核 基 因的结 构 , 很 大程度 上依 赖 于识 别 出一 个 序 列 的 剪 接位 点 的 能 力 。剪 接 信 号 GT AG邻 近 序 列 存 在 — 在的序 列保 守性 使得 以其 作为 标准 判别 样本 真伪 成 为 可能n 。剪接 位 点 一 般具 有 较 为 明 显 的序 列 特 征 , 但 是选 择性 剪接 在 数据库 里 的注 释非 常不完 整 , 因此 很 难评 估 剪 接 位 点 的敏 感 性 和 精 度 。各 种 剪 接 位 点 的 自动识 别算 法绝 大部分 都 是根 据 GT AG 邻 近 的一 段 序 列来 判 别 它 究 竟是 不 是 真 正 的剪 接 位 点 , — 因 此 关键 在于 如何 更好 的提 取这 一段 序列 所蕴 涵 的统计 特 征及更 好 的设计 分 类算 法 。如果 把 剪接位 点 和两 侧 的编 码特 性结 合起 来分 析 , 有助 于提 高剪 接位 点 的识 别 效 果 。考 虑 到剪 接 位 点 附近 存 在 的 序列 保 守 则
别 模型 , HM— VM 工作 集最 优化 算法 训练 并优 化 HMM 模 型 , 成剪 接位 点识 别 系统 , 终 获得 了 用 S 生 最
较 高 的识别 精度 。 1 HMM( 隐马 尔可 夫模 型 ) 别算 法 识 HMM 是 一个 双重 随机模 型 , 底层 为一 个 马尔 可夫 链模 型 , 描述 状 态 之 间 的转 换 ; 上层 为一 个 随机 模 型, 描述 状态 与观 测值 的统 计对 应关 系 基 于 HMM 的模 式识 别方 法 的基本 思想 是对 于一 个 可用 HMM 描 述 的模 式识别 问题 , 其 可 能 出现 将
基于支持向量机的基因剪接位点研究[摘要] 只要将内含子识别出来就可以得到准确的剪接位点。
[关键词] 剪接位点内含子支持向量机1 引言剪接是真核细胞基因表达的关键阶段[1]。
2 材料与方法2.1 数据来源与识别模型的设计本文的实验数据来自/homo_sapiens(ensembl人类基因)。
ensembl计划维护了一个非编码rna 数据库,而且实时更新。
所以,在此就采用识别内含子的方法来得到剪接位点,识别模型如图1所示:图1 内含子识别模型2.2 训练集与测试集的组成从ensembl数据库中选取2000个满足以gt开始并以ag结束且序列长度大于144的真实内含子和4000个满足以gt开始并以ag 结束且序列长度大于144的虚假的内含子,然后按照一定长度截取组成相互独立的训练集和测试集。
如表1所示:表1 训练集与测试集的组成表1中训练集用于建立识别任务的数学模型,测试集用于检验所建模型的正确性。
具体步骤如下:1. 数据收集:收集大量已知的选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子数据,作为训练集和测试集。
2. 特征提取:从基因序列中提取出与选择性剪接相关的特征,如碱基组成、剪接位点附近的保守序列等。
3. 模型构建:利用机器学习算法(如支持向量机、随机森林等)构建预测模型,模型可以自动学习和提取与选择性剪接相关的关键特征。
4. 模型验证与优化:使用独立的测试集对模型进行验证和优化,不断调整模型的参数以提高预测的准确性和质量。
具体结果如下:1. 剪接位点预测:我们的模型能够准确预测出选择性剪接位点的位置,并能够区分不同类型的剪接位点(如内含子保留型和外显子跳跃型)。
2. 盒式外显子预测:我们的模型能够准确识别出盒式外显子的序列特征,并预测其可能的功能和作用机制。
3. 模型性能评估:通过与已知的剪接位点和盒式外显子数据进行比较,我们发现我们的模型在预测准确率、灵敏度和特异性等方面均表现优异。
二、材料与方法1. 数据收集本研究收集了大量基因序列数据,包括已知的选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子信息。
2. 算法设计针对选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子的预测,本文设计了一种基于深度学习的算法模型。
3. 模型训练与优化使用收集到的数据对模型进行训练和优化,通过调整模型参数和结构,提高预测的准确性和稳定性。
三、结果与分析1. 预测结果通过模型预测,我们得到了大量的选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子信息。
2. 特征分析通过对预测结果进行特征分析,我们发现某些序列特征与选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子的存在具有显著相关性。
3. 模型评估通过交叉验证等方法对模型进行评估,我们发现我们的模型在预测选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子方面具有较高的准确性和稳定性。
RNA剪接位点预测中的机器学习算法优化第一章引言1.1 研究背景在生物学研究中,RNA剪接是一种常见的基因表达调控方式。
1.2 问题陈述然而,由于剪接位点序列的复杂性和多样性,准确预测RNA剪接位点一直是一个具有挑战性的问题。
1.3 研究目标本文旨在探讨机器学习算法在RNA剪接位点预测中的优化方法,进一步提高预测模型的准确性和效率。
第二章 RNA剪接位点的特征表示2.1 序列特征表示RNA剪接位点序列通常由核苷酸组成,因此可以将其转化为序列特征。
常用的序列特征包括短序列片段(k-mer)、核苷酸组合频率(nucleotide composition)等。
2.2 结构特征表示RNA剪接位点的结构特征可以通过RNA二级结构预测方法获得。
2.3 组合特征表示将序列特征和结构特征进行组合,可以得到更加全面和准确的RNA剪接位点特征表示。
第三章机器学习算法在RNA剪接位点预测中的优化3.1 特征选择特征选择是指从原始特征集合中,选择出对于预测任务最重要的特征子集。
3.2 机器学习算法选择不同的机器学习算法具有不同的特点和适应性。
在RNA剪接位点预测中,研究者们可以根据数据集的规模和特征情况选择合适的机器学习算法,如支持向量机(SVM)、随机森林(Random Forest)等。
剪接位点突变的表示方法1.引言1.1 概述概述剪接位点突变是指在基因剪接过程中,发生的突变导致剪接位点发生改变的现象。
1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下几个部分来分析剪接位点突变的表示方法:1. 引言:在本部分中,我们将概述剪接位点突变的概念和研究意义,并介绍本篇文章的目的。
2. 正文:本部分将分为两个小节来讨论剪接位点突变的定义、意义以及类型和分类。
- 2.1 剪接位点突变的定义和意义:我们将详细解释什么是剪接位点突变,以及为什么对其进行研究具有重要意义。
2. 保守序列:在不同物种或基因中,内含子的剪接位点通常具有相
这些保守序列可以包括剪接供体位点 (donor site)
和剪接受体位点 (acceptor site)。
《基于序列信息预测选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子》篇一一、引言选择性剪接(Alternative Splicing)是基因表达过程中重要的调控机制之一,通过选择不同的外显子组合来生成不同的蛋白质亚型。
盒式外显子(Exon Skipping)是选择性剪接的一种形式,对于生物体中的多种生物学过程起着关键作用。
二、材料与方法1. 数据收集我们收集了来自不同物种、不同组织类型的选择性剪接事件的RNA序列数据,并对这些数据进行预处理和质量控制。
2. 预测方法基于深度学习和机器学习算法,我们开发了一种新的预测模型。
3. 模型评估我们使用交叉验证和独立测试集来评估模型的性能。
三、结果与讨论1. 预测结果我们的模型在测试集上取得了较高的预测准确率,能够有效地识别出选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子的位置。
2. 结果分析通过对预测结果的分析,我们发现RNA序列的特定模式和特征与选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子的位置密切相关。
Splice Site Tools A Comparative Analysis ReportBeth HellenContentsIntroduction 3 Methods 4 Results 5 Conclusions 9 References 10 Appendix 1 Variants found in literature 11IntroductionSplicing is a process which modifies mRNA after transcription. It allows for introns to beremoved and exons joined together to form mature mRNA, ready for translation into protein.The splice site junction, found where an intron meets an exon, contains multiple sequence motifs. These motifs provide signals to allow for correct splicing to occur. The best characterisedof these are the acceptor and donor splice site signals. These signals consist of invariant dinucleotides at positions +1, +2, -1 and -2 of the intron and less well conserved nucleotides both within the immediate adjoining exonic sequence and deeper into the intron from the +3 and -3 positions (Seif et al., 1979). The specific splicing of a gene can be easily affected by mutations in the sequence surrounding the splice site junction. This can lead to alternate splicing and thus adversely affect the translated protein (Novoyatleva et al., 2006; Tazi et al., 2009).In-silico splice site prediction tools can be used to predict the effect of a genetic variant on splicing. A large number of prediction tools are currently available, either as standalone programs or as part of the Alamut (http://www.interactive-/alamut/doc/1.5/index.html) or Human Splicing Finder (Desmet, 2009) interfaces. Some small analyses of these algorithms have been carried out, but no large scale analyses (Hartmann et al., 2008; Holler et al., 2009; Houdayer et al., 2008). Although the UV guidelines (Bell et al., 2007) provided by the CMGS (/) suggest several splice site prediction algorithms, the performance of these algorithms have not been formally assessed and may give divergent results. This analysis aims to provide an assessment of the performance of these algorithms in the prediction of splicing-related variant pathogenicity. It will also assess the scope of the splice-site prediction tools to ensure that they can be used in the most appropriate way. The analysis will allow scientists to use splice site prediction tools in the prediction of pathogenesis with more confidence.In this analysis, six of the most common donor and acceptor prediction algorithms have been assessed for their ability to predict the pathogenicity of splice site variants. The algorithms chosen were those suggested by the UV guidelines, plus MaxEntScan, which are used as part of the Alamut and HSF splicing interfaces. The six algorithms were: GeneSplicer (Pertea et al., 2001), Human Splicing Finder (HSF) (Desmet et al., 2009), MaxEntScan (Yeo & Burge, 2004), NetGene2 (Brunak et al., 1991), NNSplice (Reese et al., 1997) and SSFL, an algorithm based on Alex Dong Li’s Splice Site Finder (no longer available). In each algorithm the splice signal given by the wild type sequence is compared to the splice site signal given by a mutated sequence supplied by the user.MethodsSix algorithms were assessed for their ability to predict disruption to normal splicing patterns, caused by genetic variants. SSFL, MaxEntScan, NNSplice and GeneSplicer were accessed through the Alamut interface. HSF and a second implementation of MaxEntScan were accessed through the HSF interface. Netgene2 was implemented using a stand alone web interface. The majority of these methods were chosen because they had been recommended by the UV guidelines; MaxEntScan was included because it is used in both the HSF and Alamut splicing interfaces. A set of 265 pathogenic variants and 15 non-pathogenic variants from a total of 180 genes (see figure 1 and appendix 1) were retrieved from the literature. These variants were used to assess the splice site prediction algorithms using their default settings and recommended lengths of sequence. Sensitivity (equation 1), specificity (equation 2) and accuracy (equation 3) werecalculated, as were the standard errors for each of the statistics. For the purposes of this analysis a true positive was defined as a pathogenic variant correctly classified as pathogenic and a true negative was a non-pathogenic variant correctly classified as non-pathogenic. A change in splice site signal of ≥10% was considered to predict a pathogenic effect.(1)(2)(3)A second set of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy calculations were made for those variants which did not fall into the invariant di-nucleotide positions at -1, -2, +1, +2. The datasetconsisted of 110 pathogenic variants and 15 non-pathogenic variants. The variants occurred in 83 different genes. This analysis will allow the algorithms to be assessed on their performance with the more difficult splice site variants.The UV guidelines for splice site analysis recommend the use of three prediction algorithms to give a consensus prediction. Combinations of three high performing algorithms were compared to determine whether the accuracy was improved. The criteria required to categorise a variant as pathogenic or non-pathogenic was that at least two of the algorithms must agree on the prediction. The accuracy scores were calculated and compared to those given by the single algorithms.To test the range of predictions made by the algorithms at each intronic position near the splice site junction, an in-silico analysis was performed. Thirteen acceptor and donor splice sitejunctions from BRCA1 and BRCA2 were analysed. Only junctions where the wild type splice site signal was found by all four of the highest performing algorithms were used. The wild type base at each position from +1 to +10 or -1 to -10 was artificially mutated in-silico to each of theremaining 3 nucleotides and the proportional change in splice site signal given by each algorithm was recorded. The mean change in splice site prediction (equation 4) at each position was plotted for each algorithm. The mean change in splice site signal strength is described inequation 4, where SS M is the mutated splice site signal, SS W is the wild type splice site signal and N is the number of examples analysed.(4)ResultsPathogenic and non-pathogenic splice site related variants retrieved from the literature were found at a range of positions relative to the splice site junction (Figure 1). The majority of splice site related pathogenic mutations used in this analysis were found within intronic positionsbetween 1 and 10 nucleotides from the splice site junction. However, >40 of the variants were found in positions within the exon, and pathogenic mutations were also found at >100bp from the splice site junction. Only 15 non-pathogenic variants were found and they mainly occurred at positions further from the splice site junction. The small number of non-pathogenic variants arises from the problem of non-reporting of negative results. This is likely to increase the error associated with the specificity scores.-40-2002040010203040506070Intronic_positionF r e q u e n cyFigure 1 Chart showing the position of variants retrieved from the literature. Variants in exonic positions are shown at 0, variants >50bp from the splice site junction are binned and represented as asingle frequency at 50bp from the splice site. Black lines represent the frequency of pathogenic variants and red lines represent the frequency of non-pathogenic variants.The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy scores showed that the four highest performing algorithms were NNSplice, MaxEntScan, GeneSplicer and SSFL (Figure 2). These algorithmsachieved between 80 and 92% accuracy and sensitivity. The specificity scores (between 73 and 93%) were less reliable due to the smaller number of variants tested. These four algorithms are those implemented through the Alamut interface. It is possible that the ease of interpretation of the results, when using the Alamut interface, has influenced this result. With the HSF interface it was more difficult to determine the predicted difference in splice site signal.Figure 2Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity values for each of the splice site prediction algorithms tested. Sensitivity measures the ability to predict pathogenic variants (TP) and specificity measures the ability to predict non-pathogenic variants (TN).The removal of variants occurring at +1, +2, -1 and -2 positions reduced the performance of the algorithms, as was expected (Figure 3). However, two algorithms (MaxEntScan & NNSplice) still achieved an accuracy score of >80%. Therefore it can be seen that these algorithms perform reasonably well, even with variants where it is more difficult to predict the splicing effect.Figure 3Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity values for each of the splice site prediction algorithms tested. Only variants which did not occur at one of the +1, +2,-1 or -2 positions were analysed.The accuracy given by the consensus prediction of splice site signals was found to be between 86% and 92% for all combinations (Figure 4). The highest accuracy obtained through a consensus method was comparable to that given by MaxEntScan when implemented through Alamut. None of the consensus methods achieved an accuracy that was significantly higher than the individual algorithms.SSFL MES NNSPlice GenesplicerGroup 1 X X XGroup 2 X X XGroup 3 X X XGroup 4 X X XFigure 4 The chart shows the accuracy obtained by combining results from three algorithms and using the consensus to predict pathogenicity of variants. The accompanying table describes the combinations of programs used in each consensus group.Genetic variants which occur in the invariant dinucleotides at -1, -2, +1 and +2 were predicted to always disrupt splice site signalling (Figure 5). This would be assumed by most users and so no further information is gained by using the splice site prediction tools at these positions. The algorithms were shown to be the most useful for the prediction of both pathogenic and non-pathogenic splice site variants when applied to positions between +3 and +7 and -3 to at least -10 (Figure 5). At positions further from the splice site junction, no disruption in splice site signal was seen. The scope of these tools can therefore be defined as the prediction of the disruption of splice sites within these regions. The effect of variants on splice sites further than this cannot be predicted by any of the algorithms. The tools are, however, able to predict new splice sites at other positions. This could occur if the variant caused the sequence surrounding the new splice site to become a closer match to the statistical models used by the tools.Figure 5 Graphs showing the proportional signal strength change on known splice sites when a mutation was introduced at positions in the intron between -1 and -10 or between +1 and +10. A score of 1 indicates that no disruption in the splice site signal was observed, a score of 0 indicates that the signal was completely destroyed. Lines between points have been added to ease interpretation although the data is discrete.ConclusionsThe four algorithms used in Alamut were shown to have a high degree of accuracy and users can be confident in the safe interpretation of these results as part of the assessment of a variant. It should still be noted that the algorithms alone are not sufficient evidence for a clinical decision.These algorithms, with the exception of SSFL, can be used as standalone web tools as well as via the Alamut interface. However, the results obtained through alternative implementations may differ, as shown by the MaxEntScan results obtained through Alamut and HSF.The range of splice site signal strength predictions given by the algorithms is determined by the position of the variant. At +1, +2, -1 or -2 the algorithms always predict a large change in splice site signal, as would be predicted by experts. Variations in the wild type sequence further than +7 or -10 from the splice site junction do not cause any reduction in the wild type splice site signal predicted by the algorithms. Variants found between these two regions show a range of splice site reduction predicted by the algorithms and it is in this range that the algorithms are likely to be the most useful. This mirrors the reduction in occurrence of pathogenic variants found in the literature at these positions. The algorithms are still useful for prediction of splice site signals related to variants further into the intron, however it is only new splice sites which can be detected, not the reduction in wild type splice sites.Although the use of three different algorithms is suggested in the UV guidelines, the accuracy was not improved by using a consensus method, therefore there does not seem to be a need for this step. However, as the Alamut interface performs all four analyses simultaneously, it is easy to compare predictions without a formal consensus method. The Alamut interface also contains methods to predict splicing enhancer or silencer motifs (ESE, ESS etc.) and branch point motifs. These methods have not been assessed and as the mechanisms by which these motifs regulate splicing are less clearly understood, the methods should be only be used with caution.ReferencesBell, J., Bodmer, D., Sistermans, E., Ramsden, S. (2007) Practice guidelines for the interpretation and reporting of unclassified variants in clinical molecular genetics. Available:/BPGs/pdfs current bpgs/UV GUIDELINES ratified.pdfBrunak, S., Engelbrecht, J., Knudsen, S. (1991) Prediction of human mRNA donor and acceptor sites from the DNA sequence. J. Mol. Biol., 220:49-65.Desmet, F.O., Hamroun, D., Lalande, M., Collod-Béroud, G., Claustres, M., Béroud, C. (2009) Human Splicing Finder: an online bioinformatics tool to predict splicing signals. Nucleic Acids Res., 37(9):e67.Hartmann, L., Theiss, S., Niederacher, D., Schaal, H. (2008) Diagnosis of pathogenic splicing mutations: does bioinformatics cover all bases? Front Biosci., 13:3252-72.Holla, Ø. L., Nakken, S., Mattingsdal, M., Ranheim, T., Berge, K.E., Defesche, J.C., Leren, T.P. (2009) Effects of intronic mutations in the LDLR gene on pre-mRNA splicing: Comparison of wet-lab and bioinformatics analyses. Mol. Genet. Metab., 96(4):245-252.Houdayer, C., Dehainault, C., Mattler, C., Michaux, D., Caux-Moncoutier, V., Pagès-Berhouet, S., d’Enghien, C.D., Laugé, A., Castera, L., Cauthier-Villars, M., Stoppa-Lyonnet, D. (2008) Evalutation of in silico splice tools for decision-making in molecular diagnosis. Hum. Mutat.,29(7): 975-82.Novoyatleva, T., Tang, Y., Rafalska, I., Stamm, S. (2006) Pre-mRNA missplicing as a cause of human disease. Prog. Mol. Subcell. Biol., 44:27-46.Pertea, M., Lin, X., Salzberg, S.L. (2001) GeneSplicer: a new computational method for splice site prediction. Nucleic Acids Res., 29(5):1185-90.Reese, M.G., Eeckman, F.H., Kulp, D., Haussler, D. (1997) Improved splice site detection in Genie. J. Comp. Biol., 4(3):311-23.Seif, I., Khoury, G., Dhar, R. (1979) BKV splice sequences based on analysis of preferred donor and acceptor sites. Nucleic Acids Res., 6(10):3387-98.Tazi, J., Bakkour, N., Stamm, S. (2009) Alternative splicing and disease. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1792(1):14-26.Yeo, G. and Burge, C.B. (2004) Maximum entropy modelling of short sequence motifs with applications to RNA splicing signals. J. Comput. Biol., 11(2-3):377-394.Appendix 1 Variants found in literatureTable 1The number of pathogenic and non-pathogenic variants found for each gene in the literature search.Gene # PathogenicVariants# Non-PathogenicVariantsGene # PathogenicVariants# Non-PathogenicVariantsAAA S 1 KLK8 1A BCA 1 1 KRIT1 1A BCA 4 2 KRT1 1A CA DVL 1 L1CAM 0 2A CA T1 1 LDLR 4 2A COX1 1 LHB 1A IP 1 LMNA 2A IRE 1 LPIN2 1A LDOB 1 MANBA 1A LS2 2 MAPT 1A PC 1 MCOLN1 1A POA 5 1 MECP2 1A POB 2 MEN1 1A RSA 1 MERTK 1A RSB 2 MFSD8 2A TM 3 MIP 1A TP2C1 3 MPV17 1A TP7B 2 MPZ 1BRCA 1 11 3 MSH2 1BRCA 2 17 MSX1 1BTK 5 MTM1 1CA SR 1 MYBPC3 1CDH23 1 MYO15A 2CERKL 1 MYO7A 1CETP 1 NF1 1CHM 1 NPC1 1CHRNA 1 1 NR2E3 1COG1 1 OTC 1COG7 1 PAH 1COL1A 1 2 PAK3 1COL4A 3 1 PCCA 3COL7A 1 1 PCCB 2COL8A 2 0 2 PDHA1 1CRYBA 1 1 PHEX 3CTSK 1 PHYH 1CYBA 1 PITX2 2CYBB 5 PKHD1 1CYP11A 1 1 PMM2 3DDC 1 PMS2 1DFNA 5 1 POMGNT1 1DGUOK 1 POU1F1 1DMD 2 PPOX 1DOK7 1 PROP1 1DSPP 11 PRPF31 2EDA 1 PTEN 1EFNB1 1 PYGM 6ERCC3 1 RAPSN 1ERCC8 1 RB1 3 1F11 2 REEP1 1F13A 1 1 RHO 1F5 2 RS1 3FA S 1 RSPO1 1FBN1 1 SBDS 1FECH 2 SETX 1FGB 1 SLC12A3 1FGFR1 2 SLC25A20 2Table 1 Continued...Gene # PathogenicVariants# Non-PathogenicVariantsGene# PathogenicVariants# Non-PathogenicVariantsFTSJ1 1 SLC26A4 5GA MT 1 SLC40A1 1GBA 2 SLC4A11 2GBE1 1 SMARCB1 1GDA P1 1 SPAST 1GHR 1 SPG11 1GHRHR 1 SPINK1 1GLB1 21 SPR 1GLRX5 1 STK11 1 1GNPTA B 1 TCIRG1 1GNPTG 1 TFR2 1GNS 1 TG 8GRN 22 TGM1 1HBB 1 TMC1 1HEXB 3 TMEM67 1HMGCL 2 TNFRSF1A 2IDS 11 TRAPPC2 1IGHMBP2 1 TREM2 1IKBKA P 1 UPB1 2ITPA 2 VCAN 1IVD 1 VPS33B 1KCNH2 2 WT1 2KCNQ1 1 XK 1KIF5A 1 ZMPSTE24 1。
可变剪切(alternative splicing)作为一种常见的调控机制,可以在同一基因座的前体RNA(pre-mRNA)中产生多个不同的转录本,从而扩大了基因的功能和多样性。
其中,内含子保留型可变剪切(intron retention)是一种重要的可变剪切事件,它在多个生物过程中发挥着重要的作用。
一、内含子保留型可变剪切的识别方法1. 基于转录组测序数据的方法通过对转录组测序数据进行分析,可以鉴定出内含子保留型可变剪切事件。
2. 基于机器学习的方法机器学习在生物信息学领域中得到了广泛应用。
二、相关特征的研究进展1. 内含子长度内含子长度是影响内含子保留型可变剪切的重要特征之一。
2. 内含子位置内含子位置也是一个重要的特征。
3. 剪切位点剪切位点是内含子保留型可变剪切的关键特征之一。
剪切因子识别序列(cis-acting element)是指在DNA或RNA分子中特定的序列,能够被一种蛋白质结合并影响基因的转录或剪切过程。
(4)对模型预测出的结果进行生物学功能验证,例如通过RT-PCR、Western Blot等方法验证预测的选择性剪接事件是否存在,以及对选择性剪接变异所涉及的基因和代谢通路等进行深入探讨。
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t a po ait, d e ro dlHMM)a d u p r V co c ie ( V i l rb bl Hidn Mak v Mo e ( c i y n S p o etr Mahn s S M) ec c rig o h cr lt n b- t t. odn t e or a o e Ac t e i
Ke r s s l e st e o nt n ma hn e r ig s t t a e trs y wo d : pi i rc g io ; c ie lan ;t i i lfaue c e i n a sc
要: 依据 剪接 位 点附近存 在 的序 列保 守性 出现 了多种机 器学 习识 别方 法 , 如基 于统计 概率 的方 法 、 于 隐马 尔可 夫模 型 基
( i e ro dl MM) Hd nMa vMo e H d k , 的方法和基 于支持向量机(upr V c rMah e,V 的方法等, Spo et ci sS M) t o n 这些方法识别精度较高, 但算法过程复杂。基于剪接位点附近碱基之间的相关性和统计特征, 构造 了一种固定位点上碱基 间的网络结构 图, 并在此网络
to fma hn e rig wi ih rp e iin,u e p o e s o loi m s mo e c mp e sc sm eh d b sd o tt — in o c ie lann t hg e rcso b tt rc s f ag rt h h h i r o lx,u h a to a e n sai s
t e p ie sts a d sait a faue ,hs p p r p ee t tt tc lfau e m eh d whc s b s d o tu tr lda n we n s l i n ttsi l e trs t i a e r sns a sai ia e tr to ih i a e n srcu a rwig c e c s n t r ewe n te b ss tss a d e au ts te me o efr n c s g N2 9 a b s.h x ei na eut h w a ewok b t e ae ,et h n v lae t d p roma e u i 6 d t a eT e e p r h h n a me tlrsls s o t t h
S h o f Co ue ce c & T c n lg S o h w iest S z o Ja g u 2 0 6, ia c o lo mp tr S in e e h oo y, o c o Un v ri y, u h u,in s 0 Chn 1 5
LI S a y n, NG e.d n fc to f s l e sts a e o r b b l y sa s c l fau e . mpue gn e i g a d h o a DE W i e t ain o p i i b s d n p o a i t tt t a e t r sCo I i i c e i ii t r En ie rn n
teme o rp sd hsbtrpe r ac r ii eut wt esp r t sad ̄g e peio a te lo tms h t d po oe a e e r o n ei pe co rsl i ls aa e h t fm n d tn s h me r n h r r s n tn o ragrh . ci h h i
结构 图的基础 上提 出了基 于概 率统计特征 的剪接 位点识别计 算公 式 , 利用 N 6 数据库 对识别方 法和其他传统方 法的性能进行 29
了比较。实验结果表明, 基于概率统计特征的方法预测人类的剪接位点, 有较好的预测效果, 与其他的一些算法相比, 表现出参
数少 , 精度 高等优 点。
C m u r ni ei d p laos o p t gn r g n A pi t n计算机工程与应用 eE e n a ci
李绍燕 , 邓
L S a y n, NG e I h o a DE W i
苏州大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 江苏 苏州 250 106
关键词: 剪接位点识别; 机器学习; 概率统计特征 - D I1. 78 s . 0.3 1 0 1 1 5 文章编号 :0283 (0 13-120 文献标识码 : 中图分类号 :P 9. O :0 78 .s 1 2 3. 1. . 2 3 in 0 8 2 3 0 10.3 1 1)1 8. 2 0 3 A T 31 4
1 引言 随着人类基因组计划的完成, 人类进入了后基因组时代 , 有关基因组结构分析 , 基因识别及其功能预测的研究在生物 信息学界也越来越重要。R A剪接是真核生物基因表达过程 N 中的一个重要步骤。精确预测剪接位点是真核基因系统研究 的第一步 , 如果能准确预测到剪接位点就可以定位D A序列 N 中的编码区, 有助于基因的标注、 新基因的发现和对应蛋白质
Ap l a o s2 1 ,7 3 )1 21 4 p ct n ,0 1 4 ( 1 :8 ・8 . i i
Ab ta t Ac odn o te sait a e trs o o sn u sq e c s ao n p ie sts tee e it ait f ie t e - sr c : c r ig t h tt i l fau e fc n e s s e u n e r u d s l i ,h r x ss a v re o d ni a sc c e y l f