)electrophile(亲电性试剂)elimination reaction(消除反应)Emde degradation (埃姆德降解)1-emetine(1-吐根碱)emodin-type (大黄素型)enantiomerism(对映异构)enantiomer(对映体)end-group effect(端基效应)entgegen(E,相反之意)energy of activation(活化能)enzyme(酶)ephedrine (麻黄碱)epicatechin (表儿茶素)epicatechin gallate(表儿茶素没食子酸酯) epigallocatechin (表没食子儿茶素)epigallocatechin gallate (表没食子儿茶素,没食子酸酯) epimer(差向异构体)epoxidation(环氧化反应)equatorial bond(平伏键,e键)ergometrine(麦角新碱)ergostenol (麦角甾醇)essential amino acid(必需氨基酸)essential fatty acid(必需脂肪酸)ester(酯)esterification(酯化反应)extraction(萃取法)farnesol (金合欢醇)fatty acid(脂肪酸)Fischer projection formula(费歇尔投影式)flavanol (黄烷醇)flavanone (二氢黄酮)flavanonol (二氢黄酮醇)flavonoid (黄酮)flavonol (黄酮醇)formalin(福尔马林)free radical (自由基)free radical chain reaction (自由基链反应) Freon (氟利昂)Friedel-Crafts reaction (傅瑞德尔-克拉夫兹反应) reagent ( 试剂 )frontier orbital (前线轨道理论)fructose (果糖)fucose (海藻糖)furan (呋喃)fused ring carbon constitution (稠环碳架) F.Wohler (武勒)Gabreil reaction (盖布瑞尔合成法)galactose (半乳糖) ..Frohde ..Frohdegallocatechin (没食子儿茶素)gallocatechin gallate (没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯) Gattermann-Koch reaction(盖特曼-科希反应)geometricalisomer(几何异构体)germacrone (杜鹃酮)glucose(葡萄糖)glutamic acid(谷氨酸)glutamine(谷酰胺)glycerol(甘油)glycocholic acid (甘氨胆酸)glycogen(糖原)glycoside(糖苷)glycyrrhizic acid (甘草酸)glycyrrhetinicacid (甘草次酸)Gmelin(哥美林)green tea polyphenols(绿茶多酚)Grignard Reaction(格氏反应)Grignard Reagent(格林那试剂,格氏试剂)G.Schiemann reaction(希曼反应)guaiazulene (愈创木奥)guanidine(胍)guanidino (胍基)guanine(鸟嘌呤)guanyl (脒基)haloform(卤仿)halogenation(卤代反应)halogenation reaction(卤化反应)Haworth(哈沃斯)heat of hydrogenation(氢化热)heat of reaction(反应热)hemiacetal(半缩醛)hesperetin (橙皮素)Hinsberg reaction(兴斯堡反应)histidine(组氨酸)H.Kolbe(科尔贝)Hoffmann degradation(霍夫曼降解反应)Hoffmann elimination(霍夫曼消除)Hoffmann exhaustive methylation(霍夫曼彻底甲基化反应)HOMO(Highest Occupied Molecnlar Orbital,最高被占用分子轨道) homolog(同系物)homologous series(同系列)hormone (激素)Hückel rule(休克尔规则)hybrid orbital(杂化轨道)hydroboration(硼氢化反应)hydrocortisone (氢化可的松) hydrogen bond(氢键)hydrolysis(水解)hyoscyamine (莨菪碱) hyperconjugation effect(超共轭效应)imidazole(咪唑)inclusion compound(包含物)indole(吲哚)inductive effect(诱导效应)infrared spectroscopy(红外光谱)insulin(胰岛素)invert sugar(转化糖)iodine number(碘值)tectoridin (鸢尾苷)isoelectric point(PI,等电点)isoflavanone (二氢异黄酮)isoflavone (异黄酮)isolated diene(隔离二烯烃)isoleucine(异亮氨酸)isoliquiritigenin (异甘草素)isomer(同分异构体)isoquinoline(异喹啉)isorhamnetin (异鼠李素) isorhynchophylline (异钩藤碱)isothiazole(异噻唑)isoxazole(异噁唑)Jones reagent(琼斯试剂)ketal(缩酮)ketone(酮)K.fries rearrangement(傅瑞斯重排)K.Fukui (福井谦一)Knoevenagel reaction(克脑文盖尔反应)Kolbe-Schmidt reaction(柯尔柏-施密特反应)Kutchcrov reaction(库切洛夫反应)lactose(乳糖)lecithin(卵磷脂)leptosidin (莱普西汀)leucine(亮氨酸)leucocyanidin (无色矢车菊素)limonene (苧烯)Lindlar(林德拉)liquiritin (甘草苷)lithium methide(甲基锂)lobeline (山梗菜碱)Lucas reagent(卢卡斯试剂)LUMO(Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital)最低空余分子轨道lupinine (羽扇豆碱)lycopene (番茄红素)lycopodine (石松碱)lysine(赖氨酸)maackiain (高丽槐素)Macquis reagent (Macquis试剂)macrophylline (大叶千里光碱)magnesium acetate reaction (醋酸镁反应)magnetic field scan(磁场扫描)malonyl urea(丙二酰脲)maltose(麦芽糖)Mannich reaction(满尼希反应)mannose(甘露糖)mass spectroscopy(质谱)matrine (苦参碱)M. Besthelot(佰赛儒)Mclafferty(麦可拉费蒂重排)(-)-melacacidin [(-)黑金合欢素]menthol(薄荷醇)(±)-menthol [(±)-薄荷醇] menthone (薄荷酮)mesomer (内消旋体)methionine(蛋氨酸)methylporgestin (甲孕酮)provera(甲孕酮)methyltestosterone (甲基睾丸素) molecular orbital(分子轨道)molecular orbital theory(分子轨道理论)monoanthracene nucleus (单蒽核) monocrotaline (一野百合碱)monomer(单体)monoterpenoids (单萜) monosaccharide(单糖)morphine (吗啡)mutarotation(变旋光现象)naphthalene(萘)narcotine (那可汀)natrium amalgam reaction (钠汞齐反应) (±)-neomenthol [(±)-新薄荷醇] nerol (橙花醇)Newman projection(纽曼投影式)Newman projection formula(纽曼投影式)Nicol prism(尼科尔棱镜)nicotine (烟碱)ninhydrin(茚三酮)nitration(硝化反应)nitro compound(硝基化合物)nonaromatic compound(非芳香性化合物)nonbenzenoid hydrocarbon(非苯芳烃)nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy(核磁共振谱)nucleic acid(核酸)nucleophilic addition(亲核加成反应)nucleophilic reagent(亲核试剂)nucleoside(核苷)nucleotide(核苷酸)ocimene (罗勒烯)oligosaccharide(寡糖)frontier orbital (前线轨道理论)Oppenaner oxidizing reaction(欧芬脑尔氧化)optical isomer (旋光异构体)optical rotation instrument(旋光仪)organometallic compound(有机金属化合物)organometallics (金属有机化合物)orientation rule (定位规则)oxanthranol (氧化蒽酚)oxazole (噁唑)oxidation number (氧化值)oxidation state (氧化态)盐) oxonium salt oxymatrine (氧化苦参碱)palmatine (巴马汀)papaverine (罂粟碱)paraffin (烷烃)pelargonidin(天竺葵素)peptide (肽)peptide bond (肽键)peptide linkage(肽键)pericyclic reaction (周环反应)Perkin reaction (柏金反应)permeation (透析法)peroxide (过氧化物)peroxide effect (过氧化物效应)phellamurin (黄柏素-7-O-葡萄糖苷) phenanthrene (菲)phenylalanine (苯丙氨酸)phosphorus ylide(膦叶立德)phylloxanthin (叶黄素)physostigmine (毒扁豆碱)pinacol(频哪醇)pinene (蒎烯)piperine (胡椒碱)plane polarized light (平面偏振光) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(多环芳烃)polymer(聚合物)polynuclear aromatic compound(稠环芳烃)polypeptide(多肽)polyreaction(聚合反应)polysaccharide(多糖)polytetrafluroethyleney(泰氟隆)unsaturated fatty acid(不饱和脂肪酸) precipitation(沉淀法)primary structure(一级结构)proanthocyanidin (原花色素) progesterone (黄体酮)protein(蛋白质)pseudoephedrine (伪麻黄碱)pteridine(蝶啶)purine(嘌呤)pyran(吡喃)pyrazine(吡嗪)pyrazole(吡唑)pyridazine(哒嗪)pyridine(吡啶)pyrimidine(嘧啶)pyrrole(吡咯)quaternary structure(四级结构)quercetin (槲皮素)quinine (奎宁)quinoline(喹啉)quinones(醌)racemic mixture(外消旋体)racemization(外消旋化)rancidity(酸败)Raney Ni(兰尼镍)reaction mechanism(反应历程)Reimer-Tiemann reaction(瑞穆尔-蒂曼反应)reserpine (利血平)residue(残基)resonance energy(共振能)resonance hybrid(共振杂化体)resonance theory(共振论)resonating structure(共振结构式)resveratrol (白藜芦醇)R.B.Woodward(伍德沃德)rhein (大黄酸)R.Hoffmann (霍夫曼)rhynchophylline (钩藤碱)ribonucleic acid(核糖核酸)ribose(核糖)rotation (旋光度)rutin (芦丁)saccharide(糖类)Sandmeyer-Gattermann reaction(桑得迈尔—盖特曼反应)Sandmeyer reaction(桑得迈尔反应)saponification(皂化)saponification number(皂化值)Sarrett reagent(沙瑞特试剂)Sawhares projection(萨哈斯投影式)sawhorse projection formula(锯架式)Schiff’s base(西佛碱)secondary structure(二级结构)securinine (一叶萩碱)sennoside A、B、C、D (番泻苷A、B、C、D) serine(丝氨酸)sesquiterpenoids (倍半萜)sigmatropic reaction(σ键迁移反应)silane(硅烷)single bond(单键)sinoacutine (清风藤碱)β—sitosterol (β—谷甾醇)skyrin (天精,醌茜素)S N(Nucleophilic substitution)(亲核取代)S N1(单分子亲核取代反应)S N2 (双分子亲核取代反sodium borohydride reaction (四氢硼钠反应) sparteine (金雀花碱)specific rotation (比旋光度)sphingomyelin(鞘磷脂)spiro hydrocarbon(螺环烃)squalene (鲨烯)stachydrine (水苏碱)starch(淀粉)stereochemistry (立体化学)stereoisomer(立体异构)stereocpecificity (立体专一性)steroidal compound (甾体化合物)Stevens rearrangement(史蒂文斯重排)stigmastane (豆甾烷)strychnine (士的宁)sucrose(蔗糖)sulfonation(磺化反应)systematic nomenclature(系统命名法)taurocholic acid (牛磺胆酸)tautomer(互变异构体)tautomerism(互变异构现象)taxifolin (黄杉素)tea polyphenols(茶多酚)Teflon (泰氟隆)terpenoid (萜类化合物)tertiary structure(三级结构)testosterone (睾丸素)tetrahydropalmatine (延胡索乙素, 四氢巴马汀) tetramethyl silane(四甲基硅烷)tetraterpenoid(四萜类)thiazole(噻唑)thiophene(噻吩)threonine(苏氨酸)torsional energy(扭转能)torsional strain(扭转张力)transition sate(过渡态)triglyceride(甘油三酯)trimethyl aluminium(三甲基铝)triptolide (雷公藤甲素)triterpenoid(三萜类)tryptophan(色氨酸)tylophorinine (娃儿藤定碱)tyrosine(酪氨酸)uridine(尿嘧啶)urea(脲)urotropine(乌洛托品)valence bond method(价键学说)valine(缬氨酸)visible-ultraviolet spectroscopy(可见-紫外光谱)vitamin A(维生素A)vitamin B12(维生素B12)Wilkinson (威尔克森)Williamson synthesis(威廉森合成法)Wittig reaction(维蒂希反应)zingiberene (姜烯)Zusammen(Z,德文,在一起之意)中英对照1 A1A 反应历程(1A1Areaction mechanism )吖啶(acridine)埃姆德降解(Emde degradation)安息香缩合反应(benzoic condensation reaction)氨基酸(amino acid)β-氨基丁酸(β-aminobutyric acid)氨解(ammonolysis)胺(amines)azulene)2 BAC 反应历程(2BACreaction mechanism )巴比妥(barbital)巴马汀(palmatine)白藜芦醇(resveratrol)拜耳(Baeyer)佰赛儒(M. Besthelot)半缩醛(semiacetal )半胱氨酸(cysteine)半乳糖(galactose)包含物(inclusion compound)苯丙氨酸(phenylalanine)苯(benzene)苯甲酸(benzoic acid)苯二甲酸(benzene dicarboxylic acid)苯并咪唑(benzimidazole)苯并噻唑(benzothiazole)倍半萜(sesquiterpenoid)比旋光度(specific rotation)必需氨基酸(essential amino acid)变性(denature)变旋光现象(mutarotation)表儿茶素(epicatechin)表儿茶素没食子酸酯(epicatechin gallate)表没食子儿茶素(epigallocatechin)表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(epigallocatechin gallate) 表面活性剂(surface active agent )槟榔碱(arecoline)丙氨酸(alanine)丙氨酸乙硫酯(ethyl alanine sulfide)丙二酰脲 (malonyl urea)伯察留史(Berzelius)柏金(Perkin)反应薄荷醇(menthol)(±)—薄荷醇((±)—menthol)薄荷酮(menthone)布特力洛夫(Bytrepob)布朗反应(Braun reaction)残基(residue)草酸(oxalic acid)超共轭效应(hyperconjugation effect)差向异构体(epimer)查尔酮(chalcone)茶多酚(tea polyphenols)β-常山碱(β-dichroine)沉淀法(precipitation)橙皮素(hesperetin)橙花醇(nerol)稠环芳烃(polynuclear aromatic compound)稠环碳架(fused ring carbon constitution)醇钠(sodium alcohols)醇解(alcoholysis)穿心莲内酯(andrographolide)磁场扫描(magnetic field scan)β—雌二醇(β—dihydrotheelin)醋酸镁反应(magnesium acetate reaction )萃取法(extraction)DDQ(2,3-二氯-5,6-氰基-1,4-苯醌)大黄素型(emodin-type)大黄酸(rhein)大豆黄素(daidzein)大叶千里光碱(macrophylline)达尔森(Darzen)反应哒嗪(pyridazine)单键(single bond)单体(monomer)单蒽核(monoanthracene nucleus)单萜(monoterpenoids)单糖(monosaccharide)单线态(singlet)蛋氨酸(methionine)蛋白质(protein)胆甾烷(cholestane)胆甾醇(cholesterol)胆甾酸(cholalic acid)胆甾烷(cholestane)胆甾醇(cholesterol)党参碱(codonopsine)等电点(isoelectric point ,PI)迪克曼反应(Dieckmann reaction )狄尔斯-阿尔德(Diels-Alher)电场扫描(electric field scan)电性效应(electromeric effect)电荷转移络合物(charge-transfer complex)碘仿试验(iodoform test)碘值( iodine number )淀粉(starch)敌敌畏(dichlorovos)蝶啶(pteridine)丁烯二酸(butene dioic acid)定位规则(orientationg rule)动力学概念(dynamical concept)豆甾烷(stigmastane)毒芹碱(coniine)毒扁豆碱(physostigmine)杜鹃酮 (germacrone)端基效应(end-group effect)对映异构(enantiomerism)对映体(enantiomers)对氨基苯磺酰胺(sulfanilamide)多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon)多糖(polysaccharide)多肽(polypeptide)多磷酸酯(polyphosphate ester)E(entgegen,德文,相反之意)EAN规则(EAN rule)莪术醇(curcumenol)鹅去氧胆酸(chemocholic acid)噁唑(oxazole)蒽(anthracene)蒽酚(anthrol)蒽醌(anthraquinones)蒽酮(anthrone)9-蒽酮大黄酚(chrysophanol 9-anthrone)儿茶素(catechin)二烯烃(diene)二氯卡宾(dichlorocarbene)二甲亚砜(dimethyl sulfoxide)二巯基丙醇(dimercaptopropanol )二级结构(secondary structure)二氢黄酮(flavanone)二氢黄酮醇(flavanonol)二氢异黄酮(isoflavanone)二氢查尔酮(dihydrochalcone)二萜类(diterpenoids)番泻苷A、B、C、D(sennoside A、B、C、D) 番茄红素(lycopene)反芳香性化合物(antiaromatic compound)反应历程(reaction mechanism)反应热(heat of reaction)芳香烃(aromatic hydrocarbon)芳香性(aromaticity)芳香性化合物(aromatic compound)芳构化(aromatization)放氮反应(denitrification)飞燕草素(delphinidin)非芳香性化合物(nonaromatic compound)非离子表面活性剂(nonionic)非对映体(diasteroisomer)非质子性溶剂(nonprotonic solvent )非苯芳烃(nonbenzenoid hydrocarbon)菲(phenanthrene)斐林溶液( Fehting solution )费歇尔(E.Fischer)费歇尔投影式(Fischer projection formula)分子轨道(molecular orbital)分子轨道对称性守恒理论(conservation of orbital symmetry theory)分子轨道理论(molecular orbital theory)酚苄明(Phenoxybenzamine)芬克尔斯坦(Finkelstein)芬氟拉明(fenfluramine)粪甾烷(coprostane)氟芬那酸(flufenamic Acid)福井谦一(K.Fukui)傅-克反应(Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction)傅瑞斯重排(K.fries rearrangement)傅瑞德-克拉天茨反应(Friedel-Crafts reaction)辅酶Q10(coenzyme Q10)呋喃(furan)盖布瑞尔合成法(Gabreil reaction)盖特曼-科希(Gattermann-Koch)反应甘露糖(mannose)甘氨酸(glycine)甘油(glycerol)甘氨胆酸(glycocholic acid)甘草酸(glycyrrhizic acid)甘草次酸(glycyrrhetinic acid) 甘草苷(liquiritin)高丽槐素(maackiain)睾丸素(testosterone)隔离二烯烃(isolated diene)格林那试剂(Grignard reagent)哥美林(Gmelin)共振能(resonance energy)共振论(resonance theory)共振杂化体(resonance hybrid)共振结构式(resonating structure)共轭效应(conjugative effect)共轭体系(conjugation system)共轭二烯烃(conjugated diene)构象(conformation)构象异构(conformational isomerism)构造异构(constitutional isomerism)构型保持(configuration conservation)构型转化(configuration inversion)钩藤碱(rhynchophylline)β—谷甾醇(β—sitosterol)谷氨酸(glutamic acid)谷酰胺(glutamine)古柏尔(A. Couper)古柯碱(cocaine)胍(guanidine )寡糖(oligasaccharide)冠醚(crown ether)光学异构体(optical isomer)硅烷(silane)硅油(silicon oil)过氧化物(peroxide)过氧化物效应(peroxide effect)过渡态(transition state)果糖(fructose)哈沃斯(Haworth)海藻糖(fucose)核磁共振谱(nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy)核苷酸(nucleotide)核苷(nucleoside)核酸(nucleic acid)核糖(ribose)(-)-黑金合欢素[(-)melacacidin)]红古豆碱(cuskohygrine)红花苷(carthamin)红外光谱(infrared spectroscopy)互变异构现象(tautomerism)互变异构体(tautomer)胡萝卜素(carotene)胡椒碱(piperine)槲皮素(quercetin)化学键(chemical bond)花色素(anthocyanidin)环烃(cyclic hydrocarbon)环氧化反应(epoxidation)环加成反应(cycloaddition recation)环状碳架(cyclic carbon constitution)环己二酮(cyclic hexanedione)环糊精(cyclodextrin)α,β-环氧酸酯(α,β-cycloxacid ester)黄柏素-7-O-葡萄糖苷(phellamurin)黄芩素(baicalein)黄芩苷(baicalin)黄杉素(taxifolin)黄酮(flavonoid)黄酮醇(flavonol)黄烷醇(flavanol)黄体酮(progesterone)磺胺(sulfanilamide)磺化反应(sulfonation)活化能(energy of activation)霍夫曼(R.Hofmann)霍夫曼降解反应(Hoffmann degradation)霍夫曼消除(Hoffmann elimination)霍夫曼彻底甲基化反应(Hoffmann exhaustive methylation)几何异构体(geometricalisomer)己二胺(hexanediamine)季铵盐(quaternary ammonium salt)季铵碱(quaternnary ammonium hydrate )季膦盐( quaternary phosphonium salt )激素(hormone)甲孕酮(methporgestin)甲基睾丸素(methyl testosterone)甲基锂(lithium methlde)甲壳质(chitin)价键学说(valence bond method)假酸式(pseudo-acid form )σ键(σbond)σ键迁移反应(sigmatropic reaction)π键(πbond)碱基配对规律(base pairing rule)姜烯(zingiberene)胶束(micelle)交叉醇醛缩合反应(crossed aldol reaction)金合欢醇(farnesol)金属有机化合物(metalloorganic compound)金雀花碱(sparteine)金鸡宁(cinchonine)金刚烷胺(symmetrel)紧密离子对(tightness ionpair )精氨酸(arginine)竞争反应(competing reaction )聚合物(polymer)聚合反应(polyreaction)聚集二烯烃(cumulative diene)锯架式(andiron formula ; sawhorse projection formula) 卡宾(碳烯)(Carbene)开息纳尔-武尔夫(Kishner-Wolff)-黄鸣龙法凯库勒(A. Kekule)康尼查罗(Cannizzaro ) 反应科尔贝(H. Kolbe)科瑞—郝思反应(E.J.Cory—H.House reaction)可的松(cortisone)可见-紫外光谱(visible-ultraviolet spectroscopy)克莱森-斯密特(Claisen-Schmidt)反应克脑文盖尔(Knoevenagel)反应克莱门森(Clemmensen)还原反应克莱森重排(Claisen rearrangement)克莱森缩合反应(Claisen condensation reaction ) 柯尔柏-施密特反应(Kolbe-schmidt reaction)柯亚素(chrysarobin)壳糖胺(chitosamine)苦参碱(matrine)库切洛夫反应(Kutchcrov reaction)奎宁(quinine)喹啉(quinoline)醌(quinones)醌氢醌(quinhydrone)莱普西汀(leptosidin)赖氨酸(lysine)兰尼镍(Raney Ni)莨菪碱(hyoscyamine)雷公藤甲素(triptolide)利血平(reserpine)立体选择性(stereoselective)立体专一性(stereospecific)立体异构(stereoisomer)离域(delocalization)离域能(delocalization energy ;delocalized energy)离域电子(delocalized electron)离去基团(leaving group )链引发阶段(chain initiation step)链增长阶段(chain propagation step)链终止阶段(chain termination step)链状碳架(chain carbon constitution)亮氨酸(leucine)林德拉(Lindlar)膦叶立德(phosphorus ylide)膦(phosphureted hydrogen)鏻盐(phosphorate)膦酸(phosphonic acid )硫脲(thiourea )硫醇(thioalcohol )硫醚(thioether )硫酚(phenylsulfhydryl )留氮反应(reaction of nitrogen retention) 龙脑(borneol)卤代反应(halogenation)卤仿(haloform)卤仿反应(haloform reaction )卢卡斯试剂(Lucas reagent)芦荟大黄素(aloe-emodin)芦丁(rutin)α-卵磷脂(α-lecithine )轮烯(annulene)酪氨酸(tyrosine)罗勒烯(ocimene)罗森孟德(Rosenmund)还原法螺环烃(spiro hydrocarbon)氯乙酸甲酯(methyl chloroacetate) (chloro acetyl formate) 绿茶多酚(green tea polyphenols)马尔可夫尼可夫(Markovnikov)规则麻黄碱(ephedrine)吗啡(morphine)麦可拉费蒂(Mclafferty)麦芽糖(maltose)麦角甾醇(ergostenol)麦角新碱(ergometrine)麦克尔加成(Michael addition)满尼希(Mannich)反应梅尔外英-彭多夫(Meerwein-Poundorf)还原反应酶(enzyme)没食子儿茶素(gallocatechin)没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(gallocatechin gallate)脒基(amidino)嘧啶(pyrimidine)咪唑(imidazole)那可汀(narcotine)钠汞齐反应(natrium amalgam reaction)萘(naphthalene)脑磷脂(cephalin)内消旋体(meso-form)尼科尔棱镜(Nicol prism)脲(尿素) (urea)鸟嘌呤(guanine)尿嘧啶(uracil)柠檬醛(citral)苧烯(limonene)牛磺胆酸(taurocholic acid)纽曼投影式(Newmans projection formular)扭转能(torsional energy)扭转张力(torsional strain)欧芬脑尔氧化反应(Oppenaner oxidizing reaction)偶氮基(azo)偶合(偶联)反应(coupling reaction)偶合组分(或偶合剂)(coupling agent )偶极-离子键(dipolar-ionic bond )蒎烯(pinene)硼氢化反应(hydroboration))硼氢化钠(NaBH4吡哆醛(pyridoxal)吡咯(pyrrole)吡喃(pyran)吡嗪(pyrazine)吡唑(pyrazole)吡啶(pyridine)嘌呤(purine)频哪醇(pinacol)平面偏振光(plane polarized light)平伏键(e键,equatorial bonds)苹果多酚(apple polyphenols)普鲁卡因(procaine )葡萄糖(glucose)歧化反应(disproportionation reaction )前列腺素( prostaglandin)前线轨道(frontier orbital)理论茜草素(alizarin)茜素型(alizarin-type)强心苷(cardiac glycosides)羟肟酸(hydroximic acid )β-羟基醛(β-hydroxy aldehyde )桥环烃(bridged hydrocarbon)鞘磷脂(sphingomyelinicacid)亲电性试剂(electrophile)亲电加成反应(electrophilic addition)亲电取代(electrophilic substitution)亲核试剂(nucleophilic reagent)亲核加成反应(nucleophilic addition)亲核取代(nucleophilic substitution)亲核取代反应历程(nucleophilic substitution reavtion mechanism) 亲双烯体(dienophile)芹菜素(apigenin)氢解( hydrogenolysis)氢化苯基锡(hydrogenation benztin)氢化正丁基锡( hydrogenation butyltin )氢化油(hydrogenated oil )氢化可的松(hydrocortisone)氢化热(heat of hydrogenation)氢甲酰化法(hydroformylation)氢键(hydrogen bond)清风藤碱(sinoacutine)琼斯试剂(Jones reagent)炔烃(alkyne)热力学概念(thermodynamic conception )溶剂化效应(solvating effect)乳糖(lactose)瑞穆尔-蒂曼反应(Reamer-Timann reaction)萨哈斯投影式(Sawhares projection)噻吩(thiophene)噻唑(thiazole)三萜(triterpenoids)三甲基铝(trimethyl aluminium)三级结构(tertiary structure)三线态(triplet state)三苯基膦(triphenyl phosphine)三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate)桑得迈尔反应(Sandmeyer reaction)桑得迈尔—盖特曼反应(Sandmeyer-Gattermann reaction)色氨酸(tryptophan)色谱法(chromatography)沙瑞特试剂(Sarrett reagent)鲨烯(squalene)山油柑碱(acronycine)山扁豆双醌(cassiamine)山梗菜碱(lobeline)肾上腺皮质激素(adrenal cortex hormone)生物甲基化(biological methylate)18电子规则(18- electron rule)史蒂文斯重排(Stevens rearrangement)石松碱(lycopodine)士的宁(strychnine)矢车菊素(cyanidin)手性(chirality)水苏碱(stachydrine)双蒽核(bi-anthracene nucleus)双烯体(diene)顺反异构(cistrans isomerism)顺反异构体(cis-trans isomer)四氢巴马汀(tetrahydropalmatine)四级结构(quaternary structure)四氢硼钠反应(sodium borohydride reaction) 四萜(quadruterpene)四甲基硅烷(tetramethylsilane)丝氨酸(serine)松香酸(abietic acid)苏氨酸(threonine)酸败(rancidity )缩醛(acetal)缩二脲反应(biuret reaction)肽(peptide)肽键(peptide bond)碳水化合物(carbohydrate)碳酰氯(carbonyl chloride ;phosgene )糖类(saccharide)糖苷(glycoside)糖原(glycogen)天冬氨酸(aspartic acid)天精(skyrin)天竺葵素(pelargonidin)萜类化合物(terpenoids)同系列(homologous series)同系物(homolog)同分异构体(isomer)酮(ketone)透析法(permeation)1-吐根碱(1-emetine)脱羧反应(decarboxylic reaction)娃儿藤定碱(tylophorinine)瓦尔登转化(Walden inversion)外消旋体(racemic mixture)外消旋化(racemization)烷烃(alkane)维生素A(vitamin A)维生素B12(vitamin B12)维生素K1、K2(vitamin K1、K2)维蒂希反应(Wittig reaction)伪麻黄碱(pseudoephedrine)威尔克森(wilkinson)威廉森合成法(Williamson synthesis)武勒(F. Wohler)无色矢车菊素(leucocyanidin)伍德沃德(R.B.Woodward)武兹反应(A.Wurtz reaction)烯烃(alkene)系统命名法(systematic nomenclature)西佛碱(Schiff ’s base)希夫(schiff)试剂吸电子共轭效应(electronwithdrawing conjugative effect) 喜树碱(camptothecine)西佛碱(schiff base)希曼反应(G.Schiemann reaction)纤维二糖(cellobiose)纤维素(cellulose)腺嘌呤(adenine)硝化反应(nitration)消除反应(elimination reaction)小檗碱(berberine)硝基化合物(nitro compounds)协同反应(concerted reaction)缬氨酸(valine)(±)—新薄荷醇[(±)—neomenthol]兴斯堡反应(Hinsberg reaction)胸腺嘧啶(thymine)12-15休克尔规则(Hückel rule)比旋光度(specific rotatory power)旋光仪(optical rotation instrument)旋光异构体(optical isomer)血红素(haemachrome)亚硝酸(nitrous acid)烟碱(nicotine)延胡索乙素(tetrahydropalmatine)盐酸-镁粉反应(HCl-Mg powder reaction)盐酸-锌粉反应(HCl-Zn powder reaction)盐(oxonium salt)氧化苦参碱(oxymatrine)氧化蒽酚(oxanthranol)氧化态(oxidation state)氧化值(oxidation number)阳离子表面活性剂(cationic surface active agent)叶黄素(phylloxanthin)叶绿素(chlorophyll)一叶萩碱(securinine)一野百合碱(monocrotaline)一级结构(primary structure)乙硼烷(diborane)1-乙炔基环戊醇(1-ethynyl cyclopentanol )乙二胺(ethylene diamine)乙烯酮(ethenone ;ketene )乙酸(acetic acid)乙二酸(ethanedioic acid )异甘草素(isoliquiritigenin)异黄酮(isoflavone)异鼠李素(isorhamnetin)异钩藤碱(isorhynchophylline)异亮氨酸(isoleucine)异头物(anomer)异头效应(anomeric effect)异噁唑(isoxazole)异噻唑(isothiazole)异腈(胩)(isonitrile)异喹啉(isoquinoline)胰岛素(insulin)阴离子表面活性剂(anionic surface active agent)茚三酮(ninhydrin )吲哚(indole)罂粟碱(papaverine)油脂(axunge;grease;lipin;)有效原子序数(effective atomic number)有机金属化合物(organometallic compound)有机锂(organic-Li) (organic lithium ) (organolithium compound) 诱导效应(inductive effect)羽扇豆碱(lupinine)愈创木奥(guaiazulene)原花色素(proanthocyanidin)鸢尾苷(iridin)原子轨道(atomic orbital)Z(Zusammen,德文,在一起之意)杂化轨道(hybrid orbital)杂环碳架(heterocycle carbon constitution)甾体化合物(steroidal compound)皂化反应(saponification reaction)皂化值(saponification value)扎依采夫(Saytzeff)规则樟柳碱(anisodine)樟脑(camphor)蔗糖(sucrose)-折叠(beta-pleated sheet)蒸馏法(distillation)质谱(mass spectroscopy)质子性溶剂(protonic solvent)脂环烃(alicyclic hydrocarbon;cycloalkane)直立键(a键,axial bond)重氮化反应(diazotization reaction)重氮盐(diazonium salt)重氮组分(diazocomponent)重氮甲烷(diazomethane)周环反应(pericyclic reaction)转化糖(invert sugar)自由基(free radical)自由基链反应(free radical chain reaction)β-紫罗兰酮(β-ionone )。



暖通空调术语guide apparatus 导向器guide attachment 导向装置guide blade 导向叶片proportional 成比例的,相称的proportional action 比例动作[作用]proportional amplifier 比例放大器proportional and floating controller 比例-无静差调节器proportional bend 比例区域[范围]proportional control 比例[调辐]控制proportional control factor 比例调节系数proportional controller 比例调节器proportional counter 正比计数器,比例计算机proportionality 比例性proportionality range 比例范围proportional plus automatic reset action 比例自动复位作用proportional plus integral action 比例加积分动作proportional plus integral plus differential action 比例积分微分动作proportional position action 比例位置动作proportional regulator 比例调节器proportional temperature controller 比例温度控制器ramification 分支ram pump 柱塞泵random 随机的,偶然的,不规则的random arrangement 无规则排列random check 抽查random inspection 抽查random noise 无规噪声random order 任意次序random packing 松散填料random process 随机过程random sampling 任意取样range 行,列;极限,范围,界限;距离,量[射]程range ability (被调量的)幅度变化范围range-changing switch 量程转换开关range coal 块煤range control switch 量程转换开关range coverage 作用距离[范围]rangefinder 测远器range of application 应用范围range of hearing 可听范围range of indication 指示范围range of load 负荷范围[极限]range of measurement 测量范围range of regulation 调节范围[幅度]range of stability 稳定范围[阶段]range of temperature 温度变化范围ranging 测距,距离调整ranging computer 测距计算机ranging rod 测量杆rangmuir equation 郎缪尔公式[吸附剂质量与被吸附物质量之间的理论关系公式]rank 等,级;排,列;分类,分等级rankine cycle 兰金循环rankine’s constant pressure gas viscometer 兰金常压气体粘度计rankine temperature scale 兰氏温标[一种绝对温标,以水的三相温度定为491.68。



小学下册英语第4单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.An experiment must be repeatable to be considered ______.2. A _______ is a reaction that produces heat and light.3.The concept of ecological resilience refers to the ability of ecosystems to recover from ______.4.What do we call the liquid made from crushed grapes?A. JuiceB. WineC. SodaD. Water5.My brother is a ______. He loves to fish.6.My pet _____ (鹦鹉) can talk.7.The _____ (sycamore) tree has large leaves.8. A tortoise can retract its head into its ______ (壳).9.The invention of ________ transformed everyday life.10.The ______ (花坛) is filled with tulips.11.What is the main ingredient in barbecue sauce?A. KetchupB. MustardC. TomatoesD. Vinegar12.Which of these is a type of pasta?A. RiceB. NoodleC. BreadD. Tortilla13.What do we call the process of a plant growing from a seed?A. GerminationB. PhotosynthesisC. PropagationD. CultivationA14.The first successful test of an atomic bomb was in _______.15.My ______ is very kind and helpful.16.I like to _____ (ride/swim) my bike.17.The chemical symbol for sodium is _______.18.I find ________ (古典文学) very inspiring.19.I like to ______ (参与) in charity runs.20.The _______ can bring joy to your life.21.I like to _____ (跳) rope.22.The _____ (风筝) flies high in the sky.23.The capital of Spain is __________.24.The toy robot can dance and ________ (唱歌). It’s really ________ (酷).25.The War of was fought between the USA and ________.26.What do we call a young horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. Lamb27.I can play games with my ________ (玩具).28.The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)29. A chemical that increases the rate of a reaction is called a ______.30.What do we call the act of gathering information?A. ResearchB. InvestigationC. InquiryD. All of the aboveD31.My mom makes _____ for dinner. (pasta)32.What is the largest continent?A. AfricaB. AsiaC. EuropeD. AmericaB33.I drink ______ in the morning.34.The _______ of sound depends on the vibrations.35.What do you call the study of the human body?A. AnatomyB. BiologyC. PhysiologyD. Ecology36.The sunset is _______ (beautiful) tonight.37.My _______ (狗) loves to play fetch with a stick.38.In chemistry, we study _______ which are made of atoms. (物质)39.The _______ of light can be tested by using a variety of filters.40. A ____ has a shell and moves very slowly.41.What is 5 - 3?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 442.Electricity can flow through a ______.43.My grandpa tells me . (我爷爷给我讲。



b instruction 变址指令b register 变址寄存器b 巴b 靶恩b 板b 贝尔b 苯b 波美计;波美度b 磁感应b 带b 带宽b 地层体积因子b 电池b 二进制位b 浮力b 宽度b 梁;波束b 亮度b 硼b 十亿b 桶b 信息组b 阳离子迁移率b 英国热量单位b 粘结灰岩b 轴承;方向b&s wire gauge 美国线规b-axis b-轴b-battery 板极电池组b-box 变址寄存器b-digit b数字b-h curve 磁化曲线b-line 变址寄存器b-power supply 乙电源b-power 板极电源b-store 变址寄存器b-tectonite b构造岩b-type fold b-型褶皱b-type subduction b-型俯冲作用b.a. ohm 英制欧姆b.a. 桥式放大器b.a.a.s. 英国科学促进会b.a.s. 英国标准协会b.b 反方向b.b.p 基板底部b.c. 两中心之间的距离b.c.c. 体心立方b.c.d 基圆直径b.c.t. 体心正方b.d. 每日桶数b.e.p. 损益两平点b.e.p. 最佳效率点b.f. 带通滤波器b.g. 伯明翰线规b.g. 二进制增益b.g. 伞齿轮b.h. 布氏硬度b.m.e.p. 制动均压b.o. 取铆器;有毛病的b.o. 卸开b.o.t.u. 电能单位b.p. 距今b.r.t 转盘面以下b.s.b. 海底下b.s.d. 英国度量标准b.s.i. 英国标准学会b.s.l. 海平面以下b.s.m.e. 采矿工程学士b.s.&w. 碱沉渣和水 工学士 理学士b.u. 增斜b.v. 容积b.v. 帐面价值b.y. 10亿年ba 钡ba 缓冲放大器ba 基线ba 桥式放大器ba 酸液桶数bab 巴氏合金babbit metal 巴氏合金babbit packing ring 巴氏合金填密圈babbit seat 巴氏合金座babbit 巴比特合金babbit-lined bearing 巴氏合金衬套轴承babbitting 巴比特合金babble 多道干扰;交叉失真;潺潺声;相互影响babcock coefficient of friction 巴布科克摩擦系数babs 进场波束指向系统baby check valve 小型单向阀;小型检验开关baby compressor 小型压缩机baby 平衡重;小型的bac 二进制非对称通道bac 二进制模拟转换bachelor of science in engineering 工学士bachelor of science 理学士bachelor 学士;单身汉bacilli bacillus的复数bacillite 棒状雏晶束back action 反作用back ampere-turns 逆向安匝back and stopping trial 倒车及停航试验back angle 后背角;后视角back azimuth 反方位角back band 滚筒刹车带back bay 封闭海湾back bead 背面焊缝back bearing 后象限角back belt 倒车皮带back bias 反馈偏压back bowl scraper 导向头刮管器back brake 绳式顿钻捞砂轮刹车back cavitation 叶背空泡back connected instrument 背面连接式仪器back contact spring 静接点弹簧back contact 后接点back coupling 反馈back current brake 反向电流电刹车back current 反向电流back deep basin 后渊盆地back deep 后渊back diffusion 反向扩散back digger 反铲挖掘机back discharge 反向放电back electromotive force 反电动势back elevation 背立面图back emf 反电动势back end 底back extrusion 反向挤出back feed 反馈back fire arrester 回火防止器back fire 回火back flush 反冲洗back furrow 蛇形丘back geared type motor 带减速器的马达back geared 装有背齿轮的back geosyncline 后地槽back hand welding 反手焊接back hub 后视桩back interpolation formula 后插公式back island arc 后岛弧back levee march 堤后草本沼泽back light 倒车灯back marsh 河漫滩草本沼泽back measurement 后测back motion 倒档back numbers 前面几期;过期期刊back nut 后螺母back off point 倒开点back off shot 解卡倒扣用炸药包back off sub 丢手接头back off tool 松开工具back order 延期交货back oscillation 反波振荡back pack 背包式灭火器back play 间隙back pressure control station 回压控制站back pressure curve 回压曲线back pressure washing 回压冲洗back pressure 回压back production 回采back radiation 反向辐射back rake angle 后倾角back reaction 反向反应back reaming 倒划眼back reflection 背射back resistance 反向电阻back run 封底焊back saw 手锯back scattering angle 反向散射角back scattering wave 反向散射波back shift 第二班back shooting 逆向爆炸back shop 修理厂back space 退格back stress effect 背应力效应back substitution 回代back swing 回程back thrusting 背向冲断层作用back torgue line 反扭矩拉绳back traverse 闭合导线back twisting 反向加捻back up chain tongs 咬定链钳back up information 后备信息back up pad 支撑板back up plate 推靠板back up protection 备用保护装置back up store 后备存储器back up trace 测井曲线记录备用道back view 后视图back voltage 逆电压back wagon 钻台用小推车back wash line 反洗管线back wave 反射波back work 后援工作back 背back-acting shovel 反铲挖土机back-angle counter 逆向散射粒子计数器back-arc basin 弧后盆地back-arc spreading 弧后扩张back-arc subduction 弧后俯冲back-berm trough 滩肩后凹槽back-berm 后滩肩back-brake support 顿钻捞砂轮刹车支架back-crank pumping unit 前置式游梁抽油机back-end computer 后端计算机back-extract 反萃取back-extraction 反萃取作用back-flush phase 回吹阶段back-flushable filter 逆流冲洗式过滤器back-flushing type unit 反冲洗型装置back-in rig 退入式作业机back-in 倒车对井口中心back-leg 后腿back-log workload 后备工作量back-mixing 返混back-off assembly 松开装置back-off joint 倒扣短节back-off operation 倒扣作业back-off procedure 倒开步骤back-off 倒开back-out 旋松;退火;取消;拧出back-packer 支撑式封隔器back-pressure regulator 回压调节器back-pressure valve 回压阀back-purge system 反冲洗系统back-ridge 洋脊背侧back-roll 反绕back-scattered ground roll 反向散射地滚波back-scattered noise 反向散射噪声back-setting effect 逆流效应back-side-crank pumping unit 单拐多连杆抽油设备back-sizing 单面上浆back-sliding nappe 后滑推覆体back-slope 后坡back-spacing 返回back-step welding 逐步退焊back-to-back counter 加倍计数器back-to-back credit export first 输出方先开的对开信用证back-to-back credit import first 输入方先开的对开信用证back-to-back 对头拼接back-up attachment 背钳附件back-up control manifold 辅助控制管汇back-up corner 后备位置back-up curve 辅助曲线back-up galvanometer 辅助检流计back-up post 支柱back-up safety 备用安全装置back-up surveillance 辅助监督back-up tong 背钳back-up wrench 背钳back-ups 背钳backacter 反铲挖土机backarc 后弧backbarrier complex 障壁后复合体backbarrier deposit 障壁后沉积backbarrier facies 障壁后相backbarrier 障壁后backbeach 滨后滩backboard 底板backbone chain 主链backbone pipeline 干线backbone road 干道backbone structure 主链结构backbone 脊骨;主要部分backcountry 边远地区backcycling 反向循环backdraft =backdraughtbackdraught 倒车;逆转backdrift 后退偏航backdrop 交流声backend processor 后端处理机backer 支持者backfall 山坡backfeed loop 反馈回路backfill compactor 管沟回填土压实机backfill crown 回填土堆backfill rammer 回填夯实机backfill tamper 管沟回填夯实机backfill 回填backfiller 回填机backfilling bucket 斗式回填机backfilling gang 管沟回填队backfilling 回填backfin 夹层;裂缝backfire 回火backfit 变形不大;修合backflash 反闪backflow channel 回流水道backflow connection 回流管backflow gate 双向旋启式止回阀backflow ripple 回流波痕backflow test 回流试验backflow tracer 回流示踪剂backflow volume 回流液量backflow 回流backflowing debris 流入井里的碎屑backflush chromatogram 反冲色谱backfolding 背向褶皱backgear 背齿轮background activity 本底放射性background batch process 基础程序组方法background buildup 本底积累background concentration 背景浓度background contrast ratio 背景反差比background correction 本底校正background count 本底计数background current 本底电流background dose 本底剂量background equilibrium condition 背景平衡条件background evaluations 背景评价background fluctuation 背景起伏background fog 背景雾background gas 背景气background heater 隐闭式供暖器background hump 本底突峰background impurity 本底杂质background information 背景信息background interference 背景干扰background ions 本底离子background level 背景水平background luminance 背景亮度background luminescence 本底发光background noise 背景噪声background polarization 背景极化background pollution 本底污染background population 背景总体background probability 背景概率background processor 后台处理机background program 辅助程序;后台程序background radiation 本底辐射background radioactivity 本底放射性background reflectance 背景反差background response 本底响应background return 背景回波background seismic wave 本底地震波background signal 本底信号background source 本底源background spectrum 本底谱线图background subtraction 减去本底background value 背景值background velocity 背景速度background 背景backguy 拉线backhand drainage pattern 逆向水系型式backhand drainage 倒转水系backhand 反手;反手一击backhaul 载货返航backhead 后部backheating 反加热backhoe loader 反铲装载机backhoe 反铲backing bar 撑杆backing block 补偿绕组backing memory 后备存储器backing off 反馈backing pass 底焊焊道backing plank 衬板backing plate 托板backing power 倒车功率backing pump 旋转油泵backing register 后备寄存器backing resistance 倒航阻力backing ring 垫环backing run 背面焊接backing storage 后备存储器backing store 后备存储器backing strip 条状垫板backing weld 用垫环的焊缝backing 支持;衬垫物backing-up screw 防松螺钉backjoint 平行解理走向节理面backland 腹地backlash eliminator 齿隙消除装置backlash spring 消隙弹簧backlash 轮齿隙;齿隙游移backlimb thrust 缓翼冲断层backlimb 缓翼backlog 储备;积压的工作backoff string shot 钻具解卡炮弹backpitch 背节距backplan 底视图backplane 底板backplate 背面板backpressure test 气井产能测试backproject 幕后投影backprojection algorithm 向后投射算法backprojection operator 后投影算子backprojection 反向投射backpropagation algorithm 向后传播算法backpropagation 反向传播backpumping 反输backreaming 倒划井眼backreef facies 后礁相backreef lagoon 礁后泻湖backreef sediment 后礁沉积backreef zone 礁后带backreef 礁后;礁后区backrush 回流backscatter ultraviolet radiometer 后向散射紫外线辐射仪backscatter 背反射backscattered electron image 反散射电子图象backscattered gamma ray 反散射伽马射线backscatterer 反向散射体backscattering coefficient 反向散射系数backscattering gauge 反向散射测量计backscattering 反向散射backset bed 后积层backset bedding 后积层层理backset current 回流backset eddy 逆涡流backset 逆流backshaft 后轴backshore beach ridge 滨后滩脊backshore beach 滨后滩backshore deposit 滨后沉积backshore terrace 后滨阶地backshore 后滨backshuttle line 反循环管线backside pumping 一台马达带动两口井抽油机backside 后部backsight 回视backspring 后向弹簧backstay cable 拉索backstay 背撑backstop 托架backstroke 回程backsurge chamber volume 反冲洗工具的低压室体积backsurge disc valve 反冲洗圆盘阀backsurge tool string 反冲工具管柱backsurge tool stringer 反冲工具尾管backsurge tool 反冲洗井工具backsurge volume 反冲液量backsurge 回压冲洗backsurged debris 反冲出的碎屑backsurging operation 反冲洗作业backsurging principle 反冲原理backsurging 反冲backswamp deposit 漫滩沼泽沉积backswamp depression 漫滩洼地backswamp 天然堤后漫滩沼泽backswept 后掠;后掠角backswipe reflection 来自后侧岩丘表面多次反射backtrough 后槽backup arm 推靠臂backup copy 副本backup device 备用装置backup flooding 保持压力注水backup hydraulic control 后备液压控制backup injection well 后备注入井backup lamp 倒车灯backup line 备用管道backup mist generator 副油雾发生器backup ring 垫圈backup shoe 推靠臂backup system 辅助系统backup washer 支撑垫圈backup water injector 后备注水井backup 支持;底板;阻塞backus filter 巴克斯滤波器backus operator 巴克斯算子backus three-point operator 巴克斯三点算子backus-gilbert approach 巴克斯-吉尔伯特法backwall 后膜backward angle method 背离角法backward branch 反向分支backward crossover 反相交backward difference approximation 后向差分近似法backward difference implicit 后向差分隐式法backward difference method 后向差分法backward difference operator 后向差分算子backward difference 后向差分backward flow 回流backward folding 背向褶皱作用backward gain 反向增益backward gear 倒档齿轮backward induction 逆序归纳法backward integration 逆向一体化backward interpolation 后向插值backward prediction error filter 反向预测误差滤波器backward prediction 后测backward reading 反读backward running 反转backward station 逆位置backward stroke 回程backward wave 回波backward welding 反向焊backward 反向的backwarddrainage 逆向水系backwardstation method 后向测点法backwash cycle 反冲洗循环backwash efficiency 反洗效率backwash mark 海滩回流痕backwash pump 回流泵backwash 喷流backwash-regeneration cycle 反冲洗-再生循环backwashing 反洗backwasting 冰前消退作用backwater gate 回水闸backwater trap 回水存水弯backwater 循环水backway 后退距离backwearing 坡崖平行后退backweathering 后退风化backweld 封底焊缝backwelding 反面焊接backwordscattered field 反向散射波场bacteria content 细菌含量bacteria corrosion 微生物腐蚀bacteria culture bottle 细菌培养瓶bacteria grinder 磨菌器bacteria remover 除菌剂bacteria bacterium的复数bacteria-free 无菌的bacterial action 细菌作用bacterial activity 细菌活性bacterial adherence 细菌粘附bacterial alteration 细菌演化作用bacterial anomaly 细菌异常bacterial attack 细菌腐蚀bacterial biomass 细菌生命体bacterial colonies 细菌群体bacterial contamination 细菌污染bacterial corrosion 细菌腐蚀bacterial cultures 细菌培养物bacterial decomposition 细菌分解作用bacterial degradation 细菌降解作用bacterial desulfurization 微生物脱硫bacterial dewaxing 微生物脱蜡bacterial ecology 细菌生态学bacterial fermentation 细菌发酵作用bacterial gas 微生物气bacterial growth 细菌滋长bacterial leaching 细菌浸取bacterial metabolization 细菌新陈代谢作用bacterial methane 菌生甲烷bacterial oil recovery 细菌采油bacterial oxidation 细菌氧化bacterial plugging 细菌堵塞bacterial polymer 细菌聚合物bacterial prospecting 细菌勘探bacterial reduction 细菌还原作用bacterial slime buildup 细菌粘液堵塞bacterial surveys 细菌测量bacterially degraded oil 细菌降解油bactericidal action 杀菌作用bactericidal agent 杀菌剂bactericide 杀菌剂bacteriofluorescein 细菌荧光素bacteriogenic 细菌成因的bacteriohopane tetrol 细菌藿四醇bacteriology 细菌学bacteriophage 噬菌体bacteriophagy 噬菌现象bacteriostasis 抑菌bacteriostat 抑菌剂bacteriostatic agent 抑菌剂bactrognathus 棒颚牙形石属bactrosaurus 巴克龙属bactrosporites 棒形孢属baculatisporites 棒瘤孢属baculexinis 异瘤切壁孢属baculites ovatus fauna 杆菊石属卵圆形动物群baculites 杆菊石属bacw 含酸水桶数bad accounts 呆帐bad checks 空头支票bad debt 坏帐bad earth 接地不良bad fishing job 复杂的打捞工作bad ground 复杂地层bad hole 复杂井眼bad line removal 坏线消除bad oil 含水原油bad parity 奇偶错误bad spot 受到损坏的部位baddeleyite 斜锆石badge 徽章badigeon 油灰badin metal 巴丁合金badiotella 小步蛤属badly faulted 严重断裂的badly faulting 强烈断层活动badly graded sand 级配不良的砂baech-barrier system 海滩-障壁体系baf 每英亩-英尺产油桶数baffle 折流板baffle collar 带挡圈的接箍baffle filter 挡板过滤器baffle plate 挡板baffle spacing 隔板间的距离baffle structure 消力结构baffle 挡板baffled gravel-placement device 装有隔板的砾石充填装置baffler 挡板缓冲板;减音器bafflestone 障结灰岩bag dredge 海底挖泥机bag filter 袋式过滤器bag type blowout preventer 筒式防喷器bag 袋bag-type bop 筒式防喷器bagasse 甘蔗渣baggage room 行李舱baggage 行李bagged cement 袋装水泥bagged slurry explosive 袋装塑胶炸药bagger 袋装机;挖泥机baghouse 囊式集尘室bagpipe 风笛;人为干扰发射机bagwork 装袋工作;沙包bahada 山麓冲积扇bahamite 巴哈马沉积bahiaite 橄闪紫苏岩bahnmetal 铅基轴承合金baicalia 贝加尔螺属baikalian orogeny 贝加尔造山运动baikalides 贝加尔褶皱系baikarite 贝地蜡baikerinite 褐地蜡bail bond 保释担保书bail down 提捞bail out 戽出;提捞bail the rathole 捞鼠洞bail 桶bail-out bottle 应急呼吸气瓶bailed sample 捞出的砂样bailed sand sample 捞出砂样bailed sand 捞出砂bailee 受托人bailer bail 捞砂筒上的提环bailer conductor 捞砂筒bailer crown-block 捞砂天车bailer dart 捞砂筒下部的活门bailer dump 捞砂筒的倒砂门;用筒装物体倒入井内;捞砂筒捞出物bailer grab 捞砂筒的捞钩bailer line 捞砂绳bailer method of cementing 用捞砂筒注水泥bailer method 捞砂法bailer sample 捞砂筒中砂样bailer valve 捞砂筒阀bailer 抽泥筒bailey meter 贝利流量计bailing block 提捞滑车bailing bucket 捞砂筒bailing drum 捞砂滚筒bailing line 捞砂绳bailing machine 捞砂机bailing reel 捞砂滚筒bailing rope 捞砂绳bailing tub 捞砂桶bailing well 捞砂井bailing 提捞作业bailling tank 捞砂罐bailment 保释;委托书bailor 委托人bailsman 保证人bainite 贝氏体baire function 贝瑞函数baisalina 贝塞虫属bait box 午饭盒bajada 山麓冲积平原bajir 沙漠湖bajocian stage 巴柔阶bakalite 酚醛塑料bake 烤baked clay 焙烧粘土baked phenolic coating 焙干酚醛树脂涂层baked test 烘烤试验baked 烘过的baked-on resin coating 焙干树脂涂层bakelite varnish 酚醛树脂清漆bakelite =bakalitebakeout 烘烤baker shoe 套管鞋baker 烘炉bakerlok 贝克尔厂所产防套管丝扣松脱剂baking soda 碳酸氢钠baking 烤bakingout process 过热处理bakingout 烧毁bakkeoer 冰碛丘bal 基本汇编语言bal 平衡bala 巴拉群balance account 结算帐户balance amplitude limiting 平衡限幅balance arc 平衡弧balance arm 天平臂;平衡臂balance beam 平衡梁balance bob 平衡锤balance box 平衡重balance carried down 余额移后页balance check mode 平衡检验状态balance check 零位检查balance detector 平衡检波器balance device 平衡装置balance equation 平衡方程balance equipment 平衡设备balance gear 平衡齿轮balance level 水准仪balance measurement 重量平衡测定balance method 平衡法balance of payments deficit 国际收支逆差balance of payments surplus 国际收支顺差balance of payments 国际收支balance on ledger 分类帐余额balance out 抵消balance pan 天平盘balance piston 平衡活塞balance pressure drilling 平衡压力钻井balance quality 平衡精度balance rheometer 平衡流变仪balance rider 游码balance room 天平室balance scale 天平标尺balance sheet analysis 资产负债表分析balance sheet approach 资产负债表法balance sheet of man power 劳动力平衡表balance sheet of materials and supplies 物资平衡表balance sheet 资产负债表balance stem 平衡杆balance tank 平衡罐balance test 平衡试验balance ticket 决算单balance valve 平衡阀balance viscosity 平衡粘度balance weight 平衡重balance wheel 平衡轮balance 天平balanced activity drilling fluid 反相乳化钻井液balanced amplifier 平衡放大器balanced antenna 平衡天线balanced bottom hole pressure method 井底压力平衡压井法balanced bridge 平衡电桥balanced budget rule 平衡预算规则balanced budget 平衡预算balanced cable 平衡电缆balanced cement plug 平衡水泥塞balanced circuit 平衡电路balanced control surface 平衡控制面balanced cross section 平衡地质剖面balanced drilling 平衡钻井balanced earthwork 平衡土方工程balanced flood performance 注采平衡动态balanced frequency modulation detector 平衡调频检波器balanced game 平衡对策balanced growth 均衡增长balanced hole 平衡孔balanced injection and production rate 注采平衡balanced input 平衡输入balanced load 平衡载荷balanced modulator 平衡调制器balanced mud density method 平衡泥浆密度法balanced multivibrator 平衡多谐振荡器balanced network 平衡网络balanced octane number 平衡辛烷值balanced offtake 注采平衡balanced opposed reciprocating compressor 对称平衡往复式压缩机balanced polyphase load 多相平衡载荷balanced pressure proportioner 等压式比例混合器balanced pressure torch 等压式焊炬balanced reaction rudder 平衡反应舵balanced reaction 平衡反应balanced relay 平衡继电器balanced rudder 平衡舵balanced seal 平衡密封balanced state 平衡状态balanced steel ratio 平均配筋率balanced system 平衡系统balanced tangential 平衡正切法balanced transformer 平衡变压器balanced twist 平衡捻balanced ventilation 平衡通风balanced water plugging technique 平衡堵水工艺balanced 平衡的balanced-pressure drilling 平衡压力钻井balancer 平衡器balancing adjustment 平衡调整balancing capacitor 平衡电容器balancing coil 平衡线圈balancing force 平衡力balancing fracturing truck 平衡压裂车balancing load 平衡载荷balancing network 平衡网络balancing shaft 平衡轴balancing speed 平衡速度balancing torque 平衡扭矩balancing transformer 平衡变压器balancing weight 平衡块balancing 平衡balata belt 胶合皮带balcony 阳台;艉望台bald mountain 秃山bald-headed anticline 秃顶背斜bald-headed derrick 无天车工作平台的井架bald-headed structure 秃顶构造baldite 辉沸煌岩baldurnisporites 巴尔多孢属bale cargo 包装货bale ties 打包窄钢带bale 大包baler 压密机baling press 包装机baling 打包balios 斑点藻属balistes 鳞属balitron 稳定负阻balk 梁木;障碍;错误ball and ring method 环球法ball and ring test 球环试验ball and seat valve 球形止回阀ball and socket reamer 肘节扩眼器ball bearing core barrel 滚珠轴承内筒不转的岩心筒ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball breaker 玻球式触底指示器ball cage 弹子夹ball check valve 球形单向阀ball circuit type 循环钢球式ball clack valve 球瓣单向阀ball clay 球粘土ball coal 球状煤ball cock 球旋塞;浮动旋塞ball collar thrust bearing 滚珠环止推轴承ball condenser 球形冷凝器ball float collar 球形浮箍ball float level controller 浮球液面调节器ball float shoe 球形浮鞋ball grinder 球磨机ball hardness 钢球硬度ball heater 球形加热器ball injector 投球器ball joint clamping 球形接头锁紧ball joint drive 球节式装置ball joint head 球形头ball joint 球节ball method of testing 钢球压印试验法ball mill pulverizer 球磨粉碎机ball mill refiner 球磨精制机ball mill 球磨机ball out 疏通ball packing 球充填物ball peen hammer 圆头手锤ball play 球棒ball plug 弹子孔塞销ball powder 球形火药ball prover 球型校验器ball race 滚珠座圈ball rebound test 球回跳试验ball relief valve 球形安全阀ball retaining plug 塞销ball safety valve 球形安全阀ball sealer 封堵球ball sealing 球封ball section 球节ball srew type 循环钢球式ball test 钢球试验ball thrust bearing 滚珠止推轴承ball type surface controlled safety valve 地面控制的球型安全阀ball type tubing safety valve 油管球形安全阀ball valve sample chamber 球阀取样器ball valve 球阀ball viscometer 球式粘度计ball 球ball 压载;压舱物ball-and-chain crawler 球形刮刀ball-and-dish seat type valve 球及球座型阀ball-and-pillow structure 球-枕状构造ball-and-roller bearing 滚珠-滚柱轴承ball-and-seat 单流阀ball-and-socket bearing 球窝轴承ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头;球形铰链连接ball-and-socket valve 球形阀ball-bore calibration device 球-孔标定装置ball-locking finger 锁紧球指针ball-off 投球封堵ball-park recovery factor 小型试注回采率ball-point penetrator 球体贯入度仪ball-type 球式ball-up 泥包钻头ballas 工业用金刚石ballaset 巴拉赛特ballast cell 压载室ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast lamp 镇流管ballast pump 压载水泵ballast road 石碴路ballast tank 压载罐ballast tray 重型浮阀塔盘ballast trimming 压载调整;纵倾调整ballast water 压舱水ballast 压载ballasted condition 压载状态ballaster 铺碴机ballasting up 施加压重;铺完石碴ballasting 压载打压舱水ballaststorage chamber 压载-储存舱balled bit 泥包钻头balling formation 易泥包地层balling up of valves 阀球被卡住balling up 泥包balling 泥包balling-up sticking 泥包卡钻ballistic galvanometer 冲击式电流计ballistic prover 冲击式流量校验器ballistic test 冲击试验ballistics 弹道学;发射特性ballistite 波里斯太ballometer 雾粒电荷计ballonet 副囊balloon flask 球体烧瓶balloon framing 轻捷木骨架balloon photograph 气球摄影相片balloon photography 气球摄影术balloon 气囊balloon-system loss prevention 防止油品蒸发损耗的气囊集气系统ballooning effect 鼓胀效应ballooning 鼓胀balloonless spinning 无气圈纺丝ballseat 球座ballstone 球石ballute 减速气球balmeisporites 巴氏大孢属balognathus 射颚牙形石属balop 反射式放映机baltic lce lake 波罗的冰湖baltica land 波罗的古陆baltica shield 波罗的地盾baltisphaeridium 波罗的刺球藻属baltoniodus 波罗的牙形石属baluchitherium 俾路支兽属balun 平衡转换器bam 基本存取方法bam 双向联想存储器bamboo pulp 竹浆bamboo scaffolding 竹脚手架bamboo skin rope tool drilling 竹弓顿钻bamboo steel 竹节钢筋bamboo 竹ban 禁止banados 浅沼泽banakite 橄云安粗岩banana jack 香蕉插头座banana pin 香蕉插头banana plug 香蕉插头banatite 辉英闪长岩banbury mixer 密炼机banco do brasil 巴西银行banco 牛轭湖band brake 带式制动器band clutch 带式离合器band combination 波段组合band compensation 频带补偿band compression 频带压缩band conveyor 皮带输送机band coupling 带式联接器band elimination 带状消元法band filter 带通滤波器band head 谱带头band heater 带式加热器band iron 扁铁band limited wiener inverse operator 限带维纳反算子band mask 软韧橡胶面罩band meter 波长计band of genetic similarity 生成相似带band oil pool 带状油藏band pass 带通band printer 带式打印机band ratio 波段比值band reject 带阻band rope 扁绳band saw 环形锯band selection 波段选择band selector 波段选择器band separator 频带分离器band spectrum 带状光谱band spinning machine 带式熔融纺丝机band spinning 带式熔融纺丝band splitting 谱带分裂band spread 频带扩展band steel 带钢band stop filter 带阻滤波器band suppression filter 带阻滤波器band switch 波段开关band tailing 谱带拖尾band tape 卷尺band tubing 软韧橡皮管band viscometer 带式粘度计band wheel pumping power 深井泵抽油的皮带驱动band wheel shaft 主轴band wheel 绳式顿钻钻机的主传动轮;传动皮带轮;带式刹车轮毂band 带band-elimination filter 带阻滤波器band-exclusion filter 带阻滤波器band-gap transition 带隙跃迁band-limited function 限带函数band-limited seismogram 限带地震记录band-limited signal 有限带宽信号band-limited spectrum 带限频谱band-reject filter 带阻滤波器band-sawing machine 带锯机bandage 绷带;防潮带;用绷带包扎bandaite 拉长英安岩banded clay 带状粘土banded coal 带状煤banded constituent 条带状成分banded corrosion 层状腐蚀banded differentiate 带状分异火成岩banded iron formation 条带状含铁建造banded sediment 条带状沉积物banded slate 带状板岩banded structure 条带构造bander 打捆工;打捆机banding 带状;聚集成带;箍紧bandlimited frequency spectrum 限带频谱bandlimited inverse operator 限带反演算子bandpass amplifier 带通放大器bandpass analog filter 带通模拟滤波器bandpass filtering 带通滤波bandpass response 带通频率响应bandpass signal 带通信号bandspreader 频段扩展器bandwidth control 带宽调节bandwidth correlator 带宽相关器bandwidth expansion ratio 带宽扩展率bandwidth 带宽bandy clay 带状粘土bang 猛击bangor ladder 消防摇梯banister 栏杆柱;栏杆;楼梯扶手banjo case 井口喷气减速装置banjo 箱bank atoll 浅滩环礁bank barrier 浅滩堡礁bank bill 钞票bank build-up 沙堤形成bank cable transfer 银行电汇bank charges 银行手续费bank cycle time 体周期时间bank discount rate 银行贴现率bank draft 银行汇票bank erosion 岸边侵蚀bank gravel 河岸砾石bank guarantee 银行担保bank inset reef 滩内礁bank letter of credit 银行信用证bank loan 银行贷款bank note 钞票bank of america 美洲银行bank of china 中国银行bank of communications 交通银行bank of condensers 冷凝器组bank of meters 计量仪表组bank of staggered pipes 错列排管bank of tokyo 东京银行bank prime rate 银行优惠利率bank protection revetment 护坡bank reconciliation 银行往来调节表;对帐单bank reef 滩礁bank run 银行挤兑bank seismic facies unit 滩地震岩相单元bank stabilization 河岸稳定bank stage 平岸水位bank statement 银行结单bank stock 银行股票bank year 银行会计年度bank 岸bank-to-bank transaction 银行间同业往来bankable bill 可兑现票据bankable project 由银行担保的项目banke 陡崖banked battery 并联电池组banked winding 叠绕线卷banked 联组工作的banker's acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票banker's acceptance rate 银行承兑率banker's acceptance 银行承兑banker's agency 银行代理行banker's bill 银行汇票banker's check 银行支票banker's clean bill 银行光票banker's duty of secrecy 银行保密责任banker's invoice 银行发票banker's long draft 银行长期汇票banket structure 板状节理banket 致密石英砾岩bankfull stage 满槽水位banking industry 银行业banking 油带的形成bankrupt 破产;破产的;使破产bankruptcy law 破产法bankruptcy petition 破产申请bankruptcy procedure 破产程序bankruptcy 破产banksia 班克木属banksieaeidites 板克粉属banner 旗;标签;首位的banoco 巴林国家石油公司banque nationale de paris 巴黎国民银行bansen 斑森banta method 班塔法bantam mixer 非倾倒式拌和机bantam 短小精悍;小型设备;携带式无线电信标bantamia 班旦珊瑚属banto faro 半沼泽bap 伯克利数组外理机bar actuated pressure vent 杆式驱动液压排出孔bar beach 滨外滩bar bender 钢筋挠曲器bar bending 弯钢筋bar chart 柱形统计图bar check 杆尺校正bar chromatogram 直方色谱图bar code 条形码bar cutting machine 棒料切割机bar diagram 图表bar drop sub 投杆接头bar dropper 投棒器bar for line 保温钉bar graph 柱形统计图bar gravel 河流砾石浅滩bar iron 铁条bar lake 堰堵塞湖bar magnet 条形磁铁bar magnetic compass 磁杆罗盘bar plain 沙坝平原bar platform 沙坝台地bar point 点沙坝bar port 候潮港bar pressure 大气压力bar printer 杆式打印机bar reinforcement 棒钢筋bar shears 棒料剪切机bar stock 棒料bar tail 沙坝尾bar theory 沙坝说bar 气压计bar 气压计的bar 条bar 桶bar 重晶石bar 重晶石的bar-finger sand 指状沙坝bar-finger sandstone body 指状砂岩体bar-finger 指状沙坝bar-head 沙坝头bar-like lunate 新月形沙坝bar-stock needle valve 杆控针形阀barachois 泻湖baramite 菱镁蛇纹岩barb bolt 地脚螺栓barb 倒刺barbados earth 巴巴多斯土barbarodina 奇异牙形石属barbate 顶须孢类barbed drainage pattern 倒钩水系barbed tributary 倒钩支流barbed wire 带刺铁丝barber 大风雪barberite 铜镍锡硅合金barbotage 鼓泡barcan 新月形沙丘barchan cluster 新月沙丘群barchan dune 新月沙丘barchan swarm 新月沙丘群barchane 新月形沙丘barclays bank international 巴克莱国际银行barclays bank 巴克莱银行barcol hardness 巴氏硬度barcol impressor 巴科尔硬度仪bardine process 钻杆消除疲劳应力的方法bare area 裸露面积bare cable 裸电缆bare contract 不附担保合同bare electrode 裸焊条bare engine 没有任何辅助设备的发动机bare hole 无套管的井;裸眼bare land 原野bare pipe-line 裸管路bare possibility 缺乏可能性bare string 光管柱bare tank 裸罐bare weight 空重bare well 裸井bare wire arc welding 光丝弧焊bare 赤裸裸的bare-barrel drum 光滚筒bareboat charter 租船bared pipe 裸管barefoot charter 海上钻井设备出租barefoot completion 裸眼完井barefoot interval 裸眼井段barefoot well 裸眼井barefoot 裸眼barffing 过热蒸汽法氧化bargain price 处理价格bargain 讨价还价bargainee 买主bargaining power 议价能力bargaining tariff 互惠协定关税bargaining 讨价还价bargainor 卖主barge crane 浮式起重机barge drilling 驳船钻井barge price 驳船价barge rig 驳船式钻井装置barge unit 钻井驳船;船载装置barge workover rig 驳船修井设备barge 平底船barge-mounted 船装的barging 驳船运输baria 重晶石barie 巴列barilla 苏打灰baring 剥离;盖层barion 激子barite cement 重晶石水泥barite dollar 饼状重晶石结核barite mud 重晶石泥浆barite plug 重晶石塞barite slurry 重晶石浆barite 重晶石barite-weighted mud 重晶石加重泥浆baritic rock 重晶石岩baritic 重晶石的barium based grease 钡基润滑脂barium bichromate 重铬酸钡barium carbonate 碳酸钡barium chloride 氯化钡barium dichromate 重铬酸钡barium diisopropyl salicylate 二异丙基水杨酸钡barium dinonyl napthalene sulphonate 二壬基萘磺酸钡盐barium dioxide 过氧化钡barium glass 钡玻璃barium hydrate 氢氧化钡barium iodide 碘化钡barium ion 钡离子barium monoxide 氧化钡barium nitrate 硝酸钡barium nitrite 亚硝酸钡barium oxide 氧化钡barium sulfate scale 硫酸钡垢barium sulphate 硫酸钡barium sulphide 硫化钡barium titanate 钛酸钡barium 钡bark press 压皮机bark 茎皮barkan 新月形沙丘barker 气鸣器barkevikite 铁角闪石barkhan chain 新月形沙丘链barkhausen noise 巴克豪森噪声barley 大麦。



小学上册英语第2单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous castle in France?A. Neuschwanstein CastleB. Château de ChambordC. Edinburgh CastleD. Windsor Castle2.What is the name of the star at the center of our solar system?A. MoonB. SunC. EarthD. MarsB3.The _____ (汽车) is red.4.What is the capital of Uganda?A. NairobiB. KampalaC. Addis AbabaD. Lagos5.My family lives near a __________ (水库).6.At school, teachers prefer we address them as __. (在学校,老师更希望我们称呼他们为。

)7.How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9B8. A __________ is the part of the earth that contains all living organisms.9.Goldfish can live in _______ tanks.10.The __________ blooms in spring.11.My favorite subject in school is ________ (地理) because I love learning about different ________ (国家).12.My brother plays __________ (足球) every weekend.13.My sister likes to read ______ (books).14.My favorite sport is _______ (棒球).15.Mount Fuji is a famous ________ (山) in Japan.16.I want to learn how to ________ (打篮球) better.17.An exothermic reaction releases ______.18.My ___ (小兔子) loves to eat carrots.19.The stars twinkle in the __________.20.What do we call the practice of growing plants for food?A. AgricultureB. HorticultureC. GardeningD. All of the aboveD All of the above21.The chemical process of digestion involves breaking down _____.22.The classroom is ________ and bright.23. A __________ is a major factor in climate change.24.The ancient Romans used _______ for their buildings. (石头)25.At night, I look up at the ______ (星星) and wonder about the universe. It’s so big and ______ (神秘).26.I spotted a _______ (小鸟) in the bush.27.What is the capital city of Slovenia?A. LjubljanaB. MariborC. CeljeD. Kranj28.We are going to _______ (参加) a concert.29. A __________ is a reaction that occurs when two substances combine to form a new substance.30.Understanding how plants interact with their ______ is essential for ecology. (了解植物如何与环境相互作用对生态学至关重要。

The effect of a cutoff on pushed and bistable fronts of the reaction diffusion equation

The effect of a cutoff on pushed and bistable fronts of the reaction diffusion equation

arXiv:nlin/0703064v1 [nlin.PS] 29 Mar 2007
Pontificia Universidad Cat´ olica de Chile Casilla 306, Santiago 22, Chile
We give an explicit formula for the change of speed of pushed and bistable fronts of the reaction diffusion equation when a small cutoff is applied at the unstable or metastable equilibrium point. The results are valid for arbitrary reaction terms and include the case of density dependent diffusion.
The effect of a cutoff on the speed of reaction diffusion fronts has received much attention since it was observed by Brunet and Derrida [1] that fluctuations in propagating fronts which arise as a result of the discreteness in the number N of propagating particles can be modeled by introducing a small cutoff ǫ on the reaction term in the deterministic reaction diffusion equation. The cutoff parameter ǫ is related to the number of particles by ǫ = 1/N . Representing the effect of a finite population by a cutoff in continuum models has been employed in other contexts as well [2] (and references therein). We refer to [3] for a very complete review and references on this topic. The effect of fluctuations and noise is particularly important when considering front propagation into a metastable state. The speed of the front without a cutoff may be quite small, zero in fact at the Maxwell point, in which case either noise [4] or a cutoff, as we see below, induces front propagation. The effect of fluctuations in front propagation of reaction diffusion systems are of interest in a variety of systems, we expect that the present results will be useful in determining the validity of representing fluctuations by a simple cutoff in the reaction term. The effect of a cutoff on the speed of pulled fronts has been studied extensively [1, 3, 5, 6], less attention has been paid to the effect of a cutoff on pushed and bistable fronts. For pulled fronts, with or without cutoff, the speed can be calculated by a linear analysis at the edge of the front. The effect of a cutoff on pushed and bistable fronts has been studied for the exactly solvable case of the Nagumo reaction term f (u) = u(1 − u)(u − a) which, for different values of the parameter a, describes bistable, pushed and pulled fronts (this is also known as Schl¨ ogl reaction term when written in the variable ρ = 2u − 1). It was shown in [6, 7] that the shift in the speed has a power law dependence on the cutoff parameter ǫ in contrast to the inverse square logarithmic dependence on the cutoff parameter for pulled fronts found by Brunet and Derrida. It has also been shown using a variational approach [6] that a cutoff slows down pulled and pushed fronts but speeds up bistable fronts. The purpose of this work is to provide an explicit expression for the shift of the speed of pushed and bistable fronts with a cutoff for arbitrary reaction terms including the case of density dependent diffusion. We show that the shift in the speed is given by δc = −Kf ′ (0) ǫ1+λ where



1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 2. Balance equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
D. Veynante, L. Vervisch / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 193±266
6. Tools for turbulent combustion modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 6.2. Scalar dissipation rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 6.3. Geometrical description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 6.3.1. G-®eld equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 6.3.2. Flame surface density description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 6.3.3. Flame wrinkling description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 6.4. Statistical approaches: probability density function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 6.4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 6.4.2. Presumed probability density functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 6.4.3. Pdf balance equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 6.4.4. Joint velocity/concentrations pdf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 6.4.5. Conditional moment closure (CMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 6.5. Similarities and links between the tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221


3)发射药(Propelant) 如黑火药,火焰感度高,多作为推进剂。
2)猛炸药(high explosive) 猛炸药指那些利用爆轰所释放的能量对周围介质作
功的炸药。猛炸药因其对周围介质的破坏作用猛烈而 得名。
无论军用还是民用,大量使用的仍是由混合炸药 组成的猛炸药。不同的是民用混合炸药以廉价的硝酸 铵为主要成分,而军用混合炸药则很少使用硝酸铵, 只是在特定条件下将其当作一种代用品。
•● 炸药的氧平衡(oxygen balance)
对单质炸药: O.B.=16[c-(2a+b/2)]/M 对混合炸药:O.B.= ∑((O.B.)i×ki)
当炸药中成份不同或爆炸条件不同时,根据炸 药的氧平衡不同,将可能产生以下几种情况:
(1)零氧平衡 炸药中氧的含量恰好能将碳、氢完全氧化,此时炸药的氧平衡为零,即 c-(2a+b/2)=0 ◆ 因氧和可燃元素都得到了充分利用,故在理想反应条件下,炸药的热量释放最为充
◆ 固体炸药 ◆ 液体炸药 ◆ 气体炸药 ◆ 多相炸药
•1 炸药与爆炸的基本理论
•1.2 炸药的氧平 衡
• 氧化剂 + 还原剂



1.有机化合物的官能团和重要的基团官能团functional group双键double bond三键triple bond烃基hydroxy group琉基mercapto硫轻基sulfhydryl group羰基carbonyl group氨基amino group亚氨基imino group硝基nitro group亚硝基nitroso group氰基cyano group羧基carboxyl group磺基sulpho group烷基alkyl group苯基phenyl group卡基benzyl group芳基aryl group烯基allyl group烷氧基alkoxyl group酰基acyl group活性亚甲基active methylene group2.有机化合物的类型烃hydrocarbon石蜡paraffin脂肪烃aliphatic hydrocarbon烷烃alkane烯烃alkene炔烃alkyne共扼二烯烃conjugated diene脂环烃alicyclic hydrocarbon螺环化合物spiro compound桥环化合物bridged ring compound芳烃aromatic hydrocarbon非苯芳烃nonbenzenoid aromatic hydrocarbon 稠环芳烃condensed aromatics卤代烃halohydrocarbon醇alcohol酚phenol醚ether环氧化合物epoxide冠醚crown ether硫醇thiol硫酚thiophenol硫醚sulfide二硫化物disulfide亚磺酸sulfinic acid磺酸sulfonic acid 亚砜sulfoxide砜sulfone醛aldehyde酮ketone半缩醛hemiacetaI半缩酮hemiketal缩醛acetal缩酮ketal西佛碱shiff's base肟oxime腙hydrozone缩氨脲semicarbazoneα,β-不饱和酮α,β--unsaturated ketone 醌quinone羧酸carboxylic acid酰卤acid halide酸酐acid anhydride酯ester酰胺amide內酯lactone内酰胺lactam月青nitrile取代酸substituted acid羟基酸hydroxy acid醇酸alcoholic acid酚酸phenolic acid酮酸keto acidB-酮酸酯B-ketone ester乙酰乙酸乙醋ethyl acetoacetate亚硝基化合物nitroso compound硝基化合物njtro compound亚胺imine胺amine伯胺primary amine仲胺secondary amine叔胺tertiary amine季铵盐quaternary ammonium salt季铵碱quaternary ammonium hydroxide 重氮盐diazonium salt偶氮化合物azo compound胍guanidine氨基酸amino acid磷phosphine磷酸酯phosphate亚磷酸酯phosphite膦酸酯phosphonate膦酸phosphonic acid3.杂环化合物吡咯pyrrol呋喃furane噻吩thiophone吲哚indole卟吩porphine咪唑imidazole噻唑thioazole吡啶pyridine喹啉quinoline异喹啉isoquinoline吡喃鎓盐pyrylium salts 黄酮flavone嘧啶pirimidine嘌呤purine4.有机天然产物肽peptide多肽polypeptide核酸nucleic acid核苷nucleoside核苷酸nucleotide生物碱alkaloid碳水化合物carbohydrate单糖monosaccharide醛糖aldoses酮糖ketosesD-核糖ribose D-2-脱氧核糖deoxyribose 葡萄糖glucose果糖fructose糖脎osazone糖苷glucoside低聚糖oligosaccharide 麦芽糖maltose蔗糖sucrose纤维二糖cellobiose环糊精cyclodextrin多糖polysaccharide淀粉starch纤维素cellulose类脂lipid萜类化合物terpenoid甾族化合物steroid脂肪fat油oil脂肪酸fatty acid甘油三羧酸酯triglyceride磷脂phospholipid磷脂酸phosphalidic acid蜡wax5.有机化合物的结构理论价键理论valence-bond theory分子轨道理论molecular orbital theory 共振论resonance theory凯库勒式Kekule formula路易斯式Lewis formulaσ键σ bondπ键π bond键能bond energy键角bond angle键长bond Iength成键轨道bonding orbital反键轨道antibonding orbital最高已占轨道HOMO highest occupied molecular orbital 最低末占轨道LUMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital 诱导效应inductive effect共轭效应conjugated effectπ,π-共轭π,π- conjugationp,π-共轭p,π- conjugation超共轭作用hyperconjugation离域能delocalization energy共振能resonance energy给电子基团electron donating group吸电子基团electron withdrawing group芳性aromaticity休克尔规律Huckel's rule两性离子Zwitterion6.有机化学中的同分异构异构体isomer构造constitution构型configuration构象conformation构造异构constitutional isomerism立体异构stereo isomerism构型异构configurational isomerism顺反异构cis-trans isomerism次序规则sequence ruIe同侧Zugammen Z异侧Entgegen E顺式cis反式trans对映异构enantiomerism = 光学异构旋光异构optical isomerism旋光性optical activity旋光度optical rotation比旋光度specific rotation对称面plane of symmetry对称中心center of symmetry对称轴axis of symmetry手性chirality手性分子chiral molecules对映异构体,对映体enantiomer 非对映体diastereomer外消旋体raceme左旋体leveisomer右旋体dextroisomer内消旋体mesomer费歇尔投影式Fischer projection相对构型relative configuration绝对构型absolute configurationR -构型R -configurationS -构型S -configuration赤式erythro苏式threo外消旋化racemization拆分resolution光学纯度Optical Purity对映体过量百分数enantiomeric excess立体专一性反应stereospecific reaction 立体选择性反应stereoselective reaction不对称合成asymmetric synthesis构象异构conformational isomerism构象分析conformational analysis锯架式perspective formula 纽曼投影式Newman projection formula椅式chair form船式boat form直立键a键axial bond 平伏键e键equatorial bond互变异构tautomerism酮式keto-form烯醇式enol-form差向异构化epimerization变旋现象mutamerism哈武斯式Haworth form7.有机反应的名称取代反应substitution reaction加成反应addition reaction马尔科夫尼可夫规律Markovnikov rule 共轭加成conjugate addition消去反应elemination reaction查依采夫规律Saytzeff rule霍夫曼规律Hofmann rule硼氢化反应hydroboration催化加氢catalytic hydrogenation 聚合反应polymerization单体monomer聚合物polymer硝化反应nitration卤化反应halogenation磺化反应sulfonation烷基化反应alkylation酰基化反应acylation酯化反应esterification酯交换反应transesterification脱羧反应decarboxylation 氯甲基化反应chloromethylation傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应Friedel-Crafts reaction格利雅反应Grignard reaction 格利雅试剂(格氏试剂) Grignard reagent赖默-梯曼反应Reimer-Tiemann reaction 卤仿反应haloform reaction水解反应hydrolysis reaction醇解反应alcoholysis reaction氨解反应ammonolysisi reaction皂化saponification插烯作用vinylogy缩合condensation克莱森缩合Claisen condensation安息香缩合benzoin condensation羟醛缩合aldol condensation列弗尔马茨基反应Reformatsky reaction迈克尔反应Michael reaction诺文格尔反应Knoevenagel reaction加布里反应Gabriel reaction乙酰乙酸乙酯合成法acetoacetic ester synthesis 丙二酸酯合成法malonic ester synthesis 威廉逊合成法William Son synthesis海森堡试验Hinsberg test重氮化反应diazotization reaction偶联反应coupling reaction脱氨基反应deamination reaction维悌希反应Wittig reaction氧化反应oxidation reaction还原反应reduction reaction周环反应pericyclic reaction环加成反应cycloaddition reaction电环化反应electrocyclic reaction坎尼扎罗反应Cannizzaro reaction齐齐巴宾反应Chichibabin reaction狄尔斯-阿德尔反应Diels-alder reaction斐林试剂Fehling reagent托伦试剂Tollens reagent沃克还原Wolff-Kishner reduction罗森蒙德还原Rosenmund reduction克莱门森还原Clemmenson reduction考普重排Cope rearrangement霍夫曼重排Hofmann rearrangement嚬哪醇重排pinacol rearrangement弗里茨重排Fries rearrangement克莱森重排Claisen rearrangement二烯体diene亲二烯体dienophile分子轨道对称守恒原理conversation of orbital symmetry8.有机反应机理均裂homolytic异裂heterolytic活性中间体active intermediate碳正离子carbocation碳负离子carbanion烯醇负离子enolate anion自由基,游离基free radical卡宾,碳烯carbene氮烯nitrene速度决定步骤rate-determining step哈蒙特假定Hammond postulate能线图energy profile过渡状态transition state邻基参与neighboring group participation动力学控制kinetic control热力学控制thermodynamic control离去基团leaving group底物substrate亲电试剂electrofphile亲核试剂nucleophile亲电加成反应electrophilic addition亲电取代反应electrophilic substitution定位规律orientation rule亲核取代反应nucleophilic substitutionSN2 反应机理SN2 reaction mechanismSN1 反应机理SN1 reaction mechanism瓦尔登转化Walden inversion亲核加成反应nucleophilic addition亲核加成-消去反应nucleophilic addition-elimination reaction 消去反应机理elimination reaction mechanismE1 反应机理E1 reaction mechanismE2 反应机理E2 reaction mechanism反式消去anti elimination重排反应机理rearrangement reaction mechanism 自由基反应free radical reaction链引发chain initation链增长chain propagation链终止chain termination9.有机化合物的光谱红外光谱IR Infrared spectra傅立叶变换Fourier Transform指纹区finger print region吸收频率absorption frequency紫外光谱UV Ultraviolet spectra电子跃迁elctronic transition吸光度absorbance摩尔消光系数molar extinction coefficient发色团chromophore助色团auxochrome核磁共振NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance1HNMR 谱1HNMR spectra13CNMR 谱13CNMR spectra屏蔽效应shielding effect化学位移chemical shift自旋偶合spin-spin coupling自旋裂分spin-spin splitting偶合常数coupling constant质子去偶proton spin decoupling 质子偏共振去偶proton off-resonance decoupling质谱Mass Spectra(MS)电子流轰击election impact (EI)快原子轰击fast atom bombarment (FAB)分子离子峰molecular ion peak同位素峰isotopic peak基峰base peak质荷比(m/z) mass-to-charge ratio10.分子间作用力氢键hydrogen bond色散力dispersion force 范德华力Van Der Waals force 偶极-偶极作用力dipole-dipole interraction force11.物理性质熔点melting point沸点boiling point密度density溶解度solubility偶极矩dipole moment12.有机化合物的酸碱性酸性acidity碱性basicity<HTML>本站材料仅为本院教师与学生教学所用,请勿它用!</HTML>有机化合物编辑[yǒu jīhuàhéwù]有机化合物主要由氢元素、碳元素组成,含碳的化合物,但是不包括一氧化碳、二氧化碳和以碳酸根结尾的物质。



Radical and migratory insertion reaction mechanisms in Schiffbase zirconium alkylsPaul D.Knight a ,Guy Clarkson a ,Max L.Hammond a ,Brian S.Kimberley b ,Peter Scott a,*a Department of Chemistry,University of Warwick,Gibbett Hill Road,Coventry CV47AL,UK bResearch &Technology Centre,BP Chemicals snc,Boite Postale No.6,13117Lavera,FranceReceived 9February 2005;received in revised form 22March 2005;accepted 23March 2005Available online 4May 2005AbstractFour salicylaldimine derivatives H 2L 4–7of 2,20-diamino-6,60-dimethylbiphenyl,where the C @N bond is sterically protected by substituents on the phenol ring,form alkyls of zirconium,cis -a -[Zr L 4–7(CH 2Ph)2].Rather than decomposing via the established pathway of 1,2-migratory insertion of an alkyl group to imine,they undergo a radical mechanism.This is evidenced by the large number of products observed,kinetic and thermodynamic data (Rice-Herfeld,3/2order,positive D S à),response to steric factors,and the fact that switching to a less stable radical leaving group inhibits the reaction.In contrast,the 1,2-migratory insertion is a clean,first-order intramolecular process with negative D S à.The steric modification of the ligands nevertheless transforms an inac-tive precatalyst into a stable system for the polymerisation of ethene.Closely related unbridged salicylaldimine catalysts are known to be highly active catalysts,but in most cases they appear to suffer from high temperature instability.The first examples of zirco-nium alkyls of this class are isolated,and it is found that they are inherently much more resistant to decomposition by either path-way (migratory insertion or radical).Structural studies are used to interpret this variance in behaviour;the biaryl-bridged complexes are pre-organised for both reactions,while the unbridged systems would have to undergo significant ordering prior to activation.Correspondingly,the unbridged systems are not noticeably affected by the same steric modification of the ligand,and it is concluded that the more likely mechanism of catalyst death in the latter is ligand loss (i.e.transfer to aluminium from co-catalyst).Ó2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Mechanism kinetics;Zirconium;Alkene polymerisation1.IntroductionA fundamental concern for those using Schiffbase complexes in catalytic applications is the reactivity of the C @N bond,specifically where this limits the number of turnovers.This issue is particularly important in early transition chemistry,where coordination of the imine unit renders it highly electrophilic [1].We have sought to avoid this issue through the replacement of theC @N units with less reactive linkers,and while this has met with some successes in enantioselective catalysis [2],the favourable properties of Schiffbase systems –strong ligand–metal bond,ease of synthesis,tunability,crystallinity,structural rigidity –have encouraged us to investigate the possibilities for improvement of their stability in early transition complexes.In this context,salicylaldimine (SA)complexes of the group 4metals,[M(SA)2Cl 2](Fig.1),which when combined with,e.g.methylaluminoxane (MAO)yield extremely active or otherwise useful catalysts for the polymerisation of alk-enes,are of particular interest [3].It is assumed that me-tal alkyls are involved in these catalyses,and evidence0022-328X/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2005.03.043*Corresponding author.Tel.:+442476523238;fax:+442476572710.E-mail address:peter.scott@ (P.Scott).Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 690(2005)5125–5144/locate/jorganchemhas been presented that alkyl cation species [M(SA)2Me]+are formed on treatment of [M(SA)2Cl 2]with MAO [4].Coates has mentioned that analogous ketimino ligands form stable alkyl complexes on treat-ment with [Ti(CH 2Ph)4][5].In contrast with many other olefin polymerisation systems however an alkyl cation has not been isloated.We have recently shown that biaryl-bridged salicyl-aldimine derivatives H 2L 1–3(Fig.2)form,under appro-priate conditions,isolable alkyls of zirconium [Zr L 1–3R 2]with cis -a geometry (C 2-symmetric with cis alkyl ligands)[7].Subsequently,however,they decompose via 1,2-migratory insertion of an alkyl group to imine (Scheme 1)followed in some instances by a second sim-ilar reaction.This provides an explanation for their complete inactivity in olefin polymerisation.Here we re-port a detailed kinetic investigation of this reaction,an attempt to prevent the process by ligand modification,discovery of a new decomposition mechanism,and the development of a stable polymerisation catalyst system.We also describe some attempts to apply the lessons learned to the SA catalyst system.Part of this work has been briefly communicated [6].2.Results and discussion 2.1.Ligand designsReducing the steric demand in the phenolate 2-posi-tion (R 0in Scheme 1)reduces the rate of 1,2-migratory insertion in the metal benzyl complexes [Zr L n (CH 2Ph)2](i.e.L 3<L 1<L 2)[7].This is however an unsatisfactory resolution of the problem of complex stability for two reasons;(i)even when this group is hydrogen the 1,2-migratory insertion pathway is still accessible and occurs over a short period of time (<48h),(ii)it is known that group 4iminophenolate complexes require sterically demanding substituents (e.g.t Bu)in this position to fur-nish highly active catalysts for alkene polymerisation [3].We thus sought other modifications.A space-filling model of the molecular structure of [Zr L 1(CH 2Bu t )2][7]is shown in Fig.3(a),with the elec-trophilic imine carbon atom indicated *.We envisaged that notionally moving the 4-methyl substituent to the 5-position [Fig.3(b)]would effectively block the ap-proach of a zirconium bound alkyl group to the imine carbon atom.The series of ligands L 1,L 4,L 5was de-signed to examine the effect of steric demand in this 5-position.In addition,it was envisioned that the series L 6,L 4,L 7would allow investigation of the effect of steric demand in the 2-position for this unusual salicylaldi-mine substitutionpattern.Fig. 3.Space-filling models of (a)[Zr L 1(CH 2CMe 3)2]from X-ray molecular structure and (b)[Zr L 4(CH 2CMe 3)2]based on (a);phenolate 4and 5positions and imine carbon atom (*)indicated.5126P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 690(2005)5125–51442.2.Synthesis of zirconium alkyl complexesThe synthesis of[Zr L1(CH2Ph)2]was reported previ-ously[7].Reaction of H2L4with zirconium tetrabenzyl in acetonitrile yielded a precipitate which was found to be mainly unreacted H2L4.This was probably due to the low solubility of H2L4in acetonitrile.The complex [Zr L4(CH2Ph)2]was successfully synthesised in dichlo-romethane atÀ78°C.The reaction of the more soluble proligand H2L5with[Zr(CH2Ph)4]in acetonitrile pro-ceeded cleanly giving[Zr L5(CH2Ph)2]in high purity. The complexes[Zr L6(CH2Ph)2]and[Zr L7(CH2Ph)2] were prepared similarly.The NMR spectra of freshly prepared solutions of these complexes were consistent with cis-a geometry.2.3.Solution stability of[Zr L4–7(CH2Ph)2]:initial observationsWe were surprised tofind that the four complexes [Zr L4–7(CH2Ph)2]underwent fairly rapid decomposition in solution,although the spectra of the products were markedly different from those expected for1,2-migra-tory insertion processes.After ca.3h at298K,the1H NMR spectrum of a solution of[Zr L4(CH2Ph)2]in d2-dichloromethane displayed a very large number of new peaks in the imine(d7.5–9.5ppm)and aliphatic regions. These features,which were similar for all four complexes with a5-substituent,are consistent with radical decom-position processes.Attempts at isolation of one of the many decomposition products were unsuccessful.2.4.Kinetic studies of the decomposition processesThe decomposition of[Zr L1(CH2Ph)2]in d2-dichloro-methane was followed by1H NMR spectroscopy be-tween283and303K.Values for the integration of the complex imine peak relative to the residual protio sol-vent resonance were obtained over ca.two half-lives where possible.First-order plots were satisfactory over the whole temperature range(Fig.4).Similar vari-able temperature kinetic studies on the complexes [Zr L4–7(CH2Ph)2]showed that they did not decompose viafirst-order processes and after much experimentation it was found that the only satisfactoryfit was via1.5or-der plots(e.g.Fig.5).This unusual order was confirmed using VanÕt Hoffplots of the data.Activation parameters(Table1)were subsequently obtained via Eyring plots.The uncertainties recorded were calculated using standard methods[8].1The negative value of entropy of activation for the decomposition of[Zr L1(CH2Ph)2]is consistent with the formation of an ordered(four-membered)cyclic transition state in an intramolecular1,2-migratory inser-tion process.As we had proposed,placing a methyl group in the5-position as in complex[Zr L4(CH2Ph)2] inhibits the formation of this cyclic transition state, but unexpectedly a new mechanistic pathway is opened up as evidenced by the number of products formed and by a change in the order of reaction to3/2.Both observations are consistent with Rice–Herzfeld radical propagation kinetics[9,10](vide infra).We propose an initiation step involving homolyticfis-sion of the Zr–CH2Ph bond,leading to formation of two radical species(Eq.(1),Bn=CH2Ph).2The benzyl rad-ical can then attack the ligand( an imine position) on another complex molecule to form a new radical spe-cies(Eq.(2)).We have previously described a very clo-sely related reaction at a Nb(IV)Schiffbase system (Scheme2)leading to oxidation to diamagnetic Nb(V) [11].In the case of Zr the radical character is retained by the ligands(Eq.(2)),and the system may react to form a closed shell complex and a further benzyl radical (Eq.(3)).The lack of a higher oxidation state for zirco-nium thus enables a radical propagation process that terminates when two radicals combine(Eq.(4)).Assum-ing steady state conditions,Eq.(5)is eventually ob-tained[10].We note that the observed rate constant k obs(Eq.(6))and thus the thermodynamic values ob-tained from the Eyring analysis for the process of‘‘acti-vation’’are actually composite parameters arising from initiation,propagation and termination.The positive entropies of activation for the complexes of L4–7(Table 1)are nevertheless consistent with a radical process. Initiation½Zr LðBnÞ2!k1½Zr LðBnÞ ÅþBnÅð1ÞPropagationBnÅþ½Zr LðBnÞ2!k2½ZrðBn–LÞðBnÞ2Åð2Þ½ZrðBnÀLÞðBnÞ2Å!k3½ZrðBn–LÞðBnÞ þBnÅð3ÞTerminationBnÅþBnÅ!k4Bn2ð4ÞRate¼k2k1k40.5½Zr LðBnÞ21.5ð5ÞRate¼k obs½Zr LðBnÞ21.5ð6Þ1Standard error in the slope,SEm ¼s e=ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiTSS xpand standard error inthe intercept,SE c¼s effiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffið1=nÞþð X2=TSS xqÞ.These were computedusing the LINEST function in Microsoft Excel.2These equations are representative examples of the type of process described.P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry690(2005)5125–51445127Returning to the initiation step,we propose that the proximity of a benzylic H atom to the imine carbon may facilitate the homolytic fission of the metal–benzyl bond (Fig.6).We note that the observed rate of decom-position of the L 5complex is almost twice that of L 4and this difference arises in the main from the much greater positive D S àin the former where the proposed H atom donor unit is i Pr rather than Me.Subject to the caveat mentioned above regarding the composite nature of the thermodynamic parameters,wealso note that the enthalpies of activation decrease for the complexes in the order L 6>L 4>L 7,with steric bulk in the phenolate 2-position increasing in the same order (H <Me <i Pr).This is the same trend as observed for the first order 1,2-migratory insertion process and is consistent with greater steric compression in the more substituted complexes.The large increase in k rel onTable 1Activation parameters and relative rates for decomposition of [Zr L n (CH 2Ph)2]Complex k rel (298K a )D H à(kJ mol À1)D S à(J K À1mol À1)[Zr L 1(CH 2Ph)2]–+88(±2)–32(±7)[Zr L 4(CH 2Ph)2] 1.0+101(±5)+16(±16)[Zr L 5(CH 2Ph)2] 1.8+113(±10)+62(±34)[Zr L 6(CH 2Ph)2]0.3+108(±7)+29(±23)[Zr L 7(CH 2Ph)2]1.1+91(±5)+17(±16)aRelative rate constant versus [Zr L 4(CH 2Ph)2].5128P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 690(2005)5125–5144moving from L6to L4is not continued on moving to L7 however,principally because the general trend in D Sàis acting against this.2.5.Reaction of H2L4with[Zr(CH2CMe3)4]We explored briefly the effect of the presence of a less stable radical leaving group on the decomposition pro-cess.Reaction of H2L4with zirconium tetrakis(neopen-tyl)in dichloromethane proceeded smoothly,and a high purity sample of the complex[Zr L4(CH2CMe3)2]was obtained by crystallisation from pentane.This complex only began to show traces of decomposition in solution after leaving for several days at room temperature.2.6.Synthesis and polymerisation activity of[Zr L1À7Cl2]Since the benzyl complexes were prone to decomposi-tion,we attempted to generate the chloride complexes as these had previously been observed to be far more ro-bust[12].Treatment of the ligands with sodium hydride followed by[ZrCl4(THF)2]proceeded without problem. The zirconium chloride complexes,[Zr L1–7Cl2],were then purified by sublimation at ca.300°C,10À6mm Hg in all cases and found to possess C2symmetry.However, treatment with MAO in toluene in the presence of ethyl-ene at ambient temperature and1.2bar led to very low uptake of gas.This lack of activity may be attributed to the lack of steric bulk in the phenolate2-position[3,13].2.7.Synthesis of[Zr L8,9Cl2]and polymerisation catalysisThese zirconium chloride complexes were synthesised and characterised as before.Ethylene polymerisation re-sults are summarised in Table2.As can be seen,the presence of the phenolate2-tert-butyl group in[Zr L9Cl2] does not give rise to significant polymerisation activity on its own.In combination with5-methyl substituent, as in[Zr L8Cl2],polymerisation activity was observed for thefirst time using this type of ligand,albeit moder-ate according to GibsonÕs classification[14].The catalyst is unusually stable,and there is no noticeable loss of activity at25and50°C over at least a period of1h (Fig.7).The lower average productivity and activity at 50°C is due to the reduced solubility of ethylene in tol-uene at higher temperatures.2.8.Structural implications of phenolate5-methyl substitutionWe obtained X-ray molecular structures(Table3)of [Zr L7Cl2]and[Zr L9Cl2]via crystals obtained from sam-ples of the pure complexes in d2-dichloromethane.The molecular structures are shown in Fig.8with selected bond lengths and angles given in Table4.The view along the Zr–O axes(Fig.9)highlights the influenceofTable2Polymerisation activity of complexes[Zr L8,9Cl2]:precatalyst,1.39·10À2mmol;toluene(500ml);ethene pressure,1.2bar;MAO:Zrmolar ratio,1000:1Precatalyst Temperature(°C)Average productivity(1h)(kg PE/mol–Zr bar–C2h)[Zr L8Cl2]2565[Zr L9Cl2]25–[Zr L8Cl2]5040[Zr L9Cl2]50–P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry690(2005)5125–51445129the5-methyl substituent;steric compression between this group and the imine-CH has led to a twist in the plane of coordination of the phenolate ring,such that the phenolate–CH3lies between the imine group and the adjacent Zr–Cl group.This increases the hindrance of the pathway for1,2-migratory insertion between the imine carbon and a metal bound alkyl group(in place of Cl).This twisting of the phenolate ring may have an additional consequence in that the phenolate2-alkyl substituent has been directed away from the‘‘active sites’’of the catalyst.This may reduce steric compres-sion at these sites resulting in reduced propensity for decomposition as well as opening the sites for increased catalytic activity.2.9.Synthesis and stability of active species in polymerisation catalysisThe question remained as to whether zirconium alkyl complexes of L8and L9decompose via different path-ways.All attempts failed at generating the desired com-plexes by reaction of proligands with zirconium tetrabenzyl and zirconium tetrakis(neopentyl).1H NMR spectra indicated that the reaction was much slower than for less bulky ligands;resonances corre-sponding to unreacted and mono-deprotonated ligand were evident for the neopentyl reaction,and several other products were evident for the benzyl.Attempts at alkylation of the zirconium chloride complexes using Grignard and lithium reagents produced a number of unidentified products.Reactions of[Zr L8Cl2]and [Zr L9Cl2]in NMR tubes with previously dried MAO (10molar equivalents)in d8-toluene resulted inTable3Experimental data for the X-ray diffraction studies[Zr L7Cl2][Zr L9Cl2]ÆCH2Cl2[Zr L11Cl2] Colour Yellow Yellow YellowHabit Block Block BlockMolecular formula C36H38Cl2N2O2Zr C39H44Cl4N2O2Zr C36H40Cl2N2O2Zr Crystal system Monoclinic Monoclinic Monoclinic Space group C2/c C2/c C2/ca(A˚)19.975(4)13.349(3)21.166(4)b(A˚)10.551(2)14.379(3)7.925(2)c(A˚)15.521(3)20.131(4)20.282(4)b(°)97.95(3)96.74(3)100.770(19)Cell volume(A˚3)3239.7(11)3837.4(13)3342.2(14)Z444l(mmÀ1)0.5390.6010.523Total reflections10,36412,48113,587 Independent reflections[R(int)]3987[0.0183]4650[0.1109]4189[0.0182]R1,wR2[I>2r(I)]0.0235,0.06170.0768,0.19160.0225,0.0585Table4Selected bond lengths(A˚)and angles(°)for molecular structures of[Zr L7Cl2],[Zr L9Cl2]and cis-a-[Zr(L11)2Cl2](vide infra)[Zr L7Cl2][Zr L9Cl2][Zr(L11)2Cl2]Zr–O 1.9987(11) 1.986(3) 1.981(9)Zr–Cl 2.4246(6) 2.4313(17) 2.432(5)Zr–N 2.3221(12) 2.347(4) 2.348(11)O–Zr–O165.30(6)172.2(2)157.40(5)N–Zr–N75.09(6)72.9(2)84.31(6)Cl–Zr–Cl103.82(3)108.36(10)94.38(3) 5130P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry690(2005)5125–5144consumption of the starting complexes and significant broadening of the spectra,but no unambiguous indica-tions of the formation of alkyl or alkyl cation species.Since we could not generate zirconium alkyl com-plexes of L 8and L 9,we decided to use complexes of L 4and L 1as models.An NMR tube was charged with [Zr L 1(CH 2Ph)2]and B(C 6F 5)3,and d 2-dichloromethane was distilled into it at À78°C.The 1H NMR spectra were then recorded at À80°C and then at increments of +10°C up to room temperature.A similar reaction was carried out using [Zr L 4(CH 2Ph)2].In both cases,the 1H NMR spectra indicated formation of [B(C 6F 5)3(CH 2Ph)]À[15].Below ca.À40°C,two imine peaks were observed that do not correspond to the start-ing complexes,and the presence of six methyl reso-nances indicate that the species formed were C 1symmetric.For both reactions,new pairs of doublets oc-curred in the region d 2.0–3.5ppm,and we tentatively assign all these features to the desired cationic species [Zr L (CH 2Ph)]+.Upon warming the solution containing the proposed L 4complex cation,significant decomposi-tion occurred between À30and 0°C;a large number of new imine peaks are generated and the pair of doublets disappeared.The solution containing the L 1complex also decomposes significantly within the same tempera-ture range,however three major new imine peaks are observed along with the disappearance of the pair of doublets.No clear evidence for 1,2-migratory insertion processes was observed in either case.2.10.Application to other catalyst systemsWe sought to investigate the effect of 5-alkyl substitu-tion on Fujita Õs zirconium iminophenolate catalysts.Four proligands H L 10–13(Fig.10)were synthesisedviaFig.9.Salicylaldimine–Zr–Cl fragments of (a)[Zr L 7Cl 2]and (b)[Zr L 9Cl 2]extracted from X-ray molecular structures,highlighting effects of substituents ortho to the iminecarbon.P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 690(2005)5125–51445131condensation of the appropriate salicylaldehydes with aniline in ethanol.Two of these ligands(H L10,12)have a methyl group in the5-position and two control ligands H L11,13have the traditional2,4-substitution(H L11has previously appeared)[16].Reactions of H L10and H L11with sodium hydride in THF followed by[ZrCl4(THF)2]resulted in the produc-tion of yellow/orange solids which were sublimated at ca.300°C,10À6mm Hg to yield yellow solids of stoichi-ometry[Zr(L10,11)2Cl2],as indicated by mass spectrome-try and CHN analysis.1H NMR spectra revealed that two isomeric complexes were present in both cases. The major products were C2-symmetric,as indicated by the presence of single imine,phenolate methyl and tert-butyl resonances.The minor products(ca.27%for½Zr L102Cl2 and ca.36%for½Zr L112Cl2 )had broad1HNMR spectra at room temperature,but cooling(253K for½Zr L102Cl2 and203K for[Zr L11Cl2])gave riseto sharp resonances.Two imine peaks and two pheno-late methyl and tert-butyl resonances were observed in both complexes.We therefore assigned these species as having the C1-symmetric cis-b topography.The ratio of cis-a to cis-b remains unchanged over a period of days.Interestingly,Fujita and coworkers[16]did not note the presence of cis-b isomers of[Zr L11Cl2], although their NMR data are possibly consistent with this.Coates[5]has noted the presence of cis-b isomers of ketimino titanium complexes and others.Crystals of cis-a-½Zr L112Cl2 were grown from toluenesolution.X-ray analysis revealed that the C2-symmetric complex(Fig.11)crystallises as a dimer via a face-face p–p stacking interaction between N-aryl rings(Fig.12).The distance between H(16A)and the centroid of the proximal aryl ring is ca.3.37A˚[17].The bond dis-tances and angles about Zr(1)are unremarkable for this type of complex[16]and are discussed in more detail through comparison with those of a biaryl-bridged com-plex in Section2.12.Samples of½Zr L102Cl2 and½Zr L112Cl2 were tested at BP laboratories under supported gas-phase conditions with MAO co-catalyst.Both complexes had similarly high activities and catalytic lifetimes were<10min at 50–80°C in both instances.Thus,while substitution of the ligand with a methyl group ortho to the imine carbon atom does not significantly alter the intrinsic polymeri-sation activity of the complexes,it fails to increase lon-gevity of the catalyst in this instance.In the hope of shedding further light on the issue of iminophenolate catalyst stability we undertook a study of some alkyl derivatives.2.11.Synthesis and properties of[Zr(L10–13)2(CH2Ph)2]In NMR tube scale experiments,the reactions between two equivalents each of H L10–13with[Zr(CH2-Ph)4]were shown to give cleanly[Zr(L10–13)2(CH2Ph)2]. One example,[Zr L102(CH2Ph)2],was synthesised on a preparative scale and was characterised in the usual way.Attempts to grow single crystals for X-ray analysis were unsuccessful.The1H NMR spectrum of½Zr L102ðCH2PhÞ2indi-cated the adoption of the cis-a structure;in particular the appearance of the C H2Ph as a pair of AB doublets indicated that interconversion between the chiral-at-metal structures(Fig.13)is slow onthis5132P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry690(2005)5125–5144timescale.The spectrum of½Zr L112ðCH2PhÞ2wassimilar.For[Zr(L12,13)2(CH2Ph)2]these C H2Ph reso-nances appeared as a broad singlet.This trend in con-figurational stability is consistent with an N-dissociative mechanism since bulky groups in the phenolate2-posi-tion would cause steric compression on lengthening of the N–Zr bond,and hence hinder isomerisation[18].All the above complexes were found to be relatively stable with respect to the decomposition reactions de-tailed above.After several days in solution at ambient temperature,samples of the bulky ligand complexes [Zr(L10,11)2(CH2Ph)2]began to show signs of formation of1,2-migratory insertion products,viz.a new single imine peak and a set of three quartets in the regionca.parison of the molecular structures of cis-a-½Zr L9Cl2 and cis-a-½Zr L112Cl2 .P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry690(2005)5125–51445133d 2.5–6.5ppm[1a].Solutions of the complexes [Zr(L12À13)2(CH2Ph)2]showed very little,if any,decom-position over a period of several days.2.12.Stability of[Zr L102CH2Ph]þWe attempted to generate an alkyl cation complex byreaction of½Zr L102ðCH2PhÞ2with B(C6F5)3in an NMRtube atÀ78°C,using d2-dichloromethane as solvent.1H NMR spectra were recorded atÀ80°C and at+10°C increments up to room temperature.Resonances for [B(CH2Ph)(C6F5)3]Àwere observed at low temperature [15],indicating that a reaction had taken place,but while some resonances assignable to a cationic species [Zr(L10)2(CH2Ph)]+were observed,byÀ40°C extensive decomposition had occurred.This result and the at-tempts to form[Zr L1,4(CH2Ph)]+(Section2.8),do not bode well for isolation of a stable alkyl cationic species such as that implicated in olefin polymerisation catalyses by these complexes.Fujita[4]has also detected NMR resonances consistent with such a species on treatment of a dichloride complex with dried MAO.2.13.Biaryl-bridged complexes vs.non-bridged complexesComplexes of our biaryl-bridged ligands above and the non-bridged salicylaldimine type ligands are similar in terms of functionality.Nevertheless,considerable dif-ferences are observed for polymerisation activity.We can see that in comparison to the constrained structure of the biaryl complex[Zr L9Cl2][Fig.14(a)],the N-arylunits in the non-bridged ligand complex½Zr L112Cl2 (b)are directed away from one another.The presence of the biaryl unit also constrains the N–Zr–N0angle toca.72.9°compared with84.3°for½Zr L112Cl2 ,(Table4),and perhaps most importantly reduces the size of the active site by forcing the phenolate units forwards;the O–Zr–O0angles for[Zr L9Cl2]and½Zr L112Cl2 are172.2°and157.4°,respectively.The top view of the com-plexes shows that the phenolate tert-butyl substituents are positioned directly above the zirconium chloride sites in the L9complex,whereas in the L11complex these tert-butyl groups are situated above the zirconium cen-tre.The resultant steric compression in[Zr L9Cl2]forces the chlorides farther apart(108.4°)than in the L11com-plex(94.4°).Given these structural differences,the vari-ance in intrinsic catalytic activity between[Zr L8Cl2]and½Zr L102Cl2 is not surprising.The variance in response of the two catalysts systems to attempted steric blocking of the1,2-migratory inser-tion reaction also requires comment.For the biaryls, the geometry is essentially pre-organised for the approach of metal-coordinated alkyl towards the carbon atom. Steric compression from phenolic ortho substituents (top view,Fig.14)encourages this further.Nevertheless, the constrained biaryl ligand geometry also dictates that a methyl group ortho to the imine consistently impedes this reaction,thus leading to the remarkable increase in catalyst stability detailed above.The unbridged com-plexes are not pre-organised for this reaction,and as a result the1,2-migratory insertion is inherently slower for these compounds.The observation that phenolate 5-methyl substitution does not affect catalyst longevity suggests that either;(i)despite the fact that complexes [Zr(L10–13)2(CH2Ph)2]appear to be rather stable with respect to1,2-migratory insertion,the greaterflexibility allows for imine migratory insertion even in the modified catalyst,or perhaps more likely(ii)that other processes are responsible for catalyst deactivation(vide infra). 3.ConclusionsOur attempt here to block sterically the1,2-migratory insertion process in our Schiffbase group4alkyl com-plexes was successful principally because of the lack of flexibility of the system.This also results however in the complexes being pre-organised for decomposition via a radical process.Kinetic analysis and1H NMR spec-troscopy data highlight the differences between the two pathways.For the1,2-migratory insertion mechanism a single product was formed in a highly diastereoselective intramolecular manner to give an unstable intermediate. The reaction displayedfirst order reaction kinetics with a negative entropy of activation associated with ordered transition state.The radical process gave many products in a1.5order Rice–Herzfeld reaction with positive entro-py of activation,but was inhibited through the use of a less stable radical leaving group(neopentyl)at the metal, thusfinally giving a stable metal alkyl.The effect on polymerisation catalysis using the bia-ryl-bridged complexes with this ligand modification is significant as we transformed an inactive system to one that displays activity(albeit moderate)and also demon-strated that the catalyst is long lived.Application of this simple ligand modification to the unbridged salicylaldimine systems did not lead to an in-crease in polymerisation catalyst lifetime at higher tem-peratures.At least two explanations are available which are consistent with observations to date.If imine reac-tivity is at the heart of the instability of the unbridged systems,then the lack of success in inhibiting1,2-migra-tory insertion by our method might be traced to the dif-ferences in precatalyst structure detailed in Section2.13. If on the other hand,loss of a salicylaldimine ligand(e.g. via transfer to aluminium from MAO)causes catalyst death,then this steric modification would not be ex-pected to make a significant difference.We note the growing body of evidence for the latter picture,such as the relatively poor polymerising capabilities of mono-salicylaldimine complexes[19]and improved sta-bility of more electron-rich phenolate systems[20].5134P.D.Knight et al./Journal of Organometallic Chemistry690(2005)5125–5144。


[ P2 ( d O ) C 2 H H 4 ] l [ H2 O C 2 P H C ] d C H C l l
[H2 O C 2 P C H ] d H C C 3 C H l H P H d OCl
rkC Pd2C (OlH )C2H4
中间物种[PdCl2(OH)C2H 4]-难以测定,假设其它步骤处于平衡状态,
rH 0 rO 0 r OH 0
4k1k2CH2CO2 k5 k6 2k2CO2

➢ 幂数型的经验动力学方程 不能反映出这种机理方程 所能暴露出的问题。因此, 对一个本征动力学方程进 行简单的简化,往往存在 一定的风险。

Oxidizedk1PCH 3kO2P HO 12/2k2PO 12/2
对于稳态假设,如果有 “n” 个中间物种,那么我们就必须解 “n” 个代数方程以求得这些与时间无关的值。
❖ 一个可靠的动力学表达式并不足以证明反应机理是正确的,也不存在 与反应机理之间存在直接的对应关系。
Radical mechanism (homolytic cleavage of the bonds) A:BA + B
Ionic and concerned mechanism (heterolytic cleavage of the bonds) A:BA:-+B+



结构力学结构力学 structural mechanics结构分析 structural analysis结构动力学 structural dynamics拱 Arch三铰拱 three-hinged arch抛物线拱 parabolic arch圆拱 circular arch穹顶Dome空间结构 space structure空间桁架 space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷]wind load土压力 earth pressure地震载荷 earthquake loading弹簧支座 spring support支座位移 support displacement支座沉降 support settlement超静定次数degree of indeterminacy 机动分析 kinematic analysis结点法 method of joints截面法 method of sections结点力 joint forces共轭位移 conjugate displacement 影响线 influence line三弯矩方程 three-moment equation 单位虚力 unit virtual force 刚度系数stiffness coefficient 柔度系数flexibility coefficient 力矩分配moment distribution 力矩分配法moment distribution method力矩再分配 moment redistribution 分配系数 distribution factor 矩阵位移法 matri displacement method单元刚度矩阵element stiffness matrix单元应变矩阵 element strain matrix总体坐标 global coordinates贝蒂定理Betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法Gauss-Jordan elimination Method屈曲模态buckling mode复合材料力学mechanics of composites复合材料 composite material 纤维复合材料 fibrous composite 单向复合材料unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料foamed composite颗粒复合材料particulate composite层板 Laminate夹层板 sandwich panel正交层板 cross-ply laminate斜交层板 angle-ply laminate层片Ply多胞固体 cellular solid膨胀 Expansion压实Debulk劣化 Degradation脱层 Delamination脱粘Debond纤维应力fiber stress层应力 ply stress层应变 ply strain层间应力 interlaminar stress比强度 specific strength强度折减系数 strength reduction factor强度应力比strength -stress ratio横向剪切模量transverse shear modulus横观各向同性transverse isotropy正交各向异Orthotropy剪滞分析 shear lag analysis 短纤维 chopped fiber长纤维 continuous fiber纤维方向 fiber direction纤维断裂fiber break纤维拔脱 fiber pull-out纤维增强 fiber reinforcement致密化 Densification最小重量设计optimum weight design网格分析法 netting analysis混合律 rule of mixture失效准贝 failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则Tsai-W u failure criterion达格代尔模型Dugdale model断裂力学 fracture mechanics概率断裂力学probabilistic fracture Mechanics格里菲思理论Griffith theory线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics, LEFM弹塑性断裂力学elastic-plastic fracture mecha-nics, EPFM断裂 Fracture解理断裂 cleavage fracture蠕变断裂 creep fracture脆性断裂 brittle fracture延性断裂 ductile fracture晶间断裂 inter-granular fracture准解理断裂quasi-cleavage fracture 穿晶断裂 trans-granular fracture裂纹Crack裂缝Flaw缺陷Defect割缝Slit微裂纹 Microcrack折裂Kink椭圆裂纹 elliptical crack深埋裂纹 embedded crack[钱]币状裂纹 penny-shape crack 预制裂纹Precrack短裂纹 short crack表面裂纹 surface crack裂纹钝化 crack blunting裂纹分叉 crack branching裂纹闭合 crack closure裂纹前缘crack front裂纹嘴 crack mouth裂纹开角 crack opening angle,COA裂纹开位移crack opening displacement, COD裂纹阻力 crack resistance 裂纹面 crack surface裂纹尖端crack tip裂尖角 crack tip opening angle, CTOA裂尖开位移 crack tip opening displacement, CTOD裂尖奇异场 crack tip singularity Field 裂纹扩展速率crack growth rate稳定裂纹扩展stable crack growth定常裂纹扩展steady crack growth亚临界裂纹扩展subcritical crack growth裂纹[扩展]减速crack retardation 止裂 crack arrest止裂韧度 arrest toughness断裂类型fracture mode滑开型 sliding mode开型 opening mode撕开型 tearing mode复合型mixed mode撕裂 Tearing撕裂模量 tearing modulus断裂准贝 U fracture criterionJ 积分 J-integralJ 阻力曲线 J-resistance curve断裂韧度 fracture toughness应力强度因子 stress intensity factorHRR 场 Hutchinson-Rice-Rosengren Field守怛积分 conservation integral有效应力量effective stress tensor 应变能密度strain energy density能量释放率 energy release rate聚区 cohesive zone塑性区plastic zone拉区 stretched zone热影响区 heat affected zone, HAZ延脆转变温度brittle-ductile transition temperature固体力学弹性力学elasticity弹性理论 theory of elasticity均匀应力状态 homogeneous state of stress应力不变量 stress invariant应变不变量 strain invariant应变椭球 strain ellipsoid均匀应变状态 homogeneous state of strain应变协调方程equation of strain compatibility拉梅常量 Lame constants各向同性弹性isotropic elasticity旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk 楔 wedge开尔文问题Kelvin problem布西斯克问题 Boussinesq problem 艾里应力函数 Airy stress function克罗索夫―穆斯赫利什维利法Kolosoff-Muskhelishvili method基尔霍夫假设Kirchhoff hypothesis 板 Plate矩形板 Rectangular plate圆板 Circular plate环板 Annular plate波纹板 Corrugated plate加劲板Stiffenedplate,reinforced Plate中厚板 Plate of moderate thickness弯[曲]应力函数Stress function of bending压入 Indentation扁壳 Shallow shell旋转壳 Revolutionary shell球壳 Spherical shell[圆]柱壳 Cylindrical shell锥壳 Conical shell环壳 Toroidal shell封闭壳 Closed shell波纹壳 Corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数Stress function of torsion翘曲函数 Warping function半逆解法 semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法Rayleigh-Ritz method松弛法 Relaxation method莱维法 Levy method松弛 Relaxation量纲分析 Dimensional analysis自相似[性]self-similarity影响面 Influence surface接触应力 Contact stress赫兹理论Hertz theory协调接触 Conforming contact滑动接触 Sliding contact滚动接触 Rolling contact各向异性弹性Anisotropic elasticity 颗粒材料 Granular material散体力学 Mechanics of granular media热弹性 Thermoelasticity超弹性 Hyperelasticity粘弹性 Viscoelasticity对应原理 Correspondence principle褶皱 Wrinkle塑性全量理论Total theory of plasticity滑动 Sliding微滑 Microslip粗糙度Roughness非线性弹性 Nonlinear elasticity大挠度 Large deflection突弹跳变snap-through有限变形 Finite deformation格林应变 Green strain阿尔曼西应变 Almansi strain弹性动力学 Dynamic elasticity运动方程 Equation of motion准静态的Quasi-static气动弹性 Aeroelasticity水弹性 Hydroelasticity壳 Shell颤振 Flutter弹性波 Elastic wave简单波 Simple wave柱面波 Cylindrical wave水平剪切波 Horizontal shear wave 竖直剪切波Vertical shear wave体波 body wave无旋波 Irrotational wave畸变波 Distortion wave膨胀波 Dilatation wave瑞利波 Rayleigh wave等容波 Equivoluminal wave勒夫波Love wave界面波 Interfacial wave边缘效应edge effect塑性力学Plasticity可成形性Formability金属成形 Metal forming耐撞性 Crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性Structural crashworthiness拉拔 Drawing破坏机构 Collapse mechanism回弹 Springback 挤压 Extrusion冲压 Stamping穿透 Perforation层裂 Spalling塑性理论 Theory of plasticity安定[性]理论 Shake-down theory运动安定定理 kinematic shakedown theorem静力安定定理Static shake-down theorem率相关理论 rate dependent theorem载荷因子load factor加载准则 Loading criterion力口载函数 Loading function力口载面 Loading surface塑性加载 Plastic loading塑性加载波Plastic loading wave简单加载 Simple loading比例加载 Proportional loading卸载 Unloading卸载波Unloading wave冲击载荷 Impulsive load阶跃载荷step load脉冲载荷pulse load极限载荷limit load中性变载 nentral loading拉抻失稳 instability in tension力口速度波 acceleration wave本构方程 constitutive equation完全解 complete solution名义应力 nominal stress过应力 over-stress真应力 true stress等效应力 equivalent stress流动应力flow stress应力间断 stress discontinuity应力空间stress space主应力空间 principal stress space静水应力状态hydrostatic state of stress对数应变 logarithmic strain工程应变 engineering strain等效应变 equivalent strain应变局部化 strain localization应变率 strain rate应变率敏感性strain rate sensitivity 应变空间strain space有限应变 finite strain塑性应变增量plastic strain increment累积塑性应变 accumulated plastic strain永久变形 permanent deformation变量 internal variable应变软化 strain-softening理想刚塑性材料rigid-perfectly plastic Material刚塑性材料 rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料perfectl plastic material材料稳定性 stability of material应变偏量 deviatoric tensor of strain应力偏量 deviatori tensor of stress应变球量 spherical tensor of strain应力球量 spherical tensor of stress路径相关性path-dependency线性强化 linear strain-hardening应变强化 strain-hardening随动强化 kinematic hardening各向同性强化 isotropic hardening强化模量 strain-hardening modulus幂强化 power hardening 截面形状因子 shape factor of塑性极限弯矩plastic limit bending Moment cross-section沙堆比拟 sand heap analogy塑性极限扭矩plastic limit torque屈服Yield屈服条件 yield condition弹塑性弯曲elastic-plastic bending屈服准贝yield criterion弹塑性交界面elastic-plastic interface屈服函数 yield function屈服面 yield surface弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic 塑性势 plastic potential torsion能量吸收装置energy absorbing 粘塑性 Viscoplasticity device非弹性 Inelasticity 能量耗散率 energy absorbing理想弹塑性材料elastic-perfectly plastic Material device塑性动力学 dynamic plasticity极限分析 limit analysis 塑性动力屈曲dynamic plastic 极限设计 limit designbuckling极限面 limit surface 塑性动力响应dynamic plastic response上限定理 upper bound theorem塑性波 plastic wave上屈服点 upper yield point运动容许场kinematically下限定理 lower bound theorem admissible Field下屈服点 lower yield point 静力容许场 statically admissible 界限定理 bound theoremField初始屈服面 initial yield surface流动法则flow rule后继屈服面 subsequent yield surface 速度间断 velocity discontinuity 滑移线 slip-lines屈服面[的]外凸性convexity of yieldsurface滑移线场 slip-lines field移行塑性铰 travelling plastic hinge塑性增量理论 incremental theory of Plasticity米泽斯屈服准则Mises yield criterion普朗特--罗伊斯关系prandtl- Reuss relation特雷斯卡屈服准则Tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数Lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系Levy-Mises relation亨基应力方程Hencky stress equation赫艾一韦斯特加德应力空间Haigh- Westergaard stress space洛德应变参数Lode strain parameter 德鲁克公设 Drucker postulate盖林格速度方程Geiringer velocity Equation连续过程 continuous process碰撞截面collision cross section通用气体常数conventional gas constant燃烧不稳定性combustion instability 稀释度dilution完全离解 complete dissociation火焰传播 flame propagation组份 constituent 碰撞反应速率collision reaction rate 燃烧理论 combustion theory浓度梯度 concentration gradient阴极腐蚀cathodic corrosion火焰速度flame speed火焰驻定 flame stabilization火焰结构 flame structure着火 ignition湍流火焰 turbulent flame层流火焰 laminar flame燃烧带burning zone渗流flow in porous media, seepage 达西定律Darcy law赫尔-肖流 Hele-Shaw flow毛[细]管流 capillary flow过滤 filtration爪进 fingering不互溶驱替 immiscible displacement 不互溶流体 immiscible fluid互溶驱替 miscible displacement互溶流体 miscible fluid迁移率mobility流度比 mobility ratio渗透率 permeability孔隙度porosity多孔介质 porous medium比面 specific surface迂曲度 tortuosity空隙void空隙分数void fraction注水 water flooding可湿性 wettability地球物理流体动力学geophysical fluid dynamics物理海洋学 physical oceanography大气环流 atmospheric circulation海洋环流 ocean circulation海洋流 ocean current旋转流 rotating flow平流 advection埃克曼流Ekman flow埃克曼边界层Ekman boundary layer大气边界层 atmospheric boundary layer大气-海洋相互作用atmosphere- ocean interaction埃克曼数Ekman number罗斯贝数Rossby unmber罗斯贝波Rossby wave斜压性 baroclinicity正压性barotropy 磨擦 internal friction海洋波 ocean wave盐度 salinity环境流体力学 environmental fluid mechanics斯托克斯流Stokes flow羽流plume理查森数 Richardson number污染源 pollutant source污染物扩散 pollutant diffusion噪声 noise噪声级 noise level噪声污染 noise pollution排放物effulent工业流体力学industrical fluid mechanics流控技术fluidics轴向流axial flow并向流 co-current flow对向流 counter current flow横向流 cross flow螺旋流 spiral flow旋拧流 swirling flow滞后流after flow混合层 mixing layer抖振 buffeting风压 wind pressure附壁效应 wall attachment effect, Coanda effect简约频率 reduced frequency爆炸力学 mechanics of explosion终点弹道学 terminal ballistics动态超高压技术dynamic ultrahigh pressure technique流体弹塑性体 hydro-elastoplastic medium热塑不稳定性thermoplastic instability空中爆炸 explosion in air地下爆炸 underground explosion水下爆炸 underwater explosion电爆炸 discharge-induced explosion激光爆炸 laser-induced explosion核爆炸 nuclear explosion点爆炸 point-source explosion殉爆 sympathatic detonation强爆炸 intense explosion粒子束爆炸 explosion by beam radiation聚爆 implosion起爆 initiation of explosion爆破 blasting霍普金森杆Hopkinson bar 电炮 electric gun电磁炮 electromagnetic gun爆炸洞 explosion chamber轻气炮 light gas gun马赫反射 Mach reflection基浪 base surge成坑 cratering能量沉积 energy deposition爆心 explosion center爆炸当量 explosion equivalent 火球 fire ball爆高 height of burst蘑菇云mushroom侵彻 penetration规则反射 regular reflection崩落 spallation应变率史 strain rate history聚合物减阻drag reduction by polymers挤出[物]胀大 extrusion swell, die swell无管虹吸 tubeless siphon剪胀效应 dilatancy effect孔压[误差]效应hole- pressure[error]effect剪切致稠 shear thickening剪切致稀 shear thinning触变性 thixotropy反触变性 anti-thixotropy超塑性 superplasticity粘弹塑性材料 viscoelasto-plastic material滞弹性材料 anelastic material本构关系 constitutive relation麦克斯韦模型Maxwell model沃伊特-开尔文模型Voigt-Kelvin model宾厄姆模型Bingham model奥伊洛特模型Oldroyd model幂律模型 power law model应力松驰 stress relaxation应变史 strain history应力史 stress history 衰退记忆 fading memory应力增长 stress growing粘度函数 voscosity function相对粘度 relative viscosity复态粘度 complex viscosity拉伸粘度 elongational viscosity拉伸流动 elongational flow第一法向应力差first normalstress difference第二法向应力差second normalstress difference德博拉数 Deborah number森贝格数 Weissenberg number动态模量 dynamic modulus振荡剪切流 oscillatory shear flow宇宙气体动力学cosmic gas dynamics等离[子]体动力学plasma dynamics电离气体ionized gas行星边界层 planetary boundary layer阿尔文波Alfven wave泊肃叶-哈特曼流]Poiseuille- Hartman flow哈特曼数 Hartman number生物流体biofluid生物屈服点bioyield point生物屈服应力bioyield stress 电气体力学electro-gas dynamics 铁流体力学 ferro-hydrodynamics 血液流变学hemorheology, blood rheology血液动力学 hemodynamics磁流体力学magneto fluid mechanics磁流体动力学magnetohydrodynamics, MHD磁流体动力波magnetohydrodynamic wave磁流体流 magnetohydrodynamic flow磁流体动力稳定性magnetohydrodynamic stability生物力学 biomechanics生物流体力学 biological fluid mechanics生物固体力学biological solid mechanics宾厄姆塑性流Bingham plastic flow 开尔文体Kelvin body沃伊特体Voigt body可贴曲面 applicable surface边界润滑 boundary lubrication液膜润滑 fluid film lubrication 向心收缩功 concentric work离心收缩功eccentric work关节反作用力joint reaction force微循环力学 microcyclic mechanics微纤维 microfibril渗透性 permeability生理横截面积physiological cross-sectional area农业生物力学 agrobiomechanics 纤维度 fibrousness硬皮度rustiness胶粘度gumminess粘稠度 stickiness嫩度 tenderness渗透流 osmotic flow易位流 translocation flow蒸腾流 transpirational flow过滤阻力 filtration resistance压扁 wafering风雪流 snow-driving wind停滞堆积accretion遇阻堆积encroachment沙漠地面 desert floor流沙固定 fixation of shifting sand 流动阈值 fluid threshold通类名词力学 mechanics牛顿力学 Newtonian mechanics经典力学 classical mechanics静力学statics运动学 kinematics动力学dynamics动理学kinetics宏观力学macroscopic mechanics,macromechanics细观力学 mesomechanics微观力学microscopic mechanics,micromechanics一般力学 general mechanics固体力学 solid mechanics流体力学 fluid mechanics理论力学 theoretical mechanics应用力学 applied mechanics工程力学 engineering mechanics实验力学 experimental mechanics计算力学 computational mechanics 理性力学 rational mechanics 物理力学 physical mechanics 地球动力学geodynamics 力 force作用点 point of action作用线 line of action力系 system of forces力系的简化 reduction of force system 等效力系 equivalent force system 刚体 rigid body力的可传性 transmissibility of force 平行四边形定则parallelogram rule 力三角形 force triangle力多边形 force polygon零力系 null-force system平衡 equilibrium力的平衡 equilibrium of forces 平衡条件 equilibrium condition 平衡位置equilibrium position 平衡态equilibrium state 分析力学 analytical mechanics拉格朗日乘子 Lagrange multiplier 拉格朗日[量]Lagrangian拉格朗日括号 Lagrange bracket 雅普诺夫函数Lyapunov function 循环坐标 cyclic coordinate 渐近稳定性 asymptotic stability 循环积分 cyclic integral 结构稳定性 structural stability 哈密顿[量]Hamiltonian 久期不稳定性 secular instability 哈密顿函数 Hamiltonian function 弗洛凯定理Floquet theorem正则方程 canonical equation 倾覆力矩 capsizing moment正则摄动 canonical perturbation 自由振动 free vibration正则变换canonical transformation固有振动 natural vibration暂态 transient state正则变量 canonical variable环境振动 ambient vibration哈密顿原理 Hamilton principle反共振 anti-resonance作用量积分 action integral衰减 attenuation哈密顿-雅可比方程Hamilton-Jacobi equation 库仑阻尼 Coulomb damping作用一角度变量action-angle variables同相分量 in-phase component非同相分量 out-of -phase阿佩尔方程 Appell equationcomponent劳斯方程 Routh equation超调量 overshoot拉格朗日函数 Lagrangian function 参量[激励]振动parametric vibration诺特定理 Noether theorem模糊振动 fuzzy vibration泊松括号 poisson bracket临界转速 critical speed of边界积分法 boundary integral method rotation阻尼器damper并矢dyad半峰宽度 half-peak width运动稳定性 stability of motion集总参量系统lumped parameter 轨道稳定性 orbital stability system相平面法 phase plane method 邓克利公式 Dunkerley formula相轨迹 phase trajectory 瑞利定理 Rayleigh theorem等倾线法 isocline method 分布参量系统distributed跳跃现象 jump phenomenonparameter system负阻尼 negative damping优势频率 dominant frequency达芬方程 Duffing equation模态分析 modal analysis希尔方程Hill equation固有模态 natural mode of vibration KBM 方法 KBM method, Krylov-Bogoliu-bov-Mitropol'skii method同步 synchronization马蒂厄方程 Mathieu equation超谐波 ultraharmonic平均法 averaging method德波尔方程 van der pol equation组合音调 combination tone频谱 frequency spectrum解谐 detuning基频 fundamental frequency耗散函数 dissipative function WKB 方法 WKB method, Wentzel- Kramers-Brillouin method硬激励 hard excitation缓冲器buffer硬弹簧 hard spring, hardening spring风激振动 aeolian vibration谐波平衡法 harmonic balance method 嗡鸣buzz倒谱 cepstrum久期项 secular term 颤动 chatter自激振动 self-excited vibration 蛇彳亍hunting分界线 separatrix 阻抗匹配 impedance matching 亚谐波 subharmonic 机械导纳 mechanical admittance 软弹簧 soft spring ,softening spring机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械阻抗 mechanical impedance 软激励 soft excitation随机振动 stochastic vibration, random vibration隔振 vibration isolation 减振vibration reduction 应力过冲 stress overshoot 喘振surge摆振shimmy起伏运动 phugoid motion起伏振荡 phugoid oscillation 驰振galloping陀螺动力学gyrodynamics 陀螺摆gyropendulum陀螺平台gyroplatform陀螺力矩 gyroscoopic torque 陀螺稳定器gyrostabilizer 陀螺体gyrostat惯性导航 inertial guidance 姿态角attitude angle 方位角 azimuthal angle舒勒周期 Schuler period 机器人动力学 robot dynamics 多体系统multibody system 多刚体系统multi-rigid-body system机动性 maneuverability 凯恩方法Kane method转子[系统]动力学rotor dynamics转子[一支承一基础]系统rotor- support-foundation system静平衡 static balancing动平衡 dynamic balancing静不平衡 static unbalance动不平衡 dynamic unbalance现场平衡 field balancing不平衡unbalance不平衡量unbalance互耦力 cross force挠性转子 flexible rotor分频进动 fractional frequency precession半频进动 half frequency precession油膜振荡oil whip转子临界转速 rotor critical speed自动定心 self-alignment亚临界转速 subcritical speed涡动whirl。



布朗硼氢化反应英语The Brown hydroboration reaction, discovered by Herbert C. Brown in the 1950s, revolutionized organic synthesis by offering a versatile method for selectively adding hydroxyl groups to alkenes. This reaction, which involves the addition of borane complexes to alkenes followed by oxidation, has found widespread applications in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and fine chemical manufacturing.The key to the Brown hydroboration reaction lies in its ability to provide anti-Markovnikov selectivity, where the hydroxyl group attaches to the less substituted carbon of the double bond. This selectivity contrasts with traditional acid-catalyzed hydration reactions, which typically follow Markovnikov's rule, favoring attachment to the more substituted carbon.The mechanism of the reaction proceeds in two mainstages. Initially, the alkene coordinates with the borane molecule to form a cyclic transition state, facilitating the addition of boron to the double bond. This step occurs rapidly and selectively due to the electron-deficient nature of borane. Subsequently, oxidation with hydrogen peroxide or other oxidants converts the borane complex into a hydroxyl group, yielding the final alcohol product.The Brown hydroboration reaction offers several advantages over alternative methods. Firstly, it provides a straightforward route to synthesizing alcohols with predictable regioselectivity, which is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry for controlling biological activity. Secondly, the reaction tolerates a wide range of functional groups, including esters, ketones, and nitriles, enhancing its utility in complex molecule synthesis. Additionally, the mild reaction conditions and high functional group tolerance make it compatible with sensitive substrates,reducing side reactions and improving yield.Applications of the Brown hydroboration reaction abound in drug discovery and development. It has been instrumental in the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates and natural product derivatives, where precise control over stereochemistry and regiochemistry is paramount. Furthermore, its versatility extends to the preparation of polymers and advanced materials, where tailored functional groups are essential for optimizing material properties.In conclusion, the Brown hydroboration reaction represents a cornerstone of modern organic chemistry, offering chemists a powerful tool for synthesizing complex molecules with high selectivity and efficiency. Its impact spans from fundamental research to industrial applications, driving innovation in fields as diverse as medicine, materials science, and beyond. As research continues to refine reaction conditionsand expand substrate scope, the Brown hydroboration reaction remains at the forefront of organic synthesis, poised to shape the future of chemical innovation.。



咖啡烘焙过程的基本化学反应中英双语展开全文原文:Basic Chemical Reactions Occurring in the Roasting Process by Carl Staubsourced from the SCAA Roast Color Classification System developed by Agtron - SCAA in 1995Many thermal and chemical reactions occur during the roasting process: decarboxylation, dehydration of quinic acid moiety, fractionization, isomerization, polymerization, and complex sugar reactions. The principal thermally reactive components are monosaccharides and sucrose, chlorogenic acids, free amino acids, and trigonelline. Both aravinose and calactose of polysaccharides are splitoff and the basic sulfur containing and hydroxyamino acids decompose. Carbohydrates both polymerize and degrade, liberating thermally unstable monosaccharides decomposing 20-30% of the polysaccharides, depending on the degree of roast.Sucrose: Disaccharide of d-Glucosyl and d-Fructosyl Moieties Sucrose is the principle sugar in coffee. The melting point of pure crystalline sucrose is in the 320-392 degrees F with 370 degrees F most commonly accepted. Degradation of dry sucrose can occur as low as 194 degrees F. and begins with the cleavage of the glycosidic bond followed by condensation and the formation of water. Between 338 and 392 degrees F, carmelization begins. It is at this point that water and carbon dioxide fracture and out-gassing begins causing the first mechanical crack. These are the chemical reactions, occurring atapproximately 356 degrees F, that are exothermic. Once carmelization begins, it is very important that the coffee mass does not exotherm (lose heat) or the coffee will taste "baked" in the cup. A possible explanation is that exothermy of the charge mass interrupts long chain polymerization and allows cross linking to other constituents. Both the actual melting point of sucrose and the subsequent transformation, or carmelization, reaction are effected by the presence of water, ammonia, and proteinatious substances. Dark roasts represent a higher degree of sugar carmelization than light roasts. The degree of carmelization is an excellent and high resolution method for classifying roasts.Cellulose: A Long Linear Polymer of Anhydroglucose Units Cellulose is the principle fiber of the cell wall of coffee. It is partially ordered (crystalline) and partially disordered (amorphous). The amorphous regions are highly accessible and react readily, but the crystalline regions with close packing and hydrogen bonding may be completely inaccessible. Native cellulose, or cellulose 1, is converted to polymorphs cellulose III and cellulose IV when exposed to heat. Coffees structure is a well developed matrix enhancing the mass uniformity and aiding in the even propagation of heat during roasting. Cellulose exists in coffee imbedded in lignocellulose (an amorphous matrix of hemicellulose and lignin containing cellulose), making up the matrix cell walls. Hemicellusloses are polysaccharides of branched sugars and uronic acids. Lignin is of special note because it is a highly polymerized aromatic. Severe damage occurs to the cell walls of the matrix at distributed temperatures above 446 degrees F and bean surface temperatures over 536 degrees F The actual temperature values will change due tovarying levels of other constituents. Second crack, associated with darker roasts, is the fracturing of this matrix, possibly associated with the volatilization of lignin and other aromatics. Under controlled roasting conditions, the bean environment temperature should never exceed 536 degrees F. A wider safety margin would be achieved by limiting the maximum environment temperature to 520 degrees F. These temperature limits minimize damage to the cell matrix and enhances cup complexity, roasting yield, and product shelf life.Trigonelline: A Nitrogenous Base Found in CoffeeTrigonelline is 100% soluble in water and therefore will end up in the cup. Trigonelline is probably the most significant constituent contributing to excessive bitterness. At bean temperatures of 445 degrees F, approximately 85% of the trigonelline will be degraded. This bean temperature represents a moderately dark roast. For lighter roasts there will be more trigonelline, hence bitterness, but also less sugar carmelization. Caramelized sugar is less sweet in the cup than noncaramelized sugar, so when properly roasted these two constituents form an interesting compliment to each other. Trigonelline melts in it's pure crystalline form at 424 degrees F Degradation of trigonelline begins at approximately 378 degrees F.. The degradation of trigonelline is one of the key constituent control flags for determining the best reaction ratio.Quinic Acid: Member of the Carboxylic Acids GroupQuinic Acid melts in pure crystalline form at 325 degrees E, well below the temperatures associated with the roasting environment. Quinic Acid is water soluble and imparts a slightly sour (not unfavorably as in fermented beans) and sharp quality, which adds to the character and complexity of the cup.Surprisingly, it adds cleanness to the finish of the cup as well. it is a stable compound at roasting temperatures.Nicotinic Acid: Member of the Carboxylic Acid GroupNicotinic Acid melts in pure crystalline form at 457 degrees F. Naturally occurring Nicotinic Acid is bound to the polysaccharide cellulose structure. Nicotinic Acid is also derived in soluble form during roasting. Higher levels of Nicotinic Acid for any given degree of roast are associated with better cup quality. Since it is I 00% soluble, it will end up in the cup. Nicotinic Acid contributes to favorable acidity and clean finish. It's derivation rate is one of the key constituent control flags for determining the best reaction ratio temperature and chemistry propagation rates. Additionally, the interaction of melted Nicotenic Acid with other constituents contributes significantly to the intensity associated with darker roasts.Environment TemperatureThe temperature of the roasting environment determines the specific types of chemical reactions that occur. There is a window of temperatures that produce favorable reactions for the ideal cup characteristics. Temperature values outside of this window have a negative effect on quintessential cup quality. Even within the window values, different temperatures will change the character of the cup, giving the roaster the latitude to develop a personality or style desired, or to tame the rough signature of certain coffees while still optimizing relative quality. System Energy: At any given environment temperature, the amount of energy (BTU) and the roasting system's transfer efficiency will determine the rate at which the specific chemistrywilloccur. Higher levels of both energy andt ransfer efficiency will cause the reactions to progress more quickly. There is a window of reactionrates that will optimize cup quality. This is called the Best Reaction Ratio, or BRR.Best Reaction Ratio (BRR)The best cup characteristic are produced when the ratio of the degradation of trigonelline to the derivation of Nicotinic Acid remains linear. The control model of this reaction ratio is a time/temperature/energy relationship. The environment temperature (ET) establishes the pyrolysis region for the desired chemical reactions while the energy value (BTU) and system transfer efficiency (STE) determines the rate of reaction propagation and linearity of Nicotinic Acid derivation to degradation of trigonelline. Because green bean density varies dramatically, under any given ET / BTU / STE format, the reaction distribution will vary. it takes longer to obtain comparable uniformity for a higher density bean. Monitoring the bean temperature offers a good method of approximating the reaction distribution during this phase of the roasting. The ideal environmental temperature, ET, for best reaction ratio, BRR, is from -401-424 degrees F, with 405 degrees F as the default value. The BTU required is determined by the systems transfer efficiency, or ability to impart the energy to the charge mass.Maximum Environment Temperature (MET)Establishing the thermal environment protocol for the ideal roast is a balancing act. While it is desirable to maintain the BRR temperature and energy levels until the target reactions are achieved, the BRR temperature is well above the carmelization temperature of sucrose. Because many roasting systems exhibit thermal hysterysis using simple temperature regulating schemes, care must be taken not to allow the coffee mass to exotherm. Additionally, limiting the maximum environment temperature,MET, is also important. As previously mentioned, maintaining structural integrity of the cellulose matrix is of great importance. Lower temperatures will reduce surface evaporation of constituents minimizing the capillary action that draws constituents to the surface where they would be volatilized. Hydraulic action, a function of internal pressure which is directly related to bean temperature, is already at work. By limiting the maximum temperature, losses will be minimized and the essence of coffee retained. Consequently, the MET should not exceed 520 degrees F. This roasting system bases the MET value on the actual final bean, or drop temperature, which correlates to the degree of roast.译文在烘焙过程中发生了很多热与化学反应:去碳酸基,奎宁酸的脱水,细分,异构化,聚合,以及复杂的糖反应(焦糖化)。


即质子给予体 碱: 反应中能接受质子的分子或离子,
Brfnsted J N 丹麦物理化学家
水 是 两 性
HF(g) + H2O(l) →H3O+(aq) + F–(aq)
HF(aq) + NH3(aq) → NH4+ (aq) + F– (aq) H2O(l) + NH3(aq) →OH –(aq) + NH4+ (aq)
。水合高氯酸HClO4·H2O晶体结构测定结果证实, 其中
个被确定了结构的物种是固体水合物 HBr·4H2O中的
H9O4+。普遍的看法是, 水溶液中水合氢离子的形式随
110pm O
H 116o 105o
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1.3 布朗斯特平衡
HB + B’
B + HB’
显然, 布朗斯特酸碱反应是碱B与碱B’争夺质子的
反应, 碱的强弱影响着酸的强度。
HB(aq) + H2O(l)
Bθ(aq) + H3O+(aq)
该反应的标准平衡常数 Kaθ叫酸性常数(Acidity
这类氧化物叫酸性氧化物(acidic oxide)或酸酐 (acid anhydride) 。
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basic anhydride 若E是低电负性的金属原子, EOH基团中键的断裂 将发生在E—O键, 化合物电离产生OH–。如果溶液中有 酸(H3O+)存在, 形成的产物为H2O和该元素E的阳离子。



小学上册英语第二单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The __________ (历史的感知) affects how we view the past.2.The cookies smell _______ and sweet.3.The _____ (植物细胞) are unique to plants.4.What is the smallest unit of life?A. OrganB. CellC. TissueD. Organism5.The cake is _____ with sprinkles. (topped)6.The __________ (历史的多元背景) informs perspectives.7. A nonpolar molecule does not have a positive or negative ______.8.How many letters are in the English alphabet?A. 24B. 25C. 26D. 27C9.What is the opposite of 'big'?A. LargeB. SmallC. HeavyD. LightB10.I like to go ______ (骑自行车) in the park.11.What is the primary color of a cherry?A. YellowB. RedC. GreenD. Blue12.When sugar dissolves in water, it forms a ______.13.The __________ (空气质量) can be improved with more plants.14.What do you call a young swan?A. CygnetteB. GoslingC. DucklingD. ChicksA15.I love playing ________ (角色扮演) games with my friends. We become different ________ (角色).16.What is the color of a healthy leaf?A. BrownB. YellowC. GreenD. RedC17.The __________ is a large area of land that is covered with grass.18.What do you call the process of creating a new plant from a cutting?A. GraftingB. CloningC. PropagationD. All of the above19.What do you call a young female whale?A. CalfB. PupC. KitD. FawnA20.What do you call the study of the atmosphere and weather?A. MeteorologyB. ClimatologyC. GeographyD. Environmental ScienceA21.Did you know that a _____ (变色龙) can change colors?22.What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?A. RockiesB. AndesC. HimalayasD. AlpsC Himalayas23.The Himalayas continue to rise because of tectonic ______.24. A _____ (海豹) is often seen near the shore.25.The city of Rome is known for its ________ (古代遗址).26.s are popular for their ______ (耐旱) qualities. Sugar di27.What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza28. A ____(valley) is formed by erosion over time.29.What do you use to write on paper?A. BrushB. PencilC. ForkD. SpoonB30.The ________ is a tiny creature that flies.31.Many plants have ______ (防御机制) against herbivores.32.The ________ (新发现) change our understanding of geography.33.What is the name of the famous race in France?A. Tour de FranceB. Boston MarathonC. New York City MarathonD. London MarathonA34.Space exploration has revealed much about our own ______ system.35.I like to dress up my dolls in different ________ (服装). It’s like a fas hion ________ (秀).36.The ancient Romans used concrete for ________ (建筑).37.The stars are ___. (twinkling)38.What is 12 4?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 7A39.What is the main ingredient in pancakes?A. FlourB. SugarC. ButterD. Eggs40.What is the primary color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. GreenB41.ts are known for their _____ (快速生长) rates. Some pla42.My aunt enjoys baking ____ (cookies) for the holidays.43.What do you call the season when leaves fall from trees?A. SpringB. SummerC. FallD. Winter44.I like _____ (playing) the piano.45.The Earth revolves around the ______.46.What is the name of the famous ocean liner that sank?A. TitanicB. BritannicC. OlympicD. Lusitania47.The ancient Egyptians practiced ________ as part of their belief systems.48.What do we wear on our feet?A. HatB. GloveC. ShoeD. BeltC49.What is the name of the famous American singer known as the "King of Rock and Roll"?A. Johnny CashB. Elvis PresleyC. Chuck BerryD. Buddy HollyB50.The ______ is known for her impactful writing.51.We enjoy visiting the ___. (aquarium)52.We should _______ (保持)我们的环境干净。

丙烯 共氧化 环氧丙烷 流程

丙烯 共氧化 环氧丙烷 流程

丙烯共氧化环氧丙烷流程English Answer:Process for Co-oxidation of Propylene and Oxygen to Propylene Oxide.Introduction.Propylene oxide (PO) is a versatile chemical intermediate used in the production of a wide range of products, including polyurethane foams, plastics, and solvents. The most common industrial process for producing PO is the co-oxidation of propylene and oxygen in a fixed-bed reactor.Process Overview.The co-oxidation process involves the following steps:1. Feed Preparation: Propylene and oxygen are mixed ina specific ratio, typically 2-3:1, and heated to a temperature of approximately 500-600 degrees Celsius.2. Reactor: The feed mixture is introduced into afixed-bed reactor filled with a silver-based or bismuth-based catalyst. The catalyst promotes the reaction between propylene and oxygen, forming propylene oxide and water.3. Product Separation: The reactor effluent is cooled and sent to a distillation column. Propylene oxide is separated from other products, such as water, carbon dioxide, and unreacted propylene.Reaction Chemistry.The overall reaction for the co-oxidation of propylene and oxygen is:C3H6 + 1/2 O2 → C3H6O + H2O.The reaction mechanism is complex and involves a series of free radical reactions. The key steps include:1. Initiation: Oxygen reacts with a surface site on the catalyst, generating free radicals.2. Propagation: The free radicals react with propylene, forming additional free radicals and propylene oxide.3. Termination: Free radicals combine with each other to form stable molecules.Factors Affecting the Process.Several factors can affect the efficiency andselectivity of the co-oxidation process, including:Temperature: Higher temperatures increase the rate of reaction but also favor the formation of byproducts.Pressure: Higher pressures increase the yield of propylene oxide but require a more robust reactor.Catalyst: The choice of catalyst plays a crucial rolein the activity and selectivity of the process.Feed Ratio: The ratio of propylene to oxygen affects the yield and selectivity of the reaction.Industrial Applications.Propylene oxide is a key intermediate in the production of polyurethane foams, which are used in a wide range of applications, including insulation, furniture, and packaging. It is also used in the production of plastics, solvents, and other chemicals.Environmental Considerations.The co-oxidation process generates carbon dioxide as a byproduct. To minimize the environmental impact, manufacturers typically employ measures such as carbon capture and storage.Chinese Answer:丙烯和氧气共氧化生成环氧丙烷的工艺。



小学上册英语第六单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The bison roams the _________ (草原).2.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her hit song "Respect"?A. Aretha FranklinB. Diana RossC. Tina TurnerD. Whitney HoustonA Aretha Franklin3.I want to ________ (run) a marathon.4.What is the term used for a young sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. FoalC5.The ____ has a long tail and is often seen playing.6. A _____ (植物艺术项目) can beautify public spaces.7.The ______ helps with the absorption of water in plants.8.My aunt loves to volunteer at the ____ (animal shelter).9. A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in energy.10.When it rains, I like to wear my __________ coat. (防水的)11.I enjoy going ________ (滑雪) in the winter.12.What is 3 x 4?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1313.I like to go for a __________ when the weather is nice. (散步)14.I have a drawing of my ____.15.This is my ______. He is my best friend.16.I call my father _____ (爸爸).17. A __________ is a reaction that produces solid precipitates.18.I saw a ________ swimming in the river.19.What do you call an animal that only eats plants?A. CarnivoreB. OmnivoreC. HerbivoreD. InsectivoreC Herbivore20.What is 30 ÷ 3?A. 5B. 7C. 9D. 1021.I can ______ (应用) my knowledge in real-life situations.22.The book is ___ (on/in) the shelf.23.What is the capital of Mongolia?A. UlaanbaatarB. ErdenetC. DarkhanD. Choibalsan24.What do you do with a pencil?A. EatB. WriteC. SleepD. JumpB25.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Tower BridgeC. London EyeD. Buckingham Palace26. A ________ can hide in its shell.27.I built a Lego _________ (城市) with my friends.28.What do we call the place where we go to learn about history?A. MuseumB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Archive29.What is the result of 3 x 3?A. 6B. 7C. 9D. 10C30.What is the color of a typical strawberry?A. BlueB. RedC. YellowD. Green31.I _____ (love/hate) homework.32.What is the main language spoken in the United States?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. GermanC33.The chemical process of respiration is similar to ______.34.What do we call the area of land that is covered in trees?A. ForestB. JungleC. WoodsD. Grove35.I want to learn to _____ (swim/fly).36.The ________ (社区援助) supports those in need.37.The ________ hops around and explores.38.What do we call the process of making a new plant from a seed?A. GerminationB. PollinationC. FertilizationD. PropagationA39.What is the currency used in the USA?A. EuroB. DollarC. PoundD. YenB40.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. MarsB. VenusC. JupiterD. MercuryA41. A ________ (植物观察志愿者) contributes to knowledge.42.What type of animal is a shark?A. MammalB. FishC. ReptileD. AmphibianB43.The _____ (sand/gravel) is warm.44. A _______ is a state of matter where particles are close together but can slide past each other.45.Which gas is required for photosynthesis?A. OxygenB. Carbon DioxideC. NitrogenD. Hydrogen46.The ________ was a famous leader during the French Revolution.47.What do you call a person who investigates crimes?A. DetectiveB. OfficerC. JudgeD. LawyerA48.What do we call the act of speaking in front of an audience?A. Public SpeakingB. OratoryC. PresentationD. All of the AboveD49.What is the primary ingredient in chocolate?A. CocoaB. SugarC. MilkD. Flour50.My brother loves to play __________. (排球)51.What do we call the time when the daylight is the shortest?A. EquinoxB. SolsticeC. Lunar phaseD. EclipseB Solstice52.What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. StockholmC. HelsinkiD. CopenhagenA53.My cousin enjoys __________ (研究) different topics.54.What do you call the science of studying the Earth?A. BiologyB. GeologyC. ChemistryD. Physics55.What is the weather like when it rains?A. SunnyB. CloudyC. WetD. Snowy56. A ______ (植物生活) study can reveal ecological dynamics.57.We have a _____ (展览) at the museum.58.The sun rises in the ______. (east)59.There are many __________ (动物) in the zoo.60.The ant works together in a _______ (群体).61.My cousin enjoys __________ (滑板).62.My mother cooks delicious ____ (food) for dinner.63.小蟋蟀) chirps in the grass. The ___64.The manatee can hold its breath underwater for several ________________ (分钟).65. A rabbit's large ears help it hear ______ (声音) better.66.What do we call a story that is passed down through generations?A. FableB. LegendC. MythD. Folktale67.The chemical formula for magnesium nitride is _______.68.My _______ (猫) is very independent.69.The teacher is very ________.70.听录音排序。



氯乙烯单体的聚合反应式及聚合物的英文名称Vinyl Chloride Monomer Polymerization and Its PolymersVinyl chloride, a versatile monomer, undergoes polymerization reactions to form a range of polymers with distinct properties and applications. The polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer is a crucial process in the chemical industry, leading to the production of polymers such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This article delves into the polymerization reaction of vinyl chloride monomer and explores the English nomenclature of the resulting polymers. The polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer typically involves the use of initiators that trigger the formationof polymer chains. These initiators, often organic compounds or inorganic species, initiate the reaction by generating reactive species that attack the double bond of the vinyl chloride monomer. The polymerization reaction proceeds via a chain mechanism, consisting of initiation, propagation, and termination steps.During the initiation step, the initiator generates free radicals that are highly reactive and capable of initiating the polymerization process. These free radicals attack the double bond of the vinyl chloride monomer, forming a new radical species. This species then reacts with another vinyl chloride molecule, leading to the propagation of the polymer chain.The propagation step continues as the newly formed radical species reacts with additional vinyl chloride monomers, elongating the polymer chain. This process repeats multiple times, resulting in the growth of long polymer chains. The length and molecular weight of the resulting polymers can be controlled by varying the reaction conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and monomer concentration.Finally, the termination step occurs when two polymer chains react with each other, terminating their growth and forming stable end groups. This can happen through various mechanisms, including disproportionation and combination reactions. The termination step determines the finalmolecular weight distribution and properties of the polymers.The resulting polymers from the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer are typically referred to as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in English. PVC is a versatile material with excellent mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties. It is widely used in various applications, including construction, packaging, and medical devices. PVC's durability, low cost, and ease of processing make it an attractive material for numerous industries.In addition to PVC, vinyl chloride monomer can also be polymerized to form copolymers with other monomers. These copolymers offer tailored properties that can be tailored for specific applications. For instance, copolymers ofvinyl chloride with acrylic acid or acrylonitrile can enhance the chemical resistance or mechanical properties of the resulting material.Moreover, advancements in polymerization techniques and catalyst design have enabled the production of PVC with unique morphologies, such as porous structures or nanofibers. These innovative materials exhibit enhancedproperties and have potential applications in areas like catalysis, separation, and biomedicine.In summary, the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer is a fundamental process in the chemical industry, leading to the production of polymers with diverse properties and applications. PVC, the primary polymer obtained from vinyl chloride, is widely used in various sectors due to its versatility and excellent performance. Future research and advancements in polymerization techniques will continue to expand the scope of applications for vinyl chloride-based polymers and copolymers.**氯乙烯单体聚合反应及聚合物英文名称**氯乙烯单体通过聚合反应能够生成具有不同特性和应用领域的聚合物。

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essentially to propagation failure. The system we consider here corresponds to the A + B →
2A irreversible reaction, which in the case of the normal diffusion is also described by the
in the system which in the case of the normal diffusion would be described by the Fisher-
Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskounov (FKPP) equation and shows, that under the description
the fully irreversible analog of the reaction discussed in Ref.[7] under conserved overall
concentration we show that the minimal propagation velocity is zero, which corresponds
particles in reaction equations by Roman letters, while the corresponding concentrations or
particle numbers are written in italic.
Using the conservation law, the corresponding reaction-diffusion equation can be rewrit-
which fact is known as the marginal stability principle. The front in the FKPP system is
an example of the so-called “pulled front”, as it is “pulled” into the unstable state by its
The theory of reactions under subdiffusion had attracted recently considerable attention
both because of theoretical and mathematical challenges posed by such problems, and also
∂A ∂t
∂2A ∂x2
(or by the corresponding equation for δB = B0−B = A) having the exponential propagating √
solution A ≃ exp(−x + vt) for all v ≥ 2 DkB0 where the condition on v is imposed by
versible or reversible) reaction whose main stage is a bimolecular autocatalytic conversion
A + B → 2A. Initially the whole system consists of particles (individuals) of type B. The
introduction of the A-individuals into some bounded spacial domain (which is described by
an initial condition sharply concentrated in vicinity of the origin of coordinates) leads to
partial differential equation
∂A ∂t
∂2A ∂x2
for an irreversible reaction, where the initial concentration of B is assumed to be homoge-
neous and equal to B(x, 0) = B0 everywhere except for the vicinity of the origin. In this case
the overall concentration is conserved, due to the local stoichiometry of the reaction which
does not change the number of particles. Here and in what follows we denote the nature of
adopted, there exists a (minimal) stable propagation velocity of such front, just like it is the
fact under normal diffusion. As we proceed to show, this is not always the case. Considering
model of front propagation into an unstable state and serves as a paradigmatic model for
many related phenomena.
The front velocity in the genuine FKPP equation is determined by that of its leading
arXiv:0804.2394v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 15 Apr 2008
Front propagation in A+B → 2A reaction under subdiffusion
D. Froemberg, H. Schmidt-Martens, and I.M. Sokolov Institut fu¨r Physik, Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany F. Sagu´es
Departament de Qu´ımica F´ısica, Universitat de Barcelona, Mart´ı i Franqu`es 1, E-08028, Barceln irreversible autocatalytic conversion reaction A + B → 2A under subdiffusion described by continuous time random walks. The reactants’ transformations take place independently on their motion and are described by constant rates. The analog of this reaction in the case of normal diffusion is described by the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov (FKPP) equation leading to the existence of a nonzero minimal front propagation velocity which is really attained by the front in its stable motion. We show that for subdiffusion this minimal propagation velocity is zero, which suggests propagation failure. PACS numbers: 05.40.Fb, 82.40.-g
ten as
∂A ∂t
∂2A ∂x2

The equation for the reversible reaction has the same form but different coefficients in front
of the two last terms in the right hand side (e.g. [10]). The FKPP equation is the simplest
edge, i.e. by the behavior of concentrations for x → ∞. Since the concentration of converted
particles in this leading edge is very small, the equation can be linearized, and the possible
velocity of the front is given by the analysis of the linear propagation problem [11, 12]. For
the FKPP equation, Eq.(1) leads for x → ∞ (and B → B0) to
the natural boundary condition A = 0 for x → ∞ and by forbidding oscillatory behavior. √