Continuous quantum measurement with particular output pure wavefunction evolution instead o
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a r X i v :q u a n t -p h /9808026v 1 17 A u g 1998
Continuous quantum measurement with particular output:pure wavefunction
evolution instead of decoherence
Alexander N.Korotkov
GPEC,Departement de Physique,Facult´e des Sciences de Luminy,Universit´e de la M´e diterran´e e,13288Marseille,France
and Nuclear Physics Institute,Moscow State University,Moscow 119899,Russia
(February 9,2008)
We consider a continuous measurement of a two-level sys-tem (double-dot)by weakly coupled detector (tunnel point contact nearby).While usual treatment leads to the grad-ual system decoherence due to the measurement,we show that the knowledge of the measurement result can restore the pure wavefunction at any time (this can be experimentally verified).The formalism allows to write a simple Langevin equation for the random evolution of the system density ma-trix which is reflected and caused by the stochastic detector output.Gradual wavefunction “collapse”and quantum Zeno effect are naturally described by the equation.PACS numbers:73.23.-b,03.65.Bz
The problem of quantum measurements has a long his-tory,however,it still attracts considerable attention and causes discussions and even some controversy,mainly about the wavefunction “collapse”postulate (see,e.g.,Ref.[1]).Among different modern approaches to this problem let us mention the idea to replace the collapse postulate by the gradual decoherence of the density ma-trix due to the interaction with the detector [2]and the approach of a stochastic evolution of the wavefunction (see,e.g.,[3–5]).The renewed interest to the measure-ment problem is justified by the development of the ex-perimental technique,which allows more and more ex-perimental studies of the quantum measurement in op-tics and mesoscopic structures.The problem has also the close connection to the rapidly growing fields of quantum cryptography and quantum computing (see,e.g.,[6]).In the recent experiment [7]with “which-path”in-terferometer the suppression of Aharonov-Bohm inter-ference due to the detection of which path an electron chooses,was observed.The weakly coupled quantum point contact was used as a detector.The interference suppression in this experiment can be quantitatively de-scribed by the decoherence due to the measurement pro-cess [8–11].
We will consider somewhat different setup:two quan-tum dots occupied by one electron and a weakly coupled detector (point contact nearby)measuring the position of the electron.The decoherence of the double-dot den-sity matrix due to the measurement has been analyzed for this setup in Refs.[8,11].In the present letter we answer the following questions:how the detector current looks like (as a function of time)and what is the proper
double-dot density matrix for particular detector output.We show that the models of point contact considered in Refs.[8–10]describe an ideal detector.In this case the density matrix decoherence is just a consequence of ig-noring the measurement result.The observer who follows the detector output knows the pure wavefunction at each moment of time.Moreover,a “mixed”density matrix can be gradually purified during the measurement.
Similar to Ref.[8]let us describe the double-dot sys-tem and the measuring point contact by the Hamiltonian H =H DD +H P C +H int ,where H DD =(ǫ/2)(c †1c 1−c †2c 2)+H (c †1c 2+c †
2c 1)is the Hamiltonian of the double-dot,H P C = l E l a †l a l + r E r a †r a r + l,r T (a †
r a l +a †l a r )describes the tunneling through the point contact (H and
T are real),and H int = l,r ∆T c †2c 2(a †
r a l +a †l a r ),i.e.the tunneling matrix element for the point contact is T or T +∆T depending on which dot is occupied.So,the average current I 1=2πT 2ρl ρr e 2V/¯h flows through the detector when the electron is in the first dot (V is voltage),while the current is I 2=I 1+∆I =2π(T +∆T )2ρl ρr e 2V/¯h when the second dot is occupied.
We make an important assumption of weak coupling between the double-dot and the detector (the better term would be “weakly responding”detector),
|∆I |≪I 0=(I 1+I 2)/2,
so that many electrons,N >∼(I 0/∆I )2
,should pass through the point contact before the observer is able to distinguish which dot is occupied.This assumption allows the classical description of the detector,namely the coherence between the quantum states with different number of electrons passed through the detector can be neglected [12].The decoherence rate Γd =(
I 2/e )2/2of the double-dot density matrix σ(t )due to the measure-ment by point contact has been obtained in Ref.[8].In the weakly-coupled limit (1)it can be replaced by Γd =(∆I )2/8eI 0or by expression
Γd =(∆I )2/4S I ,
where S I =2eI 0is the usual Schottky formula for the shot noise spectral density S I .Equation (2)has been also obtained in Refs.[9–11]for the quantum point contact as a detector,the difference in that case is S I =2eI 0(1−T )where T is the transparency of the channel [13](while above we implicitly assumed T ≪1[14]).Notice that