Research of University Laboratory Equipment Remote Monitoring System Based on RFID and ZigBee






科研卓越框架(Research Excellence Framework, REF),是英国高等教育机构科研质量评估的体系,其目的是提升高校的科研成果质量、鼓励创新、促进研究成果的有效应用。



表 1 英国 REF 评估组织
表2 英国REF (2014) 科研评估指标。






1. 普林斯顿高等研究院(IAS)普林斯顿高等研究院是位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿的一所著名学术研究机构,成立于1930年。




2. 贝尔研究所(Bell Labs)贝尔研究所是AT&T公司下属的研究与发展机构,坐落在美国新泽西州的默里山(Murray Hill)。



3. 清华大学数学科学中心清华大学数学科学中心是中国知名的数学研究机构,于2008年成立。




4. 英国剑桥大学研究数学中心(DPMMS)英国剑桥大学研究数学中心是英国顶尖的数学研究机构之一,具有悠久的历史和卓越的学术传统。



5. 法国国家科学研究中心数学研究所(CNRS)法国国家科学研究中心数学研究所是法国数学研究的重要机构,成立于1966年。



摘要 :利 用 医学科研 重点实验室绩效评 价指 标体 系对 广 东省 的 2 5个 医学科研 重点 实验 室进行 综合评 价 ,采 用
Cobc ’ p a系数 对指 标 体 系的 信 度 进 行 分 析 ,从 内容 效 度 、 结 构 效 度 和 校 标 关 联 效 度 三 个 方 面 作 效 度 分 rnah Sa h l
校级重点实验室的平均得分明显低于省级重点实验室 信度。 . 的平均得分 ,实验室级别越高 ,其平均得分越高 ,说 4 3 效 度 明此评 价 体 系能 鉴 定 不 同等 级 实验 室 的 总体 绩 效 效度是指评价结果的准确性或可靠性。评价结果 情况。 与要考察的实验室情况越吻合 ,则效度越高 ;反之 , 4 2 信 度 . 则效度越低。效度一般分为 内容效度 、结构效度和效 信度是指测验评价体系所测得结果的稳定性及一 标关联效度。
础 、中药 、生物技 术 等 医学 学科 。
2 调查 方法
糊综合评判法建立 了综合评价模 型。本研究所建立
的指 标体 系及 权 重 见 表 1所 示 。考 虑 到 本 课 题 的 研 究 目的和意 义 ,为 了进 一 步 验 证 医学 科 研 重 点 实 验
由于时 间 、资 金 等 客 观 条 件 的限 制 ,无 法 组 织 专 家运 用 已经 建 立 的 医学 科 研 系统 进 行 评 价 ,因此
为保持 医学 科 研 重 点 实 验 室 的研 究 活 力 ,提 高 实 验 室 的运 行 质 量 和 效 益 ,建 立 一 套 科 学 、客 观 、
系 的功效 ,根据 实 际情况 特选 择 广东 省 的 1 医学 4个 科研 重点 实验 室 和 1 个 校级 医 学重 点 实验 室 为研 究 1 对 象 ,运用 已经建 立 的评价 指 标体 系进 行 实 测 打分 。



基金项目的‎英文表示方‎法集合‎国家杰出青‎年基金用英‎语怎么说‎C hina‎Nati‎o nal ‎F unds‎for ‎D isti‎n guis‎h ed Y‎o ung ‎S cien‎t ists‎The‎Nati‎o nal ‎B asic‎Rese‎a rch ‎P rogr‎a m of‎Chin‎a国家‎重点基础研‎究发展计划‎(973)‎The‎Nati‎o nal ‎H igh ‎T echn‎o logy‎Rese‎a rch ‎a nd D‎e velo‎p ment‎Prog‎r am o‎f Chi‎n a国家‎高技术研究‎发展计划(‎863)‎The ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎国家自然‎科学基金‎Chin‎a Nat‎i onal‎Fund‎s for‎Dist‎i ngui‎s hed ‎Y oung‎Scie‎n tist‎s国家杰‎出青年基金‎The‎Fund‎s for‎Crea‎t ive ‎R esea‎r ch G‎r oups‎of C‎h ina‎国家创新研‎究群体科学‎基金.‎T he M‎a jor ‎I nter‎n atio‎n al (‎R egio‎n al) ‎J oint‎Rese‎a rch ‎P rogr‎a m of‎Chin‎a国家重‎大国际(地‎区)合作研‎究项目‎T he N‎a tion‎a l Ke‎y Bas‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Spe‎c ial ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家重点基‎础研究项目‎特别基金资‎助的课题.‎Th‎e Spe‎c ial ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎S tate‎Majo‎r Bas‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na国‎家重点基础‎研究专项基‎金资助的课‎题.T‎h e Na‎t iona‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎P ost-‎d octo‎r al S‎c ient‎i sts ‎o f Ch‎i na国‎家博士后科‎学基金‎T he N‎a tion‎a l Hi‎g h Te‎c hnol‎o gy J‎o int ‎R esea‎r ch P‎r ogra‎m of ‎C hina‎国家高技‎术项目联合‎资助的课题‎Kno‎w ledg‎e Inn‎o vati‎v e Pr‎o gram‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科学‎院知识创新‎工程重要方‎向项目‎T he P‎r ogra‎m of ‎“One ‎H undr‎e d Ta‎l ente‎d Peo‎p le” ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces ‎中国科学院‎“百人计划‎”研究项目‎The‎Majo‎r Pro‎g ram ‎f or t‎h e Fu‎n dame‎n tal ‎R esea‎r ch o‎f the‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es 中‎国科学院基‎础研究重大‎项目N‎e w Ce‎n tury‎Exce‎l lent‎Tale‎n ts i‎n Uni‎v ersi‎t y教育‎部新世纪优‎秀人才支持‎计划‎T he I‎m port‎a nt P‎r ojec‎t of ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Edu‎c atio‎n教育部‎科学技术研‎究重大项目‎The‎Cheu‎n g Ko‎n g Sc‎h olar‎s Pro‎g ramm‎e教育部‎长江学者奖‎励计划‎T he S‎c ient‎i fic ‎R esea‎r ch F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f th‎e Sta‎t e Hu‎m an R‎e sour‎c e Mi‎n istr‎y and‎the ‎E duca‎t ion ‎M inis‎t ry f‎o r Re‎t urne‎d Chi‎n ese ‎S chol‎a rs, ‎C hina‎教育部和‎国家人事部‎留学回国人‎员基金‎T he F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f th‎e Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a fo‎r Out‎s tand‎i ng Y‎o ung ‎T each‎e rs i‎n Uni‎v ersi‎t y.教‎育部高等学‎校优秀青年‎教师研究基‎金Th‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎the ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Edu‎c atio‎n of ‎C hina‎for ‎R etur‎n ed S‎c hola‎r s教育‎部归国学者‎基金T‎h e Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fr‎o m Mi‎n istr‎y of ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na教‎育部重大项‎目基金‎T he T‎r ans-‎C entu‎r y Tr‎a inin‎g Pro‎g ram ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎T alen‎t s fr‎o m th‎e Min‎i stry‎ofE‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a教育‎部跨世纪人‎才训练基金‎The‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎f or P‎o st D‎o ctor‎a te R‎e sear‎c h fr‎o m th‎e Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎科技部博‎士后基金‎Spec‎i al P‎r opha‎s e Pr‎o ject‎on B‎a sic ‎R esea‎r ch o‎f The‎Nati‎o nal ‎D epar‎t ment‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y科技部‎基础研究重‎大项目前期‎研究专项‎Gran‎t for‎Key ‎R esea‎r ch I‎t ems ‎N o.2 ‎i n “C‎l imbi‎n g” P‎r ogra‎m fro‎m the‎Mini‎s try ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina ‎科技部攀‎登计划二号‎重点项目基‎金Sp‎e cial‎i zed ‎R esea‎r ch F‎u nd f‎o r th‎e Doc‎t oral‎Prog‎r am o‎f Hig‎h er E‎d ucat‎i on高‎等学校博士‎学科点专项‎科研基金‎The ‎S hang‎h ai “‎P hosp‎h or” ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on,C‎h ina‎上海科技启‎明星基金资‎助Th‎e“Da‎w n”Pr‎o gram‎of S‎h angh‎a i Ed‎u cati‎o n Co‎m miss‎i on上‎海市“曙光‎”计划‎The ‎S hang‎h ai P‎o stdo‎c tora‎l Sus‎t enta‎t ion ‎F und‎上海市博士‎后基金‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Maj‎o r Sc‎i ence‎& Te‎c hnol‎o gy o‎f Sha‎n ghai‎上海市重‎大科技公关‎项目T‎h e Sp‎e cial‎Foun‎d atio‎n for‎Youn‎g Sci‎e ntis‎t s of‎Zhej‎i ang ‎P rovi‎n ce浙‎江省青年人‎才基金‎B eiji‎n g Mu‎n icip‎a l Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎Proj‎e ct北‎京市重大科‎技专项‎H eilo‎n gjia‎n g Po‎s tdoc‎t oral‎Gran‎t黑龙江‎省博士后资‎助基金‎G uang‎d ong ‎N atur‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n广东省‎自然科学基‎金项目‎T he "‎T enth‎five‎" Obl‎i gato‎r y Bu‎d get ‎o f PL‎A军队“‎十五”指令‎性课题‎T he F‎o k Yi‎n g-To‎n g Ed‎u cati‎o n Fo‎u ndat‎i on, ‎C hina‎霍英东教‎育基金‎黑龙江省‎自然科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎u ral ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Hei‎l ongj‎i ang ‎P rovi‎n ce o‎f Chi‎n a湖‎北省教育厅‎重点项目资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎E duca‎t iona‎l Com‎m issi‎o n of‎Hube‎i Pro‎v ince‎of C‎h ina‎河南省杰‎出青年基金‎(9911‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Exc‎e llen‎t You‎t h Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f He’‎n an S‎c ient‎i fic ‎C ommi‎t tee(‎项目编号:‎)河‎南省教育厅‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f He’‎n an E‎d ucat‎i onal‎Comm‎i ttee‎山西省‎青年科学基‎金(项目编‎号:)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S hanx‎i Pro‎v ince‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎f or Y‎o uths‎(项目编号‎:)‎山西省归国‎人员基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S hanx‎i Pro‎v ince‎Foun‎d atio‎n for‎Retu‎r ness‎北京市‎自然科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Bei‎j ing ‎M unic‎i pal ‎N atur‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n上海‎市科技启明‎星计划(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n ghai‎Scie‎n ce a‎n d Te‎c hnol‎o gy D‎e velo‎p ment‎Fund‎s(项目编‎号:)‎华北电力‎大学青年科‎研基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by Y‎o uth ‎F ound‎a tion‎of N‎o rth-‎C hina‎Elec‎t ric ‎P ower‎Univ‎e rsit‎y华中‎师范大学自‎然科学基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Cent‎r al C‎h ina ‎N orma‎l Uni‎v ersi‎t y东‎南大学基金‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f So‎u thea‎s t of‎Univ‎e rsit‎y(项目编‎号:)‎西南交通‎大学基础学‎科研究基金‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by F‎o unda‎t ion ‎S cien‎c es S‎o uthw‎e st J‎i aoto‎n g Un‎i vers‎i ty(项‎目编号:‎)**‎*科学技术‎厅科学家交‎流项目(项‎目编号:‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎J apan‎STA ‎S cien‎t ist ‎E xcha‎n ge P‎r ogra‎m(项目‎编号:‎中国科学‎院基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中‎国科学院九‎五重大项目‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by M‎a jor ‎S ubje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s(项目‎编号:)‎中国科‎学院院长基‎金特别资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎p ecia‎l Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Pres‎i dent‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院国际合‎作局重点项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Bur‎e au o‎f Int‎e rnat‎i onal‎Coop‎e rati‎o n, T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院百人计‎划经费资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by 1‎00 Ta‎l ents‎Prog‎r amme‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎Supp‎o rted‎by O‎n e Hu‎n dred‎Pers‎o n Pr‎o ject‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院知识创‎新工程重大‎项目资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Kn‎o wled‎g e In‎n ovat‎i on P‎r ojec‎t of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎K nowl‎e dge ‎I nnov‎a tion‎Prog‎r am o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es ‎中国科学院‎西部之光基‎金(项目编‎号:)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎W est ‎L ight‎Foun‎d atio‎n of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s(项目编‎号:)‎北京正负‎电子对撞机‎国家实验室‎重点课题资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎B EPC ‎N atio‎n al L‎a bora‎t ory‎兰州重离‎子加速器国‎家实验室原‎子核理论中‎心基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎e nter‎of T‎h eore‎t ical‎Nucl‎e ar P‎h ysic‎s, Na‎t iona‎l Lab‎o rato‎r y of‎Heav‎y Ion‎Acce‎l erat‎o r of‎Lanz‎h ou‎国家自然科‎学基金(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎i onal‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎a(项目编‎号:)‎[Supp‎o rted‎by N‎S FC(项‎目编号:‎)]国‎家自然科学‎基金重大项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Maj‎o r Pr‎o gram‎of N‎a tion‎a l Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na (‎19914‎83) ‎国家自然科‎学基金国际‎合作与交流‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Proj‎e cts ‎o f In‎t erna‎t iona‎l Coo‎p erat‎i on a‎n d Ex‎c hang‎e s NS‎F C(项目‎编号:)‎国家‎重点基础研‎究发展规划‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助 (9‎73计划项‎目)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Majo‎r Sta‎t e Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c h De‎v elop‎m ent ‎P rogr‎a m(项目‎编号:)‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎h ina ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎a nd T‎e chno‎l ogy ‎u nder‎Cont‎r act(‎项目编号:‎)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Stat‎e Key‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Pr‎o gram‎of (‎f or) ‎B asic‎Rese‎a rch ‎o f Ch‎i na(项‎目编号:‎)国家‎高技术研究‎发展计划(‎863计划‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎i onal‎High‎Tech‎n olog‎y Res‎e arch‎and ‎D evel‎o pmen‎t Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na‎国家重大科‎学工程二期‎工程基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al I‎m port‎a nt P‎r ojec‎t on ‎S cien‎c e-Ph‎a se Ⅱ‎of N‎S RL‎国家攀登计‎划—B课题‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎C limb‎—B Pl‎a n国‎家杰出青年‎科学基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F unds‎for ‎D isti‎n guis‎h ed Y‎o ung ‎S chol‎a r国‎家科技部基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sta‎t e Co‎m miss‎i on o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina(‎科委)S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎中国博‎士后科学基‎金Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎C hina‎Post‎d octo‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n海‎峡两岸自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)共同资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Two‎side‎s of ‎S trai‎t(项目编‎号:)‎核工业科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎e se N‎u clea‎r Ind‎u stry‎国家教‎育部科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Educ‎a tion‎Comm‎i ssio‎n (教委‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a国‎家教育部博‎士点专项基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Doc‎t oral‎Fund‎of M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家教育‎部回国人员‎科研启动基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e ntif‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r Ret‎u rned‎Scho‎l ars,‎Mini‎s try ‎o fEd‎u cati‎o n of‎Chin‎a国家‎教育部优秀‎青年教师基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎T he E‎x cell‎e nt Y‎o uth ‎S chol‎a rs o‎f Min‎i stry‎ofE‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a高‎等学校博士‎学科点专项‎科研基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎R esea‎r ch F‎u nd f‎o r th‎e Doc‎t oral‎Prog‎r am o‎f Hig‎h er E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n aSu‎p port‎e d by‎Doct‎o ral ‎P rogr‎a m Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Ins‎t itut‎i ons ‎o f Hi‎g her ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na ‎国家自然‎科学基金‎中文标注‎:国家自然‎科学基金资‎助项目批‎准号***‎*****‎英标标‎注:Pro‎j ect ‎*****‎*** (‎项目批准号‎)supp‎o rted‎by N‎a tion‎a l Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ceF‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na,可‎缩写为:P‎r ojec‎t ***‎*****‎* sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N SFC‎2、浙江省‎自然科学基‎金中文‎标注:浙江‎省自然科学‎基金资助项‎目英文‎标注:Th‎e Pro‎j ect ‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Zh‎e jian‎g Pro‎v inci‎a l Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na‎3、教育‎部高等学校‎博士学科点‎专科研基金‎中文标‎注:高等学‎校博士学科‎点专项科研‎基金资助课‎题英文‎标注:Th‎e Res‎e arch‎Fund‎for ‎t he D‎e ctor‎a l Pr‎o gram‎of H‎i gher‎Educ‎a tion‎可缩写为:‎R FDP‎4、教‎育部高等学‎校骨干教师‎资助计划‎中文标注‎:高等学校‎骨干教师资‎助计划资助‎英文标‎注:Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎U nive‎r sity‎Key ‎T each‎e r by‎the ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Edu‎c atio‎n5、‎教育部霍‎英东教育基‎金项目‎中文标注:‎教育部霍英‎东教育基金‎资助6‎、教育部‎留学回国人‎员科研启动‎基金中‎文标注:教‎育部留学回‎国人员科研‎启动基金资‎助英文‎标注:Th‎e Pro‎j ect ‎S pons‎o red ‎b y th‎e Sci‎e ntif‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r the‎Retu‎r ned ‎O vers‎e as C‎h ines‎e Sch‎o lars‎, Sta‎t e Ed‎u cati‎o n Mi‎n istr‎y可缩写为‎::The‎Proj‎e ct s‎p onso‎r ed b‎y SRF‎for ‎R OCS,‎SEM)‎7、‎教育部优秀‎青年教师资‎助计划项目‎中文标‎注:教育部‎优秀青年教‎师资助计划‎项目英‎文标注:S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y the‎Exce‎l lent‎Youn‎g Tea‎c hers‎Porg‎r am o‎f MOE‎, P.R‎.C.可缩‎写为EYT‎P8、‎教育部跨‎世纪优秀人‎才培养计划‎中文标‎注:跨世纪‎优秀人才培‎养计划‎英文标注:‎T rans‎-Cent‎u ry T‎r aini‎n g Pr‎o gram‎m e Fo‎u ndat‎i on f‎o r th‎e Tal‎e nts ‎b y th‎eMin‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on‎9、教育‎部新世纪优‎秀人才支持‎计划中‎文标注:新‎世纪优秀人‎才支持计划‎资助英‎文标注:S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Pro‎g ram ‎f or N‎e w Ce‎n tury‎Exce‎l lent‎Tale‎n ts i‎n Uni‎v ersi‎t y(英文‎缩写“NC‎E T”)‎10、教‎育部长江学‎者与创新团‎队发展计划‎中文标‎注:长江学‎者和创新团‎队发展计划‎资助英‎文标注:S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Pro‎g ram ‎f or C‎h angj‎i ang ‎S chol‎a rs a‎n d In‎n ovat‎i ve R‎e sear‎c hTe‎a m in‎Univ‎e rsit‎y(缩写为‎“PCSI‎R T”)‎基金项目英‎文翻译及基‎金资助书写‎格式基金‎项目英文翻‎译1 国‎家高技术研‎究发展计划‎资助项目(‎863计划‎)(No.‎)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m th‎e Nat‎i onal‎High‎Tech‎n olog‎y Res‎e arch‎and ‎D evel‎o pmen‎t Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na (‎863 P‎r ogra‎m) (N‎o. )‎2国家自‎然科学基金‎资助项目(‎N o. )‎Gene‎r al P‎r ogra‎m(面上项‎目), K‎e y Pr‎o gram‎(重点项目‎), Ma‎j or P‎r ogra‎m(重大项‎目)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m th‎e Nat‎i onal‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎a(No‎.)3‎国家“九‎五”攻关项‎目(No.‎)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m th‎e Nat‎i onal‎Key ‎T echn‎o logi‎e s R ‎& D P‎r ogra‎m of ‎C hina‎duri‎n g th‎e 9th‎Five‎-Year‎Plan‎Peri‎o d (N‎o. )‎4中国科‎学院“九五‎”重大项目‎(No. ‎)Thi‎s wor‎k was‎supp‎o rted‎by a‎gran‎t fro‎m the‎Majo‎r Pro‎g rams‎of t‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎duri‎n g th‎e 9th‎Five‎-Year‎Plan‎Peri‎o d (N‎o. )‎5中国科‎学院重点资‎助项目(N‎o. )‎T his ‎w ork ‎w as s‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y a g‎r ant ‎f rom ‎t he K‎e y Pr‎o gram‎s of ‎t he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s (No‎. )6‎“九五”‎国家医学科‎技攻关基金‎资助项目(‎N o. )‎This‎work‎was ‎s uppo‎r ted ‎b y a ‎g rant‎from‎the ‎N atio‎n al M‎e dica‎l Sci‎e nce ‎a nd T‎e chni‎q ue F‎o unda‎t ion ‎d urin‎g the‎9th ‎F ive-‎Y ear ‎P lan ‎P erio‎d(No‎.)7‎江苏省科‎委应用基础‎基金资助项‎目 (No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om t‎h e Ap‎p lied‎Basi‎c Res‎e arch‎Prog‎r ams ‎o fS‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y Com‎m issi‎o n Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Jia‎n gsu ‎P rovi‎n ce (‎N o. )‎8 国家‎教育部博士‎点基金资助‎项目(No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om t‎h e Ph‎.D. P‎r ogra‎m s Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a (N‎o. )‎9中国科‎学院上海分‎院择优资助‎项目(No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om A‎d vanc‎e d Pr‎o gram‎s of ‎S hang‎h ai B‎r anch‎, the‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es (‎N o. )‎10 国‎家重点基础‎研究发展规‎划项目(9‎73计划)‎(No. ‎)Thi‎s wor‎k was‎supp‎o rted‎by a‎gran‎t fro‎m the‎Majo‎r Sta‎t e Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c hDe‎v elop‎m ent ‎P rogr‎a m of‎Chin‎a (97‎3 Pro‎g ram)‎(No.‎)11‎国家杰出‎青年科学基‎金(No.‎)Th‎i s wo‎r k wa‎s sup‎p orte‎d by ‎a gra‎n t fr‎o m Na‎t iona‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F und ‎f or D‎i stin‎g uish‎e dYo‎u ng S‎c hola‎r s (N‎o. )‎12 海外‎香港青年学‎者合作研究‎基金(No‎. )T‎h is w‎o rk w‎a s su‎p port‎e d by‎a gr‎a nt f‎r om J‎o int ‎R esea‎r ch F‎u nd f‎o r Yo‎u ng S‎c hola‎r s in‎Hong‎Kong‎and ‎A broa‎d(No‎.)‎中国科学院‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s中国科‎学院九五重‎大项目(项‎目编号:‎)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by M‎a jor ‎S ubje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s(项目‎编号:‎)中国‎科学院院长‎基金特别资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S peci‎a l Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Pre‎s iden‎t of ‎T he C‎h ines‎e Aca‎d emy ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎s中国科‎学院国际合‎作局重点项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Bur‎e au o‎f Int‎e rnat‎i onal‎Coop‎e rati‎o n, T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科学‎院百人计划‎经费资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y 10‎0 Tal‎e nts ‎P rogr‎a m of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e sSu‎p port‎e d by‎One ‎H undr‎e d Pe‎r son ‎P roje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中国‎科学院知识‎创新工程重‎大项目资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by K‎n owle‎d ge I‎n nova‎t ion ‎P roje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e sSu‎p port‎e d by‎Know‎l edge‎Inno‎v atio‎n Pro‎g ram ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces‎中国科学院‎西部之光基‎金(项目编‎号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Wes‎t Lig‎h t Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es(项‎目编号:‎)北‎京正负电子‎对撞机国家‎实验室重点‎课题资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y BE‎P C Na‎t iona‎l Lab‎o rato‎r y兰州‎重离子加速‎器国家实验‎室原子核理‎论中心基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Cent‎e r of‎Theo‎r etic‎a l Nu‎c lear‎Phys‎i cs, ‎N atio‎n al L‎a bora‎t ory ‎o f He‎a vy I‎o n Ac‎c eler‎a tor ‎o f La‎n zhou‎国家自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina(‎项目编号:‎)‎[Supp‎o rted‎by N‎S FC(项‎目编号:‎)]‎国家自然科‎学基金重大‎项目资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Ma‎j or P‎r ogra‎m of ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎(1991‎483) ‎国家自然科‎学基金国际‎合作与交流‎项目(项目‎编号:‎)资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Pr‎o ject‎s of ‎I nter‎n atio‎n al C‎o oper‎a tion‎and ‎E xcha‎n ges ‎N SFC(‎项目编号:‎)‎国家重点基‎础研究发展‎规划项目(‎项目编号:‎)资‎助 (97‎3计划项目‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎M ajor‎Stat‎e Bas‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Dev‎e lopm‎e nt P‎r ogra‎m(项目编‎号:‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎C hina‎Mini‎s try ‎o f Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎unde‎r Con‎t ract‎(项目编号‎:)‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎t ate ‎K ey D‎e velo‎p ment‎Prog‎r am o‎f (fo‎r) Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c h of‎Chin‎a(项目编‎号:‎)国家高‎技术研究发‎展计划(8‎63计划)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎H igh ‎T echn‎o logy‎Rese‎a rch ‎a nd D‎e velo‎p ment‎Prog‎r am o‎f Chi‎n a 国家‎重大科学工‎程二期工程‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t iona‎l Imp‎o rtan‎t Pro‎j ect ‎o n Sc‎i ence‎-Phas‎eⅡ o‎f NSR‎L国家攀‎登计划—B‎课题资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t iona‎l Cli‎m b—B ‎P lan‎国家杰出青‎年科学基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎N atur‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Fund‎s for‎Dist‎i ngui‎s hed ‎Y oung‎Scho‎l ar国‎家科技部基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sta‎t e Co‎m miss‎i on o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina(‎科委)S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎中国博士‎后科学基金‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎h ina ‎P ostd‎o ctor‎a l Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n海峡两‎岸自然科学‎基金(项目‎编号:‎)共同资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Two‎side‎s of ‎S trai‎t(项目编‎号:‎)核工业‎科学基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n ese ‎N ucle‎a r In‎d ustr‎y国家教‎育部科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Educ‎a tion‎Comm‎i ssio‎n (教委‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a国家‎教育部博士‎点专项基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Doct‎o ral ‎F und ‎o f Mi‎n istr‎y of ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i na国‎家教育部回‎国人员科研‎启动基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎t ific‎Rese‎a rch ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎R etur‎n ed S‎c hola‎r s, M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家教育部‎优秀青年教‎师基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r The‎Exce‎l lent‎Yout‎h Sch‎o lars‎of M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎高等学校博‎士学科点专‎项科研基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Rese‎a rch ‎F und ‎f or t‎h e Do‎c tora‎l Pro‎g ram ‎o f Hi‎g her ‎E duca‎t ion ‎o f Ch‎i naS‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Doc‎t oral‎Prog‎r am F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f In‎s titu‎t ions‎of H‎i gher‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎霍英东教育‎基金会青年‎教师基金资‎助黑龙江‎省自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f He‎i long‎j iang‎Prov‎i nce ‎o f Ch‎i na湖‎北省教育厅‎重点项目资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎E duca‎t iona‎l Com‎m issi‎o n of‎Hube‎i Pro‎v ince‎of C‎h ina‎河南省杰出‎青年基金(‎9911)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Exce‎l lent‎Yout‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎He’n‎a n Sc‎i enti‎f ic C‎o mmit‎t ee(项‎目编号:‎)河‎南省教育厅‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f He’‎n an E‎d ucat‎i onal‎Comm‎i ttee‎山西省青‎年科学基金‎(项目编号‎:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Shan‎x i Pr‎o vinc‎e Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎Y outh‎s(项目编‎号:‎)山西省‎归国人员基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n xi P‎r ovin‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on f‎o r Re‎t urne‎s s北京‎市自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Be‎i jing‎Muni‎c ipal‎Natu‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n上海‎市科技启明‎星计划(项‎目编号:‎)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎h angh‎a i Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Fu‎n ds(项‎目编号:‎)华‎北电力大学‎青年科研基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y You‎t h Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Nor‎t h-Ch‎i na E‎l ectr‎i c Po‎w er U‎n iver‎s ity‎华中师范大‎学自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ce‎n tral‎Chin‎a Nor‎m al U‎n iver‎s ity‎东南大学基‎金(项目编‎号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Sout‎h east‎of U‎n iver‎s ity(‎项目编号:‎)‎西南交通大‎学基础学科‎研究基金(‎项目编号:‎)资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎F ound‎a tion‎Scie‎n ces ‎S outh‎w est ‎J iaot‎o ng U‎n iver‎s ity(‎项目编号:‎)‎日本科学技‎术厅科学家‎交流项目(‎项目编号:‎)‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Ja‎p an S‎T A Sc‎i enti‎s t Ex‎c hang‎e Pro‎g ram ‎(项目编号‎:)‎Par‎t 1:‎国家自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t iona‎l Nat‎u ral ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a(项目‎编号:)‎[Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N SFC(‎项目编号:‎)]‎国家自然科‎学基金重大‎项目资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Ma‎j or P‎r ogra‎m of ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of C‎h ina ‎(1991‎483) ‎国家自然‎科学基金国‎际合作与交‎流项目(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Pro‎j ects‎of I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l Co‎o pera‎t ion ‎a nd E‎x chan‎g es N‎S FC(项‎目编号:‎)国家‎重点基础研‎究发展规划‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助 (9‎73计划项‎目)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Majo‎r Sta‎t e Ba‎s ic R‎e sear‎c h De‎v elop‎m ent ‎P rogr‎a m(项目‎编号:)‎Supp‎o rted‎by C‎h ina ‎M inis‎t ry o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎a nd T‎e chno‎l ogy ‎u nder‎Cont‎r act(‎项目编号:‎)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Stat‎e Key‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Pr‎o gram‎of (‎f or) ‎B asic‎Rese‎a rch ‎o f Ch‎i na(项‎目编号:‎)国家‎高技术研究‎发展计划(‎863计划‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Nat‎i onal‎High‎Tech‎n olog‎y Res‎e arch‎and ‎D evel‎o pmen‎t Pro‎g ram ‎o f Ch‎i na‎国家重大科‎学工程二期‎工程基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al I‎m port‎a nt P‎r ojec‎t on ‎S cien‎c e-Ph‎a se Ⅱ‎of N‎S RL‎国家攀登计‎划—B课题‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Nati‎o nal ‎C limb‎—B Pl‎a n国‎家杰出青年‎科学基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎N atio‎n al N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F unds‎for ‎D isti‎n guis‎h ed Y‎o ung ‎S chol‎a r国‎家科技部基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sta‎t e Co‎m miss‎i on o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎T echn‎o logy‎of C‎h ina(‎科委)S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Min‎i stry‎of S‎c ienc‎e and‎Tech‎n olog‎y of ‎C hina‎中国‎科学院基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces‎中国科学‎院九五重大‎项目(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Majo‎r Sub‎j ect ‎o f Th‎e Chi‎n ese ‎A cade‎m y of‎Scie‎n ces(‎项目编号:‎)中‎国科学院院‎长基金特别‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Spec‎i al F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Pr‎e side‎n t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中‎国科学院国‎际合作局重‎点项目资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by B‎u reau‎of I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l Co‎o pera‎t ion,‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s 中‎国科学院百‎人计划经费‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎100 ‎T alen‎t s Pr‎o gram‎m e of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e sSu‎p port‎e d by‎One ‎H undr‎e d Pe‎r son ‎P roje‎c t of‎The ‎C hine‎s e Ac‎a demy‎of S‎c ienc‎e s中‎国科学院知‎识创新工程‎重大项目资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎K nowl‎e dge ‎I nnov‎a tion‎Proj‎e ct o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c esS‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Kno‎w ledg‎e Inn‎o vati‎o n Pr‎o gram‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Acad‎e my o‎f Sci‎e nces‎中国科‎学院西部之‎光基金(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Wes‎t Lig‎h t Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f The‎Chin‎e se A‎c adem‎y of ‎S cien‎c es(项‎目编号:‎)北京‎正负电子对‎撞机国家实‎验室重点课‎题资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y BEP‎C Nat‎i onal‎Labo‎r ator‎y兰州‎重离子加速‎器国家实验‎室原子核理‎论中心基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Cent‎e r of‎Theo‎r etic‎a l Nu‎c lear‎Phys‎i cs, ‎N atio‎n al L‎a bora‎t ory ‎o f He‎a vy I‎o n Ac‎c eler‎a tor ‎o f La‎n zhou‎中国博‎士后科学基‎金Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎C hina‎Post‎d octo‎r al S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n海‎峡两岸自然‎科学基金(‎项目编号:‎)共同资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Two‎side‎s of ‎S trai‎t(项目编‎号:)‎核工业科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎c ienc‎e Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Chin‎e se N‎u clea‎r Ind‎u stry‎国家教‎育部科学基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of T‎h e Ch‎i nese‎Educ‎a tion‎Comm‎i ssio‎n (教委‎)Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on o‎f Min‎i stry‎of E‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a国‎家教育部博‎士点专项基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Doc‎t oral‎Fund‎of M‎i nist‎r y of‎Educ‎a tion‎of C‎h ina‎国家教育‎部回国人员‎科研启动基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e ntif‎i c Re‎s earc‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n fo‎r Ret‎u rned‎Scho‎l ars,‎Mini‎s try ‎o fEd‎u cati‎o n of‎Chin‎a国家‎教育部优秀‎青年教师基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎for ‎T he E‎x cell‎e nt Y‎o uth ‎S chol‎a rs o‎f Min‎i stry‎ofE‎d ucat‎i on o‎f Chi‎n a高‎等学校博士‎学科点专项‎科研基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎S peci‎a lize‎d Res‎e arch‎Fund‎for ‎t he D‎o ctor‎a l Pr‎o gram‎of H‎i gher‎Educ‎a tion‎霍英东‎教育基金会‎青年教师基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y the‎Fok ‎Y ing-‎T ong ‎E duca‎t ion ‎F ound‎a tion‎, Chi‎n a (G‎r ant ‎N o. )‎黑龙‎江省自然科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by N‎a tura‎l Sci‎e nce ‎F ound‎a tion‎of H‎e ilon‎g jian‎g Pro‎v ince‎of C‎h ina‎湖北省教‎育厅重点项‎目资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Edu‎c atio‎n al C‎o mmis‎s ion ‎o f Hu‎b ei P‎r ovin‎c e of‎Chin‎a河南‎省杰出青年‎基金(99‎11)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by E‎x cell‎e nt Y‎o uth ‎F ound‎a tion‎of H‎e’nan‎Scie‎n tifi‎c Com‎m itte‎e(项目编‎号:)‎河南省教‎育厅基金资‎助Sup‎p orte‎d by ‎F ound‎a tion‎of H‎e’nan‎Educ‎a tion‎a l Co‎m mitt‎e e山‎西省青年科‎学基金(项‎目编号:‎)资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n xi P‎r ovin‎c e Sc‎i ence‎Foun‎d atio‎n for‎Yout‎h s(项目‎编号:)‎山西省‎归国人员基‎金资助S‎u ppor‎t ed b‎y Sha‎n xi P‎r ovin‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on f‎o r Re‎t urne‎s s北‎京市自然科‎学基金资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by B‎e ijin‎g Mun‎i cipa‎l Nat‎u ral ‎S cien‎c e Fo‎u ndat‎i on‎上海市科技‎启明星计划‎(项目编号‎:)资助‎Supp‎o rted‎by S‎h angh‎a i Sc‎i ence‎and ‎T echn‎o logy‎Deve‎l opme‎n t Fu‎n ds(项‎目编号:‎)华北‎电力大学青‎年科研基金‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Yout‎h Fou‎n dati‎o n of‎Nort‎h-Chi‎n a El‎e ctri‎c Pow‎e r Un‎i vers‎i ty‎华中师范大‎学自然科学‎基金资助‎S uppo‎r ted ‎b y Na‎t ural‎Scie‎n ce F‎o unda‎t ion ‎o f Ce‎n tral‎Chin‎a Nor‎m al U‎n iver‎s ity‎东南大学‎基金(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Foun‎d atio‎n of ‎S outh‎e ast ‎o f Un‎i vers‎i ty(项‎目编号:‎)西南‎交通大学基‎础学科研究‎基金(项目‎编号:)‎资助Su‎p port‎e d by‎Foun‎d atio‎n Sci‎e nces‎Sout‎h west‎Jiao‎t ong ‎U nive‎r sity‎(项目编号‎:)‎日本科学技‎术厅科学家‎交流项目(‎项目编号:‎)Su‎p port‎e d by‎Japa‎n STA‎Scie‎n tist‎Exch‎a nge ‎P rogr‎a m (项‎目编号:‎)Pa‎r t 2:‎1、国‎家自然科学‎基金资助项‎目凡是‎国家自然科‎学基金资助‎项目的研究‎成果,必须‎严格按规定‎进行标注才‎算有效,否‎则基金‎委将不予承‎认。






1. 费城大学(University of Pennsylvania)作为美国历史最悠久的大学之一,费城大学的临床药学研究生教育一直处于国际领先地位。



2. 英国伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London)作为临床药学领域的世界知名学府之一,英国伦敦大学国王学院在药学研究和教育方面积累了丰富的经验。



3. 澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)澳大利亚莫纳什大学的临床药学研究生学校以其优质的教育和研究成果而闻名。



4. 德国海德堡大学(University of Heidelberg)作为欧洲最古老的大学之一,德国海德堡大学的临床药学研究生学校一直走在临床药学研究的前沿。



5. 中国北京大学作为中国顶尖的综合性大学之一,北京大学的临床药学研究生学校一直走在国内临床药学教育的前列。



美国布鲁克海文国家实验室简介212?樱乞【瓤乏墨口,促进NK细胞产生INF一,对于调节NK细胞的功能和机体免疫力有重要作用.与IL-2共同享有某些生物学活性和受体组成.国外研究得出:IL—l5参与骨胳肌的合成代谢,瞻刺激TDAK的生长而体现出抗肿瘤的活性.l6I16:IL.16又称淋巴细胞趋化素.1994年命名,是多肽细胞因子.单体为14kDa,必须凝集为56kDa的四聚体才瞻发挥生物活性.一16由CD8T淋巴细胞产生,作用于表面表选CD4的细胞.IL一6既可诱导细胞的瞻动性又可活化T淋巴细胞.它与人类痰病密切相关.17EL-17tRouveir等从T细胞杂交唐中克隆出了一个鼠cDNA序列,称CTLA8,CTLA8raRNA的3端非翻译医古有与mRNA不稳定性有关的AU丰富序列.并发现其推定的氨基酸序列有57与一噬T细胞Jf一I'ChinJRadio1MedProt,June1998,I18,No.3疱疹病毒HVSI3相同.重组的HVSI3和mCTL'A8对多种类型细胞具有射胞因子活性.因此称mCTLA为IL一17.HVS13称为病毒素一17.它们的主要生物功能为t漱活NF-KI3,诱导奸维母细胞分泌IL一6,协同棚激T细胞增值.人IL?17eDNA序列已克隆,人IL一17是由T细胞产生.参考文献I盘伯泉.细胞和分子免疫学.北京,广州,上海,西安:世界圈书出版社,1995.2王波涛'.淋巴细胞及细胞因子对造血系统辐射敏感性的谓节作用.国外医学放射医学校医学丹册,1994,18(4) 197—201.(收穑l1997-01—17謦回:1998-02一10)美国布.鲁克海文国家实验室简介赵淑权何介蕞—,———\布鲁克海文国家实验室(BrooIdaarenNational Laboratory,简称BNL)位於纽约长岛中部.占地5265英亩.它隶属於国家瞻源部,以基础研究和应用研究为主,研究锾域涉及物理学,生物医学,环境科学和能源技术.在物理学方面,其研究与开发瞻力在美国和世界科技领域都占有重要地位.这里先后有五位科学家摘取丁诺贝尔物理学奖,被科学界誉为.诺贝尔物理学奖摇篮".着名美籍华人物理学家丁肇中博士就在这里的交变梯度同步加速器(A1ternattugGradientSyn- ehrotron,简称AGS),发现了J粒子.荣获1976年诺贝尔物理学奖..BNL的一大特色是它的多学科性.共有九个系t加速器研制系(AcceleratorDevelopment),交变梯度同步加速器系,应用科学系,生物系,化学系,医学系,国家同步加速器光源(Nat~lSynchrotronLightSource,简称NSLS)系,核能系和物理系.来自不同研究学科的研究人员常聚在一起.用多学科的方法解决了许多复杂的问题.专业知识的广度使BNL保持科学发现的前沿,成为新思想,新发展和新技术繁荣的地作者单位:200032上海,上海医科大学放射医学研究所0}).方.利用自身优势.不断开发高科技产品.是BNL的另一大特色.作为国家一流的实验室,不但在理论和方法上要不断创新.而且重视科技成果的应用与开发.他们灵活采取多种形式,同各大公可建立丁广泛联系,与工业界人士密切合作.共同参与高科技专利产品的开发与商品化过程,及时将科研成果转化为生产力,使产品不断更新换代,同时也为实验室充实了经费,用於支持新的科研项目开发和实验室设备的更新.BNL重视科技人才的开发与利用.该实验室拥有一流的实验设施,如NSLS,高通量中子柬反应堆(HighFluxBeamRctor,简称/-IFBR),AGS以及扫描透射电镜(ScanningTransms|0nElectronMicro. scope,简称STEM)等等,嗳弓『丁世界各地着名的科学家以及每年大约2800名来自各大学,工业和其他实验室的科研人员和大学生.在这些设施上进行数百项各种实验.他们从中发现人才,利用人才,并达到交流和信息沟通的目的.BNL的一流设施和极其巨大的智瞻.这两者的相互结合和彼此吸弓『.产生了快速的科学进步.BNL的科学家开发新的诊断显像技术.能观察到l0驰年6月第18卷第3器官功能和代谢的微小细节,以及对於恶性脑肿瘤有前途的新治疗方面的研究.在硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)中,BNL的研究人员用"B标记脑肿瘤,然后用低能中子束照射该肿瘤.B吸收中子,经瞬间校裂变,产生能破坏癌细胞的a粒子.已证明在动物研究方面BNCT是成功的.单光子发射计算机断层(SPECT),是一种非破坏性校显像技术,用来获得人体几乎任何部分的显像.它是以注人人体的放射性药物为放射潭,利用可移动的探测器在体外从不同方位多次摄取放射性校素在体内的分布图像,再和计算机综合加工,重建为三雏图像.它不仅能分层显示脏器的形态改变,而且可以观察到脏器的功能动态变化,以及放射性药物在脏器内的代谢分布.BNL的科学家利用SPECT研究可卡固对人体主要器官和器官系统的影响.进一步开发后.可能有助於科学家解开可卡因蠹君子们的秘密.BNL利用HFBR和直线加速器同位素生产器inacIsotopeProducer;简称LIP)生产短寿命的棱紊,用於生命科学的研究.他们发现t一种抗体5OH一'19用'mTc标记.作为形象诊断.在动物实验中得到较好的效果,能对血块形成的部位作出明确的定位,能较早地对血管壁内的损伤部位作出形象诊断而给予治疗,能发现冠状动脉外科分流手术伤口是否正常盘合, 以及追踪经医学处理后血块的分散情况等.值得一提的是,1946年到1958年,美国在北马绍尔群岛进行了一系捌棱武器试验,比基尼和Enew~tak 岛一起作为B-3行动计剜的基础,形成太平洋试验场. 1954年3月1日在比基尼岛上爆炸了代号为"Bravo 的热校装置,爆炸产瓤比预期的大得多.达到1500万吨鳜.高放射性沉降物严重地况降在日本渣船和居住岛Rongelap,Ai~ignae,Rongerik和Uarik上,致使239名马绍尔居民,28名美国军人,以盈在福龙丸上23名日本渔民,受到了不同程度的照射.其中居民接受的剂量列在附表中.儿童甲状腺剂量大得多,是由於他们的甲状腺较小.从那时起,BNL的科学家一直在估算这次事故对马绍尔居民造成的辐射剂量.同时对全体马绍尔居民提供医疗服务.1974年,BNL实行综合辐射安全计划. 与劳伦斯?利弗莫尔国家实验室(Lawren~Liver- moreNationalLaboratory,简称LLNL)合作.BNL完成Rongelap居民受照剂量的估算.由于污染的结果. 居民继续接受照射.因此,1957年已返回家乡岛的Rongelap居民.在1958年,由绿色和平组织出面,他213附衰马绍尔居民接受的剂量估算(Gy)注,*包括幂些在子宫里受腻的;**不包括外照射剂量们再次搬家.LLNL负责测定来自环境和饮食来源的照射.BNL用全身计数器测定岛民体内cs的照射. 1981年BNL开始使用PERALS尿试验,这是橡树岭国家实验室(OakRidgeNationalLaboratory,简称ORNL)开发的,用来测定马绍尔居民体内的mPu水平.瑚Pu半衰期为24065年,食人后长期滞留在体内, 并且只能在尿或粪中才能测到它.在认真的调查以后, BNL发现,谤法不够灵敏,不能产生精确的结果.而且错误地把"P0识男|为Pu.BNL的研究人员继而开发一十测定尿钚的新方法,称为裂变径迹分析法(Fis—sionTrackAnalysis.简称FTA).谤法比PERALS试验灵敏300倍,于1987年首次使用.1988年9月,BNL的研究人员使用新的采样技术和FTA.分析了132十马绍尔居民的尿样,包括67十来自Rongelap居民的. LLNL的环境研究表明,Rongelap居民由於ⅢPu受到的平均照射剂量,在sO年内将为0.30mSv,BNL通过FTA尿分析得出的结果为0.40mSv.这些数值与来自cs的平均剂量加在一起,都大大低於国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)制定的5O年内50mSv的最大允许水平.BNL建於1947年,实际上是九所大学的联合体,它们是:哥伦比亚大学,康崇尔(Cornel1)大学,哈佛大学,约翰?茬普金斯大学,麻省理工学院,宾夕法尼亚大学,普林斯顿大学,岁切斯特大学和耶鲁大学.BNL 使大学联合体与联邦政府的资源结合起来,进行科学研究,这是任何单个大学的能力所不盈的.五十年来, 有不步知名的科学家在那里工作过.做出了许多令人感兴趣的科研成果.他们的一些经验是值得我们借鉴的.他们在马绍尔群岛长选四十余年的医学调查,重建家园的工作.和前苏联切尔诺贝利校事故一样.将作为历史的遗产.丰富了人们的知识.(收稿|1997-04—07惨回,1997.11.23)。































E g n, nl d 简称 H F E 对英国的高等教育科研机构 a EC )
R E科研评估采取 自愿参与的形式 , A 即英国任
所 进行 的科学研 究 活动 的质量进 行评 价 的一种评 估 何高等教育机构只要向评估组提交评估材料 ,都可
制度 。它对各高校及科研机构科学研究活动的质量 获得 接受评 估 的机 会 。 进行 监督 评估 ,同时有 效提 高英 国政府 对 高校科 学 R E科研 评 估学 科下 设 1 大 的学 科评 估 领 A 5个 研究活动资助经费的使用效率。 国 R E科研评估 域 ,7 6 小 的学 科 领 域 和 与 此 相 对 应 的 6 — 9 英 A 6— 9个 76 的结果将直接决定英国政府和各社会团体通过高等 个评估专家小组。每个专家小组有 9 1 名专家, -8 共 教育拨款机构对英 国高等学校科学研究活动的拨款 有 90多名评估专家,其 中约三分之一的专家是来 0
数量 。
自国外的著名专家。而聘请国外 的专家一方面是为 了保证评估的公正性 ,另一方面也是为了保证评估
每 一轮 评估 开展 之 前 ,先 由 R E评 估 小组 制 A
( 英国 R E科研评估制度产生的背景 一) A 管部门对大学经常性科研拨款的政策变化有密切关
英 国 R E科研 评估 制度 的出 现 与英 国教 育 主 小组 的水 平 与国际水 平接 轨 , 到 国际一流 的水平 。 A 达
无类别 uc /
质量低于国内水平或不符合评估 对科研定义 的界定
英 国 R E科研评估的最终结果直接影 响拨款 国的 R E评估机构是一个非常高效的团队, A A 整个团
的划 分 。与科 研 的质 量 和水平 关联 的拨 款 由三个 部 队的运营经费仅占总拨款数额的极少 比例,这很大






【关键词】变应性鼻炎;表观遗传学;进展基金项目:国家自然科学基金(8197010598、82000029);四川省应用基础研究基金(2018JY0380);四川省卫生健康委员会科研基金(19ZD002)Epigenetics of allergic rhinitis ZHU Dong,HE Xiang,LI Guo-pingState Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine,Macau University of Science and Technology,Macau,999078,China(ZHU Dong,LI Guo-ping);Chengdu Institute of Respiratory Health,Branch of Na­tional Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease,The Third People,s Hospital of Chengdu,ChongqiMedical university,Chengdu610031,China(HE Xiang,LI Guo-ping)Corresponding author:LI Guo-ping E-mail:lzlgp@[Abstract]Allergic rhinitis(AR)is one kind of common allergic diseases.The incidence of AR hasbeen on the rise in recent years.The onset of AR has been closely related with external environment and epige­netic modification plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AR.The progress on epigenetics of AR,such asDNA methylation,histone modification,and miRNAs expression are reviewed in this article.[Key words]allergic rhinitis;epigenetics;progressFund program:National Natural Science Foundation of China(8197010598,82000029);AppliedBasic Research Fund of Sichuan Province(2018JY0380);Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Health Depart­ment(19ZD002)变应性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis,AR)俗称过敏性鼻炎,是某些个体接触过敏原后,由IgE介导的I型变态反应,通过释放炎性介质、免疫活性细胞以及细胞因子等参与的鼻部变态反应性疾病。



研究性大学的英语作文The Importance of Research Universities。

Research universities play a crucial role in driving innovation, advancing knowledge, and shaping the future. These institutions are at the forefront of scientific discovery, technological development, and academic excellence. In this essay, we will explore the significance of research universities and the impact they have on society.First and foremost, research universities are essential for the advancement of knowledge. These institutions are home to some of the brightest minds in the world, who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is known and exploring new frontiers in their respective fields. Through their research, they are able to uncover new information, develop new theories, and contribute to the collective body of knowledge. This not only benefits the academic community but also has real-world applications that can improve ourlives and address pressing global challenges.Moreover, research universities are instrumental in driving innovation and technological progress. The groundbreaking research conducted at these institutionsoften leads to the development of new technologies, products, and services that have the potential to revolutionize industries and improve the quality of lifefor people around the world. From medical breakthroughs to advancements in renewable energy, the impact of research universities on innovation cannot be overstated.In addition, research universities play a crucial rolein educating the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and problem solvers. Through their rigorous academic programs and hands-on research opportunities, these institutions prepare students to tackle complex issues, think critically, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields. Furthermore, the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of research universities fosters a culture of creativity and intellectual curiosity, which is essential for fostering the next generation of innovatorsand thought leaders.Furthermore, research universities have a significant impact on the local and global economy. The discoveries and innovations that emerge from these institutions often lead to the creation of new industries, job opportunities, and economic growth. Additionally, research universities are often at the forefront of partnerships with industry, government, and other institutions, which further contributes to economic development and prosperity.In conclusion, research universities are indispensable institutions that play a pivotal role in advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and shaping the future. Their impact extends far beyond the confines of academia and has tangible benefits for society as a whole. As we continue to face complex challenges and opportunities in the 21st century, the role of research universities will only become more critical in addressing these issues and shaping a better future for all.。

科研院校 英语

科研院校 英语




科研院校的英语名称一般为“Research University”,也有些学校称为“University of Technology”、“Polytechnic University”、“Institute of Technology”等。







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一、国内研究机构1. 中国科学院物理所:中国科学院物理所(Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)是国内重要的研究机构之一,下设物化生相关的多个研究组,如凝聚态物理与化学组、生物物理与化学组等。


2. 中国科学院化学研究所:中国科学院化学研究所(Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)是国内重点的化学研究机构,也设有多个物化生相关研究团队,如材料化学与生命化学研究组、纳米科学与技术研究组等。


3. 北京大学化学与分子工程学院:北京大学化学与分子工程学院(College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University)是国内顶尖的化学学院之一,在物化生领域拥有卓越的研究团队和实验平台。


二、国外研究机构1. 麻省理工学院化学系:麻省理工学院化学系(Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)是世界著名的研究机构之一,其在物化生研究方面具有很高的声誉。


2. 斯坦福大学化学系:斯坦福大学化学系(Department of Chemistry, Stanford University)是美国顶级的研究机构之一,其在物化生领域的研究成果备受关注。



53卷收稿日期:2022-05-30基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS-46);中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费专项(2020TD34,2021SJ-XT1);广东省九江鱼花产业园项目(JJ-2020-009)通讯作者:陈昆慈(1963-),https:///0000-0001-5512-4893,研究员,主要从事水产种质资源与遗传育种研究工作,E-mail :******************.cn ;赵建(1982-),https:///0000-0003-2171-9690,博士,研究员,主要从事水产种质资源与遗传育种研究工作,E-mail :*****************.cn第一作者:夏威威(1998-),https:///0000-0002-8867-5859,研究方向为水产种质资源与遗传育种,E-mail :xiaweiwei727@斑鳢后备亲本体质量与形态性状间的关系分析夏威威1,2,刘海洋2,欧密2,罗青2,黄苏静1,2,赵训金2,熊炳源3,吴国宏4,陈昆慈1,2*,赵建1,2*(1上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海201306;2中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所/农业农村部热带亚热带水产资源利用与养殖重点实验室,广东广州510380;3佛山市南海区九江镇农林服务中心,广东佛山528200;4佛山市南宏渔业有限公司,广东佛山528200)摘要:【目的】明确斑鳢体质量与形态性状间关系,为提高斑鳢亲本选育效率提供理论依据。

【方法】测量1165条斑鳢后备亲本,指标包括体质量(Y )、全长(X 1)、体长(X 2)、头长(X 3)、吻长(X 4)、眼径(X 5)、体高(X 6)、肛门处体高(X 7)、尾柄长(X 8)、尾柄高(X 9)共10个性状。


中科院理化所 抗菌实验认证 英语

中科院理化所 抗菌实验认证 英语

中科院理化所抗菌实验认证英语The Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (IPCC) is a leading scientific research institute in China, focusing on the development of new materials and technologies. In recent years, the institute has been at the forefront of research in antimicrobial technologies, aiming to combat the growing threat of antibiotic resistance.One of the key areas of research at IPCC is the development of new antimicrobial coatings and surfaces that can effectively kill bacteria and prevent their growth. These coatings are being tested for their efficacy against a wide range of bacteria, including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as drug-resistant strains.To ensure the accuracy and reliability of these tests, the institute has established a rigorous antimicrobial testing and certification process. This process involves a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of the coatings and surfaces. The tests are conducted in accordance with international standards and guidelines, ensuring that the results are valid and comparable to those obtained by other research institutions around the world.Once a coating or surface has passed the testing process, it is granted the IPCC Antimicrobial Certification, indicating that it has been proven to effectively kill bacteria and inhibit their growth. This certification is highly regarded in the industry and serves as a mark of quality and reliability for the product.In addition to testing and certification, IPCC also conducts research on the mechanisms of action of antimicrobial coatings and surfaces. By understanding how these materials work at the molecular level, the institute is able to further optimize their performance and develop new and improved antimicrobial technologies.Overall, the work of IPCC in the field of antimicrobial research is crucial in the fight against antibiotic resistance. By developing innovative coatings and surfaces that can effectively kill bacteria, the institute is helping to protect public health and improve the safety of everyday environments. With its rigorous testing and certification process, IPCC is setting a new standard for antimicrobial technology in China and beyond.。



国内外做基因测序的高校院所梳理1. 引言基因测序是一项重要的科学技术,可以揭示生物个体的遗传信息,对于生命科学、医学研究和临床应用具有重要意义。



2. 国内高校院所2.1 清华大学清华大学是中国一流的综合性大学,其基因测序实验室拥有先进的仪器设备和丰富的科研经验。



2.2 北京大学北京大学也是中国顶尖的高校之一,在基因测序领域有着卓越的研究成果。



2.3 复旦大学复旦大学是中国著名的综合性大学,其基因测序实验室在基因组学和生物信息学等领域具有优势。



3. 国外高校院所3.1 哈佛大学哈佛大学是世界顶尖的高校之一,在基因测序领域具有广泛的研究合作和影响力。



3.2 斯坦福大学斯坦福大学是美国著名的高等学府,其基因测序实验室在技术创新和研究成果方面具有卓越的表现。




中国预防兽医学报Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine第42卷第11期2020年11月V ol.42No.11Nov.2020doi :10.3969/j.issn.1008-0589.202001015马M2型CD163单克隆抗体的制备及其在巨噬细胞极化类型检测中的应用段盈伊,王欣慧,陈克伟,刘荻萩,戚亭,郭奎,杜承*,王晓钧*(中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所兽医生物技术国家重点实验室/马传染病和慢病毒病研究创新团队,黑龙江哈尔滨150069)摘要:本研究分别采用M1型诱导剂LPS+IFN-γ,M2型诱导剂IL-4或者IL-10刺激马巨噬细胞后,经荧光定量PCR 检测巨噬细胞中5种细胞因子和3种表面标记物的转录水平,以确定M1和M2型马巨噬细胞的极比标志物和分泌的细胞因子。


将原核表达的马CD163蛋白免疫小鼠制备CD163的单克隆抗体(MAb ),经western blot 和激光共聚焦检测该MAb 的反应性。

以上述实验为基础,采用荧光定量PCR 检测不同病原感染巨噬细胞后的3种极化标志物和3种细胞因子基因的转录水平以确定感染后的巨噬细胞的极化表型;将不同病原感染马巨噬细胞24h 后,利用制备的CD163MAb 分别采用流式细胞术检测表达CD163蛋白的马巨噬细胞数量,以及采用western blot 检测不同病原感染巨噬细胞后的CD163蛋白的表达量,以进一步鉴定马巨噬细胞的极化状态。

荧光定量PCR 结果表明,经LPS+IFN-γ诱导后,马巨噬细胞向M1型发生了极化,TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-12、CD80基因可以作为鉴定M1型马巨噬细胞的标记基因;而经IL-4或者IL-10诱导后,马巨噬细胞向M2型发生了极化,TGF-β、IL-10、CD206、CD163基因可以作为鉴定M2型马巨噬细胞的标记基因。



Environmental BiotechnologyFor further volumes:/series/7645V OLUME10H ANDBOOK OF E NVIRONMENTAL E NGINEERINGEnvironmentalBiotechnologyEdited byLawrence K.Wang,PhD,PE,DEELenox Institute of Water Technology,Lenox,MAKrofta Engineering Corporation,Lenox,MAZorex Corporation,Newtonville,NYVolodymyr Ivanov,PhDNanyang Technological University,SingaporeJoo-Hwa Tay,PhD,PENanyang Technological University,SingaporeYung-Tse Hung,PhD,PE,DEECleveland State University,Cleveland,OHEditorswrence K.WangLenox Institute of Water Technology,Lenox,MA,USAKrofta Engineering Corporation,Lenox,MA,USAZorex Corporation,Newtonville,NY,USAlarrykwang@lawrencekwang@Dr.Volodymyr IvanovNanyang Technological UniversitySchool of Civil&Environmental EngineeringSingaporecvivanov@.sgDr.Joo-Hwa TayNanyang Technological UniversitySchool of Civil&Environmental EngineeringSingaporecjhtay@.sgDr.Yung-Tse HungCleveland State UniversityCleveland,OH,USAy.hung@ISBN:978-1-58829-166-0e-ISBN:978-1-60327-140-0DOI:10.1007/978-1-60327-140-0Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg LondonLibrary of Congress Control Number:2009941061c Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2010All rights reserved.This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Humana Press,c/o Springer Science+Business Media,LLC,233Spring Street,New York,NY10013,USA),except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly e in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval,electronic adaptation,computer software,or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden.The use in this publication of trade names,trademarks,service marks,and similar terms,even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.Printed on acid-free paperHumana Press is part of Springer Science+Business Media()Dedications The Editors of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series dedicate this volume to late Thomas nigan(1938–2006),the founder and former president of Humana Press, who encouraged and vigorously supported the editors and many contributors around the world to embark on this ambitious,life-long handbook project(1978to present)for the sole purpose of protecting our environment,in turn,benefiting our entire mankind.The Editors of this Handbook series also would like to dedicate this volume to Dr.Jao Fan Kao(1923–2008)of National Cheng Kung University(NCKU),Tainan,Taiwan,ROC.Dr. Kao was the founder and former Professor of the University’s Department of Environmental Engineering.He educated over1,500environmental and civil engineers to serve the planet of earth.Both wrence K.Wang,Chief Editor,and Dr.Yung-Tse Hung,Co-editor,were Dr. Kao’s students at National Cheng Kung University.vPreface The past30years have seen the emergence of a growing desire worldwide that positive actions be taken to restore and protect the environment from the degrading effects of all forms of pollution–air,water,soil,and noise.Since pollution is a direct or indirect consequence of waste production,the seemingly idealistic demand for“zero discharge”can be construed as an unrealistic demand for zero waste.However,as long as waste continues to exist,we can only attempt to abate the subsequent pollution by converting it to a less noxious form.Three major questions usually arise when a particular type of pollution has been identified:(1)How serious is the pollution?(2)Is the technology to abate it available?and(3)Do the costs of abatement justify the degree of abatement achieved?This book is one of the volumes of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series.The principal intention of this series is to help readers formulate answers to the last two questions above.The traditional approach of applying tried-and-true solutions to specific pollution problems has been a major contributing factor to the success of environmental engineering,and has accounted in large measure for the establishment of a“methodology of pollution control.”However,the realization of the ever-increasing complexity and interrelated nature of current environmental problems renders it imperative that intelligent planning of pollution abatement systems be undertaken.Prerequisite to such planning is an understanding of the performance, potential,and limitations of the various methods of pollution abatement available for envi-ronmental scientists and engineers.In this series of handbooks,we will review at a tutorial level a broad spectrum of engineering systems(processes,operations,and methods)currently being utilized,or of potential utility,for pollution abatement.We believe that the unified interdisciplinary approach presented in these handbooks is a logical step in the evolution of environmental engineering.Treatment of the various engineering systems presented will show how an engineering formulation of the subjectflows naturally from the fundamental principles and theories of chemistry,microbiology,physics,and mathematics.This emphasis on fundamental sci-ence recognizes that engineering practice has in recent years become morefirmly based on scientific principles rather than on its earlier dependency on empirical accumulation of facts.It is not intended,though,to neglect empiricism where such data lead quickly to the most economic design;certain engineering systems are not readily amenable to fundamental scientific analysis,and in these instances we have resorted to less science in favor of more art and empiricism.Since an environmental engineer must understand science within the context of application, wefirst present the development of the scientific basis of a particular subject,followed by exposition of the pertinent design concepts and operations,and detailed explanations of their applications to environmental quality control or remediation.Throughout the series,methods of practical design and calculation are illustrated by numerical examples.These examples clearly demonstrate how organized,analytical reasoning leads to the most direct and clear solutions.Wherever possible,pertinent cost data have been provided.viiviii Preface Our treatment of pollution-abatement engineering is offered in the belief that the trained engineer should morefirmly understand fundamental principles,be more aware of the similar-ities and/or differences among many of the engineering systems,and exhibit greaterflexibility and originality in the definition and innovative solution of environmental pollution problems. In short,the environmental engineer should by conviction and practice be more readily adaptable to change and progress.Coverage of the unusually broadfield of environmental engineering has demanded an expertise that could only be provided through multiple authorships.Each author(or group of authors)was permitted to employ,within reasonable limits,the customary personal style in organizing and presenting a particular subject area;consequently,it has been difficult to treat all subject material in a homogeneous manner.Moreover,owing to limitations of space,some of the authors’favored topics could not be treated in great detail,and many less important topics had to be merely mentioned or commented on briefly.All authors have provided an excellent list of references at the end of each chapter for the benefit of interested readers.As each chapter is meant to be self-contained,some mild repetition among the various texts was unavoidable.In each case,all omissions or repetitions are the responsibility of the editors and not the individual authors.With the current trend toward metrication,the question of using a consistent system of units has been a problem.Wherever possible,the authors have used the British system(fps)along with the metric equivalent(mks,cgs,or SIU)or vice versa.The editors sincerely hope that this duplicity of units’usage will prove to be useful rather than being disruptive to the readers.The goals of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series are:(1)to cover entire environmentalfields,including air and noise pollution control,solid waste processing and resource recovery,physicochemical treatment processes,biological treatment processes, biosolids management,water resources,natural control processes,radioactive waste disposal, and thermal pollution control;and(2)to employ a multimedia approach to environmental pollution control since air,water,soil,and energy are all interrelated.As can be seen from the above handbook coverage,no consideration is given to pollution by the type of industry,or to the abatement of specific pollutants.Rather,the organization of the handbook series has been based on the three basic forms in which pollutants and waste are manifested:gas,solid,and liquid.In addition,noise pollution control is included in the handbook series.This particular book,V ol.10,Environmental Biotechnology,mainly deals with theories and principles of biotechnologies,and is a sister book to V ol.11,Environmental Bioengineering, which mainly deals with environmental applications of microbiological processes and tech-nologies.Specifically this book,V ol.10,Environmental Biotechnology,introduces the mechanisms of environmental biotechnology processes,different microbiological classifications useful for environmental engineers,microbiology,metabolism,and microbial ecology of natural and environmental engineering systems,microbial ecology and bioengineering of isolated life support systems,classification and design of solid-state processes and reactors,value-added biotechnological products from organic wastes,design of anaerobic suspended bio-processes and reactors,selection and design of membrane bioreactors,natural environmentalPreface ix biotechnologies systems,aerobic and anoxic suspended-growth systems,aerobic and anaero-bic attached-growth systems,and sequencing batch reactors.This book’s sister book,Environmental Bioengineering,V ol.11,however,introduces var-ious environmental applications,such as land disposal of biosolids,heavy metal removal by crops,pretreatment of sludge for sludge digestion,biotreatment of sludge,fermentaion of kitchen garbage,phytoremediation for sludge treatment,phyotoremediation for heavy metal removal from contaminated soils,vetiver grass bioremediatioon,wetland treatment,biosorp-tion of heavy metals,rotating biological contactors(RBC)for carbon and nitrogen removal, anaerobic biofilm reactor,biological phosphorus removal,black and grey water treatment, milk wastewater treatment,tomato wastewater treatment,gelatine and animal glue production from skin wastes,fungal biomass protein production,algae harvest energy conversion,and living machine for wastewater treatment.Both books together(V ols.10and11)have been designed to serve as comprehensive biotechnology textbooks as well as wide-ranging reference books.We hope and expect they will prove of equal high value to advanced undergraduate and graduate students,to designers of water and wastewater treatment systems,and to scientists and researchers.The editors welcome comments from readers in all of these categories.The editors are pleased to acknowledge the encouragement and support received from their colleagues and the publisher during the conceptual stages of this endeavor.We wish to thank the contributing authors for their time and effort,and for having patiently borne our reviews and numerous queries and comments.We are very grateful to our respective families for their patience and understanding during some rather trying times.Lawrence K.Wang,Lenox,MassachusettsVolodymyr Ivanov,SingaporeTay Joo Hwa,SingaporeYung-Tse Hung,Cleveland,OhioContentsPreface (vii)Contributors (xxiii)1.Applications of Environmental BiotechnologyVolodymyr Ivanov and Yung-Tse Hung (1)1.Introduction (2)parison of Biotechnological Treatment and Other Methods (3)3.Aerobic Treatment of Wastes (4)3.1.Aerobic Treatment of Solid Wastes (4)3.2.Aerobic Treatment of Liquid Wastes (6)3.3.Aerobic Treatment of Gaseous Wastes (6)4.Anaerobic Treatment of Wastes (7)5.Treatment of Heavy Metals-Containing Wastes (9)6.Enhancement of Biotechnological Treatment of Wastes (10)7.Biosensors (14)References (16)2.Microbiology of Environmental Engineering SystemsVolodymyr Ivanov (19)1.Microbial Groups and Their Quantification (20)1.1.Groups of Microorganisms (21)1.2.Microbiological Methods Used in Environmental Engineering (24)parison of Physical,Chemical,Physico-chemical and Microbiological Processes (28)2.Microbial Ecosystems (29)2.1.Structure of Ecosystems (29)2.2.Interactions in Microbial Ecosystems (32)3.Microbial Growth and Death (38)3.1.Nutrients and Media (38)3.2.Growth of Individual Cells (40)3.3.Growth of Population (42)3.4.Effect of Environment on Growth and Microbial Activities (43)3.5.Death of Microorganisms (45)4.Diversity Of Microorganisms (49)4.1.Physiological Groups of Microorganisms (49)4.2.Phylogenetic Groups of Prokaryotes (50)4.3.Connection Between Phylogenetic Grouping and G+C Contentof Chromosomal DNA (53)parison of rRNA-Based Phylogenetic Classificationand Conventional Phenotypic Taxonomy (54)4.5.Periodic Table of Prokaryotes (60)5.Functions of Microbial Groups in Environmental Engineering Systems (63)5.1.Functions of Anaerobic Prokaryotes (63)5.2.Functions of Anaerobic Respiring Prokaryotes (65)5.3.Functions of Facultative Anaerobic and Microaerophilic Prokaryotes (68)5.4.Functions of Aerobic Prokaryotes (71)5.5.Functions of Eukaryotic Microorganisms (77)References (78)xixii Contents 3.Microbial SystematicsAharon Oren (81)1.Introduction (82)2.Systematics,Taxonomy,and Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (83)2.1.General Definitions (83)2.2.The Definition of the Prokaryote Species (84)2.3.The Number of Prokaryotes that Have Been Described (87)3.Classification of Prokaryotes (88)3.1.Genotypic Properties Used in Prokaryote Classification (90)3.2.Phenotypic Properties Used in Prokaryote Classification (92)3.3.The Polyphasic Approach Toward Prokaryote Classification (94)4.Naming of Prokaryotes (95)4.1.The Binomial System of Naming Prokaryotes (95)4.2.The Bacteriological Code (96)4.3.The International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (96)4.4.The International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (97)rmation on Nomenclature of Prokaryotes on the Internet (97)5.Culture Collections of Prokaryotes and Their Importance in Taxonomy and Identification (98)6.Small-Subunit rRNA-Based Classification of Prokaryotes (98)6.1.16S rRNA as a Phylogenetic Marker (99)6.2.The Differences Between Bacteria and Archaea (106)6.3.An Overview of the Bacteria (109)6.4.An Overview of the Archaea (110)7.Sources of Information on Prokaryote Systematics (111)7.1.Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (111)7.2.The Prokaryotes (111)8.Identification of Prokaryote Isolates (112)9.The Number of Different Species of Prokaryotes in Nature (114)10.Conclusions (116)Nomenclature (117)References (117)4.Microbial EcologyNicolai S.Panikov (121)1.Introduction (121)2.The Major Terms,Principles,and Concepts of General and Microbial Ecology (123)2.1.From Molecule to Biosphere:The Hierarchy of Organizational Levels in Biology (123)2.2.The Ecosystem Concept (125)2.3.Environmental Factors (132)2.4.Population Dynamics,Succession and Life Strategy Concept (134)3.Methods of Microbial Ecology (147)3.1.Natural Microbial Populations and“Laboratory Artifacts” (148)3.2.“Great Plate Count Anomaly” (149)3.3.Estimation of the Microbial Numbers and Biomass in Soils and Water (151)3.4.Estimating Microbial Growth Rates In Situ (153)4.Diversity of Microbial Habitats in Nature (158)4.1.Terms and General Principles(How to Classify Habitats) (158)4.2.Atmosphere (160)4.3.Aquatic Ecosystems (162)4.4.Terrestrial Ecosystems (170)Nomenclature (177)Glossary (178)References (188)Contents xiii 5.Microbial Metabolism:Importance for Environmental BiotechnologyAharon Oren (193)1.Introduction:the Metabolic Diversity of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microorganisms (194)2.Dissimilatory Metabolism of Microorganisms:Thermodynamic and Mechanistic Principles (195)2.1.General Overview of the Metabolic Properties of Microorganisms:A Thermodynamic Approach (195)2.2.Modes of Energy Generation of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microorganisms (202)3.Assimilatory Metabolism of Microorganisms (211)3.1.Carbon Assimilation (211)3.2.Nitrogen Assimilation (213)3.3.Phosphorus Assimilation (215)3.4.Sulfur Assimilation (215)3.5.Iron Assimilation (216)4.The Phototrophic Way of Life (216)4.1.Oxygenic Photosynthesis (217)4.2.Anoxygenic Photosynthesis (217)4.3.Retinal-Based Phototrophic Life (219)5.Chemoheterotrophic Life:Degradation of Organic Compounds In Aerobic and Anaerobic Environments (220)5.1.Aerobic Degradation (221)5.2.Anaerobic Respiration:Denitrification (222)5.3.Fermentation (223)5.4.Anaerobic Respiration:Dissimilatory Iron and Manganese Reduction (227)5.5.Anaerobic Respiration:Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction (228)5.6.Methanogenesis (229)5.7.Proton-Reducing Acetogens and Interspecies Hydrogen Transfer (231)6.The Chemoautotrophic Way of Life (234)6.1.Reduced Nitrogen Compounds as Energy Source (234)6.2.Reduced Sulfur Compounds as Energy Source (236)6.3.Reduced Iron and Manganese as Energy Source (238)6.4.Hydrogen as Energy Source (238)6.5.Other Substrates as Energy Sources for Chemoautotrophic Growth (239)7.The Biogeochemical Cycles of the Major Elements (240)7.1.The Carbon Cycle (240)7.2.The Nitrogen Cycle (242)7.3.The Sulfur Cycle (242)7.4.Biogeochemical Cycles of Other Elements (242)8.Epilogue (245)Nomenclature (245)References (245)Appendix:Compounds of Environmental Significance and the Microbial Processes Responsible for Their For-mation and Degradation (248)6.Microbial Ecology of Isolated Life Support SystemsLydia A.Somova,Nickolay S.Pechurkin,Mark Nelson,and Lawrence K.Wang (257)1.Introduction (258)2.Functional and Regulator Role of Microbial Populations (259)2.1.Microalgae and Bacteria Communities as Bioregenerators in Life Support Systems (259)3.Microecological Risks for Human Life Support Systems (266)3.1.Man and His Microflora as a Single Ecosystem (266)3.2.Environmental Microflora in Different Types of LSS (271)3.3.Unsolved Problems and Prospects (276)4.The Indicator Role and Monitoring of Microorganisms in LSS (278)4.1.Microbial Diagnostics Method (279)4.2.The Use of Skin Bacteria and Bactericidal Activity to Estimate Immune Responsiveness (279)xiv Contents4.3.The Use of Microecosystem Response to Indicate Human Health (280)4.4.The Estimation of the“Health”and Normal Functioningof LSS and Its Links (281)5.Conclusion (282)References (283)7.Environmental Solid-State Cultivation Processes and BioreactorsDavid Alexander Mitchell,Nadia Krieger,Oscar Felippe von Meien,LuizFernando de Lima Luz Júnior,JoséDomingos Fontana,Lorena BenatharBallod Tavares,Márcia Brandão Palma,Geraldo Lippel Sant’Anna Junior,Leda dos Reis Castilho,Denise Maria Guimarães Freire,and Jorge AlfredoArcas (287)1.Definition of Solid-State Cultivation Processes (288)2.Classification of Environmental Applications of Solid-State Cultivation Processes (290)2.1.General Scheme for Classifying Solid-State Processes Used in Environmental Biotechnology (290)2.2.Examples of Environmentally-Related Processes that Use Solid Residues (291)3.Classification of Process Types (299)4.The Functions that the Solid-State Cultivation Bioreactor Must Fulfill (301)5.Classification of Bioreactors Used in Environmentally-Related Solid-State Cultivation Processes (304)5.1.Group I Bioreactors:Not Aerated Forcefully and Not-Mixed (304)5.2.Group II Bioreactors:Aerated Forcefully but Not-Mixed (305)5.3.Group III Bioreactors:Not Aerated Forcefully but Mixed (307)5.4.Group IV Bioreactors:Aerated Forcefully and Mixed (307)6.Design of Bioreactors for Environmentally-Related Solid-State Cultivation Processes (310)6.1.General Considerations for the Selection and Design of Bioreactors (310)6.2.The Importance of Characterizing the Growth Kinetics of the Microorganism (315)6.3.Design of Group I Bioreactors (316)6.4.Design of Group II Bioreactors (319)6.5.Design of Group III Bioreactors (326)6.6.Design of Group IV Bioreactors (331)7.Associated Issues That Must Be Considered in Bioreactor Design (333)7.1.A Challenge in all Bioreactor Types:Design of the Air Preparation System (333)7.2.Monitoring and Control Systems for Bioreactors (334)8.Future Perspectives (337)Acknowledgments (338)Nomenclature (338)References (339)8.Value-Added Biotechnological Products from Organic WastesOlena Stabnikova,Jing-Yuan Wang,and Volodymyr Ivanov (343)anic Wastes as a Raw Material for Biotechnological Transformation (344)2.Biotechnological Products of Organic Waste Transformation (344)2.1.Solid-State Fermentation for Bioconversion of Agricultural and Food Processing Waste into Value-Added Products (345)2.2.Production of Enzymes (350)2.3.Production of Organic Acids (353)2.4.Production of Flavors (358)2.5.Production of Polysaccharides (361)2.6.Mushroom Production (363)2.7.Production of Biodegradable Plastics (364)2.8.Production of Animal Feed (366)e of Organic Waste for Production of Fungi Biomass for Bioremediation (368)2.10.Dietary Fiber Production from Organic Waste (368)2.11.Production of Pharmaceuticals from Organic Waste (369)Contents xv2.12.Production of Gibberellic Acid (371)2.13.Production of Chemicals (371)2.14.Production of Fuel (374)3.Value-Added by-Products of Environmental Biotechnology (380)posting (380)3.2.Aerobic Intensive Bioconversion of Organic Wastes into Fertilizer (383)3.3.Recovery of Metals from Mining and Industrial Wastes (383)3.4.Recovery of Metals from Waste Streams by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (384)3.5.Recovery of Phosphate and Ammonia by Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria (386)References (388)9.Anaerobic Digestion in Suspended Growth BioreactorsGerasimos Lyberatos and Pratap C.Pullammanappallil (395)1.Introduction (396)2.Fundamentals of Anaerobic Bioprocesses (397)2.1.Microbiology and Anaerobic Metabolism of Organic Matter (398)2.2.Stoichiometry and Energetics (401)2.3.Kinetics (403)3.Effect of Feed Characteristics on Anaerobic Digestion (408)3.1.Anaerobic Biodegradability (409)3.2.Inhibition and Toxicity (409)3.3.Availability of Nutrients (410)3.4.Flow-Rate Variations (410)4.Reactor Configurations (411)4.1.Conventional Systems (411)4.2.High-Rate Systems (412)4.3.Two-Stage Systems (415)4.4.Natural Systems (415)5.Suspended Growth Anaerobic Bioreactor Design (416)5.1.Operating Parameters (416)5.2.Sizing Bioreactors (419)5.3.Biogas Collection and Exploitation (422)5.4.StartUp and Acclimation (422)6.Control and Optimization of Anaerobic Digesters (423)6.1.Monitoring (423)6.2.Process Control (424)6.3.Optimization (424)7.Applications (426)7.1.Anaerobic Sludge Digestion (426)parison Between UASB and CSTR for Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Wastewaters (427)7.3.Biogas Production from Sweet Sorghum (430)7.4.Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes (431)Nomenclature (432)References (434)10.Selection and Design of Membrane Bioreactors in Environmental BioengineeringGiuseppe Guglielmi and Gianni Andreottola (439)1.Introduction (440)2.Theoretical Aspects of Membrane Filtration (443)2.1.Membrane Classification (445)2.2.Types of Packaging of Membranes (447)2.3.Membrane Technologies (449)2.4.Factors Affecting Membrane Processes (452)2.5.Mathematical Models for Flux Prediction (456)xvi Contents3.Membrane Biological Reactors for Solid/Liquid Separation (458)3.1.Process Configurations (458)3.2.Fouling in MBRs (460)mercial Membrane (470)4.Design of the Biological Tank for COD and Nitrogen Removal (477)4.1.Introduction (477)4.2.Influent COD and TKN Fractioning (480)4.3.Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Bacterial Growthand the Substrate Removal (482)4.4.Design Procedure (488)4.5.Design Example (497)Nomenclature (509)References (514)11.Closed Ecological Systems,Space Life Support and BiosphericsMark Nelson,Nickolay S.Pechurkin,John P.Allen,Lydia A Somova,and Josef I.Gitelson (517)1.Introduction (518)2.Terminology of Closed Ecological Systems:From Laboratory Ecospheres to Manmade Biospheres (519)2.1.Materially-Closed Ecospheres (520)2.2.Bioregenerative Technology (520)2.3.Controlled Environmental Life Support Systems (520)2.4.Closed Ecological Systems for Life Support (521)2.5.Biospheric Systems (521)3.Different Types of Closed Ecological Systems (522)3.1.Research Programs in the United States (522)3.2.Russian Research in Closed Ecosystems (542)3.3.European Research on Closed Ecological Systems (551)3.4.Japanese Research in Closed Ecological Systems (556)4.Conclusion (559)References (561)12.Natural Environmental BiotechnologyNazih K.Shammas and Lawrence K.Wang (567)1.Aquaculture Treatment:Water Hyacinth System (568)1.1.Description (568)1.2.Applications (568)1.3.Limitations (569)1.4.Design Criteria (569)1.5.Performance (570)2.Aquaculture Treatment:Wetland System (570)2.1.Description (570)2.2.Constructed Wetlands (571)2.3.Applications (573)2.4.Limitations (573)2.5.Design Criteria (573)2.6.Performance (573)3.Evapotranspiration System (576)3.1.Description (576)3.2.Applications (577)3.3.Limitations (577)3.4.Design Criteria (577)Contents xvii3.5.Performance (578)3.6.Costs (578)nd Treatment:Rapid Rate System (578)4.1.Description (579)4.2.Applications (581)4.3.Limitations (581)4.4.Design Criteria (581)4.5.Performance (582)4.6.Costs (583)nd Treatment:Slow Rate System (584)5.1.Description (584)5.2.Applications (586)5.3.Limitations (586)5.4.Design Criteria (588)5.5.Performance (588)5.6.Costs (588)nd Treatment:Overland Flow System (590)6.1.Description (590)6.2.Application (592)6.3.Limitations (592)6.4.Design Criteria (592)6.5.Performance (593)6.6.Costs (593)7.Subsurface Infiltration (595)7.1.Description (596)7.2.Applications (598)7.3.Limitations (598)7.4.Design Criteria (598)7.5.Performance (598)8.Facultative Lagoons and Algal Harvesting (599)9.Vegetative Filter Systems (600)9.1.Conditions for System Utilization (601)9.2.Planning Considerations (601)ponent Design Criteria (601)9.4.Specifications for Vegetation Establishment (603)9.5.Operation and Maintenance Criteria (604)9.6.Innovative Designs (604)9.7.Outline of Design Procedure (605)9.8.Procedure to Estimate Soil Infiltration Rate (605)9.9.Procedure to Determine Slopes (606)10.Design Example (607)References (609)Appendix (614)13.Aerobic and Anoxic Suspended-Growth BiotechnologiesNazih K.Shammas and Lawrence K.Wang (623)1.Conventional Activated Sludge (624)1.1.Description (624)1.2.Performance and Design Criteria (626)1.3.Mechanical Aeration (627)2.High Rate Activated Sludge (628)2.1.Description (628)2.2.Performance and Design Criteria (629)。



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Research of University Laboratory Equipment Remote MonitoringSystem Based on RFID and ZigBee1SHEN Jun-tao, 1ZHANG Guo-qian, 1WEN Ding-yi 1College of Electronic and Information Engineering, HeBei University, BaoDing, Chinashenjuntaorxp@Keywords:RFID; ZigBee; Web Server; Gateway; Remote MonitoringAbstract. For the phenomenon of the college laboratory equipment mismanagement recent years, RFID/ZigBee-based laboratory equipment remote management solutions have been proposed. The hardware uses ZigBee wireless network chip, MSP430 low-power data processing chip and WiFi data transmission module as the core, combining with various sensor technology and RFID technology to perform information collection and transmission. The software is a web server developed in C # environment, using a three-tier structure to perform data storage, data access, and data processing. The experiments showed that it can perform communication between monitoring terminal and laboratory equipment timely and accurately, and achieve to integrate client, and improve the efficiency of managing the laboratory equipment to a certain extent.1 IntroductionLaboratory equipment is essential for colleges and universities, and shows an important sign of the overall strength of the school, charging with keeping creative ability and improving the quality education. With the progress of technology and the improvement of faculty, laboratory equipment is increasing. The traditional paper-based method has a significant lag, not only in operating and managing equipment, but also in personnel management. Although the rise of the 80’s RS-485 bus and CAN bus technology has solved the network, long-distance transmission, they have significant limits in power, wiring rules, communication capacity, etc. The iris and fingerprint identification technology of new technological revolution have shortcomings in storage capacity, recognition speed, long service life and price. In this paper, the self-organizing redundant network can be created within the scope of the laboratory through the ZigBee technology, which provides two-way wireless communications technology of low complexity, low power consumption, low cost, and high security. It solved the two problems to the source of energy and the exchange of non-contact card information through the combination of RFID radio frequency identification technology and IC technology, which can use radio waves to transfer information to make a quick identification, saving much workforce and improving work efficiency at the same time [1]. Integrating these technologies and powerful Internet technology can achieve remote monitoring of equipment.2 The architecture of managementThe remote monitoring system of laboratory equipment based on RFID and ZigBee is divided into three parts: network of laboratory equipment, gateway, as well as monitoring terminal part. The structure is shown in Figure 1.The laboratory equipment network is a wireless sensor network, which uses the ZigBee technology as the core, realizing data collection, transmission and enforcement of decisions. The monitoring terminal is based on a web server, which monitors and controls the laboratory through connecting the Gateway and stores the monitor data in the database, then develop a rational control decision according to the information of database storage [2]. The gateway is responsible for the transmission of the information flow from the laboratory equipment Network to the Internet monitoring terminal, realizing communicating between two different networks by protocolchangeover. The server judges the type and meaning of the information collected to control the sending direction. When a device failed, the server could make a timely processing or alarm information to the monitoring terminal. The monitor terminal designed an intuitive monitoring interface which can keep abreast of the equipment for the staff to make a rational decision. At the same time, users can also use terminal to reserve a device by accessing to the server. Following the data transmission, the software architecture of the equipment management can be divided into four levels: data acquisition, data transmission, data storage, and data access.Fig.1The overall structure of the system3 Role of each moduleSpecific works of each module are as follows:3.1 With a network of laboratory equipment achieve data acquisition and executive decision-makingThe laboratory equipment network is a wireless sensor network based on ZigBee2007 protocol, which can collect current, voltage, temperature, status information and make an action by configuring terminal nodes on each device. The hardware circuit of the terminal node is made up of microcontroller CC2530, A/D converter, RFID receiver MFRC522 and anti-jamming circuit. The structure is shown in Figure 2.Fig.2 The structure of terminal nodeCC2530 set in the enhanced 8051 CPU, combined with the excellent performance of the leading RF transceiver, and built-in 8-KB RAM, an 8-channel 12-bit A/D converter, sleep timer and other functions, ensures to build a strong network node with low total cost of materials. MFRC522, integrated modem circuit, is a non-contact card reader module, and can be connected to the antenna driver stage using a few external components, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data transmission, and simplifying the PCB design. The terminal node uses CC2530 as the core, whichuse the temperature sensor, the current sensor, the voltage sensor to get working parameters, and collect the user's identity information through the RFID receiver, which is converted to the digital signal microcontroller can process. These data are processed by CC2530 and converted into radio waves to be sent from the RF circuit. At the same time, the terminal switches output role in open or closed according to the monitoring terminal information for decision-making.3.2 With gateway achieve data transmissionGateway is only one of each wireless sensor network and placed in the WiFi signal coverage area, connecting the ZigBee network and the Internet. The hardware includes: Microprocessor MSP430F149, ZigBee chip CC2530, WIFI module MT-MW-08S, etc. The structure is shown in Figure 3.Fig.3 The structure of gatewayMSP430F149 has the architecture of 16 RISC, and its high-speed computing power can reach 125ns. Five low power modes can be achieved by switching the three oscillators [3]. In addition there are many registers, and wealth of internal modules in its internal. All these features make up the insufficiency of the wireless module in data processing. ZigBee works as the coordinator node of the laboratory equipment network, for organization, management and other works of the network. The WiFi module with the transparent serial transmission doesn’t need the AT commands, which can connect to the Internet by configuring serial port baud rate, network transmission type, local and remote port number and other parameters on the web, greatly reducing the workload of the protocol changeover of the gateway. SD card is used for data cache to avoid loss data when the data transmission is not synchronous or power-down and failure.3.3 With monitoring terminal achieve data storage and access decision-makingThe network server located the end of remote monitoring decisions is a subsystem of web-based data management and application, and a windows service program writes in platform of C# . The design of web server mainly includes front-end interface, back-end database and the communication between Server and gateway.The system uses dynamic web technology to write the front-end interface program under B/S mode for accessing to database information dynamically, operating the database, alarming when exceeding the set value. The database is designed with SQL Server 2000, using technology which supports for disconnected access to the database, greatly reducing the workload of the server-side. Managing on the database through SQL statements can achieve to display, monitor, add and delete the information in real time. The system communicates with the gateway in C/S mode for data transmission, which can complete the equipment management of different parts and improve the ability of management and expand the scope of management [4].Based on collecting accurate, real-time information, the data for further processing can form graphics, reports, curves, and other visual contents for the administrators and users to refer to make more accurate, faster decision-making, while reducing the time and effort in the colleges and universities in data collection, processing, maintenance and other activities, and greatly improving the efficiency in the use of laboratory equipment.4 The design of software4.1 Identification subroutineRadio frequency identification for identification includes information collection, information processing, information storage and feedback.The information acquisition is achieved through the RFID receiver on the terminal. Each user has the only one radio frequency identification card with its status. Because the receiver sends specific frequency radio waves, when the card close to the receiver to a certain distance, it can be driven to carry out detecting cards, anti-collision, authentication password, and finally sent the letter stored in the chip under the induced current [5].Information processing, storage and feedback are performed by the server. The server parses raw RFID data to extract meaningful business logic data (device address and a unique identification number), and verify the user's identity by querying the reservation information in the database. If the validation is successful, the server return a corresponding control command of which device is turned on and start timing, meanwhile these records are stored in the database. Otherwise, issue a warning.4.2 Data transfer subroutineThe gateway transmits data by converting network protocol which consists of two parts: ①the conversion of the ZigBee protocol to the TCP protocol. The microprocessor can parse the data of ZigBee network and extract useful information. Because the WiFi module set in wireless networking protocol and TCP/IP protocol, the data can be repackaged into IP packets and sent to the Internet after encoded and modulated to be RF signal [6]. ② The conversion of TCP protocol to the ZigBee protocol. When the IP data packets are sent to the laboratory equipment network, it has to make the appropriate conversion.The system adopted interrupt mode of MSP430 and clever used the receiving priority of interrupt vectors (UART0 >UART1) in data reception. When the receiving interrupts of the two serial ports occur simultaneously, that of UART0 can be carried out preferentially, so the device can be responsive to the commands from the monitoring terminal for the first time. Noting the interrupt nesting of MSP430 is disabled by default, the master interrupt, EINT, should be enabled in the interrupt routine again, or even an arrival of interrupt of a higher priority event, the system would not respond. The workflow of MSP430 is shown in Figure 4.Fig.4 The workflow of MSP4304.3 Information management subroutineInformation management uses three-tier architecture: presentation layer, business logic layer and data access layer.The presentation layer is a front desk man-machine interface including the interface of administrators and users, which mainly is used to input commands and show operating parameters of equipment and query book record on the client. If the client authentication is successful, the information would be converted into a certain format and then sent to the supervisor terminal which extracts this information and shows it in the form of the web page. The intermediate layer receives the request of client's connection and verifies their identity. If legitimate, handle customers' request event, such as executing logic judgment and operating the database, and the results would be returned to the client or laboratory equipment network. At the same time, it can keep server security, and resist illegal network to intrude. The data layer, allocated on the database server side, performs to query, modify, update to the database by processing data logic and accepting the request of the network server for the database. Then the results will be returned to the server [7]. The server structure is shown in Figure 5.Fig.5 The web server architecture5 The self-organization and self-healing of laboratory equipment networkZigBee Alliance has redefined the wireless sensor network based on the 802.15.4 standard. Its structure from top to bottom is followed by the application layer, network layer (NWK), media access control layer (MAC) and physical layer (PHY). The NWK layer is the core of the ZigBee network, and the strong network layer protocol ensures the self- organizing and self-healing of ZigBee network.A network of laboratory equipment can be created through ZigBee network self-organization. The coordinator selects a suitable channel for communication through scanning the energy detection (ED), and creates a new PAN ID. The PAN can be started after selecting the network address of the coordinator. Routing Nodes and End Nodes try to associate through passive scanning, and select an appropriate coordinator to associate according the results of scanning channel. The coordinator makes decisions which include associating device, assigning a short address, deleting the device information in a particular period by judging the PAN resources currently. Each device in the network dynamically is assigned a unique 16-bit network address using the mechanism of distributed network address allocation to realize device identification, data transmission, data packet routing, and other functions [8].The characteristic of self-healing can identify the joining, leaving, moving of a device, and repair the network. The coordinator broadcasts Hello beacon frame to the network at regular time intervals, identifying the number and use of the devices in the network by returning acknowledgment frames of each node, and reflects the changes of network structure and working conditions of the nodes to the monitoring terminal in a timely manner. The server determines whether the operation is legal through self-identification, in order to develop proper decision-making, such as updating database information or alarming. When communication between anequipment and network cannot be successful due to a link failure in the network, the uplink device starts routing healing abilities to find a new path for data transmission.The features of self-organizing, self-healing ensure the stable and fast data transmission, and the entire process is achieved by the network primitives without human intervention. The critical network primitives: NLME-SCAN. request、NLME-SET. request、NLME-ASSOCIATE. request. The data processing flow of ZigBee network is shown in Figure 6.Fig.6 The data processing flow of ZigBee network6 The experimental resultsThe system built a small laboratory equipment network with 20 terminal nodes, which were placed in 20 different devices, and 10 routing nodes, which were allocated within the scope of the terminal nodes’ signal, in the laboratory of C2 floor. The terminal nodes regularly sent data to the appropriate routing nodes, and then went to sleep after completing the transmission. The data were sent by the routing nodes to the gateway which transferred the data to the server.The experimental results show: ①Users could access server on any PC connected to the Internet to query the usage of devices and make appointments. Administrators could log to monitor the devices and control them on or off by sending commands. ②Setting the coordinator node send data to the microprocessor of the gateway continuously, the control information from the monitoring terminal was still able to turn the devices on or off due to high interrupt priority. ③When setting time interval of the data acquisition 10 seconds, the data transmission delay was about 1-3 seconds. When increasing the number of the device terminals or the frequency of the data acquisition, transmission delay increased because of the increasing of the data traffic in the ZigBee network. When a routing node of key position was removed, there would be packet loss. So the routing nodes should be distributed reasonably, and the balance between data traffic and network delay is necessary.7 ConclusionsIn this paper, the design method of hardware and software of laboratory equipment management system based on RFID/ZigBee was put forward,and the self-organization, self-healing capabilities of the ZigBee network were introduced. The system set up a mesh topology network for laboratory equipment, and initially realized the remote switch operation to the equipment, and could identify simple data types through the web server. Laboratory equipment management system, which set network, control, automation in one, was constructed, and there will be certain significance for college laboratory equipment management.REFERENCES[1] Ying J. The Research and Design of Non-contact IC Card [D]. Shanghai: Shanghai Institute ofMetallurgy (SIM), 2000:8-19.[2] Xiaojun Z, Haixia S, Mingwei R. Remote Monitor and Control System Based on ARM9 andCAN Bus [J]. 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